The Sevan Podcast - The Realist | Live Call In - Hiller breaks his silence

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Own each step with Peloton. From their pop runs to walk and talks, you define what it means to be a runner. Whatever your level, embrace it. Journey starts when you say so. If you've got 5 minutes or 50, Peloton Tread has workouts you can work in. Or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs, walks, and hikes led by expert instructors on the Peloton app. Call yourself a runner. Peloton all access membership separate. Learn more at slash running. ["It's A Sabon Podcast Show"] Everybody's welcome, peace and love, it's a Savon Pocascio. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live, good morning!
Starting point is 00:00:54 Meet my wife, Hailey Parlin. Hailey Matosian. I don't even know my wife's name. Meet my wife, Hailey Matosian. This is what she sends me yesterday. Hi Suzy. Hi Suzy. What's up girl? Hey. How are you? What's up? You good? This is, this is, this is what my wife sends me yesterday. This is, this is my life. This is, this is gonna give you guys a great insight into my life. This is totally, this is my wife, this is my wife, this is my life. Ready? Here we go. It's a screenshot of a saying. Ready? The people I admire the most are the ones who unabashedly tend to their inner peace.
Starting point is 00:01:46 They do not want to hurt anyone, they move with kindness, they make time for self-care and growth. They do their best to give compassion to all those who cross their path. These people make the world lighter. That's what I get. That's my rock. That's my foundation. That's my, you know what I mean? That's who I... That's like the pre-eminent. Did I use that right? That is the foundation of my wife's message. That's like the general theme for 20 some odd years coming from my wife. A direction for me. That does not sound like you. Some odd years coming from my wife a direction for me That does not sound like you
Starting point is 00:02:55 I have a lot of work to do, but I can't tell you how happy I am when I get that stuff Okay, it's so Start the show and I did start the show when he started the show. This is the show We don't know Kenneth lep said start the show. I just checked the audio audio is working. I Got a DM There's a lot of new obviously a lot of new people who chimed into the show after Lazar's death they were just searching around for news and tons of new people like who chimed into the show after Lazar's death. They were just searching around for news and tons of new people like Being brought to the show and it's so interesting their their perspective and then there's a lot of old people on the show and hearing their perspective and I
Starting point is 00:03:35 was like kind of tripping because In the comments in the dms the stuff they say makes me realize that there's stuff that I know that's going on here, that they have no idea that's going on here. They've just made some pre... they just made some assumptions. most. And I say this with peace and love and with compassion and with kindness and with inner peace. I do not need a single CrossFit Games athlete to ever come on here again. I do not need that. There's no... I talk to them because I want to talk to them because I'm curious, because I like them, because I'm excited, because I admire them, because I'm inspired by their works, their discipline. I get excited to talk to Alex Gazan. I get excited to talk to Daniel Brandon, to navigate the landscape that is those people. I take it as a huge honor and and pride and I take
Starting point is 00:04:57 responsibility of the privilege or the the opportunity to have my brain interact with them, but please If you want to understand the show Under no circumstances do I need them not like I need you guys Not like I need I need ken walters. I need jeff bako. I need vindicate. I need the real kevin I've never seen you before, Amy, hi. Sorry if you've been here. I never consider I need them. And when they don't wanna come on the show,
Starting point is 00:05:39 like I don't even believe it. Like someone made me a list, they're like, hey man, you've lost your way. Look at all the people who won't come on the show Boy, if that would imagine if I was just tripping on that person imagine if that was my litmus test Of who would and wouldn't come on the show Do you I mean do you honestly think that anyone who doesn't come on the show doesn't really want to come on it? I mean just be honest with yourself for a second. I know it sounds self-serving and arrogant to say that but just think about it
Starting point is 00:06:11 Do you think that they really don't want to come on the show? A place to be just completely free hang out you can say whatever you want or Or how or or do you think that their life is better? Because I said something to offend one of their sponsors and so they're obligated to stick to it? I mean... And now I'm okay. I'm okay if I said something that upsets you or you disagree with me and you want to say Hey, you're an asshole Hey, you're an asshole. For whatever reason, you're an asshole by even bringing up in these sensitive times the
Starting point is 00:06:51 notion that all of us have extreme personal accountability and responsibility and to interject that into a time when Lazar died is tone deaf or however fancy way you want to say it. I get it. I can hear you on that but but just tell me what I said that upset you don't like don't leverage any of that other shit I remember I remember looking uh uh Dave sent me a um when I was doing I can't remember if I was doing the CrossFit podcast or what podcast but I was doing some podcast And the ratings for the show were 4.5 star and Dave said damn you have a 4.5 star and Julie Fouchet has a 5 star And then I started looking at all the other CrossFit podcasts and they all had 5 star
Starting point is 00:07:37 and I was the only one that had a 4.5 star and I remember thinking how fucking cool that was Because that meant I was saying something I was like yeah because I'm saying something they do not want to hurt anyone they move with. They make time for self-care and growth. They do their best to give compassion to all those who cross their paths. I'm not mad at any of the people who don't want to come on the show, and they're always welcome on the show. But, um... I... by no means... if they don't come on the show 4.5 star Seve that's good I like
Starting point is 00:08:28 that she called me that's good I get up every morning at 6 a.m. I walk over I turn on the coffee machine I walk over, I turn on the coffee machine. I open the blinds the entire time I'm watching my breath. I listen to the doves and owls outside. And I feel this giddiness coming on that I get to come on here and hang out with you guys. Never once am I like, oh darn, so-and-so can't come over. And then there's this other group of people that thinks that for some reason,
Starting point is 00:09:19 my life financially is not intertwined with this show in a way that like I let, other than the fact that I sell a dick pump, that's, it's all, almost everything is just a bit. So, I'm, you just, the new people I don't think have figured the show out yet. Maybe, and what's crazy is even the old people people some of the old people who are DMing me
Starting point is 00:09:48 It's like dude have you not figured out how the show fucking works or who I am yet. I've given so fucking So many insights into how I operate and yet you're still like you're like so far off the Map Paul Peters sub on your face reminds me to get a colonoscopy. It, I appreciate, I appreciate the attempt. It's, it's sloppy. It's sloppy. There's definitely a better way to say it. But um... I don't look at butt holes, so I don't know. Maybe my face does look like a butt hole. I don't know. Oh, is it Paul, is it because when you see my face it reminds you of your boyfriend licking your asshole or when you lick your boyfriend's asshole? Maybe I don't get the joke.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Uh, Slater! Hey, good to meet you dude. Wow, Slater's a stout fucking dude. Holy shit, I met him at the games. What a beast. I had no idea. It's like hugging a block of ice. Who gives a fuck about those people? They'll always talk shit no matter what stance you take or just how you are as a person. They're just not happy in life.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Well, it's fun. It's fun. I do enjoy hearing... Oh, Scott Schweitzer. I just checked 4.8. You can be proud. Yeah, who wants a five-star for your podcast? That means you're doing something wrong I want my tooth Ian to have a five-star Not my podcast on my podcast to be a I want my podcast to be a four-star. I'm saying shit
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm saying shit. I I'm saying shit. I want to know why one of the only places in the country that autism is dropping is in Marin County, where all the fucking rich hippies are who don't give their kids vaccines. I want to know about that. That's what I'm curious about. Oh, now all the people who took the vaccine aren't going to come on your show and they're going to be mad at you and the person who's watching the show who took the vaccine is going to give you a one star.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I know. I understand. I understand. Seve likes girls boobs and that makes him a misogynist. Good. Yeah. Yeah. I guess appreciating boobs does make me something, but not a misogynist.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And if you got that wrong and you're going to give me a one star, then it's cool. Cool, it's cool. I want that. I'm not looking for a five star. By the way, if you haven't reviewed the show, please go over to iTunes now and give me a five star and tell me how funny I am. Who gives a fuck about those people? I mean, I want to move with kindness and give compassion to all those on my path. I want to be this person. Oh, my arm's tingling. Am I having a heart attack? Oh no, it's both arms.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Does anyone else... I took two shits this morning. Does anyone else... My hand will tingle sometimes when I have to take a shit. Does anyone get that? And sometimes I just won't feel like myself. Like I'll be driving or something and I'll just tell my wife Hey, I don't feel like myself something's going on and she'll be like you have to take a shit and Like no, but I don't but then like 20 minutes later I take a shit and it's literally like I take a shit and I'm like back to me again. It's so weird I I've made up this story of no idea if this is true that somehow where my shit sits and twists down towards my butthole
Starting point is 00:13:45 That it pushes on some nerves or something. You know what I mean? I have no idea if this is true that somehow where my shit sits and twists down towards my butthole That it pushes on some nerves or something. You know what I mean? Elizabeth dissinger is that a real is that a real name? Or is that dissinger dissinger is that DeSinger? DeSinger? Is that DeSinger? Or is that a joke name? Someone help me if that's your... I like his tranny voice. Who am I? I do kind of have a tranny voice. Sometimes I listen to the show and I don't even recognize my own voice. This is my morning voice. The boys came over last night. Which boys are those, Sevan? My three nephews. My three nephews are Texas Ranch raised boys.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You know, like when I would pick them up from the airport, when they were like seven years old they would get Off the airplane with cowboy boots a huge belt buckle and a hat and people in Berkeley would say to them Oh, is that your Halloween costume? And I remember my nephew to be like what the fuck are these talking about people talking about my Halloween costume? And they grew up catching rattlesnakes on the ranch Helping my sister and my brother-in-law breed deer and other, they had some bunch of weird, rare African animals. That people could come, they would breed them and sell them to hunting, hunting, not dead, they do. My sister would send me photos of the boys cleaning guns you know
Starting point is 00:15:27 before they were 10 years old strapped with guns walking around the ranch catching rattlesnakes riding horses roping cattle all that shit right just shit that's like out of a movie to me. And they're in California now And they're in California now and They came over last night the three of them beautiful young men, right? I Don't know 16 18 and 21 just full of life perfect skin huge smiles big eyes Tall my my my my wife married a giant. I have my wife. My sister married a giant. She's five feet tall She married this giant dude. He's like 6'4
Starting point is 00:16:05 So the kids are just big old men already I have my wife, my sister married a giant. She's five feet tall. She married this giant dude who's like six, four. So the kids are just big old men already. Even the youngest one's probably a foot taller than me. I put my nose in his armpit when I hug him. Anyway, so they come over, take their shirts off, shooting hoops with my three boys, skating on the skate ramp, just being you know just coming over I remember my sister's oldest son told me one time he's like hey He's lived here for a while and he's such a gentleman always comes in goes straight to my wife and says hi
Starting point is 00:16:38 If I have guests over he always walks right up and introduces himself and shakes his hand big smile on his face He looks like a fucking model And and then he comes over and he just hangs out with my boys the whole time doesn't even hang out with me And I remember him telling me like six months ago or a year ago when he first moved out here He said yeah I had a really good relationship with my older cousins and I always looked up to him And so I wanted to give that experience to your your kids and I was like fuck that's so cool Anyway, so they're over here and then some of their friends come over and hang out too
Starting point is 00:17:11 Which I'm so flattered about right like I'm so I'm so happy that my nephews feel comfortable enough to invite their friends that they've Made in Santa Cruz to my house. So there's some other teenagers here and I'm in the garage watching videos on Charlie Lawrence who's coming on tonight He's gonna he's the guy I don't know if you guys remember him he came on the show and he broke the 50-mile world record and He's gonna go for the hundred kilometer world record here in a week or two So he's coming on the show tonight so I'm watching a bunch of videos on him to get brushed up and refreshed on on what he's all about and They the boys start telling a story about how they went out the night before in downtown Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And the boys were walking down the street and they walked by this tranny talking to someone sitting on a bench and they were walking down the street this main thoroughfare Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz and They heard the tranny say Can you believe that motherfucker? He told me Jesus loves me. And so There he said my my nephews and a couple other guys were walking So that I think there were five five five men total and they all turned around at the same time Like in synchronicity without it even planned and goes jesus Does love you and they started giggling
Starting point is 00:18:30 So the tranny stands up and starts chasing them And one of my one of the boys who was at my house last night ran down an alleyway And the tranny chased him down in there And um my oldest nephew ran and they start fighting. The tranny starts just fucking unloading on this kid. Big kid. It's a big kid too. And tranny's not not not a big tranny buff tranny. The tranny was wearing a dress, a strapless dress and the tranny was yoked. And my oldest nephew is a big man and works out and shit and just, you know, beautiful looking kid. He runs over and like is trying to break it up and their other friend who could have easily
Starting point is 00:19:10 kicked the shit out of the tranny was just covering up. And then someone else was filming it so they had video of it. And, um, uh, the, the, the video shows the kid covered up like this and the tranny is just yelling at him, yelling at him. And then with a fucking crazy, and you guys know I'm a fucking fight connoisseur, the tranny is just like this. And then just wham with a left punches this young fucking beautiful blonde boy, uh, in the chin. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And that kid was here yesterday. They had the video of it. Some other kid filmed the whole thing. And I started tripping. Can you imagine wanting to punch someone because they said Jesus loves you? Just imagine that you're a human being. Just imagine that you're a human being. And someone could say, someone could exhale air from somewhere down inside of them and bend it with their tongue and all the pieces that you use to transform that air into sound and the sound that comes out of your mouth is Jesus loves you and
Starting point is 00:20:29 Then that sound hits you and you stand up and punch someone And then I started thinking, well, we live in a world where people don't even know the difference between Halloween and biology, right? Halloween is I dress up as Raggedy. I'm a man and I dress up, let's say, as a woman. Let's say I dress up as Raggedy Anne, but I'm not really a woman. I just dressed up as that for Halloween. That's Halloween. But for some reason, some people think that if I dress up as raggedy Anne, that I really am a woman. And that's where we're at. You could say Jesus loves you and you get punched in the face and you
Starting point is 00:21:26 could dress up as a woman and convince half the world to call you like a woman. And they really will believe you're a woman. They got Halloween and biology like somehow. I don't know where I Halloween is a Halloween's like a made-up like just a made-up thing made up holiday You know where you dress up and ask people for candy and and and biologies where You make you make you make observations that you believe that are fact and I guess you make conclusions from them.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So I guess, I don't know the exact definition of biology, but it's probably something like the study of the real world, natural world or some shit, right? Like you're looking through a microscope and you're like, look, there's an XY chromosome. Got it. Oh my god, that XY chromosome is dressed up as a XX chromosome. Can't fool me. What if you said to someone, Harry Potter loves you? Would they punch you? Hmm. Bizarro world. Okay, show's over. That's it. A quick one today.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Just a quick one. Did you guys see this? This is interesting. I didn't want to talk about this. Today the Democratic National Convention starts. I'm going to watch it. When I was a little kid, my sister watched soap operas. So I would come home from school and there would be this show on called Days of Our Lives. I don't know if anyone remembers that show. Do they even have soap operas anymore? Soap operas? Is that what they're called? Soap operas?
Starting point is 00:23:56 And it would take like, I would, I watched the show every day at 3 o'clock for two years and like nothing happened. 3 o'clock for two years and like nothing happened like the plot moved so fucking slow the plot moves so Slow, I hated it Plan Parenthood I don't even know what that means, but it's an organization. I think when I was a kid, it was an organization where I always thought of it as they gave away free condoms or you could get an abortion there, like you could kill your baby there if you didn't want it. Planned Parenthood offering free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC.
Starting point is 00:24:47 The Mobile Health Clinic will roll into Chicago from August 19th to the 20th. Now in all fairness, I don't, I think the abortions they're giving there are like chemical abortions. I think like you, I think it's like whatever you do to take a pill that disengages the egg from the side of the uterine wall. Plant Parenthood is offering more than free t-shirts or stickers at the Democratic National Convention this coming week. The organization will offer free vasectomies. God, I would never get one of those. I know a lot of you guys get them. I just wouldn't. I'd never do that. Never change the viscosity of the load. Never.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Never let anyone put a needle into your scrotum. It says, the organization will offer free vasectomies, medication, abortion, and emergency contraception. I wonder what emergency contraception is. Emergency contraception. What the fuck is emergency contraception? Does anyone know what emergency contraception is? What's emergency contraception? And medication abortion. Doesn't that not even sound like a... doesn't that sound like a... some sort of like... like those two words don't go together shouldn't it be like medical abortion medication abortion well shouldn't be like chemical abortion that for some reason that doesn't seem like proper grammar to me medication abortion Planned Parenthood Great Rivers of St. Louis announced in a
Starting point is 00:26:24 twitter post that a bus is headed to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to offer free services. Here we come, Chicago. Our mobile health clinic will be in the West Loop with Child Abortion Fund or the, or CHI, CHI Abortion fund and wiener circle oh at and at the wiener circle providing free vasectomies and medication abortion oh that they say that okay so that's not like just Fox's shit EC will also be available for free without an appointment EC emergency contraception what is that
Starting point is 00:27:06 the Planned Parenthood location noted that there is a waiting list for vasectomies during their time at the convention. So what do you do? You walk up to this giant motor home and in the back you lay down and they fucking snip one of your tubes. We currently have a waiting list for free vasectomies. Spread the word. Democrats have made the issue of abortion a central theme in their campaign across the country this election year, including warning that a Republican control
Starting point is 00:27:46 Of Congress in tandem with another four years in the White House the former President Trump would mean a nationwide ban What how is anyone worried about abortion or gun laws or any of that stuff when freedom of speech is on the line? You guys have a hierarchy of like shit that matters to you You guys have a hierarchy of like shit that matters to you? Like those of you who are just crazy crazy pro-life are you willing to be like, okay Kill as many babies as you want for freedom of speech. I am I'm freedom of speech first and foremost. I don't understand how anyone speech first and foremost. I don't understand how anyone... Why are you concerned about abortion when it's all just... when we're getting down to freedom of speech?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Oh, this is an interesting point. Bobby Libby, the Second Amendment protects the first, meaning if you have guns, people are less likely to tell you that you can't say something. I see the connection. Olivia, Planned Parenthood also gives your underage girls thinking they're a boy testosterone without parent consent. Holy shit. Holy shit. I feel like I should fact check that, but I also feel like I don't need to. Like yeah. When I was a kid, and I'm open to being wrong on this, so someone unfuck me in the comments if I'm wrong, but when I was a kid in California, or maybe I was in college when I say kid, I'm not sure how old I was. I'm not sure if I'm talking about 10 or 25, but I'm 52, so give me some leeway here. If you peed in public and you were caught peeing in public, you, it could be considered a,
Starting point is 00:29:46 you could get put on a sexual predators list because you had your dick out. So if you were a guy and you peed in public, there were stories of guys who were put on like, Craig's list or Mandy's list or Emily's list, whatever that list is. There's a list we have. I don't know if you guys have it in every state, but we got this list here. I looked it up one time on the show and it can show you all, oh, sex offender. Yeah. If you peed you could be, you could be put on a sex offenders list. So like the other day I was at the skate park, um, uh, down by the boardwalk and they have an outhouse there, but so, and let me tell you, I have a massive threshold for discussing bathrooms,
Starting point is 00:30:25 like massive. Like I will walk into a shit stained bathroom barefoot and take a piss. Like I don't care. But this bathroom is so fucking bad. And it just bake, especially in the summer, it bakes in the heat. So I just went behind some trees and peed in the trees where like all the homeless guys and trank users will hang when they're there. There's not, they're not really there that often. And I peed back there and so I think if a cop would have seen me, I could have been put on like some sexual offenders list for having my dick out. And dude, I have a crazy meatcicle so I could totally understand if... I totally understand if someone saw it saw my penis is
Starting point is 00:31:05 threatening I think it's threatening it's nuts but I digress and but now I just read a story but now you can go into I just read a story in Canada where these four men simultaneously had their dicks out in an all-girls dressing room. Did you guys see that story that broke yesterday? And it was totally fine. Because they were in a dressing room. And they were in their Halloween costumes, dressed as women. Oh, that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Still in Alabama, if you take a piece out and take a pee, you could get put on a sexual offender list. I mean, I think that's a little aggressive. But I'm not arguing that point on whether that's aggressive or not. I just don't understand how those two things exist in the same world. Are those people... Is there a psychological phenomenon for those people who think that if you say you're a woman, you're really a woman? Like, what are they not connecting that we're connecting? Are those the same people that think that if you took two weeks off the calendar, you would be, you would have two weeks, you would die two weeks sooner, that you lose two weeks of your life?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Is that the thing? Like, they can't tell the difference between what's going on in their head and what's what reality is at all They have no fucking demarcation No modicum of Distinction. What is that? How weird is that? Oh, we're taking July that really happened by the way somewhere in Europe I can't remember that I read it in a story of like, some of the world's most bizarre events. And it was, I think it was in the UK, the Queen took like a week or two or the King took a week or two off the calendar. And the fucking constituents, the citizens Did Jaco write a book about extreme accountability and personal responsibility? Wasn't that interesting?
Starting point is 00:33:20 That's the, I thought that was fascinating, that connection between that's how God operates, right? God has extreme ownership, accountability and responsibility. And so if you're going to mimic God, you have to have that too. And you know, the example that I always give is someone throws a rock and hits your car, some kid throws a rock and hits your car, you know rocking hits your car you know on the on the insurance level it's that kids fault. But on the real life level like when you go to bed you have to face yourself and you don't want to give any of your power away and you want to be whole emotionally intellectual you have to know that it's your fault. You bought the car you decide to drive down the road, you've chosen for some reason getting your car hit by a rock is bad. You have to make all of
Starting point is 00:34:11 those, you have to tell yourself all of those lies before you blame the kid. And those are lies. You have to tell yourself, you have to tell yourself first that your car being hit with a rock is bad. Because there's nothing inherently wrong about that, right? There's no truth to that. That's like, we've made that up. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to make up, but you made that up. How, how could you be connected to God?
Starting point is 00:34:52 How could you, is God truth? How could you be connected to God and the truth? If you still think it's some other kid's fault that threw a rock at your car, you're already disconnected from the fucking truth. You're already not taking full personal responsibility and accountability. How, how are you connecting with truth when you're trapped in your head and you're circling around this thing that's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, it's my car, it's mine. I wonder how many of you get what I'm saying right now.
Starting point is 00:35:33 The person gave me a list of all the people who don't come on the show anymore and it was fucking laughable. It was fucking laughable. And I wanted to write back, I wanted to write back so bad and explain each situation, but I didn't. I'm just like, I just wrote back to the person. I said, hey dude, whatever I've said to upset you, what is it that I've really said to upset you that you're so bummed about? I admire people most who unabashedly tend to their inner peace. Who do you think they do not want to hurt anyone? Who do you think they do not want to hurt anyone? Who do you think has more peace? The guy who who uh his rock
Starting point is 00:36:32 His rocket his car gets hit by a rock And his insurance pays for it and he's thankful or the guy whose car gets hit by a rock His insurance pays for it and he's thankful but he also realizes that that's just the way it is And those are all his own You know needs and wants and desires to have a car that doesn't have a dent in it Jedidiah snelson, I haven't been back on because someone hasn't invited me. Oh, by the way, Jedidiah Snellson, I haven't been back on because someone hasn't invited me. Oh, by the way, Jedidiah, thank you so much for the list of athletes who are competing in San Antonio. I think I've invited all the ones.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I haven't opened your most recent email with Blaise Foster. I just see it's got the blue dot by it still. But all the other ones I've invited on, and I think, I think I got them all. I think it's two dudes and a chick so far. I'm like, for some reason I get excited whenever I'm going to interview someone from the UK. It feels like a, like a get, you know what I mean? Like I'm all excited.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Like, Ooh, I got, I got, I got someone from the UK. Like it's a get, like it's someone famous or something who I got Patrick bed David again yes uh is Laura on that list who wrote that no I mean if she's competing in adaptive I want to try to get as many adaptive athletes on as I can. Maybe some masters athletes. The people I admire the most are the ones who unabashedly tend to their inner peace. I think you get that inner peace when you take extreme responsibility and accountability. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I don't think that. I know that. They do not want to hurt anyone. I mean, that seems like a no brainer, right? Who wants to hurt someone? I guess you could have someone in your head you want to hurt, like if they did something bad to you or your family.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But like, I don't want, like the people, the people who are, have that, that bust that's, that kills babies in front of the DNC, I don't want to hurt them. Is this far? I don't even know what I'm looking at. I guess I know that normally field goals are... What's a normal field goal? Like 40 yards? Ken, what's the average field goal in the NFL? Is this far right here? This one? This is officially a 66-yard field goal! Yeah, like that's past the middle of the field, right? Like you just don't see that. Is that what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:39:55 Why did they go for this? Who can tell me the backstory on this? Oh, it's the furthest one ever. This is one of the furthest ever. It would have tied the record. It have or it did Scott I Scott I think this dude makes it if I remember this Clip, right Hey the guy says it doesn't have enough right but then but then he does oh Hey, the guy says it doesn't have enough, right? But then he does? Oh, he misses? No, I think he misses?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Look at the prison guys, the guys in the striped suits have their hands up. Doesn't that mean touchdown? Coach looks happy as fuck. Oh, he said he doesn't have it and he nailed it. Oh my god, is that true? It's preseason so it doesn't count as an NFL record. Yeah, that's weird. Oh, does it have enough? Okay, let's listen again. This is the end of the first half. Holy cow! This is officially a 66-yard field goal. It's official though, he said it's a- well, we already know this guy doesn't know what he's talking about He throws it doesn't have enough Oh does it have enough you're right you're right does it have enough does it have enough
Starting point is 00:41:43 66 yards as long as ever and two different people have done it in a game. These games don't count towards anything. I don't know, that sounds like... that sounds crazy to me. Oh, no shit. He made it from 66 yards, Ken Walter says. He made it from 66 yards, it would have made it from 70. He was a former MISL soccer player, major international soccer league soccer player. I don't know what that stands for. Yeah, Lord Wong, it wang. Yeah, I totally agree. Preseason doesn't matter unless you're a kicker
Starting point is 00:42:22 and make a 66 yard field goal. Yeah, write that one in. That's crazy, I totally agree. Preseason doesn't matter unless you're a kicker and make a 66 yard field goal. Yep, write that one in. That's crazy, I guess. I don't ever remember seeing anyone standing past that halfway point. That's how I judge it. If you're inside the halfway point, you good. What is it? How big is that end zone? That counts as the distance too, like the end zone. And then there's like, and then the field goal is like another few yards outside the end zone. Do they count all that distance? Bladewalker, he literally saw an NFL kicker on TV and said, I can do that.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And here we are a few years later. Damn. Oh, 10 yards. 10 yards, Kevin, but what about that? See that space? There's like a little space in between where something's written there. It says play something. It looks like some sort of ad. Does that count as yards too? Start interviewing kickers. They're awesome for the brand. Yeah, I would that that sounds cool Getting kickers on the podcast is NFL players doesn't that seem that's like a bottom feeding. You know what I mean? There's like I mean, I'm okay with it, but there's something like a tantamount to waiting at the bar
Starting point is 00:43:41 Picking up the last drunk chick, you know what I mean? it's like you're on the team but yeah you know you know it's like you know I mean you're important but you're yeah kickers are gay I don't like to use that word gay but but I get it like Like, affectionately gay. Like, they could do the splits and shit. Right? Like that kind of gay. Cool gay. All right. Someone DM me the Instagram link to some kickers and I'll start inviting them on. Let's see if we can get one of those guys on the show.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So I guess that's a far one, but that's cool. I'm glad I brought that up. See you guys taught me some shit. So that doesn't count. That doesn't count. doesn't count so ridiculous right of course that counts why wouldn't it count because the guys who are defending the kick aren't it aren't like the first string guys I'm trying to think why it wouldn't count because 66 is 66 I'm trying to think what the what
Starting point is 00:45:01 the argument would be that it doesn't count. Like, what's different about preseason, just that you had the shitty dudes on the line trying to defend it. It would be like winning a world champion, a boxing match, but you didn't fight the champion because he was out with a broken wrist, so you fought the next best guy and then you won it and it's kind of like, it's got an asterisk by it. You didn't beat the champ. Does one in practice count? Yeah I guess that would be yeah that's a great question Butter. I guess that's the um that's the extreme of that right because then there would be no pressure. I guess that's on the spectrum of what I'm trying
Starting point is 00:45:42 to figure out. Less pressure on the kicker. Yeah, and then Dick Butter brought up the fact of like the extreme of it. No pressure. Mason Mitchell hitting a lift in the gym versus hitting it at the games. James. I don't know. I mean, there were definitely dudes trying to stop him from doing it. I mean, at least it appeared that way. I was having this discussion with a friend of mine named Andrew Hiller the other day. This one was fucking tripping me out. This was really tripping me out, this conversation.
Starting point is 00:46:32 We were discussing OnlyFans and the people on OnlyFans. And Hiller was proposing that like, you know, you're born and then at some point you're like, fuck, I'm fucking smoking hot. Right. And, man, I'm smoking hot and everywhere I go, guys are looking at me and it's just a scene. I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror and I'm just so attractive and I got perfect titties and man, and I could make money with how fucking hot I am, right?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Or, or we were then we were comparing that to like, is there anyone on only fans? So, so I think my understanding from the conversation with Andrew, and maybe he'll clarify it, but my understanding is we were in agreement that that's how most of the accounts start but I don't know any OnlyFans people so I don't really know or is it like man I suck the meanest dick I am so fucking good at sucking dick it's just fucking ridiculous and it's it's a gift and I want to showcase that talent. Oh my God, look, there's a website where I can showcase my talent
Starting point is 00:47:48 and people will pay me for it. You know what I mean? Oh, Andrew's gonna call. Look it, here he is. Andrew. Oh, hey, hold on a second. I have to reconnect. I think this is Andrew.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Hold on. Hold on, Andrew. He's like, dude, you fucked up the whole argument you fucked up the whole story Watch he'll he'll he's very precise. He's much more precise than me. So I do a whole argument. Hey Andrew yo, did I have the did I have our discussion, correct? I Don't I didn't hear the part about where he, why you brought it up. Do you remember why we were talking about it? I don't remember why we were talking about it, but I was
Starting point is 00:48:31 fascinated by the conversation, whether it's like something they stumbled upon or whether it's like, like, or whether it's something that they just thought they were really good at or something that they had been, you know what I mean? Like they were practicing like, man, I've been practicing sucking dick for 10 years. I finally perfected the art and I'm ready to showcase it and get paid for it. When you were in school, did you know that guy that had to be on the basketball team because they're the tallest guy in the school?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like that, right? Like you're just so hot. You have to go. It fund the whole society funnels you towards the fans because your body's so insane Yeah, and yeah, then you brought up the suck-and-dick analogy. Yeah We kind of did we agree that only 1% of the people like we were like I didn't want to say this part
Starting point is 00:49:20 But now that I have you here I can ask you about it I felt like I was like you and I were, yeah, only 1% of the people are there because they're really good at it. You know what I mean? Like they had the skill first and then they were like, well, shit, I should parlay this into some cash. Like, you know what I mean? Like someone starts playing the violin, right?
Starting point is 00:49:37 And they get really good at it. And then one day they're like, fuck it. I'll just take my violin down to the subway station, open my case and play and make some money there. No one starts playing the violin cause they want to work in the subway making money, right? right Right. Yeah, that's exactly where it came from Right, right. And so we're almost dumb for you to not make money on it
Starting point is 00:49:57 If you're that good at stuff and dick, right, right if there's a market for it fuck it just do it publicly and And the reason we were talking about is because we were talking about it in relation to Crossfitters and like who in the Crossfit space is so good at fitness, but really wouldn't want to be doing it otherwise. Oh, right. Right. You remember that? Right. That's why I called. I wanted I wanted you to throw that in there. Oh, yeah. And we were kind of tripping, right?
Starting point is 00:50:21 That what a fucking we were just blown away that Matt would that someone could think and he did it, we were kind of tripping right that what a fucking we were just blown away that Matt would that someone could think And he did it which is kind of crazy We were kind of making the presupposition based on what we know about matt that like he did it strictly to uh for finance Like fuck it. He's so good at fitness That he almost had to do it, right? Right, and and then like the second he was done. He was like, thank God Now I know I don't have to kill myself every morning on the assault like and he was open to that too
Starting point is 00:50:52 Like it wasn't like he was yeah. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, he said it multiple times various platforms. Yeah, that's amazing Yeah, he's like that only he's just so hot that he has to open an only fans He had to win the CrossFit games. Yeah, it's like stupid for him not to I have the discipline and the capability and the mindset and what all the components to win this Fuck it. I'm just gonna do it because I have the skill set You watch Jason Hopper do a bunch of thrusters and you're like, oh, he's a little too tall His elbows are like really kind of bendy at the top of the rep But when you watch Fraser do thrusters, the dude is made to do thrusters. Yeah. Jason Hobart looks like he was born on a horse and never got off it.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Right. Yeah. He's good at it, but he wasn't made to do it. He's got to work real hard. And so did Fraser, but he's just better than everybody via his birthright. And, and, and obviously his discipline right and is Come I wasn't taking that away from them. No, it's like both. Yeah It's like the Michael Jordan thing where you're better than everybody because you work hard and you're born to be great. Yeah And it's just like that only fans check like holy hell you're so good sucking dick and you're so hot and now you're making $100,000 a month it'd be stupid to not do it But it's but it's but it's but but but we do think that
Starting point is 00:52:10 It's slim to none who are like fuck it. I play the violin. Anyway, I might as well just go outside and raise some cash Right Right Yeah, amazing. All right Well, thank you for the clarification. How are you doing? Good. Are you making any changes? I just realized that CrossFit Games hadn't posted on any of their social medias in at
Starting point is 00:52:34 least five days. I was tripping on their Instagram account. I think you and I, you and I talked about it, but only for like two minutes. I was tripping on their Instagram account. Let's say the games cost $20 million, right? Right. And then if you go to the CrossFit Games Instagram account and you look, and so, and so, and obviously they're not making money off of it. So you have to think of it, if you'll bear with me, this imagination piece, you have to think of it as a promotional material, right? You're going to throw this event and you're gonna show all these
Starting point is 00:53:07 pictures and all this cool stuff that happened there so that people get FOMO and want to go next year or maybe want to go into a gym right that's kind of the premise of the games I suppose that's if you're assuming that's what it is yeah I mean that's what it would be for me if I ran all these yeah if I ran the company would be a promotional piece it would be for me. If I ran the company, it would be a promotional piece. It would be a party, right? But look, dude, they only have like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 to 24 max posts On the platform that has billions of users that is instagram
Starting point is 00:53:50 Shouldn't they been making 24 posts a day? Not 24 posts for the whole week shouldn't be making 30 How many posts would you make a day if you were running crossfit games instagram during the big biggest event of the year? Under the assumption that the games is running, I would probably run in minimum five per event per division. Yep. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Which would be 15 women, women men teams. That would be 30 posts a day. Sure. Who, who was it that told us that, uh, I think it was Wimbledon, had like a thousand posts a day while it was going on or something crazy like that. Yeah. I mean, you would just think you would just be filling, you would just be harvesting like a motherfucker. I mean, bare minimum, one every half an hour, 24 hours a day around the world, I'd be posting something. That would be 48 a day. I wonder what happened.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I wonder what happened. I wonder if that was the plan or Lazar's death made it so that it fucking threw them off or I wonder what happened. It's kind of, it's, it's, you would be crazy. You would think, you would think that you could just say it was Lazar's death, but even then you can't do it. It's 20 million. You can't throw away the $20 million. But, but even, but, but they weren't posting even before, right, on YouTube. So like, it's kind of hard to say it was Lazar's death threw them off. Well, previous to the video that Don made and they put out on YouTube, they hadn't put up anything new in minimum two months.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yeah. Bizarro. I'm not, I'm not, yeah. I'm across the YouTube. I think the word is- And then the Instagram and TikTok things are wild because they're pretty active on those. Yeah, you have to-
Starting point is 00:55:31 And it's nuts to think that like the death of Leser would have anything to do with them posting anything about burpees or squats or affiliates or any of that. Well, they're probably scared. You know what I mean? they're the the that that's the silent mob because every post from here on out it's going to be like it's disrespectful you know what i mean but you have to just take that as a given you can't be scared
Starting point is 00:56:00 jonathan hortega says only three three to five posts. Are you kidding me? Who's this KS guy? Do you know who KS is? Is this a new guy? I think so. I've kicked him off once before. I kinda like him. And don't you think Hiller would be posting a lot because his entire channel is bashing CrossFit? I don't think he's holding. How is his channel bashing CrossFit? That's one way to look at it. Andrew did post a lot. You posted a shitload during the games, didn't you? Specific postings. It was mostly in relation to Lazar and the happenings.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah, three a day. I think you were posting maybe three a day. Three a day is a lot for like a private account. Here's the thing. Jonathan Ortega said three to five a day I guess that depends on how you use Instagram, but I use it to get news and so I would need 30 posts a day You know what I mean I use I would use I would want to know who's winning the events I'd want there to be I'd want there after every event. I'd like a post just to be on even the leaderboard. So I know that I'm delusional. Say it again. I wouldn't, I would not have run the games. Yeah, I hate it that you're right. I think you're right. Well, that's, that's interesting. I don't know if that's your opinion the whole time, is it? You kind of here's I thought I thought a little bit. Yeah, I thought we I saw I truly saw the games as something that would heal
Starting point is 00:57:30 Right. I Thought we would do the games people would heal. I was even crazy enough to think that Luca might even take the floor I thought the whole place would go crazy I thought I thought the whole thing would be a celebration of Lazar's life which it ended up being a kind of the opposite of the celebration of Lazar's life it ended up being like a just a zombie walk and Awake right it was a really kind of a depressing wake and and it went it did the exact opposite of what I what I
Starting point is 00:58:01 Thought or wanted it to do and then I was talking to you and if I mischaracterized this, let me know, you said, hey, and you were steadfast through the whole time when we talked. You're like, hey, they shouldn't be doing this, they shouldn't be doing this. And then at the end, your greatest argument, and this is the one that finally made me flip, you said, hey, if we, first of all,
Starting point is 00:58:20 me and you were talking on the phone, and me and you were both, I think, struggling with the same thing. We were struggling with the fact that people we like Were in pain and having outbursts that were making it hard for us to look at the internet we were seeing like so much confusion and pain and and fighting that we were like fuck we can't handle this anymore this kind of fighting and So so then you said hey, not if they wouldn't have had the games 12 of these 14 threads of drama, you know Whether it be people asking for their minute back, if they wouldn't have had the games, 12 of these 14 threads
Starting point is 00:58:45 of drama, you know, whether it be people asking for their minute back or whatever, they wouldn't be here. And then, and that's when I thought, Oh God, my life could use so less drama. Now maybe Hiller's right. I think, did I tell you the, the birthday analogy or no, no, tell me it's like you have a bunch of 10 year olds come over for birthday cake and for a birthday party and there's a cake on the table and then they all sit around and they're ready to eat it and you tell them they have a choice. It's like, hey, you want
Starting point is 00:59:14 to eat the birthday cake? Well, they're all going to say yes, because they're there for a birthday party. And it's like, well, you just say, you know, if you eat the sugary cake, you're going to be addicted for the rest of your life and blah, blah, blah, and all the bad things that could happen. I don't care. I'm here to eat the cake. Right. But in all reality, the parents of the family should have either not put it there in the first place or should have taken it away. Right. And I kind of look at, well, the games athletes are going to compete because they're athletes, they're fitness people, they're going to do it. And it's up to Don as the protector of whatever it is that the best idea to move forward is who would have been to give them a better option and not put it there. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Don't put it there. Yeah, that's a great... We got pizza, but not cake. I don't know. I have a lot of kids, so maybe it's a bad analogy. No, no. It's a perfect analogy. I love it so much.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I would make a whole show just on the fact that it's not an analogy. That's why I never let my kids look at my cell phone ever because now I never have to talk to them about looking at My cell phone, you know what I mean? Because the first time they get it in their hands, they're gonna spend every day being like hey Can I look at your phone for a second? And I know you also can't be mad at the kids for wanting to eat the cake because it's what they do, right? Okay, right. Right. Yeah, I was gonna say that too. I I I don't I
Starting point is 01:00:29 don't... I'm not mad at anyone for the games going forward. And maybe it's easy for me not to be mad because that would have been my decision too. But I just misread... Yeah, I gave him cake. So post pictures of him eating cake and keep on going, which is why it's weird they don't have any on Instagram. Oh, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Well then, yeah, you're right. Don't't give the kids take you right those right? That's good. It's don't hide it you're good at this a analogy shit, I Don't know I just like them. I think it makes it easy. Yeah. Well you need con you have to understand shit. You have to have Context and relativity, right?
Starting point is 01:01:09 Right. Four people dying of COVID had four more comorbidities and we're over 80 years old, the vast majority. Like that's important. That's context and relativity. And you got to pay a little bit of attention to yeah get that far yeah if you look at it for what it is it doesn't look so good that's why I sent you the great new set video this morning oh god I watched like two minutes of it and I just started fucking hating him you don't you don't like him
Starting point is 01:01:39 at first glance anyway though well you I don't like him at first glance and but I did like it how he used his normal voice a little bit in this video. I was like oh thank you he's not using that really high voice you know that fake voice of his or I don't know which one's the fake one but I did like it that he was using a normal he sounded like he didn't sound like a Muppet for a second but then to compare being last his experience in a triathlon being last versus someone who was in first place to Lazar. It was like, was it like right away you lost me on that
Starting point is 01:02:10 premise. And the people who had taken last and other... He says things that make me self-conscious. Pardon me? He says things that make me self-conscious of when I create content and I'll tell you why. Oh you mean mean like you learned from him, like, Hey, I don't want to come across like that. Okay. Or I do, or he says the life, he says the lifeguards work close enough. And I know what he's doing there. He's like, he's assuming it hasn't even thought about it yet, but everyone
Starting point is 01:02:39 in the CrossFit space is currently trying to figure out whether or not those two people were lifeguards. Right. Right. So the second he says two people were lifeguards, right? So the second he says that they are lifeguards and he says it multiple times, you know, the entire video doesn't have the context needed to create it in the first place. Right. So when I say it makes me self conscious, I'm like, I wonder how many things I would ever say that would turn someone off immediately, because I don't know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Right. Well, the thing is, that guy's so popular, you just have to know the masses don't really, I'm talking about. Right. Well, the thing is that guy's so popular. You just have to know the masses don't really, the masses aren't even really listening. It's like the argument between volunteer and paid people. It's like there's no argument there. It's just idiot talk. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, we're, we're back to DEI. It should be, the talk should be about the merit and qualifications. Hey, let me ask you this too. I bet you that the last three people who swam in had three paddleboards right next to him the entire time at that event, because they were probably pulling up the rear. Correct.
Starting point is 01:03:36 You know what I mean? So right away for him, that was like, yeah. People are so people people are... yeah, anyway. When's your next video? When's your next video coming out? Okay, go ahead. Finish that and then I'll know when your next video is coming out. The thing about that is that CrossFit hasn't posted in five days, and this dude's got two million followers on YouTube, and each of his videos get over a hundred thousand views. On top of the Mitchell Hooper video, on top of whatever else is going on, that's the message people are getting, top of whatever else is going on. That's the message people are getting and it's not in good context.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Do you think that do say, yeah, I totally they've taken over the air. It's all the negativity there. It's the same thing that happened in Floyd 19. Greg had fired the media team and there was no, we had no loudspeaker to talk back. And so CrossFit's just completely abandoned the airwaves and their and their story is being told for them and it's not making them look good. Correct. Hey, do you think that Doucet feels obligated to make posts to make videos?
Starting point is 01:04:41 Like I know you don't feel obligated. Do you think he like I know you don't feel obligated. Like I know you don't feel obligated. Like you and I have talked about this a lot. I mean I've always known that about you, but we've talked about it a lot in the two weeks. Like for you, making a video every day isn't about making money. It's about like discipline and focus and practice and commitment. And then when you were done, you broke away from that. And then now you're going through another process of what it means to make videos. You're doing some, uh, I guess some soul searching, um, and, uh, as we all are, as we all should be and, um, but do you think he, he, he feels obligated?
Starting point is 01:05:18 Like when I watch, I watched two minutes of his and two minutes of Mitchell Cooper's and I felt like it was insulting to their fans, like it, it had this component of like, oh, you have to, you have to, uh, yes. Yes. I, uh, well, when they put up that many videos, you feel like they, they, yes. I have to. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And, uh, no, I do not feel that need. And I told Alexis this morning, it's like, I just, I just need to want to do it. And generally, and every time I do want to, yes. Yeah. I've been with you on the phone when all of a sudden you get an idea and you're just like, I got to go. Oh, that's how I put up the one the other day. I had that bit about how Don's wanted wanting to get 30 million Crossfitters
Starting point is 01:06:08 and I thought at the end around the nine minute mark I hit it like, hey dude, you got everyone's ears and this is what they're hearing. That Crossfit kills people. Right. And then you see it in the Grey Doucet video. Like that's what you're gonna get. God that this is really horrible but there's it's probably true that is the cross they spent 20 million dollars this year to tell the world that CrossFit kills people what and whether it's true or not I mean it's not true but that's the message that's a that's that's a failed marketing campaign. I think I mean I wonder clearly that clearly they don't look at it like failed marketing campaign. I think, I mean, I wonder clearly that clearly they don't look at it like a marketing campaign. I would bet that there was no conversation that went on behind closed doors.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Like we got to run this thing. Cause it's our marketing campaign. Why do you think they do it? I'm by marketing, by marketing, let me be more specific. I mean as a brand statement, right? Like hey, we crown the fittest. That's what we do. That's part of our brand and it's strong. It's awesome. I love that You can't say that either we crown the fittest and then run the competition the way they did. Oh, no Well, I think I might be unique in this one as well, I don't think you're unique. I just think you and I differ on that. I don't think that you can for as many years as you have the rabbit in the head to show
Starting point is 01:07:34 that you have different rabbits in different hats. You ruin the illusion of what it means to have the test of fitness. Because you're in the camp of it wasn't a full test. Yeah. Like there was a plan. There was a plan. We accept, we accept the fact subjectively we all fucking close our eyes and accept the fact this is the test of the fittest.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And I'm being a little, uh, exaggerating and cool. We're cool with that. But now all of a sudden you didn't even do the test and you want us to accept it. Sorry, we can't suspend disbelief anymore. I actually think it was you. I talked to you this about like, Hey, if you and I are running a mile and we both do 1600 meters and one day you run it in five Oh one and one day you run it in five Oh two and I happened to run it in five Oh one on the day that you run one
Starting point is 01:08:23 second slower, I'm a better mile runner and everybody's okay with that But the second you take the distance from 1600 meters to 1500 meters and I happen to just be better every single time No matter what you can't claim to be better at running that distance than me, right? Right. It's no longer a mile, right? It's a different. It's a different test. It's a and Right. Right. It's no longer a mile. Right. It's a different, it's a different test. It's a, and Right. And for fuck's sake, like everyone knows that the test of fitness is created by Dave and who the hell knows, but at least it was an illusion that we can all agree on. Yeah. And the illusion's been destroyed. Right. Solid, solid. You're on solid footing. I hate you. You're on solid footing.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I think I said in that video, like dude, James won the competition, but the fittest on earth claimed is destroyed and that sucks. Right. No fault of his own. No. And he had a great weekend and he was the best competitor there. I can't even say fittest because... I do like this counter argument though. I heard all the boys say it's an aerobic based test.
Starting point is 01:09:33 It's like very grunt work, aerobic based and like that's okay. But fittest is hard to say. I do like this argument though, Andrew Hiller, that... Do you have a middle name, Andrew? Gerhart. Oh, Andrew Gerhart Hiller that... do you have a middle name Andrew? Gerhardt. Oh Andrew Gerhardt Hiller. God that's a great name. Thanks dad. Andrew Gerhardt Hiller I do like this argument that you every year has an a... there's many years with asterisk marks by them. Correct.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Roman breaking his leg, Rich falling off the rope. Um, Tia Tumi not being there, uh, COVID. So I do, I do like that to kind of push up against your argument a little bit. Like, Hey man, like there's always going to be something. You're, you're right about that. But the something wasn't elimination of tests and changing of workouts to fit time domains for broadcast scheduling. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Can't argue that. Like if you lose a competitor or two, it's like, all right, that's fine. Even injury. I'm not even, I'm not even insinuating that Lazar's death has anything to do with the test of fitness Like they could have had event two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen in a row and it would have still been The complete test and if James wins that James wins that it's the test of fitness Right. Hey, you know, what would have been I totally agree, you know, it would have been cool
Starting point is 01:11:04 Andrew is if the year Ricky popped if he would have won You know what I mean how much more interesting does that make the conversation well he won yeah, but he was on drugs But he won But he was on drugs, but he won he was the fittest guy in the line Hey him winning on steroids is like saying that that guy's 66 yard field goal doesn't count. Because it wasn't a regular season game. I guess they're saying it wasn't a regular season game. And I'm making this up. I'm totally making this up. But the only argument I can think of is the fact that in preseason, people don't have their best players out there for some reason. So it wasn't a complete test of the fittest. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:11:46 It wasn't a complete test of a guy kicking a field goal under the pressure that is the national football league. That's, I mean, I just made that up. No one's told me that that's the only reason why I can think that records don't count in pre-season. So, so, so they were missing two workouts. You know what I mean? It's kind of like your argument, I guess I'm trying to draw a parallel trying to tie it all up. I Know I get it that they would they would never use like someone hitting up fuckload of home runs in a minor league or a baseball Spring training towards the regular season. They wouldn't do it
Starting point is 01:12:18 Suzy tell why don't we don't why don't we have pools or lakes at affiliates? Kf listen to this I don't think they need eyeballs on the brand when they still just when they just killed someone look you don't, why don't we have pools or lakes at affiliates? KF, listen to this. I don't think they need eyeballs on the brand when they still just, when they just killed someone. Look, you don't understand. You don't understand, KF, what Andrew's argument is. Andrew's argument is, is like, there's gonna be eyes on the brand.
Starting point is 01:12:35 People are gonna talk about this event no matter what. And right now, all people are saying about the event is that someone died. And so if CrossFit had a microphone, which they do, and they used it, they could control the narrative also. You know what I mean? So if you get busted for peeing in a field
Starting point is 01:12:51 because you were fucking about to, your bladder was supposed to explode, and you go to jail, and you're now on the sexual offenders list, all people are gonna see is that you're on the sexual offenders list. What Andrew and I are saying is if the guy who took a pee was like, hey, how about fuck you? I had my baby in the car. It was a hundred degrees outside
Starting point is 01:13:08 and I couldn't make it to the bathroom. So I just ran out to pee real quick. All of a sudden the story has changed and people can start adding different perspectives to it. And what Andrew and I are saying is CrossFit is not saying anything. You're completely, how are you listening to this show and completely missing the point? Son of a bitch. You're talking to the chaos guy? Yeah, Barry McCaukener, new member, thank you. Barry McCaukener. Hey, it's good to have the chaos guy here. It is?
Starting point is 01:13:42 Or girl, whatever. We already have Patrick Lang. We already have Patrick Lang. We already have Patrick Lang. Yeah, but how long did it take for Patrick Lang to become cool? Yeah, that's true. He still vacillates between cool and not cool. I hope KF sticks around for a bit.
Starting point is 01:14:00 KF is the project, dude. KF is one of those 30 million people in the world who thinks CrossFit kills you now and now you've got a life slowly change their mind. God I love your perspective that's great. I like that. I don't know. I like that. KF said so I'm kind of just I have my computer open in front of me I'm just looking at the comments he said something about why do you put on the video? It's like well, I don't want to make games content because I don't see the point Because I wouldn't run it. I
Starting point is 01:14:33 Wouldn't run it. I don't think that's the fittest. I don't think that the test were Every single time I watched anything. It's like well, that doesn't matter. That's irrelevant. Whatever So I really didn't watch much of it matter. That's irrelevant, whatever. So I really didn't watch much of it. So and like I told you earlier, if I didn't like it, or I don't want to make content on it, or I don't think it matters, I'm not just gonna do it to do it. Hey, and that's the worst part about some of the content I see right now. They'll go live and you have you have you have 10 times the
Starting point is 01:15:01 live viewers you typically have. So you just have to go live for the sake of going live. That's ridiculous. I'm not talking about you because you always go live. I understand. And there's a difference there. I take no offense to that, by the way. Zero.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I let that dip right into my soul. Yeah, I totally get it. What's crazy is this too. Let me throw this out here, Andrew. These shows that I've been doing this last week are the hardest shows I've ever done. And, and it's amazing to me that someone would want to go live right now. Do you know what I mean? Like I actually a couple days ago had a morning where I actually did not want to go live. I was like, Oh, Oh, twice. I actually, and I had it once at the games. I was like, Oh, I don't know if I'm ready for this.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah. And some people, some people are, are, are inspired to go live. Uh, Daniel Wynn, uh, Andrew Hiller. And some people are inspired to go live. Daniel Nguyen, Andrew Hiller, good to hear your voice again. I agree. So great to hear. Oh, I cheat though. I call him five times a day. Where's that Matt Reynolds comment?
Starting point is 01:16:18 Hold on. Let me read this really quick. Let me read this real quick. Let me read this real quick. And again, I don't want to hurt anyone and I want to move with kindness. I want to make room for self care and growth and do my best to be a compassionate person with people who cross my path. Okay, I just need to read that to myself one time. Okay, go ahead. What about Matt Reynolds? Did that or what? No, no, that's my theme for this show. My wife has been like, my wife has been like telling me the importance to like,
Starting point is 01:16:49 just be like, like she's always done this for 25 years, but to remind me that who I am and it is who I am, it settles that I need to be, what are the words, that I don't wanna hurt anyone. So like this morning I read Dave shrunk's post on on Lazar and it's like fucking four paragraphs of beauty and then there's just one thing at the end that fucking
Starting point is 01:17:12 I'm like really dude and it's like But I need to be like my wife's like hey, it's where it's it's where people are at and you need to be you need to you know move with kindness around that and compassion and So that that's just where people are at and you need to be, you need to, you know, um, uh, move with kindness around that and compassion. And so that, that's just where I'm at. That's what, that's where I want to be. You know what I mean? So she sent me that last night and I woke up this morning and I read that.
Starting point is 01:17:34 That was the first thing I read. Have I ever told you about the thing that happens when I stubbed my toe, like in the middle of the night, you're walking around and you like hit your toe on the bed post or something yeah that sucks or my knee on my knee on the corner of the bed that's the worst it hurts like a motherfucker right yeah and everyone's sleeping something that i've done as long as i can remember is i i immediately try to think okay that's fine it's good and then you just kind of move on with your day. Cause there's like, all you want to do is freak out and spaz out about it. And maybe even you broke your fucking toe, your pinky toe.
Starting point is 01:18:12 And every time I do it, it's a practice to like not react. And then he's kind of move on. Oh yeah. I like that. Um, you know, so when it comes to this, this thing on Dave Sharunk's posts, like, well, all right, let's move on. And I love the guy. I fucking love that dude. When he looks at me, I feel so fucking good. When I interact with him, I'm like, man, I feel good being around this human.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And then before you know it, you have no idea what time you stub your toe because you do it every day. Right. It happens all the time. It's like you didn't do it on purpose. Like get over it. Andrew, I don't know if this is going to resonate with you, but for me, I had that moment, um, it was one set when I had like my first cell phone. Um, it was like a work cell phone. I got like in 2000 or something and they were these little Nokia phones. And if you dropped them, they would blow up into a million pieces.
Starting point is 01:19:02 The battery cover would come off. The battery would fall out, the screen, the keyboard, there was like this rubber grommet and it would pop off and the little keyboard plastic thing would be over. And you'd have to gather all the pieces together, you know, and put it back together while you're waiting in line at the DMV. And I remember the first time I dropped my phone, and I just thought, okay, just be cool. Like, don't be embarrassed at all. Just be cool, just accept it.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Like, it's fine. And so the 500 times I've dropped my phone, that's that moment for me. It's like, whatever. Like, don't even react to it. Like, you know what I mean? Let's say you're carrying groceries into your car and you drop your phone, falls out of your pocket
Starting point is 01:19:42 and hits the ground and bounces down the street. Just chill. Put the groceries away, still kiss your kid in the car, then lean over and casually pick up your phone. It just is what it is. That was my kind of like toe bumping moment. It is. Didn't you early in the show talk about having things and just like you in
Starting point is 01:19:59 relation to even vehicles, like this, this car isn't even mine or whatever that shouldn't matter. Yeah. And you're't matter. Yeah, in your absolute truth, if you want to stay connected to the truth, that's where it is. It's all personal accountability at the highest level and responsibility. Someone cuts you off and you're pissed, it's your fault in the truth. The second you're not acknowledging that truth. You're disconnected from God or whatever your your inner peace You're disconnected from it. Whatever you want to call it. I Do really enjoy when
Starting point is 01:20:34 Kind of life tries to fuck your shit up Cuz then you get to see how you feel about it Yeah, like on April Fool's when my wife told me she was pregnant and i and she didn't tell me the opposite for fucking 45 oh yeah yeah that was amazing and i really loved that i was like wow that was like doing it i got to do a time machine or like an acid trip and then come see what would happen yeah yeah to see how it was fucking amazing what an experiment she ran on me yeah i loved that how much later did you actually end up getting pregnant when that happened? I forgot. Years, I had five years. I don't know. Years, years and years.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And you're probably more prepared for that, right? Oh yeah. I was filthy. I was fucking one. One I was living in a fucking a, a 400 square foot apartment making fucking $2,000 a month. And the next time I was filthy rich. 400 square foot apartment making fucking $2,000 a month. And the next time I was filthy rich. Yeah. I wonder if she, did she do that on purpose?
Starting point is 01:21:29 She tested you? No, she always fucks with me on New Year's, on April Fools. The, you know what she did one year, she's as I'm driving Avi to tennis, she goes, Hey, by the way, Avi wants to quit tennis. And like I'd been driving, and I take him to tennis five days a week
Starting point is 01:21:42 for the last five years. And I'm like, on so many levels, it rocked my world. I was like, why didn't he tell me have I been pushing him too hard? Like it just fucked my shit up. And I and I had to fucking sit with that for 30 minutes. And I'm just and I'm reading the text and I'm looking at him and I'm just like, fuck, dude. I was tripping. And then I did the same thing to the tennis coach and it fucked the tennis coach up.
Starting point is 01:22:13 You stole it. You stole our thing. Yeah. I didn't, but I didn't know it would fuck him up actually. You know what I mean? But he was fucked up. Like he, he's all stoic and shit. But then when he thought that when I, when I showed him the text message, he, text message, he fucking just went inside, like you know, and started just reeling. Like inside his own head or inside a house?
Starting point is 01:22:33 Inside his own head, like he started reeling. And when I told him the truth, he's like, dude, why didn't you tell me that it was a joke? I'm like, I don't know, because my wife didn't tell me. But I only let him sit with it for like five minutes. Oh my god, I don't know because my wife didn't tell me but I only let him sit with it for like five minutes But I didn't know it was kind of cool because I got to see how much he cared because he fucking loves the shit Out of my son, like they have a fucking relationship. You know what I mean? They're homies So April Fool's is always that day everybody posts on Instagram random shit that isn't true April fools is always that day everybody posts on Instagram random shit. That is a true
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, and then after a while, you know, you know, it's big but I remember the one time a lego and it was a long time ago Posted the square bumper plates on April 1st. I thought it was the funniest fucking thing Wait, what happened a lego did what? They posted a picture of square bumper plates? Oh This is like way early on an Instagram or maybe I just felt like I was not as into it Obviously as I am now and I saw it. I'm like wait a minute. No way this won't work I'm gonna tell you Yeah, yeah, thanks, I'm fucking I'm retarded. I'm not fucking brain dead. Thanks, Andrew.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I don't know. I'm gonna tell you a story here. You ready? Yeah, this one's fucking wild. Let's see. So I'm standing next to Dave. I don't think I've told this story. At the swim event. When are you standing next to him?
Starting point is 01:24:12 And Anya, Lazar's fucking angel of a fucking fiance comes up and she's fucking crying. And her and Dave have an interaction and the process starts, right, to start looking for Lazar. I've told that that interaction they've had, I've told it a shitload of times, right? They have that interaction. She says, where's Lazar? He says he's out there. She says, no, he's not because I just saw him at the orange buoy.
Starting point is 01:24:37 He can't possibly, that was, you know, whatever, 10 minutes or five minutes ago. He can't possibly still be out there. Dave turns over to one of the staff and says something like, is Lazarus Chippen? And they say, Yeah, and she gets this moment of relief, right. And she goes, I'm sorry. And I give her a fucking hug. I'm like, there's nothing to be sorry about. But I'm but I'm still tripping because I already saw the dude swim in the water. So I'm like, I'm not believing that his chips in you know what I mean? I'm believing I'm like already went to conspiracy theory, right. So then she takes two steps away and he turns to one of his staff and he says, Get me a fucking list and eyeballs on every single fucking person as they come in, and who
Starting point is 01:25:15 has come in and get it to me now. Right. So this staff runs off. So I turn so then now people are pouring in, right. So I turn so then now people are pouring in right and I'm standing there with uh with Anya and then luca comes up I think it was luca And he's looking for lazar So then I just stop what i'm doing and I run into the athlete area where the athletes are that have come in And I walk up to this athlete and I say have you seen lazar? And the athlete says to me he's probably at the bottom of the lake I swear to fucking god that happened and the athlete was completely joking right the black athlete was completely joking yeah well you have to assume
Starting point is 01:26:00 have to assume. I didn't assume that when you said, when you said it like that. Yeah. So, uh, map girl, Seve stop. I know it's crazy. Just, it's just, it's just, it's just athletes being athletes. It's just athletes being athletes. Pardon me. You think they remember saying that?
Starting point is 01:26:26 I would rather ask you that question. Do you think they remember saying that? I would rather ask you that question. Do you think they remember saying that? I have no idea. I did not ask the athlete. What did you say? I don't know the situational, how it was stated. Totally joking. Totally joking. How it was stated how totally joking totally joking? Everybody's different I
Starting point is 01:26:54 Assume if I said something like that I'd probably remember it but I also know a lot of people who just kind of talk and they don't remember a thing They say right it's a you just have to ask the person Did you happen to be recording? No. I don't think so. I haven't gone back and looked at the fudge. My memory is that I pretty much like I just went into freak out mode. Like I became obsessed with finding them. Do you know what I mean? Like I really wanted to be the guy who found them. I really wanted to be that guy. I wanted to be like, I wanted to be like looking at the ice barrels
Starting point is 01:27:28 and his head pops out. You know what I mean? Like I was already visualizing seeing him. I mean, it's a funny line if he didn't die. Yeah, if it all happened to him, like he was an ice barrel and there was a bit of a freak out, it would be that, right? But on the flip side, it's pretty messed up.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Oh, it's fucking crazy. You didn't say who it was, did you? No, I don't think I would ever tell that. I mean, I would tell it like in 10 years I'd tell it. Got it. You know what I mean? So it's not going to be in the behind the scenes? Well if I have footage of it, I can't rule that out.
Starting point is 01:28:23 But I don't think I do. What does that look like? Are you directing that? I can't rule that out. But I don't think I do. What does that look like? Are you like, are you directing that? What is the behind the scenes look like? Well first of all, it's fucked up because one I had fucked up access and then two, the access was limited even further after Lazar's death and three I was fucking impaired, right?
Starting point is 01:28:50 And I think I've lost a step. I used to be more edgy. I don't know, but I still think it'll be good. You're worried about who's going to come on your show. Pardon me? You're worried about who's going to come and not come on your show. Oh, no that one that's why you're less edgy. Yeah I'm being really nice to them. I don't want to offend them. What if they don't come on my show? Right terrified
Starting point is 01:29:18 I I ask because I've already stated that I don't have interest in talking about the 2020 board games It was ruined for me through so many different lenses that I just have no interest in it And I was wondering like what what angle you're taking with behind the scenes. I'll just show it Same way. Yeah everything show everything show everything. There'll be a section in there where he dies It'll be the whole thing. It'll be think of it it It'll be an anthropo like they're all kind of like anthropological I make them as fossils, right? It'll just be there
Starting point is 01:29:51 For historical sake so you have said that yeah, you know, I mean they're anthropological studies They're just here's a fucking midget Armenian dude when you give him access to an event that he's been at since the beginning and here's him interacting with the athletes and um someone died and someone won and here's dad's crying it'll just be like the normal shit just normal hey dude here's the real question it does cross me be like any footage during event one cannot be shown Um Did you sign off on something that gives them that sort of pull on it probably I mean you basically you sign away everything Be but I have told CrossFit even before, and I will stick to my word.
Starting point is 01:30:46 If there's some, I've given, they've never, they've never asked me to edit anything. You know, well, they did ask us to put, when we were live during the event and they asked us to come down off of live, and it was Taylor and Bryson and we're on, I think, or Taylor and JR, we did come down off of live for a couple hours. But, and I don't even know why they asked us did come down off of live for a couple hours. And I don't even know why they asked us to come down off of live. I don't know what they were trying to manage, but I don't care either. I'm open to working with them, but I've always told them they can edit anything in the behind the scenes. And last year, there were 14 episodes and Dave didn't have us pull anything out. You know what I mean? Yeah. So how do you feel about me not not agreeing
Starting point is 01:31:33 with them wanting me to pull down the live stream on my Instagram? It's remind me of that again. What happened again? The event goes, so the sequencing of events was, I was in my garage watching the event with Alexis, the swim. Stuff started happening, I was driving to a client's house and I was screen recording the event and it goes down and then I find out that the bit that I have screen recorded is the bit that you can see on the stream where he's not making it and then inevitably goes down drowns in the lake the 38 minute mark and I posted it to Instagram and I posted to Instagram because they took it down off the live stream and I got the text message from someone who works over at CrossFit that asked me to take
Starting point is 01:32:27 it down. And I responded with, I'm not on your media team. What's the most valuable thing in the world? Well, obviously never missing a coaching or training session while in the gym. And the second most valuable thing? Time. Managing and worrying about body odor used to take up a lot of my time. Massive headspace thinking about do I smell? Do I not? I don't know. I was paranoid about smelling,
Starting point is 01:32:52 especially around midday. That 230 mustard smell. It was all extremely time consuming, but not anymore. Oh no. Since I switched to the Mando whole body deodorant, I'm freed up so much time. I could trade stocks quicker. I could get to the grocery store faster. I could even visit that old relative or friend that used to complain about my midday smell, but no longer does. Yeah, that's right. It's effective and long lasting. Here's why. Mando does a cover up odor after the fact with heavy fragrances like certain other deodorants. You know what I'm talking about. It stops the odor at the source by blocking the bacteria on your skin from eating your
Starting point is 01:33:38 sweat, which is actually what's the cause of BO. So give yourself the precious gift of time and get yourself some Mando whole body deodorant special offer new customers, $5 off Mando's bestselling starter pack with the code seven at Mando I personally like the Mando because of the name Mando. How could you not like it? Not to mention you don't have to worry about smelling anyway. Go right from the gym to the grocery store, see a friend, talk to him, not worried about smelling. Right from the gym, into the classroom,
Starting point is 01:34:13 sitting next to somebody, you're not worried about smelling. Whole body deodorant. Mando is seriously safe. Anywhere to use, on your body. Pits, packages, belly buttons, even the old booty crack. stinking crevices, stomach folds, that one's weird, and feet, okay? Created by a doctor who saw firsthand how normal BO was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. Mando is also American-made. Pride, baby, American pride. Mando whole-body odor is powerful enough for the toughest body odor, but gentle enough to use anywhere it allowed you
Starting point is 01:34:48 to put Mando on family jewels without worrying because Mando is aluminum free and baking soda free, cruelty free, dye free, and vegan, clinically proven to control odor better than the shower with soap alone. 12 hours after the shower, the average men's Grundel order level was five out of 10 with Mando, the average Grundel order level is a zero out of 10. Mando starter pack is perfect for new customers.
Starting point is 01:35:18 It comes with a solid stick of deodorant, cream tube, deodorant, two free products of your choice, like mini body wash in deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. Luckily, I have a discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market. New customers get $5 off a starter pack with our exclusive code that equates over 40% of your starter pack use code 7 at mando s h o p m a n d o dot com smell you later Yeah, that sounds that sounds perfect You're not you're not I That sounds perfect. Listen. You said you took out your life, dude. And I'm like, I'm not taking my shit down. You're not.
Starting point is 01:36:06 You're not. I, the whole world is relationships. Everything is relationships, right? So I have a certain relationship with them and you have a certain relationship with them. They dictate that relationship with you as much as you dictate it. You know what I mean? And the relationship that they have built with you has made it so that they can't ask you to pull it down.
Starting point is 01:36:26 I mean, let me rephrase that. They can ask you to pull it down, but they have no... It's like the guy at the store. I give him $10 for an ice cream sandwich. He gives me $9 back. That's the relationship. Yeah, the relationship you had. You're consistent in your posting and in your coverage of the event and I don't understand they there's no there's yeah you don't do you're not in a give and take relationship you're not like yeah you handled it perfectly I don't think it's wrong that they asked you I don't know why they asked you I don't know what they
Starting point is 01:37:03 thought that they were gonna hide they were probably just panicking and damage control The same way you don't know why they asked you to stop yours, I suppose right? I don't know what they thought that that was going to mitigate There's their channel streaming in Portuguese and Spanish and it's all up on there still My next thought was are they gonna go ask those people to take them down to, do they have their phone numbers? Why is it important that you ask me to take down mine? And also...
Starting point is 01:37:33 It's not because you're the biggest voice in the space, although you might be, it's because you're the most influential. And their relationship with you, and they overstep the boundaries of your relationship. It's like asking your friend's girlfriend to suck your dick. Like, hey, you've totally overstepped the boundaries of your relationship. You know what I mean? But you could still ask. I'm not saying you can't ask. Your friend's out of town, you want to hummer. You need a layer.
Starting point is 01:38:00 But you've overstepped the boundaries. You gotta add a layer to that. You asked your friend's girlfriend to suck your dick, but first you were courting her for years and every single time she said, or you said no. So eventually she dates your friend and then you ask her, hey, I wanna help, I wanna help, I wanna help, I wanna help. Hey, can you help us?
Starting point is 01:38:22 She's like, fuck you. Right, right. Hey, I wanna date, I wanna date, I wanna date. Oh, now you help us? Like, fuck you. Right. Well, I want to date I want to date I want to date. Oh, now you can suck my dick. And Andrew and they didn't tell you why, right? It was just a so that's, that's another component. If they were like, Hey, Andrew, for whatever reason, let's say, hey, we have a better angle, we're releasing, we'll give it to you in five minutes. Can you pull it down? I'm just making this up. They didn't tell you why. And so they were just trying like, so I can tell my kids stuff without telling them why and they'll do it because that's our relationship, right? They don't even
Starting point is 01:38:53 have a relationship to ask you stuff if they, their relationship with you is so poor or I shouldn't even use the word poor because that has judgment. Their relationship with you is in such a way that to ask you to do something without reason sounds absolutely insane. But I still don't blame them for asking you because I don't know their reason. The number of times I've had outreach from someone over at any branch of CrossFit
Starting point is 01:39:18 is like so slim that that may have been one of three. Well, the thing is, and of course I'm gonna come to his defense, but Dave has tangoed with you. You guys have had a lot of communication, whether it be through public or behind the scenes, but he's also not the one who asked you to pull it down. I mean, he wouldn't be worried about that kind of minutiae. Correct.
Starting point is 01:39:43 But he didn't. Yeah. Correct. But I mean, you have a relationship with Dave. Like if there was something you needed to say to him, I'm not saying you talk to him on the phone every day, but if there was something you needed to say to him or he needed to say to you, you guys are on a texting relationship. Correct. Yeah. But there's often not really anything I need. Right, right, right. I don't need anything, but you're right.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Yeah. Someone said in here, they love a good dick sucking analogy. I know, me too. That's what you get on the sub on podcast, right? Yeah But but but Andrew but then the but then the the athletes won't come on this show. Oh No, they wish that they wish that they were that fun they're not that fun When people people will make I think you and I you and I both know that there's just people who don't want to have fun That's fine. There are some fun athletes rich Froning's fun
Starting point is 01:40:53 Yeah, I know that there's definitely a lot of fun athletes yeah, no here's the thing Ricky's fun Ricky's crazy fun He's probably the most fun the fun isnest. He's like top tier fun. Right. You ever see those tiers? It's like S tier, A tier, B tier, C tier. I've seen John Young's Mountain. I've seen John Young's Mountain. Yeah, it's similar to that.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Ricky's at the top of John Young's Fun Mountain. Yeah. Gazan is fun. See, now that would be a show that I'd be down with. Like, hey, which athletes are the most fun? Right. Gazan's fun. That would be a show that I'd be down with. Which athletes are the most fun? Right. Gazan's fun. Gazan is fun. Yeah. It would just get a little bit hairy with which athletes are not fun. Fun means, I define fun as meaning like you could be yourself around them. You don't have to worry
Starting point is 01:41:44 like you can be yourself around them. That's fun have to worry like you can be yourself around them. That's fun, right? That's like just a generic statement. And vice versa. Yeah, right, right, right. Oh, Anola Kai's girlfriend is fun. Yeah. Fucking A, Jesus criminy.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Did someone say that? Yeah. You should have seen the way she was dressed at the fucking athlete registration. Yeah. You should have seen the way she was dressed at the fucking athlete registration. My life sucks because I look away from that when I should really be looking at it. Like I tried like to be a proper man. She was like just falling out of her clothes. It was crazy and she has this great fucking smile and It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Were they too big? Her clothes? No, they were too small. So how do you fall out of them? You know what I mean? Like stuff just like fall like, you know what I mean? Like, like your shorts, like your shorts are so tight. I could see your dick a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Oh, but, but, oh, I guess yeah, it's falling out. You know what I mean? I got it. I understand. Yeah. Yeah. The way you wear your shorts, Andrew, sometimes allows me to see your helmet. I just like them. I don't look away.
Starting point is 01:42:56 I don't look. I don't look away, though. I don't look away when it's you. But when it's a Nolokai girlfriend, I look away. You're afraid he's gonna kill you. But in all reality, he'd probably like it. Yeah, probably, you're right. Who doesn't like a guy looking at his chick? God, that's fun.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I like it. Yeah, it's good. It's like the ultimate compliment when people tell me Alexis is attractive. Or I see them looking at her. It's confirmation. So the other day you did a video with her and she was wearing like a spaghetti strap. You guys were sitting down and someone's like, did you like that video?
Starting point is 01:43:32 I'm like, I didn't hear a thing. They said, like, holy shit. Andrew move away. Move out of, move out of the screen, Andrew. Yeah. I thought one of my best videos would be the one where she did one on SportyBet. Actually, I think it did pretty well.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Who are you voting for? Who are you voting for? I had her act as if she was me. Donald Trump. Oh, all right. Are you going to vote? I always vote. Oh, that's crazy. I would never have thought someone like you voted.
Starting point is 01:44:12 That's amazing. I didn't think you're kind. I didn't think you're kind voted. That's awesome. I like free stickers. Oh, and you get a sticker like that says I voted? Yeah. Yeah. Oh and you get a sticker like that says I voted Yeah, yeah The other option is someone I don't know. Oh, hey, dude the whole voting thing is a complete waste Nothing matters
Starting point is 01:44:43 Like you probably don't want to get what's more of a waste voting or taking CRETA? Voting. OK. What's more of a waste? I don't know. That's the only one I got. And it's not so much that your vote doesn't matter. While it doesn't, it's that nothing really changes that much. I don't know. I'm hoping that if enough people vote for Trump,
Starting point is 01:45:14 the border closes and we get freedom of speech back and boys aren't allowed in girls bathrooms. That's kind of, that's kind of, I'm pretty simple. Have you ever been affected by a boy in a girl's bathroom? No, not at all. Do you know anybody who has been? Do you know anybody who has been? Hold on. Are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:45:37 Yeah. No. Hey, my tranny experiences are off the hook. Like all good. Like when I was a kid and I was around a lot of trannies, they were so amazing. It was so fun. So basically what you're saying,
Starting point is 01:45:52 if there were no politics or no social media, no internet, you would just fucking love trannies. Yeah. But because there's internet, Oh, I did have one. I did. Okay. I just thought have one, I did, okay, I just thought of one bad tranny incident I had. And I don't know if it's bad, but like,
Starting point is 01:46:11 Avi was two years old and they had a reading hour at the library in Berkeley, I'll never forget, I wonder which branch it was. Oh, right. And I got there and it was a tranny reading to the kids. And I had like a visceral response like I didn't enjoy looking at it was like it was gross it was it might as well been years ago wasn't it no this is like five years this is like seven years ago and I
Starting point is 01:46:38 just remember looking at this you know some trannies are just disgusting right it's just like it's like you're just just disgusting, right? It's just like, it's like, you're just so fucking unattractive. It's just crazy. And I just remember having like a response like this. I saw an attractive tranny the other day. Oh, I've seen a shitload of attractive trannies. Me and a buddy of mine were checking this fucking crazy, fucking hot tranny out in San Francisco one time.
Starting point is 01:47:02 We were sitting outside of the cafe and this cop walks up and goes, that's a dude. I'm like, well, she's hot. It's a black chick. But, but, but that, that was my only, I thought that it was that track to Tranny, but it was. Yeah. But I, but I, but I don't, but that, that rubbed me the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:47:21 I didn't, I didn't think that my, why should my kid be? Um, I didn't want, I didn't want to be there and I didn't want to put my kid through that. Like, why would I put my kid in front of like some... It was bizarre. It wasn't even like Halloween or anything. There was like legitimately... It's like letting a psychopath fucking read to your kids. It's like, no thank you. I don't care what they're reading See now I I have no issue with that when it comes to voting I I am in full agreement that you're okay with kids telling kids to uh change. Yeah, they should not be
Starting point is 01:48:00 Uh influenced to change their genitals Right, right, but, right. But we don't know any, Hey, but my, I don't know any, right. Yeah. I don't know any either. You're right. I don't know any. Hey, in a world where people are, but I'm really off the beaten path though, but
Starting point is 01:48:18 I'm so far off the beaten path that has to be said too. You know what I mean? Like my world is, my world world is my world is so small I Have seen people on a park Yeah, like if my kids went to school like like some they so some parents were here the other day whose kids go to School and they said there's two fucking trannies in their kid's seventh grade class. And so my kids don't go to school so I'm not exposed to those, you know, 1,000 kids. But I, but dude, yesterday I had a fucking kid on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:48:54 I just had him on here because he set the world record. And I'm, I live in Libtardville, dude, and he offered up that there's my town's full of pitos and that he would never send his kids to school. I didn't even go there with him. He just fucking offered that up, a dose of that. And you're insinuating that's because Biden's been president or what? I'm insinuating that to normalize it, no, the church has had that shit forever in it, in the military and anywhere you get a fucking massive congregation
Starting point is 01:49:25 of men. But I'm so what does it have to do with politics, the politics there, they want to normalize it. You know what I mean? Like before, if you before when I was a kid, if you were a dude, you went to the girls locker room, no matter what, if you had your dick out, you got taken to jail. Right. And the only place like occasionally, like you'd hear a news story of some student at
Starting point is 01:49:46 UC Berkeley who refuses to wear clothes. You know what I mean? Or a guy at a nudist beach who walked up from the beach to his car naked or you there were these rare things. Now it's just fucking everywhere. Right? Like like like I said yesterday at some at some spa in Canada, there were four dudes with their dicks out and it's like holy shit. Really
Starting point is 01:50:08 Or or like Leah Thomas, you know what I mean the you got those girls change What did they say they had to change in front of them 16 times a day? There's some fucking crazy number like that Like that eight they had eight sessions changing in and out of clothes It's like, holy fuck. Yeah, that person shouldn't be allowed to compete against them. Or you shouldn't be allowed in the locker room. Just that's it. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:40 So I think that I do think that it's the Democrats who are normalizing that and that the other parties like, no the Democrats who are normalizing that and that these And that the other parties like no, we're not normalizing that you know, I mean That's why they're called progressive. They want to move forward with like some sort of blend of man and woman creature And hey, I'm okay with the blend of them on your own time, you know what I mean, I'm like I'm okay with it blend of them on your own time. You know what I mean? I'm like, I'm okay with it. Like I said, I used to go to parties and plays and, and all sorts of stuff where there were trainings. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:51:18 I had a black friend so I can say certain words. A black friend. Is that the same sort of thing right there? No, it's um No, no, it's uh, it's not the people I have a problem No here here here i'll go with you really hard on this one. I don't have a problem with black people at all Zero. I have a problem with what's uh, what's being portrayed as black culture. But who's portraying it? Fuck, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:51:50 White, rich fucking men in Hollywood. By Democrats who insist that fucking people with black skin act a certain way. I don't fucking know. But like I don't have a problem with tranny's. It's if if part of their culture is reading to kids, then that's the part I don't like. problem with tranny's it's if but if part of their culture is reading to kids then that's the part I don't like you know what I mean I Don't have a problem with Navy
Starting point is 01:52:12 Navy Seals, but the ones that go rogue and start fucking You know hey, let me tell you let me tell you this real quick Just one one thing they tried to pass a law in California that would increase the, I can't remember what it was exactly, but it would increase the penalty for pedophiles. This just happened. It would increase the penalty for pedophiles
Starting point is 01:52:40 and make it easier to get them. And I think it was around illegal aliens even because they were trying to stop ICE, that's a federal agency from coming in and getting these people who were pedophiles or sex traffickers. And the argument, you ready for this? The argument was that it disproportionately affected
Starting point is 01:53:01 the LGBTQYZ community. When you say that, then what you're also admitting is that the gay community or the trans community is where all the pedophiles are hanging out. You follow me on that? Yeah, that's crazy, right? It's like our local subway here in California won't release footage of crimes that happen because they think it will incite racism What they're saying is is like hey everyone Robin on there happens to look assert. I mean, it's just nuts Anyway, go ahead. What were you gonna say? You want to talk about something good? No, I'm not sure I don't remember When is your next video coming out? When are you like I feel like here's what I think the 2024 games happen. You don't want to make content around it. And not around it specifically, but around big portions of it.
Starting point is 01:53:54 And so you're like, are you just like in a holding pattern until you're inspired again by something you want to make? Uh, I called you or you called me during the games and I told you I was done making videos. I know. Freak. I hated that. Hey, that broke my heart a little bit. I'm going to tell you.
Starting point is 01:54:17 And, uh, that, that hurt me. I'm kind of sitting in a spot where, yeah, no. And I meant it. I'm waiting. Oh, I know you did this shit. Hey, this shit sucks. It still sucks. Like I think I told you, and I still feel this way when I say shit,
Starting point is 01:54:34 it kind of stays there. It doesn't really go anywhere. Um, 2022 and I've done 700 something videos and every single one of them is like pointing at stuff and trying to direct and at a certain point it's not even like worth talking about because something like this has happened, right? And I mean, I've made videos on how Don is cutting costs and how Don is, you know, hiring certain people that put people in spots.
Starting point is 01:55:01 And for all I know, there's a downstream effect of those choices that led to this incident and and it's like why in the fuck do I want to put myself into a position where I'm screaming at a cloud and then like oh you're screaming at a cloud only get struck by a bolt of lightning like well I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go do some other shit like that I have a lot of energy and I can put it somewhere else because they don't care That they're not they're not they don't care Yeah, I when I make a video. It's not like I'm screaming for my own accord I do it for it's like the consensus. It's not a consensus, but it's like the thoughts of a group of people That's why the comment sections have hundreds of comments
Starting point is 01:55:42 Yeah, if I the engagement on a 20 minute video is 16 minutes long because people they Want it as well and? There then then people would just say that's a hateful thing. It's like he just a hater. It's like no no no Stupid people over across at HQ. It's actually a really bad idea to hire based on color of your skin Yeah, and your sex too, yeah, I mean there I mean that's what was crazy right before the games how you exposed that they did They do sexual bias training that or hiring that was crazy and You didn't even you didn't even you didn't even judge it for all you, for
Starting point is 01:56:25 the way you made the post for all they knew you were like, uh, it's funny how everyone assumed right, that you were saying something negative. You just made those posts that showed that that CrossFit hires people who fucking hate white people and who hate men and, uh, and specifically older men. And, and, but you didn't say it was bad. You just showed their posts. For all they knew, you thought it was good. But they knew, they knew for themselves that it would be something bad.
Starting point is 01:56:55 And how did they know that? Well, because they know they're doing something bad. Hey, and then look what happened, the same thing that happened at Boeing. You had a catastrophic incident where someone died. I know, and people are like, you can't make that connection. Well, I just did. Hey, isn't it weird that Andrew Gerhardt Hiller, a professed chaser of clicks and views could have had his biggest fucking week for clicks and views
Starting point is 01:57:30 in the history of his YouTube channel and went silent. Have you processed that at all? I mean you've been so adamant. But I've always known that there's something else obviously driving you, that it's a misunderstood. I honestly believe that there's a difference being made, right? When I put stuff out into the world like that, yeah, there's a tone and there's a way about it but when something like this happens, it's like to no avail and it's destructive and it's devastating and i'm just like fuck this Fuck all of this like the world's massive and there's a large part of me that was like fuck all of this Hey, and it could have been any single athlete and it sucks that it was Lazar but it really sucks that it was him
Starting point is 01:58:25 But like oh, that's the most offensive. That's the most offensive thing by the way. I've heard it's crazy and And when I say this like I don't really care but people have I see people saying it would have would have been different if it was How would you felt if it was Tio or if it was Andrea Pinheiro or I'm like, holy fuck Like for me, that's like dark thinking. I don't care who it was with my... I know, who gives a fuck? I know, who gives a fuck who it was?
Starting point is 01:58:57 The only person who should care who it was is fucking Lazar himself. Yeah, there's some there's some crazy thoughts coming out of this. I'm so glad Do you ever have you ever wished ill on someone? Maybe fleetingly. I mean what I'm seeing some people wishing ill on people. I'm like damn I I'm seeing some people wishing ill on people. I'm like, damn. I remember being in high school. This girl was fucking with my high school. Yeah, it was high school. I was trying to think of the last time I wished ill on someone and I thought of a time in high school I wished ill on someone. And you know what ended up happening? I immediately went to high school thoughts,
Starting point is 01:59:41 right? This girl ended up transferring schools. I immediately went to high school thoughts, right? This girl ended up transferring schools. I fucking was so angry at her. I think, you know what, I think I... She somehow got mingled up between me and my... I don't even remember the details. But I'm sure I was at fault. And she fucking told my girlfriend, like I wrote a note to another girl. And I just started fucking... I started a jihad on her. I don't know what that just like fucking psycho just like hating her just like
Starting point is 02:00:11 wishing ill will on her and man did Jesus please forgive me for my sins father I apologize I pray for that girl I hope she gets the whatever pain she had. I hope she has the opposite and love and joy now times 10. I'm absolved. You're absolved of your sins father. Hey, you know who one other thing I want. What's trippy about going to the games is how like I saw Travis Broy. You know, the guy always like joke around about his voice. Yeah, like I saw Travis Broyt, you know, the guy I always like joke around about his voice.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Yeah. Like everyone's buff. He's like buff. He's like, I would never make that joke. Yeah. Never make that joke to his face. Like everyone you see is like buff. I'm like a little sliver of everyone there.
Starting point is 02:00:57 I'm like, Oh fuck. You don't look anything like how I imagined you to look from watching on the internet. I was walking through the hallway. Yeah, I was walking through the hallway Andrew and some someone goes it was shoulder to shoulder and some guys like you're smaller in person. Nice. I just know I have no idea, but I just yelled fuck you. I have no idea, but I just yelled fuck you How do you even know they're talking to you I cuz I'm insecure cuz I'm just insecure little fucking Hey if you said small you have to be talking to me because hey because I can't see over the crowd all I see Are people's butts and backs? Oh?
Starting point is 02:01:43 Dan Guerrero. Dan Guerrero. Dan Guerrero writes, you are a tiny person. Listen, you look like a fucking meth head on a meth head crossfitter. If I had to guess one person who does crossfit meth, it'd be you. Your cheeks are so sunken and you look Max Holloway makes you look fat. That's in the same world of Matthew, man. Yeah. Hey, I'm rolling up to a client's house. I gotta go in like one second. All right. I love you, buddy. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 02:02:06 You too. All right. First, I had to clarify the entire, what's it called thing? Oh, yeah. The OnlyFans thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. OnlyFans, right.
Starting point is 02:02:14 It's good to be back a little bit. Okay. Well, thank you. It was fun having you. It was fun talking to you. Okay. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:22 Okay. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye, well thank you. It was fun having you. It was fun talking to you. Okay. Yeah, thank you. Okay. I talked to you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Bye. Yeah, maybe I delivered that wrong line. Let me rework that, Dan. You make Max Holloway look fat. That's what I meant. You make Max Holloway look fat. I saw Sarah in the lobby. She looked fucking hot.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Holy fuck, I met Sarah's boyfriend. Holy shit. He's gnarly. Big smile, nice guy, huge. Man, he has a, I shook his hand. It's like shaking hands with a vice grip. I can't stand people who shake hands too tight. Like I hate you for doing that.
Starting point is 02:03:05 Don't squeeze my hand. Caller, hi. By the way, he didn't do that. Sorry, real quick. By the way, he didn't do that. He didn't squeeze my hand too tight. Sarah's boyfriend, he was cool as shit. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Sorry, Caller. Hey, someone. I just, you know, since Thursday of last week, after all of that has happened in the games, I was just wondering and I wanted to get your perspective on this and this is how I'm, you know, thinking about the whole internet. I just heard how like here was his perspective, I've heard your perspective, I've heard others in your podcast about this, but just hear me out and let me know what you think, okay?
Starting point is 02:03:43 Yes, sir. So I understand CrossFit cannot control the external factors, you know, like the weather or the heat or whatever, but what it can control is the response time or the response. So then, then I was thinking why are the athletes so angry and why is the community so angry towards crossfit? So what then I kind of discovered, So what then I kind of discovered, just purely just thinking about this the whole time is difference here is the understanding the distinction between an unavoidable accident and preventable negligence. So this is very crucial, right? Because I've heard you giving so many examples
Starting point is 02:04:25 of Jason Philippa collapsing due to heat or Kara Saunders or Annie, you know, rejoin from the competition due to heat during work in 2015. And there's so many other incidents, right? But if you see it in all those instances, the medical teams have rushed in immediately providing life saving care.
Starting point is 02:04:45 All the time, I've seen that. In fact, the most recent one that I can remember now, while talking to you is who quelled during our elbows. And then you can see everybody rushed to her and she was taken off the floor and all that. Now imagine if an athlete is doing a snap, 300 pounds, it falls on his head, he's bleeding on the floor and all the medical staff and everybody's standing around the athlete and doing nothing
Starting point is 02:05:08 about it, that would be... What would you call that? Would you call that negligence? I would say that that's negligence and not taking... The response time was lacking. So what I feel is what happened on Thursday morning based on the eyewitness accounts and what I saw live, I think it was a lack of prompt intervention or help in a moment of obvious distress. That is what I think the athletes and the community are trying to address.
Starting point is 02:05:45 I see, I've heard of about fitness and other podcasts, there's not much being talked about that. And that's, everything is getting diluted because of that. That's the main point is the lack of calm to intervention or response time. And that's why, and the other thing is, as humans we look back at similar situations in the history to identify potential patterns of negligence or any such issues from cost-effect side,
Starting point is 02:06:10 and then that builds up, right? That instinct stems from that desire for the accountability and the improvement. So I think it fuels anger and frustration. I think that's what is happening in the community. This is all just my opinion so on and I really appreciate you going live like this and allowing people to come live and talk to you about this. So yeah. Can I respond to what you're saying? Yeah. So with the way you painted the picture which I think was extremely accurate. I think the only thing that you said that wasn't accurate was the fact that you pointed out all the times that people did respond.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Well, we don't know the times people didn't respond. Right. So that would be the only nuance I would change. Like Jeffrey Adler claims he was drowning and no one responded to him. So maybe there are hundreds of incidents out there where they're not getting response. I don't know, but let's just, but other than that, I agree with everything that you're saying from the perspective of, let's say the insurance company, right?
Starting point is 02:07:19 You're the insurance company. Like you said exactly what I would say if I was the insurance company, right? Mm-hmm. That's like, at that moment, did the athletes, did they deserve the comfort? Did they, not deserve, did they believe, is the event responsible, that an athlete in the water should have the comfort knowing that if for some reason they were To blackout or an alligator or to bite them or something that there would be someone there within a three second time I'm using three seconds because that's how long I heard it takes for the average person to go under and not be found Did they did they have that?
Starting point is 02:08:00 Should they have had that did they have that deal with CrossFit? I agree with you Like I think you nailed it perfect, but you were but but there's but there's so much It doesn't mean that we have to be limited to just talking about it from that perspective Do I think that's a completely valid perspective and it's the perspective I would be going for and in that there's tons of truth behind it a hundred percent a and that there's tons of truth behind it, 100%. But the shit that people don't want to say, just so you know, is that there's a crazy disproportionate of young men, Lazar's age, having heart attacks right now by a vaccine that was mandated.
Starting point is 02:08:34 Just for an example. Just for a fucking example. And so, I'm not saying that it was the vaccine's fault. I'm not saying that he shouldn't get billions of dollars, his family should, but like, hey, there's shit to learn from this, right? There's like, hey, if you're an athlete, your takeaway should be, you shouldn't be upset. You shouldn't be all those other things into eternity.
Starting point is 02:09:01 Eventually you need to change that as like, hey, how in that position can I make it so that that doesn't happen to me? And how would I do that? I would ask at an event before if there were lifeguards or not. So I'm just saying that there, do you see what I'm saying? I'm not disagreeing with anything you're saying. Holy shit. The truth is, is 500 people watched him And, you know, was it preventable? 100 fucking thousand bazillion percent, right? I mean, how hard would someone I saw someone did the math. What if they would have had 80 lifeguards out there at $500 apiece? So it would have been 40 grand, right?
Starting point is 02:09:38 Like, yeah, they should have done it. 100%. They could have tied a buoy to their back. How irresponsible that events don't do that, right? Especially for a short 800-meter swim. Have you seen those buoys that they tie to people's backs? Yeah. Yeah. So I don't disagree with you. But to have the conversation just in that regard seems to me to be missing so many valuable lessons points perspectives I mean, I mean, what do we want to do? You know, there's people do we want someone's head?
Starting point is 02:10:15 Like do we want to hang someone you know what I mean? It's like Yeah, I just feel you know, it little, the frustration part comes from the lack of communication, like what Hila was talking about, you know, the post, since when CrossFit or CrossFit Games are not posted anything on it. There should be some kind of a press conference, some kind of open, transparent medium to which they can communicate to all the athletes. And I hope, you know hope athletes like Pat and Brent and these guys can come over in your podcast
Starting point is 02:10:48 and talk about this and then you can get their perspective because at this point in time, we are just speculating. I think you just said their perspective. Don't you think you just said their perspective? One of their own died. I hope, yeah, yeah. One of their own died and they're lasering in on, hey, how could that not have happened?
Starting point is 02:11:07 And I think you nailed it. It's like, hey, the response time was inadequate and he fucking died. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, thank you so much. All right, thank you. Thank you for calling. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:11:22 Very sober. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Jake Chapman. What do you call two gay Indian guys? Ramit and Jamit. That was good. That was a good joke. When Seve mentions the Vax, you know it's not just an example. I know what you're trying to say, but it it doesn't make it anything less than just an example. If you got hit by a car, let's say you were crossing a street, and it was a green light, and you got fucking hit by a car, and your life was changed forever. Let's say it tore off your leg.
Starting point is 02:12:04 Would you feel better knowing that it was the other guy's fault? You're now a one legged man with half a brain. You're not. It made you retarded. Would you feel better knowing it was the other guy's fault? No, not at all. Caller. Hi. Hey, Sevan. Good morning. How you doing? Good morning. Hey, so I had a chance to listen to you and Hiller and I appreciate you guys doing the live this morning. It was great. It was good to hear Hiller's voice. Could you tell how much it meant to me? He's like my boyfriend. It fucking meant so much to me that he called. It meant so fucking much.
Starting point is 02:12:40 Oh, I could see it in your body language, especially too. And just like, you know, how much warmth and excitement it brought you. So I appreciate you it in your body language, especially to just like, you know, how much warmth and excitement it brought you. So I appreciate you doing that for all of us too. I think, you know, it ties into what I wanted to ask you, but I think, you know, him being on this morning after being so quiet meant a lot to a lot of people, um, because, you know, we're, we're so used to seeing him all the time and used to that engagement. And I think that's what kind of parallels
Starting point is 02:13:07 for CrossFit right now is that we're not getting that type of reciprocation from CrossFit and they're being so quiet and so conceited. I'm sure they're having to be very calculated about. What do you mean conceited? What do you mean by that? Is that like arrogant or no, am I not? You know, to be fair, like I can only imagine and i'm sure you being close to dave you can
Starting point is 02:13:29 Only imagine what he's going through right now, right? And you know as much as you know, we can disagree with don and how he's been handling across it You know, I would hate to be in his shoes right now. I think any of us would because It's that they're having to process a lot. I'm sure that, you know, personally, professionally, just emotionally, they're just going through so much and they're trying to be, you know, they're trying to be, you know, think of themselves as like a person to process their own emotions and how they feel about Lazar's death. But they're also tied into the business aspect of it too, where I think they're
Starting point is 02:14:06 having to be a little bit more quiet, a little bit more calculated and think before they post things and go online and do these types of things. Because the state of CrossFit right now is very, very fragile. And I think that one wrong step, one wrong move, one wrong conversation is gonna leave an even more sour taste in the community's mouth and especially the athletes. And I can only imagine that if they said or did the wrong thing or even the direction or the direction that it decided to take, they've got to be very, very cool, calm, collected
Starting point is 02:14:41 and calculated about their next steps because their business and their brand is on the line. But what I wanted to ask you or kind of talk about too is you know what do you think that the next step for CrossFit is? You know having said what I did about you know them trying to take some time to process their thoughts and their emotions and how they're gonna tackle this because you know having been there dealing with the athletes, talking with the athletes of the vast amount of frustration. And I think that what a lot of your callers have been talking about these past couple
Starting point is 02:15:15 days is now it's become where a lot of people want somebody's head where they think firing Dave or firing Don or something else some type of a Ultimatum like that is all of a sudden gonna make things better when a reality, you know, does somebody have to go? I'm sure I'm sure it's gonna end in Dave or Don being fired or some type of like executive shift But then it begs the question of like what is it really gonna take for CrossFit to get back to being CrossFit? And that's what I wanted to ask you. Because it feels like it'll never be the same. Well, I've already put the move forward plan together. It's funny you asked, I was going to do a special show on it yesterday. But as the CEO, I already put a move forward plan together. That is, I mean, it's taught
Starting point is 02:16:00 it's, I was going to release it today, but I guess I could release it now. I guess I could. Well, let me ask you this. What do you do? What do you do when, um, are you married? No, sir. I'm not. Oh, um, what do you do when shit goes bad? Like if you have a traumatic incident, what do you do?
Starting point is 02:16:21 What do you do? Personally, I, I you know my exercise No, that's probably the answer that you weren't looking for but it's an escape for me to you know Rid my mind of a lot of like toxins and things that you know The mind games that I play when I go through difficult things because I think that's what we all do When we go through difficulties is we start playing a hundred different scenarios and those hundred scenarios turn into a thousand different ones and then we start asking ourselves all these questions and having these doubts and concerns that leads to
Starting point is 02:16:55 anxiety so on and so forth so for me I found the best thing is just to exercise but at the same time too I've also found like the best thing to do sometimes is just to be quiet It's kind of like what Hiller had done. Like, you know, I'm sure he was just so You know engulfed with emotion and he wanted to go a different direction out of anger I'm sure just like anybody in his stance would but I think that him, you know taking a swell to be calm collected The reason why the reason why people say that cross it needs to be calm and collected. It's good for his brand.
Starting point is 02:17:25 The reason why people say that CrossFit needs to be making coming forward though also right now is they should be moving forward as business as usual but they're just scared right and but they shouldn't be because they shouldn't be. They're afraid to put stuff out there because they know hate's going to come their way but they should just fucking plow forward business as usual. But I will tell you the go forward plan as the CEO of the company. I will tell you exactly what it is. In times of need, in times of stress, people should go to their friends and family. And so moving forward, this is what is going to what I'm going to implement
Starting point is 02:18:05 as the CEO of CrossFit. The games will only flow, the games will only flow through the affiliates moving forward. And that is the contraction back into family. The games will only flow through affiliates. Every question moving forward now will be what benefits the affiliates. You will not be allowed to do the open at home. You will not be
Starting point is 02:18:28 allowed to submit videos from outside of anywhere. Everything will flow through the affiliates. If you are not at an affiliate, if you don't somehow be in contact with the affiliate, you will not be involved with the games period. The games are now a complete 100% affiliate phenomenon. That'll be the directive my that's a directive now to the CrossFit community. You guys know it's a little early. I wanted to spring it later on today. Second of all, all affiliate owners will receive 90% off of all tickets for the CrossFit Games moving forward and all tickets for regular Joe's will be north of $1,500 a pop. All tickets will be north of $1,500 a pop. It will be an
Starting point is 02:19:12 exclusive event except for affiliate owners. Now if you're an affiliate owner and you'll be limited to six tickets and you want to buy the six tickets at $100 each or $200 whatever it is for you and then you want to sell them for $2,000 each make $12,000 I don't give a shit do what you want this event will be for you and if someone doesn't do the workouts in your affiliate whatever we do it's still to be determined whether we're gonna get rid of the quarterfinals and semi finals but we'll start with the open and probably just this year go straight to the games hundred, something like that.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Second of all, prize money will be cut in half, at least in half, at least in half. So if it ends up being that there's no prize money, it could be. All prize money will be cut in half. Masters, adaptive and teen will now be brought back into the fold all the same week. There will be no prize money for them. It will be strictly a phenomenon for affiliates
Starting point is 02:20:10 who want to celebrate their best athletes. And CrossFit will be starting a new hiring practice. Military personnel will get a priority. They're all military personnel, their applications for a job will rise to the top. And CrossFit will no longer hire, we will no longer hire based on sex, age, sexual preference or skin color.
Starting point is 02:20:40 We are now eliminating that, that's done. Well, based on your military career, and then after that, your military career will get your application pushed up to the front, and then it will be strictly on merit. And there will be a removal of all staff that don't align culturally with the company. We'll be making it, there'll be a dramatic cultural shift that aligns with the methodology and leaves all the woke values behind. So anyone who's been involved in setting the culture at what it currently is will be gone. And that includes if anything else.
Starting point is 02:21:15 And if anyone has any issues with like, hey, you can't claim it's the fittest. If you have to go through the affiliates, I'm fine. Everything has a process. That's in the same way you can't claim that the Super Bowl team that wins the Super Bowl is the best football team in the world. It's not we could put together a better a group of guys. But the profession, the quote unquote professionalization of the sport, we're done with it. It's now everything because this is what people do in trauma. We go back to our family, we go back to our core. And I apologize. We lost our way. And now everything will be funneled back through the affiliates. It will be the greatest affiliate proposition you've ever
Starting point is 02:21:51 seen. You could actually make you become an affiliate today for 4500 bucks. We're going to charge $1500 for the games tickets. You're going to get them for 100 bucks. You can make all your money back and then four or 5000 bucks. And that's it. And if you live on Antarctica or you live too far away from affiliate, then you won't be doing the open this year. It's okay. You can still do it at home. Just don't enter. I know there's some pressing questions. Will we continue to do it at Dickies? I do not know if we can get out of the contract. We will get out of the contract and we'll move it to a outdoor facility. It's now going to be, we're going to find places where we can do it outdoors, near a lake.
Starting point is 02:22:27 It's going to be completely a hundred percent family event. That's it. It's pretty simple. And the, the, the, there's this misnomer that because you have 12 million followers that your voice means something as an athlete. It does not. It does not It does not it's only it's only that that was the woke that was the woke group that was afraid of that And that's where we'll go and and it'll be the greatest games ever so that's the go-forward plan
Starting point is 02:23:03 I wasn't ready to release it yet, but that's it. Now you guys know. Thank you for sharing. Yeah. I had one more and I'm open to any fee. I'm open to any feedback by the way, but but but But I probably won't take it, but that's it Go ahead. Can I ask a quick question then please? Uh, that's one more so Kind of like what you were saying just then and you know I was listening listening to Greg's episode that you did with him the other day. I know he wasn't even the biggest advocate of the games himself and he ran the entire company.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Do you think that the games is the issue with CrossFit right now? Do you think that there, obviously, you have tremendous athletes who dedicate their lives to fitness and this is how they make their living. It's a part of the sport that we enjoy watching and spectators and fans. But do you think that the games where it is right now is causing a lot of this frustration and anger and disconnect from CrossFit? Or do you think that just as a whole that we need a new identity and leadership? I guess I apologize for saying that because I guess I reject your notion that
Starting point is 02:24:15 something's wrong with CrossFit. I don't think anything's wrong with it at all. I just think that since I was at the games and my show covers the games that this incident happens to be at the games and my show covers the games that this incident happens to be, um, um, um, you know, in the forefront. But I think that this is just such an easy fix. Um, uh, it's just an easy fix. You know what I mean? You have a, you have a, um, uh, you have a cancer and you cut it out.
Starting point is 02:24:38 You know what I mean? It's just a, it's a, it's a little blip. It's this, um, it's this little, it's so easy to fix, right? Just move away from it. No one, no one gets hurt. What's the downfall of taking the games back and running them all through the affiliates? It's a win-win for everyone, except for someone who had some pipe dream
Starting point is 02:24:55 of fucking becoming rich, going to the games and selling protein powder in a plastic bucket. I mean, that's just facts, right? Exactly. And so, yeah, like I don't think that there is a, I don't think that there is a problem. I think culturally that there's just facts, right? Exactly. And so, yeah, like I don't think that there is a, I don't think that there is a problem. I think culturally that there's a problem definitely for sure at the company in terms of just hiring people based on their sex age.
Starting point is 02:25:13 I mean, like we know that's happening. I mean, Hiller pointed it out right before the games. They got to get rid of all that shit. That's like, that's not who we are. That's a, that's a, that's the opposite of what the brand stands for. Personal accountability and responsibility. But other than that, I think the community is fucking thriving. I'm fucking thriving. I'm a CrossFitter. I had some insane workouts this week. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And the people who have a
Starting point is 02:25:41 million followers, they have an influential voice. So if they want to keep whatever they say, I'm depressed, I'm sad, something's wrong, people will believe it even if they're... It's like what Hiller said to me, you seen any trannies approach your kids? No. You know what I mean? And so those people who are owning what the athletes are going through, it's like, okay, but that's your choice.
Starting point is 02:26:07 But I think it's just such an easy fix. And the truth is, is Greg saw this in 2018 and I didn't, and I'm embarrassed, it took me six years to see it. But as your fearless leader, that's just the way it's gonna be. It's just gonna be, we're just gonna go back and find, it's gonna be, it should have been like this all along. Everything is about the affiliates. If it doesn't benefit the affiliates, we're just going to go back and fund it's going to be it should have been like this all long everything is about the affiliates if it doesn't benefit the affiliates we're not doing it
Starting point is 02:26:27 and uh sorry i don't mean to um other than the fact if ricky garard works out at your affiliate he has no value to the affiliates other than if fucking fakowski works out an affiliate he has no value to the affiliates matter of fact it's the exact opposite the shit they say misconstrues what the primary business model and what the primary value of this great methodology is. I mean, shit, some of those guys don't even have their L1. Some fucking moron in the comments said, we'll believe you when you go to an affiliate, Sevan, or we'll take your word. How about fucking, these fucking dumb shits don't even have an L1. At least I've been to 50 L1s. So.
Starting point is 02:27:02 Anyway, I'm kind of excited that I got my plan out there. I was going to do a show later today with like cards and and let people call in. But but now there you go. You got it. You got it out of me. Oh, sorry to get it out. I'm glad now. I don't have to do a show today.
Starting point is 02:27:18 I can hang out with my kids all day. That's what it's all about, right? Family first. Yeah, so that's breaking news, right? Family first. Yeah. So that's breaking news. You got it first. That is the future of the CrossFit Games. The affiliates will be ecstatic.
Starting point is 02:27:31 I'm sure affiliations will fucking skyrocket now that people know this. They'll be able to, it's actually a profit. They can actually make money. So it's cool. I'm very proud. I'm very proud of it. I didn't come up with it on my own. I spoke to my cabinet at length. I'm very proud of it. I didn't come up with it on my own I I spoke to my cabinet at length and uh, i'm very proud of it
Starting point is 02:27:49 Well, it sounds great. I think though you hit the nail on the head with it too because That's the affiliate is the identity and I think that's the community aspect is what's going to get everybody through this and keep Cross it what it is. So I appreciate that. Thank you Yep, have a good one. Bye. Uh, but Sevon, you never got your L1. Yeah. But, but, uh, when I was, when I wasn't married, I had a better relationship and better kids than 99% of the people who were married.
Starting point is 02:28:19 Now I am married. Hasn't changed a fucking thing. Go fuck yourself. Greg Seed. Uh, uh, caller. Hi. I'm married hasn't changed a fucking thing go fuck yourself Greg seed Call her hi and hey, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something when I took my l1 I didn't bend over and fucking grab my ankles either like when they said that fucking D ball slams wasn't crossfit because it wasn't measurable I'm like bullshit. I call bullshit Fuck you
Starting point is 02:28:46 So there take that talking the slam balls fucking ankle grabber color. I'm sorry What's up, man? So I had a question changing the subject a little bit but uh, I remember when I and correct me if I'm wrong When you started your podcast you started the mat savan mat and josh show and I always man. I still go back and watch those y'all ever think about just doing a throwback one day and just getting the band back together So here's the story
Starting point is 02:29:24 Talk to me. I was driving in my car. I'll never forget where I was driving. This is the history of that podcast. I was driving in my car and I was texting with Matt and he was a bit of a chatty Cathy that day because he does not really, we didn't text that much. And I said, Hey dude, you want to just get on a phone call and record it? And he said, yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 02:29:41 That'll be fun. And I said, we'll call it a podcast. He's like, cool. And I'm thinking in my head, fuck, I could do this while I drive my kids around. Cause I drive my kids around a lot. Right. So then I get off the phone with him and I called Josh bridges and I'm like, Hey dude, Matt and I are going to do this show.
Starting point is 02:29:55 What do you think? Or maybe I asked Matt first, Hey, do you care if you, I said, do you know Josh bridges? He goes, yeah, I'm actually friends with them. I said, cool. I go, what do you think about doing a show, having him on the show? And he goes, oh, that'd be awesome. And then I called Josh and he said, that'd be awesome. So we, we just actually friends with them. I said cool. I go. What do you think about doing? Having him on the show and he goes, oh that'd be awesome. And then I called Josh and he said that'd be awesome So we just started doing a show
Starting point is 02:30:09 I quickly realized I couldn't drive around in my car because the cell reception is so shitty in Santa Cruz so we ended up doing the shows and I Told I actually told Matt ahead of time we were talking I was like, hey dude I don't know if you want to do this And he said why I said because I'm I'm pretty wild like I'm gonna say some shit like it's crazy right and I'm gonna say some shit that's like really true and it's gonna rub fucking delusional fucks wrong and they're gonna and they come at me all the time but I don't care right and he said to me his exact words was
Starting point is 02:30:40 no I want to be free too and I said said, okay, cool. Yeah, it was super cool. So we did the show and we did 20 shows, I think. And then at some point he kind of just went quiet. And actually the truth is around show, I'm making this up, but around show 16, 17 or 18, he started being more difficult to get him on. I'm making up the fact that I don't know which show it was But at some point ahead of us coming to a halt He was becoming harder and harder for me to get a hold of so then I was and then we hit the last show
Starting point is 02:31:13 And I can Josh knew why we weren't doing it anymore But he didn't want to tell me because he wanted because he he'd clearly had private conversations with Matt, right? So got it. So basically I couldn't figure out why it was, right? And so I thought maybe I did something to upset him or whatever. So like three months passed and Matt called me and he's like, Hey, dude, like, I go on the show, and I say shit, and people just fucking shit on me. And I'm not up for it. Right? It's like, you know, I mean, it's like every time you step out of your house, let's say a bird shit on you. Right? So he's like, you know what I mean? It's like every time you step out of your house, let's say a bird shit on you, right? So he's like, hey, I go out and people shit on me and I'm not about that.
Starting point is 02:31:48 I don't wanna go out on a limb and get shit on. This isn't playing out basically how I thought it was. And I said, okay, that's cool. And now flash forward. And so I never knew if that was true or not, but flash forward now five years or four years and he's been consistent in his message. He doesn't want to be shit on. That's why he doesn't do a lot of fucking podcasts. That's why
Starting point is 02:32:10 he doesn't put himself out there. That's why he doesn't respond to a lot of stuff. He doesn't. He is. He's why would he like he he was in the public eye for so long and he doesn't want to go out and be like, Hey, I'm voting for Trump or I didn't get the facts or he doesn't want to answer any questions like that because he doesn't want to fucking take the smoke. And I'm not judging him for that at all. That's all on him. But so that's what that's what happened to that. That's what happened there. And like after four years of feedback, like, like, I believe that I think that that was actually his valid thing. Like, like, dude, and hey, most people like he already made himself vulnerable for five years physically he doesn't want to like sure
Starting point is 02:32:48 and he's selling that and he's selling program now and he probably doesn't want to alienate people who want to buy his programming or be a part of his program or his community because they disagree with him on abortion you know what I mean and it's like sure I don't know what his stance is, but I'm just saying, yeah, it makes sense in that regard. I just think of that Joe Rogan comment. He always says, don't read the comments, you know, because what I loved about y'all three is this the dynamic, you know, your personality and you bring these sides out of the athletes
Starting point is 02:33:19 that, you know, when they're doing their thing, promoting and in the, you know, in the kind of like PC world, you know, you don't see that of their personality. But man, just so many years, Matt was dominant and then Josh was a dominant athlete and a Navy SEAL and just having their all three of your different perspectives, man, it just would be pretty cool seeing. Dude, I would love, I would love to do a monthly show with I would love I would love to do a monthly show with those two I would love to do a monthly show with those two that would be so fucking awesome Heck yeah, and what I love about Josh though. I'd love to do a monthly show with Kamala Harris, too, though I'd like to do a monthly show with Kamala Harris to go on sorry go on
Starting point is 02:34:04 So funny that's what would be so funny. That's what would be so awesome. Well, brother, she probably needs someone like you to give her some truth in her life, you know. Yeah. Instead of the people that are just the establishment. Right. But yeah, bro, just wanted to bring that up just to go on a lighter note.
Starting point is 02:34:20 And if no one has watched your old episodes of that, they should go back and check them out. I agree. Because you all have some, they should go back and check them out. I have some a lot of funny banter going on. All right, brother. Have a great week, man. Good talking to you. Okay. Love you.
Starting point is 02:34:33 Bye. Later. My wife sent this to me this morning. The people I admire the most are the ones who unabashedly tend to their inner peace. They do not want to hurt anyone. They move with kindness. They make time for self care and growth. They do their best to give compassion to all those who cross their path.
Starting point is 02:34:57 These people make the world lighter. That's two great sub clips now. At the end of the podcast, right? I love sub clips. I'm so into sub clips right now. I want to have like 10 minute content. So that first one was the future of CrossFit. That's breaking news. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:35:23 You guys heard it here first. So now we know what the game's plan is moving forward. I'll work out the details. I'm not sure I need to I need to talk to My staff and find and work out the details of you know Where we're gonna have the event exactly how we're gonna get from the open to the games But it will be but it will be through the affiliates with no exception I will not waiver on that you should be rest assured through the affiliates with no exception. I will not waiver on that. You should be rest assured of the affiliates. It will pass through you 100%. There'll be no wiggle room.
Starting point is 02:35:52 If someone says you can't crown the fittest because it didn't pass through an affiliate, I'll be like, I understand. And I'm sorry for that, but it is the way it is. Oh, right. The subclips down. You're right. Thank you. So that's one, the future and then the history of the seven mountain future of CF
Starting point is 02:36:09 And then the second one is um, oh My hands shaking Damn is that from paper street coffee? And the other one is You think this Coke Nails Wild? And the other one was the other sublet Future of CF and oh the history of the Sevan history that was around 214 230 let's say history of Sevan Josh.
Starting point is 02:36:52 Ooh, I'm all jacked on coffee. Barry McCalkiner says, cut that pinky nail. Dude, that I caress the back of your neck with that when I hugged you. That's what made you hard. Uh, caller. Hi, caller. Hi. Have you been listening to Kamala talk lately? No, no, I need to.
Starting point is 02:37:07 You're gonna catch up. She is so dumb. It's got awful. I do know that I loved it how CNN New York Post MSNBC all turned on her when she went full Venezuelan on us. When she tried when she's talked about fixing pricing for food, that's I mean, that is fucking insane, dude. She's going to take the patents away from people.
Starting point is 02:37:35 Oh, I saw that. We can do that. We'll snatch it from we can do that. I don't think she understands how capitalism works and why we're making so much progress is the fact that yeah, like we have to reward people for their shit. I think she does understand that's why she wants to take it away. Oh God, you're making me sick. I hope not.
Starting point is 02:37:57 I can't really be out there. Yeah, we can't let that happen. I have a question for you. So you might have a little bit more insight to this. Greg has always said the game's lost money. Game's always lost money. He had to spend his own money. Why would any corporation or business
Starting point is 02:38:14 continue to do something that will lose the company money? Is it because people like it? That's not really company-ish of someone to do. You have to make the decision. I'm going to tell you something crazy that doesn't get said a lot. It's not going to answer your question. You ready? Hit me.
Starting point is 02:38:39 Up until Greg hired the new CEO, or maybe it was the year before he hired the new CEO, Greg would was the year before he hired the new CEO Greg would always tell Dave the games better never make a dime The games better never make a dime. That was his order. He did not want the games to make a fucking penny He did not want to leverage the games to make money off the community He would say that I've heard him say it a thousand fucking times Games better and then all of a sudden in one year I think it was one new CEO all of a sudden maybe it was like a month before the games
Starting point is 02:39:14 It was like hey the games have to break even Imagine that stress that puts on Dave just all of a sudden the complete like flip of that like in like in a month Before the game well that puts into that puts into a different perspective then yeah I mean there's a million there's a million crazy fucking amazing nuances and details around How crossfit was run that are like so important for someone to understand? the picture that's why like this plan that I have, as brilliant as it is, I'm so embarrassed that I didn't implement it
Starting point is 02:39:53 you know four years ago when I became the CEO. But I too was blinded by the funness of it. And you know there's like people out there who actually think the athletes matter as athletes, of course, they matter as people But somehow they think that there's somehow Some value add to the community that's Way beyond what they really are Like when people say to me when people say to me these athletes won't come on your show I'm like, are you fucking kidding me or like? What? You you you how well oxygen is important to the show.
Starting point is 02:40:33 I was going after a bunch of people on that last post that a different organization made. And we're going back and forth with people that were saying how if the games are over, CrossFit's over. Like, what about what about what about the athlete somebody commented my son is a 20 year old aspiring CrossFit Games athlete I'm like so he's putting all his chips into the CrossFit Games what are you crazy do you know why there's 20 different kinds of cell phone brands because there's a fucking demand for it and they're all successful rich companies do you know why there's no fucking competition to CrossFit? Because it's not a fucking successful possible business model. I'll tell you one more thing, Jethro, do not repeat this.
Starting point is 02:41:15 Okay. Okay. Just between us. And I love Dylan Malinsky and the Miami Water Blues event. Fucking people love it. But that's an organization that needs the athletes. I'm guessing. And if I'm wrong, I would love to be unfucked, right?
Starting point is 02:41:35 CrossFit does not need a single athlete in the room. Even a little bit. Amen. Single athlete in the room even even a little bit Amen, it is it is 100% the athletes that need CrossFit Like and what's crazy is is like so other leaders that are in the company have got it twisted because they think that these guys Have big followings and they make a lot of noise and so they're over there fucking pounding their chest But but they don't matter at all. They can't reach up and pick a banana out of a tree all they can do is pound their chest they offer no value it's strictly entertainment now it doesn't mean it doesn't mean i don't love them to fucking death and i'm honored
Starting point is 02:42:15 to know them and i don't love the games i fucking you know what i mean like these fucking born primitive sweats i own they're fucking i love them so much But if I fucking lost them today no consequence to my life at all zero Yep, and that's and that's what the game that's what the games athletes are so why not just Funnel it all into what does matter only one thing matters The affiliates I'm gonna funnel ways I'm gonna funnel it all in there the same way when I came home from the games I grabbed my kids because they're the only thing that mattered to me and my wife my wife titties
Starting point is 02:42:50 That's it. I'm telling the way the way you explained it going back to the affiliates. It makes a thousand percent sense Oh, it's it's a fucking no-brainer. It's done. It's done. Consider it done. Jethro. You're you're consider it done This is this is ready on the cabinet really no no no no no fuck do you feel it's I don't want to hear shit from them sorry you guys are fucking crazy you guys get confused by the athletes you guys get confused by all sorts of shit you just stay there and save people's lives all fucking I'll just I'll funnel shit to you I'll make you proud trust me. Yeah, I'm gonna funnel it all in. All in. The affiliate, by the way, the video contest is still going. And we're actually getting submissions and I'm really fucking excited. Really, I'm really fucking excited. Yeah, it's done. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:35 So if anyone wants to be part of the CrossFit Games, you can all the work. Whatever the workouts are, they're going to have to be done in the affiliate. You're going to have to pay an affiliate fee. You're going to have to like you have to go through the affiliate. There'll be no there'll be probably it'll be something like this. You're going to have to pay an affiliate fee. You're going to have to like, you have to go through the affiliate. There'll be no, there'll be, probably it'll be something like this. Don't quote me on this at all. Right. But it's going to be something like this. Um, we'll probably do like maybe an open and you'll have to have two judges there. And then if you make it past the open, maybe you'll go to quarterfinals and then
Starting point is 02:43:58 you'll like, if you only have to have two judges, um, if, um, you want to go to the, you know, to the next level, you'll have to have two judges validate it, right? And then at the quarterfinals, you'll have a video submission that's needed. But we might not even, I might not even do the quarterfinals. I got to talk to my cabinet. I'm all about just let the top 100 from the open go to the games. I'm good with it. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:44:21 Make the open matter again. Yeah, it's fine. It's cool. Like it really doesn't matter. Like I really, I need to cut the skews down. I need to make it just straight from affiliates to games as quickly as I can. It needs to be exclusive event.
Starting point is 02:44:34 It needs to just add value to the affiliates. Is it adding value to the affiliates? No, then I'm getting rid of it. Fuck you, you're out. Exactly. You're out. Yep. 100%.
Starting point is 02:44:44 Yeah. I'm down. You're done. Go fuck yourself. Not you, but you know what I. You're out. Yep. 100%. Yeah. I'm down. You're done. Go fuck yourself. Not you, but you know what I mean? Like any ideas that I can't pass through that, how does that help CrossFit Chief Nation,
Starting point is 02:44:53 Chief Nation CrossFit, Chief CrossFit? Right. Did I cover all my bases? Did I get it right? Yeah, I posted it that day. I was like, if the games got rid of today, you know, we'd still have the affiliates. If the affiliates were gone, CrossFit will be gone.
Starting point is 02:45:07 That's it. Pretty simple. Yeah. Simple. So simple. It's so simple. Well, no, let's even be more truthful. If the, if the affiliates go CrossFit is not gone.
Starting point is 02:45:17 HQ is gone. And you have to remember, I'm also looking out for HQ because I got to keep them. I got a fucking plush job, dude. Making 750,000 a year fucking benefits doing what I love spreading the cure for the world's most vexing problem I don't want to lose my job so the affiliates aren't what keeps the affiliate CrossFit will live with the affiliates or without the affiliates but I need the affiliates I need to help and I want to add value to them so that I can keep my job and I I'm open with that and I'm cool with that.
Starting point is 02:45:45 That's cool. I'm going to do a good job. I'm going to make it so you're happy that I make 750 a year. Yeah, we don't want you to lose your job. Plus 2% ownership of the company. Now we're talking. So, hey dude, you're in good hands.
Starting point is 02:45:58 I got you. It was great talking with you. All right, you have access to me anytime you want, buddy. You're one of the special affiliates. All affiliates aren't created equal. Thank you. Thank right. You have access to me anytime you want, buddy. You're one of the special affiliates. All affiliates aren't created equal. Thank you. Thank you. I love you very much.
Starting point is 02:46:10 All right. I love you too. Kiss the ring. All right. Bye. All right. Bye. Okay.
Starting point is 02:46:18 Love you guys. Thanks for joining me. Let me say hi to Pullboy. Oh, Pullboy, I got to mail you the exerciser. Got to. Got to. Cameron, say hi to um uh pool boy. Oh pool boy I gotta mail you the exerciser. Got to. Got to. Uh Cameron gotta mail you the exerciser. Gotta mail Hiller one. I need to start selling exercisers. 20% off. Um let me see. Let me see. What do I got in here? Um Let me see, what do I got in here? Um... Alright, here we go.
Starting point is 02:46:47 Oh wait, I gotta take this off first. Okay, here we go. We've got 18 year olds with 60, 70 year olds all in the same class doing the same workout. Obviously looks a little bit different, but the age range is one of the things I'm most proud of. There's no pigeonhole of people, or it's not like the gym where they're all youngsters, or they're all older people. It's a blend of everybody, young, older, ever in between. CrossFit's hard, so it attracts a certain type of people. I don't think you'd get that outside of a CrossFit gym's environment,
Starting point is 02:47:23 in terms of everyone trying to get better at stuff they don't like. People have to enjoy the class. You can be the best at teaching the snatch or the handstand push-up, or you can be the best at scaling people. Unless people are having fun, it doesn't matter. They're not going to care. And that's what I try to get out of people. Teach them a little bit, give them a good workout, just make sure they're having fun and enjoying it at the same time. Give them a good workout. Just make sure they're having fun and enjoying it at the same time. Thank you to Two Brain Business for supporting those affiliate commercials. More than supporting them. That means they paid for them. Hey, do you want to be on the show?
Starting point is 02:48:03 Why, what are you doing? Oh. I mean, I look pretty neat. Just turn the switch. Ow. There's a switch down here under the table and I just push it with my toe and it turns that light on Some gangster shit, right? God dude, I got a pee so bad. What if I left what if I just left the show to you? Well, I took a pee Imagine you were on the show by yourself. What would you say? I want to skate on the skate ramp today again. Oh yeah, you got really inspired yesterday, right? How good? So you skated with your friend yesterday?
Starting point is 02:48:53 Yeah. And he's 10. Is he the best 10 year old skater in Santa Cruz County? No. There's someone better than him? There's someone better than him that's nine. Who? His name is like Nathan. Have you seen him? No, there's someone better than him. There's someone better than him. That's nine who his name is like
Starting point is 02:49:14 Nathan have you seen him? No, I don't know it's him but it's something no, he said he's crazy good Really? He's like, oh you like six foot airs out of the butterfly. Really? Yeah Don't you want to see him? Yeah. Yeah. You slashed the coping yesterday. That was dope. In front side? Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. I, uh, uh, you did backside, but I mean the coping, the pool coping at the big pool at a Mike Fox.
Starting point is 02:49:34 Oh yeah. That was cool. That was crazy. I was so scared for you. Cause you know, the pool coping sticks out so far. I was like, Oh God, Oh God. I almost slashed the big one oh on like on the far side yeah yeah yeah I hit the tiles but I
Starting point is 02:50:07 yeah Rowan did that one's uh front side really yeah he slashed that one from the side it's crazy. Yeah. Um, I noticed that um, You don't like You like skate. Do you like skating with him because he's better than you like I noticed you guys get yeah. Why is that? Well, if you don't get jealous, you don't get jealous of him. You're not like fuck man. I used to you did you did used to What happened? How did you flip the script? Well, I just learned that if I skate so many better than me, I can get better than them. Interesting to explain. Okay. Like I'm doing a trick that Rowan hasn't even thought of right now. So there's like a rail here. Yeah. And I'm coming from this way and I'm board sliding it down with Luke.
Starting point is 02:50:44 Oh, and so you're saying that skating with Rowan and it inspires you. Yeah, and also if I skate with row more, you know how Rowan just sends it Yeah, I skate with him more Yeah, I saw you it's like sometimes I never see you crash the other day at Mike Fox I saw you crash like 20 times 50 times you were sending it Yeah, yeah, so he's inspiring. Yeah, and as I skate with him more I would just get better and better. You know why I think that you don't get jealous of him Because he's my friend, but he's so cool. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:51:23 Like when he does a trick you're like good job Rowan or when you do a trick He says good job Rowan. So it's like you guys's so cool. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like when he does a trick, you're like, good job Rowan. Or when you do a trick, he says, good job Rowan. So it's like you guys support each other. Yeah. If you were with some guys like, you know, there's some kids will be like, you can't do this. Yeah. Did you just tune out? I'm talking to you. I am listening. You are? I saw your eyes glaze over for a second. No. This is valuable air time, don't let your eyes glaze over. What's up with the gold chain? I got it yesterday. Where'd you get it? Mom bought it for me.
Starting point is 02:51:58 Pfft. And. Where were you that they were selling gold chains? Mom bought it on Amazon. What else did she bought you? I think she bought me one more. Who buys you more stuff on Amazon? Me or your mom? You.
Starting point is 02:52:18 Oh, alright. Well then I can't judge her. I have like, oh no, maybe a thousand dollars worth of Legos in my room. Oh my god. Maybe more. Oh my god. Maybe like two thousand. Oh my god. And the whole place probably like We could use that money. We could use that money to put gas in the car. There's probably four thousand of like a four thousand dollars worth of Legos in here We're never gonna get a pool if we keep wasting money like chickens or chickens Yeah, how what's gonna happen to the Legos you're gonna reach an age where you don't want them that one happens Like eventually one day you're gonna get a girlfriend
Starting point is 02:52:58 You're gonna want to put a picture of her where one of the Legos is like where a Chewbacca Lego is What are you gonna do? Uh Break up with her Sorry, I can't date you this Lego there's no room on this shelf for a picture you girl beat it Yeah No, I don't know what happens There's no room on this shelf for a picture you girl. Beat it. Yeah. No, I don't know what happens. Hey, yesterday at the skate park, did you know that some kid called Joseph a dick?
Starting point is 02:53:36 Or no, bitch. No. Yeah. Remember that kid on the scooter with the shirt dangling off his neck? I guess, and you guys, you know how you you guys everyone goes up that big ramp and then people can see you picking your nose you know that big ramp where you skate up and everyone waits in line to enter the park at Mike Fox I and you know how
Starting point is 02:54:00 sometimes you got to go up at an angle and cross in front of people like as everyone comes to the comes up there I guess Joe's did you get a booger? Are you gonna flick it flick it? Don't flick it on the couch. Okay flick it on the floor you I guess Joseph went up there and some kid that kid said move move But and he started to say bitch Ari heard him and then stopped Oh, he was coming like straight up the ramp. I guess and he got in the kid's way and the kid was on like a on a scooter. I told Ari to go.
Starting point is 02:54:30 So here's a people that here's a place that people go down. Yeah. And here's a place that you go up. Yeah. I'm telling Ari to go up this way so you can dunk it. Right. But sometimes you kind of have to cross but anyway if Ari said hey I think that kid that kid wants to get some because he heard Joey say that always like hey
Starting point is 02:54:51 I think that kid wants to get some what do you mean? It is a kick. That's how I took it when Ari said it He's ahead. I think that kid wants to get some and I told him I said hey if it goes down just don't stop to get some and I told him I said hey if it goes down just don't stop you know what I mean don't throw one punch or two punches just unleash holy hell on them yeah right you should have told me you should have told me at that time no you were busy I don't even bother you oh extra sloppy says I picked my nose too we're all good yeah I wanted to listen. Sorry You think there's anyone on planet who doesn't pick their nose?
Starting point is 02:55:36 Girls pick their nose people say they don't but they do. Yeah, it's like you can't resist can't resist Picking your nose. It's like hard. I Grad I don't need like stop drinking coffee It's like I think quitting picking your nose would be harder But when I was a kid, I used to eat them and then I don't know what happened I just reached a level where I don't I stopped eating them. Yeah Still you're still in the eating phase. Yeah. Oh, when did you stop? 25 You're still in the eating phase? Yeah. When did you stop? 25.
Starting point is 02:56:05 What? Seriously, it was too, I was too old. What's up, Hailey? I should have quit eating them way before I did. Like way before. Now the thought of eating my boogers makes me kinda, I don't know. But listen, but listen,
Starting point is 02:56:23 I heard that there's an evolutionary reason why we eat our boogers. Like there's some benefit to it. What? I don't know that like somehow it reintroduces that bacteria into our gut so we can build our immune system around it or something. But I heard there's some. Is it bad for you? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:56:40 I mean, well boogers is mucus and you have mucus in your body. So it's like, it's just recycling. Yeah. I mean well boogers is mucus so and you have mucus in your body so it's like Just recycling. Yeah, just sending it. Yeah. Yeah, you probably picked the same boogers a couple times. Oh you think you think you pick a booger Oh Shit oh All right All right, that's good. That was a good little segment with you. Mm-hmm ready to go Oh, you have striking now in six minutes. Yeah, I'm gonna sit in there and watch
Starting point is 02:57:19 All right, one more question, okay, do you pick your nose with your One more question. Okay. Do you pick your nose with your pinky? Yeah. You see me do it. Yeah. I pick it with, why is it? Because you're- That's why I keep them long. Dude, sometimes on the show, I'll just catch,
Starting point is 02:57:32 if I'm on the show, like I'm trying to be a discreet, I do this. I kind of just try to roll them off the edge. Yeah. But like sometimes I'll just- Sometimes? I have to scrape, there'll be like something, I have to scrape off the side or something.
Starting point is 02:57:44 I just have to do it sometimes When my nails are short and I need to pick my nose. I really get in there. I'm like It's so annoying them. I dread cutting my nails for that reason because your pickers gone Yeah, every time I cut my nails when are you can use a toothpick? Oh Every time I cut my nails when I was a kid. Or you can use a toothpick. Oh. Have you seen one of the magicians like put a knife down their throat?
Starting point is 02:58:10 Yeah, yeah. Like one time David Blaine put a knife down his throat and he said it won't go any further because it's on the bottom of his stomach. I think they really do that. They do. They do. They do. Well, that's how David Blaine swallows frogs. Like he couldn't swallow up like a big, he needs a small like, like for practice, like maybe like a whole fake. A whole what? A whole fake. Oh, like a whole fake. Hey dude, I had this chick, I had this chick on the show. She was like
Starting point is 02:58:43 an eating world champion and she could put a whole banana in her mouth or like a really long hot dog and Then pull it out. I guess it's like a sword Yeah, well, yeah, that's impressive but she could also eat like that like she There's these people who can just shove hot dogs in want like ten hot dogs God that must be so bad for you. Yeah. Well, David Blaine, his stomach is crazy. David Blaine's on the next level.
Starting point is 02:59:14 He can swallow frogs and bring them back up. Yeah. It's like, how do you do that? It's like, you have to- If you can control your hands, right? You should be able to control everything. Like you should even be able to control your heart. Like I should be able to like, you know, like I can, you know, like I can like have my hand here and think about it and I can like feel
Starting point is 02:59:36 I can be like, OK, put my attention on my fingertip and I can feel my fingertip. Yeah. And then like at night when I go to bed, I listen to my heart. I kind of like can feel like the valves and shit in there. But imagine like really going in there being like stop beating. Oh that would be crazy right? Yeah just like die for a second. I guess. I don't want you doing that.
Starting point is 03:00:00 Don't fuck with that. I won't. Alright. Um one more question. Yeah. You know how you like put the pillows on the side of your ears and you put the iPad on top? Yeah. I tried that last night. It worked so well.
Starting point is 03:00:15 Like in five seconds I was like. Yeah, two big pillows on the side of your ears. And then I prefer actually a pillow. I was barely even listening to the book I was like yeah oh shit I turned you off sorry I didn't mean to do that I heard a popping sound oh shit my computer wants to update its software geez oh this disgusting. Do not answer this question. Why? Ever pick your butt and eat your butt boogers.
Starting point is 03:00:48 Wait, what? Say that again? Ever pick your butt and eat your butt boogers. Do not ever touch your butthole. I want you to be afraid of your butthole. Who said that? Someone in the questions. This is disgusting. You could get really sick. This is disgusting. You could get really sick. That just sounds awful. Good answer.
Starting point is 03:01:12 All right. I love you guys. I'll be. Thank you for coming on lightening up the show. Oh, I want to read something to you that your mom sent me. The people I admire the most are the ones who unabashedly tend to their inner peace. You tend to your inner peace? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 03:01:29 Is mom listening? I don't know. They do, why would that change your answer? No, that would just be like. Cool. Yeah. Does mom teach you how to tend to your inner peace? No, I heard you talking about Jackson,
Starting point is 03:01:42 how what a gentleman he is. Yeah. And that was cool. They do not want to hurt anyone. They move with kindness. No, I heard you talking about Jackson how what a gentleman he is. Yeah And that was cool Um, they do not want to hurt anyone. They move with kindness. They make time for self-care and growth They do their best to give compassion to all those who cross their path. These people make the world lighter All right. Love you guys, especially you dan gorrero Bye

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