The Sevan Podcast - The inconvenient TRUTH | Live Call In

Episode Date: November 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you bam we're live i would not do that again i will not do that again that was dumb blasphemy blasphemy you say i'm just not doing that again that was stupid my calves are so sore savey what are you talking about chad i would not do that workout again that was dumb a thousand step ups i did it with a 20 pound vest that was dumb not good not not not what i not what i needed i didn't i
Starting point is 00:01:19 didn't scale it appropriately i should have done maybe 250. 250. Calves are too sore. Lower back is too sore. Yeah. Kenneth Lapp, it's Sevan time where I replaced my absentee father with a wise and jacked Armenian man. I am definitely jacked, but not wise.
Starting point is 00:01:47 No, definitely not jacked. Aaron Chabelle gets heavy some medical attention. He's having a vaginitis. Vaginitis, vagetitis, vaginitis. I always say vaginitis. What did I tell my kid? You have a severe case of vagetosis. A vaginitis flare-up, I see.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I don't mind the – actually, the best part is the DOMS, right? What does DOMS stand for? Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I do like the – I like the i like the um i do like i do like the doms this is just i mean i did it bare i did it barefoot i don't know i think that that made me my calf significantly more sore um arches of my feet are tight zach says uh i just don't see the reason for stepping up onto a box and stepping down a thousand times and thinking it's a – it was dumb. It was dumb. Asymmetric Ears, I have the same sweet CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Mine's too tight on me. I wouldn't be comfortable wearing it, but I'm going to, I'm not eating today. So I know that by two, I'll have seriously reduced inflammation and it'll fit nicely. I'll be like, yeah, I'm not, man. I'm going to try to play tennis today too. Like right after this, I'm going to get up. I'm going to be so sore. like right after this i'm gonna get up i'm gonna be so sore yeah uh knee destruction that's so interesting you say that between 500 and 600 i had to really consciously start putting uh excessive weight on the outside of my feet for the remainder you know five or four or 500 step ups uh because something was happening when I was lazy and I just, like, walked, stepped like I just stepped. And I was having some weird discomfort in my knee. I didn't like it. Jake Chapman, I like the idea that Seve had CrossFit terms written
Starting point is 00:04:00 in big writing all around the studio walls for him to refer to during the show. I like idea that seve i don't remember having that idea eric brandt i think of climbing the tower uh climbing the tower stairs uh ian arsvold uh is dom's a real thing i've only had soreness a day later wait a second that that that is doms isn't it i i think of doms as just any soreness i like being sore anytime i do any like um i've been uh about a year ago i started doing that thing where you take the dumbbell and you push it up from behind your head. That I used to do back in the day before CrossFit. And if I do those once a week, my triceps are sore every time.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I love that feeling. Like sort of the touch even. Behind the scenes. Oh, now I'm stimulated. Behind the scenes by Team Richie on CrossFit. Explain. I want to see that. Please explain.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, there we go. Yeah, soreness is soreness. I think it is. Yeah, that's what it is. Ian, that's what it is. Soreness is just, I mean, it's always delayed. You're not, I mean, if you feel it right away, that's called injury. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:05:23 The delayed is redundant. No one's like working out and like three seconds later they're sore. if you feel it right away that's called injury i don't know why the delayed is redundant no no one's like no one's like working out and like three seconds later they're sore maybe i think maybe sometimes my kids have had that just because their cycle time is so fast i think they've done stuff been sore and then the next day not been sore uh as i get older it takes longer and longer i'm actually surprised my calves are this sore right now but i also was doing crazy jump romping the day before chad like an idiot barefoot jump roping like a shitload of it so oh jake chapman doms is actually a dick on my shoulder
Starting point is 00:05:59 yeah that's old man shit right there blade walker uh doms is real as fuck i felt it like two days later yeah i've had that too it's a trip that's how it almost normally is for me now all right what are we doing today was the closest i've ever come to not doing a show in the morning like it was 20 minutes before the show and I wasn't showered and I was sitting on the couch kind of like I think maybe I was even having a pity party.
Starting point is 00:06:39 No one showed up. It wasn't a good. It was a solo party. Solo. Solo. Solo. You guys want to see something absolutely nuts? I know you guys are going to have trouble believing this. I'm having trouble believing this. Is Barefoot Jump Rping a band name? No, it could be.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Sabir, I'm glad you still came on us. I'll always come on you. Don't worry about that. Always come on. Listen, here we go. Brace yourself. Let's explore this together. Let's all hold hands this is this is crossfit
Starting point is 00:07:31 all elements in nigh on switzerland i love everybody i'm accepting of everybody i I just love everyone. I love the whole universe. I just want everyone to get along. I want the pedophiles and the Jew haters and the murderers and the school shooter. I just love everyone. Everyone deserves a chance to express themselves. It's okay. little bit Everything in moderation You know what I like to do? I like to pull my car up to the gas station and open the gas cap and right when i'm done Filling it up with gas. I like to leave a little bit of room and pour apple juice in there
Starting point is 00:08:17 Because everything in moderation is okay just a cup My car doesn't like it so much, but I tell my car everything in moderation is okay just a cup my car doesn't like it so much but i tell my car everything in moderation i don't know i don't know if i'm an audiophile but i just gave away like 25 pairs of headphones i had four 15s i took out the back seat of my rat bolt 1977 volkswagen rabbit and had four 15s back there i built the box and everything myself installed it crossovers electronic passive amps there was no room to have sex in my rabbit i wasn't having sex in high school anyway i thought about it
Starting point is 00:09:00 i thought about it and if and if if if you don't think if you don't think that's being quite open minded enough you know what your car would really like just in moderation is just a one jar of peanut butter in your gas tank it takes a little while to get it all down that hole but just a the reason why mcdonald's has sold 1 billion um oh i need to explain this first real quick so people have these ideas and they think like they're good ideas, so you want to tax it, so it costs more. And then that money goes where? To the government? Okay, it goes into this big pile for the government.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And then let's say that money is going to go to type 2 diabetes, because Cokes give people type 2 diabetes so it's going to go to lowering the price of insulin for people who who uh who have type 2 diabetes from drinking too much coke right so now what you have is you have the government you think you're so i'm so smart i'm gonna tax coca-cola i'm gonna tax the drink but coke is ecstatic because now they're in business with the government. Because now the government's collecting $500 million a year and creating 3,000 jobs to manage that money. Because they get money from the evil Coke. We're going to teach Coke. We're going to tax it so less people buy it but if the same amount of people buy it we'll use that money to help people with type 2 diabetes by lowering
Starting point is 00:10:53 the cost of insulin help help help same thing with cigarettes you think you're going to have these fucking brilliant ideas I want to save Palestinian children it's fucking horrible what Israel is doing I'm going to start chanting free Palestine no that you're actually getting more Palestinian kids killed you're from over here in your cush little place telling those people
Starting point is 00:11:28 basically to stand up and fight no bad idea i'm gonna do i'm gonna do i i can't believe the way that cop treated that black guy i'm gonna start going to blm riots and i'm gonna do defund the police they're bad have you seen one person, like one Antifa person apologize to the black community? So you have these like harebrained ideas like you think you're going to help someone. You ain't helping shit. You know, on that same note, I was thinking I was thinking when we were talking the other day, it was on the CrossFit Games Update show. And I'd say 90% of the people in the comments disagreed with me, and Bill disagreed with me, and Taylor disagreed with me, and all these people disagreed with me. And it was interesting in hindsight. Someone in the comments wrote, Sevan, you have to be honest and transparent and authentic so you can build relationships with people. And I'm like, oh, isn't it so funny? I'm willing to say that I'm more transparent and authentic than anyone I know and more honest than anyone I know or at least up there with the most honest people I know, and someone's lecturing on me because I don't want to fucking tell you
Starting point is 00:12:45 where I spend my money, what I owe you. It's so fucking funny. There's these people. It's the same fucking ass backwards thinking, listen to this one. Here's another good one. There's these athletes who think it's cool that Andrew Hiller did a natty or not on them, and they got natty. Like, cool that Andrew Hiller did a natty or not on them, and they got natty.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Well, you have to understand that doesn't work unless other people are convinced of not being natty. You get that? It's like there has to be both sides. There has to be both sides you can't just you can't just have it you can't just have it one way what you like today the opposite is also true and that's going to happen to you too don't think it's not and then are you going to be cool with that and what's crazy is what's funny about about all of that being said too is i think that every single affiliate owner should live in a eight hundred and fifty thousand dollar house be making four hundred thousand dollars a year and be driving a um whatever the fucking nicest uh suv is but if they were they're fucking
Starting point is 00:14:05 I guarantee you 90% of you and 90% of their fucking patrons would fucking hate them and be talking shit behind their back but I'm the one that doesn't want the transparency you're the one demanding that your affiliate owner tell you why they raise the prices fuck off
Starting point is 00:14:21 hey it's the same thing remember when Dave Castro got fired? That sucked. That hurt me more than anyone except for Dave. And the CrossFit community was yelling at Rosa, tell us why he was fired. Fuck you. He don't owe you shit. Tell you why he got fired.
Starting point is 00:14:39 How about I fucking find – how about I go in your house and look at the last 20 websites you've been to and I tell the world what you're looking at? It's his – it's his – it was Rosa's – I tell the world what you're looking at? It's his. It's his. It was Rose's. It was the boss. He don't owe you to tell you. And you don't even know. You don't even know if Dave wants the reason why giving out why he was fired.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But you're all demanding that shit like like you're standing up for him. Ain't doing shit. I ain't doing shit. I haven't been accused of being on the sauce for about a year. I need to step it up. Yeah, own the affiliate and your wife brings in $250. Yeah, that's a good idea too. How about every single member of the affiliate?
Starting point is 00:15:38 How about all the fucking people who go to affiliates sit down right now and write their boss a letter why they're not paying them more? Hey, I know you come in here every day at 6 a.m., and I know you're living like a poor fucking slob but but the only reason why i pay you 175 a month is because i like to spend this other money on um on molly and um and hookers uh ramp great question rambler savvy what are your last three websites you know what i obsess on you guys i don't know if you guys know this because you asked if i was an audiophile i like to go to this website a lot um i'll show you i like to go to sony alpha rumors i go to this one i'll show you right here and I like to just stay abreast on just anything that's new. If I have like – at night, this is kind of how I'll decompress. I'll go to this website.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Excuse me. They came out with a new Sony A9. I was checking it out. It's expensive, six grand. Excuse me. Probably worth it. Technology is insane. six grand excuse me probably worth it technology is insane and then i like this one i like mac rumors you guys do mac rumors i really like mac rumors apple will add a new larger 12.9 inch ipad air to an entirely refreshed ipad line i guess i'm a pretty like hardcore consumer i have some like real superficial like I love a new iPhone yeah camera I love camera stuff and then of course and then of course this one you guys are gonna some of you probably won't like this
Starting point is 00:17:14 I go to this website a lot too here we go I hope nothing weird pops up oh look oh look you can see all this lube that I wanted to buy. Sorry. I like, oh, yeah, look at, I was looking at these.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I was looking at these. I was thinking about buying one of these to fidget with during the show. This thing, this Python power twist bar. And I thought it would be fun for the boys. You know, like those old school things. Anyway. Those are, those, I do those three websites. I'm a consumer.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Jethro, good morning. Ooh, new affiliate is posting a picture showing you bought stuff from craig richie virtue signaling oh that is a good question i don't really understand virtue signaling i you know who texted me yesterday um uh or the day before i can't remember but i think it was yesterday in the morning. Jeremy texted me. Black man Jeremy, you know, in the chat. And he just said, Chad, question mark. he was like hey I go okay I'll probably do Chad I'm gonna take the kids to tennis and then jiu-jitsu and then I'll come home and just get blown out of my mind on caffeine and um and I'll do Chad and he's like cool and then he said take video of it
Starting point is 00:18:58 and post it and I'd like that that rubbed me the wrong way. I took a picture of my face to show that I did it, because I did-ed-ed it, did-ed-ed it, because I was a mess. I looked like someone punched me in the face and threw a bucket of water on me, but I decided not to post it. I didn't have the humility.
Starting point is 00:19:25 So I took a picture of the clicker. And the oh, hey, Mike Sauer, I went in FaceTime and turned off that stuff that you're talking about that's causing all those problems.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I turned it off in FaceTime. I saw this one too. Just telling everyone you did Chad virtue signaling. Hold on. I need to look up virtue signaling. Maybe it is virtue signaling. I'm just telling you because I can feel it in my calves the whole time. The public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social consciousness or moral correctness. I guess there's a little bit of that.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I mean, only the person who does it knows, right? Who does it knows, right? I'm probably like 30% virtue signaling and 70% just, I know a bunch of you guys did it too. So finding common ground, you know what I mean? Like talking to you about it. Like if we both used to date the same chick, we're like, did she do this for you? And you're like, yeah, she did. You know what I mean? Like 30% of it's bragging.
Starting point is 00:20:44 You had that girlfriend, the other 70 percent's like you want to compare notes it's more like that it's lack of virtue signaling i what yeah virtue signaling uh blade it's it's a you have to it's a public expression of opinions or sentiments i think going to church is probably virtue signaling isn't there somewhere in the Bible where Jesus talks about that, where he says like, if you,
Starting point is 00:21:07 if you pray for me and church, you receive my glory there. Meaning I think what he means is like, or he says something like, you'll receive something from your peers. But if you pray behind closed doors, you get the abundance, full abundance of glory of God or
Starting point is 00:21:25 some shit like that. When I pick up trash at the skate park, I'm not virtue signaling. When I come back here and tell you guys about it, I am virtue signaling. Fuck, I should just not pick up the trash and just tell you guys I did it cut out the middle man
Starting point is 00:21:45 oh wow Jake Chapman this conversation is taking a crazy twist how to break a man's heart tell him you did insert sexual act with his ex and you won't do it again because it hurt too much geez Louise And you won't do it again because it hurt too much. Jeez Louise. And then finally, 21 minutes into the show, I get some validation.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So here we go. Let's get back to the show. This is the no judgment zone. I wish I knew how to make this better, but I don't have Caleb here. This is CrossFit All Elements in Nyon, Switzerland. McDonald's at All Elements. It's something in some foreign language I don't understand. It's whatever they speak on Switzerland. McDonald's et al elements. It's something in some foreign language I don't understand. Whatever they speak in Switzerland.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Special announcement. New partnership between CrossFit all elements and McDonald's. We're thrilled to announce that CrossFit all elements and McDonald's and La Cote restaurants have joined forces to bring you an exceptional wellness experience. Excuse me. What did you say? On one hand, CrossFit All Elements, your designation for ultimate fitness, strength, and endurance, whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your journey to more active lifestyle, CrossFit All Elements has you covered. On the other side, and they show a packet of french fries. has you covered on the other side and they show a packet of french fries mcdonald's an icon of fast food we understand the balance between pleasure and well-being is
Starting point is 00:23:32 essential i didn't know i didn't know is that what mcdonald's is it's a pleasure house like they're not referring it to um they're not referring it as an eating place it's a pleasure house right it's a a pleasure and well we understand that a balance to healthy living lives in diversity, motivation and moderation. Diversity. Lies in diversity. Healthy living lies in diversity, motivation, and moderation. God, it's just such horseshit. It's just such horseshit. Our partnership offers Our partnership offers you the opportunity To enjoy McDonald's Gourmet Delights Well
Starting point is 00:24:50 Enjoy is the opportunity Gourmet Gourmet Gourmet Gourmet Gourmet Delights A connoisseur of good food a person with a discerning palate gourmet gourmet a partnership offers you crossfit all elements partnership
Starting point is 00:25:16 with mcdonald's i just can't believe i'm saying that offers you the opportunity to enjoy McDonald's gourmet delights while pursuing your fitness goals and CrossFit all elements. We can't wait to join you on this unique adventure. Get ready to experience the perfect balance of fitness and indulgence. Stay tuned for more surprises coming your way. Love, Sporty Beth. is coming your way. Love, Sporty Beth.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Hey, dude, I ain't shitting on McDonald's. I'm not like... I'm not like... Do what you want. Eat what you want. Eat what you want. But you will turn into a pile of shit if you order a hamburger, french fries, and milkshake. Like, if you eat there once a year or some shit, like you have this drive you do three times a year with your family I'm just trying to think like what we did as a kid we would
Starting point is 00:26:28 go there but it would always be on these crazy like fucking 10 hour drives we'd stop use their bathroom get chicken McNuggets but it's fucking attached to the place it's like part of your lifestyle I don't think. It's like part of your lifestyle. I don't think McDonald's should be part of your lifestyle. I don't recommend it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I don't think that like that canola shit. And I don't think those French fries, like you're not supposed to, you're not supposed to chew, like, when you go see. It's like just eating dessert, I guess is what I'm saying. It's just eating dessert. It's like going somewhere and, like, ordering a cake for the dinner and then ice cream for the dessert. Like, I don't, I'm not trying to, like, shame anyone for going there hating on it like i've i've i think i've i've i've mellowed in that but to be attached to it and be it what does it say here
Starting point is 00:27:32 on the other side of it uh what what does it say we can't wait for you to join this unique adventure and get ready to experience the perfect balance of fitness and indulgence you don't need mcdonald's attached to your gym if you want balance from it it won't sustain it it won't sustain the business man excuse me what a trip i want to look at crossfit all elements i mean oh they have dude this gym has 5,400 followers on Instagram. That's incredible. Oh, they got, wow.
Starting point is 00:28:14 They do Movember. They do Pink October. So they're against cancer. That's amazing. Oh, I wonder what the comments say. Can I read the comments on this? I wonder what the people say. Oh, there are no comments.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, they have the comments turned off. Holy shit. Wow. Wow. Oh, that's crazy. They have the comments turned off. What does that mean when they have the comments turned off? That means you're getting ass pounded? i had apple cinnamon i don't know what that word is bonnets i hope that that was good because that sounds like it was a waste of uh calories if you're gonna eat junk food eat the good shit uh ken walters perfect example of why greg said he didn't want affiliates selling anything
Starting point is 00:29:15 that wouldn't be better than the training well that yeah there you go yeah i don't think you want to be that's a great point like why not yeah exactly why not be associated with like with a barbecue place next door that's just like just crazy like zone food brussels sprouts and meat i don't know lots of cancer stuff uh ironically everyone in the gym looks fit as shit in all their pictures they don't look like they eat at mcdonald's I kind of don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:30:16 A McDonald's and a CrossFit gym pairing up. How about this? You guys remember... I wonder if I i'm gonna get in trouble for showing this you guys remember the guy who was taking pictures in bathrooms at the games i don't know why but in my head i assumed it was a dude taking pictures of girls i don't know just i but it's a dude taking pictures of dudes i guess that would make i guess that makes more sense um kenneth the lap uh hunter uh mcintyre claims to eat mcdonald's he looks fit yeah he can eat whatever he wants i'm sure and look fit you're right i'm
Starting point is 00:30:59 sure a lot of those people can't you could probably live a long, healthy life if you eat in a McDonald's. Oh, yeah. Meat gazing in the bathroom. Just doing some meat gazing. I just think that most people who go to McDonald's, you're probably getting a milkshake and French fries and chicken McNuggets dipped into a bucket of sugar sauce. Alberto Jimenez, Seve, same as Greg, having a monster during Mark Bell's podcast. I don't even know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:31:41 It's not even close to the same. I don't even. I don't even know what you're talking about. It's not even close to the same. I don't even. By the way, we we we got up to drive there early in the morning. Greg and I got up at 630 in the morning. And Greg gets up there and he looked a little tired and I said to Mark Bell, I said, do you have any caffeine? We've now been it was We'd now been up. We'd now been up since six. And he'd probably been up from four.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So he gets up so early. And it's now, I don't know, 10 or 11. It was probably 11 a.m. We got there an hour late. It was a long drive there, two or three hours. We had to stop because I had to pee, of course. And we got there and I asked Mark Bell, I said, hey, do you have any caffeine caffeine that Greg could drink during the show in case he needs a little pick-me-up? And Mark Bell put that monster there. It's like I've known Greg for, I don't know, 20 years, and he drinks so much black tea, but never with sugar in it, not even once.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And he asks for no water too so it's a strong shit and people will always be like is there is that what's in your tea Greggy like they think they're going to catch him on what's your workout Greggy like they think they're going to catch him on something I don't I don't I don't see the I don't see what his having that
Starting point is 00:33:04 monster don't get me wrong I Alberto I wish it wouldn't have been up there I don't I don't I don't see the I don't see what his having that monster there. Don't get me wrong I Alberto I wish it wouldn't have been up there. I don't like promoting that shit Like Greg having a Boost of cav you know what else was sitting on that desk, too But I didn't realize it until afterwards was um that stuff that he gave us the Kramer Creighton the Creighton He gave those Creightons to Greg too and set those up there until afterwards was um that stuff that he gave us the crayman creighton the creighton he gave those creightons to greg too and set those up there i guarantee you greg's not drinking those anymore either we tried those on the way home oh fuck Jake Chapman waking up at 6 is a luxury
Starting point is 00:33:50 everyone should be up by then shift workers are exempt anyway I lost my what am I doing here okay I lost my, what am I doing here? Okay. Uh. If you come to my house, you'll see that there's a bang energy drink in the fridge. It's like an emergency. It's like my security blanket.
Starting point is 00:34:26 It's like just in case. If you go to, uh, to your two me's house, you'll see a, um, a can of that stuff. Uh, uh, you, you, you can just suck on her boobs and get some, get some energy drink. She processes it for you once through one once drunken once drunken her baby gets once drunken energy drinks how about holy shit i don't know if i should tear into this there's a video i saw and it shows i think it was noah olsen and and a bunch of other athletes playing drinking games but with a monster energy it is it has got to be the stupidest thing i've ever fucking seen i wish i could remember where i saw it i saw it a couple days ago someone sent it to me it is fucking bizarre if you if you're curious why this like you would i would rather those athletes do just a straight up mcdonald's commercial
Starting point is 00:35:32 remember like serena williams and venus williams used to have mcdonald's commercials and they'd be behind the counter like serving fucking hamburgers it's this fucking whole group of CrossFit athletes playing a drinking game with energy drink. I'm like, first of all, why would rain do that? What, whose idea was that?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Why not just show fucking, why not just do an interview or just show fucking Noah Olson was sweat dripping off his titties, drinking a rain. Um, and then, and then doing some crazy CrossFit shit. You remember off his titties drinking a rain um and then doing some crazy crossfit shit you remember like jordan would be drinking gatorade and like it would be like dripping out of his pores and shit they're doing a drinking game with with an energy drink it is fucking there's a word for it i don't want to say the word
Starting point is 00:36:20 it's it's beyond dorky it like makes it so i would never want to drink that shit yeah like they should do red bull and vodka yeah there you go not in a drinking game but oh man we we fucking have some cheese dicks in our in our group in our cohort We fucking have some cheese dicks in our group, in our cohort. Oh, you think that that was a spoof? God, I hope it was. That would be cool. Okay, if that was a joke, that would be cool.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah, it's beyond cringe. It's so... I don't know how some of those fuckers sleep at night, to be honest with you. Okay, look at this. So there was a guy taking pictures in the bathroom at the CrossFit Games. Hey, and I'm all for like, I'm all for like, if you if you want to make your money doing rain, rain commercials and you actually drink that stuff like before you work out like, like, I don't know what it takes to get up before a workout. Like if you chug a fucking four ounces of rain right before you step out onto the floor at the CrossFit Games or rogue fucking make that commercial then. right before you step out onto the floor at the CrossFit Games or Rogue, fucking make that commercial then. Look right into the fucking camera and be like,
Starting point is 00:37:50 dude, this shit fucking gets me up. Every morning I wake up before I come out here, I wake up, I get out of my fucking bed like a fucking boss. I thank God for being alive i'm like holy fuck here we go seve i walk over to my coffee machine i turn it on i plug my internets back in i start opening blinds i look outside it's it's dark i walk outside my underwear out onto the plantation the three-plane brothers fucking estate and I say God this is a glorious life and then I chug a big fucking fat
Starting point is 00:38:32 espresso shot of paper street coffee and I go damn if my fucking listeners knew how much fucking money I made off this podcast they'd probably come and try to take it from me those fucking assholes And then the espresso soaks
Starting point is 00:38:49 Deep into my soul and I'm like I'm alive And then I go make another shot And I mix it with a pint of water And then I start digging through DMs And I'm like yeah dude this is a fucking cool ass life I'm about to go hang out with Dick Butter. And it's fucking Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Just gets me so fucking wired for this show. I ain't no games athlete. But fucking A. I'm a boss when I drink Paper Street. I feel on top of the world. Unstoppable. Fucking A. I'm a boss when I drink Paper Street. I feel on top of the world. Unstoppable. Now you want to play a drinking game with Paper Street coffee? We'll do somersaults and take shots.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Sebi, Beast Cake. Sebi, going back to Friday's update show, they were giving you shit about how they run their affiliates. You were saying Greg didn't give a shit what what people thought isn't that what the current regime no they only give a fuck what people think they only give a fuck that's why they do all those surveys and shit listen we need a leader whether we need a lead this company needs a leader with such stride sauce this company needs a leader with such strong values and vision of what this company needs to do. And then the affiliates that want to be a part of that should stay and the ones that don't should get off. When he said Floyd 19, in the perfect world, Greg would have said, hey, those of you who think I'm a racist, how about you go fuck off? Get the fuck out of here. You're fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:40:26 off get the fuck out of here you're fucking idiots for those of you that um uh have uh clients and in my statement made it hard for you to do business because you have clients that are fucking morons and they think that i'm racist i apologize a little bit for the discomfort i've caused you because i i am actually trying to help you keep your businesses open so i do apologize a little bit for that and then i'll help you try to work through that together but those of you who think i'm fucking racist and don't realize I'm actually defending the fucking black man and all of society because I have values, fuck off. Get the fuck out of here. brand would be oh my god it would be the opposite of where it is now it would be so strong people want to get behind something that's true and stands its fucking ground so this guy takes a fucking camera into the uh um uh this guy takes a camera into the bathroom at the crossfit games tennessee man is behind bars in dane county so i hear that it says the tennessee man is behind bars
Starting point is 00:41:41 i'm like uh oh was that a god i hope he didn't go to CrossFit Mayhem. Accused of filming people in the bathrooms during the CrossFit Games. Dane County Sheriff detectives claim that Ty Tran filmed men in bathrooms at the Alliance Energy Center. The guy's name is Ty Tran. That's Vietnamese, right? Tran? Vietnamese? Excuse me. Rachel Perry has been following this arrest closely and pouring over the new
Starting point is 00:42:10 court documents today. She joins us live from the Alliance. She's been pouring over the new court documents. My gym fees are so expensive. Wah. Wah. Wah. Sebi, you don't even go to an affiliate. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Sorry, I'm getting my wires crossed. Sorry. Energy Center with these disturbing. What's WKOW? Oh, that must be the TV station. Okay, here we go. Oh, disturbing. These are disturbing details. Details. Rachel. Yeah, officials say this was first reported on sunday but detectives claim they found the videos on trans's phone take hey did you see she her name at the bottom it said there was a little f next to it is that her facebook account the reporter's facebook account
Starting point is 00:42:57 that's crazy i've never even noticed that ever anywhere before. In both Saturday and Sunday with at least two victims seen in those videos. Victims. There were two victims seen in those videos. Victims. Complaint states one victim showed investigators a video of
Starting point is 00:43:19 Ty Tran watching a video on his phone. So someone showed the cops a video of this guy watching videos on his phone that's fucking brilliant that guy has a nice nose look at that nose ty tran ty tran what's up ty tran save on let the asian kid play with you guys All right fine come on Ty Come on you can play with me and Lamar Ty come on
Starting point is 00:44:00 Okay Ty Tran okay here we go of someone using the bathroom The detective claims it shows Tran zoom in on the victim's genitals. So the video shows Ty Tran zooming in on the victim's genitals. I'm trying to picture when anyone gets a direct line. I don't think anyone in a bathroom ever gets a direct line. Maybe a tall guy standing next to me in a tight urinal. I guess, did they have troughs at the games which bathroom how does anyone see i don't feel like anyone gets a good fucking could peep my dick at the in the bathroom i mean they could but with the phone out
Starting point is 00:44:53 how did someone get a video of the video i know it's fucking genius isn't it so someone must have thought he was filming cock in the bathroom what's so funny is that this is at the crossfit games like if this is anywhere else he had got away with it he ain't getting away with this at the crossfit games hey and i'll honestly i'm surprised he can get punched out it's it's all fun and games there till it's not there's some there's a lot of juiced up dudes there not like weird juiced up like Mr. Universe, but like his testosterone is flowing. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:34 So, so they got video of him zooming in on genitalia. Officers spoke to Tran. They say he claimed his phone takes videos when he puts it in his bag. He claims his phone takes videos when he puts it in his bag. Well, then how did... Here's the thing. Don't have your phone out in the bathroom. There should be some sort of etiquette. From the button being accidentally pushed, investigators say they...
Starting point is 00:46:04 The button? Who has a button on their phone? From the button being accidentally pushed, investigators say they found videos on Trans' phone of both the victim and another man using the bathroom on separate occasions. Wait, so they got video on the phone of the victim and another man in the bathroom. I guess the other man wasn't a victim because his dick wasn't in the shot. Man, this is crazy. Trans appeared in Dane County court for the first time today where his bail was set to. I can't even remember who won the CrossFit Games this year. Oh, Laurel Horvat and Jeffrey Adler. Shit. Wow. Took a second. But I do know it was 2023 when we had Dick Gate at the CrossFit Games. That's when Ty Tran was filming cock in the bathroom. $500,000. What detectives claim. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:46:55 He's being held on $500,000 bail. Oh, my God. Dude. Dude. Dude, dude. One of the kids, Jiu Jitsu instructors was held up by knife pointed an ATM. The guy was let out in 24 hours. Another guy, another cop friend of mine was telling me about someone who punched out a guard in jail, punched out a guard in jail. out a guard in jail two weeks later that guy was out and then my buddy just arrested him again recently
Starting point is 00:47:32 that's fucking crazy you punch out a guard in jail and two weeks later you're out of jail like but this guy needs to put $500,000 bail for taking some fucking 24 frames basically when they say for those of you who don't know when you're taking video that's basically meaning he was taking 24 pictures a second of penis 20
Starting point is 00:47:59 videos just when you take more than 24 frames a second generally speaking that's like it's not it's not like it's not like the official law well i don't know maybe it is the law but when you say like hey he has video of that guy's penis really he took 24 pictures a second for what you would guess is multiple seconds so basically let's say he has 10 seconds of video at 24 pictures a second that means he took 240 consecutive pictures of the man's penis and when you put them in a flip book it looks like it's moving you guys understand the importance
Starting point is 00:48:31 of breaking that down yeah in california that's cool you take it listen in california you can dress up as a dude and go into the girl's bathroom and fucking bang the chicks just as long as like it's cool man uh is this the same guy that stole the plates from the gym oh i don't think so but that was a that that that was the asian guy too a lot of asian crime you know you don't you don't really they're making up for lost time you usually hear. A lot of Asian crime. You don't really... They were making up for lost time. You don't usually hear about a lot of Asian crime. David Attaway happens in jail all the time, Seve. You mean where guards get punched out?
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah, my buddy said his fucking... that he arrested a guy and put him in jail and then he was looking at his record and two weeks earlier he had punched a guard in the jail and knocked him out cold. Would it be different if it's a woman taking the footage i think so but i think so call me a homophobe but i think so what can i tell you claim trans admitted to doing all coming up tonight at six but for now live in madison rachel perry 27 news for more right now can you imagine
Starting point is 00:49:52 look at this girl you're you're you went to college for journalism and you're covering uh some sport known as a niche sport called crossfit some cult sport and an event where a dude took video of another dude's penis in a bathroom ah my life's so fulfilling and and right after this i'm gonna do a story on people using rain energy drink in a drinking game. Oy vey, as they say in the hood. Oy vey. So we have some great – I should have saved all of this for the CrossFit Games Update show. Hey, Dana White was on Gutfeld.
Starting point is 00:50:44 That was weird. I haven't watched the episode yet. Yeah, I liked the fights last night, Patrick. Someone in here said they thought the fights were stupid. I loved the fights last night. I thought they were awesome. I didn't want Alex to win, but I respect him. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I didn't want Andrade to win. I like the way Yuri said. They asked Yuri, hey, was it stopped early? He's like, nah, I bring up. I'm just not sure how to word it. Just not sure how to word it just not sure how to word it oh this is some pretty interesting video I can show you guys this is these are some Palestinian Palestinian freedom fighters interacting with some American college students. This is a podcast got this content exclusively. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You can be there with you. You can come to Gaza anytime and we will throw you from the roof you homosexual. Do you hear? You don and we will throw you from the roof, you homosexual derf. Do you hear? You don't want to throw me a rooftop party. They are so welcoming and inclusive. So shukran. And you are also very welcome to come here to America. We will come. First we finish with Israel and America is next.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Great! So I guess we'll see you soon. Yes, it would be a blast. Can't wait. It would be so multicultural. Yeah, Allah. You are so stupid. Thank you so much, Abu. We love you. I won't even bother killing you. It's a waste of bullets. Good vibes only. It's better you just kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Okay, bye! Bye! From the river to the sea, Good vibes only. It's better you just kill yourself. Okay, bye. Bye. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be just free. Yeah, that sounds better. It is better. There you go. There you go. That is Saturday Night Live.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Well, it sounds like they finally woke up. I think maybe the Jew libs are waking up uh dick butter seriously if you want to take a picture of my dick at least let me get it hard first fair enough uh there was a uh yeah this is i i do this is how i think too lilu uh how ironic a guy named Tran invading a people's privacy in the dressing room while trans are invading girls restrooms yeah I think of that kind of stuff too
Starting point is 00:53:57 we'll let you pick any roof you want to throw you from you homosexual? Israel, uh, uh, Columbia Unites Semity, Israel's number one satire program, mocks the support for Hamas on college campuses. I don't know. Was that Israel's Saturday Night Live mock? Was that Saturday Night Live?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Bill Gates business associates reach combined $365 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein's victims when do we get the list we just want the list. I just want the list. Oh, man. I wish I would have thought of this. From a young age, I knew.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I remember when microwaves came out, and I was like, I'm not doing that. I just remember being a little kid thinking that's not right. And I also didn't like – I don't like – I'm sure I've told you guys this a million times. I don't like any silicone, even though it's supposedly just glass. But I don't like any silicone, even though it's supposedly just glass, but I don't like any silicone cooking utensils, you know, like silicone spatulas or any of that stuff. I just like steel and glass, steel and glass. That's it. I just want steel and glass. That's the only shit that makes sense to me in my brain to have around anything that's hot, because I always think that anything that's hot is then breaking something up i don't i hated like watching people drink hot coffee out of styrofoam cups i hated it when i bought a cup somewhere and it it got softer because of the heat i'm just like oh fuck this is like decaying into my drink but but i never thought of this and this is uh i just like it because it
Starting point is 00:56:23 hates on starbucks too but here we go. About the plastic cups that you get your coffee in at Starbucks. Let's talk about those. A paper cup by nature should absorb water. If it's not absorbing water, then that means there must be a barrier in between the paper and the liquid. And that barrier is polyethylene plastic. A study found that in 15 minutes of contact with hot liquids beach 25,000 microplastic particles into your cup but no one's questioning this no one's really thinking about it because it's just part of our daily lives so there's some i don't know what i thought it was i always thought i guess i just thought it was wax i don't even know what wax is either so you put that fucking coffee into the
Starting point is 00:57:07 cup and of course there's some there's some liner in the cup that's made of plastic right and that shit's like going into your coffee and then you're drinking your coffee are we very Going into your coffee and then you're drinking your coffee. Are we there?
Starting point is 00:57:30 No one's talking about it because they're told not to. I don't know. I don't think it's that. I just think it's people are stupid and don't think. I think I'm just stupid for not thinking about it. I should have just thought about it. It's like just common sense. I'm not giving them the power.
Starting point is 00:57:43 That's my fault. That's 100% my fault. Very good at metabolizing plastics. No, plastic is a foreign body. It's a foreign particle. In fact, it'll break down into nanoplastics. And nanoparticles in general have the issue of being able to penetrate cell membranes. So it can penetrate very deeply into the cell. It can cause inflammation. Your body doesn't know how to deal with it. It's a foreign object. So you'll get the inflammatory response when you encounter these. But to make things worse, the microplastics themselves are a foreign body, but they also release plasticizer chemicals when they're in contact. Plasticizer chemicals. I know, don't you? I know, right? Right. I know. There's that.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Toxin chemicals. I know, don't you? I know, right? Right. I know. There's that. How are we alive? I know. We're eating McDonald's and drinking platinum and we feel good even. We're having fun. Yeah. With your body and they can also carry toxic chemicals into your body. The fact that they can basically invade and integrate into ourselves and you are what you eat are we turning into real life barbie and kendall's we maybe um maybe just drink cold coffee from now on i i was thinking that too, David. It's all bullshit. Who cares? We're all fine. We're alive. It's good.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Just chill. Everyone just chill. Okay, here we go. I have not done the math on this. I do not know if this is true. But I like it. I don't care if it's true or not. The sentiment is so spot on. You ready?
Starting point is 00:59:25 You ready? You ready? Once your child turns 15, have them put $500 in a Roth IRA account. By the time they're 35, they'll have $276,000. Out of the $276,000, they can take $120,000 out of that with no penalties to buy a house. Be smart. Seve, there was that one show where that guy talked about putting money somewhere. And can you remind me what that is? No. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I can't. Don't DM me ever again. Quit watching the show. Don't let your son spend their money on Starbucks and social media nonsense. Listen, I'm going to play it again. Don't fucking DM me later and ask me what that was that I said in the show i'm going to play it twice for you okay then you decide you decide whether you want to do it or not don't be like how much money where do i put it it's like listen i'm going to play it twice for you. Here you go. If you have kids, listen. If you have kids or you're under 15, listen. Once your child turns 15, have them put $500 on a Roth IRA account. By the time they're 35, they'll have $276,000. Out of the $276,000,
Starting point is 01:00:41 they can take $120,000 out of that with no penalties to buy a house. Be smart. Don't let your son spend their money on Starbucks and social media nonsense. Once you're... Listen, all that money that people give you for your kids, like when the grandparents give you $5 or $100 or $20, don't ever give any of that shit to your kids. Do not.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Take all of that every... No, not every month god damn it is it every month take take that take that money and uh uh math ain't nothing that's good day hi david i'm not i'm not probably doing any singing today. I'm not celebrating you today. Sorry. Take all the money that people give your kids and just put it all in some aggressive mutual fund.
Starting point is 01:01:40 All of it. Never give it to them. Don't share it with them. Don't tell them about it. Always just just put it in an aggressive mutual fund. They'll be so happy when you're dead and they fucking open a bank account and there's like six million dollars in there. So let me let me do let me do the math here. Fifteen to thirty five. So that's let's let's just say let's just let's be let's just say, let's just, let's be, let's be generous. And let's say it doubles every five years. So when you're 20, that'll be a thousand dollars and you're 25, it'll be $2,000. When you're 30, it'll be $4,000. And when you're 35,
Starting point is 01:02:17 it'll be $8,000. Yeah. That's not true. What that guy said. It says, Oh, it's 500 a month. You're right. 500 a month. You're right. Either way, pay heed. I'm still down. I know 500 a month.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I know that's a lot. Yeah, don't buy a car. Put away 500 a month if you can. Seven, you have a living trust? I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Start putting $250 a month when they're born. Aside.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Turntable. A Roth IRA calculator. $500 will be $1,800 in 20 years God that sucks Jeremy world the spirit of what he said yeah like just basically you should you should just take every cent that your kids supposed to get and I don't care if they hate you or you feel bad or whatever and just start saving it for them they'll be so stoked they will be so stoked here's the thing get ten thousand when they're born try to get ten thousand dollars and just put it in aggressive mutual fund and forget about it right when your kid's born that's it they're 77 they'll have a few million dollars I don't know what a 529 oh is that the college one I think we just I don't think my kids are going to college I think we just turned that one off and moved it somewhere else
Starting point is 01:03:53 is the 529 the college one oh we I think I see my wife give away $50 in passion fruit every day. I'm not even exaggerating. Passion fruit are $3 a pop, and I think my wife gives away $20 a day. I should be selling those fuckers if you come to my house you will leave with a bag of passion fruit big old bag
Starting point is 01:04:32 this clip I'm going to show you could change the trajectory of the show this uh you sure she's jewish i tell her all the time that i'm 10 10x the jew she ever was a fair question uh ken walters uh my dad made me put 75 cents out of every dollar i made on my paper route and mowing lawn in a savings account never had to take out a student loan the other 25 cents to sports cards i still have win win wow you did chad are you fucking crazy okay uh this this this clip i'm going to show you here will change i think i i think it will change the trajectory of the show forever this will live in um this is gonna live in uh this this yeah this is gonna change the trajectory
Starting point is 01:05:31 of the show i had to think long and hard before playing this here we go on the food docket today we got lemon tort and spackle it looks like wait a minute that ain't spackle that's cream and it is trevon and i know no hey now you may be the defendant but i'm gonna need some That ain't spackle, that's cream. And they're just treading it on the, oh, no. Hey, now, you may be the defendant, but I'm going to need some respect in this courtroom. Is that a meringue goosey? Is that a tortoisey? Whatever it is, Judge is going to need some. We'll take a short recess.
Starting point is 01:06:00 On the food docket today, we got lemon. There it is. Use the word liberally It's yours now It's free Tortusi Tank Reeve Investing in anything a bank Is stupid these days
Starting point is 01:06:22 Buy gold silver and own cash If you're savvy buy coins Investing in anything a bank is stupid these days. Buy gold, silver, and own cash. If you're savvy, buy coins. Zach Jones, whenever a savvy starts spouting hyperbole, the video is going to be sexual somehow. You've cracked the code. Thanks for ruining it for everyone. Turntable, I made the mistake of telling my wife I'm blacker than her. I'm white, she's black.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I grew up in the hood and she grew up in the suburbs. It was still a mistake to say that. Oh, is that one of those things that you're not? Oh, man. Is that like you said, like you told her one time, like you think about her sister when you're doing her and now you're going to pay for that forever? Yeah, you got to be smart with what comes out of your mouth to your wife. You fuck everything up. I got in trouble last night. I got in trouble last night.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I did. I'm sure you guys would love to hear about the kind of shit that gets me in trouble. You probably don't know this, but it's not easy to live with me. I'm really dogmatic in my open-mindedness. Yeah, I agree, Ken. That would be fun to see that conversation. Okay, here we go. This guy is on fire. This guy is absolutely on fire.
Starting point is 01:08:06 You almost feel bad the way he wrecks people. This is one of those people you should stay out of his... Never stand in front of this dude, goob. Always stand behind this guy. Never, ever stand in front of this dude. You don't want this dude looking at you you want to just enjoy
Starting point is 01:08:28 you want to enjoy him from far away so here we go this is oh wait where's here we go okay I believe it or not Madeline Fleming, she was talking a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 01:08:47 And there's an update. Queen Conky. Welcome back to the show. The video yesterday was funny, lighthearted. She left this weird comment about how I stalk people and I make comments about beautiful women. Which obviously couldn't be further from the truth. I just call out the truth. If you're editing, man or woman, I don don't care we don't discriminate on this page so for those of you don't know this
Starting point is 01:09:08 guy goo basically cruises around the internet and calls people out for fraud so he did um i don't want to say who but he's done some people in our community so he catches you for like photoshopping photos but claiming like you can help people lose weight just shit like that he's savage and so this chick madeline fleming i guess came onto his page and was like you're such a fucking asshole basically and she fucked up man because like you don't want this dude's attention you do not want this guy's attention this is not you want to like just sit back and watch him from afar like like a like a fucking cheetah. You want to watch from afar, like the safety of your car. You don't want to be out and be the center of attention when there's a cheetah around hunting cheetah. Here we go. Everybody can get it.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Madeline, I showed you that yesterday by showing you that even you could get it, because as we quickly figured out, the reason you're mad about me calling all fakes is because, well, you yourself are a fake. But how big of a fake are you? You see, Madeline, I came across this very interesting photo of you on a Zoom call with Kevin Hart. You said, blessed to be working with the legendary Kevin Hart for Hart House once again. Some alarm bells went off in my head.
Starting point is 01:10:18 So we screenshot the photo of Kevin Hart, we reversed him and searched it, and found the original photo online. Madeline, you didn't have a Zoom call with Kevin Hart. You took a screenshot of his Today Show interview on his Netflix movie, Fatherhood, and mashed it up against yours. And Madeline, you didn't even try.
Starting point is 01:10:33 You even left the OG photo from where you got this from, from September 23rd. Here's the original. You're interviewing some guy that is definitely not Kevin Hart. You just put his face over it. Wow, what are the odds the girl that's mad about me calling out fake people? What are the odds that the girl who's mad at me for calling out fake people is doing fake shit? Edits all of her photos and manufactured a fake interview with Kevin Hart.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Pretty fucking high, to be honest with you. All right. So I did a video on this girl. I do like that picture of her right there though that is imagine coming home and that girl's in your backyard dang jeez mar as they say in the hood marron
Starting point is 01:11:17 my goodness I um I told I turntable I turned I told my wife that I was, uh, I told my wife that I was more Jewy than she was. She didn't get upset. I also called my mom. I also told my mom, uh, my mom, uh, when she came in the garage the other day and I was like, Hey, you know how I I'm black. Right. And she kind of just like looked at me. She, I don't think she likes, I don't think she likes the fact that I, I don't think she finds that part of my show enjoyable. I don't know. I'm projecting,
Starting point is 01:11:54 but then I was like, and then I pulled up her Amazon profile picture. I'm like, but look, you're black too. Cause her Amazon profile girl was a black woman. And I think I got my mom thinking. She was like, oh shit, maybe I am. Maybe we are black. Black, black minion. Black minion. B-L-A-C-K. Black a minion. Black Armenian.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Blar minion. Maybe blar minion. Maybe blar minion. B-L-A. Oh, there she is. Hi, mom. Did I get you thinking a little bit when you saw like your
Starting point is 01:12:26 your profile pic was a black lady were you like oh wow maybe he is on to something yeah it's like a Foxy Cleopatra looking chick yeah yeah a turntable
Starting point is 01:12:46 I find your taste in old school hip hop enjoyable thank you we we all either we either all originated from Africa or Asia yeah those those people south Either all originated from Africa or Asia. Yeah, those people south of the border are definitely the ones that they call Aztecs and shit.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Those dudes are definitely got some Asian in them. Something. Something. What is this thing oh oh yeah oh yeah this is good okay I want you guys to try to get your heads wrapped around this seriously try to understand this try to
Starting point is 01:13:44 have sympathy and empathy for this. Really stay open-minded. Here we go. You're tipped off by some concerned parents that a travesty was occurring in the swimming pool. On Friday, a race took place. You're already tripping, right? So this starts playing, and it's a guy in a suit and he's like a travesty took place at the swimming pool i right away went to like more of something that happened
Starting point is 01:14:10 at the crossfit games right where the guys like taking uh videos of other dudes penises in the bathroom um but but hang tight this this one really gets bizarre hang tight in which there were 10 participants nine of the participants were teenage girls they were either 13 or 14 and one participant if you can imagine was a male listen this is in Canada. And it's a race for 13 and 14 year old girl swimmers. Although it does look like there's a 16 year old, a 17 year old and a 15 year old in there. But one of the dudes, one of the girls, sorry, one of the girls name is Melanie Wisehart and she's 50. Age 50.
Starting point is 01:15:12 The name of this person is a Nicholas Sapita. Oh, it's a dude. A dude in Canada is racing against teenage girls. I don't know. Is that pubescent or pre-pubescent like how is that happening how will you this can't even be true i can't even understand this uh uh he goes by his alias these days and that would be melody wise heart i could i could come to an event like this i could say i identify as a 13 year old girl and i swim with the 13 year old girls we base on swimming
Starting point is 01:15:50 canada registration so if the swimmer registered uh we base on uh swimming canada registration dude are you fucking out of your mind what's wrong with people in canada you're not a fucking robot he just asked you why there's a 50 year old dude in the pool with the girls swimming canada registration as a female she will be eligible to come down to actually swim in this heat we were chipped god that guy's hair is that the whiteness of that guy's hair is beautiful too bad it's not thicker oh my god someone just sent me oh oh oh is this from you mike you're telling me how to turn that off okay yeah i tried okay i'll look at these notes later thank you uh they like your money they like your money and they chase what's popular.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Zero value fucks. No, I better not write that. I saw I'm chatting with a very successful acquaintance who is experiencing a lot of success right now and I'm watching woke people
Starting point is 01:17:35 swarm to him and try to all of a sudden be his butt buddy and it's what I was going to tell you guys about earlier unfortunately some of these woke d-bags are my friends too and so and it's what I was going to tell you guys about earlier. Unfortunately, some of these woke D-bags are my friends too, and so it's just hard.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I'm just struggling to process it all. I'm struggling to process it all. I want to be cool. I want to be, like, you know what I mean? I want to be chill and let people change. let people change and like but but you you can't for you can't for two years be supporting company you can't be like supporting carthart which in in nike which were firing people who didn't take the injection or enforcing masks at the workplace and now all of a sudden the next cool company which didn't enforce injections and was against mass and against forced injections and all of a sudden that company's killing it so you jump on their jock at least say sorry like what the fuck are your values where do you draw the line where where
Starting point is 01:18:35 where do things become okay and not okay and so i just see that and i'm just like uh fuck you like at least uh ken walters back to uh swimming in canada ken walters so this guy sucked at everything in life and now he will get validation by winning a teenage girl swimming event, dude If it was that simple, I'd kind of be okay with it. I think it's the motherfucking worst creepier shit I don't know what the mechanism is that makes someone not do that. But like think that you but I want to know why like how Like if I had a daughter Like if I had a daughter, if I had a – when I go to jiu-jitsu tournaments, there's girls there who go against my – I was looking at a camera across the room that's turned on for Sousa's desk.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I don't remember leaving that camera on. If I go to a jiu-jitsu tournament and a girl – there's a young lady there wrestling against my son i don't say anything and in the in the in my son my sons lose to girls all the time and it's because they're um seven and nine years old right and at that age the girls are just as fierce if not more fierce they're a little more coordinated they've given themselves permission to win they do they're they're good but if i'm but if i'm a father of a 16 year old girl and there's a boy that shows up and it's a 27 year old man any i don't know yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not tolerating that i I'm saying something. I'm walking out on their – like I'm making a scene. And if you're scared, just ask one other parent to do it with you. Just be like, hey, will you walk out here with me? I want to say something to these people. What's up, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:20:45 Good morning. Hi. Hi. Can I get your opinion on something? Yeah. You think 50-year-old men should be swimming in swimming competitions against 13- and 14-year-old girls? As long as they win. As long as it's in Canada.
Starting point is 01:21:01 It's how they registered, Sevan. See, so we don't actually look at the facts we just look at the piece of paper in which they registered and yeah the canadian rules state right here that was the guy's defense yeah yeah i mean that's impressive how the fuck do you defend that at all yeah how about like hey i'm so sorry this is really fucked up i agree with you where are the dads i have some values you're right where are the fucking dads where's the brothers where's the men in the family uh savvy did you know that the did you know that israeli forced the jab on 100 of their people 98 have had five shots yeah i i do do know that. They were proud of that.
Starting point is 01:21:47 They were like, Israel was so proud of that. I think they were the fastest and most thorough injected country on the planet. Do you know also, Tank, how sad it was that there weren't enough injections for all the marginalized people around the world? It's so sad. So sad. Oh around the world it's so sad so sad oh my god so sad get to know yourself and your roots better in 2024 with ancestry dna want to know where your family comes from in northern france maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness, and allergies. There's so much of you and your heritage
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Starting point is 01:23:03 See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Jeremy, I have two daughters. I don't think it will happen. I'm fully prepared for it to happen. I'll be on the news after fucking shit up. hey anything anything's possible now i mean you saw what happened that that uh that father had his daughter diddled in the bathroom at the high school they they took the guy who diddled her out put him in another high school then he raped that girl then the dad went to the board meetings i think it was in missouri and he got arrested for standing up for his daughter who got raped and then and then uh
Starting point is 01:23:53 all the liberal media cnn msnbc they dragged that guy through the mud for standing up for his daughter when he's a fucking hero right like a straight fucking hero yeah at that point you're just pulling your kid out of the school and moving on i don't think there's much going to those board meetings actually do unfortunately Hey, everybody. I'm here in Jaffa, the oldest port city in the world. Where's Jaffa? Do you know? Oldest port city in the world, Jaffa.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Jaffa. J-A-F-F-A. Jaffa mediterranean sea yeah it must be some it's some port for some arab country yeah tel aviva israel is what came up here oh is it okay yeah it is a predominantly arab city uh this is day what's been one month november 7th since the war and i'm jewish and i'm walking to an arab city and have no fear there are no arabs out here protesting there are no arabs out here talking about israel's supposed genocide you might ask yourself why in the world are not the israeli arabs two million there are two million israeli arab citizens why are they not protesting
Starting point is 01:25:21 why are they not calling israel baby killers and genociders and because they have seen the footage of hamas and they want nothing to do with that they looked at the footage the rape the beheading the maiming the kidnapping 242 they looked at all that and they said hey you think the arabs in israel are just keeping their head down low right now yeah you're like a white guy during George Floyd you're just like staying in your neighborhood yeah just don't look up I'm chilling yeah I'm cool
Starting point is 01:25:52 I'm on this side of the fence already I'm good I'm good you don't want anything to do with that we might not be the biggest fans of the state of Israel and some aren't many Arab citizens are big fans of Israel, but maybe we might not be. But we are certainly not barbaric, not like that. So no, you will not see any Arabs here protesting against Israel's actions. They would love to see Hamas gone, as we're not. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everybody.
Starting point is 01:26:30 I think, I know this is pretty funny, right? Dude is walking really fast for a fearless dude. I think the footage is sped up or something. Something's wrong with that footage. He's talking fast. Something's wrong. It's like, Darren, hi. Shirtless D.
Starting point is 01:26:47 You mind if I call you that uh having a daughter being raised in california and watching the amount of wokeness happening here in the bay area makes me want to leave to a place more conservative more values views and status hey my buddy came over last night and he took his um he took his kid to the uh high school football game the the i i can hear the high school football games from my house they're just a few blocks down at night you know you can hear like all the people cheering and shit and he said he took his five-year-old uh son there and he said if i if i i said oh let me know next time i'll go with you to let my boys watch he said you won't believe what you see he said like all the girls or a large chunk of the girls are walking around in bras, boobs out, and like G-strings pulled up above the top of their clothes. And they're like –
Starting point is 01:27:31 High school football game? Yeah. What the fuck? He said it looks like it's like you're at a prostitution convention. Wow. And I live in a pretty kind of – I think of what I live in as a wholesome area. You know what I mean? It's not – and I just – I know he's 100% right because I see the kids like in front of liquor stores and stuff like at their lunch breaks and shit.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And I see the girls, and I'm like, oh, Nelly. I go, hey, why don't you think the parents or the teachers say anything? That wouldn't have flown when I was a kid. And he says everyone's scared. Yeah, no way as a – like I wouldn't have flown when i was a kid and he says everyone's scared yeah no way as a teacher like i wouldn't say shit as a teacher comment on like what a girl is wearing at a high school in california it's a death toast you think you're toast oh yeah absolutely what are you doing looking yeah yeah yeah fuck that fuck off old man What are you doing looking? Yep. Did we get some sort of pass because they're close to the beach?
Starting point is 01:28:34 Or that high school is too far away? No, it's right near the beach. Darren, my friend owned a CrossFit gym in Oregon. They were also on the L1 staff. Told, uh, sold his gym and left to Tennessee. Says he regrets none of it. Left everything behind for a better life. Uh, Adrian Bosman lived in Oakland and he left for Tennessee.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Dude, do not give your kids a fucking phone, dude. Do not give your kids a fucking phone dude do not give your kids a phone do you have an age that you're comfortable with that a phone uh i want to say 16 but i could see myself even waiting longer are you worried about that not worried i'm not a worrier but um well like i mean technology runs so much of our lives like is that going to become like a deficit at some point for them so so so my kids don't go to school right and i hang out in a pretty small tight circle and obby said the other yesterday we were in the gym working out and he says to me we were practicing um uh i was having to practice jumping rope with one leg on one leg. And he says to me, hey, this girl had me and I practiced kissing.
Starting point is 01:29:55 And I'm just trying to act cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I think I'm always watching him, right? You don't even go to school. What do you mean you're practicing kissing? He's nine. And I said, oh, and I'm just acting cool. And he's looking at me, waiting to see how the fuck what do you mean you're practicing kissing he's nine and i said oh and i'm just acting cool and like he's looking at me like waiting to see how i react yeah and then i'm like
Starting point is 01:30:10 oh when was that and he tells me and i said oh whose idea was it and he tells me it was hers and she's a little older i said oh and i said he fucked me up here i I said, oh, did you guys touch lips? And he goes, no, did you want me to? How'd you navigate that one? I said, I don't really, I don't know. I don't think that's not that at all. Did you feel safe? Are you okay? He goes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:42 I go, did you have fun? He goes, yeah. I'm like, you guys didn't touch? He goes, no, we just pretended. I go, oh, were you guys playing a game he goes yeah family yeah i know that game yeah house yeah he goes she was the wife and i was the husband i said i understand all right i understand well i'm glad you're having fun and i appreciate you telling me and i'm glad you feel safe then i fucking ran inside yelling at my wife go talk out there and talk to him go deal with it yeah yeah and then another thing he said to me um uh he said to me uh he said to me uh did you ligma or something like that something ligma i'm like ligma he goes ligma but
Starting point is 01:31:27 i don't think myself where are you learning this stuff i laugh my ass off okay my ass off it's like what's the protocol hey there's this friend i have who's a fire captain in california and i immediately text him hey did you ligma he goes what i go ligma but oh that's funny yeah and i guess with the cell phone thing it's more about the internet not not the phone right it's like the access to the social media it's the access to like rather than come to the the question to you, it's him talking in a donkey fucking cat or just all the crazy shit out of typed into my phone at seven. Right. Well, that was a good example, right? Because you said like, he came to you and was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:32:16 we pretended to kiss with this girl. Well, would that conversation have happened if he just had a space bar to type that into? Right. What do you mean boy kissing girl yeah exactly yeah i didn't even think i didn't even i didn't even think of that right because that's what that google space bar i would imagine for most kids and adults and myself included it's like you'll you'll have a conversation with that thing in terms of like what you're curious about well before you would with the person who it involves or right right right right good point good point so much more comfortable there like like we think that there's no real ai but it really it's been ai forever already yeah like like you have a bump on
Starting point is 01:32:55 your back and you immediately go to google what's a bump on my back and you're trying to diagnose yourself you're already talking to someone else for a lot of the younger generation to replace god to someone else for a lot of the younger generation and replaced god damn whoo shit that's heavy i mean you're gonna go to it with your deepest questions fears insecurities you want to be enlightened and you know before maybe that was a a book that was prayer that was seeking somebody else who was a mentor like a figure in your community now that's just google baby look at this my kid had an instagram account that he created on a friend's phone yeah wow i definitely would have done that shit if my mom didn't let me have a phone yeah yeah that is savvy it was so much easier i got my first phone in
Starting point is 01:33:38 junior year and it was the brick nokia in in high school in high school i had the brick nokia too that was an awesome phone yeah my parents would remember when you used to drop your phone and the pieces would fly in all directions the face would come off and like that little rubber thing that was your keys would fly your battery pack would fly off like and you would like you just be at the mall in line with someone or something someone dropped their phone and just shit goes everywhere yeah just pieces flying off yeah that was when you hit the internet button on accident and then you just oh to get off yeah the data charges yeah what's that gonna do i don't know yeah and then there's a certain there was a barrier to entry right like we had to call the house and chances are you were going to get the parents like strong chance to get the parents and may i
Starting point is 01:34:31 speak to matt please yeah hi hi oh who is this oh this is matt oh you're you're in school matt you know so and so and there was like this yeah yeah yeah faces to the name and kind of see how they respond and now it's like nothing. It's like, what's your Snapchat? You know, just take photos. You have to go right around the parents. Holy shit. There's no buried entry.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Yeah. Wow. Photos. Wow. I had a pager. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't allowed to have a pager. That was what my mom said only people that need pagers and cell phones were drug dealers and doctors yeah that's a good line hey and the thing is is that like i was telling you guys
Starting point is 01:35:16 the other day i was at the skate park the other day and there was some kid that my obvi was doing all these tricks and there's a kid there and every time obvi did a trick this kid's like i can do that i've been able to do that forever and this is going on for like 20 minutes right and i'm just like and this kid you know goes to school and is around other kids and yeah it's that whole big dicking dick measuring contest and finally obby just snapped on him dude do one then he just starts going off on the kid do one let me see you do one then. He just starts going off on the kid. Do one. Let me see you do one trick. And I just walked over there. I'm like, hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Don't let him get. Do not let him get under your skin. Yeah. Right in front of the kid, too. The kid's like, you know, shocked. I'm like, he knows. Everyone knows. Like, you the man.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Like, don't just chill. He's like, well, he's just sitting sitting here he's been sitting here the whole time telling me he all these tricks he can do I just want to see one I'm like I understand yeah yeah he could show you he would but he can't yeah yeah don't let him
Starting point is 01:36:20 12 DD you. Here we go. Dude, I almost didn't do the show this morning, dude. Wait, why? I don't know. I was just in a weird spot. It was the closest I ever came to not doing the show i was in a weird spot do you know what it is you want to know what it really is the other day god i don't think i should share this with these dildos the other day
Starting point is 01:37:05 maybe I should tell you off air okay if you feel that strongly about it it's no big deal I just know it's like the cop thing I know I'm gonna have to deal with if i share with these guys yeah jake and david and cave dastro will be just all up in my ass for the next six months they won't let it go i'm gonna be like okay one of your comments made me cry
Starting point is 01:37:37 and then it's just gonna be like by the way no one's fucking comments made me cry shut the fuck up i'm just saying it's gonna be something like that yeah we can keep a secret fuck you barry sometimes there'll be enough chum in the water where you attack too i've seen that shit bitch oh shit okay here we go uh hey someone just made a post that i really want to see uh uh brett let's talk about this in one second give me one second brett i do want to talk about what you're talking about right here hold on okay here we go i'm gonna play this a few times because this is good what ethnicity do you think this girl is is that a wig is that her real hair what is this creature looks like her real hair
Starting point is 01:38:22 she she looks like indian maybe uh she kind of looks like uh real hair. She looks like Indian, maybe? She kind of looks like she got some Rihanna in her. Hmm. Little RiRi. I have never in my life pronounced an L so hard as when I just went in here and asked the guy at Home Depot for some caulk. Caulk. Like some caulk.
Starting point is 01:38:43 I have never in my life pronounced an L so hard as when I just went in here and asked the guy at Home Depot for some caulk. Caulk. Caulk. Do you guys have any caulk? That accent threw me off. I don't ever pronounce the R in caulk. It's caulk. And what's the other word that I don't pronounce?
Starting point is 01:39:14 Duct tape. D-U-C-K. I don't pronounce it. It's D-U-C-T. Duct. I don't do duct tape. Duct tape? I think that's what it is, right?
Starting point is 01:39:26 D-U-C-T? Duct? That gray shit is called duct tape? Yep, you're absolutely right. I just have never thought about that before. But I don't do it. I just do quack. You got quack quack tape? Quack quack. Whip. Cool whip.
Starting point is 01:39:43 I'm vulnerable time with Sevan. I want the show to be funnier i'll just tell you that you guys can piece the rest together and like and and i was just down on myself that i wasn't making the show funny enough that's it fine i'm done uh brett and brett bauer uh what do you think about the crossfit it doesn't need to all be funny. I like the whole... I like the breadth and depth of the show. It's my favorite part of it. Yeah, like super serious stuff to then just something funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:15 You don't have a reaction from an audience. So sometimes some of the things you say, like when I'm listening on a drive or something, I'm literally laughing out loud or just being like, Oh my gosh. But you would never know that because sometimes it's just i mean you on here or maybe one text me right away text me right away i just have to laugh dude that was funny as shit yeah yeah there's been multiple times do you remember those phones where you didn't have to call someone there were people if they were like you could make it so if they had it
Starting point is 01:40:45 was i think it was called next tell oh the fucking walkie-talkie feature where you at dude dude obnoxious asshole on the subway dude i would have loved i would love to have one of those with you and my wife just a quick walkie-talk walk suza where are you i've called you six times i know it's only been 12 minutes six calls in 12 minutes we just have it hooked up to the speaker at the gym so when the phone's sitting there and you beep through it just comes across everything it's up to the intercom at the gym. Sousa. Like it's that guy again. Did you do Chad?
Starting point is 01:41:29 I did not. Good. Good. That shows you have an eye. Hey, that not doing Chad is the same as. Doing Chad is like is like just a lesser version of allowing that 50 year old to swim in the pool. By that, I mean, when you see a thousand and the 45 pound ruck on your back, you should be like, no, that's dumb. is like just a lesser version of allowing that 50 year old to swim in the pool by that i mean when you see a thousand and the 45 pound ruck on your back you should be like no that's dumb yeah yeah that doesn't make sense no that doesn't make any sense i will say when i saw that you did
Starting point is 01:41:55 it though i was like fuck maybe i should do it i did it because i spoke to jeremy it was stupid he got to me in the morning I'll do that yeah dude my mom came over when I was at I don't know five or six hundred and she was just oh hi I forget why she I don't even know why she came to my house but I was the only person at home
Starting point is 01:42:17 and I was in the garage doing it and she's like hi okay I just wanted blah blah blah I'm leaving I'm like no no stay here don't leave me. No, you know what sucks about that? Because there's, there'll be a whole, there'll be like a few seconds will pass. And I'll be like, Oh shit. Have I been counting? Yeah. But you can't cheat. You can't be like, well, I'm going to give myself a few clicks.
Starting point is 01:42:44 You just start where you left off. And so now you're trapped in your, you're just, well, you don't know if you did or if you can't cheat you can't be like well i'm gonna give myself a few clicks you just start what you left off and so now you're trapped in your you're just well you don't know if you did or if you didn't and then another or if you're like let's go by actually did i accidentally hit it twice and the last thing you want to do is be wrong like i don't want to know i i hate the thought of i did 989 but i said i did a thousand like fuck that i'd rather do a thousand and 11 and said i did a thousand yep for sure you know what i mean just because did a thousand like fuck that I'd rather do a thousand and eleven and said I did a thousand yep for sure you know what I mean just because I want to like know that I did it so there were a few times like that where I was a mess I was like just like did I click it did I click it too many times have I not clicked it in five minutes I was I'm like what the
Starting point is 01:43:18 and there would be these weird time jumps too where you look and it's like 200 and then you look again it's 239 you're like what I did 39 and then other times you think you did 50 but you've done 12 yeah yeah it's a head fuck it's a head fuck sounds like it i've never done that one so i didn't let my mom leave my mom and my mom was cool she could tell i was like i needed needed some backup yeah someone someone in the comments nailed it perfect too they said um that's pretty good that's like you almost didn't stop the entire time and i did stop once i only stopped once and i stopped once and i um put a little uh caffeine i drank a little caffeine in a cup of water smart probably i probably took like a 40 second break
Starting point is 01:44:05 and then and i felt it kick in like five minutes after i drank it i was like oh fuck in a cup of water. Smart. Probably. I probably took like a 40 second break. And then, and I felt it kick in like five minutes after I drank it. I was like, Oh fuck. Thank you. It's probably like at 700. I did that or 800. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:14 What is this? Brett Bauer? What do you think about the CF email? This am behind the scenes at the CrossFit games with team Richie. Please do tell. Did you get the email? No, I don't get it. I'm going to go to Craig Richie's YouTube station.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Do you see Hiller's latest video? The one, his pros and cons on taking the testosterone oh no don't watch it because you're gonna watch it in the last two that he says are like the pros yeah like definitely make you want to take it yeah yeah i believe personally like i mean he does a great job of laying it out like i think if anybody is contemplating ever taking the trT or is interested and wants to go to, you should definitely go watch that video that Heller did. It's great. And I think it's just a really good, like, he doesn't skew his opinions or anything. He just kind of gives you the hardcore facts on it from his, from his point of view, of course. What I did, he posted something about
Starting point is 01:45:21 testosterone recently and I was reading the comments and it was like 80 people who were on it, who were like singing its praises. Yeah. I would not, I would not want my hair to thin. No. I mean, obviously that like back me,
Starting point is 01:45:33 there's a couple of things that he kind of went through, but just the fact when he was like, I don't get tired during the middle of the day. And I just have this like energy, like, fuck, there's something that I could take that could do that. That has minimal.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Try peptides. I'm going to have... I mean, you saw what happened in that video. I ejected something. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's right. Oh, so look at this. Back to the...
Starting point is 01:45:58 So... Oh, I didn't realize his hair was so long. So... This went from his business was struggling. Oh, thank you. Oh, is this a love letter to Hiller, this thank you one? And then there's one, my skin is messed up. And you know what I think is the cause of that.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You think that dude's on the juice? No, not. Oh, I wasn't going to say that. Oh, I do. I was going to say something else. I think he is. And then back to the beginning.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Hmm. Interesting. I don't see his behind the scenes. Was it old? Click his videos. That tab. And then
Starting point is 01:47:03 because sometimes it arranges it in a weird order yeah no yeah oh my god he is jacked out of his mind yeah dude he looks he looks incredible um wait that would maybe also explain some of his emotional shit did you chat much with him at the games no but but i think by the time i left it was like it was
Starting point is 01:47:37 i mean i said i went out of my way to say hi to him and schnaz a lot like a lot yeah his chick okay um uh where is um i can't find um so what someone tell me about the email did you get the email i did not get the email no oh dan guerr Dan Guerrero, you get tired, Sousa. You know what's crazy, too? After I did Chad, I laid down and went into, like, this weird dream world. Like, I was, like, legitimately tired. I was, like, legitimately. Like, that workout wore you out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:21 I was legitimately. Yeah. I'm so sore. I'm going to go play tennis play tennis today though and try to loosen up nice i want to see that someone tell me probably just an email with a link to his old video i know but the thing is this they would have never let me do the behind the scenes if they didn't let heber and Craig do it. So when they let it, that's the thing. They don't take a stand on shit. So it's like it's this total like groups.
Starting point is 01:48:52 They're always worried about what's fair and what's not fair. So if they're saying if they're going to do that for him, then maybe I can do that for me. I can be like, that's not fair. You please do it for me. It's not fair. Just a short Armenian guy. Equity. Equity.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Yeah, that's what they need. I had a little Mexican girl help me. Mariah Moore does that. He didn't even he just had white people. Who else? Did we have anyone retarded help us with neuromuscular? No. Who was on our team?
Starting point is 01:49:41 Wait, I'm trying to think who was on our team. Paul, put me into that group. I'll be the slow one. We had an affiliate owner who was on our team. Paul, I'm into that group. I'll be the slow one. We had an affiliate owner who's semi-retarded. Who filmed with a lens cap on the whole time. We didn't trust him with a camera. God, who else helped us there? Oh, Rios helped us.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Rios. And his chick Bella. His wife Bella. Grace helped out a little bit. Rios could pass for wife Bella Rios could pass for gay We had a gay guy I know his wife was there But he's real artsy We had a gay guy Does he have Asian in him?
Starting point is 01:50:19 Yeah Did we have any black people help us? Was anyone black on our team? I mean you Besides me No No Were there any black people at the games?
Starting point is 01:50:32 Period Why is that funny? Jeremy's on the team Security You should have put Jeremy on the team security should have put Jeremy on the team dude he's security it really isn't enough though anymore
Starting point is 01:50:52 it's not like I guess black guy still works but gay white dudes nothing you don't check a fucking any of the equity boxes anymore dude gay white dudes, nothing. You don't check a fucking any of the equity boxes anymore. Dude, gay white dudes have endless energy. We got to find out what they're on. But they don't.
Starting point is 01:51:14 They're in poppers. But they don't score equity points for you. You need a lot of shit. equity points for you. Like you need, you need like, you need a lot of shit. You need to be like really fringe to get, uh, equity points these days. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:32 You gotta have a couple of different titles, right? Yeah. Good old family. You know, you needed four things to die from COVID for, uh, you four things to,
Starting point is 01:51:44 uh, you have to have at least four qualities that make a liberal think they're better than you before they allow you to be marginalized now they really oh shit how about this girl
Starting point is 01:51:59 are those black heads on her face that I want to pop happening with that i don't know that lens is crazy oh does she have a mustache look at that that's a crazy filter she has on that's a mustache yeah week a psychotic transgender person shot up a christian school in nashville tennessee six people died three of them were children. This is what the White House press secretary had to say. People don't want their freedoms to be taken.
Starting point is 01:52:29 They want us to fight for their freedoms. And so it is shameful. It is disturbing. And our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now. That came out.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Don't forget, guys. The same fucking week, the same week that those fucking kids were beheaded, babies were beheaded in their homes, and people were burned alive, the White House announced Islamophobia Week, their Islamophobia program, so that people won't hate people who believe in Islam. The same week that this Christian school was attacked and the kids and the teachers were murdered,
Starting point is 01:53:15 the White House said we need to protect trans people when it was a trans person that killed. I'm not saying that there's maybe not a place to protect trans people or a place to celebrate Islam, but this timing is fucking disgusting. It's crazy. Makes about sense. Wow, we live with fucking – we We live with fucking We just live with assholes Trans community is under attack We just don't know
Starting point is 01:53:51 By who or when Don't have any statistics on it Thoughts and prayers from the White House From old Jill From the big guy Here we go If you get a chance to watch any Interviews this guy, this guy is doing the circuit right now. His name is Mossab Hassan Youssef.
Starting point is 01:54:12 His father was the founder of Hamas. He grew up in Hamas. He's the son of the founder of Hamas. Here we go. I take the floor on behalf of you and watch. My name is Mossab Hassan Youssef. I grew up in Ramallah as the founder of Hamas. Here we go. I take the floor on behalf of the UN Watch. My name is Musab Hassan Youssef. I grew up in Ramallah as a member of Hamas. I address the words to the Palestinian Authority,
Starting point is 01:54:33 which claims to be the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. I ask, where does your legitimacy come from? The Palestinian people did not elect you, and they did not appoint you to represent them. You are self-appointed. Your accountability is not to your own people. This is evidenced by your own total violation for their human rights. In fact, the Palestinian individual and their human development is the least of your concerns. You kidnap Palestinian students from campus and torture them in your jails. You torture your political rivals. The suffering of the Palestinian people is the outcome
Starting point is 01:55:12 of your selfish political interest. You are the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people. If Israel did not exist, you would have no one to blame. Take responsibility for the outcome of your own actions. You fan the flames of conflict to maintain your abusive power. Finally, you use this platform to mislead the international community, to mislead the Palestinian society, to believe that Israel is responsible for problems you create. Thank you. Savage. Hey, if you get a chance, listen to him being interviewed. He's on fire. Imagine. Hey, Dad, what do you do for a living?
Starting point is 01:55:59 I'm a leader of a terrorist group. Well, what I do is I jump from whatever company's popular and making the most money. Last week, we supported the company that hated America that sold clothes. And this week, we're supporting the company that believes in America that sells clothes because I don't have any values. I just support whatever. I just support whatever.
Starting point is 01:56:25 I support Noble this week that supports OutWad, which supports child genital mutilation and enforces injections on all their employees. And then this week, they're gone. They went out of business. I'm supporting this company over here, Born Primitive, who stands up for values, human rights, America, freedom of thought, stands for the Constitution. Is this Industry Todd or something?
Starting point is 01:56:48 What happened? I'm fucking tripping. Am I out of the loop? You're in the loop. Okay. It's not Industry Todd. He's a douche too. What a fucking...
Starting point is 01:56:59 I'm letting something leak slowly that's been driving me crazy for the last 24 hours. It was in our thread. Okay. You can't see it if you don't. You have to. The guy. Although the guy has a big account. He's private.
Starting point is 01:57:11 You have to. You have to. You have to get in behind the paywall. But I'm just seeing these people sucking them off. And I'm just like. I text them late last night. I don't know if it was appropriate. I'm like crazy to see these fucking woke motherfuckers sucking you off now it's almost like they've never stood for anything
Starting point is 01:57:31 uh dan guerrero i don't know at all what's going on but if you want to do an eye for an eye i'm coming for you first if it were an eye for an eye wouldn't the whole world be blind i don't even know what that means i think it's like a quote there it is i quit be more funny i'm done with this show they accuse me of doubling down on my my laughter since you said that good please double down i need a it. Triple down. I'm just going to get a laugh track. Did you see the Shattuck in where it leaked? No. It's great.
Starting point is 01:58:14 But I did see somebody comment on one of them that was like, I've renovated a lot of houses. Just expect a lot worse, Caleb. I know. Caleb's like, thank you. I'm like, I don't know if that's like thank you i'm like i don't know if that deserved a thank you that's not a thank you it only gets worse from here kid you don't know what you're getting yourself into
Starting point is 01:58:32 i just i want i don't i don't I struggle although I'm surrounded by people who tell me keep explaining this populist idea to me I struggle believing that there's really people like that like how do they go to sleep at night or how do they keep the continuity of who they are if they just jump from from what's cool to what's cool if they don't align? Indeed, because the fear of not being accepted in the current group you're seeking acceptance in is much greater than being somebody that doesn't have a bedrock of values or a conviction to stand on.
Starting point is 01:59:28 Do they know that i think so and they probably don't view them like them as in like uh values or principles as important enough to um to worry about it they're more so worried about being accepted into the current the current group i mean there's a little bit of that in all of us, isn't it? Being the person that's going to stand up for like what you truly believe in and you've kind of like set the course of like, this is where I stand regardless of what happens. Like that shit's fucking hard. I mean, go to the vaccine, for instance, right? Like out of everybody around me, I was one of the very, very few people that didn't get
Starting point is 02:00:04 it. And for a period of time, I was ridiculed by everybody. I mean, everybody, not in the sense of like, you know, Oh, well, why not? But I'm not like super pushing to get it, but as is like, okay, well now you've made all of our lives harder. We can't go to this because you don't have the thing. And now we have to, you need the test or, Oh, you want to go, you want to go watch your wife graduate. Well, now we have to jump through hoops because you don't have the the thing and now we have to you need the test or oh you want to go you want to go watch your wife graduate well now we have to jump through hoops because you don't have the thing or now you can't stay at aunt fucking betty's house because you know you don't have the thing and they're afraid and you know and that was hard it'd been easier just to like go with it furrow my fucking brow if I want to.
Starting point is 02:00:49 There's a difference, I guess, between... There's this line where, like, being a coward versus being a two-faced piece of shit. Like, sure, there's some coward in me, but it's the two-faced piece of shit like sure there's some coward in me but it's the two-faced piece of shit part that i'm like yeah there's a lot of coward in me but it's the two-faced part that i'm like like what what did you what did you think what did you think noble was standing for when you were over there? They posted endless – what do you think is happening? What do you think that they stood for as a company? Everything that was not what allows us to enjoy our freedoms under the guise of being free.
Starting point is 02:01:48 It's just so gross. I just – what is this Nazi propaganda? Jake's wild. I mean Jake. David. David is wild. There's some wild shit on here sometimes What did you see that CrossFit gym that's partnering with the McDonald's
Starting point is 02:02:22 That's real dude there it sounds like they're in the same building dude they're partnered with it says it's a gourmet delight partner to give your life balance that's amazing dude it's crazy i'll show you in one second hold on i'm fat because i drink too much red wine i don't exercise enough that's not true you're not fat because of what you eat and how much exercise you do. That is the line that everybody is led to believe. Left you now and ran up and down Leicester Square for three hours and then went home and had a piece of lettuce
Starting point is 02:02:52 and then came and did the same tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. I would start to look like a supermodel. Only for a few months and then you would stop. In fact, you would start regaining weight within the first year. That is a fact. That's not fiction. That is an absolute fact. And there is literally no evidence that weight loss is going to benefit anybody's not fiction. That is a absolute fact. And there is
Starting point is 02:03:05 literally no evidence that weight loss is going to benefit anybody's health, whether they're a child or an adult. I'm willing to state my medical career on the fact that you are, that the lies that we've been sold about obesity, especially childhood obesity, are not true. They are there to benefit the weight loss industry, not to benefit people. It's very clear, up to 98% of people that attempt weight loss will have regained all the weight within five years. That clear up to 98 of people that attempt weight loss will have regained all the weight within five years that is up to 98 of people and that is absolutely unquestionable second thing this idea that energy in and energy out and energy calorie deficits and i'm fat because i drink too much red wine i don't exercise there is it there is some um uh I think it was Gary Taubes I saw somewhere, and I was talking to him.
Starting point is 02:03:48 And he – I don't want to put words in his mouth, but he was basically trying to explain to me that if you're fat, you're fucked. You're fat. That's it. Like there's no hope for you? No hope. I don't believe that. I know. I was struggling not to believe it either, but it's weird hearing it from someone like him.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Yeah. I mean, it could be easy to get jaded because I would say majority of the people, he's probably correct because wasn't it, Greg, that said majority of the obesity is caused by the mind? It's a psychiatric. He wasn't even saying that. He was going to try to say it like it's a reality. Not that he's arguing people's limitations, that it's just just a fact like the way it's a fact that tomorrow the sun will come up and he was gonna he was explaining it to me and with some sort of biological mechanism that once you're fat i think it had once you're if you're fat at a certain age you'll be fat your
Starting point is 02:04:40 whole life wow but but we have evidence we have people out there who aren't fat their whole life hillar was fat as a kid look at him now i've never seen i never even see hillar's weight fluctuate i never even see his body change yeah yeah killer was fat look at yeah yeah but i wonder if there's a third a certain threshold like you're gonna make that argument like are we saying that you were fat because you were chubby or were you like actually morbidly obese and then what was the time length in which because now hillar's been not fat longer than he's been fat right right so i don't think anyone's destined to be fat i think there was a time on planet earth where there were no fat people. For sure. I don't know when,
Starting point is 02:05:25 I don't know when that was, but I do think that I think there was a time when there were none. Someone that's impossible. Nope. I really think it was true. I think there was a time where it was like every single human, just like, I don't think that there's any fat lions in the wild.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Do you? No, there's not. It's carbohydrate. I don't think there's one fat lion in the world. Yeah. You know, like in the wild. I bet there's probably, and I know this doesn't equal causation, but I bet you there's a strong correlation between the fatter we got, the more the mental health issues came into play.
Starting point is 02:05:59 Oh, for sure. Right? Like you could probably see that Like rise pretty Much in tandem Hey dude what do you think about this fucking extremist thought You ready for this If you claim any mental illness And you still have a smartphone Fuck you
Starting point is 02:06:14 Don't talk to me until you get rid of your smartphone You gotta get rid of your smartphone for three days Or sorry three months No smartphone for you for three months now let me see if you're mentally ill i bet you that cures half of it yeah you're probably right that and if you started every single morning with some sort of walk outside so why wouldn't you get rid of your smartphone well because i need it right i need it try to leave your fucking house i'll leave my house without mine you know I'm like, you know, every single move, every single person I know who says dumb shit to me, which is like when you see one.
Starting point is 02:06:51 And I, you know, when you sit on the high horse that I sit on, it's like almost everyone's saying dumb shit to you all day. They they all know every single bit they got from their phone. No one ever says anything dumb to me that they came up with on their own. All the shit they came up with on their own sounds like cool to me. Interesting. Yeah, just get rid of your phone. You don't want to be mentally ill, just get rid of your phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:23 I wonder how much that affects all of our thoughts, right? Just get rid of your phone yeah i wonder how much that affects all of our thoughts right just get rid of your smartphone fuck yeah i mean big time unless you're fucking a steel trap like me brain like mine it's fucking you up i know the further i have space from like my phone and different things like that the more uh there's like a weird period where it feels like there's not a lot of change. And then there's this period where it feels like I'm able to make a lot more connections between things and have like a lot more creativity in my thought.
Starting point is 02:07:52 When you distance yourself from your phone? Yeah. Like, so all, I have this bad habit, I'll admit it, that I would go back in between classes real quick or if the class is out on 800 meter run and my phone's sitting up by where the music is, I would like turn the phone up and then I would like look through it real quick, or if the class is out on 800 meter run and my phone's sitting up by where the music is, I would like turn the phone up and then I would like look through it real quick. Because I mean, you know how much activity goes down in our text messages and
Starting point is 02:08:12 emails. And I mean, it's fucking insane. And so I would feel like, okay, I don't want to get that behind. I'll just, I'll just check it. But then all of a sudden I check it. And then there's like, now there's, there's other stuff in my space. I'm no longer focused on the 10 people coming back from the run. I'm thinking, oh shit, I didn't get back to so-and-so. Oh, do we have to do this? Oh, do I have to do that? Oh, I got to send this email.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Or oh fuck, I forgot to send this. So now I'm like thinking about my response of what I'm going to send, right? And so that just starts to cloud everything. But if I go through multiple classes and now I've just been putting it in the office, by that second or third class I teach, it just feels more clear. And I'm able to like make more connections, not only with people, but with more of my thoughts just by having that much space.
Starting point is 02:08:51 And that's not even like necessarily the internet. I mean, it is, but it could also just be like everything that's kind of coming into, you know, my thought process. And I never miss my phone too. So like if I go play tennis with my kids, like I'll be looking at my phone, looking at my phone and i won't want to set it down because i'll be involved in something but the second i set it down you forget about it you're like done yeah yeah or
Starting point is 02:09:15 like if i forget my phone at home and go to the beach i'm not panicked at all yeah yeah you're free you have the family there with you you got everything yeah yeah i'm good i'm good i don't like yeah i'm good uh pool boy uh i was i was fat as fuck as a kid super-sized coke and fries i loved it my parents didn't realize until it was too late but then they made my ass move and didn't let me eat cake on my birthday abuse well thank you for sharing your abusive relationship with your parents and food my dad fat shamed me pretty good damn i was chubby as a kid i find it really easy to lose weight because i was tapped into the ability and discipline had this convo with my wife the other night i asked am i ignorant to think it's
Starting point is 02:09:59 easy my dad used to make me run. I mean, we were just always supposed to be outside. Like, we just weren't really allowed inside as kids. I got my kid a Switch. A Nintendo Switch. And they started fighting over it. i got him another nintendo switch and they still fought over it and i got him a third nintendo switch and they were still fighting that story's not 100 true but the spirit of what i'm saying is true i think the third one i got wasn't a nintendo switch it was something else, but you get the message.
Starting point is 02:10:46 This went on for like, I don't know, two months. I just took them all away and put them in my underwear drawer. Makes life easier for you. Dude, it's been... Dude. And so they've been in my underwear drawer now for like five months.
Starting point is 02:11:02 And yesterday, one of my kids was like, hey, can we have that video game back and oh so so i did pull it out i did pull it out and took it with me when i went to la so obby could play with it he didn't play with it yeah but uh for that chargers game um we just hung out the whole time but um but the other like yesterday maybe joseph or one of my kids asked for it and i was like, nah, we're good. And he goes, when do we get it back? I'm like, I don't think ever, but dude, my house is like the whole point of those was just like to bring happiness to their life.
Starting point is 02:11:31 They didn't bring happiness to their life. Just brought another thing. Dude. Another thing to worry about, argue about. I tell them that all the time. I'm like, I know you're going to find this hard to believe, but when I give you shit, i tell them that all the time i'm like i know you're gonna find this hard to believe but when i give you um uh it sucks because i know i'm giving you misery you know what was funny too is uh when we first got video games and like we would act out
Starting point is 02:11:59 there wouldn't be a lot like said because we knew that we wanted to come home play the video game and stuff my dad would just take the power cord with him to work oh so you didn't nothing ever looked like it was nothing was changed right so you go there and you're like go to hit the button you're like what the fuck why isn't the playstation wow that's gangster and you look back and the cord's gone and you're like where's the cord did we and then you know all of a sudden dad comes home he's like oh i heard you're looking for the power cord we're like yeah he's like yeah that's a that's at my office in san leandro when you guys quit acting like dib shits you'll get it back he's like okay well uh dan guerrero uh that's i think he's saying
Starting point is 02:12:36 that's really expensive for the switches yeah you should see my fucking new bentley you should see all the fucking money i'm making from you fucking dipshits. Please like and subscribe. Yeah, thank you. Buy Paper Street Coffee. Remember how I told you the code gives you 15% off? It actually, when you use the code, it puts $300 in my bank account. Jack asses. Bad parenting.
Starting point is 02:13:05 I'll take it. My kids are always outside. Well, I enjoy watching them play video games. I really liked video games as a kid. I enjoy watching my kids play video games. Maybe it's still bad parenting, but I enjoy watching my kids do stuff. My kids are always outside or playing sports and they eat very well. They're lean and healthy and love life.
Starting point is 02:13:30 It's not that difficult to compute what this comes down to is lazy parenting. Yeah. Yeah. Now that I think about it, my dad played a lot of the games with us or like was present with us. You know, it was very little of just like going there and, and I'm sure that, think about it my dad played a lot of the games with us or like was present with us you know it was very little of just like going there and and i'm sure that that happened a little bit if
Starting point is 02:13:50 they needed some space or something but i played atari i played atari for six hours a day for straight for three years it's impressive yeah i had 200 cartridges on the 2600 but i also rode my bike two miles to toys r us at nine years old with my mom's credit card and fucking went to toys r us and like got the game and the guy would go behind that metal corral remember those things where all the expensive shit was and bring out the game. And then I ride it two miles home. Sevan's dog, 220 pounds and a six pack at 49. Juice, you're juiced.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Tell me you're juiced. No, you know you can't. You want to hear something that's really fucked up, Kenneth? I signed the switches. I don't recommend anyone buy a switch. They are stupid. They're so stupid for so many reasons. One, you buy them, and I signed both switches in with the same email account,
Starting point is 02:15:03 so you basically can't play them both at the same time. And once you put an email account on a switch, you cannot take take it off it's on there for the life of the fucking device it is nuts and if you go online and start trying to figure out ways to crack the code it is fucking nuts so i fucked that up for starters so basically it's really like i just have one and then second of all anytime you want a game, it's like fucking between $30 and $60. Jeez. And you don't even get the cartridge. It's just a joke.
Starting point is 02:15:33 It's so stupid. I won't dip into video games again for my kids. They're going to have to do that. That's crazy that the price didn't come down a little bit because you don't have to package it and distribute it and all the costs that are associated with that you figure the game would be like nine bucks dude it's so crazy and they're not even i don't even think there's great games on it a frank dubac trying to make breakfast while listening to the sebon podcast with my kids bad parenting that's for sure it's your fault that they're fighting okay yeah fine yeah sure i'll take it yeah so i took it away it's
Starting point is 02:16:08 my fault they're not fighting it's my fault they all have huge dicks too i understand bernie gannon now if you're a teacher and you temporarily remove a kid's phone or switch you invite a beat down what wait what does that mean i mean meaning like if you if you're if you're like in you i've seen videos of that like the teacher takes the phone from the kid and the kid attacks the teacher i was just having a conversation with one of my members that's also a teacher and there's zero ability at least the way that they feel in the district that they work in to uh to even almost it's almost like the situation with like the police a little bit like you you almost don't want to intervene or scold a kid because their chances are like nine out of ten parents now will come back and say hey you did this to little johnny
Starting point is 02:16:56 and like now we you know we're gonna channel five will show up at your school yeah there's like you're the problem not my kid we don't want any adversity in the womb. Turkeys do lay eggs. Turkeys do lay eggs. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go. Here we go again.
Starting point is 02:17:20 Tank, sit down, buddy. Sit down. Tank is a very complex man you know that yeah a man with deep passion and love get all right intolerance but uh clothes uh but also a man of uh yeah i don't know what the other part is but but the man is something else, too. Here we go. Are there any Muslim countries that are accepting Palestinian refugees? No, they never have. That seems insane because there's all this support for the Palestinians. If you're Islamic, if you're a Muslim and you want to support these Muslims,
Starting point is 02:18:00 wouldn't you support the idea that your country, this Muslim country, would accept those people and they could be in a place where they could be free? Now, 22 Arab nations, over 40 Muslim nations internationally, right? There's one Jew nation and that one Jew nation, Israel, has done more for the Palestinian people than... I get a little aroused when he says Jew nation. Jew nation. God, my wife's body's insane jewish women have really nice bodies it's nuts any other nation ever so it's it's ludicrous and it's insulting to the palestinian people to start throwing stones at israel when they're good carrying babies too my wife was such a good baby carrier you know like people be like don't reduce
Starting point is 02:18:46 a woman just to being a baby carrier like reduce them how about don't elevate them to just being a baby carrier the fuck's wrong with being a baby carrier sounds like a fucking great what do you do i make babies no shit what do you do i just suck whatever clothing brand off is this big in the crossfit space i like the baby maker i'm just a fucking sellout i do whatever's fucking cool this week i drink rain for cash i'm a baby maker in fact they're the only group that has been trying to protect in any administrative way provide food water and resources to the people that are there over 40 muslim countries not one of them is accepting any palestinian refugees what is the answer to that like why they're a problem that is with the with the radicals that are embedded inside of them.
Starting point is 02:19:45 How do you differentiate between who is a peaceful Muslim Palestinian to who is a radical that is working for Hamas? How do you differentiate between the people in the CrossFit space who are authentic and the ones that support child genital mutilation this week and then this week they don't? Because all of a sudden that clothing company is out of business now we're on top of this one dude these companies are coming at us with values now they didn't have to they don't have to you can you can just be chill and be neutral you don't have to but if they are and you're jumping on the bandwagon with them um then i'm then i'm then you're gonna fucking uh feel feel the wrath too uh seven can we hurry up uh i'd like to go and research turkey eggs but wait what if the individual you're speaking of had a change of mind you then you should you you i think you should apologize i think that listen if your stance is to support someone who believes it's
Starting point is 02:20:57 like you know these people that have come out like these people who've gotten the trend the transitions like you know these girls who likes basically i know people are going to hate this but this is this i'm going to tell you what the truth is these women who end up embracing becoming men i'm not talking about the men who become women but the women who want to become men the vast majority of them are doing it for one reason and one reason only to protect themselves from men they were raped by a fucking man at some fucking age and now their idea the way the brain works is like i'm going to become a man so more men won't hurt me that's like the big that's the mechanism right there there's something that they're scared of and they think that if they become a man they're going to be protected from it i get it i'm not even judging that that's cool
Starting point is 02:21:40 fine cool i get it That's cool. Fine. I get it. What was the question? I was asking who they apologized to. Oh, so then these women, they do this unconsciously. And now they're transitioning back. They're realizing like, holy fuck, I don't feel better now that I'm a man. I don't feel better that I transitioned to a man and they're coming back as women and they're speaking it about it. They're like, oh my God, I wish I wouldn't have cut my tits off. I wish there wouldn't have been an adult there. So when I was raped, when I was 12 and I wanted to transition, they would have helped me in other ways. So by the time I was 18 or 25 and my brain has fucking, I have a complete brain. I could realize that, okay, I've gone through some trauma and I can deal with it in a way
Starting point is 02:22:29 that doesn't involve cutting my tits off and becoming a man. That I didn't let the trauma manifest as in hurting myself. And so they come publicly forward with it and share that with the world. So other 12 year old girls don't make that mistake another piece of shit adults don't fucking help 12 year olds mutilate their fucking bodies you follow me right yep so going back to this clothing company thing if you're fucking supporting fucking noble which is a fucking activist clothing line they made up that name noble before they even had a product if that doesn't tell you they're a fucking pile of shit i don't know what does but let's say you don't figure that out okay right like they weren't passionate like greg wasn't
Starting point is 02:23:17 like okay i got this killer name for crossfit let me put this workout fucking methodology with it wasn't like that at all it was like holy fuck i found a way to train in the off season when i'm not doing gymnastics that gives me the same stimulus as gymnastics wow this is really potent fuck what could i call it crossfit okay that's good okay okay do you know what i'm saying so these fucking assholes these zero value assholes then make their company an activist company under the guise of being a clothing company and if you're on that fucking bandwagon then you're basically saying i support that what they believe in and what did they believe in they believed in child general mutilation they believed in forced injections
Starting point is 02:23:54 on their staff they believed in taking the pride flag from gay people and fucking ruining it and letting pedophiles fucking join the group. They joined. They believe in sexualizing everything. So you're buying their shit. You're wearing their shit. You're taking their money. That's cool. I'm cool.
Starting point is 02:24:16 I see what team you're on. Cool. But then don't jump over onto the other team without explaining yourself. Without some sort of acknowledgement of how you made that leap. When Tyson Bajent signs with the 49ers in three years, we're going to know it's because there was a trade. That with his job came, there were some boundaries and some rules, and his contract came
Starting point is 02:24:45 up and that he got traded and that it was for an extra 72 million dollars a year and we're gonna be like okay we get it that's a nice chunk of change yeah so so if you're a fucking noble sellout and all of a sudden you're jumping on the american company like just say just be like yep i chase shit for money that's the part i'm like having trouble processing like you're not telling me while you're why you jump and ship while you're changing outwardly and so like i'm tripping i'm making up my own story that's what i'm that's you know what i mean instead of being like wow is this person just chasing the money or did they have a change of heart that's what you were asking right in the beginning you're like what if they have a change
Starting point is 02:25:24 of heart i'm all for having a change of heart? That's what you were asking right in the beginning. You're like, what if they have a change of heart? I'm all for having a change of heart. I'm all for having change. I totally get the sentiment of Black Lives Matter. I totally get this sentiment of affirmative action. But at some point you have to be like, holy shit. They're making it. So we live in a society now where if you see any woman or black man, you can walk up to them and be like, did you get your job because you're black? Did you get your job because you have a vagina?
Starting point is 02:25:58 Total legitimate question. Not offensive. Not rude. Why? Because we're openly hiring people because they're black and because they have vaginas. Yeah. why because we're openly hiring people because they're black and because they have vaginas yeah you can't you can't see any woman out there who has a job and not wonder if she didn't get the job because she has a vagina does anyone disagree with me same with being black they fucking they and so now every black person and everyone with a vagina has to deal with that premise because we've made it so that we're hiring people.
Starting point is 02:26:27 We're treating people exactly the opposite of the way Martin Luther King said to treat them. We're not judging them on their character. On the content of their character. Yeah, we're judging them on what kind of car they drive. Do you drive the vagina car or the penis car? Do you drive the black car or the white car? It's totally fair.
Starting point is 02:26:44 That's why you see mad marvin here being like fuck dude it's fucked for my kids now no one's gonna think they earn their shit yeah you better hope it's not the pilot flying your plane yeah exactly because you don't want to have to guess why they're in their job you just want to assume they're a really great fucking pilot regardless of any of those other things we've mentioned uh but fuck sam dancer's a good dude sam dance and here's the thing i'm not saying that you couldn't yeah i'm not gonna go down there yeah that's the thing remember how i told you i have like friends and i'm like i have people that i like that i know are good people and i'm trying to figure out how the fuck are they navigating this
Starting point is 02:27:19 you think they're that honest with themselves easy to ignore you mean just they're just fucking stupid i mean there's a lot of just fucking stupid people out there there's so many the vast majority of people are stupid yeah well you could weed it out because if you start to go down the rabbit hole of conversation not in an accusatory way but just like in an open way of like well if this equals this how do you stand for this and then quickly it devolves into like i don't think that deeply about it i don't know i don't want to have this conversation you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's kind of an inside of what um that might be along the line of their along the line of their thinking right there's a saying like,
Starting point is 02:28:07 everyone wants to be gangster until it's time to do some gangster shit. Right, right. And nobody's fucking around anymore. Right. Everybody wants to be in line. I want to support the peace, love, accept everyone company until it comes to child genital mutilation.
Starting point is 02:28:17 Then I'm going to look away. Yeah. I mean, what there is a, I was going to send this to you because I thought this might be a good point of conversation, but it was like if you don't and this of course was like a graffiti
Starting point is 02:28:32 account I follow, so there's some sort of graffiti on the thing and it said if you don't like the graffiti, just look away like you do with every other company that uses child slave labor. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, that's the thing too. Like I use this and I admit,
Starting point is 02:28:47 Oh, just admit, Hey, I'm having trouble processing this. I don't know how to process this. It's the same with my, I use an iPhone and I do suspect it's made with child labor and I do suspect, and I have heard that the Chinese have harvested in the last two years,
Starting point is 02:29:01 um, organs from over 300,000 North Korean children. I know it's fucked and yet i'm supporting the chinese economy i i really i have no justification why i'm pro choice i can't explain it i i understand it's baby killing them it's fucked up so you think the non-acknowledgement of that or the the inability to communicate that is is actually the issue not not where you land on the fence, but just how you got there. The dishonesty, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:28 Just like if you can't – I don't want to see you switch. I'm not sure if I understood your question, but when I see people switching publicly, these chasms that I see as opposites, I'm like, how are they fucking – how are they reconciling that inside themselves? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You are a vegan because you believe that it's – other creatures shouldn't die for you. Okay. I feel you on that. And yet you're a fucking billionaire and you own 27 McDonald's? Struggling a little bit.
Starting point is 02:30:14 Struggling a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's almost – it's not necessarily the answer. There's an inconsistency there that I'm just like – and, dude, even that one I accept more than their fucking jumping from noble to fucking born primitive. Yeah, it's not the answer you're focused on. That's the same way I like it. It's not the answer that you gave me. I want to know how you got there more importantly.
Starting point is 02:30:38 Yeah. Like – Or I want you to acknowledge that like, yeah, I'm a sellout. I chase the money. Or yeah, I've changed my mind or like, like I'm seeing you as a person do this. And I'm just like, what the fuck is going on here? This, like, this is one that trips me. Like, this is one that trips me out.
Starting point is 02:30:56 Look at this one. I talked about this one the other day on the show. This guy, this guy has tat. Look what this guy has tattooed on his, on his wrist. This is a heartbreak for me stillness is the key I was a big holiday fan until 2020
Starting point is 02:31:11 stillness he has tattooed that should tell you everything that should he has tattooed on him stillness is the key R.I.P. Ryan Holiday it just makes him I don't mean to be blasphemous
Starting point is 02:31:52 to the Christians out there but it's like false prophet shit it's like he's a charlatan he's a and it's okay I still think like maybe he's spreading the good message but then like I'm okay taking stuff and reading it to you out of this book. But then if you start following me because I'm reading you good quotes out of the Tao Te Ching,
Starting point is 02:32:10 the Tao never does anything yet through it. All things are done. But the next thing I, you know, I'm, I'm convincing you to fucking drink a Gatorade after every workout. I just think that there's a, uh,
Starting point is 02:32:23 you should be called out. There's a disingenuous in it. Yeah. It's like, dude, you're like every other line out of his mouth should be like, Hey guys, I'm just repeating to you what I learned somewhere. I'm actually not able to practice this myself. I'm trying my hardest. Well, the interesting thing about Ryan holiday is he, one of the first books he wrote was a book called, uh, uh, trust me, I'm lying. And it was about, and it was about this um marketing uh campaign he did when he first worked for american apparel when that company was becoming bigger and he essentially like manufactured this outrage for um like a a gay play or something like
Starting point is 02:32:59 that i don't remember a hundred percent the details of it but he kind of gives you the playbook on these corporate interests and how they actually use people's values, quote unquote, to just sell more stuff to manufacture their interests one way or the other. That makes me nauseous, made my skin crawl a little bit right there, but that's why I appreciate Red Bull's commercials. That's what i wanted crossfit to do what because it says red bull gives you wings but they all yeah it's not like it's just and it's just absurd yeah it's just like we know thank you we get it like you like i like what paul saladino says when you drink that shit you're you're on borrowed time like you're gonna pay for it somewhere else like you know like you you know um yeah hot dogs are lips and assholes oh geez that was aggressive wow like the sky in that photo with the beach. That's a good photo. Hey, so all he has to do is now – what's the guy's name?
Starting point is 02:34:13 Ryan Holiday? Yeah. All he has to do now is be like, oh, a wave of unconsciousness came over me. And instead of sitting in stillness, you witnessed me react to something i contracted inside of my head and then reacted to my own thoughts seven what are you talking about so if someone calls you an asshole the word asshole does not bother you everyone here knows that right you don't give a shit about the word asshole but then it goes into you and you have a reaction to it in your head and then that's what you're reacting to that's why you yell fuck you you don't yell fuck you because the guy called you an
Starting point is 02:35:14 asshole there's a little step in there in between that a lot of people like fall asleep and miss yep right yeah and so and so it's that little step in there that you react to so so ryan holiday when you're in stillness when you when you're in stillness you don't and you're like i'm gonna get the tattoo that says stillness you you have that thought yep but you don't go get it but you don't go get it. Yeah. Yeah. You just,
Starting point is 02:35:47 you just didn't do, you just didn't do the stillness thing. I had granted. Now granted, he may have had all of those thoughts and still gotten it. And I could be totally wrong. And, and,
Starting point is 02:35:55 and only he knows. And so the joke could be on me, but I team this up with the fact of what he did with the, around the injections. And it's like, I just know he's fucking, he's asleep. I don't even know if he ever woke back up again. fact of what he did with the, around the injections. And it's like, I just know he's fucking, he's asleep. I don't even know if he ever woke back up again.
Starting point is 02:36:08 He still, he fell back in, he fell inside between his ears and he might not be able to get out. Yeah. And this is completely judgmental and I have nothing to base this off of, but people that tend to like grow up in that LA Hollywood area, like are all fucking like that. Like they all want to be this like deep, like being and at the end of the day they're just searching for acceptance
Starting point is 02:36:30 by the popular group but they just don't want to admit it like when that dude josh the twitter guy the guy the cmo at crossfit when i was watching like his things on on like how to be a successful social media person his whole thing was like it's important to be a successful social media person. His whole thing was like, it's important to be authentic. I just want to ask you what that means, dude. That's like the LA talk. You have to be authentic. Be yourself. Man, it really fucked me up when Greg talked about him for like five minutes and he said like, hey, we know this guy.
Starting point is 02:36:59 We know these characters and they have nothing to offer you. And I was like, he was talking directly about the CMO, but I was like, oh, fuck. That's everybody at CrossFit. Like, it was one of those things that stuck to me. And I don't think Greg may have meant it that deep. I think he might have just been talking within the context of what he was having that point on.
Starting point is 02:37:20 But it was like one of those things that when he said it, it was like, and then I was like, oh, shit. This has just been a thing for the last three years they have nothing to offer us that mentality the direction they're pulling everything the way that they they're they view the landscape and market of crossfit like yeah they fucking they have nothing to offer us i i said um i like this metaphor um they have uh also about the workforce there they have 75 menus and no and no kitchen oh yeah okay no kitchen that's a good one like they have all these offerings but not not really because once you choose it we can't have it how do you how do you have like the idea of having a marketing team as opposed to a media team is just nuts to me.
Starting point is 02:38:08 It's yeah, it doesn't make any sense. There are people who can actually do that. The L1 team can, though. Dave's team can. They can do stuff. That's the team. The reason why that team is so successful is because it has 170 doers. They can all get up in front of a crowd and perform magic tricks. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:38:24 They have an offering yeah you can entertain entertain educate enlighten they they have they they can do shit they prefer their performers they got skills yeah and they also many other people that just like they birth the affiliate owners right like so through that group like that's how you get the affiliate owners and i i would have to learn more about the company in general but if i were to place a bet birth the affiliate owners yes i would place the bet that the strongest line of revenue um is your affiliate ship and i think that everything stems from that line of revenue of affiliate ship and if that line isn't strong then i think the games crumble because i think they're subsidized by affiliate
Starting point is 02:39:05 ship in terms of their spending and i think training starts to suffer as well because and it doesn't matter if affiliateship subsidizes training that's important because one's propping up kind of the thing that births the other right when affiliateship subsidizes everything else underneath that umbrella of crossfit including your half-baked ideas that is just burning through cash that aren't working. And you have nothing to offer the affiliates in terms of philosophical direction. For me, that's more important than a fucking advertisement campaign, philosophical direction, a mission, a vision. Then it gets kind of sketchy because once that line starts to fall away the whole the whole thing is a house of cards that falls in on itself i mean you probably know a little bit more about
Starting point is 02:39:48 that than me this is just an assumption i'm just an outsider looking in you you nailed it oh good um no you go ahead no i was just gonna say one last thing i wanted to make on the point that you're making about the noble to born primitively. I've had this buddy of mine that was super hot headed and he was always getting in fights. Like, I mean, it was just a drop of the hat. One time I asked him, I was like, dude, what's the most important thing to you? And he's like, well, my family, my mom, my sisters. I said, no, it's not.
Starting point is 02:40:19 And he was like, yeah, it is. And I was like, no, it's protecting your ego. Because if that was really important, every time you get out of the car and get into a fight or every time something happens at a bar and you get to a fight, you send your mom through the fucking ringer. She has to deal with this now.
Starting point is 02:40:34 You have to go to court. Like people don't realize like, oh yeah, it's just a road raising. Like dude, if somebody presses charges, this is going to take a year out of your life. You're going to have to go to multiple course cases. You're going to have to hire lawyers. You're going to have to go to multiple course cases. You're going to have to hire lawyers. You're going to have to try to keep yourself out of jail because someone's pressing assault charges on you.
Starting point is 02:40:49 Right? And so I'm like, it's impossible because – Dude, that's the Palestinian thing. That's the BLM thing. You got all these fucking white students like, black lives matter, black – and you're just making their fucking life worse. It's like – You don't care about them. You don't care about the palestinian people
Starting point is 02:41:05 if you care about palestinian people you would want them free from hamas and you want them to get the fuck out of gaza if you cared about them if you if you want if you're if your most important thing for them was you wanted them to to stay alive which which they don't they're not even thinking so i'm going to read you this comment there's a um there was one in here um oh it says jesus christ grown men except for bill crying like babies over the mean new owners. If you believe in the services you offer, stop paying corporate and go rely on yourself. There are 10,000 small businesses, mom-and-pop businesses. This isn't just like us arguing whether you should have to clap your head over your head if a burpee counts. That's like a different show.
Starting point is 02:42:12 You know what I mean? Does it, there's a difference between Hiller calling Danny Spiegel out on locking out her, uh, elbows versus him calling, uh, de Coons out for, for, for, uh, not having an L one. There's levels to this shit. Someone, someone else writes CrossFit's a company, not a religion. Functional fitness is an awesome sport, but not the only one that promotes health. That's reality. And that's okay. We can all continue to enjoy the sport and the community and work out hard and see progress. You're not getting it again.
Starting point is 02:42:37 This thing, CrossFit, is fulfilling something that CNN fulfills for some people and the church fulfills for some people and the church fulfills for some people. And you're talking in a vacuum without recognizing it's human beings who embrace this. They want to make it their whole life. They want to be able to do it and stay healthy. And they want to be able to do it so they can help other people so that they can sleep well at night and tell their kids that they fucking added and helped the world. It's not just uh it's not just uh and they don't want it fucked up imagine how cool it used to be to be a doctor
Starting point is 02:43:13 20 years ago now we all know that they're fucking just drug pushers and that you're sifting through to find one that's not like we don't want that to happen to crossfit if dave wasn't there anymore this whole thing would be crazy right if what if dave wasn't there well man i would i would i would yeah it would be true i i think there would already be if dave wasn't there i think there would already already be another affiliate program uh sebi i know i'm still i keep thinking of this thing i just keep i in my head i just keep thinking of starting an affiliate program and i just and but i want there to be a competition piece and i was thinking where would the competition be like still have like something that's like and where did I think the other day that I finally came up with a place? Fuck I can't remember
Starting point is 02:44:17 But i've been every day i've been spending like time mulling this over. Um, Sebi, I know i'm still stuck on this mostly because you fucked me up But susa should have been on the update show on friday what are his thoughts in uh in regards to what sorry i can't remember sorry in regards to what i have to pee and i have to go i should have been gone 30 minutes ago me too i'm like holding off to go into the gym but i was just enjoying this conversation with you like forever since i've been on so yeah i'm glad you came on i know just got back from what happened to monkey pox
Starting point is 02:44:47 it was it wasn't as profitable people oh shit tomorrow's state of the industry holy. We got some studying to do. Wow. Tomorrow's show is going to be crazy, guys. Tomorrow morning, Chris Cooper is coming on. Yeah. 2022 State of the Industry Report. 2023 State of the Industry Report report this is the old one
Starting point is 02:45:26 tomorrow the new one launches here on the Sevan podcast I'm so excited I'm so appreciative of Chris of trusting us to represent oh my goodness asymmetric ears Sevan you are funny great show again thank you um so so
Starting point is 02:45:50 this is this I just want to tell you really quick so there's a PDF of this and then there's a hard copy of this and the hard copy is beautiful I can't stop touching it whenever I hold it but basically this has everything you'd want to know about running a gym not in the united
Starting point is 02:46:06 states not in canada but anywhere in the world in terms of just like the hardcore metrics from a survey they did i want to say with like 10 000 gyms or 15 000 gyms not just crossfit gyms but all boutique gyms across the planet so so like and everything is just broken down so the like like here look at this percent where the revenue comes from for for gyms and it says uh for crossfit gyms three percent comes from supplements on average martial arts gyms it's three percent access only gyms it's six percent um uh the training uh the kids they got it broken down How much to cross 5% of the revenue That CrossFit gyms make comes from Kids classes
Starting point is 02:46:49 Strength and conditioning gyms it's 62% And martial arts gyms it's 52% That makes sense And everything's broken down in here Like the average cost per square foot What time is the best Hours to be open that people attend gyms In different countries's it's pretty uh it's thorough it is it's awesome
Starting point is 02:47:13 i'm excited to kind of dive into some of the numbers with um chris too especially the cost of uh the expenses year over year and how that's risen and what that'll mean for the future of affiliates average wage of highest earning staff members across all gyms twenty eight thousand seven hundred nine dollars access only gyms the people make more money forty four thousand two hundred fifty one dollars let's see crossfit gyms are the set oh no crossfit gyms are the lowest the lowest paying wow between martial arts other personal training strength and conditioning gyms are the set oh no crossfit gyms are the lowest the lowest pain wow between martial arts other personal training strength and conditioning gyms all right yep thanks for coming on tomorrow's show is going to be big. 7 a.m. Chris Cooper. I'm excited.
Starting point is 02:48:08 I think you said Chris Henshaw. Isn't it Chris Cooper? Sorry if I said Henshaw. I meant Cooper. Chris Cooper. Yeah, the dude from Canada. Largest gym consulting company in the world. Mason. Broke, broke, and broke. Fuck, I wish he was wrong. For the majority, he's he's alright and then Tuesday
Starting point is 02:48:28 believe it or not and I'm I mean that believe it or not Tyson Bajan's coming on alright love you guys bye bye Susan thanks for coming

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