The Sevan Podcast - TYR Wodapalooza Pre-Show // Wednesday // THE ATHLETES AND EVENTS

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:58 Available right away. And then at Wynwood, we did, it was a four-minute AMRAP, two minutes rest for four sets, eight dumbbell-weighted sit-ups. Those are hard. Twelve double dumbbell deadlifts, 60 double-unders, AMRAP, four. And you did that with Noah Olsen's dad? Yeah, we did that with Noah's dad, me, Will, and Bryson did that. It was a hard workout.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I whipped Will in the face with my jump rope on accident. Wow, wow. Did it leave a mark on his face? No. Somehow it didn't. Will Brandstetter. Will, thank you for this beautiful new background. Thank you to CA Peptides.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Will, what's up, dude? Looking good. Oh, Will shaved. Yeah, he can't hear you, dude. Will, I haven't got a chance to hang out with Will, dude. Does Will have any Jeffrey? I haven't got a chance to hang out with Will too much. Does he have any Jeffrey Dahmer in him? He's got a bit of Jeffrey Dahmer in him for sure. Damn.
Starting point is 00:01:51 What makes you think that? I'm just wondering. Just wondering. He shaves so clean. And I don't know. I never trust a guy who can shave as smooth as a baby's butt never never what what do you mean i'm just i don't know just you can't it's because you armenians have hairs that are a quarter inch thick dude i shaved this uh five minutes ago
Starting point is 00:02:17 and it's like i'm a homer simpson uh taylor sell formerly from self-made training program uh uh and then now a train sentinel with his shirt off.R. Howell from CrossFit Crash, Crash Crucible, Crash Crescendo. If you want to get strong, you can either contact Hiller Fit or John Young. Both of them will make you very, very strong. And one of them has been to the semifinals. One of them has not. finals one of them has not and then of course a resident uh nurse medic uh c beaver we have 17 shows scheduled between now and sunday evening when the tier wadapalooza 2024 event, individual and team, will be over.
Starting point is 00:03:10 It'll be over on Sunday. But tomorrow morning it starts. We have a crazy lineup of crazy shit going on. One of them is juicing. The other is powered by God. Now, wait a second. Wait a second. God makes steroids.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, John's juicing. I'm powered by God. God makes everything. Yeah, yeah, second. Wait a second. God makes steroids. Yeah, John's juicing. I'm powered by God. God makes everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and I wanted to send, I'm going to send one link out to I'm going to send a link to Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Oh, God. Do I have Jason Hopper's phone number? Speaking of God. Not him. oh god do i have jason hopper's phone number speaking of god not him um and then we'll see if um if he wants to show up for the show dude look at these cool ass little fucking heat one stickers tyler walken's got these handing out all weekend those are cool how big is that oh it looks massive it's like a laptop sticker it's like a t sticker. You should put them on your nipples. I'm going to put them on my nipples and wear these all weekend. Okay, listen up.
Starting point is 00:04:12 There's four places you need to be if you want to maximize the enjoyment this week of Wadapalooza. If you want the fastest news just straight up, you got to go to Barbell spin and we'll visit his Instagram account later. It's just where all the shit's going to be.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Just fucking point out. If you want to hang out with the cool kids, we're going to say all the cool shit. And one liners, you're here already. The seven podcasts is where all the cool kids are going to hang out. And then finally you want to be over there. You spend.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And then finally you want to be over. Um, uh, you obviously want to watch the Wadapalooza, uh, live stream. Um, or else you won't be able to keep up at all.
Starting point is 00:04:45 But most importantly, all of the fun, the only way you can really have fun is to go to the app store and download the heat one app. You have to download that and put in the top 10 so you can fucking have some skin in the game and make shit like contentious and like argue and fight and like be like, I did better than John shit like that.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So there it is. Those are the four, uh, those are the four pieces you need in order to reach full climax, uh, by, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:14 Sunday Fergie show, uh, for John's tanning lamp, $1 99. The insults begin all of a sudden. Okay. Uh, let's just dig right in.
Starting point is 00:05:25 This is not a prediction show. There's tons of prediction shows out there that do an amazing job. This is a show where we're basically going to go through the list. They're not all great. Okay, there's tons of prediction shows out there where the hosts don't have foreskin. How about that? Perfect. There you go. There are tons, or is this the one where the host doesn't have foreskin?
Starting point is 00:05:53 He flinched. I'm not a jew i'm an armenian uh you're sheathed fully sheathed his kids are armenian dude um and uh so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through the men and women and then we're gonna go through the events we're basically just gonna tell you who is and who isn't this is a five i'll'll let JR talk to you about this. JR, can you tell us a little bit about Wadapalooza this year? Like, what the fuck is Wadapalooza? Yeah, sure. Individual. We're going to focus on individual.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Teams don't matter. Let's go. Yes, this is kind of the second year that they've gone back to kind of the roots of what most local competitions used to be like. They've got individuals two days, so just Thursday and Friday, individuals only. And then the weekend saturday and sunday will be teams only so instead of trying to jump back and forth watch some team stuff watch some individual stuff you'll see a lot of the same athletes on the weekend as you see on thursday and friday and then you'll see some like uh jason and down that are only doing team
Starting point is 00:06:40 and we will be covering teams closely but we'll talk about them later much much later like friday evening uh taylor a good competition over what's the big picture of the athletes individual athletes that are here what do you mean big picture the depth of fields are they any fucking good is this worth watching have the big have the heavyweights come out 100 that the men's field is super deep through like i would say the top 10 at least are going to be super exciting to watch. And then the women as well, a couple of late registrations, maybe late announcements. But the top of the female field is sick. It's going to be awesome to watch. John Young, talk to me about the programming.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Is the programming world-class, and what sets this event from the rogues and the games and the dubais the tier wadapalooza event i think the biggest thing that separates them is the team aspect the team is almost a showcase and the individuals is the the tune-up for it it's it's not but i mean the team the team and the individual are neck and neck as far as what you want to watch. And I think that's the biggest difference. And the thing about, to be honest, Dubai is not even in the same conversation as Waterpalooza and the games. In terms of programming, this is top notch. And the atmosphere, I mean, what, five people at Dubai, 5,000 at Waterpalooza?
Starting point is 00:08:04 On the bay, dude dude the water is crazy it's it's a festival it's like going to burning man and everyone's has a six-pack it's crazy when you kind of like piggyback off your point too taylor like the one thing i think of that wadapalooza has that most competitions don't is the water so we know we're going to get a swim event we know that the individuals are going to do it there's only 500 points up for grabs this year dubai this year did not have swimming the games this year did not have swimming so this is the only competition yeah yeah so it's the only competition of i mean i guess you could say it's a new calendar year but this is the only competition that i can remember the only time i
Starting point is 00:08:41 can remember all four of the majors not including swimming except for one. So, I mean, it's going to be cool to see is there someone in this field who has a weakness in the water, maybe still has a weakness in the water, or maybe an up-and-coming person that we haven't seen participate in a competition with swimming. And we're going to see that, hey, when they make it to the games, they can make some noise if they bring swimming back. And we're going to see that, hey, when they make it to the games, they can make some noise if they bring swimming back or when they make it to the games, they're going to be in trouble because they're probably not going to have swimming left out two years in a row. I'm going to ask killer question. Then I'm a circle back to all you guys and talk to you guys about the implications of there being only five events. Andrew, where are the athletes in their cycle?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Meaning meaning. No, no, not, not that. Meaning, meaning, meaning this is a weird time of year to have an event, but there's a, there's $75,000 on the line for first place. It's, it's legitimate. It's a legitimate cash woman, man, uh, for first place, but where are they? Why aren't we seeing Dallin Pepper compete individually? Why aren't we seeing some of these guys who can possibly get some of this money this money do is this just a tune-up do these people take this seriously where are people in their training because i'm and by the way i'm making the presuppositions that the games is the pinnacle for everybody who's here i would say that considering that there's going to be a team aspect of it they're probably taking it less
Starting point is 00:10:02 seriously if they're doing both and as far as the people who aren't it they're probably taking it less seriously if they're doing both and as far as the people who aren't here they're probably taking the season more seriously like where jorge fernandez is only doing team why do you think that or i mean that's a great question get his ass clapped an individual here we go that's why you watch this show he wouldn't stand a chance at top 10. So why put yourself out there? Well, he wants to go to the games as an individual this year. Well,
Starting point is 00:10:29 good luck. If he's not going to compete in this field, that's a perfect tune up. You want to go as an individual, but you don't want to test yourself against Roman, Ricky Brent donor. You're saying the opposite of each other. I think killer is saying that if you're serious to go to the games,
Starting point is 00:10:44 you don't come here and do individual. And you're well you definitely don't i mean i i guess i shouldn't say you don't do both because you got the romans and the rickies and the daniel brandons ever carries gabby mcgallow is here but i don't know i think i feel like dylan pepper's probably better off just staying home and sticking to this training jason did rogue and fit fest so yeah and fit fest what did did did jorge fernandez do rogue this year he was in dubai correct john oh he was in dubai yeah he wasn't in rogue so no offense but mistake on his part going to dubai to skip this over because the competition was nowhere near as good and the just it's not as accurate as a representation to a semi-final event in my opinion so so hillary you saying there's no easy answer to
Starting point is 00:11:26 this there's people like velner who like yeah he's coming here he wants to win he wants to get the money and he's dead serious as a heart attack about going to the crossfit games but someone like jorge fernandez better sit his ass and just tune up in the team division and then if he wants to have a chance of making it to the games i think no Noah Olsen's got the most wins in the history of a lot of Palooza and he's had high finishes at the games, but they're not consistent. And if I'm not saying that there's a correlation, but correct,
Starting point is 00:11:54 it's a difficult thing to say. Okay. And then what about someone who like a Colton? Why is Colton here? Uh, on and off. Let's, let's say,
Starting point is 00:12:03 let's say he's, he's been injured on and off It feels like his whole fucking career He fucking limps into every fucking competition with something Why is he going individual? Especially because he has no fucking chance of winning Because he lost to Austin Haffield at Crucible And he wants payback
Starting point is 00:12:18 No shit That's what I'm thinking about Who do you have between the two of them here? And he's not going to get it shut the fuck up john we'll see let's get into it let's get okay let's get into dropping the f-bombs uh the first one more thing before we pull out the list of boys um what is um what are the implications jr of only five events no no just can't fuck up yeah i mean the first implication is you mess up once and you're you're done as far as relevancy goes with the caliber of athletes that are in the field when you got roman ricky brent and pat on the same competition sure like i think one of the
Starting point is 00:12:58 questions i think we're going to pose to the crowd this weekend is cap or no cap both winners on the male and female side are going to have a finish outside the top 10 and i think and i think they probably still will because the field because the field is so good that even with five events you might see the winner i think it's a good argument i think it's something that you could like you could say someone has two event wins but they still take a 13th and then a seventh and an eighth, and they still end up winning. So it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Real quick. Oh, JR says something pretty contentious there. Is that true? Do we'll start with you, Taylor. You think that the winner here has a finish outside the top 10? No,
Starting point is 00:13:38 I don't think on the men's side, the winner has a, ah, definitely, definitely not on the female side. I don't think the winner has a finish outside of the top 10 snatch alone. Definitely not on the female side. I don't think the winner has a finish outside of the top ten. I don't think on the male side either. I think maybe second or third place has a finish outside the top ten.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Who do you have winning? Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Hiller. Your turn, John. You'll get your turn too. There's no way somebody can win and finish outside the top ten? Yeah, they're saying the winner.
Starting point is 00:14:01 J.R. and Taylor's team, the winner will. No, I'm saying they won't. but i don't uh i don't agree with jr all right oh god you'll burn in hell for that i'm with john i said it was gonna be a is this a true false statement not i believe one way or the other and that's what and that's what i'm awful jr jr this is seven on podcast no going back on your work i think it's way more likely that one of the males do because I think the field is much deeper. And I think when you have something like a snatch that's rested, you have way more outliers lower down on the leaderboard that can take points away from the real relevant competitors. On the women's side, I don't think the winner will have a finish outside the top ten. Go ahead, John.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Go ahead. Oh, my gosh. I agree. I agree with the women. Women's no way. But if you just look at the snatch event by itself, unless you have Pekowski winning, you got Braun, Guy, Farlow, Hatfield, Nick Matthew
Starting point is 00:14:59 have all snatched over 300. It's a snatch event, Taylor. I know you don't like the kid, but he can snatch a little bit of weight. Who does he snatch? 300 pounds? Nick Matthews. No, no, no. They have snatched over 300 pounds. Continue. Meaning they are the best snatchers.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Keep going. You got five people. Afikowski, that's six. And then after that, it's a crapshoot, but I know Ricky and Roman aren't going to be the next three guys oh you don't yeah you don't i'm saying i don't think that they will be the next three guys in that statement there's going to be guys ahead of them luke luke luke parker has over 300 pounds but i have him in the top 10
Starting point is 00:15:41 okay give me one second here uh kenneth uh in the snatch uh jr's wearing the uh baygent ceo t-shirt you can get that shirt that jr's wearing at vindicate it's uh don't listen to what i said this morning about it not being a cool shirt now i know it is cool i i retract i flop um let's um so the reason why i'm excited about what jr's saying is because colton is going to have a finish outside the top 10, right? That swim event. Yes. I was happy with swimming. He's from West Virginia, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:16 The biggest body of water he's seen is his mom's above ground pool, bro. Nobody knows, but he said that he's fine but we don't we don't we don't we have no idea fine dude west virginia finds a little different than growing up on the coast fine yeah and you know what like if we go back to the snatch workout i think it's important if we can pull that back up that there are going to be lots of log jams. There's going to be ties and something like this. I doubt they're going to have the ability to go up one or two pounds. They're either going to hit 270, 275, 280, 285, 290. So we know that the tie break is max overhead squat. I think that's really going to come into play. So when
Starting point is 00:16:59 we're looking at people that may have that worst finish of the weekend, the people who are contenders, are those people also ones with good overhead stability that can get a decent tiebreak score? I think that's really important to talk about. If you've got a logjam of five, six, seven guys all at 275, well, one of those guys has taken sixth, and one of them is taking 13th. And there's a huge difference, maybe just off of the tiebreak number.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It makes me happy to hear you say that because i bet you colton has a nasty uh overhead squat okay uh let's pull up the list of boys and uh these are the individual uh stacked heat at the tier wadapalooza 2024 games uh taking place starts Starts tomorrow morning. Fuck. Early, man. Early. I think we go live at 7.40 for a little pre-show. Alex Vigneault. Alex Caron. Anyone want to say anything about them? Let's start at the bottom. John, you got any thoughts on those guys? On Vigneault and Caron?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Either one of them? I don't think either of them will play a significant part in the top 10. I have Vigneault as 10th. You think V, yo is a 10th, but, uh, you think Vino is higher than Corona? No,
Starting point is 00:18:09 I know. I'm under the top 20. I did. I did see that. I mean, Brian actually had to talk about it. I just think Vino is going to be better than him in this competition. Does someone know something about Vino that we don't know?
Starting point is 00:18:19 Is he injured? Vino. If he's hurt and I don't, if he's hurt, I didn't know that, but, but uh i think either one of them it'll be fringe top 10 that's it uh would you come to this if you were hurt uh mr self well i kind of did in 2021 okay so he so he might be hurt i don't i don't think i don't think anyone in their right mind puts him at 20th unless they know something.
Starting point is 00:18:45 No, that's fucking – Yeah. Speaking of hurt, Alex Corona's back. Right, who I expect to be hungry as well. He's a fit girl. Austin, let me know if you know of any of these guys who are just amazing at swimming because I really think that that's the make or break event. Where's Arturo on this list?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Here. Austin Hatfield, top 20 guy? Yes. at swimming because I really think that that's the make or break event. Where's Arturo on this list here? Austin Hatfield, top 20 guy. Yes. Yeah. For the competition. Yes. Yeah. And the other thing I was going to say about Caron is you look back a year
Starting point is 00:19:16 ago, there was a Canadian sweep on the podium, but just look at the depth of field this year compared to last year. And everyone thought last year was a pretty good competitive field. depth of field this year compared to last year and everyone thought last year was a pretty good competitive field last year you had um velner caron and help me out i just lost it for a third on the podium john for a while not last year nikowski roman no roman yeah i'm sure that was two years ago yeah yeah two years ago um that caron was on the podium and i mean i think he's still going to be relevant, but like you guys are saying, I think he's somewhere between 10 and 15. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduced to you two of the – these are Nostradamus and Nostradamus 1 and Nostradamus 2.
Starting point is 00:19:58 They're going to give us their predictions of the winners for the individual events. Jason Dow, what's up, guys? What are we doing? Look at these guys. Hey, do you think you could turn your phone? Put a shirt on, dude. Dude, let's see your little gynecomastia nipples, dude. Let's see them.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Get it. Let's see them, bro. Oh, all right. Jason, can you turn your phone this way so we could see your friend, Dallin Pepper? Who would be? There he is. No, can you turn your phone this way so we can see your friend, Dallin Pepper? There he is. No, no, turn your phone. Turn your phone, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Turn your phone. Sideways. Oh. Oh. Oh. He's got the lock on it, dude. Don't worry about it. Hey, who got that shirt first?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Hey. Well, there you go. They all look like this. They all look like this, bro. They are nice shirts, and it's got the glow effect. What are you guys doing there? Tell us. Tell us.
Starting point is 00:20:54 What are you guys doing at the Tier Waterpalooza event this year? What are we doing? Yeah, what are you doing? Right now? No, no, not right now. Hold on. Let me ask Dallin a question. What are you guys doing there this weekend, Dallin?
Starting point is 00:21:07 We're going to win the team competition. Let's go. You, Jason, and who's the third guy? Any weak link? Ricky. Mr. Ricky, no weak links over here. Uh-oh. Except for the connection, that's the weak link.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I hope you guys do better than your internet. Can you hear us? Nope. Fantastic having you on. Thank you. Oh, fuck. Oh, my goodness. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Thank you, gentlemen. Okay. Caleb's back. There he is. Okay. Caleb's back. There he is. Okay. So you never know who's going to pop in in the show. Hopper looks like he shouldn't be allowed
Starting point is 00:21:53 50 mil within... Jeez Louise. Jeez. Okay. I don't get it. Oh, here we go. Look at Team Tear. There we go. Oh, they're back. No, Team Tear. There we go. Oh, they're back.
Starting point is 00:22:07 No, they're not. No, they're not back. No. Okay, let's bring up the boys list one more time. Let's keep going through these. Okay. Austin Hatfield, does he beat Colton Mertens? I think it's going to be a tight race between the two, which is going to be fun
Starting point is 00:22:26 to watch. I know I'm higher on Hatfield than everybody else, but I think he's going to surprise y'all again. Nobody wanted to listen at Crash, and y'all don't want to listen now, but he's going to be top 10. Is he going to beat Colton, though? I say yes.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Hiller, does he beat Colton? My heart says no. My head says yes. Okay. Hiller, does he beat Colton? My heart says no. My head says yes. JR? I actually say no. I think Colton with Cortadito, I think he's set up for an event win there, and I'm not sure that there's one home run that Austin can hit. I think he'll have solid finishes on everything.
Starting point is 00:23:04 But, I mean, like you guys, I've only seen him live at two competitions, the semifinal in the North America East last year, and then at crash. And the thing about crash programming was the workouts were based off of mostly old games programming. He's extremely high skilled and he's very strong. Well, there's only one strength-biased workout. There's one swimming-biased workout, and then the other three are CrossFit. So if I had to bet, I would say Colton still beats him. Let me ask you something, JR, though. You have Colton winning court to detour, right?
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yes. I do too. I think Colton's going to win that event. Is that the shoulder overhead workout? Yeah. Do you not think Austin Hatfield is not going to be very good at that workout? Hold on. Stand by.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Because I think he's going to be top three. Yeah, I think he'll do great at that workout. All right. My bad. My bad. We had no Wi-Fi. Oh, better. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I set us up for failure. Jason, quick question. Here to camera. Austin Hatfield or Colton Mertens? Who finishes higher? Colton Mertens. You can't ask him. He can't even get top 30 at the games.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Oh, shit. Dude, Jason, if you were here, we'd jump you, dude. We would jump you, dude. We'd give you a wedgie. We'd throw you in the bay. To be fair, none of us have either, and we all gave our two cents worth. Jesus Christ. we throw you in the bay none of us have either and we all gave our two cents worth so jesus criminy john young remind me to pay you extra money on the side for shit like that makes us number one dallin uh who do you got colton or hatfield i have colton too let's um let me ask you guys you guys will all be on a team together the three of you and will you guys be sizing each
Starting point is 00:24:42 other up too although you guys are all on the same team will you be studying jason's weaknesses and ricky's weaknesses and studying their psychology down so you could fuck with them at the games next year i'll take some notes on ricky though no bro we're unified in one goal one mission only right now y'all that's why i told him his captain dallon and jason are studying each other all night tonight dude they're sleeping together same bed oh man we're gonna win why why did you guys show up so early if you guys don't compete until saturday why are you there now we had some stuff with tier like promotional stuff and sponsorship stuff? Yeah. Is it a big cadre of athletes? Yeah, there's a lot. Like how many?
Starting point is 00:25:29 I don't know, just the bond? 20? More. Hey, I didn't talk shit to you. John, don't be hostile with me. Don't be hostile with me. I only know who John is, dude. Dallin Pepper, who's going gonna win the individual men who do you got uh i want to see pat win daddy daddy pat baby daddy pat is that who you got to hopper
Starting point is 00:26:00 yeah i got daddy pat and that that's a choice intellect or heart? That's heart, man. He has my heart. Both. Both? Wow, okay. And the lady side? You guys got a pick for the lady side? Ariel Loan, Gabby Magawa, Emma Carey. I'm gonna go Emma. Wow. All right. Hey, me too, Hopper.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That's the first smart thing you've said today. And me three. Who's talking? Wow. We don't know who he is. Dallin Pepper, Mr. Pepper, future CrossFit Games champion and past. What year? What year? 2027.
Starting point is 00:26:38 The future and the past. We have him here, Dallin Pepper. Who wins on the women's side? Dude, he already won the CrossFit Games in 2017. Yeah, he got another one in him. He got another one in him. Dude, I'm future games champ, 40 to 44 division. Dallin, who you got?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Hey, I'll coach you, Taylor. Dallin, who do you got for the ladies? I feel like there's like four or five of them who can finish in any order, right? How's fee looking are you are you training with her uh he's looking strong i'm excited um i definitely throw her in that mix um i think she can she can uh fight for that top five maybe sneak on the podium there all right uh anyone else have any questions for these two studs? Yeah, who's coaching you guys this weekend? Bro, if we don't have our plans an hour before every event from you, bro,
Starting point is 00:27:35 I'm never talking to you again. Oh, JR is running the show, dude. You promise? Promise? Wow. Who on your team has the biggest wrists? Bro, JR, if you make us look like an idiot out there i'm not coming back hey so what is going on do you guys have a coach or is it
Starting point is 00:27:51 you guys make plans oh it is jr apparently there's a coach dude they got the real daddy coaching dude there's no chance they take second let's go holy Hey, do you know about all his other obligations? If we don't win, it's on JR's head. That's all I got to say. Shut the fuck up. No, that's accurate. I agree. If it's not me, it's on Ricky,
Starting point is 00:28:18 the guy who's going to crush himself for two days before. It's not their fault at all. What is the backup plan if Ricky knows shows you guys? Do you guys have one? No, we don't have one. JR probably. I got you. JR, would you jump in?
Starting point is 00:28:33 JR, Taylor, would you jump in? Taylor would jump in. What are the – man, I got to look at the team workouts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, Taylor would jump in for sure. There's no thrusters. And there's swim. There's swimming. There's no thrusters. And there's swims. There's swimming.
Starting point is 00:28:48 There's no thrusters or heavy deadlifts. There's a swim? Dude, I just PR'd my deadlift, bro. There's worm thrusters. You don't even watch my Instagram, dude. You don't even follow me anymore. There's no squat cleaning. There's no squat cleaning.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Taylor, you're in. Dallin, as a serious competitor, as a serious competitor, why aren't you doing individual? I just moved. Been traveling a lot. Did Rogue. Just letting the body heal. And Jason, as a serious competitor, someone who wants to win the games,
Starting point is 00:29:16 why aren't you doing this? I think a lot of places is just a good time to hang out, have a good time. So I don't want to be too serious at this weekend and this event. It's too fun. God, I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. You're not scared of the competition? You're buying it, Hiller? Yeah, it's fuck around fest.
Starting point is 00:29:36 It's going to your friends because everyone's there to party. There's too many distractions. There's too many things going on. It's like, dude, Rogue is the best off-site or off-season comp do that be done focus on the games 75 grand and and to make a statement and to tell pat his reign is over and to make a statement i mean yeah tell tell roman to find a better translator. You guys translate all his interviews yet?
Starting point is 00:30:07 No, dude. I had a hard time. No, no, no. No, no. We got to know. No, no. It was a curious question. I want to know which one of you three is the thickest wrists, you two or Ricky?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Why? You'll know why when you test him out. Is that like a dick? Is that like a dick? No, no, no. It's not you. Put yours up, bro. Mine. All right, now let's test Ricky out.
Starting point is 00:30:31 He's got some big-ass wrists. Really? Oh, yeah. What does that correlate to? He's a fucking dinosaur. He is a dinosaur. He is part alligator. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You know that's true. Wait, so do y'all think we'll win? I do. I think it's between you and know, that's great. So y'all think we'll win I do I Think it's between you and the go watsi Fuck the go. They are like you guys on it. So yeah Hey, what about what about that little boy in the middle not talking I Do not have you I do not have you guys I could outlive you on almost every lift. What are you talking about, Hopper? My man talks all day on barbell spin, but when he gets out, he's quiet.
Starting point is 00:31:12 No, I do not have you guys winning. Dude, none of these people are going to beat them. Yeah, there's no fucking shot. Justin Medeiros, dude, this is the worst dude ever. He's been playing Wii all night. Yeah, he's got a new girlfriend, dude. Another new one, or is it the same one he's had? Oh, I guess it's. Yeah, he's got a new girlfriend, dude. Another new one? Or is it the same one he's had?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Oh, I guess they're the same one he's had. Well, see, I think you guys, person for person, are the fittest team. But with the events. Hey, we got the best coach. That's it. It's final, bro. That's true. You do have the best coach.
Starting point is 00:31:40 But with these events, I have you guys third behind trace leches and team go what y'all know y'all know jr is my one of my coaches in real life yeah we know that man yeah i'm one of the lowenbergs out in her garage coach somebody somebody came up to me somebody came up to me in the gym and asked me today he said hey when are you gonna leave h HWPO and go to JR? Yeah, that's a good question And? I said they work together now Damn JRHWPO
Starting point is 00:32:14 HWPO Junior You should make that shirt I bet people buy it Yeah, I need a shirt. Okay, fine. You want to stick around? Let me ask you this one question then. James Sprague.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I got to love it, dude. I love James Howell. Let's talk about James Sprague. I think he's fully gone through puberty now, and this is like a make or break time for him. We're going to see like he's complete. Any holes he has are going to be exposed from here on out. He's now a
Starting point is 00:32:50 mature man and that's it. He's at 95% potential right now. What do you guys think? I think he's got another year of puberty. I think he's going to improve a couple more years. That's a bit of an aggressive statement.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I'd say two more years until. Until he's through puberty? I think it'd be huge for him to be top five this year at Waterpalooza. At Waterpalooza. Okay, so we shouldn't judge him too heavily on this. You're saying if he finishes 12th here, I shouldn't be like, okay, he's never going to be a top 10 guy. You think that there's still a big ceiling for James?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah. I've got a really serious question for these two guys about James. Oh boy. Dude, don't make me say this. Listen. There's three parts to it, so just wait till the end. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Does James Sprague look more like a guy who steals his mom's adderall the lead soprano of an acapella high school group or the guy that puts his mouth all over the water fountain oh wow wow wow hold on before you answer thatoprano the high note or the low note? The high. It's the high note. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I guess he does know it's the high note. I'm thinking he's still in Adderall. I'll go with Water Fountain. Everyone, everyone, everyone, that is just a taste of our looks like segment that we're doing every day on Shut Up and Scribble. You don't want to hear what Jason's looks like. Wow. What does mine look like wow what does my look like what does john look like is he looks like somebody he looks like a mask somebody would buy to rob a bank john young oh wow wow i see it holy shit i would i would prefer baby baby to that ladies. Ladies and gentlemen, there's more that came from.
Starting point is 00:34:47 That was going to be read live, but Taylor took the opportunity. I'm sorry, dude. Beaver, can you do three-way poll? Can you do three-way poll? Oh, you should do three-way poll about James Sprague. Does James Sprague look like he sings soprano in the choir? Steals his mom's Adderall? He acts like he steals his mom's Adderall. or slobbers on the dream team my god james poor dad's not listening
Starting point is 00:35:12 oh man that's funny where'd you come up with that taylor which one i didn't i didn't come up with a John Young one. I love him too much. Does that mean JR came up with that one? Because if so, I'm kind of hurt that came from JR. I expect that from you. JR's a savage, dude. Have y'all heard from the town? Oh, yep.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That's what I thought about it. Honestly, that's where my head went to as well. What's that movie, Fun with Dick and Jane? Dude, an old Jim Carrey movie. What does it have to do with anything? They rob a bank in that movie. They put masks on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Oh, what happened to JR? Why did we lose JR? Peter stroking him. All right. Listen, we got a serious show to do we lose JR? Peter stroking him. All right. Listen, we got a serious show to do. We got a serious show to do. I'm glad to have you on. You guys aren't even serious.
Starting point is 00:36:11 You guys are team. You guys aren't even serious. This is a serious show. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, it is. Get ready, all right? Be serious. Excited to see the behind the scenes of Team Tier this weekend.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Is that still in the works? Yeah. Yeah, we're going to be focused on the star, the future CrossFit Games champ, Dallin Pepper of Team Tear. Thank you. The past. The past.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And maybe if Jason, I don't know, I can't tell how stuck up Jason Hopper still is if he's going to let us work with him or not. We're still trying to figure him out. What do you mean? I'm here, bro. All right, all right. Is that your phone or Dallin's phone?
Starting point is 00:36:44 This is my phone, bro. All right, all right all right we're healing we're healing nice i've already dude i've already been on two podcasts this year bro what else you want for me yeah everything i want it all hey if we only have two mics to mic you guys up who should we mic up dallin and ricky or dallin and jason it's down and jason for sure jason's gonna be talking all sorts of crazy shit, huh? Ricky speaks in grunts. He makes two noises. Oi. That's one noise.
Starting point is 00:37:12 One more. Yeah, it's oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi. Hey, if you give me the mic on the run, I'll talk the entire time. I won't. I will be. Hey, do you know, do you guys have to hold a rope for the run? No. So is it everybody's just time
Starting point is 00:37:29 all together collectively? Yeah. Okay. That makes a difference. Bro, Jon Young crapped on you, bro. He says if we have to hold a rope you're the weakest team, bro. You disagree, Dallin? You don't want to say that now that you're staring at him, do you? No. Do you disagree? Yes or no? You don't want to say that now that you're staring at him, do you?
Starting point is 00:37:45 No. Do you disagree? Yes or no? I don't disagree. All right, then. I haven't said anything with the truth. I'm just saying the truth. I do remember when you said I never have as much potential as Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I'll never be as strong as him. You said that after my finals. He went to bed with that. He went to bed with that. Yeah, he did. Why are you turning so red? Hey, look at you now. Hey, hey. No, no, no. Hey, and look at you now. He went to bed with that. Yeah, he did. John, why are you so red? Hey, look at you now. Hey, hey, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Hey, and look at you now. I got you to fifth place. You're welcome. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. No. I mean, technically, it's still true. I ran into O'Keefe today, and he said that we all talk shit that we won't say to people's face.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Who said that? O'Keefe said that to me. what did he say what did he say I told him he could never keep my mouth shut it's too big you did not say that we were joking around god I wish I could have been there oh hopper I have a I have kind of a funny funny story about rogue uh I went into the heart I went into hard Hardware Praise Off suite, and O'Keefe was there. And then I think Brian Friend sort of set me up because he goes, who do you have in this, Hopper or Roman? And I go, Roman all day. And I forgot that you were one of their athletes. Everybody's rooting for you, right?
Starting point is 00:38:59 And I'm in the suite, and I'm just talking trash that Roman's better than everybody. And then anyway, he did win, he did win that heat. So it did work out for me, but then a down had to spoil the fun and beat everybody in the first. Don't forget that. We didn't even know what his time was. The clock was off on the, on the field. Cause it was raining. Should have been going fast. We trusted Rosa.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Rosa told us what his time was anyway, but I'm pretty sure I made enemies out of O'Keefe and myself that day. O'Keefe is looking fit right now, dude. He looks like he lost some weight. I'm being serious. You got enemies out of everybody, Johnny. Do I? People don't like me in athlete land?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Sounds like he does. Hey, what are your credentials? What are your credentials to be a fruit athlete? Because I'm the most accurate CrossFit analyst in the entire space. I'm the only one who beats Brian Friend in every single fantasy game there is to be played. Senior analyst of the Sebon podcast. Brian. If I won my fantasy football league this year, I should be a commentator.
Starting point is 00:40:00 For football? Yeah. Go give it a crack. See if you guys feel it. Oh, shit. Unfortunately, football makes a little bit more money than CrossFit does, and so that's why I'm the most qualified for CrossFit and you're not qualified for football.
Starting point is 00:40:15 But eventually we'll get there. That's just because JR is not talking as much. Hey, this is going to be really good with both you guys mic'd up. And I say fuck too much to be professional. This is going to be amazing good with both you guys mic'd up. And I say fuck too much to be professional. This is going to be amazing. Fuck is the new professional word. Hiller's saying Bill Leahy's going to win the games next year. This qualifies him automatically.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, that's a hot take. There's a new one out there, so. Yeah, where is Bill Leahy? Why isn't he there? Why isn't he there? He's learning this year seriously. He's learning the movement standards. Oh. Wait, what? Is he there? Why isn't he there? He's taking this year seriously. He's learning the movement standards. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Wait, what? Is he what? He said he's taking this year seriously. He's learning the movement standards. Oh, wow. Game champ 2024. Hey, hold your breath. It's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Okay. Guys, we have a filmmaker, Patrick Rios and Bella Rios there, and they are going to mic up with the CA peptides dot com mic, both Dallin and Jason the entire weekend that they're out of the water. And then we're going to put together a little mini documentary on these guys and we're going to see some profound shit talking and we're going to see how much fun these guys have when they're not chasing the 75 grand. It's going to be something special. We don't really chase 75 grand. We chase 30. It's really cool. It's really cool that what I'm saying when you guys aren chasing the 75 grand, it's going to be something special. We don't really chase 75 grand. We chase 30. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:41:26 It's really cool that, well, I'm saying when you guys aren't chasing 75, how much shit you guys can talk. It's going to be really cool. It's really cool. You're letting us do this too. It's going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:34 People are going to be pumped on it. Yeah. That'd be a good time. Hey, Taylor, stay in some sort of shape. If Ricky can't go. Dude,
Starting point is 00:41:42 you know, I'm in good shape. He's a drug addict. I watched you live two days ago. He's clean as shit. What did you boys think of Taylor's performance? Slow. It was good.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Slow. I wrote slow. We know it. What was the first workout you did? I forgot. The lunge one. The rope climb toe-to-bar. I thought you did great in that one. That one was maybe fast. Yeah, they were good.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Dallin, did you see him? I haven't watched him. That one was fast. That one was fast, JR? That one's fast. I was a bit clapped out by the 3.5 for time. Dude, those box jumps look a little hurt. It did hurt. All right. clapped out by the three five for time dude those those box jumps look a little hurt it hurt
Starting point is 00:42:25 all right all right all right all right hey guys thank you you're the best we'll be sending you links uh you guys are great thank you you're wonderful i love you guys thank you you guys had a great night's sleep whoa i can't kick them off when they're on the big screen can you make them don't do this bro don't do this bro i'll remove from the stage that's crazy love you guys thank you dude thank you and there they go i just see them they're kind of in outer space now i can see them just kind of like floating around down there just wheeling around god i hope they find their way home god those guys are guys really are going to have fun. That was fun. He's still there.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Look at him. Add him back to the stage. He's all faced up and everything. They're so lucky they have each other. That's so fucking cool. You're like fishing a freaking jar. Fishing a jar. Put him back in.
Starting point is 00:43:22 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Oh, God. How is Ricky going to hang with those guys?
Starting point is 00:43:32 He's not, dude. He's just going to be like, oh, my God. Okay, one more time. Okay, okay, okay. What? What? Bro, you can't cancel us. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Oh, my God. What? Bro, why are you doing this, bro? Hey, both of those guys have really come a long way. It's like all of a sudden they found meth or something. No, no, no, no no no no no no they didn't find meth i can tell you that god they're both i fucking they've turned into gems they're gonna steal the show we gotta we got a good group of dudes for the next five or ten years of this sport
Starting point is 00:44:15 they're gonna take the helm okay let's go look at this list let's blow through this list of boys so we can get over the list of girls we're not even gonna get to get to the workouts. Oh, look, dude. Look, Tyler Watkins' bald head in the background of my shot. Taylor, can we see the boys again? This show has been completely derailed. What do you mean? No, no.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Not those guys. Not those guys. They're gone. They're gone. Here we go. Brent Fikowski, any thoughts on Mr. Fikowski? Top five. Everyone thinks he's going to win.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I don't think he's – I'm fourth. Especially JR. You think he's going to win JR? I think he has a really good chance to win. Oh, okay. And we'll talk more about that when we get to the workout. Colton Mertens is going to be there. Let's keep scrolling.
Starting point is 00:45:10 We will have Colton mic'd up. I'm pumped. He's given us a lot of access. I want to talk about the three South American guys who are going to be there. Guy, Kaike, and is it this other guy, Guillermo? Are those the top three guys from South America? Kalyan, Susan, and Susana.ion oh that's right that's right and is
Starting point is 00:45:29 he there i don't think so okay i wonder what the relationship's like with uh kaike and uh does anyone know i think kaiki hates gi i think he's on is on trend. Are you making that up? I am making that up. Is his wife Pinero or is that his training partner? Oh, sorry. I meant me. Yeah, I think Kai Ike hates me. Yeah, they definitely hate you. It's his training partner. Yes, you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:57 As competitors, JR, are they... It was a little weird that Gi didn't make it last year. It was really because of just the opening event. Does Guy have something to prove to Kaikei this time? Is it a win? Whoever wins between those two, is it a win for them? No, I think Guy goes in this competition not thinking about him at all.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Okay. I think he gets top 10 in this competition. I agree. And Kaikei? No. I think does not get top 10 in this competition. I agree. And Kaike? No. I think does not get top 10 in this competition. I think they're completely different competitions, and it won't do shit for his mental space.
Starting point is 00:46:33 100%. Henry Lightfoot, Henrik Hapalainen. Hapalainen still getting better? He's somebody that I think this is just what he's going to be like. He's not going to, I think he's a big question mark. I mean, meaning you could see him in top five or you could see him in bottom 20.
Starting point is 00:46:52 He could, I could see him in top 10. I could see him in top 10 and I could also see him 20th. I could not see him top five. I could see him like 10th, 11th. I think you're better off with going 20th. I just think the events aren't, don't line up for him well.
Starting point is 00:47:07 He seems to be a guy that excels doing really, really fast power output workouts or things that have some horizontal displacement, and there's really nothing like that here, like carries, sled work, anything like that. He's kind of like Sam Quant Light. Is that because he's blonde oh interesting no they're just similar athletes and they're blind okay yeah sure wow i i went to uh henrik hapalan's instagram account and it looks like justin madaris's instagram account right
Starting point is 00:47:40 how much do we think all of the translator shit talk storm is affecting Roman? Wait, what the fuck is going on with Hendrik Appelainen's Instagram account? This is great. It's just Madero. He just posts all his stuff. That's great. Wait, what? I don't know how that happens.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Really, his Instagram? I don't know what the fuck is going on. That's not real. That can't be real. Oh, there you go. Ah, well, shit. My IG got all fucked up. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:14 All right. So he's there. He's pumped up. Anything special about him? Can he swim? Is he going to be like a Yonikoski? He's going to show up out of nowhere and just win the swim? He's not a Yonikoski.
Starting point is 00:48:24 He's fine at swimming, but he's not Yonikoski. We're not up out of nowhere and just win the swim he's not a yonikoski he's he's fine at swimming he's but he's not yonikoski we're not gonna find out he's a collegiate swimmer this guy was a skateboarder was he really yeah no fucking way dude i got a lot of respect for him then yeah i saw him do a kickflip in uh one of his videos he said that doesn't mean he's a skateboarder i can kickflip oh please okay fine uh let's go back to the list. Who is next on there? Taylor, did you wear airwalks? Airwalks? Was that before your time? Skate shoes?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah, dude. What are you, like 100? What is an airwalk? I wore Etnies, dude, and Audios. Big audio guy. Jack Rosemar or Austin Hatfield? Who wins? Austin Hatfield.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Hatfield. Ooh. Austin. You don't like Hatfield, do you, Taylor? No, I don't dislike him. I think that's tighter. I think that Jack Rosema-Austin Hatfield is tighter than Austin Colton, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I don't dislike him. Dude, Jack Rosema's good. What the fuck are you talking about? I know he's good, but Austin Hatfield's going to win. He's going to win, Wadapalooza? Dude, pull the butt plug out of your butt, dude. No way. James Brake, is he really a good swimmer? Are people just
Starting point is 00:49:31 saying he's going to do well because he's tall? I think James Brake wins that endurance event. He's an elite swimmer. I think it's James or Brents. Yeah, unless I was there. Then I'd clap them both. Alright. You are there. Oh, here we go does james rake look like he uh steals his mom's adderall 37 percent uh lead in the uh lead soprano of an acapella uh band uh 15 he puts his whole mouth over the water fountain that's what i was going to go with too same as that guy
Starting point is 00:50:06 brutal poor james all right uh and and a future regular on the seven on podcast for sure uh kayike cervini here's the thing i like kayike he's just not there he's just not an athlete he seems kind of out of place uh with the crossfit group CrossFit group He's a bodybuilder who's kind of slipped into the CrossFit space Right? He moves kind of weird I think he's all athlete He's just not fit Like the CrossFit space Okay, does anyone else agree with me?
Starting point is 00:50:39 I think he moves like a robot I agree with both of you guys Okay So am I You think Kayake cervini is not athletic that's what you remember his videos where he was going around the cones it was horrible i remember i remember that i remember that yeah yeah that was that's bad yeah i i hate to say this but kayake is the body type that i get reminded of when I hear Hiller say something like when the quintessential steroid user is not very mobile.
Starting point is 00:51:08 They move like a robot. They look like all of their muscle fibers are all bound up, and they just have no mobility. That's what I think of when I see him move. No offense. Sorry, buddy. That's okay. That is what it is. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And that's no proof. That's so unsubstantiated. In my opinion, it means shit. You haven't tasted his semen. Right. I would not know what his life source is like. It wouldn't help if you did. What are you, some sort of expert? Oh, Callion Susan is there.
Starting point is 00:51:33 On semen tasting? Nah. On semen tasting. Hey, he does play the guitar. That's cool. I'm trying to see if I can find him the running video. I don't see it. He has gone through an insane body transformation. Holy shit. Look at this. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Guys, don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe. That's pretty impressive. Hiller, were you fatter than that? I was a tad fatter than that. Me too. I was like right there, but my titties were a little bigger. My belly came out a little further.
Starting point is 00:52:04 My titties hung. My titties hung a little bigger. My belly came out a little further. And my titties hung. I had a... My titties hung too, bro. All over, yeah. Just a little bit. My titties hung. Oh, my God. Hey, click that next button.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, okay. Just slide over. There we go. That's a terrible... What the hell? You got better pictures than that, you idiot. He is a brick shithouse. He looks like he could eat me.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Is that the chick that tried to beat you up at the games? It doesn't look like her, no. No, Pinero has less body fat than everybody on the panel. We know why that is. Everyone stare at Taylor.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Taylor, are you familiar with that device? No, I'm fucking sick of people talking about this. I took second at Wadapalooza in the fucking flip sled event, you cocksuckers. Easy, easy. I beat both Jason and Dallin in that workout. Easy, Heidi. Easy, Heidi, if you're listening, easy, easy. This guy calls me and begs to go to the ranch to be a fucking demo girl.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I get him hooked up there. Within 15 minutes of him being there, Dave calls me and he's like, this fucking pussy's done. I'm like, what? Oh, yes. You found it. This is rough. This is hard to watch. Yeah, he should probably take this
Starting point is 00:53:24 off his ass. I don't get enough credit. Look at me pull you guys are trying to say he's athletic that's starting stance i don't even know what the stance is yeah god this oh my god he's a movie star i guess he uh credit for at least doing things he's bad at because this isn't something Spiegel shows you. Wow. He almost fell over on that. Spiegel doesn't need to. Her cuts are clearer than that. No, let's watch Spiegel run five miles on her Instagram. She won't. I agree. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Hey, let's just look at our last two posts. Let's look at our last two posts and see if we see you running. I don't think anyone here can actually pull those up anymore. Luke Parker. Luke Parker. I can. Speaking of movie stars. Top 10? French.
Starting point is 00:54:10 100%. I'm saying 100% in top 10. Nick Matthew. I say 15. You think he's outworking Guy right now, dude? No, I think he's fitter than Guy. If it was a full 15 events, I think he wins. But it gee if it was a full 15 events i think he wins but it's five
Starting point is 00:54:26 events and he's really really good at two of them we'll see he's probably gonna be okay at the other two i think he's a pussy i don't think lucas i i agree with you i agree that doesn't mean that yeah that's yeah all right what why are you guys why don't you guys think he is you don't think he's uh is is here to compete and win this he does not know how to hurt you don't think he's here to compete and win this thing? He does not know how to hurt at all. I don't think he likes to work hard. That's the quintessential thing you have to have if you're going to be an elite CrossFitter. Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 00:54:58 This is a great comment. Around 10th. No shot. Guys. Around 10th. Oh my God. No shot. Guys, guys. Listen, hold on. Daniel Garrity, Danny Spiegel, CEO of Dump Truck Hottie, could read five books and run a 5K faster than John Young runs a 5K.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Wow. First off, she can't even read. Second off, John Young actually works on a 3K. Shut up, dude. They got a book club. They got a book club. They got a book club. I really wish in the book club, Pedro should have done this and have my Hungry Hungry Caterpillar as one of the books and stuff like that. That would have been a funny fake news.
Starting point is 00:55:40 People can take five nudes and run a 5k faster than John Young can run a 5k. Oh man, this shows me. Hey, I saw her today and she looks like she's in good shape. I'm just going to say it. I know the picture you sent us that you scoped on her, she did look incredible. And that's not even posing. Guys, my 5k pace is like 750.
Starting point is 00:56:02 No, no, no. John, I agree with you. You'd smack the shit out of her in a 5K. No shot. So it wouldn't even be close. Patrick Vellner. Patrick Vellner. He will be top three. 100% top three.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And what about Nick Matthew? Sorry. Nick Matthew, top 10? Around top 10. Around 10. He's 15 to 20th. So what you think of Luke Barker, I think of Nick Matthew, like vice versa. Probably. Where do you think Pat finishes in the swim? How many athletes of Nick Matthew, like vice versa. Probably.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Where do you think Pat finishes in the swim? Nick Matthew moves like a steroid user. JR, where's Pat finish in the swim? I would expect him to be somewhere between 8th and 12th, 7th and 11th, something like that. So is he one of those people, when you guys say someone could finish out of the top 10 in the men and still win it? Are you guys talking about Patrick Canadian-Velner? I'm talking about Roman and Ricky, but you can make the case for Velner at the swim as well. No, I wouldn't say this.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Who wins the swim out of Roman ricky uh and and pat ricky roman roman won the ski swim workout i say keyword keyword is ski i say i'm coming in that because watch the swim workout from last year's water palooza sorry jr you're about to say it no you're good go ahead i was just gonna say the way that roman handled the drag rope last year under fatigue, I'm going to kind of make that correlate between that and the beat of double under for 150. And I think just getting back in the water faster than those other guys, it may just be one of those situations where whoever can get past the double unders first is probably not going to relinquish their lead on the runner.
Starting point is 00:57:41 The run isn't long enough to matter, I don't think. I also think Roman has the balls to be quite aggressive on the runner the run isn't long enough to matter i don't think i i also think roman has the balls to be quite aggressive on the echo bike and i don't know that anybody there is going to be as aggressive as he is and be able to hang on to that through the rest of the workout you think that's smart though for him to be aggressive on the echo bike if you are a great swimmer and you have echo bike fitness like he does i think he should fucking smack it i'm thinking like a 145 echo bike maybe faster i present to you a true athlete ricky mack gerrard a winner of the 2020 i don't think i don't want to lose a winner bike under two minutes look you don't think roman's getting off the echo bike in under two minutes i don't
Starting point is 00:58:19 think anyone's gonna do it 25 a minute i don't think any of those guys think that it's necessary even they're gonna touch his wrists later and they're gonna freak out i'm telling you hey that is a thing like i'm serious like uh when i met rich in like 2013 when i got my level one at the original mayhem and i shook his hand it was like oh you're just not the same human being as i am like seriously like like the hand yeah hand size like how big his forearm was was crazy it only took you 45 minutes to back me up you jackass there he is okay if you go if you go look if you go watch the water palooza workout from last year with the swim ricky was like significantly better than roman in the swimming and there's two sections
Starting point is 00:59:11 and if they are 300 meters then you're looking at five minutes i just think the swim is going to matter more than the beaded rope on this one and he barely beat ricky by seconds when the rope was the crux of the workout yeah Yeah, you're probably right. And to be honest, I think with all this fucking hoopla surrounding Roman that he's going to have a bad weekend. I have Roman to win the whole event. I think he's mentally weak, honestly. Ricky is going to win it. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Does anyone else think Ricky is going to win it? I think him and Roman are going to be neck and neck the whole entire time. I think they will be the fuck. And I think Colton's going to be fifth. I'm going to tell you that right now, too. Who do you think wins in a fight, Ricky or Roman? Roman all day.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Roman? No fucking shot. Ricky beats his ass. Roman's wrists? Yeah. Dude, Roman is a pussy. Roman's got some thick wrists, man. He's got some elbowing him in the ribs.
Starting point is 01:00:01 He's got thick wrists. Hey, John Young, in the show previous to this with Barbell Spin, you were saying this snatch is worth 20%. It's worth 20%. Ricky can't snatch right now. Not well. Neither can Roman. Oh, I don't know if that's
Starting point is 01:00:18 true. I think maybe he matched a PR in an overhead squat. He's a very good overhead squ squat. Overhead squat, yeah. Overhead squat. He's a very good overhead squatter. Right. And that's what the tiebreak is. How's Roman Snatch?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Is it wicked? No, it's not good. I mean, compared to the normal person, compared to the field, it's average. Ricky Snatch is like 285, and Roman Snatch is like 280. Okay. Max one rep. Sam Cornway. I'm starting to think that Sam Cornway
Starting point is 01:00:46 Is a team athlete and not an individual athlete And now he is He just got married it looks like Oh no sorry this says 1100 days together Okay so That's a lot What does that mean But why 1100
Starting point is 01:01:03 I don't know I didn't really understand that post. I thought he was newlywed. What do we think? Is this a – I feel like Samuel Cornwell is kind of in do-or-die mode. Like, hey, is he at peak performance? I thought he was at peak performance a couple years ago. I have him fifth here.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah, I have Sam finishing really high. I do think he's a dumbass. I saw some shit he said on behind the scenes, and I just laughed. I have Sam sixth. I got him in sixth, too. I want him to do well. Good. Okay, that makes me happy.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Good. I have him in sixth. Okay. Sam Quant. I have him in fifth. I don't think he's going to do good at this competition. Wait, where's he finishing? Either does really well or not well at all.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Okay, I've got Quanton fifth and salmon sixth and i i just don't think he has there's no home run events there's no machines that he can crank on that he usually does well there's no odd object movement that he usually does well didn't he barbell didn't he win Swimming stuff And isn't he great With five people In a lap pool No Olsen's a good swimmer Matt Fraser's good in the water He won that on the bike
Starting point is 01:02:14 He biked harder than everybody This is a bike and a swim workout dumbass That bike means nothing compared to the swimming How about John Young telling Jason Hopper You should basically shut your face. You didn't even take 30th at the games. Fuck. That was ballsy, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:31 We almost lost Hopper at that very moment. To be fair, I feel like all four of you, JR included, have like dogged me like nine times in a row. I honor you. When you say all four, you be talking about why am i why am i included because you're just you came up with my you came up with my look-alike that's what taylor said i didn't say that i didn't say that you said that's a compliment i said i didn't come up with it so it has to be jr no there's another person in that group thread and his name starts with a w but i'm not saying he with it so it has to be jr no there's another person in that group thread and
Starting point is 01:03:05 he's name starts with a w but i'm not saying he did it either dude well i can't be mad at will man will's hilarious um i will say this hey what the who's john's face looks like it's in a like in one of a jar in someone's refrigerator like a beheaded head but just in his normal all right all right jeff john deserved to take some of his anger out on jason i think that was so good adjusted to normal. All right. All right. Jeffrey Dahmer. John deserved to take some of his anger out on Jason. I think that was so good. I thought it was brilliant. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:31 God, it's a, it's the best moment of the show. Okay. Um, uh, Spencer Panchick, who's coaching him now?
Starting point is 01:03:38 Who's coaching Spencer? Dude, my back hurts. Or is that Saxon? Who's Nick? Uh, uh, Nick, Nick Fowler.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Oh, good. Yeah, that's a good sign, right? That's a good sign, right? I think Nick's a good coach. Amazing. He's basically made Roman. He made Roman. Yeah, I think he's a better coach than Facundo.
Starting point is 01:03:59 He worked with Brent early on too, right, John? For a year or two? I thought longer than a year or two. Back when Brent was two points out of semifinals. How long has he been with Fowler? How long has he been with Fowler? The last year and a half. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:14 And where was he before? Facundo, I thought. Oh, really? It wasn't him and Saxon and Facundo. And now Saxon's back with Facundo. He left Proven and he's back with Facundo. No one's with Scott. Wow. Is that not weird? You leave
Starting point is 01:04:32 a coach, go to a camp, and then you come running back. If I'm that coach, I'm like, nah, fuck off. Nah, Facundo's cool. Yeah, if they left on amicable terms. There's no amicable terms if you leave Mayhem and go to proven. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:47 All right. Well, yeah. All right. Let's keep going. Let's cruise down. Oh, that's it. That's all the dudes. Hold up.
Starting point is 01:04:59 What? Will Bennett. What's up? Okay. Billy. Billy Bennett. Never heard of him. Talk about him. I pull up. Oh, Billy. Billy Bennett. Never heard of him. Talk about him while I pull up.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Oh, shit. I met him today. He got knocked out of the semifinals the year that the wall ball shuttle run thing where they miscounted the shuttle run. It's cool to see him here. That's all. Trayvon Benton's very strong. He might be another guy that
Starting point is 01:05:21 snatch pack between the guys who win it. If we're're talking about they get outside the top 10 isn't he a North Carolina guy I Think you're thinking of maybe Anthony Davis. I don't know where I don't know where he's from I don't know where Trayvon's from but uh, he's a strong guy though. It's true phone Is it yeah? uh Trayvon Travone
Starting point is 01:05:44 the bitten guy he's a strong he's a strong guy shut up yeah Travone is way stronger of a name as well Travone I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:05:55 whatever whatever so what do you like oh this guy's an old guy yeah well Ben it's like my age what is he like 50
Starting point is 01:06:03 I met him today He looks young He looks young and shy Who's dog? That's mine I'm sorry I apologize for your dog He's got four posts Yeah he deleted everything
Starting point is 01:06:16 After CrossFit kicked him out of the semifinals Why did they Oh really? Yeah because the shuttle runs didn't matter That sounds like a mental health issue Why would you delete your shit? That's like something a girl does when like her boyfriend breaks up with her or some shit well crossfit messed this dude up they did what they do to him they didn't count the shuttle runs oh everyone did half the shuttle runs oh but but he did his
Starting point is 01:06:42 correctly and he did his correctly so he finished like 500th on that one workout because all these dumb people around the planet counted the shuttle runs. I shouldn't say the people were dumb because CrossFit was dumb for saying it in the first place the way they had. So would he have qualified for the games if it wasn't for that? He would have made the semifinals that year. So he finished 121 in 2022. Oh, Jessica Valenzuela says it was an ugly divorce.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Okay, well, I understand that. Yeah, between him and the CrossFit semifinals. Oh, oh, oh. Not Beaver. What? Way to go, Eubanks. That's right, Barry. Hey, I'm going to feed my dogs real quick and go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Are we talking about women next? Yeah, yeah, yeah Alright Listen, everyone go to the Go to the app store Download the Heat One app We're gonna pivot over to the females We're never even gonna make it to the workouts today
Starting point is 01:07:38 Don't worry about that We're gonna go over the workouts Before every show, before they happen Is my mic good? Yeah, it's great So before every show, before they happen. Is my mic good? Yeah, it's great. Before every event, we'll be going over the workouts. There's a thousand Tom, Dick, and Harry's out there that have gone over the workouts
Starting point is 01:07:54 anyway. We're about to fight over the girls now. Hey, dude. Arturo wasn't even on that list. Arturo. Arturo Leguza. Oh, explain Arturo while John's gone. What happened with Arturo? Arturo made the elite division. He was towards the bottom of the people. Is that the top?
Starting point is 01:08:08 Is the elite the best? Yes. Yes, it was elite RX. That's for Patrick Delner? Okay. Yeah, and then it's all one leaderboard when you're in the qualifier. So the people who don't make out elite qualify for RX. They all do the same workouts.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And in January or end of December, he got the, hey, you're going to Guadalupalooza. So he signs up. January or end of December, he got the, Hey, you're going to Wadapalooza. So he signs up and then yesterday gets an email saying, Oh, you know what? There was a technical error. You actually are in RX. And so he got everybody aboard. He'd been training for a lead. He was pumped to make the lead. And it's a big deal to make you lead. Wadapalooza. It's nothing that's easy to do. he still gets to compete uh that's still cool isn't it
Starting point is 01:08:45 it's not the same absolutely not the same all right uh with that they emailed him and i caught wind of this so i posted it and everyone got all frustrated about it because they probably really should it was a terrible look for wadapalooza to send in that email out of nowhere and say, hey, actually, because you booked, you made plans, you've been preparing for it, and then before you know it, it's like, hey, which elite athlete took your spot sort of thing? Who jumped in last minute where they had to kick them out? So on the flip side of things,
Starting point is 01:09:21 it's actually the coolest thing ever that Wad Waterpalooza is now running an extra heat. Oh, they fucking hate you. Oh, tear Waterpalooza hates you. Oh, God, what a douche. When it comes to broadcast and the event and all the heats that are being run, they actually said, hey, we're going to help you rebook everything. We made room for you, and we shifted everything around so that we don't have to kick you out. Hey, that's a lot of stress.'s a um that's a lot of stress yeah that and that's a lot of stress on him now arturo all eyes on him god i hope to fuck with him you
Starting point is 01:09:50 know what i hope they do i hope they make him go all by himself every fucking event daniel brandon 2020 or 2021 treatment yes oh no i have to reset my password for the heat one app someone said that I should make a Is there something I can do where I can start my own Heat 1 like Like everyone can compete against me Because like I'm popular and stuff Oh here we go
Starting point is 01:10:13 Someone create a live league at Heat 1 To the people of the chat to compete How do I do tell me how to do that I'll do that I'll do whatever I have to do at the end of the show Is that Tyler Watkins back there Is he listening I don't know okay so afterwards hey will you ask tyler if he'll come on and walk me through that afterwards those bald people in the middle of the screen taylor you're muted taylor you're fucking mute jesus christ shit i'm sorry
Starting point is 01:10:38 i was noticing no you're not no you're not you're not sorry you're not sorry. Is that Tyler back there? How does Sevan create a league for the chat people? Hey, how does Sevan create a league for the chat people? No, not now. Afterwards. Fuck. Bring the women up, please. Bring the women. You ever been in Omegle, Sevan?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Now, if Tyler comes on, we'll lose 80% of our viewers. Okay. Shut the fuck up. Did he hear that? Yeah, I heard that. At the end of the show, people, Tyler Watkins will be here. Look it, middle fingers up. And we will go over the Heat One app and we'll make this stuff on the...
Starting point is 01:11:18 What? Oh, Adam Blakeslee was john young breastfeeding his dog holy shit this show dude okay here we go uh have all of you guys seen all the behind the scenes up to episode three yeah yes has anyone here watched episode four yet not yet is that the one that is that the one you just we just got sent today yeah it comes out monday you guys are supposed to like proofread it for uh will will brand i watched like i watched like 15 minutes of it while i was taking a crap in the airport this morning and i dropped my phone on the floor and
Starting point is 01:11:58 it landed next to the guy's boot in the stall next to me and I had to do a quick snatch. Hey dude, the last thing you want is some bald guy with a mustache and a cell drop on his phone next to your boot. Oh shit, I wouldn't want you and Caleb anywhere near me in the stall. Fuck. Oh yeah, you really dropped on an accident.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Hey, nice jack. Abigail Domet, first year at the games last year uh really cool um seems dedicated as shit uh top 20 here at wadapalooza tier wadapalooza well i think she's uh i think she's better than top 20 i got i got her high uh allison weiss is is is allison weiss which one is that i get the weiss is was she the one that was on the team no it's the wrong one okay it's the other one okay I get my Weiss is mixed up uh Allison Weiss is a legit contender nah no has she ever been to the games as individual nah no nope I think she got I think she was like 20 something at 20 at semifinals this past year. She's fit, but not games fit.
Starting point is 01:13:08 How about Andra Moistus? No idea who that is. Yeah, that's a great name, though. Moistus. Ariel Loewen, the winner of the 2000. How's Ariel in the water? The 2024 Atir Wadapalooza winner, Ariel Loewen. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken?
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Starting point is 01:14:23 Hey, She brings it Still underrated How is that possible Yeah she's a savage Podium finisher Underrated How'd she do last year She was on team last year
Starting point is 01:14:38 I think they won Did they She was with Alex Kazan and Carrie Pierce And I think they won. Did they? She was with Alex Kazan and Carrie Pierce, and I think they beat the Daughters and Mal O'Brien. Yeah, I want to say there was the issue on one of those pogo burpees. With Annie? No rep or something. Well, Annie was getting credit, and none of them counted.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Right. How come no one's like, yeah, of course she's going to win? Easy pick, Seve. Because everyone's waiting for her to either finish 10th or 2nd. Well, she's going to finish 3rd here. No, she's not. You don't think she's the champ, JR? What are you going to say?
Starting point is 01:15:15 You don't think she's championship pedigree? You don't think she's got it? I actually have her in 2nd. I think when you see how these workouts lay out, whenever there's a workout that seems to just be all about the legless or just all about upper body stamina, and you have a workout like that in El Circo, when you also have someone that's best lift of the two is a snatch,
Starting point is 01:15:41 when you have someone that's very aerobic, I think I'm going to pick Danielle Brandon to win this competition. I think Danielle Brandon should win the competition. Absolutely. I have Danielle Brandon second, but I think she should be the favorite. What's the highest Danielle's ever finished in a competition? She's won, I believe, fourth? No? Really?
Starting point is 01:16:03 She was fourth at the games. I think fourth is the games. Unless she's finished. I think fourth is the highest, yeah. Didn't she win the Mayhem Classic or no? Okay, let me tell you. A major. A major. Let me talk to you about Daniel Brandon real quick.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Please. Biggest needle mover in the space, most eyeballs on her, hands down. Don't even worry about the numbers. Biggest needle mover? Disagree eyeballs on her hands down Don't even worry about the numbers the fall biggest Needle mover disagree there, but No shot listen Listen, I'm telling you me Also disagree there. We keep moving Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I'm painting Just painting the truth for you
Starting point is 01:16:37 Just all eyes on her tons of Pressure really Hot she runs hot. You know what I mean? She idles hot. She idles hot. She was with Kotler and gang. Fallout. Goes to Brute. Fallout.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Accurate. She's still with Brute. Well, you know what I mean. Now she's DBE energy. I think she might be surrounded by some good people still. I think that the, you know, not that any of the other people weren't good around her, but I think that the dude Cooper who's around her is good. The agent dude.
Starting point is 01:17:16 An agent that's good? Okay, fuck that. Never mind. Hey, Snorri is a great human being. Okay, you found the exception. I'm not just saying. No, there's no good agents. Never mind. I take that back.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Listen, what makes you think that in the chaos that is DBE that she's going to win it? These events line up amazing for her. She's a good swimmer. She's not a bad snatcher. She snatches like 190. It's not good.mer. She's not a bad snatcher. She snatches like 190. It's not good. It's good enough. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:51 It's better than Ariel. Yeah, we're talking about this field. And then she's a really good upper body pulling endurance. She's the best handstand walker in the field. I think she'll win the last event. Intervals, I mean mean i think intervals will be her worst event uh but but when you get past the first interval the next two for a lot of those girls going to be come down to how fast they can move through the box jump over mandatory step down
Starting point is 01:18:18 at a higher box and there's no one better on a box than danielle yeah no and i i agree and it helps her a little bit that it's 50 50 because so the first part doesn't hurt her as bad and then she's going to be fine at cordito too like all of these events line up well for her i think she should there's nowhere there she should be bad and everybody else except ariel ariel there's nowhere she should be bad but i think danielle brandon's just gonna be better at the events that have been laid out okay what about the back how's her back well there's not really any heavy lifting to freak her out the snatch is the heaviest thing oh there you go how's the back look she's doing good jesus christ what are you up to so taylor i'm actually curious to get
Starting point is 01:18:58 your feedback on this because you did the workout two days ago when i look at these workouts if you take the first time of the interval one on its own, it ends with the dumbbell snatch under a lot of fatigue. We know that she's probably got the best overhead position of anyone in CrossFit. You've got the shoulder to overhead after the hang clean dip. So a lot of interference there, probably the best overhead again. You've got the handstand walk, maybe as much as the legless rope climb being a crux of that competition, of that event, ending on the lunge. Again, overhead stability. And then we've got a snatch as the max.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Now Taylor's gone. But I say all that to say this competition is a lot of overhead under fatigue. There's no one better in the sport on the female side, arguably. I agree. i agree with that what's funny is my winner has shown to have overhead fatigue failure time and time again i think danny spiegel is better over uh does that include uh are we including handstand walking and being overhead because you're upside down overhead i don't know well i mean john young is the most trusted voice in the space go ahead jr i was gonna say when you have the 270 for the
Starting point is 01:20:12 handstand walk ending with 90 foot of the regionals kettlebell lunge then yeah i think you still consider that workout overhead fatigue i do too and i don't think Danny's if you add that in there. I don't think Danny Spiegel holds a candle She's just stronger but I think I Think I'm okay. I have Emma Carey winning this old I think I think her and Daniel Brandon are gonna be very very tight the same way in Roman and Ricky are I think Daniel Brandon Probably should win that you're picking the two biggest head cases
Starting point is 01:20:44 I'm telling you Emma Carey and you're picking the two biggest head cases I'm telling you Emma Carey and Daniel Brandon are the two biggest head cases They are What makes you think Emma Carey is the big one? She is dude I'm telling you all that I think he thinks Torres I think he thinks Torres effed her up
Starting point is 01:20:58 No who I think that Well why do you think she's a head case Who which one Emma Carey Because I have had her on the show I've seen how she carries herself think that well why do you think she's a head case who which one emma carry i because i've i have had her on the show i've seen how she carries herself it's too much there's there's two there's too much on oh cristal hi cristal she loved drinking the cristal there's too much that you can see the pressure that emma carry carries with her you You can see it. They're both...
Starting point is 01:21:25 And let me tell you something. Look what happened to Emma Carey at the games. That wasn't fun. That's haunting her. And she finished higher than Danielle Brandon. Alright. I just find it interesting that you're picking two of the people who I think are the least mentally
Starting point is 01:21:43 stable to win yeah there's a if there's a pressure on herself and danielle runs too hot sorry go ahead is there someone outside of that big four at the top much like the male side there's four that are kind of everyone's looking at is shuffling somewhere in that. The three that we've talked about and then Gabby. Is there a Paige Powers that you see a little farther down that could just have an amazing competition? Is there anyone like that in this world? I think Fee Sagafi.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I think nobody's talking about Fee Sagafi. Show me the workout Spiegel's going to do good other than the snatch. The traverse and the shoulder overhead and there's no traverse in that one it's just it's just dips all right the p bar dips hey the place would go crazy if he won probably people would love it you think danny spiegel's winning that event with 27 bar muscle 25 barbell for reps 36 36 it doesn't matter there's too much fitness in the event for her to win you You have to be fit to win this event. And she's not.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Did you watch Bells and Cocktails at one time? She's all about this workout right here. Yeah, she's going to get collapsed. It's going to be embarrassing if this is her. No, she's not going to win. Lauren Scott's going to win the snatch. I hope so. I hope so, too.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Hey, hold on. Hold on, Taylor. Hold on, Taylor. Hold on, Taylor. What do you think the winner will snatch, Taylor, for the women? 215. Ooh. What? For a snatch?
Starting point is 01:23:17 Hank's snatch? I'm just saying that's close. I was going to say 210. I was going to say 210. That's close. I think Taylor's spot on, but I think Roe and Scott, she's a fucking – Yeah. 95-200.
Starting point is 01:23:29 She's not doing that. Yeah, she snatched 200. Roe Scott did. In a competition, her max, that was her max. Danny, people can't squat. Let me say this real quick. Hold on, Taylor. I just want to say this real quick, and then I'll give the floor back to you.
Starting point is 01:23:44 I will say this real quick. And then I'll get it forward. If everyone showed up and gave 100% and everyone had a perfect tier Wadapalooza 2024, Emma Carey does win. I do want to say that. No shot. Yep. Yep. She's got everything. Yep. She got it. Dude. Dude. That's interesting. She went on the bike event
Starting point is 01:24:05 she's Mal O'Brien too there's no bike in this work I'm not talking about the bike part I'm talking about she fucking quit yeah he just said perfect weekend I'm just saying I think she is the best person there I just don't think it's going to come together for her
Starting point is 01:24:20 she's not I will say this maybe there's something to that statement but look competition never goes perfect and the fact that she quit an event in the games is a huge it could for five events though it's just five events it's less time to mess up and i i think she's gonna win the interval workout she works out with her headphones in too much dude she needs to work out with that shit shut off and i personally think that workout's gonna be the most correlated to how good you do in the competition and I think she's going to win that do you think she even owns a cell phone I bet
Starting point is 01:24:51 she couldn't watch this show if she wanted to dude who Emma Carey I don't think her parents no no no she she turns her headphones in how did she get the music no listen Emma Carey no Emma carrie does not own a cell phone yeah it's an ipod shuffle hey jr if that if that first rope climb if that first rope climb had to be uh like an lsit the whole way like an actual list all the way up yep i think daniel brandon wins easy the competition that that since it's a rope climb since it's a rope climb, since it's a rope climb, I think that saves Emma Carey for that
Starting point is 01:25:30 personal event to keep them close. I think Daniel Brand still wins that event, but that's what I'm saying. The way that Emma attacks workout with that reckless abandon, I think will help her on things like the interval workout where she can just get it deep into the cave, but I still i
Starting point is 01:25:45 still think that workout yeah is all about muscular stamina and how you manage the fatigue like taylor's talked about and in that respect i think danielle is just a little bit more poised and professional to know when to go when to not go yeah and i think she'll win that event i just think emma will be like the third and she'll be ahead of her the rest of the event the rest of the way hey this is a really good question jeremy world is this what the text thread is like no we don't third, and she'll be ahead of her the rest of the way. This is a really good question. Jeremy, is this what the text thread is like? No, we don't let John talk on the text thread. Pop the top, baby.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Hey, I rapped about Hiller, and everybody loved it. You did, yeah. On the text thread. You did what about him? Rapped? He's a rapper. Oh. Well, you know, Young J came out for a minute.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I didn't see you rapping. Not Young J. Okay, let's pull up the list. Oh, man, we have 36 minutes. Let's get through this. Will Spiegel get to 1.8 million followers this weekend? I hope so. I hope she gets through 2 million.
Starting point is 01:26:44 I hope she gets to 2 million. She's going to lose followers. Okay. Emily, Danny Spiegel. Danny Spiegel. We didn't go higher. Hey, Cara Huda. Sam Jahua. Did we miss someone go higher even more?
Starting point is 01:26:54 I don't remember even seeing. I mean, you even got women like Caroline Stanley. Oh, she's going to make a statement. Give me one second. Give me one second, Jared. Hold on a second. stanley like um make a statement give me one second give me one second hold on second uh ashley shoemaker uh becca um bjorkman carl goodman's sister uh please okay caroline stanley go ahead jr what we can say about caroline stanley i was gonna say games athlete yeah you have
Starting point is 01:27:19 athletes like her and alia miller both also Crucible alums, they're going to snatch big. They're going to be ones that if one of those top four that we're talking about takes a big hit on a workout, it's probably going to be the swim or the snatch. So that's just something to look out for, some of these lesser well-known athletes that are still really fit that are just really good at snatching. Oh, I remember Caroline Stanley now from the game. She's cool as shit yeah super cool yeah
Starting point is 01:27:47 did she was she at crash this year no she was uh she finished second the very first year ellia miller looks like emma carey's babysitter i think ellia miller looks like uh uh professor trelawney off of Harry Potter. Speaking of Harry Potter. The new one, dude. JR sent me that, and I got one from 6 to midnight. What? The new Harry Potter.
Starting point is 01:28:15 A movie? Yeah, dude. Oh, man. The Cursed Child. Let's talk about the open shirt. Oh, with the lightning bolts? Hogwarts versus Slytherin. Hey, you're saying this chick's strong, Caroline Stanley? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:29 She's mentally tough, too. How old is she? Is she young? 22? 3? Yeah, she just got done playing college softball. A long career ahead of her. We're going to see a lot of her. I think so. And I want to say
Starting point is 01:28:43 I don't think she I want to say she trains primarily at home like speaking of athletes at home does bryce know that hey you know what's crazy too i'm looking i think she was a collegiate uh softball player you would you don't really think of that as a crossfitter hmm we haven't seen many of them. Yeah, there's a fair amount of baseball. Austin. Sorry, Spencer Handel. Christy Hollard. Danny Spiegel. The Queen. Yeah, she'll probably finish in the top three. No, 10th.
Starting point is 01:29:20 John, is it wrong for me to pick Emily DeRoy to win the swim workout? Ooh. Yes. Why, JR? Why DeRoy to win the swim workout? Ooh. Yes. Why, JR? Why do you have to get ahead of us? Why, JR? Why? Why?
Starting point is 01:29:31 Why? Anyone want to say anything about Danny Spiegel? Tell me her. Let's do this real quick. Killer, what's her best event? What's her worst event? Best event is going to be the snatch for sure. Her worst event will probably be deja vu.
Starting point is 01:29:44 JR. Fitness. Yeah. Fitness. Best event, worst event for Danny Spiegel? Best event snatch. Worst event I say the third interval for time. Is that going to be out of the top 10? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Danny Spiegel? Straight up finish event dead last. I think she'll do better for time than the total reps. Yeah, and that does make sense now that I think about it because she can probably go touch and go on the dumbbell for 25 reps. No way she does 25 unbroken with a 70. Dude, she's about as strong as you are, and she's ready to wear her dumbbell. Yeah, what does she weigh, 185?
Starting point is 01:30:22 Is that fucked up for me to say live? Of women's weight? No. No, dude. It's fucked up that you asked if it's fucked up. What? Dude, I'm married, dude. I'm learning this shit. I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:30:33 No, it doesn't matter. Don't learn it. Don't learn it. All right. Don't learn it. My mom told me that you can't ask a woman how much she weighs, and I just asked her why once. Why not?
Starting point is 01:30:43 It's fine. It's fine. I think I was like eight years not? It's fine. I think I was like eight years old. It's fine. Okay, Daniel. So anyone think that Danny's going to win the thing? I have her ninth.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Anyone have her higher than that? I have her tenth, but I could see her finishing fourth. What? Okay. Jesus Christ. Wrong podcast, Hiller. There's a podcast for you where you get to make multiple picks like that. Is there? Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:10 All right. I'll be on that one then. I don't think they'll let you. I would actually be very curious if they let you. Oh, is that talking? Is that? Sorry. That's Lone Ranger.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Yeah. No, actually, I wasn't thinking of that one. I think Danny's going to take 5th place. 5th place for Danny, actually I wasn't thinking of that one. Um, I think, I think Danny's going to take, I think she's going to take fifth place, fifth place for Danny, fifth place for Colton, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:29 Daniel Brandon. Uh, what place, what place do you guys think she's going to take? John Young. Second. Taylor. Second.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Jr. First. Oh, third. Wow. She didn't even know she was going to come here this weekend. Y'all are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:47 I can't believe you guys think she's going to do that. Great. The events are great for her. And you picture one spot different. Oh yeah. If she knew she was going to compete, she'd win. Um,
Starting point is 01:31:58 uh, Hillary. Um, Emily DeRoy. Uh, do you guys want to talk about any of these people before we get to emily rolf emily rolf is winning the endurance event yeah i have emily rolf for the swim jr that's who i think is going to win i hope they're in the same heat i yeah they won't be
Starting point is 01:32:17 i think this is this is second one for day two or day one second event for day one after the snatch? Or do they do this one on Friday? DeRoy was a games rookie, right? Yeah. I think she just squeezed in last minute. I think she's like a real last minute. For individuals, she's been on our team. DeRoy is a brick shithouse. She's jacked.
Starting point is 01:32:39 No, DeRoy? She's who I think she is. No, I'm thinking of someone else. You're thinking about someone else. She's tall and slender, a little more lean. She of someone else. You're thinking about someone else. She's kind of – she's like tall and slender, like a little more lean. She's very enduring. Are you thinking of Viticin? No, because she's slender too.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Viticin looks like a demon. Her eyes are all black. It's the weirdest thing. A demon? Well, I mean, not in a bad way, but like she needs to be exercised. Like the Vatican, dude. It looks like she's possessed by a freaking spirit. You want to guess how much she weighs while you're at it?
Starting point is 01:33:06 Yeah. Let me tell you. In the ranking of calling, saying someone looks like a demon versus how much they weigh, it's way better to ask how much they weigh. I would say DeRoy weighs 167. I don't think they went right over his head, dude. Hey, is DeRoy a training think tank athlete?
Starting point is 01:33:22 Where's she from? I would say she's Mayhem. Yeah, is DeRoy a training think tank athlete? Where's she from? I'll say she's Mayhem. Yeah, I think Mayhem. When in doubt, you just say Mayhem. I get demo team. I think she ends up on demo team. I get demo team vibes from her. I really like those
Starting point is 01:33:37 hats. Emily Rolfe, I think, has the best head of anyone in the What? Did you say? Emily Rolfe. I think, has the best head of anyone in the – What? Did you say? Yeah, Emily Rolfe. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Yep. Who do you think – Has the best head? Yeah. I don't know. Would you like the – Not like the shape of her head. I mean the best mindset. The best –
Starting point is 01:33:56 She's at the other end of – She's at the very top of her game. Her focus. Yeah. Cursed at her. I'm looking at athletes that are unvaxxed in terms of her game. Yeah. Cursed at her. I'm looking at athletes that are unvaxxed in terms of having the best head. I would say someone like
Starting point is 01:34:12 Ariel, yes. Right. I think Ariel, well... Too polite. Ariel ain't got the jab, bro. She's a savage. She's got a head on her shoulders all right uh emily rolf top five yeah i have her sixth where do i have her i can't remember
Starting point is 01:34:32 um can you go back to your previous question because i we got interrupted i think i don't know how jr uh with uh somebody dark horse for top five and uh my answer to that is fisa goffey i think i have her fifth place me too i think a lot of events line up well for her you have fisa goffy in fifth place i got emily rolf at fourth i got emma carrie fifth i got fisa goffy probably like 16th dude uh deroy slam and serve for 10 years before finding crossfit to supplement her training it wow uh patrick clark uh again a spin interviewed her about it okay well we're gonna finish up on thank you and surf for 10 years before finding CrossFit to supplement her training. Wow. Patrick Clark, again, Spin interviewed her about it. Okay, we're going to finish
Starting point is 01:35:07 up on... Thank you, Patrick. We're going to finish up on... Did she do those things well or did she just do them? All right, dude. 10 years in the waters. 10 years in the waters. 10 years in the water. I mean... Is it? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's easy for you to say because you're a good swimmer. What'd you say? I know people who have run
Starting point is 01:35:23 for 10 years and they're still pretty slow. When did they start? When they're 30? Surfing isn't swimming. You just get on a surfboard and ride. You don't even swim. I hear what you're saying. I don't think Emily Rolfe has come lower than third in any swim event.
Starting point is 01:35:41 So the conventional wisdom is if you don't learn how to swim when you're young, you'll never learn how to swim when you're young you'll never learn how to swim the chick's fucking 20 years old and she has 10 years of uh swimming under her belt so let's say she started when she was five and she swam to when she was 15 daily i'm telling you she's a fucking good swimmer that's it yeah but is she gonna be good on the echo bike you also have to be fit and she's she's bigger like i think she'll be fine on the echo bike i'm leaning with what you're saying seven i just i'm not saying surfing's easy i'm saying it's not swimming
Starting point is 01:36:11 magnus shut up oh she it does look like she's a mayhem uh gal i see her i got this shot of her at the uh with the alligator i thought this said Austin Hatfield. This would have been awesome. I don't respect you, Luke Hanselman. That would have been great. Is that the mayhem? Is that seniors? Yep, there's the barn. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:38 All right. I'm telling you. She might win the swim. She might win the swim. According to Patrick Clark. Lynn collects. Seve's correct about swimming. Thank you. Okay, Gabrielle Fisagoffi,
Starting point is 01:36:53 crowd favorite. Hope she does great. Freya Moosebrugger. Gabriella Magawa. I know you guys. Someone thinks she's going to win this? Are you crazy? I got her a second. When's the last time she won something? Has she ever won anything? Does she win the semis?
Starting point is 01:37:07 Does she win the regional? She won semifinals. She did? Yeah, but she got lucky. I don't disagree. I have her fourth. She's strong? She's got a good head on her shoulder.
Starting point is 01:37:19 How's she going to do with the snatch? About as good as Danielle Brandon. I think she does better than danielle brandon they both snatched 190 at semifinals we'll see i think she does better than danielle brandon i like when you get smacked with evidence then you say i think with the follow-up yeah dude i'm not a big evidence guy i'm an intuition guy how old is magawa how old is magawa she's like 36 no she's 26 i think she's like 28 looks like a head nun at a catholic church three wow how do you think she does with that rope climb workout i think oh that's a good question that's the sole reason i have her fourth man it's not
Starting point is 01:38:08 pedro clark says 25. now i don't think she'll do bad but i don't think i think darrow's going to be seven or eight girls ahead of her she looks like she teaches french class in middle school yeah and she's fit now class in middle school yeah and she's fit now she's not the best swimmer she's not the best swimmer has never done good in a swimming workout yeah dude i don't know we'll see you even squat that much fuck no dude what's no i should fuck you i hit 335 the other week for one not three oh shut up dude i hit 295 for three what's, and her form's in pecs. Did you see my deadlift? I was hoping that you liked it. Yeah, you should go and do a power snatch.
Starting point is 01:38:50 It's on Instagram. Hey, is that a hungy? She didn't lock out that elbow. Her left arm isn't locking out. What do you mean? It is locked out. What are you talking about? It looks like my right elbow, but mine's surgically fixed. It just doesn't lock out.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Looks like both of my elbows. Hey, is that a hunji on the left? No. That dumbbell? See that first rep on that side? She didn't lock out. It looks like a 70. I will say this.
Starting point is 01:39:16 You did that 100 faster, and she did that 70. And at the end of your workout. I'm a powerful athlete, much to John Young's chagrin. What did you say? Young's chagrin. What did you say? It's chagrin. Just kick me off the show. I'm going to drown myself in a bathtub. That was the best.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Thank you, Caleb. Hey, is she going to win an event? No, and that's why she's going to be fourth. That's a great point and question. Have any of you guys been using the word hummus cannon, the term, the phrase? Someone has been. Something I listen to keeps using it. Oh, maybe it's you, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Maybe. Sure, dude. I love that phrase now. Is Jessica Androsik married to the guy who's in the UFC? There's an Androsik in there. Probably not. She was on-site brute, right, John, last year? She was the sixth athlete.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Androsik? Yeah. I don't know. You're talking on the team, right, the alternate? No, I think last year individually she was she's in that group of brute athletes maybe maybe i'm completely wrong but i i don't i don't remember her being oh my god she is a brick shithouse if pc's still in the chat he'll know he said no she's yo she's may she's mayhem she's hey has she has she ever gone individualifinals, but not the games.
Starting point is 01:40:46 If you want to see, go look up. She's got 50 strict handstand push-ups unbroken on YouTube. Her arms are shorter than my fingers. I know, but it looks ridiculous. It's just funny to watch. How tall is she? I don't know. She's a thick little thing, though.
Starting point is 01:41:07 There's somebody out there that I said was a female Colton Mertens. This might be that person. I just don't know. No, it is. It is. We've compared her to the female Colton Mertens before. Somebody said, is that Taylor with hair? No, she's not 4'2".
Starting point is 01:41:23 Come on. She might be 4'3". You can't even tell. Dude, she's not 4'2". Come on. She might be 4'3". You can't even tell. Dude, she's shorter than you, dude. What is that? Is she a midget? That's a team athlete. That's a team athlete? No, she's a semifinal individual.
Starting point is 01:41:38 And she's going individual here? Hey, this is the info we have from Patrick Clark. No height, though. Oh, shit. How tall is she, PC? Let's hear it. Is she training with them? That's why I was thinking Brute.
Starting point is 01:41:49 That's why I was thinking Brute, I guess. Is she training with Emma? Dude, that chick's living the dream. She bought an RV and lived in it in Naples and is now doing the same in Cookville. She's one of Dom's athletes. That's why she's doing the Jason Grubb thing. The thing about an RV is there's, like, what happens if you take a crap in there dude it just syncs the whole thing up your whole house no no no they got a fan over the top plus you don't really
Starting point is 01:42:14 shit in there you you try to time your shits like not in oh you try to go to the gas station that's even worse no you go into the barn and shit rich's house. Oh, my God. Look at this. Wow. Look at that. She's bouncing, dude. She's getting shorter as this workout goes. 37 seconds. Her cervical spine is demolished.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Is she locking out, Hillary? Are you giving those to her? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I mean, her left arm is, or her right arm is. She's wearing all black on that left elbow So I don't know What about I bet you she can do pistols like a mofo
Starting point is 01:42:51 I bet she crushes Mary Dude, Ro Skye is the best pistol person I've ever seen Right, right And that's, dude, Ro Skye is athletic as fuck Nope, she missed that last one 49 Terrible elbow injury. If this chick Jessica Androsik goes to the games,
Starting point is 01:43:08 I'm getting on that train. Two years ago, she's still not 100%. What the fuck happened? And how tall is she, Patrick? When did you have knee surgery again? Two years ago? Jesus Christ, he doesn't work for us. You can't yell at him.
Starting point is 01:43:20 One year. One year. Listen, much to Patrick's chagrin. Oh, shut the fuck up. Wow. That's a bad one. Yep. No, it doesn't look that bad.
Starting point is 01:43:33 What's bad about it? Holy shit. Oh, my gosh. What is that? It's like a war club. You should see Alexis. Wow. She's got a full body cast right now.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Whoa. Does she? Is that true? No no she might as well i don't know if she's still in the comments you'll hate that i said that i want to get that hey does patrick represent that chick i need to get her on the podcast if he did he'd know how tall she was yeah come on bro let's hear it all right okay back to the ladies uh androsic good luck good luck no one knows who you are. Make a name for yourself. Josh, what's up, dude? Oh, I was on that train at semis.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Okay, cool. Yeah, she's my kind of athlete. I like that crazy shit. Katie Cannon. Alexi Neal. No, this is my job. What's your name, John? You chill.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Matilda Garns. John, did you want to say something about her? No, I was just saying she's a good athlete. Games athlete, top 20 here? She's made the games before. I think she's the best box jumper in the field, right, JR? I think that would be Danielle. I think Emma Carey's pretty darn good at box jumps, too.
Starting point is 01:44:41 No, have you seen the videos of the box she uses in her fucking open workouts? She uses a box that's the minimum depth. That's an open workout, man. I'm saying that's where her box jumps are. She uses a box that's the minimum depth dimensions. A custom built box. Go watch her
Starting point is 01:45:00 in intervals at the games. Go watch her in intervals at the games. Who, Garns? No, no, Emma Carey, her box jump overs. I don't give a shit. Go watch Garns. Olivia Kerstetter, top 20? Yes. Yes, top 10. Top 10. Let's go, baby.
Starting point is 01:45:16 There's nothing in there that's going to, there's no crazy rope climb or something in there that's going to throw her off? It depends. Is Proven claiming her as their athlete this time around? No, she's fucking all. She's all Jacob, dude. And she's a stud. She's top ten for sure. Jacob
Starting point is 01:45:31 will be there. So is she Jacob Proven? Like Hopper is JRHWPO? Ooh, that's a great analogy. I like that. It's not an analogy. Comparison. Comparison. It's not. I would say this. Jason's been learning from JR for a long time. And so I think they're probably pretty close.
Starting point is 01:45:51 That's not a rep. She grew up in Jacob Hepner's barn working out with him. There's videos of her at like nine years old doing bar muscle-ups. Yeah, that's awesome. She's got some gross motor pattern faults there too, dude. Knees caving in. Oh, push those knees out, girl. girl come on that's a rep dude shut up it's not it's a bad that's a horrible angle andrew that's yeah it's a decent squat but not quite decent not quite hey you do what was the highest someone thinks she can
Starting point is 01:46:22 she can be i think she she's – Sixth. I have her eighth. Let me see. I got her at sixth as well, Andrew. Cool. We skipped over – I feel weird when I say Andrew. I don't know why I'm doing that right now.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Who's Andrew? Not you. Here, Wadapalooza Games. In the top, you have Andrew, then JR, then Taylor. Andrew, then James. Then Gabe with the red glasses, then Gabe John without the red glasses, and then Taylor. Andrew, then James. Then Gabe with the red glasses. Then Gabe, John without the red glasses. And then Caleb.
Starting point is 01:46:52 What were we going to say? Who did we skip? Mr. Young? We didn't talk about her at all, but I think Gracie Walton is going to do well. No, that's because you went to some training camp with her or some bullshit. Tell us the story. Like you went to fucking strong camp with her or some bullshit. Tell us the story. Like you saw it, like you went to wed and waited fucking strong camp or something, or she's one of your clients.
Starting point is 01:47:10 That was Kelsey. That was Kelsey Keel, not Grace. But I can tell this is some home cooking. Like, you know, her, you ran into this chick at seven 11 or something. No, no. She's just, she's an athlete that people might not know about. She's from Australia. She hasn't made the games yet, but she's on the come up.
Starting point is 01:47:25 She's with the underdogs, and she's going to do well. Yeah, I was going to say something snotty towards you until you said she's with underdogs, and I like when people are with underdogs. I think I have her seventh. Bullshit, but what were you going to say? I've got to know. I think she's athletic.
Starting point is 01:47:44 I agree with john just seeing seeing bits and pieces of how she moves she seems extremely athletic yeah what were you gonna say grace walton and me there's a reason no one's ever heard about her no she's young okay how young you got something to say about everything don't you patrick we need to know something about a female how young is she She's the same age as Gabby Magala 25 23 And she hasn't updated that in two years though
Starting point is 01:48:12 Magala's only 23 No Yeah Taylor she's 48 Hey look at this Click her in the bathing suit So she's a swimmer? She's a very good swimmer
Starting point is 01:48:29 Yes She spent 10 years in the water I heard Oh shut up And it looks like she bought one of Colton's dogs She has a Colton weenie Oh shit You make a good point. You make a good point, Hiller. I'm going to start telling people
Starting point is 01:48:47 I've been running for 10 years and just see if they think I'm a good runner. That's 100% one of Colton's dogs. It's got merle coloring. Why does that have one comment on it? Hey, look at this.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I'm going to share my screen. Sorry, Caleb. Look at this. Where do you think this is that she's training? Australia. Jeez, it looks like a dungeon. It looks like someone's personal gym. That doesn't look like an affiliate, does it? If you just throw that to a
Starting point is 01:49:19 pole, that's kind of cool. She's up and coming. I think she'll make the games next year. Or this coming year. She looks like a dog. Tia will get an exemption. What the hell does that mean? Like a Hunter McIntyre exemption?
Starting point is 01:49:35 No, like a Roman Krennikoff exemption. Alright. Tia Wadapalooza, Grace Walton. For some reason, John Young wants to talk about her. We still haven't figured out why. She's going to do decent on the swim, and we'll never hear about her again. Olivia Kirsten.
Starting point is 01:49:52 She's a pretty good snatcher, too. Rebecca Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Few, few, few. Kind of an interesting phenomenon here. Is this the most popular athlete that we're most excited to see with probably the least chance of doing well?
Starting point is 01:50:10 Yeah, she's the TikTok girl. I mean, she's cool as shit. It was like one of those charts. She's just creative and fun. I'm going to make one of those charts. I'm going to plot everybody on them. How much do you like them? Where does she finish in the snatch? I mean, that's the whole thing, right? That's what we were waiting to see Does she finish in the top? Where does she finish in the snatch?
Starting point is 01:50:25 I mean, that's the whole thing, right? That's what we were waiting to see. What happens in the snatch? Bottom five. Now, when you say this, there are a lot of other weak girls too. It's not a games field. Are there any other girls? So that barbell is only 125. Do you think that she could... I think she'll be
Starting point is 01:50:43 fine. I think she'll smash Cortadito for sure. No, I'm just thinking she could win it. No. Win? No, but smash. I have Ariel winning that one. Yeah, I think the top four are just too fit for her to win. And she's not Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 01:51:01 But I think she'll be fine in that event. I think she'll be really good in the rope climb event like top three better than jack rosema at what in her field just in her field does she finish higher than jack rosema i i say yeah i have her i have her 10th place i have her 10th too shit all right what do you have jack i don't have Jack in the top 10. Damn. Okay, Rebecca Vittesen. Supermodel.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Apparently demon eyes. Demon supermodel. Games athlete. Taylor's hiding. Not a lot of data on her, right? She made the games last year. Her eyes are solid black they she does not have whites in her eyeballs they don't exist i think or what i think she's kind of a perfect looking human being she looks like an avatar i don't think she looks like i
Starting point is 01:51:57 think avatar fits much more than demon yeah jesus christ look there's not okay there's a little there go go scroll next picture dude they just looks like you're a whole like do you see what i'm saying i think she looks like an avatar middle middle picture right there she smells like my daughter there's not a lot of there's there's not a lot of there's not a lot of sclera excuse me jr there's not a lot of sclera i heard you that's the that's the white part of your eyes yes nurse talk it's a little scary i mean look at that one where she's screaming i'm sure that's a really good one for taylor look there's no whites of her eyes they don't exist it's called
Starting point is 01:52:38 mascara dude no it's called she's no mascara. She colored in her sclera. Taylor thinks you color in your sclera with the mascara. You can tattoo your eyeballs, don't you know? Can you really? I love how Stefan makes that a three-syllable word. It's making my day right now. Look, there's Jason McDonald, the weapon, in the background there.
Starting point is 01:52:58 All right. Rebecca Vitteson, let's just call her unknown. Excited to see how she does. Oh, I see the demon. I didn't see it until she started opening her mouth. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. She might intimidate her competitors with that, dude. She's sharpening up her canine teeth.
Starting point is 01:53:15 I want to see her plug her tail into someone else's tail. Oh, what does that mean? That's an Avatar reference. Thank you, Hiller. Thank you. Okay, it didn't sound like one. It sounded like a Bryce reference. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Hand color. Wow. That's crazy. Tattooed eyeballs. I'm not going to win because she's working on her strength. All right, fair enough. Jessica Valenzuela has spoken. Okay, let's keep going down this list.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Damn, we're almost going to make it through this show before the two-hour mark. That would be amazing. Rose Scott, strong. Does everyone have her and Danny Spiegel fighting it out in the snatch? Shut up, dude. Stop it. She's rich.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Olivia. Okay, we'll see. I think, and Grace is really strong, too. Fuck off. Grace is not going to be competing with us. We're on the Grace Walton train. Jesus criminy. Sidney Wells, an underdog? Shut up, Rambler.
Starting point is 01:54:13 No way. I would love Rose Scott to beat Danny Spiegel in the snatch. She is never going to happen. No, I agree. I'm on your side, Hiller. I'm just saying I wish it would happen. I'm rooting for going to happen. No, I agree. I'm on your side, Hiller. I'm just saying I wish it would happen. I'm rooting for it to happen. I bet they tie and wait, and she can actually get her hip crease below the knee.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Overhead squat, and she beats her just because Danny gets no rep. You're out of your freaking mind. Well, Danny wouldn't get it. I'm on your side. Sidney Wells, impressive, right? It looks like it sticks on your side. Sidney Wells. Impressive, right? Looks like it sticks on the snatch. Sidney Wells is here now to stay, right?
Starting point is 01:54:52 Games athlete, CrossFitter. Incorrect. Incorrect. She didn't do a ring complex in semifinals. She was just the sister of one of the best CrossFitters who's ever lived. She was just the sister of one of the best CrossFitters who's ever lived, and now she's fucking gone to a local affiliate and worked her way into the daily talk of the great CrossFitters. Cindy Wells is here to stay.
Starting point is 01:55:15 She's about to have her best year ever. Her sister's an author. Also. Yeah, I think she's replaced Brooke. I think she has replaced Brooke. I don't mean that in a bad way, but is that she's the new she's the well she's the top well sister i don't think i disagree yeah for sure i disagree all right yeah because because you guys don't believe you don't believe i don't i don't she's only gotten better she hasn't taken any steps back right she's
Starting point is 01:55:41 couldn't do a ring well there's only one way up from doing zero ring muscle-ups, and that's one. That sucks. I think the ring complex was stupid, if I remember it correctly. The semifinals workouts really helped her out. She got very lucky.
Starting point is 01:55:58 So did the scoring. So did the fact that many other people got toasted on the ring muscle-up. I don't think she makes the games next year. I just feel this shallow AF. No one would have thought she would have made the games this year. That's the point. I love when people post things that just don't count.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Hey, what did she get? What did she get? How did she finish at the games? God, you guys are a tough crowd. Cut. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Sydney Wells. That doesn't mean she's going to be a regular at the CrossFit Games I hope she is that'd be great she should be a regular
Starting point is 01:56:31 of this show that would help I think that would help her never more than 10 minutes at a time so it doesn't stress her out too much get out of here Hopper hey three years from now who finishes higher at the games, Brooke Wells or Sidney Wells?
Starting point is 01:56:48 Who gives a shit? I don't think either one will be there anymore. Yeah, it's not going to be high enough to care about. 31 and 40 or whatever. Do you know who won the Open in 2023 without looking? Jeff Adler. No, in women. That one's harder.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Tia Toomey? No. Gabby? No. No, not Gabby. Yeah, yeah. I heard it. Is it Mal?
Starting point is 01:57:14 Fucking A. I just kind of... Mal just doesn't exist in my mind right now. Yeah, she's not coming back. Yes, she is. Okay, hold on. I'm looking... She knows what it's like to quit now.
Starting point is 01:57:24 Sidney Wells took. Did you beat the best analyst in the space? Are you kidding? I was trying to think about it. No, good job, Taylor. You're good. Thanks. Sydney Wells, start guessing what place she took.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Okay, you first, Taylor. What did she take last year at the games? Sydney? Yeah. 27th. JR? 25th. Taylor? 28th. Uh, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:57:47 28th. Uh, Caleb. Uh, 28th is what I'm gonna roll with. What did she finish? You guys fuck everything up, Taylor. She finished 28th. This motherfucker lost. That's because I heard someone say it. Oh, so I beat John Young again?
Starting point is 01:58:02 I said 28th. What are you talking about? jr said 25. yeah you great guessing guys good job john young is very wide oh okay oh whoa kayla back to the list oh john you're not on anything you're not on the girls john i got the good lighting okay john put those hairy nipples away john you're not on anything you're not on i got the good lighting okay john put those hairy nipples away john you're not on any drug the chest is hairy right right right you're right say what you're not on any drugs not right now i can't believe oh but when were you not yet okay okay never say never good answer good answer uh are we done that the girls? We did them all?
Starting point is 01:58:46 I think we missed something. Isn't there a whole other list on the other side? Yeah, the teams. No, it's just over there. How about those? I'm not doing the teams. No, we're not doing the teams. We're done. The team would do the teams maybe Friday night or something.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Killed. Alright. Taylor's arms are wicked. Why are your arms so jacked, Taylor? What are you on? I'm on that. Why are they both so jacked? That's a different kind of drug, baby.
Starting point is 01:59:17 One of these, dude. He does a shake weight. He does a whole house shaking. He has two arms. If I were on steroids, my back squat and bed lift would be stronger. That's fair. Guys, tomorrow morning, it looks like we will be here at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Caleb, can you pull up the schedule on the Wadapalooza site just so I can make sure?
Starting point is 01:59:40 I think their first event starts at 8.40 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Should be 11.40 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Should be 11.40 a.m. Does that sound right? Individual event one? We'll see you here in one second. So we'll come on an hour before that. Theirs should say 8, 9, 10, 11. Do they have a time for that?
Starting point is 01:59:58 Great question. How many guys is Taylor wagging off per day? A lot. A lot. He's got a thick wrist. Hey, Howie, this is why John's so emotional, okay? Tell him that estrogen is not a performance. Why are you so angry all the time? I don't think I'm that angry.
Starting point is 02:00:19 I'm a pretty happy guy. You just cry a lot. Dude, I have to fart so badly no you don't john i think the last episode i was on with you i think so too what is taylor what is tyler doing back there taylor uh he looks like lex luther you guys you guys look at this um uh look at their youtube how come they don't have their shit scheduled already well see they hired the dude from crossfit to run their their socials so no why no seriously
Starting point is 02:00:59 why isn't um if this is the youtube station where they're going to be streaming this makes me very nervous why don't they have it scheduled yet? Good question, brother. Is it loud and live or is it somewhere else that they're running? No, I heard it's loud and live. I spoke to Dylan specifically. Well, see, they hired the guy from CrossFit that does all their socials. Dude, this is really unsettling.
Starting point is 02:01:21 What if we – Hey, remember when they named that one workout dale no let's go baby dale dale are you finding the schedule anywhere it's on loud and live hey anybody got any good wrecks for breakfast tomorrow morning this is this is loud and live. This is... Yeah, Chipotle. Stop, Chipotle. What's that cafe called that a lot of people post about? Green River? Green City?
Starting point is 02:01:53 Bastille? Oh, Bastille? I've seen that. Greg Ritchie's going to be there. Oh, is he really? That would be hilarious, dude. Why? Because I would probably say what's up to him and he wouldn't know who I was.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Damn, no one knows. He touch and go power snatch 275. It was pretty impressive. Craig. He also has the dumbest haircut I've ever seen in my life. I was impressed with it. 275 for two is great. Taylor can't even do that.
Starting point is 02:02:26 I can't. Hey, oh, maybe it's on Barbell Spin. Let's look at him. I always talk about that being the best place to go for your media. Let's just see. Barbell Spin. He must have it. He must have this.
Starting point is 02:02:37 Oh, there's McDonald's. The live stream? You'd be fine. Yeah. What's up? I said there's a McDonald's. You'd be fine. I'd be good to go.
Starting point is 02:02:47 Okay, here we go. Double or nothing. Okay, okay so tomorrow morning that's 11 40 a.m eastern time so that's 8 40 and pacific standard time so we'll be coming on at 7 40 it will be uh do you guys come on and do a podcast before then no not tomorrow no we do our show is at 9 a.m tomorrow it's very early in the morning oh okay the running a snatch first. That's crazy. What are you guys doing on that show? We're talking about the day's events. We're taking our...
Starting point is 02:03:13 We have a couple segments. We're getting our picks for each event. Talking about the day's events. Ryan Spinn's going to be on. Tyler Watkins is going to be on. Who else? Angelo? No, that's Friday.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And it's on this station, the Sevan podcast? Yeah, bro. Fuck, then maybe I don't need to come on so early. Maybe I just need to come on a half hour before the event. Or after. We're going to do some bussing or sussing. We're going to do some cap or no cap. We're going to do some looks like.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Hey, so you're going to go over that entire event? Event one. We're going gonna go over the whole day Okay Alright I'll be here to preview it Okay so maybe we'll watch
Starting point is 02:03:58 Their show and give the cliff notes on I will be Yeah I'll be here I'll be ready to go What did you say 8 40 yeah uh 7 40 and pacific standard time okay i won't be here until 8 10 i think that's when i'm gonna move it to 8 10 okay and then we'll just come on for a half hour and by then i'll have a chance to watch uh jr and taylor's show and steal all their shit because i have to coach that last hour and it doesn't end until 8.
Starting point is 02:04:25 I think it'll be me, you, and Hiller. So first it'll be JR and Taylor will come on. They'll be live from the venue. God, this is going to be exciting. Okay. Everyone, this final piece, do you guys care if we go over and load up the Heat One app real quick?
Starting point is 02:04:44 Do it. Is Tyler still there? care if we go over and load up the Heat One app real quick? Do it. Is Tyler still there? Yeah, he's right there. Okay, Heat One. I got to redo my password for my account. What should I make my new password? Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Dude, Cafe Bastille is a no-go. It only opens at 8 a.m dude it's too late okay here we go heat one out so go ahead and go download the heat one app and log in have you guys already done that logged in you have your all your stuff hell yeah i have you picked your top 10 already yeah i got my all my stuff in for every league i'm in that's mine i had them already i'm staring at him the whole time oh wow oh you have boston hatfield winning it damn right unable to sign in. Oh, again. I always like to be bold, and then I'm always wrong, but whatever.
Starting point is 02:05:49 I'm always wrong. People think that I'm bold for having him fifth. Colton DM'd me, and he was like, I'm disappointed in you. For a four? No, for having Hatfield ahead of him. I'm joking, but I think it ahead of him. I'm joking. But I think it's fun that there's revenge there. Okay, so I'm on the app now.
Starting point is 02:06:11 Now what do I do? I go here to tier Wadapalooza individual? No. No. Team? No. Top ten individual, I go here? Or shot caller?
Starting point is 02:06:21 How do you make you big? That'd be great if i can make you big yeah real quick guys who wins the team competition no no real quick to help me do this which one do i click top 10 or shot caller top 10 okay i click it okay and here they are and i just put them in the order that I want Yes sir Look at this guy's name Paul Cock Paul Cock Paul Cock new member Okay and then
Starting point is 02:06:53 And then how do I make my Is there a Sevan podcast Leaderboard I don't think so You gotta make one no And how do I do that That's what we were going to tell you earlier. You said no, go away.
Starting point is 02:07:07 You heard the leagues on the bottom left? Yeah, there's a Barbell Spin one. Join community leagues. There's a Sevenista one. Oh, there is? Where's the leagues? On the left, bottom left. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Oh, man. And there should be a thing right above it that says create slash join community leagues. Dude, you need to go to your app settings on your iPhone and increase the size of all the text, you old fuck. No, I don't need to. I see that shit good. It's the opposite, Taylor. He can see it. Right above the community button.
Starting point is 02:07:42 Oh, yeah. I see it. I see it. Okay. Tier Wadapalooza individual, so I click that. I should join an existing league or make my own?
Starting point is 02:07:52 You can join existing. There's a Sevenistas one already. Oh, okay. Fuck it. I'm in. Sevenistas. How do I find that? Oh, creator join. Are you sure you want to join this league? Fuck, it's like joining my Instagram. You got to be sure you want to join this. There's, it's like joining my Instagram You gotta be sure you want to join There's 111 in there, I'm joining it too
Starting point is 02:08:08 Okay, so then I click on it Okay, now I just order these dudes Yep And that's for the overall, it's that simple I joined And how do you move them around? You can't, you just have to trash them And restart
Starting point is 02:08:24 What do you mean them around you can't you just have to trash them and restart What I mean, Oh draft, oh I see some I got a draft my first dude You have to draft them in order and if you want to change the order you have to hit the trashcan button and restart Okay, got it. So I'm gonna go with Ricky Garrard Then it so I'm gonna go with Ricky Garrard then uh uh uh Guy Malheros you're retarded I'm about to piss myself and Patrick uh oh then Patrick Vellner oh my god hey I got a gymnastics question for you guys. Cole Martin's fifth. Roman Krennikoff sixth. Or Taylor J.R. James Sprague seventh.
Starting point is 02:09:13 How about Hill or Taylor J.R.? All three of us. What's up? Oh, there he is. John, you have to know I keep receipts more than any person here. So every time you say stuff like that, it just goes in a little notes. What happened to Travis Mayer? Say stuff like that, it just goes in a little note. What happened to Travis Mayer? Is Travis Mayer out?
Starting point is 02:09:31 He's out. He's not competing. What happened? Nikki Brazier made him cry. Nikki Brazier? That's fucked. Mispronounce his name. Oh, she did? He wanted to give her some evidence of not showing up to a competition for once. Ah.
Starting point is 02:09:49 God, that was – That's Clark. He's a competing team. What's the gymnastics question? Hilarious. This is just a general training question. If you get where you can hold a handstand for one minute in a box, do you think that's good enough where you don't need to work on it anymore?
Starting point is 02:10:11 No, you got to stay in one freaking spot right for a minute you can't hold it like you gotta yeah you have to have a box what's wrong with you i'm just i'm asking like like comparatively yeah i would just say like if you look at the master semifinals workout last year that had like the dt ish um intervals and then it ended with a max handstand hold if you are able to do it for a minute with no hand movement i would move on but very very few people are going to be able to do that okay i i'm not close to that i was just asked because i'm really working on a handstand, like handstand holding right now. Right. And I have like 30 seconds, but I mean, I'm moving around that box. Okay.
Starting point is 02:10:52 Yeah. I mean, I think if you can get, I think if you can get four by four for a minute, like with very minimal hand movement, that's, I think that's pretty good. I rarely find like that stacked position. And like when I do, I think that's pretty good. I rarely find that stacked position. When I do, I'm like, oh, wow. That's the box.
Starting point is 02:11:11 Watch Hiller do this. He's insanely good at it. Go do it real quick. You're so good. You don't need to warm up. What's he going to do? He's so good at handstand holds. We did this at Madison, and he fucking whipped the shit out of me.
Starting point is 02:11:24 I don't know if I can do this still. I believe you. I believe you can, dude. Look at how small that is. Hey, you should pull out some. No, he's fine. Look. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:11:39 He just didn't even move. You fucker. Make him laugh. Nice winky. My pee-pee? He's so good. Hey, look at that bump on his wrist, on his right wrist. Look at that weird little bump, that nodule.
Starting point is 02:11:55 What are you talking about? I can't see that right there. Wow, wow. That's how you know he's good. He fails by going into a press. That's crazy. Yeah, that was impressive. That's how you know. I good. He fails by going into a press. That's crazy. Yeah, that was impressive. That's how you know.
Starting point is 02:12:10 I got to switch the lens over now. I switched the lenses. Oh, shit. Wow. Without turning your camera off? Yeah, is that a bad idea? Yeah, probably. Supposedly, that sensor back there will suck dust to it when it's on. It's like a magnetic sensor. And you think it's easier to go into it like hands starting on the ground uh yes i do that's the one i don't want to use they're out of their freaking mind yeah i've never i've never i've just never done that he's skilled jason hopper's playing the heat one out that seemed like a pretty long time what was that like 20 25 seconds that was at least 20 seconds i think my best like that's like a pretty long time. What was that, like 20, 25 seconds? That was at least 20 seconds, I think. My best light, that's like a minute 15, I think.
Starting point is 02:12:51 So do that, John. Give yourself a little box. I was asking this for training help, and you guys are off. I was not. I gave you an honest answer, John. No, thank you, JR. I appreciate it. I put that in here for Alexis to use. I told her she's got to use it five times a day.
Starting point is 02:13:14 The biker or the little rectangle? The little rectangle. So everyone can see your pics on here? Yeah. Yeah. Let's go see oh you can only pick your top ten oh shit okay all right fine either way Now we're all looking at our picks Leaderboard I picked Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 02:13:52 Wait a minute I can't see Tyler's Are Tyler's picks not in? I can't see Barb L's spins either Where do you think the biggest upset in the women would be if danny spiegel wins no really that's a big upset biggest upset what do you mean by that give us some context i think be getting fifth would be the biggest like i have her in fifth. So do you.
Starting point is 02:14:28 No, what I'm saying is if you look at her average pick placement, it's like ninth. Okay, so how do I see... Where do I go? Okay, I have all my picks in. Where am I going to go? Oh, leaderboard. Okay. Shit. All right. Extra sloppy I see is in here.
Starting point is 02:14:45 The shiz is in here biggest upset will be anybody other than the four men or women that we talked about the whole time finishing within the top four ricky roman brent and emma gabby danielle and ariel that's an upset john is a black albino like Shelby Neal. I told that to Alexis. Sarah, I have not yet started my Milano 10,
Starting point is 02:15:16 but I will. That's the next peptide I'm going to use. Let me just ask you one. Oh, hi, Sarah. Sarah Cox.x entire weekend brought to you by ca peptides we have too many documentaries coming out of there you guys are going to be stoked we're going to have jason and uh and um dallin pepper jason hopper and down pepper both miked up during the uh team events it's going to be an awesome doc thanks to ca peptides they sent
Starting point is 02:15:44 two filmmakers down there rios and uh patrick rios and bella rios it's going to be an awesome doc, thanks to CA Peptides. They sent two filmmakers down there, Patrick Rios and Bella Rios. It's going to be dope. Hey, should I be concerned that Loud and Live don't have the Tierra Water Pluza game scheduled? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Can someone help me here? I don't
Starting point is 02:16:00 have any better idea in order to find it than what you just did, but one second. Because this doesn't make any better idea that order to find it than what you just did but one second because this doesn't make any sense experience partner caleb have you had any luck finding it no i haven't seen anything about it okay it has to populate just tomorrow or something i imagine they'll probably just pop it up and be like oh oh, we're live now, and then they'll go from there. Yeah, it's just going to be live all day. But why wouldn't they schedule it so people can start asking for notifications and shit?
Starting point is 02:16:33 Small team. There's no way it's smaller than CrossFit. There's no way. Sarah Cox just started her IGF-1. Sarah Cox is jacked jacked she got a vein a belly vein it means you're lean it's cool you got any belly veins john no i in the summer i can get like a lower ab like v vein you know i'm talking about i do like where you get them up in your ribs it doesn't really count yeah no i've never gotten anything like that no but like in the side like
Starting point is 02:17:11 that's the most ripped i like kind of like when the games are coming is like the most i'm like 195 at that time so i'm like the lightest that i'm gonna be jr's got some ab bands i bet here's episode's episode four. I know what you're talking about, where it goes up your... I haven't watched this yet. This is episode four, behind the scenes. It comes out on Monday. She will for a couple of minutes, and then it's right back to recovering.
Starting point is 02:17:36 You guys want to watch this right now? Yeah. Let's do it. It's a marathon, you know that. It's one event at a time, so you enjoy it for a few minutes, and then you move on. Got a bit of a marathon, you know that. It's like one event at a time, so you enjoy it for a few minutes and then you move on. Yeah. Look how scared I am
Starting point is 02:17:50 as I approach her. Terrified. I'm not joking. Honestly, it was like I worked really hard on the first one, but so did everybody else. I wasn't feeling great going out there, but I kind of assumed everybody was feeling that way. She's being crazy cool to me too, but so did everybody else. I wasn't feeling great going out there, but I kind of assumed everybody was feeling that way.
Starting point is 02:18:06 She's being crazy cool to me too, right? All good vibes. Put her shoes on, though, as you ask for it. Anyone for the whole workout. It's kind of disappointing because I feel like it's not me. That's not what I would have done in training.
Starting point is 02:18:21 How heavy is that pig? Hey, are any of the doters competing at Waterpalooza on team? Dude, I thought... Daughter or sister or whatever. No, that's BKG's sister. No, yeah, no daughters are there.
Starting point is 02:18:37 No Sarah, no Katja, no Annie. No Thurie either. No Mal, no Haley. No Gilf a daughter either. Seager's either. No Mal, no Haley, no GILF, a daughter either. Sears daughter. No GILF. Yeah. I think that's it.
Starting point is 02:18:50 I think we got through them all. Got it. Patrick Clark. Why haven't you had Adam clink on yet? That's a good question. I think too. Honestly, I think we've had him scheduled like three or four times or some shit.
Starting point is 02:18:59 And it just always fell through. I think, I think mostly on his end, by the way, Patrick, great job today on the, um, And it just always fell through. I think mostly on his end. By the way, Patrick, great job today on the Be Friendly podcast. Amazing job. All the little facts and shit you add. It's dope.
Starting point is 02:19:16 All right. Love you, too. Where's all you guys? Jake's saying goodnight to you guys. My wife's at work oh wait a minute that's pedro that's not your wife okay um wow what the fuck is pedro doing awake is he out of his mind oh he's there yeah dude we're all here we got to be up at 6 a.m oh what is it 11 30 over there yeah i'm trying to find us a breakfast spot uh we will see you guys tomorrow morning bright and early uh it says 7 40 right now i think we're going to move that probably to 8 10 but before
Starting point is 02:20:01 then if you want the fucking lowdown the show that's going to steal the show all week jr and taylor are going to be live in the venue and it's going to be wild and that starts i think it's 6 a.m pacific standard time 9 p.m eastern time that's going to be a great show and they got will brands that are producing it that shit's going to be off the hook they're going to set the bar so high it's going to kill can't wait wait. Yep. All right. RJ, thanks for the membership. Talk to you guys soon. Don't forget Monday is the behind the scenes. Also, don't forget that this is all because of CA Peptides that we're getting all this amazing coverage. And it's
Starting point is 02:20:34 not going to stop at the end of Sunday night. We got crazy, crazy behind the scenes stuff with Hopper Dallin, Ricky Mack, and Colton going on there. Crazy stuff. All right. Bye-bye. John, thank you. Caleb, thank you.

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