The Sevan Podcast - Two Top Gs | Hunter McIntyre & Lewis Brackpool #938

Episode Date: June 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Say it again. Well, first of all, how's my audio? Is it garbage? Garbage is strong.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Okay. Not good. Oh, yeah, it's garbage. It's garbage. It's garbage. Andrew Hiller. No, it's garbage. It's garbage. It's garbage. Andrew Hiller. No, it's garbage. You got like a...
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, and you're breaking up. No. I changed it. God damn it. Oh, okay. Okay, how's that? That might be better. Yeah, I changed it.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What was it? Tell me what's going on. It's that? That might be better. Yeah, I changed it. What was it? Tell me what's going on. It's just a little tin can. It was connected to the camera. So it's still a tin can? Yeah, a little bit. Go back to the camera. Can I hear my choices again?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yes, yes, yes. You may. Wow, what's this background? Hey, I got to listen on my drive to work instead of wasting time at work. What is this background? Did you change it? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:27 No, it wasn't me. Oh. This is A, by the way. This is sound A. Okay, sound A. I wonder if I pull down these comments if you can see our Instagram account. We don't have Instagram accounts. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Oh, cool, Jay. You're not until next week. Oh, oh, I'm bad. Somebody said something really degrading in the chat. You saw something really degrading? Oh, that one's good. That one's good. It's covering birth fit, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I mean, I don't know. You don't have to give me that. Somebody hacked into our feed and wrote something about Hiller. What did they say? It says right here, I heard Hiller has a chode. I didn't write it, though. Honestly, I was just observing. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Where do you see that? Doesn't everyone have a chode? Doesn't everyone have a chode? Nah, dude. Not this boy. I am a chode. Isn't the chode the space between your um no that's a grundle that's a gooch a grundle dude i can check the urban dictionary you don't you can't lie to me chode is like a brick dick it's like a kind of like a little bratwurst thing
Starting point is 00:02:41 are you trying to big dog me right now by not wearing your shirt? Because I'll fuck you up. Gold member. Wow. Dude, I just heard. This right here is real gold. Is that what you won for winning a 10-mile race with some wall balls in it? No fucking big deal, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:03 They hand these things out. They hand these things out they hand these things out to the ones who win them pull it back up you're all big and shit now i'm trying oh here dude this is incredible a chode in the dictionary oxford uh dictionary is a penis especially when characterized as being short and thick oh like oh but here so so like a tuna can penis. That's what I said, man. Your boy is educated. You did say that? You said tuna can?
Starting point is 00:03:29 I think I said bratwurst, but – Okay. Bratwurst is a longer – My penis is shaped more like one of those 32-ounce cans of Boston baked beans. You know? That's a joke, dude. Industrial size. No, that's not –
Starting point is 00:03:44 That's a joke. i'm talking 12 inches six inches dying like six inches across it looks like this thing yeah basically like good luck you're gonna kill someone no big deal what you guys been up to yeah hey how do you how do you like this comment hiller makes hunter look like a child dude hiller is an influencer. He's got a filter on right now. Get fucked. No,
Starting point is 00:04:08 here's the thing though, guys is Hunter probably is, I don't know, 15 pounds on me minimum. And he's also got three inches on me. So I, in this conversation, I am.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yes, it showed. Yes. But let me just say it also. The second definition is the second definition is perineum. How much muscle mass have you gained since you got on the juice? He's not on the juice. Quit saying that about him. I am on the juice, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, oh. What do you mean? This is the big connotation between being on TRT and steroids is that there really isn't one. I mean, once the second you inject something, you're on steroids. And everyone goes, no, I'm just on TRT and steroids is that there really isn't one. I mean, once the second you inject something, you're on steroids and everyone goes, no, I'm just on TRT. It's like,
Starting point is 00:04:50 dude, shut up. You're on, you're on stuff. And they answer the questions about 10 pounds of muscle. I'd say. Jesus Christ. Hiller,
Starting point is 00:04:59 would you take the Hiller? What's the L cool J. Would you take BPC157? Has your sex life gotten better or worse? More. More. But that's not really – that's not like a spectrum there. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:05:18 What do you mean? What's your personal sex life like? Do you now look in the mirror when you masturbate? Is that a side effect of what's going on? Dude, that is an astute observation. That's a great question. I got my phone off from there probably three months ago. You mean you removed all the mirrors from your house?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah, I had to get rid of those because it made me start masturbating. Did you really stop masturbating three months ago? Yeah. You don't take the poison out anymore. I don't really know if it does much. It just makes Alexis in more danger more frequently. Yeah, that's awesome. Are you just like taking all your sexual attention out on noble shows and on
Starting point is 00:06:06 your barbecue? You know, what's nuts is I have all these shoes from the, I got, I got, I did the nopen, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:06:16 the, my online competition, I had 800 or so people sign up and I'm getting all these emails. Like, where is the free prize? And I go, it's in my, my living room.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I've been out of town for a month i have this big ass box full of noble shoes that i'm shipping all these people but they're just shoes you had you had 800 people sign up 833 are you an affiliate of noble now no no but i have uh i i got some shoes from somebody and and they're just Noble shoes, to give out to some people who signed up for the competition. I just have to ship them to these people. Rumor on the street is Noble is slipping right now. I heard their ice cream is melting pretty fast.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Can you give me two seconds? I guess the box is kind of funny. I should show it to you. Go get it. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. No, no, don't leave me alone with fuck this is gonna be awkward uh look at that hiller was pounding seven last week why why dude your fans are harsh on you my my fans don't do that uh christine young do you finish
Starting point is 00:07:23 way before her since starting on trt asking for a friend oh so does that mean her husband got on trt and he's just too pump jumping her is that i think once you get up to that aggravated level of testosterone you don't have time to make love you only have time to make war can i ask you crazy What do you want to know? If I were you, I'd take those things to Goodwill as fast as possible. Do you ever? No, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:07:51 No one's watching because it's so fucking early. So I want to ask you guys a really fucking personal question. This is a question I've never asked on the show before. What's going on? Do you ever have, can you hear me hillary yeah yeah do you ever have sex that's like 30 minutes long but it's only two pumps at a time every like 40 seconds because you're trying to fuck you mean you're holding on for fucking dear life just like that bonding sex where you just like no you're gonna switch to kissing for a while because you know at any time no no i mean you put mean, you put it in and it's just like, oh, it's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But you're like, you're trying to hold off and it ends up being just 30 minutes of two pumps. You're edging the whole time. Yeah, you're taking like five deep breaths. And finally after, I don't know, it feels like an hour, but it's probably like 15 to 30 minutes of that. You're like, hey, I'm fucked. We're fucked. Well, you're fucked. You know what? There's an ebbs and flows
Starting point is 00:08:46 to it. I'm going to give the ultimate promotion for California hormones right now. Oh, shit. Here we go. The longest I've ever lasted was probably about three or four months into starting TRT. Which isn't anything absurd, but it wasn't
Starting point is 00:09:02 the one or two pumps every 40 seconds. It was like, how long? It was nothing less than 10 minutes, which is like a land speed record for me. Wow. 10 minutes? Hey, 10 minutes of drilling is... I always get confused by my friends that tell me that they've been having sex for hours. I'm like, doing what?
Starting point is 00:09:25 I would say 15 to 20 minutes into having sex, my penis hurts. Hey, dude, those are people who eat ass. How about the chick, dude? Is this Zora? Like, who is this mask lover that's just such a magician of just keeping things so fluid and fantastic for – I mean, who's got the stamina and the time? It's for people who eat ass. If you eat ass, if you're into things like that,
Starting point is 00:09:49 it starts going into the past the 60-minute realm. Around 2020, the women in my life started to want to play with my butt. It was a huge change. There was nothing like that until 2020, and I don't know what happened. Some meme spread across the internet, and then girls were just going into the gutter and i don't like it at all i feel very vulnerable down there like this is an honest man having an honest conversation with my close friends no one can hear us talking right now i don't let anyone touch the cheerio
Starting point is 00:10:18 no dude that's a tight spot dude that's my last chakra that's my brown eye i don't even let anyone touch anything like beyond the where the balls attach on the bottom nothing i don't even want my i don't want my balls touched either i mean i don't want them touched when you say you don't let anyone you did that if it was like a present day but you should have said i have never lit anyone right there's been an accident way to make this really tough on savan right now i know i know i'm listening for so are you gonna be are you gonna like experiment with the juice like where are you going with the juice right now whoa we're doing the pep hey pretty soon wait hillary can i answer that real quick
Starting point is 00:11:00 hunter he put too much in him oh yeah i made a video on that yeah look at him look at him he's the fucking liver king if you study any of if you study any of the the way that like pro bodybuilders work they actually just spend time on lower doses for longer periods of time and they just try to incrementally gain muscle mass it's those like teenagers that get a hold of this stuff that just like gas up really quick they end up peaking too quickly and then they fuck up their bodies and then they go back into the trench and i don't know if you guys have seen all these articles coming out about um what is it gordon ryan the guy who's the uh yeah, yeah. Yeah, and everybody's saying he basically –
Starting point is 00:11:46 he did like the Evel Knievel. He overshot. He overshot the ramp, and now he's all fucked up, and people are assuming that he's going to crash and burn because of it. I don't know. Hunter, hold that – You guys, hold that thought. I just want to show you one thing really quick
Starting point is 00:12:01 because I really want to talk about Gordon Ryan. I sent this to Hiller. This is the kind of stupid pet tricks I'd like to see Hiller start doing. to show you one thing really quick because i really want to talk about gordon ryan i sent this to hillar this is the kind of stupid pet tricks i'd like to see hillar start doing now that his body looks like that that's exactly what hillar would look like if he did that move i do you know those like czech republic bar star kids are the fucking biggest freaks on the planet yeah i agree they all they have is like war around them and pull-up bars. Okay, where did you hear this stuff about Gordon Ryan? Because I saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Here, I'll try to forward you the post right now. What does 6% body fat look like for anyone who says they're 6% body fat? You're talking about this right here, Hunter, right? Yeah, I went on a flight flying to dubai and he actually boarded the same flight as me and he i'm not gonna lie like i'm a pretty tough dude and like when i see other people i size them up i'm like i could fuck that dude up he was notice noticeably tougher looking than i was he was probably about same around the same height this guy more plates more dates made the yeah yeah yeah this guy more plates more dates is actually a pretty cool content uh creator like i
Starting point is 00:13:16 i appreciate his intelligent like dude come on when you see a body like this go to a body like the other image that we were showing like it's so enhanced you can't oh dude you got really sick too you saw yeah no don't get me don't get me wrong like you can get sick but i get poop issues he's got poop issues he's had him forever something's wrong with his stomach you know who else looks like one of that if you dude i don't know if i should say this come on it's here bitch no hold No hold back. Should I write it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hit it in the private chat in the wall, though.
Starting point is 00:13:55 So where did you see that he took too much juice and pushed him out? Well, that was the thing I just showed you. I was showing you a comparison, like that more plates, more dates. And it's like there's a couple couple like Instagram, like, you know, pages that are referring to the fact that this guy just basically, he went past his body's capabilities to handle these hormones. Is that why he's saying he's sick, Hunter? Listen, I don't know the guy.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I'm not a hater. But often if you think about it, like when you push your body to the edge, like you're going to have kickbacks. Your body can't handle it. Click on more plates for dates right there click on that little link and it's discreet yeah go to his profile i'm sure he's is that i don't think gordon's issues are steroid related he's had these issues fucking forever
Starting point is 00:14:36 maybe and then if you go to the top go to the top right you can see it right there oh okay down a little bit there you go there's the picture okay here we go hold up doesn't rob you of your physique not being on cycle does lol bro came off the g-agent test too on and off cycle damn i knew he was juicing but i didn't know he was juicing crying laughing face this is not a transformation of muscle game but muscle loss this time gordon ryan he has gone from you know a relatively skinny guy to getting yolk he's not relatively skin well he's thin i wouldn't say skinny that it was goddamn tree and then now going from yolk that was goddamn tree to back to baseline seemingly he is now looking like a regular
Starting point is 00:15:25 athletic Joe. I don't know. What would you call that? I would call that regular athletic Joe. Yeah, dude. He's an average body. For an athlete. Have you guys ever heard of the Colorado experiment with Casey Vietor? What's that? One more time?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Look up the Colorado experiment with Casey Vietor. Okay, let me listen to the rest of this. want to see this real i want to hear this real quick in the before looking like hercules and here he is in the after looking like an average guy that goes to the gym sometimes his dried blood coming out of his nose physique has no apparent like muscle separation looking depressed and miserable he is not in a good spot. And the situation is actually very, very unfortunate, but people are quick to jump on this guy given how much, uh, you know, trash talk he has done over the years. People are basically just saying this,
Starting point is 00:16:18 suck it up and, you know, get over it. And this is what happened to me. You got off gear. Like some of the comments are wild, dude, a health even writes on here his unique health issues aren't are not are not a result of hormone use either that's what um more plates more dates is saying i'd say you know you know that when you take certain kinds of products it's enhancing all aspects of your body. So it accelerates things that are going to be good and accelerates things that are going to be bad. Like cancer. I don't know what's specifically going on with him, but you got to be careful when you take these things that are going past your body's means of organically or naturally, um, you know, handling its own rhythm versus enhancing its rhythm to get super freakish. I want to say what happened to him, though, happened years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And it's a common thing with people who fucking it's not steroids he abused. It's antibiotics. Oh, he did that, too. I heard about that. But it wasn't an abuse. He has some sort of a reaction to them. Right. I'm being a little.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, I'm being a little by abuse abuse i just mean that something happened to him he took so many he basically took the ivy bag full of fucking antibiotics where it's plugged into you through a stint or a stem for a month and a lot of people who who do that end up having gut issues their whole fucking life dude look at type in kevin larone oh what this guy says you're on the right issue right track meaning you think it's a combination of things hunter i just think that you enhance one thing you're enhancing all things your pendulum swings both ways like i want to gain muscle and get really strong and then all the swings like the opposite direction you're like all my problems are getting worse so basically like like someone who takes steroids if you have
Starting point is 00:18:04 cancer you'll start getting a shit. It'll, it'll cause the cancer to spread, like get worse. Look up Kevin LeBron nowadays versus Kevin LeBron peak performance. And you'll see the same exact thing. That guy was probably one of the most impressive bodybuilders of all time. And now if you look at pictures of him when he's off the sauce,
Starting point is 00:18:19 it's an identical comparison between the two of those guys. Kevin, I see Kevin LeBron. LeBron, LeBron. LeBron. comparison between the two of those guys kevin i see kevin laurone laurone laurone laurone let me type this in oh i see him i got him american bodybuilder okay dude's a freak where she got just said right there and being on the right track and seven i know you'll love this if you've got mental health issues and you jump on anything, you're boned. You're, you're, you're going to go down the toilet so quick. Your mental health issues just go through the roof. Oh, you and you and I were just talking about someone that we were concerned about
Starting point is 00:18:56 that with. Right. Right. Yeah. Dude, look at him back in the day, dude, those pictures are so, he was a gangster, dude. I think he had the greatest arms and body building and then if you look at him when he got off the sauce he's just it's just it's almost like a identical comparison to the dude we were just looking at this one on the left is off the sauce yeah i think like people are saying this like look at um and such, you know, Frazier when he was competing versus when he was not. Yeah, but Frazier is natural. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not bringing him into the conversation.
Starting point is 00:19:34 But, dude, I go in and out of season pretty hardcore, and my body doesn't change really that much. If you naturally are designed a certain way, your body ain't going to change much. You might get a little bit more body fat. Like I've been drinking for two weeks straight and I look like a fucking God right now. Stand up.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Let's see that belly. Oh, you're still skinny. It's all that hyroxin. You look good. I like how you can get the angle on yourself. One second. One second. Holler.
Starting point is 00:20:13 That's Hunter and Holler. Hunter, he can't hear us, right? Look at that. Hey, Hunter. No, we can't hear you. We lost you. Are you muted? No, we lost you.
Starting point is 00:20:23 You pulled the plugs out of the computer or something hey what's today today's June 9th so on May 26th I think Hunter won the High Rocks World Champion so that's 9 that is 2 weeks ago that's 14 days ago
Starting point is 00:20:40 right that's fucking crazy are we going to talk about that I really want to know about that what you want to know about that how you like that Frazer always leaned out but he was not jacked like killer some people just don't aren't predisposed to have that
Starting point is 00:20:56 lean of a body Froning was that's why he's the greatest of all time the goat oh shit I just broke this table anita that sounded like a drum sound effect anita dick and me hunter is a sex symbol i agree totally agree and i'm cool with that if i have to if i have to bear that cross i'm cool with that guys hey how many people do you know who have used testosterone steroids anything i'm sure a handful
Starting point is 00:21:22 uh in professional sport or maybe even just closely personally where you'll see them on a once a week basis a lot of that category hillary can he count you a lot of dudes like i was pretty bummed i was in la three weeks okay i talked to um i i was it i was down in like this place called Air One. It's a fancy place where people with like lots of money and are very like health conscious hang out. And I met up with one of my really good buddies there and he had this guy hanging out with him
Starting point is 00:21:56 who was like a young beacon of health, like very good looking, handsome, muscular dude. And I'm not going to bring up details about him because it'd be unfair, but we start talking and he promotes like supplements and he promotes like training, all this kind of stuff. But then he tells me he's on this like peptide regime and all these kinds of things. And I was like, dude, that's like, that's so much of the fitness industry that I know in LA where these people are training and telling you like how to get healthier and better. But it's like, I don't know. It's, it's very
Starting point is 00:22:25 clearly their style of training and stuff is so like, you're looking up to something that's unattainable through natural, natural training. And you're pretending that like, this is the way that I eat. This is the way that I act, all these kinds of things. And if you follow my plan, you can live like this and look like this, but secretly they're gassed up. And like, that's, that's half of LA. I know a lot of girls. What's that? Tale as old as time though. Right. I don't give a shit. Like those are the people that I know. And it's like, you know, whatever. That's the fitness.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I was going to ask you more or less, if you saw the inner mechanisms of their mind and how it was affected potentially for the better for the worse because i was gonna say how i mentioned and we spoke of somebody we know that maybe isn't doing so hot mentally but then i also know people who have been much better so like if you started using stuff i'd only assume that you're going to be a bigger version of yourself crazier cooler, cooler, happier, hornier, all that stuff. I'd take on the world probably. I'd probably buy a Lamborghini right away, and I'd take over the world just a little bit faster.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I knew a guy who was suicidal, and he got on TRT, and it went away. It does, yeah. It can do both. Do you want to know one of the biggest side factors of taking a drug like that is confidence. Like if you all of a sudden go from being, um, kind of like a beta boy and just having like a very like low level of testosterone, low level of perception of yourself, low level of muscle mass. Let me tell you, dude, if you start looking good and feeling good, you're immediately going to project that you are good. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Like if I put on five pounds of more muscle and I lose a little bit of body fat, fucking A, you're going to hear about it. And I'm going to feel good. What's your weight now? 205? 205. Oh, you put on a weight. Yeah, dude. So when I was peaking and I was trying to peak, I popped and I kind of like overtrained myself in April. And then I had to come back down and I gained the weight. Like I can show you pictures of myself that I was at like 196 and I was like, I'm a fucking God, but I over-trained and I, I kind of wrecked myself.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And that's common. Can I ask you some questions about, um, High Rocks before we get too far? Yeah, let's do this, baby. You competed on May 26thth may 26th is the day and that and where was the world championships manchester united kingdom kingdom and did you have any doubt that you were going to win no were there people there who thought they were going to win no really i mean they probably said to people that they thought that they were going to win
Starting point is 00:25:03 but they didn't believe it and you don yeah, you don't think they believed it? No. And what was your time? 56 minutes, but I was 48 seconds ahead of the world record by halfway through, and then I pulled back. I couldn't hold the intensity. 56 minutes flat? By station four, I had two minute and 43 second lead.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So halfway through the race. And then I ended up finishing with like 55 seconds of a lead. Wait, so 56 minutes flat? 56, 40. Hey, that's pretty amazing that the guy closed in on you because being two minutes and 40 seconds ahead must have really hurt his feelings. That's like making a statement, right?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Rankovic is a good dude. Rankovic is a really good dude um austrian vienna vienna is austria and um what what so where was it again say where were you competing again berlin manchester oh manchester manchester it was a beautiful venue it's the olympia there. And it's like this ancient building, um, all brick, all glass, like floor to ceiling windows looking out over the entire city. It was awesome. I mean the level of production and the amount of athletes that showed up and also the amount of spectators that show up was about three X,
Starting point is 00:26:17 the size of what it was last year in Vegas. Wow. And what time did you, did you start, did you start competing in the evening? Uh, I competed at eight competed at 8.15. At night? Yeah, it's rugged. Holy shit. And then afterwards, you know you won as soon as you crossed the finish line. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:36 There's no way that someone can be like, hey, he didn't do this, or there can be protests. You can, but I had enough of a lead that almost any protest wouldn't have mattered. And did anyone make any protests against you can but i had enough of a lead that almost any protest wouldn't matter and did anyone make any protests against you no okay i didn't do anything up okay no one was like hey he cheated this or they shorted this or nothing like that and and then when you're done do you take pictures with people and sign autographs and shit like that yeah it's awesome is it really like that it's crazy i'll probably take about 500 plus pictures throughout the weekend and i didn't expect it to be like this when i uh dropped out
Starting point is 00:27:11 um last year i was like i'm over it this year i'm like wow this is a noticeable difference i wish you i wish you wouldn't interject when i'm in a deep interview but when's the last time you had a costco hot dog hunter dude i haven't been to costco in about in a deep interview, but when's the last time you had a Costco hot dog, Hunter? Dude, I haven't been to Costco in about a year and a half, but when I do go to Costco, I get the pizza and I get the dogs and the ice cream. Is it because it's cheap? You feel obligated? No, I mean, like, I'm a black card member, okay, dude? I'm an executive club member, and I'm going to use all the perks. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Which includes the food. I love Costco. And so you win that, and then what happens? Do you leave the next day? Do you leave Manchester the next day? No, because then the open field competes the following day, so I supported all my friends, and we just had a good time. We basically did not stop drinking until like two days ago well this is crazy you
Starting point is 00:28:08 have you have the world's fastest time the second world's fastest time and the fifth world's fastest time hey and um uh the the the course what i don't even know if this is a fair question so slap me around if it's not, but was it a fast course? No, it was four laps. More laps, more opportunities you have just to screw up because there's more turns. But it was a great event. I don't really ever pay attention to the courses. It's horses, not courses.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I think when you say somebody set a world record somewhere in in our sport like it's cool but in reality like i've had people take my record and then i race against them a month later and i beat them by six minutes who's this guy tim wishing it tim he's a really fast good kid he ended up so he's under is that under 24 right here you 24 he must be yeah what did you just put in your mouth chewing tobacco uh yeah you hillar sorry i didn't mean you hunter what did you just put in your in your butt no what did you just put in your butt hillar um tobacco you know you can put tobacco on your ass and you'll get pretty high i would guess if you guys ever heard of hoppe it's spelled it's spelled rape but it's like a
Starting point is 00:29:28 it's like a version of tobacco where somebody takes a pipe and sticks it into your nose and blows it really hard up into your nasal cavity like into your skull and you get high as a kite have you done that unfortunately yes it sounds so painful yeah i was like completely um i was completely tricked by some of these debaucherous people in new york city and then they put that stuff in my nose and i lost my mind and i ran out of the apartment into the streets and never went back i'm looking i'm looking to see if i can find a quick video of it. Rape's a tough word to put into Google and get the results you want. Type in rape tobacco product. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Hey, how come all these people are 30 to 34? Where's the youngins? Where's the Justin Medeiros's and the Mal O'Briens of the world taking the high rocks seen by storm? I just think it takes a certain amount of time to be able to acquire that level of endurance. And you know, you'll notice in most world championship level endurance sports, it's not the young guys that are whooping ass.
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's usually the people in the late twenties to mid thirties that are killing it. Hey dude, this thing where they get someone blows into your nose is so unnecessary yeah but you gotta get way up there dude if you want to get that high yeah you could do it to yourself god i probably don't even know what that's like i couldn't imagine have you done any substances in your entire life i remember the first time i smoked weed i was like this is what all you guys have been doing for this long i was 28 i believe the first time i ever tried that stuff what'd you do just weed pot whatever you call it marijuana
Starting point is 00:31:19 something crazy i went to amsterdam with a friend of mine and I was like, we're going for 24 hours and we're going to get lit. It was his 40th birthday. I just took him after the championships. We have about six to eight beers on the train. We get off the train, we get to Amsterdam, we drop our bags in our hotel. We go have like a little bit of steak and then we have two drinks there. We then eat things that will enhance your experience of amsterdam oh we then there you go um we then go and we're drinking we're now into like the 13th
Starting point is 00:31:55 14th drink and now we're we we ended up like like 20 plus drinks i don't smoke weed i went and got a joint i was hitting that everything i could i could not i never popped i never got that drunk i never got that high nothing i woke up the next day completely sober and i can't tell if they're like selling phony substances there but i didn't get anything out of it wow i really wanted that like crazy amsterdam experience didn't hit wow i would be worried that there's something wrong with me how long how many times have you done mushrooms hill or a hunter probably 200 oh okay is it awesome it's incredible so i'll explain to you guys i tried it a couple times when i was younger and then I went to rehab and I
Starting point is 00:32:45 found out in rehab, the only thing that I couldn't be tested for was acid and mushrooms. So I would go to these parties and I like everyone's just getting all fucked up. And I was like, well, I don't want to be the only sober kid here. Like I want the college experience. Now I completely put to the side the fact that I was in rehab. And so I just started eating mushrooms all the time and I would have mushrooms three, four, five times a week. And it really taught me a lot about myself like very early on because you're going into this like deeper level of awareness and then you have to like find a way to handle that subconscious and then try to align yourself with everybody else in the room.
Starting point is 00:33:25 room. And sometimes I went way too far and, you know, it didn't work out, but you know, I had to have done it well over a hundred times just in that year. And then ever since then, I probably do it two, three, four, five, 10, 15 times a year. That was a great articulation of what it's like being on it. It's interesting. I mean, the one thing that I'll tell you about mushrooms, and I don't think it should be like, you know, whatever people can have their own opinions of this. But the one thing that I've recognized that's so sad with the world these days is that people just forgotten how to enjoy themselves. Like, have you ever taken a kid to a park and the way that they like run over to it and pick up a rock and are amazed by it?
Starting point is 00:33:58 They look at the grass. They look at the trees. They look at anything and they pull joy out of it. Right. I could put you in a Ferrari with five iPhones and naked women all over the place and your dopamine levels will just be basically like this. Children are literally on a mental trampoline all the time. And when you take mushrooms, you go back to that place and you realize how cool life is. And I have to do that
Starting point is 00:34:21 often to remind myself like hey life's fucking awesome and being outside in these trees is awesome and like you sit down you enjoy a carpet yeah you get yourself one of these dude i don't know what the hell that's all about i saw that and the price tag on it for 3 500 bucks that's how much that is yeah they dropped that info and like the whole crowd started laughing openly oh it did this is how you get those dopamine receptors kicked back in dude this is god 3 500 bucks for for version one hey um uh hunter what about this so i went to um i went to newport beach for a couple weeks i don't know a couple months ago yeah and there was a guy there working remember that restaurant we went to where the rats were
Starting point is 00:35:08 crawling on the walls i was telling that story last night yeah crazy right so so there was a guy who worked there you probably don't remember him but i saw him there every morning and he was a fucking asshole dude he was he was just like he couldn't be bothered like you'd go order your coffee in the morning and he would just be like you didn't even know if he was hearing your order you didn't know shit he refused to talk and he worked at both of those restaurants next to each other he worked at the one where the you know the two it was like the mexican place and then the place that was kind of like um with that wharf design inside not dory's no dory's dory's and then the place to the left of the mexican dory's deli are place to the left of the Mexican place. You don't know Dory's, Kelly? Are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:35:45 No, I forgot the name. Dude, I'm barely awake. I'm hurting. And this is all for you, Hunter, getting up this early. And Hunter, so the guy was a complete fucking asshole. And every time I went there, so I'd been there three times, like four months apart. He's always an asshole. And I watched him. He's an asshole to everyone. Like basically he seemed, at the time I didn't know, but in hindsight'm like wow this guy i should have known he's like depressed and suicidal okay
Starting point is 00:36:08 so this last time i went there with a hiller he was the nicest fucking guy ever like when i would walk by he would come out and be like hi how are you and like he would say hi to my kids and he was always like this now you asked him no but someone we were with goes hey that's microdosing i go what do you mean he goes that's just a total common effect he's microdosing now and he's and they're showing the like what do you think i agree just did a five-year study on this where they're basically showing that like um pharmaceutical drugs are are useless in in the comparison of what what proper dosing of psychedelics can do to you well dude there are a shitload of studies now coming out that basically in revealing of old studies that uh antidepressants do absolutely fucking nothing
Starting point is 00:36:55 they're actually they actually you have a great better chance of killing yourself same with booze it's so crazy to me that people are able to have booze on such a high level and you look at these organic substances and i don't mind booze at all, but it's so normalized that people can get drink a six pack, 10, 12, 20 drinks a night and wake up and throw up in a toilet. And like, everyone's like, what a cool night. And I'm like, well, then why are these things looked at like so poorly? There's, there's not a ton of therapeutic use, I think for booze, um, other than just like kicking back and relaxing, which is cool. I use it for that reason, but I'd say that you have a much better opportunity with the kind of stuff that I'm
Starting point is 00:37:33 talking about. And I'm not suggesting everybody do it, but if you're open to it and you've got a good experience and you've got good people around you that are willing to teach you how to do it, it's going to be legal within the next decade. And you're going to notice how much it's going to change the world for a better place. It's already legal, isn't it? Can't you just go to Colorado and do mushrooms now? You can get it in Colorado. It's decriminalized.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And it depends on where you go. But I mean, in LA, where I live, it's such a normal thing that everybody's got it basically in their pocket. You go to a party and you're like, do you want some? that everybody's got it basically in their pocket. You go to a party and you're like, do you want some? It's definitely – sometimes you have to really understand how to use it because sometimes you can overshoot, which I told you about earlier, but it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I thought it was this actually. Jay Hartle says the guy probably got laid. I actually thought that at first because I had a friend in college who was just an asshole for two years, and he got a girlfriend. He was a totally different guy. But this guy had a permagrin, you know, like that. It's kind of like that movie Smile. It freaks you out a little bit.
Starting point is 00:38:34 The what? Say it again. I know you haven't seen the movie Smile. It's pretty new, but it's pretty good. It's one of the best. They're like chasing you down. Everyone's smiling in the crowd and stuff like that? And it freaks them out. Oh, yeah, it's crazy good.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Microdosing is great for TBI. What's that? Tragendosis? Google? Tommy Rodriguez, psychedelics are amazing amazing ibogaine and other psychedelics transform my life did i tell you i know this guy you got best friends oh is hillar fit an affiliate no what were you doing at castro's ranch i did the street parking thing.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I just put up a video on that today. And then I did the broken science thing the following weekend, the State of the Savon in the interim. What's the street parking thing? Fitness Freedom. They had an event last year. It's kind of an in-house. They signed up and people from around the world come and hang out
Starting point is 00:39:43 and see what it's all about and get to know one another.-day event a handful of workouts that's positive it's cool it's awesome i feel like dave castro has um come off his high horse and has become a better person because of it no offense to you dave he just seems like he's now becoming more. What's that? I think you're assuming that there was a high horse. Oh, come on, dude. He wrote a book about flying around in private jets, riding CrossFit workouts. That's a high horse. He's still on this high horse.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Don't. You know why you think he got off his high horse? Because you're now on a high horse looking him in the eye, but he didn't get off his high horse. Now you're now on a high horse looking him in the eye, but he didn't get off his high horse. Now you're on a high horse. I like the horse that I'm on. I've worked very hard to be in the position, be confident enough to be in the position that I'm in.
Starting point is 00:40:36 But in reality, I just, from an outside perspective, I like the communication, the community building he's doing. It seems to be a very different version of himself. And I appreciate that. What? Right? That's kind of his new title. That's his new job.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I think it's great. I think it's great. So much to look up to him. Your job is to win High Rocks races, and you do it. His job was to promote the CrossFit Games, and I think he did a pretty good job there too. You may be thinking it was high, but he was just playing no no but dude listen i've spent time with people and like you know when someone's got an attitude and when someone doesn't have an
Starting point is 00:41:13 attitude like there's people in all different levels and you don't have to act a certain way because you're at a high level he um he extinguished people's lives for a living i don't know i met him only after he had done that i never knew him before i get that but dude i'm here with a buddy of mine we're here uh evolution athletics and that's where we're hosting the battle bunker event this weekend and we're here with the top top military performers in the entire world and they're all they're all super humble and super cool they would never tell you that they are And they're all super humble and super cool. They would never tell you that they are special.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They're just special people. They don't act like it. They'll sit at the table with you. They'll act cool. They'll give you time. They'll help you out. There's no ego to it whatsoever. And I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And these people have definitely done the same exact thing. They're in the same category as him. And there's an attitude about it you can either adopt or you can choose to not adopt it well i'll say it's interesting you say that i'll say this about dave he'll never tell you he's cool either or brag about his stories but some of these people that you're describing to me who are all humble and kind and nice they'll fucking talk ad nauseum about their accolades or dave will never talk you'll never hear dave talk about his accolades sure but but he has an air'll never hear Dave talk about his accolades.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Sure. But he has an air of like, I'm fucking cool as shit about him. So like, I know what you're saying. I'm not, I'm not done. I know he's on a high horse. I think you're crazy. I think he got off his horse. He's on a giant horse.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I think he's a great guy. He's got a ladder on top of his horse. That's awesome. Is he one of those kinds of people that rides around town on an elephant with a platform on top? That's the level I want to get to. Hey, look it. This Jez chick is all up in your shit. Listen.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Look at her. Better be careful. She's hot. Hunter has got butt hurt. He got cut at the CrossFit Games. And then look at Jez Kresresman a pot calling the kettle black did you two pump chumpers and hunter probably you're an asshole i think your name is beach i'm the sweetest beach there is listen i got a lot of haters in this game and i'm okay with it
Starting point is 00:43:18 i'm okay with hey how about jaco does that guy talk about himself enough of his stuff? I don't know. I think he's brilliant. I mean, I think if he's – that dude's serving a lot of good up to the world. He really is. I don't know. Read some of his books and hang out. Just kind of pick up on his stuff. I think it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:43:43 There's a certain – Amanda Hart. There's a certain click of these guys. They all did hard things, and then they get into this position where they share information, and it's all part of like – like Jordan Peterson has a really positive message, but you know that dude's high as a kite on himself. I hope he is. Jeffrey Birchfield
Starting point is 00:44:05 Amanda Hari did a nice little video about the broken science initiative at the ranch I actually met her there I didn't get a chance to talk to her but I met her I got to shake her hand what's broken science broken science is the explanation of where science lost its way
Starting point is 00:44:23 what are the ramifications of it what's the damage been done because it science lost its way um what are the ramifications of it what's the damage been done because it's lost its way and uh what you can do to make sure you're not duped by it giving you the tools to not be duped by it he wishes he too pumped chump me wow this chick's amazing well doesn't that you like her now a little bit don't you three i appreciate that a woman woke up at, I'm assuming she's probably on West Coast time. She's up at 5.45 in the morning just throwing fucking stones. God.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That's a brave soul right there. I have such low self-esteem that if a chick that hot were even to just address me, I would be like. Do you know that she's hot? I'm just looking at her fucking picture. You don't know that she's hot, dude. Hot enough for me. Don't ruin it for me. Dude, it looks like Ridley to me.
Starting point is 00:45:10 It makes me think she's East Coast. She's close to you, Hunter. Heidi Krum, I like the caco. Who doesn't? Yeah. Who doesn't like a little caco? There's one woman on here that comes onto your show sometimes and she just shows off
Starting point is 00:45:25 her big old or big old bosoms that's her like her i don't even know know what her name is but her basically her profile is just her cans pushed up really tight up into the screen oh you know what i'm talking about yeah allison allison i'm going to her i'm going to i'm going to see her today i'm going to her son's birthday party rad the best the best hey those aren't um those aren't like uh that's just the way they are are they enhanced no are they enhanced like hillar no those are oh natural and dude there's no you don't got to push them up or nothing they're they're they're they're like it's crazy i'm just uh an emoji over here i'm just nodding did you watch uh what is a woman uh yanni i didn't i mean i've seen like 100 clips from it and i approve i approve
Starting point is 00:46:13 of the movie great movie yeah heavies jay hardell heavies for sure they're heavies yeah you guys see the clip about how that that man woman um tied at d1 world uh d1 um swimming the woman who competed and she tied with the other woman but they gave it to leah thomas have you seen that interview with the girl talking about it yes yes that's a new it's i at least the clip i saw seemed new they're coming everyone's just like coming out now and they're just like now that they're out of the universities they're just like i don't know maybe i just like, now that they're out of the universities, they're just like, I don't know. Maybe I'm assuming wrong, but that sucks. Do you like Trish says Allison and I have big naturals. Do you,
Starting point is 00:46:55 does that make you like Trish more knowing she has huge tits? I'm cool with that. I like Trish for her mind. She's got witty comments. Have you guys met Trish? No, Trish, no one, Trish doesn't. We think Trish for her mind. She's got witty comments. Have you guys met Trish? No. Trish doesn't... We think Trish might be an AI. Hey, that... She's deep state Russian?
Starting point is 00:47:13 It's so fucked up that Leah Thomas came in there and that they gave Leah Thomas the trophy in that. It's crazy. I mean, dude, now she's a celebrity. She maybe made the right decision by fucking over a lot of people. Now she's probably going to have campaigns and opportunities for the rest of her life because she was the first person to do it.
Starting point is 00:47:32 First on the scene, gives you some street cred. With that said, Hunter, would you consider this comment from Magnus that you will become a female competitor at the CrossFit Games? I really did like, I think I mentioned this last time I was on here, the Canadian guy who went to the Canadian powerlifting championships and just identified as a woman, very clearly being in the state of being a man,
Starting point is 00:47:54 not even trying to be anything but a man and dominated like that. I radically appreciate. I mean, I, I can do that. You should, dude, you should, you should go out and just start sniping competitions because the place that you're in right now like i don't i doubt that they're going to drug test and if they're willing to allow you to just identify whatever you want
Starting point is 00:48:16 at what point would they have the drug test to shut me down i don't know it would be after a stage of competition where I'd already have messed everything up. Hey, I got a question for you guys. Who do you think, out of the three of us, we would be the least surprised if one of us went through transition? Like Bruce Jenner did. If in five years, it's like, wow, did you know that Savannah is a woman now? His name is Savannah? Or do you think it would be Hillary? Or do you think it would be Hiller?
Starting point is 00:48:45 Do you think it would be you? Who do you think? Which one of us? I think it would be Hiller because then he'd make a YouTube episode about it and try to get those cheap views. Oh, fair. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Before you told me you've done mushrooms 200 times, I would have said me as well. But now his mind might be a little tweaked out and he's just going to become a woman dude i didn't even know this you made a video who is the fittest on earth and you made a video about high rocks i didn't watch it but i put it into my notes to watch it what did you dub did you say that we're not as fit as crossfitters i did why why? Wow. This is quite a, this is quite a nice mix by the way of,
Starting point is 00:49:28 uh, seven on Hunter and Hiller. Yeah. There's no landslide. No one's getting like, it's not, not everyone's just like, of course it would be Hiller.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It's like a, no, I think it's definitely Hiller. It's a nice sprinkling. Okay. Go ahead. Sorry. High rocks,
Starting point is 00:49:41 high rocks are not as fit as CrossFitters. Go on. I really do. I'm getting more and more. An insult. I'm getting more and more bored yet. You have kind of a single set of workouts or a workout towards finding out your fitness relative to your competition. The way High Rocks has it set up.
Starting point is 00:50:07 to your competition the way high rocks hasn't set up but they're missing top end strength accuracy coordination agility and they really are having emphasis on do you really think those things define fitness because there's a difference between i might i can i can say that there's probably too much of a i mean especially in the coming seasons in CrossFit and what we've seen Bosman do, there's a strong emphasis on it. But High Rocks completely avoids it. No, it does. Because, like, if you want to, like, bring in – It's your best back squat.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Trust me, dude. I'm not saying that it's 100% necessary to have a 400-pound back squat to win High Rocks. But if you can't go do it after winning a High Rocks race or within that, like, like season and somebody can come in and lose to you by a couple of minutes but it can also put up 20 more on a squat or a bench or a deadlift they kind of balance out i think it's just missing sure i just think that at least at this point that i've got to
Starting point is 00:51:03 in my career like if i was going to make the ultimate test i'd probably bring in a 2k row a two mile time trial the nfl combine and the nfl combine like that would be basically my test to find out the fittest person on earth and then like a swim test also i like i think that i think you basically just cover it because you're covering explosivity vertical you're testing basically strength strength endurance sprinting is you know basically human movement patterns at high capacity um endurance you're testing muscular endurance to rowing you're testing physical competency in water and then you're testing endurance competency in running and then if you basically took that same thing and you you tried to push it towards CrossFit or a high rocks person,
Starting point is 00:51:47 the CrossFitter is going to win because of the, the CrossFitter is going to win because they have less holes, I would say. So yeah. They throw in a marathon, 26.2 miles and a power lifting total. Yeah. I mean, like, it depends on what you, we'll beat them.
Starting point is 00:52:09 We'll beat them so badly because you give them three metrics for the power lifting total. Tell me this. Yeah. You run a marathon. Yeah. And you can do it. Have you done one? Yeah. What was your time? 25 254 but right now i just did off like a week of training because i wanted to show that i could beat nick bear um what you
Starting point is 00:52:32 did your like bench squat and deadlift would have been at the time wait a second wait a second you just did a marathon after high rocks already you've already done a marathon no no no i didn't i didn't do i didn't do it in the last week nick nick bears this dude who i completely respect but he says he's like he he's the the pioneer of hybrid athletics which i thought was bullshit because i've been doing this is he juiced is he juiced yeah i don't know enough about him to say yes and that's that's not the point of this hillary is he juiced it's not the point of this conversation for hunter but yes for me he's used anyway but if you if you had us run a marathon and then go and do the power lifting i think i would beat the crossfitters because i'll
Starting point is 00:53:14 pull like i'll probably after a marathon still pull over 500 i'll probably still squat in the high threes and they'll probably squat in the mid fours and i'll probably beat him a fair amount on the deadlift after being so tired um but we'd probably start to equalize we'd start to get closer and where i'd lose about we managed to leave out the most important lift the bench press which i would get i get them all right okay so i didn. So I didn't wait. I didn't wait. I would mention that Joseph Medeiros can do a 315 marathon and then he'd be able to put up probably 475 on the back squat, probably deadlift in the mid fives and then put up something around a 325 bench. No, I bet you, I bet you if we did it right afterwards, I bet you he'd lose about 20 to
Starting point is 00:54:01 30% of his strength. This, this is why the competition needs to happen because I've made statements in the past about how you are one of the fittest, if not the fittest dude on the planet, but you can't snatch. No, I can't, but that's, that's where skill comes in. It's like, you know, it's the difference between throwing a fastball and throwing a dart. Like if we're using the same range of motion, but you add it to such level of specificity and its degree of hitting a target the dart player is going to beat me every time but if you ask that same dart player to hand you hand him a baseball i'll throw a faster baseball
Starting point is 00:54:34 than him hey um the interesting thing is also what do you think about like this thing that um hunter dominated um this skull ranch thing so he dominates he dominates obstacle course like dominates and he dominates high rocks like he really dominates the things he's good at right did you see the physical 100 either of you no he would have dominated those dudes yeah he would have he would have messed them up i was watching the show and show and I think I would have messed those guys up. I think that the Broken Skull Ranch crew is a bunch of... I don't know. I don't think that they can
Starting point is 00:55:10 shake a freaking weight at anyone in the CrossFit community and the High Rocks community. But Hunter can speak closer to that. What do you mean? What do you mean? Of course they can. You had Tommy Hackenbrook and Hunter McIntyre in there. They're two of the best in the game in both of those. What are you talking about, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah, we had games-level podium athletes at Broken Skull. We had a lot of high-level regional guys like this dude. Tommy's a legit athlete. Like, a legit athlete. He's not just a great crossfitter. Right, right, right. Don't you think? I mean, he's like the most well-rounded that i've ever met i forgot about
Starting point is 00:55:45 hackenbrook yeah hackenbrook's awesome dude ian ian i can't remember his last name but dude ian was a freestyle national champion in wrestling he was like a top seven guy regionals in socal back when socal regionals was fucking beefy as fuck like back when like bridges and all the and like kalipa and stuff were showing up i i think kakenberg could probably walk on and start today as an old man on a fucking junior college football team that'd be nuts beaver hey hillar's the only one who can have his shirt off not true but i appreciate it i got one one thing to say about is i was running up that hill at the ranch and castro i did a workout it's four rounds 25 or sorry 400 meter or 200 meter run up the hill
Starting point is 00:56:32 and then 25 on broken wall ball and he goes afterwards that no buns had been able to run up the hill all three times and i thought i bet hunter could i thought it easily yeah because i finished the workout something minutes and i'm and i go right before we started he said 15 minutes is where he thought i would finish and then i'm like well i wonder what hunter could do this workout in it's like right up your wheelhouse when i went to the crossfit games i never claimed that i was going to win the crossfit games but i want i knew that I would dominate in the high score. I could have had a top 10 score at the end of the games if they had given me the whole weekend.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Now, like you think about when I competed, they had that run thing with the snatches. You had the walk on the hands. I got fucked there. The ruck, I would have won that. Then you had the sled push with the muscle-ups. I would have done well there. The next workout was the – what's the one where you do pistols,
Starting point is 00:57:27 pull-ups, and handstand push-ups? Would have been crushed there. Dude, dude. My mind just went somewhere. You may have made the games this year out of the semifinals. Hunter might have. Have you thought about it? 185-pound snatches into an 800- into an 800 I would have won that workout
Starting point is 00:57:46 even right now when I don't snatch oh that's interesting you look at the semi-final that's a good video for you to make Hunter I know I don't know if I want to talk about it now I thought about starting to make those videos but then the dudes
Starting point is 00:58:02 you would have won this workout it's a win. That's 100 points for Hunter. Wow. Right? And then you give me that snatch in the run thing for 800 meters. Workout number two. This one would have been a challenge.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Probably last. It's the ring count. No, dude, that's not hard for me. I always – it was good with rings. I mean, he's got single-legged squats. Can you move through that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Okay, so good with rings. I mean, he's got single-legged squats. Can you move through that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Okay, so maybe you finish – I mean, in all honesty, like complexity for me – But then I think you could have done a lot there. Linda. What's that? Linda. No, I didn't do too bad, dude. I did Linda against Jacob Heppner, and I only finished about 90 seconds after him.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Wow. That's a good workout for him. I'm saying you do well on that. And then you would have won event five because it was an 800 meter run but the snatches may have really put you back it was eight snatches i never i never had trouble with snatches at 185 it's right when it got to like 205 my level of technicality started to go sideways tom says he would have definitely qualified in europe hiller what's uh he would have yeah he would have definitely qualified in Europe, Hiller. He would have done well here.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Here's a challenge that I'm putting out right now. I want to have – I don't know if I can say this because of the – like people own the rights to the name, but I want to do a charity event in the fall to early winter of Murph, and I talked to Hiller about this yesterday where I'd like him to come in as the head judge. I'm going to ask everybody to bring a thousand dollars to donate to the charity. So everybody who participates has to come in and donate money to charity. There's no prizes for us whatsoever. And we all just duke it out. And Murph's one of those kind of workouts where the calisthenics lean towards somebody who are high capacity athlete, like a CrossFitter and the running leans towards somebody like a high rocks athlete i don't think murph's trademarked i don't think you can do that is it
Starting point is 00:59:48 i think i think the people who have the murph challenge own the rights to his name now and i i'm just saying that and i don't i don't know if that's true or not but i i heard it then call it murphy yeah and i intentionally stopped using that title so much and stopped trying to, I stopped trying to push it so hard because I didn't want to get in trouble because I just wanted to participate and do the workout and motivate people. What are you laughing at? Hiller? They trademarked the dude's name.
Starting point is 01:00:18 I know. I don't know if that's, I don't know. We trademarked that thing. Look at his birth certificate, man. I can't believe Hunter wasn't invited to hang with you guys in Santa Cruz. Sevan did not want to share Hiller. Well, that's true, but also I timed it perfectly with when he was in Europe.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Which I've kind of heard about that you were in North Carolina for such a chunk of time and that you didn't. You were in Newport for such a chunk of time and that you didn't – you were in Newport for such a chunk of time and you guys didn't even call me. I'm heartbroken. Ken Walters, Hunter would have won Africa. I think it would have been challenging considering he would have finished poorly on at least one event, which is always hard to find.
Starting point is 01:01:04 The one rep max snatch, if I hit 225, I'd be freakishly excited. Are you glad that this High Rocks event this year is over? Do you feel a sense of relief? Yeah. I mean, listen, it's just another year. I'm good at it at this point enough so that I know that I can do what I want to do with it when When I participate at the level that I, I need to participate to win.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Um, you know, a couple of years ago when I was not really focused, when I first met you, I lost. And, uh, that was enough to like burn my fingertips and piss me off to come back and
Starting point is 01:01:41 just like, make sure that if I ever do show up, I have to be fully prepared. And then, and then, and then what, what do you, now you're just too, are you in Manchester now? Where are you now? No, I'm in North Carolina. We have, um, the battle bunker regional going off tomorrow. That's in North Carolina.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yeah. It's at my buddy evolution, uh, Chris's gym evolution athletics. If you guys are in North Carolina and you're watching, you should come watch. Like you, you should come participate. what's the name of the gym again evolution athletics in west end north carolina uh evolution we got the whole thing live stream tomorrow you guys if you have saturday and you're willing to watch this show you should be willing to watch the live stream for this thing first event is called yard work it's kind of like a murph style workout you do a mile then you do 60 shoulder to overhead 120 push-ups 240 air squats uh one mile do you guys have a website uh battle i think it is um it is 100 pound sandbag okay i'm trying to find the address of this place oh here we go
Starting point is 01:02:49 uh to uh 2065 juniper lake road west end north carolina yeah juniper and you're at a hotel near there right now airbnb baby and and you're there with uh um the guy austin alexander austin yeah austin alexander that's crazy and um are you guys nervous about it going off tomorrow no you're you're ready i'm really ready are you judging i'm the race director so i just like have to make sure that the judges are doing their job and the athletes feel comfortable and that the workout workouts are like very clearly understood and then done at a high level of integrity trish i have to wash my hair at that time um hunter what time is it on we'll start the live stream at 7 est am and then we go until about 2 p.m. And it's live stream on the YouTube station Battle Bunker?
Starting point is 01:03:50 Yeah. No, you don't even fucking know what you're talking about. Sorry, I had a brain pause. Brain fart. But you still don't know. Yeah, what about this? Where's that link? I was looking on your channel.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I can't see it. Hey, Austin. Where's that link? I was looking on your channel. Hey, Austin. Where's the live link for the show? I think someone found it. Right there. Battle Bunker. Is this it right here? Is that...
Starting point is 01:04:18 Oh, damn. 486,000 subscribers. Good work. Austin's YouTube station has over a million. That dude in the yellow right there. Oh, and Savant. Yeah, Savant.
Starting point is 01:04:34 These are the boys. Yeah. These are the boys. Yeah, we got our whole crew here. We're all set up. Like, we worked hard on this thing. So, it's going to have a really, really good result. And, you know basically
Starting point is 01:04:45 this is just a filter to get to the championships and when you get to the championships that's where shit gets crazy where it's gonna be like a combination of you know special forces um style training meets like crossfit games style uh competition look at this dork right here going over these uh wooden logs what is that what's wrong with that guy dude those things are so hard they are what you gotta weave them yeah the weaver the weaver is like one of the most ugly obstacles you can go through it just it's more athletes from around where's this we were this channel converted from another channel no no no freaking it's always been battle bunker yeah dude i mean austin austin's the man this is at a crossfit gym sorry hundred interrupt this is at a crossfit gym all this shit no no no that's our that's our championship location that's built
Starting point is 01:05:39 at the um elite training center down in chula vistaista. This is crazy, dude. This thing. Yeah. Your boy designed that thing. You did? Yeah. Big daddy. Uh, do you get splinters on that Weaver thing? No,
Starting point is 01:05:55 the guys who built it, uh, Brett Stewart, if you guys ever want to have one of these things built in your gym, it, the, it's really, they have an incredible team and they've been building obstacle courses for
Starting point is 01:06:06 well over a decade god this is so not sexy he's talking to that guy he's like help me i think that's luke uh luke skywalker help help me i i can't the field captain kind of the head judge? No. No, no, no. That's just one of the judges that are there. But we have, like, several – I think that all the judges just wear field captain shirts. Did he have to go under that that way? Yeah, you got to.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Okay. I was going to say that didn't look like the best way to do that. That's Hiller trying to have sex. That's what it looks like when Hiller's having sex. This guy's not a prime example of what an obstacle course racer looks like. But our sport's not based off obstacle course racing. But we designed this thing to make it an aspect of some of our events. It's not the center of what we do.
Starting point is 01:07:03 That guy was also six months into uh transition um hormone therapy you can tell because have you uh trish if you have enough spicy margaritas you forget about the splinters not fair enough thank you is trish is trish a deep state spy or is she a chick no one no no one nobody knows so how many people like you have like people that are spiegel on here like how who are these people dick butter yeah what do you do after um what do you do after uh so so you're gonna do this tomorrow then where do you go i literally put my backpack on and i hike 700 miles to connecticut how far is the head of the trail from where you're sleeping right now where you're sitting uh 60 miles i'm not
Starting point is 01:07:53 starting i'm not going there but someone drops me off and what are you gonna do with all your shit like your computer that you're looking at right now my my team's gonna take it back to california okay so tomorrow after the event or the day after that you're going to put a backpack on can i see the backpack you're gonna wear uh it's in the car but i can go get it if you really want me to and you're gonna wear that backpack for three weeks does it have a tent in there yeah it's got a tent that's like the size of a tube sock. And I basically, I only have about 25 meals on me. So I'll hike until I'm hungry and then I'll probably pull off one of the main roads and then hike into town, grab more food and then go again. And so three weeks by yourself on the Appalachian Trail and how many miles to Connecticut?
Starting point is 01:08:42 700, 700 to 800. And you plan on doing it in how long 20 days that ends up being 30 30 miles a day 40 miles a day yeah and will you walk all that yeah i'm not gonna like run it um are you bringing a gun dude i have a i have the 44 magnum dirty harry pistol and i take it out every once in a while, and I watch Dirty Harry, but I'm not going to bring it on this trip. Bear spray? Pepper spray? No.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Dude, I think anybody who encounters me in the woods is in trouble. Like, if you're looking for trouble, you found it. So, I look at you. You are a lot of man, that's for sure. LJM McNally25, Hunter, have you worked with First Form before? No, but they invited me last year after High Rocks Championships to their headquarters, and it's fucking insane. That is such a cool company.
Starting point is 01:09:37 What? I remember you saying that. Dude, you should go. I'm sure they'd bring you out there just because of the level of content that you produce and just what you do in fitness. It's insane. I mean, it's the level of Harvard-level business meets a supplement company. They have supercars throughout the entire facility.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Do you want to drive around? No, but I deserve one. Dude, y'all is crazy. It's drive around. No, but I deserve one. Dude. No, it was crazy. My friend, uh, my friend Mark, he picked me up the Sunday after high rock world championships.
Starting point is 01:10:11 And he knows I'm a big fan of cars. And he picked me up in his Lamborghini STO, which is the highest level of Lamborghini there is. And he drove me around London at a pace that you're not supposed to. And all I want is a lamborghini now it was one of the most exciting feelings in the entire to that eight mile per gallon truck you've got and pick up one of them did that trx is probably the worst financial decision i've ever made wow i want to i want to hear about that one second uh trish uh sebon thank you for giving a
Starting point is 01:10:43 platform to the hottest man in the autism community. Fair. Totally legit comment. Hold on. Wait a second. Who's the autistic guy? Hilla or me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Well, you guess. You pick. Don't, don't you guys, both of you can have it. Don't ruin it for anyone. Me.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Dude, that's it. I know who I think it's for. Definitely Hilla. Oh yeah. You need to enhance a boy like Hilla just just so they can enjoy life a little bit more like look at that smile that's an autistic smile hey okay so so why why are you doing that why are you hiking three weeks on the appalachian you're not trying to do it in some record time you're not doing you're you're just
Starting point is 01:11:21 i will talk about the car in a second i guess but i've just recognized that like all i do these days is just work and work out and like i'm not saying that i i don't like my life but i think i'd like to reevaluate some of like the ways that i spend my time and what i like how i spend it it, who I spend it with, what I value. And I can't remember who said the quote, but you know, basically they said, you know, any issue that you have, I'm paraphrasing this, can be solved through, through long treks. Like, you know, if you are trying to figure out something, go for a long trek and I'm trying to figure something out. So I'm going to go for a long trek. Are you going to ask a question like that?
Starting point is 01:12:05 Like before you go on, will you like write down some things like, what should my next venture be? Or like, is there some big question you're looking for an answer for? And like, you want to go out into wilderness and kind of let maybe the subconscious naturally come to the top and give you the answer?
Starting point is 01:12:23 Dude, I just have reached this point where this is going to sound braggadocious, but I've reached this point where I'm as good as I could possibly get at what I do. There's no one who's going to beat me at this thing. I'm making more money than I ever have before. And then I meet these people that are at the top of the ladder in their industry. I know all these millionaires, billionaires, superstar athletes, all these kinds of things. in their industry. I know all these millionaires, billionaires, superstar athletes, all these kinds of things. And across the board, a lot of them are not happy. And I'm like thinking to myself, I'm like, am I going in the right direction? Like, is this the right thing? And I started to question that about myself a couple of years ago, but I didn't really have the time and the means
Starting point is 01:13:01 to take a break and really deeply think about it. And I'm not saying I'm going to change my life, but I may change who I spend my time with, how I handle it. Like just this phone alone, I think destroys people's lives. And like, I just, I'm like recognizing that we spend so much time on technology and we're focusing on all these verticals of cash and outcomes and perceived values and you know what people think of you and i'm like damn like i remember the happiest i ever was was probably when i was 13 and i owned a skateboard and i played lots of music and i went fishing all the time and there was nobody that i was doing it for other than myself and that's
Starting point is 01:13:42 probably just right around the age when you masturbate, some ejaculate comes out too. And it's like one of these kinds of things where I think people should probably do this more often because if you are just living in the same vein of life, I think you forget about the things that inspire you, challenge you, all these kinds of things. Because I'm so good with my physical body that things don't challenge me that much anymore. And I'm starting to get good enough at business that that doesn't even really challenge me as much anymore. And I'm trying to find something where I'm like, I need a little bit more juice out of these lemons. So I think, you know, when you go out and all you have is a backpack and a direction, you probably find something in that space. Will the trail be busy? Will you see people on the trail?
Starting point is 01:14:29 Oh yeah. It's like the most popular foot trail in the entire world. And you know, I'll see people, but it's like two ships passing in the night. I'll be like, Hey, what's going on? Hey, where's the next watering hole? And then they just pass and go and pass and go nighttime yeah at nighttime i'll probably sit there and i'll be with people because you'll there's these kind of locations where people congregate and spend the night but you know i don't know i'm probably not going to spend real chunks of time with people i'll be mostly by myself and you won't be listening to music and you'll have your phone turned off.
Starting point is 01:15:05 You'll be listening to, you'll be, you're going to cope with, you're going to do Hunter. Yeah. I'm going to do three days. My focus is three days in a row, every single chunk that I can get with no phone. Oh, that, okay. That's interesting. Okay. Your parents aren't asking you to call them every day or anything like that? No, I promised my dad and my mom, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:23 everybody always has this like level of worry, but I like i'll contact you every three days okay and my dad's picking me up somewhere along the way and do you have do you have any excuses that you know are going to pop up like hey i have a business to deal with i need to check my tech messages or are you prepared to deal with um the that's part that's part of the experience it's like when that emotion arises up in you where there's this level of urgency you think you need to do something that's what i'm trying to break my mind from yeah good i understand that yeah you always think that all of a sudden you're like oh god i gotta i gotta post this i have to like i need to i need to contact that person i need to in reality like you don't need any of that and like that's where i've
Starting point is 01:16:03 grown this level of dependency on where it's like, you always think you need to do something where in reality, probably don't need to do any of it. You're probably doing too much. God, you're so fucking cool. You're so smart to do this. What, what a, what a cool, is any part of this scary for you? I think there's going to be a point. I wish I had my journal on me. I think that what I wrote is I hope that I, I hope that I cry. I hope that I scream. I hope I have sleepless nights before I have the deepest sleep of my entire life is what I wrote in my journal. Haiku. I recognize haiku and then a little bit of iambic contaminant in there. Very nice, Mr. Sets. thought is is there is going to be a point where i like is going to feel like i'm sitting on top of like a hot burning stove my brain will be melting and i'll be begging for someone to talk
Starting point is 01:16:49 to me i'll be begging for an answer to a question that i've been thinking about for the past couple days and then it will probably fade away and that's where that deep sleep that i'm talking about will show up my buddy travis told me about six months ago that he's done having normal friends and i go what do you mean he goes i'm just done having normal friends i'm like what about the normal people you know already he goes they they can be grandfathered in but for now on like no mediocre friends in my life like i'm not letting new people in my life unless they're fucking extraordinary and i don't think it's arrogant at all for you to say that you know you have a um a a satchel full of cash and you're in the best physical shape of your life.
Starting point is 01:17:28 And it's time to – I don't think that's arrogant at all. It just fucking is what it is. Hiller and I just had this talk literally last night. I'm like, hey, I don't mean to be an asshole, but it's a privilege to be my friend. And if people aren't going to, I guess, take advantage of that privilege that it is to be my friend, if people aren't gonna um uh i guess take advantage of that privilege that it is to be my friend then they gotta go yeah i don't i don't mean it in an arrogant way at all you know it's funny you asked if i'm gonna appreciate what's that appreciate yeah i guess appreciate like like i'm i'm an amazing flower if you can't figure that out if like you're
Starting point is 01:18:03 stomp on me, you're toast. I don't even mean it like in a – I'm in full blossom. Yeah. Appreciate the fact that you know stuff on my toast. I only want sunshine. I only want sunshine. This Wadzami guy asked if I was going to masturbate at all on this trip. I'm actually curious about that too.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Thank you. Thank you, Wadzami. when i'm actually curious about that too i thank you thank you when i was in rehab i we we we were out in high desert nevada like 7 000 feet up in the air freezing cold and going no i'm just i'm telling you like there was this was it froze the ejaculate froze i've never heard that story as it came out of your penis it froze like an icicle basically but i remember one night i just laying in the freezing cold they they would not give you tents they only gave you tarps you build these kind of like lean twos where you'd string it across trees you put down your your sleeping mat and you'd be in the bag like a negative 40 degree bag and it would reach that temperature often it was so not negative 40 but it would reach
Starting point is 01:19:06 below zero often it was so fucking cold and i remember i jerked off and i came and i just dropped my head head was outside of the the awning of the tarp and i just looked up and it was a painting of just the most insane stars that I've ever seen and a shooting star goes across and I was just like what the fuck this is the best thing ever I know it was the most romantic ejaculate you ever had I was like oh my god I'm like the world is having an orgasm with me and I was like like, I'm in rehab right now. People consider this to be a prison sentence. And I am living the most blissful existence of all time. Someone's got to clip that. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:19:54 So are you going to ejaculate on your hike to the Appalachian trail or not? I will probably find a place to do it. I remember last time I did this on the Appalachian trail, I ate a bunch of mushrooms and I ran to the top of a mountain as the sun was setting on December 31st, 2019. And I just got naked on top of the mountain and I just looked out at the sunset and completely naked. And I was like, wow.
Starting point is 01:20:20 And that's probably an experience where I jerk off right there. Steven Flores, Hunter, will you ever settle down and have kids oh yeah between four and six kids you ever yeah oh that's cool why is that what why i was one of four dad was one of five mom was one of five i just recognized like my family are my best friends. And, like, they're just the most incredible people. And we come together. Like, we're not this fractured family. Like, when we come together, it's 10 to 20 people at all times.
Starting point is 01:20:57 And when I go visit my family in Europe, there's an incredible family where we sit down at the table at, like, 8 o'clock in the morning, nine o'clock in the morning, and we don't get up until noon or one. Nobody is tired of each other. It's this incredible thing. And you can build this ecosystem of your own ideals and your own morals, and you can build this tribe. And I'm not saying that my lifestyle is the best lifestyle, but I think my fucking, my mindset, my mentality and the lifestyle I live is fantastic. And I'd love to just build a team around that. And I'd love to- I would love to interrupt your hike
Starting point is 01:21:35 on the Appalachian Trail with a live- Drop in? Yeah, send you a link. Heidi Kroon with the same woman or all the children with the same woman or all the children with the same woman you think hunter i'd hope so there's a couple or two women that get along or two women that get along 20 women that get along yeah yeah you ever seen that clip of the guy and they're like do you have any children he goes 21 with 20 different women i'm a real bad man you've seen that i saw your pecs bouncing just
Starting point is 01:22:08 now when you talked uh i didn't hear a word you said i just saw your titties moving hunter uh chrissy the worst thing in life is getting to the top of a mountain and realizing you climb the wrong mountain i think hunter's quest is noble me too you're such a fucking cool dude man well dude i've been you know debbie don't suck his dick too hard no but you could you probably recognize what i'm talking about you've probably been in that place before where you're like going so hard and then all of a sudden you lift your head up and you're like fuck is this the right direction well i don't know if i've done that but i've definitely done the journey into the unknown that you're that you want to do i've done the silence i've done the like hey i'm going to go
Starting point is 01:22:49 off into the abyss and see what what the universe wants me to hear and meet and dude it's like so many people don't do that i i think that if you've never been homeless you fucking absolutely have fucking missed out on life i'm gonna be homeless for a week how long do i need to just truly be homeless just so you want to go with me just two buff dudes just go down to skid row and just make it work for a week yes it'll be after your yes i'm in i'm down yeah i'm ready dude put me in the dirt let me live live. When I was as poor as it gets, I was riding the bus system a lot. And the homeless people basically use that as that's their only vessel. And I got to meet some insane people.
Starting point is 01:23:38 And I also got to pick up some really cool perspectives. There's some incredibly brilliant people in these positions that have chosen this lifestyle for whatever reason it may be. And they're more enlightened than a lot of us because we're the ones, the hamsters on the wheels that have been built for us and they broke out of that fucking cage. What does that enlightenment sound like from those people? I mean, dude, when you have nothing, you can, they can take nothing. And when you live every moment and every day in the moment of just finding your next high, whether it be a drug or the next bridge that you're living underneath or the next,
Starting point is 01:24:10 like just part of the journey. When I was living in Montana, I had a ferret named Esteban and he loved homeless people. And I would take him to the park and he would run around and he would beeline it to homeless people. I'm like, fuck Esteban, come back. And he would just charge these homeless people. And then he'd just jump up on them because they smell like shit. And he loved the smell of shit. And I would end up having to have this conversation because I had to retrieve my ferret back and I would have these conversations with them. And I was like, so how'd you end up here? Like, what's your story? Blah, blah, blah. And these dudes had pretty fucking good lives and they were very coherent and they really made their choices based off of what they wanted rather than anything of like having to do what somebody else told them to get through the
Starting point is 01:24:56 day to pay rent. Hey, uh, killer, I'll give you a kind of a sign. Um, when you start witnessing the, uh, um, relatable sign that I think will resonate with you. When you start recognizing – there's levels to sort of I guess maybe enlightenment, but one of the strong correlates is you start recognizing that you're in synchronicity with the world and that the world is taking care of you and that you can get into – you're basically always in a flow state.
Starting point is 01:25:24 taking care of you and that you can get into you're basically always in a flow state and basically the world everything you need is right in front of you and it's just coming at you instead of you having to force the world to get you what you want um you get what you want and so it's um you i i you you that's kind of like how you make videos you trust everything i i have this trust that it's coming the content's coming coming. You want to say it again? I always tell Alexis, and I stole this quote from Archer, the TV show, like things tend to work out for me. But you have to believe that things are going to work out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yeah, faith. Do what you want to do and do it with good intentions, right? I don't know what the four rules of Buddha are, but, you know, they basically – the Buddha came back from his form of enlightenment and they sat down with all of his yogi friends because he used to be a yogi. And he basically sat down with them. They didn't want to talk to him. And he sat down with them and they were ignoring him for a long time. But then they kept on recognizing as they looked over, he was like, you know, beaming with light and energy that they couldn't really understand why he was so powerful.
Starting point is 01:26:23 So they eventually felt too attracted to him to ignore him anymore. And then he taught them the four rules that he'd figured out. And the first two, one is he said, the world is suffering. And then the next one is basically like the second rule is once you can understand that the world is suffering and you can disassociate and not be attached to the suffering and accept it, that's when you find enlightenment and maybe these homeless people recognize the world is suffering and they don't want to do it in the way that the world is like you know basically brainwashed you that you have to do and then you disassociate and then that version of disassociation is being homeless fuck they made it i don't know i think most i i think
Starting point is 01:27:03 that i think most of those dudes are just drug addicts i don't know man a lot of you guys weren't that high when i was talking to them but some of them definitely fuck they weren't that high uh yeah hey i i've talked about that you do you remember fitness lonnie hunter fitness lonnie no yeah from the early days of crossfit dorian well now he's a monastic monk. He's been a monastic monk for – a Buddhist monk for – he's probably going – he's getting closer to 10 years and 5 years. And basically, he just has to walk around wherever he is and do alms.
Starting point is 01:27:36 And if he doesn't get food by noon, he's not allowed to ask for food or get his own food. And if someone doesn't give him food by noon, he can't eat the rest of the day. That's one of his – and so he sees the synchronicity of the world he's in alabama he puts on his monk robe no one's ever seen a buddhist monk and he walks around and he sees the synchronicity of the world keeping him alive because people will actually just give him food so when he's good when was the last time you had raw of the earth on here uh recently right a few months ago yeah are you friends with him hunter should i have you guys on together i like that guy a lot he came up to my house and he and i had like a two to three hour just like deep dive oh good that's nice that's one of those
Starting point is 01:28:20 guys where what's that what happened to your ferret everyone needs to know where's that i had to when i when rehab was up i had to go and i couldn't bring him back with me so esteban he he moved him with some other people oh you didn't go dude esteban was a genius like i trained him to go up the stairs and down the slide he loved the slide like he was a straight up like he was a homer wait you had a home wait you had a you had a like a you had a uh what are those called dogs with like you can take them anywhere like has they wear the handicap placard oh you're talking about like a support animal oh yeah you had a support ferret a service ferret it felt like a service ferret he got me through some tough times everything
Starting point is 01:29:00 dude i loved esteban he was a brilliant i've grown up with ferrets we we had billy the kid we had general tinkerbone schnugan and then i had esteban listen to these people when you bring up raw's name please no oh my god no i couldn't believe that i was looking at that oh my god raw i've ever seen that about one guest why did i not like i love that guy i wanted to wear it so bad when i was younger I don't know why but my parents wouldn't get me one they're little rats they're going to burrow in the couch
Starting point is 01:29:30 they are nasty hey dude there's this do you guys know about the world economic forum no tell us and Klaus Schwab do you know about all that crazy shit tell us some more do you know about Davos crazy shit? Tell us some more.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Do you know about Davos, the meeting in Davos? No. How do you guys not know about any of that stuff? I probably do. I'm just like – Do you know about the Great Reset? No. Are you guys fucking kidding me? Dude, give me some good reading.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Do you know about the thing about electric cars, that basically the electric cars, one of the premises of electric cars is like, we're all going to have electric cars, and then the government can be like, shut them down, turn your car off. Or about the truckers in Canada, about how they had their fucking bank accounts frozen.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Well, I will admit, Dad, we're in a position now where, like, if they're able to freeze your businesses, they're able to freeze your money, they're able to do anything. It's become so normalized. I don't know why you – Let me show you this guy, Klaus Schwab. Is he related to Charles Schwab?
Starting point is 01:30:41 I'm about to find out. That's a fucking great question. I'm going to open with that question with my next guest actually you don't recognize this dude no but he's one he's probably one of the big players in the game like the illuminati style stuff yeah this this guy this guy says stuff like we have penetrated the cabinets of of world leaders we have pen yeah look at i can see lewis already laughing it's, right, Lewis? Thank you. I appreciate you appreciating that. He says stuff. I'll just bring Lewis on. Here we go. Hey, man. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:31:12 This guy's been here the whole fucking time. He's been cutting you guys and doing psychological analysis on you. Hunter, do you have to go? No, I'm good, dude. We're probably going to get to work in about 30 minutes. I'm here to chill. Are you fine with Lewis? No, no, I'm good, dude. We're probably going to get to work in about 30 minutes, so I'm here to chill. I'm enjoying myself.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Are you fine with Lewis? Are you fine with what? Of course. You got nowhere to fucking go. Dude, are we having a death wait off right now? What's going on? You're on mute. Okay, guys, listen.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Behave for a second so I can make introductions. Yes, sir. Lewis Brackpool is a – God, who would I fucking put him in line with? I guess kind of – do you know who Jorge Ventura is, Lewis? Are you deep state, dude? Are you deep state also? Hunter, behave for a second. Hold on. Let me get this out. Hold on. Everyone behave for a second. Lewis is a journalist, but he's also a – he's more than a journalist. He is – I don't know how to say it because he's doing God's work.
Starting point is 01:32:11 He's basically – he's sharing with the world the things the mainstream media is not going to share with us, and he's bringing it to all of us in a very palatable format. He has a series that is called, it's a docu-series, very difficult to find even though it's on YouTube. It's suppressed like fucking crazy. I want to get the exact name right. What's the exact name, Lewis?
Starting point is 01:32:42 It's called and then that shows you. It's called The Great Reset, basically. I'm usually more organized than this, by the way, but I just want to show this guy before you. You can find it via
Starting point is 01:32:59 Rebel News. It's a company that I worked for. I'm now no longer with, but we've done some great work. Wait, you now no longer with but uh we done some great work wait you're no longer with them no not anymore sir was it a bad breakup or was it uh from uh economics no it was it was fine i was just unhappy um i didn't like the direction so we just uh i just parted ways personally and uh yeah we're still in contact we're all cool okay good that makes me happy are you are you part uh are you in uk i am yes what part uh so i'm from a place down south uh it sounds like something out of lord of the rings it's called arundel um oh yeah that's nice it's
Starting point is 01:33:41 nice man yeah that's it. So hold on real quick. Hunter, you're scrolling through, and you can't – try to find it on YouTube, dude. It's crazy. This is YouTube. Is it none of these? Yeah, it's none of those. YouTube has so suppressed this.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Even after I watched episode one, I could not find episode two. I copied and pasted. I told you this that one time where this was back in maybe like 20, 2016. And I, one of my best friends I grew up with was on the, uh, is, was, uh, a certain high level in YouTube where he runs accounts. And we had the discussion where they were the first person they were going to remove from YouTube was Alex Jones. And I was like, dude, I don't think that's okay. Like, I don't think you can disagree with somebody's opinion and then all of a sudden remove all of his media
Starting point is 01:34:32 because that basically de-emphasizes the potential of this platform. And he's like, no, what he's doing is wrong. And I was like, maybe you guys disagree with the message and I'm not agreeing with it right now. I'm just letting you guys know as soon as you start this, it's just going to be a domino effect into whatever else you guys decide with the message and I'm not agreeing with it right now. I'm just letting you guys know, as soon as you start this, it's just going to be a domino effect into whatever else you guys decide to chop down. And now since then, it's like such a common thing where if they don't agree with your,
Starting point is 01:34:54 your messaging, they take you down. And like, it makes P in my mind, it makes YouTube a platform that I don't, I don't agree with. I don't trust and I wouldn't invest in at a high level. And my opinion is, I think if, if I'm thinking in the right direction, the now acquisition of Twitter with Elon Musk is he's going to turn it into a platform where all of this media is going to become present there. And it's going to allow people like Tucker Carlson to host their shows on there and be able to have a free platform without any kind of i don't know rules or you know basically boundaries and it's going to be the platform that most people are going to go towards you're going
Starting point is 01:35:35 to find media like this more often on but before we go further that's a great question i want to get lewis's take on that because lewis has an opinion about what's going on over at twitter and their new ceo but give me one second lewis that gentleman below is hunter mcintyre he is a friend and an acquaintance he um just won something in the uk called the high rocks world champion he's the fastest man uh in the world to ever have done done that event um and uh he's he's a a very well known outspoken uh gentleman in the fitness space. The guy above me is Andrew Hiller, a YouTube extraordinaire, dear friend of mine just came and stayed with me a week at my house and we did
Starting point is 01:36:13 several live shows and they frequent the show every couple of months. Lewis, I do, even though I'm deeply entrenched in the CrossFit community and talk about fitness, you guys all know that I have these live call-in shows where we talk about things just head-on about abortion, gender versus the definition of sex. We talk about just all the different things, politics, Democrats, electric cars, just basically the 49ers. That's what we call the injection. We call it the 49ers. And basically trying to just have honest conversations about
Starting point is 01:36:46 trying to figure out what is the actual truth what is the actual uh agenda of such things and so lewis popped on my radar for the first time because he went to davos which uh which i can't even explain davos we're gonna get We're going to get to that. Give me one second. One second. And what's crazy is him and six other guys from Rebel Media went there. Is that true, Lewis? It's true, yeah. It's a physical location? Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Yeah. Hunter, I'll just tell you this. It was a place where they openly said where the elites were meeting. That's what they call themselves, dude. Where is Davos? It's in Switzerland. Yeah yeah i wouldn't doubt that yes leonardo dicaprio's and prime ministers of india and shit like that these cats were walking up to him with microphones on the street but let me just do let me do two things really quick before we get uh and then and then i just got to get a little bit of control
Starting point is 01:37:41 here i just want to play this this is the beginning of the docu-series that's titled Introducing the Reset, the Great Reset Docu-Series, Episode 1. And it's very difficult to find on YouTube. You just saw how I couldn't find it even typing in the name. Okay, so here I'm going to play a little bit. This is Klaus Schwab. This is the – I want to say the founder and CEO, but he's the owner of the world economic forum. This guy wants to take over the world and control everything you have.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I hate to put such a slant on it right now, but here we go. I'm going to play seven seconds of this, and then we're going to go back to Twitter, and then we'll come back to Klaus. This is a real guy, people. This isn't a joke. and structural changes which will happen. However... This is a real guy, people. This isn't a joke. This isn't a Mike Myers movie. We do know that global energy systems, food systems, and supply chains
Starting point is 01:38:37 will be deeply affected. How the fuck do you know that? Okay, we'll get back to Klaus in a second. Louis, hi. Welcome to the show. I appreciate you doing this. Louis, what do you think about what's going on on Twitter? Hunter basically said what I thought too until he appointed the CEO, and I saw you made a post about it. Do you have any thoughts on – can you give us some thoughts on Twitter? The floor is yours.
Starting point is 01:38:59 So the new CEO of Twitter is, of course, a World Economic Forum stooge and is part of this same conglomerate of elites that want to, quote unquote, build up, build back better. And basically, yeah, like you said earlier, basically take over and create this form of technocracy. Yeah, this is worrying because this same CEO really was pushing for the mandates, was really pushing for mask wearing during the height of absolutely everything. And she was going on record saying, look, we're doing great so far. We need to we need to continue wearing the mask. We need to continue social distancing. social distancing um and the the problem is with all of this is you can say that you're wrong right when when something happens or or you can say all right i was in the wrong when when x y and z happens for example the the mandates um but she's never ever addressed these types of problems and with with that being said this woman is extremely untrustworthy i I'm not sure why Elon Musk decided to appoint someone.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Do you have any guesses why? I don't know why either. Do you have any guesses why he appointed her? Well, think about it. They tried to hire Hiller to be the CEO of What's-His-Face's business. Oh, stop. Oh, stop. I'm just telling you, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:20 You put somebody there as a pawn, then all of a sudden you can make him the fall man. Oh. I've never really trusted Musk personally personally and i still don't now um only because the whole neural link thing is a bit mad um you know the idea of putting chips in people's brains uh is just very odd to me anyway and i'm quite skeptical of ai and stuff like that anyway but he in the past has actually parroted a lot of what these guys over at the world economic forum have said such as carbon trackers such as a universal basic income lots and lots of different things that this same organization parrots so it's very very odd that all of a sudden this she because she was a chairman within the world
Starting point is 01:41:06 economic forum as well she's not just some low ranking porn she's like a like a knight or a castle on the chessboard right so has a lot of moves so when i see that i i i be honest i'm not 100 sure maybe it's some sort of controlled type opposition thing. I don't like using that term a lot, but there are cases of this happening. It's really, really difficult to say. Can't he just be dynamic? Can't he just be like, isn't it like maybe you and I are too far on one side and maybe he's a little more um
Starting point is 01:41:47 it wasn't even the person that took over disney for a little while while bye-bye took a supposed uh look a leave of absence and then came back in they canned him and then they're changing the company again it could just be a change of positioning where you put somebody in there strategic a strategic opportunity for things to happen in the company, make big moves. And then all of a sudden make this person the scapegoat for the big moves and then keep those moves in there, replaced back in the original CEO,
Starting point is 01:42:16 who's not going to take the heat for the things that changed that really pissed everybody off. And then you continue to move forward. Just a thought. Yeah. Well, here's the thing. There's, there's been clips surfaced of this CEO talking to Elon Musk, um, at the world economic forum and at other spaces as well. And she actually explicitly says
Starting point is 01:42:35 to Musk about him limiting his, his tweets, um, and really strange things like that saying you shouldn't tweet after a certain time and that you should actually take a step back. So already, before she even has the role, she's already trying to enforce some sort of social control within Musk, who is now, of course, the big boss. So I don't know. I think it's odd.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I think it's really, really odd. It is odd. We must remember that. It is odd. We thought he wasn't woke and now he put someone woke in charge, right? Yeah. I mean, you have to remember he still attends these world leader summits. He went to the world leader summit not so long ago and then I think said in a room full of all these powerful people, turned around and said, look, listen, guys, we should really scale back on the whole world domination thing. And he basically said something along the lines of that. And,
Starting point is 01:43:32 uh, it's just, he's still, he's still a player within this game of chess, uh, because that's what it is. It's 4d chess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:41 A hundred percent. So of course, there's a powerful man in the world right now exactly and you know why should that give anyone a reason to trust someone as powerful as that you know if you think about it if you think about it if you're going to look at platforms of governments and the way that they're moving things are it's all a checks and balance system except for like in countries like russia and, where there's no checks and balance system and things are going to progress too slowly.
Starting point is 01:44:08 So you have to take an independent company such as Musk's companies where they have the money and the resources to make moves at a much faster rate than that of a government system and basically make the government system hold no value anymore. We used to have NASA. NASA used to be the version of way that we used to do anything that was out of this planet's stratosphere. We tried to go to the moon. We tried to launch satellites. We tried to land satellites and whatever the fuck it was. Then you take a privatized company where they have no rules and they only have money behind their
Starting point is 01:44:37 decisions. That's why he's the most powerful person on earth. And whether or not you trust him is not really a thing that matters that much it's a form of human progression and you know you can get upset about things but if you don't like the way the media is working buy the media he did it if you don't like the way that space um space like travel and whatever progression is going build a better space system if you don't like the way that the car and transportation system's working build better cars like he's done everything to the umpteenth degree so i'm not saying he's a perfect man but he's a man who's making more progress than any any like any country at a level of like multiple x's i
Starting point is 01:45:18 think let me just throw this in there lewis too too and then it's yours uh ck kevin i'm holding a gun but elon put up what is a woman so he's good in my book and that's where i'm getting at so he made this tweet basically pointing to matt walsh's movie and we all like that right because we want not that we're anti-trans or anti-homosexual we just want definitions and we want um we want definitions of words. We want to acknowledge chromosomes and things like that. Elon's grounding us in reality a little bit, isn't he, Lewis? I agree. I agree. I think it's good because I put up a post not so long ago
Starting point is 01:45:57 and it was about the BBC. And I think someone done a big campaign where they posted loads of stickers across BBC in Birmingham in a city in the UK. And they plastered it with all things like they lied about Iraq. They lied about the vaccines. They lied about all of this sort of stuff. And it was just plastered all across the windows of the BBC. And I tweeted it and got a retweet from someone who Musk follows and he saw it and actually commented saying interesting and there was a particular scandal called the
Starting point is 01:46:32 Madazalam scandal in the UK and it's all to do with the care homes and things like that I'm not sure how spicy we can get into topics like that you can you can go ahead you can okay cool um so the Madazalam thing is all to do with the care homes. And there's a health secretary at the time during the pandemic called Matt Hancock, who introduced or bought more than normal this particular drug, this sedation drug for old people in care homes. And there's evidence to suggest that um this drug it of course really harmed a lot of people that's the guy and people were posting about the midazolam scandal and for elon to say interesting beamed a ray of light into onto this story and that was really good
Starting point is 01:47:22 you got to look at the economic state of this also. You guys are just trying to put a skew on this thing. Everybody is going towards the grave. So if there's a medicine that could potentially help the people going towards the grave, you can make a lot of money off that. Lewis, nice to meet you. How are you going? Just look at it from the standpoint of cash. Think about the AIDS medication. Don't you remember that was bought by a private person, and as soon as they brought it, they increased the price of it massively?
Starting point is 01:47:55 So if you can all of a sudden get a massive population of people dependent on something, then all of a sudden you control the price of it, and then all of a sudden you control the opportunity. He's a government official, though, is the point. He's a government official. It doesn't matter, dude. We all know that government officials are making have a lot of private businesses on the side that they make a ton of money off of well no this this is all to do with skewering the numbers um when it comes to to covid because a lot of these people were
Starting point is 01:48:17 registered as a covid death when really the evidence actually points towards that this drug was overused and actually killed a lot of people. So this isn't about economy. This isn't about money. This is actually about human life. It's not about the amount of money that was spent ordering drugs. It was about the patients who weren't given the proper care. And of course, has been lied to because of the death certificates as well. And of course, has been lied to because of the death certificates as well. So there's been a big sort of misjudgment.
Starting point is 01:48:51 And we want to say cover up, basically. That's why we call it a scandal, the Madazalam scandal. I recommend looking into it because it's a story that doesn't get a lot of coverage over here. People are saying it's some sort of conspiracy theory uh like everything these days um those kind of scandals have an economic relationship is what my point was lewis is it any different than the remdesivir um issue that we had in this this country is that the care homes in new york am i correct no there was a drug remdesivir that was basically i think it was shutting down people's livers and they were giving it to us a cure for uh the the the common cold and basically people were dying and people were being people were saying we've even had a guest on the show alex stein who said they gave
Starting point is 01:49:35 it to his mom and killed his mom without even telling him and then he actually requested that they don't give it to her and they gave it to her and she died. Yeah, it's something very similar. Very, very similar. There's a there's a guy who I know called Tony. He's trying to bring in something called Antonia's Law, which in care homes in the UK, I believe I need to be fact checked on this. But care homes in the UK, they don't have um security in terms of security cameras to watch over your your patients if um if they're on like either end of life or if they're um if they're just being looked after and there's a lot of um scandals involved with the with abuse and things
Starting point is 01:50:18 like that so so he he he says that midazolam killed his mother um because it was given to her and um at an end of life uh care and then was registered with with abnormalities like a covid death and things like that so he's been fighting in the courts to get some justice basically for his mum um and it's all to do with this drug midazolam so it's very similar very very similar and i think that that's a very strange coincidence if i say so myself that that guy bought so much of stock did he buy stock in the company is that what you're saying yeah um he bought where he bought um he bought more of the drug to be pushed into the care homes if that makes sense yeah it's usually used for end of life um and yeah it's just nuts dude it's it's it's so bad
Starting point is 01:51:08 but um yeah uh eaton beaver and i thought hiller was just a uh pretty face no or not hiller sorry hunter yes hunter uh he has a brain too hey um how um lewis went out and I want to go back to the World Economic Forum. How old are you? I'm 29 years young. Do you ever feel that you know too much? Do you ever feel like – like it used to be back in the 60s. People did too much acid, and they opened too too many doors and they couldn't close the doors. But for you, it's not it's for you. It's not even acid. It's it's not just a huge dose of reality.
Starting point is 01:51:53 You ever feel like that you've seen too much that you pulled back too much? Yeah. Do you know what? It was actually 2020 when things just sort of clicked. You know, we saw things like the lockdowns and mandates and the unfair treatment of many people in that respect and civil liberties and then you start to delve a little bit deeper and then sort of the journalistic uh career sort of started and then i started looking into things and we all go into rabbit holes i try and pull myself out of them and try and think rationally for for a lot of different uh types of subjects but man like yeah i definitely do
Starting point is 01:52:31 do think that especially when it comes to the world economic forum all you do is just repeat what they say and that even scares you so let alone what's being said behind closed doors if you just go on their website and just repeat what they're saying you know like the the sustainability agenda 2030 all of these sort of things it's like a roadmap of of what they want to do and when you start to really delve into it and just repeat what they say you do think is this right am i getting this correct and it forms a sort of doubt sometimes because you think no this is this is mental like surely not they're doing this out in the open but in answer to what you said yeah 100 man like i do feel like you just know too much
Starting point is 01:53:18 especially you should come to the woods with me 100 man%, man. I'm disappearing in the woods. Boys, I got to go and get to work. But it was a real pleasure meeting you, Lewis. And Savant is reconnecting with me again. Dude, this was an interesting conversation that I'd like to dive deeper on. I love this kind of shit, but I got to go. This won't be Lewis's last appearance, I hope, on the show. Take care, Lewis.
Starting point is 01:53:41 Yeah, you too, man. Love you, buddy. Thanks for the morning. Thanks for getting me up at 5 a.m. Ad care, Lewis. Yeah, you too, man. Love you, buddy. Thanks for the morning. Thanks for getting me up at 5am. Adios, chief. Bye. Lewis,
Starting point is 01:53:49 what's the famous line that he said? You'll own nothing and you'll love it. You'll own nothing and be happy. You'll own nothing and be happy. So that's, that's a play on words where private property, it's the idea of you won't own private property, but you'll be glad that you won't own it because it will be not under your control. Someone else will do that for you.
Starting point is 01:54:12 You don't have to take care of that. And you'll be happy because you'll have everything done for you. some sort of neo-communistic type view of private property ownership, whether that be cars, whether that be houses. Yeah, it's nuts, to say the least. Lewis, I'm assuming you don't have kids? No, I'd love to be a dad, though. I'd love to be a dad. I'd love to get married.
Starting point is 01:54:42 But unfortunately, as a journalist you don't you don't get out much well you're still young you you've done you have so much time i didn't have kids till i was 43 awesome here's my how are you so at 29 i would have been like this is cool armageddon but but for some reason you have some sort of morals or values i'm guessing that have inspired you to stand up against what you're seeing why is that why do you think that is you don't i mean i have kids that's that's the only reason why i give a fuck yeah i guess um i guess my passion for actually wanting to be a dad and wanting to get married and build an empire of myself i think i just want to strive towards a better environment and i know that i can't change
Starting point is 01:55:31 the world you know you can only make small changes with with your voice no matter how big or small your platform is but um i think it's the value of of wanting to bring um something into this world that um will make a better environment and to actually push back on some nonsense i mean we talk about wokery or social revolutionaries what i like to call it um and just trying to to find truth because i i believe the truth is uh non-partisan um you know it doesn't matter whether you're left or right you know you come to a consensus of the truth it's just how to how to find a solution is where of course it draws the value between left and right I'm obviously on the right I'm more conservative values in that sense but yeah there was times where you know you sit at your computer and you'd see either a conspiracy theory, quote unquote, or you would see something that's quite Armageddon and you go, huh, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:56:34 That's mad. But I think with 2020 happening, for me, everything's moving too quickly and something needs to be done. And I think I just sat there and i thought you know i've had a pretty comfortable life it's time to get uncomfortable and i believe you should become uncomfortable to be comfortable if that makes sense so that's that's how i kind of view view it and you know when i have kids i just want to be able to pass that down do you train and that's a little off subject do you train do you train uh like gym yeah gym like lift weights or run or anything like that yeah i mean when i was up in derby not so long ago i was training like uh twice a week um but now i'm
Starting point is 01:57:17 middle of nowhere so there's no gym around so i try and go for walks where are you a place called Arundel it sounds like that's right Rivendell and that's in the UK yeah how did you end up how did you end up there so I I grew up in a in a shithole called Crawley uh who a lot of my friends still live there so I'm not going to bash it too much but um I lived there for for a long time and uh my parents moved here uh in sort of like out sort of out of towns and it's more sort of villages um so they moved there and uh i just i've moved here just briefly um because i was up in derby up north uh with a previous company unfortunately was let go but that's all good um but yeah just ended up here very recently so yeah and you have good internet there i think so i hope so yeah you have fucking
Starting point is 01:58:13 great internet there and and okay um uh and i want to pick up i have some more questions about your personal life but when i think of when i this is very simplistic way of thinking about it but when i think of the left and the right is i i used to be pretty far left if you see someone fall down you walk over and you pick them up right sure and then i had kids and i realized that my kid fell down 500 times a day that was the i would walk my child and he would literally that's not an exaggeration he would fall 500 times so he would literally, that's not an exaggeration. He would fall 500 times. So he would fall two or three times a minute when we would walk. Right. And so for two hours and then he comes home and naps and we were out for another two hours, easily get up to 500. And every time I picked, if I picked the child up, I got stronger.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Yeah. And if I just, and if I just, you you know a little bit of a gross exaggeration here but if i just turn around and make sure an alligator or a bear didn't get him or a child molester didn't get him or a car didn't hit him i was doing my job i didn't need to pick him up my job was to security yeah now what i've done is i've given him the opportunity to stand up 500 times a day and my kid is strong yeah i love that that's cool emotionally intellectually and physically and doing 500 burpees a day is is a uh herculean task a burpee is when you lay your body prone on the ground and you jump up to do 500 of those
Starting point is 01:59:38 over a 24-hour period is it would kill most people but my child did that every single day for the first um forever that's awesome and that and and that's what i think the right is i think the right is um is that a safe society where people where people can prosper and and there is a little bit of pushback maybe on natural law because we don't uh we're not going to allow it's not complete survival of the fittest right sure sure but um but but there is a uh a week when i was a kid you weren't supposed to be a codependent and the entire left is now codependent basically like they have clean need like people are there's clean needle programs yeah i've I've heard about this. Is this Portland?
Starting point is 02:00:26 All over our country, California, the whole West Coast. We have – people say it's bad to arrest drug users. If you and I were addicted to heroin, wouldn't you want to be arrested? No one wants to be addicted to heroin. Wouldn't you want to be like – Of course. So I see what you say by it's nonpartisan. And I want to say that. But ideologically, I think the left is something's wrong.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Of course. Yeah. Something's been wrong for a long time. I used to be growing up. Under the guise of niceness. Under the guise of benevolence. Yes. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:01:02 It's compassion, quote unquote. yes yeah absolutely it's it's compassion um quote unquote um but really it's i want my opinion um to reign all is is is how i view it it's it's oh don't worry you should take my view because i'm the compassionate one we're on the compassionate side you know we care about people when really it's we care about power. And that's different. What was I going to say? It reminds me of when I was growing up, I studied politics for a bit. And I was actually a communist once upon a time.
Starting point is 02:01:40 I believed in the whole Marxist. You're making me so happy. So you've journeyed. Yeah, I journeyed, man. Yeah, I was a communist. I believed in in whole marxist theory redistribution of wealth all of that absolute nonsense you know um and then as i grew older uh and brexit happened um of course it's a bit of a disaster now because you've got people who love your like the eu trying to make a deal and it just didn't work um but when brexit happened it kind of was like well hang on a minute why should unelected bureaucrats from other countries
Starting point is 02:02:11 dictate what we have to say in terms of law and in terms of lots of other things and that kind of it was a switch that sort of went hang on a minute the the nation the nation state um is is now in bed with others and i sort of went well hang on a minute that's that's wrong and i question things like well how come we've had a conservative um majority or party uh in in government for 12 13 years now straight they've been they've been awful they're not conservatives it by my book they're not conservative currently in the uk there it's wow yeah in in england you guys are acting like fucking complete idiots over there like we are i had no idea that you had that many conservatives were supposed to be in charge yeah it's nuts and um they're lying to you they're not
Starting point is 02:03:00 conservative yeah they're not at all not not at all um because they all they all parrot to the same um world economic forum un um playbook but uh yeah i i questioned because i said well how come why are these people these conservatives i'm being told so evil and so horrible and that they hate and they don't have compassion and they don't care for for anyone or society they hate the poor they hate everyone how come they keep getting elected every year and they've had a sustainable um they won't now but a sustainable uh like um election election, what am I trying to say, election record for so long. I don't get how. So why are they so evil yet the public still vote them in? I'd never really understood it. And then that was another light bulb moment. It was like, well, maybe let me just look into their ideas. And then you look
Starting point is 02:03:59 into family values, you look at, you know, border control, you look at immigration, you look at all these types of things, the nanny state and how that needs to be sort of repelled more and that you should focus more on on community in terms of values and things like that. And then later on in life, religion is sort of coming into my life, which is really strange. I never thought that would happen. But that's another story. But yeah, I kind of just, it was my sort of red pill moment. And it was kind of like, okay, well, maybe I was wrong. And that's the sort of thing that happens because people have a lot of egos these days, especially millennials, right?
Starting point is 02:04:44 Millennials are very egotistical. They're very like, well, I know because I was born into technology. I know how it all works. So I want to go out and change the world and create or destroy things when really it's all about putting ego down and saying, maybe I was wrong.
Starting point is 02:05:01 And, uh, you were Mark, you were Marxist because of benevolence. You thought it was a way that everyone could have what they needed in order to live a happy life pick up your cabbage at the market everyone lives in a nice little home and yeah and you get sold this weird lie that uh the soviet era and things like that was all happy daisies and you didn't know about the gulags and you know you thought that everyone was happy and you know they had
Starting point is 02:05:24 everything and the state just done everything for you thought that everyone was happy and you know they had everything and the state just done everything for you and that the individual can just focus on themselves they didn't have to worry um when we know it's way more than that and it's just it's i actually look back and i think you know i'd bully you now from from me now looking back i'd be like fuck i i'm gonna take the piss out of you man like you do not know what the fuck you're talking about like you're you're a misguided 17 18 year old who thinks that they can go out and just change the world um with just by your crazy theory that supposedly um hasn't been tried yet properly what why so why are they getting re-elected why why is the governor of california get re-elected when he um shut down more small
Starting point is 02:06:14 businesses when he's done more economic harm and shut down more small businesses than ever imaginable i think it's it's like the worst disaster since the earthquake in 1908 and the largest um uh immigration of people fleeing from the state uh since um the the earthquake in 1908 and the largest um uh immigration of people fleeing from the state uh since um the the earthquake of like 1906 or whatever that was in san francisco um drug addicts are completely taken over and ruined cities like san francisco los angeles crimes at an all-time high taxes are the highest that they are anywhere in the united states i think or second in income and sales. How is Gavin Newsom getting reelected?
Starting point is 02:06:47 Or how are your guys getting reelected if they're so bad? What is going on? Do you know what's really strange is things that you listed there are very similar to what's happening here, which I find very, very interesting. Our criminals are also being held up as heroes, by the way. are also being held up as heroes by the way so now when when groups of thugs are going into a store and stealing all the stuff the news is reporting it that they it's it's they're blaming like other things instead of making the like well they didn't have food or they didn't have this or they were repressed because of the color of their skin or there's always some excuse now that the news is presenting that justifies what they're doing.
Starting point is 02:07:27 It's bizarre. I don't know what's going on. I saw as well, is it, that criminals in a certain state, I'm not sure where, that they can rob a place. These criminals can rob anywhere, and then they won't be penalized for it. The police just won't. Yes, yes, yes. And there's something written in. Yes. I think in California, it's like up to $950 that basically they can't hold you.
Starting point is 02:07:54 And by the way, that will put a small business out, right? If you go in and just stole $950 from a mom and pop toy store or bakery, they're done. Yeah. And. All of us know those. All of us are seeing that happen just recently at a lululemon in the united states guys came in and robbed the place and the employees walked up to him with a cell phone camera and said you need to get out of here and lululemon fired those two employees because they have a policy that's not to stand up to criminals
Starting point is 02:08:23 yeah and the ceo, yeah, I agree. We did the right thing by firing those guys. Do you know what? I look at videos. I look at things that happen. It must suck to be a cop over in the US as well, like with all of that sort of stuff. I know we talk about the police,
Starting point is 02:08:43 and the police over here are a different ball game in terms of um corruption and two-tier systems and things like that but gosh that must suck being being a cop over there and seeing it all just turn to chaos in they're hated they're hated they're hated here so think the police in our country do 365 million stops in a year, right? Imagine that. And we have a social contract with them that's supposed to have them protect us. And they're just people, but they're held to this standard that's like nowhere near – instead of looking at where society – you never hear anyone say where is society falling short that we're not supporting our police officers. It's always blame the cops, blame the cops, blame the cops. It's crazy. So basically what ended up happening – I don't know if you know this, but what ended up happening is we had a defund the police movement come.
Starting point is 02:09:37 We had a huge Black Lives Matter movement, and then at the end of the day, of course, we all know who suffered suffered um a black on black murder increase in the united states by 34 percent and anyone who knows any police officers knows exactly why because police officers stopped engaging uh black people they just stopped and the stories are you know they see a black person wielding a gun or wielding a knife in public and they get called to it and they just turn around and go the other way right and it's like remember though those are white liberals supporting those laws sure supporting that behavior sure um i i remember it's absolutely crazy and but i don't want you to forget why why are those people getting re-elected you were going to tell me why are those people getting re-elected do you know what i think
Starting point is 02:10:20 do you know what there's there's different ways you could approach it. The logical way would be they have an extremely good PR and marketing department, like a really fucking good one. Because remember, politicians are so good at A, lying, and B, being able to twist something to make it so that you can depend on them you can depend on their vote or you can depend that they will fix your problems when really say nine times 9.5 times out of 10 really it's it's either yourself or a community or yourselves um within a community that can fix um problems, right?
Starting point is 02:11:06 But it's the dependence, right? It's the dependence on the person. So logically, I would say that it would be a very strong, they all have 10 out of 10 marketing and PR campaigns to really get the public to keep voting for them. really um get the public to to keep voting for them however the thing is now is in especially in the uk we have the labour party and uh the conservative party they both pledge allegiance to this agenda 2030 commitment of um you know banning um diesel and petrol cars new sales by 2030 things like that um to really bring in this net zero agenda and it's all ties in with the un the world economic
Starting point is 02:11:55 forum this and that so there's actually not too much of a difference between the two so now it's gotten to the point where actually there's only tiny, tiny, tiny social differences between these two parties. And it feels like you're in a two party state. So why these people keep getting elected is really boils down to because there's probably going to be someone behind them ready to step in and just carry on these silly policies right doesn't matter what side and um yeah that's it united nations sustainable uh development agenda this i don't know if you've seen much of this but this is i'm kind of scared to look at this this is real this is real this is real, a sustainable development goal. If you type in World Economic Forum Agenda 2030.
Starting point is 02:12:51 It says, in focus, sustainable development goal five, achieving gender equality. But there's no such thing as gender. There's no such thing. It's just part of people's imagination. Does it mean achieving sex equality? Yeah, there you go. And how are we supposed to empower women and girls oh this is crazy am i on the wrong one am i am i there's there's a couple of these but this is
Starting point is 02:13:14 un women so yeah you're on the right track it's it's uh it's united nations so it's all intertwined if you typed in 2030 agenda and then uh world Forum, it will give you, oh yeah, transforming our world, the 2030 agenda for sustainability. Yeah. This is the one. Yeah. Planet prosperity seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all of its forms and dimensions including extreme poverty is the greatest global challenge but they've gone through the un plans in order to introduce
Starting point is 02:13:55 certain things such as net zero which is in my view a total scam absolute scam and it's actually going to bring more hardship uh on what is the lower clock net zero is a is an initiative um to reach a type of carbon goal where they want to cut carbon emissions by a certain percentage um by this date 2030 um so one of the most radical things that this government here has introduced when Boris was in power was he wants to ban petrol and diesel cars by the year 2030, any new models. And it's the most radical plan I've ever seen. So basically, yeah. And then basically, what do you do? So then every car would run on electricity.
Starting point is 02:14:49 So if there was a natural disaster and your car wasn't charged, you couldn't get away. Or if they wanted to turn off your cars, they could turn your cars off. Pretty much. Yeah. All in the name of climate change, basically, is the gist of it. I want to show you guys one more thing for those of you just checking in the name of the movie is introducing the reset the great reset docuseries episode one episode two is also out along the line in this in this first 30 minute piece you will see
Starting point is 02:15:20 and hear leonardo dicaprio by the way this is lewis brackle uh brackpool's movie uh series you will see leonardo dicaprio say that he wants to ban anyone running for office who disagrees with global warming or climate change science he wants to ban those people from running for office this is fucking nuts this is like yeah this is straight hitler shit yeah and you know what i'm do you know who else said that or said something similar and i was very surprised when i saw the clip um and I recommend you watching the clip and deciphering it for yourselves. But this is what I took from it.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Robert F. Kennedy said not so long ago, I think a few years ago, that any politician who denies global warming, there should be a punishment for them. Now, I don't know what his views are now. I'm really keen. I'd love to interview him. I'd love to have a chat with him and ask him, what are your views now on that? Because that is very radical. I mean, the science is apparently settled
Starting point is 02:16:37 when it comes to this subject, right? Apparently. But it's not. Well, it's settled, just not in the way that they think it is um uh did you ever see the movie that michael moore made and it got banned on youtube it was only up for like a week he was the executive producer on it and it exposed it's crazy because it's like goes against everything that you think he stands for it basically showed that the united states is clean energy plan that we're currently on was just importing so basically the entire amazon forest and bringing it up here and burning it that's
Starting point is 02:17:13 what we call reusable energy and robert f kennedy was in huge support of that did you ever see that documentary youtube pulled it down wow i know i've never seen that crazy dude yeah robert f kennedy is a um he's confused when it comes to environmentalism for sure yeah yeah that's that's from what i've seen but then great on other points so it's like i don't understand maybe he's just he's that much of an individual he's very passionate on one and not the other and hasn't thought it through but i don't know but i saw the clip of rfk saying that and I was like, wow, that's nuts. Here's a post from Lewis's Instagram. Climate change conspiracy theorist Greta – I love the way you say that.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Climate change conspiracy theorist Greta Thunberg has deleted a 2018 tweet where she said that humanity would be wiped out if the planet continues to use fossil fuels for the next five years because now it's 2023 and we're not wiped out so she had to pull that down is that it's so funny yeah uh here's here's the top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years well maybe what she's saying in her defense is that if we don't stop in the next five years we're going to be wiped out like in 500 years like like like we crossed over some sort of what's the word i'm looking for precipi or something some sort of maybe i mean the thing
Starting point is 02:18:41 is people like um greta who have sold their soul to the climate god. Or her parents sold her soul. Her Antifa parents, right? Is that true? Their Antifa parents? I've heard so. I've heard so. These, yeah, activist parents, far left activist parents.
Starting point is 02:19:03 But the problem is fear sells and fear is the best form of control. If you can get someone to fear a particular product or something or an idea, you have far more capabilities to either control them or to change their way of thinking. And this is why I don't know if you've seen like these huge climate conspiracy theorists in the UK, Just Stop Oil, where they sit in the roads and they glue themselves to the roads. I like it when the cops yank them up in their hands. I love that shit. Yeah. So they their whole campaign is all built on fear. And I feel and actually I have a bit of sympathy for them because they've been so misled.
Starting point is 02:19:48 And a lot of them are students, right? And it reminds me of me when I was like 17, 18, and I believed all this shit. And it's fear. It's all done on fear. And fear is extremely profitable. That's why the climate narrative is so prominent now because they've realized the fear can sell. And it has been doing it since the 70s. Right.
Starting point is 02:20:12 I mean, all sorts of crazy shit has been has been thrown out since the 70s that we're all going to die in the next five years because it's either going to we're either going to melt from a big ball of fire or we're going to freeze or the ocean's going to come up and rise and we're all going to drown. So it's one of them, but they haven't decided which one it is yet. But that's what's interesting is it's the fear factor of it. Can you give me an example? Would you suggest that that's what the whole flu was, that it was just a money-making from the beginning? I had a friend, an executive who worked over at one of the big tech firms, probably top five biggest in the world, over the hill. And they said, hey, I believed this in the beginning, and now I see this is a perfect product launch. This is the most perfect product launch ever done.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Yeah. I was like, wow. I mean, have you seen – So you think that was all a conscious, sentient being or beings organized that as a money-making scheme? I think they've seen something in data, right? They've seen something in data and they've taken it out of context and they've gone, hang on a minute,
Starting point is 02:21:34 we can actually capitalize on this to the point of we can make a shit ton of money, right? And we can increase corporate profits to a point where people will completely believe um the lies being thrown right and i think when you when you look at the data for example they knew it was going to be so successful yes 100 okay let me ask you this too the the world trade center some people will say that that was some sort of plan, right? That the whole narrative wasn't what we – like what I – my narrative is that there was a guy named Osama bin Laden. He was mad at the United States, and he organized a bunch of Saudis, and they got in planes to say fuck you to the United States and attack us.
Starting point is 02:22:21 And then there's other people who say no, no, it's the CIA and FBI. Is the reason why I can't comprehend that is because I would never do that? Like, how come I can't? Yes. Spot on. Exactly. Okay. That's how they get you.
Starting point is 02:22:36 And so, and so then I, if you tell me that I'm like, fuck you, Lewis, you're a whack a conspiracy theory. Yeah. I can't comprehend. Yeah. You can't comprehend it. Like, I don't believe in evil either, but so many of my friends do a conspiracy theory. Yeah. I can't comprehend. Yeah. You can't comprehend it. Like, I don't believe in evil either,
Starting point is 02:22:47 but so many of my friends do believe in evil. They say that there is evil in the world and it's because I can't comprehend it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Do you, do you know why, do you know why the term conspiracy theory was created? I had heard,
Starting point is 02:23:02 but tell me, tell me, I had heard, tell me. So during the JFK assassination, um, people started to clock on basically. And we now know now that it was MK ultra and, um, uh, it was, it was done by the CIA, uh, to get rid of JFK. We know that now that was like the OG conspiracy theory, but the CIA invented the term conspiracy theory, um theory to make people look mad, to make people turn around and say, oh, he's a conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 02:23:30 He's mad. And that's the reason why it's been so effective over the years. And that's why it's supposed to keep me in my box so that I won't be like mission. It's flat. Oh, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist. Pretty much right. Personally, I don't i don't believe flatter personally me neither yeah but uh it's it's a very very effective tactic in order to shut down conversation and to stop asking questions and and that's the that's the key point people don't like questions being asked especially people like the fbi the cia the governments all around the world, the UN, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, all of these people, Club of Rome. You could go on. They don't like questions being asked. And that's that's the point of it. Right. And that's that's the point of it. Right. So.
Starting point is 02:24:34 During you saw this during the during 2020, during the pandemic is where when people started to realize, hang on a minute, lockdowns, it's not going to work. This is actually killing more than it actually is saving. So we need to speak about this. No, no, no. That's you're all conspiracy theorists. that's you're all um conspiracy theorists you believe that um 5g is in the vaccine and you know x y and z and you know you're you're just a conspiracy theorist and that's why you saw this huge media campaign using that term conspiracy theorist to shut down any debate any questions raised. And that's why people in broadcasting and television hardly have, probably nine times, 9.9 times out of 10, never have someone that really can challenge the narrative on those sorts of subjects. Because for example, it's like an antidote to their fear campaign almost, because it makes people go well hang on a minute you lied to me what more have you lied to me trump is another great example
Starting point is 02:25:32 with the charlottesville thing um and saying that he's this racist horrible rapist dude and uh and then over the years it just gets proved wrong and. And he gets vindicated for all this sort of crazy stuff. And then you go, well, hang on a minute. Well, what else have I been lied to? And and that's when you realize that's like when the wall is uncovered from your eyes. And it goes back to what we were talking earlier about knowing too much. It's funny you say that, because that was one of my moments too i was at um so one of my friends said hey um trump's racist and i go what do you say and he goes he said he would
Starting point is 02:26:12 rather have a jewish accountant than a black accountant and i'm like i don't think that that's racist right um uh is it racist to say i'd rather have a black guy on the basketball team than a jewish guy on my basketball team If we're playing for the world championships, I don't know if that's racist. Would you rather have a, your orthopedic surgeon be an Asian guy or, um, uh, um, I don't pick an Arab. I'm going with the Asian dude. Just kind of, um, discrimination based on, on fat. Would you, would you pet a snake with a big jaw or the one with the narrow jaw? The narrow jaw.
Starting point is 02:26:45 I just know the one with the big jaw has the fangs in there. And it has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with just playing the odds, obviously. You could make just as many fucking great orthopedic decisions who are black. Patterns. Yeah, cultural. Cultural. Yeah, pattern. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 02:27:02 I've not heard that. I've not heard of that one. the Trump – that allegation of Trump. I've never heard that one. He was – it was – I haven't – I didn't actually see that, but he was – anyway, I don't care. I don't care if someone wants to pick a Jewish guy, a accountant over a black guy. It doesn't matter. Like I think you could ask a thousand black people, would you rather pick a Jewish guy as your accountant or a black – hey, the Black Panthers, all their attorneys were Jews and Armenians. I mean it's – everyone used Jews and Armenians for all their accounting and lawyering shit anyway.
Starting point is 02:27:33 It's fucking ridiculous. Anyway, so there were some people at my house, and they were talking about what a racist piece of shit Trump is. And I went and looked online to see what they were talking about, and it was when people were coming over the border. Trump is. And I went and looked online to see what they were talking about. And it was when people, when people were coming over the border, he said, Mexico is not sending us any of their good people. They're sending us over their rapists. And then someone conflated that to, he's saying that they're all Mexicans are rapists. Right. These moments were like huge for me. Um, I do want to play this. This is from your docu series. Are you still, now that you're not with rebel news are you going to continue to make a part three oh i do you know what i when i left i spoke to the the director of this um series as well kian uh who helped do all the edits where he done he done all the editing um he was
Starting point is 02:28:18 fantastic guy fantastic job on it uh i do want to do a part three, but I don't know. I don't know what's going on there. There needs to be 10 parts, dude. There needs to be 10 parts. We were planning on doing like we were going to go through each individual subcategory like economy, environmental. Technology is number two. That's it. We were going to go through all ones like that. So I might give him a call and say, look, can we just can we just do this?
Starting point is 02:28:47 Because it's fun. It's so clean and it's not melodramatic. It's just so clean. It's so like it's so palatable. But there's something in here. I don't know if I can. Senior advisor. OK, so here you show Ivanka Trump with the WEF World Economic Forum. Now, some of these people that you point out who are part of the economic forum, couldn't it just be like I could also say that I saw you there, Lewis. And then you'd have to explain, well, I was there as a reporter trying to interview. Couldn't you just say that, like, hey, someone offered her a free jet trip there and she just went there? jet trip there and she just went there yeah it's until you see she does a lot of speeches as well and that she she talks a lot about um uh she talks about um oh gosh what is it she she her
Starting point is 02:29:34 little thing is it's about equality within something um yeah but yeah it's very odd so that's that's that's the strange question that I had at the time because I was a big Trump fan. I'm kind of not sure anymore. I'm still sort of on the fence with Trump. But back then when I saw that, I thought, okay, questions need to be asked now. I need to put down the politics, let go of the party politics stuff
Starting point is 02:30:05 and just look into it and see. But it seems to be, you've got to remember, Ivanka is her own woman. She's her own person. So just because she's the daughter of someone doesn't necessarily mean that they're all part of the same game, if that makes sense. They're their own individuals.
Starting point is 02:30:23 And that's what I thought. Well, what's interesting that you say that is this i want to the clip i really want to show president everyone united states donald trump is this so basically this in this video this is one of the only good guys in the video am i understanding this right he went to the world economic forum and then just shit on him spit in their face pretty much yeah i saw there was videos that were coming out of of trump um with klaus farb and i think he was doing this showmanship thing you know we know what trump's like he does this showmanship yeah man he says it here he's not a racist he's just a dipshit manny be nice be nice um i think he does this showmanship right we know what trump's like he
Starting point is 02:31:08 does this showmanship where he where he tries to be the best guy in the room and uh you know he's up against like people like klaus schwab and all these like big conglomerate elitists and he's just going in just pretending he's he's bait well not i say pretending he's just being the showmanship kind of guy i'm the best guy in the room so he's like yeah so he does his his spiel where he goes yeah yeah i like what you guys are doing here blah blah and then he goes and makes this speech which is in which was so unexpected really but he basically says the prophets of doom who push all this climate alarmism and this this radical socialism um we completely reject that and that upset them uh quite a lot excuse me i know i have to deal with someone in the uh blaine anderson is this a riffraff episode no that's tomorrow when your mom's on uh okay um
Starting point is 02:32:02 uh i'm gonna play this i don't know if i'm gonna get in trouble for it but i'm gonna go ahead and play this um from the uh lewis brackpool's uh docuseries with rebel news okay here we go so this is trump speaking at the world economic forum um these these are people who want to take over the world and want all the world leaders to step in line and this is what Trump says when he's there. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing, absolute power to dominate,
Starting point is 02:32:43 transform and control every aspect of our lives. We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy. You think he's looking right at Klaus Schwab when he says that? He turns and he's like, we will never. Look, really down the barrel. Yeah. Look, because he shifts his head, right? To transform and control
Starting point is 02:33:00 every aspect of our lives. We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy wreck our country or eradicate our liberty dan crenshaw congressman from texas oh man you you really uh you really fucked me up with some of the names you're dropping over there you really fucking it's hard it's hard it's hard it's difficult that's hard and that's what's important like process dude it is yeah 100 and you know tulsi gabner you asshole lewis yeah i know tulsi gabber here's the thing do it like that couldn't you just be like okay i'm gonna over
Starting point is 02:33:37 well here's the thing great body smart as fuck beautiful hair elegant elegant eloquent speaker yeah here's here's the thing um with tulsi i'm still not sure where to sit because there's talk that she's she's done um she's done either talks there she's gone there um and you know done a lot of speeches and and you know shaking hands with these guys what i'm trying to do now so this was released i think about a year ago now something like that looking back um tulsi gabbard i'm i'm not 100 sure that um because you what you find on the world economic forum website is is they put up people's names they just they just put up so many people's names and then actually there's when people are challenged because it went through a period now where people were actually going oh
Starting point is 02:34:35 he's on the website or she's on the website she's part of this and people were actually trying to challenge these people some of them most of them didn't reply but some of them went well hang on a minute no i i actually haven't been there yet um and or yet or not before and so they would actually ask them to take them down from the website i'm not sure if tulsi gabbard is still up on the website you might have to double check but um i'm not sure i think i think tulsi gabbard might be actually okay um but it was a shock to see that she was plastered on the website and that she had done stuff there but i don't know i don't know what's going on there um i'm gonna google i'm gonna google tulsi wef and see what what comes up we'll see gabby wef um
Starting point is 02:35:25 it's funny the first thing that pops up is she offers her full support for vice president joe biden really from pbs yeah oh no uh oh okay here we go um uh let's see um oh oh this is interesting wow this is interesting. Wow. This is interesting. Here's another guy who flipped the script. Did you know that this guy, Dr.
Starting point is 02:35:50 Drew, he fucking, he got red pilled in the last two years. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. I've not heard of Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 02:35:57 Super popular in the United States with my generation, the MTV music television generation. He had a show when we were all kids called Love Lines with Adam Carolla, the guy who made the movie No Safe Spaces. Have you seen that? I've heard of that. I've heard of that. You have to see that, Lewis.
Starting point is 02:36:14 Yeah? You have to link me that. You have to see that. Okay, okay. Anyway, so here he is with Tulsi, and it says, after her photo appeared on the World Economic Forum website, Tulsi Gabbard became a target of conspiracy theories about her connection to the globalist organization but the real story goes much deeper okay yeah i haven't seen this i actually haven't seen this it's a 10 minute clip
Starting point is 02:36:33 i'm just gonna you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna text this to you now i mean you can talk about it later awesome yeah sounds good yeah sounds great you have a long phone number you know you know who else i had on the show i had a seam uh mahotra on the show he's one of your fellow oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i see and you know he got red pilled when his dad died from the uh injection yeah yeah he didn't like that he didn't like the injection killing his dad no no of course no fucking crazy it's just crazy isn't it it's a crazy world but um yeah i think i think uh that's why i thought with tulsi um yeah looking back we found that a lot of people
Starting point is 02:37:18 were just being put on their website but at the time uh the context of the time was, actually, it looks to me like they're part of this because they are on their website. Surely you have to get permission and things like that to have them do a biog on you and be placed onto the World Economic Forum's website. But there's been a lot of people that have been calling up and saying, listen, can you take mine down? But there's been a lot of people that have been calling up and saying, listen, can you take mine down? Whether that be for optics or whether that be because they genuinely aren't part of them, it's difficult to say. So you have to base it on individual case by case. Daniel Garrity, MTV was not the boomer generation. Hey, dickhead, I am not the boomer generation.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Daniel, you know better. 20 burpees. Hey, so is the World Economic Forum basically one weirdo's idea? It's this guy Klaus Schwab who went to Harvard who got this idea that he's basically going to bring all the countries under one umbrella and basically going to control everything that people eat and make this utopian society and what they do and basically make it so no one really has to do anything and everything's automated and it's just we all walk around just with a sheet it's like one giant earth cult um like like what what are they doing because they use words like we've penetrated the canadian cabinet yeah and then they have that guy noval uh speaking of jews uh um and i love a jew but not this particular one they have this guy noval who keeps talking about them we're the elites and we have to do xyz to control i'm like what the fuck is going on and why aren't they even hiding this shit if they're evil why aren't they like that the
Starting point is 02:39:05 conspiracy theory term is is so um it's powerful very powerful man like you can like i said it was a way to stop criticism and stop questions so they've managed to turn the whole world economic forum um narrative or or lens into just the giant conspiracy theory even though it's just repeating what they say um explain that to me i didn't i'm not following explain that to me so so um the term the term conspiracy theory like we mentioned earlier it's um it's a way to stop criticism and stop uh stifle questioning like me can't you racist oh that was racist what you just said lewis it's in weapon conspiracy theory yeah right and so with the world economic forum all you're doing all the information that we get about the world
Starting point is 02:39:59 economic forum is just repeating what they say but the media and that organization have been so powerful by using this term conspiracy theory to stifle any questions and any debates about the topic so now even if you touch the topic they'll they'll think that you're some sort of conspiracy theorist um and oh that's a good comment they don't have to hide it because it's so extreme that the average person finds it completely unbelievable yeah maybe it's something to do in people's brains they see something that you can't really comprehend and it just doesn't filter in yeah could be that but the conspiracy theory term has been used widely for so long now that it's almost it's desensitized the questions that's why you saw so so much misinformation and mistruths by governments and the media for the
Starting point is 02:40:53 past three years that that's why it's it's led people to go well what else are they lied about and um this organization the world economic forum the club of rome uh the trilateral commission um the bilderberg group all of these groups they're now in question because more and more people are starting to go hang on a minute there's something going on here what what are some of the things that the wef wants to do they want to basically they want to own all the land right and what about population so they they believe they're trying to reduce the population so there is that that theory that they they look to uh to potentially look at depopulation and you know people have people have put um theories together um between them wanting to reduce the population and uh you know attribute it to other things
Starting point is 02:41:46 the thing is when you have people like bill gates who who and these other people who constantly go on about overpopulation see and they've been going on about this since the 70s they've always talked about um how we're overpopulated we need less less people. I remember as a kid. Yeah. Yeah. They'd always talk about that. These same organizations are still talking about it, but now the narrative is all about climate change. And that's what's surprising. It's all to do with now climate change. It's reducing carbon footprint.
Starting point is 02:42:20 So when they say, people say that when they want to reduce their carbon footprint, what they don't mean is they don't necessarily mean the cars they mean you is what people are alluding to to get there's a guy here we want to get rid of people you're not going to be able to have kids so that we can have cleaner air basically yeah they're i think bill gates has always talked about um i think he he done uh i think what what was it he did? He did something in Africa where he spoke about, it's in the documentary, I'm pretty sure. It's just been a while since I've properly processed that. But he spoke a lot about contraception in Africa.
Starting point is 02:43:01 And he done a lot of trials in Africa in, in, in, uh, with things such as contraception. I need to be fact checked on that. So please do, if you can do that for me, but, um,
Starting point is 02:43:12 I'm peeking through the doc right now. Good stuff. Um, he, their obsession with this overpopulation, um, agenda is, is,
Starting point is 02:43:21 is quite scary. There's a guy that I mentioned. Oh, it's an episode two in the beginning. I remember it now. And you have that graphic of the pill spinning with Bill Gates talking. Yes, that's it. There's another guy
Starting point is 02:43:34 in there called Yuval Noah Harari. Yeah, he's scary as fuck. That guy's really scary. Really scary. And he talks about hacking organisms and hacking within people because it's fusing AI and people together. But he calls people who just play video games, who don't go out and do things. He calls them useless eaters. And there was a podcast where it was a podcast that he went on with quite a well-known. I wish I knew the name, but you can find it easily where he talks about overpopulation and how he advocates for a reduction.
Starting point is 02:44:21 So that basically, yeah, means what it says on the tin um i recommend definitely finding that that podcast clip because it really does blow people's minds um because he openly yeah says about depopulation and when you have very powerful organizations talking about that sort of thing that's worrying that's very very very worrying um and alarm bells do do ring um when you have these very powerful figures openly talking about subjects uh such as that is it is he did a ted talk that's yes the ted talk podcast the ted interview yes okay i see it he's extremely scary he he he he openly basically is like hey there's two kinds of people there's the elites and then there's everyone else who's basically just expendable and they should hand their lives over and let them be run by the elites
Starting point is 02:45:16 and he and he is he's is she schwab's right hand man carl's claude schwab's right hand man he's a an agenda contributor is what they call them so they're like the top sort of guys who uh to be fair i i after looking into this quite a lot i reckon that they're what i call gophers so they're not the actual there's there's there's i mean i can't prove this so please take this as what you will i see Klaus and these guys as gophers. Um, so that actually that they're the real people that, that are,
Starting point is 02:45:52 I, I don't want to get too conspiratorial, but pushing the strings or pulling the strings, you won't know their name. You won't know like where they're from. You don't know where they reside. They're a nobody. They,
Starting point is 02:46:04 they basically, they almost just don't exist where they reside they're a nobody they they basically they almost just don't exist i know that sounds crazy to think but um they're on a plane where you can't even comprehend like what they look like what they sound like anything like that you just don't know who they are okay you kind of lost me there are you suggesting that they're not human no no no no no not going no no not going that far no no that they're not human no no no no no not going no no not going that far no no okay um i mean okay no no no no no not going that far um no no i'm talking you're you can't comprehend because you can't see you can't because you don't know who they are right basically they're behind closed doors is what i meant so i should
Starting point is 02:46:41 have clarified that let me poke into that a little bit do you come up with that using logic like okay this and this don't make sense there must be someone over here doing this to organize all of this or do you come up with that because you actually have some data points so so like i said um i can't prove that um i can't prove that but logically it would make sense to have gophers in such a powerful organization like that and you know the people the people that run things it's always the behind the scenes for everything you look at a company it's the back-end staff who do who do the work they are the ones you know you've got a content creator for example you've got an editor you've got uh you've got a guy who helps maybe write the script or something like that or along those lines or unless you write
Starting point is 02:47:36 yourself which is great um you've got people who do set up the cameras um people who have the knowledge of the marketing, you know, it's the people within. So that's my way of thinking it. So definitely not lizard people or anything like that. Definitely not that far. But yeah, we just won't know who they are. And that's my interpretation of it from what I've been researching
Starting point is 02:48:02 and what I've been looking into to this organization because it is strange to have these people so forefront with these ideas um that it's almost like you do need gophers in that respect do you kind of see what i mean yeah yeah yeah i i think i know what you mean um i i um i'll try to give an example here real world example that includes what you're talking about and also proposes this other idea that magnus is proposing here so i spent a lot of time in africa in some pretty uh bad areas all over the world i've seen a bunch of famine and one of the things that you see is is in some of these really fucked up areas you'll see lines of people and they spend their whole day walking 10 miles in each direction with a bucket of water on their head.
Starting point is 02:48:49 They're looking for places to get water. They have a baby on their back and they have a giant yellow bucket on their head. And they walk and then finally there'll be these lines and there's water coming from 10 miles away through something that looks like a garden hose. And the line is five miles long and people will stay there just a week. Basically you just stay in line getting water. That's what your life has been reduced to right in the middle of these deserts. And for them,
Starting point is 02:49:14 what they're trying to do is they're trying to live in a world they like. In reality, it's just like us. They want to live in a world they like says Magnus, just like seven don't want to live in a bad area. Okay. In reality, it's just like us. They want to live in a world they like, says Magnus, just like Sevan don't want to live in a bad area. Okay. Do you think that what's happening is that these people have so many fucking resources? Whereas like you and I, like me, I'm trying to bring, I'm going to the store and bringing back cucumbers and meat for my kids to eat. cucumbers and meat for my kids to eat but these people are just doing the exact thing i am but i just can't fathom it because they have a whole different amount of resources and tools to use
Starting point is 02:49:51 to get there well i i see it as i'll tell you what i see as man because i'm trying to find some way of understanding besides the just fuck it's good against evil yeah for sure because this klaus schwab guy really does look like some sort of fucking bond villain yeah it's fucking nuts it's absolutely nuts yeah well if you're gadget i don't know if you had that cartoon but it's like a bad guy yeah i think well we know that if you reach a certain type of wealth um you have everything you need you have everything you want so surely you want to go beyond that um because i i don't know what that feels like um at all obviously like the psychological ramifications of being as rich as elon and all of a sudden yeah i'm going
Starting point is 02:50:37 to mars yes yeah fuck i'm going to mars oh by twitter why not right you know you do things like that you almost become like um i don't want to say it like this but like you always become like a kid again because then you because you've got you're like a kid with loads of money and you just want to be capable you're eminently capable money is exactly yeah okay human energy okay but but this organization was started back in the 70s um and so they've been around business people, top business people, companies, enterprises, entrepreneurs, politicians, state legislators from all across the globe, world leaders. You know, they're with and amongst the most powerful people who can really implement policy change people's behaviors so that's how that's how i see it is is that they're extremely hyper rich um guys and and and women who it's
Starting point is 02:51:39 almost like they're bored as simplistic as it is um but they have the means to gather around a conglomerate of the most powerful people in the world to um to to do what they like to reshape what they want one of their things is is reinventing the economy the economy to destroy capitalism and start again uh you know they want to completely open about that they're open about yeah yeah yeah yeah completely um they say that capitalism doesn't work it's it's it's it's a dead end and they want to they want to reinvent a brand new system and that's i think that's why is because because they have everything and they have all this power, they feel that they can re reorganize the world in how they see fit. And now they see in their perspective is,
Starting point is 02:52:33 um, it's just the right way to look about it. And, you know, it's almost like they get to a point where they, they have, they don't really, unless it's them well sorry
Starting point is 02:52:46 unless it's like their immediate circle that's being affected they don't give a shit about me and you they don't give a shit about you know it's all numbers it's all statistics you see what i mean i i do it makes me think of a post you made about ukraine um uh eric he also said they will use ai to rewrite religion to be more true than the Bible for future generations. I've also said that that my biggest concern is, is that people are so easily manipulatable and that words are basically sorcery. And that that that my only concern about the AI is that's what's going to happen. It's going to figure out the algorithm to get people to obey. And it's going to write the next Bible.
Starting point is 02:53:26 Did Klaus say that also? I've not heard that personally. I know that they're very anti-religion and I know that they want some sort of one world religion. I think I've heard that before. But yeah, they're like staunch atheists i think really staunch yeah that's not good we need people with values i think um yeah is klaus on the epstein list
Starting point is 02:53:54 oh that's a great question i haven't i i don't know that's a great question i haven't looked into that um that's a great question yeah um but you know what it is I think because it's a god complex right because they have all this power this wealth this ability to control and change it is like a god complex and I think Yuval Noah Harari says it in his one of his talks is that we can, we can become gods ourselves is what is, is how he views it. And that's, what's scary. That's like,
Starting point is 02:54:30 that's narcissism on another scale. Um, and yeah, yeah, that's, that's basically the crux of it. Um, uh,
Starting point is 02:54:41 Heidi Krum, the world is, um, uh, I used to play that. used to too i really liked that game yeah it's good fun and i liked it when the cities would get destroyed from like a natural disaster or like a huge sort of yeah oh gosh tornadoes all the fun shit you could do um god there's so many subjects here i want to bring up
Starting point is 02:55:06 with you um let me ask you this just real quick i want to do ukraine but i also want to do this aliens any thoughts on the alien things all of a sudden in the u.s we're just being bombarded by alien stories it's it's yeah it used to be taboo for the mainstream media to talk about it yeah and now it's everywhere yeah um personally um i don't believe in aliens personally i used to uh now i i'm very very don't believe in a meaning not that you don't believe in them but you don't think they're here with us i don't think that they're here with us no they're not on earth they might be somewhere else you're open to the yeah oh yeah you know the idea you know was arthur c clark said you know the idea you know what is it Arthur C. Clarke said
Starting point is 02:55:45 you know the universe is terrifying if there was aliens or if we were alone or something like that I'm spitballing that yeah have you heard of Operation is it Blue gosh I really should know this
Starting point is 02:56:01 Bluebird I think it's called yeah I think it's called Yeah, I think it's called operation bluebird I think a lot of people like Alex Jones has spoken about it Well, it's like this fake alien invasion is sort of like imminent and that's another narrative that's being pulled Straight up by France's a foreign intelligence service in 1956 during the second year of the Algerian War. It backfired. Is this what it is? Idea of counter-resistant?
Starting point is 02:56:30 No, it must be something else. No. Operation Blue. Operation Blue. I'll put aliens. Gosh. Yeah. Yeah, I need to remember.
Starting point is 02:56:41 It's Blue something. Project Arbogast? No. Operation Blue for Legal Immigration? No. I should know this. Hey, listen, that's a pretty good name for an operation. You know, oh, Blue Beam.
Starting point is 02:56:58 Look, someone in the comments says Operation Blue Beam. Blue Beam, yes. Did you see Scientific America showed the satellite firing all those blue beams down onto Hawaii? see did you see scientific america showed the satellite firing all those blue beams down onto this hawaii did you ever see that no no yeah it was china satellite oh fuck that's a that's some crazy shit dude oh no i've not seen okay go ahead operation blue beam okay that's the one that's the one um so i i've looked a little bit into that i think some people have sort of mentioned it recently and i have the creating of jesus's second coming and artificial creation of jesus's second coming yeah things like that it's nuts it's it's it's extremely interesting i've
Starting point is 02:57:40 so i'm it's very strange how all of this alien invasion stuff is like, is coming around now. It's, it's very odd because a few years ago, you know, sometimes I watch Alex Jones. Sometimes I don't, but I think he,
Starting point is 02:57:58 he used to mention things like how, um, uh, that there will be some sort of fake alien invasion. I think there's that meme because he's been vindicated on lots of different stuff. And it's like, you are here. And it's like, it crosses off all of these different things
Starting point is 02:58:15 that have happened. Like they're turning the frogs gay and things like that. And they're like writing them off. And then the last one is like, is like is blue beam and it's like fake alien invasion or something like that and i need to i need to properly look into it but i i think it's very strange and we should be skeptical on why they're pushing this narrative out now and why it's all of a sudden not taboo like you said to start talking about all of this um because that was just like a thing you know you'd watch like a strange documentary on a weird channel about you know
Starting point is 02:58:51 alien abductions and it was you'd be like you'd watch it for entertainment purposes or yeah yeah it was like wwe wrestling or wwf wrestling it's just yeah yeah exactly or like fire in the sky yeah like fire in the sky the film i love that film it's a great film um but you know you take that sort of is it real is it not we don't know like you can't really you can't really say because it's like you know it's a film it's a dramatization and you know it's one of those things and it's kind of like it was just in film and it was just in like strange documentaries but now they're really pushing forward with it. So I don't know.
Starting point is 02:59:27 I could be wrong. I could be, you know, I'm always open to being wrong. Um, and that's how you kind of, you know, you have to deal with things such as the internet.
Starting point is 02:59:37 You have to always prepare to be wrong. But I personally, I don't believe it. I'm not going to buy the narrative of an alien invasion or something like that. But I don't know, man. What are your thoughts? I have no idea. I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:59:53 I know the subject of it is scary to me. It's a scary subject. But there's so much talk about it. But how come no one, I had a guy on here. Who's like the, um, the most, uh, the U S government works with him more about aliens than anyone else. He has the most alien sightings out of anyone. I think alive on the planet, he can basically summons them at any time. I'm trying to remember the guy's name.
Starting point is 03:00:19 I did a podcast with him a couple months ago, but I, but he thinks it's God by the way, he thinks that the aliens are angels that there's some sort of that that's what you know the the bible and those those and and the experiences he's having are somehow intertwined but like just show me a picture or just you know what i mean like but this guy after i had him on the podcast lewis he said hey all you have to do is go outside and look up to the heavens and say aliens please show yourself right so that night when i left my podcast studio i walked out there and i looked up at the sky i'm like nah i'm not
Starting point is 03:00:53 gonna say that yeah he sounds like he's having you on mate that's when i was got scared i was like all right i i'm gonna go back inside lewis what are Lewis, do you have a focus right now? What are you doing? I know you have a YouTube channel. I know your Instagram is very active. What is your plan? What are you doing? So I've started a brand new news slash media outlet called Grits News.
Starting point is 03:01:22 Okay, I saw that. I saw that. Which is exciting. It's only two weeks old. So it's a complete baby. I've started it with a good friend of mine who's also been very vocal during the pandemic. And of course, beyond Jake, his name is, that's the one, Grit News. Oh, we've hit 500 followers fantastic that's great yeah congratulations thank you very much that's probably because i followed last night oh nice one yeah i appreciate that thanks dude um so at the minute we're just getting out content but we're building a website
Starting point is 03:01:56 um but we believe we we want to steer towards um documentaries we want to steer towards interviews with fascinating people. We want to steer towards basically a not insane vice. Oh yeah, vice completely lost its way. Wow. Yeah. So we want to go sort of that direction, but then a bit more newsy. And we just want to challenge the narratives that uh that the mainstream media put out and look beyond the headlines um but for now it's it's getting up stories um that uh we believe are important um whilst we build a website we're going to get a space hopefully and then start doing a weekly uh either a podcast or like interview shows. And, and then we're going to start making documentaries. So we're very ambitious on what we want to do.
Starting point is 03:02:52 But yeah, it's a complete startup. So I'm hoping to grow this. It's difficult because obviously there's no money coming in. So we're going to hopefully start something. And hopefully we're going to bring this up and create a little enterprise. But we're very ambitious and we're feeling very positive about it. I'm really glad you came on. To be completely frank, I feel like I'm so excited. I feel like it's Christmas time with you. I feel like you're a thousand presents sitting under the tree and I, and I didn't ever get settled with you.
Starting point is 03:03:27 There's so many, I have all these topics I want to bring out with you. Let me know if there's anything I can do to support. I would love to reach, reach back on in another month or two and have you back on. I am dying to hear your take on Ukraine also. And just, I know you have a lot of thoughts about just the war machine in general
Starting point is 03:03:43 that I think would be very valuable for myself to hear. Awesome. I know. Thank you. Yeah. You're always, you're always welcome here, by the way. Always. If you ever want to come on or you and your partner want to come on, you're always welcome.
Starting point is 03:03:56 I, you are very, what's the word? You're a very curious man. You remind me of myself and you've gone over, you lift up stones and you look underneath them. You're like me as a child when I used to look for reptiles. And you've turned over a lot
Starting point is 03:04:16 and I want to know what you saw. So thank you for coming on and you're always welcome, brother. Thank you so much. I really, really appreciate that. Like it's been a great, like I don't know how long we've gone on for but it's been fantastic the time has just flown by but um yeah man and anything i can do to support as well you just let me know okay you mentioned about bringing my partner on i don't actually have a girlfriend just yet so
Starting point is 03:04:40 no no not that kind of partner no no sorry oh okay my girls are always welcome i meant to grit news uk partner but that is a pitch if anyone's in the uk and they need it and they want a partner who's very busy and won't bother them much um lewis brackville look at even two two guys who speak the same language even have miscommunication hey i know you ever use that word partner are you yeah that's it okay at grit gr it news underscore uk um thank you brother lewis uh we shall talk soon um we have each other's phone number don't ever hesitate to text me anytime 24 hours a day i don't sleep with my phone next to my bed so you can can text me whenever. Brilliant. Thank you so much,
Starting point is 03:05:25 dude. And same to you as well. Thanks again. And to your audience as well for, for listening. Awesome. Cheers. What about insects?
Starting point is 03:05:39 God, there's so many things I want to ask that guy. I was just so excited to have him on. Oh, David, David, you fucking fled the country you pussy uh did he think sebi was calling him gay maybe no i don't know how i don't know how that translates what david what what oh he's triggered go ahead write it read your mind i read you like a mind. I read you like a postcard.
Starting point is 03:06:06 I read you like a postcard. Like a postcard. I said that to my wife one time. I said, I read you like a book. She said, I read you like a postcard. And I didn't like that. All right. All good, dude. Yeah. How about david is he a good dude nice shirt
Starting point is 03:06:27 i don't know what's up with the new comment look i don't know what's up with fucking everything i don't know how to do any of that stuff on the back end i don't know what happened i'm you know who else is using the back end fondling the back end these days is uh will brandstetter brings uh his two boyfriends on jr.R. Howell and Taylor Self. And so they got their fingers in the cookie jar over here. So some shit's all different. I don't care. I'm glad you actually took my statement in reality.
Starting point is 03:06:59 They're just rich and bored and want a good place. Yeah, I mean, dude, for me, it's just people here. There's no demons or it's just people. And they're just fucking – that's what happens when you get too much money. It's just like we can't fully comprehend Mal O'Brien. We can't fully comprehend just how people have that much fucking money. All right. I missed breakfast with the homies. Yeah, there you are, David. I see you.
Starting point is 03:07:30 I see you. I see you. All right. I have to go potty. That was three hours. Dude, I got up at five to drink two shots of espresso, paper street coffee, do a fat ass injection of testosterone from CA hormones. Just joking, I didn't do that.
Starting point is 03:07:58 I'm about to make a video though. I do need a nap. I need something. All right. I do need a nap. I need something. Alright. Anything else? I'll see you guys later. I'm trying to organize a semi-final review show. With Tyler Watkins, Brian Spin,
Starting point is 03:08:26 John Young, and Mike Halpin. It's fucking hard. I need Sousa to intervene and schedule it for me. I've been trying to schedule it myself. There's no way. Magnus Holmgren for the margarita. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:08:37 No margaritas today, though, but thank you. I'll save that. I appreciate it, brother. Oh, there it is. There it is. All right, guys. See you guys later.
Starting point is 03:08:47 Bye-bye.

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