The Sevan Podcast - Unburdened By What Has Been | Live Call in

Episode Date: August 27, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I made it. Did I make it? Bam. We're like, Oh man. One minute late. Damn it. Did I make it? Who knows who was looking at the clock? Did I make it? It was close. It was close. Good morning. Discipline, passion, habits. Thank you. No goals, no dreams, just discipline, passion, and commitment. I'm going through some stuff. Some stuff. I'm going through some stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Oh, Haley. Damn it. Oh well. I guess I'll wear these. Could you close that door just a little bit? The breeze is a little too much. Just let like maybe like just leave it a jar Thank you. Yeah, that's good Good morning
Starting point is 00:00:56 Hey sebi heavy sebi heavy sebi. Hey sebi heavy sebi. Zack. What's up, dude? Morning finally able to catch alive. Sweet. Good to see you, dude Morning, finally able to catch you live. Sweet, good to see you dude. Brady, what's up? Tapao morning, Tapao the morning. Good to see you. Olivia, hi. Live in the context, in the context?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Kill Taylor will be Friday this week. Taylor will be in Europe. In Europe. I sent an exerciser out to a listener. So we'll be getting a review. I don't know, soon. Maybe it takes like a month. And then FIT Fit a 40% off See a peptides, you know the video Hiller made on all things peptides
Starting point is 00:01:59 It's crazy it just it wasn't when he released it it wasn't one of his big videos I think it got like 14,000 views right off the bat. But because of the topic, it just keeps growing and growing and growing. He says it's gonna break the all time top 25 here soon of all his videos, which I'm pretty stoked. So if you haven't seen that video and you're interested in peptides,
Starting point is 00:02:18 make sure you look that up. It's like a all things peptides video he made. So, my kids basically just, you know, they're done with school usually by, I don't know, the latest, let's say 10 a.m. every single day. At the latest, right? Like they're gonna jump up here in the next 20 minutes and they'll go straight from their bed to their backpacks to the table and they just start doing their work and my wife's there with them she's already up and getting getting all the stuff ready and it's it's heavily focused on the the morning sessions heavily heavily focused on reading writing and arithmetic and then the rest of their day
Starting point is 00:03:05 is just tons and tons of training. And sometimes their training involves like, they'll take a class called, like they took this class called the Waterman's Course. They took it, it's a one week class and they took it three times in a row. And it's basically like a surf class, but it's also, they teach you about the,
Starting point is 00:03:24 you're out there and they teach you about the tides and the kelp beds and the animals out there and just all that shit all things that you need to know to be a good surfer and then they play a lot of tennis they play tennis you know at least half the week you know every other day or more and then the same with fighting they fight jujitsu and other martial arts one two three hours a day five days a week and they skateboard and then they do a piano they they do piano they do some piano every single day and it just goes on and on they have these things that they do that are just part of their life. Just like that's all they know
Starting point is 00:04:06 They're just in this continuous loop and cycle anyway, so my kids went to Jiu-Jitsu tournament this weekend and One of my kids I think I was telling you guys yesterday He hadn't he had gone to Jiu-Jitsu tournaments I paid $1,500 for him to go to Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and he didn't compete in any of them Maybe like one in the last like four years maybe two Daniel Wynn I'm the founder and president of the amateurish oh fitness wannabe Athletic Association and I demand that CrossFit HQ hire Hiller as
Starting point is 00:04:37 director of media I'm the founder and president of the Amish no I'm the founder president of the amateurish fitness I don't think you need wannabe in there I think amateurist fitness athlete Association would be enough amateurish fitness wannabe athlete athletes Association and I demand that HQ hire Hiller as director of media so you're demanding hirings instead of firings? Hmm. And so just imagine this kid, this kid Joseph of mine, he just trains and trains and trains and the people he trains and he's trained at a bunch of different Jiu-Jitsu gyms. He trained at Gracie, trained at the Art of Jiu-Jitsu in I think Costa Mesa or
Starting point is 00:05:29 Newport Beach, California. He's trained at a couple gyms in Phoenix but primarily he trains with Nico and McKenna at, I don't even know the name of the gym that we go to, five days a week. And the instructors come to the house and we have a whole jujitsu room and the boys are just, they just, you know, they train, train, train, train. Anyway, so and they're starting their first, there's an affiliate here in town. They're starting their first CrossFit class with these other, this other family that they do jujitsu with, we do Jiu-Jitsu with, they're starting their CrossFit class next week. So that's going to be cool, right? Anyway, so there's this, it's not pressure, but the kids around them and the instructors around them
Starting point is 00:06:20 are wanting my kids to go to the next level. them are wanting my kids to go to the next level. So the tennis coach would like to see is like suggesting that if they don't, if Avi, who's nine, soon doesn't up his training and his commitment and his intensity and his personal interest in the sport That maybe this door will close where he won't be able to play professional or college tennis And so he's suggesting that obvious reaching this age where he's gonna have to make a choice Is he gonna take it serious to try to get a scholarship to college or is he gonna just do it recreationally? And I hear the coach and I trust the coach and I like the coach, but I'm not buying it. And the Jiu Jitsu instructors, by the way, the coaches, all these coaches are wonderful. I love them. And, and, and I've said for years that I, I love these coaches because I feel like I'm in a competition with them to see who wants more for my kids and I always want to be losing and I realized that I am really losing
Starting point is 00:07:26 right now and The jiu-jitsu instructors that some of the kids in the program have started going to National competitions, so they've gone out to Florida and competed and I think they the the Pan-americans or something like that and they went to the Pan-Americans or something like that and they went to Las Vegas to compete in the world championships and they're heading to Las Vegas again and then they're heading to Sacramento and they're just cruising, right? They're cruising. The kids are going to the next level in these sports and there's an encouragement for my kids to participate in that or to go to the next level.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And one of the things that's been a critique of my son Avi is that he doesn't bring the intensity. He doesn't bring it in jujitsu and fighting. He lets other kids dictate the matches and in tennis he's just not bringing the intensity. And I don't think you can teach that. I don't think you can. I don't think you can teach intensity. I didn't learn intensity until I was in my 20s. And I learned it through frisbee and I played a lot of frisbee and how I learned it was something clicked one day that like anytime anyone throws the frisbee and how I learned it was something clicked one day that like anytime anyone throws the frisbee I should be able to catch it absolutely no matter what. It didn't matter. So I would be standing you know, well I give you the most extreme example is one time I
Starting point is 00:09:00 was playing in a parking lot at night under parking lights and it was raining and a buddy of mine threw a frisbee and it probably went 50 yards, like just a complete winger and I chased it down and I dove for it and I landed on a parking stump, you know those concrete parking stumps and I dove and I landed on it and it broke my ribs. And I knew those parking stumps were out there, but my intensity and my focus was that by any means necessary, it had to be caught. Like I could just go there to that place with Frisbee. My intensity was that anything could be caught, anything. And I had a bunch of bad accidents,
Starting point is 00:09:39 running into cars, jumping on hoods, diving into rose bushes. But the worst was I broke my ribs. I landed on a parking stump. That was bad. That really hurt. So, but I, but I, but no one taught me that. Oh, let me see. MS MS my son races dirt bikes He has that intensity and every coach comments about it that said not all kids have it Yeah, my kids one of my kids has it in jujitsu
Starting point is 00:10:15 Maybe both twins have it in jujitsu It's basically when by any means necessary. I mean my kid popped a girl's arm who wouldn't tap the other day I mean that takes some fucking balls. And I'll give you, this is a slight digression, but I'll give you, my kids are very sore yesterday, the two that dominated the Jiu Jitsu tournament, and they can't really figure out why. And we all know why as adults, right? Because even with three hours of training a day, five days a week, and shitloads of sparring matches, there's nothing like competition, right?
Starting point is 00:10:49 So every muscle in their body soared, their necks, their shoulders, their glutes, their calves. And then yesterday, my kid went to Walnut Creek, California. The other kid, Avi, went to Walnut Creek, California and cleaned up at the tennis tournament. And he beat kids that he's not supposed to beat, right? These are full-time tennis players. These are, you know, the Asian kids. And my kids aren't supposed to win the Jiu-Jitsu tournaments either, because a lot of them have fathers who are like real, real like men.
Starting point is 00:11:19 They're not pussies like me. You know what I mean? They're already black belts. They own Jiu-Jitsu studios, all that. Pussies like me, you know what I mean? They're already black belts. They own jujitsu studios all that But yesterday My son obby who was the lowest seeded player at the tournament who beat the number one seed there because they Match up the lowest seed with the highest seed and when he beat that kid that kid had a fucking meltdown and started banging His racket on the side of the fence
Starting point is 00:11:46 meltdown and started banging his racket on the side of the fence. And part of me is shocked and then part of me is like not shocked at all that they did so well. Because what are you, what did anyone think was going to happen? When Joseph who's never done a tournament but trains fucking 10 hours or 15 hours a week, has three brothers he's always fighting with, has 10 hours of just fucking fighting in the house. And my kids who are just constantly playing tennis and skateboarding and doing CrossFit in the home gym with me.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I mean the kids won't bat an eye if I'm like, okay, let's go to the garage and each do 100 pull ups. Mean the kids what the kids won't bat an eye if I'm like, okay Let's go to the garage and each do a hundred pull-ups. I couldn't even do one pull-up at their age What did anyone think was gonna happen my kids are so fucking disciplined they have so much commitment And they have great habits. I learned this from Miranda Alcaraz the founder of street parking. I I learned this from Miranda Alcaraz, the founder of street parking. I saw it on an old Instagram post of hers once. Before she was coming on the show, I was digging through her Instagram and she had that thing. If you don't have goals or going to pursue any of those avenues. I need to be able to consistently do all the tournaments that are local.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And you know, maybe I'm just being lazy. Maybe I just don't want to get on a plane and go to Florida and watch my kids compete there. That just doesn't even sound fun to me. And maybe the tennis coach is right. Maybe if I don't ratchet up his tennis, their tennis, the door, they'll fall behind and the door will close on them getting the college scholarship or playing professional tennis. Maybe he's right. I have no interest in my kid being a professional skateboarder. That's some fucking crazy dangerous shit.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And it causes a shitload of imbalance in your body. You ever seen old skateboarders, how they walk around? They move so weird. Rodney Mullen moves. It's such so trippy. He moves like a bug. He doesn't even move like a human. Your kids are impressive as fuck. Thank you. Eric Weiss, what does committed look like? Committed is... Let me look up the definition. Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. Yeah. So my kids know. So I'll tell you, this is, I guess maybe this is discipline and commitment, but I'll be at Greg's house. I'll take the kids over to Greg's house when Greg's in town. We'll be over there from, you know, whatever, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. playing with the kids and then
Starting point is 00:14:45 if my kids have a jujitsu class or a tennis class show up in the afternoon I stopped them from playing I drive them over to it they don't complain they do the class and then I bring them back and they keep playing and and that's just the way it is just just they know what have to do. They just have to do it. The same way you woke up every morning or I The problem with school for me was school got too hard. School, I got left behind in school. At some point they started teaching something that I couldn't comprehend or I wasn't able to keep up with and so I fell behind, but they kept moving me forward, right?
Starting point is 00:15:36 I kept graduating, first, second, third, fourth grade. Around the fourth or fifth grade, somewhere between the third grade and the fifth grade, I went from the smartest kid in my class to the dumbest kid in my class. It was really bizarre. There was something I couldn't comprehend. I don't even know what it is. And I fell behind. And then from there on, I became like really good at finding different ways to pass school rather than doing the work. I was still committed and disciplined and passionate.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I loved going to school. But I lived under this constant stress because I had to find my own way through classes. Sweet talking teachers, doing extra credit, looking off of other kids' tests, shit like that. like that. Jedediah Nelson, there's a fine line between burnout is real thing too if they don't have the natural passion to go and that hard. What's interesting is obviously Abhi brought the the kid that so
Starting point is 00:16:41 many people told me have told me doesn't have intensity. He obviously brought the intensity at game time. He beat the number one kid. He said the kid was so fucking intense. He said that he talked to the kid before the match and the kid's like, all I do is tennis, tennis, tennis. And his dad was his coach and his dad was chirping. You're not supposed to chirp the kids while they're playing tennis. Tennis is a really quiet sport. It's the opposite of like so many other sports. The
Starting point is 00:17:11 parents are not allowed to talk. No one's allowed to talk to the kids when they're playing. So even if, let's say, two kids are playing tennis, and there's no judges or referees, right, so the whole game is on the honor system. And that's how it works. So if someone hits a ball and you're not sure if it went in or out, it's always in. If you're not willing to bet your life that it was out, it's always in. And if the kids are, if a ball goes out and a kid called it in, the parents aren't allowed, no one's allowed to say, no it definitely went out. But you still see parents do it all the time at every fucking tournament not that I've been to a lot of tournaments maybe like five parents will walk
Starting point is 00:17:51 over with their iphone and show the kids hey it was out or it was in or in tennis you're all you I don't know what the pattern is but they there's a lot of switching from which sides you serve on. You're constantly switching and kids will get it all fucked up and confused, right? And the parents aren't allowed to say anything, but they do. It's wild. It's like they have no... The tournament directors will gather everyone together before the tournament even starts and they'll be like, hey, no one's allowed to talk to the kids during the game. You can say good job in between points and you're allowed to clap. But I was so happy the night before the tournament we had another family over and even that family we played tennis with and that family was like, yeah, you should talk to Avi about turning
Starting point is 00:18:55 up his intensity. I felt myself get really defensive. You're not, you're not, you're not uh no uh clapping is gay no you know what's gay is this when they snap that's ridiculous good morning Eaton Beaver Christine Young I never talk to my kids during the games yeah me neither I don't talk to him either either. I don't talk to him either. Jake Chapman, thank you. Never ever snap. Jason Plummer, all parents ruin a child sports experience. Not this one.
Starting point is 00:19:58 My My, my, anyway, going back, so they were telling me that Obby needs to ratchet up his intensity. I'm like, and I'm like, no, he's fine. He's just going at his own pace. I walked the boys. I went to my mom's house yesterday and she lives by the beach. And so I went over there and I had the boys with me and we walked down to the beach and my mom and I were sitting in the sand and the boys were playing in the water. And my mom asked, and I was telling my mom, I was like, man, it's crazy. I spent over $1,500 on tennis turn on a jujitsu tournaments. And the last couple of years just for Joseph alone And he didn't do it like any of them. Like I said, maybe one And
Starting point is 00:20:36 She's like what why did you keep doing them? I was like cuz I just thought hey, I wanted to just keep the door open She's like man. I would have stopped And I said, yeah, I get it. But it was worth it. This tournament, he showed up. He was happy as fuck. His brother was happy. It was the first that that tournament we went to on Saturday was the first tournament. And I don't know, 12, 13, 14, 15 tournaments were not one of my kids cried Joseph I think Joseph cried in every tournament even like maybe the one or the two tournaments. He did he cried I Asked him I said hey, why did you do the tournament this time? And he said because I looked at the kids and I thought I could beat them
Starting point is 00:21:27 I don't even know if that's true. I find that hard to believe. He went there and he got in the corral and he sized up all the kids. He's like, I could beat these kids. Joe Westerlin, good to see you, buddy. The non-aggressive, intense kids will be unburdened by what has been when puberty hits and a massive flow of testosterone meets a true love for the sporty selects. Yeah. You know, Joe, I don't think I'm making this up. I think I
Starting point is 00:22:00 saw my youngest twin go that night when he was in the shower, he's like, Hey, will you, will you soap me? And I said, yeah. And when I was like soaping his quads, I was like, Holy fuck, this kid went through an adaptation too. Like some, some hormonal release fucking happened to him. He was, he's, and even now, you know, two days later, when I'm looking at it, I'm like, wow, this is a different boy. I mean, this boy's one, that boy's one that that boy has no problem with intensity. He loves fighting. But there's, but this is a different subject, but there's some, there's some adaptation or something that happens in competition that no matter how crazy it
Starting point is 00:22:40 gets in the training room, you are not getting. Don't slurp your Jake Chapman. Don't slurp your drink. Please. It makes me punch the wall and scream into a pillow. What if I lower the volume? The coffee is so hot this morning. Usually I make the coffee 30 minutes before the show comes on and just let the cup sit there. This morning, for some reason, I forgot to make the coffee 30 minutes before the show comes on and just let the cup sit there this morning and for some reason I forgot to make my coffee. I Didn't have the discipline or the commitment or the passion to make that second cup
Starting point is 00:23:10 So when I came in my office, I forgot it and I was like, oh shit And I asked my wife to make it so the coffee's hot hot extra hot. That's why I'm slurping You're welcome, thank you so much you're welcome. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Domino Canes, did your sons do BJJ or MMA initially? So there's a guy in town, Garth Taylor. He was the first whitey to win the super heavyweight Brazilian Jiu Jitsu championships in Brazil. He was a client of Greg's in like 2000. He credited
Starting point is 00:23:51 Greg to him winning because he had gone down there several times and not one. And then I started CrossFit and and one. I think he's also the only guy to win it in three belts. I think he won it in purple, brown, and black, or something like that. There's something like that, too. And he's a really special guy. There's a day in Santa Cruz that's even, his name is Garth Taylor.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And there's even a day in Santa Cruz called Garth Taylor Day. When Garth worked on the harbor, a car drove off the pier. And Garth jumped the 40 feet off the pier into the water and saved one of the people and got one of the people out of the car. One of the people died, but I think he saved the wife, got her out of the car. And so he's really cool.
Starting point is 00:24:43 He's got stories of like, you know, watching a cop get beat up and park his car and beat the guy up and everyone in town knows him. He's a bad dude. Like everyone in town knows him and he's a really nice guy. So he had a children's program and I just wanted my kids to be around him. And of course I'm obsessed. So they started with jiu-jitsu and then when we we eventually we left his gym and we went to another gym and there's a
Starting point is 00:25:11 professional fighter there named what's McKenna's last name I don't know McKenna's last name super hot Asian chick crazy hot McKenna it's funny watching the boys interact with her but she's a professional fighter and so she comes up so she comes over to the house she was coming over to the house one day a week and teaching him striking and kicking and footwork and then from there she's like hey I'm just gonna start a two days a week I'm just gonna start a two days a week. I'm just gonna start a, I don't know if you call it kickboxing class. I don't know what you'd call it,
Starting point is 00:25:47 but it's a strictly punching and kicking and footwork class. And so they started doing that. So now they do that three days a week, one private. And then, and then since they're over at the house a lot, Nico McKenna, the two instructors, they're over here at least one day a week each. They started just mixing it all together, right? So, I don't know. But it's been going on for years. And to tell you the truth, as much as I love Jiu-Jitsu, the the striking is absolutely... the striking and kicking are just wonderful.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's like, it's such a crazy mental exercise and now the boys can hold mitts for each other it's really cool and one of my boys one of my boys for sure should be a dancer Joseph for sure should be a dancer and I think the I think the boxing kind of scratches that itch for him. So I haven't seen the thumbnail I haven't seen the thumbnail but anyway so it just made me think like what like what did people think was gonna happen my boys have commitment discipline and passion just passion for life they're just passionate kids. Oh damn, I slurped again.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Sorry. It's a fucking coffee's hot. Why don't you put them in dance? I had them in ballet for two years and the fucking boys didn't learn shit. And then COVID came and it was like, I know dancing is gay, but it's cool. It's the cool part of gay. Gay has some cool shit. Gay has some really cool shit. The girls are cool. The dudes aren't so cool. Not, I mean, generally's cool. The arts are cool. Theater's cool. There's
Starting point is 00:27:53 tons of cool gay shit. Dancing is definitely gay. That's in it, but it's crazy cool. Isn't it? Isn't it? Weird dancing is gay, but it gets you so much fucking pussy. So, um, if you get a dude cutting your hair, uh, gay is preferred. I don't know about that. I don't mind a straight guy.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Got my hair Brianna Roni dose My dad put me in dance. I did it for 15 years I learned so much body awareness and flexibility helped me so much as an athlete wasn't isn't Emma Lawson's background. I'm dancing Did you what I did you guys watch Hebrew and Marsden's video on? the tragedy? I actually asked Andrew if he would come on today so we could just go through the comments on that.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I was like, Hey, let's just read through the comments on that video. I watched the first 50 minutes yesterday. I did a, I did a 200 calories on the assault bike while I watched it and then my wife came in the garage and she's like hey I'm gonna do 300 air squats and she did 300 air squats in 9 minutes and 34 seconds and it doesn't even look fast but dude can you imagine the ass on my wife just think about that 300 air squats in nine minutes and 34 seconds I dare you to try that it would it's nuts and dear Tanner Shuck I love you but if you don't think my wife is strong you're out of your fucking mind, dude It's crazy
Starting point is 00:29:47 Crazy crazy crazy. It's a fucking cannonball her ass She got a black girl's butt Just sticks out like you said a glass of water on the back of it It's nuts uh, heidi krum. I already think uh, your wife's ass more than I think of your wife's ass more than I should Yeah. Well, there you go. Think about it more. It's nuts. Heidi Krum, I already think of your wife's ass more than I should. Yeah, well, there you go. Think about it more. It's crazy. We did CF Kevin.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah, this will do it. We did Reverse Back Lunges Friday and my ass is still killing me. Yeah, that'll break off your ass. The whole lunges thing is wild. Wow. Is this true, Zach? You did 150 push-ups and 200 air squats in 10 minutes? Wow. Wow so you that basically you did 20 air squats and 15 push-ups a minute?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Below parallel you know that's a really good question. And I'm going to be honest with you, my wife can be suspect. She can be suspect. They don't look like quarter squats or squats that are too low. She does that thing where she doesn't get her like, sometimes she does that thing. These were deep enough. I was watching her this particular day yesterday, but she is suspect since she'll do that thing where she doesn't drive her knees out far enough. And I feel like her ass, like her ass doesn't drop low enough. And it's crazy because usually, my wife and I get along great
Starting point is 00:31:10 working out together and all that shit. And, and she takes coaching. But whenever I'm like, you can go lower, she's like, No, I can't. I'm like, Yes, you can. Because I see her go lower all the time. And she can go like six inches lower. And she can go like six inches lower. She's, she's perfectly proportioned. My wife is like proportioned, like Emma or Tia. My wife has a body kind of like Emma Lawson's body. She just looks like that's the way you're supposed to look. I did.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So I did, uh, when I got to nine minutes, I forget when I got to nine minutes and 34 seconds, I told her how many I had. I forget how many I had. But I only got 200 and it was my worst ever. Although I granted I got off the assault bike. I rode the assault bike for 20 minutes, but and then went straight into it, but I only got 234 air squats in 10 minutes So I saw this clip. Oh Shit oh no, are my notes fucked up? Please don't be fucked up. Please don't be fucked up. Oh no, they're not fucked up. I saw this. I saw this clip. And let me preface this with Justin Kotler is a good dude.
Starting point is 00:32:46 But I saw this clip and I was kind of tripping on it. Not kind of tripping, I was tripping huge. I'll probably, Christine Young, I'll probably 270 in my workout today. Oh, you'll do 300, try to do that. By the way, Hiller gave that workout to my wife, I don't know, a year and a half ago. And it's become like a weekly thing for her. that by the way, Hiller Hiller gave that workout to my wife. I don't know a year and a half ago. And it's become like a weekly thing for her. She'll either do 300 air squats as fast as she can, or she'll do max air squats for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:33:18 No, I don't have butter in my coffee. Just I take it black, just straight black paper street coffee. just I take it black, just straight black paper street coffee. Are you going to do buttery bros comments? You didn't finish that thought. I, yeah, I'll get back to it one second. I want to show you this Kotler clip first. It's kind of along the same line. Um, all right. Here we go. Uh, Justin Kotler, uh, this says, um, co-founder and head coach of Underdogs Athletics. I mean, he's the founder. He's just the founder. He probably has to say
Starting point is 00:33:49 co-founder to make his wife happy. Co-founder and head coach of Underdogs Athletics, Justin Kotler reacts to his experience of the 2024 CrossFit Games. These interviews were recorded shortly after the conclusion of competition day. Personally, feelings and raw emotions are on display. Please be respectful of that in the comments. When I watched the video, it was funny. When Fikowski got out of the water, he ran over to the fence where I guess his coach was and like his support team was. And the first thing he did is he asked for mouthwash, Listerine. And then Heber Amars, whoever's there with the camera, says something along the lines of, oh, you're doing that to kill the bacteria inisterine. And then Heber Amars, whoever's there with the camera says something along the lines of,
Starting point is 00:34:25 oh, you're doing that to kill the bacteria in your mouth? And he says, yeah. Or he just offers up. They said, why do you do that? And he offered up to kill the bacteria in my mouth. And I was wondering, I go, I wonder if that's on the PFAA website. That would be a nice one.
Starting point is 00:34:37 That would have been a nice one to share, right? Value add. value add? Give peace and give give like Kamala wants people to follow her, but she doesn't give any reasons why you should follow her and the PFAA is the same way. How about how about just give tons of reasons why people should follow you and then they'll just start following you. Listen to my podcast, listen to my podcast. What if my whole podcast was just me saying listen to my podcast?
Starting point is 00:35:14 You'd be like, what the fuck? I have to try to give you some reasons to listen to it and that's why people come right My dog stands by his food bowl because he knows there's gonna be food in it There's some there's some interesting shit Breton says in there at one point he even says Maybe I should have done more Maybe I could have done more yeah like share the fact that you use Listerine after the event to kill the bacteria in your mouth. How about that? How about give advice on what to do with the swim cap? How about tell people with previously with if you have any heart conditions or if you have any issues with swimming tell the games before because they are
Starting point is 00:36:03 consistent in the fact that they give escorts for people who have concerns about the water. I don't know. Don't take it as a joke when you sign the open agreement that says you have to have doctors approval before you enter the open. Okay, here we go. Mr. Kotler, coach of Ricky Gerard, Alex Gazan, Daniel Brandon, Matt DeLugos, Kerry Pierce, Bethany Flores, the most passionate fucking coach in the business, maybe the most maybe even more passionate than all the other athletes. Father, husband, has, does tons and tons of interviews.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Always a great interviewer, great talker, knowledgeable, lived a long life with a lot of depth and a lot of experiences. Here we go. for these athletes needs to be paramount? The sport for these athletes needs to be paramount. The sport for these athletes needs to be paramount. Hold on, I'm gonna look up paramount. I think it means like the most important or top, like pinnacle, paramount. Hold on, paramount paramount paramount pictures paramount plus maybe I better put paramount definition more important than anything else more
Starting point is 00:38:03 important than anything else okay that's pretty anything else. Okay, that's pretty simple. I can do that. Okay, here we go. Is the sports for these athletes needs to be paramount? More important than anything else. So the sport for these athletes needs to be more important than anything else. I'm with that. We all on board with that? The sport for these athletes needs to be more important than anything else. I'm with that. We all on board with that? The sport for these athletes needs to be more important than anything else. And it needs to come first. And it needs to come first. Okay, I'm with that. The sport for these athletes needs to be more important than anything else.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And then he rephrases it, which is nice. It needs to come first and I don't think it does right now with the current regime. And it doesn't right now with the current regime. God it better not. God it better not come first for the current regime. God it better not come first for the current regime. Imagine if sport came first for the current regime. Imagine if sport came first for the current regime. Did you finish your school? Hmm. Could you come back in 10 minutes? You want to talk about your tennis? Okay. Boy, he wants to share his tennis experience with you. It's kind of fun hearing him talk about the kid who banged the racket. It better not come first for the current regime.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Here's what it needs to do. Affiliates need to come first for the current regime. I wonder if Justin thinks that. Affiliates need to come first for the current regime. They have to. And that's going to mean re-un unfucking the athletes. That's going to mean recalibrating the importance of the games. Uh, clock. I'm not following that either.
Starting point is 00:40:14 The sport must come first for the athletes. Okay. It's paramount, but it doesn't right now for the current regime. No. And, and, and, and, and it should not. And and and and and it should not The bussy the bussy Yeah, it
Starting point is 00:40:39 It sure as fuck better not I hope that everything that dawn hears I hope that everything that Don hears from the athletes, he goes up to the million foot perspective and analyzes where they're coming from instead of what they're saying. You know what I mean? I hope he figures out that the fact that they're, as soon as you heard the athletes start making demands, you should be like, okay, what makes them think that they can make demands oh shit oh shit the affiliates make demands the affiliates can make demands the athletes cannot make demands they're not that's not that's not their role their role is to participate or not participate in the in the In the options that this movement has made available to them. You guys see what I'm saying? Because of the
Starting point is 00:41:39 affiliates and the worldwide spread and the low barrier of entry of becoming a gym owner and because of the huge enormous Impact the lifestyle protocol has on the human DNA has opened up an opportunity for athletes color I Van what? Wanted to bring up one thing on the PSAA thing. I don't know the giant list of everybody who is apparently in it, but did you notice that I think every assay that signed their name to that request letter, their warning was
Starting point is 00:42:19 all not from America? Does that interest you at all? Did you see that? What about Fis Gaffi? I guess maybe she's the only one, which she kind of surprised me. And what about, I think Dina, I think Dina Swift also. I have no idea. Who is that? Is she an athlete? She, you know what? I think I saw her compete in SoCal.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I think she came out of nowhere and competed in, uh, in Del Mar one year. And she is, she was unbelievably impressive human being. Like you know, some athletes don't go far, but you just still are like, holy shit. You're impressive. Sure. Yeah. I think, I think, I can't, I think maybe she was a firefighter I Can't remember
Starting point is 00:43:08 but anyway, yeah, yeah, I mean I Obviously the Europeans Australians and Canadians and unfortunately god, I hope we can fight it off in this country They have no problem tearing down people from the top to make people at the bottom feel better. I mean, they would love they I know, I know they love the equity life. And they they would be so happy if you know, they would, I don't know, they're so fucking delusional and how things work. If they take over the world, we'll end up going back to the fucking stone ages, you know what I mean? We're gonna end up like fucking Russia. I don't know if you've ever flown on Russia's airplanes, but it's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Everything just feels like it's a thousand years old. Yeah, they love tearing down from the top. They hate, they resent people who are successful. People, you're not allowed to celebrate success in those countries. I know, the tall poppy syndrome is real. It's for sure real. Hey, their whole thing is you could be like, you could be like, you could be like vaccines are killing people, vaccines are killing people. And they're like, hey, just let everyone do what they want to do. It's like it's sterilizing women and it's fucking and it's causing young men to have heart attacks. It's let people do what they want to do. I know but we got to still tell the truth. Just let people know that people
Starting point is 00:44:27 can even... people don't even... we can censor the truth too. It's fine. Yeah. Just be cool. Just be cool. The main names they have, the names they're leaning on are all... most of them at least are not Americans. Annie, Brent, you're talking about Annie, Brent, Annie, Brent and Pat and Royce. What's interesting about Royce though, is you know, Royce didn't get Victoria Campo as well. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, most of them, right. It's just a mentality thing. I use that was just my quick, like, oh, it's interesting that a lot of them are from countries that are unionized socialist mentality So they think that all we can just do this and form this something out of nothing and now You know their warning like you said, what's their? Yeah, and and to take what do they stand on and and to just drive
Starting point is 00:45:18 Lead with fear. It's just all about leading with fear if we don't do this this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Someone's gonna. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of instead of bringing something to market of value, they want to take from someone else instead of bringing. Okay, here's a whole fucking list of shit that we would like. Like that adds value to what they can control, which is the athletes information to the athletes, They want to leverage and take from event organizers. I'm dying. I still haven't talked to Dylan. I'm dying. I need to talk to Dylan over at water Palooza and find out if he, if he is held hostage by the athletes. I'm so curious why the NorCal classic partnered with the PFAA. I'm so, I'm so true. Like I don't understand the value of it. Does your insurance go down or something? Why would you let someone get involved in your shit? That it's already proven not to add value. They bring controversy, they bring leveraging from other people's power, and then the event that they were affiliated with was a fucking shit show. So yeah, the concept of it might sound nice, right?
Starting point is 00:46:25 The concept of athletes coming together for safety and for fair competition, but that's just not what it's turned into, right? I mean. Here's the thing, dude. I would totally be like all on board if they had like a hundred things, like swim caps keep in heat,
Starting point is 00:46:43 put Listerine in your mouth after the event. If you have any concerns with the water, CrossFit has been known to give escorts to people who have concerns. If they had that whole fucking list of stuff to offer, but it's stuff like, hey the pull-up bar needs to be higher. Okay got it, check. That's been done. Ropes need to be cut. Uh-huh. That's been done too. Check. Yeah. And being hostile with the organization, I can't imagine that if the letter that went out from the PFAA said, told, mentioned that they gave these demands to Dawn. Well, it'sentioned that they gave these demands to dawn Well, it's very interesting that they gave these demands to dawn and still and still went public with them
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's like hey, why didn't you just why didn't you like Tommy Marquez says? Show some decorum give the demands to dawn and then sit on it for two weeks Yeah Yeah, the whole thing the whole thing is so sloppy Yeah. Yeah, the whole thing is so sloppy. Well the public perspective, at least in my opinion on Brent Fikowski and Pat Bellen there, and some of those, I mean a lot of those people are, that they are a little bit cooler heads, that they are somewhat logical, but this doesn't seem like a logical move, right?
Starting point is 00:47:59 No, not at all. Brent said in the buttery bro's piece, it doesn't feel right to not think about Lazar. And I was really tripping on the phrasing of that. It doesn't feel right not to think about Lazar. Sure. So the purpose for moving forward with the games is to think about him and to have a tribute, right? But if you're not, I don't know if I've ever had that thought that it doesn't seem right not to think about something. Do you know what I mean by that? Like, so when I watched the buttery bros piece, I started thinking about Lazarus and I felt my tear ducts turn on and I was on the assault bike.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And I, and I felt myself get all emotional, but I, but I, but I'm not, but I'm not, I don't, um, when I'm not thinking about him, it's not that it doesn't feel right. I don't know. It was a trip. It's a trip. It reminds me of, um, athletes who posted stuff. And when I asked them about why they posted it, they felt like like they were doing what they were supposed to do or what people wanted them to do.
Starting point is 00:49:09 That's just bizarre. That's just bizarre to me. Yeah. I mean, it's the black square all over again, right? I mean, if you were to go back to people's profiles, it's probably a lot of the same athletes that did it this time and did it last time. It's an identical bunch. It's the exact same ones. Yep Yeah, it's the exact same ones
Starting point is 00:49:31 I'm out. I'm out. My favorite is the ones that weren't even there that did it Weren't even at the event that felt like some need to chop to chime in with some ambiguous thing I mean anyone who says that we need change, and then that's it, that's the summation of their three paragraphs you read, you can just just write, throw them in the fucking moron pile, the cook pile. Yeah, it's all I mean, we, you would hope that it would never stay the same, right? And that's an obvious statement. Yes, every year needs to change. We need to get better every year. So it's not like you're saying anything that's not true, but they're just saying it because that's what everybody else is saying. That's what they feel they need to add on,
Starting point is 00:50:09 pile on at this time. How about this if you want change from CrossFit? Hey CrossFit, here's a bunch of things we'd like to change. We'd also like to acknowledge here's 20 things you've done where it's been improvement that the athletes are really appreciative of. Yeah, why not just talk to them like they're real people? Like that's, like, you don't, you don't, you don't treat your wife like that. You don't treat your kids like that. You don't treat your coworkers like that.
Starting point is 00:50:35 If you do, everyone's gonna fucking hate you and you're not gonna get anything done. How about, how about acknowledge what they've done so that they're motivated. You give a biscuit to a dog when he sits and then he keeps sitting for you every time you say sit That's how that's how the entire fucking world works Yeah, positive reinforcement, yeah, just like hey we know you can make changes these are places you made changes before a b c d e f g we really fucking appreciate it
Starting point is 00:51:06 Here's some other things Yeah, how come you've never had them on why haven't they been on the podcast just like is there is there weird? Energy in the air from them being like go still or like cuz I feel like for how big they are and their energy and their Vibe I feel like they should have been on here at least once by now, dude That's a totally fair question asshole. Um Um I've been watching since the very beginning like since you're in your garage. Yeah, so I have to see them all one time. I Don't know I probably muddle around with a really long answer. I feel like it needs context why I've never invited them on I a really long answer. I feel like it needs context why I've never invited them on. I work with them for a really, really long time. And I've always spoken very highly of their
Starting point is 00:51:53 work ethic, their passion, their commitment. I felt very defensive when they made that Instagram post and people were criticizing them. They can make whatever the fuck they want. Like, fuck you if you think that they're like taking advantage of this like you can't say that You just cannot fucking say that I need ten more minutes. Sorry. Oh I'm sorry, but we'll do it. Don't worry. I'm gonna have you on and we'll talk about your tennis match Don't feel bad get pumped up But when we work when we work there together and I became head of the department I was a fucking horrible leader and My my vision for leading But when we work there together and I became head of the department, I was a fucking horrible leader.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And my vision for leading was zero. And all I wanted to do was make people happy, right? So all I would do is buy them cameras, approve all their projects. Like, that's all I cared about was making them happy. And I didn't earn anyone's respect there doing that. And I did that for a couple years. And shit got really, really fucking weird because there was Never enough I could do to make everyone happy, right? I could never fucking do enough to make anyone happy and
Starting point is 00:52:54 And I think that probably people resented me also because of my proximity to Greg, right? Um, and I think that the only reason maybe why they gave me respect was because I had been there longer than anybody. And then probably towards the end, but I would war for those guys. Like even though I knew I would hear constantly all those guys who worked in the media department were always talking shit about me and slamming me behind my back and like telling me even to my face, Hey, we don't respect you. A Heber and Mars didn't do that. But one of their close cohorts, Ian Wittenberg did in a meeting one time. And, um, but I, but I always, but all I cared about was getting work out of them and fuck, they were great workers. And, um, and then, and then, and then also w we just didn't, we just didn't. I had never had any dislike for any of those guys.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Never, never even entered my mind at all. But we just weren't, and even their work that I didn't like, I didn't care because I still knew it was great and it was good and it was growing the sport. Do you know what I mean? Like when they made that sevens to tens piece. I thought that that's fucking completely ridiculous They should we should never do something like that
Starting point is 00:54:11 and um But but I knew it was cool for them because I had been there age once too. They're 10 years younger than me Sure And so and I almost got fired because of the danny bro flecks thing on two occasions I got fucking called into fucking g Greg's office and fucking screamed at by allowing Danny Broflex to move forward. Greg thought it was completely stupid and dumb, but I didn't care. Cause I knew that, um, Heber and Mars were super passionate about it.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And I thought it was funny. And I thought there was a chunk of the community that loved it. Uh, yeah. I mean, hindsight, that's something people still talk about, you know what I mean? So obviously you, they thought the right way. Yeah, I mean, in hindsight, that's something people still talk about, you know what I mean? So, obviously, they thought it was the right way, but I can know where Greg's coming from, too, because it was stupid as hell. And I really enjoyed, and I really enjoyed, I really enjoyed, I hung out with Heber and Mars and Tommy Marquez a lot at the CrossFit Games this year. Like, a lot, a lot. Hours and hours. And I really enjoyed them. And I really enjoyed talking to
Starting point is 00:55:06 them. And even one time when I was standing next to Tommy, Dave goes up and goes, Hey, is it really awkward between you two? And Tommy goes, Why? And he goes, because you know, you guys hate each other. He said something, you know, to make it even more awkward. And Tommy goes, I don't hate you. I don't have a problem with him. And I don't know if you remember the whole Tommy Marquez thing We we didn't get along once again, we weren't enemies. We didn't get along when we worked at HQ together But we I didn't just I didn't hate him or anything I was a huge defendant when he first came to CrossFit I'd appeal so many people were like hey shouldn't be doing game stuff because he's green and I'm like but we always All our talents homegrown and I always defended him and he ended up becoming fucking great at it and he is great at it
Starting point is 00:55:49 and the whole thing happened was when you know him and Sean had that private show and They they went after Greg and said a bunch of dumb shit and they said that you know Greg or me would be persona non grata So that ended that started like a two or three year. And they were spreading, I would keep hearing rumors that they were they would spread rumors about some weird sex shit that supposedly I was involved in or Greg was involved in, which was just absolute insanity. And so so there was some weird there was a weird hiccup there. But I really enjoyed hanging out
Starting point is 00:56:24 with them. And when I really enjoyed hanging out with them and When I got that last interview with lazar, I even I sent I immediately Um pulled the clip and I sent it to hebron mars and I said hey I know you're got you guys are going to get your shit out faster than I am like six months faster Here's the clip if you want to use it And what's cool is they used it they opened their piece with that clip which was fucking cool. Um, don't know it just doesn't seem I don't I don't know if our our relationship. I don't know It's not that it's not authentic But I don't know I should have them on fuck it you're right I should have them on yeah
Starting point is 00:57:04 Yeah, I think I think I struck a chord obviously so maybe yeah, I should I want to challenge yourself and get them on I'd be a massive show. I should I should have them on So it there's nothing um, and I text with I text with Hebrew and Mars You know, like if I see a new camera on the market or something or a gimbal I'll be like have you guys tried this or what do you guys think about this lens or if I see like If I I'll watch one of their pieces if I'm having a guest on that they worked with and I'll be like, hey I watched your piece. Good job dudes. You guys are still killing it. Um The first 15 minutes of the video they came out with is absolutely fucking amazing. I mean they handled it so well
Starting point is 00:57:44 Absolutely fucking amazing. I mean they handled it so well So I haven't watched the whole thing yet I started it and I did see that they gave you credit for your clip kind of In the bottom, but that was pretty cool. That meant I Thought maybe think of it if I thought it was interesting that you guys collapsed on that somehow And I you know, just haven't seen your path across in the social media space, which who cares but Alright, I appreciate you taking my call. Make America great again and make America healthy again. Thank you, RFK. Man, RFK is killing it. We don't make your company a dime. In fact, we cost you money, but we demand you treat us like your success depends on us. Yeah, that's the PFA's mission statement.
Starting point is 00:58:27 The sports for these athletes needs to be paramount and it needs to come first and I And I don't think it does right now with the current regime in place. Um, and, uh, I think that unfortunately, until that happens, I don't, I don't know where we're going to be. There is a, I have not gone to their website yet. I'm going to go to it right now. There is a group that is a professional grid league. There is a place for these athletes. United grid league, the world's premier co-ed team sport. I think this is it. Okay, listen. Dear Mr. Kotler, Dear Mr. Kotler, this is your spot buddy. Look it, they're on ESPN, ESPNW, they're on highlight her. Eclipsa Grid League have been featured on social media accounts of the above brands. Oh, okay. So watch grid. Grid League is the future of team sports. Men and women compete side by side with various specialties, body type workouts together in the ultimate race based on teamwork and strategy this is it here's your um they got the girls
Starting point is 01:00:11 and bathing suits with titties out just like crossfit um they got the girls with the six-pack and the beautiful arms this is it dude this is it's already here the here in this this this organization and they have put fitness they put the sport first this is this is where you go if you want the athletes to be put paramount paramount they even got kids they have a training program. Let me see policies. Do they have an about us? They probably even have I bet you they have a disclaimer DMCA policy. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I'm seeing if they have a DEI policy that would make you happy. They're in Florida. So they might believe in equality and not equity. That seems to be the thing in Florida. Big they're big on equality there. Oh, this is for copyright complaints. Oh, about grid. Grid League is the future of team sports. Learn how to play grid. Where should we send the free race rules over the sport? In grid league, match two teams compete head-to-head in a series of races
Starting point is 01:01:19 featuring weightlifting, bodyweight, and other athletic elements. Grid League season is made up of a series of regular season matches and playoff and championship events. Here's the team, some teams. Teams are composed of an equal number of male and female players. This is it man, this is your shit right here. This is, you're confused I think Justin. You, they got grid. Look they even have a, they have all the stuff that, they have all the stuff that Fikowski wants look they have a field of play. They probably have standardized movements. Look at each lane is broken into four quadrants They have all that stuff starting line and finish line also have zones Having the structure format across all grid matches allows for consistency accuracy and familiarity. Look, this is your shit dude. Call her. Hi
Starting point is 01:02:02 Well, how you doing? I'm good. I'm just fucking the PFA right now. Just big fan of the show. Been listening for a long time. I just, all the discussion on the, go ahead. All the discussion on the PFA is really good. I think, um, it's been really interesting. Has, has anybody thrown out the hypothetical this is hypothetical. I'm going to get your reaction and maybe everyone's reaction to what they think about this.
Starting point is 01:02:26 But, you know, CrossFit has the ability to extend invites and manage who attends the CrossFit Games, right? They've done that in the past with Ben Smith and some others. I think Hunter, Evoy Hunter got an invite. What if they did the opposite and revoked? What if they just said, you know what, Brent? I think you're done.
Starting point is 01:02:44 We'll move on. I think there's people that could backfill them amazing athletes has anybody thrown that idea out there hey and what do you think your reaction would be uh um there has been discussion I'm sure of banning athletes it's not it's it's usually for just some like, just like, I can't, I can't tell you why, but you could, but you could guess. Um, and it's not drug reasons, but there ha I've never heard of an athlete being banned. No, I mean, I don't, I can't, this is fucked right here, but Brent is fucking, Brent is fucking amazing, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:23 His contribution is fucking insane. It His contribution is fucking insane. It's just so fucking awesome. What he's done for this sport, what he's done for CrossFit, what he's done is like, God, even though it's only like, you know, 0.00001% change, what he's done in the lane that he's in in the lane? He's in is so insignificant but because but in the lane he's in he's done so much in that I can't think of any I mean, I can't I can't think of any reason to ban him. Can you I? Mean he's fucking awesome Yeah, I agree. He's awesome. He's amazing athlete. Yeah that um, he's cool-headed. He's great in interviews He's pleasant. He's generous with the other athletes. He's concerned about safety I just I can't think of a fucking reason to ban him. He's dope
Starting point is 01:04:14 I guess the biggest thing would be the the demands and the way that this is being handled in the inflammatory kind of way He's going about it. I I don't agree with that I mean just yeah, I mean for I mean for me it's no for me for me it's it's become is inflammatory the word I don't know I'm oh I'm oh I'm okay with it's on dawn now I'm okay I'm okay with it's on dawn now. I'm okay. I'm okay with everything Brent's doing I hope he's okay with everything I'm doing But but it's on dawn now it's on die Well, maybe we owe Brent maybe we should give him spirit of the games award because he what he's doing is Actually causing us to realize. Oh shit. We need to recalibrate Greg was right
Starting point is 01:05:04 But do you think it's causing a divide I just see it causing like a big divide now you're having these people these camps that are either pro day it is but the herd needs to be cold it's just like it just needs to be cold like 25% of the affiliates need to go away fucking the athletes need to pull their fucking head out of their ass not all of them but you know what I mean like the the the vocal minority it's just um they just got confused they they got they're so confused about what their role is they're just completely fucking utterly confused and you don't think a band for that in perspective I think I think like
Starting point is 01:05:37 how do we how do we do that that's why I'm like let's give them a band for a couple years I think it does I think it's all on dawn. Hey, listen, it's all on dawn the the I hear what you're saying about the division. But for the for me, it's like They they may they may not just be they Until they can think clearly or until the sport gets to where they want it to be which might not be ever or might Be in 50 years or whenever they they need to recalibrate
Starting point is 01:06:11 And Yes, I can't see I I mean I fucking like the dude I think the dudes fucking cool as shit But but he's just so severe if he's so fucking confused on this issue. And rightfully so, one of his homies died, right? Sure, definitely. So I think all his retardation is just race to the front of his mouth. And it's just falling out of his mouth. I think the PFA, what they stand on, what they're trying to accomplish is good.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I think they need some help on how they get there, right? Maybe some of the business side of what they're trying to accomplish aside from the athletes, right? I think they need some professionalism to communicate. You walk into a room and some guy's beating your daughter and you have a gun in your hand and you shoot him and kill him. And then you spend the next 60 years in jail and you're not there for your daughter
Starting point is 01:07:01 and you ruin her life because her dad's in jail. You know what I mean we got that situation I mean that's the extreme of it But you know what I mean like yeah like Brent Brent's experiencing something that's fucking highly Uncomfortable that he's really pissed off at that he has a ton of valid points on and he fired a fucking gun and it's like oops uh-oh That's good good i like that analogy you know what i mean thank you yeah that's pretty proud of it my kids want to take over my show they just they keep like they're they're outside the the podcast studio just like like circling like vultures well bring them on man thank you i appreciate it appreciate it. Good to talk with you. Like I said, keep the show going. It's awesome man. Love it.
Starting point is 01:07:48 All right. Thank you. Oh, now you guys are all here today watching my son try to put on a sweater. What are you doing in here? I have a serious show I'm doing today. All right, I love you. Would you have school? How come you're not you don't understand? Marco Calderon, 11 years alcohol free. Could you guys, could you give me like 20 more minutes? Okay, thank you. You guys can't be outside my window making you have to be like smiling and lift me up. There you go. Atta boy. Remember your whole life your whole purpose in life is to make me happy. 20 minutes. Okay. Yeah, I promise you I'm going to do a pod. What if I do your own podcast with you later today and we just talk about your tournament?
Starting point is 01:09:01 You and Ari can come in too okay he doesn't have to come in okay then he has to come in okay love you guys bye holy shit i can't stand it when i'm watching someone's show and they got like their kid sitting on their lap and their kid comes in and but i probably don't like it because that's who i am right um anyway so Justin uh they have the grid league. Dear PFAA, we don't like your tone. What was that? Someone didn't like Dave's tone? Was that a reference to someone didn't like Dave's tone?
Starting point is 01:09:38 Okay, let me go back to this Justin Kotler video. Let's see. So, I mean, I found the solution for Justin. And I worry. I worry for the future of the sport. I agree with him there. I don't know. I don't worry about it. I'm excited. Where I agree with him is he thinks there's going to be change and I think there's going to be change too. I'm not worried about it. I'm crazy excited by it I'm so fucking excited by it
Starting point is 01:10:11 Lone Star CrossFit fruit trees need to be pruned to produce the most yield I know my dad always tells me that it's long overdue for CrossFit bring pukey back the biker gang mentality Athletes need to be put in their place affiliates first health first. Yeah, and dude, they're still in that There's still plenty of room for fucking Athletes to shake that ass and get Instagram followers and all that Jedis Nelson Jedis Nelson, you know, the grid league is where Kotler started right? I didn't know that I Didn't I didn't know that. I didn't. You know, it's tough. I just have so many, I haven't been able to really, you know, process at all. I've had to coach and be there for ricking out. He's really buff, by the way.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Kotler, like if you didn't know, like when you see him in person, he's yoked. Oh, it's this weekend? He's a practitioner. You know, I think all of us are in a scenario where it's kind of like pushing it down and then it's going to come out eventually and unless we deal with it, you know, some things have to change because the sport... I agree. Some things have to change. Because the sport... I agree. Some things have to change. And I would like to...
Starting point is 01:11:29 I've laid the plan out clearly. I think I'm going to take credit for laying the first plan out. And since then, it's been modified a little bit. I think I was off a little bit. You know, Caleb did mention that... I don't know if it's Caleb or someone did mention that if you force people to go into the affiliates to do the open, you do not want to alienate people who are overseas, you know, who are on military bases, you definitely don't want to.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I mean, I'm guessing there's 20,000 soldiers probably. I'm just making it up. But that would be fucking 10% of the open is soldiers who do it, who aren't in an affiliate. But the athletes, if they want to be paramount, if they want to be in a world where they are number one, CrossFit is not for them. That is not... I never... I always hated it when they referred to gym goers as athletes. Like you'd see those shirts and it would say athletes.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I didn't hate it, but I just thought it was a mistake. Athlete. What's the definition of athlete? Athlete. I'd rather see it say role model. Athlete. I'd rather see it say role model athlete. A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. Oh, maybe they are athletes. So, the sport is not paramount to CrossFit and its success. A matter of fact, my stance is that it is the opposite. It is currently hurting.
Starting point is 01:13:18 And in regards to the division, those people can just go away you know like the the affiliate the affiliates aren't gonna bend there's not going to be 15,000 training centers um for the sport of uh CrossFit you know what I mean there's not like in the perfect world for Justin Kotler and the PFAA every gym would be a place a recruiting center for CrossFit Games athletes. We're not even close to that. That's not even the charter of the company. That sounds more like what a high rocks gym is or a...
Starting point is 01:14:04 I don't know, does the grid league have gyms? I don't, I don't even know if a UFC gym is a, you know those UFC gyms? I don't even know if those are recruiting centers. I think those are just gyms with the, I've never been in one, but I'm, I always picture them as just being like Planet Fitness inside, but also with some punching bags. Oh Ben back to my kids thank you the tennis coach is simply saying other kids will be swinging the racket a few hundred thousand times more over the next few years. Live that concept with baseball it's true. Yeah you're right and he you're right he wants there to be a commitment to where I reach out to other parents and he plays at least you know a couple hours every week with kids outside of class
Starting point is 01:14:46 Which some sometimes we go on a roll and it's like that for like three months and then we miss like six months And I'm just not um Maybe it's my own laziness. I'm just not there with that commitment There's something funny about a lot of the critics as if they existed as pro athletes in other sports where it was well run. At best, most are failed NCAA athletes. Oh, okay. UFC gyms are basically licensed gold gyms with a fake octagon.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Okay. Oh, so they do have an octagon in them that's just sort of there as an art piece. No one wants the games. Bleeding money for corporate entity CrossFit should lease the games and Fittest on Earth title to the highest bidder. I don't think anyone wants them. I don't think CrossFit wants to part with the open either. I think the open I think is super valuable not just financially but for the Wellness and of like the community part of the community of the ecosystem and I don't think that that I'm not sure That's been looked at over and over and over and start parsing, parsing, parseling, parseling that out I think could be bad news.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Jake Chapman, hi. Good morning. I have something for you. 70 there's a video from about one year ago where Khalifa is talking about the competitors shouldn't be central to add all to your affiliates. There's this cycle that the CrossFit Games athletes go through. They come in as affiliate members. They're so excited and thankful they go to the games. They become self important and they think it's just all about the games, they have this games career,
Starting point is 01:16:49 then they come out and then they they start hating the games and they're like, it's really about health and fitness and wellness. And they and they start getting all these business ideas, you know, in different ways. And then they do that for a couple years and then they come back to the games and start being assholes about the games again It's this weird cycle. I've seen it with all of them from OPT to fucking all of them It's always the same cycle always Always, always, always. Always the same cycle. All them Indians because that's what they are.
Starting point is 01:17:54 They're the Indians. There's nothing wrong with the word. First of all, it's important to know that Indian, that word probably does not derive from Columbus believing he had reached India in 1492. India was called Hindustan. I fact-checked that. After I heard him say that, I looked it up and I said, what was India called in 1492? And it was called Hindustan. There was no such word as India. So why did Columbus call the Indians Indians and why would anyone think it's derogatory? Weird, right? Well, let's go on.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Likely the word derives from Columbus's description of the people he found here. He was an Italian who spoke very poor Spanish and in his written accounts, he called the Indians una gente in Dios, a people in God. And I looked that up and the translation I found is he called them children of God. Columbus used it was in Dios. It was like something children of God. And George Cardin says people of God. And the woke group wants us to call them Native Americans. Why would you want why would you want to call them children of God? It's offensive. It's fucking wild. We live with morons. In God, in Dios, Indians.
Starting point is 01:19:31 It's a perfectly noble thing. And I simply can't justify this awkward phrase, Native Americans. First of all, they're not natives. They came here from Asia over the Bering land bridge. In fact, there are no natives anywhere in the world. Everyone is from somewhere else. All people are refugees, immigrants, or aliens. If there are natives anywhere, it would have to be people still living in the Great Rift Valley in Africa.
Starting point is 01:19:54 So everyone is just visiting. So much for natives. As far as calling them Americans is concerned, well, how can I say this? We steal their hemisphere, destroy 500 cultures, kill 20 20 million stick the rest of them on the worst land We can find and then as a special bonus We named them after ourselves It's it's embarrassing it's just Democrats Fucking wild right I didn't know that until last night. I started googling around like everyone knows it.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Everyone knows it. Nice. Fuck. I'm never using the word Native American again. I'm guilty. I fall for that shit. All that shit too. Got quite a bit of libtard in me. Someone sent me this line this morning. I opened up my Instagram and they sent me this quote from CS Lewis. Pretty girl sent it. Thick black hair. I forget her name.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Ashley? Looks Mexican. Crazy thick hair. I forget her name. Ashley. Looks Mexican. Crazy thick hair. She sent me the CS Lewis sign and it said, no one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I don't know why she sent it to me, but I started thinking about it. It was a weird sensation I was having. No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I never even thought of grief and fear in the same category. Grief. Grief is a normal response to loss, such as death of a loved one, a serious illness, or
Starting point is 01:22:02 other major life changes. It can involve complex emotions like sadness, anger, guilt, numbness, confusion, helplessness. Grief is a process of letting go and learning to accept and live with loss. Isn't that weird? Grief is a process of letting go. And yet, while people were grieving at the games, and I'm not saying this is wrong at all, but while people were grieving at the games, it was the exact opposite. It was like, how can we hold on to this? Grief is a process of letting go and learning to accept and live with loss. And I talked about this like with the And I'm sure that you know someone some psychologist has detailed out the whole process but the road like at some point
Starting point is 01:22:59 The the journey for Luca is gonna be fucking wild right if he's gonna get past grief because how is how is he watched? His brother die and he has to do he has to learn to let go and accept I brother die and he has to do he has to learn to let go and accept? I don't know man imagine if one of your kids died how hard that would be to let go and accept the amount of time it takes to adapt the loss varies from person to person and there's no right or wrong way to mourn I don't know that's not true. If your mourning involves like, you know, killing other people, that's wrong. I don't agree with that line. And by the way, if Greece is a process of letting go, so maybe the process is to hold on really tight at first, hold on as tight as you can, right? And then eventually you reach a point and you have to let go because it's just too painful to hold on anymore.
Starting point is 01:23:49 So maybe you have to go the wrong way before you can come back and go the right way. But I'll tell you this, if you hurt other people in your grief, if you hurt other people in your as part of your grieving process, that will also weigh on you. You won't feel good about that. In the end, you'll have to process that too. If you're looking for the solution for grief out here, to cure your grief out here, you're not going to find it. It's not out here. It's in here. Grief is a process of letting go and learning to accept and live with loss. The amount of time it takes to adapt to loss varies from person to person and there's no right
Starting point is 01:24:45 way or wrong way to mourn. Not true. Some people may go through stages of grief such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. However, others may resolve their grief without going through any of these stages, but they may go back and forth between them. Yeah, I see that. Here are some things that you can do to cope with grief. Learn, lean on others, seek online grief counseling. Jesus. I mean, like, you just know that one's just fucking stupid because that one. Get support from grief counselor or faith, your faith community, consult with a psychologist or license. Geez, these are horrible. But nowhere do you see, oh it says it's generated by AI, this solution, that's funny.
Starting point is 01:25:31 But nowhere did it say hurt someone. What are the seven stages of grief about? Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, acceptance. Where's the blaming part? Anyway, this morning when I read that line, no one ever told me grief felt so much like fear. I started like trying to Feel grief and then feel fear For me, they don't really intersect. So I couldn't really understand this is true, but I heard during the Republican National Convention a grinder in Milwaukee crashed grinders the gay sex dating site I Heard there were so many people using it that it crashed
Starting point is 01:26:55 That's awesome, I wonder I wonder if it crashed in Chicago at the DNC You think it did? Oh, Jeremy crashed it. Blame is associated with anger. What's going to be interesting is the Democrat convention. Where is that going to be? That's in Chicago. For those of you that weren't alive in 1968, the Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968, where Lyndon Johnson bowed out of the race.
Starting point is 01:27:53 I remember sitting in my parents' living room. I was in like eighth grade or seventh grade and Lyndon Johnson addressed the nation. He goes, if nominated, I will not be nor will I accept the nomination for your president's prime time. He said, wow, he just said he's stepping down. It was going to be Bobby Kennedy and they shot Bobby Kennedy in the head. And then it was Hubert Humphrey. Nobody wanted Hubert Humphrey and everybody went to Chicago and
Starting point is 01:28:19 they rioted on national TV. So we're watching the convention. They go, Oh, go outside with the disturbance. They're billy clubbing people. And the people are chanting the whole world's watching. The whole world's watching. They're just beating the shit out of the demonstrators. It was wild. That was Chicago Democratic Convention. History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. The one that's going to be interesting is the Democrat Convention. So that was, that was RFK's dad. They were going to nominate him as president. He got blasted
Starting point is 01:28:47 Did you hear that they fucking all wait till you see this Wait till you see this. This is fucking wild I'll let uh, I'll let Patrick bed David say it. I saw this yesterday on Patrick's Instagram, um, where is it if I can find it? Look at this. This is fucking crazy. This is a little long, but check this out. This is wild.
Starting point is 01:29:20 So if you like politics because the strategy behind it, you tell me where the strategy behind this is. So today the Biden-Harris White House announced that Bobby Kennedy will no longer get Secret Service protection because he officially endorsed Trump two days ago and he will not be competing in the 10 battleground states, only in the other 40. He's going to be on the ballot on the other 40, but he's no longer going to get Secret Service. And he got Secret Service two day after Trump's
Starting point is 01:29:45 assassination attempt on July 13th they gave it to him on the 15th because Trump said our kids got to get it so they gave it to him and now you drop so what is this really mean so this means Bobby Kennedy who was gonna go campaign the safest place Bobby Kennedy is gonna be is when he's next to Trump. Really? Do you realize if Bobby or RFK Jr. went to Trump just for a job, let's just say, not because he likes him, let's just say, and you had the most important guy you lost, you should have never lost Bobby because there's a lot of people in America that did not want to vote for Biden, they did not want to vote for Kamala, they did not want to vote for Trump, they were willing to give their vote up to Bobby Kennedy.
Starting point is 01:30:29 And now what you're telling me and telling him is, hey, Mr. RFK Jr., the safest place for you is when you're right next to Trump. That means he's going on the trail with Trump. That is double dumb. That's what you call strategic. I don't see the strategy behind it. Now, listen, this is the game of deception. This is the game of manipulation. This is the darkest competition where things get dirty and weird and strange and stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:00 That's like you feel like you're in the twilight zone. So we don't know the whole story behind it, but on the surface This is not a smart decision to take Secret Service away from Bobby Terrible decision because you just got him and Trump closer So it's no longer just about him finding out what the CIA did with it See I was involved with the assassinations or Fauci and investigation all this stuff., now you're just pissing him off even more that if he gets in with Trump, Oh, the establishment, he's going to come for you. He is not going to forget these days that you didn't protect him knowing
Starting point is 01:31:38 his last name is Kennedy. Very weird. Very weird. What do you think? Crazy. Holy shit. They took his dad and his uncle were blasted. And you pull this protection? I saw this on Instagram. Here's a look at this sport. This is I mean, this sport needs PFAA. A bunch of you guys sent this to me.
Starting point is 01:32:34 This shit is crazy. I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's a bike race and there's a track, but you don't have to stay on the track. It says this is a mass race. That's wild. It's called the max enduro in Quershevel Course course of L course of L We overtook everywhere lots of mud riders overtaking you any way they can it was sick only rule go as fast as possible
Starting point is 01:33:03 You're not even gonna believe this Imagine a race where you don't have to stay on the track So there's a track a groomed track, but if you want to cut corners you can You can't even fucking believe this thing Watch this guy It's completely unreal. And it's foggy. Some of those dudes don't even have pads on.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Actually a lot of those dudes don't have pads on. It's a downhill bike race where you don't have to stay on the course. Look it, those guys all just cut the course in half. You see that? They just cut that turn. And what's crazy is you don't even see one accident. Look at there he goes. He just got pushed off the course and cuts it short. This is unreal. I was watching it with my kids. They didn't even think it was real. It's just bomb. Nuts. Nuts, nuts. And then they come onto concrete here. Look at this turn.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Holy shit. The audio is great. I just can't play it because it's got that song and I don't want the copyright to get jacked up and then back on to concrete. Wild, right? Helmets are gay. Jesus criminy. Sevan, check out Mega Avalanche downhill. Same thing. It's nuts. Vindicate, they probably have Red Bull money and make way more than CF Avalanche downhill same thing. It's nuts Vindicate they probably have Red Bull money and make way more than CF athletes. I Was looking at the event that Dylan's putting on in
Starting point is 01:35:21 So Cal I was trying to figure I thought it was two man teams. I finally had it explained to me I I guess there are two teams, eight people each. And it's the world versus North America. But Brent is on one team. Brent is on the world team and Pat's on the North America team. I heard Barbell spin over, Barbell spin, Brian Brian spin explained why I haven't gone over and looked why one of the Canadians gets to go and the winning team all the people get $20,000 in the losing team all the people get $5,000. That's what I learned about them for some reason I thought the event was just two man teams up until yesterday last night.
Starting point is 01:36:11 I don't know why I can't get into teams. I never liked the Invitational, too. I guess a lot of people liked the Invitational. Those were big teams, too, right? I never got into the Invitational. I never got into the invitational. I just like watching one dude go or one chick go. Safety first. Morning message Monday, August 26th as if you need more information. Epic times article. What are you inhaling when you wear a mask. Let's take a look. Disposable face masks may release up to 3,000 different types of plastic particles simply by inhaling through a surgical mask, homemade mask,
Starting point is 01:37:21 or various types of masks that are commercially available. Here's the article. Take a look. These inhaled particles include things like heavy metals, PFAS, that's polyfluoroalkyl substances or so-called forever chemicals. 63% of the masks tested showed alarming numbers of particles that were being inhaled. Never mind that they don't actually stop a respiratory viral illness. So what's the proper disposition of one of these surgical life masks? Ha ha ha! Let me show you. Right here. Burn, baby, burn.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Morning Message! Monday, August 26th. As if you need more in- It's wild. It's like duh, right? It's like duh. Duh. I want- I wonder how much that's exacerbated when you're wearing it when you're working out. With like heavy breathing.
Starting point is 01:38:46 It's like of course that fucking thing breaks down. What's up Hans? How are you doing? If this is the Hans, I was surprised you didn't come in and try to take the money this week. Was it this week or last week? One of the weeks I was like, oh shit, Hans might be able to come in and get the money. All right. Finally, here's a sports figure actually doing good in the world. This is the guy that threw away, I think, the Coke or the Gatorade or something one time. Here we go. How about this guy? To be honest, I won't buy my son an iPhone. I am the most followed athlete on Instagram and
Starting point is 01:39:32 fans often ask me why I don't let Junior be on social media. That's because my son made a secret Instagram account back in 2020 and in one day he got over a million followers. When I found out I made him delete the account immediately. And now at 14 years old, he still doesn't have an iPhone. I made this choice because I want him to understand the real value of hard work. He's pushed to train hard and it's really annoying when he drinks a lot of soda
Starting point is 01:39:59 and eats potato chips instead of healthy food. Giving Junior a phone will make it harder for him to reach his potential because I don't want him becoming addicted to technology. So that's why I'm waiting to give him an iPhone. To be honest, I won't buy my son an iPhone. I am the most followed athlete on Instagram and fans often ask me why I don't let Junior be on social media. Really? This is AI? Really? How do you know? Dick Butter, he's got one, don't be fooled, bro.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Oh, to his dad? That's not what CR7 sounds like. That's not his voice. He sounds nothing like that. Oh, that's awesome his voice. He sounds nothing like that. Oh, that's awesome. Wow. No, it's a translator. Either way, I fully support the message. Brianna, that's amazing you guys know what this guy sounds like. I fully support the message. Brianna, that's amazing you guys know what this guy sounds like.
Starting point is 01:41:09 You guys are so worldly. Could be a translator would have to see the original. God, I love the live chat. Kid has a burner. Straight now translator. He started a YouTube channel, he got 15 million followers in a day. The Sun?
Starting point is 01:41:27 Wow. Wow. Corey Leonard, great message, not his voice though. Dan Groh, I think you can run with it. That concerns me if Dan and I are on the same page. Uh, Chad F, uh, R-Rinaldo, that's who that is. Why do I always want to call him Rolando? Ronaldo, uh, speaks English, uh, well. Oh, thank you Lupe, yeah, don't believe every video you see on Instagram. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Whew. Appreciate it. I can, hey listen, I believe them all until I bring, that's why I bring them here so you guys can unfuck me. You guys thought you were watching me? You guys are all actually my health, health, mental health provider. watching me you guys are all actually my health health mental health provider oh the old consensus huh Chad if I don't know for sure but everyone in the chat said it wrong okay Lou was here we would do a poll you guys want to finish with another athlete too? I don't know why I get so obsessed with Goob. I worry about him sometimes, like he's too aggressive.
Starting point is 01:42:57 That's why I have a relationship with a random Instagram dude who doesn't know I have a relationship with him. Like, oh, I don't want anything bad to happen to Goob. Now the Wuhan Press minimum weight 315. Really? There's a minimum weight for the Wuhan? Well, that means I'll never have the Wuhan Press. You can't just do the Wuhan with 65 pounds.
Starting point is 01:43:21 That's crazy. I didn't know that about the Wuhan. Wuhan was 65 pounds? That's crazy. I didn't know that about the Wuhan. Is that true? The Wuhan press minimum weight is 315. Oh shit, sub 315 lifts do not qualify as Wuhan press. Holy shit. Did anyone here know that? Are there any other lifts that have a minimum lift requirement? I can do- Jonathan Ortega, you can do whatever the fuck you want, Seve. Maybe it's called the Poussin lift if you do less than 315. I can only do the pussy version, the Poussin. There's no scaled version of the Wuhan, now we know.
Starting point is 01:44:04 do the pussy version the poo the poos on there's no scaled version of the Wuhan now we know Wow that's fucking nuts I guess it's not a pull-up unless you do yeah I guess the minimum is your own body weight I do the poos on press anyway you can never get enough I don't know why this move just fascinates me I I guess the minimum is your own body weight. I do the Poussin press. Anyway, you can never get enough. I don't know why this move just fascinates me. That sucks, I'll never do one.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Whatever, I guess there's lots of things I'll never do. There we go. I can't do that. Easy money. I can't do that part. I can't do this part. Without even freaking trying. My God. part I can't do this part without even freaking trying my god
Starting point is 01:45:06 smoked it all of its crazy let's go impressive so he deadlifts and then fuck look at his arms. He turns into a gorilla for a second and bends his arms and gets it to his waist. As soon as he gets to his waist he sits down. There we go. He does a little adjustment. Probably it was on his helmet or his balls or something. He had to do a quick little like okay. Adjustment off the cock. Knees up. That probably adjusts the bar a little bit too.
Starting point is 01:45:32 And then, and then a hip thrust, just a quick little pow. Dude, you know, it would be crazy as to see goob do a press to handstand cause you know, his hands are so low down there. I bet you fucking dude i wonder if he's done that i'd like someone needs to ask him to try to do that just in the you know lay on his stomach and see if he can just push up into a handstand this this guy is fucking strong pops it up like that has anyone in the chat tried this he's a little pow with his fucking cockens, the cock region. And then catches it on his chest. That could go horribly wrong, right, if that would have rolled down to his throat.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Precision, accuracy. This guy's a fucking crossfitter. Boom! Holy shit. It's nuts, dude. I'm telling you I Kind of want to call John Young right now. I've never called him on the show He did that John Young did that years ago with 630 You can do 135 Rambler and you're strong, right? Pretty bruised ribs the first time Yes, laugh out loud, pretty bruised.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Oh, you did it with 315, Zach? Lupe, it's a horizontal power clean. Oh, I thought you said horrible. Man, I can do it at 205, I tried. I guess for sure, I guess for sure, I'll state the obvious, you can't do it with more than you can bench press. I've never even benched 225, so I'm fucking out. I suck anyway it's fucking cool this guy's on a terror
Starting point is 01:47:42 oh he doesn't like dudes ogling his chicks, but I'm gonna ogle her a little bit. Landed in Kansas for the 2 satisfaction event tomorrow, come through and say what's up. That's a cool pic. What's on his girl? Oh, oh. I thought maybe she spilled her coffee on herself, but it's some reflection off the mirror and the wall giving her that like harlequin. Yeah, sorry, Goob. Your chick has to get ogled a little. She's smoking. All right. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:48:27 Wuhan Press, that's everything you need to know about the Wuhan. I just walked you through that. I would fucking... What if Dave invited... What if Dave invited Goob to the games and they did the Wuhan... She's dripping. Does that mean she's smoking? Yeah. If it does. Yeah. Did you see noodles on? Noddles on Glinton. Who's Noddles? I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Oh, shit. Goob missed a good chance of calling himself gooby dooby do. He could still do it. calling himself Gooby Dooby Doo. Well, he could still do it. What if Dave invited Goob to the games next year and they made the Wuhan press one of the movements? And like he demoed it for everyone. That would be dope. A Noodles was just some dude in his car. No, is it a great show? Should I go there? Who's Noodles? Let me see.
Starting point is 01:49:28 Glinton things. Who wants to link? DM us. Mountain West. Let's talk about John Woolley, Bill Grundler, Taylor Self. Damn, they have good guests. John Young, Andrew Hiller, Sevan Matocian. I don't see the noodles one is it a live show? Sunday recap, I don't see it. Oh, they had noodles. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:49:53 I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:50:00 I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see the noodles one. Is it a live show? Sunday recap, I don't see it. Oh, they had Matthew on holy shit. I Don't see noddles or noodles or whatever. Oh They had Gabe on?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Hmm Caleb damn Caleb show got a lot of views Hey Pedro white Oh Matt Sousa show got a lot of views they'd Tucker the fucker on hmm sorry i don't see it uh it's the who wants to link a show oh oh all right actually would you say oh okay shit wow wow Oh, okay. Shit. Wow. Wow. Does that dude live in the back of his car? like we make we definitely try to make sure like Our the the guy that owns the store next door. He is a fisherman He he just you know, he like my arcade hangs and he swims and he you know, they should get the fish, they get to do whatever they want.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Right. And I'm talking about like growing up in a household, if there isn't that male presence there, you're going to have two people that are going to coddle this person. So you're you're specifically talking about the fact that two women are raising him that's no matter what what no matter who? You're saying in the household there has to be there has to be a male figure fuck Garrett Colleen got balls So for those of you don't know that
Starting point is 01:51:59 Garrett hosts the show when I'm when I'm can't make the show and love her to death her and Colleen do it and She's obviously a girl Colleen's a girl they're married Colleen had a baby had their baby and they're raising him together I want to say he's like seven or five he's a little boy active little boy and this and and and they open themselves up to people like this. This guy's saying, I understand the premise of this, right? This guy's saying, Yo, you got two women there and without a man, your boy's gonna get coddled the fuck out of. Brianna Roni, I respect them, the major for having that conversation. Yeah, that's awesome. Judy Reid, they really have the best conversations.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Yeah, crazy. I want to hear a little bit more of this. And the reason why I'm saying this is because when the child grows up, right, and I've seen this, I've seen it with I had a friend that this happened to. He is appalled. He's frightened by a lot of stuff. He doesn't know how to interact with certain people. And for instance, guys, the reality of his guys are inappropriate. And a lot of women are shocked by, like there's certain things I wouldn't say to a woman
Starting point is 01:53:15 that I say to a guy. You know? Sure, for sure. And um. Not for room talk. Well, you know, it's real. And you have to have that balance. I think it's something, it's an experience that they have to have.
Starting point is 01:53:29 And if they don't, they come out awkward and they haven't... They come out awkward, that's me. But let me tell you something. I would take two moms over two dads any day. I would take two moms over two dads any fucking day. Awkward. They have a hard time adjusting to society. You know, you punish your kids that you're telling them, hey, listen, you do something wrong, you're going to end up in jail or whatever. So I mean how do you what what's your what's your stance on if you don't mind me asking what's your stance on like
Starting point is 01:54:16 lesbians raising like if we were raising a daughter would you feel better about it? No I would feel great you guys raising whoever you can if you guys are one. This is a great conversation You guys need to pull this clip Garrett if you listen to this show you need to clip this Two lesbians raising a son you fuck you guys are awesome What what great fucking role models of human beings Garrett and Coll calling are to be able to fucking sit there and listen to this. Can you know there's i mean there's i mean just even being their friend there's a piece me that just wants to go off on the do. Oh sebi go to minute fifty six okay. Okay here we go.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Like how bad was it what was the turn off about it? Because I'm going to be honest with you, men are disgusting. They're absolutely disgusting. Most heterosexual men understand gays like gay women. They totally get it, right? Women are beautiful. Everything about women is beautiful or whatever. But what was it if you did have sex with a man?
Starting point is 01:55:22 What was the if you did have sex with a man? What was it the biggest turnip? Are we just like do I just answer or do you want to answer Me yeah, um sure. Uh, I didn't realize when we talked about my sex life on Holy shit Jay chadman i'm so happy right now. I fucking love Garrett. Look at, I just, look at her face. Look at her lips. Look at her skin.
Starting point is 01:55:51 What a fucking great human. She just oozes great human. This guy just asked him what they don't like about Dick. I don't know if I can watch this. What if this hurts my feelings? It was insanely good show. Show of the year. Yeah, fuck, dude. This is wild.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Damn. You're so gay, dude. Hey, dude. I just want to say this. If that's you in that picture, I know why you think I'm gay. Just sit with that a little bit. This is wild. Okay, here we go. I feel like you guys should go over there and watch this. I feel like I like...
Starting point is 01:56:52 Fuck, this is crazy. Let's go back 10 seconds because it's so fucking uncomfortable. I guess just answer or do you want to answer? Me? Dude, look at Garrett. Look at her. Big ol' almond eyes. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 01:57:09 I didn't realize we were talking about my sex life on this podcast. Yeah, Colleen. Uh oh. Uh oh. Jesus, it's crimy. Oh, Furniture Fund, Sean Scott, thank you. Yes, listen. James Sprague. We bought him a couch on
Starting point is 01:57:29 the show the other day. If you didn't donate your $4 or $5, please donate now. Thank you. Okay. No, wait, what am I doing? What's going on here? It's fine. I've already talked about mine. So it's fine. Yes, I did date mine before I have slept with men before and for me it was just I never enjoyed it like it wasn't Compared to me sleeping with women No, there's no comparison like sleeping with women is very very different for me So I just never really enjoyed it. It really just wasn't a thing but for growing up it's what you were supposed to do. Like you're supposed to. I had a high school-
Starting point is 01:58:14 Oh shit, look at this comment. Look at this comment from SeemaBoobs. Sevi would die for this content. God, you know me so well. Fuck. And now I'm over here just stealing it. I feel horrible stealing it. You have to hear what he says. Oh my God, look at this. Seema writes, look at it. Seve would die for this content.
Starting point is 01:58:42 Holy shit. Oh, look at all your guys's comments here we go speak for yourself I'm a delight kind of say so like I think that the reason I maybe enjoyed it with him was because I was more emotionally with him but when I slept with other men like I just I just never enjoyed what was it though like it was a gross you out did it you know Like homosexual sex like with gay with guys that that's like that's the to me that's that's totally gross that's gross to me mean, it's like a lot of like women and women I want to I want to like I want to have fucking sex with I want I want to have but isn't that it though? There's exactly like everybody everybody has their there's not anyone out
Starting point is 01:59:36 there that I mean, forgive me straight women in the chat. I'm sorry. I would like it's like the straight men and gay women can agree that like, women are hot. And that's it. Like you just don't. Yeah. So I mean, everybody has that sexual preference, you know, when it comes to having sex. So I have slept with men before. But again, it was because I was supposed to. That was just the family that I grew up in, the environment, the social pressures, I guess
Starting point is 02:00:12 you could say, or... Holy shit, look what Seema just posted. That beard makes me want to switch teams. Holy shit. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 02:00:36 Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. There you go. Jesus criminy. There it is. Go over there and fucking hear a guy in his car with his fucking camping gear in the back. Uh, man. All right. Yeah, go over there and subscribe. Am I subscribed? Oh, I gotta give that a thumbs up. I'm subscribed and I get all the announcements.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Wow. Jesus. Garrett, break that off as a clip. That's crazy. What a great conversation. Oh, shit. Did you spell Heidi great? Oh, damn close. Wow. It's HY RIG but damn good Y'all and Clark Heidi Heidi. I'll be in the boys sitting out at the window thinking Heidi said 20 minutes 45 minutes ago I know I need to They want to just take over the show Who's this? Someone just text me. Oh, I think.
Starting point is 02:02:04 Oh, that's cool. All right. I've been reaching out to all these adaptive athletes trying to get them on before the what's it called? The thing in San Antonio from the 19th to the 22nd. It's Wheel Wad Cross-Adaptive Games World Championships. It's a crime that there's not a thousand subs yet. They don't have a thousand subscribers. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. And the conversation flows.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Damn. All right there buddy. All right. All right. Yeah, you were close. That was pretty good. It's even, it was impressive that you even had the R in there. I know, it's crazy, right? Seve with the arm stretched to read the phone, I feel you, but I know. It's just crazy. It's just... It's what the gla... I need new glasses. I mean, if I don't wear my glasses, it's all good.
Starting point is 02:03:20 I'm like a normal human. What the fuck? But now I can't see the screen. Oh, like a normal human. So fucked. But now I can't see the screen. Oh, what a mess my life is becoming. I know I seriously never thought this would happen to me. Thought it was like above all this. All right. What did we learn today?
Starting point is 02:03:44 The Wuhan lift is 315 minimum. F**ked up. It's not an equity lift. That's the f**king thing. Gubi's a racist. It's not an equity lift. He only believes in equality. F**ker. Wuhan is not an equity lift. Okay, fine. I haven't seen this, but someone sent me this. You guys remember, remember when Liz Collins was on the air, she wrote the book, the fall of Minneapolis, the movie, she produced the movie and the book. This is from, she's a reporter here at Alpha News. Here we go. Peru, how Tim Walz played a huge role in the George Floyd case.
Starting point is 02:04:30 Many medical professionals describing George Floyd as a ticking time bomb, sadly a lethal amount of fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system, a bad heart. Tim Walz is the one pushing this racial narrative from the very beginning. Tragic and senseless murder of George Floyd. He then calls on Minnesota school students. He had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl, meaning if the police would have found George Floyd in his home with the amount of fentanyl
Starting point is 02:04:56 he had in his bloodstream, it would have been considered a suicide or an overdose death. Don't ever forget that. And issuing a proclamation to take a nine minute pause in their day to think of George Floyd. As the governor, he fucking told high school kids to take a 9 minute knee in order to admire this guy who was counterfeiting money, high on fentanyl, high on meth, drunk, couldn't listen to the cops, had put a gun to a woman's stomach, was a pornographer, just all these
Starting point is 02:05:24 crazy fucking things. Dear black kids, I'm a fat white guy and I'm going to tell you who you should look up to, not because they're a great man, but because they had an altercation with the cops. Fuck, we live with fucking idiots. And just pushing so hard on this narrative that the facts did not back up from the very beginning, there were prosecutors asking off the case, saying, you know, the facts aren't here.
Starting point is 02:05:53 We don't want to charge these other officers. There were three prosecutors who were asked to prosecute it, who said, fuck, no, there's nothing here. Yeah. This is when Walls sort of swoops in and gives the case then to the attorney general Keith Ellison, you know, you better charge these guys kind of or else. And I really am hopeful that the country can connect the dots now, you know, more than four years later and ask if this is really what you want.
Starting point is 02:06:16 Walk us through how to God walls is such a fucking douche. What a fucking horrible human. It bums me out that there's ones like that out there. Alright. Okay, so we learned about the Wuhan press today. We learned that Justin Kotler is taking all of the underdog athletes to grid league where they're, well, they will be paramount, right? They'll be the most important things. We learned about the need for me to have, oh thank you, thank
Starting point is 02:07:08 you, I appreciate the help. We learned about the need for me to invite the buttery bros on and who knows if they'll even come on. They're smarter than the idiots who don't come on though, I bet you they come on. I don't know, they don't, I remember they pulled down that Instagram clip, they don't really, for some reason I don't know. They don't remember they pulled down that Instagram clip They don't really for some reason they don't want to do any that they for somebody. I don't think I think they're afraid to offend people Like I wonder if everyone thought he was ugly if he would cover his face They really don't want to offend people. So I don't know And and just coming on this show could probably some people could perceive as offensive They really don't want to offend people. So I don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:45 And just coming on this show could probably some people could perceive as offensive. We learned that on Glinton things you can hear conversations, real conversations. Like real real. Like you can learn about you can hear the debate between two lesbians who are raising a son and a man Who lives in his car talk about the need for having a man in their life? And and in that same conversation you could learn why they don't like dick What else did we learn we learned that This is kind of the hub of all good things PFA
Starting point is 02:08:26 if you We learned that this is kind of the hub of all good things PFAA. That after you swim in a lake you should wash your mouth out with Listerine. We learned that Fikowski is a good dude but but some emotional tardation got interfered with his good-dudeness. What else did we learn? By the way, oh, we learned that Hilar and I are going to do a show going through the comments, right? Where is that let me see buttery buttery bros click on it okay go to Lazar Jukic oh I'm actually at the hour and six minute mark of the show. Wow, 500 comments.
Starting point is 02:09:37 So, Hiller and I are gonna go, a great job guys, thanks for this. All AdSense will be donated to GoFundMe for Lazarus Family. Are you guys going to write off the donations on your tax return? There is a reason Hiller turned off monetization from his tribute video because for all his flaws, He realized that receiving any monetary compensation Even if then donated that it is earned primarily Due to a person's death. It's just really a bad look What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:10:18 Listen listen listen When when the behind this just cuz that guy's when the behind the scenes comes out this year, I'm gonna take all the laser footage and I'm gonna put it behind a paywall and I'm gonna charge 10x for it. And I'm gonna keep all the money. Tell me what the fuck to do with my fucking video. I fucking flew away on my own dime out there for a fucking week How fucking dare you? Earn primarily off someone's death buttery bros haven't earned a dime off of someone's death They earned a dime off of their fucking hard work that they've been doing 20 years You fucking retard who the fuck is this guy?
Starting point is 02:11:04 Fucking moron european for sure sorry you didn't deserve that but fuck uh the time and energy and passion care and love and respect that you guys put into this is what we expect from buttery bros yeah Yeah, that was good. Castro using the word incident and his message is so infuriating. Tell me you talked to your lawyers without telling me how much do those lawyers cost? Money should have spent on real estate.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Shut the fuck up. Castro should be prosecuted. Eat a dick. Rich Edwards. How about fuck you? Like how the fuck would that help anything? Hey, these are the same fucking morons. This is the defund the police shit. We're going to defund the police because they're bad for fucking black people. They defund the police and fucking black on black murder fucking doubles in a year
Starting point is 02:12:06 You fucking want but you got your way But you got your way So many opportunities for safeguards so many failures, maybe I shouldn't do this show this show give me fucking my The the most shameful championships I've ever seen CrossFit my god you're a faggot too piece of shit Rest in peace, that's Lazar okay Beautiful video, great memory. Yeah, I'm not doing this show. I'm going to fucking just I'll turn you a ball of fucking hate.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Beautifully done. Thank you. Oh, my gosh. Just heartbroken for Lazar and his family and friends. All right, this is pretty good. The comments are great, I'm impressed. Yeah, this is cool, thank you for making this. This turned out good. I'm surprised there wasn't more fatalities. Well, you're a fucking retard. Emily Rolfe had a fucking clot at the games that could have fucking killed her if it wasn't
Starting point is 02:14:05 for the fucking the head doctor running out there and fucking sending her to the hospital right away. Has it has one person even mentioned that? Emily Rolfe had a fucking clot on her arm they couldn't find a fucking pulse and the fucking doctor was there, I don't know if I'm supposed to say his name or not, but he fucking runs out there, fucking grabs this fucking chick, gets her to the hospital and saves her fucking life. That would have happened when she was at the drive-thru at McDonald's, she might have fucking
Starting point is 02:14:41 died. That's a pretty solid comeback, but you're an asshole. Thank God Dave was not there, she would have been dead. He was there. You're a dick. That's a great comeback though. Uh, when you don't hold your hatred back, you are truly free. I just don't want to be mean to fucking people. Clive McLaughlin.
Starting point is 02:15:19 Roman should not have been allowed to finish the games with his foot if you follow the current athlete care mindset. Yeah, neither should have Ricky. All sorts of people. Sevag Vartanian. Sure, you do. No, I don't. I really don't.
Starting point is 02:15:40 Especially in the bigger scheme of things, it's like to be to be frank like If I if I Like just think Just think of all like if I like you know what I like I would trade that here's the thing Here's the here's what I would trade you guys can have Dave If you all admit that you voted for a fucking pedophile woman hating Genocidal maniac for your fucking president Justin Trudeau I'll trade you Dave if all of you come out and say that and support that
Starting point is 02:16:20 That's all I want. I Make the demands here. Brent and Pat, I want you to admit that you voted for a fucking guy that supports genital mutilation of children, enforced the vaccine that killed shitloads of your fucking countrymen worldwide, and that fucking hates women. Then I will trade you Dave. Fuck Dave if you give me that. I'll give you everything if you do that. If you actually fucking grow a set of fucking balls and use your platform for something like that. How about that?
Starting point is 02:16:51 I mean, that's what I really care about. Like, I don't really care. Like, the rest, this is just, this is just a party. I care as much as you guys do. This is just fun. Just a drama, you know what I mean? Playing in the background. Froze bank accounts of the fucking farmers
Starting point is 02:17:08 How many of you fucking said shit on your platforms about that you guys are fucking bitches in the big picture I mean relative to me Your only real values athletes is taking your platforms and speaking about things that matter. Like Rich has started to do. The rest of you, cunts. Cunts. Relative to me. I mean, I still like you guys, but I'm just saying relative to me. Now some of you are just ignoramuses and you don't know and that doesn't mean you make you a cunt. I was a fucking ignoramus at 25 too. Fuck, you know? Ramis at 25 to fuck you know but I mean that's the that's the
Starting point is 02:17:59 that's I mean that's the real truth I mean look at look at the what Rolando did he fucking knocked that drink off the counter oh Seve, he's rich and has all the power. We can't do that. Dave will punish us if we not, if we said we don't drink that Jocko fuel shit. Uh huh. Right. Let me tell you, the truth behind that is pussies. Sell out pussies. Drink your ultra processed FIT- 40% off. I'm a sucker for anything that says cretin on it All right, love you guys I'm gonna do a show later today
Starting point is 02:18:36 With Avi he'll tell you about his tennis match The best part is is that he talks about how this kid took the fucking this kid had a meltdown which is so awesome um i'll ask him about his intensity his commitment all that shit i drank probably i didn't drink as many jaco juices this year as i did last year but i probably drank 10 this year last year i drank like 30 my access was atrocious this year i'll do a little nod to lor though uh she was fucking great uh their their media director over there kitten was fucking good to me except except people say the crazy people say the craziest shit to me you wouldn't believe the crazy shit people say to me anyway that's another show. Anyway, they were great.
Starting point is 02:19:25 Anyway. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:19:33 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:19:41 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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