The Sevan Podcast - Tim Murray | CrossFit Games Champion - Defending the Title

Episode Date: August 23, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Own each step with Peloton. From their pop runs to walk and talks, you define what it means to be a runner. Whatever your level, embrace it. Journey starts when you say so. If you've got 5 minutes or 50, Peloton Tread has workouts you can work in. Or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs, walks, and hikes led by expert instructors on the Peloton app. Call yourself a runner. Peloton all access membership separate. Learn more at slash running. ["It's a Saban Pocasso Show"] Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I do apologize for those of you who are diehard attendees of the CrossFit Games, who for some reason can't afford $1,500 for a weekend, which seems, or for the week, which seems extremely fair to me. Maybe they'll even be $2,000. I don't know. It's an affiliate. The tickets will be really free for them. What's up dude?
Starting point is 00:01:07 Hey, what's up? How are you? What's up Tim? How much? Cross the games champ in the house dude. Oh yeah. Try and repeat three times. I know crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. Crazy. So many people have set the bar so high. It's crazy that almost like one isn't enough now. Yeah. It's like the bar's been set so high. Yeah, and I mean, I don't mind it. It just makes it harder for me. You're up for the challenge. Hey, I'm changing your... I changed that stuff at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Okay. All right. Works for me. Bam. Sophisticated. I love your shirt, by the way. Very. Alright. Works for me. Bam. Sophisticated. I love your shirt by the way. Very nice. Very appropriate. I thought so. Are you at work?
Starting point is 00:01:51 I am, yeah. I just took some time off for this next hour or so just to get away for a minute. I appreciate it. Hey dude, you're looking jacked. I got my nutrition finally dialed in so that's helping big time. Yeah I was looking at all the photos and your shoulders are looking jacked and your forearms and your in your butts getting all round. Yeah you're looking crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:13 You're looking crazy dude. More serious than ever this year? Yeah I think so. Like just now in that I'm actually like going to be in person like you know bigger stage now. So I wanted to really dial in that nutrition and get it worked on. And that was like the last thing that I was worried about. You made a post that said the most you'd ever weighed, were you up to like 165? Yeah, I think I was even pushing like 170 at one point.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And then the lowest you ever got to is 130. That picture was crazy of you. You were shredded. Yeah. Is that too light for you? I don't know about too light, but more like just too hard to maintain. To be able to lift as much as I have to and all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:03:01 being at 130, I just almost having to starve myself just to keep that it is like that right what is 130 is it is it like starving yourself pretty much like I was pretty close to it like you're just all hungry you're always hungry yeah like I was eating like I was working in pro baseball at that point so I was like after a day a game like I'd be eating like whatever was left in the locker room. Like it was usually like concession stand food. So like I feel like garbage the next day, but I'm like, I need to eat something because I've been on my feet all day running around like it's baseball, it's three hours. So sitting there doing, I mean, I wasn't doing a whole lot, but you know, still three hours of walking up and
Starting point is 00:03:44 down the dugout, in and out, whatever it might be and it's just like I was I had to get whatever substance substance I could get in me. Hey so when you were 130 it was just caloric limitation it wasn't like dialed in like okay I'm gonna eat this piece of lettuce here this piece of chicken here it was just like hey I'm gonna really cut back on how much I eat. Yeah, it was just limiting like portion sizes like... Eating disorder shit. I like it. You know what I mean? Well, you know what I mean? I feel like that's me. It's like, okay, I know I'm going on vacation in a fucking month. Time to tap into my eating disorder and just stop eating basically. You know
Starting point is 00:04:23 what I mean? Just eat like once a day so that you don't look like a jackal at the beach. Yeah. And then now what are you doing? Do you have a nutritionist or what are you doing? Yeah, she's more of like a nutrition coach. Like I don't want to say nutrition. She's not telling me what to eat. Like we kind of have a baseline, doing somewhat of the macro thing, but now
Starting point is 00:04:45 it's just teaching me to kind of feel how my body is, what I need to fuel myself. Kind of that holistic almost approach. If I wasn't eating well on a Sunday, I would know it on Monday. Either I didn't eat enough or eating, you know, the wrong things and like my Monday workouts were garbage. So I was like, all right, I need to like lock it in now because, you know, in a month, I'm going to be having to really lock it in. Otherwise, like, you know, I'm going three, four workouts in a day, and not being able to maintain the whole time through. So I was like, I need to figure it out. Otherwise I'm going to suck. And you're four years sober. You haven't had a drink in over four years.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Nope, not one. Yeah, congratulations on that. And you're pretty stoked on that. You kind of like, all the times I've talked to you and then I saw a post you made, you've attributed that to like an important part of your success. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely helped because I was the guy who would just go buy a fifth
Starting point is 00:05:46 of bourbon. I mean living in Kentucky like it was bourbon all over the place and I just drank it till I passed out on the couch and then you know do it again the next day. You said that you're taking one of the reasons why in the beginning you alluded that you're taking it as serious as you are. Obviously it's your third one. Obviously you know you're taking one of the reasons why in the beginning you alluded that you're taking it as serious as you are Obviously, it's your third one. Obviously, you know, you're no spring chicken. You're not a 19 year old kid anymore But um also because it's in person were the first two titles you had not in person. They were both virtual. Um 2022 we made it to semi-finals that we went through like the semi-final process of the Open semifinals and semifinals we crowned
Starting point is 00:06:26 our fittest for, I think there was only three groups that went to the games that year. Upper extremity, lower extremity and maybe neuro. And then same thing as last year, but last year we didn't get out of the Open. The Open determined our placement for the year. Oh so last year was just the open and then whoever won the open was the fittest in the world. Yep. And then so this year you guys go to San Antonio. No wait is that where you go?
Starting point is 00:06:58 San Antonio. Yep. And what would start September 9th? What's the day? 19th through the 22nd September. Okay. And so San Antonio, September 19th to the 22nd, it's in person. And do you know anything yet? Like how many workouts there are? Nah, like they announced one, like one will be well, they haven't announced the workout,
Starting point is 00:07:18 but it'll be like outdoors. It's the first like Thursday night is going to be outdoors. I can't remember the name of the stadium. And but so what's your guess? Is it will be six workouts or will be eight workouts? Do you have a guess? I mean, real wide last year, we had like 12 or 13, I think. So I'm guessing over the span of the three day, four days, it'll be probably close to the same 10 to 12, is my guess. Cause it's- Holy shit. So it's, it's going to be gnarly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Have you, have you, besides WheelWad, have you ever done anything like this? No. I mean, that's the, this will be the biggest one or second, I guess the biggest one really. Like WheelWad was the first and then this one. But done other in-person comps So like, you know, it was a one-day thing like here fun type of deal, but hey Do where where does the short stature division fall like in terms of like?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Crowd favorites like do you think that like they'll let you got you think you'll be one of the final like the men's final? For the for the fittest short stature in the you'll be one of the final like the men's final for the for the fittest short stash in the world could be like the last event on the tour i mean because that's kind of like right that's the one you know how usually they'll make it so it's like yeah whatever's at the end is the final fireworks display like yeah i wonder where they stick you guys i want do will they let you go all the way to the 22nd i mean even if they make you make it to the last day just because there's so many divisions, it's pretty badass. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I mean, is where like we sit right in the middle, like as far as like on comp corner, like we sit smack dab in the middle of the group. So what does that mean? Explain what that means to me. What's comp corner? Explain that. Competition corner.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like this where we like put all of our scores in and stuff. Like, so that's where we get our workouts from. That's where we submit our scores our scores in and stuff. So that's where we get our workouts from. That's where we submit our scores, our videos. Qualifying. Yeah. So that's where, looking at it now, we have the list of all the divisions. And I think it starts with, it might be Vision, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:21 No, Vision's right after us. I can't remember who it starts with. But we're right in the middle of all of like all 15 groups. So Like I kind of like that being yeah Because then I'm not waiting around all day and I don't have to go first so I can kind of see however, I mean I think it'll be different obviously because the different adaptations but like I see how the workouts are programmed for everybody else and Mike All right But like I see how the workouts are programmed for everybody else and like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:09:45 you just went balls to the wall on this one and it kind of wrecked you. But so I might do it a little differently. But then I'm also not sitting around all day waiting. How many do you know how many divisions off the top of your head will be there in San Antonio? 15. So men's and women's, so 30 total. And do they keep all the workouts relatively the same
Starting point is 00:10:10 except for just like, let's just make something easy. Let's say it was a run around the track. Would they just change it from like just, if it's a wheelchair division, will those guys just wheel around the track? But they'll try to keep some sort of continuity for all the workouts. Yes, it's all pretty, pretty even.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Like I, like the distances will be the only difference. Like, right. Just change it for different, for whatever the different adaptations are. Yep. Dude, crazy. I I'm so excited for you. And, and, and who are the guys, you know, Mikey swoosh. Everyone knows Mikey.
Starting point is 00:10:41 What a great, uh, nemesis in the class. He's awesome. He brings so much just with his name you know what I mean? Yeah. And then you got you the two time champ. Yep. And then john falcon Burke. He's out in Nevada, like Vegas. Well, fa ulk john I see John Falken uh, John Falcon Berg. Damn, I can't find him. Am I spelling his name right? J-O-H-N? Uh, it might be just J-O-N. Let me see, let me see if I can find him.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I know it should just pop up. Usually Instagram knows who I want. It's like Falky does things is his like Instagram handle. Falky. Oh yeah got it got it got it got it got it follow back got him. Okay has he been before has this dude been before? This will be his first one. Oh okay. Um does that make you think that he's not a threat or does it make you think maybe he's more of a threat because you don't know what he's about? I'm not 100% sure what he's about but I'm kind of at that point where I just want to
Starting point is 00:12:14 just do my own thing, focus on me and myself type of deal. Let everybody else worry about them. But I mean it's also like I'm a little worried about the people I don't know as much because then you know I don't know what they're bringing to the table. Right. Oh yeah this guy looks legit that cycle rate on his dumbbells was pretty crazy. Oh damn.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Oh damn that could have gone bad. Damn. Okay. Uh who else? Oh damn that could have gone bad. Oh damn. Okay. Who else? Who else is there? I'm gonna follow all the guys. We'll have Blazth Foster. He'll be back. This will be his... He was in the games last... He participated last year. He was at WheelWide.
Starting point is 00:12:58 He's actually from Raleigh so... Blazth Foster. Foster. What's his... Do you know his Instagram? click Blaze lifts, I think oh Blaze I think I put in a Blade oh
Starting point is 00:13:15 Got him got it. Oh, yeah, this dude's this dude's kind of scary cuz this dude actually this guy actually looks like a professional athlete he's a uh he was I don't know if he still is or if he was he's a former Paralympian like powerlifter yeah this guy looks like he belongs on a box of Wheaties yeah but how did he do last year I think he finished he finished third at Wheel Wide I don't remember what he did during the game, so, like our game season. But he was third at Wheelwide. And then, I want to say he was top five for sure in the Open. Hey, and so all these guys want to take away what you got? Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, they all want the title. And then this is the first time it's public so that there's even more in line. You think the crowd is going to affect you at all, like positive or negative? I tend not to pay attention. Maybe I'll feed off of it, off the energy coming off of the crowd a bit. But real wide, I stayed pretty even keel,
Starting point is 00:14:22 for the most part. I didn't really change much about how I You know went about my business doing what I did Why does he look like a professional athlete look at fucking Tim Tim looks like he's from the fucking 70s Tim looks like he's from From some sitcom in the 70s look at this fucking guy Look at this fucking guy What are you talking about why is he looking the same Tim looks like the uncle
Starting point is 00:14:49 Uncle fucking kidding me. Look at this fucking guy. He's got a fucking tracksuit on Tim's clothes don't even match if you go to his Instagram What do you mean why does he look like a professional athlete? Although there's although man you've been looking strong, dude There's some crazy pictures of your back, too Yeah, look at this dude. Look at this guy's hair. Tim hasn't had a haircut in six months This guy fucking goes to the barber every week Probably close to that actually. Yeah, look you got an American flag I got one of those somewhere on mine
Starting point is 00:15:22 Look, he's got an American flag. I got one of those somewhere on mine. Tim looks more professional. Tim looks like a fucking engineer. What are you talking about? Tim has a pocket protector. What are you talking about? I prefer tater. All right. I mean, I prefer that look too. I identify more with the guy from the 70s. Gen clothes on and call it a day. In the body, how's it holding up? It looks like you, obviously by the adaptations we're seeing your body, it looks like you're pushing yourself harder than ever.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Is it responding good? Yeah. It's much better than I thought it would. My coach and I, we have been doing kind of like that conjugate method like the West Side Barbell so like it's a lot of like chains and bands so not as heavy which is I mean playing so much so great on my body like not waking up with the aches and pains like I used to which is exactly what I wanted at 37 years old competing like this. So it's feeling real good.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Like I'm happy with where we are going in. And are you fitter than last year? I'd say pretty close. If not, like, I mean, few things that I can work on right now, like as far as skill levels goes, but like even then I'm still, I think I'm heads above where I was last year. Have you put on more muscle than last year? Has your body
Starting point is 00:16:48 composition changed? Yeah there's definitely a big change. I can like see it and feel it like I was telling somebody the other day like you know when you do like the body fat percent like the skin calipers like I can feel like how loose like my skin is here versus last year where like I couldn't really get a good grasp of it now I'm like able to actually grab the skin which is good for me it tells me that I'm sitting right where I want to. The so if the event is let's say the event is is 12 workouts you'll you'll I guess I mean it'll be it'll be crazy broad and if there's an outside event it'll be everything it's gonna be engine strength the whole like you said skills
Starting point is 00:17:39 the whole thing. Yep. Be interesting to see how Kevin programs on this year. As I know last year, like, in the hardest one I think for, the hardest one was like a four, four, four minute arm rest with a two minute break in between each one. Like the first one was just a max row in four minutes. Oh, he hates you. He hates you guys. And it was a push jerk or shoulder overhead and then burpees. It was like 10 and 5.
Starting point is 00:18:10 We just kept going until the 4 minutes was up. Then it was boxed getovers and then farmers carries. We used like two 53-pound bells. We were going up and down this like, uh, ramp. Like it's like a loading dock and there's just enough of an incline. I'm like, dude, nasty. That was, that one hurt.
Starting point is 00:18:35 That one definitely hurt. Are you, who are you training with? Do you have a training partner? Uh, I don't have a partner, but like, uh, I just kind of use the people around me. I have two different gyms that I go to in the area. My coach, he coaches out of one and we work together two days a week in person and then the other one is my normal New Cove home gym which is like I coach there as well. So I don't really have a partner per se but just kind of a group of people that are there in my corner, if you will. Do you have
Starting point is 00:19:09 someone that you are checking your times with? Like any of these guys that you mentioned, Faulkner or the other guy, Berger? No. No, I just kind of do my own. Like it's hard to because I think we're doing a bit of different stuff than kind of everybody else like we we don't really we adapt it to an extent my workouts like but like not a whole lot because Like when I'm doing like burpee box get over jump overs It's like a 20 inch box versus like the 16 will use like at the games and stuff like that like versus like the 16 we'll use like at the games and stuff like that. Like it's like hard to compare when I think my workouts are a little bit different than everybody else's. We're, you know, we're pushing the envelope a little bit and trying to, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:55 make it so when we get there, the weights are easier, hopefully, and you know, distances are shorter. Okay. So you think you're planning for the worst and that you'll just go there and cash your check. Yep, hopefully. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, hopefully. Damn, I wanted to go to Mike's Instagram account, but he blocked me. I didn't even know that. No, never. Mikey, don't block me. What are you doing, buddy? Daniel Wynn, send Colton Mertens and they can do pig farm carries. I like it.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Colton run into town. He didn't make it to the games. Poor Colton. Were you disappointed? Are you Colton Mertens fan? Yeah, it was sad to see. I mean, because I saw him win the snatch. Was it the snatch one? The snatch ladder? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And he did pretty well on one right after that, or right before it, and I don't know if he just blocked it or... No, no, I think you're talking I think the snatch ladder he did good. He did the touch and go it again. I think you're talking about the last one he fucked up on the lunge with the dumbbell. Oh, yeah, I couldn't like I was like I was trying to follow along as best I could but I couldn't remember which one like where he hated to see that I was hoping he'd be there. I know. I think he would have crushed the games this year too.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think there were a lot of things right in his wheelhouse. I had heard, I have no proof of this, but I had heard that final workout that Ricky won, that when Colton tested it, he tested it one minute faster than Ricky. One minute. Oh. That would have been fun to watch then. Yeah. Yeah. So I didn't know, so I guess I hadn't thought about it. So Kevin Ogarr programs the entire event? Yep. Wow, that's wild.
Starting point is 00:21:33 That's a lot. Yeah. I mean, if you think about the stimulus is all going to be the same. It's just a matter of changing the adaptations. And I'm sure they have, you know, over the years they've just created a list of like, well, if they're going to do, if these guys are going to do a 400 meter run, then these guys will do like a 300 meter, you know, wheel or whatever it might be. Like, and same thing for the open, like he gets the, gets the workouts from HQ and he has to adapt them all like
Starting point is 00:22:05 I think he had like two hours to adapt them. No shit. That's what I don't know if that's true or not but that's the rumor. That's the rumor. That's what someone told me a couple weeks ago and I was like wow. Dude think of yeah that's nuts. Think of how fucking the logistics of that 15 different divisions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Is your family going this year? The logistics of that 15 different divisions. Yeah Is your family going this year my mom and dad will be there. Yep and Do and what's their thought on it? Like does your dad put pressure on you to win? Like before you go out is he like Tim don't be a pussy No, I mean I think I don't know how I feel if they were active if they did that but yeah I mean, they're they're pretty excited They're happy like they're excited to see it You know be there and they're gonna go out and check out San Antonio because there's things they wanted to see like You know they've been wanting to see so they'll go do some sightseeing
Starting point is 00:22:58 touristy stuff, but for the most part they're coming down to hang out and watch Tim I had this guy on yesterday, Charlie Lawrence, and he was a world record holder for the 50 mile run. And I know crazy, right? And before he, when I had him on the show, he said that like, hey, I just, I called the race people and I was like, hey, I'm coming there and I'm gonna break the world record.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Make sure you have like all the clocks and shit, right? So he goes out there and he breaks the world record. But you can't really do that at the games because like, how do you build? Cause you don't know what the workouts are going to be. How do you, how do you, how do you build confidence for it? Like, what do you, you just know like what's your strong, like what you're good at, you know, your strengths, you know, your weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Like, you know that if this is going to be this, you know, let's say a lift is programmed with like a runner, a skier or whatever it might be, like, you know, that take it easy on the skier and then, you know, go hard on the left. Like we, I think what's nice is we'll get them at least a day before, if not sooner, like we might be, we got the masters and teens coming up at the end of the month. So, you know, we might be waiting until they send their programming out and wait till after they're done
Starting point is 00:24:13 before we share anything, just to not take their thunder. But like, you know, it's like we, you get it the day before and you look over it, you plan it, and then you just kind of throw whatever plan you just came up without that window Just go balls to the wall So you'll see a workout in your so but you will you mount pressure on yourself like that will you be like, okay, man
Starting point is 00:24:35 This is a good one for me. I need to take a high placement this one I need to really send it and then like okay, this one's like just sort of like a damage control Send it and then like okay. This one's like just sort of like a damage control Yeah, like essentially like it won't be like that those extremes but more of like It's the see what that we had the we got the force and my final workouts all at once and then like we had the five Days whatever it was to do them all and so my coach and I we programmed Like he's like we're gonna do the 20-minute amrap first Because we're not gonna ever we're not gonna do it again unless like the video is bad What not but then he's like, all right, we're gonna do this like the second one was like a four minute and rap
Starting point is 00:25:14 and then The third one was like another like short one and then the last one we're like we're not doing that one again We'll do it early So it's down and out of the way and then the other two if we have to redo them we'll redo them and I ended up redoing two of them just more so because I think I knew I could have beat the times that I had and like that I mean the one was like a what was it it's like a nine seven five six four two what was the other one? 5-3-1, uh, deadlift, hang clean, shoulder to overhead, and then whatever time he had left in the four minutes was max wall balls. And like, you know, first
Starting point is 00:25:55 time I did it, I did 75 wall balls and the second time I did it, I did 93. Oh shit. And so I was like, you know, went into the wall bowl I didn't realize how much time I had on the clock. I was thinking I had less time than I did So I just tried to take big chunks Yeah, we look back at it later and it's like well you actually had I think I finished the circuit in like a minute I were just under a minute. So I had three minutes to do as many wall balls as I could You did 93 in three minutes. Yeah, and I actually ended up winning that one by one. Hey, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Who'd you beat? Mikey. Oh, awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. What did you place in the qualifier? I finished first in the semis. Second in open, first in semis. OK. in the semis. Second in open, first in semis. Okay. So this isn't um, this isn't a runaway for you?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Not happening. This games is going to be tight, you're going to be fighting. Yeah. It's going to be like. Yeah. Is he the number two, how are the other dudes, uh, is it, who's the number two, who's the number two guy? Is there one guy that's like the biggest threat? Uh, I, Mikey, like he's always a big threat just because I mean, we've been- How hard he trains. Yeah. We're right next to each other pretty much the whole time.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Even at WheelWide, like that was like the biggest thing they all said, like these two have been going head to head the whole time. Like, which, yeah, I like that. And like knowing that I have that because it pushes me to go hard. I can't take a workout off. I have to go.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So it's like I'd rather do that. And you have what he wants. Yep. Yeah. How fun. Wow. That's awesome. How close was he last year?
Starting point is 00:27:43 How close was he? Did you guys tie last year? We tied at the open last year. It's like the reach had the same amount of points and then we finished like, I think we both had two wins, like a second place and a fourth place. Oh my god. And the first year, who won? Did you win outright? You won outright. I think he finished third that first year. Have you ever heard of any other ties? Not like in any division anywhere not not the way we did it So this one's huge yeah
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's big this one's huge. I'm gonna say if he would I'm gonna say whoever wins gets last year's Holy shit, this is just a really long competition to your competition. Yep. Oh crazy We count wheel wide in the middle there like I mean we want to count that one. How'd you do there? Did you win there? I won there. Yeah Convincingly I went I think I I don't I convincingly? I went, I think I, I don't, I went into like the last day, like needing like just to not lose by like three. Like I couldn't fit, he couldn't finish first and then. And then three dudes get between you.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Okay. Like, yeah. So like I couldn't like, and I think I, he went one and then I went two on like the first workout and like, I think that sealed the deal So like the last two workouts I could kind of just take it easy, but I don't know how to do that Good Jedidiah was the real wheel. It says the Jedi's Nelson wheel. What was real competition? I guess he's saying that because the open was virtual and then you guys finally and you tied then you finally went in person Yeah, and this is all the same organization that's doing all that. They kind of like are ruling the, I shouldn't say ruling,
Starting point is 00:29:31 they're the ones putting in the hard work for all the death of athletes. Basically in the space, they got the space. They got the space, they got the backing, financial backing, so now it's, you know, now we get to do it on a bigger, bigger level. Hey, Tim, why do you, why do you do it? Do you know why you don't have to know why, but I'm just, I mean, when I started, it was just like, I needed something. Like I was always competitor, like, you know, COVID hits. So it kind of took away a lot from everybody like I mean not just me but like everybody and then I was going to the gym just to go to the gym more so than
Starting point is 00:30:09 anything I was like this is boring like I got to have something and then they announced the short stature division I was like that's what I need and you know since then I've just kind of I enjoy the community and I love the competition. I love the competitiveness. I love pushing and testing myself. Like it's fun. Like it's just, it's a weird thing to say, but it's fun for me. Hey, I like these reasons.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Fun, community, and to test yourself. And I wonder if how that gets affected as the prize money grows. I wonder if we were to ask that to, I wonder if we were to ask the athletes who just competed at Dickies what their reasons are, if it's fun, community, test oneself. And you've parlayed those elements into, like you're utilizing them. You're not letting it go to waste, right? Didn't you start a program at your gym now? We have an adaptive program at my gym
Starting point is 00:31:11 and then we actually opened another one, started it at another gym north of Cincinnati a couple months ago now, I think. And it's that weird time of year where people are getting their last little bit of vacation in before school starts or school is starting so people are trying to balance school with life and so it's been hard to get a bunch of people in. But we're going to, actually the week of the games we are doing a member party Like member appreciation week for the gym and so we're gonna actually have like kids come in one day to compete on
Starting point is 00:31:54 Then we're gonna have like I created a workout and I everyone's gonna do that workout I know I like the way you say that like you're sinister and everyone's gonna do that I like the way you say that like you're sinister and everyone's gonna do that And then on Wednesday when we have our classes when we're gonna do a adapt we're gonna invite as many adaptive that basis we can kind of like open it up to whoever wants to come whoever can't Come and all the obviously they'll just sign the liability waiver and then wave our class fee for everybody so that way they can come Test it out. Try it and see how they you know, see how they like waiver and then wave our class fee for everybody so that way they can come test it out, try it and see how they like it. And this is inspired by your own success of community having fun and testing yourself and because of your own success.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Do you remember when you do you remember why you did that? Do you remember like being working out one day and being like, shit, I should I should spend some time and start an adaptive class and put some time in here because I mean, obviously, you're basically doing it for free. Right? Yeah. I mean, obviously, it's not making you rich. No, I mean, it was the second actually last year. 23. After getting the notification that I'd want, I was like, you know, if I I can do this like we can at least open it up and let other people try it and see that they have this opportunity like Do you go somewhere to?
Starting point is 00:33:13 To talk to these people like like you will you go like to I don't know to some hospital that's doing Amputations or we like you how do you how do you speak to groups of people who would be in the adaptive division where do you find them? I work with a nonprofit they're called the bridge adaptive they kind of have those connections for us and the one like they're all doctors who work and or doctors physical therapists like they're all doctors who work in or doctors, physical therapists, like they're all in the house. Okay. And they all have like those connections to like the adaptive community. Um, so, but I'm actually,
Starting point is 00:33:53 that was one of the things we're going to try and start doing here. Like once the games are over and I've got time to like actually focus on it, I'm going to, uh, look up the different groups in the area and like trying find out when they meet and go talk to them and be like hey like just come hang out come see what it's about like at the end of the day like what's the worst that happens like you show up and you get a workout and you have some fun hey I remember this time Tim where I forget that but Froning was related to some company that like the Right? Okay. Isn't there an organization called like the short stature club of America or something? I remember someone was telling me that their friend was the president of that some lady.
Starting point is 00:34:51 What if you and and and that Falcon dude, which was the dude that looked like a professional athlete I said, Blaze, Blaze. Yeah. See, even his name. Yeah. Even his name. Tim, Tim versus blade. Okay What if you went there and just did something in front of them like you and him went against each other? I think it's
Starting point is 00:35:12 That right we could do for sure. Yeah They have a lot of that stuff every I think this year was in Baltimore But like in my I only have so much PT like time off so I was like right for the games But and just harvest from there start like yeah, just I mean if they're all there Like in my, I only have so much PTO time off so I was like, Right. For the games but. And just harvest from there. Start like, just, I mean if they're all there it's like fuck. And then all basically you're doing is advertising your division. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And I think that's actually a really good idea. I didn't think about that. Thank you. Thank you. Tell Lisa Gall, she's on it. She'll set that shit up. Lisa Gall. Set it up. What is that annual meeting?
Starting point is 00:35:44 I know you and I talked about it before There's like some like club. It's like all like what is it called? Yeah, and they have an annual conference wherever it's like everyone just has on there how many people will show up there I Think that most they've gotten is like 2,000 people. Yeah, perfect. So Perfect. Hey, dude, that may be even something like you could, to be honest, that may be something that maybe even CrossFit's affiliate department would sponsor because basically all you're doing is, you know, if 50 of those people then go to an affiliate, it's basically just driving people into affiliates. Yeah, I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah, make them pay it. I have all the good ideas. Yeah. Tim, I got't even have that. So good. I didn't even have that. Yeah, make them pay. I have all the good ideas. Yeah. In my spare time. Tim, I got a really hard question for you. OK. OK. What if you're short stature, but you're also missing an arm? Oh, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I've thought about that, actually. What division do you go? What if you're blind and you're missing a leg? Do you get to choose? Is it like a passport? Like if you get to choose? Yeah, the blind people suck. I'm going over there. Smoke them. I think I mean, honestly, like I think there are some. I mean, you got some people missing an arm and a leg. So it's like you get to choose.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You choose like which one like fits your strength the best. That's how I would look at it. Do you ever but and you probably see that there right? You're like I wonder if you could compete I guess you can't not at the games you couldn't do both. It'd be too many workouts. What I was gonna say I wonder if you could do both but you couldn't I mean 24 workouts you'd be dead. Yeah I feel a lot. Some of them you'd be like off the floor and then right back onto it. Look at this. Where do you live? What state? Like right outside of Cincinnati, like the greater Cincinnati area, technically Kentucky. Oh, I think the Chicago Bears just... The Bengals came up and played Chicago last weekend. And my boy Tyson beat you guys up. Yeah, I mean Joe Barrow didn't play so.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Is that their starter? Yeah. See I've heard that name so he must be good. Yeah he's a $256 million quarterback. $256 million quarterback something like that. I think are the Bengals even work that much as a team? Uh, they are They sold the naming rights to the stadium like all the different gates have a different, you know they sold the naming rights to the gates, so I'm like the Practice field has its own name and I was like, let's say you have to do it now Yeah, just like rely on attendance because then it's just gonna be like you're screwed Jonathan Ortega Filmmaker in the space hung out with him a shitload at the games Tim
Starting point is 00:38:35 Can I come do a day in the life with Tim he wants to come film and do a little mini doc on you? Sure, I'm down for that. Yeah jumping the DMS Yeah, or Jonathan hit me up. Can I share my your number with him? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, jumping the DMs. Yeah. Or, Jonathan, hit me up. Can I share your number with him? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, text me, John. I'll hook you guys up. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Any, how many people will end up being in your division? Will you compete against? Ten. We essentially doubled our total from last year. I think we had seven or eight compete all of last year, and then now we had like 15 or 16 that registered, and then I think 14 competed in the semifinals. Now we have like the 10 showing up for finals, which is awesome. Have you vetted them all?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Have you looked at all the dudes? The ones that I can. Like some are like, you know, private on Instagram and whatnot, so I can't really do a whole lot. But I think some of them, like I just look at their scores and kind of base it off of that. Like gymnastics are some of their strong suits, which is my weakness. So hopefully, you know, we don't have a whole lot of that this year
Starting point is 00:39:47 But I'm actually pretty happy like I was getting chest to bar get it starting to string chest bar together Like which is oh, I saw your pull your pull-ups look great. Even with the vest. I was looking at some clips Yeah, that was actually I felt really good that day Yeah, your butterflies looking wicked. Yeah I was actually doing some chest to bar yesterday and I got used to just have to do singles in order to get it to work, but I was able to string seven together yesterday and I was like, what is going on? Okay, here we go. Sorry, more picking on Tim. Okay, so I was wrong, his shit matches, kind of.
Starting point is 00:40:22 The wristbands match the shorts. That chick's hair in the back is clashing with your shorts. Oh, okay, yeah, that's fair. Where is that? There was a great Chester Barr video in here. So 10 people, that's crazy, that's good, right? And the youngest guy, do you know the youngest guy? Any young threats, like any 20-year-old kids kids? You're like dude, what are you doing? Sure, actually, I haven't really like checked. I haven't looked at in depth. Are you the oldest you think?
Starting point is 00:40:54 I think I'm probably pretty close. I think it's me and blazer actually like head to head like pretty Average in age or really close in age If you go when will you go there if it starts. If you go, when will you go there? If it starts on the 19th, when will you go? I leave on the 17th. I'll get in at like 9pm on the 17th. And then, so do you work on the 16th? Yeah, I'll work, just get like a half day or something on the 16th and just go.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So the 16th is a Monday, you'll work. 17th travel day, 18th registration. Yep. 19th, sell your soul, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd. A 23rd, Monday, do you work again? I will not work on that Monday. I fly home on that Monday. And did you work on the 24th? I'll probably take that day off too. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And is your work cool with that? Yeah, I mean I have the time off so they can't really say no, which is nice. Yeah, you know that it's not a whole lot that I do around here anymore. So it's like, yeah, just What do you mean? You can't say what if your boss is watching you can't say that Yeah, you're right. Sorry kevin Working harder than ever. Yeah Do the people at your work know what you're doing? Yeah, they know. The ones that want to know know. The others, they oversee kind of like 300 people that are kind of in the business that
Starting point is 00:42:38 I work with. So I don't really know all of them. Remind me what you do again. An ergonomic consultant is my official title. Ergonomics around what? I work with the facilities and utilities group on site here. I work with GE Aerospace.
Starting point is 00:42:59 They're actually, Cincinnati's the headquarters for GE Aerospace. So if there's a pipe that bursts like electric goes out or anything like that like my group is the one who like fixes it so the team and it's like it's a from end to end of the campus it's like one mile long so I'm like yeah it's a whole it's a whole big area hey will you walk across campus every day we have a golf cart okay I was like if I was if I had to walk it like I would not get anything accomplished you ever feel guilty for riding in the golf
Starting point is 00:43:36 cart no I actually tried to get him to let me use it ride my bike bring my bike in oh and since I'm not like technically a GE employee, I'm a contractor. Like I can't, they wouldn't let me have my bike because then like all the other contractors would want one. And I'm like, I'm looking at all these contractors and none of them are riding a bike. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Not wanting to walk from one place to the other. How big is the, how many people work on the campus? I think someone said like 7,000 or so. Wow. And I mean, that's like you got your engineers, you have your like testing specialists, because they test like different engines here. So it's kind of cool to like see and hear about that part.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. And can you hear that if they're testing on them? Can everyone on campus hear it? Oh yeah. Like you know that there's a big test being run, especially like There's like we sit on the south side of the campus like they're all up north So like I mean even then like you hear that it's running. You ever get invited to watch those? No, because most of them are usually like top secret
Starting point is 00:44:43 Okay, a lot of government are usually like top secret. Okay. A lot of government type, like army and military stuff. Any rumors of like anything crazy there, like UFOs or any, you guys don't know? No. Like people in the break room are like, hey, did you see the guy with one eye? No, I haven't seen that. Apparently there's some furries on campus somewhere though. Like people who dress up as furries?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. Come to work? Yeah. I think there's like two. I think someone said they've seen two. Yeah. I was like, I'm in the wrong place. Hey, you know what's weird? I'll even, I'll tell, like, I don't see it, to be honest,
Starting point is 00:45:24 to be honest, I don't see it so be honest, to be honest, I don't see it so much, but for a couple years when I would take my kids to tennis classes, when they were in the lower classes, like there were kids, there were parents who would bring their kids to tennis class. This is like an expensive tennis class. It's like the coach is serious. It's fucking three days a fucking week. You know, half the kids that are doing it five days a week and there are kids who would
Starting point is 00:45:42 show up just on the regular with like pajamas on on that had ears, you know, like onesies. Or there were kids that would play in their rain boots. You know what I mean? It was just, it was... What's the most valuable thing in the world? Well, obviously never missing a coaching or training session while in the gym. And the second most valuable thing?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Time. Managing and worrying about body odor used to take up a lot of my time. Massive head space thinking about do I smell, do I not? I don't know. I was paranoid about smelling, especially around midday, that 230 mustard smell. It was all extremely time consuming.
Starting point is 00:46:22 But not anymore, oh no. Since I switched to the Mando whole body deodorant, extremely time consuming, but not anymore. Oh no. Since I switched to the Mando whole body deodorant, I'm freed up so much time. I could trade stocks quicker. I could get to the grocery store faster. I could even visit that old relative or friend that used to complain about my midday smell, but no longer does. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It's effective and long lasting. Here's why. Mando does a cover-up odor after the fact with heavy fragrances like certain other deodorants. You know what I'm talking about. A**. It stops the odor at the source by blocking the bacteria on your skin from eating your sweat, which is actually what's the cause of BO. So give yourself the precious gift of time and get yourself some Mando whole body deodorant special offer new customers, $5 off Mando's bestselling starter pack with the code seven at Mando I personally like the Mando because of the name Mando. How could you not like it?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Not to mention you don't have to worry about smelling anyway. Go right from the gym to the grocery store, see a friend, talk to them. Not worried about smelling right from the gym into the classroom. Sitting next to somebody you're not worried about smelling whole body deodorant Mando is seriously safe anywhere to use on your body. Pits packages, belly buttons, even the ol' booty crack. Stinking crevices, stomach folds, that one's weird, and feet. Okay?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Created by a doctor who saw firsthand how normal BO was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. Mando is also American made. Pride, baby, American pride. Mando Mando whole body odor is powerful enough for the toughest body odor, but gentle enough to use anywhere it allowed me to put Mando on family jewels. Without worrying, because Mando is aluminum free and baking soda free, cruelty free, dye free, and vegan. Clinically proven to control odor better than the shower with soap alone. 12 hours after the shower, the average men's Grundle order level was five out of 10. With Mando, the average Grundle order level
Starting point is 00:48:36 is a zero out of 10. Mando's starter pack is perfect for new customers. It comes with a solid stick of deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice, like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. Luckily, I have a discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market. New customers get $5 off a starter pack
Starting point is 00:49:00 with our exclusive code. That equates over 40% of your starter pack. Use code SEVON at mando, Smell you later. So it goes, all of a sudden it makes my, like if I see kids walking around outside or playing sports in their pajamas and stuff, but you have people showing up to work dressed up
Starting point is 00:49:23 as like a hamster. Yeah. I don't remember what they said it was but i think it's like some kind of rodent for sure like a squirrel maybe listen i'm i'm all in your free time get fucking get crazy that's my dress code so important when i was a kid I thought dress code was so dumb now I get dress code dress Code's cool. Yeah Lisa gall I met Lisa at the games. Have you met her? Yeah Yeah, she's great. Yeah, she um, what's it called? She gives a shit. She does. What we need. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:07 She gives a shit. Alright, can we watch this thing? Will it be on YouTube? Yeah. It'll be on WheelWide's page. WheelWide will stream it. And do you know if you're, I know it's a big task and I don't want to pass judge around but 15 different classes is a shit load to keep track of.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And do you know for sure that your division will be televised? I don't see why it wouldn't. My guess is like they'll set it up and just have kind of, you know, they'll have their stationary cameras like everybody else. And then you have your people walking around on the floor showing like the different stuff I was like going through the breaks and whatnot when they need can which
Starting point is 00:50:52 I'm gonna ask a stupid question, but I'm assuming their schedules tight as shit. Just like the games Yeah, kind of like Kevin runs a tight ship. Okay, so you're not ready like You're not going yeah, awesome I mean you have to write your funneling in all those people And you're also gonna be streaming it and people at home are expecting to watch hey, so um It would be awesome if when you know your schedule, okay that You could text me or point it to me I mean, I'll try to keep my ear to but dude do would be awesome to do watch parties on my channel and follow and follow the journey. I definitely want to fucking watch the final. I mean,
Starting point is 00:51:31 a hundred percent. I can do that. I mean, I'll, uh, like we do our, like our registrations first, like a, like from 11 to 12. And then I think we're doing like they're splitting the different groups up and then going over like, you know, half of the in the morning I get two o'clock and doing like uh Briefing right half will go in the afternoon. So like I should know everything as far as like schedule wise goes like And i'm guessing
Starting point is 00:51:58 That they'll put it up somewhere like do I even follow wheel wad? I'm guessing but but also you kind of have to like how the fuck is Wheelwad supposed to put up 15 different schedules on Instagram? You know what I mean? Oh, I don't follow these guys. Damn jackass. Yeah. So I mean, just think, I mean, I guess this isn't their first rodeo, so they'll figure they have a way of putting it. But I guess that it will pile in here. Yeah. I know they had, I'm trying to remember how they did it for the games last year, like Wheelbarg Games. I can't remember if they had like just like one or two different like posts like with
Starting point is 00:52:39 the schedule up, like saying, hey, like this is when we're going to go off, like this will be the order. I think that's how it kind of I think trying to remember if that's how it was last year or not what's this sorry this is off-subject Gabby is Gabby McGawa's Kira was inspired by our sister Gabby and the rest of the family to start CrossFit Kira's brother who is CrossFit coach has been helping her train up to nutrition game with protein creating is she a adaptive athlete I'm not sure I haven't heard that name before though oh that doesn't mean anything just I'm still new to it and trying learning everybody
Starting point is 00:53:18 yeah plus you're keeping your head down like you got to do your shit yeah you're the champ oh I guess they have non-adaptive people on here they got Tia on here so yeah I think that was like a like a what do they call that collab with the games the games have you ever have you damn poor Lazar yeah um have you have you ever, have you ever, damn poor Lazar. Yeah. Um, have, have you, um, have you ever been to, uh, the CrossFit Games? I have not. I was hoping to go like last year, but starting the new job, I didn't have the time.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah. You should have gone to this year's. It's the last, it was the last one. We, I mean, it's great for you guys. We all, it's going to steal it. So next year you'll be the only ticket in town. Yeah. Yeah. Are they going to give proper t-shirts this time? Yeah, of course. T-shirts for everyone. Yeah. Did they have a t-shirt debacle at... I love it. What a great debacle to have. All of a sudden it puts it in perspective.
Starting point is 00:54:23 At the CrossFit Games someone died. At the Wheel Wild we only have t-shirt debacles. Was there a t-shirt debacle? It was the from the games like the open. Oh Noble sent me a shirt. That was a women's shirt. Oh, that's right Hey great story, isn't it good in hindsight? It's great And I was like the week before the open started that I got it. I was like, this is awesome. Yeah, that's good. I like that. Equip products. Thank you. Yep. Do you know who those guys are? Yeah, they're great people. We actually have a bunch of their equipment. Their bike candles. What else do we have? We got skier. Wait, you have their what? Oh, I've seen you riding a bike like that.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Okay, okay. I'm going to look at their website. Hey, what about, has anyone cracked the code on the bike yet for shorter people? No, not yet. No one's cracked the code. Yeah. Oops, I lost you. There must be something, it must be something crazy. There must be something I don't understand about the engineering of it.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yeah. Because you would think like, hey, you could just wear a thicker shoe or something, but it's got to be something crazier than that. There must be some like angle or. Yeah, it's the, I don't know, I thought like maybe flipping the seat around like and kind of like being able to like lower it might help. But then you're kind of sitting right on the fan, like the cage of the fan at least. So it's just, I just ice in your balls.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Sorry. Or your vagina. I didn't mean to be sexist. Hey, look at all this. Oh, so this is just all adaptive stuff. Yep. It's kind of like, they do some really good, they have some really cool stuff. They figured they, they cracked the code on it.
Starting point is 00:56:07 What, what do you, Oh, look, they even got you. Okay. And here are the handles assault flip interface for assault bike. Oh, Oh, so you can even turn the monitor around. Yeah, that's what I think my next purchase is going to be. Is so I can actually see what I'm doing and That's what I think my next purchase is going to be, is so I can actually see what I'm doing and not take it too seriously.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I hope I'm guessing. It's kind of go as hard as you can and then like when you're done like dying you peek around the corner. Yes, exactly. And then I forget to hit start so it doesn't even calculate it. Oh, that sucks. Yeah. Like I've done that before.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Oh my gosh. I'll be going and then like I had like a, I'm trying to remember what we did. That was like a 12 minute AMRAP of something and then, or 12 minute clock. And I had like a 50 cal bike and I started going and I was like, I have no idea where I'm at. And I look and it's not even calculating it. I was like, all right, I'm done. Yeah, you think you have problems. I'm not even sure if the machine's going when I'm trying to set a PR.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah. Damn, dude. Lisa Gall, live broadcast on WheelWide YouTube, 15 divisions, 276 athletes. We'll be busy. I'll send you the heat schedule when I have it, Seve. Yeah. There we go. Yeah. You'll have it well before I do. So there you go., Seve. Yeah. There we go. Yeah. You'll have it well before I do. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Oh good. Good. I deserve it. I'm a good dude. Hey, how did they decide they were going to... How are you on time? You good? I'm good.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yeah. Okay. How did they decide that they were going to have a short stature division? How does that... Do you guys have to hold picket signs in front of the place? How does that happen? Sure, to be honest with you. I didn't even follow CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I knew about it. Oh, so when you got here, it was here. It was here, yeah. You didn't have to be like, hey, I do CrossFit. There's two of us. Give us a division. No, I just kind of was working for something, looking for something to do and like trying to work towards.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And then all of a sudden, like, Mikey shared that there was the short stature division. Had you already been following him? Yeah, we'd known each other, like known of each other, but like didn't really- Just as athletes, just because you were an athlete. And then like through the LP, like Little People of America, like we'd known of each other through that.
Starting point is 00:58:23 So it's not like, and we didn't know who each other were at one point, just random. But he shared that there was the Short Statue Division. I was like, you know what? I think that's what I've been looking for. And so I was like, let's do it. Here we are three years later. And has that division, was there ever a champ before you? Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Like, I know they, I think they grouped us with like for water Palooza, they group us with like the upper extremity extremity guys. So like, you know, two points of context. So like the Casey, a Cree, like those guys. Had to go against that animal. Yeah. And that's like water Pal of paloozes. I'm sitting there doing the qualifiers and I'm like, I have to go against that. Someone take that away from me.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I'll put him in a cage. Yeah. So I was like, I mean, this is, He doesn't even know what the internet is. He has a flip phone. So it's been like, it was cool to like be able to test myself against him. Yeah, yeah, for sure. But he's also fun to make fun of. I'll leave that one to you.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Alright. Well I'm over here at home, I don't ever have to see him. You gotta see him. Hey, so you may so as far as we know, I don't know the history of the games when it's had its own adaptive division, but you may very well be the only CrossFit Games champion in the history of your division. Yeah. I remember when Mighty Mouse was in the UFC, it was like that. Like he was like in his division in the UFC like he was the only champ that was crazy and he just held it and he just held it down. I mean it's very well very well could be. Hey and that could be crazy inspiring too I mean just think after you win this year the target on your back gets bigger and bigger but the but the benefit of that is is then other people around the world are gonna look at you and be like I could beat this fucking guy and so they're gonna you know what I mean or like I want to take
Starting point is 01:00:27 It really is like that movie Highlander like When you beat the guy you you can just stand on his back like so when when when Froning Fraser and Tia retired no one beats him. It's like Like you guys start over but if someone could get Tim Murray's like you get his shit You get his girl and his money and his house They can find them hopefully they find the money hopefully they can share it with me How is everything in your life how's the last year been been good Relaxing and plenty of family time my sister and her family moved back home
Starting point is 01:01:05 So now I have all my nephews and nieces in one spot So that's cool and being able to run around with them and watching them grow up is gonna be fun Do they know that what's the oldest one of your nieces and nephews? He's It'll be six in November. So he's starting to figure out that uncle Tim strong and like throws the weights around. Yep Does he just love the shit out of you? Yeah. I mean he's at that he's kind of the starting to figure out that Uncle Tim's strong and like throws the weights around. Yep. Does he just love the shit out of you? Yeah, I mean, he's at the he's kind of the he's gonna be our engineer, I think, which is perfect because you know, he's gonna make the money. Right. Like he's still seeing that like when he sees me come in, like it's big, like they all are
Starting point is 01:01:40 that way now. Like the nieces are barely three years old now No, no three months old. Sorry. They both just turned like three months old. So like they have no idea what's going on around them, but Anyone who's an uncle don't let it go to waste man kids love uncles Leave a fucking forever impact on those kids kids love uncles That's I try to be the fun uncle like run around with them, you know, get them all riled up right before bed And then I gotta go home. See you later Leaving the mom and dad to handle how about a kill Tim series? How about it? I'm down. Yeah Tim's Tim's game Yeah, we've that shit we got to do another show with you that show is awesome. That show is wild the burpee show Yeah, that was fun. That show was wild. The Burpee show? Yeah, that was fun.
Starting point is 01:02:25 God, that was wild. Alright dude, well thank you for coming on. We'll be cheering you on. Stay in touch. I'll keep bugging you. I try to stay as close as I can to Lisa Gall and Kevin. What's Kevin's wife's name again? Shannon. Shannon. They're so awesome and responsive too. So like I have no excuse not to uh to get on the Tim Murray bandwagon and watch all the events. So and I appreciate you coming on dude. I really appreciate it. Appreciate you having me. All right
Starting point is 01:02:55 back to work. Yep. All right. All right. I'm gonna go play with kids. Talk to you later, brother. Thank you. See ya. CrossFit Games champ, Tim Ray, otherwise known as Tater Tot. How about a kill? What would that look like? Kill Tim? I have so many good ideas. I'm like, everyone has good ideas, right? Can't you see it like them him and that guy blaze and fuck it. Let's throw Mikey swoosh in there, too Mikey's the best nemesis. I wonder if he's he the best nemesis and all of CrossFit Mikey swoosh
Starting point is 01:03:56 Hmm Hmm. Maybe. Lucky kids to have Uncle Tim. I know. I know. I bet you he's a great uncle too. Kill Tim. Colton would call in and win those workouts too. I'm probably I'm having so much fun with the show I really appreciate you guys Audrey. What's up girl Whitney? Hey Eric. Hi Tyler hey Chris, yo Audrey, what's up, girl? Whitney, hey. Eric, hi. Tyler, hey. Chris, yo. I was so excited to come on this morning. My wife was awake and like, fuck, this is gonna be awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I like hanging out with Tim, he's good. He talks, if I stop talking, he talks. Oh, Jonathan Ortega just text me send the short champion my number You guys know Darien Weeks, you know Darien's on the show we do the UFC shows together He's the guy who owns the barbershop black dude He's got a fight coming up in a few days. I don't know where it's being shown I Tried to get him on the show today after Tim Coming up in a few days. I don't know where it's being shown I Tried to get him on the show today after Tim
Starting point is 01:05:09 And Tim made it to the hour mark usually I just do 45 minutes with the repeat offenders Tomorrow Greg's gonna be on man if you missed last week's show with Greg what a party straight fire And then Thursday, Vic Assaf. Cool dude. Met him at the games. And then I got a whole list of people that Jedidiah and Lisa Gullsman sending me. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:05:39 I've been WhatsApping some of these guys. I got a coach coming on. Oh, okay. People usually call him Ben. I'm trying to get Ross Austin on. I think there's someone, Andrea Wilson. Ben Maru, he's got two athletes. Must be a foreigner, right? With that name, his name is Ben Maru. And then I got Kieran coming on. The guy who won silver medal in the BMX. In the BMX at the Olympics, Crossfitter.
Starting point is 01:06:21 X at the Olympics crossfitter. And then I got to, I got to try to entice a Gracie Walton on. Wait till you guys get to know Gracie Walton. She's a handful. You think Danielle Brandon's a handful? Wait till you see Gracie Walton. She is a handful. Hot and a handful and a really cool like like like the coolest boyfriend Zane It's like he he's more like a lion tamer than a boyfriend
Starting point is 01:06:52 She's the lion he's the tamer Coach sure Coach sure moose Abled-bodied athletes have to perform the workouts as Tim writes and does them. As Tim writes? As Tim writes? As Tim writes? As Tim writes? As Tim writes? What's he writing? As Tim writes? Am I having reading issues again? Kill Tim series. Able-bodied athletes have to perform
Starting point is 01:07:25 the workouts as Tim writes and does them. As Tim writes? Oh no, I feel my autism kicking in. I don't even have autism. Not even a little bit. They got new promo videos for Born Primitive? Oh, he means programs. Oh, oh, pro, oh, he means, thank you, he means programs.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Let me go back and read that again. Kill Tim series, able-bodied athletes have to perform the workouts as Tim programs and does them. As Tim program... No, sorry. Listen, listen. Bad ideas cost more than $5. That's not fair. Is it Tim Pro? No, sorry. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Bad ideas cost more than $5. That's a $10, that was a $10 read. Are you tarted? It says semi. One of my kids asked me if I was semi-tarded. Are you semi-tarded? Maybe semi. There's portions of my brain that aren't. God, my kids are so funny.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I enjoy them so much. Cross that I'd like to know what age group division Sevan thinks he can hang with at the adaptive games. Like how many limbs before these athletes equal Sevan thinks he can hang with at the adaptive games like how many limbs before these athletes equals seven I To be honest with you I would if I were to I Would rather go I don't think I have anything for the adaptive athletes are too good I would need to go to Old women Old women. Dude I did 70, I did this workout two days ago. What did I?
Starting point is 01:09:17 I shouldn't tell you guys, it's such dumb programming. But I did 10 alternating dumbbell snatches with a 25 pound dumbbell, right? So just 10. And I did 7 pull-ups. And I only do strict pull-ups. And I did 7 pull-ups, all like this, no chin-ups or no split grip, which I do a lot. And it's the first time I've done pull-ups since coming back from the game So it ended up being 70 pull-ups and a hundred snatches and two days later. My arms are I can't tell you how sore my arms are It's like yeah 65 plus group is tough but not the women I can't beat the 55 year old women
Starting point is 01:09:59 I don't think but the old ladies I could fuck them up. I think I Still think like I got like the, what's the oldest? Like the 65? I mean, because it's, I don't know what they do, but if there's like, if there's muscle-ups in there, like I can do two, they can only do one. You know what I mean? So, um... Audrey said, Seve, I use a 35 pound dumbbell exclusively for dumbbell snatches, so you must as well I know To be honest with you. I'm really good at dumbbell snatches It's just this left arm is never healed all the way and I don't want to do different weights
Starting point is 01:10:36 But i'm actually pretty good at those 35 would be fine the fifth. I probably could even do I could probably do 100 with the you know what? I should do a a max set with my, no, I can't injure my right arm. I'm not really worried about being like strong right now. I just want to keep moving. But 20 is good. 20, 20, I think I did 25. Because what happens, especially with alternating dumbbell snatches, when I alternate and this
Starting point is 01:11:07 one comes down, the left one comes down low, like it could just get, it could get weird. It's that eccentric movement. I even feel it now when I do that. It's like something's just not right in there. Seve, what's wrong with your elbow? Fuck not. It's not my elbow. No one DM me about my elbow. It's not my elbow. Unless I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Like, is this your elbow on this side? When I think of my elbow, it's always on this side. Is this my elbow? Let's give it my elbow. Oh, maybe I've been the idiot the whole time. I've injected so much BPC-157 into this horn. I shouldn't say so much. I mean, I mean, I've never done that. Yeah, I am with that one.
Starting point is 01:12:11 All right. Last night I was watching the Democratic National Convention. Lieutenant Governor Patty Lange was up there from Minnesota. I can't find anything in the news about it, but she ran off in the middle of her speech. Did you guys see that? She just ran off. Like she panicked and ran off and the whole thing went black for a second. Like they dimmed the lights. It was weird.
Starting point is 01:12:34 And but what was crazy is she started off her speech saying that her brother was the second person in the United States to die of COVID. So of course, I Googled it. And it took me to her of COVID. So of course I googled it and it took me to her Instagram account and her own Instagram account. He was 100 pounds overweight. He was probably 20 years older than her and he was in the hospital with cancer. She forgot to mention that. um he was in the hospital with cancer she forgot to mention that can you imagine can you imagine telling the world that your brother died of covid without mentioning he was 100 pounds overweight and was in the hospital with cancer he was so if you're in the hospital with cancer it's bad it's not like you had cancer you're out cruising around. But she's claiming he died of COVID.
Starting point is 01:13:27 In front of the fucking world to get you to vote for Kamala. Kamala. Kamala. Miss Harris. And then it was just like, it's just a downward spiral from there. It was just like, it's just a downward spiral from there. Man, it's so sad. Brady Libby died with COVID versus died from COVID. How about died from just being being fucking eating with both hands Man it was so bad. It was so bad the convention so bad For those of you who don't know for those of you who don't know and for those of you who don't know, and I'll tell you this too, so that you know the distinction, and I'm sure I know the listeners here know,
Starting point is 01:14:30 but there's this item regarding the border that they keep bringing up, the Democrats bringing up, that they offered a solution for the border crisis and that the Republicans shot it down in order to win the election. And for those of you who don't know, that's not true at all. Well, it is true. They did offer a solution. Their solution was to expedite the legality of all the people who came in legally. So I'll give you an example. If let's say you stole money from me, and my solution was, and you were going to go to jail, and my solution was be like, no, no, no, let's change the law and make stealing money
Starting point is 01:15:06 from me as illegal. So let's say I killed someone, right? Let's say I raped and killed someone, but instead of like prosecuting me, you change the law and say, raping and killing isn't illegal, so now I'm fixed. So that's what they wanna do. There's 10 million illegal aliens
Starting point is 01:15:21 that have come into this country. Not Mexicans, not our neighbors, other people. It's not our neighbors coming, it's other people. Ten million of them have come into this country and the Democrat solution is to hire a million people to sit at desks and expedite the legality of their presence in the United States. That's not an acceptable solution. The solution is that you came in here legally, you have to go back outside and wait and do the process.
Starting point is 01:15:59 It's not a solution for rape to legalize rape. That's not a solution. And that's the fucking entire fucking left is just word fuckery. It's so frustrating that people I love don't get that. Elizabeth Dissinger, my family, the Mexicans. Yeah let the fucking Mexicans in. Oh isn't it funny? For years we didn't want the Mexicans now Yeah, let the fucking Mexicans in all isn't it funny for years We didn't want the Mexicans now. It's like fuck. We'll take the Mexicans. Do I keep out the other fucking wackadoodles?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Venezuelan gangs are hard-working Mexicans. We'll take the Mexicans, please But that's 10 million voters they want Carlos Cueva, but my feelings Seve, I understand. I have feelings too. I did like it how the New York Post and CNN and all those people came after Kamala when she talked about turning this her first her first thing in office was to start doing price fixing on food it's like holy shit but we have more important matters to talk about. Oh yes, much more important. Although I do have so many fun clips.
Starting point is 01:17:33 I meant to ask Charlie Lawrence yesterday how he feels about Venezuela because he lives in Colorado. How he feels about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. buildings in Aurora, Colorado. What do you guys do? What do you guys want to do? Do you guys want to talk about... I told you guys about the tranny that attacked my nephews. Yeah, I told you that story. I'll erase this. I kind of, I kind of am having so much fun with this New games protocol that I've announced and how many people don't understand it. It's it's amazing
Starting point is 01:18:18 You guys want to it's so funny you want to see So for those of you don't know the games Next year the games will be, we're cutting the prize money at least in half. All tickets will be sold through the affiliates. Affiliates will have access to the tickets. Prices for tickets will be for non-affiliate, for affiliate owners will get tickets, you know, at a crazy discount, probably like a hundred bucks a pop. And then non- hi Heidi hey hi and then um
Starting point is 01:18:49 and and then you can buy the tickets and then tickets for the general public will be two thousand dollars a pop 1500 i was saying 1500 but really it should be 2000 and it's so wild the stuff people will be saying i'm so glad the masters is separate no no your the masters is not separate you'll be brought back into the fold we need you guys to subsidize the event. So um, this is great bullshit. I heard since 1999 Unfortunately, you have no say in any of this Fabian when when ninger Crazy imagine thinking I have no say in this You've got to be kidding me, no prize money for
Starting point is 01:19:26 Masters and Adaptive? No, no, no. Not only is there no prize money for Masters and Adaptive and Teen, thank you for forgetting the Teen, but you will also pay for your registration and you will compete for fun and community and to test yourself. It's great and if you don't like it, and you were to go elsewhere to move to High Rocks, the plan is working perfectly. And I think High Rocks was already gaining traction. Adios amigos. We already know what High Rocks is. High High rocks is if you just want to do it for people who want to cherry pick like me, people who want to cherry pick a workout. Just one athlete over and over and over. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:20:14 $1,500 tickets, prize money cut in half, games is dead. Can you imagine thinking like that? imagine thinking like that? You think the game... first of all, who cares? You think the games is dead by selling the tickets to affiliate owners for a hundred bucks a pop and then letting them do whatever they want with them? Six... let me tell you something, the games has been dead for a long time, if that's your thinking. Go to Carson. Let me tell you, it's gonna be the most popular, hardest event ever to get tickets to. And listen, if you don't believe me, just look at any other sporting event and how they work. Let me tell you something what's dead.
Starting point is 01:20:58 The WNBA is dead even with their fucking star Kaitlyn Johnson, Caitlin Clark. Clark Caitlin. $1,500 tickets prize money, games is dead. I mean, not even close. It's gonna be a boon for it. You're totally missing the mark on how things work. You don't understand how things work. The mechanism for how things work. So the plan for CrossFit Games is to intentionally make it smaller. Price out 95% of the fans.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Price out 95% of the fans. And who would want to attend in person? Everybody. Everybody is going to want to attend in person. Everybody. It's going to be the coolest, most exclusive event in the space. Except for the affiliate owners, or an affiliate owner sells you a ticket or gives you a ticket. Do you see how these are all the
Starting point is 01:22:02 people we want to get rid of? All the game-centric people. This is it. Because guess who's going to be ecstatic about this? The affiliate owners. The event's going to be the best event, the safest event, the coolest event, most energy, packed house, friendliest athletes. Affiliate owners can't afford it. They can't, you can't, I can't sell you a ticket for a hundred dollars as an affiliate owner and you sell it for, yeah, you're out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:22:35 You don't even know what you're talking about. That place was packed full of affiliate owners and tickets will be cheaper than ever for them. Sports betting education. Cut all the prize money athletes can make money online. Yeah, who cares if they make money or not? They're not better than Tim Murray. You think Tim Murray's making fucking money? Who cares? You're missing like anyone who's, by the way, I appreciate your, your response. Because I because I agree with you. Like, yes, I agree. Let them make money any way they want.
Starting point is 01:23:09 I don't mean who cares like who cares like your comment sucks, but I just mean like yeah. Who cares? It's not... hey listen. It's not gonna affect anything except for ten male and ten female athletes. That's it. Just those people. No one else is gonna be affected in a negative way. Everyone else is gonna be affected in a crazy positive way. Yeah, thank you Augustus. Affiliates will set the market price for tickets. 100% Price the fans out. You don't even know what's going on here when you say shit like that.
Starting point is 01:23:42 By the way, you should see the tickets for the fucking UFC and you should hear the fans complain. It's insane. It's insane. The games are gonna sell out absolutely no matter what. Let me tell you what's gonna happen. You're gonna make six tickets available to every affiliate and the stadium is gonna seat 15,000 people
Starting point is 01:24:04 and every one of those tickets is gonna be bought out in 11 seconds flat. That's it. And you can go there with your wife and your four kids or like Jonathan Ortega says, if you can't afford that, you sell two tickets, pays for your affiliate fees and then you go. Dude, I'm telling you the tickets are gonna like if you limit this the tickets are gonna go for so much. I mean dude listen, listen if the tickets are $1,500 each and you're a fucking single man with the fucking
Starting point is 01:24:44 average job that makes you slave your ass to make $150,000 a year. You have no kids. You're going to that fucking event. It's going to be great. It's going to be all the coolest people in the world there. End the games as we know it. 100%. If they get there on their own organically, great.
Starting point is 01:25:03 If they don't, fuck it. Hirox prints money because fans pay $125 to run the course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's fucking marathons. One giant registration process. Here, come do Murph and pay me 125 bucks. Well, the start and the end of the games begins, no offense, but military does not, listen to how moronic this person is. Well, the start of the end of the games begins, no offense, but the military does not mean automatically being a good coach or a positive influence.
Starting point is 01:25:38 For CrossFit gyms, I didn't say that once. I'm not even talking about the gyms. As the CEO. I have no control over the gyms I'm talking about HQ and by no like of course, it doesn't mean they're a good coach I mean, this is what I mean. Like this guy's looking at the world like this Isn't YouTube great it's like it's like a pile YouTube's like a pile of shit and all the flies come to it That's BS and fifteen1,500 a ticket. I want all the people to be like, all right, I'm doubling down and working harder this year to make extra cash because I'm going to go to this great event.
Starting point is 01:26:14 And all the people who think like this, bye bye. Bye bye. Uh, change needs to involve safety, more idiocy. Like hey listen, if we ask any of the Games athletes what change needs to be made, they'd be like, uh, change. Uh, pay judges. Yeah, that's going to work. Yeah, pay, uh, uh, yeah, uh, lifeguards from the local pool that we can pay. We want change. We want safety. P-F-A-A. P-F-A-A. They don't even know. Not one athlete. Someone, I dare someone to send me someone. Send me someone where one athlete articulates what a solution looks like. Let's let my mom oversee the event. Okay
Starting point is 01:27:08 Great great solution The plan is mostly rero I don't know what that means that sounds like a Someone who's too too much of a pussy to say retarded. Why should the games be outside when the sport's an indoor thing? The sport is not an indoor thing. And it's not even a sport. You've totally missed the point. It's a family event where we're going to crown the fittest human being on the planet based on the CrossFit Lifestyle Protocol.
Starting point is 01:27:40 That's what I mean. These people don't get it. They've, they've lost their way. They believe that they, they like the smell of their own farts. They believe their own shit. They're like the athletes. Like they think that there's something that they're not. They got ahead of themselves. And charge the regular fan $1,500 ticket? No, not the regular fan. No, there are no regular fans at CrossFit. There are no regular fans. Another stupid thing.
Starting point is 01:28:08 No box owner is getting that from resale. I can promise that. Oh yeah? Oh yeah? You don't even understand what we're talking about. How can you promise that? I agree with getting rid of anti-white policies. Oh, well thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:24 How about pulling your head out of your ass and trying to figure out what the games is? I agree with getting rid of anti-white policies. Oh, well thank you. How about pulling your head out of your ass and trying to figure out what the games is? I'd like to get rid of the non-box nonsense of the games like swims, biking, obstacle courses, it's born identities. Oh, shut your face. You know what I'm talking about. Oh, what if the closest affiliate is three hours drive away? I know it sucks.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Open one. Open one, it sucks. It is what it is. The CrossFit Games is not about professional athletes. Like someone said the other day, the pros will leave. The pros. But all ten of you are gonna leave? Okay, bye. Not one of us cares. In a... Let me tell you who stays. Let me tell you who stays. Colton Merton stays. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Let me tell you who stays. Colton Merton stays. That's all I need. The rest of you fucking beat it. Let me tell you who stays. Daisy McDonald stays. Cool. I'm good. Daisy versus Colton. Then there's some people are like, how is this gonna...
Starting point is 01:29:42 And does what? So you're losing people, you're now hit with this unfortunate event, and you want more exclusivity? Yeah, this guy's, every one of this guy's comments are as retarded as his name. Anyway, this is great. I can't tell you how excited I am about this, this. Because the people who are making the comments that are, the people in their comments are letting me know what the issue is. I'm able to see it more clearly and make him even more certain about the decision. Taylor self stays. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:30:13 The ecosystem will fucking thrive. Listen, there's just think of the ecosystem is 300,000 people. Let's say, let's say the ecosystem is 10 people and they're spread out over a mile, the ecosystem will now be 10 people and they'll be spread out over 10 feet. It's only gonna bring everything closer together. Right now, the games has gone so far out there with the delusion of what people think it is,
Starting point is 01:30:40 like someone calling it a truly international sport and all this shit, it's like, dude, it's just word fuckery, manipulation, feelings talk, it's like How does it benefit the affiliates? And if you think that there's better people to hire for any job, I don't care what it is, than people who come out of the military, right when they come out, you're out of your mind. Sure, there's examples of like the dude who went in the military to get a free transition surgery.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Yeah, don't hire that dude. Dude's a freeloader. But I'm telling you, the mill guys are so like qualified and with the, and you yet confused of where their journey is gonna take them snag them up and use the shit out of them all right Kevin Doyle spoken like a true American oh Kevin I have something amazing for you. You know what's crazy? Kevin, it's wild. By the way, you're welcome to apply to come to the United States if you want.
Starting point is 01:31:58 What's crazy is we can still speak in this country. You guys must be terrified in Europe what's going on right now. Terrified. Holy shit, you guys are fucked. Poor Ireland. Those are like good people over there. Wait till you hear this shit. I mean, we all know what's happening. We're watching over there.
Starting point is 01:32:13 But anyone who wants to be allowed to say what they want, you know, like. Like, like in Europe, you probably have the countries in Europe, you probably can't even say red meat's good for you. Probably go to jail for that. Paying attention to what's happening in Scotland right now, where a law has just been passed, and in Ireland where they're considering a similar law. These are what's called the new blasphemy laws.
Starting point is 01:32:36 You might see them in third world countries play out differently, but here in Western democracies, they're called hate speech laws. And Ireland has said the quiet part out loud, which is that they shouldn't define what hate speech is because that would limit the amount of prosecutions they can have under the law. Now, if you think hate speech can be defined,
Starting point is 01:32:57 you have to take a stop and be like, holy shit, I'm retarded. Even if they tried to define it, it can't be defined. We're headed to a place where if I say, I love, um, white people, we're already, I mean, we're already here. I love white people. Someone's going to say you're excluding black people and you hate them. Or that if you say, I love Mexicans, that's hate speech because you're
Starting point is 01:33:17 excluding someone else. That's where we're headed. That like anything can be hate speech. Hate speech can't even be defined. But man, Europe is fucked. You guys better hope Donald Trump fucking gets elected. That's your guys only fucking hope. The governments in the western democracies around the world have religious freedom and free speech guarantees in their governing documents.
Starting point is 01:33:39 But they're not worth the paper that they're written on when activists and judges are able to come in and gut those protections, and when citizens are too apathetic to stand up for their rights, to insist on their enforcement. The United States is the last Western country in the world that is resisting this type of government censorship. You morons are worried about gun control and killing and racism and abortion. In a second, your freedom of speech is going to be gone and then you're really going to know Because you know freedom of speech is thought thought police You guys are toast if you don't get your shit together
Starting point is 01:34:18 Do you taste the bitter fruit of lies in our culture? Because when laws embrace those lies what what we know comes is injustice, misery, and human suffering. I might be paying attention to what's happening. I do speak like an American. You're right. You're right. I do. I'm allowed to express my thoughts. I believe in free markets. I don't feel like... Listen uh you you how we're we're five ways we're five years away from tim murray fucking turning into one of these prima donna fucking athletes Fucking i'm i i love tim murray just the way he is and if he can get filthy rich doing what he um What what he's doing all to him if If Pat Fellner can get filthy rich, all the more power to them.
Starting point is 01:35:07 But not at the cost of the affiliates. Sorry, that's not the model. That's not the model. These people are using their fucking presence and this tragedy to fucking leverage it to fucking further their fucking goals of turning this into something that does no benefit in its current state to the affiliates. And so it's time to wake up call.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Chris Biesterville, whites are a public nuisance. Yeah, as long as Tim wears CEO shirt, he's good. All right. What is today? Tuesday? Oh, does Suza have a show today? I think Suza has a show today at 11. Oh yeah, Matt Suza has a show today. 11. Oh yeah, Matt Suza has a show today. 11 a.m. Matt Suza. Okay, that's two and a half hours.
Starting point is 01:36:13 And then tomorrow Greg Glassman and then Vic Assef from CrossFit Games athlete. Then Friday Chris Cooper in the morning and then we'll go dark and then we'll come back later on in the morning with Tyson Bajan both on Friday So that's cool. I feel like football Saturday kill Taylor My what I hope we didn't go too hard last week actually I don't care if we went too hard but we went pretty hard Uplift was our sponsor and they have this event called the Uplift WAD, which made great fodder. I think Mark Moss is the founder of it.
Starting point is 01:36:55 And it's basically an organization that puts on events or facilitates putting on events to raise money for people who are wanting to commit suicide, I guess, or suicide awareness, or basically to help people who are on the verge of killing themselves not kill themselves. Let me leave it like that. Anyway, the show had some ruthless dead jokes. It's like, damn, I didn't realize how ruthless they were to my wife told me. Yeah, look at clock clock just wants to be Hey, how about we just have a non woke CrossFit? That'll be enough. All right.
Starting point is 01:37:34 All right. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye bye.

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