The Sevan Podcast - The Revolution | Live Call In #962

Episode Date: July 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Welcome to that show.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Awesome. Yeah. Bam, we're live. Yeah, so much good feedback. Even my mom. Last night I went out to dinner with my mom, and she's like, wow, the John Hackleman show is great. The after texts were making me sad a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:18 The what? The after, like the text thread afterwards, like the dogs. Oh, about the dogs? Yeah. It's like, hey caleb good morning morning yeah that's kind of crazy right uh you know um after the show is over for those you didn't see the hackleman dog we were talking about dogs to get congestive heart failure congestive heart failure and so he sent a picture of his dogs that died and one that's alive
Starting point is 00:01:44 and then he said hey can you give your dog a hug for me i was like wow failure. And so he sent a picture of his dogs that died and one that's alive. And then he said, Hey, can you give your dog a hug for me? I was like, wow. Oh shit. This show is not recording on the backend. Oh, mine doesn't say recording. I just checked it before. Oh, you're awesome. Yeah. I got the little... There's a Michelle Shanks. Happy 4th. I used to know Michael Shanks. I mean, I don't know what I mean by I used to know him.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Patrick, hey, good morning. America, fuck yeah. Patrick hey good morning America fuck yeah you know when you know one asshole with a certain name and it kind of ruins all the other people you like with that same name yep yeah
Starting point is 00:02:38 any name in particular no just he who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm No, just thinking. He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm. Doesn't? Does not. He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm. He who rushes ahead doesn't go far. He who tries to shine his own bright.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Jesus. I'll try again in a second after I put on my toe spacer i um i i i sent a okife text afterward and i was like hey dude you should point sammy at birth fit what'd he say he said yeah he said send me a link awesome i almost feel like i should make the introduction although i'm sure sammy can reach out to any anyone you know and be like hey it's me sammy i mean they're gonna know who they are birth it's like fully immersed in the crossfit community yeah but man that lady uh lindsey over there is a crazy resource every interaction i have with her kind of blows my mind. I was, do you know anyone who's taking peptides besides me and Hiller? No.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Do you, Caleb? No. We have people ask for them regularly, but we don't. So yesterday I was somewhere and they came up and three people in the room, I was in, and they came up, and three people in the room. I was in the room with three other. It was me and three other adults were in a room somewhere. And they came up, and all three of them were taking peptides. Really? Yeah, and they're all taking BBC 157, but the T500 one.
Starting point is 00:04:23 BBC one, though, huh? Yeah, the the BBC and they said that you have to take the mix they said you have to take the mix you should not be just taking the one that is so much more powerful if you take the T500 so I
Starting point is 00:04:40 text our peptide supplier I'm like hey can I get the TB500 hi Travis So I text our peptide supplier. I'm like, hey, can I get the TB500? Hi, Travis. Good morning. Allison, hi. Good morning. Allison, did you work out against Glover Teixeira at the Cross Pit in San Luis Obispo and I filmed it?
Starting point is 00:05:04 In my memory, you guys did grace together against each other. BBC 157 is potent. Yeah, they said with the T500, it's way, way, way, way, way, way better. Oh, look at another endorsement. Mikkel Fair. Peptides are better than Tide Pods. Nah, you
Starting point is 00:05:22 should still be eating those Tide Pods. Okay, here we go go number 24 from the Dao De Ching Lao Tzu he who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm he who rushes ahead doesn't go far he who tries to shine dims his own light he who defines himself can't know who he really
Starting point is 00:05:40 is that's the God one people he who believes in God will never know God. He who has power over others can't empower himself. He who clings to his work will create nothing that endures. If you want to accord
Starting point is 00:05:56 with the Tao, just do your job and let go. Rambler, good morning. You're late. I thought you were normally the first. Rambler's always the first look at yon getting excited i'm about to smash some tide pods for the fourth to celebrate my freedom when you're in europe you're in europe oh yeah can you believe in our lifetime there was a they were saying that if you didn't get
Starting point is 00:06:22 an injection that was made by company x that you couldn't go into certain restaurants that was in our lifetime you couldn't have your job dude yeah you couldn't have your job you couldn't work at noble you couldn't work at noble unless you got the injection yeah for safety there was a company out there starts with a p it's got another another uh constant right after it there was making drugs that had convinced the world that if you didn't take it you couldn't work at noble it's like oh my god can you believe how stupid people used to be in the 40s they actually gathered up japanese people and put them in camps what retards just you wait
Starting point is 00:07:05 yeah it's gonna get worse but we we we're with the crew crazy we're with the crew nothing's changed we're with the crew like we we just wrote we just rolled up on 2020 just dumb as fuck yeah it's funny you're like how could we make those mistakes why would we ever do that to We just rolled up on 2020 just dumb as fuck. Yeah, it's funny. You're like, how could we make those mistakes? Why would we ever do that to people? And then we're like, I'll just give it a few years.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Everybody will forget. We'll do it again. We live in a society where there's hot chicks who have rings in their nose like this. Like crazy hot chicks who have steel in their nose that boogers run down and look into a steel device. Oh, I don't have my steel device. I left my phone. They look into a steel device and talk to it and dance. It's just fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's just bizarre. We are in bizarro world. someone sent me a uh instagram page of this crazy fucking hot chick who works so hard on her body she's clearly crossfitter and she does a lot of cool like dances and stuff and but this fucking nose ring it's like so clear do you guys agree with me that it's clearly a manifestation of some sort of fucking like i don't think i've ever put that much thought into it before i mean they're not definitely my style like i wouldn't get not your style so so um your balls itch so you reach down into your pants and you itch them right and sometimes like you kind of look around and like is anyone watching or like you ever have your dick pointed down it's like sweating you kind of want to pull it up like and have it point up you know what i mean you gotta unglue it yeah and you kind of look around a little bit you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:08:52 if you're driving in your car and it's your wife you just do it if your mom's sitting next to you kind of just like wait till she looks out the window or something and if it's like your sister in law you just don't do it. You just deal with the discomfort. There's some sort of discomfort that forces you to take some sort of action, some sort of noise in your brain. It's a discomfort, a physical discomfort. Then it leads to a thought, and then you take action on it. Well, what physical discomfort do you have that leads to what thought that makes you think it's going to be fixed by putting steel in your nose?
Starting point is 00:09:24 A bullhorn. Those are to lead bulls around with. I don't understand. Maybe they're waiting to be led around. I like that. I love that. I love that. I fucking love that.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Stephanie, let me guess. You have a nose ring. Stay in your lane, Seve. I am. I'm in the brain lane. Self-expression. Do you see this? This is, Audrey, you're going to hate me for this.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is liberal talk. This is like, I so want to be for affirmative action. I read all the shit that Michelle Obama has been writing lately about how we need affirmative action. But she doesn't say anything. Self-expression. What the fuck does that mean? Yeah, you know what? When I peel my dick and my nuts off my leg, I'm like, wow,
Starting point is 00:10:13 this is some amazing self-expression. It's not how – the brain doesn't even work like that. That's a placeholder for someone who doesn't – this isn't towards you, Audrey, by the way. That's a placeholder for someone who doesn't want to get to the real root of what it is. Self-expression. No, that is my – no. No, that your self-expression is not – let me tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You're like, damn, I have a nice fucking ass, and I work hard on it, and I know that if I hang this thing out, these guys will click on me. It's more like that. And you're right. Is there anybody who has just this, like just the bullring, or is that like the evolution of the rings? Like do you know whether there's not a single piercing, not a single other tattoo, but has this piercing?
Starting point is 00:11:04 Just that one? I feel like that's like stage three like first you get this guy then you go like the cartilage then you get crazy and you're like fuck it i'm doing the bullring you know it's like it's a it's an evolution i think it starts with the the tragus the one like in the like right on the outside of the ear and that's where people get it so they can like alleviate their migraines that's the trigger that caleb knew about And that's where people get it so they can like alleviate their migraines. That's a trigger that Caleb knew about. Oh, that's functional.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Caleb, that one's functional. Caleb is a functional piercing. So check this out. There's a, like a technically. And so in the military you can get these like piercings. They're not really piercings. They're just like a acupuncture basically.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And you can put them in places in your ear and it alleviates like migraines, like nerve pain, that kind of thing so people who i mean if they're not in the military you can just get one on your tragus and then it's supposed to alleviate your migraines so you don't have them anymore this this caleb reminds me about people who like um uh get abortions because they're afraid the baby's going to kill them at birth it's like it's like a one percent of one percent of one percent like caleb read about it in some medical journal about some sort of uh pressure point in the ear and now he's like yeah
Starting point is 00:12:08 well those are i didn't say that they work but people get them was giving us one explanation of the thought that occurred before the uh action uh ackerman's ass didn't do a Zoom call for us, but Sebi didn't let me know. Audrey's ass didn't do a Zoom call for us. What? I don't understand this one. I don't understand it. Bullring is from the Egyptians. Look at this. I think they're cute i think putting steel in your nostrils is having it dangle out so it's cute i think blocking your breathing cavity is cute
Starting point is 00:12:59 with steel pressure put poking a hole and in that really sensitive septum part of your nose and blocking your breathing cavity and putting something there that collects uh um uh mucus is cute risks you guys you guys are way too judgmental i i'm not judge i don't know if i'm judgmental what are you guys and boring yeah you're boring because you don't like you know sometimes what i do when i'm masturbating i cover my mouth and try to fucking suffocate myself too and then blow snot all over myself just keep it exciting yeah hope we don't find you in the shower one day with like a sometimes i just put a pillow over myself and when i jerk off i pretend like someone's trying to extract is raping me extracting the fuck i boring and boring and cute
Starting point is 00:13:49 oh no oh it doesn't block anything oh does allison have one has she had one she one? her husband had one he hated it oh he hated it he did it for her yeah self self rape
Starting point is 00:14:15 oh there we go we probably got ding for that I said the R word yeah twice definitely I don't understand that word i'll say thinking this morning in the shower uh wad zombie someone they have fake magnetic ones you should try one for science hey that might be a good experiment like we put a bunch of them on Devon, they have fake magnetic ones. You should try one for science.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Hey, that might be a good experiment. Like we put a bunch of them on, and then we ask somebody a question, and then we take them all off, and then ask another person a question, and we do it to like 10 people on each side and see if there's any difference in the answer. In the way they respond? Yeah, but we ask the same question, you know. What is worse, a nose ring or smoking cigarettes? I don't know what you mean by worse, but definitely I would –
Starting point is 00:15:08 don't smoke. Don't burn shit and breathe in the fumes. Nothing. Don't burn anything and breathe in any of the fumes ever. I don't even like candles in my house anymore. If my wife lights a candle, I'll just walk by and blow it out. I read some shit about it. There's just shit and candles you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:25 be breathing kayla was like oh shit just quit being a fucking worry ward that's the same thing as me reading an article i'm thinking it's legit right on burning candles is legit yeah just like me reading an article on piercings and saying that they alleviate your migraine i don't know fire is pretty powerful i don't know do you think smoking cigarettes is disgusting i mean i enjoyed it i don't really prefer it because everything around you just smells like cigarettes and that smell is impossible to get out of your shit you know like if you ever lived with somebody who smokes cigarettes yeah yeah yeah if you don't smoke i guess that's a great point if you don't smoke it's gross was that your cat that was a great audio clip yeah yeah that was my cat
Starting point is 00:16:14 i'd love it if my wife made that sound you wouldn't have to use the pillow as much. Right. I mean, hold this pillow over my face. We fight who gets to be the victim, who gets to get suffocated. What about the Nicorette gum as like a cognitive enhancer? Yeah, I mean, nicotine is powerful. Nicotine is fucking powerful. You know anybody who's gotten addicted just to the gum yes i know people who who got off not they didn't enter with the gum but i know people who um smoked and then went to the gum and they just can't quit the gum well i guess if you had to
Starting point is 00:17:00 choose between the two right the gum is going to be better for you. Yeah, here you go. I mean I'm telling you, it's nuts. Toughest habit I ever came with smoking cigs. Holy shit, nicotine is addictive as fuck. Yon Clark, nicotine is great. Hey, I bet you if you mention peptides around people, people will be like, oh, I'm taking those. You'll be surprised. I was blown away.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Three people. I was in a room with three other adults. I peptides and uh three all three of them were taking them interesting and then i was like oh my sponsor sells peptides and they're all like oh can i get some all three of them when we get the qr code up at the top yeah hey how do people get needles? You just go to Walgreens? And how do you get the water? I don't know. The water you can get from Walgreens. I think the needles you can get from Walgreens too.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You can just go in there and buy them? Yeah, you just ask for insulin needles. I found them on Amazon too. You did? Yeah. Cheap? Yeah, I think it was like $10 for a 30-pack or something.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Are you allowed to, would you be allowed to take peptides, Caleb? Do they test for that in the Army? They have to have like explicit, an explicit reason to do it. So like if somebody has like testosterone, they're like abusing steroids.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So technically I imagine I probably would be able to. Couldn't you just be like, my shoulder hurts? somebody has like testosterone abuse is that they're like abusing steroids so technically i imagine i probably would be able to couldn't you just be like my shoulder hurts and i'm taking bpc 157 to heal it yes but they would prefer yeah i'm sure they would have a cow about it because it's not prescribed by like my provider there's no um um uh were you insinuating that there's some sort of relationship between testosterone and bpc 157 no oh okay like the fact that i'm shooting this in my arm should just make heal my tendon it's not like gonna make me more buff right that's the way i understand it yeah is it working i can't i don't even know well does your bicep feel better it had what hillar did to it um it feels it if it was like um um if it was hurting like a at a seven what Hiller did to it made it a two.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And whenever I put the needle BPC into it, it goes back up to a three. And then the next morning, it goes back down to a two, meaning just when I hit it with the needle, it gets just a little – a tiniest bit irritated. it'll it gets just a little a tiniest bit irritated but you're but those other three people that i was in the room with swore by it like fucking swore by it this one person said that they did it for eight weeks and they put it in all different places in their body i just i just hammer it right here and actually it's Now that you ask, my arm actually feels amazing this morning. Like probably the best it's ever felt. Isn't that funny, though, when something bothers you for like a long time, and then the second it goes away, you just forget it ever happened.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Right. And then someone asks you, and you're like, oh, yeah, my hip doesn't hurt anymore. Right. The biggest deal ever. Two weeks ago. I'm never thankful when I wake up in the morning when my back doesn't hurt. I only notice it when it hurts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Or hiccups are kind of like that, right? They're driving you crazy and then they're gone, but you're not like, they're gone. Yeah. I have the ultimate cure for hiccups. What is it? What is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:20:36 You have to take like a full, not a full glass, but like an eight ounce glass of water and you take two to three paper towels, depending on oh cheap you are with your paper towel use i used to do that and you cover it and then you slowly drink it enough to where it doesn't tear the paper but it still comes through there oh you don't drink it from the other end i would put it on and drink it from this side no you just cover it and then i just drink the water through the paper towel and that if you like slowly drinking through it having to like suck a little bit but also having to drink gets rid of it every single day it used to be like a party trick back
Starting point is 00:21:08 in the day you just give someone a blow job me me did you get rid of hiccups i haven't tested that theory but the paper towels are the cup seems to work well hopefully somebody uses that now that like listens to this and has them there's a pizza pizza place. I don't know if I told this story. I apologize if I have, but I'm gonna tell it again. There's a pizza place that's that's on the beach in Santa Cruz. It's like a block from the beach. And I park with my kids about a mile from this pizza place and we get on skateboards. I don't, I walk,
Starting point is 00:21:41 I usually go with my mom and the three boys and they skate to the pizza place and I walk with my mom and we just hang out and talk and walk along the beach we get there I order the boys a slice of pizza and then they skate back it's just just street skating and my mom and I walk the whole time the lady who works there behind the counter we've been there let's say a hundred times it's not a hundred but let's say a hundred times and she in for the first 50 times we went there she never she wouldn't even say like hello to us she just sits there it's like probably some 20 year old girl and there's like some uh mexican old mexican lady when i mean old i mean younger than me 47 years old mexican lady who's cooking the pizzas in the back and every time i come in with my kids she leans over and looks at him and waves at him she's nice as shit but the
Starting point is 00:22:29 20 year old girl who who does the register could give two fucks right like no welcome no hello no nothing so my so my mom paid the other day and i said hey, if that lady would have said, hi, how are you? Oh, nice to see you in here with your grandkids again. Such cute boys or anything, right? Oh, we just got a pizza out of the oven. Maybe you should consider getting this one. This one's really warm. It just came out.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Or we used extra pepperoni today if your kids like pepperoni. Anything, right? Or just, hi, guys. Good to see you again. Yes, yes. Yeah. today if your kids like pepperoni anything right or just hi guys good to see you again yes yes yeah just took took some of your social awareness and just shared it or your situational awareness so but we get out and i asked my mom i said would you have tipped her a dollar more and she goes oh yeah and my mom's not like a big tipper or anything and i started doing the math and i was thinking
Starting point is 00:23:22 if she was if she has in the places always has just a steady flow of people, right? There's always like a couple people in line there. And I started doing the math, and I'm like, shit, if she did that six times – if she got an extra $6 an hour and she worked an eight-hour shift, that would be $50 an hour. If she worked five days a week, that would be $250, and that's $1,000 more a month tax-free. And then if they put it cash in the
Starting point is 00:23:46 in the in the jar and then that's 12,000 more dollars a year which is the payment for a really with for a pretty nice car $50,000 car yeah but she lives at home with her parents and has everything supplied for and just has to do that job probably to like just stay doing what she's doing so she doesn't give a shit i've seen people be nice to greg in a starbucks and three months later have a job that pays 150 on more than two occasions i can think of three right away i've seen people be nice to greg in a starbucks and get a job for 150 000 a year within a few months just by being like uh civil yeah i used to kill behind the bar because if you came to me twice in the same if you came on you okay you're just gonna do that with everything i say this morning
Starting point is 00:24:40 get at the lap over you're overthinking semi there's transition for you uh tell me about coming on you at the bar i want to hear it i was just gonna say if you came up to me twice and got a drink and you were there for a little bit or with larger party by the time you came at the third time i had your drink memorized oh yeah you'd be walking up and i would be like hey another whatever again as you were coming up and And they'd be like, yeah, thank you. And so that little acknowledgement would go such a huge way. You might get a dollar or no tip on the first drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Or on the second. The third one that you remember, boom, like five bucks. Yeah. And now they're a little buzzed, so they're soft. They're ready. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I think, Kenneth, that's a typo. He just means you're thinking, Seve. Not you're overthinking. You're thinking. Jimmy Gross, Sevan, unlike Haley, Mal still hasn't given us a legitimate reason as to what? I don't even like the wording of this. like the wording of this. Sevan, unlike Mal,
Starting point is 00:25:48 unlike Sevan, unlike Haley, Mal hasn't given us a legitimate reason as to why she took the year off. Even O'Keefe seemed unsure to navigate that conversation when you spoke to him the other day. I don't understand. Jimmy, I take full responsibility for what I'm about to say to you that I'm reading into
Starting point is 00:26:03 what you're saying, but like she doesn't owe us shit. reading into what you're saying, but she doesn't owe us shit. It seems like you're making the implication that she might owe us something. What do you mean legitimate reason? There is no legitimate reason, and every reason is also legitimate. I don't understand the statement, what you're trying to imply. But I don't think Mal or Haley or O'Keefe owes any of us shit. Here's my only thought on the subject. I'd be curious what Caleb and Matt thinks.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I think at the end of the day, Mal's going to fucking regret. The same way fucking Froney wishes he wouldn't have fallen off the rope so he could have had five wins. The same way fucking Cara Saunders is probably so pissed that she couldn't push through a neck injury. I think Mal at the end of the day is going to be like, Kara Saunders is probably so pissed that she couldn't push through a neck injury. I think a mouth end of the day is going to be like, why didn't someone just fucking make me do it?
Starting point is 00:26:53 That's what I think. That's the only, that's the only thing. And I'm not saying I'm just, I know that I'm bringing my shit to it as a 51 year old man who doesn't have any of the skills has never had the skills or the opportunity or the heart or the work capacity or the work ethic to do what mal has i want to say all that i just think at the end of the day um she's gonna wish she would have done it i think you know what i mean i think she's gonna be like fuck like i don't i think that um i there's not a dig at o'keefe but i think o'keefe has to say that stuff oh i'm so proud of her i'm so this i'm so that i'm not i'm like like if i'm if that's if
Starting point is 00:27:33 that's my kid like i want their safety first but i'm also would be like yo motherfucker do this like like you face this fear fears are fears are a motherfucker you're you're fortunate if you get to face a fear you're fortunate it's it's a blessing um at the end of the day once again it's just it's just it's just physical discomforts that manifest as thoughts that then you react to and behave the nose ring the cigarette the worried about what other people think it's all it it's the same for everyone it's it's all this other stuff where it's just personal expression or it's trauma or these other words that describe it's not it's always the same mechanism in human beings physical sensation thought action reaction there's no there's no there that it's what we're
Starting point is 00:28:20 all doing there's no nuance to it, nothing. There's nothing complex about it. The Buddha figured that shit out, and it's the way it is. So hunger works, ejaculation, pulling out of the games, they all take the same road. You think she still goes to the game? In terms of the psychological mechanism. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah, I didn't think so either but i think she would have for sure had the feeling that you were saying if she showed up on you know at the venue and walked around she'd be like fuck um what what are you what do you guys what was the question i was gonna ask you guys um what you guys thought about what about in enrique was it not your regrets going not oh yeah yeah was that what it was do you think she's what do you think Caleb I think that when you're looking at what O'Keefe told Matt on his fifth year he was in a spot where
Starting point is 00:29:18 Matt it was like very black or white like if you don't do this now you're never going to have a chance to do it again because you're at the end of your career right if you look at mal i mean and also the infancy of their relationship with o'keefe i don't think he has a leg to stand on in the sense of like hey if you don't do this you're going to be fucked so i think he's he's almost like well i have to kind of tiptoe around this or they may or he may have for all we know maybe he did give her the hard talk too yeah maybe yeah maybe it like fractured a little bit of their relationship maybe it damaged it a little bit because she's like she pushed back and i remember being her age and if any adult told me to do anything i was going to do the exact opposite just being like no i'm not doing that. Still kind of do that.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Do you think that she should... Do you think that in the end she's going to regret taking the year off? I don't think so. Five years from now? Ten years from now? What do you think, Sousa? I think over the long haul, like 10-20 years from now, she may regret it, but I think as far as
Starting point is 00:30:24 it stands right now, she probably doesn't. She's probably sticking sticking to her decision but if she did go to the games i bet you she would she would feel a little regret for not being there i mean who wouldn't right if you're a competitor uh there's plenty of time to come back no there there is no time and have a big legacy there is no time no. No, her legacy already is. She just started her story. Her story is now, she pulled out one year. Her story could have been she pushed through whatever her issue is. She put her head down and fucking let it all go. Accepted her situation and let it go.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I know it's harsh. I know what I'm saying to you is harsh. I know it's harsh. I know what I'm saying to you is harsh. I know it's not my... I know it's not my journey. You think Tia was the safety net? And then once the safety net was pulled, you could do as good as you can, but you'll never have to worry about getting first because Tia's already got that
Starting point is 00:31:18 locked up. And then once I cleared the path, it was like, oh, fuck, if I don't get first, this will... You know what I mean? Someone made that implication right um uh jimmy gross a lot of young talent will uh that will catch her with this year off i mean fuck man emma carrie is so good i mean i remember was it james newberry was talking about how he was training with Tia, and then he took a year off and then came back and started training with Tia, and just that extra year of volume that Tia had accumulated over him,
Starting point is 00:31:53 she was like light years ahead of him. He did say that? I remember something like that. Yeah, so I mean, that's a good point. Christy, the fact she want, God, I love your profile pic. You're just happier looking at her the fact that she wanted to work out after coming back from the hospital with bronchitis i find it hard to believe it was solely her choice not to compete this year good point good point i don't understand explain that to me i don't understand what she's saying meaning she's she was she's self-destructive and someone like like one of her parents are
Starting point is 00:32:26 like hey you have to went the opposite way i'm saying was like hey you have to take a year off yeah like if she's so committed that it's self-destructive that's that's also a problem when't you agree for sure i was thinking uh yesterday i feel bad for uh hunter mcintyre because he has the same name as hunter biden is that the name that you hate across no i like i actually like the name hunter all hunter no hunter's cool no no, no, no, no. Good question, though. Good memory. Will you pull up number 82? This is fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It kind of reminds me. Did you know that, have you heard about Serena Williams' dad? Serena and Venus' dad? Did you see those documentaries? There's a documentary and a movie with Will Smith in it. Say that again, Caleb. I heard they were good. They're amazing movies, actually. smith is fucking crazy good but uh basically they make him look like just the best dad in the world and then
Starting point is 00:33:35 later on you find out that he has he had like five kids or something from another marriage that he just abandoned and and those had to be kept out of the documentary in the movie that part of the story in order to get the rights to you do them yeah oh shit um hunter biden child support settlement promises paintings not last named this is just as part of a settlement roberts will drop her demand that hunter 53 will allow his child to take the Biden family name. He fucked his stripper. That's her job, right? Taking her clothes off.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Maybe she's even a prostitute. Adult entertainment. Navy's the daughter's name. Navy will get one painting to keep for herself either for her private collection or go into a gallery designated by london roberts so there's this oh it's a stripper is it is it rude to imply that a stripper also fucks for cash you think that's too much of a leap too much of a leap no yeah like if i do coke i also do ketamine like you think it's like i mean i'm sure some of them draw their have a line drawn right like where they don't do that but i would probably say it's probably like an 80 to 20 ratio like 80 probably would depending on how much would or do or have both yes okay and 20 who are like
Starting point is 00:34:58 no but i mean ultimately they're there to get money so if you find someone real rich dude who's like hey how much do you make tonight? Ten grand? Here's ten grand to come home with me right now. Like are they going to say no? Okay. Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Okay. Okay. Well, then this chick London Roberts basically used her body to make money and the desire of men. That's what she did. She like shook her ass and her titties around. That's called a stripper. And then somehow she met the president's son, Hunter Biden, and they had sex.
Starting point is 00:35:32 They had sex. Oh, fuck. My phone is fucked up. Hold on, hold on. Too much of a leap. Jesus. No time to pray, Adam. Caller, hold on. I'm doing my normal fucking it depends on who you are i can hear you if i like you who are you do i like you oh yeah i like you i can hear you good hi i will
Starting point is 00:35:58 you okay what about now yeah you think you think strippers you think strippers like categorically fuck for cash yeah oh okay i think that's like uh high class right what are those called escorts i don't know i don't know that yeah escorts i don't even know do escorts fuck for cash i thought escorts like you just pay them and they pretend to be your girlfriend for a night. Yeah, and then they go home at the end. If you pay them enough. Yeah. So this guy, this guy, the president's son, won't let his daughter take his name.
Starting point is 00:36:37 This can't even be true, right? It's not lost on anybody that Jill Biden wrote a children's book and dedicated it to her grandchildren, the lawyer went on. She could have kept it at that, but she named every child except Navy. Wow. I went to this girl's Instagram account, London Roberts.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Jill Biden? No, I didn't go to Jill Biden's Instagram account. Thank you for the clarification, yeah. No problem. Hunter Biden has sold five pieces of artwork in 2021 at $75,000 apiece, a fraction of the top asking price of $500,000 for a Biden original. I can't believe it's his artwork. Wait, so he's selling his own artwork like yeah he paints he paints it and then sells it but um he also gave some of his artwork to his child that he kind of
Starting point is 00:37:34 it seems like he's denying is his own huh uh the paternity like the paternity test validates robert's claim that hunter was the father of her child, and younger Biden subsequently agreed to pay $20,000 in monthly child support. It's crazy he's never had a job. Making $40,000 a month is nice. It's a nice amount. It's comfortable. $20,000. Anyway, hi. How are you? Good. just wanted to wish you guys a happy fourth
Starting point is 00:38:09 oh thanks yeah i forgot it's fourth of july happy fourth of july i'm going to um to a friend's house today i don't normally leave the house when i'm going to a friend's house today for a lunch pool party it's cool fun fun caleb what are you doing i'm gonna go pick up some fat ass fucking steaks and throw them on the grill and have a couple of beverages have a couple of beverages he knows nice how about you will will are you 21 pick up oh yeah 22 oh awesome all right Will, are you 21? Oh, yeah. 22.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Oh, awesome. All right. Driving to a beach wad now with Nick Matthew. And then maybe we're going to have some people over after. No shit. You're friends with Nick Matthew. He coaches my mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So he's the coach at my mom's affiliate. Well, that's awesome. You must feel safe. Nick's gay, right? No, he's not. He has a family. He has a daughter and a son alright my bad so maybe you don't feel safe is he in the car with you now
Starting point is 00:39:11 no he's not in the car oh oh Nick he's in the chat hi Will amazing no way someone named Nick Matthews in the chat.
Starting point is 00:39:26 What the fuck? The smallest shirt I've ever seen on a man. I can't even see the thumbnail. Nick, do your nipple – what is the rule on the crop top? I thought you said you're driving with Nick Matthews somewhere. No, I'm going to – the gym's doing a beach wad, right? So there's a lake, and we're going to do a workout at the beach. Those crop tops, if you're a guy, when you lift your arms up, should your nipples show or no?
Starting point is 00:39:55 It still stays – it should hang below your nipple. It could be the nipple. Yeah, I think it's – I think at the top of a thruster you're alright if it shows a little bit a little bit of nipple that is a tiny shirt that's a short crop that's like sternum level
Starting point is 00:40:11 you ever wear the crotch top the crop top the little mini shirts Will no I do not I'm either taking it off or leaving it on and it's I'm taking it off halfway through the workout. It's not at the start.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Smart, smart. Yeah, yeah. I don't take my shirt off until three beers. Oh, my God. Hey, do you think it's weird if you start the workout with the shirt off? Like they hit the button and it's like 10 seconds, and then like a dude just pulls his shirt off immediately like is that weird i think it has to be off before or after like if it's a four round workout after the second right it can't be like three two one
Starting point is 00:40:56 go you do one set and then you're taking it off right because then what's the point then you're just wasting time it's true i i here's the thing we started the show with fucking um nose rings like to take your shirt off is like doesn't even register on the doesn't even register take your shirt off in the first round the second round the eighth round take your shirt off don't ever wear a shirt again wear the nick matthew crop top shirt it's all normal compared to putting a fucking bull ring in your nose you're not about the nose rings it's just fucking tarted i it is truly like it is truly it's one more thing like hey before you do that you should see what the man what the thought is in your head that made you want to do that you should really take what a great opportunity to see what you're thinking deep inside of you that would make you want to put a fucking hole in your beautiful face
Starting point is 00:41:46 with a piece of metal, hang dangle metal from your nose as part of your fucking presentation to the world. There's something there. It's free. It's right there. So it's free. You can just not, you can just see. I mean, can you imagine going out and being like, fuck, I just don't feel like myself
Starting point is 00:42:02 without a fucking nose ring. I just, fucking, out and being like fuck i just don't feel like myself without a fucking nose ring i just fucking i just have to do it it's like fuck dude take your shirt off instead i don't think you're i don't think you're mentally ill if you have a piercing i think you're every i think it's one of those things that it's like hey it's a great opportunity to see something yeah eyebrow ring all that shit dude there's no there's there's nothing in you that's like hey i'm gonna go punch a hole in myself today there's nothing uh there's nothing what's the word even earrings but but you know it's like i'm so socially fucking acceptable but there's nothing um you you don't you no one's going to think about punching a hole through their penis until like someone else has done it or fucking or dangling a piece of metal from their nose until someone
Starting point is 00:42:56 else has done it you don't come up on that show now masturbation you will think of that yeah someone has to be the first you know but But there's things that are just natural, right? Like pulling your hair out of your face. I get it. You have this sensation that you can't see, and it's bothering your eyes, so you take your hands and you pull your hair out of your face. But what is the thought and the physical fucking sensations you're having that makes you want to fucking punch a hole in your face?
Starting point is 00:43:21 There's something there. Figure out what it is. I'm not saying – and then get – and then fucking after figure out what it is i'm not saying and then get and then fucking after you realize what it is that fucking uncle bunk diddled your uncle bugger diddled your cheerio when you were five or that like you want to be like sally next door so fucking bad you can't stand it then either get it or don't but just to say stuff like it looks good or blah blah shut the fuck up it's my that the expression of my inner self. Yeah, all that nonsense.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's fucking crazy. What about belly button rings? It'd be stupider, the dumbest of the dumb. Stupider for sure. I had this crazy fucking hot chick in college, and the first thing I did is I made her fucking take her belly button ring out. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 fuck, are you doing? Sticking a piece of metal right where you're fucking right where your mom, right where your mom was fucking connected to you, feeding you. You're going to let some fucking scumbag fucking take a gun and fucking shoot a fucking $3 piece of steel into your belly button so that some dude can fucking find you more attractive to fucking bust a nut on no thank you oh boy oh yeah ma stupido thank you oh sorry joel my bad uh belly button rings are sexy all right joel's sexy look at him
Starting point is 00:44:47 hey wasn't there wasn't there a time when like you would see like like in the 80s there'd be like a girl who had a belly button ring and then you'd see the chain go down into her underwear and it was like connected to like like like a clip ring or something do you remember that shit no that's not the dream i think that was disconnected to a wallet oh right right like the chain wallet someone like the big chain wallet oh my goodness philip kelly says cisco has a belly button ring there's no way i mean rappers can do shit like their own like you, you know, I'm not like a huge tattoo fan, but like Tupac fucking kills it. Like, what am I going to do?
Starting point is 00:45:29 That Doug Life tattoo, that shit was awesome. That's like a face tat. Something right here. Kenneth, someone with piercings and tattoos hurt you. Held me face down in the sand with a pillow over my neck. Yeah. It was the opposite. I could hear his piercings clangling around.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Wow. Cisco really does have a fucking belly button ring. Holy shit. And an eyebrow one. I mean, that definitely looks pretty cool. Wow. Wow. David Weed, Tupac's tats were was whack wow
Starting point is 00:46:06 oh my goodness i don't believe that wow look at the sleaky meat wallet what's a meat meat is a meat wallet just like meat wallet means you just have really huge lips right a meat wallet is that what that is like just really thick labias and majoras and minors and shit i did really like cisco i really did uh wow cisco's the shit you can't still be alive ass it's just insane oh look at what you uh look at this uh it's weird for guys to have a belly ring. Yeah. I'll go with that. Weird. It's weird not to let your kid have your last name. It's weird that the president of the United States,
Starting point is 00:46:56 who is the toughest against crack cocaine and gun use, his son is fucking gun-toting crackhead. Come on, man. Thank you. It's freedom, brother. Yeah. Come on, man. Thank you. It's freedom, brother. Yeah. All right, Will. Well, tell Mr. Matthew I said hi.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Let your mom know she's not as safe as I thought she was, but she's in good hands. I will. See you guys. Happy 4th. Okay, love you. Happy 4th. Will Plummer. Long-time contributor.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Hey, this CrossFit Games Update show friday is going to be awesome i got so much good shit dude did you guys see that video that fikowski and velner put out with the faaa um oh it's fucking it's crazy it's it's just ridiculous. It's like there's a line in there that they use that the athletes know more about how the event should be run than anyone else. I'm like, actually, you guys know the least. Wow. That's interesting. Like it's not even – if you know the most,
Starting point is 00:48:02 then don't even show up to the games and just work out in your own gym. The only reason why you work out there is because the fans go. That means they know the most or the volunteers go. It's just crazy. I can't wait to fucking ass-pound those ding-dongs. Their logic is so poor. They sound like they come from a fucking socialist regime. There's nothing that they say.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It's all about feel-good stuff. socialist regime everything there's nothing that they say it's all about feel-good stuff well i think we should do 13 thrusters because it allows me to express myself that's weird that they're to the athletes no more because isn't i mean traditionally it's always just been the envelope's been pushed by dave he's always just extended their capability right it's like if all the athletes are here dave's gonna like just put the bar here and then everybody rises to it then he just puts the bar here everybody rises to it so without that person kind of like pushing it forward the athletes would just stay right where it was comfortable now right so how would i mean i don't know how they would well all this stuff
Starting point is 00:49:00 i'll play the clip for you it seems like that they're just talking about everything. Like the implication is that the venue, the workouts, the times, the like. It's like, dude, you don't know shit. That's not that. You're so biased. You're the performer. You're. Yeah, I'm by. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Biased. And I know you didn't mean it like this. There's the word biased. Yeah. They're so biased. I'm not my best self while doing thrusters. Well said. It's like, shut the fuck up and get out there and work out and let us judge you.
Starting point is 00:49:33 What about 76? Honesty. No, sorry. 75. Honesty. I like honesty. My voice sounds like I smoke today. A little uh rasp raspy a little morning voice oh krishnamurti uh the for those of you who don't know uh krishnamurti
Starting point is 00:49:56 very interesting character uh i'll read this and then maybe i'll share a thing or two about Krishna. Krishna was friends with Bruce Lee, Charlie Chaplin, Khalil Gibran. Friends with a lot of cool people in that era. And they claimed that he was going to be the second coming of Christ. that he was going to be the second coming of Christ and when they presented him to the world like that at the age of 30 he spoke at
Starting point is 00:50:27 this huge event that the Theosophical Society was putting on Jake says he looks like a closet homosexual um he was an Indian boy Indian man and he said that the people who had raised him all those years
Starting point is 00:50:56 said that hey you are the second coming of Christ and you need to tell these people that and he went up there and said I am not the second coming of Christ and he abandoned his whole group of people that had been holding him up for 30 years and raised him as this great spiritual leader. And he escaped basically. He left India and he came to California and lived in Ojai. For those of you who don't know Ojai, California, it has got to be one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Have you ever been to Ojai, Sousa? It's inland from Santa Barbara. I assume you haven't been there, Caleb. I have been there oh you have yeah it was a long time ago though wow oh i used to be my dad was stationed at vandenberg when i was a kid oh no shit yeah i think that's where mariah lives by vandenberg yeah lady who made that uh lompoc or no yeah lompoc. I think that's where she was raised. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Small world. He says, without understanding – Krishnamurti, without understanding yourself, without being aware of all that is operating in your own mind, how you think, whether you are copying, imitating, whether you are frightened, whether you are seeking power, there cannot be intelligence. And it is intelligence that creates character, not hero worship or the pursuit of an ideal. The understanding point, if you ever get on the fucking path, at some point, and most people won't, there's the line in there. And that's why I'm saying before you get the piercing or the tattoo, you have a free chance to look inside yourself to just circle around that thought. Why do I want this tattoo? What is the point of this tattoo? And like if you get it or not, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Cool. Get it. Have fun. But there it is. Without understanding yourself, without being aware of all that is operating in your own mind and the greatest opportunity ever. That's why that's why they say meditation is so great because you sit still and then you can see something that pops up
Starting point is 00:53:08 that wants you to stop meditating. I have an itch. I'm hungry. I want to get a tattoo. I need to fucking go kiss my wife. Oh my God, did I leave the stove on? The mind starts playing tricks and you can just sit there and watch those thoughts.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I don't know who said it. It was someone maybe on the show, maybe Suzer or Kayla, but a tattoo is a permanent mark of an impermanent thought, a permanent marking of an impermanent. It's just crazy. Anyway, I didn't even know that this was – I guess this is in here, not because I started the show with talking about the nose ring, but I guess it's just the theme in my life.
Starting point is 00:53:44 It's the path, man. It's the way. Every day, just find one thing and try to dig down to the root of it. What's the thought that made that thought? And then when you see that, you don't have to stop. You can be like,
Starting point is 00:53:55 what's the thought that made that thought? And you can keep just drilling down. Mike Flair, I think Jim Jones and David Kresh were saying the same thing. Fine. Is that the presidential helicopter he's in front of? Like Marine One.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Wow. And then that might be Air Force One even further back. Yeah, it looks like it. Yeah, it is. Dang. And look, his are are tied together with like a chain in the front it's all disheveled and that's hunter biden behind him i'm getting a tattoo of a girl giving a ghost a blowjob but it's her ass hanging out from under
Starting point is 00:54:38 the white sheet that's fucking awesome like a ghost in a sheet yeah like the girls under the sheet i need to see your butt oh yeah like casper that's so good that is pretty good i like that uh yes sir that is a marine marine marine six and air force four wow that's cool there you go joel there you go Joel there you go is there an original thought there you go get it there it is 57 masks
Starting point is 00:55:14 maskolas the offended one's great too right like if you're offended like that's an opportunity to just look at that like why are you offended instead of instead of like doing an outward outward manifestation of it and going over to the federal building and burning it down you can look and see why you were offended it's like and if you don't it's a missed opportunity to go deeper and then eventually if you get attached to being offended now you have mental illness
Starting point is 00:55:43 all those little things oh look i wrote something um if you get attached to being offended, now you have mental illness. All those little things. Oh, look, I wrote something. If you're not feeling good inside, definitely don't wear a mask. You need air. Okay, let's hear it play. Fucking mask. This is our old friend. One you never want to see again, perhaps.
Starting point is 00:56:01 But this mask can make a difference, not just outdoor, although I did see someone outside running on my way here wearing one of these masks at least he was wearing a mask but even indoors if you have a situation where you don't have air conditioning you have a situation where you're not you're not feeling good inside continue to put this on this will make a big difference for people this is uh you're not feeling good put a mask on no no listen that's the exact opposite of what you should do especially if you're running you're sick and so put a mask on to protect the people around you
Starting point is 00:56:37 i think that at this point they're just like hey let's just weed out the people who could actually think and who cannot. And then we'll gather up all the people who cannot. We'll identify them because they will have the masks on, and they will become our followers. Sleeky, I'm shocked at the number of people I saw on masks at the grocery store yesterday. Still, I'm so confused. So here's what – I think Sleeky lives in California. Do you live in California? Because I noticed there's all of a sudden a huge increase uh of masks around
Starting point is 00:57:09 me so somewhere what i think what happens is there's some social media or uh some mainstream media thing going on right now like if we watch cnn or something we would know yeah here we go and he this guy's in california i saw a whole family overweight wearing respirators just the other day yeah something's going on oh that's the first time i've seen um i don't remember seeing you before josh in your picture yeah i see people driving around with masks too it's crazy the sleek the sleek you have an only fans that's not her butt that's like cardi b's butt or something yeah nicki minaj or cardi b or something like that yeah that's hilarious though see that's all it takes for guys it's all it took for to spin that thought yeah it's a picture of a
Starting point is 00:57:57 butt next thing you know check it out on instagram try to find the of. The OF. Okay, 54 police. Police. What time is it? Oh, it's good timing. Gone? No, it's giving me a restricted What the fuck? Let me see. I clicked on it too oh restricted video must be 18 it didn't do for me wow can you pull it up yeah i'll pull it up yeah it was 77 right no 54 54 never mind I don't know where I hit 77.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yeah. How do you get past that restriction? I don't know. Let me try using my page instead. Because I put I'm over 18. Oh, yeah. Wow. I've never seen that on Instagram. You guys want to see what we're seeing?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Look, I'll share this. I've never seen that either. Or at least one thing that doesn't let us bypass it. It that on Instagram. You guys want to see what we're seeing? Look, I'll share this right there. I've never seen that either, or at least one thing that doesn't let us bypass it. It works online. Oh, you got it. Well, yeah, you can show that. Restricted video, you must be 18.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And then when I click Y, it doesn't get me past it. I think, oh, I probably know why. I just have to turn the settings off. Oh, shit. Jake Chapman, you must be over 5'5 to view this. Jake's bringing the heat today. He is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:39 A graphic dramatic video shows police officer shot in the neck as his partner fatally shoots suspect while pulling hostage to safety. This is what I think of when I think of police, not, not that they're, they work for the man or that they're bad guys. This is what I think. Do we have any audio?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Let me see your fucking hands. Let me see your fucking hands. Hostage situation. Got him. Got him. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, situation. You got him, you got him, you got him. Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! So for those of you who didn't see what happened, there was a fucking hostage situation
Starting point is 01:00:23 where some lady was screaming help. The cops ran to her safety, killed the fucking guy, and one of the cops got shot in the neck. But you're upset. But you're upset because the cops are questioning you when you're walking through a store with a black hoodie on talking to yourself. And the store owner calls and says they saw you put stuff in your pocket. And you're like, dude, how about contextualize the rest of the shit they're doing in their day? Caleb, when's the last time you've been pulled over oh it's been years it's a long time suza yeah long time not since i was up to no good
Starting point is 01:01:15 yeah now i don't go out at those times at night as much so my wife culturally appropriated yesterday what do you mean so she went to the she so it's kind of a crazy story my my son ran into another boy they were they they collided into each other and this boy's knee hit my son in the cock and balls the last week he's been complaining that his dick hurts. And I've been looking at it and shit. And like it was, it was bruised a little, but it didn't look bad. But finally she's like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:01:49 I'm going to take him to the hospital. Cause we're thinking about leaving town. So she takes him to the local hospital in Santa Cruz, which is just a complete joke. Right. And they're like, Hey, we don't have any pediatricians who can pediatricians who can look at dick.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I think they're called urologists yeah urologists but a pediatric urologist right okay and so she goes so so she they have to they basically have to um what's crazy is four four people had like um touch my son's dick yesterday and like question him and shit and she said that they were all cool but she said when the fifth person came she's like hey she's already like had four people like fully examined this cock like what what's the deal you just had two doctors in here looking at another person and they're like well i have to do it i have to do it and then finally someone came in as like no no we already did it and so the this is at stanford now this started at 10 a.m
Starting point is 01:02:43 at one hospital. My wife went to fucking probably like seven different fucking hospitals because they kept sending her from place to place to place. And she finally gets to Stanford, and she's there. And by the way, when she was in Santa Cruz, they fucking told her, hey, put your son – we'll take your son in an ambulance to Stanford. And my wife's like, no, he's good. I mean like he was perfectly fine. He had been playing some tennis. He had good i mean like he was perfectly flying he'd been playing some tennis he had been doing like he was perfectly fine yeah um he was just complaining that it hurt a little bit down there and they insisted on an ambulance and i'm like no there's
Starting point is 01:03:13 no fucking way he's going in a fucking ambulance i don't want him like around these fucking people like more than he has to be so she gets to the hospital and she's having trouble finding exactly where she wants to go and so she calls the doctor back at the first hospital he's like see you should have taken the ambulance. I want to fucking kick that dude in the fucking teeth. Hey, dude, just be fucking cool. Anyway, this is where my wife went fucking – did the cultural appropriation shit. Or she's black too like me.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I didn't even think of that. Maybe she's black. Maybe she didn't culturally appropriate. Think of that. Maybe she's black. Maybe she didn't culturally appropriate. But anyway, at one point, the doctor says, hey, are you sure that this didn't happen because something nefarious, like someone touched your son or something? I think they have that, don't they? Yeah. The situation.
Starting point is 01:04:07 And when it happened, my wife and I didn't see it happen, but it happened on Greg's driveway. You know where his fire pit is? Yeah. And then just right up the driveway is where the collision happened. And I didn't see the collision, but I heard he screamed and started crying right away. And I looked up, and then I think me and my wife went up there. But anyway, so my wife's like, no, no, no. It was nothing nefarious.
Starting point is 01:04:27 We were basically right there. We were 15 feet away from him getting drunk no she didn't say that we're like 15 feet away from him when it happened and she said that she felt guilty like she was lying yeah yeah yeah it's because being accused of something right yeah she felt and i said hey that's you can't do that and she goes goes, what do you mean? I go, blacks have a, uh, they, they own that. Like monopoly. Yeah. They have a monopoly on feeling, uh, feeling that way.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Like that they're lying or something like the same way when I, like if I go in a store, the backpack, I feel like I stole something. I'm right away. Like, but I did the opposite. I I'm,
Starting point is 01:04:59 I am black, but I told my wife, she culturally appropriated it, but I didn't even give her the chance to opt in for being black. Maybe you should. I will. I'm very inclusive of you. No.
Starting point is 01:05:10 You would think someone in your situation would be more inclusive. Understanding of the situation. Understanding of self-discipline. No one has a monopoly on that. Everyone feels that way. No one has a monopoly on it. There's no skin color that makes you feel like stop believing the media we all feel it we all feel we're all we're all trying yeah we all feel it it's like you go into the store and then it doesn't have what you need and you walk out but
Starting point is 01:05:33 you didn't buy anything and you have to go past the register and you're like yeah things don't beep right yeah yeah you know you know you don't have anything right yeah if it doesn't beep like i don't even when they when they like you would go into an ice cream place i remember and they would be like do you want to taste the ice cream and i always did but i didn't i wouldn't say yes because i felt like it somehow was like stealing what if i don't buy any i mean it's like no no ethnicity or group of people has uh a monopoly on that. I can't see.
Starting point is 01:06:13 You know what characteristic really annoys me about people? It's people who are always trying to get something for free. Always. They're just in that mode. Do you know anyone like that? I used to. I used to have a good friend. We used to call him Snake in Tall tall grass his name was jake jake wow and he was the type of guy that like you know everybody's getting together and
Starting point is 01:06:31 couple people are bringing some beers over or whatever then after everybody's already had one down and kind of a little bit looser then he shows up to the party and just starts going through the fridge and like drinking everybody else's beer you knew that he had that planned? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It used to be the joke. Who's going to sponsor him? He'd go out with you and sit down at the table and be like, oh, I'm not really eating,
Starting point is 01:06:55 and just kind of wait for somebody to be like, oh, it's all right. I know you're hungry. It's all me. Don't worry about it. Or we're going to share these appetizers anyways. And he'd be like, oh, okay. Leftovers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:05 You guys down to smoke? Only brings the blunt wrap. Jake Chapman, what have short-sighted gynecologists and puppies got in common? What? What? They use their nose nose I don't know I don't know we'll never know
Starting point is 01:07:32 wet noses oh uh I was so bummed that I used up all the AI minutes. I was so bummed. And that was the big package that I could buy right off the get-go too. I want to find someone to sponsor even the bigger package. I made a post from it.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Can you pull up my Instagram, Caleb? I made a post from it. Can you pull up my Instagram, Caleb? I made a post from it this morning. Oh, it still says we have 86 minutes left. It does? Uh-huh. Oh, because it kicked back one of the other videos and stopped processing partly through. Oh, it did? Yeah, because it's
Starting point is 01:08:21 120 minutes. We only have 86 left. I made this one this morning. Let's see. This is related to the nose rings, by the way. This is my own. By no means should anyone think that I'm claiming that I'm perfect. I react to shit all the time.
Starting point is 01:08:43 It's like right now. I don't know which one. Yeah, I react to shit all the time. It's like right now. I don't know which one though. Yeah, I react to shit all the time. I'll fucking go eat stuff in the refrigerator at fucking 1130 at night to cover up some sort of issue I have. Okay, here we go. Philosophically, I fucking am 100% against them. Emotionally, intellectually, and visually, I'm 100% for them. I mean, there's tension in my being.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I'm not on uh i'm not my i'm not on one team between my i mean the thought of just fucking running full speed with my face into a set of giant fake tits sounds fucking awesome oh i mean i don't know i but i just find it weird that like a dude, that's the thing that it's weird. Look at Allison NYC. Fake tits are pure poison. Yeah, I agree. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:28 So philosophical. I should have that. I look at, but I forgot the chain. It says investor and founder relationship. It's supposed to say up there. I'm tension around tits, tension around tits.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Investor and founder relationship. I don't even know why it says that. Like I, like it just, like I didn't know how to use the AI software. That's amazing. Look, Jan Clark can confirm running full speed into a set of titties. Look at Logan Mars. Not only are you not perfect, you are no thing. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:03 I accept. that's hilarious going to the city today this should be interesting why we're gonna go see a giants game no shit yeah memorize sony we have a family you have a catalytic converter in your car i won't after today. Do you? No. In the Honda Civic? I don't think so. I don't know shit about cars. You're going to suppose how much I don't know about
Starting point is 01:10:31 engines. Well, I don't know either. But if you do have one, you're not coming home with it. Where are you going to park? Are you taking Bart in? No. Hell no. I'm done with Bart. Take Bart? Bart? We're going to park.
Starting point is 01:10:46 We got... Remember I told you we have a... Who's going? This is fascinating to me. Just Grace and I. Will you get a beer and peanuts? I don't know. I would get beer and peanuts for sure. I don't think I'll...
Starting point is 01:11:02 I don't know. It's like a nicer area. You have seats. You're not in the bleachers no we got um remember i told you got a family friend that uh plays for the giants no i told you out when you talked about that no i remember awesome well anyhow it's those it's those tickets So we got the tickets from that family, and they have nice club-level seats. So you go in, and you get a little wristband and the drinks and the free food. Oh. Parking's right up in front. We're driving and going to park inside the lot inside the park.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Nice. When you park in there, let me know if you see a car that's worse than yours play that game as you walk as you park every car's worse than mine you know you mean better than yours yeah better than mine hey i used to play that game when i used to have a toy pickup truck i'd be like whose car is there someone i would never see a car worse than mine and you see the funny thing is is you've only taken short trips in my car you never realize that the radio there's no radio and there's no auxiliary cut but uh cord that works anymore so my phone put into a cup holder when i'm listening to like podcasts like this show or a book or i'm listening headphones also three out of the four windows don't roll down
Starting point is 01:12:21 yeah so that's awesome that rolls out in that in the ac doesn't work so if you get in there and it's hot like it is today you can't even get air out of your window will you take your car no and uh ironically enough my car is in the shop right now getting so you'll go grace's car yeah we'll go grace's car will you drive or will she drive uh i'll probably drive it depends she gets? I'll probably drive. It depends. She gets car sick pretty easy. So if we go somewhere further, she'll end up driving,
Starting point is 01:12:53 which was weird because whenever we went anywhere, it didn't matter how long the road trip was. I always drove. I just drove. It was default. Then when she started getting car sick easier, she started driving more. Do you guys have any issues with one of you being a a backseat driver it's probably me while she's driving and does it bother her does she appreciate it um mostly it probably pisses her off but there is times i mean i'm just like a crazy defensive driver like i literally drive like everybody's trying to fucking kill me
Starting point is 01:13:23 yeah i don't sit in people's blind spots i find cushions i don't drive crazy fast like i give myself almost a ridiculous amount of space from the person in front of me like there's a lot of that and so if i drive with you and you don't drive like that and i'm close to you usually i'll probably say something i'll be like damn we got to see inside these people's car or like or like fuck how long do you think it's going to take us to stop the car with you going that fast on this road? Longer than you think. That shit would piss me off. Hey, you don't need to know that many of your close friends that have died in car accidents to become a little traumatized.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Wow. Wow. You got some of those? to become a little traumatized wow wow you got some of those um uh what uh what is this seve uh pay your people geez what's this about so you can get a car hey the car the car is strictly a choice. The car is a choice. I feel like if that sucker, I'm going to run that thing to 300,000 plus miles if it'll go. I have no desire for a car payment. I do not give a fuck what it looks like with the car I drive in.
Starting point is 01:14:35 I'd rather have enough money in the bank account to buy a new car over 10 times than to have a new car. Do you have a Toyota, Caleb? No, I have a Jeep Cherokeeerokee oh my wife has a truck though chevy silverado do you uh oh what year 17 oh he's got i thought you were gonna say like a 95 or 97 or something oh no um no. Jake Chapman. Wow, what an astute observation. The beat-up car as soon as his nose rang.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Look at you. Two people at work got their catalytic converter ripped out during work hours the other day. I said, that's some San Fran crackhead shit. Can you imagine that? Listen, you just worked all day. You woke up at 6. you just worked all day. You woke up at 6. You fucking worked all day. It's fucking 6 o'clock at night.
Starting point is 01:15:30 You get back to your car, and someone has stolen, damaged your car that's three days' worth of work. You don't think that those people should just fucking get the shit beat out of them? Like, go to, like, they took three, now they've taken three or four days of your life, your energy, your time on planet Earth, your hours. It's just – I think of myself as the criminal in those situations and like what I need done to me. Like – What do you mean? I think of myself as the criminal in those situations and like what I need done to me. Hmm. Like. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:16:11 Like I picture myself as the one who stole that guy's catalytic converter and now he has like what should be done to me. It's like I should be forced to like go work at the shit plant for a month. And only be fed one meal a day. Do you know what I mean? Like the place where you flush your toilet and the poop goes there? Yeah. I should be forced to work there for a month with only one meal a day. Well, if there were harsher punishments, there'd be less people that did that.
Starting point is 01:16:42 No one fucking gets in trouble for it or they get a slap on the wrist and they're back out on the street stealing your Cadillac converter the next day. Logan Mars, I work at the shit plant. Yeah, but you get to retire after 20 years. Cadillac converters are stolen more from Toyotas than any other vehicle. It takes less than two minutes if they know what they're doing. You know what's crazy too, Jessica? I think the city of Seattle and another city is suing Toyota and Kia because they've made it too easy to steal. And that right there explains to you the problem with society.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah, that's fucking crazy. Hey, that's the same logic that if a girl wears clothing that's too easy to get off, she deserves to be raped. Because I guarantee you that it's like every dude on planet Earth wants to get pussy. Not every dude wants to steal a catalytic converter. So it even makes more sense. It's even more of a justification for rape. I mean, it's fucking bad. We live with fucking lunatics.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Hey, there's things that we have to go do that are against our nature in order to make society and civilization work. There's some things that we have to push up against, right? What do you mean you can't you can't allow just men to be like just their full expression of of who they are in terms of like um club a woman over a head drag her into a cave and start a family like there's a time and place where that was appropriate and it's not anymore. If we want to live in a fucking society, like we have to, it can't just be survival of the fittest has to be expanded.
Starting point is 01:18:09 We have to make room for smart people and different forms of success based on, based on what we need evolutionarily to, uh, to thrive as a society. Like we can't kill Thomas Edison and then never get the light bulb just because he fucking couldn't, you know, fend off uh pirates yeah yeah yeah i get it okay you know what i mean yep someone's making a colton doc yeah i think swolverine is a supplement company oh do they do protein powder they do i think they have whey and they do protein powder
Starting point is 01:18:45 they do they have whey and like vegan protein powder can I see their website sure they'll have the CEO creatine soon yeah I would love that CEO creatine what
Starting point is 01:19:01 hey I do really like that podium lets you make your own um blend oh you're like choosing your own shit yeah adventure can you do that on the swolverine site i don't think so oh look they got some greens they got cocaine white they got hippie green wait a second wait a second who took that picture oh are you kidding me abigail donut is sponsored by them i guess so wow wow wow um oh uh why was that one bottle the picture of it like that yeah i feel like that needs to be turned the other way wow i can't believe they got abigail donut that is awesome i hope she i hope she fucking kills at the games i would really like to just keep I'd like to get on the Abigail
Starting point is 01:20:05 bandwagon. You kind of need to be good for me to get on your bandwagon. You know what I mean? Like you can't just be ass. Yeah. Yeah. No ass wagons. Yeah. Have you guys either heard of this? The long the speaking of edison the longest
Starting point is 01:20:27 running light bulb is in livermore it's actually did it stop working no no it's still going oh yeah isn't that a fire department or something it's at station six yeah nice yeah oh so i love brisket so i may dm you a picture of my meat god i'd love to see it i love brisket. Seva, may I DM you a picture of my meat? God, I'd love to see it. I love brisket. Adrian. Did you see it again recently? You go to that firehouse where it is, right?
Starting point is 01:20:55 I don't know. I don't go to that firehouse, but it's in the neighborhood that I grew up in. I had a lot, but... My wife was benching earlier and was asked if she could be videoed by some 20 year old girls trying to train i don't even understand like she was in the shot or they wanted specifically to video your wife yeah david uh loves smoking meat dm me David loves smoking meat. DM me. DM me.
Starting point is 01:21:35 The Swolverine CEO is cool too. Oh, well, good. Did they have a pride blend? I'm asking for a friend. All right. What else? Oh, here we go. We've been at a Globo gym, and they wanted to video her benching.
Starting point is 01:21:57 That still didn't. Just like a reference for them to look at. Yeah. Like what it looks like to bench well. Tripods. Or maybe they were just going to do some sort of tiktok video with their like like goals or sort of a fast clown yeah or be like when i when i'm they're probably like 16 year old girls and jake's wife is like 32 and they're like when we're old we want to look like her right oh number 78 i feel like the show is oh yeah this is so good this is so good
Starting point is 01:22:30 people are waking up right what do you mean by waking up meaning like people are like realizing like like the the affirmative action thing it's like yeah like you want to help people affirmative action is not the way to do it not to be racist against uh white people um you want there to be uh safe places for you know you want to be not prejudiced against gay people. You want people to be able to express themselves, but gay people are realizing like, holy shit, the fucking pedos have hooked their fucking wagon up to our shit and be manipulated. Black people are realizing that they're being manipulated, that the fucking Democrats are truly the racist and it's not the
Starting point is 01:23:18 fucking Republicans. There's a difference between saying I want a Jew as my accountant instead of a black man versus, you know, that that's not racist, that there's a, there's a nuance there of discrimination and prejudice that's different than racism. Like I just feel like people are just waking up. Yeah. You know what I mean? I pick Hussein bolt to Hussein bolt to be on my track team over fucking seven. Like, I think they're just, people are willing to look at it more logically than just
Starting point is 01:23:46 take it for the emotional face value and then run with it yeah just on the surface all those things sound great like you wouldn't disagree with any of them if you just looked at the very surface level of what you're yeah affirmative action sounds great yes yeah but then when you really start to dig in and like question it or like you know hold up hold up against its rigor. Like, is this a good thing or is it not? And then you really go down that rabbit hole. You realize, ah, maybe it's not good intentions, but not good outcomes. I was reading what Michelle Obama was saying about affirmative action. And basically what she was saying is, is that people get into Harvard based on how hard they throw a ball, who they know, how rich they are, where their parents went to school, all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:26 And so that was her justification for now adding color on there. Skin color. Skin color. And the thing is all of those other things that she chose have nothing to do with skin color. So she's saying because we let people get in, it's not even logical. Because we let people get in because they're rich, we should also let people get in because they're black. That doesn't even make sense. So now black people have an advantage of getting in two ways, if they're rich and if they're black.
Starting point is 01:24:56 But the thing is, is who cares if you let black people in or not? The thing is, is that that means other people can't get in based on their color. So how many hundreds of thousands of fucking white kids didn't get to go to the college that they wanted to go to? Asian kids, you mean? Because of their – Asian kids, because of their skin color. No one – like it's fucking batshit crazy. And then at the end of the day, yeah, people want to help.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Sorry, sorry, Tangrizz. Correction, Mike Obama. My bad. shit crazy and then at the end of the day yeah people want to help sorry sorry tangrees a correction a mike obama my bad there's no way that's true dude yeah there's no way i went down the rabbit hole and it just wouldn't stick i i think that they're okay can we do a poll caleb yeah what do you want to say if you have to choose one the earth is flat or michelle obama's a dude oh you have to choose one i'm going with the earth is flat i would go with that over michelle obama's a dude yeah but let's see let's see if i had to choose one well this is this is a fucking listen to this. Logan Mars. I don't agree with this, but it's still a beautiful sentence. They do affirmative action when the real value of the institution is at an all-time low.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So it's a non-issue. I mean it's a beautiful dig. The last thing we want is sending fucking anyone to those institutions anymore okay here we go let's play this and then we'll check out our poll please vote in our poll our scientific poll do you think if you have to choose one that Michelle Obama really is a man or
Starting point is 01:26:38 the earth is flat if you choose the earth is flat that means you think Michelle Obama is a woman if you think Michelle Obama is a man then that means you think the earth is flat, that means you think Michelle Obama is a woman. If you think Michelle Obama is a man, then that means you think the earth is round. Either way, you have to be some sort of quackadoodle. Please jump on one of the quackadoodle buses and leave me shortly. Thank you. Suspended belief.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Holy shit. Bruce Wayne, Michelle Obama over flat earth. Wow. Oh, my God. I'm judging. I'm judging. Interesting. Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Did someone write that? Oh no. Don't be a flatterer. Michelle has a dick. Someone wrote that? Oh shit. I think that's Tank Reeves' wife. That's Tank Reeves' wife?
Starting point is 01:27:32 This, this, this uh this nine-year-old girl at a jiu-jitsu tournament uh triangled obby and sat on his face you know what triangle is you guys know yeah and afterwards i'm like that girl sat on your face he did not like that he's like stop it i'm like stop what i just saw that girl just sit on your face he was pissed he was he he did not like it i wanted to take it up a level two but he's only eight i really wanted to like but i just i'm like oh wait i'll wait till he's 12 i hope some chick still triangles and when he's like 12. I mean, he's only eight. The chick was nine. I mean, she fucking she triangled two matches in a row. Oh, same move?
Starting point is 01:28:13 Yeah. He basically he basically she triangled him from the bottom and then rolled up on top of him and just mashed her vagina in his face. It was crazy um i fell down the michelle obama um penis trap but i i just still couldn't do it i i what's on video the the penis i think her penis that she's a dude no i mean have you fallen down i went down the rabbit hole it's fucking i haven't you fallen down? I went down the rabbit hole. I haven't really fallen down,
Starting point is 01:28:46 but I've heard the major argument like there's no pictures of her when she's pregnant. There's all these footage of her out now with like a penis like you see something flopping in her dress or her pants and shit. Dude, I have such a hard time even believing anything anymore like with all these deep
Starting point is 01:29:01 fakes and all this other shit it's like this this um rambler triangles are the best purple belt here awesome uh congrats by the way i i told him the other day i can't remember what i promised to buy him but something oh i promised to buy him a 1700 fucking like a scooter like four-wheel drive like He wants an all-terrain vehicle so bad. Rambler? What? Rambler? No, no, no, no. Sorry. I love you.
Starting point is 01:29:29 This girl triangled him, and I said if he triangles her back, I would buy it for him. He tapped her from a triangle, but it wasn't really a triangle. He didn't lock it up. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I was like, fuck you. You don't get it.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I'm not spending so much time on it. Oh, you caught him on a loophole, dude? You have to lock it up you know what i mean yeah so i didn't i was like fuck you you don't get i'm not spending you have to lock it up right you think you think it's a triangle submission if you don't lock it up what do you mean how so the arm was across it was across but it was kind of like this and he was squeezing and pulling her in and shit so once you pull it and this across and this i wanted to see it locked like like he was like, it was like that. Cause his legs are so short. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Two foot. Nothing. Oh man. You set him up to fail. Yeah. I was going to say, if you're basing it on how big he is, if you get the angle in the crack
Starting point is 01:30:15 and start pulling on just, wow. Yeah. That's what, that's definitely locked in, but either way they tapped, right? All right.
Starting point is 01:30:29 $1,700 scooter coming. that hackleman show is awesome what a unique path he has had that dude great show uh sebon is an indian giver is that racist probably but you're english you don't even know so you get out of here okay okay sorry okay um let's watch uh yeah okay here we go listen up people here we go hello lgbtqia plus baby y'all are doing too much and yes i'm gonna be the one to say it because if a straight person says that y'all gonna say the homophobic this side and the third and it's like no boo you're just doing the most and it's really not cute because can someone explain to me why i'm seeing all these pride videos people in the streets acting like they ain't got no fucking home training but uh see boo chi chi chi's all out on display for everybody to see middle new york broad daylight minors present like when it says when is that okay sis
Starting point is 01:31:16 because it's not and bitch don't get it twisted on a scale of one to classy i'm not giving royal family by any means like i love to turn up shake some ass and have a good time but bitch time and place and that was not it y'all when i tell you i saw this chick practically nothing on on top of a water fountain water spraying all up in her cookies milkies and crannies a bit i'm just wondering what type of antibiotic that doctor's gonna prescribe for all that people hanging from street lights hooking up on the side of the road what in the land before time the anderthal hey that is exactly i am telling you i have that is exactly what the gay pride parade is like when I used to go to San Francisco. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 01:31:51 There's people hanging from the lights and shit naked or like a guy wearing a skirt hanging from a light and then people are walking underneath him looking drunk. It's all that. It's fucking crazy. Did you see he said the B word? What did you hear me? Yeah, he used it wrong yeah oh did he didn't catch that he used it as a um as like an object but it's a smell right yes he said like they had their blah blah blah out but i think yeah he yeah he did jessica he
Starting point is 01:32:21 did say it yeah that's the first time it's been said on the show i think uh by a non by a live person by a non-life person yeah okay sorry keep going a little bit more sorry aviare raggedy is the word for it they already don't fuck with us like that and this is how you want them to perceive us pride is an event based around acceptance and equality not an excuse for y'all to act a fucking fool. All right, y'all. As long as you guys know that that does not represent the entire LGBTQIA plus community, even I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:32:53 Do better. My fellow. So what is that, by the way? Does that have a, that has a penis, right? That's not a girl. That's a dude. Yeah, that's a guy. That's not a girl.
Starting point is 01:33:02 That's a dude. Yeah, that's a guy. All right, well, thank you. F1 Fanatic is back. What'd you say? F1 Fanatic is back. Oh. Give the rainbow back and change the title from Pride to something else, please.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Thank you. On behalf of all rainbow lovers, please return the rainbow back and change the title from pride to something else. Please. Thank you. On behalf of all rainbow lovers, please return the rainbow. Taste the rainbow. I've never done anything close to this. Number 71. You want to look at the poll? Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:38 sure. Yeah. Oh yeah. Wait till you see 71. I can't wait to show you 71. All right. Well, wow. 80, yeah. Wait till you see 71. I can't wait to show you 71. Alright, well. Wow. 80-20.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Are you kidding me? Got a lot of Globus in the chat, I think. That is such bullshit. Can we leave it open a little longer? Sure. So, like, 100 votes. Listen, go over over where do they vote on youtube yeah live chat on youtube please if you if you think the earth is flat over michelle obama having a penis please go over there and vote if you think michelle obama is a man over the earth being flat don't vote go get a snack or something yeah idiots i said i agree too chris idiots is you idiot
Starting point is 01:34:25 where is hey oh shit it's getting oh no it's getting worse you assholes three of you just fucked it up wait i brought it back thank you yeah oh yeah i'm gonna do that too how do i go over there? What's crazy is someone's going to be like, that show has a bunch of flat earthers and other. Okay, I'm clicking on the show. Where do I vote? Oh, vote.
Starting point is 01:34:59 There's a button for me to end the poll. I don't want to end it. How do I just vote? I can't vote because it's. Oh, because you're probably logged in as the podcast. You don't want to end it. How do I just vote? I can't vote because it's... Oh, because you're probably logged in as the podcast. You probably don't have another login. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I think our Heabler show is going to be moved. Again? Yeah. Well, according to some text you sent through last night. Oh, no. With another guest that might be taking that slot. Oh.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't have my phone with me. You're telling me that he was scheduled for this Thursday night? Which has been our third time. The first time was my screw-up. I screwed up.
Starting point is 01:35:51 There was a scheduling conflict on my part, and then we rescheduled him, and then last time he had something come up. John Hackleman just texted me and said, how's your dog? What a good dude. Yeah. What a good guy.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Just expecting it to die soon Yeah, alive Well you've kept I just wrote back alive A few times It's not doing good Wow Hey I need
Starting point is 01:36:24 We need more We need more better resolution to what happened yesterday in our thread oh yeah yeah i don't like it what do you mean by resolution though like we you saw the whole thing right like you went back yeah i just um Yeah. I just. Hold on. Sorry. I want to show you I want to show you guys. Oh, shit. Can you hear me? Yeah. I want to show you guys Biden touching girl's tits, which is pretty crazy. I want to ask you guys if you do that. What number is it? I don't disagree with the dialogue. I don't disagree with, like, hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:37:32 Like, I think that's a totally fair question. Okay. But then, I just don't think you should hit your kids. You know what I mean? I'm just not i think there's value and opportunity that that's had from everyone in that thread okay do you disagree with anything i've said so far either of you you guys are in the thread yeah um like would you rather deal with that though that person or deal with like your dog peeing on your carpet i'd rather deal with
Starting point is 01:38:10 that person's kind of idiosyncrasies all day long rather than my dog peeing in my house but i just have to now talk to the other person and just be like hey can we just be just like cool like i don't know i want to present it to the other person like hey can we just use this as a learning experience how would you handle it how would you fix it we had a beef we had a falling out on our thread between a couple people i'm not asking them i just i just I just think it's a missed opportunity I think it's just it's not best for everyone where we're at right now
Starting point is 01:38:52 I think it was better before really? oh you disagree with me I don't know I'm having trouble articulating this you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings publicly I can tell you a lot alright let's give it a little more breathing room let's look at Biden lie. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings publicly. I can tell you a lot.
Starting point is 01:39:09 All right. Let's give it a little more breathing room. Let's look at Biden. I do everything in my power to physically not make people feel uncomfortable. physically not make people feel uncomfortable. But I have done stuff I think that makes people – we had this – well, I'll use my wife's cousin for example. She's like some kind of Jew that you can't hug. There's some girl Jews. If they're married, you can't hug them oh okay and
Starting point is 01:39:46 twice like probably the 10 times that i've seen her twice i hugged her my wife like dude you can't do that you're not allowed to touch her how'd she react when you hugged her she was cool she was chill like she didn't she didn't get back i can't even remember but it wasn't i didn't even know by her body language i didn't know i wasn't wasn't like, yo, like, yeah. Okay. Like I want to meet people with that, but I also, anyway,
Starting point is 01:40:11 um, I've never done any, I would never, this is just crazy to me what we were about to see. I wish I would have shown you before I said all that shit. Cause I want to, I want you guys honest opinion, what you guys think about this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:25 I've seen dudes like this, by the way. And it fucking, it's bizarre to me. Okay, here we go. Here we don't go. Are you pulling up? What's happening? No, I've been waiting for the numbers. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:40:39 71. Sorry, 71. 71. 71. Sorry. Caleb and I were both like frozen. Okay, but we're both frozen. Is someone pulling this? Are you doing it? You were looking like you were pulling it up.
Starting point is 01:40:50 Sorry. Sorry. I just can't even believe that this is... So this is some actress named Eva Longoria. Yeah. Remember her from like... Wasn't she in one of the Sex and the Cities? She was the slutty one.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Was she? I don't know. I think so. I would like to kind of explain – I do have a defense for Joe, but let's play this first. Here we go. Like you don't put your hands on – I wouldn't even – you don't put your hands on i wouldn't even you don't put your hands on on a woman like that right even even like where they were originally do you ever susan do you remember the last time you put your hands on a woman like that on her back even no not not. Besides your own girl, right? Not in that setting, yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:41:47 I pick my boys up from there, like if I'm going to lift them up. Can we see it one more time? Here's my only defense for him, that she's back – my only defense for him is that she backed up and he didn't expect it. Yeah, he was like, man. But either way, he shouldn't have had his hands there in the first place, right? Yeah, but I just think also, too, like, I don't even think he fucking knows what's going on.
Starting point is 01:42:16 You know, like, I don't think he has the cognitive ability to, like, cop a feel. There is nothing behind those eyes. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Watching his face is like, there's nothing behind those eyes. Yeah. That's what I was saying. Watching his face is like, yeah. And what did he do at the most? He got a little, a little top of the thumb rub.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Like, how would you feel if that, if he did that to grace? I mean, I would literally feel like he is not there cognitively to like get anything out of that you're giving him a pass because he's just old as shit okay we're assuming he's tarded you think it's like a retard like a dog that couldn't hold its bladder that i just think he's like this like you could replace that with a guy you could have you could have put his hand directly
Starting point is 01:42:59 on her boob and she he would have been like oh is this happening like i don't think he has the cognitive ability to have the intention to grope her is where i'm at is where i'm at like if you say not with trump or something i'd be like hey so does that does that mean you get a pass how about all the does that mean you get a pass no you don't get a pass because uh that would assume that you're like doing it multiple times or something right like i don't think anything in this video is that harmful to where, you know, like to me, that would be like you go up and you talk to some old man. He's like, huh, and reaches out like, sweet girl,
Starting point is 01:43:33 and the back of his hand like brushes her boob as she like leans in. It's like, I don't know. Okay. What about you? You think that's intentional and we're going to consider that a grope and he did that intentionally? I think – Because that's a harder leap for me to make than the other way. I think at best it's just habits of being fucking completely inappropriate with women and being at this age is just a fucking habit and he thinks he can get away with anything.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I think that as a Democrat or as someone who wants to defend Biden, you keep saying oh it's just because he's old that's why he makes those gaffes but it's like that's not that doesn't explain anything or things were different back then it's like oh yeah i have slaves in my house well why well i'm old school like i think at best it's just that he's a fucking pervert and his fucking auto automatic now that he fucking has no one behind the eyes and that he doesn't respect anyone and he's a power hungry fucking creep that now at best because there's no one like caleb said behind those eyes that it's just automated response but i think that's fucking gross i don't think you should treat women like that. She was really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:44:46 You could tell. She was? Yeah. The way she like pulled away in that and like kind of like then like moved his hands. Like, yeah, that to me screamed, she was very aware and was uncomfortable in this situation. I just don't even think Biden wipes his own ass.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Wow. Serious? Serious. About that? Yeah. I'm dead. I'm like, I- Whoa i'm like i whoa whoa whoa here's what i think he's gonna run for president they're gonna bring him closer and closer to election time something with his health will happen so then that way he could move out as like the primary candidate
Starting point is 01:45:19 and then somebody new will slide into that democratic slot uh logan mars a third option to the poll biden is a perv i'll vote for that over the other two then we can lay mike to rest and i'm not who's mike who's mike mike obama oh oh shit that poll change any better no what does this mean dude he's at 18 percent charge meaning like he's just yeah like he's on his way out like he's on low battery mode yeah if you open the wrong app it's dying oh my god if trump did that it would be fucking it would be there'd be rape he'd be pulled up for rape charges i know that's the whole thing yeah i have a friend who's like or i guess an old instructor, they are a nurse on that, like on the presidential team. And I so wish I could ask her just about what's going on over there because.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Yeah. And whenever I watch Biden do anything publicly, I don't even watch him. I watch everybody around him. And if you watch everybody around him, it's like they're at the uncomfortable dinner where like, you got to let grandma or grandpa speak because they kind of started the family but everybody knows they're gonna just trail off into some crazy shit or if they even have a more of a public venue so everybody's just sitting there like and in their mind they're like shut this dude up get him off the stage as quick as we can biden is the real life weekend at Bernie's. Caleb, why can't you ask her? That's a good question. Thank you, Jan, for the loot.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Because they will not talk about it. Well, I told you I had a friend who went there for a wedding, the grandchild's wedding. And they said he's completely out. Just the old dude that no one talks to just completely out to lunch there's just nothing and that's why i just think that like although it wasn't it wasn't
Starting point is 01:47:13 appropriate and it was definitely creepy and gross i just don't know if he had like i don't even know if his freaking dangling works oh no no it definitely doesn't work you know what i mean so then therefore what like what's the intention just habitual he's just a habitual just creep bad by that uh 61 uh oh i love mexican art i just wanted to show this is uh mexican. This is awesome. This is fucking brilliant, actually. And even though Hunter Biden is kind of off on his own with that and you can't control everybody in your family, the fact that they're enabling him to still do what he's doing and covering it up and playing a part in it tells you the moral ground that that family sits on
Starting point is 01:48:02 and the standards that they live by. Well said. I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah, you're not in control over your kids but yeah because the cover-up is crazy yeah the cover-up is the issue right and that and then you right there you see the importance of like being you play by different rules once you're the president like you can't be cheating on your wife it should be illegal you can't have mistresses you can't have shit going on if you're like that or else they can be leveraged against you or if you do you need to be 100 honest about it right pandora plant these photos are a poignant reminder of the challenges and sacrifices millions of workers across the
Starting point is 01:48:33 globe face the images capture the daily commute of mexican workers who travel long distances by truck or on foot to reach their workplace you know what's funny is there's probably none of those are probably mexican they're probably like vuelan and Ecuadorian and all that shit. Just because – and I say that not for any reason. You just can't trust anything anymore written. And it's also irrelevant. Often in challenging or dangerous conditions, we get a glimpse into the lives of these workers. We're often unseen and unheard in our fast-paced, mind-worn world.
Starting point is 01:49:01 Pointless liberal fucking nonsense bullshit. No one sees anyone going to work. That's like some tug-at-your-heartstring shit, by the way. Often in challenging or dangerous conditions, we get a glimpse into the lives of these workers who are often unseen. All the workers are unseen. The guys working on our roads,
Starting point is 01:49:19 the guys working in our sewers, all that shit. Guys putting in swimming pools. The fuck is that? That's just bullshit. Anyway, in our fast-paced modern world, despite the hardships they face, you mean how stoked they are that they're fucking alive and making money and bringing food home to their family and getting self-worth? Oh, that kind of hardship?
Starting point is 01:49:43 They continue to show up day after day, driven by a sense of duty and responsibility to their families and communities yeah just leave it at that why does it have to be poor them that's the liberal bullshit it's like poor them i'm better than them poor them hey we've all done that i've done that i've ridden in a truck and hidden like that going to a job before every boy has fucking done. Every boy had a paper route where he had to get up and fucking ride around or he rode in the back of a truck illegally and help someone mow lawns. Everyone's done that.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Fuck. But anyway, I do like the pictures. The pictures are cool, right? Yeah, it doesn't exactly look like those two are having a terrible time. Well, the guy on the left just gave the guy on the right a handy. Mm-hmm. You don't have to do all... Did someone just strum a guitar?
Starting point is 01:50:31 No, I think it's a video. That dude's asleep. Mexican art. Oh, here we go. Like, can it just be cool? Oh, this is cool. This is fucking awesome. Louis Brackpool was on the show, and he's coming back on the show.
Starting point is 01:50:53 I'm excited to talk to him. This is from his Instagram account, number 60. I like Louis. He was cool. Jake Chapman, Sevan blew, that means had oral sex, with 27 homeless men
Starting point is 01:51:09 for six months. That is not true at all. I don't blow homeless guys. That's disgusting. Do you really think Joe Biden doesn't wipe his own butt?
Starting point is 01:51:22 Yes. So you think if he poops, he calls someone to wipe his butt or you think he wears a diaper it probably depends on the situation like when he's out and about and has to be public facing he's probably it depends get it somebody goes in the bathroom with him okay yeah i think he's got it on when he's in public and i think that he's got nurses nearby when he's not do you know in the united states adult diapers outsell baby diapers fuck that's crazy right yeah hey that also uh uh is another point for elon with the depopulate
Starting point is 01:52:02 not the depopulation but like the population's lowering. Not, we're not becoming overpopulated. We're depopulating. Yeah. Cause if you would, otherwise the other, the opposite would be true.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Yeah. It'd be more baby. Oh, wow. The white house has to have a Japanese toilet. What the fuck is a Japanese toilet? One that's like a one with a bidet. A bidet.
Starting point is 01:52:26 That's, that's Japanese. I never knew that. Well, like Japanese toilets, they always have a bunch of buttons on the side. Yeah, well, that's true, but that guy's just racist. Deja. It's cultural or cultural appropriate. I think that it's called a bidet. Isn't bidet a French word? That's what I thought.
Starting point is 01:52:42 But the Japanese do have all that weird shit even in their public restrooms. Would you like your toilet seat hot oh thank you thank you very much have a rice day okay uh lewis brackpool i wash your asshole with uh japanese budae budae budake budae how would you like pork fried rice with that thank Thank you. Have a rice day. Have a rice day. You're a good boy. Oh, my son beat your son at tennis again. Ah, I see. You fat. You fat American.
Starting point is 01:53:12 They say crazy shit, right? Jab, they don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. Oh, your kid's smart. Not smart like my kid, but smart. Have a rice day. Have a rice day. Ah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Now I spray my asshole with warm toilet seat and make it play music. It play music so no one hear me. Poo poo papa. Oh, they even have that. You've seen the button, right? Caleb. Caleb knows they got a button for everything. Play music.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Dry. They got a fan. Oh, you want me to dry your asshole? You Armenian hairy ass. I put fan on dry after a boudin. Bluetooth to your phone. Oh, you're a kid lazy. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:53:51 You're a kid lazy. Thank you, Chris. You're a kid lazy. He not do math homework for 12 hours today. Now he beat you at tennis. You're a kid lazy. Oh, that's not nice, Jan. She's Chinese. Why is someone doing impression of Chinese? That was clearly Japanese. Oh, not nice, Jan. She's Chinese.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Why is Sevan doing an impression of Chinese? That was clearly Japanese. Oh, come on, Jan. I gotta... Do shot. I gotta say that. Oh, can you pause this real quick? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:54:21 There's these two Japanese girls that are now in my kid's jiu-jitsu class. Two girls. The fucking one girl's been is fucking six years old she's only been in the class four months and she fucked joseph up yesterday she armbar joseph joseph's so fucking good at jiu-jitsu and he's been doing it for fucking three and a half years since he's been three i told him on the car ride home like you got fucking arm barred by a fucking white belt the guy got out of it i'm like dude if that was in a tournament that would have been a fucking pin i just wanted to admit to hear him say she's good those girls can't be those girls can't be held down on their back. They can sweep anyone. They just can.
Starting point is 01:55:06 They're like cats. They can't be on. They're not on. They won't stay on their back. It's crazy. Wow. Yeah, they're so good. The older girl is just fucking strong as a fucking ox.
Starting point is 01:55:17 She's probably like two inches. She has a six pack. She's two inches taller than Avi, maybe three inches, and she fucking outweighs him by 20 pounds. And they just started? She holds the weight perfectly on her body. She looks like a – they're phenoms, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:55:31 Yeah, Jap girls. Crazy. So fucking good at jiu-jitsu. Have I met them? No, I've never met them. Maybe you met them. They're family friends. I met them in tennis, and then I told them to come to jiu-jitsu,
Starting point is 01:55:40 and now I regret it. I think I met them. them yeah they're like cats japanese girls are like cats well these yeah they always land on their feet like you could just throw a japanese girl up in there and she'll land on her feet fucking crazy yeah i went yeah thank you steve flores i went to japan a few years ago some play play music. Yeah, they do it all. Damn. They do it all. Their toilets are crazy. I know. Hey, arrange marriage.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Hey, dude. Dude. Dude. Both those girls are phenoms. I would be fucking ecstatic if my boys married them. It's kind of weird to say that. They're so young still. But these girls are...
Starting point is 01:56:26 There's something else parents are cool too they're they're the kind of parents where the mom and the dad go to events like me and haley split up one of us goes to tennis one of us goes to jiu jitsu they like both or show up wherever wow yeah whatever um yeah former former tech former tech people who were like i think that they like i met them like three years ago and i think that they were i think i should specific they were woke and then they just like they went through like a mass awakening they had kids just everything i think they were in the tech world and they just realized like fuck this isn this isn't like, yeah. But once you get out of that bubble, like it's easier to see,
Starting point is 01:57:07 you know, like if all your friends are like, you're just kind of in that little tech bubble or like the university bubble, you can't really have opposing opinions. Cause even if you suggest something into that, I don't know. Were you guys buying it?
Starting point is 01:57:20 It's like all of a sudden it's like, like if you were to be like, what about, what about, do you feel bad at all for all those kids that aren't black that didn't get into college? Exactly. Like you're not bringing –
Starting point is 01:57:29 Scumbag. Yeah, you're not bringing that up. Fucking scumbag. Or just saying like, hey, it seems like – I was with some of this stuff before, but now it seems like they're pushing a little too far. Like what do you guys think? It's like, no, they're pushing it too far.
Starting point is 01:57:48 These kids are so fucking talented. It's weird. For those of you who have kids, you'll go somewhere and sometimes you could think your kids are the shit and then you just see some kid and you're like, wow. How they move. Everything. The younger daughter is so light on her feet. It's crazy. These kids do their, well, I don't want to say too much about them,
Starting point is 01:58:10 but I don't want to give away who they are, but they're, it's crazy. There you realize all the rules are different for them. Like all the ways that I would judge other parents and other kids, I don't judge these parents or these kids. These kids just beat to a different drummer. Like they can do their own shit. Like if you, like some parents, like I saw them, like I'll give you an example. If I saw your kids where, if I saw your kids just beat to a different drummer like they can do their own shit like if you like some parents like i saw them like i'll give you an example if i saw your kids where if i saw your kids show up to tennis like in um uh pjs pjs and rain boots yeah exactly i'm like fucking get a fucking grip these kids transcend all that they're so good so polite
Starting point is 01:58:43 so personal so athletic so overachieving anything like i don't even care like like i see some of the shit they do and i'm like yeah like fuck it and they want to do it like like leave these kids alone of a correlate huh what it's not that strong of a correlate then is it they're just crazy outliers i think they're just i i do think that there's a very very strong correlate to fucking um uh shoes and and the way we dress to back injury knee injury and hip replacements and shit what do you think like crazy high like way higher than we could ever imagine I don't know about the injury but I I would say correlate like a presentation is a correlate of like how you're
Starting point is 01:59:21 gonna like act or behave no uh no i meant just like like i think putting shoes on kids for the first 10 years of their life if we stopped doing that we would see like some dramatic shift in like hip replacements or back injuries or that i agree with knee pain okay that's what i meant that's that's what i do and kelly did a a study in san francisco with elementary school with that. He did. Yeah. Like he took all, like they paid attention to all the kids as they entered into kindergarten and like the way they ran and played and how they moved and were on their
Starting point is 01:59:51 feet. And then at the end of first grade, they were all like heel strikers when they ran and everything else. Cause the sitting screwed them up too. Oh yeah. And then it was like, depending on the more active wear they had, like they were better at it or worse.
Starting point is 02:00:07 But that just told me like they were involved in more sports and so they needed that type of attire versus the kids that weren't. I want to ask you a question. It might be too intimate. You don't have to answer it obviously. Cool. What's the fastest you fastest on an air runner? What's the fastest you've ever run on it?
Starting point is 02:00:31 But the metric is, I'm not asking you is your speed. It's where it gave you what your mile time would be. I haven't run on it enough to have that answer. Do you know what yours is, Caleb? My mile time or how fast I've run on an air runner like yeah yeah like yesterday i ran on the air runner and as fast as i fucking could i did i ran like way high up on my toes and took strides and i couldn't believe like for like a split second like i saw like a mile time like if i could keep that speed my mile time was crazy you don't you've never seen that i've just never ran i've never ran on it that hard to like to like see it or pay attention like i've only ran on it the most i ran on it was at your
Starting point is 02:01:15 house when we did that emo and that was like the recovery almost minute like where you jogged and then went hard on the bike the fastest mile i've ever run is 555 oh that's fast but you could make the air runner say sub four minute mile for a second it's crazy yeah it's crazy and yeah it's crazy anyway does anyone else know what their fastest if you sprinted on the air runners fast you could for a second what's your uh you have to get way up on your toes runner as fast as you could for a second. You have to get way up on your toes. You cannot run like you're on land at all. You have to basically be pushing the runner underneath
Starting point is 02:01:52 you. And then you do that and compare it to the fastest marathon time. I've never run on an air runner. That's how I know I'm privileged because I run on an air runner every day. Say that again and then compare it to the fastest. I think I could run for a short distance on an air runner every day. Say that again and then compare it to the fastest. I think I could run for a short distance on an air runner faster than the fastest. What's the fastest mile ever?
Starting point is 02:02:13 Three change? Yeah. No, I think it's below four because this guy just ran the two mile at 753. Wow. Yeah. Just broke it like not that long ago. Triggered. Untriggered. See it? Untriggered. Don't tell anyone ago triggered untriggered see it untriggered don't tell anyone but untriggered you know do you know what i'm talking about i'm triggered no i got triggered first name don't caleb fuck caleb there's a private chat dude
Starting point is 02:02:39 everyone just heard what you said i don't even know who you're talking about oh good i just know that that's i i have a person in my life named patrick but i oh fuck what are you talking about thank you for the five dollars thank you amazing thank you for the five5. Thank you. Amazing. Thank you for the $5. That's so good. We need to have a powwow after this. We need to make a list name.
Starting point is 02:03:14 A blacklist. Patrick Anderson said someone ran 753 two miles. Crazy. Yeah, that was the one that was just broken. They have this treadmill set up like an air runner and they got a big inflatable thing around it this was at a marathon that grace ran like a few years back but they bring it place to place and they slowly get it up to speed to the world uh world record marathon time which is probably and then you can then you can jump on it and see if you can run it they bring it up to speed over 100 meters and then once it's up to
Starting point is 02:03:44 speed it's a big there's a big meter count and it's just see how long you could hold that pace and people just get spit out the back of it wow i love it it's incredible and one time there was a bunch of people cheering and this one younger kid who was like probably like 13 14 was just holding pace and full stride for like almost 200 meters and that was like the furthest we've seen someone go crazy in vienna the kenyan achieved a milestone once believed to be unattainable but is a 159 40 marathon time yeah not be recognized as a world record fuck the fuck it won't it is here so the the reason they said that was because he did it um with pacers and a draft car or something like that yeah so he was drafting off of people for the whole two hours i'm okay with that i'm okay with it still faster than a five minute mile
Starting point is 02:04:38 for 26 miles so this is a fucked up story i probably shouldn't tell this story i talk a lot of shit when i play tennis and you're not that's one of the rules you're not allowed to talk during tennis did you guys know that no why are you also allowed them you're not allowed to like so like i'll hit a ball and if i think it's going to be close to the line going in or out i'll say to my kids in like even before it lands you're not allowed to do that or or like i'll hit a shot that's like looks like a kill shot and i'll be like oh like that you know doesn't make kirgios do that does he yeah he's like the massive shit talker in tennis so the first time we we played best out of 11 and he won uh 6-4 and and he was fighting back tears at one point i was up 4-1 so the next time we played we only
Starting point is 02:05:33 had time to play two games and i got up to zero and he fucking tapped his racket on the ground and broke his racket. I haven't told that story. Did he get in trouble for that? No. I saw the options. The options were to become Jesus Christos or to fucking become Satan. I chose Jesus Christos.
Starting point is 02:06:03 That's right, bitch. I was like, wow, here's the crossroads. I could just fucking just explode on them and be like, you fucking idiot. That was 120 bucks racket. You just broke on the ground. You you're a fucking cunt. Or I could just be like, take a deep breath and just let it just sit. And I just took a deep breath and I was just like, wow.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Let's enjoy that. And my son doesn't cheat. He doesn't do any of the stuff that other kids do in tennis. Tennis is a really easy game to cheat in because you're responsible. There's no judges. And so I walk up to the net and he walks up to the net. I could tell he's fucking like in shock. I go, hold your racket up.
Starting point is 02:06:48 He holds his racket up and there's like a flat edge on it now. You know, it's supposed to be an oval. There's a flat edge on it. Like you slam the brakes on a car, right? On a brand new set of tires and slid 400 feet. Just a flat spot on it. On the wheel. I'm like, hey, dude you you broke your racket he's like
Starting point is 02:07:07 no i didn't i'm like dude what you broke your racket he's like no i didn't and i could see now tears are building up his eye and we're talking i'm talking only this i don't know i'm like well here let me ask you this if the racket came in the mail like that do you think we'd keep it or send it back he's like we'd keep it i can play with this oh my god he's gonna die that's so our duty so i'm like okay um uh can you hold it up against my racket and i hold it up against my racket and it's like it's i use same size racket as him i use one of his old rackets and it's like oval and then there's his racket and it's got i'm like dude it's like it's fine and a couple of the wire you know the the machinehing, the wire is all pushed in on his side.
Starting point is 02:07:46 I'm like – I walk off the court and I start packing our stuff up. I walk over to the other court where my wife and my kids are playing and I start packing up the stuff and I can hear him start – he's crying now. Did you feel partly responsible because you were talking shit one percent what what i very little but yes but not enough to where like we put we played again since but but i told his tennis coach and his tennis coach sat him down and was like hey dude if that ever happens again you're gonna have to take a break from tennis. Like that can't happen. He's probably so frustrated.
Starting point is 02:08:30 It was interesting. It was interesting. Between us, I was actually kind of proud of him. us i was actually kind of proud of him i was like because because if anything if anything i was worried that he was too he didn't really have a the fighting spirit in him like not in a bad way like i'd be okay if he didn't but he's the kind of guy sometimes i just think he's just too nice he just is like like in jujitsu he's just helping all the other kids or whatnot and i'm just like man i just i kind of want him to like not like winning and he's he's he said that i i actually um i actually asked him i think i forget what what they were if you feel like breaking your racket but one of them was wiggle your toes and feel your toes if you feel like
Starting point is 02:09:34 you want to break your racket but that was interesting yeah he cares yeah i i was just i i told my wife i was just celebrating what a good dad I was because that could have gone horrible when I got home that night and the kids were sleeping like dude I could have just exploded no I didn't feel like shit actually you let him like deal with it
Starting point is 02:09:58 and then if you would have exploded he just would have like then it wouldn't have been about what he had done it would have been about like in his mind how you reacted to it right i didn't even think of that but you're right you're totally right so then rather than being like my dad's crazy like he did this he got all upset and it was just this little bit like you were just like okay and then he had to be like fuck i did break the racket fuck that was over called for you know dang i shouldn't have done that and he gave him the space to like beat
Starting point is 02:10:25 himself up a little bit for what he did he's so obviously a better tennis player than me like i don't even really play tennis i'm just using my size and coordination and like my brain power to beat him but like everything he does is better his ball placement is his hitting, his stroke. And so it was absurd that I won two in a row. But I could tell he was getting angry because he starts laughing like out of control. Like every time I score, he starts laughing. I'm like, uh-oh. Storms are brewing. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:01 Sorry. Number Louis Brackpool. he's coming on the show number 59 can we just admit that the the pride flag is the sex flag it's the same genitalia flag like let's just stop pretending that it's about acceptance or any of that it's not it's just a straight genitalia flag. Macaulay Culkin. Sebi, first time you've ever had a size advantage. Except when I stand next to you with my pants down. Oh.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Action. Terrible. You're taking the wrong fucking flag down, mate. I don't know that. At least you know that. It's just... You don't think I don't know that? It's like, well, why are you doing it? I saw this happen as well in the US,
Starting point is 02:12:00 where the Pride flag was stationed in between two American flags. The truth is, this flag doesn't represent civil liberties. Pride is now a transnational corporation. It is a lobby group. It pushes the ideology of hyper-sexualization, compelled speech, hormone therapy to children, degeneracy, and it mocks Christianity. Because the original meaning behind the rainbow
Starting point is 02:12:25 was god's covenant with noah it was a commitment to maintain the relationship between creator and creation so no wonder that meaning has been completely hijacked there you go tax dollars hard at work was that 59 Caleb 60 oh that was 60 oh what's 59 is that the same thing
Starting point is 02:12:55 no it's a press conference with the White House let's see what the president has to say oh no it's the lady here we go. There's been some criticism of the pride flag violating the U.S. flag code. Did anyone notice that? So, the White House, the flag placement, the pride flag violating the U.S. flag code.
Starting point is 02:13:25 Did anybody notice that or Phil notice that or was it an intentional statement? Just explain what happened. So the administration was proud again to display the pride flag. It was a historic event at the White House. It's centered around the love, around love and family. And I think that's important. And so and so you know we're not going to to let anyone distract us from that what was the meaning of the day what was a the meaning of having families here and to celebrate a community i'm certainly not going to get into protocols from here or uh i'll leave that to others and so uh you know we're proud of this historic event that we were able to put together uh here on South Lawn for families. Can you pause this? How do you think it is that, do you remember when Trump used to have his lady
Starting point is 02:14:10 up there, they would actually have a dialogue. She would like fight back. She would stay, she'd be like, Trump said two plus two is five and it's four. And she'd be like, well, that's true, but you took it out of context because you didn't see that he had another one over here. And they're like, well, he didn't point to it she's like oh yes he did and they would go back and forth and stay on subject right this fucking bitch never fucking stays on subject the whole fucking thing is a game the whole thing with this press second huckabee wasn't like that sarah huckabee wasn't like that no i Huckabee wasn't like that. No, I appreciated her. Yeah. This fucking bitch right here – and I apologize for fucking calling one of my fellow humans that, but this fucking bitch right here, it's never – she never – I can't think of once I've heard her answer the question.
Starting point is 02:14:59 It's like the question is, is you put the fucking gay flag in the middle of two American flags and there's probably something against the flag code on that. And she could say we made that choice to draw a strong fuck to make a strong point or you know what? That's fucking you're right. It was it was fucking it's not cool. We should follow the rules, rules, whether they're good or bad, offer discipline. And we should we should if we wanted to put the gay flag there, we should have followed the protocol and to put it just right next to the american flag or we should have changed the flag code like something nothing there's there's just no it's the same thing with affirmative action there's no pushback there that that allows me logically to say okay you're right you're right don't let fucking japanese kids in and let in black kids based on their
Starting point is 02:15:45 skin color i get it it's just like we've set ourselves back hundreds of years it's like you're not telling me anything you're not you're not like it's almost like they're afraid to say what their argument is because they're it will just be filled with holes. Yeah, well, then they'd have to take accountability and responsibility, and that's a slippery slope. No one's denying that it feels really, really fucking good to take really, really fucking poor kids and help them. Everyone unequivocally wants to do that.
Starting point is 02:16:23 Even the grossest, scummiest, Satan-worshiping, pedophile fucktards on the planet, someone inside of them knows that it's good to help a child. Not in the way that they help the children, but… No one's against the idea of taking poor kids and helping them. But it's not poor kids. It's poor kids with a certain skin color. And you're just fucking conflating the two. It's the same thing with – it's the whole Democrat thing. Greg, I forgot to ask him last time he was on the show.
Starting point is 02:17:02 I'm going to start the show off on Thursday. Is that tomorrow, Thursday? He comes on the show tomorrow morning gonna start the show off on thursday is that tomorrow thursday he comes on the show tomorrow morning no oh and i'm gonna ask him greg has a perfect fucking understanding of what democrats are versus republicans in terms of there's no intellectual there there you don't arrive at becoming a democrat because you you got there by thinking you can you it's it's just about feeling good I gave this heroin addict was writhing in pain and I know, so I gave him needles and some heroin and he shot himself up and now I feel better because he got rid of his pain. That's it. It's just short sighted idiocy.
Starting point is 02:17:39 It's just, it's just about feeling good. There's no intellectual, um, merit to it. Is that the word merit? It works. And that's okay. But just admit it. I overfed my dog because it made me feel good because he was always hungry and he got fat and died. Save your complex. Yeah, maybe that's what it is
Starting point is 02:18:13 4th of July it is you're going to the Giants game today yeah matter of fact I'm gonna jump off in a couple minutes here cause we're gonna take off did we do 62? This is every pride event, training event I've been to?
Starting point is 02:18:32 No. There's one that says LK Liver King. Oh, yeah, we already saw this. This is just kids. Kids petting kids at a sex parade you don't even have to play this just kids once again at a sex parade
Starting point is 02:18:53 guy dressed in sex clothes what are those clothes called with all the sexual dominatrix shit look at it kids petting them partaking in the performance. Look it. Look it.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Hey, you can go down to San Francisco and see that just on any given weekend. Am I joking? Yeah, what the actual fuck? I'll film some for you. Thank you. There'll be a little man on the street down there. What's 58? I put all the tough
Starting point is 02:19:29 guys straight guys I know love these totes tits oh oh yeah oh yeah nevermind that's the that's the and he's on the lawn at the White House oh these are all dudes though right I think so or that might
Starting point is 02:19:48 be a chick in the pink and that's a dude that's a dude that hot thing right there is a dude wow that's a dude then he looks like um just your typical wife of some fucking orange county fucking conservative dude. For sure. Like she just pulled up in her G-Wagon. That's what's so funny. Do you drive different when you drive to San Francisco?
Starting point is 02:20:21 Like when you drive in the city? Oh, I like this conversation. Do I lock my doors like grace gets grace gets upset sometimes because when we come into the city like we're taking hurricane jay but especially like when we take the civic i'll roll down the one working window and like partially lean out of the car yeah and then just start getting my swerve on through the city like oh i'm very aggressive in the city i'm very aggressive maniac yeah i'm very aggressive
Starting point is 02:20:50 and people know they see the car like that guy doesn't give a fuck like if you got a nice car and you want to play bumper cars like let's go baby my shit will fall off and i won't even bother getting out of the car i'm like oh fuck it weight reduction bumpers off it's fine yeah for sure i don't care and you fill your tank up before you go there the last thing you want to do is have to stop somewhere and put gas in your car oh i mean not only are you going to pay three fucking dollars more because it's inside san francisco but the chances of you getting mugged just went up like 95 right or at least stepping on a needle well that's a given that is either a needle or human shit it's gonna be one of the two
Starting point is 02:21:28 you could dye your hair blue yeah like i have my blue hair because you could dye your hair blue before you go into the city get a little protection protection i'm gonna get the clippy here a little bullring let him know i'm cool you will see a disproportionate number of bullring in the city one of my assless chaps oh let's do one more this one is funny this is funny these are uh these are 47 these are new movies that are coming out on netflix this is good this is really good. These are DEI movies. How about... Wait, do you see this? Elon Musk.
Starting point is 02:22:16 John Wick. Messier. Hey, is that kendrick lamar i don't know george washington these are amazing polar bears by the way this guy was on the podcast, GN Funker Tactical. I think this guy, I don't know what he is. He might be Japanese, Mexican or something.
Starting point is 02:22:51 Barack Obama. What's this actor's name? I really like him. Ryan Reynolds? Oh, Gosling. Oh, Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling, thank you. I'll take 40%
Starting point is 02:23:05 credit. Go ahead. Did you hear about the albino grizzly bear that kept getting transplanted from the Arctic to his normal forest?
Starting point is 02:23:21 Like they would capture him and take him there? Yeah. No shit. So they found him in a forest and they're like him and take him there yeah no shit they kept so they found him in a forest and they're like oh this poor polar bear got lost in in a normal forest yeah so they picked him up and took him back to the arctic and then some scientists found him and they were like wait a minute this is just an albino grizzly bear so they picked him up and took him back to the forest and then they did it like i think they did it like two more times until they finally were like see it's actually a grizzly bear humans smart humans that's liberal thinking they just saw the skin color made an assumption and now he's dead exactly uh i dare disney uh to change the
Starting point is 02:24:01 main character of tarzan to black a black guy that grew up with gorillas. I dare them. They'll do it. They don't even fucking. Humans are arrogant with nature. Let's put him where he belongs. All right. Happy 4th, everyone.
Starting point is 02:24:24 Thanks for tolerating me this morning I can't even tell you who's on tomorrow I don't even have any of my shit with me it's Matt Torres and Colton Mertens oh tomorrow morning? tomorrow morning we got Torres on first for the hour check in then we'll have Colton coming at 8 o'clock
Starting point is 02:24:38 oh that's fucking awesome wow okay the brute strength guy Emma Carey. Yep. James Sprague. Yep. Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 02:24:49 Fee Segoffi. Dallin Pepper. He's the guy. He's the guy. And then afterwards, Colton Mertens, the poster child for the Sebon podcast. A little check in with Colton afterwards. The Swolverine. That's right.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Fuck, that's cool. And then do we have anyone tomorrow night? Not Wednesday night, no. And then Thursday morning we have Greg Glassman and Thursday night we have Sarah Sigmund's daughter or the Flat Earth guy. Correct. Oh, man. Yeah, a little conundrum. How did I do that?
Starting point is 02:25:26 Was Flat Earther on the schedule? How the fuck did I do that? Yeah, he was on the calendar. I'm so sorry. Fuck. Yeah, yeah, he's on the calendar. And then Friday we'll have Louis Brackpool in the morning, and then we'll have the update show in the evening.
Starting point is 02:25:43 Then we got Blade on on Saturday. The cop from the Bay Area. Who actually just said if he saw me in San Francisco, he's going to pull me over to break the streak. Just do it on the way to the game, not home. Is he working? I don't know. He just
Starting point is 02:26:03 dropped that as a comment in there, and I just thought it was hilarious. All right. Oh, in the comments? Comments? In our comments? A long time ago, yeah, when you had asked Caleb and I when the last time we got pulled over.
Starting point is 02:26:19 Hey, you want to see this cool picture I'm super proud of? See that? A real Savant podcast t-shirt's available at Vindicate. Oh, you took that yeah that's the background of my phone but i forgot i took it oh when you're in your rope and your rope yeah that's cool aroma um uh so those are pre-ordered those vindicate shirts i mean those the real stuff on podcast no plan b then, then CEO in the front, those are cool. When they say Santa Cruz on them. Yeah, those are cool.
Starting point is 02:26:50 Do we get in trouble for that? We sell enough of them. Yeah, that's really cool. yeah that's really cool hey i i really like the fact that in that in the new games documentary that i um i saw ceo shirt walking walking in the capital you did yeah yeah there was one uh when t i think it was like t had finished or somebody had finished towards the end of the dock the one walking in the capital the first one and then the one at the end of the dock um at the finish line inside the stadium like somebody like turned and clapped and they're wearing a ceo shirt when they caught like a slow
Starting point is 02:27:33 move like i can't remember if it was last year we gave away last year we gave away a thousand ceo shirts at the games thousand of them yeah there was hell of them around that's crazy yeah that is cultural appropriation using the Harley Davidson shirt alright thank you everyone we'll see you tomorrow morning I'm Matt Torres that's awesome I'm excited does Brute
Starting point is 02:28:06 have a YouTube channel yeah like training think tank has one YouTube Brute Strength oh yeah okay they do oh oh yeah okay they do oh
Starting point is 02:28:26 oh but they don't publish to it oh no they do videos three days ago ten days ago hmm Dr. Nicole Torres how to start a business that's related to Matt Torres
Starting point is 02:28:52 how to start a business and sun your butthole and sun your butthole oh is it no shit yeah oh shit it is a butthole sunning oh there's no video it's just audio Oh shit, it is a butthole, Sonny. Oh, there's no video. It's just audio.
Starting point is 02:29:12 Alright. Alright, guys. Thank you. Have fun at the Giants game. This might be the last time you guys ever see Sousa. Caleb, thank you. Bye-bye.

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