The Sevan Podcast - What Did You Think Would Happen? | Live Call In w/ James Sprague

Episode Date: April 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Uh-oh. How come I can't see my supporters at the bottom? Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:40 How come I can't see them? How come I can't see them? What's going on? Ah. Papier Street Coffee, CA Peptides, BirthFit. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Enjoyed the last video, Seth.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Wrong station. If you like to blow with Seth, go to Go to I can't think of any part of the female human anatomy that I don't like. Or the male anatomy. I mean, I don't touch the Cheerio, but it's not, it's not, like, I don't, I don't hate it.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It just is what it is. I just don't. Not a, I'm not a, I'm not a, I'm not a regular at the Cheerio. But I unfollowed this lady today because of this picture. Right here. I have nothing against the vagina. This one right here.
Starting point is 00:01:48 See it? I wonder if I can make it bigger. I followed her mostly because she was a cop. She was just a hot cop. I only started following her like... But I don't know. I just i i i don't know i'm gay i don't know what it is but look is this look at this right here i just unfollowed i'm like i don't i don't know i just i don't know yeah you unfollowed because
Starting point is 00:02:21 of that yeah just pants pulled up and just a hoo-hoo shot. A shot of the kazoo. Gay for sure. Travis B. Fine. I'm fine. Fine. I'm not hating on her. It was just too much for me.
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's just too much. Just too much for me. It's just too much. Just too much for me. I don't even, I don't even, I don't even know. Um, at that point, I don't know, something just becomes too overt for me. Even, even I have my boundaries. You can see the guy in the canoe. Uh, it's because the camel toe, you would have to unfollow all the female CrossFit athletes. Why were you following her in the first place?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Did you know her? No. Wow. No, but do I follow you? I need to follow you. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Somehow she popped on my radar because she was a cop and and she was
Starting point is 00:03:27 just saying some cool shit and then she happened to be a hoochie mama too she had a great body and she worked hard i think this is her but then the cam i don't know the camel toe just pushed i don't know just is that what that's called the camel toe just push i don't know just is that what that's called the camel toe i think it's only a camel toe if you thought a camel toe was on accident for some reason i don't think that's on accident i don't know someone someone i'm i'm open i'm open to criticism but it was just too much for me uh sema sema oh there you are oh i follow you already Seema. Seema. Oh, there you are. Oh, I follow you already.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Oh, great. Yeah, it was just, I don't know. I believe she's showcasing the abs and your eyes went straight to the vagina. Oh, what? Really? Okay, fine. No. to the vagina oh what really okay fine no i know no i'm gonna let's look at the picture again i don't think that's the case this is just she's pulled her pants up so high and so tight is that comfortable by the way like if you if i pulled my pants up so high that they
Starting point is 00:04:49 that they separated my scrotum i i don't think i would like it like if one testicle fell on each side or if two of the testicles fell on one side i um no i don't think that's i don't think that's true i don't think she's showcasing the abs and I looked at the hoo-hoo. The kazoo. The vagina. The pussy. The cunt. I don't think that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Not comfy, Renee Pape. Not comfy, you could choke on that pool. Wow. It's the knowingness of it. I know Caroline would have some deep insights into my unfollowed yet gets out the microscope oh wow you don't follow a Ferrari to keep it in the garage
Starting point is 00:05:39 if you got it flaunt it I guess I guess if you got it flaunt it i guess i guess um i guess i was gonna use a metaphor like don't you hate it when you see a preview to a movie and like then you feel like you know the whole movie so then you don't want to go see the movie wads on me she needs to be careful of the yeast infection seriously that could happen She needs to be careful of the yeast infection. Seriously, that could happen.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Oh, Mason Mitchell chiming in. I thought I would just get straight faggot from him. But I thought I would get all sorts. But blue short pose is worse. Just showing the butt. I don't know. I wouldn't want my wife to pose like that, I guess. But it makes me want to look away. For some reason, it makes me uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And it's me. I know it's me. I'm not ripping on her. It's not that I hate her vagina. I think the symmetry of the photo is amazing. I just... I don't know. Anyway. I guess I have some inner work to do
Starting point is 00:06:56 to get the right answers. Wad Zombie, you can't stick your penis in a movie. So, I don't know. A soft porn on the Seve podcast today. I mean, is that what that is? I mean, it is. Renee Pape, it's more sexy to hide things and leave a little for excitement. Imagine showing up to the pool party as a kid and she walks out.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Those kids would be on struggle bus uh carolyn m definitely worth an hour of meditation why why savon did you unfollow the lady who pulls her pants so high that you can see the labia majoris do you have some issues do you hate the female form what story are you telling yourself seven inhale exhale i just when i do that all i see in my mind's eye is ronnie teasdale sunning his butthole sorry uh let's get into quarterfinals what for really no fuck please no no um i wonder what the comments say. Oh, so someone posted a camel, a camel. Keep killing it.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Stunning camel toe. It's delightful that you are an impressive example. Okay, so there are people, those pants, grinding and bouncing, banging. You made me love orange. Those are orange? Person needs to recalibrate their iPhone. Wait, there's running in this video best rig by far
Starting point is 00:08:52 so sexy I definitely don't think it's sexy Saber and Kelly you all think Savon uses the show as an excuse to oogle these pages I was oogling it before the show but I think
Starting point is 00:09:21 I unfollowed her I meant yeah I unfollowed her not I mean not who cares if I unfollowed her. I meant, yeah, I unfollowed her. I mean, who cares if I unfollowed her, right? But for some reason, I was just like, yeah, I don't really need, that doesn't need to pop up on my feed. How was the tennis tournament?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Awesome. I missed it because I was doing quarterfinals, but Avi and Joey did Joey, Joey did good. I think Joey got a silver and Avi got a gold. It was, it's cool. And the tennis coach says he doesn't want the kids doing any more tournaments for a while. He says he doesn't want them to,
Starting point is 00:09:56 uh, burn out on it and then lose that, lose their desire to do it. They want to go every weekend. They love it. It's a trip. What if your mom is watching? I yeah even that right even that you think i should have just unfollowed discreetly i don't know i was just hoping you guys would help me help me through my lack of
Starting point is 00:10:17 you guys know me better than i know myself you guys could help me through my lack of self-awareness you guys could be be like, well, Sevan, it's because you're a faggot and you love cock. Maybe, you know, you are LGBT to the core. Did Garrett Glinton
Starting point is 00:10:40 reimburse you for paying, look at true accountant Judy Reed Reed for paying fee. She's trying to. She keeps texting me. Where do I send the money? Where do I send the money? Garrett's so good. Garrett from the Glinton podcast put up a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Unprovoked. She's like, hey, I just want to do this. I said, all right, cool. Me and my wife Colleen want to do it. I was like, all right, fine. But then I paid fee. I think what I think the only people that haven't been paid i didn't pay i need to see how much money's left i don't think there's any
Starting point is 00:11:11 left but i have to pay uh colton and dallin i think jason got paid and i think taylor got paid i have to pay colton and dallin and uh i have to figure out if there's any money for JR and Will. Sousa don't get shit. Poor Sousa. I think everyone else got paid. I think. Oh, I had a list here. Oh, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:43 That's the thing. I haven't heard from Lindsay Lane. JR has to give Lindsay Lane my phone number. And then I think everyone's paid. So. BRS and FBR are 100% going to flag this podcast as a money line. They should. Someone needs to look into my shit they can see it's just absolutely fucking i need to plan better the thing is is the quarterfinals were like a car crash right it was just like kaboom and then
Starting point is 00:12:19 everything just happened perfectly for us i don't even know how it happened but you can't really do that with the money because i didn't do any budgeting or anything and next thing you know you're like oh shit how are these people going to get paid all i really care about you yeah poor colton and down they would never complain if i didn't pay him but jason be on fucking instagram fucking like a baby in two seconds so he had to be paid right away sarah sent him the money that night here you go Sarah sent him the money that night. Here you go. What am I going to do about this?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh, we have this. By the way, this is just a show of me figuring out my life. And James Sprague is going to come on at some point. So if you don't want to see me figure out my life, this isn't the show for you. Today's kind of chaotic because there's gonna be Dave Castro weekend review right and then there's also the quarterfinals due
Starting point is 00:13:12 I think the window closes today oh look I have Judy Reid in my I have Judy Reid's phone number now just sorry my contacts let me see if um let me see what's going on here. Look, I'm one of those old people who takes off his glasses to look at his phone.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Fuck, I can't believe that happened to me. Hey, have you guys seen any chants anywhere where people are out in the streets chanting death to Islam? Has anyone ever seen one of those i keep tripping how they keep saying there's a rise in anti-semitism and anti-islamist islamophobia i'm like dude no offense to muslims but you should be kind of a little scared i don't think that's a phobia. That's like we just keep getting shown on the news for the last 51 years or 52 years in my life. People getting beheaded, them chanting death to Jews. It's a bunch of shit like I don't see other people doing. So it's like...
Starting point is 00:14:23 I don't think that's like a phobia. That's just using our discernment based on the information we have. No, I never got LASIK, Dennis. Did you ever get LASIK? I'm going to need help with a couple things today. You guys are going to be so proud of me. Yesterday, I weed whacked. I painted. I used a shovel.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I jumped on the trampoline. The person you're trying to reach is not available. Oh, no, John Young. Let me see. Okay. I need to find out. Oh, here we go. I text.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, John. Okay, so John Young is in at 6.30 p.m. Okay, John will be here. You guys want me to come on so I can cry live? Yes, John. Okay. So John Young is in at 6 30 PM. Okay. John will be here. You guys want me to come on so I can cry live. Yes, please. Uh, um, Oh, Taylor's concerned. Taylor's saying he's not going to make it in. Oh, Taylor's concerned.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Taylor's saying he's not going to make it in. Anyway, okay, so there'll be a show tonight. Let me see if I can get Andrew Hill around. Oh. Oh, shit. I should actually see if Andrew can come on for a second. I wonder if he can come on for a second. I want to share this, something we're doing together with you guys. I feel like he should be on here if I'm going to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Let me see if I can invite him for a second. He's with Bill Leahy. Can you come on for five minutes? Wow, that's the fastest i've ever typed okay so i have these two planter beds in my backyard i live in california um i can grow anything here like like pretty much anything there's some things that i wanted to grow like in from africa i wanted to grow a bow bow tree. I couldn't grow one of those. And there's, there's some, um,
Starting point is 00:16:26 what, what, there's a giant fruit tree that they have that gives these giant stinking fruits. I tried to grow that. I couldn't grow that, but I, I have gophers and I had these two planter beds and I put chicken wire down
Starting point is 00:16:43 at the bottom of them. And Planner beds. And I put chicken wire down at the bottom of them. And. Where's my Instagram account? Shit my Instagram account doesn't even come up on my own computer. So what's my Instagram? It's just Sevan Matosian. There it is. Damn you got to type out that whole fucking name.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Holy shit I got 4400 followers. I'm a boss. What am I going to do about this? So this is what I did. I dug out the planter beds and my mom put those succulents down there on one end. So I just couldn't dig them out. I wanted to get them out. But my mom put them there and now they've rooted in and they're going crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So I left them in and at the bottom there, I think that's two by 10 or two by 12 pieces of wood. And those are four by eight plan or four by 10, four by 10 planter beds. And so I dug out all the dirt and I weed whacked everything all around. You can see. And now I'm going to lay, the plan is I'm going to go get chicken wire and lay it down at the bottom again.
Starting point is 00:17:52 And. I guess I'm going to do two layers. The chicken wire last time only lasted two years. And then they just come into the bed. They're fucking everywhere, man. I have like six avocado trees that are like, I don't know, five years old or younger, seven years old or younger. And the gophers are fucking them up too. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It really sucks. But anyway, so here's the thing. I was thinking, so I went out here and I measured these planter boxes. So here's the thing. I was thinking, so I went out here and I measured these planter boxes and then I, and then, cause I was thinking about putting another piece of wood around them just to,
Starting point is 00:18:30 you know, and screw it into these existing pieces of wood with some L brackets and build it up a little higher and then just put down tons of fucking chicken wire. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Am I on the show? You are on the show. You came on the same time as Hiller did. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:18:54 How do I continue? Grubworms. Hi. Grubworms. You got gophers because you got grubworms. You get rid of the grubworms, no more gophers. What are grubworms? I thought they're eating the roots of the plants.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Nope. Grubworms. worms, no more gophers. What are grub worms? I thought they're eating the roots of the plants. Nope. Grub worms. Oh, no shit? Yep. Why are they fucking up the avocado trees then? Maybe. I mean, maybe they are doing the roots, but maybe. We were always taught.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I worked at a hardware store for about six years, and we sold shit like this, gopher repellent and all kinds of stuff. Our main source of nutrients is from bugs and different things like that mostly grub worms maybe around the avocado trees there are more bug life and stuff like that so gophers are herbivores that eat a variety of plants including roots tubers grass and seeds they prefer tender plants such as alpha dandelions, bulb carrots, onions, garlic, flowering plants. Govers also eat shrubs, lettuce, radishes, and other vegetables with juice.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Maybe I'm full of shit. That's what we're always taught, dude. Maybe you're talking about moles. Let's see what moles are. Oh, did you not? Okay. I killed the mole with the shovel there. Yep. Moles are meat eaters. They eat insects like other invertebrates such as earthworms,
Starting point is 00:20:08 grubs, snails, slugs. I don't really have any moles. My fault. No problem. I'm fucking up. Is that Watkins? That's what happens. Yeah, that's Watkins. Couldn't tell. What's up, Tyler? Hey, man.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Hey, you want to come on the show tonight? Tyler, John said he's coming on 6 30 PM Pacific standard. You will. Yeah. All right, cool. We'll see you then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 We'll be able to announce the winner. Oh, we will know all the results then. Yeah. Do you have to wait for the end of penalties and stuff or no? That's a good point. Don't let Hiller boss your program. You're you're don't let Hiller do that to you. Well, Hey dude, it's like, he does have a good point don't let hillar boss your program or your your don't let hillar do that to you well hey dude it's like he does have a good point but it's like he's at the cut line
Starting point is 00:20:51 you can't have sex until you put on a condom andrew said andrew well you can't put it in me until you have a condom well what we can do is there's only like three or four bets that are reliant on the quarterfinals. So we could just look for videos and see if Brooke or anybody cheated live on the air. Okay. Hiller can help us with that. Oh, yeah. And then we'll know. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And you didn't mean to single Brooke out. You didn't mean to single Brooke Wells out for any reason. No, she's just a conduit for everybody else. Yeah. Please, Brooke, don't take offense. Okay. Thank you, Tyler. Well, I'm sorry I gave you misinformation on Gophers.
Starting point is 00:21:35 That was disinformation, but no problem. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Okay, bye. Thanks for unbuckling me. Either way, bye. Isn't Joe Westland a level one red shirt man he's
Starting point is 00:21:48 everything this is this is true I don't know I think condoms keep you honest meaning you get a box of condoms and then you got to use them all make sure you're staying on schedule that's how you look at that no but I'm just trying to put a positive spin on it because i had them on
Starting point is 00:22:11 i had them on subscription and now i got like three boxes in a drawer and i just feel i feel just like i really like that subscription like amazon yeah yeah just to kind of keep the pace. And you've got three backed up boxes? Yeah. Is that what you're worried about? Poor Haley. I'm worried for you. I'm worried for me, too. Doesn't your mom watch this show?
Starting point is 00:22:37 My mom sent me a one-page fucking email telling me how to get Haley pregnant, like explaining it to me. You should read that on the show one day. It'd be amazing. It'd be an amazing bit. Remember the time where I was always trying to convince you to do like one-off videos where you just put a camera down and talk and upload it separately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 That'd be a good one. Where you're just reading pregnancy instructions from your mom. My mom gave me. I walked through a homeless camp last mom. My mom gave me, um, I walked through a homeless camp last night. No condoms present, but there were bats. Oh,
Starting point is 00:23:12 so you think the bats eat the condoms? I have no explode on a subscription. So I understand what's going on. I had to cancel that too. I, I thought I was taking that shit every day. I ended up with three fucking extra bottles. Three extra tubs. Next time I'm there, I know I don't have to bring any now.
Starting point is 00:23:29 No, there's plenty. It's crazy. And you've got pistachios on subscription, right? Yeah, but I canceled those. What do you have in subscription anymore? All sorts of stuff. You know, the Ziploc bags. A friend of mine newly watched quarterfinals coverage and was worried about about the treatment of john young no shit i do not want to be mean
Starting point is 00:23:49 to john i hope which part which was there any part in particular where we i thought we the tv part the tv bit was funny wasn't it maybe it was the part where he thought that the best score would be 300 reps on that workout we went pretty hard hard on him. Oh, yeah. I tried to reel that back. I guess I felt a little bad from there, too. God, he was getting tore up. But the thing is, that ends up being 15% of the content. If John didn't say stuff like that, all the shows would be 15% shorter.
Starting point is 00:24:20 There's a reason that John's the best. I did feel bad for john young during the tv part no shit wow okay oh no no tv part was fine yeah i think i think he liked it all right hey dude that's the difference between i, there's a lot of differences between Brian Friend and John Young. And something about like digging into Brian like that wouldn't hit. It wouldn't work. No.
Starting point is 00:24:52 But I think John kind of likes it. John does not take it well. He's very sensitive. John is sensitive, but I think he also takes it well. John ripped him on the Jeopardy show. Felt so bad for him. Yeah, I didn't think we... That was a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I kind of felt for John on that one. Yeah, I turned it off at that part. That part was heavy for me too, actually. That's weird. Well, I'm glad someone else thought that too. What's going on in this show? Oh i was uh um uh so here's the deal um i uh so this morning i asked you a question and um i wanted to talk about john young it's about john young yeah and i kind of wanted to talk about this so um sarah cox bought john a TV set. She already bought it? No, she hasn't bought it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 She's going to buy it. So I had this idea with Hiller. Do you guys remember that workout Batman Hiller had on as well? Tell us that story, Hiller, why you wrote Batman. Tell us about the whole origin story of like writing workouts that one workout that stays on your board forever so i currently still have 300 pound snatch written on that board which who knows if that'll ever don't look like that bill bill's sitting over here did he laugh at you that he spit out a cereal it's like 300 pound snatch shut up yeah so it's on the board
Starting point is 00:26:30 that's one thing that i'd like to do but it's just things that are kind of just outside of your reach right so i kind of created this workout that i think is something that is i don't know maybe not even all the games athletes would be able to do. And at this point, in hindsight, they'd probably all be able to do it, should be able to do it. But at that point, it was something that I could do and do well that would be challenging for them. I think Nick Matthew ended up doing it,
Starting point is 00:26:59 and he had beaten me by a minute or so on it. And this is the workout called Batman? Yeah, the Batman, yeah. Can Bill Leahy do it? it yeah he could do it it was a back squat at 405 uh bench press at 315 a snatch at 225 100 unbroken double unders into 10 unbroken ring muscle ups for three rounds uh 405 back squat 315 bench press 225 snatch 100 unbroken uh double unders and then 10 unbroken uh muscle ups if i were to rewrite how many rounds it was three rounds okay and you eventually did it you wrote how long did it stay on your board before you did it not very long not very long at all no it was like i wrote it maybe a month later i did it you wrote it how long did it stay on your board before you did it not very long not very long at all no it was like i wrote it maybe a month later i did it
Starting point is 00:27:49 oh wow okay i just kind of put a camera down and gave it a go one day i felt like that was right around when i met you uh it was early on yeah you know you know one of the first interactions we ever have which i guarantee you don't remember, was I created these little benchmarks. It was like a 6-5-4-3-2-1 written on a whiteboard. It was a 600-pound deadlift, 500-pound back squat, 400-pound bench press, 30 unbroken ring muscle-ups. Maybe it was 30 rounds of Cindy. Then there was a 20 and a 6-30 a 630 2k row which was the two but it
Starting point is 00:28:29 was six five four three two one and i was like if crossfitters could do this it was the equivalent of the five minute mile 500 pound back squat oh wow okay it was just like way more intricate 30 rounds of cindy was the 30 i remember what about this i don't mean to um fuck with your batman but should have batman started with a 500 pound deadlift i think it did oh okay no no no no no it did not i'll put an asterisk next to that but king kong starts with a or ends with a deadlift at 455 i believe so you and i were talking on the phone and um we started talking about how you never talk about robin so why don't you ever talk about robin how come you
Starting point is 00:29:12 batman gets so much love but you don't talk about robin as in a workout or the figure or the idea yeah but the figure the figure mason mitchell dresses like robin look at all the biking guys kind of look like robin a biking gear there is like an infatuation with robin pretty funny bill has gone to sit in his chair kind of oh really that chair you were telling me about the second the second he's done eating he goes and he sits in his chair to get ready for his next workout it's just part of the ritual part of the ritual and he sits in his chair to get ready for his next workout it's just part of the ritual part of the ritual and he took his shirt off is the chair all sweaty and like have stains on it and shit is it no no no it's a pretty nice chair uh robin doesn't get talked about all that much because one there's well if it's if we're talking workout there's
Starting point is 00:30:02 never been a workout and but why don't you ever talk about him just as a figure? How come you never send Robin to do your dirty work? How come it's always the Batman who has to go do no reps and shit? When you make love to Alexis, does she see Robin? No. No, no, no. Only when you're getting pegged does anyone see robin if you're talking no reps it's so hard dude um only batman can do it that's how hard it is i i consider myself like a coffee filter of of the i think I brought this up on the show the other day.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I went through my inbox, and I had all of the same message. And I would say a lesser quote-unquote superhero, if you will, would have been like, did you guys see everyone stepping up on the corner of the box? And I actually saw people posting about it and tagging HQ. And it's like, this is not to the standard. And then you wait a little bit and you like look around a little bit and you find out through a little bit of research that it's good. They're, they're good to go. You can do that, but everyone's losing their mind.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So why would someone lose their mind? What would be wrong with, um, is that equivalent to doing a sumo deadlift if they ask for a deadlift yeah well shorten the range on the spectrum of things that's like you can't do that that's a 10 out of 10 no go the step up to the corner it's part of a potential uncommon movement clause like it's slightly easier it's not what the picture said and then there were people who were referencing the 2023 judges course it's like you can't do this but and then i went back to the 2024 judges course and it's not in there and spoke to somebody who spoke to somebody who said it was good to go and i think you and i briefly spoke about it very briefly and the one thing you said is
Starting point is 00:32:01 whether you think it's whether you think it's good not, there's no mention of it in the course. And you don't think it crosses over, like you said, into the uncommon movement clause. It's not that significant. So it kind of falls off into this back onto the side of, okay, you just found a way to be really efficient in the movement. Right. Right. All right. I like it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Did you see James Sprague's workout? Right. All right. I like it. So like, did you see James Spriggs workout? Probably not. Like if you go to his Instagram, you put up a video of him doing the workout and the rules specify that you have to be stepping up to a 15 by 15 inch minimum box. He's coming on the show soon. Is he? We'll ask him about this in 23 minutes. Is it on on the show soon. Is he? We'll ask him about this.
Starting point is 00:32:46 In 23 minutes. Is it on his Instagram? Yeah. So I think he put up the second best score in the world. And if you look at this. This right here? So see that box? That's not 15 by 15 inches at the top of the box. Which box?
Starting point is 00:33:03 The one with the dumbbells on it oh what uh does he step onto that weight so it's high enough wow so i believe that that makes it 20 inches you say it's gangster and i understand he's probably not wanting to use that box behind him because it's squishy and that sucks to do step ups on but that's not 15 by 15 inches minimum wait but it wouldn't matter how big the box is to step up on only the size would only be relevant to if you're going over it if you think about that like logically you're correct but the rules say 15 by 15 which is a square and that's a circle why would they why would they even uh why would they even have that rule that the rule doesn't even make sense for a step up you should be like it's actually harder
Starting point is 00:33:52 it's actually harder to do it on a smaller box yeah i would say you're right to to an extent maybe i mean i mean if you have a stumble you have less room to stumble oh it depends on how you want to look at the art of judging. Is it an art or a science? Because if it's a science, then that's not a square. If it's an art, I'd say that that's fine. Because you measure a plate that's 17 inches wide, and no matter how you look at a circle, it's always 17 by 17.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Wow. The base is a square. Correct. But the whole thing isn't a... Well, what he's stepping up to is a circle. What do you call a square that's three-dimensional? That's a box? A cube.
Starting point is 00:34:35 A cube. A cube. I believe. So maybe they needed to say it needed to be a cube. Yeah. Oh, but then 15 by 15 by 15 Would never be 20 inches tall Oh good point Hey that is kind of risky
Starting point is 00:34:49 The whole um plate I mean he's really uh He's really flirting with like Somebody was like when I got pulled Over on the burpee box Jump overs and I suggested that that does not happen Sorry Sorry sorry sorry JR what's up dude And I suggested that that does not happen
Starting point is 00:35:08 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, JR. What's up, dude? Did you mean to FaceTime me? That pocket dial Jr. Hello Jr. Did you mean to call me got a pocket dial from JR sorry say that again
Starting point is 00:35:31 when I look at the circle of this box if I was in there and James would have been if he would have asked and said hey should I do this could I do this I would have said no just because it's like why would you play with fire so somebody had they were doing the burpee box jump over workout yeah it's humid around here and they had a towel on the ground they go hey you think this is okay and i go i wouldn't put
Starting point is 00:35:55 the towel on the ground like put down on the ground in their bath you're not touching the floor like why would you play with fire like it's probably okay because somebody even in here says it's always 17 inches or more than 17 inches but it's like why would you do that i got pulled over for um one night three in the morning they got me out of the car to give me uh the drunk test and like i think you have to stand on he's like stand on one foot and count to 30 and i stood on one foot and counted to 10 for three times stupid fucking stupid like you couldn't do it no i just did it just like i don't know why i was just in gym mode i guess or something you know what i mean i counted your head no i just i said i just said i stood on one foot
Starting point is 00:36:38 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, five, six, seven. I did give him three sets of 10. Is he cool with that? Yeah. He didn't say nothing, but I was like, what the fuck? I was like having an out-of-body experience. What the fuck is wrong with you? Done six sets of five and you're a power lifter. And so like, it's like the box. It's like, yeah, dude, you got, you counted to 30, but dude, that is not,
Starting point is 00:37:01 that is not what he asked. We just went over this katie it's completely fine to step on the corner of the box hillar what is your thought on stepping on the box on the corner i wasn't listening to the show because i was still stuck looking at the picture of that lady's camel toe i apologize if this has already been answered i didn't read that part about the camel toe. We started the show with a camel toe. That was a nice rhyme. Okay. So you've,
Starting point is 00:37:30 so now, so what has happened through this discussion is, um, you've developed a workout called the Robin. Right. And we will, um, I do see it.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Um, uh, let me see. Uh, I don't want to say it out loud because i want to debut it on the show um you're good katie uh okay um wow wow i don't know what that last thing is did you have you talked to john young at all about this yeah briefly what what have your discussions with him been just just exactly the same as you like hey dude you're gonna do uh we're gonna debut robin on the seven podcast we're gonna go live you're gonna do it and then we're gonna um give you a free tv set so he he spoke to me right okay and he goes i know you created the batman and i think it's only fair if i have a say in the workout that is the robin oh he's a douche what a douche so 50 muscle unbroken muscle ups at the end now what a douche well because remember it was supposed to be something that he's specifically
Starting point is 00:38:41 good at right right and something that like where's the trust he doesn't trust you that must have hurt a little bit that's like when your chick reaches down to see if you have a condom on like you tell you have a condom on but she still reaches down and feels your unit just to make sure where's the trust so he goes please consult me on the robin i'm supposed to say it should be wheelhouse city and i go tell me what you're good at i just that's what i responded with like tell me please consult me what he got he got the uh brian friend ism and then he sent me a workout did you tell him don't worry i called brian do the godfather's the only approval we need so he sent me a workout yeah and he said what you think and i go he he put sats press in it
Starting point is 00:39:29 i don't know what sats press is no i don't know what that last thing is either i don't want to give it away there's no way spell that for me what's a how do you spell that s-o-t-t-s SOTTS. Oh, SOTTS press? Yes. And he's pretty good at it. You're basically at the bottom of a squat. Oh, oh my God. That is so stupid. Could you imagine? I'm watching James Hobart do it.
Starting point is 00:39:57 No. Three, two, one, go. For John's TV, he's going to do a SOTTS press. Now, I actually think he was going to do it from the front rack which is a little cooler I guess from the bottom of a squat strict press geez but I told him I mean oh how sweet sorry sorry I mean
Starting point is 00:40:15 how sweet of John he wanted to help you make the workout God he's so generous with this time and his effort oh yeah we were being too hard on John we are sorry and then he gave me all these random ass barbell weights oh jesus he wants one two and i know my workout the batman and maybe this is why i got confused at a bunch of different bars yeah but that was the idea it was like 405 315 225 it's like the it's like one plate two plate three plate four plate right
Starting point is 00:40:41 but he's got 245 265 285 135 it's like four barbells for no goddamn reason oh yeah so i i messed him up a little bit when he sent me his workout and i created the one that you're looking at i'm looking up what that last movement is i don't know uh i've heard it before i just forget what it is Oh That's cool right Wow Wow Now his workouts one bar Can he do that
Starting point is 00:41:14 I hope Have you ever done that No I have never done that Wow I'm going to try that with Can do 315 for reps. I'm assuming John can handle that bar. See if Will Leahy will do that.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Hey, Bill, can you do that workout I showed you? The John Young-Robin workout? Yeah. Does he know that? Is he familiar with that last movement? Has he ever done that last movement? Have you ever done that last movement? Once. He's done it once. How he know that? He can do it. Is he familiar with that last movement? Has he ever done that last movement? Have you ever done that last movement?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Once. He's done it once. How'd it go? Regular. Regular? Yeah. I went to that. 245, not that.
Starting point is 00:41:54 That'd be an insult. What did the satin bench say? Does he look sexy when he does it? It's probably the sexiest move in fitness. Are we debuting the workout? No. No, we're not? No. Okay. Has to be. I don't want john to see it either when you did it
Starting point is 00:42:10 okay last when when bill did he did it with a lighter load how much 205 he used wow um set of 10 he did it 205 hey do you have to start from the beginning for each one from the beginning oh no once you get it to your chest you're good oh god it's such a sexy move bill's in his chair by the way now remember hey it's the most gangster move there is in fitness i think share yeah i think i think oh so when john sent the sauce i kind of lost my shit and then i yeah tried to plug in something that's new to the space right no one's ever really done it in crossfit um hey um what's interesting is that movement is the beginning for a lot of movements and you could argue it's not, but not, it's not traditionally for what that movement is.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Like a ground to overhead almost. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. I didn't think about it like that. All right. So it was, it's a barbell with one weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 It's something that John can do that it's it's challenging and i think the most challenging part might be that gymnastics movement oh really for him i mean five unbroken right and they're strict uh is it uh does he get to use a device to lean against will he be leaning against something okay yeah yeah yeah but uh i don't know i like all the i like all those movements that's gonna be really fun hey he could he could get through this pretty fast he could he needs to sub three minutes right no no no no no and like the the big thing that that final movement when you can't he do the first two movements just in a row without without
Starting point is 00:44:17 yeah yeah he could yeah that's the idea it's kind of like so... And so that takes 15 seconds. And then... But think about it. There's like a... Yeah, you're right. Compounding effect to it. How about four minutes? If I had to bet, it'll be for sure under six, potentially under five.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And if he does it under four... Hey, Bill, how fast do you do that workout? Can Nick Matthews do that in four minutes? Bill thinks he goes sub four on that. Wow. Holy shit. So you're probably on with your guess, Evan. I mean, it's a lot of transitions.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Well, the thing is, you're going from the five into the seven, and those are both pressing. And you're going to do all that pressing, And then you got to hit the following rep. So it's, it's, it's an execution based workout, which I think is good for John considering how bad his conditioning is. Caroline,
Starting point is 00:45:22 is that what you're talking about? Or whoever said we're being mean? Jesus. Okay. So maybe we could schedule that this week i'll start i'd rather listen to the identity doctor than the two of you talk about a workout that i don't want to see or know about fine okay we're done with that then thank you i was trying to like give every single clue without saying the word you gave it yeah it was good okay um all right great i'll i'll bug you in the next oh can you come on tonight at um 6 30 p.m pacific standard time like an update show yeah yeah yeah the scores will be there yeah there's no ufc on right no thank you for asking
Starting point is 00:45:57 okay yeah look at those two hot chicks. Hey, that show has 20,000 views. That's cool. That's awesome. Does it really? I believe I saw that this morning. Damn. Let me see. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Did you see, uh, yeah. Hey, his roommate cut a tree down yesterday. No. Where would I see that? Um, like the 50 minute mark on the live but i know you'd be pissed off because the audio is not great because he's chopping this
Starting point is 00:46:33 i'm talking to bill live and in the background his roommate's chopping out a tree is it on youtube yeah what's the youtube station mine. Crazy son of a bitch. Yeah, mine. Your most recent video? Yeah, but it's a live. Holy shit. You put out a 56-minute video? Are you okay? Well, it was live.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It was kind of podcast-y style, but then I got off the rails towards the back because we were just following around his roommate. There he is. He's just chopping up. just holy shit that looks dangerous holy shit dude yeah dude that guy's either gay or russian who wears those clothes jesus criminy this guy is crazy i'm gonna go with russian is he fucking nuts dude you ever seen anyone chop down a tree before dude not like that dude hey listen
Starting point is 00:47:35 does he have an exit strategy do you guys have an exit strategy who's who trees are weird dude the craziest thing is his has he ever done this before has he ever done this before hey bill how many trees is calum drop chopped down he's chopped down seven trees so they're he's chopping out all these trees dude in the yard in california you'd go to jail for that what i don't look how tall that thing is dude that rope climb is insane we get to watch this fall That was the audio you're right I want to hear the audio on this
Starting point is 00:48:08 He's a big boy He's 6'3 He's tall So that's a monster of a man He's big He's about to throw a gun to the tree He almost beat Colton Burton Dude get it go
Starting point is 00:48:23 I'm going to back up a little more Colin are you sure you need to cut the back of it Hey You promise This is not okay if it goes any other way If you go up a little bit you can see different angles I was moving around The cool thing is I'm live this whole time
Starting point is 00:48:41 With my camera and my computer just walking around Hey so Right now it looks like it should have fallen right so it's hairball right now yeah it's getting there like he's cut more than 50 he's cut more than 50 of it down and the tree's not falling over correct oh my god i want vomit. It comes down within the next four minutes or so. I bet. This is it. You're crazy. You took your camera.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And this was not my idea. I think. Oh, is it going? Hey, is it making any like noises like creaky noises or anything or no? It makes one noise and then it starts to go. And then.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And then what? I wish I hadn't made noise when it started to go down but you can hear it you can hear a crack yeah um uh you can cut 80 of tree and it won't fall crazy you ever chopped down a tree seven not like this i i cut down like a 16 foot chestnut tree and i did not feel that way big junipers but nothing like you look good dude i chopped one down after that my hands got all messed up a big one like this yeah not as big dude this tree looks like you can do a handstand push-up huh hey that's bill lahey's house that's where you're at right now just in a forest somewhere yeah ah the rest of you guys someone's house. That's where you're at right now, just in a forest somewhere? Yeah. Ah, the rest of you guys. Someone said, notch is complete.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Relieve the... You're doing the right thing. This is more interesting than talking to Bill. Those are some cute gloves. Come on. Oh, that is so close. How long did this take him? He did it under an hour,
Starting point is 00:50:21 because he started right when we started the interview. And then about 35 minutes in, we were all about the tree. Are you fast? Olivia? Does he live there? He's still watching. Is there a workout?
Starting point is 00:50:33 And I was like, Oh, this guy lives there. Yeah. This is Colin's house. I'll listen to Hiller. There goes, there goes,
Starting point is 00:50:39 there goes, there goes. I want to see the last one. I know if none, he's still watching. Is there a way to the gym to do a workout? And I was like, Oh, I'll listen to Hiller. There goes I want to see the last I just want to know if none of you are still watching I came to the gym to do a workout There goes There goes What do you do
Starting point is 00:51:04 He gets after it. He gets through his fist. And he starts chopping more. And then eventually it goes again. There you go. There you go. It's like right now it goes. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:51:33 That's pretty cool. Dude, I'm going to go up. Dude, my hands are done. Oh, that guy is a monster. He's big. Yeah. He's like 6'4", 215 or so. Look at all. So Bill's just surrounded by just dudes who
Starting point is 00:51:47 just work out all day yep all day they come and go i think uh scott you know scott tetlow yeah like colton burton's counterpart he's coming over in 20 minutes or so. They're always in and out over here. Did you see Daniel Brandon yesterday? Saturday? Saturday. How did that go? It was good. Did she tell you she's sorry for being a bitch to me? Word for word actually. Hey, can you tell Savant
Starting point is 00:52:18 I'm so sorry. A pair of rads are in the mail to him. You're like a fly on the wall how did you know she said that did bill be during the workout no fuck i think it's fucking a bill what i think it's an easier workout for the chicks all right fine that you have to say not not not easier because it's hard for everybody the same way, but quicker. Um, the,
Starting point is 00:52:49 the videos of people that know that don't know what they're doing. Cutting down trees are funny. This guy will be in one. So he, so all those trees, dude, I think he wants to take them all down. You see all those trees in the yard.
Starting point is 00:53:01 He wants them all down. And that's his house. Hey, what's that round thing? That lady's leaning against's uh his sauna oh god i was hoping you were gonna say he's making whiskey in it or something no not this guy not this house this is fitness camp dude all right all right well thanks for coming on bill thanks for letting us borrow hill or okay so you and i maybe this week we'll i'll start a text there with me, you, and John, and we can debut the Robin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Should we have him do it that same day? Yeah, just right there. I think we go live and he does it, and then we'd be really nice to him about how great he is. And then we have Sarah send him the – ask Sarah if she'll send him a TV. What size TV do you think she gets? 75 inch? 65, minimum. minimum oh minimum 65 yeah okay yeah i've got i've had the same 65 inch tv for five years and it's got to be at least that
Starting point is 00:53:53 size yeah i agree okay he should have 70 room that room i don't know if that room can fit a 75 or it'd be weird it can do you think my tv in my house is too big for the room yeah oh you do it's a 90 inch tv isn't it yeah and i sit right have you seen where i sit i sit right up like like i don't like to see i don't like to see the edges of the tv i like to have to go like this when I watch TV. Well, you do that. You have to. All right. Have fun. Adios. Later. Hey, do you regret going to Bill's house? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Okay, that's what I thought. No, you didn't. It's good. Accomplished so far. Thank you, Andrew. Bye. Andrew Hill, uh, saving bill. He's life.
Starting point is 00:54:47 One workout, one workout at a time. Mine might actually be 85 inches. I always forget. 85 double D's. I mean, 85 inch TV. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So Andrew's having fun providing content. Well, let's see what the fuck else is. How is that station? That's how busy I've been. I've fallen behind on Hiller Fit. Oh, no. I saw the five things CrossFit gets wrong. Oh.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And he's got two more videos. So I have two behind. I never saw this one, The hope for womankind with the alexis and um talking about sporty beth I need to see that one Oh shit, he got a best of danielle brandon. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I saw that that one's brilliant All right I should actually give this a plug too while we're here on YouTube
Starting point is 00:55:52 if you go to oh it looks like it's higher in the rankings I haven't seen this video but if you go to the CrossFit YouTube page and you click on this video here it's uh Nicole Christensen underneath your shoulder and Nicole Christensen's been around fucking forever and she's a level four coach and she has a gym called CrossFit Roots.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Crazy nice gym. Crazy, crazy nice gym in Boulder, Colorado. And someone told me this is a great video. Watch Nicole Christensen coach a CrossFit class. Look at 40 comments. This is fucking nuts. This is awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:42 More of this, please. This is so good. More of this, please. Excellent coach. One of the goats. Amazing coaching. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, HQ. I've been coaching my affiliate for a few years, and this is actually useful content posted by media team for affiliates. Keep it up. We're getting back onto the media side of things. I'm decent at scaling as I go, but the coach can see more and save from failure amazing coaching Nicole is awesome. Some key coaching techniques from the l2 course can be seen here with a careful eye can see specific things This is pretty cool, I love Hi, hey, oh
Starting point is 00:57:26 Damn there you are. Hello. What's up boy? How long have you been there what's up boy how long have you been there dude i just talked about 58 seconds the whole time just got on oh awesome a caller hi hello hey what do you want who is it oh john um oh can you come on the show tonight at 6 30 p.m who is it oh john um oh can you come on the show tonight at 6 30 p.m of course okay all right that's it oh we're gonna do robin this week too i can't sounds good and i'm really disappointed you tried to manipulate the workout but we'll get after that tonight i thought it was supposed to be my decision jesus john there's no trust you're making a workout to make you look like a superstar. Where's the trust? No worries. I gotta practice the Wuhan thing. Don't say it.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Don't say it. Alright. Bye. James Sprague in the house. What's up, dude? Andrew Hiller gave you a pass. What did you say? Say that one more time. We were just talking about you. We were just looking at some of your videos. Andrew's on here.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Andrew gave you a pass. Oh, he gave me a pass. I'll take the pass for whatever he's giving me a pass for. Dude, I'm doing good, man. Just woke up. It's a fresh Monday, fresh week. It was quarterfinals last week, so it was a little more stressful. So I'm excited to just go into a new training week, man.
Starting point is 00:58:41 You're in Idaho? I am in Spokane right now. So my dad, he lives in Idaho idaho i am in spokane right now so my dad uh he lives in idaho my fiance lives in spokane and um my dad's hoping to move to idaho full time soon hey so you're still in bed right now like literally you just woke up oh yeah just woke up man this is uh not bedhead i took a quick shower, but I need a haircut. The flow is going now. Hey, we were watching that video of you stepping up to the box with the plate on it. Hey, that makes it even more challenging, right? Dude, I think I'm getting – there's a ton of people giving me hate on that, and we have soft boxes at the gym.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I don't think you deserve hate. I don't think you deserve hate that you made shit harder for yourself. You're like, hey hey i'm better than you guys no i don't think it's harder or easier i think it's 20 inches is 20 inches but if the standard says 15 by 15 across and i screwed that up that's my bad um i didn't but it is 15 by 15 at the bottom yeah it's it's a 20 inch across i'm pretty sure um you don't think that's harder what you did onto a it's a 20-inch across, I'm pretty sure. You don't think that's harder, what you did? It's a smaller surface. Dude, honestly, I didn't think it was harder or easier because I did this twice because I messed up the first time not extending my hips on the step-ups.
Starting point is 00:59:57 So I did it a second time to make sure I was pushing those mamas through each time. But if they end up docking me that's my fault and i'd take ownership but i uh i don't i don't think it's one of those things that they'll care too much about but you never know with these so that's why it's a stressful point of the season uh it's it's 100 fine um you will not be uh docked anything i can tell you as the official counter for crossfit oh good i like. I'm glad you took that role. You get to have bias for people you like. Your show was a hit last week, man.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Oh my gosh, that was so cool to watch. God, we're so lucky. Hey, I want you to know too, for people who don't know, after this thing sort of came together, I was like sitting in bed one night, laying there and Jane,
Starting point is 01:00:46 I saw visions of James Sprague and I jumped up out of bed and I called James and he's like, Hey dude, what's up? I'm like, Hey dude, I just, and he,
Starting point is 01:00:53 you're the only person I called. I didn't call any other athlete. Cause like I should have had you involved in this. Cause you would have been great for this. And I just, yeah, but I just want you to, I wanted you to know that it wasn't like,
Starting point is 01:01:03 it wasn't anything exclusionary. It was just like, I happen to be texting with this guy. I happen to be texting with this guy. And then afterwards I was like, fuck. Yeah. I'm still having a huge grudge. I'm very angry. And, um, you know, this, this took a lot for me to come on today. Just, just came, bro. I'm, I'm, uh, I'm excited for, for when you decide to throw me in there, I'll, I'll be ready. Cause I definitely elevated all their games. Like, like like they they showed up because there's something on the line and it made them push harder um so it's fun to have that kind of environment created as an athlete because then you're like oh this means something now more than just a semi-finals ticket it's like oh this is pride this is my ego let's go and it takes a special athlete kind of to do all the pieces of it uh media pieces the interacting with the other people, being on the camera, the post interviews. And you got all those skills.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I mean, you would have fucking shined in that environment. I appreciate that, bro. I was just talking with a buddy the other day. It's like social media as an athlete can kind of come and go in waves. Like when you're having a tough time as an athlete and you're not training well and, and things are not going the way you want in the gym. It's like sometimes your social media can lag too. And it's one of those things where I feel like I have, I've been dealing with this,
Starting point is 01:02:12 this nagging hip thing the last four weeks. And I feel like I haven't been able to knock it out of the park on social media. So I'm like, okay, you need to clean up your, your hip thing. So you can, you can be present for everything else. But I'm glad you think i'm crushing it that means a lot to me hey um i was tripping what did i see today about someone in um social media i think it's the difference in generations when i turn my when i'm not looking at my phone social media doesn't exist yeah dude 100 but i think for some people it does
Starting point is 01:02:46 yeah that's kind of a trip to me yeah like i literally will be like oh my god i can't believe oh it's just over like it just goes away have you seen the um have you seen the show black mirror yeah my wife had me watch like three of them i I'm like, I can't watch anymore. I was going to lose my shit. Well, there's like this episode and people are constantly on their phones. And it's about, this show is about social, it's basically about technology getting taken too far in a future society. And it's real stuff that could happen.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And anyway, in this episode, this girl, she lives in a society where everyone rates each other by stars with their interactions. And if you have higher stars, you can get into better places. So she couldn't get a rental car, right? I think I saw that one. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Like you have this social credit system where it's like based on your social media and your likeness of where you can get into and get out to. of where you can get into and get out to. And I'm like, some people live in that where they judge and base personalities off of social media and treat people differently. I'm like, dude, I wish these apps weren't a thing. Sometimes I wish my job wasn't all based off of social media. But hey, you know what? You just got to manage it.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah, just manage. And hey, it's actually fun. Well, I mean, it's actually fun if you don't let it fucking take you over, if you don't let it buttfuck you. It is. You just got to figure out your brand and how you do things. I think all athletes are constantly trying to re-innovate and figure that out. But it's one of those things where if you have an idea, go with it.
Starting point is 01:04:23 The successful people just think of something and roll with it. Not not sit on it and dwell and I could do this. No, just put it out there. Dallin's done it. Dallin's done a really nice, slow, steady growth. Just like and just showing us his like we just watched him flower in front of us. All the aspects of his personality in like three years. It's so wild.
Starting point is 01:04:47 So me and him became friends like seven years ago, eight years ago at our first 2017 games. And anyway, he was like the least social guy at the games that year. And I was the most social guy as a teen. And so when we became friends, we kind of like worked. I wouldn't say work together. It was like, we kind of mended a little bit. He helped calm me down. I definitely like, I felt like I socially brought him up.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And so now like, I feel like we've met in the middle and I've calmed down a lot and he's definitely found his thing. And it's, it's really, and then since then you've had a massive falling out. Oh me. Yeah. Yeah. You and Dallin. Hey, each other. I, uh, I, especially, I just stayed at his falling out. Oh, me? Yeah, yeah. You and Dallin. I hate each other.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I especially, I just stayed at his house in Jacksonville. Huge fights every day. Just terrible times together. Dude, look how vast. Are these your arms? Those are my arms, dude. I totally photoshopped those, so don't take it for credit. That is crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I'll take it. All I've been able to do is curls for the girls lately So we out here Hey When you saw that those guys were doing The workouts live on the air Would you have done that too Or would you have wanted to hide your
Starting point is 01:05:59 Your scores Oh dude I don't care to hide nothing I'm confident that I did what I did and it's going to be enough I don't care to hide nothing. I'm confident that I did what I did and it's going to be enough. I don't mean to hide because you're scared, though. I mean just strategically it makes sense not to share your scores, right? Yeah, it does because there is a certain aspect, especially in quarterfinals where it's like, oh, you can pace perfectly
Starting point is 01:06:21 if you're fit enough. You don't want to share with the right people. With some people it doesn't matter because you're like oh you're not going to touch it even i share it but there are some people you share a score with and they're like oh okay i can make my splits exactly that to beat him by one rep now like that is the thing but if you're it's a smart and it's a smart thing to do right if there's nothing wrong with doing that if you see jason hopper's time or colton's time or taylor's time or down's time you can be like okay and you can actually watch them do it you can be like okay right here if I'm doing what he does I'm not going to be a pussy and put the bar down I'm going to beat him by one rep that's exactly what I did when y'all live streamed the
Starting point is 01:06:58 workout one with the snatches rowing step ups I uh I I watched that and i went and redid it and i was able to tie down i did it i thought he was 257 so i was like okay i beat him by one rep that was my my goal was to get right around there um but i was only able to do that because i saw them do it so that kind of thing so so that yes and and do you think that every do you think it's safe to say every competitive athlete watched, you know, the four or five hundred serious competitive athletes maybe all watch that show? It's funny because I feel like I talked to a lot of people who had no clue. Like, how did you find out down score? How did you find out Jason's like like Jack Farlow? I talked with he I don't think he he tuned in that there's just a, there's just people that are busy outside of the gym that didn't tune in or even know.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Cause they're so like school, kids, all these things that it's just like, like where I'm just like, Hey, I'm, I'm doing CrossFit. I'm going to figure out everything I can and watch all these whenever I can. Are you telling me Jack Farlow didn't know that we did those quarterfinal shows, Taylor self versus the world. I think he knew. I think he knew. I just don't think he, uh, he, he looked into it from the way he was texting me, but I, that could be false too. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Jack Farlow. I really liked you for a while. No, you should still like him. He's a very good dude. He was a, my teammate at Waza and we bonded a lot except that it took him uh two months to pay me back for the registration fee so and he paid you in pennies i heard he paid me in cad uh david weed damn seven's not as big as you think he is oh trust me i i know i am a flea i'm a flea i'm a flea on your dog's back david oh my gosh oh jack farlow commented oh yeah someone named jacob wow that's a crazy picture there what is his real name jacob is that poop no you know what that is that's a
Starting point is 01:08:52 seed that greg brought back from some foreign land he was in but it looks like it looks like a vagina wow hey so uh when are you coming back up here to hang out? Hopefully before the games. Okay, cool. Well, I'm going to be here full time, so I'm ready. I'm ready for you. We're looking for me and the fiance are looking for a place to live in Liberty Lake. Do you know where that is? It's close to Coeur d'Alene.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You heard of that place? No, but I cannot believe that there's a place in the United States like Coeur d'Alene. I cannot. It's nuts. Do you stay in Gaza when you go there? Where do you stay? No, directly across the lake. Like, Gaza's at the narrowest part of the lake, right?
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yes. I'm right across from there. The narrowest part of the lake. So you're at like the Spokane River almost. I'm right across from there. The narrowest part of the lake. So you're at like the Spokane River almost. I don't know. But it's right across from Gossard. Like you could jump on a jet ski and just ride there in one minute. You could just cross over.
Starting point is 01:09:55 You've heard the kind of people that live in Gossard? Yeah, I heard it's wild. Like Greg told me like he can hear famous people playing music at night over there at his house across the lake. I bet. Yeah, it's wild. So he's not on the ranch. He's close. I don't know what the ranch is, but it's just on the water.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Oh, sick. That's awesome, man. I love that. Well, I'll be stoked for you to come back, and we can throw down. We got a brand new affiliate that just opened literally last week and uh it's called launch mode crossfit it's it's where i work out now it's it's that gym that you pulled up and me and sag are doing the handstand walks it's it's a nice space just opened up is there a lake at liberty lake yes yes liberty lake is dope it's it's like it's oh i see it the quarter lane of
Starting point is 01:10:41 washington and it's where kind of like i do all my stuff and all my friends are. So it's kind of convenient. So I want to move there in September, October is the goal. Hey, why there? Why there? I found a really good groove over here, being closer to family, having more things to do outside of CrossFit rather than being in a camp. Like I love being in a camp with Brute.
Starting point is 01:11:06 That was so awesome. It taught me so much. I needed that experience to grow as an athlete. And quite frankly, I wouldn't be where I am now without that experience. But I just, I feel like I have enjoyed my Pacific Northwest roots and kind of like doing it on my own without my parents, kind of putting my own touch on things i want to put a touch on and it's just been a really refreshing place to live again
Starting point is 01:11:29 oh and why liberty why not spokane or closer to um i mean i'll show people where it's at but spokane was kind of crazy i drove through when i drove through there was kind of i was crazier than i remember yeah no it's uh it's kind of it's kind of dirty like there's a lot of dirt and and uh think like just things i'm just like it's more city vibe yeah and i'd rather be in a more uh you know rural type of thing where it's like you're you don't your your neighbors are awesome they're not smoking crack there's family and there's good neighborhoods and all these things. Let me write that down.
Starting point is 01:12:07 James Sprague doesn't. He's prejudiced against crack smokers. Yes. No crack smokers. All right. I didn't know that about you. You were so close-minded. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:12:16 I'm the worst, dude. I'll snort pre-workout, but I won't smoke crack. You're going to stay there for all. That's going to be home. You'll even stay there in the winter. Pretty dang sure right now. Um, Cole, Cole Sager also lives in Liberty Lake. That's where, that's where he's at. And, um, he, he loves it so much. He's been there for five, six years. So I,
Starting point is 01:12:36 I don't see why I wouldn't be there long-term. It's just such a cool place off to show you when you come here. I saw a video of you and cole and katrin in the same gym and then recently she pulled out because of her back uh that sucks that sucked man it's really that really sucks you know what's interesting i was also thinking about this think about like someone like her annie uh um they were from a time especially annie like where there really wasn't social media i think when annie started doing crossfit and that phenomenon of people pulling out now
Starting point is 01:13:10 it's kind of interesting the older athletes are pulling out because of injury and the younger athletes are pulling out because of headspace yeah it's like who's going to be left how many females around now it's like 13 to 15 from the last two years of games. Athletes are like the turnover. Yeah. Like it's just, it sucks. And there's not a lot of, have you thought about entering the woman's division? I have. Yeah. You know, actually, if you go back to beginning of February, I made a post of, uh, my transition to Jamie from James. Oh, I saw that. Is that really you? That's really me, bro. I used to, uh, before, before transgender was cool. I, uh, I dressed up as a, uh, a girl for Halloween three years in a
Starting point is 01:13:54 row. Yeah. I cannot believe how good you look. Dude. Thanks. I just didn't have a butt. So I was too flat. Wow. And hitting the rump pumps lately. That's fucking crazy. I didn't click on that post, but I assume that that was an ex-girlfriend or your sister or something. Dude. Yeah. People were confused. I love,
Starting point is 01:14:14 I love that kind of stuff. That's the more kind of posting I want to do like trolling. Cause that's who I am. I'm a big troll. Um, Hopper, when Hopper posted a two 60 and no one one beat it that did kind of like prove the point that you could go live and not be and be unfucked unfucked unfuckable yeah they're
Starting point is 01:14:33 I think there's a I think there's a select few guys who have you you had them redo it a couple times that could touch that like the really good rowers um like i think a yellow host and a roman and and i and i think dylan too if he redid it i think he'd get close but not on the first try like that's a for a first try dude that's just a full freaking send because it's a big strategy workout it's huge strategy knowing playing to your strength so it's cool are you surprised that he won be up no strength no i think i think that i think that he's uh he's found his groove again and and that guy in his groove is a freaking he's a d1 athlete dude he knows how to groove shimmy and shimmy and gimme um but he uh yeah i was i was i was actually
Starting point is 01:15:18 surprised he he didn't um win that clean and jerk workout that was i was surprised about because he's big and can move weight but i know battery output is different than just true one or a max strength and he had and he had two um maybe if he redid it he could have done significantly better because he did have two misreps at the end yeah yeah that'll do it so his pacing probably got fucked a little bit and yeah and he just ran like you said he ran out of gas 100 i mean when your legs are gone and that it gets real hard to lift that bar up very hard how about taylor eating shit coming off the box what did you see that live by any chance i didn't see it live but i saw it right
Starting point is 01:15:55 after and one of my buddies came up and showed me the wasted video and it was a really good laugh dude that's that's some peak entertainment um because because everyone's been every high level athlete has been in that zone at some point and knows how miserable it is like i was just like dude how did how did he get there like i i picked him to win that workout because he he did really well in the dumbbell snatch burpee in the open i'm like his burpees are fire he's not gonna run out of gas like that that was it was crazy but i guess it was because his legs he's has a little deconditioned legs because he's not being able to squat with his acl i guess he he said he does he basically said he doesn't remember it and he said it was uh 30 minutes of
Starting point is 01:16:38 just just pure fucking weirdness he said his brain he called it he said basically his brain filled with lactic acid and he felt like he had pudding in his head oh my gosh yeahness he said his brain he called it he said basically his brain filled with lactic acid and he felt like he had pudding in his head oh my gosh yeah wow he said it was 30 minutes of just fucking i spoke to him an hour and a half after and he still wasn't himself um and you're right he thought he was gonna smash that workout he went into that like oh these guys are fucked i'm gonna yeah like i'm gonna win this competition now. Yeah. Yeah. You know, valid. Um, yeah, that was,
Starting point is 01:17:06 that was nuts. I think every athlete's been, uh, in a place where their head rings and they're like, Oh, what's going on? I don't know where my reps at, blah,
Starting point is 01:17:14 blah, blah. But he was in a new dimension, dude. He was at Pluto. Crazy. He wasn't a new dimension. How's your training going?
Starting point is 01:17:24 Where are you at in your, in your training? Oh man. Well, I'll tell you what, like the last month has been difficult because I, I smashed my leg doing a pullover on a, on a bar and it was just a bone contusion.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Like my, I freaking hit my leg hard. It hurt. And then it turned into this. You mean on the way up when your feet were coming up, you, you, your thigh, your femur. Oh yeah. When I was turning over, I hit, I hit my quad on a pullover.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Anyway, it didn't feel great. Didn't think anything of it. Um, traveled to Jacksonville, did the reps ahead match with, with Dallin. And I wasn't, my leg wasn't ready to compete at all. Like I hadn't been able to get into full squat. Um, then I went running with them and it got worse. And then it turned into, I went and got an x-ray. Supposed to get MRI, but got an x-ray first.
Starting point is 01:18:14 And it turned into myositis ossificans. It's a weird disorder. It's a weird thing that happens to one in every 10 young males where the contusion calcifies and turns into bone so there's all these bony fragments in my leg it's like six inches long which is very long um and uh and so that that's just been uh getting in the way of training lately way of training lately type in uh type in myositis ossificans it's that's and you'll see what it is say say it again myo myositis and it's ossificans like ossification like ossificans so we i didn't even know it was a thing until I got it. Honestly, I've never heard of this before.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Oh, wow. Wow. It's weird. Can you see that now? Yeah. So it's like this thing. Your bone's growing bigger. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:16 You have all these bony fragments that are not attached to your bone, but they're in your muscle. So your muscle is all pissed off and can't like contract so like i can't really contract my quad um so i'm waiting i'm waiting for this to reabsorb it's supposed to reabsorb on its own but i keep pissing it off by doing quarterfinal i just piss it off again so need another uh good uh what's it feel like what's it feel like uh feels like i have a boner in my leg dude like it when you touch it it's just kind of like rough in there and stuff yeah it's just my whole leg feels atrophied feels like i haven't like i can't
Starting point is 01:19:51 i can't contract my quad muscle so it's just like like it's it's it's a weird feeling it's like i lost connection to that muscle but it doesn't hurt super bad anymore it did originally and i couldn't sleep for like a week um but but now i have like full range of motion and stuff it just it just gets in the way of anything activating probably though uh probably i'm guessing working out to some degree helps expedite the clearing oh yeah yeah yeah blood flow blood flow is always healing like you want we want blood in the area that hurts or just do a bunch of uh drugs and the pain will go away. You could do that too.
Starting point is 01:20:28 When are you getting married? Do you have a wedding date? Dude, I do. It's end of August, my guy, right after the games. And are you doing that up in Washington too? We are. We got a place. We've been chipping away steadily at everything.
Starting point is 01:20:43 We built a registry this week which is kind of fun um and it's a bunch of bunch of free stuff which is cool so uh we're excited for all that and we we just have we just have so much uh we've had a lot of patience with this because it's been we got engaged last august so it's like kind of a longer wait for us what what what's the um um protocol on registry like could i give the registry out here dude yeah are you kidding me yeah can you send me a link in the private chat and i'll put it in here maybe someone will buy you a spoon or something bro yeah of course i'll put in uh i like seven on podcast first we've never fucking uh trolled someone's registry that
Starting point is 01:21:21 would be awesome yeah let's go you don't have anything weird in there right do you nothing weird we can add good all right if you want but uh nothing weird in there yet i put it as a joke i put in uh pay my mortgage and i put in a million dollar deposit just as a joke and then wow that was that was a joke though then i deleted it oh uh so where how do i get a link to your registry? I'll have to send it to you. I have to go online and grab it. So I don't have that yet. But I'll figure that out.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Yeah, that would be fucking great. I would love for you to be like, hey, dude, someone bought me a spoon. Dude, shout out to the CEO. Yeah, from the registry. And your family and her family are happy you're getting married? You don't have any pushback from anyone? Like, her parents aren't like dude why are you marrying this guy no the dad actually didn't give me his blessing so i went around his back and uh it's not
Starting point is 01:22:12 it's not good just just kidding bro no we're good either i love i love her parents uh my parents love her it's it's great dude it's huge huge family like we're just we're just great together so it's awesome hey are there drugs you can do to get rid of the uh um ossificans yeah there is but nothing that i can take there's tons of you know all these things that are banned on the banned substance list there are that these all all these kinds of things would help but i don't that's not something athletes can do if they want to be on a high level you couldn't get an exemption for that no i don't think so and i that shit sucks you you know what though that shit sucks a little bit right like look at amanda uh look at amanda barnhart um she has a shoulder issue yeah and they do have and they do have drugs that um like for instance just even peptides like
Starting point is 01:23:02 one of my sponsors they have peptides that will help heal your tendons and your ligaments faster. Yeah, yeah, it does. And it's kind of it's kind of fucked that you can't use those. It's like they have performance enhancing qualities, like also with the healing qualities. That's why, like they they can they can do more than just heal you. And so like when I went to the doctor to get some like muscle relaxers, they're like, oh no, you need the steroid for your leg.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I'm like, well, I can't take that. So, you know, there is definitely a way to just take medication for something and go away. But as an athlete, you have to be really careful about what you're putting in your body. How close were they to injecting you with that? Did like the lady come in with the needle? No.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, it was just a pill. It wasn't a needle. And I'm lucky. My fiance is a pharmacist, so she is able to triple check things for me on that list. And she understands all these big words. She actually just started her job this week. She just finished school and everything, too.
Starting point is 01:24:02 So it's a huge deal. So basically, I'm a sugar baby now. Um, so that's pretty sweet. And, uh, and, uh, and, and the pharmaceutical industry is thriving. It is. I think so. I mean, it's kind of like she, she's bridging the gap of trying to like be more functional medicine, which means like you're, you're going in and trying to give people more natural
Starting point is 01:24:22 solutions to your problems, like fixing your sleep, fixing your diet, fixing your, you know, as far as like what kind of material sheets and clothes you're using, like those kind of things. So she's trying to do more of that, which I think is really cool because that's, you know, that's natural. Like the Lord intended things that he put on this earth to be good. And people start making all these, these things out of nothing. And, and then they cause cancer and all that crap. So she's, she's trying to bridge that gap.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Have you, have you ever, is she going to work in a pharmacy? Like she's going to be like at CVS, like, yeah, she's at one right now. Um,
Starting point is 01:24:56 and it's, I haven't seen it yet, so I couldn't tell you what it's like, but I know that she's, uh, she's, she's liking it so far. She's only done three days there.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Have you ever stood in line at a pharmacy? I did last week. It's kind of weird. Dude. Weird feeling. The people in line at a pharmacy, it's like a – you're like, hey, are you here to fucking pick up the last parts to your Halloween costume? Yeah. It is fucking – I'm trying to think of like so there's levels right there's like the the homosoup kitchen right where drug addicts and thieves go to get fed then there's
Starting point is 01:25:34 the pharmacy and then there's the line at walmart those are like the three tiers of weirdos it's just fuck it's kind of a tough position your wife's gonna be and she's gonna see some weird freaky people and there's just a lot of people uh i'm reading these captions now because i just figured out how to read these don't do it don't do it don't do it your fans go hard um james touched his dad's butt nice um okay anyway is that really a comment yeah yeah i don't even get it that's funny anyway uh so but it's not true right no no at least not this week okay it's funny i Anyway, so – But it's not true, right? No, no. I don't touch my dad. At least not this week. It's funny. I feel like I –
Starting point is 01:26:07 Do you and your dad share a towel? Do you guys share a towel? No, no. No, I accidentally – Really creepy question I hear. People think it's creepy to ask you. You're at the beach and there's one towel. Would you let your dad dry with it first or would you dry with it first?
Starting point is 01:26:22 I let my dad. You take the low seat. You're a good dude. All right. Yeah well he's he's wet i'm wet uh we'll both share we'll shake it off um pharmacy anyway the pharmacy thing it's it's a cool it's a cool gig i took a lot of studying for her i i couldn't go through what she did it's it's nuts i i hated school i got out as quick as i could my my my My boys shower every night before they go to bed. They don't shower in the morning. They're nighttime showers.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I shower in the middle of the day too. I do one in the morning, one at night because I'm like – sometimes three. Sometimes three because after the gym, I'll get home and I'm like, I want to get clean now. But the morning one sets the tone. I've been hearing like after you ice tub you shouldn't shower so maybe you have to stop doing that because i like to ice tub in the mornings um because apparently like you need the to just stay cold in order to get the benefit but i'm not
Starting point is 01:27:15 sure how true that is but gotta look into it more and um and basically the shower just has just towels hanging everywhere oh yeah and so no one has their own fucking towels and well you know what i should ask my wife i bet you my wife like has one set aside for herself but me and the boys it's just a fucking it's just a crapshoot where it kind of sucks getting a wet towel you know what i mean yeah didn't you say one of your boys was like uh licking the bottom of the toilet lid was that you no that like put his finger on the that wasn't you no i don't i got i got a swirly once i lost a bet and i got a swirly oh my god that was terrible oh my i also got tased in the butt cheek so that didn't feel good
Starting point is 01:28:01 oh my that's probably what caused your uh my my myostasis yeah yeah but you do see kids do weird shit like i'll just be somewhere like my kids will be like looking over a chain link fence and they'll just have their lips on it like their mouth on the on the bar i'm like guys guys or like you're at a counter you're at a counter somewhere like buying something yeah and they just have their mouth on the bar i'm like i'm like guys dude it's funny you got to get them to look in a microscope at like just like a counter and then they'll realize like what they're putting their mouth on maybe they'll stop maybe they'll do it more like i want to eat the germs they're yummy yeah and they seem healthy and they don't yeah dude i mean there's a point to like training your immune system like
Starting point is 01:28:43 that like eating a little bit of mold every day, you know, type of thing. I love me some moldy fruit. Are you going to get her pregnant soon, James? No, no, that's not the goal. But do you have a plan? Do you have a do you have a kid plan? We all never plan B. Isn't that what you say?
Starting point is 01:28:58 Yeah, never. Never. OK. All right. So the plan is to wait. Wait a good amount of time, which I think four to five years at least. Yeah. Smart. I, I condone that behavior. I just like, there's so much to see in the world and there's so much I want to do with her
Starting point is 01:29:16 that it's like, that's going to be an addition later that is not needed right now. But you know, I know you hear this all the time. But God's plan. If we get pregnant. That happens. I know you religious people. Are fucking like to play crazy games. And you guys like to do.
Starting point is 01:29:34 What's it called? What do the Catholics do? I know you're not Catholic. No the Mormons. The soaking. No not the soaking or the edging. But does your wife know her menstrual cycle. you just fucking just, you just, that's how you know?
Starting point is 01:29:50 Yeah. Good question. I, we don't, I don't know. I don't know. We'll, we'll talk about it when we get there. Wow. You are. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Okay. All right. All right. James Craig, thanks for being on. Oh, my gosh. Anytime, man. What else are you doing today? That's it. I just made it through 90 minutes. I fucking did the heavy lifting today.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Oh, wow. That's it? Basically, what's going to happen is I think I'm going to go to Home Depot. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow, so I have to go to Home Depot and finish my planter boxes. So as soon as I get off with you, I'm going to start getting ready to do that. Take the kids there. I'm going to buy a shitload of manure, a shitload of chicken wire. Then I'm going to come back here, and then I'm going to just do it all with my kids.
Starting point is 01:30:33 And then I just drive kids around all day. And then I have to do the TDC Week in Review. That's where we review Dave's show. And then we're going to do a CrossFit Games Update show tonight, 6.30 p.m. You're not done podcasting. You are not even done. No, no. Well, I'm done well i'm
Starting point is 01:30:45 done for five hours yeah okay that's good that's good dude well i'm proud of you thank you for having me on it was uh it was a pleasure to chat with you again and if you do another event on your thing and don't invite me don't expect me to ever come back i understand that seems fair okay cool i like that good talk all right buddy have a good day. Okay. Thanks, bro. Much love. Talk to you soon. Bye. Bye James break I I kind of think of him and jason hopper and dallin pepper as uh, the three stooges I Wanted to push harder on that question
Starting point is 01:31:23 I was thinking like maybe they're not even having sex because they're not married and I was like, you know what? Maybe I shouldn't push harder on that question. I was thinking like, maybe they're not even having sex because they're not married. And I was like, you know what? Maybe I shouldn't push them on that. Is it possible? It's possible to time it around her cycle to not get pregnant. Yeah, that's where I was kind of headed.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Oh, Sean, let's talk about this. Sean Lenderman, I'm planting a bunch of blueberry bushes today. Very excited. So I have a shitload of old blueberry bushes on the property. I planted like 30. And they're just never doing as well as I want them to do.
Starting point is 01:31:49 So I went and got. Mulch. Just ground up wood. And yesterday I started pouring that shit around at the base of them. What am I going to do about the planters? I need to go, but I need some help with it. What am I going to do about the planners? I need to go, but I need some help with it. What am I going to do about the gophers? Does any, is, are there any, is there anyone who knows about gophers? Like, should I do chicken wire and, um, and a cloth? When I dug this out, all you can't tell here, but all the space under the chicken wire you could see all the trails
Starting point is 01:32:25 where the gophers were I stepped on it and packed it back down again but it was nuts it was like those that see the piles of dirt I dug out my banana trees getting fucking crushed over there what am I gonna do about the the
Starting point is 01:32:49 uh chicken wire cloth and get a wiener dog from colton so cloth too you think i should do gopher spikes what are those what are those what are go i don't want to do poison because i'm growing um i'm growing uh what are gopher spikes let's see i'm growing food in there right gopher spikes i mean i have gopher traps and shit gopher spikes gopher great value for my best performing object we're a locally owned family environmentally responsible treatments oh I had those
Starting point is 01:33:34 those things that I did mole spikes those didn't do shit that's where they play the audio sonic mole spike yeah I tried those get a cat Audio. Sonic Mole Spike. Yeah, I tried those. Get a cat.
Starting point is 01:33:52 My neighbor has a shitload of cats. Garlic water worked for me. Garlic water. How the f... How many... How many... How much... How much garlic water would I have to make? Cinnamon?
Starting point is 01:34:03 My dog is... I know. What? Exactly. Yesterday, I saw him digging a hole to go after a gopher I'm like dude you ain't catching shit I don't yeah I don't care I don't I'm fine with any kind of bush big bush little bush I like all the bush
Starting point is 01:34:19 get a trap and put cantaloupe in it you'll catch them first night then just take them to your neighbor's yard to release oh I have i have i have mine my trap kills them it's this spike it's it's like a tube and you just put it in the hole but i didn't even think about cantaloupe i never put anything in the trap i just put the trap in there maybe that's why i don't catch very many grenades a stripper named cinnamon is cinnamon really an option um how to get rid it's crazy that no one in here knows so that just no one knows no one fucking knows i mean i i there you know the thoughts um some people say you should just get a tube from your exhaust pipe uh uh like a a hose from your exhaust pipe of your car
Starting point is 01:35:20 and run it into a hole in the ground and just run your car for 15 minutes. Yeah, just left the pharmacy. No Halloween costumes. Oh, please. Oh, please. You know that there were all sorts of weirdos there. No, this is bullshit. Coffee grounds are another useful remedy that can get rid of gophers. Can?
Starting point is 01:35:44 Like peppermint oil, the smell is really intense for the creatures and usually prompts them to leave. Really? Scott Schweitzer, we always used mothballs and they worked. Aren't those poisonous, though? We have a lot of snakes in the yard, just not big ones. What's the fastest way to get rid of gophers? Traps or poisons that result in the death of the creatures. If you use poisons or chemicals, be sure to follow the instructions.
Starting point is 01:36:23 No, thank you. Gophers have turned my front yard into an apocalyptic mess. Mole repellent, gopher repellent, odor, vole repellent, mole deterrent. Wow, this thing, wow, look at this. This thing has 1,600 reviews. Good reviews. What is this shit? I've never seen this. Keep out of reach of children. Made with essential oils.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Oh, this is some fucking crazy shit. Really? Keeps armadillos, moles uh voles fuck for all i know i have voles oh maybe i have voles i don't have gophers yeah they look more like a vole effective mole vole repellent repels moles voleses, gophers, armadillos, and burrowing child and pet and plant safe all natural ingredients safe for human and pets lawns, gardens, fruits, vegetables, and environment
Starting point is 01:37:31 why does it say keep out of reach of children then? snakes often appeared on my property after placing these bags around the fence I don't see any snakes well fuck you I like the snakes delivered on time I could give two shits works in our garden every time product works great
Starting point is 01:38:02 gave it four star cause the garlic smell is strong i like the product it has an odor but not as strong as other products i waited about a month before posting this to make sure they actually work i think they do crazy snake deer this year fucking i don't want to get rid of snakes snake repellent oh do they have different ones for different animals? Different repellents? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They have a snake repellent.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Oh, that's a trip. Okay, fuck it. Should I get the mole one? Mole repellent. Oh, but I want vole. Snake, snake. Snake, snake. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Shit ain't cheap Alright I'll try Oh thank you You don't have to get the snake repellent Buy a bunch of ferrets to hunt the gophers And moles and stuff There What do you mean above the ground Oh hunt the gophers and moles and stuff. What do you mean above the ground? Oh.
Starting point is 01:39:28 I see what you mean. Yeah. I mean, that's, I guess, yeah. Melissa Odear. You need to look at the size of the hole. Wow, we've made full circle to the beginning of the show. melissa odier you need to look at the size of the hole wow we've made full circle to the beginning of the show uh you need to look at the size of the hole to know what it is seven like always i'm fair enough oh uh daniel garrity uh the salt and the matuthing will make the gophers go find
Starting point is 01:40:00 water i saw an amazing review on Matoothian. Someone's like, I thought it was too salty. Now I use it three times a day. I can't stop. I love it. Teeth are whiter. Damn fucking right. How do you not have Matoothian already?
Starting point is 01:40:21 I knew Sevan before he was rich from selling tooth powder. Now he's filthy rich On behalf of everyone On behalf of everyone in my family I can't believe how much faster The peppermint one is selling I like the plain one My wife Oh look there's my wife My five yearold and i all use it yeah my kids love
Starting point is 01:40:48 that shit isn't it a trip they just stopped using toothpaste and my kids had all the crazy foofy toothpastes not not ones with fluoride but like all the fucking hippie flavored shit i never thought that they would switch them to metuthion but they but they did. Wow. I swallow my Matuthean for electrolytes. All right. You guys want to do something fun or scary or before I leave? What do you want to do? We can do. Oh, we talked about Nicole Christensen. You guys want to talk about the man who set himself on fire at the Trump. At the Trump Trump courthouse.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Or we could talk about tick tock. Or. Oh, you guys want to see. You guys want to see meat in Japan that that's made from poop or oh here you go let's do this you guys want to see uh we'll finish with this this is how uh this is the news over at npr national public radio all 87 of their journalists are registered democrats and yet as american taxpayers we all pay for this and Bill Gates pays for a chunk of it, too. The House on Saturday, this is about TikTok. The House on Saturday overwhelmingly approved a bill
Starting point is 01:42:13 that would ban the social media app if its China-based owner's ByteDance does not sell it within a year. The Senate could vote on the bill as soon as tomorrow. The last time the House tried to pass a sell or be banned bill, didn't pass in the senate but this time the ban is attached to a large package of aid to israel and ukraine it also addresses the concerns from some members of the senate by extending the deadline for tiktok to find a buyer um and then i guess uh tiktok uh has an algorithm and it says uh by dance will face two major compliances in trying to sell tikt It's price and algorithm. One of the most popular apps in the world will be extremely expensive.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And China has said it will not approve the selling of TikTok's algorithm. Algorithm is how it tricks us to watch it, for those of you who don't know. It finds out your movement patterns, tracks them, and feeds you shit to keep you attached to the app. And it's very successful. The Supreme Court will hear a major homelessness case today. I hope that every time you guys hear the word homelessness, you guys switch to drug addict and thief. You have to.
Starting point is 01:43:19 You could be like, well, not all homeless people are drug addicts and thieves. Yeah, but not all cars run on gasoline either. And and it's just like it just is what it is guys okay i especially can't stand it when when republicans do that okay and then finally this is the important part this is what i got to wanted to get to there's a lot going on with the earth day these days and while we know that individual actions can only get us so far in combating climate change, they can help us tip the scales towards progress. Here's your Earth Day reminder. Fucking NPR. You know, one person there can't explain climate change.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Not one person there is. One person there is... Cut back on meat if you want to help the planet. You don't have to go vegan. A little goes a long way. When you eat seafood, try to make sure it's local or fish pole or line caught. Oh, yeah, because that's going to help the earth. Wear your clothes for as long as you can.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Try to think beyond trends and become a more mindful shopper oh yeah that's going to save the planet freeze your produce to make it last longer and avoid waste you can even free food scraps to take to your local compost collector i mean who the fuck any one of these can be broken down and proven as just completely asinine. What about the power it takes to freeze your cantaloupe rinds? Fuck it. Just get rid of your freezer. How about that? And throw your cantaloupe rinds out in the street.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Dude, half the fucking United States believes this fucking crazy shit. Take note of how much plastic you use. Then try to cut back. You guys know what happened in California, right? They changed the guidelines on how plastic bags work in this state. Having to pay for them
Starting point is 01:45:22 using thinner plastic bags. And all it did was cause more use of plastic bags. It did the opposite, because the bags that they started using were so shitty that people needed more of them. Libtard. And that's how the term libtard originates. All the shit backfires. Switch to clean energy and climate-friendly appliances like induction stoves. More stupidity.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Where do people think this electricity comes from? Use your voice and vote. Let companies and your representatives know that climate is a top priority for you. My goodness. It's going to rain again tomorrow in California. The rain is just nuts how much rain we've had. I was talking to one of my buddies about cloud seeding and weather modification. He thought I was just completely fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:46:25 He thought that that was just complete fucking conspiracy bat shit, crazy shit. I sent him the government websites that showed it. I showed him what they're doing in the United Arab Emirates. All right. Stay smart. Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon oh tomorrow tomorrow with greg glassman on we missed last week right oh no no tomorrow's tuesday shit no oh god tomorrow tomorrow i might not even do a show okay two more shows today dave castro weekend review will be coming and then
Starting point is 01:47:01 don't forget about the crossfit games update update at 6.30 PM Pacific Standard Time. We'll go over all the results for quarterfinals. John Young will be here. Andrew Hiller will be here. And we'll talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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