The Sevan Podcast - We KNOW What Happened To Mal O'brien #921

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Last podcast we did was just you and I. Oh, all right, cool. Bam, we're live. Guys, good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Good morning. We were supposed to have Sarah Sigmund's daughter on. We had a last-minute change. No worries. She will a last minute change. No worries. She will be on next week. And I was excited to do a live calling show this morning. I love them. And I had Connor on before.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Within the last year, you've been on the show, right, Connor? A couple months ago. Yes, sir. And you have your own podcast. I do. And it was funny because yesterday someone sent sent me a link to your Instagram was like, dude, you need to be doing stuff like this. I'm like, I'm absolutely going to start stealing his shit. And it was a post you made with your daughter. Oh, yeah. You know, it's funny enough
Starting point is 00:01:15 on the topic we're going down. But yeah, people love that people are like, yeah, put more of her on there. And I'm like, I think we have some good content outside of her. And they're like, yeah, we don't give a shit. Just her. Awesome. Yeah awesome yeah one of the guys a friend of mine's like dude steal steal plagiarize um i um so a few days ago or yeah here it is yeah let's let's see one of your friends who is it hayley we're going with Haley. Where are we going? To the water park. We're going to stay at a hotel? Are you excited? Today? No, not today. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:01:55 We have some errands we have to run today, right? Yeah. We got to get some stuff done. It's the only person who can make eating cute What happened? I got it on the microphone You got a little bit of chips on the microphone? Yeah but It is okay?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Hey you don't have to apologize to me You gotta apologize to Hurley I'm sorry That's Hurley and sorry in one word I'm sorry Yes that is apropos That's Hurley and Sarley in one word. Or anyone else. I'm Sarley. Yes, that is apropos. A couple days ago, Mal O'Brien said she's pulling out a semifinals.
Starting point is 00:02:36 A lot of people hit me up. They're like, hey, let's do a show. Let's do a show. It's going to get a shitload of views. Let's do a show. Let's talk about what. And I had no interest in actually doing it. I did think it was interesting, all the different speculations.
Starting point is 00:02:57 The speculations I heard was one is that she was – from a lesbian friend of mine that she was a lesbian and she was having trouble coming out of the closet. I heard from other people that she was – people who do steroids to go to the games do periodic checks. And if they don't feel like they're going to pass the drug test that's coming up at the event they're going to, they pull out. I heard from other people that it was mental health issues that she was just cracking. I heard from someone else that it was just to get attention. It's like what Chris Rock says. It's there's this thing where it's cool to play the victim. I was just hearing I heard someone wrote in the comments yesterday, you dumb fuck, she's injured.
Starting point is 00:03:28 So I heard all, you know what I mean? Is there any that I didn't hit Connor? Have you heard any? That's more than I've heard. So, okay. And then,
Starting point is 00:03:38 but I never gave it any thought and I was just like, just watching it. And kind of my only thought was, is like, Hey, it's an 18 year old kid. And I was trying to think of really the definition for mental health is for me is the volume of the voices in your head that's the definitive quality of mental health so if your tv doesn't work if I say my tv's broken maybe it doesn't turn on or maybe there's a line through
Starting point is 00:04:03 the screen or sometimes you get that weird tv where the volume just keeps going up and down, or there can be, you know what I'm saying? Or, or, or the pictures coming in and out. But with human beings, uh, I think mental health for the most part, if you want to try to objectify it, it's a, um, it's the volumes too loud or the cadence of thought between the cadence of the thought and the volumes too loud in the head. Do you have any thoughts on that Connor? Um, I do. And it's, and it's more so from, uh, one of my good friends, Chris Irwin, who does a lot of stuff with, with mental health and with mental health issues and how to kind of,
Starting point is 00:04:41 you know, not just go to therapy, but how can you work on this stuff yourself? Like what are the, some of these things and, and how he describes it, the there's this, there's this constant flow of thoughts that are going through your head and you have, you have no control over it. You have, you have zero control over the thought process. And he's like, Oh, here's a test. Try to think about one topic for 30 seconds straight. You can only think about that one thing and random things are going to come into your head, but it's a matter of what you're listening to and what you're choosing to decide is your truth or not. I have negative self-talk all the time. And when I feel my mental health isn't as good as I want it to be, it is when I'm listening to those thoughts where I think, Hey, Hey, this is what's going on. You suck. You're not good enough for this. You're
Starting point is 00:05:23 not qualified for this. There's that imposter syndrome. But I mean, hey, this is what's going on. You suck. You're not good enough for this. You're not qualified for this. There's that imposter syndrome. But I mean, those thoughts are just in and out and they're always going to come through. So I think that when mental health becomes an issue is when you're starting to listen, believe, and then harvest those own thoughts for yourself. And to a point where it gets out of control, you can no longer physically control or choose any other option but to listen to those thoughts and to a point where it gets out of control you can no longer physically control or
Starting point is 00:05:45 or or choose any other option but to listen to those thoughts and to believe those thoughts and they start to cause like a physical manifestation in you like a constant fight or flight like a drain on the whole fucking system like an actual actual physical ailments inability to see dizziness sickness all of these different things and uh so this morning i'm out of the blue and you and i don't text very often less than less than once every three months just to check in or say hi or hey i saw something you posted or you know good job or whatever but very infrequent uh contact and you basically, you sent me a text saying, Hey, what do you think? What do you think's up with Mal? And up until that point, I actually had
Starting point is 00:06:31 never given it a thought. And at the same time that I typed in her phone, you type social media and we sent them and they crossed paths. And it just, it just hit me. Like when you, it was, it was six Oh five. I was still in my underwear walking around my house drinking a cup of espresso. You know what I mean? It was dark outside. And I was like, yeah, that's it. I have no doubt. It's not steroids.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's not she's injured. It's that she looked at her phone too much. She got hijacked.'m not i'm willing to bet 10 000 bucks on it i'm i'm not even speculating i mean you you could speculate if you're a gentler kinder man than me but 100 she was all she had to do to fix herself in my opinion was put this put her phone down for a week and go camping and she'd be fine. I honestly do believe that. I think because I don't know Mel.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I don't know her either. I don't know her either. But what I can do is see patterns. And when you see things like, you know, initially in the CrossFit world, when Haley, again, young person who has been, you know, bred through CrossFit competition success around rich. But also, you know, she liked her like the tick tock dances and the other stuff like the kind of like the fun loving, caring young girl, the stuff that those girls go through. And it got to the point where competition was too much the the need and, and almost like this,
Starting point is 00:08:04 like your purpose is to succeed. And if you don't succeed, you're letting people down. And those are thoughts that other people are putting in your head and also thoughts that you are putting in your head. These are thoughts that are going to happen to people that are at the top. And it even goes further back when you talk about unbelievable female athletes like Simone Biles. And now we're taking these, you know, 16 to let's call it 19 year old girls, young women, and you are giving them every bit of attention from any person, any dipshit around the world can chime in and say, you fucking suck. Or you're fat, you're ugly, you have a pimple. Even worse, rooting for you this year.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Can't wait to see you succeed. Can't wait to see you crush it. She's a shoo-in to win the games. And you don't think about that as worse until you start to look at what that builds. And as you're starting to train, there's no life outside of the training now. Everything that you do is very specific on winning.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And it is on am I doing absolutely everything in my power, not just to win, but to not let everyone else down because you have this now belief that everyone is relying on you to do this thing. And there's nothing, there's no, you know, these are 16 to 19 year old young girls. They don't know who they are. They don't have enough principle to stand up. They don't have a solid foundation to stand on. This is who I am. Nothing else is going to affect it. Whether I win or I lose, this is who I am. This is my character. This is my person. And I mean, you're in an adolescent stage where you are trying to figure that out. And I relate it back to some of the celebrities that I've worked with. And I think Kevin Hart actually had a really good quote. It was like the worst thing, the worst drug in the world is fame. And if you don't know who you are, when you find it,
Starting point is 00:09:56 or when you achieve it, there's no fucking way you're going to figure out who you are during that time. How do you know who your real friends are? How do you know who are people that are with you? For what reason? People want to offer you contracts for what reason? Because they care about you or they want to make money off of you. And so now you have this whole world that social media is highlighting and exposing of people coming at you with everything. Oh, we support you so much. We want to give you this to do this. And it's like, well, what if they don't win? Now you're letting those brands down now you're letting this down there's there's just so much on i highlighted on these well you say like 18 year old women she was 17 right when
Starting point is 00:10:36 she first competed as an individual at the games yeah she was a um she was a kids champ too i think she she just slaughtered she was in the kids division. She was amazing too. So she was already tasting that early on. Right. But wasn't she actually 17 when she was competing? I think you're right. I think you're right. It's insanity at 17 years old.
Starting point is 00:10:56 A leap that men can't make, by the way, physically. I think she made a leap that no man has ever made. No. I mean, I remember back in the days of like Nick Palladino, who, who was just mopped the floor in the teens champ and was, was pretty dang close to go from that teens in order to move on to individual. Angela DeCecco as well. And you had these studs that couldn't make that jump and she did at 17. Insane. But what comes with that? It's not just the hard work. It's not like,
Starting point is 00:11:25 oh, she's working so hard, she's mentally drained. It is that now there's a spotlight from every angle, from your family, from your friends, from people who want to be your friends, from sponsors, from people talking shit. And you live on this phone, you're posting your workouts afterwards. Was my time good enough? Was any of this? And it's like, I mean, I can't, I, I empathize with her because I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to be 18 years old and to have that platform. And, uh, and to be, and to be looking at your phone as much as probably these people look at their phone. I can't imagine. I can't. So I know old people by old. I'm 51. But I mean, I know people older than me, dozens of them who the news has destroyed them. They don't even do
Starting point is 00:12:11 social media. And I watched for the last 30 years. The news has destroyed them. I hear come out of their mouth all the time. I'm so worried about this. I'm so worried about that. I'm so worried about this. And all they would have to do is their worrying hasn't changed anything. Right. so worried about this. And all they would have to do is turn their worrying. Hasn't changed anything, right? It hasn't affected the world at all. Just like someone saying to Mal, um, uh, like I've said on this show a million times, you're going to be the most dominant athlete in the history of the world. All she has to do is fucking turn me off. It doesn't, it shouldn't affect her what I say at all, but, but it probably does, but it probably does. If she consumes it, they don't have the foundation to be able to block that off.
Starting point is 00:12:46 That's all they know. I mean, I'd always relate this to, think about like Justin Bieber. Everyone was like, oh, what a fucking idiot. What a loser, buys a chrome Lamborghini. And I'm like, if you gave me an infinite amount of money at 15 years old, what the fuck do you think I would do with it?
Starting point is 00:13:05 I would be so much worse. And then you have to point that finger too at whoever's saying this stuff. And I was a part of that. You're like, what do you expect to happen? What do you expect to happen when you bring someone off the streets as the most dominant heavyweight boxer in the world, Mike Tyson, who has known nothing but but homelessness his mother involved in prostitution somewhere on on the on the spectrum growing up as bullied and then you give him everything he wants and i think he's sodomized as a kid with no i mean likely yeah with no guidance and in fact the guidance that he was receiving was from people that had their own benefit involved with it which i can't speak firsthand on what's going on with now, but there's people that are in her corner and there's people
Starting point is 00:13:50 that are benefiting from it. I'm not saying that's the only reason why, but it's like, what else do you expect people do to, I mean, and that's to say, Hey, I got to work on myself is the most courageous thing to do rather than just go off the rails. the most courageous thing to do rather than just go off the rails um christine young she's not alone there are a lot of athletes um that are dealing with this i don't think it's just athletes i think that there's kids i think there's kids and adults all around us that are crumbling because they allow that device to uh to to validate them device to validate them. What do you think about this though? I want to go back to what you said about who your true friends are. I've reached a point in my life that I want to be used. And I know LA is a different scene, but I want to be used. I get my value from people who are using me and this thing that like,
Starting point is 00:14:47 Hey, no one should use you. I mean, don't you have a friend who's like really good at Frisbee? And so that's what your relationships built around. And you have another friend that's really good at like, I'm getting up early in the morning and you know that. So you walk with that person in the morning cause they have it. Maybe there's also on the other side of just like i i know people who sabotage all their relationships and all their close friendships
Starting point is 00:15:13 because they put because they expect so much from their real friends do you know what i mean do you see what i'm saying like that i i i think she's that? I think she's surrounded by amazing people who are really focused. Matt O'Keefe, Matt Fraser, Sammy, Katrin, Amanda Barnhart, Jason Hopper. But I also don't blame those people. Everyone's on a singular mission, and if you're not on that mission, then get the fuck – I don't hold that against any of them if they say get the fuck off the treadmill right they're not there to hold her hand um uh psychologically are they are they i don't think so but i think the difference between you and her is the foundation right you could have you could have everyone want to use you for your i mean i see it too in the nightlife world and working an artist comes into town and then i get a friend message me out of nowhere what's up man
Starting point is 00:16:14 not much what are you up to oh i was thinking about going to xyz show tonight oh were you is it because you know that i trained this person? Yeah. Yeah. I would rather have people just straight up be like, hey, long time no talk. Can you get me into? Yes. Yes. Yes. Either yes or no.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And I will leave that there. But also I've had to go through the trials and tribulations of who the fuck am I? And when you seem so solid because she is unbelievably disciplined and she has an unbelievable support staff of people that are there pushing her it's like it's almost like this facade of this solid foundation yeah i never would have assumed she'd crack dude i mean from just i mean like i said i don't know her i don't talk to her i don't follow her on social media but the little i see she seems solid as a rock same and and again this is. I'm not as bold to be like, this is 100% what's going on from what I'm saying. But in the same sense, it's repeating itself.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And there's one common denominator. And you're absolutely right when answering that question. It's not just athletes. In fact, it may even potentially be worse. It's popularity in high school and in middle school times a bajillion times everyone in the world that has this platform. You have a friend that posted a video of her dancing. Cool. TikTok. Awesome. A hundred thousand likes. Oh my gosh. You're so cool. This is so amazing. It is no different than the person next to them doing the same thing and getting four likes. And you're going to tell me that's not going to play a role on someone's worth if they don't know who they are. Fucking that's, that's the worst thing you could possibly do and 100 out of your control out of your control through and yet and yet affecting you and yet affecting you
Starting point is 00:17:54 you let it and yet you let it affect you yeah i think she got i think she got hammered by i think she got um i think she are you familiar with this term thegeyman? I think she saw the boogeyman. I think she scared the shit out of herself. I think she saw so much stuff on social media that she lost touch with anything substantive. I think it's as easy as putting this thing down, dude. I think you can just walk away from this for a week and you heal up. You think it's that easy? I don't know. I don't know because I haven't been in that scenario. I was never good enough
Starting point is 00:18:33 at anything where people were, where I was getting that amount of attention. Sure. I have like a, you know, a small following on Instagram, a decent following on Instagram because of, of things that I've done, but it wasn't because I was the best at something. It wasn't because it was assumed and posted about and talked about me being a shoo-in winning. And then you have a bad training day and you look on your phone and you see someone else, the people you're competing against that are doing all these great things. I remember when I was in my last year competing on a team, I had to unfollow my friends, anyone else. I had to unfollow Rich. I had to unfollow everyone else that was training and doing that stuff because I'd look at them
Starting point is 00:19:10 and then feel inadequate. I would look at the things they were doing and I would feel inadequate. And I promise you, when I did that, it took off so much pressure because I just wasn't seeing it. I didn't need to see Tola power clean and jerking 405 pounds. Didn't need to see it. Right. And then at the CrossFit games, same thing. Spencer Hendel was like, Hey, we're not the strongest team, but just focus on our bar. Don't look around at everyone else who's clean and especially on team, right? Cause you can have those just unbelievably strong athletes. Don't look around at what other people's openers are. Let's just all hit our lifts.
Starting point is 00:19:46 We all hit our lifts. It was our highest finish at the CrossFit Games that year when we just put our proverbial phone down and said, let's hit these weights. I had a friend who is a very, very, very tough man. He's had a life of a lot of personal struggle that he's put himself through. And I heard him say in the same day, man, she's such a bitch. She should just fucking sack it up. These kids are so soft these days. And then later on, I heard him complain about something that
Starting point is 00:20:19 someone said about him on social media. And it's funny. I didn't think of it till just now when I'm staring at you. And yesterday, Andrew Hiller, I don't know if he said this on the air, but I think Andrew would be okay with me sharing it. He was saying that he's a fucking rock. Like he goes over to Reddit and finds a thread that's just bashing him and reads it. But he did say every once in a while, something will get under his skin and he'll just feel his fucking blood boil. something will get under his skin and he'll just feel his fucking blood boil. And, and, and the,
Starting point is 00:20:44 and, and, and these are people who are trained or fancy themselves to be impervious. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Or, or,
Starting point is 00:20:58 or, or, or, or, you know, the, the, some of these are men who've had people shoot,
Starting point is 00:21:00 shoot at them a hundred times in their life and try to kill them. And yet something that someone says on social media fucking rattles them. And here's what I, here's what I truly believe the issue is. Yeah. It's not, it's not things that are just blasphemy. It's not things that are out of left field. Someone could comment on my post and be like, Connor, you suck. Great. Whatever. See you later. However, there are these constant things going through my head, this negative self-talk about things that I may or may not believe to be true that are going through there. And when someone strikes that chord or someone says something, or I see someone doing something that is an insecurity of mine, that's where it gets in
Starting point is 00:21:41 there. Oh, wow. Wow. Something that I'm constantly telling myself, um, you know, you're, you're not qualified to do this. Even though, even though I had, even though I was able to prove myself in the military, you know, I wanted to retire. I wanted to be a seal and retire as a seal. And if someone can creep in under that and try to talk about what happened to me, oh, that will, and it like, and I see that. And, and it's not like the anatomy, it's not like my GPS, you know, telling me to go one way, I go the wrong way and I get mad at the car. It's a different, it gets to me. It's because this negative self-talk is what I'm already telling myself. And it's already in my head.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It's already under my skin. So if I don't have the ability to just brush that by my own thoughts yeah someone strikes that court that is going to devastate me on the other end what do you think about um i think it's i think like maybe negative stuff you see on social media is um fentanyl and positive stuff you see on social media is heroin meaning what do you think about all these people like rushing to to say nice things to mal like they think that they're being benevolent but to me part of me thinks oh shit are they just are they just giving her more drugs like today oh she's addicted to fentanyl everyone pile her up now with uh pile her up yeah like stuff like this now uh scroll down and look at this list of people and i apologize i'm not taking a dig at the people who are uh who are trying to console
Starting point is 00:23:10 her but it's fair they're just giving her a look at all this medicine but it's just another it's just it's just it's still in the addiction family right it's still in like hey you're letting it's not the fact of this thing is influencing you good or bad, it's the fact that you can't stop this thing from influencing you. That's exactly what I was messaging you this morning, and I wanted that kind of discourse is these are, I think, even more so a part of the problem. It might not be the negative self-talk. It could be the pressure of the world that you're putting on an 18-year-old woman talk. It could be the pressure of the world that you're putting on an 18 year old woman of, of you're the next one. Yours is this crush, the open announcement crushes workout. And again, I can't say for certain, I don't know, Mel, I don't know any one of those guys,
Starting point is 00:23:54 you know, more than, more than their first and last name. However, you're, you know, I, I trained a guy's name is a, is Tate Martell. And if. And if anyone ever watched QB1 or anyone knew anything about Bishop Gorman, you know who Tate Martell is. And Tate Martell was recruited as a 13-year-old. Before he even went to high school as a signed recruit from University of Washington. They were sending him 10,000 pieces of mail to his front porch. You walk in there and you have just mail covering your front porch. And you have this unbelievably talented, unbelievably hardworking athlete that I got a chance to work with from a very young age. And I'm talking about like
Starting point is 00:24:40 dedicated training his whole life going to this. But here's another 16 year old, his entire career, never lost a game for Bishop Gorman, sophomore, junior, senior year through one interception, his senior year with like a hundred passing touchdowns. Crazy, crazy. But his entire life from that point on was everyone telling him how incredible he is and how he was going to be the next. He was the only five-star recruit that was under six foot. It was, and everything was so positive. And I don't know if he had those positive influences in his life that was able to keep him humble when adversity started to come to him. And I still love this kid to death. I still stay in touch with him, but there was so much that was there but anything all that was there
Starting point is 00:25:25 there was no okay be like hey tate you suck and he's like yeah i just rushed for more than like any and i'm literally setting records for anyone and everyone that's not gonna bring him down however that positive social media the guy having 275 000 followers is a 14 year old what do you expect to happen right right right hey dude i've seen people go from 1 000 to 12 000 instagram followers and it fucking changed who they are i don't know i can see i'm like how the fuck did that change you uh uh shanna madaris uh the champ's mom i'm very thankful justin is not into social media he had same pressure he's young he is young he feels it he had uh same talk uh when matt retired he wanted to compete against him it's tough on these athletes crazy i i guess but they can just
Starting point is 00:26:18 turn it off you don't have to do it you can just turn it off right well you can have a structure you have someone like justin who is a God-fearing man, and you have something that brings him back to you. And I don't want to get into like religion, like you should believe this, you should do this stuff. But when you have a foundation that you can take that positive and negative stuff out, it's not going to blow up your head if they tell you,
Starting point is 00:26:41 you're the best, you may be the fittest person on earth, two times fittest, you're going to be a legacy. When you have that stuff to pull back, family, friends, morals, God, anything that has that built foundation, you're going to be able to withstand it. So whether he, and that's probably one of the reasons why he's not so obsessed with social media is he doesn't need it. It's not feeding him. Oh, oh, wow. Wow. You know, I had Sarah on the show like three months ago, Sarah Sigmundsdottir, and she was explaining to me the two different kinds of self-esteem. And the way I understood it is you have one that's kind of like the superficial one, not that it's bad, but it's in your ability physically, right? And then you have another one is your
Starting point is 00:27:25 your your trueness to your values and it started really making me look around at the at the environment and i started really like tripping on mayhem and and because they're a value-driven like organization unbelievably valued yeah and it's and it's nuts. Why say it again with more than one thing. Oh, he explained. What do you mean? I mean, rich has always been open about his faith, right? But he's also prioritized his family, right? I mean, his wife, his kids, his dad, his hometown, his pride in doing, you know, doing what he loves. And even if it's going against the grain and I've seen a couple of slips from. And I've seen a couple slips from Rich. I've seen people get under his skin.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Right, right. Not enough to destroy him. And I'm certainly not sitting from a pedestal of saying, no one's affected me. And I'm not even nearly close to that level. However, we do kind of similarly look alike. He's just a lot fitter and more accomplished. You guys, I never realized that you guys could be brothers.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I could be like the half the you know the the half brother he never wanted um i can i can have those values then he's crazy value driven and so that's something that no one can take from you no one and what can they even talk about it right like if someone like those are yours to be true to or not to be true to. The only thing that I've seen get Rich upset is like in 20, maybe 16 at Wadapalooza. One of the other guys who was competing like mentioned that he was balding. And he got so upset at it. He did?
Starting point is 00:29:02 It was hilarious. You'll have to remind me about who was saying something but had like done well in wadapalooza and rich's response was something like hey congratulations on finishing something here and it was like if you'd like i can give you one of my first place medals from regionals i've got it upstairs in a drawer somewhere was it like face to face the guy they were in oh it was it was it was social media, but I want to say like, they've reposted it just because it was just so good. And someone had like come at Rich in a completely innocent way being like, we're similar. Like, you know, we do this and we're both balding. And he just maybe that's not like, maybe that's just, you know, a friendly
Starting point is 00:29:40 jab back, but you're not going to get rich and secure about his religion, whether you talk about God being great or God not existing. He is so value driven and core with his family and everything. It's like, it's solid. You think, can you give me like what you think, just a pure speculation of, of how you think it unraveled for her? Like if her like if it was social media i know i know you're saying that it's it's a it's a possibility and i'm saying it's 100 percent was that can you give me an example of what that looks like for from for for mal yeah so yeah from a purely ignorant standpoint and i just want to come off by saying it could be right it could be wrong but from seeing it multiple times-
Starting point is 00:30:26 It could be steroids. And at level, no. I would be willing to bet with 100% certainty that it had nothing to do with performance enhancing drugs. Me too. Me too. Me too. And I feel the same way about Matt.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And people all the time are like, oh, you know, there's this and there's that. And during that period of time, no one worked harder than him. No one moved a bar better than him, even though he doesn't want it to be a factor, like anthropometrically, like he's got the, like the fit for it. And he had all of these things working for him. I don't think, I don't think performance enhancing drugs at all. When it comes down to social media, I think what happens is, is something happens in the open. You know, she did that open workout and I myself could have been part of the problem. Maybe I didn't share it on social media, but I watched her do that open announcement. And I was like, she is going to walk away with the games title.
Starting point is 00:31:17 It was like, she went against Daniel Brandon and destroyed her. Right. Oh, and made, and Daniel Brandon had a fantastic time. But it was just like, it was that next level. It was that year that Matt decided that second place was no longer going to be sufficient. Started really dialing in his programming, started working with Hinshaw, was cleaning up his nutrition and being like, that's never going to happen again. And won by, you know, like a bajillion points.
Starting point is 00:31:43 That's what I saw in that of like, there's no chance she doesn't win. And when people start saying that now you have these pressures on you and when you're reading it a million times over, no one was like, she's not that fit. No one is saying, oh yeah, but she has this weakness. It was just, this woman's incredible. She's going to be X, Y, Z x y you're right i can't think of anything negative anyone's ever said about her the most negative thing i've ever heard is me just bitching and complaining that she won't come on the show that's the only negative thing i've ever heard about her you're right she was she's beloved 100 and she she deserves to be right with that
Starting point is 00:32:21 you know what like what you said it's's like almost the positivity could be more detrimental when you don't have a foundation. And I'm not to be like, hey, she doesn't have family or she doesn't have religion or she doesn't have this type of stuff. But as a 16-year-old, 17, now competing, 18, 19, doesn't matter. Having that is going to have a shaky foundation um just to be clear it's not the fact that people are saying this it's the fact that she consumes it probably in large doses and that she's probably saying it to herself. Oh, shit. And when she's saying it to herself, and something comes up and happens. Hey, it was really nuanced, but last year, two years ago, I was interviewing Rich at the games.
Starting point is 00:33:20 So you remember he went – he was individual the great and then he went switch to teams and he was switching to teams so that he could chill a little bit right and um and then you heard all the rumors dude he's fucking not chilling he's training just as hard as he ever did and uh so i was interviewing him and i was at the games and it was i think it was his last year he did teams and he was sleeping in some bunk bed in, in a, in a camper on the, at the venue. Right. And I'm interviewing him outside and I said, how'd you sleep last night? And he basically said, I'm paraphrasing. I didn't sleep. I go, what do you mean? He goes, I was running all of today's events over and over and over and over in my head. And this is the champ. So the, so, for the guys at the top, is insane. And the expectations, too. And so it overwhelms you mentally.
Starting point is 00:34:22 It may not even be that they're bad. It may not be that broccoli is bad for you, but if they, we drop a truckload of it on you, it kills you. You're overwhelmed. You're just overwhelmed. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I mean, they say moderation and everything, even though I've kind of prided myself and lived my life outside of moderation, but even a hand job for more than four minutes is like, no good. I'm last. I've never experienced. I don't have that issue. but even a hand job for more than four minutes is like no good i found last i've never experienced i don't have that issue uh wow crazy uh does she does she um
Starting point is 00:34:54 does she does she recover from this i don't know isn't it isn't it also ironic that i think she can she can possible yeah 100 possible isn't it funny that or ironic i guess is a better term that if i knew someone who was in her position right outside of her amazing accolades i'd be like hey dude you need to change your diet and exercise right like if one of my friends was having some fucking issues like they were going through divorce like hey dude lay off the alcohol lay off the uh you know stop eating the sugar um try to cut your caffeine down and you know and sweat make sure you're sweating every day seven
Starting point is 00:35:40 days a week i'm telling you it'll have you can't i mean that's not her issue right no there's no there's no traditional solution for i mean what it's it's not like we're uh um rocket scientists it's just all it's it's just so obvious to me when you asked me that this morning and i kind of just looked to the heavens i go i wonder it just hit me like you know i thought it was crazy that we both typed it at each other at the same time. One of us said social media, one of us said the phone. I mean, implying the same thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Too much input. I think. Not knowing who she is, got lost in this device. This device was defining her. What came to her? I think if she can work with someone like who I've worked with, Chris, I'd say Chris Irwin. This isn't, I mean, maybe it is a plug for Chris, but I don't, I'm not making any money off of
Starting point is 00:36:32 Chris. There's nothing that benefits me. Who is he? Can we see him, Caleb? Can we see who Chris Irwin is? Chris Irwin is the head of partnerships for the Navy SEAL Foundation. He was the prior president of Kill Cliff. I opened a CrossFit affiliate with him in St. Thomas. He is a retired, a 20 year veteran retired as a commander, was a Navy SEAL his entire military career, served with every elite unit you can think of in that. And, and yeah, his, his big thing was mind fitness. He had gone and we're talking someone with an unbelievable foundation, with just morals and disciplines like you couldn't imagine. I mean, rode for the Naval Academy, played soccer for Nobles,
Starting point is 00:37:16 and Natick is just like can play the guitar, can do everything incredible. But what he talks about is these issues he's had where he got physically sick for years on top of multiple things. He was working through mold toxicity from being foreign deployed, but it was really the mental health piece and what he defines as mental fitness. And he's helped me in so many ways of my negative self-talk, even though I'll walk outside and, you know, I know they go into any restaurant or bar in Boston and people like, oh, you know, Connor, thanks for this great guy. And it's like, still I have negative self-talk and I wouldn't say anything negative like I do about myself to anyone else. One, I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:38:01 waste my time. And two, it's like, there's nothing beneficial, but that negative self-talk, once you start believing that, and once you start believing that you're sick or believing that these things are happening, it can be. Hey guys, go ahead. John, the Rare Sense website, Hey, Caleb, scroll back up, go to the main page and scroll back up a couple things this is a little bit off subject here but um uh scroll the other way sorry uh you're gonna see like a chess board in a second um this game that he has here is an incredible game that that game right there solitaire chess, I think they have discontinued making that.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And if you try to buy that on Amazon, it's like a $13 game that now on Amazon you can't find unless it's like a hundred bucks. But if you can get a hold of that game, by the way, anyone, that is an amazing game. I have two sets of that and I play that. I fiddle with that thing anytime I go on trips. Great game. And then I want to say one more thing about Sam Harris. He showed Sam Harris's book. For anyone who's a Sam Harris fan, hey, Sam, you owe the world an apology, dude. Go back the other way. Sammy, you owe the world an apology, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:15 You keep going. Yeah, Sam Harris waking up. You are far from waking up. You probably wrote that book so that you could learn to wake up. You are a a troubled and dangerous man and uh should uh you should apologize come out and apologize to the world for some of the ding-dong shit you did in the last couple years some of the shit you went out
Starting point is 00:39:35 on the edge and uh and dared say especially your criticism of rogan you were real douchebag for that i mean that from the bottom of my heart okay that's it um uh um so go ahead back to what i was saying is yeah is is an influence like that to be able to kind of reset your mind and rebuild this foundation is again if if we're talking about this as being the issue and and not not taking away fame. I don't think deleting social media for her is what's going to be the ultimate answer. No, I don't think so either. Sure. It could be even like what you said, you put your phone down for seven days. It's like, all right, I'm clearing it out. Or Rich, let someone else do his, let someone else do it. I mean, the thoughts are
Starting point is 00:40:20 still circulating. So you've got to solve the root cause. And, and I think by, by relearning that and retraining it, you can go back to social media and be, you know, be that, be a Chris Pratt. You ever follow Chris Pratt? Is that the director? I mean, he's probably directed a few movies, but if you look at his social media page, he says, he says what he wants. He does what he wants. He's I'm just a big fan he does he does cross every year he um i know i know of him i i i know of him yeah i guess i've seen him in the community yeah he's oh yeah yeah this guy yeah yeah he's uncancellable because he is he is he can't be affected by anyone else he won't be wavered by anyone else look at that toenail that's that's
Starting point is 00:41:04 bold good job dude that's vulnerable he's like he's like similar to a dana white just uncancellable god in a different way uh wad zombie 499 prescribing exercise would work for mal what she's doing is not exercises she's training always under pressure even while taking the medicine i i'm guessing that she I'm guessing all the athletes medicate with exercise, right? I mean, I'm projecting, but that's what I do. I medicate with exercise. Yeah. And I think that, you know, there can be a lot with that volume of training. I just don't think it's the same mental issues that we're seeing.
Starting point is 00:41:45 If her body was broken down and she could no longer compete, it's like you're slow to get off the couch. It's like some of these professional athletes, after they fit in with these professional football players, you see just walking around held up by duct tape and WD-40 in order to move their joints. But I don't know if this is the this is the main issue is the actual fitness. I think it is what comes with the fitness could be wrong, but that's just my opinion.
Starting point is 00:42:11 It's kind of like smoking. Smoking is an incredible cure for a lot of mental illness, but but it's not sustainable. And exercise is the same way, not as bad as smoking. But smoking is incredible. You focus on your breathing, you have your cigarette here. It slows the whole world down. You're getting a dose of nicotine. But at the end of the day, it's not sustainable. You have to find – and exercise I think is the same way. I always thought of smoking as like evil yoga. redundant if we don't know what the actual reason is um i don't know if redundant is the right word if you're saying that maybe we're beating a dead horse because we've said the same thing 10 times over and over but speculation say it again speculation probably yeah i i don't for starters i think that um if i'm 100 certain that this is what's going on with mal uh and uh and uh connor is um likes to wants to bring it up regardless because even if it's not mal's issue we know it's an issue for a lot of people uh like like i mean
Starting point is 00:43:12 like any like the two the eight billion people who fell asleep on the planet in the last two years it's an issue for them what have the psyop that was run on the planet in the last two years happened because people were addicted to this they they were they got psyoped our loved ones around us because of this they had a psychological operation performed on whether it was intentional or not who knows but uh so i don't think it's redundant i think it's an incredibly valuable uh conversation um to to have uh and um to have. And to some varying degree, even if I'm wrong, that phone did play a role in what happened to her. And I'll tell an anecdotal story as to why I come to the conclusions I come to. And again, I'm not willing to say I'm 100% sure of this. I've just seen
Starting point is 00:44:01 some stuff before. And I was touring and working with an artist. We've talked about this before. His name is Ari, but he goes by the name Lauv, L-A-U-V. You look him up on Spotify, you can see the song, I Like Me Better or So Tired of Love Songs. There's some songs that have billions of streams. That's crazy, by the way. Billions.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I had a show with like 10,000 views once. Did that get canceled? Probably. Billions. God, that's crazy. It was like his song, I Like Me Better, I believe, has like 1.5 or 1.6 billion streams. He writes songs for BTS. He's
Starting point is 00:44:46 written songs for Celine Dion. He's done some incredible, incredible work. And I got to work with him that couldn't be a nicer person. Anything that went wrong during a show, he wasn't like the super conceited one about being like, he never came down on people. Why the fuck did this happen? This, it was like, for some reason, it was always his fault. And, you know, I have my own, you know, ideas on kind of what's going on with him. The fact that he just completely blew up and had all of this fame, maybe not the same foundation and, you know, unlimited amounts of money. Couldn't have been a kinder person, but posted on social media, just a tag, just like a notes. And his notes said,
Starting point is 00:45:34 why am I so afraid to post on here? And he is in an area where his art, no matter how much he loves or hates it, it's judged on what other people think of it. Yeah. If he had two streams on, uh, I like me better. That would be a whole different story about how good he is as an artist because of what other people feel for his music. So, yeah, I think, I think it is, it is, and this is someone who has to meditate before each show, um, struggles with, with mental health, mental wellness, uh, is seeking, um, to all sorts of different, I don't know if this is like breaking in an NDA. But yeah, it's a major issue. And with comes fame, comes this stuff, whether it could be good or bad. So I think it's very important. And I think it's important, even if it's not, even if she comes out to say, hey, I tore every ligament in my knee doing jujitsu. And that's why I can't compete. That's
Starting point is 00:46:22 why I posted this. It's still an important matter, and it's still something that should be addressed. And not just saying, hey, this is all the negative that comes with it, or this is the worst thing in the world. But maybe like I referenced with someone like Chris Irwin, who works on Mind Fitness, or anyone in that matter, is that here are some things that you can do to make it better. I don't want to ever be in this position where I'm like, this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong, you're wrong, this is the world is fucked, which it may be without providing some source of the, or some ways that I've struggled and I've gotten better. Here's some of the ways that I've seen other people do it. Here's some, again, anecdotal stories of how this person was
Starting point is 00:46:58 struggling and what they did to help get them through. So yeah, I think it's pretty important. Um, uh, Jason, uh, Yale, uh,, I'm 100% sure it's not because of pressure or social media. All right. So someone else as confident as me, congrats. Maybe we should start a boy band. We should get Jason to call in. I want to hear about it. Yeah, I want to hear about it too.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Jay Hartle, I'm Psyop by this show. Well, good. It's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. New tie again. I'm not saying it's the nicest thing anyone's uh ever said to me new tie again i'm not saying it's not valuable in general but until she actually puts out at least uh out a less dramatic and vague post about it could literally be anything piss pop positive family illness etc i agree a hundred percent i just uh david weed no surprise there you don't you agree with jason also you never agree with anything i say um uh i i i'm i'm convinced that she was overwhelmed i'm uh by things that she saw
Starting point is 00:47:53 on this device and i think that's the same thing for a uh to be honest i think that was the same thing uh for hayley uh at the end of the, I think it comes down to that thing. This thing that's made in China with slave labor that we all love. I love mine at least. I think it's been happening all the time. It's been happening for dozens and dozens of years. However, it is just so easy to access. In the same way that people are sending recruits 10,000 emails a day or messages a day, hard letter mails to make them feel invincible. It is so easily accessible. You want a little dopamine? Open it up. And if you have 500,000 followers, do this and watch 99 likes, 99 comments, 99 new follows. Or you click
Starting point is 00:48:39 on it. We love you. DMs full. People, you're incredible. Can't wait to see you watch when the games is here. It's so easily accessible. Tell me how it couldn't be an issue unless we have, when someone just said, Hey, Savan has your fame, uh, you know, made an influence on it. And what we talked about before is a foundation. I don't know. Are you, are you going crazy with your mental health because of your fame? Savan? No, I mean, I don't think of myself as famous, but even a tiny bit. Or infamous. You're right. I do this all for two reasons.
Starting point is 00:49:12 One, you touched on, I want to be funny. I get gratification, like a validation from people laughing. And I want money. And I just want money. So that I can send my kids to jujitsu classes and shit like that those are like the two i'm scratching that itch of always wanting to have been funny uh caller hi hey tank reeves hey what's up brother how are you oh dude great to hear your voice great to hear your voice man i gotta say like this is really splitting
Starting point is 00:49:45 hairs here like she's just an athlete guys like people have way harder lives and struggle with way more than just training bad you mean like kids starving in Ethiopia sure yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:50:01 sure those kids and like and not to mention too like think about fighters and stuff. Think about the pressure they have. Do we see this happening in fighting? Because that seems to be a way higher pressure. But does that make it any less real? I hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:50:15 But does that make it any less real? I feel like you're saying, hey, quit being a bitch. Suck it up, Mal. Put your phone down and get out there and work. At least you fucking have a mom and dad that love you. But that still doesn't mean that it's not real for her, right? No, but I mean, you think if she has Matt in her corner, that her coach would say then put your phone down and let's just train.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I mean, to me, it's like, why not go into the semifinals and come 15th I mean, to me, it's like, why not go into the semifinals and come 15th and compete and not give a shit and just compete rather than just quitting like literally three days before the competition? I think it's a cop out, man. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick. No, no, no. I hear you. It's fair. Come on.
Starting point is 00:50:57 It's fair. But I don't think we can – I can't relate to the fact of having a million followers and then, and then being 18 and then noble paying me a million dollars a year. I just, I personally can't relate to it, but, but I do have my own struggle, right? I need to put food on the table for my kids. I think the noble is still going to be putting food on her table after, after this type of event, like, is she going to be, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:23 what are her sponsors think about all this? So I think you're completely right with what you're saying. And I think it comes back to the same thing about a foundation of if you were in the same spot, you'd be like, fuck it. I'm off my game. I'm going to go finish 15th place. But what, what you don't have and what we don't have to like to understand or know that is the millions of people saying how awesome you are and the expectations of you being on that with no foundation of having to do anything else, with no foundation of I know who I am.
Starting point is 00:51:52 If she finishes 15th place, she is now 15th place now. She's not, hey, I'm still the same person that I am. It's a struggle for that. And I'm not saying it's right or wrong about if I don't want to be like, hey, toughen up. Or if Matt hasn't said, hey, we're going to put your phone down. But at some point in time, when those things are so far reoccurring,
Starting point is 00:52:09 putting her phone down may not be the solve of the issue. That may have been, that may have been the injection point, but I think what's going on is currently in her system. Tank, do you think we're barking up the right tree? You think that, do you think regardless of whether you think she should sack it up,
Starting point is 00:52:23 do you think that this is right? Do you think that we're barking up the right tree, that it's the outside pressure that she spent too much time on the phone? Oh, God, I don't know if I can start a – you want your chat to go ballistic, man. You'll actually get my real take on it. Give me your real take. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:52:40 You think it's drugs? I think it's drugs. I think she popped positive at a home test man that's just my it just doesn't make sense that it's that why not two weeks ago why not a month ago you know like what she she did so well in the open she did so well in the quarterfinals and suddenly you know three days four days prior to the competition she she pulled out i mean and i might be completely, but it just seems like the most logical explanation. I don't know. Maybe I'm not. Let me, no, no, no, you're not. Uh, let me ask you,
Starting point is 00:53:11 you're just really grounded and practical. You're just being practical. Let me ask you one more question. Um, uh, have you, have you ever seen the boogeyman by that? I mean, have you ever been in bed at night and like, uh, like something scared you so much that you jumped up, even though it's not real? I don't mean like a sound or, but just like some thoughts in your head, like you're going to get caught for like, like, like you stole a million dollars from the bank and you're laying there in bed and you can't go to sleep because you think the FBI is at your door. Like, but they're not like you pulled it off. Have you ever had like had something where that's just haunting you like that? Introducing TD insurance for business with customized coverage options for your business.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD insurance advisor to learn more. Well, no, I take edibles, so I sleep pretty well, actually. Well, I've seen the boogeyman a few times, and it's fucking crazy. And if you've ever hung out with people who do meth, they see it all the
Starting point is 00:54:21 time. You know what I mean? Like, they're sitting in their living room, and they see a red light out the window and then they think the fucking cops are out there and they fucking start like putting dressers and shit up by the door and it was nothing and those of us who've been around people and i think she just saw the boogeyman oh i saw a lot of people who thought they saw the boogeyman when floyd 19 happened with greg and i actually had to go to some people's houses who were on the director of our crossfit game social media saw the boogeyman had a complete fucking meltdown i had to go to some people's houses who were on. The director of our CrossFit Games social media saw the boogeyman, had a complete fucking meltdown.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I had to go over to his house, pick him up, and bring him to my house, and he was a crumbled mess crying on the floor because he got so scared because of the comments and the responses to Greg saying that. So I appreciate your opinion. I think a lot of my friends have that opinion. I just think she saw the boogeyman. I appreciate your opinion. I think a lot of my friends have that opinion.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I just think she saw the boogeyman. I think the pressure overwhelmed her, and she had some delusions of grandeur, and she couldn't handle it. Look at Dan Guerrero. Hey, dude. Hey, dude. Have you ever seen anyone see the boogeyman, Connor?
Starting point is 00:55:23 Oh, I have. I mean, I've spent months of my life not being able to go to being tired all day until the fact i put my head on a pillow and it was just heart racing sitting there thinking oh yeah for sure dude criminals really have that problem if you don't know what i'm talking about god bless you good you're fucking stoked but there's a huge group of people who sue the thing any person you ever see who erases their entire social media. Like I know people have seen that phenomenon or they come off of social media altogether. That person saw the boogeyman.
Starting point is 00:55:53 That's like a strong correlate. People are like seven. Did they really see the boogeyman? No, it's a fucking metaphor. You dipshits. My wife told me not to bond. You do know that I live in Canada,
Starting point is 00:56:04 right? So no, but I'd like you. I'm me not to. Savon, you do know that I live in Canada, right? No, but I like you. I'm glad you called. All right, brother. Thanks for calling. No problem. Thanks for all your support over the years.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yep, thank you. Savon, I'm running close to my hour window here. Let me send a- I appreciate your time and your insights and your thoughts. It's relevant to even if we're 100% wrong, it's super relevant. I'm going to send a quick message here to make sure that the next group is good to go. But I appreciate you having me on here. And again, if someone wants to be like, Connor, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:56:37 This isn't what's going on. This is what's going on. They won't do that. I'll take all the shots for you. You are very sober. Trust me. I can take that from my standpoint. I'm no longer competing. No one wants to be like, oh, you're just saying this because you never made it. I'm like, yo, I'm well aware of life. I love it when people do that to Hiller too. You're a washed up semifinals athlete.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. I mean, I competed in Latin America and was one spot away from qualifying for the region that was technically easiest to get to the games. And I finished one spot away every year. So like, you don't have to tell me that I washed up without me already like knowing it. Like your thoughts aren't going to be anything near what that's going to be. But I do think it's an important issue. And it's something that I work with a lot of people on. And I work with a lot of people who have that level of fame
Starting point is 00:57:28 from 755,000 followers to 10 to 15 million followers. And having everything you say scrutinized, I've seen it from the negative side of things, which I don't think is as bad as getting someone young and giving them unlimited amounts of positive attention without a base or foundation and expecting them to just be okay with it. Do you want to say anything to Mal if you were to say something to her or someone in her position? Oh, yeah. I mean, first of all, I empathize with you. And I think that whatever decision you make is the right decision with pulling out or not competing. You know, it was the same thing that I thought initially when Simone Biles had backed out.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And it was like, how? Like, you're this invincible athlete and everyone's expecting so much out of you. And then when you get in that spot, it's tough. So now there's other people that are in your position that have been in your position at a similar level, probably different sport than you. And there are ways to, to improve regardless of what it is. Everything that you've accomplished so far is incredible and you're incredibly inspiring. And I think to, to utilize that and take this as a learning plan, as a learning experience in order to make yourself better. And, um, and if it does have to do with this, um, there are ways
Starting point is 00:58:46 to, to help yourself out. I would, I would suggest going to Chris Irwin's rare sense. It's for free. You can go to his publication for free or reach out to him directly. And he's been really, really helpful in my life. And I think it could be beneficial in yours. Awesome. Thanks dude. Uh, Chris Beesterfield says, says come back come back on again connor um hiller's uh therapist says uh connor's on his own schedule he don't work overtime for your ass sevan fair enough um all right uh love you buddy thanks for coming on and thanks for reaching out to me this morning uh uh you are a savior for sarah being gone and uh it's a great conversation amazing i don't fill her shoes very well, but I appreciate the opportunity anyways.
Starting point is 00:59:26 All right. Later, brother. You're the man, Connor. Jeremy, what's up, brother? How are you? Good morning. Hey, Shazam. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:59:33 I'm good. I'm having fun. It's funny. This is more thoughts than I've ever put into Mal, and it makes me really hope, not only hope she's okay, but I think she's going to be okay. I think she's going to do great. I think she's going to be okay. Like, I think she's going to do great.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I think she's going to pull through this strong. I think she'll pull through. I think she'll be okay. I tuned in a little late, so I think I missed something in Tank. Tank stole a little bit of my thunder. But what I was thinking. Heidi brings up a good point. Can you say, as a black man, can you start your call? God, she's mean to you god she's mean to you jeremy hey i think she there's some crazy tension
Starting point is 01:00:12 there between you and her i think yeah i think if you guys see each other you're gonna coil like snakes i'll see you at the games heidi be prepared Be prepared. We're going to have our own game. Okay, good. So what I was thinking this whole time and what I've been thinking since the get-go that a thought can't leave my mind is, for Mal in this whole situation, I'm pushing back on what you're saying just a little bit. I do think social media,
Starting point is 01:00:44 excuse me me as great as it can be people connected you can be inspired you know yourself and whatever you know it does have its negative thing right but when you are coached by
Starting point is 01:00:58 Matt Frazier we all remember we've seen all the documentaries all the behind the scenes how regimented his life was, discipline, everything. When you're coached by him, to me, if social media is a problem, I have to imagine he has to, he's got a hold on that. Like, hey, get off your phone. Only use your phone between these times. Don't get caught up in what people are saying, so on and so forth. So it's not like either one doesn't have a coach or has a, I don't want to say lesser, but a not Matt Frazier coach.
Starting point is 01:01:38 She has like the best guy to have in her corner, especially as an 18-year-old young person. like the best guy to have in her corner, especially as an 18 year old young person. So that's why I think personally this has more to do. I don't want to accuse anybody of doing anything with drugs or anything, but to me, that's what it seems like. It's not an injury.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I don't really believe it's social media as much as we're, we're hearing here. I think she popped. You think she what? I think she, like Tank was saying, did like a home test or something, and she popped hot. And she was like, well, I might as well withdraw now. Why continue my season?
Starting point is 01:02:22 Dude, they could just test her right now anyway they'll i wouldn't be surprised first of all i heard she was tested in january but why wouldn't they just run over and test her right now then that's a good question that's a good question i mean what i mean is are we really at a point Where an 18 year old Top of her game athlete Is so warped by Social media that she withdraws From competition
Starting point is 01:02:52 Someone sent me a clip Yes we are there I want to show you something I want to show you The mental health status Of Of the United States right now. You ready? This is the mental health status of the United States of America right now.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Are you ready? I can't see right now, so I have to watch it back. Okay. Do you know who that black guy is that does Good Morning America, and he's, like, super famous right now? I think his last name is Strahan. Yeah, Michael Strahan. Michael Strahan.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Yeah, okay. And he does, like, sports shows too, right? I see him on sports shows. Yeah, he's on all of them. Okay. Famous as fuck, right? He's terrible. Okay, and there's this show that's called good morning america do you know that show
Starting point is 01:03:46 yeah unfortunately i do know that show okay look at this shit see um i'm not being patronizing because i i don't i don't do tv so i some of this shit's a little new to me but but but look at this this this is a boy on mainstream media. Good morning, America. A little boy dressed as a girl coming out, normalizing for our fucking country. Michael Strahan's okay with it? Dude. Hey, no one
Starting point is 01:04:25 thinks. So here's the thing. Regardless of whatever you think about this, a boy dressing as a girl, this coming out, wait till you hear what the fucking commentator... I want you to hear what the commentator says. I love that. I love Rupier. Watch what the commentator is going to say something absolutely
Starting point is 01:04:41 batshit crazy here. Watch this. My mom doesn't like me drinking caffeine. My mom doesn't like me drinking caffeine. My mom doesn't like me drinking caffeine. Does it make you hyper? Kesman, you're one of the youngest and first drag queens. You're one of the first and youngest drag queens. It's a boy completely dressed as a girl. It's a little boy.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Your parents are so supportive. 11 years old drag. They encourage you you stay and be who you are of course that's the state and my point is my point is that's that that's mal's world she's not 51 she didn't have the grounding I had. She's grown up in a world. Her world is dressing little boys up as girls and then having adults tell you on national TV in front of the United States of America that it's great that you know who you are. That kid – no 11-year-old knows who they are ever.
Starting point is 01:05:41 It's never happened. It's like asking a caterpillar if they know they're a butterfly they're i mean right not a chance yeah so let me ask so i'm not buying the drug thing i'm not buying the drug thing at all it's um uh and i'm just trying to push back a little bit because i i hear you but i think that mal grew up in a world that's completely fucked up and upside down and backwards, and she got some of her reality given from these monsters, these hate – these fucking hateful, child-abusing monsters. I can see that. Not everyone is filled with love like me and acceptance. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:20 There's only one of you. Only one. You said only one. Thank you. There's only one of you. Only one. And you said only one. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Let me ask you this. We've seen Haley withdraw. Her reasons were a little different, you know, eating and everything like that. But I think it's the same thing, dude. She doesn't know she's having... And that's what I'm getting at. Yeah. That's what I'm getting at. So we've seen her withdraw.
Starting point is 01:06:36 We've seen Mal withdraw. Are we going to start seeing a bunch of these younger females? I mean, maybe males, but I don't think we've seen any males withdraw for any reasons I guess, but are we going to see a bunch of these young, up-and-coming females just start falling because social media
Starting point is 01:06:55 and all this crap? Dude, the... Yeah, absolutely. The pressure's absolutely insane. Yeah. Absolutely fucking insane yeah the pressure is crazy hey can I I'm going to answer this this is from the UK
Starting point is 01:07:12 thank you Jeremy for calling absolutely it was good talking to you have a good one call her hi hey hi good morning hi I thought I'd call in. Yeah, thank you. Hello, good afternoon.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I thought I'd call in just because I didn't want to denigrate everything that you sort of... It's okay. I love you. That's what this show's about. Yeah, it's totally okay. I love you to death. I appreciate all your support. You've been wonderful to me.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Thank you. Oh, thank you. Well, I just sort of had the question then. If we are of the opinion that, you know, Mal hasn't kissed, you know, her kiss hasn't popped positive, where does she go from here then? Because if the pressure's getting too much on social media, that's why she had to come off it, how does she cope with this now?
Starting point is 01:07:57 Because all of us are having a conversation about it and the pressure of us having a conversation should make that worse for her now so how does she come back from this is my question have you um i i look at um jason hopper um i think the story is he went to clemson big football school he was 18 years old and the pressure at 18 going to a big football school like that was too much for him and he came home. And that's real. I can totally imagine that, right? Even without social media.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Can you imagine like, have you ever performed in front of a group? The butterflies are insane, right? Yeah. It's wild, but I just think if you've got all this pressure from yourself, Hila, all of us in the chat sort of talking shit about on a daily basis, if it's sort of warranted or we feel that it's warranted. But then surely this has given her even more attention, probably that she didn't want. But how do you then come back from all of us having this conversation? Maybe she doesn't. Maybe she maybe like there was that kid, Nick P nick paladino he was supposed to be the next rich
Starting point is 01:09:08 froning uh you know he's 16 years old the 300 pound snatch or whatever crazy shit someone will correct me in the comments but um and and he he vanished off into uh twitch he plays video games on twitch now maybe i mean the the maybe she doesn't come back. Maybe the pressure is just too much. By the way, Wilma Fingerdue says you sound hot. I don't know who that is, but just so you know. That's typical. Americans are shallow like that. I only came on so you could try and suspect your English accent as well.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I've heard you try, so I'm hoping you can get a little bit better. I hear you in person. What do you think happens to her? I really don't know. And I don't want to speculate either. I feel like maybe she's gone a little bit woke as she followed down Hayley's path in regards to, you know, she needs time away. If that is the case and it's warranted, then fine.
Starting point is 01:10:04 But it just seems a little bit strange the timeline just seems off slightly i think people in the chat said that as well it's just a little bit too close to the game i don't know it just depends if it's a family illness or she's not well sure she could come back from it but i don't know if you're at that level when you suddenly you spent your entire life training to get to this point it just seems a bit strange for her to to bow out because of social media pressure because then surely the pressure on the other side is insurmountable so but then what else does she have how else does she make money she could she could just throw it away she could just
Starting point is 01:10:41 throw her phone away she could and i think she should if that's the case me too um because how else how else do you make a living you know she's given a whole life to this at the moment so how else to make it well she's young she could do a lot of stuff still right she's probably smart as shit she probably can go back to school she's i i don't want to like say that this is her her only thing, but it is crazy because we all agree that she's crazy talented, right? And that we still don't know what her limits are. It looks like we could have the next Tia Toomey on our hands. And for us, I also wonder this.
Starting point is 01:11:21 What do you think about this, Newts? Imagine you put all this effort into building the fastest race car in the world, and it becomes the day to race it, and the driver tells you he can't race it. And the dimensions of that cockpit were built specifically for that driver. What I'm basically saying is I wonder how hard this is on matt and the team but all the all the coaches over there go ahead is he being true though if this is a problem and she's the pressure has come too much you would then start looking at whether he has been a problem because i think matt's mindset from the start has been you know win over everything else and i think sometimes you're either born without or you go through a lot of things to make you become like that she kind of had the you know showing
Starting point is 01:12:10 that she was um of that same mindset but if she's not and he's sort of you know coached her along the way do we start looking at how he's trained her and how what kind of influence he's had over her? Yeah. Is he the problem? I don't know. Right. I'm going to say that he's not. But fair enough. But, of course, the pressure that she puts on herself in order to make someone like Matt happy. I mean, I guess that's one of the reasons why you go work with Matt, right?
Starting point is 01:12:44 Because you're searching for that pressure. You want the pressure from the best. And then, so that makes even less sense to me. I don't know. I just, I know we are speculating, but I just think if we've signed up for that, you know, how, how, how hardcore it's going to be. Cause then suddenly bail at the last minute just doesn't make a lot of sense. Yeah. But again, we're all speculating. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:05 She should come on this show. She should. If I can come on from across the world, then she should. But no, I'm going to leave you guys to it because I know what the chat gets like. So I'll leave you guys to it. Everyone's just loving your voice. So don't worry.
Starting point is 01:13:22 No one's starting to hate me. But no, I just wanted to say thank you as well to you guys because you actually got me into CrossFit. I joined an affiliate about four months ago now. So yeah, it's been life changing. So thank you and keep going with all the hard work because it's so appreciated. And I listen every day on my drive to work.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Thank you for your support. Yep. Nice hearing your voice. You're welcome. Take care. Bye. Call hearing your voice. You're welcome. Take care. Caller, hi. Yo, Seven.
Starting point is 01:13:51 It's Jason from the comments. Oh, hey, what's up, brother? How are you? Hey. So, anyways, first off, a big fan of the show. Thank you. Can I ask you a question before you say something? Yeah. Yep, go for it. In any way,
Starting point is 01:14:06 do you think that I am being hateful towards transgender people or homosexuals or straight people by having serious concerns about an 11 year old boy being paraded around on national tv's biggest stage dressed as a girl with famous adults telling them it's so cool that you know yourself do you think in any way i'm being hateful even a tiny bit um no absolutely not okay good thank you okay go on i feel validated go on oh what was your question no okay so i think that it's way more likely that it's not due to pressure. I think that, like, I think it's, I think one, it could be drugs. We obviously don't know, but I think it could be drugs. I think it could be something with the family. I think something like that is way more likely. When you say the family, you mean mom and dad or you mean the family like is in the um uh hwpo
Starting point is 01:15:05 family oh like mom and dad okay like someone closer in her family like someone's sick or someone has cancer something you know something happened like that i think that's way more likely just because of all the the timing of it all is really really weird um but let's just say i'll i'll side with you for one second let's say it is due to pressure this is my opinion if it that's the case I think that she shouldn't be a professional athlete then I think that as a professional athlete you rise in the face of pressure that's when you are at your best is when you face the pressure and you come up on top of it. I think if you can't handle that, then being an athlete was going to be very
Starting point is 01:15:51 hard for you. I don't think you'd be able to maintain it. Um, and maybe this isn't the right path for her. If that's the case, there's this, there's this professional fighter named a Rose, There's this professional fighter named Rose – Thug Rose, Rose Namajunas. Namajunas. And she's a complete fucking head case, and she's probably one of the best female fighters who's ever lived on the planet. And she'll have these fights where she destroys the best people in the world, and then she'll have a fight against just some rando, and she won't engage them. She won't fight them. And it's bizarre, but they always say it's just because of her headspace. Let me propose this to you, Jason.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Let me propose this to you. The reason why so many people think it's drugs or things like that is because that's what they can relate to. Meaning, but none of us can relate to what I propose is the problem, which is what it's like having a million followers on Instagram and everyone telling you you're the greatest. And so since we can't relate to that, we go to what we can relate to, and it clouds our thinking.
Starting point is 01:16:55 We have – we're so biased. We're so biased because of what we're capable of versus what they're going through. Any thoughts on that it's it's here let me give you the example it's the same thing with when someone drives by in a lamborghini and someone's like what a fucking waste of money i bet you they're spoiled like they start they start coming with all these reasons other than what really happened that's a 62 year old man who fucking worked his ass off at a fucking mcdonald's for the first 10 years of his life then eventually bought a mcdonald's then on three mcdonald's and now it's 15 mcdonald's and and uh and bought a lamborghini because we can't even fucking imagine the hard work that came that's what do you think about that i got i got a little fired up there i'm sorry no you're good i like it um i think that so when damn sebon you nailed
Starting point is 01:17:48 me good job jason thanks for coming no no so i think that when we all go through that uh that pressure so like for example when i competed in track and i did i went to state you feel that pressure and to you what did you do what did you do in track what what event hurdles okay yeah that's a lot of pressure i i feel you that's crazy so at that time it feels like you are like now in a way like you have all the pressure there's so many people like watching you your parents like at that time it that's what it feels like you don't know anything outside of that like that's just like at that moment you have the butterflies you feel all that pressure and for me it would be like me being at the at the starting line and being like no I don't want to I'm not
Starting point is 01:18:34 going to do this because it's too much pressure and then walking away yeah it just doesn't make sense to me like as an athlete like I just I need person and that's why i don't think it's pressure because i think that she's very talented and she's obviously really good across it so i just did you use drugs as an athlete did you use drugs no no okay no i like but with a mindset of an athlete like you would step up to that line and you would go so that's why in my pushback it just doesn't make sense other than if it is pressure then i don't think that she has that athlete mindset. How old are you? That's what I'm thinking. I'm 31. Okay. So you're still, you're young too. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. I hear you. Uh,
Starting point is 01:19:16 we don't see eye to eye on it, but I hear you. I mean, uh, you know, I hear you. I'm biased. Uh, I, I have so much drug much drug denial anyway, but I still think I'm right. I think I'm 100% right. But thank you for calling. I appreciate it. Can I ask you a quick question, Simon? Sure. Nine and a half inches limp.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Okay, that's good. Do you think that you are kind of protecting Mal in a way by saying it's not drugs? Like, are you trying to deny that, like, that mindset? Like, do you not want to believe that, that it's that, that it could be that? And that's why? I don't know if that makes sense to you. No, no, I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 01:20:02 It's totally fair. It's totally fair. You're trying to figure out, is my measuring uh straight like where's my bias i don't know let me let me process that i don't i don't i don't i want to say no but i could be being dishonest to you i don't know i just don't any other athlete pulled out would you be like automatically say no it can't be drugs like are you just like towards athletes in general like you're just your first thing is like there's no way and it can't be or is it just now i was in an event one time okay i was at a crossfit games event and an athlete basically told me
Starting point is 01:20:39 that they were pulling out and that they were going to fake an injury because they had taken a home test saying that they popped. No, they didn't say that they popped, that their testosterone levels were too high. They didn't even, and I'm like, how the fuck did you just, did that just come out of your mouth? Wow. And this person did fake the injury and they immediately tested they tested that person right on the spot i can't remember what what happened if that person tested positive or not so um i i
Starting point is 01:21:13 i saw it happen once uh i was i was i was fucking shocked i couldn't believe this person even said this person said it to dave castro and me and then tried to leave the venue and dave had them sequestered like wow yeah it was the whole thing was crazy dude and i remember i wouldn't have said anything who's that i know is so weird and and there was that big dude uh who was uh that big he had the big dude keep him there uh big motherfucker olympic lifting coach what's that guy's name? I cannot believe I can't remember his name. He used to work at the University of San Diego.
Starting point is 01:21:50 He was a strength and conditioning coach for their football team. Stéphane Rocher. No idea. Stéphane Rocher. Giant, giant fucking man. Hulk of a man. And he kept the athlete there. A couple other dudes.
Starting point is 01:22:03 And they made him stay there and test him. It was nuts. I can't remember what happened a dave might dave dave might come on the show today maybe i'll ask maybe that's even in dave's book that story um i don't know i'll tell you this i'll tell you this jason someone here uh semper uh uh deli food wrote to me sebon is working for crossfit to steer people away From thinking she popped not good for the brand There's no I've never Seen anyone get any Favoritism and I was
Starting point is 01:22:32 Almost even concerned with how eager Greg Dave was to pop The athletes he would have loved to have Popped Rich or Matt or Annie like he Dave was hungry To pop someone to fight Back the narrative that he would ever protect anyone. And that's what you think Dave would have.
Starting point is 01:22:50 So I think Dave would, would have someone go and test Mal right now. Right now she'd be getting fucking filleted. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, for sure. And I wouldn't be surprised if,
Starting point is 01:23:01 well, I don't know. I, it sounds like they have serious money issues. Maybe they don't even have the money to send someone to go test now. But there's no way in fucking hell I'm – it might be a personal issue why I feel like I have to protect Mal, but there's no fucking way I'm trying to protect CrossFit. Fair enough. But I just don't think it's drugs.
Starting point is 01:23:18 I just don't. I think she cracked. I think it's too much pressure. think she cracked i think it's too much pressure but i appreciate your call because it made me made me come up with that theory that i think that the reason why a lot of other people think it's drugs is because they don't have the experience you have and i know hurdles has got to be fucking scary scarier than just running around the track too so yeah but i think like even if you were like six years old and you were like competing in a sport like you would feel so much pressure too like you know i mean like i just feel like you don't. One of my sons, every time I take him to a jujitsu tournament, he cries and won't go out there.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Yeah. And I, and, but, but I never speculate that he's on the juice. Yeah. But then you think, yeah, but you push your kid out there, right? You push your kid out there. I would think that Matt would be like, no, you got to do this. Here's what I think. I don't know this i think that um uh uh whoever her agent is i think it's o'keefe but i'm not 100 sure but i'm guessing that o'keefe and matt pulled her aside and tried a variety of different things and i think one of the things that they said to her was yo bitch this is your fucking chance sack it up and then they and then they
Starting point is 01:24:20 stood back and looked at her reaction and they're like oh she's gonna crack and then they stood back and looked at her reaction, and they're like, oh, she's going to crack. And then they pulled back and they switched the story. Dude, honestly, I don't think anyone's more devastated than Matt Fraser. And you guys know I like to be prickly and fuck with Matt, but my heart breaks for Matt, to be honest. Because I think Matt put his fucking heart and soul into this girl, and I think he's tripping. I believe you. I don't even think he cares what other people think. I think he's tripping. I believe you. I don't even think he cares what other people think. I think he's more practical than that. Like, fuck, I put in all this work.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Maybe he could dress up like Mal, you know, and cheat in the women's division. He could. And he's not going to be able to share that with anyone because people will think he's a dick for that. But he's not a dick for that i don't think yeah okay let me read this one more time before you get off the phone jason uh cara bear fitness she's 19 years old she's been in the limelight for years and she'd rather step back than potentially
Starting point is 01:25:16 miss on the big stage and be slated and there's nothing wrong with that she's uh never mind forget it i don't understand what that means okay i thought it was going to be good I apologize for wasting your time okay no you're good all right thank you for taking my call though I appreciate it yeah thank you for pushing back yeah have a good one all right I'd rather hear Caleb talk
Starting point is 01:25:37 about the items on his mantle behind him no you don't call her hi hello hey oh this is a I haven't heard this theory she's in love with Matt wow wow
Starting point is 01:25:56 that's a wow that's a whole nother wow Heidi okay hi caller hi how's it going good are you talking through a tin can with a string coming out of it? Let's try something else How's that sound? Oh, you sound much better, thank you
Starting point is 01:26:14 Can you hear me? I can, the floor is yours Dynamite Yeah, I just, I mean, first of all I think that all the speculation here is a little bit silly, but if we're going to go ahead and pick a lane and say, like, is she juicing or is this just nerves or pressure? I'm of the mindset that it's just nerves or pressure. And, you know, what a lot of people are saying about her just being 19 years old and, like, not being ready for this stage is,
Starting point is 01:26:40 I kind of agree with it to an extent because if you think about Matt's plan for her over the past couple of years here and how he's kind of sequestered her competitively, not letting her compete at Rogue, not letting her do something like Dubai, only doing team events at Wadapalooza, it's put a lot of pressure. Like, all right, I really have to display my fitness
Starting point is 01:27:03 come semifinals. Do we know that do it has that is that is that something publicly you just said that matt's matt has said hey i don't want to compete at those events yeah so i do remember him specifically saying so about like hey if your goal is like winning the crossfit games okay we have to ignore this other stuff work on building your strength building your base and doing things correctly um and you know giving you a long career and so that really puts a lot of pressure to perform on these particular competition dates. And, you know, we yeah, we can think about other 19 year olds, you know, think, you know, pro basketball players, college basketball players, college football players.
Starting point is 01:27:38 They have a lot more opportunities for live competition on a week to week, month to month, year to year basis. You know, a professional basketball player is playing, you know, 80 games a year, college, maybe like 30, 40 games a year. But that's a lot of times to get in front of a crowd, display your athleticism. Sometimes things go right. Sometimes things go wrong. But if you have one bad game, it doesn't end your season. You get to keep on playing the next game. Whereas in CrossFit, it's a much different stimulus where if you have one bad weekend that ends your season, people get to speculate about what's wrong with you
Starting point is 01:28:14 for the next 12 months. Fair. So that's why I think people saying like, oh, she doesn't have like the competitive edge is a little harsh because this sports a lot different than other sports as far as frequency of competition and the fact that she's been particularly sequestered in the frequency of her competition competing all year, if she was allowed to go and do those other competitions, have fun and like, you know, really flex her competitive muscle, she would be in a much better headspace right now. That is, of course,
Starting point is 01:28:55 assuming that that's what the reasoning for her pulling out is. Her quote is, sometimes we face personal challenges that demand our attention and care. It's important to prioritize our wellbeing and embrace the support of loved ones. I don't know what any of that means, but, um, and then, uh, uh, and then, then she goes on to say, remember, life isn't just about winning trophies or achieving goals. Well, of course not. It's about getting $350,000, but, uh, it's about finding balance. I don't know if I agree with that either taking care of ourselves and cherishing the moments that truly matter i don't know what
Starting point is 01:29:28 she's saying i'll be taking this time to focus on what's important to me okay that's cool and i appreciate your understanding during this period i wish the best of luck to my teammate competitors yeah i mean anyone that thinks that mal owes anything to us is fucking crazy i mean at the end of the day everyone should just want one thing that hope that she's a like that she's truly okay that she's not being tormented by her brain right hey even hey here's the thing even if she let's say it is steroids that means she's still tormented in her brain that means she's tripping but i but i don't think it is but i don't think it is if it is simply like head games and like she's not mentally there would you prefer she just send out a post saying i'm nervous as fuck right now i can't do this yeah yeah the voices are so fucking loud i'm so fucking nervous i can't do it and then just that's
Starting point is 01:30:16 what you want her caption to be yeah and then it just shows her running out into the desert with her fucking hair on fire dude that would be awesome or how about just a black square and it says i'm out that works too dude that would be awesome yeah i would prefer so much uh i prefer uh i would really prefer that hey guys i'm fucking tripping balls i can't i mean i would just be like damn hey i get it I've been there. Have you ever tripped balls? Have you ever had to go speak? Have you ever been like, have you ever had to perform in a play?
Starting point is 01:30:54 Yeah, I did phenomenal. You did phenomenal? Okay, well, fuck you then. It was third grade. You murdered it? Crushed it. You murdered it? Crushed it.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Marry, fuck, or kill Dan Bailey, Sporty Beth, Eric Rosa. I would... Oh, that's tough. I'm fucking Dan Bailey. Who's the middle one? I just slapped that one. Sporty Beth. Okay, so you marry Dan Bailey, fair. And then you have to kill or fuck Sporty Beth or Eric Rosa.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Who's Sporty Beth? Right, good call. Hey, there's this girl on the internet who claims she has massive mental health issues. Like, that's kind of her platform. And then she made a video about me calling me the most toxic man in CrossFit. Can you imagine? Like, what does she think? I'm bulletproof?
Starting point is 01:31:41 I almost killed myself because of that video she made about me. Well, I hope you get the help you need,van thank you i appreciate it all right thank you bye-bye yeah appreciate it later guys call her hi this show's crazy caleb i have to go what's up hey what's up i'm tripping right now what's up man it's blade hey what's up brother oh i chirping right now. What's up, man? It's Blade. Hey, what's up, brother? It was him. It was him. Oh, I got to get you Hiller's phone number. Hey, I wasn't going to want to bug you.
Starting point is 01:32:12 I was going to text you the Stepbrothers gift. Like, so? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Follow up. No, no. I'm going to send it to you. I'm going to send it to you right now. I like it.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Yeah, you caught me at the perfect time. I'm not doing anything. No, bro. I like it. Yeah. You caught me at the perfect time. I'm not doing anything. We're going to touch up on, um, on the elephant in the room. Okay. And just my two cents. Okay. And so there's a couple of things like, well, so being the champ, that's just not for everybody. And it's not for the most talented, just because you're the best at something you might, being the champ might not be for you just the whole lifestyle of it you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:52 someone said to me in a text thread everyone wants to be a cowboy until it's time to do cowboy shit and I think maybe Snoop Dogg said it a little different everyone wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit exactly like just because you are probably the fittest woman in the world
Starting point is 01:33:15 at the moment you know with the asterisk that asterisk on Tia obviously but just because you're the fittest in the world doesn't mean like you're ready to be the fittest in the world doesn't mean like you're ready to be the fittest in the world. And they call it pressure for a reason because enough of it will break someone or something. So don't you think that that falls under the category of just outside pressure? Do I get a W in the win column? Is that close enough to what I'm saying? I believe so because you got to think like what could mitigate some of this pressure or fight it? And in my opinion, this is a me thing, but I think self-love just in general is lacking because, you know, you have somebody who knows they're dope as fuck.
Starting point is 01:33:57 And then they get called conceited and people try to bring them down. And if you can't make it past that layer of why are you so into yourself, then you could start conforming, find yourself conforming to people. No, you got to know you're dope, love yourself, fuck everybody who says you're conceited. And then that love could reciprocate outward to whoever and whatever is needed. Think of it like a base of a pyramid. Your self-love is the base. And then the higher the pyramid is, is all the other love. And so if your base isn't solid, your pyramid is going to fucking tip over like a pencil. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You need that big, flat, self-love base. Regardless of, man, fuck y'all, I'm dope. You get a weird hairstyle, man, fuck y'all, this hairstyle is dope as fuck.
Starting point is 01:34:44 dope you you get a weird hairstyle man this hairstyle is dope as fuck hey and you know what the little bit i do know about you the couple times i've had you on the show and the bit that i text with you on a regular basis uh you you you you exude that you look like a man i always feel the love from you and sometimes you'll just call me to check in on me and or text me and i feel the love from you but it's also clear that you put in a lot of self-work it's interesting one of my closest friends in the world told me you should spend 90% of the day working on yourself. So that 10% that you give to other people is full throttle, the best version of you. Exactly. And it's going to be potent. And so who knows, maybe the base of her pyramid just isn't as big as it needs to be. Or maybe it's made of bullshit because she, she gets it from this, um, from this phone. Right? No, so that bullshit is her pyramid getting too tall.
Starting point is 01:35:25 So her base isn't wide, but it's tall as fuck because she's getting all this bullshit love and fake self-love and fake support and it just got too tall without a good base and toppled over. So you kind of agree with what Connor was proposing too and the fact that
Starting point is 01:35:42 it's not just the bad stuff that comes on social media that works people over, it's the the fact that it's not just the bad stuff that's comes on social media that, that works people over. It's the good stuff because it's just, it's just all just the same shit. That's just vapid. It's not, it's not,
Starting point is 01:35:51 it's not, it doesn't, it doesn't feed the soul. Yeah. Right. Cause then you, you need it. Like,
Starting point is 01:35:57 like when you said, um, purging social media, like these days could be a crazy thing. I remember like, I just did it just to, as I'm social media has such an influence these days. I did it be a crazy thing. I remember like I just did it just to, social media has such an influence these days.
Starting point is 01:36:09 I did it as a mental challenge. So you know how some people do 75 hard or hold 30? Yeah. I purged social media and it shit wasn't easy. Now after like week two, it got easier. But the fact that purging social media has to be a conscious decision that you have to fight and then you pick your phone up and unlock it. And then you go,
Starting point is 01:36:29 what the fuck am I doing with, you don't even realize that you're getting on it until you're already logged in. I almost broke it so many times on accident. And so like this, this, that this is like, could be a perfect storm of all that shit.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Lack of, you know, possibly lack of self love, possible too much fake love, possible PEDs, whatever it may be. But if I'm putting money on the line, I'm thinking it's that lack of – I think it's that love pyramid that is just imbalanced. Well, you know what? that lack of, I think it's that love pyramid that is just imbalanced. Well, you know what, if what you're saying is true, I can sort of see that in her write-up because she says,
Starting point is 01:37:10 I'll be taking time to focus on me on what's important. She mentions loved ones. So, uh, you, you kind of helped me understand what she wrote. Right on, man. Well, yeah. So speaking of that, it's all love and I'll go ahead and get up off here and continue listening, man. Okay. Thanks for calling in and I sent you Hiller's phone number. Appreciate it, man. Okay, thanks for calling in, and I sent you Hiller's phone number. Appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Okay, bye. Bye. Elise Carr-Ridau. A sebon has definitely tripped over balls. Just a room full of balls. Jeremy Eat World. The more I think about it, the more I think it's not so much about social media. Tia is out this year.
Starting point is 01:37:41 It's hers for the taking. It would take something bigger to derail you. I appreciate your money i couldn't uh disagree with you anymore i don't i don't it doesn't even land on me a little bit but but thank you you can say anything you want if you pay me uh taylor hoffman uh i don't get why everyone withdraws why don't they mentally tell themselves this isn't my year and do the best they can hey dude it's it's um i i think it's just something that's really hard to relate to and and the the the the the fear i think it's real i really do uh okay thanks everyone uh great show sounds like there could be a live show tonight I've been trying to get Dave on for a while and see if I can get him to come in here
Starting point is 01:38:32 tonight if I do it'll be a late night show guessing 7 p.m. Caleb thanks what a surprise to have you on today that's cool be here for the rest of the weekend don't you dare Jeremy thank here for the rest of the weekend. Don't you dare, Jeremy. Thank you for the $2.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Caleb, do you have any interest in saying that? But Dissy. Oh, thank you. I'm not allowed to say that word. Austin. Oh, yeah, I like this. Austin with the last. I don't think she did steroids, me neither. But if she did, maybe it was pressure of social media and being the dominant force led her to do PEDs. I'm not giving her an out either. I'm not trying to make an excuse for her.
Starting point is 01:39:12 I just, hey, David, buh-bye. Buh-bye to you. Buh-bye. Oh, shit. My dog's hungry. Oh, look at this. Dave Castro called Stevon up and told him to push the narrative away from
Starting point is 01:39:29 PEDs to cover for CrossFit. God, you're such a douche. Ah, Vindicate! Finally! Oh, my God. An hour and 38 minutes into the show. If Mal wore a CEOo shirt she'd be okay oh my goodness i i couldn't agree more all right uh if if uh are you gonna be on tonight's show
Starting point is 01:39:58 if i can get him it'll be late for you yeah i have an early flight tomorrow but i'm not gonna sleep anyway where are you going? You going to Orlando? Mm-hmm. Oh, that's cool, dude. You're like a diehard CrossFitter. I just have a friend who's competing. All right. Thank you, everyone. Mal O'Brien, Mallory O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:40:19 I was going to say Matt Castro. Matt Fraser, Sammy Marconi, that guy who came from Comp Train, Harry, Harry Pally, Matt O'Keefe. Hope you guys are all doing well. I'm sure it's a wild time. It kind of reminds me of when last year we had the Danielle Brandon thing, right? Switching camps. Anyway, much love to you. Thank you to all of you whose names I just mentioned for being strong and letting the media swirl around you I hope Mal heals up quickly I hope all you guys heal up quickly thanks for being so powerful and putting so much time
Starting point is 01:40:55 into the efforts of CrossFit so that the rest of us in the media can play pundits and on one hand I want to apologize for anything that we may have done that that added fuel to the fire and caused more problems for you but it would be kind of insincere to say that because this is what we do but um thank you and uh yeah have a good one we'll see
Starting point is 01:41:19 you guys around bye

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