The Sevan Podcast - The Morning Show | Brian Friend #1041

Episode Date: October 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:11 Marco Calderon i've been i've i i've been able i've been able to break dance since i was eight years old you don't lose that it's muscle memory all right you know this guy is amazing and i'm looking back because I'm looking at my text messages seeing if he's actually going to make the show because he said he had a little mishap this morning. What a journey this dude's been on. Hey, what's up? Good morning, Heidi Kroom. Hey, good morning. Miguel.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Miguel Gravity. I don't even know the guy's last name. He goes by Gravity in the streets and uh I think his mama calls him Miguel what a cool cool crazy story this dude has
Starting point is 00:01:55 I um this dude popped on my radar because uh Brian Wynn Brian Friend of Be Friendly Fitness went on the CrossFit World Tour on one of his stops. Okay, okay, okay. He's not going to make it. Damn. okay okay okay he's over no show today shit all right i'll go back in the house and go to sleep that was easy that was easy good morning slater uh. Oh, no shit?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Is that really you? Let me see. Let me see what's going on. Let me see what's going on here. I met this dude through Brian. I don't know if this is the real Brian. Let me see if this is the real Brian. I'm going to send this over to Brian.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And if he jumps on, then it was the real Brian. You know, Cave, you were a little feisty yesterday, buddy. You were a little feisty. You were a little feisty. A little feistier than normal. You afraid people are going to find out that old bucket toss of yours wasn't real? It was a fake? It was a fake?
Starting point is 00:03:44 The complete Avi interview is not on anywhere. I've just been cherry picking the parts to make him look like a stud. You know what I mean? When he just says dumb shit, I just cut it out. So I've been just picking the parts where he looks cute as shit. Jake Chapman said, Phillip Kelly is being harassed by a gay man at his gym. What should he do?
Starting point is 00:04:08 I don't know what it means to be harassed by a gay man at his gym what should he do um i don't know what it means to be harassed unfortunately i just thought that the dude's trying to blow him and just take the take the hummer just take one hey dang good morning good morning hey i'm sad that miguel didn't come on Yeah, it sounds like he's got some legitimate shit that just happened. He has at least four kids. The one thing you said, his story is crazy. I hope you can get him back on at some point. I will. We'll reschedule.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Actually, let me ask Sousa to do that ASAP. Sousa will get... actually let me ask suza to do that asap uh suza go get um that you scheduled he had he had some horrible shit happen to him as a kid yep and uh but he's got some big dreams and ambitions and uh what he's doing with his kids and for some other kids is really cool so hopefully you can have him on at some point to share that i was i was really impressed with uh obviously not just his break dancing but also what he spoke about to the point that i thought you might want to have a longer chat with him yeah oh he brings up his he talks about his journey at the power monkey camp? He did. He did, wow. Just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:27 His son was there. Is this like live? Group therapy. No, it's not. It's good. Say what you really want. It's live. Yeah, it's live.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's live. It's live. Which is why I just have a head of you. It's live. It's live. I just said it was going to click it, which is why I just have a head of you. It's live. Did you see Carl – does Carl Pauly do Power Monkey Camp? Not this time. I don't know if he has in the past. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Because I should have known – Carl asked me one time, Brian, to film some B-boy competitions. Because I think he was running or he was training some people in some B-boy competitions in San Francisco. And so I filmed them. And then through Miguel's Instagram, I saw that he has relationships with Carl Pauly. Man, it's a small world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 He brought his son out there. They did like three 45 second or one minute things back and forth his son is top 10 in the nation for his age division as well and then uh he spoke for probably like 20 minutes after that uh chase you uh i sent the i just realized i sent the link in the uh big chat and then boom here you are i thought you're doing a sound test i I was like, I'll hop on to this. Oh, you're a good dude. You're a good dude. Where are you at right now? My house office working.
Starting point is 00:06:57 And where are you at, Brian? Same. I just, I was excited because you were having Miguel on and I knew that we had talked about that and then he bailed on you. So I tried to because you were having Miguel on and I knew that we had talked about that and then he bailed on you so I tried to bail you out not that you need the help Chase you're not going to
Starting point is 00:07:13 Rogue in any commentary capacity you're going there in CrossFit capacity yes I'll be there Thursday and Friday for the flicks and then Brian's going there because he's a student of the game. I'm going there to work.
Starting point is 00:07:30 He's on the world tour. Yes, I got my world tour hoodie on here. Oh, nice. You can get them in Rogue, I believe. Is that a world tour hoodie? Let me see. Is that a World Tour hoodie? Let me see. Yeah, the back lists all the stops from the tour,
Starting point is 00:07:49 but there was a pre-sale. I think it's over now, and then there'll be an on-site at Rogue. We'll have some, too. Oh, that's awesome. You'll have to get there early to get them because Audrey said she's planning to buy the entire stock. Oh, good. I love that. Ryan Tengaway
Starting point is 00:08:05 said, you should try and schedule Tyson every Tuesday for a few minutes after each of his starts. He can talk about what happened with the game and break down some film with you so you can learn. Well, thank you. Hey, that's that's Suze's job. Don't tell me
Starting point is 00:08:24 what the fuck to do. So I can learn. You mean so I can give him a pep talk. Brian, are you a Chicago Bears fan? Have been my whole life, and it's tough. Tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me about your first Chicago Bears game. I don't go to a ton of games.
Starting point is 00:08:42 My brother goes to like one or two every year. I mean, just the first one you watch, like where goes to like one or two every year i mean just the first one you watch like were you like seven years old and you walk by the tv and you're like hey i like the color of their jersey no my family is a big sports family so they you know watch blackhawks watch the bulls we grew up in the 90s and the bulls are obviously amazing the bears were not uh and but we watched all the games and I just had a Bears jersey from the time I can remember and rooted for them
Starting point is 00:09:09 even though they haven't been great during my lifetime or really ever Do you sit down on a Sunday and watch a Bears game? I used to do that probably up until I moved to the Dominican Republic so maybe 12 years ago I kind of stopped doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Occasionally I will, but so far this year, I think I've watched one football game. Do you have, oh, so you have watched one this year? It wasn't a Bears game. No. Oh, no. It was when I was with my friends in Texas and just for like 40 hours I was there and there was a Thursday night football game on, so we watched it.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Do you watch football, Chase? Oh, yeah. Every Sunday? Every Sunday. I'm definitely watching the Chicago Raiders game this Sunday. Well, I feel bad because I – You should watch it live on one of these. Oh, and then just watch and talk about it?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah. I'd do that. I have a guilty moment, and I hope Tyson doesn't take offense to this, but I'm playing the Raiders defense on my fantasy football team. What does that mean, that you're betting them to win? I'm betting that a rookie undrafted quarterback on a team that's already really bad probably won't have the best offensive performance so that the defense will score more points from my fantasy team awesome good job chase you're off the show uh he what's great he's coming on tuesday and i am so excited to talk to him
Starting point is 00:10:37 so i guess i guess this tuesday you guys correct me if i'm wrong this will be tyson first start right if everything goes according to Sunday, right? Sorry, Sunday. Sunday, yeah. Yeah. And how are the Raiders? Do you guys know? Are they any good this year?
Starting point is 00:10:54 They're okay. The NFL is always, you know, there's like five teams that are really good, five teams that are really bad, and the other 20 teams are all, it's kind of a Thanksgiving, Sunday thing, and they're one of those 20. Hey, I watched a Nate Edwardson video recently, and he's like, yeah, I haven't left the CrossFit space, but I pivoted over to golf, and the channel's fucking killing it.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And if you go over there, you can see the channel is killing it. He has a clean style. He talks to the camera the camera his edits are good he gives you his opinion there must be people who are out there who are hungry uh to get golf uh information right his channel has taken off and he knows what he's doing and he obviously knows sport why wouldn't you do that brian why wouldn't you pivot to i bet you if you pivoted to football you could have a i don't know to put it in perspective here's here's a perspective like the nfl these are some numbers i heard the nfl is a 10 billion dollar a year uh revenue stream for the nfl or maybe that was the nba maybe the nba is a 10 billion dollar revenue stream the wmba is 60 million so tiny but every weekend 10 billion dollars in golf balls are sold but just that one
Starting point is 00:12:13 weekend that's what i or no sorry a year a year sorry a year a year okay but sorry a year thank you so just the golf balls alone golf ball sales alone match the entire revenue for the NBA, National Basketball Association. So the markets are massive, right? You could probably do a show just on balls, golf balls, and get more views. Do you like any other sports besides – You probably could. Yeah. Do you like any other sports besides CrossFit and Frisbee, Brian?
Starting point is 00:12:43 I'm being your life coach right now. I'm being your – no, not your life coach right now i'm being your no not your life coach your job coach job coach i have no business being a life coach job coach yeah i like other sports but those are my the ones that i'm passionate about and i also think that it's uh you know it's kind of cool to hopefully help build something up instead of just jump in with something that's already massive. Do you, do you think you could pivot to football and your brain has room for all those dudes and yards passing and reception?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. I mean, yes, but, uh, I just not like, I have to want to do it and I don't, I don't really want to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Uh, um, eat and be, that's, I tell my wife that all the time. I have to want to do it. I'm not i don't really want to do that uh um eaton beaver that's i tell my wife that all the time i have to want to do it i'm not uh you can't make me eaton beaver chase haven't been able to catch the live show in a while but still watching the show to get the views good yeah just turn go turn all the devices he thinks he's watching get get with the programming. I had Adrian Conway on here. That's great. And I asked him.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yeah, he's great, isn't he? I asked him if he thought Tia or Laura would win. And he didn't want to answer. He felt it would be inappropriate as the commentator. Chase, do you have any thoughts on that? Is it inappropriate? as the commentator. Chase, do you have any thoughts on that?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Is it inappropriate? Well, they do that in, if you're like watch college game day for college football, the guys that are calling the main games that are on the desk won't make the picks when they do that segment. And I think there's some sense of professional courtesy and unbiasedness.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And Adrian gave a great, great answer. And it's the, and it's the answer. It says like, if we're broadcasting, we want to be as unbiased as possible. Right. And we try to be as objective as the situation. It's not personal. We're not looking at these people as like people at home. We're looking at them as competitors and athletes on the floor. So I think that is a good call for someone that is doing the broadcast, not to make predictions or picks when it comes to who's going to win or lose.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Brian, what do you think? You're in the prediction business. Would you stop doing predictions if you started doing commentary? Only if the employer that I was recognizing this in real time as I was calling some of the action that there were athletes out there that I have been critical of or that I didn't maybe pick to be as high as most people would have expected them to be or something like that. But that just falls to the wayside once the competition starts. Then it's about what they're doing on the floor. And I think as long as I felt confident that I could separate those two things, then I would be comfortable doing it. But if they asked me not to, then, yes, I would just defer to John Young. Right. I do get the professionalism component.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I get the part where you're like, yeah, I shouldn't say. I should keep it unbiased. But I also think, I don't know. I'm very curious who Adrian thinks is is gonna win well text him for the show for all of us yeah adrian can you tell wait i should have said that hey can you tell me off the air i i watched the tell him to write it down on a note card, fold it in half, put it in a sock, and then Monday afterwards open it and then show it to you. Oh, perfect. That's good.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I like that. Or just send me a text right now with a picture and I won't open the text. Did you guys watch the interview that Lauren and Sean did with Tia Toomey? I have not. Did you watch that, Chase? Oh, you guys should watch that. I think it's a great interview, and there's a lot of insightful stuff in there.
Starting point is 00:16:35 This is the first week since the games that I've actually had time to start digesting any CrossFit content that has put out video content or whatever. And there's been some pretty good stuff that I've watched, but I haven't gotten around to that one. But she doesn't do very many interviews, so it probably is a good one to listen to.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I didn't hear good things about it, but when I watched it, I actually thought it was great. There are some gems in there. What stuck out to me and i i don't want to beat a dead horse but i think it's important it's good to have you here chase for this what i found is very important is i don't think enough athletes thank the affiliates so there's a segment at the end where she thanks bill and katie for all they've done and they've done a lot god knows
Starting point is 00:17:23 this bill and katie are amazing she talks about the opportunities they've provided she talks about uh the way they treat the athletes at rogue all that stuff but i'm thinking to myself man bill and katie wouldn't be around if there weren't affiliates like the entire the entire the entire ecosystem like anyone can just start doing some math like just just for sake of numbers just pretend like there's 15 000 affiliates and then just think each of those affiliates spends five thousand dollars a year at rogue or there's 15 000 affiliates and 15 000 of those affiliates spends five thousand dollars uh a month on rent and you start the numbers start going into the billions of dollars real quickly and i was just thinking what do you what do you guys think about
Starting point is 00:18:02 i think every athlete should take the time once a week to face the East or the West or whatever and thank an affiliate. Like, hey, this thing does not go forward. This thing dies on the vine without the affiliates, I think, for everyone. Just for sake of clarification, not every affiliate is in California and costs $5,000 a month. Right, right, right. Okay, you can pick any number. And the number I'm hearing is there's $13,000. month. Right, right, right. Okay. We, you can pick, I pick, pick any number. And then, you know, and the number I'm hearing is there's 13,000. Is that rent? That's low. Yeah. But there's other affiliates that have $20,000 a month. Yeah. Rent, right? Sure. So most of those are in California. So, um, I, when, when I think of the, the food,
Starting point is 00:18:40 when I think of the food pyramid, um, i just see the affiliates down at the bottom of active i mean you could put greg glassman down there at the bottom too but of active um functional parts of the ecosystem that generate you know i don't know what there's probably a metaphor for how the oceans work like the warming that causes the bedrock the bedrock thank you yeah like hey just say it and to all the affiliates out there everywhere who are paying your affiliate fees and keeping the doors open and if and imagine this if every affiliate has 100 members and those members all pay 300 or 200 a month i mean that it's so obvious that that is the like you said the bedrock that's that's that's the fertilizer, the sun, the water.
Starting point is 00:19:28 None of it exists. None of it exists. The show doesn't exist. And another part from an affiliate member, you are welcome. Oh, there you go. Good. Thank you. Thank you, Sean. I mean, you're welcome. I know I say thank you. You are welcome, Savant. OK, thank you. Again, I'm trying to understand the relationship. And then the other thing that I was thinking about is all the media that's done for free. So there's this kind of like – there's a little bit of a pool and a little bit of irritation expressed in that podcast with her regarding media that's out there but dude all these people are doing it
Starting point is 00:20:05 for free and putting their ass on the line like brian doesn't have a plan b i don't have a plan b pedro's coming home after fucking teaching second grade in in a fucking country where it rains 350 days a year just behind his computer you need a bag of doritos and and you know what i mean it's like so so I just want to throw those two things great interview out there uh Bill and Katie are amazing without they've they've taken the sport to a whole nother level but man you gotta thank the affiliates because if you just thank Bill and Katie and you don't thank the affiliates or you don't thank the people out there doing the meeting you're just of them, you make it seem like the whole thing is just
Starting point is 00:20:46 transactional for you. It comes across extremely superficial. But I don't see it. Do you guys have any disagreement with what I'm saying? Anything you want to add to it? To that conversation? I think the athlete,
Starting point is 00:21:05 the competitive athlete has definitely changed over the last 10 years. The what? As far as the competitive athlete. I feel like they definitely changed. I mean, you look back in the day and it's most of the people competing at the CrossFit games or CrossFit affiliate owners or managers of a gym or head coaches, because they had the time and energy to train enough to be good enough to go to the CrossFit Games when it was a little bit easier to go.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Like, I mean, look at Scott Panchuk and Rich Froning and like Jason Kalipa and like all of these guys that basically either opened affiliates once they started being competitive or had affiliates or were coaches and then got in the CrossFit space. And it's just... to being competitive or had affiliates or were coaches and then gotten across that space. And it's just, Travis Mayer, Nick, your rank are Annie Thor's daughter. I mean, there's hundreds. Right. And so that's where I think. Gabe Subri. It's changed to play a game where we see who can keep naming it along.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Brian, you have a name, right? Graham Homer. Oh, Graham Homer Homer. Chris Spieler. Hackenbrook. Wow. Hackenbrook. Stacey Tovar is an affiliate owner now. Sakamoto. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 One of the oldest affiliates in the world. It's just different. And I'm not saying different is good or bad, but I feel like the disconnect there is that you see a lot of athletes in these training camps
Starting point is 00:22:30 that are training out of an affiliate, but maybe not with an affiliate. So there's a disconnection there. There's a... I would like to see that more because it's...
Starting point is 00:22:42 You're 100% right. It all stems from the affiliates. all all of it all of it it all goes away and and that's just like we're talking about the competitive people or even like people in the open it's only 330 000 people that do the open but there's millions of people around the world doing crossfit and it's because of the affiliates that there are millions of people doing crossfit and if it weren't for those people there'd be nothing there would be no open there in CrossFit. And it's because of the affiliates that there are millions of people doing CrossFit. And if it weren't for those people, there'd be nothing. There would be no Open.
Starting point is 00:23:11 There would be no spectators. There would be no fans. And I think showing appreciation to that where it all does stem from is important and to bring it back to center. The affiliates are the most important thing in the world when it comes to health and fitness, period. And the stronger we can make it in the world when it comes to health and fitness period. And the stronger we can make it across the games. And it's even more important to the CrossFit games. It is the most important thing to the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Who owns the NFL network? Is it the NFL? NFL network owned by the national football league. Okay. The NFL net. Okay. Cause I by the National Football League. Okay, the NFL Network. Okay. Because I don't know if you guys remember, but back in the day, there was – God, it was called something else a long time ago. There were these guys that went around with actual film cameras, and they filmed, and it was called the NFL – And then I remember when the NFL bought it. This is probably in the 80s like nfl films nfl films yes yes yes yeah so there was this other thing that tia brought up that i thought
Starting point is 00:24:12 was interesting and this is gonna be a little harder for me to to share but do you remember that donald trump phenomenon like one weekend it was like he grabbed someone's pussy but then he pivoted to something else and it was like you couldn't keep up and be – and the press couldn't keep up with the bad shit he was doing because he always did something else bad. And so it kind of ended up being like this thing like a tactic, right? Always say one more outlandish thing or shocking thing so that the stuff you did in the past falls behind, right? I know you're wondering where the fuck is he going with this. past falls falls behind right i know you're wondering where the fuck is he going with this one of the things to point out is that she'd like to see more positive media and i think i don't know specifically but it sounded like she was specifically talking about andrew hiller
Starting point is 00:24:54 because she said something about no she'd like to see more positive media what needs to happen is that the crossfit media machine needs to turn on and take that voice and put stuff out every single day to take to do to give that kind of donald trump phenomenon like if we if there was more if there was more i think if there was more chatter from hq they would control the news cycle in our space more than than the rest of us are controlling it i think i think that that's that's like the that's the issue and then they could control the story the vibe the mood yes right brian would you like yes or do you like it this
Starting point is 00:25:34 way part of me is like hey shut up savon this is cool we're just fucking just running the show would you like to see hg get back in the game or do you think it's you think it's it's working perfectly well i mean this was originally the idea in 2018 hey we don't need to tell the story let the community tell the story i don't think it's working which is funny for me to say well we have much more meat in the space because cross it got rid of the media team and so is that true is that true i'm not pushing back i just want to know is that true you think that there's more because look at you look at mayhem look at brian look at shut up and scribble look at coffee pods shut up and scribble was already there and so was mayhem i like how you
Starting point is 00:26:18 pick a thumb up and it's like giving you a thumbs up video that's some weird thing you need to turn off i know definitely sorry but there's there's more media in space and they've grown right they may have been there dabbling but now they the floodgates are open it's the wild west and just go grab what you can and promote what you can what i would like to see is yes more stuff coming directly from cross it so that all these media outlets have more intentful things to talk about. Yeah, like control what's on the big story, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It'd be great if when something breaks in the CrossFit space, it's breaking from CrossFit so that when you come on and do a show about it, you're talking about what CrossFit's talking about. Right. There's less assumptions. There's less skepticism. And with all the assumptions and skepticism over the last five years, because of lack of need and transparency, I think it's totally fair to have maybe some type of critical eye when it comes to what CrossFit's
Starting point is 00:27:15 doing, especially if they're not saying what they're doing. What I'd like to see more of is us at least delivering the message, not necessarily controlling the message. Controlling the message would be trying to like put out other people's opinions and fires around the world when it comes to media, but at least providing the message so that when you have your podcast about it, it's talking about what they talked about. And they're referencing the media that CrossFit put out when it comes to that discussion. Like the weekly show we're trying to do where we cover Dave's weekly in review or the show when they came out with the with the sort of I don't know what you would the worldwide ranking. What's the thing that CrossFit came out with thing that like decides how many people you get? It's a worldwide rankings and then it affects the strength of field distribution.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Brian and I milked out for fucking a half dozen shows. Well, I mean, I've been talking about that for years before that but i actually went to i don't know if i told you this evan i went to the u.s disc golf championships this two weekends ago with my brother and scott polensky who came in town i like how scott polensky always gets mentioned first and last name i really scott polensky like snuffleupagus i don't believe he's a good dude he's a good dude and uh through actually the uh the guy who runs the fittest of the coast that i'll be i'll be working with him in january he introduced me to someone who's involved with media at the at the united states disc golf organization
Starting point is 00:28:37 and i had an opportunity to have conversations there with people that were on both the media team and the broadcast team and both of them which were totally independent kind of meetings I got and it was really really nice and generous of them I just told them I was like I do very similar stuff for CrossFit competitions all over the world I have a passion for disc golf I'm going to be attending this one as a fan I'd love to take you know half hour an hour and just learn how you guys do things because my perspective as someone who's been digesting that sport for three or four years now is that they're doing some things that we could really learn from, but I didn't necessarily know what those things were. So I asked questions based on what I've experienced in CrossFit and what I feel like I've perceived from disc golf. And they both delivered
Starting point is 00:29:18 basically the exact same message was that there was this guy named Jeff spring. And I know who Jeff spring is because Jeff spring is the Dana White or the Dave Castro. He is the guy who's leading the charge. I don't know what his title is, but he's the director of the PDGA or something like that. And he has basically taken an initiative to bring a sport that was very widely covered by a lot of different media outlets and bring the best ones together and all buy into the same system. You and I have reviewed disc golf shows throughout the course of the season for the first half of the season. And we would watch them on Jomez Pro,
Starting point is 00:29:56 which was a post production company on GK Pro on Gatekeeper Media. In Europe, they have similar things like that. He has taken in GK Pro, taken in Jomez Pro, taken in many of these media companies slowly over time. He's got the players to buy in. He's got the media to buy in. He's got the community to buy into what they're doing. And all of those companies still exist in their own regard. They still are called Jomez Pro, but they have a partnership with the Disc Golf Network. They still exist as GKomez pro but they have a partnership with uh with the disc golf network they still exist as gk pro where they have a partnership with the disc golf network they still as placed as european disc golf coverage whatever that one is um and it was it was
Starting point is 00:30:35 interesting to me that both of them talked about him the way that he molded their their sport the coverage of their sport into something where everyone felt like they were a part of the same thing even though they still had their own identities and that that was kind of causing everyone to elevate in a certain way within that that community um that was that really stuck out to me and i you know i started you know i was kind of was thinking about it as chase was talking about that like if they're like obviously there's media companies within crossfit that are doing very well and i you know I even saw like some glimpse of this at the games this past year, right? They invited in Buttery Bros, Craig Ritchie, Savan.
Starting point is 00:31:12 They invited in Mayhem, Prove and HWPO to have partnerships. I'm not exactly the clarity of what each of those things kind of did and how they interact with each other. It wasn't obvious to me or maybe to most people but it was kind of happening i'm a i'm a little lost is this guy purchasing these different media i think i don't know what it looks like on the back end but basically all of a sudden there was an announcement jomez pro is is in partnership with the disc golf. So you're saying there's some synergy between all the media outlets? Not all of them, but between kind of the several of them, yes. What's interesting is Tia and Sean talk about that also,
Starting point is 00:31:56 about how they would – they didn't say this, but I took this, that they would like to see better cooperation between all the people. And Sean actually points out that he would like to see, my words, not his, some etiquette in the way that the athletes are talked about. Whether it be formal or informal, he'd like to see it cleaned up. I have to guess that a lot of this is just directed at Andrew, right? The only example that they truly give is they say the no rep thing. She says she doesn't find the no rep thing valuable talking about no repping people. But she does talk about some sort of etiquette.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I do think that it is interesting. I mean, Chase, go think of all the different people that you guys work with. Right. Well, I mean, you guys do a fantastic job doing that. Yeah. I don't want to let that no rep comment necessarily go. Like, you know, we were, I was coaching a class at the gym the other day and there was this guy is super capable. We were doing a front squat, three front squats, one push trick as a lifting complex. That was the workout for the day.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And he was just coming up two inches short of parallel on every front squat. And I know he could do it. And so I told him, I was like, dude, all of those are, I didn't tell him it was a no rep, but I told him from a health perspective, you're shorting yourself of the range of motion that we need more than anything else right now because we spend so much time in our life sitting down. He appreciated that and he started moving better. And if he does that consistently over his lifetime of an exerciser, then he'll have
Starting point is 00:33:21 better hip function and he'll have a healthier later life. exerciser, then he'll have better hip function and he'll have healthier later life. And it's like, you have to keep in mind what Andrew's talking about at the very foundational level. He's saying we should be moving well and we should be prioritizing that. And if the sport isn't prioritizing that, then the message that we're sending to the community or any of the fans that are watching is being lost. And if the best athletes with the biggest followings are not meeting the standards that we and it's and it's functional standards it's not competition standards
Starting point is 00:33:50 squatting below parallel and open your hips fully at the top is something that everyone should be practicing for better quality of life and if the best in the sport aren't doing it then the people that are watching them aren't going to realize that that's how they should be moving too i think also what's happening is these people are public. So you went over to your client and said it like the way it should be said in a gym, and some people just don't like the way it's being said publicly, but they don't realize where they're not giving a little bit of grace is that Andrew tries to make a video every single day.
Starting point is 00:34:18 You're a public figure. This is the medium we're using, and so it's going to come across a little more harsh. That being said said your guy took that feedback well whenever my wife starts squatting um i'll be like hey you can go lower she goes i'm going low enough i'm like no you're not i've seen you go way lower and then i keep watching her and 10 reps later she's she's way below parallel and i go hey you just did one she's like okay i felt it we've had that conversation for 10 fucking years she always starts back saying no every time seven speaking of
Starting point is 00:34:47 10 years rep your wife man seven do you know what today is a 10-year anniversary of what did you read our messages this morning no i tried to i tried to 10 years ago today i walked into a cross gym for the first time no shit yep where at in chicago across at pft highwood illinois crazy why'd you do that my friends my friends dragged me there because i was depressed about a woman i want to come back to that because you said something today that caught me totally off guard um uh hey seven i gotta go take care of my daughter. Bye. Thank you for coming on, Chase. Good to see you. And your computer sounds great. Great sound check. Yeah, sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 No, no, it does. It really does. You said you were coming on to do a sound check. I'm telling you, you sound great. Good. Thanks. Tia goes on to say that basically she'd like there to be – she wants there to be trust and respect between the athletes so that basically they could be more vulnerable with each other and get out more content. It's so interesting. This goes to the professional thing too. This is the big stage, man. People are going to boo from the audience. Hecklers are going to say shit. Like, do we want to go to the next level or do we want to be petty?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like, you almost have to lean in and embrace your enemies. Like, it has to be more – I get what she – i on one hand i get what she's saying but but i but i want to see the effort made from the athletes in the same way too hey we we had um we had hayley we had uh we have athletes leaving like a hayley or a mal leaving the sport to take a break i i'm trying to think of any other professional sports where I've seen that happen. Does that happen in other professional sports? You ever heard of like a NFL football player like taking a, at the top of their game?
Starting point is 00:36:53 Personal leave? Yeah, like I've never seen a quarterback be like, hey, you take. That's rare. Yeah. And so, as we climb. I mean, to some extent, Michael Jordan did that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I could see that. I see what you're saying. After he accomplished a lot. Yeah. Yeah, he was burnt out. And, you know, people have different opinions about why. But, you know, basically took two years off from the thing he was the best in the world at. And then he came back to it when he was ready.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Savant, Brian just just big leagued you no big dicked me about what who knows uh extra sloppy the media team did a great job at utilizing the games and much much more to bolster affiliates we need that again good conversations
Starting point is 00:37:40 okay good so meaning while the games were being streamed there were lots of affiliate commercials and like trying to talk people into the value of what CrossFit has to offer. I didn't get to watch the live stream this year. It was weird. I'm not sure if she's talking about this year or just historically over time or in the past. You think this is a she? You used a she pronoun. Look at the picture. You think this is a she? You used a she pronoun.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Look at the picture. Yeah, I just can't think of a girl who would use the name extra sloppy. Maybe we don't know the same girls. Yeah, true. Good point. The media team did a great job at utilizing the games. Oh, and you're not even saying specifically this games.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Let's just say the way that that sentence is written, I'm not sure. You tried any peptides yet? I have not. You want to try some peptides? What do you think that I would use them for? CJC 1295.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yeah. Yeah. What, what would be the purpose for me to use them? And, and so your skin would have this soft glow appearance like mine did. Your aches and pains would go away. You don't like my skin?
Starting point is 00:38:51 No, you have great skin. Let me know. CJC1295. Miss Riddow, all right, straight into Brian Friend part two. Well, that leads me to my next question. Your fitness journey was hard. Mine was easy. Did you say your fitness journey was hard? Going from 135 to 170?
Starting point is 00:39:12 Like, what's he talking about? It was really hard for me to gain weight. I have not. I wouldn't say my fitness journey was necessarily hard. Probably the worst thing as far as crossfit is concerned is that i just didn't have good coaching early on and i and part of that was on me that i wasn't like really receptive to it i was just kind of going to the gym and throwing down with my friends and competing and pushing and i uh it was like so that was 2013 october and probably it was 2016
Starting point is 00:39:42 crossfit games where i realized that I was, I had pretty poor movement quality. And so I kind of had to go back and attempt to reverse a lot of the bad habits that I developed. Um, so that was maybe the, and then around that same time, I decided that I wanted to like, I got back up to 150 pounds pretty quickly, but I couldn't really gain any weight from there. And so I made a concerted effort to try to gain weight. And I gained those 25 pounds over like a five-year period of time. You walked into the gym 10 years ago today weighing 135. Mm-hmm. Is that the least you'd ever weighed as an adult?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah. And part of it was just because I'd been living in the Dominican Republic where the diet was pretty sparse, a lot of chicken, rice. Lots of diarrhea, crazy diarrhea. Well, the body adapts to it, and it learns how to process a variety of different foods and diets if that's what you give it regularly. And what do you weigh now? 175.
Starting point is 00:40:39 That's 40 pounds, if I'm doing the math correctly. 40 pounds if I'm doing the math correctly in college one time I did MDMA for a month straight and I dropped to 137 and I basically I just stopped eating what did you weigh previously? oh I don't know 155
Starting point is 00:40:59 okay and at basically at 135 you're not eating you're just not eating i was eating i just was but you ate like a like a banana a day like one banana no no no i was eating full meals i was eating you know whatever they were providing down there it's just uh i was running and swimming for exercise because we lived in the Mediterranean right on the coast. I was walking around active all day and no lifting weights. The only muscle I had that was well-defined at all was my calves, which always have been.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Other than that, I was just super skinny. Is this the heaviest you've been your entire life? I was up to, I was up to about one 80, like a year, maybe a year ago. Um, I got sick, I lost like 10 pounds and then I was able to put five of it back on, but I like, I have to try to gain weight. Um, and it's, and it's, and then like, you know, as, as most people who've experienced an attempt to gain or lose weight over time will know that there's a difference between putting it on or taking it off and then building a sustainable life at that new weight. So I could get up to 180, but I couldn't keep it at 180.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Then it took me another several months to be able to maintain that. Actually, I haven't been able to maintain 180. Would you want to? Maybe. I don't know i'm pretty i'm pretty happy right now with like my overall strength and uh you know the balance of composition of my body how tall are you 510 that's crazy 510 175 and i the the the idea that of of trying to put on weight not being able to is like unbelievable to me yeah well it's a lot of people are like envious of you know because most people
Starting point is 00:42:58 have the opposite experience but yeah you know what john young and jr were talking about this morning it's like no that's like it's a real problem. Like it's there are people like me that gaining weight is is just as hard or harder than it is for people that are attempting to lose weight. And even though it's I would say I'm grateful that I have this problem as opposed to the other one. It doesn't mean it's not frustrating and challenging. Heidi Krum, Brian is six feet tall on Tinder. Are you? Heidi can't be on tinder anymore uh sean lenderman i struggle to stay under uh 230 jeff birchfield 220 wow tess look at tess sitting on the podium look at the person in first place has got like their growth their clothes in a grocery bag or something i went from 96 pounds to 196 dude you know you can't give
Starting point is 00:43:51 blood at 96 you're too little i went from 96 to 118 pounds in six years of crossfit in a bit like percentage basis that's a very very similar experience to what i've had 22 pounds dude that's like one-fifth of her body weight that's crazy i wonder what this is in reference to uh jackie ufc is a competition but you can go to a bjj gym or boxing gym or mma gym etc you can go to any BJJ gym or boxing gym or MMA gym, etc. You can go to any gym and do CrossFit, too. You can go to some gyms and do all those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Robbie Myers, I completely get it. I cannot gain weight forever at 160. Wow. Anyway, this is for people like that that are wondering, how did I gain the weight? I was gaining like five pounds per year, basically. And I pretty much just like stopped running. And so I was lifting every, you know, like twice as much.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I was trying, I had a lifestyle where I could like sustain that. I could get enough sleep. I could eat, rest, whatever. And I was just lifting up more. And then I just started eating a lot so i was trying to eat a minimum of 3 000 and trying to get to 4 000 calories a day it's pretty difficult to do that while also eating like the prescribed crossfit diet so and i didn't i never was really a big fan of drinking carbs so i was eating, you know, tacos and pizza as like the last meal of the day, a lot of days. And it just, after eating, um, you know, steak and rice and eggs and, and
Starting point is 00:45:31 oatmeal and stuff during, you know, the majority of the day, just to get an extra carbs in before bed and then, or calories in before bed and then go to, uh, you know, go to sleep. And, uh, but it still took me a while to do it. uh now i can eat like eat much more normally and maintain this weight but um the crazy thing is like i went to like you mentioned i went to power monkey camp and i had a big conversation with chris hinshaw there and he basically said dude you're just like me after watching me in his class for you know two hours he's like you're never going to be strong you have 80 slow twitch muscle fibers and that's just how it is so like even though i was lifting all that like i was lifting a lot more, my bench press, my back squat, my deadlift, they never really went up.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I just became stronger at percentage-based weights. I can't really push those upper numbers because that's just my body. were you are when you say push those weights can you there was this guy used to work out with and my max bench press was 185 and his max bench press was 220 or something this is forever ago but i could out rep him with 135 right so that's uh that's exactly what he's talking about and and if you've actually if you've listened to him over the years the athlete that is the the elite athlete that's most like that was julie fouché she could not she could not compete on the one rep maxes but even at like 90 95 percent of her one rep max she can cycle it better than anyone yeah that's crazy um my i i think my my max deadlift i did 15 for 15 reps but i could never do more than that either it was crazy
Starting point is 00:47:02 actually the the heaviest bench press i've ever done was in a competition and it was a three rep max bench press i pr'd it and did it for two more reps so yeah that's crazy wow that's interesting fascinating slow twitch i don't feel like i'm slow do you feel like you're slow i don't feel slow yeah but i guess i don't know what it's like there's like when i do fran i'm there's guys that finish the 21 thrusters in uh in like you know 25 seconds or something like that. Yeah. And I'm like rep 10. Well, I know I'm slow based on other people, but I mean I don't feel slow.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like when I look at my cleans or whatever, like I see people who just are slow. Like they're like almost like they're trying to control the movement. They're not willing to – they're not explosive. Well, look, when I was 15 and my brother was 10, he could beat me in a 10 10 yard sprint because i was just slow off the line i've always been slow off the line interesting but anything over you know 10 10 yards i could i could beat him and the farther the better uh tank reeves from canada uh world war three is live oh that's cool okay god i hope it doesn't come to the usa uh united states lies about wanting peace and veto it just before. $100 billion to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan. People are still dying from the clot shot.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Thank you. Oh, thank you for the money. What a great picture that one is. It looks like Ursula from Little Mermaid. God, I hope a war doesn't break out over in Taiwan. Do you know about Taiwan and their semiconductors and all that? No. For better or worse, I kind of started tuning that stuff out about 10 years ago. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before.
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Starting point is 00:49:27 POV, you're unlocking more perks for less with RBC. Up to $330 in value is a combined total of three available offers, each in accordance with the respective terms and conditions. Limited time offer ends October 31, 2024. Conditions apply. Visit slash student offers. Look at this. Sarah Cox, I will send you a peptides package, Brian. Hi, Sarah. Peptides. look at sarah cox i will send you a peptides package brian hi sarah peptides very curious what you'll think of them i've been intrigued i've spoken with some people who have used them and uh and the results are quite profound from what I understand. Very effective. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I tried to get my mom. My mom told me her foot's bothering her. I'm like, mom, peptides. But she won't listen to me, so I told her to ask her doctor. I wonder what a doctor would say about them. You know from your experience with doctors in CrossFit that just because one doctor says something doesn't mean all doctors will say it. There's probably at least two or three different camps of doctors that would give different recommendations.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I know. Maybe the doctor she goes to that won't give her any of those recommendations. It's crazy. Like I never really go to doctors. But when I was coaching in Chicago, there were like four or five doctors or nurses that were members of the gym. And when I would get sick or something would happen, I would reach out to a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And the information was never consistent. one person would recommend something else you know something the other one would say something that was like sometimes the total opposite of that so i don't know my last trip my last trip to the doctor they gave the guys like i started asking about fasting and autophagy just to feel him out he knew nothing about fasting he didn't know what autophagy was and by the way autophagy is the when you start fasting your body starts eating itself people who don't know what it is and um he's like hey if you want to be healthy just follow this and he hands he goes to this printer and he prints out a packet. And one of the first things up there was said was always cook with canola oil.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I was like, oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. You're headed off to Rogue soon? Tomorrow? No, no, no. Next week. Next Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I got my weeks confused. And then we do a show on Tuesday. I said I would be seeing you again prior to leaving. I'm pretty excited for that one. Yeah. I think it – have you guys already put it on the schedule? I wonder how heavy I could get. I think it is on the schedule.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I wonder how heavy I could get. I wonder if – like I saw this meme the other day and it said um god what did it say uh should i wear a wife beater to that show yeah that would be awesome do you own white beaters oh that would be awesome if i send you some will you wear it well i gotta intimidate mr young yeah that'll be awesome i um the the most i ever weighed was 182 pounds and i was trying to bench 225 and i was eating everything and i was taking as much creatinine as i could and i was just going nuts i still i never benched 225 i never got it and then that 185 was your max. Well, that was then, but since – I've gotten 220. But I just wanted to put both 245s on.
Starting point is 00:52:52 You know what I mean? Just wanted to, and I never did it. But I saw this meme the other day, and it said something like, my fitness journey is constantly working hard and always being 10 pounds heavier than I want to be. I'm like, that sums it up for me. But you've never even experienced that. Have you ever been too heavy? Have you ever been like, I need to be lighter?
Starting point is 00:53:17 You've never experienced that? No. When I have been over these past several years, when I gain the weight, I do notice the impact on gymnastic skills, for example. So then I won't go beyond that weight until I can regain the same capacity of gymnastics that I had at the previous weight. That's kind of how I monitor it. So I'm not wanting to do that. So if you have 10 strict pull-ups and then one day you go out and you only have nine, you'll be like, oh, I need to lose a little weight. No, I need to practice moving this new weight through space more.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Okay. I need to get stronger. Before I put on another five pounds. Allegra R. CrossFit wants to grow the affiliates but doesn't leverage Tyson Bajan talking about CrossFit on the Bears press conference. I've said – welcome back, Brian. I've said so much about that i don't i do you have any thoughts on that brian did you see the clip that he said oh yeah of course it's beautiful
Starting point is 00:54:11 isn't it his dad was an affiliate owner and it's that kid's been doing crossfit since he's been a little kid go ahead yeah and it's gaining a lot of traction on a lot of different uh platforms and you know people like that quote and written quote and spoken quote. Andrew's keeping track so we can see. Mr. Hiller is keeping track. All you
Starting point is 00:54:41 need to do is go over to their YouTube station and you can see where they're at with their media. And it screams volumes. So, Ernie. Where's Ernie? I'm seven on tight, maybe an inch shorter. And haven't been able to get heavier than 152. Went down to 138 in Europe and three weeks back,
Starting point is 00:55:03 I'm at 142, slowly but surely. I bet you I'm 170 right now really i think so i would guess i've been eating like an asshole you have been yeah well i mean not relative to like the rest of america but you know what i mean like heavy cream and like for me like like assholes, like heavy cream in my coffee. Delicious. Ate a piece of pizza. Did you ever try that to put on weight? Just shit loads of heavy cream.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Do you like heavy cream? Yeah, it's all right. Do you use it every day? No, I just whole milk in my coffee. Oh, Brian, are you too cheap to buy uh heavy cream i don't know i like it what i just like it whole milk yeah no you don't have to like it no but you don't like it either let me explain it to you have you ever had have you had heavy cream in your coffee yeah are you drinking a pitcher or something? What's your cup?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Just water. Oh. Why would you ever put whole milk over heavy cream? I don't know. Oh, that's got to end. That sounds like – I feel like you're doing that to try to save money. No. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:26 The flip side is that if Tyson bombs, CrossFit may be blamed. No. No. Listen, it was so crazy the journey he took to get there. No one's going to blame CrossFit. Nobody. nobody any other any other um topics it was nice of you to come on today
Starting point is 00:56:55 i watched um i watched the the thing that will made following crucible oh dude crazy response that's getting, right? Actually, what I realized watching it is how nice your voice comes across when I don't have to look at you. Wow. Wow. Wow. That is – that's quite the observation. Yeah, this is – I just realized every time we do these things, I'm actually looking at you.
Starting point is 00:57:24 And it's different to listen to someone when you're not looking at them. And I really thought that your voice came across very good for that. I'm in this? Yeah, there's voiceovers of both of us. Yours is probably, it's right towards the beginning anytime there's a competition thing. And you sound great. Now I just need to learn the name of the athlete oh my god when you gave me the heat list that changed everything for me this is the crash crucible crash crucible finale a drama featuring james sprague colton mertens, Fish, Hatfield, Coot.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Coot. I still have Coot on my desk. Coots. Coots. Still have the bird on my desk. He asked me about that. He's like, why is everyone calling me a bird? Coots.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And this totally caught me off guard that Will made this. I wonder why Will made this. I talked to him. I talked to him at the gym two days ago, I think. I saw him there in Charlotte. And he was like, yeah, I think he spent like 14 hours working on it. And he's like turned into like a budding filmmaker. Like that's what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:58:43 He's already like good at it. Dude. He's he's so talented. Yeah This is um, this is already has 6,000 views from three days ago Yep It's crazy he owns a camera yeah, he doesn't I mean he does all that content for SMTP He does all that content for SMTP. Damn, Pedro's running the show. Pedro got the first three minutes. Go back and play it.
Starting point is 00:59:14 He looks out for everyone. Actually, go back 10 or 20 seconds from here. This is the most profound thing that was said in this. Dollar amount for... Yeah, like I wonder if you buy a one, is it like $5? If you buy a one and a zero, it's $10.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And then if you buy a one, zero, zero, you get the other zero free. Buy two, get one. I don't think it's cheap. But the thing about J.R. is if he takes in, hypothetically, if he takes in like $20,000 for this competition, it's like literally your account will be like incoming $20,000,
Starting point is 00:59:52 outgoing $20,000, and $5 probably. Like he doesn't take anything he gets, he puts it in, and you can see it with all the equipment he has, the flooring, the layout, the judges. I haven't heard any volunteer or any person that's here or any person that's given up their time to be here. I haven't heard anybody complain about, like, this is bullshit or whatever, and you always hear that at events.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Pause that. Pause that. So he looks out for everyone. Did you hear that, what he just said? No, something about you always hear what at events? Peter goes to a lot of events. He talks to a lot of people when he's there. And what he's basically saying is when he's there and whether, and what he's basically saying is whether it's volunteers, judges, athletes, fans, there's always
Starting point is 01:00:29 people complaining about something at events. And he didn't hear that the entire time he was at crash. No one complained about the event. No judges complaining, no volunteers complaining, no athletes, no fans. Everyone liker has created an environment for those competitions in which everyone is satisfied with the experience that's really rare hey why do you think jr i don't know if you're gonna like this conversation if you even if you don't like this conversation let's talk about it force yourself to talk about it okay just force yourself ready okay just force yourself i want to ask you about the covet injection no uh why doesn't just pretend like this is me and you on the phone talking okay why isn't jr coaching um jason hopper what the fuck is going on let's speculate about that there's a difference between programming
Starting point is 01:01:32 and coaching i know but like jr is going to be like oh it's because you know like you know every time you talk to j let me ask you this when you get when you talk on the phone with jr what is the reason you get off the phone every single time, 100% of the time? Either he's coaching a class or he's got to go take care of his kids. Yep. For me, it's always his kids. Always his kids. Listen, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Mad respect for that. I like that. And it's abrupt. You'll just be in the middle of a conversation. You've got to talk to my daughter. And he just hangs it off the only other person I know who really does that just hangs up on me regularly would be Dave Castro like just in the middle
Starting point is 01:02:12 of conversation he's done I could just tell he's done and he just hello the first podcast that the only podcast I ever did with him was you and I at the West Coast Regional you asked him a question he didn't like and he goes alright see you later he just got up and Regional. You asked him a question he didn't like, and he goes, all right, see you later. He just got up and left. His headphones are gone.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Why can't he – he should be coaching. I know he has his kids, and I know he has his gym, and I know he wants to do competitions, but I think he needs to – I think he needs to coach Jason. I think Jason needs to be a J.R. Howell athlete. J.R. needs a games athlete. I guess he does have a games athlete. He had the lady in the adaptive division.
Starting point is 01:02:49 What's her name? Noelle Henderson. Yeah. Why does Noelle get him and Jason doesn't? She wants him. She asked him. I don't know. I'm not entirely sure what that relationship is like,
Starting point is 01:03:01 if he's programming for her, if he's just you know uh in a he's just there at the gym when she's working out a lot and and gives her feedback or talk strategy with her about different workouts or whatever but um i'm sure he and well i'm sure would you like to see jr coach jason i think yeah i think it'd be cool i think that it'd be good challenge for both of them it'd be fun right do you want a games that would you take on a games athlete or would you have a bunch of excuses too you'd be like you know i have commentating to do and i can't give it my all and if i saw if someone asked me i would i would just probably explain to them very clearly like this is what my life
Starting point is 01:03:45 is like, this is my availability. And if it's still something they are interested in, then let's, you know, then let's talk about it from there. Jeremy world, there was someone complaining from masters athletes about performance scoring. I was hoping Jeremy would be here to keep us accountable. Listen, listen that all the masters athletes are born complaining as soon as you turn 35 you start complaining you get two complaints per day that still is negligible you know what's cool is that the you know the experience that the athletes that i spoke to about the performance scoring was vast a lot of the athletes there have competed at crash before and a lot of them competed last year. We had a Z score last year, similar idea. And then there were athletes who
Starting point is 01:04:31 are competing there knowing that there was performance scoring. And part of the reason that they went there was to experience that or because they thought it was cool and they wanted to experience it. And then there were other athletes that went there to do the competition that didn't know that was the scoring system. And they found out about it in some cases very harshly on day number one, and they got zero points on one of the two events. And I was able to talk to a couple of each of those, either during the competition or afterwards. And the cool thing about it was the open-mindedness. Even athletes that I actually think are quite intelligent and we're asking
Starting point is 01:05:06 critical questions about the scoring. They were genuinely listening to me and Tyler as we gave them the answers. And I wasn't trying to sell them yes or no on this. I was just answering their questions to say, this is, this is what's happening and this is why this is how we used to do it. This is how we do it now. This is why those athletes have zero points. This is why the gap here was this compared to that um and i actually if uh you know i put some examples into the world tour memoir stop nine that i wrote about crucible where i actually broke down some of those
Starting point is 01:05:34 um examples from the competition uh with regards to some of the top athletes in the in the um in the event. Why do they care if they get zero points? If you get zero points in performance-based scoring, you're only going to get 5 or 10 or 20 points anyway. I mean, you're at the bottom of the fucking heap. What they were upset about is that they got the same number of points as someone that they did better than. But what we're basically saying to them is neither of you were good enough
Starting point is 01:06:07 at that thing to register any points on the scale relative to your competitors. You guys were – even though, yes, you were a little better than me. That's a great explanation. Thank you. I didn't think I was going to understand that. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. I still beat someone.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Why don't I get something? Why do I – like why am I – Basically what it's saying you know and basically what we're saying is that no you weren't yes you did beat that person but neither of you were good enough to register on our scale the competition you went against was so much better than both of you that you know the only option for you is zero points or negative points and there are some people that have suggested that we have negative points. No disrespect, but he's not Matt Fraser.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Maybe JR doesn't have time. I don't understand what you mean by he's not Matt Fraser. Of course he's not Matt Fraser. Are you suggesting that somehow being named Matt Fraser makes you a better coach than if your name is JR Howell? I don't understand. Explain. So what I'll say about Matt Fraser as a coach, if you are interested in pursuing the elite level of competition, if you want to get better at the smallest margins of the elite things that happen
Starting point is 01:07:14 in this sport, I'm not sure that there's anyone better than Matt Fraser to coach those things. But it comes at a price. What Matt requests or demands from his athletes is a lifestyle that I don't think very many can sustain. He could do it. He had a perfect setup for that. I could do it. No, you cannot. Yeah, I could. I don't think you'd be willing to give up, but you'd have to give up to do it.
Starting point is 01:07:38 A hundred percent I would. I didn't understand any of Jason's pushback. I couldn't empathize. I heard it, but I couldn't empathize. I would not need to be – I would never go to push – I would never push to be a games athlete and be worried about what my mom thinks. And I wouldn't put – That's not what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 01:07:55 Not what my mom thinks, what my wife thinks. But I also wouldn't – sorry, go ahead. What were you talking about? What do you think he does? The only thing I can't do is i can't go to the pain cave but all the all the nuances are the easy parts sit in your room all day come out and just train that is not easy for everyone oh that's the part i don't understand jason to me jason he needs friends he needs fun he needs to play mini golf he needs to play
Starting point is 01:08:24 monopoly deal he needs to have people that. He needs to play monopoly deal. He needs to have people that he can just joke around with. And when he was living in Vermont, he had his wife and he had the gym and that was about it. He didn't have those other elements of his community. And, and, you know, Mal O'Brien, same thing. Like she came from a place where she knew a lot of people and she had outlets. And when she's gone back there since you can, it just feels like she's having more fun in her training because she's having more fun in her life. Matt was, and it seems like maybe he always has been this way,
Starting point is 01:08:52 but he thrives in an environment that's very small. I used to just sit in a room for days and just fucking draw at Jason's age. And you know what I would do if I was Jason? And I'm just saying i'm this isn't a discredit to jason and you were high the whole day i maybe i i would um i would just read scripture all day and ask god for guidance i don't think that that'll that'll satisfy his right what is what is just like neurological body wants. Right. Oh, God. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I don't like your description. What about this? Did you watch that podcast? I have not. Okay. This was my takeaway from it. I was thinking about actually calling Jason and telling him this.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I feel like he's putting God between him and his goals instead of using God to get to his goals. Possible. I don't feel like I can speak intelligently on that on his behalf. Yeah. It was interesting. Like instead of like, dear God, give me the power to make it through this it was like hey i need to put god first yeah it was it was it was interesting i mean don't but but but also like you're i i i openly admit that like i can't understand that that that um not one i mean could you do it do
Starting point is 01:10:22 you like being alone i think you could do it. You love being alone, don't you? I have spent a lot of time alone in my adult life. But I, you know, I always feel, I would say like, I also enjoy having,
Starting point is 01:10:37 you know, social outlets. So, yeah, it's like that. There's amazing disc golf here, but I don't have any disc golf friends. So yesterday I wanted to play disc golf and I just went and played by myself.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And, you know, I wish I had some friends that I could invite to go play with me. Because J.R. cares about his affiliate and being a dad more than Jason. Fine. Then care about Jason more. I want to see him coach Jason. Oh, man, there's a horrible question in here. Do you see it? Can you see the comments?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Jeez. I could if I wanted to. I'm not looking at them. Yeah, there's a horrible question. Matt Burns, that is a rotten question. And I usually don't think there's any bad questions. I do think Jason did seem like he's gone through quite the transformation. He told me before he goes, I've bloomed, and he clearly has bloomed, right?
Starting point is 01:11:32 And I'd never understand the emotional – Personality-wise or as an athlete? His skills in articulating what he's thinking and feeling. Or maybe he's just thinking and feeling more. Maybe it's not his articulation skills that grew. Maybe he's thinking and feeling or, or maybe he's just thinking and feeling more. Maybe it's not his articulation skills that grew. Maybe he's just feeling and, and well, that means anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I haven't studied this on my own, but supposedly the male brain, especially continues to develop all the way through 25 years old. So, you know, I had thought the exact same thing when we had Colton Mertens on the other day. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:12:02 man, talking to this guy is so different from when we talked to him three years ago he said that he made a concerted effort to come out of his show when he comes on podcasts but and and and that might be true but it also might maybe i'm not an expert in this it might just be that he's his he's developed mentally or his brain has come along to a new to new place where he can tap into that more easily. There was this thing that Jason said yesterday that I just absolutely loved. I was having trouble. Basically, he was saying he's emotionally in a bad place. And then my little inner voice was like, you fucking pussy.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And I was like, can you explain that to me? And when he explained it to me, like I fully fucking got it. And I was so appreciative of it because I didn't get it at first. Basically, he was saying, hey, I worked six months nonstop, singularly focused on performing on this particular weekend called the CrossFit Games. And in return, I didn't get what I wanted. So it's like on prom night when he walked the girl to the door, she didn't kiss him. He's like, fuck, I worked six months, saved money, rented the limo,
Starting point is 01:13:15 got the tux, and didn't even fucking get the kiss, right? And so he's hurt. He's emotionally hurt that he put that much work into getting something and it didn't work out. So he's hurt. He's emotionally hurt that he put that much work into getting something, and it didn't work out. So he's gun-shy. He doesn't want to do the same thing again and again. He doesn't want to go back to that and get the same results. So now he's working out two hours a day, and he's going to show up to Rogue and see what happens. And I fully got it. I don what happens. And I fully got it. I don't even think – like I fully got it. Well, I mean he's not the first person that's pursued that. Think about all the athletes in recent years that we know are training one to two hours a day most of the days of the year.
Starting point is 01:14:03 And then after qualifying for the CrossFit Games games they'll ramp that up a little bit and i'm talking about like you know stacy tovar i'm talking about ariel lowen i'm talking about you know people that are having success in their in their divisions at the games and they're not doing four six eight hours of training you know all year round i don't think that i personally don't think that that's necessary for most of the top competitors. The more that I've spent around or that I've talked time that I've been around and talked to them, observed it. Um, you know, that's not, that's not sustainable. I don't think that's physically sustainable over a long period of time. If they have a really specific body and lifestyle set up to be able to do that. Yeah, that too. I was just more focused on the fact that
Starting point is 01:14:45 what it means to be emotionally I mean, you know, Olsen has talked about this. Wounded. When I'm training and competing and having fun, I generally do better than when I'm training and competing with a very serious
Starting point is 01:15:02 mindset and focus on a singular goal that I may or may not achieve. And I think we had Brent Fikowski on a couple of weeks ago and he talked about this. He said, I had to learn to an athlete's all hell hat. We'll have to learn to separate their performance from their ranking. You could go there.
Starting point is 01:15:19 And actually Lydia fish spoke about this too. And when we talked to her, her proudest moment from progress, Crucible was her worst event finish. She's 19 years old, and she's already figured that out. Wow. That was Lydia Fish said that? Yeah. You had her on your show?
Starting point is 01:15:36 Same one as Colton. Yeah, she came on towards the end. Oh, you had two on one show. Look at you. Mm-hmm. Someone, can you accept that other people aren't like you? I need more water. Questions making my mouth dry um barely barely just barely
Starting point is 01:16:16 just fucking barely just barely i'd like to explore that more do i maybe i need a therapist Just fucking barely. Just barely. I'd like to explore that more. Maybe I need a therapist. I'm sure there's a good therapist out there you could invite on one of these morning shows. You guys could have a little public talk about it. That'd be cool. About my inability to think that anyone thinks differently than me.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Joe Westerlin, training full-time is the hardest J-O-B. about my inability to think that anyone thinks differently than me. Joe Westerlin, training full-time is the hardest J-O-B. In fact, in fact, Brian, ready? This is why all the elite OCD, ADHD are some flavor of tism. So, you know, and it's just this thought about you can still spend eight hours a day as a professional athlete, but what you're doing during those eight hours of the day doesn't all have to be in the gym. If you can have two hours in the gym, three hours in the gym during the day that are and where you're feeling great and maximizing that time, then you can take the rest of the day to do the things that you need to, to feel great, to maximize the time the next day, cook your own food, eat it slowly, get it, you know, take a nap, get 10 to 12 hours of sleep during a 24 hour cycle, eat meals at the right time, go on a walk, you know, spend some time in the sun, all these different things. And you can do those without stressing about, I have to do
Starting point is 01:17:39 this and I have to do, and I have to do this. So I, you know, and I, and I would say that it's a difficult job for sure, but I think there are different ways to manage it. So I, you know, and I, and I would say that it's a difficult job for sure, but I think there are different ways to manage it. And I think that a lot of athletes and coaches are exploring those, especially people who've been doing it for a long period of time. They're trying to find those different, different balances and seeing, because their, their capacity is there. So they could do it. They could be in the gym for six hours, but I don't, I think some of them are starting to realize they don't need to do that year round um you know when i hear when i hear all this i think i train three professional athletes i train the shit out of three professional athletes and you're right
Starting point is 01:18:17 they do get a lot of down they get a lot of downtime but that but how they spend that downtime is like really important they don't spend any my my athletes don't spend any time on social media zero whatever that means and they don't watch any they don't actually do any screen time um unless while the sun's out and they never wear shoes my athletes never wear shoes unless the tasks they're performing require shoes ever and they train every day uh most days yeah two or three days a month they don't train there's some training all every like almost every day yeah it's interesting and they and they do spend a lot of time outside
Starting point is 01:19:02 hours every day. Fuck, I might be the greatest trainer that ever lived, and I don't even know it yet. Holy shit. You remember when I first started writing for the Morning Chalk Up, I asked to write an article about what you're doing with those athletes? Yeah. And they said they wanted to send a better writer than you to do it.
Starting point is 01:19:23 You weren't good enough to capture it. I don't know what they said, but it was never going to happen. They said, dude, it's so profound what he's doing over there. Brian, you're just not good enough. No, I mean, I was paying attention back then, and I was watching. I was like, this is what he's doing with these kids. It's unique, and it's cool, and I think that it's something that people should be aware of and give some thought to yeah it's cool at least miss elise riddell your athletes
Starting point is 01:19:52 sound like my three athletes good yeah it's just it's just straight and i the thing is like i think back to my childhood, we were outside all the time. We weren't, we weren't maybe training this, the disciplines that you have your kids in, but we'd come home from school and the neighbor's kids would come over and we would be just playing outside. And if we weren't playing outside,
Starting point is 01:20:16 we were going to sports practices and doing those things and just active every day. Chris, this dude has six kids. Chris, you have six kids? Wow. Are you having fun this morning? Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:20:41 This is cool. It's better than what I would have. It's good that you're on here. It's better than what i would it's good that you're on here it's better than what i would have talked about i would have brought myself like you gotta get myself in a tizzy i saw the the b-boy gravity i was like i gotta i gotta listen to this one and uh i would be writing and listening to it otherwise but uh i was like oh no he's not he's by himself let's just see and i don't even know if you'd see the comment. I watched so much of his content that he's put out, and it's so good.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And, man, he's a vulnerable man. And what a powerful, powerful human being he is. And it looks like he's going to the Olympics. You know he went to Kamala Harris' house for that hip-hop party. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, it's crazy hey that being said I was talking about about how Tia was saying thank you thank thank you to uh she should say thank you to the affiliates I do want to say this too and and like fuck everyone should go pile into her dms and tell her this this her coming back she says this great line in there brian man she's such a competitor she says um
Starting point is 01:21:51 um hold on she basically everyone knows that I'm impatient. And she's not rushing the process, but she rather – this is her explanation. I'm not rushing the process, meaning the process of coming back from birth – growing a child in her and birthing a child. I'm not rushing the process to get back out onto the field, but I'm seeing what is possible. And there's a little bit of a cool mental gymnastics there, but I'm digging it. I'm feeling her.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And the fact that she's doing this, I'm not saying she's, I'm not saying she. The hell is that? I don't know. I'm not saying she's doing it for us, but the fact that we get to see her compete against Laura is probably the most exciting thing. The more and more I get my head wrapped around it in the sport that I can remember ever. Maybe you could pull some stuff out and remind me of different,
Starting point is 01:23:01 but off the top of my head, this is the most excited I've ever been about a competition and i'm very very thankful that her and her and shane are doing it very thankful it's cool it's going to be fun yeah and i mean it's one of those things where you can't uh i mean i don't i don't think you can necessarily plan the timing of it i think she could have you know she could have uh given birth in february and she may not have been able to do the Open, so we couldn't have seen her do the game six months later just because of the timing of things. So this one just happens to work out really well where it's an elite competition that she's won multiple times before.
Starting point is 01:23:35 She's the best that we've ever seen to do that competition, and it's an invitational. So she doesn't have to qualify. Her credentials speak for themselves. They can invite who they want to. If there's an open spot, they invite her. So's like kind of lined up in a way that you can't plan otherwise most of the athletes that we have seen come back and compete from pregnancy has been at the crossfit games however this past weekend we saw brianna wallen coming off of giving birth to twins nine or ten months after giving birth to those
Starting point is 01:24:02 and so yeah the the women in this sport are pushing that boundary more and more. You know, we saw Cara Saunders and Annie Thor's daughter do it like 12 and 14 months after birth and competed at very, you know, basically the highest level. Wallen just did it a little bit shorter time domain. She was finishing the top 10 against, you know, a decent field of competitors there. And now Tia is trying to do it in basically six months time. So she is, she is testing that or pushing the boundaries in a way that we haven't seen yet at the highest level.
Starting point is 01:24:31 And there was the other lady who just had birth too. She at the crash crucible, Haley Murillo, Haley Murillo. And I had forgotten that that lady that was on Tommy Hackenbrook's team, her last name is Lindsay. I always want to call her first name Lindsay. She's breastfeeding in between semifinal events. But going back to the Tia Toomey piece, she's bringing – what is she? She has five, five, six, six victories, CrossFit game championships?
Starting point is 01:25:03 Oh, yeah. She's bringing her six CrossFit game wins with her. Like, this is kind of like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We're not going to see ever the greatest ever step away from the sport, have a kid, and then compete right away with the person who won when they were out. I mean, it's wild, dude. It is fucking wild. It doesn't get any better than that.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Can you think of the best? She hasn't lost an in-person competition since 2016. That's what she's putting on the line. Yeah, it's so much. Is this the most interested you've ever been in a competition? Can you think of any other two athletes you've ever won? I don't know if I'm the fairest person to ask that too i have a high level interest in a lot of them but yeah it is it's super compared to something compared to something what would be i would be
Starting point is 01:25:53 less interested to see matt and rich compete now to be honest with you it's been too long i wouldn't i wouldn't add i wouldn't put any i wouldn't put any weight on who won. Yeah, I mean, look, first of all, yes, I have a tremendous interest in both of the fields at Rogue. I actually don't think that Emma Lawson is out of the conversation to win the Rogue Invitational. I agree. I agree. The men, I just can't wait to see. Is Vellner going to Rogue? Yeah, and I think there are at least, I think there are at least five men that could win the rogue invitational. So it's, you know, to me, this is,
Starting point is 01:26:29 this is probably the most excited I've been for rogue ever, just because of the, of those two things is that I think there, you know, in the past, anytime that Tia showed up to compete, it was like, okay, Tia's going to win and we'll see what goes in from there and you know for the last couple years like the winners of the rogue invitation have been fraser velner madaris madaris like fairly predictable you know fraser wasn't in the field and velner won velner got second year before he won madaris won both both years he was coming off the games championship was kind of expected yes it was close last year but this year it's like you know adler's coming off the win, but Roman injured on the last day.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Ricky wasn't there because he'd hurt himself. Vellner came within two reps of winning this thing last year. Chandler Smith's always been in the – his performances at Rogue are always better than they are at the games, and he just came off his best finish ever at the games after taking second last year. So to me, it's super compelling. Well, I mean, Heidi is just like first of all we should definitely not discount count emma lawson and what she's done up to this point in her career um you know i think that it would be a little bit silly to put that past her but we just don't know like we have no idea how
Starting point is 01:27:41 to me's body is emma can so win. Emma can so win. And if, you know, if you think that that's true, what Heidi said, then you would have to say the same thing about Laura. Heidi Krum, you're high if you think Lawson is beating Toomey. Are you high, Brian? I know. So you'd have to say that you also think that you're high if you're going to if Laura is going to be to me in that regard because it's just like we we don't know what's gonna happen with to me my my belief is that she would not be going to compete there if she didn't think a that she could last the competition and believe that with a lot of confidence and b that she could win it if she didn't i think i
Starting point is 01:28:17 really think if she didn't think she could win it that she wouldn't show up it doesn't mean she's going to. Thank you, Julian. That's awesome. Julian. I think it's Julian. Is it a boy or a girl? If it's a boy, it's Julian. How do you pronounce Miranda Alcaraz's husband's name? Julian. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:39 If it's a girl, it's Julian. That's not true. What if it's like if you're born in California, it's Julian. But if you're born in Baja, California, it's Julian. That's not true. What if it's like if you're born in California, it's Julian. But if you're born in Baja, California, it's Julian. Yeah, maybe that's more accurate. Because the guy who hangs out with the Buttery Bros, I think his name is Julian. I think it's preferencing. I met a person the other day who spells her name A-N-D-R-E-A.
Starting point is 01:29:01 How would you pronounce that name? Spell it again for me. A-N-D-R-E-A. How would you pronounce that name? Spell it again for me. A-N-D-R-E-A. Andrea. Not Andrea? If she wanted me to. Yeah, it's just, you know, like I asked Peter the other day,
Starting point is 01:29:16 how do you say the word C-E-L-T-I-C? Celtic. Well, what is the NBA team that plays in Boston called? Celtic. What is the NBA team that plays in Boston called? Celtic. Let us know, Julian Julian. I bought a sweater and a shirt from Be Friendly. Sweater. It doesn't sell sweater.
Starting point is 01:29:37 What are you, fucking 80? It might be. It's a crew neck sweater, I think is what it's actually called on there. Let me see that sweater. It doesn't sell sweater, Be Friendly. No, the store is closed, I think is what it's actually called on there. Let me see that sweater. He doesn't sell sweaters. Be friendly. No, the store is closed, I think. Really?
Starting point is 01:29:49 I don't know. I just clicked on it and it says it's closed. Be friendly fitness store. Oh, my goodness. Wow. Is it closed? Yeah, I got closed too. Missed the pre-sale.
Starting point is 01:30:02 The store is currently closed. Limited living stuff. That's bullshit. Sweater. You can get a sweater. You got a sweatshirt. Sweater. You got a shawl there too?
Starting point is 01:30:24 Yeah. Read and read. Read and read. Read and read. How do you say this word right here, Brian? Both. I think in different contexts. It's like the Caribbean. I only know one way.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Pecan or pecan. Pecan pie. I've heard people say that. Oh the two? Pecan or pecan. Pecan pie. I've heard people say that. Oh, pecan. Yeah, I'll have some pecans. Yeah. Pecan pie. Pecan.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Wow. I feel like literally in those two instances, I would say them differently. Pecan pie. I'll have a handful of pecans. And it's like, yeah, I'm going to go to the Caribbean. I'm going to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean. I love the word exercises.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Not the word exercises, the word exercises. Oh, right. I might as well finish this piece up on Tia Toomey when she was on the interviewed by Sean sean and lauren uh she only planned on winning one crossfit games and then going back to work she never
Starting point is 01:31:32 planned on winning another one she also said she didn't make any money until she wanted to move sorry she said she didn't make any money until she moved to the usa and she by then she had already won the games twice and i so i didn't understand what that meant because she probably won three hundred thousand dollars each time but what she meant was she i guess she didn't have a steady stream of revenue she didn't have like programming or what i don't know does she sell anything what is tsl does she sell anything books uh i think that for the athletes a steady stream of uh stream of revenue at the top end comes through their sponsors, basically, is that they have an annual contract with whomever is supporting them. And, you know, there's obviously some kind of agreement there.
Starting point is 01:32:24 talk about around the world is that it's really difficult for the international athletes to get the same opportunities in that regard and and therefore to create the system those sustainable financial streams of income internationally as as it is it is in north america well now she's doing it yeah and so it's like if she's saying that that didn't happen despite winning the games twice when she was living internationally. Yeah. Then it's, you know, it affirms those conversations that I've heard over the past couple of years. Yeah. Probably to even an extreme level.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Oh, this, this dude, Julian. Wow. Listen to this. You pronounce it like the dude off the buttery bros, Julian.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Now I'm really confused because now I'm thinking that this is a guy because it says you pronounce it like do like the dude because girls wouldn't say the dude right so that means this person girl with that name spelling that means that this person and a dude doesn't buy a sweater either only girls buy sweaters i think it's a crew neck sweater. It is a guy. Bailey says it is a guy. You're a guy. You bought a sweater. That's a beautiful picture, Bailey.
Starting point is 01:33:31 King Julian from Madagascar. Or Julian. There are no girls named Julian. Julian. I think they'd be like Julian. I'm so confused Oh my goodness Of course that person
Starting point is 01:33:53 Of course that person loves sweaters My cunt is itchy She loves itchy clothing I have to go Julian yeah that's how it should be spelled Like Jew That's half Jewish half Armenian Julian alright
Starting point is 01:34:10 Fikowski I'm having such a good time this morning thank you oh good that was easy alright I have to go training begins dude my whole identity changed in this show it did yeah i'm a fucking world-class coach manager everything i didn't realize any of
Starting point is 01:34:34 those things about me make a post about that later on i didn't even i didn't know until uh one day or two ago that you were black what would i thank Everyone knows that, though. You're just slow to the game. You just use your eyes. That's why you're shallow. You only use your eyes. Listen, you think I should make a post where I talk to the camera and be like, hey, I'm the world's greatest manager? Yeah, one of those where you're just walking around.
Starting point is 01:34:58 You have the phone there. You just do your authentic thing. It's going to pop into your head at some point today. Just pull out the phone and do it. People will love it. I'll love it. I'll love it. I'll even give you a like. Thank you. Savon is classifying all humans as awesome. Savon is God.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Seven is God. I think five is man, six is Satan, and seven is God. That's an interesting profile picture selection. Very interesting. Very interesting. This person emails me too and i can't quite figure out i thought i knew who it was but i don't it's like in the in dave's weekend review last week he said uh hey this i can't remember who it was but can you can you like reach out to
Starting point is 01:35:37 me i want to put a face with the name yeah that person who who writes to to Dave trolls all the accounts I think we blocked him from this show oh he said some crazy shit one time he's got a crazy handle it's like shoot up the club or something yeah I don't think it's quite that crazy but it did stand up
Starting point is 01:35:57 it's crazy okay alright thank you Brian thank you I'll see you later okay you're safe you were savior today if anyone says anything different about you let me know i won't let you know but all right thanks all right brian friend comes on saves the show chase ingram caught off guard didn't mean to save the show help save the show um oh yeah it is shoot the club up i did i don't i didn't block him i assume he was blocked he used to be in here being a douchebag all the time
Starting point is 01:36:33 buh-bye vatos carnal adios ese

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