The Sevan Podcast - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: September 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:55 keep your receipts. Other conditions apply. See slash warranty for full details. else. Bam, we're live. In studio. Oh yeah, it didn't populate on the TV. Let me see what's going on here. Is it just the light a few seconds? Oh, that's weird. Are we live?
Starting point is 00:01:21 We are live. Good morning, HDR. What's up, Carl? Augustus, asymmetric gears, Kenneth the Laps, Sub-Ear, and Kelly. I see the comments populating. What's up, Denise? Is it Denise? What's dense upstates? Is that Denise? Dense after 40? Yeah. I don't know if I just started calling her Denise and her name is not Denise. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's because of the dense part. Oh There we go. There we go. Oh weird My shirts full with God that TV is huge Yeah, it is Every time I turn it on it's ridiculous. That's why I crack make sure you crack the door that thing gives off so much heat Oh, I bet I leave that thing on well, and then I come in here later on the afternoon. It'll be like Fucking 90 degrees in here. Whoa, Susan studio. Yeah, he brought me my oh
Starting point is 00:02:13 my my Trump shirt Check them out. If you have to get up, don't worry about it. Oh, okay. The Trump shirts crazy James Sprague Trump shirt. Oh You're covered up by the comments. OK. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. I can't wait to wear that. I may even wear that today. They go, Troy, it's here as promised.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Although they told me that, like, I probably shouldn't like wear it, wear it and treat it like a real shirt, because they said that printing won't be able to handle much. You can tell it's not going to handle many washes. Yeah, I didn't wash it. It is OG original as it came. Someone told me I wouldn't have the balls to wear it because it's a cutoff. Like what do you think like a roll of fat is going to fall out of that? Hater's. Ah yes, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Bam, we're live. That is correct. Look at you. What do you... Pull the rower. Are you on the rower? Pull it. What are you doing? Maybe that's the bike. Wait. Is that really her? Or is that a photo of Brooke Ants? Rachel Large? Yeah. I think it's her. You can never tell, right? Do you still have this Greg, Dave, Sebi, Make CrossFit Great Again shirt? I like it, but I didn't know that was a shirt. No, I think you had, was there someone else on it? I think I threw that one away right away If it's the one I think it is was there someone else on it jeremy
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's me she says it's me that ain't brooke You sure? Hey, do you know who cross fat is or clock? No, no, I know that cross fat. I think was at the games. Do you know who trish is? No, no, I know that crossfire. I think was at the games. Do you know who Trish is? No, definitely not Seve will you have Brent on the show? God not if I can help it. I Don't want to let alone what'll happen with that. God. I hope not but anything's possible I
Starting point is 00:04:25 Think I'm part of his retribution campaign. The athletes, I'm very intimidated. I don't know if I've ever admitted this to you, but I'm feeling very vulnerable this morning. Oh, okay, I like it. I'm very scared to talk about the athletes because they might punish me and not come on my show. Oh, oh no. They're very-
Starting point is 00:04:41 Punish you by not coming on the show? Yeah, I'm very very concerned about it punish themselves Gazan was impressive yesterday. I know he's got I'd love Alex She is so cool Wilmer more it's cool as shit too. Yeah, well is really cool Will there was an interesting thing on that interview with coffee pods and wads it was interesting because on one hand I think we'll got his wires confused. Cause on one hand it seemed like he was giving a little bit of support to the PFA. And then a few minutes later, he's like, just leave us alone.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Let us jump off the bat. Let us jump up and down off the, uh, boxes. And it's like, Hey dude, you don't get what's going on. I started thinking, Oh, he doesn't know what's going on here. He's confused. There probably is a really strong pool to like agree with them as an athlete. The PFA. Just because of the words, like they hear professional athlete association, just like
Starting point is 00:05:33 you hear Black Lives Matter and you're like, well, I'm black. I have to. Yeah. Exactly. I don't care. I don't care how much it hurts me. It has the word black in it. Correct.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah. I think it's like if he doesn't, then he might become a target or outcasted by the other athlete. Oh, you think he's afraid of retribution? Yeah, he's afraid. If he speaks up too loudly, he'll be punished. He won't be invited to Canada. So weird when they say that about Dave.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Like if you spoke up, he was like, he would like punish you or something. I just demanded he'd be fired you ding-dongs. Like that's it. Like you've someone's already gone nuclear on him. There's no walking it back. You're fine. Everyone else, you can, the rest of you guys can say whatever you want. Which is weird because we, I like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I felt like he's the type of guy that almost like respects you a little bit more. If you kind of stand up for something, give him a little pushback or challenge him a little bit. Who? Dave. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. You know what I mean? Like even if he completely disagrees with you in the back of his mind
Starting point is 00:06:25 He's like, all right, Lisa's deed, you know stood up to something. Yes, and you know what? So here's the deal If you have a relation here's the thing too that like people don't understand there's tons of athletes already get him giving him feedback right so whenever they say they don't give him feedback or this pushback like There's tons of athletes who can just text them on the fly and give him feedback whenever the fuck they want and Who was it who told me the other day? Oh a friend of mine was saying that they're friends with Joe Rogan and every ten Times they text him he texts his once back and you can only imagine Joe Rogan gets 3,000 texts a day, right? Probably crazy. So he has it probably some pinned and
Starting point is 00:07:04 It's like that with Dave too. I don't know. I don't know what kind of comms but like if you text him There's a chance he's not I mean tons of people. Yeah high chance with me high chance with Susan anyone who's just like managing their life through their text messages and so I Know there's there's so many places to dig in and just be like hey, they're lying. Hey, they're lying Hey, they're lying because they don't even they act like they have this whole huge picture of who's giving feedback and who's not and it's nuts By the way someone in the comments the other day I hope I hope they're watching the show today They they responded to something I said to them and they said well Sevan
Starting point is 00:07:41 What what would I expect from a bottom feeder like you? And they said, well, Sevan, what would I expect from a bottom feeder like you? Bottom feeder. I say this with zero humility. I am the exact opposite of a, uh, bottom feeder. This show is the exact opposite of bottom feeding. What we do on this show is the exact opposite of bottom feeding. We're actually the North star for everything CrossFit. When it comes to competition, when it comes to affiliate support, when it comes to athlete support, we have this show holds the moral authority and has earned it over
Starting point is 00:08:15 three years in a way that no other, no one in the space has. And it's not that I'm above criticism or the show's not above criticism. I mean God knows we we take a shitload of it but it is the It is the North Star. Don't get it fucking twisted when you say dumb shit like we were bottom feeder. It's just fucking ridiculous I'm Krista Pongler. This is Tobias Pongor. I'm 44, age 7. I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Half CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here. I came during the day when Kido was in school. That changed and he had to come with me. I thought during the day when Kiddo was in school. That changed, and he had to come with me.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I thought I would have to give it up, because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him, a single mom. The people here were so amazing and accepting that he was here hanging out. It just made it easier to continue. The fact that they welcomed him with open arms and just kind of brought him into the family was huge.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I've never felt so accepted by a community in this community. Most places always looked down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities, and I've never felt that here. Not one judgment. So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back. I'm gonna pull that up so I see that. Did you see Miranda's YouTube video?
Starting point is 00:10:00 I did not. Sebi, it's a great one for your next Assault Bike session. It's awesome to hear Greg's message being passed on like that. Yeah, she was one of obviously Greg's disciples early on. She was a Flowmaster. I heard that basically she just, I shouldn't say just, I heard basically she gave the what is CrossFit lecture. Just a master class in it.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah, she blacked out and turned into Flowmaster mode. Why did she do that? That's a great question. What's her inspiration for doing that? I think maybe she's selling her own shit. Yeah, she is. But I think also too, she, my assumption here that she probably felt that that message is becoming lost.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So, so, so street parking is basically CrossFit without trying to remove the competitive edge. Right? So it's like, Hey, is that what street parking is in a nutshell? Yeah. It's like, Hey, I'm a little intimidated by feeling the pressure of going as fast as I can against someone else, but we still do CrossFit. A hundred percent. I think it's like their whole motto is like freedom and fitness.
Starting point is 00:11:04 How would you describe it? Let me ask you, what is, what is street parking? I would say it's like their whole motto is like freedom and fitness. How would you describe it? Let me ask you what is, what is street parking? I would say it's exactly like that. I think it's, um, it's the CrossFit methodology of being applied to. People that are able to, uh, just do it in the garage and maybe have super busy lives, but still understand the importance of moving every day. Okay. Let me push back a little, by the way, it's genius on her part to steal CrossFit
Starting point is 00:11:25 but without getting into the IP area, right? Uh-huh. Intellectual property. Is it CrossFit without the magic? So you have the movement, movements, and you have the programming. The magic is what I call the intensity. Is it CrossFit without the super fast adaptation?
Starting point is 00:11:44 No, because they still have that and still preach that too. And Miranda broke it down in her video. Because I always, let me play devil's advocate here. I always, okay, go ahead. No, you tell me that first. What did she say? So she basically just said it's relevant intensity. And that means not only to where you are physically and psychologically in total of your fitness
Starting point is 00:12:02 journey, but also that given day. So I mean, if you just had a fucked up day and you're just coming in you're just like dude mentally I don't have it to take myself to that dark place and you know Whatever friends the workout or something her whole deal is like give it what you have like for that day It might be five minutes off your best time ever and like that's okay That was your relevant intensity whether that was psychologically or physically what you were able to give that day. So let me, let me just play, keep pushing down this devil's abdicate. So let's say I'm, I'm a healthy, uninjured 22 year old male. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And I just got off of work working at Baskin Robbins, a double shift. Okay. Okay. You know what I mean? Yep. 21 flavors. Uh, it's my summer job and working over there and then I Show up to your gym for the six o'clock class
Starting point is 00:12:50 Um, and i'm exhausted and the workout is um helen. Mm-hmm. That's the running kettlebell pull-up one. Yep. Okay, um If I do that through street parking I can I can sandbag it because I'm doing relative. But if I go in there and there's three other 18-year-olds in there, and there's the 42-year-old mom who I just beat for the first time the week before and I want to string a second win against her. So I am losing the social pressure or the ability to overcome I'm tired. Those are good things to overcome, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And so you can couch it the Right. Yes, and so there is You can couch it the way you did which I think is fair But then it's also fair to couch it the way I just couched it wouldn't you say I think so Yeah And then just to add one more piece because you can't be tired if you're on a 24-hour shift as a firefighter and be like Well, I'm only gonna save two of the babies today you got you're going in the house. You gotta save all three irrelevant Yeah, that's it. Right it right right like I think that um so to push back on that or to actually give another layer of that if I have that thought in my
Starting point is 00:13:51 mind oh shit there's gonna be three other 18 year olds and I'm gonna have to push you know Sevan's gonna be in that class and Ari's gonna be in that class and Avi always goes hard and I don't want to fuck I don't want to lose to those guys then I might not show up at all. Oh, okay. Okay, but if I know like hey I'm gonna show up and I've had a day and I don't really have it to take myself there in hell in today Like if you show up and you're just like, hey, that's okay Like give it give it what you can don't worry about a PR maybe do the pull-up strict take yourself out of the race Right, okay. Yeah and you to go even further down that line, you could also argue that
Starting point is 00:14:26 in your garage, you have to find your own motivation. And so that there's a benefit to that. I just thought of this. So last night I was spitballing ideas for a new organization. Susan and I were going to start up. I came up with a professional fitness athlete group. Yes. Professional fitness athlete group. Yes professional fitness athlete group Instead of professional fit fitness athlete association, and then I just saw in the comments someone came up with one I think PFAA should change its name to professional athlete influencers Association. Mmm. Wow. Wow instead of athlete Association, okay, right Because it's in their influencers more than their athlete. Yeah. You like that?
Starting point is 00:15:07 I like professional fitness athlete, uh, professional, um, uh, athlete influencers association. And we will be the professional fitness, um, athlete group. I think, uh, Kenneth Nelda acronym there, huh? Oh, he did. Let's see. I missed it. Oh, P F, uh, pro fag fag P fag. Yes P fag. Yeah, that's what I was thinking I would like to pronounce it P fog. I don't want to I Don't want to offend anyone Yeah See fog
Starting point is 00:15:39 All right, what are your listed demands? Oh All right. What are your listed demands? Oh, where's that comment by judy judy suza read something in here you said and that would have been brilliant on their part Okay, here we go judy reed. Did you see marco coppola's latest video calling for 70? 70 to be brought back in charge of crossfit media Hey, imagine if they would have said that how much that would have fucked with my little fucking fragile ego Uh, we demand dave be fired and bring Seve back his media Genius genius, that's funny. That would be a play out of our book Seve, did you get a picture of Brian enemy on your IG? No, I will
Starting point is 00:16:27 Let me take a quick, oh, let me play this video for you first and then I'll check the and then I'll check that look at this let me check this okay here we go watch this case well i think that we have to have a decision to pull out of afghanistan for president so they would and job and and as a result america's taxpayers are not paying the three hundred million dollars a day we were paying for that
Starting point is 00:16:57 endless war and as of today there's not one member of the united states military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world the first time this one. But let's understand. So where the fuck are we right now? Crazy, right? Oh, that's amazing. Crazy. So where the fuck are we? Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:30 How weird was it that the fact checkers had the ABC people? He's like, yeah, they're eating dogs. And then all of a sudden, he's like, well, actually, we we called the city. I'm like, how the fuck? Yeah, that's a trip, huh? How the fuck That's how the system works. Isn't it? How did you know that he was gonna say that? Hey, do you think that they They thought questions that would like lead down a certain path
Starting point is 00:18:00 Because these guys repeat each other repeated themselves a lot like I don't I don't know if you, cause Trump's done the circuit. He's been on Theo Vaughn. He's been on Elk boys. He's, you know, he's been everywhere. But if you, I don't know if you've listened to a lot of them, no, but if you listen to it, it's just the same regurgitated talking points every time. Like you asked me a question and I don't even really like go that far into the question, I just start talking about my talking points.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So at a certain point you could probably say, all right, if we ask these set of three questions, his answers are going to be limited to these two. And then from that, you could almost have the playbook of like, okay, so if he goes left, we're going to go this way. If he goes right with this, we're going to go this way. So they must've heard him say the dog comment. Had to, uh, somewhere by the way, I did look up on, um, uh, Wikipedia, um, what cultures eat dog. Oh, so I went to an article by the way. Um, today I was trying to look if, uh, if there's any like I typed in, do Haitians eat dogs or is doggy common in Haiti? And you can't find anything because the first fucking eight pages of Google are all Trump lies about dog eating, right?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah. So it's completely overtaken. And then, so then I just went to Wiki and found all the cultures that eat dogs. Right. And there's tons of them and tons of them that eat dogs and cats and they have the caloric breakdown, maybe I even have that. Wow. Have you gone to a for a search engine?
Starting point is 00:19:26 No. It's supposedly a little bit more like how DuckDuckGo was before for some reason DuckDuckGo just completely mimicked Google. I was listening to uh oh is Brave Microsoft's search engine? I don't know I was just listening to I heard it on a Rogan show and I went to and then compared those shirts results to Google because Google and duck.go completely mimic each other. Now it's the same thing. It's the same exact thing. Same exact search.
Starting point is 00:19:57 So you go up there in this top, whatever articles are the same on both those search engines, but when you go to and search it it'll give you at the top It'll say left leaning news right leaning news and then all the key things Oh, yeah And so I think that and I don't know who owns it or whatever like I said I just heard it in like I think it was a Joe Rogan clip and then I just went and checked it out and I Was like oh and I just compared the three search engines. That's as far as I made it but
Starting point is 00:20:21 Brave it was interesting In the 21st century dog meat is consumed uh in Korea China Indonesia Nigeria Switzerland Vietnam and India and what's interesting is is that um when you go look at the list of countries Haiti's not even an option like they have a list of people countries that eat dogs and don't eat dogs and Haiti's not um Haiti's not even an option on the list. If you've been to any of those countries, you know that they do eat those things. In the countries I was in in Africa, they'll basically eat anything. I even saw, I'll never forget when I was in Kenya, there was a banana peel on the ground and a dog, a skinny dog,
Starting point is 00:21:06 scampered out like behind some trees and with one paw held down the banana peel and the other paw scraped the banana peel and then ate the banana. Yeah. There was no banana in it. It was just those long, you know, those long pieces that are inside the peel. Yeah. He scraped the dog knew to scrape the banana peel. Wow. That are inside the peel. Yeah scrape the dog knew to scrape the banana peel Wow, and by the way the the store That I went into in Kenya in this village
Starting point is 00:21:30 it was just a wooden table and it was like with some leaves around it and they sold they had a can of sprite a can of Coke and Rotten banana that was the store that had three items Damn Three items in the store In the middle, I mean this is in the middle of nowhere, you know what I mean? Like yeah, there was no No cars or nothing around. I mean the people like every every like the only The only modern tool that I saw is that the women carry these big yellow plastic buckets on their head. Wow Um, wow Anyway, so then I went to a cbs news article carry these big yellow plastic buckets on their head. Wow. Wow. Anyway, so then I went to a CBS news article
Starting point is 00:22:09 and it was talking about how wrong it is that he says that it was a lady wrote it in Florida, a journalist in Florida and CBS said how wrong it was that Trump said that Haitians eat dogs. So then I get to the end and I see the author's name and she's Haitian. So I click on her, I go to her Instagram and she see her I see the author's name and she's Haitian So I click on her I go to her instagram And she has a post in there about how the chickens in miami are being threatened
Starting point is 00:22:32 By local by locals the wild chickens there. Yeah, because people are grabbing them and eating them Oh, wow, and I know it's not a dog. I know it's a chicken, but it's like come on, dude. Yeah, like Is there anything wrong with eating dog other than culture is that a cultural thing? Like is there are there any animals where it's just like I'm just not supposed to eat them I mean dogs are so domestic. It's like it's like a It's like your buddy. I know but let's say like but that's that's okay. So I saw trade Yeah, I mean, I mean if like if shit hits the fan, I'm eating my dog, dude If we're hungry enough, we're eating each other bro, right? Right, you know what? I mean, like we have so many guardrails on I watched this guy go down a small ravine and a horse
Starting point is 00:23:17 Well on a horse, right? So we leaned all the way back and the horse kind of slid down and I went to the comment section and people were just Like it's so bad for the horse kind of slid down and I went to the comment section and people were just like it's so bad for the horse Oh my god, there's and that and like ten people would comment be like, how do you think things were just a hundred years ago? Right, you know that like we're so used to this like bubble wrapped every corners rounded, you know And if in heaven forbid, you know, somebody stubs a toe It's gonna be somebody else's fault because there wasn't a safety measure in place. Right. So it's like, it's just people forget how unpredictable, uncertain, and, and frankly, just violent our world is. I was flying a drone, uh, in my neighborhood the other day.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And my 82 year old neighbor came out with a rifle. He probably thought it was one of those Russian drones, huh? And he was going to shoot it down. So you have to assume that if you're, if you're from Haiti and you say, Oh, well, my dad first, I'll tell you another story. When my dad first came to this country from Lebanon, he was a security guard, a nighttime security guard, and he worked in one of those booths that people drive their car and they gave him a gun.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And he told me the story that he kept seeing this deer every night he was there so one night when the deer came by he shot the deer oh shit and killed the deer and he killed the baby there was it was a mama deer and he killed the baby behind it and the mom so he gathered them up and took them to a you know to like an Armenian like you know processing place or no it's like to a friend's house and 20 Armenian men got together and skinned the deer and had a party. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Insert dog where my dad shot deer. Insert fucking Doberman Pinscher. So the naiveness of people of what's going on in other countries is crazy. If you go to countries like Malawi, you'll be driving down the highway and you'll see endless boys standing there with sticks, with rats on them, with mice on them, with animals you don't recognize on them, with mice on them, with animals you don't recognize on them, and then you just stop and you take one and you just eat it right there. Did you do that when you were there? No.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oh man. My stomach is so like, I don't know, maybe it's my mind more than my stomach, but I feel like I would eat something like that and I'd be fucked up the rest of the time. I'd like to show you this too. Do you know what year the Department of Education was formed? I should because I read something on it recently. Mid 1800s? No. Well. Because wasn't it just formed as like a board that just a group of people just formed it and they're like, now we're collectively the the PFAA I mean the Education Board. Yes, it didn't form as an actual cabinet seat in the president's office to where it was its own full department
Starting point is 00:26:12 There were a couple people like they floated around to different departments. They were moved around over years Yeah, but it didn't it was just like four or five guys, but it didn't become this 80 billion dollar fucking aggregate of taxpayer dollars until 1980. Wow. Really? And when you find out what their duties are, like, so, so someone would hear something like, Hey, president Trump should, uh, is going to, uh, dismantle
Starting point is 00:26:35 the department of education and shut it down. You're like, Oh my God, what's that going to do to education? They have nothing to do with education. It's just the bureaucracy around it. Uh, the states are responsible for education. It's, it's bureaucracy around it. States are responsible for education. States are responsible for education. Wait till you see what all go to the Wiki page and wait to see what they're supposed to do. They're basically just a hack to give the federal government more
Starting point is 00:26:56 power over the spending dollars that the states use. Do you know what I mean? It's crazy. It's it's so they just overwatch all the money that should be going directly to the states And the school districts, but it has to funnel through them first four thousand employees that do fucking nothing except interfere and then and and and put in uh indoctrination like a slanted biased shit Yeah, the harder started it And and then reagan. Yeah, right. And then Reagan tried to get rid of it
Starting point is 00:27:26 And since that was the decline the year the Department of Education came in was the first year that the US Testing in the US students started getting dumber and it's been just a steady decline ever since damn I mean it makes sense. We have more like even at your local level you have more Administrator types that are paid much higher salaries Than anybody who's actually educating right and so you got teachers most of which that go to my gym are Having to buy their own supplies And stuff for their classrooms And on top of that they have no
Starting point is 00:28:01 Ability or autonomy over how they're teaching or what they're teaching in the classroom Like I mean like zero no like wiggle room or like hey, here's your overview of the curriculum however, you want to get there you get there kind of thing and Especially at the elementary school level like a couple of the teachers that I've talked to you that are at my gym There and these are good teachers. These are CrossFit our teachers These are teachers that are very invested into their kids and they're done. They, the bureaucracy has pushed them to the point to where they feel like they can't even do their jobs anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:30 The elementary school right up the street from my house. It's a, it's a, uh, uh, nationally renowned elementary school. Uh, five of the teachers quit. As this year, did you know, um, or have you talked to any of them about, and I don't know if this is happening in your district, but it's definitely happening in Livermore where they're saying they don't want to put kids in remedial classes that are a little bit slower because it's, it's going to feel, they'll feel discouraged or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I was in every fricking slow class you could have been. Oh yeah. Did you ride the yellow bus? Basically. Basically. And, um, and so they said, Hey, those kids are starting to feel bad. So what we're going to actually do is put them in normal classrooms and you're just going to have to slow the process down to make sure that everybody is. So she is now has students that aren't, you know, that are, you're slowing the whole process of the classroom down lowest common denominator due to behavioral issues or due to like some sort of, um, uh, you know, physical handicap or
Starting point is 00:29:28 limitation, you know, cognitively and it's crazy or skin color in California. They do it. Um, they're, I mean, they openly do that. They say that they have lowered the demands of school because of Brown and black people. They just say that they're, they're openly racist under the guise of being not racist. I mean, that's the way it is in California. In San Diego, the San Diego Unified School District, they've made it, they said that teachers can't make homework part of
Starting point is 00:29:53 the students' grades because it's unfair to black and brown people. It's crazy. It is crazy. Anybody been in a public school lately? The Department of Education was created in 1979. Now I thought the Department of Education had been around for a hundred years. It was created by Jimmy Carter. 1979, if you think about American schools everywhere,
Starting point is 00:30:20 including Philadelphia, before 1979, were they globally competitive? Oh yeah. Were they the best in the world? Oh, you 1979, were they globally competitive? Oh, yeah. Were they the best in the world? Oh, you bet they were. Now we've got a federal, a federal bureaucracy that has an 85 billion dollar a year budget and doesn't run a single school and doesn't educate a single student. 85 billion, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Where's the money going? And why is it that since that bureaucracy was created our schools have gone from... They're not allowed to run a single school because it's the states. I think it's in the constitution. It's one of the amendments. The best in the world is not very good. And when you're sending your kid to school today, are they coming back with math and science knowledge? Are they coming back educated on gender? Are they coming back saying, Hey, you know, we really have to think I might want to change from boy to girl, girl to boy. You know, you know, if you walk into some of the schools today, you'll see an amazing Sarah Cox has a friend who's an elementary school teacher. She was just telling me at one of the premier private schools in Newport and she had to read a book on introducing what it means to be transgender to her kindergarten class.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Wow, that's in LA. Yeah, of course. It's insane. The other thing too, that's just The other thing too that just makes you have to think that they don't really want an educated population because there's not like nobody is pushing like, Hey, you know, we need to understand is a finance, how money works, entrepreneurship, right? You know, these type of things that you're going to have to utilize through life. The first thing they should teach you in school after you learn how to read and write and math is to, they should make all kids memorize the constitution. Yeah. You should have to know all the amendments.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know the way that I should. Me neither. Maybe we should do that. Maybe we'll do a study show. Of course. Once a week and we'll study one amendment on the online. Bring someone in who's like a, a
Starting point is 00:32:26 specialist on it. That would be awesome. Yeah. Like one of those guys from Hillsdale. Have you seen the Hillsdale lessons they have free on YouTube? Yeah. So you can go and learn about the constitution. There'll be someone in the comments, I bet you who's like a PhD in the
Starting point is 00:32:37 constitution. Oh, I hope there is who could come on the show and teach us. You know, you know, Hillsdale got really upset at Greg when he went and spoke. Were you there for that? No, but I, you know, Hillsdale got really upset at Greg when he went and spoke. Were you there for that? No, but I, I had, I heard about it. Man. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Even disrupting those guys. And the crazy part was, is I think they were mostly just upset about the title. Oh, uh, like they broke and signed the title. Yeah. Black lives matter. It's crazy. Even if you're killing black people, Black Lives Matter. Mr. Bill Clinton, how are you today?
Starting point is 00:33:10 How are you today? Oh no, Mrs. Clinton. Chelsea, as Goob would say, welcome to the show. Oh, Dale could teach it. Welcome to the show. Oh, my mom and I executive produced a documentary called Zyrowski v Texas that follows three extraordinarily courageous women who were denied medically necessary abortion care and I think we have to bear witness to these stories because we do think these stories need to be heard. Okay so Chelsea I'm glad for you and your new
Starting point is 00:33:40 documentary but talking about the stories that need to be told and your activism to help women are you going to make a documentary about the stories that need to be told and your activism to help women are you going to make a documentary about the victims of Jeffrey Epstein who's in famous island your father visited many times not to mention Epstein's girlfriend who's also a convicted sex trafficker attended your wedding but are you going to tell attended your wedding? Attended your wedding Chelsea attended your wedding We know you scoured the earth to find three women who had fucking hard time getting their baby killed in order to save their Life, we know you struggled to find it, but you found three made a documentary
Starting point is 00:34:21 But what about the island that your dad visited? There was sex trafficking little girls underage girls the story of those victims Ah That's what I thought. Oh, she never answered. No. No, it's fake Oh, it's fake. That guy just goes, that's that guy's whole schtick. He watches the view and then inserts himself on the panel. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That's good. I was like, wow. And that guy, the guy's Daman Imani. It's a great account. He's been shadowbanned though. He got a note from Instagram saying, we will not be showing your account to anyone who's not a follower of yours. You'll get no new followers because no one will know your account exists. What's fascinating is the argument that you're pregnant and the doctors tell you that if you take the baby to term, that they will, it could kill you.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And so then you make the decision to kill the baby instead. Okay, I get it. So you're sacrificing the baby's life for your life. I got it. But what about the girl who gets pregnant from incest? Okay. the girl who gets pregnant from incest? Okay, so now you're sacrificing the baby's life because you don't want to deal with raising your dad's kid who raped you. Okay, okay. That's heavy. Okay, I get it. What about killing the... you get pregnant and you're 22 years old and you have dreams of going to law school.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Now you're killing the baby Because you don't think you can have the baby and go to law school so you're sacrificing the baby It's just their argument is so crazy because there's so few that are killed from these other things that seem so emotion that that Seems so taboo like you could die or it was incest or it was rape and even the rape thing like It's fascinating that you were raped and That you were pregnant and now you think that killing that baby is somehow the right thing to do And just think about that logically. So now you have to live with the fact that you were raped and you killed a baby. I mean, trade-offs, man. It's all protecting the future of their future, not the kid's
Starting point is 00:36:55 future. But sort of. But I think at some point, all conscious beings, if you want to make the leap to your next evolution of who you are, you to be like yeah I killed a baby you're you're not like if you hold in if you hold in your identity that like all like all of it's it's psychology 101 all of these people who are who are pro-abortion who are pro-choice they're missing something that they'll never get to that is a higher level of thinking and acceptance and happiness and peace because they're holding that story. They're not holding that story because they actually care about the babies or about the choice.
Starting point is 00:37:39 They are not. They are not. They are not. It's like me saying I'm getting this tattoo on my arm to remember the death of my dad. You're holding that. It's just the remembrance of your dad. I'm not doing a fantastic job of articulating it. But it is not the solution. It is not the solution. It's not going to bring your peace. You're compounding the problem. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it's this...
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah, here we go. I got pregnant at 20. I've been told such a brave choice you made to keep your baby Yeah, it is a brave choice Uh, I tell them it wasn't a choice when I got pregnant. I chose to have sex My baby doesn't have to pay for that. Yeah Wow Uh, michael olivas, uh, I don't know man
Starting point is 00:38:47 Michael, I don't know man, I'd imagine being the product of rape or telling your grandpa is also your dad would fuck that kid up mentally big time. I mean, I agree with here's the situation. Would you rather I would rather be alive under I there's very few circumstances that I can think of. Like if I was a product of rape, or if I was a product of incest, I would still be fucking ecstatic to be alive. Easy, right. Easy for me to say that I'm not, but like, man, being alive is so fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. Being alive, being alive is so cool. So what's the answer? Would you rather be dead? How about all the slaves? How about you were, you were, you were, you were your, your chief leader in Africa, who you trust gathers you up sells you you go on a fucking four month worst trip of your life in the bottom of a boat, you show up in a new land and you're a slave. Do you
Starting point is 00:39:35 kill yourself? No, those they weren't killing themselves. Yeah. I mean, you're a Jewish prisoner of war inside of Auschwitz. And if you slow down working in the snow on the train tracks, they're going to call you off and shoot you in the dirt right there. You know, why don't you slow down? You're living a life of horribleness, knowing that fucking you're going to be gassed in a month. You don't kill yourself. It's just fascinating to me that they keep justifying these things that people want to do for women's rights, but on the other side, what they won't look out is you had to kill a baby.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You had to kill a baby to go to law. That was the price of you going to law school. That was the price of you being afraid of a future of raising a baby when you're 22 years old. By the way, all of these women, 99% of these women who are thinking about having an abortion who don't and have the kid, they even have guilt for even thinking of aborting that kid. Women don't think about having an abortion, have the baby, and then regret it. It doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Show me one. They're all like, dodged a bullet, glad I didn't kill this kid. They're looking at their kid at fucking four years old, eating fucking mashed potatoes at the table being like, holy fuck, I was this close to aborting this kid. Yeah, wow. If 70 million kids, imagine a pile of 70 million dead babies. That's what it is since I think 1970.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Imagine how many were thought of to be aborted that weren't. I bet you it's more than 70 million. Yeah, probably three times that amount, four times that amount. Yeah, and by the way, those are black kids. I bet you there's some crazy stat that even though black women only make up 6% of the population, I bet you they make up like 50% of the abortions. Because the Democrats have made it culturally almost a rite of passage for black women to
Starting point is 00:41:39 have an abortion. Oh, that's that's harsh, Seve. That's harsh. Yeah, regardless Seve. That's harsh. Yeah, regardless of it, it's not consequence free. Oh, having the abortion, having the abortion, having the kid and giving it a right about adoption or just having the kid in general. And like what Mike said about the mental, you know, issues that might arise when you're a kid of a rape victim or something is pretty intense.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Right. And for the woman, it's like... But what if your mom told you now, Hey, your dad actually raped me. And that's what I thought when someone said it. What if my mom was like, Hey, you know why I married your dad? Because he raped me. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:24 But I wouldn't be like, It wouldn't enter my mind for one second like, married your dad because he raped me. That's crazy. But I wouldn't be like, oh, it wouldn't enter my mind for one second. Like, oh, you should have aborted me. Never. Yeah. Yeah. Never. Yeah. I'd be like, oh my God, thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Damn. Yeah. Yeah. You, you know that there's thousands of those, right? Just like walking amongst us. We're going to see one today. You know that there's thousands of those, right? Just like walking amongst us. We're going to see one today.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You're going to drive by someone on the freeway today who had a baby who the husband or boyfriend raped him and they ended up just fucking going with it and then marrying the guy. That's not a, that's not a, uh, some weird, um, do you, that's not some far out there theory like dog eating. No, no, it's not. You're putting how many people you think we walk we walk the we walk the beach today have eaten a dog and are a child of a rape victim. Okay, here he is guys. The latest and greatest. We recently went to Canada, as I like to call it, gay America.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Canada and America super similar. I kind of feel like you guys had the same parents, but in the divorce, Canada went to stay with mom. She hugged him way too much. I kept telling him affirmations. Of course, you can wear a skirt that's cool gender is a constant but then you guys obviously stayed with that he gave you a beer and a gun and was like you don't listen to nobody I was in Canada I was watching the news I was flipping between American and
Starting point is 00:44:03 Canadian news American news so f***ing intense. Every time you watch American news, it's always like, multiple assailants, semi-automatic. You turn over to Canadian news, they're like, local town beaver has gone missing. I recently went to... Did you watch the Kill Tony in Madison Square Garden? I didn't know Just clips of it. I don't think I've ever watched that show to be honest. I think I've only watched clips. I You know, I've had some issues with some family member and friends because of stories I've told on this show That's crazy. Yeah. Unmendable. Like it's just they're just no you or I mean I don't guard it around you because they don't want to just end up being a
Starting point is 00:44:53 story. I don't know but like you know like I let's say I went to dinner with you and then let's say I saw um uh you give your kid a Coke at the dinner table and then the next day I talk about it on the show. And then but I don't say you by name on the right right right gave his kid a Coke. I'll be like man I went with these friends the other day and they gave their kid a Coke. Yes you know and but they know you're talking about them but they know I'm talking about them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And you motherfucker. And God I don't know if I should tell this story. Don't lose another one. and You motherfucker and God, I don't know if I should tell this story. Don't lose another one. Well in another one If you gotta think about it that much you might want to take a pass it's such a good story it's about kill Tony oh About it that much you might want to take a pass. It's such a good story. It's about kill Tony. Oh Did you tell me the story ready? I mean they told me they don't know they know they told me they don't listen to the Show anymore. Oh Fuck him. Yeah Just contemplating it uh go back to abortion. There were two things happened.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Something happened. Another thing happened recently where someone was lecturing me on parenting and I hadn't seen their kids yet. Lecturing. Do you know that story? One was lecturing me on parenting and I hadn't seen their kids yet. Hmm Hmm and Do you know that story? Did I tell you that story? No, no, no, please that didn't ring a bell Rachel loves the stories God, they're such good stories. I know they're such good stories
Starting point is 00:46:44 Anyway, fuck it. So I was with one of these parents that I fucked up with, a friend who I love dearly. And I would say stuff like this, you know what I mean? I'd be like, hey, if you're a parent and you put a mask on your kid, you're a piece of shit. And you know, like half my friends are like, when I saw them, everyone's like, you asshole, because they like, you know, they put masks on their kids. Or if you let your kid hang out with people with masks, you're an idiot. Or if you gave your kid a vaccine, holy fuck, you fucking permanently alter your
Starting point is 00:47:14 kid's immune system for the rest of his life. Probably not probably because they're what you said is true. Yeah. But but so anyway, so yesterday, I was at dinner with a dear friend who I've offended before and we were, I was talking about how mean Tony is. Oh yeah. And you can tell he just looks like an asshole. And like, I get it. It's the premise of the show. And it's like, so for those of you who don't know, there was this, there was a, there's
Starting point is 00:47:44 an interview out there with Tony Hinchcliffe where he talks about Getting canceled because he called someone the comic who was on before him. He called him a fucking chink Okay, all right But Tony betrays himself because he doesn't realize that You can't if you call someone a fucking someone a fucking chink Venomously, then it's racism if you say it as part of a bit, it's just part of a bit. Well, what had happened is he admitted that he called this due to fucking chink because the guy stayed on stage too long.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And Tony was supposed to come up and this guy overran his set by 10 minutes. Oh, OK. Well, then if you go out there, if like if you if you go out there afterwards and goes, good job, but dang, but dang but dang my dang my dang Gazang are you one of the dog eaters you fucking chink? It's like funny but later on if you admit that you call them that because he ran ten minutes late that you're racist Yeah, cuz it's not the bit you're doing that out of anger now. Yes. Yeah and So
Starting point is 00:48:42 You so he basically he so he basically admits that, but doesn't realize what he just admitted. Right. Right? And, by the way, I don't care that he's racist. Like whatever. Or I don't even know if he's racist. Maybe he's not. Maybe he was just angry.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Like I'm not even accusing him of being racist. Like I honestly don't care. I think the guy's funny as shit and brilliant. Right? You know? Yeah. It's not like, and you could be a racist and be funny as shit and brilliant. I can't take that away from you. Mm-hmm. Um, uh, so I was at the dinner table talking to this friend about how vicious Tony is.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And he yells at red man on the show that's like over the top for me it's like Howard Stern would do that to his people sometimes like hey dude it's over the top you're betraying yourself you're making it show that you're not a team yeah you're not cohesive we've talked about that we talked about that yesterday about kill Taylor right like hey we did we shouldn't while Taylor's on like if we're just hanging out in a room with him on a regular podcaster if we're just hanging out it's okay to make fun of him yeah but when he's on the show, we got to have his back
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, because he's putting it all on the line, right? Agreed He's our day so when red man's up there and Tony's up there and Tony attacks and there's it gets a little weird but sometimes even attacks the guests like to to vehemently and too viciously doesn't let it go and This person I was at dinner with who I had offended before by telling that story without using their name was defending Tony. No, no, that's part of the show. That's part of the show. And I wanted so bad to be like, well, hey, dude, it's like, I didn't care.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Really care. You put masks on your kid. It's part of the show. It's just part of the show. But I didn't. Oh, but I want to do so bad. It's funny. That's that. I wanted to so bad. It's funny. That's that's I wanted to so bad It's okay. If it doesn't offend me. It's part of the show. Yes me. Yes. Fuck you. Yes
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yes, yeah, I also think when it comes to the mask thing like you were saying with the parents and the kids like everybody is What's it him like trying to do the right thing. Yeah, and sometimes they may There might be a thing of like fuck I knew that I shouldn't have done that or I feel bad for it or I should have that paid more attention and then When you're kind of like hold it up to them, it's like that anger just projects out onto you, right? I knew when that guy jumped in the water At at Lazar's death. Yeah, I knew
Starting point is 00:51:10 What and I didn't say anything the dude who I knew that hurt Maderas is a brother-in-law. Yeah, I knew People were yelling. Oh a fan has jumped in the water and he's swimming. I knew you knew there was something wrong I I know a hundred percent knew oh wow because you're just like this crowd isn't gonna do that shit He jumped in the water and he's swimming. I knew. You knew there was something wrong? I 100% knew. Because you're just like, this crowd isn't going to do that shit. Yep. And for a fleeting second, I thought I thought I should run over and tell Dave they have to stop the fucking event and someone should go in the water.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I knew. I knew. I filmed that guy when he first jumped in. And I didn't know what was happening because we just heard Fain in the Water, Fain in the Water. And then I turned the, I was like was like wow and I turned the camera to Wiki Because he was standing next to me at the finish line. I'm like, did you see that guy in the water? And he's like, yeah, I'm like, what's he doing? He's like, I don't know. He just jumped in I said well if you're gonna streak doing it inside the water is pretty dumb and like point the camera back and I was
Starting point is 00:51:58 On the total opposite side of you. Yeah, but I knew in my mind I Won I was 99.9% certain no one jumps in unless they fucking saw something really bad. Right. Wow. And hey, I didn't read the whole story, but I think I saw either heard Halpen say it or someone say it, that basically it was actually Justin's sister. The guy's like, hey, I saw someone go in and she gave, God, women are so great. I fucking love women. I was thinking about fucking Taylor self's wife the other day. Well, Lizzie fucking G she is. Oh, she's so good. Um, cause she does this to Taylor too. I heard the way I heard the story is then Justin Medeiros is
Starting point is 00:52:37 brother-in-law's wife said, go like he probably didn't want to jump in because it was socially irresponsible. Yeah. Is that weird? And she gave him the clearance, but it's the exact same thing. Like, um, w w we will be at the event and Lizzie will be serving the fucking team on hand and foot serving Taylor hand on foot. He's like, check my flight. I might want to change it. Bring me a hamburger.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I need different sunglasses. Um, I want two ice cubes in this water and she's just doing it all. Yeah. No, she doesn't even say anything. She's just on it. He's like, hey, i'm jumping out here Can you park the car but then in the same same thing when he's going off on helping? When he comes off the show she fucking gives him a lecture Hey, is that the person you want to be like right in front of all of us but does it without even emasculating them? No, totally just a total fucking like nurture like nurturing on
Starting point is 00:53:26 The servitude level but also nurturing on like the soul level. Mm-hmm. Like hey man, that shit ain't cool Yeah, be cool. Yeah, and by the way, is that really who you want to be and I was just You're so lucky if you're a man and you have a woman like her it's fucking crazy and Taylor's response to her is also very important Which is so respectful. Yeah, zero pushback and he just listens and She she gets right through to him like she pierces right through. Yes. There's not a back and forth She's like but without talking down to him without emasculating them I never felt like she no in that never once not even kind of listen most you fucknuts Don't bring your kids or your wife anywhere, but Taylor Lizzie. You got a fucking pass. I mean what a team player her and Bryson
Starting point is 00:54:12 Bryson's yeah, how lucky is Taylor? He's I mean even Andy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know like you know I've got angels in his camp. He does and I know you know, we know his story pretty intimately and stuff like that Angels in his camp he does and I know you know we know his story pretty intimately and stuff like that But man the cohort of human beings that he has around him right now It's just amazing and you know what the thing too is is he knows it yeah, and he would do anything for those right right Well, yeah, and you know it's crazy so after the competition. This is how you know you're with fucking amazing people after the competition you're with fucking amazing people. After the competition, Colton was going to do the rogue event the next day. He ended up doing it at Suzy's gym and we found a hundred pound dumbbell and
Starting point is 00:54:55 we're all tired and we're all there and someone has to go get the hundred pound dumbbell. We ended up not getting it, but someone had to get the hundred pound dumbbell. We're all sitting outside. We're all relaxing and Taylor jumps up And goes i'll drive there and get it for you colton Come on sevey and me and taylor and by the time we got outside he called and said no you can't get it now You have to get it in the morning, but even as exhausted as taylor is No one asked do you remember that? Yep, we're all sitting in the backyard
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yep, and he knows colton has to work out tomorrow and taylor does he just gets to fly home with this chick. Yep, this is beautiful wife and And he just jumps up and he's like gets the keys and he's like, come on Let's go drive and get it and I'm like man. These are I'm with fucking good people. Mm-hmm Yeah, I mean everybody in there like even right when we got into the end of the space At the house. Hillary was like cuz I picked up I picked up Andrew from the airport and so we're driving back He's like are you gonna be hungry and I'm like, yeah, I don't know We'll kind of like pace I know those guys gonna grab some some stuff from the the grocery store and he's like, okay And I kind of see him fiddle on his phone. He's like, ah, we don't really know what's there
Starting point is 00:55:56 I just ordered us three roaster Rotisserie chickens from Costco. Everyone was ordering shit. I know yeah, I think Colton or someone ordered like fucking two flats of c4 He did. Yep. Yeah, it was so house. Yeah, it was it's a you were very fortunate to have a group of selfless individuals Around us, which is crazy because we're all actually chasing and those two especially that we can very self ish goal to win the competition But they do it in a very selfless way. It's really cool. Yeah, that was a When everyone's giving, oh, it made me think the other day about how all of these events work.
Starting point is 00:56:36 So NorCal Classic, Rogue, the CrossFit Games, Crash, like there's all these different events out there, right? Wadapalooza, the Madrid, the Dubai thing. And there's this push, this what I think is an idiotic push to make a season and how like have each event have certain points, right? And somehow come together as a group and I think rogue is kind of leading it with their point system which I have like no interest in I don't know anyone who has interest in it I don't know anyone who's
Starting point is 00:57:11 following it I know that Amanda Barnhart qualified for rogue and a bunch of us are like what the fuck how the fuck did she qualify your point system is all fucked up but but and that's not a dig at them like they're trying something right all they have to do is do what we do All all they have to do is bill hennigar just has to call Or Katie sorry, I think it's Katie's event all Katie hennigar has to do is call Jr. Or Ben alderman or Dylan and be like hey, you know what we want to do We want to make it the winner of your event qualifies for rogue automatically.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. That's how we work as a group. We're not competing with each other. We're just lifting each other up. Yeah. We're just lifting each other up. We're just lifting each other up. That's all they have to do.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And, and to that point though, there was some refinement with our group. Right. It wasn't like the first time it stuck and you know, I like Brian and helping get in the boot Yeah, and and then now everybody that's in there is really solid and it's all it's all uplifting So there would be a little bit of that that happened within the event, right? And you know, so to write there would be shit bags. There would be shit bags There'd be shit bags There'd be people that would have the guys of we're all lifting each other up
Starting point is 00:58:22 But if I could go a little bit further this way to get what I need personally, even though it's at the detriment to us as the group, I will. Right. And so you got to weed some of those people out. And I told you the other day, going back to getting collecting equipment for Colton, um, I reached out to the gym. That's literally like a mile up the road from me, CrossFit 580. And um, I almost bought it about a year ago. So I had a
Starting point is 00:58:45 good relationship with the previous owners. And the new owner now I have a great relationship with and I told you I was gonna have to have to put my foot in my mouth a little bit because when Dave had said, Hey, you guys are better off becoming buddies to a certain extent because if you got together more people would build the ecosystem CrossFit in your local area and both of you would benefit. And my response that was like, fuck you, Dave, you never had to go out and, you know, work this affiliate hump for your meal every time. But at the end of the day, if you have the right individual, like DJ, who owns CrossFit 580, um, it does work in that manner.
Starting point is 00:59:20 And when I went over and I shot him an email kind of late at night and I was like, Hey dude, I got Colton coming to you have an a hundred pound dumbbell on a 70. I don't have either of those at my gym. And he emailed me back within 10 minutes. And he's like, yep, I got a 70. You want me to come drop it off to you? And I was like, Hey, don't worry about it. I wouldn't. So I went by and I picked it up and him and I, he's like, come inside. Have you seen it since I moved the rig and I put some colors up and I was like, all right, went through and talked to him and he's like, well, you, you know, you've been here before and kind of showcasing.
Starting point is 00:59:45 He goes, Hey, he goes, you know, we chat about it briefly, he goes, but I'd really love to do something. The following year, we could do like a CrossFit day here in Livermore. He's like, I know you have the resources with the Banker Theater and the connections and stuff and he's like, and you know, we could help help support that in terms of logistics. But we should do something together, get more people to know about CrossFit. And I was like, man, you know, that's the right type of individual that you could do that with where we lift each other up.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So it does take a certain amount of personality. You guys both have to be engaged in wanting to do that. But when you get the right group, it's crazy what you could do by lifting each other up. On a micro level, it's like, if you know, you walk into a Starbucks and you order a drink, and they give you the wrong drink Yeah, and then you're like, oh sir. I asked for heavy cream in this and there's two kind of waiters two kind of baristas the one that's just like Yeah pissed off about it and the one that's like, oh no problem. No problem. Keep that one
Starting point is 01:00:40 I'm gonna make you a new one. You can sip on that one while I make it this new one I don't want to take it away and the situation is there no matter what the person got the wrong drink. Mm-hmm. Support for today's episode comes from one skin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean a little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin, leaving it dry, tired, and less vibrant. If you want to hit that undo button on UV-induced aging, say hello to OneSkin, your secret weapon
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Starting point is 01:03:53 is now they're walking back to the car with two drinks or they walk back to the car and they're like, man, that guy's an asshole. I'm not coming back to that Starbucks thing. Yeah, it's the same thing. I remember walking into a gym one time that I would always bring friends to, and I'd always play the $20 fee. And they were assholes to me one time because they wouldn't let me bring
Starting point is 01:04:11 someone. And finally, I guess we'll make an exception this time. And they were assholes to me. And it made me hate the gym. And I left the gym when all they had to be like, oh, OK, no, no problem. He can come in free just so you know, we've changed our policy. But man, we love having you here. And let me know if your friend wants to join we'll give him a discount I'd be like, oh, thank you so much. Here's two clean towels. Yeah Yeah, either way they let my friend in both ways, right? But one way now I fucking hate you. Yep. Yep And why why would you do that? It's and the thing is to is like with hospitality being completely gone
Starting point is 01:04:46 And the thing is too, is like with hospitality being completely gone, like I always say that the pandemic just crushed it, right? Like people just- Why? Why did the pandemic crush it? Because now I have an excuse to give you a lot less when have you pay the same or more. Oh, oh. Right? And once you start thinking in that way-
Starting point is 01:04:58 Like when waiters now bring you the box instead of like in California, I found out they're not allowed, if you want to take your food and go to your dog. They can't take your food, right? Yeah, and I think of hotels right away because all of a sudden they started getting rid of the free breakfast It was just like an apple or a granola bar that you could take. Hey, we don't service your room every day You have to request it now We don't give you free So all of a sudden they were able to pull back all these different services or amenities that they offered But the price of which your stay has gone up.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Right. And, and then when they realize, oh shit, these people are just taking it. Okay, great. So, you know, yeah, that's frustrating, but it's also a huge opportunity because it takes so little to win. You know what I mean? Just like you talk about a, what, what'd blaze say on the show yesterday? Front door famous.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah. That was a great fucking line when he was talking about kids. If you're an owner or a coach of a gym and you're not treating everybody walking through there like their front door famous, you're fucking up. Oh, I'm and sincerely be like, then, you know, you're then you know, you're in the right job. You're happy. You're happy with each person. Yes. And it's going to be challenging at times. I'm not going to not going to lie. There's been times when I've been coaching, you know, five, six hours in a
Starting point is 01:06:06 row at the gym or something and somebody kind of wanders in and they're like 10 or 15 minutes late to what you were doing or you're right in the middle of the class and you know, they're just standing there and they came in off the street and you're like, shit, how am I going to juggle this? Right. And you're already tired, but I'm telling you just walking right over or even acknowledging them like right as they come in the door will a, it'll buy you time and then B when you go back over to them the door. Well, a it'll buy you time.
Starting point is 01:06:25 And then B when you go back over to them the second time you get, Hey, thanks for waiting. I have this situation going on. We'd love to talk to you, you know, and just make it as, um, be as hospitable as you possibly can and still, you know, do your job. But it's easy to win because you just have to have just that little bit of extra and chances are the other places they went will not or even less than that. And so they're going to remember you and be like, man, this, I felt really good coming here. I was acknowledged right away. You know, yeah, he didn't help me. I had to come back
Starting point is 01:06:50 at a different time, but that was okay. I dropped it on my, you know, whatever the case may be. Acknowledging people's huge. You walk in somewhere and the person standing there and they're ignoring you and you hate them. If all they would say is I see you. Yep. Give me two seconds, dude. Uh, someone called in sick today. I'm running around like an asshole. I'll be right back. Yeah. Yeah. And then they know. Exactly the situation. They know. Have you listened to Thomas Sowell top notch? Let me tell you something. After decades of shaky hands caused by debilitating tremors, Sunnybrook was the only
Starting point is 01:07:21 hospital in Canada who could provide Andy with something special. Three neurosurgeons, two Thomas Two steady hands from innovation to action. Sunnybrook is special. Learn more at special. Thomas soul is a fucking G. What a fucking smart guy. I'll tell you the two two things that stuck in my head with Thomas soul. And there's a lot. There was a comparison one time between who makes the most money in the United States and the highest in Manhattan was Jews and they were averaging $100,000 a United States and the highest in Manhattan was Jews and they were averaging $100,000 a year and the poorest in Manhattan were Puerto Ricans and they were making an average $25,000 a year. And Thomas Sowell, and there was a news article on it, and Thomas Sowell points out in the
Starting point is 01:08:16 news article that they forgot the, that's incomplete information because the average age for a Jew in Manhattan was like 53 years old and the average age for a Puerto Rican was like 22 years old or something. And so you're comparing a 22 year old's money to a 53 year old's money. And at 22, at 22 I was homeless and at 52 I'm a fucking millionaire. And it's like those are the kinds of things. Another interesting thing was, is they were, one of the things I saw is that a single, they were comparing the white people and black people who makes more money. And he goes, well, let's just take, let's drill down to take one demographic. And they
Starting point is 01:08:52 took a black woman who had been in a job for 20 years or longer versus who was single. No, it wasn't single without kids versus a white woman who had been in a job for 20 or more years and didn't have kids. And for like 30 years straight, black women on average made more money. And those are some really fucking important factors. Because what is the pool of men that white women are getting versus the pool that black women are getting versus men, or if they have kids or The situation puts them in and I love so well for pointing out those things because he won't tolerate that
Starting point is 01:09:32 He just blasts through this fucking bullshit cord lit that skin color has to do with anything. Mm-hmm I fucking love that guy's fucking such a G Oh when the schools were segregated black schools were some of the best schools and even better than the best white schools in the in the country Then they forced that busing shit and shit went sideways now I don't think schools should be segregated right, but but it doesn't mean we run away from the observation Yeah, and then lean into it so we could actually learn something from it and improve our situation,
Starting point is 01:10:05 right? Right. Did you say lean into it? Yeah. Oh, yes. Well, this is, if you haven't seen someone on Trank, it is fucking amazing. Have you seen anyone in Trank in person? Yeah, I mean, we live in the, in person, in person.
Starting point is 01:10:18 In person, in person. I saw my first ones a couple months ago at the, at the skate park. It is fascinating. I haven't seen the full lean, but I've driven by people who got that slump for sure. Has anyone here seen the Trank people? It is crazy. Back at it again, man.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Mr. Lean woulda rock with it, man. I mean, what in the hell? What in the heaven? What in the world? You never the heaven? What in the world? Dude that's insane dude I'd love to see Greg break that down like you do the chart where you put the line through the guy and his midline and look at his front plane. Oh my gosh. It's I it is the trunk. People are so wild.
Starting point is 01:11:11 I've seen like a guy who wasn't as high walking another guy around who was in a lean and a tranquiline to kind of like move them from like move them like 100 feet. And it was it was crazy. The guy stayed in the lean But he had to uh, but he but he moved him. So just imagine moving that Dude I mean his body's in like this perfect counterbalance so he could just stay there It is amazing his head and his hit like Oh, sleeky don't ruin it. I know I saw that comment too. Oh, Sleeky, don't ruin it. I know. I saw that comment too.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Oh, my God. That's sad. That's so damn sad that someone's son, Jesus, crime and he don't ruin the bit. Is that a sculpture? I mean, Trank is so weird. I don't know why it why it does that to people, but yeah, they all get in these weird contorted like hanging positions I think that's what happened to to it when he got hit How's his hat not even fall off it's a
Starting point is 01:12:16 His head wants to be on the ground but his leg yeah, oh My god That's somebody's son. No one better enjoy this. Man. Hey, what's crazy is this is the second time this guy has featured. You know how people like featured this guy? You know how people like will read like tea cups or like read palms? Yeah. I wonder if if like a like a or like read your astrology sign I wonder if you could see how someone bends when they're on Trank and be like, well, these are your problems Always to the left. Yeah. Oh, so your dad diddle you at 13 no 14 I recognize that and the way you hold your fingers that's because someone punched you when you're you know what I mean give a full man. Oh
Starting point is 01:13:04 Oh my gosh, you see Kristen's You know what I mean? Give a full man. Oh My gosh, you see Kristen's Christians paint them gold and play some music. Yeah, throw a hat out get some money. Yeah It's crazy Yeah, Trank is something else keep your kids off your phone If you don't want them getting the the the Trank. I have not fact-checked this. I apologize. You guys can fact-check this in the audience and tell me.
Starting point is 01:13:32 We know that Tyreke apologized kind of he kind of apologized. He apologized and then lied. He basically said, hey, I should have I shouldn't have rolled up my window, but that doesn't give them a right to beat the shit out of me. Well, they didn't beat the shit out of you do and and and you're a jackass for rolling up your fucking tinted window Well, listen to this Why is a judge ruling this I don't want to judge anywhere near me when I'm having kids but but we're a Florida judge has
Starting point is 01:14:01 ruled the Dolphins Wide receiver wide receiver. Wide receiver, thank you. Tyreke Hill is the father of yet another child, this time a baby girl. Hill, 30, reportedly has around a dozen children around. And this child will be his fifth baby so far this year. The news comes just weeks after Hill announced his wife is expecting. Wow. If you had five babies in a year, does that have that's
Starting point is 01:14:25 has to be at least four women? Yeah. Five women. In one year. Like that's yeah. Damn. Boy gets it in huh? Damn. And the funny thing about the judge part. He's in the big tits. It's right. It gets him every time. Yeah. The funny thing about the judge part is like that just means like he tried to deny it. And she was like, nope, you're paying for this shit. And Fritton got a fraternity test and took him to court for for what a child support, I guess it is. Yeah. Why is there this man is averaging one child every eight hundred and forty four receiving yards. Shit. Oh Oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Man. This shit is ridiculous. I couldn't even be friends with a brother like that. Super irresponsible. I don't know. Is that irresponsible? Maybe he just wants to get all, like, keep all the kids together. Like, I don't know his philosophy.
Starting point is 01:15:21 We don't know how his relationship with them. That's for sure. Yeah. I don't know if you can go that far. You know, maybe all four or five of the women get along really well. Yeah. Crazy. Low quality person.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Oh, man, the people are so judgmental. So his wife's just cool with it at this point. He's building his own future NFL team. Yeah, Nice Nelson. She surprised you haven't divorced him. Why would you divorce him? Wait, is he still married? Oh, we pulled out of Afghanistan better than this guy did with these women.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh, so he has a wife and he's got four baby mama. So five total women is what we word what's the math on this? Um Oh, I don't like I don't like the comments. I don't like the comments if the judge is involved the relationships can't be great Yeah, I don't know no push back there dear dear Humans who listen to the sebon podcast If you are if a man is making, if a man has $275 million, he is, and he's fucking you, he's also fucking other people.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Thank you. This is, I'm giving you, this is, oh, I'm channeling God right now, hold on. Oh no, sorry. God says he's fucking at least three other people. That's what God just told me. If a man has $275 million and he's fucking you, he's fucking at least three.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Oh, 30. Oh, 30, sorry. Fidelity with God is really bad right now. Sorry, we have, that's foggy here. He's fucking at least 30 other people Why stay married sleekie? Are you fucking kidding me? You have two hundred seventy five million dollars. He's fucking everybody. It's cheaper to keep her. Oh No, God said not everybody only thirty. Hey, what do you think that? I mean are you guys out of your fucking mind? Do you not understand how the fucking world works?'s the threshold what's the net worth threshold like
Starting point is 01:17:27 5 million still normal like you got your one wife but it's not like 10 million like you something else is going on 50 million hundred million like wins the threshold of Now I just do whatever the fuck I want. Well, and then there's a threshold also where it starts to get weird. So like if you're making 500 million a year, then you start, like that's when like you think you can start doing pedophilia. You think you can start orgies.
Starting point is 01:17:59 You think you can start roofing girls. You just start thinking like you can just do whatever you want. Because you have so much access to so much fucking. You have to equate money to human energy, right? I pay someone a hundred bucks, they mow my lawn, I bought their human energy. There becomes a point where it's just like the door swings wide open and you and then age is a factor too.
Starting point is 01:18:22 If you're a 65 year old man, right, who's had's had a good upbringing, you might not be doing that shit. But like a guy who fits under the stereotype of this guy, no, you give him $275 million. As soon as he goes over, I'd say $1 million a year. Like if you're, not if you're, not if like you're a poor millionaire like myself, but I'm saying like someone who actually makes a million in cash a year like if you're not if you're not if like you're a poor millionaire like myself But I'm saying like someone who actually makes a million in cash. Yeah. Yeah doors wide open You're yeah, like you're getting a hundred thousand every month. Yeah. Yeah, and you're you're you're Anything is your game you're good. Why do you think especially a million year and by year five? I'm I
Starting point is 01:19:04 Mean I mean, I mean It's so much cash like it's so much fucking cash. Why do you think that is? Why do you think people switch from? like being able to allocate that money to something that's going to give massive contribution or something that you're really passionate about or like Giving to make some serious, uh serious change Hey, is that what it's like? It's just fun being around really rich people. It's really fucking fun. It's really fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:19:30 And so girls want to be around, girls and guys want to be around really fucking rich people. You get, you have clean clothes, you have a nice washer and dryer, you have, you stay in nice hotels, you go to bars and you can order the best tequila, and shit's just fun and it's cool. And you know what I mean? you're no fucking your backpack or nice and you sit in the best seat in the plane and There's only so much of that and then you just start wanting some good pussy and dick and you just want to have fun Yeah, it just seems like I don't know. It just seems so um Empty on the other side of that though. You think those people you okay. Let me ask you this. Let's play this
Starting point is 01:20:03 What do you mean? What do you mean empty on the other side of that though. You think those people, okay let me ask you this. Let's play this. What do you mean, what do you mean empty on the other side of that? Okay, you could go around and bang a bunch of chicks and go to a nightclub and buy best tequila and fly there on a private jet but at some point you just wake up with a hangover thinking, what am I actually even doing here? Oh, well yeah, I think that does become, you either that or you do something illegal and then that becomes your awakening because it just seems like if you had that much cash and you attract a lot of shitbags I mean I'm sure you do but you keep your circle tight man yeah you keep your circle tight that's that's up to that's up to
Starting point is 01:20:39 you and and the people you're allowing in your presence but you can't also like when people who are rich are like that person is just using me or blah, blah, blah. Like, hey, it's crazy because you're really enjoying your life being rich. Right. You can't you don't think that they're also like enjoying your life being rich? Yeah. Do you know what I mean? No, I think so. If you got the right people around you around here doesn't matter that You're the one spending all this stuff because if that individual contributes to you in a way that gives you more fulfillment Or you enjoy being around them or you trust them or just certain stuff than Frank it What would you get like if I hit that?
Starting point is 01:21:16 Power lot or whatever. It's like an 800 million right now. Is it really? Yeah, it's at 800 mil You think if I won that you think that you would pay for anything around me at all ever No, and then do you think that that would change? I wouldn't even try I wouldn't even try Yeah, and I wouldn't expect you. Yeah. Yeah, but here's the thing before I say let's you won 800 million dollars Yeah, if you had 800 million dollars, I would drive to your house more Yeah, well I would drive to your house more it would be a cool house to come visit. Yeah fucking right Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would drive your one of those like if you yeah If you had a party and you and you're worth eight hundred million dollars, I'm going to it
Starting point is 01:21:52 I want to see yeah, I'm going to it You know what I mean, and I'm gonna ask you if you'll get me a hotel you probably offer to get me a hotel Hey when you come over you probably send me a driver. Absolutely. Yeah for sure and that shit's fun I would just make it convenient. Yeah. Oh, you know, what are the what are the boys and Haley gonna do at the party? Oh, don't worry I hired this frickin badass like magician hangout spot magician and I and everybody who's got kids they're gonna go there and And do that but I don't it's just like if you have a swimming pool Every all people say they don't want to be used every motherfucker gets a swimming pool because they want the kids at their house
Starting point is 01:22:23 So they can watch their kids. That's right. You want to be used every motherfucker gets a swimming pool because they want the kids at their house so they can watch Their kids that's right. You want to be used I had the garage your house to be that place I had the garage like my parents allowed us to hang out Down in the garage were like it was like a one twist is like a one-car garage And we threw like two couches that we collected around the neighborhood that were out there for free over the years and there was just A little spot right there and even know a lot of the times it caused them I'm sure sleepless nights and hearing us or knowing that a bunch of people coming through they preferred that we were there because they knew okay this was the spot everybody's gonna come here and it's at the house so we know that there's a fridge
Starting point is 01:22:55 and filled with soda pop and deep jerky and all the kids are fucking that's exactly what it is that's exactly what it is when my nephews come to town, I always go straight to Safeway and I buy like 10 cases of sparkling water. Yeah. Like a stack that's like halfway to the ceiling. And you got it all in there. You can come say hi for a minute. You want to say hi to Suza?
Starting point is 01:23:16 Oh, Shana. Somebody else put a thing in there. What's up, dude? And said that the Madeiros family, what they say, was like everything that good that represents in CrossFit. Do you want to sit down here? And I completely agree. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:33 They're great people. They're just great people. And they're great people to have in our ecosystem. I agree. And just to touch base on the fact that- Even Hiller loves them too. I was actually And just to touch base on the fact that even Hitler loves them, too. I was actually talking to Hitler a little bit yesterday. I don't want to get too much.
Starting point is 01:23:47 But I could tell like he doesn't want a because, you know, because we're because Justin's an athlete and we're pundits and we fucking tear into him and shit. But no one wants to be on the wrong side of the Medarises because you know, they're good people. Yeah, they are. Yeah. And dad, mom, sister, loving, supportive supportive suite in all the ways fan practitioners givers contributors. Yeah, they're fucking great and I hope to the side you the guy that jumped in the in the water is is
Starting point is 01:24:17 Doing good. Do you want them right up there? I just threw him over there I hope I hope the I don't know if it was their son-in-law or if that's a Boyfriend or what the relationship situation is but I just hope that um, I hope that he's doing good Oh, yeah, cuz he knows yeah, he's trippin. He knows and I also think that I heard that I heard that he thought it was Justin Who went under two? Oh Really? That's what I heard. Oh, I've no I have no like proof of that, but that's what they must have just been I mean even you know, of course there's gonna be that like instant relief of like, okay It's not our son, but then there's still the dread of like fuck that somebody else there, right?
Starting point is 01:24:50 so Tripping because we all could yeah, and you know, there's probably there's probably there's probably 20 people there or 50 people who knew Right and we just froze. I See, I didn't know dude. I was watching I knew something was wrong when I that dude jump in. I'm like, oh, that's a fucking mistake to say it's a fan. Like no one does that. Not not in this community. Um, but yeah, any anyways, they're they're great. I wish I wish we we had the a little bit more of a relationship with Justin to I would love to like, oh, more of a relationship with Justin too. I would love to like oh we have a relationship with him. I Would love to I would love to like have him on my show and talk about his journey as how he grew up as a
Starting point is 01:25:34 competitor a little bit In how it related back to like the affiliate that he was at you know what I mean like that not like his competitive Journey, but what that meant like with him like in the affiliate and and how that was because I mean If you go back and watch well, he comes from a great gym. He does Yeah, and maybe one of the best in the world, dude If you go back and watch some of the like early regionals, you gotta go to like Probably not the first heap and see footage of me and see footage of a man. He looks like a baby out there You know, it's so cool
Starting point is 01:26:02 To kind of see his journey But he he had always been somebody who was like a supporter of his affiliate and everything that they did as he gave back to them, as they gave to him and his competitive, and that's why it makes sense that he's over there with Adam. Right. Right. Because that hasn't left them.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Yeah. I mean, CrossFit for Vancouver is like, seems like it just embodies that. Right. And, and, uh, Adam's super cool too. Was Trista getting, um, was Trista getting smashed at the NorCal. I didn't get to see I didn't see any of the women's competition Oh, she crushed it. But but what about with the fans all over? Um, I didn't really see that too much. Okay, but I do I mean obviously that I'm sure there were but I think I think
Starting point is 01:26:42 Adam probably keeps the guardrails on that a little bit too. Well they have, she's got a good team there and they have her inside the corral. Yeah. Um, but uh, I felt like, I mean, I obviously didn't hang out with Danny, but I felt like she moved around pretty easily as Colton moved around pretty easily. I felt like the audience was sweet and respectful. They were. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:04 But, but I know that they don't, not everyone gets to see fucking Trista Smith, Cold Merchant's nanny Spiegel. You know what I mean? And they're freaks of nature freaks. When you see these people in person, you're like you can't help but stare at them. And I know you say that all the time. You're like, oh, it's true. It is 100 percent true.
Starting point is 01:27:18 If you haven't ever seen Danny Spiegel in person, you don't you don't fucking get it. Oh, that's awesome. You see Shayna's comment right there. No, Jim is doing a Lazar tribute. I heard there this morning Justin here. Of course Justin's there I mean that's yes more more athletes like him, please I put I caught him too I posted on my Instagram But if you watch Justin when he came across the finish line
Starting point is 01:27:39 Like every time there was like especially when it was like a kid there or something Even though he like one of the times I saw him set up and you could tell he wasn't fully recovered to have Conversations or take pictures yet and he just got himself over there said hi to the kids signed stuff I happen to caught capture on Instagram and I just put like class act Because it really isn't like you know, he gives a lot back in some and I'm not saying the other athletes Don't but you could tell he's like he tries to have genuine moments with all of them when they're there Some of them are just kind of doing their thing and moving along. West coast classic.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Um, I hadn't talked to Justin forever. It hadn't been on the show. And then at West coast classic, when he crossed the finish line one time, I think he won the event or, and I ran over to him with the camera and it's just as real as it gets. You know what I mean? He doesn't bring up any of that. It's like, it's like when I had little conflicts with rich too, just like, just like, you know, and I get no weird vibes from anyone on his team. Not from Adam, not from the weightlifting guy. I didn't get any weird vibes from his mom.
Starting point is 01:28:34 I hugged his mom and his sister when I saw him at NorCal. Yeah, it's. It's it's higher level shit like they're not getting caught up in the petty shit. You see them and it's not. Yeah, no, it's cool. No, and'm glad he's people are saying always got his the barn out there like, you know, whatever He's he's so down with it like dude. He's young He's fucking killing it. Let that man live his life that being said I Love the fucking Ellie Justin drama. I love a little TMZ I mean everybody loves I love to know what Ellie's doing to know like are they having kids or they were hearing rumors that they got married. Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:10 Like I love it. It's what we do keep killing it just us bottom feeders. That's what we do I'm a barter if you're a bottom feeder. I'm a barnacle on you Okay Listen if you want to be pro athlete we got to know who you're banging Listen, if you want to be pro athlete, we got to know who you're banging. Just the fact. Yeah. Tyreex banging is Justin banging. Like we got to know.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Okay. Here we go. Look at that cloud. Okay. Watch this, Susie. I need your opinion on this. Okay. Population so brainwashed that you could convince them to be terrified of a virus that they've
Starting point is 01:29:40 never seen while spraying them daily in broad daylight in the sky only for them to deny it's happening to them because no one on TV told them it was. Imagine a population so brainwashed that you could convince them to be terrified of a virus that they've never seen while spraying them daily in broad daylight in the sky only for them to deny it's happening to them because no one on TV. I think you live in a highly sprayed area. Why? Because I just think the Bay Area is highly sprayed.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Like you can go to government websites. Like they're not denying it. Like I know Alameda they're doing crazy weather modification. Sprayed with what? Fucking whatever that shit is. Silver, zinc, oxide. Let me see. Weather modification Alameda. Here we go. Do I want to know?
Starting point is 01:30:36 I don't know. It's some crazy shit. California town of Alameda refuses to host climate geoengineering experiment. The San Francisco area town has decided against continuing an experiment in cloud brightening cloud brightening the idea is to send them as much solar energy as possible back in the space to limit global warming. Dude, there's been so much of it. It's been going on for fucking years. Let me see if I can I'll mean to prepare for winter storm. Let me see environmental growth Council to reject. It's been going on for years and years. Weather
Starting point is 01:31:09 modification in the Bay Area. Equi- Listen listen to this sense. Learn more about City of Alameda's efforts to equitably reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions. How is the word equitably? How did they stuff that word in there? They gotta get it in dude. It's the Bay Area. They gotta just slide that in somewhere. Researchers from the University of Washington were performing the climate experiment on the flight deck of the USSS Hornet Sea Air and Space Museum in Alameda to determine if salt particles can increase the sun's reflectivity of clouds as part of a marine cloud brightening program. Damn.
Starting point is 01:31:44 I mean, Alameda County was one of the most restrictive during the pandemic, too. program. I mean, Alameda County was one of the most restrictive during the pandemic, too. Not as bad as Santa Clara, who was ran by a Chinese communist woman who was elected. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. San Francisco, they said. Santa Clara. Oh, Santa Clara County. The election lady. Say that again. I think the lady who is in charge of like the
Starting point is 01:32:03 health stuff or whatever, because because remember we were getting it from Oh, you mean a cobit during cobit. Yeah, that was the whole deal with her She was like some freaking little lady who's in charge of elections in San Francisco is a Chinese national wonderful sensation re What's going on buddy? Are you guys having a dispute in front of the world? Sorry. Oh thank you. I appreciate it. I love you Ari. Yes you can. Yes you can. You can sit there. Dude, dude, do you want me to come over there
Starting point is 01:32:35 and kick someone's ass? Dude, there's plenty of room. Come. Avi, let him in. Don't cock walk him. How's that? How's that? Sit back. Yeah, relax. Enjoy yourself. You can only talk. You're not allowed to listen. Okay, I'll talk.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Hi. Okay, give the headphones to Avi if you're going to talk. While sulfate aerosols are the most studied. It has been recently shown that aerosols with other compositions, aluminum oxide and diamond. Oh, you mean in the spray. I know it's crazy. Thursday, I sent a brief be friendly pic.
Starting point is 01:33:17 I don't see it. I looked just so you know, Teresa, I look I don't see it. What a be friendly pic. I have a question. Why is Suza here? That's a great question. Oh, he brought me a shirt. I bought shirts. I came to see you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Careful, don't bump my coffee over. Look at that. For a thousand dollars, tell me who that is. James Frigg. Who? Nice. You just won a thousand dollars off of your Metosian. Good job.
Starting point is 01:33:44 As Trump. As Trump, yes. Dang. Yeah, when he got shot, dang. Who? You just won a thousand dollars, Avi Metosian! Good job. As Trump, yes. Dang. Yeah, when he got shot, dang. Hey, careful. Watch that. Watch that cord. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:33:53 Why are you so shy? He doesn't like being on the show. It's a family show. It's a family show today. Jocelyn Strong. We have a lot of heavy female commenters today. I like girls. Avi, do you like girls? We do? Jocelyn Strong. We have a lot of heavy female commenters today. I like girls.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Avi, do you like girls? We do? Yeah. I love girls. Girls are cool. You love curls? Girls. Curls are better.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Tonight, Marab Gileshvili fights Sugar Shane, Sugar Sean O'Malley. I really want Marab to win. You do? You guys do? Me too. I want somebody to beat the guy. I've learned to like him. He is.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I don't like O'Malley. I like O'Malley. I just want somebody to beat him. He's been like, I'm feeded for a long time I just like marab because he's a little midget Yeah He's cool. Yeah, he's representing the little guy who do you think's taller and he's georgian, you know That's the country just north of armenia. Who do you think's taller colton or colin the pigeon?
Starting point is 01:35:02 colton the midget or um or that agent cool in the midget or Dude someone someone on the show said rich fronies a douche yesterday. That was uncool. Who said that? I don't know that was not cool Heavy females. Well, not not in their size Rob Gilesh that them really Hi, let me see height. Let me see how tall is Let me see height. Let me see how tall he is. Marabia. It says he's 5'6", so he's an inch taller than me. I don't believe he's 5'6".
Starting point is 01:35:32 That's crazy. He's taller than Colton. Yeah. That's probably how tall you'll be, 5'6". How do you guys know Colton's height? You see Colton in person? Who came here person? Yeah. Yeah, I see. I'll probably be like five. Eight. You came here once recently. Yeah. Your house. Yeah. No shit.
Starting point is 01:35:50 And we flew drones. We went up to the park and flew drones. Oh, is that when you were? Yeah. Yes. I got it. Yeah. I was like, oh yeah, because you had lunch and shit with them or dinner or
Starting point is 01:35:58 something, right? Dinner. Dude, the other day these guys were on the fucking show. Yeah. And they started like revealing shit like they've heard me and Haley talk about it like inside information. I know on the drowning I'm like Guys, you got it. You got it It's kids crazy what they know. Yeah, it's not our fault
Starting point is 01:36:17 It is if it comes out of here. It's not our fault. Hey loose lips loose lips sink ships You got to pretend your words are like your magic tricks. If you show everything, it's no fun. What does that mean? Loose lips, sink ships. Uh, it means you lose. You, uh, you know, you know, my I know.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Thank you, Zeus, to be my lawfully wedded financial supporter. I vow to stress you the fuck out and eat off your plate for the rest of our lives. I will go through your phone and sickness and in health and accuse you of cheating whether I've found proof or not. I promise to gain weight and let myself go until you no longer wanna stick your penis inside of me. When times get rough between us, I will complain more and listen less, never pray about it,
Starting point is 01:37:09 and make us both look stupid by airing all of our business on Facebook. And even though I got pregnant on purpose to trap you into marrying me, I still won't tell you about all the guys I let sweat me out. I vow to love you for the rest of my life and never ever leave you. As long as you don't lose your good paying job with benefits or I'll leave you for someone with good dick and money. I love you. I Danielle damn take you Zeus to be my lawfully way. That's too real for some. That's too real. I'm not sure I'm going to come on the show anymore.
Starting point is 01:37:49 I don't blame you. Why? I saw that and it just reminded me of the day I lost my job and I asked Haley if we could move into a van and she said yes. And I said, oh, shit, I got a dumb one. I got it. Hey, there's a certain amount of you think that that's what that takes to step out on your own and like do shit like and like start your own business or do whatever you're passionate about is like you have to be willing like legitimately willing to say like everything could go away and I'll still be all right. a prerequisite i heard copula say that um he spent every money and mortgaged every fucking piece of property he had and went fucking beyond broke when he made apocalypse now and that it was a complete shit show the filming of it and a nightmare but like if you're if you haven't like fucking completely abandoned all your material shit then you're not really making art and there's some it, then you're not really making art.
Starting point is 01:38:46 And there's some truth to that. Yeah. Like I think people start getting too attached to like some of the material stuff and that, that actually, or their lifestyle, and that actually holds them back for, from doing whatever it is. They truly want to do, of course. Right. Cause you're like, my dad used to call him stakes in the ground. So he's like, Hey, you're young right now.
Starting point is 01:39:03 So you could do a lot of stuff. And he goes, but you got to be careful of the decisions that put stakes in the ground. And it's like, well, what's that? Well, you get in a dog, get a DUI, get a dog. It's a stake in the ground. Have a kid that's three stakes in the ground. Move out of your parents' house before you really should. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:20 And so the less of those you have, the more free you are to do what you want to do. Your turn. Go ahead. Well, good job. My turn. Yeah. I mean, you pulled the mic away from him while he was talking. You must have something really important to say. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I don't. Hey, remember this, the fish always loses through the mouth. I watched your documentary. Which one? Oh, every second counts. Yeah. Oh, you did watch it? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 I think it's getting better with age. Yeah, definitely. We should do a watch party on here one time. What did you like about it? It was just cool. Is there any scenes that stood out to you that you remember? No, I just remember that, like
Starting point is 01:40:09 that you remember? No I just remember that like like one guy was talking about how his dad died you remember that? Yeah yeah Josh Everett yeah yeah and the other guy that cried who was that? Was there another guy that cried? Yeah he had black sunglasses he was bald. Oh, Matt Mersky. Yeah. I don't remember him crying. And then who won the CrossFit Games then? Jason Kalipa. Yeah, nobody was looking at him. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Josh was going to win. Did you think I wrapped that up pretty good, or did that ruin the movie? That was pretty good. OK, good. All right. Wait, this guy in you made it it right? Yeah, Carrie. Yeah most of them. Yeah. Yeah John
Starting point is 01:40:52 Saw Greg. He looked really good. Yeah, I get all well this thing up. Okay. This is what it's like being a guy This is or no, no, what did I write this is what it's like having a crazy hot girlfriend Someone was judging me for liking my own post Are you that's the first thing I do. I always just make a post and like it. Why wouldn't I like it? Is that like masturbating in public I mean when you say like that, I don't really have an answer why you wouldn't like it. Yeah, it's just kind of funny Mary's like hey, you liked your own post. I'm like like that's the first thing I do every time I make a comment You just get a little starter tip
Starting point is 01:41:33 Oh, it's like you put a tip you put a tip jar and put a dollar in it Yeah, yeah gives permission for more people to like your comment. Yeah shit Okay, here we go. This is what it's like if you have a crazy hot girlfriend. Here we go. I can't believe I've never seen that before. Oh my god. What? That's out of hand. So boys, your biology lesson is... Never see this again?
Starting point is 01:42:21 No it's taken care of today. That's your... There it is yeah I think those horses were making a baby. Nature in action. Oh I don't know I don't know I might have hey listen I might have to turn off your earphones for this I'm not sure how this one goes I forget this one. Okay. Which men understood better about women what would it be? Like when something is fine it's not fine like read like read between the lines. You mean be a mind reader? Yeah. So men are
Starting point is 01:42:49 expected to be mind readers? Exactly. Why do women often expect men to do things that they're not physically capable of? I don't know I haven't in ca- like I don't do that like I don't expect men to do things they're incapable of. Isn't that what you just said though? Gotcha bitch! Being a mind reader? Yeah. You want us to read between the lines right? Yeah. Okay let me ask you, who's better communication men or women? Women. So if men are worse at communication why does so many women expect men to read their body language? I think men are better communicators logically. Women are better with like communicating like
Starting point is 01:43:21 emotionally. Okay can you think of any situation where logic wouldn't outweigh emotions? I think logic should always outweigh emotion. Yeah, you can't make this shit up, people. First one. Wow, she really, we went full circle there, huh? That's amazing, isn't it? Yeah, it is. That's good, you don't have to.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Yeah, there's definitely a difference in thought there, huh? A little psychopath thought in there, I agree. Let me see if we're doing breakfast this morning. Joe, you're going to Jiu Jitsu? You're the only son that's not injured? You're gonna roll around with Ari's girlfriend? You're injured? Oh yeah, look at, yes.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Oh, why you have to say I'm not injured? What's the matter, are you injured? I think I broke my toe. Which one? Honey! No, if you broke it, it would be really bad. He's been limping for a day or two Oh, how's your arm? Is your arm good? Can you do jiu-jitsu? Today you were swinging the teddy today god, I wish you didn't use words like that fluffies and teddies and stuff Thanks, Natalie, I appreciate that I Luffy's and Teddy's and stuff. Probably can't even hear me. The mic's not even to my mouth.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Thanks, Natalie. I appreciate that. I said the show also wouldn't get over a thousand views and it just did. So that's great. I go back and forth with my mom, like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and this shit. She sends me like, it's always like from like CNN or MSNBC or it's just like... Did you see the Brett Weinstein thing when he made the claim that they he said like Trump won't be allowed to be president? No. Yeah it was it was an interesting take more or less like he's such a wrench in the system. Yeah, like in the Matrix.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Yeah, that like, it can't be. I, um, I, so there's endless news on, um, migrants causing problems, right? Yeah. Raping, killing, uh, illegal aliens, uh, raping, killing, just whatever, just tons of shit, right? Right. Taking a disproportionate amount of resources, all that shit, right?
Starting point is 01:45:43 Have you seen any like migrants, like illegal illegal aliens like the opposite way like any violence towards illegal aliens anywhere No Yeah, and so that's what the left media keeps talking about acute They keep accusing the right of inciting violence towards illegal migrants. Yeah. Yeah, all It's but there's no every time I see it. There's no links in the story or anything and it's like dude. There's no And that's the kind of shit my mom sends me where they'll just be like this baseless claim and it's just crazy to me I'm just like but but where I dude I'm gonna send you you're gonna
Starting point is 01:46:19 But where about this? Oh Pedro just made a video on Brandon lucky god Brandon luck. It's cool as shit. Oh, yeah, was that the one from the games? Yeah, have you seen it? I have not seen it here. I was gonna I was gonna text you this this is perfectly what you said and it's funny because I go back and forth on I said and it's funny because I go back and forth on This dude and his opinions and somebody put in the comments on they're like, oh, it's a Lex and election season Galloway has been bought again Did you just I just I just texted it to you right now and it goes to what you were saying in the way that he
Starting point is 01:47:02 Phrases like the messaging and shit. It's crazy. Like why are you reading articles about fact checking? Why aren't you fact checking it yourself? Half the shit you could just go out on the street and see. Right. You don't need a fact checker. Right. Like the violence thing, like the violence thing when she said America is safer than ever. I'm like where the fuck are you? Where? Yeah, where the fuck are you? Where? Yeah, where the fuck are you? Misogynistic when it comes to our elected leaders. In the US, we've been producing more female college graduates
Starting point is 01:47:29 than male college graduates for the last 40 years. But still, only 28% of our elected representatives are female. People, societies, men, and women conflate leadership quality with height and depth of voice. So we will always, at least in the US for a long time, elect more men. And who do these men appeal to?
Starting point is 01:47:45 How do they get elected? They appeal to this cohort of conspiracy-driven, misogynistic, anti-government men. These young men will always have over-representation in government, which leads to elected leaders saying that they believe the elections are rigged. They stoke nationalist fears. They blame immigrants. I mean, really, really hateful stuff. And so not only are these individuals dangerous
Starting point is 01:48:09 and unproductive, but what's even more unproductive is they will have a disproportionate voice in our politics because the easiest way to get elected is to tap into the tribal instincts or motives of this cohort. We're very misogynistic when it comes to our elected leaders in the US. Who the fuck is this? Oh yeah. Who the fuck is this? If my love hate with this dude, that's just all garbly gook. He didn't even fucking say
Starting point is 01:48:34 anything. That's the, that's what those are the articles people send you when they fucking defend left. I'm like, well, he didn't even fucking say anything. And it's crazy because if you watch some, some of his other stuff, he perfectly articulates like a lot of great a lot of great things too. Wow. But I've read a lot of his books. Some of them I what is a Pedro we say he hate follow somebody. I wish he would give me some examples. I just read one fucking example. I can fucking follow it. Man if they could they would be giving you example after example after example to prove their point. The problem is, is that majority of the stuff here is just trying to sway a narrative without any actual hard evidence of what's happening. I should send that to all my liberal friends and see if they buy that hook line and sinker. Oh, they would. That's it. Let me ask you this. Why do you think gas prices are really high in the bill and in all everything's gone up in the grocery store significantly? Why do you think that? Because they reduce the the day Biden took office, we reduced the amount of supply and
Starting point is 01:49:32 demand. Well, I think it because when I go to the gas station, I fucking pay more money. Right. When I go to the grocery store, I pay money. Right. Right. So then why do you think that that homeless people don't experience homelessness, they have a drug addiction and mental illness problems, but we won't label it that way. You think that because you go outside and you see it.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Why do we think that it's more dangerous in San Francisco than ever? More dangerous in Oakland, and why is that spilling out to the suburbs? Because we see it. Because five years ago, I could have left all my shit unlocked to live more, and now people are breaking into windows while we're inside the gym. because we see it. Because five years ago I could have left all my shit unlocked to live more and now people are breaking into windows while we're inside the gym. And there's only been one closure of one In-N-Out in the United States and it was a profitable In-N-Out but the violence was so insane that they had to fucking close it.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Same with all the Denny's now. Because North... Oh really? Denny's too? Denny's is out of Oakland. In-N-Out is out of Oakland. CVS is almost out of San Francisco. And you remember CVS had had they even say it too. My dad even said oh my god
Starting point is 01:50:28 It's so weird going to home depot here in santa cruz I go why he goes because like everything's locked up in the home depot in my store I'm like what do you mean? He's like even like these leaf blowers are locked up. I'm like a leaf blower Dude, you remember when we were down in la that whole aisle was freaking locked off like fort knox You had to go get an associate to come over to like bring you in to grab deodorant or shaving cream. I bought deodorant and recently in Sacramento Fucking the cheapest stick I could find was ten dollars and fifty cents It's insane for a stick of fucking deodorant it like when did that happen?
Starting point is 01:51:01 And it's funny because people will say oh well It's just being overblown by the media or overblown by the right media. It's like no, it's not we are living this We go to the grocery stores. We see the inflations we see like I told you I started calling the Democratic Policy cage So there's an there's a grocery store real close to my house It used to have two entrances so I could park over here and walk in through this they can't they block that door off So there's only one that they funnel people in and out of. Right? And then they made one an exit, one an entry only. And then they caged the entry side with a little automatic barn door that opens. So that way I can't grab stuff and leave out of the in spot. I have to go either
Starting point is 01:51:38 through a register or through a sub checkout. So they funnel you through one way. We were somewhere else. You and I were somewhere else. It was the West Coast Classic. And we went into a store and they had an entire aisle locked off. Yes. To the ceiling. That's right. That was at um... That was fucking crazy. I'd never seen anything like that.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Hey, all that made me do is not... Like I would never buy anything on that aisle ever again. Oh, the West Coast Classic. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, that was it the West Coast classic. Yeah. Yeah, and remember higher aisle Yeah, and I had to go in there for Taylor's foot powder and end up buying the wrong one I don't get the associate and then they ring you up at a separate point of sale inside of that aisle Because they won't even let you leave with the shit you have to go there They lock you in there then you have to buy it from them inside of there Morning guys talking about $20 deodorant today.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Love it. Does he live in Hawaii? I bet you this 20 bucks in Hawaii. Make your own deodorant. You sound like my sister. Is Joseph still in here? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:52:41 He was. All right. Uh, it looks like Susan. I are going to, I shouldn't tell Joseph this. Your brother? This guy right here? The jujitsu champ? Hey!
Starting point is 01:52:53 What? My toe feels so much better. I can actually like walk. I saw you limping this morning. Wait, can I ask the boys a question real quick? Sure. Okay, what do you want to do when you grow up? Kick your butt. No, seriously, what do you want to do? What do you like? I like skating. The most I like is magic because I like seeing people laugh and that seeing people laugh makes me happy. So that I like magic a lot.
Starting point is 01:53:36 So do you like magic or do you like the action that occurs? Remember, remember when you just what you just said, watching people laugh makes you happy. That's what that's why all magicians are magicians. Because they want to make people happy. Yeah it's the whole thing. I think some people do it because they want attention for themselves. That too but it's mostly I mostly see it how how like people react. I like seeing that. Yeah, I like that. Good answer.
Starting point is 01:54:14 How many wives do you want to have? One. OK, you think you're going to have kids? Yeah. You're going to ride motorcycles? No, no, it's going to be a negative. Yeah. You're gonna ride motorcycles? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:24 No. It's gonna be a negative. Every time I see a motorcycle. You didn't even ride a bike. You didn't even ride a bike. Yes I did. I rode a bike? Yes I did.
Starting point is 01:54:36 You guys have ridden a bike like ten times in your life. Will you guys ride bikes today? Let's ride bikes today. I rode the bike up the hill. What do you mean I can't ride bikes today? I bite. Let's ride bikes today. I rode the bike up the hill. What do you mean? I can't ride a bike. I mean, I know you can ride a bike, but you know what I mean? I can ride a bike. I can ride a bike barely barely. Hey, I can ride up. Oh never mind Ride up the hill right down the hill and I'm just tiny So uh, graciana rubio wives are like money can't have too much
Starting point is 01:55:04 So Graciana Rubio wives are like money can't have too much How much money you have in your wallet right now right now, yeah Yeah, go ahead you can tell her How much? How much did you have Joey? He's like 200. I don't know how much he has in his wallet He's like 200. I don't know how much he has in his wallet. Joey? Yeah, he has like 200. He's like a little squirrel. He's the saver? He's the one who's like, he's the one also like if you give you guys like a starburst or something, he'll like cut it in half and like save half for later.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Yeah. Yeah, he's like this. He's like a little squirrel. So, so, so, so, so one day after a tournament, there was a bag of skittles in the car. And you, nobody knew where it was, Joey hid it in there. And every time Joey was like, I can make Skittles. So we would go in our bedroom, Joey would go in the car, get Skittles
Starting point is 01:55:52 and grab us 10 Skittles. He's a bad dude. They saved him in there? Yeah, he's like this, he's like this. Yeah, the same thing is like, if I give you guys a piece of chocolate you and Ari eat it Ari Joseph will break it in half put half in a plastic bag and put it in his little man purse Hey, why do you why do you save it?
Starting point is 01:56:12 Hey, what was this from? Found out in the couch. You like having it later? Dude he he's a G and he'll like go through like the drawers and shit like like like we have a little like snack drawer Or like sometimes there'll be some bad shit Sometimes when nobody's looking I'll go in the cabinet and steal gummy you will yeah What kind of we have gummies? Yeah, but they're like three grams. I Like I find you we had gummies. I'd steal them too. Where are those? Do we have gummies now? Yeah, we have so many really like
Starting point is 01:56:46 20 we have a jar 100 total what you count them no, but I know mom isn't listening. I'm calling mom right now Always steals a caramel and then and then I just take one but mom's you shouldn't you shouldn't follow me Hi, oh, Hi, Dick. All these stools are caramel and then I just take one, but mom's not pissed. You shouldn't follow me. Hi. Oh, yes I should. Hi. What? Hello?
Starting point is 01:57:09 Do we have gummies? What kind of gummies? Like the fishy ones. Oh, shit. She's stalling. Like the fishy ones and the warm ones. The boys are saying that there's gummies in the house. Oh, they're called Smart Sweets and they're not made like with Hydroxas corn syrup or any of that garbage. It has like two grams of sugar for a whole bag
Starting point is 01:57:36 So yeah, we do have a little stash of those throw those away before we come back in All right Not the caramel not really going on and there's fiber in them All right Probably put it space gummies Probably gonna I can't say what I can't say what I'm gonna say because you guys are in here now No, they plug ears through those those headphones you're in big trouble Haley All right, I love you, bye. I love you too. You know what I'm gonna do, bye. All righty.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Oh, gummies, yeah, you think they're THC gummies? Maybe. You ate them before. I have? Yeah. Did I like them? I don't know. You were on the phone like, yeah, Susan, meet you tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:58:30 Oh, shut up. Alright guys, love you. Are we done? We're done. I want to see you. Bye. I think tomorrow is just a chill day too. What?
Starting point is 01:58:42 Tomorrow is Hispanic Heritage Month. Everyone watch the UFC Night and cheer for Moda Abigilejvili. Oh, Tomorrow's Hispanic Heritage Month. Everyone watch the UFC night and cheer for Mota Abigilesvili. Oh, tomorrow. No, Monday. Monday. Oh, Monday is going to be good. Monday I got a triathlete on that got the injection and had his fucking life turned upside down. It's going to be a great episode. All right, guys. Thank you. Talk to you guys soon. Susan, thanks for coming out boys. Bye bye.

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