The Sevan Podcast - TYR Wodaplooza Gameday // Friday // Shut Up & Scribble LIVE From MIAMI

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:51 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Oh, give me a break. Come on. How can you not pick Brent Fikowski to win this event? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Don't you remember 2021? Oh, what do you mean? I picked him to win He did not pick Brent Fikowski Are you kidding me? You literally said Pat Bellmer What? Do we need to watch the receipts back?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? Dude, you're an idiot Can you not hear yourself talking right now, dude? Oh my These commentators are idiots too Gosh, I know more about CrossFit than all these people I've been not even paid a share for the last five years
Starting point is 00:01:47 You don't want to lose, you little crybaby God Is this you or someone you love? Download the Heat 1 app on the App Store, Google Play Store Or by scanning the QR code on the screen Heat 1 is going to the big leagues for 2024 tier Wadapalooza Pick your top 10 men women and teams and play in a shot caller league where you can pick the winners for each event create a league with
Starting point is 00:02:11 your friends your gym and also play in the worldwide league where you have a chance to win 14 000 in prizes play now for free by scanning the code on the screen. Guys, I am signing up for the Open this year. I am so excited. I am so scared. Not scared, not excited. Anxious, titillated, up for the challenge. We'll do the Open together. I'm up for the challenge. I want you to be up for the challenge. I want to be a part of something that brings us all closer together. I want to do something that
Starting point is 00:02:56 supports CrossFit, the CrossFit Games, the group of us that's out there that believes in personal accountability and personal responsibility so that's why i'm doing it three weeks are over i'm going to be titillated proud of myself i'm going to think i'm the shit because i completed it the affiliates that have the most participation hit me up in the dms hit suza up and i'd love to have you guys on the show and do my part in helping us support you guys and reward you guys for what you're doing for your clients see you on the leaderboard. I started this training program because I love CrossFit and I want to share that with other people. At Sentinel, we give athletes both everyday and competitive
Starting point is 00:03:45 the most effective, unique, and fun training available. At Sentinel Training, we provide the most attentive coaching and descriptive workout notes available on any online training platform for the lowest price. Our mission at Sentinel Training is to preserve the methodology that Coach Glassman founded while continuing to innovate and create devastating fitness. Leading from the front, this is what it means to train center.. you you Thank you..........
Starting point is 00:05:46 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Starting point is 00:06:00 ... ... ...... shuffled the leaderboards a little bit more than people would at first glance give them credit for. Maybe we can dig into that a little bit. But the big change, strict pull-ups, I think, really cause some havoc out there. And the light dumbbell, lighter dumbbell. Second biggest drama of the day is currently that our audio wasn't on for the first three minutes of the show. I know it's huge drama, breaking news, barbell spin, get on it, cover the leaked audio. But to recap for the
Starting point is 00:06:25 everyone that's not live or massive live audience day two of individual competition a tier wadapalooza with J.R. Taylor we're super excited for this show we're gonna go ahead and get kicked off top storylines of the day we're gonna welcome in mr. Brian spin Brian spin. Let me give you this mic. Brian, how was your day one? It's fantastic. Very, very wet. Very wet. Insanely wet. You missed our workout this morning. What were you doing? Sleeping. Wow. Sleeping. That's whack. We had 40 people plus. It was crazy. Tyler did four cleaning jerks overall. Talking to your mic.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I am talking in, dude. It's quiet. All right, Brian's going to give us the top storylines. I don't know if they're from yesterday going to today. Hopefully a mix. Brian, what you got for us? Number one. First one, there are three withdrawals, at least that I know of, in the elite individual field. Matilda Garns on the women's side. She was dealing with some sickness and so she decided to pull out
Starting point is 00:07:32 and she's hoping to still compete on team, team Scandinavian. So we'll see if she gets back tomorrow. Wow. Pull out game strong. What do you think about a team or an individual athlete? What do you think about an team or an individual athlete what do you think about an individual athlete withdrawing from competition to hopefully still compete in team what is that what I don't get that I mean I don't know how sick she really is but Nick she said it was a shoulder yesterday I thought it's it's both but it's she's been sick the last few days
Starting point is 00:08:01 and so she decided to step out and try to come back is she sick is it her shoulder come on yeah i don't know but she's out in uh individual so he won't see her all right uh and then on the men's side we have alex carone uh he injured the same pec that he hurt at uh semi-finals so on the bar dips do you think think he injured it, or he came in injured, realized, ooh, I can't do a bar dip? No, it was my understanding that he heard it again, like it was at this event, so it wasn't like he had heard it before. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:08:33 that was the first announced individual event, so they've known the bar dips were going to be there. That didn't change in that workout, so I mean, I have to imagine that he's had almost a month to see if he can do those. Everyone, pour one out for Caron's Peck. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:50 For the homies. For the homies. Pull out game strong. All right. Who else? And then the third athlete is Kevin Jers. Again, another sickness. And just like Matilda, he's ready to come back on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Don't know him, so cool. Storyline number two. Number two, Roman Krennikoff, 13th place. Wah, wah, wah. I think a lot of this, I think, comes down to we have five events, 500 points, and the weight of the lift, right? 20%, he took 18th place. He's been trying to claw back up, but it's a really
Starting point is 00:09:26 tough one. Do you know what he took on the 335 and on Cortadito? So he took 16th on Cortadito, and then he took 7th and 9th on the Deja Vu. Man, that's a tough day one for somebody like Roman to take 16th in a fitness test 7th and 9th also in a fitness test in a in an event where the top five is super deep and you would expect to be of his caliber but beyond that it's like I'm not expecting those guys to beat him in a lot of workouts and he's not uh what do you think it is well one thing I started to think about is last night on the Sevan podcast they had James Sprague on James said there seemed to be some um inconsistencies with the air rowers that one round he got off 20 seconds ahead of the field and then one round he got off 20 seconds after almost
Starting point is 00:10:18 everyone in the heat you saw Roman get off the rower late frequently and that's just not something we would expect from him. So maybe either he's dealing with something, he's not feeling great, or he's just kind of been the product of some bad luck. Yeah, he is 55 points out of third place. So, you know, two scored events left, I think it's going to be pretty tough to get back in that podium contention. Yeah, with only two events left, that's a ton of ground to make up. You can't imagine that that many people above him are going to bomb the next two.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You think he tracks the top ten? Yes. This next one, the swim event, should be very good for him. And then it's rope climbs. Again, he should be fine. So I think there's some guys ahead of him. Unfortunately, Colton, you've got Austin Hatfield that are probably not the best swimmers and should make up some ground.
Starting point is 00:11:07 All right, next storyline. The women's race. We've got a tight one. We've got Gabby Magala, Emma Carey, Danielle Brandon, Rebecca Biddison, and Ariel Lowen. Ariel's a little further out than we had thought she might have going into this, but the top three are separated by 10.5 points. So anybody's game for the top spot,
Starting point is 00:11:29 a little surprised by Rebecca Vittesen. Very, very good start to the week. Sure. She works with Andre Houdet. No shortcuts? No. Just kidding. She's with who?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Don't know him. She's with Brute. Thank you. One thing to keep an eye on, yesterday we had a cap or no cap that was the winner for both the male and the females would have a finish outside the top ten. Currently on the male side,
Starting point is 00:11:58 all three in podium position already have a finish outside the top ten. On the female side, though, only one. And we were saying more possible for the female side. We get it. You were right. What was Ricky's finish? I think he had a 14th. I'll pull it up real quick. Wow. On the lift.
Starting point is 00:12:12 He's currently in first and had a 13th on double or nothing. Sheesh. That's a good segue. So the last point is Ricky Garrard. So I caught up with him in Cotler yesterday after the lift. He hit his 275, and he was pretty pumped about it and then forgot to do the overhead squats. Wow. And so Kotler's like, what'd you do?
Starting point is 00:12:38 I mean, there were nine guys tied at 275 pounds. He and Vellner both had zero overhead squats. Vellner didn't have enough time to get any. Ricky forgot to do any. I mean, he lost upwards of 18 points by not doing an overhead squats. Vellner didn't have enough time to get any. Ricky forgot to do any. I mean, he lost upwards of 18 points by not doing an overhead squat. Yeah, that's something we talked about yesterday, how the overhead squat would probably log, jam some people, and get some people, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:55 higher or lower on the leaderboard. Big muscles, little brain. You got to be keeping your head on straight when you're in a event like that, buddy. I'm sorry for getting into the overhead squats and stuff. Yeah, so the men's race, you got Ricky Garrard, Pat Vellner, Jack Farlow had a great deja vu yesterday, and then Sam Quant with 237 points. So again, 18 points
Starting point is 00:13:15 from first to fourth. So two events, it should be another good one. And Quant felt great after that deja vu. Yeah, and I mean, you got Jack currently in third. I think he's only going to climb. We have to assume that he's going to do really well in the last workout. We saw what he did on the alpaca. It's a little different workout, but still got a lot of rope climb and grip as the limiter for a lot of people. So unless he's not a great swimmer, I expect him to do well. I'm a little worried on this next one for Jack. You are. He's not very good at the longer distance workouts. I've been super impressed by Jack Farlow.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I think that's somebody who for a long time we talked about being incredibly having a high ceiling, a lot of strength, a lot of skill, but just the aerobic capacity, endurance, the ability to hurt seemingly not there. Sitting in third after those two workouts yesterday, that's huge for him. So I don't
Starting point is 00:14:04 expect this next one to go terribly based off what he could do, especially in Cortadito yesterday with 60 bar-facing burpees to, what was his finish? Well, 14th. We'll see. Yeah, you talked about it being a longer workout. Do you consider this one a longer one? It's a 20-minute cap, but I think the fastest times are going to be sub 15.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Maybe. I just don't know. I don't know enough about the swim distance to really say how long it's going to be. I just think with the monostructural, that's just not his forte. Now if he comes out and he does great, I think it bodes well for him for this coming season. Maybe he's kind of closed some of those gaps, but I don't expect him to be top 10 in this event at all. Okay, so he's definitely one to watch going into this. And then just a quick update,
Starting point is 00:14:52 Fikowski's in fifth. Watching it live yesterday, it looked like he hit his head on the second five-minute AMRAP on the row, because the rowers were so close to the stadium bleachers. And then he kept on hitting his back. So like after
Starting point is 00:15:08 he hit his head, like he did not seem the same. And like he rolled around on the ground afterwards. He walked off. I had heard that he was taken off in a wheelchair to medical. I don't know. He was struggling. I've not been able to catch up with him. I think that's fake news.
Starting point is 00:15:24 He's in a wheelchair. Allegedly. Brent Vekowski's rolling onto the floor for event four. Oh my god. Hopefully, the guy doesn't have a concussion. It'll help with the swim. Targeting call on the fence at Wadapalooza. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Thank you, Brian. That's it. Who's your picks? Who do you think is going to win today? I think Gabby's going to keep it going, win that one, and Ricky I think is setting up for another win. I think Ricky is a lock for the top spot on the men's side, for
Starting point is 00:15:51 sure. Surprised and impressed by Gabby as well. I don't see I see the last one potentially giving her issue with the rope climb. We know that's historically for her has been an issue, so we'll see. But I don't know that any other women outside of potentially Danielle or Emma are going to be able to climb. Alright.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Brian Spin, thank you. Appreciate it. Give it up for Brian Spin, the legend. Alright. I believe we're going into the infamous segment. We're switching
Starting point is 00:16:22 around today. We're going to go into a suss and a bust, and we're going to give some time to talk about the workouts today. We're switching around today. We're going to go into a sus and a bus, and we're going to give some time to talk about the workouts today. We got two workouts today. The first one doesn't take place until later this afternoon, so we have a pretty slow moving day in the morning, no elite action.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And so plenty of time to rest. We got the first workout. It's a wipeout. This is going to be on the new Bayfront stage. It's suspended away, floating in the water. And then everyone to be on the new Bayfront stage. It's suspended away, floating in the water, and then everyone will be able to watch from the shore. There's palm trees going through the stands, so probably a quarter of the people
Starting point is 00:16:52 won't be able to see, but that's sick. Wipeout, 50-40 calorie, or 50 for men, 40 for women, calorie, eco bike, swim, it just says swim, no distance, 150 beaded dubs, swim, 500 meter assault run. That's the first workout for the day. What do you guys think on that?
Starting point is 00:17:12 What kind of beads are they using, Will? Undisclosed beads. Imagine for yourself. What do you think about the swim distance, JR? It seems like the workout's two and a half to three minutes max on the Echo Bike. Same with the 500-meter run. I would be shocked if anybody is over two and a half minutes on the 500-meter run. The Beat It Dubs, again, we're looking at like 90 seconds to two minutes. How long do you think those swims each are going to take?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Are we thinking like a two-minute on each side? Yeah, it's interesting. When you see a 20-minute time cap, you wonder, is it just because we want to make sure everyone has to finish it, regardless of how good or bad they are in the water? You say five minutes for the machines on either end. Let's just say two minutes in the middle. So that's only seven minutes of that 20-minute cap.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I would expect the swim to be substantial, right? So where the fastest times are probably going to be low teens to maybe 12 minutes. 200 meters potentially. I guess so. And I mean, you've been here before. You've swam in the open water. You've done a monostructural only type workout with the row, swim, and the run.
Starting point is 00:18:12 What's the biggest obstacle in the water for these guys that maybe aren't used to swimming in the ocean? I think the biggest thing is going to be the chop in the water, being able to locate. So as you're swimming or you're performing your stroke, being able to pick your head up, see the point where you're swimming to, head back down and swim. I think typically as you're swimming or you're performing your stroke being able to pick your head up see the point where you're swimming to head back down and swim I think typically when you're swimming you want
Starting point is 00:18:29 to have almost feel like you're at a downward angle your hips are high in the water your head is low so you have more streamlined a lot of these guys are gonna be swimming like doggy paddling with their head out of the water just so they can see where they're going the whole time it's gonna be super inefficient so big thing is being able to locate, especially with the waves. Beyond that, keeping your goggles from getting fogged up. That's kind of a little tip, a little trick. It's not something that a lot of guys are going to be thinking about,
Starting point is 00:18:55 but licking your goggles before you put them on helps. Well, you got someone who's a really good swimmer. So you take like a Brent Fikowski, a James Sprague, someone like that. If you're going into this event, do you just want to be in the water before all the idiots that don't know what they're doing? They're going to be climbing all over top of each other. So do you want to try to be a little bit more aggressive on the bike to just get out of that panic? Or do you like to try to pick off some people as you go? Do you find someone who, Hey, listen, dude, we're probably one, two on this. Let's, let's stay
Starting point is 00:19:23 together on the swim, help each other a little bit. And then when we get off the swim, dude, we're probably one-two on this. Let's stay together on the swim, help each other a little bit, and then when we get off the swim, whoever's in the lead on the run goes. You 100% want to be out in front if you're confident in your swim abilities. I think one of the challenging pieces here in 2022 when we had the row-swim-run workout, I'm not the best rower in the field. I think we had, like, Jason, Caron, some of these huge guys, Sprague. I was actually rowing next to Sprague, and so I was like, I'm just going to stay with him because I know he's a good rower in the field. I think we had like Jason, Caron, some of these huge guys, Sprague. I was actually rowing next to Sprague. And so I was like, I'm just going to stay with him because I know he's a good rower. I still got in the water eighth and trying to climb past people in the
Starting point is 00:19:52 water with all the chop, these idiots reaching their hands out in every direction, grabbing ankles. You just don't want to deal with any of that. You want to be out in front. You don't want to get on the ramp and have to wait for people to get up ahead of you. So I expect the guys to have the most confidence, the guys with the most confidence in the water potentially brent james roman maybe to be aggressive on the bike that's how i would approach it do you see this workout being something that whoever's in the lead or maybe one two coming out of the first swim are not going to relinquish it or do you think the beaded double unders are enough of a factor to where it may blow some guys shoulders and heart rate up to where they get back in the water for the second swim and they fall off
Starting point is 00:20:28 i'm not confident to say that the first out of the water on the first swim is going to hold that spot but i think once we get about 75 or halfway through those beaded double unders who's in the lead at that point to me should be a lot for the rest of the workout uh barring anything substantial going wrong or anything we can't expect but i think if you're in the lead halfway through the dubs likely a lot for the rest of the workout heidi crew thanks for the dollar 99 donation she's requesting a different camera shot zoom back out for hogshot please uh we'll put it to the producers and see what they can do all right so what do you think sussing or busting oh that, that workout, busting. Busting.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Yeah, I say busting as well. It's a cool monostructural workout. I think the beaded double under is a simple change and twist that a lot of people probably aren't doing in their training. They're buying the beaded double unders to work on crossover double unders. They're probably not doing normal double unders with them a lot. And then a lot of people don't mix swimming with other monostructural things when they're doing in training i think the beta dubs are probably going to catch a lot of people off guard i'd expect them to be like a regular double under and a track rope somewhere
Starting point is 00:21:33 in the middle where you get a lot of wind resistance at the same time uh i would not be surprised if we have some purple toes after this workout people smacking the old toenail around with a beaded jump rope all right right, wipeouts bring in purple toes. El Circo, this is one of the events we saw. Purple nurples. All right, purple nurple. Hello? Sorry, you guys.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Someone check me out. Where's medical? All right, we're moving to the second workout. We saw Taylor do this workout. Absolutely crushed it. El Circo, buy-in of 90-foot kettlebell lunge in the mixed rack. So that means one
Starting point is 00:22:09 in the front rack, one overhead. Three rounds after the buy-in. Three or two rope climbs. The first one's in the seated position. That means you're on the floor sitting. You start out, and then you can clamp your legs once you get high enough to do so. 18 toes to bar bar so three rounds of those two movements and then a buyout
Starting point is 00:22:29 with the same 90 foot kettlebell a lunge in the mixed grip or rack position what do we think taylor after doing this workout what are your thoughts i think the first thing first thing it stands out to me is after i finished the workout, Hiller was saying that the kettlebells were irrelevant, that the lunge was irrelevant, and I disagree. I think we are going to see a lot of guys putting the kettlebells down or failing even on the final lunge because it's light enough to trick you into thinking you can go unbroken. There will be guys who can go unbroken, but the guys who can go unbroken are going to bait the other gentleman into trying, and these guys are not going to be able to do it. So I think, one, that back 90-foot kettlebell is challenging. Two, I think people who come out with unbroken sets on the first round of 18 toes-to-bar are not going to have a good result or outcome. It's just so pointless to string the
Starting point is 00:23:21 18 together when you could come off the bar, take a deep breath breath and get back up. And that time is made up in your transitions by just jogging them. But what you're doing by breaking the toes bar up is you're delaying your muscular failure or muscle fatigue just a little bit, just enough, so to speak. Yeah, it's a really interesting final day. Yesterday, I would say we had a lot of classic CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:23:41 right, with the intervals and then how the first workout was changed, Cortadito, that they did. It really just became kind of a sufferfest. Today, all monostructural. In the day, all muscle stamina. I couldn't agree with you more. I think the kettlebells will be relevant.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I think a lot of guys doing the handstand walk, trying to be really aggressive, they have the 30-foot force kicked down, so they're going to be starting the workout out pretty hot. Once get into round three, and they go from the last 90-foot handstand walk into the kettlebell lunge. I think it's going to catch them off guard. I think overall the workout is awesome. It's going to be super fun to watch. Finishing any competition on a lunge that's risky is super exciting. I think the big thing for me is what the segments are going to look like. Are they going 30 down, 30 back for three reps? Are they going 45, 45? You know, at the games, we get to see people walk 90 feet unbroken in one shot, and that's really cool. So we'll see how the action
Starting point is 00:24:34 shakes out with three 30-foot segments potentially. What are you kind of thinking for winning time on this after doing it? Obviously, we need to see how it's set up, but what are we looking for? Yeah, so this is going to come up in a later segment when we do cap or no cap. Should have read the notes. Talking about Taylor's time, but I think the fastest times are going to be high eights. Taylor's time was 9.14. I think that would be very competitive in this field. He did it not in a competition setting, but training like he does all the time,
Starting point is 00:25:04 doing a lot in a short amount of time, not a whole lot of warm-up, no one else in the gym, no music. I think that will balance it out. Anything else on the workouts for today? I think this final workout will come down to transition lengths. I think that's something to look for. All right. You guys are already preparing for it in the comments.
Starting point is 00:25:23 You guys are right. I'm quadruple boosted. Also, Will looks like he collects marbles unironically. Will looks like he wants to play the clarinet as a profession. Will would make a great dungeon master. Will looks like he has a Lord of the Rings marathon once a quarter. I wish. That's more like Tyler Watkins for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:45 All right. We're going like Tyler Watkins for sure. Alright. We're going to move into... Looks like. Do we have this planned out? We got looks like. We're trusting Taylor today. We're bringing Peter on. We're going to spice things up a little bit today. If you have a guy from Ireland on the stage, you can say whatever you want. Those are the rules.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So we're bringing him on. Looks like segment. Alright. We're going to start with me. We're going to pass to Peter. Then we're going to go to JR. You guys ready? Day one, baby. They don't know what it is. Are we skipping so I don't have to read it? You don't have to read it, bro. Let's go. That means it's really bad. Alright, number one. Nikki Brazier. Looks like she sends back her first entree. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Let's go, baby. Alex Kazan looks like the first girl to sign up for the boys' wrestling team. A savage. Emily Rolfe looks like the local farm animal vet that you go to for ivermectin when your primary care physician won't prescribe it for you. Matt Fraser looks like the kid that sold candy out of his duffel bag in elementary school. Roman Krennikov looks like an alien that bought a human suit to wear for Halloween.
Starting point is 00:27:19 That's great. My relationship with him is really good, so I'm glad I got to read that one. There's been no intense, awkward stares backstage yet. You guys are friends, huh? I'm trying. Sam Quant looks like he found CrossFit on Rumspringa and never went back. All right, that's it for today. Awesome. Give it up for's it for today. Awesome. Give it up for Looks Like, a dangerous segment.
Starting point is 00:27:52 You guys have some good Looks Like. Put them in the comments. Send them to our Shut Up and Scribble. We'll filter out the aggressive ones, so please be mean. You know us, very good at filtering. All right, so that means we're going to move to cap or no cap. Do we have caps? What? Oh, Tyler. Right here, right here.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Well, we did that last yesterday. Do we need to do it early? Oh, we're going. We're going cap, no cap with Peter. Peter's trying to get off the stage for some reason. We'll try to find out why that is afterwards. Alyssa says, read the Brooke Wells one again. You have to go back to the show yesterday and read it.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Just kidding. I can read it for you. Okay, we'll bring it up. Brooke Wells looks like the girl at a party that you ask where the bathroom is and she says I have a boyfriend. We can bring that back every day. Wait, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:28:46 All right, cap or no cap. So how this game works, these three are going to have caps. We've got these new Sentinel training caps. Thanks to Vindicate for making these on short time notice for us to have. So basically I'm going to read a statement, and these guys, we're going to count down. They're going to put on the cap if we're capping. So if they don't think the statement's going to be true, they're going to put on the cap,
Starting point is 00:29:08 and they'll give us the reason why. If they're no capping, obviously they're going to leave them off. So if I say we're at Wadapalooza, no cap, we're at Wadapalooza. Tier Wadapalooza, sorry. And if I said that Roman Krennikoff is going to win Tier Wadalupe, you would say cap because he's not. All right. All right. So cap, no cap. Number one, Taylor's time on El Circo will be top five compared to the field. And what was your time, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:29:36 9.14. 9.14. So we're saying is Taylor's time going to be top five on El Circo, which is the finale for today. Cap or no cap? Three, two, one. Taylor's capping. Peter's capping. JR's no capping. Wow, fuck you. Sorry, screw you, Peter. Wow, he just got censored. JR, why are you no capping? Oh, yeah. I mean, I know Taylor pretty well. I know his ability. I have a good feel for the competitive male field. If this workout wasn't so determined on knowing yourself, muscular stamina, high volume hanging, high volume pulling, general upper body fatigue, I would say cat for sure.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But I'm confident in Taylor. I think he's top five. I got to read this one real quick. Dildo says, Will looks like he can gargle salt water before he gets in the shower because it makes his shower singing voice better. All right, Taylor. That's his name. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It's his name in the comments. Two words. All right, Taylor, why are you capping? I just think, dude. Are you a humble beast? I'm going to give you guys a humble manipulation of my words, but I think that, generally speaking, being in a competitive environment
Starting point is 00:30:51 and being able to race people pushes you to a different degree, pushes you to a different gear, and I'm just, yeah, I don't know. I'm not that confident in it. I just have no idea. I think that's more than anything. I don't know. That's why I capped, too.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I was like, I think Taylor could have a top five time if he was here doing it. I would win it if I were here. Yeah, but I think that. But I am here. All the others have to race each other. They have, like, if they're sensible, they watched him do it. And they have, like, targets, stuff in mind. And then they're also racing each other.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So they got extra adrenaline, all that shit. That's the other thing. When you know a time for a workout, it's probably, I would say, 30% easier to beat that time. Peter looks like that little bear. What's the bear's name that wears the rain boots and the wearing cap? Paddington. Paddington. Peter looks like Paddington right now.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Just noticed that. All right. Anything else? I think we're going to move on from that. So cap or no cap. The fastest female time on Wipeout will be a top five time amongst the males. Amongst the males. So, a female competing
Starting point is 00:31:50 in the female division, we're all groundbreaking, on Wipeout will be a top five time against the male time. I don't see gender. Capping or no capping. Alright. So, capping or no capping.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Three, two, one. Wow, capping or no capping three two one wow capping peter's no capping because peter i believe in female empowerment all right why are you guys capping echo bike okay so the echo bike is 50 40 right it is 40 cows for the females as far as i know the distance on the air runner is the same which will make it a little bit more difficult for the females as far as I know. The distance on the Air Runner is the same, which will make it a little bit more difficult for the females, but I still think that no matter how fast the females are able to swim, they're not gonna be able to make up the difference on the machines.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I agree, I think just, it's an 80% to 100% on the Eco Bike, it's 50-40. I just don't think that's enough of a gap for the women to make it up. Peter, you support women. Why do you no cap it? Why? I just like boobs.
Starting point is 00:32:52 No, I think I just disagree with the guys. They're saying that there won't be enough in the swim. I just got canceled. That was fun. We all like boobs, Peter. Why is the plate that says Peter's canceled? Oh, look, they're coming. No, I think that, I just think I disagree. I think there are strong enough swimmers in the women's
Starting point is 00:33:09 field, and I don't think there's any, there's like maybe two, three really strong swimmers in the men's field, but I think there's more in the women's field. Does the women who breaks the top five have boobs? Big ones. Lady lumps. Alright, we're moving on That's making me uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:33:27 Capping or no capping Roman Krennikoff will finish higher than Colton Mertens Wow, so Colton Currently in What, 7th place? And Roman currently in 13th Alright, so it's capping or no capping Roman Krennikoff will finish higher
Starting point is 00:33:43 Than Colton Mertens. I still have to do mental gymnastics to figure out which hat I would be putting on. Yeah, I don't understand. So that's why I'm not playing because I don't understand our own game. All right, 3, 2, 1. Roman. Full cap. Everyone's capping.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yep, we're fully capped. We're fully sheathed. Caps across the board. JR, you're capping. Why? Yeah, I just don't think he's going to be able to close that big of a gap. I think Colton's not going to have the strongest workout on wipeout, but I do think he'll be fine on these last two to where Roman can't close the gap that's that big.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Taylor, anything to add? I just don't think he can make the points jump with these two final workouts. Peter? Yeah, I think it'll probably come down to who beats who in the last workout, but I think Colton's going to do the pig on it. All right, we're going to go rapid fire. Yeah, currently 30 points separating them, 183 and 213. All right, we'll find out tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Tonight, we'll find out tonight the result of that. So we're going to move rapid fire. We're going to try to go fast so we can bring on Tyler Watkins to do our picks. Actually, we're just kind of chilling. I think we're good. We've got 30 minutes, baby. You've got time, Tyler? Oh, Tyler's got time, which is shocking as the CEO of a big tech startup
Starting point is 00:34:56 in the CrossFit space. The other CEO. Are you guys based out of Silicon Valley? Yeah, they are. All right. Steamy Valley, actually. Seamy. Steamy. It is Steamy Valley. We're live from Steamy Valley. It's very steamy, very humid. Capping or no capping,
Starting point is 00:35:21 an athlete will complete the 150 beaded double unders unbroken. Capping or no capping? Three, two, one. Fully capped. Why, Taylor? No shot. I just don't have a confidence in their fitness. I think the beaded jump rope is about as hard, maybe almost as hard, 80% as hard as a drag rope. And I don't know that 150 drag rope double unders is possible from anyone in this field, especially after the echo bike and the swim. And I don't think it's smart to.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, I think even two sets is going to be aggressive. I think you'll see a lot of people go 50s, maybe 60, 50, 40. I think you might see some athletes strategize it to where they do 30 for five sets. Peter? Colton does it on broken. Fat chance. He told me yesterday he's going to do it on broken.
Starting point is 00:36:01 He doesn't lie down in workouts, but he ain't doing this on broken. All right. Capping or no capping, an athlete will come I say he's going to do it on broken. He lies. He doesn't lie down in workouts, but he ain't doing this on broken. All right. Capping or no capping, an athlete will come off the echo bike and wipe out sub two minutes. If those of you who are listening, Taylor has made this claim. He probably forgot, but he said he thought someone would. I never forget.
Starting point is 00:36:18 All right. Three, two, one. Capping or no capping? Always remember, never forget. No cap. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like fresh promise. Always remember, never forget, no cap. apples. Loblaws is committed to fresh, so you get the best fruits and veggies. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace. Liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live
Starting point is 00:37:09 a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Two minutes. Sub two minutes. That's 25 a minute. Roman or Brent or James will go sub two. Yeah, there's three or four.
Starting point is 00:37:30 JR, you're capping. I'm capping. I just don't think you gain a whole lot getting into the water 10 to 15 seconds early. Roman, James, Brent, if you guys are listening, have some balls. Sub two minutes. Sprechency balls.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I could see Roman doing it because he has to be so aggressive that he needs to go out and win the last two workouts to finish as high as he can. Everybody knows as well that you're way better at swimming if you drink a liter of water at the first ten seconds. Yeah, if you win the echo bike, you're winning the workout. You got to have your lungs half full the first two strokes. All right, after seeing Brent Fikowski last night, this will be a big one. Brent Fikowski will finish on the podium.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Cap or no cap? So Brent Fikowski currently in fifth. He's got 223 points, only 15 points away from Jack Farlow currently in third. All right. Cap or no cap in three, two, one. I got Brent at third. I believe in Brent. The swim event will be really good for him.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, swim's going to help him a lot, and I think it might be more of a product of Jack stumbling a little, especially from some insight Brian Spinn gave us. He expects him not to do as well in that workout, knowing a little bit more about him as an athlete. So I think it'll be more a product of Brent doing really well and then also some people above him slipping a little. The comments seem to be capping on this.
Starting point is 00:38:50 So we'll see. The only thing is Brent really likes finishing fourth. We need to put a poll in the comments of what we should eat for breakfast. Are we going to get some seafood mac and cheese? Sounds like a good idea. Yeah, 10 a.m. seafood. Yummy. Go check that out. 10 a.m. seafood. Yummy. Go check that out.
Starting point is 00:39:07 11 a.m. diarrhea. All right. We'll do one more. Unless the two are really good on the bottom. I haven't read them yet. Let me know, JR. They're good. Okay. Then we'll try to move fast.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Cappin' or no cappin, Ariel Lowen will finish on the podium. A Savant Podcast favorite. Yeah, so likewise to Brent Fikowski, Ariel Lowen currently in fifth. She is only 30 points, 40 points out of the podium. But we know the rope climb workout is looming. We see women all the time in competition stumble big on their upper body pulling capacity. Will she be able to close the gap? And I think Ariel Owen was a popular pick. We'll find
Starting point is 00:39:49 out from Tyler, but I figure she was one of the most popular picks to win the competition, if not the most, the favorite. So, cap it or no cap it, will Ariel Owen be on the podium at the end of today? 3, 2, 1. Wow. Wow, JR. Hey, did you know she trains out of her garage?
Starting point is 00:40:06 What? Yeah. Wow, she's... Since when? She's a garage athlete, dude. Like recently? Garage gym reviews. She humbly manipulates the weights in her garage gym.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I humbly had no idea of that. All right, JR, why are you capping? I think just the point spread. I think she will climb. It's just I don't see Danielle, Emmama or gabby stumbling enough in the water especially to really make up that many points between the two of them taylor no freaking cap dude i think mother ariel is going to pull out a christmas miracle today mother ariel um yeah i i think uh i she said she said yesterday she's in a push pull cycle so she was really excited about
Starting point is 00:40:44 the workout she won yesterday and she's really excited about the workout she won yesterday, and she's really excited about the rope climb workout. Freaking go, girl. I'm a big believer in Ariel Lowen. Big Ariel Lowen guy. Dylan, if you're listening, we want to hang out with you sometime. All right. An athlete currently on the podium will fall out of the top five after wipeout.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Could you give us the top five on each side? So an athlete currently on the podium will – sorry, top three. Currently on the podium will fall out of the top five after Wipeout. Go ahead. That was so smooth. Yeah, unbelievable delivery. So we got Gabby, Emma, Danielle, Rebecca Vitteson, and Ariel currently in the top five.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So you're top three, Gabby, Emma, Danielle. One of them will fall out of the top five. So what's the gap? So the gap is... 60 points, 50 points? 40 points. 39 points. Yep, 40 points on the women's side.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And then on the men's side. 15 points. Much smaller margins. Yes to the men, no for the women. Yeah. Same. I forgot the cap. Taylor forgot the game we're playing.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Cap or no cap. So three. Three, two, one. Half a cap. Oh, you're half capping. Yeah. So on the women's side, no. On the men's side.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Oh. Yes. Okay, so who's falling out? Jack? He's falling out of the top five? Unfortunately, yeah, probably. Jack Farlow. He just needs people to come between.
Starting point is 00:42:08 You know, like, it's just so, it's such a small gap. Right. Like, three or four people would make a big difference there. Yeah. Half a point, Quant, out of third. All right. Going to our last cap or no cap, two Canadian males will finish on the podium. That's quite similar to the Will Brandt-Forkowski finish on the podium question. So we've got three in the top five right now.
Starting point is 00:42:30 We got three in the top five, right? We got Pat, we got Jack, and we got Brent in the top five. I forget Jack Farlow's Canadian. So at least two will finish on the podium. Cap or no cap? No cap. Three, two, one. No cap. I'd burn my hat.
Starting point is 00:42:45 What's that American diner? Is it Shoney's that has the big baby on it? That's what Jack Farlow looks like, so I keep forgetting he's American. Or Canadian. You know what I'm talking about? No. No. The big boy.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Big boy diner. Just did a survey, and... Yep, no one knows what he's talking about. Worst reference of the weekend. Survey says... Yeah, so I still like at least two Canadians that finish on the podium. Wendy's? No.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, he looks like the Wendy's girl. All right. Thank you, Peter, from Coffee Pods and Wads. Check him out. Check him out. Yesterday did a podcast with Justin Medeiros. Best audio of the weekend. Best audio.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Dubbed best audio by the people at Tear Waterpaloo a podcast with Justin Medeiros. Best audio of the weekend. Best audio. Dubbed best audio by the people at Tearwaterpalooza. Podcast with Justin Medeiros, Willie Georges, and Jay Crouch. Willie Georges. All right. Give it up for Pedro. Thank you. Awesome. Great
Starting point is 00:43:41 shot of the crowd. Now we're going to bring on from the Heat One app Mr. Tyler Watkins. Give it up for Tyler Watkins, the other CEO of the Heat One app. Biggest launch of the weekend. You can still play. There's a lot to play for. You can still go in today, and you can play for the team's competition, which isn't starting until tomorrow. So if you missed out to get your picks in, there's still time for you.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I had to spell that out to Jason last night. He was like, oh, you can still win for the teams? And I was like, yeah, dude. So, yeah, everybody's forgetting. Please go play teams. What game do you have to play to have a chance at winning $1,000? Shotcaller game. So the individual event picks go and play that there.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Okay, so Shotcaller for teams will potentially win you $1,000. Shot caller game. The individual event picks go and play that there. Okay, so shot caller for teams will potentially win you $1,000 and there's a lot of other prizes and then you can also play top 10 for bragging rights. Is that correct? Yes, sir. I'm already in 400th place. Congrats, dude. I was in like 14th on one of them, but I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:44:40 You're 7th overall for a while. Wow. I was 7th overall for a while. I don't know anything about CrossFit, if you didn't know that already. But I am wearing this CrossFit Go-Wreck shirt because I'm a big – I ordered it the night of in my bed. I was falling asleep. I was like jolted awake. I was like, I need to buy a shirt.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Big fan of that. If you haven't signed up for the Open, you should definitely go sign up for the Open. I'm signed up. I know Taylor's signed up. Jay, are you signed up yet? No. Not yet. High fives to Taylor. Tyler, are you signed up for the Open? I have not. He has not signed up. Who in the crowd is signed up for the Open? Let's look at the raised hands. Keep those hands up. Nice. Nice and high. Travis Brault doesn't even do CrossFit, but raise your hand. Wow, that guy is absolutely jacked that's on the screen,
Starting point is 00:45:25 and I don't even know him. It's all the zone, too. All right. What we're going to do is our pick-em for the day. So we only have two events. I'll bring them back up on the screen right here. So we're picking for Wipeout and El Circo. I think we're just going to pick our winner choice for each of them
Starting point is 00:45:44 on the male and on the female side. Okay, so for Wipeout, we've talked about it. That's the one with swimming. It'll be on the new Bayfront stage floating out in the water. That'll be the first workout of the day. Let's start with Taylor. Who are your picks for this event? I've got James Sprague on the men's side. He's a super long athlete, so he's going to have an advantage on all of the modalities in this workout. He's going to have an advantage on the echo bike. He's a big dude. He's going to have an advantage in the water, and he's going to have an advantage on the run.
Starting point is 00:46:13 The only thing that may hold him up a little bit are the beat-up dubs, but I don't expect that to play as much of a role with somebody who's as talented as he is and as aerobically fit as he is on the other portions. Similarly, on the female side, I'm going to go with Emily Rolfe. She's going to crush it. JR? Yeah, not a whole lot of drama here. My picks are exactly the same as Taylor's. I really like Emily Rolfe on Wipeout. I think she's going to
Starting point is 00:46:36 be able to separate on all three monostructural movements, even on the beat of double unders. You can kind of call that a weighted movement. I don't think it's going to affect her at all. And I agree. I don't think anyone can stay with James on this workout. We love you, Spreger. Tyler, who do the people pick? I'm going, so I'm, I'm agreeing with the fans on this one. I'm going with seniority and experience with Brent Fikowski. He's in first by a long shot. Over 40% of the fans think he's gonna win Wow and then I disagree with the fans on this one Emily Rolfe is the favorite with 43% of the picks I'm gonna go with spins Intel and go with grace Walton Walter Wow you gotta keep your eye on the Canadian on the Australians when there's any water involved that's
Starting point is 00:47:20 the tough thing about her she has done kind of poorly on my quarter detail and that's such a fitness workout. Does she have the lungs? I don't know. Do you have the lungs? Hey, Grace? Where are your lungs? Grace?
Starting point is 00:47:33 We don't know. She's not here. But I know she's listening online just like the rest of you. All right. Let's move on. Are we all good on that workout? Anything else to add? We're good.
Starting point is 00:47:43 All right. I like James. I really wanted to pick James for that workout. But you didn't. But I didn't. Sorry, James. Wow, sounds like you don't like him that much. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:52 El Circo is going to be the finale. And so we're going to go with the people's pick first. This is the buy-in with the 90-foot kettlebell lunges like this. And then the rope climbs and toast bar in a three rounds. And then the 90-foot buy buyout with the kettlebells. Tyler, who did the people pick? The people picked Pat Belner. Not a bad pick.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I picked Ricky Garrard on that for the men. Do you know percentages on this one? Percentages on this one are Pat Belner has almost 45% in the picks, so the vast majority. Next is Ricky with 16% of the picks. The vast majority. Next is Ricky with 16% of the picks. What about for the women? The fan pick is Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I think people are over playing the handstand walk too much on this. I think it's going to be more about the rope climb and the toes to bar. Can you read that percentage for us? Percentage is almost 70%. What is almost 70%? 69.92.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Oh, wow. That's crazy. Did you do the workout, Tyler? Yeah. That's a no. All right. Did you give your personal picks already? Emily Rolfe.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Okay. Emily Rolfe on the final. Yes. Get out of town. That's big. See ya. Did you say for the men already? You did?
Starting point is 00:49:03 I'm capped. I'm capped up in case you haven't noticed. Okay. Taylor, who's the men already? You did? I'm capped. I'm capped up in case you haven't noticed. Okay. Taylor, who's winning on the El Circo? I got for the men, Ricky Guilald. Not that he's French, but he just kind of sounds a little French. And then for the women, I'm going to go with Daniel Brandon. It is a handstand walk workout.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's 270 feet of handstand walking. Cookie cutter pick. That's almost a football field. Cookie cutter. You don't know what football is. I'm talking about American football. Yeah yeah I've been saying it for the past two days I think this workout and this whole competition especially on the female side has so much overhead that I think by the finale Danielle's ability to get overhead in a stack position better
Starting point is 00:49:37 than the rest of the field is going to prevail her to victory on the men's side I do think Pat is going to put on a pacing clinic here I know a lot of people see him in heavy shoulder-to-overhead workouts, sometimes take a stumble. This is not one of those workouts. I think he's going to maybe even break the toes-to-bar into sixes when everyone else is going to come out hot, and in the end he's just going to catch people. See, I think it's funny you're contradicting yourself.
Starting point is 00:49:59 You're talking about the volume and they're going to be tired, but that's where Pat fails, but you think it won't be a problem. Yeah, I don't think the load on the lunge is going to be heavy enough if it was kettlebell hang clean and jerks if it was a heavy barbell clean and jerk and it was a lot of shoulder overhead that would be different we didn't even do the shoulder overhead yesterday that we were supposed to do so i think he's going to be better i will say this on the last lunge if i had one misstep and my arm got any weight, anywhere outside of my base of support, my elbow was going to buckle and I was going to fail.
Starting point is 00:50:27 It was interesting watching you doing that workout too. A lot of people may not have noticed. On the first 90 feet, he never switched arms. So it was the entire way, one side. And then on the final lunge, he switched to his dominant arm, left it in one position the entire time. So, I mean, you didn't switch sides, right? I did.
Starting point is 00:50:43 On the first lunge, I kept left arm overhead the whole time because I was expecting to be able to hold my strong arm overhead at the end of the workout the whole time. And so I did a left arm and never set it down for the first 90 feet on the back half. I walked down right side, came down, switched the left side, walked back left side, and then on the final, I went right. Yeah, one thing you did that I don't know if people will do is you never actually put the kettle balls down. I didn't put them down. That was huge. All right, if you want to download the Heat 1-Up,
Starting point is 00:51:09 you can scan that QR code. Tyler, yesterday, where did the fans mess up the most on their picks? From a shot caller, from a picking event winners, where did they mess up the most? I have no idea. I'm guessing it was on the lifting event for the women. Wow. Oh, hey.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Danny. Just give some rundown of where people missed, you think. Let's see. the women. Wow. Oh, hey. Danny. Just give some rundown of where people missed, you think. Let's see. It doesn't have to be accurate. You could lie to us and no one would ever know. That's the great thing about broadcasts. You can lie and no one knows. The lifting part, you are right.
Starting point is 00:51:37 The fan pick for that was 63% Danny Spiegel, and that did not play off for her. So, interestingly, I could talk to, there's only four people in the world who played Julia Hannaford who won that event. Yeah I messaged all of them. I mean let's be honest here Dani was robbed. I think she stood up all the way I don't even think it was questionable. You thought she opened the hip. According to Taylor that's the no rep karma. Would you agree? I don't I don't I don't know about that. I just think that some of the judges just have a little quicker trigger,
Starting point is 00:52:07 and I think maybe they were looking to find someone that's trying to bring the bar about too early. What goes around comes around, buddy. The fans also missed on event two. They picked Pat to win that event, which I think is a safe pick overall, but Colton, to me, was the obvious winner of that, besides Austin Hatfield, who was my favorite pick. Big swing and a miss on that one, 44%.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I think Young J's got Hatfield in 5th. Do you think he's going to make the climb from 10th to 5th? I've got to see him on the swim. He's confident in the swim. He knows it's not his wheelhouse, but he was like, I've been working on it, so he's happy to see where he's coming. I wonder how the Brazilian boys are on the swim.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Those big – these dudes are big. I heard that Austin Hatfield is wearing his West Virginia football uniform due to the swim today as well. Helmet as well? Yeah, helmet too. And his mouth guard or his airway? His mouth guard will be in. That's how they swim in West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Okay, fully clothed. Yeah, you got to avoid all the heroin in the water. Oh, my God. Now you're canceled. Canceled. I'm going to bring it back in, you guys. We're okay. We're okay.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I'm sober. Security is coming out from under the stage. We can make that joke. All right. Anything else you want to say, Tyler? Yeah. Just remember to go sign up for Heat One app. You can still win $1,000 VIP tickets to next year's Waterpalooza
Starting point is 00:53:26 and all kinds of playability stuff. Yeah, that's the Shot Caller team picks. Okay, so to reiterate, even if you didn't play for the individuals, you can still play for teams and have a chance to win prizes. $1,000? Yes. Wow. That's life-changing.
Starting point is 00:53:42 You can also win prizes for the top ten there, too. You're out on $1,000. You can still win VIP tickets to Waterpalooza next year. Wow. Tier Waterpalooza next year. Okay, you were on a tech panel. I think we have time. We're just kind of chilling.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I don't think we're in a rush. Yeah, do you need my tech expertise, Will? If you guys go to the Shut Up and Scribble Instagram account, please submit your looks like submissions. I mean, they've been coming in all show, too. It can be not in the YouTube comments. Go to the Shut Up and Scribble Instagram account, please submit your looks like submissions. I mean, they've been coming in all show too. It can be not in the YouTube comments. Go to the Instagram. Looks like. Also, go follow Train Sentinels.
Starting point is 00:54:12 The new training program somebody came out with. We got sued. We rebranded. It's sick. Alright, Will looks like he still has to sleep with his favorite blanket he had as a child. I also saw Will looks like he wipes side to side. Never seen that before. I don't even know what that person looks like, but apparently it's me. Wow. That one got him good. All right, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Where does it go? Where does it go? Oh my God. You have to fold it as a swan. The toilet paper has to be folded as a swan and then it goes side to side like it's in the water. That's actually a question we've been asking the athletes. Which athlete do you think does origami with their toilet paper when they're on this thing? Oh, I do origami. The favorite pick for that is Brent Pekowski. Brent Pekowski definitely knows how to fold toilet paper into a swan. Second favorite pick is Nick Matthews,
Starting point is 00:55:07 but everybody thinks he's just having fun with it. Will looks like he gets tucked in every night into bed. No, it's even worse than that. These ding-dongs slept without blankets the night before. Yeah, because we're tough. Yeah, we're tough. We stayed with Tyler. He didn't give us blankets, so we slept with a folded-up napkin on our chest. You we're tough. No blankets. Yeah, we're tough. We stayed with Tyler. He didn't give us blankets,
Starting point is 00:55:25 so he slept with a folded-up napkin on our chest. You got to pay extra for blankets. Mine was folded into a swan as well, and then I used it later to wipe. Will looks like he kisses his dad goodnight. Dang, we could do this all day. Holy shit. All right, Tyler, you were on a tech panel yesterday.
Starting point is 00:55:43 What did you talk about? We talked about... Also, why were you on tech panel yesterday. What did you talk about? Also, why were you on that panel and not Adam? Because Adam actually made the app. Adam was like, yeah, I should have done that. Let's point the camera at Adam. Give Adam a shout out. This is the guy behind the Heat One app. Give it up for Adam from Heat One app.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Built by Adam, in case you guys weren't aware. He also does Sentinel training. He does. Shout out. Tyler, what training do Because he's a good dude. Shout out. He's the other, other CEO. Tyler, what training do you do? I do SMTP. Well, Sentinel training also.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Wow. Sorry. I guess I owe that guy $10. Let's go. That's huge. What did you talk about on the panel, though? We talked about AI. We talked about integrating systems together.
Starting point is 00:56:20 All right, never mind. Yeah. I asked stuff I was not capable of talking about whatsoever I asked chat GPT like a year and a half ago to program the CrossFit Games and it had Fran then deadlifts and pull-ups then front squats and pull-ups for the first three events so I did it again like a couple weeks ago still total shit I wonder like what the actual possibility of any sort of AI having good creativity or being able to I I just, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:56:46 Do you have any opinion on that? As a tech expert, my personal opinion on AI is it's a tool and it's as good as what you put into it. I literally gave it 100,000 prompts, bro, and it told me to do Fran 13 times. I'm sure it was quality information that you put in. I'm pretty sure I saw Pat Belner is promoting some AI training platform where they punch in what you do and it gives you workouts. If you guys go to Rogan and you watch Rogan and Elon, they talk about
Starting point is 00:57:12 AI quite a bit. And I think that in terms of jobs, at least to me, in terms of jobs, it seems like they're going to take the minute ones that you don't have to think and be creative for. I just don't ever see AI being good at programming. Wow, that's a great transition. Everybody welcome in Joe Rogan. All right. Here he is.
Starting point is 00:57:27 All right. Anything else you guys want to add about the day? Tyler, anything else you want to add? Well, I just got to say one thing. I can't stop looking at this guy. He is freaking ripped. Put the camera on Dave Lipson. Who is that guy?
Starting point is 00:57:38 Oh, my gosh. His vein is bigger than my forearm. The Thunder Bro himself. The Thunder Bro guys. Go check it out. Sign up if you want to get get ripped I've actually done is 110 minute hypertrophy finishers it's awesome that was a free ad you're the man that's crazy I I really woke up this morning thought I was that to your wad palooza turns out we're at the gun show what there are celebrities everywhere, guys. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And none of them are on the stage. It's weird. I'll be here all night, though. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yeah, you. Thank you. Boys, anything else you want to add on today's competition? We're wrapping up. We don't have to wrap. We could stay here all day, honestly. What, do we got
Starting point is 00:58:21 eight hours till the event starts? Oh, my goodness. Anything else you want to add on today? No, I'm good. Just started to watch later. How are you feeling, JR? Good? Feeling good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Had a great workout this morning at CrossFit Wynwood. Thanks for the hospitality. Shout out Bill Olson. Looks just like Noah, but slightly older. The guy's a G, thank you. Only slightly, though. What was it the fans said about your coaching style, that it was aggressive, It was too aggressive?
Starting point is 00:58:45 Nah, no way. Someone said that I looked like I made my members cry. Yeah. No, that is not true at all. I didn't make anyone cry today. I had never worked out with you as a regular class coach before. It was a great class. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:59 It was like 45 people. It was nuts. It was crazy. There were so many people. I don't even know what this one means. Will looks like he talks to his broccoli. Will looks like he brings his own seasoning to the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Wah, wah, wah. Whatever. I thought that was funny. Alright. We're going to go off before this stream shuts down like yesterday. I can't believe we've had a smooth run for 57 minutes. Is anyone here have your event picks from He1App? Who's going to win? Who's going to win the swim?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Anybody have not Brent? Ricky. Ricky for Adam. Adam says Ricky. Wow. Derek's got Ricky. Who we got for the women? Rolf. The buoyancy is going to be a big advantage. No Grace Walton fans here. No Australians. Wex, you look like an Australian fan.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Come on. Rolf and Brandon. Danielle Brandon or male Brandon? Is there a man? Or let's go, Brandon. Let's go, Brandon. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:03 This has been quite the show show I thank you guys for the hundred looks like of me in the comments they've been coming in literally the entire show is there also looks like well I mean I'm just in this one page will looks like Patrick Dempsey and can't buy me love will looks like he does I can't read that one well looks like he plays a guitar at Buddy's Grill and Bar and Grill patio on Thursday nights does that mean I'm Eric Rosa oh oh okay yeah we're going off this thank you guys for the interaction thanks for watching 600 people watching online that's awesome we're gonna be back here tomorrow we're gonna be here watching online. That's awesome. We're going to be back here tomorrow. We're going to be here earlier
Starting point is 01:00:45 tomorrow. 8 a.m., right? Yeah, 8 a.m. Eastern, so we'll be going on an hour early to try to wrap up before the first team event, so we'll be previewing you that. Oh, man, I totally forgot we had a special guest that didn't come today. I won't name him.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It rhymes with Pinocchio. It rhymes with Pinocchio. It rhymes with Angelo DiCicco. I totally forgot. Wow. Thanks, bro. Anyways, we'll see. We're having fun.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Tyler will be back. Can't talk to Angelo this morning. He was actually going to come on today. They got in super late last night, much later than expected, so he apologized. But maybe we'll try to get him on later in the week. I could see him, even when he's competing, wanting to come on and talk a little CrossFit. Angelo's
Starting point is 01:01:29 an amazing guy. We all like him a lot. He's also self-claimed uncancellable, but no one's ever tried to cancel him before. Interesting claim. But if he comes up on here, there's a great chance. Thank you, guys. We'll be live 8 a.m. Eastern tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Same gig, but we'll be talking team competition. Maybe I'll just run this thing again, and then we'll end up the show. So see you guys tomorrow in the morning. Oh, give me a break. Come on. How could you not pick Brent Fikowski to win this event? Are you kidding me? Don't you remember 2021? Oh, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:02:20 I picked him to win. He did not pick Brent Fikowski, are you kidding me? You literally said Pat Bellmer. What, do we need to watch the receipts back? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? Dude, you're an idiot. Can you not hear yourself talking right now, dude?
Starting point is 01:02:35 Oh my. These commentators are idiots too. Gosh, I know more about CrossFit than all these people. What are you, not even paying the pay to scare for the last five years? You don't want to lose. You're going to cry, baby. God.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Is this you or someone you love? Download the Heat One app on the App Store, Google Play Store, or by scanning the QR code on the screen.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Heat One is going to the big leagues for 2024 tier Wadapalooza. Pick your top 10 men, women, and teams and play in a shot caller league
Starting point is 01:03:04 where you can pick the winners for each event. Create a league with your friends, and teams, and play in a shot caller league where you can pick the winners for each event. Create a league with your friends, your gym, and also play in the World Wide League where you have a chance to win $14,000 in prizes. Play now for free by scanning the code on the screen. Guys, I am signing up for the Open this year. I am so excited. I am so scared.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Not scared, not excited. Anxious, titillated, up for the challenge. We'll do the Open together. I'm up for the challenge. I titillated, up for the challenge. We'll do the open together. I'm up for the challenge. I want you to be up for the challenge. I want to be a part of something that brings us all closer together. I want to do something that supports CrossFit, the CrossFit Games, the group of us that's out there that believe in personal accountability and personal responsibility. So that's why I'm doing it. Three weeks are over. I'm going to be titillated, proud of myself. I'm going to think I'm the shit because I completed it. Three weeks are over and I'm going to be titillated, proud of myself and I think I'm going to shit
Starting point is 01:04:06 because I completed it. The affiliates that have the most participation hit me up in the DMs, hit Sousa up and I'd love to have you guys on the show and do my part
Starting point is 01:04:14 in helping support you guys and reward you guys for what you're doing for your clients. See you on the leaderboard. I started this training program because I love CrossFit, and I wanted to share that with other people. At Sentinel, we give athletes both everyday and competitive the most effective, unique, and fun training available. At Sentinel Training, we provide the most attentive coaching and descriptive workout notes available on any online training platform for the lowest price.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Our mission at Sentinel Training is to preserve the methodology that Coach Glass has founded while continuing to innovate and create devastating fitness. Leading from the front, this is what it means to transcend.

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