The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | April 1st, 2024

Episode Date: April 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Are you fine?
Starting point is 00:01:01 I have the right mic on. Bam! We're live. Susan, what's up, dude? Hey, how you doing? You were barely alive when I have the right mic on. Bam! We're live. Sousa, what's up, dude? Hey, how you doing? You were barely alive when I spoke to you earlier today. You were like, and now you look great and you sound great. Yeah, well, I've worked out, so that helps a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh, so there's a small window when those drugs wear off from the workout. The endorphins and the mammorphins, you're toast. We might watch you crash on the show. That's pretty much what will probably happen. Yeah I feel like for the last four days. I've been doing nothing but staring at numbers and figuring out accounting Texas unsporty beth. Hey, what's up? Damn. Look at that fucking arm on that dude. Wow Boom, geez, look at you. I started doing some curls get ready for games again Slater What's up dude
Starting point is 00:01:48 How are you doing Got a little what's your uh Oh okay there it is I see it It's you and Rich Froney Alright Uh I'm watching this whole P Diddy thing go down Yeah And I'm on a bunch of the rap instagram accounts and uh
Starting point is 00:02:07 i just once again when i first saw those signs on people's lawns that said black lives matter like you know i don't know 15 years ago i thought it was black people telling other black people that like i thought it was like internally some culture thing and then as it started spreading and i would see it on people's lawns like white people's not like i would see it in portland and i'd like this is kind of presumptuous to these white people to say black lives matter like this is this is but i thought it was just like a movement within black culture right like hey i'm melanated and so we need to be telling each other because like i don't need to be told black lives matter right yeah at all
Starting point is 00:02:46 and then and then and then it spread to like oh shit this message isn't for this message is like these these people in the media these libtards on cnn are they're saying that there's this is messages for white people with white skin it's not even for black people and i'm like what the fuck dude like it's black people i i seriously thought it was for i thought this is so fucking clever i thought it was like inner city ghetto shit where like people were shoot blacks for shooting blacks it was like hey dude black lives matter yeah but now i'm watching the whole p diddy thing that so i'd go on to those rap sites where it's like all the comments are just fucking hood talk and i and i just would go on there and write black lives. Remember that message is for only two people.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Libtards. And black folk. Like I don't need to be fucking told that. Like zero. Zero. Most healthy people. Do not care if you're black. Or Asian.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Or gay. Or tranny. or like we don't care. We don't care if you're Jehovah Witness or a Scientologist. I just don't care. Like I'm perfectly healthy and secure. I don't care. I don't fucking care. Zero. Well, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's why they insist upon you caring. They insist upon it i don't give a rat's ass oh uh guys the the the show so what looks like what's happened is it looks like um um jake berman and colton have postponed it hey step on i can't tomorrow morning i have work but i'm down to do another day if that's cool. Oh, okay. I was going to try to get Jake Berman on tomorrow. I was such such short notice. Yeah, it was a shot in the dark. I know it is short notice. So the date's been changed They were supposed to go Wednesday And as Sousa pointed out to me earlier today It's been moved one week
Starting point is 00:04:51 So it's now been moved to April 10th And I called Tim Murray and he's like he's game too So we're moving that whole thing down One week Do you know about the DLM movement? No Dwarves Lives Matter Do you know about the DLM movement? No. Dwarves Lives Matter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:08 But just internally amongst them. Yo, there's a lot of dwarf on dwarf violence lately. Yeah. Crazy. I am seeing, it is starting to look like that maybe Diddy... Diddy Diddled? Yeah, like maybe he, like, I don't care if he's gay, I don't care if he's paying girls to have sex, I don't care if he was doing drugs
Starting point is 00:05:30 and fucking people, like I didn't care but it looks like maybe it's it looks like maybe he was like it looks more and more like he was saying like, hey if you don't give me your butthole I'm not making rap music with you or something i'm sure you guys probably talked about it on earlier part of the show i caught the back oh yeah yeah this morning williams and i it's kind
Starting point is 00:05:56 i mean wouldn't it be weird if i was like hey you can't come on my podcast unless you give up your butthole? But there's a difference between telling Jake Berman like, hey, dude, if you don't give me your butthole, I won't let you on my podcast versus telling Caleb like, hey, I'm going to kick you off if you don't give me your butthole. There's a nuance there that I do think is significant. Yeah, Caleb's got a taste of it it so he'll do it to stay but jake won't because he's never seen it is that what you mean um uh no yeah i i mean that because um caleb's already in here right he's and yeah and is that what you were saying yeah yeah oh yeah yeah first it's it's like um it's coercion at the it's core coercion coercion it's coercion at that point my mom's like it's not unalienable
Starting point is 00:06:52 rights it's inalienable what the fuck when was someone gonna tell me i was like how come no one in the podcast tell me she's like because you just spit it out because you don't know the word so fast that you trick people that is my go-to and she goes i go why haven't you told me on the air when you hear it she's like oh you want me to come on there as your mommy and correct you i'm like yeah whatever handle your bed yeah yeah the cat williams thing when he's like i had two goals when i entered into hollywood did you play that clip for for uh for no which who's saying that? It's Cat Williams. Oh, oh, oh. No, I didn't. I didn't play it. Yeah, yeah. And he, like, turns, he's like, to have a virgin butthole
Starting point is 00:07:31 and to have never had sucked a penis. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Oh. JR just sent me a, um, how is it? It's funny.
Starting point is 00:07:48 You said JR, and I immediately checked my phone to see if he also texted me, but he didn't. Okay. I spoke to Sarah today about Airbnb and Carson. We've got to get that figured out. Okay. Oh, I told her that we had some, so when you get a chance – I'll send them over.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, okay. He's coaching until tonight, and send them over. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, all right. So this is so, so, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:14 That's taking care of that. I did my, um, talk about race, my obligatory race. I did my obligatory talk on, um, trannies and gay people.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I talked about the dwarf event we're having. I think we're good. We can start the show. Cool. Dave Castro, Week in Review, April 1st. I'm going to say that Dave doesn't do any April Fool's jokes, that it's not really
Starting point is 00:08:39 his style. He doesn't really seem like a holiday guy at all, really. I'm going to say he doesn't do that so much. Okay, here we go. Week in review, April 1st, 2020. Oh, this is weird. I can hear it in my headphones.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You haven't been able to before? No, normally I hear it through the speaker on my computer. Is that because when you change whatever settings in Rumble when we played around with it? I don't know. You know what I'm talking about, right? No, but this isn't Rumble. This is YouTube.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I know, but remember you went into system preferences and changed? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Wow. You mean the operating system system preferences. You're right. You're right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:22 All right. This is nice. Okay, so I don't have to do this thing with my ear. Okay. All right. This is nice. Okay. So I don't have to do this thing with my ear. Okay. All right. Wow. Yeah. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah. Remember we were just talking about what a shit show the podcast is, but look, incremental steps. Susan and I were just saying how excited we are because the show is a joke and we have so much room to grow. So much. Okay. And is the phone hooked up just in case any dudes were to call?
Starting point is 00:09:44 We're letting people call now? Oh, no. No, no, no. They're not supposed to call, up just in case any dude for a call would let people call now Oh, no, no. No, they're not supposed to call but just only will brands that is allowed to call. Yeah. Thank you Okay, you haven't yet told the athletes they need to be on your you haven't yet told the athletes They need to be in your show which show who what athletes? Anyway, fuck it. Okay. Oh who has aican stash coming in nicely me or oh suza do you are you going a little mexican stash i think he's talking about dave oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah good call i don't know i just shaved now it is younger or a little older dave totally uh mexican uh stashes look like asian girls pubic hairs you You know what I mean? They're just kind of like straight.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And they're spaced out. Judy. Judy. Eaton Beaver. Isn't Dave the guy that parks so close he had to climb out the passenger side window? Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:40 He's that guy. And he banged into our rental car with his rental car. Douche. Okay, here we go. 24. At Extremis 1978. What kind of fucking name is that? Hey, Dave.
Starting point is 00:11:01 name is that? Hey Dave, may I respectfully request more details of how the age group qualifier finals is going to look? Sorry, 1.25 time. Thank you. He seemed a little slow. Okay, here we go. I thought it was just me. All I see is that it's over six days. Do I
Starting point is 00:11:19 need to take vacation to get the workouts done and special time constraints? Last year's first two had to be completed in 24 hours. Thank in advance okay so the quarterfinals are coming up and this guy's asking like hey what are some of the details that the old people i think that's like 35 and older what are he's asking for details and dave said hold on and i don't see doug and i do see some interesting scope in the background today that i've never seen before on a tripod yeah that's cool can we turn dave up a little bit is there any way that his volume's a little low And I do see some interesting scope in the background today that I've never seen before on a tripod. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Can we turn Dave up a little bit? Is there any way to – his volume is a little low for me. Oh, maybe – let me see. Doug's pulling on my shit. Is that better? That sounds a little better. Yeah, look at that. Oh, he doesn't have the headset on? Or does he?
Starting point is 00:12:00 No, he did. More details on that will come eventually. Not right now, not currently, but you should be fine. No, no more details on old people, but you'll be fine. Burn 1808. Hey Dave, I watched the recent Danielle Brandon documentary in which you participated. It speaks to her high respect for you that she asked you to be part of her intimate life story. The video opened my eyes in that I always viewed her as just very glamorous and brash and with other false assumptions. But now I know her journey was almost the opposite of that.
Starting point is 00:12:28 A fight for every inch of success and against tough odds. Oh, yes. Her and same with Conor McGregor. Completely silver spoon in her mouth, in his mouth. That's why he acts like that. What the fuck did you think your life was going to be like? Anyone who acts like that, that some shit happened to them.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And they didn't ask, what do you mean an honor for Dave to be in there? They needed Dave to be the glue to hold the game segment together. You get that, right? He's the onscreen narrator that holds the thread of the games. I'm not saying that he wasn't
Starting point is 00:13:06 perfect for he didn't do a great job but let's i mean come on dave would have been gone it had been justin berg closely with hundreds of hundreds of elite celebrated athletes and personality throughout your time running the games and have unequivocally always placed it played it straight and fair but beneath the poker face surface is there a special place in your heart for those who rise from tremendous adversity, the underdogs and the scrappers? I'd like to say one more thing too, in that guy's defense, to fight back at me being an asshole. There are athletes who are writing books that are just like, what, what,
Starting point is 00:13:42 what did, why did you write that book? Fact that there is. Yeah. So for sure, I think people who have life stories of overcoming adversity and doing something unique or significant, it's easy to relate and connect with people like that and stories like that. In the case of the Danielle documentary, I'm really excited for her and happy that she's told her story in a way that she's comfortable with. And the community actually gets to see this side of her because there has been an impression of her
Starting point is 00:14:16 that was essentially incomplete, not knowing a lot of these other pieces. Years ago too, when I first met her and learned a little bit about her story and got to know her and talked with her, it was interesting because I told my team, I'm like, hey, this girl is, she's going to be something special in the community. Her story and her fight and her attitude, it's really going to resonate with our crowd. And over the years, it has. And this is just another piece in her puzzle and her story that will make her more relatable to our audience and people.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And now here's the deal. Like a lot of individuals have their own unique story and some choose to share it and others don't. She is choosing to share hers. And what that is doing is going to make her incredibly more relatable. Interesting. There was nothing in the documentary that surprised me. Yeah, because you already did the tell-all on this
Starting point is 00:15:14 show like three years ago. Oh, well, that too. You already heard it. That too, but there was not one thing that surprised me. That's not a good thing or bad thing, but there's not one. I wasn't like, oh my god, I didn't see that coming that coming yeah i haven't seen it yet still yeah the the it's um it's good it's an adventure it's like it's like a jason statham movie you're never like it's like good but you're never like holy shit i didn't see that coming yeah and and just
Starting point is 00:15:41 so you know he was very delicate there um i've been on the receiving end of Dave making fun of me so much. You're just like the rest of those assholes that can't shut up about your own life and feels like you have to share everything. And I think that's more of his. I'll ask him next time he's on the show. He used to call me a share it. It's apparent that shares too much. Yeah. I don't think it's because he's on the complete
Starting point is 00:16:05 other end of the spectrum I saw the neck tattoo coming I did not see the 8 inches of cleavage that her mom was showing coming but I enjoyed it spoiler alert now I'm intrigued top 3 favorite parts of the movie.
Starting point is 00:16:28 With a large number of our audience and not only relatable, but someone you want to get behind and care for. So really proud of her for doing this and honored that I was asked to be involved and glad I can contribute in any possible way that I could to, to help her with that story. Who didn't want to cheer from her before? Who didn't want to cheer for her? Yeah, I think she was, I think she got a cheering section going right away. Yeah. I don't think I've never, I never even hear anyone say, I've never heard anyone say anything bad about her. Me neither. Ever.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Never. Not even a little bit i heard there were some concerns like she was doing some stories and it seemed like she was high or something she was like slurring or talking weird but she likes to party it's all right she's young yeah yeah um uh but i've never heard i haven't heard one thing bad about her yeah you think d Dave will come and do a movie and tell our story? Oh, if we tell our story, he'd be a part of it? For sure. I'd like to see Dave's story. Dave's got a crazy story. I know his story, too.
Starting point is 00:17:35 His story's crazy. His story is fucking crazy. Do you think he'll ever share them? You think he thinks about that? Like, do they go with him? Or is he going to share that somehow uh i don't know it would blow people away though i guarantee it would i did you ever look like thumb through his book that he made did you ever look at that i thumbed through it but i didn't read it i didn't read it i didn't read it i read it i enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:18:00 um that was her lip extensions doing that i don't think those are called lip extensions be nice mason she comes from a rough upbringing then again i think some people think that like when i say stuff about people they they they think like it's a put down like they just automatically assume that it must be an insult if you're saying it yeah like like they i don't know i'll think of an example but um like like if someone says hey that person didn't squat below parallel they think that's an insult same thing with compliments sometimes people think i'm complimenting i'm like i'm complimenting you that i'm just making observation maybe it's them it's their insecurities it's the voice in their head yeah you don't got to draw a conclusion based on everything i say or anyone says story at dash hon talk 6624 people moved in
Starting point is 00:18:55 on them so it's a fair war so he's talking about the mountain lines last week i talked about the mountain line that killed that attacked two individuals while they're out shedding shedding is looking for antlers in north of sacramento actually um east of sacramento towards tahoe and so one was killed and one was severely injured and so this person's comment is people moved in on them first so it's a fair war that's pretty twisted if you ask me um he's talking about it being a war now that's fucking so uh mr what the fuck that guy's name is oh so where do we go on behalf of the human species where do we go that's a weird comment fine it's fair it's not fair i don't even know what that means
Starting point is 00:19:36 a fair fine then if it's a fair war then they're all going to get obliterated you can't i can't i mean i have there's a mountain lion signing seen in my neighborhood or in my area my town my township uh once a year minimum like not just a sighting but someone's got pictures of like one hanging out on the front porch oh shit yeah i mean it's a it's a fair war how about just like yeah there's gonna be mountain lions there's bears here there's peregrine falcons there's hawks and sometimes our paths are going to cross and if you feel threatened by one just put a cap in his ass or just carry a side piece and i don't mean the kind that jay-z has i mean like a gun right yeah i completely agree yeah now when these two innocent people were out there looking um for deer antlers and a mountain lion
Starting point is 00:20:22 attacked them and killed them and now saying it's a fair war and actually with that statement it's not even a fair war in california it's not a war first of all and it's not even fair because they're incredibly protected so um you can't hunt them at all we can't do any population control on them and no one moved in on anyone motherfuckers we live on planet earth still a really unique statement to me and then there's a few other statements around the mountain lion piece that i'm going to also batch in with this one that lion attack was six miles from my parents house second time that i can remember we had a person killed by a cat crazy um people moved in on i'm going back to the first one people moved in
Starting point is 00:21:00 on them so it's a fair war the question is how how, I don't even think, I think this was out in the woods and out in the forest. It was off a road. I do know that, but it wasn't like in a neighborhood or a community. So this aspect. Yeah, we live out in the middle
Starting point is 00:21:14 of fucking nowhere in case people don't know. I have the smallest property in my neighborhood and it's a half acre. My neighbor has the next smallest one. It's an acre. And then everything else after that
Starting point is 00:21:23 is like 20 acres or more. And Dave's ranch is on 60 acres, and Dave's home is on a couple acres. We live in the middle of... It's all two-lane roads around here. Greg lives in between Dave and I. He has the smallest property in his neighborhood. His is 16 acres.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's not like, I mean, there's fucking wild animals everywhere. He's really triggered by that dude's comment. I'm triggered by it. It's a douche canoe shit. It's a terrible comment. It's like, yeah, fucking two people were killed by mountain lions. I mean, it sucks. Hey, and the thing the thing is too is
Starting point is 00:22:05 it would be it would suck not not as bad but it would suck if i saw a mountain lion dead on the highway too i haven't seen that but i see dead deer on the highway and it sucks but like i see i see deer like i'm probably a lot of america does but i see deer every single day you probably see i mean you live in bump bfe and you're in a suburb of san francisco well when i drove to your uh um when i drove to your gym yeah i had to go down that two-lane road for 30 miles of nothing yeah because you're coming through the south that's right but the crazy thing is even if i go east and i take a 580 with the major freeway out here you'll still see deer up on the hillside and stuff yeah oh and
Starting point is 00:22:45 if you head towards the five from your house it's fucking a hundred thousand acres of fucking nothing nothing yeah but like livermore is like the end and then you go over the altamont and it's nothing yeah civilization's over so you hit the grapevine it's just big rigs yeah exactly yep big rigs and meth labs it's like if people moved in on them, it's a fair war. I'm not buying that. So this person who commented, the lion attack was six miles from my parents' house. Second time I can remember we had a person killed by a cat. My question to him is how far out there was this attack in general, neighborhoods and populations? And then here's another one. I don't know the details as Dave don't, but I am pretty sure that human population,
Starting point is 00:23:22 especially growing living areas mixed with climate change, prey moving to lower areas... Climate... Mixed with climate change? How's he gonna navigate this? Oh, Dave, don't take a position. Don't want to... Mixed with climate change? Climate change? Hold on. Oh, I'm looking out my window and I'm seeing
Starting point is 00:23:44 the climate change right now. You mean anthropogenic global warming? I mean, what the fuck? God damn it. Oh. Those people got killed because of the climate changes. What do you mean? From winter to spring?
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's just hard talk I know how to solve it We should just pay more taxes Right, right You mean to help the If we change the carbon The carbon What's it? The carbon
Starting point is 00:24:20 If we get carbon neutral And by paying We'll pay more taxes and we'll get carbon neutral. You need to reduce your carbon footprint every day. And there'll be less mountain lion killings. Clearly. And black people will have fewer heart attacks. How about the media?
Starting point is 00:24:38 That's like a big thing. The media says that melanated people are stressed out. By all the global. Because of climate change. It's like no they're stressed out. Because you keep talking about some bullshit. That you can't explain. That was actually said.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Dude it's a huge thing. You could. Yes. Yes. Yes. Bootyage. Bootyage. Pete Bootyage.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Has said it fucking a thousand times. Oh my god. I know it's nuts. Hey dude, all that stuff stresses everyone out by the way. And it's not, it's not the climate change stressing them out. It's you fucked hard.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's people talking about it and when they'd have no idea what they're talking about. Yeah. And we, for those of you who don't know, Dave is a probably one of the, he's, he's borderline,
Starting point is 00:25:24 you know, an expert on anthropogenic global warming, climate change, global warming, all those things. He has read a lot of books on the issue on both sides of the argument. Food drought, et cetera, is amazing. Yeah. Rachel Levine said it, too. That's true. Yes. Do you guys know who you guys remember who Rachel Levine is? That's the tranny who's like our admiral of health in the United States. That's the lady during COVID who pulled her 93-year-old mom out of a nursing home and put other old people with COVID in nursing homes and was getting them killed. Dude, we're so pathetic.
Starting point is 00:25:59 We are pathetic. It's pathetic. Rachel Levine. I don't even want to ruin the show and bring a picture of that thing up. Yeah, don't do that. It's pathetic. man who dresses up as a woman. God. ...mountain lions getting in contact with humans, causing accidental meets. They're not the problems. Humans are. They're not the problems. Humans are. That's another trippy one.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Maybe it's because I'm reading the Bible right now and I have so much respect for our existence and being to say that they're not the problem. Humans are. Again, these two individuals... That's indo say that they're not the problem. Humans are human. Again, these two individuals, that's indoctrination, by the way. What? That's just indoctrination. That's, that's libtard talk. It's, it's us against them. It's always, and it's always, uh, it's always, uh, you man bad, right? Man bad. It's just, it's just crazy libtard talk. Oh, and by the way, Hey, and I guarantee you the person who says that lives in a major metropolis
Starting point is 00:27:06 That's not like some dude who lives in Montana Or Iowa Or Nebraska Or the central coast of California Or eastern Washington Or eastern Oregon That's like some fucktard who lives in like Boston Who said that
Starting point is 00:27:21 Who like hasn't been out of the concrete jungle Except to go to the local park. I mean, it's just idiot shit. Go ahead. Sorry, what were you going to say? No, I mean, you pretty much, yeah, you hit it. I stole your line. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:37 We're in the woods and they were attacked by a mountain lion. And to say that they're not the problems, humans are, it's an interesting perspective, the perspective that obviously it's yours to have. I don't have to agree with it. And even let's go earlier in the sentence.
Starting point is 00:27:54 If you live in the South side of Chicago, you know humans are the problem. Yeah, hey, that same dude you were describing, I was just going to add one more tidbit. You remember history only starts 300 years ago with those people too oh right right right you know right just just 300 years we only look further than that it's and then there's the collective we suck as americans because we ran out the native americans and we had slavery right it just ends right there they don't even look at how human history has been for thousands and thousands and thousands of years like newsflash it's it's built on a
Starting point is 00:28:32 rape pillage and war uh uh um lupe uh who has a phd in booty comments made claims about racism and climate change separately Don't don't don't make me find it don't make me find it Oh Well, fuck you have to go back and give you give up your PhD Lupe Listen it's crazy that you would say anything to defend pete booty and she said so much stupid shit i'm gonna find it i'm gonna find it not in the show you'll be around tomorrow morning can't pete booty is so far up your ass she said i did a google search like you said oh all right fine then you win my bad okay um let me just reread this whole thing
Starting point is 00:29:29 i don't know the details as dave don't is how he said it as dave don't i don't know the details as dave does not or doesn't uh but i am pretty sure that human population and especially growing living areas another fucking tart argument how does this this person know that Dave doesn't? You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Yep. Mixed with climate change, prey moving to lower areas due to drought, et cetera, is the main reason of mountain lions getting in contact with humans, causing accidental meats. So climate change and humans are the problem here.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Just so you guys know, we've seen fewer animals in the last two years in california than ever before do you want to know why because it hasn't fucking stopped raining here in two years there's so much fucking water you wouldn't believe it yep i mean it is there's what there's just water everywhere now i i used to see coyotes all the time and never see shit now. Everything is just up in the hills. We have so much fucking water in California right now, it's absurd. But we'll have a drought next year.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Is what this guy is suggesting. He's also suggesting you don't know, Dave. He's also declaring, he's saying I'm stupid and you're stupid, Dave. So don't try to argue back with me. Those abstract genius comments. Maybe he's just fishing. I hope he's just fishing. Maybe he's just trolling me.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I hope he is. Let's go on to the next one. Go back to the mountain lion thing. I mean, here's the deal. I've never been attacked, thankfully. A lot of people have never been attacked. So it's not like, let me just say this. It's not like mountain lions are just attacking people left and right.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But there have been attacks, and recently one person died. So it's something to- Every year someone's dying here from a mountain lion attack. It just happens. We accept it. No one's even complaining about it. We don't have signs up saying, watch out for- Some places we do have signs.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Just happens. It's happened forever. Before when the climate never changed and it just stayed always at 72 degrees on the earth 24 hours a day with no wind or nothing when there was zero climate change. They attacked then too. Climate change. It's fucking amazing. Climate change. Talk about and no and the mountain lion population in california you know that's a fucking psyop right they gave you that word so you would fucking troll people on the internet you're just in the fucking matrix doing
Starting point is 00:31:57 the dirty work for the fucking idiots you're a slave is growing, is, is growing out of control because there is no way to control the population. And Hey, here's the deal. Like some, something does, something does have to give, especially as humans in habit,
Starting point is 00:32:18 California, are we going to prioritize mountain lion lives? Or are we going to prioritize human lives? If mountain lions start getting more aggressive well that that's a uh profound statement which what mr 93724-5 andy johns from youtube which one are we going to prioritize animals uh mountain lion charging your daughter but they're endangered i mean they're not let's say they are the last white rhino is charging your child yep and that's it there's no more
Starting point is 00:32:55 for all of for all of humanity you put down your 30 30 and let him fucking kill your kid yeah it's exactly it's it's the exact same word fuckery they use with homeless people unhoused it's just yep uh the whole global warming thing stopped working so they rebranded climate change so much bullshit
Starting point is 00:33:19 mm-hmm I just wish we could send all these people to like one area Like I'm willing to give them like half the United States Here you go take the eastern seaboard It's yours Just go over there Oregon And it didn't turn out too well
Starting point is 00:33:39 Watch what we do over here You guys go over there and do that shit I don't know this for a fact, but I bet you the right has preserved more land as national parks than the left. Interesting. That'd be interesting to find out. And I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Like this notion of we're moving into their, or we're growing population into their territory. This is a massive state. There's a lot of land. Yeah, I guess you could say, especially in Southern California, maybe that's more of a case, but up here,
Starting point is 00:34:13 there's still a ton of open space. At Karina Rain, the Dave Chronicles, man, the Davey. Karina Rain. She's here now, I think. One degree of separation from P. Diddy I wonder if she's got some stories yeah
Starting point is 00:34:32 she's heard some stuff and I could be wrong it could be closer I could be wrong it could be closer hopefully not too close for her sake I don't know he he uh there was a um a guy arrested in airport yesterday in miami and he supposedly pd'd his drug dealer and he did a um he did uh this special mixture of mdma
Starting point is 00:35:02 and uh cocaine and they showed pictures of it it's like in these pink i don't know if it was like just a graphic or if it was really the bags that's a hell of a mixture that's a hell of a mixture i wonder how they ingested that he put in people's drinks or uh it sounds like he it sounds like they did it doesn't sound like he was drunk it didn't sound like he was pulling a Bill Cosby. Oh. It was just like, hey, Susan, you want to do a line? And next thing I know, I got my fucking balls deep in you, buddy. Got it.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Okay. I'm going to make you famous. You want to be famous? And the whole thing with video cameras in the room, I'm pretty sure that's one of the things told to all rappers and professional athletes. Hey, if you're fucking, make sure you videotape it so if they say it wasn't consensually of proof. Wow. My little hidden security camera shit.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I was on Kalipa's podcast today. Oh, yeah. How'd that go? I thought it went great. A few times I was saying shit's coming out of today. Oh, yeah, how'd that go? I Thought it went great It's a few times I was saying she ships coming out of my mouth and I'm looking at his face and I thought like maybe Like I had my dick out. He looked shocked at the stuff I was saying Awesome did he tell you when it's gonna air did we know how long that like a turnover takes for them? No I was pretty fired up cool
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oprah Winfrey is connected to every single deviant that's been exposed. It's up for everybody in 2024. I used to be attracted to Oprah. Very attracted to her. I met her. I held her hand. No, when? Yeah, at a film festival in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:36:46 My film was playing at the same in the same theater as the film that her dad was in a film. And he was in the film. And so she went to watch it. And how did you meet her? She was walking out and she was so much fucking security. And I just walked up to her and the security tried to pull me away and she grabbed my hand and she said, walk with me. Damn. Yeah. See, that's how she gets you. And I just walked up to her and the security tried to pull me away and she grabbed my hand and she said walk with me Yeah, see that's how she gets you there's charismatic you just fucking yeah, I bang Oprah. I know that it's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Hmm Why not what about Danielle Brandon's mom pool boy. This show is... This show. I do need a standee. Actually, I wonder if my shows would be different if I got a standee before the show. We could run an experiment. Oh, standee shows and non-standee shows.
Starting point is 00:37:43 The audience has to guess. Hard pass. Wow, no shit. Yeah non-standee shows. Mm-hmm. And the audience has to guess. Hard pass. Wow, no shit. Yeah, smash. Thank you. What? You think Oprah is more attractive than Danielle's mom? You're out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's the money for them. Oh. It's the money, the power, the fame. Yeah, I like all that too. You know what I mean? Yep, yep. It's fame. Yeah, I like all that too. It's cool. I get it. It's like you might not be a hunter, but if someone's like,
Starting point is 00:38:10 hey, you want to shoot a rhino, you'll be like, alright. I'd have a guest on the show that I hated if I just thought they were a big guest. Not Don Lemon though. You wouldn't have Don Lemon on? No, I would. I'm joking. You sure have Don Lemon on? Are, I would. I'm joking. You sure have Don Lemon on? Are you kidding? That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Alright, here we go. This stop is going to be a sad day. Hope these live on forever, kind of like the journal. Well, thank you. Thanks for the praise. Oh, oh. At Carina Rain. The Dave Chronicles. Man, the day these stop is going to be a sad day.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Hope these live on forever, kind of like the journal. Well, thank you. Thanks for the praise. The journal doesn't live on forever. Was some weird shit cryptic shit i hope these weekend reviews last forever like the journal but the journal is dead oh interesting son del monte 1431 hey dave why are you this is our bryson del monte has a comment being read. Bryson Bryson. I'm pretty sure he just said that workout demo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. Big shirt. Bryson stop is going to be a sad day. Hope these live on forever. Kind of like the journal. Well, thank you. Thanks for the praise. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:17 at Brian, send Del Monte 1431. Hey Dave, why are you destroying CrossFit brand by reposting that horrible 550 back squat that wasn't even close to depth the guy who claimed 550 back squat and 457 mile in the same hour thanks um i disagree that that's destroying crossfit's brand holy shit bryson's trolling the fuck out of him yeah he went hard with that one there's no way bryson really thinks that but maybe we gotta ask him if um if you think that's destroying CrossFit's brand,
Starting point is 00:39:48 that's a bold statement to make without... It's okay to post someone failing a 550 squat. There's nothing brand diminishing about that at all. Having any evidence of that.'s i i'll tell you what me reposting someone back squatting 550 and not hitting depth is not what's going to destroy crossfit's brand i wish i had that much power that i could destroy and make it with one simple post but i will say this um just because i just because i post that individual's effort does not mean it's necessarily an endorsement, right? There's plenty of things.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And this is that dilemma we live in nowadays where, you know, you can't even have someone on your, let's say, on your network without it being automatically an endorsement of or giving them a platform or this weird realm of because you have a dissenting view or someone with a different opinion or voice, you can't engage with them. You can't platform them. This is the same sort of thing. So just because I repost it doesn't mean I agree with his depth, doesn't agree I support the effort. It means I was intrigued.
Starting point is 00:40:58 But you should support the effort. Everyone should support the effort. The effort was crazy. Yeah, it was nuts. And, you know, it wasn't... He missed depth, yes. But did he miss it so terribly that, like... You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I guess if he could just hold the standard, the standard is the standard, then he missed the rep. But it was such a... It wasn't that far of a miss to me that, like, the effort was still there, right? Like, he still... I couldn't fucking do that at the depth that he did it would just crumble underneath me most people couldn't step
Starting point is 00:41:27 out of the rack with 550 right yeah yeah i mean that terrifies me i think my my vertebrae would collapse like building seven you should have just done it at 500 and just gone ass to grass damn uh all right here we go wait, what's going on here? Okay. I think it's fascinating and I wanted to share it with the community and maybe honestly, I didn't do it for this, but maybe I wanted to share it with the community. So everyone could, could say, Hey, his depth is high. There will be things that I post that aren't the most perfect expression of CrossFit or something that I even believe in or agree with. I'll give you another example.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I've deleted a lot of my previous posts about a year and a half ago, two years ago. I just got bored with having thousands of posts. So I just went through and deleted. But there was a time when I would post books on climate change. And if I posted that I read a book from one perspective, people lost their shit on me. How could you read this? How could you support this?
Starting point is 00:42:29 And then I post from the other side and it's still the same thing. It's not taking a side. It's just educating myself on both sides. And so my point being, just because I post a book or something. I read the book on critical race theory. It was fucking so hard to get through without fucking wanting to put a fucking gun in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Wow. But I fucking definitely don't endorse organized racism. Was that the anti-racist book or whatever? It was written by, hold on. There was like a real popular one. You know what I'm talking about? I think it was called. It was really popular.
Starting point is 00:43:04 It was the lady who wrote it. Oh, it like a real popular one. You know what I'm talking about? I think it was called. It was really popular. It was the lady who wrote it. Oh, it was a lady. Okay. Not the one by Ibram. Not that one. Okay. Just go to Barnes and Noble. They got your whole races section right there in front.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah, let me see. Critical race. Let's see if I can see her name. And that's a lie. I didn't read it. I listened to it on audio. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Anyway. It was fucking brutal. Yeah. Good on you, Dave. And hey, here's the thing, too.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's also cool that these people are saying that it's a bullshit post and CrossFit shouldn't post it. That's cool, too. I mean, it's not cool, but it's not not cool. George Floyd wrote it. No. No. George Floyd wrote it. No.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Doesn't mean it's an endorsement of. And I think people lose sight of that at times. So this question is why I'm destroying CrossFit band by reposting that horrible 550 back squat. That wasn't even close to depth. Maybe I was trying to make you guys better coaches so you could see that and you could call him out on his squat depth at mr bassman 83 i bet you he didn't even notice it you you watched it right yeah what'd you think of it i i mean i was crazy impressed i i don't i'm not really into the no rep thing at all yeah yeah but i but i'm also i also don't mind it either i don't mind that it was
Starting point is 00:44:45 no like i feel like if he was doing it for guinness then that was the standard like hip crease below the knee right um and it wouldn't have counted but in terms of like just the the sheer like you know effort it takes to pull that off yeah yeah i didn't have a i didn't have a problem with it but but he doesn't get the he doesn't get to if i was like running the adam clink club he doesn't get the, he doesn't get to, if I was like running the Adam Klink club, he doesn't get to be in Adam's club. Right. But, but I was still like, holy fuck, this dude's a savage. Super impressive. And I didn't see his mile, but I heard his mile, I heard like he ran a six, I heard he ran like a six minute mile the last like 200 yards or something, which is just crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Meaning he ran out of gas and still did it. And still made it across the line. And that's, it's a big fucking, that dude's a hunk of a man a hulk of a man yeah but i don't think dave even looked at it he probably was just like oh this is cool and posted yeah hey dave i've currently been training at an unaffiliated gym that follows crossfit functional programming i love it i love the methodology as CrossFit functional programming. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I love the methodology. My question is, after you complete reading the different religious texts, do you plan to dive deeper in understanding the content, i.e., systematic theology or commentaries? It is one thing to read through them, and you can absorb a lot, but it is a whole other thing to understand the overarching themes. Yes, not at a super deep level, but on a higher surface level kind of. Yes, I do want to understand the content and dive into some commentaries on all the texts for sure. So Dave, after you read this imaginary story that lays out the inner psychology of man and is the world's top selling self-help book, do you plan to read what other people's imaginations write about the person's imagination who wrote that book.
Starting point is 00:46:30 But do you like how that dude started that comment? I just, the dipshittery. It was so weird how I've been currently whatever at an unaffiliated gym. I like watching Dave read it. That's more important. That's so good. But it's just like, why put that? That was weird, right That's so good. But it's just like, why put that? What the, that was weird, right?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Oh my God. Back to your first statement. I have currently been training at an unaffiliated gym that follows CrossFit functional programming. I love it. Love the methodology. I have currently been training at an unaffiliated gym that follows CrossFit functional programming. I love it. Love the methodology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:09 What? Yeah. You should go to an affiliate. Okay. At Andreas Toscano. Hi, Dave. I've been doing CrossFit for 12 years now and just completed my 11th Open. One of the things I've always found important in and unique about CrossFit are the benchmark,
Starting point is 00:47:24 aka redoing workouts. What was the reason for not having a redo this year in the Open? As much as I like 24.3, I feel like 19.5 or 21.3 could have done a similar job while keeping a redo in the mix. Thanks for your work and your week in review videos. Glad you're back. Thanks. You're right. 21.3 or 19.5 could have done a similar job while keeping a redo in the mix. I think redos, especially in the open, became a little more interesting with the three-week format. Meaning in the five-week format, it was always pretty easy to have a redo because there's five weeks of open and five opportunities to plug one in. With the three-week format, I think it makes it a little more, you have to be
Starting point is 00:48:03 very deliberate and thoughtful about it and so last year they had a redo in the open which was good um this year we did not maybe last year we might but it was very deliberate and thought oh maybe you meant to say maybe next year we might i think so yeah not to have a redo this year which um they are important and I do think biasing towards having them more often than not is a better approach. But again, every rule is made to be broken or to riff on. And so this year we decided not to. Does not mean that's going to be the norm, but it's just how we did it this year. And here's the thing about redoing for everyone's knowledge. And I think everyone does know this, but it's all about tracking progress and seeing yourself get better as an athlete or not, and seeing how much improvement you've had with the methodology.
Starting point is 00:48:51 In terms of actually, I believe most gyms don't do enough retesting in their own programming, in their own CrossFit journey on a regular basis. I think some workouts should be retested every four to eight weeks. And even some stuff you can retest in little micro cycles every one to two weeks. What if the quarterfinals is all just old open workouts? That's what I was going to say. We could see a repeat in one of those.
Starting point is 00:49:17 But there's only four, right? They reduced it down to four. Yeah, JR told me there's no way. No way there's going to be a repeat? There's no way there's gonna be a repeat there's no way there's gonna be four oh so he thinks that there'll be more than four scored events but four workouts in total it's like a part a part b type thing yeah he said there's no fucking way yeah and he's like he's like i'm as certain as i can be about it so yeah yeah i don't know if i was supposed to say that well he, he stole his material.
Starting point is 00:49:46 There's a lot of little things, even in my own programming, that I'll do. And then within a week or two, I'll retest just to see little progress. And then over the course of a longer time frame, there's a lot of other things I'll revisit. So retesting and revisiting, I think, feels underutilizedized currently but should be more prioritized amongst all programmers and gym owners the most intense competition of the entire crossfit year will also happen this quarterfinals and it will be at crossfit crash and it will be down pepper jason hopper colton mertens and taylor self taylor self versus the world and it's going Dallin Pepper, Jason Hopper, Colton Mertens, and Taylor Self, Taylor Self versus the world. And it's going to be every day until they're done with the workouts. So, that's something
Starting point is 00:50:29 to look forward to. Yeah, that'd be cool. At Chris Grant, Dave, thanks for your weekend review. I love that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:34 I didn't ask Rios if he wanted to do, um, behind the scenes. Yeah, I need to do that after the show. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Format and was inspired to do something in my last job. Cool. Do you have any comment on the Rogue Invitational coming to Scotland? Does it set a precedent or a testing ground for the games to be held outside of the U.S. in the future? Finally, are you coming to Scotland for Rogue?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Would be happy to share a whiskey and some huggies. I probably won't go to Scotland for Rogue. Does it set a precedent or a testing ground for the games to be held outside? We've been planning on taking the games outside of the U.S. for a very long time. There's kind of a little target in my mind for when that's going to happen. Does this set any precedent for it or testing ground for it? No, not really. We were planning on doing that eventually anyways.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And I think what the testing ground for us in terms of holding the games outside the U.S. have been things well before the Rogue Invitational, like even semifinals, before that regionals, and knowing how they do that, before that the CrossFit Invitational. Like even semifinals, before that regionals, and knowing how they do that. Before that, the CrossFit Invitational. I don't know if a lot of people know this, but before there was the Rogue Invitational, there was a CrossFit Invitational. And the CrossFit Invitational was Team USA versus Team Europe
Starting point is 00:51:34 versus Team Australia versus Team Canada. Prior to that, it was Team USA versus Team World. And now there's the Sevan Podcast Invitational. Yep. Starting in two weeks. Yeah. I'm'm a copycat i'm fine with that it's fine yeah it's actually something reebok um not just to do and in partnership with them we did and it was a lot of fun different format than the rogue invitational the rogue invitational is a multi-day event the crossfit with the fucking best athletes in the world going to war the 20 best fittest in the world. It's way different. I thought the invitation was stupid.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Did you like the invitation? No. Did you like it? I went to the one in San Jose. Was that the first year they had it? I went to that one, too. Yeah. I liked that.
Starting point is 00:52:14 That was the first. You did like it? It was cool. Of course. All right. It was empty. No one showed up. I mean, I was there.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah, that's true. The one in, you know which one was crazy and huge is the one they did in Europe, I guess, was crazy. Yeah. I guess the crowd went crazy. Mason wasn't a fan. No. Mason always made for TV two hours series. So, no, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:52:46 two hours series. So no, it doesn't, it's not going to drive us going overseas or validate us taking overseas our other previous events and our strong affiliate community overseas. And the duration for which the games have been in the U S is what we'll take it overseas at William blood two, five, five, three. Thanks Dave. Really enjoy your weekend review and protective on various topics. Do you plan to make any leather patches with hook backing? Would love to add a personalized TDC patch to my go-ruck and weight vest. Keep up the good work. Appreciate all you do for the commercial community. I probably will add some vests to my website soon,
Starting point is 00:53:13 I have not yet, but probably will in the next few weeks. At Craig-PK5CC, Dave, how do you feel? Did that one guy say a few posts ago, whiskey and huggies? Was that a girl or a guy? I don't know, but is like a huggy something? Is that like a peedity thing or is that like a food we don't know about? I just think it sounds like intimate hugging, like huggies. Barclay, you know what else is crazy and huge?
Starting point is 00:53:43 That Matoothian. Damn right. Just got mine today. Oh, you did? Yeah. Oh, I can't wait to hear your feedback on it. Yeah. Maybe I'll do it live.
Starting point is 00:53:54 My live reaction to Matuthian. Oh. On your 11 a.m. show tomorrow. First brush. Wow. Okay. We'll do it at 4.45 a.m. in the morning. Oh, oh. show tomorrow first brush wow okay we'll do that 4 45 a.m in the morning oh oh oh you and like it's recorded with your phone yeah oh i like that okay remember i tested out
Starting point is 00:54:13 that live feature on youtube for shorts oh yes yeah okay i've done that twice i did that again today uh live on youtube shorts when i was at the firefighter tower did i tell you how young you look today thank you that's so nice have you been using a tdc uh oil on your skin no no i'm such i want to be sponsored right before you uh you know like when people ask us if we're sponsoring any athletes yeah we'll be sponsored by TDC. But we have athletes that sponsor the show. Yeah. Informal.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I would say Colton sponsors the show. Yep. You just got to win and throw the shirt on, baby. I think Ariel Lowen sponsors the show. Just people who got our back. They'll come on. I'd say Down Pepper. Down Pepper.
Starting point is 00:55:02 James Sprague. He's aging. James Sprague, definitely sponsor uh james sprague definitely sponsor yep good dudes trying to think of those yeah this isn't the kind of show that sponsors the athletes the athlete sponsor pat velner pat velner pat velner was always definitely a sponsor he's probably like uh um he probably doesn't want he's probably not open about it he's still in the closet but he's definitely a sponsor. Yeah, silent investor, if you will.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. I was thinking it's more like Trump supporters. Like, you know what I mean? That you're just. Or like Pool Boy in the closet. Yeah, Pool Boy sponsors the show. Pool Boy sponsors the show. Yeah, Katie Henniger sponsors the show.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yep, Dave. Dave himself. Oh shit, I saw boxes on my skateboard ramp from Rogue. Oh, did they get you something cool? I don't know. I don't remember ordering anything. I get so jealous when they send you something. I don't blame you.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Pete Buttigieg did say that climate change is racist. Lupe. Get in touch with their agents. Get in touch with their agents. Get in touch with their agents to set that up. After the show this morning, four agents reached out to me and said, thank you for having our athletes on. That is how nice of them doing their jobs.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I lied. Making relationships. Oh, no, they didn't. Oh, shocker. I told you, I told you that, uh, uh, someone on the show bought my mom. A year's membership at her CrossFit gym. Did I tell you that? No.
Starting point is 00:56:41 What? Yes. Are you serious? Yes. That's fucking incredible. Do you know who it is? Yeah. You don't have to say.
Starting point is 00:56:49 That's awesome. It's just, and that's what just, I just keep thinking about just, and no one has, no one has to do that, right? Like, I don't need the agents to say thank you. I don't care if they do. I'm just thinking like, if I'm an athlete you were if you were my if you were so after jason had me on the show today i immediately reached out to him like thank you so much for having me on because i mean it if i'm a fucking agent the cool thing about an agent is you can
Starting point is 00:57:16 be fake as fuck that's your job right you're fucking fake leech that's true and your job is just try to fucking be as authentic as you can through the fact that your job is completely superficial and so why wouldn't you be like why wouldn't you call a show like um uh uh uh mal o'brien was on brian's show and matt o'keefe i'm guessing would then reach out to him and be like hey great job thanks for having Mal on you guys really have something special together thanks for doing that I mean that's like in my opinion that's that's like the bare minimum yeah because more so it would be like especially for all the athletes that we had on behind the scenes like I'm and all the footage
Starting point is 00:58:02 that we had I'm so surprised agents didn't reach out to us and be like hey there's like all these other clips like what could we do to help support you guys how if is my athlete in any of the episodes really heavy like what could we do there how could i connect you guys with some of the brands that the athletes are would you sponsor certain segments hey we're gonna do this promo ariel's coming on can we make sure she does is that okay with you guys like do you think that's evidence they don't give a fuck like Like, if you're an athlete and you're the behind the scenes, why wouldn't you just send us a DM or a text and be like, hey, by the way, I'll repost anything you post or send me five clips and I'll repost them?
Starting point is 00:58:34 Mm-hmm. I have no idea. I said it in the text a couple days ago when I was like, I feel like all of them think so small, too. Like, they're all stuck inside the mud puddle of CrossFit. Like, you have a superstar. Ariel Olin's a superstar. You should be postering her up all over the place
Starting point is 00:58:51 as this mother that's pulled down. Who's her agent? Is she with Labman? Who's her agent? I don't know who her agent is, but I made the joke. I was like, yeah, why go after these multi-billion dollar companies
Starting point is 00:59:03 when you could have $500 a month from Joe Schmo that's, you know, sells fucking grips. It's like, dude, nobody thinks outside of the box. So when we were going to do the live call and love line with Danielle, which would have been a fucking crazy awesome show. Which she said she'd do. We just could. She did say she could do. It was just really tough to like hammer that down. But let's assume that she was like committed and it was just really tough to like hammer that down but let's assume that uh she
Starting point is 00:59:25 was like committed it was going to roll through the second before we even had that show and she was like she said she would do it like verbally yeah i reached out to like random condom sponsors like trojan yeah like all these other things so we could like we could i just threw this big net out there to a bunch of companies that weren't in the crossfit space at all and it's like hey we got this superstar coming on she's hella funny though people dig the show we're gonna field these um call-ins coming in this would be a good fit for you guys like why would you not right and maybe maybe they try but but maybe they try but but i'm just guessing that they don't do shit since since i don't see any of it which i think is fair because i have pretty good optics right weird dude even Dave every time he comes on the show
Starting point is 01:00:08 brings me a fucking gift yeah Dave could leave some help with his advertisements too Ariel Lowen sent me Born Primitive pants before Born Primitive was a sponsor she sent me some too which was so nice I saw both my pairs
Starting point is 01:00:24 way back when. And that is the smart thing. Actually, don't even call me. Call Sousa. He's the one completely in charge of the schedule. Even when Jason's like, hey, can you come on the show? I'm like, I don't know. I got to ask Sousa.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah. I really enjoyed being on the show, though. That's cool. I can't wait to watch it. It'll go to great for his numbers. I hope I didn't do anything like not squat below parallel and diminish my brand. For you to open your site for UK delivery on your oil and leather products, please. Also, one of the games going international.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Just answered that on the previous content for the international oil. I don't know. I got to look into if I could ship overseas, if I could ship oil. The oil mafia probably won't like that. Not that I'm having that sort of volume, but I don't know if I can, but I'll look into it. At G Doggy Doggo 5, I'm a friend of Eric Preston from when I lived in California. He went to my church and guess what? He introduced my passion, CrossFit, in 2021. And I went from 250 pounds and was able to do one pull-up in 2021 to being 180 and able
Starting point is 01:01:21 to do 10 ring muscle-ups. And if it weren't for decimating my calf the day before 24.2, I'd be able to continue my CrossFit season. Just wanted to say, I love the straight talk and honesty and love hearing the Bible stuff. But yeah, you only obviously got to share what you feel like sharing.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Thank you. That is true. And I do that on a number of topics. I only share what I feel like sharing. Eric Preston, he works at CrossFit. Great guy, seminar staff, flow master. Awesome guy. Do you know him?
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah, I got the pleasure of working with him at the hell Summit awesome dude yeah he was great been around forever dawn of time been as long as I can remember he's been at CrossFit awesome dude press media and content on the IG super cool to hear your journey he went from 250 pounds in 2021 four years later later, he's 180 pounds. And was this guy, not Eric Preston. This guy's a friend of Eric Preston and was able to do one pull up in 2021. And now he can do 10 ring muscle-up. Man, that's an incredible journey and incredible process, uh, progress in such a short time
Starting point is 01:02:17 frame. Thank you for sharing that. Um, super cool, super cool story. And that's the, that's as, that's as exciting as Daniel Brandon story. Dave was more excited. And Dave just narrated it for us too. Look at that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Oh, if they ever make a documentary about that guy, I can start with Dave. Start that clip right there. That's the power of CrossFit right there. At Byron Smith 4919. Hey, Dave, as you read through the Bible, have you thought about attending a church? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And I don't think I will through this journey at this point. No plans on that. All right. That's pretty much it. People are really excited about the Bible thing. It would be like if he read like a story about a farmer,
Starting point is 01:03:02 like a Steinbeck book or something that people would be like, so you can open your own farm. Or if he read the life of Ron a farmer, like a Steinbeck book or something that people be like, so you can open your own farm. But if he read the life of Ron Jeremy, people like, so you start getting into some porn. It's like crazy, right? We can. Yeah. Big week coming up.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Just a lot of stuff going on. Quarterfinal registration. And so make sure if you're a quarterfinal athlete to register so you can compete and get on the leaderboard. I'm probably going to head to Colorado for a couple days this week for some army work and have a few other things going on. But excited about this upcoming week. All right. Thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:03:36 If you have any thoughts or comments, as always. He edited himself. There's something he wants to share that he does that. That's like a little Easter egg. He's dropping right? Yeah, or or he I know he doesn't like to just keep talking. I know he should Oh look at 12 daily doses hi Dave not sure what your mountain lion take was even Even supporting the cat or the humans who were harmed Maybe that was your point though. If so, I agree.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Personally, I say, why do we need to take, always take a side? It sounds to me like when a wild animal attacks a human like this, that's life. Just try and be prepared when in the area and everyone knows what animals may be. Not the lion's fault, nor the humans in this example. Really bad luck.
Starting point is 01:04:19 There's no blame here. Sometimes bad shit happens. Side note, I watch 16.5 live announcement once every couple months great stuff putting yourself out there she's just criming you do why don't you write something that nice to me pat that was nice the fuck i was gonna go through and answer some of those questions on my show tomorrow oh these here yeah oh that's not a bad idea i like i didn't i didn't watch the show,
Starting point is 01:04:45 but I just scrolled through and started looking at some of the questions and I was like, oh, there's some interesting ones in here. We're going to get two shows out of one Dave show? Yeah, I'll do Dave's next weekend review. Oh, that's awesome. These are the questions Dave should answer.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Rich Haas, where is the CEO here for this dandy shirt? Wow, a dandy shirt. Did you see the new shirts that are coming? No. Wait. Yes. If you look at the… I think I have seen it. i know what it is now yep yep
Starting point is 01:05:26 oh my god i probably i'm probably gonna retire these shirts except for like my black one really dude i mean i don't know if retires a little hard but i this shirt's crazy dude it's cool do you think the back should be on the front or you like that on the back i like it on the back I don't know if it tires a little hard, but this shirt's crazy, dude. It's cool. Do you think the back should be on the front or you like that on the back? I like it on the back. Holy shit. I like it on the back.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I like shirts that have a little pocket logo and then a bigger logo on the back. The king's holding a microphone. Yeah. It's cool. Is his nose big enough? Can you see it? No. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Where'd you... Is it in a text thread, right? Yeah, with Caleb. With Caleb. I sent it to you and Caleb a couple days ago. Okay, okay, okay. Hold on. I know the texts are just a fucking complete shit show. I know.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Oh! So, there was someone else. Oh, Angie. Angie. There's this chick, Angie, I want to get on the podcast. She runs a rehab. Oh, I met her. Yes. I think, you know what? I think I
Starting point is 01:06:43 Oh, fuck. She might have slipped through the cracks. I think you sent me her stuff, and I think we started a conversation. I started a conversation met her. Yes. I think, you know what? I think I, fuck, she might have slipped through the cracks. I think you sent me her stuff, and I think we started a conversation. I started a conversation with her. How do you spell Angie? A-N-G-I-E? Yeah, that sounds right. Oh, yeah, Angie Rehab Center Sousa. I'll just bump it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Okay, just like that. Oh, no, I didn't. I didn't. Angie. I met her, though. I'd love to have you on my podcast. I hope it's the right Angie. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, and I also don't, on the shirt, I would move that logo that's in the front. I would like that moved to the left. What do you mean? I don't know. I just don't dig it like center. Oh. Oh, will you tell him?
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah. Well. What if it was bigger? You can just send this to Travis. I mean, we're just talking about my personal preference here. Yeah, I don't care. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Make it your preference.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I like it to the left too. Fine. Make it to the left too. Because I just like the little pocket logo here. You did the Harley ones with that orange CEO. I dug that with the bigger... Yeah, tell them. But this is dope, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's fucking gangster. Show us the new shirt. God, I don't know if I should do that. No. No? Because what if it gets changed a little bit? It'll get changed a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Just let them let it simmer. You guys will just wait. You'll like it though. It's it's, I like it. It's crazy. I like him. Do it.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Um, Jake Felton, uh, that there is a favorite moment of the show's hands on the head deep in thought I got a t-shirt made with black and white tank man I got a t-shirt with a black and white photo of tank man
Starting point is 01:08:38 from the Tiananmen Square demonstrations back in 88 wow I don't know what made you bring that up demonstrations back in 88. Wow. I don't know what made you bring that up, but that sounds like a cool shirt. Sounds like something like Bansky would, or Bansky, is that his name, would paint? Banksy.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Banksy. Oh, Pedro's show went off the rails today. Is today Wednesday? Mm-hmm. No, today's Monday. He had Seth Page, and he he had Taylor's cell phone and he like wrote programming for his like hypothetical gym, like a week of it. And then Pedro did. Pedro did. And then Seth and Taylor like went through and. Educated him. Oh, did you see it? Does Taylor just go fucking get unhinged i only i only saw the back half of it and by that time uh pedro like froze and then he left and then seth and taylor were just on the
Starting point is 01:09:32 show together they're like what do we do is he gonna come back do we leave so then they left and then it was just the background live for a minute then pedro comes back on. Yeah, that's the part I saw. I loved it. Wow. Let me see this. Let me see. I'll go back and watch it. Pause and watch. Let me just dip into a section and see if, oh, shit. Yeah, just peek around maybe.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Let me see what we got going on here. Did they show our shirt? I think RB was insinuating that they showed our shirt. Hey, they didn't even have a fucking shirt on. Squat and wall ball in the same workout where they're repeating. If it was like a chipper and maybe on either end of the chipper, there's like a hundred air squats, a hundred air squats in the middle.
Starting point is 01:10:13 There's 50 wall balls. Maybe I'd be okay with that, but I would change this workout to 42, 30, 18 wall ball dumbbell shoulder overhead and leave it at that. Maybe. Well, what's the time? Dude,
Starting point is 01:10:22 Seth's Seth's getting around. He's hauling himself out. I went on show uh friday last friday everyone's digging this dude huh yeah i had a great time on the show my fucking power went out the middle of it faster than six for some is that show up yet it the it was live oh it is yeah it's up oh i'm listening to it i'm gonna go work out now listen to that okay someone who's really good with you can you can cycle down by shoulder overhead really push-ups and just give yeah it just looks clunky right and uh the back-to-back squads for you're not serving back-to-back squad you could also what do you sorry i just want to hear taylor yell at pedro does he yell at him at all no it was more like they're like they're like
Starting point is 01:11:04 constructive yeah you can still live in that 25 to 30 minute time domain but i would also knock the rounds down if i was going to make the or or a sandbag clean that'd be cool if you have sandbags at your affiliate are we have a ton of sandbags love to use them how about you point your fucking mic at your mouth you douche not douche canoe hello i'm taylor self uh yeah how you doing douche that's funny all right give this the thumbs up let's see what the people uh greatest podcast ever please do more wow wow greatest podcast ever fuck you no it is not asshole thank you uh didn't know chad kroger was this into crossfit oh is that a dig it uh seth because i guess chad kroger i don't know who chad kroger is so that's
Starting point is 01:12:03 i met once i met met Seth once at a competition he had his dogs with him so that was cool oh it's that fucking guy from Dave's Week in Review oh shit shoot the club wow shoot the club up 42
Starting point is 01:12:19 wow different strokes are different folks I bet a lot of money that if both Seth and Taylor looked at it the training plan they would both hate it the training I don't know what that is nothing bastardizes methodology more than what Jamie oh Jesus
Starting point is 01:12:35 just hating on Yami the best jump ship training the best program is the one that works for you I have nothing against other styles of programs. It just wouldn't fit what I'm going for. Oh, come on, Seth. I didn't let Kalipa get away. Kalipa tried to do that today once to me.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Do what? Do what? Basically, so we were talking about birthing, and he's like, hey, there's different things for different people. My wife had an incredible experience at the hospital, and she had these great kids, and I'm so happy to be a dad, and we have this wonderful family. I'm like, yeah, but there's an opportunity a woman has if she wants to fully become a woman, which involves going in the backyard, pulling your pants down, and shitting the baby out in the fucking grass. And if you don't do – well, your husband stands there with a loincloth holding a spear.
Starting point is 01:13:23 And if you don't do that, you are not experiencing full womanhood. It just, I don't, like, it's not a dig. There are better training programs than other training programs. Yes, Seth, of course there's a training program that if you just sit on the fucking couch and all you're going to do is lift cheerios. It's 30,000 reps of cheerios in a short range of motion no sorry cheetos to your mouth i'm not letting you i'm not letting you get away with that a fucking lion is born at the zoo in the cage he's not like he's not gonna experience a bunch
Starting point is 01:13:56 of lion shit and uh um yeah i'm not gonna let you say that it says taking notes. Thank you. Thank you, Seth. Thank you Good idea Like listen if you're a girl You want to have the full fucking blossom into womanhood You're gonna get pregnant and then you're gonna have the baby and you're gonna birth it from your vagina And you're gonna be like I did it and then you've made the full cycle of your fucking capabilities you could go to the hospital too i'm not saying it's wrong not saying one's right wrong but you are missing out on the fucking opportunity one is one is if if you want to express womanhood to its fullest and you got to do that
Starting point is 01:14:37 and then you're gonna be like holy fuck that you'll have a different your whole perspective will change it's like the you're a fucking are you a holy fuck. Your whole perspective will change. It's like, are you a house cat that gets fed out of a bowl? Are you a fucking cat that can never take a day off? Did we talk about this today, Sousa? No. And you have to hunt gophers. The wild cat never goes on vacation.
Starting point is 01:14:59 He has to hunt gophers every day. He's a cat. If your pussy doesn't do the pussy thing, you're not really though you you missed out on some opportunities a woman same with working out if you don't do fucking high intensity you're missing out on some shit i'm telling you because i know i didn't get to i didn't find crossfit till i was 34 i was just a fucking fat kid that set records for eating tacos at taco bell and i didn't get to express my manhood i I'm telling you from fucking personal experience. Got a wonderful piece of meat between my legs that operates for high functioning, but
Starting point is 01:15:32 there's a lot of other shit I didn't get. You know what I mean? And it's like just... Anyway, so... That was like what you were saying earlier where you make some statements and people think that you're insulting them, but you're not. Yeah, I'm not insulting you. You have a choice.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, you have a choice. Yeah, exactly. If Seve were a woman, he'd be at the hospital with an epidural in no time. Fucking probably. Yeah, it's... Someone pointed out that I don't have to pee very often anymore. Yeah, he used it to end a lot of shows that way Yeah, I wonder if I'm okay
Starting point is 01:16:08 Probably the BP157 Oh, CA Peptides The show, so Tim Murray, the fittest man in the world Will be on the show at 5.30 Setting the world, the burpee world record So basically what's going to happen is These two ding-dongs, Colton and Berman Are going to set the world record burpee world record so basically what's going to happen is these two
Starting point is 01:16:25 ding-dongs colton and berman are going to set the world record at 430 on spin show and then ca peptides is putting up a thousand dollars and you as the listeners are putting up a thousand dollars and then and then and then uh tim murray's to fucking break the world record. It's going to be epic. I really wish Lupe would get a picture. So we can know? Well, we don't even know what these pictures are. Half these pictures aren't even the people. Yeah, Carla Saunders did it.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Yeah, she squatted the fucking baby out on the... Yeah, she squatted it out. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, so she got an experience that – I mean, I can't even have that experience. She got an experience that is like – somehow completes this – it's a womanhood experience. What's crazy is every woman did that fucking 50 years ago or 100 years ago when having birth was something you did instead of a medical procedure. It's funny when you hear all the restrictions
Starting point is 01:17:30 that they give a lot of the pregnant women and stuff. They'll come into the gym and they'll explain, oh, we can't do this, or I can't do this, or I can't do that. All they think is, who the fuck explained that to somebody in the 1300s? Right, right. You're like, oh, do this, do that, don't do this
Starting point is 01:17:45 don't do that oh but head over to safeway and buy all your bullshit fucking food and feed that to your kid no restriction against that you got your uh uh warmer wipes warmer hey listen okay go fuck yourself i know you're about one of you ding-dongs is gonna write in the comments oh it's two bros look at these males talking about giving birth, blah, blah, blah. Hey, how about you take a big fucking go fuck yourself? I was born from a vagina. And so was Sousa. That's true.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Tell me fucking I don't know. I was like, booyakasha. Prove it. There's a rule. You can't talk about it because you can't have one. Yeah. What do you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:41 you know yeah Sevan is 10 birth fit shows deep so thank you exactly and your point oh god Jeff you sound like my mom okay here we go shows finally starting Sevi I saw Godzilla vs King Kong the other day and cried also but I got
Starting point is 01:19:03 a huge testosterone induced erection when Godzilla and Kong charged together like badass motherfuckers. Oh, you did cry. That's cool. That makes me—that's cool. Yeah, it's fucking—it's like—it's like, damn. Look at Emily's comment. Emily Clutzy, should a nine-pound turd out your ass and come talk to me about Au Naturel? She looks, like, way too nice in that photo to say that. Listen, anyone's anyone who listens to this show. Fucking love you.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I'm so happy you're here. Let freedom ring. Let freedom ring. I mean, like, yeah. Great comment. Yeah. Oh, shit. Did you see RB's comment? I bet you just reading that would freak you out. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:52 oh, no. Oh, God. We really need someone's mom and sister on the show soon as we interview them. No, fuck, dude. That would be crazy. We'll see you guys tomorrow at 11. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:20:08 You couldn't listen to it, but you would have to listen to it. I panic when my sister's like, so I talked to so-and-so in the comments and the DMs. I'm like, fuck. I don't want anyone that close to me. I just want, my mom won't come on, but I want my mom to come on to like be a part of bits, you know? Like I'd love it if she called in. She's like, it's inalienable, not unalienable. You're embarrassing us.
Starting point is 01:20:31 And then, you know, hang up like that'd be awesome. Yeah. Oh, that's funny. No, God, you're right. You know me well. Yeah. That makes my skin crawl. I read it. I got nervous. I do not want. Yeah, I do not want. Don't don't talk to my mom or my sister, please.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I was disappointed she didn't come down for the walk on Saturday or my wife or anyone. Don't don't talk to anyone. My kids want to come on the podcast all the time. Like, dude, you do not. Anyway, obviously, when we were walking out and you're like you're like all right i'm gonna walk out to the hold on like you sort of like head to the front door yeah and then he kind of sat up and obviously i could leave him like yeah i'm gonna take it off he's like all right i'll walk you out he said that yeah i was like all right cool i was like thanks dude he's like yeah what's crazy is how hard he comes at you when you come to the house. Yeah. Like he's just ready to fucking like talk shit to you. Oh, he's like, but sticks to you like glue.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Come here. I'll show you a magic trick. You can't figure out. Yeah. Don't be a ding dong. Like, dude, this is my friend. How about you shut the fuck up? Are you going to ride back here with us?
Starting point is 01:21:38 Are you sitting in front? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. When we went to the restaurant or to the beach, he wanted to. Yeah. Susan, sit with us. You're cool.
Starting point is 01:21:46 You're not old like those guys. Yeah. All right. Cool. I think we're done. Oh, yes. Legal advice show with Rosemary. This is what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Occasionally, there'll be people in the comments who just like really don't grasp the show. And. I see it. I mean, I see it all the time in the comments, but like, like when I did the Tyson Bajan show,
Starting point is 01:22:17 like that's when you really see it because it's like all these new people coming to the show and they don't grasp the show. And I just appreciate you guys. Cause you grasp the show and they don't grasp the show and i just appreciate you guys because you grasp the show and the fact that it's um uh it is the it is a complete judgment zone zone it is the 100 judgment zone it's the opposite of judgment free zone but everyone's welcome and i don't really care like i don't care if you feed your feed your kid cotton candy like i still i love all you guys to death like i'm not like i'm judging it as dumb but like i'm not judging you as a person ever and i think some of you guys get that and it's um uh yeah yeah it's a it's a full judgment zone it's
Starting point is 01:23:03 just to like get on the high box preach the shit but like so i can't have my mom and my sister on here they'll tell you about what a fucking ding dong i am all right uh love you guys uh see you tomorrow i don't know what we're doing tomorrow morning susan and i are talking about susan for sure has a show at 11 a.m and then um and then wednesday shows and move to week but we might do a show tomorrow morning a.m and then um and then wednesday show's been moved a week but we might do a show tomorrow morning she's in our debating all right talk to you guys later bye

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