The Sevan Podcast - Trung Nguyen - Ranger - LAPD - Chicago SWAT #1025

Episode Date: September 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. I'm sorry, uh, let me check my headphones. I'm sipping a cup of coffee. Good morning, everyone. G Hash. Good morning, Bailey Walker. Good morning to all you guys. Hey, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Can you hear me? Perfect. Dude, you sound great. Excellent. Oh, yeah. Siri's listening, too. Hi, Siri. Hi, Siri. Siri's listening, too. It's nice to be appreciated. Hi, Siri.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Hi, Siri. What are you wearing, Siri? Hey, am I saying your name right? Trung? Yes. Trung. Is that a common name? Trung is not, but the last name Nguyen is a common last name.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And Nguyen, you pronounce it W-I-N. That's correct. Trung Nguyen. Yeah. When I Google your name, I'm sure you know. It's a coffee spot, right? Yeah. Big coffee company.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, absolutely. Are those guys out of Vietnam, that coffee company? They are. They're making a killing over there. They've been killing the game, the coffee game over there for a very long time. Everyone drinks coffee. That's all cultures. Everyone's from the – everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Everyone's doing coffee. Yeah, the Vietnamese culture, they're big into drip coffee because, you know, Yeah, the Vietnamese culture, they're big into drip coffee because the French colonized Vietnam in the 1800s. So they adapted a lot of the culture of the French, which one of them being drip coffee. So they're big into that. The baguettes, pate, all that stuff. No shit. baguettes pate all that stuff so no shit you know it's fun as you say this i'm thinking to myself i've never i don't even know the origins of coffee do you know the origins of coffee i do not oh but you at least you know back to 1800s i just know back to like
Starting point is 00:02:56 i don't know just watching my grandparents drink it yeah um hey uh trunk i saw you on this um as i was doing research i saw you on this podcast just kidding news and i watch a lot of podcasts unfortunately and there are so many shitty podcasts and that would that's an impressive group of people that was a good show yeah those those guys uh they kill it out there in the West Coast. They're a funny group of individuals. They nailed it down, you know, the atmosphere, the type, the right individuals in that group to keep the story going and keep it entertaining. So those dudes just reached out to you.
Starting point is 00:03:38 They know about your history and your service, you know, Ranger, the police uh and just being a good role model for all human beings and they just reach out to you and they're like hey can you come on our podcast actually i know the owner uh bart kwan he's been following me for a long time and another successful entrepreneur and uh he's like hey dude you want to come out and come on our podcast like i'm like fuck yeah let's do this shit so yeah i I'm looking at their YouTube channel. They have over a billion views. Buh, buh, buh. They've been doing it for a long time. Consistency, man.
Starting point is 00:04:14 People don't know. It's all about being consistent, you know? Yeah. Hey, I want to come back to that and ask you about that, the consistency thing in a second. But what's their deal really quick? Are those Vietnamese dudes? And who's the one white girl like what's this what's their deal just in a nutshell i'm just curious do you know no i i really don't it's just like uh they're not just vietnamese they're different uh asian cultures and it's just one of those groups that they just mingle well together and they just they can tell
Starting point is 00:04:43 a good story and and you know talk about certain topics mingle well together and they just they can tell a good story and and you know talk about certain topics and make it entertaining and they they're doing a great job their setup is very simple too i mean camera couple cameras just some tables and and one white light literally that's all that's all they have this it was nothing fancy but look they're crushing it six hosts yeah that just sounds like anytime I see more than one host, I'm like, oh, this is going to be a fucking nightmare. When I see more than one host, I just think someone's a pussy. Like, oh, you're too scared to talk to someone by yourself.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Because I go through phases like that where I'll have like a co-host like for a week or two weeks, and I feel the pussy creep come in. Like, oh, I'm relying on a person. But, dude, these guys killed it anyway hats off to them and thanks for uh introducing me to those guys really yeah for those of you we're talking about just uh kidding news um you're an immigrant i am yeah do uh like like my dad uh and you're doing the dream would you say you're doing the dream. Would you say you're doing the dream? The American dream? I definitely say I am.
Starting point is 00:05:51 America has given me all these opportunities. All I have to do is take advantage of it and give it my all. And that's what I did. People here, they love to complain, especially those who were born here. They're so comfortable and they're so in use of the way of life of instant gratification. You know, everything is on your smartphone. You can purchase anything you fucking want. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Oh, Google, Uber, you know, Uber, you can even buy alcohol, have it delivered to you. People get comfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Then they run out of things to complain about. They start complaining about little petty shit, but people fail to realize about gratitude and what they have and how the rest of the world is suffering. And they don't know how good they have it. Millions of people always try to come here to America. There's so many lives that have been lost for countless years of people trying to cross vast oceans, trying to cross the border and whatnot to try to come into America because they understand what we stand for and they understand the opportunity that is presented.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Yeah, no one's trying to escape the United States and get down to Venezuela. No. You see all these fucking celebrities talking shit about America. They're not going to leave. Then leave. Are you currently on the Chicago PD?
Starting point is 00:07:06 No, I've retired early. I did 10 years with them. I left early to pursue my goal as an entrepreneur. Awesome. I challenged myself. Good on you. And what year did you leave? This year.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. February. I have so many questions. Wow. February. I have so I have so many questions. And in no time, am I and I have a lot of guys on here things are going down in the United States. And it wasn't my intention to ask you these questions. But then more and more as I was just listening, looking about your background, I was more interested in your background. Then I'm like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I got some questions that this guy probably has insight into that maybe I should ask. Honestly, I think a lot of police officers are just afraid to answer. Yeah, I'm not afraid because I'm fucking retired. They can fucking go pound sand. You know, I was tired of the way policing was, especially in big metropolitan departments. You know, and I talk a lot about that
Starting point is 00:08:15 on my documentary that I, we just released on Amazon called Win. No shit. Yeah, we just dropped it on Amazon and it's doing very well. And I go go into detail about my experience uh being a police officer in a big metropolitan department the politics the bullshit and everything in between uh spell it for me the name of the documentary yeah it's n-g-u-y-e-n
Starting point is 00:08:41 my last name it's uh it was directed by sean Spencer, and he reached out to me because he did a documentary called Ranger. And it was based on this army ranger who talked about his time in the peak of the war, of the global war and terror and how it affected him. And I got to watch it, and I was like, Sean, this is powerful. So, yeah, there it is. Ning, uh, uh, uh, uh, when I keep wanting to say Ningguen, when the incredible true story of Trung Nguyen, a refugee who fled Vietnam as a boy and came to America from the streets of Chicago to a war-torn city of Mosul.
Starting point is 00:09:20 When there's a story of war, passion, corruption, and the indomitable will of one man's American dream. An inside look into the modern law enforcement and the complex issues facing officers and policymakers. Dude, this is awesome. Wow, congratulations. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yeah, we just released that three weeks ago. Do you remember when you started an Instagram account? Was that your first social media account you ever started? Yeah, I did. I started in like 2015. And just for fun, just like, hey, what's this shit that everyone's doing? Yeah, pretty much. I was like, hey, what's this?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Let's join. I see people posting photos. I was like, I'm just going to post like workout videos and stuff like that and see where it goes. And then since then, you've fully embraced it. You love it. You enjoy the creative process. You like posting the pictures. You love the interaction with the world. Yeah, I do. I think a lot of officers or people in the service, they, you know, they, they're embracing it more and you should, because if you don't go out there and show people that you're a true human being and that you're not a robot and you know you look you know you breathe you put on your pants the same way you know it's just the uniform that separates
Starting point is 00:10:36 that people let the media portray how officers are right and they think they're corrupted killers uh freaking people who uh who are racist and all that so i i decided and i got a lot of pushback from my command like hey man you gotta you know chill out like you know i'm i told him like hey it's either we go out there we show the world what we're about and and and that we're human beings and we're good people or you're gonna let the media do that. So in that one, that argument one. Yeah. I mean, they can't. I mean, this is my right.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm not posting anything that's going to jeopardize the team. I'm not going to post any kind of like operational security that's going to jeopardize their operational securities as I.E. Warrants like, oh, yeah, I'm going to serve. We're going to be serving a warrant today at this time. I'm never going to do any of that. I'm going to serve, we're going to be serving a warrant today at this time. I'm never going to do any of that. And everything that I post is just my view, my experience and my own, uh, take in life. So are you married? Uh, yeah. And kids? Uh, yeah, too. And, and do you show them on your social media? No, no. It's probably, probably smart yeah and you do that you do that on purpose
Starting point is 00:11:48 that's it that's a um concerted effort yeah yeah i'm hearing a little popping that's why i'm over here messing with switches and stuff pretending like i know what i'm doing um you you you did um you came over to the united states well you came from v Philippines to the United States, from the United States, raised by a single mom, streets of Chicago, gave you a huge part of your upbringing, entered the military, have a really busy experience there. You enter because of 9-11. You're inspired to go into the military because of 9-11. Have a very busy career there with daily and nightly operations at the highest level as a ranger. Then you get out and you start looking for a home in – well, well, first you take a year off and get into, uh,
Starting point is 00:12:46 alcohol and, um, being bummed out. And then you, uh, pull your shit together and you start taking a tour of police academies, LAPD, and then eventually end up at Chicago SWAT.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah. Um, I think, uh, a lot of people at that time, um, when I think we got something wrong with one of your cables. God, I hope it's you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I hate for it to be my fault. Am I good? No, something's crinkling. Shake your cable. Let me see, maybe. Is that separate from your microphone, your headset separate from your microphone? Yes. You're still making that noise?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, when you move around, it makes it. Okay, I'll sit still. How's that? I don't, you don't need to do that. Okay, go ahead. We'll do that. Yeah, I think a lot of people don't realize the effect of trauma of war, right? I think back then, everybody thought like, hey, you suck it up.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You know, you go to war. This is what you're signed up for. You get your fucking alpha dude so you know nothing any trauma that you see with the killings uh you know guys getting blown up you know that's that's the norm you suck it up and people don't realize it affects the shit out of the soldiers it's doesn't matter where you're uh what branch you are what uh what your job is You could be like the most high-speed Delta Force dude, SEAL Team 6, all the way down to somebody who is not that much of a door kicker. But war affects everybody, and it affected me.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And when I came back from it and from my contract, I was in a dark place. I had no one to talk to no one uh could understand what i was going through and police officers go through the same trauma uh firefighters go through the same trauma you know and we we don't have anybody to rely on and we turn out the hall and and i was in a dark place for a long time and i i found god and god pulled me out of it you know without really that's how it happened. You found God. Yeah. I mean, I did, I did find God before then, but I, it's just that, that year really, really,
Starting point is 00:14:52 you know, is when I, I really talked to him. So look at, look at the, the pundits are weighing in. Um, it's not that bad. What are you talking about? It sounds like he's making fucking popcorn back there. It's a horrible head headphone cord. No, it's not the headphone cord. It's the mic. It's not that bad. What are you talking about? Sounds like he's making fucking popcorn back there. This is horrible. Headphone cord. No, it's not the headphone cord.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It's the mic. It's the mic. When he stopped talking, it went away. That's interesting. Yeah, it's only there when you're talking. Hey, will you log out and come back in for a second? Or will you unplug maybe the cable and plug it back in? The microphone cable?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Sure, let me see. Okay. Look at it. Thank you. Someone else thought the same thing caved astro oh yeah when he unplugs it it goes away when you unplugged it the hum went away oh and then you mute you got to unmute yourself now too sorry when you unplugged it it automatically muted you how's it now oh good now we just have an echo great let me figure this out give me one second sir okay
Starting point is 00:15:47 but the audio is good now let me plug it in this way you may have to change your settings too can you hear me yeah oh that's good dude why can't i hear that's good all right this is technical difficulties apologies about that no no worries at all at all look at look everyone's weighing in how about now yeah good you're good you're so good for some reason i can't you can't hear me i can't hear you okay uh maybe go to your uh settings but you can't hear me for me to tell you to go to your settings. But you can't hear me for me to tell you to go to your settings. I'm going to leave and I'm going to come back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:30 There you go. We can call him on the phone too. It happens. It happens. It happens. It happens. Wow. What a fucking jackass I am.
Starting point is 00:16:44 The guy has a documentary, an Amazon documentary, and I don't even know about it. That sucks. I feel like a schmo for not knowing about the doc. Hey. How's that? Oh, that's good. Yeah, I can hear you too. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Hey, dude, I feel like a schmo for not have uh not have known that this documentary was out yeah no worries no worries that was a fuck up well it's a good excuse to have you back on again watch it and then and then and then have you back on going back to what you were saying i have a buddy of a bunch of buddies who are police officers uh i try to keep this as vague as I can, but he's probably one of the most badass dudes I know. And he got to a call, and he went down to the river's edge, and there was a naked girl there laying in the stream just locally who had killed herself. And it fucked him. And he got kids, right? He got little kids, girls.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And it fucked him up. Yeah. When he came and told me, he was like, yeah, I didn't like that He got little kids, girls. And it fucked him up. Yeah. When he came and told me, he was like, yeah, I didn't like that at all. Oh, yeah. He said that wasn't fun at all. Let alone the nightly operations and the kind of shit you were doing. You know, honestly, I'll tell you this, sir. Seeing gangbangers shot and stuff like that, it didn't affect me, right?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Because that is what is the part of the job that when I signed up, I knew that I was going to be dealing with the worst of the worst of the criminal element. And, you know, seeing that it doesn't affect me as much, but, you know, it really affected me when I went on a call before I became, before I joined a full-time SWAT team. And, you know, I had to go to a criminal sexual assault call of this little girl that was being raped by the mother's boyfriend while she's gone. He would like send her off and he'll do like these things, these horrible things to this young girl. And when I came there and I saw her and, you know, and I could tell in her eyes, you know eyes that she's been traumatized and to look at that piece of shit,
Starting point is 00:18:49 that affected the shit out of me. It still, to this day, affects me when I see a helpless little girl like that being put through that trauma time and time again. Because this has happened multiple times after the detectives interview this piece of shit of what he's done to this little young girl and i'll tell you seeing shit like that it just it doesn't go away it just it sticks with you yeah as soon as you said that i recalled he, he told me a couple of stories and then he just stopped telling me stories of
Starting point is 00:19:25 going to those calls too. Yeah. Of, of, of going to the dudes and what's crazy is dude, how often is it the mom's boyfriend? Oh, it's all,
Starting point is 00:19:34 it's, it happens more than you think. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, it's young, super young,
Starting point is 00:19:41 single digits age, not, not even, you know, and it's, it breaks my heart man like i don't i don't want to hate on men i love men do not leave your little kids alone with men pretty much period if you are men are a very fucking unique group of characters on the planet do not leave little kids alone with men we're capable of just fucking all sorts of crazy shit i love men too they're they're so
Starting point is 00:20:05 underappreciated but do not your job as a parent is to raise your kids do not leave them alone i have this whole thing um uh when of two it's like i don't want my kindergarten i don't want well it starts with the tranny reading hours i am not interested in um why can't they have like asian swat team guy reading night where they just take asian dudes from swat teams and they read at public libraries i'm cool with that why do you have to choose i know that guy's got some issues too he became a cop but i don't want dudes who have this unquenchable thirst to dress as women and then also spend time with kids being at the being the premier reading hour at my library how come we don't like have amish lady reading hour how come we don't have why did pee
Starting point is 00:20:52 where herman have to be such a fucking weirdo yeah like why can't i just why can't it just be the carpenter joe reading hour like if you have to have men reading to kids why can't it be your local carpenter or your local chef or the guy who's in the rock band why does it have to be the dudes who want to dress as women i just they're trying to normalize it and who are these people who think it's okay to bring their kids there i'm not even hating on them you want to dress as a woman do it all day long but why is that the only person who's reading at the fucking public library you know i'll tell you i'll tell you something that is that a lot of people don't think of but it's it's happening it's been happening for a long time is we we are at war but it's not a physical war it's a psychological war that's been
Starting point is 00:21:38 placed uh in america through our enemies because how are they going to affect us? Because right now we are the superpower, right? If you try to go to war with America, we'll come, we'll fuck you up because we have all the guns, all the airships, everything. So Russia and China knows on a head-on war, it's not going to be good for them. So how are they going to win a war on us by infiltrating our school systems through college, infiltrating all of our family values, destroying our core from within, having us fight each other from within. And you see it now, liberals versus, I'm not a conservative. I'm not a liberal. I'm pro fucking America, right right anything that is for us to better our country I'm all for it and right now we're in this big fight of left versus right uh you know it's okay to have
Starting point is 00:22:32 trans being in in in the schools reading like you said it's it's okay to have children be able to decide their sex which is fucking crazy so that's how they're doing it. They're just trying to destroy us from within. And they're succeeding. If you look at TikTok, if you ever look at China's TikTok compared to our TikTok, it's completely different. China's TikTok is family wholesome, talk about education, talk about like the family core values.iktok here is oh let's see who's fucking can twerk the best or do these freaking ridiculous things you know eat tide pods yeah they censor their tiktoks in china just to let you know that and here it's just they're and it's all purposely done
Starting point is 00:23:20 when you say you're not right or left okay i i hear you and um i was raised in the bay area i grew up in berkeley california i believed in doing hugging trees and you know uh use racism to fight racism we called it affirmative action and i believed in it was okay to sacrifice children and kill children as long uh in the baby in the mom's stomach because it was woman's rights i believed all that but but but none of the but the thing here is is when okay if i'm not a republican now that my the thing is okay i'm not a republican let's say or i'm not a libertarian let's say i'm just pro-america i'm pro let's say i'm pro-god even even though even even though i'm not a religious man i'm not a christian i am very pro-god because I like all the I'm really I like the values of people who who are in God's who like God right I love their values and and and I know America is just a made
Starting point is 00:24:17 up idea but but that's okay I'm pro-America and I'm sure as fuck pro-family because I got three little boys yeah and those three go together great But it's no Republicans when you can't find one Republican who thinks it's okay for men who have an unquenchable desire to dress as women, to hang out with little boys, to facilitate that relationship. And so there's not one Republican who's okay with that. Not one. You can't find one. You can't find one Republican who's like, okay, it's okay to kill babies in the mom's womb or maybe you can find a few so what are our choices like like aren't you gonna have to vote republican like what are our choices yeah you know honestly i don't mean to pigeonhole you i'm asking you sincerely like i don't want i don't want to
Starting point is 00:25:01 be republican or democrat either but it's fuck, the Democrats are fucking they're defending undefendable fucking crazy shit now. Yeah, absolutely. And if I'm left with that choice, I would honestly vote Republican, you know, just because of what they stand for compared to what the Democrats are standing for as, as this moment, which is scary as shit. But in the end, none of that matters to me, you know, to me, we are one to me, I believe anybody who lives here in the United States, we, we, we should come together. We should unify. That's what's going to make us strong. And we stick together as, as, as a country, right? Everybody's going to have their
Starting point is 00:25:45 opinions, which is fine. You're entitled to your fucking opinions. I'm never going to sit there and talk shit about your opinions or where you come from. No, no. Your way of life is your way of life. But when it comes down to the nitty gritty, we need to stick together as a country. But right now, we're not. We're falling apart. You can see it through your very own eyes. So it's crazy. Speaking of falling apart, Chicago, when I think of one of the epicenters of shit falling apart, I think of Portland, Chicago, San Francisco. How bad did it get in Chicago with Lori Lightfoot? She seemed absolutely off her rocker. It got horrible.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It got extremely horrible. It was extremely dangerous for the citizens because of her bullshit. Was or is? Is. It still is. And the new mayor is no different. You know, it's like I posted on my story the other day of why, you know, guys always come to me asking, yeah, you know, is being a police dead being this job dead? I tell them the job's not dead. Being a police officer is one of the most honorable professions you can do.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It's just you got to pick and choose the right department to work for. right department to work for. And working for a big metropolitan department like New York City, Chicago, is not it. Because you cannot be the police. You cannot go out there and do your job. And I posted a video that Channel 7 News showed the radio frequency, the radio chatter too, of, you know, there's four masked men with long guns robbing people at two o'clock in the morning and it was observed by a unmarked police car at the moment like this crime happening so the the the the follow so they started following this car and it went over the air like hey yeah we're following this dodge durango down Western Avenue. And there's four masked men with long guns. And then, you know, then a marked car came and they turned on their lights and sirens.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And, you know, you hear the dispatch say, you know, 20. I forgot the unit's number, but there's 20 something like, do you do you have your lights and sirens on? And you could hear the officer saying 10-4. And you can hear the officer saying again, yeah, there's four individuals in the car. They got long guns. And then you hear a supervisor come over the air and say, terminate the chase. So they had to terminate. And policy with the Chicago Police Department is like when the supervisor calls a termination of the chase, you literally have to turn off your
Starting point is 00:28:25 lights, pull to the side of the road, wait for them to come to log you in to make sure that you stopped where you said you stopped. So they let go a criminal element who committed a crime that early morning that was observed robbing people. And now the police officers identify them in the car and they're driving away. They got long guns, but they can't stop them. They can't do their jobs. And it's scary. The criminal knows it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Oh, knows it. And they're running amok. They're terrorizing. They're destroying what Chicago used to be, how beautiful. And you see, look at San Francisco. They're getting ready to close a bunch of targets because of criminal elements freaking going in there, looting. Dude, San Francisco, I don't know how familiar you are with the city, but it was my home, the Bay Area. And they closed the Nordstrom's there. And the Nordstrom's there was the city but it's it was my home uh the bay area and they closed the nordstroms there
Starting point is 00:29:25 and the nordstroms there was the city it was basically the top like seven stories of this mall and the nordstroms didn't have any doors it was kind of like the epicenter of like san francisco shopping area it's gone it's closed because of all the crime is that what we're seeing it's like the purge like um i follow all of these city Instagram accounts and every day there's three or four posts of just kids marauding into stores and cleaning out the stores. That's crazy. And you're hearing about Home Depot employees who are being fired or whatnot for trying to stop the criminals. You're not allowed to stop the criminals anymore. Lululemon employees who got fired for trying to stop criminals. Lululemon employees who got fired for trying to stop criminals. It's guess who's making those laws.
Starting point is 00:30:09 The people who are sitting in the office, right? It's not us. It's not the law enforcement. We're here to enforce the law, but how can we enforce the law when the law says anything above anything, if they take anything below $1,000, it's not considered a crime. So what are we going to do? Right. You know,
Starting point is 00:30:23 no small business can handle that. No small business can sustain that. Absolutely not. It's crushing the small business people, you know, targeting them. They can bounce back. They're a billion dollar company. They'll take the loss. They'll be OK. You know, it's the small mom and pops are suffering. And, you know, what are you going to do? You're going to continue voting for the people who are making these fucking ridiculous policies. Are you going to do? You're going to continue voting for the people who are making these fucking ridiculous policies. Are you going to be like, hey, enough is enough. Let's let's let's let's let's let's put aside left and right.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Let's let's let's talk about what is right. And this is not fucking right. You know, but it's it's the world we live in now. Let me paint this picture for you and then you add in whatever you want. George Floyd happens. We have a – we all know George – well, some people still don't know George's situation, but it was the third time he'd been pulled over like in less than a year. All three times he ate the drugs when he was pulled over. Doctors had told him he better stop doing that.
Starting point is 00:31:22 All three times in all three arrests he'd said, I can't breathe. He was – the police actually took him out of the car because he said he couldn't breathe they were trying to help him uh an officer who was surrounded by a hostile crowd puts his knee on the guy's neck and the guy while he's holding there and trying to check out the situation and the guy dies while he's high on fentanyl um high on alcohol high on meth had already been charged with putting a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach the whole thing a bad guy bad situation he dies the country goes into upheaval and they start talking about these 12 unarmed black men in 2000 in the entire united states who were killed in 2020 i think it was out of the 365 million stops that police officers do 12 unarmed black men were killed who knows how many unarmed white
Starting point is 00:32:06 men were killed who gives a fuck but um and i think all 12 of those men also uh resisted arrest also notice that those are men there's no there were no women um and so basically the country goes into upheaval because it can't show any discernment or contextualize or put anything into relativity that basically we have these cops on the street to protect us and there's going to be accidents and these guys have guns but we don't even know if these are accidents or not maybe these are all just killings at that point police officers everywhere completely disengage with um uh or or vastly disengage with anyone who has melanated skin and over the next two years we see black on black murders increased by 34 nationwide under the guise of stopping police from killing people with melanated skin so we're going to
Starting point is 00:33:01 attack police there becomes this massive two-year campaign to hate on police and so the police my friends the stories i hear this is the most gentle story i've heard i've heard dozens of them uh a car flew by one of my friends who's a cop uh at 85 miles an hour on the freeway my he flips on the lights he catches the guy he pulls up he sees it's a black guy and he lets him go he's like fuck that i ain't doing that i'm not losing my job uh and and that happens all over the country and basically what we're seeing is is we're seeing a police force that doesn't want to engage because they don't want to get in trouble yeah and now we're in the fucking purge it's so it's is that is that a rough is that a fair narrative of what we just saw yeah because you know here's the thing you're you're right
Starting point is 00:33:45 because the the the cops who saw that they don't want to be the next youtube sensation they don't want to be hung out to dry by their police department right well and they're not gonna they're afraid to do their job they're they start second guessing themselves right and on top of that is abdominal effect because you gotta understand the police departments, police, wherever they have a rotating door, right? Like people work, they do a certain amount of time, they retire. And the guys are like the guys who have like 20 years on, who's going to do 30, like, fuck this, I'm retiring. So a ton of officers are retiring early because this job is not the same anymore. You know, we can't do our job.'s on eggshells and then what what what does that
Starting point is 00:34:25 produce that produces uh of you're scaring away good candidates anybody who's like intelligent who's physically fit they look at the job they're like i'm not gonna do this fucking job are you crazy go out there and put on a badge and just in case i'm being called a racist hell no so they take their uh their skill set they'll go somewhere else they'll go through like a three-letter agency you never hear anything about the fbi or the cia or they'll do that route right and what are you left with uh canada like they are they police departments right now have a very um hard time finding recruits to become police officers i bet now they're they're lowering their standards. Oh, now if you
Starting point is 00:35:06 have such and such on your record, it's okay. You can still be a cop. Oh, you don't need a college degree anymore. They start lowering the standards and we see it. When I was in my last year on the Chicago Police Department, I saw the, because I would go to the police academy uh sometimes and use the bathroom or eat because it was like centralized in chicago and i would see these candidates out of shape they're they're i was talking to some of the uh the instructors in the academy uh you know they do they got to do something called a power test for them to pass right you got that means like a a mile and a half run you know you got a bench a bench press, you know, let's say, I think it's 90% of your body weight, depending on your age group, a set amount of setups. A lot of, some of these candidates were so out of shape, they could have been passed a run, but they let them walk, just walk and you'll pass. And that's,
Starting point is 00:35:58 and that's what's going on nowadays. You have such, and it's the wrong thing to do. If you want good officers, if you want great people to show up to your calls, you got to give them the training. You got to give them the competence. You got to back them up. Right. If you if you shit on the job and you treat them like shit and you hang them out to dry before the investigation even starts on what happened, because that's what you saw that like a lot of these incidents before anything, any kind of like investigation happens, they go right away. Oh yeah. They throw up their hands. Yeah. It's the officer's fault, blah, blah, blah. Right before anything even starts. But so that tells you who, who would want this job, who would want to do this job? And that, not many anymore. And it's the same thing with the recruitment for the army.
Starting point is 00:36:44 They're down by 15%. I can't even – I'm surprised they're not down by more than that. Yeah, they're down by 15%. I have a friend who's on a base who said that there's four people there who are there just because the government's paying for their transition. That's why they joined the military. And they're completely undeployable and unusable because of all the drugs they're on. Yeah. Bizarro world, right, dude? It's crazy now. Hey. Do you think that the public can be educated? I have a pretty hard since I've had kids, I have a pretty hard line. Like my feeling is, is if you resist arrest, then the cops should be able to use almost any force necessary.
Starting point is 00:37:26 The second you resist arrest, I know that's pretty harsh, but like I fully believe that. And then any concern that the cop ever has for you going to grab his gun, I think the cops should be able to shoot you. And the reason why I think that is because if I'm going by with my stroller and my three little kids and you grab the cop's gun, I'm fucked. Yeah. So like I don't have any tolerance for resistant arrest. I don't have any, but, but it feels like so many people are like, well, they should have tased him first. They should have shot him in the knee first. They there's all of these should have. Yeah. Should have like, like,
Starting point is 00:37:57 like that lady who, I think that lady, there's a lady who shot a guy in his car and she pulled out the gun instead of the taser. She pulled out the wrong thing and people were judging her. I'm like, dude, the second he resisted arrest with someone who has a gun, I don't care what happens. You know what? You know what it comes down to training. You got to give your officers training. Right. And if you if you want these officers on the street to be competent and a lot of departments don't give them proper training, the last time, like in CPD, if you join the Chicago police department,
Starting point is 00:38:29 the only training you're going to get is the police Academy. And when you get out of there, they'll have like online training that, you know, PowerPoints, but how many cops sit there and go through the PowerPoints and pay attention, right? Not many. You got to give them hands-on training consistently throughout their, their career to have them have competence. And it's simple, like stuff like start implementing jujitsu in the academy and have it something that is going to progress through your entire career.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Right. Because if you know that, let's for example, if you are a police officer and you're a blue belt in jujitsu and somebody resists arrest, and you're a blue belt in jujitsu and somebody resists arrest, you know, this, you know, the technique to, to take them down, down to the ground, to take, you know, to, to put them in a uncomfortable position and place handcuffs on them. And what, what you're seeing now is a lot of cops, they don't have that training. So they're starting to pull out their baton. They're starting wailing their baton all over the place or they're, they're using their fist and it looks bad on camera because they're trying to go back in their baton. They're starting wailing their baton all over the place or they're using their fist. And it looks bad on camera because they're trying to go back in their Rolodex like, okay, I'm trying to fall back to my train. I'm trying to remember my train. Cause that's what happens
Starting point is 00:39:32 under stress. People don't realize that people think it's like John wick, you know, like John wick movies that automatically you're, you can shoot two people at once. You can do all these things. No, when you're under stress, you don't rise to the level of that of that incident. You fall to the level of your training. And that's why when when I when I joined the Ranger Regiment, our training was at this fucking level. Right. And war was at this level because it had to be that way. We had to train 10 times harder than what we would face in war. Why? Because when we go to war and if it's like this and we're trained like this, it's easy
Starting point is 00:40:12 day. That's why the Ranger Regiment is such a fucking badass, lethal unit out there because their soldiers are trained so high. The standards is so high that no matter what we meet out there in the real battlefield, we're going to crush them. And that's the way that the police department has to see it, too. going out there, they're dealing with these criminals or dealing with people who resist arrest, they can have competence in their training to be able to place those people into custody and end it. Right. And not, oh, OK, oh, this is not working.
Starting point is 00:40:55 The fist is not working. Let me pull out the taser. And tasers only work half the time. So I dealt with incidents where I've tased somebody and it didn't, it didn't do anything to them. They just kept fighting with you. They kept fighting with me. So what are you going to do then?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Oh, I got, I'm going to, I'm going to use my mace. Some people are immune to mace. Like half of my, half of my academy class, when they got during their training, when they got mace in the eyes, it didn't affect them. Me, it affect the shit out of me. But that sounds horrible. It does. But you know what I mean? That shit sounds horrible. It does.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But that tells you something. Like you can't, like those are tools. Yeah, yeah. It's tools. But the most important tool that you have is your mind and your body, right? And if you give that the best type of training possible, then you're going to have a squared away officer. It's going to mitigate lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It's going to make your police department look good because, Hey, look, there's a video of an incident at the white socks game. There was this patrol guy dealing with this drunk dude. It was right after the game and he started to resist, you know, some verbal shit went down and he pushed the officer so the officer now you battered the police officer now you're under arrest now you see this officer struggling to put this dude under in handcuffs but he did but he has no skills so he's trying to use this technique that he learned in the police academy god knows when he went through and it's not being
Starting point is 00:42:23 effective and here comes my swat buddy who's a black belt in jujitsu. And luckily his car, like he, we were there on scene. They, and we heard it over the radio. He came there, he got out of the car. He took the suspect down and literally in two techniques, place the dude in handcuffs. And it was done from jujitsu. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:43 You know, you know how many cops i've heard say that that in order to be a cop you should be what's the second belt blue belt you should be a blue belt you should be a blue belt absolutely it's mandatory for all police departments to implement jujitsu into to to the training because it's going to be it's the one of the safest way to put somebody in the in custody because it's all about technique. It's all about placing them in a position of being uncomfortable and using leverage. Hey, I also think this. If you have a daughter and you don't have her in jiu-jitsu, you're fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah. My buddy who owns a gym. You're nuts. A jiu-jitsu gym. His daughter is like 18. She's a black belt. Yeah. She would fucking choke both of us out if she wanted to you know it's freaking crazy yeah the most i mean i was listening to two of the guys next to me in the class my kids go to jiu-jitsu my kids do martial
Starting point is 00:43:35 arts almost seven days a week seven times yeah not maybe not seven days a week but seven times a week for sure and i there was a um the two men next to me were our practitioners and i'm not i'm just a dad that drives the van around and uh they were based they were they were talking about how value if you have someone in guard they're fucked yeah and i'm thinking to myself yeah if you're a fucking girl and you're on your back and you have your legs open and that's your most powerful position in the martial arts you've been trained in your black belt dudes are fucked yeah teaches the kids discipline too teaches them hard work teaches them the to stay consistent right that's what it teaches them and that's it's gonna it's gonna help them throughout their life your kid do your kids do martial arts uh so my my daughter she does uh my son he likes to run
Starting point is 00:44:20 so he's a big runner and are your kids in the public school system? Yeah, we're in. So Texas public school system is amazing. It's night and day compared to Chicago. So it is as I would say, the Texas school system, public school systems is on par to the private school systems up in Chicago. I mean, the classes are small. Have you thought about homeschooling them? We talked about it for sure, but we haven't decided yet on it. My wife's busy. And you're still married. Yeah, kudos. Good on you. That puts you in a rare class.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Is it a private school or public school uh where they go to it's a yeah public school yeah i i was thinking about like i said if i if i i'm not religious but if i if i were to send my kids to school i would i think i would send them to like some sort of religious school yeah where they're like on the straight and narrow no one's gonna say anything fucking crazy like hey you can become a a girl or you can change your sex. That's fucking crazy. Yeah, absolutely. You can't buy alcohol, but you can decide on your sex change.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, you can't get a tattoo. Yeah, you can't get a tattoo yet until you're 18. But if you want to chop off your willy and become a girl, you can. You can start this process um tron can you tell me about um why you retired the thought process of retiring after 10 years how many years were you a cop i know you were 10 years in chicago how many years were you a cop years total 14 years total yeah i did uh three separate departments uh but you know i i was at the pinnacle of where I was in terms of like, I was on the full-time SWAT team. I was a point guy on the shield, you know, and I just got,
Starting point is 00:46:13 it just got comfortable, you know, and I wanted a challenge and it didn't challenge me anymore. So I was like, and, you know, I was, I had my company, we go home and I started that in like 2019 and, uh, it started to do real well. And, and I got to, I got to a crossroad where I had to decide, Hey, either I go all in, in my company, or I keep doing this route, the police route and kind of like do a half-ass job with, uh, we go home. And so I decided, Hey, you know, I don't, I don't believe in the comfort zone. I don't believe in never, I never peak. I believe in that. I believe as a human being, you should always challenge yourself. You should always push yourself every single day. Your goal every single day, no matter what it is, is to be a better version of yourself. So I put my money where my mouth is. And I was
Starting point is 00:47:01 like, you know what? I'm going to throw away this cush job of a promise of a pension two paychecks a month insurance i left that all behind to pursue uh my my dream my goal is to be an entrepreneur to push this message i believe i could make a greater impact in law enforcement military and fire and first responders if i i mean if i made this jump and i decided to make this fucking jump so that's why i'm down here in texas to pursue this goal to chase the unknown um how how long you've been running uh we go home uh while you were um with the chicago pd uh since 2019 so four or five years. Yeah. Was it hard managing both? It was.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It was. It definitely was because our tempo was very high. We were, yeah, we were busy. We were very, very busy. We had a lot of work, but I was passionate about the message and I wanted to change lives. I wanted to help, uh, officers and firefighters and military personnels and first responders. And I was like, you know what, I'm just going to give it my all in this too, because, uh, that message needs to be pushed out
Starting point is 00:48:14 there. Do you, would that be something you'd suggest people, uh, first responders do that? They are, they are, they have a, uh, uh, that they have their own business so that they do have that freedom if they do want to jump to make the transition? If you have a passion about something and you want to turn it to your business, absolutely. Absolutely. I would recommend that. that. You know, when I was on the police department last year, a lot of guys on my team were bitching and moaning about the supervisors and the way things are and the policymakers, the mayor, but they're stuck, right? Because that's all they know. Policing is all they know. They're going to do 20 years on it because they don't have any other skill set. But if you have other
Starting point is 00:48:59 skill set, i.e., for example, woodworking, making some awesome plaques, designing and clothing or whatever it is that you do, I pursue it. You know, that's something that you, you, and I think that's what holds a lot of people back is they, you know, you know, that saying where the richest place in the world is the cemetery, because that's where a lot of people's ambitions, dreams, and ideas go to die because they're too afraid to make that jump. And I'll tell you, if you're in that position and you're, and you have that one thought and that one idea that you want to turn into life, fucking do it. That's what I did. We go home, started as a single thought. And I, it could have stayed that way if I was a scared bitch and didn't want to turn it into reality. But I don't live that way.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You know, and I was like, hey, I'm going to turn my idea. I'm going to put my my passion out there to the world. So I did. And when you say if you were a scared bitch, but do you have a scared bitch that lives inside of you, but you have to keep in check? Like if it rears its head, you fucking slap it around or you know my inner bitch yeah absolutely i call it my inner bitch everybody has an inner bitch and the inner bitch rears his ugly head here and there right and right now i'll tell you i've crushed it so much that it rarely comes out anymore you know but in the beginning the most simple thing as hey your alarm going off and you're in you're're in your fucking comfortable bit, you know, Oh, I'm going to hit the snooze for 10 more minutes. That's your inner
Starting point is 00:50:28 bitch winning. And, and, and, and you know what I mean? And when I, when that alarm goes off, I fucking get out of bed immediately because I that's the first W of the day, right? I don't let my comfort overtake me. I fucking go out there. That's the first win. Second win, I make my fucking bed. You know what I mean? I start stacking wins immediately. And it's just one of those things that is a habit time and time again. And I just, it's a compounding thing. And people might think that's little petty shit, but no, it's not. Because when you're able to do the little shit like that, when it comes down to the hardest things that you have to make the decision on,
Starting point is 00:51:06 it's going to be very easy for you to make because you're so used to being on top of your game, not letting your inner bitch or your comfort, the comfort zone win over and you just take over and just get shit done. This is going to sound like I'm making a joke, but I'm not. I wonder if your last name
Starting point is 00:51:25 has anything to do with your success like like it's part just like you hear it so often and it's it's like manifest destiny it's like a mantra when if i was friends with you if i was friends with you and i saw you every day i probably wouldn't call you trunk i would just start calling you when i'd call you by your last name i'm guessing a lot of people call you by your last name when uh yeah you know in the military and in law enforcement you get called by your last name a lot so yeah like if someone's working out with you when you want the 45s on or what do you want to do here what are you lifting like people would just call you win win win and it sticks so so the inner bitch is like hey i can stick this out for 10 more years and get a paycheck and this'll still be here. This, this, we go home. We'll still be
Starting point is 00:52:05 here. It's not a big deal. Just chill, dude. Don't get crazy. Just, just do both. And you, you squash that, right? Yeah. You have to go all in. You got to go all in on your dreams. And I, I decided, cause I I've watched lots of successful people, you know, there's a lot of successful entrepreneurs out there who went all in on their shit and they, and they crushed it. You know, there's a lot of successful entrepreneurs out there who went all in on their shit and they, and they crushed it. You know, I would tell people like some of my biggest mentors don't even know I exist. Guys like Andy Frisella, guys like Nick Bear, who owns BPN, those guys, you know, they went all in on their, in their goals, right? It's not going to be easy. No, because if it was easy, everybody would do it. Everybody would be successful. would be successful everybody be driving a lambo everybody be having a nice car everybody living
Starting point is 00:52:48 their dreams but not everybody do every you know because they are afraid to go out there and live outside that nice paved road everybody likes to walk that nice paved road with the fucking lights to show them the way right but there's a few individuals and that's you fucking do it. You want to pave your own road. You want to climb that mountain. That's because it's hard. That's why that that that road is not made for everybody. But if it's something that you want to do and you're you're so passionate about and you want to go out there and just crush it, it's there. You just got to stay the course, not fucking quit. What did your wife say?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Was your wife scared? She was, to be honest with you, but she believed in me. And it comes down to you got to have a good spouse too, right? Because if she was like, hey, fuck you. No, you're going to stay here for 10 years and get a pension. Then what am I going to say? No. You know, I we sacrifice so much to come down here. People don't realize that. Like I gave up insurance for my children right now. You know, I've given up a steady job so that I can pursue this dream.
Starting point is 00:54:00 She's like, go for it. Go go after your dreams, you know? And that's what I'm doing. I don't want to die regrets. I don't want to be that old man that sits under my front porch or lay in my death bed and think to myself, what if, what if I'd done this? What if I'd done that? I don't want to live my life. What if, and that's where, and that's where I am today. Every, everything that I've done that I set out for myself, I fucking did. I told myself I was going to be a Ranger. I became a Ranger. I told myself that I'm going to become a police officer. And one day I'm going to be on a full-time SWAT team. And I did it. You know, every goal that I've set for myself, I fucking have accomplished because I believe in hard work. I believe in staying the course. I believe that that's what it takes.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I believe in hard work. I believe in staying the course. I believe that that's what it takes. And it's the same thing with anything that any of your listeners are listening to want to do in their lives. You just got to put in the work. You got to stay consistent. You got to be disciplined. You can't quit on yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:59 You got to know it's going to be tough. You got to know that a lot of times it's just going to be you dealing with your inner bitch voice but but if you can you said you have a wife that believes in you did you know how long have you been with her 13 years congratulations and how did you always know she believed in you did you know why you picked her to be your wife you know why you got married man uh it just happened to be honest with you uh my sister my sister introduced us and um yeah we we just got along and it just it just worked out you have friends who you know stories though and you have friends who's who are with women who don't believe in them. Right. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Of course. Like you see it, you see like you've been out with your buddies and their, and their wife's there and their wife's sitting there fucking undermining their shit. And you're like, fuck. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Like what the fuck is going on here? Like, you're just uncomfortable. Like, yo, your bitch should be doing that behind closed doors. Not like, like I can only imagine if she's doing it in front of us,
Starting point is 00:56:01 what she's doing behind closed doors. Having a strong woman on your side, it makes all the fucking difference you know like somebody who supports you as you know it goes both ways and and uh having that helped so tremendously you know so um uh chung i just went through uh kind of a interesting situation i don't i don't i don't have a hard life at all. I got, uh, my mom and my family near me and I got a great wife that I've had for, you know, in my life forever. And, um, but, but a couple of years ago I got fired from my job and I started up this
Starting point is 00:56:37 podcast. Right. And so, uh, I don't know, let's say a year ago, I'm just making up the timeline. Um, we were going in the negative. We were going backwards cause I had lost my job and I don't know Let's say a year ago. I'm just making up the timeline um We were going in the negative we were going backwards because I had lost my job and I wasn't making what I used to So we my wife was like, hey, my wife does all the adult shit So she's like, hey, we're dipping into our savings Every month now to pay for our mortgage and to pay for our lifestyle just so you know And I just got my head down working doing my podcast every day every day every day just you know Like a fucking jackass 51 year old think he's going to be a YouTuber and shit. Right. Well, lo and behold, uh, six months into like her telling me like, Hey, we're going, we're,
Starting point is 00:57:15 we're dipping into our savings. I get this notice from YouTube saying that, um, they've demonetized my account and that I need to like look into it. So I look into it and I see that I haven't sent them my driver's license. So I sent him my driver's license and they're like, okay, we're going to back pay you for the last 11 months that we haven't paid you. And there was fucking almost $100,000 in there. Hell yeah. And my wife never stressed out. And I just told my wife, Mike, okay, go into my bank account and take that up and put that all back into our savings.
Starting point is 00:57:43 But it was like, it's like what you were saying. I had a lady who believed in me. She never was like, hey, what the fuck are you doing? Go get a job at Starbucks. You know what I mean? She was just, she just believed in me. She saw me get up every morning. She saw me like working hard on getting people to come on the podcast, the whole fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:57:58 But it was just because I had my head down and I wasn't fucking paying attention. But look, there's two things that I got from what paying attention. Just grinding. There's two things that I got from what you said. First off, it's never too late, guys. Whatever you want to do. Yeah. How old are you? 40.
Starting point is 00:58:13 40. I switched careers. I'm now going, chasing, becoming an entrepreneur. And look at you. You, that as a man is a lot of stress on us, Right. Yeah. Crazy. I was, dude, I was, Hey, I don't tell anyone this, but I was paralyzed. Like my wife would be like, Hey, do you want to go out to dinner? And I'd go out to dinner, but I wouldn't order food. Yeah. I was paralyzed, bro. I was paralyzed because I, cause I, I thought we were going, the kingdom was going backwards. And so I, I, I was paralyzed. I didn't want, I didn't want to
Starting point is 00:58:43 put gas in the car. I didn't want to I didn't want to put gas in the car. I didn't want to like drive down to the store to like, to, to get sparkling water. I was like, I'll go without it. Cause I, cause I was like, I was paralyzed. It was crazy. Yeah. Crazy stress. Yeah. But look, you didn't quit. No, you kept, you kept you, you, you had a purpose and you stuck to that purpose. You had a vision, you stuck to that vision. So look where you're at now. It pays off and people got to realize that like like if you want something that is there for you, you know, the school system have us in this mix like, oh, you have to get a nine to five job. You got to go to college. You got to get a degree, go into debt, work, pay off your fucking degree, maybe hate your boss, maybe hate your job why why who says that you can't go out there make a fucking podcast who says you can't go out there and start a clothing line and do great things that's something that
Starting point is 00:59:31 you're passionate you can it's just you just got to put you just got to give everything you've got and this is living proof right there look where you're at now you gave it everything you got yeah it's killer i'm stoked super cool Super cool. Yeah. It was personal. Why did you, so tell me about We Go Home. What's the, why'd you start it? What is it? Yeah, We Go Home started a long time ago. I think, you know, it started when I joined the military all into my law enforcement. We always like during briefings, before we go out on missions, we always hear, you know, the platoon sergeants or, you know, the supervisors are during, during my time on the SWAT team, when we're giving briefings before we do a warrant, a search warrant, they always say, Hey, no matter what, you know, we're going to come home.
Starting point is 01:00:19 And, and that, and it stuck with me. And the thing you got to realize is we go home. It's, it's a bigger, broader mission. It's not about me. It's about those to my left and right. You know, I train with them. I bleed with them. I cry with them. I laugh with them. I know their family members. I know their children. I know, you know, we're basically they're basically another family of mine. So we know that in this field of law enforcement, fire, police, that it's not when, it's not if, but when adversity is going to strike. It is up to me to be the most prepared possible physically, mentally, skillset wise, so that I can bring home my partner and those that I swore to protect. And that's the mission of We Go Home. Because there's so many officers that are out of shape that you see on these YouTube videos that get into these incidents and their lives get taken. And I'll be damned if I respond to a call and I don't come up and do my job and make sure that they come home. So that's the message we're trying to push out there to the community. Hey,
Starting point is 01:01:32 it's dangerous. It's a dangerous profession. You're signing a blank check. You don't know that you're going to come home at the end of the day. This is not your typical nine to five. Be prepared. Be a professional. dress, right? Make sure your uniform looks sharp. Make sure you're in shape. Make sure that you're, you have the utmost skillset possible so that you can not only protect your partners, but the most important thing is protecting those that you swore to protect. And so there are supplements that for people who are serious about being physically, mentally and have their skill set tight to take. And as I mean, there's supplements all over the place. Right. I mean, it's and what are the supplements you sell like protein, creatine? Yeah, I'm a big supplement nerd. I've been taking supplements since when I was 17 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Right. So supplements has always been a passion of mine. And I saw the shit that was out there that was like proprietary blends and stuff that weren't good or like dosing that wasn't like at the effective dose. Companies cutting corners to save money for them. So I got tired of that. I got tired of consuming that type of product. So I was like, hey, you know what? I'm going to make my own supplements and I'm going to make it the best possible so that people who take these supplements can gain from it. And it's not like, hey, it's going to benefit the company by cutting, you know, undercutting it and making it cheap. No, I'm giving it, uh, the, uh, the most effective dosing it's transparent and you're going to get what you, uh, what your hard earned money paid for. So that's what, that's what it was. I wanted to make great products.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And is that why you moved to Texas? Is it made there? Uh, no, it's made in Georgia. I moved to Texas cause, uh, America. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to change. I didn't want to live in Chicago. I didn't want to because I saw where Chicago was heading. How about your mom? Did you take your mom with you? She didn't want to go. My sisters are still there in Chicago. She's like, I'm too old. I don't want to move into a new state. So I'm still continuing to try to talk her into it. So yeah, was that hard to leave your mom? I know from your previous interview, it sounds like you have a pretty good, great relationship with her. Yeah, it's hard to leave my mom. You know,
Starting point is 01:03:52 she's she's she was I never had a father, you know, so she was both. She was not only the breadbringer. When we came here to America, we only had ten dollars for her name. We got put in a Section 8 home. I grew up in the fucking hood all the way until I was like 18 years old. That's all I saw was violence and crime. But she came here knowing no one. We had no one here. And she literally that week got a job, started working multiple jobs, tried to put food on the table for us and her family back home because she still had brothers and sisters and her mother was back home. So she was doing so much. And that woman,
Starting point is 01:04:31 God bless her. She was, I couldn't imagine what she went through, you know, and she, she was so strong and, you know, I loved her for it. I, so. It's crazy to hear that story because all those stories you know my dad was an immigrant my mom was second generation but those are all their stories too two jobs going to law school cleaning houses driving forklifts lifts being private security like guards like you know like you know like watching a atm at by private security i don't mean fancy shit i mean like watching an atm machine at two in the morning like my family did all that open opened up a liquor store you know the typical middle eastern path anyone in your family own a dry cleaning service no but they own nail shops oh well there you go i mean there's stereotypes for a reason
Starting point is 01:05:15 yeah like yeah you know what i mean my dad's armenian he opened a fucking wine a liquor store it's like yeah look at the sacrifice they did they they have to endure for you. 365 days a year. 18-hour days. My dad worked his ass off. Nice to every fucking customer. Carried their shit out to the cars. Taught me how to fucking be a responsible gentleman. How to be a good dude.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Amazing. Yeah. You don't take Christmas off. Holidays. All that compartmentalizing your life fucking crazy um i have a friend i have a friend um who is starting a olive oil company and i was talking to him and i was like hey dude i hear olive oil is like really fucking corrupt like that basically like you could go to any store here and like start uh analyzing the olive oil like take the olive oil out and go to like to a lab and you'll see that it's just fucking bullshit
Starting point is 01:06:08 they've cut it with stuff that it's just bad shit i for some and i and he's like yeah i'm gonna make i'm gonna show that's gonna be my whole thing one of my things is my olive oil is i'm gonna actually i'm going to show them that hey it came from this field i'm going to go over there and show them then that came here then we had 24 hours to smash the olives before they lose whatever, their potency or whatever that all of us was to have. And then we barreled it. I'm going to show the whole process so people know what they're getting. I feel like the supplement industry needs that too.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I feel like I would flip to any supplement industry that exposed expose like hey listen all of us get our creatine from here there's this one fucking warehouse in China we all get it from here I'm gonna fly to China and show you where we get it like do you know what I mean like to me that industry it's just there's some shady stuff
Starting point is 01:07:00 for sure or not even that it's shady but that it's all the same stuff coming from the same it's shady but that it's all the same stuff coming from the same it's like shoes right they're like there's only so many fucking factories in the world that are making shoes or cars right like like you know what i'm saying like you see a toyota camry and then you see this other car that's like honda makes and this other car should make sure like wait these are the same fucking car brand branded different what can what can people do what can people do in that industry so that that would just be more honest that instead of like trying to set themselves apart be like hey
Starting point is 01:07:34 motherfuckers like i'm going to show you like hey we're all the same like is is there an angle like that you know honestly uh it's really on the owner of the, of the company, you know? So here's the thing, this for, for, for example, creatine, generic creatine. I, so we, we have a creatine product, but it's not generic creatine. Why? Because I realized I'd done my due diligence. I understood that there's certain companies that would, you're not going to get the potent amount of creatine that they claim, right? Because it's from a generic brand that is produced and it's been found. But there are
Starting point is 01:08:11 companies that are trademarked, that they go through a stringent test to have the most purest form of creatine, which we have. We have a trademark creatine product called Creapier, which is a German-based company. And they are a world-renowned premium creatine product called Creapier, which is a German based company. And they are a world renowned premium creatine out there, the most purest form of creatine that you can get. And we took that and we put it in our creatine product because I give a shit. We have a greens and reds instead of going with your typical like greens that I don't know where it's sourced from. I went with this nutraceutical company. And when you go with a nutraceutical company,
Starting point is 01:08:48 what that means is those greens and reds, which if you guys don't know is let's say superfoods greens, spinach, kale, you know, you name it, superfoods reds, mangosteen, watermelon, cherries, you know, all those fruits, those super fruits. We source it from a company that has to go through a stringent testing of being non-GMO, organic, processed correctly. So it's really on the owner of the company to really legitimize it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Like, hey, we're giving you literally what you pay for, like premium stuff. So like I said, some companies, they don't give a shit. To them, all they care about is the dollar signs.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Us, we care about the customers. I don't care when people, I talk to my guys who are in charge of the middleman of getting getting my formulas then you're like hey you know this costs a lot more than this right you could go with the generic bag i'm like no fuck no we're going with the trademark ingredient because i want people to trust us i want people to realize that when they take a we go home product it is legitimately premium like
Starting point is 01:10:02 they can have that rest peace of mind knowing what I'm ingesting. It's the best stuff possible. And I want to build that trust and not, not a lot of companies owners do that, but I do. Cause I, I give a shit. Um,
Starting point is 01:10:17 um, Daniel Garrity. I had no idea. This podcast was headed down the supplement rabbit hole. Nah, nah, nah. You're thinking wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Hold on. Will you watch this? You're, you're thinking wrong. I had a lady on here yesterday hole. No, no, no. You're thinking wrong. Hold on. You watch this. You're thinking wrong. I had a lady on here yesterday who they think it turned into an infomercial. It's not at all. It's a small business story also.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I had a lady on here yesterday who owns a ranch at the California-Oregon border. And she basically, she grows her own cows, right? And then she sells the meat direct to consumer and and that and she it sounds like she's living the dream doing it we've all known athletes who their goal i had an athlete on here the other day and his sole goal as an athlete was to be a nike athlete which to me just sounds fucking ludicrous but who am i like okay so you
Starting point is 01:11:03 want to be sponsored by nike like he didn't care how big or how small the contract. He wanted to say he wanted to be sponsored by Nike. And unfortunately, I think there's a shitload of athletes like that. Like, that's their goal. I feel like that's the way about the supplement industry too, maybe also. Or just the small business industry. Like, instead of like the goal being like, hey, I just want to make the best shit out there. My goal is to get into Costco. My goal is to get into Costco.
Starting point is 01:11:25 My goal is to get into Walmart. My goal is to be on the shelf at Whole Foods. Do you have any thoughts about that or insights into that? Like losing your way of what your goal is. Like I just like this lady just wants to grow good meat. She's not interested in getting Costco and she just wants to get it onto people's dinner tables. What's it like to trade crypto on Kraken? Let's say I'm in a state-of-the-art gym surrounded by powerful looking machines. getting Costco and she just wants to get it onto people's dinner tables. 24-7 support and multi-layered security. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion.
Starting point is 01:12:35 We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Yeah, people, you know, it comes down to dollar signs for certain individuals. Right. Because money's fun. Money's cool. Having money is cool. But there's a certain limit, right?
Starting point is 01:12:54 I believe in the consumer because I am a consumer. I know how it feels to be fucked, right? I don't want to fuck other people. I want to be like, like hey when you take our products it's what from like that lady it's my pride and joy i'm putting the best stuff out there possible for you to consume because i give a shit i don't care about being in costco i don't care about being in walmart i don't care about being target because i know for me to be to get to that level there's going to be some kind of undercutting in terms of quality. And I refuse,
Starting point is 01:13:32 I refuse to, to undercut my products because I stand behind it. I stand behind my products. And for me as a tactical athlete, I want to perform at my best. So how am I going to perform at best? I got to take, obviously supplements is that it's just supplementation, right? It's not going to, it's not the end all be all, be all, it's just supplementation. It's not the end-all, be-all. It's not fucking trend. It's not performance enhancement drugs that you're going to instantaneously gain 20 pounds of muscle after two weeks of taking it. If your diet's on point, you train often, then with the right supplements, it's only going to help you. I always give the analogy, and it's like, hey, there's certain things you shouldn't penny pinch on. One is food. Two is a good human performance program. And three is supplementation, right? Because think about your, think about you as a
Starting point is 01:14:18 Ferrari. When I pull up to the gas station, am I going to put 89 fuel or am I going to put 93? Obviously I'm going to put 93 because it goddamn matters. So it's the same thing with in the supplement realm. I wanted to put the best stuff out there so that that athlete can do that one extra set, go, you know, do the one extra rep and just go a little bit more. And that, that, that, that's our, that's our foundation is be transparent, deliver the best thing possible, no matter how much it's going to cost us on our end.
Starting point is 01:14:49 But as long as the consumer gets it and they take it and they're like, dude, this stuff is freaking awesome. I trust we go home. I trust what they're doing. And then it's all worth it to me. I switched from when my wife started taking our mortgage money out of the savings account I switched to 89 listen you fucking assholes
Starting point is 01:15:11 clock I'm about to fuck you up where's your comment I am gonna fuck you up in here let me find your shit listen you're saying this turned into a supplement commercial you're a fucking jackass you're saying that just because it's supplements listen it's the guy's fucking story. You weren't like, oh my god, this has turned into a SWAT team infomercial when he was talking about the importance of being on the SWAT team.
Starting point is 01:15:33 You weren't like saying, oh, this has turned into an immigrant commercial when he talked about being an immigrant. It's just another facet of the story. You don't like this part of the story? You can fucking go take a shit right now real quick. The fuck are you talking about? I'm just passionate about it you know yeah i know and these guys i'm just busted these are all my friends from the show they're like i see these guys every morning i'm just busting on them too because they're they think they're smarter than everyone else who who doesn't uh eating beaver money money money i'm not a rich man but i love to support pace setters yeah thank you
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'm not a rich man but I love to support Pacesetters yeah thank you Uh Sevan versus Clock Fit Wars I will fuck you up Clock Hey what do you think This is um I used to do this workout uh two days a week What do you think about this one Tron Probably too easy for you but I used to
Starting point is 01:16:18 In my 40 actually I'm 51 now In my 40s this is my go to Two days a week Okay 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes then on the 11th minute i would do a bear a bear complex with 135 pound bar so deadlift power clean hang clean front squat thruster back squat thruster and back squat, thruster. And I would do that on the minute for 10 minutes. Then on the 21st minute, I would do three strict muscle-ups from the seated position because I would be in one of those fucking meathead racks at the meathead gym.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And I would do three strict muscle-ups on the minute for 10 minutes. So it's like a 30-minute workout. You kind of get your heartbeat up really fucking crazy in that for 10 minutes. So it's like a 30 minute workout. You kind of get, you get your heartbeat up really fucking crazy in the, in that first, you know, 10 minutes, not too crazy, but up. And then you do a little heavy lifting and then you're kind of like, okay, I get to sit down. But, but, you know, halfway through those muscle ups, you fucking hate your hating life. Oh yeah. No, that's great. I mean, you're hitting it all compound lifting. You're working your, your, your cardio and you're doing calisthenics. So I think that's an awesome workout. Plus,
Starting point is 01:17:29 especially for those who are like time restricted, that 30 minute, you can crush it. So that's, that's, that's, that's good. And those burpees will get you to just like all warmed up for that, the rest of that asshole shit. And then you get to kind of calm down a little bit with the muscle ups and and to be completely honest i'd say 50 of the time i in the ninth or tenth set i wouldn't be able to do the last i would only be able to do like two muscle ups but still i mean it was it was it was cool yeah i think as long as you challenge yourself physically mentally it's it's a good it's a great day what do you have a favorite workout do you have like okay this is my go-to workout maybe not even favorite but this is like your fallback workout you know my do you have a favorite workout? Do you have like, okay, this is my go-to workout. Maybe not even favorite, but this is like your fallback workout. You know, my, I do have a favorite workout. I like doing the Murph. No shit. Yeah. I like the way you call it the Murph to
Starting point is 01:18:14 the Murph. I fucking love it. Cause it's you're, you're suffering and it's great. You know, you really, you, you, you really know who you are in those moments when you're like, how far can you push yourself? Right. I mean, I put on a 20 pound vest. You always do it with the vest. That was going to be my question. You always do with the vest. Yes. I do it the way Lieutenant Murphy intended it to be. And let me tell you something. Yeah. I know the CrossFit games, they did it like the Murph contest, and they have these CrossFitters do the pull-ups kipping. It's not – it's 100 pull-ups, not kipping pull-ups. So I always have a running joke like they're still doing the Murph right now because none of those pull-ups counts.
Starting point is 01:19:00 As a hardcore CrossFitter, I also – I don't do – I don't really do kipping pull-ups. I'm not a fan of the kipping pull-up. I'm okay with other people doing it, but I don't fuck with that. I do a little bit of a gymnastics kip, though. You know what I mean? Kind of get a little elasticity in the lat and then come back. But I don't do any of the… The butterfly movement or whatever they call it.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah, I don't do that. My wife does that. It looks cool. How often do you think you do Murph? Man, I try to knock it out at least once a month holy shit I make a day and I do Murph that's my calisthenic workout yeah I enjoy it I do like I really do I really enjoy the suffering it really it's it's my time to think it's introducing myself to myself like who are you as a person can you know can you can you do can you go a minute faster or not even a minute faster? Can you do 10 seconds faster from the last time you did it? And that's how I challenged myself. And I just use that challenge and I ingrained. And that's just like, able to push myself to this threshold where my body, my mind is screaming fucking quit, then everything else is easy.
Starting point is 01:20:10 I just take that and I apply it to my daily life. And you do the mile 100, 200, 300? Yes, and I don't break it up. I do it the way it is. I do the 100 pull-ups first, then I do the 200 push-ups, and I do the 300 air squats, and I go right back into the mile run. I've never done Murph with the vest. I'm fucking terrified of the vest. Do it.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Do it once. I'm terrified of the vest. Do it once. You don't even have to start with anything heavy. You don't have to do a 20-pound vest. You could do a 14-pound. I have a 4-pound vest. Hey, start with something.
Starting point is 01:20:43 That my kids use. pound vest hey start selling something build that my kids use um uh when you travel what is there a piece of go-to piece of gym equipment you take like would you always take a jump rope you travel with a jump rope or anything you travel my trx you do okay and and that's for where will you hang it just on a tree out in front of the hotel or just anywhere they got this little contraptment. The TRX, they understand like a lot of people travel and hotel gyms suck ass. Yeah. So they got this little contraptment that you can attach to the door.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And you basically hook your TRX up to it and you can do your workout. Okay. I've never fucked with one of those. I kind of poo-pooed those. Maybe I shouldn't poo-poo them. No, it's actually really good. The TRX system is actually really good. But a lot of times I – here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Like people make these – I go to the hotel. Oh, there's only a couple of dumbbells. I'm not going to have a good workout. Bullshit. You can have a good workout. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've done some crazy-ass workouts with some 30-pound dumbbells. You know what I mean? And it's just – if you want it or not or you're just going
Starting point is 01:21:46 to make excuses so um uh trunk do you have a um incident in all your years in kind of being um in the in in the in the front line and all your jobs where you were the closest to dying have you ever had any like near near death experiences where you're like, oh, fuck this? This is going to be it. Oh, yeah. Many. Yeah. Any any that stand out that you'd be willing to share? Well, I could tell you when I joined the Ranger Regiment, it was during the peak of the war. So I went to war in 2004. I was in Mosul, Iraq. And we were placed there when when the when you send the rangers they don't go to a place that is nice and easy they send you to the most shittiest motherfucking spot possible because we're there to kill capture these high value targets right and at that time
Starting point is 01:22:35 in mozul there was some a lot of high value targets out there there was making bombs killing marines and and you know just the the general you know, and we were tasked to kill or capture them. So I remember one mission vividly that was pretty freaking crazy. So we went out there that night to kill, to try to capture this guy. So at the time, our tactics were different from now, you know, and I'm not going to talk about the tactics that we use now just for the safety of the boys. But back then we used to do landing on the X. And landing on the X means if your house is right here, we are landing the helicopter, we're putting up the Humvees,
Starting point is 01:23:15 we are landing right at the compound. So you hear us coming. We will plant the charge, our explosive breaching charge. We'll blow the door. We'll throw flashbangs, and we'll come in there, speed surprise, violence of action, and then go there and kill or capture those guys that were tasked to kill or capture.
Starting point is 01:23:36 And I remember vividly, we hit this house. We landed on the X. We blew the door. We cleared the first level. As we were approaching the second level, it was a spiraling staircase going up there. And we're clearing. We're going up the stairwell. I could see a hand reach from the stairwell.
Starting point is 01:23:57 And he dropped a grenade. So this grenade landed on my buddy's foot, right? And he saw it. I was like, grenade. So he freaking's foot. Right. And he, he saw it. I was like, I was like, your name. So he freaking kicked the grenade away. Uh, but it was a dud from the time. Oh my God. Cause I counted. Cause it's usually it's the fuse is about three seconds. Is that part of your training to count? Is that your training kicking in count?
Starting point is 01:24:21 Oh, I knew it's just over time because you you know like you got an as a professional you got to know your tools right we have yes we know we can cook the grenade and cooking the grenade means if i'm pulling the pin i let off i let it go i know like one one thousand two one thousand so why do we do that just in case when we throw it and the enemy sees the grenade by the time they try to pick it up and throw it back at it it already already exploded so you'll take some off the timer and squeeze it back down? No, I'll take it off on 1,000 and I'll just toss it. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:52 So from that level where he threw that grenade, I know by the time that it landed in that guy's foot, it was at pretty much close to 3,000. But it didn't go off. Thank God it didn't fucking go off. Anyways, we, we, so we. How close were you to the, to the dude? I was, so he, he kicked, I was the third man behind.
Starting point is 01:25:13 So you'd be dead. So you'd be dead. You got blown down the stairs. Yeah, I was in the five meter kill zone of the, of the grenade. So I would have been fucked. So yeah, we, we kicked that grenade. We went upstairs and there was this giant, this is the most biggest Iraqi motherfucker I've ever seen in my life. This dude
Starting point is 01:25:31 must've been six foot three. Uh, but then he was next with another guy that was probably like five foot two, which was the weirdest thing to see. And he had a fucking AK and we gave him the fucking like we literally came up the stairs we saw him he raised his ak we we had to fucking kill him obviously because our lives were in danger so we smoked him and we took the other guy into custody because he didn't have anything and we're professionals we're not just going to kill people just to kill people right so that guy got lucky that the stray bullet didn't hit him the little midget dude that there wouldn't be any stray bullets and you know why because we fire so many fucking thousands of rounds uh down range uh in stateside during training we are accurate as shit so our
Starting point is 01:26:22 our rounds when we when we are in that close quarter battle like that yeah we we are accurate i mean we we train in hostage rescue where we'll take headshots like like accurate headshots so all those rounds are accurate we're not going to just spray and pray like the movies you know it's it's like it's it's very accurate and how close is the guy to you when you get shot five feet away oh shit okay you know what i mean so it's it's close up close and personal so we took the dude into custody and uh when we're when we were out there uh there was this car circling around the block continuously and then one of the 160 of pilots in the air because we had had airships up here. And if you guys don't know what 160th is, it's the Special Operations Aviation Team unit,
Starting point is 01:27:10 which is like the cream of the crop pilots in the United States Army. They fly every special operation unit you can imagine, and they will land you literally in between buildings. Like, they are that good. They clock in so many hours underneath night vision that that uh that they clock in more hours during under night vision than airline pilots uh fly oh during their training that's how much that's how well trained these
Starting point is 01:27:39 night stalkers are so anyways the night stalkers are in this in the air and they were like hey this this freaking car keeps going in uh on circles uh it's very unusual at that time so uh we got the green light by the command to take them out so one of our snipers jumped on top of the striker unit and shot the dude in the head who was circling the building did he end up being a bad guy do you even have time to yeah he ended up being a bad guy so yeah we well they killed him and then we sped off but yeah that's one i had so many close calls but that was one of the most close calls ever it's like one of those things like fuck you know that feeling where i can't do anything like like it's like when you saw that grenade drop by your friend's foot,
Starting point is 01:28:28 and you're just like, oh, shit. It was just insane. How many dud grenades have you seen in your service? That was just one. That's the only dud was the one that was thrown at you, one dud. You never threw a dud. No. In training, I never threw a dud.
Starting point is 01:28:48 We've taken grenades that we had to uh dispose of and it went off in the field we threw it in the open field just to just uh to um get rid of them yeah and it went off and that one god was watching over somebody was watching over us because that thing did not go off um and then on the ride home do you guys talking about that yeah i think we're joking about it obviously because we're a bunch of fucking dudes like oh my god did you see that grenade that she would have fucking killed us being it but that's what that's how we cope with like a stress you know it's not like we're we're maniacs like you know we we laugh about it we it. We try to cope with making a joke out of it. But on the side, that pucker factor, man, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 01:29:32 You lost two friends in the war. I did. Close friends. Yes. Is that the reason why you eventually get out? One of the reasons. That was definitely one of the reasons why I chose to get out. I told you, war affects everybody differently, and it affected me.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Those guys are the epitome of an Army Ranger. I mean, cream of the crop, and they both got killed in the same room. They entered that room, and there was a dude hiding behind multiple mattresses. And all he did was spray and period. He pulled that fucking AK out of that mattress and he started spraying towards the doorway and shot both of them. One of them got hit on the side of the ribs, hit him right in the heart. He collapsed and died. And the other one died on the helicopter on the way to being medevaced out. He got shot too.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Were you there for that? Yeah, it's fucked up. It was fucked up. It was chaotic. It affected me greatly. So at that time, we didn't lose anybody, you know, and these guys are, these, these guys who got killed had like six tours underneath their belt already, three Afghanistan, three Iraq. And, you know, and one of them were actually was planning on getting out that year.
Starting point is 01:31:04 And one of them were actually was planning on getting out that year. And it was a week away from his birthday when he got killed. So it was a big, devastated blow to our platoon, for sure. When you go back, do you have to go back to work the next day? Oh, it's like, do you have any time to process that or you just say guys uh go to sleep and we'll be getting back to work tomorrow you know we got a couple days to deal with it but dude it's part of the job unfortunately right we're we're professionals we we cope with it the best way we can but we know we have missions that we have to accomplish
Starting point is 01:31:44 we have to go out there and continue to do our fucking job. And we did. Do you think that that puts fuel on, um, the fire for you for, um, uh, kind of like seizing the day,
Starting point is 01:32:00 like, okay, these two, these two great men in my life lost their lives and i better not waste a second absolutely that's why i'm here today and what i'm doing and what i'm doing is all thanks to them you know uh one of them rick barraza ricardo barraza was uh 24 years old um looked up to him so much. He was a stud. He was well-respected in the Ranger Regiment. And I tell myself every day, I wear this bracelet in honor of them, you know, and I never take this off. So I look at it and when things get hard for me,
Starting point is 01:32:37 and I do, and that little inner bitch voice comes out, I think about them. I think about like, Hey man, you know, Rick, Rick would want me to continue moving forward to keep going you know he i and i couldn't i can't let them now i can't let their sacrifice go for nothing i do this in their honor yeah they even got a uh there's there's this page here i'm sure you've seen it uh rangers remembered yeah yep there's rick um uh the the uh dave castro i don't know if you know who that is he's the director of the crossfit games uh he was a uh former seal team six guy he was on the seal he was a seal for 12 years he recently went on a podcast with another SEAL and he was saying that
Starting point is 01:33:25 I don't want to put words in his mouth but when he got in it was before 9-11 and he was I think expressing admiration for the guys who got in after 9-11
Starting point is 01:33:42 and I'd never heard of that before kind of that comparison For the guys who got in after 9-11. And I'd never heard of that before, kind of that comparison. He was just acknowledging that. Like, hey, dude, there's motherfuckers who saw this fucking trade center go down and were like, I'm going to fight. He goes, that's a special dude. Did you notice any... I'm not trying to put the dudes down who obviously got in before obviously got in before, but was there, is, was there a different breed of cat that you, that was in your class? Because you guys got in to be like, okay, we're going to bring the fight to these fuckers. I mean, the guys who were in before, I mean, by the time I got to the ranger regiment,
Starting point is 01:34:18 you know, they already had like multiple tours underneath their belt, but, uh, yeah, I mean, the, the guys are, who are in my guys who are in my class during boot camp, you can tell like a lot of them were affected by 9-11, you know, me being one of them. I saw those towers going down. I was like, fuck this. You know, I'm going to fight for my country. You know, I'm going to fight for this country that's given me the opportunities that it's given me. And I tell people, it's like at that time I was already 18 and my mom was a typical Asian mom. She wanted me to be like a pharmacist, a lawyer or something like that, something, you know, typical Asian mom for their kid. But I snuck away to the recruiter and I signed the contract underneath behind her back.
Starting point is 01:34:58 And I didn't tell her until a month before I went to boot camp. You know, I took her to I took her to a restaurant with my girlfriend at the time. And I was like, hey, mom, I went to bootcamp. You know, I took her to, I took her to a restaurant with my girlfriend at the time. And I was like, hey, mom, I got to tell you something. And, you know, she looked at my girlfriend. She's like, what, she's pregnant? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I'm like, it's worse. I signed up to join the army to go fight. And she fucking flipped. She was like, she cried. She's like, I can't believe it. It's like, don't you know there's a war going on? You're going to fucking die and all that. And I'm yeah yeah it's like but i was like i told her this is the right thing i want this is something i want to do so now she's proud of it but yeah hey barraza
Starting point is 01:35:35 was a crossfitter barraza so at the time crossfit haven't existed yet he was just a pt stud the dude was an an animal i mean genetically gifted dude uh he he he was just a guy that just ran through physical training like it wasn't nothing so it's interesting because they have a hero wad form and you're not supposed to have a hero wad in crossfit unless you're a crossfitter and the family okays it you know what i mean so like someone at hq is supposed to reach out and be like hey uh usually what happens is is i used to work at crossfit and basically what happened would be a family member would reach out and be like hey can we have a hero wad and then they'd be like hey can you prove he did crossfit and they send you a picture of him like working out in some shithole gym you know on deployment and so it's interesting that um i don't know when when did
Starting point is 01:36:26 crossfit start uh i think the website launched in maybe 2001 maybe february of 2001 yeah but rick never when i when i served a brick he was never like hey let's do a crossfit workout you know yeah that's interesting it was so yeah and by 2006 it had um that's when it So, yeah. And by 2006, it had, um, that's when it had, it had really like, um, infiltrated kind of the seal community.
Starting point is 01:36:53 I, and, and, and obviously a bunch of Rangers too. Um, but interesting. I'll, I'll ask around.
Starting point is 01:37:00 His workout, it says complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes, uh, run 200 meters, 275 poundpound deadlift, nine reps, six burpee bar muscle-ups. And it's supposed to be movements that the family said were like his favorite movements. That's interesting. Did you come across CrossFit when you were deployed? No. Not until after?
Starting point is 01:37:22 No, not until after. Would you drop into CrossFit gyms at all is that something you do so i'm a i consider myself like a hybrid athlete a little bit of crossfitting and i do a little bit of conventional lifting combined so yeah me too i'm not a hardcore crossfitter yeah i want to be a hardcore crossfitter but but I, but I more and more, like I'm actually thinking about like getting a lap pull down machine for my garage. I miss those. I miss those days. Yeah. I miss those days. Um, when, thanks for coming on, dude. Great meeting you. Thank you, sir, for having me. I appreciate you. Yeah. You're cool. Thanks for sharing your stories. Uh, and, and thank you for everything you've done. And thank for, thank you for being
Starting point is 01:38:02 a good role model, uh, to all the other model to all the other boys and girls on planet earth you're a good dude man I appreciate that sir it means a lot thank you for taking the time and having me on yep and you have my phone number text me anytime you're ever in California hit me up yeah just great knowing you do
Starting point is 01:38:20 thank you sir alright have a good day you too Trung Nguyen knowing you do. Thank you, sir. All right. Have a good day. You too. Trung Nguyen. God, you guys are a tough crowd. He can't even talk about his business? Sevan is a hybrid athlete. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Shit, did we find a... Is Barraza not a... I wonder what year this is from. Oh, it's from. Oh, it says right here. How's this work? 2017, March of 2017. What's the date on this?
Starting point is 01:38:58 Who knows how to read this kind of shit? March 3rd 2017 What's the 1 mean Oh 13th Of March 2017 Is that what it is that's a long time after his um his death that his hero wad went up yeah so you guys heard my go-to workout my 40s i started i started messing around with it again oh thank you chase i started messing around with it again yesterday yesterday i did um i did bar complex on the minute with 95 pounds for 10 minutes and then i also instead of doing a 30 muscle
Starting point is 01:39:55 ups in 10 minutes i did um i did three negatives on the minute for 10 minutes i ran a mile on the air runner yesterday too. Cold. For my second workout of the day. 7. 7.52. I tried to keep like a 7.47 pace. And then when I was done it said 7.52. Oh shut it. Just shut the fuck up Dan.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Put a big fat cock in your mouth. And gag on it. Thank you. Send me a photo by the way Zach love every minute on the minute workouts lifting conditioning time crunch I just like shut it David you too
Starting point is 01:40:42 you guys should fucking 69 each other. Sons of bitches. Oh, good, good. And you know what, Jake? Jake, you could fucking 69 with him too. Oh, shut it. You too, Robbie. There you go.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I'm a four-way 69. I make myself vulnerable to you guys and you guys make fun of me. Fuck off. God, this show's killing it i cannot fucking believe how fucking all these great guests two more days two more days i have too much shit on my plate. I'm stressed out. Two more days and I have to go to... I'm going to Athena's Scaled Nation seminar. Really. I just wish it would come. I just need to drive there, get there, get out of my car,
Starting point is 01:41:57 get out all my equipment and just start working. I'm stressed out that I... I don't do well with things on the calendar I'm horrible with things on the calendar horrible no I don't need no I don't need do you need a personal assistant no
Starting point is 01:42:19 personal assistant yeah this this anticipation's a killer yeah heidi i wish it would it would come i just wish i just just wish it would come yeah just like fuck before i ever heard the word um before i ever heard the word like privilege you know how that's like that's like one of the the the fucking uh woke talking points that's supposed to have some sort of emotional appeal for people before i ever heard that term like used by those fucking ding-dongs, those idiots. I was taking a sociology class.
Starting point is 01:43:12 It was like Sociology 150 at UC Santa Barbara. It was Black America or something. I was a black studies major there. I went to UC Santa Barbara as a black studies major. And I remember being in the class it was a class that only met met one day a week and um it was three hours long the teacher was black the vast majority of the students were black to be honest i think it was like every black kid in the school everyone with melanated skin in the school went was in the class it was like fuck it was like i never saw anyone black there and there was like 350 people in the class and like 10 of us were
Starting point is 01:43:50 white and at the time i had this i i had homeless i had this uh house where my mom paid the rent of course and i it was um it was a long driveway with three apartments along the driveway, and I was in the apartment way in the back. It was all ground-level apartments, a really long driveway that we all shared, and I was in the apartment in the back. It was a three-bedroom apartment in the back. Actually, it was four. Oh, maybe it was only two apartments.
Starting point is 01:44:22 It was two apartments, three-bedroom in the front, three-bedroom in the back. That's what it was. So two houses on the same property that shared a long driveway. And in the back, I had a backyard. And I don't know. There were – at any time, there were between five and 20 homeless people there. And I had couches on the driveway and couches in the backyard and tents set up and all this shit. I had a bedroom, of course. I was a king.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I had my own bedroom. I was the only person in the house with my own bedroom. The other two bedrooms, the guys shared bedrooms. And there were these two guys, this black guy and this white guy, they were kind of like house homeless people. They got to come in the house.
Starting point is 01:45:17 And the white guy's name was Skinhead Dave. And he had hate. He was covered in tattoos, but his most famous tattoo was he had hate tattooed on his knuckle. Hate and like kill or something. I don't know what you're talking about about towels there were no towels in the house that was one of the interesting phenomenon if you had a towel you kept it close to your shit like there were no towels in the bathrooms at that place if you left if you left if you left the towel out someone was going to wipe their ass with it
Starting point is 01:45:41 I did not give everyone crabs in that house but that is the house that's where the crab the crabs that i had crabs when i lived there okay back to the story don't interrupt me so so dave carms was black and dave was white and dave was skinhead dave and carms was like just like a full blown Rastafarian Like fucking the dreads And talked all crazy and shit And those fucking guys slept on the fucking And Dave hated fucking black people
Starting point is 01:46:15 Like supposedly Hated them Those guys slept on the fucking couch We had a couch in the kitchen With their heads on opposite sides at night that they slept there it's a big ass couch sometimes when i had a great day and it would pile on the couch too it was crazy caesar but maybe i have a picture of caesar somewhere Maybe I have a picture of Caesar somewhere.
Starting point is 01:46:51 I know I have a picture of Caesar somewhere in here. So then I'm in the sociology class. And they're like. They're talking about racism. And I raise my hand. And I go well really. Racism is just a privilege. And fuck that didn't go over well. And they're like the professors like this dude in hindsight, now that I think about it.
Starting point is 01:47:13 He looked like Lori Lightfoot, but as a dude, he was fucking hideous looking man. And I said and he goes, what do you mean by that? And I said, I got a fucking skinhead and a black dude to sleep on my fucking couch, and because the priority is shelter and food, they don't have time for fucking racism. They go forage food at the church. They bring it back to the house together.
Starting point is 01:47:40 They're both allowed to sleep inside if they fucking behave. They sleep inside. They don't leave their needles out and shit. I go, they don't have the privilege. They don't have the fucking luxury to worry about fucking racism. And my wife reminded me. And of course, I fucking got booed out of the class.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I had to leave the class. I wasn't allowed to finish the class. I got fucking tossed out of there. Not really tossed out of there. To be even more honest i became too intimidated by the by the class i was fucking hated like that no one wanted to admit that the racism was a fucking privilege of of excess so i was taught i i i was too scared i left shocker that i was too scared yeah i got a little i'm, I'm a pussy. I've never been, uh, I can, I can be,
Starting point is 01:48:25 I can get, I can be intimidated. Okay. It's fine. I'll admit it. So, um, I shouldn't tell you guys that shit. Cause some of you assholes will throw that in my face later. Um, so I think, I think here's the irony. All those fucking people out there that talk about privilege, the irony – and my wife pointed this out to me yesterday because she was reminding me of that when I said that in that class. It's a whole bunch of class full of fucking black people and social justice warriors that fucking – you're privileged to take this class and to even fucking entertain the idea of racism. And all those blue hairs out there, all those fucking people, all those fucking liberals, they're privileged to be sitting sitting around and doing that if you're raising fucking three kids the way you're supposed to raise them hey i put my penis in this woman i ejaculated in her she fucking birthed the baby and now i'm going to take responsibility and raise it like if you're doing that if you're like living your life
Starting point is 01:49:41 to like with complete accountability, like being a fucking – a legit human fucking being, you're not – you don't have the – you're not messing around with taking your kid to fucking CVS to dye their hair blue and make up stories about racism to them and identity and you're not playing that game that's all privilege that's all fucking privilege that's all just excess like what i want to do is i want to turn those people's electricity off uh for just 24 hours not 48 hours and i want to tell them that they have to go out and find their own food in the neighborhood. Find a fruit tree. Find a cat to catch and eat and some fruit to pick off the trees. Make them like forage on their own for a week. See if they read where where all of a sudden they have time to push their fucking dumbass narratives.
Starting point is 01:50:51 what was crazy is uh eric why skinhead dave sounds like a big spoon uh skinhead dave was a heroin addict and a meth addict he would shoot meth and heroin he eventually died um believe it or not um um there are tons of avocado trees in in santa barbara and he had gotten he shot himself up with heroin and he climbed up into an avocado tree and the story that i heard was is that he nodded off and he asphyxiated himself uh a branch his neck was resting on a branch and he fucking he died like that believe it or not like a fucking one in a million and Karmz his the the black Rastafarian dude his drug was alcohol
Starting point is 01:51:35 he was always fucking drunk he was a cool drunk he was cool sober he was actually skinhead Dave was kind of a dick Karmz was cool as shit go figure the Rastafarian guy was cool was actually skinhead Dave was kind of a dick. Karmz was cool as shit. Go figure. The Rastafarian guy was cool. The fucking skinhead was a dick. I like both of them.
Starting point is 01:51:53 They added value to my life. I think Karmz might still be alive. I think he might still be in Isla Vista. Isla Vista, California. I wonder if anyone would know that uh turntable my skinhead friends are both dead now too yeah i think that that's a bad that's a bad course the skinhead route's not good i don't think it's, it probably has a lower life expectancy than most demographics.
Starting point is 01:52:32 It's not funny. But those people are all the privileged. That's the privileged class. All the people who are talking about privilege and all that and the race, the racism and all those kids going to university. That's all the privileged class. Those are the privileged class. I'm so sick and tired of people calling rich people the elites too. Kristen Kettler,
Starting point is 01:52:53 on another note, our great Canadian government is sanctioning Azerbaijan for your people about to be murdered. Oh, that's awesome. Well, thank you, Canada. Jake Chapman. God, that picture is gross. Change that picture, dude. A kid in my old town dies from burns after he fell asleep in a bath with hot water tap on. He was heroin addict and the house was an old Victorian house with no temperature gauge.
Starting point is 01:53:30 No shit. A hot water death. Wow. Clock. Skinhead. White supremacist. Doped and dead. But the Democrats say they're the most grave domestic threat to America.
Starting point is 01:53:43 That they're not a threat at all. Those people are. Those people are... Yesterday's guest, Mary Heffernan, mentioned... What did she call that? She mentioned a... Ballerina Farms? Was that what it is?
Starting point is 01:54:02 Ballerina... Ballerina Farm. Look at this. Wow. Wow. This is crazy. Ballerina Farm is a farm similar to Mary Heffernan's I guess this lady reached out to Mary Heffernan and said hey we want to start a farm just like yours
Starting point is 01:54:35 she's mothering 7 littles she has 7 kids she was Miss America in 2023 what? she was Miss America in 2023 what Miss America has 7 kids Miss America from 2023 has 7 kids let me see those kids there's no fucking way
Starting point is 01:54:58 you have 7 kids man she is skinny farm life damn okay well i guess that makes sense why she has um oh this she looks beautiful here look at that picture my goodness uh utah is a wonderful entrepreneurial community pleased to be counted with utah's 40 businesses business leaders under 40 years old this year uh that shit's dumb great picture though two though. Two, four, six. There's six kids. Seven kids? How the fuck does she have seven kids?
Starting point is 01:55:50 Oh, my goodness. Wow. Unbelievable. Wow. Oh, look at this. Here she is milking a cow. I want to see someone drink. Oh, does she drink it? God, good on these people.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Crazy. Miss Utah America. Oh, that's a great picture of her. Holy cow. I want to hear this story. Can I get her on the podcast? Holy shit. Follow.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Oh, I know. Look at this. I'm going to click her husband's account. That's the way to get to her. Follow. Father of seven, to get to her. Follow. Father of seven. Soulmate to Hannah.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Currently building a new dairy and creamery. Holy shit. Hmm. Colt Mertens is going to be the fittest. Fittest guy who raises pigs in the world and she's the most beautiful I don't know Stephen Flores my grandma had 13 kids
Starting point is 01:57:33 Mason Mitchell she's a breeder Matt Burns did what get me aroused I've never in 1200 episodes been aroused? did what get me aroused? I've never in 1200 episodes been aroused back here oh I've been highly stimulated
Starting point is 01:57:55 but aroused would be a little strong Kristen Keller, Seve the original Brian friend was the Duncan dude in the 2014 behind the scenes, he was just 6 years too early Duncan dude I don't know who scenes. He was just six years too early. Duncan dude. I don't know who that is. I spoke to Brian yesterday. On the phone.
Starting point is 01:58:13 He said he wants to come on the show. So trying to get that scheduled. That redheaded chick. The fighter chick. Ty Emery. I really enjoyed having her on. Oh, yeah. What about that hippie chick that called in?
Starting point is 01:58:36 Yeah, she was awesome. God, good memory. Holy shit. Yeah, Mr. Wick, the Hog hog father what a name yeah i didn't but that went right over my head the hog father that seven foot tall chick's never been on the show and i and i don't get uh stimulated by um i don't get stimulated by Instagram I've never masturbated to anything on Instagram I don't view it like that oh shit I just got a text from J.R. Howell
Starting point is 01:59:15 electricians are running cable through the ceiling and will drop down the POE switches which we can mount to beam so you can easily move ethernet and connect in three different places on the gym floor. Oh, shit. God, I think we're going to pull this thing off at Crash Crucible. Crazy. Oh, here we go. It's become a competition in the comments.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Here we go. Eric Utley. My former mother-in-law is the youngest of 30 siblings. Two moms, 15 kids each. Wow. Wow. It would be an incredible life to have like three wives. And just keep them all pregnant for like 15 years.
Starting point is 02:00:03 And have like 45 kids and just live in a castle I could I could so do that I mean i'm happy with the life. I have one of my phone things is falling off the ceiling You know what I need I'm gonna do I'm gonna get a camera that's just like on a, on a, that I can just pick up and hold with my hand,
Starting point is 02:00:27 like a little webcam. And I can show you the rest of the studio. I can show you what I'm looking at. Wouldn't that be cool? Just point at stuff. I'm getting, I'm getting, I'm getting the NFL Network this week.
Starting point is 02:00:47 I should probably just do it right now on the air for accountability purposes. I'm going to watch the game. I think Tyson's going in this week. I really do. Let's see. I'm going to type in his name. What's his name? Tyson.
Starting point is 02:01:06 Agent. Then I'm going to type in his name. What's his name? Tyson Bajent. Then I'm going to hit news. Tyson Bajent time two days ago. Former Super Bowl champ says yes. Green Bay Packer rival fans and media calls for Tyson Bajent to start one day ago. Former NFL coach says it's time to bench Justin Fields two days ago. OJ Simpson, Justin Fields days as Chicago Bears starting QB are numbered one day ago. Justin Fields is holding Bears
Starting point is 02:01:30 offensive back and needs to be benched two days ago. Sports mockery. Sports Illustrated, Chicago Bears gets everyone to agree they're worst. Hmm. ESPN, D2 star Tyson Bajent making push to be Bears backup QB. Oh, that's a month ago.
Starting point is 02:01:50 OJ Simpson weighs in on sports shit? I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I know OJ. Crazy, right? Yeah, it says OJ. I mean, it's here. It's in SportsKedia, whatever that is. You want to see it?
Starting point is 02:02:03 Here, pull it up. Oh, shit. Who would have ever thought to see fucking Tyson Bajan and OJ Simpson in the same article? Look at this shit. Look at this shit. OJ Simpson predicts Justin Fields will lose Bears QB1 job to Tyson Bajan. You will be seeing him before the season's over. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:02:29 OJ saying your name. How weird is it that that guy killed a couple people and he's just. He just got away with it. Oh. Oh. Hmm. Seve, Heidi Kroom, Seve,
Starting point is 02:02:53 I've offered to be in your harem many times. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, he might stab you OJ yeah uh OJ uh Dave Cavedastra OJ Simpson knows about getting rid of starters
Starting point is 02:03:11 I get OJ Simpson on the podcast shit that would be cool hey OJ what's up dude I think he just did his first comeback podcast in years with the Nelk Boys, like about six months ago. No, Eric Wise, did you see what... Eric Wise writes, Seve, did you see what London Breed,
Starting point is 02:03:41 mayor of San Francisco, is requiring for homeless in San Francisco? No, but I fucking love it. Let's see that shit. London Breed. Homeless. This is going to be great. I already know it. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Oh, shit. Democrat San Francisco mayor announces plan to require drug testing treatment to receive homeless services. Hey, didn't we talk about this like fucking six months ago or eight months ago? Drug testing services. Hey, dude, not one fucking homeless person can pass the drug test. And now who's going to pay for that? pass the drug test. And now who's gonna pay for that?
Starting point is 02:04:29 God, what a fucking skank this chick is. She is such a skank. You're telling me it's not okay for fucking to unleash uh hundreds of garbage men and garbage trucks on the city of san francisco with armed guards everywhere and just start picking all this shit up and throwing it in the back of garbage trucks you're telling me it's okay for me to have to jump through all the hoops to start a small business in san francisco and then someone can send it set a tent set a tent up in front of my business are you out of your fucking mind how does that make any fucking sense why do i have to jump through all these fucking hoops why am i paying taxes if someone can just set up a fucking house in front of the doorway of my business uh what what's renee saying i want to know what renee
Starting point is 02:05:41 is saying oh you think this is an old article? Excuse me. No, this is from September 27, 2023. uh renee k um humping a palm tree uh is it but apparently they're trying to go after other filter companies that are similar better stock up filter oh is this the brita thing dan guerrero finally a good comment asking a homeless person to take a drug test to qualify for help Is the same as asking an obese person to do a muscle up Before starting CrossFit Yeah, it is election season, right? I heard Joe Rogan was giving props to Newsom for this If he was, Joe's a jackass
Starting point is 02:06:44 I heard that Gavin Newsom surprisingly vetoed the bill allowing minors to make the decision for gender alteration surgery. It's like, dude, now all of a sudden Newsom's pulling back? Sorry. Sorry. I mean, thank you, but you don't get credit for it. You don't get points for that. You're going to have to do a lot more than that. You're going to have to do a lot more than that you're gonna have to do a lot more than that all right nine o'clock
Starting point is 02:07:20 is my internet been choppy at all today I'm getting a signal from stream yards telling that my internet speed is like really low Why the fuck would my internet speed be really low? Kristin Kettler, dude, you need Dale King back on great pod with Pedro I think we have Dale scheduled on the schedule to come on with Greg here soon. Both of them will be on together have dale scheduled on the schedule to come on with greg here soon both of them will be on together yeah exactly john wick didn't california just approve august is national trans pride month yeah just fucking idiocy mental it's like we probably have like mental health month and then we have promote be a codependent for mental health month. It's such a joke.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Karina Pace. Hey, get this. I had a dream I had a knockdown drag out fight with a dwarf last night. It's from listening to your podcast while falling asleep. I'm a lover, not a fighter. What a wild dream. Oh, that's awesome. A WAD zombie. Newsom is requiring they quadruple the section eight housing in one of the nicest cities in our area also requiring they put in homeless hotel in
Starting point is 02:08:34 that same city yeah but it's all bullshit newsome is a dirt bag of the highest order that's fucking crazy why would you tolerate that look at any city in California and look where the crime is it's in the section 8 housing areas all of it it skyrockets in those areas we have this one little section 8 housing in Santa Cruz by my house
Starting point is 02:09:00 and it's like where all the fucking crazy crimes are you're grainy how about now By my house. And it's like where all the fucking like crazy crimes are. You're grainy. How about now? I think I'm grainy just because of the way the lighting and the camera is. But am I blocky? And thank you for answering.
Starting point is 02:09:22 Are you hosting Shut Up and Scribble today? No. Why? What's going on? Is that show going on today? Should I call Taylor and find out what the fuck's going on? They're doing that show. Is it on the schedule? Oh, it is blocky? Okay, so something is wrong with my signal.
Starting point is 02:09:37 That sucks. Karina Pace did win the fight. Okay, well, that's good. Let me see if I can find Taylor's number in here. Taylor. Taylor Self. Okay. Taylor's number is...
Starting point is 02:10:05 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Sounds like we got something going. Hey. Hello. Oh, hi.
Starting point is 02:10:23 May I speak with Taylor, please? Hello. Hi. May I speak with Taylor, please? Hello? Hi. May I speak with Taylor, please? What? Oh, shit. Shit. I dialed the number wrong.
Starting point is 02:10:53 How come she couldn't hear me? Foreign land for a second Karina pace did beat up the door Taylor break he's a good dude in person. What I mean, he's always a good dude. Give Taylor a break. He's a good dude in person. What do you mean? He's always a good dude. He's a good dude. He didn't need a break. I'll call JR next.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Hey, this is Taylor. If you could... Oh, shut the fuck up. Asshole. I mean... Oh, I'm sorry. I missed your call. I have to hold my phone far away now.
Starting point is 02:11:35 I got old. I think I need bifocals. But I'm in denial. People do hate on Taylor where? I've never seen anyone hate on her. Hello. Hi, this is the Sevan Podcast. May we speak with J.R. Howell, please?
Starting point is 02:11:55 You may. I thought this was my internet provider that I'm waiting to have a friendly conversation with. Are you live on the air right now? I am. No, you're live on the air right now. Hey, are you doing a show in one hour and I am. No, you're live on the air right now. Hey, are you doing a show in one hour and 50 minutes?
Starting point is 02:12:11 Yes, sir. All right, cool. Can you give us a hint on what the topic's going to be today? Yes, we're going to go over the Crucible events that have been released, and we're going to go over some Charlotte Classic workouts that have been released, and we may touch on the Water Polza leaderboard. You're using your time on my platform to promote your shit. We are bringing you
Starting point is 02:12:36 thousands of views to your YouTube channel. Thank you. I love you. All right. Cool. I love you. Can't wait to hear the show. Bye. Yes, sir. Yeah. you all right cool i love you can't wait to hear the show bye yes sir yeah the crucible event does look dope his gym is dope i hope we can do it justice with our coverage oh you can't see it really uh uh magnus holmgren says um get it on the schedule i can't see it upcoming live.
Starting point is 02:13:05 No shit. Let me see. Uh... Mm-mm-mm. You know who I'm trying to get on? Oh, I don't see it. Oh, shit. I don't see it. Oh, shit. I don't see it.
Starting point is 02:13:35 Hold on. Hold on. Let me double check. Whoa. Yeah, that's not good. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:13:43 Thank you, guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, fuck. Will. I need to go. Will Branstetter. Will. Will's like the adult over there. Will.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Taylor. J.R. Caleb. Sousa. Guys, comma, I don't see the shut up and scribble show scheduled for today. Dip shits. No, I won't write that. That's not cool.
Starting point is 02:14:32 I'm slipping. I don't do that shit. I don't have time for that shit. Oh, that's a great question. What does JR's wife look like? You should ask on the show. It rhymes with smoke show. rhymes with smoke show it is smoke show that's the that anyone who ends up meeting jr's family that's the first thing they report back to me uh have you ever seen his wife uh judy reed uh taylor's uh when taylor was on the podcast and he was talking about his upbringing
Starting point is 02:15:05 it was so good yeah it was great Taylor was great on it alright horrible how's the diet horrible I slipped off my wife stuck with it she's only she well I don't know which diet you're talking about. I'm so fucking
Starting point is 02:15:26 weak in my resolve. We were only, we were gonna do carnivore for just a month, and now she's three weeks into it, and I slipped off after like five days. Maybe four. Let's say five. Let's give me credit for five. Sebi, go look at the comments at the CrossFit
Starting point is 02:15:44 Games update show from three weeks ago they eat Taylor up in there they do? oh he was wild in that show right? what's the date on it? I'll see if I can pull it up and read some I see 13 days pull it up and read some.
Starting point is 02:16:10 I see 13 days ago, shut up and scribble. Oh, CrossFit Games Update Show. Okay, I see it. Okay. It's 12,000 views, two weeks ago. Who's wearing the Prey shirt? Halpin wears Prey shirts? My goodness.
Starting point is 02:16:27 Okay, here we go. Let's look at this. Sort by newest. Okay. Oh, the first comment. This episode was honestly a tough watch with the way Taylor was handling the discussion, especially with Halpin. And I haven't had a hard time listening to an episode on this show before. Most of us probably enjoy a nuanced and respectful conversation about important topics, but this wasn't it, man. And I'm a regular listener. Regular listener.
Starting point is 02:17:05 Taylor's always very nuanced when it comes to programming, but this was borderline bullying and mean-spirited even seven called him out about taking things out of context i really wanted to hear halpin's suggestion uh suggestions just just to consider new perspectives on the sport not listen to someone shout at him as soon as he opened his mouth taylor seems like a good dude and is obviously super passionate about the sport. I can't read this morning. But his handling of the discussion doesn't help anyone. You guys need a girl to join the group. Taylor peaked in this episode Halpin provides
Starting point is 02:17:53 objective data Taylor provides you're wrong that's dumb there's some compliments on Taylor too though Taylor's the man There's some compliments on Taylor too though Taylor's the man Everybody's entitled to their opinion Says Mr. Craggle
Starting point is 02:18:12 But Taylor needs to create his own competition And program it so others can shit on it I don't know I just watched this and I just want to yell I don't know. I just watched this and I just want to yell, shut up to Taylor. My goodness. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 02:18:37 He's going to be on this week's show, I think. Let me see who's on this week's CrossFit Games Update show. Speaking of... You guys remember when Lauren Khalil took over the Morning Chalk Up? She basically owned their YouTube station, right? It was just Lauren Khalil 24-7. That's happened over on the Lone Ranger Network. She's taken over.
Starting point is 02:19:05 I mean, it's all they have now Uh Tyler Watkins Uh the creator of the heat app I love Tyler Mr. Taylor Taylor self love Taylor And John Young it's gonna be a fun show And who knows what special guests I thought he was wild too
Starting point is 02:19:30 I thought he was fucking I thought he was out of control too I thought it was over the top too but I don't hate him for it I don't dislike him for it I wasn't um um um oh wow
Starting point is 02:19:54 dig up like out of the ground how much is that they are just having to deal with internet issues oh god the next 48 hours are so crazy for me I'm so fucking
Starting point is 02:20:15 stressed if I told you I was stressed about you'd be like god you're a bitch my life is so easy. Alright. So Shut Up and Scribbles tonight. Oh, do I have another show tonight? I better make sure I know what I'm doing. Oh, I don't even see Shut Up and Scribble on the calendar.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Sousa doesn't even have it on the fucking calendar. Dude, oh my god. I don't see it on the calendar. Sousa doesn't even have it on the fucking calendar. Dude. Oh my God. I don't see it on the calendar or, um, or, uh, YouTube. Fuck. Now I'm really stressed out.
Starting point is 02:21:03 And then tomorrow we have two shows. I got to drive to Sunnyvale tomorrow. And Saturday morning, oi, oi, oi. Alright. I don't think that there's a, I don't think that there's a show on, um, I don't think that there's a show
Starting point is 02:21:19 on, uh, Saturday. That stresses me out, because I'll be filming the Scaled Nation seminar. Mike McCaskey. Sevan can't manage his own calendar. Dude. I would love for you to try and schedule 300. Basically, try to schedule 900 people.
Starting point is 02:21:45 So for every person you see, there's three people that we're trying to schedule. I'd love to see you try to schedule 900 people into a fucking calendar over a one-year period for something that has to happen every fucking day. And then prepare for the show. And raise your fucking kids. then prepare for the show and raise your fucking kids. And talk on the phone to all your friends. All your fucking have a phone addiction, talking on the phone addiction and listen to audio books,
Starting point is 02:22:16 manage my own fucking calendar. There'd be no fucking show. If I didn't have someone fucking doing the scheduling and managing the calendar, that's like, I bet you, Susan spends two hours a day doing that. It's fucking nuts. People's like, I bet you Sousa spends two hours a day doing that. It's fucking nuts. People switching schedules, changing times.
Starting point is 02:22:31 Fucking absolutely nuts. The calendar is a fucking chaos. Mike McCaskey says, I'm busy returning shopping carts hold on I'm calling the cops on you yeah there's this guy in my comments Mike McCaskey uh huh
Starting point is 02:22:54 had it fucking up to here with him yeah and don't forget and don't forget all the times I have to bang your mom And shoot peptides I did my fifth dose of CJ1295 today
Starting point is 02:23:17 Oh man I'm sore from those 30 negative muscle ups Alright Talk to you guys soon Thanks for everything Love you guys Bye bye

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