The Sevan Podcast - Tyson Bagent - LIVE CALL IN SHOW - Chicago Bears Quarterback - November 10, 2023

Episode Date: November 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Wow, wow, you wow wow bam we're live god there's so much in life i don't understand i just don't understand some people don't miss opportunities i do not overthink shit there was this I've told this story before
Starting point is 00:01:13 I tell it again it's so potent someone said to me one time I was complaining to someone about when I was working at CrossFit about how much I was doing I was like man I'm everywhere I haven't been home in three years I haven't been home in three years i haven't been home for more than five days i'm on call 24 7 i've got up from my mom's uh birthday
Starting point is 00:01:33 dinner on christmas eve 15 times to deal with work stuff and one of my co-workers dave goes whoa it could be worse and i go what he goes no one could be worse. And I go, what? He goes, no one could be calling you. It could be worse. Nobody could be calling you. Hey, I think I got the phone fixed. We'll see what happens. I did. Scott Schweitzer said that he hard-lined his phone in.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So, shit. What's good for Scott is good for me. Oh, but I have to unplug it now every time I start the show. Just to make sure. Make sure it charges when I'm not in here. No. Well, maybe he was big dicking me, but either way, I got the lesson. Always say yes, never set boundaries.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Always say yes, never set boundaries. I don't. That's me. Always say yes, never set boundaries. Or just say no. Hey, what's up, dude? Isn't that a boundary, though? Always saying yes? No, saying no.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, yeah, maybe. I guess I do have some boundaries. Like, if I had a truck and you asked me to move you, Caleb, I'd be like, I'd probably move you. I'd help you entice and move you. Thanks. A lot of people though no no if you could afford my the thing is you have to be able to either afford my truck or i have to really like
Starting point is 00:03:10 you i'm not letting you borrow my car like say let's say tyson was still at shepherd and he's like i borrow your truck uh-uh now he's with the bears uh-huh he's at shepherd and he crashes the truck. The friendship gets stressed. He's at Shepard. Yeah, that's right. That's right. Hagerstown Ford, though. Hagerstown Ford would have hooked it up.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Hagerstown Ford. Even at Shepard. Hey, dude, I can't wait to see you doing a car commercial. Hi, I'm Tyson Bajent, just at the local Ford dealership. Yeah, baby. I'm going to own a dealership soon. Isn't that, like, mandatory for guys to go into the sports profession? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:01 We'll see. We'll see. There was this baseball player when I was a kid. His name was... He was a home run dude. Reggie Jackson. He owned like... I think he owned like 20 dealerships in the area. Do you know who that is? Reggie Jackson?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Does that ring a bell? I've heard that name before. Jackson. Reggie Jackson. Yeah, Reggie Jackson. I've heard that name before. He was the home run dude before the um before Mark McGuire and who's the other dude they used to bump forearms oh someone will say hey what's up with the dogs what's the dogs hat oh Martinsburg uh Bulldogs this is like Ezra's hat that I jacked for
Starting point is 00:04:42 oh that's you're a good him cause you don't have enough hats yeah exactly have you thrown anything into the stands yet like any clothing like a headband do football players do that do you guys have any mouth pieces we know you don't have jock straps we covered that in episode 1
Starting point is 00:04:59 yeah like wristbands, towels the head cap that I wear sometimes I'll throw that yeah cause a lot of times Yeah, like wristbands, towels, the head cap that I wear sometimes. I'll throw that. Yeah, because a lot of times when I'm leaving the game, I don't feel like collecting all the things from 12 feet in the air and then signing it and then tossing it back. So I'll just strip myself of any little accessory I have and just throw it and let everybody fight for it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 What are the rules on that? Could you take your jersey off? Or does the NFL own your clothing? Or do you own it? Do you take your jersey off and throw it up? Yeah, if you even wanted to take a jersey after the game and keep it for yourself, you got to pay the team. So basically everything you're wearing out there except your shoes is still theirs? Basically, no. The only thing that's theirs are the pants and the jersey and the helmet and shoulder pads. Yeah, if you started throwing.
Starting point is 00:05:59 How much is a helmet if you give it away to someone? How much would that set you back? A helmet? No, a helmet. I don't think you're allowed to do a helmet but a jerk the jerseys because a lot of people like to keep jerseys or they'll swap jerseys with somebody from the opposite team if they know them yeah i think that's it's either 350 or 500 like one of the one of the two like listen first super bowl at the end just give the helmet away. Let's see what happens. Yeah. What was that?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Something happened with Tom Brady. They jacked his, I think his jersey after the Super Bowl. The one where they came back from 28 to 3, I think. Someone stole it out of his locker room? Somebody jacked it. Yeah, somebody jacked it. What a come up. Yeah. Well, plus, how do you get rid of that then? one stole it out of his locker room hey somebody jacked it yeah somebody jacked it would have come up yeah well plus how do you get rid of that then i have the mona for sale that i took from the loo they were they were like on america's most wanted like they couldn't post that
Starting point is 00:06:55 anywhere right under the table stuff um i i saw you wearing um the the skull caps and i got a bunch nice i don't have the nfl, and I got a bunch. Nice. I don't have the NFL brand. I just got the cheapest brand on Amazon. But now it's become part of the kids' accoutrement. Yeah, it's for fellas with long hair that want it out of their face. I just thought it made it. Yeah, like that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I just think it makes them look a little more gangster. Oh, yeah. Yeah. it made yeah like that i just think it makes him look a little more gangster oh yeah yeah my dad said uh when then when i was first doing like the podium interview stuff he was like talking to me and he was like oh yeah by the way don't ever wear a baseball cap again only wear toboggan you go from looking like a chump to straight up gangster i was like all right all right i'll never wear a baseball hat again let me give you some feedback never take uh clothing advice from a father yeah dude that was that was so awesome when the lady
Starting point is 00:07:59 said to you no someone said you talked about your hat being on crooked after. Richard Sherman. Is that the guy's name? Yeah, on the far right. Yeah, that was one of them. So it was after the game with, who was that, the Panthers? Yeah. So afterwards, it was on Amazon Prime. It was on Prime.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I don't know what they call it. I never even watched TV on Prime before. So you're sitting around, like, trying not to buy shit and waiting for tyson to come out so you come out they keep saying you're going to come out to the table so finally you come out to the table and they start talking to you and they start acting weird around you like in a good way weird like giddy like you brought a pinata out yeah it was crazy they were they were swooning dude what's swooning mean swooning let dude. What's swooning mean? Swooning. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:08:48 They were like, man, they were excited to see you. Or maybe I was swooning and projecting it onto them. Swooning. A faint from extreme emotion. Yes. So you come out there and you have your hat on crooked. And the guy's like, look at you with your swagger. And you're like, nope, haven't been clothes shopping in three years yeah no i didn't well they said something about my hat and i had the hat on for
Starting point is 00:09:11 about 30 minutes up until that point so i forgot how the hat was even sitting on my head it looked like honestly like it was put on you know like sometimes like you'll just be somewhere and someone will just put a hat on you yeah that's what it looked like it was put on, you know, like sometimes like you'll just be somewhere and someone will just put a hat on you. Yeah. That's what it looked like. It looked like you were on your way somewhere and like whoever's in charge of like making sure you're wearing the right shit, just put it on you. That's what I just kind of assumed in my head. Yeah, my grandma, both my grandmothers probably hate that.
Starting point is 00:09:41 The hat backwards and the cock out? They probably can't stand that that's all that's funny because they didn't say anything i went home i went home this past weekend they didn't say anything to me about it so i think we're good oh do you get that much critique that kind of minutiae now no you notice when you're at the desk your back was a little rounded push your chest out you have a beautiful chest not like that no not like no not that bad really they i mean nothing that could affect. They don't say anything that could affect or make me, like, change the way that my hat sits on my head.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I just feel like, you know, they're classy ladies from back in the day. They probably just, you know, want me to be, have it on, you know, the normal way. But they didn't say anything if if you're if you're walking with your grandmother on the street or like any girl do you make sure do you have a spot for her what do you mean do i have a spot like uh my mom taught me you you can't have the girl can't walk on the street side yeah i'm i started to become conscious of that whenever I got my first dog. And I would always make sure that I was in between the dog and the road. Right. Yeah, I have been conscious of that ever since then.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, the girl can't walk in the street. And then one time I was in Oakland and I was, this is, I don't know, 10 years ago and I was walking with hayley in oakland and she was on the street side which i hate to admit and this lady walks up to me this black lady walks up to me old old you know what i mean like so old she's not black anymore she's like white and she goes she tells me she goes hey you walk your girl like that people think she's a hooker yeah i was like shit i mean she was old school right and that street did have a lot of like hookers on it in the past it was not so much anymore it was san pablo avenue and i quickly that like reminded me i thought i was good about it and then she called me on it which i appreciate yeah i feel like that's something that i do but i would never notice like if if my buddy was walking
Starting point is 00:11:39 with his girl and i was with him and the girl was closer to the street you wouldn't offer him i don't know that i it would bother me or i would notice enough to be like hey man what's wrong with with his girl and I was with him and the girl was closer to the street. You wouldn't offer him a dime for it. I don't know that I, it would bother me or I would notice enough to be like, Hey man, what's wrong with you, man? Walk on those,
Starting point is 00:11:51 walk another side. The thing is, I don't really judge people for that shit, but, but I, but I still like the, um, the protocol or the formality.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Like, I'm not like, Oh my God, look, Caleb's walking with this chick and she's on the street. He's, he's trying to sell her. But I not like, oh my God, look, Caleb's walking with this chick and she's on the street. He's trying to sell her. But I do like,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I just like, I like when I go places with my mom holding the door open for my mom. Yeah. Like, when we're getting in the car,
Starting point is 00:12:14 go over there, make sure, I guess even more and more in this day and age, make sure she's in the car. It just seems like the right thing to do. Makes you feel like
Starting point is 00:12:21 a good man. Yeah, like, yeah, exactly. But like, I'm not judging someone who doesn't do it. I mean, I judge people for enough shit. Yeah, exactly. But I'm not judging someone who doesn't do it. I judge people for enough shit. Yeah, exactly. Your job... So I'll get off the podcast here
Starting point is 00:12:33 and no one's critiquing my shit. Your job is like crazy critiqued. Yeah. Even before you're done with it. That's like all it is. It's like 95% of it.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's just feedback from the masses. Yeah, from all the way from up top to all the way down to the bottom where people are coming to my grandma's house saying that, giving advice for her to give me so that I can give to my coach. I was like grandma i was like maybe you should have told him you should have i don't know what
Starting point is 00:13:14 you tell somebody like that don't ever don't ever come near this house again and it's like stuff they learned in pop war it's like some 80 year old dude something he learned when he was in the fifth grade that now he remembers but he wants to make sure like he saw you step back with the right foot But he was told in the fifth grade to step back with the left foot. Yeah, it's like it's like my My eight year old sister telling you how to program a CrossFit workout She probably could you know, I mean like just like You hit that slant right away yeah what are you talking about what it like it's so unreal so he was like I saw the banner
Starting point is 00:13:50 and I was just wondering what the because my grandma's got some banner with my name on the outside of our house so he was like I saw the banner I was just wondering what the correlation was between you two and then she obviously said that she was my grandma uh and then that's when he was like hey will you tell tell him to tell the coach that when he was doing this and it was it was like the worst that but it was like it was like just child like some child's play shit like something that you would never ever tell any repeat to anybody let alone these nfl coaches like it's so so yeah but the the critique part is like that's like 95 of
Starting point is 00:14:35 it dude um it's nuts your job there's if you go to google right now and type in Tyson Bajent, you can't stop scrolling with talking heads videos just all for people critiquing your job. Like breaking it down with fancy pencils and videos. But then here's what's crazy. You have to do that too. So 99% of the workforce right now, like if you work at Apple right in your middle management and you come out of the building and like loosen up your belt that's way too tight and you're headed over to some sort of protest that you do in your free time. And no one's critiquing your job. You get feedback four times a year and they're like, hey, I really like the way you dress and how you smile at people. Like no one's critiquing your shit. You are being critiqued.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like there's 100 people from your last game talking – it's not even gentle shit. It's like, does he get to keep his job? Yeah. Do you know what I mean? It's not like, did he have his shirt on right? It's like literally – and everyone – well, there's a handful of dudes on every team who are getting that. Yeah. Like every single coach.
Starting point is 00:15:52 It's like there's like – you could find five videos about does he get to keep his job next week. I'm like, my God, this is a – what a crazy position to be in that the whole world is every week to week critiquing whether you get to keep your job or not. I'll tell you, everyone does say you get to keep your job, though, so far. Nice. Yeah, even people who don't like you are like, hey, he gets to keep his job. Nice. Yeah, good deal. Yeah, I don't – it's – yeah, it's so – it's almost to such an extreme level
Starting point is 00:16:15 that, like, I don't know, sometimes I do, like – because everything I read is hilarious. If someone tells me that I'm the greatest quarterback they've ever seen in their whole life, I laugh. Right. Right? I laugh. And then if someone, when they're like, this dude's a piece of shit, I can't stand watching him another time, I laugh again. But the ones that say piece of shit, I'm always conscious of what they look like.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Because I always want to say something. But not in like like a oh i'm mad i want to say something but just in like a like i just that cheeto finger eating exactly i just want to say to you fucking piece of work mom's basement living ass yeah you got and you know it's true like you know they are in their mom's basement you know and then a lot you know it's true like you know they are in their mom's basement you know and then a lot of times i want to get sarcastic too because there was one time uh before uh before the draft happened it was this dude said something about the senior bowl and i don't know it was like the i see about one out of every 150 things that people say like i'll just like it'll just stumble that's not true you see one out of
Starting point is 00:17:25 every 10 000 things yeah maybe maybe 100 000 but this was before the draft this was shepherd so it might be one in 150 that's it one in 100 probably yeah yeah i see it and this dude uh was talking about the senior bowl and he was like bajan was uh clearly out outmatched at the Senior Bowl, and it was obvious, and you could just tell that he wasn't used to that level of play, right? And this is after I went out in the Senior Bowl and, like, threw more completions than anybody ever in the history of the Senior Bowl, like, was moving the ball. Everything was – it was an easy day, an easy day to say the least. And so they said that.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And then they said that I was doing nothing but throwing check downs and really out of my 17 passes that I threw, only two of them were check downs. Right. What's the check down? I don't know. Check down is when you're like, Oh, nobody's open. Nobody's open. And then you throw it to the running back. That's like right in front of you. Okay. Okay. All right all right so i so i was like so i just hit it i hit him with those specs i was like i got time so i was like how was i out class question mark oh and by the way i only threw two checkdowns the whole time like did you even
Starting point is 00:18:37 watch so then they come back with oh man i didn't realize that it wasn't that many check downs, you know, and then they just realized that I got them a little bit and they were like, but you know, you shouldn't be focused on what other people are saying. Oh shit. So, so, but I hadn't got, I hadn't, I had, there hasn't been, there hadn't been anything that I said that made it seem that I was upset. Right. So I hit him with, no, no, no, no, not upset at all. Just want to make sure I can get better. So I don't look outclassed going forward. Awesome. Right. Hit him with that. But really I was being an asshole, but I didn't let him in on that. And then, and then it was funny, me and that person like kind of became like Twitter buddies
Starting point is 00:19:22 for the rest of the time that I was on Twitter and we would like every three months just randomly yo how you doing hey you know what's crazy too he's going to be telling that story that he's going to be telling people he's friends with you for the next like when they put when he in 50 years when he's dying on his deathbed but i was friends with tyson bajan yeah he's gonna hey um when when you when i when you first kind of i started talking about you on the show um and i would be like yeah my buddy son's gonna go to the nfl dude it was like 400 people in here being like you're a fucking idiot you don't know it was awesome just keep moving the goalposts now. They're like, no, he's not going to be a starter. No, he's not going to do this.
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's always the same. He's not dating Taylor Swift. I know. Yeah, and then it's like you jump over like 99 hurdles, and then all the hurdles that they said you couldn't jump over and then all of a sudden then you win an nfl game and they're like oh well it was the raiders right right right oh well oh it was the las vegas raid it was only the las vegas raiders right right i'm just like shut up shut I was playing Colorado School of Mines
Starting point is 00:20:45 Just with the Raiders Playing the School of Mines was way Harder than playing the Raiders I got the shit beat out of me Versus the Mines Barely got touched versus the Raiders Shut up They do have some fun stuff
Starting point is 00:21:02 That they say That the commentators say about you. Like for the most part, they all got your back. You know what I mean? Especially the guys who've played. Yeah. I don't know how many of them played, but they really have your back, and they love bringing that stat up, like who you were playing versus who you are playing.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And I saw yesterday – it's funny because I've been watching more and more stuff about how you play, critique of how you play, and I kind of like – I'm torn because I kind of don't want to talk to you about that kind of stuff. But that being said, there was an old quarterback. He wrote a book about I guess his attempts of suicide or something recently. I think he's an old Chicago Bears quarterback. Maybe his last name is Kramer or something. Maybe. Chicago Bears quarterback maybe his last name is Kramer or something maybe I think he I think he got he got let go as a rookie and then made it back to the NFL it's some it's some wild story but he was just saying that he was singing your praises this past week that like how incredible you are and then they did put up some crazy stat dude
Starting point is 00:22:01 of they did put up a crazy stat of all these first round draft pick first pick quarterbacks and like they it was like from 2021 to the present they put up like eight of them and all of them were like one and six one and eight oh and seven one and and the dudes were like yeah dude coming into the nfl as a quarterback and playing your rookie year is just absolutely nuts. No one pushed back on it. No, it wasn't Kurt Warner. I saw Kurt Warner. It was Eric Kramer.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Maybe it was Jim Kramer. Eric Kramer. Eric Kramer? Mm-hmm. But it is interesting. It is. Do you feel the love from the – I guess it could go both ways. Sometimes I wonder, like on the cover, the NFL looks like they're giving you a lot of love, the NFL community.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And by the community, I mean the inner ring, the commentators, the players. But on the other hand, you would think that maybe like in the movie business or in the film business, everyone kind of like says, oh, congratulations, but really they hate you and they're jealous. Yeah. everyone kind of like says, oh, congratulations, but really they hate you and they're jealous. Yeah. I don't sense any of like hatred or jealousy or anything like that. I think that a lot of – especially the people that know about anything about like football and NFL football especially,
Starting point is 00:23:17 they realize how like just how ridiculous the plate is for a quarterback. Like everything that's on your plate as a quarterback, like just what you have to be able to do like throughout the game. Cause even like, you know, you see a quarterback hand the ball off, the things that had to go into even getting to that point are so ridiculous. So I think a lot of people understand that. So then when a rookie quarterback is able to kind of balance it, it's surprising to a lot of people and really just any quarterback in general. But just, I guess, being a rookie, you know, you're new and you're still able to,
Starting point is 00:24:01 you know, wrap your mind around the million things that are on your plate. So I think they have a – like there's a respect that goes into, I think, people being able to do that, whether you're throwing for a million yards or no yards at all. I think people just understand how hard it is to play quarterback. And then you get the people who maybe don't understand it at all, and that's where you can get the well you know why why would this dude not throw for 500 yards every game like it's it's you know you see
Starting point is 00:24:32 so and so did it once or so and so did it and um but overall i think just people have a respect for how hard it is to to be a quarterback because you can't even like you can't even show off your stuff physically until you show everybody or your off your stuff physically until you show everybody or your your your people that are you know your bosses that you're just like a mad scientist on the mental aspect of it all because it's so much and then after doing all that then you can kind of begin to show them kind of the athletic side and the making play side. So I think when you marry the two, there's just overall kind of respect for being able to get to that point at all.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Is it kind of, Oh, what's this? This is just like a play call. Like this was just a series of play calls and it's just insane to listen to like all the words that you have to say and remember. Okay. Let's listen.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Let's listen. 35, which Tom macho have to say and remember okay let's listen let's listen f35 wichita macho toe i'm wondering dice right f fly whiskey brady dice right numbers three jet spielberg i'm wondering trey right closer karate can 12 duo alert booty i'm wondering grizzle left tight f fly pass 37 punch, baby, dizzy, X fan on the turbo. You do that, Tyson? Dude, not only do I do that, those first five were like child's play. Like it gets pretty freaking nasty in the headset. Now why is that so that no one can like steal the plays?
Starting point is 00:26:08 I mean, no, it's just kind of how, it's just kind of what they end up getting called like it's just i don't i don't know i mean i'm like you know it was so like initially i'm like dude well i can't be like hey we're gonna call this one six that's what i that's what i mean like you should just like 1 to 100. Everybody freaking study up, look at that shit, and let's just go 1 to 100, and you just know what it is. But I guess, especially in the New Orleans game, that's the hardest place to play at in the world, right? Just because of the sound, and it's indoor, and the fans are crazy and drunk and just screaming the whole time.
Starting point is 00:26:44 How many of those plays are there? There's like three. Kansas City, Seattle, and New Orleans are pretty loud. How many of those? Whiskey, Bravo, Tango, Grizzle, Oosie Doosie, 74, Grizzle. Yeah, I mean, a little booty. All right, so the Saints game, I'm running. I'm doing a lot of running, right?
Starting point is 00:27:01 And I'm screaming the play every time, like screaming the play. And these dudes are right in front of my face and I'm screaming so that they can hear me. So I, that was the first time I ever got tired in a game my whole entire life. Like I had never been tired one time, even a little bit in any football game ever, but it was just like non-stop of running doing the play then screaming then running the play screaming running the play so i had been i've been running the ball a lot i i this play i kind of i hurt my left quad a little bit and i ran so is that from getting tackled yeah so i'm a little bit tired so i'm going to the huddle. It was like a bone bruise on my quad. No shit.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Okay, we'll come back to that. Yeah, so I'm going back to the huddle. But my adrenaline is going, so I feel it. But I'm like, all right, it's not. I didn't really. It just hurt. I didn't injure anything. So I'm going back to the huddle.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm breathing heavy. And he gets in my helmet and says, all right, hey, buddy, here's what we got. We got Ben left tight at home. Fake taxi, Larry strain. Why show can 19 taxi sit on one. And it's I'm like, so I get in the huddle. I'm like, hey, here's what we got. And then it was another.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I end up running again and it's like there's a there's one clip it was like uh and this was the play i like fake the toss booted out and i end up running for about like 15 yards and they get close to my face like after the run and i was just over it the The bad guys got close your face. The other team. No, no, no, no, no. The camera got like, Oh, you can see my face. And I just, I slid and got up and I was just like, toss the ball to the ref. Just like, bro, I'm so, I'm so tired right now. This is insane. But Hey, could you, could you yell something?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Like, could you, could you yell something like to distract the other team? Like, is there stuff you can't yell out there? Could you be like, ready? I fucked your mom. And then call the play and the whole line is like, what? What did he just say? And then you kind of got them off and you get the snap and they're off a beat. Yeah, I don't know how soft everything is nowadays.
Starting point is 00:29:19 That might be a flag. That might be a flag. You know what's funny? Number 64, I fucked your mom. And they're like, what? Vote a flag. Just vote a flag that might be that might be a flag you know it's funny you know number 64 i fucked your mom and they're like what but uh you know so like the defensive line yeah there there's been people that will be like dot and try to get the center to like move the ball whenever it was yeah you know so that's a penalty you're not allowed to do that so there are some shit you get there are some things you can't say but they still do it out there like people still they try to but if you get like i think yeah it's like a big deal if you get caught
Starting point is 00:29:52 doing that because that's like now you're now i i it's just like not it's just against the rules like you're not allowed to do it or whatever i don't know exactly what the penalty is but i know that there was a team that we had to tell the refs like, hey, they do this, you know. Even in college, they were like, we played a team, and it was like they would try to get the offense to jump off sides, but like right before they snapped the ball, just say stop and get somebody to flinch and then penalty. Do they, do they, you know, like like uh someone gets tackled and then the video shows like a guy standing over him and his head's like moving so you assume he's saying stuff
Starting point is 00:30:30 look how aggressive can they get with that can they be is it like man you run like my sister is it just simple stuff like this or is it i think they can say whatever they want but it's like how like egregious and aggressive they make it that'll cause the penalty like if they like squat over you with their head down to your face and they're barking at you, that'll probably be a taunting penalty. But if they're just kind of saying it as they're walking away... Damn, that was like tackling
Starting point is 00:30:53 Bambi. Yeah, something like that. Don't, Caleb. That was good, Caleb. Really good. I'll write up a bunch of stuff and send it to your grandmother Tyson, like shit talking. If you want one liners. Like they tackled me last game and they were just like, this ain't,
Starting point is 00:31:12 this ain't college. This ain't college. But once a lot of times I can't even, I don't, I can't say anything back or I don't because I can't hear them because immediately after play, I'm getting the information in my head. So it's like, if I was talking to you from three feet away and they were talking to me in my helmet, I'd have to tell you to stop talking to wait because I can't hear you anyway. So as soon as you're down, somebody's talking to you in your head.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah, like on that one, they're saying that, but coach is like, call timeout, call timeout, call timeout. So I'm like, nah, I can't even really hear what they're saying. You're not like, you asshole. Yeah, yeah, yeah.out, call timeout. So I'm like, nah, I can't even really hear what they're saying. So I'm like. You're not like, you asshole. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and the shit hurt too. So I was like, I wasn't in any position to say anything. The shot that you took in the leg, what causes the bruise?
Starting point is 00:31:58 The helmet or the impact on the ground? No, I think it was like, I think it was his, uh, cleat was on the ground where I landed. And so it just landed on top. Um, it doesn't look, it didn't look bad on tape, but it was just like, I just felt kind of weird on my quad. And I don't know about you. Like my quads are like sensitive. Like if I, if I got my quads, like massage, like a sports massage where they were really trying to like get everything out or whatever, like that would like the quads like massage like a sports massage where they were really trying to like get everything out or whatever like that would like the quads are really the worst part uh for me and i don't know if that's consistent with a lot of athletes but um so it was just like i hit my quad in a
Starting point is 00:32:37 in like an awkward spot and it really just kind of like pissed off the whole entire muscle so it just worked its way up almost like my hip flexor by the time, by the, by the morning. When you, when you wake up on Friday morning, what is your body feel like? Um, what do you feel like? Uh, almost kind of like, uh, uh, as long as I don't hurt anything specific, like just like one part of my body. It's usually just kind of like my neck is usually pretty sore, which is just because, you know, I just have the helmet on and I'm moving with the helmet. And just kind of like a, like a three and a half, four out of 10 soreness all over. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:24 But like you're getting stronger from it like like every game do you think you get stronger like like you gotta not not like way stronger but i think you just build that like a little bit more of like a callus of like you're getting more used to getting hit um okay so it's the it's the hits that make you sore it's not like just all that like i think it's a little bit it's probably because I think my lower body is probably sore from like changing directions so many times from like straight lines, sprinting, shuffling and planting, all those things. And then, you know, your body – like my shoulders are usually pretty – my like rotator cuff is maybe a little bit sore after games just probably because i'm throwing unconsciously probably a little bit harder than normal um and then yeah like i don't know when i woke up after the new orleans new orleans game i couldn't really walk well and i knew it was like we were going into a short week of like we played on sunday and then we played on thursday and i i
Starting point is 00:34:22 mean i knew that these quad contusion things will take them take a little bit to heal and I thought this one was a little bit worse so I called my dad I was like yo man I don't I know you about to come to this game like I don't know how I don't know if I'm gonna be ready to play by Thursday but I mean the NFL's got these crazy treatment devices like by the next day I woke up and I was like holy shit my quad feels great but this is it did huh in one day yeah it was I mean it wasn't perfect in one day but it was like I could walk I woke up and walked normally the whole day how old are you again Tyson 23 yeah and your body's just producing so much good shit right now dude
Starting point is 00:35:02 yeah it's producing so much good shit do you, dude. Yeah. It's producing so much good shit. Do you feel yourself still growing? I don't mean as a football player, but I just mean, like, as a man, like, do you still feel yourself like, whoa, shit's still changing? Like, I'm still, like, going through, like have to work out really hard in order to stay pretty, like, lean. Yeah. I noticed that. That wasn't, like, always a thing when I was, like, when I was younger. But I noticed that now, if, like, because right now, I mean, at this point in the season, it's nowhere near what I'm doing in the offseason.
Starting point is 00:35:44 At this point in the season, it's nowhere near what I'm doing in the offseason, but I still look pretty similar and look on photos and my arms still look jacked, but I haven't really been doing anything with my arms other than just throwing, basically. So I've noticed that, but that's about it. And I also know that I could get super big. That's about it. And I also know that I could get, like, super big. Like, I could – if I really – like, if I – after the season, I wanted to get, like, super swolled up.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Like, I know that, like, it would be – it wouldn't take very long to do that, I don't think. Like, what's big? Do you think you could get to 230? You're 220? You're 205? What are you – I'm, like, 215. Could you think you could get to 225?
Starting point is 00:36:23 You could put on 10 pounds? Yeah, yeah. I could do that, like, probably, like, easier than I could do, than I could get to 205. Wow, okay, okay. I could gain 10, probably easier than I could lose 10. So you keep this size because you think you perform the best at it in terms of your speed, agility, health?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yeah, yeah. I like being, like, 215 to 220 for playing football yeah if i wasn't playing football i'd probably be like 208 oh you go you go down even a little yeah yeah so you could be even faster and more gymnastic do uh yeah kind of more gymnastic like yeah not yeah i wouldn't want to be like a i don't want to be like a, I don't want to be like a bulky, like, no, I want to be like ripped and swole, but like, like a more finesse style of that. Not like a, um, like I could beat you in a wrestling match, but I could beat you in like a, I like, I like, I mean, these are the extremes, but I like more Bruce Lee than,
Starting point is 00:37:22 um, yeah. Like I want to be able to run you down yeah if you take my kid not not have to like corner you and be just be like i'll you know outbody you like i want to be able to like track you down and and that and that type of like more more like a cheetah not like a not like a big line. What kind of things are said in the dog pile tackles? Before you answer that, that play – I'm going to say some real dumb shit here. Bear with me.
Starting point is 00:37:59 There's a play that's called the quarterback sneak, right? But it's not really a quarterback sneak. It's just all you guys line up as close as you can and like then you just the guy snaps the ball to you and you just push forward yeah and dudes are like jumping on top and shit god that seems like a dangerous spot and that's you the quarterback does that or do you give the ball to someone to push us into that most of the time the quarterback does that okay so when you when you i guess carolyn's asking when you do that kind of stuff, is there shit being said in there? Mostly it's just get off me.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Somebody's probably in a compromised spot. Maybe it's the quarterback, maybe it's an offense or defense alignment, but they just like, yo, hurry. And a lot of times they don't want to get up. After the whistle blows, they'll keep pushing just so one side could get a better spot than the other right um and to kind of remind you that like next time you should be a little hesitant before you try coming in here yeah mr quarterback like hey exactly but the new rule the new rule they let you're allowed to now the guys
Starting point is 00:39:02 behind the quarterback can push the quarterback. Oh yeah. Yeah. I saw that. Yeah. Push the shit out of the quarterback. So it's like, I mean, if it's,
Starting point is 00:39:10 if it's even at all, like the offense should usually just win because they can just get that push. Man. And you have a play. The, every team has a play like that where they just get behind and push the quarterback.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Especially now, since they're allowing that push, like it's pretty hard to stop that. That must be a weird one to do in practice, too. Yeah, you don't ever do that full speed in practice. It's just kind of you just do it in the games. Heidi Kroom, he's probably one month away from growing a mustache. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 How long has it been since you've shaved? Is that like six months? No, this is like a week and a half oh okay and your shit grows in all like yeah it's nothing like josh bridges you don't even have like like my shit just grows in like a wolf yeah josh is probably josh bridges is probably like his shit goes in all spotted in all spotted and he's got way more than me I don't even think I could do that yet Jen my continued thanks is Tyson and
Starting point is 00:40:16 Sevan fan oh awesome thank you after the game that I went to in the Chargers game The players come Out from one side of the field Every Three minutes
Starting point is 00:40:37 For I don't know I'm making this up But for an hour And they walk across the field And then eventually you came out and by then the stadium's empty and they're yelling at me and your dad to leave and your dad's like no yeah um what what's going on there how i have a bunch of questions what's going on there how come they come out like so sporadically how come the whole team doesn't come out together i guess i know why you came out last because you have to do the press conference but how come they come out and like in ones and twos
Starting point is 00:41:06 and the whole team doesn't come across and where are they going they're going to talk about after before the game after the game yeah everyone's walking so slow it's like you didn't even know humans could walk this slow it takes like they go 120 yards probably like in five minutes it's the slowest walk yeah yeah yeah they're so they're just making their way to the buses after the game and some people like to hurry up get undressed get their stuff on and get to the bus some people like to take their time other people got interviews to do so then they come out after the interviews um so that's kind of why it's so sporadic i had a bunch of i had to like do a press conferences and everything. So that's why I was kind of, that's why I was last.
Starting point is 00:41:46 But everybody's making their way to the buses. And so there's no, it's just, just happens to be sporadic like that. Yeah. Ones and twos. Just whenever, just, you have to, you have to be there by this time. But as long as you're there by that time, you get there whatever time you want. And who's that dude who's always, that I always see with you now? That was walking with me.
Starting point is 00:42:09 It's after the game. First I saw him at the, whatever game I was at, the Chargers game. And then this last week I noticed him again during the Panthers game. After the game, he's with you. He's like standing by you. He's kind of, he's got a thick chest. Yeah, yeah. He's a security guy. And he, yeah, he's a security guy.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And he's your security guy at every game? Yeah, I guess it's a quarterback thing. Like, you got to be careful, like, because I don't know. I don't know, yeah. But it is a security guy just to make sure nobody, I don't know. I don't know what would happen or what has happened, but I think just everybody's hyper-fixated on the quarterback. So, I didn't have him until I began starting.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So I think it's like whoever the starter is that week, they just want to keep him safe. In case some girl runs out on the field and attacks you. Yeah, just in case people start maybe throwing shit or somebody tries to. Do you know him? Are you buddies with him? He's a cool dude, yeah. He's great.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Do you have his phone number? I do not. So it's not like that no it's not it's not that i only see him then okay so if you're in your room on an away game and you want to go downstairs you don't have to call him and he was no it's only like getting getting to and from the bus and like every and everything during the game has he ever had has you ever seen him have to, like, put his hand on someone's face? No. No, not yet. Which is maybe why I'm wondering why it is – why he is there.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Right. But stuff like that probably does maybe happen. Do you think he has tabs on you, like, all the time, like, throughout the game? Yeah, I think he's – yeah, he's super conscious. Because it's not like he's like, hey, whenever you do this, meet me here. It's like he's waiting there, and then I get there, and he just peels off with me.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I started tripping on – probably not as much as you were tripping. The game where you had the four turnovers, there were three interceptions and one fumble, right? Yeah. And then the next game there were no interceptions right yeah um is there a bunch of questions around but is there something you do like is there something you do to make sure like at what cost at what what's the cost for throwing no interceptions? You better change the word. I'm not asking the question right.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Whatever you had to do to mitigate interceptions, is there a cost to it? Like, I haven't watched football in like 30 years, but I used to watch all the Raider games. And they had this quarterback named Jim Plunkett. And it felt like three times at halftime and at the end of every game, he would just throw one, like, 60 yards into the end zone. You never knew who was going to catch it. Like, 10 dudes jumped for it. And it was like, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 No, I mean, yeah, interceptions, like, you want to, like, that's, like, the focal point every single game is, hey, if we take care of the ball we will win the game right so it's every like especially for the quarterback it's a big deal so um but are there less but if like you don't take risk does that mean there's less like only one like there was one of those picks that was like ah damn like you probably shouldn't have thrown the ball there probably should have you know gone somewhere else with it but the other two are like they're like 50 50 and it's like you missed by an inch or you're late by a half a millisecond and it's like
Starting point is 00:45:37 the dude makes an NFL play because he's an NFL player right really could have just as easily been incomplete right you know I mean they could have just got batted down. So it's kind of like, however the game flows, like it, obviously as a quarterback, you got to know where to go based on what luck you're given. But then, you know, it's like, sometimes like when both dudes are there, it's kind of like it's 50, 50. Sometimes offense makes it a spectacular play. Sometimes the defense makes it a spectacular play. And sometimes it just gets, it just hits the ground and nothing and it's 50 50 sometimes offense makes it a spectacular play sometimes the defense makes it a spectacular play and sometimes it just gets it just hits the ground and nothing and it's
Starting point is 00:46:08 neutral so i think that they they made like i i really i think it's just like how luck of the kind of just luck of the game like how the how the dice rolls you didn't take fewer risks in the you that what i'm thinking i thought like you're like okay there i'm gonna take six percent fewer risks and you dialed it and you dialed it back and you got zero interception and that yeah that's what it and that's another thing too they're they don't want you to be less risky but they want you to take care of the ball like it's like right right you know what i mean so it's just kind of paradox you're stuck in a weird spot yeah exactly exactly like i'm not gonna say i didn't sit here i didn't do anything i wasn't thinking differently this past game than the last game
Starting point is 00:46:50 it's just kind of how the shit happened i'm not trying to arouse you but um i this person's paying me to read this so tyson i feel like i'm laying my head in your lap from this angle it's weird fantastic yeah all right i hope that person didn't cross the line with you Nah they're fine Matt Burns Boy dude Um I've never
Starting point is 00:47:16 One time I was at the CrossFit Games And there were these guys riding motorcycles And they were doing flips And I left I didn't like how it made me feel yeah i was like just like what if they crash like it was just too tense for me and i've never watched football and it'd be tense for me but now that you playing you're playing it's like i think i'm getting it's like making me old like i don't like anyone getting close like when you're hanging out
Starting point is 00:47:41 in the pocket i start tripping yeah or like when you get tackled like you don't get tackled very much though oh yeah that was crazy when that happened i was stressed dang that's a terrible picture look at your i just i watched your hand yeah look at you're like yeah that shit hurt that did hurt that's what i'm talking about that man's huge yeah that's the one i was talking about he's like 320 and i saw you or i saw you rub your left hand after that too but then then you just kind of shook it off but i saw you rub that that that hand a little bit i was like oh yeah i yeah something was hurting i couldn't even tell you what it was it was kind of like a full body shock for about five seconds hey when that happened
Starting point is 00:48:32 you know when you crash on a bike and then you you just kind of lay there and you're like you kind of do like that um iron man like assessment like you start wiggling all your extremities yeah you do like a full diagnostic okay yeah all right yeah is it like that uh i mean you don't have time for that like a quicker version like yeah something i mean yeah as long as you're i feel like as long as you're like playing hard and you're not like before they hit like oh shit i'm about to hurt something like like as long as you're like moving at full speed and not really thinking about it, like, the chances of getting hurt are way, way less. So I wasn't, like, like, when I hurt my quad, I was, like, as I'm running, like, oh, shit, this is a weird position.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I don't know how I'm going to, like, I don't know how I'm going to fall on this one. Like, I've never been in this position before. Like, that one, like, I'm falling forward. Dude just landed on top of me. It just stung a little, and I was just kind of, i think that my breath got knocked out and i so i knew that that's what it was like i knew that i didn't like hurt anything significant your face mask put a hole in the field yeah certainly and that the the grass is filled with sand like i had sand all in my face like in your eyes and shit like just in my mouth it was just like i couldn't i didn't
Starting point is 00:49:46 even know there was sand in there until until that tackle and it's not like the black rubber turf or anything no it's a grass field but the sand the sandy stuff that they put in helps the grass like grow like really fast um and stay stay fresh or whatever so i got it yeah does that did that guy say anything to you? Yeah. That's the one where he was like, uh, this ain't college. And I'm like, I'm just like, it doesn't seem like you get sacked very often. I'm trying to, that's, I can remember maybe that one other one in the four games I've watched.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, yeah. Dude, your mom must hate that. Yeah, a lot of the women in my family didn't like when I ran in high school. We haven't really talked about it now, but I can't even imagine what it's like now. I mean, even my dad, because i've gotten far more athletic since i've gotten to the nfl you were so like russia in some game weren't you yeah so yeah yeah so the idea that they have me they have of me as a as like a athlete is different than the idea that like my high school coaches or college coaches like so once i started showing that off a little bit there started being some
Starting point is 00:51:05 like qb design runs which was new uh and i would tell my dad and he would just be like no no no no you go tell him you go tell him you're good you go tell him you're good hey uh which what stat am i looking at here? I thought this was rushing yards, but I think it's actually it's passing yards. Explain to me football. I never even thought of this shit. So they make an offense that's supposed to be
Starting point is 00:51:43 tailored to the quarterback's skillset. Yeah, a little bit. I mean, it's tailored to, like, your offense. So it's like if your offense is bad at something, you probably stay away from that. But if they're good at something, you'll highlight that in the game plan.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And a lot of that has to do with the quarterback just because he has the ball every play. So you got a fast quarterback that can't throw. You're going to run and a lot of that has to do with the quarterback just because he has the ball every play so you got a fast quarterback that can't throw you're going to run him a lot you got a quarterback that's slow that's got a great arm you're going to run the ball but not with him and you'll probably be pretty comfortable throwing the ball too and i heard someone ask you what kind of quarterback are you and you're like i'm not any kind of quarterback i'm a quarterback i do it all yeah i do yeah i don't yeah because i never thought about it like that i just thought about like how can i how can i make a good play with whatever the play is that they gave me so i don't think of that's about the extent of it and then i just react after that
Starting point is 00:52:38 are there ever away games where you stay the night there? After the game or before? After the game. No, we get in a flight immediately after. What if it was in Europe, same? Yeah. Now, I've heard a mix. I've heard there's some people that stay the night, and then there's some that have got on a 12-hour flight immediately after the game.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And is it just you dudes on the plane? You and the team? Yeah, it's just – but it's like the full team. So it's like all the staff members, all the treatment people, the coaches, players, management, everything gets on the plane. Are there any empty seats? Yeah. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. who sits up in the good seats uh all those super important people coaches gms owners quarterbacks uh the highest paid guys oh right now i'm in yeah i'm i've been in the commercial section. You're over by the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, how about that dude? There's a dude on your team that your team just got. Montez Sweats. Montez. Oh, my God, dude. He pushed this dude, Bryce Young, so hard. He went like 50 yards and into the tunnel, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. Pushed him like this. Yeah. Yeah, he's huge. Yeah, he's like a freak of nature. Like, kind of like odd to look at. You're like, holy shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yeah, yeah. And he moves all good and shit. Yeah, super fluent. Yeah, just a beast. Yeah, super fluent. Yeah, just a beast. So big, but just proportional and ripped and nice guy. He wasn't even hitting Bryce Young.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He was shoving him, but when he shoved him, it looked like it was moving Bryce Young's organs around inside his body. It was fucked up, dude. It was crazy. He got to him a lot in the game. Are there a lot of dudes like that in the NFL? Does every team have a dude like that? Yeah, and if they don't, they try to.
Starting point is 00:54:59 They're actively trying to steal one from the other team or draft one the next year. Right. Okay, so he's on the extreme end for a defensive player even him like yeah he's not normal yeah i wouldn't yeah there's not a bunch of montez sweats around now there are some and but yeah he's a i mean he got paid like it too wow yeah so does that dude bryce young know at all every time he snaps the ball? Does he know where that guy is? He's probably not. It's probably not the first thing that he's thinking about.
Starting point is 00:55:32 But yeah, he's probably not even think about it a lot. Honestly, you can't even think about that. You got to just look down the field and try to throw the ball. You can't even be worried. That was the thing I was like talking about in the sauna yesterday like because there's a lot of names that float around and everything of like who this person is or who that person is but that would just i'd never even like i'm never even conscious about it until maybe like after the game and maybe they'll send me a picture and it'll be me and this other
Starting point is 00:56:02 person in the in the uh picture and i'll be like, damn, that's, that's so-and-so. Like that's the one Caleb was nice enough to pull up of you. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like a picture like that. But it's like, I'm thinking about the play only like anything else is like, that'll just, that's just more things to think about. And I mean, I guess it really doesn't matter. You got to run the play anyway. So it doesn't really matter where everybody's at and everybody's in the NFL too. So, you know, it's like, you know, there's, we're all,
Starting point is 00:56:29 we're all doing it, you know, not just them. Matt Burns, Tyson, it's been fun watching and rooting for you on one of the interceptions. And what did you see? Can you walk us through the whole play? On one of the interceptions just anyone yeah just on anyone like what about the one where you hit the guy and then it bounces off of him and then some other guy on the other like you hit your guy in the chest and then the other guy catches it is that like yes oh oh fuck yeah yeah i mean yeah that's yeah, that's always tough. That's always tough. Yeah, that one. What did I see? Yeah, that one I just read the play, threw it to my guy. And he kind of was getting hit as the ball was getting there. But yeah, that's like right there. Like that ball could have easily, he got hit and the ball just hits the ground. And then it's not, oh, he threw two interceptions. He stinks. Like it just turns into a forgotten play it's just
Starting point is 00:57:27 a forgotten play nobody remembers right so that's just like uh just taking it all with a grain of salt and just your coaches know though right yeah that which is why it really doesn't matter like if you're really playing bad like that's one thing you know what i mean but if you're if you're just operating the game and you know some things don't fall your way like that's i feel like that's a that's a whole other aspect there's this there's a play i i uh i'm gonna i think it's uh i'm gonna show you can are you on your phone did you you didn't get your ipad did you not every time i haven't been here whenever they came to deliver it okay i wonder if wonder if they're going to send it back to Apple. I'll just resend it again. Should I send it to your dad's house?
Starting point is 00:58:09 You could send it to the facility. I'll give you that address. Okay. I'm going to show you this play. There's two plays I want to show you. I guess you won't see them. The people at home will see them. One of them is, oh yeah, this one. This dude comes in and no one touches him. How often does this happen? See this dude right here?
Starting point is 00:58:32 I don't know if you can see. There's a dude right here in your face. I'm going to see if I can just rewind this just a little bit. And they play this play twice, I think. Let's see. Here we go. Good stuff right there, man. On this play right here, Panthers send some pressure. Tyson reads that early. Makes a good throw when the bears pick up the first down
Starting point is 00:58:48 look at this and then they're going to show it again here in slow motion again real quick so as you're going to see panthers are going to blitz this db right here now tyson stays pretty calm and collected as you're going to see take a look you run the rpo he's got the d DB coming right at him. Dude, that's terrifying. Yeah. So that was a run play. That was a run play. And the receiver that catches the ball is only going to run that bubble if they brought pressure. So if they don't bring pressure, he's just going to block that guy.
Starting point is 00:59:19 But if he does, then he's going to run the bubble. And then we can't block that guy in the run scheme. So then I'm going to just pitch it out to him and let him get the first down so that literally was that guy who's running in front of you was supposed to get the ball but you decide not to give it to him and pass it instead yeah is any part of you tempted to still hand it off to that guy and then block that guy yourself uh no because my only coaching point on this play is to if they bring because that guy that blitz is called the nickel if they bring nickel pressure throw the bubble that's like the only that's like the only thing i'm thinking about on this play and you know that even before you take
Starting point is 01:00:02 the snap when you see him come up like a. Yeah, because you see the guy behind him, the guy, the safety behind him is like creeping up. Oh, this dude? Yeah, anytime they're stacked on each other, you kind of figure that one guy is going to blitz and he's going to replace. Or else they wouldn't be stacked on each other. God, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:24 And then I can't believe that guy didn't get his hand up and block that ball. I don't know how you threw that over him like that. Yeah, just weird. Try to work weird arm angles. So that went the way it was supposed to go? It did. How often do guys come in where in where you don't there's no one who blocks them like that uh like 20 percent of the time maybe no shit
Starting point is 01:00:53 god that that does that that looks like that would ruin my game for me that wouldn't have fun okay now this is another one this one's crazy one, the guy touches the ball in your hands. Did this freak you out? This is like, this play here is crazy. Do you know which one it is, what I'm talking about, as soon as I said the guy touches the ball? Yeah, and I bobbled it and then ran. I don't know if you bobbled it, but you sucked it up really quick.
Starting point is 01:01:23 That's nuts. Yeah, that was scary so so you don't he's just he's just creeping behind you do you see him back there uh no and he hit it and then i went and ran I was stressed on that one too. That was huge. I'm guessing you don't even think. Can you walk us through that one? You have your hand back and then someone touches the ball and you're like, I'm looking,
Starting point is 01:01:57 reading the play out and then that happens and I'm like, shit, I gotta get out of here. And then it just turns into just reaction. You're not thinking about like any X's and O's or anything after that. You're just like, don't turn the ball over. Go make a positive play. If you see, I'm assuming there's lots of times when you're like, okay, this could be a 15-yard pass or I could run four yards here and you have to
Starting point is 01:02:27 make a decision. Just a reaction. Like you'd only run the, you'd only run the ball if you reacted, but from the guys, you know, not being open or you're not seeing it right. Or anything. You're never like, I'm never like, Oh, I'm about to run this. Like, I'm checking out the past checking out the past boom it's not there if I don't have anything throw it away if I do then that's when I can run and try to make a play because some it's the runs have been great have you been pretty
Starting point is 01:02:57 stoked on the running the runs have been great yeah it's been exciting it has been exciting yeah I'm sorry you're that sucks that your parents don't like that I never even thought about the danger of it. I like it when you run. Yeah. No, I like it. Yeah. I like it too. I like it. Clydesdale Media, have you kept anything from the first win, the first touchdown, et cetera? Have you started collecting any stuff? Yeah, I got a ball. I got the first touchdown I threw. And then the management people they like painted over
Starting point is 01:03:27 it and made graphics of kind of what it was and everything it's on top of my fridge i'll grab it i'll grab it oh that's awesome thank you that's sweet um deja intend to amazing access with an elite athlete thank you savannah and thank you tyson yeah sure no problem just my friends just my friend's kid yeah just just my friend's kid what are you talking about all right so this is the ball and then they've got oh wow kind of the stats and what the game result was and all that and And then it's just a, a ball. And they just painted this one. That's dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Pretty sweet stuff. Pretty sweet stuff. And they charge you $3,000 for that. Nah, not this one. That was nice of them. Do you put that in like a glass case or something? Or are you just going to hold it?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Oh yeah, probably. Yeah. My dad will probably do that. Probably give it to him. He'll probably do something like that. How often does somebody... One day we'll put it in a man cave or something.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Put it down in there or something maybe. I don't know. We'll see. Do you know how often somebody has their first career start and it ends up being a win? I do not. I do not. I do not. I mean, I know, yeah, it's probably being a win um i do not i do not i do not i mean i know yeah it's
Starting point is 01:04:46 probably probably not a lot just because how i can't believe how hard it is to win like it's like so that's why it's like so important to have a good team to be on a good team with like because it's all you're just going against nfl dudes every week like we played the panthers and you know on the outside it's like all the Panthers are the worst team in the league And they're struggling this year But it's like when I cut the tape on them I'm like damn These dudes are good
Starting point is 01:05:13 It's gonna be hard It's gonna be so hard I mean I guess one way to think of it They could go to the best college teams In the United States, in the world, and be standouts, completely standout, any of those dudes that are on the worst team. And they probably were. They probably exactly was.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Hey, I'll tell you something that will never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen again, not in anyone's lifetime. The sun will fizzle out first is the fact that it was the harlan trophy winner against the heisman winner i know you know it's funny before i let you say anything else about that yeah everybody was saying not everybody there were a handful of people that were like oh my god this is well this is the first time that a heisman trophy winner and a harlan hill trophy winner have gone together against each other in a game and it was just like and in my i'm like yeah no shit because harlan hill winners don't even go to the nfl right so it was like they were talking about alone if they do they don't get to play they're like they don't get to play
Starting point is 01:06:24 if they do and that just reminded me of r just reminded me of all the weird stats that people have where it's like, oh, so-and-so is the first one to ever be 25 years old, left-handed, and throw for 256 yards on the dot on a Thursday night game. It's like, oh, I don't know, dude. You have to give yourself more credit than that. I don't know. This one's different. No, I know that my situation is crazy, but I knew that obviously.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Right, right. It was the first time that a Heisman guy and a Harlan Hill guy had probably went together because the Heisman – I mean – And the same year you guys won, dude, and you're both rookies, and it's just it's, um, there was a good chance you would have been on the sideline for this game. And Justin would have been playing.
Starting point is 01:07:11 The fact that you're even out there, the whole thing is bizarre. The chances were like a thousand times higher that I'd be at home right now. Let alone be on the field, or even at the game. Just as many things had to go right for you to win the game for you to actually be in the game yeah no exactly yeah getting it's like winning or losing the game that's like that's the that's the 1000th thing on the list it's like you got to go
Starting point is 01:07:39 through the 999 things to even get to the game and let and be on the field in the game i i guess the difference is is if you say the other way if you say the first left-handed guy while the sun was setting during the pisces rising on a thursday night when um you know on an election night blah blah none of those things were in control the thing that's crazy about this is everything was in your control in the sense that you earned being the Harlan Trophy winner. And this fucking guy earned being the Heisman winner. Yeah. So it's just like – it's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I think it's cool as shit. It is. Yeah. I thought it was cool too just because he was the first pick in the draft. And I've met him in a couple times. And you weren't even drafted, right? No. Yeah yeah that'll Never happen either
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah dude who wasn't drafted will play against the guy Who is the number one draft yeah That's not gonna happen either ever And ever yeah Until the next Guy you play is the number one Um Uh Ken Walters uh congrats on start so far do you agree with seve that oh my can we already went
Starting point is 01:08:52 over this this dude hey remember how angry your dad got with me in the car about then this dude fucking schooled me this dude sent me like 12 years in the nfl made all this money dada just this dude just schooled me so ken Walters wants to ask, congrats on start so far. Do you agree with Seve that Doug Flutie was a disaster? No, I mean, I won't lie. That was before my time. So I was also having to get all the knowledge of Doug Flutie from my dad.
Starting point is 01:09:18 But I mean, based on everything he said, I would say that he was not a disaster at all. No, he wasn't. I was totally wrong. The fact that I'd even heard his name before, like you don't usually hear of a disaster's name 50 years later. Ken's like, he's rated as the 31st best quarterback of all time. I'm like, God, I'm an asshole.
Starting point is 01:09:41 You're probably thinking about, you had to be thinking about somebody else probably, right? No, I was thinking of that dude, because I think that dude won the Heisman and people had such high expectations of them. And I think there was this time when a bunch of dudes who were winning the Heisman were getting sucked up into different leagues, like the CFL and like the USFL. And it was a, it was a weird,
Starting point is 01:10:00 kind of a weird time for football. When, when, when it was over I liked it that you and Bryce went over and and hugged like was that both of your plans you think like you're like oh time to go usually the start the quarterbacks say what's up to each other not every game like there were a couple games where you know I'm I'm there but after about five seconds of looking, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not about to go searching for this dude on this field where, you know, I don't really know anybody that much either. Cause nobody has been, nobody, it's not like there's a bunch of D2 dudes walking around that I wouldn't know. Or this is like your eighth team you've been on. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:40 exactly. Yeah. So I'm just, I mean, I'll glance there for a couple of seconds and then he, you know, he, he found me and then I saw him and he's a nice dude. So, and I, like I saw, met him a couple of times before that. So yeah, he was, he was super cool about it. Where did you meet him? Where'd you meet him? Like at the combine or? I met him at the Peyton Manning passing, at the Manning passing Academy and the combine. And did you guys actually exchange words there? Like talk like, or just more at the Manning, more at the Manning camp.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Cause at the combine, we were in different groups. So it was only kind of just a brief, but at the Manning camp, I, we got to exchange a hand. We had a handful of conversations. And,
Starting point is 01:11:21 and what, what do you guys say to each other? Do you say, looking forward to playing again or congrats on making it to nfl or just congrats as good as i thought you were yeah it's not just just like a congrats and keep going and proud of each other and just that kind of that kind of stuff um when when do you find out if you start next week what does someone tell you or like how do you know that stuff? Or does Justin call you and be like –
Starting point is 01:11:47 Yeah, they'll say something eventually. But yeah, I don't know yet. Last week you know because your practice is different, right, if you're going to start whether you're not going to start. Yeah, yeah. So you'll start sensing it if they start, like, when stuff like that's happening. Yeah. This one guy said that... Oh, anyway.
Starting point is 01:12:11 I'm not even going to go there yet. Why do you guys, all the quarterbacks, lift their leg before they snap the ball? That's if you're away. That's if you're playing away. That's because you can't. It's too loud to say the cadence. Yeah. So you lift your leg, and that's how they know when to snap it so the home team doesn't do that the away team will do that no shit so that's not just so when you're at home you stop
Starting point is 01:12:37 doing that it's not just a habit uh yeah you don't do it at home is the center watching that or is the guard watching you do that it depends sometimes it's like there's different cadences for the silence so sometimes it's the center looking between his legs sometimes it's the guard looking and then he'll tap the center and what about i can't remember if it's on offense or defense there's a guy on the line who goes like this you know i'm talking'm talking about? Like a wide receiver, making sure that they're set, I think. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They do.
Starting point is 01:13:08 They're just like right before the ball snaps, I see someone put their hand out, and I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, they'll put their hand out and just make sure, if they put it forward, they're making sure that the ref knows they're on the line of scrimmage,
Starting point is 01:13:18 and if they point behind themselves, they're like making sure the ref knows they're not on the line of scrimmage. Oh, okay. So it's behind some insurance so you don't get called for something. Every single play, you've got to have're not on the line of scrimmage oh okay so it's every single play every single play you got to have seven dudes on the line of scrimmage and four dudes off oh so if that if it happens that there's too many players on the line of scrimmage and they get a penalty is that because the wider formation a legal formation there that's that because the wide receiver is not in line properly? Yeah, because somebody either lined up wrong and didn't even check,
Starting point is 01:13:47 or they just messed it up. So, yeah, it's usually like a receiver or a tight end fault. Okay, I didn't know that. So that line where the ball sits on, where it snapped from, that's the line of scrimmage. In every single play, seven dudes from both teams have to be on the defense can do whatever they want the offense got to have seven on and four off okay and then once the ball snapped those seven can run anywhere they want you can do whatever you want yeah you can do
Starting point is 01:14:15 whatever you want but they have to start there and when you say line on this line of scrimmage it could be anywhere in the width of the field yes so one of the why you could have just like three dudes linemen and then the rest of the dudes could be lined up as wide receivers but they have to be on the line of scrimmage yeah the other four wow that's a trip i never knew that wow in the defense can have their dudes just scattered all over the place yeah they could be all 11 off the line of scrimmage 11 on the line of scrimmage one on the line of scrimmage, 11 on the line of scrimmage, one on the line of scrimmage. What's this, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:14:52 I was just showing the line of scrimmage. Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. And so how about like that dude who's lined up on the top, on the end, on the line, is he too far back? Is he either kind of in a V? It doesn't have to be perfect. You just need to like look at the ref and say, hey, I'm on the line of scrimmage. He'll be like, alright, you're good, or hey, scoot back a little bit, or hey,
Starting point is 01:15:10 scoot up a little bit. No shit. Wow. God. That's some complicated shit. No more Doug Flutie questions, Ken. How dare you try to make me look bad. This is my own show. Alright. How dare you try to make me look bad. This is my own show. All right. Well, I think that's my, I think that's the show.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Do you end up picking a toothpaste without fluoride? Oh, I've already been doing that. Oh, okay, good. Just making sure I'm not, I wasn't just doing it for no reason No are you using a toothpaste or a powder Toothpaste It's Toms
Starting point is 01:15:54 Uncle Toms Yeah that's what I use Not Uncle Toms just Toms Yeah Toms Yeah don't get us cancelled There we go Hey dude Love you to death i'll keep bugging you about the ipad so yeah i'll send you that i'll send you that address
Starting point is 01:16:14 okay cool uh you demand say hi to everyone say hi to your family uh tell your mom and dad what's up tell ezra what's up tell the uh sisters what's up i appreciate you hey thanks for when you came over to the sideline just blocking eyes with Avi and loving on him. Yeah, that was awesome. Yeah, you do the same thing. Tell all the little guys and the wife I said what's up. I will. They're so excited.
Starting point is 01:16:35 They knew this morning I was coming to talk to you. They're pumped. They're like Bears fans now. It's weird. Go. Bear down. No Bears. All right, buddy.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Love you. Talk to you soon. We'll be watching Sunday. Who do you play Sunday? We play the Lions. Okay. And where? Chicago or Detroit?
Starting point is 01:16:49 At Detroit. All right. Cool. We'll be watching. Yes, sir. See you, Caleb. See you, Tyson. Talk to you soon, buddy.
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Starting point is 01:17:31 How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila! I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Savor it, savor it, savvy, savor it Tom's is owned by Colgate Oh, thank you
Starting point is 01:18:11 I'm going to, my mom and my sister have crazy nice teeth And I think my sister uses a powder What do you just put it on your toothpaste with water? I think so, yeah and you just brush your teeth with it i'll find out what it is i'll send tyson that too that that's how um i just sense he's so focused like ipad schmipad he doesn't know i sent him a pair of headphones too did i tell you guys did i tell you that story? What happened? No. What happened? Dude. So I have no business buying anyone iPad.
Starting point is 01:18:58 So I go on to Apple and I buy them the fully loaded best iPad. And then I throw in a set of those headphones that are like 600 bucks. So the bill comes to like at least 3500 you're talking like the apple headphones yeah yeah nice nice and i'm thinking to myself man maybe i should ask my wife before i send some fucking 23 year old kid a month's mortgage and i pull the trigger on it and right as i pull the trigger, Gabe calls me from Paper Street Coffee. Oh. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Nice. And he goes, hey. And I go, what? And he goes, Paper Street Coffee wants to sponsor that iPad. You know, I got him a headset, too. He goes, just send over the receipt i'll send you a check no shit yeah i think he was drinking paper street coffee this morning too he was yeah he had a frost in his hand oh damn i should have asked him product placement
Starting point is 01:19:58 that's when you know some people are like you you know what I mean? Like they're like a bullet whiz by their head or I don't know, like their baby died and came back to life or they know God's talking to them. Mine is when Gabe pays for the iPad. Like there is a God. That's your sign? Yeah. That was so cool. Even my mom was excited. Oh, he cracked a can right on the show started.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Oh, my God. What a stud. Oh, we got to pull that clip. Let's see if I... Yeah, that's the very beginning. And send that over to Gabe. Oh, shit. Maybe I should call Gabe. Oh, I got to pull that clip see if i yeah that's the very beginning and send that over to gabe oh shit maybe i should call gabe oh i gotta test out my phone anyway let me call gabe that's awesome oh my goodness our thread has exploded i hate it when our thread explodes jesus christ someone wrote a book oh will wrote a book i thought it would um um
Starting point is 01:21:07 okay uh oh uh oh uh oh huh uh Gabe just texted me and says don't share that story
Starting point is 01:21:23 sorry buddy that shit happens uh Uh, Gabe just texted me and says, don't share that story. That's too late. Sorry, buddy. That shit happens. I can't believe he cracked. I remember I saw him crack that. Oh, it's not ringing. Can you guys hear this? I don't hear it.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Oh, man. But I hooked it up so right. Hello? I'm here for the troubleshooting. Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry. That sucks. I hardwired it in.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I wonder why it's not working. I mean, I can hear you. I need Scott Schweitzer to help me maybe outputs monitor headphones, multitrack let's take a multitrack shit but you guys can't hear him I can hear him through the microphone I think
Starting point is 01:22:17 Gabe say something mic check no hey did you watch the show? Yeah, I was in the background. Processing, output. I have your volume full blast. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Damn. Hey, I guess he cracked a can of Paper Street Coffee on the show. Yeah, that's crazy, right Hey, that's that's way below your pay grade have Paulina do that How about now no processing damn
Starting point is 01:23:02 How about now? No processing? Damn. Output routing? Okay, output routing. Oh, main mix? How's that? Now, this setting can cause unwanted echo if used incorrectly.
Starting point is 01:23:16 You guys still don't hear him? Damn it. Damn, I was about to whip out the victim card and say how much money I quote- lost Investing in my business He still hasn't gotten the iPad he bought Anyway okay cool I just wanted to say thank you Thanks for doing that That was a crazy You're a good dude
Starting point is 01:23:43 And I saw him crack the can. So we got to pull that clip. Oh, bitchin'. Okay, cool. Okay, I won't. I love you too, buddy. Bye. Gabe, owner of Paper street coffee damn uh what uh i don't know what i don't know that's hardwired in
Starting point is 01:24:15 i tested it i tested it i can you can you hear that yeah but once it actually calls you couldn't hear it right that's so weird right yeah it is you can hear me dialing but you couldn't hear him talk is it when you put it on speakers that have to be hooked up to because when you call somebody you should you might have to change the speaker setting like oh yeah i tried i tried oh really yeah it only had speaker and regular so i switched it to speaker so i could at least hear them all right strike damn i thought i was like so cool i came in here late last night was like fiddling with it i'm like i got this so it's not a live calling show that's a lie we couldn't hear you dial the first time oh you couldn't okay let me try let me try um uh let me try calling just Sousa real quick.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Let's see. Contacts. Oh, yeah, I'll try Sousa. What's Sousa's number? Do you know anyone's number by heart? Do you know your wife's number by heart? Yeah, I know my wife, my parents, and that's it. I know my wife.
Starting point is 01:25:44 That's it. So you hear that yep okay but you don't hear that it's ringing yep alright it's fucked up I can hear that
Starting point is 01:26:02 yeah but just hi Matt Sousa's assistant. I was just testing out my phone. It doesn't work. Even though it's hardwired in. No, they can hear me. They can hear me dial. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:24 But they can't hear you. Now that you're talking, you're coming through the speaker of the phone. And not the... Hey, can you change it from speakerphone to whatever? I tried. No, I tried, yeah. It's probably... Yeah, I'm going to have to...
Starting point is 01:26:44 We're going to have to like... We're going to have to... I tried, yeah. It's probably, yeah. I'm going to have to, we're going to have to like, we're going to have to, I don't know, a new podcast studio? How's that? Anyone? Hey, just throwing a wild idea out there. Yeah. Turn it off, I'm plugging it back in.
Starting point is 01:27:02 No, I could do that. I'll do that after the show. Maybe just, yeah. I think it's shitty because it probably will do a one-time fix and then you'll probably have it for again, right? But I don't know. Maybe it'll reset and fix it.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Alright. Damn. Okay. Here, let me just try one more oh yeah alright this sucks okay thank you bye okay bye oh I'm so
Starting point is 01:27:38 fucking annoyed I'm so fucking annoyed let me try it let me try it one more thing I turned off the bluetooth no fuck it fuck
Starting point is 01:27:51 so annoyed try one more time damn it alright um all right um you know what's stupid is the um oh oh wow hear that yeah hello oh damn so i can hear it when you call. I just can't hear your voice. Thanks for trying, The Lone Ranger. Is this Gabe from the coffee company? This is not Gabe from the coffee company. This is Gabe from the Savant podcast.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Shit, I was hoping to call them and tell them to sponsor the Savant pod and maybe pay for some checks so that they can do live call-ins. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. All right. Bye-bye. Bye. Well, that was a nice test. So you can hear it ring and you can hear it call out. You just can't hear the people talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:54 God, that's stupid. Maybe you could put the phone on a stand next to your microphone. I am not ghetto. Seve, have you put up a Christmas tree? No You can put up a Christmas tree like the week before Yeah that's usually what I do Yeah My wife's Jewish and I'm Armenian
Starting point is 01:29:18 We went today Giving the trees away free Right We gotta put all that stuff up now What? We gotta put up all that stuff now Cause it's gonna start freezing like next week Really? You'll put up your stuff before Thanksgiving?
Starting point is 01:29:34 Your Christmas stuff? Yeah Oh you mean like outside the house or inside the house? Outside Hmm Explain to me call-ins. Just call in. That seems like a new person.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Sebi just made an IG post of Tyson cracking and drinking at Paper Street. Let's see. Shit, yeah, he did. street let's see shit yeah i did hey you know what i you know what i just realized what's that you know that you know that fucking agent that told oh that's on cave dastros yeah oh let's see i really like you i'm not letting you borrow my car like say let's see. I'm not letting you borrow my car. Let's say Tyson was... And he's like, can I borrow your... But I still like the protocol or the formality. I'm not like, oh my God, look...
Starting point is 01:30:37 Sorry, what? I've got a possible way to find a solution. Okay. If you guys put in a document all of your tech that you're running and then put it in the GPT, there's like a 50% chance it comes up with a viable solution. Okay. But not so good at figuring out what the conclusions of court cases are. So you called me to tell me that I should contact chat GPT to fix my roadcaster to iPhone 15 compatibility issues. I mean,
Starting point is 01:31:15 unless you know somebody that works at like some crazy company like Microsoft or something, but doubt it. So I shouldn't possibly call someone at Microsoft to figure out my Apple computer chat GPT, uh, uh, roadcaster issues. So I should possibly call someone at Microsoft To figure out my Apple computer Chat GP Roadcaster issues You're fucking fired dude
Starting point is 01:31:30 You're fired You suck You're the kind of dude who orders Chicken McNuggets at Burger King At the Burger King drive-thru Are they good? She's crying Tyson Bajan plays on the Chicago Bears.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Say Vaughn. I thought he played for the Lions. I know. That's why I'm helping you. I knew in advance. I know in advance what you don't know. All right. Good.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Good. All right. All right. Good to have you back on the show. Love you too. Bye. In a minute. Jeez. good to have you back on the show love you too bye in a minute jeez um
Starting point is 01:32:10 my wife did a live tree once after I was paralyzed just once yeah fuck that I do live tree you do you do dead tree you do plastic tree plastic tree does anyone want to buy my You do? You do Dead Tree? You do Plastic Tree? Plastic Tree.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Does anyone want to buy my Harley? It's so dope. How much? It's nice. I'll ask you again three years later. That's how we met? Yeah. I'll keep asking until I make enough money that I can buy it from you.
Starting point is 01:32:45 I should just give it to you. What if you, what if I gave it to you and you died? I wouldn't die. God, that would suck. Your wife would fucking hate me. I'd fly out there and drive cross country to bring it back.
Starting point is 01:32:58 That'd be sweet. Oh my God. It's so nice. You would love it. That'd be dope. Oh yeah. That's a nice, that's a nice coffee shop yeah that's a nice coffee shop
Starting point is 01:33:05 That's a nice coffee shop Is it almost done? I don't know but it's got a TV in there to watch the Sevan podcast It's nice Paper Street Coffee Headed to Santa Cruz in the morning Want to join for water plunge and workout Oh
Starting point is 01:33:23 Where? Headed to Santa Cruz in the morning. Want to join for water plunge and workout. Oh. Where? I. See you at 11 a.m. I have a I have a slim I'm just going to give it to you when the show is like fully successful I should just give it to Caleb it's a slim
Starting point is 01:33:54 but it has it has a 117 in it it's a rocket ship that would be dope and it has a it has a um yeah it doesn't look anything like that though it's dope and it has a um let me see that one mine has a little little tiny fairing in the which is like vital for when you're doing like anything over 60. And yeah, all it's got so much cool shit on. It doesn't have those bags on it.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Oh, and it has a titanium pipe. Yeah, 600. It's yours. It has a Royal Racing titanium pipe. It's 2,000 c cc it's something crazy so that guy i was thinking i was thinking that guy that told there's a lot of people who are told not to come on this podcast do you know that like a lot i think i've i've noticed that yeah the trend lately and um the guy who told the agent that's told people not to come on this podcast listen this i just realized this he
Starting point is 01:35:19 you remember the the sporty beth the most toxic man in crossfit and there was discussion that she was paid to make that right you remember was discussion that she was paid to make that, right? You remember that discussion that someone paid her to make that? Well, that guy also represents Zack Tlander. And I wonder if that guy is going out of his way to tell his people to do hit pieces on me and Greg. Someone said that to me yesterday. And then now he's telling people not to come on my podcast what's the guy's name John Seagley what's the guy's name
Starting point is 01:35:48 I thought it was James something the name of the agency is like S&N1 or something yeah S1N I thought they had a website and I tried to find it but I don't see it anymore because they had like a list of all of their I want to be it, but I don't see it anymore because they had like a list of all of their.
Starting point is 01:36:10 I want to be completely frank with you guys who are listening right now. It doesn't bother me that he's doing that. I'm I'm concerned for his clients more than I am myself. The show is killing it. We're doing great. Life's good. But if you if you're the if you're represented by this guy, you don't want him – strength in numbers is the name of it. You don't want your agent – you want your agent to kind of be a fake cheese dick that gets along with everyone.
Starting point is 01:36:34 You don't want your agent like – you don't want your agent to be able to shake hands with Trump and Biden like this and smile, I guess. I don't know shit. I'm not an agent. But you sure as fuck don't want him talking shit about the biggest podcast in the space. Yeah. James Sealy is his name. Is it? James Sealy.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah. Do you have a picture of him? Yeah. Maybe don't post. Maybe send me. Let me see it on the site. I want to see if it's the guy I was. Because I had to go on a call with CrossFit Media.
Starting point is 01:37:08 I think it was me and Dave and Haynes and I can't remember who. Oh, maybe Heather. I just put it on a private chat. And there was a guy who was representing Craig. Oh, and Heber was on the call. Oh, yeah, that's the guy he said that he said some weird shit in that meeting too all right. What a trip. What a cool guy.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Anyway, you don't want your agent talking shit about the – like you want your media talking shit about the Sevan podcast and then the Sevan podcast not liking all you guys because you talk shit about it. You talk shit about Hiller too. You definitely don't want to talk shit about hillar i do not want to do that i want to explain the the phenomenon that is andrew hillar you never want to stand in front of andrew you want to stand next to andrew or behind andrew never stand in front of Andrew. Because he's going to run you over? You just don't want him like, he just has a brain that just does stuff and you don't want him doing that stuff to you. Necessarily.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Maybe you do. I mean, it can be good. I'm not saying all of his stuff is, but if he sees a fucking string dangling from your sweater, he's like, he's going to pull on it and unravel your shit like I do to my wife. That's why – you don't want to be my wife either. Yeah, you just don't want to – and so if you're telling people not to associate with Andrew Hiller, like just don't say anything. Definitely don't say that to someone who's friends with Andrew because then that person is going to tell Andrew.
Starting point is 01:39:18 And then he's going to have it – now you're in front of him. And he's going to be like, what's that over there? Oh, I see. Ah, yes, you represent Zach and Sporty Beth. That's interesting. That's weird that both of them did hit pieces. And now you're saying, you know what I mean? Like, be cool, man. Be cool.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Savon, do you think CrossFit is putting Dave in an uncomfortable position where he has to defend them but doesn't really agree with him i think that dave is a man of extreme personal responsibility and accountability and i know what you meant but i'm just gonna like fuck with it a little bit and i don't think anyone does anything to any of us. We're responsible for our own shit. That being said, I think Dave is committed to his job and wants the company to succeed. And yeah, I think I think he's committed to his job and he wants the company to succeed. I don't think he's going to.
Starting point is 01:40:26 I don't think Dave has any sellout in him. So some things may be difficult for him. I mean, they're difficult for all of us, right? If you work somewhere and there's someone at your job that maybe you don't see eye to eye with. So is he put in an odd situation? I mean, it was intense between him and Greg too, man. I'm telling you. I mean, for completely different reasons, that's probably why it's intense for him now. man, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I mean, for completely different reasons, that's probably why it's in tense form now. But it's never been a cakewalk. It's just different now. There was someone that said in the comments, by the way,ave's um in dave's in the weekend review show they basically said of course of course it's a money grab what they're doing with the 25 because it's going to make them more money just so you know that's not logical if everything you do makes you money and if you do something and it makes you money
Starting point is 01:41:25 It doesn't mean that it was a money grab I found $89,000 In my YouTube account Found it Like that means I was doing my YouTube For a long time not for the money so then when i got the money now all of a sudden i was like he does it for the money i think you can be like yeah we want to open up the open so i think people are like hey this he's fucking lying
Starting point is 01:41:58 he's saying we want to open up the open to 25 of the people who do the open and um and uh and everyone's like it's a money grab because it's going to make them more money it might be a money grab but it's not a money grab just because it makes them more money do you know what i'm saying and here's another thing i saw um which i thought was interesting everyone's like well now it's just too easy to go to the semi-finals and it doesn't mean anything and someone said let's be clear those 75 of the people who don't make it they tried their ass off and they didn't make it so for them it's not easy so that's another that's another thing too so i don't know i think you have to be careful with your logic It doesn't mean you're wrong
Starting point is 01:42:48 Maybe it was just a money grab But you can't just think just because someone made more money That it was a money grab RileySTDC Losing my trust after his last week in review I wonder if trust is one of those things that when you lose it Riley STDC losing my trust after his last week in review. I wonder if trust is one of those things that when you lose it, like,
Starting point is 01:43:13 you know how it's like one negative thing hits people harder than 10 positive things. I wonder if once you lose someone's trust, it's just fucked. Yeah, maybe. But also people just seem to be looking for something to not trust people for that's true too
Starting point is 01:43:33 like if you lose somebody's trust it's probably because they were kind of in they were searching for something to not trust you about that's a good point and then you grab the money that's correct well my wife grabbed it and then i grabbed that pussy hey what about um what about jeff how many how many uh daniel brandon shirts did you buy how many brutes i mean brute shirts did you buy yesterday after i revealed the secret marketing plan of uh i feel like calling um i'm gonna call matt torres oh i don't even have a phone to call people on fuck boo god that sucks god that sucks. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Could you hear pretty good when I called? Yeah, when you put it up next to the speaker? Yeah. The microphone? Yeah. Who should I call, Danielle Brandon or Matt Torres? Danielle will probably pick up. Last time I calledielle and it was um
Starting point is 01:44:46 i'm gonna see hold on what if she's what if i call her and she's like not even with brood anymore i don't know speculation we pull up her ig that makes sure everything's good over there i've been i don't know man i've been concerned about that lately, too. Before I try some weird bit that includes her, and she's like, what the fuck? I mean, she never said she was... The biggest reason for being a fan of this show is the phone. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:45:15 It's like if Mr. Rogers got rid of the little trolley car. Okay, let me see. Let me see her last... Oh, yeah, what's it say? I don't think she's ever had Br in her bio okay okay but uh nothing there wait what was that oh okay yeah let's see that let's see that what's that let's see the most recent post let's see um uh One of my favorite exercises. Okay. Who writes dumb shit like that? Some may not like the muscle look on women, but damn.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Like, that's just, you're a fucking idiot. That's so stupid. Yeah, you're a fucking douche. Some might not like women whose DNA is expressing themselves fully. I like my woman bounded and held down and turned into veal. That's the problem. That's the problem because she transcends CrossFit, so we just get D-bags in here. Cave Dastro, she's hot.
Starting point is 01:46:22 No shit. Yeah, no shit. um okay let's see is there any brute um damn no not really I think she moved to Nashville too Phillip Kelly Danielle's body is amazing
Starting point is 01:46:46 are you sure she's not too muscly for you I mean I mean oh my god like her just to stand perfectly still for 12 days and turn into a veal I'm paralyzed I have two phones and I have no one to call I heard I heard that I heard some analysis I didn't want to bring this up to Tyson
Starting point is 01:47:18 not for any reason I just don't want to bug him with this shit but I heard an analyst say that they have to play Justin Fields because they have to figure out whether they're going to keep him or not. And so they need more data points before they make that decision. What do you think? He has seven data points, and six of them are losses. Oh.
Starting point is 01:47:41 One of them is a win. And, dude, everyone says you can build a team Around that guy The worst thing I saw they said that he'd be in the NFL For a fucking long time as a backup quarterback That was like the worst thing I heard Fields? No
Starting point is 01:47:55 T.Bajan Yeah I don't know I don't think that they I really appreciate the comments just filling up with, hey, I'm sorry, Tyson. I didn't think you had a chance in hell. That's really cool. Bunch of cunts.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Now they're going to say he can't kick a field goal or something. Like, something ridiculous. Yeah, I don't know. I think they're definitely going to keep giving Tyson opportunities because he's shown that he can do it. I've heard that they want to trade fields because he has value or something. Like they can trade him for money to spend on other things.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Right. To free up that, whatever that cap thing is Yeah Which I mean they got a steal with Tyson So like if they did trade fields you throw Tyson in as a starter And then You've got
Starting point is 01:48:56 Okay how about this How about let me try my personal phone Oh boy How about I try my personal phone to hook up to the Rodecaster? Okay. Pair. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:49:16 Pair it up. And let me call... Who should I call? I'll call Suze again. Nope. Okay. So it's the iPhone 15 doesn't work. Hey. Hey, dude, the iPhone 15 does not work with the fucking Rodecaster.
Starting point is 01:49:35 What a fucking joke, dude. I'm blaming them now. It can't be my fault. I'm a victim. I'm a victim. I'm a victim of being a baller. iPhone 15 with roadcaster roadcast so i should switch oh nelly now here's a real big problem you ready for this
Starting point is 01:49:58 yeah when you switch the last phone we had was the 13. Correct. And when you switch from the 13 to the 15, it turns into an electronic SIM. And then that's the issue now, huh? And I bet you I can't get back to – because I was thinking, well, fuck, I'll just transfer back over and use the old phone. But I wonder if I can even do that. Oh, fuck, because now it's an eSIM. Damn it. Oh, fuck, because now it's an eSIM. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:50:30 iPhone 15 with best content creator setup. Oh, here we go. You don't happen to have any more SIM cards, do you? No, no, no. And you just changed the phone number on the entire... Yeah. No And just change the phone number on the entire Yeah Man using road wireless How to connect iPhone to road Oh man
Starting point is 01:50:53 And there's nothing iPhone 15 with Rodecaster Pro 2 Fuck Alright Fuck Alright Thank you See ya Bye Douchenozzle
Starting point is 01:51:17 Uh, Cave Dastro Professional Podcaster Hardly okay that's my football talk um how come how come the palace how come we don't see any protests to release the hostages? How come we've seen thousands of protesters, millions, millions of protesters to stop bombing Palestine, but we don't see any people protesting to release the hostages? Do you know why? I know why. I couldn't tell you specifically, but it's… You're not going to like it. No one's going to like it. It's because it's not getting airtime and nobody cares? Because you already know they're fucking scumbags and protesters.
Starting point is 01:52:12 No protest or anything is going to work on them. Why aren't the streets in the United States filled with protesters protesting Hamas release the hostages? Because Hamas and that whole Palestinian organization there they're fucking dogs that in itself just screams volumes it's like why not
Starting point is 01:52:41 it's the same with the BLM riots why not just start a massive campaign in the United States like we had the litter campaign in the 50 to not litter for the black community to stop resisting arrest? Dear black youth, stop resisting arrest. All 12 of you that were killed unarmed by the cops and the vast majority of you have been killed by cops was because you resisted arrest stop resisting arrest if you want to live why not just start a massive campaign why burn down ferguson because they don't care if black people die they're not interested in the solution why for black people die they don't care none of those people care if anyone lives or dies all those college campuses you know what else is another weird thing all those protests you see
Starting point is 01:53:25 like on the college campuses those kids are still still wearing masks like 20 of the kids are wearing covid masks i thought i was watching yeah i thought i was watching like archived footage of protests because they're everybody it's like hundreds and thousands of people just wearing masks with signs like the it almost looks fake or old it makes no sense yeah no no they're shit bags no no one's like dear Hamas
Starting point is 01:54:02 release like the you would think there'd be tons of there's nine Americans including ayear-old who's being held hostage. Crazy, right? I haven't seen – the streets should be filled with those people saying release our people. Instead, it's free Palestine, which is getting the Palestinians killed because the Palestinians think that there's some chance of that. There's no chance of that. You have to leave. Yeah. It's no chance of that. You have to leave. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:28 It's pretty insane. Israel's been making a pretty good effort. It's wrong what Israel's doing. Fine. I can agree with you or not agree with you on that. That does not matter if you want to save people's lives. Are you happy that Derek Chauvin went to jail and thousands of black men died unnecessarily because Derek Chauvin went to jail? Cool. I guess it's a good tradeoff.
Starting point is 01:55:11 What is the abortion rate by race? You guys are going to love this. Damn, I can't find it oh here we go here we go here we go among the 30 areas that reported race by ethnicity data of 2019 non-hispanic white women and non-hispanic black women accounted for the largest percentage of abortions. Non-Hispanic white women had the lowest abortion, 6.6 per thousand. Black women had the highest abortion rates, 386 for every thousand live births. And I want you to think about that.
Starting point is 01:56:12 Three hundred and eighty six for every one thousand live births. And in some places, just so you know, it's like a one to one ratio. Like I think in New York City for black women, it's every every one every black baby that's born one is killed or something and now i want you to watch this video this video this process this for a second now that you know that process this this is some uh white chick at a college fighting with charlie kirk listen to this listen to this this. This is nuts. I'm going to play this like three times. Listen to this. And crime dropped 40 percent after. Do you think abortion was primary? Crime dropped 40 percent after abortion became legal. Why is that the case?
Starting point is 01:56:55 It's called a statistic. Who has the most abortions? Women. Black people. Are you trying to say the termination of blacks in the world? That's a very racist argument. So first she's arguing that you should kill babies because it lowers crime. And then he points out to her, well, he doesn't say it, but we saw in the statistics they're killed at three times.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Black babies are killed at three times the rate of white babies. I think it was 116 in a thousand for white women And 386 for black women And isn't it funny She's like statistics Watch it again We're fucked if this is really our nation I love that response
Starting point is 01:57:38 And crime dropped 40% after Crime dropped 40% after abortion became legal. Why is that the case? It's called a statistic. Who has the most abortions in America? Women. Black people.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Are you trying to say the termination of blacks in the world? That's a very racist argument. Well, actually, Charlie's wrong there. It's not a racist argument. They're all just facts and numbers wrong there it's not a racist argument it's it's it's they're all just facts and numbers but um it's not racist but it's just fucking crazy this justification for killing people to lower yeah i'm sure i'm sure mike mccaskey i'm sure uh 100 correct about crime i mean it's a correlate.
Starting point is 01:58:25 It's not a cause and effect, but yeah, yeah, totally. Kill babies, lower crime. Great one. Oh, of course she doesn't pay her own bills. She probably doesn't even, of course she doesn't pay her own bills. She's a douche. Sean Sullivan, war is terrible. Part of Hamas war strategy is to use the civilian population as a shield.
Starting point is 01:58:48 A huge part of it. 50% of their strategy is that. They know they are letting their people be killed and are okay with it. That's how they wage their war. Yeah, totally. Of course. I sent Seth a text the other day. I have to be more on top of it when he came on and he talked.
Starting point is 01:59:05 I didn't get to – I need to interrupt him more. I need to guide that conversation more. That guy can talk. Yeah. This guy's wild right here. You ever see this? This guy's all up in my algorithm. You know who this guy is?
Starting point is 01:59:35 I don't even know his name. No. But you've seen him before, right? He's made appearances on this show. Sure. You know that Black Lives Matter was an organization that was founded by a bunch of fat black lesbians who hate God, who hate the family, order of the family, who hate the unborn child. And they did it.
Starting point is 01:59:55 At least one of them that they are a Marxist group and they've been trained to do what they're doing. Did you know it was founded by some fat black lesbians? Wow. So, okay. So first of all did you know that um what we're not going to do is insult folks right um so well they claim to be lesbians and they're fat and they're black i didn't do it well well so so what did you know that was found about them i personally know them right so so so so i personally know them, right? So, so, so, so. I personally know them. Stop that part.
Starting point is 02:00:25 And you knew that before they do. What made you join knowing that normally men don't follow women like that? What made you do it? Did you know that Black Lives Matter was a. Normally men don't follow women like that. What's funny is he called it insulting, but he knew then. So is it insulting to call them what they are? That's the thing, right?
Starting point is 02:00:49 Like he perceived it as insulting. It wasn't insulting. It's a fact. Yeah, exactly. Hey, did you see Andrew Hiller's post this morning? I don't think I did. What was it about? It's wild, dude.
Starting point is 02:01:09 On Instagram? Yeah. I'm a little confused. Are you bringing it up? Yep. Awesome. You da man. I'm just going through and cleaning up my notes.
Starting point is 02:01:30 This CrossFit post? Yeah. this crossfit post yeah so so so uh i think this is a screenshot if you go to on your iphone and it says experience local community globally, a community driven culture. Now, I have no idea what that means. That sentence right there. I have no idea what any of that means. Experience local community globally. Does that mean like if you travel no matter where you go on the globe, if you're a CrossFitter, you'll experience you'll feel at home? I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 02:02:02 And then a community driven culture that makes no fucking sense a community like like the kkk was that a community-driven culture i'm trying to think of examples of community-driven culture isn't every community a culture? Man, okay. Now go to the next slide. This is where it gets really bizarre. I think this is on your phone.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Oh, God, it is. Global gym local community. Oh, no. Oh, God. What are they doing Sean Lenderman Why does the CMO of CrossFit have a private page Cause he You know why Let me see the replies of that one
Starting point is 02:03:02 Uh Because after Hiller Fitt called him out he moved to a private page Let me see the replies of that one. Because after Hiller Fick called him out, he moved to a private page for community reasons. Local community, global privately. Probably afraid of being ass-pounded by people who see through the BS. What's wrong with being ass-pounded, homophobe? A lot of former tech leadership aren't too proud to be out in
Starting point is 02:03:27 public i would be honored to get ass pounded by hiller and the goons because he's a weirdo i didn't say i was afraid oh my goodness uh mr hiller i started following your account recently are you currently a member of an affiliate i'm asking because i see a lot of people profiting from crossfit but they work out at home by themselves what what i'm trying to figure out what is that guy a monk i'm trying to figure out what the no what's he insinuating he can't say anything because he doesn't work out in an affiliate is that what he's insinuating open that up let me see what the replies that that comment really fucking annoys me uh he's a member of the f45 he was an affiliate owner might still be not sure
Starting point is 02:04:19 that's irrelevant there's nothing wrong with garage athletes in CrossFit DNA. Yeah, what is that guy? Let me go back up to what that guy is saying. Profiting. Mr. Hiller, I started following your account recently. Are you currently a member of Affiliate? I'm asking because I see a lot of people profiting from CrossFit, but they work out. So he's saying that Hiller works out at home and sells programming, very popular, good programming, but doesn't contribute to an affiliate?
Starting point is 02:04:53 Dude, he – how about the fact he just did that amazing piece on Scott Pancheck? I think that contributed to affiliates. How about the fact that he went and when Joe Neal's – so I'm triggered. How about the fact when – it's when joe neils sebon triggered how about the fact when it's just stupid thank you i'm triggered how about the fact when um i'm not sitting in stillness like uh doc holiday um i'm uh reacting how about the fact that when joe neils was doing going out on a limb and for 30 days and trying to get people to come to his affiliate. Hiller took the biggest platform in the CrossFit space, HillerFit on YouTube, and amplified fucking Joe Neils. How about that, you fucking D-bag, Bob?
Starting point is 02:05:35 I started following your account recently. I don't know. Maybe I'm reading into it. Maybe Bob's not saying that. Anyway, if he's not, I apologize, Bob. Sevan, you are not your thoughts. Thank you. But I am the motherfucking CEO. The best athlete, number 68, the doubted chain.
Starting point is 02:05:57 The best athlete wants his opponent at his best. The best general enters the mind of his enemy. The best businessman serves the communal good. The best leader follows the mind of his enemy. The best businessman serves the communal good. The best leader follows the will of the people. All of them embody the virtue of non-competition. Not that you don't have to compete, but they do it in the spirit of play. In this, they are like children and in harmony with the Tao. You guys want a conversation between two monks? uh-oh uh-oh what's this
Starting point is 02:06:50 we went to the uh uh what's the kansas city library and outside the library is like said it's the Kansas City Library? And outside the library is like said it's the architecture is like the bindings of books. So like the like where you see the title. Yeah, yeah. And like one of the very
Starting point is 02:07:17 first ones on the wall is the Dao Qing. Oh, yeah. I like that. That's nice. That's nice. Oh, shit. I clicked on an ad. What is going on? You know that if you're Armenian, you can't borrow money from Citibank? It's a company policy. Really? Yeah, did you see that?
Starting point is 02:07:36 No, but that's the... I did it in the live calling show the other day. Fuck, black people are such pussies. Citibank will not... They have a policy... So I told you guys the story about the america west the vice president of america west who told me and my wife we don't lend money to armenians that was to my face now city bank in la has been fined a whopping 24 million dollars
Starting point is 02:07:58 for their policy well to be correct they don't lend money to people with the last name ending in Y-A-N and I-A-N. Let me see black people top that, motherfuckers. Marginalize. Hashtag marginalize. Yeah, that story came out a couple days ago. That's a trip. San Francisco business owner blasts decision to deep clean city for Xi Jinping's visit. Leaves city filthy otherwise.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Oh, this is going to be good. This is... Did you see what they did? They started planting all these trees and shit. They started planting all these trees and shit in san francisco because of gg ping's visit they started putting planners and shit everywhere is that insane getting ahead with fucking insane dude one bang for now for later i can't believe what a scumbag gavin make more of what's yours let's bring in san Francisco business owner Danielle Rabkin. She owns CrossFit Golden Gate Gym.
Starting point is 02:09:06 CrossFit Golden Gate Gym. Represent, girl. And she joins me now. Danielle, good morning to you. What do you think about this? San Francisco getting all cleaned up for China and not for residents like you. At first, I thought they were cleaning the area as the media was making a way bigger deal out of this than it needed to be of course we needed clean high security zones but then i
Starting point is 02:09:33 realized they were cleaning outside of those high security zones and then that knew some oh shit they were like repainting crosswalks and shit too getting Getting rid of all the LGBTQ flags on the ground. Clip surfaced and it was abundantly obvious that they were cleaning because of optics and not security. It is extremely frustrating. He doesn't care about having clean streets for the constituency. Dude, how is that safe?
Starting point is 02:10:01 Did you see all those barriers they put up in San Francisco? What if, what if there's a fire? Or what if you have to run from a rapist or something? What a mess. Oh, no. What happened? Oh.
Starting point is 02:10:16 I'll just scroll back up. No, I lost the story. Shit. Yeah, it's super fucked i was uh you know who mike baker is no he's the he was like a former cia uh operative he was on joe rogan a few times he has like a daily um like news podcast and he was talking about how we should just have xi jinping do a world tour like american tour or he goes to portland and seattle and yeah uh they are uh los angeles and all the other like shitty cities in the united states so that they have to clean them up yeah it'll be like a month of reprieve from homeless people and drug addicts i'm totally
Starting point is 02:11:02 down what's gross is that it's of all people it's fucking china's leader yeah right we won't we won't do anything for people who pay to live here for every day like crazy money to live here but we'll do it for this fucking communist guy okay i'm gonna try not to fuck with it now let's let the whole thing play let's see getting all cleaned up for china and not for residents like you. At first, I thought they were cleaning the areas. The media was making a way bigger deal out of this than it needed to be. Of course, we needed clean, high security zones.
Starting point is 02:11:38 But then I realized they were cleaning outside of those high security zones. And then that Newsom clip surfaced. And it was abundantly obvious that they were cleaning because of optics and security zones. And then that Newsom clip surfaced and it was abundantly obvious that they were cleaning because of optics and not security. It is extremely frustrating. He doesn't care about having clean streets for the constituents he serves, but at the snap of a fingers, things are clean just in time for this conference. Yeah, we're looking at some footage of the newly cleaned up San Francisco, but as a resident who saw the before and after in real time,
Starting point is 02:12:09 how much different do things look now that it's cleaned up than it, than it did a few days ago? Well, it's funny. The city's always gotten away with being really poorly run, but with work from home policy, they're starting to leave. And small business owners, the tax base is shrinking. Small business owners are the ones suffering. So it's really difficult to see that things are getting cleaned up right as this conference is coming and world leaders are about to come into the city.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Yeah. Did the level of homelessness and urine on the streets and the drug use, did it impact your business in terms of foot traffic? Oh, absolutely. People, like I said, with work from home, people don't have to be here anymore and they don't want to live in a place that doesn't feel clean and safe. So they're leaving. Like I said, our tax base is shrinking. Everyone's panicking that our budget is getting reduced. And as a small business owner, who's been operating for over 11 years in the city, I can tell you with certainty that people are not here in the same numbers that they used to be. And we feel the pain tremendous. You think she used to be a libtard like me? I don't know. Maybe. Did you see what stores are closing left and right? This is not a media ploy. This is the real truth on the streets. It is business owners like me who are feeling
Starting point is 02:13:40 the squeeze and feeling the pain. People don't want to live here if they don't have to be here. It's a great city. It's beautiful. There's a lot of upsides. But at the end of the day, people want to feel clean. That's not true, by the way, anymore. Anymore, yeah. It's just astounding that with a $14 billion city budget, that that's not something the city can provide. Absolutely. It's called quality of life. And people who pay the, I'm sure, significant level of taxes that you pay as a taxpaying resident and business owner, you deserve the best quality of life imaginable and you weren't getting it before. And that's really one of the things is that if they cleaned up the city now, it proves that this was a choice, that they could have done it years ago. They chose not to. They chose to
Starting point is 02:14:22 keep the tents on the streets and the drug use out in the public eye. Why do you think that that was the policy decision? I can't tell you that, but if it wasn't abundantly clear before, it is abundantly clear now that our leaders at the local and state level aren't totally incapable and incompetent. They just choose not to serve the people. They have so much hubris. They know that they're not going to lose their jobs. If they knew some, good for him that he went into politics because if he worked for a company where performance was important he'd probably be unemployed and broke very well said danielle thank you so much for joining us it's god i wish she'd just say it so much for joining us it's god i wish she'd just say it what it's it's all it's all fucking black lives matter and and um transgender and homosexual shit it's all that it has nothing to
Starting point is 02:15:13 do with that's all it is there that's all it fucking is there did you see this they have they the city of san francisco gives money to – they have a universal income program for transgender people and Samoan women and black women. Those three categories. There are islander women, black women, and transgender. They have a universal income, meaning they just get money for living there. How the fuck is that going on? Sorry, go ahead. Are you going can show me.
Starting point is 02:15:46 This is that clip from Gavin Newsom admitting that he did it because they were coming. Yeah. I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town. That's true. Because it's true. Oh, my God. Here's the thing. Cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders.
Starting point is 02:16:12 I'm okay with cleaning up because someone's visiting the town from another country. Sure. Not to the, not to the, like you let it get, there's people who you're doing needle giveaways in a fucking major metropolis under the guise of helping people? It's illegal in your state to fucking arrest people who are sleeping on the sidewalk? I mean this is fucking nuts. Yeah. If it ain't woke, don't fix it. Don't fix it.
Starting point is 02:16:47 Robbie Myers. Engaging our leader. Not engaging. What's invoking our leader? Greg Glassman. Mommy has a cack in daddy breastfeeds. Better give that to Greg Glassman. I just need someone to steal me an Apple Watch from Cali and send it over.
Starting point is 02:17:08 I have an Apple Watch. It's dumb. Get a real watch. There are no watch. Damn. My notes are all fucked up again. My notes just got too big again. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:17:25 What happened to Russell Brand? Did he get fully demonetized? I don't know. I haven't seen him in a while. I think he still probably has a court case against it or something. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:17:48 Ready? Republican candidates, for the most part, they're talking about a systemic collapse, whether it's crime or energy or the economy or the border, that the left finally got their moment. And we've now witnessed something we haven't seen maybe since 1932, an empowered, progressive, hard left, free to do what they want. And the results are in. And they've destroyed most of the big cities in the United States. They've caused the largest migrations in American history out of blue states into red states.
Starting point is 02:18:22 They've destroyed the criminal justice code. They've destroyed the southern border. They've humiliated us abroad with Afghanistan. And they've called all of that disaster a success. And we're watching it in real time. All of the Republican candidates for the moment. I think that's fair. I think that's fair.
Starting point is 02:18:42 Why's that? Did that assessment of what happened. We watch basically the U.S. government with the help of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram fucking pile drive our fucking – in the media, CNN, MSNBC, Pfizer, Pharma. We watch them just basically destroy fucking huge chunks of our country, huge swaths of our country I think that's totally fair assessment that's true
Starting point is 02:19:18 because it's true he's learning, he can just assert whatever he wants and the mainstream media will cover for him, Newsom said twice he was going to use COVID to push political agendas. Yeah, he's a douche. Oh, nothing happened to Brand. Okay, good. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:19:36 Need to watch Vivek destroy Cuomo in his latest interview. Oh, good. I can't wait. Assault bike material today. All right. Stay tuned. Who knows what Hillar is going to put out next he is on a he is on a um he's on a fucking uh terror Terror. He's a one-man wrecking crew. It's easy when he just has so much material to choose from.
Starting point is 02:20:13 Yeah, right? It's almost like, you think maybe he's paid by Coca-Cola to do that? I mean, didn't he have a C4 sponsorship or something? He's paid by Coke to destroy CrossFit. A relative success in the World Cup, the England women's football team couldn't shake off one particular criticism. They were too white. The only thing I would say about this picture here,
Starting point is 02:20:36 this doesn't sort of represent diverse Britain. It's all these blonde, blue-eyed girls. It's okay to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed. But if the whole idea behind this is going to encourage more women to go into the sport, you need some sort of representation there to say, whatever background you come from, you could get to this sort of level. It doesn't mean who could argue with him. Indeed, racism won't end until every single Western European sports team looks like the French under 21s.
Starting point is 02:21:05 England is 4.2% black according to the latest census. The England women's football team is 13% black with three out of the 23 women in that squad ticking that box. No, that's not good enough. At this point, what exactly does diversity even mean? If it's white, it ain't all right. No, you can't say that despite their relative success. But they are saying that.
Starting point is 02:21:25 And that's the thing. That's all it is. That's the same with the Gavin Newsom thing. That's the reason the streets are dirty. It's that stupid talk. That women's soccer team is 13% black when only 4% of the people in England are black. That's like, didn't Scotland hire
Starting point is 02:21:41 like an Arab to be like their prime minister or some shit? Yeah, it was one of those weird island countries, I think. Oh my goodness. I don't think Scotland's an island. Maybe it is. Oh my goodness. How about this? Did you see this? Did you see this? This is crazy. Bill Burr's getting destroyed.
Starting point is 02:22:01 Fuck, we'll milk this guy's Instagram for a second. Look at this. This one's crazy too. Here we go. Trump and Tucker Carlson received a raucous standing ovation from about 20,000 fans at the latest UFC event. Making his way into the building. Actually, make that $19,999. That's no other than comedian Bill Burr's wife, Nia Renee Hill.
Starting point is 02:22:31 Many asking how Burr, who made his name skewering political correctness, feminism and woe, ended up with someone so woe. Hill previously salivated over Trump catching coronavirus. She posted, I hope Trump gets coronavirus. Why? Because she thought I was going to kill somebody? I guess. What a fucking scumbag. In fact, anybody thought that was gonna happen. I mean, your first red flag is your wife not taking your last name. Not exactly a great start, is it?
Starting point is 02:22:58 Comedian basically admitted that he has to get approval for his joke. You married? Yeah. No, she's the best. She's a saint and she puts up with me. I actually run jokes by her. Do you really? Yeah, like, should I say this? I wondered why he'd become a lot less funny in recent years.
Starting point is 02:23:11 He became decidedly less edgy and a lot more normie. I got really into vaccines during COVID. I can't stop getting them now. Suffice to say, Bill Burr is a cautionary tale. Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Pussy whipped. Yikes Damn Poor Billy
Starting point is 02:23:33 Or Billy Billy Bush Just now I'm just I'm just pissed at my List now and I'm just like just grabbing shit i'm just pissed at my fucking list oh this is fucking hilarious oh this is this is fucking good you have you ever seen um have you ever seen like the uh how wealthy people are in the united states have you seen that list by by race and it's like asians make twice as much as whites on average and like whites make twice as much as blacks like on average like that's what it looks like a hundred
Starting point is 02:24:15 thousand fifty thousand and twenty five thousand a year or something like that sure roughly and then you look and it's like um uh blacks have their phd like in the vast majority if you're black that you have your phd and just it's like something fucking ridiculous right and then whites it's like psychology right and then and then asians it's math like asians get phds in math 10 to 1. To like whites and blacks, dude. It's crazy. And I saw this. This is fucking hilarious. This is the European Girls Mathematic Olympiad winners.
Starting point is 02:24:54 Look at China, Asian. America, Asian. Australia. Or no, is that Australia or the UK? Whatever these fucking show. Australia. UK, Asian. Like or the UK? Whatever these fuckers know. Australia. UK. Asian.
Starting point is 02:25:07 All the winners are Asians. First place, China. We'll take it. Oh my God. First place, USA. Dude. That's hilarious there needs to be a more diverse team doesn't really bode well for white people wanting to
Starting point is 02:25:34 get into mathematics asian people are so weird look at this chick has her koala bear with her oh yeah i guess it's australia oh oh oh this chick what the uk team this actually looks like an indian girl dude okay wait a minute wait a minute let's get it up close asian asian oh that might be a dude that's a dude for sure okay still asian okay fine okay here we go here's the uk yeah that's not that's not uh chinese yeah probably india that's um computer not casino yes yes i'm a little disappointed i didn't come up with it first, but I'm glad you did. That's good.
Starting point is 02:26:29 I was trying to remember which one it was. Thank you. I know. I was going through them. I was just like, dot, not feather, dot. No, that's not the one I like. There's something else even more racist. Okay, good.
Starting point is 02:26:42 Damn. I wonder what their, I wonder what their I wonder what Asians abortion rate is I bet you it's low as shit They don't kill babies In China or outside of China Oh good point Good point This is
Starting point is 02:27:02 Hey Don you should hire me to run your hr department i will fuck shit up dude elon musk got rid of 75% of people and twitter is still working that's amazing apple needs to do the same thing
Starting point is 02:27:16 yeah uh here we go and twitter is still working. With record traffic. Exactly. And so I think he will, and apparently, he's also put the boots to the people who are trafficking in child exploitation. Already.
Starting point is 02:27:42 Incredible. Right. No kidding. No kidding. Incredible in two ways incredible that he did it but even more incredible that he could do it that fast and that it hadn't been done right he's got rid of seven it is kind of crazy that's where the um cmo came from by the way and he was really pissed that elon bought imagine being pissed that Elon bought Twitter. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:28:10 They're going to let the president back on. All right. Oh, this. Oh, this is good. This looks like it might be funny. I want to finish on something funny. Go ahead. Tell me somebody said musk fired josh grout and i'm wondering if that's true because i thought he was at twitter like a long time ago
Starting point is 02:28:33 like he left twitter a while before elon was there i don't know it's fine you can start that rumor that sounds pretty hilarious everyone on twitter is pissed that elon owns twitter i'm on twitter i'm not pissed i'm ecstatic It's fine. You can start that rumor. That sounds pretty hilarious. Everyone on Twitter is pissed that Elon owns Twitter. I'm on Twitter. I'm not pissed. I'm ecstatic. What side of Twitter are you on? When you live in a liberal ivory tower, which colludes with the government, of course you're pissed. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:59 Sure. Okay, here we go. Maybe this is funny. 9.30. Geez, Louise, I have to go. That shit's to do. Here we go. Democrats on an escalator.
Starting point is 02:29:26 Whoa. That's not good. Oh, I don't need this. I'm already late. Somebody will come. Anybody out there? Do you have a phone? No. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Somebody! Somebody! Hello! There are two people stuck on an escalator and we need help now would somebody please do something i don't believe this. You gotta be kidding me. I'm gonna cry. Well, there's enough left to do. You know what's really funny about that?
Starting point is 02:30:15 I saw the exact same thing happen yesterday. When I was in Kansas City, this family was in a giant GMC gmc sierra like the big pickup truck yeah and we had just pulled up to go look at that library and this prime truck parked right next to it like not like parallel but like just behind it and so the truck the sierra was parked in a parallel parking spot and the Amazon truck was like right next to it. Like not with enough space to like move around. Well, this family is sitting in the GMC Sierra,
Starting point is 02:30:50 just laying on the horn, just like blasting the horn, waiting for the Amazon driver to come back and move his truck. And in my head, I'm like, but it could have just pulled forward in a way. Yes. So literally we,
Starting point is 02:31:03 I look, I looked at it and i was like well please tell me it was a woman driving it please tell me please tell me it was like a maybe a filipino or an indian woman just in her family just sitting in this gmc sierra and uh there was well plenty of space to get through the truck and the car in front of her but she didn't and even if she didn't do that she could back up over the curb and then go around the other direction like a dude would have done yeah absolutely but i we just watched it i watched it happen and then my dad he went he went to intervene and i was like just leave him alone like let him fucking figure it out
Starting point is 02:31:39 but once he mentioned it that they could get out they like went out and tried to get out of it. And it took them way longer than it needed to, but it was fucking hilarious. It's culturally unacceptable for Asians to honk a horn. They should have just sat there peacefully. Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't. Probably 10 minutes later,
Starting point is 02:32:02 the prime driver came out and drove away, but they had already gotten out. My friend who was the worst driver in high school was an Asian guy. And I don't know. I think it's just like I think like, I don't know, 99% of the videos I see with people stealing from stores on the internet, it's black people. I think literally 99% of the people like i see doing dumb shit like like if you're getting onto like you know you get onto an on-ramp and once every five years there'll be someone who stops and thinks like like you never you don't stop on an on-ramp because you can't merge you roll into that shit motherfucker but it's always
Starting point is 02:32:39 if you look it's asian dude yeah always it yeah, they just, they don't drive so good. I don't know what the deal is. The dudes taking from the Apple store in groups of 10 to 50 are black dudes, and the dudes who don't drive so good are Asian dudes. I don't, I think the black thing is cultural. I don't know why Asians can't drive. That doesn't even make sense to me. I can't really explain it. You think it's because they're too, because driving is about's about flowing right but you think they're just too segmented like my mom my mom kind of drives
Starting point is 02:33:10 like that it's like greg even drives like that to be honest it's like he drives in pieces instead of flowing i feel like they're used to driving greg's great at math like an asian he might even be asian yeah it's possible i imagine it's because they're used to driving in cities where it's stop and go and stop and go like there's no flow to it you're just constantly in a different section like they're just segmented
Starting point is 02:33:35 yeah exactly and black people rob apple stores because they're Asians are good at math and black people are good at running i guess so they rob shit and run yeah sure and india dudes are good at programming so they work at apple what what's going on over on um what let us go is brian on be friendly let me see how do you spell friendly be friendly be friendly i just type in be friendly oh they're live over there are they yeah look at oh yeah they are
Starting point is 02:34:16 my neck out for you i do think he's fitter than 111, but until he shows it, I would 100% get why that's where he's at. Yeah, and we're on the same page there. Yeah, we're on the same page. He's recently changed where he's... Hairy lightfoot. That guy's Native American, right? Hairy lightfoot. Imagine you could be like Running Tiger and you get fucking hairy lightfoot.
Starting point is 02:34:46 Fuck. That sucks. And then meanwhile, one 43, this dude stoked. He got PD Savage. Yeah, that's pretty dope.
Starting point is 02:34:58 What is this? What are they doing? What is this? What is this? Top 200 power rankings. Oh, I can't believe he did 200 that's way too many i like special guest john young like he's retarded do we need to start adding that when he comes on uh with senior with seven podcast uh senior analyst john young oh yeah oh come on harry lightfoot's a great name come on
Starting point is 02:35:28 man i mean if you're a character in harry potter yeah it's like good it's it's a good name but like if you're native american you want like fucking run like wind not harry lightfoot foot equals claw yeah right yeah how about that Harry Pringle can oh my god I can Walters why isn't this being done on your show because he's got his own YouTube channel now. He's pimping. P-I-M-P-I-N-G.
Starting point is 02:36:09 Wait, hold on. It is being done on my channel. What are you talking about? There we go. Yeah, so basically what he's saying is he thinks I was smoking the pipe weed from the Shire. Yeah. Logan brings up this. I think Logan
Starting point is 02:36:25 What Logan brings up is a good Thanks guys What do we Let me see what's going on Oh today's Tuesday We had Tyson Bajan on Oh that was fucking cool we had Tyson Bajan on Tomorrow we have Greg Glassman and then in the
Starting point is 02:36:47 evening we have some dude named zachary cadets i think it's a dude in the comments here it's like a crossfit training or tip training cross training yeah training tips or something like that yeah and i think he got a cease and desist from crossfit then tomorrow we have dan thesen he's doing something to raise money I know that's not like I know just half of you are like I'm not watching that show Sorry sorry Dan And then we have Shut Up and Scribble in the afternoon
Starting point is 02:37:14 With J.R. Howell And Taylor Self And then um Oh shit Okay on Friday we have an affiliate owner who just opened a gym in San Francisco That one's gonna to be fucking nasty. Nasty show. Rory Marlow.
Starting point is 02:37:28 Shit. Old move. The 18th, we might be taking the day off. I'm not sure. I'll be going to Sousa's gym. First 10-year anniversary in the morning. And then Sunday, we have Jon Brzenk. Jon Brzenk.
Starting point is 02:37:43 Oh, my God. And Monday, we have Tommy G. Dude, next week, we're going to go Sunday and Monday are hot. Oh, and then Tuesday, we have Tyson Bajan again. Holy shit. Oh, we have Vikey from the filmmaker from, I don't know what country, South Africa or Australia? South Africa.
Starting point is 02:37:59 I think he's from South Africa, but he lives in Australia. That's cool. I'm excited. All right. and then next Friday we have Native American Heritage Something day I saw we had bridges Scheduled somewhere too oh yeah Josh Bridges is scheduled Jeffrey Birchfield
Starting point is 02:38:19 Order your KY jelly I know you like Those shows all right remember be kind to order your KY jelly. I know you like those shows. All right. Remember, be kind and loving. Read your Tao. Caleb, thank you. Bye-bye.

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