The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #2 | Tuesday

Episode Date: August 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Can someone send a link to Sprague 2? Shit, I cannot forget to do that card right there. I will send the link right now. All right. Bam, we're live. Dude, my headset's dope.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I ordered you and Caleb one. Awesome. Yeah, that sounded so good on the show. It did? People were stoked on it. Oh, shit, look who's here. Who's here? Taylor. it. Oh, shit. Look who's here. Who's here? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You guys have an echo. Oh, no. Hold on. Hold on. How's that? Better? Yeah, you sound great. Have Hiller talk. Hiller. Hiller.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Hiller. Andrew. I can't hear anything in there yet. Something's not working with these. How about now? We can hear you. Do you see him back there? Oh, you can kind of see him back there.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, you can. You got a gnarly echo. Okay. Where should I go? I'm gonna go sit in the bathroom yep how can you do that a different type of echo you kidding bye Justin H
Starting point is 00:02:16 oh oh I'm gonna mute um sorry Andrew that sucks Oh, I'm going to mute Hiller. Sorry, Andrew. That sucks. All right. Lucky camera straps.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Hiller crushed the behind the scenes already. Yeah, is he publishing a shitload of stuff? What's he doing? Is he? Yeah. Publishing like a maniac? Dude, it looks insane. Hey, Hill hillary your team's doing awesome bro it's really small it's really small oh god seven oh uh can someone send james sprague a link
Starting point is 00:02:59 i already did uh seven's great when Hiller isn't on. Sebon's great when Hiller isn't on. I don't know what that means. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just like to be great. What's he got? Oh my God, Hiller. You put out four videos today? Five videos in 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah, it's ridiculous. You made a video from my bedroom the other night? That's when I'm over there. Am I getting... Thanks. Am I getting tore up in the comments on that? You made a video from my bedroom the other night? That's when we were there. Am I getting... Thanks. Am I getting tore up in the comments on that? No, people really like it. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Holy fuck. Is this live? Where is that? Oh, shit. I already lost it. Hiller's insane. He's the opposite of insane, but I know what you mean. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's that he's fucking like a shark. Yeah, it's insane. He's the opposite of insane, but I know what you mean. I'm with you. It's that he's fucking like a shark. Yeah, it's crazy. Dude is pounding hole. Janelle, easy. Hole. I'm going to add a word in there. Okay. Susan, good to see you.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Are you in Madison? Yeah, I'm here. I'm all set up. Got the whole road cast that we're ready to rock okay what do i do i go to um oh shit you're gonna put me on the spot i go to uh cellular and then yeah this should be the call forwarding cellular oh man how about um Drop a deuce on air. He sounded like Beavis.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Oh, my goodness. Dude, I love Beavis and Butthead. Where do I go for forwarding? There's got to be like a phone. Oh, phone. I got it. Okay. You get it?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Call forwarding. Yep. Oh, are you going to have to read me your phone number? In the private chat. At that point, we just have to call my phone you pussy okay put it in the private chat jessica valenzuela seven i feel like mom sending their kid to school for the first me it's oh dude it's crazy you you think with the build-up like dude jason hopper fucking squeezed the life out of me oh was that like a test you squeeze though
Starting point is 00:05:37 like you know dude i saw i saw uh i saw, I typed in the number. Now what? Oh, just go back. Oh, Scott Hall. Let everybody know. No one wants to text me. Yeah. Scott, I got something for you. What's the phone number in the chat?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Hey, hey, just read it out loud. He had that in his pants. Nine two. Don't you know that? He had that in his pants, Scott. That's gross. Okay, someone call in and test this. Served up and ready for you, Scott.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Hopper hugged me like crazy. Dallin was there loving. It was so crazy. Me and Katrin had a fucking just a love fest, dude. I can't wait to show you guys some of this footage. Dude, it was crazy. Annie came over. Noah, Colton,
Starting point is 00:06:27 Cole Sager and I just fucking broed out. It was nuts, dude. Oh, man. That's so cool. Broed out. It was... It was... Yeah, Savant's Highland. It was crazy. James Sprague is like a model.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He's like a boy band model in real life. We already have a call. Oh, cool. Okay, let's Highland. It was crazy. James Sprague is like a model. He's like a boy band model in real life. We already have a call. Oh, cool. Okay, let's say hi. Caller, welcome to the show. What's your name and where are you calling from? Oh, Jesus Christ. That's why you're not in charge of the phone. That can work.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Wait, wait. All right. Caller, just stand by for 30 seconds while I finish my story, then we'll bring you in. So... Caller, just stand by for 30 seconds while I finish my story, then we'll bring you in. What's your name, caller? Where are you calling from? I already told you. I didn't hear it.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I was talking over you with a fucking killer joke. What's up? Killer joke, my ass. Let's go. You got 30 seconds to make this good. Oh, Jeff. Oh, Jeff. Oh, I love you. It's Bako? No, no, no. Let's go. You got 30 seconds to make this good. Oh, Jeff. Oh, Jeff. How I love you. It's Bako?
Starting point is 00:07:28 No, no, no. Birchfield. I'm good. I'm good, man. Yeah. Come on, Svahn. Bako ditched the show. He didn't have the stamina Birchfield did. Oh, I need to show more footage of you
Starting point is 00:07:43 working out, Jeff. It's been a minute. I know. I mean... Have you working out, Jeff. It's been a minute. I know. I mean. Have you bench pressed? That lovely gray hair. Did my bench press with my pussy pad on my bar. All right. Thank you for testing out the phone.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Good to see you. Good to hear from you. All right. Talk to you all later. You're a player. Lucky Camera Straps. Hiller's crushing the behind the scenes already. Yeah. Go over to hear from you. All right. We'll talk to you all later. You're a player. Lucky Camera Straps, Hiller's crushing the behind-the-scenes already. Yeah, go over to Andrew Hiller, Hiller Fit.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Four videos up already, but there's rumors that there is a fifth one that is going up tonight. Hiller, go in the hallway. God, I wish I had one of those rooms. I appreciate it. Sloppy, slop. Jessica Valenzuela. Yes, I read that one. Mom, thank you, Jessica.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Uh-oh, uh-oh. John David Taylor, $99.99. To up your pay to $301 an hour for the Motley Crue of Bad News Bears. Dude, thank you. Seriously, John David Taylor, GDT. Hey, you know who I met today? You know that dude who – you know the training think tank videos? Am I echoing like a mother? Yeah, pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Can you shut that door, Hiller, or is it shut? Oh, criminy. This is not good. Wait, here. I got an idea. Can you tuck a towel in there? There's another door. Hiller and I just had a fat steak, by the way.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Oh, that's good. Oh, that's good. That's good. You're seriously on the toilet? He is live from the toilet. I met the I met the guy
Starting point is 00:09:21 Hey, did someone send Sprague a link yeah yeah yeah I sent it to him I met the I met the guy who sits on that training think tank podcast who's behind the computer CTP yeah
Starting point is 00:09:39 he's cool huh and you know it's crazy when we got home I don't know if I'm supposed to say this Hiller said he's one of the coolest dudes he's ever met like yeah and you know it's crazy when we got home i don't know if i'm supposed to say this hillar said he's one of the coolest dudes he's ever met like in the in the crossfit space and he actually is really cool and he's got a fucking incredible camera too um and then we met this uh there's this lady there lana doing media i got to hang with scott switzer today and uh i got to hang out with ros, you know, the one who's always, like, in the video. Bam, I'm live.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I must have hugged her, like, five times. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Who else? I got to hang with – I met Chris Madigan, the CrossFit PR guy, who's cool as shit. Oh, that's awesome. Mellow. Holy shit, he's mellow.
Starting point is 00:10:27 He's one of those dudes that, like like i don't know what his job is but he's like the in charge of like the press conferences and he's in charge of like whenever there's a big group of us that gathers he's like in charge right he like gathers us together he's one of those dudes with like really really gray hair but you can't tell if he's 20 or 60 he looks like a surfer dude what's up dude what's up uh john what's up nice shoulders john thank you nice oh yeah chris took the picture else oh hey that see do you guys see mike mike halpin there next to me to the right of me yeah that is not what i look like look at my shorts what the fuck what is that photo dude that's rosie next to me they did you so dirty oh rosie's awesome yeah i don't like chris madigan anymore take that back what i said about him did you dirty hey that guy behind mike halpin is just a young, weird version of Mike Halpin.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Barclay or Barclay. Oh, the dude right behind Halpin? Yeah. That's Barclay Dale, isn't it? And there's us making sweet love with Morning Chalk. That other dude next to him is Joe. That dude was cool. Bro, this looks like your birthday party.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That giant dude. There's a giant dude behind Schweitzer. You can't see him. That's Teddy Williams. That's Colton Merton's propaganda machine yeah teddy's that is the bomb yeah i by the by the end of the day when i hugged him i think i may have hugged him inappropriately nice you cop a little back feel or what just kind of just like i was like starting i did hug him inappropriately like Like when I hugged him, I was ready to take a nap on him. I was like, it's like I've been on my feet for 12 hours. And that's that dude on the rights.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I don't even know if you're supposed to say, but that's Snuffleupagus. That's the dude from behind the training think tank. That's him? Yeah. TTP camp. Dude, did you just out him? Dude, he has active social media. If you watch Barbell Shrugged,
Starting point is 00:12:30 then you know who that is. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He was just off the radar for a while. I put on my toe spacers. Seriously? Oh, I met Mary Monsoor today from Toe Spacers. Nice. She didn't think I'd recognize her. I knew it right away.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Her hair is dope. Nailed it. Then there was that chick Lana. What is she doing again? She's doing media for 65 plus because no one else would. She had a special media pass to cover it.
Starting point is 00:13:01 She was sending them some footage because the stream was such garbage. And that chick in the blue is Heather? Between Lana and Hiller? In the blue shirt, be friendly shirt, Heather? Hiller, yes, no? No? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:13:21 You don't know. She was nice, too. I don't know, I hope it's out there. She was nice too. I don't know, but she's nice. She didn't talk much, but she was hanging. And then Tyler Watkins is there. Hopefully he's going to come on the show today, and I told him to come on and promote the app. There are a lot of events.
Starting point is 00:13:40 The internet sucks, though. Say that again, John? He said there are a lot of events to pick people now on the app oh good point uh eaton beaver it was a prison grab my pocket squeeze eaton beaver's not teddy is he oh shit tank reeves uh how terrible was the live feed for today oh dude when you're there you don't even know any of that shit that's going on dude i did like 50 interviews today dude i got to hang with alex gazan today was it a tool in person as it is on the show i was a little overwhelmed to be honest with you yeah she is some of the most of the athletes are not they're they're
Starting point is 00:14:24 they're they're all impressive, but there's some that when you see them, you're kind of like, oh, fuck. Jason Hopper is a fucking big dude. Yeah, he's a big dude. I didn't realize that. Yeah, when he grabbed me and hugged me, yeah, he's a slab of meat. That was the only person I was afraid for you to meet. Yeah, he came – him and Dallin came over, and they roughed me up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:47 He's something else. Dallin's big too. Yeah, Dallin's big. But not big like Hopper. Hopper is huge. Football big. Yeah. That David Shrunk guy, huge.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I got to look into his eyes. That's a man. Katrina – Karina Rain. look into his eyes. That's a man. Katrina Rain. I'm hopeful for the coverage of semis next year and hype for Guadalupe and Huntington Beach. I think we're about
Starting point is 00:15:15 to blow the doors off this thing. I think I killed it today, dude. I got so much great footage of Don Fall, Adrian Bosman, Dave Castro, Chuck Carswell, Alex Gazan, Colton Mertens. I had a great fucking powwow with
Starting point is 00:15:33 Annie and Katrin. I'm going to fucking murder it for you guys. It's going to be nuts. I got so much crazy footage with the demo teams, the judges, the Masters athletes. Hopefully, I'm going to try to find... I saw Noel Henderson at the demo teams the judges some masters athletes um hopefully i'm going to try to find i saw noel henderson at the end of the day oh room service is here all right baller john what's up how you doing you look you look nice and bronzed thank you turned into a nice shade on you right
Starting point is 00:16:00 now well everybody in the comments still is hating on it so we'll just i appreciate that he'll come around he'll come around i think i i have a light on and i think the lamp makes me look a lot redder than i am but without it like that's what i look like how did you get all those videos out like how is that even possible thank you and then i brought some yeah okay how did you get all those videos out? How is that even possible? Thank you. Yeah, okay. I love those videos, Hiller. I love seeing the athletes struggle before they actually have to do the event because then you get to
Starting point is 00:16:37 see the wide-eyedness when they actually go. When you find out who's bad before they go, it's great. It correlates. I know, but I like to see it. What I was actually thinking watching it is are specific athletes
Starting point is 00:16:53 doing that on purpose? They're just kind of chilling because they were curious about that. How many people are just chilling because they don't want to show their cards? Kosty wasn't chilling. Everyone knows him so what is that is everybody just sizing each other up over there can you feel any tension or anything like that or is it all like everybody plays nice and then oh boy oh that man knows how to party i was wondering what the
Starting point is 00:17:26 room service person thought when she like, I don't know why it's a she, but when they dropped off the food and then they could just hear somebody talking from the bathroom. Audrey sizing everybody up. Hey, so everyone to be honest with you everyone was really fucking cool today i got good vibes from every single person um the i did see justin
Starting point is 00:17:55 madaris there he was extremely focused i just gave him a couple highs i didn't film with him um i'm just feeling everyone out i did get a ton of great interviews with people i pow wow with cole sager great great talk with cole sager got great content from there colton uh who else today too many too many but is that was that dave eubanks in your video hillar that was yes it was okay i'm just confirming was it what no no no no i wonder set one did anybody act uh give you the same reception as dave gave hillar i had a great i had a great uh reception with dave eubanks there was one person one person that I saw that I saw that I saw a trip no I didn't you know I saw
Starting point is 00:18:52 Daniel Brandon from afar I never saw Lord you know what I hear I hear Lord is like like if you see her like it's it's it's not even like that at all I think Laura will be just cool as shit there was there was one no no no you got a figure shake too okay no
Starting point is 00:19:08 there was um oh here we go there's one female athlete and one uh employee there that it was just it was a little weird other than that it was it not bad just weird oh we got an echo that's why hillar's in the bathroom what's up james james how we doing look at james veteran move veteran move veteran move nice i love you for that what are we what are we talking about now hey so let's let's just get at it you ready james yeah let's get at it okay uh james is james already told us ahead of time we spoke to his agent. It's $100 per question, people.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Bury my cock in our SPF 50 fund for John Young. Jeez. He looks good, though. He's got a golden tint. Who was – He looks good. I look what? You look big again.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Oh, good. Yeah, so tell me your first impression of Seban when you saw him. Adorable. Like a little tiny, like a beanie baby? Like a little tiny, large baby? I'm like, oh, that's so cute. Like a 1177. Like, just like someone I want to squeeze, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:20 Just as like bro to bro. Like, I just want to give you a big old squeeze. Amazing. this is like bro to bro like i just want to give you a big old squeeze um amazing who who anyone stand out there be honest who's like seems out of the boys who's uncomfortable like freaking out like anyone you see who's like just freaking out um no one's uncomfortable everyone's pretty chill me and me and jack we're talking like uh jack farlow we're like we're the rookies we don't know how to get in these veteran conversations yet so we we're trying to figure out how to weasel our way in there um but they're all everyone's so nice it's it's pretty easy to get along at least for the dudes it's like the girls are some more rivalries like i'm not tired of her but like for the
Starting point is 00:20:58 justin and velner were sitting next to each other, and Justin seemed like he was already level eight intensity. Oh, dude. I feel like Justin does the best job of anyone of not locking in until he has to. I don't know. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. He does a great job just like, hey, I'm going to enjoy this, and then be a boss when I have to.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's dope. I didn't see your – I saw Fisa Goffey. Yes. That was cool. I saw Dallin Pepper. I saw Fisa Goffey, James Frigg, Dallin Pepper. Oh, I didn't see Emma Carey. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Gotcha. She was there? Everyone's out there, yeah. Okay. And then I barely saw Danielle Brandon for a brief second, and then i barely saw danielle brandon for a brief second and then i turned around she was gone gotcha yeah she's she's all over man i don't know she's miss social every she she has to be so many places so many times she needs two of her are they uh did the documentary crew approach you i know there's a documentary crew there
Starting point is 00:22:01 that's like approaching people are you were you picked to be part of that? Not yet. I have to go prove my way in first. Did they say that? That's why I have to bike hard. No, I just assume you have to do something cool to get into that. You kind of look like you're in a, in person, you're, you're more attractive than you are on camera. Oh, really? Yeah. You got more boy.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I saw you and I was like, you're a little boy. You got a little boy band in you. Yeah, dude. I feel that. I mean, I'll take that. It's the opposite of being photogenic, right? I mean, you're good looking on camera, but you're even better. You don't let down.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Let's say that. You don't let down. You're sweet. I want to hug you even more now. Hey, how big is Jason Hopper? Small, dude. Everyone's small to me. I look down on everyone.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Oh, shit. No response. He's this big. Small dude, everyone's small to me. I looked out on it. Oh shit No He's big enough to be third string at Clemson Shit you ain't fucking around spray game fucking around he's been rude to me this week brah. I'm gonna dish it back He playing head games with the guys back there? You dropping little things like that and just kind of seeing, just kind of give one of these, but like verbally and see who kind of jumps? If I can figure out how to, I'm usually too nice to do that,
Starting point is 00:23:14 but I'm trying to figure out how to be, you know, have a good balance of that. How about Fikowski? Did you talk to Fikowski? A little bit. I told him he'd go back-to to back again to measure because he that me him and yele the host are uh i think that's how you say his name are the three tall guys so we need to see who's the tallest oh i'd like to see that i'm gonna try to organize that tomorrow okay do it do it yeah bring it up i um i did get a chance to talk with fukowski a little bit today and then i saw his agent um at my hotel
Starting point is 00:23:46 some guy named benji yeah isn't that crazy yeah and so i asked benji if you could get fukowski on there he's like i always tell let me know if you want anyone on let oh you're gonna love this season he goes let me know if you want anyone on let me know if you want anyone on i'm like who do you represent and he names off all these people he's like and fukowski i'm like, who do you represent? He names off all these people. He's like, and Fikowski. I'm like, Fikowski. He's like, oh, come on. Like there's no fucking way. Not him. Come on, come on. Have you ever had him on?
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, no. But I think I've teased. I mean, I love Fikowski. He was on with Hunter McIntyre one time. On this show? Yeah. He doesn't know what he's missing out on, bro. This is the only place he had fun.
Starting point is 00:24:29 That was a long time ago, John, huh? Yeah, I mean, when Hunter McIntyre was relevant in CrossFit. I don't think I ever had Fikowski on. No, not on this show. Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. There was a whole battle between those two. No.
Starting point is 00:24:44 What? Brent Fikowski, the tall, dark, blonde dude? The guy with the crazy physique? Caleb's on it. Caleb, is this true? No, Caleb shook his head like, fuck you guys. Hey, does this stuff hydrate you?
Starting point is 00:25:00 No. Okay, a serious question, James. Sparkling water for hydration. it's just bullshit, right? It doesn't do it for something. I mean, I couldn't do it. I just need my regular H2O with some salt. I don't think I could do sparkling. That's a good hat.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I mean, it's still water. I think you could get away with it. But I just wouldn't want that. It's a great question. That photo looks like when you go to a mexican restaurant and the waiter gets in on the group birthday photo let's go you want with me oh that sucks so good we've been waiting almost 12 hours when do tdc and daniel brandon come on jesus we got james sprague what do you need yeah i'm not pretty enough, guys. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You are pretty enough. Don't look down. Thank you. So, Hiller, what did you have to do to get that pass to be in front of us on that bike today? I was shocked to see you there. I was shocked to see him there, too. Let's talk about this. So are the people letting him in? You walk back there and you just don't ask any questions. And you just feel like
Starting point is 00:26:02 they didn't care? I think it was a little bit more open today yeah i got this blue wristband which gets you a little bit more than the pink wristband and with the wristband i just didn't get told to go away gotcha however you you shout at something and adrian shouted hey don't get distracted i got distracted that was the only instance i you're looking too big on those hormones, bro. Also, I just played Catan with Brian Friend, and he kicked my butt. Have you guys played Catan?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Hey, dude, are you still doing that right before the games? I heard that drops your T levels. Nah, bro. Yeah, yeah. Actually, it raises them. A lot. Not if you lose, Susan. Not if you lose.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Hey, that chick Mollylly said james is hot from yeah she didn't uh molly you should see him in person and i'm not even joking my dad's laughing he's getting a kick out of this your shit your shit'll swoon uh oh my god why that picture of my shorts all fucking buckled around my moose knuckle what is going on except on fanny pack. It was great hanging with you today. Fuck you. Someone made it a count, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:12 They got a pun in there. That's amazing. Wait, do you have two fanny packs on in that? Yeah. He does. You're in a two-chains? He's two fanny packs. That's like a grout fit. You can't do that, bro. It's like a what, James? A grout fit. Like gray on gray. a grout fit you can't do that bro that's like a what a grout fit like gray on gray bad boy trina mcloyd finally caught a live one my heart is full to see you in your prime
Starting point is 00:27:35 smash it boys she's talking to you james you're the only one in your prime oh no y'all look good y'all look great thank you and what about this upside down workout where it's like you're gonna do everything's upside down except for pullovers have you seen this thing i mean pullover should kind of go upside down too you get really dizzy i'll tell you that linking them together it's all it's all the dizzy fest brother just call it a dizzy workout it's sick though because if this is the only way handstand push-ups come up, Laura Horvath's happy, I'm happy. It's great.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So when you see that pullovers, we'll ask you and we'll ask all the boys here, what do you guys think is going to count as a rep? So you think you're going to do a pullover and then lock out at the top? Yeah. I'm sure they'll let you go unbroken if you want to or like reps on reps but you have to just like show clear lockout like a bar muscle up god that's gonna be nuts a pullover is when you jump grab the bar point your feet straight up into the air and then get on top of the bar yes correct yeah you kind of shoot over and then so to get down what are you
Starting point is 00:28:39 gonna do you're gonna do a negative muscle up and you let go of the bar and that's one rep um then you can you can almost you it's a reverse hollow so you kind of go into a superman hollow at the bottom and then you just kind of fall off the bar to link them together but this girl makes them look she does too much with her arms you can actually use like less arms if you figure it out dude someone's getting their junk wrecked on that pull-up. Oh, yeah. You have to wear really tight shorts. You got the Noble Cup or what? The Noble Cup. Oh, that'd be sick. I've done those before. 16. Sounds like so many.
Starting point is 00:29:16 How do you know it's 16? How do you know it's 16? He read the description. So you're saying you can do pullovers without dismounting yeah yeah he can do that okay all right yeah people can figure it out it's it's different it's just a different way to move your body opposite of hollow which is all we really do gymnastics with is a hollow position so if you can figure out how to get yourself out of that you can do it do you think j it do you think
Starting point is 00:29:45 james do you think that's the crux of the workout that part because i mean everybody has been doing free hand standing push-ups um since the last since 2021 do you think that's the crux of the workout or the 360 on the obstacle so unbroken obstacle steps to a 360 pirouette it really depends do you see how victor kicked up in that games post if they make you do a v-sit up that that might be the crux of the workout um if they make you do like a um straddle up into a handstand and then into that like that's a hard skill but if they just just say hey get up on this ramp however you need to then it is what then that'll be easier but boys i need ham what do i need be easier but boys i need ham what
Starting point is 00:30:26 do i need help what a ham i need help what are you guys talking about here i think on instagram the crossfit games post you can see victor do yeah this right here i doubt very many games people have that period that's a very hard skill he made very way too easy watch so so you basically have to have all that core control um be able to master the straddle and come up yeah there's no way anyone's doing it like that i guarantee it that's like way too advanced other people look way more sloppy but basically the whole game's build i mean you who 10 people can do this wait a second before you there, are you saying that we know that's the movement? You're going to stand below a box, put your hands on it, and get up on it with your hands?
Starting point is 00:31:09 I mean, I assume so if they were practicing that. Why would they post that and not be a thing? I can see that being the very last one because it says 360 pirouette and then 180 pirouette. The 180 pirouette is the last one yeah and 360 would be all the way around right he only did 180 when he continued to go forward right yeah i guess no i guess it'd be 360 yeah he did a 360 so i mean it really depends people are going to get jammed on those pullovers and it'll be like from the best pullover 16 split to the worst it'll be like a 45 second difference.
Starting point is 00:31:49 If you go 16 singles or 16 unbroken, it'll be like 45 seconds. So you could gain a lot of time from having good pullovers, but you could also gain a lot of time from being good at that skill. But all the others look fine. Like, like eight freestanding isn't that many. But it just helps to be proficient here. Just go fast and move. You don't need to sprint. Did you see the Instagram post where Adrian and Victor Hoffa, Victor Hoffa, Victor Hoffer, Victor?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Hoffer. That guy. By the way, that guy is a beautiful man. Did you see him in person, Hiller? He's great, bro. He's young too, young blood. He's a special looking kid. Yeah, he looks like a model too, but they're celebrating.
Starting point is 00:32:30 They're celebrating something. And I, and I asked him yesterday, I said, were you guys celebrating something that Victor did? And they both nodded. So whatever, maybe it is that, but they said basically Victor murdered something. Roman really liked that. Say that again. Roman was a big fan of that, right?
Starting point is 00:32:47 What do you mean? I don't remember. Wasn't that something that was posted on Instagram? Go to the comments here. Roman's comment. He said he didn't make the games or something. Oh, right. Too bad he didn't qualify. I don't know why. That came out of nowhere, I feel. Dude.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, like... Oh, dude. Poor guy. Oh, oh shit 27 replies 417 likes on a fucking post comment victor hoffer did something to roman real post hey james i just think that that translated wrong what do you think um no i think he really is trying to say something like that wow you do you think really got that kind of sense of humor like just fuck with some dude rando the other day a picture of him at the pool and said i am father trying to say i am daddy but he said i am father that would be funny i am am father. I'm father.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh, man. But, hey, think about this. This isn't even the skills test. We were talking about that in the text thread. This isn't event eight. What is the skills test if this isn't the skills test? I don't know. We don't know. It's got to be ring, front roll, back roll with L-sit handstands.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's got to be ring, front roll, back roll with L-sit to handstands. It's got to be that and a mat and low. Unpack it up for us. Triple unders? Triple unders? Triple unders. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It could be triple unders.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Wouldn't the issue be with that, though? Throw in a shot put, James, all right? Dude, I did shot put in the eighth grade. It was pretty weak, though. It's more than other people, I bet. I think it has to have the P bars. Yeah, that'd be sick. They had those. Well, we actually walked by the demo team garage today,
Starting point is 00:34:35 and I don't think it was supposed to be open, and we saw all the stuff in there. You did? Yeah, I tried not to look too hard. Oh, shut the fuck up. Are you kidding me? I hope your dad spanked you for saying that. What?
Starting point is 00:34:49 You're so polite. There wasn't really much to see, but it was just funny. I was like, they shouldn't leave that open while the athletes are walking by. Hey, wasn't it you who leaked some demo shit last year? We had you on the podcast or some shit? That was not me. No one leaks. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:04 No, I don't remember that either. You know, the demo team is not allowed to go on podcast this year, and I think that's because of you. Are you serious? Yeah. The Sprague rule, it's so weird. Yeah, it is called the Sprague rule. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:35:18 They also made a Nick Matthew rule. You can't cut your tops this year. Is that true? Yeah. Yeah, he said if the girls do it, though, he's doing it. Let's go. As he should. I'm like, dude, go do your thing. Run your brand.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Equality. Thanks for all the content you guys provide collectively. I think that's thanking you two. John Young? No. John Young. For Hiller's video today and John's mic sounding better. It did sound a little better.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It does sound better. I'm trying, guys. Sarah, James rooting for you from up in Washington. I go to the same gym as your uncle. Oh, shit. Wait, which uncle? You have an uncle? Which dad?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Dad, does Uncle Ted do CrossFit? Yes. Oh, that's crazy. From what Jim said. What's up? Oh, cool. Love it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Well, thanks, Sarah. I appreciate you. Mason Mitchell, respect to Sprague. Lucky camera straps. I didn't see Hiller wearing your straps today, by the way. Oh, damn. I didn't think we were doing anything today. And then we did a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Then you made a lot of videos. Hey, James, how was the bike track? Did they have an XL size bike for you? They only had two or three of them. And I had to steal Fikowskis. And yeah, they didn't have many of them. I think it was like three or four of us that needed them. And they only had two.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So we had to take two because they didn't heat to two is that but yeah i could not have gone i could not have gone on the large one i would have been way too small you and fukowski really did use the same bike that's true story yeah yeah i got to touch the same handlebars as him isn't that crazy well that i'm just wondering because they didn't have enough bikes so you had to share yeah just for today they'll definitely definitely have another XL for me out there. Hey, you know, I want to tell you guys something. I was there for Bethany Shadburn's helmet fitting today. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And Caleb's getting crazy. And I've always said that I thought Bethany Shadron was just crazy beautiful, and she reminded me of Wonder Woman because she had a giant head. I just loved how big Bethany's head was. And I found out she's a fucking small. Heartbroken. I still think she's beautiful, but it screwed my whole theory up. Don't bitch your heroes.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I still think she's beautiful, but it screwed my whole theory up. I was like – Don't beat your heroes. I've always thought – I was like her key to her beauty is her giant head. I did it like Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot. I just heard that, that beautiful women have big heads. And she is a small. And my whole theory is just all out the door. Damn.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I think you have a big head, don't you? James? No, no damn i think you have a big head don't you james no no fucking i have a big head james has got a watermelon yeah dude so on you're small around dude you'd be a small too i'm not small around you're adorable i'll keep saying it you're adorable a little i'm a little cup of jam yeah one of those little jam jars so we know like a lot of the games that's pretty crazy a lot of those i think we know half of them yeah i mean which one do you want to talk about the pig chipper it just depends on how they do the wall ball that's about it i think it's normal yeah it's great what do you mean it's how they do the wall ball that's about it i think it's normal yeah it's great what do you mean it's how they do it you mean like if you're gonna have to pick it up from behind what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:38:50 if they do like a 12-foot target or something weird like yeah it's either a 30 ball 30 pound ball to a 10 or or it's gonna be a 20 to like an 11 i bet so not normal not normal does there's no throw you off that 11 is that can make a big difference for you would you prefer like the 30 or would you prefer the higher you prefer higher for me oh the harder the wall ball the better yeah but i like that workout it's a great chipper i'm excited for it uh jonathan ortega, James Sprague. I need really good celebrations from you this week for photos. Oh, I saw this dude. Johnny's the man.
Starting point is 00:39:35 His stash is the best in the game, too. Yeah. He's got it going. Sebon was looking hench. What's hench? That's like a good thing. That's the word. Someone used that. I think Daniel Brandon used it. Hench?
Starting point is 00:39:50 Hench means like... Emily Rolfe used it. It means huge, like jacked. Wow. Dang, that's a compliment. Hench. Wow. I think that's how you're supposed to say it. That was good. Oh what up oh hedge
Starting point is 00:40:06 strong fit and having well-developed muscles yeah typically used for a man thank you james i'd go they them for you dang i don't know what that means but is that like saying i'd die for you, but even more intense? Maybe. Hey, Hiller and I were eating dinner tonight, and Ariel Lowen and her husband walked by, and they sat down with us. Oh, what? Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Yeah, that was nice. That's cool. Dylan. What is this call-in number thing? What happens if you call it? Dude, nobody's calling. We had one test call. We need some people. if you guys have a question for uh james call in he'll answer what is like do they come on the podcast and can speak or is it just yeah not like you won't see them
Starting point is 00:40:57 so excited for you guys thank you for your content katie you're welcome we're just getting hold on we're gonna get to something good in a minute. Max Ironcross. Oh, Eric Weiss. I don't think so. Two seconds. Top score. For the Shadburn helmet fitting catastrophe. Sloppy slop. $4.99.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Oh, here we go. We have a caller. We have a caller. Should I intro it again or am i gonna get blasted if i do the same no no dude you do you susan you do you don't let us judge you i'm not afraid caller say your name and what affiliate you belong to i'm a street parking oh awesome but in your name ryan ryan welcome to the show. Thank you. What's up, brother? You got a question?
Starting point is 00:41:48 I wanted to comment on Hiller's video today when he was talking with Dave about the bikes from the crib. Shit. Be nice. Please be nice. My finger's on the trigger, don't you worry. Dave really blew Hiller off because he was asking the tough questions. My finger's on the trigger, Sevan. Don't you worry. No, Dave
Starting point is 00:42:05 really blew Hiller off because he was asking the tough questions. No, because Hiller made a video about him being an asshole and Hiller destroyed him in some previous content. And then Hiller walked up behind him and started talking to him and Dave Eubanks turned around and he's like, fuck this dude.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And I don't blame Dave at all. You turn around and big old buff Hiller. Dave's a big dude too but Dave's like, fuck dude dude. And I don't blame Dave at all. You turn around and fucking big old Buff Hiller. Dave's a big dude too, but Dave's like, fuck, dude, I'm trying to work, and you're here, you ding-dong. No, he was answering text messages, homie. No, text messages. He was texting with Chuck on the size of something to move something to make sure James Sprague was happy about something.
Starting point is 00:42:41 James, were you happy? He was on the cold shoulder for sure. But for him to say that a crossfit athlete has too much power output like has he ever seen a track cyclist put pressure on those pedals aren't supposed to break off never take four calls again but hey sprague uh sprague you're a good dude and i'm rooting for you this year. Oh, thank you so much, brother. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman, and it's streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story Daisy Ridley I go to England or die trying
Starting point is 00:43:27 Trudy you don't have to do this don't let anyone take me out of the water no matter what Disney's Young Woman and the Sea streaming on Disney Plus
Starting point is 00:43:39 this Friday keep up the good work guys take care thanks Ryan thanks Ryan that one was better it wasn't so radio voice is that
Starting point is 00:43:49 just some shows you guys put that up motions and another caller another caller oh this one might get interesting we want to talk about Hiller's video again no what's your name and what affiliate do you belong to Hey, we want to talk about Hiller's video again.
Starting point is 00:44:08 What's your name and what affiliate do you belong to? Man, you got to get a better opening net. I just want to know if James is sharing his towel yet with this. You asshole. What? Hey, where's Coach Tom? That's the question. He's hiding like Waldo.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He wants to know if you and your dad shared a towel yet. No, no, not yet. He's in a different room. Hey, they shared dental floss. Ask James about his soft landing, soft launch. Where's Coach Tom? I want to get some answers this this weekend you'll probably just what just watch around you'll get answers without me good job all right good luck guys keep up the good work we're enjoying it thank you hey i didn't see
Starting point is 00:44:57 uh torres or uh dom or dc i don't know what dom or dc looked like but i didn't see uh torres around is he around today he was around today uh i didn like, but I didn't see Torres around. Is he around today? He was around today. I didn't think they – they don't really let coaches back. Oh, another one. Yeah. That's just what happens when you bring it up. Don't ask for what you don't want, James. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Caller, welcome to the show. What's your name? Caller. Hello. You're live on the air. There's 1,300 people people listening what's your name max what's up brother what can we do for you not much guys first i'll appreciate the content but second of all i wanted to know
Starting point is 00:45:37 the crossfit games feed absolutely sucked ass today and why was a yesterday. And I was disrespected in the athletes. Oh, my God. Can we do this after the games? So you enjoyed the feed. That's great.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Listen, I yeah, thanks. I thought the feed was amazing to hang up on this guy. Dude, I got to go back there tomorrow. I need to thank you
Starting point is 00:46:04 for your call. Thank you for your call back. Max, thank you for your call. Thanks, guys. Thank you for your call, Max. Max, thank you for your call. Hiller and I watched. We went on the drive home. Hiller puts his phone up on the windshield, and he played the Master's Feet.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I just want to say this. They're like, there's a pause in the action, and there's this thing that comes up on the screen that says we're moving the camera can you please wait take your time take your time hello caller welcome to the show what's your name i'm kate and i got j Yeah, go for it. Kate. Where is he? James is gone. What happened to James? I'll answer for James. Go ahead. Go ahead. We'll answer for him.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Well, I guess anybody can answer this, but I really wanted his opinion. Who do you think is going to win in a fight? Dallin or Hopper? Oh, there's James. Ask James that again. Great question, James. Oh's James. Great question, James. That's great. Here we go. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:47:08 James, who do you think is going to win in a fight? Pepper or Hopper? Wait, wait. Who is this? This is just a random person you don't know. That's a good answer. That's a good answer.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's a great question. I think they both have different skill sets, but since Hopper comes from a football background, I have to take Hopper. Oh, interesting. Are you going to tell Dallin that tomorrow? Oh. I think Dallin would understand.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I think Dallin – I haven't seen Dallin would understand. I think Dallin... I haven't seen Dallin be mean either. I think he's just... If he was defending one of his family, though, he'd rough some shit up. Dallin's got the dog in him. Yeah, Dallin's got the dog in him.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But I... I don't think it'd be like a knockout. I think they'd go pretty hard. Oh, shit. Downs wearing a Glennon shirt. That's cool. I didn't look at any media today. Zero.
Starting point is 00:48:17 This was 2.34 p.m. on Monday. Oh. Go ahead. Do you think anybody could beat Pepper in a fight? Do you think anybody could beat Pepper in a fight? Do you think anybody could beat Pepper in a fight? Do you think you could take him? Who is this caller? What's happening? They really don't like downing Pepper.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I think this is an AI bot. This is not a female voice. No, it's real. I could tell by the phone call. Okay. All right. Thanks for taking my time. No, no. It's a great call. Yeah, thank you. Listen, I'm going to answer this. I'm going to answer this. I don't know. It's a great call. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I want to answer this. I'm going to answer this. I can't believe James came on here today and he's like, I'm fucking, I'm fucking hopper up today. And now he just got, let me say something. That one would fucking put fucking hoppers head in a toilet and flush it.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Ooh. I like it. Spank him on the ass. Anyway, you know, Hopper doesn't know his feet from his head. How's that? All right, good luck this weekend. Thank you, Collin.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Dude, I'm telling you, Jason Hopper is so big. He is big. He is big. I mean, Down's big, but I saw the two of them standing next to each other. Hopper is like a slab of meat. He's like Griffin Rawley kind of stretched out a little bit. Yeah. No, I could see that.
Starting point is 00:49:27 He is thick. I don't think Hopper's 220. I think Hopper's 229. Archer 7-off. Archer 7-off destroys everybody in a fight. I don't know. Yeah, I agree. Anyone with the Russian last name.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I think Jake Douglas. Caller, welcome to the show. Oh, Jake Douglas would fucking run through a fucking out. I saw him go in the outhouse. I felt sorry for the outhouse. Like, what are you doing there? Well, Jake is one of those guys that's super nice, but you know he has this side.
Starting point is 00:49:53 If he turns it on, you're done. And his tats, bro. He looks almost black. He looks like you could hit him with a bat in the face and his face wouldn't feel it. I mean, he just got that, like, yeah. I agree. Douglas doesn't look like a real human being in person apparently me and him are competing for the third spot on down and jason's team so i have to beat jake at the games for what team for our walk so far in the events james, I think you're going to be fine. Thanks, bro.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Thanks, John. John's like, when are we going to talk about CrossFit? The Mighty Joe Young. Keith and Michelle Neal, not Michael, the Street Parkers, will be at the Games Thursday. Hope to see you and any of you this weekend. You are all doing great. Oh, that's them.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I saw them. I had to get the screen to look close. What's up, guys? Keith and Michelle Neal. Hi. Hi, guys. Okay, let's get through some of these. Okay, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I didn't see Heidi today. What's with the street parking VIP seats there now in Cahoots with CF? There were street parking VIP seats at the games? Wow. I didn't know that. James, this is your doing, dude. Callers, welcome. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I just want one of my friends to come on and say something embarrassing. Have some fun. I think they did already because one of those was from Naples, Florida. Oh, wow. Okay. Richard Crinkle Vag. Richard Crinkle
Starting point is 00:51:25 Vagine. Crinkle Vagine. Vagine. Dick Crinkle Vagine. Caller, you're live on air. What's your name? Dude, it's Jeremy. What's going on? What's up, Jeremy?
Starting point is 00:51:42 What it do? What it do? What's up, dude? I'm What it do? What it do? What's up, dude? I'm dying to hear about how you broke up with your girlfriend. God, I still don't know the story. Oh, shit. I'll see you soon. I'll tell you in person.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's better in person. I don't want to bore the audience. You got a big audience tonight. This is crazy. Love it. James Friggs. James Friggs is here. That's what's up.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Is that really? James, question for you, man. This is crazy. Love it. James Riggs. James Riggs is here. That's what's up. Is that really? James, question for you, man. How, when you walked by the demo tent, did part of you wish you were still on the demo team? Or are you happy to be on the demo team? Is that a real question? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:24 No, no, no, man. You gotta be super psyched dude you made the games that's freaking awesome man that is cool yeah it's it's very redeeming and full circle you know it was great experience last year but i really think that it wasn't it wasn't my calling to be on the demo team. I want to be a game guy. Absolutely. I think you crushed that too, but I think the best part is your attitude, man. You got a killer attitude in a good way.
Starting point is 00:52:54 You're a positive dude. It's pretty fun. It's pretty fun to watch you, man. What's your favorite event that you're looking forward to so far? I like the bike. I like the 5K. I like the pig chipper. And I also like how the handstand push-ups are not programmed in a capacity form.
Starting point is 00:53:12 That helps me out. What does that mean? What does that mean? I like that. What do you mean? Not 50 handstand push-ups for time type deal. Right, right. Not a bunch.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Also, that sandbag skier is gonna end lives oh yeah that's gonna hurt so bad somebody commented i think on the the instagram saying that that doesn't seem hard enough and i'm like oh gosh that's gonna kill people bro that's the worst uh event lactically of the weekend so far like That's going to make people throw up. Do you think the sandbags will be the same weight? Yeah, it's 200 pounds. That's heavy. Oh, you know that already?
Starting point is 00:53:54 That's more than your mom, bro. That is more than my mom. That's two moms. Did they tell you that, James? Yeah, it said it in the email. Oh, we don't have that email, man. You're going to do 30 front squats holding a 200 bag in the front? 50?
Starting point is 00:54:11 It's not about going hard on the skier. You could probably dog the skier and be a beast on the bag and win that workout. Are you allowed to hold it on your shoulder? Oh, as soon as they hang up on this motherfucker. Not James, but the guy calling in. Dude, it's multiple people. It's not just multiple people. It's not just me. It's multiple people.
Starting point is 00:54:28 This show is crazy. It's awesome. Hey, wait, James. You're going to do 50 front squats with a 200-pound bag. Even worse. If they make you put it on your shoulder, that's even worse, man. Because when you drop that thing, cleaning it back up with no legs sucks. Hey, so I'm going to
Starting point is 00:54:47 say something stupid. John's going to fucking destroy me for this. So you don't do those unbroken? Potentially. Goddamn. I think the winner will do it unbroken. If you do the first 30 unbroken, you're not doing the last 20 unbroken. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:55:04 That's cool. You don't think so? Amen. Oh, I can't wait to see. Ellie Turner is going to – I want to see Ellie Turner do this. This is just – James, what's with the – Oh, Ellie Turner. What do you want to amrap?
Starting point is 00:55:15 Do they break that down, the bike? Like, are you just, like, 40 minutes hits and you're, like, mid-lap and you stop? Like, what's that? So, say you finish um so so for example if your lap was six minutes today you could get six laps in 36 minutes right then you would have four more minutes so you would finish that lap and whoever you're on that final lap with lap seven however you finish lap seven would be your score so say there's three guys that get into lap eight um then those three guys would be racing for one two and three and whoever finishes lap eight first
Starting point is 00:55:51 so you you will definitely bike over 40 minutes unless you somehow perfectly time it so it's it's actually more than 40 minutes you're going to go over that that time domain so so if you did it smart today and that thing you were finding figuring out how can i get to that final lap with just getting through a few seconds earlier so i can have the final lap oh okay so okay so some strategy to it i like it yeah all right i don't want to take up too much more time here. I also, last question, John,
Starting point is 00:56:27 how many natural ice drinks did you watch? Oh Jesus, Jeremy, you can't say the first thing and then fucking come with another question. Okay. So get it out, spit it out, spit it out.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Go, go, go. How many natural ice drinks did you watch? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Natural light. Is that a beer? That's a beer. Look at her. Look at her. Okay. Thank you, Jeremy. Bye. I love you. I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:56:51 See you tomorrow. See you soon. Holy shit. The calls, dude, are insane. Hey, will you be taking a watch out there, James? Is that what you're saying? You'll be taking like a lab watch? Yeah, use that one they gave us, the G. Oh, you already got that. Yes, sir. Natural light.
Starting point is 00:57:10 What color is that? I think it's the woman's one. They gave me the woman's one. The unknown. $50. I've seen women with that color. Why did they give you a women's color? I don't know. Dad, would you mind shutting the door, please?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Why, was he taking a shit with the door open? I think he's talking to his girlfriend. Hey, Dad, would you mind shutting the door? We can listen to his girlfriend, Tom. And don't use my towel. You're going to be on the podcast if you don't shut the door. Oh, awesome. Tom, I say hi. Alright, we got another caller here.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Caller, hello. Welcome to the show. Goddamn, I can't help but love you. Oh, I love you. Okay. Caller, yes. What's your name? Hello, gentlemen. How are you today?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Fantastic. How are you? Fine. Wonderful. Glad to hear that. I'm fine. Thank you. I'm calling from Bolivia.
Starting point is 00:57:57 My name is Angelo. Oh, good thing you had on. I was going to tear your shit up. Go on. What's going on, brother? Sorry about that. Well, James, I have a question. Do you think you can beat Roman in this ski back event?
Starting point is 00:58:16 I don't know. We'll see. I'm going to try my best to do great in all these, but it's not a machine capacity event. His skier ability isn't going to help him in this. It's going to be squat capacity. Of course it, it helps to have a better ski, but it's not a skier workout like the pool one last year was all skier.
Starting point is 00:58:35 This one is skier is like 10% of this workout. So, so to be exact, I don't know how I'll finish. I think I can do good in there, though. Yeah, I hope to see that. And thank you. Thank you for the answer. And I have one comment. I think the broadcast today do a big favor to the new coming behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Because that was a shitty thing. Yeah, so the bar was too low. Now, now Savan can do a masterpiece with the behind the scenes. Beautiful. We love it. Thank you so much. The broadcast today was
Starting point is 00:59:21 a master broadcast four or five times on repeat. The broadcast today was a master broadcast four or five times on repeat. I probably won't get any sleep tonight watching some of it. Hey, you guys, remember James Spriggs is a rookie. How old are you, James?
Starting point is 00:59:36 21. Jesus Christ. Take it easy on him. Another 50 is coming if you close the phone lines. I cannot, but thank you. No, what are you guys talking about? We're just getting going. Jeff Gassick.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I like that guy. The guy from Bolivia who sounded like a mothball? Hey, Jeff. Hello? Jeff Gassick, $50. You all rock. James, the tall people proud. Sousa Hillerer I want a CEO hat latest shirt
Starting point is 01:00:06 are they on? Collier got your got to turn that YouTube off in the background gotcha gotcha what's your name where you calling from? this is Blade yeah buddy alright so i'm playing shot caller and so i got two questions oh here we go one
Starting point is 01:00:33 one i want to take sprager for one of the events which one is he calling this shot uh if you're asking me personally if there would have been a swim event i would have said call your shot on that but since there's no swim event i'd say the bike one or the 5k all right bet 5k it is because that's what i was probably going to pick him for is either him or lazar so you need to represent for your boy. Give me some points. Love it, dude. Hopefully I helped you out there. Are you playing yourself? Me?
Starting point is 01:01:12 Oh, there you go. Yeah. I mean, I signed up in the app thing. I don't think I filled anything out yet, though. Oh, that's okay. We got more than enough time. All right, man. It's all love. I'm going to go and get off and catch the rest of the show.
Starting point is 01:01:27 All right, man. Thank you. Hold on. Let me read this for you. Jeff Gassick, did we meet him today? No. Okay. You all rock. James, make the tall people proud. Susan Hiller, I want a CEO hat.
Starting point is 01:01:40 If you're talking about a visor, ask me for one, and I'll try to get you one. I want a CEO hat, latest shirt. Are they on site? i'm in the campgrounds and everywhere else i think i met this guy today okay go ahead he's taller he's taller i can't remember i went with you i know jeff okay caller welcome to the show what's your name where you come from oh this is cool, boy. I am calling from the lovely San Francisco City. I just want to call and just give one CrossFit HQ five thumbs up on that live coverage today. The Masters athletes, you could almost see all their wrinkles if you squint your eyes really, really hard. The young teenagers they look like they were maybe back in the third grade again from the from the viewpoint
Starting point is 01:02:29 it was amazing amazing nothing but the most top most compliments for crossfit hq on that i just want to bring the energy for you guys i'm currently in san francisco the city smells like a giant toilet. I already stepped on three or four needles. So be thankful you're in the beautiful city of Madison, Wisconsin. And James, if you're there my dude and you're ever experiencing a moment where you feel like you're going to quit and the finish line is right in front of you.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I just want you to yell out at the top of your lungs. Run! Go! of you. I just want you to yell out at the top of your lungs the wrong golf to the top to the top of the man. Have fun this weekend, y'all. Love you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Great call, poor boy. Was that a dig at John Young there at the end? No. I don't think so. Get to the chopper! Oh, is that what it said? Get to the chopper?
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, that was great. It wasn't Goonies. Oh, gosh. Oh, is my mic messed up? Someone's saying my – oh, how's that? Is my mic messed up?
Starting point is 01:03:42 You got to put it inside there. How's that? Is that better? You're good. You're good. Thank you. Thank you. Someone told me. messed up? You got to put it inside there. No, I'm just kidding. How's that? Is that better? You're good. You're good. Thank you. Thank you. Someone told me.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Why does this guy got to tell me? How come no one else tells me? We want interaction, engagement. Setty, fix your damn mic. We can barely hear you. Thank you. Dude. James, are you overwhelmed yet?
Starting point is 01:04:03 All right. Welcome to the show. Wait, what did you say, James? Shane from Sunny. Caller, go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Shane from Sunny Palm Springs, California. Call for Siobhan and Hiller.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Man, certainly glad to have you guys back. Curious as to what you're most surprised by today, kind of being back and obviously Hiller being the first time. And what as to what you're most surprised by today, kind of being back and obviously Hillary being the first time. And what do you think you might do differently tomorrow? Good question. Surprised James Sprague came on the show
Starting point is 01:04:33 when he should be sleeping. I'm going to bed now. I wasn't surprised by anything. I was reminded by how amazing the event is and how amazing the athletes are. They're really special looking in person. They're really, there's a lot of like this nondescribable glow coming from these people. I mean, these people are really showing up. I mean, dude, I mean, Emily Rolfe and Paige Semenza and Shelby Neal and Dallin Pepper and James Sprint.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I mean, dude, Noah and Cole. Dude, it was crazy. It was crazy. People are glowing. Don't you think, James? I mean, people are glowing. Yeah. I mean, it's a good-looking bunch, man.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I think it doesn't fall from the tree. When you work hard, you look good. So I think it's pretty cool to see that. Yeah. Everyone's come up with their A game. Okay. Nice having you on, James. Go ahead, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:05:32 What surprised you, Hiller? Well, I've been here every year for five years. So, I mean, it's gotten easier. It's gotten easier. Every single year you show up. Oh, I mean, even this year compared to last year. I think I was talking to Tyler Watkins or maybe it was Brent about just having the camera in general
Starting point is 01:05:50 makes a huge difference when compared to an iPhone. That was surprising. The difference in just people's reactions to it makes it easier. I got to apologize to the caller because three calls came in at one time and my phone just jammed up. I love it.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Let me get through some of these real quick. Sorry, what did you say, James? I said I keep jamming up too. It keeps kicking me off. It's probably my sign to go to bed. James, thank you for coming on. I really, really appreciate it. I'm not even just saying
Starting point is 01:06:22 thank you for the sake of it. You're a superstar and we're honored and blessed to have you, brother. I'm honored to be here, too. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay, bye. Good night, boys. Bye, dude. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:35 See you tomorrow, dude. Jason from Canada. It was like they mounted cameras in Birmingham and forgot they moved the games back to Madison. Oh, God, James, please. They move the games back to Madison. Oh god, please Australia Alexander Alexandra Barry for behind the scenes. Thanks for joining James
Starting point is 01:06:54 Thank you The chat is nuts, dude. Yeah, I know The phone is nuts Ben No Ben Davidson Call her No No Call her I love you Oh shit Ben Davidson great meeting you today
Starting point is 01:07:15 Oh so this is one of Mayhem's How come his comment is blue like that Pull him back up Did he pay money No that was interesting all right maybe maybe someone started um oh that was nice you nice job caleb oh so that it would catch my eye good job dude you're a beast amanda osborne 1999 i promise i won't say hi or hug you said a long time listener you can everyone's been great everyone's been awesome awesome awesome awesome uh the
Starting point is 01:07:48 reception there's been incredible uh sloppy slop amanda i will give an extra big hug for you thank you uh phil a chow john young looks so jacked and juicy today me like likey likey. Semper Fidelis Sprague is the new Olsen. Okay. All right. Someone slide the mic over a little so we can hear you. Is that better? Am I doing better now? They already got the new photo
Starting point is 01:08:18 up. Look, it's you. Jeez. Damn, that was quick. Magnus Holmgren, Mexico. Who would win in a chess game out of all the male games athletes? Hopper. Belner. No.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Fikowski. Colton. Colton's good. I'm staying with Hopper. Hopper plays checkers. Ken Walters. Blade, thank you for your public service. My goodness, there's so many chats.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Yeah. You guys are out of control today. Hey, I want to apologize, by the way, for the show we missed today. I am really going to try to do that tomorrow. I'm going to try to do a midday show, even if it's just for 10 minutes. I'm scared to go live at the venue, although Heather Lawrence has been absolutely fantastic. But before I go live, I need to make sure wherever I'm at, I get the approval from her. And today I just wasn't – I couldn't get in touch with her in time.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And by the time I did get in touch with her, I was off to the races. But I'm going to really try to do that tomorrow. I think you guys will really like it if we can all jump on our iPhones and you can see the venue. So we'll try that tomorrow. Sevan pulling the alpha move, making Hiller sit in the bathroom, flush the toilet. Hey, I need his internet, man.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Hey, Hiller pulled internet, man. Hey, Hiller pulled the alpha move because I got to take a piss and he's in there. I ordered someone's dinner tonight. He did. The waitress came and he ordered my dinner. I was like, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:00 He said he's getting the same thing so I just ordered two of what I got. We're getting a fucking date. For that selfie you're going to take with me this weekend and all you're doing to bring us the great athlete stories absolutely ken can't wait to see you oh ken ken put a picture of me too ken's the um buffed old dude uh semper fit dellis oh where's that from what is is that? Charcuterie. Looks like Cashew and Hiller are boys now. I saw the bro hug.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I went from who Hiller to hugs. Oh, shit. I'm back. I'm going to kill that screen. I'm back. I'm going to kill that screen. Harry, balls on you. Can we talk about the kettlebell swings today?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Absolutely. Were there kettlebell swings today? Yeah, as soon as we see them from the sky again. Was there a workout with kettlebell swings? Yeah, the Masters did Helen, or the age groupers did Helen today. Oh, that's right. How were they? How did they judge them? Everything good?
Starting point is 01:11:05 Sam Briggs had pretty good swings. I think everybody else did not. Did Sam win? You could see that, Caleb? I don't think so. I just saw a video that somebody sent that looked pretty inadequate. This is fun, a Ukrainian swing. Do you know what the best time was, Caleb? Let was 7 16 i think there was a sub seven time
Starting point is 01:11:31 and then for the women it was 750 for the 35 to 39 samson 44 44 she was 801. Oh, that's so upsetting. She beat me by two seconds. You did that workout? You did the workout? Helen's version. Master's version.
Starting point is 01:11:58 No, I did regular Helen for the first time a week ago. Oh. Oh, I got you, Johnny. Oh, you did. You did. Absolutely. Absolutely. Hell yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Hell, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:08 20 seconds or something like that, right? What place is Scott Banchik in? Probably like sixth. What the hell? How can that be? Hey, where the hell did that go? Where did we get rid of the leaderboard? I'm trying to refresh.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Sorry. Sorry, I wasn't yelling at you. I was just really into it. You guys can see this right now. I turned it down, but the phone's still just going off. Go ahead, answer. Hey, John, is there anything you want to talk about? This show's going to be over before you know it. Were there any workouts or anything you want to talk about?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Do you want to talk about the workouts that were announced? Okay, let's do it real quick. Scott Panczyk's 7th. Holy shit. How can that be? He's waiting. It's early. If you're 7th on the Masters, it's hard to make up ground
Starting point is 01:12:58 to 1st. It makes me wonder what dancers at 280. The gap on 1st through 5th, it's just really hard to make up ground in the Masters. Briggs got seventh in the lift one year and got first. Every single other event, she got first, and she ended up in second. Okay, I did hear this. I did see Scott today, and he said he was sick, and I misunderstood.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I thought it was like a week ago. This guy's saying he was puking his brains out before Helen. Okay. And that's why he looked so lean in that photo. He said he lost a shitload of weight. All right, that makes sense. All right. He's a young guy.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I competed against a lot of balloons, so he's really fit. Let's talk about this inverted medley and ski bag. Are these the two that were announced? We talked about this with James Sprague a bit. Okay, let's go. Let's pick who's going to win this inverted medley. Let's start there for the women. Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Fuliano. Elisa Fuliano. I'm going Ariel Owen. Ariel Owen is my second pick. That's a great pick. I just want to pick an underdog. But Ariel Owen would be my pick out of the top women. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Hey, who did we have? There's not enough handstand wadding for Daniel Brandon to win. Who did we have on the show who was a level nine gymnast? Emily Rolfe. Emily Rolfe? Was it Rolfe? It wasn't Paige Powers, was it? Probably one of the two, honestly.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Hey, you know who else might have been a gymnast? Like a really good gymnast is Alexis Raptus. Yep. Cave Dastro did that too. What did he say, Alexis Raptus? Yeah, is Alexis Raptus. Mm. Yep. Cave Dastro did that too. Oh, what did he say? Alexis Raptus? Yeah, he said Raptus. Yeah. John, how would Rich do in the Masters?
Starting point is 01:14:54 Ooh. I mean, he would probably win. Yeah. Why? Never count him out. He might pick to win. Yeah. Ukrainian swing top search on Hunter Biden's laptop. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Good job. ET is alpaca. Two scored events. It says for time twice in the description. No. One event. No, it does say for time twice. Is it the push at the beginning
Starting point is 01:15:25 bailey rail was a gymnast so lots of gymnasts oh it does say for twice no where it says around for time and then at the top it says for time oh sure enough so i don't know if that's a typo could be that the sled pushes for time that's what i was gonna say like so you don't game it you know it could be the person who wrote it it's only one slot for a score for now it could be that the person who um wrote alpaca understands it about as well as i do i think it's a typo because I mean they wouldn't redo what they wanted to do last year and have it two different events
Starting point is 01:16:11 maybe that was their intent before it's possible yeah Nolan Southfield women's 40-45 first champion to test positive I hope not hear me out. Savant's been working with CrossFit this whole time and the alpaca
Starting point is 01:16:30 thing and all of this has been one massive Floyd and Kane engagement in some off-brand way. He's still the head of media and no one knows it. Wow. Sigh off. Turn off that freaking sound. Hashtag sigh out.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And the earth is flat. For the men on that workout, I think I'm going to pick Justin. Colton. I have to see it to pick. Fikowski. Definitely not Fikowski. Wait, you're picking Justin for the inverted medley? Justin Medeiros?
Starting point is 01:17:10 Or Colton Mertens? I think Caleb picked Mertens. Colton Mertens. Is he good on his hands? I just imagine he'll be quick. Wow. Yeah. You're seeing the cycle speed? Yeah. The pull cycle speed.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Hey, Nick Matthew. Nick Matthew. Vellner. People are saying Vellner. Vellner. Vellner. He has never won a handstand walking event, though. Every handstand event he should be good at, he is not.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I mean, except the deadlift free handstanding push-up one. That was such an oddball event. Well, this one's pretty oddball, and it's got the free handstanding push-ups. I hope so. It'd be great. I hope so. He just always underwhelms me, and it's straight gymnastics workouts because you think he should win, and he hasn't in the past.
Starting point is 01:18:01 But I would love him to win, obviously. But, I mean, I picked Justin. Will Morehead. Ooh. I mean, I picked Justin. Will Moret. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Thanks for all the oohs. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Ooh. Wow. Okay. So we got some big names, good names for both the men and the women. And the ski bag for time. That's got Colton's name all over it. Well, if the ski really doesn't mean anything, and I don't know if I buy that, but if it doesn't mean very much.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I buy it. I buy it. Then absolutely. And if I was Colton, I would ski slow. Don't even try to go ski fast. And then just – because I think Colton can go unbroken on the sandbag squats. He did 365 for 30. I think as long as his hands can stay around the bag,
Starting point is 01:18:55 I think he can do this unbroken. Chandler? So just go slow in the ski. Oh, and Sprague was talking about putting the bag on your shoulder. Mm-hmm. I mean, I think there's going to be some the bag on your shoulder. Mm-hmm. Your forefold will do that for sure. You think there's going to be some rules about where you can carry it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Almost certainly. If they're skiing, though, you would think they'd have them hold it like this because your lats would be flexed the whole time, right? And so you're hurting the same muscles by skiing. I would think. Yeah, to blow it up beforehand so it makes it even tougher to hold it in that position people come out on that 30 really fast and now they have to hold that bag just to f you up on the back half yeah because as i say then the 20 calories on the
Starting point is 01:19:36 skier matters a lot more right so if you got all that time and attention with the 30 squats and then you tried to power output on that skier your biceps gonna be blown up you might see a lot of people fumble that bag and their last like five reps on the set of 20 might make for an exciting finish. It has to be there. Jonathan Ortega. I think it's going to be a really fun one to watch though.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Hey, all this all this might be good in the inverted medley too. Oh, yeah. He might be really good. Okay. I think Jeff Adler will be good at the ski squat? Yeah, I do. Even Colton would be my picks.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I do. Colton did mention that he's got some issues with his knee. Hey, does anyone do that unbroken? Colton. I stand by I think the winner will do it unbroken. God, that's savage. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, and I think Colin Brander on the women's side.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Say again? Christine Colin Brander on the women's. Oh, that's a great pick for this one. Hey, you know who they have on the demo team? I just realized, too. They got Griffith Raleigh, dude. He could do it on broken, for sure. Yeah, if there's anyone out there that could do it on broken.
Starting point is 01:20:58 What about Luke Parker? Can he do something crazy on that? For sure. The bag's crazy, yeah. Talking about winning the event top 5 in that squat one Samuel Cornway, Alex Vigneault he's strong as shit
Starting point is 01:21:12 I'd pick those two over Luke Parker on that you think somebody does it unbroken and still doesn't win if multiple people do it unbroken then yeah nice true there's only one option if that is the case yes no they all went unbroken and it was a high oh you know today turner ellie turner's a good dark
Starting point is 01:21:38 horse for this workout a dark horse how you know what i hate dark horses wait ellie turner should win this one what do you mean ellie turner's gonna white horse her way to win this workout hey you know what i saw today he was just on fire it was uh bjorg and carl goodmanson just in crazy high spirits yeah looking sharp Looking sharp. All right. Good night. Cool. No, wait.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Wait, wait, wait. I have to pee. I want to end the show and get you out of my path. Make you leave. There you go. All right. Maybe it's just the only word for it. Yeah, that's not the correct definition. The internet's wrong.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Are there synonyms? It's one of those changed ones. What are you thinking about, Hiller? Probably this one. A sexual act where one naked man sits on another man's hairy back in the riding position and... god oh god it goes on and on hey remind me on the next one of this shit when the when the games are
Starting point is 01:22:52 over we'll do a whole show on that definition of the dark horse you should ask questions you should ask questions in the behind the scenes do you consider yourself a dark horse and then pull up that definition afterwards. Hillard, do you have a hemorrhoid?
Starting point is 01:23:11 No, I've been sitting on the floor because I was getting a hemorrhoid. He's in the booth. I have a habit of sitting on floors in hotel rooms at school. Tomorrow, we will be back at the venue bright and early. booth. I have a habit of sitting on floors in hotel rooms. It's cool. Tomorrow we will be back at the venue bright and early. Lots of pictures coming. I'm guessing
Starting point is 01:23:32 Hiller is going to continue to kill it. Everyone's been fantastic. It really is awesome. If you live anywhere near here and you can come to the event, you should come. It's really cool. I was surprised how crowded it was today, actually. I mean, it's a big campus, so it's still comfortable, but there were
Starting point is 01:23:48 a shitload of people there today. Anyway, we'll be bringing you tons of media. There's tons of media there. And that's it. Sousa, thank you. Caleb, thank you. John, thank you. Jeremy, thank you you I've been
Starting point is 01:24:07 called a dark horse many a time on that note we'll see you guys tomorrow bye bye

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