The Sevan Podcast - We’re Back! - Is Real | Live Call In #1038

Episode Date: October 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:06 welcome back bryson del monte seven why do you tell people to think before they put on shoes but you don't think before you take off pajama pants just put on another pair of pants i understand your sentiment part funny part truth part uh uh what's that called not poetry what's the shit philosophy part wisdom but i think i think maybe the delivery was wrong on that What's that called? Not poetry. What's the shit? Philosophy. Part wisdom. But I think maybe the delivery was wrong on that. But I hear your sentiment.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I know what you're doing. And I like it. I like it. But you're not supposed to think before you put shoes on. It's the people. It's the people. Shannon Cook. Good morning. Quentin McQueen. Yo. Jeez. Quentin. put shoes on it's the people it it's the people uh shannon cook good morning quentin mcqueen yo geez quentin what do you want dude it's over you did great it was fun seeing you this isn't you're not are you are you seven podcast guy what are you doing over here
Starting point is 00:02:18 zach what's up dude what's up with the cookies cuclitos what's up, dude? What's up with the cookies? Cooklitos. What's up with the cookies? Sabir Kelly, what's up? Rambler, fifth. Hey, that fortune cookie or whatever that thing is that you have, that emoji, that image, that has started popping up on a lot of my stuff. It's weird. Matter of fact, wait a second. Wait a second. No, no, never mind. Yeah, it's weird. I'd never seen that emoji before and now I'm starting to see that emoji more and more. So happy to be here. Chris
Starting point is 00:02:54 Biestefeld. Robbie Myers. What's up, President? Good morning. Stephanie. Hi. Good morning. Stephen. Stephanie. Stephen. Stephen Blacksmith. I made this post. Oh, I don't know. Today, this is going to be a good one. I got so much Israel stuff, Palestine stuff, Hamas stuff. So much. I'm going to try something new. I'm going to try to come at it like I have no idea what I'm talking about. Wish me luck Travis what's up, dude? I saw your booth at the event. I saw you in a few shots. Good to see you there, dude I hope it was a great week for you at crash Man Friday was brutal on me
Starting point is 00:03:41 Brutal, I know you guys can all relate It was one of those mornings where I went to bed too late, got up too early. And like one hour in, I was like, Oh no, I am in big, big trouble. I was yawning. My eyes were tearing. It reminded me in high school when I went and took the SAT. I was a mess. Just too much. It's not even that I was partying. I was just up late. And then I just got up too early. I had no business being on Friday's show at all. It was okay. Saturday and Sunday were fine.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I enjoyed them. The only, it wasn't even a lot on me. I got to work out like three times on both days. Like three little 30-minute workouts. I did the show sweaty. I didn't worry about showering. It was cool. I had fun all those days.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It was nothing. And then Sunday was a piece of cake. Yesterday, when the show was over, I went out. Our jiu-jitsu instructor, her parents own a ranch. And then her other parents, just like two miles away, were having this huge party in this house that looked like the White House. And so we went out to the ranch. The boys rode horses. They shoveled shit.
Starting point is 00:04:42 We hung out. It's really close to my house. And they wanted to shoot guns. They wanted to shoot shoot squirrels but there were no squirrels to shoot so then after that we went over to her other parents house and there was a big party there and we hung out there it was cool i don't normally do that it just kind of decompressed it was chill it was a good time and then and then last night i worked out again from 11 to 12 actually yesterday i think i worked out like four times. Like a true person with an eating disorder. Surmus, I was wearing one of your hoodies while coaching this morning.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Someone voiced their appreciation for it. I realized the opportunity to put in a plug for you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I made these two posts in a row back to back. I don't know if you guys saw them on my Instagram account. In the one post, people thought I was supporting Israel. And then the next post, people thought I was supporting Palestine. We are in a very emotionally charged time.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It was an experiment I was running. I was trying to see how easily people would just read into things bud doocy wow wow uh bud doocy new to the show good to see you buddy are you related are you the father to um who's the guy from Fox who always fights with the, uh, the first black open lesbian white house. What is, what's her job? The chick with the curly hair talker. Are you a, a, a, what? Peter Doocy. Are you related to Peter Doocy? I know that's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Came cider right came cider came cider came in cider came in cider wow came in cider I'd like you to meet Bud Doocy
Starting point is 00:06:34 incredible thank you extra sloppy it was a good experiment I liked it yeah listen no one accepts everything I used to be one of those hippie morons. Nobody accepts everything. Everyone should be accepted. There should be freedom
Starting point is 00:06:52 for everybody. Everyone should be allowed to express whoever and however they want to be. There should be an acceptance of all of mankind. That's not true. That's just not true. There's no one like that. I think even your guys' homeboy, Jesus, flipped over some tables and shit. Didn't accept everybody. That's not true. Here's the situation Tyson Bajent played yesterday whoo whoo do you know how lucky i am it was 10 o'clock at night no it was 9 30 no it was 8 30 at night and tyson's dad called me i mean
Starting point is 00:07:38 i had called him like 10 times he didn't answer he called me at 8 30 i got to talk to him until 10 o'clock sitting in my garage and like a like a chair like a little one of those little portable chairs you take to go watch kids sports and i got to just hear like his thoughts about his son for an hour and a half it was fucking dope it was a dream come true for me and But really, I was kind of anxious. I didn't fully enjoy it because I wanted to work out. And by the time I got off the phone, it was 10 o'clock. And then I worked out until like 11, 11. When I mean worked out, I just mean just sit on the assault bike and watch UFC fights and sweat and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah, wasn't that incredible watching him play? Wasn't that sweet? Wasn't that incredible watching him play wasn't that sweet wasn't that special i asked i i asked travis i'm like hey dude i don't know shit about football but i've the whoever snaps the ball to tyson should be fucking taken out and beaten that was crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy nuts I was like is that are snaps supposed to hit the ground
Starting point is 00:08:51 or go wide right go over your head it was nuts I said does that guy get in trouble he goes well they pulled him out I didn't even notice that they pulled him out oh my god
Starting point is 00:09:07 came insider amazing fights happening man the main event on Saturday was amazing and crazy fights happening crazy crazy UFC fights coming holy smokes so the deal is i'm gonna try to paint the picture and i'm open to you guys helping paint it too so so let's just let's just kind of just we're gonna dig in in some time frame i know it's a larger
Starting point is 00:09:37 time frame than this but there's this country called israel and down in the southern region there's a strip of land down there called Gaza. I can even pull it up on a map. Israel. What the origins of that name are Israel. What a great name. It is real. Israel. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Good morning, Eaton Beaver. Hey, what's up? So this, well, let me, sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Let me, can I move that over? How do I make it so it's just the map? Anyway, I'm going to zoom out really far first. So here's Africa down here in the south right that big old huge continent you see egypt's in the corner the north uh eastern corner of africa and then you zoom in from the north eastern corner of africa and just to the north of israel um through the uh is is just to the north of egypt is israel and that's that's considered the middle east i'm open to being wrong by the way if someone's like that's not the middle east that's
Starting point is 00:10:50 the central east go ahead to just throw it in the in the um throw in the chat oh shit i didn't see this coming first off fake map damn already uh so so as you zoom in to israel you see israel is really small and then in this lower southern section of israel along the water here along the mediterranean is a piece of land called gaza and they got it written here like it's its own country and if you google around you can find out that the ruling party in gaza is this group called ha. Or if you're local, you call them Hamas. Hamas. And they're Muslims.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And then these Egyptians are Muslims. That's like Muslims, like how they like it's like some of you are Christians and some of you are Jews and like Muslim is like their way of like explaining what happens when you die, right? God forbid anyone just accept they don't know. And so this is their land here. And they claim that they're stuck here. And, you know, people be saying it's the world's largest open air prison and all that. But all of us know people who go in and out. I don't know if you know, but I know. I know people who go in and out of there regularly.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I know rich people in the United States who were building their dream home there. And then you can Google and you can find out that 100,000 people from Gaza travel into Israel every single day just for work. And the same with Egypt. So to call it an open air prison, I mean, I find it very difficult to believe any of that's true, but fine. Everyone has their own little narratives and shit, right?
Starting point is 00:12:45 who were told, ordered by the Hamas government, the government here, came into Israel last week or a couple weeks ago. And what we were told is that they beheaded a bunch of people. Like they just went into people's home and beheaded babies and shit. And they were killing old people and stapling women to walls. And they FaceTimed it all. And they were like, they would basically take the cell phone. They would kill a guy and take the guy's wife's cell phone and then FaceTime live it when they raped her on her dead body.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Just shit like that. Crazy stories. You can't even get your head wrapped around, right? Yeah, Matt Burns, they are stuck at that beachfront property. Yeah. I suspect the Mediterranean is really nice there too. suspect the Mediterranean is really nice there too and so so
Starting point is 00:13:29 then now this country Israel over here this country they got it they're known for having a crazy military wild wildly high level high level military like their whole military is like SEAL Team six and then the National Guard and they can mobilize they They can mobilize in a second and that's what they did and now what they're doing is they're going over to
Starting point is 00:13:56 Gaza and there they basically said this Listen carefully what they said the president Israel said this not Netanyahu, but their president he said Listen carefully what they said. The president of Israel said this, not Netanyahu, but their president. He said, we're done with Hamas doing these types of attacks. I guess they claim that they've been done before. And we're going to make it so it never happens again. So you know what that means, right? So you know what that means, right? If I tell you you're never going to be able to do something again,
Starting point is 00:14:29 there's only one way of actually... No one could stop me from doing anything 100% unless they did what to me? They'd have to end my existence on earth. And so there's no other way to read that. Are we good so far? Everyone good so far? We're all flowing along with the story? So these guys supposedly came in,
Starting point is 00:14:57 and I'll get to why I say supposedly, and then these other guys are now saying publicly on TV, like, hey, we're never going to let this happen again. I haven't seen any of that Facebook footage, but I've seen lots of blood stains and burned bodies in cars, and I don't know what's real anymore. Do I think something happened over there? Fuck yeah, something happened. Are there all sorts of weird details about it? You're like, yeah, it takes 45 minutes to cross the country to get to where the attacks were from anywhere in Israel.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And yet they didn't send someone there for six hours. Why not? You know, things like that, like, like, you know, all around, like, like the like the 9-11 conspiracy shit we had. Let's put all that aside. Let just bear with bear with me for saying let's just assume it happened because if we say that didn't happen then we also have to be like hey maybe gaza is not getting bombed and we're being tricked we're being tricked now that gaza is not being bombed those are just pictures drawings ai bomb pictures like we could go down that rabbit hole just forever, right? Well, that's not happening. Well, that's not happening. And I'm going to take us through a shitload of clips and give us a bunch of different views and perspectives.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Here's the thing that I'm – here's a couple of things I'm tripping on. If you know that they told Gaza, hey, we're going to flatten you. No one's – we're flattening you. You have to leave, and we're going to – basically, we're going to kill everyone who's Hamas. They have said that by saying we'll never let this happen again. Of all the stupid Black Lives Matter shit I've seen, of all the dumb fucking idiots that believe in Asian hate, of all the – just all that moronic shit, idiots that believe in Asian hate of all the, just all that moronic shit. I've never seen a group of people chant death to blackie death to Armenians death to the kite. Oh, I have seen that death to the spics, uh, death to the chink. I never seen that. I've never in my 51 years seen that, never seen that i've never in my 51 years seen that but you know what i have seen so many times in my life is i didn't realize until recently gas the jews death to the jews death to america
Starting point is 00:17:15 death to israel they burned down ferguson supposedly i don't know who they is, because George Floyd died? Dude, what the fuck do you think is going to happen to Gaza? What? I'm not even, no sides being taken here. Gaza is five miles by 25 miles. So what is that? That's like 125 square miles I think DC Washington DC is 10 by 10 miles
Starting point is 00:17:53 That's 100 miles Yeah that's a very We should do a whole show on that We are fatherless That's a great line You have to leave that place and these people who are saying you can't leave first of all if you're a male and you don't uh and you don't have any kids there's no one stopping you from leaving gaza there's no fucking way i won't i refuse to
Starting point is 00:18:18 believe that i refuse to believe that. If you have kids, you better head south. You've got to get out of there. You've got to live to fight another day. You've got to live to live your life. Maybe there's a chance you'll wake up today and have some realization that you're not Muslim, that you're not Christian, that you're not any of those things, and you're just a child of God. Maybe. Maybe. You got to give yourself that chance to have that realization. To stay there is suicide. One second, caller. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You know how this works. This isn't a real show. You know how this works. Standby. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Here we go. Here we go. Hello? Caller? Hey, what's up, dude? Can you hear me? I can. Hello?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Hello. Hi. Hey. Can you hear me? I can. Good. Great. How are you? Amazing. Good. Great. How are you? I'm amazing. Amazing. Great. I thought I forgot how to do a show. It's been three days. No, you haven't forgot. I've been following. Are you walking the dog or walking the child?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, yeah. I'm walking the dog. Oh. Yeah. I'm up there. Where are you calling from? Where are you calling from? I'm from LA. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But I'm originally from Israel. Okay. Okay. So you ready? Yes, sir. I'm all ears. Talk to me. Talk.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And thank you for calling. Everything. Of course. Everything that's going on over there. Yes. Is 100% real and even worse. I believe it. 100% real and even worse.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And it's nuts. I think I commented on the post that you did on Instagram also. That I'm willing to pay for you to go to Israel and actually document what's going on over there. Oh, you're a good dude. Thank you. My wife and kids would love that. I don't think so. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:20:31 They would not. I know. Oh, I know. I know. I apologize. That was 100% sarcastic. No. They would hate it.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So I have a question for you though the post that you made yes was mostly was trying to uh kind of question the the media it's like um after everything that they did with the covid19 and all this stuff is like how can we believe you guys right now when you're showing this kind of stuff kind of it's kind of like that it's not how can we believe you it's just make your own decisions it's like i do from what i see i do believe something very bad happened there and those people did cross the border and they did horrible horrible shit right um just like i believe um i don't know if you saw the post from the day before but the day before i made that post that basically said hey we do not accept everything you You can't just be like, hey, except Palestine, except this, except this, except this. They fuck like you just can't do that.
Starting point is 00:21:30 That's not true. You can't just be peace and love. Kumbaya. Once you chop the head off a baby, those that's out the door. Yeah. And I can tell you this, you know, I served over there and the sense that we have over there, it's ridiculous. It's not. If we have like a lizard going on the fence, we have already three patrols, four tanks heading that direction.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Now, when this happened, everybody was going there. Special forces was going there. And they got demolished by 600 troops from their end, from Hamas. They got demolished. And nobody's talking about that so oh that's what you're saying what you're saying is they they did send over a helicopter or a dozen guys and they got killed you know i did hear that some of those kids who were at that music festival who had already served were like hey i know where there's a base let's go there for protection and when they got there um the the hamas guys were already at the gate they had already killed all the soldiers and then they started shooting at the kids did you hear that
Starting point is 00:22:33 also yes yep yep they they went to the base they went to the closest kibbutz that they had over there and they tried to hide over there only really really lucky people that were hiding under trash cans or under dead bodies those are the ones that survived um i had a lot of friends over there in the music festival some of them survived some of them is very athletic so it's just ran off and the other you know obese people are a little bit better people they couldn't run and unfortunately they didn't survive so um that's crazy how long have you been in la uh 10 years 10 years 15 15 15. hey if you were if you were um uh palestinian what would you do tell me about the thing about how they keep calling Gaza an open-air jail. I'm having trouble believing that, too. Because I have
Starting point is 00:23:29 Palestinian friends who travel back and forth from the U.S. to Gaza. I understand. I get that, but they're really... It's not a jail, is it? They can leave, right? And if Egypt's an Arab country a jail is it they can leave right okay tell me sorry go on they can and they can it's like you know it's like getting
Starting point is 00:23:51 a visa okay you get a visa you can come here to the United States but if you don't get a visa there is so many that they're really making their life hard to get the type of document that you need in order to live and now Egypt is not even letting them in. So they're trying to flee to the border. Whoever made it out of the house and trying to flee to the border of Egypt, they're trying to get in, but Egypt is not letting them in.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So it's really messed up. And the rest of them that they're staying over there, they're holding guns to their heads and like, hey, you're not leaving. You stay in this house and think they're gonna bomb you. Because we have to show that we have dead civilians Wow So think about your wife and kids staying in the apartment and the Hamas is standing on the other side of the door and telling
Starting point is 00:24:36 Them if you leave we're gonna shoot you so we have to stay and die from Israeli bombing Is is is Hamas the government there? Is it the government party there the same way like we would have like Democrats or Republicans? Exactly. Exactly. And is it true? I was looking at this other thing that Patrick Bed David posted that part of their charter is like death to Israel and death to America and death to the Jews and death to anyone who doesn't follow Muhammad. That's what they want. They want everybody to die. And after they're finished with the Jews, they're going to go to the US. And then they want to control everything.
Starting point is 00:25:11 They don't believe in peace. They don't believe in nothing. They're just believing in killing Jews. And after they're done, on to the next. You cannot reason with those people. So this was inevitable. Yes. 100%.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And do you think that – what do you think – I think Netanyahu is going to completely take Gaza back and Israel will now inhabit Gaza. Is that what you think is going to happen also? I don't think he has a choice. I wish and I hope for God that's going to be the new tourist area, like the new Vegas for us. Oh, I could see that because it's along the water there. It's a nice piece of land. It's a beautiful piece of land, and they destroyed it. It's ridiculous how a country can do this for such a beautiful piece of land. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I mean, he basically, I didn't hear Netanyahu say it. I don't know who the president is over there, but he basically said Hamas will never attack us again. That's our goal. And that means that they're going to wipe them off the planet, the face of the earth, right? Is that how you interpret that? That's how I interpret that. And that's how I hope he meant that. When you watch the footage of these Palestinian children being pulled out of buildings and stuff, do you feel yourself starting to cry?
Starting point is 00:26:33 I don't feel myself starting to cry at all. I've been crying for the last two weeks, ever since we started. Ah, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well. I appreciate you calling. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Um, well, I, I, I, I appreciate you calling your, it's important for me to hear your voice.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I think it's important for a lot of people to hear your voice. Yeah, dude, I wanted to call for such a long time, but I, you know, this was a trigger point for me. So I had to, yeah, I, I, I really, really, really appreciate it. Um, did you lose any family over there? Yeah, I really, really, really appreciate it. Did you lose any family over there? No, but I have a lot of friends that I lost, and my brother right now is front line.
Starting point is 00:27:17 If I was there, I was supposed to be as well, but I'm here. Okay. You know what's interesting is there are, as I'm sure you know, I heard that of the 70 CrossFit gyms there, like 69 of them of the owners have been called up already to serve, and they've already left their gyms. And I've also heard that two CrossFitters have already been killed over there.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I didn't hear about CrossFitters being killed, I don't know, but I did hear that they open up all of their gyms to anyone. Just, you know, come in. Yeah. All the CrossFit gyms in Israel, just everybody come in. Get your fitness on.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Hey, do you think that, did you see, are you a CrossFitter? Do you CrossFit? Yes. Did you see what posted, made a post? No, I didn't. Okay. They made a post. I can't imagine that that was something like this about Hamas or something like that? No, I know. That's a great question, though.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I'm going to read it to you. They said, question though i'm gonna i'm gonna read it to you um they said crossfit condemns the acts of violence being carried out by the terrorist group hamas which have resulted in the loss of innocent lives you know i almost wish they would stop calling them a terrorist group and they would call them the government of hamas because then then it's like then it makes a hundred then it's 100 clear right why israel is attacking them it's it's their country our, right, why Israel is attacking them. It's their country. Our hearts go out to the members of the CrossFit community who have been directly affected and those across the globe who are grieving as a result of this tragedy.
Starting point is 00:28:52 We stand united against evil and hatred. What's interesting is, in my mind, CrossFit supports these hateful and evil organizations like BLM, and BLM supports Hamas. I'll tell you, too, the crazy thing for me is whether it happened or not. And I do believe it happened, by the way. You're seeing people celebrating it with that image of the paraglider. So in the United States, I'm seeing Palestinian people waving the Palestinian flag pinned to their backpack, an image of the guy on the paraglider. And basically when I see that, I interpret that as you're okay with those people coming in and chopping babies' heads off.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And I have no tolerance for that, zero, like zero. I don't care. Even if you killed my kids, I would not do that to your child. I would not do that to anyone's baby no matter what. Even if you did it to my kids i would not do that to your child i would not do that to anyone's baby no matter what even if you did it to mine i would not do that yeah and you know what i'll tell you something i i think that you know the whole movement of free palestine yeah no problem i get that and the world needs to get that we are thinking the same thing we want a free palestine even if it's you know palestine is a made-up word it's like a gender it's a made-up word it's nothing um but we're
Starting point is 00:30:12 trying to free palestine from hamas we're trying to see them from yeah from their reign so just go with us you know just understand what we're trying to. Don't fight us and everything is going to be nice. How about the 100,000 Palestinians that come to, that were working in Israel every single day, that had jobs there? They crossed back and forth every single day. That means something must have been. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Amazing people. Amazing people. Amazing. Unbelievable. Hey. Hard working, good people. I don't know the history too well, but are Jews and Palestinians the same people, and then at some point in time they split ways? They basically had a cultural difference and they split?
Starting point is 00:30:54 You can go backwards. You can go also to the Bible and you can see that Israel was divided for 12 tribes, right? And two of those tribes were basically our cousins because they were made by the – not by a Jewish woman. They were made by an Ishmael woman. And those kids were basically promised that they're never going to get the land of Israel. And they were always going to fight us in trying to get the land of Israel. So they're technically our cousins. And it's playing out. Yep. If you were Palestinian,
Starting point is 00:31:36 if you were living in Gaza, what would you do? Run away. Yeah, me too. I would run the fuck away. And I don't think they could stop me either. I would find a way over the border. Hey, and how about this?
Starting point is 00:31:48 I don't know if you've seen this, but there's these Egyptian CrossFit athletes who are posting, I'm out. And I'm thinking to myself, isn't it your country that's not letting these people in? Yeah. Dude, I have to go. I have to take the kids to school. All right. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Thank you very much bye alright one phone call down like we're a real show I didn't see that how about that he's like hey fuck you I'll send you there you don't believe a shit pay for your ticket there dude that's the last place i want to go
Starting point is 00:32:28 i have no interest in flying yeah this is wild that um so unless you have like one person at the helm like greg glassman or something who can just take the brunt of this you can't post this I can't imagine this landed well this must have been a train wreck for CrossFit they must have got fucking I wonder if they got like terrorist threats and shit for posting
Starting point is 00:33:01 that you have to be fucking tough as nails to post this and we and god knows we know that is the you better not have a dei council or an hr person if you post some shit like this i know it seems nothing to most of us because most of us are like yeah i'll say that shit fuck i'm a hamm a hammess. But CrossFit Inc. is soft. Like a vagina. Soft and squishy and slippery like a vagina. No disrespect meant to a vagina.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It is what it is. Well, there. Well, I guess the show's over that was good someone get rid of the sponsor overlay at the top oh oh i'm not sponsored by go wad uh where is that thank you ah yes i think i have my own sponsor overlay i don't know where it is what's this crossfit global 5k what's that just hitting buttons here i could put this about this paper street coffee birth fit and california hormones oh but that's i don't know what I'm doing. I need someone to push a button for me. Banners.
Starting point is 00:34:29 How about this? Is this true? How about this? Vindicate 15% off. I don't know if this is true. I do not know if that's true. How about this? Self-made training program.
Starting point is 00:34:42 How about this? I am love and acceptance. Maybe I'll just run this for a little while. The real Kevin thinking about a new event, specifically region specific. It's called a race to the border a reality show how about this how about you give 10 teams an israeli flag and they have to carry it across the length of gaza so you see who makes it winner gets a lifetime uh lifetime burgers at mcdonald's
Starting point is 00:35:31 rb why do corporations feel the need to speak up sometimes you admire the silent people the most uh tyler watkins 15 off paper street heat one. Is this pouching poaching? No. If that's true, is that really true? If you use heat one, you get 15% off. Use that shit then. Use that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm going to go through a bunch of just different perspectives um on the situation uh and and and let's um this is uh dennis prager from prager u here we go here's his perspective israel occupied 200 square feet they would try to obliterate it there are 22 arab states, 52 Muslim states. There's one Jewish state the size of New Jersey. And for whatever reason, they want to exterminate it. 22 Arab states is not enough. There has to be another. But there can't be one Jewish state.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So this is what we have just witnessed, the desire to murder as many as possible. And then the barbarity of it. One young woman who was at the concert was actually a German tourist. Her naked body was being driven through Gaza with gleeful crowds cheering it on. You could see it. It's very, very easily seen on the internet. If Israel occupied 200 square feet, they would try. Israel occupied 200 square feet, they would try. So he clearly believes it happened. And the
Starting point is 00:37:07 dragging of a dead girl through the street. I mean, just think about that. I want to go back to George Floyd again. No, let's go. Let's go to that woman who was fighting that guy in the back of the car. She was kind of a chunky white woman fighting
Starting point is 00:37:23 like a teenage black guy in the back of a car. And I think she pulled her gun instead of her taser and shot him she was fighting with them and people lost their shit over that and for me i'm like hey just fucking suspend her for life and she was a cop for like 26 years honest mistake sucks that the dude kid died but it is what it is and it it turns into a fucking race, right? And she gets fucking goes to jail. Well, dude, if then you're chanting death to fucking Israel in the front of 500 of you in the front of the Sydney Opera House. Well, your country countrymen behead kids in Israel. Dude, something horrible is going to happen to you
Starting point is 00:38:06 you can't do that the consequences are going to be horrible i listened to dennis prager jordan peterson and company about sacrifice last night at 2 a.m on the drive back from spartanburg actually made it fly by uh whether you like Dennis Prager or not, he is a brilliant mind. He's so well thought out. He's so concise. Thought out is not the right word. His logic is pure. He's so concise in his thinking and the way he speaks.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And then here's this. This is what i was telling you guys earlier i was sharing with the caller okay so there's all you people posting all over the internet that this shit didn't happen and it's just a conspiracy theory okay okay i'll run with that for a second but then why at this palestinian rally do you have taped to your back an image of the paraglider supporting the beheading of babies? What are you doing? What are you doing? Absolutely nuts. absolutely nuts on one hand you claim it didn't happen
Starting point is 00:39:29 on the other hand you're supporting the paraglider that came in and beheaded the children and that guy did bring up a good point if it's free Palestine it's free Palestine from Hamas, not from Israel. Savant, how many months' growth is your hair? Unfortunately, I look like you, so I try to copy your style.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I don't know, but I need to shave the sides. You want to see my hair is crazy it just grows and grows and grows i don't know how many months or weeks or days but i need but i need a haircut it's out of control that's it that's all i got yeah i'm on coffee am i on coffee i'm on i mean i'm next to a cup of it paper street coffee particularly specifically uh you look like someone's grandmother i know i feel like i've been looking a little like a tranny non-binary uh you're a fucking propagandist you're a bunch of government drones who me or the dudes in the chat not me just a dude in his office somewhere i'm showing
Starting point is 00:40:56 probably i do like do fancy myself as i do like to share information. So anyway, so if it didn't happen, let's say it didn't happen, all of you, oh, except you, you're the only one that's not? You have the loudest voice in the room, but you are not. Turn your mic up, please. Yes, how's that? You are... Are you two... Just answer me that before you run off. Are you also a um what uh what uh this a propagandist and a fucking drone are you the only one who's not
Starting point is 00:41:33 yeah i'm native american oh so you're the wait yeah you mean no i'm native american no i'm native American or yeah, I'm Native American, meaning yeah, you're a propagandist also. And Native American? No, that is not true, Dusty Willard. I've rewatched the Liver King episode yesterday. You've leaned out since then. No.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I'll go watch it now that you say that but um that is not um true oh chugs answer the fucking question already so i can be done with you i'm trying to figure out if you're the only one who's not a propagandist or not your douche nozzle is what you are. Dude, I'm the big... I'm fucking huge right now. I'm like a brick shithouse. I always feel big, though. My face has? Really? Maybe it's just my beard. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Uh-oh. You sound like a cnn bitch you talk to cnn bitches the fuck just answer the is this guy a propagandist will someone answer for him oh classic armenian propagandist. Now you're talking my language. Okay, 199. Let's go to speaking of propagandists. Oh, here. Let's take a little break for a little comedy. Oh, no shave October, November. No. I look like a fucking terrorist.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Last time when Bin Laden pulled that shit everywhere I went, I used to get stopped in secondary all the time. I've told you guys the story where i got stopped in secondary in miami and they're like how many years were you in the syrian army i was like i was never in the syrian army they go we already know stop lying to us you were in the syrian army i'm like dude i'm an american i was fucking born in oakland you were in the syrian army how many years did you serve in the Syrian army? In the 80s in the Soviet Union, you could not disagree with the government. If you disagreed with the government, you were censored. They force-injected their athletes with experimental therapies where they could not compete.
Starting point is 00:43:59 The price of natural gas in the wintertime was through the roof. I'm sorry, that's the Biden administration. I'm sorry. People don't remember the horrors of the 80s Soviet Union, but in the 80s in the Soviet Union, you could not disagree with the government. If you disagree with the government, I wonder if I'm older than that guy.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Chugs, chill, dude. dude you're gonna get tossed you're gonna get tossed chill so you get like one or two of those and then you gotta chill then we censor you one or two and then then we censor because you got like you can attack in here and you can party but you can't like fuck up the beat we're an orchestra we're an orchestra of propagandists you got to be like you can party, but you can't fuck up the beat. We're an orchestra. We're an orchestra of propagandists. You got to be like, you can have some dissension. Do what David Weed does and Dan Guerrero. Have a little beat to it. You're just busting your nut too hard. Work some angles, not just the name-calling one.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And get a profile picture of some weird shit, like the Reddit logo or something at please add at least if you're going to be a dick just add add something add value be funny can you be funny make your jokes like towards the group because we know you're just so different than the group you're so different than the group. Okay, here we go. This guy is gonna take us back to 1788 this is Christopher Hitchens another perspective on our Jew-palestinian Hamas Ian
Starting point is 00:45:38 American situation listen closely people Christopher Hitchens on Islamic fundamentalism and America. Here we go. Ships stopped, its crews carried off into slavery. We estimate one and a half million European and American slaves taken between 1750 and 1850. Jefferson and Adams went to their ambassador in London and said, why do you do this to us? The United States has never had a quarrel with the Muslim world of any kind. We weren't in the Crusades. We weren't in the war in Spain. Why do you do this to our people and our ships? Why do you plunder and enslave our people? And the ambassador said very plainly, Mr. Abdulrahman said, because the Quran gives us permission to do so because you are infidels. And that's our answer. And
Starting point is 00:46:29 Jefferson said, well, in that case, I will send a Navy, which will crush your state, which he did. Islamic fundamentalism is not created by American democracy. It's a lie to say so. It's a masochistic lie. And it excuses those who are the real criminals. And it blames us for the attacks made upon us. In 1788, when the United States was- That's all good and all, but there's one part that I don't get.... barely a country. Right. It was having its sailors taken as slaves by the Barbary states, the states of the Ottoman Empire in North Africa. Tripoli. Tripoli.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Shores of Tripoli. Shores of Tripoli. Ships stopped. Its crews carried off into slavery. We estimate one and a half million European. Yeah, I don't believe that part. I don't believe. American slaves taken between 1750. You think that there were a million and a half American and European slaves taken in a 65-year period? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning.
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Starting point is 00:48:23 1850, Jefferson and Adams went to their ambassador in london and said hey um uh i forget the dude's name already but the guy who was just in here swearing the thing is is that we have to treat this this chat like our living room like you can you can we all have people that come to our house we like and don't like but you can't like stand on the couch with your shoes on and just yell like fuck you do like you just can't do that you got you cross the line like now the dog's barking at you and shit and you're just taking too much attention like you gotta like yeah you gotta you know have some civility you gotta you gotta you gotta be able to flow a little bit take some punches give some punches yeah he's a bad antichrist yeah it wasn't it's not it's not fun just to like
Starting point is 00:49:13 it's like the crank caller that just calls up and starts yelling racial slurs like come on dude that's so weak so weak all right so he's saying that uh he the christopher hitchens is like hey those motherfuckers were taking slaves way before they were slaves all right uh let's go to the aaron rogers uh drama god i love aaron rogers face you guys like aaron rogers i love his face he's so cute look at him here we go so so those of you don't know don't remember him and travis uh aaron rogers did not take the injection and then this guy this other football player named travis kelsey who's uh fucking uh uh mariah mariah twain that he's having sex with a famous singer Travis Kelsey is Then he also did a commercial
Starting point is 00:50:08 For Pfizer This other football player named Travis Kelsey Trying to remember that girl's name Oh Taylor Swift Okay so this guy Travis Is fucking this girl named Taylor Swift And he's also doing commercials for Pfizer saying get the shot. And he's also a professional football player.
Starting point is 00:50:30 So I've been smacking him around on the show a little bit being like, dude, why are you selling drugs that kill little boys to little boys when you're a little boy hero? And this dude Aaron Rodgers started calling him Mr. Pfizer, which I think is funny. And this dude Aaron Rodgers is a football player too, which I think is funny. And this dude, Aaron Rodgers, is a football player too. A very famous one. So basically, here's what Aaron Rodgers is saying as the next level in the conversation, public conversation. You know, Mr. Pfizer said he didn't
Starting point is 00:50:56 think he would be in a vax war with me. This ain't a war, homie. This is just conversation. But if you want to have some sort of duel, debate, have me on the podcast. Come on the show. Let's have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Oh! Let's do it like in John Wick 4. So we both have a second. For somebody to help us out. I'm going to take my man RFK Jr. As an independent.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Hell yeah. Right? And he can have, you know, Tony Fauci or some other pharmacrat. And we can have a conversation about this. I love that word, pharmacrat. He can have Tony Fauci or some other pharmacrat. I love these guys that speak up What's FFS for fuck's sake Taylor Swift oh please
Starting point is 00:51:51 Like I need to know who that is There's another one Shania Twain Is that the girl I was thinking of or Mariah Twain There's a Twain there's another Twain I was close as shit No I didn't talk to someone says have you talked to tyson i haven't talked to tyson i'm gonna try to get him on the show uh i tried to get him on the show today i'll try to get him on again tomorrow oh we talked about him yeah i got to
Starting point is 00:52:16 talk to his dad last night for an hour and a half it was awesome i had a million questions i don't know what i can and can't say. Bernie Gannon, thank you. The first Barbary War, according to historical sources, between 1 and 1.25 million Europeans, that means white people, whiteys, people who shouldn't be exposed to the sun, were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Go figure. Wow. Wow. Yeah, the whole thing of just standing around, I've never seen anything like the death to Jew thing anywhere else. Man, if I have melanated skin, I go so against blm i make a whole i make a whole life of it just like if i was fat i'd do a whole thing against black fat acceptance i would just go so fucking hard the other thing i'll say is palestine is our generation this is uh patricie kalur i think she's the founder of black lives matter meaning that someone told her to find it is Palestine is our generation. This is a Patrice Kaluur.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I think she's the founder of Black Lives Matter, meaning that someone told her to find it. She referred to Israel as an imperialistic project. Listen to this. Listen to this. In South Africa. If we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project. To end. To end.
Starting point is 00:53:41 That means to wipe. That means to kill. She wants to end. Black Lives Matter wants to end. That means to wipe, that means to kill. She wants to end. Black Lives Matter wants to end Israel. That's fucking nuts. That's called Israel. We're doomed. I had learned about Palestine for a long time.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I had known about it, been wanting to travel, and I was really, really grateful when the Dream Defenders asked me to come on the delegation. But nothing would have prepared me for the level of militarization and the level of violence that we would witness those 10 days inside of Palestine. Look, and she doesn't say anything. We don't even know what it is. We don't even know what she's talking about. Nothing would have prepared me for uh the ways in which um we witness people's terror uh people live in terror on a daily basis and um nothing would have dude we live in terror on a daily basis dude half this country lives in terror on a daily basis
Starting point is 00:54:40 people are idiots that's their fault prepared me for how much clarity i would have on on why we have to be a part of um palestinian solidarity the other thing so uh matt burns writes a multi-millionaire marxist for those of you who don't understand what he's saying and matt i'm sorry if i mischaracterize you he's basically saying you're basically a thief if you're a millionaire Marxist. You're basically saying, hey, everyone should sleep with the same bed sheets, live in the same house, drive the same car, have the same dog, watch the same TV show, think the same thing. Meanwhile, you have 10 times the amount of money as everyone else and resources as everyone else. It's just complete douchebaggery. Yeah. else it's just complete douchebaggery 195 Patrick bed David when he was on
Starting point is 00:55:40 this show he talked about um escaping iran as a little boy so this guy almost died in iran he's half uh armenian half assyrian i don't even know what assyrian is i think they're basically i think they're basically armenians and assyrians are basically the same people uh patrick bed david on the subject of hamas hamas's charter 1988 let me read you their bill of rights which is what 35 years ago it's four themes number one the complete destruction of israel as an essential condition for the liberation of palestine and the establishment of a theocratic state based on islamic lawaria law. Number two, the need for both unrestrained and unceasing holy war, jihad, to attain the above objective.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Number three, the deliberate disdain for and dismissal of any negotiated resolution or political settlement of Jewish and Muslim claims to the Holy Land. Number four, the reinforcement of historical anti-Semitic tropes and calumnies married to sinister conspiracy theories. I mean, these are true believers that believe that. Now, keep this in mind. Do I think that Israel is going to retaliate and they're going to do something? Yeah, I think so. How bad is it going to be? I don't know. 20,000, 50,000, 100,000? I don't know. Whatever that number is, you're going gonna get retaliation from the other side it's not it's not listen i i uh thank you uh patrick bed david it's not gonna be retaliation wrong word
Starting point is 00:57:14 they're they're going to um they're gonna take they're gonna take the whole thing it's not gonna be retaliation they're they this guy netanyahu he's going to take the whole thing. It's not going to be retaliation. This guy, Netanyahu, he's going to make it his legacy that nothing of Hamas ever exists anywhere ever again. And he's going to die on that hill. And he's going to do it. He's going to be successful. So if you live in that area, you have to get out. You have to get out if you live in that area you have to get out you have to get out if you live in that area you just have to that's that's not you you you there's no win there
Starting point is 00:57:52 you have to now in my homeland of california i have to be careful that someone doesn't take my kids and try to uh chop off their penis or say that I'm not gender affirming them I got my own issues like I get it I'm not saying it's perfect here no please no one no one jump to that conclusion but it's safe as shit where I'm at like I
Starting point is 00:58:19 the most dangerous thing that's ever happened at my house is one time I was on the driveway the front driveway of the three-plane brothers empire, palatial estates. And I heard this crazy sound. It was getting louder and louder. And then I saw some bees coming over, breaching the wall into the estate. And the next thing I knew there were like 20,000 bees. I don't know how much, but it was a hive that was moving from one spot to another and it flew through the length of my property so i grabbed the dog and grabbed my kids and we went like 30 feet away and just watched them as they came by like a cloud that's the most dangerous thing i've seen happen on my property
Starting point is 00:58:56 uh see a celibate propagandist I am not celibate that is a fucking propagandist yes thank you fuck hard fuck your mama fuck your mama you know what I did
Starting point is 00:59:17 thank you Patrick Bed David um Thank you, Patrick Bed David. So this is going back. This is going back to like these are the things I never hear anyone else say this stuff. I never hear anyone say this like about black people or about Chinese people. I never hear anyone say they only say this about jews in america and it's it's such a trip that for some reason it's tolerated i can't say that black people eat watermelon but i can say bring annihilation to the jews what the fuck kind of world do we live in i can't say that armenians like baklava no i can't say that
Starting point is 01:00:04 which ones can't you say what are the food racist ones can you say that Armenians like baklava. No, I can't say that Which ones can't you say? What are the food races ones? Can you say Chinese people like rice? But I can say annihilation to the Jews And don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you should be able to that they should ban that that's the that speech talk away But dude, this sets the bar pretty fucking high of what you can and can't say. Paralyzing them to destroy their entity will all enable us to get the next of all of you.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Will all enable us to get the next of all of you. The day of your slaughter, extermination, and annihilation of you. You're all different guys. You're all different guys. You're still not as good as you or Zionists as left on the face of the earth. This is a Hamas sermon. Our doctrine is fighting the Jews.
Starting point is 01:00:49 It's that we want to totally exterminate you. Another Friday sermon from Hamas. We will not leave a single one of you alive. The Quran says kill them wherever you may find them. Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar. In a moment we'll come. And they will be destroyed. And their sons annihilated. Allah destroyed the Jews in their supporters.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Deputy Speaker Hamas in Ireland. Allah destroyed the Americans in their supporters. This shit just goes on and on and on. I don't know. Maybe all that shit's fake too, but... Oh, just mute it and read. Okay, sorry. You're right.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Basically, it was just a montage of dudes saying death to Israel, and they were like all deputy speakers of the Hamas parliament, the of Hamas all that shit death to American death to Jews just imagine someone doing that in the United States somewhere just saying death to all black people death to all Mexicans and just standing up like in a gathering and doing that Clive McLaughlin it's a beautiful language don't be racist doing that. Clive McLaughlin. It's a beautiful language. Don't be racist.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Eric Weiss. Durka Durka. Turntable. You're only a victim if you make yourself one. Question mark. Mike can't let people expose themselves with their speech. You should talk to Hotep Jesus. He will fill you in on the true history of BLM and how it got co-opted plus other historical topics. Who is that?
Starting point is 01:02:41 A Hotep Jesus? Hotep? He's a ho jesus oh he's smoking a is that a blunt or a um he's a he's a economic and crypto is it this guy Oh TEP hey Zeus He's a Economic and crypto news analyst host of the grift report live on rumble daily from 2 to 4 To losing the value of dollars so you have to put your dollar to work
Starting point is 01:03:23 90% of your capital should be working, you know, you probably keep a little bit liquid, you know, bills for a year or something like that. What we're all fighting is inflation, losing the value of the dollar. So you have to put your dollar to work. 90% of. We are all fighting inflation. Oh, on Hotep on black people. How about this one? Diversity, equity and inclusion is a direct attack on black people. And I'm going to show you right now in real life. I are L the IMF and other financial institutions are claiming that they are going to increase financial inclusion specifically for the unbanked. However, in application, they've done exactly the opposite. It was the unbanked that was hurt the most. And in Nigeria, people had to resort
Starting point is 01:04:11 back to the barter system. There's a great article on I suggest you go read. BBC, Nigeria's Naira shortage, anger and chaos outside of banks. The Riot erupts in Nigerian cities as bank policy leads to scarcity of cash. You have been warned. Subscribe for more. Oh, I didn't even understand a fucking thing he said. I didn't understand a thing he said.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Okay, here's another one. Black and white people. Here we go. The bone density for black people is heavier, which is why white people dominate swimming. Because they float easier. Because they have a... Black people have greater bone density? I knew I was black. I have crazy bone density.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Alright, I'll check this dude out. I'll follow this dude and check out his shit. Thank you. But that first thing with Nigerian money was just like fucking over my head. Clive McLaughlin Sebi did you watch Shapiro's video when he showed a tone of the Hamas filmed video content from their attacks in Israel
Starting point is 01:05:30 sickening I saw a semi-conscious man lose his head oh god I did not see that ugh AI it's AI can't be real can't be real. It can't be real.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Yeah, these guys, their Sunday sermon is death to America and death to Jews is crazy. This is the one I posted on my Instagram. This is, this is, I just, fuck these guys. These are the guys that brought us the pandemic. Fuck these guys. I don't believe a fucking word of this shit. There was no mercy shown.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Oh, shut the fuck up. I've never seen anything like this. Oh, yeah. These are the people who are also at the other side of their mouth telling you that six-month-old babies should be taking injections and experimental drugs. These are the same people who don't let my kids go to school unless they take drugs. um the outpouring of that dude that dude just a few months ago said that joe biden is fully competent to run again by the way that guy and now he's doing some fake tears talking through fake tears support here and how much this has shaken the people of Israel. Truly the scene of a massacre.
Starting point is 01:07:08 As many of these people were just inside their homes, families, at least 40 babies were killed. Some of them, their heads got off. And I will stand with you. This whole country, by the way, took the injection in mass. They were the first ones to just get by the way, took the injection in mass. They were the first ones to just get fully juiced up on the injection. I will think of you and I will pray for your babies that you get them back. Yeah, these dudes are ruining the story. These are the fucking idiots that make me not want to believe any of it.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And I asked him Go get your Pfizer vaccine and by the way don't forget I'm really sad that Israeli babies were beheaded. I'm going to get these hostages back. I don't know how the world's smallest yarmulke.
Starting point is 01:08:16 This is the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Listen, look at this hashtag hashtag Hamas is ISIS Damn squawk box Yeah they don't They don't do anything for me They make me suspect Of the whole thing Oh good They make me suspect of the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Oh, good. Oh, good. Thank you. Whoever did that. Thank you. Mr. Trevor, this morning, my coworker was bragging about taking the latest booster over the weekend Oh my goodness Seve don't you know the honorable death to die by injection side effects CNN told me I'll get like 70 virgins or something in the next life
Starting point is 01:09:24 Good Rejection side effect. CNN told me I'll get like 70 virgins or something in the next life. Good. Pretty much, I'm trying to think. I think every single one of my friends, maybe not all of my family members yet, but every single one of my friends who took it regrets taking it. And not one of my friends who didn't take it regrets uh regrets not taking it How about this? How about this? This is an amazing video.
Starting point is 01:10:11 This is a tranny trying to get into a bathroom. And the mom is stopping the tranny. Don't get in my face. Do not get like, hey, you can't come in here. Don't you see my daughter right here? What are you crazy? Only here in Chicago. Don't you see my daughter right here? What are you crazy? She's telling the tranny you need to go over there to the men's bathroom and This dude keeps trying to get into the girls bathroom. It looks like it's a bathroom at the park. I think she's saying on my worst day I would fuck you up.
Starting point is 01:11:15 But let me tell you, this tranny would fuck this bitch up. This lady is tiny. She comes up to this dude's nipple. This is a big tranny. Like Sasquatch size. I'm not even joking. You can't see it. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:11:30 It's the biggest tranny you've ever seen. Hey man, use another bathroom. And now some guy who's holding the phone filming, holding his iPhone filming. It's like, hey, you got to go use another bathroom. Yeah, it's a tranny with a beard, long hair and a skirt and like a shawl and like some jewelry. Excuse me? Just use another bathroom. Yeah, it's a tranny with a beard long hair and a skirt and like a shawl Like some jewelry Yeah, now the tranny is like saying I'm a, and now the people who are filming it are fighting. That, by the way, that mom just needs to leave that bathroom with that girl, like, and just go somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Like, as soon as you see a giant tranny like that, you gotta split. What's the matter? That needs to mind your business. That needs to mind your business. This is where the world is coming to. I don't know. Dude, that tranny, look at that tranny's physique overshadows both of those other people. That's how big that dude is. Man, you had a children's park, man.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Two. It's a kid park, man. You didn't even have any kids. You did the bathroom, man. Y'all need to mind your business, first of all. Mind your business before y'all get included in some stuff, you don't want to be included in it. Now the tranny's threatening the people filming with the phone being like, hey, you all better keep your mouth shut or you're going to get involved in some shit you don't want to get involved in.
Starting point is 01:12:52 You need to go. You need to go. Seriously. No. My girl has to go to the bathroom. I'm not going to allow you to come in the bathroom where she's going to use the bathroom. That's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. Please watch your kids at the park. Please pay attention to where they're going. Oh, no. Oh, and then the video is over.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Man. Crazy. Man. Man, oh man. You guys might not know this.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I didn't talk about it much. But about a month. A month or two ago there's a there's a there's a country called armenia i guess you could say my people are from there and i'm a hundred percent armenian whatever the fuck that means but my mom's armenian and my dad's armenian and it's and i'm new to the country. You know, my dad's first generation here. My mom's,
Starting point is 01:14:08 uh, I'm first generation and my born here and my mom is first generation on her side. And I'm first generation on my dad's side. And my dad spends three months in Armenia and then three months back in the States, three months in Armenia, three back,
Starting point is 01:14:22 three months back here. And for whatever it's worth to you guys, uh is the first Christian nation, meaning it was the first country to accept Christianity as its national religion. The mountain there, Mount Adidat that, you know, faces Armenia that sits in Turkey is which used to be part of Armenia is supposedly where Noah's Ark is. which used to be part of Armenia, is supposedly where Noah's Ark is. Churches everywhere, sprinkled all over the country. Little tiny churches everywhere. This happens when you use the bootleg CA hormones. You turn into that thing. Well, that's a good point, Anthony.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Get your CA peptides today. CA peptides. Anthony, get your CA peptides today. CA peptides. Anyway, so Armenia is bordered on all sides by Muslim countries, right? And it's a Christian country. And so like to the north is Georgia and then it has Azerbaijan and it has Turkey and it's just sandwiched in there. And I personally think Jesus was Armenian, we that's a whole different uh story but there's a little piece of armenia for the sake of this story without getting into too
Starting point is 01:15:37 many details that was inside of azerbaijan meaning there was armenia then there was azerbaijan it's it's it's muslim neighbor and then there was a piece of Armenia inside of Azerbaijan and recently Azerbaijan's like hey we're taking that land back this is like a month ago and so they went in there and they started slaughtering Armenians and they said hey we're going to give you this corridor and you got to leave and so in the last month they moved 120, armenians out of this section that looks like gaza and they killed a shitload of armenians a shitload same thing raped killed all that stuff. Here's another trippy thing.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And of course, my dad's freaking out, right? My dad's like, hey, I'm going to stay here in Armenia and fight to the death. I'm like, what the fuck are you thinking? Are you kidding me? I'll share with you this little piece of wisdom. I think I shared this with you before. But when I was in college, my dad came down to visit me one time. I was in a pretty wild state of mind. I'm like, man, I just wish I had something to die for. I really like it that Jesus had something to die for. And my dad said, hey, why don't you find something to live for? So I used that line back on my dad the other day.
Starting point is 01:17:00 He's like, I want to stay here. Fuck that. I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay if they have to come here basically and kill me. I'm like, hey, dude, why don't you come home and just live for your grandkids instead of staying there and die? I could tell it hit him hard. It resonated with him. Jake Chapman, how do you feel connected if you meet to Armenia I mean you know I've been there a bunch of times I know I feel when I see Armenian people I'm around
Starting point is 01:17:36 Armenian people I feel different I feel something different it's something good I like it I don't get to see very many Armenian it's something good. I like it. I don't get to see very many Armenian people besides my kids and my mom. I don't think the world's on fire. I don't think it's on fire.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yesterday, I went out to a ranch in California and looked out over fucking. 5,000 acres and. The world was not on fire. So. Yeah. I mean this shit is like. On one hand. I feel for the Palestinians, but I ain't staying.
Starting point is 01:18:29 I ain't staying. They already told you they're going to fucking they're going to wipe you off the face of the map. You got to go. You have to leave. And if you choose to stay and die because land's more important to your life than your kids. So be it. I respect that choice. But you've got to go.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Oh, Sevan, we can't go. We're trapped in the world's largest open-air prison. You've got to go. Audrey, we have an Armenian lady in our family by marriage and I look forward to her and her cooking every Christmas
Starting point is 01:19:06 Oh yeah the cooking's crazy Crazy Cave Dastro You don't go to any liquor stores Asshole A couple years ago This is I should bring this up with greg greg will love this subject ideology over reality ideology over reality i remember a couple years ago uh bart bay area rapid transit that's our subway in the bay area they used to make it so all their
Starting point is 01:19:41 surveillance footage surveillance footage was public and they decided to make it so all their surveillance footage was public. And they decided to make it so it's not public. And the reason they gave is that they felt that if they kept making the surveillance footage public for Bay Area Rapid Transit, the Bay Area's subway lines, that it would make people racist. subway lines that it would make people racist. Now, imagine that we're not going to show anyone our surveillance footage anymore because we believe that showing our surveillance footage will make people racist. So then right away you have to think, OK, so that surveillance footage only shows black people doing crimes. And so because they're the only ones who are doing crimes they happen to be and so or they make up the vast majority of it and so then that would make people racist and so they think you're stupid because you can't distinguish between the fact of someone's color of their skin and their behavior and that there's no relationship. Because they think you're stupid. They're going to hide that from you.
Starting point is 01:20:47 That's putting ideology. Ahead of reality. And that's. And that's. That's basically where. That's basically. That sums up. The cornerstone. Of what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Right now in the United States. That. That. that that remember that remember that boy um remember that boy that got stabbed oh we saw last week in new york city do you remember that him and his chick were sitting at a bus stop he was by boy i don't know he was 40 year old white dude or 35 year old white dude and his 30 year old chick and they would just come it was 3 51 in the morning it was in new york city and they were coming home from a wedding party and they stopped and sat down at a bus stop and he got stabbed and killed do you guys remember that i showed you that footage you remember that when they asked that lady, his girlfriend, what did the attacker look like,
Starting point is 01:21:50 she refused to say the color of his skin. Her fucking date was murdered. They're trying to find the guy. She refused to say the color of his skin that's putting ideology over reality so what what's wrong with putting ideology over reality what's your point seban so what well one you're fucking crazy and two people are going to get hurt that shouldn't don't have to get hurt or don't deserve to get hurt I saw another story.
Starting point is 01:22:47 It was a woman. It was a woman who was raped in Germany. And they caught the guys who did it. And she said, that's not them and then later on she admitted it was them and she they said uh why why didn't why didn't you tell the truth and she said because they're black guys and i didn't want to cause any problems i didn't i felt bad for them because they were black guys let's put an ideology over reality crazy town banana pants
Starting point is 01:23:37 hey that guy brought up a really interesting point he is saying he's saying that israel did send people to stop the fucking terrorists and they fucking got they lost they didn't send enough that there were 600 or a thousand of these fighters and when they sent the fucking the Israeli troops there to fight them they didn't send enough and they got killed you
Starting point is 01:24:01 you you This is a weird one I don't even know if I should show this This one's really weird These are So I don't know If any of you know any Jewish people right now
Starting point is 01:24:22 Living in the United States They are truly freaked out Like hardcore Jews are Jewish people right now living in the United States they are truly freaked out like like hardcore Jews are freaking out right now like they are they are sincerely afraid for their sincerely concerned for their safety so many
Starting point is 01:24:36 of them that I know are so concerned for their safety they don't I mean me personally I don't think they have any reason to be I don't think they have any reason to be. I don't think that but but. But. But I'm not but I'm not but I don't have the target on my back. I don't have people all over the country saying death to me.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Any you know. People don't even know what Armenian is, but listen, these are these are Jewish students. I think they're talking to the dean of their school at the University of Washington. Oh, they're pleading with a professor to shut down a pro-Hamas rally. And she's saying they want us dead. So imagine, we've already established the fact that these people want Jews dead, right? They want Jews dead and they want Israel dead and they want death to America. We already know that.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Oh, when's the first Jewish Lives Matter rally? JLM. Get behind that. JLM. We served the Friday Jihad, right? Believe it or not, I saw a Jew was stabbed in Beijing of all places. It's part of that jihad. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:25:46 This is nuts. This is absolutely nuts. They want our people dead. They want us killed. And so part of it is part of the jihad. You might be hoping. How is it allowed? How are you allowing this?
Starting point is 01:26:19 Why aren't you putting us on the ground? They want us dead. I'm Jewish girl fucking freaking out that they're doing death to the Jews on our college campus God I'm so glad I'm Armenian So chill You could pivot I think you could just say Anyone could just say you're Armenian If you want to pivot They got blonde hair blue eyed Armenians Believe it or not
Starting point is 01:26:49 Here's an interesting one this is from a gay guy this is from a gay guy uh and he's talking about bella hadid i think that's a famous model she i didn't know she was palestinian listen to what this guy has to say about the Jews in Palestine. I feel like Bella Hadid and all of the progressive TikTokers who are romanticizing Palestine don't know things like this. This is Amnesty International's Palestine report from 2022 on human rights. It contains many examples of how Palestine fails to uphold basic human rights for its occupants. 29 women were killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by their family members in apparent cases of domestic violence.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Ah, well, that happens everywhere. From stories about domestic violence to this one in which security forces stood by and watched as a mob beat children who were participating in a parade that, God forbid, included rainbow flags. I don't think people truly realize just how far Palestine is from being progressive. All of these like trendy, woke people who are like free Palestine don't realize that if they lived in Palestine, they would easily be beaten by a mob. And I know that Israel is not innocent in this conflict. I know that atrocities have been committed against both sides and that civilians are ultimately the
Starting point is 01:28:18 ones bearing the brunt of this conflict. People on both sides who literally just want to live in peace. But if you're going to choose a side, and if you're going to act like one side has some sort of moral high ground, why on earth would you choose the society in which security forces stand by while children are being beaten for being in a parade that contains rainbow flags? for being in a parade that contains rainbow flags. Meanwhile, Israel holds one of the most famous pride parades on earth. Naturally, it's the biggest in the Middle East because compared to its neighbors, Israel is an oasis of human rights. I like that line.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Compared to Palestine, Israel is an oasis of human rights. All right. is an oasis of human rights. All right. So travel advisory, if you're gay, don't go to the Muslim world. Right?
Starting point is 01:29:17 That's pretty common sense. How about this? How about this from Black Lives Matter? This is from 13 weeks ago. They're still doing defund the police. Seven bills you need to know about for defund the police week. Defund the fucking police week fucking nuts dude if you don't think that black lives matter is being run by people who hate black people you're crazy has anything gotten better has anything gotten better for any community anywhere in the last
Starting point is 01:30:17 three years that's uh predominantly melanated just one just tell me one predominantly melanated? Just one. Just tell me one. Did Defund the Police work just anywhere? Give me one example of where Defund the Police worked. Because you know where they refunded them are places like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis.
Starting point is 01:30:43 This is how a comedian's brain works. This will sum it up perfectly. I was on a Spirit Airlines flight and there was like a medical emergency. You know when they come on, they're like, is there a doctor on board? Everybody was panicking and I was just like... I go, there's no doctor on a Spirit Airlines flight. on a Spirit Airlines flight. I go, you know where the doctors are? On Delta, okay? It was an emergency, people were panicking, they kept lowering the standards,
Starting point is 01:31:15 like is there a nurse on board? I go, there's no medical professional on this flight. This ticket costs $40, we're all unemployed, okay? They just came back on a second later, has anyone dropped out of nursing school? Has anyone seen Grey's Anatomy? This girl's like, I was a nurse for Halloween. We're like, well, get in here and help us out. Hey, there's a big lesson there. You think that's just comedy there's a big big huge lesson there for anyone who doesn't believe in fucking trickle-down economics yeah there are no there probably that probably is true there probably
Starting point is 01:32:00 are no doctors on spirit airlines there's a big lesson there in that joke for all the people that hate rich people successful people talented people real easy to hate on those people until you need them bernie sanders Bernie Sanders what's Bernie say Bernie Sanders says it's a serious violation of international law when Israel cuts off electricity, food, water, and fuel to the Gaza Strip
Starting point is 01:32:46 following deadly attacks by Hamas on Israeli citizens. Is it Hamas attacked them or the country of Gaza attacked them? It's the country of Gaza attacked them, right? Yon Clark If I'm ever on a plane And someone asks for a doctor I'm standing up And then just run over and just be like Pull down his pants
Starting point is 01:33:13 That's just your first move Pull down his pants But what for? I don't know, I just want to say that pull down his pants. But what for? I don't know. I just want to say that. Oh my goodness. All of a sudden words matter.
Starting point is 01:33:38 This is a great one too. All of a sudden words matter. I didn't matter when it was the difference between sex and transgender. Not value human life. How do we know this? They actually will provide suicide bombers to accomplish their mission. They do not value life to the exact opposite. I'm going to say something about that because I hear this all the time and I don't disagree. But I'm going to tell you why they're like that.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Because of the NGOs that pay them. It's called pay for slay and it's for Jewish blood, and it comes from the left. And these leftist NGOs, a lot of them out of Germany, a lot of them out of Switzerland, a lot of them out of Holland, they pay for slay. And those people have no jobs. They have no hope. And the only way they can make money is to join Hamas and be in a bully gang that not only does what they do to try to kill Jews to get paid. And if they die, their family gets paid. But they also bully all of the Palestinian people around them, too. They do not value human life. How do we know this? They actually will provide.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Now it's really important for some people. The distinction between Hamas and Palestinians. Well are they all citizens of the country of Gaza? I like Patrick. But David show. I don't know about the two cats. He rolls with you. One of the guys looks like he's always.
Starting point is 01:35:04 You ever seen this dude on Patrick. But Davidid show let me see if i can find a picture of him uh where is he he's like always red i don't see him Oh, there he is. There is this guy. Yeah. What's the deal? What the fuck is the deal with this dude? This is what I would look like if I was like on TRT or something.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I think. Look at this guy. Donald Trump. 2016. We found this. This is a fact. This isn't BS. I made this up. 2006. This isn't BS. I made this up.
Starting point is 01:35:45 2016. Look at that, guys. He's like veins around his eyeballs and his forehead. Fact. All right. The Durham report. Hillary Clinton, DNC, FBI, they all colluded to say he's none of that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:04 That that dude's going to have a heart attack, whoever that guy is. Gaza is not a country. The Gaza Strip initially was an Egyptian-administrated territory after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Following the 1967 war, the territory came under Israel occupation. Bernie, isn't the ruling government of Gaza Hamas and that happened in 2007 so whatever it is maybe I don't know
Starting point is 01:36:30 country's not the right word excuse me I'm open to that but whatever it is it's ruling party is Hamas a dick butter I don't watch PUD because of that dude yeah that's not fun
Starting point is 01:36:44 yes it is Seve A dick butter? I don't watch PUD because of that dude. Yeah, that's not fun. Yes, it is, Seve. Mauricio Bueno. Okay, so it's not a country, but it's something. And it got bosses, and the bosses are hammers. Alright. We're getting somewhere. somewhere there's this guy there's this really trippy fucking guy on youtube i want to see if i can find his name for you guys we've talked about him once on the show before. It's this guy.
Starting point is 01:37:28 You guys ever seen this guy? You guys ever seen this podcast? This podcast is such a trip. This thing has a... This account has 3 million subscribers. It's called the H3 podcast and the guy has a lot of different looks
Starting point is 01:37:52 he's got the shaved head look now but sometimes he's got like a little bit of a tranny look going like non-binary look I guess that's what me and him have in common and anyway he's a Jew. Ethan the Jew. And he's got a big following. And his shit is getting destroyed. His shit is getting destroyed. It's a crazy left-leaning podcast.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Like, it's just complete. Yeah, H3 is such a leader. Yeah, it's complete wackadoodle central. It is complete ideology before reality. It is bizarre. It's like, hey, hey, it's like how this show started. Remember, it's like that post I made where the lady's like, hey, just accept everyone. Give everyone a chance to express whatever they want. Maps may. What is that? Maps?racted People. Accept them. Accept them.
Starting point is 01:38:46 It's not pedophiles. It's minors attracted people. Black Lives Matter. Who cares if tons of black people get killed based on what they want, what policies they put in place. It doesn't matter. Let them do what they want. Oh, beheading little Jewish children in their homes while they're sleeping.
Starting point is 01:38:59 It's okay. Accept everyone. Remember that? That's how we started the show. Well, this guy promotes that. That's his thing. Accept everyone. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah well he's a jew you don't like what's going on in israel and his shit is getting tore up by his people because all of a sudden he's not going to put um ideology ahead of reality
Starting point is 01:39:20 and his people do not like that and i was watching some of his podcasts and he was getting fucking destroyed by his contingent. Yeah, he's crazy. I don't recommend anyone even dabble in that, to be honest. I think that's a pretty unhealthy place to hang. What's it? I don't know. Ethan from H3 podcast. Yeah, don't go.
Starting point is 01:39:44 He's complete nuts All right Avi had a birthday party the other day and The magic we got a magician party the other day And We got a magician And the magician showed up And the magician had Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease?
Starting point is 01:40:13 Let's just say he had Parkinson's I don't know if it's a disease I don't even know if he had Parkinson's I'm not a doctor But he shook like a fucking leaf He shook He shook, he was shaky and there's this one trick where you have a cup of water and you pour a big cup of water into a smaller cup and then a smaller cup and then a
Starting point is 01:40:36 smaller cup and it keeps filling the cup up alcoholic oh i didn't even think of that i didn't even think about that uh he wasn't red he didn't exhibit any signs of alcoholism uh but there was he went from the biggest cup to the smallest cup and there were four cups total so he went from the big cup to medium to cup and there were four cups total. So he went from the big cup to medium, to small, to smallest. And then he poured the water back from small to medium,
Starting point is 01:41:10 to medium, to bigger. And his hands were shaking. There was water spilling everywhere. It was nuts. You got Michael J. Fox Robbie's birthday. Kinda.
Starting point is 01:41:21 It was crazy. And. And it's funny cause the trick shouldn't work if you're spilling water. And I can't remember if it was my mom, but someone thought that he was spilling the water on purpose and that's how it was making the trick work so that the water kept fitting in the smaller and smaller cups But then he went from the smallest cup to the big cup while still spilling water and the smallest cup still filled the big cup I got shaky hands, uh nerve issues. Oh, yeah, maybe it's a nerve issue No, he definitely wasn't a comedian
Starting point is 01:42:00 Man it was a mess It was and a lot of people thought that his shaky hand thing was part of the skit. I'm like, come on, dudes. What do you got in your fucking mind? So I was telling that story to one of my friends. And my friend said, I had a dentist who had a shaky hand. I'm like, what? And he goes, yeah, I had a dentist who had a shaky hand i'm like what and he goes yeah i had a dentist
Starting point is 01:42:25 who had a shaky hand like are you crazy he goes yeah every time i went to him he fucked something up and when he gave me a cavity one time he said i had a cavity but i had no pain back there but when he worked on it he fucked my tooth up and i and when i would go back his hand would be shaking he'd be like oh my god i messed this up last time i'm so sorry but he would still have his tool in my friend's mouth with his hand shaking my friend went back to him three times i don't give a dentist or hygienist i don't fucking know the people who work on your mouth words don't matter. Oh, yeah, get a new guy for sure. I can't believe my friend went back to him three times.
Starting point is 01:43:15 He said he had a tooth. The dentist told him I had a cavity. He worked on it. And all of a sudden, it was super painful. He went back and he's like, hey, dude, my tooth hurts that you worked on. And then it opens up his mouth and he's like, oh, yeah, I you worked on and then it opens up his mouth and he's like oh yeah i messed something up he's back in his mouth working on again went three times no it wasn't nick nick text me the other day out of the blue i didn't open it for like two i didn't open it for like two weeks I didn't open it for like two weeks, the text Nick.
Starting point is 01:43:46 And then I opened it yesterday. And it said, hey, I think about you a lot. I just wrote back. I think about you a lot, too. He doesn't even know I've been doing bits on him on my podcast. Steven Blacksmith. I'm out, dudes. Have a rad day. Make people smile. Thank you. I'm out dudes have a rad day make people smile thank you I'm out too
Starting point is 01:44:08 love you guys talk to you guys tomorrow tomorrow hopefully we'll have Greg Glassman on from Italy and someone from the CrossFit ecosystem in Israel
Starting point is 01:44:23 bye bye

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