The Sevan Podcast - TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT - Angelo Dicicco | Uncancellable

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 crazy oh my god i couldn't think of a better guest to have on this morning holy cow i can't believe it my dog is barking though she's outraged i like a dog everyone everyone loves a dog good to see you dude it's been a minute it's been a while yeah do you remember where you were when you heard he got shot i was sitting at the kitchen table at uh at work my wife texted me and said that her one of her family members had texted her and said um trump just got shot? And I was like, what? I'm like, I was watching our local news at that time.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So I was like, you think every news station would have swapped over to it? So then I just immediately put on Fox News and there it is. There he is sitting there with a bloody ear pumping his fist, getting ushered off. I was like, all right, no shit. He did get shot.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And then someone in the audience got killed, huh? By one of the bullets that went through his ear? Yeah, I didn't get to watch the news this morning to get an actual update on it because everyone was, any politician was like, well, we don't know exactly what happened yet.
Starting point is 00:01:22 So I don't know, is that what happened? Is it they missed and hit a guy in the audience From what I can tell They took 8 shots at him I also saw this Angelo They took 8 shots at him And then And there was
Starting point is 00:01:36 I guess he was wearing a Can you be on the show Caleb Sure Say hi to Angelo What's up? Hi, Caleb. Look at this. They got one in the chest. Is that true? He got shot in the chest?
Starting point is 00:01:53 I mean, that's what it looks like. What do you think, Caleb? Yeah, it looks like they grazed his chest. I mean, I'm sure he's wearing a bulletproof vest, right? Yeah, probably, right? Yeah. And they said that wall in front of him was bulletproof vest, right? Yeah, probably, right? Yeah. And they said that wall in front of him was bulletproof as well, like knee wall.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Have you seen the – I guess the shooter was – what I saw, he was 430 feet away, and he just climbed up onto a roof. And there's tons of eyewitness accounts you can watch on Instagram and on Twitter where people saw him climb up on the roof yeah that guy that that video you sent me that guy's like hey hey there's a guy over there and like no one's paying attention to him he said hey i i see a guy crawling that roof over there can you do something about that and then uh like two minutes later he's shooting um where do you caleb i'm gonna send you all sorts of notes unorganized notes and shit. Okay. Where do you fall on the side of – like there's lots of people who are saying like, hey, this is proof that it was done on purpose or that people know. I just follow on the side of just complete incompetence. side of just complete incompetence yeah i don't i i'd say on any are we gonna like call that a conspiracy that like this was a setup kind of thing is that you're trying to say well here's the here's the tricky part let me let me let me let me use this as an example real quick for a
Starting point is 00:03:18 good that's a great question so um we we all know planes hit No one disputes that planes hit the building at 9-11, right? And that the buildings fell down. Now, there's some people who believe that the buildings had charges in them and that they were pulled down. Some people say that it was a plan. Some people say that it was a missile. But one thing we all agree on is that it was coordinated, it was organized, and that the buildings came down. Yep. And so I have trouble with the fact that some people were like,
Starting point is 00:03:47 well, it's fake or it's a conspiracy. Well, no, it's not. It's fake. It's not a conspiracy. We're just not sure who organized it or how it happened.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So we know that some fucking kid climbed up on the roof and shot Trump or that some kid climbed up on the roof and someone else shot Trump and they just wanted to make it look like the kid or, or whatever, however you want to tell the story. But we all pretty much believe that, um, wherever you fall on it, that, uh, he, he was shot in the ear and then you could go on the other side, right? Some people now are saying that Trump even knew and they set it up so that he would get votes. I've heard that too. That's crazy. That is crazy, right? Yeah. Yeah I mean it's not so crazy That someone wouldn't do it but it is crazy
Starting point is 00:04:29 It is crazy I guess it's crazy to think that someone might actually do that I don't think that he would but I do think That that's not out of the realm of possibility for someone Um Let me ask both you guys this You guys probably have significantly more experience With guns than I do can we rule out
Starting point is 00:04:44 That It was a stunt and that they just said hey he just said hey just shoot my ear yeah yeah yeah like i mean okay i know this is risky but just shoot my ear i mean i will say that there's probably there is probably someone out there that could do that like hey just shoot my ear one in the fucking 10 50 100 000 yeah but i i don't think that that's what happened though it's like imagine taking a toilet that's a lot of risk to be the president man hey just shoot my ear go imagine looking through a toilet paper roll and somebody telling you and just and trying to like shoot somebody's ear like it's it's like looking through a toilet paper roll and somebody telling you and just and trying to like shoot somebody's ear like it's like looking through a fucking kaleidoscope. You're not just doing that. With how quickly that he crawled up on the fucking roof and now he's looking at him, he's like, oh, I'm going to take this shot just rapidly.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And yeah, I fall on the side of that. It's there's no conspiracy to it. I think some outraged radical leftist kid wanted to kill Trump, and I think that's all there is to it. I think there was a security breach, obviously. I mean, I know he wasn't in the event technically, but they should have caught him. And I could be a total idiot,
Starting point is 00:06:04 and a lot of the times I am on that stuff. I think we all are. There's probably so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we can't even start to imagine. We live in a society where there is a bronze statue sitting on a park bench of George Floyd in New York City that holds him up as a hero. Yep. that holds him up as a hero yep and we live in a society where we've been told for the last four years non-stop straight that if this dude gets elected it's the fall of democracy i have to guess that you mix those the two things together and someone thinks that some some idiot thinks hey i'm gonna be a hero and stop the next
Starting point is 00:06:45 hitler yeah yeah i mean it doesn't i mean you got but you have a uh if let's say half the country is those morons you have a 150 million people one of them has to get recruited by that message right yeah we have a country where people put holes in their fucking septums and dye their hair purple fucking septums and dye their hair purple what's wrong with the septum piercing though it's not that bad punching a hole in that thing that separates your fucking two major oxygen pathways I mean
Starting point is 00:07:15 that doesn't sound well thought out to me it does not that's the correlation that's among some of the least worries that i have and it's still that hair though yeah no it's crazy it is crazy i woke up this morning and went to the store and paid some guy 100 bucks to punch a hole in the fucking thing that fucking controls my airflow ways that keeps my fucking brain active and then i went to cvs in my spare time and bought
Starting point is 00:07:47 a box of shit to dye my hair purple i just i'm old yeah i'm old school i'm old it's crazy unprecedented times as some may say what about just a mohawk angelo remember when i was a kid you just shaved a mohawk oh okay yeah I had a mohawk when I was a kid Yeah just how about a mohawk And a jacket with some spikes on it Yeah How about a BB gun under the front seat of your car Leather bracelet
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah You know what I mean Yeah like I mean I'm sure it wasn't that long ago That I mean at Cookville High School I'm sure you could bring a shotgun in your car I mean I'm sure it wasn't that long ago that, I mean, at Cookville High School, I'm sure you could bring a shotgun in your car. I mean, I'm sure people do. But, like, you know, Cookville is a pretty big school, especially for around here. It's huge for around here.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And, like, probably wasn't that long ago that you could just, like, bring your hunting gun to school and go hunting before or after school. gun to school and go hunting before or after school and uh now if like if someone were to see a shotgun or a rifle in your car i mean you're you're never going back to school ever again you're expelled for sure yeah kid brought a gun to school when i was a kid um and passed it around the lunch room and the yard duty just took it away same that same kid brought a beer to school one time we passed it around he never got sent home for any of that did you drink the beer yeah i did how old were you second grade nice what kind of beer was it do you remember i don't jesse glaze was his name was it good did you like it at the time or was it terrible it's terrible yeah i see glaze is a porn star now yeah it was it was horrible uh jesse when jesse fought i saw him fight like 10 times he was 10 and 0 skinny white trash kid
Starting point is 00:09:25 and he would always cry when he was fighting i'd never forget he'd be on top of kids beating kids up and crying and i was always like wow he had something he he had something pent up for sure yeah dude he was crazy dude he was getting beat at home probably definitely was getting beat at home crazy um let's can we just go through these caleb and just look at these i've i've curated a uh a list by the way do you know who shannon doherty is angelo no she died uh this morning she was hugely popular when i was a kid there was a show called um uh 90210 beverly hills 90210 and in my college town um when that show would play the whole town would go quiet everyone watched it everyone watched it it was fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:10:14 it was nuts and i always tripped on her because she was crazy popular but her face, one of her eyes was higher than the other. Hmm. I always tripped on her. Let me see. She dies at 53, devoted daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. I guess when they say aunt, that means she doesn't have kids. That's their way of... 53 is pretty young. What'd she die from? She got cancer.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh. I saw a doctor yesterday, by the way, say that one of the side effects of the mRNA vaccine is that it makes it so chemotherapy won't work on cancer. That's good. Yeah. Okay, let's go through these. Let's look at these. Where do you want me to start? Let's just start at the top.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Biden speaks. Let's just go straight down. Did you see Elon endorse Trump last night? Yes. I just saw tweets. I didn't see anything about that. Did you by any chance see the Secret Service lady? Did you look into her wiki page at all by any chance?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Not enough, no. Good. Did you send me that or no? Maybe. But the lady, wait until we get to the lady who runs Secret Service. It's wild. President Biden. First address or second address?
Starting point is 00:11:35 I watched the first one. Did he do anything else after that or no? He said he might come out at 1230, but that was ridiculous. He was not going to come out at 1230. No way. His brain shut off at 8. Yeah. President Biden released a statement after a shooting at a rally so here's the other thing if you think this guy is hitler and it's and he's the cause of the fall of democracy anything you say after that uh lacks any sincerity in my point in my thought yeah if you really think
Starting point is 00:12:00 he's hitler you're stoked he got shot yeah I'm grateful to hear he's safe and doing well. I'm praying for him and his family. Do you think he actually prayed? You think like he got down on his knees by his bed and prayed? Maybe he attempted it but forgot what he was doing when he got down there and just stood back up. He just closed his eyes and said, I wish, and then fell asleep. Yeah. I don't believe he prayed.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I think it's lip service go ahead i don't think so i'm praying for him and his family and for all those who are at the rally i don't think he prayed for any of them uh and we await further information biden who is facing trump in 2024 presidential election uh in november added by the way the republican national convention is this Thursday. And I believe Dana White's going to be the – speak right before him and introduce him. Oh, sweet. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Are they going to play many men as he walks out by 50 Cent? Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There's no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it, the president said. I've been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania. I'm thankful he's safe. President Obama released his own statement prior to Biden saying there's absolutely no place for political violence in democracy. Yeah, I did see that.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Although we don't know, here's the part, although we don't know yet exactly what happened, we should all be relieved the former President Trump wasn't seriously hurt and used this moment to commit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. Obama said Michelle and I wish him a quick recovery. Damn. I don't believe any of it. Yeah, no, I don't really buy it. I don't believe any of it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Okay, let's go down to the next one, CNN. Classic. CNN and USA Today were saying stuff like – headlines like Donald Trump falls down. Was that true? Was that true? Donald Trump. I saw something that said it wasn't true, and I was nervous to say anything about that because I was like, ah, now I'm not so sure. Yeah, there's a lie. Trump falls down.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah. Disturbance causes Trump to take cover or something like that. Oh my goodness. Hey, what's this lady doing? This one? Yeah, no, the lady in front of Trump, the Secret Service lady. What's she doing? The same thing that the rest of them are doing? Why is she ducked down like everyone
Starting point is 00:14:45 else is standing tall and going like this but she looks like she's ducking for cover because there's steps that they're about to take i think so she's looking down yeah i think she's i think she's like guiding the steps yeah look at uh look at caleb protecting uh, being defensive for his fellow, uh, civil service. Okay. There's a reason for all this shit. I'm telling you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:10 All right. All right. Let's go. Really? A reason for like this whole, what do you mean? Uh, like there's a,
Starting point is 00:15:20 Hmm. Go ahead, Caleb. Uh, I don't know if I can actually say this, so I'm not like, that's like a, know if I can actually say this, so I'm not sure. That's like a tactics thing that I just don't think that I can talk about. Hey, what's that thing to the left of Trump right there? Is that a teleprompter or is that to block bullets?
Starting point is 00:15:37 What is that? I think that's a teleprompter. Okay. That's what they usually have on the sides, right? They have two or three of them. They have one in front and then one on either side. I don't know. Nick, I agree.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Angelo, it seemed too wild to be true. Let me show you this. Let me show you this. People Magazine, a healthy 16-year-old COVID. Let me show you this. this is one of my favorites this is this is a classic this is one of my favorites don't don't don't forget don't forget this boy is over um 300 pounds and uh he's so fat that his ears are gone and cnn says healthy teenager who took precautions suddenly died of COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Don't forget. Don't forget. Don't forget. Oh, gosh. Listen, he's so fat his cheeks are past his nose. Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. What constitutes as as healthy i guess today what what what precautions did he take angelo he's he's he hid in his room with a box of ho-hos three large pizzas
Starting point is 00:16:57 hey dude to be as fat as that kid That's probably a 4 year old boy Wait, what do you mean? No, I'm just joking He was 16 It's just Listen, listen to the I can't tell you how perfectly healthy 16 year old boy can be making his own peanut butter sandwiches
Starting point is 00:17:22 Late Wednesday night getting his own tea out of the fridge And headed up to bed. Can you, your kids eating sweet, drinking sweet tea and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before bed? And you can't tell me how healthy is. Don't worry. I know. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I mean, what did they say he died from? Hey, look at, look at his family picture. Look at him in the back there with the Christmas lights around his neck. Oh, yeah. Dude, his cheeks rest on his shoulders. Oh, yikes, dude. Do you know why he's in the back of that photo? So he doesn't take up the rest of the photo?
Starting point is 00:17:59 So he hides his belly? Yeah, because he's fucking hiding because he's so fucking fat. He was born premature at 25 weeks. He and his twin sister Abby spent months in the hospital before they were brought home. Damn, I didn't know any of that. When was this? When was this article published? 2020, June 19th. Okay, so this is old but i mean it shows what they're
Starting point is 00:18:28 capable of okay so so they're saying okay not in the timeline helps so he basically they're saying he was a healthy kid trying to protect himself from covid and even he even this healthy 16 year old boy was killed by covid yeah right yeah This kid, a heart attack was eminent before he was 18. But for a pre-diabetic 16-year-old kid. Like, pre-diabetic,
Starting point is 00:18:52 he's one of the fattest human beings you've ever seen in your life. But that's what I mean. That's what I mean. They don't, they don't,
Starting point is 00:18:59 they don't want you to, I mean, look at him here. Look, he's massive. Look at his shoulders. He's, maybe he's 400 look at his shoulders he's fuck maybe he's 400 pounds fuck that's a d1 lineman right there but the thing is is they don't they'll
Starting point is 00:19:12 tell you anything and anyone will believe it without using their own discernment i mean just imagine did they even think for a second that we were going to believe this yeah that's crazy and you know a ton of people did believe it oh you definitely yeah that probably hundreds of people probably got vaccinated after reading this article yeah thousands millions uh judy reed uh poor angelo fuck angelo poor angelo poor angelo thought we were still talking about trump and was trying to find the correlation no it's just the just the fact that the fucking media will tell you anything uh i was just trying to connect the dots someone roasting this kid like he made the article i'm not roasting the kid i'm roasting yeah we're roasting c for Portraying him a certain way
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah If they would have portrayed him as this Overweight kid dies Then I guess there wouldn't be a headline and they wouldn't be able to use it If your kid is this fat You better get him to lose weight quickly Fat kids die from COVID
Starting point is 00:20:21 The only kids that die from COVID Are massively obese that would yeah that might that might get some people going out on a jog every now and then it's it's crazy it's it's that thing that glassman says man trust your own discernment don't outsource your discernment yeah did you see the photo well we'll get to it okay uh usa today old man startled we haven't even watched this yet oh oh no we don't have to watch it just oh she's sure we can watch it let's listen to this lady though this is if you don't follow this lady's account it's pretty good she's a um
Starting point is 00:20:55 plastic surgeon with huge old titties and she's hot and she's armenian love that yeah an assassination attempt on trump and look look at what CNN posts. Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after he falls at rally. I just want you guys, even in this moment, this iconic photo, which will probably get Trump elected. This will probably seal the deal for Trump. Showing you the gaslighting. Sorry. She's crying. The gaslighting. Sorry. She's crying.
Starting point is 00:21:28 The gaslighting. The lies. I called out CNN before and I'm calling them out again. Okay. Wow. She's crying. Hey, Mike.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I actually hate CNN. Andrew, did you see anyone cry when he got shot? Anyone in your group cry? No. I don't think anybody cried. I was in the garage with the boys. They were doing 99 rounds. That's as high as the rogue timer went.
Starting point is 00:22:00 On 30-second intervals with 5 seconds to switch stations. We were working out in the garage and my wife goes shit I think it was my wife she goes Trump was shot and I turned on the TV and they played the video and my 7 year old
Starting point is 00:22:16 one of the 7 year old twins started bawling really? bawling out of what? just because he was so sad. Out of fear or? Just sad that he got shot. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I got to get him a trip. This is crazy, though. Yeah. Dude, I think next week Taylor might wear a Trump Speedo. Oh, sweet. And kill Taylor. Because it's a swim workout next week That would be amazing
Starting point is 00:22:50 Fucking nuts Secret Service rushes Trump off stage After he falls at rally Trump removed from stage by Secret Service After a large noise startles former president Oh my gosh. That is insane. Old man startled.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah, see, that sounds like a headline about Biden. He gets startled, they take him off. George Floyd had almost four times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood. He had a speed in his blood, methamphetamines in his blood. He was drunk. He was stoned. He was and he died of a heart attack. He was saying he can't breathe. And when they asked Joe Biden about it right away, he said that he was murdered by the cops. He didn't hesitate at all within, you know, 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:23:50 He was saying he was murdered. But when they ask him and we'll get to the clip in a little bit, what happened to Trump? He's like, I don't want to jump to any. Yeah, he's like, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not. Yeah, I'm not sure. What do you mean they shot at him? I mean, that sounds like an assassination attempt to me.
Starting point is 00:24:08 The stories I'm hearing, by the way, from some people who are close to the inside, is that he did not have a full security detail, and that he had been asking for a full security detail, but he wasn't going to get it for another couple days until after the Republican convention. And so they didn't have the manpower to have someone on that roof over there have you heard anything like that what about the video of like the what about i mean there's though there's that one interview
Starting point is 00:24:38 with the guy and you know that could be whatever and then what about the picture video of like the you know that could be whatever and then what about the picture video of like the the uh police snipers on the other building that look like they're pointed towards him and they don't and they don't engage i don't know i mean i don't know what they're seeing they could be looking a different direction but i don't know what's going on there yeah it looks it looks like both those gunmen uh the secret service gunmen are fully engaged and it looks like they're looking at something through their scopes. Go ahead, Caleb. The way that I see it is they had, so if you look at like, here,
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'll just pull this up. This is like a map of the space. They have this one building, right? You're going to have... Is that circle where the stage Trump was standing on? Yeah, the white circle here in the middle is just about where he was standing.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And then these three white roofs are where Secret Service had their counter-sniper team on. And then this building up on the top here. Was where the shooter with Down syndrome was. Right, yeah. The Reddit user was crawling up on the roof here so what i imagine has happened is they had this one sniper team up here it was just a pair and they have to scan like all of this and they had some bystander call out like hey there's somebody on the roof with a gun uh correction bystanders many okay so
Starting point is 00:26:07 yeah i've seen many videos now people saying like hey we saw the dude climbing up on the roof yeah you have bystanders plural calling it out and so that takes a second i'm sure by the time they knew he was a cop too right for all they knew that guy was secret no way no yeah i mean you could maybe you see somebody and you're like, oh, that looks weird. I mean, yeah, I would say for a few – I mean, obviously they're not going to see a guy just engage blindly. But when we – the only reason I can actually speak from a little bit of experience – so we had the tornado here. Sorry, I'm going to go off subject just for a second. Please, yeah, yeah, go, go, go. We had the tornado here and Trump came here after the tornado. And I mean, it was very clear what
Starting point is 00:26:53 everyone was doing. And that was very minor. I don't even think he had a speech or anything. He just walked through the area for like five minutes and left. but it was very clear what you were supposed to do and what was expected of other people. Obviously my side wasn't similar. Wasn't that like what he was doing, what those secret service or police were doing, but they do utilize the local agencies. And it's a very calculated, um, procedure to where like, we didn't even know what we were doing until the morning of because we are not in law enforcement. They didn't want anybody outside of law enforcement knowing at all what was going on. And they briefed us. It was very clear what we were supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And really, if you deviate from it at all, it's not good. Like, you're in trouble. So, like, to the point where there was a crew at our little regional airport here, that's actually not an airport, our airstrip, that they were to be standing there, you know, full turnout gear with a line of water ready to, you know, ready to spray if something happens and they were to do nothing else. Stand there with that line ready to go. You mean in case Trump's playing?
Starting point is 00:28:12 By the way, for those of you who don't know, Angelo's a fireman in Cookville. You mean in case Trump's plane crashed or something like that? Something, anything. Yeah, that just, I mean, it was just like, it was just very clear what everyone was supposed to be doing. And I know that the law enforcement knew for a while. I mean, obviously it was only like a few days after the 20-hour. But they knew for a couple days how this was going to go on, and they had a lot of meetings about it. with security like that and the other that that counter sniper team that was behind him
Starting point is 00:28:45 didn't know or weren't sure that there if there was going to be somebody over there i just don't i don't buy that i think that i don't think that they didn't know i think by the time that the message was relayed to them they he was already on the roof like in position to take a shot and so yeah i think, that's probably accurate. I think they, so the bystanders were telling the local police, local police has to radio that to somebody else. And then they radio that to the sniper team and the cyber teams, like, where are they? Like, where is this person?
Starting point is 00:29:17 And then the two of them, the sniper spotter have to like position themselves to go look over in that direction. And they have to find this guy laying prone on the backside of a roof who's just got his head peeked over the top to take a shot and then you
Starting point is 00:29:33 fire at that guy. You can hear it. They fucking mag dump into that guy. As soon as they see him he's fucking dead. There's no like they're not holding back fucking dead you know like they're not they there's no like they're they're not holding back they're not like oh well i don't know they're like no they verify what they're
Starting point is 00:29:51 seeing and they they make sure that there's nothing in the background and they fucking mag dump at him i do think i do think i heard that they the angle that they had on it wasn't the angle that like the bystanders were having. I think that might be where the miscommunication could have happened. I did hear that. They're like, well, the angle where those sniper team were, they probably couldn't have seen him where he was at,
Starting point is 00:30:14 where we were seeing him, where we were standing. So maybe that, that was the delay that they were like, yeah, you're like, you said, where are we pointing?
Starting point is 00:30:21 Where's he at? Cause they were like, there's nothing over there. They don't, they don't know there's something over there. Let me add a couple of details here. So one of the bystanders I saw being interviewed was like telling a couple of cops who were obviously walking around over there, said to them, hey, there's a guy on the roof. And the cops are like, we don't see him. And he's like, hey, just come over here and you can see him from this angle.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So let's presume that then the cops finally see them and that they're on some sort of bandwidth or a channel that everyone's on then they say hey we got a guy on the roof and then you can see while trump trump is speaking and we'll show the video here in a little bit um that uh the snipers are look like they're looking through their scopes they look like they're seriously engaged but then when the shots fire the guy on the big fucking gun pulls off his gun. Like he flinches. The guy, one of the snipers? Yeah, the guy that Caleb referred to as a counter sniper. Yeah, this guy on the roof.
Starting point is 00:31:20 So that guy and the guy next to him, they look like they're looking at something, right? Yeah. They look like they're looking through, are they looking through scopes there you think caleb yeah well and you look if you look really closely he there so you have the guy on the right who's the spotter he's just on oh that guy doesn't have a gun he's just looking negative yeah he just has a fucking there's okay they work in pairs normally unless you're like a fucking seal team six 6 motherfucker. And then you have this guy on a tripod with a sniper rifle.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And he is, if you look at the angle of his rifle, he's kind of looking downwards. And then you see him look up and check to see if what he's seeing is what he's seeing. And then he repositions his
Starting point is 00:32:05 rifle to start taking shots did you see he flinched though i can you play that with the audio i think yeah i did did he fire or no or he just or is he just moving i think he was just moving so here he moves the whole tripod right which that's another thing you like if you're in a stationary position and you need to reposition you have to move the whole fucking yeah, that's another thing. If you're in a stationary position and you need to reposition, you have to move the whole fucking thing. Yeah, that's... Go ahead and play. You know, that's a little bit old.
Starting point is 00:32:31 That chart's a couple of months old. If you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. So he flinches there and the gun swings up for a second. Yeah. Is that a fuck up? Probably a little bit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Yeah. I think, I mean, so imagine, like, the last time... Yeah. I mean... The last time there was an assassination tape was JFK, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:58 When was the last time Secret Service or anybody else has dealt with, like, an actual assassination attempt? If you see that shit you're like oh fuck oh fuck and then yeah then you gotta yeah there's uh there is like i mean i can only i've never shot at a person and i've certainly never killed a person but i've shot at shot at and killed many animals and like when you i i mean it's the seven have you ever hunted have you ever killed anything other than like birds and squirrels and shit and gophers okay so you
Starting point is 00:33:32 haven't killed like a human-sized animal no no it's crazy i shot a frog once i felt horrible in a pond with a 22 i felt horrible was your heart racing or what yeah i killed a hummingbird once too with the 22 fuck so like i can only i can only speak from like shooting animals it is like crazy how you feel so and so like to kayla's point is like they haven't shot at a person i mean that might that person if that is a is you think he he's secret service, do you think he's Secret Service, Caleb, do you think? Say it again? Is that guy the sniper? Is he Secret Service? Yeah, for sure. So no matter what it is, there's a chance that he's never killed anybody.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And so it's like, it's crazy to, I can't even imagine like what it feels like or how much adrenaline is going on it so yeah i could i could see someone messing up but i mean there's only so much you can only train train that so much hey caleb hit paper targets so many times until you like like you have to actually shoot a person and you're like oh fuck that let me ask you this caleb so does let is that guy with the gun does he say i see somebody on the roof and then does someone else say to him do not engage do not engage or does he say like i have the target should i take the shot like is there that discussion prior i don't think there's no there's probably zero discussion there so did he have the could he have made the choice i see a guy in a roof and
Starting point is 00:35:05 it's not acceptable and just blasted him before he took the shot can you just shoot a guy on a roof yeah if you saw him with a gun like i think there you have a if you're in a position like that where you're doing like executive protection like that's you're working well within your authority to yeah fire upon somebody could he have thought wait second, maybe that's one of our guys? No, I don't think that part. No, I don't think that part. I do think that there is a chance. I think the biggest thing is that they couldn't line up where exactly he was,
Starting point is 00:35:38 for one, depending on the angle they had. And then two, I think for sure he has to make um he as himself and for his career and his job and whatever he wants to make sure that person has a gun and is gonna shoot like if it's just somebody crawling up there to video and you should you shoot you waste him like yeah i know that he shouldn't be up there but there could be some crazy guy up there with a camera trying to just film. And you waste him anyways. I think it goes back to Angela's point about how everything's planned beforehand. Everything that they do has some sort of sequence to it.
Starting point is 00:36:18 So they know where everybody is. And everybody who's a part of that staff is like aware like hey there's a group of however many people that are going to be around the stage there's going to be a sniper spotter team on top of the building behind him there's going to be another cyber spotter team over here there's going to be guys patrolling in the crowd like everybody's aware of where everybody is at one point in time so if you see somebody who's out of place with a gun it's like you're not you that very obviously shouldn't be there. We need to engage on that.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Look what Steve is saying. Steve is saying we got the guys backwards, that the guy closest to us is the spotter, the guy who's up high, the guy who flinched. Okay. And the guy down, can we watch that one more time? Yeah. Let's watch that one more time.
Starting point is 00:37:04 That would change everything and you know that's a little bit old that's yours a couple of months old and if you want to really see something that said take a look at what happened dude i don't know wait but the spotter am i am i an idiot but the spotter usually doesn't have a gun he usually has like a spotting scope that's what i would imagine too but now that i'm looking at the guy who's like crouched down more he looks like he has a gun on him okay so they both have guns yeah i guess i mean it is possible for him to use the scope of a gun as a spotting scope. I get that. It just doesn't seem normal. I don't know, but I've never been in that position.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I have no clue. Yes, Caleb, everything is staged. Who's staging it? Dude, I never said it was staged. You're taking words out of my mouth, Hiller. You're projecting your own thoughts on me. Denise, so much is off with this story of this kid. Smart kid, got an award for math and science and graduation in 2022,
Starting point is 00:38:09 registered Republican, and donated to a liberal progressive group through Democrat Act Blue. Act Blue was the organization that was collecting money for George Floyd that was being funneled straight to Democrats. for George Floyd that was being funneled straight to Democrats. Apparently the shooter was in a BlackRock commercial in 2023. I saw it on Twitter, so take it
Starting point is 00:38:34 with a grain of salt. What's BlackRock? I think it's... Is that the protection? The giant security agency no that's black water oh black rocks the investment company black rocks the investment company that controls everything they own everything no way they're like the ones that own like 70 80 percent of everything and that kid looked like he was probably in a commercial
Starting point is 00:39:05 for crack rock uh we'll also pull up an article in a little bit about this but on uh april 16th i forget the guy's name we'll get to it in a bit uh the democrats also tried to uh they suspected that trump was going to get convicted for the felonies and they tried to bring up in congress that anyone who's a felon can't get uh secret service detail so in april the democrats were already trying to have his secret service detail removed from him and now trump's had secret service detail with him for 10 years in some form or another yeah well i don't i don't get i don't understand why do they what does it matter to them like i think he obviously needs it yeah clearly right clearly yeah i mean once you're once you're president you have that detail for life yeah so uh go ahead and go down um to the
Starting point is 00:40:04 instagram clip it says they're gonna have to put a bullet in trump do you see that one caleb yeah sunday morning who thought we'd be talking about i thought we'd be talking about team events at the crossfit games i'm glad we're not this is way better uh okay here we go on the sidelines and say oh well don't worry this will all work itself out they're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in donald trump sit back On the sidelines and say, oh, well, don't worry, this will all work itself out. They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Sit back on the sidelines and say, oh, well, don't worry, this will all work itself out. They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Sit back on the MSNBC. Holy shit, dude. Oh, my God. Yikes, brother. There's tons of stuff like that. Three days before he got shot, Biden was speaking to his biggest donors and said, hey, we got to get Trump in the bullseye. We'll get to that quote in a minute. Sorry, I just struggle with conspiracies in general so
Starting point is 00:41:06 it's hard for me to like do you guys think we land on the moon yeah i do okay me too uh what's another big conspiracy but the thing is is like going back to what you said in the beginning we have to kind of define conspiracy like some people just think if it's a big story that it's a conspiracy, right? Yeah. Like the CIA killing JFK, I don't think is a conspiracy. Like we know he was killed and someone did it.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And like, does it matter? Like who did it? I mean, it's a little unsettling that it would be the people who are supposed to protect them. But, um,
Starting point is 00:41:40 there's a difference between the earth is flat and they're protecting and they're protecting resources on the other side of Antarctica and keeping us dumb versus – you know what I mean? Or that there's lizard people actually running – that Hillary Clinton is wearing a mask and she's really a lizard under there. I mean that shit is really unsettling. I mean that shit's really unsettling. Yeah. I struggle with any of those kind of – any of those – I'm just going to call them conspiracies though. I struggle with all of those.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I don't know what – I can't believe any of it. So it's hard for me to buy into any of this, and maybe I'm just a dumb redneck. That's probably what it is like i think that i think the whole i think i i just don't see everything being so uh planned out but i like i said i i know i'm a dumb redneck so i guess i guess i just i i think the government is just way too dumb to be coming up with shit like this. Yeah. Like having worked in the government for the past six years and then living with somebody who like being raised in like around the government, it's just,
Starting point is 00:42:51 there's no way. Like, it's just too dumb. There's too many dumb people. Way too many dumb people. Yeah. Yeah. And they just can't,
Starting point is 00:43:00 there's no, uh, you can't come up with a plan and actually execute that plan in a way that works. I mean, on a smaller scale, look at CrossFit. They can't even – now that they tell 25 people no to the games events or whatever, the Open, semifinals, whatever it is, they can't keep that under wraps. You think thousands of people could keep like an assassination attempt under
Starting point is 00:43:25 wraps for weeks or whatever, however long it took to plan it. There's no way. And those guys I think are dumber than, uh, some of the people that run CrossFit. Like, so,
Starting point is 00:43:34 so here would be like a conspiracy that Donald, that it was staged and Donald Trump did it on purpose. Like he knew it would happen. Now we're getting into some weird, like, and it was actually like, he cut his own ear like they do in WWE Yeah, like a cat back in there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Yeah Correct when the media says stuff like Hitler tyrant dictator, he's a threat etc Some psycho will take that as permission that see I think that's more like what you said earlier I think that's more accurate of like someone's like, oh, they they almost want me to do this. I'm going to do it. Right. Denise, newest conspiracy I'm hearing is that it was staged to set up a retaliation attempt on Biden so they can get him out and put her in before the election. Maybe Both Trump and RFK Jr. Asked for more service security And Biden denied it
Starting point is 00:44:29 Totally for RFK Jr. But they approved now Oh they did approve now Here's the thing Biden has cut so much Funding And like just gotten rid of So many assets for all of our.
Starting point is 00:44:46 All of the DOD. That it's just. That's why we have these issues. Because we don't have any money. And we don't have any people. And we don't have any assets. We're fucked. Niv Russo. Seve I watched the two final episodes for the season of the boys i have to
Starting point is 00:45:08 agree it's 100 political it was gay i finally realized that i watched four seasons of gay porn in the 90s they had something called uh skinamax late night with cinemax and it was soft porn and it was less and it was crazy considered crazy when i was a kid and I'd realized that the boys is Less crazy than or more crazy than that and I just watched four seasons of but the good thing is is I wasn't aroused once It's like the most popular show on Amazon Prime it's disgusting I really enjoyed it it's gay porn Superhero gay porn, It's gay porn. Sweet. Superhero gay porn.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's a bunch of superheroes. It's nuts. Okay, I want to show you a picture of the shooter. You don't want to judge a book by its cover, but the shape of that head. That's the shooter? Yeah, looks like he has some sort of mental like right like that no wonder they hit him first shot got him right through that five head brother he looks like something's wrong with him right i mean looks like he's got like a definitely down syndrome or something. Worse. That's your average Reddit user right there.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It is your average Reddit user, yeah. Just the wispy hair, the giant forehead, the bizarre jawline. Yeah, the underbite, yeah. Oh, it's the underbite. That's what I'm seeing. You're right. It looks like one of those like pugs. It looks like one of those pugs like that you rescue from
Starting point is 00:46:45 the shelter you're like ah it's only gonna live a couple years so we'll take it home and we'll take care of it but i don't really like it yeah what are those dudes called that um like uh don't have sex or asexual uh they have a word like suser it's um they got their own word hold on how am i forgetting he's definitely one of those dudes but when i think of anything i anything anything i read on reddit or someone's in cell in cell what in cell in cell i've never heard that what the stamp? I think it's incelibate. Like no one will fuck them? Involuntarily celibate. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the ultimate victimhood, right? That just says, you might as well just, that involuntary celibate means you're a rapist, potential rapist. I mean, who would call themselves that? Anyway. They don't call themselves that. Oh, they don't? That's the term that you give somebody I thought it was like a group
Starting point is 00:47:50 no like insta LLC we label them that anyway anytime anyone's like you don't go to reddit no because that's what I think everyone looks like on reddit yeah that's about what they look like they pop the
Starting point is 00:48:06 dude's head i don't know if you got i'd like to show the photo you can see it um you can freak out you show the photo i don't know i'm not gonna show that no probably not it's that's that's a pretty gnarly photo. You think if I make that my profile picture on my Instagram, it gets locked up forever? A hundred percent. Oh, shit. Elon made a post saying that that bitch used to guard
Starting point is 00:48:37 Cheerios is down. It's gone from X. He deleted his post. I'm going to show you. This is the lady who's the head of the Secret Service. And she's super proud of her DEI efforts. We'll get to that too. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:48:57 She joined the United States Secret Service in 1995. In 2017 to 2018, she served as Deputy Assistant Director. She also served as Special Agent in Charge in the Grand Rapids, Michigan office. She was the first woman to serve as an Assistant Director of Protective Operations at Department Task Force. From 2019 to 2022, Cheadle served as the Senior Director of Global Security at Pepsi-Cola. She was responsible for directing and implementing security protocols for the company's facilities in North America.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So she was guarding Cheetos, as Elon Musk said. She went from guarding Cheetos to guarding presidents. I'm sorry. Say it. How'd she get in that position Because she's a woman I'm not discounting
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm truly not discounting anything maybe she's ever done But like Did she get there because she's a woman I just want to know Yes she's a DEI hire She's 100% a DEI hire And hey dude it's totally fair to ask that In the current climate of how people are
Starting point is 00:50:05 hired. It is. It's wide. I just want to know. It's wide open. It's wide open. It's openly publicly said, uh, I have friends who were passed on promotions and they were told, Hey, it's cause so-and-so is a woman. I had a friend recently who finished top in his class in the fire Academy in San Jose, California. They said, we will not hire any more white men. Um um he's moving to texas yeah i know a lot of stories very similar so um yeah yeah we know we it's it's not a um that's not a conspiracy at all it's like no no joe biden joe biden said hey if i put someone in the supreme court it will be a black woman. Think of how narrow that makes your pool to choose from going to black and woman.
Starting point is 00:50:50 How many black woman qualified attorney judges are there that belong on the Supreme Court? How many just people in general are qualified? Is that not racist? Am I wrong? 100% racist. It's 100% racist. I mean, that's terrible. Racist and sexist all at once. It's 100% racist. I mean, that's terrible. Racist and sexist all at once.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, it's 100%. Especially when your job is to uphold the Constitution. It's not to weigh in on what's the best fucking tampon to use. Okay, the left calls for violence regularly. Do you see that? Should I play it, Caleb, because I got a better connection? Sure. Here, I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah, it's nuts. And what's funny is I never see reels put together like this of people on the right, ever. Here we go. They're too busy going to work see reporter who took to twitter to write if i was biden i'd hurry up and have trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to america's security that's david aronovich joe you now have the right to take that trump out take him out joe if he was hitler this was 1940, you'd take him out. Well, he is Hitler and this is 1940.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Take him the out. I think that Joe Biden should officially have Donald Trump killed off and that would solve this problem of him being too stupid to run our country for four more years. I said, no. I said, if we're in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. problem of uh him being too stupid to uh run our country for four more years i said no i said if we're in high school i'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him i will go and take trump out tonight taking waters from california as the problem please and it just goes on and on to say those things i didn't know you were allowed to say those things either like out of all the
Starting point is 00:52:43 things that you can't say these days you can say that you want to kill a former president or that someone should kill a former president. That's crazy. That lady that you saw, that lady-looking thing, this is her Instagram account. She has 1.1 million followers. She's Lord of the Lesbians, award-winning actor, comedian, jazz musician. It actually says Lord of the lesbians award-winning actor comedian jazz yeah a musician if you look wait wait but her her uh her pronouns aren't in her bio so
Starting point is 00:53:12 i'm not sure that it is that she she's she's legit or it's legit yeah you just can't assume really she hey she won with the mohawk though yeah she did rock the mohawk with no piercings i'll give her that uh she took down the video because she knows they're coming for her talks uh shit but cowards down when actions come into play disgusting not only outside but inside also time for you to take a dirt nap wow so this is him does the venue have a does the venue have a metal detector asking for a friend so she took down the post. A 60-year-old woman with the haircut of a 14-year-old boy and mental fortitude of an 8-year-old girl.
Starting point is 00:53:52 That's not nice. I don't even know. That's not cool. I can't even stand on what you said. No surprise. Yeah, so. Oh, my gosh. 60-year-old woman with the haircut.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Let's see. Any more the haircut, let's see any more fun ones Let's see. I Think the first guy in the video that we just played is the guy who interviewed one of the bystanders that called out He's the guy who interviewed one of the bystanders that called out the dude on the roof was from BBC. I think that's the first guy in this video. Crazy. That's a crazy connection you just made. You pretty sure about that? Let me double check.
Starting point is 00:54:37 David Aronovich? Yeah, hold on. While you do that, I want to show this really quick. Is that cool? Yeah. Remember, this is two weeks ago when I'm about to show you. This is two weeks ago. Up until 12 hours ago, these people were calling you a conspiracy theorist for mentioning Biden's fitness.
Starting point is 00:55:01 The only reason they stopped is because last night CNN accidentally showed the entire country Biden looks like a lobotomized zombie. Narrative that Joe Biden is an old man, of course, and I'm not disputing that he's not 81 years old, but we are going to separate the fact from the fiction. There are a lot of videos going around about President Biden on social media. These videos, I mean, they're blatant lies. They are lying to their audience. Making up and distorting things about the current president. Trying to get people to believe visuals that aren't real. The videos are oftentimes made up deceptively edited videos known as cheap fakes.
Starting point is 00:55:37 A cheap fake. At least that's what the White House calls this viral video of President Biden. The White House says there's a cheap fake problem. Cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Videos of real events that are intentionally manipulated. We're hearing about so-called cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Cheap fakes. Distorted, out of context videos, chopped up in certain ways, constructed in certain ways. Look at him. Look at Biden. It is not true. He was fine. But they are creating this narrative. The technology is just going to get more and more efficient at making these videos look more and more real when they're really not.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Two weeks ago, they were telling us that don't believe your eyes. Yeah. Two fucking weeks ago. But the thing about those what they if you've watched any long form of Biden, like all of that can be put to rest from the debate. All of it. If you watch the whole debate, you're like, holy shit, all this stuff they've clipped up isn't clickbait. It's real. This guy's a moron and he can't form a sentence. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Something's wrong with him. Call or hold on. Of course, the phone doesn't work. But everyone else Everyone else is known forever Anyone with a brain Yeah exactly Hold on caller hold on
Starting point is 00:56:53 I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying Let's see Wouldn't it be great if the phone Connection unsuccessful Jesus Christ I don't know I don't know if i'm gonna get you caller hold on you can't hear anything hold on
Starting point is 00:57:19 hold on I don't know Okay hold on Here we go Fucking old school Okay go ahead caller Uh hey Can you hear me Yes
Starting point is 00:57:40 Okay hey my wife told me to call in She's a big fan of your podcast You sound very masculine my wife told me to call in. She's a big fan of your podcast. You sound very masculine. Your wife told you to do that? Yeah. So a little background story. I'm actually a former Secret Service. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I apologize. Strike that last comment from me. But I was actually on President Trump, uh, president Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, uh, protection detail. And, um, so she told me to call in and give my insight. Please, please, please. Um, so just, I mean, real quick, uh, like if you just want me to give you a, um, just kind of like an overview of everything.
Starting point is 00:58:31 You know, when watching the assassination attempt, it was pretty shocking what happened. But, you know, as Secret Service agents are taught that when something like that happens, that they need to cover, conceal, and protect their protectee. And the Secret Service did that. The detail that's around him jumped on him and concealed him from the assassin. The problem that I saw on there was that whenever there's an attack, that's considered the X. And you need to move off of that X as soon as possible, because your attacker has designated that X as the best place to conduct their attack. So therefore, if you move off that X, you're changing the variables of the fight to try to gain your advantage. And in my opinion, the detail did not move fast enough.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So it's a little bit of a gig on them. In addition to that, you also have other elements of security. So President Trump is a former president. He's a front runner for the Republican Party. So therefore, he doesn't have a full-blown protection detail as what President Biden has currently. So his resources are limited. But when it comes to a big site like that, where he's doing a speech, you're only limited to whatever manpower you have at the time. And it might be there's other visits. There might be overseas visits where the manpower has got to be shifted.
Starting point is 01:00:18 So I don't know what was given to that particular site. was given to that particular site. Based off what I saw, it looked like there was two counter-assault team members, which we refer to as CAT. And then you also had a counter-sniper team. And I don't know how many counter-sniper teams that were out there. There might have been one. Maybe that's why they were so close to the protectee because they had such a wide area to cover not saying that that's the best course
Starting point is 01:00:52 action but that might have been what was only provided to them at the time and that was the best point on that they could put in place but when all that happened it seemed like there was a breakdown in communication. You had, if counter sniper had identified a target of a man on the roof, there should have been a communication that went down to the protection detail, letting them know that there's a possible issue. And then pull them right off the stage right away. And pull them right off the stage and be like,
Starting point is 01:01:24 Mr. President, we have a situation we got, we got to have you you stop or at least have someone jump up there right at least have someone jump up there yes yes and in addition to that you would have also the cat teams start staging and getting closer in case something happens because if you're on that x and that shooter you know who's out on the roof, you don't know if there's another person out in that crowd that's going to add to that fight. So you need to bring in that counter assault.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And it seemed like the counter assault team moved in slower. And I know that they carry flashbangs. I know they carry smoke. And in my opinion, they should have issued deployed smoke because once you put that smoke it conceals the target and then they can then move and then your attackers don't know exactly where their target is um but overall like president trump was very lucky uh and the secret service is also very lucky that they don't have a dead protectee on their hands. If I had to rate the Secret Service's performance, what I saw, I don't know the details. Everything could change.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'd rate them at a C or a D as far as performance. Wow. as far as performance. Wow. What about the guy on the roof? Let's say he saw the guy. Going back to one of the things we were talking about earlier, let's say he saw the guy.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Did he have the authority to just shoot him? Just be like, hey, that doesn't look right, and just kill him? So, I'm going to make the assumption that there is one counter sniper team and if they're looking at a wide variety they're scanning a wide range to look for a target if that guy popped up and if he was climbing up a roof he's somewhat concealed. So when he pops his head out to make the shot, the time has started. So one,
Starting point is 01:03:29 you're hoping that when he pops up, the counter sniper teams can identify him quickly. Then once the counter sniper team identifies them, they have to go through a checklist because as a law enforcement agency, they're accountable for every single round that's fired so if they shot and they had a mistake whether it was a like a kid with a camera officer yeah fellow officer a kid with a camera would be my two guesses hey it's some kid with a long lens in the camera exactly so they've they've got to see it they and they're like, as soon as they see it, they're calling up and be like, hey, we have an unidentified person on building number whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Is that one of our guys? We're seeing him. He's wearing this, this, this. We're looking for a weapon. What's his actions? They're looking for confirmation because they do not want to take a shot and be wrong because they're held liable for that shot where the attacker can fire 20 you know 5 10 20 however amount rounds he wants he's like there's no accountability for him if he hits 50 different people where the law
Starting point is 01:04:43 enforcement officers he shoots misses and hits someone else behind that. He's, he's accountable for that round that missed. So they were probably going through a checklist of, do we have a shot? Do we have authorization? And then once they probably saw shots and then once again, I am assuming here, and this is all speculation, but once they probably saw the shots, they said, that's a green light, go. And that's when the shot went out. Let me ask you this, and I'm going to make a huge presupposition here.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Why were there three women on his security detail? Why would you have a woman in a job that a man is better suited to do? Um, that's just the way the secret service works. You don't want to say, fuck you, Sevan, that's sexist.
Starting point is 01:05:35 That's not true. I mean, I don't want to say that at all. And like, I would actually agree with you. As a matter of fact, I'll, I'll tell you a story here in a second,
Starting point is 01:05:43 but, um, let me first address your question. Please, please. As far as having the detail, like Secret Service for the last several years has been hemorrhaging manpower. They can't keep agents on because they're constantly traveling on protection. They're all over the place. People are constantly leaving for a better quality of life. They don't want to guard Hunter. They're tired of guarding Hunter Biden.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Every president assigns who gets protection. And typically with Biden, when he was vice president, he gave protection to all of his family members, grandkids and everything like that. So the mission changes every administration as far as a footprint um but then we keep on adding protectees so i know a previous caller was talking about uh defunding the doj secret services are funded by the doj secret services actually funded by department of homeland security that's who they fall under. And they moved over from, um, the treasury department after nine 11 under DHS. Um, but as far as like going back to the women, you know, there are capable women that can do the job that are physically fit. Um, but I also know that the
Starting point is 01:07:02 standards aren't being upheld the way they should. And the story I mentioned was when I was on President Trump's detail after he won the election. And I had been with him for about a year at that point. And I'm physically fit. I'm a former military. Try to stay in shape and whatnot. Of course you're fit. You listen to the Sevan podcast. Of course you're fit. Of course. So, um, but we look the part and when I go out there, like, I mean,
Starting point is 01:07:36 I don't know if this is your personal number. I can actually send you photos of me on the detail and everything. I look pissed. I look like I'm going to fuck you up. If you try to step over that line, like testing, like that's the look that you want to present. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And after he won and then the presidential detail took over protection for him as the, uh, as the new elected president. The campaign detail was kind of being pushed aside. And I remember seeing a presidential protection detail agent that was assigned to him. And Trump looks at her, looks at the other guy who's a, we call it PPD, PPD agent, and he's a little overweight.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And he looks around and he goes, why are all these fat people around me? He's like, you want people that look big. And slaps my shoulder and goes, he's like, I want people to know that if they mess with me, they're getting it. Yeah. And like, even then,
Starting point is 01:08:46 Trump was kind of noticing what was around him. Not saying that, you know, everyone, you know, is a stellar of health or everything like that, or if they're a little out of shape, they can't do the job. But when the time comes that you got to act quick, those little factors matter. Like if you can't run up the stairs fast enough, then that's a factor you need to address. If you can't, you know, carry your protectee down a flight of stairs or whatever, then that's a factor you need to address because in the key moments, milliseconds matter. And that's what you train for.
Starting point is 01:09:30 You don't train just, you know, look good or anything. So when the fight comes to you, that you've put that training in to be ready for that moment. So you're saying you can't just go in there and be like, I need, we have President Trump. I need 12 men who are six foot two", who can run a six-minute mile. Like, they don't have – and you just pick them. Like, that's how I picture the Secret Service to be. You got, like, 100 dudes to pick from, and you just pick the dudes to work. It used to be like that when they had a lot of manpower.
Starting point is 01:10:02 But since then, they've been losing manpower, and it's kind of, you know, you get what you get, where you can go. They had a fat girl out there, dude, who couldn't holster her gun. Who couldn't holster her gun. Yeah. Was her belly in the way? I was watching it and going, oh, yeah, this is all standard. You know, it just, it's sad. Like, I remember seeing agents that were extremely overweight and there was nothing that would, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:24 the management would do to address that and say, hey, you're overweight. You kind of got to look the part. But I will say that that's kind of a new development that's been happening over the years because when George W. Bush was in office and manpower was a lot larger than what it is, I didn't know this when President Bush was in office and manpower was a lot larger than what it is. I didn't know this when President Bush was in office, but he was a fast runner. He could run like the wind. So if you were going to be on his detail, you had to be able to run and keep up with him. Because if you could not keep up with him, he would tell the Secret Service, don't bring that person on my detail.
Starting point is 01:11:07 But I don't know if that's changed because of the manpower issues that have happened or what, but it used to be like that. I really appreciate you calling in. Let me ask another question. How many people, including Secret Service,
Starting point is 01:11:22 Sheriff, Police, Highway Patrol, how many do you think were there total just like rough i know we can't know for sure you think 50 so it depends um so every site there's a an assessment of threat assessment of attendance um an assessment of available manpower. I don't know how big the site is. So if the site was really large, that security footprint could be larger. If the attendance was lower, it would be significantly less. I can't make that assumption.
Starting point is 01:12:00 If I had to make an average based off my experience on the campaign, I would say there was probably anywhere between 20 to 30 Secret Service agents. And then uniformed officers were probably around 10. I'm sorry, Secret Service uniformed officers. There was probably 10. And then you had the specialized units that was probably another 10 and then local law enforcement and that's solely dependent on what they can provide as he's driving as as he's driving away in the car there's at least two or three guys in the car with them and at least 10 guys in suits around him at least just right there
Starting point is 01:12:42 not and and but what's crazy is is the people around his car when he leaves it's three women who look completely fucking lost and out of shape but on top of that how did one person not take the initiative and and i guess it's just a par for the course now but and be like hey someone should go stand on that roof like like let's say let's say i was out filming the crossfit games there'd be at least one photographer who'd be like hey i'm sneaking up on that roof to get a photo how did not one and and i also want to acknowledge this i keep hearing in the media over and over that the secret service also it's totally different going to a trump rally than any other rallies because they're 10x what like a biden rally is that they're not used to so many people showing up
Starting point is 01:13:21 so i get that too but um it's fucking nuts that no one said hey i'm just gonna go climb up on that roof or hey let's go let's get two guys up there i mean it seems like a no-brainer it's a direct shot to the fucking stage it's so i'm gonna speculate here yeah the perimeter is the secret services responsibility so all the secret service Yeah. had at least local PD out in that parking lot be like, Hey, we need you to make sure that you're out here. This, these buildings will give oversight of our protectee. We need to make sure that like, there's nobody up here popping, you know, up on the roof, trying to do stuff. There should have been something in place. There might've been,
Starting point is 01:14:20 maybe they were handling something else and they didn't see the guy. I have no idea. I don't want to speculate too much. Like, hey, there's 10 buildings in the area, right? Let's just put one cop on every building. Exactly. I mean, just like, just, hey, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Even if there's no threat, just to make a statement, even. Or just for extra eyeballs. Anything. It's definitely a lapse in the security plan. And I'm willing to bet probably from the Secret Service perspective and say, hey, locals, I've got this. We've, you know, we've got this interior bubble. We have counter snipers that are going to be scanning the rooftops. You know, that's probably their mindset on how they did it. But you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:15:06 There should have been someone out there, especially, you know, I was looking at the map and seeing it and I was like, yeah, that would be a vulnerability in the security plan for sure. Let me ask you this too. What about all the people who are, um, uh, this is kind of a tough one to ask, um could it be do you think that there's any inside coordinated job like you know like the conspiracy theorists are all over this one right um any coordinated job like could you get all the secret service detail to be like okay let's just lapse our security so trump could get shot i don't believe so okay i don't believe so either anything if any i mean this type of stuff is just like sugar for the the conspiracy theorists that they can just eat and like and get all excited
Starting point is 01:15:55 about in my opinion this is strictly my opinion this is not anything based off i think over the last several years we have not we but like the media has just fed this hatred of nazi you know he's a nazi he's a rapist he's a this if we don't stop him you know democracy dies and you know regardless of what side you're on right now, people feel desperate. And when all they're being fed is desperation and things of that nature, they enable people who are emotionally desperate to take action. And I believe that to be more true than this was an inside job, deep state, you know, assassination attempt. Right. All right, brother. Man, we're lucky you called in.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Thank you. Tell your wife she's a gem. You da man. Thank you. Do me a favor. Give a shout out to Krista and she'd appreciate it. I love Krista. She's my favorite.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Woman of the year. Awesome. Thanks, Yvonne. Alright, brother. Thank you. Ciao. Well, thank you, Angelo, for coming on and we'll see you guys tomorrow. That's all we needed, right? What do you think, Angelo? You hear all that. That guy sounds sober as shit, right?
Starting point is 01:17:25 Oh, yeah. That was really cool. That was really good insight. I mean, yeah. I mean, I liked everything he said. Like, it just lines up a little bit better. Meaning just his perspective on it. Everything from the quality of the detail To the lapses they took
Starting point is 01:17:48 By not getting him off the target Yeah I didn't think about that About them not moving him from that spot I wonder I think they tried to move him faster He was trying to gather his shoes He said like three times I need my shoes I wonder
Starting point is 01:18:02 I also wonder if Like when they jumped on him I I mean, I'm sure there's like, there's like a jump on him. Like, okay, okay. We're going to move three, two, one move. Like one of those things. Uh, I wonder if there was any hesitation, like if they go, if they could hear they're like shooters down, whatever, like got them.
Starting point is 01:18:22 And that may be slowed them just to touch. I mean, obviously they don't know if there's a second shooter, third shooter or whatever, shooters down whatever like got him and that maybe slowed them just to touch i mean obviously they don't know if there's a second shooter third shooter whatever but i wonder if they were hearing their earpiece immediately you know target neutralized got him whatever and then they uh and then they took just a couple extra seconds because of that but i could see them not moving quickly enough and um somebody put in the comments here they're like well if there was that guy rated a c or a d like i wonder if it was an a if we would ever even know about it you know like maybe uh a b is what he said like they throw they throw smoke and they get out of there and they're like holy
Starting point is 01:18:59 shit what just happened they're like well you know maybe we saw a guy on this roof and we got out of there and then an a would be like, all right, they just shut it down. Or they fucking waste that guy and no one even hears about it and it's over. Who knows what an A-plus would look like in that scenario if we even know what that is. One of the things that Greg got in trouble in trouble for when uh that upset people when george floyd died is he said i i am not mourning he told a bunch of affiliates on an affiliate call i'm not mourning george floyd's death because you know all these people were posting black squares and saying they're mourning george floyd's death and pelosi was saying he's a
Starting point is 01:19:39 fucking hero and uh making him the poster child for uh youth in America to look up to. Yeah. Fucking wild, right? And yet these people who talked all this shit about Donald Trump are now backing down from it. Yeah, yeah. What's this bullshit that Biden won't talk shit about him for the next few days? Oh, is that what they're – Yeah, they're like, we had this campaign against him we were about to run and we're not gonna run it out of
Starting point is 01:20:08 respect for him it's like if you're gonna talk shit talk shit like i think more people would be would uh would be on your case you're like hey he almost died he's not dead we still fucking hate him like i think more people will be like all right he's real at least he does not like this guy um it is fascinating if you're gonna call the guy the biggest threat to democracy which is just fucking ridiculous since uh one of the cornerstones stones of democracy is censorship and that's all the left is uh concerned about is taking away your first amendment um you would think that they would be ecstatic if he was killed yeah you would think and and i mean wouldn't you be ecstatic if
Starting point is 01:20:45 hitler would have been killed i mean wouldn't wouldn't you think that like uh you know uh prior to you know as soon as he built the first fucking giant oven for jews someone killed him you'd be like good shot thank you yeah yeah i don't know that anybody's mourning his loss when he's when he when he dies uh yeah when hitler i've never heard anyone say they mourn hitler's death i know exactly right yeah that's that's uh yeah they're such disingenuous uh assholes because it's not there's so the difference the difference is is ginormous couldn't be bigger i. I gotta go. I gotta leave. That's all the time I got, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I'm upset that this is so good and we're deep in it. What happened? Did you get called to a fire? No, I have to go train. Oh. I have to go swim. Are you competing this year at the Games? As far as I know right now, yeah. On a team?
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yes. Like a real team? Like you'll be in a Dickies? Yeah, this year, I guess. What could happen that you wouldn't go? Well, I'm pretty sure all the drug tests are back, so I guess I was clean. That'd be the only thing. Who's on your team?
Starting point is 01:22:07 Sam Demeester, Zoe Jones. they were on the team last year molly mcgrande is our new fourth uh this year and um she's been a man athlete for a few years and this is her first uh year on our team the four of us crazy you were you were you were retired and and from crossfit now you're balls deep. Yeah. Oh, there I am. Speaking about balls deep, look at me. All right. Awesome. All right, dude. I'll see you in Texas. All right. I can come back on. We can do this again. I'd like to do this again. This is fun. All right. Awesome. Let's do it. All right. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Okay. Ciao. Later, Angelo. Angelo DiCicco, the Mayhem Empire. Crazy. Do you know how cool I think I am right now? The coolest? Yeah, because that guy called in. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah. Confirmed a lot of things that I thought. A few... I don't know a few months ago or something I don't know six months ago somebody somebody influential said to me um why can't you leave the culture wars out of crossfit why can't you just cover crossfit it's like man uh and i was just kind of blown away that they would say that. It reminds me when someone said to Gandhi about,
Starting point is 01:23:49 Gandhi one time spoke on the separation of church and state. And he said, you can't separate religion from anything because you just being a lot, everyone's life is their religion. Like you are your walking religion, how you present to the world, your thoughts, your values. You the world your thoughts your values? You are that representation of your religion at all times
Starting point is 01:24:11 and I mean I agree Fucking wild I was tripping on my mom last night cuz she it was she's that she's been seen She's been alive for Kennedy, Reagan, and now this. Wow. Yeah, it's been, it's pretty wild what's going on. It's a, it's not a very good look for the left. If you, all of a sudden you start, you start losing and then now you make some dramatic
Starting point is 01:24:47 action to try to kill somebody because you're losing you know i mean think of all the things they've done to try to stop them yeah it's like you're you are in a bar brawl and somebody pulls a knife it's like i'm beating the shit out of you with my fist and you pull out a fucking gun yeah they've done everything to try to make it so he can't can't run Justin the shooter has been identified as Thomas M. Crooks
Starting point is 01:25:18 from Bethel Park Pennsylvania allegedly his father is potentially Matthew B. Crooks a care manager at a community behavioral health facility. Hmm. Like a rehab center? Of course his dad's a fucking mental health expert. Of course he is. Just makes sense, right? Just makes sense, right?
Starting point is 01:25:50 Just makes sense. Great caller. I'd love to hear what your mom thinks about the state of the country back then versus the state of the country now. What is Hiller saying? That's what they want you to think? I don't know. Seven's Alex Jones of CrossFit. God, I wish.
Starting point is 01:26:21 I can't get on that level. I can't get like... I don't know if I'm scared Or if I'm just too smart It's the gay frogs Yeah I don't I need to get on that Andrew Hiller level The Terrence Howard level I can't quite see what Hiller sees
Starting point is 01:26:42 Last night in the chat I was trying to understand him i couldn't i wanted to understand those so fucking bad yeah i just i don't it i want to understand so many words that don't really make sense and aren't really describing what's occurring you need to either dumb it down for the retards to understand or i don't know look at this wow this is crazy i haven't watched this yet but uh someone just sent this to me uh thomas crook is not the shooter he appears to be left-wing troll who convinced the new york post to id him as the shooter. Wow. He's got the same hair. Let's see. My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Starting point is 01:27:26 I hate Republicans. I hate Trump. And guess what? You got the wrong guy. My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. Oh, my God. Jeez. You think conservatives are just kind of like pussies?
Starting point is 01:28:09 Yeah. Like, so they tell you all this stuff about trump right and the left loses its mind but we have like uh we know that there's mass censorship going on uh from the left uh we know that they're okay like we saw the video we saw the video footage of the guy getting a blow job and urinating on another guy in the public city streets in San Francisco. And they, they chop off the genitalia of our kids and just the, the list of shit goes on, right? They put people in the Supreme court based on their skin color and their sex. Like we just see all this crazy shit going on.
Starting point is 01:28:42 They call a baby killing reproductive rights. And yet we just sit around here just like twiddling our thumbs like. And they got like, you know, you never see you never see any. I mean, I guess it's good. You never see any of the Republicans calling for violence against the left. the Republicans calling for violence against the left. I mean, no, I see what you're saying. You don't see any you don't see anything. And it is behaviors.
Starting point is 01:29:17 I mean, the most you see is the conservatives will go to school board meetings. Right. They'll send a black pastor there to fucking slap some people around, which is cool. It's cool. Yeah. I don't know i just i feel like uh generally conservatives are like a turn and turn the other cheek kind of people they're just like okay well i'm just going to continue to live my life and do what i want to do we're not going to go out there and start calling for riots and for people to just for the death of people we don't like. You just kind of let them dig their own grave.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Join us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 15th to the 18th for the 2024 to nominate the next president, president of the United States. Oh, so the Republican convention starts tomorrow. Wow, that's gonna be fucking wild. Yeah, dude, you know which one's gonna be wild. The Democratic, the Democrats convention is gonna be fucking chaos. Yeah. The Republicans
Starting point is 01:30:18 is gonna be just a fucking giant orgy of fucking love and energy and fucking patriotism. The democrats are gonna have a fucking shit show it's gonna be a bloodbath um conservatives as a group try to play uh the game maintaining their morals right they like uh it's like they try to Captain America everything, or they just try to maintain some set of laws or rule set. The Boys is about corrupted and evil superheroes.
Starting point is 01:30:59 They have gay sex. So is the show saying gay sex is the most deviant and evil thing possible? It is grooming it's a bizarre what a bizarre show it's like you didn't even watch the boys see he sees something he sees something but this is what I'm talking about
Starting point is 01:31:23 this is exactly what I'm... It's so vague. But, you know, in the boys, they do do that. You know how, like, they stage... Have you seen the boys yet? I stopped after, like, six episodes. Okay, well, there's... So fucking boring.
Starting point is 01:31:37 There's, like, there's a scene in there where him and Superman and Superman's son are filming a uh um they're basically catching a bad guy um but it's all staged right like they tell the bad guy okay come out like it's all staged there's cameras everywhere and there's actors and the little and they let the little boy like stop a crime right sure and then they film it and then the boy's like do i get to do any real like saving and they're like well you have to do a few practice ones like this but they tell the public they that it's real okay so does
Starting point is 01:32:16 hillar think it's like that like the whole thing is like wwe like it's just all like and if so how do i get on that side how do i become one of the actors how does anyone become one of the actors that's the part where I get lost like I see suggesting the whole thing is just like puppeteering yeah I don't know Has Trump said anything today? Has he been in the public? How do we know?
Starting point is 01:32:55 What's his Instagram doing? It's probably going to be off Twitter. I don't think he's going to put anything on Instagram. The real Donald Trump. Oh, does he just... I thought he posted stuff on Twitter. Is there a new Donald... Is there a different
Starting point is 01:33:14 Donald Trump Twitter account? I don't know. I don't think he's on... Yeah, I don't see anything. I want to know if he's made a public appearance yet yesterday posted the thing with that's about it posted a meme yesterday go to his true social account oh my god what the fuck is that yeah what, what is that? Oh, yeah. Truth social. Can I just go? You know what's funny too? There's these...
Starting point is 01:33:55 When Biden made... I'm on Biden's email and he says stuff like, all the European leaders agree with me. I'm like, dude. How is that supposed to fucking convince me to vote for you? Fuck Europe. Everybody agrees with me to my face. Have you seen the footage coming out of in France thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday
Starting point is 01:34:30 as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening that's fuck stupid we will fear not but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness yeah Vivek Ramaswamy was saying that God did it too yeah God does everything that makes it a moot point.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for their recovery of those who were wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was horribly killed. In this moment, it's more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as Americans remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. I truly love our country and love you all and look forward to speaking to our
Starting point is 01:35:09 great nation this week from Wisconsin. Is that from true social? Yeah. Wow. You figured out how to, wow. Oh, wow. You want more 10, you want 10 more viewers, wow. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:35:25 You want more 10, you want 10 more viewers, Submon? Oh, yeah, please. Here you go. 10 viewers for free. Activate code GVPP252P415. Oh, my God. Thank you. Wow.
Starting point is 01:35:38 What a blessing. Yeah. Jay Hands, most of Europe is a shit show. I know. There's nothing in Europe that I'm remotely Macrol Just fucking the farmers of France Yeah, fuck those guys
Starting point is 01:36:01 Alright, what else? I got something else I know I got something else Judy Reed, God brought those viewers Thank you. God. Thank you, Judy. Thank you for relaying God's information. God speaks to me through Judy. That's right I feel like it's Monday. Is it Monday? No, it's Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. The, um...
Starting point is 01:36:31 Look at this. Think of... Look at all the DEI boxes this thing checks. Oh, my God. What the fuck? Dude, this thing is incredible, dude. Minority. Tranny. Disabled.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Tarded. Disabled. Tarded. Midget. Any others? Gay. Woman. dude that's the next supreme court justice i mean that checks all the boxes dude oh my god that's worse than watching sketches video
Starting point is 01:37:39 it's fucking crazy dude how many How many bucks? That's just so gnarly. Oh, shit. That thing needs a nose ring so bad. They need something. Chupacabra is real. I don't have the Elon video that I want to to show you so i'll show you this one instead uh elon hates zuck the cuck somebody just tried to call in did they my this phone thing's all this i have to reset every oh let me see did they did you hear something? I thought I did. For some reason, it can't even find the phone anymore. Oh.
Starting point is 01:38:30 I wish it could. This system is so bad. I don't know if it's Apple or the Rodecaster. I don't know what's going on. Settings. Is there Bluetooth? settings.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Is there Bluetooth? Yeah, it doesn't even see the Rodecaster anymore. It sucks. I'm so bummed about this. Search for all audio devices. Look at Zuck. Desper desperately trying to appear cool by surfing in a tuxedo with a beer and an American flag. Nice try, Robot. Maybe if you spent less time pretending to be human and more time fixing Facebook, we'd
Starting point is 01:39:16 all be better off. Enjoy your midlife crisis, Mark. Oh, look at Zuck, desperately trying to appear cool by surfing in a tuxedo with a beer and an american flag nice try robot maybe if you spent less time pretending to be human and more time fixing facebook we'd all be better off what's funny is that that's a ai generation oh what is that video that's not really him doing that no not Zuckerberg I'm saying like what you're watching right now is like it's like an AI creation
Starting point is 01:39:50 like Elon's not really saying that oh really yeah oh that's awesome I didn't even know that yeah it's really good how do you know that that page meme runner GPT that guy just does he makes videos like that it's actually incredibly good How do you know that? That page, meme runner GPT. That guy just does.
Starting point is 01:40:05 He makes videos like that. It's actually incredibly good. Did you see that guy who tried to assassinate Donald Trump this afternoon? He looks like a dork, a wimpy little loser who probably hates America. Wow. Crazy, right? Wow. I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Wow. Crazy, right? Wow. I had no idea. It took me a while, too, because there was some, like, he does a lot of them with athletes. And so you just see athletes, like, talking shit on other athletes. And I was like, oh, yeah, that makes sense. But then you look a little closer and you're like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:40:38 That's. And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he can. That one's not a parody. Let's see. Let's start with a debate. You and your team have said you had a bad night. But your friend Nancy Pelosi actually framed the question. Oh, shut it. I want to see a good one.
Starting point is 01:41:02 I don't know who any of these athletes are. That's Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo. What's this? Secret service at the Trump rally. Did you see the guy try to shoot Donaldald trump this afternoon what a goddamn amateur he wasn't capable of hitting the backside of a barn why couldn't this guy have been in the texas book depository lee harvey oswald was a dead eye sniper compared to this bozo He sent me to heaven with a rusty rifle. I'd still be alive.
Starting point is 01:41:47 If they sent this clown after me. The guy. Damn. That's true. Damn. That makes my skin crawl. Yeah this. This.
Starting point is 01:41:55 This is all fucked. This is all fucked. I'd have to. I'd have to read. You know what. Fuck it. You got to recalibrate your whole fucking life now. Fuck it. You know what I it you gotta recalibrate your whole fucking life now fuck it you know what i'm gonna do that fuck you guys fuck me fuck everybody oh shit can you hear me
Starting point is 01:42:14 oh shit yeah can you hear me yeah but it's all it's all in the really bad audio hold on i can't It's not your speaker. Okay. Yep. Somebody just sent this. Wait. How about now? How about now?
Starting point is 01:42:30 Can you hear me? Yeah, I can still hear you, but you're on the wrong speaker, microphone, whatever. Oh, I'll just talk. How about now when I bring my mouth next to the Studio Pro? Oh, yeah. Definitely hear you better. Hello, everybody. now when i bring my mouth next to the studio pro oh yeah definitely hear you better hello everybody i don't think that's where the mic is yeah it's down here by the because the studio pro sits on my desk oh it's down here somewhere that's why something greg has one of these studio pros so
Starting point is 01:42:59 that's why sometimes when he comes on and you can't hear him good i'm just updating i turned off my roadcaster i'm turning it back on. Oh, I wonder, I wonder if the mic, I wonder if the, uh, monitor has a mic,
Starting point is 01:43:11 uh, studio display microphone. Which one is the studio display? Does that sound better? Hmm. I know. I don sound better? Mm. Kind of. I don't know. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Anyway. Apparently the Secret Service director has openly said that she wants 30% female agents by 2030. Yeah, that's crazy. That's fucking insane. Where'd you find that? So I just sent it. As I sit here to expand hiring, they're aiming to have 30% women recruits by 2030
Starting point is 01:43:56 and even allowed YouTube influencer Michelle Carrey to train with agents. But I'm very conscious as I sit in this chair now of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women.
Starting point is 01:44:17 No, no. You want big, strong Black men and big, strong white men. And if you can find some big Mexicans, them too. And Bruce Lee. We'll take Bruce fucking Lee. If they're going to be Asian, they better be fucking Bruce Lee. Not actually like fucking Bruce Lee,
Starting point is 01:44:35 like having intercourse with him, but you know what I mean. Yeah. If you can find women who can pass the standard without giving them a pass, fine. However, you should not make it your goal to have 30% or have any number of percent of one specific group of people. It just seems so insane to me. it just seems so insane to me that you have
Starting point is 01:45:05 your if you're an executive protection detail and you're a private contractor you're hiring like the biggest most tatted up bearded fucking assholes you can find yeah and you want to find
Starting point is 01:45:22 somebody who can fucking shoot a gun accurately under stress and you want to find somebody who can fucking shoot a gun accurately under stress at all times hey if I'm going to pick my security detail just from the listeners you know who I pick
Starting point is 01:45:36 who? Blaze and Jeremy World oh yeah for sure for sure that's it because they're big and black and Oh, yeah. For sure. For sure. That's it. Why them, someone? Because they're big and black and athletic.
Starting point is 01:45:51 And you know one of them knows how to fucking carry himself. At least. And they have kids and they care about fucking life and that's it. That's right. That's the two dudes I pick. Yeah. Fucking tards. That's right. That's the two dudes I pick. Yeah. Fucking tards.
Starting point is 01:46:07 That's insane. Okay. I just rebooted my Rodecaster. Let's see if everything is going good now. Hey, I love that. Can you hear me? Yeah. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 01:46:23 I love the part where it's like, like hey you have to look the part yeah dude you're trying to protect somebody from other people you want to act and look like you're trying you're deterring anybody you do not want to look welcoming yeah i don't want i don't want jonathan ortega being my uh no yeah sorry dude dude. You're out. You're out, yeah. Over six feet or die. Get the fuck away from me. Unless you're kind of scary looking. Unless you're a yolk black dude.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Sebi, that sounds so racist. I don't care. I'm trying to fucking stay alive. I'm trying to fucking stay alive. You want a guy? Oh, you froze. Is that me that froze or you that froze? Who froze me or Caleb? No. Oh, Jedediah, you could be like an agent, a secret agent. No way, bro. He could be deep undercover.
Starting point is 01:47:28 He's like a guy in the stand, in the audience. Yeah. You know what I mean? I can't even see anybody. Hey, listen, I'd take you over a woman. No. I would. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Well, that's just because you know one strong woman. Yeah. You're married to a strong woman. I know a few strong women, but definitely if you can't use your fucking legs how are you gonna do anything for me uh i have to carry you everywhere oh yeah i just saw the 30 thing god that's crazy our cunt this is what a mess that it's okay to say that uh tutor mag yes i would tutor magda's piece can guard me yep here's the other here's another thing about that at least throw you in the training she shouldn't even be talking about anything associated with hiring the hiring methods that secret service has You shouldn't be telling people anybody about who you're hiring, how you're hiring, anything like that.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Everybody who works for Secret Service should never be known as to who they are. Were you okay with that caller calling in and telling us stuff? I didn't think he said anything. No, that's fine. I think that's fine. I'm not going to discount anything he said. He's a fucking he did the thing. What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class? I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.
Starting point is 01:48:55 I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school, I decided I didn't want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two thirds of my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school, I decided I didn't want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I won the international moot court competition. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours if you'd like, Frank. Biden now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he does not have three degrees from college, and that he was not named outstanding political
Starting point is 01:49:38 science student in college. He was weak, said he went to school on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class, and won only one degree, not three. Joe Biden ranked 76th in a class of 85 at the University of Syracuse Law School. What law school did you attend, and where did you place in that class? Hey, dude, he's Trump on roids, dude. Like, what a bombastic douche. Like, when he's like, like, dude, like, like, throwing in that, like, 165 only needed 123 credits. Like, what? Shut the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 01:50:15 Why are you doing? Why are you adding more credits to your fucking college? Yeah. I mean, you waste a bunch of time taking classes you didn't need. Yeah. Nobody does. Nobody takes more credits than they need to what up jack all right i thought um uh i think we should have Angelo on again. Yeah, that was cool. Here, let me show you what's going on.
Starting point is 01:50:53 This is at a Tesla facility in Germany. What's going on? You got my hands? Even how that guy pours the paint on is fucking weak. Look at that guy's pants. He's gay as fuck, dude. Listen, a black guy in the United States would have punched that fucking dude out. What the fuck is going on here? Same thing would have happened in the United States where they just watch it happen.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Something is a catastrophe. Hey, someone told me the other day that there's two kinds of men. There's tough, strong men, and that there's men who wish they were tough and strong and i kind of agree with that i think that's like and the men who go the beta cuckroot it's like they're overcompensating for their fear of not letting themselves be the man they're supposed to be yeah of not letting themselves be the man they're supposed to be. Yeah. I can see that.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Yeah, I can totally see that. All right. I think today's going to be a good day. Absolutely. Poverty rate among blacks as a whole is 22%. Among whites as a whole is 11%. And among black married couples is 7.5%.
Starting point is 01:52:35 One more time. Poverty rate among blacks as a whole is 22%. Among whites as a whole is 11 and among black married couples is 7.5 it's all it all it always comes down to doesn't even the color doesn't even matter no it doesn't it's like all you got to do be a good person. Work on getting a good mate. Be a good family man. Work on your values and morals. Work hard.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Alright. Sebon, I thought you said that hating gays was bad. Why do you do it so often? I don't even know what you're talking about. Give me, I think, God damn, you sound like a libtard. Why don't you say what I said? What did I say?
Starting point is 01:53:38 What did I say that was, oh, by talking bad about Europeans and Europeans are gay? Yep, that's what you did Is that what you're saying You hate them I don't even know what you're talking about I have no issues with
Starting point is 01:53:56 Whatever you want to do Whosoever's dick you want in your mouth Tell me Tell me Dave Cave Before I go Who's ever's dick you want in your mouth? Tell me. Tell me, Dave Cave. Before I go, come on, I gotta go. What did I say? What did I say that was hating on gays?
Starting point is 01:54:18 Tell me, tell me. Tell me, I'm waiting. type it up and hit return I want to know I want to know alright peace and love I want to know. I want to know. All right. Peace and love. Give a gay dude a handy today.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Do your part. You said things. Right. I like lesbians more than I like gay dudes. I'll tell you that. I like women more than I like men seems like every time there's something going on there's the fucked up sexual predatorial shit like 99% of time it's a dude and of that 99% the other 90% are gay dudes and I do think that there's a And I do think that there's a, uh, I do think that there's a reason for that.
Starting point is 01:55:26 I think that when you're around women, they keep you fucking in check. You're around 40 dudes who just want to suck each other off. The boundaries are in the requirements to get to that dick or fucking not. I don't think that there's a lot of barriers. You don't got to like, to fuck a dude, you just gotta be able to hold a ball in your hand. To fuck a girl, you gotta juggle, like, six balls.
Starting point is 01:55:52 If you want a hot chick, you gotta juggle 12 balls. True. I think that there's some things like that that inherently probably make it harder to be gay and have morals and values and stay on the straight and narrow and have some of the natural occurring bumpers that keep people civilized.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Oh shit, they got the shooter's name wrong again okay i'm not going anywhere for a second uh trump shooter news uh trump rally live updates Trump rally shooter identified as 20 year old Matthew Cook Trump survives assassination attempt I don't see anything Give me more give me something
Starting point is 01:56:58 Give me something Hey the shooter looks just like how you look you think he'd look too right yeah like like you knew it wasn't you knew it wasn't a woman you knew it wasn't a black guy could have been an asian dude maybe maybe maybe Seve is halfway to gay that should be the cover of my album my first album halfway to gay
Starting point is 01:57:30 halfway to gay your autobiography oh they're saying he's saying yeah DC Drano DC I can't believe that guy hasn't been kicked off of fucking Instagram how the fuck is birth fit fucking band and this guy's fucking not a breaking because DC Drano brings three million followers.
Starting point is 01:57:52 The Trump rally attendee who was murdered yesterday by Matthew Crook has been identified as Corey. OK, a family member has released a statement. Prayers up. OK, I see. So. I don't know, they got his name i think they uh secret service snipers had eyes on the shooter people were screaming about a man on the roof with a gun but secret service waited they waited for him to take the shots then killed the shooter it was a setup and he wasn't supposed to miss damn she said that that's what DC Drano is saying okay alright when I leave stuff up on the screen that said he's halfway to gay feel free to pull it down
Starting point is 01:58:33 oh okay go ahead and make the executive decision alright my bad how did how did a kid walk around those open fairgrounds with a long rifle undetected? How did he bring a giant ladder? How did he get on the closet closest roof to Trump?
Starting point is 01:58:51 How was he allowed to take five well-aimed shots at Trump? The answer is now obvious. It was an inside job. Oh, yeah, for sure. Fucking he put the ladder there yesterday. It wasn't the closest roof to Trump. We saw closer roofs and dude. I mean, I'm sure you've seen it, too.
Starting point is 01:59:14 I've shot a fucking AR that has a fucking laser on it. And you could fucking hit anything from anywhere with your and be blind. Exactly. Like you could hit a fucking steel target like from fucking 200 feet like it's nothing yeah yeah he's just saying dumb shit he's just being fucking retarded oh yeah this is but this
Starting point is 01:59:39 I agree with this is just absurd this is just fucking crazy. Yeah, I saw that too. Secret service before DEI, after DEI. Not a good look, I'll tell you that. What a joke.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Jeez, man. Hey, nothing's automatic for her. Everything she does, she thinks. I learned in school, grab holster with right hand. Put left hand under. Like, there's nothing. For blue suit jacket. Yeah. Take right hand on holster of weapon.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Press button to disengage holster from gun yes move right hand and cross body project both hands outwards front sight focus all throughout and i saw trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum. And I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame. I talking, people say he's saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming. And, um, then I saw people interceding when he, and I see him, I saw him winning the presidency, uh, through great, uh, the Lord showed me it would go clear into the summer. Great persecution would come on him
Starting point is 02:01:24 through the judges and through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff. But there would be a stop to it, and things would start to break free, come toward the fall. And then I saw him winning the election through the patriots coming out and voting throughout America, all throughout. And I saw Trump rising up. And then I saw an attempt.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Yeah. I don't fucking know what to believe anymore. No way. You can, did you, did you listen to that podcast with Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein? Yeah. Weinstein was just ass pounding him.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Yeah. So part of that was Eric telling Terrence that he's seeing every, like he's viewing very specific things through a very broad lens. And so he's just like combining different, like making connections, all sorts of wild connections. Right. And so if you just keep doing that,
Starting point is 02:02:21 you just see like everything. Then you just start seeing like, Oh, you just start thinking that everything is connected. And that's how I feel. This is that's what that's what's happening. Like. You just zoomed out so far that you're like, oh, my God, it's all connected. It's like, oh, it's not really like that.
Starting point is 02:02:43 Is that what I'm. Oh, shit. I connected the wrong fucking phone. I connected my personal phone. No wonder it worked. Jesus Christ. Is that what Andrew's doing? Yeah, I feel like that's what he's doing.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Andrew and Terrence Howard have similar connection abilities? Yeah, they've just zoomed out so far that they're like, oh my god. Like, what is it? Once you see the way broadly, you see it in all things? Yeah. Like a massage quote or something? The guy who called in
Starting point is 02:03:18 sent me pictures of him. Oh, yeah? Yeah. The fucking guy has a jaw like fucking yellow hostess oh that's awesome yeah you ain't fucking with this dude and he also looks like he could be the ceo of fucking you know crossfit no something bigger oh my god yeah this guy is fucking a monster these are cool photos that's cool Oh my god. Yeah, this guy is fucking a monster.
Starting point is 02:03:46 These are cool photos. That's cool. What a crazy time to be alive. He has that experience. Boobas. Seve, hi. My wife's new Kill Taylor shirt got her two event wins yesterday here at the Monster
Starting point is 02:04:13 Games. Wanted CEO, but they were sold out. Oh, that's a shame. Really? They were sold out of CEO shirts? Disgusting. On the website? No, probably. I'm guessing uh in person travis was there yeah oh that makes sense uh jenna howell an fbi employee posted a disappointment trump survived an assassination attempt holy shit oh my god dude i'm not like I have family members who do not super like him.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Not that they like Biden either. But when they found out about it, they're like, oh, shit, that's. That's not cool. Like, that's not how that's not how things should be should be done. Oh, wow. oh wow did you see uh someone just sent me a photo of trump is uh chauvin with his knee on um crook's head wow uh wow shit hey i don't think there's going to be another attempt on him
Starting point is 02:05:27 Do you No Yeah I think we're good I think It'll be Pretty difficult from now on for any of that To happen I think shit's going to get real Tight real quick
Starting point is 02:05:42 It feels like they don't have the resources To get tight I think shit's going to get real tight real quick. I, it feels like they don't have the resources to get tight. I, yeah, but I think it's like a, it'll be more thorough with what they have. Is that guy,
Starting point is 02:06:03 Travis Kelsey, a cook or is that, is that an act too? What's he doing with Taylor Swift? Dating the richest fucking woman alive? I guess that's fair. Like, fuck, I'd hitch my wagon to that every day. Yeah, I went through a phase where I wanted to fuck Oprah, so I kind of get it. There you go. Nothing against Taylor Swift. I've to fuck Oprah, so I kind of get it. There you go.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Nothing against Taylor Swift. I've never met her. But she has a song. It's, fuck the patriarchy. And all the women inside the stadium were saying, fuck the patriarchy. Fuck the patriarchy. Men built that stadium. Men built the stage she stemmed.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Men made the guitar she used. And men went to work to pay for their daughters to go listen to this shit. What kind of father is even letting his daughter go? If my daughter said, I want to go listen to someone say, fuck the patriarch, I say you better get a job. The patriarch, he's about to fucking buy your ticket, dummy. Fucking asleep clown world. I have nothing against Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 02:06:57 God, I love Tate so much. He's so awesome. He's such a fucking... He's such an idiot. I think he went full Muslim huh yeah I don't know I don't really follow him he went full Muslim Taylor Swift just does nothing for me
Starting point is 02:07:19 no I think she's but if you're gonna fuck her on a G she walks onto her own G5 and she gets more attractive I get it yeah I mean it's Taylor Swift dude yeah you're like you're living the dream after that you don't have to
Starting point is 02:07:37 like Travis he would never have to work ever again right he would he can just stay at home dad she probably there's probably even a have to work ever again. He can just stay at home dad. There's probably even a surrogate he can fuck. Surrogate. A surrogate?
Starting point is 02:07:56 Yeah, surrogate. Surrogate, surrogate, surrogate. Alright. Oh! Surrogate, surrogate, surrogate. All right. She's a broomstick. Yeah. I apologize for bringing the culture wars into the CrossFit space. No, I don't.
Starting point is 02:08:21 You should be ashamed of yourself. Oh. Someone sent... Oh, man. I don't know. Someone just sent me an article from the New York Times. Like, I'll never give them fucking money.
Starting point is 02:08:59 Alright. Love you guys. What's today? Sunday? I don't think we have any more shows today. Remember, next week you need to pool to win the $3,000 for kill Taylor you pull Oh tomorrow Bob Forrest. Oh This is gonna be good the addiction DNA guy. Yeah, but he's he's a He has a place called the Oro House, a recovery treatment center, Hollywood Bob Forrest, Bob Forrest Treatment Center.
Starting point is 02:09:29 But let me pull up this guy's wiki. I was listening to his podcast the other day. Man, he fucking knows everybody. Robert O'Neill Forrest is an American musician who's best known for his work with Los Angeles bands Thelonious Monster and the bicycle thief Forrest, a recovering drug addict, has worked for years as a recovery advocate and is co-founder of the Oro House Recovery Center.
Starting point is 02:09:53 He hosts a podcast called Rehab Bob, the Don't Die podcast. September 2006, he released his first solo album, Modern Folk and Blues Wednesday he's also drug counseling appearing alongside Dr. Drew Pinsky Celebrity Rehab and Sober House he was good friends with River Phoenix whose overdose death affected Forrest deeply in 2008 he began releasing a series of live digital LPs
Starting point is 02:10:21 exclusively as official website on April 5, 2023 a series of live digital LPs exclusively as official website. On April 5, 2023, he was announced at Forrest along with Anthony Kiedis. That's one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, right? Yes. And Ron Burkle had formed the production company Said and Done Entertainment. Their first
Starting point is 02:10:42 project will be an animated series for TBS called Heliculus something, which is based on the comic book of the same name. Forrest will also serve as executive producer on the series. I wonder if that ever got produced. He's got this I met him through sarah cox
Starting point is 02:11:06 they have a uh hellicious uh in the works at tbs oh let me see if there's video of it oh all you get is gordon ramsey when i look it up anyway um i met him through so check this out. Have I told you about this yet? I don't think so. So I met him through Sarah Cox and him and Sarah Cox are working together
Starting point is 02:11:35 and Sarah Cox has developed a this test where you take the test and it tells you if you are predisposed to be addicted to drugs. Okay. And so, you know, like if you go to the doctor and they'll give you Vicodin or Oxycontin or whatever, then you can make the decision, Hey, should I take this? Should I take this? Should I take this? But it also allows parents, I guess, to test their kids ahead of time. So then you
Starting point is 02:12:03 could scare the shit out of your kids and be like yo You're predisposition to get uh, uh addicted to drugs. Whatever those are bad Yeah, whatever that makes the genetics are that makes someone have an addictive behavior. I guess we'll ask him all about it We'll ask him about but anyway, so I asked sarah if we could send taylor selfa A test kit. Yeah so he'll test himself and I want to do a show where taylor self a a test kit yeah so he'll test himself and i want to do a show where taylor like gets his results back that would be crazy yeah watch him just not be predisposed to be an addict he just has like he just he just can't control himself i want i wanted you know who else i want
Starting point is 02:12:42 to see too i want to see i wonder if i could get rich froning to take it because I remember rich saying on a podcast one time recently I saw a clip that he has addiction in his family and that fitness is his addiction that would be interesting yeah wouldn't it I wonder if he'd do it anyway the product's called I wonder do they have a website yet? DNA for Addiction. DNA for Addiction. All night at 8. If you have a crisis or contemplating suicide.
Starting point is 02:13:21 That's what it says on the webpage? I googled DNA for Add and it said help is available. Speak with someone today. Oh. Suicide and crisis lifeline. They do have a website. Oh, wow. Discover your genetic risk for opioid dependence with DNA for addiction.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Equip yourself with the knowledge of your genetic predisposition to opioid dependence our dna test will not definitive diagnosis can help you take proactive measures to minimize risks and personalize your approach to addressing your predisposition to opioid use dependence oh yeah that's what i was trying to say i wonder if you could i wonder if you can buy the test already. Obtain a gene test from DNA for Addiction. Once ordered, you'll receive your test kit within five business days. Follow the included instructions to collect DNA sample. Upon receipt of the sample, DNA for Addiction team experts begin the testing process.
Starting point is 02:14:21 Oh, this is a cool website. Anyway, let me see. How much does this thing cost? 300 bucks. Buy your kit today. What does your gene test do? Yeah, Pat, that's a great idea. Just don't take opioids.
Starting point is 02:14:46 That's a good one yeah fucking tell that everybody who's an opioid addict all right this is gonna be good tomorrow all right okay guys thank you see you guys tomorrow morning Bob Forrest tomorrow morning it'll be great I think he's gonna have some great stories he's working with the Red Hot Chili Peppers guy and he was friends with River Phoenix
Starting point is 02:15:15 wow yeah that's wild that's pretty insane Cave did you ever answer me no he didn't I was watching douche canoe bye

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