The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #7 | Saturday PM

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply and then it sounds like they've it sounds like even last year it was decent but this year i mean it's it's rough like john cuts out uh tyler and and uh taylor tried to join this evening and they tried like three or four times and the connection was just awful from where he's from where john's at right now no from no no from inside the venue oh gotcha gotcha yeah that's why i like as soon as the last event's over i try to get to the hotel as fast as i can that because i know i'm gonna do
Starting point is 00:01:32 both the y'alls you know what i mean so it's good internet here yeah john young from jy barbell hey how do people sign up for that so uh just go to instagram at jy barbell um if you go to my regular instagram it's it's on in the at the top um and you click on it and then just message me and we'll talk about your strength goals and um you know i'll get it going and get it going you had a day job i coach at the gym like six hours a day that's about it wow that's good okay your clients like you yeah yeah so far so good yeah i'm either training or coaching literally every hour of the day do you play sports as a kid how old are you 28 yeah i played everything through high school i played three
Starting point is 00:02:27 sports in high school what'd you play lacrosse uh football and basketball lacrosse yeah and then i moved to illinois when i was 17 where did you live that you played lacrosse the hamptons uh south florida no shit they don't do that shit on the West Coast, I don't think. Well, they didn't in Illinois either. Illinois, there was no lacrosse. You think Brian Spinn played sports in high school or growing up at all? You think he played any sports? I think he ran cross country.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Oh, shit. Wow. Mr. Spinn. I did. I did. Tracking cross country. No shit. What did I play?
Starting point is 00:03:05 You definitely played pickleball. I did. I did. Tracking cross-country. No shit. What did I play? You definitely played pickleball. Dude, you're close. I was the king of P.E. badminton. I was kind of one of the cool kids in high school, but I would still at lunch
Starting point is 00:03:21 go play badminton with the Asian kids. No shit shit i'm serious even though i'd like i could have just like hung out and like looked at girls or some shit listen every sport that you play is like a kid not not really sport but like game that you play as a kid the asians are amazing at it they're like it's it's every single one of them why don't i know i know so so it's like that okay so why aren't they in the pros oh fucking let's do this show after the games i don't want to say something honest and get kicked out of the fucking games okay but hey hey it's like that it's like that at jujitsu my kids go to jujitsu tournaments asian kids will pass they go to tennis tournaments it's
Starting point is 00:04:00 all it's well there's only asian kids and indian there, and they will pass. And what's the – oh, skateboarding. Ah, yeah. The best skateboarder in like kind of the Bay Area kid is like this 12-year-old Asian kid. That's interesting. It's all the like kind of oddball stuff. None of the major sports that are in America at least. It's all the other ones. God, I hope in my lifetime there's a fucking like a
Starting point is 00:04:27 tom brady was is that the best quarterback ever yeah i hope there's like we long we young or something and he's like a fucking 18 time fucking super bowl champ i mean who's the closest would you think yaoming he's he's probably the best asian What about the Asian? We got to stop this, but a little bit more. How about the Asian guy who played in the NBA? Who took that shit? Not Yao Ming, but there was a guy who just... Oh, Jeremy Lin.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, Jeremy Lin, right? Didn't he have just some sort of weird, crazy... He had two weeks of insanity and then he fell off. You mean Lynn sanity? Yeah, there you go. Like some Steph Curry shit, right?
Starting point is 00:05:11 It was like three-pointer shit, right? Yeah. Yeah, it was crazy. He went to Harvard. Speaking of Asians, what happened to BKG? Oh, my goodness. I shouldn't have had that third margarita. I did message him, and he got back to me.
Starting point is 00:05:27 He didn't want to say, but he said he'd see us tomorrow. Oh, BKG. Why don't you give me your digits, fool, and come on the show? So he is competing tomorrow for the people listening. That's what he said he would. Lucky camera straps dipping into the 401K. Hope you guys had a good day. Jeffrey Adler is a beast.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Vellner's coming back, and Lawson is going to take it to Tia next year. I did see Tia running around back there looking good, and Vellner is in a very good headspace. Michelle LaTondra is quite the coach. I got some good behind the scenes stuff for you she yeah she talks whatever that like she's the horse whisperer for velner do we want to get into it right now let's collect some money oh there's too much money coming sorry hold on uh nice try though i appreciate you trying to push the show forward john young uh brian spin of
Starting point is 00:06:21 the barbell spin uh he's doing the podcast during the day evening all the time he's got all the up-to-date news he's even got correspondence with bkg and i can't even get an interview with bkg jessica pearson the cf pod was talking about daniel brandon's bad attitude thoughts uh i don't know what the cf pod is but and how it can reflect badly on the sport as a whole on espn thanks for being awesome. No, that's completely wrong. Daniel Brandon is a hundred percent positive for the sport. There's zero negativity. Even if she walked out there worshiping Satan, she is a powerhouse. She's extremely intense. She's extremely charismatic. Nothing has been given to her. She's earned everything she has or had.
Starting point is 00:07:07 She has a tremendous team around her that is brute. And whatever pathologies or expressions that she is having on or off the field are perfect for CrossFit. And CrossFit will deal with them also. Dave yelled at her for saying the F word, and it's all perfect. It's perfect she said the F word on ESPN, and it's perfect that dave yelled at her the whole thing is a fantastic story and no one can say otherwise unless one of you guys has an opinion on it i just want to know i mean she's true to herself you know what are you at a fucking bar caleb where are you some guy walked by what do you know
Starting point is 00:07:40 i'm at the brothel i'm at my brothel okay I'm at my brothel. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead, Mr. Young. Go ahead. Daniel is true. She's true to herself. She doesn't try to put on a fake face for anybody.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And I think that's something a lot of people value about her. I think that's why she has as many fans as she does. Hey, dude, she's going hard in the paint. It's like imagine loving a girl with all your heart and you come around the corner and she's kissing a guy. And then that breaks your heart, but you still keep loving her. That's Daniel Brandon, man. She's giving it all.
Starting point is 00:08:16 She's letting herself be hurt. She's all in and she's getting hurt because she's not performing up to the expectations she wants and she's acting out and it's okay. No one's getting hurt because she's not performing up to the expectations she wants and she's acting out and it's okay. No one's getting hurt. Enjoy the DB show. That's it. She's passionate.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Don't expect her to not be that way. She's always going to be that way. She's not Conor McGregor. She's not being like... Conor McGregor started flirting. I like I mean Conor McGregor Was flirting I mean I like him But he started flirting
Starting point is 00:08:46 With being a douchebag There's no douchebag In Daniel Brandon And you don't have to like her You can dislike her But you don't Do not You should not tell her
Starting point is 00:08:56 To change Yeah she's not Don't root for her If you don't like her Yeah yeah I think she brings in Other fans That are tired of or want to see emotion
Starting point is 00:09:08 out there like we always see everybody just being super nice and it's great like we want to see that emotion out there whether it's for the good or for the bad it makes it exciting it makes it like a real person uh And then my second question or second comment is, I don't know why Jessica was watching the CrossFit podcast when John and I were alive, but yeah, Jessica. Oh, careful. I love Jessica. 499. Sorry. I apologize for Mr. I apologize for Mr. She was one of the 24.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Oh Adrian. Who is it? Who's hosting that show I gotta apologize not sure yeah I'm good with it great question though thank you for the loot Jessica good question Eaton Beaver bam we're live I like the profile picture
Starting point is 00:10:00 it's Sousa oh yeah Eaton Beaver's a girl no is that Sousa. Oh, yeah. Eaton Beaver's a girl? No. Is that Sousa and some girl? Sousa and Grace, I think. Oh, it is? Yeah. It looks like her, doesn't it? I can't really tell.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I can't tell either. I can't see that. What? Cave Dastro said we don't lose the behind the scenes because of this conversation oh my god i love don fall so much i saw don better i saw don with his family today man beautiful family you know what it was like well i saw don in the underground i was running to go film something and he was with his three kids and his wife and it was like uh you ever seen like a duck like the the king duck and all the baby ducks like follow around it was like that like it was like, you ever seen like a duck, like the king duck and all the baby ducks like follow around?
Starting point is 00:10:45 It was like that. Like it was pretty cool. It's like how I kind of like want my family to be. Just a bunch of ducklings following you around? Yeah, but my wife's a king duck. John, I'm sorry I made fun of your sunburn. You're a good dude. Dang.
Starting point is 00:11:02 That is making fun of it, dickhead thank you i appreciate that michael birchfield i think i met this dude today too gave him a big ass hug met susan seven today was impressed by the genuine attention given to a random fan dude let me tell you the random fans i fucking tell them to eat a dick you are not a random fan uh you guys are great. Keep it up. Also, I thought Susan would be taller. God. You gotta see him with his shirt off. He looks tall as shit with his shirt off.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Just leave us alone about that. John, I saw a comment that said you had an encounter with Sporty Beth today. Is that true? No. Huh? I will discuss this off air. Wow. Now you're going to silence yourself.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Justine, the beautiful, I disagree, Sevan. Oh, that Sousa looks taller with his shirt off? That's cool. I'm cool with that. Sevan played tetherball in high school. Dude, I sucked at tetherball. Dude'm cool with that. Stevan played tetherball in high school. Dude, I sucked at tetherball. Dude, we should play. There's a tetherball thing right here.
Starting point is 00:12:12 At the brothel? Yeah, at the brothel. It's one year in between events. Hey, are you going to be here on Monday, Stevan? Yeah, just in the morning. I think me and Brian are going to play frisbee golf in the morning if you want to go. Okay. Zach Scott, $9.99. For your fourth Margarita Savant, y'all fellas are killing it. John Young, Caleb Beaver, and you, Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I don't know what TFX is, but I'm going to say it's experience. It's a composition. Larry, Farlow's clean and jerk, eh? Mr. Young. Crazy, eh? Yeah, it's the biggest clean and jerk we've ever seen in the CrossFit Games. And it ties the biggest clean and jerk we've ever seen in a competition, right? Because he's 396 at the water at Waterpalooza, which
Starting point is 00:13:07 was fresh, by the way, not coming off of a rowing box jump, destroy your legs workout. I think follows the strongest guy in the whole CrossFit world, at least in clean and jerk. Hey, so I had this question for him and
Starting point is 00:13:23 I didn't ask this was stupid impressive go ahead i thought it was a dickhead question i was gonna be like hey dude have you ever thought about fucking just focusing on olympic lifting i mean i want him to stay in crossfit but i wanted to ask that is he's good enough to ask that right uh he so he i think he weighs a lot focused oh okay he's 210 on his profile i mean he's he's all of 220 okay so he's still only good for a crossfitter he's still not world class okay yo no in the olympics uh my body weight in the olympics is clean and jerking 506 okay uh he was very happy after that lift you'll see it in the behind the scenes. He was the happiest guy ever who got cut He was proud of himself and you'll hear about how him and Nick Matthew
Starting point is 00:14:11 I think was Nick Matt know him and brought us law We're playing game head games with each other and it's cool that such a young kid is experiencing that kind of sophistication What was funny was? Farlow was you know lifting before Bronislaw and he would not put his weights on it was funny was Farlo was lifting before Bronislaw, and he would not put his weights on. It was so maddening because I'm trying to figure out what is he going to do next? What does Bron have to do to match it? I'm trying to do the math myself, and he would not touch his weights until Bronislaw would have touched his weights.
Starting point is 00:14:39 He literally waited until 30 seconds until he had to lift and then finally put on ones ones on just so would it change anything because um and i don't know it paid off for him uh he's a monster i mean bron's a monster too he had that 315 snatch that he did that's the most we've ever seen in a competition like at this level i'm not talking about semifinals, but in the CrossFit Games, it's the most we've ever seen a CrossFit Games athlete snatch, and he did it easy. I know we miss
Starting point is 00:15:12 Guy being here, but those two guys both did. I mean, they're both right there with him, if not better. I've never seen Guy snatch 315. I've seen him clean and jerk 396 or 395, whatever it was. But those two guys are incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And Guy would not have gotten 396 today. On the second lift, he wouldn't have graded on it. I think they only did two lifts. To do this cold, essentially two. They were cold. You wait 20 minutes in the corrals, and then to do it with just two attempts. And on top of that, do you know how hard it is to be snatching?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like you snatch and then it's without any warm-up at all. Now you have to clean and jerk 90% of your max with no warm-up on the clean and jerk. The first clean and jerk you're doing is 365. You don't think they warmed up their clean and jerk in the back? Yeah, but you wait 30 minutes in the corrals before you even get going. Yeah, but then you snatch. You snatch. You're firing.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Did you see Noah? You saw Noah? He looked like he didn't know how to. The first one. Every single athlete I talked to said the wait in between lifts was too long. And by too long, meaning something that they hadn't practiced. The entire thing was too long of a weight for an ideal lift. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the competition.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I'm not saying it's not cool to make them wait that long. I'm just saying for an ideal condition, which is John Young's talking about, there was not an ideal condition. And to get these kinds of lifts in a non-ideal condition is pretty, is even more amazing than how amazing they are. And yet also don't forget there's 10, people focused on you scream yeah that place was so loud uh i want to uh edgar uh fonsesca is forcing us to start the show with his
Starting point is 00:16:57 next $4.99 question so before we do that let me um let's bring up the leaderboard i want to ask uh Before we do that, let me – let's bring up the leaderboard. I want to ask any of you guys to jump in. It doesn't matter. But right around the – right at the cut line, I want to look at like 21 through 25. And I just want to let you guys know that it is – it's something else down there. I've recalibrated my perspective. Jer Howell was like, hey, you just view these guys as dancing monkeys.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I was like, uh-huh. Like someone should slap me around. James Sprague should slap me around for that. Maurice Fiebig, I'll start with him. Amazing guy, 28 years old. Got his coach down there, giving it his all today. Fantastic gentleman, second year at the games, I believe.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Very well-spoken. Yeah, German cat, very well-spoken. Thank you, Brian. Like, doesn't even sound like he's German. Doesn't have that cadence that us Americans are like, what are you saying? Like, even if his English is perfect. Sounds fantastic, like he's from Denmark.
Starting point is 00:18:15 How many points was he out by? Five. Oh, yeah. Crazy. And Moritz is one of those guys that he has events where he does extremely well even in world class uh against world class people and then he just he's promising because like if he fills the holes that that he has um he could become consistent like they're they're obvious holes they're obvious holes to work on it's not like he's the 25th fittest guy through everything. There's some stuff where
Starting point is 00:18:45 he's 5th place in the world in and then there's some stuff where he's 30th place in the world in. Somebody like Jeff Adler started out like that. Way when he first broke into the competition and if lifting events, he could be
Starting point is 00:19:01 3rd place and then gymnastics events, he'd be 30th place. And then he's just little by little started knocking them out one by one, got better every single year. Now he's, you know, might be the fittest man in the world. And somebody like Moritz can do when they have obvious holes to work on. And it's not just across the board. I think it's easier to work those weaknesses than, you know, 15 25 you know you know i'm saying yeah especially if there are things like
Starting point is 00:19:30 just endurance as opposed to like the handstand push-ups which it could or you know could be a stopper uh samuel cornway from crossfit uh uh mayhem uh severely injured. In my opinion, which I expressed to him, he should have pulled out two events ago. He did not pull out. You will see it in the behind the scenes where I'm kind of even pressuring him to pull out. And he's like, no, dude. And he says it. I'm a tough guy. We're all tough guys.
Starting point is 00:20:03 All 40 of us here are tough guys. We don't pull out. He said to me today, if you ask me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much something hurts, you'll never basically hear me say more than 5. And went out there and played the game with Nick Matthew. Pushed Nick Matthew. Him and Nick Matthew pushed back and forth. Beat Nick Matthew by a pound on the I think it was the snatch
Starting point is 00:20:26 missed his first snatch And then in his first lift his missed his first attempt and then got his second attempt in the first snatch crazy But I mean, but I mean severely injured I mean like a dude who's walking around and you're like, hey that dudes hurt someone check on him He wouldn't have thought so by the way, he was lifting though, right? I agree. He just grabbed up and went out there and handled business. He wouldn't have thought so, by the way. He was lifting, though. Right. I agree. He just sat up and went out there and handled business. He couldn't even stand up on the finish mat
Starting point is 00:20:49 at the end of the burpee box gym workout. He couldn't even lift his leg up to it, but then he started snatching and clean jerking. Yeah, his back is fucked up, dude. He's moving around like an old man back there. Yeah, he is fucked up. By the way, all these dudes are way bigger than you think. And all the women, too.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Like, when you're next to them in person, they don't look like they do on Instagram. Permittable. Yeah, Samuel Cornwell is a big fucking piece of meat. Yeah. Anyone else before we move on to Fabian Benito? No, he definitely looked like he was hurt, so I'm not surprised. John, Fabian, Fabian, great athlete, won, what did he win, Dubai?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's a solid week from him. I think it was going to be hard for him to make the 30th cut, and he did relatively easy um i don't i don't i wouldn't be dejected if i was fabian uh 23rd is nothing to be mad about uh yeah and i he he's in the same boat as moritz for me um like they both have things that they're really good at and they both have things that they're bad at. And it's obvious, and they know that.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And it's easy to work those things. It's, you know, it's not their – when you have home run ability, you can be dangerous. And Fabian's one of those guys too. Same with Heinrich. I mean, Heinrich went for it hard on the box jump workout. You could see he sent his soul soul which he is amazing at doing if you ever followed heinrich he if it's a short sprint heinrich is going to go for it badly and
Starting point is 00:22:32 he either will make it or he will crash incredibly hard um hey uh henrik abelainen after he was on the show he told me that he could kickflip and i was like hey can you send me a video of that i want to post it and he sent me a video i still haven't posted it that's awesome and i knew that but yeah was it a recent kickflip or was that an old video that he said no no no no no recent like very recent like where's he training was he at uh he was either at krypton or mayhem or something and he did it there i think everybody from europe was at krypton right okay that's awesome i almost spoke to laura horvath today uh yeah henrik uh uh fabian benito great guy henrik habalainen great guy great attitudes down there both of them uh habalainen was great got
Starting point is 00:23:16 tons of behind the scene footage with him uh fabian is i did not film with him the whole time i don't think his english is so bueno. Question. Is that Fabian's a part of the program, right? No. The training culture. Training culture. Training culture is all the standards, right?
Starting point is 00:23:36 The program is Moritz Fiebig. And I got to speak with John Singleton. I hadn't spoke with him in 10 years. What a fucking cool dude. Well spoken. We need to find a way to send a pig to training culture. Because the pig chipper is pretty much the reason why Fabio Benito did not make it. Fabio Benito was fit enough to make the top 20 if he could. I'm guessing it's the pig because I don't see how it could be anything else.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Hey, we would need to send it by ship and send it now. Well, they could recreate it. When was the pig first introduced? 2015? So, you had some time. How the fuck did you know that, Sousa? I actually know quite a bit. As long as you...
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'm listening to the show. Just from being a boss. Oh, he follows along. Dude, I've been to the show just from being a boss he follows along dude I've been on this show 1200 times I didn't even know that I get lucky every now and then James Sprague my god I don't have anything nice to say about James Sprague
Starting point is 00:24:39 but I want to say this James is my boy I was all up in James business the whole week I want to say this. James is my boy. Send him a link. God, I was all up in James' business the whole week. James Sprague, after the lift, people who were going to get cut or who had their feelings hurt would immediately retreat around the corner and go down the tunnel as far as they could in the athlete warm-up area, maybe even escape and go home.
Starting point is 00:25:03 James Sprague waited right by where the athletes get out and matt torres that cat dom and that cat dc that looks like i don't know where the fuck dc looks like he's from he's european as a motherfucker doesn't even look human and they surrounded james sprague and he's sitting there and they were like his angels and i walked up and i fell on them like how you doing james he's i did the best i could blah blah blah stayed positive he may have he was doing that thing you know like when you hold your eyes kind of weird like maybe he was holding back some tears i couldn't tell but his voice was strong no crackling confident and just the giver that james sprague's is just gave just still giving and uh fuck uh
Starting point is 00:25:47 anyway you want your daughter to date that dude and you want that guy to be your next door neighbor for sure did you notice any difference between those who got cut on Friday night versus Saturday night yeah these people are handling yeah great questions these people are handling it much better for the most part yeah i asked because seeing kelly baker like she was devastated friday night and now she just again missed by one and her post was much more grateful and you know happy to be there so 24 baker made the most of that opportunity. We got great footage
Starting point is 00:26:30 of her behind the scenes. I agree. Totally. He basically says, hey, I got a second life. Let's go over to the women. We'll do five eulogies over there and then we will back to collecting cash. Cash.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Hey, everyone, you need to know that if you want to do California Peptides, if you want to do, today, Sarah sent me a California Peptide sent me a text message that said if you use code words Sevan
Starting point is 00:27:01 or Hiller, Hiller's a little easier to spell. It is. Use a QR code. You're going to get one of those bottles of water that you need to reconstitute the peptides. Hydroponic water. No. No.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Cut that. Spin, can you cut that? Oh, shit. Sorry. It's like bacterial-free water. cut that spin. Can you cut that? You seem like, sorry. It's like bacterial free. I don't know what it is. Bacterial static, back goes static.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You get a free bottle of water that you need to reconstitute the peptides and you get free shipping, I think. And you're going to want to do that because I'll save you 25 bucks. That's only going to be for two days. Also, if you were at the venue go to paper street coffee it's in vendor village it's right next to uh dave newman's rx rope right across
Starting point is 00:27:52 from innovate uh where i hung out with scott panchick today uh and also fuck buy some uh innovates and um get some ropes uh my kids use the uh whatever What rope is that that Dave Newman sells? Is that the RX rope? RX smart gear. Yeah, my kids jumped the shit out of that. Those are great ropes. I accidentally left mine when I was deployed and they demolished the building that I was living in so I couldn't get it back. Oh.
Starting point is 00:28:17 On a side note, people, about Caleb's jump, if you want to know the history of Caleb's jump rope, I had it for like 10 years. I had it for like 10 years. Oh, shit. Caleb was deployed You want to know the history of Caleb's jump rope? I had it for like 10 years. I had it for like 10 years. Oh, shit. Caleb was deployed. And while he was deployed in an undisclosed location,
Starting point is 00:28:34 he took his jump rope. Hey, that place where we did the podcast has been destroyed? Not that place, but the place that I was living. Well, I guess one of the places that I did the podcast. Yeah, it's not there anymore. Oh, shit. You mean when you would do the podcast under that bunk bed, that place is gone? That's gone. I was telling someone today, he's like, what's one of the secrets to your podcast?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Like, why do you think it's successful? I'm like, well, we got a guy in the Air Force who was fucking forced to do the podcast. Government issue. All right. podcast government issue all right uh women uh women 21 through uh 25 uh oh my really oh bailey rail made it oh great they were interviewing her finals come wait a second wait a second but ben davidson and i were interviewing her today like she didn't make it this is you need to update it oh there's a tie let's see if I refresh it
Starting point is 00:29:30 oh no I have a different leaderboard hey did we do the dudes wrong oh there you go it's right now I refreshed the dudes oh my god hey I got a crazy story to tell you about shelby neal wait where did the mail go where did the mail go she's down there now they're gone the total
Starting point is 00:29:52 total center she's she gone where is she let's see okay damn oh damn that refresh was harsh hey so tonight so tonight we're at dinner and it it's me and Patrick Rios and Bella and Grace and Sousa and Hiller and Alexis. Did I forget anyone? Caleb. But it's okay. Oh, Caleb. And Caleb's in my right. Caleb's the guy I talk to the most.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Isn't that great? I was like, you guys are hanging tough. And so Hiller's like, hey, you want to see something crazy? And we're like, yeah. And he pulls up this photo, and it's of his quads next to another dude's quads. But you can't see their faces. And he's bragging. And a subtle brag.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Subtle. He doesn't – well, I think he's bragging. He doesn't say – he's like, hey, basically he says those are well i think he's bragging he doesn't say he's like hey basically says those are jack farlow's quads and like and and uh in the picture uh hillar's quads look bigger and tanner and we're like hey can we see the picture of the entire guy can we see all of farlow in the picture just you know you got to confirm it and he squeezes it in and it's not jack farlow and we're like hey dude that's not and it's not Jack Farlow. And we're like, hey, dude, that's not Jack Farlow. And he's like, yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We're like, no, it's not. He's like, yeah, it is. We're like, dude, it's not. He was adamant. He didn't know this, but we, me and Sousa and Caleb, had just met the guy in the picture. And the guy in the picture was Shelby Neal's boyfriend. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:31:21 In the elevator. Yeah, right before that. And so Hiller went up to some random dude who was Shelby Neal's boyfriend and was like, can we take a picture of our quads? I'm thinking it was Jack Barlow. I have that whole story on film, by the way.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So good. So crazy. Okay, here we go. Shelby Neal, congratulations. Can't wait to stick the camera in your face tomorrow. Kelly Baker, absolutely amazing quality interviews, totally accommodating to the behind the scenes. 21st place. To be honest, I don't know if this is a compliment,
Starting point is 00:31:58 but I think she exceeded her presumed potential. I think 21st is amazing for her first year at the games for somebody who came in last in the semi-final yeah crazy yeah and almost got cut mr young no i yeah like she for her to get in last second to this to the top 30 and then immediately and then get what's she getting the 5k eighth yeah yeah eighth in the 5k 19th after that or something 13 yeah and then and then win her heat in the uh intervals like i know she didn't um plays as good like overall but she won her heat in the intervals and oh wow so where'd she shit the bed in the total no it was just everybody in the first the last two heats first the first interval was very slow um oh wow so she did good it's just it's the competition is stiff if she would have been in
Starting point is 00:32:59 probably the second or first you know the second or third heat she probably would have cut some time off of that. Just having some experience to see how the first heat went. I think she probably would have passed Shelby at that point, just having a little bit more experience. Climbing 10 spots in one day is freaking crazy. That's hard to do. After getting a
Starting point is 00:33:20 text at 11 p.m., after 10 p.m., she was going to get caught. I'm surprised she even saw it like what if she didn't look at her email what if she was like i'm out guys i'm out let's go home hammered at the bar yeah yeah she she did say that yeah i interviewed her susan she was like hey it's crazy that i didn't start drinking she said she had a burger and a beer oh shit okay she said something to me about like i'm glad I didn't start drinking wine. Hey, so that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:33:47 She climbed 10 spots like John Young said, which is incredible. I mean, all those other girls qualified legitimately. She kind of got the gimme, and she made the most of it and climbed 10 spots. Good on her. Yeah, that's pretty incredible. Excuse me. Christine Kohlenbrander. I actually thought she was going to make it.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I thought she was in. Yeah, she's working that total Excuse me. Christine Kohlenbrander. I actually thought she was going to make it. I thought she was in. Yeah, especially after that. She's working that running. Yeah. Okay, Brian. I think she's the person that Olivia beat, right? We made a bet whether a Kerstetter would be last place in the 5K or not. Olivia beat two.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Yeah, we both said that Olivia was going to be last and christine held her up hey did braunislaw take last place in the 5k yeah but corn why i gave him a run for his money with his broke back wow wow crazy that's hilarious uh sahar kai i saw her back there I never talked to her once. I wish I would have. I don't know much about her. Got to have her on the podcast eventually. How many games has she been to? Is this her second? Third? I think it's her second.
Starting point is 00:34:55 It's at least her second. CrossFit Oslo from Turkey. Yeah, I should have talked to her. There's two women that I didn't talk to that I wish I would have talked to her. There's two women that I didn't talk to that I wish I would have talked to. Alexa Williams. Alexia? Alexia.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah. She's cool looking. It's her first games, correct? Alexia Williams? Yeah, I've never even seen that name. What country was she from? Argentina. Yeah, I should have talked to her.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That was stupid. Her and Sahar Khai. I bet there's only so much time back there. Anyone want to say anything about Ms and Sahar Kaibat. There's only so much time back there. Anyone want to say anything about Miss Sahar? Yeah, I mean, I know she's 23rd. She exceeded expectations. Kind of like Kelly Baker.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I had her in the bottom five, I think. I know I had Kelly Baker in the bottom five. And so, like, for... And Brian did, too, as far as say. So just to give you two peoples, Brian Friend. And me. That was not just me.
Starting point is 00:35:53 But she exceeded everybody's expectations, Kelly Baker and Seher Kaya. Just for her to be 23rd, I don't think she could ask for better than that. I'm pretty sure she's very satisfied with her performance. And it's something to build off of. Yeah, and she's from the Asian region, obviously from Turkey, but she's been living and training up in Sweden at Oslo, and they have something good going there.
Starting point is 00:36:17 They do. Hey, who's winning teams? Is Invictus winning teams? Invictus, and then Oslo, the Oslo team, and and then proven is in third man I heard some great shit about the Invictus team today wild shit wild
Starting point is 00:36:33 I've been following them a little bit I've been filming with Jorge Chama yeah they're cool what are the girls names don't tell me devon yes weiss there you go two different people amanda barnhart what a great attitude you know it's crazy so amanda was there the whole week i said hi to her a couple times she didn't say anything back to me i thought she was blowing me
Starting point is 00:37:02 off but like a fucking insecure little idiot that i am sometimes she wasn't because today she's like hey like she said to me hey how come you haven't had me back on the podcast and what's funny amanda like if you're listening by the way yeah uh suza did say i told suza that i'm like hey why didn't we ever back on and suza showed me he sent her three text messages so you didn't respond amanda besides all of that who gives a shit when she When she approached me today, I was smitten. And I immediately started giving her as much attention as I could because she is cool as shit. And I filmed with her three or four times. And she's a wonderful human being.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And she expressed her disappointment in her performance. But she also said that she is giving her all. And she is happy about that. She feels, like like good about that. I did not. It's interesting. I did not see her. She seemed to still in control,
Starting point is 00:37:51 but not faking control, but just like, like a, a kind of a sincere, like bummed, but, but I didn't see like a, like,
Starting point is 00:38:03 like when Danielle didn't, wasn't doing good. It's just written all over her face. Shit's fucking going crazy. Sparks flying off her and shit. Hair's all crazy. Amanda's one of those people that if she looks at you
Starting point is 00:38:19 or she's a friend to you or she talks to you, you immediately feel kind of special. Great girl. A lot of potential. I hope this isn't her last year. 31 years old. I don't think it is her last year. Interesting. HWPO too, right?
Starting point is 00:38:34 I wonder if... This is a crazy thing to say, but I wonder if in some way Ben... Ah, I should wait. Ah, I won't wait. I wonder if Ben Bergeron somehow was like, well, yep, you should have stayed with me. Like to some of these guys.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Hey, that's what I was going to say. Do you think he's kind of like looking at a few of the people that jump ship that are... I'm not trying to be a dick, but it just seems like a natural thing. Like I had a girlfriend, she left me, and now she got chlamydia with the new guy. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I mean, I'm not happy, but I'm like... At 11 o'clock tonight, you think Ben Bergeron will text her, you up? I'm not happy, but I'm like, eh. At 11 o'clock tonight, you think Ben Bergeron will text her, you up? Oh, no. Come on, come on. It's not like that. I don't want to be that harsh. That's why she's coming back on the show.
Starting point is 00:39:23 But it's just like, I don't mean it like, I'm not saying it should be like that. I'm just saying those are natural things. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like you buy your new wife a bigger ring than your ex-wife to kind of stick it. I mean, I don't know if that's true. I've only had one wife, but... All right. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:39:36 God, I shouldn't have said that. Why didn't you stop me, Susan? What the fuck? Rebecca Vittesen, huh? Oh, Vittesen. The avatar. So Vittesen finishes the lifting event lifting event oh who wants to say something about abana barthart and you guys want to talk about how great she is well the first time we were on
Starting point is 00:39:52 the podcast she was awesome and you really had a great time with her and we thought she was kind of going to be a staple after that so did we no we did yeah okay we talked about we text her immediately because remember if you remember. That's a great thing. We had to go via email with her. After the podcast, she was like, here's my number. Hit me up.
Starting point is 00:40:12 We had to work for it. Yeah. She missed work for that one. Okay. Well, yeah. She should be a regular. Yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:19 She should be a regular. Oh, shit. Are you getting strange texts again? No. oh shit are you getting strange texts again no it's uh he's gotta move rooms again what's up you up oh my god it's um Justin's dad turned 51 today
Starting point is 00:40:41 damn it gotta go to the RV park oh it's always like his birthday out here Justin's dad turned 51 today. Damn it. Gotta go to the RV park. Oh, it's always like his birthday out here. Happy birthday, Mr. Medeiros. Shit. Happy birthday, Tony. I have a feeling I'm going to go out to his house and party sometime soon.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah, let's do it. You gotta pack up at my house to get to his house. I was wondering how you that's an invite I need you to stop by see the gym we'll go together what a douche I didn't go to your wedding I haven't been to your gym it's cool
Starting point is 00:41:15 you're making me work for it Rebecca Vittesen was crying after the lifting event and I walked up to her and she was crying after the lifting event, and I walked up to her, and she was crying in joy. Because she said when she was out there doing the lifting event, she realized for the first time that she was at the CrossFit Games. Oh, man. Yeah, she hadn't been in five years, and this is her first time ever as an individual.
Starting point is 00:41:42 She's been trying for a really long time. She went five years ago, team? Team, yeah, 2018. I had no idea. And she made it in as the 11th person or the 10th person, the last person to make it in for Europe. So for her to get 25th and be able to do all the way through saturday i don't i don't think she expected that um so yeah similar to say her kaya like i feel like she's very very happy with
Starting point is 00:42:16 how the weekend went for her hey full-blown avatar people full-blown avatar, people. Full-blown avatar. Put a fucking tail on Rebecca Vitteson, I'm telling you. What a... What a rock star. I mean, she looks like a bona fide professional athlete. She doesn't even... She looks like a superhero. Go ahead, Caleb. Another similar story to Rebecca Vitteson
Starting point is 00:42:40 would have been on the men's side. David Sharunky. John, please move your nose away from the microphone. No, John, don't. Hey, remind me to tell you something about David Sharunky when we go home
Starting point is 00:42:57 on a podcast. It's a good lesson for all the athletes. David Sharunky. I really like him, by the way, but I got to tell you something about him and Emma Tull and their coaches. But remind me when I go home. I don't want to say it now, and then they approach me and talk to me about it at the minute. Chat, remember that.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah. It's nothing bad. It's nothing bad. It's nothing bad. So David Shrunk, at the end of the Clean and Jer clean and jerk snatch event i was just kind of standing at where the entrance was for everybody who comes in and out of the where all the athletes come in and out and he was walking kind of behind like noah olsen and i think ant haynes and whoever was in that first seat they were all kind of grouping together and then um that big gaggle just kind
Starting point is 00:43:41 of went through the tunnel and then David stopped right at the entrance of the tunnel and turned around and just kind of looked at the scene he just like kind of took it all in you could kind of tell it was kind of emotional for him I don't know exactly I can't speak to exactly what his emotions was but I I felt like a little teary-eyed a little like choked up because somebody like that you take a moment to turn around and look like hey i might never be here again this is a i don't know how many other opportunities i'm gonna have like this um but i want to sit here and just kind of soak it in and i me and another volunteer looked at each other and we both just like had like a big sigh and
Starting point is 00:44:20 a weepy you have video of that someone has video of that yeah it's a great i put it on the story i don't i wanted to give it context just so people understand like the emotions that these athletes are going through are just so can you pull that up on the story that's good shit yeah you showed me that night at dinner that was great you gotta think he's 33 um i don't think anybody expected him to make the games and then he don't think anybody expected him to make the games, and then he did. And then nobody expected him to make the first cut, and then he did. And this is his first actual games. He made it in 2020 and then had to withdraw.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And I know 2020 was the weird year, right? Yeah. Where he did it online. He did it online, but he had to withdraw. Yeah, the online games he had to withdraw. So that's like the worst games ever. He did make it to but he had to withdraw. The online games he had to withdraw. So that's like the worst games ever. He did make it to the games on a team back in 2016. Right, but this is his first.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Oh, yeah, this is good. His first individual CrossFit Games. David Strunk. This is great. He's a gentleman on the left side right behind Luke Parker. It looks like Luke Parker is coming in. Samuel raise his bump and some other people and David's just kind of looking back at the rest of the Coliseum
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yeah, damn damn 59 Yeah, damn. Damn. 59. Good stuff. Okay, I'm going to tell you what it is. Here you go. If you are an athlete and you want attention
Starting point is 00:45:55 from the media and you reach out and ask for attention from the media and the media starts giving you attention, reach out and ask for attention from the media and the media starts giving you attention you have now now you now now you now no longer you now no longer get to control when we get to film you and don't get to film you so if you ask for attention and you want to be interviewed and you come up to me and say some shit like, hey, you've been neglecting so-and-so, and they deserve attention, and I say, you're right, we have been neglecting them, and they do deserve attention.
Starting point is 00:46:35 And then I start filming that person, and then shit goes sideways, and I go to film that person, and you're like, no, not now. Not cool. Now, there's different people. There's people who get tons of attention. Matt Torres today waved me off when I was filming Danieliel brandon i get it she's not she's not begging for attention she's not demanding the media but if you're asking for it once once people have started once i've started investing and filming and filming with you and i've done do six to ten interviews interviews with you every single day and we get to day three you don't get to be like
Starting point is 00:47:04 hey i'm crying now because i had a bad event don't film me now like fuck you i'm done with you every single day and we get to day three, you don't get to be like, hey, I'm crying now because I had a bad event. Don't film me now. Like, fuck you. I'm done with you. I've invested in you. I'm giving you a chance to... I know it's hard. I know you have to be vulnerable. But it's not like that. I can't invest in you this
Starting point is 00:47:19 all this time and energy and then you pull out because things aren't going the way you planned them to go. It may even be better that you cried and failed and you let me film it but just so you know it that's not the game we're like the media is people too once i once once we make that gentleman's deal that partnership that we're going to tell your story. You're in. Yeah, I think 2017 was Josh Bridges' worst year ever. And he was in the last heat every single, like after day one. And he had no problem with Seth on filming him the whole time. I don't know if you said this straight up, but did you?
Starting point is 00:48:00 And he's rich today from his training program. And he's rich today. Yeah, and one of your questions was like, Josh, why do you suck? Oh, did I say that? That's inappropriate. He was in good spirits. You were joking around.
Starting point is 00:48:15 It wasn't like he was crying or anything. Hey, I'm going to. I do. I don't know why, man, but it is. It's bad. I'm going to go out on a limb right now and say today when Matt Torres waved me off, he should have let me come in. But that's okay.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm not even slightly bitter about it because it's a great thing. But I was ready to match Danielle's energy. She didn't want to be filmed, but I think in the end it could have been a real moment for her. And I know it's tough for those athletes and the coaches. It's so tough. People actually like you more from that. Nobody wants to be held up on the pedestal and only show the highlight reel
Starting point is 00:48:48 because then actually people want you to fall. They want to watch you fall. But when you show your vulnerability like the way that some of them do, the audience actually gets behind you. The fans get behind you more. And I know that Torres – Go ahead. Go ahead, John.
Starting point is 00:49:01 You take Justin after event three. His teary-eyed interview interview won me over a lot. I'm notoriously a Justin hater. He's human now. Yes. And yeah, I felt so – I'm like, I want you to do so good now. I was rooting for him so hard because he's real. Yeah, 100% what Caleb said.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And just to be clear, Matt Torres was trying to protect his athletes. Yeah, yeah, that's his job. He was doing the right thing. That's his job. That's not who you're talking about who waved you off, who won't. No, no, no, no. That wasn't who I was talking about. That was totally cool. That was totally fine because I actually captured a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:49:42 But there's other people, and Daniel's never asking me to follow her. But there's other people. And Daniel's never asking me to follow her or Matt's never like those people, but there's other people out there who deserve attention, who the coaches are like, come out of their way. And they're like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:49:51 can you hook up my athlete with some attention? I get it. Yes. I'll try. Yeah. And does that come back to where you actually already had a interaction with her prior to that? And then he's like,
Starting point is 00:50:01 right. Okay. There's no dig at Daniel or Matt in this. I brute has been above and this. Brute has been above and beyond and Danielle has been above and beyond accommodating for our crew. Don't anyone
Starting point is 00:50:16 mistake that. I'd defend Danielle and that crew to the end. Edgar, okay, here we go. Edgar Fonseca, 50 minutes in. This is why you guys are watching the show. You ready to fucking rally, guys?
Starting point is 00:50:30 With only one day left, who do you guys think will win the games? Mr. Spence. Mr. Spence, why don't you go take a pee? Go ahead, Mr. Spence. All right. Well, what's going on? John's got issues. John's got issues with the men.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. What's up? Mr. Spence first. Okay. Okay. Who will win the games? Bring up the leaderboard, please, Caleb. They can. It's working on with the men. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. What's up? Mr. Spins first. Bring up the leaderboard, please, Caleb. They can't work on it, yeah. Which way are we starting?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Men. So we only know one of the three. What is it again? It's five rounds of seven muscle-ups and then a sandbag over three different walls. Increasing weight
Starting point is 00:51:08 on the sandbag? It goes 150-100. And then the last round is 200-125. So the last round gets heavier. The log, they have to kind of throw it over. I can't tell if it's progressively taller or not, but it looks to be about the same height as Sidney McAlation.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I don't know, five and a half feet, something like that. Colton's going to have to wall ball it over. Yeah. Here it is. 13 minute time cap. It'd be fairly quick, but they do have to
Starting point is 00:51:42 jump over the log as well. really quick, but they do have to jump over the log as well. I'm going to pick that bag up and walk in with it. It does get higher, it looks like. So the first one's
Starting point is 00:51:55 advanced down the field. Yeah, and when you see him with the very end, it's up near the top of her head. Oh, wow. That is tall is tall yeah that last one so they will have to kind of wall ball it over that thing huh yeah definitely the last one um so we all know that ring muscle ups is probably roman's least favorite movement out there. I think Jeff Adler is looking good in that. Chandler Smith will be okay. Vellner will destroy it.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Oh, shit. Adler is within. I had no idea it was so close. 13 points. After event 10, Adler is going to be ahead. He was 100 points down 24 hours ago. Adler is going to win. Adler is going to win.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Adler is. Look at this. Here's why. 5K. Cross-country 5K. Second. Olympic total. Fourth. That shows his range. Even the intervals. The guy ran out and ran a 5K.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Got second place and then came in and lifted the heavy barbells and got fourth. Hey, can Vellner do it? Can Vellner come back 100 points? So here's the thing. Vellner, I 100% think Vellner's going to win the event tomorrow, and everybody's going to get hyped on him. Roman's going to struggle.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Adler's going to be fine. The problem is I don't think Vellner can take Adler because he's got a 90-point lead on Vellner right now. After the next event, it might be an 80-point lead. It's not going to be a lot on Vellner. Vellner's not going to be able to make that up. Adler would have to bomb two straight events, and that's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Adler or Roman would have to bomb two straight events for Velner to pass them. Roman, we know, is not going to do great on this one, and Velner's probably going to win. Could Jay Crouch beat Roman on this next workout? Yeah. Oh. God, I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Come on, Jay. Come on, Jay. Come on, Jay. But for Vellner to overtake those two, I think it would be a stretch for him to even overtake one. But it's possible. I don't think it's possible for him to overtake both of them. I think he can win all three events. Jan Clark, 20 euros. Pound.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Thanks for all the coverage and shows this weekend. Can't wait for the behind the scenes jealous of everyone Being able to meet up this week. Also stop everyone. John is not gay fair enough Tommy Rodriguez. Wow, this dude's yoked No, yeah, we I got my hands on this guy today. I felt him up Tommy Rodriguez. Great meeting you guys. Keep up the good work Yeah, yo That's it. That's that's it. Keep up the good work. Yeah, yoked. That's a big dude. He's like a linebacker.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Hit you. Knock you down. Laura Prarost. Okay, if you say so. Thank you. Thanks. Oh, did I see Heidi Krum? Oh, here we go. Caleb, you're slipping.
Starting point is 00:55:05 What? You didn't highlight Heidi? Sorry. My bad. Look, Caleb was about to fight back, and then he just took a look. Laura Prevost won the visor today, too. Oh, she did? Yeah, we're doing little hunts and things, so pay attention to the stories on the podcast Instagram.
Starting point is 00:55:21 She won a visor. Then not thank you for that $10. That visor probably cost me $10. Heidi Krum, I was two seats down from Guy and his wife oh no wonder you didn't mark that uh good job kayla i forgive you a great ghost i discovered today the red shirt people checking the bags and tickets are mission workers what does that mean like former drug addicts they get five dollars a day and their hotel meals and that's it. They get an extra $20 if they find fentanyl and they get to
Starting point is 00:55:49 keep it. We met her. Who did we meet? Gregos? I met her. Yeah, she's cool. Everybody's cool. Aaron, the sunflower.
Starting point is 00:56:01 She's cool. Everybody's cool. Aaron, the sunflower. Any info on Annie Thor's daughter? I feel like everything Henshaw will bring up will help what seems to be the issue. What issue? No! Dude, I saw Yami doing some shit to her today. Like, like...
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, it's like that. Huh? Yeah he he like pushes on these pressure points from like her buttocks all the way down to like her hamstrings i saw that too like he digs his thumbs into her and then like she bends over and she does like i don't know what it is but something was he's trying to tweak with something why did she have some bad lifts i thought she had some great lifts i heard i saw her in catra and like crazy saves dude crazy saves but she did great right yeah that corner with uh danielle and the and the daughters that was just like so fun to watch all three of them over there where it was just like mass drama yeah and power. And Amanda was there too.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Right. Yeah, even better. That was awesome. Oh, shit. Spin, you ready? Yeah. Okay, here we go. Jessica Pearson, 499.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I want to formally apologize to the barbell spin. Would have much rather have been listening to you. I love Daniel Brandon. Just curious what you all thought. I don't know what that means, but I think she's disappointed that she was listening to the. I love Daniel Brandon. Just curious what you all thought. I don't know what that means, but I think she's disappointed that she was listening to the wrong show. Apology not accepted.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Oh, shit. Fergie show. Jack Farlow ain't no Craig Ritchie. Dude, I think I'm building a friendship with Craig Ritchie. It's weird. Yeah, I had a conversation with him. You did? Does he think we're building a friendship i think it's like yeah and his chick said hi to me what like usually i have to say hi
Starting point is 00:57:53 to them and then the other day she said like hi to me i was like oh fuck did i might be like having new friends i don't really have room for new friends but he ever said hi to me it's my fault i tried to be friends with them first i fucked up you're you're the one looking for attention thank you yes uh spin you said that out loud can you put that in the private chat fuck uh semper something hey seven uh was it dan bailey the one giving you the brush off four times yesterday that you talked about no No, no, no, no. Dude, Dan Bailey's the nicest dude fucking ever. I mean, I haven't seen him here, but he wouldn't know how to brush off a fucking scorpion if it was taking a chunk out of his helmet.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Nice guy. Katie Petrick. I've not heard that one before. Thank you. Katie Petrick, great to see Sevan at Paper Street Coffee this morning. Felt honored to make him feel tall. We saw eye to eye. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Thanks for talking it up now. Eric Wheaton. I feel like this is like a rap song. Like I say stuff and then when I take a breath, Susan inserts some shit. Like I go, bad boys. And he goes, boys. What?
Starting point is 00:59:04 What? Yeah. insert some shit like i go bad boys and he goes boys what what yeah he spins there just to kick me if i slip up uh eric whedon crushing the boys can't wait for behind the scenes seven most memorable moment today while filming and interviewing hey dude when daniel brandon came off the floor after her Olympic lifts, every other time she's come off the floor, there's more media on her than there are flies on diarrhea. It is crazy. The media is on her like seagulls at the dump.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I mean, they swarm, dude. And there's a dude with like a boom. And it's crazy. When she came off the floor after the Olympic lifts, not one media person came up to her. Not one. I wish I could have followed her. And I fucking, I was like, that's my move. And I fucking
Starting point is 00:59:54 flew right into her. And it was like, and now, and I knew why the other media guys weren't there. Pussies. Because Daniel Brandon, when she came out of that tunnel, turned into fucking, what's the lady's name on the Khaleesi
Starting point is 01:00:08 there were like dragons around her she was fierce she was pissed like you could feel it I'm telling you she was so fucking intense like she parted the way she came out of the tunnel no media no one talked to her fucking put on my armor
Starting point is 01:00:26 and I said, yep, it's you, Seve. Get some. And then Matt Torres slapped me down. But I did. I charged in and it was memorable. It was cool. And Matt Torres is so fucking cool the way he slaps you down. He's just like, he gets those big brown eyes. Protect his girl. Thank you, Mr. Fireman. Yeah eyes. Protect his girl.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Thank you, Mr. Fireman. Yeah, yeah. Totally protect his girl. Yeah. And he was cool about it. He just shook his head with those big brown eyes at me. Bragat. Bragata. Five pounds. What were these? Pounds. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Late to the party. Curious. Sevan, have you had any interaction with Craig Ritchie? Tons. Dude, I'm telling you, me and him are like... I probably will get his phone number before this is over. I swear to God. Holy shit, there's a skunk right next to me. How close? Turn your computer. Let's see it. Hey, for you Europeans who are watching the show,
Starting point is 01:01:19 don't have skunks, it's no joke. Like, if that sprays Caleb, he's done. He won't be able to come to the game tomorrow. I'm not joking. Anyone who doesn't know what a skunk is, Caleb, why are you looking down at the ground by your feet, dude? Dude, it was like, I swear it's gone now. I scared it.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Dude, if that would have sprayed him, he'd be totally, hey, I'm not joking. If that had sprayed him, he's not coming to the games. No way. There's no way they'd let me in there. They wouldn't even let me talk in the house. Dude, they'd be like, you're sleeping outside, asshole. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:01:52 That's crazy. Holy shit. Wow, that's good. All right. Scared the shit out of me. Bend over. Is Medeiros circumcised? How the fuck would we know?
Starting point is 01:02:05 What the fuck is that? Did I mention California peptides? You get free water to reconstitute your peptides. You need that water. Hydrox water. Jesus Christ. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:02:22 use Hiller or Cevon and get free shipping. Late to the party. Yeah, I'm like, me and Richie are like, is it Yaz or Jazz? Jazz. Yeah, I'm like, we talk. Like I've turned into, I'm like one of those people
Starting point is 01:02:40 that's just turned into just a complete pile of mush around the people that I fucking would troll. I see them in person and I'm just like, oh, these people are cool. I've been hanging, this is who I hang with. I hang out all day with fucking Craig Ritchie, Jazz, Heber, Marsden.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I mean, most of the day I'm like, have my head down and I'm just grinding. But when I like look up and like, I'm like drinking some water, I'm like with them. The media pit is fascinating. The media pit for me, I don't know for you guys,
Starting point is 01:03:13 it's a who's who of media. It's like everyone, like half the people in there are like in my world, like famous to me. There's all, there's like the rogue fucking videographer, Todd Sampson. Like everyone,
Starting point is 01:03:24 like, like you guys think that guy's the king. And maybe some people don't even know it. Dude, the photographer I have down there is killing it for me. Who is it? Who is it? Aaron. I can't remember her last name. Aaron.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Do I know her? It's my mini, Brian. Let me see a picture. What's her Instagram? I want to see her. Aaron. She's killing her? It's my mini Brian. Let me see a picture. What's her Instagram? Aaron Murphy. Aaron Murphy Designs. It's crazy. For the media guys, it's like a who's who.
Starting point is 01:03:55 It's really cool seeing everybody. Yeah, it's crazy. It's nuts. I love being down there. For you guys, I get why you guys don't get me wrong. Heber and Margin and Craig Ritchie, it's a big deal. And Jazz, it's a big deal being down there. For you guys, I mean, I get why you guys don't get me wrong. Heber and Margin and Craig Ritchie, it's a big deal. And Jazz, it's a big deal being down there with them. But there's other people. Let me see if I can
Starting point is 01:04:11 pull her up. Let me see this. There are stories. I think there might be one of her. Oh, that's a great shot. Now I'm going to be starstruck by her, too. There she is. I have seen her. Holy she has amazing hair great hair i don't remember seeing her i don't remember seeing that lent to be honest with you it's
Starting point is 01:04:32 crazy i don't remember seeing that lens either that's what you look at a lot of times look at there come in there's a dude down there there's a a black dude down there named Bruce and every time I see him, I just stare at his shit. I want his shit so bad. His shit? He's got a massive lens. He's got this Anton battery on the bottom of his camera and I just look at it and I'm like, fuck, how do you have that and I don't?
Starting point is 01:04:58 Dude, Mariah's gear is nuts. Yeah, Mariah's gear is nuts. Yeah, it's a vehicle. I held onto it one time and I just about shit myself. Mariah's gear will give you cancer. I wouldn't want to hold something that expensive.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Dude, she just gave it to me. It was very protective. Did you get behind the scenes with Baker? Yeah, tons with Kelly Baker. I finally sacked up and hung out with her. Yeah, tons. And the coaches I finally sacked up and hung out with her. Yeah, tons. And the coaches. I got so much coaches stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Jeffrey Nordell, $1.99. What's up, dude? Let's see. We're going to get to the men in a sec. We're going to get to the women. Pick the winner for the women. Kelly Baker's performance, the unknown, $20. Kelly Baker's performance says something about the cuts, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:05:50 Just because you're not a podium contender doesn't mean you can't have influence on the ultimate outcome. Too bad those cuts won't be there to affect Sunday. Too bad. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. I ain't doing that. Anyone want to side with him? I ain't siding with him on that.
Starting point is 01:06:04 No, ultimate outcome. I like the cuts. Nah, I ain't doing that. Anyone want to side with him? I ain't siding with him on that. No, ultimate outcome. I like the cuts. Talking about the podium, nothing Kelly Baker did had any effect on where the podium is. Kelly Baker did amazing, but she did not get top three in anything. Or she didn't take away points from Lawson or Horvath in anything. So it's not – that's what affects the podium. If you have specialists that can win events or potentially middle when people are fighting for podium spots,
Starting point is 01:06:38 and I don't think we had anything like that. As far as the cuts go, think everything's went really really well i think this is the best crossfit could have hoped for as far as how balanced the test was before they made the cuts and if the people were deserving of making it or not and then the top 20 being what it is i like the cuts man i'm i'm loving the cuts it's great it's so much tension down there i'm telling you it's it's great. It's so much tension down there. I'm telling you, it's dope. Think about it.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Think about it. Would you want to watch Hopper struggle through six more events? No. I feel bad for him. Yeah, I know, but I'm saying he was ready to be done, and that's fine. Did you see the stat about his finish time on the last event on the helena yeah if he would have finished one second faster on helena maybe like jogged like a step faster on the way to the finish line
Starting point is 01:07:38 he would have made up two spots and he would have made the cut and you watch helena he's moving slow the whole time, man. Yeah, I think to your point, John, you were like he was kind of ready. Like he might have been checked out at that point. Moving slow the last round. It looked like the dumbbell was heavy for him. It was weird. Yeah, I don't think he wanted that extra second.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Julian, oh, go ahead. You want to explain what you mean by that? You want to explain what you mean by that you want to explain what you mean by that brian i mean i got to imagine he entered this week saying i want a podium i have a chance at winning this thing and he finds himself at 30th like that's demoralizing and like you just want to be off the off the field and so what does it matter to him if he's 31st or 29th right like it's just get me out of here let me go work towards next year well well
Starting point is 01:08:33 well well let me push back on that Samuel Cornwall I cared he went back out for the weightlifting made sure he beat Nick Matthew by a pound and still took 22nd and got cut but tried to stay he tried to stay injured and he has a kid at home. I mean, that's maybe why he's in there fighting.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I think Hopper wanted to stay. I think Hopper wanted podium or nothing. Okay. I agree with Ryan. I don't think it matters that place. Samuel Cornway is not trying to podium. And if he says he is, he's lying to himself.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Um, as far as expectations go. I bet when somebody told him, man, if you were just one second faster, you would have made it. He was like, dang it. You know what I mean? Well, hey, gosh darn it. I'll go drink my beer now.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Yeah. Julian, Roland, Sevan, these behind the scenes better be good because your teasers are cliffhangers. Let me tell you something. You're going to be lucky within six months. We'll be lucky at the behind the scenes. Don't expect anything ever to come out. I bet that guy wouldn't have.
Starting point is 01:09:36 The greatest behind the scenes ever may never even come out. You're going to need $100,000 to pay the editors. I'm not even doing that. I'm going to go home and forget I even shot him, dude. And Susan's been to my house. He knows. I'm going to go inside the Three Plain Brothers Empire and fucking forget you guys
Starting point is 01:09:54 even existed until next year. Here's the next live call in. Dennis Olari, Sevan, how do you keep up with all the storylines? Amazing. Can't wait for the behind scenes. Dennis Olari, Sevan, how do you keep up with all the storylines? Amazing. Can't wait for the behind the scenes. I say with complete humility, I am a complete
Starting point is 01:10:13 fucking savage. Dude, you should see him back there. I never see anyone doing one-fifth interviews that I'm doing. I don't see anyone working one-fifth as hard as I do. I say that with peace and love. I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I do fucking four interviews and someone's over there still talking to someone else. There's people down there. I don't even want to get started. Talk to me next week. I'm nuts. I'm fucking nuts. Yeah, I'm nuts. Even when I go over to the Paper Street Coffee, I'm collecting behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I see Scott Panczyk selling Innovates, and I go over and fucking give him a hand. I just can't stop. I'm in love. I'm in love. Okay, can we pull the – sorry. Thank you for all the money, but we're going to lose John Young. We only got 21 more minutes left before he turns into a fucking pumpkin. Oh, do you want to go women?
Starting point is 01:11:04 Yeah, let's go. Scroll down a little bit more. John, just tell me this. Who has no... I couldn't pick Bailey Martin out of a fucking crowd. I couldn't pick Bailey Martin out of three people. Who the fuck is Bailey Martin?
Starting point is 01:11:20 How come I don't know who that is? Who is that? That's three people. He's got a crazy good beard. I'm just bragging about how I know everything, and I don't even who that is? Who is that? He's got like a crazy good beard. I'm just bragging about how I know everything and I don't even know who the fuck that is. Send in seven too. Yeah, man. He's from Australia.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I know who Benji is. I know who his photographer is. You're going to get corrected by everybody in the chat. It's New Zealand. Oh, I do know who that is Oh shit Hey this guy looks like a special forces guy He looks like a fucking undercover FBI agent
Starting point is 01:11:52 He doesn't even fit in You know who he is now? Wow Rookie of the year right there What? Rookie of the year No shit He is the highest ranking rookie right now out of all the people
Starting point is 01:12:08 host that had him for a little bit, but yeah. Hey, what happened to Jello host? Did he come in and jerk less than my all time PR? Whoa. I'm serious. I saw you at a 45 and a 35 on the bar.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I was like, what's up with this dude More than my all time I don't know What was his clean and jerk It doesn't say separate but he said he got a 545 Total So a 245 snatch
Starting point is 01:12:38 And a 300 clean and jerk Wow My bad You clean and jerk in 300, Tevon? No, not in this lifetime. Divided by two. Okay. What's the lowest guy on there, John, that can make the podium?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Fourth. No shit. We're looking at it. That's it. Those are the guys. Okay. So I'll say, I'll say fifth place.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I'm not talking about mathematically. I'm talking about just in your opinion, in my opinion. Yeah. Okay. So if a cowskin, Jay Crouch or toast, you're saying, thank God,
Starting point is 01:13:17 he would have to have some home run hits. But my, the thing is we know the event tomorrow. Well, then Chandler Smith ain't making it. So you're telling me it's Roman, Adler, and Belner, and it's what we all predicted anyway, not in that order. And I think Roman and Adler are going to battle out for one and two.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I think that's pretty set in stone. And then Belner's going to be third place. Belner could have three first place tomorrow, and it just wouldn't be enough. Okay. All right. That's what's going to happen for them. And for the women, y'all. Could Belner take second? You think Belner could take second? I don't be enough. Okay. All right. And that's what's going to happen for the men. And for the women.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Could Vellner take second? You think Vellner could take second? I don't think so. Roman would have to have another bad event. And once the ring muscle-ups are out of the way, he's good at everything else. I think if Vellner takes second, it has to be above Roman. I don't think he passes.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I agree. I agree. I agree. Say that again, Spinn. I didn't understand that. Say that again one more time. I don't think Vell. I agree. I agree. I agree. But I don't think it'll happen. I didn't understand that. Say that again. One more time. I don't think Vellner can pass Adler.
Starting point is 01:14:08 He could only pass Roman. So explain that to me. That's interesting. Oh, because Roman has more holes. I think you have to know that we know tomorrow morning is Romans not going to be a good workout for him. Most likely.
Starting point is 01:14:23 So I don't think Adler has something in the Coliseum that's going to give up 100 points to Pat. And you got to think, we haven't seen a barbell yet, right? So a barbell should be coming. Like what? Like DT or Grace or? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, yes. Like just a barbell. Grace or... Yeah, something like that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Just a barbell. Jeff Adler, he's friends with the barbell. You think we're going to see... Oh, and something new. Have we seen anything new? Hey, I'm going to tell you guys something that's going to get me in trouble. Hold on to your seat, Sousa. Oh, boy. There's a spot in the park
Starting point is 01:15:06 where we're not allowed to go. I have a pass where I can go anywhere. There's a spot in the park that I'm not allowed to go. I'm not allowed to walk there. I can't tell you guys where it is, but it's a big spot. It makes no sense that
Starting point is 01:15:21 I'm not allowed to walk there. There's a pool there. It's a big spot. When they hiding something in there maybe? Do you know where it is, Susan? It's a big spot. When I mean big, it's like hundreds of – it's like a hundred – it's like a – You're talking covered space, right? Yeah. It's 100,000 square feet of covered space.
Starting point is 01:15:38 And I need to walk by there, but I can't. They won't let me. It would be so good for me if I could walk by there to travel back and forth. Yeah, to where I need to film back and forth it would save me fucking 10 minutes and walking yeah there's there's nothing and there's something in that there's something in that building that i'm not supposed to see yeah we there's no new implements that we've seen for individuals yet so there's something i will say new implements yeah there's good for Adler. Adler has shown. Really? Yeah, so if something new comes out that we haven't done before,
Starting point is 01:16:10 you've got to figure it out on the fly. What if it's a new ab mat? What if it's like... In the past, Adler, those have been Adler's worst events. He just doesn't figure out things well on the fly. So if he's going to be bad at anything it's going to be some random thing that we have never seen before but I
Starting point is 01:16:29 think there's a better chance of Roman winning than Valner getting second okay interesting well said for Valner to jump to second okay what about Medeiros what about him Well said. For Balliner to jump to second. Okay. What about Medeiros?
Starting point is 01:16:49 What about him? Any chance that he wins? Nope. Any? He's on eighth right now? The most he gets is 744 points. Okay, so if he took three first, and let's say who's in first place, how many points do they have?
Starting point is 01:17:06 Roman with seven. 16. So Roman has to just basically not do the rest of the events for Medeiros to win. And Jeff, and Chandler, and Pat. Is he our first repeat champion that didn't go out on retirement for the male side? No, Graham.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I said, is he our first repeat champion from the CrossFit Games? Oh, repeat, repeat. I think he'll go out on retirement. I think you're right. Katrin. Okay. Amy? I don't understand the question.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Someone say it. Well, I mentioned the males only, not necessarily the females. But yeah, I meant like Rich. That's a very specific question. He went off of it. And Matt won a ton of them in a row in retirement. Justin has won two in a row, and he ain't retired. Okay, so he's basically taking the path of Katrin and Annie
Starting point is 01:17:54 where he won two and then – okay. It's the first male we've seen do that. Yeah. Won two in a row. Eaton Beaver, while it's up, check out Matt's pick. Who's Matt? Fraser, maybe? Jeffrey Nordell, why didn't Adler put on,
Starting point is 01:18:11 add three more pounds to his clean and jerk to top Nick Matthew? Chandler needed just two more pounds to move up two spots. Do athletes have help with that? I think they'd have to look up into the crowd. There were athletes playing games like that. Jack Farlow was being sophisticated with Bronislawski and I know
Starting point is 01:18:29 Samuel Conway was doing that shit with Nick Matthew. Good question. Any thoughts, boys? There was a lot of that. A lot of that. Karen Frejova should have added one more pound to her thing or two more pounds and she would have jumped
Starting point is 01:18:45 colin brander um like little things like three pound two pound things were happening all happening all over the board i think um i don't know i think you just do a weight that you're confident in and then add like two pounds to it and i think most of them did that and it's very easy to say this in hindsight what if he goes 365 and misses you know it's just i think that i think the format's tough too like yeah you what do you mean what do you mean tell us what do you mean you lift and then you immediately have to start changing your own weights and if you have they got four minutes But they got four minutes, dude. They got four minutes. I know, but you change your weight.
Starting point is 01:19:28 You go, I don't know, you hit a 280 snatch, and you've already planned to go 290. And then somebody a minute ahead of you goes and hits 292. You've got to make a really fast decision. Do I try to change my weights within a minute? And am I not as ready as I would have been? Uh, or do I just hit two 90 and I get that extra 10 pounds versus what I did. Um, and there's no guarantee that somebody will, you know, hit the weight that they have on the barbell either. So with two lifts, you had to be confident in both of them well hey was there a rule
Starting point is 01:20:06 of the time that you had to set your like could you walk up to it like they say three two one go and you still change your weights yeah you said 20 seconds that's it so you could change your weights in that 20 seconds once the 20 seconds started you it wasn't like you had to stick with that way no but wow that'd be pretty that'd be well i'm just't like you had to stick with that weight. No. But that would be pretty risky. I'm just saying you could fuck with someone like that. We just got an event announcement. We did just now? In the comments, they just said that.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Okay, stand by. Thank you all for your hustle this week. Check the CrossFit Games Instagram. Thank you all for your hustle this week. Any thoughts on Dave sharing in the presser that crossfit is working on paring down the games did he say that in an effort to take it around the world no teams or age group i don't remember him saying that i remember yeah not that detail but i've heard things. You have heard things? Yeah, that it will look different next year. In the presser, he did say that he said something, but I don't think he said paring down.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Are you going to release something about that? What did you hear, Mr. Smith? I'm still trying to get a little bit more detail on it before I share it, i don't think we'll see everybody together next time oh interesting when you say you don't think we'll see everyone together does that mean uh two events yes oh so it doesn't mean getting rid of yes yeah no i think it'll be it'll be separate okay well if that's true if there is some truth to what Mr. Spinn is saying, then that means that maybe age group would even expand. I think it could. Okay. Anything, any coverage that they do would be better than what they had this year.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Oh, set the bar low this year so you can come back and ask for any change you make. Wow. That's why they did that. That makes sense. Where are the barbell workouts? Mr. Young was talking about that. We haven't seen the barbell. Is CrossFit getting away from them?
Starting point is 01:22:14 I believe there were four last year. Mr. Young. So it could be three more, right? No, there could be two more. Oh, because the workout was just released no i think that they're lying in the comments so i just won't i just trusted them well we know the work the workout that's coming up you guys showed the video while i was in the bathroom or getting water or something it's basically it some muscle-up throw bag over a log, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Hell's bells. Thank you. I appreciate it. Damien C., you know that swim workout is coming. Cough, cough, velner. I don't think it is. Any chance? Spin shaking his head, no. How confident are you, Spin?
Starting point is 01:23:04 That I have to run to the lake and back from the coliseum in 40 minutes let me ask you this if i told you that colton mertens was going to not only beat hopper but destroy him at the games or there's still going to be a swim left what are you asking this last week all right i mean anything can happen dude they got a pool in that big hey what's going what's going on let's talk about colton for a second how is colton merton's like like is this the beginning of something or is this just a just a fluke this is the best he's ever ever done, but he's improved every year. Little bit by little bit, he's improved every single year, and this is
Starting point is 01:23:49 the best he's done by far. Hey, I saw him with his shirt off today. Did anyone else see that? What? In the intervals, right? When he came off the field, that dude is shredded. He's thick.
Starting point is 01:24:05 But he looked lean today. He should take his shirt off more. Yeah, but 5'4", 180 is thick. Hey, he's not 5'4", he's 5'7". Yeah, we have the height comparison.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Hey, you know what's crazy? Have you seen his manager? His manager is exactly twice as big as him. Rashad. That's cool. Damien C. Go ahead. Did you guys see Ricky Garrard?
Starting point is 01:24:37 No, he's here. No, no. He's doing the workouts at home. Oh. Like he's in trouble. Can't play with the other kids. But he's like winning them. He's in trouble. Can't play with the other kids. But he's winning them.
Starting point is 01:24:47 He is? Yeah. Obviously, you've got to take it with a grain of salt. You're doing it in your own affiliate or your own gym. You don't have the same setup as everybody has here. Doing them on his own time. We haven't picked the women winners yet, have we?
Starting point is 01:25:03 No. Oh, let's do that shit. Sarah Palovic, $4.99. Dude, Alexis Raptus, my goodness. Are you expecting any big surprises for the last day? Any new competition movements or more of the same? Yeah, I think something's coming. Yeah, I think so too.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Emma Lawson, Laura Horvat, Ariel Lowen, Alexis Raptus. Look it, there's 100 points between first and fourth place. Damn. I agree. The same thing that John was saying, the four and the men, the four and the four are the women. You guys agree?
Starting point is 01:25:39 Yes. Yeah, I agree. I would say Emma Lawson has won the CrossFit Games. No way. Yeah, I agree. I would say 23 is a three. Emma Lawson has won the CrossFit Games. No way. Yeah. I feel very confident in it.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Youngest female champ. Youngest female champ. Yeah, I don't see how. So hear me out. So Emma Lawson's, one of her greatest events, greatest attributes are muscle-ups. She's going to do great tomorrow. She's going to beat Laura in tomorrow's workout.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So say she's got a 50-point lead right now. Say she has a 60-point lead. Laura has to make up 30 points in both of the remaining workouts. It's not the fact that Laura can't beat her. Laura could destroy her, but seven other girls have to beat her in both of those events. I just
Starting point is 01:26:33 don't see that. That's best case scenario. That's if Laura only loses 10 points to her in the ring muscle-up workout. I just don't see it happening. I think Emma Law is has won the crossfit games hey uh i i want to say this about emma lawson too the difference in emma lawson from day one to today is like night and day how so yeah what do you mean i mean she's just so much
Starting point is 01:27:01 more relaxed while the other girls some girls are getting more tense, she's so relaxed. She was so relaxed today after, during that last, yeah, all day. When I saw her all day today, she was relaxed. She does not, I mean, she seems like a seasoned veteran already. Yeah, I could see that. When I saw her walking out on the field, she just, like, nothing was going on. She was just like, yeah, okay, we're going to go lift some weights and come back out. And her coach is chill.
Starting point is 01:27:31 You don't get any hype around her or frenzy. There's no Hollywood around her. She's just doing her thing. Hey, this is just complete fucking nuts what I'm about to say, but she looks good in red and white. I mean, she rocks the leader's jersey fucking better than anyone. Yeah, it looks fitting on her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Hey, you know who wore red and white today? Who's the underdog's athletic coach? Hotler. Hotler was wearing red pants today and a white shirt. Did you guys – any of you see that? No, that's funny. Oh, it was so good. We're not allowed where he is.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Right. All right. My bad. That was a subtle flex by you. Normal Daniel, most improved Gazan or Jay Crouch, Mr. Smith. That's a great question. Yeah, that's a really good one.
Starting point is 01:28:27 I would say Crouch just because he's had year after year after year of being in that bottom 20th, 30th. And I think they finished pretty similar last year, but Alex is still new. For Jay to just have this amazing year i think i would put it on him i mean emma lawson's probably the most improved but they won't give it to her she already got if she wins if she wins the crossfit games from six to first you know i think that's the more more improved than what Gazander crouches,
Starting point is 01:29:05 but I would give it to crouch out of those two. Cause like Brian said, cause and we knew she would improve. She, we like, we all thought she was going to be a lot better than she was last year. Nobody saw this at a crouch. Um,
Starting point is 01:29:19 and he's hanging on. Like we, I, after the first day I was like, he's going to drop, he's going to drop that. Like I was like the, the top three, everybody except Roman, right, two through four, I was like, they're all going to fall out of the top ten.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Two of them did. One of them stayed. And Jay has been killing it all weekend. Hey, one of the coolest things about Jay Crouch, I mean, he's really cool. He's very positive, smiley, great teeth, beautiful, crazy nice body. But Maddie Sturt is down there with him. Is that his coach?
Starting point is 01:29:53 Is that who's coaching him? Yeah, she's a four-time games athlete, and she's cool as shit. If you want to have a girlfriend who's like, if you want to have a mate down there while you're competing, it's her. She is dope. That's cool cool i love seeing her down there uh so uh um is craig richie cringe or cool here's the thing it's kind of like just stupid
Starting point is 01:30:17 there's nothing cringe about him he's he's actually um kind of docile and timid and um he's very charismatic extremely charismatic but he's not he's not um i would say he's less uh attention seeking than myself or less like like when he like like i walk around like i own the fucking place that he's he's not like that at all i don't get anything like that if anything i think he's maybe shy or an introvert and he's just misunderstood and do you have anything? I mean, I guess none of you guys are down there with him. I see him in the media room sometimes. We were in the bathroom together once, but
Starting point is 01:31:11 that was it. Oh, how'd that go? Did you pee next to him in the urinal? Yeah. Did you look at it? Did you look at it? I was leaving as he was coming in. He's chill. He's so chill. Hey, out of the two of us, I'm not the one who's shaking anything. All right?
Starting point is 01:31:27 Whoa. Okay. Hey, I think you're right about him just being shy because once the ice was kind of broken with us and stuff like that, it was very cordial and things afterwards. He's English. They're like polite and they don't walk around heavy like us,
Starting point is 01:31:45 like Americans. I can't explain it. But no. This is the part I'm struggling with. He wouldn't be this popular. I guess you can't say that. I guess there's people who are cringe who are popular. There are people down there who are cringe. There are people down there
Starting point is 01:32:01 who are trying too hard. But he's not one of them. No. Fair question though. But he is charismatic. I mean, he stands out. Like when he walks in the room, everyone knows he's in there. Slobby
Starting point is 01:32:18 Slop one day left before we all get to go home to our families, grind it out. I met him today. Yeah. Cool people. He is cool. Someone showed grind it out. I met him today. Yeah. Cool people. He is cool. Someone showed me a picture. I met him, and then someone showed me a picture of him and made me think he's even cooler.
Starting point is 01:32:34 He did introduce himself, like you guys said, as Sloppy Slop. And it took me a little bit. It took me a little bit. And my wife had the weirdest look on her face. I'm like, what's up man how you doing they're they're they're an attractive couple too right they got like a little bit of hippie in them yeah for sure yeah i can't even i couldn't pick them out of a crowd i just remember okay attractive they check the marks uh taylor turner john are you and velner dating real talk talk, dude. No, he's just my favorite guy. We all have our favorites.
Starting point is 01:33:08 He's my favorite guy. I like how John doesn't even get defensive. He's like, nah. Oh, yeah. Who won? What happened? Did they fight today? I don't know if they've started yet. Dude, it's fucking late.
Starting point is 01:33:25 10 o'clock. Yeah, it's got to be started. Russ King, what country is Roman representing? He's had an American flag by his name all week. No shit. Did they give him a flag? Did they give him a flag? Well, he walked out with the CrossFit flag during the opening ceremony,
Starting point is 01:33:39 but he has the USA flag on the leaderboard. I've seen him without it at all in some cases. Yeah, and sometimes it's not. Yeah. I feel like on the podium, they should give him a CrossFit flag if they're not going to give him a Russian one. I don't think he should hold up the American flag.
Starting point is 01:33:56 It's the American flag on the leaderboard. I think when it's on the broadcast, I think they take it off. Oh, my goodness. Seve, you can't call anyone else a pussy until you confront Laura. I've confronted Laura. I talked to Laura today. She did not talk to me.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Hey, this is real. We'll have Matt on and ask him. Imagine being in Matt Torres' head. I don't know what moment you're talking about, but we'll have Matt on a week after the game. Hey, that's a really good dude who's dealing with a lot.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Who's dealing with a lot. Caleb Legcam. I don't know what that means, but okay. I saw a beaver sack. All right. I've stared long and hard and I haven't seen a sack. Tyler, anyone see Beaver's hog briefly?
Starting point is 01:34:52 When? When? When the skunk came around. I gave a little show to everybody. I'm out of brothel. I'm sorry. Brandon was just... She's intense, man. She wants to win. That's it.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Passionate. Alright. You know what else is cool? Toast base. 15% off. Use code SEVON. Oh, that is true. Hey, no one else has gotten the 15% off code, you guys.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Take advantage, guys. No one else. Not DB. Mm-mm. Not even saying it. Not BD, not DB, not CDM, not CD's nuts. Just seven. Jay Boudreaux.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Hey, I saw Jocko today. I hung out with Jocko a little bit. Jocko Willett. Did you show him my plug? No, he didn't know he was hanging out with me. I was hanging out with him. You ruined my story. What do you mean, show him your plug? What's your plug?
Starting point is 01:35:54 Sorry. It was lame. What? It's just a lame joke? What? No, I made this thing, and I drank his drink, and I said, ah, Jocko. Oh, it's the plug. Your propaganda? No. Yeah. I think i said to him someone said so jock i was hanging out in a room and jocko was there and i and i hung out with him probably like for 20 minutes i don't think we ever oh yeah yeah yeah yeah actually i'll tell you that after the games too someone
Starting point is 01:36:20 did introduce us i guess tell you about that too i forgot someone didn't choose it but afterwards someone's like hey this guy works for jocko he's his blah blah blah or something and i was like oh i drank six gallons of your drink today which i probably did i probably drank 20 cans sorry if i missed it i thought uh thoughts on on Ricky Garrard would be at this point compared to Adler and Roman I've been watching since 7 on Josh and Matt podcast started y'all killing it a CEO for life but did you used to watch one Matt Bischel and I did it hey I saw
Starting point is 01:36:56 Matt Bischel and Matt Souza standing next to each other today and I told Bischel that I've upgraded to a better Matt that was fucked up those of you know Matt Bischel that I've upgraded to a better Matt. That's so bad. That was fucked up. For those of you who know Matt Bischel, he's a good dude. Yeah, because he pulled a maneuver at dinner and he was a boss.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Brian Spin, Ricky Garrard at the games this year. Winner? First place? He'd be right there, honestly. I mean, I think Ride, he's got a win there. The 5K, he's right there. Or 4.5K, I guess, if you want to be specific.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Helena, I mean, he's got some real wheelhouse events in that. I think he'd be first or second, I think, at this point. Ladies and gentlemen, Ricky Garrard is not just an endurance athlete. He's strong as fuck. John Young, Ricky Garrard at the CrossFit Games this year. Is he winning? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Wow. Wow. Wow. What place? What place, Johnny? First? No, I'm looking at the events right now. And, like, I mean, we could roll through them.
Starting point is 01:38:11 The bike ride, I think he wins. First. First. Yep. Pig chipper. Or at least a fist fight with Janikowski at the finish line. Minimum. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yeah. Pig chipper. This is probably his worst event. Like, we'll just give it 10th. Jay Crouch got 10th. He's better than Jay Crouch. So, 10th just is playing it safe. Inverted Medley, he's very good at the handstand tricks.
Starting point is 01:38:34 He showed himself doing free handstand push-ups all the time. That's kind of a toss-up. I don't really know what to make of it until he does it right. But the Alpaca, I think he does all right. So, at this point, Roman would be in the uh but the alpaca i think he does all right so at this point roman would be in the lead after the alpaca but ricky would be like fifth ski bag he did 442 right that's what he posted online i mean that's a top five and then uh after that i mean helena i think he wins helena he's the i think he wins Helena. I think he wins Helena. You saw how Hosta ran faster than Valenor, and he just didn't cycle as fast.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Ricky would cycle as fast and run just as fast as Hosta. The 5K, I think he wins. Wow, wow. You're right. The intervals. You're right. At least second. Worst he does is second.
Starting point is 01:39:23 No, worst he does is first. Until Hosta beats Ricky, I'm going to say Ricky's the best runner. Until Hosted beats him. All right. The interval workout, I think he'd be really good at that workout. Wow. Wow. He wins that.
Starting point is 01:39:39 You're right. He wins that. I don't think he wins that. I think Vellner still wins that. I think Vellner still wins that. But I do think he gets third. He does really well. He does fifth in the pig flip, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I like Jay Crouch a lot, but if Jay does 10th, Ricky does fifth. Ricky did pretty well on the capital with the pig on the capital too. That's more of the run than the pig. No, but getting off of relatively well. He was pretty good. Yeah, and then the total, Ricky is a lot stronger than he used to be.
Starting point is 01:40:10 And the total was more of like who could not be beat up the most. We saw everybody except Braun and Jack. Like their numbers were lower than what they've done in the past. I've seen Fikowski snatch 300. I've seen Annie snatch 200. They were 190 and 286.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Mertens has snatched 285 and he was 271. And he's clean and jerked 350 and missed 340. Same for Vellner. Madero's clean and jerk 335 like everybody was way less because their legs were freaking smoked from the rowing and the box jump workout so it was more of a who can recover the best i don't i think he would be fine in that i think he would beat roman um roman did what 341 341 and 276 i think ricky would be right there if not beating Roman. And then if you add all those points up,
Starting point is 01:41:10 he would be in the lead right now. Not by a lot, but he would be in the lead right now. And then that ring muscle-up workout, he's not beating Vellner, but he's fine. He's beating Roman. Yeah, yeah. He's beating and probably beaten out Adler Ricky's really good at ring muscle ups
Starting point is 01:41:28 So he'd have He'd have like a 40 point lead On Adler going into the next two events Unless we see like heavy thrusters You know what I mean Heavy thrusters Adler could win And Ricky could not do great I've seen him blow up on stuff like that before,
Starting point is 01:41:46 where the big guys could just move it, and he can't move it. And if there's a funky event we don't know about, right, something new comes out, and he's trash at it. Right now, at this point, I think he'd have a 30- to 40-point lead. After 10 events, I think he'd have a 30- to 40-point lead on first place. Hey, sorry, I went to the bathroom, but do you think he wins this next event too? No, I think Valner wins going away.
Starting point is 01:42:13 But I do think he's top five. Okay. And you know who's not top five? Roman. Oh, really? You think Roman's going to shit the pants here? No, I think he'll be fine. I just think he's going to get like
Starting point is 01:42:27 8th or 10th out of 20 people, and that's 50 points. Oh, shit. I'm seeing some crazy money come in. We've been on for an hour and 40 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Yeah. What the fuck is going on here? Oh, fuck. We are behind the 8 ball. 40 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck is going on here. Uh, Oh fuck. We're fuck. We are behind the eight ball. Everyone take a roofie. Uh,
Starting point is 01:42:53 do you guys think, uh, or a Viagra? I mean, do you think Aussies need more than three spots after J and Bailey's performance so far? And also with Ricky's, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:02 come back here. Come back. Yeah. I'm sorry for shouting, guys. I didn't know that I was shouting. No, you're doing great. It was good. No, I still don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 01:43:17 There's two of them. We saw Jake didn't do so hot. I think three is still the right number. Slop, slop. Extra $5 because Seve's the hardest worker not on the floor. That's not even true, though. Slop, slop.
Starting point is 01:43:33 I'm the hardest worker on the floor and not on the floor. I'm not the hardest. I mean, there might be workers who are just as hard. No, I'm the hardest worker. I am the hardest worker. Tamara Reynolds. Hi. Did you use your hair straightener today, Tamara?
Starting point is 01:43:50 We met her. We did? At dinner? That was her. That's crazy. Tamara, what's up? She was looking more sporty at dinner. We went to a fine We went to a fine
Starting point is 01:44:06 I can't wait to tell you that story That's a different story Different show That's a show where I'm a bitch about shit Awesome coverage guys Thanks for your kindness tonight What are you talking about? You were the kind one
Starting point is 01:44:20 When I met you after dinner Thoughts on who throws in the towel after the games this year? Mr. Spin, who's retiring? Catching David's daughter? Annie Thor's daughter? Jamie Simmons? Will Morad? Olsen?
Starting point is 01:44:37 Will Morad? No Olsen? Justin Medeiros? Oh, yeah. Who said that? You're burning burning hell whoever said that. I don't even know who said that. I don't want to know. I like everyone here.
Starting point is 01:44:47 I don't want to know. Thank you. Wow, you're on it, dude. Sean Young, who retires after this year? Anyone? Noah. Maybe Annie. I don't think Katrin retires.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Maybe Cole Sager. Dude, Katrin looks so awesome. They all look awesome. And he looks awesome, too. Cole Sager retires probably, I bet. I don't know who else. Who do y'all like? What about BKG?
Starting point is 01:45:19 That was one other question. What about Janikowski? Janikowski last year said he had a bunch of good years left Yeah, okay, he just it just feels not young How about these guys like that we're seeing that we've never seen before like aunt Haynes and David shrunk and Bronislawski, I guess bronislawski has been around but Bronislawski. I guess Bronislawski's been around, but all those guys are over 30 years old. Do those guys just
Starting point is 01:45:48 keep doing semifinals, and if they make it, they make it? Or does David Shrug come back to the games? Is he like, fuck, did he get a taste of it? And he's like, he wants to come back, keep coming back? He might keep trying. I do think Bron said it was going to be his last attempt at
Starting point is 01:46:04 going to the Open Division. He's 34 years old. Yeah. He might go into Masters next year, but I don't think he's going to go for it. Have you guys stood next to Braun Escofsky? Any of you stood next to him? Yeah. I interviewed him back in 2019.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Yeah. Cool dude. He's a big guy, though. Yeah. He is the most interesting features of any human I've ever seen. Like I thought Ricky Garrard was an alligator. This guy is straight prehistoric. This guy, I mean, the angles on his face are like...
Starting point is 01:46:35 Tamara, thank you. It was cool seeing you at dinner too. I'm glad we met. Oh, I saw Katie Gannon in here. Oh, I see James Townsend in here. Colt. Shit. I didn't understand what James Townsend in here. Colt. Shit. I didn't understand what James Townsend said.
Starting point is 01:46:48 It was like a hashtag thing. Oh, Jeff Bagel said, I'm going to dislocate his shoulder trying to pat himself on the back with his T-Rex arm. Wow. Fair. I understand it. I lacked the humility it takes to be but it's just weird that's what's up
Starting point is 01:47:12 it's weird that I'm so good at this it's weird yeah that I'm so good at patting myself on the back Aaron C Australia $10 love it when I can catch the live banter great work great games love to see it thanks Aaron holy shit Mikey B It when I can catch the live banter great work great games love to see it. Thanks here
Starting point is 01:47:29 Holy shit, uh, Mikey B Hopper was being a wuss if he was my employee at fire him as oh my god. Come on Mikey Hey, let me tell you why he's not a wuss for $49.99 I want to agree with you because I'm such a slut, but let me tell you why he's not a word Crowd today because he came to wuss. Because he was in the crowd today. Because he came to the stadium. Because he was there. Yeah, because he was there giving back. And man,
Starting point is 01:47:55 I can't even... What's wuss backwards? That's what he is. What's that? Sue. No, that didn't work. Never mind. But he's not a wuss. He's not a wuss at all. I wonder how long I'm going to be in love with all these people I meet. I wonder if in three weeks I'll be hating on Hopper.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Right now I'm in love with him. Yeah, again. Matt Brotsman. Will this behind the scenes do better than pulling John Dock? Keep up the good work. Two totally different kinds of work. Pulling John
Starting point is 01:48:26 was a top 10 Netflix documentary. This thing is going to be... I mean, this thing... This behind the scenes... I think all the behind the scenes are like iconic, timeless,
Starting point is 01:48:43 historical, anthropological documents. This is going to influence the culture and the the maylou is that the word the ambiance of what is CrossFit
Starting point is 01:49:17 it's going to be huge wait till you guys see what he says he said some shit that rocked me like some shit that people make fun of him like him and Ben bergeron when ben was like the most important thing to me was when colin spirit of the games well ben said some shit to me that kind of fucked me up and made me like be like okay i get it a person's social environment yeah it's gonna it's gonna yeah this is the kind of shit that's gonna set the the the culture and the environment. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I use that word. Chandler Smith is hitting home runs.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Who's that? I don't even know who that is. Oh, that's the fourth place guy or third place guy? Fourth place guy. The guy they keep interviewing. Are they? Is the doc team up on his jock? Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:50:03 Good on him. Hope he gets a big fat sponsor let's see how did he do in the lift isn't he supposed to be like the strong guy I think he got second or third didn't he no well the way that they interview him
Starting point is 01:50:21 I just expected that they that he won I don't really see Chandler Smith. He brought back the split, Power Clean. I don't have a Bailey Martin or Chandler Smith in my consciousness. I got to get both of them in there. For some reason, I just don't see them. Chandler Smith, okay.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Let me look at him. All right, okay. I feel like Chandler in the back would not be that social. I don't think he wants anything to do with me. But same with Adler. I have more consciousness for his coach than him. Every time I've seen Adler, he's speaking French. The Unknown, $50. He's speaking French. The unknown $50.
Starting point is 01:51:08 It's just weird. There's, there's so many fucking people back there. You think you, the unknown, I guess tomorrow's events are going to be super special CrossFit workouts. Since they're worth more points per placement than the pig chipper or the ride or the inverted. I can't tell if that's a kind of a troll or a dig,
Starting point is 01:51:26 but it's a poignant statement. I've never heard it worded like that. Fewer athletes, each workout becomes worth more points, so make them more cross-fitting. I mean, Sundays generally are that anyway. I don't know. Yeah, 20th place now is different than 20th place three days ago. You think they lined it up like that on purpose?
Starting point is 01:51:58 Like when Dave and the team was thinking about the programming, do you think they had it? And this is actually something that Tyler Watkins, so I can't take credit for this but he was talking about and he was like it almost he was wondering if it was planned to show the volatility in the programming like make it to where you see some of these athletes do really well they do really poorly do really well they do really poorly because they're testing specific things and then after everybody weeds out of that then they go into the more crossfit specific events wasn't that was it rogue that did that like the leaderboard just kept on bouncing back and forth throughout um i mean i think
Starting point is 01:52:32 yeah and what i think we've done like last we've talked about on our show is like it's gone last year it was super fast hayley adams style early on and then it was laura horvath show later on the weekend it feels like this is going the opposite way to some degree like the power output was early on and now we're getting to the you know the lighter weights the heavier you know the the fast type movements versus the heavy type movements hey who do you think the unknown is they've they've come on the comments so hard in the last few weeks and drop some serious coin up some serious coin it's like like it's like hi step on it's like 50 bucks yeah i know is it the PFAA? I have a guess.
Starting point is 01:53:27 I have a guess who it is. It's not even an educated guess. You guys see what I put in the private chat? Yeah, maybe I just wish it was those people. We all do. Monthly subscription. Thank you. Did I meet you today, Chris?
Starting point is 01:53:46 He met me, for sure sure he's a really cool guy he said I'm the other Beesterfield Birchfield oh no there's Beesterfield and Birchfield yeah two different people my brain is scrambled Jeffrey Birchfield Yolanda is Hiller bigger than Sevan's podcast now
Starting point is 01:54:02 is Hiller bigger than the Sevan podcast now is Is Hiller bigger than the Sebon podcast now? Is nothing bigger than the Sebon podcast? Yeah, he's huge. He's bigger than... He's huge. I don't understand the question, but yes. Short-handed handled shovel. Short, really?
Starting point is 01:54:23 No Alexis for most improved? God, Alexis Raptus is amazing. It's a great pick. CTP is crushing content for her, too. Yeah, he's cool. Most improved, there's a lot of people for it this year. Hey, people would always tell me how cool he is, and I would kind of be like, really?
Starting point is 01:54:42 I don't even know who that is. And now that I've met him, I get it. He's dope. Hey, who else could be most improved? Honestly, Mertens has a shot. If he has a good day tomorrow, if he gets eighth, that's a really good shot. God, I'd love to see that to see that I would cry like a baby
Starting point is 01:55:08 And then the people that we said before Who are those people that we said before Brian Crouch Crouch and who Kazan There's a lot of Chandler
Starting point is 01:55:24 Chandler. Chandler, yeah. He was there. Chandler's greatest year. Yeah, they won't give it to him because he wasn't there last year. Hey, those people that you mentioned too, Gazan, Mertens, and Crouch, so easy to approach. So cool.
Starting point is 01:55:40 Friends with everyone. Everyone. Andreas Castillo, asterisk next to this year's winner without Tia Claire Toomey and Mal O'Brien. No. No, no, no. Hell no. Tia has unprotected sex and I don't know
Starting point is 01:55:59 what happened to Mal. Maybe she has unprotected whatever, but no. That's not, no. They didn't get an asterisk because the other people do stuff. But I hear you. Fair. You get an asterisk if you care. Mind. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Go ahead. John, are you going to say something? I said, whoever wins this year, that that woman is the fittest woman in the world. If Tia was in the competition right now, she would not beat Emma Lawson. She would be a lot of women, but she would not beat the top three women. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:36 She just had a baby, guys. I feel very confident in saying this. Oh, oh, oh. Based on the current climate, I agree. I'm talking about Tia Toomey today. She gets to be in the games, right? They just let her in. She would not win.
Starting point is 01:56:57 And same for Mal O'Brien. I fully believe whoever wins the games, that person at that time is the fittest woman in the world. Now, that doesn't mean they're going to be the fittest woman in the world next year, but at this moment, they are. I believe that 100%. When you first said that, before
Starting point is 01:57:16 you put it in the real context, Brian Spinn closed his eyes like he heard his crazy uncle say something. Then it kind of came back. dark Lord rev on $20 for John saying that Ricky would win I agree It's hard to bet against Ricky Gerard But no asterisk there either by the men and fuck toe spacers discount code works can't confirm yeah, baby. Oh, yeah Toast Pacers discount code works. Can't confirm.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Yeah, baby. Hell yeah. I don't think I said Ricky would win. I said he'd be in first after these 10 events. Oh, okay. There's a difference. I didn't say three. Just say disagree. Just let it go.
Starting point is 01:57:56 I just said there's a difference. I don't want to say Ricky would have won. Okay, yeah. Ricky would have won. Thank you. Angela Shoff. Ricky would have won. Ricky would have won. Thank you. Angela Schoff. Thank you. Where's Hiller?
Starting point is 01:58:11 I told Hiller tonight after dinner, get your ass on. We need you. I see Katie Gannon again. Where's Katie Gannon? Look at those eyes. Those eyes got big. They did. I saw her name. eyes. Those eyes got big. Yeah, they did. The cahoots.
Starting point is 01:58:28 Damn, I saw her name. There's some people I get like, hey, that's a great name, Katie Gannon. Yeah, every time I see her, I just want to say her name. Yeah, me too. Hey, she doesn't come in the media pit. She got like a front row seat. You seen that? Like there's a media, like
Starting point is 01:58:43 there's all of us fucking like cockroaches in the media pit like fighting for a spot actually you don't have to fight everyone's so nice i've had no problem down there everyone's so nice yeah like everyone's like hey can i get in it's my guy and then they just get in yeah or they tell you like hey i'm right over your shoulder or something yeah no one's ever said they're right over your shoulder, dude. Hey. Unless it was like a minute bull in there. Katie Gannon. Hopper was being super nice to fans today. Yeah, good shit, Katie. Thank you. See, I knew I wanted to read her stuff.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Yeah. I think she... Hey. Have any of you guys hung out with her on this trip? Yeah. She's feeding me information. Oh, that's cool. Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:59:31 Like that? Like the hopper thing? I just like this because it's long. Oh. Really? Anton T There's someone who has a husband or boyfriend named Anton Is it Bethany?
Starting point is 01:59:54 Who has Anton? One of the chicks has an Anton Talking about Ricky would be in the lead Is unfair and speculating Unfair and speculating Taking the lead What? It and speculating. Unfair and speculating. Taking the lead. What?
Starting point is 02:00:09 It's speculating. It's not unfair. Roman beat him by far overall last year. So you're saying it's a poor analysis, not unfair. And was behind him in Waterpalooza because one and one event only with the rings too low. Okay, this person is saying, don't say unfair. No one knows what's fair or not fair in life. Let's cut that word out.
Starting point is 02:00:28 I'll just edit your shit for you so you're not a pussy. And yeah, but I like what you're saying here. This person is saying that Roman, the only reason why he beat Roman at Waterpalooza is because Roman's rings were too low. True or false? False. Ricky beat him in more events than roman beat ricky ricky
Starting point is 02:00:45 waterpalooza very like it it felt convincingly that he beat roman they were i mean they were going back and forth the whole time but uh it was i mean you look at the last event ricky ricky beat roman in the hanging on the bar for the barbell snatches and Roman's super great at, um, barbell cycling. Uh, no, you can, there's no way you can say that about that's why Roman,
Starting point is 02:01:12 you know, Colt Grayshaver, Colt Grayshaver had a freaking chain hit him in the eye on ring muscle ups. Like that's, that's at Waterpalooza. Who did that happen to? Colt, one of the things fell off and hit him in the face while he was doing muscle ups. Colt Grayshaver. Colt Grayshaver. Oh, that's at Waterpalooza. Who did that happen to? One of the things fell off and hit him in the face while he was doing muscloves.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Cole Grayshaber. Cole Grayshaber. Oh, that's right. Oh, I didn't get to interview. I didn't get to meet Cole Grayshaber at this game either. That's a shame. Like, four or five times I saw him, I'm like, shit, I got to talk to him. Abby Donut's husband is Anton.
Starting point is 02:01:40 A-N-T-U-N. On top of that, Anton, you know, I'm here to speculate and talk about my opinion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Forget about that part. You can disagree. Hey, I think Anton's a foreigner. You can go somewhere else. I think Anton's just a foreigner and doesn't understand
Starting point is 02:01:58 some words, but I think. Katie Gannon, Hiller snorted a line of C4 at 9 a.m. He's probably in a field somewhere. I agree with what I think. Katie Gannon, Hiller snorted a line of C4 at 9 a.m. He's probably in a field somewhere. I agree. I agree. Katie,
Starting point is 02:02:10 God, you're so mean. First time Mertens hasn't been cut. Easy, easy. Speaking about snorting a line. Jesus, Katie.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Wow. Take Colton's name out of your mouth, Katie. Get Colton's name out of your mouth, KG. Get Colton's name. Out your mouth. Okay, here we go. Did we ever find out what happened to BKG? He's coming to see me tomorrow. I saw an orthopedic surgeon hanging out with him for, what's the guy's name?
Starting point is 02:02:45 Sean Rocket? Sean Rocket hanging out with him for, what's the guy's name? Sean Rocket? Sean Rocket hanging out with him for an hour. Dude, we made it through all the comments. That's it. Okay, guys. Thanks for watching. Holy shit. Mr. Spin from the Barbell Spin, if you want to keep up to date on the internet
Starting point is 02:03:01 and you are not at the event and you need up to date second by second information Barbell spin is where to go On instagram or the net Uh, if you want the greatest analysis ever about crossfit currently going on at the seven podcast at night At least he's somewhere at least somewhere he's the highest he's the highest rated at night on the 7-1 podcast. John Young, Barbell. I thought you were going to really compliment me.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Almost. Almost. Almost. Oh, my God. My drinking buddy, Caleb Beaver, and the guy who makes sure I don't get dehydrated, executive producer of the 7-1 podcast, Matt Souza. Love you guys.
Starting point is 02:03:47 See you tomorrow. Oh, shit. Dick Butter. Okay, hold on. You met Dick Butter? Yes, dude. Caleb and I both met him and took a picture with him. He's awesome.
Starting point is 02:04:00 Did you guys meet Dick Butter, John and Spin? I have not. He's been somewhere else. He's at home. Wow, what is going on here? You got to meet him. Hopefully you run into him tomorrow. He's so cool.
Starting point is 02:04:15 To all the athletes out there, thank you for letting us enjoy and be part of your lives in your intense athletic experience. To the CrossFit Games, Chris Madigan, Keith Knapp, Dave Castro, Don Fall, Heather Lawrence. God, there's too many names. Chuck Carzell, Todd Woodman. Just all the people that I'm bumping into nonstop all day. Nicole Christensen, all the affiliate owners. Everyone who's just being so cool to us.
Starting point is 02:04:38 I mean, and people are being really cool to us. Thank you so much to the coffee people. Gabe at Paper Street Coffee. Don't also forget to use the code SEVON at California. California Peptides, but it's It's only for two days that you're going to get the water and the
Starting point is 02:04:53 free shipping and the 15% off tow spacers using SEVON. All right, Eric Weiss. Good night, boys. Bye-bye.

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