The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | Mar. 4th 2024

Episode Date: March 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Oh, you even brought your fancy camera to the gym, huh? Yeah, but it's kind of a weird angle. I wish you could see it. It's sitting on this box.
Starting point is 00:00:37 So I'm like looking at my computer screen. Your depth of field is so nice, it doesn't even matter. It could be a shot of your butthole. I was thinking if I could set it up inside the gym, but I just think it would give too much background noise, which would be cool if you could see everybody behind me working out while we're doing this. Even the great Katie Gannon knows you got the wicked camera game.
Starting point is 00:00:57 How's my audio? How's my shit? It sounds and looks great. Yours looks great, too. I like that backdrop. Thanks. I worked hard. This is the new Savant I like that backdrop. Thanks. That worked hard. This is the new Savant podcast set.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah. Did you get a haircut? No, I put water in my hair. Dude, I'd been in the car for 12 hours. I felt horrible. My sickness really kicked in today. That COVID is a son of a bitch. I'm going to get tested.
Starting point is 00:01:20 No, I'm not. Hey, I have a new treatment for you. uh treat it like the flu you're gonna go uh someone texted me and said hey dude i had the exact same symptoms as you and i took ivermectin and um i was great in a second i but i but i really am i was driving for basically 10 hours straight and i had uh the only thing i consumed during the time i consumed a cup of gas station coffee sugar-free red bull and a diet coke and and at time it was weird dude it was weird i felt like headed like i had vertigo and shit and about an hour before about an hour before i um before i got here i tapped and i never tapped. So listen, I was driving.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I tapped. I pulled over and let my wife drive and then just fucking ridiculed her the whole next fucking 55 minutes on how shitty her driving is. It sucks to be her. I feel bad. She does you a favor, bails you out. Just nothing but criticism. And I apologize. 55 minutes of ridicule. It's like you kick the dog and then say, sorry, 55 minutes of ridicule it's like you kick the dog
Starting point is 00:02:26 and then say sorry 55 minutes of ridicule and then just get out of the car and be like sorry as a dick it's like it's okay fuck yeah you're lucky she's so zen are our volumes good because I can for some reason I can barely hear you oh really should I get closer
Starting point is 00:02:42 to the mic yeah maybe that'd be good is that better yeah hear you. Oh, really? Should I get closer to the mic? Yeah, maybe. That'd be good. Is that better? Yeah. Okay. Thanks, guys, for being patient. I don't know if I did news yesterday. I know I didn't do news today. Thanks for juggling so many things.
Starting point is 00:02:58 There's something about Wednesday or Thursday I wanted to tell you guys about that I was excited about. I don't know. I spoke to Jason you guys about that I was excited about. I don't know. I spoke to Jason Hopper today. How was that? He said, I can't get done like Dallin.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah. You won't buddy. You demand. And the crazy thing is like Dallin even said, he's like, dude, it was still a sub six time. His time was incredible.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Taylor. So it's just that much. Yeah. I've never heard so much about a Dave Castro Weekend Review before I've started one. I cannot believe how many people have contacted me about this. And I don't watch these before. I watch them with you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I've told you guys before that my loyalty to Dave is like, you know, if he stole a million bucks from me, I would ignore it. But I am ready to fucking go to war. He needs to be taken out back and spanked. I will do it. All right. You ready for this shit?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Wow. 16 minutes. God damn it. I want to go to Greg's house. I just got to Arizona. How's my volume now? Better? Oh, better.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Better. Thank you. Okay. All right. Got it. Addressing. Cool. Oh, the CrossFit for Health video was awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Hey, where's that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was premiered today on Karin's channel. I'll bring it up and I'll drop it in the link in a moment here too. Okay. I'm short on time today, but let's definitely – can we watch it on the show sometime in the next couple weeks? Okay, bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Hell yeah. Yeah, we can do that. Excuse me. Yes. Yes. I love you guys. Bye. See you soon.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Bye. I'm just going to earn our gas money. You love you guys. Bye. See you soon. Bye. I'm just going to earn our gas money. You guys have fun. Going to eat tonight, boys. No, no, don't worry. I'll call you. Okay. Watch the show.
Starting point is 00:04:55 What do you mean I'll call you? You'll know when the show's over. You're addicted to it. Oh, I got scared for a second. I looked down. I thought Dave was on the show. That's how tired I am. I'm like, oh, fuck, he's here.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Oh, shit. Okay. Enough fooling around. Do I need to say hi to anyone in here uh jonathan what's up dude i'm waiting for this oh is it that good geez louise oh boy oh boy i'm nervous randomly that's funny i don't know why what's this video what's this video hillar has wait let me pull. What is this? Taking down Josh Bridges. Oh, wow. Oh, shit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Another can of worms were open for another time, I guess. Why are all my friends fighting? Oh, shit. Okay. Here we go in review March 4th 2024 at WAD zombie hey Dave do you have plans of integrating the heat one app at any point during the season there is yeah there was a slight echo. It wasn't bad, though. Okay, I'm trying something new. Hey, this is at 1.25 times.
Starting point is 00:06:09 People always say, why does Dave sound like a chipmunk? Because I play this shit extra fast. I'm going to try again. I'll try lowering the volume a little bit. Let's see what happens. And the events they competed. I don't know what that is. Send me some info, and I'll check it out. Wait, what was the question? What did Wadzombie ask? Oh, Heat1App. Oh, and Dave don't know what that is. Send me some info, and I'll check it out.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Wait, what was the question? What did Wadzombie ask? Oh, Heat1App. Oh, and Dave doesn't know what it is. Oh, yeah. Get that shit in there. I'll talk to Dave, too. I'll send him a text. I got his phone number. Okay, here we go. So how exactly does the mushroom tie in to the workout? It's obvious. Take another look at
Starting point is 00:06:41 everything. How does the mushroom tie in? It's obvious? Strike one. Definitely not obvious. Take another look at everything at extremist. 19. How does the mushroom tie in? It's obvious. Strike one. Definitely not obvious. Strike one. 78. Dave,
Starting point is 00:06:52 thank you so very much for announcing the open workout. Once again, in a way that only you can do several people from CrossFit, Chino Hills commented, how nice it was to have you back. I know due to multiple factors, it may not be feasible for you to continue though, for whatever it's worth,
Starting point is 00:07:04 just like the DB snatches and 24.1, please hold on for just one more, and then maybe just one more. This line, I know due to multiple factors, it may not be feasible for me to continue. I don't know what you mean by that. I just – I am choosing not to do announcements for week 200. Oh, I'm choosing not to. You're in control, are you, Davey? I'm choosing not to. You're in control, are you, Davey? I'm choosing not to. Well, they announced that the WW guy is doing it.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, that was one of the guys that we guessed, the WWE guy. Who is his name? Rollins? Is it Seth Rollins? Yeah, Seth Rollins. How long? I feel like that guy's been champion of the WWE for six million years. He's been around forever. Yeah, a long time. Yeah, for sure. champion of the WWE for six million years. He's been yeah long a long time
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, for sure, and he hasn't even aged at all They don't Watch that tone. All right. All right. Oh, yeah. I'm telling you this name. I'm telling you if he He needs it I'm prepping if he needs some tone, I'll give him some tone. Here we go. Great. I chose to do this one, the first. How's the echo? It seemed okay.
Starting point is 00:08:13 There are people hearing it. Why did we get comments on it? No. You got me all nervous, though. No. It's all right. I'll let you know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh, hold on. You know what I'm going to do? Let me see if I can. Let me do this. Settings. What a shit show. Oh no i can't uh i go to the gear right and i go to audio oh sound output and i have it come out of um select uh macbook speakers okay yeah i'm good okay all. We should be rolling. I wonder if I click the headset, if it, if it gives me to it, let me see.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Oh, how's that? Is that better? That was better. And we have special guests to do the other two. It's interesting because even this one, I haven't done the last two years. The last year that I did an announcement was the 2021 series of announcements. And then even at that point I was deciding, okay, I kind of wanted to retire from the notion of series of announcements. And then even at that point, I was deciding, okay, I kind of wanted to retire from the notion of doing the announcements at the final one. Then in 2022, I was fired right before the open. So I wasn't able to do any of those announcements clearly. In 2023, I was back, but still wasn't involved with the games around the time the open when the open was happening but a
Starting point is 00:09:25 week before the open um they did contact me and say last year they asked if i wanted to do an announcement and i said no not with a week's notice and especially not being involved in the season and then this that's 100 accurate um i've talked about this on the show before he wanted to take a step back from the games on his terms and when the ceo at the time and told him he had to that and that really fucking like when people yeah that really he's like fuck you cheer so this so 24.1 was a little bit of a fuck you farewell party but i'm glad i wish he'd i wish he'd keep doing them i think it's best when he does it for sure back in charge of the games and all of that and and i wanted to kind of return and end well not end and return
Starting point is 00:10:13 and do it and kind of step away on a high note step away for the season so i did the one um i'm not doing 24.2 or three by choice and i stupid i don't know it doesn't mean i won't do 25.1 again but of course you will we will demand that we will protest unless you get fired for this year i'm done and it's by choice long-winded answer for your question but provide a little context for why i even wanted to do it again this year i never thought i would do an open announcement again thought i would do an open announcement again after 2022 and all of that so this was a little call it redemption at jesse pat check would hq ever consider affiliate credits based on season performance of their athletes when they fired dave rose's response was i didn't think people would respond like this which just shows how out of touch he was not only how out of touch but like
Starting point is 00:11:04 why does that even matter like like that's not leadership shit that's tiktok leadership that's true you know what i mean yeah yeah for sure i didn't even really think about it like that only fans page or you running a fucking company maybe a token amount per participant and the credit increases as the athlete progresses through the qualifying events placing importance on quality training credit could then be used for expert hq consultations in areas of programming gym operations etc credits based on season performance of their athletes that's interesting credit maybe a token amount per open participant and the credit increases as the athlete progresses through the qualifying events i don't know if i like that because it
Starting point is 00:11:43 incentivizes high level competition competition high level competition and and not necessarily um the beauty and magic that happens in affiliates on a daily basis and all the progress and change that normal people make so this placing importance of quality training i agree with um and the credit increases as the athlete progresses let me translate this how about just these motherfuckers want something for participating in the open they want more for their 20 bucks that's what they're saying they affiliate some affiliates are like i want 50 cents for every person who enters some people are saying i want a t-shirt some people like these motherfuckers just want more everyone's come up with an idea
Starting point is 00:12:16 of how they can get more for their 20 bucks through the qualifying events well at this stage our qualifying events get more difficult and you need to be a better athlete to progress. So it's rewarding, um, high, high levels of performance, which just really, um, there's a lot of positivity and benefit to just doing CrossFit that we want to reward or should reward or should incentivize. Um, generally speaking at Matt Byrne, seven, two, three, four. I love your clues for the open workouts, but your boy savvy thinks they are trash and gives them a two out of 50 thoughts. Did he say a two out of 50? That's really, that seems high. That seems high. Well, um, here's the thing. I don't care. And if I cared about what people thought about the things I do or the decisions I make, those in the community, and sometimes those even closest to me i'd be paralyzed with uh fear
Starting point is 00:13:06 and not do anything or try anything new so like most of your co-workers does not matter chris gillis in australia hi dave have you seen the hiller video with hayley adams would you hey listen uh as a as a as a tool to build hype the clue is a 70 out of 50. Yeah, all his ridiculousness. All the shit he does is a 70 out of 50. But as a clue, it was a 2 out of 50, which just shows how fucking hungry we are for anything.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Oh my god, he threw shit at us. Oh, yeah. What does it mean? CrossFit, pump it up. Or is that anathema for HQ? Wait, what was that word he used? What does it mean? Yeah. CrossFit, pump it up. Or is that anathema for HQ? Wait, what was that word you used? What the fuck was that word?
Starting point is 00:13:55 Gillis in Australia. Hi, Dave. Have you seen the Hiller video with Hayley Adams? Would you CrossFit, pump it up? Or is that anathema for HQ? Would you pump up the Hayley Adams video, or is that anathema for HQ? Would you pump up the Hayley Adams video? Or is that anathema for HQ? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Anathema? I'm looking at the comments. I'll take Travis Bellinghausen from Vindicate for 500. Something or someone. Athena? No, he didn't say Athena. It's some word someone wrote in the – Anathema? I know. He read – It's Anathema, and it's something or someone that one –
Starting point is 00:14:35 they really dislike them or a formal curse by a pope or council of the church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine. Oh, Anathema. Can can you use in a sentence what is their sentence example they give yeah um right uh radical hatred was anathema to her the pope made special emphasis on the second of these anathemas oh i am such a jackass i should have immediately invoked bernie gannon's God, that shows how off my game is. Thank you, Bernie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Bernie, can you use it in a few? I'm going to incorporate that, start incorporating that word into my shows. Anathema, or I could call my mom for a thousand. Anathema? Anathema? Anathema? Tomato, tomato, huh? No, no, no, Dave.
Starting point is 00:15:24 That's not Dave's word. He's reading but basically they're saying hey why aren't you showing the hill or shit or is it go against uh or is he is that go against you guys yeah you guys what you guys stand for that's how i'm gonna do it but that's a good sat word i gotta work on that bernie uh thank you i i have all these tools at my disposal i don't even know how to use them i gotta get bernie out or not yeah bernie okay here we go this is going to be interesting here we go yeah promote the hayley adams thing why not it's good for the do you see any reason not to promote the hayley adams video no especially through the games channels no why would you not i don't even know i don't even know if I'm supposed to say this.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Cool. It's going to be good. But Hiller always forgives me. I've done a lot of dumb shit. Remember that time I just posted on his YouTube? Yeah. That was a lot. Hey, he made that – before he made that video, he planned on giving that to HQ as a gift.
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's why there's so little of hiller in there and he had and he had told uh the director of marketing guy over there keith knapp he had told he'd given keith knapp other videos before like hey do you guys want to use this do you want to use this and he didn't even want he didn't even need any like he didn't need anything in return he didn't have any bats in it, none of that shit. He just wanted to be like, hey, here's the... And so when Keith got fired, Hiller's like, oh, fuck it. I guess I'll just put it on mine.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I don't think Hiller had any idea that it was going to be... As epic as it was. Yeah, Hayley Adams coming on the show Thursday. I can't wait to hear her take on the video. Yeah, that'll be cool. Talk about a rebirth. Okay, so he made that for them and i i think it's good for the affiliates it's good for the crossfit community
Starting point is 00:17:09 it's good for i don't see any reason not to other than the fact that to punish hillar they somehow thinks that it promotes hillar well it does and i and i how though i promote them in a bad way or in a good way uh know but i mean it just he made the video so there's going to be a certain amount of promotion of because it's his video but i don't think it's i don't think it's negative i think it's a it's a positive contribution and it checks every box but they're not by i guess okay relative to it's got amazing traction on hiller's site already so it doesn doesn't like, why not just take that? Why not CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Just get some of that too. Hey, here's the thing. No one's like, if you work at HQ, you're pissed at fucking Hiller. Cause he fucking ass pounded to Coons and Josh grow. I get it.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah. Fucking destroyed them. Um, but he didn't make anything up. Um, uh, what was the word that guy used tone maybe you didn't like his tone but this is the king the king can just forgive the king i mean you know i mean i mean we're just fucking p we're not even inside the walls we're the jews that are
Starting point is 00:18:18 fucking stuck outside the fucking kingdom yeah throwing food and dirt clods at him. Hiller's a 1915 Jew. He's just on the outside working hard. They call him Rothschild Hiller. Andrew Rothschild. Don't tell anyone that is his real last name, Andrew Rothschild. Okay, here we go. I don't know. I have not seen it. And I don't know why we should promote his stuff like
Starting point is 00:18:47 here's the deal he shits on us i didn't like the way he couched that i don't know why we should promote his stuff it's not his stuff i mean it is his stuff but this transcends this transcended uh uh andrew rothschild yeah it's not promoting his channel or like what he's doing it just like i said just because he made it that's the only connection and everyone think and everyone the effect it's having on hillar and people's perception of him in the community is is you can't stop that it's done that yeah there's a hundred thousand people out there who are like fuck i miss red hillar and they've already promoted hillar as hillar right like they had the whole workout of the day video and all that hey and bring them inside the um uh city walls is not a bad idea no it actually they would have done it sooner i think
Starting point is 00:19:33 it would have i think they would have avoided a lot of uh the jews took over the world from being on the outside of our wall andrew rothschild i going to start calling him that. I don't know. I have not seen it. And I don't know why we should promote his stuff. Like, here's the deal. He shits on us on a regular basis. And that's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And for that, though, and in return, I have no obligation, nor should our team have any obligation to reshare or repost. I agree with everything he's saying. He does shit on them regularly. But it's a net gain for everyone. His shitting on CrossFit puts more energy into the space, keeps people engaged. If you look at his numbers compared to CrossFit's Instagram or CrossFit Games Instagram, it's like not even close relative to the subscribers. I mean, not even a tiny bit close.
Starting point is 00:20:30 He's energy in the system. But I do agree with Dave. They're not obligated at all, and he does shit on them. But I don't think that his shitting is hurting CrossFit. I think it's helping CrossFit. And he makes equally as many videos. I don't know if equally, but he makes a ton of videos like this Haley Adams video. It's his most popular video ever. He made the Travis Tyson Bajan one that's popular. These are huge for CrossFit. Yeah. Do you, do you think
Starting point is 00:20:54 it's because it's a personal thing though? They're not even looking at it like that no more. Uh, I hope not. Uh, and let me rephrase that. It's not that it's huge for CrossFit because it's here today, gone tomorrow, that it's huge for crossfit because here today gone tomorrow but it's huge relative to what everyone else and anything else in the space right now it's what everyone's talking about and they're going to continue to talk about for a few more weeks anything and that's why we're having hayley on to milk that shit guys even if it's a apparently great hayley adams piece um that doesn't outweigh all the negativity that he throws our way so um here's the thing i think just dave's just
Starting point is 00:21:34 reading it wrong i think it's i think um i think it doesn't hurt crossfit or help hillar or hurt i think i think the net gain is to show the piece because it'll probably get even more views on CrossFit. And also it shows that when you're the king of the mountain and you forgive people or you still accept people, it shows your power. So, but I do like, Dave was very sober in his response he was but it definitely seemed personal and that's why i asked that because normally he i don't know personal to him or
Starting point is 00:22:14 like he's trying to have him feel like he has to defend his team yes the latter like it's personal to him because now he has to defend his team like i don't think dave actually is like you know upset about it or cares either way but i feel like if you're on dave's team and then somebody messes with somebody on his team like he just steps up and takes it personally crossfit's so lucky they brought him back don was a genius for that did don bring him back or did rosa no rosa uh accelerated his plan out the door remember take a mental health month yeah a limited paid time off yeah yeah yeah with his unlimited paid time off right i haven't talked to the team about him no one's brought it up to me no one's asked if we should um i might even say here that i don't think we should so for the reasons I just stated, maybe if he had a different tone towards us,
Starting point is 00:23:07 maybe if he was a little more. Oh, maybe if he had a different tone towards us. Is that why the guy used the word tone earlier in the comments? Mm hmm. Yeah, I don't disagree with anything Dave is saying. It's like it's like seeing a hot chick in the room and one guy's like that's gonna ruin my marriage and one guy's like hey i want to go talk to her and it's like hey we both agree that it's a hot chick but two different approaches i
Starting point is 00:23:33 just think dave's approach is wrong i have my bias he has his bias what do you think if you worked at hq would you if i worked at hq yeah i would have i would have tried to wrangle him in a lot sooner along with a lot more of the other media people i wouldn't have i wouldn't have allowed um first off i would have more media so we could control our own narrative number two i wouldn't and i feel like is hillar shitting on them in the sense of like he's going and digging things up or is he just holding up a mirror to what they're doing and how portions of the community was responding to that and they just don't like the way it looks back on them yes but there is a bit of a um fail component to his
Starting point is 00:24:20 content right that's why it's so popular there's the undertone of it for sure crossfit fails you know what i mean yeah yeah but it is a mirror yeah so like i don't think like he's like i don't know i feel like i don't think he's like overtly trying to attack i think uh and i'm actually going to use his words because i watched a little bit of the show that he did with athena and they were talking about this a little bit. And basically, Hiller said... Oh, they were? This came out, and they talked about this? Yeah, so I just saw them talking about this, and I'm kind of like putting the whole thing together now.
Starting point is 00:24:53 But Hiller made what I thought was a decent case for himself, which he said, hey, am I like shitting on them, or am I just stating the obvious? And I think to give Dave some credit into this, and I know this is kind of a politician answer right now that I'm giving, but to give Dave some credit like this, it was the tone, which is kind of what you're talking about. So it had this undertone of like epic fail, like they failed again. And I think that that probably struck a nerve so much so that they're not going to really pay attention to anything else outside of that. But it's still, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Some people are making videos that barbells dropping on their head and that's a crossfit fail he's showing that they made an epic hiring failure by making the josh grau video right but say but but okay yeah i must explain that anyone didn't catch the parallel i was drawing did you see what rio said uh patrick rios uh crazy they let go of him i did work at hq and i did see how much and this uh show helped crossfit oh uh patrick rios by the way is uh put together behind the scenes that you guys all love so much oh there's a filmmaker that i know from when I worked at CrossFit who is touring affiliates in Brazil. No shit. And she's Brazilian.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And I sent her a DM today and asked her to come on the show. Awesome. How fortuitous is that at the same time that we – someone reached out to me and told me that she's doing this, but at the same time we launched the Portuguese channel. Perfect. I'm so excited. Maybe she can help us with that portuguese channel yep and i had a couple people that dm'd me when i posted mine which was kind of me throwing some chum in the water to see
Starting point is 00:26:33 if anybody else like that spoke portuguese or was in brazil would pick it up and there was a couple as well too that said they'd be happy to help in any way they can even if it's just watching our content to let us know hey this is the show this is it and the different nuances just so we know damn uh vindicate uh didn't athena post just last week that she had messages from hq being told do not bring up savon or hillar i don't if she did i didn't see that i don't know uh everyone there i have contact with is incredibly nice to me and and responsive so the team that uh susan and i interface with um the on the games team and um uh other people it is um extremely responsive and they're very nice and they help where they can
Starting point is 00:27:27 for sure so yeah totally we've had no issue i mean i mean yeah i mean listen they let me they let me uh try to recoup the costs of the behind the scenes i mean i i i'm i'm indebted i'm indebted respectful on a regular basis we could consider doing that, but tone matters. People, people don't realize that tone matters. And if you want to have a dialogue, especially with, if you expect me to engage in a discussion about anything we're doing wrong, tone matters. He said, I cut it off, but he said, basically,
Starting point is 00:28:02 if we were respectful or if Hiller was respectful, they would promote our stuff on a regular basis, But we have to show that we're respectful. Dude, your CrossFit media team is non-existent and basically sucks. Don't get butt hurt when professional content creators call out CrossFit for their failures in coverage, et cetera, over the years. Wow, Dave's going in hard. Holy shit. Hey, dude, he knows he's going to read these beforehand. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:29 All right. Well, we did create a sport. Your CrossFit media team is non-existent and basically sucks. Don't get butthurt when professional content creators call out CrossFit for their failures in coverage, et cetera, over the years. over the years. Well, we did create a sport and show the world the sport that's tremendously popular and has provided the platform for a lot of these athletes to be where they are and a lot of these content creators to be where they are.
Starting point is 00:28:53 So they've done something right. We've done something right. And we just did create an open show that has almost, last I checked, close to a million views. So I don't know when the last time those guys made videos that had a million views, but our team is doing something right and we'll continue i love it i love it too okay you do great media so glad to have you back in a role you he didn't say that he didn't say that their team doesn't suck,
Starting point is 00:29:28 but they've done some cool stuff. I suppose. Yeah, sir. Olive oil is great by the way. Thanks. Oh, that's olive oil is great.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Chad Nordstrom visuals. Thanks. Glad you enjoy the olive oil. TDC, at JP Gutierrez, three, three, zero is CrossFit going to bring back fundraising events,
Starting point is 00:29:44 such as barbell for boobs or five. Listen, if I'm Mexican and some guy named Gutierrez 330 is CrossFit going to bring back fundraising events such as barbell for boobs or listen if I'm Mexican and some guy named Gutierrez uh I know I'm playing this at 1.25 time but he needs to spend some time on the Mexican names Gutierrez right gone bad um well we did the Chad thing last year and we're looking at working with some others this year. We'll continue on with Chad. We did the Chad event and we will look at partnering with a few others, but I doubt we're going to bring back barbell for boobs or the fight gone bad fundraiser that was going on, but maybe some. Raise money for the military, for the mill guys. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Raise money for firefighters, cops, and mill dudes. New things. Dave at Dwezzle 77. You fudged the first dudes. New things. Dave, at Dwezzle77, you fudged the first answer, try again. I don't know what the first answer was and I didn't go back and review, so I'm not going to try again. At TacticallyFitOfficial, it's always interesting how people want to tell everyone how to run their business because it's something that they want, in this example, the media team. In reality, it's not HQ's responsibility to make sure the influencers and content creators
Starting point is 00:30:44 can make content. It's HQ's job to make sure the influencers and content creators can make content. It's HQ's job to run a good games, want the content, tell the creators they need to find a way to make something with what they have. And before I hear they are the reason I still do CrossFit, no, they aren't. They're just another way for you to soak yourself in a screen and be way too focused on other lives. You don't get up close and personal with other sports and they still get tons of following. Well said, Tactically Fit official. Appreciate the note. Let me put this out there. That's 100% true what that person said.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I'll use just Hiller as an example. You let him inside the walls, you let him go to the games, you be cool, and he gets soaked up in the energy, and you work with with him and you learn to lead the outside media, then you can get better content. And it's a win-win for everyone. You take it as that attitude, like, fuck you. We're going to do CrossFit anyway, which is true. You're going to have people outside the wall fucking throwing rocks. There's no intimacy. Dave knows as well as I do that FaceTime is vital to a healthy relationship and uh if we don't get that facetime he's that dude and myself and all of us people who are making content are gonna make content regardless so um the year before and the year before when they don't let me go to the games
Starting point is 00:31:57 i just watch it from at home and just in and in all these fucking guys in the comments these fucking kenneth the laps and cory leonards and and Sean Sullivan's, they just take over the chat and they get ass pounded. You let us inside the walls and we're making love to you. We're rubbing your feet. So there's that, too. It's just a fact. They have all the control. So I agree with everything that guy said.
Starting point is 00:32:22 But, I mean, without without cooperation there will not be greatness you have to have cooperation and i hate when people compare everything to other sports like it doesn't make like why why do that this is a super unique thing and if you were going to compare it to one sport would you say it's more like uh jujitsu and ufc um and mma mma or is it more like football and nba way more like jujitsu mma crowd which you're gonna want a more intimate thing i mean dana white straight up said the ufc turned around when they did the ultimate fighter season one when everybody got to know each other and forrest griffin and stephen bonner fought each other that epic fight they both ended up with the contracts because it was so good.
Starting point is 00:33:05 But the only reason two people gave a shit about both those fighters when they got in the ring is because we watched them for a full season in a house together. We were intimate. Hey, they were headed towards bankruptcy. They spent like their last $30 million on that Ultimate Fighter Season 1. Yep. And here's the thing, too. The CrossFit community is crazy intimate and authentic.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I watch the Super Bowl. There's nothing authentic about it all. It's the thing too the crossfit community is crazy intimate and authentic the i watch the super bowl there's nothing authentic about it all it's the exact opposite it's just pure escapism people aren't sitting around watching the crossfit games getting batshit drunk beating their kids and diddling their fucking nephew tommy in the bathroom during the commercial breaks that's exclusive to the fucking ball sports read uh people watch the crossfit games take their three nephews out in the garage and they fucking work out and watch the show on the tv set it's a totally different crowd collins 5840 you handle well the topic of media access and why it'll be different given the new venue and space limitations nonetheless there will still be whiners smart to deal with them upfront. One more note on that and the space limitations and the less access that we're going to be giving.
Starting point is 00:34:13 In that we have taken into consideration- Dr. Justin Marchegiani Winer's. Okay. Okay. Dr. Tim Jackson A lot of different things on who gets the access and who does not. But when it's a really small amount of people that we can have there and really privilege list, things like how you talk about us and what you say about us. And if you say we're basically, we suck at what we do
Starting point is 00:34:33 and we fuck everything up on a regular basis, that is definitely going to move you off the list. Is that the first time we've seen the playing cards? I briefly thought he was holding a deck of cards earlier but this is the first like reveal of them i feel like yeah is he gonna shovel okay so he's talking he's talking about um rich's podcast okay he's talking about rich's podcast okay what you say about us and if you say we're basically we suck at what we do and we um fuck everything up on a regular basis that is definitely going to move you off the list or to the bottom of the list
Starting point is 00:35:11 it is a privilege it is a privilege to get access i agree yeah that's true act like a douchebag get moved moved to the bottom. I agree. Want people down there. And they did make that video obviously wanting some reaction. So I guess we're getting it. We do. And we fuck everything up on a regular basis. That is definitely going to move you. What sucks is that dude is really cool
Starting point is 00:35:43 who said that stuff. And he's an amazing, talented filmmaker and a fucking workhorse and he doesn't mouth off and he follows all the rules and he had one moment on that podcast which uh dave's glommed onto which which i'm not blaming dave but that's an amazing filmmaker that yeah he met cross at uh at the Mayhem Empire is like second to none. Those dudes are beasts. Absolutely. Yeah. It would suck if they didn't get access or got punished for that.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Off the list or to the bottom of the list. I want people down there and people that are going to work with us and be around us that have respect for us. You mean like me? Like me? Now he me, like me. Now he's talking about me. I work with them. I respected them. And that we respect and, and. Oh, that we respect. Well, I don't know if I got your respect, but, but, but all that other stuff is me in this privileged area of behind the scenes, call it or underground. It's crazy privilege, man. stuff is me. In this privileged area of behind the scenes, call it, or underground.
Starting point is 00:36:46 It's crazy privilege, man. It is true. You have access and see stuff. You're really getting to see stuff back there that means that you are part of the team. It's sacred. It's sacred. It really is. Access at the games.
Starting point is 00:37:03 In an environment like that that why would i want anyone under there who like the hillar for example who shits on us on a regular basis why would i give them access just to be clear hillar did not have that access just to be clear hillar did not have the access he's talking about there was access that craig ritch, Heber, and Marsden, myself, got, and then two partners, HWPO and Mayhem, and maybe even Proven. People who had paid money were somehow running some shit there. So I wish you wouldn't have used Taylor as an example. But that is true. I see the Kate.
Starting point is 00:37:45 You see the dots he's connecting. He's saying, Hey, if you'll, if you'll, if you'll shit on me in public, why would I let you back there where you might see me peeing on a bush and report that?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Like what if Dave's in a hurry and he stops someone pees in a bush and someone films them, that would, that would be break the breach of trust. It's not like, you know what I mean? Yep. Totally.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And once they've already, like in Dave's word shit on them, it's hard to separate would you do that or not you know he doesn't he yeah he doesn't want to worry about him and him and let's say him and don are sword fighting in the bathroom there has you have to understand the nuances of what you can and can't talk about yeah did you go to jail no film no filming in the bathroom hey um uh what's crazy too is that that dude does get that the mayhem guy is a beast like like he's smart he's not dumb aims um in an environment like that why would i want anyone under there who like the hill for example, who shits on us on a regular basis?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Why would I give them access? Why would we as a team give them access down there? So when we decide who's going to get access and some of your favorite content creators from the space don't have it, just look at how they've talked about us in the past. just look at how they've talked about us in the past and and think about um think about our decision in regards to us keeping tabs on on their relationship and and their perspective on who we are well well i i mean i don't disagree it's their party and they have the right to invite whoever they want to to it and if they felt like they got shit on and you got pissed off it just it is what it is for the content creators right it's interesting before i heard him say that my take was is like hey dude no matter let's say here let's say you're looking at um scott the mayhem creator
Starting point is 00:39:42 and you're like okay these are all the good things he's done and these are the bad things. Then you're like, all right, he comes in. It's so off balance. It's like he's 99% good, 1% like he did something to upset you. Which is interesting because they're not, but in this
Starting point is 00:40:00 situation when you got to trust people, that 1% might be too much. I kind of see that view too. Hey, I've said it before on this show. First of all, if they don't give me the access I want, I'm not going. Not to be a dick or anything. I'm just not going because I do the behind the scenes, and that's what I do.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And there's no place for me. I'll just sit at home and watch it and run shows, right? We get huge numbers running the shows when they're down. watch it and run shows right we get huge numbers running the shows when they're down but i i assume they'll absolutely let me go down there because i didn't betray anyone's trust and god knows like i i stuck my camera i mean i can't think of anything like i didn't see anything crazy that off the top of my head but you know we cut out stuff when the doctors were pow we had the audio and video the doctors pow wowing about um roman krennikoff i have conversations with intimate conversations with dave and don and don and dave and katie around
Starting point is 00:40:51 nuances of the game and we cut that shit out i mean it wasn't anything crazy like hey look at that chick's ass little a little weird yeah but it's interesting too because dave's notorious for saying he doesn't watch anything in the space but he's got a lot of details about what's happening in the space oh right what do you think do you think like does he have somebody who's like reporting and i'm not suggesting he's lying i'm like suggesting maybe does he have somebody who i'm getting no i don't know all this or like i don't have tones and you know i don't have any intel on that but i do know that dave is a tremendous leader and people report a lot of intel to him yeah so if if hillar was
Starting point is 00:41:44 being saying some bad shit um it would get back to him if mayhem was saying some bad shit it would get back to him now i think i think a lot of bad shit gets back to him and it just dave just water off dave's back but for some reason this one uh you know him and um rich have a uh very intense relationship yeah i mean i have a very intense relationship with them. And here's the other thing. Here's the other thing too. When you know someone already, you, um, you can fight with them and then make up because you have a relationship with them. If you don't know someone and you start fighting with them, you can't even make up because you don't have a, you don't have access to them to make up yeah and that goes back to your
Starting point is 00:42:25 good versus bad thing like if you haven't made enough enough deposits in dave in the team's emotional bank account and they only see a negative thing that one negative thing that reaches them at the end of the day is is going to be it for them they're only going to focus on that right yeah and i think that's probably what's happening especially if he's being if stuff's being reported to him in clips and sound bites and Check out just as one time stamp and he doesn't have the totality of the picture I could see why Dave would be pissed in coming defense of his team and then also say fuck you I'm not gonna let you in my party to play. I
Starting point is 00:42:57 Like I get it and and he's very defensive of his team. Yeah Protected. Yeah. Yeah, He's defending his team, which probably sucks for him. At Zach Bowler, 8752. My wife's asking me if she should come get me for dinner. I don't know. Okay. Here we go. Hey, Dave. Just received the 500 milliliter container of your olive oil.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Great stuff, and thank you for the quick turnaround. Appreciate your week in review updates. We need you to bring back the CrossFit event to Montana. Big Sky was a great time. Take care. Big Sky was a great time. Thanks for the note. Thanks for the purchase of the 500 milliliter.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Hope you enjoy it. Glad you liked the week in review. So he's talking about, he just shuffled the cards and he's talking about the affiliate gathering that used to happen in big sky, Montana. That was an amazing event. Last week, Monday, Tuesday, I flew up to Seattle. I was at our training summit that for our seminar staff, for our West coast seminar team that Joe Alexander, Todd Widman, Chuck, Curtis, they all ran.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And it was a really good time. Spent a few hours there because I had to fly back for the Open. Good to see everyone. Saw trainers I haven't seen in a really long time. And those guys did a good job. Don was there. He answered a Q&A at the end of the event. I wasn't there on day at the end, so I missed that.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And Jay DeCoon's, our affiliate manager, he was there too. So great catching up with the team. Really good stuff. I think our next one is in Atlanta in a few, in a month or so, and I'll try to make it out for that. And so what this is, we have, I think six or seven of these regional trainer summits that we're doing for our seminar staff team. So those are all the red shirts that people who take our, or who teach level ones and level twos. And we have a team of our staff who is traveling around and putting together some training for them. They used to just do one big trainer summit. Why do you think they do six little ones then?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Cost. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, it's easier to fly a group of small people around to each place than fly a ton of people into a big venue. Then you've got to feed them and put them up and all that stuff yeah i think it's a cost issue so that's less face time with the team what do you mean because before the whole team you stayed together so all the trainers from around the world got face time they brought in everyone from everywhere so less face time uhurally, that will affect things.
Starting point is 00:45:25 100%. The way that it was done in town hall, an in-person town hall with all your people and all your team over the course of multiple days in a venue where it's meant to provide networking opportunities, cross-pollination of ideas, and just connection in general is super valuable, especially for CrossFit at this time.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I agree. That's what I do in Seattle. Came back and then straight into the open announcement. That was a wild ride. A lot of fun. I talked a lot about why I did that earlier. I really enjoyed it. I'm really glad I'm done.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I'm really glad I'm not doing the next one or I'm not doing the final one. It's going to make me enjoy being at those events a little more and be able to kind of take a look at the bigger picture of the show and of what's going on and give feedback where when i'm there and i'm announcing i do take a look at the bigger picture but i'm also pretty preoccupied with my announcement so some great insights there he's running the training team they love him um then he has he's also running the games team no one's ever done that in the history of crossfit he's doing that and if you see him at the games he's overseeing shit and so i didn't think about that when he has to perform
Starting point is 00:46:34 and execute in front of 160 000 live people or 110 000 depending on what number you want to believe, um, you, you, you have trouble doing the leadership shit makes total sense, right? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, for sure. That's, that's like the difference between going to a wedding and speaking at a wedding. Right. Right. You know, when, if you get, if you have a speech at a wedding or in like a venue like that, you are just focused solely on like, Oh, should I better do good? I got to practice this. You're just in your head about it. And the second that's done, you're like, yeah, you know, I get to focus on all that. So it's a big, big difference. I agree with Dave.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Hey, they should have a guy from the board show up in a suit that's just dollar bills made of like, you know what I mean? That's like, it's like a $100 bill pattern and a badge that says PV on it, and he do the announcement. Wouldn't that be awesome? Like Mr. Private Equity? Yeah. Oh, dude, that would be hilarious. Hey, the other thing too, it's just, I mean, we're beating on the same drum,
Starting point is 00:47:37 and I know people are going to say, you're going to say it all the time, but how cool would it be if they put a camera on these training summits and you got to see see released by CrossFit, of course, so they could curate everything they want intimate moments with the team, start building up some of these L one trainers as, as celebrities, superheroes within our community.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Oh my God. All those inner workings, right? Like those pieces of content are so value. Massive missed opportunity. Yeah. Send someone out there, pay them five grand or ten grand have them make exactly what you're saying five three minute videos it highlights the trainers
Starting point is 00:48:12 and there's an incredible value add to when people take their level one because they're like oh my god i saw that guy in the video oh my god i saw that guy in the yet yeah dude when you guys that's been dropping that ball since 2018 it is an enormous it is it's the biggest miss crossfit's doing period of all the things that's been said on on 2000 podcasts that's the most important thing that crossfit should hear it's fucking nuts dude i remember the ones that they would come together and you would have like nicole up there giving her like speech you would have like rich and all the rest of the l1 trainers doing a kong line of like you know heavy heavy power cleans and and then you get to see everybody else training the trainers training each other how they develop their own skills like how important that is how
Starting point is 00:48:55 serious and the professionalism that the l1 fosters and expects do you want me to tell you why that's not that's not happening for two reasons i it's not happening because there's people too worried about return on investment right they can't they can't get out of their own fucking way and the other thing is it doesn't have a woke twist to it so they would have to find the one-legged female athlete who has a neuromuscular. I mean, it's the truth. I, yeah, I know. They can't just see. Holy shit. This is, this is a no brainer.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. But to me, the ROI is the truth. It's the truth. It's the truth. Oh, I know. No,
Starting point is 00:49:37 I know. You're right. I'm definitely not. Yeah. You're about to get blacklisted. No way. They're going to thank me for this. I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:42 I'm just giving, I'm giving the facts. These are the facts. I'm not even being mean to him i hey i i did that that's what i did i glorified trainers from 2006 to 2018 that's what i did yeah every 365 days a year no joke twice i got in my rv and spent three months driving back and forth across the country doing that shit. I'm glad it's over and glad I get to be at these events to support the team and to support the show. We actually have some really exciting people who are going to announce the next two. I'm checking my text to see if we've announced it yet because I don't want to announce it.
Starting point is 00:50:21 yet because I don't want to announce it. Just got through, about to collaborate with you. Maybe we did announce it. Let me look. Hold on. Checking. Anyways, check my site soon and check the CrossFit Games site. We will have an exciting announcement on who's doing the next announcement they did
Starting point is 00:50:46 and they did announce it right it's it's uh okay so i leave in a couple days for boise where we're doing it at justin's gym and i'm excited for that announcement really quick trip there and then the following week i'll be in nashville i'll be in nashville for for most of the week and that'll be the final one oh on 20 on 20. Let me talk about my, my performance on 24.3. So I did 24.3 Friday night. Does he mean 24.1? Yeah. It's Monday or Tuesday just cause I got back from the open and was so busy
Starting point is 00:51:16 or back from Seattle and just running back and forth to the rehearsals and all this stuff going on with the open. So then I decided to go to Makers CrossFit in Salinas, California, actually years ago, several years ago, I did a couple there too. So I've done them there before. And Brittany, she runs a gym, great host. So did the 24.1 there and didn't have any high expectations. I actually didn't think I was going to finish in the time cap. And luckily I did. I did it in 13.33 with step backs the entire time. I actually didn't think I was going to finish in the time cap. And luckily I did. I, um, did it in 1333 with a step backs the entire time. I actually think I should have tried a little harder in the beginning, but whatever. Uh, it's easy to think I could have done better.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I should probably, if I had more time to do, I'd retest it. I'm not going to, I used to retest them all the time. Um, so there'd been some opens where in that window, the only workouts I did for that entire time was the open workouts. So this time i did not retest and i will not happy because it fucking hurts that i finished in the time cap and i really liked it i think it was a cool test cool workout and see like i was saying the entire time super accessible super open for a lot of people to do and super um easy for pretty much anyone to do or and to scale to do an expression of it that's it thanks for tuning in post thoughts or questions to my comment section that wasn't as uh gnarly as i thought no No, I thought he was going to flip the table over and get upset from how much everybody was talking about it.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah, he basically said, Hey, Hiller's made some videos that pissed us off, and mayhem, douche move, play nice, and if you don't, why would I let you back there? I mean, I feel like he's been saying this for three weeks. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think the cards mean?
Starting point is 00:53:07 Everything with a purpose with Dave, he shows those cards for a reason. Hey, cool. You kind of see people working out back there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That is cool. That's the best part about Dave's crazy clues that make no sense and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And that's why he's the man that builds this hype around it. Right. Because now everybody's looking at everything and they're following his stuff and they're, you know, he pulls out a deck of cards and they're like, is that the rep scheme? Was it a King and a seven? What does that mean? You know, is that 17? Is it going to be 17? You know? And so, and that's the fun part about it, right? Like it's everybody engaged and talking and excited how about the fact that just even mentioning the hayley adams video in a way promotes it like it's like a like do you think he's savvy to that i 100 do dave dave has been like i'm not gonna promote the hayley adams video and it's the guy with 750 000 followers saying it it. Yeah. I heard it was good. I'm not going to promote it. It's on Hiller's channel.
Starting point is 00:54:06 We don't promote Hiller. Hiller. Yeah. Hiller. Hiller. You're just like, okay. So, yeah, I do think Dave kind of, he definitely knows what he's doing. Dave seems like something, he's very a calculated person, especially when he's forward-facing
Starting point is 00:54:21 to audiences. So, I think he knows what he's doing. Colton got a 519. Is that true? Is that accurate? I don't know. Should we check the leaderboard? That's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It's closed now, right? Boy, oh boy. God, I'm glad we made it. Leaderboard. Oh, we got a 418 time mitchell anderson age 30 some nobody out of nowhere that's probably wrong then we have colton at uh 519 and then taylor self at 540 wow wow so Taylor is in second place oh
Starting point is 00:55:08 Jason says that is incorrect what's incorrect Jason maybe refresh your leaderboard oh yeah that's a mistake okay false that's a tie break time okay good yeah so Taylor's in second and Colton's in first
Starting point is 00:55:21 because this mitchell well either way i don't mean it but is everything else correct i mean i knew we knew that wasn't correct but i mean yeah is the rest correct it looks like it um do you want me to bring it up here i can do it too i i got an extra screen i know you're at the office yeah no extra screen but there it is there so mitchell anderson is what they're saying i think was a mistake yeah uh jason's here me the video and show me the video yeah yeah i like that too asymmetric ears i want to see that video not because i doubt colton um but because it just that's just going to be impressive to watch and knowing colton you know he's you know he filmed
Starting point is 00:56:18 it you know he's got it he's gonna leave no room for doubt. I guarantee it. Jeremy World just used Matuthian tooth powder for the first time. Kids were tripping out. Yeah. My kids were tripping out too, but they loved it. My kids loved it. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:37 It's so good. Thank you, by the way. All right. Cool. Thank you, everybody. Tomorrow uh andrew will be on um he's the producer of the mark bell podcast uh has i don't know 1500 shows under his belt uh he's also launching a seminar on how to run a podcast i went and saw their studio it It's very impressive. It's very tight, very clean. Got all the bells and whistles.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So it'll be great having him on. All right. Cool. Just in time. We just broke 500 live viewers. Perfect. Oh, cool. Nice.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Hey, babe. Ended on a high note. Okay. Okay. I'll stay the few minutes. I'm ready. The show's over. Okay. I love you.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Okay. I love you. Bye. Bye. Corey. I'm ready. Show's over. Okay. I love you. Okay. I love you. Bye. Bye. Corey. Oh, Corey Leonard. Just used metuthium powder for the 15th time, and my mouth is clean as the videos at Epstein's prison.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Okay. Okay. Use the barcode down below, metuthian or go to um doc spartan all right see you guys in the morning buh-bye thanks susan

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