The Sevan Podcast - The Professionally Offended | Live Call In

Episode Date: September 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:08 Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning. Hey, hello. Hello. Hello. Jake, thank you. I appreciate the excuse. Savon's getting a link.
Starting point is 00:01:18 What's up, Sousa? You in a hotel room? What's up? I'm in a business center in a hotel, yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. I didn't want to yell in the breakfast area. It was a little bit more crowded than I thought it would be.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Do you remember the time I did the show from the lobby in the Hilton? And where was that? You were in LA. That was Thanksgiving. Oh, wow. Good memory. Yeah. Stephen Flores, Trish is dead.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And now Hiller is blocked. What the fuck is wrong in this world? Yeah, what happened to Hiller's account? I just was looking at some of the stuff on there. It looks like it got suspended. I don't know what that means. On a technicality. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I got a DM last night from the Mikey Swoosh guy the fittest dwarf a threatening DM it was a clip god I wish I could play it but it was a clip from my podcast saying that if I ever mention his name again
Starting point is 00:02:22 basically threatening me it said if you ever talk about me subtly again I'm going to it was something threatening because he didn't like he was going to it was a clip from my own podcast
Starting point is 00:02:39 that he was going to use against me dude I must have a lot of fucking time on his hands he's That he was going to use against me. Dude I must have a lot of fucking time on his hands. He's threatening to cancel me. I wonder if he did something to Hiller. Like reported his account or something. Yeah. And then all these people are telling me.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That that guy's losing his mind. The Mikey. The fittest dwarf dude. I can't see his account anymore. I don't know if I ever could see it. I'm assuming he blocked me. Hiller is Trish. Wow. You think that when.
Starting point is 00:03:17 His account went down. No. No. Trish actually made a post saying she died in a motorhome accident. Or her husband did or yeah ron ron uh came on her instagram and said that that trish was gone and now the whole thing's gone yeah that's kind of cool actually hi athena good actually. Hi, Athena. Good morning. I think what happened was, is this, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yon Clark, it's cause you dropped the end bomb. Yeah. That was the clip in there was me asking him why it's okay. Why he's so upset that, um, what the words Lauren used from a movie clip while he has no problem using music
Starting point is 00:04:07 with any word he wants and so now he's taking that clip that shows him as a hypocrite to use it to cancel me I think he also he's trying to cancel or I don't know what he's trying to do with Lorne but someone told me that he
Starting point is 00:04:22 he reached out to training think tank or something and said something along the lines like, Hey, you guys shouldn't train her. Hey, someone else sent me a clip that he was on the Clydesdale podcast. And he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:41 I don't, he's basically saying, I don't get bothered by anything because I'm a dwarf. When I was little, my mom told me that I need to suck it up and we never play the victim. The man, not only does this guy play the victim, but he's demanding that other people play the victim. He said he he doesn't care what people call him. But for some reason he now. And so instead of sharing that advice and he basically
Starting point is 00:05:06 said his mom said that if you don't care what other people call you it leads to happiness you'll never be happy if you don't get over it and yet he uses this platform of his to demand that other people be offended which the irony is is when someone sent me that clip that's my exact point as he recruits others to be offended. I wonder if that dude has anything to do with, um, Hiller's account being shut down. He, the guy's on a full canceling mission every.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yeah. He's angry. He got, I think yesterday's show rocked him. I didn't mention him by name. And normally I would never out some people have sent me some pretty fucked up shit in my DMs. I would never out someone like that. By the way, you guys know 1200 shows in.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I don't think I've ever told you what anyone sent me in my DMs without asking them first. But he basically threatened me. Not basically. He did threaten me. He sent he sent me a he sent me a clip of the show being like, if you if you ever subtly mention me again, I'm going to... And then he didn't say what he was going to do. We're talking about the fittest dwarf guy. I think he actually is that.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I can't see his account anymore. Show us the DM. Hey, you think he that like the world's a better place now like does he realize that this is all just like a selfish pull now like now it's like uh it's clearly it's a personal thing for him so he's going but do you actually think that in his mind he's like look i've helped others by doing this i can't uh that's That's the crazy part. He says in this video that his mom told him that like, hey, in order to get over stuff, you just have to accept it and move on.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Life's not fair. And yet he's demanding that other people be hurt and not get the lesson his mom gave him. No, he doesn't fucking know. He doesn't know. He doesn't realize that if the world was like people like me, as opposed to him, everything would be chill. Everyone would just be happy and chill. He demands doesn't realize that if the world was like people like me as opposed to him we would everything would be chill everyone would just be happy and chill he demands that this anger and hatred be
Starting point is 00:07:09 around hey you know what he blocked me so i don't think i can i couldn't find the dm let me see if i took a picture of it you know it's funny yes yes yes look at so here it is it says talk about me subtly on your podcast again dot dot dot and then he sent a link to the video which is like basically threatening i had to watch the video 20 times to understand what he was even saying and the irony is is it's me calling him out for being a hypocrite but for some reason that would cancel me it was fucking amazing you're still canceling people that's still a fucking thing dude he's on a mission that shit drives me nuts you're not helping anybody you've helped nobody nothing i was uh what have we what uh have uh we ever said
Starting point is 00:07:59 negatively negatively about him well yesterday i was saying yesterday yesterday with i didn't say his name but i was saying on the show hey i pointed i point i went to his instagram and i saw that he has no problem with using racial slurs none at all like it's just littered on with songs on his account that have racial slurs he loves music art same with me he loves music artists that use racial slurs. Me too. I'm fucked. But he – I was pointing out the hypocrisy that he's upset that Lorne quoted a movie or showed a clip from a movie that uses the word retard where he has no problem using songs with racial slurs. And so that really pissed him off, right? And he's on a mission he's on a crazy mission just reporting me to he's got basically going through it's nuts by the way another thing he's telling people um and i've been through this already that there's ndas from women regarding me in my entire 51 years never it never once has a woman ever made a complaint about me that i know
Starting point is 00:09:07 about i don't even know what an nda is i've never signed anything i was never accused of anything i was never written up i was never even like mentioned in a um nothing in my whole entire life like like nothing. And he's, he's, he's doing that shit. He's going around telling people that shit. I think he wrote it in his post. Someone sent me a screenshot of his post. Yeah, I, well, I'm probably one was really offended because he used the word cancer.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And I know a lot of people that have had cancer and the fact that he's using it in that way really offends me and everybody else who has had it. So I don't even think that that should be valid because we should look at the language he's using and then perhaps find another way that we could do it without offending so many people. So you're saying cancer is a serious disease that kills people and could trigger people to remember people who've died in their life of cancer. And yet he's lowering the severity of the word by attributing it to me. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:04 That's what he just did. Wow. I can't believe it. You guys should all go over there and demand that he delete that. The fucking irony. You want to see what just absolute hypocr hypocrite he is, go over to the Clydesdale podcast and look at all the shit he told
Starting point is 00:10:28 what's the guy's name over there? Mr. Schweitzer. Scott Schweitzer. Mary Monsoor, I'm offended every time someone talks about his big nose because that means I probably also have a big nose and I'm offended. Everyone stop listening to this podcast. I know. It's like that. That's pretty much the logic.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay. Anyway. Part of me does realize that like, even though I didn't say him by name, if he saw the show yesterday he probably like he's probably been in a tailspin ever since he's probably tripping someone said that he's been up all night just sending DMs to everyone who knows me and by the way I wouldn't have read
Starting point is 00:11:20 that I wouldn't have another reason I wouldn't have read that but he sent that to everyone he made a post basically he threatened me with this and then didn't wait didn't wait and and actually released it on his instagram he basically said on his instagram he he he went after me on his instagram it's like dude you didn't even give me a chance to like oh my god i'm so sorry you didn sorry. You didn't even give me a chance. Yeah. What a place. What a time we live in, huh?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Have you listened to 1984 recently? No, but I need to. Dude, you absolutely need to. When I to michigan the other week i was listening to it and fuck it is it is now it is here it's crazy that book is so spot on are we getting breaking news right now is that what's happening no i'm reading i'm reading what he wrote on his Instagram. He says, I want to make life easier for people with disabilities
Starting point is 00:12:27 to be able to walk around outside without someone shouting a slur at them and their family and taking their picture or harassing them while they walk their dogs down the road. Meanwhile, I'm going to demand that everyone be offended. You're not trying to make anything easier for anyone. Dude, the easiest way is to take the advice your mom gave you that you told Scott Switzer on the Clydesdale podcast. Why?
Starting point is 00:12:55 He presents himself as someone he's so not. It's so fucking crazy. Someone in the chat said, hey, we shouldn't even talk about him. It's the most attention he's ever gotten, and he's just starved for attention. I might say the biggest event that's ever happened. Yeah. Yeah. In his life?
Starting point is 00:13:13 I don't know. Hey, dude, at least I'm not lying about you. How's that? How about the fact that you're lying about me, saying i was involved in some sort of ndas it's funny how he's taking something and basically under the guise of um explaining how language hurts people but then but then taking that and then actually trying to to stop people from what they're pursuing, right? Like that language didn't stop anybody that was on the post. But yet now he's taken that, he's manifested it,
Starting point is 00:13:50 and then he's made it like real in the sense of trying to actually stop people from pursuing what they do in their jobs or their careers. Right, right. Like nothing on Lauren's post is going to stop anybody from doing anything, right? You might see it and go, oh my gosh, this upsets me because I don't know how to control my emotions or I have no sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And then he's going to manifest that, tell a story in his head, get himself all wound up, and then literally try to go after and stopping somebody from pursuing what they're trying to do in life. That's insane. Does he not know that he is the villain? Yeah, no, he doesn't know he doesn't know he's bullying her trying to cancel her by the way dude mikey there's something i i there's something i had a very serious focused a conversation with someone today because i was a little bit concerned for you because here's the deal. Now that you open this can of worms, it's going to follow you forever. And some people aren't made for that. Like some people aren't made for that. Like you outed yourself as being
Starting point is 00:14:57 woke and all the things that come with it. You demand that people see skin color, sex, like you prey on people's weaknesses and sex like you prey on people's weaknesses and you validate yourself through other people's weaknesses and that's and i know that because because people like you have come at me before and it follows me everywhere like every time i go somewhere someone's like well i don't know me uh are you sure i heard that he had to sign an nda like like what you're doing to me now it's followed me everywhere and so i was thinking to myself fuck if i talk about this guy and it gets out and by the end of today 30 000 people are going to see it and know what you what you are it's fall if it's going to follow you the rest
Starting point is 00:15:40 of your life dude like everyone's gonna know you demand you demand that people be offended like that's that's gonna stay with you for so long now dude not you pool boy not you different mikey the fittest dwarf mikey so i i hope you're uh you wrote you wrote something you'd rather be hated than be a bigot. But dude, at some point you're going to come to terms with the fact that you're the bad guy. Everyone else loves everyone. Everyone else is accepting of everyone. And it's you who's causing the division.
Starting point is 00:16:20 At some point, and it's going to be so fucking weird for you to reconcile that because then you're still going to have to carry what you did with you. I don't have to carry what I did with me because I didn't do anything. It's just people like you who make shit up about me. And when I sing rap songs, I'm very proud of the fact that when I sing rap songs, I sing the whole fucking song. I'm very proud of the fact that i that um i have friends of all color that accept me uh lick sebon spouting acceptance again uh lick saying passive aggressive pointless comments again give you an example of rap lyrics i sing that's what you want oh my goodness yeah i am black and i'm proud okay anyway i'm sure that this isn't the end of um
Starting point is 00:17:27 i'm sure this isn't the end of, um, I'm sure this isn't the, uh, I'm sure this isn't the end of it. I'm sure this isn't the end. Uh, Clark Matthews, uh, Mikey swoosh on a mission to cancel the OG voice. It's promoting adaptive athletes at the games. I could go on. It's crazy, Clark. I could go on and on. Here's the thing. I'm not even trying to promote it. I like those people. I don't have any – I'm not choosing anyone to be on my show.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I don't think of them as even adaptive. I'm just tripping that Casey Aikry's missing arm. I think he's cool as shit. I love what Jedediah S. Nelson's doing. I'm so curious. But I hear you. Yeah, I know. The irony again.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Oh, by the way, speaking of which, you know who I saw at the NorCal Classic? Do you remember that lady Kim we had, the blind lady on the show? Yes, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw her. She didn't see me. Okay. Now I have a soundboard.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh, damn. there she didn't see me okay i don't have a soundboard i like when you do it because it makes me look so much better at it. I'm like a professional. I just started hitting buttons. I know. Holy shit. I saw her, but she didn't see me. Thank you. Good morning, Bone.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Bone, Carlos, what's up? Seve, what was the name of the 82-year-old hottie you showed us? You mean the one that's only been eating meat for 65 years? That's crazy. I forget her name. If you go to Anthony Chafee's Instagram account, that's the doctor out of Australia. Hey, dude, you know something else I saw yesterday? YouTube is now following the American Medical Association and World Health Organization guidelines again.
Starting point is 00:19:35 You cannot say anything about you can't you can't the KETO diet. You're not supposed to mention that now. Because the American Medical Association is against it. Holy shit, we are in a full-blown... A thought, please. Dude, it's crazy. Don't you question us. Front tail.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Oh, no, you guys. Oh, geez. All right. That phrase, by the way, makes me really uncomfortable. Front tail. Yeah. But your uncle Buck used to use to get you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It's OK. Show me your front tail. That's the first time I tasted the fur. You have such a beautiful front tail. I don't even want to say the word because I don't want it to become part of my vernacular. Yeah, don't let it stick. Hey, you're worried about what I'm using and there's words like front tail? My goodness.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Hey, how about the irony of that he promotes a word and a behavior and a lifestyle on his instagram through the music he listens to that he disdains and when i call him out on it he reports me for using the word that he's promoting what a fucking bizarre world we live in. Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness. Hey, it's the... It's the posse going out and looking for the bad guy
Starting point is 00:21:25 but the bad guy's riding in the posse right he's the one yelling yeah mikey swoosh is the racist and the bigot and the hypocrite and the and the hater and the guy who doesn't like people and the like he's the cancer but he's riding with us being like look there he is look there he is get him like Everyone's like, dude. Eaton Beaver, good morning. Susie, you look yoked today. Oh, thank you. He probably did 50 pushups before we came on.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah, yeah, get the arms in there. Yeah. He is yoked. Seve, don't let the news cycle let that Delta Bravo Bruce Bryce Smith off the hook I don't know there's nothing to add to that I don't think I can tell you how I I can tell you how i i watched that video that hillar made and um my two
Starting point is 00:22:31 thoughts were i hope bryce handles that well and my second thought was is like there were things those things some of those things that hillar brought up in his notes like ariel lowen or rich froning i wrote down in my notes to bring back up to him and i didn't i should have said there's some things that i wish i would have gently said like hey what do you mean rich's reps are perfect or what everyone knows ariel lowen trained out of like a an affiliate that wasn't an affiliate and then now trains out of like everyone but yeah he he obviously inspired Hiller to... I mean, Hiller said, hey, when the video went up, he goes, it's a long video. Tell me if you get bored anywhere in it.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And I watched it and I didn't get bored anywhere in it. And that's the feedback I gave him. I was like, wow. Nope, I didn't get bored anywhere in it. And that's the feedback I gave him. I was like, wow. Nope, I didn't get bored. And I heard the Fikowski. I liked it when he said that. I mean, Bryce has his own affect of talking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'm honestly just... Yeah. I don't know. I was going to gonna say I don't know if it's true I don't know what the situation I'm a little uncomfortable with it I need that to settle down a little bit that's like both of these situations are so hot it's like damn people got so fucking wound up. And. I mean there's clearly a massive. Between swoosh. And what's happening. There's a massive disconnect. Something is.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Trying to think of a way to say it. Without being negative towards him. It's like running he's run into a brick wall and he's just blaming the wall like he like there's a piece he's not seeing it's like no dude you ran into it and he just wants to just blame and blame the brick wall and so he's right 50 of what he's saying is right but the other part like yeah that like there's bad words out there and there's words that hurt people's feelings and blah blah blah that's 100 right the part he's missing is is that his own his own person some anger some somewhere he's been hurt is making it that he's demanding that that running into that brick wall keep happening over and over and over and over again probably that third booster uh licks uh seven you're also getting blacklisted on youtube again something is happening i know it uh started on august first
Starting point is 00:25:21 what's crazy is our number our impressions are at an all-time low, but our numbers are at an all-time high. So it's something, something's, so many of you subscribed or so many of you are listening that it's not changing anything. But yeah, they're making a attempt. Yeah, it's definitely being a. Look at all the, all the mics are freaking out.
Starting point is 00:25:42 All the mics are freaking out. Not me. No, it's not Mr. McCaskey. And so I don't know who's going to – if that guy, Mikey Swoosh, goes back and listens to the podcast he did with Clydesdale Media, he should try to be the guy he portrays in that. I mean the guy he portrays himself as the guy that I like to think that I am too I mean some a lot of shit still offends me but at the end of the day I know I ran into that Rick Wall it's me it's how it's who I think I am so he thinks he's something and um yeah uh Scott Schweitzer this shit pisses me off if you disagree make a statement but someone's
Starting point is 00:26:25 livelihood take it away is three steps too far yeah that's what he's doing he's reached out to he's reached out to already this morning like 20 people are like hey this fucking guy's reached out to me and he's saying this about you and it's not it's not even close like if you want to show people the clip from my video from the show go for it i'm i freedom freedom of speech i don't say anything bad about anybody and in that clip nothing i say nothing derogatory but uh but but yeah he's trying to make it so like i can't like i can't put food on my table or andrew yeah basically can't if he's involved with uh andrew's um instagram account being pulled down yeah it's pretty it's pretty gross stuff and and lauren fisher trying to make it so that she can't get her coaches
Starting point is 00:27:14 feel intimidated by him and his bullies um but how do you not how do they not see that that's what i want to know oh how does he not see what he's doing yeah like how like like has he put no thoughts like you're the bad guy but you're blaming you're pointing other people being i don't know once again he only sees half of it he's only he always takes it's zero accountability it's just pure like he's just gone into pure victim pure victim yeah it's crazy it's crazy hey and there will be fallout it'll work it'll work there will be fallout like what do you mean the fallout will be like they'll like people will believe what he says
Starting point is 00:28:03 um they'll someone someone will actually think that like, for like, that I did something bad. Um, someone will, the, the stories will continue that like somehow I had to sign some NDAs or, or some girls had to sign some NDAs. Like he'll, he'll spread that. That'll go, there'll be a little bit of lull or something crazy, you know, for me, like there'll be some, someone will try else someone else will try to pile on to that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Some follower, some loser. There'll be some fallout. And then I'll just come back stronger. There'll just be a cycle like it does every time. Do you know what I mean? It's not. And then I'll keep going and he'll be stuck that's the part that i'm worried about for him a little bit someone someone else
Starting point is 00:28:51 is like when i was talking with someone this morning about they're like dude he brought it upon himself i'm like i know but i don't think people realize how much how weird it is when this follows you the rest of your life especially if you don't if you're not if you're not in the situation I'm in. I'm in a good situation. I'm in a great situation. I also think Ron killed Trish. Oh, what do you think happened there? I also think Ron killed Trish. Oh, what do you think happened there? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Emily had a comment earlier period. She said that the best way to avoid detection is to be the detective. And that was like you talking about Swoosh over there pointing and being like, hey, go get him. Now I'm thinking that that's the same situation with Ron and Trish. Yeah, explain to me. Explain to me. Meaning what? ron and trish yeah explain explain to me explain to me um explain me meaning what meaning like he was uh maybe ron was getting a little jealous of trisha's popularity maybe he just wanted to eat some cheetos and uh kick back he didn't want to live the crossfit methodology lifestyle so he he cut those freaking brake lines and
Starting point is 00:30:01 and ran the rv into a ditch. Wait a second. But there is no real Trish. It's all a story. The fictitional character was killed. We don't know that. Oh, you're fucking giving me the EBGBs. You're making me feel uncomfortable. I think the story might have just getting started.
Starting point is 00:30:21 You're making me feel like I'm retarded. Stephen Flores, Ron crashes the RV and our beloved Trish was wearing a seatbelt. Wasn't wearing a seatbelt. And the whole account is gone. And Hiller got shut down too. What would Hiller say?
Starting point is 00:30:42 There are no coincidences. Yeah. He told me he thinks mikey swoosh did it reported him at into instagram yeah i definitely believe that how did hillar get drug into the mikey swoosh thing he's not involved in that at all is he i don't think so dude you guys andrew Hiller is one of the most square people I know. He really doesn't swear. He doesn't drink. He holds the door open even longer than me for people.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Dude, he's the kind of weirdo who would run across the street and help someone put luggage in their car at the airport while the cops are yelling at him to move his car. I'm telling you, the guy is a – he's got a little bit of dork in him there's nothing bad about andrew hiller if you go out to eat with them too you got to be quick because he'll pay for it before you get a chance to too all that all of it yep yeah he's a noble cat cat a tank reeves jesus watch kill tony seven you're fine well that's the other thing uh Stephen Flores, Savon is like a hydra. Cut one head off and he grows two more. So I really don't think I'm – I try not to be mean to people. I'm not perfect at it, but I am going to be here every morning at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:31:57 It is – I am kind of a feature. So act accordingly. Howie DeWitt, Mikey Swoosh just released a sex tape with Trish and Trish is in hiding. Bryce just humbly reported it. Oh, shit. Perfect. Sean Sullivan, Mikey Swoosh is like Peter Dinklage. God, he's amazing
Starting point is 00:32:25 Taking away acting roles from other dwarves I assume that we're allowed Are we going to get reported for saying the word dwarf Are you allowed to do I thought that was the proper term Yeah Isn't it I have no idea
Starting point is 00:32:44 It changes all the time anyways hey do you think if it wasn't the proper term they'd have to change snow white and the seven dwarfs just snow white and the seven midgets or snow white and the seven small statured people or snow white and the vertically challenged or yeah i just think they'd make them all non-binary and then they'd probably cancel each other out snow white in the non-binary i have a bit in here i'm so non-binary i looked up the word the other day i'm as non-binary as they get what do you have the definition i don't really know what that means it's basically when you don't know your gender oh that's it when you don't know your gender. Oh. That's it.
Starting point is 00:33:26 When you don't have a gender. My gender is fluid as fuck. And I mean that. That's not a sarcasm or a bit or anything. Why the fuck would I choose a gender? Okay. I want to show you guys something. This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:42 This lady is a CrossFitter. I used to work with this lady. She's 63 years old. You're not even going to believe what i'm about to show you this lady uh her name is judy omaya um she was the i think she was the head of our graphics department my memory is just a blur she's a great lady i loved working with her incredibly fucking um yeah savvy identifies as pimp thank you p-i-m-p another great song another great song i'm on a whole uh i'm going through all my old rap songs to see what like my kids are watching the a-team and the six million dollar man and then i'm going through old rap songs right now for my kids to hear so
Starting point is 00:34:26 i'm kind of in a rap phase old school rap like when i was old school like yeah run bmc utfo um um even nwa i was thinking is like maybe too recent. Too recent. You know, just like the stuff that I really started with. Rodney O and Joe Cooley. Vittorio. Yeah, great rap for us. I like Notorious. Are you talking about Bone Thugs-N-Harmony?
Starting point is 00:35:04 I like them. Maybe even they're too new. I'm trying to go back. Classic 2 Live Crew. Yeah, I don't know if my kids are ready for that. Oh, I'll pull these up because you're away. Okay, I'm going to pull this up.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Okay, I can try. I'm on the laptop. No, no, fuck it. I'll pull this up. So, this is her on the laptop. No, no, fuck it. I'll pull this up. So, this is her on the left. She's 63. Dude, this is insane. Crossfitter. Santa Cruz chick.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Look at her. Damn. Yeah. Dude, that chick has seen some shit. 63-year-old Japanese pro skater. Female. That's impressive. She got stories.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah. Wow. Qualified 10th against everyone first in the women's pro. Keeping me on my toes. Oh, she's there. She's going against the number in the women's pro. Keeping me on my toes. Oh, that's again. That's she's there. She's going against the number one chick, I guess. I think that chick.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I think when Judy was DMing with her, I think she said that chick flew in from like Czechoslovakia is like best in the world. If I recall. I just can't believe that's a 63 year old human, dude. Yeah, that's crazy. I can't believe that's a 63-year-old human, dude. Yeah, that's crazy. God, crash. So what's the deal with this?
Starting point is 00:36:37 The thing psychologically that's going on as a spectator is it's intense because the whole time you're tripping if they're going to crash. It's like car racing. Mm-hmm. That's probably moving a lot quicker than this video shows, too, you know, like if you were there. Oh, dude, that's, I mean. right, that's the whole thing with this. That's why I'm so uncomfortable. I'm just freaking out if she crashes. That's why my butt's all puckered up.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Have you ever seen the ones they do in San Francisco where all those skaters just line those steep-ass hills? I forget which street they normally do it on I think it changes every now and then and they just like bomb the hills and there's just some gnarly wipeouts this company right here is one of the biggest skateboard companies in the world
Starting point is 00:37:19 Santa Cruz Board Skateboards they're right down the street from my house and look at even there like yeah Judy like everyone knows her fucking legend. Anyway, congratulations, Judy. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. I saw another DM come in from her and it said something like, if your boys want to, and I think she's going to invite us somewhere, but I didn't know. I want to savor it. Maybe. Oh no. Maybe she's not going to want to, and I think she's going to invite us somewhere. But I didn't open it. I want to savor it. Maybe. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Maybe she's not going to want to invite me if Mikey Swoosh sends her a DM. He's already sent it. No, don't do it to my kids, Mikey. No, please. Not my kids. Don't cancel me. I listen to rap. I listen to some me. I listen to rap. I listen to rap. You're not really offended about the cancer thing, are you?
Starting point is 00:38:12 That he used the word cancer? No, but I'm just saying. I know. You should have said. No, excuse me. Yes, I am. No, yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yes. I'm going to. I'm headed down to wherever he works. Where does he work? Where does that guy work? Hey, Mikey, tell us where you work so we can retaliate, please. Send me your DMs where you work so I can tell your boss that you're fucking with me and my three little boys. I'm going to contact his manager.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Judy, am I? Hey, so the Ashley Biden diary is real real that's made it full circle too i look i the story broke and then i looked it up at a fact checked it and they you know if you go to snopes they go through the history of the fact checking and like if you go two years ago or whenever the diary first thing came out they said it's not real and they've updated it and now they've updated it to well there's no one saying it's not real that's what it is they don't say it's real they're saying that no one says it's not real so uh one this is crazy this is fucking nuts is that the one where she said that they like showered it appropriately and shit is that she would that she would wait
Starting point is 00:39:18 till her dad we went to sleep at night so she wouldn't have to shower with him because if he heard the shower on he would get in the shower with her that's fucking crazy right some demonic shit bro that's crazy that's some demonic shit yeah I've never heard you say that I've never heard you use that word on the show I know because I don't use it lightly
Starting point is 00:39:42 because like seriously like what what the fuck dude remember they got a hold of Ashley Biden's I know because I don't use it lightly because like seriously, like what? What the fuck, dude? Us. Remember, they got a hold of Ashley Biden's diary and the U.S. government is trying to hunt everybody down who was involved with Ashley Biden's diary. Well, now, two years later, Project Veritas has now revealed audio of Ashley Biden confirming that that diary belonged to her. It's the same diary, as you know, where she revealed showering with her father. Maybe I should make it her father showered with her. And on the phone call, she also threatens to stick the Secret Service on the person who has it to get it back.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Take a listen. Imagine someone stole something from you and you call them and you're like i'm gonna send the secret service to come or or mikey swoosh just had fucking hillar's instagram account taken down this is uh some of the audio from the project veritas video at this point and i don't mean to i don't want to have to get secret service involved in this right right, because it's a whole process. But I am Ashley Biden. It is my stuff. So if you could just skip all of that over, I would really appreciate it. Now, you notice what she said at the top. She's like, I'd hate to get the Secret Service involved in this. It's fucking nuts, dude. Hey, so here's the – basically, then someone says to Project Veritas in the comments, hey, why did you wait so long to release this?
Starting point is 00:41:08 And they said because we couldn't release it any sooner, which makes me think that basically internally they've just let go of Joe Biden. Like even his people have turned against him, right? So instead of protecting him now, they're like just let it all flood out. But I don't even think like – people will still vote for him. People will still vote for him Knowing that his daughter didn't want to shout was being forced to shower with him Sounds fake which part I dug pretty deep which part Oh Shit, uh rb. They're changing Snow White already No kidding oh cause Dwarf's not appropriate
Starting point is 00:41:47 What are they gonna change it to God I would I kinda would like it if they did that That would be fucking funny My goodness Hey so you're gonna do So the wedding's today Yeah And you're gonna to do the weddings today? Yeah. And you're going to do a talk?
Starting point is 00:42:07 You're going to – you're actually – will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Yeah, dude. I'm officiating it. That's right. This episode is brought to you by New Balance Running. New Balance believes if you run, you're a runner. Whether you're going for your first ever run around the park or going for your personal best in a marathon. Speed, strength, stamina.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Whatever goal you're working toward, New Balance has the running shoes, clothes, and accessories to push your run further and help you run your way. Find yours at slash running. New Balance. Run your way. Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? New Balance. Ready for you. And you've been preparing? For a long time now. And do you have, would you get a book up there in the front to read out of do you have notes yeah oh yeah i have the whole thing scripted out like big font big spaces like a ton
Starting point is 00:43:32 of different things in there as far as like when i pause or what i need to look for is happening at that time and stuff like that yeah do my heart i wish i had my watch on my heart rate elevated just fucking talking about it dude damn damn hey yeah at a lendo right like you'll go up there you'll be you'll be up there the hard part's gonna be like when they're walking towards you yeah yep yeah right because they walk really slow and you'll be up there and you'll be like in your head rehearsing but also trying to pay attention to the wedding mm-hmm yeah i get one thing where I get to go out prior to everybody coming down
Starting point is 00:44:09 because they want it to be, they don't want people having phones and shit like that, right, during the ceremony portion of it. They just want everybody to have their phones away and just to be present. So before we start that, they want me to come out there and be like,
Starting point is 00:44:21 hey, before the ceremony officially starts, everybody, we're going to do this thing real quick. You're quick you're gonna stand up snap a couple photos of you and your crew before you sit down now put your cell phones away for the remaining of the time you that you say that yeah before like before the people walk down oh hey that's when you need to be like a duck that shakes water off your back you got to say that really loud and shit and like really get out your voice oh yeah i have a whole uh deal before it okay yeah like when i come in and i i'll basically i'll get them like fired up the cool thing is the couple that i've been doing this for i've like known for a really long time and they basically were just like hey do we just want it to be short sweet light fun funny energetic and like we just want to get out there and have
Starting point is 00:45:03 the party afterwards i'm like okay no problem we can do that so i'm gonna go out there and i'll get the the audience like all set and kind of show a little my personality right at that point but like you said like it'll kind of it'll uh it'll allow me to shake the jitters out a little bit and then i'll step back and then the the groom who i'm buddies with he was already fucking nervous as shit yesterday during the rehearsal and we like went through it a bunch of times and so i got to bring you know what this reminded me of something that i remember uh dave castro saying a while back when he used to do the open announcements like he would go into the environment he would like practice the words
Starting point is 00:45:39 he was saying and all that so when i got there at the rehearsal i carried my little bind with me i walked the same thing i was gonna walk i stood in the front like sat there and like you know went through it a few times so that way i felt like i was used to the environment and everything else but when we were doing that i looked over and the groom was i could tell he was fucking nervous you know so i was like how you doing you're all right he goes i was fine now i'm here and i'm losing my shit and i was like awesome yeah i was like great i'm gonna use you to like balance out my nervousness because i'm just gonna like you know it's like one of those things like if you've ever been in a situation like an active shooter situation no it's fucked up but so have you been in one of those yeah
Starting point is 00:46:22 oh my god yeah dude county county fair no shit like 98 or something like that i was like Have you been in one of those? Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah, dude. County Fair. No shit. Like 98 or something like that. I was like probably 12. What scared you? Your active shooter situation or the wedding? The wedding. It is, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:38 Wow. Wow. Yeah. But when that happened, I remember like you just kind like, look at where you could offer help to somebody. And at the time, I was super young. But my uncle, who was a Marine and, you know, was a little bit more experienced with that stuff, kind of pushed me down to the little cotton candy stand. And then instantly he was like, all right, we got to get out because we're in the back towards where all the games and shit were. And so after the shots started firing out, everybody pushed towards the back of the fair where those games were but it was all gated in
Starting point is 00:47:09 like there wasn't a back entrance and so so then i remember as everybody was like running out and stuff he he like pushed us in and he like sat on top of me and like my younger brother my dad was there my mom came running over and um and he was he was like, all right, sit here, hold on. And it was crazy because everybody was just rushing past us. So you have this, like, you really wanted to just run. Right. And he was like, hold on, we got to get our bearings. And he's like, all right, let's go over there. And as we started going, he started yelling to other people like, Hey, the entrance is that we could get out here. We could get out here. We could get out here. And then I realized as my focus went to just kind of watching what he was doing and helping other people move in
Starting point is 00:47:45 the direction then it was like he's focused on that not focused on what was like happening my wife my wife has active shooter anxiety this was like prior to like the fucking crazies just blasting like this was like actually like a gang violence thing and so they got into a fight and then they said did you hear gunshots oh yeah yeah yeah we were close dude we were close oh my god yeah yeah yeah and then the weird part was is after it went off people were lighting off like either fireworks or all this stuff so like the chaos breaks like super quick right and like you probably you've been in that situation with that with the driver like shit goes from like fine to just totally disarrayed, really, really fucking quickly.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Right. And like, nobody knows what's going on. And so while that was happening, all of a sudden you heard like these, like, I think there are fireworks or later it's going to be M80s, but people just started like blasting off fireworks in the parking lot. And so when the cops rushed in, they didn't know where to go or what was happening. So as they're trying to figure out what the situation, it was nuts. It was nuts. Did anyone get shot? Yeah figure out what the situation, it was nuts. It was nuts.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Did anyone get shot? Yeah. Yeah. A couple of people got shot. I don't think anybody died though. You get, people could search. It was on 4th of July at the Alameda County fair. Hey, I want, so I hope no one gets shot at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:49:03 But the point being is like, what's, what's the groove and stuff comes up and everybody's like a little bit nervous like i'm gonna use the fact of like oh i'm calm and cool and collected yeah yeah you like you do your like you'd be nervous you do your thing and like i'm gonna i got your back so i'll focus my energy on that and like making sure all the little moving parts are supposed to be taking off the way they are and not just spinning in my head. The way I do the show, I just keep telling myself it's okay if you mess up. It's okay if you mess up.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It's okay if you mess up. Anytime I get nervous, I'm like, it's okay. Who cares? I still get nervous sometimes during this show. I just tell myself at least you're not trying to cancel people yeah at least you're not trying to at least you're not trying to cancel people at least you didn't
Starting point is 00:49:50 spend stay up all night last night people tattletailing oh my gosh tattletale tattletale i'm comfortable he's a tattletale about non-stop nonsense a tattletale about nonsense. A tattletale. Mikey Swoosh, you're a tattletale for shit that's not even real. At first, I didn't even get what he was saying. He said, if you ever subtly mention my name again, and then he puts the video. And I watched the video over and over. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with this video? What's he talking about?
Starting point is 00:50:24 This video makes you – I thought when I watched the video over and over. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with this video? What's he talking about? This video makes you that I thought when I watch the video, he looks bad. You're the one condoning the use of racial slurs, not me. I'm completely against them unless they're used appropriately. Here's a message from the governor of New York. Very important.
Starting point is 00:50:50 This is nuts. Uh-oh. This is nuts. You're not even going to believe this. Everyone wants to be done with COVID. COVID is not done with us. This news is coming at a perfect time. My team and I just got off a call with the FDA
Starting point is 00:51:10 confirming that the COVID vaccine is on its way to New York. It is literally a new vaccine. It is not a booster shot. It is not an enhancer. It is a new vaccine designed to attack the new variants. So don't wait on this. Six months is the age. Sounds young, but children get shots from birth. They can do it. I encourage everyone, don't let your baby be one that is in a cold, dark, scary place, unknown to them, scary for your child. Think about them and get them
Starting point is 00:51:46 vaccinated. Shame on us if we don't see the warnings. Take precautions. Be ready. People are actually going to take their babies to get drugs injected into them. I can't even believe this.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Does it affect them? That's fucking crazy, dude. Barry McOchner and Mikey Swoosh thinks we're Nazis. Isn't that amazing? Isn't it amazing? Like, he's the one. So we're not demanding anyone do anything. We're not trying to cancel anyone. We're not upset with anyone.
Starting point is 00:52:19 We're not telling anyone what they can and can't say. Who is the actual Nazi in this situation like who's behaving more like it who's trying to control the media who's trying to cancel who he's trying to control what we say comes out of our mouths who's the one who's offended he thinks he's better than other people I don't think I'm better than
Starting point is 00:52:38 fucking anybody I'm not I'm not around here demanding that anyone be offended I'm not around here demanding that anyone be offended. I'm not making any demands. It's crazy. Once again, yeah, who is the Nazi? Cave Dastro canceling is a full-time gig. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:53:16 Robbie Meyer, I sent you a great meme for your DMs. It sucks, too. He would have been a great regular guest on the show if he was cool hey dude when you sad well fucked up how's he gonna pull out of it once you it's one thing to be woke and like and like just in your own world but once you go publicly woke how do you walk that shit back that would require some serious humility yeah i don't i don't think that i don't think he would but at some point you look back at it and you're like well like tolsi gabner she publicly walked it back joe rogan publicly walked it back bill mauer publicly
Starting point is 00:54:04 walked i mean kind of richard uh who's the comedians i mean some some big names have She publicly walked it back. Joe Rogan publicly walked it back. Bill Maher publicly walked. I mean, kind of Richard. Who's the comedians? I mean, some some big names have walked it back. You mean their thought process? Yeah. Just like they realize, like, oh, shit. Like I was on the fucking wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Like. Like. I was the one doing the bad shit. I was I'm doing the bad shit. I'm enforcing bad shit happen. I'm enforcing that people get offended. I'm enforcing that people lose their jobs. I'm enforcing that people get ostracized from groups.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I'm enforcing, like, he's a fuck that, like, the dude's, like, trying to be an enforcer. He wants the little swastika on him. He wants to be, like, walk around town and be like, ah, you, and put yellow stars on people it's like dude yeah didn't hey didn't they didn't they start when do you realize like oh shit i'm the bad guy did they start by taking people's properties um yeah oh yeah yeah push them out of town taking their properties yeah they said that they were dirty They said that they were dirty. They said that they were dirty.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And how is that different? What's happening now with people trying to cancel off the show or not allow you to have work? Isn't that the same thing? Yeah. It's all the same. It's all just thinking because he's better than other people. And I get where it comes from, too. I know you don't have to
Starting point is 00:55:26 be a fucking rocket scientist to um figure it out yeah i mean justification everybody in jail fucking could justify why they're there and how they're innocent if you're planning on getting your kids um any uh injections by the way any drugs uh to under the guise of saving your kids life i highly recommend going to the CDC website and looking at the number of kids that have died from whatever you're trying to protect them from versus the number of kids who died from getting those injections. And then and then, you know, act accordingly. Make make use your own discernment. Don't outsource your discernment or necessarily trust what the governor of New York said. Just just go you can even go to the to any site
Starting point is 00:56:06 and just start doing some simple math they're not hiding the truth from you but um just do a little just do a little bit of math and you already know that whole thing's fucked because we go that heavy with the the fear tactics and your child will be in a dark scary place like you know exactly what you're doing the people who wrote that script know exactly what you're doing. The people who wrote that script know exactly what they're doing. And so anybody that is hearing anything that's crazy fear-based like that needs to really look closely at the information that's being given.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Technically, Seve has the upper hand because the guy threatened him. I mean, but... And he's the one condoning the use of the word that he's accusing me of using. I should get a pass. I should get a fucking... Why don't I get a pass? Seve pulled up the Kirk Cousins KFC commercial from last night. Kirk Cousins KFC.
Starting point is 00:57:03 What show is that on? Kirk Cousins KFC. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Kirk Cousins KFC. What show is that on? Kirk Cousins KFC. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Kirk Cousins KFC. Was that like on a football game or something? I didn't even know Kentucky Fried Chicken was still around. I never even see those anymore. Dude, either did I.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And there's one right next to where I'm staying. And you know what's right on the other side of that? I think a CrossFit gym. Wow. Yeah. Yes, chicken CrossFit gym. Wow. Yeah. Yes, Chicken. Kirk Cousins. Is that what I would type in?
Starting point is 00:57:30 You're not going to get me in trouble, are you? Kirk Cousins. KFC. Big Dick Guy. Kirk Cousins KFC commercial. 12 hours ago. Uh-oh. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm watching it first before I... And by we are currently vetting the content material to make sure it's suitable for our viewing and listening audience. audience Why do you want me to play this because this chick's body is crazy in it See RB was there Valley and Brunel and that, helicopters everywhere. Yep. That's right there. Oh, gee. Someone was there? Wait, who was there?
Starting point is 00:58:31 Who was there? RB. Susan, I was at the Valley and Brunel when that happened. Helicopters, wow. Yeah. RB is from Livermore area because he has very, very specific things and jokes that you would only know or say if you lived in Livermore or the surrounding areas.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I think McCaskey lives up there too somewhere because the other day he dropped the name of an airport to me that I was like, oh, no one knows that airport. Jody Lynn, dude, Susie, can we call Laura today, pretty please? Dude, I'm so over-stimmed already. You know, I'm tripping a little bit right now because of Hiller's Instagram I don't know how much he cares I haven't had a chance
Starting point is 00:59:10 to talk to him this morning but I feel bad for him it's so lame it's so lame it's how he makes his living it's so lame I mean not directly his Instagram but it's like one of his tools the distributor for sure Jody thank you for the money i'm tempted
Starting point is 00:59:25 you know to to be the little whore that i am and um and do it for the 50 bucks yeah i mean she knew she knew which prices to do that like i'm thinking to myself if if you would have told me hey dude i'll give you 50 bucks if you call Laura like I probably would have done it and so you know a transcendental human being like myself who doesn't believe in time I should honor that I don't know oh we never really you that you how would that chicken commercial be racist really saying who's saying it's racist i didn't see anything racist in there a damn kirk bad look i thought so too uh it seems so oddly racist now because he's eating chicken holy shit so i i don't know if i want to play this because i don't want to get in trouble but the premise of this commercial okay i'll play it fuck it i'll play a little bit there i would love
Starting point is 01:00:28 to hear so here's the thing if you explain to me how this is racist all you're going to end up doing is outing yourself as racist that i mean that's the whole thing that i don't understand with um uh a mikey swoosh you're clearly the racist because you're the one demanding that someone be offended by this word you somehow think that this word should have power over people of color of the melanated and not only that i am black uh-huh yeah now what okay here we go kirk for years we've seen quarterbacks lick their fingers to get a better grip on the ball but But you're here today to tell us. She's hot.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Taylor Rooks. Is that someone famous? Never heard of her. That's not true? Never has been. And it's time people knew the real reason. Tell us. We don't do it for a better grip on the ball.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It's because of KFC. You seen anything racist yet? No. What? A little extra flavor makes the wide receivers work harder for the ball. It's figured looking good. It's our secret weapon. Perfect spiral of flavor.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So this is why they call you KFC. You like that? No, people are not calling that racist. I really want someone to explain to me what that is. So here's my take. Are they suggesting that wide receivers are black and black people like chicken? So when you get chicken on the ball, they want to catch it because they want to taste the chicken. But let's say there was some truth to that.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Let's say it was like Armenian wide receivers and you ate baklava first. Let's say there was some truth to that. Let's say it was like Armenian wide receivers and you ate baklava first. How is insinuating what a preferred diet of a certain culture is racist? I still, I can't even make that leap. Well, you're Brazilian. What do you guys eat? Cockroaches.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Is that your preferred? Beatles. What are you? Portuguese. You're offended. Portuguese. Yeah. What do you guys, what do Portuguese people eat? You guys got'm Portuguese. You're offended. Portuguese, yeah. What do you guys, what do Portuguese people eat? You guys don't even have a fucking dish.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Do you have a dish? I am fucking, I'm out of here. This is, you're like, this is crazy right now. How do you even have a dish? So someone explain to me why that's racist. Did I get it right? Is that the thing? It's not chicken, it's fried chicken?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Dude, KFC's tagline has always always been it's finger licking good oh he's saying it's been like that forever he's saying it's culture vindicate saying it's cultural appropriation because white it's a it is a black person's food and they have a white person eating it what i have no fucking idea you gotta make some big leaps here yeah this is amazing i want to see if someone in here is going to try to explain it to me boycott kfc hey did you ever watch that um baklava would help and make it sticky that's for sure say uh say that again. I was going to say, have you seen the,
Starting point is 01:03:29 there's like a mini doc series. I think it's on Netflix. I forget what it's called. Maybe it's quarterbacks or something, but they actually like follow a handful of NFL quarterbacks. Kirk cousins is one of them. Uh, I don't know if you've seen it, but anyways,
Starting point is 01:03:41 Kirk cousins was like the most square dude on there. They're like, Hey, you know, ask him questions about his clothes. And he's like, I just wear what my wife puts out for me. And then he like finishes a crazy football game. And just like him and his wife just get in the car.
Starting point is 01:03:52 He just drives home like a normal dude. He's like, okay, well, where's the sitter? How are the kids doing? Okay. All right. Is that the guy who was sitting there? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You should watch that series, by the way. I think you might like it. It was way better than the formula one shit everybody kept recommending i know i watched a couple of those you got a couple of them i could even get the first one i was like fuck this is boring yeah people loved it oh here's vindicate i think i actually think it's what you said. The receivers are black, so KFC is enticing. Wow. That's a big fucking leap. Oh, of course they are.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I bet the people saying it's racist aren't even black. Of course. No, we know exactly what that is. They're white women. Yeah, but they're demanding that you be offended if you are black. Right. We live in such a bizarre world. Oh, my goodness. Did I um mikey swoosh in here
Starting point is 01:04:49 mikey what's up dude why why are you spreading uh if that really is you why are you spreading lies about me dude yeah how'd you make the leap from uh being offended to attacking somebody's livelihood because that's a big fucking leap yeah how did you um how that i have that question for you how why is it that your mom told you in the Clydesdale podcast to just accept stuff and that you said it doesn't bother you whether people call you midget or dwarf and yet you're demanding that people um uh not use say the word retard and when i accuse you when i well i don't accuse you i point out clearly and factually that you're okay with racial slurs and somehow now you're turning that against me that i
Starting point is 01:05:31 use the racial slur when i was pointing out to you it by the way what other words can i not say on the air that you won't report me about i'm so fucking curious what are the words Is that the only word? Is that the only word? Mikey, you have a forum to defend yourself or explain yourself, dude. Don't say keep crying. Come on. I haven't attacked you at all yet. That's some bitch shit. That's some bitch shit. You hear something you don't like and then you go after somebody's livelihood. I've worked three fucking years.
Starting point is 01:06:06 I've worked hard on this shit. So when you go after that and you play that fucking pussy shit, you're attacking me too. I have nothing to do with that. Be offended. Get the group and be offended about the words. Disagree with the language of it. But once you start doing that and you start going after livelihood,
Starting point is 01:06:20 you start going after what we fucking created and all the other people in the show. That's too big of a leap, dude. That's too big of a leap, dude. That's too big of a leap. Go ahead, buddy. I want to hear you explain why you're not taking the advice of your mom. The sooner you get over it, the more happy you'll be.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Go ahead. Of course you got him suspended, dude. You went after his account. We can tell you've been up all night. People are sending us screenshots that you've been up all night sending DMs to people lying, spreading lies. Play stupid games,
Starting point is 01:07:04 win stupid prizes.'s right that's right andrew hiller there's a rat in your circle my friend it's lame you did all that dude it's lame i don't know i don't know i don't know why uh you took it here but in the end you're gonna be you're it was it was lame you shouldn't have done that it was a dickhead move and and now and now you're just using name calling instead of like actually focusing on any of the things that you said yeah of course dude you didn't tag you're saying you didn't tag me it doesn't it doesn't matter this is the most popular podcast in the space everyone knew who you were talking about just like you knew i was talking about you the other day it was a bit but yours isn't a bit
Starting point is 01:08:04 you've sent dms and emails and you're you're rallying the fucking cancel culture people the wokerazzi to try to and it's it's all gonna just come back dude and it's gonna it'll all end up on your porch dude bob jerome why are you giving this douchebag any air bob i haven't seen you in forever where have you been And to tell you the truth Once again like You got someone like Lauren Fisher she wants to train a training Think tank and you're sending messages Saying that they shouldn't let her over there because of some
Starting point is 01:08:48 clips she put on her instagram come on dude what did your don't get me all riled up i got a wedding to appreciate soon hey i liked it i like it i know you never really seen me like that before no i like i just can't i can't stand that shit that's like that's legit like fucking for lack of better words like bullying like did you go after somebody else's shit like that like it's such it's bullying. I wonder if he knows it's such bullying. Maybe he does now because he never heard shit from me before, but now when he realizes what the actions are. Isn't that part of the whole
Starting point is 01:09:33 woke thing that you're supposed to be against bullies to? Hey, Travis, what's up, dude? Oh, did I lose him? Oh, hold on. Sorry. Hey, what's up, Travis? Hello? Hey.
Starting point is 01:09:50 What's up, dude? Put up the number so we can call in. If he's got any balls, he'll call in. Bullying. Bullying. Bullying. That's a fucking joke. What other words
Starting point is 01:10:05 Are there any other words that you're just not allowed to say Did you see the DM he sent me Threatening me Did you see that part of the show No I didn't see the DM I heard you reading about it He was arguing with me It was something about using the N-word yesterday,
Starting point is 01:10:25 and I said context is everything. He still doesn't think you can say that word. You can never say it. Hey, here's the thing, too. He doesn't even care. He doesn't even care whether I said it or not. He's just so upset that he's like a baby rattlesnake, just spewing venom everywhere and just trying to attack people.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Yeah. Kind of spiraled out of control at this point. But like I said, if he's got any balls, he can call in. Hey, did he, did he try to tell you that you shouldn't sell CEO shirts because I'm a racist and a bigot and, uh, and I have NDAs against me or something. Can you have, what is, what is non-disclosure agreement? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:05 No, I've only had one, I'll say, gym that has told me I can't, not that I shouldn't, but I can't sell your stuff or Hiller's stuff. Oh, like at their event? I told you about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. At their event, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:20 But other than that- Wait, wait, wait. Incoming breaking news, Travis. Seve, you have a pass from me you can say it well thank you yes who was it was it Blade Slater
Starting point is 01:11:32 we need Blade's approval then you can say it it's just fucking nuts it's like it is it's nuts he's gotten way too much publicity at this point I don't think he knows what he kind of did to himself
Starting point is 01:11:49 like now for the next fucking 20 years he's in the space it's going to follow him around and he's not going to like it no when I told him you went and called the supporters of the show 7 Nazis yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:12:03 Andy erased it andy he tried yeah then he deleted it yeah well there's these screenshots do exist so anyway give him a chance to call in see what happens all right calling shit he got shit he'll say not I know Fucking Sousa you got all kinds of Amped up there I like it I like it too Sousa was a fucking gangster I get protective
Starting point is 01:12:34 That was good You got a wedding to get ready for Chill calm down Hey speaking of Blade We saw a crazy clip I sent to Blade yesterday It's a lady At a wedding
Starting point is 01:12:50 Oh shit Sousa It's a lady at a wedding who's pulling on a cop's gun And the cop Dude I sent that to you Yeah And did you see I sent it to you and Blade And the cop knocks this chick out It's crazy But she And did you see I sent it to you and Blade? Yeah. And the cop knocks this chick out.
Starting point is 01:13:05 It's crazy. But Blade's going to come on and we're going to do a breakdown on it. It's so good. It's so, it's such a- I've had a lot. Go ahead. I've had a lot of that stuff showing up in my Twitter feed, like justified or not. And it's always like, it's usually a lady, usually black. This lady's white.
Starting point is 01:13:24 She's like trying to... Oh, no. These were... No. These were... And this is the fucking thing about Twitter and all their stupid algorithms. They're literally feeding the race stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Of course. Because it's always black people in my feed. Of course. But yeah, like trying to bite a cop and the cop just fucking body slams him or decks him. Yep, justified, 100%. This looks like it's fucking some New Jersey Italian
Starting point is 01:13:52 folk. Looks like they've had too much to drink. Too much to drink. I like the protester ones are fun too where they get drunk off the street Jake Chapman I've had a lot of gay bodybuilding
Starting point is 01:14:09 posts pop up on my feed recently me too I get a lot of gay stuff people the algorithm knows it's like savvy Jake that's because of the private chat that is fucking tainted that's why you're getting all that stuff
Starting point is 01:14:25 all right brother well thank you thanks for uh thanks for calling all right talk to you later okay bye oh hey it's crazy number 46 how do you know if someone's a douchebag and i just wrote this because I had this thought the other day what's funny and it's so apropos right now anyone who has anything to do with human resources HR any of that any of that
Starting point is 01:14:53 tattletale stuff cancel stuff if you're involved with HR at all and it's not for fucking medical for your staff you're a ding dong and it's funny and that's what this guy is this I bet you fucking does that guy have a job? The swoosh guy? Would it,
Starting point is 01:15:07 would he is? What's his last name? Mike, Mike, would he is, is he swoosh because Mikey rhymes with Nike? Makes sense. Um, he's pretty on brand too.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Uh, I wonder how often he goes to HR God HR is so disgusting All that tattletale stuff is so fucking disgusting Mikey why did you block me I want to know that too Why would you block me Clock
Starting point is 01:15:39 Michael Wittius The fittest dwarf Ragnar Loren Fischer on Instagram For referencing the never go full retard meme. That's not a meme. That's a movie clip. Right. I think a meme, yeah. Anyway. Vernacular. Semantics.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Savant called him out on his show yesterday without naming him as being a hypocrite. Wittius threatened Savant. Yeah, that's what happened. He condones and promotes racial slurs on his Instagram. And yet, for some reason, he got upset by a movie that's obviously so ridiculous and that then I saw the Clydesdale podcast with him, and this dude's basically acting like nothing bothers him. We were not allowed to be – my mom would never allow us to play victims in our house. What's your mom think about what you're doing now, dude? Hey, you should just tiptoe out of the room.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Threatened you with what, Sevan? Physical violence, canceling you? He didn't say. He didn't say. He didn't say. I can't see. I can't go back to the thread because he blocked me, but I took a screenshot of it. And it says, talk about me subtly
Starting point is 01:17:03 on your podcast again, dot, dot dot dot dot and then it's a clip i'll play the clip for you and then it's this clip oh shit i don't know where it is but it's a clip from the podcast i can't click it because it's a screenshot but it's something i said on my podcast that he was like like i i didn't i didn't even understand it it's like I said on my podcast that he was like I didn't even understand it it's like that KFC commercial but the clip is me calling him out
Starting point is 01:17:31 for condoning the use of racial slurs and then somehow I don't know that's funny I never thought of it as physical violence you mean like I should report it to the cops never even thought of that is he threatening me with You mean like I should report it to the cops? Never even thought of that. Is he threatening me with... I feel threatened.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Is he threatening you with physical violence? I feel threatened. Where does that dude live? Does he live anywhere near me? I don't know. That's a good question. We don't know. Where does that dude live?
Starting point is 01:18:01 Hey, dude. Do not come near me or my family, dude. Be very, very, very, that would be very uncool. Don't do that. Mad Marv, he's not bothered. He's bothered for other soft bigotry of low expectations, of course. He can handle it, but they can't. He's playing the bigger man.
Starting point is 01:18:27 It would be a fair fight. That dude would fuck me up. I think that dude was a wrestler and he back squats like 325, a hundred times. I can't fight that dude. I wonder how tall he is. How tall is that dude? How tall are you,
Starting point is 01:18:44 Mikey? How tall are you? Who, how tall are you? Who would win in a fight, me or you? I'm old too. You don't think a midget is threatening anyone with violence? Are you fucking kidding me? Dude, go look at that dude's account. Dude's formidable.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Three apples tall. He's strong as shit. He's strong as shit. He's strong as shit. Yeah. And he's got a fucking head like a cinder block. Yeah, I will call the cops. If I see anyone shorter than me today, I'll lock myself in the car and call the cops.
Starting point is 01:19:22 God damn. god damn can I be friends with that dude like can me and him bury the hatchet it's in his best interest he can redeem himself I know but I'm just wondering if I'm like a big enough man to do that or if I'm like so wound up I'm like fuck that guy
Starting point is 01:19:41 I like to think that I can be friends with anyone I can't much I'm about five apples tall me and Seve are the same height yeah but dude you you have a picture with like 225 over your head still can't get the 100 pound dumbbell over my head
Starting point is 01:20:01 Still can't get the 100-pound dumbbell over my head. All right. Oh, here we go. You're not going to like this, Sousa. Sorry. Oh, no. This is pretty funny. Oh, shit. Audioousa. Sorry. Oh, no. This is pretty funny. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Audio's blocked. Damn. Do you think they did that on desktop shit so that way they can't be used or what? I don't know, but it's a black guy identifying as a white lesbian. I guarantee you that's a Democrat. Okay, final, final. this is the final clip,
Starting point is 01:20:49 and then I'm off to go play with the kids. I love a good, oh, that's, oh, I'll get to your quote in a second. Hold on. This is crazy. These, do not think that this is an isolated incident, people. These are men making COVID masks. On the fucking floor. Are you tripping? Shit.
Starting point is 01:21:19 This is it. Look at the, feel the sterility. look at the feel the sterility oh my goodness this is nuts holy shit wow wow I don't ramp up that production in time for flu season I love a good reconciliation story who doesn't yeah
Starting point is 01:21:56 and then Mikey and Sevan walked off into the sunset together the end walked off into the sunset together. The end. Yeah, dude, I'm not putting one of those on my face. Sorry. Chris Bisterfield. India rocks.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Oh, goodness. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Mikey Mikey shake it off go work out get over it dude Kirk Cousins I'm sorry that whatever issues you're having I'm sorry this day and age sucks
Starting point is 01:22:38 yeah everything's fine everything's cool I'm gonna call Andrew Hiller it's lame that that whole cancel culture shit is just crazy but yeah we're still having fun big show channels even though we're
Starting point is 01:22:54 throttled back channels as big as ever sponsors are the biggest that they've ever been we're doing good work loving on people it's all good and we will see you guys we don't have a guest tomorrow either right um oh uh oh tonight we have the crossfit games update show a huge show great show uh saxon panchik will be on with us we'll find out where he's going that'll hopefully give us
Starting point is 01:23:18 some insight just in general and what's going on over at the proven camp i'll find out what he knows about other people moving their locations and um we'll talk to you soon bye

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