The Sevan Podcast - The Rise of Alex Gazan | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Bam, we're live. Oh, shit. I can't believe how i started on time can you caleb saw you pop in right when i hit go live rambler good morning
Starting point is 00:01:12 oh shit take two rambler good evening uh great ghost hey lydia hey did you saber what's up dude did you say you offered me some something what'd you offer me? Barry McCockner. What's up, buddy? Jeffrey Birchfield. Jeffrey, I thought about doing it today. I want you to know.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I got on the assault bike, and I thought. Hi, Caleb. I thought about doing it. Doing what? I didn't. There's this workout Hiller assigned to me and jeffrey it's um 30 cals on the assault bike two minute rest 24 calories on the assault bike what could go wrong too easy right too easy uh todd tucker hello ken walters hello
Starting point is 00:01:59 uh who else sarah cooper hey uh alex kazan hi hi how's it going awesome jay hardell hi Who else? Sarah Cooper. Hey. Alex Kazan. Hi. Hi. How's it going? Awesome. Jay Hartle. Hi.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Long time no see, Alex. Yeah. How are you? I'm good. Good. Dixon Ormus. Good to see you. Good evening. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Sorry for that, Alex. All good. It's not my fault that the guy's name is dicks enormous uh seven the mono onganay's podcast was insane never would have thought twice about her and now she's one of my favorites cool well can you just wait till alex is gone before we praise her that's okay oh yeah fine alex is cool okay uh mr Okay. Mr. Watkins. Bang, bang, bang. Hi. Dude, I feel like I just saw you, Alex. Yeah, I guess we were on, what, a couple weeks ago?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah. Show killed. So before you came on today, I was digging through YouTube videos, like just looking to see if there was anything new with you so I could catch up. And I saw our last show, Murdered. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, you're getting really popular. You're a good draw. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You're a good draw. What are you wearing? What are you just cooking? Is that an apron? What are you wearing? No, it's just like a sports bra. You went back to the 60s and got something? To be honest, I just chose the most comfortable thing I could find.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I did not want to put on a shirt or like a sports bra that would take effort. So here we are. Listen, listen, don't, this is a judgment free zone. Come however you want, shirtless or whatever. People come do just your free. Honestly, like when Jake's home, I like need help, like undressing. Like my sports bra is like, it's such effort. So when I'm home alone, it's like easy peasy.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. Good for you. easy peasy. Yeah. Good for you. Good on you. Yeah. Can your neighbors see into your house? No. Can you walk in? Do you have a backyard?
Starting point is 00:03:54 We have, so we live on the same property as Jake's parents. So we have like. Oh. There's like a, I mean, there's not really a yard. It's Vegas. They're dirt. Right. But if you walk back there naked someone a neighbor could see you yeah we live across the street from my church
Starting point is 00:04:11 so awesome yeah well churches you can do anything at a church these days thank you Zach pretty good interview streak yeah but everyone's so easy.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I've been getting lucky. Oh, shoot. Sorry. I'm doing a podcast. Oh, yeah. I guess I should turn my phone on. Do not disturb. Or just answer calls and let us.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I mean, I like the realism of the show. If someone were to. Could they hear the call if I answered it? No, that's right. Because you're on your phone. That's right. Yeah. Hey, could you turn your phone this way?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Like that? Oh, awesome, yeah. That way people could see. That actually makes my life easier, too. Wow. Caleb, that's the kind of shit you should be enforcing. So, like, I can be the good cop. You should be like, hey, can you turn your phone sideways?
Starting point is 00:05:03 And I'll be like, fuck, Caleb's a dick. I don't like being the mean guy. Yeah, yeah. Someone has to. Please. I have to. Thank you. Hey.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Oh, Caleb, I didn't. There's only one. I know. Fuck. There's only one link. It's on her Instagram account. She's doing a rope climb. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Sorry. He knew. I was going to be like, Caleb, can you pull this up? But I didn't send him shit. Hey, we had Hinshaw on. Yeah. He knew. I was going to be like, Caleb, can you pull this up? But I didn't send him shit. Hey, we had Hinshaw on. Yeah, I watched. How was that? Hey, tell me the story in all the juicy details when he told you, like, dang, girl, you got big old lungs.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So I went to Power Monkey Camp right before semifinals. And honestly, this is such a God thing. Like, so cool um i was there as an athlete so i wasn't technically like on staff like i was like half participating like half kind of just like being there and there was a staff meeting the night before camp started and so i was just there but like i wasn't really on staff so i wasn't really paying attention and all of a sudden i just hear like dave new like I volunteer Alex Kazan and I was like sure like what do you want me to do? Dave Newman's the jump rope guy right he owns like RX rope yeah yeah he's awesome
Starting point is 00:06:14 um but I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about I was just like stretching in the back and I was like sure like what am I doing and he's like uh the vo2 max test tomorrow and I was like oh shit like okay and um I was totally fine to like do it like I thought it'd be cool but then I found out it was like at 8 p.m like the following night so it was gonna be like really late um obviously like semi-finals are coming up like sleep's important I was kind of like man like Dave like I'll still do it but like if there's anyone else that wants to, like, I'd prefer that. Um, he's like, you should do it. Like, it'll be fun. Everyone will love it. So I did it. And I didn't really realize like that Chris was going to be such a huge resource there. So he was like, once you get your results,
Starting point is 00:07:00 like come talk to me. And, um, and he's like, and don't tell anyone. I was like, okay, like whoop-dee-doo like i don't know what the fuck this means like i don't care um and so i got my results like i said wait how hard was the test tell me about the test was it hard did it put you in the pain cave it only hurts for a little bit but like you can only hold the pace so long so like for me i stopped because i could no longer hold like the pace like i could have kept suffering but like i fell off the pace i was supposed to hold does that make sense yeah yeah yeah yeah it was gonna start hurting quick no it doesn't hurt for a while because like you walk so
Starting point is 00:07:37 like you walk for a couple minutes and then you're like jogging for a couple minutes and then your pace like slowly increases so you're just like okay i just have to run for 30 seconds and then say okay i just have to go a little faster for 30 seconds so i feel like it goes by pretty fast oh okay so basically they 30 seconds is the longest you have to sustain anything well you're continuously running but like mentally like you're like okay just like do this for 30 seconds and they're like okay go faster and then you do 30 seconds of that pace so you're still it doesn't really get hard until you're like almost done essentially six miles per hour per hour at a 22
Starting point is 00:08:17 percent grade so we did it on the assault runner so we didn't do incline we just did an increasing pace on the runner okay um but anyway so i get my results like i said you could have told me that i was shit or good like i don't know what the fuck any of those numbers mean um and so but i like went to chris it's like hey like i have the numbers if you want to go through them and he like has his little glasses and he's like a complete nerd right like he's so smart with all this stuff um and so he like looks at the number looks at me like looks at the number and he's like this is really good and I was like okay like thanks he like looks at the number looks at me he's like no like this is really good and I was like okay like again like I have no context of what's good like I don't I don't
Starting point is 00:09:05 know what this means I don't understand and he kind of like essentially was like this just shows like you have a lot of potential he didn't tell me how good it was like right away like he didn't tell me that it was like as high or like relative to other people that it was so high um so I just knew he said I had a good vo2 max and then um we like talked about it and he was like this is what you should do in your training like this is how it should look and um it was kind of like I was like man like it'd be really cool to work with Chris but like I didn't reach out to him right then because obviously like Justin kind of had a template in place and I didn't want to step on toes.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But then Justin ran into Chris in Berlin during the European semifinal, and they were chatting. And when he came back, he was like, man, Chris spoke really highly of you. Did you have a good vibe with him? And it kind of just all fell into place, so we started working together. I like how you skirted over the numbers the numbers were crazy good like some of the best numbers if not the best numbers he's ever seen from uh someone who's a female with your chromosomes a baby carrier yeah crazy and you know what's cool is even if that i mean i'm sure it is true but even if it's
Starting point is 00:10:25 not true how cool is it that um like it almost seems like it'd be a cool thing to tell an athlete just to like give them a mental edge oh yeah i mean trust me you know what i mean a solid like few weeks after like he said it was like the highest or whatever i was like man was it a fluke like was my mask on wrong like you're going through oh right that and that because that's how good it was right it's off the chart i i guess yeah yeah cray and did he use the word potential because when he was explaining it to me that's kind of how i i had no clue what he was saying but i was like i interpreted it to like okay this number just means how much potential she has. Yeah, essentially.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Because like your VO2 max is your like ability to process, as far as I understand, right, is like your ability to process oxygen and like use it as you're working out. And everyone has like a VO2 max. And essentially like you can train up to your potential. Honestly, it's so complicated for me. I don't, I'm not educated in all this stuff, but yeah, it's like your potential. And he essentially said like,
Starting point is 00:11:32 if you train it right and you like use the numbers, you're training really smart. Like instead of just running five miles straight and like trying really hard, you actually have like heart rate things to go off of. You have paces to go off of to then like maximize the training so you're getting everything you possibly could out of it i'm pumped for you what a what a great what a great way hey do you feel um uh that your growth from last year is is um uh do you feel like you've grown from last year?
Starting point is 00:12:06 1,000% for sure. Because there's gotta be a place where people start to get so good where it's just like, man, am I improving? Right. Yeah. No, I feel like there's been a lot of growth. Like for me, the biggest thing that I've noticed as of lately is I used to be really, um, dependent upon the programming to do well, whether that's in training or the competition. Like I really was, I'd be like let down or excited based on the programming. And I can tell,
Starting point is 00:12:36 like I'm not afraid of a lot of things that I used to be afraid of. And I'm like able to do well on things that I used to like, just essentially cower to, um, and that's a really cool feeling. Yeah. You, uh, I think it was in the, I was watching a talking elite fitness podcast you were on and you said something about basically you alluded to the fact if I understood that it was the crossfitty stuff that you weren't the best at and it was the other stuff. And now what I'm hearing you say already is like i'm not so afraid of if fran pops up or if grace pops up or if helen pops up i'll tackle
Starting point is 00:13:11 that sucker yeah like to give you an example like in training like with scuds and elena and those guys like on um mondays like our first day of the week usually the metcon was very classic crossfit so like chest the bar toes the bar burpees a light barbell usually like a 7 to 15 minute range um nothing really heavy nothing really technical and honestly like i would get my ass kicked like almost every time um and i like would never look at the workout and be like i'm going for for this. Like, I'm going to attack this. Like, I'd kind of just be like, well, like this is my day of the week to not do well, like whatever. And that's really like shifted. And like this week, we've done a lot of workouts with like a lighter barbell and gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And like my mindset is just different, which is cool. When you saw Helen pop up up how did you feel about it i mean i don't know i like i'm hoping it's not just gonna be straight up helen like it's fine if it is but i think it has the potential to be really cool and exciting if they beef it up a little bit um did you hillar made had a pretty good hillar said it's gonna go towards fat helen a couple extra rounds a couple extra rounds and a weight vest. And I thought that was a pretty good – I liked his assessment. I'm like, wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And he's like, hey, let's not fuck this thing up and make it too tricky or change too much. I think basically he was saying let's have a set of balls and keep the kettlebells in there and judge them properly. Let's not avoid kettlebell swings just because they're hard to judge. When you say beef it up a little bit, what are you thinking? I mean, have you ever kettlebell or. Yeah. Like honestly, anything to make it a little more complex. Uh, someone had commented, I really liked it. I mean, and this is just like bias because it's stuff I like. Um, but they had commented three rounds rounds four I don't remember what the run was I assumed just a regular 400 meter run and then kettlebell clean and jerks instead of a swing and then muscle ups but then they like the caveat was like if you break a muscle up you have a
Starting point is 00:15:16 penalty lap so of course that's like not Helen anymore right like it's a completely different workout but I really liked it I don't know what they'll do um yeah i guess we'll find out um audrey she is going to crush it jake i can't wait for john young to eat his words alex is overrated he is overrated did he say that i know of course not no way no he did not say that don't i was like i'll cry he didn't know your vo2 max he didn't he didn't know that's okay um so kotler went to europe did you did that bug you when your coach goes to europe are you like dude what are you doing stay here stay close no what if he died what if he died in a plane accident or he got arrested in europe and couldn't come back in time for the game i'd be devastated but he was there he was there on business he had things to do and
Starting point is 00:16:07 like i'm not his only athlete like he has other things that he has to um like he has to be there for and i totally understand that and um like what makes him such a good coach is his dedication to what he does and that's okay like i when I first started working with him I was not his like priority and he'll tell you that like he had Danielle and Bethany and Carrie and um like I don't want to say I paid my dues but like I kind of sat back and I was okay with not being his full front of attention and I'm still okay with that like I love all the extra attention I'm getting and of course like I love like our how our relationship has developed but like he's your coach he's not like you don't need them they're 24 7 right like you have to have some sort of
Starting point is 00:16:55 independence about it shit I don't know I'll take your word for it I was just thinking I was also thinking that um you're um the better get, the more influence you will have. Eventually, you can be like, you know, I don't think it's going to be called underdogs athletics anymore. It's going to be called the Gazan athletics. No, I like the underdogs, like the theme of it. Because CrossFit, the way they media thingsfit the way they like media things and the way they they show like two people and that's it and everyone else like is kind of an underdog regardless of their um accomplishment so i like it i like the underdog mentality
Starting point is 00:17:38 yeah i think of you still as an underdog i think think of you as kind of still as atypical in personality and just your whole age, your being. You know what I mean? You're not an outsider for sure. You know what I mean? But you're different. Yeah, I agree with that. There's something a little different about you. Not like you have fucking Down syndrome different, but like just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Oh. God, I'm backing out of this. Okay. Hey, let's talk about supplements for a second. Let's say, is Jake allowed to use your supplements? Like do you have a bunch of Wolverine stuff? And then is he allowed to use your supplements? Like, do you have a bunch of swolverine stuff? And then is he allowed to use it or does he have his own stuff? I mean, he can use whatever he wants.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I don't care. You don't care? Yeah, I mean. What if there was only like one scoop of, what if you went to your pre-workout and you saw him drinking some and you opened it and the thing was empty? If I needed it it i'd be disappointed but like would he do that would he do that or is he more thoughtful than that oh this man leaves empty boxes of food in the pantry or the freezer like he'll like take like the say we're um say they're cereal he'll like put the empty box with like two crumbs of cereal like back in the
Starting point is 00:19:07 thing. So I'll go to like pour cereal and it's empty. And I'm like, I wouldn't care if I knew it was empty. But if I anticipate that I'm going to have a bowl of cereal, then I'm upset. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's not even like, yeah, there's a small bowl in there. It's like there's no bowl. Oh, it'd be like three little, say it's like cornflakes, like three little cornflakes. Look, Jake, she would kill me if I drank her shake. Okay, that I also understand. So if your shake's already made and he were to come by and take a sip,
Starting point is 00:19:40 you're like, hey, dude, this is like portioned out for me. I used to be really bad about it. Like I had a bit of a bad relationship with like counting macros and food. And at that point in time, like I would cry if he took something because I'd be like, I have no clue how many calories or whatever that was. He can comment again. I think I've chilled out quite a bit in that regard. My wife, no matter what i'm eating or drinking or
Starting point is 00:20:06 anything like if i just crack something she'll come over and take a sip yeah like i said like now i can't stand it i can't stand it now that i'm not super strict like i don't mind as much like sharing or giving a bite here if i'm hungry though or like if i'm like starving and like I want all the calories, then I'm upset. Yeah. Don't touch that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In your Instagram, you did a weighted rope climb. Whose idea was that?
Starting point is 00:20:38 We got the inspo from Laura's video. She had like a really cool video of her. Laura Horvath? Yeah. We saw her like doing one. I was like, that's cool. Like we've never really tried to like do a heavy rope climb so um yeah i followed suit just to give it a try why that makes me nervous with the weight under you like that in case you fell why not like a weight vest um i've done one in a weight vest There's just not enough weight in the weight vest to get as heavy as I wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:21:07 How much is that? 30 pounds. Dang. Crazy. And when you get down here, you look at someone. Who are you looking at? And you give them a smile. I think that's Justin.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Give him a little wink. Oh, yeah. That's awesome yeah uh is that the first time you've ever done that right there on film yeah and at any time when you were going up did you think uh-oh this is gonna be i'm not gonna make it no i mean it was definitely like heavy um I thought the way down was a little more scary. But I wasn't worried about failing. Tank Reeves, with five pounds more than Laura, shots fired.
Starting point is 00:21:55 That was not the intention to, like, stir the pot with Laura. I do not want to do that. Laura will be putting out 35 pounds tomorrow tomorrow hey could you oh wow look at yeah go laura dang i wonder if now that she sees this if she regrets putting it on film because now you did it i don't know i mean that looks like really like good i'm sure she could do more like i don't know i think everyone has their own but she's inspiring people right it's kind of like sharing some of her training yeah it's not like it's not a competition right like obviously you want to be like oh like i want
Starting point is 00:22:35 to see if i can do that but who knows maybe she could have done 50 pounds or like maybe i could have done 50 pounds like you're just getting ideas off of each other and like having fun with it you think you could have done that last year what a weighted rep plan with 30 pounds i mean i've obviously improved so probably not as much but i could have probably gone heavy like i've been pretty good at rep times for a while crazy what have you improved in the most from last year um i think just overall fitness like just yeah like being fitter like learning to hurt for longer um and like i mentioned earlier like the simple stuff just like trusting it so everywhere back squat back squat front squat pull-ups endurance handstand technical stuff jump rope you're just just better everywhere
Starting point is 00:23:27 yeah i'd say all around i've gotten better obviously like i've been strong like i've always kind of been a stronger athlete so like i wouldn't say that's been like the leaps and bounds improvement like that's kind of stayed mostly the same like a little bit stronger more consistent i would say in the strength thing like whereas like last year like building to 240 or 250 of a clean and jerk would be like a really heavy day i feel like now like i can hit that weekly um but as far as like just better i feel like just fitness like my lungs you won the semi semifinal in the West, but you also had a really low moment there. Was that your,
Starting point is 00:24:10 was that your lowest moment in your CrossFit games competition history? That's a hard question. I like to reflect on just cause I'm not sure. I think that was probably the most like intense because there was like something really cool on the line. Like, it's a really cool thing to be able to like win a semifinal and going into the sixth or that event, I was sitting in a pretty good spot and I like knew that Sunday would be really good for me. So, um, to kind of like think I gave it all away and like that opportunity was going to be gone. Like that was really devastating. And especially like,
Starting point is 00:24:47 I think the hardest part is when you don't perform to your, um, capabilities. Like it's one thing if you're just not fit and you need to be better. Um, cause you can't like, whatever, like you just have to train and then next year, next event, you'll do better. Um, but I knew that I could have snatched more than that. And so, and it was just really disappointing um but then like it made a really good opportunity to put my big girl pants on and like I just had to fight on Sunday yeah and that's what I'm thinking so we were the question was is
Starting point is 00:25:17 you know the first question was uh where have you grown the most but maybe maybe the place you have grown the most is between your ears because it's kind of crazy that you could conceivably have gone from the lowest point in your crossfit games competition history to your highest in the same competition thus kind of make giving you a a new baseline for confidence totally I think too, like things being worse or like a crappy moment is all relative to like the size of the competition or what that competition means. Because like my very first semi or my first like semifinal regionals type event was West coast classic in 2021.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And like, I think there was like the, um, I don't know what year it was West Coast Classic in 2021. And like, I think there was like the, I don't know what year it was, but there was a repeat of a snatch ladder and it was 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 squat snatches. And at that point in time, my squat snatch was awful, like so inconsistent, so bad. And I didn't clear, like I was almost dead last, like, and I was really bummed, but like in the scheme of things i was just really happy to be there so like it it felt like a big deal but it wasn't whereas like at this year's snatch event i expected to do well i wanted to do well um and so it like stings more it's just weird like i think it's all relative to your expectations yeah but but this year you
Starting point is 00:26:44 did think for a minute that maybe you weren't going to the games right after you shit the bed on that workout you were like i knew i knew i would fight for a game spot like i knew that like i would still be able to like eventually claw my way there but like i had gone into before that event being like awesome like i just need to execute and i'm not going to need to stress like I'm going to make it back to the games and then we didn't see the score the scoreboard um right after so like I essentially thought like I was probably close to dead last in that event and I didn't know where I placed in the um the run snatch like afterwards I knew and I didn't like I think I was in kind of a frenzy so i didn't
Starting point is 00:27:25 execute that one either to my best of abilities i was just like oh fuck oh fuck i just really like messed up 43rd man 43rd that's crazy yeah so when we got back like to the warm-up area just was like yeah like you just gave up essentially you like gave up a whole event um so we figured i'd be like sitting towards like night eighth or ninth overall which still would have been in a qualifying position um but it was more like now than tomorrow you have to you have to be perfect tomorrow because you can't like lose a spot um but of course we were a little premature like i only felt a third um so and then you end up taking 11 to first and a third yeah but it's kind of like yeah i mean like it was a really cool experience and i think what's really cool for me to like confidence wise to look at it is like had i executed even a
Starting point is 00:28:20 little better right like even if i didn't hit my full potential but i hit like a little less shitty yeah then my first place wouldn't have been like by the chin of by the skin of my teeth it would have been like actually yeah more dominant which is cool it's a cool confidence booster yeah and it's an incredible experience because you learn that hey i'm not only am i never out but i can have a i can actually still win. Totally. And like the games is like a bigger version of that, right? Like there's 15 tests and like Pat Vellner is a great example. Like he always has a event or two where he's bottom of the pack and then he just like fights his way back to top five spots, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Um, uh, there was a comment in here. is it oh german nunez uh she's hotter too oh from last year there you go uh some insight from from our uh viewers um i i was going to say hi to alex but i saw her right after that event uh sorry yeah i was like fighting back tears i just was like hustling to the warm-up area um uh interesting dan guerrero what went wrong you run too fast so yeah what went wrong on the 165 i mean you know like snatches are such a technical lift and um something i've really struggled with in the past uh and i think that my consistency with them has been very hit or miss for a long time. And my warm-up just felt really weird. I was kind of dealing with, like, a little bit of an annoyed shoulder.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And I think there was just, like, it was one of those things where I missed. And then instead of, like, really, like, honinging in on a cue or like, okay, this is what works for me in the past. Like when I start to miss, like I just got really frantic and just kept like picking up the bar and hoping that something would change, even though I didn't make a deliberate mindset change. And so I just bombed it. Like it, it was on me.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I just had a shitty snatch day and I, I didn't do well. I just had a shitty snatch day and I didn't do well. Yeah, just a shitty snatch day. Hey, when do you go to Madison? I leave on the see I'm looking at the calendar. I think this is the 29th. So a little less than two weeks. And when does the some of the other athletes I'm talking to or I've been talking to are saying that like right now is like it's a bad spot like the training is like really really hard right now is that where you're at too yeah i would say like this last weekend was probably one of the most like exhausting weekends i've had in a while um like it's been hard but like justin's actually been it's been really cool like we've had like we'll have a really hard intense day where we're like testing things or like where the mental stress is high.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like you're like putting pressure on yourself and then the next day will be like high intensity, but there's no like CNS like, Oh, I'm comparing myself to last year. I'm comparing myself to someone else. So it's kind of like one day is like, okay, like you're in the weeds. And then the next day is like, okay, you're working hard, but there's no stress to it. Justin Kotler chimes in. It was more important for her maturation process to win that way.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. Like it's stretched out. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply your ability to see what's possible yeah for sure for sure like you saw
Starting point is 00:32:15 okay i can't actually snatch 200 pounds like you like you or but but for this it's like hey i i'm i'm i'm i'm a i'm a fuck i'm fucking great i can overcome just a bad moment yeah like i mean it just like goes to show you like you can't if i had finished that event and then dwelled on it for a long time like that would have made me really emotionally exhausted going into sunday and um like you kind of just have to learn to let it go and like that was a good reminder that you can let it go and it doesn't have to mean the whole weekend's ruined. So you show up there Saturday. Will any of the girls be playing head games? Uh, at the games? Yeah. Registration, uh, back there. I hope not. I mean, I think last year
Starting point is 00:33:04 and this year are going to be two completely different experiences last year I was a rookie and I don't think anyone really care like cared to think twice about me you know like I don't want to say they just like whatever but like I wasn't I wasn't threatening like any top 10 places like I wasn't I wasn't competitive like I was like in middle of the field right um whereas like this year like I want a top 10 spot and I'm like I'll probably be seated based off semi-finals like in one of the top heats and like so I'm sure that corral will look very different than it did last year and And yeah, I'm definitely nervous about it. Like I'm a happy-go-lucky.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I like to talk in the back. I like to kind of joke around before we go on the floor. And I anticipate that in those upper heats, not everyone is going to be like that. And so it's just going to be a different experience. You're flying on Saturday and you're flying with your husband, Jake? Yeah, he's coming. And just the two of you will go there uh or the whole team goes together uh justin gets in i think the same day or
Starting point is 00:34:13 close i can't remember um but we're all kind of traveling separately he's going to ashley's family for a little bit beforehand so he's gonna leave leave Vegas earlier and then we'll get there. It's kind of like everyone's getting in about the same time, but we're not all traveling together. Do you sense Justin getting, do you sense Justin getting nervous at all? Or does, do you sense any nervousness now in the,
Starting point is 00:34:38 in the pack and the underdogs athletics pack? Like this, the hype is building. I mean, I haven't sensed like nervousness from him at all like there's definitely like like oh yeah excitement for sure and like i'll give you an example like sunday i was like super fucking tired like it was a really big weekend and um we retested a workout that afternoon and i think when you're retesting a workout like there's more
Starting point is 00:35:05 pressure right you want to do well you want to improve um on your prior times like you want to do well relative to the field and um I was really tired I started my period that day like I wasn't in a bad mood like I was still happy but I was just so exhausted and the setup was taking a while and anyway like he could just tell like something was off but like because it's kind of but I was just so exhausted and the setup was taking a while. And anyway, like he could just tell like something was off, but like, because it's kind of prime time, like,
Starting point is 00:35:29 and he's in that headspace, like he was like, Hey, like I know you're tired, but like essentially go to the bathroom, like get your shit together, come out and like attack the workout. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:35:40 that's what Laura's doing. That's what Gabby's doing. Like there's, there's just been a lot more like, Hey, like it's fucking time to go and I like that like it's good hey when you say Sunday's the 9th uh this last Sunday whatever day that was yeah I'm not a girl but I'm thinking like you don't want your peer you don't want to be menstruating during the games, ideally. Yeah, I think the way it lined up for me will be pretty good. Yeah, do you see that and you're like, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 One less thing to deal with. As a guy, it just sounds like work. I mean, yeah, it's work. But I think too, so many people use it as a crutch. And you have to acknowledge there are things that happen like you don't feel good you feel tired but at the same time like the difference that it might make is like a percent or like i just meant of having to carry the shit around the pads and put them in and take them out and like just all that shit you know what i mean it's like having like a like a like i just mean like, it's just a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Oh yeah. It's annoying for sure. You know, like, like you have a baby to take care of once a month. Oh yeah. It's annoying, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:55 I mean, it is what it is. I liked your attitude. Fuck me. Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. You'll deal with it.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's who you are. You're just a girl. Yeah. I mean, I don't really, I don't want to get on like birth control or anything. So rather not. Yeah. Smart. Yeah. Yeah yeah don't do that drugs are bad uh justin collar i can't fucking wait to unleash this monster he means that in a nice way don't don't have your feelings for
Starting point is 00:37:18 mom he means a nice monster you're a nice monster yeah no no i can't relate i didn't say i can relate i can't relate i can't i can't yeah that's awesome hello uh heidi says hello so von will you be at the games what games at the crossfit games i haven't i don't know yet i don't know i don't know if i do go though um i'm excited to go you know I don't know yet. I don't know. If I do go, though, I'm excited to go. You know why I don't want to go? Why? I don't want to say hi to people. I just want to, like... If I were to go and I see you there,
Starting point is 00:37:56 can we just pretend like we've known each other a long time? Like, it'd just be easy. I don't want to have any weird, awkward interactions with anyone. Yeah, I mean, I feel like it is easy. I don't know why it would be awkward. Okay, good. Because I'm already making it awkward. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:12 How am I going to control my excitement when I see Colton if I go? That's what I mean. He's a normal person like everybody else. I know. But you have a normal dog, but when you see your dog, you're excited. Well, you can be excited like people like that like it's like a it's like an honor if people are like wow like I'm so excited to meet you like that's a cool feeling and if
Starting point is 00:38:34 people are too up on their high horse to like acknowledge that and they're like oh like I'm too cool for you like then that's stupid and that's on them yeah okay I have to find a happy um medium a dick butter uh seven savvy i promise i won't say hi to you what do you even look like if i just see a stick of butter coming at me that's carved out like a cock i say uh
Starting point is 00:39:00 oh look mike halpin you'll see eye to eye with Colton. Thank you. So you'll go there. You don't have any apprehension about registration, like having to say hi to people and smile and like hug a bunch of people and all that. You don't have any apprehension about that. No, I don't have beef with anybody. We're good.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Not not beef. Just even people you like. I mean, even people you like. You don't have like, it seems like burdensome to just to. No, I'm a people person. I like. You are. Yeah. I don't like being like alone for long periods of time.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I like to socialize. You don't have social anxiety? No. Zero? Does Jake have any of that? Does he have social anxiety? Yeah. I'd say he's grown so much like when we first started dating and stuff like he could care less he could be alone for forever working on his little vehicle or like tinkering with things like he could care
Starting point is 00:39:59 less about having like a social life um and i think for a while like he'd be like i don't know what to say i don't know how to interact but i think he's grown a lot in that regard um mason mitchell uh seve worried about not being able to play cool i'm i'm not worried about that at all i'm i will absolutely not i will not be able to play cool. Oh, shit. This dude's going to hug me from behind. See, that's what I mean. Fuck no. I'm not going to the games. I'm staying home.
Starting point is 00:40:32 When's the last day of training? Justin, you watching? I don't know. Maybe he'll comment. I know that we've talked about just tapering, but just keeping intensity high, but volume lower. To be honest,
Starting point is 00:40:48 I don't know when the last day of training is. If you show up there on the 29th. Oh, I guess the event I'm looking at the, when, when does the event start on Wednesday? The second? No,
Starting point is 00:40:58 I thought it started on Wednesday, but now, cause like in the past it was like Wednesday rest day, one, two, three. And I guess this year it's like just Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. There's no rest day.
Starting point is 00:41:09 How do you know that? Where can I see that? Do we know that for sure? Oh, I saw Caleb nodding. Yeah, I can't remember. I think it was in my like pre-event details or something, like email. I love that. Do you love that?
Starting point is 00:41:24 I mean, it doesn't matter to me either way like one of the pieces of advice i got last year and i feel like i'm just gonna carry that for the rest of the time that i do crossfit is like you just can't care about the logistics because you don't have a say like you just gotta roll with it oh like dylan pepper said when they asked him hey how do you feel about the cuts he's like doesn't matter to me he was saying that because he's like I'm making the cuts like yeah I like that hey thank you I know you were just on
Starting point is 00:41:55 I know you've been on a bunch of other shows no I love it it's always fun thank you for having me cool and I look forward to if I am there meeting you hanging out with you come say hi absolutely I'll say hi a hundred times Cool. And I look forward to, if I am there meeting you, hanging out with you. Come say hi. Yeah, absolutely. I'll say hi a hundred times. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:12 what about Justin Kotler? I've never met him in person. Is he friendly? Do you think he's cool? No, he's going to bite. Dickhead. Okay. No, no, no, no. He's so, he's totally fine. Go say hi. Okay, good. Hey, I appreciate you letting me insert into your life and enjoy your journey. It's fun. Anytime. I think my husband has a crush on you. So anytime. He's always so excited. Send him over. Send him over. I need people who have a crush on me. Yeah. All right, dear. I will talk to you soon. Say hi to the gang. And hopefully I will see you
Starting point is 00:42:42 in a couple of weeks. All right. Sounds good. Thanks, everyone. Peace and love. Bye. Good luck, Alex, says Jody Lynn. All she needed to be drinking was some iced tea. I saw her in that top and I thought she was in Alabama and it was 112 degrees.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Getting that vibe, you know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, God I mean? Yeah. Oh, God. I hate this. If you hug Seve from behind at the games, at least give him a reach around. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I thought it was going to be something. Maybe he'll come now. Dude, will you say hi to the Buttery Bros? Yeah. I've actually – hi to them. I used to work very closely with them um i actually have uh been bugging heber and marzen about um some questions i had some thoughts comparing notes if about camera gear i was thinking about
Starting point is 00:43:40 maybe using some of your ones yeah yeah that yes like what if i were to pick up a camera again would i do it like this or like this i send uh marsden in hebrew oh will you give laura horvat uh uh horvat uh the thing is with laura no i i i will let her dictate if i were to see laura horvat i would allow her to dictate our uh our relationship the last time i text her she responded who's this that's a that's a line from boys in the hood who dis sometimes i answer my phone like that who dis was this guy making fun of us you like how i said us yeah he said that before too he's just gonna keep commenting it until somebody recognizes uh i could ask tia to come on i i don't think she'll
Starting point is 00:44:34 i could uh i'll take a text shane let me see what's going on with shane i don't even know if i have tia's number but i don't definitely don't text her um oh uh october 8th um oh here i'll ask him hi shane would love to have you on my podcast as a guest let's see oh congrats on the baby congrats on the baby important should i tell him congrats on the baby let me know if you have any questions i'm the best dad alive you said love the ability to parenting consulting five hundred dollars oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what if i did that that would would be beautiful. Be your first client. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Dickhead. Yolanda Jennings, Australian, $5. For Caleb's mean guy, I thought it was mean gay fund. Mean guy fund and some gas money for Seve to get from Chicago to wherever he plans to not go next. Thank you. That's sweet. Oh, Jeremy, World will be carrying a clipboard around,
Starting point is 00:45:52 and anyone who wants to sign up to give me a reach around, we'll have to. And Jeremy will also be doing a free, be screening the reach around beforehand and make sure your hands are big enough technique yeah that too we will limit it to uh 10 um 10 people with right hands 10 people with left hands um uh 10 men 10 women i don't want anyone to think that i'm homophobic or anything we will have a special adaptive reach around line for anyone in a uh wheelchairs also able to join okay uh heidi krum savvy i am i picking your whole family also? I have a third row. Oh, you have a third row. Where?
Starting point is 00:46:46 In the car. Oh, no. If I were to go to Chicago, I would get a... I think I'm going to drive with Hiller. If I were to go. If I were. You know what, Heidi?
Starting point is 00:47:01 We should meet at... If I were to go, that first night we should meet at um if i were to go that first night we should meet at the uh hotel that's gonna be like my only night where i want to see anyone or talk to anyone i actually would like to meet you guys i i say that now and i'm gonna get there and be like fuck why did i make plans with heidi fuck stress yeah stressed now i gotta say hi he did fraser did respond and and very pleasantly he did actually respond i actually had a uh shit we we text a bunch today actually which was actually really cool i enjoyed it that's cool yeah I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:47:46 That's cool. Yeah. I was watching the old behind the scenes today from like 2016. Oh, and? I saw O'Keefe in there. He looks so much different. Should I go back and watch that to brush up on my skills? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Oh, shit. This isn't good. I will hug someone from the front and give him a reach around. No. That doesn't sound good. It's a brown heart. Oy, oy, oy, oy. Janelle Winston, man man i want to go why do i live in alaska dude janelle trust me you it's not it's not like that it's not gonna it's not we should all just go to alaska yeah it's not don't it's like i don't know janelle do you have a boyfriend if like if you were if a – I seriously think the CrossFit Games would be a good place to get a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I feel like it's like the Olympics. Better, though, because – Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Like, you can talk to anyone there. Yeah, absolutely. That's the cool thing there. Like, anyone.
Starting point is 00:48:58 In line at the bathroom, waiting to get a fucking hot dog, buying a Noble shirt. Like, you can talk to anybody. There's zero assholes there. And the asshole, it's the opposite of an airplane. That's the cool thing about it. Airplane, everyone's an asshole. At the CrossFit Games, everyone's cool. Like if you were to bump into someone really hard,
Starting point is 00:49:15 they'd say sorry to you. It's like that. Oh, sorry. Right? Don't you think? Exactly. When I went in 2017, it was the same way. Everybody was super cool.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Super cool. Gabe, ESPY. Oh, this is a good one. when I was in 2017 it was the same way everybody was super cool super cool Gabe oh this is a good one I don't even know what this is gonna say but Seve, Katrin, Hopper Fraser, Laura Horvat and Tommy Marquez walk into the same bar in Wisconsin drinks on me drinks
Starting point is 00:49:44 on me what on me uh i will make it happen what did janelle say um uh i have a husband okay then dude then just enjoy it from home you're good it's you're good i don't think like all right um tomorrow i'm trying to keep these podcasts to 45 minutes it's kind of a perfect time um yeah uh oh is bruce wayne in the chat i need to tell bruce something hey if the the wrenches if people start getting there if people are if someone gets crazy i know we've generally never kicked anyone out of here if someone starts getting fucking crazy crazy
Starting point is 00:50:39 if there's a wrench who wants to kick someone out text me or dm me and i'll tell you i'll tell you what you need to say to get kicked out. I don't want to say it now on the air and then someone say it just because they want to get kicked out. But if someone gets crazy, some people are getting crazy, crazy. Like you start saying dumb shit,
Starting point is 00:50:55 like really dumb shit. You just toss them. I know in the past we've had like a no toss policy. Um, but I was seeing some gross shit in there this morning it was bad huh dude it's just fucking
Starting point is 00:51:12 crazy just some desperate fucking people Rebecca Vitteson tomorrow 7am then Bronislaw they call him Bron. It's 745. And then in the evening, Christine Kohlenbrander.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Oh, I'm kind of excited. It's just Christine. I like the evening just with one person. I don't I and I don't mean like you can say a lot of dumb shit. Like, I don't care. Like, yeah, flat earthers definitely warranted. No, no, no, Jeremy. No, forget it.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Never mind. I'm sorry I said that. Don't take anyone out. Too forget it never mind i'm sorry i said that don't kick anyone out too vague yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry never mind don't kick anyone out oh no was i out of line i don't even know you mean because you want to put a cigarette out on my foot no that's perfectly fine you can put is what you can want to reach or give me a reach around you want to osk sloppy wants to stick the finger in my butt all that stuff's fine it was some uh it was just some fucking batshit crazy stuff no no geez louise no no no no no uh boys have penises girls have vaginas
Starting point is 00:52:23 yeah crazy shit like that kick someone out if they get all dogmatic it's not even that I was offended it just becomes to yeah and like definitely kick out all competing media kick out let's do a blackout on chase for the game sorry guys Definitely kick out all competing media. Kick out. Let's do a blackout on Chase.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Sorry, guys. Yeah, there you go. You got it. You got it. Bingo. I'm all for a good rousing and, and, you know, whatever. Short jokes, nose jokes.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I suck dick jokes all, but, but, but I do have, but I do have a limit to, uh, it starts getting gross or just fucking weird. Weirdo though.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Okay. I'll see you guys. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time tomorrow. Is that the time? Yeah. I don't even mind being pervy with the guests. Like, perv out on the guests. I don't give a fuck. As long as they're of age.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah. yeah and we should also have a rule like for every asshole thing you say you have to say like five nice things seven on your nose is huge god could i massage your nose for you rub your back um clean out your boogers and um your kids are beautiful and then it's back to another nose joke okay bye fine fine okay bye good night

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