The Sevan Podcast - Tyson Bagent road to the NFL #952

Episode Date: June 25, 2023

Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - https:/.../ Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning. Jake, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Isle of Man. I always trip on that. It's never Jake. In my head, it's Jake and the Isle of Man. Oh, I still haven't figured this out. I don't see my sponsors down there at the bottom. Why, why, why, why, why? I talked with Sousa. I thought we had this figured out well that's not right that looks like it's set up for two people uh paper street coffee it
Starting point is 00:01:35 sounds like paper street coffee and california peptides will be at uh wadapalooza together in a booth together. I think. I think that's what I heard. They don't... These sponsors, by the way, there's no... I do like the way Rich does it where it's just a blatant ad read. It's kind of funny. And I like the way he addressed it on his last show. He like hey man that's just that's just a lot of fucking money that they're
Starting point is 00:02:09 paying us um but uh these guys don't don't i i don't know what the requirements are from them actually they don't i don't think we actually they don don't actually say. I think like those three are like friends of the show too, like things that I get behind, that I – just good people. I was thinking about birth fit this morning though, and there's this conventional wisdom around like women and having babies and everyone has their own path right like someone might have it in hospital someone might have a c-section someone might have it at home but what's fascinating is the way in your if you had let's say you had a baby at home you're supposed to like and you just had it all natural you're supposed to be like act kind of cool and casual you're not supposed to like rub it in anyone's face or not even not rub it in anyone's face you're not supposed to be proud of it and yet if you if you try to have a baby at home and you try to try to have a baby
Starting point is 00:03:16 the way the vast vast majority of people have been born in the history of planet earth they um you gotta sign shit they gotta be like hey oh really you're refusing that and then you gotta sign it like you're doing something dangerous and if you want to have twins at home in the state of california that's illegal if you want to have your baby after two weeks uh late and i put that in quotes that's illegal in the state of california and if your water's broken for 48 hours and you don't that in quotes, that's illegal in the state of California. And if your water's broken for 48 hours and you don't go to the hospital, that's illegal in California.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's funny, there's all these rules around women's bodies and about having babies. Just fascinating. Anyway, that resource, BirthFit, is just an amazing resource. If you're a dude or if you're a lady and you want to, thinking about getting pregnant,
Starting point is 00:04:13 you are pregnant or you had a baby, insane resource. I'm not just saying that just because they're a sponsor. Well, I am saying it just because they're a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:04:22 How do I phrase this? I probably wouldn't have thought of saying it maybe i would have shit i don't know what i'm saying but i i i have strong conviction on the way my wife had our babies and i'm glad she had the resources to think clearly or to be around people to make decisions that she felt were best for her and the child. That weren't biased. Philip Kelly, I wish BirthFit was around when we had our kids. And yet you stay there.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Dude, I love it here. I absolutely love it here. I absolutely love it here. I'm telling you. Ask Killer how good it is. He came and stayed for a week. It's good. It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:05:15 So this morning after the show, I'm going to go to the skate park and then play tennis and then go to the beach. And then I'm probably after that going to, um, come home and work out and get ready for the CrossFit games update show. The biggest show, most, uh, most important show in the CrossFit game space.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Uh, it's like when my girlfriend complains about her shitty man for the one millionth time. Leave is that. No one's... Buddy. Buddy, it's not like that at all. Trish, I feel like you've come out of the closet, by the way.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I'm happy for you. No, Rich. Well, that's not true. Rich has been moved. I chatted with Rich this morning. Rich has been moved. Yeah, something's up. Trish is off the meds or something. Not sassy, Jeremy. moved i chatted with rich this morning rich has been moved yeah something's up trisha's off uh
Starting point is 00:06:05 the meds or something but not sassy jeremy jeremy says trish you've been sassy not sassy a complete character change a complete um a complete uh you could almost say it's a slippage out of character completely out of character like what like when you laugh on stage and you're not supposed to in a performance excuse me wouldn't you say that's a fair um yeah there you go menopause maybe it's menopause uh licks uh trisha's terrible mask is off. Travis B. Is that? That's not Travis Bajent, is it? Tyson's dad.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Not clickbait. Not clickbait. You didn't read the title. The title's been changed. And not another clickbait title. I don't do clickbait titles. So there, take that. Sean Lenderman, Seve, I could show you Jesus if you would just pay attention. Well, thank you. Seve, I could also show you some redneck shit that's way better than the beach. Bro.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Bro. Mad Marv, I came here for Rich. No, Rich, I'm out. All right. Fine. Just kidding. I wanted to show you something. We get so much good feedback on Greg coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Tyson is coming on the show. So I am very excited. So I scheduled Rich and Tyson together because I wanted them to meet. So I thought, okay, I'll keep them both on the show together, and hopefully they can cross paths and meet. And Rich had to reschedule. He'll be on Monday morning. We also have Kotler and Gazan on Monday morning. They'll be separate segments, but we do have Rich coming on. So no one panic.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Rich is corporate. His episode yesterday was bizarre. I have lots and lots of notes about his about his show yesterday. Lots of notes and in clips and time codes that I was going to pull up and ask him about. I wouldn't say he's corporate, but he talks about, they do talk about walking the line. And I do have some interesting insights into some of the stuff that him and Rory said that I'm excited to talk to Rich about. All men are not created equal. All men are not created equal. All men are not created equal.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Trish, there we go. There's my Trish. Sevan just doesn't understand complicated women like myself. There you go. Back into your bubble. Thank you. Seema, I appreciate you changing your names to Seema Boobs. And I want you to know that I wanted to pull that up and show Greg that on the show. Because last time, the time he was on previously, you were Seema, I appreciate you changing your names to Seema Boobs. And I want you to know that I wanted to pull that up and show Greg that on the show.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Because last time, the time he was on previously, you were Seema Beaver. And it, I was bummed I didn't have time for that. I love how he just talks over people when they're wrong. Who? Who? Tell me. Who? Okay, where were we?
Starting point is 00:09:31 I know there was competing thoughts. Oh, there was something else in here after corporate frowning. No strike after forgetting the 49er code word yesterday. No, to get a strike, it's different than getting – basically what happens is if you there's certain words maybe it's just even swear words if you say them in the first few minutes of the show i don't even know if what i'm about to tell you is true so bear with me but the way i understand it is if you say certain words in the first five minutes of the show you get a flag
Starting point is 00:09:57 and what that flag does is it limits the amount of ads that they will run on your show so you make less money and uh every show basically gets a flag like i can go look and see if this show has even got a flag yet for some reason every show we do gets a flag none of the shows that jr and taylor do get flags by the way that show is great those dudes are already getting sick oh yep this show's already tagged isn't that crazy crazy so i said something already i must maybe i dropped an f-bomb or something but this show's already tagged so weird and the tag says um this video may earn limited or no ad revenue due to content identified as not suitable for most advertisers so So I've already said something that they think would offend advertisers. Oh, you said see my boobs?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Wow, you think that's it? Yeah, it triggered. It triggered it. Thank you. Yeah, okay. I really want to wait until Rich gets here. But yeah, that's one of the sections I have. Rich said, when Angelo is saying at least Dave answers, Rich says no, he doesn't. The thing though that Rich does confirm by saying that is even if he doesn't answer, he's not giving you bullshit. That was the point. he answers everything the point is is when they when uh when he's up there on stage with the athletes and someone from the morning chalk up goes uh why isn't there more diversity in the games and and and uh right there live in person dave's wearing the homo shirt you know what i mean he's got the pride flag on his chest i guess that's not even the homo shirt. You know what I mean? He's got the pride flag on his chest. I guess that's not even the homo shirt anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It's the pedophile shirt. Dave's wearing the pedophile shirt. It wasn't pedophile when Dave was wearing it. And it was just a homo shirt at that time. And then so he says, next question. Because it's not appropriate. It's in the middle of the fucking games or the end of the games
Starting point is 00:12:01 and you have six fucking people up there and they're talking about their achievements at the CrossFit Games. That's the part. So have six fucking people up there and they're talking about their achievements at the crossfit games that's the part so if rich thinks that's that's and we'll talk to rich he's cool as shit but if rich thinks that that's not answering i don't think that's not that i'm fine with that and then then another thing that rory was saying is is like are people going to complain about dave's programming the same way they did about adrian's hey motherfucker all people are not created equal. It's different to complain about Dave's programming than
Starting point is 00:12:27 Adrian's programming. Dave offers a fucking shit ton more than Adrian. That's not a dig at Adrian. There's shit your wife does that you would never tolerate from someone else. And you know why? Because she sucks your dick and births your kids and fucking climbs into bed with you every night. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:12:49 We'll get into all this. Rory was disrespectful. Yeah, it was great. There was some dumb shit. I don't want to get into it without Rich being here. Stop. Leave me alone. But it was nonsense talk, most of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:01 We'll get Rich on here and we'll play some clips and we'll get to it i will say this in in their defense too at the end of the show at 54 minutes rich makes it clear like hey me and dave are friends love the guy um they've clearly had a uh and they fuck and they clearly have a long relationship but there was one more thing that rich is in something positive is that that Angela was fucking great on that show. Absolutely fantastic. But the other thing that Rich and Rory did is that they kept talking about stuff but wouldn't give us the details. And so that's the fucking part that I hated about fucking what Lauren Khalil was doing on those shows or the Talking Elite Fitness shows. Where it's like, hey, don't keep telling me someone's a bad programmer or a liar or doesn't listen or doesn't collab without fucking examples
Starting point is 00:13:46 I'm not gonna take your word for shit don't tell me Trump is racist what I need to see is you sneak into his closet and show me the Nazi flag and the fucking mask they wear that goes after the black people even though you should know
Starting point is 00:14:04 that the Ku Klux klan has hung more white people in more states than black people in that many states did you know that they've hung white people like in 43 states and i think black people are only like 37 so that that's even a little misguided yeah they hung a lot of white motherfuckers okay uh judy reed all long-standing friendships have ups and downs yeah um why always the nazi flag not the confederate flag no i don't know i don't know. I don't know. They made vague accusations and explicitly wouldn't go into it. Compromises Rich's integrity.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I didn't like that. I didn't like that. But their podcast is good i really enjoyed angelo i got i got i i gleaned some interesting stuff off the podcast we'll we'll see when rich is on here we'll play some some segments it's i only have rich scheduled for an i only had him scheduled for an hour today an hour on monday which kind of sucks because he's obviously great and i should give him more time um i want to play something for you here uh this is see if you can follow this i'm going to play it a couple times i'm going to pause it see if you can follow this so this is i guess this is
Starting point is 00:15:55 describing what's going on in the ukraine um see if you can follow this okay this is a quick overview of spygate russiagate burisma and and the Ukraine war and the Mar-a-Lago scandal. See if you can follow this. OK, here we go. To get this straight, the FBI was withholding from congressional oversight a document showing that during the Obama administration, Biden accepted a $10 million bribe through his son Hunter to force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating corruption, an event that Donald Trump looked into, sparking the first impeachment, enforcing the arming of Ukraine, in turn setting the stage for the current war against Russia. Evidence of the bribe was also in Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI also had, but that they swore was Russian disinformation and infiltrated social media to censor during the 2020 campaign, all
Starting point is 00:16:44 while the FBI investigates Trump for having classified documents, despite the FBI admittedly letting Hillary Clinton off for a similar charge in 2016 when they were simultaneously launching the Russiagate investigation into Donald Trump using falsified evidence provided by the Clinton campaign. Do I have that all straight. The FBI was withholding from congressional oversight a document showing that during the Obama administration, Biden accepted a $10 million bribe. sorry sorry better sorry damn thank you you know what it is i sniffled and turned my mic off sorry sorry okay i'm back sorry uh did you guys hear any of that did that clip even play son of a bitch
Starting point is 00:18:03 it's on a roll. So the beginning of this says the beginning of this video says that Biden accepted a 10 million dollar bribe. To fire the guy in charge over at the Ukraine. That's the part. That's the part. I want to see that evidence. I really want to see that evidence. But I'm going to share this article with you.
Starting point is 00:18:37 It's the only article I could find about it. Congressional Republicans who read an fbi informant file accusing president biden of a role in a five million dollar bribery scheme said thursday that it involved the ukrainian company burisma but biden tauntedly retorted where's the money so basically an informant has said that biden got five million and that hunter got five million, not billion, million. There were two separate transactions, one that went to Joe Biden for five million, one that went to Hunter for five million. There's no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is guilty of bribery. I mean, million. If I said billion, I'm sorry. I don't know why I keep saying it.
Starting point is 00:19:16 But this is the weird part. And I don't know if you guys remember this, but there's tons of video on this. OK, there's tons of video on this okay there's tons of video on this okay it's two five million dollar uh trish i know that's what i thought that too trish oh is it five million which is it so it's five million twice so five six seven eight nine ten that's ten that's ten okay and so this is the part that i remember it was all a bribe to get former ukrainian prosecutor general victor shokin fired green said of the allegations against the biden shokin was fired in march of 2016 and joe biden publicly boasted that he leveraged 1 billion in usa to get him thrown out of office now that part we all saw do you guys
Starting point is 00:19:55 remember that video it's biden sitting in a chair he flew into the ukraine and he said hey if you don't fire this guy the attorney general over over there who was investigating what was going on with his son, if you don't fire this guy, we're not going to give you a billion dollars. He was bragging about it. And then before he got in his plane and left, they fired the attorney general. It's crazy. But I want to see that. I want to see that, the proof.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I want to see the proof that the Biden's got 10 million, 5 million for Hunter and 5 million for his dad. I want to see that. The Oversight Committee has yet acquired President Biden's bank records, and although Biden often boasts of releasing his personal tax returns, he has not revealed in detail sources of more than $13 million in income
Starting point is 00:20:55 that was routed through S corporations in 2017 and 2018. Hunter wrote in emails retrieved from his former laptop that he had to share up to half of his income with his father, though Joe Biden has denied ever of his income with his father through Joe Biden, though Joe Biden is denied ever discussing business interests with his relatives. Well, we know that's not true if you've read that book, Laptop from Hell. And then we all know what happened over where was it in the Virgin Islands, right? The attorney general there started investigating the Epstein case. Biden flew in there for vacation and the attorney general was fired.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Hey, that those are just the facts. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. Those are the it's weird. It's nothing conclusive, but it's weird. But I really want to see – I want to see somehow all of that leads back to the Ukrainian war. Maybe I should play that clip one more time. Okay, so I'm going to play this one more time, and then we're going to leave this alone. But this is something that we have to watch on the show regularly, touch on, feed on, understand. Here we go. Through his son Hunter to force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating corruption, an event that Donald Trump looked into, sparking the first impeachment, enforcing the arming of Ukraine, in turn setting the stage for the current war against Russia. Evidence of the bribe was also in Hunter Biden's laptop,
Starting point is 00:22:18 which the FBI also had, but that they swore was Russian disinformation and infiltrated social media to censor during the 2020 campaign, all while the FBI investigates Trump for having classified documents, despite the FBI admittedly letting Hillary Clinton off for a similar charge in 2016 when they were simultaneously launching the Russiagate investigation into Donald Trump using falsified evidence provided by the Clinton campaign. Do I have that all straight? the Clinton campaign. Do I have that all straight? Well done, young man. So my mother-in-law is visiting. I really like her. I like her and I like the fact of how passionate she is about hanging out with my boys. But the last two times she's been here and the last two times she's been here after she'll help clean in the kitchen. And whenever I put water in my cup afterwards,
Starting point is 00:23:05 like a drinking water cup, I see bubbles. She doesn't clean the soap out of the cups. And then just now I was drinking my coffee and I thought I tasted a little soap and now I'm fucking tripping. I'm tripping. I, I don't even need soap to clean my shit.
Starting point is 00:23:26 My wife talked to her. Excuse me. Oh, man. Oh, 6.30 p.m. tonight, Pacific Standard Time. Matt just chimed in. Okay. God, I'm so excited about tonight's show. No, she's not trying to poison me.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It's just like old people shit Riley she's trying to clean your mouth no more naughty words no it's not good for me Audrey it is not good for me she's pissing me off Rambler there's no good mother-in-laws I don't know she's cool
Starting point is 00:24:04 I like her. I'm going to tell you something about relatives in general. I've cracked the code on why visitors suck. I'm going to tell you how to be a good visitor. When you enter someone else's life their bubble their kind of their their matrix their i don't their fucking program so especially someone like me that has such a fucking tight oodle loop you don't want to add complexity to my life so i give you an example and i shouldn't do this because it's going to fucking get me in trouble. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to stick with vague examples.
Starting point is 00:24:48 If I do something, if when I pull up somewhere to get my boys out of the car, I'll use my sister as an example. She has thick skin. My sister is a helper, a chronic helper. She loves helping. But whenever she's around, she starts adding complexity to my life. So I pull up to the skate park, and I have this protocol, which door I open first, how I get out of the car,
Starting point is 00:25:11 pull the skateboards out, then the pads, catch them as they come out of the car to put pads on them because if you don't do it then and they get on their skateboards and they start skating, those fuckers won't want to put pads on. So I have this whole protocol. Now, I'm making this part up, but it's very possible it could have happened. If I pull up to the skate park with my three boys and my sister, she'll be like, oh, my God, I'll do it. And before I can fucking get out of the car, she scooped up all the boys, got them out and feeding them a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And it's like that sandwich was supposed to be what they eat after they've been there an hour so that I can lure them out of the park. And it just fucks everything up. Now they're not wearing pads. They're eating their sandwich, and my sister is being helpful. And everything has fucking gone into disarray, and anything that was going to take me three steps before is now going to take me 18 steps. Nice to know a savant is a fellow psychopath. uh nice to know a savant is a fellow psychopath uh clock uh here helpers are the worst yeah my mom does not do that that's what's crazy when hillar was here he does not do that
Starting point is 00:26:17 being a guest is very um you can poison someone with Gatorade? Oh, yeah, that's true. Oh, I'd forgotten that my coffee tastes like fucking soap, Judy, until you said that. Damn. I'm glad you found the logos. That's where I was coming in. I was coming in to hit the logos for you. Oh, I didn't find them.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You found them. I didn't put those up just now. You didn't? No. Those have been up there the whole time I've been just blabbering? No. They just recently popped up. Are you on today's show with me?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Sorry. For like 10 more minutes if you want to roll. I got to get back to the gym soon. You're a good dude. Good to see you. Yeah. Good to see you. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Your sister fucked everything up because she's too nice?
Starting point is 00:27:03 No, I was just using my sister as an example because she's got thick skin. I was just saying helpers. I just don't – if you're going to help, don't add complexity to the situation. Definitely. Here's another example. I'm just making this completely up. But let's say you separate your clothes color and whites. Okay. And you have someone visiting your house, and they just throw all your – they see your clothes, and they think they're going someone visiting your house and they just throw all your they see your clothes and they think they're going to help them
Starting point is 00:27:27 so they just throw all your clothes in the washing machine now you got to go in there and pull all the clothes out and then separate them they've added an extra step to your shit yeah yeah there's some people who help who something that would only take five steps and especially when there's a lot of moving parts like your kids people think that they're helping you with your kids it's almost like i i think i've said to my sister before hey do you think that i'm not capable what do you think happens when you're not here helping me because my sister's just a helper b help help help help help yeah what the fuck do you think happens when you're not here like just the whole world falls apart wow get out of the car look around eat an apple i got this
Starting point is 00:27:59 it's also the people that show up and they're like hey i'm here to help what should i do they're like i don't know find find something to do don't don't ask me now you're gonna make me give you a job and i have to stop what i'm doing to tell you what to do yeah this is this is not help at all no this is now a new job yeah oh my god uh your sister is me welcome to uh david's world oh that's your husband. Oh yeah. That's you. Like, like, yeah. So what started that is I, my mother-in-law's visiting and I, and I can't tell if I'm just paranoid that this cup tastes like soap. My coffee tastes like soap or it's because twice. Do you ever go to someone's house and you like you put water in a cup and you start seeing bubbles? You're like, this motherfucker didn't rinse this out. Do you ever go to someone's house and you put water in a cup and you start seeing bubbles? You're like, this motherfucker didn't rinse this out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:49 It's no coincidence. I don't even need soap. I don't even need soap when you clean my shit. Just scrub it clean and just rinse it out and turn it upside down. I don't even need soap. A little hot water will do. Yeah, I don't even need hot water. No?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Not really. Hey, dude, do you remember that post I made where – this, I got to be careful saying this. Do you remember that – oh, there he is. I haven't seen him in a long time. Cazavion. Someone would make sure the clothes are separated by color. I bet the colored ones have their own basket. This could be true.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And I love bleaching whites. Do you like bleaching? I don't think I've ever bleached in my life. Oh, my God. My kids all wear those wife beaters that the Mexicans wear. And I love bleaching the fuck out of those. So they're so fucking white. And then I triple rinse them so they don't smell like I'm a water consumer.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Did you see that post I made where I took my kids to the jiu-jitsu tournament in that same weekend some family friends of ours were telling us holy fuck we're going to a wedding they're making us um covid test our kids I did yeah okay that so and those are friends of mine right they're not injected or anything right
Starting point is 00:30:00 they don't got any of the 49er shit going on well they told me that seven people at that got any of the 49er shit going on well they told me that seven people at that wedding caught um the 49er even after the precautions and i was asking my wife yeah i'm asking my wife wasn't it how many people at the at the jiu-jitsu tournament got it thousand of us were smashed into a high school gymnasium you've seen how those things run kids spitting on each other rolling on each other people barefoot just like just brazilians everywhere yeah that was a racial slam yeah brazilians brazilians kicking ass and spitting on all
Starting point is 00:30:35 the fucking americans the question is third world motherfuckers what did they know that everybody like had it prior to the precautions or did the preca precautions just go, oh, look, now everybody. Dude, those are all the questions I have. I'm glad you're saying that. I asked my wife. I'm like, how do they know that seven people got it there? Yeah. They tested before.
Starting point is 00:30:54 They tested after. I'm like, they do? There's people. These people live. Hey, these people live by you. Oh, really? Yeah. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You live in an alternate world. There must be like one between when I drive to my house to your house, like a, you know what I mean? Should stop by sometime and check it out. Why are people getting tested? Well, so it doesn't spread. I have no idea. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Why bother at this point? I don't get it. Did you see, did you see the guy in Patrick bed, David? It, um, uh, he has the book. It's called Timothy McVeigh and right-wing extremists. No, I don't think I saw pudgy curly hair, dude. It's a video that just came out and he says that he completely agrees with the fact that him and Patrick by David got into it about the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Did you see that? No. Oh, dude. It's so good. I got to check it out. The only thing I saw is that he now owns a minority share ownership of the Yankees. See that? No, he does.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. Dang, Patrick. Yeah, he's a beast. I do this once in a while. I find something on Instagram. I probably do this at least once a week. And it's always the same shit. And I've told you about this before, you guys, where the fact checker stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:27 fact checker stuff one of the one of the fact checkers i saw was they um it said the the instagram post said doctors get forty thousand dollars if they get a certain amount of people vaccinated as a bonus and the fact checker said this information was false so i clicked on it and i started reading and the reason why it was false is because they didn't get forty thousand specific they got a range of twenty,000 to 80,000. At that point, I'm like, fuck you, dude. That's what I was thinking when you said it was false. I was like, actually, they got $41,000. Yeah, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:32:56 It's like if you got a Ferrari and you pulled up in a Lamborghini, I personally don't think you're a liar. Right. That's just how I roll. I'm cool with it. Yeah. You tell me you make $100 million a year and I find out you made 87 you're good with me i'm good i'm good you know what i mean yeah yeah you're sick you tell me you're six six i find out you're six five we're good not a lie i wouldn't say yeah i find out colton learns his five three and he's in line five four4". We're good. I don't – like, it's nothing. It's nothing to me. It's unthinkable.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Nothing. You tell me you have the biggest great day in the world. I find out it's not the biggest. It's the 175th biggest, but it's still 212 pounds. I don't care. I don't fall into any of that shit. So when I see shit like this, I'm tripping, right? right okay so we'll click on it we'll see the post and this one's been around forever you guys have all seen this right this this one and something did happen to biden we don't know what happened he either had a shit
Starting point is 00:33:56 load of plastic surgery something happened to him where all of a sudden he looked like one of those la ladies like his skin got all porcelain and shit you know what i mean like he had laser treatment on yeah he didn't he stopped looking real so and then look at his earlobes here the whole point is his earlobes here right okay so let's watch this watch this and then there's earlobes attached right so here's earlobe is attached i don't hear can you speak louder And here it's not attached. You see that? Yeah. Is it just the angle in which I wish we could like turn to the world leader I met with. Ask and you shall receive, Sousa. OK, so what's going on here? Did they did they flip it?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Is it fake Biden? Is it AI? Who knows? Whatever. Whatever. Yeah, whatever. Okay. But it is weird.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And I always noticed that something was wrong with the way he looked all of a sudden. He lost a lot of weight, too. I don't remember. So let's see what the fact checkers think. No, this video doesn't prove Biden has a body double. How do I – okay. And then you click on this fucking thing. Yeah, follow the path. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And look at – this is the lady who checked it, Ciara O'Rourke. No, this video doesn't prove Biden has a body double. These photos don't show pictures of Joe Biden's body double. They show the president a decade earlier when he was younger. Well, that tells me nothing. Oh, shit. Sorry. Oh, you can't see this.
Starting point is 00:35:33 It changed the window. I was going to let you know. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Here we go. Wait, but 10 years older, younger wouldn't attach or detach an elope, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah. Okay. That's weird. So we're good. They haven't done anything for us yet. They did some math. They dated the pictures, right? Yeah, give us a date.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Okay. Okay. Let's go on. A recent Facebook post showing a series of photos of Joe Biden suggests that the images don't show Biden but rather a body double. That's wrong. They can't say that. This is a longtime falsehood that we've looked at beforehand and it's unfounded you still haven't this post was flagged as part of facebook effort to combat false news misinformation on its news feed read more about our partnership
Starting point is 00:36:16 with facebook the post shows a series of side-by-side comparisons of two photos both are biden do we agree that something's fucked up with those photos and something weird happened to his ears we're still there right yep we're still there right and while he looks different in one from the next so they agree with us it's not because the body double scheme okay it's because he's aging are you fucking kidding me his ear got attached as he got older checks out His ear got attached as he got older? Checks out. Let's take a small break here. Calm down and see what the audience has to say. Jake Chapman from the Isle of Man,
Starting point is 00:37:01 who claims to be straight because he's got a hot chick leaning over his shoulder, but we'll look into that further. If you had to guess, would you say sleepy joe is packing downstairs no back to the story at hand in one such uh set of photos biden is pictured as a vice presidential debate at a vice presidential debate in 2008 when he was in his mid-60s and at a presidential debate in 2020 when he was in his late 70s, Biden is now 79 years old. Listen, it should have gone the other way. It should have gone from his ear being attached to detached. How did it go the other way?
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yet another set of images compares Biden's earlobes, particularly how they look more attached to his head in one photo than the other. Not particularly. They do. But this isn't evidence of a body double plot. Okay? What's it evidence of? These photos primarily show the effects of passage of time.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's bullshit. Nope. the passage of time. That's bullshit. Nope. We rate claims that this video proves Biden has a body double pants on fire. Can you imagine if this is your job? Who is this chick?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Sierra O'Rourke. I love how they just don't really address it. They think they're addressing the issue, but they're not. You know what I mean? Sierra covered local government and public safety for the Austin American Statesman and fact-checked elected officials and pundits for PolyFact Texas. She was 2015-2016 Ted Scripps Fellow in Environmental Journalism. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:38:40 There you go. Here's the thing. And most people live in duality. Either he has to be a body double or he's not. That's not the way you don't have to be one of those people. You don't have to be like Vax or anti Vax. You don't have to be pro-life or pro-choice. You don't have to be any of those things. You don't have to live in duality. Life isn't yes or no. You don't have to love or hate Donald Trump. You don't have to love or hate Biden. You can just sit with, like, I don't know. And that's where we are with those Biden things. But to say it's fucking false is, like, more false than saying that it's a body double. There's no – they did not fucking say anything. Can you imagine that that's what's happened to this bitch's career?
Starting point is 00:39:20 She's a script something or another. I guess that's where environmentalists go to die. Well, look at her, like, resume at the Atlantic, Seattle Met, the New York Times. She graduated from some other indoctrination school. Yeah. She's deep. She's deep in it. Is that her?
Starting point is 00:39:35 No, I don't think so. I don't think so either. What do you see when I scroll up here? I see hundreds all the way across just with a subtle flex. Oh, I just see that chick's giant tits in the middle i just wanted i didn't i didn't see that one i didn't see that one i think you had to scroll a little further in line is that her no no but that lady has giant boobs too yeah it just comes with the last name i think that that no filmmaker production designer.
Starting point is 00:40:06 No, no. All right. Oh, it's not in here. I, I tried not, she doesn't have to be a bitch.
Starting point is 00:40:21 It's just, it's like, what's up, bitch. I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean it like that. She's confused, that's for sure. You think she actually believes the shit she, like, writes?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Like, do you have to be that delusional, or she's just like, if you really pinned her down, you know, caught her just on, like, a Saturday chilling on the couch, like, dude, I'm just trying to get my paycheck. Yeah, maybe. She's got her legs up, bitch got her legs up. Yeah, she just. Pinned to her ears. Okay, maybe. She's got her legs up. Bitch got her legs up. Yeah, she just... Pinned to her ears.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Okay, yeah. Ciara, is her beat automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funk fresh? Does she have goodies? Basically, is she the pop star from the early thousands? Wow, that is really nice. You deserve better reading than that, Corey.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Ciara, is her beat automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funky, fresh? Does she have goodies and titties? Basically, is she the pop star from the early 80s? I edited a little, but it's good. I made it better. Mas bueno. A little flair to it now. My wife quoted a Christian book on instagram and got
Starting point is 00:41:27 misinformation slapped on the post hey we got a uh emerging evidence here towards our last one i think we figured it out this is what joe biden is doing yeah i don't get it uh seven yes got seven to read those lyrics laugh out loud i don't think he gets it. Oh, shut up, buddy. So this is Biden. Oh. And this is what's really happening. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Wow. So how'd you get that so quick? How'd you find that so quick? The earlobe is being pulled back, and that's what attaches it. Wow. This is metaphoric. It's like, here's your leader, but really, if you turn in the curtain, look behind the curtain and see what's going on behind the scenes scenes it's just a fucking mess how did you find that that's
Starting point is 00:42:09 good i searched it when we had first brought it up guys hey hey hey dude so i was talking to jay last night uh-huh so for a couple things i ordered a desk i ordered an l desk oh awesome just to get the ball rolling yep and we're to get, get rid of this desk and we're going to put an L desk in here. We're going to set up just like basically the Howard Stern thing. We're going to have the L desk and then we're going to have the couch and then I'm going to have a standup area with the computer and standup area. So when you or Jay are here, you can run the backend and there'll be a high chair there. You can sit in the high chair or you can stand. Oh, I love it. You do love it. do love it yeah i absolutely love it and and jay
Starting point is 00:42:45 said he's gonna start coming in the mornings okay and run the back end and basically we were talking last night and it was like the whole show has to be reflexive like he's the guy he's the producer but he's always looking for viral videos so that'll just become another bit in the show right it's just this is so he'll be like hey dude that's good enough i'm leaving i'm done for the day yeah jesus christ we just did a whole show you didn't have one viral thing no you're good you're always good for a nice uh a nice rant here's here's the thing uh it's not that i'm going for the howard stern look it's that all the other podcasts the host doesn't have controls right and i like having these controls. I need all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I want all this stuff. And Howard does have all that stuff too. He likes to have all that stuff and push the buttons too, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, that's how I – I didn't know these buttons did that. Wow, look, I got a button that just gives me echo. Yeah, that's cool. Hello.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Hello. Hi. I don't want to do exactly like the harvard stern show something that's like from an alternate reality i just like his setup i like his setup too those like conceptual conception photos conceptual photos whatever the makeup i like conception photos send me some of you and Grace. Fuck that all up. But yeah, the photos you sent looked amazing. I can't.
Starting point is 00:44:09 That's going to be so good. And then what? We just put mics on stands for the couch for like the guest? Or would you have to be like heads up? All that stuff I was thinking about. But I think we should like even make it more hardcore than that. Like once we get it set up, we should like if we have to screw them into the floor, into the walls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I like the pool stand on the arm you do but then when you walk in here don't you feel like it feels a little janky like a little like not permanent something like this you could okay yeah that's nice like it's off to the side and then we just move the booms in and then your headphones are there i don't know it feels like sometimes with that headset on it feels a little fighter pilot yeah yeah no no no everyone will have their own mic for sure. Yeah. Everyone will have their own mic. But when they're on stand, I just want it to feel like it's permanent. Like you walk in here and you're like, oh, this is just the way it is in here.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Mm-hmm. And you could still attach them to the floor for that. Look at Clydesdale nose. The Howard setup is a dream. Yeah, that's what we're going to rock that up to. It's going to look so good. And people ask to come in and do live shows on the regular and i'm always like uh okay and then i just fucking ignore them and get scared and run away but i think if i had a nice place to bring them for sure i would be proud of it yeah yeah uh ck kevin uh how Howard Stern has become everything he despised. I know. It's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:45:26 He did it. He completely sold out. Matt Burns, Seve, and Howard both have giant schnozzes. I don't think my nose is giant. It's not giant. It's distinguished. Yeah, it's not giant it's distinguished yeah it's distinguished i like it distinguished greg show killed yesterday was that yesterday yeah it was a good show how much was that one book he recommended because he was like oh you're like
Starting point is 00:46:01 oh it's expensive but i was just listening to it on the drive out to Hayward. So I didn't. Like $89 probably. Oh, okay. That wasn't bad. I was thinking it was going to be like a hundred and change, you know, like a overpriced textbook. Maybe it was $139, but it wasn't like $1,000. It would be weird if I was like, hey, you joined my gym and then you pay for membership. But then I also need you to buy the required reading, which is a textbook that I wrote,
Starting point is 00:46:24 which is massively overpriced. Totally totally legit that's fine right uh totally totally legit just thinking about all the college students so really in case you bail on me if you leave yeah um there's i i i'll be i'll take up the whole screen and then I push the banners. Yeah, so you could do the solo right now. Give it a try. So go to solo. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Can you still hear me? Yeah, and everybody could still hear me. And then when you go to brand, yep, and then there's the overlay, and it'll be the one all the way at the bottom. They're all labeled untitled design right now. But if you just go to the one at the very bottom of it says add background. Oh, no. Here.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Over a background podcast. So you click. No, not that. Oh, this. There it is. Yeah. Oh, oh, shit. It's over my name.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Can I move it to the other side um no i can move that to the side but we could drop the name if you're in solo because everybody okay yeah that's fine hey and you know what else is funny that b looks like we're gonna have to fix that too that looks like it like we're advertising like the bet network or black lives matter to me that's what it is yeah that's our latest sponsor he didn't birth oh okay so shit we swapped them out for birth fit we'll change it i love black lives matter the idea of getting rid of police in all black neighborhoods and letting crime run rampant is like my favorite thing okay uh embrace yourself jeez louise this shit can't even be. This shit can't even be real.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Four kids age 5 through 10 were rescued from a squalid transgender safe space apartment in South Boston, Democrat City. The apartment was filled with drugs, sex toys, and the corpse of a black trans person. What the fuck? Hey, dude. corpse of a black trans person what the fuck hey dude and in this video they call the the person a cross-dresser hey i love you for saying that this you don't know how how that made how happy that makes me robbie myers i love these shows thank you
Starting point is 00:48:39 adam blakesley uh honestly seven you built the big nose narrative in our heads it's fine yeah and i and i good thank you you're getting very sleepy you gotta see my boobs now you're what your boobs see my boobs oh i know that i think that's sema beaver is that like her though i always assume it, dude, she got drunk on the show. Do you remember what her picture used to be? She's like a pretty like Middle Eastern looking lady with like a gray patch of hair. Yep. I think she lives in the UAE or something.
Starting point is 00:49:14 She's hot, nice skin. Then she – we corrupted her. She was like a good wholesome person. Then she turned into Seema Beaver. Now she's Seema Boobs. She's really smart. Like she'll slap me around in my DMs. Her melissa odier yeah they always think of them as kind of the same people that lump them up together just hot brunettes hot smart brunettes yeah that yeah thank you
Starting point is 00:49:38 that's what i meant uh smart uh attractive brunettes yes okay here we go. Okay. Listen to this fucking crazy. Oh, this is not a headline anyone wants to see as Americans. We must stand up and demand the radical trans agenda. Stay away from children. Hey, dude, and here's the thing. For those of you who are in my DMs or sometimes are like, hey, you're a little harsh
Starting point is 00:49:59 on the trans. I don't give a fuck if someone's trans, but we would never tolerate Christianityianity being shoved down our throat the way trans shit is never ever ever that's true and that's some pretty wholesome shit like treat your neighbors the way you want to be treated fucking whales was this the magic show this morning you made both guests disappear yes I just threw a sheet over them and poof
Starting point is 00:50:31 they're gone Mr. Froning the greatest guest any podcast can have will be on next Monday okay here we go oh shit here we go. Oh, shit. Here we go. Had died and also found that several people were hiding children in a back room.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Tonight, four children less than 10 years old are in DCF custody after authorities and public officials say they were found in an apartment with six cross-dressing men, sex toys, drugs, and alcohol. Firefighters discovered them after one of those adults died at the apartment. It was obviously sickening to hear from those that were there at the scene. Is that English that guy's speaking? What country is that guy from? That's normal talk? It sounds like he's got a little bit of a British accent there, huh? Describing what they saw and the actions of the adults that were in the room city the apartment was in it people in boston are ghetto that's like that's like they're not british
Starting point is 00:51:32 okay extreme unsanitary conditions all adult parties were being uncooperative and denied having children in the apartment drugs alcohol drug paraphernalia sex toys etc uh and so they were concerned they had reached out to me just to make sure that it didn't get swept under the rug the governor says these sex toys oh that's a boston accent that's irish bostonian yeah that's a click too yeah clocks got it fucking ghetto shit yeah you don't like that accent i like like it. Fuck, I like... I feel like it turns out... I like the way black gangster rappers talk, too. It doesn't mean it's not ghetto.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Right? Yeah, it's got a little swag to it. DCF is now involved in investigating. Just heartbreaking. Terrible situation. DCF has... Hey, you can just see her, right? You see if that's one of your leaders.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Look at Governor Maura Healey, Democrat. Like, you know why that state's like that. You just see that's your governor. That's the haircut your governor has. And you just know. Sorry. It's a correlate. It's a strong correlate, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm serious. I'm not being an asshole. I know. I know. It's just funny. You see that haircut? you know what you are fucked yeah you're fucked your city's fucked hey dude you want your governor to be like the governor of like south dakota or one of those hot
Starting point is 00:52:57 governors like a woman who cares about the way she fucking looks doesn't have to be over the top. It's Tulsi Gabbner or whatever. Presentable. Yeah, and as a woman. This chick doesn't even look human. It's like she went out of her way to fucking fuck her shit up. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I'm going to cut this line in the front of my head so you can just really, really emphasize my forehead. Like what? It's taken those children into its care and custody right now. When they got here, they discovered someone had died and also found that. Boston. Hey, you could find a home just like this right now in San Francisco. Probably. Probably don't even know how to get that far in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oakland. I come with the presupposition and the knowledge and the belief and the wisdom that the more you're trying to be something that you're not, the more mental illness you have. That basically is mental illness. And that the healthier you are, the more you are just accepting yourself in your natural state. You're just at an ohm of peace in your natural state.
Starting point is 00:54:24 So you got fake tits fake ass um uh titties pierced tattoos everywhere um uh drive a car you can't afford um uh drink a lot of alcohol um uh constantly on social media worried about how many likes you have even if you like those things, those are all components of mental illness down the line. Because it's all externally valuing things or something? There's just no peace there. There's no end to that chase. I'm not saying it's like a must that you're crazy. If you're doing those things, you could be a conscious being playing a role, but there's a – I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:55:03 It's a 99.9 into infinity that all of the all of those things are manifestation of you chasing shit the wrong way because it's like outward acceptance you're doing stuff so people view you differently as opposed to just how you think you nailed it outward acceptance you're searching for a validity and acceptance and it's unachiev, and it's unachievable. Right. It's unachievable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And it's okay to go after things that are unachievable. The journey inward is unachievable also, but there's a freedom and a peace from it. And so the whole tranny thing is just like it's just screaming a mental illness like really you are not going to accept the fact of what of this of just what you're born with and you think you're going to change something on the outside it's going to bring happiness no nobody has ever found happiness that way oh my god i'm so happy i just got this brand new motorcycle two weeks later your fucking legs are being chopped off in the hospital because you got in a fucking accident shit one month later you can't afford your bike anymore and it's bringing you misery three months later you're fighting with your girlfriend because she wants you to get rid of the bike six months later you're but you're miserable because your bike's stolen it's like so obvious that that's fucking just absurd mental illness oh shit did i send tyson
Starting point is 00:56:38 a link yeah you did he's got it just so obvious to me that it's fucking mental illness it might be the same people that are like oh i'll be happy just when I get this. Right. Or like, I'll finally be happy. I'll be at a place where I could just do this. Or once I achieve this or once I get this, then I'll be happy. Then I'll be happy. And then they get to that thing and it doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And then that helps. That pushes them further into the depression. I saw these two girls riding their bikes down the street the other day. There's kids now all over on these electric bikes you probably see it in Livermore too they're on those like 73's or whatever they are they're so fucking trendy right now it's like this $1500
Starting point is 00:57:13 electric bike looks a little retro and I see these two girls riding down the street under the freeway and they're beautiful little girls 14 years old and they have their fucking helmets, not on their head, but like tied to their backpacks or something
Starting point is 00:57:29 because they think someone cares or it's going to make them look bad or mess up their hair. Yeah, I used to do that too. Me too. That's why you shouldn't be putting weird shit in front of kids, man, because they don't know how to discern between them. But I've never seen a kid with a helmet on my entire life where I've thought that kid's a dork for wearing a helmet. I always wore my backpack with one strap and it was miserable.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I never looked at someone who wore both straps and was like, you're a dork. But I didn't do it because I thought the dorks did it. It's just this endless stream of just dumb shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you think it's going to go away as you get older and you're going to get wiser. It doesn't. You have to consciously work. I know old people who are like still like have issues with their wives or their girlfriends and shit and they're fucking 70.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It's like, really? CK Kevin, my Harley 78 lowrider looks great in the garage. I know. They're nice. Harleys are nice. Sorry, I had to use looks great in the garage. I know. They're nice. Harleys are nice. Sorry, I had to use a motorcycle in the example. Doing the Lord's work. Respect, Seve.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Thanks, Doug. Tell Craig I said hi. Doug Ritchie, $5. You're a beautiful son. I appreciate his hard work. I'm sorry that we have to pick on him sometimes, but he's a good dude. Man, that guy gets a lot of views on his shit. Hey, how do you think people start to find the path away
Starting point is 00:58:55 from placing value on the way they're perceived by others rather than just the way they perceive themselves? Time alone. Space. others rather than just the way they perceive themselves uh time alone space alone time walking alone a lot of people fear being alone like i know people that have like if they have a day off and then there's like not nothing going on like they'll just start calling people to then be like hey do you want to come do this or come do that really it's just kind of like the chores they have to do for the day but they like call them to like get a buddy to come come do it because they can't really like just sit there and just be for a while you know people like that yeah the
Starting point is 00:59:36 yeah i i there's so many people uh walking then start walking and don't bring your airpods with you and just go for a fucking walk. Spend hours every day just paying attention to your breath. Start reprogramming yourself. My wife goes to yoga classes three times a week and I always laugh because they play music in her yoga classes. Is that typical? Very typical. The days of – yeah, very typical.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Loud music too sometimes. Is that typical? I didn't think that. Very typical. The days of. Yeah, very typical. Which I do. Loud music too sometimes. Five finger death punch just playing. Hey, hey. Here's the thing. Anyone can do it. So you want to do it. And you're like, well, hey, no, that's the way of the Buddha.
Starting point is 01:00:19 And that's blasphemy to my Christian roots. Fucking. There were plenty of fucking Christian monks. I'm sure there has to have been. Read a fucking page out of your fucking bible and go for a walk sit perfectly still for just five minutes i know that's the irony right seven judging the yoga class and that's the irony i i hear you yeah hunter thank you andrew we Hunter on, and Hunter's going on a vision quest. He's going to go hike the Appalachian Trail for three weeks by himself, and he's only going to check his phone every two days. Just the fact that he said that, though, is a red flag to me.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Hmm. Because he has to do it? What was the red flag? I don't know. What do you mean? So let's say you're driving somewhere, and let's say you get in your car, and you jump in your car, and you forget your phone at home. And now you're five blocks from your house, but you're just going to Safeway,
Starting point is 01:01:15 pick up some three pounds of hamburger meat, dead animal. So you know you'll be back soon? Yeah. But you go back. Those are the moments you have to be like, you're a crossfitter. Go into the uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Go to fucking Safeway without your phone. Embrace the suck. Oh, but what if my kids call me? What if my wife needs me? What if the Toyota calls me and tells me my car's ready? What if what? Shut the fuck up. Sit back.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Accept those thoughts. Watch them. Enjoy them. Learn something new. that's you without your phone now hello it's been a while since you have seen you nice to see you again like this guy this guy this guy doesn't that this guy's fucking doesn't get access to his phone at all he's fucking busy it's not even his phone it's probably a burner phone no he doesn't use a burner phone this guy uses a real phone look at you oh my god you turned into an old man 30 days at training camp you turned into an old man he did yeah dude what's going on how are you dude you look 25 and shit look at you the shirt is the shirt that's tighter at his shoulders it makes
Starting point is 01:02:21 look at you god we just sold 10 more of those from that flex i know yeah hey everyone uh he tyson bajan does not work out that shirt just makes him look like that guaranteed with every purchase not the green one i got the green one um i got the green one a couple weeks ago and that one i took back with me uh to chicago and i probably wore it like every other day just because how i was hugging how i was hugging my shoulders yeah yeah that's how i choose my clothes too i just want clothes that fit make yeah it's my body better fucking look nice when i take it out especially especially i'm in the locker room now with a bunch of dudes that um you know most of them look pretty superhuman so like the more
Starting point is 01:03:05 superhuman i can look it's just like the more ease i have you know walking into the building ceo shirt jacklyn uh this is exactly how i feel jacklyn uh sulk has always loved when tyson bajan's on tell us everything i know i can't wait to hear it's like a good movie i'm afraid to start asking questions because i know once we know we'll know but it's going to be fun hearing this tyson what's up with the shoes hanging on the door what are those um those are those are the uh those are cleats that they gave out that they were giving out at the combine um and they're wild they're special because they're like they only weigh like a couple ounces like they're very paper thin like you're only they're only good for like one wear so it's just kind of like a
Starting point is 01:03:43 oh shit oh cool thing that i hung oh can we see those can we see those disposables yeah so like very light very light and then even like the tongue of the shoe is like it's like nothing like it's like the whole thing is like if you if you could feel it in your hands you'd be like you'd understand how they why they tell you you can only wear it once can i see the bottom yeah hey is that is that a standard looking shoe for an nfl quarterback that's what you've been that's what you would wear no this isn't this isn't standard for anybody this is like the the adidas um them just trying to make something so they can get there, so they can get Adidas out on the NFL combine in that world.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Just kind of like how Noble is getting into that, promoting themselves through the NFL combine. Right. That's kind of another way that Adidas can get their brand on a big stage. Right. Kind of another way that Adidas can get their brand on a big stage. And, but the lighter the shoe, the faster, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:48 technically you'd be able to move. So that was the big, that was the big sell. That's why a lot of guys wore those cleats to run the 40 yard dash. I wonder how much those shoes are new. Yeah. I don't know. I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:04:59 They might not even sell them. Like I don't, I don't eBay. Like they don't sell eBay Tyson eBay. Oh yeah. I got to go to the gym. Love you guys. Bye. even sell them like i don't i don't ebay like they don't sell ebay tyson ebay oh yeah i gotta go to the gym love you guys bye later matt thanks for coming on bye guys have a good time uh just to get people up to speed really quick um and uh what what basically wow we're coming on a year basically when did when did that when did the, when did your college season end?
Starting point is 01:05:27 My college season ended a couple, one week before Christmas, like a week and a half before Christmas. Okay. So it's not a year. Okay. So, so basically Jan one, this guy is done with college, his college career at Shepherds University playing football. Tyson's been on the show at least twice.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I want to say maybe three times before this, where he basically, we've been keeping up to speed, set a bunch, an insane amount of records at the school and won the Harlan Trophy his junior year. It's a Division II school. And he graduates with a variety of records, one of the big ones being the most touchdown passes by a quarterback in college football history.
Starting point is 01:06:09 And then, so that was, let's say, Jan 1, so January, February, March, April, May, June. Six months later, the Pro Day has happened, the Combine has happened, and the draft nfl draft has happened and tyson has found himself um with at the chicago bears training camp where they start every season with 103 guys 105 guys yeah i think now it's down to it's down to i think we have 90 we're at 90 on the team right now so it goes from 105 and then they have to get it cut down to 53 plus 13 guys or 11 guys who are – they don't suit up, but they're still on the team. They didn't get cut. Yes, correct.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Okay, so that's like 64 total. Yes. So basically there's 30, and you're the quarterback, and are there any other positions on a football team where you can play multiple positions like can the guy who plays right tackle also play left tackle and that kind of shit yeah do they have better odds than the quarterback a lot of the offensive linemen are interchangeable within the positions on the o-line um a lot of the receivers can play um different spots within the receiving core.
Starting point is 01:07:26 But the kicker is the kicker. There's not like kickers. Kicker is only kicking quarterback is only playing quarterback. Most of the time, the running backs only playing running back. But other than that, like people can, you know, you can move a lot of different places if you play in the other position. So the quarterback is like the kicker. It's like, you don't got a lot of options. You got to get your spot.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Yeah. Okay. And so right after the draft, you went there for a week? Right after the draft, yes. So right after the draft, I go there for three days for rookie minicamp, which is like acclimation mode, give you a little introduction as to what is to come, go there for three days, come home for a week.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Then I went back for one month for OTAs and mandatory minicamp. And that whole month is with you're with the whole team. So you're with the whole team, you practice for a month. You know, you learn, for me, it was a lot of learning going on. Stayed there for a month. Now I'm back for a month, back home for a month. And then when I go back, it's for summer camp, which then oozes right into the season. Okay. What is OTA? OTA is organized team activities. It's like your off season. It's like what you're allowed to do as a team during the off season. Okay. So that first, so you get there and it's
Starting point is 01:08:52 in Chicago. It's in Lake forest, which is about 45 minutes out outside of Chicago. And is it a, um, is it like a kid's summer camp? Is like everything just on a camp? There's like a football field and then a bunch of places camp is like everything just on a camp there's like a football field and then a bunch of places where you guys all sleep everyone stays there now so the facility you got the facility where they serve meals you have your meetings it's like the whole team is stationed at this facility there's fields there's the indoor facility you know you got where you eat where you would get treatment it's all one spot and then And then there's a, you know, obviously some people that have been on the team for a while, they have homes that they go to whenever the day's done.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And then, um, everybody else who's kind of on the fringe of being on the team, not being on the team, they've got a hotel, which is about a half a mile from the facility, um, that you go back and forth from. And that's where you stay. That's where I was. Yes. And, and so basically it's like 40 guys staying there. Um, I would probably say a little bit more than that. Like in order for you to have your home out there and, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:54 a spot out there, you gotta be a dude. That's like, you're not worried about this cut that's coming up. Okay. So, and that's in every day. Can you tell me a typical day?
Starting point is 01:10:26 Um, you get there and I'm assuming the first couple of days are kind of unique, right? They're like giving you clothes and shit and like walking around the facility and telling you not to flush your tampons down these toilets and make sure when you're done with your towels, you put them here. It's just basically getting you in line with the protocol of the facility, right? You can't have guests, shit like that, right? Yes, yes. And then I would say, you know, after the acclimation period is over with, like throughout the week, like on a day that we had a practice, usually get up, the shuttles would take you to the facility at 6.30 a.m. Yes. Tyson, any dudes already like late on the regular and you're like, oh, you're fucking up. Like dude who's like running to the bus every morning.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Because the shuttles will leave from 6.30 to 8 a.m. Like their shuttles go into the facility within that whole time frame. So, I mean, you'll see some dudes that will catch the 8 a.m. one and some dudes like some dudes catch the catch the 631. So it's just kind of like all about, you know, what time you're going to sleep, you know, if you want to do something before everything starts in the morning, that kind of deal. But me, I had so much to learn. I wanted to get there as soon as possible so I could start studying for what we were about to do that day. Just sounded like a jackass out there. Um, but so yeah, I would get there get on the shuttle 6 30 go to the facility um i would usually i would eat breakfast then i would go to
Starting point is 01:11:31 the meeting room and i would study until eight eight o'clock when we would have a quarterback meeting then what's that mean study what are you studying like i'm studying well first of all to put like you know i kind of i i handed towards this the last time I was on, but the playbook is absurd, right? So every practice, we're installing new plays. So I'm just studying the plays that are in for that day. What's a playbook look like? Well, we have an iPad. It's just an iPad.
Starting point is 01:11:59 So they upload anything they need to to the iPad, and then you have access to it. And then that's kind of how they do it. And they can't even really – you couldn't even do like a printed playbook. Like that wouldn't even work, I don't think. And is there crazy security around that too? Like you're not taking that iPad home? Yeah, no, I have it with me. But there is – it is a big tax if you lose it or something happens to it.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Right, like you go home, like you get sent – $13, it or something happens to it. Right. Like you go home. Like you get sent. $13,000 if anything happens to the iPad. Fine. And I guess you got to report it right away so they could fucking erase that thing or do whatever they do. Exactly. It's got a passcode and a lock and all that shit on it. Like I couldn't walk in and pick it up and be like start taking screenshots.
Starting point is 01:12:42 No, it's got a passcode to it but um and you know it makes sense too because i mean to a to another team like you know that that information probably is worth thirteen thousand dollars you know to to the right right yeah so um that makes sense but yeah so obviously being careful with that but yeah i got my ipad with me every you know take it everywhere i go just because i constantly got to study but i would get there early just so i could prepare and make sure I knew how to say and how to operate each play that was in for that day and in the install that we had had the night before. Then we would have our QB meeting where you can –
Starting point is 01:13:15 Tyson, sorry, I got to ask you more about this book. Sorry. When you say study, is it like there's like a word like John 7, 8, 9, Roger, and then you have to know that word, and then you have to know what you're going to do in that play. How many dudes are on the team? 13 on the field? 11. You have to know where all of those 11 guys are going to go for that play?
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah. And how many of those plays are there? I couldn't tell you. I really couldn't tell you. There's that many? Yeah. Yeah, I couldn't tell you i really couldn't tell you there's that many yes yeah i couldn't yeah i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't even give you like a guesstimate and does the book how does the book show you where the guys goes is there video or is it there's like there's like teach tape that you can watch them running that play from like previous seasons and practices and then there's also a draw up of of the play as well as like instructions on how you would operate this play
Starting point is 01:14:09 wow yeah so so really what i'm doing is i'm i'm looking at the play and making sure that as i'm like reading it or saying it that i can be pictionary in my head of just kind of seeing what everybody's doing and then a lot of times i'll just be, I'll read the play and I'll be like, oh yeah, I got that. I'm, you know, I'm doing this, this and this. And then sometimes it'd be a play and I got to sit there and think about it. And I'm like, all right, so this, and then I got that. And then, okay, that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:14:36 But really, I want to get to the point where I'm looking at it. I'm like, okay, yeah, no, okay, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm one, two, three, making sure this guy's doing this. Just going through it, making sure it's easy for me. Do you have time to admire the plays, like artwork? Do you ever see plays and you're like, wow, I really want – this is fucking nice. Holy shit, if the defense does this, I hope the defense tries this one, not when we're doing this.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Do you ever just savor a play? You're looking at it like, who wrote this shit? Yeah, there are plays kind of like what you're play like you're looking at like who wrote this shit yeah there are plays like kind of like what you're saying with you know you've got a certain play and you're like oh man it's a defense those that i get to throw this bomb down the field and that would sweet but a lot of times a lot of times which is how ridiculous the playbook is if i see a play that's not very wordy and that's easy for me to picture in my head i don't care if you run her a pass i'm like damn i hope coach calls that when i'm in because it's like what's seven plus
Starting point is 01:15:31 seven you're like 14 got it yeah okay exactly okay and i hope he calls that i can i can go into the i can go into the huddle with confidence on that one say that shit loud as hell and then just operate so um that's kind of how i viewed it so far um but yeah there are some plays where you're like oh you know it would be sweet if the defense did this because then i'd be able to do this and you know i'm pretty sure coach would like that so do you ever write plays do i ever like write my own place yeah um i did i i would i did that with shepherd like if we would like be watching film, like there were a couple of times I would like introduce something that was a little bit newer. And sometimes they went with it and sometimes they were like, oh, you know, probably not. That's probably not the smartest thing in the world.
Starting point is 01:16:15 But like one. But that was like after like being in the system for like three years, like and like I said before, this is like so like. And like I said before, this is like so like, like Shepard is like this little circle. And then now it's like I'm like in this big thing where it's like I'm trying to understand this big variety of things going on before I could even like before I could even think to add my own, you know, sauce to it. Like I used to play Dungeons and Dragons as a kid and like I would make my own mazes and my own monsters and my own people and like after like you play so much you start making your own shit are the plays all categorized too like when you're learning them like hey these are running plays these are running plays that go to the right these are running plays that have laterals these are are they organized so at least yes yeah okay yes yeah it's all organized. And stuff you've learned since you've been a little kid, like the vernacular and the semantics around the plays, there's continuity from when you were a little kid to the pros?
Starting point is 01:17:12 It's the same thing. It's the same thing happening. You're still playing football. You're running the ball. You're throwing the ball. But it's just how you're getting to those areas of the field and how you're calling it. That's a little bit different yeah and and way more plays it sounds like now a lot yeah a lot
Starting point is 01:17:31 more plays a lot more plays and it's a lot more plays but it's like there's 10 different ways to get to each play too it's like a lot more plays but it can be called that one play could be called 10 different things like if you wanted three receivers to one side and one receiver to another side, in college and high school, it was just like, hey, we'll go trips right, trips left. Three receivers to one side, one receiver to the other. And then if you wanted your best guy or a different guy to be the one guy side, then you'd just be, hey, let's go trips right.
Starting point is 01:18:10 But, hey, Ryan, you go to the single receiver side because we think you can beat this cat. Instead of that, now you're in college where it's like, they got so many dudes that are waiting for a phone call to be on a team that if you're not going to be locked in and understand it, they will just, they'll just cut you and then invite the next dude. And then if he doesn't cut it, they'll cut him, invite the next dude. So instead of just trips, right. It's we got train, right. Trips, right. Trout, right. Troy, right. Trixie, right. Tracks, right. It's we've got seven different ways, but it puts different, it's still trips, right. But it puts different guys in different positions.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Ah, yeah. So it's like, you can't just be like, Hey, let's go trips, right. Hey DJ, you go here. It's gotta be a, all right, we want DJ here. So, all right, we're going to call tracks, right? Or we want so-and-so here. We're going to go trips, right? Wow. Wow. Okay. Okay. And all of this stuff that you're learning, will it still be relevant? Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m.
Starting point is 01:19:17 late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your upgrade wherever you go we'll go together that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply all the name do all the names of plays change every single year like when you were at shepherd no no so so they would we would have a we would get new offensive coordinators every year or two, and they would add their own little niches to the offense, but the verbiage pretty much stayed pretty consistent. It was never altered. But now you've got to wipe that clean and bring in all new ones.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, now I can't even. I was hanging out with my college coach yesterday, and he was talking about some of his plays, and I was like, man, what is that play again? I got to completely erase that from my memory just because I've got a whole new language to have to understand fluently. I'm just trying to be fully embedded and embraced in that. so I'm just trying to be fully embedded and embraced in that and this process between 6 30 and 8 30 in the morning that you're doing um are you doing it so is that a solo or is there yeah that's like the time where I can be like where I can just kind of look over it how I want to look
Starting point is 01:20:36 over it because then once 8 30 hits now I know that I'm on the coach's time and we're going to do whatever the coaches have um you know, drawn up for that day meeting wise. And then obviously practice wise and anything like that. But then 830, you know, 8, 8, really 815 coach rolls in. And then he's like, that's where I'm like, all right, all my, all the studying I've done. Do I have any questions? Because this is the time where I can be like, hey coach. So it's like, it says this, like, what exactly, what does that look like?
Starting point is 01:21:02 So you get, you get, you fine tune everything. And then after that. And are they cool with that? They so you get you get you fine-tune everything and then after that and are they cool with that they're cool with you asking questions yeah yeah because if you don't the alternative is is that you could potentially go out there and ruin a whole play okay um which screws all 11 people you know especially just playing quarterback like if you're a receiver you don't understand you're really just screwing yourself but if you're a quarterback and you don't know what's going on now you're screwing the whole offense so um it's just a lot of what if you call are you ever in the huddle and you know the play and one of the dudes is like hey uh
Starting point is 01:21:35 is that it do i run to the right or the left yeah yeah all the time because people are still learning their shit like yo tyson tyson do you know if i go cut right or left and you're like right yes yeah which is why you can't just like you can't just memorize what the coach is telling what he's saying to you you have to be able to paint that picture so that if a dude lines up wrong you'd be like oh hold up hey that's not where you line up get over here or if he's like hey hold up what'd you say again and wow like if you say like a long ass play and then there's nothing worse than saying a long ass play and then the dude's like hey hold up what what was the first thing you said and i'm like uh uh like if you wouldn't if you if you if you're not really like learning it if you're just yeah rise it like if you're just trying to memorize it you're gonna
Starting point is 01:22:20 look at him and be like you're embodying it when you're learning to play and then you have to be able to see it yes yes every time holy shit uh this is why quarterbacks are so smart steven flores a court uh ck kevin quarterbacks have to know everything so so you basically become the conductor of an orchestra out there you're like wait a second the oboe is not playing what the fuck oh yeah yeah and it's like to an it's like to a scientific level like now which is like different for me because i feel like growing up it was always i was always um not judged um but kind of graded kind of like you know from you know my dad you know my my good buddy and mentor, Derek Gallagher. Whenever I'm working out with them, even high school and college coaches, I was always judged based on my work ethic, but physically.
Starting point is 01:23:15 My physical work ethic and then just overall, I was kind of intelligent on the field. Not kind of, I was intelligent on the field too. So those two things, I'm intelligent on the field, I'm making plays, but then also like I'm winning like conditioning drills and stuff like that, which is just like, oh, that's awesome. Like I love this dude even more now, but now it's like the conditioning drills don't mean anything. Like the physical aspect of everything doesn't mean anything. Like they could- Why? Because it's just a given either you are super fit or you're not they could care less if i'm sweating really hard at practice you
Starting point is 01:23:52 know i mean they could care less if i'm winning in the sprints at practice it's all about hey can you process all this information wow so that's been that's been something i've had to adjust to um and it's been it has been good so far it's rewarding it's just a lot harder to get to the aspect of just getting out there and and doing your thing like just getting out there and playing because i think i'm a good playmaker like no matter what on the field you know i if i get if i've got the play down you know no matter what happens i feel like i can like make a play but now in order to get to that moment I have to show these guys that I can be a scientist on this field and dissect and digest every little thing and know exactly what's going on and just be automatic when they give me the play like I spit
Starting point is 01:24:42 it out we run it I know what's going on. I'm using different cadences, everything. And then I get to the point where in preseason, they throw me in the game and be like, all right, now let's go, go make a play. So it's just different in that aspect where I'm just being judged completely mentally instead of completely physically, which is what it always has been. Like my dad always is like, go hard. Like he would love it. Like my dad always is like, go hard.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Like he would love it. Like he loved it. Watching, watching us do a CrossFit workout and us just like, like taking it to the absolute max. Like that was something that he loved to do to do my buddy. I'm always hanging out with, you know, we're doing our CrossFit workouts. He just always was like super hype whenever, you know, the workout would be cut close and then, or, or like, I would push through it at the end or he would push through it at the end,
Starting point is 01:25:31 just that like ultimate like grit and physical sacrifice. And now it's just not that, which has just been the biggest adjustment. Are you significantly more comfortable and better between day one and day 30 at this camp? Oh yeah. Yeah, definitely. A hundred definitely 100 and it's like otas it's like a lot because the nfl players association right the nflpa is all the players that come together and they're like hey nfl you know we we have our we have our own rights too we need this we need that in order uh for you to work us like we do like we need something we need good benefits as well and it all started because like when the nfl was first made the
Starting point is 01:26:11 like the players were like hey like we think at least we should have clean laundry we should have like we should have our laundry like done for us like with the stuff that we wear during practice and they were like no right because they didn't have any resources like they they're they're forced to do whatever that the NFL says they're like no we're not washing your laundry and there was like other players that would just run into the issues or where they're like man we're playing football banging our heads together but you know we don't get anything we're not getting anything in return we're living like slaves and dogs out here like this is this is terrible.
Starting point is 01:26:45 So NFLPA has completely just grown and grown and grown to the point that now during the offseason, you cannot have practices with collisions like you can't have practices where you're going full speed the whole practice. this OTA stuff is like learning and kind of like a jog through pace, which was perfect for me because I'm learning all this, all this crazy new information, which is good that we're not going full speed. Now there are some sections of the day where you do go full speed, but 80% of the day is like jog through pace. So it's like my process with being able to say the play and operate the play when we were in the jog through tempo was night and day from day one to day 30. So it's like day one, I'm kind of like I might say right instead of left on like a 15 word play. And I mess up just one word where I say left instead of right and then got to correct myself. By the end of the time, I'm like I'm operating it. I'm using different cadences. You know, I'm handling the motions well.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Everybody's at the right landmark. And I could see, too, that the coach was, like, pleasantly surprised by, you know, as we move forward throughout the whole time. A bunch of stuff I want to say here. So notice how when Tyson, he gives us a big picture, and then we don't have to take his when tyson he he gives us a big picture and then and then we don't have to take his word for us he he gives us examples and i just love that not just things have changed over the years through the way athletes change but he gives us the examples
Starting point is 01:28:14 of why and how it happened talking about that that's fuck dude you could be a better journalist than 99 of the journalists out there uh ryan uh a conversation between rich and tyson needs to happen yeah i don't know if you knew i didn't tell you tyson this or i didn't tell rich froning this but i had scheduled both of you today rich in the morning and then you and a little later in the morning and then i was hoping both you guys would come on at the same time and i could introduce you guys to each other and sweet and rich um rich ended up having to change he didn't i didn't tell him that either but also the thumbnail um the thumbnail uh bruce wayne and matt susan made yesterday
Starting point is 01:28:50 was you passing the ball and rich going out for a pass that's awesome because the only opportunity i saw him i saw him compete at a couple regional events back in the day um but the one opportunity i really had to go see him he worked that he came and did a workout at crossfit 304 my dad's box um uh you know a long time ago but i had strep throat so everybody got to go hang out with him and i was hanging out at the crib and this was like prime time i'm like i'm a i'm like obsessed with watching like him ben smith jason kalipa josh like all the dudes that were like the first like the first round of guys that were just like different and i was like i was so bummed out about that but that that's awesome yeah i got to
Starting point is 01:29:37 see that thumbnail that's pretty sweet he i i watched one of his podcasts the other day and he mentioned uh he was he mentioned your dad uh saying that um he didn't have any heart and they and then they and then and they were laughing uh him and uh angelo and rory and then they and then they talked and then rich he i've talked to rich about you and he's like yeah he's got this son who's really good at football so i was excited for you guys to meet um sleaky uh his confidence is palatable uh palpable palpable i totally agree uh zero arrogance but dude you're you are um you are you you you embody what you speak it's it's it's it's so fun talking to you okay um 8 30 in the morning so then the coach comes at 8 15 you have
Starting point is 01:30:21 a chance to ask questions and then 8 30 starts and and now it's um let me go back a little bit have you been during that 30 days do people get cut like is is there like after day 10 you're like hey where's johnny and they're like he got cut and everyone's like oh fuck yeah you know i think i i didn't witness any and honestly i didn't really get to know every single dude right intimately because of all the things that were going on so there might have been i know on other teams there you know they've been getting cut because you know a lot of my buddies that are on different teams now they'll tell me that you know dudes dudes have gotten cut but yeah it's every single day you could get cut like every single day you could get cut. Like every single day you could get cut. They'll come out, clean your locker.
Starting point is 01:31:06 They'll have a five minute conversation with you. Hey, you know, you know, we're going to go our separate ways. We need to do this, that, you know, appreciate your time. And then it's over with. But yeah, each day you could get cut. And then I know that when we go back for camp, you know, it's crunch time. So there'll be a lot of cuts happening, happening then. Do you know for sure that you're going,
Starting point is 01:31:28 could you be cut between now and the next camp? No, no. I mean, I guess I could, but like, like I wouldn't say that that's, that's like something that's, could even be a 50, 50 chance of having having that'd be like a two percent chance like oh something crazy happened out of nowhere out of the ordinary you know we're gonna go our separate ways so something not even on you like that they find out like um the chicago stadium has termites and they have to spend all their money building a new stadium and so we have to cut all the players like some weird shit like that yeah there's probably it's probably the same chance that i get cut before i go back
Starting point is 01:32:08 to camp that if this was the last podcast you ever did right right okay right it's like which could happen if like this room collapsed that could be exactly exactly okay like oh shit like something absolutely ridiculous happened you're an asshole for doing that but i also appreciate you uh putting it right back in my face like that that was a dickhead um bringing it straight home oh you want to talk about me getting cut how about i talk about this being your last podcast take that savvy uh okay uh eight so 8 30 rolls around and um i keep interrupting you eat their rolls around uh and and now the whole team's there. Yeah, so 830 rolls around. We're just in the meeting room.
Starting point is 01:32:48 It's four quarterbacks, the quarterback coach, the offensive coordinator. Now we're in their meeting. We're talking about the day, what we need to work on that day, what we need to focus on. We're going through the script for that day. Like, hey, we got any questions? You know, this is something that's new. I want to make sure if y'all got any questions, this and that.
Starting point is 01:33:03 And the big dogs in there, the starting quarterback ofago's in there it's like it's like yeah yeah all the guys yeah it's funny too because um you know i've i've started longer than i think anybody ever in history prior to the nfl like i started three years in high school and then immediately started in college for five years including the COVID year where we didn't do anything so it was always like the meeting was geared towards me like it was geared to the quarterback but it was like you know hey Tyson are you comfortable with everything going on and now I'm at the opposite end of that totem pole so now I'm in there like you know I'm you know I'm a sponge I'm taking everything in but they're. They're talking to us, but they're not necessarily talking.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Like you'll see the coach will be looking, the coach will look, be looking at Justin and just be like, Hey, so like, you got this, like, is this good? Does this work? You want to change anything, this and that. And I'm in there and I'm just like, kind of laughing in my head. I'm like, dang, that's like, this is insane. Like, I can't believe like, first off every 15 seconds, I'm like, Holy shit. I'm on the Chicago bears lock in.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Like I need to lock in. Yeah. I'm also like, wow, this is funny. Like I can pull like, I it's so different being, it's so different being at the opposite end of that opposite end of that stick and being like completely okay with it. Oh, he's just a kid like you. Yeah. He's young. He's young yeah he's young he's young he's young he's only 24 yeah he's a stud athlete wow yeah he's a stud he's a cool dude too okay so you go from uh and uh he went to ohio ohio state so oh he's a big dude yeah yeah he's thick it's funny too because like i'll
Starting point is 01:34:47 you know i mean just like how tall are you you're a little over six three two two ten six three two fifteen okay two fifteen okay sorry go ahead you look a little thicker by the way did you put on weight i did i put on probably three or four pounds since last year i mean you look great. Yeah, so it's like, I'll just, you know, not that it matters anymore, but still, like, you're around these dudes all the time. I'm thinking, like, I'm watching, like, film practice. We're standing next to each other.
Starting point is 01:35:15 I'm like, oh, you know, we're all similar size. But it's funny, like, he's, like, 230. And I'm like, dude, where is this other 15 pounds? Like, you are, like, just, like, solid. He just must be, like, super solid. Because like you are like, just like solid. He just must be like super solid because I'm like looking at us. I'm like, yeah, you know, maybe, maybe like a half, half inch taller, maybe same size, same height. And then, but it's like two 30. I'm like, wow. How old are you? Just turned 23.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Okay. I mean, at the, at the rate you're going, you could put on another five pounds of muscle in the next 365 days too, which would then put you 10 pounds behind him, right? Yes. Do you see everyone naked? Yeah. So you know who's fit and who's chubby? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well okay well that's good and everyone looks good everyone
Starting point is 01:36:06 looks strong and shit i mean there's some there's some outliers there's some dudes where it's like like like a tyson fury any tyson furies where you're like he's the greatest fucking boxer who ever lived and he looks like a just a gelatinous sack of shit yeah i thought i've had that thought like many times not necessarily the tyson fury um but that's a good example because i've thought about that about him as well. But just like, what the fuck is going on? I'll be in the sauna or the cold tub and I'll just be like kind of glancing around and then I'm like, damn, I can't, how in the world is this dude in the NFL?
Starting point is 01:36:40 Like, how can you look like that and then be in NFL? Like that, that's like, we're supposed to be like the one percenters. Like, I can't look like that? And then be in NFL like that? That's like, we're supposed to be like the one percenters. Like, I can't believe. Yeah, that's unreal. And that's the best Tyson Fury's ever looked. Yeah, exactly. Like the throwback pictures of when I guess he was struggling mentally, I guess whenever he was going through all that, like that picture is like is bad. And dude, he is good. Yeah, he's really good. He's so crazy that he's like six, nine, two, like you, like it's, it's six, nine is that's a, that's a, that's a weird height. That's like massive. That's really tall. Um, so then, so you're in the room, they talk to you.
Starting point is 01:37:19 How long is that? Uh, that's about 30 minutes. And then we get the team meeting which is with everybody and then and then and then how long is that that's about 15 minutes coach eberflug our head coach he'll get up there he's cool funny dude he'll talk some shit for about 15 minutes talk about the day you know what you know what we're expecting and then it'll break off into offensive meeting defensive meeting so now we're with the whole offense. That one, you know, depending on if we have an install for that day, if we got new plays going in, that could be about an hour long. So we go to that meeting for an hour.
Starting point is 01:37:56 We talk about the plays. You know, people are in there taking notes, listening to everything he's saying. He's going through all the new plays that are in. Then we leave that. What about phone usage in those meetings any any people just fucking around their phones or you just you don't do that no i i hope not no that would be strange but you know i got my ipad out and taking notes on my ipad whatever and then um we'll go back to the qb room talk for about five minutes and we'll have a walkthrough in our indoor little
Starting point is 01:38:23 little spot the itc room a walkthrough nothing our indoor little spot, the ITC room. A walkthrough. Nothing crazy. Is that an indoor field? That's an indoor field? It's an indoor, like, quarter of a field. Like, it's tiny, but, like, a good place to walk through. Do the walkthrough.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And what are you wearing at this point? Are you in your athletic gear? Just in Chicago Bears gear. Like, just shirt, sweats, shoes. Just walk through. Just talking through everything. Making sure everybody's on the same page. And then we break that up. That's when you can go get taped and you go get ready to go off for practice. And then we go out to practice. And what is taping?
Starting point is 01:38:56 Like if you need your ankles taped or if your wrist tape or you got anything bad, you got anything wrong going on. Get that taken care of and then eat a snack eat a snack if you want and then um go out to practice how many days does it take before it's like awkward and like you're still looking for the bathroom and like uncomfortable to like okay fuck this is the like this is what i do every day by day five or ten are you just like this is home yeah i would say about day 10 is what probably around day 10 is when you're like okay i know what's going on like i don't have to look at the schedule like i know what's going on i know where the bathroom's at i know when i can take a bathroom break like
Starting point is 01:39:34 you throw you know where to throw your shoes or your bandana or just like you just you start to feel at home like this is this is my shit God, that's so cool. And then that day's long. Then you go. Is there a debrief at the end of the day or it's just practice? Then we go to practice. Then, you know, for rookies, it's a way longer day because after practice now, it's like after practice, all the vets and stuff and people go home. So it's like they get to go home. Their day's done after that.
Starting point is 01:40:04 the vets and stuff and people go home so it's like they get to go home their day's done after that um so then me i go eat lunch then i have another meeting with the quarterback coach just one-on-one for an hour every day every day of the week monday through friday yeah wow that's some crazy investment they're putting in you i know know. Yeah, it is pretty crazy. It is pretty crazy. You meet with the coach every day, one-on-one? Every day, yeah, for about an hour after practice and after lunch. We meet, go do everything that I did that day, talk about it. So he's really getting to know you, too.
Starting point is 01:40:39 That's like multifaceted shit. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, it's pretty cool. He's a funny dude too. So it's, I don't know. It's always,
Starting point is 01:40:47 uh, is it all football talk or is it, is it some getting to know you too? No, it's some, there's some getting to know you as well. There's some getting to know you as well. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Cause he's a, he also, he coached at a, at a division two school. So he knows about a division two school that I played actually. So he knows about a division two and the i played actually so he knows about uh division two and that whole that whole world which i can't necessarily connect with people a whole lot of people you know on stuff like that so that that's pretty cool um talk about different places you know he's traveled um like do you know if he has kids
Starting point is 01:41:22 yes oh shit so you guys are talking yes yeah he actually just um he just had he had a baby during during otas um anyone uh anyone fuck with you because you're division two any other guys like they got a nickname for you or they're you know just some just fucking with you you know what i mean like in a good way like there actually hasn't been any of that i mean there's been a couple people that when they ask they're a little bit surprised like oh shit that's that's crazy um but nothing um they don't like your nickname's not like d2 no no that'd be funny um any kind of stuff like that not just even about you but about anyone like is there is it getting more and more light-hearted and fun like i guess i guess you didn't get to know yeah like it's it's like is it gonna be sad
Starting point is 01:42:13 when some guys get cut like are there some guys you're like fuck like i know you don't want to get cut but are there other guys you're like fuck that's gonna suck if that dude gets cut it'd be cool if we went together definitely because it's just like it's funny because it's just like any locker room i've ever been in it's just a lot more expensive locker room and it's a lot fancier. But it's like it's still just dudes in there just playing football that are just talking shit and, you know, hanging out before and after practice. And, you know, it's all this it's all the same stuff, which is which is which is cool, because, you know, I was kind of wondering what that would be like just considering everybody – most of you is making a lot of money, so you could kind of feel like that would change maybe a little bit of the dynamic in the locker room.
Starting point is 01:42:53 But it's still the same – it's the same situation as it was in college. And then so you have that meeting with him uh after lunch and then what happened did you play more um no so we have that meeting and then we got and then we have rookie academy which is like they're trying to i don't know it's this it's this thing where they're trying to like get you ready for the professional nfl professional like lifestyle and, you know, what to worry about, what to think about. So we'll go to rookie Academy, which is for one hour as well. So all the rookies will go to a room. Like what, like what to do with your money. Don't sleep around.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Don't say the F word, stuff like that. Yeah. They're going to teach us about, you know, girls, you know, financial credit, you know financial um credit you know apartments in the around the city all all the all the crazy stuff going out like the nightlife like what to do what not to do um all that stuff that's just touching on a different topic um every day and we just go in there and we listen and we, you know, and they, they, they take that serious. Like if you're late to that, they'll really get on you, which it's kind of like,
Starting point is 01:44:10 that is like to all of us, it's like, all right, football is done for the day. Now we just got this little, this rinky dink meeting or whatever they're going to teach us something that I probably already have a good idea about. Like they'll teach about social media, like what not to do on social media and and all that stuff but um they take it serious it's kind of like the rookie acclimation thing so i would do that that here molly says uh how not to buy 10 jet skis yeah yeah exactly exactly and then after that that's when i would usually just you know do sauna cold tub and then you do do that, huh? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:44:46 they have sauna in the facility. They have cold tubs, hot tubs. So I just, I would just go sauna, cold tub three different times. And then I would go back to my hotel, study for the next day and go to sleep. And that was during the week. You sleep good. I did. I made sure just cause I was like, it was taking a lot of like mental focus that I was like, all right, I need to get seven and a half, eight hours of sleep. Like I gotta go to um uh this so you're so you're studying you're studying when you wake up you're staying when you go to bed and then you're studying when you wake up and now that you're home now that you're home you're still studying you can't let any of that shit erode no no i don't want to get too far with it i mean yeah don't get too far away
Starting point is 01:45:42 from the playbook because it's easy to forget stuff. But I got my buddy who's, uh, he wants to be a, he wants to be a, he wants to get into coaching and he's already, he's got on the shepherd, uh, staff. And, um, so I've got him and I've still got all the scripts that we had from the whole time I was there. So what does that mean? Scripts? So the script for the day, so the script for OTA one, the script for the day. Oh. The script for OTA 1, the script for OTA 2, all the way to 12. So I got 12 scripts on my phone. So each day from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., he meets me at the field. I put on my headphones. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Yeah, we call each other. He'll say the play. I'll say the play. And then I'll just kind of jog through. Do they tell you to do that? Or you're like, you just came up with this on your own? No, that just made sense to me. That just made a whole lot of sense to me like like there's no way i'd like how do you pay for all this right now how do you like how do you how do you afford
Starting point is 01:46:34 to like um um like like basically you're acting like a professional football player but you're not getting paid yet right yeah i mean i I mean, I got my signing bonus. Okay. But, I mean, I did a pretty good job making money through the whole pre-draft process. So you're not stressed out right now? You're good? No, no, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm good. And do you have a job? Like, are you flipping burgers from – no? No.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Nope. But it's funny, too, because my apartment here uh which is where i went to school it's in the shepherdstown um it and the the lease is up at the end of this month so i'm moving out of here and i'll be in the basement at my parents crib at my parents house um for the rest of the summer is that good or bad yeah i think yeah think, yeah, that's fine. Your dad's not going to bug you? Just like always be up in your shit? Nah, I mean, he probably will,
Starting point is 01:47:28 but it's not, it's not the end of the world. This, this thing that you're doing from eight to 10 in the morning, um, how, first of all, how do you have the helmet with the walkie talkies in it?
Starting point is 01:47:39 How'd you get those? I don't. So I just have my headphones, like my beats. Oh, oh, oh, beats. And he called, we, like my beats. Oh, oh. My beats.
Starting point is 01:47:45 I'll call. I'll call. We'll call each other. Oh, shit. And then we'll say the play and then we'll go. Yeah. Oh, my God. You're so fucking dedicated.
Starting point is 01:47:53 This is so awesome. Yeah. I know. It's like, but it's really just out of the, out of like, because I, after being there for a month, I can completely see that, see that really at the highest level, nobody cares really how good you can throw the ball. Obviously, you need to throw good. You wouldn't be there if you couldn't throw good. But if you go up there and you mess up the play call, that's the first thing.
Starting point is 01:48:22 You can't even make the throw if you mess up the play call. So it's like you absolutely have to be more sharp on getting the plays in in order and what you're doing more so than you need to be able to make a good throw like it all like it all starts with the play call and it was one of the first thing that my quarterback coach told me when I'm sitting there telling him during rookie camp I'm like yo like this is like this is crazy but I didn't even have to say it he could just see that like you know me and the other quarterback who was there at rookie camp are like like we're really like trying to get this stuff down and he's like he's like yeah you guys will come to realize that there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:49:00 quarterbacks in the league that have no business being in the league, but they're in the league because they can process all this shit that we're throwing at them. And I was just like, yeah, I mean, that makes sense. So if I'm in that just put me in the mindset, I'm like, you know, screw it. Like whatever they throw at me, if I can just process it, I feel like I'm a good enough athlete and player that if I can process all this stuff they're throwing at me, I'll be able to hang around here, you know, for, for, for a good bit of time. What day do you go back? I go back July 22nd. So I got some time. Wow. And you'll do this.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Will you do this pretty much seven days a week between now and then? Five or six days a week. But yeah, five or six days a week, eight to 10. And then, but it's cool too, though, because you know, you get done that shit and then I just get to do shit that i like to do which is you know work out and hang out with the family or getting a sauna like whatever i kind of want to do the rest of the day do you have anyone you can throw passage to yes and it doesn't fuck with your timing that they're not at the caliber of the nfl guys um no but more really it's like there's not necessarily a big speed difference at the next level it's just everybody knows exactly where they're supposed to be so timing's got to be
Starting point is 01:50:12 better like everybody's more everybody's smarter um because you know they're getting paid to do so it's not like they gotta it's not like they're getting like a half scholarship to a d2 school and they don't necessarily really care that much about everything going on. Like now these dudes are locked in, they know where they're supposed to be. They know what they're supposed to do. So it's just a lot of timing. So if I can just get guys to run, you know, the routes that I'm practicing in the playbook, then, you know, it's usually, you know, no big deal adapting to the, to the speed and timing.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Ken Walters, this dude knows he isn't guaranteed to make it, but is taking every step possible and thinking outside the box to make it. I just watched his podcast before. This type of dedication has made me a fan. Nice. I want to show, where is it? Obviously, this is the kind of shit I love, which I'm about to show you. This is a post you made two weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:51:15 And you cruise over here, and this is a text message, a screenshot text message you posted from your dad. It says – this is from Travis Bajent, who been on the show also texting his son Tyson Bajent. We all love you so much. So many people that know you are praying that your dream comes true. I want you to know before tomorrow that you've already made my dreams come true. Holy shit. Wow. Regardless of the outcome, I hope you choose to have fun tomorrow
Starting point is 01:51:46 and never forget how precious it is. Be you and go crazy. Your biggest fan. Oh, my goodness, dude. Oh, my goodness. Sorry to do that to you. Sorry to do that to me. Fuck, I don't even know what to say the show's over thank you everyone for coming on
Starting point is 01:52:07 tyson good luck talk to you soon uh what uh what's the deal what's the deal when dad sends that to you is that like i know you put you no one's stupid you're obviously putting crazy amount of pressure on you on yourself uh to succeed um what does that mean coming from your dad does he talk to you like that all the time or yeah it's got more so it's got more he more so uh he's talked about that a lot more like within i'd probably say the last like four years like since i've been in college really like when i was in high school we were always around like all the time so it was just a lot of just like talking in the house um and really all this like monumental stuff wasn't necessarily going on um then either so just I think more than anything he's like one of the
Starting point is 01:52:56 only people that really understands exactly what I'm up against and understands what I'm what I'm kind of going through um and that was before the senior bowl game. That was like the night before the senior bowl game. And it was funny. I was actually like, just kind of pissed off earlier that day. You know, I saw them, but just, just really quick. When he says that's the night before the senior bowl game, for those of you who don't know at the end of every college season, there's three huge games that the best players in college football are invited to. there's one that's the pinnacle of that and that's the senior bowl and that's where tyson was invited so this isn't like senior bowl like high school senior bowl or
Starting point is 01:53:33 college senior bowl this is like the pro bowl of all pro bowls for college football okay sorry so that day of the night before that night before that day i got to see my family for the first time but i was kind of pissed just because I felt like they were just like, I felt like I was getting judged based on where I was coming from, like in the quarterback room a little bit. Just like, I just felt like they could see that. I was having a moment where I was just like, man, they're totally like just seeing D2.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Oh, not your family. You mean like when you were at the game? Yeah, not my family. Like maybe like the quarterback coach I was with or I don't even necessarily. I just remember I was like, man, these dudes think that – they just think that these guys I'm on the team with are better than me. Like that's – I'm just getting that vibe like from these guys, which I'm just like, wow, like how could this be happening, right?
Starting point is 01:54:21 But then – and I was kind of just like pissed off about it. Hindsight, super dumb. Shouldn't't even been mad at it at all but then he's kind of good though right it fuels you right it's good to have a little chip on your shoulder get a little f you in there i ended up going out the next day and i killed it and everything was great but um yeah he sent me that message um which i think just like it just means so much because, you know, first of all, a big family guy, like I love my family more than anything in the world. And then it's also big because like the pressure that I put on myself, it's more so like I don't even know how I would explain it. Like I put a lot of pressure on myself because I want to make well I want to play football
Starting point is 01:55:06 first and foremost but then I also want to make everybody proud so then when I get stuff like that which basically more so to me all that did was just tell me that he loves me and that he doesn't even care if I go out there and shit the bed right because it doesn't matter like you already you've already defied all the odds you've already done everything so then it puts me at ease of mind i'm like you know i don't even necessarily need to worry about this like whatever's going to happen like i've compared myself so whatever's going to happen is just going to happen and um you know my family's still gonna love me at the end of the day which is something you can get like at least for me i can get caught up in the fact of like oh i need to do good at what i do in order to um in order to fit into the family dynamic
Starting point is 01:55:53 but that's just not that's just not the case but i think a lot of times which is how much time i spend on this it's like my day is made or made or not made based on how I perform in football. Which I think is just, you know, some simple, like a text message like that, like him, just like, you know, just showing me that like, Hey, this shit really doesn't even matter. Like it's like that much. Like we, we, we love you. Like, so no matter what you do in this football thing, like, you know, who cares? Like everybody's on your side. Everybody knows what it took.
Starting point is 01:56:27 Nobody else has been in this situation before. Like everything's all good. So it just puts me in the sense of like, you know, let everything be as it will be. And just really all you can do is just work hard and prepare. There's this weird thing about like you'll hear someone who's rich or someone who's famous or someone who's really good at something like well they only like me because i'm rich and famous yeah or because i'm only good and part of me wants to be like yeah so what yeah like obviously it's different with your family i'm not pushing back on what you're saying
Starting point is 01:56:59 like i feel like i feel you but another part is is like we all want to be around winners if you if you were tyson bagent the dude who graduated from high school and you were selling real estate and I would be like, oh, that in your, in your dad was sending me like, look, Tyson sold his first house for 42, sold a trailer in West Virginia, like that trailer in West Virginia for $18,000. And, you know, he made a little commission and here he is, you know, driving a civic around. You probably wouldn't be on my podcast yeah like it's like like we all want to be around winners and people who are
Starting point is 01:57:30 pushing hard and doing great and like it's not it's not it's not it's not a bad thing but then on the other side you do need your kind of your bedrock which is your family right like it's okay to like someone like it's okay to like justin bie you know what I mean? It's like a weird balance. Like, he only likes me because I'm a great quarterback. But so what? That's cool. And that's why it's hard to explain because, in a sense, it's like, oh, I kind of need that reassurance.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Not need it, but it feels good to have that reassurance because I might be being – I might be acting like, or feeling like a little sissy in the moment. Like I need that because I'm kind of being a sissy right now. Um, in a, in a sense of like, oh, you know, um, this football stuff is hard and you know, it's stressing me out. Like, oh man, it's, you know, this whole thing, this whole process is scary. And you know, I don't know if I can handle it. man it's you know this whole thing this whole process is scary and you know i don't know if i can handle it and it's like boom you get that text you're like oh okay yeah hold up it doesn't even really necessarily matter if i go out there and should have been my family
Starting point is 01:58:32 knows i've been grinding for this right not day in and day out so it's like because i'm kind of in that mode of acting like a little girl um that's why that's really the only reason that that type of reassurance feels good if I was in the mindset of like oh you know I'm the man I don't care I'm about to go out there I know I'm prepared I'm about to go out do my thing I don't need like I don't got to think about anything I'm good that text wouldn't mean as much like that that text wouldn't mean as much if I was like in the ultimate like just always like the Conor McGregor. Like if I had the Conor McGregor mentality of like, oh, I'm about to go out there. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 01:59:11 I don't know from your dad. Mystic Mac is about to knock this dude out in the first round with the left. And then he just goes out there and does it. If Conor McGregor was like, oh, know like you know jose alba you know this dude's a good fighter like i need to be you know weary and prepared and then you know this and that then it's like that text from pops he's like yo man listen this stuff if you get if you don't even win tomorrow it does not matter like it does not matter you have already gave so many people hope and all these people are praying for you and on your side that like, dude, you're already the man.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Like, we love you. Go out there and do your thing right there. That's just like, boom. OK, now I'm like rejuvenated. Now I'm like, man, I don't know. I bet you I bet you if we dig in Connor's phone, his dad sent him the same thing. Yeah, no, no doubt. And he probably guarantee he has. No doubt. And he probably, I guarantee he has. I just don't think that Conor McGregor might need that text as much as somebody who may be doubting himself just a tiny bit. Oh. Well, I beg to differ. I think, dude, you're, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:17 Who knows? Who knows? We got to get into his phone and find out. We got to get Conor on the show. But no, that text, I mean, that text, like I was just just like a lot of times I'll just be going through my camera roll. And then like, that's like one of the only text messages that I've ever gotten that I'm like, Oh my gosh,
Starting point is 02:00:30 I need to screenshot this. Like, this was like a pivotal text message. This is like the timing was perfect. Yeah. Like this was like the, and it's like who it comes from too. It's not like my sweet mother sent me a sweet text.
Starting point is 02:00:43 It's like, nah, my dad who's been like my sweet mother sent me a sweet text it's like nah my dad who's been like pedal to the metal hard body you know just going and getting after you all your whole life and then he's like hey man listen like just like not even from like a dad to like a son but kind of like just man to man like dude i love you everybody's on your side let's freaking go that's just like it was just like the coolest thing ever really dude i it's so awesome yeah it's so it's so and thank you for sharing um i mean you'll know when you have kids you'll you'll
Starting point is 02:01:22 see the others you'll flip the script you know you'll see the other side too like right now like you're in one role and you're like fuck this is cool and then when you get on the other side you'll know when you have kids, you'll, you'll see the others, you'll flip the script, you know, you'll see the other side too. Like right now, like you're in one role and you're like, fuck, this is cool. And then when you get on the other side, you'll be like, holy shit. It'll give you like, even more, like if you think this is like good for you now, when you're a dad and then you reflect on your dad even more, you'll be like, Whoa, fuck. I feel like I've done that in the last couple of years.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Just kind of like, just thinking about my like dad's whole life it's like what in the world like how in the world i mean you're his crowning achievement right yeah you're his crown i mean you're his you're his legacy you and and the three other kids um and by the way i don't there is something that you guys should also know from what i can tell glean it's not just tyson uh he's he's all about the when i talk to him he talks about uh ezra and the girls all the time oh yeah like he's i'm like what are you up to and he's like dude i'm fucking neck deep in uh volleyball what do you know what i mean i'm like volleyball yeah it's like i think about oh yeah and i mean to on that, my little my little little sister, Valen, just started playing softball and he's like going to a couple of practices, sees that it's being ran poorly.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Like it's being ran so poorly. Now he's got his now he's got a whole separate team. Right. So that he can run this team. They're beating the shit out of everybody by the way like they're just 20 run ruling everybody and then now because ballon is being coached so poorly he brings ballon to his practices and the other team's practices just so she could practice double times yeah she can get double how old is she uh she's eight yeah it's hilarious but then yeah like even my dad's whole process like the fact of him becoming a father at a young age right with me and then just like because there's so many people around me even like that just like have shitty
Starting point is 02:03:19 dads or dads that aren't present and by by the by the way, my dad was raised, like it would have been super normal. It would not have been out of the ordinary if he just would have been like a, like a half in half out dad, like dude grew up, did not have running water until high school. His dad, not in the picture. Mom really got to work every day, just raising himself, which you think like a kid raising himself, dangerous that is how easy it is to go down the wrong path just absolutely no guidance whatsoever meets meets my mom my mom's parents hate him because he's a bad bad kid right he was a bad kid yeah he was his ghetto as they come yeah like they're like my mom's like my granddad's like this lawyer
Starting point is 02:04:06 president of the rva industry rvi industry is like this gangster in the in the greatest way possible and then my dad is like on the complete other end of that say my dad don't even know his dad but they live in the same area like it's just like, and then to come to where we are now, where it's like, dude, he's been the most present, awesome dude to all four of us. And I'm like, it's just so amazing to me how he even came to be like a good dad. Like, it's crazy because there's so many examples
Starting point is 02:04:40 of dudes who are not, just are not good dads or even just average dads. Like, he's not even like an average dad he's taking it to a complete extraordinarily crazy level of like the most present dad like that you could ever imagine like in in all ways possible like so that's what i've been thinking about that a lot which has kind of been blowing my mind every time i think about it as well he um when i first had my kids i told him he's the most influential person in my life uh raising kids and he he he won't actually let me talk to him about it like if i bring it up he'll
Starting point is 02:05:14 change the subject like he don't want any accolades but how he when the times that i got to spend with you guys and him uh the way he's so real around you guys has really influenced the way i hang out with my kids like really really like how he raised you he's by far he's 90 90 of the influence uh of how he raised you is how i raised my kids i'm basically just copying the traveling agent um he said to me a uh i don't know if it was a month ago or a year ago, but it must've been like a month ago. He said, Holy free call. And he's like,
Starting point is 02:05:47 Holy fuck. I'm a genius. I go, what now? What'd you do now? And he goes, I'm paraphrasing, but he goes,
Starting point is 02:05:52 all these assholes were telling me I need to do this and do that. And I always just pushed them aside and just kept just raising my kids. Like they wanted me to get a job here. Someone said I should pursue this. And I just stayed focused on my kids. Look what's happened. And I was like, yeah, yeah. And I i was like you are a fucking genius good job yeah so he had all these distractions and all these people you know like telling him what to do right yeah and instead he did what you
Starting point is 02:06:17 said and you and you gave that's the greatest thing um someone could say about their parents that they were present and you know that's it that's all he needed to hear he you gave it to him he's done and it's like the more that i think about it too i'm like like you think about people who say they grew up like people complain about not growing up with with like a lot of money and like oh it was tough growing up and this and that yeah and you didn't have an easy life you guys moved around the fucking lot. You guys didn't have the stability. Yeah. We didn't have any money. But it was like, it was also like, I would take not having a shit ton of money and having my mom and dad around like they were 10 times out of 10. Then I would, if I look at my, any of my cousins, who's, they live a good life. Whose dad isn't always on the road. Who's always gone.'m like like i i liked
Starting point is 02:07:08 careful you're gonna get yourself in trouble he didn't mean that cousins i get myself in trouble all the time no no and i think that they're all great in their own way but i'm like if i had to go back and choose i'm choosing the fact that my dad did it had a kid's crossfit class out of our garage monday wednesday friday after at right As soon as I got done after school that he probably made like no money off of no, but like did it for years. And I'm like, dude, I would take that 10 times out of 10 than any of the other circumstances. Cause even when we were struggling, like we're using like space heaters to heat the house for like a couple
Starting point is 02:07:40 winters. I'm like, that was like, that was like a task and a struggle that made us like tougher like made us like we had to figure out how to like we had to figure that shit out like it was like all right i know when i get out of the shower i'm gonna be freezing cold right right hustle i need to hustle from the shower to the space heater get dry off as soon as i can get my clothes on and get out of the bed get it get into the bed like it was like shit like that where i was like it's made me like it's gave me like a like a like a human-sized callus so to speak um that's just made me a lot tougher or more capable maybe than like a silver spoon person growing up which i don't i think that the the fact that somebody can be silver
Starting point is 02:08:21 spoon your dad is amazing like he's an awesome dude for being able to provide that but the i'd rap like i'd much rather would be around would have rather have my dad be around all the time than to be um just to have like a really great lifestyle where my dad may have listened to one of those people and like taking a job somewhere taking a job in baltimore and started like commuting and just, Oh, I gotta go. Oh yeah. Oh no, I can't do it today. But you know, maybe this weekend, you know, if I'm not exhausted, we can, we can do that. When did you become grateful? There had to have been a time when you were like, fuck the, like, you know,
Starting point is 02:08:58 you're in the seventh grade and you fucking can't get the nice clothes or like you're still sharing a bedroom with fucking your brother and, your sister and when did you become appreciative of it you think when were you like oh shit none of that mattered or actually it did matter and it was actually good like the space heater was good it's not like embarrassing it was actually cool i'm glad i got this as part of my story uh i'd probably say man i'd probably say i would like five minutes ago yeah i was always having a lot of fun i was always having a lot of fun growing up like me and I probably say, man, I probably say I was like five minutes ago. Yeah, I was always having a lot of fun. I was always having a lot of fun growing up. Me and my brother shared a room until I left for college.
Starting point is 02:09:32 So it's like I never even really thought about that. Like I got a phone after everybody else got a phone. And that wasn't just because we didn't have money. That was also because like my parents didn't want me to have a phone. just because we didn't have money, that was also because like, my parents didn't want me to have a phone. So it was like, I got I was still having so much fun, like in life without the without all the crazy things that like your own room or an iPhone, or all that stuff. I was still having like so much fun. And I don't think I really even thought about the fact that I was even struggling until the fact that you know, until I got to high school, not high school, college. And you start to hang out with people who didn't live the same life that you lived, whose dads did go get that job. And they got, you know, a credit card that
Starting point is 02:10:13 their pops will just load money onto and they can always just buy stuff. And, you know, I'm door dashing, trying to make like extra 50 bucks to hang out for the week and stuff like that. So it's just like, little stuff like that, where I'm like, I just like start thinking, I'm like, man, like, thank God I understand that money is good, but money is not like the end all be all to like, you know, determining between a good or a bad life, like not even in the slightest bit. So I think I just thought about that a lot and how tight we are as a family like there's some situations that my friends families will go through that i'm like what are y'all going through right now who's mad at who right right right right i've never been i've never been the one social outing with my family to where somebody had a problem with somebody and it wasn't just like
Starting point is 02:11:05 solved like immediately like yeah it's like oh dm is messing around with something my mom's mad mom's like hey dm cut that cut that shit out what are you doing stop right now and then it's like okay i'll stop and then it's everything's good like there'll be some situations where like we'll leave i'll be somewhere my buddies and their families will be there and then somebody will just be like yeah man like you know or like somebody's mom like somebody's family member just be acting completely out of pocket like no social um understanding at all what's going on yeah yeah oh you know so-and-so's mad at me or mad at my dad because they did this and but it didn't get talked about and nobody really knew until after it was just this kind of like hidden beef going on.
Starting point is 02:11:49 I'm like, dude, what? That would never even. Yeah. Your dad would, it doesn't tolerate shit like that either. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:55 Which is good. Squash it comes out and somebody will be like, Oh, he's arrogant. Like, no, like he's just the leader of the family and the family's in check. So no, nothing ever happens.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Like there's no issues going on. So it was just like little things like that. I'm just like, I was just, I've, I've, I've become more and more grateful as I've gotten older of just being conscious of, of, of things like that. Hey, what about, what about your faith during all this? Do you have time during that 30 days? Do you do that? Do you have like a Bible time or do you go to church out there or any of that stuff? So my church that I go to from home does a really good job of streaming their Sunday services. And I didn't have anything – I wouldn't have anything to do on Sunday. So that would be something I look forward to. And then I got like a daily devotional book that my buddy gave me that I –
Starting point is 02:12:43 Really? You'd sit in front of your computer and watch the streaming service on Sunday? I would link it to my TV and watch it that was in the hotel room. Wow. Yeah, so they do a good job. And then really, I mean, I kind of like just using anything I could. Like, I mean, honestly speaking, like I don't really – like I believe believe I am, I am religious. And I believe, I believe in the Bible, right? But I'm also human, right? So I'm not necessarily exactly sure if everything went down exactly how they say in the Bible. Like, I'm not, I'm not,
Starting point is 02:13:21 I don't want to say dumb enough. I'm not oblivious enough to say that oh it happened exactly how they say in the bible like Jesus died three days later he rose and all this crazy shit and Mary got pregnant without ever having sex and and all these things right like I'm like I'm so I'm not even necessarily sure if like, I'm just there. I have questions, but once again, if it is true, I've been using that as another tool. I'm just praying like, Oh my God, Jesus, please give me the strength to absorb all this information, all the plays and to operate at the highest level tomorrow, you know,
Starting point is 02:14:02 wash over my family, this and all this, all that. Like, just tomorrow, you know, wash over my family, this and all this, all that, like, just please, you know, help me out, my family out, the world out, help, help everything out. And I'm just using that because, you know, once again, if it's, if it's real, if it's true, then I'm, I'm getting, I'm getting those, I'm reaping those benefits. If it's not, if it's not true, then, you know, it made me feel good anyway about everything going on so um i just been using that too of just like using kind of prayer to you know help aid me in any way possible once again because i know i got a uphill battle continuously all the tools yeah uh you are you get you growing your hair long on purpose yeah i'm gonna grow it like long forever i'm gonna grow like really long like super long like i'm just gonna let it grow for like let's
Starting point is 02:14:51 see let's see i'm gonna let it go for a couple years you're gonna get in two months i'm gonna see it's gonna be shaved you're like fuck that i know that feeling anytime anytime i've ever grown my hair out so like really the one time i really grew it long i just remember like just having to sit down on myself and just be like all right listen there's going to be some shitty stages of hair growth like it's going to be an awkward length yeah it's going to be weird to be out without a hat on for a couple months um you know girls probably aren't going to think you're as cute um you know your mom's probably gonna be upset that your family events with your hair looking like that your dad's
Starting point is 02:15:32 probably gonna make fun of you but yeah it doesn't matter you just do what you need to do style it however your mom needs you to style it and then you just let it grow and i had that sit down with myself and i'm already like i'm starting to get like people say that my hair's getting long which is cool i think this is like two or three months of growth so i know it took a year and two months for it to get down to like near my shoulder but yeah like that's probably like seven months of growth right there that's. That looks pretty good. Yeah, that doesn't look bad.
Starting point is 02:16:07 No. I would have really good hair. Do you have curly hair? Yeah, it's like wavy curly, yeah. Yeah, so I'm just going to let it go because there's going to be a time where I can't let my hair grow. And once again, I think I've been reading into some things like your hair is like an extension of your nervous system and all your senses are amplified with the longer your hair hair is like that's like from like ancient indy like indian tribes saying this of like you know your sense that your senses are heightened um if your hair is longer so all all
Starting point is 02:16:42 to be the best quarterback yeah all, all just to get up. You're all – Hey, dude, thank you. I can't believe the insight you're giving us. It's crazy cool. Thanks for coming on. Hey, anytime. I love coming on here.
Starting point is 02:16:58 So, yeah, anything, anytime you ever got questions, just, yeah, just ask me. All right. So you go back on – don't tell me. You have one, wait, wait, wait, don't tell me. You go back July 25th? 22nd. July 22nd. And then you're gone for 30 days? I'm gone for a long time this time.
Starting point is 02:17:17 I mean, I'll be coming back, like, periodically, like, whenever I get a chance. But, like, it's going to be, like, it's going to be camp and then go into the whole season. So I'll be knocking wood. If everything works out as it's supposed to, then I'll be gone for a long time. Alright, good. Okay. I'll be bugging you sometime after July 22nd.
Starting point is 02:17:36 Hopefully, I'll be bugging you in August. Perfect. You're the man. Appreciate you, Savant. Alright, dude. Yeah, you're the man. Take care. Say hi to your dad for me. Say hi to your mom. Say hi to your kids for me. Oh, and Greg just texted me and said to say tell Tyson, I said, Dude, yeah, you're the man. Take care. Say hi to your dad for me. Say hi to your mom. Say hi to your kids for me. All right, brother. Oh, and Greg just texted me and said to say, tell Tyson I said hey and good luck and Godspeed. Oh, he's the man.
Starting point is 02:17:53 Hey, hold up before I go. Yes. Yeah. My mentor slash buddy is a huge CrossFit advocate, health and wellness advocate advocate and he's dealing with all the crazy shit going on in the school system he's a teacher at martinsburg high school he's like the mentor of my life he wants to start a crossfit program in the high school no no he's just like he's a huge crossfit advocate he's who i do my a lot of my crossfit with and he's a teacher and he's witnessing all this all the crazy stuff that's happening in the school system.
Starting point is 02:18:26 Oh, right, right, right. Just everything. Right. Yeah, if you ever had like an empty space, I know you're steady on the rise. Oh, you mean to come on and – Y'all would have a great conversation. You don't think he'd get fired coming on here talking about what he sees? Nah, he already – Martinsburg High School is the greatest place in the world to teach because they let you do your thing like you can do whatever you
Starting point is 02:18:48 can just you can operate however you want i mean he's there's like there's like tennis courts that have that have been like abandoned by the school that he's now taking upon himself to put 20 flower beds in and have a full garden and he you know he put he he makes his kids plant food he makes for the day a lot of good stuff going on derrick hey will you send me that guy's instagram i'd love to talk to him yeah so this is the other thing he has no social media he's got a flip phone oh he's got a computer at the he's got a computer at the house you know everything works but i'll send you his number and his his email or something and Awesome. Okay. You da man. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:19:26 I like to hear from school teachers. Hear what's going on. Sweet. Have a good day. Alright, dude. Later. Bruce Wayne. He's been watching Raw Earth. Dude, Bruce, thank you for all the thumbnails, dude. Thank you for the quick change this morning, too. You are such the man. You've been killing the thumbnails. Killing the thumbnails. Killing killing killing killing killing the thumbnails uh let's go bears oh yeah that's what i should have said bro you're so shadow banned on youtube again do they do that
Starting point is 02:19:59 does youtube do that um uh heidi this pod used to be the first icon on my subscription page and now i have to specifically search for the pod to find it and yet we grow frank what's up dude great content once again thank you he's cool i don't know why. I know why. I want to make sure that he, um, when he's on the show, I don't want to,
Starting point is 02:20:33 I mean, he didn't say anything crazy, but I always want to make sure, like, I don't want anyone to ever hear anything he says on this show that affects his ability to be, become, uh, to fulfill his dream.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Oh, I hear my kid started playing the piano. I don't think there, I'm texting with someone who's in Armenia. I don't think there is a CrossFit gym in Armenia. Molly, Sevan, thanks for interviewing so many just good people. Yeah, no problem. My pleasure. Do you guys mind if I make a phone call real quick? Oh, I don't even have my phone.
Starting point is 02:21:12 I don't even have my phone with me. I can't even make a phone call if I wanted to. The fuck's my phone? Turntable. Turntable turntable got me inspired he's focused man dude is focused okay let's see
Starting point is 02:21:41 are we going to hang on for a second Let's see. Are we going to breakfast? Hang on for a second. What are we doing here? Tyson Bajan on. Rich Froney next Monday. Oh, do we have the show tonight?
Starting point is 02:21:57 Oh, I guess I don't need to hang on. We have a show tonight. I get to hang out with you guys again. I didn't know that message. I didn't know when I read that message from his dad i was going to get kind of rocked like that that kind of jacked me up um what are you gonna do uh oh how about this you guys want to see something funny i don't even really understand this.
Starting point is 02:22:33 When I was in Africa, every time I'd go there, not every time, but several times I went there, I saw albino black dudes. More often than you'd expect. Like, what are the odds I'd see it once, let alone many times? I didn't think think it was very common but there'd be trips where i'd see three different albino black dudes but i saw this the other day i thought this was funny as shit look at this right here okay uh we'll watch this a couple times i i think it's funny here we go that's a white black man are you a white black man are you a white black man a white black man no you're the first white black man? A white black man. No, you're the first white black man. You're a white black man.
Starting point is 02:23:15 No, I know a nigga when I see a nigga. Oh, you might be black. Okay. Okay. You got it. You got it. My bad. You know that's a white black man. Are you a white black man?
Starting point is 02:23:25 It kind of looks like Chris Cooper from Two Brain Business. No, it's not one in a hundred. There's no way. It's got to be one in a million. That's what I mean. It's got to be so. I mean, I never I don't even see any albino white people. I see more albino black people than white people.
Starting point is 02:23:46 I don't even know at that point. I don't even know how albino white people. I see more albino black people than white people. At that point, I don't even know how I know they're black. What is it? His hair or what? Shape of his head? I don't know. What makes that guy black? I can go either way with this dude. I believe him. Is he really a black dude? It's crazy, right?
Starting point is 02:24:04 That's what makes it so fucking ridiculous to call people black or white. Albino? You think that's an albino? Albino melanated dude? Seve, you're an albino black dude. Oh, his hog. The eyes and the jaw? They got their own... Melanated people have their own eyes and the jaw they got their own people have their own eyes and jaw
Starting point is 02:24:29 you can't even say that when you go to the continent they don't even look anything alike a Kenyan looks nothing like a dude from Nigeria or Ethiopia all these fuckers everyone looks different it's like comparing those Icelandic people to Armenians.
Starting point is 02:24:48 Wait, what? Are you a white black man? A white black man? Yo, I'm a black black man. No, you're the first white black man. What do you mean the first? You're a white black man. Yo, I'm a black black man.
Starting point is 02:25:01 No, I know a nigga when I see a nigga. Come on, man. So when he says, nigga. Oh, man. So when he says, oh, man, and puts his hand like this, that's the telltale sign that they're brothers? Oh, you might be black. Okay, okay, he's black, he's black. I wonder if that's someone famous. I mean, what's he doing?
Starting point is 02:25:23 He's just in his robe, just walking around a hotel in his robe. Yeah. That's how just famous dudes do it, I guess. I guess I could Google how many albino black dudes are there, or how many albino, just what's the ratio, how many albinos. Should I type albinos? Albino. Albino. Albino.
Starting point is 02:25:49 Albinos. Number of albinos. Albinism number. In the U.S. there's approximately 18,000 to 20,000 people who have some albinism. In other parts of the world the occurrence can be as high as 1 in 3,000. No shit. What did you say? 1 in 100 as high as 1 in 3,000. No shit. What did you say? 1 in 100?
Starting point is 02:26:06 Fuck, 1 in 3,000? Most children with albinism are born to parents whose hair and eye color are typical for their ethnic backgrounds. Wow. Is Canelo, does Canelo have albinism? dude um albinism affects people of all ethnic backgrounds it's frequently worldwide and estimated to be approximately one in 17 000 okay okay well shit that's more than i thought prevalence of the different forms of albinism varies considerable by population considerably by population and is highest overall in people of sub-saharan
Starting point is 02:26:46 african descent well fucking a didn't i tell you i couldn't believe how many albinos i saw when i went to um i wonder if albino is a bad word are you allowed to say albino i wonder if that's derogatory you're supposed to call him pale face i don't know but um yeah shit loads every time i couldn't believe how many every time i went there it feels like or every other time i went there i saw a few albinos black dudes i titled that what the fuck is going on here can you imagine just walking up to a dude and just being like uh it's a white black dude it's a white black dude oh shit no shit damn this was a good clip fuck it says it's no longer available damn damn. Damn, damn, damn. Hey, I think the lesbians are tapping.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I think that LGBTQ thing is going to be toast soon. I think they're going to lose the L. I'm dead serious. I think the L's getting ready to bail. I don't think that the dykes are hanging. What is it? I think that they've had their fill of fucking. Listen, all women, whether you're a fucking lesbian or straight,
Starting point is 02:28:06 you should not be affiliated with dudes sexually in any way other than to procreate. You've heard it here first. Okay, back to something else fun. You guys want us to do something fun? Look at this shit. This is a little old. I don't know. This is a couple months old.
Starting point is 02:28:25 I didn't even know Floyd Mayweather was still boxing. I mean, you guys know I'm a fucking fight fan. I don't know what the fuck's going on here, how I could not know. But this is... Floyd was doing an exhibition match against Gotti. And in the sixth round, it got called. I guess there was a ton of shit talking during the fight yeah no more lesbians they they're getting out i'm telling you you heard it
Starting point is 02:28:50 here first the l is getting yeah l l uh l b g t q cage mat no that it's gonna just be b b g t q i'm telling you the lesbians have had it. They aren't doing the kid diddling shit. They're not. It's all dude shit. They're getting the fuck out. There's no fucking way the dykes are hanging. They're done. They're not like the others. The dudes need their own smorgasbord.
Starting point is 02:29:17 The women should not be involved. It's like bathrooms, dude. There shouldn't even be. We should just throw the word homosexual away. There shouldn't be a generic term for that. It should just, that means are like Serena Williams said, like there's, there's no comparison. Men and women's tennis is so different that it's really not even the same sport. Uh, it's like that lesbians and, and, and, and I don't know what you call dudes, gay dudes is gay specifically for dudes? Whatever it is, they're not the same. They're just not. So they're getting out. I wish I had that clip. It was so good. Anyway, back to this. This is more fun anyway.
Starting point is 02:30:02 size of Floyd Mayweather's balancers and look how good they are. Look how good they are. Yeah. Oh, the feminists are done. My mom is a lifelong feminist from the 60s. She's not even happy with some of the stuff today. Yeah, it's done. I'm watching just the biggest
Starting point is 02:30:17 liberal junkies, crackheads. Oh, shit. Oh, really? You're almost there oh fuck well fuck we're too late oh oh fuck okay
Starting point is 02:30:32 see you guys later fuck I missed breakfast damn it Floyd Mayweather here he is he's fighting Gotti. And there's so much shit talking in the match. The ref stops it. Must be an exhibition match. Man, Gotti looks
Starting point is 02:30:53 huge compared to Floyd. Look at Gotti. I think that that shot that Floyd gave him right there hurt him too. Oh, that one. That one. That one. That one hurt him. You saw that? Now watch.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Look at the guy standing behind Floyd Mayweather. I'm going to rewind this again. That second shot Floyd hits him with after the fight's been called hurts God. Look at wobbling, wobbling. Look at the bouncer. You see that giant bouncer coming behind? I better lower the volume on this. That giant bouncer coming. There he is right there. You guys see him? Look at the bouncer. You see that giant bouncer? I better lower the volume on this. That giant bouncer coming.
Starting point is 02:31:26 There he is right there. You guys see him? Look at that dude. He starts swinging over Floyd's head. Look at that. He's trying to protect Floyd. Look at him. Now watch the bouncers.
Starting point is 02:31:40 Watch what they do. Gotti's in the corner. That's Floyd Mayweather. I think that's the CEO right there in the face of Gotti of the money team. I'm pointing with my finger. But this dude, you see me circling him? He gets in the face of Gotti. Now watch what they do.
Starting point is 02:31:56 Look at these dudes. Look at these monsters with these black hats on. Dude, they make Floyd Mayweather look like a little bite. Now watch what they do here. Watch what they do. Look at Gotti just stuck in the corner. Look at all the giant dudes. There's a giant white dude back here with a yellow TMT hat.
Starting point is 02:32:18 Watch their technique here. Watch what they start doing. Watch what they start doing. They start just pushing where did god he go oh yeah god he's still in there is god he's still in there there he is does he jump out he needs to jump out oh no no he just didn't smash so you have three dudes or four dudes who weigh over 300 pounds each so that's a thousand pounds of men just pushing into the corner.
Starting point is 02:32:52 Look at that. I want to point out there's no women in there. There's not a single woman in that mix. There's not a single woman in that mix. There's not a single woman in that mix. It's crazy. Look at that. Look at this giant dude back here with the other,
Starting point is 02:33:17 this black dude with the yellow TMT hat. And then some dude with looks like he has a lollipop in his mouth with a green shirt just jumped in the ring. Do you see that? Who the fuck is that guy? You're a little late to the party, dude. I just can't believe how hard they're pushing in the corner here. It's one, two, three guys stopping like ten other guys in P. Diddy back here. Wouldn't you like to have been in the room when Puff Daddy changed his name to P. Diddy?
Starting point is 02:33:57 He's like, you know, I'm feeling a little more like a P. Diddy. Feeling more like a P. Diddy. Feeling more like a P. Diddy. All right. Thanks, everyone, for calling in today. Great talking to you guys. Tonight, 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The greatest show, CrossFit Games show ever starts. Episode one, the CrossFit Games update show.
Starting point is 02:34:38 The plan, every Friday night, Friday evening, 6.30 Pacific Standard Time. Get your swerve on. Call in. Fight with John Young. John Young's really feeling himself. He's feeling himself. Brian's spin will be here. We can talk about the best, the newest, the greatest, the pinnacle,
Starting point is 02:35:04 what this sport has needed. Finally, a ranking system. I don't like to lean on other sports and say they did it right, but that college football ranking is killer where they just have the pundits, the press, rank them. It's cool. He's doing it. He did it. I'm pumped. Rich got rescheduled to Monday.
Starting point is 02:35:31 Same time. Early as fuck again. I gotta get up at 5.30am. Hi, Jody. I'm glad you're laughing. Rankings. Speculation. By professional people who are highly qualified to tell you. To speculate.
Starting point is 02:35:56 I have a PhD in speculation. It's not all pundits. Yeah, just the good ones. I'm so excited about it. On that note, Manny Spiegel. Love you guys. Bye-bye. See you this evening.
Starting point is 02:36:11 Bye-bye.

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