The Sevan Podcast - Trump, Biden, Rosta, Gazan | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Sebum Podcast Show. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. Bam. We're live. Seven minutes early. I don't think I've ever done that before. Mike McCaskey. What's up? Troy Martin. What's up? Aaron Fraser. Kenneth DeLapp. The Real Kevin. Ernie Garza I got through all the names Never done that either Good morning guys Good to see you guys Always good to be a little early What a show last night What a show last night
Starting point is 00:00:34 Holy cow Holy cow My favorite part was On the way home From Greg's I listened to CNN CNN My favorite part was on the way home from Greg's. I listened to CNN. The entire the entire ride home.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I was just curious what their take was going to be on it. And wow, they're not there. They were ruthless. They were ruthless towards Biden. I didn't I didn't hear him talk about Trump once. Kenneth, what's up? Marco Calderon. Bray Wilson. Hi. Good morning, Olivia. Hi, Michelle. Hey, yo, Zach. Yo. Yo. Yo. I got to play this one clip from CNN last night. I heard this on the radio, but they actually have video of it. And this question is absolutely wild. You guys ready for this?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I have to play it in seven-second segments so it doesn't, I don't get dinged. But check this out. Basically, he's going to ask Kamala Harris, something crazy. Ready? This is, uh, Anderson Cooper on CNN.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Ready? I mean, all those questions were just like digging straight into Joe. Here we go. And just, just fine. It was very clear. He will be signed back into law.
Starting point is 00:02:01 The protections of Roe v. Wade. Okay. Good luck. The person we saw tonight, the president we saw tonight on that stage, is that how he is every day? The president we saw today, the president that we saw on stage, is that the president we see every day in the White House? Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And then they hammered that home. that's been the theme over and over on cnn basically who has been running the country and if you've ever if you've ever been on uh um any executive team or like any high level you know the group of people who are running an operation and there's one person sitting at top there There's, there's an element of game of Thrones to everything. Um, basically who, who's everyone's trying to manipulate the guy who has all the power to, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:52 be on their side. And you have to imagine that the game of Thrones in the white house is the most savage ever that the ship people are seeing there. And the level of manipulation is crazy. Uh, vindicate VNDK eight, get your CEO shirts there. Kill Taylor shirts are selling wildly fast. That made me happy to hear that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 People saying that they set Biden up to fail to get a replacement in. And those are the type of people who want who you want running the country. Fucking clowns. OK, so that is a that's a big theory theory uh that's going around big mean popular everyone's saying that basically uh the dems that are pulling the strings purposely put joe up there to fail so that at the convention democratic convention coming up here soon they could get someone new in okay here's the thing though and i'm and I'm totally open to that theory and quite possible, of course, etc., etc. But remember, this is the same party that wants to legalize children being able to make the decision without their parents to chop off their own genitalia. Think of all the crazy shit they want to do they they they they want
Starting point is 00:04:08 to completely normalize uh trannies uh reading to kids is is part of the curriculum they're confused about all the drug addicts and stealing they want to make it okay to steal uh if you have certain uh skin color you or you fit a certain demographic i mean these people are absolutely batshit crazy and so um i i hear you i hear you i mean sure uh but on the other hand it's like i mean they are dumb capital d yeah uh biden was incredible last night yeah it was i don't mind what's crazy too is i would give him so much leeway i realized that um when he stutters or like mixes his words up, I just infer what I thought he was going to say.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's like talking to a two-year-old, right? But the moments where it just completely comes off the rail and like he just completely loses his train of thought and it just goes into like no man land. Wow. At that point, you were just watching him short circuit uh seven you're stuck on a handful of far left issues the whole party is not that way. I was in a discussion with my dad the other day, and I told my dad, hey, do you know in the city of San Francisco they've allocated $5 million to have medical professionals, nurses, and doctors serve alcohol to what they call homeless people, but they're
Starting point is 00:06:10 drug addicts. And my dad said today, my dad said to me, Hey, are you bat shit crazy? Will you believe anything that is completely absurd? What is your source on that? And I said, CNN, the San Francisco examiner in the San francisco chronicle and when i said that to my dad i just made that up i didn't even know what my source was and so while we're sitting there uh with my uh uber crazy liberal stepmom and crazy liberal dad we all started looking on our phones and i was correct it was in the examiner in the Chronicle and CNN. But it was worse than that. They had commandeered a hotel in the Tenderloin to do it, and it only served 20 people. So it's a $5 million project they have in the city of San Francisco that serves alcohol to 20 people.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And so for you to say, Savon, you're stuck on a handful of far left issues. The whole party's in that way. That means nothing. That doesn't, that doesn't matter. That's like saying,
Starting point is 00:07:13 Hey, we don't have to stop Hitler because most Germans don't want to kill the Jews. I truly believe that most, most Germans did not want to fucking throw Jews in the oven. What you're saying, I hear you, Craig. I'm not trying to ass pound you. You're just incidentally taking some cock in the ass. But that says nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:07:34 That doesn't even matter. That doesn't even matter at this point. The law used to be if we caught you breaking into the country, we caught you and released you back on the side you were from and gave you a court date. I mean, that's you don't even deserve a court date, to be honest. But now it's we catch you and we release you into the country. And you're saying that's not how most Democrats want to be. Who cares? They're voting that way.
Starting point is 00:08:01 It doesn't that what you're saying means nothing, nothing unless you were trying to say nothing i'm i'm i'm making a presupposition that you're trying to make some sort of point to to but but i don't but i i i'm your point is completely going over my head if you are and i apologize but but the way i'm reading what you're saying is you said absolutely nothing it's it's completely irrelevant completely irrelevant I don't believe parties run the USA it's run by.005 of the wealthiest in the world in big business once again who cares
Starting point is 00:08:38 who cares what like like like like what's your point who gives a fuck I'd rather have Jeff Bezos spend the fucking money I'd rather Who cares what like like like like what's your point who gives a fuck? I'd rather have Jeff Bezos spend the fucking money I'd rather buy stuff on Amazon and give my money to Jeff Bezos then fucking give it to someone who's starting a fucking drug Program that hands out free drugs in the tenderloin. What's up, dude? What's up, bro? You're the man I see you're getting right into it this morning Did you watch the did the, what was that?
Starting point is 00:09:06 That was my dog. She was on the table. Oh, I thought it was like you had some sort of puppet on your hand. I caught you masturbating with a puppet on your hand. No, I, a lot of windows right here and the sun comes in and my dog like laying on the table in the sun. That would be some kinky shit. But yeah, I did watch part of the debate i only caught part of it though because me and my boys were getting wings at a place in uh newcastle called
Starting point is 00:09:30 the burg bar and then uh so we missed the first like 20 minutes of it or so and uh i was watching on youtube on the way home it was wild dude and i clicked over to cnn after the debate and i listened to it the whole drive home from my buddy's house, and even they were tearing Joe up. Really? Oh, my God, dude. They were like, who's running the country? I was blown away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Surprising. But, yeah, the parts of it I saw, man, it sounds like Joe Biden has to put in an extreme amount of effort just to speak. Do you think it was a setup? People are the, the, like the, the common thing is, is that they purposely knew he was going to shit the bed so that the,
Starting point is 00:10:13 when the democratic convention occurred, that they could, they could swap them out. Yeah. I don't know. I don't read that far into the conspiracies, but the dude sounded like a fucking idiot. And like I said,
Starting point is 00:10:22 it sounded like he has to put in an extreme amount of effort just to speak like every sentence and everything that he's saying. It seems like he's struggling to get it out. He has to think very, very hard just about what he's going to say next, the next word and the next week. Like he can't form a sentence together. He thinks word by word.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah. And if, and if you're a leader in another country, I a hundred percent agree with Trump that we need a really strong leader and someone who's going to fucking put their foot down and i don't think he's the guy and i do think that i do think he's probably the laughingstock of of of the world right now all right it's the laughingstock of the world you hear people talking about it all the time hey that's any surprise yeah it's bad it's bad hey when someone cuts their nails, do their fingernails bug you? Like if you see fingernails like on the table or something or like, does it gross you out?
Starting point is 00:11:11 No, I don't look at people's fingernails. Yeah, it doesn't bug me either. But I feel like that's a common theme. Like if I see someone cutting their toenails or cutting their fingernails, there's fingernails. There's always one person that's always like, oh, that's disgusting. nails there's always one person that's always like oh that's disgusting and the other day one of my buddies who's like way way into anal like he can't and i think anal is disgusting he's way into anal he um he's like he loves it he talks i hear him talk about it once or twice a month and and but yet he's disgusted by someone cutting their fingernails and i'm like dude you put your dick in people's poopers yeah Yeah, it's a little weird. But you're freaked out by fingernail cuttings. And I'm like, dude, we all got fingernails.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah, mine's not quite that extreme. But people tell me all the time, like whenever I say something's nasty, they'll be like, bro, you roll around the mat with sweaty men for hours upon hours in a day. Yeah. And you roll about X, Y, and Z. And z and i'm like okay you make a fair point but uh i like dalton's backsplash yeah it is nice are you at home no i'm actually a genie of parents it's not my backsplash unfortunately oh yeah that's nice look at you um uh i thought the guy that you were going against uh norbert and navini i seriously thought
Starting point is 00:12:29 he was the next conor mcgregor i i i watched his five fights and i was like oh fuck oh fuck this this guy has it all like he's explosive he's young he's got the karate stance he's got the wrestling wrestling lineage from fucking god knows you know what i mean his dad's an absolute stud uh his dad was the uh is the most winningest uh world champion in the history of all combat sports had more titles in world championships in combat sports than any other man who's ever walked the planet um he surrounded himself he's crazy confident right yeah that's his fucking you gotta be in the sport you know what i mean if you're not you're not gonna fucking win period
Starting point is 00:13:10 uh and you went in there and you the two things that just screamed at me dalton were how ridiculously what appeared to be strong you are i mean ridiculous um the guy would get on your back and you would just stand up and uh um and and then and then your your timing was nuts it's like you crack the code on the on that karate style it's like you crack venom pages code just right before our eyes like hey dude if you see that fucking lunging, you know, pseudo Superman punch come in, you know, like that paw punch flying in, you just kept going underneath it and just ragdolling this fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Um, I was like, Holy shit. I got to ask him about, cause now, now he's going to fight, uh, Norbert's,
Starting point is 00:13:58 uh, mentor is now going to fight this tomorrow night. Yeah. Yeah. Is going to fight. Um, uh, and I think Norbert's faster than Venom Page. You think so? I do.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I mean, you would know better than me. And I think he's more confident than Page, Michael Venom Page. I mean, I think Michael Venom Page is confident, but I was watching the press conference, and, man, I think Ian Gary is in his head a little bit. Yeah, maybe. But, I mean, MVP is a confident individual, too, and he's very fast. I don't think Norbert was faster. You don't?
Starting point is 00:14:33 MVP, no, I don't think so. Because of the size? You think just that weight class is just generally that they're just moving less mass and they're a little quicker? Yeah, sometimes, but I'm faster than a lot of the 170-pounders that I train the gym too so sometimes there's outliers and i don't know i'd have to fight both of them to see but um he was more to me he was more explosive than he was fast you know what i mean and uh he covered distance well that that's that's what it was for me he didn't seem that fast and uh i know there wasn't a lot of boxing in that fight or anything like that, but I feel like watching the fight back and thinking about the fight right after,
Starting point is 00:15:10 and even during the fight, probably could have boxed a little bit more. You know what I mean? I fell faster. My hands were quicker than his were, and I probably could have boxed a little bit more. But any time he jumped at me, he lunged at me, like you're talking about with the one-two, Any time he jumped at me, he lunged at me, like you're talking about with the one-two, he covered so much distance that even if I wasn't trying to wrestle, if I ducked, you call it slipping, rolling, and ducking and boxing.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Whenever you're not doing a roll or you're doing a slip, sometimes you just go straight down. I was going under the punch, and even if I did want to counter, our bodies are colliding because he's, like, covering so much distance. So even if the intention wasn't to wrestle, he's landing on my shoulder, and then, I mean, it kind of ends up like that. And, yeah, so I don't know. With MVP, it's a little bit different. He – I mean, he covers distance well too, but the way he strikes and ties things together is a little bit different. He covers distance well, too, but the way he strikes and ties things together is a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Jessica Valenzuela, Dalton is pretty. I think she's a cop. She has handcuffs. Careful. Olivia, he sure is, Jessica. Jesus, everyone settle down. Jesus Christ. Luke Parker vibes.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Who the hell is Luke Parker? Luke Parker is a CrossF uh who's just stunning he was on the bachelor god i love your computer that's so cool how it does that yeah i don't know i thought that sometimes it bothers me oh i like it gives it changes perspective uh adult oh here look brio wilson uh dalton is the love child of Luke Parker and Dallin Pepper. Oh, two dudes. Two dudes made him, huh? Those are both really good guys, by the way. They're both great CrossFitters and great men. And beautiful men. Did you, when you go into that fight, can you tell me what the plan is now?
Starting point is 00:17:02 What the plan was now? Was that the plan, just to go under and just toss him up? No. The game plan was back him up to the cage, which we did during the fight a lot, and then just open up my boxing. How would you do that? Oh, not clinch him, but just back him up to the cage so he can't do that running? Yeah, a couple times that we were there and he was like circling away from me.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And then I could have cut the cage off a little bit faster. And I did cut the cage off and he's sitting there and the next thing you know, I fucking wrestle. But, I mean, sometimes it happens like that. I mean, it is what it is. What I did worked out. You know, if we fought again, you know, we'd probably go with a different game plan than just boxing. We'd probably mix it up more.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I don't fucking know. We could fucking go in there and do the same fucking thing. Who knows? I don't know. But the game plan was to just box, really, essentially, in the open against the cage, everywhere. We felt like I was the better striker, everywhere we felt like uh i was the better striker and i still like after the fight i felt like i was too but um the wrestling exchange just
Starting point is 00:18:12 seemed so easy and they were just coming to me so you know what i mean so that's the route we went you know path of least resistance um and even though i was a better striker he's a good striker himself he's explosive like he said fast he has power so uh why essentially play to his strength when uh you know I have a clear advantage somewhere else you made it look easy um wrestling him grabbing him and and throwing him to the ground was it easy it did feel easy. I'm not going to lie. And to be honest with you, I wasn't using all of my strength. Like I know they were talking about how strong I looked and all this other shit during the fight. But believe it or not, when I was in on double eggs on him, I wasn't squeezing at all.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You know what I mean? I don't know if he felt it or not, but I wasn't squeezing because I was trying to conserve energy. You know what I mean? I don't know if he felt it or not, but I wasn't squeezing because I was percent of my strength, I mean, it's, I think it's a, a landslide, but there's risk with that. You know what I mean? If he gets out, turns into a scramble and then you're exhausted, like I was in the third round, you know, in the first and the second round, then different story. You know what I mean? So I was probably using about 50% of my strength, and I still felt like there was a huge gap. Did you get through the first two rounds, and do you think you've won the first two rounds? And does your corner tell you that?
Starting point is 00:19:55 I mean, after each round, they told me that I won. They told me I won the first round easy. They told me I won the second round. They're like, you're up 2-0. But I even told one of them in the round, I said, I don't care if I'm winning the rounds, I want to finish the fight. And, you know, that was my game plan. And I wanted to go in there and either get a submission victory
Starting point is 00:20:12 or a TKO, knockout, whatever it ended up being. But it didn't turn out that way. You know what I mean? I could have pulled the trigger more. I feel like I had a hurt in the second round. I may have, I may not have. You know, I might have just moved my head looking back on it and during the fight when I felt it. But I didn't pull the trigger. I told have, I may not have, you know, I might've just moved my head looking back on it and during the fight when I
Starting point is 00:20:25 felt it, but I didn't pull a trigger. I told myself I was trying to be more mature, but, um, you know, I feel like I'm still making a little bit of mental mistakes in there more than I'm making physical. I mean, I'm making physical and technical errors, but I feel also making mental mistakes. And, uh, you know, I felt like that's what happened in the third, third round. But what's the distinction between a physical error and a mental error a lot of time a physical error is the uh like a technical mistake something you're physically
Starting point is 00:20:54 doing you know but mental errors is just the way you're thinking about things the way you're approaching doing a technique or the way you're approaching, putting a combination together and stuff like that. And that's why at the end of the fight where I said, I got to, you know, I got to step it up with a performance like that. You know, I mean, I had all the tools to go in there and dominate that fight and make it look easy. And I did the first two rounds, but I could have made it even look more dominant the first two rounds. I probably could have got them out there,
Starting point is 00:21:23 could have got them out of there earlier. You know what what i mean if i would have just been all right upstairs if i would have been making the right decisions upstairs and um i wasn't so and ended up going to the scorecards i ended up winning but it was an ugly third round you know what i mean i got exhausted in the third round and there's two sides of that coin you know what i mean it's like people in the future they're gonna cardio and conditioning something you can fix you know what i mean it's something that's a hole that you get you can you can fill but people are gonna probably in the future try to take me there you know they're gonna be like okay this guy beats everybody when he's fresh and i don't
Starting point is 00:21:59 think there's a person on the planet that can beat me whenever I'm fresh in the first round I don't think there's anybody on the planet period that can beat me but a fight's three rounds and whenever you start fighting tight title fights it's five rounds um obviously second round that felt great too um but third round you know I got exhausted for whatever reason I'm not sitting here to I'm not sitting here making excuses or uh gonna speculate why um you know a lot of people would be like oh it was my my weight cut it was the the time change i'm not i'm not gonna do that you know what i mean how about just all that extra muscle you carry yeah it's that's a possibility too so um you know that was that was that's the common thought right you have all that extra muscle that not extra you have all that muscle it's not not that it's extra you have all that muscle and it consumes a lot of oxygen to keep all that that going all that strength going
Starting point is 00:22:49 that that is true but if you look at my fight with merrill cotton i fought at a higher pace than i fought that fight now the difference this fight is i wrestled very very hard you know what i mean like i said i wasn't squeezing in those clenches and everything because I was trying to conserve energy. You're still using the energy no matter what. It's just the rate at which you're using it. So even though I'm conserving energy, I'm still using it by putting myself in those wrestling positions,
Starting point is 00:23:18 carrying his weight, lifting him, squeezing my muscles, even if it's not hard, holding him against the cage, driving my legs into him. And at the end of the day, the way I fought was different. I guess for Romero Cotton, I had a boxing-heavy approach, you know, and I was boxing at a very high pace. You know, I probably threw 300 punches in that fight, close to it. I mean, 250 punches.
Starting point is 00:23:42 You don't see anybody at 185 pounds throw that much volume but i did and i was throwing big punches i was landing big punches and i was missing big punches and when you miss big punches it makes you tired you know what i mean and you go back and watch that fight for three rounds i put it on him you know i mean no breaks so i'm capable of doing that um i just got to fine-tune it and get back to that. You know what I mean? And I don't know. It could be a variety of things. And like I said, I'm not here to analyze it or make excuses.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So I'm not going to. So I'm just going to go back to the gym and try to figure it out. And if I have to lose a few pounds of muscle, I will. I'll get on my road work, start jogging more. And, you know, that necessarily doesn't help your gas tank at all for fighting because it's different energy sources, but maybe it'll help me lose a little bit of muscle over a longer period of time and change my body a little bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:33 so then it doesn't take as much energy. At the end of the fight, when you gave your talk, you were really hard on yourself. Is that sincere, how hard you are on yourself in your post-game interview, post-fight interview? Yeah, man. And I'd be honest with you, you don't want to end a fight like that. Even if I won, I don't want to end the fight like that.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I want to end the fight strong. And it's still, even the first two rounds, even though I was, I won them clearly and I dominated the first round. I felt like I could have got them out of there. And, you know, at the end of the day, I hold myself to a certain standard. And I felt like I didn't live up to that standard. You know what I mean? And it's like, you even take the third round out of it. I feel like I didn't live up to my standard in the first two rounds.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And then you add the third round in and I feel like I really didn't live up to my standard. You know what I mean? And I didn't live up to my standard in the first two rounds. And then you add the third round in, and I feel like I really didn't live up to my standard. You know what I mean? And I didn't finish the fight strong. I made mistakes. I got tired. I got put in those positions because I was tired. And it's like people will be like, oh, yeah, but like I just told you, when I'm fresh, nobody can compete with me. The fight wasn't even close whenever I was fresh, when I wasn't tired.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But the thing is, I did get tired. So it's like, that doesn't make me feel good. You know what I mean? It makes me think like, okay, I really got to fucking work on this. I got to fix this. You know what I mean? And I do.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I got to figure it out. I got to get back to the point where like, I was putting that pace on Romero Cotton and I did for three rounds straight and I wasn't tired. You know what I mean? And I need to get back to that every single fight. And I think that's really mentality. How, how bad was it in the third round?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Your, your gas tank, were you, is it, and is that just the worst feeling that you could possibly be? You're in there with a guy who's fighting and you just have no energy to fight back. It's not that I didn't have energy to fight back but yeah it is a shitty feeling whenever you're uh you're in there with somebody who's a very like norbert's a very good fighter you know what i mean he was seven and oh for a reason and uh even though i was a better fighter like i said uh whenever you get tired shit changes you know what mean? And now the playing field's evened. And it ended up tilting in his favor, you know, whenever I got tired.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And you're tired and you still have five minutes of it left, four minutes left, three and a half minutes, whatever it was. Did you know when you got off the stool in the third round that you were in trouble? No. No, you didn't know? No, I still felt okay. You know what I mean uh i felt like my
Starting point is 00:27:06 muscles were starting to get really heavy my shoulders but like my lungs felt good and i felt i still felt fine hey i still felt fine um it was like the so i think what started it all i watched the fight back a little bit hbo max took it off, so I didn't get to watch it too many. I only got to watch it once, and I skimmed through it. I threw a lazy high kick because – so I'm going to tell you mentally where I was at. At the beginning of that round, I didn't think that cardio was an issue. I seen that he was starting to gas a little bit in the second round, and there was a point in the second round, and as I looked at him,
Starting point is 00:27:44 it looked like he was about to quit you know what i mean but i didn't capitalize off that and then the third round i thought i was like i'm gonna go out there and i'm gonna put him away so i'm like walking him down and i could tell he's still a little either tired or scared one of the two and i'm like all right i'm gonna fucking throw something big if it fucking lands it's gonna put him put them out. You know what I mean? And I threw a fucking high kick and it was like lazy. I stepped really hard forward whenever I did it. So I kind of telegraphed it.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And then whenever I stepped hard and I threw it, I kind of slipped. I went under myself, you know? And then that's where everything started to go bad. I don't know. That was 45 seconds into the round or something. He jumped on top of me. I scrambled out. We got back to our
Starting point is 00:28:25 feet he landed a big elbow that elbow didn't hurt me but it was a good shot and he knew it was a good shot because he started trying to pour it on I covered up and then I shot on him whenever I got out again we were up against the cage at this point he landed another elbow but this one was to the back of the head and this is where like i was watching like one of my interviews on youtube post fight press conference and i see in the comments people people try to let me let me word this the right way because people try to um you know overanalyze things and they try to translate things however they choose to thinking there's some ulterior meaning to it or sometimes they just take things too literally.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So when I was in this, when I was talking to this post fight press conference, I talked about the illegal elbow to the back of the head. There was two of them. This is the first one where it buzzed me. And in the, in the post fight interview, I said that hurt me. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:29:19 oh yeah, you looked tired. I said, it wasn't so much being exhausted right there as it was that I was hurt. And when I say hurt buzz, my equilibrium was still under me. My legs were still under me. You didn't see me wobbled, you know, walking around all crazy. Like you see people in UFC when they get hurt or other fights, boxing, whatever, uh, wasn't blacked out. Wasn't seeing stars. I got hit in the back of the head. was illegal shot right back here and it buzzed me it
Starting point is 00:29:45 was one of those ones where it's like i'm not wobbled i'm not stunned but it was a good shot i'm like okay this hurt me you know what i mean like i gotta i gotta like defend myself i gotta fucking figure this shit out so that's whenever i shot on him again and then when we scrambled out of that that time again we were in the middle. And he landed – whenever I started peeling away, I started turning towards him. He landed another elbow on the back of my head. You go back and watch them. Both of them are clean to the back of the head.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And I don't think they were intentional. You know what I mean? We're really close to each other, and we're in in the clinch and I'm trying to break away and my head's turned one way and he's trying to land a shot. You know, he's not, it's not like he's like, Oh, back of head, he's targeting there. I'm not saying that it was on purpose. I don't think he would do that intentionally. And I also not relying on the ref to see that because the ref doesn't, there's a lot to see during this fight. You know what I mean? So, um, I'm not looking for that too. And at at this point like he lands that
Starting point is 00:30:45 one and I catch myself on one hand and I shoot on him again because I'm like okay that's the second one to the back of the head and I felt that one buzzed me a little bit again too you know what I mean so uh at this point I'm a little buzzed I'm not fucking hurt like that since people like to take everything too literally or overanalyze statements i was buzzed and i was worried about surviving at this point because i was a combination of buzzed and exhausted and i know the the ref he gives us these little speeches beforehand if you're not defending yourself intelligent or intelligently i'm gonna stop the fight i'm gonna stand i'm gonna step in i'm gonna give you a chance but but I'm going to step in, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So all this stuff's going through my head while he's putting this barrage of punches and stuff on me in the fight. And I also said, I was like, yeah, I don't remember that 15 seconds. And it's not that I blacked out and I didn't remember the 15 seconds. I don't remember what he was throwing at me for 15 seconds because I was worried about surviving and worried about fucking getting through that barrage and getting through the fucking fight you know what I mean because I know it's the third round I know I won the first two I know I'm in a bad position I know
Starting point is 00:31:56 I can survive it but it's about whether the ref is going to step in or not so I've got to try and figure out ways to survive to where the ref won't step in until I can get my wits back about me until I can get my gas back and then I can get back up to our feet and then you watch the rest of the fight he stood up the ref stood us up I shot again I pulled guard again and it gave me a little bit more time to recover my lungs and everything else and then he stood us up again and then at that point that's whenever I was like okay I'm recovered enough so I started throwing shots and shit again and had him run away from me landed the takedown had him backing up the rest of the rounds and so on and so forth but um yeah it was like it i was it was a combination i was exhausted and then i was a little buzzed and then i was exhausted again and
Starting point is 00:32:39 those points in the fight when you're uh exhausted like that and then somebody lands a good shot on you shot on you even if it's not a fight ending shot you know it already looks bad because you're exhausted then you get hit with that looks like a good shot in the eyes of the ref and eyes of the judges and everything and then you're going through your head like fuck this ref isn't going to stop in it or step in is he because i'm good i'm good to go. Yeah. Hey, do you have any advice for Ian Gary now that you fought? Do you think that Norbert and Michael Venom Page have similar styles? Yeah, I mean, Norbert learns his style from MVP. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:20 I mean, that gym and the true fighters, they're all like that. But they're still different. Do you have any thoughts about that fight? Or what are your thoughts about that fight, him and Ian fighting each other? I don't know, man. MVP's good. It just depends on how you can't go into that fight with the wrong mentality. You know what I mean? You never let Norbert get into any of his showboating.
Starting point is 00:33:44 You just immediately closed the distance And it was on You know what I mean He didn't get to do any Like Kevin Holland I thought Kevin Holland tried to figure out Michael Venom Page And within 30 seconds Michael Venom Page was in the zone
Starting point is 00:33:57 And there was no stopping him And you never let Norbert get all You know what I mean You never let him get to his musical beat You just stopped that right away Yeah you stressed out the all, you know what I mean? Like, you never let him get to his musical beat. You just stop that right away. Yeah, he was stressed out the entire time. You know what I mean? He realized that he was in for a fight.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yeah. He was losing the first two rounds, and it's like he— He didn't look like he was having fun. He wasn't at a dance party like Michael M. Cage goes to. Yeah, he did not look like he was having fun. No, he wasn't having fun. But, I mean, he might have been having fun. Honestly, bro, those fights are fun to me.
Starting point is 00:34:25 You know what I mean? It's fun when you win. It's fun when you get the big knockouts. But it's also fun. Like, you find out a lot about yourself in those fights like that. And we know Ian's not going to take Michael Venom Page down. He doesn't have that tool, right? I think if he calf kicks Michael Venom Page like he did against, who did he fight?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Jeff Neal? Not Jeff Neal. He did fight Jeff Neal, though. Yeah. The last fight that he got, he didn't stop the guy. It ended up going to the decision. Was it Jeff Neal? Let me see.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Ian, Gary. Yeah, pull up his topology if you can. Let's see. He was very heavy on the lake the calf kicks the one fight and hurt hurt the guy and he put him down multiple times but that didn't finish the fight ended up going to the decision um but if he fights mvp like that um he's gonna lose he's gonna get knocked out uh jeff neil uh oh vincent luca oh that was camille magny neil Jeff Neal Oh Vincent Luque Oh that was Cam
Starting point is 00:35:26 Neal Magni That one That's the one where you hurt him with a bunch of calf kicks And then Didn't finish the fight though He ended up winning by decision But he could have finished him at any time And look at against Daniel Rodriguez
Starting point is 00:35:44 Daniel Rodriguez is a great striker. Yeah, Daniel Rodriguez, that's the Robocop dude, right? He's the Mexican dude completely covered in tats. He just fought Kevin Gastelum. Oh, yeah, no, it's not the same guy I'm thinking of. But, yeah, he's a good fighter, too. No, Gary's a great fighter, man. But if he goes in there
Starting point is 00:36:06 and fights the way he fought neil magny i think michael van appay is going to pick him apart uh michael that that karate style that bouncing back and forth that's bladed stance it's it looks like they're really susceptible to a leg kick or to a calf kick which they are but if they get really good at time they know that they're susceptible. So they build weapons in defense to that. It's like, okay, I know this guy is going to come out and try to calf kick me. So I'm going to really drill this into my head. Anytime I see somebody go for a calf kick, I'm going to launch a right hand.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Those guys are quick. You know what I mean? So you can put a right hand in your face faster than somebody else could. So I think if he goes out there and tries a calf kick on him kicking him he's gonna eat a lot of right hands and get finished you know but uh if he goes out there and boxes I think if you have a heavy boxing style I think a boxing style and all the fives a lot of that shit but if you're going out there throwing a lot of kicks you're gonna get countered a lot and then you let them stay at your range because your kicks have to be set up with your hands you know so then you have to cover distance with your hands and then you kick but i think if you just box in my opinion since he's not a a wrestler i think you're you're better off look mvp lost to uh
Starting point is 00:37:13 mike mike perry in a bare knuckle fight the reason is that's crazy boxing match because it's a boxing match with with bare knuckles if you add kicks to that mike perry probably tries to throw some kicks and he probably gets knocked out. Hey, when I think of you, I think of you have tools. You know what I mean? I'm trying to think of who else has a good example. It would be like Volkanovski.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Volkanovski can stand up or he can go to the ground. Or a young Gilbert Burns or a young Kamaru Usman or a young, not Tiger Woods, Tyrone Woodley. Like when they were younger, they would do it all, right? Now you see Gilbert even standing up more and Kamaru standing up more. I even heard Gilbert being interviewed like, yeah, you go down, you don't want to wrestle as much as you get older. But I don't think of Ian Gary as having tools or Michael Venn and Page as is having tools like a variety of tools I figure that it's almost like hey
Starting point is 00:38:06 the fights already been written because their their styles are they're so cemented in their styles you know I mean like I don't think he and Gary can change what he did what he's what he's gonna do I think like he's just a I'm not saying in a bad way I mean look at the style bender I don't think he changes what he does too much either
Starting point is 00:38:23 I mean they change pacing maybe you know what I mean like like like derrick lewis that was his big thing right like he he his thing is you would see him change pacing some fights he'd come out hard some fights he'd wait till the third round right yeah but i don't i don't ever feel like their styles change that much at all or or they or they can they can dip into other tools yeah maybe it's a little unfair of derrick lately he's been taking a couple people down but for the most part you know yeah derrick lewis is funny man but i wouldn't be surprised if he and gary came out and wrestled wow wow just like as a fuck you yeah but maybe he realized is like maybe he has some wrestling that we don't know about he probably trains it you know what i realized it's like maybe he has some wrestling that we don't know about
Starting point is 00:39:06 he probably trains it you know what i mean it's probably better than michael venn and page because michael venn and page can't wrestle at all and maybe he goes out there and he realized the striking battle isn't what he thought it was going to be and then he just wrestles you know i think and he changed trains with charles olivera i think who i mean is great on the ground right yeah and charles olivera has some great takedowns and stuff too he's not a wrestler but he's good mma wrestling you know i mean the two are different uh regular wrestling mma wrestling completely different but um yeah charles olivera has good mma wrestling and uh if he's training with you and gary maybe they're working on some of that i don't know but you can only learn so much during a fight camp you know i mean 10 12 weeks whatever it ends up being you
Starting point is 00:39:44 can only develop so much and it depends on how quick of a learner you are oh who wins that fight uh between ian and michael venom page i say ian gary you do yeah yeah will you will you watch it hell yeah i'm gonna watch it man yeah yeah i mean i mean it could be it could be a main card fight for sure it could be main event is it on the main card i think it's on the main it is on the main card yeah but it could also be the main event like i'd pay to watch it me personally for sure um but sometimes these cards they already have like a main event like put in place right right and it might not be the most exciting one and it's just contracted that way and then they bring in guys
Starting point is 00:40:32 like this you know i mean to add more to the card where people want to buy it because the headliner might not be what like people thought it was you know what i mean but i mean we got alex pejeda versus yuri yeah so we got a banger for the main event as well and it was supposed to be conor mcgregor versus uh michael chandler so they were really trying to beef this card up it seems like who wins between trump and biden i hope donald trump man you watched that last night did you watch the full thing or you i watched the thing? I watched the full thing. I watched the full thing, and then I watched like two hours of analysis, and then I came home and watched clips. I wanted to really see how the liberal media was going to handle it,
Starting point is 00:41:14 and I didn't hear one person stand up for Biden, not one. Yeah, I think it's pretty evident that he's not fit for office. Yeah. Like he wasn't in the first place, but I think it's like it's undeniable now. I think even the people that were supporters of him, the people that hate Trump and they only voted for him because they hate Trump. I think there's no like denying at this point, like, OK, this guy shouldn't be in office. Like this is the type of guy where if you see him out, you could have a conversation with him. And whatever you said two minutes ago, he completely forget and you have to repeat yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:41:48 and that's who you have run in the country this is a guy that you wouldn't even give a normal job if he went for an interview at uh at any company gas station attendant can't yeah yeah they're gonna fucking interview him and they're gonna be like we can't have this guy here you know what i mean he's not fit for the job that's a really good point he can't run the cash register at mcdonald's yeah so how are they gonna have him run the fucking country and and he and he's and he's our commander in chief sending boys to war yeah well that explains a lot right fucking they were just talking they were talking about the fucking hamas shit and palestine israel i don't know too much about that so i don't like to get into it I don't like speaking on
Starting point is 00:42:26 the things that I don't know that I'm not versed in but he they were talking about how they're still hostages and what his plan was to get the hostages out they kept asking the same question over and over again because he wasn't able to answer it you know what I mean he's like oh this is my
Starting point is 00:42:42 plan and then he had a three phase plan and all three phases were the same thing oh yeah that was a mess that was hilarious wasn't able to answer it you know i mean he's like oh this is my plan and then he had a three phase plan and all three phases were the same thing oh yeah that was a mess that was hilarious wasn't it that was i forgot about that yeah it's like okay what what are these three phases entail you know what i mean it's like you say what they are but like what what's your plan yeah all right dude uh nine and one you have one you have one fight left on your on your contract with um bellator no that was my last one oh that's your oh shit yep oh shit is your agent busy i don't know i'm assuming bellator will just come to him whenever they're ready but um yeah i don't know it's uh exciting time yeah do you have courtship from other people
Starting point is 00:43:27 what do you mean uh like other other fight uh you know ufc bare knuckle pfl or other people courting you i'm not allowed to talk to any of them right now until like uh there's like an exclusive negotiation period with bellator but i wouldn't imagine that bellator would even let me get past that exclusive negotiation period at this point you know what i mean so yeah i mean uh i'm not gonna lie i enjoyed the way things were ran uh when i was there at dublin like the way that they're doing things with pfl yeah i enjoyed fight week i enjoyed you know obviously the i enjoyed the fight it's not the fight i wanted, but, I mean, they're doing a lot of things right. I mean, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I'd like to see you fight. I'd like to see you knock Paulo Costa out. Everybody would love to see that fight. Maybe with the direction that it's going, maybe with the direction that MMA world's going, you don't have to fucking leave one promotion to go to another to fight those guys. Maybe they just make the super fights. Right. Because they already, pfl already acquired bellator so they're already one yeah and uh maybe they just start doing fucking promotion versus promotion and uh yeah i mean that would be ideal hey dude great having you on you the man uh thanks for
Starting point is 00:44:43 putting on amazing fight Thanks for coming on Thanks for just being an all around great dude I appreciate it man thank you Alright Dalton Rosta later brother See you bro What a stud God I hope he's champion one day I hope he gets everything
Starting point is 00:44:58 He can out of it He's a guy on a solo mission Him his dog and his chick. He's the epitome of accountability and personal responsibility. I would like to see Dalton celebrate in the ring. I do want to see him celebrate in the ring. I want to tell you, it did break my heart a little bit how hard he was on himself after the fight. Dang, David Weed, cool dude.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, he's a cool dude. Only 28. It's nuts. It's nuts how much he's taken on. Dana White, sign him up. I just want him to go wherever he can get the most money. Wherever he can go to get the most money. Okay, when does Alex get here? I don't know she's probably sleeping in she's probably uh sleeping in
Starting point is 00:45:50 who's making the decisions in the white house who the fuck is making the decisions in the white house so we heard anderson cooper ask uh kamala harris that question right he he said hey is this the guy you see white house right a discussion and just just finally it was very clear he will be signed back into law the protections of roe v wade okay cool so baby he was going to put back in baby killing got it right the person we saw tonight the president we saw tonight on that stage is that how he is every day is that how joe biden is every day he wants stage, is that how he is every day? Is that how Joe Biden is every day? He wants to know. Is that how he walks around the White House?
Starting point is 00:46:29 Semi-gorked. The Joe Biden that I work with every day is someone who, as I have said, has performed in a way that has been about bringing people into the Oval Office. Uh-oh. She's not going to answer the question. Republicans and Democrats to compromise in a way that is extraordinary these days because it just doesn't happen, but Joe Biden can make it happen. Compromise? The Joe Biden I see is someone who goes to our allies around the world
Starting point is 00:47:04 and strengthens NATO to the point that there are two new members of NATO who NATO. Just about four years ago, people said, is NATO even have a reason for existing? The Joe Biden I know is someone who has delivered 800000 new manufacturing jobs and bringing manufacturing back. Anderson Cooper. He's like, ma'am, is she going to say anything? That's the United States,
Starting point is 00:47:31 not shipping jobs out like Donald Trump did. So that's the Joe Biden. I know. Vice president Kamala Harris. I appreciate your time. Holy shit. So what happens? They go to, they go to the democratic convention and uh and now the delegates vote to see who's going to run for president for the democrats is that how it works and then all so so the delegates go there and now they're going to vote right it's
Starting point is 00:48:01 kind of i i know it's that's's called the electoral college for when they do it for president of the United States. I don't know what it's called, if it's called the same thing. But so those people are going to have a democratic convention. They're all going to get together and they're going to vote to see who runs against Donald Trump or whoever the Republicans pick. or whoever the Republicans pick. And I guess the hope is they can get all of them or enough of them to vote for someone else besides Joe Biden to go against Trump. And who would that be?
Starting point is 00:48:38 Gavin Newsom? What a mess. What a mess What a mess By the way Short commercial break James Sprague Our beloved James Sprague If you want to support James Sprague You can get a jersey
Starting point is 00:49:03 Looks dope James Sprague, you can get a jersey. Looks dope. James Sprague supporters jersey. You go to, it's at Wadable. Wadable Products James Sprague supporters jersey. So anyone who wants to support James Sprague. Who doesn't want to support James Sprague you got a James Sprague Jersey a chest size how do you know what your chest size is does anyone know what
Starting point is 00:49:31 their chest size is who's a man I have no idea what my chest size is anyway those are available and I guess Google Wadable James Sprague. I saw one more thing along those same lines of someone I want to support greatly. Let me see if I can find this. Lindsey Cantu of BirthFit. This is great. Look at Lindsay. Oh my God, by the way.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I sent this to 20 people last night. I'll pull it up in a minute. I'll pull it up in a minute. If you have not seen Sean Ryan's interview with RFK, there's a 12-minute portion that's called CDC Secrets. You have to see that, especially if you have kids or you're planning to have kids. You absolutely have to see that. Kenneth DeLapp, your chest should be 10 inches bigger than your waist. Oh, okay. Is that true? Okay. Listen to this. Lindsay Cantu from BirthFit. This is a post you made three days ago. I've had one person in this year's cohort ask for a refund because we discussed the shenanigans of the coronavirus inside the coaches course. While it is not our policy to honor refunds or transfers, I agree to a partial refund because I realize that not everyone is ready to take the veil off.
Starting point is 00:50:59 We are living in quite possibly the greatest awakening that has been accelerated by the coronavirus. Of course, we're going to include discussions on significant abuse that babies and mothers and their families experienced during 2020. That means like basically locking your baby down and surrounding it with people who wear masks. Anyway, here we go. Let's listen to Ms. Cantu, the founder and CEO of BirthFit. I'm giving you a minute to read that title because yes, research has already shown that prenatal stress significantly impacts the brain development of an infant, both immediate and later on in their life.
Starting point is 00:51:41 So when I see this, it's like, duh, of course, the shenanigans of the plandemic, the scandemic, those mandates and recommendations by our elected and non-elected government officials significantly impacted the health of babies during that time. So we're seeing it now. In the BirthFit Coach course, we talk about the not so cool recommendations and mandates that happened during 2020, during Rona. And if you are part of an educational course that is not talking about this, an educational course that is not talking about this, especially in the health realm, but for real, anybody, if you're a part of a course that just like brushes this under the rug,
Starting point is 00:52:36 then I'm afraid you might be living on the wrong side of history. Not only the wrong side of history. Why would you do that to your kids? Like, even if you don't agree with her, like, uh, no one disagrees that masking your kids or wearing masks around your kids is bad. Hey. Good morning. Miss Hare, hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Sorry. I just literally, I had an alarm, so I just woke up. Dude, that's really cool of you to do that. Yeah, yeah. No problem. Thank you. What time would you have normally gotten up, Alex? I have, like, a last resort alarm at 8.15, so like 30 minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Tell me about the – so you have multiple alarms? Tell me about this waking up protocol. I just have one at 8.15. Usually I wake up on my own around like 8-ish or maybe a little earlier. But I need to get up and get going by 8.15. Otherwise, my day is need to get up and get going by 8 15 otherwise my day's hard to catch up on is jake is jake home or is he out out uh oh he's out making money yeah yeah he's in california oh yeah okay yeah all right because i was gonna say uh jake should be waking you up
Starting point is 00:53:38 no i get so mad when he wakes me up. Good morning, dear. I have something for you. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, dear. Hey, dude. Congrats. Going to the games again. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Thank you. Thank you. What number? This will be three. Crazy. It's kind of weird how fast time has gone by. Like three. Yeah, it's weird. Comment on, three, yeah. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Comment on the hair. Wow. I know. Isn't her hair just amazing? Thank you, thank you. When's the last time you had a haircut? Like, two, three years? Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:54:18 No shit. Not even, like, the ends trimmed or nothing. I got it trimmed after Wadapalooza uh like three years ago yeah or two yeah three years ago and that's been it with curly hair when you trim it like unless you go to someone really good like one inch of curly hair looks like three so i always hate to get it cut because it's like even if you get a trim it'll go from maybe like here to like here right the weight of the hair kind of pulls it down and keeps it straight and if you don't it just will just go poof to a full fro yeah yeah yeah for sure i totally get that i know is this the longest
Starting point is 00:54:57 you've ever had in your life uh i mean like as a obviously, I feel like hair always looks longer. But, like, as an adult, yes. Yeah. Any temptation to cut it off because of your vocation? Like, that it's an obstacle, like, in any of the activities you perform at the games? No. I just throw it in a bun, and it's usually fine. I can't remember what event it was, but at the semifinals, at one point, like, you really let it down. And it was dope. Thank you. Yeah, that was the rope climb event event i knew it wouldn't get in my way so i thought it'd be fun oh dude it was so fun it was so cool watching you walk around afterwards it was awesome you
Starting point is 00:55:35 you were straight lying out there thank you uh um tell me about the the semi-finals you're you're let's start at the end um the semi-finals are over and and and you're on your way home and what's alex think about her performance and and and just her mindset um like i'm just like that sounds so silly but like um looking at the programming like i knew that if I executed to my best, there wasn't really a reason I couldn't win. I'm not saying, obviously, you don't know how great other athletes are. But it was kind of like I wanted it to be a fight for someone to win. And I felt like I was instead clawing back up onto the podium, which kind of just felt like a bummer.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Like I've been working so hard on snatches and I, it didn't show. And like, that was really frustrating, but there were some good highs. Like I felt like being able to bounce back and do what I needed to do in the last event was obviously exciting. And I had some good events,
Starting point is 00:56:42 so kind of just like really happy to make it to the games again but just lit a little fire under my ass to like get my shit together um well what were any of the events like a um uh a low like were any of them like where you like afterwards you were crying like what the fuck you know that is yeah tell, tell me, tell me. Yeah, the snatch event. Because I just, like, even in practice, like, my time definitely was not going to be a winning time. Like, girls have just become so amazing at that movement and that workout. But even in practice, like, my time was better. And I at least just, like, felt confident by the end of practice.
Starting point is 00:57:23 And on the floor, like, I think I got a no rep for, like, not standing up all the way of practice and on the floor. Like, I think I got a no rep for like not standing up all the way in one of my earlier bars. And I think it just made me really nervous and like I was already nervous. And so I just really slowed down and they had one other miss and it just turned kind of sloppy and not confident. And I think when you're not confident, you let the workout run you
Starting point is 00:57:45 and you can't do that if you want to do well. And in that event, you took, you have a 11th, a third, a first, a sixth, a 23rd and a first. Yeah. And, and then you ended up taking second place. Um, and then afterwards you were walking off with Kotler and, and, and it will be in the behind the scenes. There were some, there were some great moments in there I want to ask you about that real quick even though you were in an emotional state you still seemed like Alex to me do you know what I mean like I came out with the camera you weren't like you still seemed confident you weren't like embarrassed that you were crying you weren't shy you weren't you were like hey what's up and you were still you like do you still you know what i mean like you you hadn't um you weren't belligerent thank you
Starting point is 00:58:32 yeah yeah i mean the sport's like emotional and like obviously if you i think there's it's like one thing to do poorly just because other girls are really good yeah and it's another thing to do poorly because like you didn't do what you could do um so it was kind of more just like disappointment and like in a positive note like I think in the past I wouldn't have even finished that workout so like there are little wins just sometimes you want to be better than you are faster um but yeah we were like walking and in a competition like i i feel like i'm pretty good at not letting events roll into the next one so obviously i was upset but um
Starting point is 00:59:11 i like try really hard not to let it float beyond that event and then and then you go into the final event what was the final event again it was uh 22 cal bike 15 ring muscle-ups um lunge right and that was with the dumbbells so so you took first in that uh did you know going into that like did you did you use any of the fuel from the previous event uh yes and no like i knew before the snatch event went bad that like i wanted to win that one and i had the capacity to um and then the snatch one was just that like pressure like okay now you have to um yeah and did you think you could win that one when you went into it and was it was there a strategy or is it just let the wheels fall off the bus just go
Starting point is 01:00:01 we knew what pace i can't even remember what pace i held on the bike but we had practiced a pace that worked really well so i knew to hold that pace do the muscle ups and then you just you grab the dumbbells and hold on for dear life did you make it across without putting the dumbbells down yeah yeah congratulations hey have you had coffee yet i don't drink coffee have you have you consumed anything yet uh i have like my electrolyte water and creatine and then i actually i had like five minutes so i made a smoothie if i get hungry so you don't wake up and have caffeine do you do do you consume any caffeine uh like sometimes for fun like i like i like tea a lot so sometimes like i'll get a tea if like i go out with my friends but i don't like purposefully consume caffeine
Starting point is 01:00:49 that's that's fascinating maybe and you come across so even keeled thank you yeah i just uh a i like my sleep's pretty sensitive so like even though it shouldn't affect my sleep i don't like that potential risk and then i, I don't know. I never drank coffee, so I never got hooked, and here we are. So no stimulants at the games? No. Silverine has a non-stim pre-workout, and I'll use that, but no caffeine. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Wow. I wonder if there's – do you know any other athletes that don't consume caffeine? Not really. Yeah, I don't know. Wow, that's fascinating. Have you ever thought about using it to get an edge? I know you can. Like, I think I've used, like, pre-workout, like, a few times.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Like, I think I did it water please a couple of years ago, but I don't, I didn't notice like enough of a difference to like stick with it. Yeah. Wow. And, and, but, and did it bug you at all when you use pre-workout, did you feel your skin crawl a little bit? Oh, like beta alanine. I use beta alanine sometimes. Um, yeah, the first time I used it, I like, cause it usually is that stimulus is way worse, like the very first couple times and I remember I looked at my friend who like gave it to me and I was like what the fuck did you just give me like am I like hi like what is this and you feel your face turn all flush your
Starting point is 01:02:16 face like almost like you have a sunburn yeah but now it doesn't do that anymore. Wow, crazy. That's fascinating to me. So in first place was Abigail Domet. And in third place was Ariel Lohan. And then fourth place, Hattie Canew. Does part of that, does part of not winning also make it weird? Like if it would have been Ariel, would it have been easier to swallow? Like, hey, who the fuck is this new chick? Where the fuck did she fuck did she come from Abigail doing so well no I don't want to discredit Abby at all like she's obviously a really good athlete um I don't think it really matters like who who
Starting point is 01:02:54 it is it's more just like fuck like I didn't do it um but I will say the first two days I think me and Ariel both looked at each other. Cause the leaderboard was like kind of wild on day two. Like there were so many names in the mix that we didn't really know. And we were just like, I mean, what is going on? Like we need to get our shit together kind of. And so, I mean, yeah, the West, I feel like just was like a really diverse group of athletes. So there was a lot of scrambled eggs going on um but yeah i mean abby's obviously a really good athlete um and she she's she's she's good and she went to the games last year but to see her win the region's pretty trippy are you
Starting point is 01:03:36 shocked um no i mean if you look at her placements like she was very even keel across the board. Like, she got, like, fifth, sixth, like, all top tens, I believe. And in a weekend like that, like, if you do that and other people have mistakes or, like, you're gonna win. Kind of like how Justin won the games a couple years ago. Right. Like, he never won an event, but he just stayed even. So, I think that was really impressive. I think, like, I i mean at the games like i'm hoping and i'm pretty sure like my home runs will get me farther right because there's more people the field is more condensed so like a first in the semi-final and a fifth at semi-final will shake out different when you have the full field um so i'm like confident like i'm not stressed going into the games like i still feel confident it just was more of a little like uh
Starting point is 01:04:30 when you did that snatch ladder did you practice that at um at underdogs and did you have a faster time than 809 or slower time faster faster can you share with us what that time was it was like seven i mean it wasn't like i said it wasn't a winning time i think it was like 720 730 okay and and and you're saying and you got two no two no uh two no reps i had a no rep and then i think i had one or two misses afterwards did you have any misses when you practiced it yeah and i was still way faster so like i said i think it just ended up being like i lost my confidence and then so i just i let the workout control me i didn't like attack the workout do you know what you got the no rep for uh yeah it was like not standing up all the way after a snatch i think that was a really common no rep given out throughout the
Starting point is 01:05:25 weekend i'm sure you've heard some of the stories yeah hey alex what's the conventional is there a conventional wisdom if you do it in practice you'll do it faster or if you is there some like theme that you hope okay if i did it 7 34 in my own gym that means at the event i'm gonna do it faster or slower is there some yeah of course like in practice i was i was really nervous even in practice because i just didn't feel like i didn't like know i could do that workout yet like i didn't know i could be good at it and so of course like okay with adrenaline like especially if i'm feeling good like maybe i'll be faster and then you heard like elisa fuliano in Europe, she was, like, two minutes faster than her practice time,
Starting point is 01:06:07 and she got, like, 5.01, which is incredible. So in my head, you get excited. Okay, I was, like, 7.30. Maybe I'll pull, like, a six-minute something out of my ass. Like, who knows? And I just obviously, like, I went the other way, and it happens. and it happens um uh you're at underdogs and and i i picture um it's it's a gym and you go in there daily and that's where you train and work out and recover and hang out and that's like your home right not really so oh camp rhino the home base of underdogs has two locations.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Sorry, hold on. Hey, Shadalina, stop. It's not even bad, by the way. It's not even bad, the barking. It's like we can barely hear it. Just so you know. Perfect. They have two locations and I live really close to one.
Starting point is 01:07:01 It's like the north and like the home base is usually the south. So I actually train up north a couple of days. And then outside of of the gym i go to this gym that's like a recovery gym so they have like a sauna ice bath all that good stuff and um i spend a lot of time there so i i mean i'm in the gym a lot for training but once i'm done i i head out and then do you so do you often go to both of those gyms in the same day no no no oh wait which ones like the recovery the one would you train at and then the recovery one yeah yeah okay and um and in that there's other when you're training there's other athletes in there uh yeah so the south a lot of people live closer to the south location which is like by the airport um so that's where like kyra kendall carson ava um
Starting point is 01:07:44 a lot like even alley and Raph train there a lot. Allie and Raph have been coming up north with me a good bit, which has been fun. And, oh, then there's another one of my friends. Her name is Omer. She moved here from Israel. She's, like, a semifinals. She's a semifinals athlete through the Asia region. And she moved here to train.
Starting point is 01:08:03 So she's been coming up north a bit too is that the girl that they surprised you with at the event yeah yeah well what did you think about that so for those of you who don't know um uh I think you had just finished the snatch event uh I was yeah something I was sitting in the back um like in the athlete warm up area just chilling so yeah you were you were super chilling you were I was sitting in the back, like in the athlete warm-up area, just chilling. Yeah, you were super chilling. You were in the athlete area that's for chilling. You were sitting in a chair. You were reclined. It's like the spot for athletes to go to get the most privacy and the most downtime.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And you're there, and then all of a sudden, your friend, who you didn't expect to be there, shows up. Were you glad? Did that affect you? Good. Was that a good thing? Or was that a, uh, Jake organized that, right? Oh, we lost you, Alex. Oh, you lost me. Yeah. Can you, can you hear me now? Yeah, we can hear you. We just can't see you, but that's okay. Can you see me now? Kinda. Oh, there you go. There you are there you are um yeah i texted her because she was in san diego already just like on a vacation after her semi-finals and i was like are you coming to the event she's like no like i won't be there so i was really just shocked to see her
Starting point is 01:09:17 and she's super positive and like just one of my really good friends so it was exciting but was it was it good like in hindsight like were you like did you like afterwards you're like jake never do that again or no i didn't no no i didn't mind i didn't mind at all okay was it a pick-me-up oh yeah it was super sweet i mean like having people that like that are in your corner and your friends like it just makes you be, or at least in my case. Well, when you showed up to underdogs, um, you were a low man, low woman on the totem pole, uh, Bethany, Danielle, uh, Carrie Pierce. And now clearly it's not like that has, are there any prima Donna qualities that have, uh, that you've seen seep in that you are glad seeped in or didn't seep in? Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I hope not. I hope there's zero. I would say no. You don't think there's no things that you've become more controlling about or more anal about or i would say the only thing that like maybe like the emotion that's changed i feel is i feel like um not necessarily responsible for the environment but more just like like i feel like obviously a tremendous amount of like i don't know how to explain it like when i first got there there was just like this like vibe and like granted i don't i didn't know how to explain it. When I first got there, there was just this vibe. Granted, I didn't know the ins and outs.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I was just kind of like a puppy dog following people around. But it just was like this. We show up, we do the same things, and you just do what you got to do. I feel like now everyone's a little bit more dispersed. There's a lot of everyone doing their own programming. I always get like a little bummed about that and i feel like sometimes i'm like it's but that's not a prima donna quality that's just me being like evolved i feel like i've like been through all the evolving of the camp and so like i have emotions about that but i don't i i mean maybe someone else can chime in, but I don't think I've changed.
Starting point is 01:11:35 So what I'm hearing you say is you've taken more ownership of the culture and the vibe, whereas before maybe you were in a learning phase of the culture and the vibe. And now you've taken more ownership of it and feel some accountability, like basically more of a leadership position. Yeah. Yeah. like basically more of in a leadership position. Yeah, yeah. Like you said, you were following people around maybe and just doing what they do, and now you have to be aware that you're setting the example for everyone else. Yeah, yeah. And Kiefer was a coach there, and he just left, right?
Starting point is 01:11:59 And his client was Kyra. He has a lot of athletes, actually. So everyone that's not me, Ali, Raph, and Omer is his athlete. So he has, like, I want to say five or six, maybe. And do you – this is going to sound fucked up, but do you like that, that he left? Like, in a way, like, there's more breathing room. There's less stress. There's less moving parts.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I don't mean for any reason, like they hate someone and they leave, but like, hey, the truth is, is like the house was getting crowded. No. So like I said, things kind of shifted where people were doing a lot of their own programming so like Kiefer's athletes kind of had different programming than me and Raph or Allie's working with another coach but when she was doing underdogs like when we all had so we had different programming anyway and that was always something I was kind of bummed about and like I did not do a good job of like communicating it enough like hey we should all work out together like I think that's what makes people better um but I didn't do that so we all just kind of had our own thing and so like nothing
Starting point is 01:13:11 really changes like as far as him being with proven like it's not like I'm like oh I lost my training partners to proven um nothing really changes obviously like it's a little bit weird for Justin because it's like like that's now you're proven coach like do I want like it's weird to essentially show all my cards to you and like give that to proven and so I think that's a little weird but like I said I also train up north a lot and so um Justin's like well I just kind of want to train up north more and it works out really in my favor because it's close and I don't have to drive so far. So it's not, but it does. I'm guessing, uh, I don't know how close, uh, Kiefer and Justin work together, but on some level they,
Starting point is 01:13:58 uh, they were consuming each other's time. Kiefer was taking some of Kotler's time, at least for sure. Right. And so now Kiefer has that uh Justin is free of that right yeah I mean I think at the end of the day like it's all gonna work out like Ricky's coming and now Justin can essentially just like we're just gonna do our thing for the next month and yeah um but yeah it's just kind of the best way it's just kind of the best way. It's just kind of weird. Like there's no like crazy drama. It's just like, just weird. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Like, like, like, like, like you went to school with someone for like three years in elementary school and then they moved to the Philippines and you're like, Oh, you're gone.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Yeah, but they're not gone. So like, they're staying at, they're staying at under or at camp Rhino. And so that's where they, Oh really? They are. as of right now
Starting point is 01:14:47 yeah that's what i am understanding because keifer's hope was that we just keep everything the same and still all trained hey please be glad oh that is weird that's weird that's weird oh that's crazy i didn't know that i thought they just pack up and go to nashville no so he wants to stay in vegas so that's where justin's like. I didn't know that. I thought they just pack up and go to Nashville. No. So he wants to stay in Vegas. So that's where Justin's like, eh, I don't really like that. It just seems like not fair.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Like, it's not fair to like, okay, I'm going to leave you for a better job, which is fine. Like, you got to do what you got to do. But then like also stay in underdogs, like home base. Like, that's kind of weird. It's a little weird. Yeah. Yeah. Clydesdale Media. It's like your ex
Starting point is 01:15:25 uh sharing the house yeah yeah like I said like there's no crazy drama or like no one hates anyone it just it just creates like oh like weird it's a little weird right yeah that is that is a trip yeah so we're gonna train up a lot north like I said it's great for me I love the north location I'm really close up a lot north. Like I said, it's great for me. I love the north location. I'm really close with a lot of the coaches there. So I'm chilling. I wonder how if Kiefer knows it's weird or somehow he's rationalized. I wonder what his logic is.
Starting point is 01:16:00 That is weird. I was just telling a story the other day. is that that is uh that is weird i was just telling a story the other day um there was during the florida 19 event there was an employee at crossfit who made two hundred thousand dollars a year and had an affiliate and they de-affiliated and denounced greg but they kept their job i'm like i don't think you can do i don't think you can do that i don't think you can keep collecting money from the company that you denounced and it's like yeah that's a trip yeah that's a trip um and like i mean yeah i think his hope keifer's hope and i'm kind of implying this but i think he was like well like we were kind of separate anyway so like things really shouldn't change that much just because it's like a new name
Starting point is 01:16:45 um and camaraderie and spirit matter camaraderie and spirit or play or matter yeah and if you go to a different camp you lost that yeah so i think like that's like where like we're kind of like well it's a little weird it's like if justin justin's really good at like he's been in the long time so say a qualifier happens like he's usually pretty good at like, he's been in the game a long time so say a qualifier happens, like he's usually pretty good at like, hey this is gonna be a good time, like this is how we should strategize just out of experience because he's been doing this for so long
Starting point is 01:17:13 so like, for him to like have to feel comfortable sharing those cards like to another camp like I totally understand that that's weird 100% and just the energy you want to give. He needs to feel free in there and you need to feel free in there. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And I think the weirdest thing for me is the timing of it too. All these underdogs athletes that are going to be games athletes. We essentially had one of the biggest crews at the games like eight athletes or something um as underdogs and like for that to be stripped away like now it's proven also kind of like a kick to the shins for underdogs and justin a little bit i'm trying to think of a good metaphor it would be like if um you used to change in front of someone but now they're your ex you still change in front of them or like you used to shit with the door open when they were your boyfriend or girlfriend and now you they're not but they're still in the house do you start closing the door yeah it's just
Starting point is 01:18:12 there's a um a intimacy component that that you take take for granted when they're on the same team totally totally and like i mean i think everyone like wishes him the best with the job and like everyone understands understands like growing and um spreading your wings but it was just kind of like like i said a little bit of a kick to the shins like the timing and the just yeah hey do you ever hear rumors of Kotler retiring? He never says he wants, like, he hasn't said he wants to retire, retire. But he told me there's this really awesome strong girl from Fiji. She's a teen athlete.
Starting point is 01:19:00 She's 13. And she reached out to Justin to, like, coach her. And he, like, came up to me. He's like, all right, I need you to like coach her and he like came up to me he's like all right i need you to like win the games a couple times she'll replace you and then i'll be done oh interesting so i don't think i don't think he actually has like a plan for retiring but i think he's kind of at the point where like he's just super selective about who he wants to coach and like put his energy into yeah um i feel like he honestly will probably never retire. I'm sure he'll always have an athlete.
Starting point is 01:19:28 But maybe retire from the business at some point, I'm sure. I don't think he really likes the business side of things. How's your relationship with the other dude from Australia, the Bailey Martin dude? I don't really know him very well. I met him, obviously obviously at the games and like at some competitions like rogue and i've spoken to him a few times he's very nice um but i haven't spent like quality time or anything with him he's an underdogs guy
Starting point is 01:19:54 uh he was oh he's not either well all those are kefirs athletes oh shit i had no idea that's what i mean about like it's a little bit of a kick to the shins for underdogs because yeah gracie bailey luca kyra uh i'm probably forgetting someone else kyla's keifer's chick though kyla's keifer's chick right i mean that one makes sense yeah yeah they were but i mean like but on paper like all underdog like representing underdogs right and then now all of them might i don't know if they'll be affiliated with proven like for sure i'm assuming but it won't be underdogs so it's just kind of like ah how how how does how does how is it camp notified about that like do they do do him and justin stand up in front of all the athletes and gather you around?
Starting point is 01:20:47 Or do you find out from social media? Or how do you find out? No. Kiefer told Justin and then obviously spoke to his athletes. Justin spoke to me. Kiefer spoke to me. I think it's just like direct communication. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Damn. It's a trip how many things roll across Justin's bow. Yeah, I was kind of joking. I was like, we should make like a parody video or something where like we reveal that everyone leaving is because of me. Like just like like Carrie didn't actually want want to retire i was just too much to handle bethany didn't want to move to california for her husband like she couldn't stand me the danielle stuff was because of me like i just thought it'd be so funny to yes spin it please please uh um dickies how much do you have prepared for dickies already uh do you have like hotel room and like how much how much do you start having planned do you start thinking about your meals
Starting point is 01:21:51 who's gonna go with you how much do you have planned yeah so we have an airbnb me justin ricky and like our people um and that would be really nice uh brad that works for apex nutrition he's gonna be there and i think help cook for Apex Nutrition, he's going to be there and I think help cook for us, which will be awesome. I just haven't booked flights yet. Me and Ricky are going to, I think, go down a little earlier, and so we'll stay at a hotel or something those earlier days, but we'll book that.
Starting point is 01:22:17 He gets here the 1st of July, so we'll probably book all that when he gets here. And Jake will go? Your husband will go? Yeah, he'll go, like, last minute, so, like, probably, like, Wednesday night before it starts. And how is your relationship with Ricky? Really good. I mean, I haven't really got to spend time with him for a while
Starting point is 01:22:37 just because he wasn't here, obviously, for game training last year, but we hung out a lot at Watapuza this year. We went to, like, for game training last year, but we hung out a lot at Watapuza this year. We went to the Utah trip after. I remember having a ton of fun training before the games in 22. I think we're both really excited. I think hopefully it'll be better for him this time. I can actually push him in some things, whereas a couple years ago he just was kicking my ass.
Starting point is 01:23:02 I'm really excited. I think it'll be a fun time is it is it fun having that i'm trying to think of what other camps have that but it's it's like you and ricky i mean it's it's a good everyone knows you guys in the community everyone knows you guys you guys are both at the top of your game is is it kind of does that uh is that exciting as opposed to let's say you were going with um um, I don't know. I don't, who can I pick on at the bottom of the men's fucking heat as opposed to going with a, hold on, let me, I'll pick someone shitty.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Let me pick someone really shitty as opposed to going with, uh, um, Oh God, I don't know if I can do it. Don't just, you could just, I was going to say, as opposed to going with cold gray shaver, but I really like Cole gray shaver. Yeah. But, but is that, is it fun?
Starting point is 01:23:49 Is it like, okay, we're two superheroes. We get to go like, does it feel special to go with someone like Ricky? Oh yeah. I'm so excited. Like I'm really excited too.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Cause just a couple of years ago, it was like, just like, you're going with a guy who can win it. You're going with a guy who can win it. Yeah, totally. So I'm really excited. And just like, I know he with a guy who can win it. You're going with a guy who can win it. Yeah, totally. So I'm really excited. And just like I know he has a really like lighthearted attitude and like works really hard.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And it'll just be fun. He's actually staying with me. So he's staying at our house. And yeah, I'm excited. Does he bring his chick? She'll come. I think he said the last week of July before we leave. So she'll be here at the end
Starting point is 01:24:26 And have you met her before Oh yeah I love Michelle She's the best Is she cool she chill she doesn't bug Ricky She stays out of his way she's a good supporter She don't fuck with him No she just keeps him together Make sure he eats
Starting point is 01:24:39 Has whatever he needs She's just like a supportive great girlfriend that all right so ricky got a good one she's not fucking with him the whole time you're not like whispering with jake in bed at night oh my god ricky's fucked no not at all she's like an angel i think anyone that's met michelle is like oh my gosh she's like perfect oh perfect that makes me happy to hear that Yeah Alright thanks for coming on I know I texted you late yesterday And I know we got you out of bed 15 minutes early
Starting point is 01:25:12 I really appreciate you man Oh no of course anytime Are you when are you going to the games Are you going early So the situation is I've asked for a certain kind of access And they've pushed back and said We're not giving that kind of access to anyone this year. You have to fill out this application for enhanced access.
Starting point is 01:25:31 So I'm going to go through all the hoops, but then I'm then I'm going to send them an email or I'll text them. The lady over there, Jenna Haka, who's in charge, I have a great relationship with her. So I'm going gonna text her and basically tell her like hey i appreciate the enhanced access but if i can't get all the access like if i can't go everywhere that dave can go then i'm not gonna go yeah can you just like text dave and be like hey can i just like be your like shadow i mean that's the way what that's what i said last year yeah but i but this year i have a feeling that they are trying to, I don't know. To be honest with you, I don't know what they're doing because I think I did a great job of representing CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:26:11 I did a great job promoting the affiliates, the level ones. But, you know, there's a lot of drama swirling in the space. And I hope it's not for ego reasons that they don't want to, that they want to somehow punish me. They say some dumb shit occasionally. They'll be like, hey, we can't give you this access Cause it's not fair to that person. And it's like, Hey, fuck you. Like, I don't care about fair. Like, like, and you shouldn't care about fair either. At the end of the day, just look at my body of work and be like, Hey, uh, did that help the games? Did people like the behind the scenes? What were the numbers on it? And then if they
Starting point is 01:26:40 liked that, then they should just let me pull the trigger. I mean, I mean, to be honest, like at least from my knowledge, CrossFit isn't doing anything to like help the sport grow. Yeah. Like what you guys are doing does. So like, yeah, I don't know. Things are wild. Like seeing the Sean Woodland thing blew my mind. That was sad, right? Oh, my gosh. But when I remember when I first started CrossFit, hey, and, like, watching the documentaries and, like, that's just what I picture. Like, I picture his voice, you know? Like, that's, like, CrossFit. It's wild. I don't think that he should have – although I've had my ups and downs with Sean.
Starting point is 01:27:19 If I was obviously in charge, I would definitely make sure that Sean was doing the games every year. I can put that aside. And I do think that he's the voice of CrossFit, and I do think he's the best one that's ever done it. That being said, I don't think he should have made a post so quickly, because I just think he should have waited and let it play out just a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Like, because he said he just found out yesterday, but they haven't given him a reason why. And I just feel like I don't know when when cross it fired me i didn't run and make a post i think you just have to uh i think you have to i don't i don't think that's the way to go yeah it's just your knee-jerk reaction just to go to uh social media yeah i think that's maybe more like an emotional response like a right like Right, right. Like a – I need some like – not that he's seeking affirmation, but like an emotional response of like maybe like why, how, like if you don't have the answer.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Right. Yeah. I'm trying to think who – oh, like Paige. Paige Powers? Yeah. When Paige Powers didn't make it, I asked her, hey, all these people have made posts about not making it. You haven't made one yet. And she said, yeah, because I know that when I make that post, it's going to get a lot of attention.
Starting point is 01:28:34 So I want it to be a post of like something I want to draw attention to. Meaning she didn't – like she's not going. She knows it. Why make the feel sorry for yourself post? Maybe point to it at like some charity she likes or some shirt she's selling. Do you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, for sure. Take advantage of the moment.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Like you're saying, don't use it. Seize the moment. Yeah, no, that makes sense for sure. I think Paige is incredible. She's so awesome. She is incredible, right? Yeah, yeah. She's so sweet. She's got a good? Yeah, yeah. She's so sweet.
Starting point is 01:29:06 She's got a good head on her shoulders. All right. Plan to win the games? I'm not going to lie to myself. Tia is on one. She's like, if semifinals was any indication, like she's back in her Tia fashion so i don't think that's realistic this year but i i want to do my best and oh let me ask you this so when i had haddy can you on
Starting point is 01:29:35 i um i i love you i think you're uh extremely beautiful uh physically i think you're beautiful mentally i think you're a a powerful soul i also think you're a gentle soul i think you're beautiful mentally i think you're a a powerful soul i also think you're a gentle soul i think you're caring i think you're attentive i think like like i can't think of one bad thing i think about you you're responsive you're present but when hattie can you this was this was so weird when she told me she's like yeah one of the girls wasn't so nice to me out there i immediately thought it was you and i thought it was so she said it wasn't you but i thought it was so weird that i think all these great things about you but i started reflecting on it and it is because when you are on the floor there's a a fierceness to you like you're very upright you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:30:21 you're very like and after events and you walk around like don't fuck with me but you're positive and happy but you know what I mean do you think it's weird that I thought that about you that it was you like that maybe you snubbed her because Justin's always like I want you to be more of a killer so I never assumed that I
Starting point is 01:30:39 have that quality I will not lie my heart just like planted because i thought you're about to say that she said me too and i was like i don't even feel no no but people in the audience thought it was you too people know everyone's like gazan gazan gazan but no one's ever said anything about you like that and you don't exhibit those characteristics but but there's still something about you that's like okay like you like, you probably shouldn't fuck with her. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Like, you're showing more of a competitive, like, when you're out there, you have a certain poise to you that's like, it's Gazan time. That's so funny because I'm the one in the corrals that's, like, annoyingly talking everyone else's ear off because I'm nervous. But, yeah, I mean, we'll add it to the parody video. I'm just like a diva. Yeah, just like throwing your sweaty shirt at Hattie Canyon and be like, hold this for me. Wait, oh my gosh. Could you imagine? I can't imagine being a competitor.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Like, say my first year at the games, like if like Danielle did that to me. Oh my God. Like, carry my water bottle back. I'm going to do an interview. Hey, carry all my stuff back. I'm'm gonna do an interview hey carry all my stuff back i'm gonna do an interview that's hilarious that'd be funny oh no all right anyway i have i now i have a conflicted opinion about you i have must have some deep thoughts about you that uh
Starting point is 01:31:57 don't uh don't blend with all the nice thoughts i have about you all right i'll work on myself i'll try to dig it out for our next interview. It's alright. I'll channel my inner diva. Maybe I'll make those thoughts. Alright. Alright, dear. Thanks for coming on. Thanks, Saman. Talk to you later. Alex Gazan! Alright.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Oh, diva shirt. Alex Gazan diva.a god her hair is fucking amazing the video i wanted to show you guys was uh this one now just bear with me here if if you're if you're if you're gonna have kids or you have kids just watch this just watch just it's only 12 minutes and i watched it at 1.5 time it's a 12 minute long video and it's uh it's sean ryan Ryan talking to this dude, the guy who's running for president. I published the transcriptions of a secret meeting that CDC had conducted in 2001. And you got to see this. You got to see this.
Starting point is 01:33:21 You gotta see this. If you think that smoking is related to lung cancer, but you don't think that pharmaceuticals that are forced and mandated on kids to go to school are somehow intertwined to all the autoimmune diseases, eczema, autism, then you should definitely at least look at that because he says some shit in there and draws up some studies and some numbers that will blow you away. It's absolutely fantastic. And you could fact check them. You can look up the paper. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:34:04 I just realized that video has already been flagged by youtube crazy wow damn isn't that amazing that youtube's in the health game? They're in the truth game. Anyway, and if you have kids who are baseline kids, meaning they don't have any of that stuff, you can actually make the observation yourself. And decide for yourself because oh dalton sent me a picture of himself while he was on the podcast his dog sitting on the dining room table that's awesome uh you could you can make the observation for yourself you can you can see your kids
Starting point is 01:34:58 if your kids haven't taken any drugs and then you can compare them to all the kids around you because like 99 of them have taken drugs and so you can start you can start making some anecdotal observations uh regarding autism every time i google looking for links between autism and vaccines i find almost 100 of doctors say it's not connected are they all in it for the dough i have no idea why they're in it but if you look on um if you look on if you look on continued education for doctors or you look at who wrote the who write who designs the the criteria for what makes you a doctor in academia and you follow the money, who's who's messaging the doctors, you will quickly see that it's 100 percent big pharma. It's 100% big pharma. God, Pat, I don't use this one very often, but sometimes I wonder if you're smart or not.
Starting point is 01:36:12 You're so much smarter than that. You're so much smarter than that. If I go to a car lot and I buy a car, I get to drive that car off the lot. I control that car. I mean, this is just nuts that you would say this. You have any, if you go to, if you ask a doctor who works at, an ER doc who works in Salt Lake City, what do you think about snowboarding? They will have a very strong opinion about snowboarding because in that area within 500 miles of there, that's where all the real serious snowboarding accidents are brought in. So helicopters will be flying in from all over the western portion of the United States, and they see a lot of fucking crazy snowboarding accidents and deaths. And they see a lot of fucking crazy snowboarding accidents and deaths.
Starting point is 01:37:10 And so if you want your opinion about snowboarding and you ask that doctor, you're going to get a biased opinion. It's the same thing with my friends who are cops. They are crazy protective over their young kids. Crazy protective. No, you have totally missed the point. We're not saying they're in it for the dough at all we're saying it the same way that you're you've already admitted that you're a slave to google for getting your information they're a slave to someone else for getting their information has nothing to do with the the them taking the dough although I said, I knew a very smart doctor who knew COVID only killed people with four or more comorbidities and the average age of death was over 78 years old.
Starting point is 01:37:55 And that doctor ended up with during COVID, and this doctor was a pediatrician, this doctor ended up with a new Mercedes wagon and a home in Costa Rica. I do know that. Because they fulfilled the obligations of giving the injection to kids. I'm tripping on John Woolley. I'm tripping. Are you guys tripping on John Wooley I'm tripping Are you guys tripping on him? I'm tripping on him He's like reinventing himself or something
Starting point is 01:38:35 I'm tripping Action Clearly poked holes in your system He said Hiller has clearly poked holes in your system. Yeah, he said Hiller has clearly poked holes in your system. That's what he said I'm gonna call my wife real quick. I need to find it. Sorry. Sorry, mr. Willie. Hold on a second. I Thought Kayla was gonna come on today So I was gonna stay on late cuz I kind of wanted to hang not kind of I wanted to hang out with them But there's no Caleb.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Hello, you listening? Hello God damn it Thanks Uh no but she saw it After this Olivia did you tell Haley About the sharks no but But uh yesterday Uh I got she texted me a Screenshot of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Okay. Where am I? Dude, that show, The Boys, is so fucking crazy woke. It's wild. It's wild. I don't know if I'm just seeing the world through a propaganda lens, but it's wild I don't know if I'm just seeing the world through a propaganda lens but it's wild okay so first I'll tell you the premise I'm tripping on Wooley because of this
Starting point is 01:40:16 he he is a a facet in the ecosystem of... Oh, here we go. Let's do it. Let's party. Hi. Oh, did you tell him?
Starting point is 01:40:35 Yeah. Surf camp? Hey. What? Surf camp. He really doesn't feel good. Are you babying our boy no but I'm scarred from Ari I don't want him to get
Starting point is 01:40:52 sick like Ari did he went to surf camp yesterday and he did fine didn't he he did but I could tell he was pretty worked and then last night he seemed worked to me and this morning he was coughing and I don't know I I asked him are you sure this is the last day they're going to do pizza after you really feel like you can't go and he
Starting point is 01:41:17 said no okay I love you great choice I know these decisions are difficult to make and um do the do the sharks play a role in your decision in your voice no no no sarcasm i'm just managing uh frustration but it's not directed at you i just really want him to go to surf camp and uh did the sharks play a decision he asked if you were going to be upset yeah tell him he should go huddle in the corner and hide under a blanket. No, I'm joking. I'm not upset.
Starting point is 01:41:50 I'm not upset. Red's not going. Oh, he's not? Do you want to go to the point? No. Oh. Did you get my message? Nuh-uh.
Starting point is 01:41:57 And they asked if we want to maybe go to the point a little bit. Oh, no. Maybe I could take it. Could I take them skateboarding then? To Luke? Yeah. Could we ask Maggie if she wants to see if Luke's available?
Starting point is 01:42:12 Or just go there to the skateboarding. Yeah. I'll definitely go to the point. If you're going to go to the point, tell me. Oh, Christine Young agrees with you. Your tone is sarcastic. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm just managing my frustration.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yeah, I can hear your voice here. Just processing. Yeah. It wasn't it wasn't it wasn't totally sincere. No, that's correct. Yeah. Yeah. There. That's what I meant. Yeah. It was like, don't say something. It was like, don't say something stupid. Yeah. When you do that little high pitch in your voice, I could tell. What did I tell you about how many secrets you give away about our relationship when you're on the air? Okay, we better go.
Starting point is 01:42:55 I'm on a roll. Let me talk to Avi. Let me talk to Avi. Let me talk to him. Okay, hold on. Hi, Eric. Hi. Hey, have you ever heard the theme song to my show my podcast have you heard it what have you ever heard the theme song to my podcast no it goes here listen listen i'm gonna play it for you listen tell me can you hear this
Starting point is 01:43:20 can you hear that drum it's a sad show it's a sad podcast show everybody's welcome peace and love it's a sad podcast show that's awesome is that the first time you've heard that yeah oh that's cool hey buddy are you scared to death that i'm gonna'm going to come inside and mash you for not going to surf camp? No, I ain't scared of nothing. Okay. All right. I love you, baby.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Hey, I'm going to finish the show, and maybe we'll go to the point with everyone. Bye. All right. I love you, dude. Drink lots of water. Okay. Bye. Bye. Bye. I ain't scared of nothing. all right i love you dude drink lots of water okay bye i ain't scared of nothing i'll fucking come in there and fucking make you scared of something the fuck you mean you're scared of nothing what's wrong with my family don't they know
Starting point is 01:44:14 how to play the game it's a fucking show i play my son the sounds of screaming villagers yeah that's what i'm gonna make i'm gonna he's gonna be a screaming villager when i get in there he doesn't even know i think uh he's scared of sharks more than you do dude i'm terrified of sharks that's what sucks my wife asked me afterwards she's like hey aren't you worried about the sharks and i had to lie to my wife i'm like no i'm not worried about it but i'm terrified of it i i used to sit during skate camp and now i stand by the water and watch it's like three hours of standing. And I just work on my breathing.
Starting point is 01:44:53 I don't think he knows the word gay. I was really hoping he was going to say that's kind of gay. I don't think he knows that word. Yesterday I walked through the house naked and he told me to put some pants on. Christian. He's like, hey, dude, you got to put some pants on. christian he's like hey dude you gotta put some pants on like what the fuck are you talking about i got a i had a big old bundle of laundry you know i was walking the laundry room from the bedroom to the laundry room and i took off the clothes i was wearing to wash him he's like dude you gotta put some clothes on i think he said he cracked
Starting point is 01:45:18 the joke he's like no one wants to see that anyway where were we oh i'm just tripping on john woolley because he he's a he's a a fixture in the community that's like should be like in this lane like you know what i mean like he should fit my paradigm for just who he is like i i have these thoughts about him and he should stay in that little like uh spot like pat lang pat lang just stays in his spot just stay in your spot like what are you doing what are you doing you what why what what are you doing so uh let's see if uh here we go oh wait here we go god that that filter he has on just makes him like, he almost doesn't, he's almost just eyes in a mouth talking. Three times now. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 01:46:10 This music's crazy too. Okay. So it starts off with the word hiller. You can barely hear it. Note to people who make, I fucked this up too, but note to people who make content like this, like give it a like half second breath. So like when I play it on the air, I can actually get the whole thing in. Okay, here we go. Taylor has clearly poked holes in your system three times now by my count,
Starting point is 01:46:35 and I'm sure there's going to be more. And so the question you guys should be asking, what are those holes he poked? Is it, um, uh, is he talking about just the three most recent videos he made on craig howard annette and um Don are those the whole I don't know what he's talking about there Okay, here we go Is that? Why is hillary attacking us? The question you should be asking is what can we do better based on this situation moving forward? I like the spirit of what he's saying there a lot.
Starting point is 01:47:14 I mean, at some point, like someone's attacking, you just got to fuck them up back, though, too, right? I guess we don't really know. I guess we really don't know what they're doing over there. They're not attacking them back or we don't. Maybe they are reflecting. I don't know what they're doing over there. They're not attacking him back, or maybe they are reflecting. I don't know. But I wish I knew what those three holes were he's talking about. I don't think Hiller's poked any holes. It's a really simple process.
Starting point is 01:47:43 The second question that you need to be asking, and you should be asking this a lot, is why are so many internal employees that work at CrossFit so willing to leak information that could be potentially harmful? I don't know. I don't think anything's being leaked. That one is so weird, too. I understand the spirit of what Wooly says. I'm not fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:48:07 I get it. i would say is um not that he's poked holes in the system but that uh hiller has had some criticism and some observations uh regarding let's say like the consistency and judging or something which i don't care about or um having someone there who hires people on skin color and maybe that's why it's uh the company's not doing as well as like we hoped it would or just whatever whatever i feel like hillary's just making observations and pointing it out to them i don't think that they're holes um and then and then this final thing um what did he just say uh what was that i missed it i lost my train of thought i had a joe biden moment or embarrassing to the organ oh leaks leaks how the leaks and by the way that's the that's the key to having a moment when you forget shit like just
Starting point is 01:49:00 like just go with it just accept it like if you try to fight it or fix it on the floor, it's like, you know, when you fall down and you try to catch yourself, your back will go out. Like if you're walking down a steep lawn and it's slippery or you're hiking and there's a downhill, you, at some point you reach this awareness that like, Hey, you better not try to stop. If you start to fall, just lean forward and keep going with it. And you'll catch yourself moving forward. Don't do this shit. shit you'll fall back like when you're ice skating or roller skating and uh and so that's that the joe if joe could just figure that out he would be cool he'd just like laughing himself and roll with it anyway the leaks they're not leaks you're gonna see the example he gives it's not leaks there aren't leaks coming out of HQ? I don't see these as leaks. When I hear Wooley say that they're leaks, and this isn't – I'm not attacking him or being critical of him.
Starting point is 01:49:53 But it's like, hey, you gave the wrong answer. The thing is they just need to be truthful. You just need to be truthful. If they were just honest, it's only a leak if you're being dishonest and hiding something. Yeah, like maybe workouts, like the workout coming out on accident,
Starting point is 01:50:13 maybe that's a leak. But the things that people are saying are leaks aren't leaks. You're just not being truthful and honest. You're not just being completely truthful. Like if you don't want to say anything, just be like hey i ain't telling you that don't make up a story about it i ain't telling you that
Starting point is 01:50:29 like someone will be like like hey dude like i ain't attacking dave he's my friend but he did this this and this i don't give a fuck fuck you i ain't defending him and like or if you do see me defending him and i think he's wrong i'll defend him even when i think he's wrong because he's my friend like i don't give a fuck fuck Fuck you. Like, just be honest. It's just honesty. I don't even think that most people know what it means to be honest. I don't think they have enough space in between their thoughts to know if they're being honest or not. They don't have enough self-awareness to even know if they're being honest or not they don't have enough self-awareness to even know if they're being honest uh maybe i don't know what he's talking about patrick lang says isn't the workouts
Starting point is 01:51:15 uh being released early multiple times in the past six months what they're talking about yeah i don't know but even but even that pat right Like they posted the workout on YouTube on accident. So that wasn't like a leak. That was just an error. So it's just like because let me go. The implication is and I agree with like the end place where Wooly gets to. I totally agree with him. Like there's a bunch of like I would say I'm just guessing that 99% of people who work at CrossFit are fucking disgruntled and turtled up and scared and fucking hate it. And they're in paralysis. And it's just a survival game. It's not even a work game. That would be my guess. Right. And I think that that's, that's the thing in a lot of workplaces, right? McDonald's, just work, just any any any of those jobs and I think that that's the end place that a woolly gets to it's like hey you have an environment that's not an employment brand people aren't like
Starting point is 01:52:09 probably so excited to go to work there right they're they're they're just doing it for paycheck and if you were just like if you were just honest and free there like for instance you could wear a Biden hat there you couldn't wear a Trump hat there just to use the most extreme example you couldn't say hey dude that's completely fucking ridiculous like you could never like uh text the net and be like oh my god that's fucking insane are you really hiring people based on their skin color like well well it's a complex i mean you would be it just doesn't work that way be it just doesn't work that way uh but but i don't think it's leaks i don't think it's leaks anyway let's go on let's go on position you can look no farther than how quickly hillary gets his information you can look at some of the questions in that great interview that peter did that that's
Starting point is 01:53:00 an astute observation uh that for anyone who had a sharp eye like Wooley obviously has. You can tell that Peter had a lot of information that wasn't public based on what the questions he was asking leading questions that lets you know that like Pedro knows some shit. That very clearly came from inside sources. That very clearly came from inside sources and I can tell you from personal experience On multiple situations. I've been sent stuff from inside sources that I've never used. I'll give you a very specific example Now this is the part that's crazy This and this is the part that makes me like like this is where will he just completely swerves out of his lane like dude You pick a lane you're in either in the lane, the slow lane, the fast lane,
Starting point is 01:53:47 like whatever lane you're in, stick in it. But this part, really, I was just like, holy fuck. You guys lost your mind when Hiller did his post on J.D. Coates, who, again, I love the guy, super nice dude. But none of us knew him when he started. And within minutes of you guys hiring him i received a text message with the video of him talking about crossfit being dangerous the text message came from a friend who got it from someone who sits on your affiliate board so much to fucking unpack
Starting point is 01:54:18 there first of all i don't know for a fact that they lost their mind when the de coons video came out but i think it's a safe assumption but but i don't know de co fact that they lost their mind when the de Koonz video came out, but I think it's a safe assumption, but, but I don't know. De Koonz seemed to handle it like a fucking champ. Um, and then, um, so,
Starting point is 01:54:33 so, so that's, that's the first thing. Then the second thing is it's not a leak if the video is out there in public. So once again, I feel like, uh, maybe Wooley is saying,
Starting point is 01:54:44 Hey, you guys need to play politics better. And my message would be like, hey, no, you need to be more honest. And that's an important distinction. But Woolley is saying because the person was close to HQ and the affiliate council, they should have been playing the politics better and not sent that to him, who's an Internet maven. that to him, who's an internet maven. But then Woolley, if that's the truth, then Woolley is admitting that you should be hiding the truth in order to get the ship moving forward and smoothly. And you shouldn't be telling truth when you could also argue that someone on the affiliate council should be sharing that information. That's their job. If the affiliate council,
Starting point is 01:55:21 is the affiliate council supposed to be helping the affiliates or is it supposed to be helping CrossFit? And, and, and so, and, and CrossFit is the one that sent out the email that said Dacoons didn't even have his L1, which I think is even crazier than him being hired to run affiliates,
Starting point is 01:55:35 not have his L1 then, uh, or have even attended no one. I don't care if he has his L1 attended a dozen L1s as opposed to at one point him saying that Crossfit's uh dangerous but all that being said said like like i like i and john i don't mean this in a bad way but like i think this is just like typical like fox news or cnn just dumb talk it just it's not i just don't think it's deep and penetrating and there's too too many questions that you're opening by what you're
Starting point is 01:56:05 saying but it's that last part i'm tripping on who is on the affiliate council i only know three p i only know two people craig howard and jason kalipa and i if if let me see if I can ask someone real quick does anyone know who's on the affiliate council can anyone tell me but either way did he just fucking out Craig Howard that's the part that I was like what the fuck
Starting point is 01:56:41 it doesn't get much more internal than that Hitler has that part doesn't make sense either. There's too many presuppositions I have to make. Clearly poked holes in your system three times now by my count, and I'm sure there's going to be more. And so the question you guys should be asking isn't, why is Hiller attacking us? The question you should be asking is,
Starting point is 01:57:03 what can we do better based on this situation moving forward? It's a really simple process. The second question that you need to be asking, and you should be asking this a lot, is why are so many internal employees that work at CrossFit so willing to leak information that could be potentially harmful or embarrassing to the organization? You can look no farther than how quickly Hiller gets his information. You can look at some of the questions. Yeah, the affiliate council isn't really, I don't know if it would consider it an internal organization.
Starting point is 01:57:34 And if it is, then it's pointless. CrossFat, hey, Sevalon, how about your guys making media with your girlfriend? Wasn't he the only reason Tia Wright got so much media back in the day? Oh, you're talking about haynes making uh maybe the the thing is the thing is with making media too at least you you basically are just doing everything it's not like that, I want to see your point. So much of the media we make is just who you have access to. Right. So Dan Bailey moved to Santa Cruz. Right. So he lived here for three months. So we made a shitload of content with them. Right. So a lot of it is, is just like who you have access to because back in the day,
Starting point is 01:58:18 everyone was just working like fucking maniacs. Right. So like you see my mom in so many videos that CrossFit publishes and why because she lived in the area it had nothing to do with the fact that it was my mom she was in the area and she like they didn't even ask me i i think i was i think i was already like on the outs i think that was like my whole team had already been fired when my when my mom started doing those i was actually shocked that they asked my mom to be honest with you. And so it's, it's not really like that. It's, it's really just so so much of it is like opportunistic um but there are but but but there are some interesting things i've told you guys this before anyway i don't want i don't want to get the uh jonathan haynes things right now right now but um
Starting point is 01:59:27 when when when rosa sold the company um or when rosa bought the company with uh berkshire and there's another company i keep fucking forgetting its name there's another company. I keep fucking forgetting its name. There's actually two companies that own CrossFit. I. Some really weird shit happened. That I. That actually at the time. I was too naive to see. And.
Starting point is 02:00:02 I was. I was too naive to see Caller, hi Yo, what's up? Do you and Dave talk about this stuff on the side? Uh, no Yes, but I'm very respectful Dave never wants to be put in a position I know Dave and he never wants to be put in a position to lie
Starting point is 02:00:21 Right? So I don't want to ask him anything that would make it so he has to lie to anyone at work do you know what i mean right and even if i did he'd be like hey dude that's none of your business but you know he i mean he's very good at keeping me at arm's distance i can say that stuff though i can say stuff to him though and i and i feel very comfortable and he feels very comfortable we can have have an open dialogue, but I'm also respectful of the fact that I don't ever want to put him in a position where he has to lie. You know what I mean? So I'm just I'm super duper.
Starting point is 02:00:55 I try to be super duper respectful of that. Well, just like when you have guests on that have other interests and they don't want to ruin their brand quote unquote you're respectful with them yeah it's like i don't i don't i'm not asking dave if i can do the behind the scenes because i'm being respectful of the fact that i know that jenna hawk is there and he took the time to introduce me to jenna hawka at the west coast classic and i take that as him saying you need like you need to talk to her. Get what I'm saying? So maybe last year I was like, Dave, hook me up or Don, hook me up.
Starting point is 02:01:33 I went directly to Dave and Don and I negotiated with them. And Dave wouldn't have introduced me to Jenna. He's a chain of command guy. Right. And he respects and he's not going to. Part of the way he respects himself is respecting other people. And so he's not going to disrespect someone just because they disrespect him or they do something wrong. It's kind of like Mother Teresa said, be nice to people because you're a nice person, not because they're nice to you.
Starting point is 02:02:02 And so he tries to be really – I mean, he doesn't try. He's really true to himself. So. Yeah, well, you know, Heidi, Heidi just mentioned, like, how does he like work with these people? Only because I saw that, you know, that little rant he did with Annette defending Annette. Listen, she's team CrossFit. He's got to defend his people. But, man, I just don't see how someone like Dave can like hang with these people working with them. It's such a such a difference i don't get it uh you know i went back and watched some of that again and basically yeah i think he has to address i think he has to address it to stay true to his brand, right? And that's a stupid word. Sorry. He has to address it to stay true to
Starting point is 02:02:48 his values and how he wants to communicate with the community. He wants them to know that he's like, if he just buried it and avoided it, there would be something disingenuous and borderline dishonest. And so he addresses it. But what I heard him say is like, hey, I've never done that. No, I've never been forced to hire someone based on the things that Hiller's not accusing, but shown us that Annette prides herself in. Right?
Starting point is 02:03:20 I mean, she prides herself in hiring people based on their skin color. And so he's basically saying, I've never been forced to do that. In the sense that like he's, it may have come across like he's defending her, but he's also exonerating himself. Is that the right word? Exonerating? Yep. So, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:03:44 I mean, we've all worked with fucked up people right i mean you're a cop you work with some fucked up people right yep and i it's it's hard to defend people who have these so the biggest thing with law enforcement you have the power that's kind of like a bad one but you have the ability to take away someone's freedom because you literally lock them up and not give them their freedom. Their freedoms get taken away. Right. And then when you see something that's kind of like borderline,
Starting point is 02:04:10 uh, should he be, or should she be doing this? It's hard to do the whole, the whole dance. It's like with George, you know, with George Floyd,
Starting point is 02:04:17 like that poor Asian cop, it was like his first week. He's not going to tell. How about the arresting officer? The arresting officer was a black dude. I think he graduated the highest in his academy in like 40 years. They all went to jail. So it's tough to do.
Starting point is 02:04:35 So, yeah, like I said, Heidi said, like, you know, Dave's hanging with these guys, these girls. It's tough to see, like, how he's's doing that especially they've been there since like almost day one with crossfit he's right he knows the way it was it's like right it's like abercrombie now like you know phil phil telly will attest to this like abercrombie back in the day it was like you were proud of wearing like an abercrombie sweatshirt or clothes because it meant something it meant you were part of the club. And like when you CrossFit and put a CrossFit shirt on, it's like you're part of that club.
Starting point is 02:05:11 When you see someone at the airport and now they know what's up. Now it's just like, eh, it's not the same. What do you think? What do you think? What do you think Woolly's doing? You think, like, has he changed? He's red-pilled. Really?
Starting point is 02:05:34 I think he's slowly turning. Maybe, like... I don't think so. Here's why I don't think he's red-pilled. And I hope I'm wrong. I think he's more of a populist. Because once you're red pilled you start like really focusing on the details and you stop making presuppositions and you start
Starting point is 02:05:52 getting more granular right and and that whole and someone said if you listen to his whole his whole youtube video he goes into more detail but it still is it's it's not – I still don't think it's very honest. You know, like someone would use like – someone who has climate change as a religion, they call it climate change. And someone who's looked into it is like, hey, do you actually believe in anthropogenic global warming, meaning it's caused by humans? And then at that point, you're like, oh my god, that person actually looked into it a little bit. I just feel like he's running it through the same paradigm. It's like, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I'm struggling with it. Something doesn't it feels like it's more maybe populist stuff. I'm just not sure what I'm just not sure what he's doing. It feels like it's more maybe populist stuff. I'm just not sure what he's doing.
Starting point is 02:06:46 I'm not sure what he's doing. When I say red, I don't mean a Republican Democrat. Neither do I. I don't mean Republican or Democrat, but I just mean sort of an awakening that's for logical and clarity reasons. You know what I mean? If I'm voting Republican so I can get pussy or if i'm voting democrat to get pussy like i haven't thought it out you know what i mean it's like hey i'm still using the same paradigm which is like to get pussy as opposed to like as opposed to if you're a black dude at some point you might be like you you really don't want to be around
Starting point is 02:07:22 racist people and finally you wake up to the scam that is the Democrats, that they're like tricking you to keep yourself on the plantation. You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't think he's waking up like that. I don't think he's waking up like that. I mean, if he is, congratulations to him. That'd be crazy. That'd be dope. Does he still do those kettlebell... The cocktails. The Danny Spiegel, Nicky one. Brazier's one. I don't know. I don't know if he does.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Caleb's here, though. That's all I'm out of. That's it. Hey, Caleb. Caleb, is that... Is that... Is that menstrual fluid? I know you're away from your wife. is that menstrual fluid? I know you're away from your wife.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Is that menstrual fluid that you're drinking? I keep it in the freezer, and then I just kind of thaw it out whenever I need to. When I'm down, will you send me a cup of your flow? Please. I need it. What is that? Are you drinking a Bloody Mary? What is that?
Starting point is 02:08:22 No, it's actually Paper Street coffee. Oh, good. Oh, got it. But I made it in a... I can't remember what it's called. They call him the Beave because he drinks menstrual fluid. That's right. That's what my diet consists of, menstrual fluid. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:43 Well, thanks. Nice hearing your voice. Hey, Jethroro how's the affiliate awesome i had 30 members today just in the morning classes wow fantastic wow rocking rocking and rolling all right well thanks for asking yeah already members hey you have any good filmmakers you have any good filmmakers in your gym Hey, you have any good filmmakers in your gym? I DM'd you.
Starting point is 02:09:09 I wanted to send you our first draft of our first video. Oh, yeah, yeah. I saw that. I just ignored that. Hey, you got to text me the video if you want me to see it. There's no fucking way I can see it if you don't text me. You know why I can't text it to you. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:09:25 I have an Android. Oh, shit. You know what? I'll have Julie send it to you Jesus Christ Your life sucks Yeah yo that affiliate commercial That you posted Dude freaking awesome I'm gonna have the Wait till you see this next one I'm gonna play it now
Starting point is 02:09:41 Alright I'm gonna go watch it Peace and love Later dude Bye Wait till you see this next one. I'm going to play it now. All right, I'm going to go watch it. Peace and love. Okay, peace and love. Later, dude. Bye. You guys. Single-handedly fucking... Just remember, you affiliates that hate me.
Starting point is 02:09:59 Just remember. I had shoulder surgery, shoulder replacement surgery. There was a point in time where I wasn't sure I wanted to come back and go through the rehab and have to kind of start over. My name is Paul Ellis. I'm Salt Lake City, Utah, and I'm 57 years old. My first week back after six months of rehab, the coaches here took time to talk to me about where I was and how we could rehab and how we could get back
Starting point is 02:10:46 to where I wanted to be. That competitive spirit never dies inside you but sometimes the body can't keep up and that's a struggle and the coaches I recognize that and have helped out a lot. To me, Salty Hive cares about the individual. Whether you're younger or older or you're elite or you're brand new, I've watched and noticed how everybody's important. And that keeps me coming back. Brought to you by two brain business Caleb Beaver
Starting point is 02:11:31 and the seven podcast there's so many I love the pride flag love the pride flag nothing like letting you know that pedos are welcome the pedo let's call it let's call what it is the pedo flag the pride flag so sad what's it is The pride flag So sad
Starting point is 02:11:46 What's happened to the pride flag The whole fucking Yeah Yeah Dear Patrick Dear Savon I don't feel like this is good promotional for CrossFit Starting it off with a major shoulder surgery
Starting point is 02:12:03 Thank you That's some solid uh insight thank you um i uh i i that fucking this guy brett what's his name brett hoffer fuck he's killing it he's making so many of these so i'm gonna have this dude brett Hoffer on and very soon. And we're going to go through all the videos that he's made. And basically it's going to be like, Hey, this is what you have to do to enter the film contest. And if you're a filmmaker or, you know, a filmmaker, you can watch these,
Starting point is 02:12:38 you can copy these and you could submit five and they can be much shorter than that. I prefer shorter ones. This fucking guy made them all 90 seconds fucking brett anyway they're fucking amazing i'll tell you what camera he used tell you where he got his music we can ask him everything it'll be a show like that and in first place if you win that contest is five grand and i'm telling you we're not going to get a lot of submissions but the next year yeah it's great right and you get brand new fucking camera for that much and the thing is in the next uh in the next uh we'll do the contest and then but in the next year i'm gonna have a hundred of those and then at some point you just got to be like uh they have the athletes on they have the business affiliate show. They're supported by Two Brain. They have commercials. And so do you know about this thing? Do you know about the thing Sousa has? Sousa has this website.
Starting point is 02:13:37 What is it? Media No, not that. I don't think it's that he has something else. Let me,
Starting point is 02:13:47 I'm going to call him and ask him. He has this, he's built this place. That's like a gathering site. I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't been there. A gathering site for affiliates. And I think he's going to put all these commercials on there so that anyone, any affiliate could download them and use them, but I'm going to use them for P breaks and shit shit i'm just going to use them to just pump affiliates
Starting point is 02:14:08 right play one a show and i'll have a hundred of them oh school oh yeah yeah school it's i've heard him say it's like a school yeah yep that must be it i haven't been there yet uh well let me see what it is uh media launch oh wait uh let me see crossfit affiliate trainers and athletes keep scrolling down let me read that for a second there's a lot of crap out there from programs that don't understand how to attract new members it's quite simple create distribute content showing that you give a shit want to learn how join free media launch community oh maybe it is media launch but anyway and i think there's over 150 maybe they're even approaching 200 affiliates now that are members and he's just loading it up i heard someone compare it to the affiliate toolkit but it being better oh really yeah and it's all free better than better than the thing
Starting point is 02:15:02 that crossfit's distributing for affiliate owners personally yeah i haven't checked it out i haven't i haven't i don't have time for this unfortunately i wish i had more time to see what he's doing 170 numbers already though that's pretty oh yeah okay so 170 affiliates already yeah so we're gonna put and he's like hey can we put all the commercials on there for free i was like fuck yeah thank you so there'll be some place where you can download them and run them on your youtube or do whatever wow oh here uh dan guerrero oh uh dan guerrero i'm a i'm part of it it's extremely valuable suze is that dude that dude hey hey what's up what's up dude hey uh that, dude? Hey, that media launch thing, man. Oh, that school app. It's a lot for the owners to go in there and share their success as far as what they've done inside their affiliates
Starting point is 02:15:53 to get them better actual members and leads. And they even share the videos they do for their gyms, promotional videos and shit. So it's really, it's a lot of stuff for gym owners just to get more money. Um, are you an affiliate owner? No, I'm not, but my girlfriend is. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Even better. Even better. All right. Hey, Hey, so you, so you endorse it? 100% man. I'm on. I'm on there now. Are you a first-time caller? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Yeah, actually. Let me guess what kind of car you drive. You already said El Camino. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. So you have called before. No, you just said it on the show that I drive an El Camino. I did? Yeah. It's Ortega.
Starting point is 02:16:48 Ortega, Tacoma. Oh, maybe Ortega said it. This guy drives El Camino. Oh, I thought for sure you drove... No. Oh, okay. Like, I'm Ortega. You told me... He's Ortega.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Oh, oh, you're Ortega. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man, you sound like a straight vato. I like it. Yeah, man. I'm from fucking L.A. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man, you sound like a straight vato. I like it. Yeah, man. I'm from fucking L.A. Oxnard. Oxnard, I say. All right. Hey, thanks for calling. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 02:17:15 So you like it, Ortega? It's good? Yeah, man. There's a lot of information on there. If you're a gym owner, you should be on there. There's a lot of promotional videos. And gym owners will tell you what's actually worked for them to bring in more leads or to help the members okay because it because it's going to hey fuck you guys i didn't step on getting that biden memory fuck you oh hi jessica sorry i don't want to be aggressive to you i've never been aggressive to you but seven showing his age i actually didn't say it someone wrote
Starting point is 02:17:43 it in the comments i actually didn't read it out loud. Douche canoes. Sorry, man. I'll take you a mile Camino down the one. Okay. One of these days. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:17:54 All right, man. Bye. Later. I didn't, I didn't say it right. Caleb. Say what? I didn't say that that dude, I like, I didn't know that was Ortega. Right. I knew that. Okay that okay so but i knew as soon as you said let me kind of get let me guess what kind of car you drive i
Starting point is 02:18:11 immediately went to el camino okay but i never said it like he said i said it if i said it was on a previous show i never said it on this show correct no and if i didn't make the connection that it's ortega and and i will take this i don't have an ear that's sensitive to like picking up on people's voices outside of their race. Oh, me love you long time. Do not touch the elephant. Do not touch the elephant, kids. Kids, do not steal from the convenience store, please.
Starting point is 02:18:35 Get the fuck out of here. Have a nice day. Okay, H Tui Girl. Oh my god, did you see did you see the you guys want to see something fucking crazy? You want to
Starting point is 02:18:55 Ariel Lohan is ahead of her time. Miles. Miles, yeah. I don't know how to say this about Ariel She's fertile She was easy for Dylan to get pregnant You know how all you need to do to planet earth Is sprinkle water and sun on it
Starting point is 02:19:23 And just fucking crazy shit happens, right? This thing just does a couple things. It just spins and then it hangs out by the sun and just fucking life is exploding on it, right? Would you agree with that? Okay. That's the Earth, right? Yep. Just gets fucking pounded all day by the sun.
Starting point is 02:19:41 Just getting the shit fucked out of it, right? Yep. And because of that, mixed with some water and and some oxygen this fucking thing is just flourishing i mean you've seen those videos like if humans left the planet like within like a year the whole fucking thing's covered in plants like buildings are covered in shit right and all the all the skyscrapers are decimated because they just yeah yeah yeah right okay okay well you're not even gonna believe but i'm telling you like she's like mama earth ariel she's like that she's like the great creator she's the manifestation of that that's the nicest way i can say it about her
Starting point is 02:20:17 okay without getting crap without getting crass she She's good enough. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Let me see if I can. Let me see if I can. I'm uploading it right now. If I can. Oh, you are?
Starting point is 02:20:34 Yeah. That way it'll just show full screen here. Oh, okay. Awesome. You're not even going to believe it. This is the clip. Caleb is going to show you from the West coast classic. This is pre Hawk to each.
Starting point is 02:20:44 This is in the, this is a clip from the behind the scenes hey this is one of those clips where rios is going through the footage he's like uh dude what do you think like i think we should but i don't know i don't know dicey yeah this is dicey like this is the kind of thing that someone at hq could see and be like hey he can't come to the he can't come to the games period all right you ready yeah i'm ready here we go people now listen carefully listen carefully to ariel she's a g way ahead of her time fuck the hawk too we check here we go i just had i've been needing to tell someone this you know like one of the worst things that can happen to you when you're taking a shit is like your dick touch anything like around the toilet you know what i mean like touch the water like the front or anything everyone knows all about that yeah and i just i was just in there my dick touched the porcelain in front of me i was like
Starting point is 02:21:31 fuck you probably got an std i don't know it looked pretty clean ah dude these are the things men have to go through yeah on it you gotta give him that toilet seat or my dick i didn't even get the joke at the time i didn't even get the joke at the time. I didn't even get the joke. You can tell by my response. I didn't even get the joke totally over my head. Did you spit on it? Let's watch that one more time.
Starting point is 02:21:58 I want to watch her more closely. If she gives a head gesture when she does it. Let me see. Let me see one more time. I just had, I've been needing to tell someone this. You know, like, one of the worst things that can happen to you when you're taking a shit is, like, your dick touch anything, like, around the toilet, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:22:12 Like, touch the water or, like, the front or anything. Ariel knows all about that. Yeah, and I just had, I was just in there, and my dick touched the porcelain in front of me. I was like, fuck. You probably got an STD. I don't know. It looked pretty clean. Ah, dude, come on.
Starting point is 02:22:24 These are the things men have to go through. Did you just spit on it? You gotta give him that cock. Spit on that thing. I'm gonna tell it, cedar my dick. Two beers and Ariel, and she would give a little, did you just spit on it? She gave a little gestural prompt.
Starting point is 02:22:38 Slight. Like a little, you know when pigeons walk? A little bit. Damn. That was funny. She's out of her time. I couldn't even believe it. Seve, doesn't your dick point upward?
Starting point is 02:22:56 No, I'm always like 50 times a day I'm pulling it up. It wants to fucking hang down to my knees. You've got droopy balls. I don't have droopy balls. I don't have droopy balls. I barely even have balls. Wow. I'm all meat, no potatoes. All shriveled up inside you, huh?
Starting point is 02:23:17 John George, just got here. Have you guys talked about Sean Woodland? We could talk about it. I don't know if there's anything to talk about quite yet. Sad. Disappointing.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Someone said to me, they're like, what do you give? I'm like, hey, that's crazy that they're not using Sean Woodland. They're like, what do you give a fuck? One minute you fucking hate the guy. The next minute, one minute you hate the Lone Ranger. Or no, yeah, Lone Ranger. The next minute you think it's bad that he got kicked out. I'm like, hey, dude, listen.
Starting point is 02:23:49 I've always been on the straight and narrow about how I feel. I don't appreciate the fact that I heard stories of him reporting people for wearing masks at CrossFit or not when they didn't wear masks at the office. And I think he's done some really stupid woke shit. And I think that he tried to play the game and and woke the woke eats the woke that does not mean i've never i've ever said anything bad about his commentating never i think i've only said the positive why he's been doing it for so long right yeah he's fucking the shit he's the voice of crossfit yeah like i i ain't i think it's stupid i it's stupid. I mean just because you're you're a fucking Whatever whatever it is if he's not diddling kids give keep him give him his job
Starting point is 02:24:30 Yeah Yeah, like fuck he's so fucking good at it shift p. I'm okay with moving people in and out around him Yeah, con conway seems like a great addition to the team. He's fucking dope Yeah, it is a pretty good job. Yeah. It's just weird what they've been doing. Just plug-and-playing the weirdest people in the weirdest spots. Yeah, and to be honest with you, the little bit of...
Starting point is 02:24:54 People are so harsh to Lauren Khalil. I think Lauren Khalil's fine, too. There's maybe one or two people that I think have been bad, and I haven't seen them in a long time. And actually, those people are good. Like, Annie Sakamoto, I don't think... I think she she belongs at a desk i don't think she belongs commentating i think at the desk she's amazing i think the update show yeah i think pat sherwood's amazing at the desk you know i think rory's amazing at the desk i thought tanya uh wagner lauren camille um jamie hagaya i think people have been great when they're in the right position
Starting point is 02:25:25 they've been great i haven't i haven't um uh woolly's bitch fucking uh nikki i like people always rip her for the questions she asked and it's like fuck you you go out there and try to fucking ask three questions in fucking 45 seconds see like yeah it's fucking hard i don't i don't think i've ever heard a while you while, you do something long enough, you should probably get better at it, right? Yeah. I don't think Nikki's amazing at it like Mike Arsenault. I mean, Mike Arsenault is on another level too, though.
Starting point is 02:25:56 Yeah. Yeah, but I think Bella Martin's been great. Wherever I saw her do last, I thought she was good at, like a floor announcer, like doing the Roy McCurney thing, the sideline. Yeah, she did like the Mike Arsenault role at Oceania or whatever.
Starting point is 02:26:15 Yes, yes. And Oceania. Yeah, she was great. I think people are like, dude, people would be like that at the UFC too.
Starting point is 02:26:22 And then they brought in the ESPN commentators. And then you really saw what was the fucking, who they brought in the ESPN commentators And then you really saw what was fucking Who was horrible the ESPN commentators were horrible That the black guy Who everyone loves Stephen A. Smith I mean he did like two shows and he was gone He was horrible at it That was rough
Starting point is 02:26:37 Like I don't think anyone's like Like everyone knows Nick he's a crossfitter Just keep but I'm not Everybody knows Megan O'Leary does Jiu Jitsu Everyone knows Nikki's a crossfitter. Everybody knows Megan O'Leary does jujitsu. Oh, does she? Yeah, and her husband's like a... Yeah, he was a pro fighter. I think he's a competitive black belt. Yeah, and he was in the UFC for a while.
Starting point is 02:26:58 And the other chick, the super hot chick with the huge fake titties, she's a great commentator. You know, she looks like an OnlyFans girl. Laura Sanko. Oh, that's right. She's dope. Yeah, she's great. How did you know that?
Starting point is 02:27:13 Sevan just got a boner. When I said Laura Sanko, I felt movement. I'll tell you. You want to know who just the fucking the most ridiculous chick is just fucking it's just it's kind of overwhelming
Starting point is 02:27:34 being around her like she did not disappoint her presence she's so fucking incredible. Kelsey Keel? Yes.
Starting point is 02:27:51 Really? Dude. She is... No, Dani was Dani. I picture Dani to be... Dani was pretty amazing, but Kelsey Keel is like one wonderful. Wow. Like wonderful.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Her presence. God, I hope she makes the demo team. She is wonderful. Yeah. Kells. Yeah. It's nuts.
Starting point is 02:28:17 Kells. Yeah. It, it, it, it seriously, seriously. I picture being with her as probably, it's like having always a menage a trois
Starting point is 02:28:27 what is a menage a trois that's like you're with uh two girls at the same time i think yeah she's cool as fuck like you walk around the house naked with her always like no one wears clothes uh she's so fucking cool and she's so fucking powerful she's such a powerful human being uh but but doesn't like that it's not her first move you know what i mean like she doesn't like she could just fucking like she doesn't have fake cocking she doesn't seem fake or like cock uh call her hi hey i know you were like two and a half hours in now so if i missed that you can
Starting point is 02:29:06 just tell me to f off did we talk about the debate already oh i'd love to talk about the debate what would you like to say about it i uh dude just in the debate i only watch it for like 10 minutes because unwatchable in it like you can maybe you know unscrew my head a little bit but i felt like bad for our country and i listen i'm i'm voting trump no matter what in this scenario but even just the way that they they ask a question and they totally ignore the question and then just shit talk each other the entire time it feels like reality tv you know what i mean like i just i can't believe that this is like the people that we've decided somehow that we're voting on.
Starting point is 02:29:48 That's the thing. We haven't even decided yet. We haven't, these two haven't even been decided as presidential candidates. This was just like a, Hey, you want to do this and let's do it. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Caleb. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:30:00 Hi babe. What's up? They're leaving the spur now. Do you want to go to the point? Oh, sure. I'd love to. Can I meet you there? Oh, yeah. They want to take one wheel.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Should I have them do that or just walk? What are the other kids doing? I don't know. If they're walking, should I just have our boys walk in? Yeah, or they can ride skateboards. Okay. It'll be weird if they're riding one wheels and the other kids aren't. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 02:30:29 Okay. All right. I'll see you down there. Okay. Okay. Bye. Bye. Haley.
Starting point is 02:30:38 Yeah. Make sure they're, like, dressed in the proper attire. You know what I mean? The argyle. Make sure they look nice. Okay. Okay. Bye. Of Okay. Okay. Bye. Of course. Bye.
Starting point is 02:30:49 Bye. No, no, callers, you stay. Okay, Caleb, go back. Get back on your horse, Caleb. This was just like they agreed to do it, so they did it. Neither of them have been decided upon by either party that they're going to be the candidates. Yeah, but you know, I mean, there's no way that the Republican Party
Starting point is 02:31:09 is not going to let Trump in unless something happens with the trial and all the legal crap. And I mean, I could certainly see the Democrats getting Biden out somehow because I only watched for 10 minutes and he had like the weirdest pause and then he just like said some random shit at the end just to finish a sentence.
Starting point is 02:31:27 I mean, it was embarrassing. And obviously we kind of knew that wasn't going to happen or assume that could happen to him. But it was just tough. I like felt I felt I did not feel better about the United States of America after only watching it for like 15 minutes. Hey, can I tell you can I tell you what was disappointing for me? Yeah. The fact that it's never addressed to the Democrats. They keep saying we need to tax the rich.
Starting point is 02:31:52 We need to keep taxing the rich. And it needs the opening sentence to that paragraph has been like, hey, you've been doing that for 50 years and it's not working. But someone needs to explain to all of those people that all you're doing is paying more people to do nothing and someone needs to explain like the way economics works to them and like someone needs to be like yeah of course we're not going to tax the rich because when you don't tax the rich they still spend the money and we'd rather have Elon be fucking trying to get to Mars They still spend the money, and we'd rather have Elon be fucking trying to get to Mars, Bezos getting packages to us faster, and Elon putting better airbags and making newer cars and making better technology. Oh, no. My son's crying.
Starting point is 02:32:36 What's wrong, dude? Anyway, I feel really good about Trump. I hear what you're saying about them not asking the questions, but I feel like a lot of the questions were loaded. How about the fact of just making the assumption that climate change is fucking like something that's some sort of bad thing to even talk about? Yeah. Yeah. And so, like, I don't I didn't blame Trump for, like, avoiding that question. And let me say one more really good thing about Trump, although i don't think he was a great orator last night i'd give him like a six but at one point when the abortion issue came up he even slipped in there hey you have to do some things to get elected trump said that yeah yeah and i was like holy shit whole so like you can
Starting point is 02:33:21 tell me a thousand things he fucking lied about that right there transcended anything they lied about like if he said he had the best economy ever in the world like i don't know if that's true or if he said whatever he was saying like those nuances to me don't matter because we do know we do know the economy was good but the fact that he admitted that dude you'll never hear a fucking politician say that ever how about like that would be like joe biden saying like yeah i know fucking abortion is killing kids but i but it's a tough decision and but i don't want to take away a women's autonomy over their bodies i mean that was it was like that kind of moment yeah yeah that i did i totally felt that he had that question or that topic the best that I watched. I cut it off pretty quickly after that.
Starting point is 02:34:06 But he maybe played the line a little bit, but made his stance pretty clear as well. Yeah. And I didn't mind the golf talk either. I thought it made them a little bit human. Could you hold on one second? Joey, come over here, baby. Come stand in front of me.
Starting point is 02:34:19 Why are you crying? Are you crying because you want to take the one wheel to the beach? Sweetheart, the other kids aren't going to have one wheels. Are you still going to ride it even though they don't have it? Okay. Okay. I'll call mama and tell her to pack the one wheel. I think it's going to be weird.
Starting point is 02:34:40 I think it's going to be weird if you have. It's not. going to be weird. I think it's going to be weird if you have... It's not... What did Mama say? You don't want to go if you're not riding the one wheel? What about the other kids there? There's going to be four other kids there. What about just riding your skateboard?
Starting point is 02:35:18 The skateboard's not fun if they're walking? walking? How about you walk this time? I know you're going to have fun. You're not going? You're going to stay here with me? Okay. I think that that's the wrong choice, but you can do that. Okay. I'm coming? Okay. I'll meet you there there I'm going to drive there separately Okay I love you Thank you buddy Thanks for coming and talking to me You the man Joey President of the United States
Starting point is 02:36:01 Donald Trump Hey and To be honest with you I like the bravado I like it that he doesn't even say he's going to wait Call or that he doesn't wait until he says he's even going to be President he's like if I'm elected I'll get that hostage back I just like that
Starting point is 02:36:16 Yeah I like I like that I like a little chest pounding Yeah he called out Biden because he's like Yeah he's just been twiddling his thumbs this whole time I like that. I like a little chest pounding. Yeah. He called out Biden because he's like, yeah, he's just been twiddling his thumbs this whole time. He has no communication with Putin or any of the other foreign powers.
Starting point is 02:36:35 And nobody wants to talk to him. And everybody thinks he's weak. And he's like, you have to. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead, Caleb. He said, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to build up that communication again.
Starting point is 02:36:46 We're going to build the relationships. relationships we're gonna do all those things and like we're gonna be a strong power again because right now we're not and and what about um what about who's running who's running the fucking country right now like it's it's that that's what's bizarre who the fuck is running the country right now? Who's leading it? It sure as hell hasn't been Biden. he is just long enough until he gets tired or can't handle himself. And clearly other people are making decisions and are leading the country and he's not. And that's what Trump knows. Dude, it's a bunch of fucking, it's a bunch of trannies and betas. Have you seen the new person that they tried to get as the White House or as the Secretary of Communication or something, that new position that he just nominated?
Starting point is 02:37:42 It's just a bunch of fucking weirdos blue hairs and septum ring motherfuckers are running the country right now or or uh um what's her name uh the lady the the guy lady tranny thing that's uh in charge of our health the secretary of health this isn't secretary to health it's it's just so weird to think who's running the country or Jean-Pierre, whatever her name is. Like there's not one just like, can't we just have like just one normal person? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:15 Who is the guy? No. Did you see the guy he just appointed? Let me see if I can. Communications appointed. just appointed let me see if i can uh communications uh appointed uh hope i can't find it fuck who is that guy maybe someone will say it in the in the chat they just appointed a guy and he's so fucking weird and his instagram is so weird all he just he's just wearing women's clothes and has all sorts of piercings and he's a fucking trip i just want someone who's just like focused on their job
Starting point is 02:38:50 that isn't worried about like cosmetics yeah you think trump's gonna win you think trump's going to win? You think Trump's going to win? Oh, Rachel Levine also is a fucking psycho. Oh my God. Well, the new person for that position just started talking about how gun violence is not a health problem. It's like a health issue, like a Department of Health issue.
Starting point is 02:39:20 Now the Department of Health needs to step in and say that there's a pandemic of gun violence and gun deaths. So they're going to start doing whatever they do. Who do you think is going to win, caller? I mean, I'm biased. I think Trump, I would like to think Trump's going to win. I think that just overall, the general vibe and the general opinion of the
Starting point is 02:39:45 country is like, we are not better off now than we were when he was at presidency. Right. And I know COVID is a big, stupid ass excuse that people are going to use and what it was like back then. But overall, I mean, just, you know, in my job, I'm in sales and I talk to people three times a day, four times a day. And it's like just the overall opinion of people's money and their future outlook has totally changed over the last two and a half, three years. Where it was like, dude, when Trump was running, it was like everybody felt good about the future. They were willing to spend money on things. They were willing to take some risks. And this last two years or so, it seems like it's flipped, man.
Starting point is 02:40:22 And people are holding tight to the gun belt. People aren't as, you know, inflation inflation is really really bad for the everyday people um and i don't know that you know nobody can really fix that in in one term right but i would like to say just because of how shitty it is i could see people flipping back to trump um because he's going to be the only other option i don't think that i wouldn't want rfk to win anyways but he's going to be the only other option. I don't think that – I wouldn't want RFK to win anyways, but he's not going to really get enough steam to make it even a factor. So unless they get Biden out and something totally changes and they get some sort of a better qualified candidate on that side, that could maybe help them.
Starting point is 02:40:57 All right, cool. I think he's going to win too. Hey, let me ask you on a side note. We're going to start a poll now you ready caleb what do you think is grosser uh cutting your fingernails at the kitchen table or anal sex okay which do you think is grosser oh jesus what a question uh what is grosser cutting your fingernails out of the kitchen table or anal sex yeah um my my answer personally is going to be anal sex okay good yeah me too okay you passed the litmus test thank you there you go thanks okay bye bye yeah i started the show off by telling you guys i have a friend who's freaked out by people cutting their nails, like their fingernails, and
Starting point is 02:41:46 versus anal. My friend's way into anal. I'm like, how the fuck is like... Have you tried anal? No, Jake, I have not. I have not tried anal.
Starting point is 02:42:04 Caller, hi. Hey. Hey, is this Caleb? This is Sebon, but would you like to talk I have not tried anal. Call her. Hey. Hey, this is Caleb. This is Sevan, but would you like to talk to Caleb? Oh, hey, Sevan. It's Sevan. It's your cousin. Hey, how are you?
Starting point is 02:42:14 I'm good. I'm just watching the show. Oh, man. I'm really disappointed in my viewers. We just put up a poll and people think that cutting fingernails is grosser than anal. What's wrong with these people wait is this the uh are you live right now or no i am no no i'm live right now okay i'm muted my mic but you know as far as this debate is concerned this is all premeditated your your viewers need to understand that that it was premeditated and the plan has been to bring in Gavin Newsom as the nominee at the convention.
Starting point is 02:42:49 But because it is premeditated, it is voter fraud and that they already have this plan in place and they are going to replace Joe Biden with Nancy Pelosi's nephew, Gavin Newsom. I think you think they're going to do that at the convention? Yeah. But it can be stopped because since it is premeditated, it is
Starting point is 02:43:18 fraud against the voters because the voters aren't being as premeditated. Well, there are plenty of things, right? Wait, real quick, before you go on this, you're saying that they let him go up there and purposely shit the bed so they can justify swapping him out at the convention. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:43:42 Okay. And the thing is, you know, Ron DeSantis is a part of this. There's no reason for Ron DeSantis to ever have had a debate with Gavin Newsom. Even though DeSantis crushed him, it's irrelevant. They're trying to put Newsom on the public stage. And this thing has been planned for months. You know, a month and a half ago, I was alerted to this and I participated in a letter writing campaign to our representatives saying, you know, this cannot be allowed to happen. Just like Ohio changed the rules about getting Joe Biden on the ballot because their convention was going to be before the actual nominee was picked. You know, they altered the rules for that purpose. This is fraud in the biggest sense there is. You can't write a law for one person. And you can't premeditate a fraud against the American people by not giving the Democrat Party, you know, the ability of the people to choose who their nominee is going to be. So if people want to get involved they should start writing letters to their their congress people uh you know their state representatives because the states control the
Starting point is 02:44:54 election uh and you know stop all this god a part of me thinks it's like on one hand hey it's so obvious what you're saying but on the other hand hand, they this is the party that wants to legalize children making the decision to chop off their own genitalia at the age of 12. They want to without parents consent. And so, like, it's hard to say it's hard to figure out what's. Like, I do think a lot of people finally woke up last night to what the rest of us have known for three years that Joe Biden is senile. Well, the word the word is the rumor is that a while back he had a stroke. Right. But we don't even know which Joe Biden we're seeing every day. You mean that you mean there might be fake Joe Biden we're seeing every day. You mean there might be fake Joe Bidens?
Starting point is 02:45:47 Well, every president has body doubles. But you ever look at the CIA? They have a director of disguise where you can wear a full mask and no one has any idea who you are. It's like the movies. It's literally like the movies. What we're seeing is a show. Do you think Newsom beats them in the election and they turn the whole United States into one giant drug den?
Starting point is 02:46:24 Well, I think, you know, because of the actions, you know, when thousands of people send letters saying this is what the Democrats are planning, you know, they're going to, you know, swap out Joe Biden at the convention and put in Gavin Newsom because Gavin Newsom can be controlled. He's Pelosi's nephew, right? Yeah. But when thousands of people have already written letters saying this was the plan, it's premeditated, therefore it's voter fraud because the people aren't being given the chance to choose who they want to elect, I think it could be stopped. But, I mean, you're in California. You should have these people, you should have your viewers in California doing FOIA requests on all communications between Gavin Newsom and the people who run Biden's campaign.
Starting point is 02:47:08 This is all coordinated, dude. Hey, it's interesting you say that too because it was very bizarre last night. I turned on CNN on the ride home and I've never heard CNN the way I heard it last night. Everyone was mashing Joe Biden and they had Kamala on and they're like hey is this the guy that's been running the country is this guy you see walking around the white house and i just
Starting point is 02:47:30 can't believe they asked her hard questions like that because every time i've seen her interviewed the questions are so softball i mean it sounds completely plausible uh what you're saying to me completely well well that's because it's true. I mean, when have I ever lied to you? I don't know. I'm going to think about, I'm going to meditate on that tonight.
Starting point is 02:47:53 Yeah. All right, good. All right. Thank you. Insightful. Thank you. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 02:47:57 Bye. Olivia, back to anal. Okay. Clip for your analysis kitchen. I like seeing the poll live. What a nice juxtaposition of some important understanding of the human psyche on several fronts. Which is more gross, clipping fingernails at kitchen table or anal?
Starting point is 02:48:21 I cannot believe we're at 50-50. What is going on? Dang, why are all these people voting? Nobody's voting We will be right back We will be right back After the What is going on here?
Starting point is 02:48:39 No, I can't answer that We'll be right back to View the poll some more After this this break i'm gonna do a a quick uh p break enjoy my name is jose bocanegra i'm originally from mexico i'm 27 and i go to salty i've crossed it when i came in here i was almost 200 pounds, and I had never been that heavy, like ever. And then I got in here, started eating well. You know, we have the consistency is key. That's always, I don't know, like ever since I heard it here, like it was always in my head.
Starting point is 02:49:17 And it didn't just apply to the gym. It applied to my eating habits, to my workouts, to even like just work, school. Consistency is key. So I started eating healthier, started avoiding sugars, I started avoiding candy, because I love candy. I try to avoid it as much as possible. And I was, I'm now 169 pounds this morning actually. And I don't feel, I don't feel skinny either.
Starting point is 02:49:42 It's like I'm actually fit, which is awesome, you know. I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life, regardless of playing soccer in high school. I'm actually trying for a while to get my dad in here because he struggled with obesity throughout his life. What I tell him all the time is like, you got to get in here because it's not just the gym. It's not just you get in there
Starting point is 02:50:03 and people may be just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's a community. It's somewhere that will help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong and actually get fit. And it's so much more than a gym. That's what I tell him. All right. Moment you've been waiting for. Alright
Starting point is 02:50:25 Moment you've been waiting for What is more gross? Clipping fingernails at the kitchen table or anal? We heard a 53% thing gets fingernails 47% anal Alright How good are the commercials? right so good damn look at that zach yeah right right or dude uh try anal and report back what would that like if you were like hey dude uh if
Starting point is 02:51:00 i was like hey escargot is disgusting you're like, have you ever eaten snails? And I'm like, no, they're like, well, you should try it with some butter and, uh, salt. And I try it and I'm like, Oh, actually it's fucking fantastic. You're right. The snail.
Starting point is 02:51:12 What a, what a delicacy. Just don't think I don't, I don't think the spot where the, the, the poop comes out can do it for me. Uh, Oh, Bryson Del Monte. When the Red River...
Starting point is 02:51:30 Did you put that $4.99 up there on the top? No, it just comes up when you're looking at it on YouTube. It's just like a... Oh, that's interesting. And he's getting like thumbs up and shit. When the Red River's flowing, you got to take the dirt road home. That's right. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 02:51:50 I mean, you could just ride the Red River home, though, too, if you really wanted to. Yeah. Try hard and believe in yourself. You can do whatever you want. You never look at her arsehole and think, yum. I mean, maybe like fucking a hundred beers. A hundred beers. I understand like the cannibalistic component of it.
Starting point is 02:52:23 I know there's times that I look at my wife and I just want to just eat her. Like I'm just losing my shit. But just not the dumper. Just not. No, just not the dumper. Okay. We'll be back to the poll just to see. Crystal Hummer.
Starting point is 02:52:45 Crystal. Please, please tell me that's your real name. I agree with the caller 100%. Not sure it's Newsom, but Dems definitely would lose with Biden unless they cheat again. They will try no matter what, who's on the ticket. Yeah. Yeah. Bryson, thank you for the $4.99 also
Starting point is 02:53:06 that one I probably would have read for free I would have seen it get a bidet heard those are good I haven't had one maybe we need another poll because I'm not grossed out by woman's period at all. Zero.
Starting point is 02:53:27 Okay. Yeah. I respect it. You know what I mean? Like it's not like, it's not a deterrent for you. No, it's like,
Starting point is 02:53:35 it's just like the difference between like a cupcake with frosting and without, it's just, it's just, it's just a different, just a different flavor. Okay. It's just a different, a different flavor okay it's the different it's just different but the dump but the dumper uh bob uh loblaw i heard in a college in a college an average 80 of the matter under the nails is fecal and origin so maybe it doesn't matter i uh i i wonder if the if the farmers from uh southern
Starting point is 02:54:12 california are listening right now i i did something the other day that i bought a bag of chicken manure and i just want a big bag i don't it was like you know it was heavy and i don't know probably 30 or 40 pounds and i walked around my lawn and I took handfuls of chicken manure and sprinkled it all over my lawn as fertilizer instead of like going and buying like fertilizer pellets. You know what I mean? And I'm hoping that that would fertilize my lawn. I wonder if the, and my thought, maybe not, and maybe it'll take like a year, right? Or two before it like, because I think the chicken manure takes a while to become available nutrients to the plants but uh but that being said my fingernails and everything i had
Starting point is 02:54:53 chicken manure everywhere and i was thinking oh i'm definitely eating i was thought was i was throwing it out i'm definitely eating chicken manure right now yeah for sure i was probably gonna get like a throw it in like a wheelbarrow and then just kick it out that way i probably should have with like a little shovel or something yeah yeah my dad's big and my dad's always like why don't you use your wheelbarrow more i'm like because i just like carrying the bags around do you have one of those plastic ones with two wheels uh no i have a i have a metal one with the rubber tire and the bottom is rusted so like it can't even hold water like shit would leak out you know what i mean all right i respect it yeah i'll take a picture of it and post it uh daniel garrity my friend did
Starting point is 02:55:37 anal once and his girl pooped on on accident yeah my i had a buddy in college who told me he was having anal with this girl and it actually fired back. The poop like sprayed at him. Holy shit. Like a vacuum. Maybe doing it like that. Yeah. You gotta be like post shower.
Starting point is 02:55:59 You gotta get nice clean and then you gotta get into it. I had this other buddy who when a girl is going to come over. I swear to God this is true. I know girl is going to come over this i swear to god this is true i know someone's going to think this isn't true he has a one page write-up that he gives girls before they come over no yes like like don't eat within 12 hours of coming over to my house make sure you clean your butt like all these things he has that's a that's too much buddy you're not fucking 50 shades of gray i'll tell you that is is there shit like that in that movie yeah dude that's like the whole premise of the story oh the whole premise of the story is it's like this dude i wonder if my buddy got it from there because i learned about this after that movie came out.
Starting point is 02:56:45 Oh, probably. So it's a book series and then they turned it into a movie series. And the guy gives the chick a write-up before she comes to the house, the processes she needs to do before he comes over and puts it to her? I can't remember specifically, but it's very much seems that way. Very
Starting point is 02:57:00 specific what he ends up asking of her yeah wow uh jake chapman i make my wife carry me to bed yeah that's cool i'm cool with that uh and girls let him bone them yeah i think they actually line up to be honest yeah i think that's a thing i think i think some chicks dig that just i don't know what it is about it They definitely do that Yeah I had my wife sign this You cannot sue me for how horrible I am in bed
Starting point is 02:57:31 Oh geez Louise I had a girl tell me she doesn't do anal Because it makes me think the dude is gay Yeah that's what I think too Wow Louise, I had a girl tell me she doesn't do anal because it makes me think the dude is gay. Yeah, that's what I think too. Wow. Why would they want to have sex with you in the first place? Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:57:54 Fingernails is going to lose. Oh my God. Oh wow. Yeah, it's actually getting closer. Oh my God. What is wrong with you guys? Are Christians allowed to have anal yeah for sure all right uh
Starting point is 02:58:19 if if i oh uh hit stop screen i can do this okay okay here we go this guy uh this guy grubs kitchen has all of a sudden popped into my algo big time they're decent good classy women i have a question for y'all how does it feel to have your character bes smirched by these camel toe pussy print ass shaking thought bitches? I remember when as a black man, the narrative was black men are thugs and deadbeat dads and pussy hounds. And I was speaking up. No, that's not me.
Starting point is 02:59:00 Men ain't like that. Men ain't out here going to jail, making babies by four or five women, thugging, shooting, killing. I was speaking up. But it seemed like no sisters are speaking up against this whorish behavior. I know for a fact if a man walked into a party
Starting point is 02:59:18 around my sisters and aunties with his dick pink swinging and some gray sweatpants, I was to get the fuck out of here, man. No tolerance for fucking dick swinging around some gray sweatpants. I was to get the fuck out of here, man. It's cute. No tolerance for fucking dick swinging around in gray sweatpants. Wow, really? Yes and yes.
Starting point is 02:59:33 But women... David Weed, dude is gay, no. But you want to be gay with him. What a great voice. I know you had movement in your pants hearing this guy's voice, David. I know it. This guy is amazing. Twerk, shake ass ass show pussy prince and the women cheer them on i just thought i'd never see
Starting point is 02:59:53 the day where me as a heterosexual man would say i'm fucker sick of bitches showing they pussy and ass and i use the word just like that any woman on the internet showing her pussy lips it's a low down dirty scoundrel sorry funky ass slut bitch that's a very strong opinion but let me put let me But let me pivot to this really quick Let me pivot to this really quick Okay so Whether you agree with him or not Um Uh
Starting point is 03:00:34 I saw this girl on Instagram Talk about um Damn where is it Uh She was wondering why She said she realized um oh here it is this is fucking amazing now listen to this listen to this juxtaposition with this watch this now uh wait wait i fucked it up uh let's pivot over to our uh our next favorite uh social media platform
Starting point is 03:01:02 uh twitter this chick just realized why no guys want to marry her. Now listen, this chick just realized why no guys want to marry her. Let's see if I can make this full screen. Okay, here we go. I just came to the realization why I'm single. Every guy that I'm like, oh, yeah, he's attractive. Okay, this is not supposed to be offensive.
Starting point is 03:01:30 But I see their wives and they just look like so like, you know, like, not like this. Just like,
Starting point is 03:01:50 you know like i pretend my tattoos are gone dude i'm i look crazy like that's why guys don't want to wife me up and i just come to this realization today. Wife me up today. I'm crazy. Look at my septum ring. Oh, yeah. Yeah. She loves anal.
Starting point is 03:02:15 That is true. That is true. Just hasn't found a dude that can handle it. I couldn't look my boys in the eye. I couldn't look my boys in the eye and be like, yeah, put my dick in your mom's ass. Your boys are gonna do it too. No, Caleb. Caleb, don't ever say
Starting point is 03:02:34 that again. Or maybe it's because all of them see me eat sushi after I get out of the grocery store in my car with my bare fingers. Hell yeah, dude. That's my kind of chick. Me and my wife do that all the time. Yeah, I'm fine with that, too.
Starting point is 03:02:52 I just take the wasabi and pinch it on there. But look at she has two fucking pieces of metal going in and out of one nostril. Yeah, I don't take you seriously. I think you're a fucking ass clown. Come on. And drink sweet tea. I think you're a fucking ass clown. Come on. And drink sweet tea. I'm just an old man. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:03:10 Oh, no. This chick's hot, too, right? She seems fun. Like, she'd be cool. Yeah. She lifts weights. She eats sushi. She had a good body.
Starting point is 03:03:23 She works out. That's right. Her eyes are white. Yeah, she does have nice eyes. I'll tell you that. I thought these men wanted big, strong, tough girls. If they don't want big, tough, strong girls,
Starting point is 03:03:40 then they're pussy. I don't know. She's conflating a lot of things. yeah i agree i don't know she's uh she's uh conflating a lot of things but like hey man like dudes don't want uh like like like your wife holds down a full-time job isn't that nice what a nice yeah she's a fucking stud dude yeah what a what a nice savage yeah what a nice thing to have a woman that like... She beats the shit out of anybody in the department. Yeah, how nice is that? That's the kind of chick you want.
Starting point is 03:04:09 Yeah. She's not working on her... Sculpted eyebrows, fake lashes, multiple piercings, making a video in her car, lost me. You're old too. I apologize on behalf of the Sevan podcast You're old too. I apologize on behalf of the Sevan podcast that Caleb's such an ageist. It is unlikely.
Starting point is 03:04:35 It is unlike the openness of this podcast. It's only a matter of time before Caleb's true self came out. All right. I don't think there's going to be a second debate. I heard. alright I don't think there's gonna be a second debate I heard I heard there was supposed to be September 8th and there's no way no way is anal winning are you kidding me I don't know let me look
Starting point is 03:04:58 oh which is more gross anal okay oh wow it only took you guys half an hour to figure that out alright Gross anal. Okay. Oh, wow. It only took you guys fucking half an hour to figure that out. All right. Now, listen, that doesn't mean you shouldn't like, you know, you do what you have to do. Anal up. No judgment.
Starting point is 03:05:20 I'm just saying it's gross. I'm sure there's some gross things I do. Like if I pick a booger. I like the fact you have a pinky fingernail. Yeah. Like my pinky nail. I'm sure there's some gross things I do. Like if I pick a booger out. Yeah, like the fact you have a massive pinky fingernail. Yeah, like my pinky nail. I'm okay with that. Or the fact that I spread chicken manure with my hand. Or when I pick my nose in the car, I wipe the boogers on my arm.
Starting point is 03:05:36 And then when they're dry, I scrub them off. That's pretty gross. Jake Chapman, real man fuck ass. Wow. Wow. I respect that, Jake. uh jake chapman real men fuck ass wow wow i respect that jake bryson i agree uh i think bryson and taylor fuck each other in the ass oh Oh, my God. I think Olivia is my new favorite chat right now. Hey, so look it.
Starting point is 03:06:06 That means 51% of the people voted 50. Oh, no. Dang, somebody's going to have to break this tie. Oh, no. Come on, fingernails. Flipping fingernails. Or anal. Click anal.
Starting point is 03:06:20 Everyone click anal. What's more gross, anal or clipping fingernails? Someone's going to DM Olivia before the show's over. They haven't already. They should. I think she's got a dude. I think he might be a cop.
Starting point is 03:06:35 Yeah, I think she does too. Maybe she's open-minded to that too. I don't know. Oh, there we go. Broke the top. Thank you. You guys suck. Jake Chapman who did that. Bernie Gannon said,
Starting point is 03:07:01 I finally found the elections big wedge issue. Oh my God. What if they were, uh, what if they would have discussed that? When, when, when Trump said to him,
Starting point is 03:07:15 yeah, but you, you banged a porn star. He should have said goodbye. When's the last time you ejaculated? It would have been my comeback. no 50 50 again hey listen clipping anal's never fallen below 50 and it cannot and it will not on my watch i haven't voted either maybe i should run over there and vote
Starting point is 03:07:38 fucking a this is tense you You gotta break that tie Biden took naked showers with his daughter Yep fair enough Yikes Like older daughter 15 year old daughter Yeah my husband loves me I bet he does Oh no
Starting point is 03:08:00 Oh no Damn What is going on This poll is getting crazy Oh my god Oh my god Everybody's voting with their second YouTube profile Oh my god
Starting point is 03:08:17 Chick chat with the real men have arrived Oh my god Okay Yeah so September 8th was supposed to be the next one uh i can't imagine i can't imagine it happening all right um oh this one's kind of fun for those of you who are confused at all, and I know like maybe one of you is confused on this in the chat. Pride has never been about like freedom or peace or love or any of that. It is 100 percent sex. And that's OK. I don't I don don't mind that i don't mind like huge sex um uh parties or huge sex what are they celebrations what are these called huge sex carnivals huge sex like like you can have sex day get fucked in the ass day you can have homo day yeah i appreciate it yeah pride month yeah but. Yeah. But listen, this is exactly, this is tame.
Starting point is 03:09:28 Like, these are little kids around this guy with his ass out and a chain around it. These, look at all the kids here. These, look at this guy talking to these kids. Oh, my God. Yeah. These are perverts and deviants, and I mean it in the best way uh hanging out with kids look at this is just all kids four little boys being introduced that and then these are all the things that they sell like like you don't go to you don't go to every time you go to a gay event it's all
Starting point is 03:09:58 sexual oriented it's not like gay volleyball day or gay business attire day. It's always like a dude and ass chaps walking two other men who are on their hands and knees with a chain around their neck. Like there isn't there isn't like a gay engineering day. It's not like that. It's all around sex. Like this is like the norm, like just like penis candles everywhere. Bondage shit. There's no don't get just look at look at stuffed animals that are giant dildos
Starting point is 03:10:32 that are giant penises yeah it's a recruitment drive yeah so it's a safe place for gay adults to be and party and be sexual i get it go have fun totally go have fun do your thing yeah david what are kids doing there exactly great question yeah but dude like i've been to 50 of these in my life and they're all like this this is tame i feel like i should go to one and take pictures i fit in so well there too there's a free vibe there everyone's having fun um but there's just there's just tons of gross old dudes with their dicks out christ yeah it's crazy it's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah, I'm so normal when I go to one of those things. But it's fun. There's alcohol flowing.
Starting point is 03:11:32 It's cool. But it's like when you see that flag up like in a preschool or in front of your fucking elementary school or just anywhere besides like a bar like you should be freaked out grooming festival yeah but it used to not it used to not be that way it used at least I never noticed it before maybe I didn't have kids that's why Jake Chapman I don't like anal I've been to 50 pride parades yeah they're fun
Starting point is 03:11:59 that's cool it's a cool I mean I haven't been to one in years they used to love the love fest and all that shit in San Francisco. That shit was dope It was wild You see some crazy belligerent shit people climbing lampposts naked and Tons of like naked trannies Now I'm not gonna do do is go to San Francisco I'm not grossed out by that either like guys will send me
Starting point is 03:12:28 like these videos like of uh like something like some super hot chick getting out of like a spa topless you know and she's like smoking and then she stands up and she has a penis I'm not even like whatever cool with it like it's supposed to freak you out
Starting point is 03:12:44 whatever Cool with it. Like it's supposed to freak you out. Whatever. He's talking about you, Seve. Not him. Oh, thanks. Thanks, Ken. I didn't pick up on that. I don't like anal. I've been to 50 pride parades. Yeah, I know he's talking about me. Fuck you.
Starting point is 03:13:02 Just want to make sure you're aware. You're in on the joke. You know, sometimes not so much. All right. Oh my God. Three hours and 13 minutes. I knew it was going to be fun.
Starting point is 03:13:17 I thought for a second I was getting bummed. I thought you weren't going to come on. Yeah, it was, uh, it was close. I was in. We had to,
Starting point is 03:13:24 we got pulled into some bullshit so Okay tomorrow kill Taylor Oh tonight's the CrossFit Games Update show. Yeah tonight's CrossFit Games Update show. I don't know what we're gonna tell you It's kind of like it's kind of lame my CrossFit Games Update show because because it's really... Because, you know, Spin's done 53 shows, consecutive shows now, with John Young and Tyler Watkins. Yeah. And so I think they're the ones coming on with me today,
Starting point is 03:13:58 so it's kind of just... My show's just a rip-off of the Spin show. Oh, what is more gross? Clipping fingernails? Oh, fuck. 52 gross? Clipping fingernails. Oh, fuck. 52. Listen to this.
Starting point is 03:14:09 Listen, you fuck nuts. So disappointed in you assholes. 52. Well, it just shows me that I have a lot of work to do. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 03:14:19 uh, 52, 51% on myself. You're fired, Caleb. You're fired. Clip fingernails. What's more gross? Clipping fingernails on the kitchen table.
Starting point is 03:14:31 51% of the people say that's grosser than anal. Oh, please. You're so proud of yourself. We won. We won. I don't think shut up and scribble is on wasn't that on yesterday that was on yesterday yeah that's a Thursday show okay oh shit Olivia swayed the vote oh I thought she said she swayed your vote
Starting point is 03:15:05 I'm not saying that there I'm not saying that Speaking of swaying the vote I'm not saying that if I'm not saying that there's no one That could sway my If in my younger years If in my younger years if in my younger years uh someone would have said uh hey put it in my ass i mean maybe i would have
Starting point is 03:15:37 i'm not i'm not i'm not it's not it's not like you would have broke the seal earlier you probably would have been a convert is that what you're saying yeah like there's no way if you there's no there's nothing i would do no no no one could convince me it's okay to do fentanyl right now terrified of it you know what i mean so so anal is as bad as fentanyl then i'm just saying at this point at this point in time in your life like i would have anal before i would jump out of an airplane with a parachute. Like I have no interest. Oh, wow. Really?
Starting point is 03:16:06 Yeah. Okay. You know what I mean? Like I, I'm not interested in skydiving. Sure. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 03:16:22 Seve trying to red pill, but he winds up Brown pilling the viewers 50 50 come on come on come on baby uh Pedro next week on around the white board Pedro will be asking them to debate the anal and fingernail debate
Starting point is 03:16:41 hey you don't know how excited I was when I came up with this idea last night as a topic of conversation premeditated huh yeah i was like this is fucking ridiculous i was just thinking about my buddy who's just always talking about anal and i'm like this is crazy and he's grossed out by fingernails this is crazy and i was like oh shit content content everything is content a Jake Chapman. Taps his inner Shakespeare. Anal's like going to the moon.
Starting point is 03:17:10 Only a few men do it, but those who do get the best view. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Okay. We're going to leave it at that. I think the one highlighted is the one that's winning right now. So I think the fingernails is the one that's winning right now. Oh, really?
Starting point is 03:17:24 Is that how it works? You've seen it switch? You've seen that black line around go? Yeah. Whatever has the bold border around it, I think, is the one that's winning. Jake is a hero all right uh 50 50 that we're gonna leave it at that uh with a slight slight edge according to caleb that people think cutting your fingernails is gross grosser than anal it shows how far away i'm disconnected from my base. How the fuck is God chosen some of you guys and not me? There's because Lisa Miss Redow, a great question.
Starting point is 03:18:15 How if it's 50 50, because there's not an even number of votes and that thing that it's got some new like some doesn't go out to the decimals, I guess. And so there's 113 votes. Someone has to be winning. And it's that one, according to Caleb. All right. We'll see you guys tonight for the CrossFit Games Update Show. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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