The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | Mar. 11th 2024

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam. More life. Woo. Take it old swig of the castor oil before we get this thing started can you guys hear me okay it's been a minute just fired up the computer just got back home 12 hours in the car my goodness
Starting point is 00:00:59 my goodness if i get my nose around this. A little dedication. A little Castro. TDC mercantile. Damn. Normally I have a paper towel here to wipe the old face with after swigging it. Been a while, I know.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Feels like forever, doesn't it? Holy shit, I missed you guys. My wife's like, where you going? I said, podcast. Podcast. She's like, what the fuck? I said, yeah, podcast. How is everything? How's the audio?
Starting point is 00:01:46 It's been a minute. Computer was off for like 12 days, 10 days. How long have I been gone? This show is a slam dunk today. This show is a slam dunk. TDC. Just ripping on Dave for a minute where is I wanted to see if I could get Andrew to come on
Starting point is 00:02:13 with me tonight because I couldn't get Sousa let me see what if I send Hillary I'll just send him a link do you think he just send him a link. Do you think he just shows up? Bam.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Link sent. All right. Here we go. You guys ready for this shit? Let me say hi. Rambler, what's up, dude? I never heard Dave's triggered. I never heard Dave Kassar triggered and saying F-bombs.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Oh, is that what happened today? I haven't heard it yet. Ernie Garza. Good night. Good night. Later. Fine. Be that way.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Mr. 12 Daily Doses. At first thought 24.2 is boring. I stand corrected. Great. What? Oh, fuck. I didn't put my score in. Four rounds for Seve.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Four rounds. Two single unders. One double under for Seve. For four rounds. I was four rounds i was hurt i know it's nothing to brag about let me see what if i send suza a link no i think he might be asleep or at work or something. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:33 All my text messages are catching up. Asymmetric Ears, what's up? Tone only matters with your own kids. Fine, I hear you. A little Dave Castor joke. Why am I awake, David Macella? I don't know. Good question. If you want to hear
Starting point is 00:03:46 You want to hear me chop some shit up The Ridgeline Realtor Colorado Living was just watching the old episode with Taylor two years ago come a long way yeah crazy I think I did that in Lake Tahoe Seve Hi Brea We missed you oh good
Starting point is 00:04:01 I don't remember ever seeing you in the comments well nice to see you Glad you missed me Good to meet you Chris Giles Taylor vs. The World is so good when you When you having a loving podcast with J.R. and Taylor J.R. Oh
Starting point is 00:04:15 Dude they have that show They don't want me fucking up that show That show gets better numbers than my show What is that show? Shut Up and Scribble that show that show gets better numbers than my show what is that show um shut up and scribble they don't want any of my toxic shit over there i guess i could have them on my show uh sean sullivan what up sebi how good how i mean everyone's showing up right how good is taylor how good is jr jr just killing it. Everyone's killing it. I made this.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I made this post talking to my camera. I haven't posted it. Energy. I just love believing in people and then watching them run with it. You know what I kind of see this show as? In California, they have these marijuana plantations. And then you hire hire kids and then they come and cut the weed down for you and at the end of the day they have what's called uh scissor hash i think that was the term that suza taught me i'd never heard that before but you got hash on your fingers and hash on the scissors and you can wipe it all
Starting point is 00:05:19 off and take it home with you right they pay you like whatever 20 bucks an hour and then they give you whatever ball of hash you got on your fingers and some of these motherfuckers just go throw the ball of hash away and then try to steal a bag of weed and it's like not this group that i roll with they leverage everything i just love being around people who just leverage the shit out of this show uh taylor b jason, that's not true. Is that true? Sean Sullivan, I love Shut Up and Scribble. I know someone's watching it. The numbers are great.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Okay. No, Hopper is still an HWPO athlete for legal purposes what the fuck does that mean okay enough of that okay here uh let's get the show started it's the dave castro week in review what week is it i don't know what today is uh march 11th 2024 24.2 criticism waits uh criticism waits open criticism announced in opens my 24.2 results uh something about 18 year olds god i hope that's legal i'm gonna move his speed up to 1.25 why does dave's voice sound like that because i play him at 1.25 dave uh oh here we go uh chris giles dave full-on flirts with Hiller every week, yeah, totally I know, that's what's funny
Starting point is 00:06:48 Some people don't even see it It's so weird, people's perception The victim class Really doesn't get to, doesn't understand What's going on here Listen That last week when he's like Hey, we're not gonna promote that shit
Starting point is 00:07:04 Although I heard it's really good Because he's a dick, when he's like hey we're not going to promote that shit although I heard it's really good because he's a dick and it's like you guys saw what you just did right there right you ever had a girlfriend or a friend who like you're spending time with them and they're always complaining to you you don't spend enough time with them like get rid of that person Dave's doing the opposite here psyop
Starting point is 00:07:21 uh Sevan did H hayley add seven did you add hayley on snap yet snap snapchat i don't have snap come on dude come on dude who is that let me see your profile pic i pulled you away too fast what are you a 12 a 12-year-old girl? Oh, well, yes, you are. Okay, Emmeline. Emmeline Wurheis. Adderon Snap. Come on. This is, I'm an adult.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Okay, guys, here we go. I hope I don't get too wild up. I hope I don't get too riled up. I was going to say wild up. Here we go. Four week in review at AbbyV6832. Hi, Dave. Thoughts about the hate 24.2 is getting and the Open in general.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Thanks for all you do. The hate 24.2 is getting. Is it getting hate? I didn't think it got any hate. 24.1, the show was a little wonkyky right with that them kind of faking that workout but 24.2 is i mean is it getting hate what's the hate well we'll find out i guess here we go the um the hate 24.2 is getting um doesn't bother me at all and on one side I would say and I use this term with
Starting point is 00:08:49 caution but it's a vocal minority and actually a vocal minority yeah yes lots of hate why oh but that I mean come on listen John Young dumped all over because in the big picture he doesn't think it's a good yeah I'm not no that's not that doesn't think it's a good opening. Yeah, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:09:05 No. That doesn't even count as hate. 24.2 is great. The vocal minority of it, the minority of it just happens to be some really loud athletes who have big platforms. And why I say that is because my experience with it from all the interaction I'm having with individuals and people, and even in my comments, it's way more overwhelmingly supportive and people like it and enjoy it did uh i don't think rich complained about 24.2 did he did rich yeah danielle brandon had that post but dude come on listen you can't possibly take that seriously hi um um, you know, I put myself in like you regular mortal shoes and I, when I, oh, uh, I just, it's just not good when I put myself in your guys' shoes.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Come on. That, that is not hate. Come on. Listen, it didn't even make it into a post it's a story when people criticize in the story uh that's just anything in the story is nonsense like you got something to say say it in a post so i've heard you know the rich stuff the danielle stuff seen a couple other things um but again like that what was rich saying someone rich said something about it being the same or boring he rich alluded to it listen those are those are two great workouts those are two of the best open workouts ever we'll see we'll see what Let's see what three is before we judge the whole thing as a comprehensive whole. Those were insane workouts.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They're great. And that's a very small segment of what I'm seeing and what people are saying to me about it and how I feel about it. So hate in general, like, you know, I've done this job for almost 20 years. From the earliest days of just being involved with CrossFit, we got a ton of fucking hate because of what we were and we were so different at the time and no one was training like us so even in that phase just even before the games just being engaged with crossfit um the world of hate and the world of people talking shit about us was very prevalent and persistent then once you created the games and and as that grew um the world of criticism and hate or whatever you want to call it, criticism necessarily isn't hate.
Starting point is 00:11:28 There's definitely a different line. You use hate. I'm going to stay with that word hate. Was part of it from the early days all the way until now. So I am very conditioned to dealing with it or to not dealing with it. The way I handle it is I hear it and then just move on. I just look forward. There's no reason to look backwards or to dwell on things because it'll just make you go crazy. There is criticism. So to use the word criticism, there is constructive
Starting point is 00:11:56 criticism that people can give and there's a way to do that. And then there is definitely hate. Now to take it back to go full circle to even those early CrossFit days, if you wanted to get an audience or if you wanted to get attention and you were outside of the CrossFit sphere and you were calling it a traditional strength and conditioning coach, talk shit about CrossFit. And if you talk shit about CrossFit, you'd get a lot of eyeballs. You get a lot of engagement. Anyway, anything, any questions yet? I'm flowing with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 That's the whole thing, right? How CrossFit injured me. How CrossFit's lame. How CrossFit's not really exercise. All that shit. Remember shit? And those are just fucking magnets for viewers, for the haters. How CrossFitters don't really do pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:12:37 All that shit. I'm with them. I'm with them. Then eventually that even grew to people within CrossFit. So people within CrossFit were feeling not within CrossFit HQ, but within the CrossFit community, they weren't getting attention or they weren't getting to do acknowledgement for their efforts that they needed.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So even people from within the community then started talking shit about CrossFit. By the way, that happened, that happened very early, right? Right. Coming out of the 2007 games, there were already athletes complaining that they weren't getting um enough uh attention so that i mean that's that's been early too like people uh complain and hate and they want they want attention i think that so far i'm on board we good anyone okay or hq or the community or the methodology and what did that do draw a lot
Starting point is 00:13:23 of attention to them now even fast forward where we are now, if you want to get clicks, if you want to get engagement, if you want to get a lot of people looking at what you're doing or what you're saying, guess what? It's a tried and true method. Talk shit about CrossFit
Starting point is 00:13:37 or talk shit about those running it or talk shit about what we're doing or talk shit about the methodology. You look at... or talk shit about the methodology you look at um i kind of i kind of see what he's saying there but i don't i don't think i don't think richard or or i don't think richard danielle are talking shit to get clicks or views i don't know call me naive i don't i don't think they are i don't think they are. Jonathan Ortega, I think 24.2 is amazing. Yeah, it's fucking, both those workouts were outstanding.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I'm going to do it just for normal training. Yeah, me too. And that first one. Those are great, just lifetime workouts. Mason Mitchell, Hiller's secret sauce. I would put Hiller on the harsh criticism side at most. I would definitely not call him a hater. Haters are kind of obvious.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I don't know. I don't think – I do not think of Hiller as a hater in the slightest. Rich on his podcast, like Taking the Jabs or whatever he was that he did with it. Hey, it succeeded. It got everything he wanted. It got the clickbait he wanted. It got the engagement. I'm talking about it. People are talking about it. It's the same model, the same method that was going on 15 years ago that I'm completely used to and trained, trained through experience to deal with. You look at Hiller accusing all these athletes of using steroids or doing the videos he does. It's sensationalized. It's going after us. And it's incredibly appealing to a large segment of people. So the playbook, the play is really old and something that's been
Starting point is 00:15:15 around for a long time. And it's just like, oh, here it goes again. And hey, guess what? In six months, in a year. Hey, listen, when you're complaining about something as subjective as the workout. I mean, there's a difference between complaining about something as subjective as the workout. I mean, there's a difference between complaining about the workout and saying, hey, you guys said you guys didn't put the weights on the bar, right? Like last year at the open, when they when they had the weights wrong and two world class athletes did the workout that there's no no matter what you said, you you weren't hating i don't think you're allowed to say whatever you want at that point the window opens wide open you could be like you know what i mean i mean when i when uh when uh when justin and ellie's dog ran into um seth rollins while he was doing whatever 14 point whatever that was to 24.2 i said either euthanize the owner of the dog that's supposed to be a joke that's not supposed to be hate and if anyone thinks that's hate then
Starting point is 00:16:10 that's on you that's just funny talk but i get it a lot of self-important people out there sorry for the dog what for because he got hit by the rope who gives a shit oh look what the cat drug in hi hello you Hello. You've been very hard to get a hold of today. You told you called me two hours ago. My phone didn't alert me of that. Fucking a take the phone back. Am I high maintenance friend?
Starting point is 00:16:37 No. Okay. I wouldn't say I feel like it. Okay, good. Hey, have you watched this? Dave Castro weekend review. Oh, hell, your so. I feel like it. Okay, good. Hey, have you watched this Dave Castro Weekend Review? Oh, Hillary, your internet's fucked, I think. I turned this on. This is how I found out. I turned you on my TV.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Oh, shit. And Alexis goes, hey, turn that on. What is that? And then I went to my phone. I saw you sent me a link. And I'm like, oh, shit. Hey, you ready to do this? Yeah Hey would you call yourself a hater?
Starting point is 00:17:11 No Do you do things Hateful things to get clicks and views? I ask things That I don't think many people would want to ask And I try to look at things From a perspective that many don't, I believe. What about, like, I was using the example of last year when they put the wrong weights on the bar and, like, we all jumped on it and had a field day with it. I don't think that's hating.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We were aggressively pointing that out, but that't fit the the hole i was trying to put what i was doing in there because i think a lot of people do that yeah it's a feeding frenzy for us as the media it's just fun yeah and i don't think there was very much of that done the way we do it i don't know maybe even while you were over there i mean there there's no one on the outside with as large of a platform as i mean the one that you've got or i've got yelling about it right right right it'd be it'd be like comment sections do you do you think froning um froning and vander sloot and rory and mr. de chico do you think that uh they were being critical in order to get attention and clickbait
Starting point is 00:18:25 Views Or do you think they were just having a conversation I think they were probably just having a conversation We do know people on the outside though Who do hate on CrossFit Just for the sake of getting views Correct Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:40 Well Are you talking about like a CrossFit and steroid video or what? No, I'm just, who, for you personally? No, I just know, I know, I can think of people who are on the outside who hate on CrossFit just to get fucking a thousand comments in their comment section. You know what I mean? I really don't think I know very many people who do that on purpose. I can think of two.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Can you name them? Tillander and Jillian Michaels. I would suggest that they, the harsh. Or Jillian for sure, right? Yeah, you don't think Tillander makes videos just like, I mean. I don't think he does it with the end goal being CrossFit gives me more engagement. Oh, okay. But maybe I'm wrong. Jillian Michaels, I bet she did. I don't think he does it with the end goal being CrossFit gives me more engagement. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But maybe I'm wrong. Jillian Michaels, I bet she did. Okay, let me scratch Tillander off. What about those girls who are like, oh my God, my CrossFit ruined me? Oh, like Mander. Simpson Mander said that once. Yeah. Or maybe that's me.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't know. Did Sporty Beth say that in a way? Or even Sporty Beth. It's just a topic, though. I think people do it and they know it gets a lot of views. She makes a video. It's the world's most toxic man in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I almost gave myself the world's most toxic man title. And she sees how good it does. It's probably her best video she's ever made in terms of views. And you don't think that she sees that and is like, Hey, I'm going to make more hate videos. Well,
Starting point is 00:20:10 she would have. And I don't think she did. Did she on you? No, you're right. Uh, maybe a couple more. I really,
Starting point is 00:20:17 Oh God. Do you make things that you think are going to garner attention? No, no, I will. I want, I want things. I want things to get attention, but I don't make, I don't, I'm not no I will I want I totally do I want things to get
Starting point is 00:20:26 Attention but I don't make I don't I'm Not like before I walk in here I'm not Like I'm gonna say this in order to get Attention oh so I'm not like okay today I'm gonna make a video like I do this Week in review because it's crazy Engaging and it works and people like it And I get a lot of views and I do this Week in review because it's crazy engaging And it works and people like it and get a lot
Starting point is 00:20:46 Of views and I like laughing that I sometimes get Some more views than Dave Right But I'm not gonna go out of my way to Slam someone just to get Views Like if you get slammed in a video I don't think
Starting point is 00:21:00 I don't think Beth slammed you for Views I think Beth slammed you for views I think she slammed you because she wanted to slam you Because she got paid to I think when Tellander does one on Greg The way he did one on Greg I think it's because he was doing one on Greg Not to get views
Starting point is 00:21:16 Alright how about the CrossFit is dead How about the whole CrossFit is dead No I think he does I think Tellander is more of a YouTuber than a I think Tillander has a little bit of rad shoes Or rad and noble in it Meaning he's more about brand than he is his reporting I would agree with that but not on that piece in particular
Starting point is 00:21:41 Okay fine But in general yeah he is a total youtuber yeah whereas i don't know he's a musician did you know that no that's cool maybe well maybe he's gonna maybe he's gonna find his thing yeah maybe he'll find his thing like your thing should take be take precedent over one wanting to be a youtuber it's like saying hey i just want to be famous like it's fucking bizarre to me people say that we know people yeah i know that yeah it's weird i want to make the world's tallest building oh now i'm famous for making the world's tallest building i i i'm more of that order
Starting point is 00:22:15 you can wear rads they might be the greatest shoe ever for some people i have no issue with that so does bill leahy by the way they said they're his favorite shoe so does um bella rios's chick did she notice that yeah she showed him to me they look good on her we turned on a video before alexa was cruising through youtube that's how we came across the weekend review and we're like oh shit but uh before that alexis goes what's with the the life cycle of all these companies like rads are the new thing but she knew nobles what other shoes do you know reebok how about wit which i think wit's gone yeah but they didn't have a shoe and they are gone yeah okay can you hear this if i play this yeah i'm sure okay here we go
Starting point is 00:23:05 that stuff's still gonna be here it's just gonna be different players it's gonna be different Okay. Can you hear this if I play this? Yeah, I'm sure. Okay, here we go. That's still going to be here. It's just going to be different players. It's just going to be different people saying it and doing it. What did you think about 24.2 as a workout? From what perspective? I liked it. I didn't like doing it. Yeah. I'm not a big fan of transition-dependent workouts, being honest i like 20 minute workouts i don't i don't mind that there was pulling two
Starting point is 00:23:31 weeks in a row uh i think next week's workout is very important and i don't like it when the transitions are that important i think they could have done something where they would have made the work outweigh the transitions like make the rows longer maybe uh 500 meter row 25 deadlift 100 double unders and then all of a sudden it's not so much of a transition piece but you can still make that 20 minutes oh right two minutes on the road and 25 this yeah okay i and you know what so for you that may have been the same workout it was for me because you just said a workout that maybe you would have gotten four rounds on and i would have got one round on he did also say that didn't he and then he did you go through the part where he responded to daniel brandon yet oh you've seen this no okay here we go here we go
Starting point is 00:24:19 back to your original question thoughts about the hate 24.2 is getting it's not a surprise also i will say this about so that's big picture on that concept. Dialing into like this, I keep seeing this hinge argument. It's funny because people are focusing on like the similarities and not acknowledging the differences in the two. And the differences are fucking massive and significant, even in the hinge and arguably every fucking lower body movement we do to include squat, there's a hinge going on in the movement, but I don't want to take it down that argument. And I don't even want to use the word hinge. Let's just say the pool is more what they're referring to here. The pools are very similar. I'm sorry, not very similar. They're both pools.
Starting point is 00:24:56 They actually have one's a barbell, one's a dumbbell. One workout is six or seven minutes for those complaining the most about it. And even for me, it was 13 minutes. And then the second one is a 20-minute long effort. So the actual execution and the actual expression of the workout, the two tests, are very different in time domain, in number of movements, in rep scheme. There's a tremendous amount of differences between the two now I will say this people have always asked me what I thought about this workout at water pool hi me hi me hi oh is that me hi I am hi rice do you have any problem with the hinging shit? No
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah Well It'll depend on what the next week is I believe Do you have any problem? Are you one of those people? People have jumped on that bandwagon It's the same shit, jumping, hinging I'm just like dude to me
Starting point is 00:26:02 That's just bullshit I'm perfectly happy with the test. I think it's been broad and, uh, and awesome. Well, you, you did hear what he said there though, right? Everyone's focused on how they're the same without really thinking about how they're different. I thought that was pretty genius because I hadn't heard anybody talk about how they're different, but they're super different. The time domains. domains i mean he said he was 13 minutes versus 20 minutes even him versus the elites who are 6 versus 20 don't we hinge all day every day he also gave the nuance there that some people when they squat you can consider it a hinge
Starting point is 00:26:41 as well but they're different, but he, there's a nuance there that you didn't want to dive into. Um, uh, Ryan's, uh, Stokes after listening to Dave talk about this makes me think sometimes he has no clue how to program,
Starting point is 00:26:54 especially when some of the talk top strength and conditioning coaches critique the second week of hinging. Sometimes when I hear the top coaches talk, uh and i think andrew's done a great job of this i think we've become very aware that the top coaches have no idea how to coach like fraser i didn't say that i did i think i i think that it's i think it's been um what were the what were the snatches what were the snatches? What were the snatch numbers with the 50 pound dumbbell? 21, 21
Starting point is 00:27:31 15, 15, 99 It was 45 on each arm The stimulus I'm just a regular 51 year old dude But the stimulus I got from the dumbbell snatches Was nothing like the stimulus I got from The combination of the deadlift and rower like not even in the same world i hadn't not even close that's the important part though i i still don't know if we've gotten to that point part you know i felt
Starting point is 00:27:55 some weird shit in my legs getting off the rower and doing deadlifts that i haven't felt in all the times i've been doing crossfit it's like pretty bad, too. I don't know what you looked like after the first one, though. I was fucking hurt. After the first? I was hurt after both of them. I know, but someone else told me I look like shit, too. I thought I looked good all hunched over and having trouble breathing. I look good face down, ass up.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Did Haley tell you that? In my show at the end. No, my Grindr account got all blown up though What? In my show at the end of the day Someone goes, you gotta coach Sevan to get him out of breath More than three times a year I thought that was really funny
Starting point is 00:28:35 Hey, Haley tells me that three times a day What are you talking about? Yeah, yeah, do something more than a hundred thrusters Where you pause at the top every time And then force everyone else to do it with you. Is there a video of that somewhere? Caleb put something up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Oh, I was like, how did you know that? Oh, and you told me. All right. Here we go. I got the froning pause at the top. You like that? At the top of the rep overhead? I thought you meant you pause in the front rack.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Oh, that's different. No, no, I don't pause in the front rack. I never got that. I always thought you paused at the bar on your shoulders. No, fuck. No, no. Oh, dude, that's nuts. That's cool. No, wait, wait, wait. Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying. You do 100 without putting the bar down.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Correct. But when I'm resting, I'm not resting in the front rack. You rest overhead. I don't rest overhead either. No, I put it in the crease of my hip and bend over like a baby. Oh, my God. It went from being way better to exponentially worse. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Here we go. Why don't you just put the bar down? What do you think about that comment? Do you think that David I mean that's crazy to think that I think this is a crazy comment Mr. Stokes said That he has no idea how to program Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:55 I just want to know what lens Ryan's coming from Right And again, I'll say it for the third time. I know that you listened to some stuff before I came on here and I don't know if he talks about who is programmed for yet. I don't know. He talks about how he talks about how it's for people like you,
Starting point is 00:30:17 not for people like whoever the elites that are talking. Thank you. I didn't quit the open. I just didn't put my score in. I got four rounds. You didn't put your score in, dude? No. I was driving today.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Don't you have an executive assistant to do stuff for you like that? Probably. Yeah, his name is Sousa. Sousa, put my score in. Sousa, put my score in. No. He can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He has access to my bank accounts but not my CrossFit game account okay here we go or what I thought about this workout at the Rogue Invitation or any event people always ask me about workouts at events and I always respond with this
Starting point is 00:30:57 hey or even people ask me about workouts within their gym what do you think about this workout we did last week can you give me your assessment of it and I'll say no and here's why I will not give an assessment of a singular workout at any of those events or in a cycle of a series of workouts at a gym. This is how I respond. I say no, because without seeing the entire picture, I don't understand what the intent is or how it plays into the rest of the week for gym programming or the rest of the weekend for competitive programming. So you tell me a workout in isolation at Waterpalooza or the Rogue
Starting point is 00:31:28 Invitational and you want me to criticize it or you want me to give feedback on it. If I don't see that workout with the rest of the picture, I'm just being critical for the sake of being critical and I don't understand what the programmer was trying to accomplish or how that fits into the piece of the puzzle for the entire competition. Same fucking thing here in the Open. Same thing with the Open. You have to see the whole thing, and I understand you won't know the complete picture. Duh.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Duh. But even if you haven't seen the whole picture, I still think those are both incredible workouts. And they're very different. And they're very different. Did he talk about... I don't think he did talk about this yet. And they're very different. And they're very different. Did he talk about... I don't think he did talk about this yet. I shouldn't have watched this.
Starting point is 00:32:10 That's what I'm gathering. Hey, off of that, though, the Rogue Invitational this year, I made a video about how I think Tia should have won because the workouts completely skewed it to somebody like Laura. And I think that when they change one implement a workout because it's raining or whatever's going on and they don't
Starting point is 00:32:31 look at the whole picture it can mess up the whole thing and i think that happened at rogue and maybe dave can look at that as a whole and each workout change made sense but when you change them as a competition it really skewed it right well we saw the same thing was it alpaca or something two years ago in the rain all right yeah oh yeah hey listen look at this ryan he wasn't there seth uh you're right crossfit is a class-based based methodology that's like uh just not even even remotely true i've coached it for 15 years i'm just saying that something should have been better than deadlifts. Shouldered overhead.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Shouldered overhead would have been better than deadlifts. I don't think CrossFit's a class-based methodology. We're going to get way off subject here. I could easily argue that it's an individual. I don't know, but I could argue it's an individually-based that's been forced into a class-based situation. I don't know how making it shouldered overhead make it less class-based situation i don't know how how are you making a shorter overhead make it less class-based unless he means something different by class-based so he's saying that
Starting point is 00:33:32 you do 300 meters on the row um and then you do something shoulder to overhead and then you do jumping rope no dude i love 10 shoulder overhead something. Ryan, you didn't love that stimulus of the deadlift rower? I thought that was fucking genius. I loved it. And maybe people would have loved it more had there not been dumbbell snatches on week one. All right. Hey, I'm sticking with the workout I just made up. 500 meter row, 25 deadlift.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Even make it 135 at that point. Everyone's saying it's too light make it lighter and just up the reps and how many and how many jump rope 100 or 50 but 100 would make sense with the numbers given and then all of a sudden the rounds are more like three and a half minutes for people cruising maybe 245 i'll try'm going to try that workout that you just said. Oh no. I'll do it too. I need 40 minutes though.
Starting point is 00:34:31 To get through the jump ropes. It'll be the 10 K equivalent of this workout. God, how long will it take me? I bet you I'll get good at double unders, but I'd have to do a hundred in a row. I might, I might actually learn all your Achilles out.
Starting point is 00:34:42 No, no, I'm strong. I'm strong. Really? Where your savage ones this time. If I didn't know better, I would think I did CAilles out. No, no, I'm strong. Are you going to wear your Savage 1s this time? If I didn't know better, I would think I did CA peptides. My tendon strength is
Starting point is 00:34:52 fucking ridiculous. Until this Thursday. But the criticism should really be saved. The criticism, if they want to be done intelligently, should be given with seeing the entire picture of what the test is. At this point, there's two and they're similar, the hinge.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And there's still another piece to this that needs to be played out before I'll really listen to the criticism as a total, as a total representation of what we did. That was a long time. I talked a long time on that. At CatherineQuen3618. Hi, Dave. Interested to understand the methodology and how the weights are chosen for women in open workouts. 21.2 men's weight seems very light in comparison
Starting point is 00:35:35 to what men typically deadlift. The women's weight, however, were heavier considering the average female deadlift we usually see. Guys are one repping 330 on average and women 190 on average. Guys are repping 330 on average? What 190 on average Guys are repping 330 on average What fucking planet is that bitch on And also those numbers are way off too And
Starting point is 00:35:51 I think She's I don't know who this person is That's the thing John Young's female alter ego right there The better of repping 330 Hey so I rode the assault bike for 50 calories Then I did 100 thrusters with 45 pound bar Without putting the bar down
Starting point is 00:36:10 And then there were like 12 people in the garage And we had a deadlift competition Did you hear about that? Yeah you told me about that too Yeah I tied Caleb's girlfriend His wife Oh yeah she's strong She beat me in horse
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oh she did in basketball Yeah I tied her 295 I beat her in the Rubik's Cube though Oh you did solve the Rubik's Cube huh What was your time You deadlifted 295 Yeah and I stopped I didn't even go
Starting point is 00:36:37 When it went to 315 I was like I should For 10 you did it No no just one Oh okay I thought you said you were doing sets of 10 No just the guy at the end That old guy at the end did fucking 10 with 315 That was crazy No, no, just one. Oh, okay. I thought you said you were doing sets of 10. No, just the guy at the end. That old guy at the end did fucking 10 with 315. That was crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Are you avoiding the old guy's name? Yeah, I probably just shouldn't say his name. He's top secret as shit. Got it. Okay. Yeah, he's strong. He's built. This girl has no idea what she's talking about and must also not have strong deadlift if she thinks 125 is heavy for women what what's wrong 295 i felt my background a little bit and i felt good i was like all right i'm good there was a point in 2017 or 2018 where i had a whole bunch of rather high level women
Starting point is 00:37:19 and i'm like you guys are not using 125 ever again. They're all using 135. So arguably, 125 is too light. And I've always thought that the reason it's programmed and stuff like this is so you can just throw a 45 on the bar. Because the women's bar is 35 plus the 90 is 125. It should be 135, but then you got to put fives on too. What was it in this for the open? 125, which is just the 45s on the bar yeah it should have been heavier it should have been 35 and they didn't care about cleaner when they made the bar 100 pounds on the 369 thruster chest of our ladder that was i don't think there
Starting point is 00:37:58 should be a woman's bar you think they should use the men's bar yeah i i just think that there should be one bar i think the women's bar is just, I just think that there should be one bar. I think the women's bar is just so people have to spend more money buying bars. No, dude, their hands are smaller. It makes a big difference. You've grabbed one, right? Yeah. God, I always feel sorry for a guy.
Starting point is 00:38:23 When I shake a guy's hand And his hand's smaller than mine I just A piece of me dies What size shoe do you wear? Eight Eight? Yeah I think there's a correlation between hand and foot size right?
Starting point is 00:38:36 I don't know is there? Does Colton have giant hands? Colton's a size 11 He's I'm a 10 and a half He's an 11? He's an 11 yeah Colton has bigger feet than me come on
Starting point is 00:38:47 dude that's crazy right he's your height too right dave dave's day uh yeah i mean i want to say i'm taller than him but when i stood back to back with him at the games i did not look taller than him so what if you had size 11 feet? Wouldn't that be crazy? I'd fucking hate it. It's bad enough having a giant hog. M&J, thrusters been in every open. Thrusters have been in every open? Dumbbell thrusters on 18.2, I think. That was the thruster choice that year. I'm very curious.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Oh boy, Colton's dick must be huge. What'd you say say I'm super curious To see what his last week is gonna be I think Colton's penis looks like a tuna Can Oof Like a bunch of them put together though right like the Ones you buy at the store they're packed okay
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay two tuna cans Four of them in a saran wrap Steve All right four of them in a saran wrap steve all right it seems women's weight was 125 was the intent for the devil to be heavy if yes why wasn't the men's heavier looks like the men's scores are flexes in balance as most men are finishing with around 100 reps more than oh my god that's like 24.1 and others times and reps tell me the men the women are having scores that aren't equivalent. It's because of the row, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh, thank you. It's out of their mind. I just watched this Buttery Bros video, and the men were going against the women on the same workout. The women have a 300-meter row. I mean, some of the best women in the world are beating people like me and you, but they're not beating the men at that same level because i have something i should i have something i need to tell you
Starting point is 00:40:30 sweet you're not gonna like it is it that i'm ugly no it's gonna it's gonna fuck with you it's gonna fuck with you do you remember when i did those deadlifts how easy those deadlifts were for me at one 85. When you were doing 10, right. Until you decided to do singles. You were taking Lauren Khalil's tips. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I took that tip, not from Lauren. I took it from someone else. It was stupid. But remember, I was like, man, this feels really light.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah. There was, there's a bar in that garage. Now. I don't know if I use that bar by the way oh no yeah yeah you ready for this there's a bar in that garage that's thick like a man's bar but it's 55 it says 15 kgs did you use a fifth dude you may have used it dude you may have used it too uh i don't think so we use different bars well then maybe i didn't use it
Starting point is 00:41:26 maybe you use it i'm just telling you there's a bar in there we spotted it yesterday and no one thought no everyone's like no it's 45 it's 45 and i'm like dude this bar is not 45 but it's thick like a 45 was it slippery thick uh good night boobs good night boobs the bar i used was slick i don't remember I've been around a 185 pound bar Once or twice Mine felt 185 Alright, alright
Starting point is 00:41:56 And all I know is that it was slippery And I was pissed And Greg doesn't have any chalk Alright, no, I don't know it was mine I don't know it was mine. I don't know that at all. That's not true. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Who said that? No, I don't know. I do not know if it's mine. I don't know where the fucking that comment is. Oh, Sevan knows it was his. No, I do not know that. I don't even think I set my bar up. I just used one of the bars that Hiller and Sousa left out.
Starting point is 00:42:25 But I'm just telling you, the next day or two days later When I walked out in that garage I was like hey guys this bar is only 35 And everyone's like no it's not no it's not And it was thick like a 45 Everyone's like yeah dude but it says 15kg on the end So it would be 10 pounds less I wonder if Sousa used it then Because here's the truth
Starting point is 00:42:41 Or Sousa's not even here to defend himself Jesus Christ No no no what I was going to say is the truth is Either myself or here to defend himself jesus christ no no no what i was gonna say is here the truth is either myself or suza used the same bar as you right so there were tons of 45 bars in there so maybe none of us used it i'm just telling you right hmm hey and i just had a thought too what the increments of 33 and 44 pound bars have completely gone out the window at this point remember last year i remember last year how a 15 kg bar is 33 pounds yeah and they were making that a real thing for a bit now if you want to use if you want to use 125 you had to put the ones on
Starting point is 00:43:22 there and now they're not requiring that not Not at this point, but they also have no weightlifting yet. And it was on weightlifting workouts where that was super important. Just something to pay attention to, along with the floor layouts, which they disregarded this year. If you did, if you did eight, let's say you did, let's say you did 80 reps. Oh, I'm podcasting. I'm podcasting, podcasting.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Let's say you did 80 reps and each bar was two pounds and your bar was two pounds less. I guess that would, that's not a big deal. Depends on how far you're moving it, right? It's weight, volume. For deadlifts, it's nothing. Distance? I don't know. It depends.
Starting point is 00:44:08 It's one rep. No, I mean, at a time, sure. I was just thinking it's 160 pounds. Oh, that's what you mean by one rep. Okay. Hey, the biggest bummer about being on my phone is i can't see the chat oh philip kelly this is a good one he says it's a woman's bar that identifies as a man's bar yeah that works it did i put on 0.5 pounders
Starting point is 00:44:39 i don't think doug the doggo. Okay, here we go. Really consistent. The weight at 125 for actually I think for most of the good women is on the lighter end. And when you use the typical 0.7 conversion that we use when scaling weights or not scaling, adjusting weights for women athletes, this is actually under, I'm pretty sure the 125 is actually just under the 0.7. In terms of making the 185 heavier, that would have totally changed, making either of those weights much heavier. That would have totally changed the outcome of this workout, this workout for everyone. And here's another thing with programming the open. We're not programming for the Rich Fronings and the Danielle Brandons and the best in the world. The open programming is, there's 99, 99% of the people doing the open aren't those people. And so 99%. So we have to create it with a large cohort in mind and a lot
Starting point is 00:45:32 of people in mind. And 185 was way more appropriate for the intent of the stimulus, the intent of the stimulus being just keep driving, keep moving, don't stop. And 225, let's say we want 205 or 225, that would have been a workout where, you know, the best wouldn't have to break up 225 for 10, but everyone else would have. And then it would have changed that for everyone else. So I actually don't think the 125 was too heavy for the women. She fucked herself when she said 330, right? Totally. Well, I mean, the fact that she thought it was heavy compared to 125, she was boned at that point.
Starting point is 00:46:06 That kick doesn't get laid, by the way. Has to. She doesn't. Chicks that comment on YouTube don't take dick. When's the last time you commented on YouTube? When's the last time you commented on YouTube? Whenever the last time you made on YouTube? Whenever the last time you made a video.
Starting point is 00:46:27 She comments on my videos. When's the last time she got dick? Oh yeah, comment on your boyfriend's video doesn't count. So then never. I don't think she... Then your theory holds. Yeah, women... Listen, healthy woman doesn't make comments on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:46:42 His theory was that if you comment on YouTube videos, you don't get boned. Yeah. That's probably true. Thank you. But if it's your boyfriend's, yeah, your boyfriend's, you get an exemption. I mean, or yours. Oh, she comments on yours, too, if that means whatever that might mean to you. I pay her to comment. That's his live videos. I pay her to comment.
Starting point is 00:47:05 She's part of mine. At 12 daily doses of stuff. Oh shit, 12 daily doses is getting his comment read on the Dave Castro weekend review. Holy shit, here we go. You know, he's really turned it around. Yeah, we just fought it out.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Me and him just fucking duked it out in the street. Now we're all good, I guess. It's kind of cool. That was a good show. CrossFit is closely aligned with popularity and growth of the sport. As with all CrossFit employees. I'm rewinding this. At 12 daily doses of stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Dave, is it safe to say your livelihood at CrossFit is closely aligned with popularity and growth of the sport? As with all CrossFit employees, I got to say, when you say I choose not to do announcements anymore, it makes you sound like you're ready to retire from a job you've been doing for 40 years. I haven't been doing this for 40 years. What do you have, like six years of actual live? Okay, I see what your point is. Six years of actual live announcements under your belt? No, like 12 or 13.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That's what 30 gruelish nights in the last 12 years you haven't done since 2019. Brother, whenever you do the announcements, when, when you do the announcements, they suck. When you don't do the announcements, they suck. People laugh at them in the long run. You're affecting your own paycheck. Give us at least 10 more years before you call it quits. How hard can it be? You're not the face.
Starting point is 00:48:14 You're the face of the sport, whether you like it or not. Please God, no more wrestlers. Thanks. Pat Lang Boston. So I thought. I respect that sentiment. I don't, I don't agree with what he said, but the spirit of it, I agree. 100%. Awesome. That'd be be true what do you mean you don't agree with it but you agree with it i think he's the
Starting point is 00:48:30 face of the sport i don't really mind the wrestler but i wish dave would do them like like i don't agree with the details and the nuances but the big picture he's saying is like dude like the people who hate you want you to do it and the people who like you want you to do it just fucking do it well the thing is the people that hate him doing it are also good it's probably one of the better things about all of it because at least there's something to pay attention it helps people can't help but watch like what they're about to hate him do right there there are like i remember when he was doing all of them and it was 16, 17, 18, 19 people would just be waiting to hate on something that he would do
Starting point is 00:49:09 or the length that it would take him to do it or whatever outfit or hairdo he was sporting and it was part of his handwriting and all that shit and you know it's true, either way people were watching the open announcement for it and they learned to like it they learned to like it they learned
Starting point is 00:49:26 to like it like it they learned to like it but why isn't he doing them uh i'll ask him next time he comes on i think it stresses him out i don't know why um uh he you know i think before this life in front of the camera i think he was an introvert I think like you know Colton's an introvert I think Dave had to go through the same process as Colton like I think he's faking it you know what I mean I don't think it's not Mike pull boy I prefer Dave doing them over anyone outside of a naked
Starting point is 00:49:56 woman with huge tits interesting hey have you seen the Sydney Sweeney stuff going around that across the games athlete no she Hey, have you seen the Sydney Sweeney stuff going around? Is that across the games athlete? No, she was on SNL. The blonde chick with the huge boobs.
Starting point is 00:50:11 No. She's been all over the internet after she was on Saturday Night Live. Is she hot? That's the type of person that pool boy wouldn't mind doing the open announcement. Oh. Should I? Oh, you told me I wouldn't like her movie Anyone but you Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:28 It's a little cheesy for you But it was actually decent Now that I think about it Did you see what I said about So Alexis hadn't seen any of the open announcements So she wanted to watch it And I just went straight to Seth Rollins And I turned it on to see what her reaction was
Starting point is 00:50:43 And she goes Did they steal your idea Oh because of your Because of your Instagram post Yeah because about Three weeks ago we watched Ironclaw And then I put up the Instagram post and she goes I think they stole your idea
Starting point is 00:50:57 I'm like no way How's Ironclaw Good real good I should watch that Oh yeah it's good Is it a documentary good real good I should watch that oh yeah is it a documentary I mean it's no it's not a documentary
Starting point is 00:51:10 it's not a comedy but it's based on a true story whatever that is and they follow his life so or the life of the family it's a pro wrestler right well WWE or that sort of wrestler right can you hear that yeah just a little bit that did great and that was awesome and look i do not want this to be the
Starting point is 00:51:38 fucking dave castro show and people always um think that everything i do or all of my efforts are all about me and And those who know me best, people like Savon and close friends and family know that like, I don't always want to be in front of the fucking camera. And I don't always want to be doing that. I could have easily done all three weeks. I could have made the open every announcement, just like I have in years past. And I feel like that's just too much right now. Like I don't need it. Like you look at the last show. I wasn't even in the last show. I didn't put myself in. So more often than not, like you look at the last show i wasn't even in the last show i didn't put myself in so more often than not and it's not incredibly clear because i am out there a lot because i'm the guy who
Starting point is 00:52:09 runs this thing um i do try to pull myself back more than people recognize or respect and uh to your point about like so that's why i didn't want to do all three this whole thing he does with this dave castro week in review he doesn't even want to do this he's doing this because it needs to be done there's got to be comms out of fucking HQ it's a fucking community this isn't
Starting point is 00:52:35 fucking F45 if he stops doing these we're fucking 20 yards 20% closer to fucking Orange Theory and F45 and curves 20% quite a big leap 30 then listen maybe we're all the way there like like what are they going to do hire like they're going to hire like who like all those other brands they like they hire some washed up actor actor actress to make commercials for them seth roll Rollins Like do we want to be
Starting point is 00:53:06 What was the guy who the weight loss guy For Subway Jared Yeah soon as Dave quits CrossFit's going straight to Jared dude They're gonna pay They're gonna hire someone Like can you be good on camera
Starting point is 00:53:20 And can you talk And can you do this Like This is like one of the last fucking corners of authenticity left in the fucking brand dude this fucking bit right here he does this is this is gather around the campfire grandpa's talking to us i don't know what do you think i had to remember why it was you were telling me all that because because nobody asked him not to do these
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah but I remember When he started them he was not excited About doing them like remember how Colton Mertens Didn't want to do interviews at first and he's like yeah now I forced Myself to talk and all that But you know Colton It's crazy to think that people never have that sort of Realization about things
Starting point is 00:54:00 That the things that you don't want to do Probably need to be done Right right Dave's just one of those people things that the things that you don't want to do that probably need to be done right right dave's just one of those people he didn't want to do the open announcements i'm sure too but you're right yeah i think 20 is a pretty big swing and you're probably right 50 it just goes away i mean this is like this is the fucking i feel like this i'm saying it's a big deal when you're making this shit I want to make it bigger It's like
Starting point is 00:54:28 Like who are they going to hire Jillian Michaels After this to do it Hey that'd be crazy Even the people who watch this Even the people who watch this who hate him Once again like they'll be so Fucking bummed if he ever leaves because the grass is not greener On the other side
Starting point is 00:54:47 I'm telling you they're not Hey imagine someone else Just doing off the cuff Unscripted shit like this For any fucking This is a fucking international fucking brand Where is this happening Where is this happening Where is this happening in the commercial space at all
Starting point is 00:55:08 The only fucking other person who does this is fucking Joe Biden and they don't fucking let him get in front of the camera At all Unscripted This is unscripted right Yeah completely unscripted I'm not willing to bet my life that Joe's is unscripted No I mean obviously the state of the union
Starting point is 00:55:24 Was but when he goes off script it gets wily It gets crazy I'm not willing to bet my life that Joe's is unscripted. No, I mean, obviously the State of the Union was, but when he goes off script, it gets wily, it gets crazy. Yeah, that'd be crazy cool. Yeah, now that I think about it, who is, who, what other brands have someone like this? Born primitive. But, but listen, even Dave doesn't have like a fake voice he uses. He doesn't have like a weird strut.
Starting point is 00:55:43 He's not looking for, look at, dude, that's a fucking, he doesn't have a fucking trippyut he's not looking for look at dude that's a fucking he doesn't have a fucking trippy camera angle look his backpack's just sitting on the couch i'm just oh ufc yeah there you go there you go oh does dan away do stuff like this a weekly talk not but um sometimes it's three times a week sometimes it's not at all but he'll just be like in the kitchen and he'll be like it's fucking friday here i it's not at all But he'll just be like in the kitchen And he'll be like it's fucking Friday Here I'm gonna eat a Peanut butter sandwich with jalapenos in it
Starting point is 00:56:11 And then he eats it and gives you his feedback on it And it's a one minute video Yeah And when he When he does the press conferences It's totally unscripted it's wild And he does shit loads of podcasts Yeah you're right Dana White What a great brand the ufc is huh
Starting point is 00:56:29 mark bell's like this are you kidding me mark bell is not like this at all no no no no he's got an entire podcast studio dude and i like mark bell but that whole anyone who's a stoic is not uh uh it's the opposite of freedom wait a minute mark bell is a stoic i don't know that i just made that up i think that they're into like he's like into stoicism and shit he's cool he's nice but he's i i don't think he's off the cuff like just crazy people who claim to be things well here's the thing okay let's say you're right let me let me retract that let's say you're right what brando is it's just what brand is mark bell representing just his own slingshot yeah yeah but but it's his own it's his own stuff what was that crazy drink you they had
Starting point is 00:57:14 nuclear or that drink he gave me and greg and i almost threw up septum uh something crazy like a superman name correct create them create them oh yeah that is like a Superman name Kratom Kratom I'll take that back I don't know what's going through Mark Bell's head Maybe he's completely free Maybe all that shit I'd say probably not But he's not
Starting point is 00:57:38 I like Mark Bell though He's not representing 13,000 gems Or you know Dana White's representing shitloads of fucking people who have invested money in him. Let me tell you, there's no other brands like that. Let's think of another one. So Dana White, Dave Castro, let's think of another brand. I'm literally useless on this.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I know YouTube and CrossFit. I mean, you could think of the other brands are just startup brands and that's why dave was around the startup days you know like uh like the nelk boys don't they sell beer or something and so they just can do whatever they want with their brand i don't know mr b Beast sells chocolate bars He does? Yeah And Mr. Beast is the complete opposite right Everything is crazy scripted To the last second
Starting point is 00:58:34 All those videos he makes I guess thought out correct Yeah yeah yeah I mean compared to what Dave does here Yeah yeah completely different Trump Oh Elon Wow Elon
Starting point is 00:58:46 Dave Portnoy Alright we're on to something I've I'm fans of all these people Portnoy's the guy who eats pizzas He is yeah Zuckerberg No not Zuckerberg. No, not Zuckerberg.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Not Zach. Alright, here we go. Shit. What would it be like if you stuck Zuckerberg in a room with Dave Castro? How would that go? It would go great. They would love each other. Yeah? Yeah. Everyone likes Dave.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Everyone who gets in the room with him likes him. Does everybody like Zuckerberg? Does Dave like everybody? He's charming. No, no. He doesn't in the room with him likes him. Does everybody like Zuckerberg? Does Dave like everybody? He's charming. No, no. He doesn't. But he's not a dick. No, Liver King is not off the cuff, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Who wins in a fight, Mike Tyson or Dave Castro? Mike Tyson knocks Dave the fuck out. I said a fight, not a boxing match. Yeah, Mike Tyson beats him up. No one can beat up Mike Tyson knocks Dave the fuck out. I said a fight, not a boxing match. Yeah, Mike Tyson beats him up. No one can beat up Mike Tyson. Who wins in a fight, Mike Tyson or Jake Paul? Jake Paul's... Oh, God, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:54 It's going to be close. Did you see the rules on that? I don't know if the rules are... Oh, really? You got your tooth powder today? It's an acquired taste? That's the first I've heard that. I didn't have to acquire at all.
Starting point is 01:00:02 I was wondering when I was going to get my first negative review. She got spicy dill pickle. That's why. Did you try yours yet? I haven't yet, no. Oh. I wish I had so I could answer that question, though. I fucking loved...
Starting point is 01:00:17 I agree, a little too salty. Oh, too salty. I was thinking it needed to be more salty. Do you I salt? I don't know. Oh, shit. Mason Mitchell. First honest review.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Jesus Christ. Oh. Damn. I like the idea of the unflavored one because then you could flavor it however you want. And I said it was an ad-free workout to mine. It was like a scoop of fruit punch and it'll explode into my matuthian and then it's like a caffeinated toothpaste or tooth weren't you talking about that putting caffeine in there or is that not someone is mentioning it in the um like hey what what
Starting point is 01:01:01 kind of stuff could you put in there? Sevan, I got mine. I got mine. My wife is a dentist and has some questions. Have her Google them. It wasn't. So what's her face on? And she's a dentist. It's going to scratch the enamel off your teeth.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Kyra. Kyra Milligan. What about her? Oh, yeah. She was on. She like do some dentists or is one. Yeah. She doesn't even know what. But she didn't know what tooth powder was,
Starting point is 01:01:25 I don't think. I feel clean, though. Did Tyson use it? Oh, I don't know. Tooth powder is messy. I mean, that's just ridiculous. Vagina is messy. No, it's not messy at all.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Here's the thing, when you spit in the God damn it Who you got Eric It tastes slightly like Minted salty dirt but it does work Well teeth feel clean Dirt I you know the first
Starting point is 01:02:03 Like probably five times I did it i thought i was throwing a handful of dirt in my mouth but i never have that feeling now i'm now i get excited when is the uh when did you start using it like three months ago five months ago what did you use before some fucking hippie fucking toothpaste like toms or some shit was it was a paste though it wasn't a powder yeah no no I never even I didn't know my mom and my sister use powder I thought they were fucking crazy that's what I thought I remembered you saying right
Starting point is 01:02:31 yeah my mom my mom uses like baking soda and shit the fuck are you doing here's the thing though too man if you don't eat like relatively clean maybe tooth powder is not for you why because you need that poison fluoride to fucking build the enamel on your teeth like if you have a if you like if you drink sit around
Starting point is 01:02:55 drink soda pops all day and you have a crazy acidic fucking diet and your shit's fucking oh you're saying then you need fluoride potentially maybe i mean it's it's hot it's a neurotoxin it's bad for you no one's like yeah you say like it makes you stupid yeah it makes you stupid it's crazy lowers your iq with up to just three three three levels over like whatever the measurement was 5ng over l or whatever three and all the kids had three to six point lower of their iq and what's crazy about that also is like this shit the shits in all sorts of fluorides and all sorts of stuff I couldn't
Starting point is 01:03:29 believe it's like in red wine and shit I think it's like a feedback loop and a lot of people I know who drink too much red wine are stupid you drink soda so you need fluoride and fluoride makes you dumb and only dumb people drink soda it's like a feedback loop yeah i like that yeah
Starting point is 01:03:46 oh shit what's going on uh olivia what the hell are you doing with it wet brew wet brush tap dip yeah maybe you're putting too much in you're barely he meant he meant brua oh brua wet brua oh wet brua tap it my boys love it my boys absolutely He meant brewer. Oh, brewer. Wet brewer. Yeah, wet brewer. Tap it. My boys love it. My boys absolutely fucking love it, which is so cool. It makes me so happy. It's like all they use.
Starting point is 01:04:14 They love it. They like the process, too. Like, it's fun. They like wetting their toothbrush, tapping it out, dipping it in, and then just getting to work on it. Hey, the thing that's got to get you, there's like that hump that's going to be, everyone's been using toothpaste for so long. They got to get accustomed to a powder. The reason the boys love it is because they haven't been doing it for 20
Starting point is 01:04:34 years, 30 years, 40 years. Definitely cut out fluoride sources. It's a neurotoxin and it's everywhere. Yeah. Oh shit. You use it.
Starting point is 01:04:42 You use powder with an electric toothbrush. I don't even know. Hey, doesn't every time I see this picture I see a girl with her legs open Laying on her back Isn't that weird but it's just a hot tub Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:55 I mean I kind of see both It's so small I see her vagina in the picture She got like a black bush It's weird It looks like there's a butthole over to the left of me like in the bottom left corner you see you see her face down i see her uh face yes that's just preferences whatever like one of those crazy pictures on the internet it's like what do you see
Starting point is 01:05:17 what color is the dress do you ever don't you love just uh do you have a high bed yeah don't you like just like bending him over the bed you're standing by the side of the bed sorry sorry that's okay we'll talk about this later she's not even paying attention yeah isn't that a great position yeah you got to be kind you got it you can't be lazy you got you can't be lazy you got to like get out of bed to do it i remember we got our bed frame. I love a high bed. She knows what I'm going to say.
Starting point is 01:05:49 We got our bed frame, but I walked up to it, and I kicked the corner with my shins. I'm like, this thing's got to go. It had just gotten installed. The mattress had just gotten put up on it, and I walked up next to it, and my thighs hit the bed, and my shins kicked the wood underneath. I'm like, this thing's gotta go.
Starting point is 01:06:05 This thing ain't gonna work. Did you get rid of it? No, I kept it. It was like a half joke. I mixed my toothy and powder with water and made a cast of my hog and sent it back to Savant. What does it smell like?
Starting point is 01:06:24 Hey, listen, we're coming out with uh medusian and uh it's the same product just packaged different it's a powder it's a powder to douche with it no bed heights uh bed heights doesn't matter for a standee no No, standees are more like you're in a walk-in closet kind of thing. Like someone's in the closet getting dressed or hanging clothes or something, and you go in there and get a standee. That's what I prefer in the closet. But which is different than a reach-around? It's a face-to-facer.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Yeah, I mean, yeah. It has to be because otherwise no no that's just a reach around then i just think of it standee as you just walk into the room and you just like you're like this thing has to be discharged and you just kind of look down on it and then it's just discharged Don't you go through the thing where it's like when you're standing You just last way longer No
Starting point is 01:07:30 I don't have one of those positions I grind up my toothy and then rub it on my penis If I want to last longer It's good for that Oh it numbs it. Premature ejaculation, yeah. I know where you're going to be selling it, just gas stations on the expressway. That's where you're going to start selling the toothy.
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's going to be in those little quarter slot things in the bathroom. We were brainstorming marketing ideas, and we were going to come up with this one. I don't know. I shouldn't ruin it. I save it god it's gonna be a different sort of vehicle like the tesla yeah i know i don't know it's just funny i'll tell you i'll tell you later okay okay we got to get through this show sorry oh dave dave fair we're here okay here we go do you think it's healthy and better if there are, could I have done all three easily? Yeah, of course I've done it for decades. Um, a couple of years where I didn't. Um, but I think it's
Starting point is 01:08:32 really cool what we did with Seth. I think, uh, his announcement was amazing. And, and I really like those who know me well to know, I like to do try new things and do things differently. Hey, me doing all three announcements is like a step five years backwards, three years backwards. It's like, oh, Dave's back. Look, he's doing all the announcements again. And me doing one and then letting other people do these others like we are, that's not a step backwards. That's a step forward. And so I always like to experiment and try new things and do things differently. This is an expression of that. And I don't think, I don't think people, a lot of people liked the Seth seth rollins piece i thought it was great i thought it was a hit at shot i i liked it too i think that's a shitty answer to
Starting point is 01:09:10 say i like to try new things you could say that about any time you fuck up i just trying new things you know what i mean you drop a pancake on the floor your life's like hey you dropped the pancake on the floor hey i'm just trying new things i don't think it can be said enough though what spin said first on his show with John Young and Tyler. That everyone's like, oh, Seth Rollins is going to be so good for CrossFit. Like, no. That's not, no. Go get his engagement on that post on his Instagram.
Starting point is 01:09:36 It got 20,000 likes. And he collaborated with CrossFit. Everyone who chimed in on that was a CrossFitter already. And compare that to his other posts Which get 200 to 500,000 likes It didn't do shit for CrossFit So that's a bad reason as well To say it was good
Starting point is 01:09:55 And people who were thinking it was going to do something beforehand Are nuts too Like hey five new people to every affiliate Anyway the thing I get that approach I don't even care either way I I just want Dave to do it. I didn't think Seth did bad. Agreed. Agreed, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:08 But I just want Dave to do it. Like, hey, dude, just talk and do it. Seth was fine. It was just what he was. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, let me see if there's any more handy talk from Bria. A step forward, hmm, that's a matter of opinion.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I prefer Dave doing the announcements. Yeah, I mean, yeah. Yeah. Like, I don't care if you want to try new stuff dave just get back to do that just do it demp 823 interested in your thought process behind using 185 versus 225 kind of talked about that before um i think 225 would have made that a different beast totally changed it up at l tip what do you think about 225 it's irrelevant really like i think 275 would have started to make a big difference for the people that people think the difference should be made for like john young won't care about
Starting point is 01:10:58 225 versus 185 but he's one of the loudest against the barbell weight, right? Give him 275 and then five rounds of that. And he's second guessing his life. Then do you think there could ever be dumbbell squat snatches in the open? Probably not. And, and here's the thing, like dumbbell squat snatches is obviously incredibly technical, but incredibly demanding of flexibility. And I think even requires more flexibility than a barbell squat snatch and for a lot of people. And so having that movement in the open where a lot of people would struggle with it, it's kind of not appropriate for the open.
Starting point is 01:11:36 True. True. Yeah, very true. I'm remembering when Hiller worked out at your ranch. I think it was your. Yeah, he has to read the good questions with the bad questions right Sure This was like six months ago you guys are in a much better place
Starting point is 01:11:50 Things to see when people have a little falling out but it happens Same with you and Rich Black We're not in a bad place I think we were in the same place then Having that movement in the open I rewound it 20 seconds It's kind of not appropriate I'm slowing this down this This is a weird question.
Starting point is 01:12:05 At Karina Rain, I'm remembering when Hiller worked out at your ranch. I think it was your ranch. This was like six months ago. You guys are in a much better place. Things to see when people have a little falling out, but it happens. Same with you and Rich Blatt.
Starting point is 01:12:16 We're not in a bad place. I think we were in the same place then that we are now. I hardly knew him now, and I respect the work that he does, and I still hardly know him, understand a little more, And I respect what he does. And I really do like, he's good at his shit. He's passionate. He loves CrossFit. I don't like the way he does some things and that's okay. But I respect his passion for CrossFit. I don't like his approach to specifically coming after us or breaking people down on our team as he has in the past jesus christ he's flirting with you oh well did you see that post i made earlier no it was it
Starting point is 01:12:58 was that like right at the end of it i threw in the jd i clipped it and right at the end of it i clip in the jade of coons oh well let me see karina rain i i could i i love you dear but i can't i think uh hillar and um dave are in the like the best place they've ever been like i i it's crazy what a good place you guys are in right now it's nuts people must not understand what it's like to fucking tangle with Dave. Like, you guys are in a great place. Here, let me play this, and then you can say something. Yeah. I'm remembering when Hiller worked out at your ranch.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I think it was your ranch. This was like six months ago. You guys are in a much better place. Thanks to see when people – Oh, I can see your dick there. Yeah. I don't know if it happens. Same with you, Rich. We're not in a bad place uh i think uh we were in the same place then that we are now
Starting point is 01:13:51 i hardly knew him now and i respect i respect the work that he does and i still hardly know him understand a little more and and i respect what he does and i really do like he's good at his shit he's passionate he loves crossfit i don't like the way he does some things and that's okay but um i respect his passion for crossfit i don't like his approach to specifically uh this music's genius coming after us or breaking people down on our team as he has in the past. Oh well at karina rain Oh my god, I thought I I asked him to collaborate on that knowing farewell He probably wouldn't but I was really hoping he just wouldn't have gotten to the end of it
Starting point is 01:14:41 Anything to bring that plumb smuggler picture back. Put some pants on, Hiller. Oh, that's fucking good. Listen. Oh, well. If anyone doesn't understand the courtship that's going on, let me tell you. Hey, I had. What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:15:03 What do you think about your. Are you and Dave in a big fight right now Huge If I listen to what everybody on the internet said Then yeah It's crazy dude People thought it was like the worst thing ever They thought it was a hailstorm
Starting point is 01:15:16 And I had people Texting me like Dave really hates you Oh when you got kicked out for being juiced up That Well that too It was very similar What other stuff have you had the the piece from last week what was that piece uh where where he brought me up twice and
Starting point is 01:15:33 uh where he was saying that i wasn't going to be allowed to have backstage access and like why would we give hiller backstage access and it's like well i've never had it but people text me saying That he really hates you I go I don't think so Like do you blame him like shit Dude you should see the way he treats me At the games
Starting point is 01:15:55 If he hates you he wants to kill me I watch the behind the scenes He seems like he treats you pretty good He does But I've learned to You must have a good editor I just learned to make it good Listen most people never even get to interact
Starting point is 01:16:15 With this fucking savant I mean he's got little fucking Asperger's in him and shit Like the fact that he's even addressing you I don't know I think this is Is Asperger's a good thing i don't know you tell me you got it you and dave got it not me oh i i say i'm autistic i think it's same thing it's a cousin oh asperger's is when you get nicked by a mexican they get totally different that's his ethnicity as is his. You said I was his cousin.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Just in the Asperger realm. Are you Mexican? You're not Mexican. You're like Hungarian. You're like what Laura Horvath is or something. I'm German. Polish. And I'm messing with you. I knew that. I knew you meant. Okay. I got you. You did get me.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Here we go. At Norman. I mean, what do you think did get me here we go At Norman, I mean, what do you think? Where are you tripping at all? No, you trippin think Dave I never a one bit had the sense that he hated me. No Never you think if he had an event at the ranch that was like let's say uh street parking had uh um an event at the ranch again and you went there to hang out you think he'd be invited welcome yeah i think so it's no different than last year right you think he'd play basketball with you yeah yeah that's what i think hey the first time he was on your show you think he'd play basketball with you? Yeah. Yeah, that's what I think. The first time he was on your show.
Starting point is 01:17:46 You think he'd go to lunch with you? That actually would be great. Because I don't think I've ever spent more than 10 seconds with the dude. But yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think so too. Like 10 second interactions. I think that's kind of all he's got. What is it?
Starting point is 01:18:00 It's not Asperger's? What is it? What do you call it? Asperger's. It's close to that. I don What is it? What do you call it? Asperger's. It's close to that. I don't think it's spelled like that, though. Yeah, Dave is definitely Cordy and Hiller. That's the way I take it, too.
Starting point is 01:18:14 That's like Alpha Cordy. Hey, dude, the first show that you did with him when he came back, he said that he wished there was somebody like me. Or maybe it was right after he got fired. It was during that interim period. He goes, he wishes there was somebody like me to kind of like jostle with he legitimately said it and now he's here oh no no he said he's oh ass ass burgers ass burgers oh fuck you ruined it
Starting point is 01:18:40 yeah you were wrong ass burgers ass burgers and part of my Asperger's is that I remember most of the things everybody says so when he says something like what he did last week or when he kicks me out of the open it's all put into context I think he also said too I think he said that if
Starting point is 01:19:01 he worked there he would fight with you yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine it's all in the context he's a jostler yeah it's different than a jouster is a jester he's a court jester or is that me that's me that's us that's us okay on this bog dan 6310 dave any reason why benchmark girl name or hero workout hasn't been used in the open before thanks for all you do i don't think for a majority of them and most of them are not appropriate for this format uh dave x slop any thoughts on that i mean he's done stuff like diane it was like the 21 15 9 deadlift handstand push-up but then it went
Starting point is 01:19:53 into the more advanced version of that i mean health no usually it's plays on the girl workouts. I mean, even at the friendly Fran level, it's a play on Fran. But yeah, Fran wouldn't really work. And you've seen a lot of Palooza try it, and it's always a mess. Because everyone can smash the girl workouts these days. The moving standards are all over the place. People are fighting for fractions of a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:24 You described that. What's your girlfriend doing? I think she's getting ready to go to bed. Oh, I thought she was making a sandwich. Are you making a sandwich? Oh, I saw her naked, dude. Did she go downstairs? Do you have a three-story house?
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. Oh. She's going to do laundry. Oh. Yeah. Well, the upstairs is like a one room. Like just a one room up there. Like a loft yeah
Starting point is 01:20:46 kind of to mention that 24.1 was 18.0 during the open announcement i didn't mention it it definitely clearly was inspired by 18.0 18.0 was in an open announcement or a tease that we did i think in january of 18 in um london at the wit facility to kind of bring up, make hype. And it was 21, 15, nine dumbbell snatches and burpee over the dumbbell. Like I said, clearly it influenced it, laid that out. And then once I laid that out and started playing with variations, I kind of the process to get where we did pretty much was what happened on the board during the announcement, but on a pad of paper in front of me and without the mushrooms. But so,
Starting point is 01:21:21 so yeah, clearly inspired by, but 24 point or 18.0 as is would have been like a minute and a half, just way too fast and not enough bite. This had the right timeframe for everyone and had the right amount of bite. A minute and a half. That's not right. I want to see somebody go 21,
Starting point is 01:21:46 59 dumbbell snatch burpee over the dumbbell and do it in a minute and a half. Maybe Colton will do it for us. He cannot. How many reps is that? Uh, 90, 90 reps.
Starting point is 01:22:00 You have to go 60 reps per minute. Yeah. One rep. Basically he can do his workout in, and he had 180 reps. So he was basically going 38 reps per minute. So two and a half minutes. He had to go like 160% effort for one-third the amount of time. Yeah, it's a rep a second.
Starting point is 01:22:23 You can't do that. Right. I like the way you said it. i was trying to figure it out maybe dave doesn't know how to program a lot at mass media or media critic oh at mass media critic the names are all uh in one line so took a second to realize what he was saying there, or what his title was. Dave's Week in Review actually stands for Woke Idiotic Rants. Well, thank you. I'm a woke idiotic ranter.
Starting point is 01:22:52 At 12 Coffees, hey Dave, I like some of Hiller's videos. He's good at what he does, but... What? We're going to talk about Hiller again. I just want to say this. Woke corporate people would not be addressing hillary or froning or fighting in public woke people don't do that they like woke corporations are complete fucking cowards and pussies is this dave versus Is Dave CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:23:27 I don't know, but the fact that he's – people will say the dumbest shit. They're like, Dave's getting so sensitive, but he can't take criticism from Froney. Listen, I don't care any way you slice it. A woke company would not – the dude who's the head of the training department, head of the game department, who's the senior executive at the company,
Starting point is 01:23:43 does not come out here and talk. Like, Dana White would do this. Like, woke companies are not doing that. They're scared to death. They have the eight, like, they would be fucking calling Rich and being like, oh, my God, I'm so sorry, or whatever. Like, this is not how woke people operate. Like, you're a fucking idiot if you think that this is soft, what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:24:02 You're, like, don't ruin woke like people have ruined racism and calling everything racism not everything's woke good distinction douche nozzles i don't know what woke means i just don't like it i like it when taylor calls people douche canoe i do too twinkle douche is what i would call people oh twinkle douche that's nice twinkle douche that feels uh inclusive like gay people douche canoes for straight people tinkle twinkle tinkle or twinkle douche canoe goes a little bit harder mine's super soft douche canoe hurts woke idiotic rants well thank you i'm a woke idiotic ranter um at 12 coffees hey dave i like some of hillary's videos he's good at what he does but no matter how much he's liked by many you're absolutely right about him why would you support somebody that mostly trashes or
Starting point is 01:24:56 criticizes the way he does it everything you crossfit do even if his attentions are good being respectful and tone matters like you said i liked hearing you in this video be very direct about him and what he does or how he dresses things at the end of the day i think he'll be doing okay what he does and you guys will also still be doing great no need really to be a force obligated pairing or promoting him by the way i got your olive oil it's good thanks a lot there it is like the olive oil by the way i got your olive oil. He read that whole thing just for that. Do you want to comment on this? Not necessarily. I don't think there's any.
Starting point is 01:25:30 It was just, I don't even remember listening to it really. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, here's what I'm going to add. Watching Hiller do the piece with Hayley Adams showed a level of cooperation between people that people didn't think would come together for whatever reason. And it wasn't planned out to have healing properties, but it just did. It's like the Matuthian toothpaste.
Starting point is 01:25:54 You can rub it on your vagina and it works there too. No, don't do that. I don't think that's true. Isn't there glass in there? No, there's no glass. Thank you for fucking it up. Isn't there glass in there? No, there's no glass.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Thank you for fucking it up. Everything we don't have, people don't have to get along, but through cooperation, there can be incredible great growth that there can't be without cooperation. And so I think there are some nuances to relationships. It would be fucking, it's crazy for CrossFit to, or anyone to think that that um hillar is going away so if you um if it helps you to fight with him then fight with him if it helps you to cooperate with him and cooperate with him if it helps you to ignore with him, then cooperate with them. If it helps you to ignore with them, ignore them. But do use Hiller or use things that are going to be around forever and for a long time and that have a tremendous force behind them to your advantage.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And so, like, I disagree with this person. The sentiment of what this person was saying, I don't know if I agree with it. Like, it's – cooperation is important I agree with it. Cooperation's important. That's it. Eggshells. Eggshells, yeah. Ground-up eggshells. Not glass.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Yeah, eggshells. There's something in the eggshells that helps remineralize your teeth. Karina Rain, just catching up. Damn it, I wasn't asking him a question. I was just making a statement. You're a turd ball for highlighting This oh thank you Karina rain
Starting point is 01:27:28 Uh yeah listen they're fucking And making up right before our eyes karina don't Ruin it dude dude Dude dave said it i Reposted it and then you brought it up on here That's in three spots now karina yeah Karina yeah Yeah karina that's a good statement now, Karina. Yeah, Karina. Yeah. Yeah, Karina.
Starting point is 01:27:46 That's a good statement, though. Karina Rain. Gorgeous hair. I really asked about his thoughts on Aaron Bushnell. Who's Aaron Bushnell? Binoculars. Definitely not. Oh, good guess. Definitely not an actor or else you'd know.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Do you know actors? I know you know movies. Do you know actors, too, and actresses? Kind of. I wouldn't say that. I else you'd know Do you know actors? I know you know movies, do you know actors too and actresses? Kinda I wouldn't say that, I don't know You knew the Susie chick with the big titties Correct I forgot her name already, Sydney Sweeney
Starting point is 01:28:15 She's everywhere Oh this makes me so sad Caleb's mustache I tried to order some tooth powder over $100 postage to Australia Whoa, that's cheap wow you should get more than one though damn i'll talk to someone rambler karina your hair is amazing yeah this is a hundred dollars to ship stuff to australia that's crazy uh hillar did you uh hillar did you watch the it's an island hillar did you watch the osc? No, I won't watch that. I did watch Ryan Gosling's performance during the Oscars, though.
Starting point is 01:28:49 If you don't know what woke is, the Oscars is woke. Yeah, that's probably why I don't like watching it. Yeah, you don't even know what woke is, but you know you don't like it. Okay, here we go. They just jerk each other off for an hour or ten. It's like farts. It's like farts. I don't know what farts are, but I don't like them.
Starting point is 01:29:05 I do. You don't appreciate a good fart? You're like, damn, what did you eat? No. I mean, my own farts... Are you allergic to something? Hey, you know what's crazy? I used to like my kids' farts, and now I don't so much anymore. And I feel guilty for it.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Well, my dog farts, I feel guilty. I feel guilty like I fed it something bad. I like dog farts. I like dog farts. I prefer, I like dog farts are cool. No, no. I feel bad. I just don't like, like, like, we were staying at the Airbnb, and I was sharing a bed with Avi, and, like, he farts in there.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I'm like, you motherfucker. I feel like Dutch. Here's that dog you ate. Oh, my God. He's so cute. Yeah. But don't worry. I mean, it's strike one.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Just one strike. Strike one dog. If you have a pit bull, it's one strike against you. Yeah. Yeah. If you have a pit bull and like a tongue piercing, that's two strikes. You have a tongue piercing? No. Never wanted one either.
Starting point is 01:30:03 No piercings, no tattoos. How retarded. Is a tattoo a strike? Uh, no It's like a It's like half a strike? A face tattoo is definitely a strike A tattoo is Just a little mark
Starting point is 01:30:21 Like there's A face tattoo is probably just three strikes all in one Yeah Just a little mark. I got you in my tongue here. A face tattoo is probably just three strikes all in one. Yeah, you're just screaming fucking mental illness at that point. Well, now we define what the strikes are for. Oh, there you go. Sorry. Hey, you know it's true. Oh, I have an idea.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I'm going to get an animal. I'm going to get you one of these. I I'm gonna get an animal I'm gonna get you one of these I'm gonna get an animal and bring it into my house And it's the sweetest nicest animal ever But If it does come unhinged for one second It's gonna kill a child Yeah why do you think I don't want kids
Starting point is 01:31:00 There you go There you go Look at this thing it just sleeps on blankets all day. This is all it does. It's got 15 beds. That's what you were saying. Damn it, you're right. You don't have enough stress in your life. You've got to get the dog beds everywhere.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Dye your dog's hair blue and get him a septum ring. Alright. Pierce your ears too still got it's ears that's good right yeah that's cool that is a cute dog yeah it's a great dog
Starting point is 01:31:33 I hear you I hear you sweetest dogs ever no argument no argument there I'm just saying if you have one it's one strike towards your mental illness hey this dog does not like little dogs though I think it thinks so I know I know he doesn't like sharing tennis balls uh oh no oh please no no no i'm i'll be very honest about this dog this dog does not like little dogs we i ran to the dog park once and it launched it launched this puppy into there and then it like
Starting point is 01:32:02 went after it like oh fuck i kind of had to get on top of her yeah look at look at yeah of course of course little dogs are dicks listen listen here's the thing let's just say little dogs are dicks let's say let's say you're right you you you don't want a dog to just fucking it like it's a little dog like when i had a great dane it wouldn't like if a chihuahua nipped and hung from my great dane it wouldn't do shit my great dane went like it knew it could kill that dog it had nothing to prove people don't have that uh my dog's just retarded dude she had nothing to prove yeah okay all right it's just not smart i'm not gonna cure you of your illness right now let's do that later
Starting point is 01:32:46 hey but it could totally mess you up trying to prove some shit that's for sure yeah I know it can this dog's heavy it's like an 80 pound bullet is that dog really 80 pounds uh 70 yeah he's cute he or she she she's cute Is she fixed?
Starting point is 01:33:06 Yeah. That's probably why she's so mellow. I don't correct people on my dog's sex. Fine. If you think it's a he, it's a he. Yeah, you're good. I don't correct people on mine either. Hey, I do have friends.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Oh, you're a total lesbian. I remember. Hey, Greg will correct me on if I say my dog Sex wrong or his dog sex wrong Like if I'm like talking about my dog and I refer to it As he he'll correct me And if I Yeah or if I refer to his dog as the wrong
Starting point is 01:33:36 Sex he'll correct me he corrects me on animal Sexes yeah he does it's a trip When he comes on Wednesday I'll ask him why he does that because to me it doesn't matter Either why don't you know What, I'll ask him why he does that. Cause to me, it doesn't matter either. Why, why don't you know what type of dog you have, but he does.
Starting point is 01:33:49 I mean, I know, but I'll, I could refer to my dog as a, he, and I don't, why would you do that? Just on accident, like the wrong,
Starting point is 01:33:55 it's what foreigners do. I got some, even though I'm not a foreigner, I have some traits that are like foreigners, you know, like, you know what I mean? Like someone's been in the country two weeks and the two weeks,
Starting point is 01:34:03 two years, everyone's got that Mexicanican friend or that fucking armenian friend or turkish friend from somewhere and they just interchange pronouns no i've never experienced that it's really weird to me yeah foreigners are like that you don't have any you've never been around foreigners and they just use the wrong pronoun all the time i've been around foreigners that but not like that how foreign like fresh off the boat foreign yeah no black people don't do that i mean i know i am black but black people don't do that black people like they have other words for he and she i'm just i'm talking about that foreigner thing
Starting point is 01:34:38 anyway what okay let's go back to Dave. Back to the foreigner. That's where you can get my olive oil. I also announced or released two new flavors, lemon and garlic. Two new flavors? Hey, I took a swig of this at the beginning of the show. Oh, God. How was that? It's fine.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Also, when you said lemon and garlic, I thought we were on Matuthian. I'm like, oh, Matuthian, lemon and garlic. Great. Two chug. You said you have a pistachio eating problem? Like, that's not helping. I had... No, just kidding. I had...
Starting point is 01:35:21 I've only eaten beef jerky today and two swigs of the Dave's olive oil You're gonna shit like A water fountain tomorrow Do you and um your chick ever have Like shitting contests like By that I mean No
Starting point is 01:35:34 Well I guess before I just say no like that Where I can 99% sure say I'm gonna say no Like do you brag Like we're driving today I'm like I say no. What do you mean? Like, do you brag? Like, we're driving today. I'm like, I got to stop and take a shit. And I brag.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Because you were able to and she wasn't? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I can shit on command and she can't. So I brag. And then finally, like, we're about two hours from home and she's like, pull over. I'm like, what do you mean? We're almost home two hours away. She's like, I got to drop a deuce. I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:36:03 She's like, yeah. we're almost home two hours away so i gotta drop a deuce i'm like fuck she's like yeah so not quite like that but actually after she had her hip surgery they had her on all these drugs and she didn't shit for a week and that was crazy that's the closest we've come she was like super envious of my ability to shit so oh yeah she's yeah she was super locked up i gave her a bunch of laxatives and stuff Stuff I learned from wrestling back then A week? She went really a week Without poop coming out of her butt And dude
Starting point is 01:36:33 She tried a bunch and she couldn't move Because she had her hip all locked up right from the surgery So I kept on having to move her to the bathroom Just to find out that there was no No dice And we move her back Hey did that one she finally took did that hurt i should ask her what she was still sitting there i don't i don't remember it being like
Starting point is 01:36:53 crazy pain flyers remember being happy here's what i pick i have no idea what i'm talking about but here's what i picture if you didn't shit for a week when you took a shit i figured i picture it being like the size of a professional nfl football and dry as and dry as sand and dry as sandpaper no i think it's on so many laxatives that it was like disgusting but not not hard and not huge like that i uh a very common occurrence for me at least a couple times week, I take a shit and I get up and like a few seconds later I have to shit again. I have to go back in. How long do you sit on the toilet for? Quick. I usually don't go until I'm prairie dogging. I usually sit on the toilet long enough to make sure it's all out.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Oh, interesting. I feel like I have to stand up and like, I feel like it's like a PEZ container. You got to close it and then open it back up to get the next one. know what i mean i feel like i feel like i'm done there was a part in my life where i felt like i did that when i had to pee like i'd be done by pooping being stand up like oh i gotta pee again oh no i've never had that wow someone's gonna be like means your prostate isn't large or something like but no, that would happen when I was 20. And it doesn't happen anymore. When I was a few years ago into the doctor, they did an MRI or a scan or something to make sure my bladder was draining all the way.
Starting point is 01:38:15 It was sort of like my prostate check. Yeah, but I fucking was like, the fuck are you checking that for? Because you're 52, dude. Of course my bladder's training all the way you're 52 man i was so happy the doctor thinks okay your bladder's draining all the way i'm like okay cool thank you did you talk to caleb about the shattuck and did you hear what he was talking about when he came to the the person who used to live there had a folgers container like the coffee the big one yeah filled with lube and catheters because this dude had stage four something cancer and maybe kidney cancer or
Starting point is 01:38:54 whatever and he had to the only way he could piss was through catheters so he would catheter himself to piss out of a lubed up tube in a Folgers can. And it was just there. How did Caleb get that information? I should have asked that part. Okay, well ask him. He'll be on the show again soon. Yeah, he told me about that.
Starting point is 01:39:22 He also showed me, have you ever seen the sauna in the Shattuck Inn? No. The dude who lived there built a sauna. Yeah. And it was a cookie sheet with rocks on it on top of an industrial heater. It was like a ratchet-ass sauna. And there was some weird-ass bench behind it built into a closet. And it looked... And I go, did it work?
Starting point is 01:39:44 He goes, yeah, it turned on and it heated up pretty go did it work he goes yeah it turned on and it heated up pretty quick wow and we never used it again fuck that cookie sheet with outside rocks you know just any old rocks off the street
Starting point is 01:39:53 Kenneth will have anal cancer probably this uh it's leaky this combo is so hot I'm gonna need a few minutes alone soon is it the Folgers
Starting point is 01:40:02 lube and catheter talk I think it was just she's turned on by the fact that I can poop twice in a row. I don't think that's a she. Oh, Sleeky's not a she? I mean, you think that's really who that is right there?
Starting point is 01:40:17 No, that's a Cardi B or something. Yeah, I don't know. I wonder if they'll confirm whether or not it's a she did you just fart no I heard something my feet just rubbed together I can't do it again though but not with the fart I tell you if it was Kenneth the lap uh Sebon no sleaky personally Hiller oh But no, it wasn't a fart. I'll tell you if it was. Kenneth DeLapp. Savon knows Sleeky personally, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Oh. Kenneth was on the show earlier today. With Athena. Kenneth was? Well, conversation. I think he won the coffee. He did. He said that he was chiseled out of rock or something.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Okay, Sleeky's a's a chick someone knows who i am i'll tell you all about her later off the air it's not it's not the person though not the person to be sure no but it might as well be oh cool she got a crazy hindquarters i think it'd be i've talked about it before i shouldn't talk about it so close to bedtime okay let's go i've never heard that like that before dude it's crazy crazy hindquarters where are you 90 dude she this chick you would not believe this chick's absurd hindquarters she has you know what a minotaur is yeah i do there's it's an energy drink no fuck it fuck. It's an animal that's like... I'm all in with you. I know. It's from the movie Roll Bottles.
Starting point is 01:41:49 There's an energy drink called Minotaur. Oh. But it's named after the animal you're talking about. Yeah. The mythical one. Just remind me to tell you about her. It's crazy. She got a crazy physique.
Starting point is 01:42:03 She looks like a Minotaur? Yeah, she's like a genetic freak. You just can't, you have to see it. You can't even believe it. Half man, half bull. Yeah, but she's like half woman, half bull. Is she tall? No, I mean, maybe taller than me. But it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Do I know her? I don't know if you've seen her. I mean, she's been around forever. Anyone who ever worked at CrossFit knows her. That's Nicole Carroll. No. Nicole Carroll's got a great... Oh, she's 5'6".
Starting point is 01:42:37 Nicole Carroll... Yeah, so she's taller than me by a foot. Nicole Carroll has a crazy hind quarters too but just different this chick's there you just have to I'll find if see if I can show you a picture of her it's nuts you have to kind of see her next to other girls too if when you see her next to other girls that's when
Starting point is 01:42:54 you're like oh wait something's not it's nuts it's really a remarkable body oh we've never formally met Hiller oh but I know you've been probably in the same places haunches yeah haunches she's We've never formally met, Hiller. Oh. But I know you've been probably in the same places. Haunches. Yeah, Haunches. She has Haunches.
Starting point is 01:43:07 No, not Haunches. Interesting. Okay, here we go. Enough of that nonsense. Here we go. 24.2 on Saturday. In between my daughters, she ran the mile, and then she ran the 800. In between, CrossFit Campbell was gracious enough to host me.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I did pretty good. I finished seven rounds, working in the eighth. But on the third was gracious enough to host me. Um, I did pretty good. I got, I finished seven rounds working in the eighth, but on the third round, my calf locked up and, um, I kind of had to fight through that, which sucks because I'm really good at double unders and deadlifts. And so I think I could have done much better. My calf is still, um, tight and it's still yesterday. I was sad all day. Saturday I was limping after that Sunday, I was limping today. I'm not limping, but, not limping but it sucks that i want to retest today but i don't want to um push on this calf anymore um really fun i enjoyed it and i do not feel like it was similar or the same to uh 24.1 uh very different
Starting point is 01:43:57 very different expressions of workouts i'm heading to nashville for this week so excited about that announcement 24.3 at tia's place yeah announcement. 24.3 at Tia's place. Yeah. Just like 24.2 at Justin's place. He had a great score. Who? Dave. Seven plus rounds.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Yeah. He's old. Yeah. Yeah. He's got double under calves, dude. Yeah, that's true. He's good at double unders. He's got like the smallest calves I've ever seen in my entire life yeah he's the opposite he got sleek he got her body and his
Starting point is 01:44:30 body he he yeah that yeah would you would you agree dave's got some of the smallest calves you've ever seen remark there's nothing there's no muscles in there at all that's all they can cramp dave got nothing in there to cramp up There's nothing in there He's kind of like Slenderman Do you know who that is No but they took Dave They took Dave's calf muscles and put it in Sleeky's ass
Starting point is 01:44:56 Oh wow Very soon we'll announce Who's going to announce that one Why who's Slenderman is he a superhero I think you should just google it really quick it won't take very long slender man i type slow oh jesus oh jesus you've watched this movie well it's wait a minute it's a movie it's kind of a mythical thing yeah it looks scary as shit yeah i'm into that sort of stuff it's great slenderman is there's i think it was created on reddit if i'm not mistaken
Starting point is 01:45:33 or something like that face right right oh thank you hey they could turn that into a really good movie but they know why you watch can watch horror movies because you got a pitbull because you got protection yeah it's like people who drink coke need fluoride you you need a pitbull because you watch horror movies this dog just sleeps all day dude my mental illness animal just chills he hates little dogs. And what's going on with the competition there. So thanks for tuning in. And as always, if you have any comments.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Let's see what's going on. Oh, look at why the fuck are my comments on the side here? Are yours like that? They're not. Hey, dude, click on that little button. So see on the video how there's the on Dave's on Dave's. We can review on the bottom right. Click the button on the right how there's the on dave's on dave's we can review on the bottom right click the button to the right of that this yeah click on that scroll down oh they're still
Starting point is 01:46:34 over there yeah that's that's freaking weird yeah that just minimized the whole window there's got to be an easy way to fix that like on the comments button see that see the three buttons what do you call it the hamburger no this is not this yeah see if it says something in there about how to like move this report oh download give money clip uh what's this one save yeah i'm fucked dude i'm fucked i'm part of some beta test program i got this shitty youtube yeah i don't have that i don't like it very much dang we should do late night shows more often patriarchy and locker room talk I'm so tired delusional did you see the new Barbie movie ever no
Starting point is 01:47:28 they talk about the patriarchy in there I love the patriarchy men in charge men in charge men in charge yeah I think you might like it I liked it
Starting point is 01:47:44 I wouldn't bet my life on it though yeah I think you might like it I liked it I wouldn't bet my life on it though I might watch that what was that movie you told me to watch the iron claw that one's good Zac Efron's never made a bad movie he's kind of like he's like the young
Starting point is 01:48:00 DiCaprio oh yeah yeah pool boy sent me a picture of this chick yes i'd 100 forget dave even existed if this chick did the announcements oh you've never seen sydney sweeney dude no yeah it's uh she's crazy alexis and i were watching anyone but you that movie i told you not to watch and we decided she's a terrible actor That's just there for her boobs And she totally leaned into it with Saturday Night Live They're all over the place Which kind of makes you like her more
Starting point is 01:48:32 She's the opposite of Danny Spiegel I refuse to watch a movie Just for the premise of someone having giant boobs Is she getting naked? Yeah You see the titties? For a brief second in the shower yeah hey they were watching anyone but you yeah all right hey the dude is pretty jacked too
Starting point is 01:48:57 like there's a scene where he gets completely naked and he's covering up his dick and balls with his hand you know one of these And he's like flexing And he's got all those shoulder things I think it's cock and balls I say dick and balls I say dick and balls Alright You should say dick and testicles
Starting point is 01:49:17 Ew That doesn't sound right Testicles are gross Unless you're eating them Yum Okay go on not right testicles are gross unless you're eating them yum you ever eat a testicle uh no it tastes like urine i don't do peptides and i've never had a testicle oh so you so you have had a peptide a testicle uh tell me tell me um tell me uh the dude's just jacked too the dude's cool to look at too oh oh the best movies are good when the dude and the chick are good to look at do you ever
Starting point is 01:49:54 listen to music yeah sometimes it depends you know cat stevens is uh i think i know that his most popular song uh something in the sky spirit in the sky that's where i'm gonna go when i die i'll get you is that it uh i don't know if that's his song is that his song when i die and it laid me to rest Gonna go to the place that's the best That's a freaking thing you do with strings, dude Or a game you play with people Uh, uh, yeah, uh Cat, uh, Stevens I'm getting my shit, my wires all confused
Starting point is 01:50:43 Oh, cats in the cradle You know this huh this is gonna get me in trouble I know it's just six seconds of time you're good No, you can't even do that. I don't think You know this song? Yeah. This is Cat Stevens? I don't know if this is Cat Stevens. I've never heard this song. Oh, you totally know this song, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:22 You can't demand me to know it. I don't know it. What is this song? Oh shit How many views does this have? 600? Is that what it has? That's terrible No, 42 million 42 million
Starting point is 01:51:37 Oh, okay, that's better Nobody knows I've never heard this crazy ass song Oh my god Nobody I've never heard this crazy-ass song. Oh my god. This is okay here Yeah, that is cat Stevens you don't know that are you fucking kidding me wait why you ask what's important about him Oh, I just want to see if I think head Stevens. Oh be cool. Uh father and son Greatest hits. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, you know this song for sure. Here be cool. Uh father and son Greatest hits. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, you know this song for sure. Here we go. Ready? Ready? Here we go
Starting point is 01:52:14 Oh, it's playing at 1.25. Sorry. Sorry. Hold on. Here we go I know this one yeah I know this one you were nervous yeah I know this one this is a good song do you do you Spotify I listened to a podcast today on Spotify Which was kind of weird
Starting point is 01:52:49 Who, Rogan? No I was about to go open Spotify You did what? I can't open Spotify while I'm on this, I realized Oh You know this song? Is simon and garfunkel no operator by jim croce no i thought we were listening to kfc
Starting point is 01:53:20 oh my god no we need to hang out and listen to music Sometimes just for shits and giggles I'm no music guy that's for sure But we should listen to music Okay We can listen to Justin Bieber I do listen to Justin Bieber My kids listen to it The new stuff isn't good though
Starting point is 01:53:39 They like this song Peaches I know that song Why do they like that song song. Peaches. I know that song. Why do they like that song? They love Peaches. Hey, you didn't like the song he did where he's pretending to be... Wait a minute. Which Peaches?
Starting point is 01:53:55 This Peaches right here. Oh, dude, this is... You don't like this song? No, it's all right. This isn't the song I thought you were talking about. Oh. Hey, what other songs come up when you look up peaches? With Bieber or just peaches? With Bieber just peaches. There's no peaches peaches song Brows peaches Jack Black peaches present United States peaches
Starting point is 01:54:43 Young nudie look at there's an there's a guy named young nudie who has a song that's called peaches. Young Nudie. Look it. There's a guy named Young Nudie who has a song that's called Peaches and Eggplants. That has 54 million views. Oh, wow. Pretty good. No, there's a song that goes like, Move into the country. Gonna eat me a lot of peaches.
Starting point is 01:55:04 And I don't know where the fuck it is who sings it it's a country song this video is fucking crazy dude this is just a twerk no wonder this thing has 54 million views this is just a twerking video no it's a rap
Starting point is 01:55:20 song dude wow this thing's crazy this is inappropriate i'm watching it it's like really small i'm really squinting to see it there's also another song called beaches that's really crazy it's it's actually in a jackass movie i think it's in the second jackass movie they feature that song. Who sings it? I don't know. I can't open Spotify or I'd tell you. Fuck the Pain Away? Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 01:55:52 Yes. Yes. That's it. It starts by This is it. Give it a minute. It's good. A minute?
Starting point is 01:56:15 No, no, no. It's coming up. Maybe skip forward a little bit. Like 20 seconds. Here we go go it's about to hit i love the title of the song fuck the pain away what a great title the bandit oh wow see there you go Wow this is rap music I didn't expect that
Starting point is 01:56:51 This is what I thought When you asked if I liked Peaches It has 35,000 likes I'm gonna give it a thumbs up How many views does it have? 2.6 million Yeah this is what I thought you meant Alright Tomorrow morning I'm not doing a show tomorrow morning many views does it have? 2.6 million. Yeah, this is what I thought you meant.
Starting point is 01:57:06 Alright. Tomorrow morning, I'm not doing a show tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's the Sousa show at 11am. Oh. Alright. I got crazy news. You want to do news with me tomorrow, maybe? Yeah. When are you doing your next new show? I could do one tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:57:24 I'm trying to put together a no rep video. There's just so much. There's just a lot. Holy shit. There's that many? Are you just going to ask? How many people get ass pounded? Any big names get tossed around?
Starting point is 01:57:41 You can toss around. Like literally everybody. Oh, that's awesome hey everyone it hurts way less getting fucked by you if you include a big chunk of people hey did josh did josh growl tell you that it hurts way less god please no rep me i can't wait to get no repped. I totally could. Pretty sure I have your video. Actually, I have a bunch of footage you're working out,
Starting point is 01:58:11 but I don't actually, believe it or not, you fall into the camp of people because there's two camps. There's a camp where 80% of people fall into it that are all getting no repped, and then you're in the 20% that don't. I don't do enough reps to get no reps
Starting point is 01:58:27 you don't go fast enough that too which really shouldn't be an issue but it is an issue it is it's fine I'm not perfect I would love to see the comments I'm sure people are guessing
Starting point is 01:58:42 sevens below parallels to legit yeah I'm sure people are guessing. Seven's below parallel is too legit. Yeah, I'm way deep. Yeah. I ride that to the balls. Can't say the same for all the videographers. You can't? I'm a very flexible young man. And it's not Rios, and it's not Sousa.
Starting point is 01:59:01 It's not Bella. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah, yeah. Talking about Jay Vera. Yeah. All right, dude. Thank you. He was the rare exception that misses both depth and extension of the squat.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Somehow he pulled it off. Wow. Hey, I would never do that because I'm resting at those points, at least at the top for a second why wouldn't you open up all the way well maybe that's why he did it because he realized it wasn't hard enough going down low enough so he also didn't stand up to keep time under tension punish himself yeah i didn't this someone didn't upload his for reasons uh no you just didn't record it No you just didn't record it I didn't record it either
Starting point is 01:59:45 But I got a I did upload it That's the thing I did upload it Which was weird I'm telling you I didn't record it I did upload it though Did you see the video I sent you of Avi and Rhett Oh no I haven't opened that yet
Starting point is 02:00:02 I opened it and then I was like I need to wait Until I stop to To watch it I'm really excited to see it thank you for doing that I think Avi might think it's cool Yeah he'll think it's cool I uploaded my video I'm looking for it
Starting point is 02:00:22 Where would I go videos oh no shorts It's a short Yeah it's a go videos oh no shorts it's a short yeah it's a short yeah my 20 minute workouts is short there's a one minute time limit it has fucking 3100 views and 11 comments what the fuck you mean I didn't oh I didn't I didn't
Starting point is 02:00:36 fuck you mean I didn't yeah it's the same thing that bored and primitive uses an ad yeah yeah yeah it's the same thing that Bored and Primitive uses in ads yeah yeah yeah my open workout video
Starting point is 02:00:51 yeah this isn't listen I'm doing it right here this is it look at it I uploaded it this is where I mean like I wasn't gonna I wasn't gonna upload the fucking whole thing the fucking like I said that Hey mute that
Starting point is 02:01:07 Maybe I don't know maybe you won't need to Best guys in the world Someone's like Someone said to me they're like Yeah Coming from a guy that did the row in 339 Like listen motherfucker I'm not talking about myself
Starting point is 02:01:24 When I talk about transitions. Like, the transitions... People are fucking stupid just taking things out of context. I think the first time I showed that to Caleb, he was laughing at that, too. Because it says something about you talk about transitions and you're moving like that. Yeah, listen.
Starting point is 02:01:43 It's all about the transitions, dude. My shortcoming is the fact that I just can't work out. It's all about the transitions. Yeah, listen. Am I talking about me? You dipshits. Can you imagine if you're watching the fucking
Starting point is 02:02:01 NFL and the guy's like, he doesn't really got a cannon and you're like, well, the commentator can's like, he doesn't really got a cannon. And you're like, well, the commentator can't throw the ball 80 yards. Yeah. Listen, fuck tard. Like it's relative to the subject we're talking about.
Starting point is 02:02:14 Oh my God. Uh, what's the strategic strategy to not do consecutive double unders? How about fuck you? It's a question, dude. Yeah, I know. Got triggered Got triggered listen I can't I Couldn't string them together
Starting point is 02:02:30 That's why Because I don't do fucking double because I want to do An extra 400 fucking single Unders in the workout It was too easy That was a unique way of saying the workouts Too easy Dave yeah Because I because I'm not a pussy it was too easy strategy that was a unique way of saying the workout's too easy dave yeah because i because i'm not a pussy no stevens because i suck at them hey i did string every
Starting point is 02:02:52 once in a while i would string a few together and i would whack my toes and that was the crazy thing because it didn't even hurt because i was so tired did it hurt later no like like no but i but but fuck i did uh i probably did a 100 or 200 single unders for every fucking 50 double unders i feel like it's crazy i don't feel bad i don't feel bad i did 141 double unders at one time yeah i don't feel but trust me i'm good i felt great after i'm so proud of myself four rounds that's good yeah i'm good i wonder how many people in here are 52 making comments right everyone only old people watch the show listen if you're if you're under 30 and you're watching the show get a fucking life hey man i am 32 32 How about if they ban TikTok Okay I gotta go to bed
Starting point is 02:03:47 That'd be cool There'd be more people watching the show I'm philosophically against it but I'm just so Interested to see what would happen like if chicks Start like just jumping from like Dude there's like people who if they lose their TikTok Account like they're gonna jump from buildings It's like the stock market crashing
Starting point is 02:04:04 Yes dude The great depression Pedro Pedro stock account like they're going to jump from buildings. It's like the stock market crashing. Yes, dude. The Great Depression. Pedro. Pedro Murillo. Masido de Souza. Wow, that's a hell of a name. Pedro Souza. 26, so half your age. I'm 17. Council
Starting point is 02:04:20 of the Live is not 17. Rambler's 23. I believe Rambler's 23. I believe Rambler's 23. I do too. Oh, what's this? Miss Masters Athlete. Holy shit, Gala, you could be related to Sylvester Stallone. Do you see that?
Starting point is 02:04:40 That looks like Sylvester Stallone's sister. No. But then again, I'm operating on this little tiny screen how's the phone been that's okay audio yeah a couple times in the beginning you were stuttering but that's it i thought it was i think it's because i was still playing the tv i think it was stealing wi-fi oh i thought you just were fucking it was was your Asperger's. There's that. I can do 10 double-unders at a time. Look, it's just fucking showing off here.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Jesus Christ. Oh, great. Hey, I did seven somewhere in my workout. I remember. Well, maybe six. I will tell you this. If I did a double-under and I didn't make it all the way through and I hit, I didn't count it. That's how honest I am.
Starting point is 02:05:27 He's not lying. No. He had the cleanest run. You're probably in the top 1% of clean runs on that workout. Pedro Murillo Macido de Souza. The way you pronounced my name made me question if I should become an adult film star. Yes. How many people do you think
Starting point is 02:05:50 could do that job? Adult film star? I don't know. I edited porn for 48 hours. I went to this guy's house on Craigslist. I never told you the story. Craigslist. I edited porn for 48 hours. I went to this guy's house on Craigslist. I never told you the story.
Starting point is 02:06:06 I used to get jobs on Craigslist, and this guy's looking for an editor, so I called him, and he was the actual porn actor, and he's like, hey, I got this box of tapes. Of course he was. He edited them for me. So I go over to this house. It's in the scariest part of Oakland.
Starting point is 02:06:21 It's a shitty house, and this really fucking skinny black dude comes to the door just in a pair of boxers no shit i walk inside by myself and we hang out and he tells me what he wants and he just straight tells me like hey i just want you to make the like take the clips and edit them and and and then export them like separate it all out all the different scenes and just leave them as long clips so he gives me and he's like and hey don't lose these dude this is the only videos i have tapes i have so i take this shoebox full of fucking tapes and i edit them into kind of a story and i edit into the stir story with lightning and thunder and it's like a story i tell the
Starting point is 02:07:02 story with like writing that this chick was kidnapped but that they found her in another country and she was with this guy and then I cut the porn in right and I show it to him I show it and then so and and so like two days later or something I call him and and he's like and I show it to him or something I can't
Starting point is 02:07:20 remember went over his house or something and he's like this and this is I had this big black macbook laptop and by the way it was horrible editing porn because because I just didn't enjoy it I don't want to I don't want to get into why
Starting point is 02:07:35 why do you think you would smell it and now it's just horny all the time like the whole time I couldn't get settled like you're never editing with the hard on i don't want to be editing with the hard on i've never done it but i think i might be able to swing it i'd be fine i don't know though probably wrong maybe i should have just wiped some shit under my nose or
Starting point is 02:08:00 something just really kill the vibe anyway i he fucking hated it he's like hey dude and like i probably had never even seen it like i probably seen like 10 minutes of porn it was about like pre-youtube i probably seen like 10 minutes of porn in my life do you know what i mean so i didn't even know he's like hey dude people just want to watch a clip and jerk off to it what have you done here i'm'm like, all right, fuck this shit. Now that I think about it. You turned it into a movie? Yeah, I turned it into like a little like 10 minute movie, like a girl went missing or something.
Starting point is 02:08:31 And then they found her and then they found her with this dude. And she was getting fucked. Like with like a story. And I put sound effects and thunder and lightning. I remember the thunder and lightning. I was so proud of it. I wish you still had it. I might might But anyway
Starting point is 02:08:49 So I gave the box of tapes back to him He never paid me any money I was done That was the end of my porn career Did he pay you well? No he didn't pay me a fucking dime Oh because he didn't like it Yeah I don't even remember what the deal was
Starting point is 02:09:02 I mean the guy didn't have fucking more than $100 to his name. I'm telling you, it was a fucked up spot in Oakland, and he was just ghetto as fuck. How long did it take to edit it? I don't know. I spent probably... I probably spent like four hours one night and four hours the next night. Well, not including the two hours I spent jacking off to it.
Starting point is 02:09:29 That's how he paid you actually anyway alright thank you that's the longest week in review show yeah that's good goodnight everyone bye

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