The Sevan Podcast - We should talk | Live Call In #979

Episode Date: August 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply oh that's fucking rad well good man bam morning. Bam, we're live. Good morning. You see, we got our guest scheduled up too, Mr. Garrard. No shit? Yeah. When is that?
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's Tuesday evening. He's in Australia, so it has to be an evening show. Oh, shit. Okay, cool. That's as soon as he can do it? That's the 15th? Yeah. Dude, awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:28 On a roll, baby. Yeah, I'm so excited to talk to him. I had a nice correspondence with Katrin, too. She's traveling. And it's somewhere far away. Might as well be another planet. Antarctica? Basically. Dude, and we got a crazy lineup for this Friday.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's insane. Hey, you know what I was thinking too? Maybe, I know I keep saying I want to move away from the games, but we should do, I'd love to get Lambre back on, and Torres back on, and el haj back on just like just start just cranking on coaches i met that dude uh harry powley the hwpo dude yeah and i'd like to get cole on cole harry harry's cool i wonder if he remembers me he drove me around when i went and visited he's really smiley is it could i ding him for being too nice oh keifer the guy that guy's a
Starting point is 00:02:34 fuck did you meet that dude no i don't think i did justin kotler's homeboy underdogs athletics that's a big dude oh you know who else we have to fucking do something with who's the guy i was ripping on over at um who's the guy i was ripping on over to invictus that's a cool dude that was the most embarrassing i rip on a lot of people that was there there's this guy over at invictus he has a podcast and i've made fun of him for being an ai he all these people are so nice on their podcast so this dude so this fucking giant dude he's a big man i i would nominate him as maybe the best this is kind of crazy to say this but maybe the best looking man at the crossfit games too i mean he he puts chase ingram to shame and he's in the media pits and he stands out like a sore thumb because he's shiny he's a ferrari amongst fucking priuses
Starting point is 00:03:41 and he like kind of he kind of has has to even lean over to talk to me. Giant over 5'7". That's correct. No, I think this dude's 6'3". This is a big dude. Look at that picture, dude. What is it? Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I don't know, dude. This is the... I swear swear to god he looks like ken from uh from barbie probably a bad time to use that example because of the movie but um uh i need a dick in me sebi you need to take your shirt off for episode 1000 we're like over a thousand yeah we Yeah, we're at 1,075. But I'll put my dick in you on episode 1,000. How about that? Anyway, this dude,
Starting point is 00:04:34 Bryce, this dude says something to me at the games. He's like, Hi, Sevan. I'm Bryce. I'm like, hey, nice to meet you. And he's like, all imposing and shit and got a big smile. And he's like, I'm the guy from the Brute Podcast or Invictus Podcast's like just like all imposing and shit and got a big smile and he's like i'm the guy from the brute podcaster invictus podcast i'm like oh shit it's like i'm not ai why can't you be five two and a little bitch why do you have to be a giant crazy you know i caught that on film you did when we met that first interaction yeah oh yeah i want to see that i was probably
Starting point is 00:05:06 shitting my pants you know who else i saw who i who i liked um i went out of my way to put my hands on is the dude from the brute podcast the shoemaker guy schumacher shoemaker god they're so the media people are so cool and i busted on all of them and they were all so nice to me someone about the kilo group i was at the two brain seminar and they were there and had ceo stickers a few others giving them out i thought you knew no i had no idea but i got some someone gave me some that was me oh that was you they gave me a ton of stickers um uh no i was not filming anyone in the bathroom i do someone were you the one filming man in the
Starting point is 00:06:00 bathroom i don't think i would do that ever even if it was like someone's like following me in here i don't know it was probably a bathroom selfie gone rad yeah i don't think i do that hey i i do want those stickers are cool those and those people are really cool it took me it's too bad took me a while to figure out who they were. Can you show me our website really quick? I want to see our website. And let me send you today's show notes. I want to see our website.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh, no. These notes are getting long, too. Oh, did you see my – are we putting up the bumpers for um two brain and at the end of those who's putting those up on youtube by the way i'm not sure oh well it's really cool they're doing it whoever's doing that yeah i mean the bumpers are all over instagram because i was responsible for those so we we jammed on all of them there it's website unedited interviews and conversations with interesting people we jammed on all of them there. It's a website. Unedited interviews and conversations with interesting people.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Maybe we should change some of the writing. It should say live every morning. Well, we have a lot of headshots of you now and a lot of other stuff, so I think it needs a little update. And what's the lady's name we talked to over there, Kalita? Yeah. Have you ever met her? I did at the games did you say her
Starting point is 00:07:25 name out loud kalita nope i won't do it now either yeah someone needs someone needs to say her name so i can hear no one needs to say her name so i can you're gonna ask me next august they got all the uh interviews up on the site okay oh no shit okay i wish there was a reason for people to go there i know websites are tough these days unless you're buying something huh what can we sell that people want meth what can we put over there that people would want to go over there? I just want people to – for some reason, I want more traffic at our nudes. Just start posting a daily nude over there. Just hype in.
Starting point is 00:08:18 If you go to the website right now, check it out for a big surprise. Oh, hey, one more thing. This is probably silly to promote, but will you go to the YouTube Three Plain Brothers Instagram account? If you have kids, there's a time... Now that I got this new camera, I'm inspired to start doing it again, but there's no way I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But if you have kids and you want to see what I used to do with my kids, what I still do with my kids, almost on daily basis how i play with them i have i think there's hundreds of videos over there at least a hundred and there if you go to yeah you can scroll through this um just crazy library of videos and it's just videos of just like of how i used to play with my kids in there i don't know when they were two three four five six years old and you could just get ideas for stuff that i used to do with them and when they had the long hair. Yeah, the long hair. And then also over on SugarWad, I made a, I don't even, I think it's $50 or something, but it's 50 videos
Starting point is 00:09:32 and it's 50 days of programming. I'm not trying to sell you that. I'm just telling you it's over there. But you can also just go to that YouTube page and just harvest ideas. Okay, Greg C., can you share the story of the sombrero? that YouTube page and just harvest ideas. Okay. Greg C, can you share the story of the sombrero? I just, the sombrero was just every year,
Starting point is 00:09:54 mostly every year I've worn those at the games and it's because Katie, oh, that's, okay. So that's the Sugar Wad site. Yeah. That took a long time to do. I don't even know why I did that. I can't remember. I think those people said,
Starting point is 00:10:07 hey, we don't have any kids programming on here. Will you do that? And I did it. But there's 50 videos and 50 days of programming. And pretty much, I want to say, 40 of the 50, you don't even need equipment. It's a shame I lost my old Instagram account. It had so much good stuff on it for kids.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Can you, so every year I've worn a sombrero there that Katie and Bill have given me and it says Rogue on it. And one of the first years I ever wore it, it was a lifesaver. I never thought I'd wear one of those, but it was in Carson and it was hot and it was cooking. And what's funny is i wore that
Starting point is 00:10:46 and i remember one time walking by katrin's david's daughter and she's like oh i need one of those and at that particular games i had my 14 year old nephew with me as my assistant so he ran and got katrin david's daughter one and then the following year when she saw him i think i brought him to the games again she goes oh that's the nice boy that brought me um my sombrero yeah so i just wore that it's just a sun protection um but then i started rocking my own uh visor god look at that meat hook on um colton his forearms just like a cylinder. Yeah. How did you find someone two feet shorter than you to take this photo?
Starting point is 00:11:41 So, this probably doesn't, I don't need to beat a dead horse because it's kind of sad. But I'll just put closure, some closure to it. I guess over on, I guess, so for those of you who didn't follow the whole sporty Beth thing, there's this girl on the internet and she made a video about me and it's called the most toxic man in CrossFit. And the irony is, is that the footage she used that she claims I'm toxic about is one of the things is the thing that people on Reddit have attacked me for in the New York times attacked me for. And instead of honestly being attacked, I should have been considered a hero. People should have fucking thanked me. And it's basically in the conversation, I talked to Stacey Tovar about the birth control she's
Starting point is 00:12:12 using. And in that conversation, she reveals that when she got off of the birth control, her performance actually got better. And then in the conversation with other girls, she realized that the birth control that these girls were on was actually inhibiting their performance. Professional athletes getting noticeable changes when they got off of their birth control. And for some reason, that's the same reason if you called someone who is 500 pounds fat, that's inappropriate. Like telling the truth for some reason is inappropriate. I don't think so. I don't even think it's even slightly inappropriate. I think sharing information, I think I've told this, I haven't used this metaphor in a while but if you're running
Starting point is 00:12:47 off the edge of a cliff with your eyes closed and i yell at you hey dumb fuck stop running and i save your life and the first thing you turn around and say to me is don't call me dumb fuck then me and you aren't totally different planets you you it's the daoist saying you're staring at my finger while i'm pointing at the moon you're completely lost you're you're a snail and i'm an eagle and i get it i was a snail once too you you you look at the ground you have the perception and the awareness of just what's in front of you like this but i am not a snail i am an eagle and i see i see fucking high altitude shit but i also remember being a snail so i get it i don't hate you i fully remember not a snail. I am an eagle, and I see fucking high-altitude shit. But I also remember being a snail, so I get it. I don't hate you. I fully remember being a snail.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And so this chick Sporty Best makes this video about me. And if you do that to someone like me, like make a video like that about me, or if you start saying my name and I hear you're saying my name, I'll just incorporate you into my life story. So you make a video about me that calls me the most toxic man in CrossFit, and I'll just – same thing. Hiller did the same thing. He made a video about her.
Starting point is 00:13:54 We never talked bad about her. We just kind of incorporated her into our stories. But, dude, it's a pretty bold move to take someone. I don't care who it is. You could be a peon and make a video like that about Brad Pitt. You should know that now you've intertwined your life with theirs. So you make a video like that about me. but I've never been per se mean to her. Recently she was, she was going after Taylor self or something. They were fighting. And I just,
Starting point is 00:14:30 I mentioned like, Hey, there's a reality. And in that reality, I have a large nose. And in that reality, you're obese, you're fat.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And I, and I was just saying like, let's just live in reality for a second. And I wasn't even saying it to be mean. It wasn't like i was like nah nah nah nah you have um uh whatever you know you have giraffe feet i wasn't even doing that i was just using it to state a point of reality and she's proud of the fact that she's fat and she's proud of the fact she has mental illness like she she champions those aspects and qualities of herself on her Instagram.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It's all over her shit. So anyway, so recently I had heard that she didn't have a media pass. And so I mentioned it to Dave and he got her a media pass. And now she writes this, which is interesting. She wrote this on her Instagram. Someone sent me this today. It says, there's been a lot of comments on my post. And it was a bit confusing that he, that Sevan supposedly mentioned it to Dave after saying such horrible
Starting point is 00:15:28 things to me. Well, once again, it's a mischaracterization. I've never said anything horrible to her, but to say, even if I did say something horrible to her, you made a video calling me the most toxic man in CrossFit when, when actually, when actually I helped women realize that they're taking drugs that are bad for their performance i mean it's fucking nuts but anyway and at that point if i was a gentleman the way my mom raised me i would just tiptoe out of the room because i know i'm dealing with crazy now right um it seems that this it seems that this is the ulterior motive so now she thinks that because i told dave that to get her a media pastor i
Starting point is 00:16:06 mentioned i didn't tell dave too i don't tell dave anything i mentioned it to him i i had an ulterior motive and i saw i was thinking i wonder if i did have an ulterior motive but i but i but i don't it was just it was just kind of an off the cuff i just you know what i actually thought i remember my train of thought i holy fuck. I had this conversation with you. Holy fuck, she came from Europe, and she doesn't have a media pass? Yeah. That sucks. It was literally verbatim even you said it. But either way, that was the conversation. And then I just quickly text Dave and moved on with my day or whispered it to him or something.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And then she says, I didn't see him there to thank him, but I've been very grateful on all my videos, which you definitely haven't watched. Oh, has she been thanking me? Oh, no. Thank you, Dave. It was Dave who messaged me and he did mention seven mentioned I didn't have one interesting i've got an influx of these comments was it was it only given to me for this purpose no so now she's paranoid because she made a video called the most toxic man across it i mean it's right i mean that's pretty obvious yeah but the party and rightfully so i'd be paranoid i was paranoid that bryce was gonna fucking be like i'm not an ai and dot my eye you know i mean oh i think an
Starting point is 00:17:29 ai can yeah you think an ai could punch you in the face from i get it i totally get her paranoia it's great to see all these motherfuckers that i talk shit about i get it i'm with you i'm with see sporty bet that's where i'm paranoid too about people i talk shit about seeing it's absolutely insane that she says this was his ulterior motive to give the pass so then people commented if she had just said wow i actually can't believe this seven asked dave that i should have a or if i could have a pass none of the comments would exist and in fact it would have actually the comments would have existed but it would have been the other way around right like oh like like oh this is really cool you guys are coming together and squashing your beef yeah it's like she took
Starting point is 00:18:09 a shit on the floor and then you were like hey don't step in that shit then she did and she's like did you have an ulterior motive all right you tell me that now all these comments are saying i stepped in it it's like what you you took it you did. Anyway, there's no ulterior motive. I'm glad you, I think you had fun there, Miss Beth. I hope you didn't need a lot of Valium. And next year we'll get another shot. Jeez Louise, Seve, when do you start filming commercials for all those sponsors?
Starting point is 00:18:36 What commercials? What's he talking about? Paper Street Coffee. Oh, Paper Street Coffee. Until August 13th. Thank you, Jesus. If you use the code word, I don't know what the code word is.
Starting point is 00:18:51 No, it's not. Oh, Games 23? Is it? I don't know. You go to Paper Street Coffee, use Games 23, you can get a discount on subscriptions. So what's cool about that is then that's a discount you get
Starting point is 00:19:05 every single month that you get to use now i don't eat cottage cheese but i would eat cottage cheese like if i bought some i would eat it i like cottage cheese free shipping and i don't even mind i don't and i'm not repulsed in even the slightest by cottage cheese on people's bodies either. Not even the tiniest bit. It doesn't do anything. I don't find it unattractive at all. So there.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Have at me. David Weed. No, I can't read that. But no. There was something else in here I thought that i should oh uh california peptides ca yesterday yeah two days ago i accidentally put too much in the syringe i shot half in my back and half of my bicep. Now, two days since I've been back, I've done that. Birth control is a carcinogen. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So, you guys, if you go here, I don't know if you still get the free water or not, but for a couple days, you got free shipping and the free water you need to reconstitute the peptides. Because when you get the peptides, they're in powder form. And by the way, when you put the water in there, you have to do it very, very, very gently, according to Andrew Hiller. Go watch Andrew Hiller's video on how to reconstitute that shit. I did 20 rope climbs yesterday. I did 10 cows on the assault bike i did 10 front squats
Starting point is 00:20:47 with a 40 pound d-ball and two uh 16 foot rope climbs nice 10 rounds yeah cool bicep feels totally fine i feel so slow and out of shape after the games dildo seven sevis nose has its own gravitational pull i mean why what what the fuck it's fucking 720 in the morning why why there's no need it's not even like an afternoon show you know what helped this if i told the story about the time i saved a woman's life at the airport did you no dan's just trolling me i love that guy oh mike said down i can't read this either jesus crime and you look like an action figure thank you for that sweatshirt again dude i wear it i will wear it all the time when it's winter love me a good rogues there was a there was a um a comment there's there's a comment in one of the because there's more and more commenters now because we did the um
Starting point is 00:21:54 we did the games we did those shows and we got a lot of people who watched right and a lot of those people who oh shit that dog did scratch me good yesterday there's a lot of people watching who haven oh, shit, that dog did scratch me good yesterday. There's a lot of people watching who haven't watched the show before. And one person said, hey, basically, I'm paraphrasing what they said, but they said basically Sevan's a right wing propagandist. They didn't use the word right wing or propagandist, but they're like he never shows the 20 people with guns with Trump hats on, like in front of a, you know, a Capitol building protest. And he was basically saying, I don't show both sides to the story. And I kind of thought,
Starting point is 00:22:37 I kind of wanted to tell you guys why I don't show both sides to the story. And there's another guy who's just always in my DMS. Who's like, he's just constantly sends me videos of priests who rape kids, basically. Like, you know what I mean? Like it's in the news, like the drumbeat of like, hey, today, a church in Italy, a priest got caught molesting a kid here today in Compton, a priest got caught. And he's like, hey, why are you why don't you ever push that? Why don't you ever show that? Push that. Why don't you ever show that? And there's a response to all of that that's very, very clear. And it's kind of the grass is greener on the other side of the hill phenomenon. Or be careful what you wish for.
Starting point is 00:23:24 No one in their right mind is a proponent or supporter of pedophilia or condones it in any way or thinks it's okay. But there's levels to it. There's you being groomed by your high school teacher versus an entire party with ideological values that's trying to normalize and legalize pedophilia it's it there it's completely two different things going on the the church is by no means trying to um normalize this behavior they're not trying to bring it out into the open and be like let's legalize this shit let's accept these people oh shut it i am not the alex jones of crossfit shut it
Starting point is 00:24:17 why don't you show the negative stuff police do? Well, because relative to the negative stuff that the police do, the attack on police has had – there's no comparison in the significance and the detriment that it's had on society, what police have done to society versus the attack on police. have done to society versus the attack on police. Not accepting them as human beings and trying to work with the best that we have. I mean, the perfect example, as soon as the George Floyd shit happened and the defund the police shit happened, fucking black-on-black murders increased 34% nationwide
Starting point is 00:25:03 with the intention of it to help those people. It's fucking insane. I'm not doing that game. It has nothing to do with right or left. It's always just simple math or logic. I don't care. At this point right now, relative to this, I don't want to go to the greener side of the hill where we just accept everyone and love everyone. And then all of a sudden kids are getting molested legally. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'm not going over there. I'd rather stay over here with some closet fucking priest molesting kids and us trying to chase them down, but it'd still be illegal. a year and 12 unarmed black men getting killed who resisted arrest for the sake of not um an extra 7500 black men killing each other because cops are afraid to go into their neighborhoods sorry just simple fucking math and logic for me i'm not worried about fucking the orange haired guy saying that he'd rather have a jew as his accountant than a black man, and then people calling him racist for that while the fucking borders open and fentanyl is pouring across the border. I'm choosing my logical fights.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Wow, this is an interesting comment. Sean Sullivan said, it is the naturally progression of perversion. It's fucking gross. Sevan, did you see the FBI kill the guy in Utah yesterday? Let me guess. He was voted against Hillary Clinton. No, what happened? I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Brandon Graham, Russians are chemically castrating pedophiles while america's chemically castrating children yeah i'm just choosing my side but i'm not justifying it i'm not like i'm not like wow this is really great what the catholic church is doing diddling kids see this fat number of people shot to death by police in the united states from 2017 to 2023 yeah oh that's awesome yeah look at that well it's not look at that well the white people still get shot more by police i know making a big push though no no oh yeah yeah well they should get shot more well without looking at anything else but just proportions they should get shot more. Well, without looking at anything else but just proportions, they should get shot more.
Starting point is 00:27:28 But relative to the crimes they commit, maybe they shouldn't get shot more. But either way, what's so crazy is it's 500 less, right? But those 500 people probably need to get shot. It's not my place to say I'm not God, but look at all the fucking crime we have now. I mean, dude, there's whole cities that are lost. San Francisco's toast. Hey, we're going to go to the city and do some filming, me and Sousa. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We're going to go there. I can't wait. I'm excited. Unknown. Mad Marv. He was was 75 over 300 pounds could barely walk and they shot him no explanation about how or why oh i think i did see that story wait a second is he white or black that's the only thing that matters he's definitely white or else you guys would have told me already uh ken o'connor i prefer the blend but after talking to dalton rosta maybe you shouldn't do the blend i'm not sure i'm not sure oh yeah yeah yeah he was threatening the president. That's right. He threatened. He threatened. Threatened. He threatened Joe.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Threatened. Threatened. Anyway, that's my thing. I don't want to seem like I'm just, like, for one side, but it's just, like, it's just because there's some issues that I just don't – I have no tolerance for. I can't do the – I can't do the – I can't do any hurting kid shit. You know what I mean? I can't do any of it.
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's like a hard no. How come when I'm erasing these things as we do them and yet they're still in my list? You figured the kid thing would just be like a common ground. Would it just be a what like a common ground like everybody would be on the side defending the children right like it's just like maybe that's where it would be the common ground starting point maybe we could work our way from there but instead it's like no there are these things that we just accepted growing up as kids that now I just can't even
Starting point is 00:29:46 accept either. It's like, now that I have kids that our parents just accepted, which is basically by law, you have, if you have kids, you have to send them to school. You know, they have to go to school. There's all these things that they have to do. They have to get the injection. And I just can't, I don't know how we ended up going down that path of so many you have to do these things uh i missed something who's trying to legalize pedophilia there's tons and tons and tons of examples but i'll give but I'll give you two. What I'm going to say could be wrong, but the spirit of what I'm saying is right, and you just got to look into it a little bit more. Well, one of the things is they're trying to change the name from pedophilia to minor attracted persons.
Starting point is 00:30:36 That should be a huge red flag. They're trying to make it so that you cannot – so they have laws in places, and I want to say it was in Wisconsin. Is Madison? Madison's capital, Wisconsin? I want to say it was in wisconsin is madison madison's capital wisconsin i want to say it was in wisconsin recently they just passed a law where you can't discriminate against someone in the workplace because they're a pedophile so right now they have a law in madison wisconsin where you can't discriminate against someone because they're gay, right? So let's say I'm a bagger at Safeway, and Sousa picks me up, and they see us kissing on the lips, and then the next day my boss can't fire me, right? Because he saw that I kissed him doing lips. It's not a reason for firing someone.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So they've added pedophilia to that, but they call minor attracted persons. Sorry, dude. I'm not doing that. That's a, that's a trying to legalize pedophilia. Hey, I'll give you another, I'll give you another one that they tried to do in the state of California. This one's really going to blow you away. And I don't know where this one's at right now. And these aren't, when I say people are trying to do it, these are people people in office already elected officials trying to bring these things to fruition they they're trying to make it so that if a baby dies seven days up to seven days after it's born that its death cannot be investigated and no one could be held accountable for its death in california so you you know what
Starting point is 00:32:04 that really says right it's the same thing of calling affirmative action to try to help black people, when really what that is, is that's racism. Because if you did that, on the other side of the coin would be that some Asian kid couldn't get in or some white kid couldn't get in. So you present it as some sort of benign act you're doing, hey, we're going to help these people with the last name Susie get in. But really, you've never mentioned it's the people with mitosine and Wong that don't get in. And without saying that, you're lying. You're being dishonest.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And so what they're trying to do by making it so that you don't you're basically allowing and condoning the murder of children if you're saying no one will be investigated if a child dies in the first seven days of his life it's fucking insane and i and you can go online i forget and watch the um the testimony and sort of the the hearings in the state capitol where they're questioning the lady on it who's trying to pass the law. I forget what she is, some Asian lady, some Asian congresswoman. And they say to her, like, hey, this basically makes it legal to kill someone up to the age of seven days old.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And you know what her answer was? That wasn't our intention. Dude. What the fuck? Yeah, who gives a fuck what your intention is? How is it not your intention? You're not investigating a crime committed on a seven-day-old baby? So I'm not trying to say that one's right or one's liberal
Starting point is 00:33:39 or one's right and one's left or one's liberal and one's conservative. These are just like math. This is just logic math this is just logic this is algebra so yeah the pedophilia thing man oh stevon it's not really happening that much it's not a big deal why are you making a big deal that's another one i got i have a i have a friend who has a a daughter a wife and a mom and i was asking him about that how he feels about boys peeing in girls bathrooms and he says it's not a big deal he's not going to die on that hill i think already last year something we have 46 women who've been raped in prison by male trannies that were their cellmates.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's like a fucking porno. It's like a bad movie. Can you imagine throwing dudes in women's jails? Remember that Aerosmith song, Dude Looks Like a Lady? No. Instantly killed. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Now that you say it, I've heard that song a hundred times. It's a super popular song, right? Wow. Is it Mrs. Doubtfire? yeah is that i now that you say i've heard that song 100 times super popular song right wow isn't mrs doubtfire yeah it's funny how things change like that yeah not much so a few is okay the thing is is it's it's just they're in they're in denial i get it it's so hard to wake up. I get it. It's so hard to wake up. It's so hard to realize you've been – it's so hard to be like, wait a second. This has nothing to do with women's health. We're sacrificing babies. I mean it's so hard to come to the realization of what abortion is if you're on the left.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I get it. You see Daniel's going here. is if you're on the left. I get it. I wonder how many people here came for the first time after the games and are now hearing stuff I remember my first week. I've been getting DMs and comments like that. This is the only time of year that I get a little bit of hate. People are like, fuck, you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Why though? Because you're like you will die on the hill or they'll yeah or they'll be like you're not a real sports journalist you fucking idiot you know and i'll be like i know yeah and i'm like i know but that's okay he's a real a real girl yeah we'll go there but we won't go with the sports journalist. I fully know I'm not a sports journalist. You're not a professional. You're not a biologist.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Hey, I started reading this book, by the way, it's called Unvaccinated, for anyone who's interested. It's written by a guy who's also the guy who wrote the book The Moth and the iron lung and if anyone just wants to like he's very very gentle if you think like people who don't want to get their kids vaccinated are completely batshit crazy this is the book for you he's very gentle he slips it in very gently you won't even feel it jeez but it's a great book i'm listening to the audio book right now it's a great book it It's a great, great book.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And there's nothing being forced down your throat. I wasn't made aware that my 10-year-old would be learning about this at school. I would have liked the opportunity to be able to discuss it with him to answer questions. Sorry, I didn't tell you what number this was. Yeah, I'm like. Sorry. Oh, yeah. Cool. sorry i didn't tell you what number this was yeah i'm like sorry oh yeah cool i think we did this one before did we yeah all right fine well there's a couple new people here why don't you there's plenty there's plenty more i'll do i'll do. There's plenty. There's so many. How are they teaching that shit to kids? Okay, 107, world record pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Let's see what the world record is for pull-ups. This better be a CrossFitter. It's actually push-ups. Oh, what did I say? Oh, I feel like we've done that one too. We've done this one too. What is wrong with my notes i'm so sorry guys but we we like said that it was no reps okay what number is that i'm
Starting point is 00:37:53 erasing that one what number is that that was 107 maybe i just need to make new notes every show it says pull up what about 118? It just says yum. Hey, so they really changed the name of Twitter to X. So if you say something, you say I X, I X'd it? I guess. That's kind of weird, huh?
Starting point is 00:38:19 I X'd it? If any of you guys are watching and are eating right now, viewer discretion advised. Yeah, so this is... Hey, so I'm going to... What city do you think this is? Right off the top of your head, what city? What's... San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:38:36 I was going to say Portland. How is that okay? So everything that that... We are all paying for that. We're paying for that. Why are you big-faced? We're paying for that. Look at that mess. Why can't that person just be tackled down onto the ground? I would go for a taser myself.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I don't know if I'd want to make contact. Is that a man or a woman? That's cake, son. Unreal, dude. What's gotten into Lizzo is what the dude wrote. Fuck. Hey, does that person look healthy to you? If they're prepping for a 300-day fast.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh, my God. I don't have any. Steven G. Stefan. Oh, here we go. Someone's going to have to help Stefan through this. More separation of politics and CrossFit and podcasts will probably help you in reach uh c rogan i certainly would appreciate a clear separation of topics all right i hear you
Starting point is 00:39:55 okay this is not crossfit today come back on friday evening i don't know we started with sporty beth was that taught was that um crossfit okay we've segued uh i i'm a little behind but the catholic church in the u.s has set the standard by which organizations report pedos i do not want to take the church off the hook because we don't deserve it okay they're a little behind but the catholic church in the u.s has set the standard okay fine there you go thank you okay wow look at this look at lord of lube Thank you. Okay. Wow, look at this. Look at Lord of Lube.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's a great Halloween costume. I think Halloween got canceled. That's the thing. I appreciate what you're saying, Stefan, but this show is... It can't. That's the thing. I appreciate what you're saying, Stefan, but this show is... It can't. It can't. But I hear you.
Starting point is 00:40:51 You just have to... I don't know. I didn't even try to bring up that shit with Dalton Rosta, and it just came up. And once it did, I just loved it. I loved his answer about the agent. What did he say about his agent?
Starting point is 00:41:05 When you're like, hey, does your agent want you talking about this stuff he's like i don't care give a fuck yeah yeah he's like i'm gonna talk about i'm gonna talk about i feel it's important to talk about why do you want to separate it anyway like because some people don't want to lean into it they don't want to they don't want to like go down that path because life is just easier if they just stay blind to it or just don't put any thought to it at all. It's like the people that the second you say anything, they're like, why are we talking about politics? Because it makes up the society that you fucking live in. And the people that stick their head in the sand is the reason why we have no accountability. Because there's way more people that are too consumed with their
Starting point is 00:41:42 fucking credit card debts that they'd rather just stick their head in their sand and not look up and say, hey, maybe we should really pay attention to what's going on. And then that way we could actually create some changes. You come here because you're curious about, you know, Danielle Brandon's going to be on and you're curious about how she's processing her, her, the games. And you know, we're going to talk about some of the events. And then all of a sudden it swerves into, hey, what do you think about Novak Djokovic not taking the injection? It is relevant to them. And then you, well, let me go back. And then you're a viewer and you have taken the injection and you wholeheartedly believe it was the right thing to do. So you get kind of triggered by it. I mean, that, I mean, that's basically it. That's what's
Starting point is 00:42:36 happening, right? Like basically you want to come here and you want to hear some stuff about athletes, but for some reason you insist on not wanting to hear about um abortion in the same conversation yeah baby killing i mean maybe and don't get this twisted for those of you new i'm completely pro choice get your head wrapped around that so you're for killing the babies? God, why do you have to say it like that? I don't know. I just want clarification. I hate it when you say it like that.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I know. I know. Confronted with it. Me too, though. Me too. Carlos Cueva from South America. To those that are new, Savannah has Tereza. He's going to say what the fuck he wants whenever he wants.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Wear a seatbelt, hang on, or get out of the car. It's a hell of a ride, my friends. Love you, Carlos. 101. 101 not a I don't think I'm going on a limb and saying this is not a Republican please not show this clip before
Starting point is 00:43:53 please not show this clip before please not show this clip for the first time shown on this show a brand new clip you guys have never seen before this is not a Republican. Oh, here we go. Here we go. This guy really needs a relook at their priorities.
Starting point is 00:44:09 This transgender man dreams about getting. Oh, yeah, we did show this one. Damn. Damn. Okay, I'm going to go deep. I'm going to go deep. I'm going to go to. We're stuck in a cycle.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I'm going to use number 77. I'm dying to go on a cruise. I'm dying to go deep. I'm going to go deep. I'm going to go to. We're stuck in a cycle. I'm going to use number 77. I'm dying to go on a cruise. I'm dying to go on a cruise. Number 77. All right. No, really? Shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Wait, I don't know. I just may have seen this. I just, I just. No, no. This is new. This is new. Look at this. This is great.... No, no. This is new. Look at this. This is great. This is new. Look at this. This is a cruise ship.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, yeah. Here we go. Here we go. Yeah. We were like, good thing there was no baby. Oh, my god. Did you hear someone say, let's get out of here? Oh my god. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Are you seeing those lawn chairs getting tossed? Yeah. Oh my god. That bike fell. Get in. Get in. Get life. Get the kids, get the kids. I just got hurt. Water, kids, get me water.
Starting point is 00:45:29 That was water. Oh my god. Hey, dude, if there had been a kid in that stroller, that kid would be dead. Yeah, that wasn't good. But the mom had the kid out and had it up on its side. Oh, my God. Jonathan Ortega says, we've seen all the clips from 10 to 265.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Come on, you haven't seen that one. That was brand new, guys. Okay, number 56, LK. Is this a, guys. Okay, number 56, LK. Is this a Liver King clip? LK, 56, LK. Nope, not the Liver King we're familiar with. Oh. You already see it?
Starting point is 00:46:16 No, I haven't seen this one. This one seems it. Oh, yeah, this is definitely not the one. As the American flag flaps in the fentanyl-filled air, the San Francisco Shepherd Wolf is here. I don't know if you guys heard, but I think it's Robert De Niro's grandson died, 19 years old. I think I mentioned it on the show the other day. Fentanyl overdose.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Accidental. They called it accidental. Fucking idiots. And as you know, he's a huge proponent of leaving the borders open. And not that it's good that happened. I'm not saying that at all. But you get what you fucking ask for. Okay. This is the only reason, the only thing that makes this thing a country is that we have borders.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Like if you don't want a country, I get it. Please go somewhere else. Please. I love having't want a country i get it please go somewhere else please i love having this as a country i love having borders oh shit elise bone they arrested the woman who was responsible for getting him the drugs yeah probably uh oh she changed her picture picture. Probably because – you look cozy. Probably because it's Robert De Niro, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Protect the Hollywood. Oh, shit. Ron Sutton said it looks like Colton. Oh, that's not cool. a clip action i gotta stop smoking that shit and burning the kids man you got the kids right here man what the fuck you say man the fuck is it so out of pocket out here it's crazy as fuck you got children and family over here and they out here just smoking fucking fentanyl on the streets. And then when you try to call them on it, they want to get crazy. Boy, I almost lost my cool right there.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Hey. Wait to hang out with that dude. Is this true? Stefan, I heard you were filming people in the bathrooms at the games. That's fucking nuts. Hey, I wouldn't put that past someone um i wouldn't put that is that true did you really hear that no it was the guy that got arrested and hillar put it up on his instagram and he's like we're mainstream and then it said like some guy caught filming in the bathroom was
Starting point is 00:48:39 arrested at the crossfit games oh is that true yeah and then somebody commented and was like wow seban really went crazy with behind the scenes this year oh and put lots of laughing faces it was very much a joke that will let me tell you the kind of shit that was reported about me to hq hq before the games was shit like that i was it was in the men's room too so normally i to tell you the truth this year every time i went to the men's room every time i took my cameras off because they were so fucking heavy i needed a second it was like i needed a second to get away from so i take my cameras off and set them on a table yeah i guarded them a few times and i didn't use any public like i didn't use any
Starting point is 00:49:22 public restrooms the entire time I was there. Like I used to at regionals or semifinals. I only used, like, private bathrooms there. 28, AI Robots. Seve got a clip of Horvat taking a deuce. You guys want to see? No, I did not. Do you want to see a clip? Do you want to see? Someone sent me a clip of Horvat taking a deuce. You guys want to see? No, I did not. Do you want to see a clip?
Starting point is 00:49:47 Do you want to see? Someone sent me a clip. You want to see some behind-the-scenes footage of Horvat? Are you going to show that? Which one are you going to show? I would just show the 15-second version where shearks on my stature. Can you pull that up? Or do I need to?
Starting point is 00:50:09 No, I think you're going to need to. I'm not savvy enough to deal with the preview thing like you guys are. Let me see. That thread has its own picture, right? Yes. As you're scrolling through your text, did you see the one picture, right? Yes. I was just going through your text. Did you see the one we just got? No.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Who's it from? Kayla? Who? A champion. Oh. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Listen to this lineup, people. See if you can can get them see if you can get them for Friday is it too much? I mean there's a lot of people on that one show I just feel like it's going to be a whirlwind right and maybe they should have their own show or position it with another one okay wow wow
Starting point is 00:51:01 maybe like with Ricky I don't know how long you wanted to go with Ricky no I need my own time I need time with Wow. Wow. Maybe like with Ricky? I don't know how long you wanted to go with Ricky. No, I need my own time. I need time with – when is – who do we have scheduled for Friday? Daniel Brandon, Colton Mertens, Alex Gazan. Ariel Lowen. Ariel Lowen. All four of them in one show, like 15 minutes each, right? Like just to check in and say, what's up, homie?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yep. Yeah. Yeah, putting an ad on It might be too much. What about, do we have anyone for Saturday morning? No, we don't. We tried to get Hopper for Saturday morning, right? Yeah. Ask. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Ask Adler if we could do Saturday morning. That's crazy. Oh, I got all goose bumpy. That's cool. Okay. Let me see if I can find this. Maybe if he's the last person. Then that way you could. Listen to this crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I don't want to mess. I got to make sure no one sees my text messages yeah nobody said i always get nervous at this part you're right so i'm gonna set the stage for you guys oh Stefan we're going to do we're leaving abortion we're going back to CrossFit share screen window entire window okay here we go so
Starting point is 00:52:37 try that one first you'll see all this on the behind the scenes but basically one of the first days I saw Laura and I wish she was with her whole posse. And it's a pretty intimidating posse. It's got Adam Clank, Ben Smith, the former CrossFit Games champ, Gabrielle Magawa, who's a fucking presence of her own. And then the fucking giant Kristoff Horvat is there. And they're standing there.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And I walk up and I go to shake all their hands. And then I go to shake Laura's hand and she just stares at my hand. And I told you guys I started stammering and shit and she won't shake my hand. I think maybe she eventually shaked it. I can't remember. Fucking blur of humiliation. But so a couple of days pass and Mariah Moore comes up to me and she goes, hey. Laura says that you should put on your big boy panties and come over there and talk to her.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I'm like, all right, cool. So I go over there, and I talk to her, and I get tore up. I get destroyed, which you'll see in the behind the scenes. I get tore up. No one ever tears me up. Ever. It's such a crazy experience interacting with her. She's so fucking inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yeah, she's your alpha. It's nuts. It's so inappropriate how she behaves. There's no fucking rules to engagement. And so she tears me up. I hang, though. You guys are going to be proud of me, right? I stay in there and take the fucking whooping.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I don't like she gives me a few times out to leave and I don't. I'm like, fuck that. I'm sick. She's bigger than me. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm the size of her fucking hand dude seven you think laura could beat you up i i i want to say no but i just god i'd be crazy to fight her be fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:54:39 crossfit pay-per-view oh my god i don't know i'm pretty i have to think she could fuck me up but i don't i mean i'm not i'm not afraid to fight her but i definitely wouldn't want any cameras on it like don't tell anybody first or not it's not a good it's not going to be a good look for me either way the thing dude she's so powerful and you sense it in her presence yeah she's hungarian she got you in 20 seconds all right fine no i can't beat her up i'm fine with that um but uh so then i leave and then mariah comes back to her and mariah says hey how was the interview with sebon and that's what i'm about to show you guys this is her fucking response you're gonna have to listen carefully sephi she will what beat me up okay fine with it all right says the fucking boxer great
Starting point is 00:55:38 slater this uh laura would make you her bitch. Fine. Okay. No, it's not. It's not just no nonsense. It's she ragdolls me when I talk to her. I can't explain it. Well, you'll see. Oh, that would be. If Laura wanted to kidnap Sevan, she could.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I'd love that. All right. here we go. Ready? If you can't hear this, let me know. Maybe I fucked the audio up. Could you hear that? it's super low oh my goodness okay hold on let me see let me see what's like yeah audio is like no audio can't hear okay hold on let me see what uh entire screen hmm it's like super quiet for some reason okay hold on i'm gonna turn my mic around you guys
Starting point is 00:56:45 oh hold on here we go hold on bring it up to the computer that's a good sound that's a good sound okay listen listen yes you did will be pale but he looks here we look fine i was nice today yeah i feel bad for him he's so tiny she says you'll hear it better in the behind the scenes the audio is great i apologize for the audio issue but she says did seban come with you she says yeah and then mariah goes was he pale and she goes no i was nice to him no you were fucking nice to me i thought that you were not nice to me not even not even a little bit nice to me not even like there's no way it's just a lie and then uh and then she says uh she feels sorry for me because i'm so little. Fuck. And I like how
Starting point is 00:57:45 Lynx just gets mad at me for that. Just sit in there. I'm fucking 70 miles away. Yeah, he went, oh, fuck. Yeah, what the fuck, Susan? Help me with the audio. Oh, no, let me just reach into your screen and oh, look at this. Sounds like
Starting point is 00:58:01 70s back in about this sound. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the last arm I had. You know what I heard? What? I heard from a trusted source that when Laura acts that way, she only absolutely does it to people that she really likes.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Hey, I believe it. And that's what she brings people in like that. Part of me believes it. I asked her in the interview, I'm'm like do you always play hard to get yeah what if she's like crazy attracted to me and she has to just do that to like what if she's in the old dudes little dudes old little dudes it's really a love affair everybody thinks it's like a... And she has to act that way just so she doesn't just completely throw herself at me. Hmm. Anyway, I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:59:00 A lot. Good chemistry. Yeah. I don't mind getting tossed up a little bit. At the top there, there's this link on Instagram. It says, who am I?
Starting point is 00:59:17 There's no number above it. It's like before number two. Do you see it? Let's try that. Who am I? I really like this clip. We've played this before on the show, but it's okay. This is good.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Here we go. The average person, who they are, they'll give you their name. They'll say, I'm Bob Proctor, but I'm not. Bob and Proctor are two words. My parents give them to me. They're called names, but it's not. Bob and Proctor are two words. My parents give them to me. They're called names, but it's not me. It's my name. Then somebody will say, well, this is me, but this isn't me either. It's my body. Like you never phone down here to the studio and say body won't be in today.
Starting point is 00:59:54 It's sick. We don't say am hand or am leg. It's my hand, my leg, my body, my name. Who am I? We live simultaneously on three planes of understanding we're spiritual creatures we have an intellect and we live in physical bodies but because we lack awareness or understanding of who we are we're totally locked into a physical world and we let things outside of us control us 95 of the population are reacting to life they're not really living at all if a person will start to study that and look for the answer they'll'll find it. If you ask the average person. There's some really cool ideas being presented there.
Starting point is 01:00:32 That distinction between the identities, right? Your body, your intellect, and your spirit. And then, of course, there's that other one. The one that I really liked is the 95 reacting that's like every fight you have with anyone all that shit so much reacting we think we're conscious beings with free will and we're just sitting there reacting free will like free will brands that are Free will.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Like free will brandstetter? Nice. It's nice. Do you want to play the robots one still? If you have to say all that, you are analyzing it too much and thus not living life. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I know, neither do I, but I just like it. Oh, shit. There was a story from Russia about aliens. A UFO appeared and turned soldiers to stone. Medusa. Did you like Medusa as a kid? I was never really that into it. That bitch had like snake as hair.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yeah. Looked into her eyes, she turned into stone. Yeah, if you fought her, you had to like look in a mirror. Like over there, even though she was over there. Right? I'm not that familiar with the story. So sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I wonder who would win in a fight, Medusa or Superman flash of the Titans. Matt Burns. Yeah. Yeah. You could have one superpower. Yeah. What would it be?
Starting point is 01:02:21 That was a great clash of the Titans. I'm going to watch that with my kids tonight. I think they're going to be like, it's not tv night i'm like shut up uh how does this guy know carlos romero how does carlos know how does he know did you don't even know what he's talking about right susa no yeah there's i have a car somewhere Somewhere in there, I have a Margaret Thatcher clip. Fuck you. Stop looking at my emails, douche. Did I get sent to the wrong person?
Starting point is 01:02:50 Oh, were you the winner that also gets the notes sent to them at the beginning? What did you ask me? Play what clip? Aliens? Oh, no. We had the robots one queued up prior to the... Oh, sure. Yeah. What's robots? Who's robots? queued up prior to the uh oh sure yeah what's robots who's robots sure yeah keep the show moving please yes i know geez louise my wife
Starting point is 01:03:13 what is this one i don't remember this one well you commented on it oh uh oh it took me a minute to realize those were robots i thought they were real women for a minute oh i don't even remember writing that all right will you like my comment sure will action of straight white men having the power and everything you know and it's like we as women of color as students at this university like we're very much capable of certain things and we don't have the same privileges that are offered to straight white men and i've been hearing that from a lot of the ladies that i've been talking to today talk to me about what some of those privileges are that you know straight white men have if you don't have talk to me about that um i think i mean i don't really know have you ever experienced like a specific instance i don't know I also need to go.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I know, I do need to go. I'm sorry. I'm tired of... I stand up when I pee, bitch. But with great privilege comes the problem that our bathrooms are covered in urine. Although we can stand, our entire group is a bunch of d-bags and we pee all over everything like assholes we ruin our privilege fuck off such a fucking joke did i tell you did i ever mention you guys that uh the two financial engines and the entire legal team except for one
Starting point is 01:04:41 person was women the entire time worked atFit. Maybe I mentioned that to you guys. You fucking douchebags that keep fucking insisting. While we live in the greatest time in humanity, you still have to play a fucking bitch. You're a fucking loser. Your fucking parents should spank you with a belt my favorite part of like all those is like um can you please give a specific example that you or somebody very close to you has experienced that exemplifies the ideology in which you live your life by? No, you can't. But it's so weird.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Ask her friend. Yeah, she was willing to die on that hill, and then she had to ask her friend, can you think of one example? And the friend bounced. Hey, Stevan, remember when you took a shit in the van? Yes. I remember thinking as I put my little tiny ass in the little baby seat and took a shit, I remember thinking, God, I'm so privileged because there's all of these big people who probably –
Starting point is 01:05:54 they would have had to have left the skate park with their kids to find a toilet, and I didn't have to do that because I'm privileged because I'm little, and I can use a fucking three-year-old's toilet. You can not only aim a number one one but you can aim a number two that's talent imagine living your life hey dude we all do that i'm telling you every single and i'm guilty of it as fuck like i have this thing that i think that wherever i fucking go so like i used to not go i used to not even go into stores unless i thought for sure i was going to buy something or if i walked into a store i felt guilty like i had to buy something like i was taking the person's time yeah isn't that funny yeah i would never ever ask to taste
Starting point is 01:06:37 the ice cream at the shop you know when they hand you those little wooden spoons i feel like it was stealing yeah and there's the one asshole who tastes every single flavor and then yeah i don't feel like ice cream today yeah the plight it's the plight of the black man i i'm with you overcompensating privileged white dudes I'm gonna thank someone today for being white thank you for being white what?
Starting point is 01:07:19 hey if I said that to someone in Santa Cruz they'd probably start crying or they'd jump you they would just jump off a cliff and kill themselves. Get him. That's different. That's different. I approve of this.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Ken Walters, that was me in college. Three rounds of free samples in the grocery store. College kids, get your shit. I feel you. That doesn't count. I feel you. I'm good with it. Seve, what age did you stop growing?
Starting point is 01:07:47 Was there a point in your life when your hog was in proportion with the rest of your body? No, it's always been massive. I don't ever remember it being. I don't ever remember it being. The crazy thing is, like, I don't know that I'm little. Like, I went to the CrossFit Games this week, and I realized again, like, it was the first time is like, I don't know that I'm little. Like I went to the CrossFit games this week and I realized again, like it was the first time. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'm little. Like when I walk out in my town, I'm not little. It was like, I remember the very first time I realized that was little is when I went to college. I went to UCSB and I'm like, wow,
Starting point is 01:08:19 I'd never been around so many white people either. It's not like that anymore. I heard it's all Asians. But I, when I went to the games this year i was like wow i am fucking little but in my house i'm like like where the people i hang out with i'm a fucking i'm a boss do burpees and shit i can do 10 pull-ups it's the truth it's weird and i didn't realize i don't know if i should tell the story about the hog one of my uncles said to me my dad has like nine brothers and sisters or ten something like that two of them died young age but one of my uncles my dad's the the youngest uncle in the family he's like probably 20 years younger my dad he asked me one time hey did you get a big thick
Starting point is 01:09:11 cock like your dad's he said it in armenian it was it's a little it's a little it's less uncouth than armenian yeah and i was like oh shit i never thought of my having a big giant thick cock and i was like i guess i do have one that was it and then and then and then a couple people said something occasionally once people would see my penis i was like oh wow i just thought it was i thought everyone had one of those so it's like i didn't know i had no idea and that's I didn't know. I had no idea. And that's... Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I try to lean on the hog more than being little. Say it in Armenian. Kudjudjid medze? What did he say? Kudjudjid medze? That means, is your penis big? Kudjudjid medze? Kudjudjid medze? Forget how he said it. There's another word too. That means is your penis big? Forget how he said it.
Starting point is 01:10:12 I'll ask him to say it again. I'll call him and ask him. He's cool. He was my cool uncle. He came to the country when he was 20 and I was 5, and he would always put me on his shoulder. If then like all, if it wasn't for him, I probably would have never played any sports. He always took me outside and played with me. Other than that,
Starting point is 01:10:29 it just was just a fat kid that watched TV. Yeah. And he loved, he loved smoking weed and drinking. So like we would walk like a mile to the liquor store. He'd smoke a joint. He'd get like a bunch of beer. We'd walk back. We'd watch a football like the 49ers game and then we'd go he'd be drunk and we'd play catch in the yard for fucking two hours playing football he was awesome i don't go like that that like for christmas would buy you like a pocket knife and my mom yeah yes yes we got a little older he bought us a bb gun and then he's like
Starting point is 01:11:03 i'm gonna show you how to shoot this like yes pat shooting the bb gun with them at the cabin yes my my mine bought me a pocket knife too a little buck knife a little tiny one now listen if anyone ever fucks with you just open it and pretend like you're cleaning your nails yeah if i need the cool uncle like that. Yeah, he was great. My nephew the other day texted me. My nephew's in town. I love him to bits, but he's like, hey, do you have a camera I can borrow? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Meanwhile, you just have this jacket. I'm like, fuck no. Not going to end well. What's this number? Can we play number two? Maybe we just go down from the top. Maybe I'll just start a new list tomorrow. I'm just going to throw this list away.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Scrap it. Yeah. This one doesn't even have any notes by it. Excuse me. Play it. any notes by it excuse me but no yes please yeah yeah just the does the united states demand each year i don't know that number off the top of my head okay it's four terawatts annually so the secretary of energy didn't know it the The EPA doesn't know it. FERC probably doesn't know it. Who else doesn't know it in this country? And we're mandating electric vehicles. What's the percentage increase in electricity demand if we get to the 2030 and 2035 mandates
Starting point is 01:12:42 that your agency is pushing for and the administration is pushing for? What is the percentage increase that we will need? Four-tenths of a percent in 2030 and four percent in 2050. Okay, so the Secretary of Energy sat right there two weeks ago and she said it's going to double our electricity demand and you're giving me a much more accurate or at least specific answer. You guys have no idea how much demand is going to be there. Where is that electricity going to come from? Well, first of all, we did analyze the demand that the implementation of these proposals. EPA analyzed it or department?
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yes, we did. We analyzed it as part of our. Where is the electricity going to come from? Come from a diverse grid. It's 110 degrees in my hometown today. The wind is not blowing. The sun is shining. And after four hours of darkness,
Starting point is 01:13:29 there will be no batteries on this planet that can produce a reliable source of baseload dispatchable power. We have no plan for this. How much electricity? It's fucking crazy, dude. It's crazy. Hey, that's the simple math part that the guy should have off the top of his head for every thousand cars we bring on we need
Starting point is 01:13:54 two windmills for every two windmills if it costs us uh eight hundred thousand dollars and we can accomplish that and build that over the next uh three years with a 1% tax hike on blow pops. I mean, you know what I mean? It's like, how the fuck do you not have that? That would never work. If I told you I was going to send 30 new people to your class, you'd have to make, like, I said, hey, Sousa, I mean, here's, let's say you charge $200 a month. That's $2,100 a year.
Starting point is 01:14:29 If I said to you, hey, I'm going to give you $71,000 and I'm sending 30 people to your class for the next year, you'd have to make some changes, right? Like right away. And you're like, when are they coming? I'm like, next week. You'd be like, okay. I'd be like, all right, we need two more coaches.
Starting point is 01:14:43 I got to get some more equipment. How are we going gonna organize it safely yeah fucking nuts you could even think big picture hey is now the time to rent the place next door right move facilities can we republicans will lose their mind over some energy nerd but ignore the military officials who refuse to build the border wall explain what are you talking about i remember not wanting the border wall like because i thought that it would uh interfere with animal migration oh you're so nice. I can remember being that person. Don't cage in the animals.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Number three. When was your first class today? Not until this afternoon. Oh. Not till this afternoon. Sousa, I'll have you know, we don't even lock our gym all day long and here y'all are getting. No, no, no. Thank you, though.
Starting point is 01:15:57 I appreciate it. I love you, Audrey. Kyle. Oh, yeah, this is me, I think, right here. When I was young, I used to think the world was full of professionals yeah now that i'm older i realize almost everyone is winging it has no idea what they're doing i know it's crazy right that is 100 spot on kyle that was the same same way i thought that's why that's a you nail it that's why i get so fucking pissed at people who like anyone who says for a second that the crossfit's not a you nail it that's why i get so fucking pissed at people who like anyone who says for a
Starting point is 01:16:26 second that the crossfit's not a professional sport or that dave castro is not professional it's like dude you've never met anyone more professional it's because you think the fucking winging it idiots are the professionals do you realize guys who aren't saying anything or doing anything or forcing anything to happen are the professionals it's nuts i wish i really hoped behind the scenes captures how amazing he is he is he'll blow you away there was someone there that goes hey do you know why we all want to work for a day if i go because we get shit done he goes yeah isn't it awesome sorry what are we gonna say susan no i'm just gonna say just like if people have any idea with his past career, like the level of attention to detail and the rehearsals that go into it and the impossible missions that he probably went on and came out that it's just like he – yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I don't want to get into it because I don't know much about his past career. He was in charge of life or death situations, and he still treats his job like that today and even the people who got i guarantee you even the people who got their fucking ass chewed this week by him and there were a bunch including myself none of them everyone's like yeah he's still a good dude like you're not like oh i would i had my ass chewed on unfairly uh licks okay he's gonna explain to me. Republicans pretend to defend our interests by hating on the least powerful government officials. All the while, the real deep state controls our lives through the internet. Okay. Black Rock, State Street, Vanguard.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Devesh maharaj do people i sometimes see people hating on devesh in the comments what is it oh no yash it's yash who gets beat up oh as an electrical engineer working on electric vehicle systems i would agree with that the electrical demand of some facilities i'm working on would increase as much as 600 in the next 10 years to support ev hey is it free everywhere i go i see these electrical charging stations is so is gas free for gas is gas free for electrical cars like if you have electrical card you never pay for that shit again you just park your car somewhere and charge up i have i no idea, to be honest. Tanner, Sebi, how do you still live in that area? How have you not moved yet? I live in the most amazing place you could ever imagine.
Starting point is 01:19:00 I live in a forest that butts up against the Pacific Ocean. Like, I live, my life is so fucking good and I live just yeah it's good there's no reason to there's no reason to leave are you coming on Saturday here? yeah I realize that in the afternoon I do have something that I have to be back here for
Starting point is 01:19:24 on Saturday? yeah so that's oh no that's a problem Yeah, I realized that in the afternoon, though, I do have something that I have to be back here for. On Saturday? Yeah, so that's... Oh, no, that's a problem. Yeah. Maybe you should come Sunday morning. You think you can do it all in one day? Well, I'm wondering, is it possible, you think, to do part of it in stages? Like, what if I came Friday afternoon?
Starting point is 01:19:40 I don't know. Fuck, because we have the show. Yeah. All right, we'll figure it out yeah maybe we could do part of it on saturday then i come back on sunday morning and then we do the rest of it so it's ready for monday someone said how can anyone still live in calmy california and i and i was looking on the internet and i said because we're not cowards and then i looked at the profile of the guy who wrote it and he was was like a Green Beret. You're like, oh, fuck. Oops, sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Republicans will lose their mind. Harvard isn't diverse enough, but ignore when the Air Force establishes racial quotas for incoming officers. I'm not following you on that. It's not free. You pay for it, but some employers provide it for free at work to get people. No, I mean like they have charging stations all over my city, like right by the skate park.
Starting point is 01:20:41 There's like every day I drive by like 20 charging stations. Can I just park my car there and like plug in? Or do you have to slide a credit card in or something? Oh, here we go. Gabe, Paper Street Coffee. Tesla, you pay for the supercharge. Uh-oh. Incoming phone call.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I got to fix the phone I think I should just get a new roadcaster whoa what's going on with it I always have to redo the phone every show oh do you turn off your roadcaster every night Jody hi no I don't it's weird
Starting point is 01:21:23 hello hi hey what's up hi calling from connecticut hi you do have to pay for those chargers oh you do so like the ones like just out in front of grocery stores yeah you have to yeah you'll be getting charged for that how do you get charged i think i think you have for it? I think you have to set it up. I'm not sure. But I had an electric car for about six months, and it was the worst thing ever. Why? Because there'd be times you'd want to use it and you couldn't because it didn't have gas in it and it wasn't charged up?
Starting point is 01:21:59 Yeah, and then you have to sit and wait for an hour for it to charge. Oh, yeah. It's just the most inconvenient thing. Most of them, yeah, you have an hour for it to charge oh yeah it's just the most inconvenient thing most of them yeah you have to pay for it a lot of um just inconvenience fuck okay i'm not getting one i'm not getting a new car period i'm gonna drive my current car into the fucking ground i have a question yes um you think think CrossFit CEO group are thinking about policy for transgenders? Just ahead of the next games? I think that there already are transgenders in the games.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Okay. But I think in the team's competition, there already are. I don't know if they're actually performed in the games okay um but i think in the team's competition there already are i don't know if they're actually performed at the games i i that's a good question i don't think they have the manpower to think about it to have a policy yeah i mean they probably have some policy and it's probably around hormone levels they probably will just copy and paste something i would guess you know what i mean like unfortunately the current policy also encourages general mutilation because the current policy in some places is if you haven't started the process before the age of 12 you are forever going to be forced to compete at the sex you were born as and um that sucks because that kind of enforces people to make the decision early but who knows i think cross it's too hard it's too hard there's
Starting point is 01:23:35 no there's no dude who's gonna there's no i don't know it's too hard i would guess there would be a mass mutiny wouldn't you these women don't want dude i can't picture any of these women that i met this week wanting dudes in their sport well nobody does but what can they do about what can they do about it yeah it's a good question and no ladies are going to go over to the dude side no that that hasn't happened once right yeah anyway you're doing a great job absolutely loved your coverage this year. I was a little nervous about you going to the, how everything would play out with you being at the venue this year. Yeah, it was great. We're so used to, we're so used to like bringing people on and
Starting point is 01:24:18 you know, in the background with not being there, but you did great. It was awesome. Thank you. with not being there. But you did great. It was awesome. Thank you. And a good hello to all my sevenistas who I was living vicariously through at the venue. Yeah, it was cool. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Don't worry, you didn't miss out. I mean, it was fun, but you didn't miss out. Anyway, well, listen, you have a great day. Thanks again for all your coverage. And we'll talk to you later okay thank you thank you for the electrical car information yes okay okay bye uh i don't understand this yash i don't understand this yash has blocked more than a half of the chat he's still here yet 12 daily doses is. Is it bad to block half the chat? Who cares if you block half the chat? Is that bad?
Starting point is 01:25:09 Yeah, I'm not following. Yeah, I don't understand. I mean, 12 daily doses was getting fucking crazy. So that made sense. But Yash blocking the chat. Block the whole chat. Why would we ban him from the YouTube chat? I've never even seen anything bad Yash has said.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Seve, would you consider having a sex worker on the show? A sex worker. A sex worker. Only fans. Yeah, I'm not sure why i wouldn't what's a what's a sex worker i'd pretty much have anyone on the show like 99 out of 100 people someone said to me someone said to me at the um bar in the hotel why would you give
Starting point is 01:26:05 a flat earther a platform to be to speak it was crazy I was like wow it was a friend of mine too did you ask why they came to that question no well I said why wouldn't I
Starting point is 01:26:23 and they go because it's just fucking crazy and idiocy. And I'm thinking to myself, wow, if I didn't let every single person on who had crazy or idiot ideas, I wouldn't have fucking anyone on. My hope, one of the cornerstones of my show is young human beings that have dedicated their lives to just doing physical traits, physical feats of strength that have no fucking purpose. It's not even like all the eco-bikes in the world are hooked up to the power grid. It's so funny that people get so, like, triggered by that. Eric Uly was 12 Daily Doses actually banned. I think 12 Daily Doses was calling me a pedophile in the fucking comments.
Starting point is 01:27:29 If I remember correctly, a couple weeks ago. Or something fucking crazy. And it had gone too far. And I can't remember I asked someone to block him. Just too far. Sorry. You're not going to sit there. You can say a to, like, you can say a lot of shit. You can make fun of my nose. You can tell me I'm a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:27:50 I'll even try to remember the example. Let me see. Yes, it wasn't just once. It was an incessant drumbeat. So I would say something like, I'm going to the skate park today to watch my kids. And he goes, yeah, because you're a fucking creep and you like to watch little kids. And it like it like there were like five of those and
Starting point is 01:28:07 it's like fuck you to answer that I would much rather hear someone try to explain to me how the earth is flat but how but I'm not going to tolerate raising my kids is uh creepy sorry and i didn't want to do it like like i mean i wanted to ban him i didn't want him to go that far oh yash is inappropriate to women in their dms dude what do you mean inappropriate like this yeah yeah that's not my place i'm not i'm not policing that dude holy shit if i if i banned all the people in here who are inappropriate to women fucking there'd be one person less left oh we didn't ban uh yash he has blocked people when they said something anything to him but i've heard he's been saying inappropriate things to people. Those people can ban him.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I've just never seen any of it. What happened with the inappropriateness? What was said? I'm not comfortable banning people. Draw your dagger. I got to talk with Seve at the games. Confirm good dude.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Who are you? How? What? Huh? Where's Allison NYC been? That's a good question. Oh, yeah. Hey, I'm not going to,
Starting point is 01:29:43 I'm not going to Coeur d'Alene for a month. I didn't tell you that, did I? I did? Yeah. I already told you? Mm-hmm. We talked yesterday about it. Yeah, I don't want to ban anyone. How about number eight we had the this one here if you still wanted to use this guy oh yeah okay let's do it let's do it
Starting point is 01:30:14 now oh yes here we go here we go 46 from rff file plasty if you don't know what this, I am transgender and I have been in transition for over seven years. I've went through a few different surgeries, but the one recently, which I just talked about, is where they take a skin graft from your arm to create a phallus. My arm did not give me any complications. This was actually the easiest part. That was a woman?
Starting point is 01:30:53 It didn't quite go as planned. I did stage one, which was the graft off of my arm, the scrotoplasty, vaginectomy, urethral lengthening, and a skin graft on my leg to fix my arm. Now, with the surgery, there is a lot that goes into it, a lot that can happen and usually... It's fine. This is fucking nuts, dude. Changing your sex is fucking batshit crazy i feel sorry for these people they cannot ever be happy the rest of their life what a fucking wreck no i can't believe this is happening
Starting point is 01:31:40 in 2023 this is like um this is like putting leeches on someone and bleeding them to death, claiming that you're going to heal them. Phillip Kelly, I understand. I saw what you said, by the way. You're not saying ban him. You're saying you'll defend the women. He's being a douchebag. I think it's a word.
Starting point is 01:31:59 I'm good on you. All right. On a side note, UFC put O'Malley versus Jan on their YouTube. I'm a side note. UFC put O'Malley versus Jan on their YouTube. That fight was bonkers. Who you got this weekend? Who's fighting? Aljo or Sean? That's this weekend? If that's this weekend,
Starting point is 01:32:18 I am fucking pumped. Aljo. Aljo is going to... Aljamain Sterling is going to kill him. I created a penis out of cold cuts. Okay, so we found out who Trish is. We did? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Philip Kelly took a picture with her. No. Yeah. No. And Trish posted it on Trish's Instagram. It wasn't like Kelly took the picture. I've seen that. It's Photoshopped.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Okay. Bring it up. Bring it up. Let's see. Okay. There's no way. Hold on. No way.
Starting point is 01:32:59 No fucking way. Oh, shit. I'm late. You have to go. Oh. Oh, good. oh shit I'm late you have to go oh oh good that's photoshop yeah it's totally photoshop even Mason Mitchell knows
Starting point is 01:33:16 there's no way it's crazy my wife was saying that she saw a picture of Trish and I go it's photoshopped and then she was like I stared at it forever I can't believe it's photoshopped and then she was like I stared at it forever I can't believe it's photoshopped Eaton Beaver back to normal topics finally look at it it's you on
Starting point is 01:33:37 ecstasy you're on Molly he's rolling hard oh wait this is a dope this is on Philip Kelly this is a dope photo are they inilip kelly so this is a dope photo are they in the stadium are they in the coliseum which is a bunch of ceos hanging out oh yeah that is cool that's really cool no i don't know trish's trish can you put your instagram handle on there it's like trish the dish in like 900 numbers i'm sure they probably mean something and i'm an idiot for not knowing but okay I'm going to the skate park after I
Starting point is 01:34:06 play this okay am I bringing something up no I got it thank you though we'll save Trish the dish for tomorrow okay oh here we go Trish it's the year it's the year
Starting point is 01:34:20 I regret having gotten the vaccine I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I'm sure it's fine. But I just wish when the state told me to do something, I'd be the sort of person who said no. But it turns out I'm the sort of person who says fine. I don't understand what's going on. You're telling me it's important. Okay. And all they had
Starting point is 01:34:47 to do was say, you won't be allowed to go into pubs for like a month. And I was like, put it in me. That's what I'm upset about is that I had a principle temporarily. Oh, if I was in Nazi Germany, I would have stood up to the regime. I wouldn't stand up to not being able to go to a pub for a month. I would have been like, Anne Frank, she's in that attic. There, I saw her. It doesn't matter what the point of principle was. The point is I would have been a chill. I have to live with that for the rest of my three or four more years
Starting point is 01:35:23 before I have a heart attack. I regret having gotten the vaccine i really regret having gotten the vaccine i'm sure it's fine but i just uh trish the dish says we've seen this hey um good see it again uh thank you though hey and what's funny is that's a joke i I wonder if I said this last time. But it's the truth. Like, we all saw who you were. It's that once again, someone came into the room with a gun, and we saw which one of you hid behind children.
Starting point is 01:35:57 It's fucking nuts. And there's a difference also between taking it. I understand taking it. But the people who are, like, belittling other people for not taking it, fuck you. You're an asshole. I hope you've changed. Okay, Trish the Dish, show us.
Starting point is 01:36:17 I couldn't find it. Oh, okay. I even searched it with the year and typed it all out and everything, and it's just not popping up. Actually, you know what pops up is your Instagram. Let's try this. I put on like a thousand followers, I think, over this
Starting point is 01:36:34 thing. Hey, who's the guy that's coming on tomorrow? I ran into this guy at the games and he's like, hey, I'm coming on your show. I'm like, you are? He's like, yeah. Yeah, Adam Hawkins. Is he a military guy? I are he's like yeah um yeah adam hawkins is he a military guy i think he's in a i think he's the like uh affiliate rep for region and also is like does the pt service for it he works for hq that guy works for hq i don't know that i don't know man you shoot me
Starting point is 01:36:58 people and you say get them and i get it i mean you gotta look into it more but I don't want to miss tomorrow there's a guy that I don't know anything about but I told Sousa to get him get him Adam Hawkins by the way Savant I sent you a dirty pic in your DMs thank you Jessica
Starting point is 01:37:20 right here Thank you, Jessica. Gentlemen, right here. I met him at the games, too. He's cool. Well, affiliate head in CrossFit and HPSD, significance through service, cross-level two trainer, captain at.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Oh, yeah, that's why I want to. He does something with police. Mm-hmm. Super good dude, too. I just like chatting with him. He does something with police. Super good dude, too. I like chatting with him. He's awesome. Police. You got this shirt, too.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Oh, I do have that shirt. Oh, maybe I'll wear that tomorrow. I washed it. You know that shirt that I hated? I found two more of them in my shit when I unpacked. I love that. I love that. So stupid.
Starting point is 01:38:10 But I'll wear that cop shirt tomorrow. That thing's cool. Yeah, Captain at the Police Academy here, New Hampshire Police Standards in Training. I'm going to regret. Oh, yeah, that's the shirt I got. I'm going to regret saying this, but I'm'm gonna start a new list of shit for the show so if you now's the time to dm me but please use some discretion don't ever send me dms that say like um
Starting point is 01:38:39 like just like like harding something i posted because then I got to take the time to open that shit oh I wanted to read you one thing fuck I'm so late I want to read you this thing that you guys are going to love this damn I'm bummed I can't be on this show with you guys tomorrow I want to chat with this guy too yeah come on come on
Starting point is 01:39:02 I wish I could man okay listen to this show Mr. mitosi and i'm a 55 year old uh retired navy chief i have type 2 diabetes i'm fat and i've double see just said he's fat i have double quadricep tendon rupture repair and bad knees i also drive long haul trucks i watch your podcast and listen to you talk about the healing powers of CrossFit. Every time I go home and I go buy a box, they always seem to be closed. As I drive across the country, I see large groups of citizens that need help, the truck driving community. There's nothing healthy out here at truck stops and there is nowhere to park the big-ass truck to go into a store. My community needs help.
Starting point is 01:39:43 I bring my own food, but you can only bring out so much before you run out. I downloaded the level one course book. What else is there to experience the healing powers of CrossFit? Hope this reaches you. I said, hey, dude, you have to move every day. You have to try and move through the full range of motion every day, lying down and standing up, the burpee, just do 10 10 a day you must stop eating after 6 p.m every day no exceptions you cannot drink anything with sugar in it nothing if you need caffeine drink black coffee this is all very doable let me know what happens in 30 days he writes back to me seven i just wanted to give you an update i've cut out all sodas i only drink water as of now I watched the Killing the Fat Man series season 1 and 2 and came across
Starting point is 01:40:29 the CrossFit Journal issue 21 currently revamping my diet and eating healthier over the road driving trucks I found a CrossFit program here in my state my city I'm omitting that that caters to disabled veterans
Starting point is 01:40:43 that caters to disabled veterans. That caters... Dude, are you kidding me? I walk at least two miles a day with a 20-pound ruck. Fuck, I'm loving this dude. Dude, this is amazing. Congrats and thanks for the update. Can I post your words? I can remove your name.
Starting point is 01:41:00 I think it will inspire others. Actually, I know it will. He responds again. thank you for the killing the fat man series yes you can post my words i said thanks keep on the path jeremy world i know most of you just want to touch seven's genitalia but just watch him from afar and love him as he does the Lord's work. Well, shit, Jeremy, that's really sweet of you. That's crazy cool of you. That's weird, a little weird.
Starting point is 01:41:35 But, you know, I'm, yeah. It's weird. It's weird, but thank you. Okay, final word. ernie gaza shit i'm so late 11 minutes late uh ernie uh garza yeah driver has it rough considering delays not getting off loaded or wrong address it can get crazy my old driver would run around his dry van for fitness and walk with kettlebells at times too okay love you guys uh see you uh oh today's show with uh we have a show coming up today with jr howell and the thumb you're gonna want these are both crossfit games coaches uh taylor is very close to becoming a crossfit games athlete but both of them have
Starting point is 01:42:20 coached athletes in the um at the crossfit games this year and uh both of them work coached athletes at the CrossFit Games this year, and both of them work at gyms, and arguably Mr. J.R. Howell owns the best gym on the eastern seaboard of the United States, and Taylor arguably works at the best gym on the eastern seaboard of the United States. So they're two guys you want to listen to. The show is called Shut Up and Scribble.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I believe it's at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Love you guys, and buh-bye.

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