The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | 05/20/2024

Episode Date: May 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Bam, we're live. Minus one. I think J.R. Howell is going to join us, which will be interesting. I'll try not to have John Young Wi-Fi. How about just show up? Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Oh, no, you didn't. Oh, yes, I did. Is that picture someone put into AI? What if Rebecca Vitteson was goth? Where? What? In the network chat? In those pictures? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I had a fucking brilliant idea, and then fucking Tyler Watkins fucked it all up by bringing up the word golf. No, I just, I'm just not into golf chicks. Looks like Jenna Ortega. It looks like who?
Starting point is 00:01:36 John. No, no, not John. Oh, Jenna. Oh, I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Is that someone in our space or someone famous? Famous. I like the differentiation though. JR says two minutes master. Thank you. Check it out. There you go. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Wow. I look like her. Yeah. Is that Selena Gomez? No, it's the chick from Wednesday. Oh, which I would never seen either. Look, it looks exactly the same as that Fisher. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Does seven take Viagra? Yeah. Wow. That is crazy. I tried Viagra. I don't know, like 10 years ago. It's fucking crazy. Recreational drug.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Talked about it many times. Pop a couple Viagra and two vicodin and you could service fucking your whole town it's just ridiculous absolutely ridiculous drugs suck because then you always want to use them again i don't know i didn't i wasn't into using that one again it's it's so crazy so crazy it's almost painfully crazy. Painfully crazy. What was, uh, what was I yesterday?
Starting point is 00:02:50 I went to my kid's surf camp, Hiller. Okay. And, and, and, and two, and,
Starting point is 00:02:55 and so you go down these stairs and the beach is called privates. And it's this big, huge fucking, like it's, it's a huge beach. Not like, not like Newport beach huge, but it's in a Cove. So for cove it just seems massive right it's like three separate beaches that are that are partitioned off
Starting point is 00:03:13 by these rocks that kind of jet out into the sand and then you can walk around to the different beaches can you kind of picture that like three coves and when you go down you go in between two coves so there's two coves on your left and one Cove on your right. And it's just this crazy, just sets of waves coming in and there's surfers everywhere. And so you go down to the spot where you think you're not going to see anyone. And you walk down there and there's fucking just surfers and just hot
Starting point is 00:03:36 people everywhere. But if you look two beaches over to the left, there's a nude beach. Oh, and it's, and you can just see them. They're little old guys walking around. Only old guys.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I mean, that's what it looked like to me. It just looked like old tan dudes, skinny old tan dudes. But I was thinking, like, what do you do with a boner if you're at the nude beach? You just lay down in the sand and dig a little hole. Oh, okay. All right. Solved. Face down.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah. Sevan, it's hard to hear you talk about Viagra since you look like Ari. Oh, Jesus Christ, Manny. I wish you wouldn't have said that. JR, what's up, dude? I'm tripping that you're here, JR. I'm really tripping. I called after I asked you to come on the show.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I called Hiller, and I was like, what's this dude going to say? I was just trying to picture you. I was trying to picture you on come on the show, I called Hiller and I was like, what's this dude going to say? I was just trying to picture you on the Kill Taylor show. I would add so much value to the Kill Taylor show. What you don't know is that there's a Kill Taylor show before the Kill Taylor show and it's me talking to Taylor about the workout
Starting point is 00:04:39 and emotionally shepherding him through all the decisions prior to. Did you tell him he was going to lose last week too? No, but today when we were talking about the workout for, I guess for Thursday, after we decided on the workout, he was like, can Colton do this? And I said, well, he's competing this weekend. So I think you're safe. No, he's not safe.
Starting point is 00:05:03 How much did that hurt when Colton said in the comments, sorry, Taylor, I didn't want to do that to you? Blame John Young. I think he was poking him the whole time. Hey, man. Hey, man. Come on. Go do it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Go do it. I just don't see you. I brought him up and he commented that little pig face. I don't remember. I feel like 80% of the show is just like saying like just insults, inappropriate insults. And I just don't see, I don't think you have that in you,
Starting point is 00:05:26 but, but maybe we'll see. JR's got it. He does. Oh yeah. It's in there. But he doesn't have the talk over people aspect to him. I don't think he's,
Starting point is 00:05:37 he's too respectful. No, I see. I see how frustrated Sevan gets when he tries to do his serious shows and everyone's talking over everyone and he leans back in the seat he gets so mad he does do that someone someone messaged me and they go hey you were super sarcastic during Europe and I go yeah I don't know shit about Europe like what do you what do you want me to do hey um this is the face colton made so the big face oh yeah that was great okay we may have to lower our mics i'm gonna lower my mic a little bit um just so that they can hear dave uh and
Starting point is 00:06:15 then you guys tell us how the volume is so listen listen to the title is this just came out a few minutes ago uh may 20th 2024 watched a recent Hiller video. My response to it. What's your first thought, JR, when you see that? The title. Oh, is this the first one? That was my initial thought. Like this is the first video he's ever watched of Hillers? Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, what did you think, Hiller? I thought it's going to be funny when I make a video saying I reviewed a review of my review on the Dave Castro Weekend Review. You posted that somewhere? I commented it, but I haven't watched it yet on this video. Review-ception. Yeah. And, by the way, I think I found out who NoRepNews is. I think it's my – yeah, I'm 99% sure it's Mike Halpin.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Really? Yeah. What gave you that idea? No, there was just something he said in the, I don't want to reveal too much, but there was some things he said in the comments. And then there were some things that he posted. And he's the only person that I'm hearing some of this stuff from. So I'm like, oh, he outed himself.
Starting point is 00:07:22 So there you go. Mystery solved. Mystery solved. Mystery solved. All right, you guys ready for this? I have a feeling this one could get squirrely. Do you think Mike would misspell the word duty? Is it D-U-D-E-Y? No, it's...
Starting point is 00:07:39 Like duty, like someone took a duty in their shorts? Go to NoRepNews' next to last post, like duty like someone took a duty in their shorts go to his go to his go go to no rep news is next to last post and it says be sure to do your patriotic jury it should be duty i can't see mike misspelling a word and posting it oh interesting no seven's only 95 sure so so you're voting against that it's him? Correct. I saw, though, in his most recent... Didn't he post something recently and someone in the comments said you posted it so fast that you misspelt it?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Didn't he misspell something in known and knowable? Let me see if I can find that. Let me see. I don't know. He's a man of exactitude, so I can't see that happening to him. Let me see if I can see it in the comments. Sometimes Norak News is a little bit too flavorful to be helping, though. Don't you think?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Sometimes it's a little bit zesty. Oh, no. Sorry. Sorry. No. Don't you think? Sometimes it's a little bit zesty. Oh, no. Sorry. Sorry. I thought someone commented that he tried to post something so fast here that... Anyway, I'm still putting my hat in that it's Halpin. I like that idea. I could see it being Halpin.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Unless it's JR and JR's frustrated that Halpin's going to get credit for it. This is a good point. It's too many Instagrams for Halpin to handle. Is it though, Barclay? I don't know, dude. No way. Yeah, he can handle an Instagram or two. The question is, whoever it is, if it's not Peter,
Starting point is 00:09:18 is it really just poking Peter to put hashtag satire? Because then we could really go down the rabbit hole if it is helping. Explain that to me. He posts hashtag satire. So is that just a dig at Pedro? Oh, who posts that? The No Rep News guy? Correct.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And that would be very helping-esque. Maybe I should start hashtagging satire. JR doesn't have time. It's not Hiller's style. But it's definitely, I mean, for a while I thought it was spin maybe. I still think it's spin. No, he's in fucking Yellowstone.
Starting point is 00:09:59 He doesn't have time to be posed. He hasn't done anything. You do still think it's spin been how do you say this word and i and i timothy and anemone anemone anonymity anonymity is a hell of a drug hillar the tongue twister say it fast and then it's like that fish and hey rich excuse me it's brian fish in. Hey, Rich. Excuse me. Brian Spinrich is Spinrich. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah. Took me a while. Not like you, Rich, but maybe for normal people. Okay. For a Midwest guy, he's rich. Okay. Okay, guys, here we go. This one's going to be wild.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Hang tight. It's going to be mild, actually. Just call this two drunk dudes in JR. I'll just sit back in eight minutes. Okay, here we go. Eight minutes. Wait, I got to do it 125 speed. We don't have fucking all day for this.
Starting point is 00:10:56 That's probably how long he's going to talk about you. Oh, that's cool. 2024. It's a busy week. A lot of stuff going on. Semifinals started this past weekend. Pretty good event. Excited about getting our first
Starting point is 00:11:09 group of athletes to the games. I'll jump into comments and then cover a few other things towards the end. First of all, though, I want to talk about Hiller. A video last week popped up into my feed. Notice how narrow his lips got. He's already fired up.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I didn't notice. a number of them do on my youtube a video popped into my feed meaning he wasn't looking for you ah right it wouldn't be the first time a video would pop into his feed youtube knows right so so oh interesting interesting but he's trying to avoid the fact that he went and looked for your video. I got a buddy who hasn't done anything CrossFit in a decade. And he goes, I get fed your videos. And if he gets fed my videos, Dave certainly gets fed my videos. Or like a YouTube notification on my phone.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I never watch them. But I decided, all right, I'm going to watch this one. And so the last time I watched it. Why did you decide he was going to watch that one? Why? Do you only get a YouTube notification, though, if you subscribe? Yeah, yeah. And you got to click the little bell.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Why did you watch the video, dude? Do you think someone told him to watch the video and he's just not saying it? What is the thumbnail? It's got Born Primitive on it. Does it have him on it? No. It's got Born Primitive
Starting point is 00:12:36 on it. I wonder why. It must have been a good thumbnail. Call Dave, Seve. Seve. After the games. Here we go. A video of his was probably last year around this time. I wanted to see, you know, people were saying a lot about him.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And at that time, I hadn't watched any of his videos. So it's been a year since he's watched one of your videos, he just claimed. I wonder what video that was. So I've watched four or five just to get a sense of what he was saying and his perspective on things. Anyway, so just watch this one. And there's a few points I want to talk about. One of the points is the credential thing. He's acting surprised and maybe not surprised, but he thinks he should have a credential. He's highlighting that he didn't get one. And a number of other people in my comments have said, hey, why didn't Hillary get a credential? And he compares, he talks about Craig Ritchie and the Buttery Bros getting credentials
Starting point is 00:13:25 and how relevant he is in the space. And then he goes into this whole tangent about... I mean, you are relevant in the space. I'm having fun with him laughing and having fun with it. This is good. You are relevant. He's relevant in the space, right, JR? One of the most relevant?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah, I mean, I don't know what kind of definition you want to use for that word, but I would say it's hard to say Hiller is not relevant in CrossFit. Like crazy relevant, like injecting, like at the 300,000-foot view, he's injecting so much energy into the space. He's as relevant as he is polarizing. And look at the engagement on his. I don't know anyone who has more engagement than him anywhere. And he gets naked on camera.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I'm more relevant than Craig Ritchie and the buttery bros. And that's the only point I was trying to make. How about combined? No. I can't claim that. I like to claim it with certainty that I'm more relevant via metrics that you can point at. I can't do that. And are you surprised that you didn't get a credential?
Starting point is 00:14:33 No. Are you surprised you didn't get a credential, JR? Yes. What's the guy's name? Liam Neeson and his film Taken and basically insinuating how he's going to be a nightmare for us. Hey, look, here's the deal. He'd be a nightmare for us if he was there. He'll be a nightmare for it or try to be. Try to be a nightmare for us if he's not there. So like don't act like by getting the press credential, you're going to show up there and you're going to, you're going to turn a blind out. You're going to turn your head towards the things that you would normally launch after like this whole contrived drama that you tried creating over the, um, this, the first workout or the rope climb workout,
Starting point is 00:15:13 where on the last round they, we are having the athletes for the flow of the event and for the race run from the box jump across finish line, instead of going back to the rope and doing one where you'd have all this crossing at the end so it's just clean and excited race for them to go across at the end whatever forget that um point being is that true if you were there would you be less critical i wouldn't have time to be more critical it's the whole point you wouldn't have time oh because you'd be too busy dealing with the actual event than being hanging out on the outside it's like it's like what you say when you go to the games
Starting point is 00:15:49 you got a goal you got a purpose it's like i'm trying to gather content of the things that i think people would want to see from the event when i'm sitting around resting on my laurels i have people throwing me everything that they themselves see and that's generally not the best of the best of crossfit it's not like oh did you see how fast so and so did this it's do you see how they messed everything that they themselves see. And that's generally not the best of the best of CrossFit. It's not like, Oh, did you see how fast so-and-so did this? It's,
Starting point is 00:16:09 do you see how they messed up that or this? Do you think they should have given him a credential, JR? Yeah. See, when I, when I think about CrossFit, I try to think about it like other sports. And I know that might be a fool's errand in some ways,
Starting point is 00:16:22 but take Stephen A. Smith. He's without a doubt, the most popular popular media person probably in all of sports, and it's because of first take because he's a guy that just starts talking, and he talks about people, and he has outlandish takes, and he doesn't back off, and he goes after athletes specifically by name when they do things he doesn't agree with. And he's super relevant.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And you either love him or you hate him. So to me, having Hiller there, they would never tell Stephen A. Smith he can't go and report at a basketball game. They would never tell him that, ever. Even if he wasn't working the game for ESPN. They would never tell him that ever, even if he wasn't working the game for ESPN, it would never deny him the ability to go talk to athletes, talk to coaches, any of that stuff, because they know he's box office. They know that whatever he says is going to get views. And to me, I feel like if CrossFit doesn't have people like Armand Hammer back in the
Starting point is 00:17:22 day, which is basically how Hiller is. And I loved Armand for all of his takes, which is basically how Hiller is. And I loved Armand for all of his takes, even the ones I didn't agree with just because he made it fun. So that's kind of what I liken it to. So are you arguing that they should even hire Hiller? I think Will Branstetter made an amazing point on Around the Whiteboard where they said, hey, don't deny an access give him a job just say hey dude you can come but this is what you have to specifically do basically like give him a job for crossfit i i don't see hillar turning that down i think he
Starting point is 00:17:55 would welcome that hey you know what's so interesting about like like do a piece on danny spiegel at whatever yeah fantastic that's my movie dick right there you know what's interesting about that is um you look at espn and they have some really risque wild shows they have some wild wild takes i mean i mean we know that uh mcafee that pat mcafee guy he even goes after the executives in the company he goes after after them hard, and his show's huge. You mean like Josh Grau? Yeah, like you went, I mean, you obliterated Josh Grau and the Coons. Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I mean, here's the deal, dude. Here's the deal. No one watches ESPN to listen to Dan Orlovsky. I'm Dan Orlovsky. No one, you don't even know who that is, but everyone watches ESPN for Pat McAfee, like Taylor Self, or for Stephen A. Smith, like Killer. That's the whole point.
Starting point is 00:18:50 You know Pat McAfee, and you care nothing about those sports. Yeah, I care nothing about football, but if the clip pops on my feed, I watch it if it's his show. Right, right. Who's Dan Orlovsky? Exactly. All right. Does he have awesome biceps.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I'm not surprised that they didn't give Hiller a pass. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. Even if you didn't have a credential, or you're still going to do the same thing with a credential or without a credential. So don't act like it's going to be any different. And you're saying that's not true, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:19:26 What about the rope climb thing? Did you make a stink of that? Did you accuse them of fucking up the rope climb and saying that they meant for there to be 14 and they ran a shitty event and only got 13? The workout's written as 21-15-9 and you're doing thrusters and chest-to-bar pull-ups. And all of a sudden it's 21 15 9 8 because for whatever reason it makes more sense it's just it just doesn't look right and it's never happened before did they i know that they did they ever happen before where they write the workout down and it's a different workout well something like that i don't think so well
Starting point is 00:20:01 basically it said it said two rope climbs with the other shit for seven rounds. Was there an asterisk or anything written at the bottom that said except for the last round? No. Okay. I'm not throwing a stink about it either. I'm just pointing it out. Yeah. I don't think that they fucked up in the execution of the workout.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I think they fucked up in the writing of it. What do you think? Everyone and their brothers are like, hey, 14, 14 rope climbs. Is that hard? Is that harder for the women than it is the men and like 13 isn't 14 that's all yeah what do you think uh um jr do you think it was a fuck up on the execution of it in the live or do you think it was a fuck up on the presentation of it on instagram and on the website no i think what actually happens on the competition floor is the most important as far as storytelling goes it was a no-brainer for them to end it the way they did.
Starting point is 00:20:46 But of course we would have just, we would have wanted them to put seven rounds for time and then in parentheses with an asterisk or whatever, just say the workout will end after the box jump overs in round seven. Right. Right. Remember guys, if you order a hundred dollars or more at paper street coffee,
Starting point is 00:21:03 now, and you use code word seven, you'll not only get a discount, but you'll get entered into two free tickets for the CrossFit Games. I forget. They're good tickets. They're like $1,000 each. I think you actually have to spend $117.65 because with the code word SEVON, it'll keep you then to like $101 or something. So if you want to enter that, go over to Paper Street Coffee now. That will be available for the next couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And they are great seats. They are seats that you won't be able to get any other way. Today's going to be – Great question. Is JR Natty? Andrew? Yes. He just doesn't eat very much.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Okay. I eat more than Hiller. A hundred percent probably more than you and Hiller put together. You do not eat more than me. And you're about to – Dude, all right. So the way you see me eat this weekend together. You do not eat more than me. And you're about to – dude, all right. So the way you see me eat this weekend is the way that I eat all the time. I eat no less than three pounds of fruit and two pounds of red meat every day.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So five pounds of food a day. Wow. 100%. But only meat and fruit. He's also not lying. Wow. Where were we? Was that the games last year where I walked in and you had like five
Starting point is 00:22:05 tubs of blueberries yeah I'll just eat I'll just eat a dry pound like that's what I'll just eat for hey I'm hungry I'll just eat yeah I do that I do that this morning I picked an orange and like 10 loquats in the yard hey Jay Chapman
Starting point is 00:22:21 JR do you eat arse I think that's ass in English yeah it is Jay Chapman, J-R-G-E-R-S. I think that's ass in English. Yeah, it is. All right. Back to the show. Being any different, fucking bring it. Second piece on that.
Starting point is 00:22:36 What was that? Even if you didn't have a credential, or you're still going to do the same thing with a credential or without a credential. So don't act like it's going to be any different. And if it is going to be any different, fucking bring it. Second piece on that. Does that mean call him and tell him it's going to be different? Because he can't show you it's going to be different if you can't go.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm very confused by that. Even if you didn't have a credential or you're still going to do the same thing with a credential or without a credential. So don't act like it's going to be any different. And if it is going to be any different, And if it is going to be any different, fucking bring it. Meaning. So now that you're from the outside, the only,
Starting point is 00:23:10 I don't think this is what he meant, but this is what he said. He's saying, Hey, if it's going to be different with you from the outside, then bring it, which would mean you would make all positive stuff. That's kind of what I thought he was getting at.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Yeah. Wow. But I think, but I think really, but I i but i think what he was really meant saying is if you're going to try to ass pound us go ahead i dare you bring it oh because that's how you use the word bring it that's hot yeah you don't look across the room at your girl and you're like hey girl bring it bring it you know what i mean it's not like and she comes over and sits on your face
Starting point is 00:23:46 you say bring it to someone those are fighting words i can see bryce doing that that those aren't love making words you know bryce smith yeah i could see him doing that front tail second piece on that for all of those questioning why he didn't get one you talk about greg ritchie you talk about the buddy bro, you talk about those other guys, they're critical of us too, not to the degree or to the extent that you are, Hiller. Hiller takes- Oh shit, he's talking to you. Like you're watching the show.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I am. I'm watching the show. For all of those questioning why he didn't get one, you talk about Craig Ritchie, you talk about the buddy bro, you talk about those other guys, they're critical of us too, not to the degree or to the extent that you are, Hiller. Hiller takes, he goes after people specifically, even in this video. He's
Starting point is 00:24:29 bringing up images of Jay DeCoon's and Don Fall and trying to clown them both. And he goes after people very deliberately and very specifically and has a history of it that pretty much crosses lines. It's more than just being a critic. It's frankly being an asshole. So that goes back to what JR was was saying about you being the steven a smith of crossfit
Starting point is 00:24:49 i would i would say that josh grow is a bit of an asshole i wouldn't say that i did anything to jada coons that's out of line i brought up the fact that he said crossfit is dangerous and then everyone else made their claims based off a video where I just laid it out for everybody. And all I ever do is point out stuff that they themselves have posted to the internet for the most part, 99.9% of the time. Yeah. Do you think it's the fact that he pointed it out, JR, or the fact of how he pointed it out?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Like, what if we'd have been like, oh, this is interesting. I mean, he points it out with the insinuation is like, wow, you guys are idiots. You hired a guy who fucking thinks affiliates are dangerous and it's a stupid business model. I don't know if that makes me an asshole. I don't know if that makes you an asshole either.
Starting point is 00:25:36 It could, if you're, if you're an affiliate, it could make you a defender of the realm. They could see you as a defender of the realm. Maybe, maybe somebody at CrossFit should say that they're assholes for that. And be like, fuck. Yeah. Sorry guys i think dave actually did say that
Starting point is 00:25:49 i think dave on the next show said yeah he said that but i like this guy give him a chance and that's what we've been doing they sent out an email basically announcing he hadn't taken his level one yet they did but dave on his weekend review shortly thereafter was like, hey, guys, give him a chance. Give him a chance. And because of Dave, we listened. Remember? It's a fair assessment to be frustrated if the guy who's going to be running the affiliates doesn't have his level one in the same month that you guys make it. So you have to have a level two to open an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I think it's a pretty fair. Yeah, don't make me an asshole. I think it's a pretty fair criticism. I think you can go pretty hard in that realm. JR, any thoughts on that? Yeah, I was just going to say, if Dave's anything, he's loyal. So when you get to the point where you're talking at or to or attacking, as I think he puts it, anyone on his team, he's going to defend his team,
Starting point is 00:26:43 which I think is admirable, and I wouldn't expect anything less. Hiller, in that regard, just to show that you're susceptible to the same flaw of loyalty, would you have ass-pounded the Joey and Bobby from the Masters Collective if they hadn't have gone after Taylor? I'm not done pounding Joey and Bobby. But how much of that was influenced by their uh calling taylor second rate something another act like there's a thief in the neighborhood you know i'm not gonna i don't even know if i would notice them to be honest like if they rob the house down the street
Starting point is 00:27:15 and if they walk by i might say oh that's weird and then i'd like go about my day but the second they come into my yard i'm more likely and if they throw a rock at my house then all of a sudden i'm like hey dude get the fuck out of my lawn they can all get away from my house and that's what they did when they came after taylor they threw a rock at my house right and if they were just dumbasses doing legends competition stuff i would have left him alone for the most part but i can't say that for certainty because they're still in my neighborhood and that's what you're saying jr you're basically saying that uh dave took it as hillary was throwing a rock at his house and whatever the reason he's pissed yeah i think dave's a lot less likely to come to the defense of an athlete or someone from
Starting point is 00:27:54 the outside space that is the subject of one of hillary's videos but when it comes from someone within crossfit that's an employee of crossfit i think he's just a big enough team guy where he's going to defend them regardless of if he agrees with what andrew's saying or not uh drake stevens uh hillar only cares about one thing getting views he's a little pussy for that yes does that make him good for the sport no he gets views and that's all that matters to hillar i think i think you're conflating issues i think you're the uh i think drake what you're doing there is you're switching the subject that i think that that's a different subject but you're also correct for the most part because yeah i think that's a different um it's too broad of a statement no one's going to do anything. The only person who puts out shows
Starting point is 00:28:46 that no one watches and keeps putting out shows is Bryce Smith. Of course, Hiller wants views, but you're trying to make some implication there that that's bad. And it's like, well, why else would you go... Drake, you should continue commenting.
Starting point is 00:29:03 What do you mean by that? Do you think it's... Why would anyone make anything Drake, you should continue commenting. What do you mean by that? Why would anyone make anything for no reason? Do you think he would be as firm on that take if all the stuff Hiller made was positive? You wouldn't know who the fuck I was if everything I made was all positive. It would always be positive. Well, that's what Craig Ritchie does. When I watch Craig Ritchie's stuff, JRr i just feel like i'm eating cotton candy like i i watch it
Starting point is 00:29:30 and maybe i enjoy it when i'm watching it and then afterwards i feel like i wasted 20 minutes and like i got nothing from it and and and my teeth are rotting out of my fucking head like i just don't uh but but he's definitely doing it for views like he's trying to make everyone happy i don't think hillers when you say he's trying to just do it just for views. He's trying to make everyone happy. I don't think Hillers... When you say he's trying to do it just for views, I mean, Craig Ritchie's account is 10 times as big as Hillers. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That's because he started a decade ago and he got to come up with the heyday of CrossFit. But he still gets 50,000 views a video and I just don't understand it. I don't understand what people are getting from understand it. I don't understand what people are getting from it. But I don't understand what people probably the world sells a shitload of M&M's
Starting point is 00:30:11 and I don't know what people are getting from that either. What about this? Lynn. No offense. I've never heard Hiller mention anything positive and I've watched a lot. What have you heard that I've mentioned negative? Oh, was the Haley Adams piece positive?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Was the Rich Froning piece positive? Was the Tyson Bajan piece positive? I'm assuming she's looking for inadvertent like positivity stuff. Like, Oh, good job. Here's a star. That really ain't my style. Like make a whole video on how great the program is? JR spoke about how Hopper will be in the gym and he'll do his row.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And he'll do some crazy row. And he'll walk over and he'll go, hey, dude, you were supposed to do this. What are you doing a PR 2K row for? Remember that story, JR? So it's just, all all right you did good you're supposed to do good but you're like also not doing what you're supposed to do yeah yeah okay yeah that makes sense uh hillary there any chance you're losing leahy's coach's pass oh this is true. Thank you. Cross fat. Oh, um,
Starting point is 00:31:25 no, I won't be using what he's coaches pass. That's going to go to his roommate, Colin. Okay. What did cross fat say? I, I said that the entire semis programming was good and I have an entire video
Starting point is 00:31:36 on it. Oh, Oh, I also said Bosman did something good within that semifinal video, but it's not the one he watched. A parody on positivity video would be hilarious. That's true. Clydesdale Media, Scott Schweitzer,
Starting point is 00:31:52 the last 10 minutes with Saxon was so inspiring. Who cares? Positive, negative. He tells a story. And no one would see that if it weren't for the other stuff. Brian Adamson, Hiller has been extremely, look at that smile. Jesus. Big ass smile.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Hiller has been extremely positive. Dude has smile. Jesus. Big-ass smile. Hiller has been extremely positive. Dude has done a day in the day with Leahy, has gone to Mayhem to showcase the CrossFit affiliate space, and has gotten Haley Adams to share her story as well. I can't afford to do that. I don't have the access to do that. I don't have the audience to watch it if I don't make the videos I make.
Starting point is 00:32:23 But listen, you don't wake up in the morning and like, hey, I'm going to make a negative video. I ask what people want to talk about. And what they want to see. Which makes that Derek comment correct. From earlier.
Starting point is 00:32:40 But you could say that about I mean I'm not, I'm not going to do the Dave Castro weekend review. If it gets six views, I'm not going to ask you guys to come on it. If it gets six views, I think you understand that as a YouTuber though,
Starting point is 00:32:54 in that environment where we control the sport, a history of it, that pretty much crosses lines. It's more than just being a critic. It's frankly being an asshole. And so in that environment where we control the sport, we control the media access, why would we give him access to be able to be in a privileged zone
Starting point is 00:33:14 where media has access to then come after individuals, judges, people working the event with privileged access? There's no fucking way we're going to give it to him. That's why he didn't get it. And guess what? He also won't get a media pass for the games. The fact that anyone's surprised by this is baffling to me. Critics are fine. I like his criticism. I like Hiller.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I like what he's about. I like him as a person, but let's not act like he's, like you can behave like that towards us or be like that towards us and get special access. It's just not going to happen. Thoughts on that, JR?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah, he really zigged when I thought he was going to zag there after he was saying that. It really caught me off guard. I mean, it's cool that he said it, and I do believe him. I hear a rambler saying. I do believe that he likes Hiller as a person. The thing I'm trying to separate, and maybe there isn't a line that you can draw, is when you got access last year, were there any issues? Did you do anything specifically that you were told not to do that would start to get them thinking,
Starting point is 00:34:27 hey, maybe we made a mistake by letting him help out in the behind the scenes. We're not going to do that again. Or do you think it's all just what's transpired in the last year? Day one, I walked up to, what's his name, Eubanks. And I asked him what was going on and if they had a backup plan for the bikes and he made that claim that bikes don't break athletes break them and from what i understand that was the only bad thing that could have happened but that's also something i could have done without a media pass and it's something that because i had a media pass and i heard that that wasn't
Starting point is 00:35:02 probably the best way to go about using my credentials, which I didn't need to make that post, that I should probably lay back. And you know what? I did because I was playing nice because I had a media pass. When you approach someone like that, are you supposed to ask them if it's okay if you ask them a question on camera? Or if you have a media credential, is it just understood that your camera's always on?
Starting point is 00:35:27 I've always wondered this. It's not explicitly stated in the agreement you signed. If you're at the CrossFit Games, you should expect if you work there, if you don't work there, if you're an athlete, if you're a fan, you should expect to have a camera put in your face.
Starting point is 00:35:42 It is a media fucking event. And especially if you're back behind, like if you're not fan you should expect to have a camera put in your face it is a media fucking event and if especially if you're back behind like if you're not where the audience is you should expect for cameras to be everywhere and here's the thing they have places where you're not allowed to film they have this whole section where i think the equipment's being stored where they don't let you go they don't even let you get close to there because they're hiding something and what are they hiding surprise events that might come up or pieces of equipment they don't want anyone to see a cool surprise if it's crazy to think that he's not allowed to report on the fact that here's the thing it was probably it's questionable on whether this is my just my opinion it's questionable whether hillar should have even
Starting point is 00:36:23 spoke to eubanks because um obviously on the internet they had had some run-ins, right? So it's questionable whether he should have spoke to him or not. But once he spoke to him and Eubanks says something that's fucking completely ridiculous, his bikes don't break, people break them, then it's like, you can report that. That's not... I mean, he's a senior person in the company.
Starting point is 00:36:44 His statements matter. And also, if he meant it, why didn, he's a senior person in the company. His, his statements matter. And also he meant it. Why didn't you just stick to it? Like, why is it bad? Uh, then why personally attack people like Don fall,
Starting point is 00:36:53 the awesome marketing lady who joined, uh, Brian friend. What does that awesome marketing lady? I don't believe. Have I? No, I don't,
Starting point is 00:37:02 I don't even know who she's talking. I don't even know. She's talking. Oh yeah. She seems all right right i just think that she the first thing she ever did is she claimed that there's less affiliates than ever what are we supposed to report on what are we supposed to report on and friend that was great i had i had a good time with brian friend yeah what do you brian's a uh basically a public figure in the space and if someone makes a guess of a time that's ridiculous I mean we Brian got off easy compared to what we do to
Starting point is 00:37:30 John Young Brian got off so easy Don Fall got off so easy compared to what we do to John Young remember that thing there were fucking 500 comments in here when John Young thought that there was going to be a score tally of 270 300 yeah so I don't know that's what we supposed that's what
Starting point is 00:37:46 we report on we live in and we live in an echo chamber and we're just fucking hanging out in here reporting everything is free game to report on everything i i i think i i believe that's how i operate hey for the record vindicateindicate, you said something here. One of Hiller's biggest attributes is that he will talk to you in the videos and approach you in person. He doesn't hide behind a camera keyboard. I like being in front of people, and I like having that little thing of a, and then I got to, like, go right through it and go talk to the person. And I've approached people whose videos all of you guys have watched, and they won't have a sentence with you. They won't even look you in the eye as you talk to them, let alone do something on camera because they're more worried about how they appear on the internet.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And usually I'll just let those people go. Yeah, just so you know, all those people there avoid us like the plague. We do not avoid them. We are very pleasant, personable, real. So many of those people out there avoid us like the plague. They can't take any of it. Jeez Louise said something. Castro is going to end up saying, fuck it, no one gets a pass.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Wouldn't that be some shit i mean at this rate i could see crossfit doing that no i'm getting a pass i'm getting all the i'm gonna get the best access i'm getting the best access i've ever gotten subscribe now now there's a couple other points from that video that i want to highlight um He said this line, and I wrote it down so I can quote it correctly. Tell me something good that is happening at CrossFit. I would have posted it if it was there. Well, there's a lot of good that's been done over the last year. I don't know if you've covered any of it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 If you have, why don't you make a video or a reel or something educating me on when we do something well that you cover it with praise and fair coverage. I don't believe that you have, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't consume enough of your content to know if you have or have not done that. So this point I'm putting on you, make a reel, make a highlight reel of all the good things you've said about not CrossFit methodology, not CrossFit community, but CrossFit HQ. And if you can't find one fucking thing of you talking good about something HQ's done, well, I know it just has slanted and biased your coverages from that point on.
Starting point is 00:40:09 So prove me wrong. Show me what you have. And I could totally be wrong. You might always say good things about some of the things we do. But since I don't consume your content on a regular basis, and what I only hear about is the negative shit you say,
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm only going to... Ooh! towards that direction. He only hears about the negative shit. Why is that? Maybe because hears about the negative shit. Why, why, why is that? Maybe because it's the most popular.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Maybe it's because he has people only telling him about the bad stuff. Is he challenging him? Is that manipulative? Jr. Is he challenging Hiller? No, I don't think so. And I know a lot of times people say that there's always a reason.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Dave's very impeccable with his word. There's always, I don't think that's the case here. I think he's, I think he means it. He he's talking with a lot of passion right now. Oh, how about this video? Or I fuck up sporty Beth for her saying the CrossFit community sucks, basically telling her she doesn't know what in the hell she's talking about. Well, yeah, she just doesn't have the engagement you do.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You're the biggest voice in the space. And so it only matters what you say um uh what there was something in here um seven looks uncomfortable if hillar is good for crossfit then dave engaging hillar is good for crossfit um bingo wasn't there a quote when Dave first came back, something along the lines of, I kind of wish that I was around when Hiller first started. I would have liked to tussle with him a little bit and go back and forth. Oh, yeah. Someone wrote that in the comments.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I wish I would have pulled that up. Someone wrote, yeah, when Dave got fired, he says if he was around, he would like to tussle with Hiller. So here we we go hey let's be clear and let's be clear i don't think he dislikes this right now i think he loves it who dave yeah i mean he's level 100 compared to last week dave knows that i am the one who let all the workouts go to the public correct i have to assume would that not be a good thing considering that everyone else had them anyway uh yeah you could say that and because you also did report it to someone at hq before you did that i think a lot of people don't know that hi carumba uh tdc is savvy after an orgy that nick
Starting point is 00:42:21 turned up to nick's this guy who was like always like trying to pound the chicks I was trying to pound in college. Okay, here we go. Then he said this line. You're talking about Greg. Something they try to do is they try to replicate him with the Nicole Carols of the world and she can't do it. Hey, I'll tell you one thing. Greg cannot be replicated. He is one of a kind.
Starting point is 00:42:42 He's a genius and what he created and how he articulates the methodology and everything around fitness and concepts beyond fitness is brilliant. And no one can ever replicate him. But to try to plant this seed or this notion that we, CrossFit, CrossFit HQ, is trying to replicate or replace him is completely wrong. It's a joke. And I'm at the highest levels of our meetings with all of our leadership and people like Nicole. Nicole has no desire to try to emulate or replicate or be like Greg. No one's ever said, damn, we need to replicate Greg. Let's put Nicole out there. Let's do this. So that line, you would say that or try to plant it. You can say it. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:43:19 But you're trying to say it as if it's fact. Because people hear that and they go, oh, yeah, he's right. They are trying to replace Greg with Nicole.'s fact because people hear that and they go oh yeah he's right they are trying to they are trying to replace greg with nicole that's ridiculous that's not happening and then the final thing he said did you say that no no i didn't say that they're trying absolutely not did i not say that they're trying to replace greg and nicole i said that they are portraying nicole in a similar fashion to the way way Greg used to be presented on the videos posted on CrossFit's page. And it doesn't hit home the same way because she is not Greg and there is no other Greg. They do need, we are, since Greg left, we are in a four-year drought of messaging from HQ.
Starting point is 00:44:03 We are just in a fucking four year fucking drought and i would argue that the best messaging in regards to what crossfit is and what it isn't has come from hill or fit i think it's fucking just cut and dry that's why people will hear what i say is the truth and that's their fault because there's because you have no one else in the space who's doing the messaging for what reps are what reps reps aren't, what CrossFit is, what diet is. All those things. It's just what it's always been. It's regurgitated.
Starting point is 00:44:34 That's all I do. That's how people already know. Coach Moose, critics of Hiller fail to realize the distinct difference between the personality attacking on one hand and the analyzing to inform on the other hand. Hiller the latter yeah that is also interesting too i think people do conflate the fact of your intonations and your passion and you could even say aggression i don't care with the fact that uh you're messaging you think that's true jr yeah i think that's true listen look at this theory seven tdc and greg all conspiring to
Starting point is 00:45:08 destroy crossfit is that greg with a a neck pillow on an airplane what is that uh anyone who who's saying sport doesn't need a critic hasn't listened to the real sports radio or podcast every post game is critical of the n, NBA, NHL. People are too emotionally protective of CrossFit. I mean, I think it shows that... Oh, imagine Hiller covering Haley through the games or any other athlete. It would be amazing. Big loss for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah, I agree. I'll be following Bill around this weekend. What do you think... What do you think is the primary reason? Do you think it the primary reason do you think it's money do you think it's earnings where anyone can go on and say kevin durant's a coward for joining the warriors and that's like it was the biggest coward move ever with someone that's in the top 25 of players all time like do you think they just write it off as oh who cares he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars who cares if a bunch of people say he's a coward like do you think that's what they write it off as
Starting point is 00:46:08 like if the professional athletes in crossfit were all millionaires and hillar was making his videos do you think people would just be like well who cares people can be critical of them they're millionaires they get they get paid to to dribble basketball like do you think do you they get paid to do thrusters do you think that's the mindset? And that's where the difference is that we, that they play a game, they play a game and they do a sport that we can all relate to because we all play flag football in the same way that they professionals play professional football. And there's this weird disconnect. Well, those people in my gym and I know those people, but other professional athletes are untouchable. You can't talk to one Instagram. You can't touch them on the court. You can't work out next to them.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Do you think that you think it's more of the relatability factor that makes them more protective or the financial factor? Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in?
Starting point is 00:47:16 Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply i think at the end of the i think it's all finances i i think that all those dudes who are ripped on in the sports i think they're still butthurt too i think they get butthurt just as much as sure but the fans don't come to their defense in the same way is what i'm saying oh you don't see as often i don't't know. Tyson Bajan made that post recently
Starting point is 00:47:45 and he used the word Chirac to describe Chicago. And the fans went back and forth in there. I'd say 80% were defending him, 20% were attacking him. Yeah, that was good. That was good. That's completely ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I'm going to write this. Or I did write this down uh you're talking about don now um you talk about him he was a seal in the marines and moved over to the corporate sphere that was the line you had um a simple google search andrew would tell you that the marine corps does not have seals don fall was not a seal and now all of that last one's kind of what's interesting this is the only video i've watched. I saw multiple things you've said, and I was like, man, that is so factually incorrect and just blown out of proportion. He was Marine recon, which I've been told is the special forces of the Marines. So I don't think I personally don't think it's off by that much, but I wasn't in the military, so I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I would say that as I said that and rewatched it while editing it, I'm like, damn, I don't know if they're the same thing, but they both have to do with water, right? So they have to be the same thing. And I'm like, fuck it, I'll leave it in there. Yeah, for me, it's whether you're driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini. I can see why he'd be pissed about it, though, as he was a SEAL,
Starting point is 00:49:00 and it's something he holds very close to him. But yeah, he's right. I didn't know that. And let me even back up you actually go after brian friend for saying something about him time three minutes on a workout that should take five minutes and how you know you rip on him for that but then look you say stupid shit like a seal in the marines a simple simple google search would have educated you on the fact that there are no SEALs in the Marines. Anyway, so, looking forward to your response. Dave! Okay, well, then they're both fair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I think they're both fair. I did just make a follow-up post before Dave made this video about how Brian said he was wrong. Did you see that? Instagram, I posted that. It was a reel. It's a little longer, so people may have lost it, but towards the back end of it, Brian goes, yeah, this is something Hiller's good at, and I posted that. It was a reel towards the back. It's a little longer, so people may have lost it, but towards the back end of it, Brian goes, yeah, this is something Hiller's good at,
Starting point is 00:49:48 and I was wrong. And it's okay to be critical. It's okay for him to be critical that you miscategorize someone for what their fucking position was in the military, although it's not relevant to what you're saying. You're basically referencing the fact that he was in the military uh just as a an example of where his leadership comes from so i don't think it matters whether he was a seal or marine con in the context you used it it does matter uh that it is funny and it does matter that brian is a top analyst in the space
Starting point is 00:50:20 and that he said something that was just absolutely impossible i wonder if you'll talk about the use of the word consensus that don used and not skip over that to go to the seal differentiation there i will sarah sarah cox got a box at the game she says don't worry hillary you can sit with me by the way that was fascinating that we were told that there were no boxes so i emailed the venue directly and uh and sarah got a box which is kind of cool jr you could probably squeeze in there for a minute too if we're tank top i was just thinking about having sarah on shut up and scribble for uh for our segment interesting presented by ca peptides it's gonna be awesome oh i like it
Starting point is 00:51:01 cool response to all of this um but don't play the victim for not being don't play the victim for not getting a press credential because it's an it's an unbecoming look on you andrew all right let's go to comment uh i believe i made a post that says i didn't get one and i don't care will you make a response to any of this i've already thought about going through all my videos and just super cutting all the good shit you know like that scene in the movie where the person falls off a cliff and they see their life flash before their eyes and it'll just be like here's all the good shit it's funny too that he put rules around what the good shit could be about it could only be about hq i don't think that's fair oh he did say that okay but i don't think that's fair dude
Starting point is 00:51:51 i don't want to put that pressure on you when you go in it name some good stuff hq's done recently um they took them back at the semi-finals was like two years ago. They sent Chase to France to cover Friday. That's a good thing. Yeah. But they fucked it all up by only having one camera. What a fucking disaster that was. What a joke.
Starting point is 00:52:19 JR, I'll pass it on to you. Something good HQ has done um just anything like what do you like no just anything what's something good you think HQ has done uh just from uh like a very simple affiliate owner standpoint the uh I get emails now when someone is interested in joining my gym. So I guess if they either click on find a gym in my area and maybe just them clicking on that CrossFit Crash hyperlink or whatever, I've gotten multiple emails in the last month that have said the person's name,
Starting point is 00:53:08 their contact number is interested in joining your gym. Basically a lead. Dude, that's awesome. Yeah, it's really cool. Have you converted any of them? The two I've reached back out to, I haven't heard responses back from. But yeah, it's been pretty cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Looking forward to your response to all of this. but don't play the victim for not being don't play the victim for not getting a press credential because it's an it's an unbecoming look on you andrew all right let's go into comments wow he's really talking hi dave i just graduated nursing school and i'm interested in coming on the medical team at the games next year can't find anything on the crossfit site how would you go about that process thanks for all you do email me and I'll link you up with the volunteer team who can see if there's a spot. We have a lot of people who volunteer and so the spots are super competitive.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That was a Freudian slip because it really is the people on the media team who fucking run everything. So anyone who thinks that anyone's making any decisions there except the media team, you're out of your mind. At Marvis Dutch, ahoy dave calling for your help to settle the debate that's been going on in our community every week every last week of may
Starting point is 00:54:10 for at least a decade in an unpartitioned murph the legit way to do it despite crossfit's clear rx description that starts with four time and ends with partition pull-ups push-up squats as needed hold on i know murph is more about the workout, just the workout itself, and our friendly debate shouldn't take away from the significance of this classic hero WOD. We're curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks. Keep up all the good work. Hold on. Calling for you to settle a debate that's been going on in our community every last week of May. Oh, okay. I should say, a debate going on in our community every last week of May for at least a decade. Okay. Put that aside. Is an unpartitioned Murph a legit way to do it? Despite cross It's clear description that starts with four time and ends with partition pull-ups push-ups and squats as needed
Starting point is 00:54:48 So you can do it any way you want some people do it one hundred two hundred three hundred and then others Partition the thing is just whatever you guys go in whatever perspective you go into it with as a gym or as your local community You guys decide and set the standards. We're not gonna partition this time or maybe we are gonna partition So that's on the people doing it You guys agree with that? Like, I've never done it with a weight vest. I've done it partitioned and unpartitioned, but I've never done it with a weight vest. So does that mean I've never done Murph?
Starting point is 00:55:14 I'm going to let JR take this. There are people that feel very strongly that the – at its highest level, that there are levels to everything. And at its highest level that there are levels to everything and its highest level when you perform MRF you wear a vest you do a mile run then 100 200 300 then a mile however the first time it was ever posted to main site it says clearly partition is desired that being said to say that you did MRF as long as you do all the repetitions and you do them all to standard and you wear a vest and you run two miles, what you do in the middle is up to you. So partitioning is okay, but you got to wear the vest.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Correct. If you want to say you did Murph, if you want to say i did murph or the murph or body armor or body armor which was what it was originally called uh however the whole levels thing like what i will recommend people do is starting from much more modified than this i will say hey do 20 rounds of 5 10 15 do 20 rounds of cindy and then i will say like hey why don't you do 10 rounds of 10 20 30 this year and then i will say hey maybe maybe you do what they did at the games the second year and you do five rounds of uh 20 40 uh 60 and then i will say hey i think it's time take. Take on those big chunks, 100, 200, 300. So I think at its highest form,
Starting point is 00:56:48 it's unpartitioned with a vest straight through. Hey, Jarrow, what level is this that Heidi uses where she wears the vest and uses three bands for the pull-ups? This is an awesome comment because when we've been doing our Murph prep, we did do a vested version last week. And I said, hey, if you want to wear a vest for the runs and then take it off for I think it was pull-ups, burpees, and air squats, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:57:17 If you want to just wear the vest for the gymnastics, that's cool. But if you wear a vest and you do ring rows or banded pull-ups i'm gonna make fun of you that's what i told him and everyone kind of realized what i was saying right it was like hey if you're not able to do pull-ups it was strict pull-ups too if you're not able to do strict pull-ups that's fine just kip them with a vest or take the vest off and do something strict. I did some burp shit today. Sounds like a good gym chair. Hell yeah. At JamesMitchell6211, you're doing a great job, Dave.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Thank you. I appreciate the praise. Don't often get that. At KevinRischel2552, Dave, try to send you on a note on Insta, but seems you blocked it. My neurosurgeon wants to learn more about the CrossFit methodology. Should I connect him to Michelle LaTondre? She's still on medical staff.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I'm from Canada. Thanks. I think that the note, try to send him a note on Instagram, but seeing you blocked it is a joke. I get a lot of notes on Instagram. Send me an email and I'll follow up there. At StephenDix8042, I apologize for the tone of my comment last week. It was out of pure frustration. I don't remember what his comment was, but I apology accepted. Thank you. At Roberts, 7283. Hey, Dave, do you think we'll see a test like max distance softball throw at the games again? Possibly something from a track and field event like the shot put, discus, dabbling,
Starting point is 00:58:31 or max vertical or horizontal jump. For teams, a relay race on the track or in the pool, medley. Maybe logistically this doesn't make sense. Curious to know what your thoughts are. Max distance throw at the softball. So there were very few events Greg came in and said, hey, let's do this at the games. I can think of two or three throughout the history of the games that he said, let's do one specific thing. That year at the games, he said, hey, I want to see a softball throw. And
Starting point is 00:58:53 actually the original intent was to do a softball throw with your strong arm and your weak arm. And we decided, Tony Budding and I discussed it, and we decided to just do the strong arm because the strong arm was going to be interesting enough as is. So we did not include, um, how interesting that it used to have Tony budding, right? No, he's got Bosman. Yeah. It's interesting. What's interesting about it. Him and Tony were very close. The interactions though, that you got on the behind the scenes from the earlier years with Tony and Dave are so intense, dude, are so intense. Well, Dave didn't enjoy him, but he always engaged. But he still engaged Tony.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I think he valued Tony's perspective. I just don't think he liked engaging with Tony, but he really valued Tony's perspective. And it was basically I mean tony had ideas about everything right i mean he was that guy and they worked so fucking closely together they even had a code they had a dave's team had a code that like if tony was overwhelming dave or just bugging dave they would do something like get me a coffee and that meant they were all going to try to ditch Tony. There was like some secret code for that. I remember,
Starting point is 01:00:08 I remember what it was. What? Yeah. Safe word. Yeah, exactly. But it's, but,
Starting point is 01:00:16 but, but Dave always like, you know, like right there, like he gave Tony credit, you know, the weak arm. And if you saw people like Jason Kalipa and Chris Spieler throwing a
Starting point is 01:00:24 baseball, thank God we didn't have them throw with their off arm. So anyway, will we see it again? I don't know. Probably not. Some of the other movements like shot put, discus, javelin. The thing about those three is they are so like a softball is very technique dependent. Pretty much everybody's thrown a softball at some point in their life. Something like a shot put, discus or javelin are really technique dependent. And if you've at all thrown any of those or have any training in that you're at a massive advantage, plus a shot put do and the discus, I imagine because they're heavier and they are so technique dependent,
Starting point is 01:00:54 you could probably easily tweak something if you don't do it the right way. Javelin, that's interesting. I mean, same thing, technique dependent. What if they throw it off the wrong direction? Highly dangerous. Max vertical or horizontal jump. We've done something with jumping before. We had it as a little isolated test. Don't know if you'll see it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Relays, those are good. I think you can definitely see a relay again in the games, in the track or in the pool. I think relays, especially for the team, obviously only for the teams, are really exciting. So good ideas. houston texas what do you think uh hillar uh throwing objects would be fantastic you do like it oh yeah i really like the idea of i like the idea of the relay in a pool that'd be very cool i mean teams are completely unwatchable at this point but that'd be cool to see i mean and i say that because i came from a swimming background but uh
Starting point is 01:01:50 throwing things is up there with some sort of a sumo wrestling thing that i always thought would be cool like a bracketed sumo wrestling where all you do is you put pads on them and you tell them to push each other out of the circle and then you i mean you can place people based off that even what do you think about throwing jr uh i think it's just i mean it's right there with weight lifting on the same level of the pyramid now that is a hierarchy of fitness and that's a whole podcast on whether or not the hierarchy of fitness was meant to um pertain to sport well. So when you're testing the CrossFit games, are you supposed to be testing metabolic conditioning more than you test gymnastics, more than you test weightlifting and throwing?
Starting point is 01:02:31 Because on the pyramid, one is closer to the base and the other is closer to the peak. So that's a whole nother conversation. You know, they did the mid ball DHT toss. And I mean that a lot of people were like yeah i mean that's a it's a it's a explosive um sit up to throwing an object like i'd be interested to know if more people like that versus the softball toss they were both a little bit um i wonder if that's one of the other ones dave was talking about grave uh greg having a big hand in if you go back and look at the main site like in greg's original
Starting point is 01:03:07 gym they would do med ball ghd sit up two wall ball toss so like they would do the med ball ghd and then at the top they would throw up to a target catch it go back down touch the floor catch it go back down touch the floor and i mean that was back in the days of the experimentation and stuff too so i i of course when i do those deep dives and I try to find things from the past, there's an awesome video that we should pull up from San Francisco CrossFit's YouTube of Adrian Bosman doing throwing grace. So they do a clean and jerk and then throw the barbell as far as they can in a sand pit. And they keep doing it back and forth. Like it's awesome. It's like, it's like the peak of just like,
Starting point is 01:03:49 Hey, let's just, let's just go out into a parking lot and let's just see what happens. Should pull it up. It is so cool. Yes. I think that's Adrian on the, Oh man.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Look at the golden Gate Bridge right there. What a crazy gym that was. Throwing Gray. Oh, the original gym. Talk about an unsafe setup. That's just... I don't know, man. Stuff like that's cool.
Starting point is 01:04:21 I don't know. It's probably just because it's... This gym looks pretty... Oh, wait, wait. The's probably just because it's. This shit looks pretty. Oh, wait, wait a minute. The rack even fell. Come on. Oh, did it? Oh, he dumps the.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Oh, my God. It's a Justin Madaris's gym a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. Woo. All right. Throwing guys. I'm not a fan of the softball throw. And I agree. Someone said if they are going to have it, I think they should give people a heads up.
Starting point is 01:04:48 But you're the best thrower in the world. I know, but still, what am I going to do? You're not biased. All right. Yeah, what am I going to do? Okay, here we go. 94. I signed up for the service cup.
Starting point is 01:05:00 By the way, great explanation of the distinction between sport and fitness chair. It's currently structured. This CrossFit plan to evolve it to a more in-person event, adding a $5 to $10 option to check out, donate with service-related charity. It really helps certain communities. So the Service Cup is going on right now. Or I'm sorry, the sign-ups are going on right now. If you want to participate, it's still open.
Starting point is 01:05:20 So definitely check it out. Go to our site and sign up. I will be competing in it. And a number of other service-related folks from our community are competing in it. And we have cool shirts that you can buy related to the occupation that you're competing in. So I'm competing in veteran category. And so they have a shirt for mill and veteran. That's pretty cool. We're partnered with Rogue and Beyond Whiteboard on this one. A five. Okay, so here. You ready?
Starting point is 01:05:47 Absolutely. I'm running CrossFit HQ. I have no fucking media department. I reach out to Andrew Hiller, Sevan Matosian, Craig Ritchie, Scott Schweitzer, the Buttery Bros. I put together a plan, coffee pods and wads, and I say, hey, guys, just so you know, and I do this regularly. It would really help us. If a seven, you interviewed this guy, he was in the service and he's entering the service game. Here's his name. Here's his phone number. If you don't like him, we have this
Starting point is 01:06:14 woman, right? Or we have this guy with no legs, Andrew. Uh, there's a guy, we know you live in Chicago. There's this guy there. He's entering the service games. He won it last year. He's near you. We'd love it. If you did a piece on him. When you put it on your YouTube channel, we'll help promote it. Pedro, what about doing around the whiteboard with just three service members to promote the service game? How – like slam dunk. Instead, we don't know fucking shit. Why not go up on Shut Up and Scribble
Starting point is 01:06:45 or get with the programming and do a whole show on the programming for the service games? Why not call Taylor? Why doesn't David want Taylor and JR? Who the fuck knows? That's what I'm fucking talking about. You don't want us to be fucking critical
Starting point is 01:06:59 of fucking HQ? Well, I know that Dave's talked about it a couple weeks in a row, but I still don't know what it is. Rogues hosting it. Isn't it? Aren't they at which rate? Isn't even HQ.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Do I have that right? Uh, Stefan, we saw that you did a live stream with the fucking quarterfinals. We saw it was fucking huge. Um, if, if we paid to send the three guys there,
Starting point is 01:07:19 three guys there for the service games, uh, to Jr's gym, would you do it for us? Any like, like there, it's just, would you do it for us? Any, like, it's just, it's, yeah, sorry, dude. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I, like, I don't know what to say. It's not fucking rocket science. It's not fucking rocket science. I'll push back on Dave with this here. How about providing outside media with some fucking leadership and and actually you know it's not fair i guess i shouldn't put this on dave this is the only leadership outside media gets right here here it is from dave this interaction i bet you that they don't even know it there and no one there even knows what it means
Starting point is 01:07:59 to give outside media leadership do you guys remember this fucking video? Do you guys feel me on that? Do you guys hear what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Do you think it's plausible? JR, you don't like it? I wish it would happen.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I wish tomorrow you said, Hey dude, I got a call. They want us to do this occupational thing. Yeah. That was, yeah, it was fantastically laid out. It's like,
Starting point is 01:08:29 dude, we're a massive resource for you. Look at the people, dear HQ, look at the fuck. The only leadership we receive is from fucking Dave through these fucking weekly, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:38 uh, posts. And look at, look at all the resources you have out there. I don't even think that they know what leadership is. That's why they wouldn't know how to lead us anyway. They're confused on what leadership is. Leadership is about getting people to do shit that you fucking want them to do
Starting point is 01:08:55 without them feeling like they're fucking being told what the fuck to do. Inspiring people to get them to do what you need to get done. inspiring people to get them to do what you need to get done. I can't understand why HQ is not supporting you guys. The amount of interest you're generating in the CrossFit is extraordinary. Yeah, I mean, I can't get my dick any further than that. You should actually say the opposite, Paul. They are pushing away. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:25 At least one, which is fine. Again, I don't care. Yeah. Use the resource. Uh, I'm not touching that potato after it's been in your rectum Howie. I don't know what that means, but I like it. Um, uh, seven, why would they ask you guys to do it? If you can do it all on your own, you just gave them a slam dunk of an idea idea which you could pull off within your ecosystem. Oh, you mean like why don't I just do it? Because all of us have a fucking thousand things on our plate.
Starting point is 01:09:54 We don't have this linear thing of ideas that we want to do. It's just this giant funnel and stuff trying to force its way. Small teams. Remember, we're small teams. For example. This is why why remember this video yeah amazing 57 knives crossfit up the supercut yeah jesus christ man uh all right uh we're almost gonna respond i'm just gonna repost that video
Starting point is 01:10:21 to the top of my timeline that's's going to be my response to Dave's video. Yeah. Small team family show. Thank you, Heidi. Okay, here we go. $10 option at checkout to donate to a service related charity. That's a good idea. We'll definitely look at that and see if we can do it in the future. But anyways, if you are interested, check out the service. Scott David wide, David, W II-E-D, blocking people is kind of gay.
Starting point is 01:10:47 What did he say? But anyways, if you are interested, check out the Service Cup. David Wied, David W-I-E-D, blocking people is kind of gay. I don't think so. Hey, can you get an AI for him and
Starting point is 01:11:03 have him respond, I am gay? I can. That would be awesome. I block people because I don't want to deal with seeing their negativity or disrespect on my channel. And it is my choice to block anyone I want on my page. And so if you say something fucking stupid, you're probably going to get blocked if I see it. The other fact is on my big account,
Starting point is 01:11:30 the Dave Castro account, especially when there's like more than 20 accounts, especially as soon as the comments really start filling, I don't even look at the comments that much. The comments were a little odd this week. Northern Lights. I don't think blocking people is, I think by David saying gay,
Starting point is 01:11:45 I think he's using it in the slang term. I don't think he means it actually means you suck cock. No, I think that's what he meant. Oh, okay. I think he was saying that's, yeah. Oh, so then Dave should have just answered what's wrong with being gay. He should have. Oh, look.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Oh, David Weed. All right. I think he was talking about last week's comments. I was a little off last week. Maybe it was the Northern Lights for me, too. And then Joshua Patterson. I just watched the Jocko podcast about a year ago. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I've never watched a Jocko video before, but know of him. I only watched because you were on it. You're a good person, Dave. I'm a fan of yours for a long time. Thank you. I've never watched a Jocko video before, but know of him. I only watched because you were on it. You're a good person, Dave. I'm a fan of yours for a long time. Thank you. Thanks for your service and your humility. This week, there's a... Well, last week I was in...
Starting point is 01:12:33 So I didn't go to Europe. What are the positive comments towards Dave this week? Specifically chosen, hand-picked comments. Regional or semifinal, I mean. Because I was in Fort Bragg, had a number of meetings with the general and some of the people we're working with,ifinal, I mean, because I was in Fort Bragg, had a number of meetings with the general and some of the people we're working with, looking at, you know, doing more with the
Starting point is 01:12:49 army. So that took priority this week or last week. Good trip out there, visited a lot of affiliates in Raleigh, visited some affiliates in Southern Pines and Whispering Pines, had a really good time, and in Fayetteville. So while I was also there, I got to drop into a number of gyms, not to work out, but just to say hello and show support. Then I also, from that, flew back. And this weekend at the ranch, he did tell me, I did speak with him on the phone and he said he was bummed he wasn't going to France, which kind of caught me off guard. I'm like, really? You want to go there? He goes, yeah, I want to go there. I want to support Dave Chafee. I want to support the event. It's a good event. And I go, well, then go because I have to do army shit.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Is it Dave or Dan Chafee? Oh, Dan. Daniel Chafee. Drove by with her family randomly. She was doing a workout just to say hello and show support. Then I also, from that, flew back. And this weekend at the ranch, Bailey Rail drove by with her family randomly. She was doing a West Coast trip.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Caught me in the afternoon on Saturday afternoon, we chatted, and then I invited her to come back the next day and do a hike and workout. So she and her family came back, had a great time with them. Really good people. She's doing something really cool. She's not competing this year and she's dropping into a bunch of boxes and filming it and coaching and just being part of the community. So it's neat to see a high level athlete like her engaging with and getting involved with
Starting point is 01:14:05 the community so i don't know if i agree with that but this picture he took of bailey rails the best fucking picture i've ever seen of her this has got to be this picture is fucking wild look at this picture that's good huh what that's a huge gun it's fucking awesome what an amazing photo five times crossfit games athlete bailey rail stopped by crossfit ranch today we went for a ruck did a workout together i won the first round and she shot my i won the first round and she and she shot my voodoo gunworks 22 precision rifle i think obby shot that too she did great was drilling targets it was a pleasure hosting her family at the ranch so she I was on the phone with him
Starting point is 01:14:49 and she just rolled up he's like what the fuck is this Jera would you just ever roll up to the ranch unannounced no I was just thinking I would I would not have the balls to do that but I think it's so cool that dave was just like yeah i told him to come back the next day for a workout like that's that's cool yeah crazy cool i wish he was competing kudos to bailey great family great support network
Starting point is 01:15:18 there and i had a really good time hanging out with them and then um sorry getting a call uh by the way that's probably me by the way uh tdc hunts you you will not um have that instagram account ever offered to you in your feed unless you follow him they they they um dave's been like completely shadow banned that account so if you want to see that account and stuff, cool stuff like that, you've got to follow TDC Hunts. This week, so Carson is going down. If you guys haven't got tickets yet, grab tickets and head down to LA to see the semifinal. I will be there for at least a day, maybe a day and a half,
Starting point is 01:15:57 and I'm excited to get down there and see the event. Also coming up is Murph, so the Murph Challenge. If you guys haven't signed up for that or gone to their site and registered as an affiliate or engaged or donated, definitely hit them up, hit up the Murph Challenge website. We are partnered with them this year, so that's an exciting relationship. Friday night, I will try to organize a live podcast from our palatial fucking home, our mega home, a live podcast from our palatial fucking home,
Starting point is 01:16:26 our mega home with me, J.R., Hiller, Taylor, and others, Sousa, and the Dave Castro. So Friday night, you guys keep your fingers crossed.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I think, I think there's a 51% chance likeliness of it. I've already asked him to come by, but that'll be fun to see JR and Dave in the same room together. Some people think they're the same person. Yeah, they're similar.
Starting point is 01:16:56 That's why we never see Dave's arms. That's what I was going to say. That I'm really proud of and happy that we are developing and leaning into for the future. Okay, that's it. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments or comment in the comment section. And I will. Okay, let's look at the comments really quick. We don't normally do this, but let's just see. Hey, first of all, JR, what did you think? We knew that he was going to go
Starting point is 01:17:19 off about Hiller before we saw this. Do you think, what do you think about the overall video and like his hot takes on Hiller? I'm sure this week in review we'll get double the views of any of the other ones. Dave just does stuff for views. Absolutely. He ain't dumb.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Hiller talks so much shit about CF HQ. While I believe he does want to make CF better, he shouldn't be surprised that he's denied a media pass. Popcorn emoji. Hiller is living in HQ's head. Dave, I was waiting for the seal and the Marines to be brought up and you didn't disappoint. Love Dave Castro but also love Hiller. I don't know what Hiller does
Starting point is 01:17:54 behind the scenes, but from outside, he's a good for the growth and visibility of CrossFit. What do you do behind the scenes, Hiller? I'm just a jerk off a lot. Your sport, your business, your rules. Well said, Dave Castro. Yeah, that's true. Victim mindset resides in too many today.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Hiller is the same in this instance. Have you played the victim at all? I'm trying to think if you've played the victim. Just this time with the media pass thing, I suppose. But how have you played the victim? Do you think he's played the victim here? I think he's just capitalizing on it. Like, it's fun.
Starting point is 01:18:24 I mean, you don't have a media pass and you report on stuff why not report on the fact that you didn't get a media pass what are you supposed to say just not say anything would you yeah would you not telling everyone that you didn't get a media pass make you not a victim that's that's my question if you just telling everyone you were denied a media pass makes you a victim would just not saying anything at all undo the victim it's this i would lose a lot of engagement in the past couple weeks had i not talked about it that's for damn sure yeah i i think that if you were like oh yeah i think you would have to say more to play the victim like if you were like oh my god this sucks i already bought my ticket i got my hotel
Starting point is 01:19:05 room this is this is financially going to be really tough on me i was planning to go there and make a piece this is going to affect my youtube numbers i might have to be walking to carson sorry yeah so it's free to save money uh no one should be surprised uh hillar didn't get credentials wow coming in hot against hillar I can't wait for the response. Dave, while yes, Hiller can be a bit too aggressive deep down past the bull poop, both you and Hiller want the same thing. I'm a fan of Hiller's content. It was only a matter of time before someone would occupy that space of pointing out all the mistakes and inconsistencies.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Greg Glassman is a legend, and Sevan, of course, is the media genius behind Crossroads so many years. Dave, the way you have led the community since 2010 has definitely changed lives and instilled accountability and integrity. Yeah, he did it in me. When I have personally been frustrated with CFHQ, Hiller's so disrespectful. No, no, no, no, no. Oh my God, they misspelled his name.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Oh my God. How did you do that? Someone's going to have to take care of that. You misspelled his name. Did I misspell? Is that misspelled? Is it two S's? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Misspelled? I suppose. All right. Misspelled? You misspelled his name. I don't know her, but I guess that's right. How disrespectful. That's good.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I like it. Dispectiful. That's good. I like it. Disrespectful. Disrespectful. There we go. Okay, replay. Dave, have you thought of doing promotional workout for the games? Hiller hasn't been wrong, and he does talk great about the sport. 7,000 tickets sold for Europeans.
Starting point is 01:20:45 If you don't give Hiller a press pass, it means you're scared of criticism. Watched a video of Dave watching a video. Here's my response to it. Hiller in about two minutes. I hope he reads that next week. JR Howell, thank you, buddy. No problem. Do you have any final words about the content we just consumed?
Starting point is 01:21:09 I do not. All right. Andrew, any final words about the content we consumed? What is this? Aaron saying that this is not right. Time to double down. So many have said this, and he doubles down. Are you saying I should double down, or that doubling down wouldn't be effective, Aaron?
Starting point is 01:21:32 Do you guys know what he's saying? I don't know, but what if the opposite was true? He says this recap tells you from the group of the highest of the high in CrossFit HQ that Hiller's way of addressing CrossFit is not effective. I actually thought the opposite. I thought that this recap tells you from the group of the highest of the heightened CrossFit that Hiller's way of addressing CrossFit is effective. Double it down, double,
Starting point is 01:21:58 double it down, double and double and the double quadruple down. What's up, Corey? You kind of look like Hefner in that picture, man. Quadruple down. What's up, Corey? You kind of look like Hepner in that picture, man. All right, guys. All of us will see you in Carson. Do you have tickets? Good question.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I need to know the answer to this. Tyler. JR, what is your view on honey? I was eating it for a little while like with apples at night and then i just stopped i haven't had honey in months i i instead just eat more grapes okay you ever put a sugar-free jello on your grapes and freeze them uh i've had that before. Actually, at the competition here at Crucible, Trish made them. It's pretty good, right? It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I don't like keeping them around because I'll just eat that. I'll overeat that like a well-dried mango. Mindlessly, you can just eat it. How much do you weigh? I haven't weighed in months, but probably 180. And you're like six feet tall? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Then we lost that line. I started answering texts. Does JR eat honey? Not anymore. He did. Oh, pre-sex. Just pre-sex. Oh, what kind of meat all day?
Starting point is 01:23:26 Steak. Do you have any short ribs? If I don't eat steak, I eat ground beef. But in the last few months, it's been just New York strips and top sirloin. I have an air fryer. Eight minutes and it's done. Oh, really? I just salt it on both sides with Himalayan sea salt and i put an air fryer for
Starting point is 01:23:46 eight minutes and that's how john young is he down a gallon of ovaltine on the show the other day it's like dude hey wait a second that's how you cook your steaks with an air fryer it is now yeah what do you think about the way john young eats mcdonald's and all that shit and ovaltine and no wonder he can't run a mile. John is like, I mean, he said he's lost several pounds already. He's probably 5'10", what, 195, 198, something like that. I mean, even at that body weight,
Starting point is 01:24:16 he's not too big for the sport. I think of John more so than his training. I would love to know if he just ate real food that was not processed so no processed food for 90 days how much more fit he would feel and that would be nuts 14 pounds of steak in a week that's what you eat at least yeah dude he eats waffles and ovaltine and milk and McDonald's. That's his diet. That's what I know about his diet, and you're right. Maybe he should clean that up.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Yeah, there's always a steak. Don't do it, Sebi. Cast iron, seared, and barbecued are the only way. We always have a steak. When I walk out to the kitchen right now, there'll be a steak and a cast iron, just a little undercooked, so there's always one in there waiting for me. Yeah, 14 pounds of steak a week that's it that's not cheap i i buy like i buy a four or five of them at a time and it's always 60 bucks it's like oh that's not cheap don't skip on the air fryer wow i've never done it but i'm yeah dude someone told me that and i was like one of my friends
Starting point is 01:25:23 said hey you should try putting that steak in the air fryer i'm like what he's like yeah dude if you eat them like rare medium rare it's like eight minutes four minutes flip it four minutes and it's just ready to eat it has a nice crisp to the outside of it it's crazy you don't put any butter on it you don't cook in any oil so it's literally just the steak with salt and that's that's how i eat it what kind of air fryer do you have uh becca found a ninja at a thrift store for like 10 bucks over here we have the best air fryers um it's that one right there yeah that's the one i use hot isn't it a son of a bitch to clean it not at all you you pull that you pull you pull the handle out and there's a little almost like a grill at the bottom of it. I just rinse it out and dump the water in the sink and put it right back in there. How many can you cook in there?
Starting point is 01:26:14 It's a toaster oven. I have that. You have this one? I have that exact thing, yeah. I make all my vegetables in there. I have that exact thing. Yeah, I make all my vegetables in there. I've never even heard of an air fryer.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Is it different than a toaster oven? Yeah. But this has an air frying option in it, but it's a son of a bitch to clean, which is why I asked JR about it. I just put a piece of parchment paper down and then put the steak on top of it. That's it. And throw away the paper. Okay. put the steak on top of it. That's it. And throw away the paper.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Okay. Jared, you can't see it while it's cooking? No. I wonder how much that Ninja is brand new. Is there enough for more than one person in there? Or is it just like a solo steak cooker? Last night I cooked, well, you would probably know more than I do. I never weigh or
Starting point is 01:27:05 measure anything but um the two new york strips that i ate last night for dinner were 1.33 raw so i put both of those in i put both those in the air fryer and cooked them at the same time and ate them so what a pound and 1.25 1.2 pounds of steak where's becca eat um she intermittent fast she typically eats she starves or she's anorexic she starves she she eats what she eats whatever i mean this is in all honesty she works out every morning starts to eat at lunch eats from like 12 to 8 and her primary meal is whatever the pharmacists get for free from all the reps that come in to the cancer center. It could be grilled chicken and veggies. It could be anything.
Starting point is 01:27:53 How much is it, Sevan? It's fucking cheap. It's like $80 or something. How much did it cost at the thrift store? $10. No way. I know they got these at Costco. I mean,
Starting point is 01:28:11 as far as convenience goes, I mean with the kids and stuff and just when I need to eat, I need to eat right then. It's Hey, does it live on your other way? Does that stay on your counter? Yeah. It's like it never moves.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Parchment paper. That's fucking brilliant. Don't buy that kind.flon coated that's what i read yeah fuck teflon is yours teflon coated jr i don't know i don't want to know now though the only thing my steak touches is the parchment paper so unless i'm ingesting the wax that's on that paper whatever all right guys thank you uh see you tomorrow jr hiller thank you talk to you guys soon bye-bye bye-bye

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