The Sevan Podcast - The Semifinals Review Show You've Always Wanted - JUNE 2023 | #946

Episode Date: June 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:09 I love that line. There he love that line bam we're live john young tyler watkins mr james townsend and of course the beaver no show is complete without the beaver uh better late than never semi-finals are over uh there's no time better to talk about it than on Sunday morning with three of my favorites. And then my favorite Beaver, Mr. Beaver crazy, crazy, crazy few weeks, lots to cover. We'll never get through all of it, but we will give you a hard 90 minutes, lots and lots of crazy stuff to talk about all the different regions. The, the great Guy Maheros who didn't make it, Danny Spiegel, lots and lots of crazy stuff to talk about. All the different regions. The great Guy Malheros who didn't make it. Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 00:01:47 who didn't make it. Pat Vellner yelling at us that he's the best in the world. The champ doing some weird seventh place finish freaking us out. We got sleds that don't work. We got events
Starting point is 00:02:04 that were switched from a broadcast to a podcast we'll cover it all well as much as we can um any questions feel free to call in uh we'll be reading the comments you know you guys know how it all works audrey good morning uh jessica good morning uh the great uh jedediah snelson a games athlete is in the chat happy father's day from one to another same to you happy father's day to you mr townsend he can't hear you oh okay is he muted oh oh that's why he put his hands up i thought he was he liked one of the topics that's why he put his hands up oh um let me i'll just call him and tell him i think he has to go into the gears can you hear us james no he can't hear us okay hold on how did you know he couldn't hear us because you're
Starting point is 00:02:45 you're into it he's more because he pointed to his yeah i'm just observing yeah you're good too let me see if i can get him on here happy father's day to larry young that's my dad you're watching this happy Father's Day can you hear me? no so hey James in the in the bottom of the screen
Starting point is 00:03:15 there should be a button called settings it looks like a gear do you see that? click that and then one of the tabs should say audio. It's the third one down, I think. And then go to mic, and there should be a drop-down menu. And then choose, maybe choose, one of the choices is your computer.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Default. Let's see. How about now? It's not even comfortable. Oh, there. It works. We can hear you. Yeah, can you hear us? We can hear you, James.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Okay, now James, go to the one below that and go to speaker and choose the right speaker also. Choose like your headset. Oh, Hal Roberts says we should use sign language. I don't know if James knows sign language. Can you hear us, James, both? Yeah, yeah, baby. God, I love having Mike.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Oh, listen to this. Dick Butter, just the boomers explaining how to use a computer. Why can't you attack James? Why do you have to attack me? Why do I have to? Always has to be me. That's not even accurate. You're a Gen Xer, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, I'm definitely not a boomer. Manny Spiegel, today on the Sebon podcast, Sebon welcomes tyler walkins from the sigma chi house and john young from his bathroom his shadow we're working on it me and my wife are looking into desk i'm about to have a plant in the background we're gonna get real deal look at james's house what look at him he's got it looks like his wife decorated that shit someone how why is james skirting all the... All the put downs. He got a printer back there trying to look smart.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yep. Okay. I really want to go... If we can just go to the leaderboards. And let's start with... We'll start with Africa and then we'll go to South America. Are those the two smallest ones?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Asia. And then Asia. Okay, so let's go through Africa, Asia, and South America quickly, and then we'll move from there, although I think we might get stuck in South America for a second. Africa, we have Michelle Bassanet going to the CrossFit Games. And how about this other lady? Does that go?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Does number two go from Africa? No, it's just one, right? Just one. Yeah. And she trains with our good friend and a regular on the show, Mr. Taylor Self from SMTP Training, who also has a show I think every Wednesday at 2 p.m. on the 7-On podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I think that's what it is and and then let's cruise over to the uh anything you guys want to say here other than that um no one here has a chance in hell does michelle make it even in the top 30 at the crossfit games i think she's making the top 30 um but that will be kind of what i expect her to be like in that in that 30th range give or take five spots, but happy for Taylor self-made and her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Very excited. Any chance, anyone from Africa, you guys win an event at the games? No, no. And the reason why I bring that up is because say that again, Mr. James,
Starting point is 00:06:42 And the reason why I bring that up is because even when – Difficult, very difficult. Say that again, Mr. James. I'd say very difficult. To win an event. Yes, yeah. It's just that you get these smaller areas like South America, right, and Guy shows up there and Guy won three events, right, even though he has no chance in winning the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Michel is not a specialist, though. Gee is the specialist of specialists. That guy is made of fast-twitch fibers through and through. You think Michelle belongs at the Games? You think Africa deserves a that's the right way to run the sport? Let the continent have one person? It's definitely the right way to run the sport let the continent have one person it's definitely the right way to run the sport um i mean if we're if we're being fair i don't know that the women in africa deserve a spot nor nor the men but i i do think that they they should
Starting point is 00:07:37 have one we should always let them have that carrot every continent why not antarctica you know what's sad is they probably would place the same as these people so oh no they would be 40th place i don't know why asia has two people well do they have two people because roman used to be in asia is that why yes yes because that's in my opinion, that I don't understand. That's ridiculous that you can't just change that. Me. I agree. Totally. Hey, isn't that a look at number four that that that girl's name isn't that like in the Bible Leviticus, isn't that? It's spelled a little different. But I'm trying to trying to act smart around my my bible but leviticus um all right let's uh let's go over to uh the boys over in africa um it it happened again right the the immortal one is going jason keeps going he's a monster i don't know if he's a monster or if nobody else is good, for lack of a better word.
Starting point is 00:08:47 No, he's – I mean, like, definitely he's a monster. Like, you would – like, I'd be proud to have him in my gym and be able to work out with him. But, I mean, also the rest of the field is not that great in comparison to the rest of the world. For sure. For sure. What about this?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Renee's bringing up the Africa team pop for P peds is that a big surprise is that a true story yeah yeah i'm cruising over to the best second place what'd you say do they backfill to second place i mean i think so but it's like you know, we always have this problem with Africa. Are they going to be able to go? Are they going to be able to afford to go? They have to put those wheels in motion faster than everybody else
Starting point is 00:09:32 because it's more expensive. They need so much more runway to be able to afford to come here. Over here on the Barbell Spin, the fastest updates in the CrossFit space by far and the most comprehensive run by our, our friend, Brian spin. He writes a one week ago today on his Instagram account,
Starting point is 00:09:52 a member of the first place team at the Africa semifinals has tested positive for a band substance. The team has filled, filed and appeal with CrossFit. If you know you're taking stuff, why file an appeal? So you think, why not? You think, you think as soon as they file an appeal, we should just let them go. It's just like, Oh, I didn't know you were going to push back. You're good to go.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Sorry. I 1% of the appeals actually, like it's already hard enough to get an appeal to go through. Even if you haven't, didn't take anything and you were on like 0.1 picoliter of something that where it really was a contaminated substance. Like, I don't know how many cases that is the case, but it's a hard time just to get that to go through.
Starting point is 00:10:41 If you know you're taking stuff, which in Africa and South America, I'm just going to you know you're taking stuff which in africa and south america i'm just going to default to you were taking stuff um why because it's legal there not because they're bad people you're just saying it's more common there it's like more accepted is that why or are you saying they're bad people they cheat i'm not saying they're cheaters are you just saying culturally it's more accepted there when the I think it's culturally more accepted there. Don't you remember in high school it was like, hey, you go to Tijuana and get some drugs. Go ahead, James.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Sorry. Culturally it's more accepted. Yeah. Like I heard in Dubai. We got to go by. I heard in Dubai when you get off the plane, they give you a clean needle and just a bag of roids. It's like laid whenever you get to hawaii is that how that works right right what's the point of doing the appeal just so you can appear
Starting point is 00:11:32 that it was contaminated you're still gonna get banned for four years just say yeah we weren't at the level that america was so we want to uh we want to even the playing field we had this concept you want to talk about this concept that we talked about seven i think africa and south america should be allowed to use drugs and john talked about this no one else agreed wow and then as soon as one of their people gets in the top 10 so south america because he got in the top 10 you're not allowed to use drugs anymore wow wow i mean why do you not think that would make it more entertaining like and it's okay like it's okay it's accepted we all know it it's okay it's not looked down upon and then once they make the top 10 are you being serious or are you just like hey
Starting point is 00:12:18 i'm struggling here i'm struggling a little bit a little of both obviously i want to can we experience can we experiment with it in an alternate reality here's the thing you're not going to be able to roll it backwards that's the problem james how many how many james how many um do you have any thoughts on on drugs in the games the general wisdom is this and correct me if i'm wrong a lot of people are doing steroids the best people are not doing steroids i agree do you have thought you do agree with that you think okay and then and then and then to answer um uh mr john young's question if you could help us out here why appeal if you know you're doing it do you think that
Starting point is 00:13:04 that three of the people on the team maybe really believe they're not and one of the dudes did and he's just not saying it you know it it comes down with uh with supplements right so so i always tell athletes if you don't have the label on your supplements don't take anything if they don't have that label on their supplements do not take it because automatically i think automatically that that company is hiding something or that company just doesn't want to pay the extra money to test their supplements, you know, vigorously, right? But if you don't have that label on their supplement, you could potentially pop for something. And that's why I think a lot of people use that excuse.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Oh, I didn't know I was taking it. Oh, I'm going to go ahead and pill because I was taking the supplement. I didn't know. I didn't do my due diligence. I didn't go ahead and go to the USADA website, put in whatever supplement I'm taking, you know, C4, and it didn't, you know, I didn't go ahead and check it. So. You think that is C4 NSF?
Starting point is 00:14:24 I guess it does. Hiller drinks drinks that shit i guess it doesn't matter he shoots roids anyway it doesn't matter right right well crossfit has a uh i don't know where it's at i looked at a long time ago but like a site where it has three foundations of these pre-workouts are all certified under the three major things. I'm pretty sure NSF is one of them. It has all the supplements that were okayed by these three companies that do safe supplements. I used to drink Total War for my pre-workout, but Total War, they do other stuff too. They do power lifting stuff too. do other stuff too they do power lifting stuff too and then uh once i got like a little bit more serious about it i looked up that list and i found a pre-workout that was on all three of them
Starting point is 00:15:10 and then that's the only stuff i take now because it's safe for all three of them and i don't know why anybody and i'm not i'm not even close to anything so i don't know why if you're a semi-final level why you wouldn't do that due diligence it's not hard to do at all it's not it's not but but a lot of people even on the olympic level uh ufc they they they really don't they really don't do it they really don't go ahead and take you know take their't go ahead and take their supplement, go ahead and go to the USADA website to check and see if whatever's on the label on their supplement is banned. That's fucking crazy. Really, the general public, nobody really cares to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I think even CrossFit has a guy you can call. I think the athletes, at least the good athletes, can just call Curtis Bowler, and he's cool as shit. And you can just be like, hey dude, can I take this? Eric Wise, is everyone on the team banned for four years or just the athlete? Just the athlete.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Really? Everyone? We have disagreed. Oh, well. Yeah, I feel like it's just the athlete yeah the team can't go to the games but a further sanction goes to just the athlete right yeah gotcha all right africa well at least you have something exciting going on uh of course uh michelle bassinet a favorite of the uh savon podcast bassinet sorry and uh and jason smith been around forever that's cool they're recognizable names and then i guess we'll figure out what happens with the team do they backfill yeah but i mean it's 50 i don't
Starting point is 00:16:58 even think it's 50 50 that the team goes oh because like they can't afford it or get their shit together to make it there in time right visas passports the whole thing yeah all right freaking south america last year they backfilled all the way down to seven six for six somebody holy shit i know i'm kind of being hard on those continents but there's a reason for it dude that's hey isn't the tour de france like that too like used to be they are it is relatively clean now uh like they went really really hard on it after lance armstrong like really really hard like you were banned for life if you got caught with anything okay let's move over to uh south america crazy uh greg perry which supplements are most likely to be contaminated i'm asking for a friend is there any company
Starting point is 00:17:52 that's like hey if you want this good shit take this but you're not endure a ball if you're taking that it's contaminated yeah uh jake chapman emily abbott's fella had his genitals added to the band okay uh victoria campos uh she she she struggled right at first she wasn't in oh no she got a second uh workout one go scroll over you're on workout two for the last one it looked first okay so it looked for a second she wasn't gonna make it right after day one she didn't she wasn't doing great right hold her shit together uh she's going to the crossfit games and then alexia williams they take two yep okay and has alexia williams ever been to the games no i don't believe so all right uh welcome to the games. Cool. Great to see. And Victoria Campos, mayhem athlete. And how about this lady below, Alexia Williams?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't know about her. All right. Let's cruise over to the boys. This is where things get really weird. Now, if we know that, if we know that if we know that and then is that a person related to suza hold on hold on real quick let's find out what it maybe it do all the drug tests come out all at once has crossfit announced hey we know tyler last year last year they they trickled them out it seemed like because they don't always compete at the same time you know wasn't africa was one of the it was earlier on yeah yeah so africa was the first one to get released and then
Starting point is 00:19:38 so south america was was last was the last week right yeah yeah so they'll be the last week, right? Yeah. Yeah, so they'll be the last ones. We'll find out about them last, I would suspect. Alexia trades in Spain with training culture along with... You got it. Ana Sagasti. Go ahead, James. You want to take a shot at it? Were you about to... Ana Sagasti. Ana Sagasti. Go ahead, James. You want to take a shot at it?
Starting point is 00:20:05 Were you about to? Ana Sagasti. Ana Sagasti. Okay, good. Thank you. Ana Sagasti. Ana Sagasti. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Who's the head coach over there? It's someone I've heard their name before. Who's the head coach over there? That's a John question. Oh. John, do you know? Is that where Enola Kai and those guys are and Fabian Benito? Yes. Okay. Yeah, all the people spain are all from the training culture team um if it if it's spain next to their name that's that's the only i've not heard anybody from spain not from that uh camp
Starting point is 00:20:39 okay i'll look up who's the head coach there though So Kaikei Cervini Jacked out of his mind Kalen Sousa Let me pull up his Instagram He's jacked out of his mind too right You think you can Look at a guy and tell if he's on something
Starting point is 00:21:03 James or you think that that's just rude? That's the first sign. I mean, that and how they move. If their body moves fluently or if their body just, you know, just whole body just turns, you know. He doesn't look like he's on drugs in these pictures, though. He doesn't look like he's on drugs in these pictures, though. So you're saying that basically you get so muscle bound that it changes actually the biomechanics of how you move. See, to me, it's vaininess.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's like there's a certain vaininess that goes with it. There's a good giveaway. If you got a snake in your arm, like instead of just a bicep vein, it looks like a snake vein. That's a good giveaway. The one that's coming from your neck i mean you're on more stuff than just steroids if you got that going on but uh like just just the snaky arm veins a good giveaway uh and and uh yeah somebody said james is right about movement that's why hillary snatch is so trash because Oh, Andrew. God, I won't tolerate that. James is right about the movement.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Okay, yeah, so you start moving like an action figure, like one of those cheap ones that doesn't pivot at a lot of points. Okay. Right. So, Guy's only chance, going back to that leaderboard, this guy does look good. Guy's only chance going back to that leaderboard this guy does look good Guy's only chance of making it to the
Starting point is 00:22:28 games is if one of these guys pops now or yeah and so have we been told has CrossFit announced that anything that would make us think that they've already everyone in South America is in the clear have they said
Starting point is 00:22:44 okay we know we don't know yet is there a website we can Anything that would make us think that everyone in South America is in the clear? Have they said, okay, we – no. We don't know yet. Is there a website we can go to? Does the games have a section that's like dudes who popped? On the website? They don't keep it updated. They just make announcements. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And probably has a list of that, though. Okay. So I guess basically that's it i'll go over to brian so we know that no one in south america is pop but we're not 100 sure that no one will right we don't have the results yet we don't we won't know for another week or two i would imagine okay all right uh well congratulations uh anyone want to say anything about gee not making it what happened james Is this a – what happened to Guy? Is this – you're a young athlete expert.
Starting point is 00:23:30 What happened here? It just seemed like he couldn't get his footing after workout one, and then the other two guys were just consistent across the board. He took a heavy hit in event one um yeah but i will say that him and suza they were they were neck and neck um up to the finish i think gee was held back um you know this is always my opinion on scoring um but at the end of the day like when you take a hit like that in event one and you don't make it, don't be surprised. What was his worst finish?
Starting point is 00:24:09 I mean, but the guy, his worst finish was six. Who, Sousa? Six. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I totally agree. And there were only 30 athletes in South America, right? Not 60? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Okay. Right. Yeah, I mean, it's just a case of being in a smaller division. This almost happened – or this happened to Roman. He had to do the last chance qualifier a couple years ago. If you look at Geese finishes, I mean, it's first, second, sixth, first, first, third. I mean, he can't do much more than he did uh after the first event it's just
Starting point is 00:24:46 you cannot get a 15th in one of these regions like asia or south america or africa like as soon as that happens all those other two guys they don't have to be better than you they just have to be second best or third best the whole time and since it's such a small region there's not the talent pool is not very big and it's way easier for them to be second or third best so even if he is better it just doesn't matter because he took that hit on the event one it's literally it literally like just doesn't matter how good he can be. Here's what I'm hearing from you guys. He took an ass whooping. It's not that he fell apart, the marriage or shitty program from mayhem
Starting point is 00:25:31 or mental, emotional stress and pressure. He fucking did great. He had one bad event, and the other two guys capitalized on it. Because the field's so small, in the events that he did poorly on it it really hurt him but in the events that he smoked he he couldn't really strut his stuff the guys could be way farther back on than him on the snatch they don't have a games level snatch in relation to him he's so much better but he's not rewarded for that and so he he just in a field this small it's tough to strut your stuff and and we hate that as fans right because the sentiment is we
Starting point is 00:26:12 love that guy he's kind of he's kind of like the south not only he's transcended just being a south american athlete we've we've kind of uh three wins at the games everyone wants to see him come he's kind of like the uh anti-chris spieler right he's on the other end of like just being the little guy who you kind of or he's he's kind of a specialist that we want to see there we we love him right well he can win events i i he's in that client colton merton's category but he's also from south america he's yeah like i think everybody wants to see like the winner should not be a specialist, but everybody enjoys seeing people be dominant in stuff that they're amazing at.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And it's fun to have specialists in the games because, I mean, you want to see – like, can – you know, when Fraser won the handstand walk or the ring muscle-ups and beat Alex Smith or Noah Olsen. You're like, that's insane because these guys, this is what they do. Their thing is gymnastics, and Frazier still beats them. You want to see where Medeiros is against Guy in a sprint. You know Guy's probably going to win because he's a freaking fast-twitch monster. But you want specialists there so you can see
Starting point is 00:27:27 the best that crossfit has to offer in any given event and since he's not there we don't get to see the best cleaner or snatcher i mean i mean you know there are good cleaners and snatchers out there but we don't get to see the best that crossFit has to offer. To piggyback off of this, I was talking to Chase about this. With Guy, you're going to see top events. He's going to get first in something, or he's going to get top three from time to time. He's also going to have some bad events. But with Kaike, he's probably just going to do okay
Starting point is 00:28:00 to not great the entire weekend. So from an investment perspective from crossfit's perspective you want gee to be at this thing you really don't like it's not that great that kei is going to be there i that's going to be a hot take but that's it that's how i feel about it um are you are are you are you saying that because of popularity wise or no from hit on the field he will have great like he will have great events and kaikei won't he just he'll do okay the whole weekend or he would place higher at the games yes you're gonna he's gonna win some events you're saying kaikei's not gonna win some events right kaikei is probably gonna be 30 to 40 at the entire time there'll be a story to tell with
Starting point is 00:28:43 gee there will be yeah that's fair I almost think you want to think who would place highest at the games in whatever region that's who we want to go to the games yeah he is a bit a bit of a darling in the games another thing that kind of supports our theory is he doesn't have an excuse here in his Instagram some of the athletes who didn't make it that we'll talk about later, they got, they got, they at least allude to an excuse. There's nothing here in Guy's Instagram. I went through the last like nine posts and click translation and I didn't see anything where he's making an excuse. Like, like, you know what I mean? Like some, like his dog got run over by a car. You know what I mean? His sister went to prison. You know what I mean? There's no, there's no
Starting point is 00:29:21 story. His wife, he caused life cheating on nothing. Sorry. I made all those up, fabricated all those. His dog and his wife and his sister are fine. So, okay. And I've also heard that he is now in Cookville, that he – I don't know why he flew there, but oh, maybe it was for Tyler's wedding. Here are pictures of him and Tyler Christoffel's wedding or attending it. Congratulations, Tyler and Bailey. Maybe he was also there to be around the Mayhem team. What happens to a young athlete like this, James? Does he come back stronger or get a job at fucking Jiffy Lube and start changing oil? or get a job at fucking Jiffy Lube and start changing oil and... No, definitely don't get a job at Jiffy Lube,
Starting point is 00:30:09 but he'll come back stronger. I mean, he just had a mishap. Yeah, he just had a mishap on that one workout. Did he allude to the fact that the other guys were on drugs? Did Guy allude to that? Anyone? No, I don't think he would snitch like that. No, I don't think he would talk to you about it.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I like that he didn't post anything. That's sort of a stand-up move. I just need to work and maybe just not talk about it. Just go back to work. need to work and maybe just not talk about it just go just go back to work um uh so this is this is this from the crossfit games instagram oh okay uh is caleb is this from crossfit games yes okay so this says uh thank you uh
Starting point is 00:31:00 rio thank you brazil it was definitely the most a sinister I've ever had. That must be weird in the translation. Thank you to everyone who sent messages, cheered live, cheered online. Thank you for strengthening me when I needed it. A special thank you to my family and coaches. This year, I won't represent Brazil at the games, but we will be representing by Brazilians who are going.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Happy for all the qualifiers. Just enjoy the process. Okay, so the opposite of taking shots at them, he's happy that at least the guy's going from South America or from his home country. Alright. Good dude. Alright.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Alrighty. Sorry, Kaike and Mr. Sousa, that your entry is overshadowed by us missing Guy. It's just the way it is. He's a fan favorite. People love the dude. Big smile, hangs with Rich and the gang and crazy snatch.
Starting point is 00:31:51 What are you going to do? Shall we go over to Asia? Oh, damn. We need to be doing one every 10 minutes. Asia, you might not get a lot of love. Sahar Kahai. Turkey? What flag is that?
Starting point is 00:32:08 Yeah, Turkey. Sahar Kaya. They only get one? They get two. And so Shahad Budebs. You just gotta blast through it. If you give it one shot, but really fast. Okay, so just act like I know what I'm doing. Shahad Budebs You just gotta blast through it If you like give it one shot but really fast Okay so just act like I know what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:32:28 Sahad Budebs So she's gonna compete with the With the ninja outfit With the what's that thing called The sari what is that Hajab She's gonna compete with that Show's over cancelled
Starting point is 00:32:42 That's crazy It's gonna be so fucking how is she gonna it's gonna be so fucking hot there i guess it's so fucking hot in her country i guess they she's figured it out wow crazy all right congratulations is this the first time someone from the united arab emirates um except for that year where they let everyone in has ever made it i think so she's been on the come up for a few years though. She's really good. Yeah. She's strong.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Does she speak English? We can get her on the show. I don't know. Looking at her Instagram. Did she compete in weightlifting, right? Yes. I remember her. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I'm glad she was just finally able to string it together. She could be Armenian. She looks like my people. Right. She looks like she could be a Kardashian. Any chance of being in the top 30? Or is she bottom of the heap? She's not going to be safe. Anything can happen, man.
Starting point is 00:33:50 You mean like Mal and Tia could pull out? James, you mean like that anything can happen? Anything can happen. As long as she doesn't come there to just want to participate. Come there to compete. Wow, that is so optimistic of you. James, this isn't fighting. This is the CrossFit Games. You really think anything can happen?
Starting point is 00:34:10 You think this chick has a chance of being top 20? I think a bus would have to crash one of the events for that to happen. This isn't fighting. That's the thing with CrossFit. That's the thing with CrossFit for so many years, that people are just happy to just be regionals or
Starting point is 00:34:26 semifinals athletes or games athletes. I'm just happy to be here. Right? It's like, no, you train all this year just to be happy to be somewhere? Go fucking compete. You know, you're in a boxing match. If you got a championship fight,
Starting point is 00:34:42 you know, you got to show that guy that you could box too you know i mean you might lose you might get knocked out but you know still compete i mean if she's against 39 mike tyson's james i know so much i come on now hey here's what i i'll never tell any athlete athlete, don't go there and just compete and see how you do. Like, I don't believe in that. You might as well.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I think so. If there's an event that comes out that she's like the movements are good for her, I definitely think she should send it and just see if she can hold on and make some noise. Right. Like those type of things is that what you're saying instead of just trying to do your best in every workout or execute like send it on something you think you might have a shot at being really good at no here's what i think he's saying here's what i think he's saying i think he's saying don't go there and emotionally protect yourself i think he's saying like don't be a pussy like hey love
Starting point is 00:35:43 that girl with all your heart if your heart gets broken take the emotional pain and live on don't like not give it your don't not love that girl because you're afraid you're going to get hurt go out there give it your 100 intellectually emotionally physically and then lick your wounds after go in your hotel room and cry you don't think everybody does that oh no no i don't think so i think what he's saying is that some people go there and they're like okay if i can just if i can just be top 20 and he's I don't think so. I think what he's saying is that some people go there and they're like, okay, if I can just be top 20. And he's saying don't do that. Set the expectations high. And if you get – damn, those are nice fucking handstand walk ladders they got in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Did you see that shit? That is nice. Anyway. That's the richest country in the world, isn't it? Is that what you're saying, James? Like, hey, don't worry about getting hurt emotionally. Set the expectation high for yourself. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Absolutely. Yeah. And there's people like that in relationships. They're like, oh, I'm not going to give that girl all my love because I might get hurt. Like, what are you doing? So what if you get hurt? You work this hard. Get hurt.
Starting point is 00:36:43 You like that? Did you like that, John? Did that resonate with you are you giving your wife all your love yes every day you're willing to get hurt you're okay with being vulnerable to her and if she hurts you she hurts you she hurts me now man we've been in it a while so she might bring some non-fat milk and you're like what the fuck she doesn't know me we had our seven-year anniversary yesterday. Wad Zombie.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Sahad speaks English. She was interviewed before. By who? What do you mean interviewed before? By who, Mr. Wad Zombie? Does she have a card? Does she have a Wad Zombie card? We can get her one.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Look at Tyler saying we. You don't know that. You know I made the Ben Smith card, right? You did make the Ben – look at Wad Zombies. He's fucking – where is the Ben Smith? And the Ariel Logan card. Oh, Ben Smith stays on my desk because that's the collector's item. It hasn't even got out of the package yet.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Quick post-workout interview. workout interview okay well I follow her now so I will yeah I need to get her on the show find out how she works out with that hat on hey do any athletes even do any can men go out on the floor with a hat are you allowed to compete with a hat on
Starting point is 00:38:03 you are do they do you ever see guys competing with a hat? Are you allowed to compete with a hat on? Do they? Do you ever see guys competing with a hat on? At the games? Who's that? He was in the semifinals. Rob Forte. The cowboy. Sean Sweeney. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:19 He would wear his cowboy hat out onto the floor at the games? Yep. Yep. Yep. Well, that's not giving it your all. I don't even think wearing that thing that she wears is giving it her all. Like, take that shit off. Sorry, I got to give it my all.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Okay, let's go over to the boys. And one more thing about Sahar. She's made it to the games before, right? I recognize the name. Okay, awesome. Congratulations to both of you. Arthur Seminoff and Ant Haynes. It's not Ant Haynes.
Starting point is 00:38:59 It's Morteza Setagat. They're not ordered correctly. Oh, oh, oh. Good catch. Okay okay thank you uh arthur seminoff and uh mortez uh set of got are these all part of the spain spain um training camp also this training culture these two no arthur seminoff his coach is nick fowler he's uh he's russian he's's one on just coaching athlete. He's not a part of a camp. And will he make it?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Will he get access to the United States? Will he get to come? I assume so. He's not a part of the Russian CIA. You're saying that Roman was? Oh, you have to go over to the drop-down menu, Caleb, and put... Points. You have to go over to the drop-down menu, Caleb, and put – Points. You have to, yeah, go over there and sort by.
Starting point is 00:39:49 It is sort of overall. That's weird. Yeah, I tried that. Okay. It's wrong. Are you suggesting that Roman was somehow in the Russian Secret Service and that's why he couldn't come? I'm not saying that or not saying that. He was a part of some stuff and that's it.
Starting point is 00:40:10 He was in the military. Wow. They all have to be in the military. Yeah. He was like a career military guy, wasn't he? Yeah. But for the record, it was us that did not want him here, not Russia.
Starting point is 00:40:26 We were the problem as far as him getting here. Luis Montoya, Sebon, it's not a hat. It's a hijab. Come on. Listen. My point is that no one competes seriously with something that's impeding them on their head. That's what I'm saying. If you're serious about the games, you don't wear a cowboy hat out there to the fucking rope climb event
Starting point is 00:40:46 that's that's all i'm saying and i don't care what anyone calls it you can call it whatever you want i'm i'm you call it a hajib i call it a hat it's fine i could would call a hat a hajib i would not call a james durag a hajib while he's on the show but after he got off i would except for the part where you don't wear a cowboy hat to represent your lord. Oh, and that is what she – okay, so that's what you're saying. That's a religious piece she has on. Right. Like if Ben Shapiro was out there and he had the little Jew cap, the yarmulke.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Jew cap, yes. All right. Fine. Arthur Seminoff, basically the only reason why this Mortiza guy made it is because Roman got switched to the US they only made it because Roman wasn't there
Starting point is 00:41:36 well I mean Arthur would have made it with Roman there and look they don't even give Arthur his flag that's what's going on there with Roman there. And look, they don't even give Artur his flag. That's what's going on there. That's why three of those people don't have flags. Those are Russians.
Starting point is 00:41:51 We're still doing that thing too. We're still doing that. So weird. Okay. So anything you guys want to say about either of these guys? Does Arthur Semel, any event wins from either of these guys? Anything spectacular happen? I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I mean, Arthur's been on the come up, though. He made the games either last year or the year before last. That's the second Russian, or Asian. But I doubt we see event wins or anything like that. I would expect a higher placement from Seminoff this year than he had previously, but nothing crazy. Thank you, Caleb. Caleb knows I like names. That is an incredible name, Ram Dover.
Starting point is 00:42:33 That is incredible. How is that a Jewish name, Ram Dover? That guy's from Israel? I need to see this guy's Instagram, Ram Dover. That is crazy. That's Ram, Tyler. It's Ram and you know it. Ram Dover Instagram.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Let's see. Oh, yeah, he looks Jewish. Wow. I'd love to know the origins of that name, Ram Dover. Wow. I'd love to know the origins of that name, Ram Dover. It's probably Ram Devere. It's probably not close to that.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Don't ruin it. It's R-A-M-D-O-V-E-R, Ram Dover. That's like a Simpsons name. Like someone's making fun of us. Hey, anyone from Israel ever made it to the games, except for that one year? I would not, no. I don't know. I want to say there was one person.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I feel like there has been, too, but I can't speak to a confident. Yeah. Alright. I wonder if it's easy to get PEDs over there. That guy looked kind of normal though In Israel? Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:48 I feel like it would be hard Alright Let's go to Australia Man can you believe Bethany Shadburn Is going to the game Catherine David's daughter That's fine She just got married Oh? Bethany Flores.
Starting point is 00:44:05 She just got married. Or changed her name. Oh yeah, Bethany Flores. Thank you. She married the guy who works with the Lakers? Like their physio or whatever? Is that what that guy does? I don't know what her husband does.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Jay Crouch. Jay Crouch, Bailey Martin, and Jake Douglas. Jake Douglas is the guy her husband does um jay crouch jay crouch uh bailey martin and jake uh douglas uh jake douglas is the guy um what do they call him like the trap master the what what trapzilla trapzilla he got um crazy physique speaking about being muscle bound my god yeah we're waiting for oceanus drug results every day for him. Tell us what you really think, John. Are any of these two other guys in the same world as Jay Crouch? Is Jay Crouch just on a whole other
Starting point is 00:44:52 level? Is this, yeah. I mean, he got the experience. Yeah. Yeah. He's just bitter. to put it bluntly. Jake Douglas, Bailey Martin, first trips to the games? Mm-hmm. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yes for Jake. Bailey's been close a few times. And Jake Crouch, his third trip? Look at Bone Daddy calls him Trap Daddy. Well, there you go. Two daddies. If people don't label him Jay the Warrior Crouch, you're just missing a brilliant marketing opportunity.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Wait, wait, why? I didn't give him that nickname. Because of the movie. He looks exactly like the guy from The Warrior, except for about 50 pounds bigger tom hardy no the other one no it's tom hardy if you're gonna quote it get it right tyler come on i'm sorry jake douglas looks like that not jay okay uh jay crouch uh could be top 10 at the games? Ooh, that's pushing it. I think if you got top 10, go ahead, James.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I was going to say maybe top 15 when we're listed. Is he the fittest guy in Australia? What about these other guys, Roy and
Starting point is 00:46:22 Baden? Royce Dunn um baden brown who's baden brown um even the old guy rob forte is jay crouch the fittest guy there i i mean i think you say ricky garard if you're talking oh sorry, yeah, I guess that's right. I forgot, Ricky. Me too. Damn, damn. Sorry, Ricky. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'll do an extra burpee for you today. Jeez. Oceana is interesting because Jake, I mean, if you look at all of Oceana, Jake Crouch is like the second or third guy. And, like, we're looking at him as he's a tier above these other guys, and he is. He really is. I mean, he's a games athlete. He might. And he is, he really is. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:05 he's a games athlete. He might not win events, but he is a games athlete. He's one of the fittest men in the world, but there's a lot of guys from Australia, top tier that just did not do individual this year. I'm Ricky because mountain biking is more important. Royce is going team.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And then I don't know what Baden-Brown's doing. But all three of those guys would be in the running to make individual. Two of them out of three would make it for sure, and Jay would probably comfortably be that second or third guy probably fighting with Baden. So that's why Bailey and Jake Douglas, this is their first years because they haven't been able to get over those guys, and those guys have been going individual.
Starting point is 00:47:47 So it's an interesting year for new blood to come in this region. As far as Jay Crouch being the best guy, I think he's probably the second best guy. Ricky's a cheer above everybody here. Yeah, so that's interesting. So what you're saying, there truly are levels to this. Garrard is in his own world, Jay's in his own world, and then there's the rest of the guys. I guess it was kind of like that at the CrossFit Games for a while too, right? You have Tita, then you have these three other girls,
Starting point is 00:48:14 and then there's the other girls. Maybe there are even four distinct levels in the women's division. Yeah, it tends to be a bit more gradiated for the men, but in Australia, when you only have those athletes, yeah, it definitely stands out. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:49:15 Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Considering they only have three spots, they have a lot of really, really good people. Oceania might be the hardest region for the men to make it if all of their best guys did individual. did individual. Like if James Newberry,
Starting point is 00:49:44 Con Porter, Jay Crouch, Ricky Garrard, Baden Brown, Royce Dunn. Those are six guys that are veteran games athletes. Well, I think if you put Royce in one of the North America regions,
Starting point is 00:49:59 he definitely goes individual. I bet he doesn't go team. Is that what he did? He went team? Is that what he did? He went team? Is that what he did? He went team? Yeah, he went team. Did his team make it?
Starting point is 00:50:12 I think so. How close are you to calling him Roy Dunst every time? Because I have to consciously stop myself. It's Royce Dunn and not Roy Dunst. He's a smart guy. It's just the words that I know. I only say words I know. It's hard for him to learn this shit.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Okay, James Townsend, Ricky Garrard, significant injury on a bike. Does he ever come back? There's a chance he'll come back, right? He comes back. Yeah, absolutely. He comes back.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Listen, I think Ricky's going to be a monster. I would not – it would not surprise – like, if you get your shoulder hurt, what's he do? Time to get on a squat cycle. What's Ricky weaker at than other guys? Strong legs. What did he really hurt? His shoulder.
Starting point is 00:51:00 He separated his shoulder mountain biking. But I would not. He's in the running to win the games next year, as far as I'm concerned, without even seeing. I don't know. I don't know. Every time it's a serious injury. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Coming back from injury is hard, right? Yeah. Yeah. Anytime you get cut under the knife, you're not the same. You're different. Yeah, mentally, right? Right, James?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Mentally. Yeah, mentally. I think if anybody's not going to struggle with this mentally, it's Ricky. Right. Like, he's insane. Right. I guess he already went through the hard part,
Starting point is 00:51:42 that four-year suspension. He already hit the hard part. Yeah, at least go road biking, though, instead of mountain biking. I'd make it a little bit better. No, bro. Play hard. Hey, James, what do you think about Ricky popping? Do you like or dislike Ricky anymore, knowing his journey? Is there a part of you that's like, fuck him, he's a cheater,
Starting point is 00:52:02 or, man, I really like this guy, he overcame adversity and turned his shit around? Yeah, he overcame adversity. That's the story. That's how you see him. You don't see him as a cheater. You see him the other way. He's a guy who repented and took the journey, the hard path, and made it. Right. I mean, initially, he to uh own it because you know he got caught but uh but but he owned it and faced it in those four years he worked his butt off and came back
Starting point is 00:52:35 and i mean you you gotta tip your hat off to him so yeah me too tyler what camp do you fall in i like him more because of his journey what camp do you fall oh? I like him more because of his journey. What camp do you fall in? Oh, yeah. I love the drama with Ricky, always. I love that you did drugs. I love that he talks shit and would do the workouts when he was not at the games. And then I love that he'd come back and he was still as strong as he was when he left. I love that he still plays hard. And I love that he gets hurt. And I love that he's going to come back next year and he'd be as good as he was when he left.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Like, the story's just always amazing mr young you have a big heart that accepts ricky and enjoys his journey are you an asshole and you hate him for it no bias no bias no judgment from me no i'm you're good i i i hope ricky wins the games wow i don't we're four four let's see if caleb caleb what about you sorry john i'll get back to you one second caleb you like ricky no good shit all of us can't be like yeah we like the drug user i thought we were gonna go five for five okay sorry go ahead john uh i also like that he said like he it wasn't a contaminated substance there's no appeal he's like yeah man i was taking this i didn't know it was that bad i was at the gmc like you know regardless if that's true or not he didn't say oh man i'm not doing anything wrong just something got into my drink somehow i don't know how that happened uh i guess my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:53:58 sat on my face someone sat on my face i got contaminated yeah like and then everybody killed him too he was the first like kind of top tier guy i guess he's the only top tier person honestly that had ever popped and everybody just murdered him for a year in the comments on everything when his name came up i mean i just think it's admirable to come back from that and just face the crowd and then still be great. I think it'll be the ultimate redemption story if he wins the games. I don't want him to win every year. I don't want it to be like a dynasty effect like Fraser, but I just want him to win one time. I think it'd be really cool.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I also I like the fact that also that some people don't like him too. That's the cool part, right? Probably even the people who don't like him still like him getting out on the floor. Caleb? Yeah. All right. Good dude.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Well said. Why do you hate Ricky? Why do you not like him? Because you guys all like him. You just want to be comparing? No, I'm just fucking with you guys. Mr. Beaver, can we see the ladies of
Starting point is 00:55:18 Oceana? Lay down. James, we're live on the air. Don't tell me to lay down until we get off. That's just too... Ellie Turner doing what she was supposed to do. Tia Clare Toomey is not there. I don't even know if she would have competed there.
Starting point is 00:55:37 But Ellie Turner, also kind of a rough start at first, right? After day one was not in first place. Ends up winning uh jamie simmons in second uh then emily deroy has this emily girl ever been to the games i don't even recognize that no no she's young yeah i never yeah actually, she had a pretty like drastic rise this year. She's always been
Starting point is 00:56:09 pretty, pretty decent. But again, at the same time, so many women in Australia didn't, didn't play this year.
Starting point is 00:56:15 So, you know, is it that she had a drastic rise or everybody was just out? Hey, is this the easiest
Starting point is 00:56:23 year ever to get to the CrossFit Games No And by easiest I mean in the last five years six years Seven years for Australian Women
Starting point is 00:56:35 No just In general just in general Sorry Caleb I just pushed you out for a second This is Emily Just for just in general no 2019 is the easiest year to make the games yeah well just because they let everyone in but i mean i mean like just like in a regular competition just like with the you know with the the semi-finals or regionals i can't remember ever seen so many new names
Starting point is 00:57:01 that wouldn't lead credence to being the easiest and the hardest no but the easiest so many new names like the old like like because there's so many old people who didn't make it in right right you don't so but you're not you you haven't thought that you haven't thought wow this is a really easy year to make it to the games? I don't think it's any easier or harder than any other year. I mean, yeah, Tia's out, but you still have to battle for that spot who is going to be filled by women that there is a smaller gap in. So it's just like you're just getting one easier position, but that position is still hard to get.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It's easier to podium easier to win if that's what you're asking the actual no i just mean it actually easier to make it to madison like god it seems like it's the easiest year ever to make it to madison no all right well do we know what place this girl took last year do you guys have any any like can you do what spin spin does where you pull up uh she got got 19th in Australia last year. Wow, okay. That's a huge leap, right? Yeah, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I mean she also like her – And how did Kaikei do? And look, there's just all these people that are just popping up. Right? Right. Kaikei's been there. He was at Rogue the year before too. Kaikei's been on the come up
Starting point is 00:58:25 He was third or fourth last year How did Maddie How did Maddie Sturt do Caleb In Australia Poor Maddie Fuck Four times games after
Starting point is 00:58:36 She got fifth She did Yeah Yeah I was rooting for her too She's an OG Yeah That man Too little James She's an OG Yeah That man Too little James
Starting point is 00:58:46 She's just too little Yeah Yeah Given the The workouts Yeah It didn't It didn't play in her favor
Starting point is 00:58:56 I'm pretty sure That first workout Didn't play in her favor And then And then the snatch So She had those two That was going against her but other than
Starting point is 00:59:06 that i mean she has the experience you know see i disagree a little bit um it's not that she was too little you see more smaller women make it than smaller men made it this year so i ran an analysis based on size for the um for all the semi-finals and more yeah more smaller women made it than men and it was just that i think when it came to being a small athlete madeline didn't capitalize enough right on event two okay she just didn't do well enough where small athletes should do well. Oh, so if you are small, you have to take advantage. Hey, listen to what this guy is saying.
Starting point is 00:59:50 This is very interesting. William Wall, with how many high-level OGs not making it, I'd say it's harder this year. Fuck, I didn't even think of it like that. But I can think of it like that. That's interesting too. Instead of it being an easy year, hey, it's a fucking harder year. Is the programming significantly different this year? I want James' opinion on this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I mean, it's not what we're used to. I would like to, I mean, I'm a fan of Dave, so I love his programming and everything, but I guess it's all right. But do you think it played a role? Do you think that's why we're seeing, like, Jacqueline Dahlstrom, Danny Spiegel, Guy, Sarah Sigmundsdottir, some of these big names not making it to the games? Do you think that the programming played a role? Yeah, it definitely played a role.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I mean, you know, given the context and the history and the knowledge of CrossFit, you should be good at everything. You should be prepared. I'll say prepared. You should be prepared for everything. So whatever they throw at you, you should be able to capitalize. prepared for everything so whatever they throw at you you should be able to capitalize at okay so you're saying some things are different but it's still um you're still uh have an obligation to be good at it right shoot the club up says the only new movement was the ruck on the muscle ups
Starting point is 01:01:17 but it's not only the new movements it's how they're being presented right it's stylistically it was a very different year you get to these points where it's like you have 20 strict wall-facing handstand push-ups you have to do. We haven't faced a year like that before. And it's like every workout's like that. There's always a 20 strict wall-facing handstand push-up that you just have to get through in every single workout. Or like a ring complex. We'd never seen that before, even though maybe we'd seen those movements. Go ahead, James.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Right. On those chest-to-wall handstands, it crippled a lot of people in the open, right? The majority. But when it came to semifinals, it seemed like everybody was prepared for it. It seemed like the majority was better at the movement. Where were we? We were in Oceana? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Emily can't win an event at the Games, right? Has won an event at the Games. Freak of nature, right? Squatting machine? Did she win an event? You mean Ellie? Sorry, what did I say?
Starting point is 01:02:26 Emily. Yeah. Emily, Ellie Turner. I call her Emily because I'm close to her. Yeah, Ellie Turner. Great athlete, right? Yeah, Ellie can win an event of the games. Depends what the events are, obviously.
Starting point is 01:02:38 But she's very fast at squatting. So if it's a sprinty, cross-fitty workout, then she can win. She can win those type of events. But overall, didn't do great at the games last year, right? Do we know what she ended up finishing? 16th, I think.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Okay, fuck. And that was her debut? That was her rookie debut? Mm-hmm. Somebody fact-checked me on that. Fuck, that's great, right? No, 18th. 18 Mm-hmm. All right. Somebody fact-checked me on that. Fuck, that's great, right? No, 18th. 18th last year.
Starting point is 01:03:09 All right. Top 20 is insane for your first year, right? Yeah. Yeah. And she was disappointed in it. Does she do better this year, better than 18th this year? No. Whew.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I got her doing better. Tyler said no yeah yeah i think she gets top 15 tyler how can she not do better with uh um uh danny uh dalstrom hayley adams mal tia i mean maybe that's so get him john let's ass poundpound him. That's relative. I still act as if those athletes should be there. They're not there. It's fair. She'll do better in relation to the fact that those athletes aren't there. But if you put them back in... Okay, so you don't think she'll be over 13th place is what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:04:04 You're saying she's just going to do better. you think she has holes in her game that are that are so significant that um she'll only do better where we pulled out the the people who finished ahead of her but but i think let's go down it's like inflation go ahead i think she's getting better but everyone around her is also getting better and so if you slotted those women who are not going to be there this year back in she's going to be around about the same place plus or minus i mean i bet we can figure it out does laura beat her yes does danielle breeder yes yes yes yes brooke's not in it emma emma will beat her car is not holy shit brooke wells didn't make the games is that fucking and her sister did.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Alexis will beat her. We're only at fifth, and we're at ten places. Will Ariel beat her? Yes. Will Emma McQuaid beat her? Yes. I think that's on the line right there, but okay. Christy's not there.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Amanda, she's going to beat her? Yes. And then Dollstrom's not there. Lucy's not there. Danny's not there. She is top ten right now. You've got several athletes that weren't there last year that are going to be there this year, though.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Hey, is Matilda Garns going? Yes. How about Karen Freova? Yes. Okay. All right. See, you're missing those. You're missing Emma Carey. She did put it to them though uh tyler she didn't mash matilda and karen well i look at the rest of these names
Starting point is 01:05:34 i think christine bollenbrenner's got a shot at beating her um ellie but i would put them in the same thing her oh gazan will beat her so will page power catcher will beat her or it's gonna be i don't know page powers will be i i like i put them in the same category bethany will beat her. Oh, Gazan will beat her. So will Paige Powers. Katrin will beat her. I don't know if Paige Powers will be. I put them in the same category. Bethany will beat her. I think she'll be 10th to 15th place. You guys are making me excited about the games. Emily Rolfe will beat her.
Starting point is 01:05:56 No, I don't think so. Alright, we've got to move out of Australia. We're never going to get to Hawaii. Let's move out of Australia. Give me one second. I'll be right back. Have we done all the podunk countries now or continents? I think so. Let's go. Let's go to Europe.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Yeah, let's go to Europe. Let's go to Europe. Hey, dude, it's crazy. We got to do a whole different show on this. Hayley Adams, Brooke Wells, Mal, Tia, Dahlstrom. It's crazy what happened to the female class. So many people gone. Danny Spiegel. It's crazy. And the fact that Sidney Wells, we got to start a movement and get behind her.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Like she's kind of the one that James is talking about. Like you just got to go there and just Give it your all Yeah I think Sydney's got that mindset too Gabby Magawa Annie Thor's daughter Laura Horvat, Emma Tall Karen Frejova, Matilda Gons
Starting point is 01:06:57 Manon Anganese Where do we go down to here? 10th? 11th? They should put a little line. 10th, I believe. Ayo, Ayo Wenger,
Starting point is 01:07:09 Alyssa Fuliano, 11th. Rebecca Vittesen was the last one in. Okay. And who took 12th? Dahlstrom, I think. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Okay. So I guess the big story out of Europe is the fact that Dahlstrom didn't make it. Yep. And how does that happen? Do you guys have any thoughts on how that happens? Her treadmill was slower. That's the only reason she didn't make it, and there's no other reason.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Workout number one, workout... I'm joking when I'm saying that. Oh, okay. You don't believe in the treadmill. You're not part of the treadmill conspiracy, John? I believe it's probably slower than the other treadmills enough people have statistically studied it way longer than they should have to show this uh but you cannot say that is the only reason that she did not make
Starting point is 01:08:00 the games if you are a top 15 games athlete then you shouldn't get 28th place on a freaking sled pool. You shouldn't get 20th place on a snatch. And like Tyler said, where like you're small, Jacqueline Dahlstrom is one of the better gymnastics girls in the whole games. You don't, you need to be better than 12th on event two. She got 39 reps. I did this just messing around, seeing how I would do and i got like 33 reps if jacqueline dalstrom is barely beating me by six reps there was a problem she didn't do very good okay and like if it's six what you do on event six can you scroll over caleb 13 uh we will get to that in a second uh the sleds were some dog do also i agree david we
Starting point is 01:08:48 john spitting facts wow david doesn't hand out compliments she got 13th in event six so she got 13th in event six and an event two she got 14th or she got 12th 12th and 13th and gymnastics events if those two events she got fifth place in both of those, like she should do, she makes it. So it's not just lane eight. I get lane eight is a big deal, and it's the biggest thing in the world, and we should talk about it for 15 months. But that's not the only reason you didn't make the games. Jeanette Hines, the runner wasn't slower statistically if you do it by overall placement not heat placement of interesting um the the Tony tone uh doesn't believe you got
Starting point is 01:09:33 33 on this John John he says you must have given yourself a bunch of bro reps probably true so let's talk about lane eight for a minute that's my fiancee her and i spent three weeks going she's a double phd by the way wow um that's crazy by the way yeah at the same time like she's she's getting them both at the same time um i i did my own analysis and then i i gave it to her and and then let her put all the fine touches on it and then she ran off and and did her own thing we spent the last three weeks going through lane eight and lane eight and lane six in North America West. There was also a faster one,
Starting point is 01:10:11 right? That was the faster. And in neither one, we could prove that it was outside of the norm of possibility that something weird happened on those. You cannot say definitively that they did. Now, I disagree with how John – Kristen Singleton handled this. CrossFit should have better backed it up.
Starting point is 01:10:33 But I'm just tired of this conversation continuing to exist. We can't prove it. Everybody acts like we can prove it. Statistically, we can't. A double PhD disproved that it was statistically likely and i'm just i'm just talking about even if it's if it is slower like say it's slower right no no i i understand what you're saying with jacklyn like that's not the reason dalston right no and if that's the case we should never talk about it like It shouldn't be a thing. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Does your wife have a twin? Yes. Oh, that's crazy. She's also getting a double PhD. No, really? No, she's a chiropractor. She's finishing up her chiropractic boards. They both do CrossFit? Yeah, they're both very very good
Starting point is 01:11:25 oh that's awesome wow crazy um uh ldy2742 everyone talks about how the programming favored bigger stronger athletes but no one is pointing out the strongest athlete didn't make it like gee or danny well okay anyone want to field that execution Tyler rolled his eyes at you by the way I want to apologize on behalf of the 7-1 podcast that was not cool
Starting point is 01:11:55 go ahead and roll your eyes Tyler he rolled his eyes he gave it to because there's several ways to attack this were you gonna say something james i always i always felt like the the workouts at semifinals were you know no margin of error like like you can't very execution You can't have a 28th place and then a 26th place and work out five and then a 20th. You just can't. Especially in North America, East and West, the competition is too stacked. It's too stacked up. It's hard
Starting point is 01:12:46 to come back from something like that. I agree with what we're saying with Jacqueline Dahlstrom, how she didn't do as good as she should have done in event two and event six. The same thing goes for them. Nanny Spiegel did not do as good as she
Starting point is 01:13:02 should have done on the sled pool. Neither did Guy. Stronger athletes should have done done on the sled pool. Neither did Guy. Stronger athletes should have done better on the sled pool event. And they both did not do well on that event. Nanny Spiegel snatches five more pounds, and she's in. She has routinely snatched 220 in multiple competitions. And in this one, she snatched 210. So, like, they – they don't like how they go ahead i don't like how i'll let me go real quick he he didn't make it because of the region
Starting point is 01:13:35 that he was in he had a bad event and he couldn't make it up this has happened before it sucks but it's happened before uh danny did not execute to her fullest abilities in the events that she should have executed to her fullest abilities. Go ahead, Tom. I don't like how that question is phrased. There's a sleight of hand happening in this question. Being big and strong does not buy you into the games. It lends a helping hand, but you still have to execute as an athlete. So, yeah, I don't like the way the question is raised.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And you could flip it. Frickin' Colton. Yeah, Colton made it. Executed where you are supposed to execute. You know, he had almost three event wins. Somebody predicted he would do that. I'm not sure who. But he executed.
Starting point is 01:14:22 All hail John Young. Where you're supposed to execute and he knew he would take a hit in the bigger events he knew he would take a hit in the sled pool he knew he would take a hit in the snatching and the running one but the events where he could go big
Starting point is 01:14:38 he did Daniel Garrity are we saying that a double PhD has a more valued, we have a higher opinion than Hiller's opinion on lane eight? No. Even Jeanette gives Hiller, he gets full kudos there. No, he does have issues with lane eight, right? He does.
Starting point is 01:14:58 And the issue that should be said is CrossFit should definitely comb through these machines before they use them. Make sure that they're within a very small tolerance of each other. Or put them on track. But if you're going to use machines, you need to make sure they're very close to each other. And then if you as a competitor
Starting point is 01:15:20 or a coach has problems and you don't think that there should be a way to approach Crossfit and deal with that or something happened to where you can deal with this situation but there's not and that was the positive thing that came out of this but i disagree with how it was handled did you hear did you someone was saying that um if you're going to do a um a salt bike workout that you should for time to qualify, you should lube the chain first that it does give it, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:48 there's all kinds of things you can do to an assault bike to, to last time they used an assault bike on a qualifier. They don't, they don't allow that. I've not heard of that. Oh, all right. Okay. Um, how about an open? Do they ever know? Do they ever use a bites in the open no okay um all right let's go over to i wish they would did we have uh let's let's look at um we got to move a little bit man okay thank you uh lazar jukic uh no surprise there henry capelanen moritz feebig a jelly host uh yana koski we'll just open next uh david shrunk bjorgvin carl goodmanson i'm a
Starting point is 01:16:28 little surprised he's down there at eight um nine bronislaw uh bronislaw is another example of the big strong guy making it in right um but he did what he had to do in the events i like i like what james said it was more about execution rather than it being biased. If you executed where you are strong, those people tend to make it in. And then if you didn't execute where you normally would for the stronger people, then you didn't make it in. Lazar Jukic, top ten at the games this year? Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Top seven? Top ten is year? Yeah. Yes. Top seven? Top 10. Definitely yes. Seventh. Top seven? Anyone? I think he does get seventh. Seventh.
Starting point is 01:17:15 James? Ten. Top ten. Mr. Watkins? Top ten. Okay. I think that's safe. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Okay. I think that's safe. All right. Okay, let's go over to North America West. We didn't talk about the guys at all. Who do you think the strongest guy going to the games this year is? Jake Douglas. Yeah. He is? Just straight up like that?
Starting point is 01:17:45 I think him or Bron. Bron Oslaw could have went a lot heavier. He's very, very strong in an assortment of things. Like, out of object stuff, Bron Oslaw is going to be really, really strong too. But, I mean, Jake Douglas snatched 310. I mean, that's hard to beat. I think the two big stories out of, what is this North America West?
Starting point is 01:18:09 The two big stories for sure. Well, there's three big, four, God, there's so many great stories here. Alex Kazan, I think she has arrived. I think what we are about to see is she is going to go on a terror for the next five or 10 years. And we have no idea where the limit is for her. I think she has tapped into the freak of nature that she is.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Katrin David's daughter, crazy, crazy impressive. Ariel Lowen, fan favorite, still making a splash. Christine Kohlenbrander, strongest woman at the CrossFit Games this year? Yes. One of them. I'd have to comb through it. Who's stronger? Olivia.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I would say overall, Christine's stronger. Olivia might be 10% stronger. Laura Horvath's the strongest girl at the Games. Who? Laura Horvath's the strongest girl at the games. Who? Laura Horvath. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I feel very confident in that. Laura Horvath across the board. If you could take everything in that, Laura Horvath's the strongest girl at the games. You know what's crazy? You look at who the games champs have been, and they've always been the top two or three. Not always, but frequently, You know what's crazy is you look at who the games champs have been, and they've always been like the top two or three – not always,
Starting point is 01:19:31 but frequently they've been the top two or three strongest people at the games. For the women. The men. No, for the men too. No, they haven't. You don't think Matt's always been in the top three strongest men at the games? No. Every year he won? No?
Starting point is 01:19:40 Okay. 2019, just because that's what a weird year. Yeah. 2020, also a weird year. I don't think we should count those years. 2018, he was seventh in the total. There were a lot of guys stronger than him there at that year. A normal year, you have specialists that are going to be stronger. Guy was always stronger than Matt when he was winning, when Matt was winning.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I think Matt was top five, but there were always a few people stronger than him at whatever random thing you want to pick out. Justin Medeiros has won the last two years. He's, I mean, hovering around 10th strongest. There are a lot of people stronger than Justin. Justin's a great squatter, but just everything across the board,
Starting point is 01:20:24 he's around tenth. For the minute, it's not played out like this. I did a study on this, and you had to be like 93% of the strongest guy there. That's what the winner of the games usually is on any given day.
Starting point is 01:20:41 I'll take that. Then I'd say the winner of the games is strong as shit is what I'm saying you got yeah you have to be strong to win very very very strong yeah uh blade blade walker seven just throwing numbers out 10 i was joking because she's only 12 years old see what i did there she's okay uh olivia kerstetter uh emily rolf uh i don't uh uh bethany shadburn another fucking amazing that she's making it to the games. They retro changed her name. They did. They changed it fast, didn't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:15 On her Instagram, she still has her old name. I mean, she has her new name too, but she has her old name also. Olivia Kerstetter, Abigail Donut, cool to see her. Her first trip to the games, right? Yes. Yeah. Going to be fun to watch her compete. Kelly Baker, her first trip to the games. As an individual. And then Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Let's stop here just for a second. Tyler, you go first. Why didn't Danny make it to the games uh programming lifestyle got too old competitions too hard didn't execute went to saudi arabia like what the fuck happened here i mean she did terrible in a minute too uh but if we're looking past that like yeah, very, very bad. If we're looking past that, you should do that. What was it?
Starting point is 01:22:11 What was it meant to? That was the one that was muscle ups. Yes. The rock muscle. I think you'd be decent at it. Actually, I want to try this workout because I know I can be 14 reps. So she you think this is kind of the geek phenomenon? You guys are saying she had one bad workout,
Starting point is 01:22:32 and then the rest of the competition was just too good for her. It was this. The spread on the athletes from first to 10th was tight. You could not mess up in this field. This women's field was so close together. There were no apparent dominant people. Everyone was barely slotted in where they were. Anybody falls, you're going to fall far.
Starting point is 01:22:57 And she felt way too far on that. And then she didn't capitalize where she normally capitalizes, which is the strength events. I will say, if you score it different, she would have made it, but still only barely. Alan Kestenbaum, what about Gazan Snatch? Hold on, we'll come back to that. What are your thoughts on James, on what happened to Danny?
Starting point is 01:23:18 Can you point to any one thing? Or two things? Or three things? Yeah, I mean, obviously workout number two, but then when you go into workout number six i mean that's that should have been something you mean five i'm gonna snatch on the run no i i get it to see the legless work lines and then uh you know yeah yeah we'll work out five. I'm sorry, yeah, workout five. What was workout five? Was it the second part? That was the one where you snatch and run?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Snatch and run? For her strength. So workout four is the actual snatch itself. Yeah. Yeah, she – Are we sure she wasn't on lane four and then five? No reason she didn't. She was fifth in the snatch event.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I mean, fifth, but then it's like, all right, now it's the running. I should get on my horse, but she got on a donkey. I don't know what she was running on. She did get on a donkey. Okay, so you're saying she let it go. She shit the bed. She was in control of her own destiny. What she needed to do was she needed to get at least 30th on that workout,
Starting point is 01:24:35 and she'd be going instead of 35th, and she'd be going to the fucking CrossFit Games. Right, right, right. For her to be a veteran, she should, you know, I would expect her to know better. For her to be a veteran, I would expect her to know better. Can you show me how Olivia did on that one, Kerstetter, on Event 5? 34th? Wow. One place better.
Starting point is 01:24:57 I was just curious. Yeah, interesting. Blade, Katrin came out like Roy Jones. Y'all must have forgot. She sure did, which is cool, second time she's done that Alan Kestenbaum, what about Gazan's snatch Not too competitive, I think it is I think she came on the show and like
Starting point is 01:25:13 I think she has a 185 snatch I think she had a bad show She snatched 165 at the At the semi-final But I think something happened I think she says she's capable She should have gotten a 185 I mean at the semifinal but i but i think something happened i think she says she's capable um she should have gotten a 185 i mean if 185 is your top end like that's your number like i can hit that
Starting point is 01:25:33 but i'd be really really happy with that you're still not great but it's not a one it's not a 165 is what i'm saying i know but it's still a weakness. It's like, so she might not have like, it might not be a crippling weakness. It's still a weakness. If I'm her, I'm happy because you know, it's not going to show up at the games. Or you also got to think you took a, what place she took a 44th and you won.
Starting point is 01:26:02 That's pretty nuts. Like you could think of it like that. You beat everybody and you took a 44th place. Jake Chapman, James is wondering if anyone can hear him as he keeps getting spoken over. Listen, listen, Jake. Listen, listen. Jake, he always
Starting point is 01:26:17 got my back. The more he's on this show, he'll learn that you gotta just fucking elbow. James, just give James some time. He'll start throwing some elbows. Especially with John. Listen.
Starting point is 01:26:32 I think y'all are on delay. I think that's why. I'm waiting on y'all to talk. Nobody's talking. Caleb pushing the show forward. Patrick Vellner, let's just stop right there. Who thinks he can win the games? No, no, no. Who says he's he can win the games? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Who says he's going to win the games? John. John always says he's going to win the stinking games. You going with Vellner to win the games? Not when Matt was there. You going with Vellner? I'm saying Vellner's going to win this year's games. You've got to be impressed, James.
Starting point is 01:27:02 You've got to be impressed, right? Top three. Can you sing his praises? If he was dead today, what would you say about Patrick? Are you impressed? I mean, I am crazy impressed. Oh, definitely. Definitely impressed.
Starting point is 01:27:19 But, top three. Why does he always shit the bed on workout one? What's wrong with this dude? It's like kickoff. You just got to get one hit in, and then you're good. I get it.
Starting point is 01:27:40 See, like for him, he took a 15 place, not a great place, placing for event one. And then he didn't just win. He dominated. Like, wasn't close. He was going to win first place four workouts in. Brent Fikowski, are we as excited about him? Are you guys saying when you say top three, James, are saying patrick brent and um uh madaris or no you're saying patrick
Starting point is 01:28:09 you're high james yeah just in that in that top three are you you think you think like i'm really impressed with what belner did at semifinals i'm like holy shit he's like he's he's like i'm not i'm not tripping when john says he's gonna win the games like i get john sentiment right but but can we say the same thing about fukowski like is this like holy shit look at this old guy just fucking took second no well with with brent he's mr consistent with me so you know, with him, it's always, alright, you know, one year he'll make the podium, the next year
Starting point is 01:28:49 he'll get fourth or fifth. But, you know, if I had to go ahead and pick a podium, it would be Justin, Vellner, Krennikoff. Oh, okay. So you still got faith in Krennikoff. Chandler Smith taking sixth place.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I kind of view him as he's going to take Guy's spot. He's going to fucking do good at two or three events and then have some horrendous. No, you disagree, John. Go ahead, John. He's not Guy. Well, he's not Guy. He can't clean and jerk 405.
Starting point is 01:29:24 He can't snatch 315. Do you think he's going to win an clean and jerk 405 He can't snatch 315 Do you think he's going to win an event at the games? If there's a deadlift event I think he's in the running to win the event Other than deadlift I don't think he can win an event I think Chandler could do a lot of things It's just all about execution
Starting point is 01:29:40 Which he's not shown that he's good at who's who's the woman in his like who's his woman counterpart hmm i have a good question ellie turner oh okay and that's kind of what i meant that's kind of what i meant so he's not a spectacular geek at the things he's good at but i think for this year oh would you say colton mertens is in a would you say colton mertens is is um kind of stretched out on what he's good and what he's bad at is chandler smith i think colton's got more things that he can win at than chandler but it's not that's not a bad comparison but i think chan i think colton's got more like things like what for colton yeah anything range of motion any static strength thing like like straight up squat colton can squat 530 i don't think people know this about him colton's done 365 430 on squatting so any heavy squatting for instance there was a rogue
Starting point is 01:30:46 event um where it was like 405 54321 and then some box jump overs he could he would be adler at things like that and people don't people just think short range of motion ring muscle ups pistols he's got that but he's very very strong statically so if he catches there was an event um it was like 21 15 9 overhead squats and deadlifts heavy deadlifts heavy overhead squats he beat everybody by a minute he beat belner by a minute and a half in an event like that right like candler's a great dead doctor but if it's something that works out like you just gave as a given though well but but because of cycle rate right but i'm saying it's not just body weight stuff if it's there's a rare where it's just a body weight workout like noah won mary uh in 2019
Starting point is 01:31:39 or yeah 20 2019 noah won mary i think Colton's winning that workout But it's also weightlifting cycle stuff So I just think Colton can get more home run He's capable of more home run hits than Chandler Chandler, for Chandler to win an event in the games I'd beat everybody I'm not saying he can't do well at a lot of things But for him to actually win an event
Starting point is 01:32:03 It has to be heavy deadlifts other and other than that i don't know what he's gonna win at what else is he the best at better than everybody at this is an interesting comment here too by the way by blade uh boss values uh primal he-man strength i think like bags and stones and shit like that i think and not just uh only strength chandler can definitely hit a home run at the games uh for the new type of strength event like the log how did he do it rogue with the log event how did chandler doing that i think he won the log he won the log event oh this is a good idea jeremy world i'd like to see colton versus chandler at fit wars wow
Starting point is 01:32:43 that would be fucking awesome. What would Chandler hit a home run with that's not just a one rep max deadlift or like heavy, heavy deadlift cycling? So you got to think, Belner beat Chandler at the mule, which is deadlift cycling to a tee, right? 3.15, 21.15, 9, and burpee pull-ups. And Belner destroyed Chandler at. Like, what can Chandler beat everybody
Starting point is 01:33:08 at, James? Because I know Colton can. What do you think Chandler can? You're right on the deadlift, but I would have to throw, you know, if that one game's workout that was the GHD's, Burpees over
Starting point is 01:33:24 the hay bale, Y carry i think that's that's that's like a grunt workout that is not he missed it that was 21 yeah the one that's here about broke and went and did it in the first interval right right right the The second workout of that year was the sled one with the – I think it was the run, total bar sled. So grunt-style workouts, Chandler could possibly – That fucking dude had a hat on and glasses. He had a hat and glasses. I don't disagree with you that I think he'd be really good at those.
Starting point is 01:34:11 I just, he hasn't shown me that he has a, where he could just win, right? Like Bukowski's had some weird odd object wins where he's, he's got like five wins and just weird odd object stuff where we're running around doing other stuff too. Chandler has been up there in a couple of events, but he hasn't won them. I don't disagree that he'll be there, but I can't confidently say,
Starting point is 01:34:32 Oh, he's going to win. He's got events that he can just win and nobody else can touch him. Where Colton, I know has those. Colton squats 500 plus and snatches 275. Is that true? He snatches 285 that's his max fuck okay let's go over uh you might win a max power clean i doubt they would do that but
Starting point is 01:34:54 chandler might could win that let's go over to the east let's go over to the east and then we'll schedule another show we got to go through we got to go through these we got to go through people's names specifically we got to do a whole show where we just tear into people this there's too many great people that we're neglecting uh emma carrie holy shit how do you feel about emma carrie james i'm interested to see your oh my god James you you you know it lit a fire under the women
Starting point is 01:35:30 because somebody didn't compete this year that's all I'm gonna say but hats off hats off to them for
Starting point is 01:35:37 you know doing their thing you know isn't that a shame me personally me me personally I think that was a confidence boost
Starting point is 01:35:46 for a lot of the women for the women field because somebody didn't decided not to compete this year do you think it's a triple whammy by the way you think
Starting point is 01:35:58 Hayley Adams Mal and Tia it's like it's just like holy fuck they didn't just chum the water they threw in some dead seals yeah I mean well one it was like you know Tia got pregnant so so that was
Starting point is 01:36:14 early on we we all knew she wasn't gonna compete but it was I mean next in line was Mal. Mal was that much better than everybody else. But until she, you know, the week to Orlando, it's like, oh my God, now I can compete. Now I can go ahead and make a push. Are you shocked that Emma Lawson took fourth, anyone? I'm shocked.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Very. Very shocked. She crushed the games, right? What did she finish at the games? Fourth, third, fifth. I don't think she made it. No, no, she didn't pull down fifth.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah. Fifth. And then Sidney Wells I don't want to take anything away from her I'd like to get on the Sidney Wells bandwagon but is this more proof that something's wrong with the fucking programming
Starting point is 01:37:13 is this like holy shit it's the easiest year ever to go to the games no Mr. Watkins go ahead no she deserved to be there I think she did great she like she executed on everything she needed to execute on except for workout two. That was just a weakness event for her. But, I mean, to say that she got zero reps in that workout
Starting point is 01:37:34 and still made it to the Games, like she worked to get there. I think, yeah, I think she deserves to be at the Games. Anyone else? Anyone else surprised? Are we all surprised? I'm surprised she made it there so quick, right? It feels like she just ascended. Like she jumped into the CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:37:54 wanted to be a CrossFitter a few years ago, and then here she is. I am surprised. I should say that. I am surprised she made it, but based on her performance, I think she did great, and I think she deserves to be there. If she got seventh, it's not like she barely made it. She made it pretty comfortably. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Fisa Goffey, Shelby Neal, good to see her there. Carol, was it just the nine that went, or was it ten? Eleven. Eleven. Eleven, wow, okay. So Carolyn Stanley and Paige Semenza. Are there any more? Did we go through every single section?
Starting point is 01:38:38 Men. Oh, men, okay, let's do it. Men, yeah, men. Yeah, it's Father's Day. We got shit to do. What are you doing for Father's Day, James? Anything? Father's Day we got shit to do What are you doing for Father's Day James anything No it's Dallin
Starting point is 01:38:51 I'm very stoked to see Dallin this year You know Another year another experience here So I'm very very stoked to see him No Father's Day James Father's Day Jesus Christ is James on the moon I'm very stoked to see him. No, Father's Day, James. Father's Day. Are you excited for Father's Day? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Is James on the moon? James, Apollo 5 to Apollo 7. James, can you hear me? What'd you say? I said, what are you doing for Father's Day? Is his audio that fucked up, this poor guy? Has your audio been fucked up the whole show? A little bit.
Starting point is 01:39:30 It's going in and out. It's going in and out. Oh. What are you doing for Father's Day? I'm chilling, man. I'm chilling. I don't do nothing on Father's Day. I'm chilling.
Starting point is 01:39:40 All right. Jake Chapman, does James wear toe spacers? James, are your toe spacers on too tight? You can't hear? Well, I look like wearing toe spacers. Oh my gosh, thank you. How much do they pay you to do that?
Starting point is 01:40:01 Not enough. They need to pay me something. I love my toeast Pacers. Jeffrey Adler. I think that's who James wanted to put in the top three. Jeffrey Adler, Pat Vellner, and Justin Medeiros. Is that the group, James Townsend? Are you impressed by Adler?
Starting point is 01:40:21 Always. Always impressed by him. He's consistently always getting better He's probably top three Strongest guy out there overall But If I had to choose It'd be Justin, Vellner, Klinipov
Starting point is 01:40:35 You're sticking strong Tyler Watkins Does Jason Hopper ever make Become a CrossFit Games champion? He's a really good guy who's just going to be in the mix. If he plays his cards right and executes to his fullest potential, he will win the games this year. Jason Hopper?
Starting point is 01:40:54 I agree. Wow. You guys are saying he has the skills and the ability this year. It's all an execution problem for Hopper? Yes. It's not an execution problem for Hopper? Yes. It's not an execution problem. I disagree with Hopper. It's just that you cannot slip up in this field.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Adler's right on your butt. Patrick Villner's right on your butt. Justin Madero's right on your butt. But if he does that, he will win the games. He was the best athlete throughout semifinals. He's the best athlete throughout this season. He will win the games if he does not mess up. You agree with that, James?
Starting point is 01:41:32 Yeah, yeah. But I think that falls in line with everybody else. If everybody else could execute, the sky's the limit. But definitely for Hopper, I do agree with him that he is the best athlete out there. It's just all about if he could be consistent with it across the board.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Do you have a bias since he's a football guy? What'd you say? Do you have a bias since he's a football guy? No. No. Not at all. John Young, He's a football guy? No. No. All right. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:42:09 John Young, it's the thoughts. Oh, so you're saying football guys are the best athletes. That is what Tyler's saying. Right, Mr. Watkins? Thank you. Mr. James Townsend. right mr watkins the golf thank you mr james finally um all right uh i don't get to talk about hopper yeah do it i'd love for you talking hopper all right tyler has the biggest heart on for jason ever he thinks jason is going to be the next matt fraser or you're talking Hopper? All right. Tyler has the biggest hard-on for Jason ever.
Starting point is 01:42:46 He thinks Jason is going to be the next Matt Fraser. Does he really? He likes him that much? He thinks Hopper's – Yeah, no, he does. And I don't disagree with what James said. I think Hopper and Adler have both improved year after year. Like, you can see it in their placements and just physically.
Starting point is 01:43:07 You can actually see it seems that they are improving year after year. I think James is agreeing that Hopper can win the games. He's able to win the games if he executes to his fullest ability. But I think there are five guys who can win the games. I think Roman, I think Jason, I think Justin, Belner, and Adler. I think all five of those guys are capable of winning the games this year. It's just going to be who, honestly, it might be a little bit of luck of the draw on the events, but ultimately it'll just be who executes the best. I think for Hopper to
Starting point is 01:43:44 win the games, he's going to need to get a little bit lucky with the events. I think for Hopper to win the games, he's going to need to get a little bit lucky with the events. There are going to need to be multiple events that just really falls in his wheelhouse. And if that's the case, Roman's going to be right there with him. If it falls in Hopper's wheelhouse, it's probably going to fall in Roman's wheelhouse.
Starting point is 01:44:03 And that does not fall into Justin's wheelhouse. So, I mean, I could see the path to Hopper, Roman, Adler, Vellner, Justin. I could see the path for all five of those guys winning the games. And if it comes down to just who executes the best, Justin has shown that he is the best at executing the most consistently. That's his MO. That's why he's won the last two years. Everybody else has made a mistake in one of the events,
Starting point is 01:44:34 and Justin doesn't really make mistakes. He did in the semifinals, though. It didn't look great. But so far in the games, he's shown that he can be the most consistent out of all those guys. So I agree that Hopper has a shot to win it i don't think he will um i think he's gonna have to get lucky if that does happen but uh yeah i don't like him as much as tyler likes him but i do think he'll be on the podium uh last year jason hopper took seventh at the games the people ahead of him
Starting point is 01:45:01 are patrick velner jeffrey adler samuel quant ricky gerard roman krennikoff justin medeiros and if you just took um ricky's injured that would make a jason six i don't think jason's in that same world as some of those guys like like how you say mal is in a different world or t is in a different world i don't think jason's in that world i don't think jason's in medeiros is in velner's world yet i don't i uh you see justin and velner in the world of their own. You don't put Roman or Adler there either. Uh, I,
Starting point is 01:45:30 uh, maybe I put Roman there. Maybe I put Roman there. Um, I just, I would agree. I think that just, I don't think,
Starting point is 01:45:38 I think that the, I think the men's is, is, is even Samuel quant, dude. I mean, I just don't see Jay. I just don't see Jason has made the leap yet. I just don't see it.
Starting point is 01:45:50 He's really fucking an amazing athlete. 887. He was 300 points behind Justin. Tyler's basing it off of the semifinals, though. How many points was he ahead of Justin in the semifinals? I know they weren't in the same semifinal. I hear you. That's what Tyler's basing all the hype off of.
Starting point is 01:46:12 I legitimately think it's a five-man race. I think it's open for all five of those guys. If Ricky was there, I would think it's open for him, too. That's what I'm saying. Jason has the potential to win. That's what I'm saying. If he doesn't mess up. That's what I'm saying if he doesn't mess up. I don't disagree. It's a five-guy race.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Savant, I don't disagree with you if you don't consider how much Jason improved last year and how much he improved to this year and how fast he's doing that. It is incredible the leaps and bounds he's making. I get why all of you feel the way you do. I just, I think he takes care of his business. You do not know how I feel. You do not get it. Jake Chapman, do you think Bruce Jenner, Michael Jordan,
Starting point is 01:46:56 or OJ Simpson would have won the CrossFit Games? Michael Jordan. No, OJ would have been. Michael Jordan's snatch is terrible. OJ. OJ would have fucked the games up. OJ's mile time is terrible. OJ was a freak, dude.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Never seen him run in the airport. I wish we could make a virtual thing to realistically see how all those athletes would do in a random CrossFit games. Like if you could accurately depict what they would look like on 30 ring muscle-ups. I know you can't, but it would be so fun just to watch Michael Jordan do 10 ring muscle-ups in a row and then fail 15 times. I don't want to hate on Bo Jackson, but i think herschel walker would would be beat uh bo jackson it'd be so fun to see bo jackson do the capital and start walking that would be dude he'd be dead on the run oh jackson would be like james townsend on the run he'd get 100
Starting point is 01:47:57 yards into that run and be like just like you see him jumping the uber but that 100 yards he would run faster than everybody you know what i mean like it would just be really fun to just watch if we could make it like realistic hey you you know what's crazy too is you hear that um you those guys are legitimate athletes but like uh someone like um uh who's the tour de france guy he doesn't stand a fucking chance at the games. Why? He can't lift Armstrong. Yeah, Lance Armstrong. Yeah, he can't even do one event. He can't even win the bike event. He can't even win the bike event.
Starting point is 01:48:36 I mean, he might win the bike event. No. No, he got to do those toes to bar, man. He ain't going to do those toes to bar. I was thinking like the crit. He would win the crit. Oh, that one. Yeah. He would take off. He would win the crit. Oh, that one. Yeah. He would take off.
Starting point is 01:48:47 There would be no shot. He would win with three laps left. Any final words you want to say, Tyler, about your thoughts on going into the CrossFit Games this year? You excited? Yeah. I mean, it's going to be one of the closest races we've seen, definitely on the men's side. And then the women, it's going to be one of the closest races we've seen, definitely on the men's side.
Starting point is 01:49:06 And then the women, it's just a crapshoot. Like, who's going to win this year? We have no idea. So wide open. You're saying watch the games. You're giving it a thumbs up. Yeah. The men is just going to be a fantastic race.
Starting point is 01:49:18 It's going to be a battle between the top five, like John was saying. James, going into the games this year, your thoughts? between the top five, like John was saying. James, going into the games this year, your thoughts? I agree with Texas. I think the top five for the guys is going to be a battle. I think for the women, it's just going to be the top three. I think Annie, Horvath, and Magala. Oh, no Daniel Brandon love.
Starting point is 01:49:48 I throw her in there. I throw her in there, but to me, I think it would be tough for her, but I wouldn't rule her out. I wouldn't rule her out. Mr. Young, good year to watch the games, CrossFit games? Yeah, I think it's the first time in maybe 10 years where there's going to be parody on both sides um where we don't know who's going to win the games on the men's side or the women's side we're probably not going to know on sunday on
Starting point is 01:50:20 both of those who who is going to win the games And I think that'll be the first time it happens on both sides in 10 years. Are you saying that because of how poorly Justin did at the semifinal? If Justin would have won the semifinal, would you be singing that same tune? Probably. Yeah, because, I mean, we didn't know Justin was going to win on Sunday. You know what I mean? It's been parody on the guy's side the last two years, but we know Tia's going to win. Like know like he has been a runaway train, right? You're saying it doesn't, you're not being, um, way open
Starting point is 01:50:50 to someone else winning the games because of Justin's performance at the semifinals. You're saying you would have sung the same tune, even if he would have taken first. Yeah. I mean, it would have probably be like between Justin and Belner. I probably would say it's a two-man race, and Justin probably has the edge. I just want Belner to win. But it would still be parity. I appreciate you bringing that
Starting point is 01:51:16 up, Caleb. I was thinking about bringing that up myself. I appreciate it. I think you just learned that word yesterday and you wanted to use it. All right. Okay. It'll be really exciting on both sides. I'm really, really excited. I agree with James. I think it's between the three Europeans.
Starting point is 01:51:31 I really want Emma Carey to get in that mix, but it's hard to say until she does it. I'd like to see her in that mix too. Okay, guys. Lots of topics we didn't cover. I'm going to try to get the band together uh these same guys back together sometime uh next week in the evening maybe also we can um
Starting point is 01:51:51 find a time that works for uh mr brian spin i appreciate you guys all coming on on sunday mr beaver thank you and uh i will see you guys um what is today sunday sunday i'll see you guys i'll see you guys tomorrow morning uh max mormont uh coming on What is today? Sunday? Sunday. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Max Mormont coming on tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, you will know soon. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. I know who Max is.
Starting point is 01:52:17 All you strong guys know each other. He's great. Alright. Bye-bye. James, I like your shirt. Yeah, me too. Look at Halle Berry. Halle Berry. Yanni.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Yanni.

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