The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #6 | The Big CUT

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yeah, that's what he said.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Oh, my God. this steak is so good. What'd you get? Filet. Two of them. Oh, you're gonna put two of those bad boys down? Two filet mignons. Nice. Is that the first thing you've eaten all day? No.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I had three gallons of Jocko fuel. Jocko. Jocko. Jocko fuel. Jocko. Oh, shit. Tastes like discipline. Bam. We's live.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Oh, my goodness, guys. 9, 730 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 930. CrossFit time. Oh, nothing like hearing me. Doug Sparklin stuff Caleb new headphones new headphones they're fantastic thank you guys oh my god those really do
Starting point is 00:01:52 sound incredible yeah that's awesome wow holy cow um uh who wants to tell a story first you guys story stories Caleb uh just like one big one i guess i was just gonna say something about the rv park was pretty cool that's probably it tell me i watched lazar blow up rv park was super cool uh i went over there
Starting point is 00:02:19 probably towards the end of the last event and i just kind of met up with everybody and so many people said hi and there's just a massive amount of people there were probably probably 100 plus people there and then even more showed up towards the end and they're just hanging out talking enjoying everybody's meetings further in person i saw dale is, has, he's the greatest greeter of all time. He just, yeah. Good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:47 CrossFit CrossFit Portsmouth or what's he, uh, PSKC CrossFit. I think this is the one he owns. Um, but yeah, I met a ton of people. They all introduced themselves.
Starting point is 00:02:58 They gave me their chat names and everything so I could reference who they are. And, uh, it was really cool. Really fucking cool. Everybody's super nice. And that was a lot of fun. Thank you guys for greeting me so warmly.
Starting point is 00:03:10 James, we don't have the, this is kind of last minute. We don't have the phone number tonight. Sorry. Everyone's just off their computers. We didn't set up the podcast stuff. You didn't. But soon. Maybe we'll do a link to a show tomorrow and have you on if you're around.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Barry McOchner, all of Katrin's sandbag squats were no reps. I don't know. I didn't see it. I had some amazing interviews with her, though. She's been so good to me. I can't even believe it. Tank Reeves, buh-bye flops. Oh, wow. Oh, no. Come can't even believe it. Tank Reeves, buh-bye, Flops. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Oh, no. Come on. Oh, no. Starting early. Themoglobes, thank you for giving Beaver a minimal viable product. I can finally hear a sexy voice. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Dude, I'm telling you, I know. I can't believe. I'm eating a steak during the show. What do you expect? I know. You never eat on the show. Yeah, this is the first time I've ever eaten on the show. Yeah. This year's games are intense.
Starting point is 00:04:17 You guys are killing it watching Ellie and Helena at the end was rough. Yeah, what happened? Someone told me what happened. Oh, that was incredible. She was crying before she went out there something's wrong with her she broken yeah she was she was running with a limp um when we saw her do her 400s she was just limping the entire way through uh which is actually pretty incredible because she was probably running faster than i would have been if i was doing that workout and then as soon as she came into the
Starting point is 00:04:43 stadium everybody just like it was like a standing ovation they just all stood up in unison and started applauding and cheering and they just gave her so much love as she walked into the into the arena and then she walked up to the bullet bar like she was covering her face as she walked up to the bullet bar it was crazy she just seemed to be overcome with emotion and then she started doing a bunch of bar muscle-ups and then i think she had a time cap and she had to hop down um once she hopped down she actually like slipped off of the mat and fell on her butt and then uh so i don't know if that might have exacerbated anything at all but it she landed on the mat itself. It was actually pretty thick. That was also incredible.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Did they just fall? Yeah. Barkley just handstand walked across the fucking press pit and then just fell into the cooler. How come they haven't kicked you out of there yet? I don't know. The doors are still open even. There's quite a few people here still.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Anyone I know? Taylor there? No. Halpin's here. Walken's here. And then some other guys. Katie Gannon just walked by as well. Unsporty Beth, send James a link. Don't be racist. Come on. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I won't be cool. Shut up. I don't have time for that shit tonight. Sloppy Slop! Finally got my hug from the CEO of CEOs. Thank you. You met the Slop. Mr. and Mrs. Slop. Guys.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I just have to tell you that the behind the scenes is absolutely going to blow you away. I'm so excited. You name someone and I film with them today. And I got all the bubble athletes and the drama and crying. And like, I don't even watch the event. I'm just in the underground at the corrals, just interviewing people after people after people. I'm telling you, everyone, especially the bubble athletes, some great, some amazing shit from like Caroline Stanley, Mana Anganese.
Starting point is 00:06:50 But don't think I'm not getting the Ariel Lowens and the Alexis Raptuses. I'm all up in Alexis Raptuses shit. There she is riding a dolphin. Wow. Oh, yeah. I remember when you got that shirt. They didn't want to give that shit to you. And then they did.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And you're rocking it. You're a stud. Nice. Yeah, it was a little awkward. I remember. I don't need one. Well, here I am wearing it. She's crushing it. Riding this competition like she's riding this dolphin right now.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Didn't you tell that story in the beginning of the show? We weren't live yet. Oh. Oh. You get to hear it twice. You get to hear it twice. You get to hear it twice. Hey, did you check the private chat? Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Roger that. Robbie Myers, because you guys are killing it. Love you guys. Guys, do you all agree Nashville next year? I have no idea. Dave specifically said that venue did not work at the press conference. Nashville? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 He said that that was one of the ones that they – I mean, I don't know. Maybe he's playing games and maybe that one did work. But he said he went and checked out some venues. He wanted to make sure that they, like, clicked. Like, he has to go there and see it and feel right about it. And he said that that one was not – did not click, did not work. Do you think it's okay to eat two filet mignons?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Fuck yeah. Yes. Dude, you've been – I went down there just to try to make sure you had some water and stuff when you were down underneath the Coliseum in the Athlete Corral. And just watching you work right there was exhausting. You would go to one person. You'd be interviewing. You'd put your camera down.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You'd look over your shoulder. You'd see somebody else. You'd walk right over your camera and come right back up. It was insane. I cannot wait to see all of it either. I'm trying to think of something fun to tell you guys without giving it away. I don't even care.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You'll forget by the time, by the time this shit comes out, it'll be new again. Hey, what's crazy too is Mariah Moore is there. And so, like, I can't even explain to you. I don't want to oversell it and then you guys be disappointed, but I don't think I can.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I think you guys are going to be like, oh, why didn't you tell us it was this good? Man. Thank you you Robbie Myers Thomas Graves guys Nashville no I don't think so but I don't know actually I shouldn't say I don't think so I have no idea Merton's over flopper listen don't call him flopper at least while I'm here
Starting point is 00:09:34 Jason Hopper was extremely generous with this time dude with me and even after he walked off the floor for his last time this weekend him and Marconi walked off the floor for his last time this weekend him and marconi walked off the floor and they walked far away from everyone like 100 yards down a bat dark concrete alley underneath the the coliseum they let me go with them and they let me film and hopper fucking like let me in and so did marconi and they don't got to do that shit
Starting point is 00:10:05 wow they know and they're sharing it with you too and it's not like something like jason hop it's not like you know what i mean it's like crazy vulnerable shit guys hey how is that when you approach them like because obviously they're super like emotional like this is huge for them and like you know what the situation is like how do you get a probe cole sager came out off the floor last time he's ever going to be on the floor maybe right wow yeah i'm gonna go into coaching yeah he's crazy emotional someone from the press approaches him and says something to him, like, hey, can I interview you?
Starting point is 00:10:48 I couldn't hear what it was, but it was like clearly they had the camera and a couple people, and he's like, no, no, no. I just fucking followed him. Him and Ben Bergeron just let me into this crazy intimate conversation. Wow. Same with Hopper and Marconi. Dude, it was crazy. Same with Frederick and Annie. Dude, it was crazy. Same with Frederick and Annie.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Dude, it was nuts today. I'm telling you, it's going to be nuts. And the CrossFit Games staff is letting me into some crazy shit, too. You're going to see all these meetings and crazy, like... I'm telling you. I was going to make the rest of the behind-the-scenes scenes I ever done look like nothing. This will be the best one yet You think? by far
Starting point is 00:11:30 Mostly because it's just it's Mariah and I teaming up and this dude Patrick Rios is murdering Oh, can I see the clip the Patrick Rios put up on our Instagram today? The Alex Gazan one? Yeah, oh Gazan's been so good to you guys wait till you see the fucking access Gazan's giving us, too. It's nuts, dude. Wait till you see this clip. Yeah, I want to see this. I haven't seen this yet.
Starting point is 00:11:51 My shit doesn't work down. My shit doesn't work because I'm underneath all that concrete. I didn't see Instagram or I can't see text messages all day. Yeah, Horvat's been great to Mariah. Mariah and Horvat are like this. Dude. Now I know why, now that I've been in the presence of Horvat,
Starting point is 00:12:11 why everyone's so impressed by her. That's a powerful human being, dude. Yeah, that's a powerful, powerful human being. I saw T today. On the go. I don't know if she saw me. today i'm gonna go i mean she didn't i don't know if she saw me i've been hanging out with jay crouch a lot my boy jay crouch and maddie sturt can i see that um can i see that instagram clip i think cam's grabbing it now which one
Starting point is 00:12:42 what just something today with a today with Alex Gazan. After you guys put it up, like 20 people came up to me and they're like, dude, that Gazan clip on your Instagram is dope, Mike. I don't have access to that. Yeah, it's on our Instagram, Caleb. Hey, guys. You have to know I don't have access to the Sevan podcast Instagram. Sousa is afraid that if I have it, we'll get...
Starting point is 00:13:04 What's that called? Shadow ban. Shadow ban. Hmm. Look at the shoes. Oh. Look at the shoes. Yeah, Rebecca Vitteson told me
Starting point is 00:13:20 you can't keep your shoes on while you push the sled either. You're just falling off. Oh, my goodness. She have toe spacers on? Hey, dude. Oh, and you got the two brain and peptides. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Oh, shit. Killing it. Guys, that's no joke. That's not like, hey, these are our sponsors. I'm telling you We dial California peptides. You would not see any of this And to brand you would not you're not gonna see the edit without their help either. It's crazy you guys you guys are stoked Wow
Starting point is 00:14:00 Rios killed that. Oh, she has nice legs Rios killed that. She has nice legs. Rios has been crushing it. Yeah, wow. He got some really good shots. I think he got Alexis Raptors doing the... Yeah, and it flashes
Starting point is 00:14:15 USA across it. Sarah, thanks for the steak. I want you to know I appreciate it. Keeps him feel-good. My arm's good. Savon, don't you know you're not supposed to eat on a podcast? Dude, I'm so hungry.
Starting point is 00:14:36 John Young's in the house. Let's bring up the leaderboard and get down to fucking business. Oh, that's cool. Yep, yep. Hey, dude. One thing before, as you bring up the leaderboard, there was a press conference tonight. Late night press conference. 8 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And Alexis Raptus is on stage with Dave Castro and a bunch of other athletes and shit. Lots of press there. It's crazy how many people are there. It's 200 people there and it's fucking like the event's long over. And it's night. There's 200 people there in the press conference and
Starting point is 00:15:04 maybe 20 people from the press, and then a big crowd, like the way the UFC does it. And I turn around for a second, and I see some dude who's like my age, maybe a little younger, crying. What the fuck is this dude crying about? And it's Alexis Raptus' dad, and he's so proud. And when I realize that, I start crying like a little bitch.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I mean, it was crazy. I ran out there and hugged him. Alexis Raptus' dad, and he's so proud. And when I realized that, I start crying like a little bitch. Amazing. I mean, it was crazy. I ran out there and hugged him. It was crazy. He's so proud of his daughter. I got that hug on film. You did? I got that interaction on film, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:36 God, that was nuts. He must be so stoked. He's like, when I see dads like that, they're like heroes of mine. Sorry for his daughter and shit. Okay. Let's talk about John. see dads like that they're like heroes of mine they're for his daughter and shit okay um let's talk about john um i mean there is something crazy to say there's no one in the world would have thought that um oh we're gonna start with the women okay wow emma lawson's in first now okay this is shaking out like the way you might think it is right now now there's nothing i mean
Starting point is 00:16:06 it's like it's not a hundred percent uh predictable but these are these are big dogs right john yeah and i mean there seems to be a tear forming if you look at uh ariel lowen and jamie simmons i feel like that top five is starting to separate themselves and we'll know for sure by the end of day three day three is going to be a big shakeup as well because everything's single modality for the most part. I think Annie could sneak into that tier and make it a tier of six. But I bet it starts separating more and more. And then after Saturday, those spots are going to stick.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And then it's just going to be a different order by the end of the weekend. But the same people. Errol and alexis and alexis i mean they've all did what they had to do to stay relatively where they were i mean emma lawson laura horvath those are monsters and they're going to keep being monsters and they're going to you know i think they're going to be one and two by the end of the weekend but um alexis raptus alexis and arrow load i think they're going to be one and two by the end of the weekend but um alexis raptus alexis and arrow load i think they're there to stay because they all did great today i didn't foresee that coming we tried to tell you john i tried to tell you try to tell me caleb you might need to mute your shit while you're not talking i mean you're welcome to talk but just have fun okay that's i'm not gonna know if you could just not talk. Don't worry, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I'll chime in to fuck your shit up every time. Oh, damn. I love that Caleb finally has a nice, new working mic, and it just... Please mute yourself. It's just the background noise. Ben Smith, the man continuing on with the torn patella tendon. Is that what's up with him?
Starting point is 00:17:42 I got... Hey, guys. Behind the scenes, I got him getting carted off by the fucking ambulance car and Dave coming over and talking to him and the conversation they have. I got it all. I'm everywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Holy crap. I got deep insight with Jorge Fernandez, El Chama. What's that guy's name? Chamas? El Chama. El Chama. What's that guy's name? Chamas? El Chama. El Chama. Devin Kim.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And the Weiss girl. They're giving me all sorts of crazy good shit. Great shit pouring off of them. Hey. Someone brushed me off. Who? I won't say yet. Wait, was it like a brush off because it was the wrong moment or was it just
Starting point is 00:18:30 no no no I tested it like two or three times to make sure it was like accurate it was a trip so wait you gave like a circle around each time every time three different brush offs yeah it was weird it was like you don't even treat like someone. Yeah. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It was like you don't even treat someone like that. It was weird. It was a trip. Oh, interesting. Um. Uh-oh. What's this text that just came in? Is it a group one? Uh. I don't have it.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Oh, shit. This is a good time to remind you guys to put on your toe spacers. Have you got them? Toe spacers? I can do anything you want. Ooh. You up text? It says, hey, Savant, we have a situation. hey seven we have a situation dude it's it's uh we have a situation where you may need to switch rooms tonight it's from crossfit staff i i wrote back i can do anything you want whoa i can sleep in the hallway whatever you need yeah yeah like yeah
Starting point is 00:19:47 like breaking I'll do whatever you want breaking several rooms I can do anything you want with oh what should I really chum it up with with
Starting point is 00:20:02 pleasure nice Chick-fil-A line. Is that? Everything ends with my pleasure. You have to say thank you. If you say thank you, they have to say my pleasure. If you don't say thank you, they'll just... Nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Oh, shit. Sorry. Sorry. Wow. All sorts of crazy shit's going down right now. What's your location? Edgewater. I might have to go. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I might have to move rooms tonight. I have to trip. Oh, excuse me. Oh. Hmm. Oh, fuck. I didn't get to see greg today you missed out that was a lot of fun you saw him yeah we talked for a little bit he was just surrounded by so many people just loving on him dude he went up to the affiliate lounge what yeah he went hung out at the affiliate lounge what yeah he went hung out at the affiliate lounge did he get destroyed it was
Starting point is 00:21:09 like three and a half hours three hours of just signing shit wait he just had to leave oh yeah i mean he he just he hung in there and it was just affiliate owner after affiliate owner coaches i mean everybody who had access to the affiliate launch or either like the head coach or the affiliate owner. And yeah, a couple people started to form a line, and next thing you know, he was there for three and a half hours shaking hands, kissing babies. Hiller's TRT, bro. Ben Smith, the man, continuing with the torn patella.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Crazy. But I have a solution for Ben Smith. After the games. Once he retires. I'll hook you up. Nah, fuck it. I'll hook you up with California Peptides. We got you.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Get some injections going. We'll get you healed up. Get some blood work done. Bring you out to California. Hey, Ben, we can hang out in Newport together. I know a person. Eric, right on the beach. Eric Weiss, good evening, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You're all killing it. Thank you. I wonder if this is like real, if I'm really moving rooms tonight. Yeah, I'm super intrigued by that. And if you guys go to, use code SEVON for free shipping. So Ben, throw that code in. Oh, dude, you guys crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You ready for this? Toespacers. 15% off code word SEVON. Yeah. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And, uh, will we put on, do you want to do an affiliate program? No. I want you to give the discount to the fucking people. Yep. With toes. If you got, I mean, even if you don't got toes and, uh, if you guys buy them, you're going to be stoked because I got Caleb giving a whole entire tutorial of putting them on how to put them on. He put them on.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Is that true? You wear those too, Caleb? I do. I especially wear them now. Oh! John Young! Great question from Liz M. Talk to us. This is huge. As of right now, Ellie Turner
Starting point is 00:23:00 has not withdrawn unless we just got that news. I haven't gotten news that she's withdrawn so if she tries the event tomorrow which is a 5k run which you know she probably can do um oh shit kelly burker kelly baker is still is still cut and um that's a great question if i'm ellie turner I know I'm going to withdraw soon. Like I'm just waiting for the event that I can't do to withdraw. I would just go ahead and withdraw.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I think that's unfair to everybody else. If you know you're eventually not going to do the whole competition. But if she thinks she can, then no. Ellie Turner is currently 26. So she has the right to do the next day. I mean, if she doesn't withdraw and i haven't gotten that news have you guys i don't see anything either yeah and if you look at it the events tomorrow none of them are very taxing except for the total so like you have the 5k and then box jumps and
Starting point is 00:23:58 rowing none of that is super stressful. On your back. So. And even the total. She could just go light. So. She can make it through tomorrow fine. Didn't she say yesterday. That if you fucked up the total.
Starting point is 00:24:15 You fucked up your weekend. Yeah but she's only 26. Ellie Turner is not staying in it. To like win it anymore. If she stays in it. I don't know what she's doing. But she. I'm telling you, she was crying before the last event. Yeah, couldn't she not bend over to sign her day? Her big, beautiful blue eyes had red capillaries everywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:37 They didn't even look. What I'm saying, though, is she could see out tomorrow and then get cut anyway. Because it's the top 20 she could just you know take it light in the total which is probably going to happen and then just get to get cut anyway the 5k is not gonna be a good event for her anyway the intervals are a good event for her but um i think she you know if you knew you're gonna get cut anyway but you could do all three of the events then and she wants to see that through i don't blame her for it um that's probably what i would do if i was in her situation
Starting point is 00:25:08 did we already go through some of these um donations earlier seven i don't know if we i'm tripping on what's going on with my room john i gotta ask you a question already answered what would you do you would pull out no if i if i thought i could get through saturday and i knew i was but i was probably going to get cut after saturday then it doesn't matter it's like i did the whole crossfit games right at least i don't know dude she has a real injury it's not like you can't run something's like something's like um it's fucked up he ain't running i don't want to say because i don't really know even though like i was told by people in her camp. But it's like real.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's like you shouldn't play with her injury. But if that's the case, like you should go. She should withdraw. Yeah. And Kelly Baker should. She's doing a disservice to the other athletes if she doesn't withdraw. And if she ends up like walking this 5K, she should have withdrawn. You know what i mean and then in that
Starting point is 00:26:07 situation i i think it does i think it would go to kelly baker just because they haven't started the event yet right it's kind of an odd situation i i that'd be a rule on that'd be uh uh just a crossfit thing either they allow that or they don't but i would think if she withdraws before the event then the top 30 would be kelly baker being the 30th person that way you have 30 people going on to the next stage of the competition um but that would be a call for crossfit that would makes the most sense to me. But if Allie Turner starts the 5K, then it's, you know, if she hasn't withdrawn, then it's over. Oh, shit. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:26:52 My room shit. What's happening, dude? Are you having to move? Yeah. Not only will I move rooms, but I will do it with pleasure. Right? Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Of course. I got a horse driving that home. Not only will I move rooms, but I will do it with pleasure. What happens at Chick-fil-A if you say thank you for the pleasure? Oh. What do they say? There's a glitch in the matrix. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. Kind of. Who is this? Oh. Do you mind meeting me in the lobby so we can figure this out? Oh, shit. Good evening, gentlemen. Y'all are killing it.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Eric Wise, 499. Thank you very much. Hey, what do I do? Be like, I was just kidding about the pleasure shit. I'm on a podcast with 3,500 people. Yeah. Thomas Graves. They called about the pleasure shit. I'm on a podcast with 3,500 people. Yeah. Thomas Graves. They called me on my shit.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Way to kill my idea. So no Nashville. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about that. So Thomas, I did not get an idea. It was just kind of regurgitating something that Dave, I thought that during the press conference.
Starting point is 00:28:00 So, uh, Justin, I for, thank you for everything. Seve, what, what was your interaction with hopper
Starting point is 00:28:05 like before he got cut how was his attitude it seems like he wanted to go are you talking to me yeah i can answer oh dude i'm about to get kicked i'm just gone i'm about to get kicked out of my room i took my shoes off already in here no one should come in here dude i got you hopper's interaction he was He was light. He was energetic. He was feeling it. And then, you know, things change.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. During the 400 meters, he looks super dejected and like, couldn't even keep a solid pace. So that's explains that. Okay. Next. I'm just going to keep hammering through these.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Hey, something was weird. Let me tell you this. Yeah. Someone's weird with Hopper because he was doing the snatches slow, and that's nothing for him. It felt like he wanted to get cut. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Do you think he knew? No. No, because he was like five points from getting cut. That's literally just doing the snatches at a regular speed. Shit. You know, you beat three people, which in their scenario, like he was so slow in the snatches at a regular speed shit you know it's it's you beat you beat three people which in their scenario like he was so slow in the snatches you beat three people then you're not you're not cut really or if it's two people i think it's two people but um like and he was very slow on the
Starting point is 00:29:17 snatches like seven said and he's very slow at the running he's a good runner that's one of his better things if he's able to do the bar muscle ups unbroken which he did i'll be back there's no no reason he should be as slow as he was and like the last set of snatches he wasn't pushing he did like he wasn't running sprinting to the finish line i just it just like to me it felt like he he knew he was going to get cut in the next round or he knew he was going to get cut in the next round or he knew he was just having a bad game and he just was ready for it to be over and didn't try.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Did you see the private chat? Oh, you better get your ass out of there. Oh, wow. Okay. I'm going to try to come back, guys. I have to go deal with this. All right. I'm going to keep hammering things.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I love you guys. Hey, no one say anything negative about anyone anyone never make sure thank you make sure you talk about uh colton uh merton's uh win and about i cried then too actually it was crazy yeah okay we'll see you very soon hopefully god this is crazy that i'm gonna do this i'm sorry okay that's fine we'll hold it down okay eric wise dollar 99 in catrin can't answer that for you bro no sorry um hold on let me just get through a few of these and then let's uh bring up the men's um leaderboard uh that burpee dude five dollars okay let's talk pig colt mertens now savage of savages completely agree i um i don't know if i could talk about this conversation.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Never mind. We'll bring it up later. $5, that burpee dude. Thank you. Yes, Colton is a savage. That was incredible to watch. It was so cool. The whole entire stadium just went nuts.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I think that was the loudest I'd heard them for anybody all week, like the past couple days. Well, John, didn't you? Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, didn't you call that? Weren't you on the Colton train for that? Oh, yeah. I thought he was going to win.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But when he came off the ski third in the heat, I was a little scared. I was like, oh, don't do it, Colton. Like you're going out way too hot. Because when you got to jump up to grab the handles, you shouldn't be scared me and uh and then no and then he but he came through um he he messaged me and he said he's like i'm gonna be good on that one and so anytime anytime colton thinks he's gonna be good it's like he's the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:31:46 He won't say, I'm going to be good at this one. I'm going to be good at this one doesn't mean top 10. If he thinks he's going to be good at it, there's nobody touching him. He's the best in the world. I've come to learn that from him. It's crazy how he calls a shot and he's just so modest about it. He knows. That's the point John's making, right?
Starting point is 00:32:04 He knows himself and when he calls a shot, he's going for that about it. He knows. That's the point John's making, right? He knows himself, and when he calls the shot, he's going for that top spot, no doubt. But in the future, if he says, I think I'm going to be good, I'm going to take him every single time he says that. Every time he said that, at least to me, he's won every time. Like in Linda in semifinals, I said Colton Mergers is going to set the world record in linda and brian friend laughed at me because me him and him and colton ain't like that the way me and me and colton are you know um but and then he freaking beat the
Starting point is 00:32:36 world record by a minute and i i like when he's confident it's it's nobody can touch them it's just a different thing yeah amazing jimmy johnson 999 sevan thanks for taking the time to uh talk with me for over an hour this morning i can't believe how generous you are how'd you get him for an hour yeah i can't even get him for 30 seconds what in the world i can't even get him to like eat a drink a protein shake for five minutes that's crazy uh money for the new camera thank you jimmy johnson that the new camera i we got a text and seven i mean i'm caleb i know you saw it in the thread and seven is stoked off the new camera how it looks in the interviews that that he got with it yeah i'm excited to see what he got who we got here
Starting point is 00:33:21 crossfit thumbs up great name is that is that the actual is that an actual affiliate that's got here. CrossFit Thumbs Up. Great name. Is that an actual affiliate? That's awesome if it is. Amazing to see you guys in person today and Sevan back working on the competition floor. It has been 1999. Thank you very much. It has been awesome meeting everybody. John, Caleb, I know you guys have had lots of interactions with people and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's just been super cool. I can't say it enough. Thank you guys so much for just everything and all the support and coming up and saying hi and all that. It really means the world to us. Thank you so much. CrossFit thumbs up. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Let me get the one, come more of these. Cause we're kind of, they kind of got flooded and I don't want them to not be mentioned. Bryson Del Monte. Del Monte. Like that accent there uh or 99 you think these performances are proving that training camps are overrated john you want to you want to speak on that real quick i mean hard work's not paying off guys it's it's it's come on
Starting point is 00:34:21 that one's not here uh i i mean i think they're the only one, though. Who else is underperforming? I think everybody else is performing the way that we expected them to. Right. In the camp, especially. Yeah. I mean, I guess Brute's kind of letting down a little bit. But, like, Dallin's going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Dallin's going to be fine. Danielle Brandon, I think, will be better. I think people overhyped Danielle Brandon. I was vocal about that before the game started. And then Emma Carey is a roller coaster. But, no, it's just – I think it's so in your face because it's every single one of them. Katrin, Hopper, Quan.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Colin Brander's been about what we expect. But other than her, like, it's all of them that are doing, like, so bad. And I don't – go ahead. Do you think Colin Brander is performing better than the rest of the team of HWPO? Compared to what is expectations, 100%. You have to think, we picked Hopper to be top three. A lot of people did. Or top five. Everybody
Starting point is 00:35:27 picked him to be top five. And I thought there was a shot. I thought there was a shot he could make the podium. And he's 31st place. That's such a cat. And no offense to the top, no offense to 30th
Starting point is 00:35:43 through 40th. Somebody screenshot that, please. It's the talent gap between the top 10 and the bottom 10 is significant. And Hopper's ability is the top 10. So for him to be underperforming this badly, don't i would say man he might be just sick or he's hurt or something but freaking quant's not doing great either and catrin's not doing great either like they're all like it's happening to them all and i really i i have no explanation for it i i don't we need to get i don't think you can put cat performance and hopper i don't
Starting point is 00:36:22 think you can put cat uh catrin and Hopper in the same. No, Hopper's the worst one. But, I mean, they're all doing underperforming, I would say. Interesting. Well, there's two days left. There is two days left. Hopper. Not for Hopper.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Gee. Would anyone have guessed that Hopper's not going to be there for Saturday or Sunday? Did anyone guess that? No. No way. No. Not a chance. I would have never thought that.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Mgomu499, thank you very much. Have you chatted with Justin Berg? He was at the Coliseum. Justin Berg was at the Coliseum. You saw him? I saw him. We passed each other as he was coming into the event. I was exiting to go to the Expedition Hall and gave a head nod, and he didn't see me at all.
Starting point is 00:37:12 But, yeah, he was in the Coliseum. Who was he with? Solamente. He was just cruising in by himself. He might have been meeting somebody or going to something, but when I saw him, he was just entering the park by himself, and he was going through the regular line. I'm kind of tripping on that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Somebody said that they think, well, never mind. Tell me later. Yeah. And he was in the Coliseum spotted. He was just hanging out, watching the events. I thought he was fired from CrossFit. Like he's not allowed at any. Just because you get fired doesn't mean you can't go back to the business.
Starting point is 00:37:50 No, they said he is not doing CrossFit anymore. He's not even watching it. No, he's CrossFit's out of his life. He can't even do high intensity. That's how the email was worded. He can't even do high intensity exercises. If his heart rate gets too high and he's working too hard, he's got to slow down. He can't use a high intensity. That's how the email was worded. He can't even do high intensity exercises. If his heart rate gets too high and he's working too hard, he's got to slow down. He can't use a timer for his workout.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Are you guys joking? Was Justin really there? No, for sure. I got a picture from somebody. Somebody sent Caleb a picture. Somebody sent me a picture of him sitting in the stands and then they gave me a general idea of where that person was. I was not joking. I 100% passed him coming into the park
Starting point is 00:38:26 because I was headed to the Expo Center. Oh, okay. Go ahead. I didn't see Susie today. That's weird. Neither did I. Susie Tell, $20. I just wanted to point out that Justin Berg was behind me in row D and I was in row A. Susie, cue the sound.
Starting point is 00:38:42 There it is. $20. Thank you very much, Susie Tell. I appreciate it. Hopefully we'll run into the sound. There it is. $20. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. And hopefully we'll run into you tomorrow. Your energy is infectious. What is that photo? Oh, no. Is this a trick name? I feel like Caleb is better with the trick.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Oh, yeah. Grace is showing me a video she took of Justin Berg standing in the call scene. So it is confirmed, confirmed, confirmed. Um, Oh, is this a trick name?
Starting point is 00:39:10 I don't think it is a trick name. So I apologize. Elver Gala. Galarga. Thank you, Caleb. Don 99, Alexis Raptors,
Starting point is 00:39:18 muscle ups, one, her, the workout. She was so smooth on those. She was just wrapping them out. So came out of nowhere and like i i when she finished i i had to rewind the youtube because uh i was like i don't think she did all the rest because i was just watching emma laura and ariel and then she just out of
Starting point is 00:39:39 nowhere just went to the dumbbell snatch and you can see her if you if you rewind it you can see uh you can see her hawking laura from the back but the camera's not really on her and she's speeding up little by little like little i mean i think her pacing won her the workout but yeah her rep speed on the muscle ups and the dumbbell snatch were faster than all of all the rest of those ariel and uh emma lawson i mean confidence through the roof and seven i said it multiple times like if you guys haven't checked out that day in a live video it's like 56 minutes like you'll watch that and then you'll go back to her performance and you're like okay that makes sense she's a dirt roller crazy it's pretty crazy for her to go to uh from a 37th to a first
Starting point is 00:40:20 it's like a last place to a first place event to event yeah crazy it's like velner's uh 26 to 7 26 to 7 26 to 7 oh that's even crazy his his looks so weird ping pong go ahead gabon you got anything else with that uh somebody was joking that they were hoping that he gets another 26th just for fun. Just to keep it consistent. Lauren. Gosh, I'm so bad. Tora Sola. Oh, in the accent, Kev.
Starting point is 00:40:55 The new mic is just fucking money for you. $5. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Who do we got? Oh, classic. We got Trish in the house. Zevon, quick. He's muted he's not even paying attention no i know i know he's not paying attention but this was referencing a while a while back in the show when he was getting the messages he's clearly on
Starting point is 00:41:16 the phone with now as he may have to switch rooms um thank you trist 49 thank you very much and thank you for just being awesome trish trish is like underground not even underground just straight up she's just straight up a celebrity she's like interacting with the crossfit games chat and like every chat she's everywhere nowhere at the same exact time it's no matter did you hear did you see read her comment yesterday where she said she met us and she said one that we didn't smell like she thought we would okay first off yeah yeah you have to say something that was specific that would actually prove that you met us. Otherwise, I'm not going to believe it, Trish.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Everywhere and nowhere at the same exact time. Like, where is Caleb's hometown? You had to give us something like that. Yeah. Chris Dupree, 499. Love Roman as it is, but need him to keep winning so we can see more of the translator.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Hey, I'll tell you. So at the press conference today, Roman was also up there on stage and Roman said, through the translator, Roman said, hey, when I was, you know, I don't know, 10 years ago, I set my alarm and I got up in the middle of the night to watch the CrossFit Open and it was Dave announcing the workouts. At that point, I realized Dave was my hero. Here I am 10 or 15 years later, I'm doing workouts at the CrossFit Games and sitting on stage with Dave Castro. Dude, on cue, they both stood up in front of all these people and hugged
Starting point is 00:42:40 each other. Oh, shit. Like a real good hug. That's awesome. Yeah, like hip to hip. For some reason, I feel like Roman is now going to be hugged each other. Oh shit. Like a real good hug. Like it's awesome. Yeah. For some reason, I feel like Roman is now going to be like a staple from that because like Dave has the ability to kind of see these all-star athletes and then kind of like pick them out and keep an eye on them. And next thing you know, they,
Starting point is 00:42:56 they win multiple games in a row. Um, Christopher, thank you for the four 99 Clydesdale media. What's up? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And I,
Starting point is 00:43:04 and I was in that press conference sitting next to Schweitzer. That was cool. Yeah, I've been saying what's up to Schweitzer and the rest of the crew the whole entire time. Awesome people. Clydesdale Media, $9.99. Clydesdale Crew is having a blast hanging with you all. Likewise, Chris and everybody else. You guys are awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Hey, ask Scott if the media pits were like that last year i'm dying to know if it's i can't even believe i mean i don't mind it but it's fucking crazy i can tell you right now i was there last year filming it actually was a ghost town oh really yeah i mean from what i remember it was like a handful of media people and like maybe a few people passing in the beer garden as they're like buying a drink and like oh Oh, someone's talking. And this year it's like, it's crazy. Hey, there's a show this year. I will say this too.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Um, uh, CrossFit before the game started, CrossFit basically sent out media passes and they were very generous, but they said, they warned us. They said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:43:56 in the Coliseum, it's first come first serve. And there's going to be limited space. Well, they're accommodating everyone. Dude. I don't know anyone who's been – I don't know. All the media seems happy as a clam down there.
Starting point is 00:44:10 They're letting everyone in. And a lot of hardworking people, a lot. Yeah. A lot of hardworking people. Nevacost, $10. I know it's about five US. Sorry, haha. I appreciate you chewing quietly, though.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, that's actually true. You were eating even with that headset, and it was like super. Did you take down both those flies already? I did. It was like eating butter. Savage. And Catrin, what do you want me to tell you about Catrin? I'm going to tell you Catrin has been amazing to me.
Starting point is 00:44:44 She looks amazing. She's been amazing with me. She looks amazing. She's been amazing with me. She's given me her time. Her and – I'll tell you this. How about this? You want some dirt? When she stands next to Fraser, she looks bigger than Fraser. How's that? And I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm not saying that. Yeah, he looks small. Yeah, she dwarfs him. So there. There you go. Incredible. I guess. He got really skinny.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Let me tell you something. And Fraser dwarfs me. So there you go there's incredible i guess he got really let me tell you something and i and and fraser dwarfs me so there you go there be dwarf dwarf and catron there you go dustin schaefer 49.99 that's us too so that's a whopping 49.99 thank you very much broadcasting has been surprisingly good this year thank thank God. Missing 7 and the Boys event recap pods, though. That's 50 bucks? Thank you, Dustin. Sorry, Susan. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:33 No, no, no. I was just reading the comment. A friend is doing his job, man. He's running all over the place crushing the broadcasting, doing what he does here at these competitions. I saw him when I was leaving the RV park. He was on the Mayhem podcast. They were just talking for a little bit over in the their little tent area where they do their podcasts dustin shaper that's 50 bucks thank you yeah thank you very much hey have we done this one yet have we talked about colton we did a little bit we didn't talk about colin you want
Starting point is 00:45:59 to you want to chime in hey so the workout he did started with the skerg. Yeah. And so when he came off the skerg, the place went crazy. Then he did the sandbag squats, and he came off of that first. The place went crazy. Then he came off the second skier. The place went crazy. Then when he finished the fucking sandbag squats and got up there.
Starting point is 00:46:24 It's loud. I want to say it was the loudest stadium what has been in two days. That's what I said. They loved Colton's victory. And his face was just steel trapped.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yes. Yes. We have a video of it. Oh, did we get a shot of that? I interviewed him afterwards, and I'm like, hey, what's up, dude? You want to go crazy and celebrate? He basically gave me a lecture on stoicism. There it is.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Do we have audio of that, or is there a song over it? There's a song over it. Okay. Keep in mind, this is like the loudest the stadium's been all weekend when he finished. This is his reaction. You feel it in your bone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:10 In your bone. And Katie and Bill were watching him. And then Chuck Carswell's right there. Oh, look at that nod of approval. Yes, every rep. Awesome. God, dude, incredible. And then just nothing.
Starting point is 00:47:27 How many people were there? The stadium's the loudest it's been in two days, and that's just him. Yep. Cold killer. Everybody in that stadium, I don't know how many people were there. It was packed, but they are all on the Colton train now for sure. Absolutely. Without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Jimmy Johnson, Subban, thanks for talking with me for over an hour this morning can't believe how generous you are uh money for the new camera oh dude are you kidding me you're cool as shit i say what if colton gets in the last heat like the top 10 on the last day on sunday i bet he gets a louder cheer than whoever's in first place at that point. Yeah, he's doing it. Did we do this yet? Yeah. Amazing. CrossFit thumbs up. But they want to hear you read it more than they do myself.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Amazing to see you guys in person today and Seb on back working the competition floor. I know these guys. I know this guy who owns this place. I met him with Greg 15 years ago. Come say hi to me, please. I'd like to see you. That's our actual affiliate name? Yeah, it's a funny-ass story.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I should have him on the show. There's so many people I want to have on the show. You think these performances are proving that the training camps are overrated? I have no... What do you think, mr young we already went through it okay i don't i hey listen i'll i'll tell you this it got this on tape too behind the scenes i asked james sprague i'm like hey what's going on by the way james sprague's had his fingertips torn off so did some girl who's the girl what was that from? Oh, so did Velner. Velner has a huge – the rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh, shit. Yeah, they said the ropes were wet and they were just slipping. And I think it was between – their pulling power was still really strong, but I think their grip strength was toast from the kettlebells. And so, dude, people on the way down were just losing control. But Sprague told me that he thinks maybe he didn't approach his training for the games in the month prior to the games. He didn't handle it right. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:49:39 He gave me more details. He explained it to me. That's my fault. But he talked about his tapering and the amount of time he took off. I think maybe he said he should have had a shorter tapering, that he tapered over too long of Have you chatted with Justin Berg? He was in the Coliseum. No. Who's in that team? Amanda Barnhart? How's she doing? Badly. Oh, did she make the cut?
Starting point is 00:50:16 Barely. I think she's the 26th. Okay. What place is Katchin in? Middle of the pack. Can we bring up the leaderboard? Yeah, just give me a sec. 15th. So Catron's not bad.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah, 15th. Yeah. Hey, dude, here, listen to this. People say Gabriela Magawa is going to win the games, and she's in 13th. Yeah, but this is how Gabriela Magawa is going to win the games, and she's in 13th. Yeah, but this is how Gabriela Magawa is. She's nowhere to be found. Emma Carey's in 16th place.
Starting point is 00:50:54 People thought she was going to win the games too. Yeah, but my point is if Gabby ends up being like 6th or 7th, which is very possible, and I think it'll happen, and then McCary ends up eighth, you know, they're fine. They're fine. They ended the week like that. Like that's expected. You know, people might have thought they might be a little bit higher,
Starting point is 00:51:17 but within three spots of what we thought, you know, Amanda Barnhart, we thought was going to be there too, and she's 25th. Yeah. Like they're within striking distance. If they just have a good day on Sunday, not even tomorrow, but just Sunday have like all top tens, then they will be in the top 10 by the end of the week, by the end of the competition.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Amanda Barnhart is 25th. And we thought she would be right there with them. Keep going up. Let me see. Keep going up to, Oh, Shelby, Neil 24th. That's good. Daniel Brandon see. Keep going up. Oh, Shelby Neal 24th. That's good. Daniel Brandon 11th. Paige Powers 10th. Emma Toth kicking ass.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. Bethany. Bethany's doing great. Bethany in eighth right now. Hey, Jamie Simmons is formidable. Did you watch her on the run? She was crushing the run on Helena. And she's – she looks really powerful in person.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Like really powerful. Bit of a separation between fifth and everybody else, which John already pointed that out. But just to reiterate, I mean, look at 432 points for Ariel Long in fifth place, and then the next place is sixth, Jamie Simmons at 388 points. I don't even know where we are in the comments. I got it queued up as far as donations go. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Go ahead and bring them up. I'm so lost. Wow. I got you. I cannot believe you guys are going crazy tonight. CrossFit, thumbs up again, 499. Loved how gracious Greg was with his time. Saw him and Don fall in the same room, mind-blowing,
Starting point is 00:52:50 as a 12-year affiliate. Yeah, their interaction was great. And Greg was super generous with his time up at the affiliate lounge. We touched base on that a little bit. CrossFit, thumbs up. Glad you got to experience that. Let me come down, grab another one of these. Caleb, can you say that? Someone else said that name. I'm going down and grab another one of these. Caleb,
Starting point is 00:53:06 can you say that? Someone else said that name. I'm going to spill all these. I feel bad. The... What? Steffen Thieringer. That's German. One of the cuts made official each day. At the last event.
Starting point is 00:53:24 After the last event so they don't announce anything though they're just done they're just off the field right once the standings are done they they're they're gone that's it they just march on off yeah that's i just didn't get to uh interview the um did we didn't get time with the athletes so they just refresh the games leaderboard until it pops up, and then you're at dinner, and you just have a fucking crisis at dinner? Yes, yes. Damn.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I mean, I think they know for the most part. Yeah, they probably know. But if you're close. You think Hopper was like, oh, man, I hope I make it. No. I'm just saying, if you're on the bubble, and you're like, okay, I did moderately well at this workout, you're like, okay, so I'm going to go get my filet mignon. I'm going to eat it, and then I'm going to keep refreshing, and then eventually we'll see if I got cut.
Starting point is 00:54:13 This is either a really shitty steak or this is the best steak I've ever had. What about this? What if you think they have one of those spicy margaritas sitting right there salted, and they're like, okay, refresh the leaderboard. Am I drinking this or am I not? I saw I saw I saw someone bring come down and Ariel Lohan take a sip off
Starting point is 00:54:34 a beer when she was finished so she's a savage though Liz M $1.99 did Hopper's hands get shredded in alpaca sounds like a lot of people's did yeah i couldn't i couldn't see if uh if hoppers did i know uh velner and velners were pretty bad and sprigs were really bad they uh hopper was on helena like after the first set of barb musk loves i did notice him like
Starting point is 00:55:02 looking at his hands and And typically that's like, that's what you do whenever you're ripped up. Even if you know you're ripped up. Um, I mean, I'm sure all of you guys have experienced before. If you have a rip going on, you're doing chest to bars,
Starting point is 00:55:14 you come down and you look at it every time, even though, you know, it's there, but you're still going to look at it. Um, he, he was looking at his hands after every set of bar muscle-ups.
Starting point is 00:55:23 So, I mean, yeah, but I mean, yeah. But, I mean, it's not. You know what happens. David Smith, $5. Chick-fil-A secret. If you say my pleasure before they do, you get a free sandwich.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Is that true, David, or is this? I've heard that, too. I haven't tried it yet. Dude, you remember the lollipop thing? Like, if you caught the Indian shooting the star and you turned it in, you got a free bouquet. That was complete bullshit. That was bullshit. I don't't know you know how many stars
Starting point is 00:55:47 no flowers i don't even know what you guys are talking about now it's like those those um the tootsie roll lollipops yeah there'd be like an indian like or native american or indigenous persons. Whichever. Just Redskins. Not this week, John. Not this week. If you clicked it and turned it in, you got a free Tootsie Roll Lollipop bouquet. That was complete. Oh, David Trunk, Emma Paul's husband.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I spent a bunch of time with him today. Stud. Did he make it? Where did he fall? Can I see the cut? I think he's doing well. No, no, no. Him and Ant Haynes were on the border, I think. He's at 25th.
Starting point is 00:56:32 He is? Yeah. Wow. I mean, that's after today, obviously. Oh, shit. Bronislaw made it. Half a line. Luke Parker, Jake Carlo. Holy shit. Who didn't make it? Benito, Hopper. Bronislaw made it Luke Parker Jake Carlo holy shit
Starting point is 00:56:45 who didn't make it Benito Hopper oh my god that guy Caleb Sousa's body is fucking
Starting point is 00:56:53 nuts it's my boy Sousa I kept seeing him in a shirt I didn't see it I could never see it Cole Grayshaber
Starting point is 00:56:59 didn't Grayshaber destroy the semifinals yeah he was fourth he was fourth in the semifinal. He did really good, yeah. Cole Sager, Alex Vigneault. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Vigneault is such a fucking gentleman. What a good dude. And those two are both staples. Okay, fair. Kayake Cervini, Jake Douglas. Jake Douglas was such a gentleman. Man, I got great points. He didn't get last.
Starting point is 00:57:23 That was cool. He got more than 12 points. He was on pace for like 24 points. Yeah. Arthur Seminop. Oh, dude, I'm getting great footage with Fikowski. I think me and Fikowski are like warming up. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:57:35 You guys are boys again now? That's awesome. I talked to somebody about him today. We were never boys, but like we might be now. Potentially going to be on the show for the first time. I would love that never say never i would love that i got and i got to hang with uh emily rolf's husband a little bit today awesome olivia justin z's coach salty hive is wearing merton's gear all weekend uh she needs to meet him how do we make this happen? Olivia, Justin Z's coach.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Justin's one of the coaches at Salty Hive, maybe? Yeah, that's Justin Z's Zimbo. Why would he have a coach? I don't understand. I don't know how you're going to meet Mertens. Go to the beer garden. They walk through the beer garden
Starting point is 00:58:23 after their events. Just buy a big stuffed animal and hug it. He did. Yeah. Colton has stopped by the Paper Street coffee booth. He did the other day. Oh, that's right. Yeah. And he has in the past. And now that the competition is right.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And he's crushing it. I can't say that he would be down there, but who knows? So go go to Paper Street. Say what's up to Gabe, say what's up to Travis, grab some coffee, and who knows? Who knows? Colt may even show up. Who do I need to pay to grab a
Starting point is 00:58:54 Tier Merton shirt? They have a Tier Merton shirt? Slim and shady. Do they? I don't have an idea. How about that one? They got all those highlighter colors. You can't miss it. That's for damn sure. True. Great. Hey, John, so do 10 more people get cut tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Can you bring up the leaderboard? Who do I need to follow tomorrow? For men or women? Let's just pick one and start. I need to do some homework. Sydney Wells. Oh, shit. I have not talked to her. I smiled at her and said hi, and she said hi in passing.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It's like one of the only athletes I haven't talked to. Okay, so tomorrow I need to focus on Ant. Bronislaw is a big one. No, no, no, no. Other way, other way, other way. So tomorrow I need to focus on Ant Haynes, David Cherunk, Bronislaw, Happeline, and Luke Parker, Jake Farlow, Fabian, and Fabian Benito. Yeah, Jack Farlow and Bronislaw are your two strongest men in the field.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Oh, sorry, go a little higher. Yeah, Caleb, you were right. Ant Haines and James Sprague, both very, very fast individuals. Oh, man. So you're telling me Samuel Cornwall and Maurice Fiebig are on the cut line right now? Pretty close.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, Moritz, the interval event should be good for him. He's a very athletic athlete. That event is really just can you move fast and explosive? Remind me, what does the feel like at narrowed down tail? 20.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Who's above Will Morad? Who's above Will Morad? What's funny is all these – everybody, all of these athletes are – Oh, shit. Keep going. Going to be really, really good in one of the events. Like that's their event to be really, really good at. And then the other two are just kind of uh do you think noah's in date do you think noah justin will morad samuel
Starting point is 01:00:50 cornwall moritz feibig and ulus ufenix are all in danger i think some of those guys are in danger yeah i don't think all of them are though where do you think it stops at will morad or do you think it's justin i mean point point spread is close. Look at that. I think Samuel Cornway and up is safe. Wow. I think it's those two spots. Where's Colton?
Starting point is 01:01:17 He's like almost top 10. All the way up, baby. Number 12. Panchick's still in there? Colton Mertens. Oh, Panchick's still in there? Oh, my. Colton Mertens. Oh, my God. Now, this 5K ain't going to go great, though, okay? But don't be worried.
Starting point is 01:01:31 He's going to be fine. His 400s were good. His 400s were good. He's keeping pace with just about everybody. You know, I can run a fast 400, too. It don't mean your 5K is great. It's just a bunch of 400s back-to-back, baby. He's good.
Starting point is 01:01:43 It's just. Yeah, I would say 18 and up because 18 and up all of those guys have shown that they can be like they might not win the event but they're they're gonna be fine like in a 5k they're all gonna run a 5k fine they're all gonna lift fine like will morris not the strongest guy but he's not going to get dead last it's not weakness for him where james sprague might win the 5k but he is going to be very weak in the lift right they all have holes after 18 the 18 and up guys have have filled their holes relatively well okay let's look at the women jesus tomorrow's going to be crazy there's a lot of work to be done tomorrow it's going to be hard to cover all these people.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Is really tomorrow night another 10? This is it for 10 people tomorrow. Oh, man. That's it. You're right. Oh, my God. Emma Carey. Olivia Kerstetter's on the line.
Starting point is 01:02:39 That's a big one. Emma Carey, dude, 297. Elisa Pugliano, Paige Semenza, Kerstetter, Bailey Rayl, Christine Kolenbrander, Rebecca Wittesen. Oh, no, she's cool too. Sahar Khai, Shelby Neal. Shelby got to get some points. Amanda Barnhart, Ellie Turner.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Oh, Caroline Stanley, I spoke to her for the first time today. What a cool chick. So the women are a little bit different because... What did Caroline Stanley end up taking in Helena? Because she won her heat. 16th. Wow. Man, she was a rocket in her heat.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Abigail Domet. Let's keep going. Sydney Wells, Alexa Williams. So Sydney barely made it by five points, huh? Yeah, it was tight. Mm-hmm. Who's going to win the CrossFit Games? Women, John Who's going to win the men?
Starting point is 01:03:55 I don't know Come on You don't know? No Listen Listen Those of you who think John's unemotional He's having some serious.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Look at him. This is, I mean, this is the shark that never blinks. It has a tear coming out of his eyes. Bring up the man. I want to see this. Him explain this. Not for Valner, not for Valner. So tomorrow is going to be a great day for Jeff.
Starting point is 01:04:19 It's going to be great. He's going to probably get top five in the five K. The intervals workout is explosive bouncy box jumps and rowing i think he's he could get top five in that and he could get top he should get top five in the total two out of the three of those he's going to get top five he might win one of them and then the other one is kind of a a guess because i don't really know who's going to win that workout in event eight it's such a weird just quick explosive workout it's hard to pick who's going to be great in that um but he could be top five in that one he has three top fives two of which i get he's going to beat roman
Starting point is 01:04:56 the total he's going to beat roman by maybe eight spots eight to twelve spots in the Olympic total, for sure. Like, it's a given. Okay. And then the 5K, I think he'll beat Roman, but Roman's a good runner, too. So, like, I don't know about how much he'll beat Roman. Probably not that much. But if Adler has cut the lead to 40 points, 40 or less, by the end of Saturday, which I think is possible. I'm not saying it will happen, but I think it's possible.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Then Sunday is not a given. What are the workouts Sunday? What are the workouts? We don't know any of them. We don't know any of them? We don't know any of them. And Roman's out of 100 points right now, dude. Right, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I know, but I'm not saying Roman's winning it. Nobody's beating him. I don't think it's over. I think if Jeff can cut it to 40, there is a chance Jeff can beat Roman. Do you think Chandler could do it too? No, not a chance. I love seeing him up there in third right now though. I do too.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Although I do think tomorrow is going to be really good for Chandler. Everything I said about Jeff goes the same for Chandler. Just not as much. I didn't think Chandler could run more than 800 meters. We're about to find out. No, Chandler's a good runner. Chandler's a good runner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:12 He's in the army. They run a lot for no reason. Chandler's a good runner. I think, I mean, I think Chandler will still be third place. It'll be interesting to see by how much, because I think Vellner is going to be fourth place by the end of day three.
Starting point is 01:06:25 But, I just think if Jeff can eat into the lead of Roman by less than 40 points by the end of Saturday, then Jeff has a chance to beat him. Now, on Sunday, if there's a workout where it comes out and there's a 50-cow row in the middle of it and some assault bike sprint or echo bike sprint thing, then no, Roman's going to win, um,
Starting point is 01:06:46 running away. But we don't know the events, you know, if it's heavy deadlifts and rope climbs, I think Jeff wins that workout or bring muscle ups, come up, bring muscle ups, haven't come up.
Starting point is 01:06:57 That's Roman's worst thing. Oh, so if it's a 40 point lead that Roman has, and then a ring muscle up works, workout comes in, they're tied at the end of that event. and then a ring muscle-up workout comes in, they're tied at the end of that event. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Ring muscle-ups? Are you buying this, Sousa? Yeah, it's hard to deny John and those facts there. I'm digging it. But I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. No, I'm not saying it's likely to happen. I'm just saying it can happen, right?
Starting point is 01:07:20 And I want to race on Sunday, so I'm hoping. I mean, I want to race too but here's the deal roman's out 100 points he's looked like an absolute stud nothing more ahead was fraser ahead of ben smith in 2015 yeah yeah what is the answer to that i mean probably a hundred points same and then but but but do you see the events where roman's just gonna blow up like that like i just don't foresee it did we we think Fraser was going to blow up? Well, he's pudgy then. Yeah, it's a tough opportunity. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Sevan should be fired for taking personal calls on the show. Dude, the entire show is my personal call. What the fuck are you talking about? You're lucky to be included. You must be new here. I just do – this show is – yeah. I wish you could see how hard I'm itching my feet right now. I mean –
Starting point is 01:08:03 I just don't think we can call the games when half the competition is still available. I agree with that point, but I'm just saying from how Roman has looked in each event and with that 100-point lead, it's going to be tough. These were home run events for him, though. There's not going to be power output events anymore because it's all we've had. It's been a lot of power output events. Half of the competition has been his wheelhouse movement, his wheelhouse
Starting point is 01:08:27 events. Yeah. The other half is not going to be in his wheelhouse? He doesn't need to keep winning. He just needs to not have a complete blowout disaster. Hey, when I went downstairs... That's going to happen. When I went downstairs to the lobby, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:43 you guys know who Chris Madigan is? The guy who's in charge of all the media people? Yeah. He was down there, and he looked at my feet because I went down there barefoot. I saw him ogling my feet. Excuse me. I saw Chris Madigan staring at my feet, my naked feet. Tell us, please.
Starting point is 01:09:01 You should message Alex Kazan and see if he wants to look at her feet. Send him a reel. Just a couple more donations real quick because I'm still way up in this chat. UnSportyBeth499, shout out to John Young for propping up
Starting point is 01:09:20 SportyBreath during the Barbell Spin individual event for the Alpaca Recaps show. I know going off on her. No, no, no. I didn't hear that at all. Okay. Thank you for the full name. I didn't know where we were going with that. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I want it when we're off the air. I want to hear that story. Yeah. Boudreaux. Boudreaux. Jay Boudreaux. $20. Boudreaux. You're the man. Is that Justin Boudreaux, Boudreaux, Jay Boudreaux, $20 Boudreaux. You're the man. Is that Justin Boudreaux? Yeah. Who is that?
Starting point is 01:09:49 The Justin Boudreaux? Yes, it is. Is there any more money? I want to ask John some more stuff. You guys are doing a better job than ESPN. Oh shit. Sarah,
Starting point is 01:09:59 thank you so much. Again, again, please go to Use code seven for reshipping. We cannot overstate this enough that we would not be here, this would not be happening
Starting point is 01:10:09 without Sarah Cox. And Sarah, I do have your shirts from Waterpalooza Miami G. Room service, two more filet mignons, please. Thank you. Where is the... We should pull up the P peptides website for 50 bucks anyway go on absolutely yeah okay i was gonna bring that up we'll read ashton's comment for five dollars here the connection we feel like we have with the games this year surpasses any year since we
Starting point is 01:10:35 started watching the podcast plus regular games coverage thank you because that was the aim when is it is it weird for you guys who watch the podcast than to see me running around like a jackass with two cameras i'm like running through the beer garden people are like hey i'm like hey what are you doing i'm going to film some guys work out in their underwear in the coliseum what are you doing're like, we're waiting to watch it. Thank you. Yeah. Bring that shit home. Chop it up for you guys. Which is the one I take? I take the...
Starting point is 01:11:11 I take that TB500 and I take that BBC157. Oh, and I take that blend. I've taken all three of those. For my bicep. Oh my god, Ferret. I guess we'll just hold the website up for the rest of the show. The permanent spot. Why? did she get more money? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Yeah. It's important. Uh, Dixon B four steaks, four, four. I'll be right over. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Um, H day. What were you thinking in the car today? When you heard me call room service in order to, did you hear me? I was like, I wonder if what Sousa things, if he thinks I'm a pig,
Starting point is 01:11:44 I did know I was happy. Oh good. Cause happy oh good because i i literally i legit was worried about you i stood outside the front of the where like you go down into that pit and i had all the drinks and everything else and i was schmoozing the ladies to try it i was like i'm just gonna hand them and i'll take them right back and then um and then we had a savior come in and take them down there for us that was cool those those four I wouldn't drink the water cause it was already open. I, I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:08 My intent was to have it. What if most, some of the fucker roofied me, like have a cold, put me on my stomach and have a cold one. Yeah. Sorry about that. I'll leave it.
Starting point is 01:12:16 That's okay. That's okay. I was like all that other shit I drank. I consumed a 279 HWPO. Shout out. That's nice. Awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Thank you so much. We's nice. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much. We appreciate that. Yeah. El Vato. 999. God bless y'all's heart from Texas. Orle. Orle.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Hey. Texas shout out. Gracias. Bring up the women when you can. I want to see if John can do some fucking mental gymnastics and not winning oh uh trevor here 49 how to this is a good point if roman wins he'd be the first non-american male winner since 2009 if alexis manages to win she'd be the first american female to win since 2010 does Does that check out, John?
Starting point is 01:13:05 Yeah, because we had Rich, Ben, and then Fraser. And for the women, I mean, it was Katrin, it was Camille, Sam Briggs, Annie was before them, Katrin,
Starting point is 01:13:21 Tia Toomey. So, yeah. Damn, that's crazy. This next comment is ridiculous you guys hey what's up? And he goes, Harry, ball's on you. Hey, what's up? Oh, yeah, what's up, man? Justin B. came to pick up his last paycheck today. Hey, where did you meet that dude at? North Park.
Starting point is 01:13:55 So you were just in the crowd. Do you have any media passes or anything, Justin? Yeah, but I haven't been in the pit, though. My wife and I, we have tickets, so we just kind of sit in our seats. You cruise with the general public? Do people trip on you? Harry, what did you think when you saw John? Were you like, John, Sarah gave $100?
Starting point is 01:14:16 Mm-hmm. Yes. What did you think, John? What did people think when they see you? I freaked out a little bit when I saw you. I don't know. I don't think I'm as well-known as you think. What did people think when they see you? I freaked out a little bit when I saw you. I don't know. I don't think I'm as well-known as you think.
Starting point is 01:14:30 People just say, oh, hi, sometimes. It's not because you're well-known. It's because you're so fucking big. Yeah. I took an ice bath with John earlier. You did? Yep, and we saunered. I got pictures of it.
Starting point is 01:14:41 It was bad. The ice bath was bad. I got something cool for you, Salon. You're going to be pumped about what I did. Wait, you were in one of those buckets together? Not a bucket. We were in the plunge, the nice one, the filtered one. The one that may or may not be coming to your house. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:14:58 And then we had a bowl of competition, Savon. Caleb participated as well. I did. All three of us did. All three of us participated. There's no way you guys beat – you didn't beat Sousa, did you, John? We did. Yeah participated as well. I did. All three of us did. All three of us participated. There's no way you guys beat... You didn't beat Sousa, did you, John? I did not beat Sousa.
Starting point is 01:15:12 You were close. That was like one rep away. Yeah. Butterfly or strict? Strict. Well, I did them strict. These guys kind of cheated. I did not cheat. What did you get? They all got those funky army pull-ups. These guys kind of cheated. Whatever. Mine was as strict as could be. I did not cheat. What did you get?
Starting point is 01:15:26 What was the number? I got the funky army pull-ups. They were moving all around the place. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. 23 was the top score with Tyler and John tied. I got 18? Yeah, me and Tyler both got 23, and then we had a bar muscle-up tie break.
Starting point is 01:15:42 How many did you do, Caleb? I did like 16 or something. Wow. Yeah. That's a long fucking... Caleb's range of motion is definitely longer than... Oh, he had to go ahead. He had this wide grip too.
Starting point is 01:15:55 And my head held my feet up. He's like a giraffe. And it was just super wide. Yeah. It's like somebody snatching collar to collar. That's what it looked like. On the pull-up bar. Jimmy Johnson, 109. Sevan's calves
Starting point is 01:16:07 are huge. He's working hard. I had him out today. Because he walks like 15 miles a day. Yeah, they're all showing. He was showing them. Susie Tell, bless you. Susie Tell, $20. He was sitting behind me and wrote,
Starting point is 01:16:24 wait, is that true? There's a bunch of reserved seating for CrossFit guests. I have a pick with them. That is true. She's got a pick with them. Damn. Are you a CrossFit guest? Susie Tell? Susie Tell is always a CrossFit guest. She got game, dude. That girl can get anywhere.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Dang. Trina! Shout out going rogue with Savon and all the awesome clips. I have not captured Shane. I did capture Tia today. She came and visited the staff down in the war room area. Something's not right between us. I can
Starting point is 01:17:01 tell. Something's weird. But whatever. It's not bad but it's not normal. It's not right between us, I can tell. Something's not weird, but whatever. It's not bad, but it's not normal. It's not smooth. Yeah, it's not smooth. Harry, ball's on you. 4-9 again. Colton Chandler being the highlights inside the stadium today had me going nuts.
Starting point is 01:17:18 What did Chandler do? I think it was pretty similar to what Colton did. It was just in a different heat. They just went nuts for him too I think he like yeah he caught Roman on the sandbag squats he came back in he went Roman stepped up
Starting point is 01:17:37 to do the last set of sandbag squats he was the first one to it and then Chandler was shortly behind him and I think he was probably two or three reps behind Roman Chandler it and then Chandler was shortly behind him and I think he was probably two or three reps behind Roman Chandler was and then Chandler just repped him out quicker and then jumped on the podium and he won
Starting point is 01:17:54 his heat. Roman came in like 10-15 seconds later. Nuts. Malik Day, William Yeah, yeah. Let's just get through these donations maybe then. Malik Day Williams $5, Chandler Smith bed. Yeah, yeah. Let's just get through these donations maybe then. Malik Day, Williams, $5. Chandler, Smith, top three right now.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Where do we see him finishing the week? John? Seventh place. Top ten. Top ten. God, I love that. Chandler's such a good dude. A. Miller, $1.99.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Thank you. Jeez, there's so many donations you guys are awesome uh drew arnold 20 thank you very much what you guys are providing with these live streams is priceless for us fans of the sport go raptus yeah yeah go raptus for sure for sure a miller 499 will anyone else that has an event win get cut gray shaver oh did gray shaver has an event win get cut? Grayshaber. Oh, did Grayshaber have an event win? Let me look. No, event three, the handstand push-up one, the gymnastics one.
Starting point is 01:18:55 The gymnastics one. No shit. Wow, that's a – I'm not watching the show right now. Who said that? That's a great contribution. A. Miller. Yeah, $49. Yeah, great contribution. a lot though altra vez
Starting point is 01:19:08 $1.99 y'all should do nfl comedy what's the nfl yeah football football i'm on it i'm a chicago bears fan now my first big big bears fan yeah Bears fan. I love their quarterback. Backup quarterback. I love their backup quarterback. Yeah. Specifically. Mr. Birchfield, $5 national beer day. Have a beer on me, Salmon. Awesome. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Birchfield's awesome. Did we get to the end of him? I don't have time to drink. I didn't see that Sarah one for 99 bucks. I want to see that. It's coming up. We got to be getting there soon. Brian, $50. Holy shit. That's US see that. It's coming up. It's got it. We got to be getting there soon. Brian,
Starting point is 01:19:45 $50. Holy shit. That's US 50. So that's like a real 50. Please forward this and young to Mr. Young for casually carrying the substance. Thank you, Brian.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I doubt that I will see that money, but thank you. It's funny. Cause it was like a compliment to John, but also a dig at the three of us. So good dude, Brian. Good dude. Thanks Brian. And did a dig at the three of us. So good dude, Brian. Good dude. Thanks, Brian.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Hey, did we look at the women real quick? Pull up the women real quick. Let's let Brian, let's let John do some more substance. John, give me the show. Give me the explanation. I know you think Laura's going to win, but bear with me here. How does Laura not win? Who wins if Laura doesn't win and how does it happen?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Emma Lawson. It is? Yeah. I mean, Emma Lawson is going to run really really well um on the 5k i think that laura's going to be mid-pack and that's going to be probably the only event that she's going to be mid-pack on unless hand stand push-up shows up on the last day again um So, yeah, if Emma can get 20 points on Laura, she'll be 40 points ahead of Laura at that point. And then after that, you could just play the Medeiros game. If she's 40 points ahead of Laura, it doesn't matter what Laura does if Emma continues to get second and third.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Right? Laura could kill everything else. If Emma is just right behind her every single event, if she has a lead going into Sunday, then Emma can win. I think that's how Emma Lawson would win. I want to say – go ahead, Caleb. Go ahead. I won't forget. Just to clarify what happens if we have an athlete that withdraws,
Starting point is 01:21:21 the 31st athlete would stay in competition. an athlete that withdraws, the 31st athlete would stay in competition. So if any athlete withdraws... Yeah, if any athlete were to withdraw in the top 30, the 31st athlete... How do you know that? We just got word from Chris Madigan. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Thank you, Chris. That's the dude who saw me barefoot. Oh, yeah. He's ogling my feet. Hey, hey, Laura Horvat was going to very likely win helen no she wasn't ahead of jamie simmons time jamie simmons was in another heat laura horvat she did blow up though laura horvat was beating alexis and emma lawson i. And she got a handful of no reps.
Starting point is 01:22:05 And it's kind of crazy because the guy in the auditorium is calling him out, so we all know. It's like, no rep, no rep. I think she got four no reps in the last round, in the last round of the snatch. Then I heard Laura Horvath was protesting them, which maybe rightfully shows she should be, or putting in
Starting point is 01:22:21 appeals. So she may even be I mean she went to failure on the bar muscle ups that's where she lost most of her time she did very last yeah on her very last muscle up she failed it and then she came down
Starting point is 01:22:37 chalked up and did the last one and like four girls got ahead of her okay all right all right Liz M Don and does anyone else like the way seven and like four girls got ahead of her. Okay. All right. All right. Liz M. Dawn. And does anyone else like the way seven says, thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Thank you. I've never, I've never heard it. So I don't, I wouldn't know. I got jokes. Here it is. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:23:01 There it is. Sarah Cox. Get that phone. Seven on order. Two more fillets, baby. I can't Sarah. I'll save that for tomorrow's four fillets. There it is. Sarah Cox. Get that phone, Savon. Order two more fillets, baby. I can't. Sarah, I'll save that for tomorrow's four fillets. Sarah, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:23:10 It's incredible. I'm going out. What were you going to say, Savon? Sorry. I'm going there to see Sarah soon. A couple weeks after this shit is done. Probably two weeks after this is done. After I get home. Mr. Townsend, $9.99. Nikesend, $999.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Nike, what does that say? Oh, shit. Did you post your vertical? I did, yeah. I think he's got 19 inches on you. What did he have? He had 46, you had 27? I had, yeah, from my...
Starting point is 01:23:41 I don't know how they do it exactly. They measured my hand, and then I guess it's from the top of my fingertip, like as high as I jump. So it was 27 was the, I just, they didn't have a leaderboard. James was like, who was the leaderboard? Who was the tallest? And I was like, they didn't have it. They just had like average, below average, above average.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Imagine how weird that is to be able to jump 46 inches. There's got to be like a second when you're up there where you just don't feel like you're going to land back on your feet, right? Like you're going to jump up and then maybe like – That's it. Fall. Yeah, you just get stuck up there. Mr. Chatham, thank you because he was commenting on my Instagram post,
Starting point is 01:24:16 which I'm sure because he has a big following, and I did not push it along, which was dope. Okay. We're almost through these.thew murphy 499 i know you're hwpo what's going on with justin he's definitely off uh we go ahead caleb do you want to say the rumor that's been started spreading no i do not okay you could know i don't know it yeah there is a there is a rumbling that the champ is wounded. But there's no confirmation on it. And I don't know how good the source is.
Starting point is 01:24:59 That's not what I've heard, too. Yeah, and that there's a reason why it's a rumor and it hasn't gotten out yet um because obviously if he was injured like for there's people who are in the game who definitely don't want to say that they're injured because they wouldn't want anyone to find out because they wouldn't want to get pulled out especially after what happened in semifinals so um take it for what it is. He looks good. He looks amazing. He looks like a super strong, healthy young man. He's very intense. Wouldn't you guys say?
Starting point is 01:25:37 He's very intense. Yeah. I don't think I've seen him crack a smile once since this weekend started. I don't think I've seen him crack a smile once since this weekend started. There are three two-time games champions at the CrossFit Games this year. That's the first. And I did ask Annie and Katrin about the pressures that Justin might be feeling being two-time champ and trying to win a third year. And they told me that the pressure is tremendous.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Damn. I can only imagine. That must be nuts. Trina, again, $5. Picks for the intervals, I have no idea. I have no idea who to select in Heat 1 app. Thanks. Hey, that being said, as intense as Justin is is I'm not suggesting anything's wrong with it
Starting point is 01:26:28 His coach is Like They're a perfect match for each other They're yin and yang He's been so cool this whole time Yeah Justin and him, they make a good team And that other dude back there too
Starting point is 01:26:41 Who's cool as shit with Justin Buffano I haven't seen him yet they make a good team. And that other dude's back there too. Who's cool as shit with Justin Bufano. Oh, he is. Yeah. He's back. I haven't seen him yet. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Hey, I told them, uh, Emily Rolfe, we got good feedback on the, on, on the podcast she was on. She's like,
Starting point is 01:26:52 yeah, I got a lot of feedback too. I had no idea people listened to it or how that your podcast was popular or some shit like that. Basically she kicked me in the teeth. Good dude. Uh, Johnny,
Starting point is 01:27:07 you're gonna, you're gonna dish out who you selected for the intervals? You got the shot caller going? Or a mistrader there? I don't know either, man. I think I'm probably just going to go with Vellner. I'm trying to pick somebody who I don't think will just the fittest person. Adler's a great pick, but I don't want to pick Adler. I want to save him for later. I feel like Sprague could do well in this.
Starting point is 01:27:35 I don't know. I feel like a long body, this is a sprint. There's no pacing. And I think a long body is going to go up and down at a slower rate than just bouncy guys. You know what I mean? Should it be a Chandler Smith then? Yeah, Chandler Smith is a good one.
Starting point is 01:27:54 His burpee box jump overs are crazy. Yeah, good call. Yeah, Chandler will be a good – it's a weird workout, though. A lot of different people could be good. A lot of different people could be bad a lot of different people could be bad but Daniel Brandon jumps to my mind if a guy pulls out Hopper would be back in
Starting point is 01:28:13 if somebody pulled out tonight Hopper would be back in that would be crazy that would be such an emotional rollercoaster for him I wonder if he could get back on the saddle that quickly after mentally checking out do you think the behind the scenes will be better because of your time away? The behind the scenes will be better for two main reasons.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I'm like, I'm a different person. I'm better than I was five years ago at asking questions and Mariah Moore. Just straight up. That's it. I mean, what she's bringing to the table is nuts. I mean, she, she, what she's bringing to the table is nuts. I mean,
Starting point is 01:28:47 we, I'll tell you how amazing we are Sunday after this is over. Not because it's anything bad, but like, I just feel, feel better bragging after I'm away from all the people. I'm back in the, in my little office.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I'll tell you how amazing, I mean, me and her just, after I'm away from all the people. I'm back in my little office. But I'll tell you how amazing. I mean, me and her just destroying shit. And then we have a crazy support team with Caleb there, Sousa there, Patrick Rios, Isabel, and Grace. I mean, it's – and then all these other people. We're in this media pit and it's like 20 people who listen to
Starting point is 01:29:31 the podcast religiously. Like this crazy mob. Nuts. Just supporting each other and loving on each other. It's a crazy environment. Do you think Justin Medeiros and Ellie Turner's training let them down this year? Seems like no. I don't.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Did it let them down last year? Yeah, or the year before. Yeah, no. Hey, dude, there's something weird going on. Yeah. We're going to have to let the dust settle and let John and Brian and Halpin and some of the brains figure out. But something's up.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Something's up. Someone's going to be like, there was eight times as much running as ever. Or someone's going to come someone's going to crack the code. Something's up. It's not bad, but it's just really testing the athletes. Something unique is being tested that someone hasn't spotted yet, I think.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Unsporty Beth, eat your... Oh, no. That's fucked up that's fucked up that's fucked up i was like that is fucked up that's not cool and i think that made it through all of them so we should probably 1999 this so seven could go to bed because it is yeah yeah this is true it could be this i think the bike killed people yeah it could be something like that we may end up with some weird hypothesis like that. Like, hey, it's something about that bike ride shifted everything.
Starting point is 01:30:51 All right. Love you guys. John Young, thank you for carrying the substance of this show. Caleb, thank you for your new beautiful headset. Astuza, thank you for getting the money deposited in my bank account. Love you guys. See you bright and early tomorrow morning. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Holy

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