The Sevan Podcast - Tim Murray | 2023 CrossFit Games Fittest Man in the Short Stature Division #1016

Episode Date: September 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Bam, we're live. All right. Hey, are you in front of a strip club no oh because when we we interviewed jacob heppner he lives out in the sticks and uh and then the fighter who also lives out in the sticks and they always drive to a parking lot where there's a strip club i'm like why they're like dude amazing wi-fi amazing no i'm uh i work at uh with uh ge aviation here in cincinnati so i'm uh just outside one of the buildings oh what do they do they uh what do they do build airplanes or uh they build the engines oh shit wow yeah um i thought boeing had like some sort of lock up on that or is it or is it for private planes?
Starting point is 00:01:50 These guys, they have kind of a military connection as well. So I think Boeing does a lot of the big jets and stuff, commercial jets, and these guys do a little bit of everything. Helicopters? I don't know if they build them on this site, but I know there are helicopters, – engines being built elsewhere for sure. The specs on helicopter engines are crazy. Not that I'm anything close to an expert, but like some 12 million hours of operation without a failure or something. And I'm like, oh, I'm so glad to hear that.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah. Just have that one. Yeah. It's just the one engine and nothing goes. What do you do there? I'm an ergonomic consultant. So, like, as they're building the engines or, like, fixing up the facility area, like, I go and, you know, make sure they're doing it in a safe manner. Like, ergonomically friendly.
Starting point is 00:02:49 The feng shui of the facility uh more like the one whatever part they're building so like let's say like they have to reach into like the engine with something if we can find a better way for them to like not make their arms so crooked and turn funny like we'll find a better way to do it like creating a longer lever or whatever it might be are you an engineer no i'm i'm an athletic trainer by trade so like uh when aaron rogers and nick chubb went down like the people that went out on the field that's what i do or that's what I used to do. Nick Chubb. Yeah. Cleveland Browns running back.
Starting point is 00:03:28 He got hurt last night. His knee kind of exploded, apparently. I didn't watch it, but I've seen pictures. So it doesn't look good. We got a guy who's been coming on the show periodically who's out of Shepherds University who made it to the chicago bears as a d2 quarterback oh wow yeah and it's the first time i've been excited about football in 25 years i was a 49er and a raider fan as a kid you know 10 years yeah and all of a sudden one of my buddies
Starting point is 00:04:01 one of my buddies been telling me his kid's gonna play in the nfl for like the last 20 years i'm like uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh and he's like hey asshole quarterback for the bears and whenever i would talk about him on the show on the podcast too all the people in the comments be like no one's ever gonna make it from d2 and he's made it that's awesome yeah tyson bajan i'm so excited for my buddy. I can't tell if I'm more excited for him or his son. That's awesome. That's so cool. Seeing those small schools making it big. What's the C stand for on your hat?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Cincinnati. Cincinnati Reds. Okay. Baseball. Baseball, yeah. Are you pursuing that athletic trainer thing too? Like do you do it for high schools or college or just on the side? I did. I did it for about 15 years, like 10 years or so at the high school level.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And then I did some pro baseball, like minor leagues, and then some minor league hockey. And then like that work schedule is just a little like just got to a point where i wanted to live my life a bit and this job opened up here so now i would work a 40-hour work week with no nights or weekends are you um oh do you hear that echo when you came in yeah um All you have to do is switch. Mute this? Not mute.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh, turn the computer down all the way and then switch. Choose your mics and the settings. Computer's off. Mic in the settings. I'll show you what's happening here if you can see. So we're in a studio and we're in the same room. And this is the first time Susan's been in the same room as me. So he just popped up.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Oh, shit. I don't know. Did it go away? So we're in a studio and we're in the same room and this is the first time Susan's been in the same room as me. So he just popped up. Oh, shit. I don't know. Did it go away? So lower the volume on your computer and make it come through your headset only. Well, it's coming through some speaker on there. So some speaker's still on. You got to choose a different speaker. The only speaker is on the computer.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Are you still hearing an echo? Tim? I'm getting one here, yeah. Uh-oh. Tim, who's that looking through your black window? Your back window? There shouldn't be anybody back there. They're just trying to scare you in the comments.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That's their favorite thing to do to guests. Who's looking through your window? How old are you? I'm 36. Wow. And you're the games winner. Correct. Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Wow. Two times. I won it last year as well for the first year in the division with the division congratulations thank you wow that's that's amazing and and how long have you been doing CrossFit uh two years what where do you come from what's your uh athletic background yours personally uh mine personally I played baseball in high school baseball and swam in high school um did a little weight lifting in high school for baseball um and then once i got to college i kind of did some i tried track and field um i really wanted to try out for the u.s paralympic team go like for a shot put um so
Starting point is 00:07:23 lifting with that and all that stuff so i have like the olympic lifting background just from that and then um just some different all sorts of different things i tried kettlebell sport um which is a big russian sport um the russian ones where it only goes to here right there yep okay and then um so from, I just – I did that for a couple – I just like competing, so I've just been trying to find all sorts of different avenues. And then, you know, they announced the short stature division two years ago, and I was like, I guess this is my time to give it a shot. And I guess it worked out pretty well for me.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, dude, it's crazy. Hey, does – I'm not a baseball fan at all. I throw baseball and golf away. I apologize. Maybe I'm going to burn in hell for that. Is it swimming? What in your background transferred to CrossFit that you're like, oh, God, I'm glad my parents put me in that?
Starting point is 00:08:22 Is it the swimming? The engine from swimming i yeah i think so but i also haven't really swam since high school so 18 years ago like i tried to like here there like throughout like the past 18 years but it wasn't anything consistent i think it's more just the competitive nature like always like trying different things like yeah we always did like a i used to work in a hospital setting and we had like a wellness center fitness center connected to it and so we would like my bosses and i would do like a hit the deck type of workout like a lot or find a wad like workout of the day online and do that. So there was always some kind of different connection to burpees
Starting point is 00:09:07 or whatever, you know, pull-ups, things like that. How tall are you? I'm 4'5". And how much do you weigh? I'm at 143. And is that the weight you show up to the games at? Yeah, I'm trying to get down to like 135 just to make those pull-ups a little easier. Like those gymnastics-type movements, a little smoother and a little easier for me.
Starting point is 00:09:35 But, I mean, I also like ice cream a little too much. Yeah, at night? Just whenever my dog has a good day, i treat him to a thing of ice cream because they all have a pup cup now so i just get my own while i'm there uh i'm 51 in my uh 30s i would do uh one of those uh uh small things of ben and jerry's oh yeah before i'd go to sleep in front of the tv whatever that that small size not the really small size but just like this no one has yeah yeah yeah i have i tried i've tried the they have a like a cookie brownie mix one and that one's pretty good
Starting point is 00:10:18 um and then your your instagram is Tater Tot. Yep. How did you get that name? It was a nickname growing up. Kids in the neighborhood, they called me Tater Tot, and my brother was French Fry. Is your brother tall and skinny? He was when we were growing up. He was about this too now like he played baseball in college so he put some muscle on like on the weight programs and he's still like
Starting point is 00:10:52 lifting and stuff so he's a solid like i think he's about 180 to 190 how how close oh yeah so that's that's still pretty i mean that's skinny 196 196.2. It's not like he's fat. No, he's pretty solid. What made you think you could win the games? I just have a good competitive nature. Like, I've always been a competitor. Like, growing up in an average-height family, we always played sports. When my mom's side of the family would get together,
Starting point is 00:11:32 it would always be basketball or football, whatever it might be. So I was always competing against them. And then in kettlebell sport, I won my division, which was just my weight class. It wasn't even a short stature division. It was just weight class at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus. And just knowing I have that background, every year the Dwarf Athletic Association of America hosts their national games. This year was in Austin. I haven't been since 2016. COVID played a factor, but also
Starting point is 00:12:08 working in pro baseball doesn't help either. But I'd always kind of compete well on those different stages, which I felt at least in my division, I would have stand a chance. I didn't know what I was going up against, but, you know, at least had a fair shot. Wow. I had no idea there was a dwarf athletic association. And look at the first thing they have on there is basketball. Yeah. Everyone loves basketball. Yeah. Doesn't matter the height. It's a fun, it's an easy sport to play.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Competitive. There's actually two dwarfs on the Harlem Globetrotters. They're brothers. No shit. Yeah. Right now they are? Yep. Harlem Globetrotters dwarf.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Hot Shot Swanson, is that the guy's name? Shortest player in team's history. Yep. Him and his brother. I don't know. I know Harlem Globetrotters have multiple teams, I believe. So I don't know which one they both play on. Justin, I think, is his brother's name.
Starting point is 00:13:25 How many dwarfs are there in the United States? The United States? Like 40,000 or so. And there's 350 million people here? Yep. Someone do the math on that one. Hey, how often do you see another dwarf? I mean, besides if you go to some dwarf convention or something. Do they have a dwarf convention? I mean, like, besides if you go to some, like, a dwarf convention or something.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Convention, yeah. Do they have a dwarf convention? I was trying to make fun of you. Yeah, that's right. The DAA kind of goes along with the LPA, Little People of America. They're in the same spot, like, same time. What is Little People of America and what?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Little People of America. And what do they come with? DAAA. Like, they're combined together. Like, they go at the same time. What's D triple a? That's the dwarf athletic association of America. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Fuck. Yeah. So how often do you see dwarf just in your day-to-day life? In my day-to-day life? Uh, I'm lucky if it's like once a month. Yeah. That's, that's false. Now, um, too much.
Starting point is 00:14:30 There's a kid I mentor who, um, like in Cincinnati, like he, uh, we both play roller hockey and we'll see each other on Sundays for that. And then, um, we started an adaptive crossfit class at my gym uh new cove crossfit in newport it's like right it's right across the river from cincinnati and uh he's been showing up to that so i guess now technically more than once but it's the same person over and over yeah i would think that like if you went somewhere and you said like if you're in the airport you saw another dwarf would you look at him and not at him? Like just two black guys walking by in middle America? Like, Oh, Hey,
Starting point is 00:15:08 what's up dude. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, you do. Yeah. I mean, Armenians do that. And I mean, we just, I mean we don't have a lot to go on, but we can be like, if I hear someone say an Armenian word or if I see someone with a big nose kind, I'll be like Italian, Greek. I mean, you know what I mean? Like kind of kind of assess their um their background uh eaton beaver good morning welcome to the podcast the fuck made you the official greeter
Starting point is 00:15:34 when do you um when do you know um you're not going to grow as tall as everyone else when do you know you're a dwarf like how old are you i was telling someone the other day i was in a bathroom at a pizza place one time and this lady's banging on the door and she's like come out old man come out and like i'd only been in there for 30 seconds i was only 34 at the time and i came out and it's this 5 10 super hot chick with her boobs out who's like 18 like old like old man you were in there forever i'm like fuck all i could think of was as i was old man i was like really you know what i mean like uh like now like they find out pretty much right before like in the womb like no but when do you find out when did i find out uh yeah like when do you are you like four and you're
Starting point is 00:16:23 like hey what's going on here i think that's about when it when it was because like my brother's three years younger than me yeah and for like for a bit there like i thought we were twins like you know three years younger we're going to be twins and the next you know he kept growing and i stopped and do you remember the early conversations with your mom or does someone say how did how does someone explain it to you like like if you that's a great I honestly like I can't remember when the first conversation just is I know those conversations happen but like it's kind of like it is what it is type of deal so we just let like just my parents didn't treat me any different like it was we're doing the same thing so may as well just hang out and you know your
Starting point is 00:17:12 brother's a giant yeah um because you know um i don't mean to pigeonhole all of them but jewish families and black families will pull their kids aside often and be like hey life's gonna be fucking hard for you people are gonna pick on you and shit i personally don't think you should tell a kid that i think you should let them like find that shit out on their own so that they're not looking for it but it happened to my wife she was jewish i have tons of jewish friends it happens to them you know their parents are like hey people don't like you and i hear that in the black community also did you get any of that your parents pull you aside and kind of set you up for like, hey, people are going to fuck with you? They were like, life's going to be hard.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah. Like they knew, like, I mean, I knew it, but I also knew it was going to happen that way. Like what helped was like in school, like I had some, I made all friends, like all sorts of friends, like all different demographics. And like, you know, it was just just I tried to be friendly with everybody and then by the time I got to high school like everybody knew who I was and if they were new to the school like you know my friends kind of stepped in and made sure like they kind of had like that watchful eye or something yeah yeah yeah and like the same goes like when we're out and like in out and, like, we just had Oktoberfest this past weekend in Cincinnati. And, like, my friends would be, like, not so much a watchful protector,
Starting point is 00:18:34 but, like, you know, if somebody said something that they weren't happy with, like, they'd get angrier than I would. Like, I'm just to a point now where, like, I just brush it off and I'll forget about it in five minutes. But, like, they'm just to a point now where like, I just brush it off and forget. I'll forget about it in five minutes, but like they step in and say something. Um, I,
Starting point is 00:18:51 I was, uh, I was little as a kid. I'm only five, five now, but I did stand next to Colton Mertens and he says he's five, four and he's taller than me. So now I'm starting like to wonder what the fuck's up.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Like I probably measure myself. Um, but I, even, even being five, being 5'5", or as a kid I was obviously not 5'5", but same thing with my friends. I felt like the bigger kids looked out for me because I was always a small kid. That being said, if you saw someone with one arm you'd probably stare right so people if there's only 40 000 dwarves or even if you don't stare you want to stare i mean i'm sure like when you go out kids it's not that anything good or bad it's just that no one's ever fucking seen no six-year-old's ever
Starting point is 00:19:38 seen someone who's four what'd you say you're four or five or five yeah yeah they're like wait a second like they can't put you in a in. Yeah. You're like a flower amongst all the weeds. Yes. And that's, I mean like the kids, like they're going to stare, they're going to say something like, and it is, it is what it is. As long as it's more like how the parents react that I pay attention to. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Are the parents like trying to like hide their kid like protect their kid from that or are they like uh educating their child i guess if they're educating then like you know that parent they're doing the right thing hey everybody's gonna be like everybody's different things happen and i don't have a problem with my kids um uh the two the two
Starting point is 00:20:23 incidents i can remember is we were at the beach one time like there was uh at the top of the beach and there was a guy there with one leg and my kids were just walked over and were staring at him and like i didn't say anything like and and then they came over like hey that guy's missing a leg i'm like yeah did you ask about it they're like no and then they went back over there and they're like hey what happened your leg and they talked to the guy for 20 minutes. And then there was another time we were walking by an outside seating area and there was a girl with Down syndrome. And my eight-year-old, well, he was probably six at the time, stopped like literally like two feet from her and was just watching her. And I just kind of – I let him do it. It's like, hey – and the people were super cool too.
Starting point is 00:21:00 The chick started – the girl with Down – the lady with Down syndrome started talking to him. Super cool too. The chick started – the girl with the Down syndrome started talking to him. But there's a – obviously, having Down syndrome is way different than missing an arm or being a dwarf, way different. But there's a – I don't know. I just feel like people should probably lean into it more than push away from it. I mean if you go somewhere where there's a lot of drunk people they have to be wanting to say stuff to you everyone thinks they're coming up with like clever lines and shit to say to you yeah every person thinks they're like coming up with the newest thing that they can come up like that something i've never heard before yeah i'm like i'm 36 years old but i've heard it all yeah and you ever, do you lean into it at all?
Starting point is 00:21:46 It depends on the mood I'm in. Like if I'm in a good mood, then like, honestly, I'll end up kind of fucking around with them a bit. Like if there's a table of drunk people and you walk by and they said something, you stop and put your hands on the table and be like, what? And like, and just like, enjoy their like, fuck with them. Give them a little. Yeah. I'll mess around with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:12 If I'm in a bad mood. yeah is if you go if if you go into it then like everyone's like then it's not funny then to them anymore so they stop and they're just curious yeah at the end of the day they just want to shake your hand. They just want to like – I've never personally interacted with a dwarf in person. Never shook a hand, never hi, never a hug, never sat next to one in class and cheated off of them in math. Nothing. Never smoked a joint with one. You wouldn't want to cheat off me in math. I'm not the right person for that one. You wouldn't want to cheat off me in math.
Starting point is 00:22:44 That's not the right person for that one. But my point is that, like, people – I just think that the only way to – when I was 34 and that girl called me old man, that stung a little bit. Now the comments are – now at 51, the comments are full of, hey, old man, why is there an old guy interviewing people on CrossFit? And I'm like, uh-huh. Trust me me i don't want to be old either yeah no but i mean i i go along with it sometimes like other times i'm just like especially if i've had a bad day like the last thing i want to do is like deal with it like it's just how i am like my family's comes from ireland and italy so like i have both of those and those both are kind of angry people and so i kind of got both sides of that so
Starting point is 00:23:31 occasionally that anger comes out it was kind of like you're famous no matter where you go yeah yeah you're never you can't just be like hey i'm gonna go to the store and no one's gonna look at me yeah no ever like i used to have great Danes and everywhere you, it's like, fuck. And I smoked weed back then, so I was always paranoid. Yeah. And I hated walking my dog because someone was going to come talk to me. Yeah, I get, my dog's a German Shepherd mix, so he's like 85 plus pounds. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He hasn't been weighed in a while. But like, when I first got him and like. He's fat. You feed him ice cream. You open with that your dog yeah i did so uh but um like people would stop my car like make me take my airpods out like i thought i knew them because yeah being from northern kentucky like someone in my family probably knows like quite like some or they know somebody in my family and i thought that's what
Starting point is 00:24:21 they'll say but then they're like you know that dog's gonna get awful big don't you and i'm like you wouldn't say that to anybody i'm like you would not say that to any single other person right now if you just say it to me because you think it's funny like i'm like come on and do you say that to them i i just go along with them like yeah you're not wrong like he is big like he's already 80 pounds like he's gonna get a little bit bigger, but I'm more upset that they made me stop my music than anything. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Um, uh, Alison NYC. Uh, if I see another girl with huge boobs, we don't nod. We chest bump. Fair enough. Thank you. I like that. Yeah, that's good. Solid.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah, girls with huge boobs. That's another thing. You know what I mean? Like you walk by them and you're like, whoa. Yeah, you're kind of like looking out of the side of your eye. Yeah. You tied it on. Yeah, there you go. Those are nice glasses.
Starting point is 00:25:22 You're pulling them off. Not everyone. I can't pull those off, but you're pulling those off. Those i can't pull those off but you're pulling those off those are the good those are the radar locks oakley's this is my favorite i gotta get a new set of a nose piece though i gotta get a new nose piece for them though they're falling off on those how's your how's your body 36 uh doing crossfit at the highest level uh you beat up feel it occasionally like i'm in the middle of like the waterpalooza qualifiers right now so i did one and two yesterday um luckily like today's been a pretty low slow day so and it's pretty early still so i haven't felt it too much but i know i'll feel it
Starting point is 00:26:00 in a bit um but i do my best like to maintain it i see a chiropractor every two weeks i get a massage once a month like i don't stretch as much as i should but i'm gonna i need to start doing that more so it's actually hanging up pretty good and um you tied last year with Mikey. Correct. Does any part of that kind of annoy you? Is that the only tie? Just like, hey, motherfuckers, give us another event and let someone win this shit. I think it would have been a cool invite to the games and let us kind of go head-to-head on the floor for one or two events. And if we tie on those two, if he wins both like if he wins one i wouldn't do a third one dude people would have gone crazy in the coliseum if you and mikey came out
Starting point is 00:26:53 people would have lost their shit and been like for the fittest short stature person in the world we have tim murray and mikey wittius oh my god in between like the men's and women's final yeah i think that would have been like that's what like what a missed opportunity to do that like oh my god their connection at headquarters and be like hey let's do this like why can't we do six minutes yeah something just like right you know four minutes workout and then a two minute crowning ceremony yeah holy shit dude that would have been awesome hey yeah that's a huge missed that's a huge missed opportunity yeah so um i know i i have already registered for the wheel finals in raleigh uh-huh i don't know what do you mean the Wheelwad finals in Raleigh.
Starting point is 00:27:46 What do you mean the finals? Why the finals? Because you already did something to qualify for the finals? Yeah, we do. They had the online qualifiers, and it was right after the Open, like right before semifinals. And then they did their semifinals in July. And so I know, like, I'm pretty sure we both qualified. I mean, we were both 1 i'm pretty sure we both call like i mean we were both one two so we both
Starting point is 00:28:07 qualified and i'll be you and uh mr wittius both qualified yeah who who's one and who's two are you one or he's one you're one yep are you better than him i like to think so yeah how did he do the year you won how did he do the year you won i think he finished third last year last year 2022 yeah right so what year i apologize i'm gonna judge you pretty heavily here i mean a loaded question okay here we go how much did you weigh the first year you went to the games it's right about the same 140 140 all right i was gonna say you put on some ice cream weight maybe and fucked up your uh no is he younger than you is he younger than you 36 i think he's like 32 okay he's got a yeah i got a few years on him i didn't think i had that much but like i had the
Starting point is 00:29:01 i looked it up like this past year just to kind of see. I was just curious myself. When I was 37, I started having to warm up. Literally, to do CrossFit, I had to already be in a full sweat. I'm not cleaning unless I'm sweating already. Where you don't have to do that. Are you approaching that where it's like shit before you do? I feel much better if I have a 10 to 15 minute nice little warm-up going. Like sweating?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah. I'll do like a two-minute row, ski, jog, whatever it might be. Just something to get the heart rate up. And then it's a lot of spider lunges and Samson stretch. Just enough to get the hips. It's more the hips and low back that I'm struggling the most with Tim do you want more attention for your accolades like I look at I look at your Instagram account I'm like holy shit he's got uh it's like Travis Mayer's Instagram account it's like yeah you have okay yeah you have 1700 um followers and yet you're the you're the fittest guy in the world two years in a row
Starting point is 00:30:05 um yeah like it would be nice like I kind of that's what I'm looking for but I don't want it for myself like so I have a couple kids I mentor like I just want people to see that we can do the exact same thing anybody else does like obviously mod or not i don't want to call it modifications like it's more of a adaptive adaptation because like i'm not like i think uh like why what needs to be adapted i can't think of anything what needs to be adapted for more which one what are the big ones like obviously like our running like the distance stuff like our skier like skier distances and calories like aren't going to be the same like i figured it out like kind of playing around with what our gym does and like what i do um so like for a mile run like three quarter mile run is probably going to be what i'm going to do if i want to keep up
Starting point is 00:31:00 with the rest of the class because obviously my stride is not as long so i'm not able to get that full length that they're able to run it in like my my all time is like 10 and a half minutes like where theirs might be eight and a half nine nine and a half and like same thing with like a skier or like the row like if they're doing 30 calories it's going to take me three minutes where someone else is going to take them to two and a half. So there's nothing that you can't do. Like, right. It's not like like a dude like they have to get the guy with one arm has to have a special jump rope.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. Like I mean, I can do double unders like normal. I can do everything else normal. Like my I have like the kids like rogue pull up bar that I just throw on there. So it's just modified for size. It's basically just modified for height. Mass moves mass. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And theoretically, you would be able to – there's other things you'd be able to do significantly better. Like theoretically, you'd be able to cycle double unders faster because the rope's traveling – is it traveling a shorter distance or is a circle a circle? don't know i actually just recently figured out how to do double unders consistently i was actually doing like a double tap with my feet in the middle so i was doing twice as much work but like just the other day like the guy that was judging me, um, for the double unders on,
Starting point is 00:32:27 he was like, dude, I can't keep up with how fast you're going now. Oh, so like, it's, I mean, my ropes,
Starting point is 00:32:35 you know, say eight inches shorter than everybody else's. So it doesn't have to go as far. Um, someone, Mike McCaskey says is four of five extreme. Um, is what, what is, is extreme What is Are you even short for a dwarf No Under 4'10 is
Starting point is 00:32:52 Considered someone with dwarfism Or like short stature Like dwarf So I'm actually on a bit of the taller side 4 of 5 is 4 of 5 is yeah How did you meet your wife are you married no how did how did i thought i saw a lady in here um maybe not do you have a girlfriend i do i'm dating a girl
Starting point is 00:33:17 we're uh i mean we met online like anybody else nowadays yeah everyone meets online that's like the only way to do it i feel like now like if you go to the bar and try to talk to somebody like you're just a creep hey is that scary i've never done that the only people i've met online are like guys like you know i mean like guys i'm friends with and then i see them at the games i'm like hey but i'm not is that scary going on a date with someone you meet online i wouldn't call it scary it's like i mean you just you know they have that catfishing show or had that catfishing show on mtv or whatever channel
Starting point is 00:33:50 it was on and like you just see all those stories and you're like is this what i'm is this what's happening to me right now like am i being catfished yeah like you show up and you see the person like you're actually a lot hotter than you were in person on the on socials or on the site so the guys the guys i met um at the games were much nicer than they even were online i was happy i thought it was going to be weird i'm old i know everyone i know is from being in person but i've made like all these friends like just now online and then this year i went to the games for the first time in four years and i'm like oh these dudes are actually kind of cool this is easy yeah I mean like everyone I met like I don't know a whole lot of people online like I haven't I had all my friends I know like I have now like I knew him in elementary school and then we kind of got away
Starting point is 00:34:35 from each other in high school just we went to different schools so it was tough to hang out just based off of the things I was doing and whatnot. And then, um, we met back up in college and now we all like, we've been in each other's, I've been in all their weddings and now we're all just getting together, hanging out, having fun now. Are, are kids in the future? I hope so. Like, I mean, whatever happens, happens. If you know, I have kids if i don't then i have quite a few nephews four nephews right now that i'm enjoying like it's the greatest uh thing in the world because i go and i i'm the fun uncle so i yeah get them all riled up and then they go home and i get to go home to
Starting point is 00:35:18 quiet your brother has four boys uh he has two. My sister has two as well. How many siblings do you have? Just the two. I'm the oldest of the three. Oh, no shit. So you're the big brother. Dude, four nephews is awesome. How old are they?
Starting point is 00:35:38 They're all under, they'll all be under the age of five here. Like my oldest is going to be five in November. Oh shit. They love you to death then, huh? Yeah. under the age of five here like my oldest is going to be five in november oh shit they love you to death then huh yeah that's the greatest thing like walking in like they see me and their eyes just light up big smile and they come running and the second youngest he wanted to play hockey the other day he's like uncle tim i want to hockey. So we went and played hockey. Hey, Tim, how did you notice your parents changed when your siblings started having kids? Did you notice they changed?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, yeah. It's kind of the same thing. They're so happy, enjoying life. They get to watch the kids, the nephews. They get to hang out and have fun and like all that fun jazz and then again same thing like once my brother and sister-in-law get off work they they go home and my parents get to rest yeah I um not that my parents were ever curmudgeons they were always seemed happy cool people to me but once we my sister and i started having grandkids i felt like i saw their
Starting point is 00:36:45 happiness elevate like they just got all of a sudden like a burden had been lifted off of them or something they were so happy it's like almost like they turned to little kids again yep i mean that's kind of what like that's how i felt like with my parents like you could see the change like i said they weren't bad like they, like, like you said, curmudgeons or whatever, but like, they were still like, yeah, there was definitely a change. Yeah. They're stoked. Like their mission in life is fulfilled. They're like, ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Family moves on. Someone named Sue, Sue, uh, Seve. That's me. Hi. The fact that Tim that's, that's you is willing to sit this long in a car to chat with you certifies that he's really a good dude. Hey, what about your car? You just put the seat all the way forward
Starting point is 00:37:33 and you can get the pedals and all that? I have pedal extensions. Oh, those make me so nervous. Add-on. Do those move around at all on the pedal? No, they're actually like, they have like nuts and bolts. So they're actually at all on the pedal no they're actually like they have like nuts and bolts like okay like so they're actually sandwiched onto the pedal so what if it was just like a strap and it slid off of the brake while you were driving i'd have nightmares about it happened
Starting point is 00:37:58 with the brake but the gas has done that before the the extension is moved yeah like i went to like kind of that's that's what you have right there yeah it's very similar mine like it's i don't have like all the nuts and bolts like on like the long part of it like yeah one solid piece of metal and like it's like a screw essentially so i shorten it and lengthen it by turning it but like the gas pedal like it was an old set that someone had made and like handed down to me oh and um oh shit like i went as i was on my i was in high school when i was not turning like just started driving so of course like i'm already somewhat freaking out and i turn up this road like it's to go up this massive hill and they go to push the gas pedal and like it's not there anymore dude rogue needs to make you a custom one of those bill could make those that just say rogue on them dude i'd be testing the bolts on those every time i get in the car i'd be fucking so
Starting point is 00:38:58 paranoid i need that i need to tighten them here soon like it's been a while so just make sure they're on they there nice and good. Hey, dude, what do you do on the Assault Bike and the Echo Bike? You might – hey, I think that there's a real business there to fix that fucking situation because I think kids – Dude, the kids' market for Assault Bikes would be massive. They have the hand cranks that you put on the handle, like the bar like you face the other way but i'm look like i'm i gotta talk to somebody and figure it out but i'm looking at like the pedal you haven't cracked the code on that yet you haven't no you oh fuck i'm trying has anyone has mikey has anyone no nobody's not that i've seen like all i've done is just the hand portion. But it's either the seat or the pedal that we're going to have to change.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And I think the seat might be the play. Oh, oh, oh. Adding to the pedal. Oh, oh. I think if we can flip it and kind of invert it, essentially, so that it's sitting lower and more up front, I think we can make that work. I just gotta find someone
Starting point is 00:40:07 to do that. I think during Rogue, Katie Henniger's gonna come on at night, and I'm gonna be like, yo, I'll put her on the spot. What the fuck's up with my fucking kids and short people? Yeah. Which I'm not mad about it, because I hear everybody else complain
Starting point is 00:40:23 about it, so I'm like, I don't want to do something that everybody else is complaining about. Yeah. Fuck complaining. We just want it. Sell us some shit. Sell us, charge us an arm and a leg. We want it.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. Hey, um, I'm really surprised no one's cracked the code on it, but then that actually, uh, dear Bill and Katie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Dear Bill and Katie. Um, I'm sure they've thought about it too. I'm sure they've thought about it with the Echo bike, and I'm sure the Salt Bike guys thought about it. Yeah. What about – so that actually is a piece of equipment that you guys can't use. The short stature division can't use them, the bikes.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, I think – I want to say I've seen people use it in a competition, but they basically face the fan on the front side, and there's handles that go into the middle of the bar. So they just hand crank it. Why not take the seat off and just make you guys stand? That's the way Glassman used to make people ride it standing. Really? He didn't like the seat. Yeah, he's like, stand for a minute and ride that shit.
Starting point is 00:41:25 didn't like the seat yeah he's like stand for a minute and ride that shit i never thought to do that but maybe i'll give it a shot tonight when i go into class just to see what it's like see what how i'd like it only pussies use the seat yeah i just more so like i'm looking at it like as a way to like cool down like after a heavy leg day like it'd be nice to have like the bike just to kind of just get the leg standing it is not going to be cooling down no that's really what i'm looking for is a way to like just get my legs recover like more of a recovery type deal um what what does your training look like as you get close to the games are you doing two a days uh no i don't unfortunately i don't have the time for that way just with my work schedule if i didn't have the time for that. It was just with my work schedule. If I didn't have the dog, then maybe as well.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Like I just go like right after work and then go do something else and come back and do it later. But right now it's just once a day. I'm in there for an hour to hour and a half, depending on what's programmed for that day. And then kind of go from there. Are you okay with that? Are you pissed off? Does that cause you anxiety? You're good with it?
Starting point is 00:42:28 No, I love it. That's how I operate best. Like, I'd rather, like, I'm in it kind of now for, like, the camaraderie, you know? Like, the community. Like, I found that this community is really great and supportive. Like, everyone in my gym's like very happy like they're i mean they get to claim that they have the fittest in the world like it works out at their gym so that's part of you know what we have there that's dope uh-oh are
Starting point is 00:42:57 those below parallel hey um so when you work out since you only work out once a day you're going hard too do you tell yourself hey dude you you better do this with intention and hurt fuck you're explosive off the bottom that's crazy yeah those are i love i'm the only person that loves burpees i think i like burpees too i love a burpee and i do exactly what you do there too well not i bounce off the ground a little bit i give it a little chest bump. Yeah. That's what I try to do.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah. Especially like on those like longer sets. I try to like do as little with my arms as I can. Cause those triceps start wearing out as soon as like you hit 40, 40 of those. What's, what is your, what is your best, what is your best lift?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like you have a lift. uh it's probably it's either my deadlift or my squat right now and what and what is your deadlift my deadlift was my highest is 310 and i was done a couple weeks ago or a couple months ago congrats crazy thank you double double you More than double body weight Yeah And then your back squat is Was 415 Holy shit Yeah Holy shit that doesn't
Starting point is 00:44:16 That doesn't Do you get a little Oh that's 310 I can't remember if that was 310 or 305 Cause I know both of them were done in That's 310? Dude, I can't remember if that was 310 or 305. Because I know both of them were done in my basement. That's my basement. God, look at those. You have the old school ghetto weights, like the steel ones and shit.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. Hey, dude, you're not scared when you take that off? No. No. I mean, as soon as you get scared of the weight, like, you're going to lose it, you know? So I just... And the worst that happens is if I can't get it, I just drop it and walk away from it.
Starting point is 00:44:53 You dump it off the back. I just dump straight backwards and kind of run forward. Allison NYC, sheesh, what's he weigh? 141, don't tell me 143 but he's gonna get on a zempic and get down to 135 no don't um uh what is
Starting point is 00:45:16 um there was someone uh there was some someone in here said something mean about me oh here we go uh Seve dildo uh Seve uses his nose as a springboard during burpees why would i why would i use my nose that's not gonna help what are you talking about she's gonna make you cry and hit your nose like everybody can't not cry when you hit you talking i don't even get that what is there a joke in there uh jessica valenzuela the weights are scared of him yeah when you um i'm assuming you're
Starting point is 00:45:50 gonna do the open this year and try to try to win again yep and i guess that was my question will you try to win again when you start doing the open will you be like okay i'm not gonna eat ice cream tonight i'm gonna tighten up my shit i'm gonna double down no actually like been kind of cutting down on a lot of that lately even like already already you'll start prepping yep and would you be disappointed if you didn't make it do you feel that do you feel the are you feeling the pressure are you would you be disappointed if you took second no no because i mean like the way i see is like i mean i i'm 36 years old like i'm not going to be doing this forever.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So at some point, somebody is going to catch me. So would I be upset? Sure. But at the end of the day, the last thing I want people to do is remember me for those accolades. I want them to remember me how I left this world. You want to leave the world in a better place, right? Like, it's what they always say, like, leave it better than you found it. So, um, we found, like, we started an adaptive CrossFit class, like, because of me, like, my, the coaches were like, we want to start this, we want to get this going. And we found the right person in town um that's big on it like that's what she
Starting point is 00:47:08 does like she's straight up all adaptive like she's a physical therapist athletic trainer and she works with all adaptive athletes and so she's been her and I got together and met talked and that's what my that's how I want my legacy to be is what i want my legacy to be is like we have an adaptive class and i wanted to grow as big as it can and tell me what what adaptive means to you like what is the if someone said hey what does that mean like i know what like an old person class would be like people over 55 what's an adaptive class adaptive class to me it's like it's someone who like anybody who's like got considered like not able-bodied like someone who's not walking around on both legs not have use of both hands like maybe they had a stroke or you know that's's Matthias. He's actually like top six in the world in wheelchair tennis.
Starting point is 00:48:07 No shit. Yeah. I don't need to have that guy. Have you ever watched wheelchair tennis? It's nuts. It's insane. Yeah. It is insane.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I thought it was going to be stupid, and I was waiting for the main match to start once, and I watched it. I couldn't fucking believe. It's maybe better than real tennis. Yeah. It's crazy. Last I heard, it was top six in the world i haven't talked to him in a while but okay so like i gotta start somewhere even if he's top 10 i gotta start
Starting point is 00:48:34 somewhere yeah so like i did dm the guy who's best in the world at it and he's like fuck you okay so adaptive is here's where I was kind of going with it on one on one hand it's like hey we're adaptive and we need like some maybe some things like I need I need a lower pull-up bar I need this assault bike fix for me I want I want to have access to health and fitness possibilities and challenges that everyone has yes and then on the other hand it's like hey i'm just a i'm just a regular person yeah because right because you don't want everyone projecting onto you the whole racism thing is like that too like there's this weird balance it's like i am a dwarf but i want you to treat me normal but i do need to pull a bar that's
Starting point is 00:49:24 lower yeah and i don't need you projecting onto me that i'm uh i need you to treat me normal But I do need a pull up bar that's lower And I don't need you projecting onto me that I'm I need you to meet me halfway I'm going to try to act normal And then you're going to also try to act normal But I also have these needs And there becomes this weird It's an interesting balance for sure Yeah it's an interesting balance
Starting point is 00:49:40 Because you're like hey I don't want to be You don't want to fall into one role or another Yeah The cliche term now is you don't want to fall into the victim role yeah i don't want that no that's not at all like what i'm here that's not what any of us are there for like even like the people who show up to our adaptive class like we have one guy who's like i don't know how old he is but but, like, yeah, he went from – he had a stroke and he went from not being able to run. Now he's running, like, 400 meters.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And he's not doing double-unders yet, but he's doing jump, like, single-unders. And, like, he never thought he would be able to do that again or at all. So it's like, you know, that's what we're trying to do. Kind of give that empowerment of, hey, we're trying to do they kind of give that empowerment of hey we're going to teach you how to do this and if you want to do it great if you don't that's fine as well like but we'll show you ways to get through the uh to get through this workout and still have that stimulus that everybody else has it's just keeping that stimulus and like creating a way for them to be able to do the workout.
Starting point is 00:50:49 So the cliche term would be like to create a safe space for them. But let me – because that word triggers me. Just like the word trigger triggers me. Basically, a place where there is patience and people who believe in you so if it was a class for p if you know that someone in your class has had a stroke you'll maybe spend 10 minutes working on double unders or single unders as opposed to three minutes and then the people there will believe in you yeah that you can do it yeah i want to come into an environment where people believe in me yeah they're not that's what we try to do yeah yeah make it so that it so that they have the faith in themselves even. It's not so much other people believing in them.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's more the people believing in themselves. That's you right there? That's not you, is it? No, that's my friend Connor. That was his first class, I think. Dude, you should grow your hair out like that. I wish I could. I'm starting to like a nice little
Starting point is 00:51:47 Starting to get a little thin up top right there in the middle You uh, would you ever open a CrossFit gym I I don't know only because like there's already so many. Oh, I like the Zobel. It's like once, yeah, I feel like there's one on our block, then there's one, like, there's actually another gym that it's not, it's more HIIT training than CrossFit, but it's, like, literally right around the corner. And then there's, like, another gym, like, five blocks away across the river. And I'm like, and it's just already so saturated. I'm like, why can't we all work together? And, like, we're all here for the same, you know, create the same environment.'m like why can't we all work together and like we're all here for the same you know create the same environment like why don't we work together create one big like happy family are you um tim are you student of the game do you follow the
Starting point is 00:52:36 games like do you know like uh do you follow the individuals and getting better with it like when i first started i just wanted to kind of put just wanted to put more focus on learning about the sport. And now it's learning who everybody is. I see the top names. From what I see on Instagram, I don't go searching for them and things like that. Just whatever pops up on the the games instagram page or whatever might happen what position did you play in baseball i was second base and so you have a good arm it's up there yeah because from there you got to like throw people out and shit, right? Yep. So I'm in this chat with a bunch of dudes.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And I'm the oldest dude. And they were talking about throwing balls. And I haven't thrown a baseball in, I don't know, forever. And I'm like, hey, I could. But I have tremendous focus. I could hit anything. Like I could wad up a piece of paper and hit Sousa. No, a 10 out of 10 from here.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Yeah. Just 11 feet away. Bam, bam. Bounce him right off his forehead. Same with the Frisbee. I could throw a grape in the air 20 feet, catch it in my mouth. No problem. So this guy's like one of the guys in the chat's like, hey, we were watching a guy throw the opening pitch at a baseball game.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And he threw it off to the right a little bit. And I said, hey, that was pretty good. And then someone said, hey, it's better than you. I'm like, what are you talking about? I could hit anything from anywhere. I could throw a rock and hit the fucking moon. What are you talking about? So I have this bucket of baseballs that I bought years ago for my kids
Starting point is 00:54:18 that we never use. And look, it's even in a tennis ball carrier. And I have this Home Depot bucket. And he said, hey, go 60 feet away and see if you can hit it. And look at me over there, just old man in his long johns in the backyard. Look at this. Look at this. He got the ball.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Can you see that? Yep. How far do you think I am from there? Bam. Whoa. First hit. 60 feet at least. First, yeah, yeah, I did
Starting point is 00:54:47 20 paces. 23 paces. 60, yeah, okay. Where did Sevan find the hunt? Yeah, you like that, right? That's good, right? Yeah. Thank you. Okay, good. Alright, good.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Just like, what the fuck is going on? Thank you, Rambler. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. See that? And I have a real guy with a baseball hat on. We're Cincinnati. Yeah. I should have brought one ball. That would have been awesome if I would have just brought one ball.
Starting point is 00:55:16 That would have been a different level of confidence. Well, fantastic meeting you. We had this little uh skirmish i i would i text you about it with um mr uh wittius and it kind of got crazy and out of hand and then through that skirmish it was pointed out to me that it was tied for first place the championship yep and he had put is it contentious between you guys at all because i noticed um andrew pointed out hillar pointed out to me that he erased you i had from his post try to stay out of it like i mean i thought we'd have like i thought we were friendly like a friendly yeah and then like i saw that and i was kind of like you know it is what it is like so i i don't need that title like it's
Starting point is 00:56:08 nice to have it but i also am like kind of you're okay if you're okay if he airbrushed you out yeah it is what it is like hey who made that because i noticed you have one and you're in the front and he has one it was uh crossfit like that was the cross i don't know if it was the games i think it was the crossfit games yeah um like they shared it uh like after like actually they posted just him winning it initially like oh no shit yeah like he's got more followers than you he's got 20 he's got 20 times the followers as you. Who the fuck is him? And then quite a few people reached out to them and said, hey, by the way, they actually tied in every event.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Or like not every event. Like they tied for first and then like, you know, they have the exact same scores, which has never happened apparently. Yeah, it's crazy. They shouldn't allow it to happen. And by the way on behalf of the uh crossfit media team as the uh ceo of crossfit i want to uh apologize to you for that that won't that won't ever happen all right i'll never ever have um heads are gonna roll for
Starting point is 00:57:17 that i just want you to know someone not anything serious like 100 burpees or something that's fine that's okay and then say your name at the bottom everyone tim murray tim murray i like it like a part you do like it uh suza i'm gonna send an email over to crossfit i'm gonna send it to uh keith knapp and demand that uh someone do 100 burpees um uh uh how could uh what he's andrew what he's saying is that the original post only had Mr. Wittius Then they put up a post that had both of them And then Mr. Wittius then decided to airbrush out Tim That was kind of the order of the That's how that worked out
Starting point is 00:58:01 KG21 I think your bathing suit might be falling off uh this dude is the real deal savvy all right fine i'll accept them then only real deals here all right brother uh we'll be in touch i'd love to have you back on again what a great you know you kind of remind me of um kevin, your look right now. Yeah. You know who that is? Yeah. Yeah, you kind of got the character. Hopefully meet him in December at Wheelwod. See, he's like the head adaptive coach down there.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Okay. When is Wheelwod? What's the date? November 30th through December 3rd. November 30th. Okay. I was just talking to one of the guys in the chairs,
Starting point is 00:58:47 Jedediah. He's been on the show a handful of times. Okay. I think he just won the event they had in Madrid. I think so. I follow him on it. We follow each other on Instagram. Instagram is really puts up
Starting point is 00:59:03 the new stuff, the stuff you want to see, it's always the stuff you don't want Old stuff, right I don't even really know the guy that well And he's moving to Barcelona Or he was talking about it and it made me sad Oh, that's sad No, stay here Sounds better than the States right now
Starting point is 00:59:19 Good point Alright brother, thank you so much Great meeting you, thanks for coming on Yeah and I hope our paths cross again You have my information text me anytime Anything any subject Anything you're doing you're always welcome on the show dude Alright man I appreciate it thank you
Starting point is 00:59:36 Yeah absolutely brother See ya Tim Murray Tied for Fittest Fittest Um Fittest Dwarf two years in a row
Starting point is 00:59:51 No I can't hear you in my ears Do I have sound now? Uh yeah but echo Yeah Oh there how about now What? Oh wait i had you turned down i had your mic hold on zero how's that how's that now yes perfect better yes that was my fault that's good i fixed out the i have the speaker running through something random too
Starting point is 01:00:20 the benq the monitor how's your headset how loud is your headset oh it's perfect okay sounds great so i got another roadcaster and and this one just kept playing so i had to send it back just like on repeat like this yes and then you hit this one yeah this one would play oh so wires are all fucked up it's all crossed over and then this one Wires are all fucked up. It's all crossed over. And then this one, the phone's all fucked up. Oh, you know what I realized? That I put a note down. First, actually until right now,
Starting point is 01:00:52 and I think I broke the seal. I don't think you cussed. Oh, wow. And I put a note here that there was no YouTube buzzwords in the first 3352. And then I checked my YouTube on my phone and stuff it's populating as
Starting point is 01:01:06 like the second one on my browser feed oh interesting yeah hey hit the number two button watch what happens what hit the number two button on the black magic okay we've got another uh yeah oh snap see hey look at me on the big screen what is there a three how many are hooked up the no not yet oh just it looks so much darker from that angle. But yeah, I didn't fuck with the exposure too much. And then there's another camera up there on top of the – if you put share camera, you can choose the one that's over the TV set. Where?
Starting point is 01:01:39 But that one, go to presets. I don't even know. And then go to – or no, go to settings. No, go to uh presets i don't even and then go to or no go to settings no go to presets presets and then there should be a extra camera and you can choose extra camera oh like in the um present extra camera sorry present sorry presents yeah oh that one above you can i share this yeah totally oh dude this angle's sick right look at Look at that. Is that right above the TV? Yeah, that one up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Crazy, right? Damn, that one's good. Yeah. It's coming together. Holy shit. I know. I can't even believe it. I am concerned about this screen being seen, though.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yeah, because you can almost see it through that light. That's your text message. Move that, bad boy uh oh uh i'm online i'm looking for the link oh i sent him the link here um invite copy you got greg glassman coming on from europe europe like i'm just like staring down instead of at the camera though hey that guy's really cool yeah he was really cool that was fun yeah I really that guy's cool I was concerned that when people are
Starting point is 01:02:53 their first time I look for any podcast or interviews he's done in the past and he hadn't done any I was like oh shit is this guy not going to talk he was crushing it yeah crushing absolutely crushing it I got a I got this new notebook. It's not even a notebook. I used to use a notebook like this to write on.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Now I'm using this. Every show I just tear the sheet off. Oh, yeah. I got the mini version of that. Yeah. I feel like my audio sounds a lot better. All right. I sent Greg a link.
Starting point is 01:03:30 I'm online and looking for the link. Are you on that thread where I sent the link? Are your texts populating on that? No, it's not. Yeah, the link's there. I wonder if he's not getting it for some reason because of where he's at. In Europe? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:52 You don't see that link? It's in this thread. I love the standing desk deal I feel like I could do this so much I need like a little fidget bar down at the bottom so I could just like hang and how's your hip oh a lot better than it was on Sunday
Starting point is 01:04:14 I've never had something like that happen before in my back the last like 30 minutes of that show I was like I couldn't even talk I was just in my head pull up that other camera one more time the number two 30 minutes of that show, I was like, I couldn't even talk. I was just in my head. Pull up that other camera one more time, the number two. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:30 So that, oh. No, no, sorry, not that one. Hit the two button. Yeah, that one. So that one, the guest is going to sit right there. And so this one, we just need to tweak it a little bit, but we could be in here.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I wonder if I can even make the uh i wonder if i can make the chats roll up on this let me see oh that'd be on the tv yeah how do i yeah i have no idea um oh shit yeah that's that's the tree where Tevlin goes pee when you run that. Okay, so I clicked a button live chat. You think they'll start populating? Oh, yeah, there they are. Philip Kelly. The guest sits on that low-ass couch with you looking down at them.
Starting point is 01:05:15 No, I don't. Are they below? I mean, maybe a little bit. You think that's not good? Oh, then it's populated on the TV. Damn, that's sick. I don't think that it's that low. Is there any other cameras hooked up to this Black Magic? Just one or two?
Starting point is 01:05:27 I could switch the couch. I kind of like the couch. I could put the couch higher on Cinebox. No, just those two. Just basically, but you could click the couch one too. You could click the couch camera like that. Yeah, bring that one up. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, it's working.
Starting point is 01:05:45 God, I'm so excited. Is that mic live on the couch? It could be. Yeah, it's plugged in. Oh, I was going to go test that seat real quick. And there's headsets. Yeah, come check it out. Let's test it out.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah, that's a good idea. Yuck. Julio, you don't like the couch? Yeah. That's it. yuck julio doesn't like you don't like the couch turning you up in all the uh how's that hey yeah oh yeah how is it it's dope holy shit you could sit back here and just kind of holy shit i got a nice shot of like my crotch too holy shit wow comments wow the only thing a little trippy with it is just that it's a a little lag wow god i love it it's not on my computer it's 505 here um we're uh okay uh shit let me see. It's not.
Starting point is 01:06:47 This is my first time here auditioning. I saw your email and I decided to come and try it out. I don't know if this lifestyle is for me, but. It's weird. He can't see the link. I wonder if it. Did you try to email it to him? Hey, will you go back up there and push the number two button and change your camera before you come down there? Watch out for your headset, too.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I could. Yeah, I don't know what's going on i've sent it twice weird oh wait this one isn't um you want this one off right oh or no just switch it switch it to two uh it's on two you want to bring two in? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Perfect. Those three? Yeah, now come sit over here. Yeah, let me watch this. Oh, God, I'm so titillated right now. Oh, my goodness. Oh, yeah, so basically, I just need to fix the exposure so that you're brighter.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Yeah, maybe drop that camera angle too because it is kind of a crotch shot there. Oh, I could do like this and then zoom in a little. It's lagged. How about that? Oh yeah, there we go. Like that? A little taller. Look at that picture.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Grab that picture behind you. I drew that with colored pencils. That's my dog. I drew that. People see that I drew that with colored pencils. That's my dog. I drew that. People see that I'm a renaissance man. That's sort of nice, right? And here we have... Yeah, the dog. Let me see if I can get that in focus.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Boom! Damn! Look at that. Pencils. Colored pencils. Anyway, all right. There's no way to pull the lag off of that on the tv right oh yeah you yes there is you could you could make it so that you shared screen that's playing off of youtube oh but you could share this you can make it so it shares the screen let me pull this up and see what this looks like uh savvy my girlfriend heard part of the show where you said billy irish has a nice body led to an hour of questions about if I pick if I picture look at other girls
Starting point is 01:08:48 bodies and why I shouldn't what's your take on this yeah are you blind because otherwise it's just going to happen I'm not sure I'm not sure I understand the question I will tell you this I don't know i don't know if i should if i'm ready to share this part i will tell you this actually i don't know maybe not i mean it's just just really it's just it's not that it's really personal but it's not really that personal it's not like crass or crazy
Starting point is 01:09:25 but um could you ask the question again like is it okay to something happened in my life i've always really just wanted to be with my wife so i met my wife and then we were boyfriend and girlfriend and then we broke up and then i was with another girl and then all I could think about was my wife. So not in a longing way or not in any way, I would just think about her a lot. I just thought about her a lot. And I just wanted to be really I wanted to always be intimate with her. And even when I was with other girls, I would think about my wife. And even sometimes when I'm with my wife, I think about my wife, which is kind of weird, right? Like instead of being with her,
Starting point is 01:10:11 I'm like thinking about her. And so the, for me, I just kind of knew that way, but I had a shitload of fucking girlfriends. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. The sex was so good. That's why. Yeah. It was, it was, it was, yeah. So, but I, if I'm with someone, if I have no issues, like if I'm with my wife and I see someone with a crazy body, or I will talk about it openly with my wife, like, holy shit, can you believe how big Allison's tits are? My wife will be like, yeah, they're huge. Yeah. And if Allison was breastfeedingfeeding i would look at her boobs so and my wife never trips not even a tiny bit and if she did she would tell me because the
Starting point is 01:10:55 shit she does trip on she trips on and it's the same thing with like like we were at the beach and there was this great guy with the craziest body. Kind of looked like Bryce Smith. Big like that. Big, handsome guy laying out on this block of cement. And I go, holy shit, look at that guy's body. And she goes, oh, that guy's in my CrossFit class. And I said, I thought your CrossFit class was just all women. She goes, yeah, and that guy.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I'm like, what the fuck? Intensely like, well, by the fuck you looking at him then, huh? Yeah, yeah. Hey. What up? You did it. Dude? Yeah, yeah. Hey. What up? You did it. Dude. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 You know, none of that stuff was on my laptop, just on the phone. Oh, so are you on your phone now? I'm on my laptop. How did you, you transferred it some way? I don't know. I just, I, when you resented, it showed up on the laptop, the link. Yeah. Here I am. And I first had to reinstall Chrome. I removed that after every show. Chrome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Oh, that's interesting. You don't want them tracking your shit. You know, the, uh, Oh, that's interesting. You don't want them tracking your shit? You know, the, uh, my Google News feed. Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila. I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd... What's with all the police trucks outside?
Starting point is 01:12:53 You know the butcher? Goes around just chopping people up. ...comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds are hurt. He's gonna be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven. This whole concert it's a trap trap directed by m night shamalan only in theaters august 2nd when i off from the google
Starting point is 01:13:15 search engine the articles that come up yeah it gains promotions for things that i bought 20 minutes ago oh right right me, right. Me too. And it's something you talk about on the show. It does. Yeah. We talk about something on the show. When I leave, it's on my phone. Yeah. I don't want to believe that, but I know me neither.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Hey, it's a form of advertising. You can buy now. Siri detection, Siri voice detection. You can buy it straight up called that. Yeah. So you could like put in your buzzwords and then as people as Siri, because Siri, a lot of people just leave siri on right so then it picks it up and then it distributes it back and it'll start to populate on your social media hey greg you came in at an interesting time
Starting point is 01:13:55 i'm gonna read you these two posts this is a great conversation i think should i go back to this that's by the way you look great you don't look like a guy who flew either way, wherever you're comfortable. You don't look like a guy who flew halfway around the world in his jet lag. You look great. I don't feel jet lag. I mean, we've been here, what, 36 hours, 48 hours now.
Starting point is 01:14:19 What country are you in? Switzerland. Yeah, I mean, this kind of stuff right oh shit yeah whoo oh my god there's no there's no violence out there not really so let me read you these
Starting point is 01:14:37 two in your internet connections dope yeah let me read you these two these two things this guy's saying he's saying Sebi my girlfriend heard a part of your show where you said Billie Eilish has a nice body. And it led to an hour of questions. If I picture or look at other girls' body and why I shouldn't, what's your take on this? And then I'm like, I'm not sure I understand the question, but I look at girls' bodies all the time. I don't lust after them.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I don't, like, picture myself, like, bending them over and over and shit but so i said hey can you explain a little more and he said so she literally doesn't want me to look below the neck of any girls and she always wants me to tell her other girls aren't pretty okay i can't do that she wants you to lie all the time yeah there's there's no way you can do that tell her i'm uh they're not pretty i don't want them and i'm not here's the thing it's like you know what that kind of reminds me of and i want to be gentle about this but the guy who gets upset that other girls that other guys look at his girlfriend it's like dude you want to be with her for a reason and guess what a lot of other dudes want to be with her for that same reason like if you if you are in a relationship with a girl there's a lot of other dudes who would
Starting point is 01:15:52 like to be naked with your girl it's just the way it is right i mean that's a lots thousands maybe millions maybe a billion maybe a billion maybe a billion there's a billion people on planet there may be a billion gentlemen who would like to have intimacy, be naked in a spa with a glass of champagne with your girl. Right? I would expect that. I mean you can't be – yeah. Good show. Time to pay my dues.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Well, thank you. You can't be, yeah. Good show, time to pay my dues. Well, thank you. I mean, like what? You could be, your ex could be so repugnant that no one finds her attractive. I don't think a woman like that exists. I don't either.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I've yet to see a girl where I'm like, I can't imagine anyone not wanting to be with her I could always imagine it Dude there's so There's so much fun stuff in the news I don't even know what to Oh let me here Since we're talking about fun stuff They changed the dress code in Senate For Fetterman did you see this
Starting point is 01:17:04 Yeah yeah I saw the dress code in Senate for Fetterman. Did you see this? Yeah, yeah. And I saw informal dress code, and I don't know what that means. Is that like, wear whatever the fuck you want, but we're going to roll our eyes at you? And now they're not rolling their eyes? This is absolutely nuts. Hey, I'm okay with the dress code. My mouse stopped working. That's not good.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I might need you back in the... Yeah. You want me to go over there? Yeah. Shit. Why? Why would you ditch the dress code? It's important, right?
Starting point is 01:17:36 Yeah. I think I read the thing is it was an informal dress code. Once I get my mouse working again, I'll'll read it to you um okay here we go majority leader chuck schumer said monday that the staff for the chamber sergeant at arms the senate's official closed police will no longer enforce a dress code on the senate floor the change comes after pennsylvania senator john fetterman has been unapologetically wearing shorts as he goes about his duties, voting from doorways so he doesn't get into trouble for his more casual attire. There has been an informal dress code that was enforced, Schumer said in a statement. Senators are able to choose what they wear on the Senate floor.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I will continue to wear a suit. So now they're able to. Wait a minute. What's an informal dress code that you like? First of all, what's a formal versus an informal dress code? It's not wearing formal or informal clothing, right? Okay. Right. I see. I see where I'm confused. It's almost like there's not really one. Like it's a customary thing and there's some guy that reminds you you're inconsistent with the custom. And now they're not even going to do that.
Starting point is 01:18:44 inconsistent with the custom. And now they're not even going to do that. Schumer did mention that Fetterman's new dress code will only apply to senators, not staff. Here's the thing. I think you need a certain kind of formality, dignity um decorum uh uh processes right the same way like you have the gavel and like everyone should start i believe in this kind of like this zen tea party thing the person in charge hits the table three times welcome to the session they say the date they say the time and then they said each person you know and they say some ground rules and then you begin it's like football like flipping the coin wearing the pads it's part of the what adds the um uh some the ability for them to function at a high at a high level yeah um clinton was was uh banging lewinsky and doing other things too or in the oval office what do you mean other things What do you mean other things?
Starting point is 01:19:46 Well, you know, the cigar thing. Right, right. I forgot about that thing. I remember when that first appeared in the Enquirer and everyone thought, oh, this piece of shit magazine. The stuff they won't print, right? But on that subject, Judge Robert
Starting point is 01:20:02 Bork said he wouldn't even kiss his wife In his judicial robes And I was like Like you know That's There's something to that man's Seriousness
Starting point is 01:20:19 And the responsibility With which he takes that job That sits well with me For a man in such an important position. I like it. Yeah, he's not going to watch it in his judicial robes or watch TV or KFC or kiss the wife. He puts that on and puts his head and his mind in a space that's outside of all those distractions, hopefully.
Starting point is 01:20:57 And I admire that. But I need people that serve that are better than I. Yes, yes yes yes i do i do people that i do people that knew bill clinton and hung with him and had some incredible football parties with with girls and alcohol just and it was a dude that was a ceo of zenith just telling me how he was just absolutely floored at Bill's behavior, how open he was about his dalliances and would sit there smoking a cigar watching a football game, getting a
Starting point is 01:21:33 hummer, right? With a room full of people. Oh, shit. Yeah, yeah. And Bob said, we were like, fuck, wow, I didn't know what to do. Didn't know what to look, not look. Leave, cheer, what you would do. Dalliance is the word of the day.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Ladies and gentlemen, please take out your paper and pencil. Dalliance, a casual romantic or sexual relationship, a brief or casual involvement with something. Wow. But this was just a normal like football Sunday. Yeah. Yeah. Who doesn't want a martini and a blowjob while watching a game?
Starting point is 01:22:16 With a company of your friends. With all your friends there. President of the United States. I had a friend who always had a friend. People would ask me like what do you think of bill clinton i go he'd probably be fun to drive down a dirt road with and drink beers and smoke a joint but right you know i don't i don't know if that's presidential timber necessarily right right right yeah i had a friend for some it was almost like he always needed a chaperone when he was having sex. Like anytime – it was like – I must have seen him have sex with five different girls.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'd be just at his house watching TV, and next thing I know, he's having sex with a girl. I never left. I just stayed. What a rude dude. It was – he was wild. He found that many chicks that were cool with it too, huh? That was the guy – I always tripped on people who watched porn when it was on was he was he was wild he found that many chicks that were cool with it too huh that was the that was the guy i always tripped on people who watched porn when it was on vhs like really you're gonna make the effort to go down to the store walk behind into that curtain room he
Starting point is 01:23:13 was that he like he watched he was the only person i ever knew who watched porn too so you'd actually go to the play go down there to watch it no no no i didn't never knew anyone who did that yeah like the ones where like yeah go into a theater and watch porn that is wow we've come far and pull it out and work at it when you're a well-known figure hoping the lights are dark enough there was you know he's pretty distinctive i think if you were in any kind of theater and you saw someone coming to peewee herman coming down you'd be watching him instead of the porn hey why even the idea of porn in the theater is bizarre isn't it completely bizarre completely bizarre you're getting your popcorn run back to your seat i i saw um i saw some theater jerking off is that the deal i assume i assume hey i've never
Starting point is 01:24:13 i've never watched porn and not been jerking off so like i can't imagine anyone watching going there but why is it the guy who has the kids show why is it always some like why couldn't it have been like someone who's not involved in a kid show getting caught in there too do you know what i mean why does it have to be the the the premier kid show in the world and that guy gets caught that's what makes the story dude it's like fuck if it's hunter biden it's just another page in the book you know right right it's true pg herman right uh coach uh welcome to the uh evan podcast i don't get it but okay evan not seven seven evan is the logo being blocked somewhere i don't see there's probably a porn joke in there i used to have this friend
Starting point is 01:25:03 that every time he'd throw a house party and threw quite a few because he lived in a house That was just off the beaten path, but still close enough to get to Every TV in his room. This was not VHS status, but DVD status He would go get DVDs and every TV would have porn playing on during the party Wow, but I'm not I'm talking like a quintessential like movie high school rager where it's so crowded in there You could hardly move. And then you go out to the backyard just to get a little air, and it's just as crowded as it is inside the house.
Starting point is 01:25:31 I would leave that room. I would be uncomfortable. Or I would sit there and watch other people be uncomfortable. It's in the middle. You said it was on every room. It was on every room. I mean, unless you walked outside, you're not escaping it. It's chumming.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It's chumming the stays is in you catch the girls looking a little longer you know okay there's a prospect and then i hear stories and wish i wouldn't have left there's an engaged lead yeah i mean you just go up and talk to the girl that wait wait a minute i'm watching this right yeah i love this my favorite part yeah uh cave dastro uh men that like spending time around kids that aren't theirs are obviously not completely right in the head boy i kind of lean that brings up another subject i i kind of lean that way too buddy i don't really what's everyone's idea of the 25 year old male kindergarten teacher that just loves the idea of five year old sitting in his lap being read to? Yeah, I'm not. That's a red flag.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah, I prefer all my kindergarten teachers be girls all the way up to. College. Ladies, please. Man, you're treading on some dangerous turf here that's gonna you're gonna get some reactions out of this hey you have a problem with a uh male pediatrician no no no but maybe i should i don't as a rule but in uh in in the real world of specific instances i've i've met several that gave me deep concerns right right right all the perfect so many i mean but just can it can't it be that if you're a pedophile, the idea crosses your mind to be a pediatrician?
Starting point is 01:27:26 Yeah, for sure. Yeah. And some of them are probably smart enough to pull that off. Right. For sure. It was Columbia or Cornell. I don't want to besmirch universities unnecessarily. It was an OBGYN kind of legend.
Starting point is 01:27:41 It was an OBGYN kind of legend. And some gal had gone to him before she had her kid and felt something weird, but didn't want to get off the, she's just trying to have a baby thing. And after the baby, she went back for a second exam. And during the pelvic exam, she felt that funny thing again. And she was a dancer. So I read in this story she had the ability to quickly rise and look with a good view where where he was and there he was with his tongue on her holy shit she called her boyfriend he shows up calls the cops they talk to the cops for about
Starting point is 01:28:21 10 minutes and the cops are like let's arrest arrest this fucker. And he's done. Look it up. He's going to jail forever. But because after that, um, the women were coming through in the troves. Yeah. He licked me too.
Starting point is 01:28:34 I got licked. Wow. Tongue, vagina. What's a OGBYN? Yeah. O-B-G-Y-N. Professor.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Lick, uh, vagina Lick Vagina. I don't know. You're going to come up with some interesting searches now. That's a hit. And then news. Can your vagina have allergies? That's the second thing that came up. Hey, in defense of him, of nobody.
Starting point is 01:29:07 But it's always men anyway. So it's kind of hard to say like the forklift driver that that does perverted things to kids. Man, the doctor, man, the only one that you ever hear that's not a man is the school teacher. You know what I mean? Like the news is it feels like once a month in the news cycle there's some some lady who banged her eighth grade student junior sophomore former new york gynecologist robert hayden has been sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for sexually assaulting patients over more than two decades while working as an obgyn at columbia university medical starts uh center starting in the 1980s so he was doing the oral pap smear for decades. On college girls, dude. He's the UCLA campus on college girls.
Starting point is 01:29:53 This is another guy. We're talking about the one that Greg read is different than this guy, James Heath. He was sentenced to 11 years too for abusing women as an OGBY at the college. Wow. Damn. was sentenced to 11 years too for abusing women as an ogby and at the call at the college wow damn uh someone in the comments said my mom took me to i wish i could find it my mom took me to a pediatrician as a kid when we walked outside the bumper sticker said i love goats and i never went back to that pediatrician again oh here it is kevin m uh I had a male pediatrician and my mom saw his car. He had a bumper sticker that said, I love goats. We never went back.
Starting point is 01:30:31 I don't quite get it. I don't either, but I'm okay with it. Not getting it. She took the whole thing. Jedediah Snelson from Barcelona if the gynecologist can keep it real
Starting point is 01:30:47 so can the pediatrician keep it real man you mean not be a dangerous predatory felon hey going back to the guy for Jedediah it's just a matter of of a chink in his self-control.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Right. Like all the gynecologists want to lick that thing, but most of them can't. I don't think that's how that is. I don't think that's how that is. I don't think that's how it is either. I would worry as a gynecologist that i would see things that could ruin me for the for the concept right right like you don't want to lick the one that you have back at home after something you see at work it's just like if you're a trash man and you're like if i see
Starting point is 01:31:38 another trash can today i'd be so pissed hey there's no's no female urologist who are caught for licking the head of a penis. Zero. Yeah, because none of the dudes told. They just high-fived when they left the room. Yeah. The reporting skewed. This is true. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Just schedule your visit next week to follow up. She's a real popular doctor. Mrs. Burns, how the fuck do you get away with that? God, I hope if that were me, I'd knee him and break his nose. Do you remember the Olympic doctor was doing things like that to girls with the parents in the room? Didn't he just get hurt? Hopefully. Like dead hurt?
Starting point is 01:32:36 I don't think dead, but I think someone caught up with him in prison. He might have lost an eye or something or some other creep. Larry Nassar. Yeah. That's who it was. It was him. You know, we had two girls on this show, Greg, back to back, unbeknownst to me. And when I started talking about their gymnastics careers, he was both of their doctors.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Yeah, that was a trip. Yeah. Super high-level CrossFit athletes. Yeah, he was stabbed in prison, but remains in a stable condition. That was in July. He got poked. You know, two CrossFitting FBI agents were killed serving a warrant,
Starting point is 01:33:18 a arrest warrant on a pedophile in Florida. And Jim Wadd had contacted DOJ down there and goes, hey, man, the federal policy on pedophiles is you go with a SWAT team. And I go, really? And he goes, yeah, that's the official policy. These kids fucked up. The two that killed were both CrossFitters. And just a horrible story. But he shot through the door at them. The point of the SWAT team is that they figured out that pedophiles are waiting for the knock at the door
Starting point is 01:33:52 and when they see the knock at the door, they're going to kill themselves because they know that prison will get you worse. Right. And so they're not going. And they probably live in a crazy deep state of paranoia. Paranoia. I mean, it's not paranoid.
Starting point is 01:34:14 It's coming your way. Yeah, it's just a matter of time, right? Work for it. What'd you say? You worked for it. Oh, right. Invited it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:27 I want to show you, ask you what you think about this as far as leadership goes. This is, this guy on the left is the news anchor and the lady on the right is the mayor of Oakland. And did you hear what happened over in Oakland? They missed that. There was all this money available that the state was giving. California taxpayers had paid into this fund hundreds of millions of dollars and cities could apply to get grants for that money to help their cities right with crime.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And I don't know if you've been following what's going on in Oakland, but it's fallen into just pure chaos. It's just, it's like... It's crazy. It's like how we used to think of like Mexico or Brazil. It's like Oakland's there now. Okay. Fucking.
Starting point is 01:35:16 So he's asking her like, hey, what the fuck? Why didn't you guys get the money? Why'd you miss the deadline? Oakland Mayor Sheng Tao redirects questions about missing the deadline for crucial city funding that would have brought millions of dollars to combat crime in Oakland. Tell me what you think about this leadership here.
Starting point is 01:35:31 The kind of stuff that makes people so angry. Money that should be coming to Oakland but some department, the EWDD, drops the ball. Is this emblematic of how the city is run? You know, that is a question for the city administrator and he is open to answering that. We are having internal conversations as well to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
Starting point is 01:35:54 But I would definitely urge you to reach out to the city administrator's office. You get the frustration, though, people saying, OK, go to this person, go to that person. Just the frustration of millions of dollars that could be coming to your city? I hear the frustration. Again, you know, we are having those very tough conversations internally. The city administrator manages the whole city, all the departments, and so he would be the key person to actually connect with around information around this. This is the kind of stuff that makes people so angry money that should be coming to oakland but some department the ewdd drops the ball um is this emblematic of how this fucking crazy right that's the fucking mayor is she insinuating that the that the uh the administrators handle all that kind of financial
Starting point is 01:36:48 stuff and she couldn't yep and that's on them it was their fault not hers that could that could clearly be the case but that's still not how you answer the question you say hey i'd want to know to suppose it would be like the federal government to give you millions of dollars to combat crime and it turns out they're just throwing blm rallies right you know and i go pass on that right what money to fight crime in what way if the cops aren't getting any i'm not interested right a different subject but that that's also a different subject right it is but it but it's more of the story that i'd like to hear right me too me too yeah hey it might be to be sending out counselors instead of cops to incidents it's very likely
Starting point is 01:37:38 to be something like that that's not going to help shit oh, Christian Kettler says it's for hiring Batman. Shit. That makes more sense than what I would have thought they would do. Oh, my God. Yeah, I think the great question, though, is what were the money have gone anyways? Like I there it's so bad. Did you see the other thing the other weekend? There was 78 break-ins in cars and just in that 48-hour period. 48-hour period in Oakland? In Oakland.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Hey, and that means there were double that because most people don't report a car break-in. If someone broke my window, I would just take it and leave. Yeah, exactly. Call the insurance to get it fixed. I'm not calling the cops, right? What are they going to do anyways? The only reason why you call the cops
Starting point is 01:38:22 is if your insurance makes you to file a report to get your money back. Mm-hmm. Right. the only reason why you call the cops is if your insurance makes you to file a report to get your money back right uh chris chris z great point no amount of money will change anything if the d.a won't actually charge and convict criminals that's for sure too i mean deterrence deterrence arrest is a deterrence only if there's a likelihood or some chance it's proportionate to the chance of conviction if you know it's catch and release if i get you know i'm gonna shoot someone in the head and turn around put my hands behind my back and then i'll be back at oscar's tacos for lunch yeah yep I'd like to walk back that last statement. I said, I want to apologize.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Kyle. I stand corrected in California. I'm pretty sure it's bat person. I apologize. Alex Peters, bat. Hey, do you see there was,
Starting point is 01:39:15 there was that in San Francisco and he basically carried around a, um, I think it was like bear mace on the hip pocket and essentially a, a whistle and would just uh hang out in the financial kind of mission district areas like the real populated tourist areas in san francisco and just blow the whistle and if he got approached would spray people with bear mace that were breaking into cars i think i did see some of that you know what happened to him what happened he got arrested oh shit like for for some kind of terrorism for using a chemical yeah it was like some
Starting point is 01:39:46 vigilante thing and they're like hey that's the cop's job and they're like well the cops aren't doing it and they're like well either can you and and he got he got arrested i can see it being a federal matter and you haven't used a chemical on the on the population he's he's doing you know chemical warfare and he's a terrorism charge. Domestic terrorist. Yeah. He had an American flag on him too, so he's probably one of those – Oh. Yeah, he's one of those MAGA proud boys.
Starting point is 01:40:16 Along those lines, I saw Candace Owens was on Patrick Bet-David, and she was saying that she doesn't want to hear anyone complain about living in California or anyone. If you're in California, you've completely given up your right to complain about anything because you should have left there. And that you're a fucking idiot, basically. And I'm not, I'm not, that's not hyperbole. She said, basically, you're a fucking idiot if you're raising your kids there because your kids are in danger. I should recuse myself from the discussion. Right. I know. Well, you're an arizonian clearly 100 percent um but um i'd like to push back on her a little bit on there i'd like to i'd like to propose the idea that like hey you can pull
Starting point is 01:40:58 your kids out of school um and uh you can also there's a bit of a cowardice if you're leaving. You're basically forfeiting this great state to these fucking idiots, and there is a way to stay here and fight. That being said, Greg and I did, I don't want to go into the details because it's too close to my family, but Greg and I did have a pretty serious conversation about what kind of dangers could be waiting for my kids based on other, and like I've told you guys before, Greg and I have a mutual friend who the state of Washington tried to take her daughter and he
Starting point is 01:41:30 escaped to Idaho. And two years later, the daughter's like, oh my God, thank you so much for taking me out of Washington. That would have been a huge mistake. Do you have any thoughts on, on that, Greg? Would you, I mean, you've stated you wouldn't, if you lived in California, you wouldn't send your kids to school for sure, right? You'd homeschool for sure. stated you wouldn't if you lived in california you wouldn't send your kids to school for sure right you'd homeschool for sure absolutely there's no chance there's no chance i don't know of a public or private school that i'm interested in at this point yeah it's got like that yeah because of not even necessarily the school system maybe you go to a great school and it has all the values you have, but some counselor could say something to someone, and next thing you know, Child Protective Services in California is coming to your house to get your kids. he's got three daughters and the school that he's sending his kids to is one of the basis campuses. And it was ranked in a top 100 of all schools in the United States to charter school.
Starting point is 01:42:38 And his girls, she's a good girl. And she's always been, all the kids are really good. These are just super, super good straight-A students. But the oldest one, I wasn't going to do homework or study for finals, and basically you can't make me, and had some pre-teen resistance. And our buddy insisted, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to study and do it now and make good grades.
Starting point is 01:43:20 And then she went to school and reported that she was afraid of her father and he yelled at her. And it's funny because it might be the first time he's ever yelled at her. Right. And so they pulled all of the kids out of class, the brothers and sisters, and asked if they had had their privates touched. If mom and dad touched each other in front of them. Oh, this is right. If the family, if anyone was on on drugs and do they drink, do they smoke weed?
Starting point is 01:43:57 I just grilled them, all of them, including's in her pre-teen and the in the youngest is uh early elementary school but they all got this interview and uh uh he was away on business at the time and they wanted to talk to the mom he told mom wait till i get there but he went armed to the teeth and really upset and when he got there the school told him relax it's nothing we got to the bottom of it and there's no problem but there is a problem the problem is what they sat down and asked those kids right and that can't be undone right that can't be undone i told him i wouldn't go down to the school without a lawyer and i'd probably file suit at the same time serve them i had forgotten about
Starting point is 01:44:53 that one i was thinking about the other one i forgot about that one yeah that shit is crazy perfect parents and perfect kids his yeah his kids everywhere they go they just want to know so what are the rules right yeah yeah we're at the airport and there was like there were some rules on the wall and he's like look hon rules and she runs over and is reading them and learning the rules i mean they're just good good kids and they've had no problems of any sort in the household but she got upset enough with her dad yelling at her that she told her teacher that dad lost control and scared me made me do homework and that reaction set off a firestorm the school was he said almost apologetic almost apologetic apology not accepted did me no good at all
Starting point is 01:45:43 apology not accepted to me no good at all you want to put pull my you pull my six-year-old into class and ask if mom and dad into the office and ask if mom and dad have touched your privates and i want to kill you right yeah right hey but all of them are primed for a witch hunt with how much stuff is in the media and everything else they all you know everybody's looking to be that that one you know hero and so some she probably said a buzzword and since that was already primed in the teacher's mind she's like this is my opportunity here we go this kid needs saving we went to get passports the other day at the post office here in santa cruz and we had our three kids there and getting passports the other day at the post office here in Santa Cruz and we had our three kids there and getting passports for my wife and I and the three kids and the guy basically said you know
Starting point is 01:46:30 when when people apply for passports we got to like ask some questions about the kids I mean I can clearly tell that you're good parents and that these are good kids but we're supposed to look out and make sure to see like if there's anything weird about the passports and the kids and I'm like what the fuck is going on and you can't say anything right you just got to be there like and just take it but they talked to the kids oh yeah they he and he jokingly said to obby do you have good parents and obby's like yeah i have good parents i'm just like wow it's like yeah he figured if they had to do some sort of interrogation they'd be a little bit more skill, like ask you a handful of questions to kind of narrow in as to like, you know, whatever they're trying to dissect and then turn and ask a kid a very harmless, simple question that would corroborate what you just said. How about don't ask me any questions? You're a fucking postal worker just giving out fucking passports. You know what I mean? Just let me get my passport.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Yeah, I mean, I don't I don't need it. It reminds me of Greg wanting to build a second story in his house in the city saying why. Yeah. Like. Why are you involved in this? Because my buddy needs work. I mean, like, what the fuck is the. Yeah. You can't even go get your money out, man.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Go try to get $10,000 out of the bank. What do you need it for, sir? Fuck you. It's my money. Even in the States, they do that. Yeah. Yeah, you make a $10,000 withdrawal and there's going to be a paper trail. There's going to be some forms
Starting point is 01:47:52 that are going to be filled out and sent away. Mm-hmm. An acquaintance of mine, a New York City assistant district attorney, was threatened with having his 11-year-old daughter removed because he wouldn't affirm her gender confusion. Holy shit. Public school initiated yeah dude these stories are everywhere it's so funny too people my my liberal friends are like hey i don't know why you're getting all bent out of shape about it bent out of shape about this these are isolated incidences
Starting point is 01:48:19 i'm like dude 48 rapes by men in women's, by men who've been put in women's prisons, that's not isolated. It's isolated to the prisons with men in them, in the women's section. Oh, shit, now he's on probation and his daughter runs him. Wow. You get that, what he's saying, what that means? Wow. Hey, going back to the original, you said the candace owens thing she kind of used the north star as the whole point is to attack the nuclear family
Starting point is 01:48:51 and so by having these things where we could separate kids from parents that are that are minors to question them to pin them against their parents is kind of going back to the breaking apart or setting that wedge between parents and kids. And like Greg was saying, the preteens, I mean, everybody's going to have the bow to that. You kind of go to the dark side of the moon, right? As that teenager adolescence and you do crazy shit. Your mind isn't developed there in the place where you can have a logical line of thinking. And so if the schools are setting up things where they could insert themselves to be that wedge, then that's just another step to kind of what she what canis owens was saying is that hey the only thing you have to focus on is ways that the families are being broken apart and
Starting point is 01:49:34 everything else kind of falls into play once we've once we've separated parents authority and autonomy over their children yeah you know hillary's uh it takes a village to raise a child is really just soft peddling the village wants your children. And that's where we're at. I mean, I like that there's a national debate now as to whether parents should have any reasonable inputs into the school curriculum. In the schools, the teachers union's position is that you really don't have inputs. You're not trained educators. They're talking about putting climate change into the curriculum in Washington State, I saw.
Starting point is 01:50:17 It's in there. Crazy. Well, I for one believe the government's going to fix the climate. We just got to give them more money. That's all they need. Maybe more control too. Let's give them a little more control, a little more money. I think they'd solve it.
Starting point is 01:50:35 Once you phrase it like that, I don't understand how anyone falls for it anymore. Once you say, hey, they want to raise taxes in order to fight climate change, and everyone's like, smart people are like, yeah, of course, let's do that. Yeah. Let's charge more. And it's like, wait a second, but what are you going to spend the money on? Government is absolutely terrible with deploying capital.
Starting point is 01:50:53 I mean, you could see it and go to the DMV. I mean, look, I had to get deputized to officiate that marriage. And there was no simple way to do it. You couldn't do it through the internet. I couldn't pay through a portal. I mean, it is so slow to accomplish anything and you're 100% on their time. institution every single year yeah there's no incentive to have it and then now the market's not deciding it's just hey shut up take your number go wait in that line over there yes jake chapman i'm on the pta at my school get involved i think eaton beaver's on his school board right i think that makes him a terrorist he's fighting back thank you
Starting point is 01:51:48 my laundry came back hold on wonderful Chris Z more taxes equals gooder weather is such a Ralph Wiggum train of thought Lindsay W homeschool for the win I had this Lindsay W. Homeschool for the win. I had this thought
Starting point is 01:52:11 about homeschooling that I want to run by Greg in regards to if you hire someone to teach your kids at home, I don't think it's really homeschooling. I think you're missing the point of homeschooling. I think homeschooling is really, it might even be a misnomer. i think the term is raise your own kids it's it might not even be right because i know people who are homeschooling but they've hired
Starting point is 01:52:35 people to take care of their kids and meaning like to put what do you mean hired like because i i just imagine it i would just equivalent the same thing that you do like you're not a black belt in jujitsu right bring somebody who not a black belt in Jiu Jitsu you bring somebody who's a black belt to Jiu Jitsu and your kids learning they're under your supervision under your roof totally thank you very much
Starting point is 01:52:55 great question hey Greg when I think of homeschooling also I think of like it's kind of a misnomer really what you're saying is have your kids and raise your kids and I'm not saying it's okay to a misnomer. Really what you're saying is just have your kids and raise your kids. And I'm not saying it's okay to take them to a jiu-jitsu class or hire a skateboarding coach. But I think you should be there. You should be watching.
Starting point is 01:53:15 You should be a part of it. You should at least be there most of the time. And then most of the time you should be raising your kids. You should be doing something with your kids. I don't think that like homeschooling is getting five or six kids together who don't want to be in the school system and hiring a teacher in one of their homes to teach the kids. Like I think that that's just another school. Do you have any? Agreed.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Yeah. Like if you're going to have kids, raise them. It's like a dog or a cat or a hamster or like raise your kid. or a cat or a hamster or like raise your kid there's an intellectual intimacy with teaching your kid long division that is quite you're going through right now right you're in that right now yeah yeah yeah and i got one it's tearing it up and i got another it's like why the fuck would we do this when you could use a calculator? And you have to explain it and go through. And then we got to a point where she's like, I'm not going to learn it. And I'm going, but you are, you know.
Starting point is 01:54:11 You might make it really hard. It might take longer than we need to, but it's something we have to do. And then you get to explain the importance of that and what it's like for people that are innumerate and illiterate. It reminds me so much of training. You know, I remember someone asked me once when I was tutoring, when am I going to ever use this? And I looked at the kid and he was a D student and having trouble. And most of the, most of the students I got to tutor were A students. This kid was one of the others. And I told him that, I understand your question and the way you're going, there's probably an
Starting point is 01:54:58 outstanding chance you're never going to use it, but that's a tragedy. But it's, it's almost like use it, but that's a tragedy. But it's almost like asking, when is it that I'm ever going to need to do a jumping jack? How's that going to save my life? Where am I going to use these? Or a push-up or a sit-up. And we do these things because it's exercise for the body and it's exercise for the brain. And it's fulfilling your potential, creating a potential, and making you a complete human being. The question's poorly conceived. So we're all learning long division. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:55 I wish I could articulate it, but there's also places where I've learned math where I'm not necessarily using the math skills that I've learned in the past, but there's a contribution that muscle in my brain that did the math. And so I have that muscle and I can utilize it for other things. That's why I liken it to the pushup. Yeah. If you were, if you were ever, you know, proned out and wanted to come up, it's unlikely that you would first press to a plank and then bring a foot up. There's a more natural, faster movement. And so it may lack practical applications
Starting point is 01:56:36 in any kind of exact sense, precise sense, but it is undoubtedly developmental and would aid other things beyond the push-up move itself. Heidi Krum, thanks, Sebi. Who will pay my rent? I don't have an answer for you. Montessori School, the people are everywhere.
Starting point is 01:57:07 The people. The people that you don't want to be around your kids are – at this point in your life are everywhere is what I'm saying. I guess it also depends on what state you're in. But I agree with Greg's sentiment. I agree with Greg's sentiment. In California, there probably isn't a school that's – there isn't a school where you probably shouldn't be worried about what your kids are being taught or who's influencing your kids in a way that's – not like they're going to teach them
Starting point is 01:57:38 that it's okay to eat carbs. Worse than that. It's something deeper than that. They're going to poison their way of thinking. They're going to possibly get – they're going to intersect on the development of their brain in a way that will take – will preoccupy the rest of their life unraveling. Yeah. I mean think about it. It's the framework of the way.
Starting point is 01:58:01 It's not what necessarily is taught, although you can make the argument for that too but it's how it's taught right so if you have and i've talked about this a couple times like once they've taken socratic method out of the way that school is being taught then you're no longer teaching individuals to think you're teaching them to think in the way that they're being taught which is not questioning it and now by the way it's being a step further where if you really question some of the beliefs you'll be out. Right. Or they'll call mom and dad or something like that. So now you don't even have the ability to critically question, which then drives the critical thinking muscle, so to speak. Right. Because you'll you'll you'll be outcasted by it. For example, they will ask you what your gender is without even explaining to you that it's not
Starting point is 01:58:44 real first. Exactly. Or you say, well, when I was at home, my mom and dad said biologically there's only two sexes that can exist. Okay, now we got a real problem. That kid's a problem. Yeah. Did you see Royce got some time in the morning chalk up?
Starting point is 01:59:00 Did you see that, Greg? That chick, the Rocket CrossFitfit lady the lady who you tangled with during the yeah yeah she won the one who sent me an email i responded to it then she heavily edited what she sent me and published it yes um uh alissa royce yeah she has chimed in on some Morning Chalk Up article Where she's pushing for Genderless bars Because if you have a male bar and a female bar
Starting point is 01:59:33 You're insinuating that there's only two genders That she wants God the Morning Chalk Up is just like I don't know how it's even treading water. They're putting inflammatory articles like this so they at least get some engagement still. Get some attention.
Starting point is 01:59:55 Thank you, Coffee Papa. Mountain Mama. Thanks to Seve and Greg talking about homeschool. We took our son out of public school this year and he's in a Christian homeschool co-op and it's amazing he never liked school before now are you guys christian i'd put my kid i'm not christian and i would put my kid in a christian school if that would be the first place i'd go if i was going to put him in a school go straight to a fucking religious school. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:00:25 A lot of people are pushing back and they say stuff like, hey, the religious motherfuckers are just as fucking bad and they're molesting people and hurting kids and blah, blah, blah. You're missing the point if that's what you're saying. I agree. There's bad people everywhere. It's not those religious schools that are trying to normalize this behavior to kids. You have to really be able to see the distinction.
Starting point is 02:00:44 There are bad people everywhere. I get it. Anywhere there's men, there's a pervert. I get it. I understand it. I have a full grasp and understanding of how we operate. That being said, I don't want a community that's trying to normalize force-feeding drugs on my kids or giving kids autonomy over themselves in terms of chopping off their genitalia or allowing men to molest the kids. I don't want, I have no interest in normalizing that at all. I want those people to be scared in hiding. And if you are doing that at the church, you are scared and you're hiding. And I prefer you're like that. I don't want to normalize it. I'm not trying to legalize, I'm not trying to fix pedophilia by legalizing it.
Starting point is 02:01:27 to legalize i'm not trying to fix pedophilia by by legalizing it i'd rather my kids come home and want to know how the hell did he turn uh uh water into wine sounds like bullshit is that even possible i'd rather have discussions that look like that then then hear about that our sex is completely – notice they didn't use the word gender – that our sex is entirely arbitrary. It's a mental construct. Greg, you don't see the comments, do you? I do. Oh, you do? Okay. I didn't think you did see them yeah hey i got one piece for heidi because i was arguing with you last time zevon about this a little bit with the the homeschool thing and i think the antidote to that because i think a lot
Starting point is 02:02:16 of the people who listen to this show may not have the opportunities to pull their kids out and and and homeschool due to financial constraints or whatever. But I think the second thing to that is just a very heavy involvement. What'd you learn today? Okay, why'd you learn that? Who are your friends? What are you guys talking about? Cool, can I have their numbers?
Starting point is 02:02:39 I'm going to talk to their parents. Hey, I set up a parent-teacher conference with this teacher. I'm going to go in and meet them. Like you have all those opportunities. So if you do not have the financial ability to be at home the whole entire time or to hire somebody else to, then just roll your sleeves up and get to work. And literally just insert yourself, for lack of better words, involve yourself so much so that you know the teachers on a first name basis, you have their emails, you know all the kids' parents who your kids are hanging out with, you know what they're learning. And then you're having thoughtful, Socratic discussions about it. Why did you learn that? Do you think that to be true? Okay, let's go back and forth
Starting point is 02:03:16 about it and have dialogue, right? And that's something like we had a discussion. I was public school and both my parents worked. I was the last one picked up from daycare as my mom's scrambling home to make ends meet and grab me and stuff. But the level of involvement was insane. We were there every night, dinner together. Okay. And my mom would go into the What You Learned and my dad would say, tell me something interesting that happened on the playground. I don't want to hear about school. I want to hear about what happened.
Starting point is 02:03:41 And would remember all friends' names or different kids that came up in discussion would say them by name hey what about seven did you see with him today okay all right cool you know are you guys still hanging out do you see them and so that's i think is the the answer to people that may not have that opportunity to homeschool i want to say figure out a fucking way but yours is probably um that is the way yeah i mean figure out a way to fucking raise your kid and spend time fucking way, but yours is probably – That is the way. Yeah. I mean figure out a way to fucking raise your kid and spend time with your kids, but yours is probably more practical and valuable. I mean there's people – mom and dad both work in 12-hour days just to get by. Heidi Krum, my kid is in a private christian school now and she loves it that's awesome and i love you too heidi you're an awesome human being uh nasty jake chapman nasty
Starting point is 02:04:33 people hide well they sure do uh there was a question in here greg for you uh greg for such a large city any thoughts why there are so few boxes in phoenix arizona no i don't that is it's interesting i never really considered it before uh how many are there i don't know that's a good question i'm going over to that uh map right now to find out. Did you hear about this F-35 jet, the pilot ejected over North Charleston? Mm-hmm. Jet went missing for a while. They asked the public to help him find it.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Yeah, an autopilot. He was hurt. He sustained some serious injuries and is in serious but stable condition. And I'm wondering if he lost flight controls and had to eject it at a bad speed.
Starting point is 02:05:37 It's an interesting story. I mean... Did he eject it and left it on autopilot and they lost the play? I... I automatically They ejected and left it on autopilot and they lost the plane. I automatically went to he had cardiac arrest. Or accidentally pulled the ejection button switch.
Starting point is 02:06:04 It looks like there's quite a few gyms around the Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe. Pull up the map. Yeah. How many is it? Yeah. Let me pull it up. Mrs. Burns, my parents couldn't homeschool but did send me to Christian school and did exactly what Sousa is saying. My parents had a healthy control over every aspect of my life and I'm so grateful. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:23 That's a shitload. That's not a shitload one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen yeah i feel like that's that's quite a bit right although that is a pretty big area yeah but there's certain parameters right it's america's fifth largest city now i believe and and i think in sydney there's something like in the greater Sydney area, there's like 300 boxes or something crazy like that, maybe 500. I wonder if the summer heat,
Starting point is 02:06:56 it certainly would have an impact on year-round participation. I wonder if decreasing if decreasing year round participation has a chilling effect on all participation. The year round heat. Is that what you said? No, just that you're, your prospects in a CrossFit gym are kind of interesting in June, July, and August. And, you know, I, hell, I know a lot of people that aren't in town June, July, and August.
Starting point is 02:07:35 And that makes kind of supporting a local box maybe a little less likely. I don't think people understand how hot it is there. I don't think most people can get the gravity of that, by the way. Is it the hottest place on Earth by some metrics? Like more hot days? It's got to be hot. Sunniest in the United States or something? Hottest metropolitan area in
Starting point is 02:08:05 the u.s and those three months are bad we were just at lunch i was saying there's there's only seven things about phoenix that are super cool and it's october november december january february march and april that's what it is and in those months there's likely is not to have the best weather in the country. What do I mean by that? Blue skies and 70 degrees on Christmas Day, you know, that you can count on. So it might be that it might. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:08:38 I don't know. You know, we Maggie belongs to CrossFit North Scottsdale and CrossFit Coeur d'Alene. And I think that because she's, to some extent, transient at both, it's not the same interaction that you'd have, say, in Santa Cruz, where I saw you 12 months out of the year. I would hate to lose my clientele in significant numbers for three months. Yeah. Which happens in both places, right?
Starting point is 02:09:13 It happens in Phoenix for sure. I mean, my neighborhood where I live in Arcadia, it largely empties out. where I live in Arcadia, it largely empties out. In fact, I have a dozen friends in Coeur d'Alene that I know from Arcadia. Some of them I met in Coeur d'Alene. So I go over to Gaza and someone introduces me to a guy who explains to me that he's my neighbor in Phoenix. who explained to me that he's my neighbor in Phoenix. The Coeur d'Alene one
Starting point is 02:09:50 probably loses a significant amount also. I would think that there are people that take off for the winner. Does Maggie have a preference? Which one she likes better? Does she like the Phoenix one or Coeur d'Alene? I think Coeur d'Alene would be more familial.
Starting point is 02:10:06 Smaller city. She has super friends in both. Yeah. Natalie Bates. Hi, Natalie. My mom is from another country. You never talk back to your elders or you got your ass whooped. Parents don't parent anymore.
Starting point is 02:10:20 Love you guys. Hey, Nat. Yeah. I don't. I police it way more with my wife than with me i will come flying out of a bedroom somewhere if i hear my wife say something to the kids like go wash your hands and i don't hear a yes mom i'll come fucking marching in the room like quick like hey what the fuck your mom just said something to you and they and they jumped to attention uh jeanette
Starting point is 02:10:41 heinz cool picture geez that's a really cool picture i was homeschooled with my two siblings both my parents were music teachers oh that's cool and my mom taught from our living room she also got her master's while while homeschooling i always perk up my ears when i see this both their parents were music teachers which on one hand makes me think that they would be moronic liberals but then they homeschooled so makes me realize that they were be moronic liberals, but then they homeschooled. So it makes me realize that they are thinkers. They're wise people. They're hyper-creatives. It's interesting.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Interesting. They can track a January 6th Facebook post, but not a $3 billion jet. Yeah. Yeah. a January 6 Facebook post, but not a $3 billion jet. Yeah. Is that the price tag of everything? $3 billion? I saw $80 million
Starting point is 02:11:31 for one. Maybe the original project was $3 billion, but let me see. I saw $80 million. Oh, yeah. F-35s built by Lockheed Martin cost around $80 million each. Maybe the entire project was $3 billion for the whole package. Let me read you this at the bottom of the article, Greg, from I think this is CBS News. A Marine Corps spokesperson on Monday said the Marine Corps is ordering an immediate two-day safety stand down for all aviation units as a result of three accidents.
Starting point is 02:12:07 F-35 mishap on Sunday, F-18 pilot death in a training accident, and then three Marines died in an Osprey crash off Australia. Those are all within the last month. Hmm. Is that unusual? I don't know. I mean, a two-day suspension, all Marines, all flights. I'm surprised no one's blamed. I'm surprised that –
Starting point is 02:12:34 Fleet training? Oh, during that two days? Yeah. Nothing. It's just a formality. Yeah. At least three U. three US Marines were killed Sunday When an Osprey aircraft carrying 23
Starting point is 02:12:48 Personnel crashed On a North Australian island during a training exercise Wow that's crazy Only three died With 23 dudes on the plane This thing's crazy If you haven't ever seen one of these If you live in California you see these
Starting point is 02:13:03 These things are a trip. It's like part airplane, part helicopter. You see them all over San Diego. Can those propellers rotate? Is that what it does? It just goes straight up and down, then rotates and goes forward. Wow. Yep.
Starting point is 02:13:18 I don't think I've ever seen that. They make a pretty crazy sound, too. Those are for destroying tanks or something, Aren't those called like tank killers or something No that's It's a broad purpose Does a lot But amongst killing tanks I'm sure
Starting point is 02:13:37 One of our level One trainers was Tasked with Reducing the fatalities in the osprey. And it was such a stressful thing. And he, excuse me, he had a heart attack. Oh, from the stress yeah look at the record on those things they've been dropping from the sky for a long time hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna write the name of this box down crossfit outer banks uh they must
Starting point is 02:14:23 have a lot of guests. Drop-ins. Like Vegas. Yeah, and some of the gyms in Hawaii and stuff too. Osprey Fatalities. Osprey Fatality. Hey, wasn't there a plane that you'd see at the FBO and they called it the Doctor Killer or something?
Starting point is 02:14:41 Or the Widowmaker? What was that plane? Yeah, it was a Beechcraft Bonanza. And why particularly did that... Split-tailed Doctor Killer. Mike Bergner's wife,
Starting point is 02:14:55 Leslie's father, was a neurosurgeon who lived in Fallbrook, and he was killed in one of those. Any particular reason that that plane killed so many doctors? They're a little squirrely. It takes good piloting skills, I understand. I'm no expert on this.
Starting point is 02:15:20 Since 1992, the V-22 Osprey has recorded 15 hole-loss accidents. That doesn't sound good. The hole's like just basically the center of the plane, the body, the abdomen. No, the whole thing is gone. Boom. Fireball. Resulting in 53 reported fatalities, including the most recent crash on Melville Island. The crashes occurred during testing exercise and during combat. Wow. Man.
Starting point is 02:15:56 We're not meant to fly, but we do it. We fly. You ever had any, uh, did you ever think about getting your pilot's license Greg since you own a plane briefly you do think you could land it though in a pinch right if your pilot went dead no I'm not sure I could
Starting point is 02:16:17 oh my god that's one of those stories I tell myself whenever I'm flying with Greg Greg will land it if something happens there's a there's a youtube video it's the audio only uh but uh it's the one they made a movie out of but it's a guy sits up in the front seat with the pilot and shortly after taking off the pilot croaks just falls over dead and man, the poor guy sitting passenger lands the thing. And just to ruin the movie and the story for everyone, he does an absolutely perfect landing.
Starting point is 02:16:54 But he has fundamentally no flying experience. And he's 20 minutes just trying to stop it from climbing where it would have stalled out and fallen to earth. There's no one that they can put on that actually believes that the pilot's dead and that he wasn't the co-pilot. Just explain that to each person new.
Starting point is 02:17:16 He's got a great attitude about it and a great accent. You don't seem to understand this thing. The pilot, he's gone, he's telling. He's gone. He has to get his
Starting point is 02:17:32 wife to help pull him out of the seat so he can control the thing. Oh, it was just horrible. Holy shit. But he pulled it off. And so that's my exposure. I don't know if I could have done that clock 80 to 100 million depending on the type
Starting point is 02:17:49 F-35C is closer to 100 that's the one with all the bells and whistles good stereo and shit an estimate floating around now is that the entire program will cost 1.7 trillion over the course of the F-35's service that's the warthog
Starting point is 02:18:06 that kills tanks. Alright. Let me see what that thing is. A warthog. Oh, that's not exactly what I meant. You got the animal too, huh? Yeah. Oh, okay. I recognize that thing too. What'd you say, Greg?
Starting point is 02:18:23 Put A-10 with that. Warthog A10? Yeah. I recognize this thing. I've seen these over... Engines that the, I guess the, what, AC-130 has. And so the sound signature is identical. And if you can't get an AC-130,
Starting point is 02:18:42 you might be able to talk a warthog into flying over and it sends all the bad guys running in all different directions because they're scared to death of the ac-130 oh wow so you can fool them with that thing i thought ac-130 was a cargo plane it's, there's a worship version. It's unprecedented in the amount of firepower it can bring to bear. The YouTube videos on that are. Crazy. Sadly entertaining. Just decimating everything in its path. No one gets away.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Groups of people. and then they start running. They just pick them off one at a time, running through fields and hiding under trees. Later, Jake. Good having you this morning. Good having you. Yep, Bernie Warthog was a tank killer. Thank you. Savon not flying with Greg anymore.
Starting point is 02:19:45 No, I still fly with him. I'm addicted to flying with him. Clock, the U.S. Marine Corps used to lose a lot of people in helicopter accidents. CH-53s going down in the ocean with 28 grunts on board, et cetera. They still do it, it seems. Your dad was a helicopter pilot, right, Greg, in the Navy? 53 pilot. Oh.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Squadron commander. Wow. And has had one go down and spent hours in the drink waiting for help. Oh, your dad did? Yeah, between Catalina and San Diego. Was your dad flying? Yeah spent 2-3 hours in the water Oh shit
Starting point is 02:20:29 So he basically He basically set a helicopter down in the ocean Yep Do you know any details to that story? Yeah I think they threw a blade And it was quick enough to auto rotate So it didn't destroy them And they just had no choice
Starting point is 02:20:45 but to set it into mayday mayday mayday splash and everyone got out and i don't know much else yet another story of uh being 25 miles off the coast of or something like that off of san diego and seeing two sunburned kids in an orange raft. And you can only get close enough. You have to look with glasses because of the prop wash, right? But they called the Coast Guard, and the Coast Guard says, you got to stay with them. We're 45 minutes out.
Starting point is 02:21:21 And so he's like, I don't have a lot of fuel. So anyways, he blew them all the way into shore, the whole squadron. And I always think there's a great story because there's two assholes somewhere that have this story about being in the Navy helicopters, blowing them back onto the sand. And of course, no one believes that shit, right? No way. Yeah, no one. Yeah, it would have been neat to met those kids someday. But my dad says I put them into the dry sand, blew their raft across the highway. I mean, put them in the dirt. A wad zombie.
Starting point is 02:21:55 Greg's dad did all of that just so my Starbucks barista can wear a diaper. Greg, I have we're doing some technical stuff here today we're gonna work um on uh figuring out we this is the first time suze has been in the studio here and thank you for all your help in building it by the way thank you very very much oh my other camera went offline and um oh i turned it off it overheated so um but we have limited time and i gotta um hayley's taking the kids out of the house here So I need to watch Ari In his cast today
Starting point is 02:22:29 So we're ending the show early today How's he doing? He's good dude Thank you for asking He's moving around, he crawls He's not complaining about pain He's good He'll beat that cast to a pulp
Starting point is 02:22:43 Before it's done It won't be needed before they take it off good i hope so yeah he's a champ those bones already found each other i saw that x-ray a week later and thank you to your daughter uh and all your kids taking care of him i know i brought him to your house three nights in a row and your kids were fucking awesome with him thank you all right he's he's he's a good kid he's a lot of fun and uh that works pulling up a little short today because i'm on a swiss uh family vacation where are you gonna so next week if we if we have you you might be on a sailboat
Starting point is 02:23:16 yeah we go to croatia for two weeks on a saturday yeah i'd love to do it be in the, I'd love to do it. Be in the water. I'd love to do it on the boat with you. Let's see how that works. We'll give it a try. It might be phone or spotty, but it'd be fun to try. Absolutely. All right, brother.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Matthew. Thanks, Greg. Say hi to your whole family, dude. And I'll be calling you. I'll be bugging you. You're nine hours ahead. All right, sir. Okay, love your whole family, dude. And I'll be calling you. I'll be bugging you. You're nine hours ahead. All right, sir.
Starting point is 02:23:46 Okay, love you. Bye. Adios. Greg Glassman, Tim Murray, what a great show today. Holy shit. Audrey, I love doing it on a boat. Who doesn't? All right.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Fuck, what a great show. Bruce Wayne, bye, Greg. Love you. fuck what a great show Bruce Wayne bye Greg love you um I love being in the studio with you so much more oh really that's good to hear I feel like it and we were in here last time
Starting point is 02:24:17 with Hiller and stuff like that it feels so much more like I mean even though I'm looking at you on the screen right now but I could like hear you or when I was sitting on the couch it feels so much more like natural I feel like it's easier just to like have conversate a little bit easier converse conversate yeah conversate convert yeah convert all that yeah so the a67s are not overheating oh i should call my wife real quick and tell her she can um get on with the day. Basically, while we do this,
Starting point is 02:24:46 if you guys don't know, basically what we're doing today is we are working, we're setting up test runs with J.R. Howell for Crash Crucible to see how we're going to stream that, which I'm fucking so excited about. That's another reason why we had to end the show early because we're going to be practicing doing all sorts of setups
Starting point is 02:25:08 so you might see us go live by the way later today just doing testing and if you do you're welcome to join us we're going to try hardwiring cameras we got a bunch of new equipment to hardwire sorry to hardwire cell phones to routers so that it'll be like Zelos games
Starting point is 02:25:25 but a much, much, much better picture. But that means my wife has to take the boys skateboarding today and that means that Bluetooth device attempting to pair, please click the pairing code. I don't see the pairing code. Dismiss. Try again. Hello?
Starting point is 02:25:44 Setting something up over there. I'm trying to hook the Let me see what the fuck's going on here Anyway fuck it I'll call my wife on this phone I just gotta let her know That she can split What is the date of the crash crucible I am not sure Maybe October 13th
Starting point is 02:26:02 Oh October 13th 14th and 15th It's on our calendar Are you looking at the guest comment Who we invited on earlier today Yeah I just seen it Because my texts don't pop up on this computer yet Tell them don't be a pussy Everything's good at the gym too
Starting point is 02:26:16 Your wife can do the splits Probably She can do these nuts She must be in the car already alright guys we're going off the air we'll be running tests for the next 3 or 4 hours if you see us pop up we're going to be running all sorts of cameras and stuff
Starting point is 02:26:37 some of the tests will be private we'll probably do at least one public with JR Howell all the way in the Carolinas oh I wonder if jr would invite tim as a special guest for the competition i hope the momentum can continue yeah what a stud too right what a class act that guy is all right love you guys see you tomorrow oh let me tell you who we have on tomorrow is it uh karen thompson karen yep car Yep. Karn Thompson's coming on tomorrow. She's the former director of the CrossFit health program.
Starting point is 02:27:09 That was Greg's pet project, which is the one that everyone grew to love. She is no longer with CrossFit, but she's still doing stuff. She's throwing a huge conference and we'll have her on tomorrow to talk about that. Everyone's invited. It adds a CE used for coaches for L1 coaches1 coaches, L2, all the whole shebang.
Starting point is 02:27:29 It is affiliated with CrossFit. And she's also the author of a book called Sugar-Free Revolution. She might be the most well-connected person I know sort of in the true health space with doctors, professors, lawyers, true health space with doctors, professors, lawyers, anyone who's like fighting the good fight on the front lines for the diabolical diseases and big pharma, big sugar, big food that's all misleading people into being unhealthy. She knows more people in that kind of world than anyone I know. Anyway, talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Buh-bye. You like the setup?

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