The Sevan Podcast - The Time is Now | Live Call In Show #956

Episode Date: June 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live oh shit that doesn't look great okay here we go toe spacers on oh my goodness there's two little spiders hanging from my microphone
Starting point is 00:01:20 two dead spiders I don't know that was a little aggressive that's weird does that mean just a a spider egg hatched around here what is going on oh no rumble this morning that's my fault I didn't do my true duties. Stephen Flores, good morning. Paulina, good morning. Heidi, good morning. Heidi, anyone who needs to vet a mate, do not hesitate to speak to Heidi.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Contact Heidi. She will teach you how to vet a mate appropriately. Dog Coach Britt. Hi. I haven't seen you before. Geez Louise. Hi. The Shiz. Graphics Guru.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Good morning. Vindicate. Good morning. Thank you for the shirt. It's weird. I never think I'm going to like this shirt, Travis. And then I, whenever I put it on,
Starting point is 00:02:24 just because of the color, they're just so muted or something. And then whenever I put on like oh this is a dope shirt i need to wear it more same same it's like groundhog day matt burns good morning dixie good morning janelle winston i saw yesterday instagram was suggesting to me that i follow you good morning philip kelly good morning morning wood gents audrey hello lovers and friends happy tuesday who already worked out not me i um i did my second shot of bpc 157 last night i did it right before i went to bed and the first time I did it with
Starting point is 00:03:05 Andrew, I had my arm straight and I just pushed it in there and it was easy peasy. Last night, I kind of bent it a little bit. I didn't flex it, but it brought whatever that tendon is that, or I don't know if it's a tendon or a ligament or whatever, but there's something in there. Maybe it's muscle. There's this narrow thing in there. And when I pushed the needle in, I felt it hit it. Yeah. I felt it hit it. I wouldn't, to say, well, it hurt for sure, but not bad. I mean, nothing, on a one to 10, it was a two.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But it was just unsettling. Like I felt it push, I felt the needle push through the skin. The first time I did it, right when the needle breaks the skin, the pain's gone. So it's like pain and then gone. And then you can shove the needle all the way in and you don't feel anything. But this time I broke the skin and then I had to, whatever that thing is that's underneath there, that thing got penetrated too. And another weird thing, I'm 51 years old and i can never ever ever in my entire life remember waking up with a tight jaw and this morning my jaw was tight it was weird i wonder if there's
Starting point is 00:04:12 any relationship to that uh mr david good morning brother dr seuss moaning moaning moaning moaning morning uh pool boy good morning nice to see you jiggy josh hi what's good savvy i'm ramping up my barefoot training do you recommend that iata board oh is that the one with the needles on it i try to uh shock the mat and my feet adapted really quickly and it doesn't feel sharp anymore wow wow oh i can't recommend it or not recommend it because for me in all fairness it's really just been a um i treat it like a gimmick like when i pull it down it's just me and my son's fooling around on it i haven't developed any real practice on it i'll show you guys what the what he's talking about it's a crazy board it's fun having i'll tell you that it's um i made a video of uh
Starting point is 00:05:07 avi doing a um i'll do that again it's been a while i made a video of avi doing a uh pistol a one-legged squat barefoot on this board let's see i'll share the screen i yatter board is that what it's called i yatter i yatter board i'm not even i i oh yeah these are nice so basically you see that the that's kind of a tough to understand what you're looking at but those are it's basically a board with a bunch of nails or pins like they're nails that are all equidistant from each other that if you stepped on one it would puncture your foot, but because it's distributed over the heads of so many nails.
Starting point is 00:05:51 You know what's interesting? I've had years of my wife talking to me about using words like sensations and stimulus and things like that. So when I step on that thing, i have a way of processing it intellectually that's pretty interesting that i don't think i would have if i didn't oh there is that's a great shot of it you guys see that that i don't know if um i think my heads are sharper mine are actual nails those look like they're blunted a little bit. Wow, look at this one.
Starting point is 00:06:30 $2,000 for that one. Wow. Is that right? $1,111? I don't know what's going on there. I can't tell the prices. Oh, here's one for $555. They were expensive.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That's a nice one, dude. That's pretty. But basically when I step on it, my, there's two ways you could process it. You could step on it and you could be like, oh my God, that hurts. But because of the years of the way my wife talks to me about things, um, it's funny. I process it like, wow, this is a lot of stimulation. I don't feel it as pain. I wonder how, I wonder how you, I process it like, wow, this is a lot of stimulation. I don't feel it as pain. I wonder how you process it, Jiggy. And so like I step on it, I'm like, whew. And I just start to get really what I would call overstimulated. Yeah, overstemmed.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Overstemmed? It was like that. I saw that new, the Tranny Spider-Man movie, Black Lives Matter, Tranny, man, they really ruined that movie. It was, they have a spider girl in there with the mental, mental disorder haircut. It's, you know, the one that I think has a correlation with mental disorders, screaming, you have a mental, mental health issues.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And then she's got all these piercings and she's a Spider-Man. And it's like like it's absurd so bad but anyway uh i got over stimmed in that movie that was a lot but i don't go to the movies and shit like that i'm a uh i'm outside outside barefoot in the garden kind of guy i get overstimulated by youtube uh working on a new seve shirt for the games awesome dude that's killer matt burns seve no guests so don't go off too far if the rail's too far it's close to the games and we don't need to get kicked off oh i understand i see what you're saying. Fair enough. I appreciate the concern. Everything
Starting point is 00:08:28 seems normal and very chill this morning. Very chill. So chill that I was like, maybe I don't even do a show this morning. Not like in a bad way. Stu, has your pee pee stopped working? I heard that's what steroids do. I'm not on the steroids
Starting point is 00:08:45 no i i took um some peptides in a uh injured arm i don't do that god i don't do steroids i'm still a fucking marshmallow caller hi hey how you doing savannah hi good morning nice to hear your voice i want to say hello to all my seven nistas there in the chat. Like who? Name one for me. Oh, God. Heidi, Phillip. Heidi. Jan. Odd.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Have you met Heidi in person? No, I have not. But I feel like I have. I know. Me too. I got to work with her at Waterpalooza. I wanted to relay a story. I can't wait. My kids are 28 and 27. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:37 When they were growing up, they had these stores in the mall that I refused to let them buy clothes in. Okay. Hollister, Abercrombie. And then the ultimate grooming store is Pink. But they used to, like, you know, why can't we buy any clothes? I'm like, because they've got child pornography for abs.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I don't know if anybody's got pink clothing store. I'm looking it up now. Pink clothing. Oh, yeah, I remember that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that. Basically, come on. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:18 You know, before I had kids, I didn't even notice any of that stuff. It was like struggles. And so anyway, I've been talking to my kids lately. I didn't even notice any of that stuff. It was like struggles. And so anyway, I've been talking to my kids lately. And they're like, you're so right. Not letting us shop in those stores. Oh, wow. They do say that now? They do say that now?
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, shit. I think, are you driving? Because your phone reception just broke up. Call back maybe. You're toast. I lost you. Oh, you're gone. Yeah, isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's the same thing with – I used to go to the gay pride parades all the time when they were near my house. I mean I would still go near them if they were near my house. And when you're 19 years old there and drinking illegally on the streets, you don't notice, you don't think there's anything wrong with dudes running around with their dicks out. And then all of a sudden you have kids and you're like, you get it. You're like, oh, that's why this is inappropriate. A little bit better? Yeah, much better. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Okay, so your kids do see it. Do they have kids? Is that why? It's funny how all of a sudden you care about child pornography once you have kids no they don't they don't have any kids yet but you know i was just i was just asking if they remember like going through the mall and me not letting them go in those stores and it was you know of course they're you know they see it today and there's a documentary out on the grooming of employees and customers for, I think, Abercrombie. I think there's like a documentary and my daughter and I were talking about it. She's like, oh, my God, Mom, you're never going to believe what happened with Abercrombie.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I don't know. Maybe I heard it on your podcast. Yeah, J.R. used to work there. And I think J.R. was like, hey, you got to see this documentary. Yeah, that's where I heard it. Yeah, there was a documentary out about how it was really bad juju in that store. Someone tell me the name of that doc. I want to watch it and have JR back on and ask him about it.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah, it's, yeah. And, of course, my daughter wanted to always go into pink because it was it was just a victoria's secret brand for kids oh okay and they call it pink yeah okay i'm like come on people what that's funny you say that when i typed in pink it says pink victoria's secrets i wonder if it's owned by the same people yeah it is they they opened it to grab that young market wow wow and of course it refers to you know what you know wow and then and then our and then our beloved art artist uh badass chick artist pink uh ended up being bought by uh pfizer which is kind of crazy right she ended up uh anyway i just wanted to relay that yeah well thank you thank you hey if Thank you. Hey, if you talk to Hunter,
Starting point is 00:13:06 if you talk to Hunter, tell him I'm not some crazy fan. Why? Because I've been trying to hit him up in his DMs to hike Mount Washington at the end of the Appalachian Trail. Oh. But I think he's,
Starting point is 00:13:18 he got off the Appalachian Trail early, I think. Hey, do you know where Jody Lynn lives? What do you mean? That's me's me oh you are jody lynn okay yeah jody lynn and jody lynn is the cabinet gal so you are the same person yeah okay good all right good okay i was tripping good all right i feel better i'm jay lynn yay on instagram okay good all right That's my Instagram handle. And then Jody Lynn Realtor. I think it comes up in the comments.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Okay, good. Now I'm good. But then in the chat, I think I'm Jody Lynn. Yeah, you are. Okay. Okay. Sometimes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Cabinet girl. You want it only. Okay. Thank you. Stephen Flores says, hi, Jody. Robbie says, hi, Jody. Hi, guys. You have friends in high places.
Starting point is 00:14:05 All my 70s. Anyway, I wanted Hunter to end the Appalachian Trail and hike Mount Washington because I always hike Mount Washington once a summer. That's the highest peak in the Northeast. All right. So the Appalachian Trail goes right through there. So I was hitting him up in the DMs, like, who is this crazy lady? I spoke to Hunter yesterday. I don't know if I should reveal what happened, but he is off the Appalachian Trail.
Starting point is 00:14:34 He did have a— Yeah, I heard that. I kind of got that he was off the Appalachian Trail, but— He did have a great time on it, though. He said it was amazing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Heidi's disappointed that I didn't know that jody
Starting point is 00:14:45 and uh cabinet lady were the same person okay you know what i'd love to do i'll have to be reminded again probably no i would love to go work for katie and design gyms katie who henegar instead instead of designing kitchens i'd like to design gyms for outfits you know oh wow go down to Columbus just sit there and design gyms and sell their equipment wow hey they have um is it similar software do you use software to design um yeah I use uh I use computer-aided design wow the 3d 3d um perspectives and everything like that do you think rogue uses those also like you say i don't know i gotta find out i bet you i gotta just pack up my car and go down to columbus and knock on the door yeah seriously why don't you just dm her start courting her dear
Starting point is 00:15:39 bill and katie don't use my name i don't any doors. Well, it didn't go so well with Hunter, so I don't know. If I had any luck there. Every 20 people I invite on the show, I get one. What? Every 20 people I invite on the show, I get one. So keep trying. Okay. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Oh, look at this. Look at this. Gabe from Paper Street Coffee says, says wait I need her to help me build out my cafe there you go there's your first customer oh perfect hit me up send me your dimensions I do the whole work up I what I did I like I did my sister's kitchen in Michigan so I got her measurements what are your sister's measurements What are your sister's measurements? What are your sister's measurements? They're not as good as mine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Anyway, I sent her the design and she just bought the cabinets at a local shop. So, yeah, I do that. I do that for Paper Street, of course. Awesome. Okay. Gabe, it is going to be heavy on the cabinets. There'll be more cabinets than most coffee shops. She has a bias.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Jeremy. Oh, a bias. Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy. Do not go to pink with your daughter. That's terrible. You saw that comment. I'm looking at the comments on the iPad. All right. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Hey, take it easy. Bye-bye. Bye. All right. The, the, to, to go back to,
Starting point is 00:17:17 I forget who said it, but Hey, someone said, take it, take it. I think it was Sean. Sean was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:17:21 take it easy. Don't lose the channel. As we build up to the game, saying anything crazy. The last time I lost the channel for a week when I got a strike, it was something I had said months ago. Months ago. And someone dug it out and reported it. Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Sebi, you seem tired today. Everything okay? No, yesterday i was really tired because the show started a half hour early with rich and then i was really tired uh today i'm good i slept i slept fucking great best i've slept in a long time although like i said i woke up my jaw was tight and I've never had that in my life. I can't ever remember my jaw being tight. It got better.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It got better. I wake up an hour before the show starts and it got better. I got it loosened up. No, everything's great. I'm mellow. I am chill-o. Chill-o? Cell-o.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I am chill. There's nothing I saw on the – I was glad that Jody called. There was nothing. Now there's a fucking moth in here. What is it, bug week in my office? Sometimes I come in here in the morning, I'm so fucking fired up. I wanted to start the show. I wanted to start the show with music today,
Starting point is 00:18:36 and I know I'm not allowed to do that. You know what song I wanted to play? I'll go to YouTube and see if I can pull it up. I wanted to start the show with, I think the band's name is called Passenger. Passenger? Passenger? Let her go. I wanted to start the,
Starting point is 00:18:56 fuck it, now we're in trouble. I wanted to start the show with this. I played this for my son yesterday in the car. And when it was over he said what's the name of that song and i said let her go and he um he went right into the house and played it asked alexa to play it Sousa's not gonna like this. Not that there's anything wrong with the song.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Well, you only need the light when it's burning low. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow snow only know your lover when you let her go only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when you're missing home only know your lover when you let her go and you let her go And you let her go How do you write this song is this guy's real voice staring at the bottom of your class Hoping one day you'll make a dream last but dreams come slow and they go so fast you see when you close your eyes maybe one day you'll understand why everything you touch surely dies
Starting point is 00:20:40 but you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know your lover when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missing home Only know your lover when you let her go Dang. Can you imagine? You don't like that song, Jake?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Oh, wow. Tell me. Tell me. I was going to say, can you imagine doing a, uh, writing a song that everyone in the world likes that there's not one person that doesn't like it? You don't like that song? Man. world likes that there's not one person that doesn't like it you don't like that song man i knew sebi was sad today it's kind of a sad song right i'm but i'm not sad uh are you taking song requests no that would just fuck the whole show up right there but whatever every show is fucked up every like, like that's, we can't, our YouTube monetization
Starting point is 00:21:46 is so fucked up because of just the swearing and the topics we talk about. It's just a mess. But it doesn't, at least they're not strike strikes. They're just copyright strikes. They're not,
Starting point is 00:21:58 there's actually shit you just can't say. Oh, Jake loves it. He's just bullshitting. Okay, good. Yeah, it loves it. He's just bullshitting. Okay, good. Yeah, it's a great song, right? Holy cow. Caitlin Burns.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Man, that one moves me. Yeah, for sure. That song is gay as fuck. I love it. What's interesting, too, is my toughest kid is my most emotional kid ah god they're all three so emotional kids are emotional powerhouses it's nuts the shit that moves them what's double wolf does that mean it's good come on someone tell me who didn't like that song i want let me see who did there's really
Starting point is 00:22:46 someone who doesn't like that song by passenger let her go man yeah it's a gay black man i i tell you that's a song fucking rocks okay here um you star wars got a tranny actor. Do you guys see that? Why is that important for us to know? Star Wars cast its first ever transgender actor. I don't even know what that means anymore. Does that mean it had a penis and it cut it off? I don't know what that means even. I read about it. I went to Zoe Tarrakis' Instagram account, the tranny who is in the show.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Just seems like your typical 23-year-old. You don't like that? You hate that song? Oh, Mason Mitchell hates it. Jay Hartle hates it. David Weeds hates it. Golf Foxtrot. Yankee hates it.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Wow. All right. Fuck. I had no idea. I didn't know anyone hated that song. I thought that was just like a fucking slam dunk. Corbin Bowman hate it. You like hate the song or you hate the way it makes you feel like you just
Starting point is 00:23:55 want to like take cock and rub it on your face and you don't like that. That that sensation. Wow. Reminds you an ex-girlfriend who dumped you. All gay guys hate it oh because it moves them to um oh my god allison you didn't like that oh no oh my goodness oh my goodness wow uh oh here i here i'm a black guy and i like that song yeah i think it's i don't even think it's like a good song i think it's a great song i think it's like i thought it was just like a slam dunk like like something bob marley could you know like wow i wonder if we could find one
Starting point is 00:24:43 song that we all like yeah of course you like it and need a dick in me yeah of course you like it that's a great comment play some incubus we need a palate cleanse cleanse wow that's good okay um so so did so yeah so star wars star wars is is brag i guess they're walt disney walt disney it's so funny but my whole feelings about disney i used to have these like a certain kind of feeling and when i would see disney i would think of jiminy cricket and mickey mouse and now i don't think of that any of of that stuff at all. It's all gone. I think of, of Disney as a tool to keep them to just to keep black people down and, and to push pedophilia.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Isn't that weird? How it just completely flipped. Like that's, that's what I think that their, their deal is. And of course I don't, Pushed pedophilia. Isn't that weird? It just completely flipped. That's what I think their deal is. And of course, I think it's great that being transgender is being an actor. I mean, we're all actors. I just think it's bizarre that they're pushing that. This person too, Zoe Taraki, is a really cool looking human human being i think it was a girl it chopped off its tits
Starting point is 00:26:09 which is weird because here they show it it's back as a girl let me see let me go to his website or his instagram uh transgender and non-binary what is that oh yeah yeah it was a girl now it's a dude but in the movie it plays a girl wow i'm so confused anyway if you go to um zoe's instagram account let's see i'll pull it up it she or he or it sounds just like a fucking typical um it's so weird a typical 23 year old kid just completely confused searching for something really passionate just a fucking it's just crazy that they chopped the tits off this thing like like hey dude you're just chilling
Starting point is 00:27:00 you're just like let me see if I can find the, um, the post where it just sounds like a typical 23 year old. Let me see. Anyway, well, congratulations for getting the star Wars, um, the star Wars piece. There's all this talk out there about all this anti-trans legislation. And every single piece that I've looked at is not anti-trans at all. It's so weird that they're couching it like that.
Starting point is 00:27:50 No one cares. Listen, no one wants you to encourage their kids. No one wants you to encourage their kids to do anything. Without my consent, I don't want you to encourage my kids to do anything. I don't want you to encourage my kids. It's like – where was I the other day? I went to a little corner market, a little fancy market, and as we're leaving, the lady says, oh, can I give your kids popsicles? Or no, she asked the boys directly. She said, can I give your kids popsicles?
Starting point is 00:28:19 We're giving away free popsicles. No, first she asked them, hey, boys, do you guys want popsicles? And they looked at me, and then she said, can I give your kids popsicles? And I said, no, I don't want, I don't want you encouraging my kids to do anything that I didn't ask you to encourage them for. I'm not, I'm not interested in your help at all. Outside of like really common sense. Like there's a lion grabbed my kid and you want to like help save my kid from the lion's mouth no one who has kids wants you to encourage them to do anything i don't want you to encourage them to explore their sexuality i don't want you to encourage
Starting point is 00:29:01 them to explore i'm not i'm not interested in you proposing anything to them. I'll do all of that for my kids. That's what parenting is. If I want my kid to learn how to dance, I'll sign them up for a dance class. If I want my kid to learn how to write, I'll sign them up for a writing class. I will take my kids and make the decisions of what i want my kids to be encouraged to do i dj'd at a gay wedding and those songs hit maybe i should show you guys my playlist then you guys will fucking be like oh shit he really is gay this is this this it's it's so sad uh this is that this is the uh the instagram account of
Starting point is 00:29:50 zoe tarrakis who is the transgender that disney's celebrating is in the new star wars film just cool congratulations on getting that you must be excited but when you if you listen to this piece from her instagram instagram account it's a testimonial from obviously a transvestite like you can see that that's a man dressed as a woman and he's talking about the importance to fight back against transphobia but he actually doesn't say anything like no one's bridging the gap is for as much information i i consume about transgenderism no one's ever explained to me i haven't heard one person in a thousand pieces of content i've seen explain to me what's actually
Starting point is 00:30:39 going on other than mental illness it all comes across as mental illness. I'm hungry. I waited. I had no food in my refrigerator. I waited till it was nighttime. I got a flashlight. I jumped over the fence into my neighbor's yard. I brought a brown paper bag with me. I took the brown paper bag off over my head and filled it with apples. I stole those apples. They belong to my neighbor, according to California law. I went back over the fence with the bag. As I was running home, I tripped and fell and the bags went all over the street. I picked the bag, the apples all over the street. I picked the apples up. I put them back in the bag. I entered my house. I washed the the apples i sliced them and fed my
Starting point is 00:31:27 children i did that because my kids were hungry and i didn't have money to feed them there's there's nothing like that in the transgender community there's no there's there's nothing that i can understand there. There's not one fucking explanation. And all of my experience with that, with going to those parades and hanging out with those people, they were either all, it's all sex stuff. It's 100% sex stuff, which is okay. I'm not judging it but then don't then then you see right there why i don't want it around my kids i'm not interested in introducing ideas when i walk down the street i can look at my own kids my kids behave and are the way they are because
Starting point is 00:32:18 of things that were introduced to them or or things that were not introduced to them. So when I see a group of 11-year-old girls behaving in a certain way, they didn't come up with that shit. Someone introduced it to them. So, I just don't want those people introducing this shit to my kids. Until they're ready. Until they're ready. And they can learn all about
Starting point is 00:32:58 the fucking ways of the world. bad shit will happen to a lot of us a lot of people bad shit will happen to you and you'll have to process it and you can process it to help you become a better person or you can act out I'm going to show you become a better person or you can act out.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I'm going to show you something. For those of you who always wonder, for those of you who wonder why I still live in California, I'll show you what I like. This is the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. This is very close to my house, even closer allison's house this is crazy uh crazy uh close uh to to my to allison's house and very close to my house when i mean close i mean like i could run down there only because i'm a crossfitter but this is this is the boardwalk i'm gonna play i'll play a little seven second clips for you and you can check it out. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:08 That's the boardwalk. Ready? The carousel. Kids love going down there. It's weird, kind of, though. I've never seen so many white people there. is in 2022 usually it's at least 50 percent that's your typical santa cruz look right there see that boy right there with the long blonde hair that's your typical look and then bam look at this i don't know why but i feel like this is by my house this is
Starting point is 00:34:49 this is a year ago no rainbows no pride shit no one's celebrating who's cock they want in their mouth who what vagina they want cut off or turned into a penis or any of that they want cut off or turned into a penis or any of that just a bunch of just fucking happy people just fucking dancing probably half those people are gay anyway this is less than a year ago by my house i can't believe there's no masks in this photo. It's kind of crazy. See this shit? This is where I live, people. That's why I'm not leaving. That's why I'm not leaving.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, you call it. Someone says, that's embarrassingly white. Fine, cool. Say what you want. I fucking love that shit. Looks like a bunch of old hippies. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It is. And I fucking love it it and that's why i'm here you know it's fucking it's far and few now uh hello hi hello this is connor murphy how are you hey what's up dude um was actually just chatting just uh was kind of logged on i had another meeting that i wasn't paying attention to but um was listening in on the stuff about disney i don't know how far past you are from that right now. Let's talk about Disney. Let's talk about Disney. Um, I do have one thing that I really wanted to say because I recently took my daughter to Disney about a month ago and we did the full week, every park, fast pass, genie, all of this stuff. And I think that there's a lot of stuff that I see online. And I was actually nervous. I was nervous to go down there and be like, am I exposing my child to
Starting point is 00:36:31 things that I don't want to expose my child for? Is this bad parenting? However, it took about 30 minutes about arriving on site when you realize that good parenting and care and conversations with your children are the most important thing. And that Disney experience for my daughter was absolutely incredible. There was nothing odd or eerie that was being pushed. It was like, you go around, you see Woody walking around, you see Minnie Mouse, like seeing the joy that Ty had when she saw Minnie Mouse was like, made the entire trip worth it. And just, I mean, it kind of goes back to the joy that that ty had when she saw mini mouse was like made the entire trip worth it and just i mean it kind of goes back to the point that you're always pressing is that like like what the parents are doing for the kids are going to be what's best but i i was nervous about
Starting point is 00:37:16 the whole disney experience and then after going there it was like hey me me being a parent and rachel being a fantastic mother to ty is going to be what's going to lead this child in the right direction. And that was the biggest thing from my takeaway from it. Are you out of your fucking mind? No, I'm joking. I agree with you 100%. I went there and my kids had an absolute blast. They were completely oblivious.
Starting point is 00:37:41 When we went to that ride that's supposedly the anti-trans ride so that there's no one riding it they had no idea that it was people protesting they're like oh look this ride has no lines and when there were just fucking gazillions of people everywhere with fucking blue hair and 100 pounds overweight and little kids sitting in carts with their parents who were so obese you couldn't tell what sex they were my kids didn't notice any of that none they just had a blast i couldn't fucking agree with you more i couldn't agree with you more but i'm gonna say that what i what i i don't i personally don't want to support it i personally don't want to support some of their agenda and um that is not i don't know which one you went to i went to the one in los angeles that is not an amusement park.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Calling Disneyland an amusement park is the same as calling homeless people homeless people. No, they're drug addicts who have chosen not to be homeless, and people go to Disneyland to eat. That's what I realized. I feel really comfortable saying that, Connor. People go there to eat sugar, and it's where they congregate and feel safe eating sugar. And it's where they congregate and feel safe eating sugar. I mean, you can throw a rock in any direction in any city, and you're going to find where people are comfortable eating sugar and doing that at any restaurant, any convenience store, at any gas station. It just seemed an abundance there. It just seemed crazy, like just walls lined with people shoving just sugar in their mouth everywhere.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Well, I mean, go to an airport. Go to anywhere where a lot of Americans congregate, right? Yeah, yeah, airport. You're right. It's an unfortunate reality, but – They're not going to fly anywhere, Connor? Is that what you're telling me? They're going to the airport just to eat? To feel comfortable being with people?
Starting point is 00:39:21 Okay, so you don't think so. You don't think so? That's fair. You don't think so i i ain't hating you you don't think it's people go there to eat i'm not disagreeing i'm not disagreeing that people do that because i went to disney world and in epcot there are people that go there just to get a drink around the world get a drink from every of these these quasi cities and they eat all this food and people are like churros and all this stuff. I'm not, I'm not disagreeing with that. I think that if you're going to point that
Starting point is 00:39:49 out, it's like, you can almost point out anything, but yes, it is a, it is a, it is a high percentage of unfit, uncapable people that are going there. However, with, you know, I ended up signing up for, uh, I have a friend whose wife runs this company. It's called World Class VIP. And they are non-vaccinated, refuse to wear masks. This whole company that doesn't actually work with Disney. They work to where they hire tour guides who will go in. They can log in on your app and they can do all the fast pass stuff and they can take care of everything and they can make the experience however and whatever you want
Starting point is 00:40:29 it to be. And by just simply living as we do in a normal world, right? If I walk down the street, I can find anything to point out and highlight to my child things that aren't going well or directions that I wouldn't want her to go down. However, when you can kind of make it that and keep that, like you were talking about that nostalgia, that Jiminy Cricket, that Mickey Mouse, you can continue to have that and kind of take the good parts out of it. The unfortunate reality is that yes, I did support them. Yes, I spent an inordinate amount of money that goes towards Disney, but I would never want to remove that experience from my daughter because of what I'm going to teach her and what I am teaching her because of what else
Starting point is 00:41:11 is going on there, if that makes sense. Dude, no, no. At the end of the day, I 100% agree with Connor that if you spend time with your kids, big picture, if you spend time with your kids, they're going to turn out right. That's all you have to do. You have to spend time with your kids, big picture, if you spend time with your kids, they're going to turn out right. That's all you have to do. You have to spend time with your kids. No matter where you take them. Absolutely. And again,
Starting point is 00:41:32 I'm grateful for my situation about Rachel, Ty's mother being a fantastic mother and her and I getting to go down together and experience that with her. But yeah, I mean, it's almost comical sometimes just looking around there and being like what i always wonder i mean yeah i don't want to go down uh
Starting point is 00:41:50 well i'll just leave it at that i want to go down feel free if you ever want to come if you ever want to come on and just completely bash disney i'm a game okay i'll all my notes better prepared prepared next time okay bye thank you bye uh steven floors when i go i get an airbnb and make all my food for when i'm in the park all healthy stuff and snacks believe it or not i did find um like a bag of like unripe mangoes and i've just bought those and fed those to my kids but yeah i probably should have brought in like pistachios. The thing with kids, as soon as you, they could want all the garbage in the world, but as soon as you feed them anything, they'll quiet down about the garbage.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So my kids can be like, hey, I want a smoothie, I want a smoothie. And if I just give them a bag of nuts and some chicken and fruit, sliced fruit, they stop talking. They don't ask for anything else. So, Shannon Mede madaris absolutely several there was a comment in here i wanted to pull up did someone pay money i didn't pull up their comment i hate it if that happens i hope i don't see it there was something by uh stephen Flores and something by Allison I thought that I should bring up.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Anyway, back to what, back to, so back to my hometown of this Disneyland bullshit. Look at this. If you don't like this, then what can you like? I mean, this is great. It's hot. Look it, there I am right there. Might as well be me. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Hey, as soon as I see a guy wearing a hat like that, I just know he's bald, right? Maybe he's not even comfortable being bald. I don't know why, but I feel like freedom. I hear songs that bring me back and I let go. But so much freedom. yeah this is that's my hometown people that's why i'm not going anywhere for a while unfortunately though those you're those i know what you're thinking those are the people who are voting that it's okay to take your child away from you and start talking to them about removing their genitalia that there's a unfortunately there's a lot of those in that group yeah lauren lewis thanks lauren for ruining my fucking trip all
Starting point is 00:44:15 those people voted for biden yeah uh mike mccaskey the flash mob is not reality at the boardwalk. God. Mike might be right. When I saw this video, Mike, I was tripping. That is not what the boardwalk is like. Every time I go there, I regret it. You're like, but Sevan, you were just selling it to us. I know, I'm a complicated man. It's like I was talking with Hillary yesterday. I don't do anything for views or anything for
Starting point is 00:44:47 clicks zero zero but on the other side if there was no one who watched this show then i wouldn't do this show which means that i only do it for clicks and for views i don't know how I reconcile that, but both of those are true. So you're lying to us again. No, no, no. Again. Again. I'm not lying to you. I don't lie to you.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I try not to lie to you. I'm being honest about my, I don't know, schizophrenia, my different perspectives. Michael Barton said, I like Daveave but i trust rich oh i would say that the other way around isn't that interesting i like rich but i trust dave or and i trust dave like oh yeah you put button there well i'm gonna i'm not gonna i'm gonna take out the button i'm gonna say i like rich and trust dave That but insinuates that you don't trust Dave. Oh, maybe it is that dopamine hit. Okay, I'll go with that. Well, yeah, Sean, he did say that.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Rich says he has beef with Dave for clicks. Yeah, there were so many weird parts about there. I was struggling in that interview because I wanted to go hard. And yet I didn't want to go hard. Like I don't want to go hard. I love Rich. I do not want to go hard on Rich. I just want to just.
Starting point is 00:46:15 He's so cool. He's really cool. Okay, back to. Okay, so there you you saw you saw my city nice place uh here it is uh oh okay well let's piggy let's piggyback off of this. I don't want anyone coming from my children. Do you guys understand that? I don't want God coming from my children. I don't want Jesus coming from my children.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I don't want Mickey Mouse coming from my children. I don't want ever to hear that someone's coming from my children. Never, ever, ever. You think this is a black guy? JK Lamar. Lamar. It's hard to go with the goat. I mean, he's more than the goat.
Starting point is 00:47:22 He's just cool. He's a good dude. I really enjoy every second I spend with Rich. I've never been like, fuck, I've had my fill. I feel like when I'm on the show with him, I have to cut him off. C.K. Kevin, white. J.K. Lamar, black. I got Fitty on it.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Who wants to bet me Audrey White I should just do this there's a picture of your ass there I am black I knew it yeah baby um I don't want anyone coming for my kids for any reason
Starting point is 00:47:59 not white people not black people not Asian people not people who work for the state not people who love them i want nobody coming for my children it lots of other things you could do for my children like um uh clean the park hey i was at the park today cleaning up just because i know you're any children come they're great thank you there's things you can do for my kids you know what i mean? Hey, just so you know, I pushed this initiative that plants apricot trees all over your city instead of those stupid poppers so that there'll be free fruit for kids when they walk around in the summertime. Oh, that's awesome. I love that.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I don't want anyone coming for my kids, especially these fucking maniacs. But people, I'm telling you, I've been to shitloads of these parades. This is exactly what it's like. It sucks that it has to come from right-wing people. This is exactly what it's like. I want you to – they're saying we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children. Dude, I don't want – I'm straight, I'm coming for your children Dude, I don't want I'm mate, I'm straight I'm coming for your children
Starting point is 00:49:08 You understand that, right? I don't want I'm mate, I'm straight, I'm coming for your children I don't want any sexual parade I don't want any people in a sex parade It's a sex parade saying that they're coming for my children? that they're coming for my children? It's a sex parade that's coming for my children? Why?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Can't you be like, can't it be, we're queer, we're here, we have no interest in your children? Why can't it be that? I could be like, oh, that's cool. This is the fucking way it is by the way i'm not saying that all gay people are like this not even close i'm saying this is the way the parades are this is it i might have even been at this parade fucking throw i used to drink just champagne out of the bottle at these things i fucking love these parades but But now I got kids and I just, I have fucking zero, zero tolerance.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I have zero tolerance. Here we go, people. You won't, you won't unhear this. This is not, this is not outlier shit. Sorry. This is not outlier. This is the, this is what these parades are. These are, all the parades are sex parades.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Dicks out. I never saw any hard dicks there. Nope. That woman in the middle has a mustache. And she's saying where she looks like she's something out of the bar at Star Wars movie. in the Star Wars movie. No one cares about these people. No one's against these people. No one cares who anyone's fucking.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But like the children thing, man, it's like everywhere. Like, why can't they be like, we love you, we see you, Jesus is coming to save you. Why can't they say that? Why can't they say that? Why does it have to be a woman with her tits out and a woman with a mustache and people wearing all sorts of outfits that they put so much work into to look anything but themselves. They put so much work into looking like anything but themselves, and now they're coming for my children?
Starting point is 00:51:52 I just – no tolerance for that. Sorry. Can't they just be like, I have a dick, and I love dick, and God bless all the people who want to rub their dick on me? Why can't it just be like, I have a dick and I love dick and God bless all the people who want to rub their dick on me. Why can't it just be that? And then you're holding up a sign, this is for only people who are over 18. Yeah, I'm just saying, you don't need Jesus not to act like a fucking idiot. I agree. Your boy Jesus hasn't come and talked to me yet and I don to act like a fucking idiot. I agree. I thought Jesus hasn't, your boy, Jesus hasn't come and talk to me yet. And,
Starting point is 00:52:26 uh, and I don't act like a fucking idiot. Leave the fucking kids alone. And here's the thing. It's just the norm dude with these fucking people at these parades. The very first time I ever, I was in San, so my,
Starting point is 00:52:39 my, my, my dad's family, the whole side's immigrants. And the very first time I went, I've never told this story and can even remember remembering the story until just now. But the first time I was ever at a gay parade, my dad had brought all, my dad was like one of, I want to say 10 brothers and sisters. And he brought seven of them to the United States.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And his youngest brother, when he brought to the United States, was 20 years old. And we were in the city or maybe he was 18 and we were in the city and I was a little boy then I was probably like five or six years old. His English was, he barely probably barely spoke English at the time. And for some reason we had taken Bart, that's our subway into the city. And we were walking around just me and him. My uncle loved the shit out of me. He was like always holding me. I was always on his shoulders or he's always had my hand he was so good to me he is so good to me he's a fucking great guy and um i remember we were walking through the city and we turned on to i think it was polk street at the time or the castro and they were having a gay parade and probably my uncle had
Starting point is 00:53:39 never seen anything like that and he's holding my hand and as we're on the corner some guys walk by and they're in uh chaps with their dicks out and their asses out and i remember him like grabbing me and then we walked the other direction you should ask him about that now i have not told this story shut it miss young when someone was homeless he lived at a gay parade for three years that's a good story yeah it's um uh pedos have infiltrated the infiltrated the rainbow mafia that that that's that is unfortunate for them i think that is what's happened i think that is what's happened, unfortunately, for the gay crowd.
Starting point is 00:54:27 They're going to have to disband and regroup somewhere else. Try to put some sort of filter on the pedos. My uncle's name is Hagulp. Hagulp. H-A-G-O-P-E. Hagulp. Hagulp. In English, that translates to Jack.
Starting point is 00:54:41 H-A-G-O-P-E, haggle, haggle. In English, that translates to jack. It's always been hypersexual, Allison. That's why I liked it so much. That's why that scene was so fucking cool. It's just the fucking kid part, man. It's just the kid part. That's why it's like all of this like accept anyone make everything okay no sorry no not accept everyone not make everything okay not do needle giveaways not not uh do pedophilia not do uh all sorts of fucking um inappropriate shit around kids it's not accept
Starting point is 00:55:21 everyone you don't remember it they used to have this you did you ever go to the um you're younger than me but there was this i used to go to this other party in the city it used to be called the hooker's ball and then it got switched to the erotic well and then it got they changed the name to the erotic exotic ball it raised money for um it was supposed to it was supposed to be prostitutes who raised money for orphans in the city. It was a crazy party. I can't go to gay parades. I'm worried I'll chub up. I feel you on that. I stay away from anything that remotely could be gay porn.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Incapable of anything. Anyway, the coming for your children thing is absolutely fucking nuts you would think you know you know how um a while back there would be parents who would go to like teachers meetings and um pta meetings i don't know this is a couple years ago i'm not characterizing this right but parents would go to these meetings and they would speak up and then they get put on the FBI's wanted list because they spoke up against masks or spoke up against certain books in the school. And they would be start the FBI would start looking into them as terrorist organizations or terrorist groups. Remember that? It's probably still happening. How the fuck are people saying that they're that they're coming for your children be okay maybe the fbi should look into that oh it's exotic erotic not erotic exotic whatever thank you though is that this is uh uh savon do you ever listen to shit something went wrong here uh savon do you ever listen to uh crystal and sager is sager the indian guy his name starts with an e or something i think i have listened to them i think i do like him i had friends who would go to the erotic exotic ball yeah it was cool it was so awesome
Starting point is 00:57:18 i won't tell you guys the story for the upteentheenth millionth time, but that's where I peed in that trash can. Does everyone know who's considered by many the greatest athlete that's ever lived? Like sports athlete. Does everyone, do you guys want to weigh in on this? The greatest sports athlete who's ever lived there's kind of a some conventional wisdom i guess some some agreement on who the greatest athlete who's ever been alive is uh ck kevin jim thor zach jones bow bow jackson i wonder if you guys are not going to like who I say it is Babe Ruth Definitely not Babe Ruth Jesus Ken
Starting point is 00:58:06 Babe Ruth couldn't even fucking bend over and tie his shoes Barry Sanders Wayne Gretzky Ronaldo Jenner Phelps Jerry Rice Carolyn Prevo Scott switzer is a beast
Starting point is 00:58:29 i used to really like carolyn prevo i'm just having trouble processing her i'm like a snake that's ate a cow and can't digest it i just just uh dairy bed barry sanders muhammad ali um really these are the daily thompson i don't even know who that is is that a golfer leah thomas not appropriate tom brady uh rich and ty yeah oh you liked ty huh ty was fucking something else what a fucking creature bruce lee oh franco i need to get your phone number i kind of want to be in closer touch with you um rich froning andrew hiller wow no one's saying no one's saying her name it's a it's a she. Come on, guys. Sporty Beth. Come on, guys. Okay, well, fine.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I'll show you her right now. The greatest athlete, and I think it's just known, except by people who listen to 7 Podcast, the greatest athlete who's ever lived is Serena Williams. People consider her just the greatest. And she basically has no peer, not only in her sport, but in any sport. Women don't do sports. Heidi, when you typed that out,
Starting point is 00:59:53 did you even think for a second, maybe I shouldn't say this? She literally can't be the best athlete of all time. Literally? Oh, Sam, it's been a while. Well, here we go, go sam let's keep going here we go she'd lose to high school men though okay so bear with me here bear with me this is this you're about to hear from the greatest athlete who ever lived you guys ready uh
Starting point is 01:00:22 block notification okay here we go. The greatest the greatest athlete who ever lives on the Dave Letterman show. And the reason why she's the greatest and I know some of you guys are pushing back, but she has no peer in her sport on the men's side, on the women's side and no peer in really in any sport. And that sport is fucking hard. But here we go. Myself and him playing a match. And I'm likey seriously like are you kidding me because for me tennis in men's tennis and women's tennis are completely almost two separate sports so i'm like if i were to play andy murray i would lose 6060 in five to six minutes maybe 10 minutes minutes. No, it's true. It's true. It's a completely.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Look at Dave struggling. Dave's struggling. It's a completely different sport. The men are a lot faster, and they serve harder, they hit harder. It's just a different game, and I love to play women's tennis. Yeah. Everyone walk away from your computer. I want to say something to pool boy
Starting point is 01:01:25 real quick i don't want anyone to hear this i totally agree with you it's how i know i'm gay because i fucking love serena williams what a fucking what a fucking crazy creature right my goodness okay okay okay everyone can start listening again here we go back Back to Serena saying she can't beat dudes. I only want to play girls because I don't want to be embarrassed. I would not do the tour. I wouldn't do Billie Jean any
Starting point is 01:01:53 justice, so Andy, stop it. I'm not going to let you kill me. God, Serena Williams, what a fucking freak of nature. Anyway, there you go. We're not the same. It's not even the same sport.
Starting point is 01:02:12 It's not even the same sport when men and women play. It's the same thing I saw the other day. They're saying that when 12-year-old kids are the best at what they do in the world, that doesn't translate to them getting older and being the best. As a matter of fact, it rarely happens happens and it's the same thing with like it's it's like tennis when i play my son it takes him six steps to get fucking from one side of the court to the other it takes me four like we're not even playing the same game at that point unfortunately she can still uh be me i don't know if she's juicing dude i what do you think i
Starting point is 01:02:44 just cannot believe that that's a i can't know if she's juicing dude i what do you think i i just cannot believe that that's a i can't believe that's a woman her dump truck is crazy she has so much lotion on in that video too she's just glistening look at mike look at poor boy look at her hand i wish i could show you a better shot of it look at mike look at pool boy look at her hand i wish i could show you a better shot of it look at her hand even her hand is sexy look at it like crazy beaver testosterone yeah i guess wow sean just fucking trying to ruin everything good about the world.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Sean Lenderman says, I bet she takes huge shits from that enormous ass. You're fucking, you're a bad person. Yeah, her douchebag husband did found it Reddit. He found it or reddit it. He's a douche. He's Armenian too. it really bums me out yeah what if you're gay and you find it serena attractive i know that's my problem i'm pretty sure i'm gay but i only find women attractive it's a fucking mess i have issues it's like
Starting point is 01:03:58 being armenian but i'm really black you just love her huge boobs i don't know why you have to put just in there why can't you just say you love her huge boobs. I don't know why you have to put just in there. Why can't you just say you love her huge boobs? Why does it have to be just? I don't know. I don't know why you have to. Just isn't needed in there.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Anyway, Serena. You know, I haven't looked into this, but we saw the movie about her, right? That had Will Smith in it, and then we saw the documentary. You guys remember that? and the dad's just a beast right he's just like on it he he's uh just working the fucking late night job and then and then training with his kids all day and he's got the 78 pages planned out for their future and then you find out that uh he had an I found out he had another family that he abandoned. Did you guys know that?
Starting point is 01:05:09 I guess he had another family with like five kids in it. Wow. God, I don't have any of you guys figured out. Serena is all woman, all right good didn't will smith will smith played her dad in the movie right didn't he in the movie anyway i don't know my movies but i saw the movie and i liked it but then but they make him look like such a good guy in the documentary and the movie. And then I found out recently that he's got another family that he just fucking abandoned with like five kids in it before that family. a lady was some of the details I'm going to tell you might be wrong but it's close enough
Starting point is 01:06:09 a lady was at an ATM machine and she was robbed and she tried to chase the robber and when the robber jumped into his car because the robber was a guy go figure huh i know you guys are completely blown away um the the the lady somehow got tangled up in the car as the as the robber was driving away and she her head hit the ground and she died so robber tried to rob her of
Starting point is 01:06:41 her purse she chased the robber she got tangled up with the getaway car and her head banged on the ground and she's dead. No. No, I would not allow her to peg me. I would not allow her to peg me. I let her lay on top of me and hold me down. So I started crying, but not peg me. God, how cool would that be to wrestle Serena Williams? Fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I'd fucking need to have my wife make sure my health insurance is all to fucking snuff i have a feeling someone gets injured wow okay sorry i got lost it was picturing myself wrestling with serena williams okay so listen to this so this lady was murdered basically i don't know if you could say she was murdered was she murdered she was a robbery gone bad and she and she's dead um but these are her friends these are her friends talking These are her friends talking about it. Now, listen, listen. Wait, where's the audio on?
Starting point is 01:08:10 Oh, here we go. These are her friends. She's one of several people calling on local authorities to pursue an alternative to traditional prosecution. that we need to address harm and create accountability that is really rooted in looking at the root causes of why harm happens. Burr says Angel strongly disagreed with the current criminal justice system and would not want her alleged killer to go to prison. So let me, this chick died in a robbery where she was being robbed, and now they're trying to make sure that the guy who robbed her doesn't go to jail, robbed her, and was involved in her death. I don't want to say killed, but I guess they say it here, but when you read the details, I just want to be honest.
Starting point is 01:09:06 the details i just want to be honest i i wouldn't if you chase someone who robbed you and then you die in the chase i don't know if they killed you but her friends don't want that guy to go to jail because she wouldn't want that like locking somebody in a cage is that really gonna bring jen back instead it doesn't but i don't understand why it matters what anyone wants how about the rest of us who are out here with that guy still like who cares what she wants who the fuck cares what she wants she's dead the guy who was involved in the robbery and the murder and is out and her friends are saying think of that logic well she wouldn't have wanted him to go to jail i don't care what she wants matter of fact it's never mattered less what she wants what she wants actually has zero relevancy now she's dead no this wasn't portland uh this wasn't portland this
Starting point is 01:10:03 is fucking my uh fucking bay area this is like 50 miles this is in oakland this is where i was born how the fuck that burr says angel would have liked a form of restorative justice to happen friends of angels have been working alongside the nonprofit Restore Oakland. all for like restorative shit but if we can't get to that point or if we're not at that point i'm not i'm i can't even take the small i'm not i'm not willing to take even the smallest chance of that guy doing it again if he's done it once and my kid's dying restorative justice is really about healing, and healing begins with telling the truth,
Starting point is 01:11:09 and our current criminal justice... Healing for who, though? For the guy who did the damage? He can tell the truth inside. He doesn't need to be outside of the jail to tell the truth. He can heal... Everything that they're saying, he can heal inside. You can heal inside.
Starting point is 01:11:26 You can be honest. Your girlfriend breaks up with you because you cheated on her. You don't need her back to heal to tell the truth that you really cheated on her. You need to be honest with yourself. You fucked her sister, and she didn't like it, so she ditched you. You don't need your sister. You don't need your girlfriend back. You have her sister now.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Justice system robs any opportunity of truth-telling. That's not true at all. That's a lie, too. Justice system robs any opportunity of truth-telling. No, when you're behind the bars, you can tell all the truth you want. From all parties. From all parties? The other bitch is dead.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It gets worse. Everything has gotten backwards. They can't even explain it to me. That's the frustrating part. I want to try to understand what they're saying, but they can't even explain it to me. They're just lying. They're just fucking lying. is this is real people this is uh this is throw this in the pile of i'm queer and i'm here and i'm coming for your children this is i killed someone i killed your friend but your friend wouldn't want that person
Starting point is 01:12:37 in jail so we're going to work on getting the person out of jail suspect charged in death of anarchist baker so she was an anarchist and robbery gone wrong as victim family urges no jail time dude i don't care like no one cares what you think what you want for your dead daughter a 19 year old san francisco man has been charged in the death of a popular baker who was dragged by a getaway car chasing after armed robbers. Yeah, that's her fault. And woke activist family has urged authorities not to jail her to his death. Wow, the New York Post just uses the word woke like that?
Starting point is 01:13:21 I don't know. Oh, no. Do you guys think that... Do you think that he murdered her just because he... She chased after the getaway car. I know we don't have video of it, but here we go. She chased after their getaway car, but got caught in a vehicle's door and was dragged more than 50 feet,
Starting point is 01:13:41 smashing her head on the sidewalk. I don't think he killed her. You can't put a 19-year-old boy. Fuck. We know Jen would not want to continue the cycle of harm. Well, you can't leave him out of jail by bringing state-sanctioned violence to those involved in her death or to other members of the oakland's rich community it's fucking it's
Starting point is 01:14:10 crazy talk it's crazy talk uh and she was selling cupcakes which which she was spreading type 2 diabetes. So I guess. Oakland and San Francisco is like different multiverse. I'm currently dating a girl who lives in San Francisco. My first question was, do you like it there? She said, hell no. I immediately planned a second date. Yeah, that's cool. Oh, dude, you want to see something that's just completely out of my realm of fucking this shit i'm about to show you
Starting point is 01:14:47 is completely out of my realm of understanding another basketball player died from myocarditis by the way i think he's uh on a pro team in sp Okay, this is crazy what I'm about to show you. Have you guys heard of sextortion? It's where you have, I guess it's a term. If I have pictures, let's say I had pictures of Pool Boy naked, I would then be like, hey, dude, you got to pay me 500 bucks or I'm going to put those online, right? That's called sextortion.
Starting point is 01:15:25 This part's going to trip you out. This part is going to trip you out. Now, so this is how I, this, I really don't know I'm old until I see stuff like this because I suspect that this is true and I'm about to read you. New survey finds a shocking 65% of young people have been subjected to sextortion. Attempts.
Starting point is 01:15:56 65% of young people have been subjected to sextortion attempts. Detectives say these cases can be difficult to prosecute since the criminals can be in different countries and use technology to block their true identities. A new survey of more than 6,000 teenagers shows a staggering increase in the number of young people being targeted by sextortion schemes. Those are online scams where criminals pose as a romantic interest and encourage their target to share a nude photo. Once received, they then threaten to publish those pictures unless they get paid. This is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:30 This is real, huh? Hey, dude, do not give your kid a cell phone. A brand new survey from Snapchat Chat finds that Gen Z teenagers and young adults, 65% say they've been subjected to attempted sextortion scams. How many people do you – what's the percentage of people who you think have sent nudes? Has everyone here sent nudes to someone? I can't ever remember sending a nude to anyone I can't think of anyone who a lot it's a lot it happened to my son like he sent a dick pic and then and then like, hey, I'm going to show this to the whole high school if you don't blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:17:33 A hundred percent of the people in here have sent a nude. I'm trying to think if anyone's ever even sent me one nude. I did get a nude once. I've received a nude. I can remember. One nude. Dick Butter. Heidi's nudes are great, by the way. I would highly recommend.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Wow. Sleeky, I send them to my husband. I have a handful of friends whose wives send nudes to them, and they show their friends. They show me. I don't know. Sebi, should I send you a nude of my ex-lib girlfriend? Hey, Jeremy, when I was a kid before 30 years ago, 40 years ago?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Fuck, when was I a kid? Anyway, a long time ago when i was a kid i know i can't ever remember me and a girlfriend breaking up and then still not doing it it was like we like you know what i mean like you break up but then like maybe you bone bone even more than ever since you broke up uh someone you doxing your friends what's that mean i don't know what that means doxing my friends doxing your friends doxing. Doxing, the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Publishing. No, I'm not doing that. No. What made you think I would do that? If someone even threatens to do something like that to me like if someone were to be like hey i'm taking screenshots of our texts or dms or anything like that if anyone even like joked about that i would i would not um i would just stop talking to them not interested in that kind of shit at all talking to them i'm not interested in that kind of shit at all oh revealing their identity you literally just offered i offered no i'm
Starting point is 01:20:11 you sent i send nudes to glassman all the time yeah i um no no no oh i no i no i'm saying that... No, I'm not revealing who they are. What I'm telling you is that I have friends whose wives have given them nudes and my friends have shown me. That's it. And I use the word friends loosely.
Starting point is 01:20:39 So acquaintances is probably better. Doxing would be if I told you who they were. I don't even know if that would be doxing. I do have some – I have had some issues. I think I've told you guys this already. have i do have some uh i have had some issues i think i've told you guys this already but let's say let's say i went out with some people and they had two kids and and i saw their kids do something that was fucking lame that i wanted to share with you guys i might change the story and say that they had three kids and that they were boys even though they were girls and i would
Starting point is 01:21:19 change all those details and still tell you guys the story but then my friend would listen to the show and i'd get in trouble they'd be like why are you talking about me on your show i'm like i didn't even mention your name they're like yeah but it hurts my feelings i've had that happen that's actually something i'm struggling with a little bit in my day-to-day right now uh okay uh jake chapman my nude body is for my wife and thousands of men at the gym changing in at the gym changing rooms i've been in oh i didn't play sports so so when i used to change in the gyms, that was like something that took me a long time to get used to, just being naked or going into steam rooms and shit like that. I don't think I ever – does anyone ever become comfortable with that?
Starting point is 01:22:14 I never got comfortable with that. Anyway, sextortion. Let's go back to that real quick. Do not give your kids cell phones. I just wanted to drive that home. What if I told you that it's 100% chance if you give your kid a cell phone that they're going to take a picture of themselves and text it to someone naked would you still give your kid a cell phone what's a never nude what's a never nude? What's a never nude?
Starting point is 01:22:47 Savon, are you a never nude? What's that? I'm nude around my property all the time. I walk around my property naked all the time. It bothers me that I don't know who all of you are sometimes. Hmm. No, I don't change in private. I'm a full-on... If I'm in my room changing and I'm naked
Starting point is 01:23:24 and I think of something I want to tell my wife, I'll just come right out into the main house. My three boys and my wife will just be out there. That's probably a daily occurrence. My house, everyone's free in the house. Everyone's free in the house. You want to see some nudes? Do we have time for some nudes?
Starting point is 01:23:42 Here, I'll show you some nudes. How about this guy? We talked about this guy the other day. He still got his pants on. I guess he doesn't care that we all know he's juiced to the gills, right? I mean. Let's go. It says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. getting in shape for my debates with President Biden. As president, I will restore America as the global example of health and well-being, not through pills or syringes. But what? How can he say that when he's clearly.
Starting point is 01:24:17 But through character and self-discipline, I will continue to walk the walk and lead by example. Americans gained an average of 29 pounds during the COVID lockdowns. That's gnarly, dude. Hey, that line right there, Americans gained an average of 29 pounds during COVID lockdowns. There's no argument at that point that we should have ever had injections or the 49ers, if that's true. Because the health implications of everyone putting on 29 pounds is far surpasses anything that that could have done. I mean, that's going to knock off billions of days of people's lives. By that, I mean that if there's 300 million people in the United States and each of them
Starting point is 01:24:57 put on an average of 29 pounds and that takes a hundred days off of everyone's life, of everyone's life. That's 30 billion days. 30 billion days of life. I will help turn this around by encouraging our citizens to exercise, eat well, and fortify their immune systems by removing harmful chemicals from our food. Conversely, we must never allow ourselves to succumb to fear fear fear disables both the immune system and the capacity for critical thought just key to the survival of democracy by the way that's one of the topics we've been pushing on
Starting point is 01:25:32 this show he says it a little more concisely than i have been but on the other hand remember everything is being said as if we don't do this people die if we don't accept all transgender and there and we don't accept all pedophiles and if we don't accept all forced injections, people will die. It's always at the end or people will die or people will die or people will die. And it's like anytime you hear that, that should set off a red flag and be like, fuck you. We will restore our health as we reunite our communities and rebuild our nation. By the way, I didn't come up with that on my own um i actually gleaned that off of a andrew hiller video i can't remember who he was uh he was railing somebody but he's he basically pointed that out to me like yeah they're just
Starting point is 01:26:17 always going to use it as if you don't people are going to die if we don't all start wearing rainbow converse shoes and accept all transgender people, people are going to die. It's like, whoa, whoa. If we all don't start drinking – if we all don't start eating bugs, everyone's going to die. If we don't all stop eating meat, everyone's going to die. Anyway, I don't care that he's juiced up, I guess. I'm a Republican and like RFK what's that mean? I don't know
Starting point is 01:26:54 means that he's really a Republican running as a Democrat or you're really a Democrat can you believe that video? we're here, we're queer we're coming for your children just outward outward outward pedophilia is that is that what that is outward sexualizing your children just it's just cool it's just cool now Outward pedophilia? Is that what that is? Outward sexualizing your children? It's just cool now. And there's still people denying it out there.
Starting point is 01:27:51 There's still people out there denying it. Imagine just still being in denial. Why would you still be in denial? Because you want the world to be just so perfect. I get that. Or you are one. It would suck to be a pedophile. Because I don't think you can fix that. I can even be less biased.
Starting point is 01:28:16 I don't think you can change that. This one I stumbled on accident. I wasn't even sure if i was going to play this one for you guys but this this seems even bull this seems even too wild for me but here we go the sun the u.s sun i guess there's a british sun can cockroaches live in your penis a bizarre meme has gone viral on social media suggesting cockroaches can burrow into your penis so for everyone out there who doesn't have a penis that's horrible for men to hear by the way oh matt souza thank you love is love thank you uh uh it's not clear who made the shocking image that has taken a virtual world by storm as it has been reposted many times with thousands of likes who thousands it is a mock-up of a google search asking can cockroach live in your penis
Starting point is 01:29:21 an answer below appears to say absolutely it's totally normal to usually over the course of a year, five to 10 cockroaches will crawl into your penis hole while you were asleep and you won't notice a thing. You know, it's amazing. I bet you could sell little covers that go over the head of your penis when you sleep as part of like some sort of like protect the whole of your penis thing. Like a shower cap for your penis that you put on at night. No, gays aren't after your children. That's ridiculous. Pedophiles are after your children.
Starting point is 01:30:01 It just so happens that if you have parades that celebrate your sexuality, whatever it is, listen carefully. If you have parades that are sexuality parades, whatever it is, it's going to attract people who have sexual desires of all kinds. And so the gay parade happens to attract a lot of pedophiles. It's just the fucking, the way it is. And those are people who can't even have kids.
Starting point is 01:30:31 And on top of that, I want to go as far as to say, like, you're not supposed to be gay. You're not supposed to be transgender. You're supposed to fucking either have a penis or have a vagina. I don't know what the word supposed to means. I wish I could think of another word. You're supposed to procreate and then die and turn into dirt and then the process just keeps going on and on and on i don't know if that's an objective reality but it's fucking 99 of the fucking creatures on the planet that's what they do
Starting point is 01:30:58 now ants there's just one bitch and and there's fucking, like, just millions of dudes. And the black widow fucking kills the dickhead. Same with the praying mantis. But what I'm saying is that the norm for the process is that dudes and girls come together in the seed and egg meat, even like in plants. And then the fruit goes and it comes out and it just goes on and on and on and on and on. And that there's distortions of that behavior that happen everywhere. You cage a bunch of male monkeys and they start fucking each other in the ass. Like, yeah, i get it put six million people on an island and call it
Starting point is 01:31:47 san francisco on 800 000 people i think on san francisco but maybe manhattan and there's going to be some weird shit throw in some molly and some poppers and some cocaine and some power weird shit's gonna happen but i don't think, like, gays aren't after your children. I don't think. Pedophiles are after your children. where were we uh cockroaches unsurprisingly this has left men horrified at the thought of who to blame them or or who and who can blame them yeah so we would be we would be scared but it's not true however these fears can be put to rest quite frankly cockroaches cannot make a home in your penis there's no evidence of anyone ever having this horrendous issue all right all right
Starting point is 01:32:54 yeah cock sock yeah can you imagine the fucking that that could be a whole, that could be a whole business, the cock sock. Oh, oh shit. No wonder they call them cockroaches. Hmm. Seve, I was at CrossFit Hilton Head and they had the Fitness in 100 Words poster. I thought of you and the Sevanistas. That's awesome. I'm sure that happens.
Starting point is 01:33:37 What about eating spiders in your sleep? For sure. For sure. for sure I'm thinking as Taoist saying only confused people make decisions I was trying to make a decision and because I was trying to make a decision I became confused
Starting point is 01:34:19 excuse me awfully sniffly today you guys want to see something just this is just funny this is real this is going to make you laugh this is a hundred percent the most ridiculous woke nonsense you will ever see this is not parody i think this is a um well i don't know it says national convention i thought it was like a uh a town hall in Seattle. I called it a retard convention. Listen to this shit. This shit is. Oh, Pool Boy commented on here, too. That's awesome. OK, here, him. I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum? I'm one of the people who's very, very
Starting point is 01:35:09 prone to sensory overload. There's a lot of whispering and chatter going on. It's making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, can we just, I know it's, we're all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It's affecting my ability to focus. Thank you. Thank you, comrade. Okay. is there a speaker against name, chapter, pronoun? Point of personal privilege. Yes. Please do not use gendered language to address everyone. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Very brief point of information. If you are using a microphone, talk into it directly like I am right now, and do not wave your face. That chick's hot though right back and forth because people cannot hear you that is all okay awesome hi james jackson that chick needs a real man in sacramento dsa he him i have already asked people to be mindful of the chatter of their comrades who are sensitive to sensory overload and that goes double for the heckling and the hissing it is also triggering to my anxiety like the be comradely doesn't just isn't just for like you
Starting point is 01:36:11 know let's keep things civil or whatever it's so that people aren't gonna get triggered and so that it doesn't affect their performance as a delegate um we have a lot of disabled comrades and a lot of those are invisible disability. First of all, in this room, I see that no one's clapping for me. It could be because I'm not engaging, but it also is because everyone's doing this. And that's really important because those loud bursts of noise, even though this is a noisy space, when we can do something like reducing that, that's really important. So please don't clap. Shoot up for people.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Don't talk to cops. Point of privilege. important so please don't clap shoot up the for people don't talk to cops privilege uh can i reiterate that we uh for the sake of our comrades who have sensory issues refrain from hissing loudly shouting out your opinion on a vote or waving banners and signs that were unreal yeah it's a victimhood convention. This is unreal. Select your vote in front of people. that it is distracting to other comrades. I have autism. This is distracting to me. Can I, I would like to ask our fellow delegates, please do not wave around your signs, especially during voting. Thank you. Yes. Um, when we're raising our placards, when we train, this is fucking nuts. What is this shit?
Starting point is 01:37:39 Is there a between the votes? Can we slow down a little bit? Because it's starting to get confusing for people. Totally. Yep. Okay. So now we're going to vote. I have a point of a question, a point of order. So voting yes would be to make it. Hold on. Could I just get through my sentence, please? All those in favor. Yeah yeah what's your point of inquiry as it stands right this is daniel ray from piedmont um oh shit it's the bay area it's the bay uh so we are a bit behind schedule um quick fucking incredible dude incredible incredible on unreal that people are spending their lives like that it's fucking plant a tree people plant a tree do they look back at that and they're like what did i do with my life
Starting point is 01:38:40 that's a room full of democrats do you think there's any fucking Republicans in there one yeah it's currently happening at the White House that's right yeah Flores said at this point it's satire yeah it's totally satire, right? This is important for you to see because this isn't a joke and this is definitely how
Starting point is 01:39:28 it's turned out a bunch of times. History lesson, when this takes hold broadly, actually Marxists come in and make these people dig their own graves and face the wall, then you actually get actual communism forced on everyone. That is what's happened every single time, by the way, at the end.
Starting point is 01:39:46 The socialists start stacking bodies like cordwood. Some of you are calling betas or cucks or whatever. What ends up happening is they start willing to kill. They're already willing to kill. I mean, you can see, like, you saw the Sean Penns and the Robert Downey Jrs and just all those people saying that people who don't get the injection, bad shit should happen to them. Like, they turn quickly when they turn.
Starting point is 01:40:22 It's crazy. And people like that aren't going to stand up either listening to Jock Willick talk to his SEAL buddy Drago Deseri Informer I don't know what you're referencing but it seems like very few people are willing to just stand up and say to tell the truth it is
Starting point is 01:40:44 I can only imagine I wasn't actually going to play this i wasn't sure it was poignant enough but i'll play this it is it's so frustrating to watch this equity game being played to further trap people and enslave them. Play the equity game and all you're doing is making people slaves. Here we go. This guy explains it pretty well. Here we go. It's not equality. If you use a different standard of assessment in order to achieve equity,
Starting point is 01:41:32 you've just patronized me. You've just communicated tacitly that you don't think I'm capable of performing according to the objective criteria of assessment as well as anybody else. to the objective criteria of assessment as well as anybody else. I am now your client. I am now a ward. I go or come by your leave. This argument that we blacks must be made equal and you have to open up the doors and let us in, never mind that our test scores are not as great, is pathetic. It's a surrender of dignity.
Starting point is 01:42:12 You will not be equal at the end of that argument, even if you get what you ask for. There's no substitute for earning the respect of your peers. If they grant it to you out of guilt or pity, they have just reduced you not elevated you equity is not equality if you use a different standard of assessment in order to achieve equity this is for everyone this is the gay thing
Starting point is 01:42:38 this is the racist thing this is it's for everyone it's like every time you see that word privilege you should also fucking have it see a red flag This is a racist thing. It's for everyone. It's like every time you see that word privilege, you should also fucking see a red flag. There's no one who's privileged. That's just a fucking head game that they're playing with people. Hunter Biden is privileged
Starting point is 01:43:01 in their story and the way they want to fucking slice up the world. All right, I wish I could leave a more positive note. It just sucks to see. Imagine just watching all your people, I guess as we're humans, I guess we're all doing it. People getting sucked into the equity game, further hurting all human beings under the guise of trying to help them. It's fucking pathetic.
Starting point is 01:43:36 They would gather up all of these people who actually aren't racist and kill them under the premise of being racist. aren't racist and kill them under the premise of being racist if the equity people could they would gather up all the people who want equality and gather them up and kill them it's like it's like not even a joke it's like it's totally it's it's totally true oh hold on something's wrong with the phone again of course here we go okay caller hi hi did i lose you oh hold on hold. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Do I got you? Of course. I get two calls a fucking show and I can't get the phone to work. Are you there? Yeah, sorry. Give me one second. I got an issue. Give me one second. Give me one second. Give me one second. Mason Mitchell says he can't hear.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Okay, hold on. Hold on. I'm working on it. Hold on. Here we go. Here we go. Are you going to say something nice? Am I going to be glad I hooked up the phone?
Starting point is 01:45:01 Are we fighting? Oh, awesome. All right. I've got something for you in the realm of broken science. Oh, wow. I see the story yesterday. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. How about now? Harvard Business School professor
Starting point is 01:45:18 has been accused of faking. Yeah. Ironically, her research was on dishonesty and unethical behavior. And her work has been cited by other researchers and it's been used for conclusions. It's exactly what Greg talks about. Are you sound? Do I know you? Yeah, I'm a new caller. Oh, okay. We've never met before. Did you go to Do I know you? Yeah, I'm going to call her.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Oh, okay. We've never met before. Did you go to Harvard by any chance? I did not. Oh, okay. You sound like you did. Take that as a compliment. Harvard ethics professor caught committing academic fraud. I'm feeling a little under the weather right now, but I could not pass this up. The field of modern ethics research is very special. In May, I wrote about the Canadian ethicists recommending assisted suicides for the desperately poor.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Holy shit, is that true? Last November, I described ethics proposals to surreptitiously administer psychoactive substances to people to achieve collective welfarism. It turns out that the woke ethics field has more stories for us. How good is this? Is this good? It's bad. A rising Harvard University business school star,
Starting point is 01:46:37 Francesco Gino, author of numerous groundbreaking research studies. Her exploration centered around honesty and how to make people more honest. Oh, shit. And it's's fraud her honesty papers are fraud absolutely it's too good to be true wow harvard's a joke right i mean that's where all the stem stem cell research fraud came out of right the guy who's the god the stem stem cell research fraud came out of right the guy
Starting point is 01:47:05 who's the godfather of stem cell research all 30 of his papers were fraudulent a few years back yeah uh it's real bad it's right up greg's alley it's exactly what he talks about gino is on administrative leave from harvard amid allegations that research she co-authored contains fabricated data the next day a trio of academics wrote on their blog that they had found evidence of fraud in four of her papers which they said harvard was seeking to have retracted but we believe that many more gino authored papers contain fake data they added without specifying perhaps dozens this dishonesty researcher could not resist the temptation to be dishonest. Hey, dude, do you remember there was a story I covered a few months back?
Starting point is 01:47:51 It was about a woman who wrote a book for her kids. Her husband died, and so she wrote a book for her kids on how to grieve their father's death, and then she ended up being charged with his murder. He laced his drink with fentanyl, I believe. Right. Gino has dozens of papers about ethical leadership
Starting point is 01:48:13 and workplace behavior done with other scholars at elite business schools, led to countless speaking and consulting gigs with Fortune 500 corporations from Disney to Google. Wow. And have been being caught, she follows the path of a fake criminology researcher who fraudulently proved the existence of punitive racism
Starting point is 01:48:36 allegedly prevalent in the hearts of white people. Crazy. Oh, thank you for bringing this up. This is great. This is too good to pass up. Yeah, sure. This deserves its own show. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Good to talk to you. All right, brother. Thank you. The deepest voice ever to have called in the show. That guy has more testosterone than Andrew Hiller. Wow. Wow. I need to follow this story.
Starting point is 01:49:14 This is crazy. She's an ethics fucking professor of all things. Call her. Hi. Hey. Hey. Hey, man. professor of all things call her hi hey hey hey man what's up dude how are you good how are you i'm good so for lack of a better term have how do you feel about rfk jr i'm good i'm good with him i like him um i think he's got some shit wrong with like his environmentalism environmental policies but i like him. It's fascinating to me that he went on Rogan talking about how fucked up injections are,
Starting point is 01:49:54 and then now some guy called him out and said, fuck RFK. He's a piece of shit, basically, for saying that. And now that guy's being offered a million and a half dollars to debate him, or a million and a half dollars to his favorite charity to debate him. Did you see that? That's Hotaz. That guy's a freaking lunatic that guy doesn't care about himself or anyone else my problem is yeah he's rfk jr is the only democrat that is talking about the topics that we need to talk about he was in san francisco going through all these buildings saying why they are closed down due to the pandemic due to the situation that we're currently in. He's the only Democrat doing it.
Starting point is 01:50:28 So if people want change, whether it's Trump and Biden, you're not going to get the change you want. You have to think outside the box. The way he spoke at the last 20 minutes of Joe Rogan, it was amazing because his father was on the path of uniting the country before he got assassinated. If anything, don't listen to the whole thing. Go on Rogan. Listen to the last 20 minutes. If this is any semblance of what he is going to bring, if he is able to go against Biden
Starting point is 01:50:57 and win the nomination, it's a good thing. It is kind of weird that he's saying he's going to change in a post he made on Instagram, he's going to change the world without pills and injections, but he's clearly juiced to the gills. You think he's juiced? Bro, bro, bro. He is a little red.
Starting point is 01:51:18 He's fucking yoked, dude. And don't get me wrong. I don't, I don't, I don't have an issue with that, but it's just kind of a weird, it's a weird...
Starting point is 01:51:28 Here, this is Gabe, right? No, it's Jethro. Man, you messed me up again. It happens. Okay, listen to this. Listen to this, Jethro. Hold on one second. By the way, I got your email.
Starting point is 01:51:39 I just haven't opened it yet, but hold on. Listen to this. If you claim what RFK Jr. is saying is quote- quote unquote misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice if you're willing to debate him on my show
Starting point is 01:51:52 with no time limit. And then Elon Musk jumps into it and says, maybe that's because he knows that he's wrong. So he doesn't want to debate because he knows he'll be proven wrong. Other people started chiming in offering more than $100,000. Right now, this charity debate pot is resting at $1.5
Starting point is 01:52:07 million. So we had Andrew Tate offer $500,000. Nick Mulagi, $250,000. Bill Ackman, $150,000. Joe Rogan had $150,000. Patrick Bet-David added another $100,000. Steve Kirsch added another $100,000. Tim Pool added another $100,000. And that's just some of us. That's not even the complete list here. Peter Hotez, who publicly... Crazy, right? Hey, he called for fucking... He called for Spotify to censor Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:52:34 He called for fucking Spotify to censor Joe Rogan because RFK was on the show. Hey, if you're going to do that, you got to take the debate. You got to take the debate. RFK can't go anywhere. He's getting censored left and right. They are. They're a little stopping him from doing anything. And the people who are Democrats can't see this. I do not know what to tell you. Just like you said yesterday. At what point do you say enough is enough? No matter what, you've got to vote the other way. What is it? Is it the kids getting indoctrinated? Is it people getting fired because of jobs, not getting vaccinated?
Starting point is 01:53:11 What is it? These people have to wake up. I'm sorry. Jeremy E. World says, hey, Jethro, my right-hand man for Seve's CrossFit Games security detail. Let's freaking go. Are you going to the games? I'll make up the staff shirts. I'm looking for flights. If I can get a good flight, I'm going.
Starting point is 01:53:32 If not, I'm driving. Stephen Flores says... 13 hours. Oh, wow. Stephen Flores says the last 20 presidents we've had outside of Eisenhower all had low testosterone. Not Kennedy. Kennedy's the last great Democrat.
Starting point is 01:53:51 Re-killing Kennedy. He will be your second favorite president. Because he's my second favorite president. I'm a Republican. Hey, you think it's offensive to say that people aren't supposed to be gay? People aren't supposed to be gay? People aren't supposed to be gay? Yeah. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:54:10 The phrasing of that. I don't get it. I don't get it. Aren't supposed to be gay? Yeah. But people are gay. People are gay. By that I mean – sorry, let me put it in more context how I said it.
Starting point is 01:54:23 By that I mean – sorry, let me put it in more context how I said it. Not that people aren't supposed to be gay, but as life on the planet exists, not just people, but monkeys and bugs and flowers and fruits, they're supposed to be a man and a woman or female and male sex organs, and they're supposed to come together to make kids and procreate. When you say you're not supposed to be gay, I'm not saying it trying to be offensive. I'm trying to say it with the presupposition that the primary reason of life is procreation. I'm not trying to say it like you're not – like it's the same reason like my car is not meant to drive on a dirt road, but I do drive it on a dirt road sometimes. Right. If you have a Ferrari, you're not supposed to be driving on a dirt road. But if you live in Malibu, you might have to drive on a dirt road to get to your house i get it if that's the context that you're putting it in yes black and white yes is this are you supposed to be gay
Starting point is 01:55:15 no but i think we've changed since then right well yeah it's not that it's so it's not that it's not okay to be gay it's perfectly okay it's not that it's not okay to drive your Ferrari under the road It's perfectly okay See, this is what Who had this conversation? I was having the conversation on the show earlier And that Someone in the comments took that bit out of contest
Starting point is 01:55:39 And was calling me names Because I said you're not supposed to be gay But kind of like just isolated as a statement as opposed to putting it in the bigger context of just with the presupposition that we're supposed to procreate. I think that you had the same conversation with Kelly Baker. Are you going to get rid of stuff in schools because we don't need it anymore? It's kind of like the reverse.
Starting point is 01:56:01 You still need that stuff. Or you could also say this. You could say this too, right? Like, it's fair to say that women should be attracted to larger and stronger men. Should. Should. They should. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:14 It makes sense with the presupposition that you're supposed to procreate and you want safety. And therefore, you're not supposed to be short. I think we're talking about... I hate to say the word outliers, but these topics we're talking about are outliers. They don't account for the general population.
Starting point is 01:56:34 It's one way, one way, and one way, the other. It's a smaller percentage. Just like I always said. I don't mean it in an offensive way. I mean it with the presupposition that we're supposed to procreate and I'm open to the fact that, you know, I think some of us are meant to, I don't know, actually, I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:56:52 But the reason why this is an issue now is because we're in 2023, we're hypersensitive. So you saying that makes you a bigot, but why can't you this? Why can't you do that? Right. You can. I'm not. But I'm not saying that. Right. Look, we're hypersensitive. David, we just as boys are not supposed to wear leggings.
Starting point is 01:57:14 And my boys wear leggings. That's right. You're right. That is true. Boys aren't supposed to wear leggings. That's true. But Roman Krennikoff wear some fucking leggings, motherfucker. If I look like Roman Krennikoff, I'd be wearing those bike shorts all day. And he's masculine as all get out.
Starting point is 01:57:29 Heidi Krum, height is not the same as sexual preference. I'm saying with the presupposition that if procreation is your main goal. I don't think anyone... But it isn't the same either. Say that again. Sorry, go ahead. Say it again. I think it's hard to debate that because if you're going along the lines of science, just like these ding dongs are saying, well, you can have you can have multiple genders.
Starting point is 01:57:53 No, that's science. If you're sticking with the laws of science. Yes, it should be a man and a woman to procreate to continue the human race. That's it. There should be no other question. Yeah. Your pres be no other question. Yeah. Your presupposition is correct. Or at least if I'm honest about it, it doesn't make me a bigot.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Absolutely not. No. Or if I say it with a dick in my mouth. Then that's another problem. Still, I think it gets me some wiggle room I can say whatever I want with gays if I have a dick in my mouth like you said
Starting point is 01:58:31 you are the most homo friendly podcast out there thank you Jethro I love you I hope I see you at the games love you too oh wait what did you say nothing I didn't say nothing
Starting point is 01:58:44 Jeremy let's talk bye Oh, wait, wait. What did you say? Nothing. Don't. Nothing. I didn't say nothing. Bye-bye. Jeremy, let's talk. Bye-bye. Bye. All right. Clive McLaughlin. Darwinism would say homosexuality is a negative mutation. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:59:01 With the presupposition that if you want to keep making, if you want the species to exist. If genetic, it would lead to further, better growth of the species. It wouldn't lead to further, yeah. Where am I going? I don't think I'm going to the games. That wasn't like a clue or anything. I don't think I'm going. I have no, I have no. When I take these off, my toes are a little further apart. So things that – the thing that I'm most concerned about after this show today is this.
Starting point is 01:59:43 I used peptides. i did not shoot up on roids even though you know i fucking look jacked out of my mind right now huge but that's just from eating too much um and uh i've only done it twice and i did it my arm right there and actually so and I think that's it I think that's the only thing Jack and Tan yeah Summer Seve can't leave this rabbit hole you're so right
Starting point is 02:00:24 so stuck in the so stuck in it when is dave coming on the show again soon uh turntable uh do you believe that genetically we're not all breeders traditionally there are people whose primary role has been as soldiers and warriors fucking great point dude and and hey i mean just look at look at ants look at their fucking and bees look how those fuckers rock how they roll just one pussy and the rest just dudes and i don't think all those dudes are boners. Some of them are, like you said, just warriors. Todd, there's this peptide.
Starting point is 02:01:14 The way it was explained to me, the way it was explained to me is that pharmaceuticals, in general, treat the symptoms, right? So if you have type 2 diabetes and you take the drugs they give you, it's to help you level out your sugar as opposed to just stop putting the wrong shit in your mouth, right? And peptides actually
Starting point is 02:01:34 address the issue. And there's this peptide called BPC 157. You can get it from C8 Peptides, who's one of my sponsors. I'll put it there. You can just go on there. And the people who say that they've taken it,
Starting point is 02:01:52 I haven't heard anyone's one. I haven't heard one. I can't find one bad thing about it. It's this one here. And so people use it for just all sorts of regenerative shit so when I was actually researching this I heard Huberman that's the like the super trendy like pop
Starting point is 02:02:12 doctor that does like all the Joe Rogan shows and all that shit he said he injected that shit into his fucking back he had two discs that were a bulging disc he said it just hurt forever and he put that shit back there and that shit healed i don't have the balls to inject that shit in my back yet
Starting point is 02:02:31 um okay let's you want to do some more homo stuff uh steve flores like the greeks between the spartans and athenian spartans were fighters and guys from Athens were artists. Oh, I thought they were going to say who they boned. Seve, are you going to use that peptide that stops muscle growth to help your huge penis syndrome? For sure. Oh, here we go. BPC157 for tendon health. The T500 something is for muscle.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Yeah, that's what I think. I don't know if this thing's a tendon or a ligament or what, but there's some wire in there that was hurting me. And yesterday, I stuck the needle right into it and pushed the dose in there. So, I'd be scared to hit nerves. I'm just stupid, I guess. I did 10 pull-ups the other day.
Starting point is 02:03:34 It was the first time I've done... I did sets of two. I mean, that hurts me, just to flex that. All right. Great show, guys. I'm sure it's flagged with that music I played in the beginning. I will see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for everything.
Starting point is 02:03:54 Bye-bye.

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