The Sevan Podcast - Where in the World is Brian Friend? #1028

Episode Date: October 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Welcome to the return of the Disc Golf Show with Brian and Sevan. On today's show, we'll be talking about the United States Disc Golf Championships, which Brian will be in attendance for this week.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Brian, welcome back to the show. Tell us about your favorite sport that draws billions of viewers to the internet on a daily basis. Yeah, yeah, billions. Wow. Yeah, going to South Carolina this weekend with my brother to watch. Actually, I think I'm going to meet up with Ezra Ederhold who we interviewed a couple months ago. That's cool. I tried to get that other guy on
Starting point is 00:01:36 who won the... Simon? No, you sent me... I'd never heard of his name before, but you told me he won the national championships or something. I tried to get him on. Oh, Isaac Robinson. Is that who it is? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:48 He didn't have any championships. No, he picked up a lot more that week, though. Look, I'm tripping on how my skin looks. Look, I'm going to touch up my appearance. Look it. I just put a filter on. Can you tell the difference? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:00 My wrinkles in my forehead go away. Do that for me. And then you could do it. Oh, I wonder away and then do that for me and then i you could you could do it oh i wonder if i can do that for you hey um uh welcome uh where are you fort wayne indiana oh i think that's where cobra roads lives who cobra roads. Actor, arm wrestler, renaissance man, friend of mine, Cobra. Have you had him on the show? His name is Cobra. You've got to get him on the show.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I know. I think maybe I've sent him a link and he's popped in before. So, yes. Yeah. I can't remember. B-Friend, Brian Friend. but I can't remember B friend Brian friend do you live by Toca Falls
Starting point is 00:02:51 do you know where that is no do you no I feel like you might be pranking me okay it's possible let me see I'm going to put it into the map here really quick are you in Indiana
Starting point is 00:03:08 Masters Fitness Championship just ended tonight oh you were at that the um it's for the Masters Fitness Collective last year it was called Masters Fitness Collective this year it's called Masters Fitness Championship and but it's called Masters Fitness Championship.
Starting point is 00:03:27 But it's put on by the people. What's the name of the organization that puts it on? Masters Fitness Championship, I think. At least Masters Fitness. Alright, fine. Toca Falls is here. There's Madison. It's that red dot.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's in Georgia. Well, I live in Charlotte, which you can see over there on the right side. I'm going there tomorrow for the first time since August 15th. Where's Charlotte? Like northeast of where the red is. A little further right than that. Spartanburg, is that where Crash Crucible is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And Rock Hill to the right of that is where the U.S. Disc Golf Championship is. Oh, there's Charlotte. I see it. Okay. Oh, shit. Okay. God, how stoked are you that it's right in your hood? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 So my brother will come down and stay with me, and we'll just drive back and forth every day. It's like 40 minutes. How far is it? It's at Winthrop University. Spartanburg's about 90 minutes, and then there's Greenville over there. Spartanburg's 90 minutes from Charlotte. so Taylor and JR are 90 minutes apart? Yes. Okay, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:31 For some reason, I thought they were a little bit closer, but that makes sense that they're further apart. That explains some things. Audrey, Brian, my sweetest angel. Yeah, but you didn't make the bed last night, Audrey. Yeah. Audrey, what are you doing? You left in a hurry. Or this morning, I guess it would have been.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Farm Fit 8th. Hey, what's up? How are you? 8th is better than 9th, I guess. Or 8th could be just perfect. My birthday is on the 8th, so thank you. Patrick Clark, even with Rodgers, I don't think they would stand a chance against Casey. Okay, sports talk.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Okay, before we get into the CrossFit stuff. So how many years have you lived in Chicago? Or did you live in Chicago? I lived there from 1987 when I was born until 2005 or 2006 when I went to college. Okay. And then you went back? I spent a year there in 2013, excuse me. And then I was there from like 2018-ish until this past May.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Or I guess I moved in end of June. So that gives us three, 10, and five. That's 18 years. And then we'll give you 19. And then we'll give you five more. That's 18 years, and then we'll give you 19, and then we'll give you 5 more. That's 24 years. In those 24 years, did you ever get into the Chicago Bears? That's a national football league, also known as the NFL.
Starting point is 00:05:54 That's their local team. They won the Super Bowl two years before I was born in 1985. They went to the Super Bowl. Someone can check me on this in like 2007 or 2008. They played against the Indianapolis Colts. They returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown and then they got pummeled by Peyton Manning the rest of the game. And they've been relatively worth this every other year.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Okay. And, and, and that year they won 85, 86. I think I remember they had a guy, um, named the refrigerator and then they had another guy named Jim,
Starting point is 00:06:23 Jim McMahon or something. John McMahon or John McEnroe or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jim McMahon, yeah. You got it right the first time. John McEnroe was their coach. And do you know anything about how they're doing this year? No, they're good.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Not very well. I think they might have won against Denver today, though. I didn't check. No, I heard they lost in the last minute. Not perfect. So Chicago. I did. You know, my friend Nico Rono in Denmark, he's a huge football fan.
Starting point is 00:06:51 He said that there's a really good quarterback coming out in the draft next year, and the Bears should probably try to just lose every game so they can get the best quarterback they've ever had. Oh, that's interesting. Look at 31-28. There we go. So Denver was 0-3 coming into this, and the Bears were 0-3, and now the Bears are 0-4.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Making our way towards that first pick, I guess. I actually think the Bears have a draft pick from another shitty team, so they have a chance to have two early first-round picks next year. But the thing is in the NFL, you have to have a good offensive line. And I can't remember the last time the Bears had a good offensive line. That usually is the fault of the, or people usually blame the owners for that. So. Well, this guy, Tyson Bajan has been on the show a few times and you know, Travis, his
Starting point is 00:07:40 father, and I just hope that he hasn't played yet but I spent $450 on the YouTube NFL thing because someone said he's going to play today but he didn't play today. That should allow you to watch any games throughout the rest of the season right? Yeah. Unless they're playing locally. If they're playing in California
Starting point is 00:07:59 I won't get to see it. It's a blackout. Well you can probably get a ticket to that game for less than $450. Yeah, true. Ken Walters, I was watching this morning show, and at some point where Haley's being nice and schooling Sevan on his morning coffee, she has the sweetest voice. Sevy, you really punted your coverage.
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's a football reference. And he means you out-punted your coverage. You skipped the word out that means you kicked the ball so far that your coverage team couldn't get down the field far enough to tackle the guy so he was able to find the holes and run it back for a touchdown but he's basically saying that haley's a lot better than you oh i shit the bed that's a sports metaphor thank you that was cool how you explained that um What did something did? Oh, so one of my friends, I posted a picture of myself doing some deadlifts. And one of my friends, who you guys all know, but it shall not be named, told me today that I'm like a 51-year-old guy trying to behaving like Hayley Adams. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Just saying. I don't really i don't like i mean either i don't know just i'm just saying i saw the word hayley and i thought of it wad zombie just gotta say brian has been coming on the show since episode 20 wow is that true i don't know i think it made it i don't know when you started carrying the episodes but i feel like it came on right away when you started back up. Oh, that's awesome. It's wild to think of how much has changed over the past few years and the trajectories you both are on.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Love you both. Um, uh, Brian shit got all cocked. He ended up in Europe. He has straight. You need to bring a hammer, straightening shit out,
Starting point is 00:09:44 bring them back to the States, to the South. It's wild being over there. I give Pedro a ton of credit for keeping up with as much as he does. It is. I have had a motivation for years to bridge the gap between European and North American CrossFit. But being over there for almost three weeks, it's like, it's just, it's different. And it is very difficult to stay, to keep up with everything that's going on on either side. So I've been thinking quite quite a lot about that since getting back.
Starting point is 00:10:12 What do you mean? Like you're over there and you're consumed by the CrossFit scene over there as opposed to like kind of what's going on here? Yeah. And I should say that it might not be that fair of an assessment because, you you know when you're living somewhere like you can settle into a routine i've been living out of a bag in hotel rooms and all this stuff and it's really tough and some of the places i go there's like i don't have any time for myself i don't have any time to like wind down or to like catch up on the things that have happened that day or that week or whatever um but there's also a big time you know big big time difference and yeah there's a there's a massive CrossFit scene in Europe from community level all the way up to elite level, just like there is in North America. I think that neither one of them has as full or complete an understanding
Starting point is 00:10:54 or appreciation for the other as they ought to have, and I would like to change that. Well, it is kind of cool that Europe does feel that separation. I can't remember which arm wrestler who told me this, but they said, hey, you'll go to an arm wrestling tournament, you'll arm wrestle a guy, he'll beat you. And you'll know he's better than you. But then as time goes by, each day goes by, your memory fades, your memory fades of the loss,
Starting point is 00:11:20 and you start building up this confidence again that you could beat him. And you've been working, and you've been working on new things, and you start building up this confidence again that you could beat him. And you've been working and you've been working on new things and you start to convince yourself that that guy's not better than you. He was just better that day and that you can come back and battle him again. And I bet you there's some of that that goes on with Europe, right? Or just in the CrossFit space, right? I mean, like a year gives people some time to think, hey, I can beat Laura.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Right. After like the next day, they know they can't. On Monday, they're like, she can still beat us. They don't have to wait a year. Oh, why do you say that? Because we have Rogue coming up. We do have Rogue. Before we get to Rogue. So my point being is that maybe it's healthy that there is that space there.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Right. Because it allows the Europeans to think that they can beat up on other people, the Australians and the Americans and vice versa. That there's some good, you know. Yeah, I mean, we might have talked about it when we talked about Madrid, but, you know, Giannacos, he was the highest finishing European male at the games this year. And he went to Madrid and Lazar beat him. And they were very aware of that. Like they're very conscientious of who's the top dog and who's getting the best of whom
Starting point is 00:12:29 where. Who is better do you think right now? Better crossfitter, Lazar, Jukic or Yonakoski? Lazar's been more consistent over the last three years, but the way you worded the question, I would go with Yonakoski. Remember that Yonakoski beat him on five out of the seven tests in Madrid. The only reason that Lazar beat him is because of the ones that Lazar beat him on. The rest of the field happened to be better than Yonah at those things.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So he was getting more separation on the two event wins that he got. And basically it came down to an executioner of Yonah on the clean. He only had 142 kilos. He missed 149 and 151. And he said those are pretty routine weights for him. So he owned it. But I think that he got him at the games. I think he was overall better than him in Madrid,
Starting point is 00:13:15 even though he didn't get the win against him. This is a little unfair, but you knew that I was going to ambush you with shit. That's the way the show goes. Can you remember how... I was going to ambush you with shit. That's the way the show goes. Can you remember how – I'm going to ask you some questions along that exact same line about Guy. I had Guy on the show, and I actually thought of this when he was on the show. Do you remember how he did at the semifinals in – This year.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, this year. Do you remember how well he did down there in South America? Yeah, he basically lost to those two guys because of the first test. He got 16th and there were a bunch of guys that, that middled him on that. And even though he was better than them on many of the other tests, no one else was doing as well on that because there were a lot more high skilled things, which precluded those athletes from having, you know, from getting the him a lot, allowing him to get the points back that he needed to overtake them after one bad event yeah okay perfect that's exactly the setup i needed so who are the two guys who made it it was kaikei cerveni and who else kaylee and suza
Starting point is 00:14:15 oh yeah kaylee and suza and did he make it did he even make it you just passed him he's 32nd oh okay okay uh oh yeah Okay, here we go. Hard to see those green flags. Right, thank you. That's actually a better way of looking for it. Do you think that Guy beats these guys if he was at the games? Yeah, shit. Every time. So you think he's a better crossfitter than Kaike and Kalen Souza?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yep. Interesting. And Kalen Souza. Yep. Interesting. The current format for nearly, I don't want to say for everything, but the current format for selecting athletes to the CrossFit Games is not finding the best athletes to go to the CrossFit Games worldwide. And in some cases, not even within the same region.
Starting point is 00:15:00 You can just look at Artur Seminov and Ant Haynes. Artur Seminov did not make the CrossFit Games. He only was able to go because Marteza Sad Sadat could not get a visa to come here. That's the guy from Iran? Excuse me. Ant Haynes did not make the CrossFit Games. Right. Stop.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Artur Seminov. Look at him. 39th. He won Asian Regional or Semifinal easily. Scroll up. Keep scrolling up. Find Ant Haynes. 30th. He made the cut. What scrolling up. Find Ant Haynes. 30th.
Starting point is 00:15:26 He made the cut. What? He didn't make the games. Right. But he even made the first cut. He got an invite six days before the games. Traveled from China to get there. Was jet lagged.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And whooped up on Artur Seminov at the games. Yeah. The qualifying events for the CrossFit season are not currently really doing their job, in my opinion. Okay, okay. Now that we've fallen down the rabbit hole, you're putting it on the programming. On the structure of the season. Let me push back a little bit. Why can't it just be that, hey, Ant Haynes had a bad day at semifinals or it falls on gee he had a bad event
Starting point is 00:16:05 because here let me push a little further on this let me push a little further on this brian they um uh something something that gee said about that first event oh the depth of field at that semifinals wasn't deep enough to allow Guy to have people to help him. If you look at the points. And so then where do you put the blame on, right? Let me pull it up. Do you get what I'm saying here? The top three guys ran away.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Guy's with the top three guys and they ran away. But they only take three guys ran away he's with the top three guys and they ran away but they only take three guys or two guys the thing that gee is bad at is something that's a low barrier to entry to be good at which is aerobic capacity over a long time domain okay the things that gee is really good at are things that's a high barrier to entry extremely proficient with high skill gymnastics and weightlifting so there's not as many people that can, so the second, third, fourth, best guys in those things are, there's not like a big chance. There might be one random guy who's strong enough if there's a big lifting event, but
Starting point is 00:17:18 there's not going to be, if there are people that are good enough to do the high skill implements that are required in like, you know, the ring muscle up with a ruck workout or the legless rope climbs and strict handstand push-up workout etc etc then they're going to be good they're going to be better across the board there's just not that many of those guys there that's not that that's not crossfit's fault at all that's just that you know south america is coming along and there are plenty of good guys on this list you know we know who many of those people are and some of them have been pretty good over the years and variety of different competitions but yeah if you know basically if you're game iotos it's like you can't afford to be bad at something that most people are having a low-hanging fruit to be good at and he is right now oh that's on him
Starting point is 00:18:00 so so i'm trying to figure out if we're going to dole out the blame a little bit. What do you think about three people coming from South America? Well, you know what I think about this. I think every competitive region should be guaranteed one spot and that there are ways that you can implement a qualifying process within the given year of the games to distribute those spots based on their performance. And then – We're not quite there. The idea is there. It's just not implemented properly. We have more.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Dave Eubanks has basically said that he's going to make some changes to the way that the strength of field and worldwide rankings are structured from year one to year two. He's alluded to that at the very least, maybe even said it directly. And we're waiting to see if that happens. Okay, we need to ask about that. It'd be great.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't know when the last time there's been any kind of opportunity to ask anyone at CrossFit HQ publicly about those things. That guy, Wexy, had Don on, and he did have some games. I'm not talking about him. Okay. We were doing the press conferences, right? We were having uh justin berg and adrian bosman available during different parts of the season i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:19:09 know if they have any plans to do any of that during the off season yeah get us bring bring us uh dave and uh uh bring out dave and adrian to the court we have some questions or if they don't want to answer the questions at least you know they could um they could give us some information say hey you know we remember that we did say these things and we're not going to do that justin berg's not here anymore or they could say hey we did say that we were going to do these things and we are and we have some announcements coming in october and november and we're excited for them you guys can be on the lookout for those uh brian's beard is back i cannot pay attention uh to Rodriguez, 499.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Brian, great meeting you. Thanks for kicking my ass in the crossover workout. Luckily came back after that one and finished up in fourth. Were you in competition against this guy? I was standing with Bobby Petras, who helps put on and owns and organizes this event. And I just mentioned to him yesterday that i was in like in the mood to work out and he's like oh perfect i'll get you in a heat what what workout
Starting point is 00:20:09 do you want to do and i was like oh the only one i could even be competitive with these guys in is this crossover double under and skier workout and he's like okay i'm like no no it's their competition it's all good he's like no getting you in the heat he goes okay you're in uh 45 to 49 elite heat with jason grubb and all the other guys let's see if you can take it out is there a video of that somewhere yeah it's on my youtube the whole thing will plumber filmed it wow i got youtube instagram sorry uh we'll be back in a second hold on hold on let me see this. Hey, was that unsettling? Well, I'm
Starting point is 00:20:50 good at the crossovers. That's the one on the top right. That's a live stream of a different event. This is crazy. You want to check in? I can't even forward it. Was this nerve-wracking? No, not really. going to check in. I can't even forward it. Was this nerve-wracking?
Starting point is 00:21:08 No, not really. Because it was a 1,000-meter ski for time. Every minute, you had to do 20 crossover single-unders. I'm pretty good at those. And you just rip on the skier. Again, it's going to be like five, six minutes, and you're done. And how old are you? You're 35, 34, 32?
Starting point is 00:21:22 I'm 36. So they were all at least nine up to potentially 14 years older than me. And did, did any of them complain like, Hey, this is bullshit. They were super nice. I was, I, uh, as you see there, what did I say? Thank you, gents. Like they were very kind and, um, they thought it was cool. Wow. Oh, there's honey.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah. So I ended up taking fifth and, uh, Jason got got second in that one and he beat me by 10 seconds. Wow. Crazy. Is this the first time you've ever done anything like this? Um, yeah, probably. Those guys are good, man. They're way, way, way stronger than me. Like I said, that's the one test that I could kind of have a chance to do. I can't believe how much younger Tommy looks than this guy in the yellow. The guy in the yellow, look how young Tommy looks. Just ethnic skin.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Jeez, look at that guy. That guy looks like he's from a Clint Eastwood movie. Who is that? Do you know his name? I think I did talk to him this weekend i can't quite i can't remember all their names there are so many there are 40 divisions there dude what a crazy journey you're on i had some guy there uh i had some guy from that uh event come on the show like last minute just like at six in the morning we were texting do you don't know who it was
Starting point is 00:22:42 jamie jamie because i remember i thought it was? Jamie. Jamie. Because I remember I thought I was going to be a woman, and a dude popped on. And I'm like, dude, are you Jamie? He said, yep. I think Jamie. Tammy? Jamie.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Tammy? Jamie Latimer? No. Maybe not Jamie. It was a male or female? It was a male, and it was an event organizer. And he had a girl's name. Or an androgynous name. I don't know what the word is non-binary name whatever his name could be for a boy or vagina or penis either i know what words to use anymore nobody does it's off
Starting point is 00:23:17 uh who are the who are the event organizers? Jessica Ortiz. Ron Ortiz's wife took a lot of the lead this year. Okay, not her. Studis, 41, had two kids and didn't look like he was 41. Jamie. Jamie Free. Thank you. Jamie.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Jamie Latimer says Jamie Free. Yeah, there we go. Look at all these old people know. Judy knows. Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy. Tomorrow's a big day for Judy. Okay. Well, congratulations for the big day for Judy tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Okay. Okay. So let's put a... What do they say in the business? Let's put a... Let's wrap up the Guy thing. How bad of a mistake is that, then? Ant Haynes is there. He does better than
Starting point is 00:24:21 Archer Seminoff. He's the last minute... I wouldn't say it's necessarily a mistake. I do think think that it's something that's worth asking and i kind of say that you know um with uh you know keeping in mind some of the other things that i've said just throughout the year about the progression of the season is that there you know i think that there could stand to be a little bit more thought about what is we understand that at the community level what the open is but it's also a qualifying stage to the second part of the season and the quarters is a qualifying to the semis semis to the games and i didn't see some of the the natural progression or linear programming that would make sense if that's what those things are also in addition to
Starting point is 00:25:02 you know whatever the open exists for i wonder if when they i was gonna say i wonder if when they program it they know it'll be a hiccup for but i doubt it i wonder if he knew i've and you know i've spoken to to programmers and people who you know think about this quite a lot and some people say if i if i were doing that i would program the games first or at least a significant degree, and I would work backwards from there. So I would know that, hey, by the time that the games comes around, I want to make sure that the best athletes in the world next year are being tested. And based on what happened this year, I think we need to increase the weights here, back off on the weights here. We need to increase the difficulty of the handstand, or we want to go backwards to a less
Starting point is 00:25:42 difficult version of it and have some of those pieces in mind. When I programmed competitions at the gym I was coaching in Chicago, I usually would write the programming for the next competition the week after the competition just happened. And then over the course of the next six months or 12 months, within the program that I was doing with the owner of the gym, we would start targeting some areas that we thought the athletes needed or didn't need based on what was exposed in the program. So, you know, in theory, they could do that too.
Starting point is 00:26:08 But from, and I've never been involved in or, you know, heard anything intimately about how the programming works, but well, that's not entirely true. It sounds to me like from what I have heard that they program for the open and then the quarters and then the semis and then the games. And so I'm kind of throwing the thought out there that what if you started with the games and worked backwards and then that progression would probably make a lot more sense. To gi or not to gi. The thing is, is when there is a Brazilian jujitsu thing. No, I just saw Bernie to gi or not to gi.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I think it's Shakespeare. Brian, I'm waiting for you in my towel geez louise all right how am i supposed to concentrate here uh yes judy yes tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow's big day big day um the thing is the aunt haynes and semen off thing no because they're not big names um maybe they wouldn't get attention but it is it is a bummer for the fans gee is extremely popular hugely successful uh youtube station it was it just sucks because it um you know like those tv shows i don't know if they still do this anymore But in the 80s and 90s there'd be a TV show And there'd be like a character
Starting point is 00:27:27 And then that character wouldn't be able to sign the contract So they'd swap the character out And then there'd be like a new dad on the show You know what I mean like you're watching Leave it to Beaver And then just the dad's different You want to know what would be great? Yeah what? If Guy showed up in an off season competition
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah He got invited to one. Which one? He lost the invite. And so he lost the spot. He got invited to Rogue? Nope. Where?
Starting point is 00:27:55 Crash Crucible? Nope. Waterpalooza? International. Oh, Madrid. Bigger. Dubai. What do you mean he lost the invite? international oh Madrid bigger Dubai what do you mean he lost the invite
Starting point is 00:28:09 I don't know when is Dubai is it still coming up yeah December I'll be there doing the commentary again so it's December 7th 8th 9th 10th something like that but he sounded
Starting point is 00:28:24 Patrick says he talked about it, but he didn't say that he wasn't going. I thought he said he made it sound like he might be going. He's not going? Nope. At least not that I've seen. Patrick? Patrick?
Starting point is 00:28:46 What did he say on the podcast? Tell me what he said on the podcast There's something stuck in the carpet down here Is that a new shirt No it's old You see the guy wearing the CEO shirt today He made the podium he got third No shit who is that He was in one of the men's RX division
Starting point is 00:29:03 There was elite and RX Oh yeah he said he was having visa issues He was in one of the men's RX division. There was Elite and RX. Oh, yeah. He said he was having visa issues. I remember there was a whole talk on visa. Didn't he say God was going to fix that for him? Yeah, the visa things are real. That is a real thing.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He needed his green card. Yeah, he had a visa. Did he throw it away on accident? No, they wouldn't. You can't send shit by mail from fucking Dubai to Brazil. The world's not that advanced. He has his visa but needed his green card. Hey, you think if he showed up in Dubai,
Starting point is 00:29:40 they're not going to, the Dubai, whatever they call it, thing, fitness championship, they wouldn't let him compete? Of course they'd let him compete. They got 30 spots. They sent out him compete. They got 30 spots. They sent out 30 invites. They got 30 people who said yes. They can fix that. They can,
Starting point is 00:29:53 they can, they can wiggle him in Prince shit. Um, okay. Where, uh, where are we? Uh, so,
Starting point is 00:30:01 so I would love to see him there. I mean, I want to, I, you know, I still think he's one of the best 20, 30 guys in the world. I want to see him compete. You went to Mayhem?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, it's part of Power Monkey Camp. And did you see Rich? Rich was out hunting elk at that time. Is this at Mayhem right here? No, that's at the Flip Fest in Crossville, Tennessee, where the rest of Power Monkey Camp happens. Is that Durante's joint? Is that like he has a Power Monkey facility?
Starting point is 00:30:36 No, no. They just use this place. It's pretty well equipped for what they want to do there. Is it a CrossFit gym? No, it's actually a place where you you can host like camps and retreats there there's a bunch of different cabins there's some big gyms it's a gymnastics like that's a it's a big gymnastics facility um there's some ninja climbing stuff over there there's a ropes course there's a lake um it's pretty versatile i don't mean to be a dick but they could get a cease and desist for that.
Starting point is 00:31:05 For what? That X fit. What are you talking about? You just can't do that. I don't care. I mean, I'm glad they did it, but maybe someone, someone that's a, that's a company. I don't know. I don't know. But, but, but, but I mean, it's a, do you think that this company was around before or after CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:31:26 I have no idea. Yeah, well, I'm not harsh on their gig. I'm just saying. Jeez, look at this guy's hand on the gig. Here's a guy. What did you think about the cease and desist, this sense of the CrossFit, the daily CrossFit tip guy in Australia? Oh, because it's called CrossFit? Yeah, my Instagram is
Starting point is 00:31:45 BrianFriendCrossFit am I going to get a cease and desist for that yeah if you get big enough uh huh did you see the way he pushed on his head right there Isaiah's a good dude what did he say about your endurance well nothing but I did I got all the data back and i'm very grateful to have a relationship
Starting point is 00:32:07 with chris henshaw and he could tell me what the numbers actually meant yeah what is he going to tell you good shit are you fit uh yes and no my vo2 max was in the superior range but my lactate and aerobic thresholds are not what does that that mean? So your recoveries, you can run a long distance, but you can't do it twice. Your recoveries ask. I have a very high potential for that kind of thing, but I haven't, I've actually intentionally have not been training, um, long aerobic pieces for the last couple of years in an effort to gain weight and get stronger. And I had an intention of changing that around the same time that everything, uh, changed in my life this year, I was going to get back into a little bit more
Starting point is 00:32:49 long distance running rowing this summer. Um, but I've been traveling so much that, you know, training has been what I, what it can be. And I'm not unhappy about it, but I wasn't surprised with the results. And if anything, it kind of, uh, affirmed what I had suspected. That's something you can fix? Yeah, absolutely. Or if not fix, increase, make better. But you can't make your VO2 max better, can you? Can you make that better?
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, definitely could. I talked with Chris Hinchon. He basically said, more or less, if you do these things for 12 months, all of those things will improve. And your VO2 max can go up by a substantial amount. Mine personally, maybe not everyone's. Is it too personal to. And your VO2 max can go up by a substantial amount. Mine personally. Maybe not everyone's. Is it too personal to ask what your VO2 is? It's funny.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Like Chris doesn't recommend people sharing that. But no, I don't mind. It is a 50.5. For my age range, 49.5 and above is considered quote unquote superior. VO2 max. Good. considered quote-unquote superior yo to max good uh excellent for 30 to 39 is 42.5 oh it's but you want a low number no high oh um you do want a high number oh Oh, okay. Oh damn. You do have some good, you do have a good VO2, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But I think it could be, I think it could be much better. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:10 I it's a, there's a certain, there's definitely a certain genetic component to it. My parents were both like long distance athletes. My mom was a swimmer. My dad was a runner and I've always been good at that stuff. Was the test hard? I actually enjoyed it. I mean, it gets hard at the end, but I liked it. I felt like I was limited just as much by the machine and just not being super familiar at high speeds on that machine as I was by anything else. But what the test is measuring is something that's happening internal. So even though I felt like I could have maintained the pace that I was running at in the last
Starting point is 00:34:42 interval for longer, my body was no longer doing what it needed to do. So the VO two is basically maxed out. Hey, this is the dude, the Zachary cadets. Yeah. So he changed it to daily training tip, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I mean, he's still going to get the message across for me. It's a loss for Crossfit because every single day he's putting out his daily crossfit tip but they you know they obviously don't like that what should i look up daily training tip as it says they're on the left in his image and oh it pops up right away and i wonder what they would have done to him i wonder what they would have done to him if he didn't pull it down. What do they do?
Starting point is 00:35:30 They contact Instagram and You should have him on. He's an interesting guy. CrossFit level 3. You know him? Yeah, he's actually invited me to provide some tips on there before I didn't take him up on it, but I don't know why I didn't. Has his shit gotten bitter towards
Starting point is 00:35:45 crossfit since they've ass pounded him no because he's still he still believes in everything that it's about so he's just going to continue pushing forward look he's almost up to 50 000 followers and all those followers were seeing crossfit every single day pop up on their feed and now they're not yeah and oh that's a good point and hey and you know what else he put these are probably real followers like these are like like you don't follow this to like stare at this dude's ass like this this is like legit shit i want to hear what i want to hear his voice does he have does he talk like a foreigner is he english he's australian oh i think i've seen it's not a good choice of video.
Starting point is 00:36:25 He talks to most of them. Okay. I think when I hear him talk, I'm going to know who it is. Son of a bitch. Cadets. That's his name? Cadets? He's climbing. Dude, talk.? Cadets? He's climbing. Dude, talk.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, shit. That's him. And then that's him. Juice. Juice. Wow. He's pretty fit. Yeah, he even had big arms as a beer drinker.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Did you see that? You recognize his voice, yeah? No. This dude doesn't talk. Oh, look, this one says, let's talk. Okay, fine. Let's talk training gear.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I've got a few of the things that I use most often down in front of me. We're going to talk about the stuff that you need for your training. The answer to that question really quick is realistically none of it. We could train barefoot
Starting point is 00:37:23 and completely naked. Oh, I like him. I like, that was a good response, right? What do you need? Eh realistically none of it we could train barefooting oh i like him i like that's a good response right what do you need and none of it train barefoot and fully naked he's basically living in your backyard yeah fucking love this dude yeah i follow him i'll tell uh i'll ask susan to have him on see if we can get them on that'd be cool cadets hey zachary sorry dude that you got whatever i guess it's their loss do you get to say that to them yeah that is that is their loss oh they were cool about it uh though they gave me no option uh we can um have you kicked off of instagram or you can take the word crossfit out here's the thing here's what they'll
Starting point is 00:38:05 say if i ask him if i go over there if i call marshall and i'm like hey marshall what the fuck why are you being a douche he's gonna be like well it sets precedence we don't really want to take it away you know what i mean they're gonna say it sets precedence once we know we know and then if they do a uh uh they what's that called a discovery on us and they look at our emails and they saw that we knew three years ago and we didn't do anything. That just makes it more difficult to protect the trademark. God, I should be the fucking CEO. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So we could co-CEO. Sorry, Don. Co. Co. Be the ho-CEO. You gonna make a new shirt? Co-CEO? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:40 CEO, CEO? I've come to terms with Don. I'm going to I asked I just sent Don a text today asking if he'll come back on the show see what happens see what happens
Starting point is 00:38:52 um uh uh this okay I'm tripping on mayhem tripping on mayhem what's going on over here so this is what I think'm tripping on mayhem. I'm tripping on mayhem. What's going on over here? So this is what I think is going on in mayhem. I think Rich is
Starting point is 00:39:10 about to go through, I think something's happening. I think that he wants to go more into the hunting space and then look at this. The heart of mayhem. Have you seen this thing? Nope. Honestly, it's been so difficult for me to consume anything on this trip.
Starting point is 00:39:31 They're making a movie. The Heart of Mayhem is not your typical CrossFit documentary. We all love to watch our favorite elite athletes showing off their superhero capabilities. This is going to be like some dude who's like... Oh, dude. I was supposed to talk to them about this when I was there. They sent me a DM about this is gonna be like some dude who's like oh dude i was supposed to talk to them about this when i was there they sent me a dm about this actually and i was like hey i'm gonna be there on wednesday and then i they said i said can we talk when i'm there and then i never i i messaged him i was like i'm here who should i talk to and i didn't get uh get a chance to talk
Starting point is 00:40:00 to him yeah this is gonna be like his wife died or he was addicted to heroin or this is like, like they're, they're shifting gears here. I don't remember. I mean, I know that they do the chair shifting gears or just like continuing to push out into different realms.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Okay. Well, let's see. I know. I I'm, I'm so curious because I just, I'm seeing hunt. Let's see. I know. I'm so curious because I just, I'm seeing hunt. Look at deep sea fishing.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Starting. This guy's got some bow and arrow shit. Yeah, he's got a bow and arrow guy on the podcast. He's. Bill Grumman's been shooting bow and arrows in his Metcons. Like his shoe Metcon shoes. Grumman wears Metcon shoes. In the middle of his workouts he's just oh oh like five rounds per time three power cleans at 255 six bar muscle up shoot nine arrows repeat where did you see that you saw that on his instagram yeah he's he's loving like the focus and
Starting point is 00:41:01 discipline and trying to steady himself under a heart rate, and he looks like a freaking savage doing it. Let me see this because from when you said Metcon shoes, I got a little concerned because I had no respect for those skinny-ass shoes. Okay, let's see what's going on. Let's see what's going on here. You know, I like to be very particular with words. The Metcon is the metabolic conditioning component of your workout. The workout of the day would be the totality of everything that you're doing, I think. He's lean.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I didn't realize he was still so lean. Making the shots count, I have to get the 15 shots at 20 yards within three minutes and be able to retrieve them and get back into the next round. Wow. And look at that bow. That's like a real bow Something like Robin Hood would use That's not like one of those fancy ones that the hunter dudes are using He's got a couple daughters
Starting point is 00:41:53 So he's just letting any of the guys know Fuck around Yeah fuck around and find out Okay so you didn't notice any Any like Anything weird at Mayhem Like all of a sudden it's turned into crossfit um uh bill in a while i'd like to see him no i a lot of the same people that i know were there i mean it was different purpose for being there than uh the last time i was there but
Starting point is 00:42:19 um seemed like they were just carrying on with and they have you know hundreds and hundreds of members there like there's still an integral part of what they're doing, even if they are pushing into some of these other interests. All right. I was just with Dylan too. He was here at masters fitness collective. He was, what was he doing there?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Championship. Excuse me. He was, uh, I'm seeing he does that as well. Yeah. Oh shit. How does he have time to do that?
Starting point is 00:42:47 He likes it Okay Look I only had you on for one reason Done pussyfooting Done pussyfooting around Uh Johnny I thought that was Sebon with the dyed beard Thank you My body's such a fucking mess
Starting point is 00:43:08 compared to that cheese We're very good at throwing I look thank you I know accuracy from 23 steps with no warm-up I Thank you. I should have played professional baseball. I I Look like I honestly look like a fucking muffin. I like that taught that word muffin top. That is baseball. I look like, I honestly look like a fucking muffin. Like that word muffin top, that is exactly what I look like. And I'm so close. I'm like one meal away from having like legit tits. Like I could start OnlyFans.
Starting point is 00:43:37 What happened? I thought you were not doing cheese and fruit. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm just, I'm trying. You spend too much time in that chair? no
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'm out of this chair by 9am I'm back there at 9pm thank you Bernie how dare Brian 23 paces Brian I love that picture thank you Bernie ok here we go
Starting point is 00:44:02 I'll start broad if you start fucking avoiding answering the question, I have to pin you down. Are we going back to disc golf? And I'm not talking about the way you pinned Audrey down. How do you feel about Tia Toomey showing up to Rogue? Can I pull up a list? Is there a place we can pull up the list and see the Rogue competitors? Barbell Spins Instagram is the best place for that. that okay and it would be great to pull it up from there
Starting point is 00:44:29 okay uh i have several feelings about that you know i will just say this in general you know when i think we've probably talked about this at some point in the past what women are have proven themselves to be capable of doing coming back from pregnancy is, is ridiculously impressive. And it's right for me. There's a woman that's, that just had twins nine months ago. I talked to her today. She's competing at crash crucible in two weeks. She had twins nine months ago. Yeah. She's competing at crash crucible in two weeks. She's a master's athlete. Her husband was competing here this week, which is pretty cool. Also, he usually supports her. She was supporting him. So my first thought is more just about like,
Starting point is 00:45:12 By the way, this is, oh, and T is the 20th right down here. Yeah. Like what? Like, I don't actually know. And I've always wondered this from people in the gym that are coming back from pregnancy all the way up to Annie and Cara and these other women that are, you know, competing after pregnancy. Like, I don't know, really, really. And we might not know what is actually like a safe timeframe for women to reintegrate into training and at what degree level weights, dynamic movements, whatever. And the answer is probably not uniform for everyone. Right. You know, some people have some of that, uh, what's it called when you have the separation of the stomach?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Diastasis, diastasis, diastasis. Some people have like, uh, some people lose kind of, uh, the pelvic floor a little bit. And then that takes a long time to get back certain things. Assuming that all of those things are, are fine for her. Then I think, you know, there's no problem with her accepting the invite at all. This is a rogue invitation. They can invite whoever the hell they want.
Starting point is 00:46:08 So I don't have any issue with it. Okay, and what do you think what do you think what do you think Laura's thinking about Tia being there? Probably not too much. Oh, come on. Come on. She's
Starting point is 00:46:23 thinking something. She's like – I mean, if I'm Laura, I'm thinking, well, I'm the defending champion. And, I mean, I think Laura's the fittest she's ever been right now. And Tia's probably, I wouldn't say the least fit, but like the most vulnerable that she's been ever since she first won in 2017. And this might be the best chance that laura has ever had to beat her if laura wins rogue we will see her the manifestation of what of her excitement do you know what i mean? Like, if she wins Rogue,
Starting point is 00:47:06 we're going to see it and be like, oh, this really was a big deal to her. I'm telling you, dude, this is crazy pressure on her. I don't care what she says. Pressure on Laura? Yeah. Do you think there's any pressure on Tia?
Starting point is 00:47:17 I don't know. I don't know. She's been gone a year. Who knows how much she worked on herself And how she's spinning things right I mean she can really come in with like Hey I'm just fucking I just want to see what I have to work on For the games
Starting point is 00:47:32 That's the way Shane's making it sound in some interviews he's done Hey this is just to see what we need to work on Have you ever talked to Tia No not really Like 25 conversations That's not how she operates 25 conversations with a total of 17 words Have you ever talked to Tia? No, not really. That's not how she operates. 25 conversations with a total of 17 words between them all. That's not how she's wired.
Starting point is 00:47:58 She's not wired. I've told you that story about the first time I met Hayley Adams. I believe you. Yes, I believe it. Okay. Tia is showing up there with one objective and one mission in mind. Okay, let's come back to her pressure then. I totally want to talk about the pressure she's feeling. But I think like – you know when you see a fight and a boxing match or UFC match and a fighter wins who you didn't know if they were going to win or not?
Starting point is 00:48:23 And they don't know if they're going to win or not. And they don't know if they're going to win or not. And then they win and they start crying. Like they can't even believe it. They showed up. Can I just say something real quick? Yeah. Do you know the movie warrior? That's the UFC movie.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I didn't see it. I tried to watch it a few times. I haven't seen it. You couldn't get through it or what? No, no, I couldn't get through it. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:48:42 It's like, it's gotta be one of my top 10 favorite movies. I used to watch it before college soccer games to pump me up. I would just watch the last hour, but I watched it on the plane rides I took on whatever day that was to get over here. And, man, I still love it. It's really good. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Like, this is going to mean a lot to Laura. Like, this is going to mean as much. If she beats Tia, this will mean as much to her as the CrossFit Games. More, I think. Pull up that list. Any single person on that list, if they win this, it's going to mean the world to them. I mean, this is a massive competition and it's a huge thing to win. And for anyone on there that wins that's not Tia,
Starting point is 00:49:20 they can add their list to the name of two people that have beaten her to competition this big in the history of Tia's career. I agree, but there is this – there is – oh, man. I can't believe I'm going to say this out loud. I can't believe I'm going to say this out loud. Everyone knows that the circumstances that led up to the games this year opened the door for a new winner, meaning Tia had a baby. If Tia wouldn't have caught in the baby batter from Shane, she would have gone to the games this year and won. I don't want to take anything away from Laura, but I did.
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, you didn't. Okay. Because all of those things are out of her control. So if she can beat Tia here, she gets a double victory. It really is like… I mean, the mental aspect of this sport is tough like she can take that any way she wants she can say let's say she wins
Starting point is 00:50:28 and let's say Tia finishes second she's like I finally did it I finally beat her or she could be like yeah but she had a baby five months ago like fuck what's going to happen at the games next year she could still have that mentality there will be still a little bit of that there will be a little bit of that but if she loses dude
Starting point is 00:50:43 yeah then does it dampen that well I beat her with sort of There will be still a little bit of that. There will be a little bit of that. But if she loses, dude. Tia finishes fifth. Yeah. Then does it dampen that? Well, I beat her with sort of four other girls. No, no. But if Tia, here's the thing. Really good distinction point you brought up. If Tia beats her, though, you're right.
Starting point is 00:50:59 If Tia beats her, it's like, fuck. Tia won even if she just had a fucking baby. Fuck. Who's's gonna beat this girl Jesus Christ Okay I'll come back to that Do you want the preview of my predictions for Rogue? I would love it I do want to wait until the week before
Starting point is 00:51:14 Just give me a little something Who do you Do you have Tia at number one? No Wow Wow Okay Hold that thought
Starting point is 00:51:23 Let's keep Let me I want to ask you I want to While want to, while we're here, uh, on the Tia Laura thing, I want you to talk to me about what we're seeing here. What, what the God, look how pretty she looks here. That was, we're not supposed to look at this. We'll look at how pretty she is later. Tell me about this. this uh she makes this post it says don't let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen kadoozers kadoozers or um do you remember what that word means no i've looked it up like five times and every time like oh okay like like don't be crazy in the backwards reverse something don't be crazies I thought it meant like I am crazy oh I am crazy okay what are you seeing here
Starting point is 00:52:10 are you like hey don't get this isn't are you like oh fuck she's cracked the code her handstands are great or you're like no lord this isn't the one you have problems with or somewhere in between someone's pulling her feet up that would be amazing that would be amazing someone's pulling her feet up. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:52:29 That would be amazing. Well, let me see the full shot. I can't. I can't. I know. Let's assume that she's doing it. When's the last time that she's posted something like this? Jacqueline Robinson, $20, 20 Canadians.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Thank you. Nice bicep. That's why I'd be curious if she's ever posted something like that before. Oh, okay. Look, look, look, look. Okay, here's one a week ago. Wait, let me see this. This is a week ago on those ballistic boxes.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You're surprising me. This is four days ago. Oh, shit, dude. Did you know that? Did you set me up for that? Look at that me. This is four days ago. Oh, shit, dude. Did you know that? Did you set me up for that? Look at that shit. What you just figured out. This is four days ago, dude. This is seven days ago.
Starting point is 00:53:15 And you have to assume that this isn't old content, right? Yeah, I don't think so. And then she says, when people can't do something themselves, they want to tell you they can't do it either Good news I mean look You know I know people have been talking about it
Starting point is 00:53:39 But in my opinion At the absolute worst She's the fourth best woman who's ever done this sport. At the absolute worst? Yeah. So if someone told you she was the third, okay, okay. So you wouldn't fight with them if someone's like, dude, she's the second best. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Tia is obviously the best to ever do it. And by the way, I think that you need to have, you know, when I rank athletes all the time, I say that you have to have a minimum of three CrossFit Games games appearance so myle o'brien's not even in the conversation yet but obviously there's annie catrin and laura those are the next three for me in some order so she's one of the four best to ever do it and of those four women she has one thing that she's much much much worse at than any of the other three are at any other thing. And despite that, she's still managed to put together the resume that she has. I wrote an article after the games this year that says, look at what she's done.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Take the fact that she competed in her best against Tia and Tia's best years out of the equation. On paper, her skill set and resume is so impressive. her skill set and resume is so impressive. And if she's getting better at that thing now, which is not out of the realm of possibility, I think she's getting better. I think she's getting better to late twenties, which is actually the prime of a female's career that we've seen so far over the course of the trajectory of the sport.
Starting point is 00:55:00 We haven't seen the best version of Laura Horvath yet. And she's already one of the best who's ever done it it happens in sports every sport it happens where the the best person and the second best person of all time end up competing at the same time and there can only be one that's the best um so going back to the question all good stuff uh from mr brian friend from be friendly fitness uh these these two shots here this one here four days ago this one here seven days ago where she's upside down um what do you see here in terms of i'll tell you just a little quick story i might have told you this story before did i tell you about how tight my hamstrings used to be? No. Tell me. Audrey told me. Brutal. They did like a sit and reach test in middle school, high school, and I couldn't even reach the block where the number started counting up from. It was insane.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And my doctor told me that it's just genetic and I was never going to get any better at that. And I was kind of like, well, we'll see about that. So I started doing this same routine every single day and I made no progress for eight months. And then in one day, like four inches better on my, on my reach chest after no progress for eight consecutive months. Wow. And this is a, in the, it's a parallel, it's just called a plateau in training and plateau is in training your body to adapt and overcome certain limitations that could be impacted by, you know, biological things that are just inherent to your body individually can last for a variety of different time periods. She's been doing this for a long time, but it
Starting point is 00:56:37 doesn't mean that she can't ever make a breakthrough. And whether it's, you know, whether it's diet or sleep or happiness in her life, or just a long time of trying to improve the same thing, it seems like maybe something has changed in that regard. Is she's going to be winning those workouts? No. But if she goes from finishing in the bottom quarter of the field in those workouts to the middle of the field in those workouts, she's given away, depending on the scoring system, dramatically less points. And that's going to make it a lot harder for anyone else to compete with her. Are you saying that when you see these videos, you're like, oh shit, Laura Horvath had a breakthrough.
Starting point is 00:57:14 She's the queen of handstand pushups. She just couldn't. No, not the queen of handstand pushups, but she might've had a breakthrough. We still, you know, you still want to see it in competition. I think that, you know you know um it's kind of like this this year at the crossfit games there were no strict deficit handstand push-ups the handstand push-ups they had were freestanding and you do them kind of whatever way you wanted and for some athletes they weren't even a limiting factor in that workout last year at the games they
Starting point is 00:57:38 had the hardest version of that that we've ever seen she took but last or second to last on on the on the that test so you could say yeah, she won the games this year. But not only was Tia not there, not only was Mel not there, but also her nemesis in terms of a movement wasn't there. None of which are her fault, by the way. In the same way that you could say, well, Yonakoski on average finishes two spots higher at the games every time there's a swim.
Starting point is 00:57:59 He finished sixth place at the games this year, tying his career best ever. If there was a swim, he might have been fourth. Jason Watkins showed him that on the performance-based scoring, he would have finished third. What did you call him? Jason Watkins? Yeah. What the fuck's that dude's name?
Starting point is 00:58:16 Jason Tyler Watkins. Sorry, Tyler. Oh, no one's supposed to know. Wow, okay. Listen, Patrick Clark says this. Don't worry, guys. I'm not letting Brian off the hook. I'm going to ask again.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Don't worry. Patrick Clark brings up a great point here. There was a talk recently. I can't remember who it was, but it was a UFC championship that happened recently. Oh, thank you, Patrick. It was Leon Edwards versus Kamaru Usman. Kamaru Usman was the best pound-per-pound fighter that happened recently and oh uh it was lee uh thank you patrick it was leon edwards uh versus kamaru uzman and kamaru uzman was like the best pound per pound fighter or best fighter 171 pounds
Starting point is 00:58:51 that ever lived right maybe pound for pound the best fighter alive in his day and and leon edwards beat him who was not supposed to beat him dude was not supposed to beat him and so then they rematched and leon beat him again and And the commentator started saying that once you get the championship belt on you, you're 30% better. And I'm like, I know, like in my mind, I was like, I know Federer is better than him. But he's just lost to this guy so many times that it's just like weighing on him. Like when the moment was critical, like he kept losing in the most important point of the match to Nadal. That's how I feel when I play my eight-year-old. I'm like, there's no fucking way he's better than me.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And for some reason, every game he ends up winning. It's nuts. Like there's no way. And it's been what I mean, I know I've said this to you before, but the more and more that I get to know the athletes and I guess actually spend time with them in and out of competition. The mental side of this sport is just it's insanely critical. And I think that's true for most sports. Did you have you seen any of have you ever seen Hayley Adams be interviewed yeah
Starting point is 01:00:10 it's so different now since she's back she's so different what do you mean she's back well what do you mean she's back what do you mean she's back? What do you mean she's back? Back doing what?
Starting point is 01:00:28 Oh, I assume she's coming back to CrossFit. Did you see her when you were at Mayhem? Yes, I gave her a hug. I said, great to see you. You said great to see you back. You said great to see you back. No, she's not back. She hasn't done any competitions yet.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Okay. Since her re-emerging… I will put her on the greatest top 200 in the world, though. How about re-emerging? Would you say she's re-emerged? Resurfaced? Re-emerged? From where? From her soul-searching venture. I think she's still on it. soul-searching venture.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I think she's still on it. Well, we're all on it, but she took a... where it became a... where she found it, where she got on the path. She's re-emerged since she got on the path. How's that? She's still on it, but she's re-emerged since she got on the path. So she was off the path.
Starting point is 01:01:20 She wasn't... God damn it, Brian. So we're not all on the path. No, we're not. OK, but the path is always there. Something's happened to her. Something's happened to her. There's more depth to her. She has some stories to tell. There's more for her to talk about. Either something's happened to her or she's less guarded.
Starting point is 01:01:40 There's a bunch of ways to say it. But it was not like interviewing her in the past where it's like hey and what's your favorite workout after you don't work out what's your favorite way to get sugar back into your body ben and jerry's are fucking blah blah blah you know what i mean so it's not more kind of uh there's depth to her there's story she had an adventure she's bit by a snake and she's telling you about that that you know the the trip to the hospital and back three people this weekend asked me if we're ever going to do part two of our little interview. Oh yeah, I need to watch part one again. It's been so long.
Starting point is 01:02:11 It's been so wild. I don't know where I was going with that. You derailed me. But I want to go back to Laura. When you see these handstand push-ups, are you like, hey, something's changed? Or are you like, this is just Instagram. I don't know. I still need to see it happen in competition okay so what we're the presupposition we're making is
Starting point is 01:02:31 that we both agree that a parallel deficit deficit handstand push-ups have been a place where um she's had some really bad finishes that have derailed her she said bad finishes and handstand push-ups in general okay the harder the harder the version of it gets the worse that it's been yes okay and so when you see this are you uh does it make you salad when you see this does this make you salivate a little bit the movement not the outfit are you dave a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online.
Starting point is 01:03:14 It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD, ready for you. You're like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I like that shoe color. Yeah, I like seeing this for sure. Yeah, okay. Here's the thing. I can't remember who I was talking to about this today. I want to see every athlete at their best. And so my hope is that, but you know, in an optimal world, every athlete who is at the CrossFit games this year, that's
Starting point is 01:03:49 also competing at Rogue will be a little bit better at something or, you know, have something to offer a little more healthy or whatever it is. And, uh, you know, same thing for the ones that weren't there that had qualified through the qualifier or got an invite for other reasons. qualifier or got an invite for other reasons. Look, there was that year that Matt Fraser did that sprint, right? And took like last place,
Starting point is 01:04:11 right? 2016 was the year that he won. He did not do so well in 2015. And what place did he get in 2015? In the thirties. He had three straight work finishes in the thirties. It was like sprint one, sprint two, the end of alias two event wins in the history of his career and then the soccer chipper where he blew up on the rope after the pig okay so those so then he comes back and he
Starting point is 01:04:35 has a fucking foot race with right ben smith or something yeah and lost like a tenth of a second to roy gamboa from a different heat okay and so boy roy you know i had a sneak to Roy Gamboa from a different heat. Okay. And so he had a foot race. Boy, Roy. You know I had a sneak in Roy Gamboa. He had a foot race with Marston Sawyer and Ben Smith and won. And that's what I'm asking you. So, like, is she in the lab? Is this the year? He went back to the lab and he unfucked his shit. Are you seeing that?
Starting point is 01:05:02 Can you be like, oh, my goodness. Yeah, but I think it actually started. The goal is fixed and Tia Toomey is in trouble. Not only is she better at handstand pushups, but the implications that she's gotten this much better at gymnastics mean that she's 2% better everywhere else. Stand back, everyone. No. Yes?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yeah, but I mean, potentially, yes. But I don't think the jump to tia to me is in trouble because i don't know what was reasonable to expect from tia which is why i started by talking about just like what is the female body capable of in that amount of time and how is her body reacted to the process of going through a birth and recovering from that in a way that the, I mean, there has to be a certain amount of recovery from doing that. Um, so, but if Tia's feeling good and healthy and she's back to lifting, you know, like that's what, that's what I'm curious to see. Like, is Tia going to be capable of lifting the same weights? Is she going to be capable of the same volume of GHG sit-ups and high volume toes to bar. I would assume if she's accepting to go to this competition that she feels
Starting point is 01:06:06 like the answer to those questions are yes, but there's, you know, competing is different than training and under a high stress, high fatigue, you know, who knows if it's, if the heat's out there, what the volume of the demand is going to be. We'll see how Tia responds to that. And it might, you know, the reality is that it might not better how good anyone else is. If Tia's body can't perform the way that she would want it to. Savon,
Starting point is 01:06:32 did you film Tia and Rich's basement in 2017? No, I didn't even know Rich had a basement and Rich and I, our friendship was on hiatus in 2017. We were in a small hiatus. Small hiatus. It was hiatus. Small hiatus. It was a hiatus. I hardly know it.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Hiatus? I don't even like anus. Hiatus. Pause or gap. Yeah. We were in a small hiatus. Yeah. Pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Hiatus. sequence, series, or process. Hiatus. And thank you for the money. More of you should be spending your money here. In any world, if there's no injury, do you see a world where Tia doesn't compete in the games this year? Do you see her having any issues? Injury, do you see a world where Tia doesn't compete in the games this year?
Starting point is 01:07:24 Do you see her having any issues? No, and I would expect, assuming no injuries or setbacks, I would expect by next year's CrossFit Games that she'll win it. It's just that Rogue is still pretty soon after giving birth. We haven't really seen anyone compete this high level this quickly after giving birth. You think she'll win the games next year? That's what you just said. Assuming no setbacks or injury, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And what about the men? Since we're just flippantly just throwing shit around. Much, much more difficult to project. Project, okay. We'll learn a lot. I think we'll learn a lot at Rogue. We will. I think you're right. Madera's not competing at Rogue, correct?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Correct, from what I saw. I'll be at Rogue in particular. I'll be looking at Adler, Vellner, Roman to see how his foot's doing. Ricky to see how his shoulder's doing. I still think that Chandler's pretty interesting, especially at Rogue. And, you know, there's some other guys that I'm pretty intrigued by. I want to see how Jason Hopper rebounds from what happened to him at the games this year. But there's a lot of questions on the men's side.
Starting point is 01:08:38 It's pretty cool. And Fikowski, you know. Oh, yeah, Fikowski. Fikowski. I want to ask you about Roman. It was nice of you to bring him up i saw him at mayhem but i didn't have a chance to go and talk to him i was so bummed i saw logan ewing there too oh what's logan like i'm gonna have him on the podcast cool talk to him yeah yeah i've always had good chats with him but they were uh they were like coming in and then they saw that the whole camp was there,
Starting point is 01:09:07 and I was in a workout partner, working with someone, and I saw them, and then they went into the back, and we just didn't get a chance to say hi. I was bummed out. I heard that Roman is going, and I'm on his Instagram, and I don't see anything about it. I heard that Roman is going to Vietnam. No. I thought it's South heard that Roman is going to Vietnam. No. I thought it was South Korea.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Sorry, yeah. Korea. All those countries are the same to me. Nam, Korea, Philippines. Is that true? And if that's true, does that mean this year he won't be competing in the U.S.? He'll have to go back to Vietnam to do the semifinals? have to go back to vietnam to do the semi-finals um but that depends on the rules that the crossfit games rule book details when they're released at some point this off season hey no one questioned
Starting point is 01:09:52 there was all this how to come catring gets to go from idaho to the united states and there were all these people and why does bailey martin bailey bale bailey rail bailey uh get to go to uh the west and all these people you know what i mean like all these jackasses who have crossfit shows they're all like me we're like you know doing all this shit i mean you know my opinion about this too but well hold on i forget it but no because it's been so long since you've been on but no but no one no one fucked with roman oh the poor russian leave the russian alone no one no one dare be like hey I thought Adler was fucking with Russia no one was
Starting point is 01:10:27 fucking with Roman being like hey send this jackass back to Nam to compete so what about now it is a little it's just funner to say than Korea okay you could have said like North Korea that's good it's gonna be
Starting point is 01:10:44 weird it's gonna be weird to give him a pass again if he goes there in the offseason, right? Or no, since he's been here a year, that's all you need to be here is a year. It's his home. Again, it depends on what rules they choose to put into the rulebook this year. they choose to put into the rulebook this year. And then subsequently, it depends on, I don't know exactly what his visa status or residency status or whatever it is. He went to, I believe he went to Dubai
Starting point is 01:11:17 right after the games to get that taken care of. And now he has opportunity to stay here for longer. It might also have some kind of jurisdiction about entry and re-entry. That's a lot different than what it was i don't know but he was he was able to go to asia and come back the previous season it was just a risk and a pain in the ass i i feel like i answered my own question too in there because if they do stick by the same rules he'll be able to stay in the united states because all you had to be here was like a year to show that you're home and i think maybe he even bought a house here or something just it was multiple years but uh yeah i mean my opinion hasn't changed on this matter i think that
Starting point is 01:11:54 if you have a passport in a country that's in a competitive region you should absolutely have the opportunity to compete there and that if you can prove that you're living in a different competitive region and have been for whatever the required period of time is, you should have an opportunity to compete there. And by those rules, Ellie Turner would have the choice to compete in Oceania, which she has a probably an easier chance to make it than she does in North America West, or she could choose to compete in North America West because she doesn't want to spend however much money and do that travel and make that trip in the middle of the season. Catron would have the same choice between Europe and Euro-Rer would have the same choice between Europe and Roman.
Starting point is 01:12:26 We have the same choice between Asia and wherever they compete. They'll just have to be good enough to make it. But those like, it makes sense to me that you should be able to compete where you're from and you should be able to compete where you live. If you want to. Do you think Justin's going to cut his mullet at some point in his, in his CrossFit career?
Starting point is 01:12:43 You think he'll finish his career with a mullet? Or he'll get rid of it before? I think he'll get rid of it at some point before he retires. And I think it would be nice if he did. I think he'd probably look pretty good. Rambler Seve, if you collect camera gear, do you also collect pocket knives?
Starting point is 01:13:01 I don't collect anything. I am not a collector. What about WAD zombie trading trading cards or mint trading cards? No, no. This is purely out of the, this is like just because I'm trying to support him. I would know like this beautiful James Sprague. He's selling like the last wild zombie packs ever. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:13:21 What's that mean? Because now they're all going to be mint trading cards. Oh. Wild zombie ones are are gonna be no more so he's selling like some seven card packs or something the last ones no i didn't know that that way he should stick with the what he should stick with the wild zombie name mints is just so like like every other sport how do you come up with that call me wads on what are you doing? It's probably Jason Watkins' idea. Oh, that's fucking stupid. Stick with something weird, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Score. Like these ding-dongs. Score. Score. Yeah. One of the listeners, Brandon Waddell, sent this to me. It is Bajent. Yeah, Tyson.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Chicago Bears. A backup Tyson. Chicago Bears. A backup quarterback for Chicago Bears. For now. Frequent guest of the show. Oh, shit. Audrey, I'm going to have a limited edition Brian Friend card. That's a little concerning. I came up with it.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Oh, there you go oh yeah the Ben Smith limited edition has WZ on it wad zombie hey you know what I think I think that there's more I think that the domain there's athletes want cards faster more than he has them. Do you know what I mean? Like I talked to Guy about it, and like Guy wanted a card.
Starting point is 01:14:51 There's – I mean there's biographies written for athletes that we haven't released cards for yet. Yeah. I think there could be 50 of these. But there's a process that has to go through to get them know to get them from and he probably only sells like three of them right so it's probably just like a passion he has to give away 12 to jackasses like me and then he sells three but you can't afford them so you know so he sends them to me yeah so. We have a relationship, me and Wad Zombie. Doesn't he just walk him over to your door, hand him two fives? Nick, throw one in.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Don't come in, Nick. Your feet are dirty. You got dog poop in here last time. Just throw it in from the door. That's because you didn't kill enough of the dog poop in your driveway, Savant. Patrick Clark, it's dealing with managers and agents and getting NIL rights. I think I had a word for managers and agents. Klingons? Like butthairs?
Starting point is 01:15:52 What was my word for managers and agents? I had a word for them that was pejorative, derogatory. Are we doing Crash Crucible together, me and you? What's the plan here? By the way, i saw his internet connection today holy cow it is robust yeah i'm really pumped for that and yes i think we are doing it together and i'm excited for that too so basically you'll be there on the ground and i'll be doing it from here and we'll have all the camera angles and we'll just be going crazy. Yeah. And it's going to be like for athletes, it's going to be great for fans of athletes. It's going to be great because it's small heats.
Starting point is 01:16:34 And if the internet is as good as you say it is, we'll be able to really spotlight and highlight what's happening on the floor, who these people are, what they're doing well at. It's going to be cool. I'm going to run a speed test right now on my computer. And I'm going to have all the athlete information for you so you can sound like you know what you're talking about. Oh, good. We should have some people – I should have some people on ahead of time.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Okay, so I'm 10 upright. I'm 400 down and 10 up, 10 megabits per second up. I saw a speed test today, and I'm hardwired. I saw a Wi-Fi speed test. It crashed today, and it's 40 up. And look how – my picture's crisp, right? I know. I can see the wrinkles on your forehead.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Yeah. Crazy, right? I can see the scar on your right cheek. Yeah. crazy right I can see the scar on your right cheek yeah is that where you smash yourself in the face with a tennis racket after Avi beat you no I wish it was a good story like that I was a little kid and I jumped into the corner of a coffee table
Starting point is 01:17:36 I should ask my mom if that story is true I've been telling it forever yeah every kid did that um yeah okay I'm pumped I'm nervous too I spoke to jr today i go dude i am stressed out and nervous about this he goes yeah i mean why just because i want it i want because i want it to be good i want it to be good i want it to be like the zillows games but you actually can see shit it's not like you're watching atari 2600 like graphics you know what I mean? Like the blocks move around. And I think it's going to be so clean.
Starting point is 01:18:07 It is going to be, and it'll be better than Zalos games for many reasons. JR has a much bigger floor space there. The natural progression of workouts will be better. I've had a lot of more opportunity to practice these things. We're going to have more preparation in terms of the athletes. We're going to have the opportunity to have guests there. We got Susan Hiller there running cameras, making sure that everything is good on the back end.
Starting point is 01:18:28 It's going to be legit. This is slightly off subject from the crash crucible and what you were saying is legit, but did you know that there was a 63-inch Pringles can? I think I know who they made that one for actually that's incredible Pringles has spoken Has spoken though and so they made up a batch of giant Pringles cans that are 63.4 inches long matching the height of Pringles Japan's celebrity spokesperson media personality Fu Hua Chan
Starting point is 01:19:05 Wow, does Italy sell three-foot Pringles cans Japan's celebrity spokesperson, media personality, Fuwa Chan. Wow. Does Italy sell three-foot Pringles cans? No word on what different Pringle flavors. Oh. Oh, wow. And they're in three-foot cans in Italy. I've only seen one like this, like whatever we have here in the States, like a foot long or a 16-inch, whatever that thing is.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yep. I guess. I mean, I haven't seen Pringles cans in a while. I was never a huge fan of that. It's a very, very salty snack. Do you think that there's a better chip than a Pringle? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Like which one? I don't know. I'm not a big chip guy really but back when you were like a little kid like you like doritos or like what did you like no no no no no you know uh we used to do like the barbecue the tacos with the fritos i would eat those sometimes oh oh but uh i don't really eat chips like i guess if guess if I went to, like, a sandwich shop and needed a bag of chips, I'd either get the pretzels or, like, just the original baked lays or whatever they are. Yeah, the baked lays are good or the barbecue chips are good,
Starting point is 01:20:13 but Pringles are on a whole nother – they're not even really chips. They're on a whole nother level, I think, and they're very salty. I actually haven't had one in a long time. I think I do remember liking the taste, but I couldn't eat a lot of them. Too salty. Yeah, it kind of, like, hurts the roof of your mouth. Yeah, that's in a long time. I think I do remember liking the taste, but I couldn't eat a lot of them. Too salty. Yeah, it kind of like hurts the roof of your mouth. Yeah, that's never a good sign. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Anything else you would like to, most memorable moment on your trip? I feel like I've taken over the whole show. Go ahead. Okay, well, thank you. I told you you had free reign. Thank you. Within the realm of CrossFit
Starting point is 01:20:52 and stuff like that, and disc golf and Pringles. I wanted to tell you a little story. Please. I went to a gym in Norway, CrossFit Furuset. My friend Roger has built up a community there.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Can you spell it for me? Yeah. F-U-R-U-S-E-T. There's something probably on my Instagram about this experience as well, but I thought you'd really like this one since you're an affiliate and community community guy and uh he advertised
Starting point is 01:21:29 he told me before i came there he's like i advertised it to my members that we're gonna do a workout and seminar with my friend from america oh oh wow oh there it is wow it's probably translate that. Oh, no, it's just he pulled this bio. Look at that. It even says a Savon podcast in it. Isn't that nice of him to say that? It also says some other stuff that's not accurate about the gym, but whatever. And he's like, listen, if I walked into the gym with Tia Claire Toomey, Matt Fraser, Laura Horvath, and Rich Froning, they would know who any of them are. This is not these type of people.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Wow. But they're excited and they're curious because my friend from america is coming to hang out and talk to them so he's like do you know what workout you're going to write for them i was like uh how many people are coming what do you want to do you know he's like teams of three there might be like up to 30 40 people and uh maybe some kind of am reps are all working for the same time fine so i wrote a workout he goes do you know what you're going to talk about? And I lied to him. And I said, yeah, of course I know what I'm talking about. I had no idea what I was going to talk about because I was like, well, I don't know who
Starting point is 01:22:30 these people are. I don't know what's going to happen. I've been doing this, living this for 10 years. So hopefully I can just talk about whatever. So we did the workout. I observed, watched it. It was great to see the camaraderie, the intensity get higher and higher as the workout time was dwindling down
Starting point is 01:22:45 at the AMRAP. That's totally unnecessary for your legs to get that close to the ground at that high of a speed. That is dumb. Go on. Yes, go on. So you didn't know what you're going to talk about. I'm listening. Uh, so I watched him and as I'm watching them work out, you know, some thoughts are coming into my mind. And so I just started to speaking to them about the, the first thing I talked about was like relative to the workout. I talked about the value of a full hip extension and squatting below parallel. And we've transitioned to like the applications that it has to life over a lifetime. And then I started telling some stories about Greg from way back when, and I started asking them some questions, you know, why are you guys, why are you guys here? Like, where did you come from? There was a hockey team,
Starting point is 01:23:27 like 13 and 14 year old boys that showed up like 12, 12 of these kids. There were people ranging from that age all the way up to their sixties. There were probably like, uh, six or seven different nationalities represented. They were overweight people, people who just started CrossFit. There was a girl with autism. There was a guy who he speaks up and he's, he starts telling me, he's like, dude, I had these like terrible health markers and i was in and my doctors were like you know they weren't even really sure what to do a buddy of mine mentioned well why don't you just try some exercise i just started going to this gym so he came to this gym a year later he went back to the doctor and his heart health markers are all not within the normal ranges and he's like and he's
Starting point is 01:24:06 like tearing up telling this story and a few other people told me stories like this and this is just like one of many gyms in norway that just happened to have an opportunity to go and talk to these people these are the people that took the chance to show up there and it was just for me it was just like it was probably the most impactful thing that happened to me on the entire trip just to be there and see this thing working in a community that could care less about the crossfit games could care less about the best in the world they were just living happier healthier lives because of having exposure to this thing that greg started however many years ago um uh norway is 81% Norwegian.
Starting point is 01:24:54 There's a big population of Middle Eastern people there. A lot of darker-skinned people from different countries and parts of the world were there. Less than 1% of Norway is black there were some black people at the talk that I did exactly that's my fucking point of course there were that those places are melting pots those gyms
Starting point is 01:25:18 are melting pots and they've always been melting pots since the fucking beginning time and it's awesome that the cure for the world's most vexing problem even works in Norway. That is so freaking cool. How were the chicks hot? And there was one guy there who's actually...
Starting point is 01:25:38 A yes or no question, Mr. Friend. Your Honor, the witness is being hostile. In Norway? Yeah, were there hot chicks in... So the funny thing about this, everywhere I go, I think there's beautiful women there. But the people who live there, when I say that about them, they're like, I don't think they're that beautiful. They're just accustomed to it, you know? I went to a country once where there...
Starting point is 01:25:56 I went to one country once where there weren't beautiful women. Just one. I'll tell you off there. It's kind of unbelievable. Everywhere I've went, I'm like, dang. Was it the street where Ronnie Teasdale's gym used to be? No, it's not. No.
Starting point is 01:26:13 United States has hot women. Everywhere has hot women. Beautiful women. Dude, crazy. But it is crazy. I mean, I was in Finland. I was talking to my friends there, and I was like, man, there's a lot of good-looking women here. And they're like, really?
Starting point is 01:26:27 I don't know. But they're just like, that's – you know, it's like when you're used to something so much, you don't appreciate it as much as when it's new. Yeah, I guess. I think if – I want to show you this person. Someone said – guessed a country. oh my gosh i got i want to show you this person someone said uh pick the guest a country um and i thought i would uh roger did set me up in sweden though at the competition i did at the briefing he's like he's like uh is there anybody here from sweden everyone half the people raise their hand what
Starting point is 01:27:02 about half the people raise their hands like what about denmark the people raise their hand. What about Norway? Half the people raise their hand. He's like, what about Denmark? Five people raise their hand. He's like, anywhere else in the world. He goes, oh, my friend from America. We'll do the briefing in English. Oh, that's cool. You don't have to do it in English anyway. Armenia has so many hot women, it's fucking mind-boggling. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Someone suggested that was the country. Someone thought that was the country where there's no hot women. I did not expect it at all. It is crazy. It is crazy. Just big, huge brown eyes, voluptuous women. I don't know. I was expecting him to just look the same, the same skin tone as Tommy, our friend Tommy.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Tommy who? Rodriguez? That I competed against. Remember, you said he had a nice skin tone. Tommy, our friend Tommy. Tommy who? Rodriguez? That I competed against. Remember you said he had a nice skin tone? Tommy Rodriguez? He pulled up from this weekend, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's Mexican. Yeah, but nice skin tone.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Yeah, he has nice skin tone. Yeah, they do. They have great skin tone. But this is a little disappointing. It says, World's Sexiest People are Irish and Armenian. That doesn't bode well. For Pedro, it does. Oh, for men, it's Irish. For women, it's Armenian.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Okay, that makes more sense. Okay. That makes sense. Was that an online magazine or something? Yeah, People magazine. That the sexiest men in the world are from Ireland. Yeah. Hey,
Starting point is 01:28:31 you can't, you can't argue with science. Who's the author? Uh, I like that. I did like, no, I like what you said. Who's the author.
Starting point is 01:28:44 This is the kind of article that doesn't even have an AI chat, chat, GBT. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Look, they even say here, the results may be surprising.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Between the men's taste and popular celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, Kardashian. Oh, Rihanna and Rihanna's country, B celebrities such as Kim Kardashian. Kardashian. Oh, Rihanna. In Rihanna's country. Bajan. Bahan. She's not American? That's where she's from? Wait, what country?
Starting point is 01:29:17 B-J-A B-J B-A-J-A-N No, I have not been drinking yet. But I'm going to. Dude, do you know who I'm having on the podcast tomorrow? Judy Reid. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:29:33 I will say something about Judy Reid on the podcast tomorrow. Oh, my goodness. All these pictures of Rihanna with wearing a mask. Why? Tomorrow. Tomorrow, this guy David Sutcliffe is coming on. He was on a TV show called The Gilmore Girls. And he is he's become a like a psychotherapist, a core energy.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Genetic, genetic, core, energetic therapist energetic therapist somatic what is that core energetic somatic there sounds like this asking if i've seen the movie called the hypnotic have you seen it yeah i watched it on one of these i've been on the airplane 70 hours this trip i figured it out and was it a good movie? It got me thinking. What was it called? Hypnotic. Hypnotic. You know what sucks is that I can't even play the trailer to it. I'll get dinged. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:30:35 So this guy... Yeah, but you can pull up a picture of it and read the two-sentence description. Synopsis? Okay. So this guy is a somatic therapy therapist. Somatic body-centered therapies are similar to whole life therapy and that it considers the whole person blah core energetic therapeutic method that works with the idea of human being have an energy system as well as the body blah blah blah somatic experience oh fuck nothing easy anyway he just did a uh three
Starting point is 01:31:00 hour breakdown with andrew tate where he like breaks down andrew tate he sits across from him at a table. You know, Andrew Tate is. They're actually in person. Yeah, they're actually in person. No, I don't. Oh. I.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Audrey. So quick. I'd let Brian hypnotize me. Brian, you got to see my studio. I have the nicest podcast studio on the on the on the west coast of the United States in the Western Hemisphere. You've been sending the pictures of it. there i got even more you got to come you should be you should be sitting here for a week where we just do shows together for a week you've never invited me there yeah well let's do that after uh after um what are we doing together crash crucible
Starting point is 01:31:41 you want me to come out there between Crucible and Rogue? Oh, my goodness. Wouldn't that be crazy if we did a Rogue build? Are you going to Rogue? Yeah. No, he wasn't in jail with Tate, though. Great question. That's cool. Yeah. Let's look at the calendar. Oh, that would be tight to do it right before Rogue, but I'm totally game. Listen to this. This Sutcliffe dude probably sells supplements too you asshole daniel i am gonna lump you in that camp with danny guerrero and david weed there's three tiers of uh of listeners there's
Starting point is 01:32:20 12 daily doses just like satan then there's purgatory that's david weed dan and dan guerrero and chapman's working on getting in there too and now daniel you want from heaven and to put into uh straddling the line oh he's just these guys and i had a guy come on the other day and i asked him about some supplements he sold. And everyone in the comments is like, oh, this is a fucking infomercial, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, dude, like it's his job, like selling those. What am I supposed to not ask about it? That's your job is to ask. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:54 What if he was a lawyer? You wouldn't be you wouldn't say that he was if he was a lawyer, you wouldn't say that he's something up on the perimeter of your screen. It looks really nice. Travis did it, I think, the Vindicate guy who sells all the cool shirts. Asymmetric, the legend, David Weed, thanks to Sevan. We'll see Travis in a couple weeks. I'm excited. I always love seeing Travis.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Oh, dude, I don't know if you know, but Trish died. What do you mean? Okay, well, I don't know if you know, but Trish died. What do you mean? Okay, well, Trish died. That character, Trish, you know how there's all these characters in here, like J.R. Howell, Magnus Holmgren, Rambler, Bernie Gannon? J.R. Howell. What? Is that not actually J.R.?
Starting point is 01:33:39 I don't fucking know. I don't think anyone's anyone in here. So the character Trish died, or do you actually know who the person is and that person passed away? That person, Trish, died. They had an Instagram account. I know, it's weird. Virtual Trish or the real Trish? I think it's the virtual Trish. I don't know. Those are all questions. You had a virtual death.
Starting point is 01:34:00 But it may be all irrelevant because I saw Trish in here this morning. Can you pull up um no her instagram account is gone can we pull up the funeral from harry potter and the half-blood prince when uh erigog dies it's a great speech we could play for trip oh brian sometimes i i like you so much why do you have to do harry potter hey hey come on i i i'm proud of what i have studied and know about harry potter actually okay that's fine do you know that i uh started to write a book called harry potter and the four loves which was a cross reference between c.s lewis's book the four loves which identify the
Starting point is 01:34:43 four greek words for love in the new Testament and the ways that they play out throughout the story of Harry Potter. No. Are you going to finish the book? Maybe. I have another book that is actually finished that I'm looking to publish, if anyone on here knows a publisher or editor that's interested in fantasy adventure. I know an agent. Who is that? Patrick Clark. But yeah, obviously I like to write and I have written some books and I have others
Starting point is 01:35:17 that I would like to, but I've just kind of been looking for the right outlet. What was the book you recommended to me the other day by C.S. Lewis? Oh, we were talking about the Screwtape Letters. Screwtape Letters.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Yeah, it's a series of letters that the senior devil writes to, like, junior devils about infiltrating the minds of humans. It's good. It's, yeah, the way that I described it in our in our text was pretty good it was like um yeah if you read it with an open mind then it'll you can certainly challenge your perspective on how you go about living your life i think uh are you reading the audio book are you reading yeah we haven't talked about reading any books yet patrick clark this is news to me.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Well, there you go. Hypnotic. Hypnotic is a 2023 American mystery action thriller. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, who co-wrote the screenplay Max Bornstein. The film stars Ben Affleck, Elise, blah, blah, blah. Hypnotic was released. Danny Rourke, an Austin Police Department detective, recalls to his therapist the abduction of his seven-year-old daughter.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Convinced the heist has something to do with the disappearance, his daughter Rourke investigates. Rourke and Cruz, Rourke and Cruz, Vivian. Rourke arrives at the ranch. Later, Del Reyne is revealed to survive the shootout have oh did i just ruin the movie for me this is not okay is this the movie hypnotic stop reading just stop reading yes that's a movie in theaters may 12th is it may yet oh yeah we're past may i could probably see this on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Maybe I'll watch it tonight. I would be curious. You said his name's Sutcliffe, Daniel Sutcliffe? Is that what you said? David Sutcliffe. Yeah, I'd be curious if he's aware of it and if he is aware of it, what he thinks about it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, was he on...
Starting point is 01:37:29 It's really hot today. Where are you? Oh, in Fort Bragg? Fort Meyer? Don't tell me Fort... If you watch the movie, then you'll understand. I'll show you this guy, David Sutcliffe.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Hold on. It was Daniel Garrity. That's where I would get confused on the first name. Here's the guy. I started watching this and I was like, oh shit. He's on the left for sure. I looked at this guy on Instagram. There's a girl in the, um,
Starting point is 01:38:10 that guy looks 20 years younger. If he shaves that beard off, he's got the same problem. I do. He's the guy from Gilmore girls. Yeah. You ever watched that movie? I mean that show.
Starting point is 01:38:26 No, I don't even know what it is. Do you know what is i mean i've i've heard of it but i i think it was when it was playing was before i was alive by like a couple decades possibly maybe two more girls uh is an american comedy television series created by amy sherman 60s the show debuted in oct 5th, 2000 oh you're thinking of the Golden Girls ah yes yeah Gilmore Girls in the 2000s wow I would never have known that this show was from 2000 to 2006
Starting point is 01:38:56 we're gonna have another disc golf show after I go to this tournament if you want if you want you know that I want to I bit off more than I could chew with those shows actually I wouldn't have been able to keep up with them either
Starting point is 01:39:21 but Hiller wants to do it too maybe we should do a little threesome oh is he dying to do some frisbee golf? He was talking to me about that. He said he was dying to do it. Yeah, let's do a show. You, me, and Hiller post-USDGC. Oh, that sounds awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Bernie Gannon, I wonder if Sutcliffe and Tate compared their girls' collections. This is Trish, by the way. Bernie's Trish. And then I'm doing, and then tomorrow night, you know who else is coming on? Legend in the community. Driscoll's coming on. Yeah, Driscoll.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Dave Driscoll? Yeah. Have you got him on? No. I've never even met the guy. I just know of him from Instagram, and I know when I did my hair, I was copying him. I saw his hair, and I wanted to do that. the side about power monkey you get there's some people that were that are at power monkey that you should have on here like who oh yeah we didn't talk about
Starting point is 01:40:15 power monkey I wanted to there was a great picture of you and Dave Dave Durante tell me about power monkey the number one thing that I would say about power monkey camp is more so as a coach than an athlete i wish i had done that a long time ago i went there they have 10 stations there that you rotate through gymnastic stations olympic lifting endurance rowing jump rope and these people are world-class experts in their field and i would say and i wrote a three-part article or series of articles about this, where I kind of picked out the one or two things that were most impactful for me at each station. And it's obviously, I mean, imagine someone who's spent 20 plus years as an
Starting point is 01:40:56 elite practitioner or coach or both in their discipline. That's then given the task of conveying a message in two hours or less to a group of people that they don't that have a wide degree of experience ability and whatever and uh that's a very challenging thing to do and then i attempted to you know acutely attend to participate and listen to what these were going and pull out a couple things and in every single case there were at least one or two things that were communicated to me that in 10 years of doing crossfit no crossfit coach at the level one or any gym i've gone to has communicated to me that i thought what tell me something tell me
Starting point is 01:41:35 something and i'm not saying that these things don't exist out there right right coaches that are correcting them right but um just these are like very simple things and the i didn't realize how how how tight my hips were were preventing my feet in the split jerk from being in the position that i perceived they were in and in all of the years that i have been corrected in the jerk including both times that i've gone to level one everything was focusing on my upper body because they also tend to have an open rib cage and my shoulders are up and back or not down and back. And this woman just came over and she, she moved my, she took a picture of me. She moved my heel and she took another picture. And it was mind blowing.
Starting point is 01:42:21 I thought that my back heel was in a totally different position than it was in. And anyway, that was just an example from the jerk station. The rowing station, super simple. When you get on the rower, get to the back of the seat. Everything else falls into alignment from there. Get your tailbone to the back of the seat. Daniel Garrity, great show, Seve and Brian. Well, fine, then you get to go back to heaven
Starting point is 01:42:46 Little hand He never hurts Audrey I'll loosen your hips Just let me Sheesh Sheesh When you mean get on the back of the seat
Starting point is 01:42:52 You don't You don't mean move the seat All the way to the back of the rail You mean just put your ass Up against the back part of it And you get in a much better position From there There's plenty of other stuff
Starting point is 01:43:01 That you could do also But that will eliminate Most people's basic problems. And then I saw it happen with my group mates. And the coaches were good. I mean, they were, I was impressed. Dave Durant totally fucked me up with the handstand station. I was so sore in my neck,
Starting point is 01:43:26 upper back, mid back after that station. And we didn't do any, really didn't do any handstands at all. Wow. Did he know you were going to be sore? He had us do this drill and it was like, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:40 three rounds of 10 seconds on 10 seconds off, holding a specific position, five seconds into the first drill that my foot started cramping. And three seconds later, he goes, anyone's feet cramping yet? Wow. How many of those has he taught? This is the 20th camp. He's been at every one of them. Dave Newman's been at every one of them.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Dave Newman's been at every one of them. The jump rope guy? The jump rope guy's there? I can do 100 double unders cold just walking to a gym and do them. I could probably do 50 unbroken double unders at any point in a workout. I'm really good at crossover single unders, but I know now that I
Starting point is 01:44:21 have less than optimal efficiency with jump rope. it would, and it would take me 10 years of reversing a bad habit to make a one inch correction. That would make me go from being able to probably do a hundred to 300. Oh, I don't know if it's worth it for me with the goals that I have to undo 10 years of bad learning to make that one inch correction. But I absolutely, this is why I say as a coach, it's so much more valuable for me than an athlete. Now, I absolutely wish that I knew that stuff five years ago when I started coaching
Starting point is 01:44:48 full-time because there's hundreds of people that I've interacted with that I could have done better by if I had had that exposure five years ago clip that one tag Cam. Oh, that's a good idea. Krasinsha was there. He's done, I think, 18 or 19 of the 20. Wow. Yep. Man, really, really impressive. Really impressive, the endurance station.
Starting point is 01:45:22 Duke Van Fleet, who I never had met before, and Emily Bridgers were on the ring station. Duke Van Fleet, who I'd never had met before, and Emily Bridgers were on the ring station. Phenomenal. Totally, I mean, like, redefined my own capacity for what I believe I can do on the rings, which I never have had
Starting point is 01:45:40 a lot of confidence in. I'm making a note. Take a clip from tonight's show, Brian, talking about Tia and Laura and make clickbait title. Forget about Power Monkey. No, Power Monkey is good. I just didn't want to forget.
Starting point is 01:46:04 I got to have forget I gotta have I should have Hinshaw back on I've only had him on once I've never had Durante on That's stupid I love Dave Newman I can't believe I've never had him on I've had so many people on
Starting point is 01:46:13 Get Martone Jeff Martone Dude this guy With the kettlebell It's insane I took the kettlebell course The first one he ever taught He
Starting point is 01:46:22 Makes it look so easy And when he talks about it it's just a million reps of practice of small things that makes a difference over time how many has he done i don't uh several um but that's another one like i never have had exposure to a kettlebell coach like that and and i i'm pretty good at kettlebell swings like i could probably do 100 in a row in a workout if i needed to at the 53 pound kettlebell but i'm nowhere near efficient with it after that i was like completely exposed and i'm like okay with it like i get it but like and it was one of those things where like you know they give you a cue and you're like okay i got that and then they give you the next cue and you just completely forgot the previous one
Starting point is 01:47:04 and it's just like i was trying to get every, like every part of my body was in the wrong position. Oh, I just saw the thumbnail for the, for the, for the clip. Okay. okay Brian friend tells you tells us who is better
Starting point is 01:47:30 or pretty good right I guess do those clips do well those little sub clip things oh my god the sub clip station is destroying oh that's good yeah destroying
Starting point is 01:47:45 anyone could have done it yeah it's gonna make someone rich here in a second it's not gonna be me I'm so excited God especially if you already listened to the show if you already listened to the show. If you already listened to the show, then just take like,
Starting point is 01:48:07 just take, just take. Mike Service would be good to have on. He's the guy who teaches the snatch there. He's been to every single one as well. Who's he? How come I, I don't know that name. Mike Service? Yeah, he and Dave are the, they're like the main guys there.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Chad Vaughn's there. Oh, no shit. Strength and Faith, Mike Service. Oh, he has a ponytail. He's got a ton of hair. He and Elijah Muhammad were doing the Snatch Station when I was there. It was great. Power Monkey Camp.
Starting point is 01:48:37 There he is. I don't recognize this guy. He was cool. He talks. He talks good. i yeah i really like mike i always have great conversations with him holy shit wait till you see this video i just saw on his instagram account he's doing he's currently squatting like legitimately squatting every day for a uh a year oh yeah day 262 day 246 of 365 dude that's crazy right there dude that is crazy he did a 400 pound overhead squat at 165 pounds body weight wow that's 225 pounds for a new best in the overhead kozak squat maybe 250 this year you say kostak i, I say Kozak. I'm a kind of cozy person.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Kozak. Wow, that's nuts. I went on with these guys on their podcast sometime. I think I'll do another one with them. When? Because I looked to see if you did any podcasts recently. I didn't find anything. No, no, it was a while ago.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Yeah, I haven't. Between Norway and Power Monkey, it was so busy, I couldn't even find the time to schedule a single one with Patrick. Apologize. But, yeah, really, I was – I mean, I'm telling you, I've listed off almost every station by this point. The bar station was probably the most fun station. There's like – I feel like there's like the least instructional,
Starting point is 01:50:06 informational stuff, and there was the most opportunity to inform and instruct once you were actually doing stuff. And it happened to be our last station for our group, so that was super fun. Shane DeFrietas and Casey Clark were over there. They were both incredible movers, good communicators. It's good. I mean, it's really good.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And the thing is, these camps sell out, and no one's even really advertising. Yeah yeah i didn't even know it was still going on there's so much did you know about the there was a hawaii trail run this year i didn't even know that thing was still around yeah in fact some some people that were there their mental coach don fletcher and also duke van vliet came straight from there to here, Don actually made a stop in Aspen to coach this like crazy. You do the entire, it's like 29,029 is the thing. You do the full ascent of Everest, but you do like eight trips up and a gondola down in a 36 hour period. And she coaches people through it. It's pretty wild. Hey, can you throw a baseball?
Starting point is 01:51:04 Throwing is probably my least talent as a athletic talent oh like when you have you ever heard of the punt pass kick challenge a football challenge no you start at one end zone you punt the ball as far as you can from wherever it lands not where it rolls where it lands you throw it as far as you can from wherever it lands you try to kick a field goal and you have to make it through the upright. I can do it, but my throw is pathetic compared to my two kicks. Oh, and you're a soccer player. Yeah, and I used to coach some high school kickers on the football team,
Starting point is 01:51:36 so I figured out how to do that pretty well. I mean, they translate, obviously, between each other. Audrey, my snatch is better than Brian's. I can help him with that. There are, you know, I've been on this trip. I've lifted with a lot of women that are competitive in CrossFit at various levels, including at the CrossFit Games. And many of them have better lifts than me,
Starting point is 01:52:00 but not many of them are better at snatching than me. Really? You have a good snatch compared to every other lift but yeah oh snatch and overhead squat is much much much better disproportionately better than everything else i went to athena uh perez's seminar uh over the weekend uh the scaled nation seminar and she demos so many movements and i could not believe what a great mover she was i could not believe what a great mover she was i could not believe what a great mover she was it was kind of crazy and she doesn't even really warm up and she's a large-bodied human being this is the one at diablo yeah it was nuts watching her move
Starting point is 01:52:35 like it is it is it's seriously like you can't kind of can't even believe she uh what she's doing look who is not cheryl snatches cleans all that shit jumping she was pretty it's pretty remarkable uh who Cheryl Hayworth h-a-w-o-r-t-h she's a she's also a coach at Power Monkey Camp she had she set the record for the clean and jerk in I think 2010 or 11 and still holds the American record for it. I see Cheryl, uh, Schaefer, Cheryl Moran, Cheryl,
Starting point is 01:53:08 Cheryl, what? H a w o r t h. H a w. J w. There's no why. Oh, Hayworth weightlifting.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Carol Hayworth. Here we go. Oh, I recognize this chick. She's an American record holder for the clean and jerk coaches at Power Monkey Camp. Are you kidding me? I bet you I've asked this chick to be on my podcast. She's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:53:39 You would love having her on. Wow. I remember her when she was a little kid and she was coming up she was in like mainstream media yeah she's still the best
Starting point is 01:53:56 US lifter that we've ever had for the cleaning trick oh she did a conversation about race huh oh good oh I can't wait to listen to this hmm I find my fancy myself is quite the expert on race like not race on it oh no Not racing. Oh. No. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:54:35 She got the transgender flag up on Rich's chest. That's amazing. Here are a couple Freudian free associations. I see some good podcast conversation possibilities. Me too. Me too. Me too. Pinata.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Oh, so she's okay with cultural appropriation. So am I. Look it. They got a pinata there. Oh, dude, you're coming on the podcast in a couple days yeah with facundo yeah is that facundo on the right there yeah it is actually with his mouth open he kind of looks like a monkey in that picture we've been trying to schedule that since madrid hey is that danny spiegel right there with her jacket open and her tongue out of her mouth on the left? I think so, yeah. And there's Alex
Starting point is 01:55:28 Smith to her right with his... Wow, look at this. That's Dave Durante right in the middle. Yeah, I see him. And then on the far right, there's Dave Newman. Yeah. The black guy next to him is Darnell. He coached the endurance station with Chris Henshaw. What's that guy's name? He looks so familiar.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Does he work the games? Darnell? Yeah. I don't think so. Jason Layden's in the back there on the left. He was at Power Monkey. He's been to 19 of the 20 camps. Oh my God. That guy's been around forever. And, dude, you have to see if you can find him.
Starting point is 01:55:59 Does that guy talk? What was that guy like? I remember when that guy was like Rob Orlando's coach. He was kind of... He speaks quite well. Yeah, I think he'd be great to have on. And, dude, they had this break dancer come to the camp with his son. Go find this on Power Monkey Fitness. Rich is like Jesus.
Starting point is 01:56:16 He loves everyone. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. Say it again. I want to see if we can go to power monkeys instagram power monkey fitness or power monkey camp i don't know which one on one of the nights they had a one of the best break dancers in them in the u.s you know break dancing is going to the olympics next year oh shit oh shit what did you see it no i'm looking at this i'm looking at this i'm looking at this this is crazy i heard on the radio i got this book
Starting point is 01:56:46 autographed by uh i worked with i don't know if i should go into this i heard on the radio today that it's annie lee was his birthday then a few hours later i walked by beneath my sister's coffee table who's coincidentally with me in new york city for this photo shoot and subsequent keeper of the random cheryl memorabilabilia Susan Sontag was a complete fucking psychopath fucking abusive fucking human being like brutal brutal wild feminist
Starting point is 01:57:13 fucking abused poor Annie Leibovitz yeah this is outside of my area of expertise but Leibovitz I got this crazy book autographed by Leibovitz once and one time I walked I saw Annie Leibovitz in a coffee shop in berkeley i walked up to her and she was a fucking bitch to me i don't know why i just watched a documentary on her i think if you were going to get a disc this would be your disc seva the annie lebowitz disc can you read that
Starting point is 01:57:39 word but it's just interesting that uh yeah me and girl, I should have this girl on my podcast. I agree. I, I have some, I think we have some talking to do. That disc is called truth. Yeah. I can see that. That feels like my disc. Do you want to look up this break dancer?
Starting point is 01:58:02 Oh man, we're done. We're done the rabbit hole now. Oh my God. Elliot, I the rabbit hole now Oh my god Elliot, I mentioned 10 people Oh my god How How is USA weightlifting
Starting point is 01:58:14 Do they have like Navy Seal month? Why would they be celebrating sex stuff? Do you want me to send you the link to this thing I guess that's cool I like sex too is that Christmas Abbott right here who's this girl on the left oh my god so just so you know
Starting point is 01:58:43 I'll let you go Before I go into this fucking rant No one in the gay community No one in the gay community likes that flag anymore Anyway it doesn't represent anyone who's gay They fucking hate it they've thrown it away They're done with it Dude you need
Starting point is 01:58:56 Here I'm sending you this okay Okay yeah Give me on the private chat You're gonna like this one too i promise you this guy came there you're gonna like what you see but i'm gonna tell you if you talk to this guy you would like even better what you what you hear from him he's a really really cool guy i was impressed oh how tall is he oh my goodness this guy's cool as shit yeah yeah yeah yeah i do like this wow wow hey and you know what's crazy is Breakdancers usually have like really good breakdancers have kind of weird bodies.
Starting point is 01:59:28 This guy has like a normal body. This was so sick. You saw this guy? Yeah, I'm right there in the background. Oh, I think I saw Pamela Gagnon. You could literally see me. She wasn't there, but you could literally see me clapping in the background. Say at the beginning of the clip, watch this. This first, I think it's Pamela Gagnon. You could literally see me. She said I wasn't there, but you could literally see me clapping in the background. Say at the beginning of the clip, watch this.
Starting point is 01:59:47 This first, I think it's the next clip. This. Oh, backflip into forward roll. That's not. He created that move on accident. Like saving a crash? Like saving a crash? Yeah, and he has a name for it, and he talks about what that's called,
Starting point is 02:00:05 Crash to Create or something like that. He's got, I mean… That's his son? He's got five kids. It's his only son. His son's ranked eighth in the nation for his age. This guy's one of three people who has a chance to take two spots for the U.S. to the Olympics next next year and it's
Starting point is 02:00:25 either going to be him or his partner that makes it his bet his his uh dancing part like his his best friend basically one of them's going to go one of them's not is what it sounds like what a beautiful smile he has get this guy on the podcast dude yeah he's got huge dreams and ambitions for um for break dancing, for the kids, for creating opportunities for, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:49 came from a rough, rough, rough background. What's his name? What's his name? I don't know his last name. I think it's, um,
Starting point is 02:00:58 Miguel, Miguel something. Son of a bitch. Should I just take a stat? Oh, oh, oh yeah. I'm going take a stat? Oh, oh, oh, yeah Type in Miguel b-boy dancer Miguel b-boy No, that's the wrong guy oh yeah b-boy gravity from cardboard uh to team usa oh this is cool oh yeah miguel gravity miguel okay i'm gonna send him a dm right now thank you you're a good dude
Starting point is 02:01:44 all right here we go You're a good dude. Alright. Here we go. Oh my goodness. My DMs are scary. Do you do DMs? Yeah. But that's not like yours. Miguel.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Hi. I'd love to have you on my you have dave dorante on it too you know boz was there that week and his wife yeah that's cool and power monkey and it was amazing dude they just blended in if you didn't know you would never have known who he was. Same with Fisa Gaffi. So cool. She took the whole camp as if she was a camper. And if you didn't know that she was at the CrossFit Games this year, you would never have known. She's awesome.
Starting point is 02:02:34 How does she look? Is she going to the Games next year? She looks phenomenal. Yeah. Thanks for coming on. I'm glad we could do it What a cast of Oh look
Starting point is 02:02:50 Thank you Patrick Miguel Rosario Patrick and I do a show tomorrow too I Talk about all the things you didn't want to talk about Oh okay you are doing a show tomorrow Yep Is it scheduled yep is it scheduled
Starting point is 02:03:05 Patrick is it scheduled I'm going to your YouTube page right now be friendly fitness probably uh lives are you going live yep from Fort Wayne airport Patrick schedule that
Starting point is 02:03:22 shit up yo I don't see it son of a bitch brian don't play buck stops with you buddy let me see where's patrick he's in here patrick scheduled oh hey where's uh miguel uh chad's asleep oh is chad the guy who's still scheduling give me your login i'll schedule it right now go ahead okay my email is brian no no no don't give me don't give me your like uh franco morris brian we miss you come on regularly my password is is God, but all the vowels are actually numbers.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Good, smart. Savon, if you can throw a Frisbee as good as you say, why not play disc golf? Because I don't have time for that. When I come visit you, we are playing disc golf. Yeah, we will. Totally different. By the way, totally different. Not even related, really.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Not even like barely transferable, to tell you the really. Not even like, barely transferable, to tell you the truth. Barely transferable. Those discs are so unique and individualized and it's almost... But I'll show you. Yeah, I'll show you. And we can play regular Frisbee, too.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Alright. Thank you, everyone. See you guys tomorrow morning. Sutcliffe in the morning and David Hippensteel in the evening. David Driscoll in the evening. It's all Dave's. Bye.

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