The Sevan Podcast - We’re Ready, Are You? | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 24, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of america express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply that show it's a seven podcast show everybody's welcome peace and love it's a Yo There he is There's Matt Susan I haven't been on a show with Matt Susan Forever
Starting point is 00:01:20 There he is this morning There he is Kill Taylor's show is doing great I wonder if tomorrow I wonder if next week Forever. There he is this morning. There he is. Kill Taylor's show is doing great. I wonder if tomorrow, I wonder if next week, I wonder if the money has an influence on it. Let me see. Oh, the biggest Kill Taylor's show was episode seven. It was $1,500 on the line.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Wow. The retention on those shows is crazy. What's up, Caleb? Morning. Shit. So good. This is awesome. When's up, Caleb? Morning. Shit, I'm so good. This is awesome. When's the last time all three of us have been on? It's been a while. I see Suze's camera's on.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I'm guessing, I bet you ran back. You want to make a bet? I bet you ran back to get coffee. Or I had to take a shit. Oh. I always have like an emergency poop right before wow okay you're going with poop i'm gonna go with coffee i might need to lower my mic sorry is my mic too loud
Starting point is 00:02:14 i saw that christian christian i just saw that this morning andrew hiller's uh andrew hiller's vehicle had a tree fall on it you know you know andrew hiller's vehicle had a tree fall on it. You know, Andrew Hiller's vehicle kind of has its own story. It was stolen out of his parking lot one time. And I mean, I think the story starts off as he absolutely loved his vehicle. off is he absolutely loved his vehicle and then it was stolen
Starting point is 00:02:47 and all of a sudden he kind of fell out of love with it a little bit what's up Sousa I saw you turn your camera on and then you were gone I'm gonna go with you forgot your coffee Caleb thinks you had emergency shit coffee yes I appreciate caleb though coming out with a shit that's a good it's a good guess right it's like a family feud that'd
Starting point is 00:03:10 be number two absolutely yes yeah literally number two yeah um uh so it looks like so andrew loved this car he bought it i think he went out on a limb i don't think it's a cheap car he bought it he loved it and then it was stolen from his driveway and it kind of like tainted it for him i felt like he thought it would it was never gonna like the same again and then it looks like just last night uh a tree blew on his car i feel like they have the worst luck of anybody i know glad this dude cares about nothing i i'm gonna bet bet that he uses it to just buy another car. It's so sad. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Look at their yard, dude. Damn. Destroy. You can't spray paint. You can't. paint those books. You can't. Yeah, right. You're going to have to remove them.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That's a joke that Caleb's making because at one point, Andrew had some dead bushes in his yard and he spray painted them green. That's an old story. Wow, that's from year one of Andrew. Yeah, that's right. Hey. Go to the yearbook on that one. Andrew. Yeah, that's right. Hey, I guess they call Chicago the Windy City, right? Is that the city they call it?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, right. Wow, dude, that's crazy what happened to his yard. Like, he could kill somebody. I hope his house is okay. Yeah, seriously. I hope his house is okay. Yeah. Yeah, seriously. I hope his house is okay.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I was watching, I watched that Craig Howard video that Andrew did. It was really good. Then I saw the one he did on the DEI lady at CrossFit. That was really good. And then he did one on Fykovsky, and that one was really good. And then he did one on, uh, Fykovsky and that one was really good. They were all just three great, but I feel like he's, I shouldn't say, but, and I feel like he's mellowed a little bit, not, not in a bad way, but I just feel like he's pulling punches or not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, uh, like he's, um, uh pulling punches, not pulling punches.
Starting point is 00:05:30 He's more tempered. It's like a sober approach a little bit more. Yeah, tempered and sober. And I'm also not suggesting that I like it, but I don't dislike it. I'm still kind of working my way through it like sometimes like when i watched the the i didn't see it but someone said in the fukowski one fukowski said that oh thanks for agreeing with me and i didn't think killer was agreeing with him on shit even though in the beginning he said i do agree with you on some things it's like um i thought the things
Starting point is 00:06:02 that he claimed he was agreeing with fukowski on were so insignificant that it didn't constitute agreeing. Andrews, the John Stossel of CrossFit. Oh, interesting. For those of you who don't know, John Stossel is like a reason. I think he's like a reason magazine, like super libertarian. He used to be a huge contributor to Fox. I don't know what happened. Anyway, three great videos. If you haven't seen
Starting point is 00:06:26 those videos, you got to go watch those videos. They're great. They're great. I don't, I don't think, um, I do think even though I really do, I really have been enjoying the time that I've been spending with Brent is calling in the show. And then his time at the West coast classic, I thought his interview with, uh, men's health magazine or whatever that was was just atrocious and just complete not not not because he was bad he's he always presents good he i he kind of reminds me of johnny depp any movie johnny depp's in i just like even if the movie's shit um but uh he he complete he should not be concerned about the promotion or the growth of the sport at all. He has no value-add contribution thoughts to it at all. Like, none.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Zero. And just to give you an example, Brent was basically saying that the popularity of the sport, Brent was saying that people are leaving the sport because of the bad judging and the bad, maybe it's the bad movements or the danger just stuff that's involved with the with the competition that a union could help build and then he tried to draw some correlate that only big um sports have like players unions or like people who are worried about the players like there was some like you needed that right like to get on the roof you need a ladder he was suggesting like to be big you need i mean it's just it's just asinine
Starting point is 00:07:49 correlates that's why so many people do high rocks then it's just such bad thinking a high rocks is just another spartan race or tough mudder or like even to compare crossfit to high rocks is just clickbait it's it's it's all just bad thinking like and the fact that anyone and then he basically fikowski also says in there yeah people are leaving crossfit to go to other sports but then basically says people are going to those other sports because they're easier well fine go who cares it's it's like the same people who for some reason thought crossfit was not inclusive and now built these gyms that are super exclusive under the guise of being inclusive, just leave.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Don't try to be everything to everybody. Get the fuck out. The gym that takes the vaccinated and unvaccinated is the inclusive gym. Don't show me the gym that only has gay people working out and then tell me it's inclusive. Show me the gym in
Starting point is 00:08:43 South Carolina that has gay people in it. It and then tell me it's inclusive show me the gym in south carolina that has gay People in it's just bad thinking It's sloppy It's it's woke nonsense a union is going to make it better. Yeah, i'm like canadian canadian It's crazy, uh, did you see saxons doing tactical games this weekend? No I did not. I don't really know much about tactical games. I think of tactical games.
Starting point is 00:09:15 The only thing I've heard about tactical games is that it has an unfair bias slanted towards fitness. And that's why CrossFitters can do good at it. But I don't even know if that's true, but I've just heard that. That if they, they, if there was a balance between the shooting and the fitness, but maybe that'll eventually balance itself out. It is weird. It is weird. If you have a sport, well, let me ask you guys, do you guys think if you have a sport and the
Starting point is 00:09:45 crossfitters can just go over and dominate like crossfitters could not go over and dominate ufc not even a little bit like they have nothing they have no but you're a little out of focus susa i don't care but maybe you do i don't know why that happened there it goes i i don't think uh crossfitters can go over and like dominate like the javelin throw or baseball or basketball or wrestling or ballet you know what i mean yeah typically you would have more of like a field skill that you would need to acquire not just the fitness level yeah if their fitness is carrying them that far to sport then it's probably imbalanced yeah but they can go over there without shooting experience and win yeah like in a sport then it's probably imbalanced yeah but there can go over there without shooting experience and win yeah like in a couple years just or even a year i don't
Starting point is 00:10:30 know how quickly did he win did jacob happen to become a tactical games champion yeah i think he did it a couple times yeah is he good at shooting i see him post it all the time but i just don't i don't know just because you shoot doesn't mean you're good. So yeah, I think he has discipline in a good like practice work ethic But but I think when I've talked to Dave about going to shooting competitions, it's just him and Filipino dudes Yeah, all the competitions that he hosts at the rancher just And I haven't seen even win them he doesn't even win his own competition Which is hilarious and I don't see filipino dudes at uh tactical games maybe there are because they are not they don't
Starting point is 00:11:09 do crossfit they're right savvy are you are you and dave uh gonna are you gonna get dave on to talk about his thoughts on finishing the bible uh sure i i'd love to do that i did speak to dave yesterday and um uh yesterday in the, I called him to try to talk to him. And he said he couldn't talk because he's watching some show on TV called Chosen or something. Oh, isn't that a show about the Bible? Yeah, I think it's a Jesus show. On the other hand, I was watching. I was I'm watching this show called Boys.
Starting point is 00:11:44 The Boys. And I will show I cannot recommend this show called Boys No Boys And I cannot recommend that show What? Hey it's just a pure It's um It's pure anti-christian Pro-homosexual propaganda That's all it is
Starting point is 00:12:00 The entire show I mean I don't mind it But that's all it is Wow I'm seven shows in and all I see is dick and dudes kissing. I haven't seen any pussy. Who recommended that show for you? Only there was there's one there's one scene where this lady's face fucking this guy and she face fucks him so hard his head explodes. There's another scene where this chick to keep her job has to suck the guy's dick but half the people who saw the show don't know that because
Starting point is 00:12:29 it's just implied because they don't even show any head bobbing it's crazy the show's great the show's crazy but there's dudes kissing in it and uh um and it's it's a trip It's a trip Yeah It's a good show I mean I'm thoroughly enjoying it I just couldn't recommend it to anyone If you're big on violence watch that show Yeah it's very progressive If your fucking heads explode Get shot in half Dude it's fun
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah I agree Very progressive Is it a reality show? Yeah it's kind of a reality show Very real laser beams coming out of eyeballs justin justin just in the sense of the air just in the sense it's a reality show that like i suspect that the superheroes are like totally obsessed with like everyone's totally obsessed with social media and how they present to the world.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And I suspect that I'm surrounded by that and just don't know that in real life. Yeah, I suspect it's very close to reality. Sevan, I thought you work hard but then find time for nonsense. What gives? I haven't watched a um i it's a great question i haven't watched but um like a series since um yellowstone and andrew the other day was talking about the boys andrew recommended something else to me the other day i can't remember what it was some movie we were talking we watched some he told me about some movie and i watched it and it was complete propaganda but he didn't he didn't
Starting point is 00:14:08 see it that way at all which is i which i get it he's just not viewing the world through that lens but what was um i i can't remember what it is you know i'm in. I'm in this debate with a bunch of people in my DMs. There's several of you who want to insist that God's not real and just bash God and bash the people who think he's real. I wish those people knew that I used to be that person, and I get it, but that's your religion now. It's not that you think why why do i accept it it's just not my religion to bash christians anymore but that's your religion and i get it i was there at one point too but that doesn't have to be your religion they think they want to insist so much that it's fake and that there's no religion but they're just as fake they've made it their religion their imaginary agenda to bash religion it's it's crazy
Starting point is 00:15:12 so um it's crazy that they fight with you when the dm's not what i don't understand one person's like one person's like hey you just can't be honest about god because you're pandering to your base i'm like listen i that couldn't be further from the truth and there's so much shit there's so much shit i like about uh religion there's so much shit i like about religion so uh yeah my kids my kids uh i i watched the my i watched the six million dollar man as a kid the a team now my kids are watching night rider um i got the dvds and i just play it in the car on long trips and they fucking love that shit they you know what they, their takeaway from my play player in your van. Just no, just a regular DVD player.
Starting point is 00:16:05 But my boys, um, uh, my boys, um, my boys have, they have noticed that they're like, Hey, a lot of girls like Michael Knight. I'm like, yeah. In the show. Yeah. In the show. I don't remember that. And I can't see it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I can only hear it i listen to the shows no no bionic woman i wasn't a fan of the bionic woman jamie summers call me sexist i don't know yeah the chicks they said that he just tons of chicks dig him. He's handsome. Look at that hair. Yeah. And that open collar, you know? Look at that GV. A little bit of hair through the top. Did he invent the pop collar? That leather jacket. I want to show you guys this series of videos.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Um, if I can find them, what was the guy's name who is on our show? Bill, Bill. You remember the assemblyman? I thought I was going to interview him for a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Bill Saley. Yeah. Bill Saley. I want to show you. Oh, Sarika. Hey, what's up? Good to have you back smart hey man become a member become a ceo member support the podcast every morning 7 a.m right now there's some stuff behind the paywall that only you can see yada yada yada something new right yes something new just came out this morning right episode
Starting point is 00:17:43 episode two for the west coast classic you know what my sister does my sister watches the shows and then sends me a list of all the athletes who are in it and then i send them a private link nice yeah that's cool right yeah did you send one to hayley adams as many as i can uh i maybe i did if she was in it yeah i did yeah she was a huge focus for the first two episodes of East. I have to have your phone number. Okay. Listen, listen, listen to this. So I know some of you think that this is just like propaganda and it's not true, but I'm going to show you three videos. And this is how crazy it is on the West Coast, the United States, California, Oregon, and Washington. Okay. watch this Bill O'Salley guy. Let me read it to you first. Democrats remove me from my committee because I forced a vote on my bill to protect our children from pedophiles. Okay, here we go. I just got word that I'm being removed from my committees. Some of you will recall last week I brought a bill to remove sanctuary state protection for pedophiles in the state of California, and the Democrats here did not like that. So they cut off my microphone, and I just got word the Speaker of the state assembly who runs the place has removed me from my committee. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:49 That's okay. I wear this as a badge of honor. It means I'm doing the right thing. It means I'm looking out for the people of this state and for children who are being victimized by these illegal immigrants. So bring it on. More to come. Sounds pretty simple, right? A bill that makes it so if you're an illegal immigrant and you're caught for pedophilia the laws of sanctuary city uh a sanctuary state don't apply to you seems fair right yep grab the guy grab grab the guy and uh toss him out okay uh then uh let me show you this so so basically what that means what that means is anyway i'll i'm going to play a little bit more for you hold on a second here we go
Starting point is 00:19:31 give me one second i think this video might have an ad in it uh california progressive can you guys hear that no okay good this the title this article is uh california progressive chides fellow democrats before voting to make child solicitation a felony i'm done so so this is um uh susan tall uh susan telemate's uh eggman hardcore progressive in california hardcore Susan Telematte's Eggman. Hardcore progressive in California. Hardcore. And you know the progressive things, right? Basically, they're the racists and the bigots under the guise of doing nice things for people in the state of California, right?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Punish people for their skin color who are white. Take away rights of the individual and give them to groups. Okay, now I want you to listen to her. This is in the State Assembly here in California. Member of this body for the last 12 years. Can you hear it? Yep. I'm done. I'm done with us protecting people
Starting point is 00:20:39 who would buy and abuse our children. I'm done. I don't want to send more black and brown men to prison i don't want more people in prison but i don't want people buying girls i don't want people buying little girls anymore this is as progressive as you get people this is stockton california's home of the vato the cholo tell us how you feel okay and uh and and look at her haircut and this is just as progressive as they get by any means necessary
Starting point is 00:21:10 keep black and brown people out of jail even at the cost of higher incidents of murder and crime in their areas under the guise of helping them keep them out of jail and I'm tired of saying it's okay and we have to protect the men who do it as a mental health professional and as a social worker i can tell
Starting point is 00:21:31 you i've spent my entire career complete nut job right mental health professional i mean complete lunatic her entire profession is built on fucking pseudoscience, on surveys, on bullshit, on surveys. People have been wounded. I'm not going to say beyond repair, but they have been wounded to their core by the abuse that's been heaped on them, oftentimes by those that they love and look to protect them. And if their parents won't do it, then by God, we should. And if their parents won't do it, then by God, we should. Again, I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing we have a moral responsibility to say enough, enough. We have given away enough on this area. that black and brown people who are busted for sex trafficking, pedophilia, rape, those things should have to do
Starting point is 00:22:28 the same time in crime as white people. Oh, fuck. Jesus Christ. Did I lose it? No, it is. I just have to pull it forward a little bit. I wonder if I have to watch the ad again. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And she goes on and on and on about it that basically she's not going to tow the party line she's not going to tow the party line anymore she's done this is this is in california this is in sacramento she's um giving this uh this talk there's just a bear with me here there's just a like another 30 seconds of it you got to hear it but you won't believe the climax of what the video i'm going to show you next you're not even going to believe it absolutely nuts and if their parents won't do it then by god we should And if their parents won't do it, then by God, we should. Again, I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to say enough, enough. We have given away enough on this area and we've got to move back into the center or we all look like fools and laughingstocks.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And what do we stand for i asked all of you to watch the documentary that senator grove was in senator from kern county was just in that talked about this very place in sacramento where girls are being bought and sold men are being given a slap in the hand or a couple days and then they're back out again and they do the same thing they get caught over and over and over again and somehow that's okay it's not okay it is not okay anymore and no no more am i watching like i said i'm leaving but the rest of you who are going to be here for a while let's get our stuff together and really start focusing on some of the important things we talk about learning and we talk about being safe this is like at the core of it and a lot lot of these kids can be throwaway kids. They're poor kids. They're kids of color. But they shouldn't have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age and by have the Democratic Party of California say it's OK. It's not OK. not okay so so there's there's the admonition right um she she's a super progressive been a progressive for 12 years way out there on the fringe and uh she's leaving so she can be brave
Starting point is 00:24:52 now and she doesn't want um uh she's tired of the democrats protecting uh pedophiles uh slave trade sex trafficking all that shit happening in sacramento happening all over the state of california she's done it's weird right you can't even believe it's like duh yeah i wonder what that tipping point was for her she supported all that shit to get it to the point where it's at now unfortunately i bet it's that she's leaving and and then and then for those of you guys who don't know, just yesterday or two days ago, a guy who crossed the border from Ecuador raped and killed a girl. And he was stopped at the border and then released. That's a big story that's breaking right now.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Okay. You're not even going to fucking believe this. This is in Portland, people. And this is a guy who is pretending to be a 14 year old girl meeting up with a pedophile okay you're not even gonna fucking believe what you're about to see so you know why i'm here obviously right this is this is you right so i'm not here to hurt you okay i want to have a conversation with you though do you think we can talk about this uh yeah in a civil manner yeah i've been yelled at you or anything right i
Starting point is 00:26:05 mean you can ask them why he's here if you want to ask i live in the neighborhood and i do a lot of uh mutual aid for the houseless i live in so some lady has approached him while he's while he's meeting a pedophile to hopefully stomp his face into the ground she says i work uh for the uh home houseless population for drug addicts and thieves to make sure that they're okay oh no he's he's not house to make sure that he was not being harassed oh am i harassing you you want to probably move along yeah yeah is everything okay not really but um do you want him to go away? Do you want to talk about this? I do want to talk about it. Right, so...
Starting point is 00:26:48 Okay. I just wanted to make sure that the brown person was safe. I just wanted to make sure the brown person was safe. You guys... Holy shit, dude. How is anyone voting Democrat anymore? Just want to make sure the brown person's okay. Doesn't even matter what they did. just the fact that they were brown oh it's good it's crazy the brown person is safe yeah
Starting point is 00:27:13 because we have a good have a good day have a good have a good day have a good day we take care of brown people in this city listen if someone no i i'm gonna tell you right now if i see someone talking to this guy i don't ask if he's okay i ask if the person who's talking to him okay my spider senses is just uh going off crazy looking at this guy yeah for sure look at him dude creepazoid sebi don't judge a book by cover sorry too late yeah that's tough this is this is the step into portland right here she had blue hair what's up man not mine so what do you what are you doing here you understand why i'm here obviously i do okay so you're not here to fight me and i was here to fight you bro i would have put you in the river already right you came right here to the river.
Starting point is 00:28:05 How long do you think you've been talking to this girl? A few weeks. So there on camera, we have a progressive Dem protecting brown pedophiles. You shouldn't protect white pedophiles, black pedophiles, yellow pedophiles, and all the colored blue pedophiles. It's like real time it's everywhere it's real time it is fucking nuts that's absolutely crazy it is nuts
Starting point is 00:28:40 but that homeless dude was there to meet the girl right he didn't believe he was the 14 year old girl That that guy he's not homeless cuz he's got a computer and shit He thought that the guy holding the camera talking to him He thought that guy was a 14 year old girl and that guy's like hey meet me by the river So he went there to the river 14 year old girl to confront him to tell him hey stop doing that and some progressive
Starting point is 00:29:06 uh white woman uh came to protect uh the homeless dude yeah the house the perceived the perceived houseless she and that's that's the whole thing that's the superiority complex he's not houseless she just you have to understand democrats see brown and black people and they think you're garbage and that they have to save you that that is they've always thought that about you it's their moral obligation i was surrounded and it comes under the gut yeah it's yeah exactly shit right because i grew up and we were all equal so we made fun of each other and it was funny right and now you make a joke you can't do that i said why just below you i'm like that's kind of cool, actually. I didn't think about it like that.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They think it's crazy. Holy shit. They think you're below them. It's funny, too, because that lady, Eggelman, that congresswoman, she said moral responsibility. That's the problem. When you're a Democrat, I used to be one. You don't have any, um,
Starting point is 00:30:28 um, morals. You don't have morals or values that not because like you choose not to have them. You just don't, you don't think like that. You don't, you don't, those aren't,
Starting point is 00:30:37 um, paradigms that you put your life under. And so these people, when I hear people who are anti, anti Christianity, I hear it against people who are anti anti christianity i hear it against people who are against morals and values i don't think it has anything to do with the fact that they're upset that they have an imaginary god they just use that to lean on they just can't get their head wrapped around that there's a group of people who have morals and values they just
Starting point is 00:30:58 cannot get their head wrapped around that because they don't think of their own life like that at all they're they're just all about social construct. That's all it is for them. Social construct. Yeah. And at least our Christian friends are aware of where they get their morals from. Yes. What they're following.
Starting point is 00:31:17 The other ones don't even realize that they're actually following it. Yeah. I'm going to add a new letter to the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, tranny, queer and pedophile. I don't know what they're waiting for. I'm going to do it for you guys. I'm going to throw the letter on there for you. LGBTQ. They already made the flag for it. They just have to add the letter. Epic skate three fart. Hello, old people.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Hello, loser who has no savings and plays video games all day and has pimples and eats M&Ms and is going to die of type 2 diabetes. Are you going to say that because it's Twitch? It's Twitch. How do I know
Starting point is 00:32:02 you're a loser? You're from Twitch. All that was just a name. How do I know you masturbate loser? You're from Twitch. Oh, that was just a stupid... How do I know you masturbate more than have intimate contact with another human being and have the enjoyment of orgasms with them? Twitch. Yeah. How do I know that when you watch The Boys and the guy fucks dolphins, that you actually think that that might be an option for you.
Starting point is 00:32:26 To fuck dolphins. Twitch. Always down to try something once. You're watching this on Twitch. Hi, caller. Did you guys hear the caller call in? I wonder why I can't hear him. Caller?
Starting point is 00:32:40 They're Twitch. Hold on, caller. Hold on. I think we have a huge time we have a problem. Surprise, surprise. Fucking Twitch. Hey, what the fuck, Joe, bro? Wet mouth sounds. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Sorry. My bad. My bad. Sorry, not you. Wet mouth has been around for a while, so you're good. Okay, sorry. Sorry, sorry. Ron's watching on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I don't know if we want to. Twitter. What do you hate this country? Why are you using Twitter? Call her. Hi. I think we lost the caller. I play video games and crank my hog.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I think the phone is fixed if you want to I think if you want to call in Olivia my husband catches pedophiles was given police officer of the year for catching 16 pedos they thought they were meeting up with children but my husband instead it's a scary world 16 in a year
Starting point is 00:33:42 damn I hope he took the cheap route and just put one between the eyes save american taxpayers some money uh that chairperson for the maryland democrat alphabet soup committee getting caught talking to a 14 year old boy was wild yeah uh thank you craig for bringing that up so in maryland uh the the there's a organization there called lgbtqp democrats and uh their head just got caught in the sting like that uh trying to meet up with a 14 year old boy and the shit that the and the guy reads the text and and he's like i can't wait to pound your ass and i can't wait for you to taste my my poop dick and it was just crazy It was crazy shit that he was saying to this 14 year old Jesus Lord. I know it's it was disgusting
Starting point is 00:34:30 Sorry caller I lost you Yeah, it's um Yeah Also, I don't know if you guys if you guys want guys want to keep going down the avenue of sucking dick I don't know if you remember this guy this guy's a famous famous
Starting point is 00:34:55 European talk show host I think in the UK I wish I could remember his name he got busted for grooming a girl and then having her suck his dick and then giving her a job.
Starting point is 00:35:11 How long has this actually been since we've done this? A long time. April, March. So like almost six months. What, you've done this before through a curtain? We've not done this before. This is the first time we've ever done this. In the shower.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah. Although, there was that Christmas. Are you ready? Yeah. Oh, where does my face go? COVID shit.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Oh my gosh. COVID shit. Oh my God. Oh my God. What a bizarre fucking moment. Oh my God, I'm a bizarre fucking moment. Oh, my God. Someone said Vince McMahon. I think what Vince McMahon was doing.
Starting point is 00:35:57 So anyway, let me finish this and I'll go to Vince McMahon. So this is some guy named Phillip. He met some girl at a really young age when she was like 15 or something uh stayed friends with her eventually uh got her a job when she was over 18 to work on whatever talk show he was working on and then and then she sucked his dick and uh and he got and he got in trouble for it but i mean you can see how if you're doing this shit on tv you're insane and yeah now he's got now he has all these videos on TV where he's, where he's groveling and he's apologetic and how it's ruined his life.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I think what Vince McMahon was doing, if I read the article, what Vince McMahon was doing is I think he hired a chick to like be his assistant or something. And I think, and I think that over the course for years he would basically bring her into meetings and lay her on a table and him and the boys would make her airtight so he he had this assistant and he put her on a table and all the guys and like and all the corporate dudes over there at the wwe would stand around and just pick a hole and stick their dick in it. And I know it's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Hell of a board meeting, but I think she, I I'm 99% sure she was over 18 and she stuck around and did it forever until she didn't like it anymore. Oh, Oh, okay. McMahon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I heard he'd given over a million dollars. McMahon got sued for not paying the 2 million. She consented to all of it. I think that's maybe what it was. And it was a guy, not a chick? It was a chick, yeah. Dean said it was a guy. No, no, no. It was a chick.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Hey, those wrestler dudes. She was in her 40s, yeah. My cousin married a wrestler guy. Frank Murdock. They were married for a while until she found him banging one of the other younger wrestlers boy or girl boy oh i mean here listen first of all men will do anything nothing a man does nothing a man does should surprise you sexually and then second of all if you have a sport and it's just a shitload of juiced up guys i mean touching each other yeah people are getting just all sorts of crazy dick in that sport.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Anywhere there's just a ton of dudes and then they're on steroids, crazy shit's happening. Especially if it's thespians like WWE. I mean, that's what they are, right? The drama scene has crazy fucking sex and crazy. It's like the restaurant business but on steroids literally right i mean that's what it is the restaurant business is like that for sure yeah restaurant business is crazy yeah i think you i think waiters are waiters and bartenders are kind of top of the food chain and managers. Martender for sure.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh man, I just coughed up something fierce. Nice. And I purposely don't keep tissues or paper towels in here. Purposely. Go spit it outside. Yeah, just go spit it outside. I'm a swallow. Just put it in your shirt.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I swallowed it. That's not going to surprise most of you. I swallowed it. Oh, yeah. I heard hospitals are like that, too. Yes. Yes. Yes. Airlines.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Really? Airlines, too, huh? Yeah. Flight attendants and pilots all flying all over. Makes sense. Then they all stay in hotels together. That makes sense. Fuck, too. flying all over makes sense yeah then they all stay in the hotels together that makes sense yeah gotta give it that what is the can you tell me the story about the hawk two-way girl is there a whole video where you can see what happened before and after that
Starting point is 00:39:37 there there is but it's not much different than that one's been seen yeah like what what does he ask her that she does that? He literally, like, turns to her and her friend and is like, what's the craziest sex thing you've done or story you have or something? I don't know if this is the original, but we'll see. Okay, here we go. How many is on your roster? There's only one I want.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I love you, Pookie, forever. How do you get over a breakup? The only way to get over one is get under another don't miss what's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time oh you gotta give him that hawk too and spit on that thing oh what move makes a man go crazy every time in bed? And it's the hot poo. Okay. Yep. Hey, did that shit go into hiding?
Starting point is 00:40:34 I heard she's just completely gone into hiding. Yeah, she's deactivated all of her social media accounts. Yesterday or like last night, there was an article that came out saying that she got fired from her job. Like she's like apparently she was fired she was some preschool well this is all legend i don't think it's actually true because i could only find it in one place but uh and the guy who did it was like some he was doing one of these like in a reel he was just being really annoying um but apparently according to this article which may or may not be true is she's a preschool teacher or like a preschool person and they were like we don't condone
Starting point is 00:41:10 what she said and blah blah blah blah blah and then they fired her but they don't like spitting on penises that's what it is no it was like you spit on the cock like kids in her classes like had seen it and so then they were just like spitting on each other or something
Starting point is 00:41:25 that's like this is entirely i have no idea if this is true that's true i blame the parents so you're you gave your kid a cell phone and saw something wildly inappropriate for them to watch because you gave them permission to do it so now i get fired so now it's just in it's just like a huge topic of discussion spitting lugs on dicks. You think that there's been an increase in girls who are doing that? There will be now for sure. Hell yeah, dude. Yeah? You think that already girls have incorporated that into their shit?
Starting point is 00:41:55 Oh, I know they have. Wow. Wow. If they're not doing it, you need to find yourself another woman or you need a teacher. Show her that clip. Show her that hawk to it. She's really cute. Yeah, she is.
Starting point is 00:42:11 She's got the girl next door look for sure. Yeah, totally. She's not all fake looking and stuff. Yeah. She's a vibe. And she doesn't seem ghetto. No. No.
Starting point is 00:42:21 She seems very southern. On Sunday, she goes to church. On Sunday night, she's hawk to it. She goes to church on Sunday night. She's hot too Hey, I wonder if like the I wonder it almost seems like it's some there's some cultural appropriation there from like those New Zealand Guys who do the haka? I wonder if they're gonna start incorporating then their dance, you know, they got That twitch guys gonna come back and make fun of us all again uh bernie gannon uh if that's true she should move from tennessee to the west coast that education system would be fine uh wouldn't fire her they'd put her in charge not fair enough right
Starting point is 00:43:02 so we've gone to uh accepted uh wouldn't fire her, they'd put her in charge. Fair enough. So we've gone to accepted accepted penis talk to unaccepted penis talk. The person has to be over the age of over the age of 18 before you start talking about that. This is from patrick bed david's site chair of the lgbtqp democrats of maryland caught
Starting point is 00:43:31 soliciting a minor this is what we were talking about i'll show you this video too michael nappen the chair of the maryland democrat lgbtqp diversity leadership council was reportedly caught romantically pursuing someone he believed was a 14-year-old boy in a sting operation. Knappen was confronted by men running the operation. Their exchange has been posted on X. Anyway, you're the head of the LGBTQ
Starting point is 00:43:55 Dems in Maryland. How long have you been in that position for? Since fall. Is that like a paid position? Just more of a volunteer type thing. Why would you stay? Once you get caught, like they've set you up, why would you stay and talk to the dude?
Starting point is 00:44:15 I suppose it's just like running, just like turning around and just like. Yeah, like if someone's, like if I was in a store and I walked out with like a RX sugar bar in my pocket, code 720 um i would uh i would just run maybe it's because they think that they're like actually innocent or what they did isn't wrong so they're just gonna talk their way out of it do you think there do you think there's people who watch this and feel sorry for this guy i hope not i think there are yeah like that woman in portland and feel sorry for this guy. I hope not. I think there are. Yeah, like that woman in Portland. She feels sorry for that guy.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Fuck. No one's standing up for him, Whitey. Is it like a super PAC or something? Or is it just... Okay. This stuff said here, like, you know, I want to rape you. I want to see how much of a faggot you are. What was kind of said about that?
Starting point is 00:45:01 He said that to a 14-year-old boy. I want to rape you. I hope you try to get away. I like the fantasy. I like the fantasy. And he seemed to enjoy it. He liked the fantasy. I like the fantasy.
Starting point is 00:45:18 He seemed to enjoy it. He's 14, dude. And I didn't know. He seemed to enjoy it. It's because it was this big, hairy, fat dude on the right talking. I mean, he liked it. This person never intended to. No, of course not.
Starting point is 00:45:36 The LGBTQ guys be yoked. Fuck, man. The lesbians and gays got to get away from these people. The homos and the lesbians and gays gotta get away from these people The homos and the lesbians They gotta get away This is brand diminishing Having to pee and hanging with the peas And the Q's And the T's
Starting point is 00:45:56 So you can use Faggot if you're a gay dude like black people can use their word yep as long as it's as long as you're the one that could be offended by the word you could use the word isn't that the the rule just across the board just across the board like if i'm part of that group and there's a ward that is offensive to me I could use it I never heard a Jew walk up to another Jew And be like what's up kike Or a Mexican walk up
Starting point is 00:46:33 You ever heard a Mexican walk up to a Mexican And call him what's up spick You never hear that Mexicans call each other beaners So beaner slides under the radar Yeah beaner's cool What's up ese vato That's like dude or bro isn't it
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah 100% there was a caller On a radio show last week that said pride month We should accept everyone including pedos The hosts were baffled Wow Amazing I don't ever want to hear another Race say cracker The hosts were baffled. Wow. Amazing. I don't ever want to hear another race say cracker.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I never called another white dude cracker. Yeah, but you can't be offended. You're white. Shut up. Yeah. You don't have to learn the rules, asshole. Adam Blakeslee, if you're a little gay and a little black, you can use both words. I'm a Mexican.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I give you a pass for spic. Man. What's up, chink? It's a vanilla face. Vanilla face. I think that one's for whiteys Four days later with no response Can't wait to make you my little cum dump baby boy He said that to a 14 year old I can't wait to make you a cum dumpster
Starting point is 00:48:03 Jeez I can't wait to make you a cum dumpster. Jeez. This is the leadership for the Democratic Party and the LGBTQ Peace Society. This guy hasn't been arrested, I don't think fucking wild man and then they lie of course we all know this lie the Maryland Democratic Party understands that our state's diversity is its strength
Starting point is 00:48:43 for engaging communities throughout Maryland. Diversity. That is not you are not you are the least diverse. You are the least diverse. Whoa. Walked in on cum dumpster. Talk on the Lord's Day. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Walked in on cum dumpster. Talk on the Lord's day. Sorry. My, my little sister is 14. The emotional immaturity to handle processing. That is not there. I don't know what that means, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, the Glintons did a podcast on the lady who called into I heart radio about accepting the pedos. What episode is that? Because I made it through. Is that the one that has Marissa Chancellor on it? Chandler?
Starting point is 00:49:35 You called? Ah, Judy, I love you. That's amazing. That thursday's show a large fortune 100 companies are on board with this i know that's it's wild why why why it's interesting that patrick bed date i mean he's going he's he's he's he's gonna have his own like media empire soon yeah he's going hard yeah you know it's cool have you watched any of those uh debates that he does just i've just seen clips yeah the one with cuomo it was huge right
Starting point is 00:50:18 chris oh dude it's the equivalent of like and i actually give a lot of respect to cuomo for what he did because he basically basically like stood him up on stage and we're like all right gang go ahead throw your tomatoes at him yeah yeah exactly but he does those debates live and it's there um that concept is really cool i wish it was closer we would definitely go yeah cuomo just went up there and that i mean basically everywhere he goes he starts grabbing his ankles because of just all the dumb shit he said on CNN. Right. That's proven wrong now. That's yeah, that's exactly it. Yeah. I give him respect for that. Yeah. His first victim. And it's my understanding that this suspect, this monster fled to the United States illegally after committing the brutal murder of a young woman in El Salvador a month early in January of 2023.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Killed a woman in El Salvador, came to our border, got caught, was released, and then killed someone in the United States. That would not have happened under Trump. You guys have to understand that. He had to have stayed in his country until he got his trial date. Or not his country until he got his trial date or not his country mexico in our country and likely emboldened by his anonymity he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in march of 2023 in los angeles and as everyone i believe is aware that was our first dna match linking rachel's case to the Los Angeles case. It has been a fear of mine that once we identified this suspect, the result would be exactly this, and I want to now direct these comments to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and to every member in both chambers of Congress.
Starting point is 00:52:02 We are 1,800 miles away here in Hartford County. We are 1,800 miles away from the southern border, and the American citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. Shut up, Cracker. This is the second time in just two years that an innocent Hartford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally. Let me repeat that. 1,800 miles from the southern border, and this is the second woman in our county to be killed by an illegal alien. Suspects, in both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Rachel was not. Who do you? It's nuts. These stories are endless, by the way. Yeah, do you see the top comments on that too that's right uh don't it's okay uh just america does it in other countries so yeah legally you can do it in our country oh yeah yeah this guy's an idiot those type of people are the ones that like like argue to stay in the same spot. And his account's private.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Of course his account's private. We'll see. Bitch. Who do you – one of the things Fikowski was saying was is that athletes will be in the sport and they'll leave the sport when they get like bad judging or bad scoring or a movement that's like all like the rules around the movement are changing and they'll be he's like i know several people who've switched to high rocks uh they've switched because they can't hang in crossfit it's like this crazy like victim mentality yeah and it's like who tell
Starting point is 00:53:43 me who i and then i started wondering who who's who's walked who's walked more people to the the exit door from crossfit uh judging and coaching and events or andrew hiller and hiller's crosshairs i'll ask greg about this on wednesday but uh susan and i were talking about this the other day susan actually brought this up to me and he was talking about greg's lease rents model for those of you guys don't know the way the model works is you have a pie right and uh crossfit hq would let's say take a small sliver of the pie let's say one percent of the pie and greg's goal was to always grow the pie so that
Starting point is 00:54:25 the pie grew and that through that his one percent would grow and he even saw he was like hey my percentage actually shrinks as the pie grows but i still make money so um as the gas the gas companies have have done a lot of that. You know what I mean? The percentage that Exxon makes from gas is so fucking low. It's tiny. Yeah, same with Amazon. Caller, hi. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Hold on, caller. Hold on. All good. Okay, there you go. Hi. Can you hear me? Yes, sir. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Question about the behind the scenes um in 2015 when you recorded uh camille in that speed snatch ladder have you ever had some situation like that with the behind the scenes just watching the new ones i feel like those situations don't come up as much would you say so or do you just not put that stuff out there? No, no. The reason why it hasn't come up that much is just really because I haven't done that many behind the scenes. Gotcha. For those of you who don't know what they're referencing is Camille had a complete meltdown in Carson on the floor during the snatch event.
Starting point is 00:55:40 She went under the – where the athletes stayed. She went under the – where the athletes stayed. She went under the venue. And what was funny is she was sitting underneath a sign that had a John Wooden quote. And the line said, athletes don't show their character when times are easy. They show their character when times are hard or something. And she was having this complete fucking meltdown, blaming the crowd, blaming the venue, blaming the judges, blaming the fans. She at one point she even said to me, she said, hey, how are the fans not standing up for me? And I was thinking to myself, that doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:56:15 You're on the field of play and you got a no rep and you want the fans to stand up for you. And so she was just completely losing her shit. And then that night when I got back to my hotel room, she sent me an email. By the way, there was, there was other camera guys that tried to approach her and film her. And they told, she told them to go away. And so the other camera guys came to me, it was actually Michael Dalton specifically came to me and said, Hey dude, I bet you, she won't tell you to go away. So I went over there and she didn't tell me to go away. And I got like five minutes of, uh, poor Camille just completely
Starting point is 00:56:43 coming unhinged. And, um, uh, then I got to my hotel room that night and there was an email to me and all the, like five of the legal team at CrossFit and Nicole and Dave telling her, Hey, you better not show that. Because of her? Because she didn't like how it represented her. Because she was that big of a star and she has that power.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Or was that just something you felt personally like, hey, I can't show this. I think we showed a little bit of it in the behind the scenes. Yeah, I remembered like Dave Lipson was trying to console her. I would have tried to make her laugh and stuff. Here's here's the thing. If she would. The only reason after that that I ever wanted to show it was because she included all those other people. I was like, yo, bitch, you didn't have to include the legal team and like all these people.
Starting point is 00:57:30 You could have just said it to me like, hey, someone, please don't show that. And I'd have been like, yeah, I understand. I understand. And I wouldn't have shown it. I mean, I don't I don't want to build a bad relationship with any of the athletes and I want them to trust me. athletes and i want them to trust me um but uh and since then we've had athletes we've done live shows with athletes where athletes have been like they've said shit and then afterwards been like hey can you take that out oh man so so i i don't know i go i i try to go to where when all the other camera people are chasing like all like the you you know, the, the, the booty shots and the, the, the, the, you know, the easy, cheap TikTok shit. I try to go over, like I hung out with Colton for a long time. You guys will see in the behind the scenes after that, that final event in Carson and it's tense.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And you can see it when I follow Josh Bridges I follow Dan Bailey like when they've had just like collapses so yeah I mean it's really uncomfortable as a camera person to do that like everything everything in your being is telling you don't do it but then every time you do do it in post-production everyone's happy like to this day I'm sure Josh
Starting point is 00:58:39 I'm sure Colton's gonna be stoked that I got that and I'm sure I know Josh or yeah Josh Bridges was very happy that I stayed with him. Awesome. Thanks, man. All right, cool. Thank you. I can't help it. I'm the best at what I do. I got a little taste of that when Will Morad was injured and leaving the venue. Have you seen that yet?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Oh, yeah. No, no. What happened? It's in the second episode. Luke Parker was like, Will Morad's done, dude. Did you see? And I said, no. And he goes, yeah, I think he's injured or something. And I said, why did he drop out? And he goes, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:10 He's right there leaving right now if you want to ask him. And I was like, oh, shit. Just ran over there. Yeah. And everything in your being is like, hey, give that dude space. It's his time. But the thing is, afterwards, usually the athletes and everyone's so happy you got it. Because it's like, it's a moment.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's a it's a really they're powerful moments that help people's image. Yeah, he was really cool about it. He was. Oh, yeah, he was super cool and like talked to me for a while and couldn't help but feel for the guy, especially when I was like, so where will you go right now? And then he just kind of like looks and like looks around. He's like, that's a great question. He's like,
Starting point is 00:59:48 uh, up these stairs. I was like, okay. That was the end of the interview. Uh, when Daniel Brandon came, when Daniel Brandon was at,
Starting point is 00:59:59 uh, Madison and she, something happened. It was a lifting event and she came out And she did really poorly The whole documentary team and everyone Avoided her and every other event When she came through the tunnel they all swarmed her
Starting point is 01:00:14 So I stayed away from her this time she came out And everyone's like moved away From her and I followed her And I filmed with her and then I started following Her and then the guy from brute Torres Yeah that guy Matt Torres waved me off And I filmed with her and then I started following her. And then, um, the guy from brute Torres, me, yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:26 that guy, Matt Torres, uh, waved me off. And in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have taken the wave off. I wish I just would have stayed with her or made him tell me like a second time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 But we're correct. Yeah. So, so there's this, there's this model that there's that lease rents model. And one of the things Susan was, and I were discussing was if you have this pie and that's the ecosystem. So let's say the ecosystem is 1 million, $1 million or 1 million chickens, then CrossFit might get 1.2 chickens and then everyone else also gets more chickens. Well, what Sousa and I suspect, and Sousa, you tell me if I'm right or wrong,
Starting point is 01:01:14 instead of getting more money from outside the ecosystem and bringing it into the ecosystem, the current administration is trying to extract more from that pie. And it gets a little worse than that. If they increase your fees, meaning your affiliate fees, your level one fees, just all the fees that they charge, if they increase those, then it's a double whammy. They're taking more from the pie, and then they're using that money to take even more from the pie. So as an affiliate, if you paid your increased affiliate fees there's a good chance that you're paying more money so that they can put things in place
Starting point is 01:01:50 to take more money you say like what like software uh that they're going to insist that you use um shit like that and so susan and then can i say the line you said sus Sousa? Yeah. And then Sousa's like, so there's implication here that affiliates are paying money to fund their own demise. Imagine paying someone. It's kind of like the way the left works. You pay those government officials to make more taxes to take more money from you. If that's true, that's a fucking scary concept. Yeah, the other thing I took – I'm actually in the middle of clipping it out to try to get it shorter, but I took the talk that Greg did that on, like where he was at. I think it was in 2012.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Haley actually filmed it. Was it in his house in Del Mar? Was it on a whiteboard? No. No, it was at some official venue. My wife, Haley, filmed it. it in his house in del mar was it on a whiteboard no no no it was at some official venue my wife hayley filmed it yeah yeah there's a yeah she's she was she was the first female filmmaker at crossfit she was the first jewish female filmmaker at crossfit she was the first female jewish in her 30s she was she was an older woman uh filmmaker at crossfit they're gonna build
Starting point is 01:03:05 them they're putting a plaque up on in her name the council is gonna put a plaque up and during that talk he he explained the lease rents model and i think that was also where uh one of the first times he had said that business for him was creating unique opportunities for other people. And in the lease rents, he talked about exactly what you said. But one of the things that he also said is that if they're taking more of the pie, if that was the strategy, he said, in fact, his prediction is that CrossFit in and of itself will start to shrink. his prediction is that CrossFit in and of itself will start to shrink. So essentially, if you have $1 to spend,
Starting point is 01:03:53 and you spend that whole entire dollar on creating more things that are going to grow the pie, therefore, like you said, the whole ecosystem will grow. But if you have $1 and you put $0.90 of that dollar to doing things that are going to grab more portions of the pie, there's not going to be enough money left over for anybody to actually grow it the affiliates can't grow it so if we if we pay the tax man money and then they use it to hire more people to walk around to more doors and collect more taxes as opposed to we pay taxes and they use it to make it easier to run small businesses, then the whole ecosystem grows. So, or if we keep the streets cleaner,
Starting point is 01:04:28 we build a bigger road network that allows for more people to build more businesses on more streets, and then the whole system grows. That's right. And if CrossFit HQ doesn't view that as its job, then it's nobody's job. So then, therefore, it doesn't grow. Right. Damn. Yeah. view that as its job then it's nobody's job so then therefore it doesn't grow right damn yeah and so as an affiliate owner if we're the ones that are giving that dollar or a portion
Starting point is 01:04:54 of that dollar we're trust trusting an hq to allocate that money to stuff that's going to be beneficial to the whole entire crossfit ecosystem not just a crossfit hq and in the clip that i have done up greg even says not only do we have the legal obligation because we own the name he says but we have the moral obligation to do whatever we can to protect those guys and he was referring to the affiliates that's what they're using that money for now to develop more to develop more initiatives that'll take more money out of the ecosystem so that's why they don't have that that's why they don't have value in doers by the way like with like you mean like uh like app development or something like something that would think about
Starting point is 01:05:37 every player or like producing their own jump ropes like there you go yep yep think about every player that feeds the the economy of an affiliate. So you need to have your gym software. I need to have something that I could have transactions passing through the gym, which often aren't the same software. Then it's all the equipment that passes through there, all the apparel, all the food, all those type of things that make up the ecosystem of the affiliate. CrossFit basically is saying, hey, why don't we make 10 cents off every one of those dollars that's passing through this affiliate? And so rather than allocating money to growing the pie, they're allocating money to figure out how they can extract more from it. they can look so it makes it the business look like it's more profitable than it
Starting point is 01:06:28 is yeah and then if you also yes yes off of their own it's it's incestual right okay and then at some point their crossfit is also saying like hey if we have if there's you know 100 people that do crossfit but only 50 of those people do it inside affiliates. How in the world do we make money off the other 50 people doing CrossFit? So that's where their headspace is. How do we extract from those other people that are doing it in the garage? What can we offer them to where we can also make money off them doing CrossFit, not inside of a CrossFit affiliate? Like a street parking or something like that.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Exactly. Someone said kind of a CrossFit affiliate. Like a street parking or something like that. Exactly. Someone said kind of like McDonald's does. Yeah, but McDonald's is a different beast, but yes. Well, McDonald's is also a real estate company. So McDonald's makes most of its valuation off real estate. But using the same
Starting point is 01:07:24 but using a lot of the same strategy then then renting that real estate back to the franchise that's right right yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's wild you think of the people like think of like beyond the whiteboard or rogue right they're outside the fucking ecosystem and now they have a vested interest in the ecosystem to succeed and uh the man it also kind of reminds me you can put that same model on what fikowski was saying he wants to try to figure out like how to make it better internally i think that's like would be his intention but that that is not going to make it grow no no not at all no what they need to stop doing for the game's sake is stop worrying about making it a quote-unquote professional sport or growing
Starting point is 01:08:17 it they just need to just execute really awesome broadcasting and media to its local audience it doesn't even need to be all hardcore and if they did that um and allowed more third-party media like to work in conjunction with them um that's how i would say that it would probably grow god the media ufc is crazy yeah i mean think about the crazy access and look at the press conferences and then all those people in those press conferences and everything all those people in those press conferences and everything all get to stand there where the fighters come in i mean you you guys have seen you you're closer to that than i am but there's so much third-party media in there and then part of their contracts those fighters contracts is that they got to go to those press conferences
Starting point is 01:08:58 and sit there for the third-party media like that's written into their thing like hey savon we know that you've lost this fight it doesn't matter we need your ass out there because in order for you to get paid you owe us 90 minutes on this floor yeah yeah you know for the fight night it's not even just like pay-per-view stuff exactly because they know that espn like you're watching like you get to see all that and exposure is the most important piece there because the more media that they have the more access to it that's just more distribution centers for all your stuff. And then they know that there's going to be these big players that grew up in the space that like, you know, a lot of people follow this guy. A lot of people follow this guy.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And then guess what? The people that have the larger followings, you give those people better access. Then Dana White comes on your show, you know? Tomo Fit went. No, sorry. No. Where is it? Oh, Aaron Fraser. then Dana White comes on your show you know Tomo Fit went, no sorry no where is it oh Aaron Fraser do you take into account inflation when you think
Starting point is 01:09:52 about HQ, what HQ takes, everything costs more today, yes but it's no secret you just have to this is like 100% true what I'm about to tell you they raise the affiliate fees for one reason and one reason only This is like 100% true what I'm about to tell you. They raised the affiliate fees for one reason and one reason only.
Starting point is 01:10:14 And these numbers may not be accurate, but it will illustrate my point. If when Berkshire and this other company, I forget the name of it, purchased CrossFit, when they purchased crossfit let's say crossfit was profitable at five million dollars a year what they're trying to do is they're trying to get it profitable at ten million dollars a year so that they can sell it for double what they bought it for and so what they're doing is they did the math and they said if we raise this by $1,000 and we have 15,000 affiliates, that will be an extra, what is it, 150,000, extra $15 million a year. And so that'll get, and even if we lose 5,000 affiliates, after we do the math, I forget what the numbers are, we still come out an extra $5 million a year, and we've made our goal, and then we can sell the company. That's all – that is – and I'm not saying – I'm not just – I'm not saying that that's good or bad. I mean, it's theirs. They can do what they want, but that's the whole premise for that.
Starting point is 01:11:17 It's their – anything that they say beyond that is just justification it's not um it's not it's not like uh it's not like they own a um the mom and pop grocery store and the price of milk went up and so they pass it on to the consumer it's not like that no and not at all and one step further that is even if they decided crossfade you decided hey you have to pay ten thousand dollars a year for your affiliate ship my question is like oh is this because of inflation i would prefer to say great. What are you going to do with the money? So it's not the fact that you increased any prices on me. It's like, what are you now going to do with that money? And we know it's not going to go to just inflation, right? Because that would be a smaller percentage. They would say, hey, we're raising it 5%. Inflation is at 3.7%. So
Starting point is 01:12:04 this is how we stay ahead. Okay. That makes sense. But they're not doing that. And they would say they would celebrate stuff like, hey, we're giving all the employees a raise that you would hear stuff. Right. So it's just where are they putting those dollars? And if they're going to take more dollars and then put them to just initiatives that are just there to extract more money from the ecosystem, then that's not a good allocation of dollars, in my opinion. What the can of worms that we've opened for a long time on this podcast and the can of worms now that Andrew's opened, what's interesting, you're going to see how CrossFit's going to navigate it, it's very clear we're going through some sort of cultural revolution in the United States.
Starting point is 01:12:44 There is like a full-blown, I don't know, type of civil war, cultural revolution going on, and CrossFit does not want it penetrating the walls of their business. They do not want to deal with that. They do not want to deal with Andrew showing that one of their most senior people has hiring practices that make color the single most important determinant. They do not want to deal with that. They do not want to deal with any of the – they don't want the cultural revolution coming behind their doors. And I know that. And so it'll be interesting how they navigate that. I don't think CrossFit does ESG scores and shit like that, right?
Starting point is 01:13:26 They're not a big enough company. No one gives a shit about them like that. It depends on Berkshire and the other company that funded it, right? Because usually the ESG score comes into play with when you have these really big private equity or venture capital companies funding you. And then that's just a metric that they're going to use to see how many dollars they're going to give you for different things. So I don't know Berkshire's practices or the other company that invested in them to answer that. And just so people know, because it's confused a lot on the internet,
Starting point is 01:13:57 it's not Berkshire owned by… Yeah, it's not Berkshire Hathaway. Yeah, what is it? It's like Berkshire Partners? Berkshire Partners. Who owns Berkshire Hathaway? What's the big guy there? Old guy. How am I drawing? I remember Charlie Munger, but I can't remember. Warren Buffett.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Warren Buffett, thank you, Caleb. Yeah, it's not Warren Buffett. It's not the Coke. The guy from Omaha, from my hometown. It's not Berkshire Hathaway that the guy drinks a Coke every day and used to own a shitload of Coke. Yeah. Berkshire Hathaway that the guy drinks a Coke every day and used to own a shitload of Coke. Yeah. Mike McCaskey, but certainly operational costs, travel expenses, HQ leases, employee benefits are more costly for CF. Why would affiliate fees be subject? Why? I think you mean why would not affiliate be subject to inflation? I totally agree with you. But just so you know, their travel expenses and all that and their employee benefits and all that are at an all-time low. They're way lower than any – like they're not even – I bet you they're not even a third of what they were when Greg ran the company.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I bet you they're so fucking low. I mean clearly you can see – I mean they've – we don't get Friday streamed event from the live broadcast, things like that. You can just see it everywhere. And I don't think we're done seeing money being pulled out of sport yet either. Yeah, I agree. You mean like we're going to see something this year or next year? I think the stuff that we've seen this year isn't even what they're talking about in terms of reduction as far as how much money they're putting towards it. I think next year is when we're going to actually see how much money is not because they might have had a certain amount of budget
Starting point is 01:15:26 already allocated for 2024, right? So like last year's budget in 2023, as they were rounding out the games, like I don't know when they do that, but they might look at that and say, okay, what's the profit and loss on this? They might have that done and reconciled within two months after the games are done, let's say,
Starting point is 01:15:41 just making that up. But then when they sit down and they comb through that P&L, they're going to be like, okay, wait a minute, guys, we lost again another $5 million. So in next year's budget, you had a million this year. Now for next year, you only have $750. P&L is profit and loss. P&L is profit and loss.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Yeah, thank you. Yeah, profit and loss. So they just look at the money coming in, the money going out, and then just determine, hey, hey we spent too much again we're going to reduce the budget again and you guys need to go through this line item here and just start eliminating a bunch of stuff that isn't absolutely crucial to the competition to get our numbers to match up before we go into next season that's why you ditch the masters and teens absolutely yeah absolutely yeah the banners that were on
Starting point is 01:16:26 that we saw the jumbotron from last year at the game so like they're slowly start eliminating things and a big arena switch was good for them because they could go really bare bones in there as far as decorations let's call it and nobody's going to know the difference because it's a new stadium as opposed to we went back into madison last year you instantly noticed wait there's a big-ass jumbotron that's not here oh they didn't put up the cool banners around the stadium so you could you could visually see the reduction in dollars going to it but at a new stadium it's a blank slate for everybody so they could put half the shit out there that they would have normally done and nobody's gonna know next year Next year's going to be interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And also prevent all of the media from going. Yeah, next year's going to be, yeah. So nobody will see it. And I think... How many people can show up? Tickets are sold out, sorry. I think unless the wounds from all the external relationships
Starting point is 01:17:24 that CrossFit has has i think if those basically i think crossfit's in in a bit of a weird bind with outside uh media because i i think that those relationships are just getting worse and as those relations in this in the last two years outside media has been very supportive of the Open and the games. And I think the relationship is just getting worse and worse and worse. And I think it's going to hit a climax probably post-games. And then it's going to be interesting to see the chatter about the games going forward. Instead of it being something we all rally around, it could become something that becomes very divisive. And I'm not hoping for that.
Starting point is 01:18:04 But CrossFit has all the power and they can make all the rules. There was this movie Excalibur that I saw when I was a little kid. It was R-rated. It was great. And I want to say that there was a scene where someone had done something to the king
Starting point is 01:18:20 and the king was going to, everyone thought the king was going to kill this guy. And the king said something, true power thought the king was going to kill this guy and the king said something true power is like uh you know showing restraint yeah restraint and forgiveness as opposed to using it and it's just there's this they have all they they have all the power and hold all them all the cards but they behave like they don't all the power and hold all the cards, but they behave like they don't.
Starting point is 01:18:46 They behave like that they're weak and turtling. Oh, Liam Eason was in there? Wow. I'm going to go back and watch that. Wow. Pretty legendary
Starting point is 01:19:01 movie, Dan. What year was that? 1981? And Helen Mirren Is she still alive? Yeah, I think so Crazy Yeah, I think CrossFit lacks leadership, too Yeah, she's 78 now
Starting point is 01:19:18 Oh, did the Buttery Bros start covering High Rocks? Of course they did Gotta keep those views up They probably helped it so much. Man, high rocks coverage is horrible. I mean, beyond horrible. Yeah, but everybody's going over there to do it. Because the judging in CrossFit is so bad. Because they have no...
Starting point is 01:19:38 It's funny, too, that Fikowski uses that as an example. Because, I mean, they have no judging standards over there. Their rules, they don't even follow their own rules. And they're exploding, right? So they have the exact opposite model of what Fikowski wants and yet they're exploding over there.
Starting point is 01:19:58 They just have squat, just throw the ball up. Just try. It's fine. I'll let you do whatever. Ryan Kendall. Great handstand. Buttery Bros still cover CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:20:14 but why wouldn't they cover other sports? I agree, especially since High Rocks welcomed them with open arms. I agree. Full access, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, and they're fucking amazing at what they do,
Starting point is 01:20:24 and they're going to bring new flavor to it and energy to it and um yeah of course yeah coverage has been good of what not of high rocks there's no way
Starting point is 01:20:40 I tried to watch a couple of the events that um what was our boy's name who doesn't talk to me anymore hunter hunter So, yeah have it get in the buttery, I mean shit they should offer to pay the buttery bros I would I would incentivize the fuck out of them. I'd fly them out. I'd hook them up I would. I would incentivize the fuck out of them. I'd fly them out. I'd hook them up. If I was doing any event like that, the New York City Marathon, any of those events should reach out to the Buttery Bros. Don't you think?
Starting point is 01:21:14 They can bring eyeballs to anything. It's like if you're an athlete, why would you not invite Andrew Hiller to come do a expose on your athlete? Yeah, Hunter was a few weeks ago. I don't know if it's a cause and effect, but he took fifth in that event, and then he used to respond to my text like within five minutes. Now he hasn't responded to my last three texts.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Trying to get dialed back in. Is High Rock rocks backed by any private equity i don't know but i know that high rocks was created to sell i think the guy said that on my show or i saw or i saw an interview with him somewhere the founder like he's making it to sell it which which isn't uncommon. The other thing, too, with High Rocks, isn't part of their deal is they pick really good venues, not necessarily flashy ones, but by good,
Starting point is 01:22:16 I mean really big, open, cheap spaces. And then don't they have all of their stuff distributed around to a certain degree to where it's really cheap for them to move everything isn't that how they pick the locations maybe i bet you the i bet you distribution of the equipment and venues of where they do it is something that is really thought through and probably helps them a ton financially because like i mean i don't know how much it costs to get i keep calling it called stub hub center or home depot center like i don't know how much that fucking cost to rent but i guarantee you that if you were you could have run that same exact event at that gym in stockton. And probably had more energy.
Starting point is 01:23:05 More people. And saved fucking tens of thousands of dollars. On your venue. Do you know about this site called. Google Trends. Yeah. So. I'll just show you this is this is i think these are just based on search words um in red is crossfit
Starting point is 01:23:37 and that's how that's how often the words are searched and then below is high rocks and that's how that's how often the words are searched and then below is high rocks what what's the timeline on that uh great question uh oh three days uh let's go to like the last let's go 90 90 days okay i was gonna say over 12 months we could do that past the last year yeah not even fucking close dude right and look at that spike during what is that probably the open may 26th to june 1st the bigger one all the way to the left oh uh june 30 that's the games yeah the game massive spike right yeah so if we're looking at this i'm crossing on the crossfit games and we have that massive spike right yeah so if we're looking at this and i'm crossing on the crossfit games and we have that massive spike right there in google searches and you have you know hundreds of people
Starting point is 01:24:32 that are willing to make you free uh that was us that was us by the way and here's worldwide yeah not much different yeah probably mimics it a little bit more and i could see the crossfit games becoming way more of uh somebody said in the comments too like nick said because isn't that what greg said it was going to be the woodstock of fitness i mean it's lost its way from that he wanted it to be that but now it's completely lost it as people like fikowski and others want to turn into a sport it's going to completely lose that yeah because i think you could almost do the same lease rent model for that meaning instead of spanning into more competition like reduce it down to just the individuals sorry people that are on teams but
Starting point is 01:25:20 it's just a participation trophy for you anyways. So cut those out of it completely. Just go individual. And then have a lot, like rather than Vendor Village having a tent that Plunge has three ice baths at and you have to do your thing, give them a free space where you could have 20 ice baths. And then do different stuff with other partners, like weightlifting, and then bring in cal strength or one of these other things and give them 20 platforms and have rogue outfit
Starting point is 01:25:52 the whole thing and have you know bergner there teaching and you could bring in west kits who is an olympic snatcher from us you could bring in maddie rogers and have them run class so like it's more and then have them bring in their partners as well too right all the brands and stuff that's been those small ecosystems and then that way you just become the major event of the summer that is fitness and rather than having it just just be about the crossfit games that's like you know the big pool but there's also all this i mean look at j Jesse Itzler and his whole entire, uh, run day on the Hill. I mean, he built the largest sauna in the world for that event, right? Like they do this big, like there's lots of different stuff that you could do.
Starting point is 01:26:34 He did build the world's largest sauna. I think so. Yeah. And they put the whole thing up and it was huge. So you could do multiple different things like that where there's highlights of these other trends, if you even want to call it, or partners or brands to where you don't really necessarily have just the events. Yeah, that's his thing, right there. My God. My dad did one of his events and he loved it. Yeah, yeah. He said it was great. He did yoga in there and shit like that
Starting point is 01:27:06 so that's what that's what i think you could do and you would end up creating more people you'd have people that would come to this thing and be like oh i don't even watch the individuals i don't follow crossfit much you know what i mean but they're still just like there as part of that health and wellness woodstock add a little bernie man into it hey look at this uh just look at this so this is the wnba and crossfit basically run neck and neck until um caitlin clark shows up damn crazy right it's funny how those individuals sometimes change that like froning did that for for crossfit for sure subsidized by the subsidized, for sure. Subsidized by the NBA. Completely subsidized by the NBA.
Starting point is 01:27:50 That's right. Just a complete loss. I saw somewhere they're going to lose money this year. Of course they are. Everybody got private jets. Did you see this dude who's 7'9", this college kid? And he moves great. He can just dunk, like standing under the basket.
Starting point is 01:28:15 7'9"? Yeah, he's four inches taller than Yao Ming. I'll be a donut. Okay. He's in college now. Or is he a white guy? A white guy. I was seeing some footage of him. He's in college now. I see white guy a white guy I was seeing some footage of him. His neck is so long, but but he's the most normal giant human I've ever seen
Starting point is 01:28:31 I can't believe how well he Oh seven nine. He's about to become. Yeah, look at him He's not jumping there, I don't think Crazy right that's nuts Crazy, right? That's nuts. Yeah, they say he's going to play one year. In an interview with Guinness, a 16-year-old, the Canadian said he likes being noticed and interacting with people because of his height. Yeah, they say he's going to do one year in college
Starting point is 01:29:04 and then straight to the nba uh call her hi it's dylan hey dylan what's up dude well i'm too enthused that i'm calling oh hi dylan hi hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on we're only allowed to do one phone call at a time With a good connection Dylan yay Don't you have a soundboard Can't you do like applause something There you got it You didn't just hear it
Starting point is 01:29:33 Hey it's cool that the CrossFit Games on Friday Are going to be free by the way 18,000 people that place holds I hope people take advantage of that and bring all their family and friends That's really cool Okay go ahead Dylan I took a last minute fight i fight next weekend oh oh you took a last minute fight not flight i thought i said flight too oh sorry where are you fighting uh for the ohio combat
Starting point is 01:30:01 league in uh columbus. Do they have a website? Probably. I don't know. Honestly, one of my teammates got hurt, and I said that, you know, I'll step in place of him. So I don't really know much about it. I just said literally yesterday we confirmed it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:30:26 What weight class are you fighting? 185. And tell me the exact date again. Whatever next weekend is. I don't know. The 29th. Are you training? Is there any training you can do?
Starting point is 01:30:41 Are you in shape? Are you ready to fight? Yeah, dude. I do CrossFit, son. Let's go. June 20th. Hey, will it be on YouTube? I think it'll be its own streaming network. It's probably going to have a link to...
Starting point is 01:30:57 or have it on its website. Stream it on there or something like that. Can you get it for us so we can all watch it? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, that'll be dope dope i'd love to do that i'm gonna be wearing my paper street coffee shorts of course so then if you shout out it's saturday night dylan yes sir so we have kill taylor in the morning and then dylan val will fight in the in the evening that's right oh do we havevin Lorette on Tuesday? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Wow. That is the Devin we were talking about in two, right? Yes. I didn't have his last name in the new phone number. Listen to who we got this week. We got Dylan Vowell right now. And tomorrow we have Chad Sorrentino. I think he's affiliate owner
Starting point is 01:31:45 affiliate series then we've definitely read on tuesday wednesday greg glassman on tuesday uh the matt suza show on thursday shelby uh neil and on friday uh no one yet awesome that is open yeah oh look he found it ohio combat league holy shit caleb found it in the dark web doors oh let me see click that pay-per-view i want to see how that works hey congrats dude are you excited did you ever think you'd fight again yeah no i knew i was gonna fight again i've tried multiple times but a lot of things you know people get injured and fighters pull out and things like that you know so it's just been a long run of i've had a dry spell so to speak um but now i'm getting my dick wet again how's the kid by the way speaking of getting your dick wet how are kids how's how's the wife and
Starting point is 01:32:37 kids good very good uh baby girl is um i mean yeah fuck just have kids if you don't i don't know it's the best fucking thing ever yeah yeah no she's a little um active you know she's just a tornado she runs around and plays with the chickens and freaking uh she's a little hillbilly baby we'll put it that way barefoot in the grass awesome you know hey do you know the guy do you know the guy you're fighting brayden something is he any good i don't know i know i'm pretty good so i guess we just got to find out, don't we? Yeah, yeah. Hey, did you watch Dalton Rasta's fight?
Starting point is 01:33:29 Yeah, dude. That was fucking intense, right? Dude, dude. Who was the cat? Norbert, Norbert, Norbert. Yeah. That dude was cool, man. As much as I like Dalton, that dude was cool.
Starting point is 01:33:44 He was crazy cool. How strong was Dalton Rasta? first two rounds he was just having his way With Norbert Hey I really don't think people understand What that feels like To go against someone as strong as Dalton You mean Yeah when somebody can wrestle
Starting point is 01:34:02 Like he can and can grab you And it is that strong, it's confusing. You can't even comprehend. He's just doing whatever he wants. He's throwing me around like a pillow. It quite literally feels that way when someone's that good and that strong. We have guys like that in the gym. And when you know how to fight and you know how to defend it it's even crazier that somebody's doing this to you it's not like you're just some rape like layman
Starting point is 01:34:29 you know that doesn't train right so to all the people out there that criticize you know ground game or you know uh cage wrestling you know like when they're standing up and leaning up against the cage it's like most people don't train and they don't get it i know but if i told another grown man that i can hold him up against the wall and there's not a fucking thing he can do about it he would look at me in my face and call me a liar and i'd have to prove it to him and then he's like that's the disparity of people that's the disparity of people who train and don't train yeah it's funny it's funny how often people that don't train or i've never put themselves in a situation where they've been on the mat like have such strong opinions and confidence about about like how they would perform yeah the arm turn classic right dude it cracks me up because like you go to one
Starting point is 01:35:20 day of jujitsu and they throw you up against like you know the white the the white belt with one stripe there and they just have their way with you you quickly realize oh shit this is like this isn't just because i'm a dude i could fight like there's a whole set of skills that come with this and it's funny just to watch people just get completely humbled the first time that they're on the mats too that's why everybody should go into a gym yeah you know like at least learn for yourself maybe it's not for you maybe you don't commit to it that's fine but just know you know just just feel it once just go ahead just tip no i'm just gonna say it's just crazy when you think about that in law enforcement they don't require like at least a blue belt level competency in jiu-jitsu like it's
Starting point is 01:36:05 absolutely insane because i i have very little training but i i know that if i come up against somebody who's untrained just the fact that i know to control a position and i have a game plan as to what i'm gonna do in this fight puts you already leaps and bounds ahead of somebody who's completely untrained that's just running off adrenaline the other thing too is like if you've never been in a fight and you know this don't like if you're just in this panicked neck breathing the fight's gonna be over before it really starts so like unless you have some sort of acclimation to being in that sort of physical violent contact with another human to where you could kind of slow your breathing down to where you could actually make an intelligent decision like people just completely underestimate
Starting point is 01:36:43 the amount of work that takes and how quickly that scenario gets out of your control if you're not trained couldn't have said it better i can't stand seeing videos of fucking useless cops that can't fight driving fucking nuts crazy get themselves into some shit they get themselves into some dangerous fucking shit because they can't fucking fight and it just drives me nuts and that's how people get shot too like it's like hey and i'm all forced like like the the hey you know what i mean don't fuck with the cops or you know what you like that's what's gonna happen do you know what i mean and and i i'm all for that you know um you should fucking at the end of the day don't don't get in that fucking situation as a civilian um but it's still
Starting point is 01:37:25 like hey if that cop knew how to fight he wouldn't have had to shoot him you know yep like in in some scenarios there's plenty that you know obviously are much different um uh situations but i digress the point is i think everybody should learn how to fight and everybody should carry some kind of fitness no matter what genitalia you like you know what i mean fair enough yeah well well uh dalton did an incredible job every time that uh norbert threw i felt in the first two rounds um dalton just level change went under the punch took him down it was wild it was wild to see someone manhandle Norbert like that and then obviously we saw what happened in the third down what I basically just saw Dalton got gassed right yeah yeah but that it's hard to say yes he did get gassed but it's so hard to even because it's you can't even comprehend that level of
Starting point is 01:38:23 fitness to do that for that long. Right. You know what I mean? Like that's required just to gas out late in the second or the third or whatever. Wasn't it fascinating, too, that Norbert couldn't finish Dalton? It was almost like he didn't know where to hit him. Hey, dude, it's it's hard. It's really fucking hard to finish people like that. fucking hard to finish people like that. Like it punches, you know, it's, it's, uh, I can't describe it, but like you can be ground and pounding somebody and it's, it's, it's actually pretty difficult to, uh, clean, hit them clean, hit them. Yeah. Turn their switch off. Exactly. Unless they're, you know, you already hit a button in there. They're really rocked. Then rocked then then you know that's when the ref should step in anyway and all you got to do
Starting point is 01:39:08 is kind of pound on him it doesn't matter where you're hitting him but if you're trying to put him away and you smell blood in the water it's a lot harder when you still got movement you know a bit of awareness where you're moving your head and kind of blocking a little bit it's it's hard for that guy to land punches they get through through, but it's, it's just, he was, Dalton was really hard on himself in the post fight interview too. He's just that guy, man.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Yeah. You know, he expects a lot. Like you don't get to that level. Yeah, exactly. You don't get to that level without having that crazy sheer, like all or nothing fucking.
Starting point is 01:39:42 And cause that, that emotional, like, uh, you know, kind of like frustrated with himself thing is That's like all the hard work right? Yeah, you know That's like being rich frowning and then and about to win the CrossFit Games and then you can't do rope climbs Damn, you take second. Yeah
Starting point is 01:40:02 like fuck And date and Dave even said like if you can't do one rope climb we're not even gonna give him the title right which is crazy um but yeah it's just that it's all that hard work man i mean it hurts because you're like all that time and effort plus you know how you always say uh you ask people with like um there's been people with ailments and things like that and you ask them like very earnestly you say hey like is it hard for you to understand like you're a bourbon and that's a very like honest question right and that's i think it is a perception that nobody ever sees i don't know i didn't hear the question is it hard for you to understand is it
Starting point is 01:40:39 hard for you to what like you you've asked people in the past with certain ailments that require help or diseases, you know, that require a lot of time and money and stress from their family. You ask these people like, Hey, is that hard on you to understand? Like that you're fucking with other people's lives inadvertently. Like, you know, you're a toll, you're a burden, you know? And that's a question I feel like we never asked. That's how fighters are too and i imagine these crossfit athletes like hunter makes fun of it live in a crossfit gym you know work out 19 hours a day like it's because they're they're sacrificing all that time away from family and uh you know maybe they have a kid or and it's financial hardship and and they're doing it all over you know for one it's always consistent but
Starting point is 01:41:26 where you're in that eight-week camp it's like um they're they're they're really putting their wife through a lot their kids through a lot you know and they're like i gotta be i gotta make it worth it right right and when you lose that that's part of like damn my team sacrificed for me all the hard work they put into me all the sacrifice my wife dealt with my kids not seeing me uh us being financially you know struggling financially whatever the case is all of that it feels like it's not worth it when you lose so you know it's it's bigger to them obviously and that's the that's just all the other people most people don't see unless you're a fan right dylan stay in stay in touch, okay, dude, so that we can find out when your fight is.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Please call in Thursday or Friday. Yeah, buddy. All right. Love you. Bye. Later, Dylan. All right. Love you.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Bye. Okay, bye. He didn't hear you, Caleb. I hung up. Clark, it was far worse than that. He could do rope climbs with his feet, but he decided like a real blockhead that he needed to be cool and do them legless. Big blunder in CF history.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Wow, is that true? He could be a blockhead. No, he didn't know how to fucking climb a rope with his legs. You ever think Seth will get him on to watch that and do what he's been doing? Oh my God, that would be crazy. Dude, he had Kalipa on during the Amanda the first Friday night lights up.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Oh, he did? Yeah, and it was that snatch video where I don't know if any of you guys have seen this, but you should definitely go check it out. And he's just chasing the bar around it. At one point, it almost hits the camera. Then they cut to a different camera angle and Jason sprawled out face down. The bar's rolling away and the other camera guy's still like running away from the collision that almost was he also had scott pancheck on there when they talked about the
Starting point is 01:43:10 handstand push-up front squat burpee event where they rich and scott jumped across the line almost at the same time and rich put the bar behind him they did that they did that one too he did that with chase and chase actually said that that ushered in the new rule from that point right you always had to go over the top of the barbell but no it was it was the same regional i believe but it was the one oh there's seth right there but it was the one where uh scott jumped on his mat like right before and you could tell he like clearly his feet landed before like he knew he won they gave it to rich loss i think they called it a tie and then ended up giving it to like rich because he had more first place finishes or something i can't remember the exact outcome but rich got the win and uh yeah this one so uh set i remember
Starting point is 01:43:54 being here for this this was pretty funny to watch i mean sad and funny i mean look at that look at the stands too which is crazy it's almost got full circle, huh? 2010, first year at the then StubHub Center. I think Jason was winning that, and he just imploded. Yeah, that happened often with him. Remember, that was the whole thing. He came out super hot. He'd be, like, well in front of everybody. And he did it again, if you remember the first slam ball workout,
Starting point is 01:44:22 where it was the handstand parallettes and the 150-pound D-ball. And you had to do the cleans, and then you had to carry it again, if you remember the first slam ball workout, where it was the handstand parallettes and the 150-pound D-ball. And you had to do the cleans, and then you had to carry it down, drop it, do the handstand push-up. Yeah, that one. He sprawled out the bars over there. Damn. Camera guy can't get away. And the judge brought it back to him.
Starting point is 01:44:41 I don't know if they'd tolerate that now. Yeah, you'd have to go get it. And look at the crane behind him that's not an ideal spot you know what's funny too is we could broadcast this probably with the same exact technology for about one-tenth of the cost now compared to 2010 you know what i mean yeah but, Seth, you should see if you could get Rich on to talk about the infamous 20. What was that? Was it 2010? Yeah, it was that same year, right?
Starting point is 01:45:11 2010 road climb. I did. I had the still shot on his camera that started showing Scott beating Rich and was annoying the shit out of Dave. Oh, that's awesome. I vaguely remember that. All right. I just hit a wall. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:45:28 Your voice was back. Yeah, kind of, right? Yeah, that was good. That was interesting. I'm curious as to today. What's going to go? Seth from Jump Ship. Jason was such a good sport about me making and watch this back from me.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Yeah, he's good. He's making a good rounds on podcast right now. He's doing a great job. Yeah, that was that was epic. So glad you got him on. All right, Caleb. Thank you, Susan. Thank you. See you guys tomorrow morning with Chad Sorrentino.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Sorrentino. What is the name of his gym? He does the I know he has a thing for autism, right? or i always see him with kids with uh or adults with uh coach veteran general manager of caution fitness facility i just see him always doing this stuff with uh people with down syndrome yeah i think that's what it is man so many so many people for so... David Gore back when Progenix was selling bags of protein for $85. God.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Do you remember that? Everybody saw something that's for $85. Yeah, this is it. People have been asking me to have this going on for so long. It's awesome. Hey, Russell Berger. I can's awesome. Hey, Russell Berger. I can't remember. I think Russell Berger took a picture of a cat with its tail up
Starting point is 01:46:54 and put the Progenix symbol on its butthole. This is like early Photoshop days. And posted it on the CrossFit Instagram. And, dude, Progenics was so fucking pissed and it was this huge debacle i mean just think about how crazy we used to be yeah that's it they were a major sponsor russell burger took the progenic sign put it on cat's butthole and like progenics could have leaned into it but they should have leaned into it. They should have leaned into it. It was this huge...
Starting point is 01:47:25 God, they were so fucking gnarly. They were so gnarly. They started calling it dog food after a while. Brogenics. Do you remember that? I don't, but they were wild. They were so fun to have. I a cod patcher would what a fucking douche canoe He stopped following he that douche canoe stopped following CrossFit social media because of them
Starting point is 01:47:59 Because of progenics, yeah God I should do a whole show telling Sherwood stories one time. Oh, my gosh. Anyway. Yeah, Russell was a legend. Russell Berger was a legend. Berger, I mean, he is a legend. He's still a legend.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Just watch Call of Planet Fitness. I would live on it. If I had to pick someone without a vagina to be stranded on an island with i'd pick him all right i'll do it right now i got many people are there that just can't take shit these days i just told you douche canary douche canoe story number one pat sherwood he unfollowed he worked at crossfit probably making two hundred thousand000 a year And unfollowed I unfollowed the social media That was when like unfollowing was a big deal right
Starting point is 01:49:09 I guess Bye Bye Twitch This guy's cool The other dude was sensitive Everybody else on Twitch is a bunch of degenerates Yeah Pat was on the I had him on the CrossFit podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:27 They were great shows. He was great on those shows too. They had two shows of them. He was great. He one time, but okay, I'll tell you, let me tell you one more douche canoe story. One time he told someone who was on the podcast, you know everything on the internet's forever. know, everything on the internet's forever. You know, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:47 you know, everything on the internet's forever. Like, like he shouldn't be like, he was telling the guy he shouldn't be on the show with me because of all the crazy shit I did. And then ironically, ironically, he should have listened to his own fucking message. Because then when, story number three, Pat Sherwood. When the black square thing happened, this fucking guy is making $200,000 a year, taking $200,000 a year from Greg Glassman. But makes a video saying he's de-affiliating and disparaging Greg. God, that kind of listen listen motherfucker listen that's a great picture
Starting point is 01:50:29 okay that was three stories I mean there's just fucking so many can you imagine taking $200,000 a year from someone and then fucking and then like hey dude if you don't like the if you don't like what Greg said quit your fucking job low integrity motherfucker that's okay
Starting point is 01:50:54 and he I could go he was allowed to like sell shirts shirts that said CrossFit affiliate and shit when he didn't even have an affiliate. He was an affiliate that didn't have a location. That was against the rules. Yeah, you had to have an address. Oh, you're getting white people permed today?
Starting point is 01:51:19 Wow. So your hair will look like pubic hair on your head? He'll post a picture of it i'd make sure you get a photo i i pat was i'm pat i'm sure was top three highest paid like uh peons in the office like like the peons below my level thank you caleb i appreciate you smiling like as far as the peons went as far as the lower the the the non-jews uh he was probably like the highest gentile paid gentile are you squeezing that i mean he's i uh heidi uh i have unlimited stories about this guy who's a douche but he's okay I mean he's just he's just a
Starting point is 01:52:07 he's just a mortal I don't hold him to the standards like that I hold Caleb I kept hearing that and I was like what the fuck did I remember okay he's got his you are not the same height as me you look shorter than Seve it's right there in the photo. She's shorter than you.
Starting point is 01:52:25 You can see the photo. Look at that. Dude, I'm a giant compared to Audrey. Yeah. Pat Lang. Why the fuck was Greg Payne guys 200 a year for that back then? That's just dumb. Hey, I got nothing for you.
Starting point is 01:52:51 I got nothing for you. So Pat Schur was like he could do anything. He was very versatile. I mean, not like if he was like a Swiss Army knife, like the three-blade one. Russell Berger was like the ten-blade one. Russell could really do anything. But you could put Pat in any situation, and he could do it. He was eminently capable.
Starting point is 01:53:17 You know what I mean? Run an L1, Flowmaster, teach a course, get in front of the camera, program. I mean, you know what I mean? Write an article. I mean, do a podcast podcast you could do it all but still not worth uh uh savvy uh which testicle hangs lower the right or the left mine is the left but it's it's significant and it's significant do you think this means that testicle one testicle works harder like does that one provide more semen and sperm i understand i understand i don't know i've never even looked to see if mine
Starting point is 01:53:51 in my mind that mine hang perfectly symmetrically maybe you have more pubic hairs on one i think that's to keep them out of the way of each other he definitely waxes his nuts, right, pool boy? He has no pubic hair, right? Yeah. He waxes his taint. I guarantee it. He's got a fucking clean butthole. Yeah. If Sherwood was making $200, you had to be making $500 easy. I mean, I was filthy rich.
Starting point is 01:54:17 You should know that by now. Sounds like me. I saw Heidi was writing comments about like the salaries being paid yeah it's always funny like i mean i'm sure there there might have been some sort of metric but typically you would put a metric to somebody's salary i can't pay you 200 grand if you're not bringing in 400 grand worth of revenue to some degree right or your operation is in or it's not directly correlated so like it's not about like great keeping more
Starting point is 01:54:50 for himself or less for himself the decision should have just been made simply on like output and input yeah like that's it right i could justify paying you millions of dollars because if the media is the number one growth of affiliates and in whatever it was 2014 or 15 when there was like 3 400 affiliates that opened that year or just whatever that peak year was i mean you could justify paying you like i said millions of dollars for that because every direct report underneath you was producing the content that was spinning that wheel um before anyone gets crazy though like i was in a league of my own though there was no one there was no one who could do what i was doing i was in a complete
Starting point is 01:55:31 i and i'm not even trying to say it to be my usual arrogant self as in a whole yeah i even did gay shit no yes gay i mean i did it all i i was in a complete league of my own the the tasks and the level that i performed and how often i performed i was fucking nuts but i but i wasn't i wasn't a switch swiss army knife really like batter sherwood i had my lane ken said i was a 12 12 blade thank you ken so for sure 12 blade the collector's edition like the one that's made of wood that has the magnifying glass whoa Sousa big time
Starting point is 01:56:11 you guys are going to make me blush alright see you guys tomorrow morning love you guys Sousa thanks for coming on Caleb great to see you man it's been a while buh bye

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