The Sevan Podcast - Vivek SAID IT! | Live Call In - #1026

Episode Date: September 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at bam we're live good morning good morning good morning rambler hey what's up good morning good morning rambler someone was uh suggesting that you were uh yolo uh reincarnated i wonder i wonder if you are yolo slater what's up dude dude? Good morning. Audrey. Audrey's wow. Wow. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh my goodness. Okay. Good morning, Audrey. Holy cow. That's a shocker. Spiegel, hey. Good morning. Eric Weiss, hey. Good morning. The Self-Help Book. Good morning. Three G's. Careful. Careful.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Careful with those G's. Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful. those Gs. Careful. Careful, careful, careful. David Weed. Good morning. As-salamu alaykum. As-salamu alaykum. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Well, very culturally diverse. Good morning from Mr. Weed. Good morning. Jungless drums. Jungless drums. Already a text from my wife. What's this? Oh no. Uh, this morning we're going to have someone from the master's fitness collective on and I'm trying to understand. I think the matter Fitness Collective actually is... My sound is off. You can't hear me? Sound shitty?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Really? How shitty is shitty? How's that? Better? Uh-oh. Sound is off. Good morning, Stefan. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Good morning. Audio no bueno. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Fix your mic. I haven't done anything. I haven't done anything new or different. It's tiny. The mic's tiny. Can you guys hear me good?, fix your mic. I haven't done anything. I haven't done anything new or different. It's tiny.
Starting point is 00:02:46 The mic's tiny. Can you guys hear me good? Turn on your mic, dude. Sounds like mic is not working at all. Oh my goodness. Standby. Testing one. It says my mic is working i got nothing wrote sounds good here john williams thank you how about that am i better am i better someone help a brother out talk to me guys talk to me you guys missed that great intro?
Starting point is 00:03:26 That whole thing? That sounds like it's coming through a laptop. Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Something did happen. Ah, yes. Okay, hold on. You're right.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You're right. It's going to take a second. This is going to take a second. This is going to take a second. I got to reboot the whole system. I am so sorry. Yeah, that sucks. I don't even know where the mic is right now. Maybe it's over here by the computer.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Shit. Standby. Sorry, guys. I'm rebooting the whole system that's interesting that's never happened before not like that not like that give me one second i'm glad the guest isn't here that's for sure we're having uh jamie on from the um masters fitness collective i don't know why i'm still talking to this mic we can hear you just not a smooth quality yeah i'm turning on this whole this mic's not this mic that i keep leaning
Starting point is 00:04:41 into to talk through it it's not working. Holy shit. It is like Rodecaster 7. This is crazy. No. Fuck. Wow. Now the Rodecaster won't even go on. This show might be over
Starting point is 00:05:07 ladies and gentlemen. Holy shit. This is fucking bad. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Jamie, bear with me one second. Please.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Sorry. We got some technical issues. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Oh, my goodness. You're not Jamie either, are you? You are Jamie.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Okay. The show must go on. I agree. I agree. The show must go on. I agree. I agree. The show must go on. Wow. No sign of the roadcaster. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Give me a second, guys. Sorry. Huh. Huh, huh, huh. I did turn it on and off. Leave me alone. Hey, what's up, dude? I don't even know if I can hear you now.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Can I hear you? Barely. Can you hear me okay? I can hear you just fine. Okay. My microphone went out. My whole system rebooted this morning. And... Yeah, that sucks. Hey, where are are you are you at the is the mat is the master's fitness collective the name of the organization that puts on the master's fitness championships yes that's our
Starting point is 00:06:56 original name that we came out with oh cool and you and this is the and this is the weekend you guys are doing it it started this morning i'm in in Fort Wayne right now. We're already a couple of heats in and it's going pretty well. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Yes, sir. And the competition is Friday, Saturday and Sunday? Yes, sir. And open to the public? It's open to the public. We did have a qualifier to compete in it. But outside of that, yeah, it's open to the public.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And what's the actual address? It's Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. So we have a 100,000 square foot facility that this is in. Wow. And how long have you guys been doing this? This is year four. You seem too young to be putting on a master's competition. Shouldn't you be doing something else? I'm 41
Starting point is 00:07:46 Just clean living That's what it really comes down to Hey, why do Masters comp? Why not do a full comp And then there happens to be Masters in it? Well, I mean There's a long story
Starting point is 00:08:02 Do you want the long story or do you want the short story? I'm game, I'm game, whatever I there's a long story. Do you want the long story? Do you want the short story? I'm game. I'm game. Whatever. I'll do the long story. So in 2019, we, I think it might've been even 2018. We ended up wanting to be a media company because no one was covering the masters at the games and our buddies were all at the games competing and we could never see them. Um, so we actually started doing in 2019, I believe it was the legends comp. We, we covered covered that we live streamed it for them um we put together a pretty good package and and then all of a sudden covet hit and no one was stepping up and taking care of the masters so we decided to put masters on and uh and call it the
Starting point is 00:08:40 masters fitness championship in 2020. Had about 120 people. And it was pretty successful. And then it kind of grew from there. We have 508 people this year. Wow, crazy. So you are a, your media, your CrossFit media people who expanded into competition as opposed to CrossFit competition people who expanded into media. That to CrossFit competition people who expanded into media.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That was, that was the original goal. Yeah. So yeah, we really wanted to get coverage out there and now we're just kind of putting on this competition because it's, it, it's gotten really good traction and it's become something that people actually want to go to. I mean, no one really wants to go to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Trust me. You know, so if it really comes down to it, they're coming here for this competition, which is pretty special when you, when you think about it. Is that home for you? It is not. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And 508 athletes is pretty wild, pretty crazy. It's awesome. Especially since we, we do have a 30 to, to, we start at 30. Um, so it's a little bit of a change from what the masters are at the crossfit games and things like that but uh it's very very inclusive we have teams as well um so you know it's kind of it's grown exponentially in the last four years are the teams masters athletes too over 30 yes so we have three divisions 30 to to 39, 40 to 49, and then 50 plus. Dang, cool. And what about expanding to other events? With 508 people, is it tempting to have a second event? You know, I mean, I don't know if you've ever put on something.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, I did a birthday party. I throw birthday parties for my kids every third year. So it takes you every third year. And I don't think I could do another event in a year. It's just, it's a lot, it's a lot of logistic work. It's a lot of behind the scenes. And I think putting everything we have into one event and making it special is way better than just watering it down. Who should come visit? So if I, if I live anywhere within 50 miles of there, let's say I live, I live in California, but let's say I live by there. Good place to bring my three boys,
Starting point is 00:10:45 two six-year-olds and eight-year-olds for a couple hours, grab a hot dog and have them watch and throw down. Is it friendly like that? I mean, it's, it's that kind of, it's that kind of atmosphere. Obviously if you've been around masters athletes, you know, the community is way more important than the competition. So when it really comes down to it, like my family's here, I have a two and a five month old, two, two year old and a five month old.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And they'll be here and they'll enjoy it. And then they can go to the children's children's museum here. There's also a zoo. So there's a lot of stuff that families can do after the competition as well. Awesome. Hey, dude, thanks for coming on. I know I didn't give you much notice. And I just was Will Plummer from Strong Coffee. He's there and he's like, hey, dude, you should give these guys a shout out. And so I tried to reach out to you guys as fast as I could. Maybe next year I could, I don't know, have some athletes on ahead of time. But I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I know that we just started texting at five in the morning. So I appreciate you coming on. Sorry about the early text. I think it was like three o'clock my time. Yeah. Anytime, brother. Anytime. Hey, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And I'll be checking out the social media at the Masters Fitness Champions today. Sounds great. I appreciate it. All right, dude. Have a good day. You too. Bye-bye. Jamie from the Masters Fitness Championships.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And I still don't have a fucking working mic. God. So usually I can just go into the settings here. And there'll be a choice for the Rodecaster. And for some reason, there is not a choice for the RODECaster. Fuck. Дякую. All right. E aí All right. This is not weird this is not weird this is not weird this is totally normal totally normal i don't know why you would think it was weird to uh be just moving all the equipment around in the middle of a show it just makes makes it exciting. No other show does it. I don't understand why you can't just be positive about it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Why can't you be like, fuck this edge. This show is fucking cutting edge. No one ever does this. Look how calm and chill he is. He don't give a fuck that it's fucked up. It's his show. He does whatever he wants. Why can't it be like that?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Why does it have to be... Hi, thank you. I need a fucking co-host. Hey, brother. Hey. The audio isn't like terrible, terrible. We can hear you. It just sounds... It's the wrong fucking hole.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I don't do anal is that a comment that's no i'm just like it's a metaphor because you're saying hey it's fine it's the wrong the wrong mic is working it's picking up from the mic on my computer and it's fucking piss and and it's just crazy that this is the uh this is literally probably i've i've had i don't know how many roadcasters i've had now and it's just crazy that there keeps being issues with them it's not like no one was even in no one's been in here since the last show you know i know you're trying to be solution-oriented, but I think it's more exciting if I just complain. Hey, I'm game.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I just want to let you know. I can hear you. Okay. And you're crushing it. And that other person is weird. You're not weird. That other guy's weird. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 This is totally normal. So thank God I never sent back my other shitty Rodecaster. So I just plugged in my other shitty one. Let's see. Oh, my God. You guys just saw me put my hair up. This is an intimate moment. Is there an alternate to the roadcaster?
Starting point is 00:16:34 No. No. These fuckers got the monopoly on the shit. At least as far as I know. As far as I know. Oh look. Shit. There's Caleb. Look at Caleb's's Caleb. Look at that. Oh, there he is. Fuck. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:51 You saved me. Okay, bye. Bye. You watching me struggle this morning, Caleb? Yeah. I was on the drive. I just saw how shitty it was going man and this new road caster's not not it can't find the new road caster either crazy
Starting point is 00:17:14 you think that there was a system a software update last night on the max i don't know i didn't get one last night god this is a trip. Studio display microphone? Does that sound any better? No, it's the same. Yeah, this is crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:40 This is crazy. Wow. Hey, do you have the phone number for the show phone? Do I have it? Yeah, I want to see if the phone works. No. If you send it to me, I'll call you. Or I can try to call you.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Here, I'll try to call you. Let me see. Because that way I can at least tell if the road caster is set up. Oh, okay. Travis Bellinghaus is calling. Hold on. Hello? Hey.
Starting point is 00:18:26 God, you're a good dude. Well, thanks. I think he's like, he's traveling across the country. Okay. Yeah, that sucks. I'm not doing a show like this. What sucks, too, is... Yeah, it doesn't even give me the... That's what sucks.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It doesn't even give me the option. It's not even giving me... It doesn't even give me the option. It doesn't even see the Rodecaster. I don't know, but now I'm starting to think it's... No, they can't hear you. Your phone's too, but I haven't hooked it up yet. I haven't hooked up the phone yet to the Rodecaster. That's a whole nother problem now. I'm not rolling.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'm not rolling for shit. I'm not rolling I'm not rolling for shit I'm quitting that's been your best line yet and no one heard it oh my god I can't even hook the fucking phone up oh I'm so fucking pissed phone up. God, I can't call in and give a born-pretentive shoe review now. Oh, I'm so fucking pissed.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Alright, figure it out. Okay, thanks. Bye. Yeah, bye. My personal phone's trying to connect, but the studio phone won't connect. What a fucking joke. What a disaster. No, it won't matter if Hillary goes... Hillary, go live and send Seve a link.
Starting point is 00:20:38 No, because I just don't have a mic. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Uh, it's... I wonder what happened. I think something got updated.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Roadcaster could add an update. Oh, my God. Hey, where are you going? I'm probably going to Louisville. I'll probably stop in Louisville. And then I'll spend the night there. And then drive the rest of the way. It's hard to make it in two days, but we'll see if that
Starting point is 00:21:26 works. Did you move? Yeah, so I just got off active duty yesterday. The movers came, packed up all my stuff, and took it off. Now they're driving to Nebraska right now. Crazy. And that's it? You're done?
Starting point is 00:21:51 You're done with active duty? Yeah, I'll be off active duty. I'll be in the guard, though. So I still have a time commitment that I need to serve, but it's only once a month until I'm done with it, or until I want to stop, basically. Will you start being on morning shows again? Probably, yeah. once a month until I'm done with it or until I want to stop basically.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Will you start being on morning shows again? Probably, yeah. Holy shit. Yeah, I think I'll be able to start working on that. Work on the house, you know. Are you depressed? Are you like, hey, what am I going to do with my life? Are you excited?
Starting point is 00:22:23 No, I'm stoked. I have never been so excited. That's awesome. As soon as I finished the paperwork stuff at the base, it was like a massive weight just came over my shoulders. It was great. Holy shit, Dianne Feinstein died. Really? Wow. Wow? Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Wow. Good riddance. I mean, I'm sorry to hear that. Bye. Trailblazer in U.S. politics. What a fucking joke. Longest living senator. It's not a good thing.
Starting point is 00:23:03 What happens now that Dianne Feinstein died? She's died after months of health struggle. Months? How about years? Gavin Newsom will now need to appoint her replacement. Ugh. Gross. Oh, great. Oh, that's gonna go.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Fuck, that bitch was the fucking oldest senator. 90. I don't care that it's insensitive. I don't care that it's insensitive. It's honest. I don't care that it's insensitive. I don't care. Anyone who wants to say that, it's inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:23:38 It's not inappropriate. It's not inappropriate. If I was like... There's people out there that... There's people out there where the world's a better place with them being gone. Plenty of people like that. Sebi, your mom is asking if she will take the boys later. Oh, she's in the comments? My mom is? Am I taking the boys later oh I don't know I can't get through this show mom can you come over here and fix this shit
Starting point is 00:24:13 oh here okay the road cast are rebooted nope still not right At least you got to talk to Jamie. Yeah. Yeah. Let me see. What if I replace the entire cable? Oh, shit. Now one of my mirrors just went out. Oh! Okay, okay, okay, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Let's see. Okay. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. I think it's the same as it was before, though. Oh, shit. One of my monitors just went out now. Oh. It just keeps getting better.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Eric Wise, we hear you fine. Let's roll. I don't know, guys. I don't guys. We are rolling. This is the show today Okay, you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna gonna replace this. Oh the monitor. I'm gonna replace this cable Okay Okay, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. I think Pedro said if you clap and spin around three times, it'll start working again.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You want to try that? Might be a good alternative. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. What sucks is that I'm not even doing a show tomorrow and I wanted this show to be so good.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This will be the greatest movie of all time. What'd you say? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 00:27:23 There it is. Do you hear me? Yeah, that's better. That's good. Yeah, that's better. Yeah, bitches. Thank you. 26 minutes in.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Jamie from the Masters Fitness Collective, thank you. What's wrong with your mom, RB? Yes, it's not worse. It's? Yes. It's not worse. It's not worse. It's not worse. Oh, my goodness. So that was just a shitty cable. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:03 All right. Hey. All right, Caleb. Thank you. I keep you on, but your audio is a disaster. No, that's plenty fine. I got to stop. See you anyway.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Later. Have a good show. Caleb Beaver. Oh, look at this. Let's see. And look, I got a new backdrop. Look at this. Look, I fit.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Oh, my goodness. How is that? I'm good, right? Everything's good. What a show. OK, let's start. Let's do this. Let's do this. God, this is going to have to be this is going to end up being one of the lowest rated shows ever. Hey, hey. Well, I can't get the I still can't get the Roadcaster to hook Oh here we go Let's see if the roadcaster now
Starting point is 00:28:50 Will hook up to the mic To the phone I still can't get it to hook up To this phone But that's okay Oh well you don't have to call it No we're not Bug it
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah Go ahead Yeah It's good It's good though right? The audio's good? Yeah sounds way better Okay Bitchin' Cool Alright thanks brother Okay bye Yeah. It's good. It's good though, right? The audio is good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Bitchin'. All right. Thanks, brother. Okay. Bye. God, that's fucking awesome. Forget this device. Bye-bye. Search for audio devices.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Maybe I can hook this up. Shit. Oh, I haven't even had a sip of coffee. I handle that like a champ. I handle that like a champ i handle that like a champ uh the um the republicans had their debate yesterday right i saw this thing that vivek said i just love the straightforward shit he says just like just straight up just bam oh let me see if my show notes are fucked up. Oh, here it is. Did you see Nikki Haley?
Starting point is 00:29:51 We'll get to this in a second, but Nikki Haley said to him, I'm going to have to hear about this all night. I wonder if that really is my mom. Okay, can we undo the man bun now it's not shitty i won't be i won't be i won't be down on myself for this i did the best i could i'm working it i'm just i'm just i'm working it like a champ i replaced a cable I replaced a cable I replaced a roadcaster live on the air
Starting point is 00:30:28 how many people have done that and what a great audience you are fucking 210 people watched me replace a roadcaster over 25 minutes or something they could give two dicks about you guys are great John Williams of Evict did a pretty good job I thought he was better during the first debate
Starting point is 00:30:43 well John do you think that he was better during the first debate, or do you think that the people were just really fucking aggressive towards him? I mean, people are terrified of him. He's calm and he's smart. He's the calmest dude and he's the smartest dude in the room. It's hard. And Nikki Haley's got this, like, weird chip on her shoulder, I feel like, where she has to, like, prove something.
Starting point is 00:31:03 She's got, like, that whole, like, hey, I need to prove something to you. But I really... This is the part... This is the kind of shit... This is why, probably, Vivek would easily get my vote because of just saying just the truth like this. Transgenderism, especially in kids,
Starting point is 00:31:21 is a mental health disorder. We have to acknowledge the truth of that for what it is. I met two young women early in this campaign. They have parental rights in school. Parents have the right to know. And you know what the hypocrisy of this is? Even New Hampshire failed to actually get past a piece of legislation here. The very people who...
Starting point is 00:31:39 So you're telling me that if I'm born with a penis, but I think that I'm a girl, that I should have a vagina, that there's any explanation for that that's other than you have a mental disorder? Like, even if it's not like, let's not even say it like it's a bad thing. I just have a mental disorder. Like, you 100%, if there's going to be anything that's called a mental disorder, that's it. If for some reason you cannot accept your genitalia, you have a mental disorder. Unless we're going to say there's just no such thing as mental disorders. But that's like baseline mental disorder. Just baseline.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And what's crazy is it was a couple years ago. It's like this. there really is no such thing as short people you know how i know that because i could kill all you motherfuckers on the planet and just leave me and i wouldn't be short anymore but for the sake of of of of some sort of agreed upon reality and the fact that i'm not the only person here. I am short. We can graph it out. And I'm in the 13th percentile. Okay. If.
Starting point is 00:32:53 In the most simple relative way. You have a. If there's going to be mental disorders. You are fucking batshit crazy. Baseline fucked up. It's not a bad thing. I'm not even saying it's a bad thing. if you want to be the other sex in the genitalia you have you're fucked up it's okay isn't admitting it the like the the first the the first step isn't that like one of the aa tenants hey and at least maybe you can get
Starting point is 00:33:20 better i'm not getting taller no matter what i am not getting taller no matter what who say that this increases the risk of suicide are also the ones saying that parents don't have the right to know and more logic more logic it increases the rate of suicide supposedly but you don't want the parents to know. About that increased risk of suicide. Hey, Karnan. How are you doing, Anthony? How are you doing, Karnan?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Karnel, Karnan. Karnel, Karnan. I'm reading some book on gangs in Salinas. I'm learning all the lingo. What did the Mexicans say when his homework blew out the window if you're sensitive you're not gonna want to hear this joke extremely racist extremely racist what do the mexicans say when his homework blew out the window come back here holmes
Starting point is 00:34:15 no shit fuck that joke up what did what did take two what did the mexicans say when his homework blew out the window come back here sa get it come back here sa what do the mexicans say here this one's this one's ruthless carnal carnal listen this one's horrible uh what do the mexicans say when the house fell on get off me holmes yeah yeah racist something's wrong with you if you think you're the opposite of your genitalia it's okay there's something wrong with everyone just own that and why is he the only dude that can say that
Starting point is 00:34:59 and so once you've accepted that why are you allowing those dudes who want to dress as women read to your kids as the baseline of who comes to your school library to read to your kids? Richie Rich, it's all in the delivery. I'm no Chris Rock, but I'm getting there. It's all in the delivery. And I'm sorry. It is not compassionate to affirm a kid's confusion.
Starting point is 00:35:28 That is not compassion. That is cruelty. I met two young... It's not compassionate. Did you see that? To be a codependent to their insanity. Oh. Your four-year-old boy thinks he's a girl?
Starting point is 00:35:42 Okay, let's go take him out to get some dresses. That's not compassionate. That's not compassionate. That's not compassionate. That's fucking abusive. A wad zombie. I haven't vetted this joke just so you guys know. Carnal. Carnal.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I haven't. Am I saying it right? Carnal. Carnon? Carnon. Fuck, I can't remember. Is it Carnnal or carnal carnal carnal mexican uh carnal carmen no carnal no carnal carnal carnal uh what does carnal mean
Starting point is 00:36:17 in spanish slang carnal is very popular uh my friend carnal okay Okay, I've invented this joke, Karnal. Here we go. Ready? Why don't Mexicans teach driver's ed and sex ed in the same day? They have to give the donkey a break. Oh, not cool. Not fucking cool, Karnal. Karnal.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Marissa Hanosa. That's not racist. I'm not offended. All not offended how about the donkey one that one was fucking that was saying your peeps have sex with donkeys that one was kind of that was crazy where's my Vivek
Starting point is 00:36:56 shit I lost my Vivek where's Vivek oh here we go okay back to Vivek here we go sorry Oh, here we go. Okay, back to Vivek. Here we go. Sorry, Marissa. Here we go. Here we go. Women, Chloe and Katie, early in this campaign,
Starting point is 00:37:17 who are in their 20s, now regret getting double mastectomies and a hysterectomy. Oh, wait a second. Those girls regret having their tits chopped off and their fucking baby package cut out? That's weird. Ever have children. And the fact that we allowed that to happen in this country is barbaric. So I will ban genital mutilation or chemical. He's going to ban genital mutilation and castration of children.
Starting point is 00:37:41 How is how how is it 2023? And this is a fucking Topic of conversation I'm gonna insist that 2 plus 2 is 4 And you don't remove the penis off the 4 year old Holy shit Yo bitch Shut up Vivek's talking
Starting point is 00:38:06 Hey and you know what else You know what I think about these people who interrupt Vivek They just reek of insecurity He's never saying dumb shit Like dude just let the motherfucker finish You don't agree with him fine then come back He's the most civil class act person Who's been on that fucking stage
Starting point is 00:38:25 Any of these stages in my fucking lifetime It's crazy This is like Jimmy Carter shit Uh dildo Sevan pull up the clip where the guy comes on A live talk show and says the only two things To never let me down are first amendment And boobs Yeah on a live talk show and says the only two things to never let me down are first amendment and boobs
Starting point is 00:38:45 yeah and that's even going away there's so many fucked up people these days boobs have been so misrepresented that misrepresented the boobs are letting people down look at there i clicked the right window see that my sponsors finally i've been just fucking my sponsors I've been covering them like this. I wonder how I make this my default. Isn't that good? Look at that shit. I just figured that out. 1400 shows. And I'm like, oh, look, I can have me and my sponsors on there at the same time. I know Susan's going to call me today and be like, dude, I've been telling you that for months i don't have i don't have any bandwidth for anything besides the show and my kids so the second the show's over i don't even think about like it took three seconds of technical uh they had they have this really simple layout on stream yard where i can adjust
Starting point is 00:39:40 the size of my picture i wonder if i could do it in real time and show you guys look at this let me see can you guys see this uh look can you see how i just made my picture. I wonder if I could do it in real time and show you guys. Look at this. Let me see. Can you guys see this? Can you see how I just made my picture smaller? Did you guys see that? Or do I have to save it? Look, I'm making it really small. Look, I can do the whole show like this. Update
Starting point is 00:39:57 layout. You reached the limit. Update layout. Look at that. How about that? Now you can see it. What if I did my whole show like this? Hey, what's up, dudes? How you doing? Hey, 2.7
Starting point is 00:40:16 million podcasts. No one's ever fucked with the layout live like this. You know why? Because they're fucking dorks. And they're posturing and they're trying to fucking do something am i trying to do nothing yeah thank you matt oh dude the nose podcast peeping tom that's what we need suza we need three topless girls on here and then to frame their shit like that So you only see like some tit
Starting point is 00:40:45 When they cross in front Or if they scratch or do something Wow That's awesome And then this Look at Nikki Haley God she's such a fucking douche bag She said
Starting point is 00:41:01 She said at the debate Every time you talk I'm paraphrasing but she said something like Hey every time you talk, I'm paraphrasing, but she said something like, hey, every time you talk, I feel a little dumber. Every time I listen to you, I feel a little dumber. Well, let's go back, and Nikki Haley wrote this review about his book, Woke Inc. Vivek speaks the truth without fear. W woke identity politics is dividing and weakening america at every level he urges us to lift up all americans rather than to pit ourselves against one another his combination of honesty intellect and foresight are exactly what we need
Starting point is 00:41:37 to overcome our challenges in the years ahead hey more and more more and more politicians are going to try going the honest route. There's something kind of lazy about being honest. I mean, I know that sounds negative. I don't mean it to be negative. But more and more politicians are going to try going the honest route. But just remember that dude did it first. Or second or third but but we've never seen anything quite like this not in my lifetime not in my lifetime i don't think so i'm open to being wrong i'm open to someone saying hey the only reason i think he's
Starting point is 00:42:18 honest is because his views are aligning with yours there's some shit he says that i don't know if i agree with the whole the whole i'm not sure how i feel about of the voting if you're born in this country although i think he's on to something have you guys heard that he's basically saying that in the 14th amendment it says that if you're fucking born here you can vote here and so basically if your parents come here illegally or if you're if you're some rich chinese people and you come and have your kid here they get dual citizenship right he's saying that in the 14th amendment somewhere and i haven't looked at it it says hey actually you have to be born here under legal means and so if your parents are illegal immigrants then uh migrants whatever the fuck they're called
Starting point is 00:42:59 uh you actually weren't born here under legal means. And so you don't get the right to vote. And the example he gives, by the way, to show that is, if you're a diplomat and you have a kid here, your kid doesn't get citizenship. But for some reason, illegals do get citizenship. Now, I haven't verified that, but I heard him say that yesterday.
Starting point is 00:43:21 If that's true, fuck. Wow. Wow. Yeah, illegal illegal carnal here's the thing i don't think those are carnal that are coming across the border mexicans are the least of our fucking worries it's all these fucking people that i mean have you seen have you seen the people showing up in panama to start working their way up to the u.s it's crazy dude musk went to the border did you guys see that elon musk went to the border and live stream on his twitter twitter twitter illegal aliens yeah i'm fine with all i don't have any uh i don't have any issues with that remember trust the organizations
Starting point is 00:44:09 trust them with all your heart and soul this one sucks the American Academy of Pediatricians recommends against low carbohydrate diets for most children and adolescents with or at risk of diabetes Recommends against low-carbohydrate diets for most children and adolescents.
Starting point is 00:44:31 With or at risk of diabetes, according to a new clinical report. Citing a lack of high-quality data potential for adverse effects of carbohydrate restriction among younger individuals, lead author Ana Neiman, MD MD medical doctor of Indiana University Indianapolis and colleagues suggested that pediatric patients with type 2 diabetes should focus on reducing nutrient blah blah blah listen if you're when you feed your kids refined carbohydrates you're feeding them poison
Starting point is 00:45:02 that's it simple I wish it always defaulted back to this layout your kids refined carbohydrates for feeding them poison. That's it. Simple. I wish it always defaulted back to this layout. Does citizenship matter if you don't even have to provide an ID to vote? I'm sure it does. owner of 12 pitbulls
Starting point is 00:45:36 it isn't Mexicans coming over I was at the that must be somewhere, some border. And it was Africans, Indians. How are you doing, my friend? And Asians. Have a nice day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah. Everyone. It's a fucking, it's a free for all. Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid-driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a claims-free hybrid-driving university grad who signed up online. It's Dave.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. What's it like to trade crypto on Kraken? Let's say I'm in a state-of-the-art gym surrounded by powerful-looking machines.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Do I head straight for the squat rack? I could, but this gym has options like trainers, fitness pros, fodders to back me up. It's a free for all door. Oh, this is my favorite. This is my favorite. The king of all racists joins us on today's show. God, this guy is such a ding dong. What a coup this guy pulled. I'm so glad this guy is not Armenian.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Because I identify with being Armenian. I would be so sad if this guy was Armenian. I'm so happy he is not Armenian. I wonder what this guy is. What do you think he is? What do you think his ethnicity is? Fuck. Just deny. ethnicity is fuck just deny
Starting point is 00:47:45 Boston University hired Ibram X. Kendi to lead its new center for anti-racist research in 2020 a year marked by a global pandemic and nationwide racial tensions three years three
Starting point is 00:48:04 what there weren't nationwide racial tensions there were a few million fucking blue hair wackadoodle fucking white people just doing fucking crazy shit basically hating black people under the guise of loving them
Starting point is 00:48:20 I don't know if I'd call that racial tensions it was fucking it's a mass mass insanity. Yeah, this guy's a fraud. Yeah, racist douche completely. Three years later, after at least $43 million in grants and gifts and what sources say has been an underwhelming output of research the center for for anti-racist research laid off almost all of its staff last week multiple former staff members alleged a mismanagement of funds high turnover rate and general disorganization have plagued the center since its inception dude
Starting point is 00:49:01 something that can't be defended with logic is absolutely going to be corrupt this thing is like obviously corrupt the complaint detailed multiple high-level employees leaving suddenly and allegations of workplace culture that include fear and retaliation and discrimination dude how else are you supposed to keep lies in check you only keep lies in check through fucking fear and retaliation. And discrimination. Can you imagine how pathetic the people were there, who worked there, how pathetic they must have been? the pattern of amassing grants without any commitment to producing the research
Starting point is 00:49:47 obligated to them continues to be a standard operating procedure Grundy wrote to Morrison this is not a matter of slow launch is that what we call is that the funny thing we call soft we call it soft launch this is not a matter of we're going to change this
Starting point is 00:50:02 this is not a matter of a soft launch to the best of my knowledge there is no good faith commitment to fulfilling funded research for for every black man walking down the street there's 3.2 white men who cross the street
Starting point is 00:50:20 to the other side the research is done and thank you for the 43 million dollars fucking idiots hey it's a the the whole the whole thing yet the whole thing with uh being offended and where we've gotten with racism and all this stuff is all just about people not taking personal accountability and personal responsibility at the end of the day It doesn't matter if someone fucking hates me. For whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:50:49 It's on me. It's on me. I got to move on to the fucking next thing. This organization. This Ibram Kendi's organization. This anti-racism thing. Is just one giant facade. That really is.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Hey. How can we blame other people for everything and never take responsibility for ourselves? If you, if that's how you want to live your life, come to us. We will take them all. You, the Indians, you, the white people, you, the Asian hate people, come, come. We're only blaming. This is the, we're perfect over here. We're perfect over here. I said it from day one. And it's the same thing that Vivek was saying about people who don't realize that transgenderism, being a tranny, is a mental disorder.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Basically what you end up doing is you become a codependent. And when you help other people argue their limitations, it is the most vile of all human traits. When you help other people argue, argue your own limitations all you want. That's cool. I get it. I do it. We all do it. I'm not going to do jujitsu. I'm going to hurt myself. Wah, wah, wah, Savon. Argue other people's limitations. Demand. You're some fucking blue-haired 18-year- old fucking white chick who's never fucking done a thing in your fucking life and you're standing up there
Starting point is 00:52:10 telling black people to be offended fuck off go fucking jump in the ocean and i want to say something else too that i noticed from doing more and more of these interviews these fucking young people like if you're complaining about any in in like go out and fucking have some go out and do some fucking hard shit i'm kind of getting disgusted with the it's a little bit of the crossfit space like i don't want to hear shit about i don't want to hear one fucking complain about your fucking mental health shit until you fucking hitchhike across the fucking country How about that It's been known for Fucking millions of years that if you want To cure your fucking mental health issues
Starting point is 00:52:54 Stop thinking and your problems will end That's allowed to saying and how do you do that Fucking offer some service do something Either put yourself in a situation where You have immense struggle and all your other problems will go away. You won't now have the privilege to have those fucking issues. Or do something really fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And doing something hard, Fran is not hard compared to hitchhiking across the fucking country. Doing what fucking Joe Neils is doing, going into a Walmart and talking to random motherfuckers to try to get him to do CrossFit, is way harder than making it to the fucking CrossFit games. Let me rephrase that might not be harder than making it to the CrossFit games, but will is will carve out more depth, carve out more depth. And what you can now offer to humanity, what it will bring to your personality. Than any amount of fucking working out will do.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I work out really hard. And then the struggles of life. When I face them. I'm like I did harder stuff like that in the gym today. Okay cool. Well then let me see you do some of it. So you actually have some depth to your character. Because there's no depth to your character.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Occurring through hard workouts. You have no stories You got nothing Nothing Nothing Abraham Kendi thank you thank you thank you Mr. Myers
Starting point is 00:54:36 being a fucking businessman I'm a businessman I'm a businessman Calling yourself a businessman Is no different than Calling yourself a woman When you're really a man More just bullshit Professional athlete Go fuck yourself A woman when you're really a man. More just bullshit.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Professional athlete. Go fuck yourself. Please. Good morning, Mr. Beaver. Hi, how are you? How about your mom fucking die when you're four And your dad's a fucking alcoholic And now you got some stories Now you got some stories
Starting point is 00:55:33 And at six you're rolling your dad over in the middle of the night Because he's vomiting on himself And you're afraid he's gonna die Nothing bad happens You don't get molested Your dad don't beat you That's it Dude In two years you have more fucking depth
Starting point is 00:55:49 Stories, knowledge, wisdom Ability Skills Than fucking 25 times CrossFit Games champion A kid that knows how to fucking start a campfire with two sticks is more valuable has more depth a fucking eagle scout has more depth than your fucking average fucking uh ding dong fucking 19 year old crossfitter who've who got wounded by something someone said about
Starting point is 00:56:21 them on instagram i'm not even talking about anyone in specific. I'm just telling you. I'm just, I'm, I'm, I, like, God bless those guys. It's fucking awesome what they're doing. They shouldn't take, no one should take offense to that. I'm just, I'm just telling you the fucking truth. And then you get these weird, weird, fucking crazy perversions like this fucking dude It's just all blaming
Starting point is 00:56:54 It's the all blaming crew blame blame blame blame blame Stop the fucking blame life is great damn look at those shorts hans purple camo you're a big dude wide grip wide grip Wide grip. Did I have that? There was a dude on my podcast that had a book that was somehow – there was a guy on my podcast. Did he have something Easter? Michael Easter?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Wow, I can't believe I remember that. Robbie, there was a guy. What did Michael Easter write? Didn't he write do hard things? Michael Easter hard things. The thing is, I'm starting to realize that there's there's there's a difference. The case for doing hard shit. There's a difference between doing hard shit and like having like real life moments Real life moments Real real life moments is or is where like life intersects with like I guess something that most people would call faith And I'm not saying that there's not a value to like just doing hard shit Going in the backyard and digging a hole Going to the CrossFit gym Selling out
Starting point is 00:58:41 Going full throttle in a workout but it adds no value but it doesn't add anything to your conversation or anything that anyone wants to hear it won't bring fucking wisdom or palatable is not the right word it's just sir it's just surface it's like the difference between um traveling the planet traveling the globe as a tourist um versing traveling the globe globe
Starting point is 00:59:19 as a servant people who travel the globe as um as tourists, they're not adding depth. It's like you know those people. They go to fucking concerts. It's pretty much everyone who goes to concerts, to be honest with you. They're just going there to say that they went there. I've been to 37 Willie Nelson concerts. Willie Nelson concerts It's like Every concert I've been to sucks
Starting point is 00:59:50 Every professional fight I've been to sucks It's a good experience once or twice Sounds way better in your car Fight looks way better on your TV And here's the thing right And nobody will remember your name Great
Starting point is 01:00:19 I don't need to be Do you want to be remembered Do you want to be remembered as LeBron James the guy who shot the most hoops while in a jersey or the guy Conor McGregor
Starting point is 01:00:36 the guy who flew in the largest private jet cool do it if that's how you want to be remembered Dan go for it buddy do it oh my god my god, so do it. So do it. So do it. You become a magnet for retarded moths, and I appreciate it. Draw them all over there so I can see them all. I get it. It's cool. see them all. I get it. It's cool. Dude, Burning Man, at least, I don't know. Burning Man has more fucking practicality to me than going to a fucking, seeing the Rolling Stones in a 90,000 person stadium. Seve, do you enjoy crying? Would you turn it off if you could i cry so fucking i was tripping on
Starting point is 01:01:31 this with my son the other day i mean i don't really cry trying to think maybe like once a year i don't know no i like crying I don't mind crying like when the tears come out of your face hey Dan no one talks about Jesus' teacher no one talks about all the people that helped Jesus in his life
Starting point is 01:02:01 if you're a religious person. You cried on your birthday. Dude, you cry. Dude, I do cry. But I'm just saying I don't cry very much. Maybe once a year at the most. I was tripping on the fact that I don't cry when I get hurt, but kids cry when they get hurt. But I used to cry when I got hurt, but I i don't cry when i get hurt but kids cry when they get
Starting point is 01:02:25 hurt but i used to cry when i got hurt but i just don't cry when i get hurt anymore like i like i could i think i stubbed my toe like last year or something and broke it or something and i didn't even cry and i was like wow this is weird it just hurts you just kind of do that thing like that peter griffiths does where you're like oh the last time i cried when my dog died in the car and then my wife held him in her lap for dead on the six or seven hour drive up from Newport. When she got out to go to the bathroom, she handed me the dog. So I'm holding the dead dog. And I think I cried. And then when we got home and I started digging the hole, the dog's laying on the ground next to me.
Starting point is 01:03:04 She's like, my wife laid it down on the ground next to me. And now I'm digging the fucking hole. And when I put him in the hole, I started crying, like sobbing, like uncontrollably. And then one of my kids, my six-year-old goes, this can't be real. As I'm shoveling dirt onto our dead dog. That shit was fucking like out of a horror movie. It was fucking nuts. I did cry.
Starting point is 01:03:34 So maybe twice this year. Tank Reeves. Vivek is garbage. The whole GOP is trash Nazis in Canada And they 1984 that episode Y'all need to worry about bigger things than Burning Man Sounds like Normie's in here Oh shit wow
Starting point is 01:04:11 Oh my god that's why Seve's dog is no longer in the chat Wow Jeez Louise Seve's favorite hangout is the Santa Cruz Boardwalk I'm gonna give you someone this By the way this is a freebie I don't know which holidays It is
Starting point is 01:04:33 I don't know which holiday it is Which holidays they are I don't know which holidays it falls upon But there's There are these weekends I don't know if it's 4th of July or Labor Day or what When the Carnauls will descend On the Santa Cruz boardwalk
Starting point is 01:04:52 We got a shitload of Carnauls in this neighborhood Ironically Dave lives in the Mecca of the Carnauls Dave like Dave is in full blown Mexicanville Like English is your second language shit Where he lives Dave is in full-blown Mexican-ville. English is your second language shit where he lives.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And it's close. It's 11 miles down the road. But you can go to the boardwalk and it will be the most photographic, photogenic group of Mexicans you've ever seen in your life. if you're a photographer and you can go down there it is it is absolutely stunning it is it is a can't even really explain it they got every kind of fucking mexican there and it's fucking really cool and every time i see it i'm like fuck if i was younger and i had a camera i would do the craziest i would set up a spot and it's packed you got to get there fucking craziest. I would set up a spot, and it's packed. You got to get there fucking early. But I would set up a camera with a couple lights somewhere, and I would be like, hey, could I take a picture of you?
Starting point is 01:05:52 Hey, could I take a picture of you? I mean, everything from just like – because the Mexicans there, they run that whole spectrum of looks because of their uh indigenous genes to their to their european genes and then culturally they fucking are the massive swath from just like the most gangster motherfuckers you ever seen to just like the most beautiful families you ever seen and it's all there it's, it's cool. So anyway, if you're a photographer and you want to see some crazy shit, it is full Vatoville a couple times a year. And it's so worth going to.
Starting point is 01:06:38 The girls, I mean, some of the shit the girls wear is just absolutely crazy. And the makeup and the, yeah, it's gnarly. It's cool. in the yeah it's gnarly it's cool so there's the Santa Cruz boardwalk vindicate I loved the Santa Cruz boardwalk 50 years ago can't imagine what it's like now it's exactly it's kind of the same it's I mean
Starting point is 01:06:57 I don't know it's always been the same it's kind of dirty kind of scummy kind of interesting it's a has its good days and its bad days oh this is gonna be good here we go fire it up uh tank the globalists are losing badly in ukraine russia is stronger and more independent than ever what's their next move world war three or do they back off oh here we go uh uh tank reeves plumber i'm too awake bro it's balanced but after the hunka hunka burning nazi in canada hopefully
Starting point is 01:07:30 the normies wake up a bit the hunka hunka i don't know what that is um okay we did we did ibrahim i'm sure you guys have seen this but i can't resist this is pretty funny chris christie what a what a mess what a mess hey this could have been good i think this could have been good. I think this could have been good. He, he, he, he, he shouldn't have forced this. He didn't need to say, um, he didn't, he didn't need to. And we need it in Washington DC also. And Donald Trump should be here to answer for that, but he's not. And I want to look at that camera right now and tell you, Donald,
Starting point is 01:08:22 I know you're watching. You can't help yourself. I know you're watching. OK, and you're not here tonight, not because of polls and not because of your indictments. You're not here tonight because you're afraid of being on the stage and defending your record. You're ducking these things. And let me tell you what's going to happen. You keep doing that. No one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore.
Starting point is 01:08:44 We're going to call you Donald Duck. All Donald Duck I want to ask the governor to stand there And we need it in Washington I don't think he should have delivered it like that I think he should have just kept saying Donald you're ducking Donald's ducking Donald is ducking We all know Donald's ducking
Starting point is 01:08:59 And then left it and let someone else run with it He forced it and it's just God, you're a douche. I don't want to know that someone's trying to come up with lines like that ahead of time. Tank Reeves, do they back off? They can't. The Russians can't back off. Poland is mobilizing, and the deep state is full of boar.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Christie and these clowns are all warmongering mouth breathers. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no need for name calling. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Man. I want to go back to the lack of depth that some people have. Carve yourself out some depth. You don't even know that you don't have depth. That's the hard part.
Starting point is 01:09:56 You don't know what you don't know. The greatest example of it is the transformation that Hayley went to. She got a story now. She carved out some depth into her character. She has some real trials now. Real trials aren't like, hey, I moved up. I can lift more weight than I did last year. That is not real trials.
Starting point is 01:10:25 It's all superficial. It's not bad. It's just superficial. Sebi, look up iPhone October 4th. Weren't those little pieces? I was trying to recall. Wasn't there something going around? Didn't we used to talk about how people would say there were little pieces
Starting point is 01:10:46 of metal in the vaccine and that people were saying that like quarters stuck to their arm and shit whatever happened with that was that true yeah it's hard work that's all it is it's just hard work it's just hard work it's just nothing relative just relative to life it's just nothing Relative
Starting point is 01:11:06 Just relative to life It's just nothing Just boring You're not adding value there You're just every man Eric Weiss The federal emergency management agency Plans to conduct a nationwide test
Starting point is 01:11:26 To gauge how effective the government's mass communication is Yeah You think it's that Kristen do you think Haley finally got laid I don't know about that Um I think it was just she had to She started going inward a little bit
Starting point is 01:11:44 All these people who are trying to fix their shit on the outside they have no depth to them a better Instagram post a better score on their fran time one more medal you're never getting depth you're never getting depth if you're going out this way you make for a horrible
Starting point is 01:12:07 fucking interview you have no stories dude how about the guy yesterday two of his heroes were died in a gun fight that he was at you have to fucking go in and deal with some shit when that happens. I don't think I understand.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I don't think I understand. I think I'm starting to realize that I really don't understand the role that social media has in people's lives. I heard Vivek saying that he doesn't think anyone should be on social media who's under 16. I was thinking about that and I'm like, he basically called it something addictive. He was equating it to like heroin and shit. shit and i remember that was my first that was my first instinct when mal fucking fucking crashed and burned was like oh shit it's social media but i still don't think i understand how fucking gnarly it is hey so what are they going to do? Eric, I was hearing that there's going to be some sort of test, and it's going to be on 5G, and it's supposed to somehow fuck with the metals in people's bodies.
Starting point is 01:13:33 I heard that shit. But the way you're presenting it there, you're saying that it's just a prep for something else? I don't know if the phone's working I can put it in the call number shrink my screen what I was in a large meeting at work this week where people were wearing face diapers it took tremendous restraint not to ridicule them out of the room yeah oh
Starting point is 01:14:22 hey what's up dude hey Oh Hey what's up dude Hey Hey go ahead Hey Tank what's up dude What's going on I'm happy that my shit's working Yeah No just the October 4th
Starting point is 01:14:42 Emergency Emergency broadcast nationwide. It's frequencies, man. They're going to be there. This is the first time since I believe the Cold War they've ever done anything like this. And it's a half an hour long. And what I believe is they're going to use frequencies to... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:03 This might sound a little, a little, a little like far, far left field, but, uh, to, to trigger something in the vaccine. I mean, I'm hearing that a lot. Let me ask you this before you keep going down that path. Do you, did, did you hear something that allowed you to come up with that on your own or, or did you read about it actually at actually at first i didn't read about anything i just kind of put it together when they started announcing this fema um alert i was kind of like seems very odd and if you look at it these people people are Satanists. At least that's what I believe. And what a Satanist does
Starting point is 01:15:48 is they have to tell you what they're going to do prior to doing it. Why is that? So I think, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not, I'm not a Satanist, so I have no idea, but that's, that's just kind of like, I guess, basically like in order to you know into to enter somebody's house you have to be uh you have to be asked to come in and it's kind of the same thing in that regard is like they're going to tell you what they're going to do but still but do it and it might be in a roundabout way but they're going to uh yeah it's it's uh something i think something bad's going to happen but i mean we've been seeing stuff bad happening every week so but did you not see the nazi in in parliament in canada no no give me one second though we'll get to that one second so so
Starting point is 01:16:36 um i have a a remote control and then on the other end there's a car and i moved the sticks around and the car does shit right the servos do stuff and then the car does stuff you're telling me or the same thing like somehow i'm talking to you right now and you're in canada and somehow it's like coming to my phone even though my phone's not plugged into anything so you're telling me so there's obviously something in this in in the air in space in in this area that i can't see that's i'm guessing means it traveled from you up to space and then came down to my phone i'm guessing i mean that's the only way i can make sense of it you're telling me that there's something that they injected into people that that under the guise of it being a covid vaccine that they now can control purposely
Starting point is 01:17:25 or is it an accident? Because I've heard both. I've heard like, hey, that it was actually an accident. I don't think it's an accident. Have you ever seen frequencies next to water, like certain levels of frequencies can control liquid?
Starting point is 01:17:42 It's the most insane thing. It's on YouTube. You can just YouTube frequencies with water. And they'll literally, they dial up these frequencies and you watch the water almost dance. It can even move the water in reverse. Well, we know, yeah. And so what you're saying is that, and what will it do to the people?
Starting point is 01:18:05 You think it will hurt the people? I don't know. I have no idea. My thought is that there's actually like a dormant virus that was injected into them, and this frequency is going to release that dormant virus. Because we all know, like, you know, Alex Jones and these guys are all talking about all these mask mandates coming back and all this stuff. And I think that, like, even in Canada here now,
Starting point is 01:18:32 just yesterday they announced in BC that mask mandates are all back in any medical institution. So you're going for doctor now, it's all mask back. So there's slow rolling this. And what I think is just my opinion, and I know the chat is probably going nuts, but like I think that there is a dormant
Starting point is 01:18:56 virus or something dormant in this vaccine. And the more you have, probably the worse it is. That's going to be triggered by that frequency. the first attempt at covid and for some reason it didn't catch and and by the way so zika never went away but now there was a whole year in brazil where basically they had a basically a stop of breeding where people just the baby's number pregnancies went down like dramatically like it was like fucking like 90 because everyone in brazil was basically told like hey if you get
Starting point is 01:19:40 pregnant during this time you can be born with the baby with a small head. That went away. That just went away. And the vaccine for it never took off and it never worked out. And supposedly that was the first test run to see if it's like, hey, we can get the world to panic about Zika. And it was supposed to come to the United States and it never did. So that was kind of a test run on that. They also didn't vaccinate, you know, how many billions of people either, right? Right. Well, because they couldn't get the fear to stick. They couldn't get the fear to stick.
Starting point is 01:20:07 For some reason, this time with COVID, the fear stuck. Yeah, I know. And it's going to be interesting, man. Tell me, what were you going to say about the zombies? Not the zombies, the Hitler thing, the Nazi thing? So you haven't heard that? It's not in the news down The Hitler thing? The Nazi thing? So you haven't heard that. It's not in the news down there at all. Like we had,
Starting point is 01:20:28 in our parliament, they had a Waffen SS volunteer member get a standing ovation when Zelensky was in town. And it's a huge deal. I don't know how you haven't seen it yet. Canada parliamentary speaker to quit after publicly praising Nazi, that guy?
Starting point is 01:20:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're trying to say like, oh, we never knew. They put him under the guise of like a Ukrainian independent soldier or something like that they said and and it's like well he fought in world war ii against the soviets and anybody anybody who knows anything knows that the soviets were an allied uh army with us so who were they fighting for and all these people stood up and clapped like crazy and then an hour later this story comes out that he was a volunteer Waffen SS
Starting point is 01:21:29 soldier and now they're talking about even that Poland wants him back basically so yeah it's a big deal so that they can try him? yeah hey this guy
Starting point is 01:21:44 this guy that praised him, Anthony... He stepped down. Yeah, he was the speaker. So he was kind of like an important guy in the parliament. It's different in our parliament. It's different in our parliament, Savant. He's more like... I mean, to me, he's a glorified MP up there. He just stands and kind of just dictates the meeting.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I wouldn't say, I mean, he does have a seat, but he's not, it's not like McCarthy. It's not the same. But anyways, he stepped down and threw him under the bus. And, you know, I mean, our prime minister should know what the itinerary is and vet what he's going to be standing and giving an ovation for. Dude, this guy served in Adolf Hitler's Waffen-SS. What the fuck is that? That's crazy. Hey.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah, man. I mean, they do so much fucking dumb shit everywhere. I mean, did you see also a week ago or something, someone brought an alien into the Mexican parliament, and the alien looked just like Tito. It's like, come on, motherfucker. So one parliament brought in a Nazi and celebrated him. Another parliament brought in an alien and ended up being a piece of
Starting point is 01:23:05 cheesecake. I mean, I don't know what the fuck to believe anymore. I know, man, I hear you. I hear you. But it's,
Starting point is 01:23:14 you know, around, around here where I live, it's people are more worried about, you know, getting their $7 latte, um, than,
Starting point is 01:23:22 than actually looking at looking toward the future. I mean, I have kids, and for me, I'm not going to be able to make a lot of change, but if I can, I want to change it for them because I know we're going down a very bad path here, man. I can't live a normal life when I know that this is going on and how much it's going to affect kids. Sunil
Starting point is 01:23:50 Matwani says, this sounding crazy to anyone else, here's the thing. Of course it sounds fucking crazy as shit. But... Yeah, probably. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 01:24:04 But we just, we just watched a kid sexually assault, a girl, a boy sexually assaulted girl in the classroom, uh, in a bathroom in one school and was moved to another high school where he raped a girl in the bathroom. And then when the father spoke about it out about it at the,
Starting point is 01:24:24 um, uh, school board meeting, he was beaten and then when the father spoke out about it at the school board meeting he was beaten and arrested by the cops like that sounds way crazier to me than what you said I agree man like people are raping our kids
Starting point is 01:24:38 right in front of our eyes at our schools and the dad who brings it up at the school board meeting gets beaten by the cops at that point it's like in Washington state they're calling 2 plus 2 4 racist yeah because there's only one answer
Starting point is 01:24:54 and that's not fair I'm watching people where we watched a drug company called Pfizer release a drug that 69% of the United States took. And then the Empire State Building turns their building into a needle. They literally illuminated their building into a needle, and that's okay?
Starting point is 01:25:21 That's not crazy, though, Buds, or what? Like, this is the world we live in we had a million we had a we had a million muslim march here two weeks ago for to get rid of this soji one two three kids uh you know over hyper sexualization in in in elementary school and they and, and they get called Nazis. And yet we have a Nazi. God bless the religious. And he's celebrated. Yeah, God bless the religious.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Dude, I was there. I was there. Go Muslims. I was there. I met the Muslims. I met with Christians, Jehovah Witnesses. That's what they're the most scared of. They're scared of people coming together.
Starting point is 01:26:04 They want division. They're trying of people coming together. They want division. They're trying to sow division. It's unbelievable. Matt Burns, a woman was giving a speech at the UN stating that Russia has dropped a nuke on Japan. Unbelievable. Oh, shit. Really? Yep.
Starting point is 01:26:20 What country was she representing? Please don't say she was US. She was the UN. She was Ursula von der Leyen. She's the head of the UN, man. Oh, fuck. They're trying to memory hole all this stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:26:36 It's unbelievable. Yeah, I know. I listened to that whole speech. It's a joke. Russia's never dropped a bomb in a war, man. Who's the head of the UN? Ursula von der Leyen.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I have Antonio Gutierrez. He's the current Secretary General of the United Nations. I don't see any Ursula. I don't see any Ursula. Well, it was Ursula von der Leyen. It definitely was Ursula von der Leyen was it definitely was ursula von der lion i can't remember what she's i'm sure the chattel you should see me try to fucking spell these these names
Starting point is 01:27:15 uh I guarantee you're not going to find that video though. John Williams, globalist and possibly Luciferian philosophy in action. It's interesting. I'm trying to like understand when people say devil or Satan. I'm starting to like, I have a, I'm starting to starting to get my head wrapped around it. Not that it's truth, but I need to be able to understand what you guys are saying. But basically, the way I see it is that there's this compartment in all of us human beings
Starting point is 01:27:59 that has to be filled with something. And some of us fill it with God and some of us fill it with god and some of us fill it with what the tv tells us and that and that or or some sort of man-made ideology but there is something in there there is like a tupperware container number four in our brain that has to be filled with something that is is where um the god narrative has to live it's what makes us human and yeah and basically the people the satanists are people who filled it with shit like um googly gunk like just stuff that's just not not functioning shit like that men are women women are men two plus two can be anything you want it to be. It's all about narcissism, Siobhan, right?
Starting point is 01:28:47 These people are complete and utter narcissists. Like I'm not a god, I don't go to church. I've been to church, but I'm not like a godly guy by any means, but I do believe in goodness. And I know that like even Jordan Peterson's always said, like if you can't believe in God, believe in goodness because God is good. So all I can do is hope that there is goodness in the world. Right. I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:11 I'm meeting people like you and a lot of people that I meet and talk to and actually can have dialogue that makes me feel good. Right. So. Yeah. Or like Dan Guerrero, he's really fun to talk to. I don't know Dan Guerrero,'s really fun to talk to I don't know Dan Guerrero But I'll take your word No I was joking it was sarcasm Alright cool thanks for calling Yeah no problem Take care man
Starting point is 01:29:38 No Dan I'm LeBron James And Conor McGregor make the world a better place Simone Biles Thank you Because people will remember their name What a great litmus test that is buddy Keith
Starting point is 01:30:04 McManus as Carl Jung said before he died I contest that I think he said it after he died he doesn't believe in God he knows there is a God thanks for hanging in there with me guys I appreciate it today what a show
Starting point is 01:30:38 just a wire problem so now I gotta come back in here and switch back to my new roadcaster I put in the old roadcaster but it was really just a wire problem. So now I got to come back in here and switch back to my new Rodecaster. I put in the old Rodecaster, but it was really just a wire that was loose. I'm using a port that's now in front of the computer, which really is pissing me off because it makes everything look janky up here. Oh, my goodness. Big show, though.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Crazy. Crazy town banana pants. Tank's cool. That was fun fun that was cool talking to tank i get a little i can get a little anxious i've thought about having him on the show before but i get a little anxious because i don't know if like i can do 90 minutes of shit that's kind of outside of my my just my comfortability that's all it comes down to just my comfortability like how like i i understand that the reason why people fucking lose their shit like with the flat earth thing is because they're just not uncomfortable they're just uncomfortable and they the the thing about turning on the phone system and and um
Starting point is 01:31:41 half the population turns into zombies yeah it's a fucking horrible thought so you just right away go to name calling and say it's crazy but we got plenty of other crazy shit going around here who got your vote in the republican primary I don't even know if I can vote in the republican primary
Starting point is 01:31:58 is that a voting thing because I'm I think I'm registered as a Democrat here in California. All right, guys. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Oh, tonight. Tonight.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Wait, is today Friday? Yeah. CrossFit Games Update Show. Oh, it's going to be a great show. John Young, Taylor Self, Tyler Watkins. Fun show. Easy show, easy show fun, easy
Starting point is 01:32:27 hopefully the phone line is working alright talk to you guys soon

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