The Sevan Podcast - The OFFICIAL review | Live Call In #1027

Episode Date: October 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local dignity Memorial provider. Find us at dignity Getting the Sunday ticket.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Now, basically $400. Bam. We're live to watch Tyson play because he's ticket now. Basically, $450. Bam, we're live. To watch Tyson play. Because he's playing now? I think he's going to play today. I mean, and when I say that, I have no fucking idea. I'm only saying that reading the comments.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, okay. So I guess I... I'll show you what I got. I'll show you what page I i'll show you what page i oh i guess i should set up my headset too all my shit's all fucked up i didn't uh i didn't sleep great last night do me either i didn't i it was so hard for me to sleep last night too i don't know why was it hot is that why or muggy or what the fuck's going on here in california i mean i think for me it was just the the traveler sized coffee we took down throughout the day oh oh yeah we pretty much drank a whole travel we drank a
Starting point is 00:01:55 starbucks cardboard box to our head huh yeah uh he's promoted david weed he's promoted to uh qb2 is that you think that's really david he looks like michael todd the the wrestler michael todd not a chance you don't think that's really him right there in that picture too manly too scary you think you think david weed looks more like um uh woody allen he's a little tiny pussy jewish dude yeah 95 pounds soaking wet so he just puts in scary profile photos like like he's the kind of guy he puts the clips on and he adds that to his weight too he's like yeah dead lifted uh 185 and a quarter pounds clips clips clips come on david tell us oh it's you all right fine totally wrong no there's no woody allen in you all right now i do like the picture you look do the card i don't want to be over critical but you do kind of have this look like you're bent over
Starting point is 00:02:58 and there's someone behind you and you have this look of terror on your face nothing hostile just maybe a finger or two not a whole dick going in there but just saying just maybe like a finger or something intimately familiar with that face hey david what's up dude we're scheduling david for a show right yes yeah yeah yeah copper he's a copper and an affiliate owner crazy Crazy. Ophelia. Ophelia. Ophelia Dick. What is that? Jeez. Captain. Captain.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Tranny Captain America. That's what that is. Seriously, that is what that is. That's a wooden tranny Captain America. Tyson's going to play today. So excited. Let me show you what I got oh it's already up on the screen okay um so I bought it and then it took me to this page I guess I click one of these and see if I got it oh here Chicago NFL 10 a.m. I'll click that one okay notify me live in two hours so you can't see like I can't go there and see that same thing?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Unless I buy the package? I guess not. Let me see if there's a game I can actually see. Watch. Oh, there's no games that have started yet? Are there any games, guys, that are on now? Yeah, and I have an East Coast and something will be starting. Here, let me see it live. I can't tell if these times I'm assuming these times are my times. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:30 block. Oh, this Los Angeles Rams and Colts is blocked in my area. Don't you have the total package? I guess not. Look, I can't watch the, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:42 this game for sure would have started. This is East Coast shit. Buffalo and Miami. That's Florida and New York, right? Mm-hmm. Unless it's like a 1 o'clock their time game or something. Damn, they don't even have any comments. Should I write first in here?
Starting point is 00:05:00 How do you do that? I don't even see where to type. Oh, maybe that's why. It looks like they don't have it. Able. They turned on or something. What did that thing say? Chat kicks off with the game.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Okay. All right. Fine. All right. So I'm going to watch a little football today. I don't know if I'm going to actually watch it. I want to play tennis with Avi. We played best out of 11 games to 11 points
Starting point is 00:05:26 and uh i know that's not how you play tennis but that's how we did it and i lost 6-1 and i was so sore the next day but i'm ready to go again uh it's blocked because it's spectrum because we're in california or something right it's like no no local games or something oh who's playing now paulina says or something. Oh, who's playing now? Paulina says our playing now. Our playing? Who's playing? Our playing? Our playing? Who's playing? No one's playing. Our playing? Who's playing?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Our playing? Buffalo and Miami's playing now? Type 1 Lifting said they play at 1. Oh. Eastern time. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:10 London games are playing now. Jaguar Falcons are playing. Okay, let's see if I can find that. Hold on. Let me see if I know what's going on. I don't see Jaguar Falcons. 49ers are blocked in my area.. 49ers are blocked in my area. The Raiders are blocked in my area. The NFL Red Zone is on right now.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Oh, no, that's not on. No, there's nothing on now. Oh, Jaguar and Detroit. No, that's Panthers. Got my cats confused. There's nothing playing right now. Sorry, guys. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I own the NFL ticket now. You guys can't be talking any football shit to me. I'm telling you, no one's playing. Wait. I think I got it. I don't even have the package. Cave Dastro, I would be careful not to play any of the NFL broadcasts. careful not to play any of the NFL broadcasts.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Seve, I have a cough, congestion, and a sore throat. Should I test for COVID? Absolutely not. I told you about the guy I'm staying with, right? He works for some company in the city, and he gets sick, so they made him test for COVID, and he tested negative, and they still sent him home. And I go what why did they have you test then and he said because if i did have it then they have to notify everyone in the company still okay it's wow we live with idiots
Starting point is 00:07:39 the wad zombie the falcons are for sure playing now okay i see the ravens i got that uh i see the panthers the falcons that's a bird right what's their pick uh i see the eagles i see the cardinals damn i see all the birds i don't see the falcons i see the ravens shit there's a lot of okay here we go houston texas and atlanta falcons i click the button No Sorry, it's live in seven days On October 8th Oh, this is lame I better have today's game Is Chicago playing Denver today?
Starting point is 00:08:16 Please say Is that who they're playing? Please say I got the right package Oh, no Oh, no right thing package oh no oh no guys look what i have look what i have someone tell me if i did this right shit do i own this do i own the nfl i think you bought it you bought it yeah like is this right look cincinnati and and Tennessee, are they playing right now? It says, look, I click on it, and it says not yet. Oh, live in two hours.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah. Do they only allow it to be in your same time, like played at the same time in your time zone or something? I don't know, but look, I'm clicking. Oh, here we go. Someone's going to help us out. Of course, the phone's not working. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Jacksonville is leading Falcons 7-0 right now. Hold on, caller. Hold on. I'm hooking you up because you're going to hook me up, right? Here we go. Okay. What's going on? Tell me how the NFL works now that I'm an owner.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Hello, caller? What's up? Hey. That's Hello, caller. What's up? Hey. That's Gabe. Gabe, what's up, dude? I'm going to use your platform to plug. Oh, Gabe, I got bad news for you. What's that?
Starting point is 00:09:36 It wasn't me. I drank. Wasn't me? I drank full. I had to have a scoop of Folgers this morning, dude. I'm not even fucking with you. Folgers. Folgers. I know. It's with you. Folgers. Folgers.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I know. It's all good. It's all good. You should be getting your package. I next dated, so you should be getting it Monday. You know I don't condone hitting women, but Paulina needs to get slapped up, dude. You got any women on staff who could fucking slap her up? No, I think she's the strongest one on
Starting point is 00:10:04 staff. She's the one one on staff she's the the one that does all the all the enforcing if i tried to slap paulina she'd probably grab my hand and throw me in a trash can dude you try slapping her i think your hand is going to shatter oh paulina what the fuck is going on? Look at it. She says she already takes responsibility. She's already in the chat. It's my fault. It's not her fault. It's not her fault. Put down the D-ball and go to the post office for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It's not her fault. It's not her fault. We sent it out on Friday to next day, but UPS is UPS. So it is what it is. You should be getting our new line of merch that's dropping today. Merch. So people, yeah, putties for the fall, shirts as well.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But the main reason why I called was because, yeah, if you have ESPN Plus, you can watch the Jaguars versus the Falcons. And then your NFL Sunday ticket, everything that's blocked, everything that's public in your area, you can just watch normally. So ESPN owns the quote-unquote London game, so you'll watch that on ESPN Plus. Okay. Then regular streamed or regular broadcasted games, you'll be able to watch on your NFL,
Starting point is 00:11:25 uh, ticket thing that you purchased. So for instance, like Thursday games, you're not going to be able to watch there because Amazon owns that Monday night football games. You're not going to be able to watch it there because ESPN owns that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:39 So I haven't heard you say Chicago. So, so far so good. Yeah. You'll be able to watch that. You'll be able to watch that on the ESPN, on your YouTube TV NFL game ticket that
Starting point is 00:11:49 you bought. So you're going to be good. Okay. I'm excited. But if that failed, I'll also send you a link where you could just, you know, not have spent all that money and you could still watch it. Oh, great. Which I think Gabe already said he'd hook you up with. I spent my life savings on brisket yesterday
Starting point is 00:12:05 how was yesterday how was yesterday by the way it was good it was really good i learned a lot of shit there's so many practical takeaways so many fucking practical takeaways athena should be so proud it's crazy yeah athena is really really dope was her mom there her mom was not there the the seminar was sold out. Her and just one other lady put on the entire seminar. What was that lady's name? Kim? Kim, yep. Yeah, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:34 She's a little taller, right? She said she was taller. She said like 13 times that she was like almost six feet tall, but I didn't notice how tall she was. Okay, no, because I think I've met her, Athena and her, her mom. She's a blue hair.
Starting point is 00:12:51 She has the same haircut as me. Shaved on the side with a man bun. That's her right there. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's really cool. I've seen in every, like the whole,
Starting point is 00:13:00 the whole crew that she uses to put on the seminars. Really, really cool. In my opinion, that lady's energy didn't drop once. She gave many lectures and she was on on point and the and it finishes really strong you took it already did you take that class the seminar no but i helped uh i helped i sent her some uh some product for the very first seminar that she put on paulina sent her my coffee uh no this was pre-paulina days
Starting point is 00:13:25 yeah so when when she first started with the seminar i sent her a few a few bags of coffee to give out to every participant um when she first had it but but no and then i met her at the games and everything so it's it's really cool it's really cool um i'll get off and i'll let you talk about it but you'll be fine you'll be able be able to watch Tyson play. I don't think he's going to play this game, but I 100% am certain he'll play Thursday because Thursday is the only – it's Bears versus something, whatever, whoever the hell it is, but it's the only game on Thursday, and it would be such a better stage for him. So, like, more eyeballs on him for Thursday.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So they play Sunday and Thursday? Yes. Is Thursday Thanksgiving? Why isn't that Yes. Is Thursday Thanksgiving? Why isn't that? Is this Thursday Thanksgiving? No, no, no. Every Thursday they have one Thursday night game. When did they start that?
Starting point is 00:14:13 I own that. I watch the NFL. I don't know. I don't remember that. It's been around for a while. New, new-ish. No, like years. New-ish in like the sense of maybe like five, six years.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Oh, all right. No, more than that. Jesus, when I was in college, holy crap, no. Way more than that. Almost ten years. Do they still have Monday night football? They have Thursday night. They have Monday night. I think now they play two games Monday night as well. It's crazy. They're just bracketing
Starting point is 00:14:42 money. I remember when it was just one Monday night game and Thursdays, you got a special Thursday game at Thanksgiving. Like now you get Thursdays every single week. I mean, they're just making money hand over fist. Good. So I'm invested.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I'm a part owner. I think we, I think we all are. I think we all are invested on, on Tyson doing really, really cool. Hey, I think Tyson's going. I think we all are invested on Tyson doing really, really cool. Really good. Hey, I think Tyson's going to make me rich.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I hope so. Hell yeah. That'd be awesome. I mean, more for him to… I think Tyson's going to sell you bags of coffee. I seriously think it's going to work like that. He's going to become his own little ecosystem. Dude, I would appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I know that he wears that CEO shirt that Travis sent him. That, to me, every time he comes on, to me, is like, dude, that guy is such a good dude. Yeah, yeah. That is a good sign, right? Yeah, he has nothing. He has no reason to constantly wear it, and he just still does. So that's really cool. Cool for you and cool, obviously, for Travis and everyone that supports the podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I don't want to feel like I'm not contributing, though. I researched fluoride for him and I did a whole bit on fluoride for him. He's an influencer of sorts. He influenced the podcast. He definitely influences the podcast. Think of how many people, Gabe, stopped using
Starting point is 00:16:00 fluoride because he wanted to know about it and then I did a bit on it. See how that just travels? I mean, hey, this is a pretty good platform for that i can i can attest and a lot of other people can attest i've been trying to tell everyone that that uh that sponsors you guys to to hop on the train and like go full force but you know yeah tell them not everyone's on this not everyone's on the same page. Tell them. I gave my eight sleep to Will, and now I'm regretting it. Which Will? Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Dude, why would you give that? How much does that cost? Isn't that expensive? $2,200. But last night, my son, Avi, was sleeping in bed with me, and I swear to fucking God, he sweat so much that ducks were trying to land in our bed last night I was sleeping in my, my, my son, obviously sleeping in bed with me. And I swear to fucking God, he sweats so much that ducks were trying to land in our bed last night. Like it was, it was like a fucking ecosystem. It was like a marsh. He must be on testosterone or something. I mean, he is growing. It's growing. Do you, do you readily give,
Starting point is 00:17:02 give presents, give gifts that are worth $2,200? All the time. Yeah. Can I get a gift? Yeah. I don't know, something. Let me look around my office and see what I can give you. That bag of weed that you have there, just ship it over.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I will ship that over to you. Yeah, that thing. I gave that thing to him. Hey, but you know what he said? He said it came broken. How does a mattress come broken? I don't know. How does the thing come broken?
Starting point is 00:17:33 He said it was rattling, but he did call them and they're going to send him a new one. Oh, well, there you go. At least now you know that they have really good customer service. So that's a plus. Yeah, that's the truth. Oh, that's a good sign. Right. Wow. Look at you. Eight sleep. Great customer service. Hey, I mean, you know. No questions asked. They're like, hey, you didn't buy one of these. He goes, I know.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You gave one to my friend. They're like, all right. And they sent him a new one. That's tremendous customer service. Tremendous. Also, I had a little mishap with Victor Brown. I think that's his name. He's in the chat.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I gave him a call to tell him, hey, man, so sorry. With a mishap on an order. And I was going to give him a free coffee. Every time there's a mishap on an order or anything like that, obviously, things happen. What happened? You got the wrong flavor? What could go wrong? Wrong size?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Wrong flavor? No, just because sometimes when we ship things out, when we ship things out, let's say UPS or USPS, whenever we drop it off at the post office, things can happen, right? It's post office and we ship out a lot of packages. So, you know, if we ship out 50 packages, we'll get one or two, right? That something happens, whether it's broken, whether it gets lost and that's just part of business. So that's a loss on us, but I always try to make it right by not making them wait and just saying, Hey, I'm going to ship up another product to you while we figure this out.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So if they got, let's say a box of 50 coffees, I'll still send out a replacement box of 50 coffees in the meantime, while we figure out what's going on. Oh, speaking of 50 coffees, how's the instant coffee coming? Dude,
Starting point is 00:19:06 that's a you and I thing. Oh, sorry of 50 coffees, how's the instant coffee coming? Dude, that's a you and I thing. Oh, sorry. Sorry. It's all good. It's coming along. It's growing pains because other companies, when I'm not in charge of something, stupid things happen. They mix my coffee with another brand. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Well, I'm so excited about that. I won't tell anyone else that's it just this one show okay perfect thank you i appreciate it but whoever's listening yeah well we're coming out with an instant solution for you guys so you guys can just yeah grab and go so you don't have to drink starbucks thank you because sometimes there's no sometimes there's no time or the machine's broken or i'm traveling and instant would be great. Like this morning, like I seriously had Folgers. Yeah. I mean, hey, that's completely fine. Like it's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:19:53 There's no wrong way to drink coffee. But again, I'm trying to find the solutions for that. Right. Well, it doesn't taste like pastry. I'll tell you that. That's our main goal. Our main goal now is hopefully we should have some samples. Paulina says no, but hopefully we should have some samples paulina says no but hopefully we should have some samples by rogue so i i don't know if matt's
Starting point is 00:20:09 going to be there or not hopefully i can give them some to to take back um so you guys can sample but that product's not going to come out till possibly water palooza time it's it's a it's a whole long process oh i saw you and uh sarah talking about wadapalooza so something the adults are talking something's a brewing yeah i mean yeah we're trying i and i'll put it back out there i'm trying to have all the like businesses that sponsor the podcast be together yeah at wadapalooza so it can be more of like an immersive experience and i'm just not to toot my own horn or anything like that but matt you saw how crazy it was at the booth right oh so you saw how you saw you saw how travis benefited from that right like you have a line and all the other businesses around me benefit benefited from people just standing in line for
Starting point is 00:21:00 coffee just imagine if it was just random businesses, if it's businesses that are associated with the podcast. Yeah. So instead of just standing in line. 62 people in line for coffee and there's going to be an impulse buy for a CEO shirt. Thank you. Yep. Well, yeah, no, I mean, more than 62 people in line, but yeah, there were impulse buys. You can ask Travis and I'd, I'd love to, for that to be the case where other businesses have reached out to me and saying, for that to be the case where other businesses have reached out to me and saying, oh, can we be in the same area with you? And I have nothing. I'm like, no, I don't know who the hell you are.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You care less if I'm next to you. But if it's someone like Travis, if it's someone that's in bed with you, that supports a common goal, I'd rather have them on board. And Sarah kind of falls, obviously falls right into place with that. and Sarah kind of falls, obviously falls right into place with that. So it'd be cool to push some California peptides out at Waterpalooza. Oh yeah, fucking way cool.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Have you taken any peptides? I have not, but I think I'm going to need to pretty soon because my dumb ass signed up for a competition to get me back into shape November 11th. Oh, they're great. I don't think you're allowed to take them in comps, but we just won't 11th. Oh, they're great. I don't think you're allowed to take them in comps, but we just won't tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:22:07 This is a local competition. I'll shoot her right into my heart or something. I don't know. Local comps where cheating's allowed. Yes. Hell yeah. Encouraged, in fact. Dude, we have a world premiere right here. Look at this. The Mayhem Empire? Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 00:22:26 No one else has this. Mayhem. You need to talk to them about not going, not premiering at the same time that you're going live. That's why I'm just going to premiere their shit. Version 2. Bill's story. The Heart of Mayhem. Okay, thank you, Gabe. Remember, go buy merch.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Go buy hoodies. Go buy shirts. Yes, cops. Code 7. Get a discount. Oh, is there a discount? Code 7? There's always been a discount code, code 7. It's 15% off. Always. Forever.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Until the end of time. Great. I love it. All right. Talk to you guys. Enjoy the show. Okay. What is this?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Mayhem Films presents. This gym is the complete identity of what mayhem is. People come to CrossFit thinking that they're coming for fitness. He's impacted so many people. I mean, we're doing a video on, for God's sake. I was just getting stressed out. Wow, look at that mailbox. That thing is cockeyed.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It's great time for no apparent reason my mind's or my own voice telling me how bad i am i've always had problems with my weight and losing it and when you have a catastrophic injury you know other things get affected and it starts to build up that just made everything worse And it starts to build up that just made everything worse Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, is that a Pepsi? What the oh no No, no, no. All right, all right. It's hard to put into words who Phil is, other than that's exactly the type of person we want at CrossFit Man.
Starting point is 00:24:17 If I could get every single person to experience it in the world, like life complete, because it's a real drop your jaw wow story. I think that Phil. Yeah, yeah. Yon Clark, this guy's the next gary roberts they'll no there'll never be another gary roberts but look at mayhem's doing a weight loss story yeah wow is a better example of that than across the games athlete okay where do you want to start the heart of mayhem. Oh, I wonder if this dude had, did this dude have a heart attack?
Starting point is 00:24:52 Watch live Friday, October 6th. Cool. Wow. What time? How long is it? Is it a bag of Twizzlers or a beer beer drinking movie dude fuck man they're just fucking taking over everywhere that's crazy that they're doing this good on them look at that were they live with something else uh you mean on their station let
Starting point is 00:25:23 me see yeah i hate them okay we just bring them up and ask questions of the dismay no oh it says live wait what is this the q a yeah what is this that's just us reacting answering their own questions if i do all these right things then i'm going to earn God's favor or somehow earn salvation. Does anyone have any questions for Rich? I have a direct access to him right now. Where do I skip to the parts
Starting point is 00:25:58 where Rich talks? Oh, it's a premiere, dude. It's live. I would agree with that. Like Jim said. Oh, this is what's going on. and oh it's a premier dude live yeah i would agree with that yeah you know like jim said oh this is what's going on so it's a pre-me it's a pre-look at someone wrote in here i finally get to see a live chat a live it's a it's a premiere of a live chat and then maybe like one of these dudes the prey or the usa or the mayhem shirt dudes answer your questions maybe
Starting point is 00:26:27 they're in the chat hmm uh i was speaking to gary roberts i was thinking about gary roberts this morning i was thinking about people who come on the show i was actually talking with suza about this yesterday about people who come on the show and like what it takes to come back on the show multiple times. And this isn't like 100%. There's people who've been on the show more than once who don't fall in this category, but it's because I have a bad memory. I don't want people on the show twice who don't bring it. Like I don't care. I don't want people on the show twice who don't bring it. Like, I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:27:05 There's this misunderstanding that somehow you'll see people in the comments, Stefan, people won't come on the show if blah, blah, blah. Like, I really don't care who comes on the show at all if they're not going to bring it. I'll take someone who brings it over every other quality that you have every time. So Seth Gruber brought it. Even the Flat Earth guy brought it gary roberts brings it alex stein brings it hunter mcintyre brings it andrew hiller brings it mary heffernan brought it um jay cooey brought it if you ain't bringing it get the fuck out of here like i'm not
Starting point is 00:27:38 this is a fucking amazing show that fucking with an amazing audience my audience does not want to see me fucking pull teeth and they know when you do you need to fucking bring it and if you're not gonna bring it yeah a brian friend brings it brian friend brings it but he's a great example he brings it but there's sometimes when he doesn't want to flow he doesn't want to be friendly or something he doesn't he's not be friendly and it's like and like anytime like it's not B-friendly. And anytime it's not... And you don't have to be crazy to bring it. Mike Halpin, when he's on the show, he fucking brings it. He's there. He's ready. J.R. Howell,
Starting point is 00:28:15 even though he's not a full-throttle energy, he's present. Bringing it is different. There's different. Tyler Watkins isn't fucking full-throttle, but he's fucking there. And he's ready to say some shit. Bill Grundler fuck brings it. There's people who bring it. Unfortunately, all the most examples I'm giving are people who are super high energy and who talk a lot. But I'd but I Melissa Odiot, we still love unfriendly Brian yeah Brian's great he's fucking awesome I need I'm not interested in having even if you're like my best friend in the whole world
Starting point is 00:28:52 I'm not interested in having people who don't bring it hi hello Colton brings that shit now fuck yeah Colton brought it yeah you come on if you, you come on if you,
Starting point is 00:29:06 you get to come on if you bring it. I'm not, I'm not, I mean, getting, when Andrew's on here, it's hard to get off. That fucking guy will keep the show going.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Like, that's what I need. I need to be like, okay, okay, stop. Like, well, you can be sexting while on the show, as long as you're telling us about it, Mr. Beaver, Mr. Beaver says no sexting. Well on the show, but you gotta be telling it to telling us. And I just, I just, I was just talking to Suze about there's people I just
Starting point is 00:29:46 it's I don't 12 daily doses brings it yeah for sure brings his insanity brings something yeah fucking supportive pedophiles fucking crazy brings us paranoid schizophrenia
Starting point is 00:30:06 You're erasing my messages You deleted my account Fucking douche Fucking dildo I'm in your head rent free see No dude you have no fucking life Troll fucking show supporting your fucking desire for kids
Starting point is 00:30:28 to get diddled and it's like obvious but you don't even know it's obvious you're fucking crazy yeah Tim Murray brought it Tater Top brought it for sure for sure brought it um this just proves he's in your head yeah proof i like proof i didn't oh shit cave you're in my head to cave you're in my head too and he's
Starting point is 00:30:58 fucking you in your ass cave run run cave 12 daily doses is that pounding you run oh my god i just saw 12 daily doses rape cave dastro it's a good voice thank you cave dastro david we've ch in 100% and I did also See Cave get ass raped by 12 Daily doses oh shit it's getting crowded In here in Sevan's head Oh Gotta run back to my local Affiliate now and there's a new girl I want to fuck
Starting point is 00:31:37 See you guys later Seve how do I get out of here How do I get out of here? Mr. Dastro, you just made my day. Yeah, no problem. My wife made my day this morning. I was doing something to my wife in the middle of the night and she goes, what time is it?'m like i don't know do you have any sounds in your in your life that let you know what time it is so we have roosters
Starting point is 00:32:15 and and shit and chickens all over our neighborhood so like i know when it's getting close to show time yeah what sounds do you have do you hear cars or horns or breaking no i'm just no no no usually the we sleep with the window because per second story so you can't like unless you had a ladder and uh we live somewhat close to a busy intersection so once if that intersection starts to get busy that'll wake me up but i usually wake up to an alarm every day because i have to oh but is that the only sound you wake up i wake up to an alarm too but is that do you have a pre-sound like i hear roosters and i don't know what i i assume honestly i assume it's four and tell myself okay you have two hours no we sleep with like a noise machine too so it's like you know not a lot of sounds in the room prior to the alarm going off
Starting point is 00:33:02 i leave the windows open and I hear. No, I. Yeah, and then I wake up. No one else. I don't know if anyone else hears that cat fights. You hear cat fights like every morning. Is that at a certain time? Just like the 6 a.m. cat fight.'m gonna ask you a question i want you to tell me just off the top of your head as fast as you can okay when you see larry's um when you look in the chat
Starting point is 00:33:33 and you see larry's avatar who do you think of what other listener do you think of um um um the uh sabbath the yes, mrs. Burns. Yeah Yes, well me too. So I that caught a glimpse of my eye. I'm like, oh mrs. Burns is in the house Sabbath essentials But yeah, it's Larry. It's like that same like color Dad's mow lawn. That's what I did this morning. I mowed the lawn Larry. Love the voice man reminds me of freedom tunes Dr. Fauci parody. Thank you Alarm in our house is a border terrier. The alarm in my head is when David Weed wakes me up at 5.30 and he's masturbating.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And I'm like, David, you're in my head, though. No masturbating, David, in my head. Came to Ast nastro get him oh where's tweedle twirls 12 daily doses when you need them dude doses get dave oh you only fuck children i'm sorry fuck i hope whoever makes those cartoons clips that but then just creates the cartoons of the people. Do you hear the reason?
Starting point is 00:34:50 I will not let any little kids in my head for you to get doses. Run. Leave. This is only a place where David's allowed to womanize. I like womanizing. Hmm. I like womanizing Well that's not good Okay I'll use a different voice A self help book that voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard
Starting point is 00:35:15 Well that sucks Oh shit first time commenters are coming in now Just to tell you to stop I've never seen Matthew Watt before Matthew Watt finally stepping up to the plate listen listen i'm from omaha just stop that voice shannon cook also i don't i don't reckon let's see if i recognize her oh yes well actually i do i never usually read your name i just stare at your
Starting point is 00:35:40 pictures i want to switch but i want him to sell me on it i don't know what you're talking about but yes what self-help book that's that that's that girl caroline um i said she's like a my own personal self-help book in the end okay oh got it okay yep yep i know i know stuff about her let me tell you she's six feet tall no yeah i think she is how do you know that because i think she said it once i. No. Yeah, I think she is. How do you know that? Because I think she said it once. I just know stuff. Look how nice she is. She looks very nice. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:11 LinkedIn photo. Like she works at the daycare that's attached to the school. I'm going to say something that's totally inappropriate. That's so the girl that I would have got to drink wine with me out in the field. No makeup. She'd be like, she'd be crazy studious she'd have no idea that i spent fucking eight weeks like just slowly fucking breaking her down 5 11 oh 5 11
Starting point is 00:36:36 next thing you know she's headed out to some field with a box of wine Not really sure how she got there Yeah I see I see no Trish What's happening Welcome back my dear You're not the first person to stage your suicide Jesus Also staged his Well I guess that wasn't a suicide
Starting point is 00:37:00 But he staged his death we got grunler coming on the crossfit games update show yeah he was pumped um what is this oh mayhem put out this weird let newsletter did you see that yeah yeah i need to have rich on asking what it's about it says crossfit is over is that just clickbait is mayhem getting in the clickbait game oh weird me yeah hey newsletters are hard to get people to open and read and engage with right so it looks like they're just like applied the clickbait strategy to the subject line in the email. I mean, I opened it and I've been I don't even know how long I've been on their email list. I didn't even have one. I didn't even know how long Mayhem had a newsletter and I ran over and I got it.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I was thinking that like they were like, like, like, like shot, take a shot across the line, you know, like Cross that they were like taking a shot across the line, you know, like CrossFit's over. That is a shot across the line. That is a shot across the line. That's a shot at HQ from Mayhem. The last time I said Rich took a shot at... Dave and Rory and Angelo took some crazy shots at Dave and they're like, no, we didn't. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:20 We didn't. And then I post that video. They're like, dude, let Rich talk. I'm like, hey, shut the fuck up. And now, so they're saying Crossfit's over and now they're putting out this amazing piece on a guy named phil which i can't wait to see the heart of mayhem yeah mayhem not only do we make the fittest but uh we cure the world's most vexing problem doing my sunday morning peptides listening to you good morning sarah i did my peptides yesterday or yesterday before i went to the um event we went to athena's um seminar scale nation seminar yesterday me and suza showed up at 8 was set up and ready to go by 9
Starting point is 00:39:08 seminar went 8 minutes late to 508 supposed to be over at 5 was over at 508 I went to cross with Diablo for the first time never been there before holy shit holy shit awesome jam huh yeah hey I think every single person was blown away by that seminar i think it was there yeah
Starting point is 00:39:27 god i had i i don't know what my expectations were i they weren't i wouldn't say that they were low but man whatever they were they were far exceeded yeah so remind i mean i didn't really have that much expectation going into it and just to be honest i was like wasn't really sure what it was going to be and um i was completely blown away i came back talked to grace about it and it was like learned a ton of stuff yeah it was um yeah so so many takeaways if you're a gym owner uh there's stuff you're gonna you're gonna want to see you're gonna want to know here's here's a couple things i'll just let owner, there's stuff you're going to want to see. You're going to want to know. Here's a couple things. I'll just let you know. There's a section in there.
Starting point is 00:40:09 If it's broken up into modules, there's a section in there where they talk about how to get more customers, which is practical, like shit you can implement right away. Whether it works or not, fuck, I don't know, but they have examples of it working. And then also, they have stuff in there that won't that you've never even thought of before. That's like like everyone in the place was like, oh, fuck. Brilliant. I don't want to give it away, but you should. You'll be stoked. Yeah, I think it was Athena or might have been Kim.
Starting point is 00:40:41 But one of them said something that really kind of rocked me for a second. Right. Because she was like, she was up there and she goes, yeah, so this is, you guys do CrossFit. So you're the, you're the lifeboats, right? You're the lifeboats that are saving people in the tsunami of chronic disease. Right. It was like, yeah. And she's like, and you guys cure chronic disease. And we're like, yeah. She's like, okay, how many, uh, how many, uh, people in the U S have obesity and put up the percentages up there. And we're like, it. She's like, okay, how many people in the U.S. have obesity? And put up the percentages up there. And we're like, it's a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:08 You guys know it's a lot. And she goes, great. Now, does this same percentage represent the population that's in your gym? Yeah, 42% of America's fat and 2% of your gym's fat. If that. And it was funny because that really struck me because I was like, wow. around and we're like hey we keep like we cure chronic disease we're gonna help it but we don't really have those people who need that help the most in the gym really we're making people who are fit fitter and that like that's what greg was saying to you all along
Starting point is 00:41:38 right we already have all the fit people right that's we already have all the people yeah so if you're looking at your gym and you're gonna to say, we cure this, you'll be off your medication, you'll do this. There'll be a handful of people hopefully in everybody's gym that that happened to. But the point being is you got to go pull the Joe Nells, figure out a way to get out there and attract those people, have those conversations, bring them into your gym and really go after the curing of the chronic disease there, not just making fit people fitter.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Someone wrote in here athena's amazing here's the thing dude if you thought she was amazing when you go to the seminar you're gonna have your head popped she's really cool she's really vulnerable she's very present her voice is powerful and strong she's accessible but then she does the she's the demo girl too and that shit is fucking crazy at the end there was a lady there that i probably would say was 400 pounds who was there taking the course a lot of skinny people there too by the way so it's a whole there's a dude there with skinny as a piece of cheese probably anorexic and and and and uh there was a 400 pound lady lady there, and her and Athena did a demo where they laid down and stood up. And, dude, seriously, there was a component of, like, motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Have you ever been somewhere where someone does a backflip on a motorcycle? Not in person. It's fucking stressful as fuck, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a circus to lay down. I do not like it. don't want or i do they did it at the games one year there was a guy came out onto the field was doing backflips on a motorcycle i fucking hate it not little ones big like you know what i mean 20 foot 40 foot ramps
Starting point is 00:43:21 so you see this lady you saw were you stressed out when you saw that lady lay down the 400 pound woman yeah yes yeah you know my first time was so stressed i was like okay well there's enough of us in here that i was strong enough that like we'll get her back up but like i was stressed out i thought something on her could snap dude like a calf or a knee but she did it and they demoed it. And it was, it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:43:46 it was like some David Copperfield shit. Like everyone stood up like, yeah, the rabbit's not cutting half. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Did a burpee. Oh my God. Oh, Bernie Gannon. Hello. How are you? Mr. Gannon, the U Ss adult obesity is he at a gun range is that what's going on it kind of looks like it doesn't it the u.s the u.s adult obesity rate is
Starting point is 00:44:15 42.4 percent the first time the rape has passed 40 percent further evidence of the obesity crisis the national adult obesity rate has increased by 26 percent since 2008. Yeah. I mean, on what, on average, the U S citizen put on 29 pounds during, um, the two year lockdown, oppressive lockdown by our government. That's it. That, that, that's the worst thing that's ever happened to this country in my lifetime. It's worse than nine 11. It's worse than anything that 29 pounds per person, on average to toast. So many people are going to die, lose millions of days of lives are going to be lost because of that. And the burden on the health care system.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Thank you, Democrat. Ironic part of it, right? Yeah. Yep. Long term and burden on it. Anyway, amazing. There was only there was one part in there that i like wholeheartedly i'll give my feedback to uh to um miss perez there was one part in there that
Starting point is 00:45:14 just really frustrated me it was just two women doing it and i needed some men i didn't feel like there was enough diversity equity and inclusivity in the presentation i would have liked a black guy gay black guy but other than that it was perfect no no the the the athena and kim were amazing it's um there was a section in there on nutrition that i just uh i don't believe the government should be involved in, in any, in anything. Like if we let, basically it's very, very easy to point to the entire obesity crisis. Going back to 1980 when the food pyramid came out or whenever that was it to, to being the reason why we're in the situation we're in,
Starting point is 00:45:58 whether that's true or not, I don't know, but the graph shows it the second, the USDA and the government and the CDC and the FDA and all those fuckers got together and released that, I actually probably have it somewhere in my show notes because I just saw it recently. Paul Saladino put something up on Twitter. The second they put up those eating guidelines is the fucking country started just putting on the average weight of the American citizen just started skyrocketing. and just started skyrocketing.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I know that's why I would have liked a black gay male in the audience because I do have some gay black tendencies. He would have felt safer. Giant black cock porn. Does that make me gay? Hold on, I have to talk to the people in my head again. Hold on. does that make me gay hold on i have to talk to the people in my head again uh philip kelly great time yesterday suza you can be my workout partner anytime let's go yeah billy k the biggest pyramid scheme uh ever was the food pyramid and so um so we just can't have go i i think if we allow the government to tell if we say hey we're only going to get advice for athena tells a story
Starting point is 00:47:15 where basically she got some advice from some nutrition experts and it took her down the wrong path that's fine but that doesn't make all those people bad and that doesn't mean that the government should be involved in any way and there are no the experts are actually the worst at it and so because if we allow if we allow the government to keep to fuck with us like that we will be eating bugs soon i'm not joking that's not like conspiracy like you like we'll be eating but slur like 7-eleven will have like a cricket a cricket slurpee where it's just crickets and sugar and ice. And you think I'm joking, but I'm not. Tyler Spidell, $10.
Starting point is 00:47:58 There have been some mustache rods on that face. Not what I was expecting you to say. There have been... Tyler, welcome to my head. Tyler, lay down on your back and David Weed is now going to take a mustache ride. Sorry, no girls are allowed
Starting point is 00:48:18 in my head. Weird shit happens to them in there. Spidell. Welcome to the club. Thank you tyler tyler i know it's hard to breathe when dave's hairy ass is on your face you shut the fuck up you're in my head uh subscription uh tyler spidel oh hold on david get off of him the fuck are you doing uh tyler spidel a cave dastro you're not in my head anymore get out yeah get out yeah shit don't let anyone see you leave out that door no one knows that's it uh subscription subscription fee uh our berkey filter is illegal at the federal level i love
Starting point is 00:48:56 my berkey and we'll need new ones soon it's been like three years but i think they can do like 6 000 gallons which i calculated six years i don't think at the federal level, I'm not sure. You can buy the fill. You can, there's, you can buy all the pieces in California, but you have to buy them like separate or something. I forget how I got it, but in California, they're illegal. I'll just look it up. Why is Berkey?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Why is Berkey illegal in California? Berkey water filters banned in California. The short answer is California strict standards when it comes to water filtration. Berkey filters do not meet them. That's not true. Hold on. Here we go. It's not the standards for the cleaning.
Starting point is 00:49:45 That's for sure. The primary problem is that Berkey water fillers have not been tested or accredited by an independent certification organization that's required by California. This one said that it was because it must be lead-free. Pipe or plumbing fittings or fixtures or flux must be lead-free. Although they found that Berkey effective in removing lead is claimed by the manufacturer, the filter was found to be
Starting point is 00:50:19 less effective in removing chloroform. Yeah, I'm not believing this article. The way I read it, I'll look into it. Maybe I need to see a video. Maybe reading is not my strong suit. Berkey, California. This one is saying again because of the no lead law. Yeah, there's no – God, then I'm throwing my Berkey out then.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Berkey water filters are a popular choice amongst consumers today. Here we go uh why uh how do you know if you're uh using the berkey uh where is it um berkey water filter california uh did you find it i have the why it's illegal here okay why it's it's here i'll bring it up real quick are you sure are you sure it? I have the why it's illegal here. Okay, why? Here, I'll bring it up real quick. Are you sure it's right? I'm not sure it's right, but it looks like the most correct one I've seen so far. State regulations in 2009.
Starting point is 00:51:38 California passed the HSC section. Okay, what's it say? Chris and the no lead law. So they're saying there's lead in it? Yeah, saying it doesn't meet the standards of like a lead free I'm drinking lead the test Berkey has conducted are much more rigorous than
Starting point is 00:51:56 those required by NSF for the certifications mandated by the state of California in the end Berkey has concluded that the additional taxes certifications and red tape created by California are too large of a barrier for the firm to offer. Yeah, this is from Clean Water California or something. Website. They're basically like saying, fuck you, we're not playing your games.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Anyway I'm happy with my Berkey I love it I did some research for you Dan Guerrero Savon is fluoride free But full of lead Mrs. Burns You can still find Berkey filters from some of their approved
Starting point is 00:52:46 vendors berkey just isn't currently selling any oh is that what he's saying are they out of filters what the fuck's going on really uh cave uh caveman uh the new angles that they use silver and that is now considered a medical application within the fda compliance regs oh uh you're not mad uh tyler thank you for checking i'm not mad at you guys anymore yeah it wasn't so bad having dav sit on your face, right? Everybody goes through it. Hey, and I want you to know, David and Cave and 12 Daily Doses, if you guys don't fucking behave in there,
Starting point is 00:53:35 like if you guys start making too much noise in there, I'm going to fucking let Dan Guerrero in there. You don't want Dan in there. You do not want Dan in there. You do not want Dan in there. You do not want Dan in there. In case you were confused, you fucking ding-dongs, which most of you aren't confused. I have this I want to play for you.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Sorry, Susan, I'm taking your job. I know. I was looking at my notes. Oh, we got the uh fresh and fit podcast you know this I I don't know this clip per se but I know this podcast yeah just chicks with big tits talking to dudes Miami late night and they you know what they do when the dudes talk to him you just like hammer oh they just hammer the chicks they bring in a certain type like these online only fan model types and then they get in there and talk about I'm this, I'm this and that and the guys just start to slowly break them down.
Starting point is 00:54:33 You never see any. Do these guys bone these chicks afterwards? I would imagine a certain percentage for sure. I would imagine too. Hold on. I have imagined several times watching this show i haven't really watched a full episode of their stuff i would imagine too don't get excited boys david uh uh 12 daily doses cave duster don't get excited i'm not
Starting point is 00:54:59 bringing any women inside my head don't get excited This is the straight homo hour in there. 24 seven. You guys can be eating ass. No girls allowed. No girls allowed. Here we go. Why can't we be equal? Why do you feel superior to me? Well, let me ask you this. Do you want a man that's taller than you? Yeah. Would you prefer a man that's stronger than you physically? Yes, I do. Would you prefer a man that can lead you? Absolutely. Would you prefer a man that can lead you? Absolutely. Would you prefer a man that's more competent and more intelligent than yourself? I just said that.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I can't disagree. You're not anything equal there to me. Ouch. But what if I am strong? You're not. That means that we are not equal. Yeah, we're not. We're not. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Okay, all right. Got him. But Seth on Amanda Barnhart can deadlift three times as much as you if you were juiced on steroids. I know. So just you have to like, you just can't,
Starting point is 00:56:00 don't think of me as a man and then everything will make sense. It doesn't matter how much they get deadlifted. They hear a noise at night, and your ass is getting up to check. Let's go. Oh, my God. Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Oh, shoot. Sevan, I really love you and all you do, all you represent, but trying to listen to you in my kitchen and the F-bombs are killing it for my kids. Okay, shoot. Sevan, I really love you and all you do, all you represent. But trying to listen to you in my kitchen and the F-bombs are killing it for my kids. Okay. Okay. I won't say that for it anymore. I'm done. I got. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Where is it at? Okay, we're ready. I'm done. I don't want to. That'll take us down to 216 listeners if you leave. Please don't go anywhere. Let's listen to that again, though. That was good, right? I mean, this is a good bit here. Here we go. A podcast in a nutshell, by the way. Let's listen one more time. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Why can't we be equal? Why do you feel superior to me? Well, let me ask you this. Do you want a man that's taller than you? Yeah. Would you prefer a man that's stronger than you physically? Yes, I do. Would you prefer a man that can lead you? Absolutely. Would you prefer a man that's stronger than you physically? Yes, I do. Would you prefer a man that can lead you? Absolutely. Would you prefer a man that's more competent and more intelligent than yourself?
Starting point is 00:57:10 I just said that. Uh-huh. I can't disagree. Doesn't sound anything equal there to me. Dude, when she gets lippy there, he needs to light her up. That's what I just said. Ouch. But what if I am strong?
Starting point is 00:57:23 You're not. That means that we are not equal. Yeah, we're not. We're not. But don't. Oh, God. OK, all right. Got him.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Got me. It took her that long to realize, I thought, why can't you want me to lead? And she said, yeah. She realized what was happening there. She's hot. All those chicks in there are hot usually uh emma uh when my four-year-old daughter sees me watching this show she says that's the guy that cusses a lot my cussing days are over i'm done as of today you're turning a new Melissa What idiots
Starting point is 00:58:07 You idiot You idiot Oh my goodness Wad zombie I can't believe she admitted she was wrong Nah it was good CK Kevin I'm done You can't trick me
Starting point is 00:58:31 You can't trick me What CK did there Isn't logic Isn't logic fascinating Right And I think why so many of us are kind of freaking out right now is because there's some at bare minimum we want to
Starting point is 00:58:51 hope that like our fellow human beings can be logical so hey I don't want anyone saying what I can and can't do with my body okay I understand hey I don't want anyone saying what I can and can't do with my body Okay I understand Hey I don't want anyone killing babies I get it
Starting point is 00:59:10 Both sides can just be like Yeah dude I get it Those make sense They totally make sense Sounds logical Hey I don't think you should be allowed to be able to kill Kids they totally make sense sounds logical hey I don't think you should be allowed to be able to kill kids okay when's a kid a kid
Starting point is 00:59:31 I don't know whenever it could live on its own out of the stomach I don't know let's come up with something and then like yeah no no I get that yeah 32 weeks yeah or something like just something like but it seems somewhere some something has swerved off the path to where
Starting point is 00:59:54 that we can't even agree on what's logical anymore when before at least that was like just the baseline like hey if we're going to get through this. And then it becomes, boy, this is scary where I took it. But it becomes like if someone's, if you don't have the skill, like what my boys do is they'll resort to violence. Yeah. Hey, you have my game. Yeah, but I'm playing it.
Starting point is 01:00:22 And then someone gets hit in the face. Yeah. You know what I mean? Pretty simple. And so if you're like, if you're like, if you're like, hey, we're hiring these people because they're black.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And then I walk up to some black dude at the store and I'm like, hey, did you get hired here because you're black? And then they're like, you can't ask them that. I just saw on the sign there that you're looking for black dudes. You're only hiring black dudes, and I just want to know if you got hired because you're black or if you got hired because you're competent. And then now there's this disconnect,
Starting point is 01:00:58 and it's like it seems like we've put ourselves in a pressure cooker where we're not going to be able to connect logically, so we're going ourselves in a pressure cooker. We're not going to be able to connect logically, so we're going to end up with violence. Almost like if you keep forcing two contradicting things that people know are foolish, and you just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing, basically they have no foundation in which to think upon. And so they get so agitated that they they act physically
Starting point is 01:01:26 and and also just wait for the television to tell them how to act right because they're not going to like logically think themselves through that you know put a mask on when you walk into the restaurant and then take it off at your table but then put it back right you walk to the bathroom right like logically thought of that. Right. We all, we all went out there and acted like it. Or, or writ or written house killed a guy, a white guy.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yeah. Pedophile was screaming a pedophile who is screaming racial slurs. Yeah. At another white guy, the ones that black people don't like or aren't supposed to like, well, unless it depends on who says them, that's a complicated issue in itself. Yep. what the beat is if it's a one two beat
Starting point is 01:02:09 with lots of bass it's cool uh he should have been a hero for the left who written house yeah been a hero for the left who written health yeah so they i understand the pedophile part probably bought them that they killed a pedophile but but they're supposed to support black people yeah but but see it was uh that it was yelling racial that dude was a blonde that dude had blonde hair and was a white guy who which which guy The guy who got capped The guy who was yelling the racial slurs The pedophile Yeah That was a bad dude
Starting point is 01:02:48 What? That dude was not a good guy What I'm saying is that none of it makes sense Yeah, none of it makes sense But I think it's because You can't win No, you can't win It was because it was at the wrong riot
Starting point is 01:03:01 It was at He killed someone at the wrong riot I don't It's such a mess It was because it was at the wrong riot. It was at... He killed someone at the wrong riot. I don't... It's such a mess. Hey, you know the contradicting thing? It's such a mess. And then you push it further and further and further to see how much...
Starting point is 01:03:15 Like, how far the people will take it and not question it, even though that they know that there's no logic in the way that they're acting. And there's contradicting. That's from 1984 in that book. Oh, it is? God, I need to read that that you have to listen to it yes because we we could like listen to the middle portion too as they like explain it and and everything else and that's explain explain plainer explain it uh asymmetric gears uh we need all the tough guys
Starting point is 01:03:48 Including many in this chat to stop justifying Their compliance and just refuse How about the pussies That run away to a different country You're in my head quiet david quiet okay thank you yeah how about the pussies that run away hey have you seen those the of... Sorry, sorry. That's a bad word. That's a bad word.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I didn't mean pussies. Oh. I meant pussies. I meant cats. Kitty cats. Pussy cats. You seen the footage of 1901 where people see a camera for the first time?
Starting point is 01:04:41 You seen that thing float around? I think the video is actually kind of old. From what year? From 1901? 1901. No. but you just watch the way that people behave and enact and like move and stuff like that and you're just like that is we are not like that anymore like you just look at the crowd and you're like how many people think got offended because somebody used a phrase unintentionally and they're offended for somebody else within that group and now they're gonna make this huge deal out of it you just watch them and you kind of look at them and you
Starting point is 01:05:07 imagine how their lives are and how they're dressed and the way their their mannerisms and how they act to each other and everything else and you're like no those people give a fuck they would like you could drop one of them here and start to explain some of these like political issues or things that we're navigating through and they would just be like what what happened it's the movie idiocracy happened yeah uh jeremy e world uh it's a cool picture we're about as far down the rabbit hole as we can get and still hope to come back from uh jason miller uh reported 300 jobs added to corporate level since blm 94 more melanated talk about exploitation and objectification I can't tell if this is sarcasm I can't I'm not I'm not I'm not processing Mr. Miller
Starting point is 01:05:59 I'm trying to process. I have questions. Oh, someone's now explaining in our games thread how the NFL network works. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Haley! What the fuck is wrong with her?
Starting point is 01:06:29 What the fuck is wrong with my wife? Haley God What's happening over there you have to get going calling her I'm gonna fucking my collar What's going on? She just sent me a text. I have to explain. There's so many things. How long have we been together? Hello?
Starting point is 01:07:00 Hi. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Hi. Good morning, Matt. Good morning. H morning. Good morning. Hi. Good morning, Matt. Good morning. Haley, how long have we been together?
Starting point is 01:07:13 Like, what do you mean? Married or? Like, how long have I been, from like the day I've been trying to start trying to get in your pants? Well, it's not consecutive. so off and on for like i'm not talking about last year when we took the year off but don't ruin a good bit babe just just flow with me flow with me a little bit flow with me don't ruin a good bit it's a good bit how long we've been together i want to know for like 20 years.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Can you just say, let's try again. Just be like a long time, more than 20 years. How long have we been together, babe? Longer than time itself. Thank you. Now, you texted me this morning. You said the coffee machine is fine. Are you referring to drinking Folgers yesterday morning?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Listen, the show is a bit. I didn't drinking Folgers yesterday morning? Listen, the show is a bit... I didn't have Folgers this morning. I was trying to get Gabe to send me some coffee. I was trying to get Gabe to send me some coffee. I didn't drink Folgers this morning. It's a lie. I lied. I lied.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I was just making sure you got regular coffee this morning. That's all. That's very nice of you, Haley. You're a good dude. Thank you. Thank you for keeping me consistent. It wasn't.
Starting point is 01:08:32 You're correct. It wasn't. I did not have Folgers this morning. That was, but the spirit of what I was saying was still true. That wasn't. What was your point? You text me. You interrupted the show.
Starting point is 01:08:41 We've been together so long. You should know. Yeah, you know. You should know. You should know. My intention. so long You should know My intention Oh I should know Oh damn Trying to make sure you had good coffee Hey I want to apologize in advance Oh no
Starting point is 01:09:00 You got a dog No no When we were having sex tonight And I said David David, less teeth. I want you to know it has nothing to do with you. Okay. Thank you. I didn't know that I had.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I had paper street this morning. That was just a mess with Dave. Thank you, Dave. Thank you. Okay. See how she turned that around on me. And she's like, well, you should know me. And she, and she me and she's like well you should know me and i she and she what she won well you should know my intention yeah you knew going into that
Starting point is 01:09:30 you were gonna lose but that's okay the background telling me i didn't have folders when i know what i had i know i know i didn't have folders this morning do you still really have folders in your house i do have folders. Because you know why? Because it's a just in case, right? Yeah. Like you need just in case. Yep. Break in case of emergencies.
Starting point is 01:09:53 David, you asshole. How does this guy always win the arguments? And like he always gets a little ahead of me. Yeah. I always leave the show a little dirty like he got the last shot at me. I never am like, yeah, I fucked David up today. Not going to happen. Not that again.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Send her to Spain. He's a seasoned vet. My life would see a man like you and never look back at me. You're going to wake up and see David's picture. He's going to be looking over you. He's going to be sleeping in the backyard yeah i'm just seeing with my knife brood zombie hayley's an angel leave her alone all right just ruin the bit though oh ck got it i kept trying to remember what the slogan was and i was gonna like i was gonna sing it in there oh it's part of waking up it's vultures in your cup hey do you
Starting point is 01:10:52 see the got it got it clip it that's a new endorsement you see the commercial that last vultures commercial that they make fun of where it's like a it's like a brother and sister but they like do it in this weird fucking way so it it's supposed to look like, oh, they're home and visiting, and he's drinking a familiar cup of coffee. But it makes them seem like they're two long-lost lovers. Incest is best. Folgers. When I was a kid, you know how the idea of incest was introduced to me as a kid?
Starting point is 01:11:28 I was tripping on you. Most of you are going to probably remember this, but I was tripping on how I thought. I thought that in real life. Jamie Summers. And Steve Austin were brother and sister. I don't know who played Jamie Summers, but Lee Majors played Steve Austin, the bionic man. And the bionic woman was played by, I don't know who played that, but in the movie her name was Jamie Summers in the TV show. And in the TV show they kissed.
Starting point is 01:12:02 But I thought as a little kid that they were siblings in real life oh Lindsay Wagner wow Bernie you're a beast yeah so I thought Lindsay Wagner and Lee Majors were brother and sister in real life brother and sister in real life. Yeah. She had the bionic ear.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Remember that? You seen that documentary on that family out in the middle of bone deck nowhere? In the boondocks? They're all incest? What? Dude, you never saw that documentary no what's it called and there's one fucking guy that just barks like he can't even speak and you ask but he understands he asked questions like dude you've never seen that no it's real oh fuck John Wick I thought first
Starting point is 01:13:06 popularized incest was oh yeah and I remember that too right right wow they can't wow because because they were brother and sister Luke and Leo were brothers oh man I want to throw up a little bit
Starting point is 01:13:22 make my back get tight yeah there we go. Why does Star Wars have incest in it? Yeah, that's weird. Do they kiss? I'm going to type this. I'm going to get something weird. Oh. I did not like um i did not like there was a um there was some disturbing stuff in game of
Starting point is 01:13:51 thrones but there was a there was a dude who lived out in the north and um with just uh like 20 women by himself and that that whole thing was disgusting while returning the jedi would ultimately reveal them to be siblings a new hope implied luke's attraction to leah throughout while the two kissed multiple times in the empire strikes back with further romantic moments ending up on the cutting room floor as seen in the movie's deleted scenes star Star Wars is subtly trying to retcon Luke and Leia's kiss. What's retcon mean?
Starting point is 01:14:33 Reconsider? Oh, yeah. Oh, what a disaster. What the fuck is wrong with George Lucas? That's weird uh vanessa craig says it's called um the wild and wonderful whites of west virginia wow cave dastro they boned and deleted scenes no kidding No kidding. Oh, wow. You can't visit those people anymore because the entire neighborhood will attack you. They feel those people were exploited. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Have I said the F word set once since I said I wouldn't say it? No, I don't think so. Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. D-I-S-P-L-I-N-E. No, D-I-S-S-A hyphen plin. Discipline. Discipline.
Starting point is 01:15:41 In the video by now of the young autistic girl being harassed by police officers seven to be exact because she said one of the police officers looked like a lesbian i mean i'm gonna have to agree with her statement to be honest i don't know if that means that i'm gonna be arrested for agreement i don't know how it works in this country anymore. The West Yorkshire police actually filed a statement of the incident where they said comments were made, which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offense. She was arrested for suspicion of a homophobic. It's illegal to be homophobic. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:32 A suspicion. Not even like. What if you're afraid of spiders? Is it illegal to be arachnophobic? You're telling me it's illegal to be. Listen, listen. This is not going to go over well. But this is the truth.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I'm going to tell you guys the truth. I know all you guys know already. I don't know if it's an ick, but people are standoffish, and rightfully so, to new things. You're missing a leg. You're missing an eye. You're a dwarf. You're seven feet tall. You're a white guy in a place in Africa where they've never seen a white guy. You're a black guy in Iceland. If you are out of the norm, people are going to take two steps back when they see you. We were walking in Berkeley one day.
Starting point is 01:17:59 It's a city, very, very urban place. And a bunch of chickens came out from underneath the subway. Chickens, turkeys came out from underneath the subway track. And everyone jumped back. Like 15 turkeys just showed up in the city. And like we were all on this walking trail and everyone jumped back. Some dumb kids charged the turkeys and the turkeys fucked them up. But oops.
Starting point is 01:18:23 But things that are out of place, people are tripped out by. People are not used to seeing two dudes kiss and do two girls kiss. Like, they're just not. They're just not used to it. And to think it's weird or odd or to have feelings where you don't think it's appropriate is totally fine and totally normal. It's totally fine. Nothing's wrong with you at all. Actually, the people who are running to it and embracing it, those are the people who actually have a problem.
Starting point is 01:18:57 If you see me walking down the street and you see me doing this with a knife, I've never seen anyone do this in California with a knife. Any legal knife in the state of California, stiletto, Bloody Mary, and you see me doing this you should you should be tripped out i've never seen that you've never you've never seen that and so you see two dudes kissing two girls kissing it's not homophobic to just stare and look or even holding hands at all and if you are a little homophobic it's totally okay there's nothing there's if you're like oh that's gross or or that's weird or it's totally fine. It's it's. Um. Someone eating raw meat, same thing. You see someone eating raw meat and you think it's gross and weird. It's totally fine. It's not something it's not something we're used to at all.
Starting point is 01:19:42 That guy who goes to Whole Foods and then sits out front and just eats the raw octopus no one's seen that it's totally fine to be like wow that's that's weird yeah yeah it's literally instinctual yeah it's yeah exactly it's literally instinctual Two heterosexual people having sex on the sidewalk. A drug addict taking a deuce in a trash can. All those things you should be like, whoa, what's going on? Taking a deuce in a trash can. Rambler, tell Seve to unban me.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Sousa, tell Seve to unban you. I don't even know. I don't know how to ban or unban anyone. Yeah, I don't know. I don't i don't know how to ban or unban anyone yeah i don't know what you know i don't know i don't know how dose is quiet doses is now jumping up me like you banned me you you you you you erased my text messages to you i'm trying to see here i didn't i did not i don't even know what you're talking about I did not. I don't even know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Homophobic. Arresting someone for being homophobic. We also maintain that our officers and staff should not have to face abuse whilst working to keep our community. You can't say to someone you look like a lesbian. That's abuse. Why? Is there something wrong with being a lesbian? Why can't you say that to someone that's insinuating that being a lesbian is something bad isn't it he's safe well i'd like to thank west yorkshire police for the effort that they've put into to protect the community from the word Lesbian, I've seen the police have been making some recruits recently and I've got to say they pick a Fantastic bunch that look like they can really stop a bar fight
Starting point is 01:21:41 Whilst all this goes on we're at a record low at the minute where just five point eight percent of crimes Have been solved by the police in the UK. But the priority... They try to solve crimes in the UK? That's hilarious. to arrest people for causing offense, saying mean things. I'm just so bored. I'm so bored of it. Well, I'm sure you've seen the... Bored of it, dude. You better be.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Lewis. We've got to have Lewis back on. I want to hear him talk about it. This is wackadoodle stuff. of it well i'm sure you've seen the board of it dude you better be lewis we gotta have lewis back on i want to hear him talk about this is this is wackadoodle stuff look it goes on even more i haven't seen anything quite this bad in the united states have you no also on a lesbian you go to jail no there's a bit of news you might have missed if you thought the incident was bad where an autistic teenager was arrested for saying one of the officers looked like their lesbian nana, last week a counsellor was arrested in front of his family. His crime was retweeting a video criticising how the police treated a Christian street preacher.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Counsellor Anthony Stevens was arrested at his home this month. That guy's on testosterone. I'd love to know Hiller's take on it. That guy is for sure on something, right? On the skin. You're saying that because of his skin? And his head. And I just juiced.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And escorted to a police station for questioning about tweets from his personal account which has 76 followers. The retweet in question was a petition for another councillor calling for his position to be reinstated because he responded to images of the pride parades saying, When did pride become a thing to celebrate? Because of pride satan fell as an archangel pride is not a virtue but a sin those who have pride should repent of this he retweeted what a black guy said about god and he went to jail and he has 76 followers what is going on that's fucking nuts what is going on listen i'm not suggesting you act i'm not suggesting you walk up to some dwarf and smack the shit out of them or walk up to some guy with one leg and like you know kick his aluminum
Starting point is 01:24:01 leg i'm yeah i'm i'm suggesting i'm and i'm I'm suggesting even maybe the opposite, like observe people who are different and love on them and learn from them. But to take a step back because you see some guy eating a live octopus in front of Whole Foods and be like, what is that, is fine. It is totally fine. Seve's comparing a live octopus to two dudes playing tonsil hockey I am
Starting point is 01:24:29 that's correct I am I'm totally fine with it call me hobophobic or seafood phobic or whatever whoever whatever bandwagon you want bandwagon bandwagon bandwagon you want to get on uh but I think your caster is clicking. Is that a call?
Starting point is 01:24:46 No, it's my... It was working well for too long. I didn't like that. Oh, okay. Just had to do that. You called for something wrong? You're on a roll. You're about to get canceled. Let's do some clicking in the mic. I'm not even suggesting
Starting point is 01:25:02 they're doing Satan's work. That's the only reasonable explanation i just um yeah it's uh what a mess that is crazy though what a mess it's okay to it's it's okay to be worried about some things like we freaked out yeah like free speech yeah i don't want to worry oh not around have you seen have you seen all these videos going around of like kids getting beat up at school i'm afraid to show any of them because they're gonna say it's violence but dude the violence at school. I'm afraid to show any of them because they're going to say it's violence, but dude, the violence at school is crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Yeah, but there's always like schoolyards. I guess you're right. I'm going to show you what I call a demotard. I'm about to show you a demotard.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Because I can't say the other word. This lady is, this is, this is the. Epitome. Epitome, epitome. Epitome, epitome. What's that word mean? Are those both words? Can you pronounce them both ways? Epitome, epitome. Thisome what's that word mean is are those both words can you pronounce them both ways
Starting point is 01:26:25 epitome epitome this is how democrats work this is all emotional appeal zero facts all emotional appeal and zero facts and you know what's funny is a p diddy's i saw this posted somewhere else and p diddy's like yeah girl you tell him yeah well you know it's like wow dude you really you i you you are pathetic yeah well you know p diddy thing right no what is it is he complete sellout party with uh up-and-coming male rappers a little privately and hard oh he epstein island guy type stuff yeah but it was apparently with like newer like up-and-coming rappers and shit. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:07 I've been to a P. Diddy party. This is Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat from Texas. The only thing Biden has been guilty of is loving his child unconditionally. I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as his child. And people were like, like, like, like stoked on this. Because he's got 91 counts pending right now. But I will tell you what the president has been guilty of. He has unfortunately been guilty of loving his child unconditionally. And that is the only evidence that they have brought forward. And honestly, I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as he loves his child.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Until they find some evidence, we need to get back to the people's work, which means keeping this government open so that people don't go hungry in the streets of the United States. And I will. Hey, so there's there's two huge points here. Two huge points you have to see. She's using emotional appeal. Who cares whether he loves his son or not? That's not even the discussion. I hope he loves his son. And then the second thing, so it's emotional appeal.
Starting point is 01:28:20 And then the second thing is she's concerned the government, if it closes down, people will go hungry. Which people is she talking about? The people who have no personal accountability and no responsibility. The people who've been manipulated to allow government to be their big daddy. The people who've divorced their husbands. The people who've divorced their wives. The people who are married
Starting point is 01:28:45 to the fucking government. Sorry, F word again. The people who are married to their children. I apologize to you. Those of you eating breakfast, those of you who are good kids out there. I blame my mom. No, I don't blame anyone for my swearing. It just shows a lack of intelligence on my part. And I'm working on it. Thank you. Yeah, this lady is a... This is pathetic. At least she's good looking.
Starting point is 01:29:17 That's true. That's pretty much the only thing she's got going for her in this clip. But here's the thing. She also implies that the government keeps everybody fed that's fucking crazy oh look at look what this guy wrote hashtag RTRD
Starting point is 01:29:33 retard 19 hey just because you scream and bob your head doesn't make it true yeah but if you bob your head and don't scream. I don't want to write that. What if you bob your head? Oh, 44 comments. I bet you one of them did.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Somebody said it in there. Yeah, what is going on? That's what I mean about the no logic thing. Yeah, and the only people that are going to listen to her and take that and be like yeah yeah yeah are the people that you're not even fucking thinking like think about what she just said about loving his son unconditionally
Starting point is 01:30:15 where's the evidence how about the cocaine in the fucking white house how about the laptop how about the string of text messages how about the confirmed emails back and forth how about the money how about the diaries showering the daughter doesn't want to shower with her dad so she waits till he goes to sleep at night okay so even if you put all that aside and whatever let her have that rant which is like a game and to do that emotional appeal and then she goes in and tries to imply that if the government shuts down that it feeds people in the united states that that
Starting point is 01:30:44 would somehow cease that would stop which is also even States, that that would somehow cease, that would stop, which is also, even for the people that are completely dependent on the government, which I agree with you on that point too, but it's not going to stop. They're still going to get all their shit. It's hilarious. The whole thing is so flawed
Starting point is 01:30:59 that you would listen to that and be like, wait, that's not even how government functions. And on top of that, that makes no sense. Yes, they should be held to a higher standard. Yes, if there is corruption, sir, the people have the right to break into that and sort all the evidence out and do a very thorough investigation. And the people should have the right to that to be independently from journalists sent to us without some sort of weird biased and reported honestly and truthfully. I like what you said. They should be held to a higher standard they should like it should be back in the day that they freaking
Starting point is 01:31:32 they work for the people and right now it's like the more these government programs that they usher in they don't work for the people the people work for the government that's the problem and now we have more people that work for the government because they're dependent on the government so we can't hold them accountable and then everybody else that work for the government because they're dependent on the government. So we can't hold them accountable. And then everybody else that is funding the government is going to be the fucking taxpayers that are out there too busy working because they're turning the wheel of the economy. To put money in the pockets of the government, which is giving it to the more people that are becoming more dependent. Fucking idiocy. I'm glad it's closing down.
Starting point is 01:32:07 It does nothing to me. Look, Graciano Rubio starts at the local level. By the way, this is what your government's doing, by the way. This is what the government's doing. What if the government made a list of authors whose books it wanted banned and also went to all of the publishing houses in America, the government did, and said, do not publish the books by any of these authors or we will punish you. Is that a problem at the first moment? My hope is that the government would not be involved in the decisions of a private company. Good. I would hope so, too. But apparently that is not the case in the United States of America today under this administration, because the hypotheticals I've just given you aren't hypotheticals at all.
Starting point is 01:32:59 They've happened and we know that they are happening. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled in a case, Missouri versus Biden. I'm sure you're all familiar with this. It's going to go down, I think, as a landmark case in the worst possible way in First Amendment law, because what the Court of Appeals found is that the White House, not just the federal government, but the White House actively coerced every major social media platform in America. Let me say that again. Every major social media platform in America to ban speech that the White House did not like. What are we talking about here? Well, we're talking about speech on the covid-19 pandemic speech on the 2022 congressional. What if,
Starting point is 01:33:46 what if the government made a list? That's what's happening with your money. That's what's happening with your money. And it's not even our government. They're outsourcing it to other governments like the world health organization. Did they, they banned Huck Finn? I think they did that a while ago, actually.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Banned it from where? Like from schools? High schools, yeah. You'd have to read that in high school. I read it in high school. Here's the thing. Like, if there's stuff you don't want in schools, I'm willing to talk about it. I'm fine if there's stuff you don't want in schools, I'm willing to talk about it. I'm fine if there's stuff you don't want in schools. But to ban it from the internet?
Starting point is 01:34:36 No, you shouldn't ban it from the internet. No, you can't do that. No. No. If you want to do some under 18 stuff, you don't want a book in your library at your school on how to make methamphetamines with stuff under your parents' kitchen sink. I get it. Because you don't want just some kid randomly stumbling across that and start making meth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:08 But to – you know, there's people who swear that apricot seeds will cure cancer but if you made a video about that on youtube you'd be toast and that's just crazy sean doesn't want porn in school so so you don't you don't by porn you don't So you don't By porn you don't Like stuff like You want like Youporn and Pornhub And those internet sites
Starting point is 01:35:32 Blocked on the school computers I'm fine with that too I agree I feel cool with that And here's the thing too so that's the problem christian kettler learned to play with other dudes buttholes in school but can't read the adventures of huck finn there it's con it's context too right hey if you're gonna do that if you're gonna ban huck finn you gotta ban rap music at the school you gotta basically if a kid rolls into the parking lot in his car and he's playing um uh um uh rick ross's fuck with me you know i got it with uh his duet with jay-z
Starting point is 01:36:11 i mean that song is crazy and uh you you got to suspend that kid too though that's a great song you know that song fuck with me you know i got it's all one word yeah god i love that song christian called me a shill for pfizer too by the way who called you a shill for pfizer christian you yeah when i just did the little thing of the government he's like that's coming from somebody who's a shill for Pfizer. That's funny. Uh,
Starting point is 01:36:50 I just think that what if, what if, what if Sousa was a spy for Pfizer, he was put in this show. That would explain everything. I did get a dollar 26 in dividends last month. Hey, the, I think that the to your point
Starting point is 01:37:07 here's the thing are you monitoring the music that's being played at the pep rallies under the same microscope that they're monitoring the books that have been in schools right well said perfectly and they're not they're not i could tell you they're not because i've been to a few of those things and i walk in you listen to the music that's being played and you're like what and sometimes they'll have the edited version like playing right because it's that doesn't matter Doesn't matter that doesn't matter fucking Song is just a slur and cuss words. It's like it. Yeah, it's crazy. That doesn't matter. I Wish I was a shill for Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Get that $100 million check. See you losers. Never. I'm going to blow up and act like I don't know nobody. okay you think you think i got you think i got away with that you think we got away with that or we gotta i think it's being clipped and sent to HQ as we speak. I didn't even mean that. I sung that by the way. That was me.
Starting point is 01:38:29 That wasn't Rick Ross. Anyone want to report that? That was me. Clipped and sent up. It's also extra cool because you got to hang out with Rick Ross. Maybe that's why. Yeah. I'm such a huge Rick rocks, Rick, Rick rocks fan, a coffee pods and what god he had the softest hands ever though that was weird
Starting point is 01:38:50 he had such feminine hands he's he's artsy he's he's a little artsy fartsy he's got a little yeah yeah yeah he he lets someone tickle his anus with feathers i think coffee pods and what i don't have soft hands. No one's tickling my anus. Look at that. Yeah, look at you. Callous up, son. You're married?
Starting point is 01:39:19 Thankfully. I had a parent ask me not to let her kid be involved in classes that mentioned Christmas or Jesus or Santa. I said she can come collect her kid during those slots. Never heard about it again. I think that's Jehovah Witnesses aren't allowed to do. Santa, baby. I got a Coke now. I've always had a Coke now.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Do I look different to you? Do I look like I'm on human growth hormone? Does my skin look different? I'm asking you. Do I look different to you? It looks good. Yeah, my skin looks amazing, right? Yeah, it does look good.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Yeah, you looked good yesterday too. Six days. I've been that CJC 1295. I'm going to get off it here in like in four days. I wonder if I'm just going to turn into like a prune. Like it doubles back the other way. Twice as hard. Probably back to where you were. You like probably any cock growth.
Starting point is 01:40:19 No, I, I, no, I have a crazy penis. All right. It's just a, just a crazy, it's crazy. But I'm still blown away by it.
Starting point is 01:40:31 When I wake up in the morning, I seriously am like, wow, I can't believe this is mine. It's like that. But there have been two separate encounters where it needed tending to. Poor Haley. That normally I would have definitely been able to, like, I could have gone and lifted weights or something. You know what I mean? Could have gone, like, eating a sandwich or something. But, like, there have been two.
Starting point is 01:40:58 In the last 20 days, there have been two, like, wow, this has to be service. Like, the check engine lights on. We're going to be service like this this the the check engine lights on uh we're gonna expedite this this is yeah yeah this yeah this isn't gonna wait it's not uh can't pot it off till later sorry uh cave dastro i have a crazy penis it's something someone with a three inch would say you don't usually hear three inches you hear more like two or four you're two or four do you know do you know what a puff adder is you ever seen the snake called a puff adder nope i've actually heard a really trippy looking snake
Starting point is 01:41:42 um let me see if i can find some good images of it it it has it has it's a it's in africa i saw one i've seen them live actually and it um it's weird because it has as i recall like most animals that that have a toxin there's one of two toxins it has one's like neurological and the other one's like something else i forget i forget but they have they have two different um kinds of toxins and they can't explain it evolutionary wise or they can't explain why any animal would need to be this poisonous like it doesn't make any sense like why would it need both of its toxins? It has can kill.
Starting point is 01:42:26 And yet it has both. But let me see if I can, um, that when I think of my penis, I think of it as a puff adder. Look at, look how, look how stout he is.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Just, just, yeah, just a muscular, just piece of meat. See that thing. Yeah. See that.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Yeah. That's, that's's i should name him puffy yeah that name's that name's already taken oh anyway the puff adder let me see oh yeah hey oh you can't see this shit look at this so this is crazy one night i was in africa and we were driving down a dirt road and there was a puff adder crossing the road oh shit look at that and a dude came out of the bushes just like straight african dude like you know what i mean like barefoot with just like a fucking loincloth and he had a stick that was probably 12 feet long that was like a whip but it was a stick you know i mean thick at the handle and it kind of went narrow and he comes out of the bush and whacks that thing and just
Starting point is 01:43:32 fillets them right open and i was sitting in the back seat of the car just with the headlights on i watched the whole thing happen oh yeah girthy just a big old this thing's just this snake is just a meat stick oh here it is cave dastro says uhoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic. Oh, three? Jeez. Damn. Yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:43:58 If anyone wants to send any fan letters to my penis, refer to it as Puffy. Mr. Ader to you so we got another one for puffy here put it in the bottom and and also clean and pristine and with nice markings on it you know what i mean it's it's a it's a it's it's just fun it's just crazy um it's just a i'm just fortunate I'm not bragging just telling the truth bro yeah it's just like hey just is what it is what is this do you want to pull some up
Starting point is 01:44:37 yeah what is this let's do let's do some trump stuff oh let's do uh 129 just says trump trump dude what if trump and joe go at it again that'll be nuts is that where we're headed i don't know it seems like it, huh? I love this guy, this street-poller dude. I don't think I've ever seen this dude yet. I want to have this dude on the podcast. He's awesome. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Who did you vote for in 2020? Oh, I can't answer that. Are you serious? Yeah, who did you vote for? I voted for Trump. You voted for Trump? I did. Why? I voted for Trump. You voted for Trump? I did. Why?
Starting point is 01:45:26 I voted for Trump because I felt like we look at certain things. First of all, we say things like as far as, you know, Republicans are bad people, but what we don't understand is Republicans are the ones who actually free the slaves. Every president has had demons in their closet, skeletons in their closet. I think he's just overexposed. You know, we have, for God's sakes, we had Bill Clinton getting sucked in the office. You know, but have, for God's sakes, we had Bill Clinton get stuck in the office, you know, but no one crucified him. Do you feel that the Democrat Party uses race to try and get voters and gain support?
Starting point is 01:45:51 I definitely do. So if the election was tomorrow, 2024, would you vote for Trump or Biden? I think I would definitely vote for Trump again. I have not seen any change in the office that Biden has made. I've seen... If anything, he's made it worse. Yeah, hello. A lot of hiding, you know. Have you seen Kamala Harris say anything? I I've seen anything. It's made it worse. Yeah. Hello. A lot of hiding.
Starting point is 01:46:05 You know, have you seen Kamala Harris say anything? I haven't seen her. I haven't seen it since she's been in office. Well, good luck. So you're saying Trump 2024 2024. And yeah, absolutely. God bless, brother. Thank you. Who did you vote? Was that a gay dude? That's so funny
Starting point is 01:46:22 you say that. I think that guy's gay, too. Why did you get arrested? that's so funny you say that i think that guy's gay too why did you get a roast uh his voice and in his uh clothing choice i got clothing choice and mannerism and what about his girl was that his girl well you see she she left right away and she was knew that it was going to get into a political discussion yeah and obviously he was like primed for it he's like oh yeah you want to talk about politics let's dig in and she was like i'm out and just walked away and left i feel like if they were together she just would have stood there oh that's fair why do you assume it's gender maybe that was a girl nah uh spiegel the president who brought you the crushing lockdowns donald trump mask mandates
Starting point is 01:47:05 donald trump and 49er tickets for all donald trump god spiegel oh my goodness those deserve a little bit of contextualizing he did bring lockdowns uh right for for two weeks yeah i don think, did he bring mask mandates? Did Trump bring mask mandates? And he did bring 49er tickets, but he didn't bring it mandated. And he's flipped the script since then. But it's worth saying, I mean, yeah. And who handed this Senate to the Democrats?
Starting point is 01:47:41 That, now you're stretching. Now you're stretching. That was a little out of his control, but I hear you. No, I know it's Spiegel. Spiegel, he means Trump. Spiegel means Trump. There's some gray areas.
Starting point is 01:48:02 David Weed weighing in on the gentleman's sexual orientation. Super gay, says Mr. Weed weighing in on the gentleman's sexual orientation. Super gay, says Mr. Weed. Why does it got to be super? Yeah. 130. We're not done with Senior Trump. Keep the Trump train going?
Starting point is 01:48:18 Yeah, Spiegel. Yeah, Spiegel. Still better than Biden. Oh, my God. I just realized something. Spiegel still voted for Trump. Yeah, ofiegel. Still better than Biden. Oh my God, I just realized something. Spiegel still voted for Trump. Yeah, of course, right? What? What'd you realize?
Starting point is 01:48:30 That's fair. Yeah. I hear you, Spiegel, though. I ain't hatin'. I hear you. It's weird. Every time we say Spiegel, someone's reporting back to Wooley and Spiegel that we're talking about Danny Spiegel. Well, the only time we've talked about Danny Spiegel is right now.
Starting point is 01:48:47 That's why she thinks we're always talking about her. Oh, someone in our chat named Spiegel. I just realized that. They talk about me all the time. Well, not a joke. OK, it's not you. Here we go. Election was tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Who would you vote for? Trump or Biden? Trump. Why? Because now you got this immigrant. Trump's for everyone. Biden normally put no work. If Trump is in a jail cell, would you vote for him?
Starting point is 01:49:17 Yeah. America first. Oh, so you're saying Trump 2024. Yeah. Trump 2024. If the election was tomorrow. I love the way that guy nods his head. Why?
Starting point is 01:49:30 It looked like he was scared. Because now you got this immigrant. Trump's for everyone. No. I didn't know. Yeah. No work. If Trump is in a jail cell, would you vote for him?
Starting point is 01:49:38 Yeah. America first. Okay. Okay. Did you. Did you fuck her and her sister You fucked both of them Okay play You fucked both girls
Starting point is 01:49:51 2024 Trump 2024 If the election He got his tongue out I did I got both those girls I did. I got both those girls. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:13 I got both those girls. Who are some sisters? Who are some sisters who are games athletes? Sydney. I got both Wells girls. I got both Wells sisters. I got both Wells sisters. I got both of them. You think they ever dated the same dude?
Starting point is 01:50:33 But at like different times and like different times? So like. Why do they have to be at different times? Why? Why would they have to be at the same times? Don't limit it. I mean, okay, sure. It's not like. What?
Starting point is 01:50:42 Like dating a guy was like, oh, yeah, it didn't work out. And he's like, oh, that's good. And then like a week or two later she's like hey you know i'm talking to so and so who you like they like they both fuck street horner yeah yep both williams sisters one of my buddies did that uh one of my buddies did that too yeah i was like dated one of the twins in in high school for like a long like one of the like long-term high school slash out of high school relationships like three four years didn't didn't date her i mean broke up lots of time like you know whatever
Starting point is 01:51:19 six seven years and then started dating her identical twin sister. Wow. Twins. Yeah. I have a friend, a recent friend, someone I haven't been friends with for very long who slept with two sisters. Dying that time. That, I don't think so. But I think he went back and forth between them.
Starting point is 01:51:41 That would be weird. That's also weird. You think? For him or for her the hers i mean it depends on like how serious the situation is right like are you like are you like meeting the parents and shit too and showing up with sister a and then be like oh my goodness oh my goodness mr b and you're like it's me again got them both like how you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:52:05 That'd be weird. As you guys have seen several times on this show, from 60 feet out, I'm a kill shot. I'm just a kill shot. From 60 feet, I could fucking hit a squirrel off a fence. Bring in that heat. From 60 feet, I could bounce a golf ball of david weed's bald ass head uh but i do want to show you that there's only been one person who was able to duplicate my feet uh 131 uh garrett glinton uh formerly on this uh show
Starting point is 01:52:41 i also um have this when I, when I cut my hair, she said that I gave myself the Viking diet cut. And I actually, uh, she was a, what's that called? Like a,
Starting point is 01:52:53 not a men, kind of like a mentor or a, um, reference or a, a guide to how to cut my hair. Like, yeah. Like after I cut it,
Starting point is 01:53:03 she's like, did you do this? Did you do this? Did you do it higher you should do it shorter you should like go around the back but anyway here she is garrett glinton uh i don't know how far she is it says 42 years old no warm-up first try she's very athletic though i've been following her for a while she got some uh crazy hands too um uh the middle uh middle sign is the target girl standard okay, so She's trying to hit that white sign
Starting point is 01:53:29 On the dumpster over there Softball throw I don't know if I can do this, by the way Underhand's crazy Okay, here we go Garrett Glinton Softball throw There you go Wait, did she hit it? go. Garrett Glenn. Softball throw.
Starting point is 01:53:47 There you go. Wait, did she hit it? Yeah. Watch it again. It was like a stutter. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Booyah.
Starting point is 01:54:04 There you go. Crushing it. Yeah. Garrett is great. Yeah, there's two people now. Two great people in the world. Me and her. 50 try.
Starting point is 01:54:18 You think that was 50? I bet you she did that first try. Aaron, I saw this and honestly thought it was seven at first yeah we did the same haircut she's just only she's six inches taller than me and she and she's legit athlete she's uh legit um oh yeah jeremy uh e-world saw your comment up there i thought that was pretty funny i forgot to mention that. The ovaries to step up to the challenge. Yes, the ovaries, yes.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Let's play 127. I personally have never grabbed a random pussy. Have you ever walked up to a girl and just grabbed her twat? No. I believe you too, by the way, how you answered that. I believe you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:12 That would be pretty aggressive. Have you ever had a chick do the opposite to you? Walk up and just grab your junk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking nightclub hoes.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Yeah. Just walk around grabbing junk. This one time I had an airline. I had the hose. Yeah. Just walk around grabbing junk. One time I had an airline. I was standing in the aisle in an airplane. And a stewardess needed to let someone go by or something. And she pushed her butt up against my cock. Like just backed her ass up against me. Like arched? To let someone go by or something. And she pushed her butt up against my cock, like just backed her ass up against me. Like arch to let someone go by either way.
Starting point is 01:55:50 It was like crazy. Like, I felt like I did something wrong. You know what I mean? I was like, Oh, it's been like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:55:58 Like, I look like such a weirdo. I didn't play it casual at all. Like fell over. Yeah. Soccer ball the other way. totally no i would have but i couldn't go anywhere because i was pushed up against like a should have inserted your dominance and let her let her feel the wrath i'm trying to remember i think i think is when i used to fly coach
Starting point is 01:56:18 because i imagine it kind of happening in the back of the plane Years ago God Coach New York Disgusting Okay here we go She felt my three inches cave Adam Blakeslee I really hate this joke
Starting point is 01:56:45 hey dude any girl who pushes her butt up against my penis is hot I don't give a shit the story I don't she could be a fucking yeah we're focused on her face yeah sorry if there's any kids listening
Starting point is 01:57:07 I didn't mean that yeah any dude who pushes his butt up against my crotch is hot I'm good wait did you see Rambler's comment who uh I went to get my teeth clean and the dental hygienist had big boobs and the
Starting point is 01:57:23 boob was on my cheek and shoulder. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Rambler's now going back weekly for a cleaning. Dude. Dude. And let me tell you, I don't care if she's 112.
Starting point is 01:57:41 I'm fully enjoying that. Oh, that would be so awesome what a great teeth cleaning oh my goodness on the cheek too I mean the shoulders great but the teeth the cheek
Starting point is 01:58:03 oh my goodness all right here's the realist here we go this nigga i was saying to my motherfucking life you can get mad if you want to he don't look black yeah he's a new kind of nigga we got bird all man we got light skin we got dark skin we got purple butuckin' Now, we got a new kind of nigga, a tangerina nigga. Donald Trump is the realest nigga in the game. Him and his wife fought at the inauguration. He turned around and said, bitch, get your act together. Turned back around.
Starting point is 01:58:40 Did this motherfucker just check her ass? Today he won? That's nigga shit. He was in a press conference in a far country, pushed a prime minister out the way. Move, bitch. Here we go. I'm looking to take care of the country and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:58:59 Blah, blah, blah. Donald Trump turned around and said, Yeah, I grab a pussy from time to time Donald Trump is the realest nigga I ever seen oh my god that's hilarious
Starting point is 01:59:23 oh yeah oh yeah uh wow wow wow that's a shame that you changed your picture the first time i read this this these are this is incongruous is that a word is that a word incongruous My PT pushed his dinghy against my back For a one timer A long time For a long time And I didn't Olivia can you call in
Starting point is 01:59:55 Completely inappropriate Yeah That's what I mean That's how I know I'm a healthy dude. When that when that lady did that to me, like I was right away, like like every guy should feel guilty. Like, what am I doing standing here? Yeah, not cool. Oh, my goodness. I really want to know, like the con like the con throw up. But like, listen, if you're a dude and you want to push a penis against someone,
Starting point is 02:00:26 push it against another dude. I'm crying out loud. The door was closed? Wait a minute. That's... Bernie Gannon, incongruous is a word, but never heard it pronounced that way. Three seconds. More than three seconds more than three seconds hey have you ever seen those wrestling videos where it's two boys wrestling
Starting point is 02:00:55 and like it just shows like and they're in their singlets and it just shows like and one guy's got the other guy in a position and just shows like the penis and balls rub across the other guy's face or his penis gets caught under the other dude's chin. No. Jason Miller. The dental hygienist always puts her boobs on me.
Starting point is 02:01:14 It's fine. I go back. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Didn't want to tell my cop husband. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, because he'd shoot a motherfucker as he shaved. Oh, my goodness uh didn't want to tell my cop husband oh my goodness yeah because he'd shoot a motherfucker as he should oh my goodness that that thing was so inappropriate yeah number one like why in a personal training session like why is he that close number two why is you why are
Starting point is 02:01:39 you in a place with the door closed with like collar high that sketch yo i got a i got a funny story so i was doing handstand i was doing handstand push-ups as a demo for the class yeah yeah my coach my coach was go my coach was going over the positioning and uh what your hips should be doing but i had a you had a what you had a wet say it again i had to come again. I had to come off the wall because I was holding the position too long and I was getting tired. So she was going over what my hips should be. I came off the wall. So she tried to catch me because she doesn't fall. What she did was grab my talking balls so hard and everyone saw it.
Starting point is 02:02:22 It was the entire handful. She was mortified. It was great. Oh, my goodness. How about the guy who called sometime who accidentally took a picture? He's the HR guy, and he took a picture, and his junk was in the reflection of the fridge or the coffee maker or something. Yeah, that one's great. Oh maker or something. Yeah, that was great. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Yeah, everyone saw it. It was hilarious. I don't think I've had anyone ever accidentally like grab a handful of my stuff. I'm trying to think. And it wasn't like she pushed up against it. She like literally grabbed it. Hey, well you have
Starting point is 02:03:03 how many kids? I've had my kids do straight pull-ups on it before. I'm just wearing pants. I'm standing next to them. My 14-month-old son will just grab a handful of dick and just pull himself up. I mean, through my pants or my sweats. But you're like, yo, yo, easy, easy. That ain't a pull-up bar. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:03:23 I felt his penis. Oh. Oh, Olivia. Yikes. I'm sorry. That's fucking terrible. Oh, my goodness. Hey, you got to report that dude, don't you?
Starting point is 02:03:38 So he doesn't do it to, like, my sister or my mom or my wife. No, kids don't care. Kids don't care. Kids don't care. They'll grab you anywhere and pull themselves up. They don't give a shit. Hey, did you and her ever talk about it or it was just a silent like, oops? Yeah, we just assumed that it happened and we would never speak of it again.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Yeah, yeah. Everyone else saw it. Everyone else talked about it. Oh, we just assumed that it happened and we would never speak of it again. Yeah, yeah. Everyone else saw it. Everyone else talked about it. Oh, great. I had a very similar experience with like teaching an on-ramp class one time and I was helping with gymnastics and I went to go. I was looking at the group and I had the person up there demoing and I was like, yeah, you just go for the arc hollow swing.
Starting point is 02:04:21 And then right when she swung, it like like hand into boobage do you say anything you just you play it cool i completely said something i was like oh my god i'm i am sorry and she like thought it was hilarious and she's like it's fine i swung into it and i was like uh but because instead there's like six or seven people watching you know like they're all standing there watching and i'm like trying to explain a demo and it was like fine and i was like you know i've hit the accidental boob for sure boobs are just in the way uh olivia i feel shaky talking about it i bet yeah i bet i bet oh man oh yeah that's fucked alright have a good Sunday guys yeah thanks for calling you making bullets right now what are you doing
Starting point is 02:05:10 I'm closing my pool for the summer unfortunately oh sorry to hear that yeah okay bye Mrs. Burns from Sabbath Essentials I and I dropped into a gym this week
Starting point is 02:05:26 and I walked into a guy's mid-ass wipe before the class started oh into the bathroom oh man exactly where I would not want to be caught hey he was fingering his anus Yeah dudes I don't know
Starting point is 02:05:57 I wouldn't want my I wouldn't want my wife going to a male PT By herself I don't think I never even thought of it until just now Hey are, are there any waxers that are, I just assumed that the, the, the, the fuck is going on here. Let me see something real quick. Check something here real quick. Check something here real quick. Olivia, definitely sus.
Starting point is 02:06:28 You mean suspect? The guy? Yeah, dude. Guys don't rub their penis on something on accident. That was very purposeful. Oh, my God. Hi. Hi, Tuffy.
Starting point is 02:06:36 Hi. Twice in one morning. Does the person who does your waxings, is that a boy or a girl? Oh, my God. it's a girl you know who she is okay and and how about um the person who does your acupuncture boy or girl female how about the person who hooks you up to those electrodes and like tunes you in so that your frequency is like set to the right circadian rhythm she's a she's the same do you do any of those those appointments that you do daily there's all that's the girl stuff or any is any of it with um or that hippie stuff you do is any of it with boys
Starting point is 02:07:16 never it's all girls okay all right i love you does that make you feel better no just checking i i'm cool i'm confident male you can better? No, just checking. I'm cool. I'm a confident male. You can do what you want. Just checking. You got more confident knowing that, though. Yeah. All right. I love you. Bye. Pump takes care of that. Olivia, yeah, I just made all the excuses for it trying to justify it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:41 That sucks. Sorry. I can't speak for all males, but the healthy ones are all going to be attracted to you by looking at your picture. Well, she has a husband, too, so. Yeah, but still, she can't be alone. That can't be alone with dudes. Oh, yeah. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Okay. Yeah, like that, right? That can be alone with dudes. That is alone with dudes. Yeah. Doesn't he look like it? Look, aren't those lights at the ceiling? Doesn't it look like he's on all four just taking it right there? He's alone with dudes. Yeah. Doesn't he look like it? Look, aren't those lights at the ceiling? Doesn't it look like he's on all four just taking it right there?
Starting point is 02:08:08 He's in terror. That's like a prison scene. That's not the I'm giving it face. That's the I'm taking it face. Yep. Caught by surprise, maybe. Yeah. Insecure Lil Man. Sevan. Lil Man. Insecure Lil. Lil. uh insecure lil lil man
Starting point is 02:08:26 savon lil lil lil savon some gangsta shit lil alright joe neils is still going
Starting point is 02:08:41 i haven't seen his newest video i need to see it he's pulling up yeah i saw it last night but I was too tired to watch it. Yeah. Yeah. I was weirdly tired, but it took me so long to get to bed last night. By the time I saw Grace at the gym, did some stuff there, went back,
Starting point is 02:08:58 told my parents I was something at their house, came here, it was like... You don't seem tired. I'm 30. Good, that's good i really got out of the shower like jumped onto this i was like oh all right get up get up uh i i really like this piece sorry i'm stealing your job again i really like this one too this one's great god this one's so good there we go a new report just came out that says resumes including they them pronouns are more likely to be overlooked wow who would have
Starting point is 02:09:33 thought that employers do not want to hire someone who is going to be a giant pain in their fucking ass guaranteed anyways follow me for more by a new report i if you hire someone who has pronouns you are a complete moron there is a uh a company that we all know that did a dei hire at the highest level in the company because the guy was gay and then the guy ends up leaving and suing the company because he was discriminated against they all end that way anyone who has they them like just know that they're viewing the world through you can pretty much give them any ism you want so if you see a pronoun you you're you're it's safe it's safe to logically be like okay that's a racist that's a homophobic that's a sexist like you can start giving them those attributes and not only that that they're
Starting point is 02:10:38 going to be looking for it in the world right so they're going to be looking for things to be offended by um there was a uh there was a great tosh video someone sent me i wish i could uh man it's tosh and he's sitting in a room with a white woman a black man an asian guy and a mexican and i can't tell how much of it's a bit and real but tosh will be like if i say the word apple picker who's offended you know and then the black guys i'm offended and if he said if he goes if i say clink clunk who's offended and the asian lady's like i'm offended and he's like and it's just a it's the funniest bit ever dude if you see someone with pronouns and you hire them you're nuts hey i'm gonna try to say this to be ridiculous but i'm but i'm gonna drop a real wisdom bomb on you if you hire an albino to be a lifeguard you are asking for trouble They will get sunburned That's true
Starting point is 02:11:58 You hire a guy to be a window cleaner And he's only got one hand When he's on the 70th floor and he falls don't say i didn't tell you this isn't there is a place for prejudice discernment i'm not saying that there's people who can't overcome i'm just saying mugsy bogues is only going to be uh and spud weber a novelty and they're not going to last long in the NBA. Did they? How long did they last?
Starting point is 02:12:31 Yeah, yeah, Spoonface. He called someone. Yeah, that was a great bit. He said Spoonface, and the Asian lady got upset. And he's like, why? Spoonface. What were you going to say? No, I was just cracking up because like uh
Starting point is 02:12:46 i was like yeah i didn't know where you're going with that albino one at first i was like because i can't swim and you're like he's somebody's like ah yes yes yeah uh jake chapman thank you jake jake's feeling me here jake is that your body that That's you? You're a black dude? I thought you were a white English guy. No way. That's not him. I pictured him as being an albino dude. Kind of like pasty white dude from the Isle of Man. You're an employee. You employ a wine mulcher with no feet. Yeah. There are. There are, um, there are like, like, like insurance for boys is more expensive because boys crash more cars because they, they, they're more aggressive and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 02:13:37 People with red cars speed more, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I mean, there's, there are some some things of discernment and stereotypes that are just correct. I wouldn't hire someone... It's like old people when the ground is on level. Like there was this old person visiting me and they were walking around my backyard and they fell down. Because my backyard's not level. Like there's all like dirt clods and shit
Starting point is 02:14:05 yeah actuary tables that show all that yeah of course well said Bernie you should have your own podcast dude you're smart and he's already got headphones so Eric Utley a friend of mine is applying for jobs right now most companies applications application software has that the pronoun question built in almost every corporate company is now asking for pronouns wow hey if you see that and you want you can pretty
Starting point is 02:14:38 much guarantee you're gonna have a shitty job oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I have a friend who makes in the closer to a half million dollars a year than zero dollars a year. Worked in an engineering firm. I just heard this story a couple of days ago. there was a uh uh mexican lady who is a uh engineer in the firm and and then a bunch of white guys and it was an eclectic when i say mexican lady she was like from mexico and she would just openly just be racist and hate on the white people and no one could fucking say anything you couldn't report her you couldn't say anything because anytime anyone like spoke up against her like bad shit happened to them damn yeah damn my friend so my friend's so cool and nice and chill too it's crazy I can when he was telling me the story I was tripping she got that she got that minority privilege huh I
Starting point is 02:15:51 have another Ivan I will I gotta be careful here I have another friend who's I have another friend who's – what ethnicities are there to choose from? There's Asian, and I guess Asian is not an ethnicity. It's a race. I don't even know. What looks are there? There's Asian. There's Mexican. That's like there? There's Asian. There's Mexican.
Starting point is 02:16:26 That's like Latin. There's the brown. There's Asian. And then there's like brown people. Like just basically you're south of San Diego is all them. Okay. Then there's black people. That's like just Africans and Africans.
Starting point is 02:16:43 And then there's Asians. and that's like the Koreas and the Noms and the Chinas. Oh, I guess the Philippines. Pacific Islands. Indonesians, Asian. I'm trying to think of one I can pick that's like, there's not enough. That's it. That's all we have.
Starting point is 02:17:00 We only have four. You're either like some hybrid of brown, Asian, black or white that's it oh native american they're kind of asian what do they fall under they're like mexican and asian they're like latin and asian mix they're more asian yeah i think it's BIPOC. What's that? Bipolar? Bisexual? Something of color?
Starting point is 02:17:29 Bisexual people of color? Black indigenous people of color. What the fuck is that? Is that really something? Is that one? That just means African. If you're black and you're indigenous, you're African. Japanese is Asian. Anyway, just means african if you're black and you're indigenous you're african um japanese is asian anyway i have a friend and the the hr person is the same thing that he is
Starting point is 02:17:55 okay and the hr person told him hey you're good let me know if you need anything. Oh. I'm like, damn. Got you, bro. Yeah. You got that hall pass. Or it could be, oh, I got you, bro. Oh, you're very good. What about Indian?
Starting point is 02:18:17 What about Indian? Oh, don't worry. You can eat rice. You can eat rice by your computer. I will not tell anyone. You do the kamsala. What do You do the kamsala.
Starting point is 02:18:26 What do they do? Damsala. What do Indian people eat? You eat your curry damsala soup by your computer. I will not turn you into nobody. I do not let the Mexicans eat the burritos or the blacks eat the watermelon. But you, you Indian, my friend, you eat the damsala soup, curry soup by your computer. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:18:43 What's the soup called? Damsala or something something i don't know no not not not come salad either no no no heidi not the consulate uh um oh arabs i guess arabs okay yeah uh heidi you're usually not so crass you usually uh i mean not that i minded at all but you're usually more subtle she came in hot with that one yeah you're a little more nuanced a little more nuanced i wonder if she thought twice before writing that you know what i mean like she would insinuate that it was come but she wouldn't say come life source salad would be more her vibe i feel like they them on the application you're crazy if you hire that you're crazy if you hire someone with blue like you see blue hair crazy hey all you have to do is be 51 accurate i'm not saying it's i'm not i'm just saying discernment uh you see
Starting point is 02:19:54 something did you see the head on the puff adder you see a snake with a head like that run do you want me to show you guys in case you guys forgot what a puff adder looks like puff adder head puff adder a pewter head no not pewter head puff adder uh head they have a head right yes yeah i'm gonna show you this head if you see this, if you see someone with blue hair or a head that looks like this, don't hire them. Do you know what's in that head? Do you know why the head is shaped like that? Anyone?
Starting point is 02:20:38 That's where the fangs are. The hollow fangs that fire the venom into you. the hollow fangs that fire the venom into you do you know why people have blue hair do you know what they're hiding in there blue hair god it's so stupid it's it's like it's true it's i'm gonna dye my hair blue please it just screams you're an idiot and hey maybe you're not i'm not saying you are
Starting point is 02:21:16 i'm just telling you what it screams in general like it's a healthy like that's a healthy reaction like if you see like if you if you see if you see, if you see, if you, if you saw Andrew Hiller walking down the street and he'd been on test and he's on testosterone and you don't take a double look at take at him, you're like, well, yeah, like he is, he's jacked out of his mind. The same thing with blue hair. Like there's no one has blue hair. There's nothing natural about it. It's not in the wild. There's no, I think like a parrot is a parrot the only blue haired thing probably sorry andrew was was uh i'm just saying in general maybe there's a puff outer out there who was born without venom and you judged him wrong by running away.
Starting point is 02:22:09 It's okay. Jeremy, world moral of today's episode, don't get head from puff daddy. That's a good takeaway. Great takeaway, Jeremy. Baboons have blue hair. Do't do they no they got that on their anus where where do they have blue hair oh they got like what i don't know i don't think baboons have blue hair oh oh oh oh wow wow wow okay hey no there's never been a real
Starting point is 02:22:50 picture taken of a baboon they're all cgi don't don't do that don't do that if you do that again i'm gonna start reminding you about october 4th don't do that if you do that again I'm going to start reminding you about October 4th don't do that don't fuck with me only three days away that's good you had me
Starting point is 02:23:15 I was like what the fuck have you ever seen one in person I've never been there alright my mom raised me with manners I'll be the judge of that Have you ever seen one in person? I've never been there. All right. My mom raised me with manners. Let's see. I'll be the judge of that.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Mom raised me with manners. So I've always been super nice. Yes, sir. No, sir. No, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Thank you. I would open the door for people all the time.
Starting point is 02:23:39 I always would open the door for people. And in the South, that's normal. You open the door for someone, they say, thank you. I moved to L.A. They don't know what thank you is. I don't even think they know how to spell thank you in LA. So many people just walk through the door, and I would get mad. You're welcome. I would get mad.
Starting point is 02:23:51 To the point where I stopped opening doors for people in LA and in general. And I remember going on tour, and I remember being in the South, and I remember just not opening the door for someone. I remember just walking through, and it was some older lady. And she goes, you're just going to let the door close on me. And I was like, oh, I'm sorry. I just let the door close. I didn't open the door because I was so annoyed with people not saying thank you. I got conditioned. I became the rude one. You know, you know that quote, like don't let the world change your smile. Let your smile change the world. That's how I feel
Starting point is 02:24:22 about opening the door for people. You don't open the door for thank you. I was opening the door. I was getting mad and I stopped because people wouldn't thank me. I'm not opening the door. You don't open the door for someone because you want to thank you. You open the door for someone because you're a good person. Keep opening doors for people. My mom raised me with manners, so I've always been super nice. Strong message. No, sir. No, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Thank you. Strong message. Set your standards. Jake Chapman, you become
Starting point is 02:24:54 your environment if you're weak. Oh, something happened with your mic. You can't hear me? No, it's okay now. You become your Jake Chapman, you become your environment if you're weak. No. Matt Burns, great question.
Starting point is 02:25:10 Seve, if you were still a demotard, retard 19, RTRD 19, would you dye your hair blue? No. No. No. Here's the thing. That's the problem that it's swung out to mental illness. There's degrees. I never made it past. stopped at like hey uh let's do the right thing and let people of all uh skin color have an equal chance to get into college like that was the lie i was living when the truth is when then eventually you realize that hey i think that um black people aren't smart enough to get into college and therefore i'm going to take places away from white people and or asian people or whoever the fuck's getting in these days
Starting point is 02:26:07 my mic is loud i have it turned way down no it's just that once it was it seems normal how we all show now oh it was just really like weirdly loud and almost so i didn't make i didn't make it past that's the that and that is the thing that's why so many um democrats are kind of struggling right now is because they don't want to be a part of the progressive movement they want to be like yeah we kind of just feel a little bit sorry for the mexican uh people who work in the hotels not not like so sorry that like like we don't want the jobs and and they're realizing like hey dude there is no middle ground on that and and they're realizing like like hey dude there is no middle ground on that you know i mean like like there was the there's the liberals like yeah great um equality for all
Starting point is 02:26:54 but can the blacks not live in my neighborhood they didn't say that part out loud right and now it's like you can't you can't do that it's not gonna work you're not gonna that. It's not going to work. You're not going to, that still makes you a piece of shit. And they're having to come to terms with it. And it's cool. It's cool. It's actually kind of, if they do come to terms with it, it's kind of cool.
Starting point is 02:27:19 If they don't, we just fall into pure chaos. And that's what's crazy too. The people who've been on the receiving end of this of that treatment some of them don't want to get out of the treatment like p did he he doesn't want to get out of the treatment he likes the treatment well the benefits from it yeah he yeah yeah exactly he'd rather have the benefits right exactly and of course he would he's already top of the food chain him lebron oprah obama they're at the top of the food chain god forbid everyone have an equal
Starting point is 02:27:54 chance they believe in equity remember equity is prison that we have there's our places in the united states where there's equity already all the prisons have equity that's what it looks like same sheet same toothbrush three different kinds of chips to choose from everyone goes out of the yard at the same time those are 15 minute cities that prisons are that's exactly what that is it's prisons it's it's an awesome um example of eight level playing field yeah it's great it's awesome can't rise to the top can't fall to the bottom the crime and violence in places where there's just pure equity is absolutely nuts too because it's how people get ahead. This is old, but I got to show you guys anyway,
Starting point is 02:28:50 because I got to get it off my list. Let's see. Hey, guys, we are continuing to surge in the race, and that means the knives are continuing to come out. So we're going to keep debunking the myths as they come up, because I think it's important to be transparent and address criticisms. That's part of what it means. If you can't handle the heat, you stay out of the kitchen. And I'm running for president of the United States. So we're going to address any of these criticisms as they come out.
Starting point is 02:29:11 A couple of the favorites from the last couple of days. One is this funny, relatively old, hackneyed one that they're pulling back out that I somehow made a lot of money off of some failed Alzheimer's drug. Wrong. Actually, you know what is true is I did develop a drug for Alzheimer's disease. And like 99.7% of drugs that have ever been tested for Alzheimer's, thousands of other drugs, mine was one of the many that also didn't work. That's just a fact of life. If you're developing medicines, some of them aren't going to work. And in the area of Alzheimer's disease, almost none of them work. Now the mythology is somehow that I made money
Starting point is 02:29:47 off this failure, that's wrong. My company Roivant set up a subsidiary, Axavant, that Roivant could have sold shares in, that I could have sold shares in before that failure. We didn't. In fact, many people would call that honorable. That was extremely painful to me when that drug failed. So how did I make my money then?
Starting point is 02:30:06 Well, it turns out that I worked on a number of other medicines, five of which are FDA approved today. One for prostate cancer, another for endometriosis and uterine fibroids. What did he say? Hockneyed? Hockneyed? There's these people coming in with these Hockneyed. Ohed coming out with knives or something but he also said something like Hackneyed Hackneyed Hockneyed
Starting point is 02:30:32 searching for Hackneyed Hockneyed Hockneyed Hockneyed Hockneyed I found it lacking significance through having Hackenide? I found it. Lacking significance through having been overused.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Hackneed. David Weed is just in my head constantly. He's hackneyed. He's overused and lacks significance. But he's still in there. He mispronounced hackneyed. Hackneyed? He meant to say hackney?
Starting point is 02:31:24 Yeah. Ironically, in me saying he meant to pronounce it I also mispronounced it car salesman's vibe yeah I get that from biden is hackneyed oh do we have a podcast tomorrow yep where's my phone two who's on tomorrow
Starting point is 02:31:48 we got david sheffield i do believe oh yeah and then who and then who's in the evening dave driscoll oh wow okay shit i'm busyll the guy's name who's coming on. Which name? David Sut... David what? S-U-T. Oh, Sutcliffe. Sutcliffe, yep. Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 02:32:19 Wow. But it's all, my entire framework and how I view the world has all been one massive rationalization. This is him talking to Andrew Tate. It's let me build a reality, which is exactly what I want it to be. You must know that that has limitations. That guy's beard does the same thing to him that my beard does to me.
Starting point is 02:32:54 It makes him look like 30 years older. Well, cool. Wow, this is is gonna be fun yeah look at all those cigars on the table hmm alright so that guy's coming on tomorrow morning
Starting point is 02:33:22 that's awesome alright I have to drop a deuce I gotta head to the gym in a couple minutes too Thank you everybody See you tomorrow morning We don't have a show tonight No show tonight My kid's birthday is coming up
Starting point is 02:33:39 And this week It's this week I know I didn't tell you I wonder if that's going to mess with our schedule. Is it Tuesday? It's the third. Yeah. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 02:33:56 Yeah. Who do we have on the third? Greg, Greg and Dale. Yep. What about the fourth? What about Wednesday? The fourth. I don't think, uh, Brendan Facundo. Dale coming on. What about the fourth? What about Wednesday, the fourth? I don't think
Starting point is 02:34:07 Brendan Facundo. Oh, okay. Those are both easy. Yeah. And then Thursday will be switched out, most likely. I gotta all confirm that today. And Friday will be fun.
Starting point is 02:34:24 Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Smooth. Cave Dastro. See you in your head later. Sebi. No problem. October.
Starting point is 02:34:35 I really appreciate it. It's been fun watching you and listen, people listen. I'm about to drop a bomb. It's been really fun watching cave Dastro and David Weed making 12 daily doses airtight in my head. Think about that. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 02:34:53 Bye-bye.

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