The Sevan Podcast - The John Young 100 & Brooke Ence | After the Games

Episode Date: April 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply heart attack right now dude look at him fuck the nerves are going this is good this is good shit is hillar coming on or what damn we're live i just text him i said you coming on damn dude i'm sorry i'm still eating is it even 9 30 yet oh no this is casual john likes it that it's casual all right i'm almost done these are egg white bites this is like the shit you buy at starbucks with some uh you ever heard of yellow bird the hot sauce yeah yeah hey you made those
Starting point is 00:01:23 do you have a little machine that makes those do you have like a a pan and i'll tell you yeah yeah so i tell you how you do it so i take three cups of cottage cheese three cups of egg whites put them in a blender blend them up a little bit of garlic salt pepper roasted red pepper as well and then you just pour them out in these little like muffin cups basically in those like muffin pan tray. Yeah. Bake them for like 20 minutes. And they're like, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:48 seven grams of protein per maybe no bacon, no bacon. I sometimes Lizzie, I sometimes like when I make them, I just make it easy. I don't like to go through all that effort. Um, but Lizzie puts bacon and sausage in them sometimes,
Starting point is 00:02:02 but I eat like five or six of them at a time. That's like 50 grams of protein. It's awesome. Well, I think it's really unprofessional to eat on a podcast, Taylor. And I put – that yellow bird has a sriracha. Dude, I love their habanero hot sauce, but their sriracha is insane. Habanero. I love habanero also.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Please repeat that recipe. I actually marked that, and we'll make that into a clip. Sick. Breakfast of champions. That's Lizzie's. That's Lizzie's recipe, so credit to her. She's doing grace in my garage right now. Not a girl, but. Speaking about not getting enough sleep, did you sleep very much last night, John?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah. Yeah, I woke up at like 2. That's a no it took me like 30 minutes to go back to sleep but uh no after that i was fine i woke up at like 4 17 and could not go back to sleep i was so amped from yesterday's show yeah i slept like dick i went to bed at midnight and woke up at 4 30 to coach the morning class yeah yeah i had to wake up at that time too like i coached the early classes as well so i've been up for a while um murray got the 35 hunji that's crazy it's awesome yeah hey you know what's funny is sarah sent a hundred bucks to the wrong tim murray as a test i wonder if you get that back can you undo a venmo probably and until they you can until they like get their bank account like
Starting point is 00:03:24 it's you know it goes through their bank account, like it's, you know, it goes through the bank account. But you could probably dispute it too. And they can withdraw that. Probably. Probably. Oh,
Starting point is 00:03:33 where is Brooke? And listen, Brooke is big time. There's she, she comes on. She's the main event. This is just like a foreplay. You want me to stay on for her,
Starting point is 00:03:42 dude? I bet me and her to have a real great mature. No, no, we have 27 minutes for a fucking boot. You want me to stay on for her, dude? I bet me and her would have a real great mature conversation. No, no. We have 27 minutes before I fucking boot you guys. Well, I only need five. Yeah, baby. Okay, listen, guys.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You're staring at John Young, senior analyst for the CrossFit space. The most enjoyable, the most knowledgeable, the most awkward and coolest dude anyone could ever meet. Look it, you got Hong Kong money. What's that? 38 HKs, like 14 cents?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Listen, if he does it in 445, just so you guys know, he probably gets two grand or something. Or three grand. Something crazy happens. 27 minutes, better start those burpees now oh god what do you when you have friends like that who needs enemies thanks brian uh look at look sarah cox in there she checkbook in hand is she from is she from aust? She is. I think she's top 100 fittest women in the 46 to 50 age group.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Okay. Where is Brian Friend? He's at home watching. He's probably naked. He's probably naked on his couch watching. After this, I feel like we need to make a 200-pound division. No. I won't feel so bad about myself
Starting point is 00:05:05 hey how much do you weigh how much do you weigh right at 200 200 we weigh the same bro do we really yeah dude i feel like i'm a lot bigger yeah dude i we put on our main we put on our damn we put on our main screen the video that i did with you in uh when i was in Lake Tahoe years ago. And every time I see that, I don't even recognize you. Your face was fat. Dude, that's because, was that? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:32 What time of the year was that? It's because I had a beard, dude. When I have a beard, my face looks fat. You were hibernating. You were in bear mode. You also probably weren't 200 in Guadalupalooza. Oh, was that after or before Guadalupalooza? No, he was skinny at Guadalupalooza. 175. after or before wadapalooza no he was skinny in wadapalooza 175
Starting point is 00:05:46 i was not 175 i was 192 let's go john young okay john paint the scene for us where are you um what's gonna happen here i'm at my gym iron antler fitness in fulshire texas iron antler fitness and then um yeah coach for three hours and now i'm gonna do this and it's supposed to be my rest day as well i had a for some a few hard days of training so this is it and then uh hopefully this goes okay and two days ago you did 100 burpees yesterday yesterday john's got more balls than me yesterday everybody tried to egg me on i said fuck no yeah that's i took it dude yeah that's true a big money so i've done i did 30 to warm up here uh like 10 minutes ago and it was uh on pace so wow we'll see we'll see if i can hold on to it wow uh john is there any chance you have a clock anywhere?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. Hopefully you guys can see this clock when I set it up. Okay. Can you? Yeah, but I'll start a timer too. Is that a 10-second countdown clock? Yeah, 10-second countdown. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Wad Zombie, put iron before anything. It makes it 100% better. True. Okay. John, when do you want to go, buddy? I mean, I'm it 100% better. Okay. John, when do you want to go, buddy? I mean, I'm ready. Let's fucking do this. John Young
Starting point is 00:07:13 for $1,000. Oh my goodness. I guess I'm fucking counting, dude. See this? Yeah, we got you. Oh, I think I can make him bigger, right? How do I do that? Let's go.
Starting point is 00:07:33 God, isn't technology amazing? Yeah, this clock is terrible. That girl's boobs are huge. They're like poking out of her shirt. God, I'm so glad you said that, not me. She is something else. Look at her. Can you guys see the clock is that that is that giant dude married to that hot chick back there
Starting point is 00:07:50 oh we didn't say hot i am okay oh wow that guy looks like he'd fucking break you in half yeah he shows up on bench press day No other day Damn he is a beast She looks like she only shows up on bench press day too Look at her Damn
Starting point is 00:08:14 Okay I gotta set this Oh here that's perfect right there 6.37am pacific standard time 24 When you hit your 10 second countdown When, when you're ready to go, I'll start my clock so we'll be able to see it. You got a counter for you? Is somebody going to count for you?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, yeah. Somebody's going to count for me. I'm going to take my headphones out, though, and put music on, all right? Okay. No music. Damn. John Young got a fat ass somewhere. You know whose ass is bigger?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Whose? Take a guess, dude. I don't have to say it. A cold gray shaver. No, dude. Will Branstetter. Oh, oh. Branstetter got a big old butt.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You know what they say about dudes with big butts? They can twerk? Yeah. All right. What's your prediction? Time prediction. Wait, wait, wait. Wait until he's definitely got his headphones out.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I do have a time prediction. I'm going to write it down. Okay. You're going to write yours down? I wrote it down. Here, I'll show you. I'll write it on a piece of paper and show you so I don't have to say it out loud so he doesn't have to hear it. Oh, you can't see it.
Starting point is 00:09:24 What are you doing, dude? I can't see that. What are you doing, dude? I can't see that. Here, I'll write it in the comments. I'll write it in the comments. Look at it. Oh, he's got his headphones out. Yep, we're good to go, bro. 704, 704.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That's horrible. Dude, dude, he's huge, dude. He's huge. You are going to count them? Seven, six, yeah. Maybe I should count them so you can yell at him three two one go One Two he's going too fast three he looks yoked four Five this is trippy watching him after watching
Starting point is 00:10:05 Tim Murray do it. 8. He's way too fast right now. Yeah, someone said it's too slow. It's not too slow, is it? No. He's gonna burn out. Love him. 13. Let me pull up the times.
Starting point is 00:10:24 14. He needs 25 at the minute mean 16 Wow someone said Hey, do you think he'll take a break mean 20 I don't know. No, he's perfect it perfect. He's pacing it perfect. 22. 23. I don't know, dude. 24. We'll find out at 40.
Starting point is 00:10:52 No, because he's actually behind schedule. 26. He's ahead of schedule. He's going too fast. 27. No, he needs 25 a minute. 28. No.
Starting point is 00:11:01 That would be four minutes. Oh, shit. 29. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. You saw something. would be four minutes. Oh shit. 29. Uh oh. Uh oh. You saw something? What? 31. My stream interrupted. Is that 32? 33? Sorry, that's 32.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's close. Don't worry. Don't worry. 34. His press is slowing down. Look at his press. 35. 36. Look at the press slow. Oh, this guy wants to know why the CA Peptides website is down. That's the press slow. Oh, this guy wants to know why the CA Peptides website is down. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:11:31 39. Oh, look it. Luis Lamos is here. 500 for under 5 minutes. Holy shit. 41. Holy shit. 42. 43. 44. Man, he, 44. Man, he's ahead. 45, 46, 47.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Uh-oh, 48. What'd you see? Oh, yeah, yeah. He's slowing. I see it. Damn, why is it my guy? Okay, is that 40? I think that's 50. I think that's 50. 51, okay. Yep. Damn, why is it my... I think that's 50.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I think that's 50. 51. Oh, 52. That's slow now. 53. That's way slow. Oh, no, dude. That's slow. 54. That's bad. It's like a three-step process getting up.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Push, hip, and then up. It needs to be a one-step process. Oh, look at that lady chew her gum. That's so like... How can you not tell she's hot? 69. 60. 61.
Starting point is 00:12:40 This is... Oh, no! Was that a break? 62. I don't know. That's slow. That's close to a break three This is where Murray had ish said he it started for him, right? Oh, he's done for. 68. Oh, no!
Starting point is 00:13:09 Look at his fat ass jiggle. Don't stop, John. Don't stop, dude. Look at his ass jiggle. Don't stop, John. Oh, shit, dude. 72. Don't implode. Come on, John. Come on. Look at his dumper shake at the bottom. He has so much time 72. Don't implode. Come on, John. Come on. 73.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Look at his dumper shake at the bottom of the gym. He has so much time left though. Oh yeah, his ass jiggles like Brooke Wells' ass. That's crazy. Dude, he's got more of a jiggle than Wells. Way more. He could be in the Wad Zombie fat ass video. 77.
Starting point is 00:13:42 78. 79. This is crazy, dude. 77 78 79 this is crazy dude. He's gonna go 80. He's gonna go Leave someone yell at him dude John. Oh, yeah, someone told him someone someone's talking to him. Go, you fucker! Someone's talking to him. Someone told him. Let's go, John. Oh, my God, he's not good.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I don't know. He's got to fucking die here, dude. This is the hardest John's worked out in his life. I agree. I don't even know what he is right now. Let's go, John. Oh, he's going to get it, maybe. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:14:28 What are we at? 90? No, I don't know. Let's go 90. Let's say this is 91. No, if that's 91, he's fine. Go, go. He's got 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't even know where he is. Go. Oh, my God. I don't know where he is. Go. Oh, my God. I don't know where he is. Go. This is his last one. 4.56. 4.57.
Starting point is 00:14:49 4.58. Oh. Oh, shit. CA peptides, $1,000. John Jones. What a beast. What a beast. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And the hot chick came over and put her hands on you. Worth every second. Wow, dude. 459. Hey, dude, way more capable than I imagined. I'm way under. Wow. Wow, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:15:19 John's making semifinals 2032 now. Wow. Wow. John Young from J.Y. Barbell, senior analyst for the entire CrossFit space. He's the man. Just does. Are you not entertained? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Ladies and gentlemen, John just won $1,000 from CA Peptides. Duh. This is called Melanotan 2. It's supposed to accelerate tanning, and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal. And I think that the second one is actually more of a side effect than it is the main goal. Everybody wants to know how to reconstitute these things. Remember, the first thing is that you need the bacteriostatic water. Second thing that you need to do is you are constantly using these alcohol swabs.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Now, here's the thing. You got two separate needles. Never reuse the same needle. So what I'm going to end up doing is I'm going to put two milliliters of water into there. It's just sucking the water in there. Yeah, I'm not doing that. That's how you know that the peptides are good. Now, I'm insane.
Starting point is 00:16:24 So I like to re-sterilize the top of it. I just put the pad on there and I'm not doing that that's how you know that the peptides are good now I'm insane so I like to re-sterilize the top of it I just put the pad on there and I just twist it and I'm just gonna go right here right next to my belly button so I pull this out put the tip in yeah just the tip there's no air bubbles in there so you give it a flick the bubbles rise at the top pull this out and I just stick it in my stomach right there very slight little pinch it's like the world's smallest bee. It doesn't even matter. I'm done. Just like that. John's fucked up. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:52 The website's down now,, but use code word Hiller or Sevant when it's up. Wow. That's the most intensity John Young's ever gotten. And I can't wait to talk to him about this. Can't wait.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Look at this, dude. Sorry about it, Sarah. Bummer. Wow. Hey, put your headphones in. Ding dong. Wow, John. I'm titillated.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I'm titillated. I'm titillated. Dang, dude. Headphones. Hurry up. Hey, John. John. 459. 459.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And Brian Friend, that's why I'm the best analyst in this space. Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Hey, John. Hey, John. That's why I'm the best analyst in this space Yeah baby Yeah baby Hey John Basically Tim Murray When he did it yesterday He said around 65 is when shit got weird
Starting point is 00:17:53 It looked like shit got weird for you at 65 You went full puss at 65 The last minute Was someone yelling at you at the last minute Because you turned it on right at the right time. Whoever that is needs a 3% tip. Needs $30. I couldn't push up at the end.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I could get my lungs to go, but my body wouldn't go. So that's called lactic acid. Hey, so check this out, John. The way you feel right now, you feel this? Yeah, yeah. You got to feel this once a day when you fucking train really all right i don't care about cardio you don't need cardio just listen to me this feeling you can get it on a rower you can get it with 50 cals for time but you got to feel this it okay once a
Starting point is 00:18:39 day is aggressive at least three times a week you got to feel like you're feeling right now my god and then you're making 2025 semifinals i believe that you've got to feel like you're feeling right now. My God. And then you're making 2025 semifinals. I believe that, but you've got to feel like this. I'm proud of you. That was awesome. John, I did not think you had a chance in hell. Did you think you were going to do it, John? I don't know. I felt bad after 50.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Yeah, I saw you feeling bad. I was like, oh, no. I thought I could hold the pace I did for 60, and then only 20 would be bad, and I could you feeling bad. I was like, oh, no. Like, I thought I could hold the pace I did for, like, 60, and then only 20 would be bad, and I could sprint the end. But, like, I felt it at 50, and I tried to sprint at 80, and it didn't work. But last night when you were in bed with your wife, were you like, fuck, babe, I'm not going to be able to do this?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Or were you like, fuck, I got this? I thought I could do it. I just not going to be able to do this. Or were you like, fuck, I got this. I, I thought I could do it. I just was going to have to hurt a whole lot. And I don't, I don't mind hurting. I just don't want to. So like, but like when you're in the middle of it, you know, you find something, you find something that is God. I'm so happy for you, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:44 That is the feeling you've got to get comfortable with. And I promise you, that's the only thing that is missing. Maybe it's not even missing, but that's the biggest driver in your metabolic or aerobic adaptation is that. You don't need any easy breathing. You need to feel like your fucking stomach's falling out of your ass. I think people misconstrue like intensity with working hard. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Like that's a different type of intensity. It is. Aaron Fraser, thank you. Hey, John, when Taylor says you need to fill that three times a week, what number were you at is where you normally work out? Do you follow what I'm saying? So like when you got to 75, is you at is where you normally work out do you follow what i'm saying so like when you got to 75 is that usually the intensity you feel every day or is it 50 um i wouldn't go at that pace but i'm just mean with a workout like a crossfit workout not
Starting point is 00:20:36 not i'm talking about 100 burpees for time but just like any crossfit workout on any given day probably 50 50 wow yeah because because here's the thing. I'm always concerned to not blow up because it'll happen to me faster than it will the fit guys. So I'm pacing everything to be perfectly executed. Like for me, you know what I mean? So I don't see that. What I just saw.
Starting point is 00:21:07 This guy, Joe Piero says this was worth hiding in a porta potty at work. Someone, no. Awesome. Hey, so what I like Jake and Colton, they're so fast.
Starting point is 00:21:21 What I think, go ahead. I was just gonna say, what I think is if you mix in some intervals where you're right, you need enough rest to where you can ride the line harder instead of saying, okay, I have to, I have to pace this. You need enough rest so that you can, you can go closer to your threshold, but not enough rest so that you feel like you're fully recovering. So you just learn how to ride edge the line. Like you edge fricking the ladies. You know what I'm talking about? Get right up to that edge and then pull back.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Yes, sir. Hey, John, so what was someone telling you? Someone yelled at you with a minute left? I had a couple people counting, but I didn't look at the clock at all. I didn't want to get discouraged. Are you leaving? Sheesh. God, look at your body's finally catching up with the work. let's go the sweats like point i don't think he got 1500 yeah he did some dude in the
Starting point is 00:22:12 comments promised 500 and sarah cox promised no 440 but that was if he did 445 i think no for 500 sub 5 where's this comment wow wow you know it's funny guys hi uh well done john the box i really don't think i had a second left i was no you definitely didn't i didn't think you were making it you were at 80 at the four minute mark and you were slowing way down but whoever was yelling in your ear dude you better kiss him on the tip that's all that's all i gotta say well they were like okay i can i'm like i thought if i could get to 80 and i told them this if I could get to 80, and I told them this, if I could get to 80, I just think I could sprint the end no matter what because I'm pretty good at kicking it.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And I tried to kick it. It did not happen until like 12 left. I think you had 30 left at four minutes. No, 20 left, 20 left. Are you sure? Yeah, I would have been able to do 30. 100% sure. I thought he was way behind for a second.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Well, that was way behind because he was slowing way down. Yeah. I assume that 200 is for John Young. No, you're assuming wrong. You're completely assuming wrong. What the fuck is your problem? You're a douche for even commenting that, Sabre. Stop. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Okay, fine. Fine. Seve, we need John's Venmo No no just send The money in here He's lucky That me and Taylor Got up this early
Starting point is 00:23:30 To fucking watch him What are you guys Talking about I appreciate it everybody Send the money to At Taylor mid self Hey John Does this affect
Starting point is 00:23:37 Your When you do stuff Like this Does this affect Your perception Like through When you Analyze people now?
Starting point is 00:23:46 No, because everybody that I'm analyzing is way fitter than me. The only stimulus that I can even come close to on those guys is like strength workouts. And even then it's a little bit of – like it's always a little fitness too. So I'm like if I can do this, they probably can do that. But like, I can't, I can't associate anything else with that because there's so much better than me. I'm assuming that's a record for you right there.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. Yeah. My fastest time was five 25, but that was a year ago. And I remember that hurt a lot. So I just, yeah. Hey, have you ever taken like measuring tape and measured the fucking diameter of your ass? God, your ass jiggles like crazy. You got a dumper, bro. What a 500 pound back squat does for you. Sheesh.
Starting point is 00:24:45 John, will you do anything else today? Any more workouts? No. I might rest tomorrow too. I might easy bike and that's it. Today was supposed to be a rest day. What's bad is I had bench press yesterday as well, not just that one workout. And I was really scared.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Fast pressing, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Like it was going to shut down. And it kind of did at the end, but luckily it was really scared. Fast pressing, yeah. Yeah, yeah, like it was going to shut down. And it kind of did at the end, but luckily it was the end. But, hey, I want to tell everybody, like somebody DMed me, they're just handing out money to no-name CrossFitters, and they are. But I just want to thank everybody for giving it attention. Like Colton and Tim and Jake too.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Like everybody that just supports all the podcasts. Y'all are amazing. Hey. And we couldn't do anything without you guys. Yeah, everybody. The community is amazing.
Starting point is 00:25:44 That person texting you that or messaging you that fuck them i'm not just handing out money to no-name athletes these guys gotta have the balls to go out and put it on the line john's got a fat sack of nuts so does tim murray so does colton kind of i feel like colton has the smallest balls of all of them because colton knows he's gonna win jake's got yeah that's fair that's fair yeah and i'm not saying colton's got small balls. I'm just saying. He's the Tia Toomey of burpees.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Like, we ain't got no respect for that. We got respect for it. But I'm just saying, dude. Fuck those guys. We're the man, John. It's magic. It's an interesting comment they're giving money to no name. Remember that time Hiller –
Starting point is 00:26:25 It's fucking hilarious. Remember that time Hiller fucking told that one Waterpalooza guy who did that Diane workout in a time that was just so unreal? He was like, I'll give you all this money if you do another video. And the guy was like, no. Yeah. He was a pussy. So that's a no-name.
Starting point is 00:26:42 The thing is is it's so fucking irrelevant those are either people who don't watch uh barbell spin or this podcast or get the fact that like hey the truth is is that there's wow i guess i am sending some money to oh my god i guess i am sending some money to john jesus criminy goodness gracious i do not want to be his caretaker for fuck's sake uh lamos thank you so much that's crazy generous dude you've always been crazy generous to the show uh i really appreciate it john really appreciates it too yeah and for people who don't know also about john and i've never spoke to him directly about this but i know it just from knowing him he's dedicated his life to being in the gym training other people training himself he doesn't
Starting point is 00:27:29 have some side gig on fucking uh you know hustling this is this is his thing he's all he's all in like this is his day job you're seeing him everything he does he does i mean he does all of these shows for everyone for free um it's that that's what the senior analyst of crossfit pays zero dollars and so uh when you guys donate money you probably don't know how much uh it truly means to him or or what you're actually doing it's really fucking cool i didn't miss out on shit because i'm about to take this five grand from all these stupid dorks in a week. He's got a bigger competition than mine. Keith Knapp.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yeah, baby. What's up, dude? I heard Keith's gym's killing it. Congratulations, Keith. I would say one of Colton's balls fits in my mouth. Probably six of Jason's balls fit in my mouth. What's the rest of your day look like, John? I'm going to coach one more class here
Starting point is 00:28:28 when I get off of here, and then I'm going to eat and take a nap and then come back to the gym and coach three classes, and then I'm going to eat, and then I'm going to go to sleep. Very eventful. What does this guy mean? Did you read his comments, Sevan?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Does Sevan not bend the knee to anyone to you to me fuck crossfit and its founder and no one ever mentions it how did she fuck how did she fuck crossfit and god probably when um greg did floyd 19 she probably said something or something i can listen listen i don't have time to just hate everyone all the time but i gotta say this to be honest scott it's like it's maybe it's not a forgivable offense but you gotta have more sympathy because australia went way over the edge during covid dude they were brainwashed man it's just camps and listen i'm not gonna have hate i'm not gonna have hate in my heart forever like listen i need to be a fucking 100 enlightened loving being at the end
Starting point is 00:29:21 of the day because i have to because i interact with my kids now are there some scumbags in the world yeah but like i'm not like hey listen i had a the most insane fucking job ever and i lost it because of those people like insane so uh it's cool it's fine but i hear you and i appreciate you bringing it up it's it's it's worthy to talk about. I don't think seven bends the knee. Unless it's both knees and it's Dave. Yeah. Facts. All good, dude. I would too.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Okay. John, thanks for coming on, dude. We'll see you later. Lots more of John young to come. Probably doing more podcasts than anyone in the CrossFit space. John is fucking everywhere.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And everyone loves him, and he's a true influencer, and he's a fucking needle mover. If you want to start a podcast, get John on. Dude, people love it. This is the thing, man. It's entertaining. You've got to be entertained. And I hate it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's not a secret. You want to watch people who get your blood boiling or who are like damn i agree with that or that's a hot take i want to hear that it's not fun to listen to people who say shit that you fucking can read anywhere and he's not trying to be entertaining it's just who he is right it's just he's being himself 100 and i would say john is always wrong and that's why people him. But that still makes him always right once you know that. Yeah, but he's not always wrong. But the fact that people think that is like that's another reason it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:53 He knows. Sevan didn't have the heart. I have the heart to tell him. I just – John, if you're listening, 704 was my prediction. Sheesh. Hey, did you think he was going to do it? I think i predicted 526 or something like that i don't i don't or maybe 541 dude i i thought when he was starting
Starting point is 00:31:13 to slow down i thought he was just gonna be like two seconds on the ground every rep you know what i mean but he picked it up that's crazy all right thanks for coming on dude you're the man and then here i am by myself all right no brook ends today that was just clickbait uh seve can you beat eight minutes fuck i don't know uh beauty and brains llc $200 someone thanks for entertaining me uh lisa gall wheelwad uh media pr oh oh hey lisa hey hey man it was you are uh the easiest person we've ever worked with, with getting outside media to help with yesterday's show. And I apologize. Uh, we were such a shit show, uh, asking you for stuff, um, up until the last minute with videos and write-ups
Starting point is 00:31:59 and I'd lost it, the email. And so I really, uh, I really appreciate the value you added to the show your uh your promo video that 229 video we showed yesterday is awesome it was great uh all the information you gave me about the people who provide equipment for the adaptive uh games the location san antonio texas i even remember the dates and i have a horrible memory september 19th to the 22nd if you want to see Tim Murray defend his title. Jody Lynn, what's up, girl? I feel like I'm having a deja vu. Let's go, John. I'm incredible, right? Incredible. Any minute.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. Hey, thanks for being such a great support easy it's easy it's so easy we have guests like tim i feel like uh i don't know i always wanted to i always wanted this show to be like sesame street where it's just like characters coming and going and there's people like we look forward to and you remember mr rogers when the train would come out? That was like my favorite part. And so when I think of the podcast family, I think of Tim Murray as being part of that. You know what I mean? Maybe he's Big Bird or Snuffleupagus, but I just view everyone as there's the cookie monster.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I just wanted the show to be like, I wanted the CrossFit podcast to be like that. I just wanted it to be a show. And you know, on top of that, Lisa, you know what else was cool? And it's always kind of a test. A few times on the show, I've just cold called Kevin Ogar, the director of the uh crossfit games adaptive division and uh told him we're live and he's just rolled with it and so when you do that to someone you're either breaking trust or building trust and i just saw it was building trust and so it was cool that's why i know i know laura horvat likes me she answered her phone and passed it off to her brother might have to call laura today uh for the senior analyst good on john for putting it on the line listen yesterday listen guys this show needs money too to keep the lights on john ain't getting shit well i'm gonna send him that 500 and he made 1500 bucks so um so there's that a taylor's os. Yeah, Oscar the Grouch. Great.
Starting point is 00:34:28 You know what I think happened? I think that Brooke Entz, I think she's in a different time zone. And so I think that she thinks the show, let me, I'm going to look at her text messages. Brooke, we'll see you tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I think she's, y'all good for a hard stop at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Yes, and thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I know you're not supposed to read people's text messages. Oh, maybe she did know it was PST. I don't know. I could call Laura in the meantime. Yesterday during the show, CA Peptide said they'll pay $5,000 to the winner of the quarterfinals. That's kind of crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:35:29 So that means, uh, Dallin will be winning $5,000 next, uh, Thursday for Friday or Saturday, whenever, whenever those days are, whenever that ends, I'm not sure how,
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'm not sure how we're going to, uh, do the prize money. When you, I gotta have someone figure that out. That too stressful for me that's above my pay grade john george ten dollars this is for the show and the ridiculous good stuff you were providing us what a great show last night a couple weeks ago and coming next week appreciate all your uh contributors yeah the thing the thing um with the comment that's kind of funny about um they're just giving money to no-name crossfitters the fact is is that it wouldn't i don't want to pick any names but just pick some famous crossfitter
Starting point is 00:36:10 and it just wouldn't be fun to watch and we might get 10 times the amount of views but it just this show has its own narrative and the people who are doing the burpees fit into the narrative like tim murray's been on the show a couple times there was that funny drama with mikey swoosh it just makes it good and then the fact that um uh colton uh did it and um he gets taunted you know for being a short stature person and then jake's in there with, you know, the training think tank, a fun drama and, and, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:46 bits. And it just had to unfold this way. No one, no one, it had to be, it had to be fucking Tim Murray. And yeah, it's yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:56 As Ken Walter says, it's something different. Not, not yet. The show is something different. We're not trying to do something different. It's just, it wouldn't make sense to like, um, as much as I'd love to see Scott Pancheck do it.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It just wouldn't make sense to have him come in and do it. So what's up, Scott? Good morning to you, buddy. How do you become a big name? Do shit like this. Think bigger, people. I really want to keep the energy of, I want it to be, I want to keep the energy of the show in the energy of the show. And so I want it to be sort of a feedback loop and a, and a give and take, right? So the people who've helped me with the show,
Starting point is 00:37:40 I helped them with the show and then we build characters and there's this back and forth and that's what we do. God, that would be wild. Me against Sporty Beth. Oh my God. I so don't want to do it, but I would so do it. A hundred burpees for time. What?
Starting point is 00:37:56 That would be fucking crazy. I kind of hope I'd lose. But I would go hard. I would, I would, I would hope, I would hope I could do it without stopping. Man. So many people text me, can I get a thousand? No, you don't get it. That it doesn't work like that. Here's the thing too. John didn't do it for the money. Here's the thing too. John didn't do it for the money. Now fuck no, I'm not calling her out. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Why would I do that? Tomorrow morning, James Townsend is coming on. He ran in some – well, he'll'll tell us but i can't remember but basically there's he ran for a national title in his age group to be the fastest man i think it's i want to say it's in the it's in the 40 or the 100 but he'll be on tomorrow we talked about him last time he was on i'm really curious what happened how it was what the scene was like did he like it did he see old friends all that shit james is cool he'll have some fun stuff and then after that after james is on darian weeks uh former ufc welterweight will come on darian's been on the show shitload of times and we're going to just talk about ufc 300 i know it's not going to be a popular topic for a
Starting point is 00:39:19 lot of you but i'm so excited if you are a fight fan you probably are besides your beside yourself and you can't believe saturday is a reality oh uh klysdale media scott switzer 60 meter indoor track okay yeah so he he he ran against a handful of other guys to try to set the world record and be the fastest man uh i don't know if it's United States or world at that age. Yeah. UFC. Look at even David and I agree on this. You have people who are complaining about the card or you mean you have to, you're not a fight fan or you're a moron.
Starting point is 00:39:53 It is. It is. It's nuts. It is. It is absolutely nuts. And so it'll be fun to have daring on here. It'll be impossible to finish the show in 45 minutes with him, but we'll try. Frank Curuto, your show is CrossFit, never change.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Oh, good. God damn it. I mean, shucks, Doug. Cheesing crackers. I don't want it to be CrossFit. I want it to be Sesame Street. Weren't you listening? I just happen to have access
Starting point is 00:40:26 it just so happens that the cast of Sesame Street does CrossFit just like the cast of Sesame Street all lived on Sesame Street the cast of characters in this podcast all live on CrossFit Street but this is not a CrossFit show Sebi looks like your podcast with Jason Kleba came out today.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Let's see. I was, you won't hear me say this phrase a lot, but before I went on, I was like, man, I wonder if I should be unapologetic when I'm on the show. And I decided that I would be. Let me see. unapologetic when I'm on the show and I decided that I would be you see um oh uh oh it's in it's in chunks can you watch the whole thing or is it just in chunks I don't see it let me see what's going on here let me see what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Let me see what's going on here. Oh, here it is. Home Births and Perfect Kids with Seva Amatosian. That dude, I can't remember his name. Brendan? Fuck, what's that guy's name? was a cool dude they were both great that guy's got a kid uh that guy that's um on here with Jason let me see let me see if it says his name in the show notes oh Gabe Gabe what'd I say this is a cool podcast I came out hot and very opinionated, very uncharacteristic to me.
Starting point is 00:42:08 All right, cool. That's awesome. I was glad I did that podcast. I hate doing other people's podcasts. I always feel fake on them. Thanks Lisa. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Gabe, Gabe, Brendan. No, Gabe, it it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yeah, Gabe. Gabe. Brendan. No, Gabe. It's Gabe.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, it kicked off with a Matuthian origin story? All right, cool. Sebi, did you hear that Cheeto had his house robbed when he was fighting? I know. Crazy, right? Crazy. Wild. Oh, shit. Hold on. Oh, okay. Yeah, no brooke is coming on sounds good
Starting point is 00:42:56 low stress i bet you she's just been sitting around eating cookies. It's on. What's it say? It's on Apple podcast in full. Okay. And it's also on YouTube. I finally saw it. Maybe I should put in a breath mint before. Oh, shit, I don't have any Listerine strips up here.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I guess not. Tyler, you save these rocks and go buy yourself a spaceship. OK, I don't know what that means, but I'll do my best. A final tally for Tim recounted and additional money donated in comments. Eleven hundred ninety five dollars. Just so you know. Tim has already been paid. He will not be paid any more money. Any money further from here on out, I will keep.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Tim received $3,500. I'm not keeping the money because I'm greedy or I want the money. I'm just not interested in thinking about it anymore. And the benefits of that is that I will make, that means I made $195. Thank you. I apologize for misleading you guys, but you've learned to please accept me for who I am.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And that's just the way it is. Yeah. John did the burpees, Caroline. I don't want to tell you what happened, but it was crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Crazy impressive. If Caleb or Susan was here, I would have done a poll if anyone thought he could do it.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Did we do a poll yesterday for 445 or for five minutes? Because most people didn't think he could do it. I wonder what the time was for that poll. Does anyone remember? Because I think it ended up being like 70-30. 70% of the people on last night's show didn't think he could do it. Oh, good job, Chris, ruining the show
Starting point is 00:44:55 for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Great. Oh, it's sub five. Yes, Savon steals money from World's Fittest Dwarf. Great title for a Reddit thread. He said he was gonna give all the money listen what am i gonna do tell sarah to get more money no it did listen every everyone is happy oh shit i'm getting a text. Oh shit, Tim Murray's filed a lawsuit against me for misleading him. He thought he was going to get every last cent.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Fuck. Is there fluoride in the Listerine strips? I don't know. I think there's, I hope there's vodka in it. Yeah, that was incredible. Okay, so 70% of us didn't, and I would fall into that camp, did not think John could do sub five. And he killed it.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Yeah, Judy, rework the books, please. Make it exactly $1,000, please. You and Augustus get together. And as you know, YouTube takes 30% and I didn't take that out. We gave, we gave him, we gave him that money because we're good dudes.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I made it. What did you make Brooke? What did you make? Well, first of all, I got up. I'm so jet lagged. Tell me, tell me. What did you make, Brooke? What did you make? Well, first of all, I got up. I'm so jet lagged. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Tell me. And everything here right now, if I just got back from Thailand, is an absolute mess. What were you doing in Thailand? I've hit it all. What time did you go to bed? I want to hear all the juicy details.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Tell me about it. Tell me about it. You don't look tired. You don't have any bags on your eyes. Oh, you're so nice. Thank you. Because I saw myself in the camera and I was like, well, here we go. Okay, let's start with easy questions. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:46:53 I'm in St. George, Utah. And what time is it there? It is 8 a.m. And yesterday at this time you were in Thailand? No, I got home Monday night. Is today Thursday? Yeah. I got home Monday night at like 11pm.
Starting point is 00:47:13 But I started traveling home because they are 14 hours ahead of mountain time. So I started traveling home. Oh boy. It would have been Monday there,ay here oh so you're just all screwed up you're oh yeah you just haven't did you did you stay up all night when you came home at 11
Starting point is 00:47:35 no i don't even know what you did i crashed because i had been traveling for 26 or more hours. Did you have a good seat on the plane? Did you fly first class? Yeah. Oh, isn't that nice? I'm going to say this. Yeah, say it. It's not because I'm like, oh, I only fly business class.
Starting point is 00:48:03 No, no. But I have learned a long time ago. Actually, more so when I was competing. Yeah. If I can't afford to fly business class when I go international, I ain't going. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I'll wait. I'll save money for it.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yeah. So I can do it. Because it was excruciating actually the time I did so much pain in my back, in my hips, in my knees, just sitting for that long and not being able to lay down flat, but it wasn't on my dime. So I didn't have to pay for this seat. That's the best first class. That's the best first class. Yes. I mean, it is, it is kind of fucked up when you're, you're like that seat was 300 bucks and my seat was nine thousand dollars i mean sometimes the price difference
Starting point is 00:48:49 is ridiculous but when it's someone else's money but i to be i'm gonna i'm in the same boat with you i am not fucking flying far uh unless in the only way really i will ever fly coaches if every fucking seat on the plane is coach and then i want to sit like up in the front and it better be someone i know sitting next to me i don't want you can get off fast yeah or just anything i just don't want to be i just don't want to see other people i fucking i go to airports and i fucking start hating humanity brings out the worst in me it is true it's like a good practice for me where i'm like checking the thoughts that go through my head as I encounter all the different types of people at the airport. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I calm down. All right, Brooke, calm down. You're stressing out because first thought is this. Oh, my gosh. We're going to start this out. Everyone's going to be like, she's such an asshole. I'm not an asshole. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:49:39 You're in St. George. You can be anyone you want now that you're in Utah. I just feel like at some point in your life, everybody, you're going to encounter people that I like to call in the way. They're in the way people. And if I'm going to learn something from my own thought, then that would also be that maybe they're in the way because you're in a hurry. You know? But in the moment, I'm like, oh man, whoa, overwhelmed, a little bit anxious. I got to find an area where there's not tons and tons of people where I can calm myself down. Plus, travel is stressful. It is stressful. You get to the airport early. I like to get there two hours early, no matter what,
Starting point is 00:50:26 so I can just sit down and just not give a shit. I definitely try to. Flying out of St. George, you've got two options. Internationally, you've got to go to Vegas. So it's a two-hour drive, one-hour time difference. So you get down there when you can or when the fastest you can get there. Plus, then the whole road from uh southern utah into nevada is like and i'm sure this is everywhere everywhere i've traveled road construction
Starting point is 00:50:50 is out of hand it's everywhere we're fixing roads roads yet i feel like the roads still continue to be shitty so i'm not sure when we're gonna see the fruit of that but um yeah the travel to thailand this time was it's almost like it it screwed me up even more because it was so short i was only there for four days what were you doing there um i had we needed to do a reshoot for this independent movie that i did and we got rained out when i was there in the fall and so we couldn't shoot this one big scene it's like the opening scene it's a flashback scene and then they use that throughout the film they kind of it's like the cornerstone of the story I guess like the base of the story
Starting point is 00:51:38 and flew back out there did did the scene, flew home. And when you say independent film, what's that mean? Because they obviously have a budget big enough to go back to Thailand and reshoot something. So someone believes in the film, right? Yeah. And costs of things out in Thailand, everyone knows they are more affordable. You can stretch a dollar a little bit further, but the biggest cost would be flight and then how long people need to stay there for. I think there was most of the people
Starting point is 00:52:12 working on the film are not from the US. So a little bit easier on flights, like to come in, get their stuff shot and then leave. i was there for longer than i was supposed to be there for i was there september october and most of november wow and i was supposed to leave in early august and then it got delayed got delayed so i got out there september october most of november got home right before thanks. What, when did, what was the first, when did you start getting into acting? What was the first movie you did? Oh,
Starting point is 00:52:49 wonder woman. What year was that? 2006. Holy crap. I can't believe it was that long ago. Sorry. Not 2006. My Lord.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Uh, 2016. Oh, 2016. Okay. I mean, that's still a long time ago okay good i feel better 2016 i'm sure you can see how this is gonna go and and have you been um have you been steady with that for eight years no no um what happens how do you get gigs i got a phone call for that movie. I literally got a phone call like a week before the games in 2015. And I thought it was bullshit. A friend with you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I had a friend that's like was more in the acting scene in L.A., but she did. Well, you know, Maddie Madeline. Oh, yeah. I heard she had a kid. She got a kid now, right? I have no idea, man. I'm so far removed. Okay. My life is crazy. Like everyone's I'm sure. And it takes all the focus in all the focus I have just to like get through all this shit. You're a farmer now. Oh yeah. Rancher. Okay. Okay. We'll come back to that. Okay. So, so you get, so you get a call that's a real call.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yes, well, Maddie, I was actually at the gym, and she's like, hey, Warner Brothers is trying to get a hold of you. And I was like, yeah, right. She's like, no, they are. And I was like, well, I'm telling you right now that if I had a missed call, a voicemail, a text message, or an email, I would have responded. And it turns out they were. And the day we checked in for the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:54:28 I did all of my check-in interview, like camera stuff, and then in full kit, drove as fast as I could to Warner Brothers Studios, couldn't find the building, was like parked and running through the parking lot, and then read for a movie that I didn't know what it was and found out later that it was Wonder Woman, but it was actually Zack Snyder wanted me for the Justice League. And then through that, they wanted me in both. So there was only a few of us that were in both Amazons. Actually, not even a few. I mean, two. two did you do you have an agent uh no did you have an agent
Starting point is 00:55:06 no so you and you and you how is that do you prefer not having an agent uh you know i looked into it for a while because after wonder woman well even when i was out there um everyone was like you gotta this is you gotta get into this and And I'm like, wow. And my whole life was competing. And never had an agent. I got a manager for a while. And that was kind of a waste of time. I do have somebody that actually brought this project to me who has been a huge advocate and believer in me since CrossFit. And he's been following me for a long time and he is a, he produces, he manages. Um, and yeah, so he's kind of like an acting manager, but it's not in contract. It's more so he's a really good friend and wants, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:08 when there's something that he thinks I would be really good in, he brings it to me and we see if it works out. Are you enjoying it? Did you enjoy those three months in Thailand? Did you enjoy the work? Are you like, yeah, this is my thing. I'm passionate about it. I did enjoy it, but man, was it so hard and just frustrating. But I think it's because it's not what I do. So same as when I was competing, like I, I wanted to do well for myself, but way more, way more than like doing well for myself it was for my coaches it's never been about me it's always been about making somebody else proud especially people who have put in time with me and so out there it
Starting point is 00:56:54 was difficult because i never knew if i was doing a good job you know what i mean? And like the first big stunt that I had to do. You wanted some attagirls. I just, not even that. More so like a reassurance that like, because I mean, in Wonder Woman, we ended up not having any lines. Like the Amazons, we did some, we had a dialect coach and we did some work there and they actually cut tons of stuff
Starting point is 00:57:21 that we shot for the cast Amazons. and they actually cut tons of stuff that we shot for the cast Amazons. And so I've never had a lot of lines. And this was a supporting lead, a lot of lines. The one in Thailand. Yeah. Oh, shit. I can't wait. I know my nephews, right before I left, my little nephew,
Starting point is 00:57:43 he was like, hey, what's the name of the movie? It's called Affinity. Affinity. And they're looking at it being finished. They're editing it now, but by December and then there are a couple different companies that are looking at purchasing it. And I'm not concerning myself with any of that. I'm not concerning myself with any of that. So it will either be purchased by something big that will take all the rights or they'll do where they'll sell it to continents and do it that way. Yeah, the movie industry is a trip right now with Amazon and Netflix and hotel rooms. And it's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:22 There could be a blockbuster that never makes it to the theater and just is in hotel rooms and makes a shitload of money but never made it to the theaters it's it's the man that landscape has changed so much in the last 20 years yeah and i'm convinced that like one person owns all those platforms and every time a new show comes out or a new season and they'll give you like one episode on amazon and they're like all right now watch the rest on stars or watch the rest on this new other platform that's brand new. And of course I want to watch it. So I'm like, well, shit. So I put in my info, I pay for it. And then more times than not what they're wanting to happen, a hundred percent works. You forget you're paying like $6.99 a month. Right. And you only watched
Starting point is 00:59:02 that, you know, that one season of Yellowstone or whatever else it is that you wanted to see. But I, I just wanted to, I just wanted to do a good job. Like I wanted them to be happy that they wanted me to do it, you know, and supposedly I did. and I definitely got better as I got more comfortable with how it works because it's not just it's also being aware of where the cameras are it's being aware of like what they're seeing and how I would need to like cheat my body one way or so there was a lot of things I had never never done it's like has nothing to do with crossfit um so you go there you get this part it's the biggest part you've had in a movie right oh yeah by far and uh and you want to do well and you want to make the people happy like they've taken time and invested into you and giving you energy and chosen you. And so you were like, okay, this is totally healthy by the way. Everything
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm hearing is like, this is the way all human beings should be. You want to perform up to their expectations, but there wasn't the feedback loop that you were used to getting. And so you don't get, wow. Awesome. Wow. The first, the first month I was there, my assistant partner, her name is Devin. She's the greatest. She's been working with me since. Like partner, like girlfriend partner? No. No, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:33 I'm very straight for everyone who's like, I think she is a lesbian. No, I'm very straight. No, my just best friend. And she's been working with me for a very long time now, ride or die. And she was there for the first month with me. And so that helped because I could really communicate all of those feelings to her. And so she helped me by reassuring me or, you know, she was watching the whole thing, but that second month when she was gone, I was like, all right, Jesus, take the wheel. Yeah. Do the best
Starting point is 01:01:05 I can. And that's literally all I can do. But my nephew had asked what the movie was called. And I said, Deegan, I stopped him. He's I have the coolest nieces and nephews. I said, just so you know, when it comes out, we're watching it together. So if I'm kind of shitty, we can laugh at me together. But if you watch it with your friends, I'm the best thing that's ever happened. All right? I'm the best thing in the movie. And he's like, got it. I'm like, sweet.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Brooke, how did you end up in St. George? I mean, I know you're originally from there, but how did you end up back there? Because you were a California girl for a long time. Yes. Well, during COVID in California, which was an absolute nightmare, I drove home finally for a visit, got home and I'm like, what am I doing out there? And that's when I had really decided, cause I had planned on it right before COVID hit. I had planned on, I'd lived away from home for so long. And majority of the time I lived away from home, I couldn't afford to come home very often. So it
Starting point is 01:02:06 was like twice a year that I come home for Christmas and then in the summer. And I had, I had missed, I'm the youngest of four. All my siblings have kids. My family is very close. And I had decided, okay, you know, I'm divorced. My life, you know, is kind of in shambles. And now we've got COVID. I'm going to split my time in Utah and here. And that was the plan. And then it was turning into actually Montana and St. George. Did you chase a boy up there? Was there a boy up there? and we were starting to work uh work on a project together but in a matter of one phone call i had just moved into a house i had bought and in in saint george no in in santa cruz oh shit i had i'd only been living there for about a month and just a matter of one phone call some business things changed for me and i was actually on my way. My best friend, Gina was driving me to the airport. I was on my way out of town for work.
Starting point is 01:03:16 I was going to be gone traveling for about two and a half months. And I just called my real estate agent. I was like, can you sell my house? After a month? What year was this? Had COVID started? what year was this had covet started uh it was post covet it was uh 2021 the summer of or like august july august of 2021 wow that was quick yeah i had bought it earlier shit brooke you're stressing me out i don't tell me about it but um she said yes and it just was the quickest way to solve a problem for me. Because as you know, cost of living and homes to buy in Santa Cruz, not cheap. So it just was the easiest way for me to solve a problem. And it wasn't the end of the world. And the reality was, is my work is everywhere. I didn't do work. I didn't like show up to work in Santa Cruz. I had just lived there for so long. I had, I had like a tight knit family friend group that became family group. And so it's like, really,
Starting point is 01:04:19 should I even be spending this amount of money to live here when I don't need to be here? I even be spending this amount of money to live here when I don't need to be here? I can be home. I can be literally anywhere else. So you had a good group of people there too, right? It's the people that I'm familiar with, like people, the West fitness group, right? Yeah. And then that kind of morphed over years. There are some really great people over there. The owner is just a the coolest dude ever uh um daniel yeah with danny j or dan j yeah my mom's over there she loves that place yeah he's he is the most charismatic loving energetic holy cow i mean that guy if we could bottle his energy he's on he's kind of unflinchable i i put him through the ringer a few times and he's unflinchable.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You're right. He stayed just loving the whole time. Man, he is one of the most interesting people. And he's absolutely shameless. And we've always told him, like, he tells stories about his childhood. Yeah. Like, dude, you need to, this needs to be a TV series. Like his childhood and growing up, you know, his Persian mother and just all of the stories. Like, this needs to be a tv series like his childhood and growing up you know his persian mother and just all of the
Starting point is 01:05:26 stories like this needs to be a tv series but he just says you know he's he just was got embarrassed so much growing up there is nothing that can shake him like literally nothing yeah he's solid so so sorry i derailed you so you had that right had that crew, but you sold the house. And did St. George do COVID? I mean, Santa Cruz did it, like embraced it, loved it. Did you guys do it over there or no? Very mildly. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Nice. Yeah, mildly. And like only really for like the first so many months. The one thing that they did longer was having kids out of school. And people were having, I mean, everywhere. I don't, you know, we can have differing opinions. It's totally fine. But all the parents were like this. I mean, it was worse. It was worse for the kids to not go to school. Right. I mean, it was hands down the worst decision this country ever made and stuck with and forced. So, so you go, so you sell your house and then St. George's home. Do you move back in with your
Starting point is 01:06:26 parents? Oh yeah. I live here now, actually. It's so funny. People are like, oh, you live with your parents. It's like, well, why? I had planned like, well, do I buy a house? Do I build a house? My dad was a builder. He's retired, but my family and homes is really, really big here, built Southern Utah. And it just didn't make any sense. Like, what am I going to do? Go home by myself every night and just be by myself every day. Plus my parents, we've got a pretty big house. I have the whole upstairs and we have the ranch, which is an hour away. Yeah. I don't think people, you're not living in a two-bedroom apartment on the 30th floor in New York City. I don't think people probably understand.
Starting point is 01:07:10 I think you're being very humble. I don't think people understand. It's more Yellowstone than Three's Company. Hey, that's really cool, by the way. You know you can reach a certain age where you don't have to say you live with your parents. You get to start saying they live with you. You just turn the sentence around. So when I was 34 years old living home with my mom, I'm like, hey, mom, how about we flip the script a little bit?
Starting point is 01:07:36 Can I just tell people that you live with me? You live with me. Yeah, yeah. I'm taking care of the old people. Anyone meets my parents, though, and they immediately would probably old people man you anyone meets my parents though and they immediately would probably just want to hang out with my parents over me good my parents are very cool yeah oh yeah and you're very familiar familial like you're enjoying it you wouldn't have it any other way like you're not at home being held hostage or
Starting point is 01:08:03 you're like this is you you this this you belong there oh yeah and there's been plenty of signs as i've been home um like oh this is where i'm supposed to be right now and for family reasons for my nieces you know and the the biggest reason like obviously okay two biggest reasons, I wanted to split my time back home. I had missed out on all the years of my nieces and nephews growing up. I mean, cause my brother, he had kids first and then my sister had kids, but I lived in Salt Lake for school. So I lived away from home when those kids, when they were really little. Um, and then I moved way further and I only came home twice a year. So a lot of my nieces and nephews, like they knew me,
Starting point is 01:08:49 but they didn't know me. And I really wanted to be able to have an, a positive impact on them growing up and be somebody that they could depend on. Like I, when I was growing up, I had certain aunts and uncles that were, I mean, they are some of my most favorite memories from when I was little. And then other than that, um, my biggest fear since I was really small was my parents getting old and, and dying. Like when I, I can't remember how old I was, but the second I recognized that every time I had a birthday and I got a year older, my parents got a year older. And then one day my parents would look like my grandparents. And then one day my grandparents were going to, were not going to be with us anymore. And that meant one day my parents
Starting point is 01:09:39 weren't going to be with us anymore. And that sort of fear really ruled my life for a long time. And so as an adult, I just felt like, you know what? This is a blessing in disguise to be like things changed for me. One thing changed for me business-wise to be back home because now I can, because all of it really doesn't matter, you know? And the stuff that does matter has nothing to do with money, has nothing to do with your job. And so being home was for sure a blessing in disguise. It's exactly where I'm supposed to be. Now, am I supposed to be here forever? Well, I'm definitely going to live here forever. Now, if I have a home somewhere else and I always, I do travel, I do, I am on the
Starting point is 01:10:30 go for things, but St. George, Utah. And if you're hearing this, don't move here. Too many people already. Oh my gosh. It's been this, it's been this way almost my whole life. It's the fastest growing city in the U S. Wow wow yeah i i can remember going there i don't know when 2005 or 6 for a film festival and it was exploding like just everywhere we looked there was just fucking homes being built but it was still pretty small but but it looked like it was just exploding oh if you come here right now since you were here back then it yeah doesn't even especially one side of town because on my side side of town, uh, it's not, it's not growing as fast and it does butt up against like Indian reservation. So for me,
Starting point is 01:11:11 I'm like, that's the saving grace. I'm like, you can only build so far, but, um, the views are what you come here for. And then the outdoor activities, you know, Zion national park, a lot of hiking, tons of mountain biking, Red Bull rampages out here. All the stuff like that. Lakes, boating. I prefer fresh water over salt water. I do love the ocean, but I would much rather be on Lake Powell. Yeah. There are lots and lots of people moving here and it's fine. Like come. But what I hate about it is, and this is probably happening in a lot of cities, is you're just getting a bunch of second homes, condos, like buildings. Really? People are buying second homes in St. George? People are buying second homes there? Oh, interesting. Like as a vacation spot because it's supposed to be value? Think about all the people from California.
Starting point is 01:12:02 It's been like, I mean, all those big, they're way more expensive. They're selling their homes there. They're coming here, paying cash, building a monstrous house. Right. And then usually not being there all the time. Hey, would you say you're ambitious, Brooke? Yeah. Okay. And you exude that. It's interesting because I think like you said, on one hand, it doesn't matter, but you're ambitious. And I was getting this vibe from you that in Thailand, was there too much downtime there for you? The second month, there was way too much downtime. I filled that with Muay Thai. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. Is that your first time doing that? Mm-hmm. Good on you. And did you fall in love with it i did fall in love with it what's the scene like there how did they embrace you what was that like are you good at it like do you like do you flow do you yeah yeah yeah um a little the language barrier made certain things tough but i will tell you the first time i went so So in the hotel I was staying at, it was like a suites. It was a really nice hotel in your room. Cause I was there.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Sorry. One second. For those of you don't know, Muay Thai is a martial art there in Thailand. And so many fighters go back and forth to Thailand to train it. Like best fighters in the world are in and out of these places over there in Thailand. It's a, it's a, it's a hotbed for us fighters. So sorry, go ahead. While I was there too. I mean, I, I met a lot, a lot of guys that came in that could tell just from looking at me that I probably spoke English. Would come up and chat with me that were just in for fight camp or just in for a period of time to train. But I went to the gym and I'd go there every day down in the hotel.
Starting point is 01:13:40 And I'm like, you know what? I had been wanting to do Muay Thai. I had been wanting to do something like that. And I'm like, you know what? I really, I'd been wanting to do Muay Thai. I'd been wanting to do something like that. And I asked the guy in the gym and to his best ability, he told me where to go, which is like within the top. I want to say top two, but it's probably, let's say top five of Muay Thai gyms.
Starting point is 01:14:03 What was the name of it? PK Senchai. Okay. And he gave me the address. I tried to look it up online. So I was like, okay, well, I don't know how, what's the structure? Is it a class? Do I have to schedule ahead of time? Like I had no idea. I finally found a Facebook page and it kind of described that you would, there was two options for pay. You would pay a certain amount and you could be there all day or you could do it for like four hours. And so I just, I left the gym that I was in, got, I called a go bike. So a scooter guy and showed up to this gym. It's actually a moped and you get on the back. Oh yeah. You sit sideways or you hold them? I hold them. You hold them. Yeah. Some people do. Locals sit sideways. Sideways.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Yeah. Yeah. And the scooters are crazy out there, but I roll up to this gym and it's down this little, you know, all the roads are pretty small, like almost like an alleyway. This big, giant building, it is dirty. It is old and open air. All these bars on the windows. And I'm thinking, I'm nervous to go in there. And I've been learning some Thai, but I don't speak Thai. And as I walk in, there's people, guys, everywhere. They're outside. Some coming in. Some are running up and down the street, warming up.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And inside they had, I think like six octagon. Rings, rings. Rings. Yeah. And then they had a bunch of old gym equipment, barbells, squat racks, and benches. And they should just beat to hell because of the weather too, right? Oh, my gosh. Oh, yeah. Thousands of guys in and out, and then also the weather just corroding everything.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Mm-hmm. Yeah. And I go in, and there's this little old woman sitting at a table, like a cardstock table. And I'm trying to find out how much I pay. And I have no idea how, how it works in there. And you need a coach, right? You need a coach. Yes. And there's multiple trainers that are in each ring and out and about none of them. No one speaks fluent English, just, you know, words here and there. But I basically I pay, um, I'm like, where do I go? I put my stuff down and then, you know, the one girl walks me over, uh, get me some
Starting point is 01:16:36 mitts and some wraps. And then finally they paired me up with this one trainer. I cannot remember his name, what I probably wouldn wouldn't be able to pronounce it. And I saw the same trainers every time I went. So after this first time going, then when I would show up there, they knew me and I would come in. But a lot of it was, I would watch him and this is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Was it one-on-one Brooke? Was it one-on-one? Yeah. So you pay and they hook you up with the guy and you keep going. I want to hear about your first session. Was it just weird as-one, Brooke? Yeah. So you pay and they hook you up with a guy. Keep going. I want to hear about your first session. Was it just weird as shit, like awkward? It was super weird.
Starting point is 01:17:14 It's one-on-one, but it's in rounds and you'll rotate through. Oh, okay. Yeah, you'll be working mostly hitting mitts and then you're going to be kicking. Were you just a goofball in the beginning? You're just looking at other people and be like i guess that's how i do it i was just watching my trainer so that's what i was going to say my dance background has helped me so much in almost everything i've ever done especially physicality wise um because i could gauge what he was doing based on what his body was doing. And the hardest thing for me to get was kicking just the, the nuances of, you know, you're standing leg coming to your toe,
Starting point is 01:17:55 but you're not standing up all the way. Um, you know, rotating through your, you know, the leg you're kicking with is supposed to be in it's internally rotated. It's more from force um a lot of things like that but hitting mitts i was very good and i really i did really enjoy that and it beat the shit out of me did you get injured at all from it i didn't get injured but i i did post on instagram i've got some pictures that I took back at my flat of the bruises down my legs were actually insane. Did you ever think about moving to Thailand, staying there? No. No.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Did you do any sparring? No, I didn't do any sparring. I mean, you basically sparred with your trainer and they'd put on all their pads. Um, but once I went the first time, then when I went back, then I learned what they expect of you from the moment you get there. So from the moment you get there, you got to get on the treadmill and you run for an hour. Wow. Yeah like for anywhere from like 30 minutes to an hour you'd be on there just doing your cardio yeah and then and then you would start so i would get there i get on the treadmill put my headphones in and i'd run and you sweat an absurd amount by the way i mean constantly from the moment you walk outside of an air
Starting point is 01:19:25 condition you're warm as soon as you start like you don't need to you don't need to run for an hour uh and then and then i then i would hit mitts um and then i then i'd go from there over into muay thai and get up in the ring and wrap my hands and yeah I had bruised swollen knuckles I guess I don't know that part of it so hitting mitts and then you do Muay Thai is that sparring?
Starting point is 01:19:55 basically sparring with your trainer so then you're getting into kicks and more physical things like that and he's got all the pads on? did you ever get punched in the face a little bit? did all the pads on did any did you ever get punched in the face a little bit made your eyes water do you ever get hit in the nose no i didn't get hit in the face did you do tell them hey i'm here uh as an actress i can't you can't fuck me up i can't like go home i can't get a black eye i didn't even have to say that i think that you know it was my
Starting point is 01:20:17 first time doing it and i caught on really fast yeah but they were uh gentle with me but also you know sometimes some of the trainers a couple of them were more were less patient than the other ones um and there were certain ones that so funny like i would be they i'd get in the ring with one trainer someone who i don't you know work with all the time. And there were certain trainers that I was theirs. Oh, oh. Yeah. And then they would move me to a different spot to actually go be with a different trainer.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It shows someone cares. It was a lot of fun um i was super bruised and so sore which was great and also not great but i would have rather experienced that than not like if i'm there for me you know even home and even when i was like when i was competing i got shit done in the gym. You know, here's the stuff you got to do every day. I got in there, got it done. But if I have an opportunity to be, to do fitness outside, to go and haul hay yesterday, I had, I dug a trench and had to get through tons of roots up at the ranch. You know, I would much rather do that than go to the gym i would much rather go to muay thai
Starting point is 01:21:46 than go to the gym and just do you know my typical training right so it was more fun for me plus it got me outside and i then i wasn't spending so much time by myself and just reading and doing things like that uh est sounds imagine being in a muay thai class and brooke and uh rocks up did you make any friends there brooke i did yeah yeah americans or uh thai thai yep and were there other females in the Muay Thai gym? Yeah, sometimes in the evening there was a couple. Were they professional fighters or just regular Joes? One of them, she had been training for fights.
Starting point is 01:22:37 And then the other ones, I mean, lots of regular Joes that came in, and that's just what they did for their fitness. Did you kick the trees? A little bit. Like you see in the movies. Oh no, no. But I did hear about that. There used to be, um, they used to, they have a gym up in, uh, uh, Chiang Mai too, but they're used, their gym used to be a place that was kind of like out in the trees and you would have to walk basically a trail to get up there like very much movie-esque and i don't think that they had that facility anymore but tell tell me about this um this app that i see that's that's in your instagram feed uh most
Starting point is 01:23:23 recently and this these these cowboys that you're hanging out with and what's going on are you getting to the like meat business or have you been in the meat business um in it in it oh i will just say so my family has raised steers my whole life we have horses we've always grown up that way so you grew up around cow is the steers mean cows yeah uh yes okay thank you santa cruz boy here yeah uh so not heifers those are females okay and steers the you know younger those are the ones that if you're eating your hamburger it's a steer does that mean it's a boy um and it's it can't it's not a bull they're not using them to procreate. Oh, I didn't even know. So a steer, its balls are gone.
Starting point is 01:24:09 It's a boy with no balls. Pretty sure. But it doesn't mean he's young. It still could be an older. It still grows up. It's not like veal. Veal is like a baby, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yeah, no. It's not veal. Okay, good. Shit, I'm learning stuff. All right, here we go. Actually, let me open this up so I can make sure I have steers or high rock sirs yeah that makes sense got it nice nice Jake good that's good yeah thanks Jake soon as it's a load. Okay. So, um, back
Starting point is 01:24:45 2020 maybe, uh, yeah. 2021, 2020. I don't freaking know. My years blend together. Um, AJ Richards, a friend of mine and a native to Southern Utah and his family on his dad's side are Bundy's. So big family name, just like mine out here that settled the area, like the first people that ever came to Southern Utah. Uh, he had come to me, he had been selling beef for his cousin for a long time because the Bundy's are big, uh, big cattle ranchers. And he had, we had, he set a meeting with me and we wanted to talk, he wanted to talk to me about like, um, how can we create consistent income and more opportunity
Starting point is 01:25:35 for the people in our area, you know, for the community here and for the ranchers, because that's, I mean, our family and the nostalgia and the history of our families is building the city, um, bring, you know, feeding the city, doing a lot of things like that. And so we had started talking about, you know, he wanted to see if I was interested in creating a company with him where we, the first thought would be that we would bring them together and then land big contracts for beef that could be consistent contracts for consistent buying to help negate the sort of fluctuation that happens at the auction house. The cost of beef goes up and down and up and down. And it's not because of the producer. It's not because of the
Starting point is 01:26:25 beef. It's because the middleman that's, you know, you know, over, over pricing people. So they are barely making anything by the time they butcher. And especially if they have to ship or if they have to truck, you know, so it's the, the farmers So the person who takes it from you to the store is somehow taking a grab that makes it so the person at the storefront can't make a good living. And then you have, then you have like the cost of like processing fees will go up. Okay. Then you'll have, if they're selling, if they're raising and then going to auction and selling them there, then the cost is super volatile at an, at an auction house too.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And so we started working there that morphed into regenerative pastures, which was a, um, the company bought a processing facility in Cody, Wyoming. AJ lives there now he moved there. He ran the processing facility and it was, you know, a direct consumer people could buy People could buy online through us. And then that morphed into what we really wanted to do, which is we have launched now our online. It's basically it's a platform. It's a marketplace.
Starting point is 01:27:46 help decentralize our food supply and create a parallel market where our producers can actually earn what they are worth and, and earn consistent money by cutting out the middleman. And the biggest way to do that is to get people to eat regionally and locally, know their producer and not be going to a grocery store to get their beef. Plus if you, um, you know, there's, I couldn't tell you, I couldn't name off the four, four main companies unless AJ sent these to me, but there are the big four in the U S. So this is not a, it's not a free market. It's not, there are four companies that own the entire beef market and our country is exporting exporting beef and importing, which we don't need to do. We don't need to import beef. We could definitely, we are more than capable of just feeding our country and taking care of the people here. But, and I couldn't tell you why they do what they do, but JBS,
Starting point is 01:28:52 why they do what they do, but JBS, Cargill, Tyson, regardless, JBS is Brazilian owned. The people who own that company actually went to prison for the shit that they've done out in Brazil, killed a lot of people and done whatever else they do. And currently they are trying to go public for, I think this is like the second attempt to do that and so there's a huge movement in the agriculture and just the rural rural space of people in this industry that are really you know trying to come together to not let that happen um a lot of bad things could happen there they're trying to you know do a lot of regulation there's always more regulation more fees people have to pay which is all complete bullshit and it takes away from the producer and we are losing producers by the thousands every year and when they're gone they're gone so like generational ranches when they're gone they're
Starting point is 01:29:36 gone i want to give an example of that brooke and you're probably going to do a better job than me but like i think like in texas i can grow a cow on my property slaughter it and sell the meat to my neighbors and i think in california you're not allowed to do that right in california you would have to give it away or something or it has to be someone who's like adjacent to your land but that's what you mean by regulations there's regulations that are put in place that don't make sense but keep the powers that be that have these massive fucking foreign farms able to control it so someone like me or you can't just raise five cows on our property and start selling them to our neighbors right well and there's there's there's more to that because
Starting point is 01:30:13 you and i don't know all the rules in california but you do have rules where you have usda plants processing facilities and you have state processing facilities. Yeah. You can sell a beef on the hoof. So you would sell it to them before it would go to a state processing facility. But if it goes, if you're going to sell by piece, it has to go to a USDA plant. Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:35 okay. Okay. And then you have, you know, as far as like rate, like stupid bullshit stuff is like all the carbon credit things you have. Now they want to implement um id tags that go in their ears that they can scan and they can monitor and when i say they
Starting point is 01:30:51 it's not the producer monitor every beef i mean you look at the fact that they also want us to they also want us now to register your home garden like if you if you if you are self-sufficient yeah they don't want that why because they can't control you right so and some people will definitely hear this and be like you're a crazy person but i'm just telling you the truth and you can do with it whatever no one thinks no i think everyone knows oh i've got some facts for you because I actually asked AJ just to send me over some things. So we have 2,500 slaughterhouses in the United States. That is not very many. And 20 processing facilities, they process 85% of the meat consumed by Americans, only 20.
Starting point is 01:31:40 And then these are the big four. It's JBS is Brazilian. National Beef is now owned by a Brazilian company. Tyson is multinational. And Cargill is private American family. And those are the companies that own the market. And those would be the companies that you, if you were like, I want to be a healthy person, that ain't healthy beef. Right. You know, if you can find a local producer, it doesn't matter how they finish those cows. It doesn't matter. You will have a healthier product by far over buying anything from the grocery store and then you learn things like um people are like oh i only want grass-fed well where are you getting it when you say finish you mean the last sorry just for people who don't know you mean you're talking
Starting point is 01:32:37 about that's what you when you finish something that's what you feed them in the last month of their life or something yeah and that's that's, that's typically how like, you know, are like American producers. That's what they do. But if you are getting beef from like one of the big four, those, those cows, those steers,
Starting point is 01:32:56 they are on hormones because then they can grow them faster. They need turnover. They got to get fat, big, faster, and they're only on grain and who knows what else they're feeding them. And they're in a feedlot. So they are, they don't get to be out at pasture. They're not out grazing. So they have a terrible life. And that is what is,
Starting point is 01:33:21 is filling our grocery store shelves. There are one-offs. You do see, I don't, you know, I haven't been to every grocery store in the United States, but you do see some brands that are some big, you know, big operations that are not of those big four. But for the most part, that's what you're getting. And then other little things that they do now, they're actually, they are working on fixing some different label laws, but if you right now, anything that comes into the U S if they, if they add value to it.
Starting point is 01:33:59 So let's, if we're just talking beef, if, um, we import cows from brazil and they process them here they will now market them as american product if they package them here american product if they add any value to it at all it's now u.s it's now a u.s made product and it's not it wasn't grown here it wasn't raised here and then you have like grass fed so when you learn that to label something as grass fed they only have to be on grass for 50 of their life so what are you doing for the other 50 does it matter which 50 i imagine it's the first 50 and what you're saying is is like hey people conventional wisdom is that don't feed cows this or that but what you're saying hey your top priority should be to eat locally like yeah like if you're the kind of person who's like
Starting point is 01:34:56 hey i want it to be organic or this or that be like hey before you do any of that try to get something local and then and you and you have launched an app with this with this bundy guy that people that if i'm selling can i sell eggs on there too or just beef yeah so we've we've launched it it's launched montana to arizona we're partnered with white oaks pastures they're out they're out in georgia um and we are onboarding producers and we're slowly doing that and then and then allowing more customers to come on we are going we're going to be working with and we're slowly doing that and then allowing more customers to come on, we are going to be working with, and we have a lot of plans in place to actually create more ability to service areas that just don't have producers around, like big cities.
Starting point is 01:35:38 But it is, so you can go to the website. So you can go to the website and we have, we look at it as if we are partnering with our producers. This is not something that we will ever sell. This is not something that we will allow anyone to come on board in the, on the business side that does not have the same values and beliefs that we do. Um, because we believe it's very important if you know we're we're creating this not for us it's for it's for people it's for the community of producers and ranchers that have built this country that feed the country and that gets the least amount of help is this it from the farm yep oh good i didn't even was a URL. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:29 So eventually we will like to have, you know, like an app for your phone. But this is where we have started. And it is something where when you go in, you put in your zip code or your address and it pops up on the map, all the, all the ranches or farms that are around you. And we've launched with beef, but we're slowly adding products. So ideally you'll have dairy, vegetables, anything that you can produce, even down to like artisan things too, but it has to be from you um and we have rules in there for like no we're not letting anyone come on that's white labeling you're not going to create yeah this is and it's not focused on the product it's focused on the producer it's focused on the family you know it's creating a community that we all the way we keep functioning as we help
Starting point is 01:37:23 it's like help me help you. You know what I mean? I always wish that there was a place around here, my house where I could order eggs and I would pay fucking top dollar for them. If someone would drop off like a once a week, drop off 50 eggs at my house. I mean, I have three little boys, right? It would be fucking awesome. A friend of mine and I were actually thinking about it for a second, like to raise like a thousand chickens but we abandoned i really i really want to do chickens you do want you like that idea too yep i do want to do chickens and the only issue is i'm not home enough so until i have somebody nieces and nephews train them i know right and i also really want a dairy cow i told my dad i was like also really want a dairy cow. I told my dad, I was like, dad, I want a dairy cow. And he goes, no, you don't. And I said, pretty sure I do. And he's like, no, you don't. And I was like, yes, I do. And he says, you want to milk it twice a day.
Starting point is 01:38:12 You got to milk it twice a day and you can't go anywhere. And I was like, all right. So I hear what you're saying. And, um, I'm going to hold off on getting my dairy cow until I have a good system in place that like, if I've got to go out of town, someone else can milk my cow. Yeah. I had a, do you know who Joel Salatin is? Yes. I had him on the show and he was, he was awesome.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Do you like him? And I want to say that he had a, he, I want to say he processes obviously much smaller meat on his property. And then I had the five Mary's lady on, do you know her? don't know her no do you know of her five mary's i've heard of it yeah yeah and and they basically they went up uh to like the oregon california border and they basically started their company and it's like they the whole town is like flourishing because of it and then and then we both know dave castro and he grew and he grew uh three cows on his property and then the guy came with the truck and and processed the cows right there and he threw
Starting point is 01:39:11 them in the freezer and then i would i would go over there and buy some yep yeah we just but anyway that shit's so cool yeah so this is the first year that i actually i sold some of our steers sold some of our beef to people around here and next year I'll do it again so we plan to increase the you know the head the head count yeah the amount of steers that we have yeah um something that we've never done not because we I mean we really want to but you have to have for us out here you need a winter winter range and summer range so we don't do it we don't have a cow-calf operation but eventually that's something that we would like to do and yeah i
Starting point is 01:39:54 mean we when you drop off the steers to go get processed it's kind of it's like a three-week thing um you know they will hang them they'll they'll hang in the freezer for so long or, you know, drying out and then they butcher them and then package them, freeze them, and then you pick them up. But, but you, if you buy, if you just go to a producer and you actually purchase and not everybody can do it, right? Not everyone has a big freezer space, like you don't have enough room. And that's why we do need like something where like from the farm, or a lot of people that just buy like butcher box, or they, you know, they order their, their beef or whatever they're getting every month, because then it fills their
Starting point is 01:40:41 freezer and they go through it and then they order again. But if you have the pot, the ability to actually butcher, if you have a big family too, like we, our freezers are full all the time. We don't buy beef at the grocery store. We have it. It's in the freezer and it lasts. So some people are thinking like, well, how long can you keep in the freezer? Dude, we're eating beef from a year ago. We're going to go through all the beef from our last processing before we even start the beef that we just barely filled up in the freezer. And it's just, it's, it's great.
Starting point is 01:41:14 It's great. It's not even that expensive though, either. Right? No, no. It's just for space for people that like, just don't have the space to put in your garage.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Right. That's where ours are there. And we've got one in one garage. We've got three. We just bought a new one this year. We've got three freezers in the other garage. How are you on time, Brooke? Well, I was a little late, so I can go for another 10, 15. Hey, in the original text exchange we had, you sent me some clips. Did you have like some sort of awakening in the last, uh, like years? Did you have some sort of
Starting point is 01:41:51 come to Jesus moment? Did you have some sort of, yeah. Did something happen? Like you were like, Oh fuck, I found God. Oh, it's like such a longer conversation, but we don't need to have a long one. In short, I grew up going to church, moved away to school. And like everybody, I'm sure, and some people that never had that in their life at all, you go through life. And for me, really, now I understand. But for a very long time, I didn't. And I also think that I just wasn't even equipped with the tools or things that could really help me understand growing up. Understand what? Understand what? Like what the message that was being shared through church? Yeah, the actual truth.
Starting point is 01:42:48 the actual truth. Um, basically through people, through, um, someone that I dated that I love dearly, um, helped me see a whole different side to it and actually understand that to follow Christ has nothing to do with going to a church. Um, it is not religion, you know, and religion, it really is what puts such a bad sour taste in people's mouths about it, which then you get even further away from it, or then you start questioning it even more. But I will say the biggest thing for me was when I was, I had wanted to read the Bible. I had never read it. And, you know, because of my ADD and things that made certain tasks like that very difficult for me growing up. I mean, especially going to an LDS church, Mormon, you focus a lot on the book Mormon and like, you know, New Testament. But when I was growing up, I didn't read and remember. You were raised Mormon? Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:50 And so I wanted to read the Bible. I was like, you know what? And the reason I wanted to read it is I just wanted to understand the timeline. I want to understand the story. I love history. I love hearing stories about the past. And that's why I love when my dad shares stories from when he was growing up. My grandma does tons of genealogy books from my grandpa, my great grandpa, telling
Starting point is 01:44:11 the stories of them growing up and what their life was like and has pictures and all kinds of things. I love stuff like that. And so I wanted to read it because I wanted to grasp the big picture. And I wanted to understand the Old Testament and all the stories and the things that happened along the way. And so I decided I was going to read it in chronological order. So I had just a website online that I kept open on my phone that put everything in chronological order. And so I decided, okay, this is when I'm going to do it when I'm in Thailand. And that's what I did for that second month when I was by myself so much. I think in like a whole month I was there, like the second month and a half, I worked like five days. What year was this again? This was just last fall. It was 2023.
Starting point is 01:45:05 And did you tell anyone you were doing that? You were like, did you share with anyone? Hey, I'm going to read the Bible. A couple people. Yeah. You know, but and then one thing I had also heard is like, if you want to know God, you have to read his word. You can't know him. you can't know him you can't understand if you're just going to try and find it without reading it without reading it and understanding it and being able to grasp who he
Starting point is 01:45:32 is and and why things are the way they are and understanding you know even just understanding why there's so much pain in the world like that's one of like the biggest questions which i've had when i was younger like when i had my one of my best friends died from leukemia when i was 15 and not being able to understand like why would he do this if if god's real why would he why would there be so many children suffering in the world well if you want to know and you want to understand the whole picture and you want to grasp what it, what life was like in the beginning. And then like through like the old Testament, even being able to conceptualize and understand that it's a two-way relationship,
Starting point is 01:46:15 you know, and how frustrating you could, you could even imagine things would be for, for him. And then you can really connect it to your own life and what it's like with like you growing up with your parents and understanding. And then as you get older, it's like them being able to look back and understand like, man, my, I should have listened to my parents. It's like, no one ever listens to them. And then down the road that you grow up and you're like, I'm sorry, mom, you know, like I'm, I shouldn't have acted like that. I guess just this process. That's a great parallel.
Starting point is 01:46:47 That's a great parallel. And so that was something that was really mind blowing for me was actually seeing like the way my family is, the way my dad is. And all the shit that he's put up with, with my siblings and us growing up and just everything and how he's handled it and how we can always go back to him. There's never been a time when the doors closed. It doesn't matter what's happened. It doesn't matter what we've done. He's right there. And it's just I started reading.
Starting point is 01:47:18 I was doing chronological and those first like all of the genealogy you read in there is tough, you know? And so for me, I tried not to get too hooked up on a lot of the things that were harder for me to not understand, but like remember and then remember them for the stories to come like certain people and certain things like that. But yeah, uh, I had a lot of time on my hands and I, I made that a focus of my time to read and spend a lot of time reading and lo and behold, you, I understood things a lot differently and created a relationship with, with God that I never had my whole life. And
Starting point is 01:48:05 when I was young, going to church all the time, it's all I wanted. And then also understanding that everyone individually is on their own path and there's a reason for it and that life is not just you know i think i lived life without even wanting it to be this way but now in retrospect and being able to stand outside of the situation and look at myself and look at certain things and understand how the world is today is a very selfish way, you know, and having moments where things are going awful or your suit, whatever it is. Um, that's when moments when we are like, we, where we cry out and we, we pray to God. And then the second you're fine, it's like, Oh man, I was close one. And we immediately forget what we asked. We immediately forget the help that we asked. And then we put it off as if it was just
Starting point is 01:49:11 like, oh, that was just like a just in case, just because I thought I was dying, you know? And then understanding. And when you read the Old Testament and you read the relationships with God early on and what that exchange was, and you see how often when he was there actively and through the prophets and they're actively, you know, Israel, you know, wandering in the desert all the times where they were going to come head to head with a, with a group of people that were going to want to slaughter them, but they just had to commit to believing in what God told them to do through Moses, and they were fine. But then the second that they were brought out of whatever that hell was, and they are
Starting point is 01:49:55 given their supplied food or their supplied water, well, shortly after that, so easily, it immediately comes back to like, well am i going to survive and it's like well you just you just survived you've literally been shown that you were going to survive you just have to do this one thing and but that's just what it's like to be human you know um real quick so you so you're there you're reading this and did you expect to go through a transformation no and um but you did yeah and a lot of it too was even just recognizing and realizing things about myself that i've all i've all like I've always had a relationship there,
Starting point is 01:50:46 but it's been a one-way relationship because I have not been aware. And so reading that made you aware? Oh, yeah. Quickly? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And what about reading, I don't know what the, I don't know the difference between being Mormon or Christian or reading the Bible from the beginning.
Starting point is 01:51:08 So is that in conflict with how you were raised? No. Anything that you're reading? No. No. Mormon, it's a denomination. Okay. It's Christian. Okay. There's just an additional book.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Yeah. Well, there's the Bible in Christianity christianity in being a mormon too you have the bible right but it's kind of like what you focus on just like there's there's i could not tell you i don't take the time to know all this shit i just info i just focus on myself and i've been like that my whole life yeah uh but there are there's a uh Christians where they call them red line Christians and they only follow what is in red line because in like the King James or in certain Bibles, everything that Jesus said is in red and that's all they follow. You know, you have people that only believe, they don't believe anything past the Old Testament. You have people that focus a lot on the fact that everything you do has to do with works, has to do with like things that you do. Like you have, you are only saved if you do this, if you do this, if you do this.
Starting point is 01:52:22 if you do this, if you do this, if you do this. When you understand why the purpose of why Jesus Christ came and why he was crucified and what that means, it has nothing to do with what you do. It has everything to do with the faith that you have. If you're just doing things and you can, the connection you can make to understand this better is do you like it when you ask somebody to do something to help you with something and they're only doing it, like they're not doing it because they want to, like I'm this way. Like
Starting point is 01:52:59 I, if I ask for help and I really am not someone who, who likes to do that is because I don't want to put anybody out. I don't want you to do something with me or for me because you have to, like, if you feel like you have to, and you're only, you're doing it, but it's like, you don't want to, I don't want to ask you, like, I don't, don't worry about it. You know, like if, if you don't want to help me, like, I don't, don't worry about it. You know, like if, if you don't want to help me with something I'm struggling with or that I've got to do or whatever, just out of like the goodness of your heart, like you just want to help me, I won't ask you and I'll never
Starting point is 01:53:36 ask you again. Like if I'm just doing all of these things because I have to, it doesn't mean the same. And then that's where you understand that believing in God and having faith in faith in God is two very different things. And then you understand by reading, you know, all of these peoples in, in, you know, their stories and things they went through. And you also understand like, this is, this is human nature. It is, you know, there's human nature to mess up. You're never going to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. Literally nobody except for Jesus Christ. And when you only do things to gain something, it's like, I'm only going to do this to get what you have to give. That doesn't, that, that's me more so being, uh,
Starting point is 01:54:31 I mean, in short, just like not really, uh, the kind of friend you'd want to have. Like if you have a bunch of people around you, which I'm sure you understand, and everybody can experience this or has at one point in their their life especially i have is people only wanting to see what they can get from you and then when they get what they want they drop you they're not there for you they don't care it's like those are friends that you don't want to have i never had that i never had that no one ever wanted shit from me i was always like get away from me hey brooke let me ask you this. Going back to when you were a kid. Yeah. Do you think that maybe that religion then should be or Christianity or the word of Jesus should be introduced to kids differently than how it was introduced to you? Or do you think it's you think that the evolution you went through is is just the way it is you're going to get this knowledge you may push back and reject it or not understand it
Starting point is 01:55:29 but the seed's been planted then you go out into the world some shit lands on you but then from that shit uh that seed that you're that your pastor as a kid planted grows and then one more thing it's fascinating to me with this thing that you said, where even when, even though you didn't get it when you were going to church, you wanted it. Like, you're like, Hey, where are you going to talk to me or fucking what I'm going to church? When are you going to be like, yo, here I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:54 So two things. Yeah. I, I guess it's hard for me to say like how I think that it should be introduced to kids just in terms of, if I think about what I've gone through myself, because I believe that, you know, there is a plan for each of us and there is value in all the struggle that I've experienced in my life. life. There is value in what I've experienced, who I am, how it has formed me. And then to get to a point now where I'm really understanding something that's so much more important than my life, like than, than all of my issues or my worries or my hard times. And it's, it makes me a person, even if you weren't going to look at it in a, in a, in a, uh, on a faith thing. But even when I went through, when I had
Starting point is 01:56:54 my cervical fusion and I was done competing, something that I wrapped my head around and I had to remind myself of to, in order for me to have a, make it a positive experience versus just it ruining my emotional state, my self-confidence, you add all the trolls, all the bullshit that was said about me. I mean, and then you, you add into that all the things, all the negative self talk you might think about yourself, right? Was me realizing, okay, how, what, what is good that comes from this experience? Well, I coach, I have this platform that people love to follow, follow me, and they like to hear what I have to say. Well, how, it just makes me more relatable. You know, I have, now I have more experience that can directly relate and I can empathize and I can actually understand what a lot of people could be going through or what
Starting point is 01:57:53 they've been through or what they're going through at that time, whether it's injury, whatever it is, right? It makes me more valuable of a person in people's lives that I meet, that I get to encounter based on what I've gone through myself. I can understand. You know what I mean? So for me, so for me at the point that I'm at to have gone through my whole life, all of the ups and downs, all the trials, all of the confusion. And then to get to a point at 34, where I now can see and understand and be almost more grateful and thankful for all the bullshit. I only got to this point because of the way my life has been, you know, but I will say that something I've, uh, I've heard that I think is
Starting point is 01:58:45 a really good way to put it. And I, this helped me understand too, and almost made me feel like, man, if I would've had that, I would have even just understood how to re how to read and understand the Bible more. Um, they say a problem with the church today is they care more and this is not just today it's been for a very long time they care more about having like butts in seats like having people at church than instilling them instilling in them the word so if there was more time spent on actually reading and grasping and understanding than you're equipping people with the knowledge, which is what we're supposed to do, so that they can now live their life and then they can share it. Has nothing to do with just those people in charge or those people teaching them sharing it. them sharing it so if you've gone to church your whole life and you go every week but you still don't fully you don't feel comfortable or like you have the ability to be able to speak that to somebody i mean we go to school for 12 years you take a class for a whole year you learn quite a
Starting point is 01:59:59 bit but if we're going to church every week and we're doing that, we're doing it because we have to, and this is what you need to do, but we're actually not even really learning the history. And I'm not saying that that's the way it is everywhere. So if you're like, well, I didn't grow up that way. I'm so happy for you because a lot of people do, you know? And, Because a lot of people do, you know, and I think that that's something that I understood. Like, not the basics, but like the main points. But if I never understood that, how to have develop a relationship with god you know i'll interview people and it'll be like interviewing i don't know chat gpt and then i'll interview them two years later and they've gone through
Starting point is 02:00:55 some shit right their mom died they had a bout with anorexia something fucking happened to them and their whole perspective they're they're they're a different person they're they're all of a sudden like a complete person like there's depth to them they can go somewhere in the conversation they that you can tell they've done some inward reflecting where it's not all talking like if you've never had anything happen to you life is all roses and lamborghinis and hot girls and i and i don't blame those people for that but then when you take a you know like when you crash on a bike you have to like you're laying there and you're like okay and you kind of scan your body like my neck okay yeah you're like yeah
Starting point is 02:01:34 do you think that um that it almost seems like you can't do inner reflection unless you yeah yeah you need some sort of wound to where you're like, okay, I need to go inside and you need to go inside for maybe a month or a year. But there has to be some like, okay, what, what am I? Who am I? How am I? Like you got to like, and you have to like start using your inner vision, right? You have to be honest. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:02 You know, like that's part of it. That's, I mean, that's one of the main things that, um, honest with yourself, honest with yourself. And if you're, if you are someone who believes in God and you speak to him, it's honest with him and being just willing to accept hard truths that nobody wants to, no one wants to be told that they're, they've been doing things wrong. No one wants, I believe this, no one wants to be told that they're they've been doing things wrong no one wants i believe this no one wants to hurt somebody else some people do okay but let's across the board people want to be happy well no one wants to be a fentanyl addict no no one wants to be a heroin addict like you're like fuck no one's be addicted to shit but you know it's it's uh i can speak for myself. It's not fun when you realize that you're wrong or that you hurt somebody or whether it was intentional or unintentional.
Starting point is 02:02:52 It's not fun to actually have to look at yourself and accept things for what they are. So we will find ways around it. We will find ways to be like, it's because of this though. Like we'll find ways to make it softer, like a softer pain when you have to accept it. But the truth is, is like, if you can just be honest with yourself about why you did what, whatever happened, like, why did I do it that way? Why did, what's the real reason why it happened that way? then you look even further into who you are why did i do it that way why did i respond that way what about me is making me be so defensive right or wanting it to be
Starting point is 02:03:39 everyone else's fault but not my own the victim mindset mindset. I'm always, you know, it's like everyone else is bad. I'm good. Everyone else is bad. It's like the second you have to have a honest conversation with yourself, be vulnerable with the facts, but know that it's okay. It's okay. Because you can change. I mean, and the only way you can become better or, or fix those, those issues is to find them, take, acknowledge them, and then be able to start building some self-awareness so you can actively throughout your day, catch yourself when you're kind of falling into an old pattern and change it and do it and do it differently my wife told me that people um lie because of um to avoid discomfort so like i'll be on the
Starting point is 02:04:33 phone with you i'll be like oh i have to go the um someone's at the front door and she's like hey man like i'm gonna you know she told me this 20 years ago you could don't do that stupid don't ever don't don't avoid discomfort no no white lies no fucking nothing just just face it and and kind of like you can have a practice that starts just with those small things okay mom i have to go now and just tell the truth i'm tired or i'm going to bed or i'm done talking or do what dave does to me just hangs up on me i'm done yeah i'm yeah he'll say that. I'm done. I'm home. Click.
Starting point is 02:05:07 You know what I mean? You're like, oh, all right. Yeah. And, um, and, and people, uh, the P people will respect you more because you have integrity. People, everyone wants to try to be nice. Really? We just want to be around honest people who have integrity and then, and then stop avoiding the discomfort.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Just face the discomfort. But that's, I mean, that's probably the best way you could just put it out. Like at its core is no one wants to be uncomfortable. Yeah. And the discomfort, especially in interaction or in relationships is, can be horrendous. Yeah. You know? And so we try to soften the blow and that can even come from like, I've done that, you know, and it's, it's comes from a place of almost caring so much that you end up making it worse, but you don't realize you're making it worse. It's like, no, but that is, I mean, that's what happens. But, um, yeah, being honest with yourself and actually being able to so one thing that I when I was reading
Starting point is 02:06:06 that I I didn't understand not because I didn't want to or didn't try it's because I didn't read it and no one ever told me but it makes perfect sense is it and I wish I could quote this but I am not just not there yet but basically it is better to be sorrowful. So basically pain or discomfort or feeling basically being broken, right? Everyone's kind of been like, has whether, no matter what level that is for you, it could be that you got a, you're, you love getting straight A's and you got a B minus on a test. Like that could break a person. days and you got a B minus on a test, like that could break a person. Now, other people might be like, well, that's like, that's ridiculous. Like, calm down. It's B minus. You're just going to study harder next time. But in that moment, if that's the hardest thing you've been through,
Starting point is 02:06:55 that is the thing that breaks you. And it says it is better to be in sorrow than to be joyful. And I understand it in, in sorrow. When you are broken down, you have moments where you realize you can't do it. You can't do it. And your life is full of them. And it only, you can't do it.
Starting point is 02:07:20 What do you mean? You can't do it. This is, this would be, you can't do it without God. You can't do it without Christ. There are you can't do it? This would be, you can't do it without God. You can't do it without Christ. There are so many things in your life that you cannot control. And the only way you're going to get through them is realizing that you don't have to control them.
Starting point is 02:07:33 And you give them to him. And you let the chips fall how they're going to fall. Can you give me an example like using the B minus thing or anything? Give me an example. Like how does that work? You're at home crying. Your boyfriend breaks up with you, and you're crying. Let's say – well, yeah. Your life is falling apart. You lose your job.
Starting point is 02:08:00 That happened to me. I did that. I did that. I lost my job. You have all these stresses like, how am I going to to do this how am i going to feed my kids yeah and it's it's if you think about it's like it's all i i i and there is i mean and don't get me wrong like we have to do things right but the purpose is is we don't have to take on all that stress. We don't have to, you know, and it doesn't mean that it won't be there. Like we're not, it doesn't make it easier, but it does make it easier in the long run based for me, at least. Taking on the stress adds no value either. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:51 And then if we are, if we're living a life, that's just super joyful, um, which I've experienced, you know, well, everyone has like for me, like through CrossFit and being so busy and performing and competing and doing this and doing this podcast and being asked to do this. It's like my life is so much about self without even, I'm not a selfish person, but like without even realizing that when we are successful and we're in joy, it's so nice. And for some people, probably more than others, it becomes, it's because of what I did. And then the second something goes wrong, we want to look for a reason outside of ourselves why it's a problem. Wow. We don't, we don't, it's in the, you know, in the, in the Bible, what it says, it's better to be in sorrow because those are the moments that bring you closer to god
Starting point is 02:09:45 bring you closer to that relationship and they and and one that will never leave you no matter your ups or your downs will always be there but when we are living in a way where we you know, for myself had fallen away so much of that because of things in my life and people in my life and just, you know, the man, the journey and the different lives that we live. We get so focused on ourselves, whether we realize it or we don't. And so when we are there, when shit goes bad, it's even harder, man. Because now you start attacking, whether it's in your own mind or maybe people on the internet, start attacking like, you're not capable. I'm bad. I suck. I couldn't do it. And we get stuck in this frame, like this mindset that is just debilitating and is only going to keep us going down. And because that is the power of the mind. It's like, um, if you allow yourself to be a victim and never take responsibility, you will continue to be a victim and people around you will continue to not want to be around you.
Starting point is 02:11:12 We'll continue to not want to go through hard things. Other victims will want to be around you to validate themselves. Yes. Hey, you brought this thing that you said is genius. I work so hard. My podcast is doing so good. I'm going to go out. I'm so good at my podcast.
Starting point is 02:11:30 I make so much money. I'm going to go out and buy a new minivan. And I did that all on my own because I'm so great. And then a week later, my minivan gets towed because I parked in the wrong spot. And it's someone else's fault. But, hey, jackass, you were celebrating the fact that you brought this minivan into your life. It was I, I, I until someone crashed into it. Then it's his fault.
Starting point is 02:11:52 No, no. You made the choice to buy the minivan. And when you buy the minivan, what comes with that is some jackass, some drunk guy might hit it. And that's equally as your fault or your responsibility because you bought it. And I'm understanding your point, right? When are you taking credit and when are you blaming? Yeah. And where's that, where's that bridge? When do you be like, yeah, if I didn't, if I wouldn't have bought that van, if I didn't, wouldn't have accepted the fact that like, I bought that van and I parked it there and it got hit. And it doesn't mean to say that person
Starting point is 02:12:21 doesn't have their role, but I could have not bought the van and then I would never have to worry about it getting hit. It's also just a matter of if you think about it with friends or acquaintances at your job, people that you have to see every single day. I feel pretty confident in saying this, but I don't think anybody enjoys being around a person that thinks they're hot shit. I'm the coolest. The person comes in and it's all about them. It's their, they live this beautiful life. They are, have no time to talk to the little guy. That's the time where they're only going to talk to you if they want something from you or they need something from you. And they're going to drop you because you actually mean nothing to them
Starting point is 02:12:58 because they are living their life. And because of them, everyone around them has success because of them. That product is selling because of them. everyone around them has success because of them. That product is selling because of them. You're doing well. You only are doing well because of what I do because of my name, because of who I am. No one likes to be around that. So you can just feel extra bad about yourself all the time when this one person is just absorbing all of the reasons why there's good because of them. When you live that way, you are so focused on yourself. You're a self-centered, selfish person, self-centered for sure.
Starting point is 02:13:37 And one way or another, people around you, when they experience that about you, man, does it suck. I've seen people destroy people i i i had an acquaintance who like i like people who think that they're cool that part i like but i've been i've been around to a degree yeah like not to a degree where it's like you have you have to be uncool right right and so right good point so but but But on top of that, I have been around someone who took credit for everything, even other people's good things other people did, and they fucking emotionally destroyed people. I watch them. They take people, and they just rinse them out like a sponge.
Starting point is 02:14:19 It's pretty crazy. Yep. It's pretty crazy, and if those people aren't strong which most people aren't can't handle it they get just fucking devoured yeah well and just to that point right there um i think like i can't remember if it was uh jordan peterson or somebody says it very eloquently but it makes so much sense you know we especially now live in a time where like it's offensive to offend somebody. It is you are not allowed to offend anybody. I need to somehow understand everyone's internal feelings without even asking them what they are.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Yeah. Because if I overstep or I say the wrong thing or I call you the wrong name or whatever it is, now all of sudden I'm, my life could literally blow up for no reason. Right. And what he talks about is the importance of the stress of discomfort, especially for children. The only way we learn how in our body and like physiologically, we adapt to be able to handle things is by experiencing them. So to the point of you saying you know uh hayley telling you like don't tell people like just be honest just don't avoid the discomfort of even little lies yeah don't don't avoid the discomfort and it's like that's something that i have really committed to like this year is um just being focusing on being truthful and, and honesty and whatever comes with that, then enduring it the best I can, you know, and, um,
Starting point is 02:15:55 that would be probably one of the best things anyone can do for their kids. You know, if you lose, you lost, you know, don't tell it, don't tell your kids like they're fantastic. If they're not, don't tell them they're shitty. Right. But let them, you know, you're honest with them. Like you didn't, I mean, that's, that's not something you're really good at, but let's work on it. We can get better at it. That's how anyone learns anything. Like my little nephew learning how to ride a bike, Jax, you know, he doesn't want to ride it because he doesn't know how. And I'm like, well, Jax, or it's too hard. It's too hard. And I'm like, it's hard for everybody, buddy. If you've no one, no one knew how to ride a bike the first time
Starting point is 02:16:37 they rode one, you have to learn and you fall and you practice and you kind of get your knees get scraped and it totally sucks, but we learn how to do it. And then once you learn it, you have that skill forever. And you can always, you can go on bike rides with your friends and we can go on bike rides. And then you get to, you don't have to be left out because you put in the time to get better at this, you know, this skill. But you had to go through discomfort to do it. But, you know, a lot of things now is like, people don't like to be uncomfortable. And it isn't, it's not, it's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:17:21 It's uncomfortable to be uncomfortable. Man, if CrossFit taught me anything and it's can backfire too but uh it's it's finding comfort in discomfort uh savon dan guerrero savon gets offended by comments on his podcast he's soft like toilet paper how about you go fuck yourself piece of shit okay um oh i know i've overstayed my welcome with you, but I have to ask you this. Brooke, are you going to have kids? Yeah, kids. Are you going to have kids? I would love to have a baby, yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:53 You talk about kids a lot, your nieces and nephews. Do you have a dog? I do not have a dog. I have had dogs. I just don't have dogs anymore. Are you dating anyone? I am not dating anyone. Are you being courted?
Starting point is 02:18:09 No. Do you put yourself in situations to be courted? Probably not. Do you avoid courtship? Not necessarily. Everything's online. And I guess, especially being home and working and traveling and things like that, I'm not necessarily in situations where I'm meeting people that would want to date me. And also, I don't have a ton of experience like dating right yeah and i'll be honest you need you need sort of like informal courtship you need someone like who just you run into the grocery store 35 times you don't want to do dating i just i don't blame you i
Starting point is 02:19:01 wouldn't want to fucking do dating either but i'm old yeah no i mean i uh honestly i don't blame you. I wouldn't want to fucking do dating either, but I'm old. Yeah. No, I mean, I, uh, honestly, I don't know what I need. You guys, I do know that I, that's, do you sound perfect?
Starting point is 02:19:16 That sounds perfect. Yeah, no, I am. I am. If you're ugly as fuck, now's your chance to move in. No,
Starting point is 02:19:21 I definitely, I definitely know what she wants. Listen, if you're a low self-esteem guy who's five foot four there are certain things there are certain things that i know i would i know what i want but in terms of and i'll be honest uh it actually sounds and feels before even doing it absolutely exhausting to get to know somebody yeah yeah yeah and it doesn't fucking become a monk for sure it doesn't it doesn't mean i don't i don't want to or that i am not willing to because i'm definitely someone who i care very deeply i love very hard and I'm not going to just date to date somebody right so you know a little courtship meeting I've been through a lot I'm 34 so be pretty easy for me right off the bat to know if it's something that I want to put my time
Starting point is 02:20:21 into and if it's not then i'm not going to especially because because i care so much it is so hard for me to if some when something doesn't work out yeah does that make sense yeah but yes in short in short yeah i do i would like to i would love to be able to find a partner who wants to go through the rest of my life with me and put some babies in me. Yeah. I could tell you like kids. So emotional pain of a relationship, but you're still willing to take the risk, right? You're still willing to love hard and like if you get hurt, you get hurt.
Starting point is 02:21:02 Yeah. I don't know how to not love hard and like if you get hurt you get hurt yeah i don't know how to not love hard and that is why that is why um especially because i've had some failed attempts um going to try and i'm trying to be someone who i will be more particular about when i take a step like that just so but i also think because you know when you go through life and you're older, it's like, you understand you can, and I read people really well. Um, except for the few times I didn't, but being able to meet somebody, you, you exchange conversation, you understand who they are, learn about them and what they do and their, their life and their childhood and things that matter to them.
Starting point is 02:21:46 Right off the bat, after a long conversation like that, you know, like if you want to spend time with them, there's some really cool people I know who are really good friends, but their biggest shortcoming is, is they set their, their expectations too high for other people. Meaning if their friends fuck up,
Starting point is 02:22:01 they kick their friends to the curb. You know what I mean? Like, would you, are you their friends to the curb. You know what I mean? Are you a forgiving person too? Yeah. All right. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 02:22:13 I always get concerned about that with certain people. I'm like, fuck. I mean, you have to have high expectations, but then you have to be really forgiving. People aren't perfect. They're going to fuck up. Well, yeah. I mean, you should be – well, I guess I shouldn't even say you should, because it's not my choice how people decide to be in their lives, but at least for myself, what,
Starting point is 02:22:33 what kind of a person do I want to be? What kind of a friend do I want to be? I want to be someone who you're not going to like lie to your friends to not have discomfort, to literally just still in a way, be focused on yourself and the day that they don't perform for you by maybe those types of people should take a better look at themselves to be like, well, what is it like being your friend? Right. What kind of a friend am I?
Starting point is 02:23:00 Or what kind of a family member or partner am I? am I? Or what kind of a family member or partner am I? You know, the people that are closest to you, at least for me, it's like, um, you get to be a safe Haven for them where we are. Life is hard and long and difficult, and you will consistently have challenges. They do not, it's not a game you can win, right? I think you win it by being able to constantly self-reflect so you can get, you can manage it, get through it better. And it's really nice to have people in your circle or in your friend group or in your corner or in your bed, in your home, that you can be your most authentic self. You can show them all the hard things, all of, you know, the uncomfortable things, and it becomes a safe, a safe place for you. It's a safe place for you to be honest,
Starting point is 02:23:59 and it's a safe place for you to grow and learn. But you've got to be that person too. So being someone who is so willing to drop friends or people after they mess up one time or they don't live up to your expectation, to your standard. It's like you need to recognize you're putting them. You are creating a list of things and you want them to do these things. And maybe those are the standards you hold for yourself. But that doesn't mean you should hold them for other people. Everyone is going through things very differently and have their own timing and their own process they have to go through. own process they have to go through and no one like even even most of those people even for myself like these are my expectations for myself like these are what i want to i want to win the
Starting point is 02:24:52 crossfit games i want to do this i want to do this and i hold myself to that standard and every time i fall short of it you go through your own turmoil having this recognition this moment where you're like, I suck. I'm not as good as I thought I was. I mean, in, in CrossFit and in competing, it's a huge part of that. So like go to the CrossFit games and something I talked about all the time is like, you have to be able to have positive self-talk. You have to be able to recognize moments, at least for myself, right? Like, least for myself, right? Like, um, funny story, uh, training camp, athlete camp, pre-competition almost every time. But I remember I was at an athlete camp. Um, and we were doing a workout. I don't remember which one it was. And there's all the athletes and it's like, all right, heat one or whatever heat you're in. And I'd put my headphones in. And I attribute this to the
Starting point is 02:25:46 fact that the first time I started training for, to like for CrossFit, like before I had done team, but I had never competed or attempted to compete as an individual. I trained by myself for a whole year. And you, you had all these people saying like, you need to train with people who are better than you. You need to train with people who are better than you you need to train people who are better than you i didn't actually i didn't i was not going to fall into that and here's why and some people everyone's different some people do need that but someone like me especially competing as an individual there's nothing around you that can make you go harder. The only thing that can help make you go harder or faster or rest less is yourself. You are completely in control.
Starting point is 02:26:34 And so it has to do with how you talk to yourself. Has to do with where is my mindset at? I mean, I had times doing an open workout, started the open workout. And if the second I had a thought in my head that was like, oh man, this feels bad. I'd stop. I put my shit down. I'd stop. I wasn't going to waste it. Because the second my mindset or a thought that I was having was negative, it was putting me in my mind, but in a position of feeling how bad it feels or feel like thinking, I don't know if I can do it. You're not good for me, speaking for myself, not going to be successful that way. It's not going
Starting point is 02:27:12 to go the way that I know it can go. So I would stop. I'd come back to it later and I would try again and I would start again and I would do it. But this like positive self-talk, it's like, how do you talk to yourself? If you're always tearing yourself down or only ever seeing yourself in a negative light, you know, compete training with. So at the, at the training camp, I had my headphones in, my coach comes over and we're in the middle of the workout and he's talking to me, he's yelling at me and I'm not listening to a word he has to say.
Starting point is 02:27:44 And this is why, because I don't like, I didn't like the tactic of this, creating this visual for the athlete that tells them like, so-and-so is right next to you. They're, you know, they're getting, they're gaining, they're going to get, they're getting ahead of you. Cause for me, it was like the second that I had the feeling of being behind or like I wasn't capable or I wasn't doing enough, it just broke me down. Like if I, before I even tried to do something, before I even was in the workout or maybe even before competition, if I already had the words in my head, whether they were put there by myself or they were put there from people around me
Starting point is 02:28:29 that made me see that I was less than capable or less than able to win that event or to finish it or to finish in a spot that I need to finish in, that's where I kept myself. Whether, and it's like subconsciously in the back of my mind, you know, I had to, I would basically end up failing before I even tried. So for me, a huge thing within competition and also with just in life is how do I talk to myself? And then what that turns into is how do I talk to other people? How do I observe other people? And it's a matter of giving grace and taking yourself out of it. You know, if it's someone else doing something, a friend going through something and they, and they screw up. Well, I screw up all the time.
Starting point is 02:29:28 And I, and I learn, and I don't want to screw up or I don't want to treat someone that way, or I don't want to respond to someone that way. I don't want to be that person. And it, sometimes it happens because it just, in the moment, you know, you're, you get really overwhelmed or you're really stressed. And then you, you talk to people, you know, a way that you don't, you wouldn't enjoy being talked to like that. And that's why I say it's, it's a matter of, it's just practice. It's just, if you want to be someone like this, you're not going to be there overnight. Gaining more self-awareness by practicing self-awareness throughout your day, checking in to see how you're doing or how you're feeling, it becomes easier to be able to stop yourself or in the
Starting point is 02:30:13 moment, almost humble yourself and be like, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to respond that way. I actually feel like this. Right. And we slowly change ourselves into a better friend, a better partner, a better daughter, you know, a better coworker, all these things. And none of it doesn't mean that you're not going to have hard times or you might lose your job or you may fall short on the project you had to do for school, or whatever it is, you still are going to experience those things. But it will help change how you experience them, which then will change the stress you have or how you feel about yourself. And it's all just
Starting point is 02:30:57 this compound effect that is complicated. And it is constantly changing. And as things change in the world, it gets harder, or you have to address it from a different angle or try something different and yeah and it's it sucks and it's hard but um i think it's just a better way to live and and that happens it becomes a better way to live if you are someone who cares about how you affect people around you. And you in return would hope to have the people around you to be someone similar so that like when you are your worst self, maybe based on all the things that are going on in your life at that time or that day or whatever it is, you don't want them to drop you the second that you fall into an old pattern or, you know, like that. Cause then even that stress on somebody has got to be, it's, I mean,
Starting point is 02:31:52 it's horrible. It's horrible to then be, to then have so much fear where maybe I know this about a friend of mine, then that becomes what, how will I get out of it? If I hold this person on a pedestal and I know that they're not going to be willing to endure or put up with any of my bullshit and that this can be a very easy relationship for them to not need me, but I care for them so much and I hold them up on this pedestal, well, then you'll do whatever you can to not have those instances happen. You'll blame on other people. It will all become someone else's fault. It'll be an excuse or a white lie or all these things that in the moment
Starting point is 02:32:34 solves your problem. But in the long run makes your problem way worse. Right. In a relationship, one of the things that especially a good healthy relationship when you get an argument the goal is not to win yeah and and if you get two people who want to win you'll you'll see uh monsters uh uh magic uh magic miguel from the philippines for five dollars he would like to date you um let me see i think there was i thought
Starting point is 02:33:07 i saw one more comment down here for you no i don't see it all right hey uh thank you wonderful having you on wonderful catching up yeah i i really appreciate you i know you stayed in an hour more than uh than you could and so i appreciate it uh i'm excited about what you're doing with the, with the app. I think it's a good thing. You sound like you are embarked on being a good contributor to humanity and civilization and, um, I'll stay in touch with you. Thank you. And thank you for the grace you've given me by the way. And, and, and our past takeups, I appreciate you. Yeah, no, it no it's okay and that's that's definitely a thing about me that i am i can always understand i am super empathetic and it's like i can always
Starting point is 02:33:57 understand why someone why things happen the way they did or why someone would choose to do things they did or whatever it's almost like and that that part of me can make people mad well it made me happy i really enjoyed i really enjoyed the discourse with you about a year ago it was fun and uh i i thought the world of you for it so thank you well you're welcome sebi all right talk to you soon. All right. See you guys. Okay. Bye. Brooke ends. Stole an hour of her life. Two hours of her life. Eric Weiss. John Young is a stud and thank you, Brooke, for a great conversation. Great podcast, Seve. Have a great day, everyone. Oh, thank you. Magic Mike.
Starting point is 02:34:39 Magic Miguel. Magic Philippines. I said something about Brooke on the show and then she texts me and she's like, yo, this is like a year ago. She's like, what's up? Ding dong. And we had a little text back and forth. She had done.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Fuck me. It was pretty cool. I enjoyed it. It was fun. Enjoy. Good on fucking, uh, Eric Weiss. Oh,
Starting point is 02:34:57 uh, John Young is a stud and thank you, Brooke, for a great conversation. Great podcast. Have a great day, everyone. All right. Um, And thank you, Brooke, for a great conversation. Great podcast, Seve. Have a great day, everyone.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Dallas, Leloo Dallas. God has spoken to me and others. It's not like this conversation is happening in front of us, but he does speak. If my relationship was solid, I'm sure I'd hear him more often wow clock John went a long way toward restoring his status as senior analyst of CrossFit today after his catastrophe a few days ago was very impressive that he did it and did it very well
Starting point is 02:35:35 what catastrophe uh uh um oh sweet it's awesome uh ret uh me rather than oh awesome see you soon all right greg's coming to town that's awesome uh um that's awesome uh um it was for you I told I was thanking Pat
Starting point is 02:36:34 man you guys really like Pat I told Pat I said man the audience really loves you he goes is that for someone else alright um thanks Magic Miguel again uh can I come hang out with you uh in cali before semis god i don't know you just stressed me out uh yeah sure sure sure sure sure hey dude i got up too early today, Jake. Jake says focus.
Starting point is 02:37:09 I got up way too early. Audrey, Brian is my senior analyst. That's fine. Oh, my goodness. How about WAD Zombies, most recent? Oh my goodness. How about WAD zombies? Most recent. I honestly thought when that that this was me.
Starting point is 02:37:36 Someone said it was Bill Burr, but I totally thought this was me talking when I saw this. Can't even. Can't even. Oh, I got to send John 500 bucks. Fuck. Here we go. This right here. Those fat asses and those thick thighs.
Starting point is 02:38:02 And I just go, look at these gorgeous, these fucking Amazonian goddesses that didn't lean on their looks and actually get up every day and train. It's fucking amazing. It's hot chicks doing something. Like, when the fuck do you ever see that? 100%. I just sit there, those fat asses and those thick thighs. Who is that? Who is that right there? That shot is ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:38:19 I just go, look at these gorgeous, these fucking Amazonian goddesses. God, that's like the nicest thing anyone's ever said about a woman. And so many people won't even understand that. How is it rude to call a chick's ass a fat ass? How did that ever become not appropriate? What a fucking mess this world's become i just love the way he says that that didn't lean on their looks and actually get up every day and train it's amazing it's hot chicks doing something
Starting point is 02:38:58 like when the do you ever see that 100 i just sit there those fat asses and those thick god what a great line those fat asses oh that is stalwood yeah i think that was laurence stalwood you're right yeah that i don't know just just a straw shot right down the pink and stink i. You're right. Yeah, I don't know. Just a shot right down the fucking pink and stink. I don't know. It's just, I don't know. It's too much. It's too much. Too much.
Starting point is 02:39:37 Let me call my wife here real quick. Oh, do we have, I wonder if we have John Young's Venmo. Let's see. I got gotta do this real quick. Um, can I get your Venmo? Can I get your Venmo? I'm going to, I'm going to have my wife send them $499.99. Someone said my hair looks like Hitler. The fuck?
Starting point is 02:40:12 How about that? Now what do I look like? Now I look like a Q-tip. And then call my wife. Let's see if this phone's working here. Can you guys hear that? I thought I heard the dial. Did you guys hear that? I thought I heard the die. You guys hear that? Yeah, OJ died.
Starting point is 02:40:50 Yeah, I saw that. OJ Simpson died. Crazy, right? Did OJ die on the golf course? Yeah, I don't know if he died on the golf course, but he's fucking dead. I saw that comment. That's crazy. Haley?
Starting point is 02:41:02 Hello? Hello? Haley? Hello? Haley hello Haley Haley hello she answered I always I always go straight to speaker because I panic but I'm not going to I'm gonna hang tight hang tight tight fuck hello shit hey hi hey uh can you um can you uh send john young five hundred dollars sure do you have his venmo no i don't think so. All right. Did you get my text? Yeah, I don't agree with you. You like to go to the airport two hours early.
Starting point is 02:41:52 I know. You don't have to stress. This is like. I know, but I don't. I'm going to get them there on time. I won't stress. I'll do it. I'm there. Don't fight with me in front of my friends.
Starting point is 02:42:09 Why don't you? They have a surf camp in a month. Don't you want them? You think I'll say that? You think I'll come to my senses? Yes. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:42:23 Hold on. I think I lost you hold on hello hello yeah listen you so you if i have 40 they get out of the pool and then they have 45 minutes to get to tennis you don't think i can dry them off in in 45 minutes and get them to tennis oh heidi i have to go poop joseph says okay let's go i promise i'll be sorry ari oh heidi i have to poop now too okay now you have 20 minutes did i tell you yesterday when i took there and it takes 25 minutes to get to tennis maybe probably 30 with traffic i'll be so chill let's just try it once just try it once don't be afraid it's not
Starting point is 02:43:05 like i'm asking to put it in your dump why should they lose minutes in tennis because they're going to be late oh i don't want to make it go swimming tomorrow you signed them up for a surf camp that's in two months and they need to get as much time in the pool as possible oh damn that's true not one day is not gonna no the plan was to go monday wednesday and friday which we thought was sufficient hey i if it doesn't work i will acquiesce and i'll oh look i'm sending you john young's um okay um okay hey make sure you're going to be rushing. First, you're going to be rushing from Kumon to swim. That's already going to be a mad dash. And then rush again.
Starting point is 02:43:52 No, I don't want to be so cool. I just don't think it's worth it. Okay. I'm going to be so you don't even think it's worth trying. Are you arguing my limitations? I guess it's worth trying. That's what I said. I'll just let you try so you
Starting point is 02:44:05 can tell me i was right yeah oh oh no wrong kidding okay uh so you'll send john 500 bucks um there was something else i wanted to say oh dude yesterday i took the kids to the lighthouse after piano and right we get there and all three of them right when we get there like i have to shit all three of them so i walk over to that horrible bathroom you know what i'm talking about just like that's right next to their side yes in the in the toilets backed up so i tell them i'm like hey dude i'll just walk with you back in this field and you guys can take a shit they're like no no so my mom took them into the woman's bathroom my poor fucking mom all three boys yeah it was crazy it was like they just all had to do so no we don't have a toy someone kyle said can't they poop in the van? No, we took the toilet out. I was going to say, put the potty back in.
Starting point is 02:45:06 It's still sitting on our driveway. I'd get a new one. We need to throw it in the trash. I know. How come no one's done that? How come, are me and you just shitty? How come no one's throwing that toilet away? It just sits there in our front yard.
Starting point is 02:45:16 I don't know. I keep walking by and going, okay, go take that in the trash. And I don't. I'm going to do it right now. Okay, good. All right. Thank you. Let's discuss. Let me process this little...
Starting point is 02:45:31 You're back to dad of the year. Let's process this little fight we've had and then I'll circle back with you. Okay. I think you should try it though. Oh, fuck. Now you're fucking running a psyop on me. I dare you. I double dog dare you.
Starting point is 02:45:47 Damn it. All right. I love you. Bye. All right. I love you too. Bye. The fuck is going on here? So here's the deal. oh i'm probably gonna get some marital advice from dylan lowen yeah do you have some marital advice for me what's up what's up dylan not much uh are you still on air i am nice nice hey i was just calling to see um are you impressed with john young's time dude i'm crazy impressed dude really yeah crazy impressed you're not impressed
Starting point is 02:46:32 i'm not impressed oh please hey you think that there's anyone with a vagina on planet earth that can beat jake douglas uh sorry uh jake berman um and the burpee workout yeah yeah Douglas. Sorry, Jake Berman. And the burpee workout? Yeah, yeah. I'm sure there is. I want to see why not. It's all about endurance. 340, dude. 340. Those are good times, but John Young, not impressed. Wow. You think you have a sub five uh not currently but i would say if i was working out
Starting point is 02:47:09 for three or four months or three or four weeks i think i could beat him three or four weeks hey what about uh tim murray did you see him he did in 414 last night and he's got he's only like i don't know how tall he is he's probably like like four feet tall. Yeah, no, I'm super impressed with his time as well. I mean, he's an adaptive athlete, and he was pretty close to Jake Berman's time. Him being shorter or whatever, to me, doesn't really matter. It's all about fitness and endurance. You think he could beat half the games athletes, Tim Murray? You think Gila Hostet can do it in 414?
Starting point is 02:47:47 I don't know. I think it'd be tough. But, I mean, after seeing what Jake Berman did, I would say it'd be pretty tough for, you know, Jelly to beat Tim's time. Crazy.
Starting point is 02:48:00 Dylan better say he didn't watch Tim because I didn't... Oh, shit. Judy says, you better not have watched it. I didn't watch tim because i didn't oh shit judy says you better not have watched it i didn't see your dollar come in damn i didn't watch it no good answer good answer but i but i saw his time i saw his time hey i asked go ahead no i said i skipped right through because i didn't pay the dollar i'm a devoted fan so i skipped right through because I didn't pay the dollar. I'm a devoted fan, so I skipped right through
Starting point is 02:48:25 just to check his time. You're a good dude. It's $2 if you do that. It's $2 if you do that. Hey, enough about you. Where's your wife right now? Who gives a fuck about you? Where's your wife? Let me see what time it is, dude.
Starting point is 02:48:40 She is warming up right now to start training for the day. Is that dude with her is joel with her oh yeah he'll be there for sure he'll probably show up you got a cam in the garage so you can check in on him once in a while him her and her and joel i should bro i should you should never know what happens when when a man and woman are alone yes yes uh but hey here's the truth dylan here's the truth he's breathing in her pheromone you know there's shit like coming off you know it i know it 100 yeah i mean and hey he's only human he's only human just imagine being in a room with ariel low and just fucking
Starting point is 02:49:23 going full throttle you don't think that there's just shit pouring off of her that makes even the strongest man weak in the knees? I get weak every time, and I see her every day. Yeah. So Joel's only human. Get a camera in there, buddy. Or an air filter. Maybe there's an air filter you could buy. It pulls out all the pheromones.
Starting point is 02:49:47 All the pheromones, you know pheromone filter so you won't want to fuck my wife that could be our tagline the pheromone filter so no one will want to fuck your wife yeah i'll take it as a compliment you know me and ariel actually had this conversation not that long ago um i don't even know how it got brought up, but I was just telling her that if Joel was younger, buffer, and maybe just a tad bit more handsome, it'd make me a little nervous having him come over there every day. Hey, dude,
Starting point is 02:50:14 I'm telling you, don't underestimate that dude. That dude's got some Rico Suave Latin shit to him, dude. He got a nice body. He's sophisticated. He's going to like teach her like algebra or something and then she's gonna swoon oh yeah no estimate old dude those yeah those hips they got some moves i ain't
Starting point is 02:50:34 gonna lie see see you know but push that but push it down girls i don't think girls like uh any sign of jealousy so just push it down deep. I do every day. Yeah, push it down so deep. Every day. I was calling to just say that I'm not impressed with Jon Young's time. That's too bad. I am impressed. I hardly work out, and I think I would be pretty close.
Starting point is 02:51:02 Ascend in the video. I'm going to. That's what I told Ariel. I said, sadly, I haven't really done anything in the last two or three weeks. And so I was like, man, if I was working out
Starting point is 02:51:15 every day like John Young would do, I'd smoke him. Damn. Damn. Smoke. Hey, how much do you weigh? He said he's two bills. I'm 205 and I still smoke them. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 02:51:28 Go to right now. Go to if you have the capabilities, you should go to the CrossFit Games website and pull up both of our twenty four point one workouts. workouts we're within five seconds of each other and i would say that uh gives you a rough idea of how close at the time our fitness levels were and even then man i was only working out once or twice a week damn yeah so i'm just saying you give me three or four weeks of consistent working out, I bury them. Okay, I'd like to see it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. The thing I'm sexy about it, in three or four weeks, it's irrelevant. No, it'll be fun.
Starting point is 02:52:18 No. It'll be fun. I'd like to see it. I may just give it a go at my fitness level right now and surprise myself damn oh uh um how do you venmo someone jesus christ do you ever venmo just type in their name i think i think venmo is uh lowers your t count using venmo you use venmo i do use venmo i enjoy venmo oh all right well you just gotta know how to spell you know how
Starting point is 02:52:53 to spell john young no i i he sent it to my he sent it to me um he sent me his code my wife says she can't find him when i think of vent transferring, I just think of it as a girl's job. Cash transfer. I don't know. Girl. Honestly, you're letting the woman handle the money. That sounds like a man's job. I'm a semen transfer kind of guy.
Starting point is 02:53:20 There you go. It's not a bad job either. All right. How's not a bad job either. All right. How's the, how's the gym coming? Slowly, very slowly. You know, it's just something that I'm dabbling in after work and there doesn't seem to be much time after work. That's code for you. That's code for you. Shit the bed. No, man. It's code for just being a busy man.
Starting point is 02:53:46 That's all I got to say. These trips that Ariel has me taking for CrossFit put me in a... They put you in a what? They put me in a bind for work. Hey, where will you do semifinals? Carson. Oh, shit. I'm going to see you. Yeah, we'll see you there.
Starting point is 02:54:10 We're pretty excited. We've never been to, if I'm not mistaken, supposed to be at the tennis stadium. Hey, are you staying at a hotel or Airbnb? Man, we'll probably just stay at a hotel. Okay, tell me when you know what hotel. God, I should get a room at that hotel. So I can have steak with you every night. Yeah, we should do it in some spicy margs. a hotel okay tell me when you know what hotel god i should get a room at that hotel i'd like
Starting point is 02:54:25 so i can have steak with you every night yeah we should do it in some spicy margs i'm down all right yeah bring john young and i'll beat him live we'll go head ahead and 100 burpees damn yeah i want that 500 uh oh maybe i don't know if he's willing to part with it anyway i gotta go i've been up too long i appreciate you calling though you made the show special no problem man you have yourself a good day okay bye dylan all right the guy that bangs ariel lowen there he is and travels with her and can beat john Young at burpees. Oh yeah. I'd love to meet Carson.
Starting point is 02:55:17 Sounds fine and dandy. Until your bank accounts are empty. And your wife is three states away with your kids. And leaves you with a shit ton of debt. It was only about a year ago I called the bank and linked up all our accounts. So like, you can just go to one of our accounts and then you can see all the accounts.
Starting point is 02:55:37 And it's made my life so much easier. I don't do anything now. I just like, hey, if I want something, I just ask her. Like, she's my mommy. I don't do any of it I don't go over there I don't look at it I don't waste my time over there uh oh Taylor self-paid John Young um oh Taylor self-paid John Young. Oh.
Starting point is 02:56:08 Pool Boy sent me that? I don't get it. You can see. Ah, Taylor. Fuck, I don't know how that works. I don't even know what you just sent me. How about that dude, Luis Lamos, uh, pay John 500 bucks. That was wild. And you know what?
Starting point is 02:56:43 I don't even care if he didn't, but that I just try. I trust people so much that even if he didn't but that i just try i trust people so much that even if he didn't i don't care i've transcended trust i don't even care i think the only trust i care about is like when my kids shower after the pool like if my wife's not there they're not allowed to go in the men's locker room without me so but like with money i don't give a fuck i don't like i would really prefer uh it's non-negotiable i really don't want my it's like this i don't care so much about money uh i don't want my wife to cheat on me and it's non-negotiable if anyone tries to fucking diddle my kids they're're dead. That's it. Those are the three landscapes.
Starting point is 02:57:26 Don't care about money. Preferably my wife. Don't fuck no one. And you're fucking, you're playing with fucking borrowed time. If you fuck with my kids, that's my trust scale. So I'm not putting my, I don't trust anyone around my kids. But other than that, whatever. I trusted every shopping cart will find its way oh ye of little faith
Starting point is 02:57:49 okay a good traveler uh number 27 the dow to ching a good trip jesus christ a good traveler number 27 the dao de ching a good jesus christ a good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving a good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants a good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is thus the master is available to all people and doesn't reject anyone. He's ready to use all situations and doesn't waste anything. This is called embodying the light. What is a good man but a bad man's teacher? What is a bad man but a good man's job? If you don't understand this, you will get lost, however intelligent you are.
Starting point is 02:58:42 It is the great secret. When um when brooke was saying about people like who talk to little people or don't talk to little people or whatever not little people like tim murray but just like having this hierarchy of like friends or who can do stuff for you or who don't i was just like i don't even look at the world like that I don't even look at the world like that I would like the dude and the Bentley and the dude in front of Home Depot are just all the same dude to me
Starting point is 02:59:12 love you guys buh-bye

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