The Sevan Podcast - Who Is Going to Semifinals?! The CrossFit Quarterfinals Update Show

Episode Date: April 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Welcome to the CrossFit Games Update Show. I'm Sevan Matosian from the Sevan Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I don't know if I've ever said that before. Have you ever heard me say that? Andrew Hiller in the lower right-hand corner is live from Bill Leahy. You have heard me say that? Yeah. Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit, lower right hand corner from bill lay he's from uh top right hand corner taylor self from sentinel training lower left hand corner john young from jy barbell the man who very soon will be taking on the newly released workout, Robin. When did you guys release a workout named Robin?
Starting point is 00:01:11 We haven't yet. Oh. But we have it. Quarterfinals are over. It is the most difficult year in the history of CrossFit to get to the semifinals. Only 40 people allowed. The evolution of the sport has brought us the fittest human beings ever.
Starting point is 00:01:32 John could have been the CrossFit Games champion 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Hey, hey, hey. 2006, you should have stopped there. 2009 is probably the cutoff.
Starting point is 00:01:45 2009 is probably the cutoff. That's how hard it is. There was only one place the quarterfinals was shown. I don't know if that's true. There's only one place the quarterfinals were shown. Taylor Self versus the world. Chris Mann and America Dallin. Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Jason Hopper. The greatest mystery in the CrossFit game is men's space. Colton Mertens, the outlier of outliers of outliers, and then the man who has no chance,
Starting point is 00:02:14 had no chance. That means... Just an ex-drug addict living somewhere in the South. With a broken knee. With a big razor. Taylor Self. A big razor.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Fuck you. Lucky Camera Straps, we are coming from Australia. Why do you need two of those, dude? Jesus Christ. You do not need two, dude. God damn. You're not even a games athlete. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:02:39 One is fine. You got two Fairlifes his wife brings him. Who are you talking to, your dog? My wife, dude. A lucky camera shot. We're coming from Australia and have tickets to West Semi now. I think we need tickets to the East. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Stop. I haven't looked at anything. I haven't looked at the board. Taylor Self versus the world hasn't looked at the board. John, have you looked at the board? I have. Okay. And, Hiller, have you looked at the board taylor self versus the world hasn't looked at the board john have you looked at the board i have okay and hillary have you looked at the board absolutely we are going to start we're going to start in the east uh taylor self um who shit the bed on the final workout
Starting point is 00:03:16 not that he's trying to have been the second workout chronologically not not that he was trying to make it to the semifinals but um how do how do i know oh i was fucking trying dude you want to start from the top and work our way down you start trying taylor you were not trying for a while what do you mean you were not trying just training just training wise just training wise he's saying there were there were points multiple points in time where you said you had no intention of going to the semifinals this year. I just, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:48 I've always, I always train hard and I feel like it's, uh, I feel like I always train hard and I didn't want to, I don't want to say get my hopes up, but I wasn't healthy. So I was like, I can't compete if I'm not healthy. And then kind of all of a sudden things started feeling really good. So I wouldn't say there was a point where I wasn't trying.
Starting point is 00:04:16 There just was a point where I didn't think it was in the cards and I wasn't planning to. And then things kind of snowball and expectations, you know, grow and hope grows. And then I suck a fat wiener on the last workout like I did, and that all gets dashed. Completely imploded. You really did suck a wiener.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Like when people say someone imploded, like they're not – like you've said you've changed the bar for imploded. Someone on the show the other day was like oh sprague was like i thought he was almost gonna say like three times um we've all been there but then he didn't he pulled back a little bit because because y'all haven't been there as as john young would say y'all y'all y'all y'all y'all y'all y'all have not been there yeah the fittest man in the world Handling his fucking business Jeffrey Adler going to the semifinals
Starting point is 00:05:10 With 20 points Putting the Smackdown down 11th, 1st, 7th, and 1st Roman Krennikoff The mystery from Russia Straight out of the Mayhem Empire 6th, 7th, 8th, and 3rd What?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Roman the mystery Krennikoff here's the deal which workout did he shit the bed on it was workout two taylor yeah i just god okay and third place the man who won five thousand dollars from ca their shit's so their shit's so good that their shit's so good that their website's down I don't know what the fuck is going on but I think they're having issues with
Starting point is 00:05:55 I think peptides are just hard to get a hold of in the United States right now you can email them at contact at use code word Hiller or Savon and get free bariostatic. Bacteriostatic. Yeah. Bacteriostatic.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Shut it. Shut it, Taylor. Bacteriostatic water and 10% off or free shipping or something. Contact at Isn't that the same thing as like distilled water? Can't you just go to Safeway and jam your needle in that thing and take in whatever's in there? That's something you would have done like a decade ago, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Jason Hopper has $5,000 of CA Peptides money sitting in his bank account right now, minus the 10% he gave to the church. Yeah, somebody. Probably. Austin Hatfield. That's my boy. Wow. You don't want to the Crash Crucible?
Starting point is 00:06:47 What did you say? Didn't he win the Crash Crucible? He did win Crash Crucible over Colton Mertens and James Sprague. Taylor, are you looking at everyone's scores right now, too, to kind of assess? Like, are you looking like, okay. Yeah, kind of, kind of. And I know that both my third and fourth workouts are good now, but I still don't know if if that's enough i mean i knew they were good what did you get on the third workout i got 759 and i could have been 30 seconds faster and i should have been i was being an asshole okay
Starting point is 00:07:15 what did you get on workout for 59 reps okay so and what did you get on workout one? I was fourth in the region on workout one. So how many points did you get? Four. No. How many reps did you get? 249. Okay. So you beat guys in the top four in the first workout.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yes, dude. The second workout should have been my best workout, and that's why I'm so fucking embarrassed. Hold on. Hold on. You should be embarrassed. Workout one, three, and four, you have scores that would beat at least one of the guys in the top four. Workout two, what did you get? 19-12.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I was 13. I was 220th. Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up I know Jesus Christ Adler was already eating a sandwich Yeah he beat him Shut the fuck up Oh my god Number 5
Starting point is 00:08:16 The second man from Taylor Self vs. The World Man Taylor competition was tough Tough tough tough stiff stiff stiff hard Like killer on Milano tan. Wheater stiff. Dallin Pepper, fittest man in the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Second, 20th, 25th, and 4th. He big time redid that third one. Yeah, he did. Taylor, did you redo any of the workouts? No, dude. I could barely move yesterday. Samuel Cornway from CrossFit Mayhem sitting in his place. Oh, I thought that said 13.59 for workout two. I was about to freak out.
Starting point is 00:09:03 He's an advanced athlete. He is advanced. For those of you who don't know... Why are we dragging this out? For those of you who don't know what happened, this is how the second workout
Starting point is 00:09:20 ended for Taylor. Workout 4. You see, Dallin's already texted his his wife and says, fucking, it's red panty night. Meanwhile, Taylor doesn't know fucking where he is. You don't even know where you are here, right? No. Wow. I thought I was Buzz Lightyear.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Not even the Savage Ones could save. save i mean they're just shoes to infinity bro i was way fucking beyond oh my god oh my god what a shit show you hear that cough that's from that workout serious 100 oh yeah it's the acidosis fuck you dude lacking acidosis you got just scroll scroll to fucking 48th i know that's probably where i uh some guy with a name that lowers your testosterone levels just your parents naming you that yeah ben bois if you have a little if you have any like lines or shit over any of the letters of your name,
Starting point is 00:10:26 your testosterone drops. I think that's the pharmaceutical term for estrogen. Boulanger. No, that's the flag for estrogen, though. Jack Rosema, just some nobody from the Crash Crucible, and we still haven't seen Taylor's self. Jesus Christ. Let's go a little faster.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Taylor's still at 200 points. Yeah, I got 220. Yeah, that was no way I'm in. Wait, let's... Okay, fine. John wants to jump in here. Okay, Travis Mayer, the great Travis Mayer. Jack Farlow.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The great Jack Farlow. Let's definitely come back and look at his scores. Jack Farlow is nothing but a meathead. Beat Taylor even in workout three. No, he didn't. Workout four, Taylor. And I beat him in workout four, I bet. I bet my tie break was faster.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Okay, so he's still just a meathead. All right. Alexander Caron. Washington Canadian athlete. Jeez, let's go. Some guy named Ricky Gervais. No one's heard of him. Comedian.
Starting point is 00:11:26 No, we've got Peter Mason, Tyler Watkins, brother. Peter Mason. I think he was like, God, he's so desperate. I think he was maybe like at the Zellos games or some shit. Yeah. It looks like Tyler Watkins. Ben Sexton. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:11:41 These are low points. Hey, when you see this guy named Ben Sexton, are you like, fuck, I'm better than this dude? Do you know who this guy is, Taylor? Yeah, I'm better than everyone but the top five on this list. Dre Strom, a camera guy from Mayhem. Better than Taylor Self. Jesus Christ. Tyler Christofal, guy's been trying to go to the game since 1842.
Starting point is 00:12:02 His girlfriend is retired. How old is he? Oh my God, Luke Parker. Fuck that guy. He beat me by two seconds. How much do you want to bet that whole Mayhem team watched workout three on us?
Starting point is 00:12:19 They 100% did. You do the whole world watching, all right? Saxon Panchick. Jesus Christ. I knew sub 730 was possible. I knew he was going to win that workout, but I didn't think sub 7 was possible. Insane.
Starting point is 00:12:34 First place for 7. His score compared to the other scores are ridiculous. Just the gap on that. Seth Stovall. Yeah, that's a big gap. Lives in a van by the river. Yeah, some guy who lives in a van beat Taylor. Barry McCockner, hurry up.
Starting point is 00:12:50 What the fuck? Why? Where do we got to go? Yeah, yeah. Remember, all these guys, all you, yeah. Spencer Panchik, second, second in workout three. What was workout three again? He was 30 seconds behind his brother, and that was second.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It was the ring muscle-up, rope climb, handstand push-up workout. Wow. Cam Crockett. Who the fuck is that? He was at Zellos Games. Oh, man. Austin Spencer from Misfits. I don't think he's a Misfit guy anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I think he's a Krypton. Dude, Saxon Panchik has an 88th. And what did you finish? A 260th? It was 220th. You have no fucking chance, dude. We're at the halfway fucking mark and you had scores three times his. On one workout.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I know. Will Morad, he beat you and he's retired. And he's he beat you and he's retired and he's like we yeah but i they're female athletes beat him in workout one alex vignot that's a nice name down there that's a nice name evan rogers i haven't seen anyone who's in who's gotten a 200th, by the way. You're in Zink Tank, right? Evan Rogers? Now, you have to think, Sevan. Taylor's probably the highest person with a 200th. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:14 How the fuck do you say that? Because all the rest of his scores were elite. They were top 10 elite. Yeah, but these two people redid their workouts and buried his times. 260th. I mean, he'd have to have some fun. It wasn't 260th. It was 220. Yeah, but these people redid their workouts and buried his times. 260th. I mean, he'd have to have some. It wasn't 260. It was 220.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, whatever. Everything over 200. Might as well be 2000. Hmm, dude. Marquand Jones. He's not even a serious athlete. He's just like fucking just a deal
Starting point is 00:14:40 worked out in the gym. It's not 2000. I know what 2000 feels like. Oh, John Young. you're a good dude. Joseph Piero. Ben Smith. Okay. Still nothing over 100.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, man. Maybe there's a chance. Ryan Haynes has a 111. What makes you think you have a chance dude look at no one's in no i mean no because there are 218 points and if my other scores are 4 10 and 10 that's 24 points so 244 points is where i don't know maybe that's as many points as i could have right now with 10 spots to go yeah so not. There was a big clog up around 215. Garrett Clark, 222. Damn.
Starting point is 00:15:32 He still has hands. Oh, my God. A kid beat you from the kiddie class. Nate Ackerman. Hey, dude, so you're telling me. I'm not telling you. We've just gone one by one for fucking 30 minutes, and I'm not going to make it. you're telling me... I'm not saying anything. We've just gone one by one for fucking 30 minutes, and I'm not going to make it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You're telling me... You're such a fucking piece of shit. You're telling me you think that there's a chance with... No, I don't think there's a fucking chance, dude. I don't think there's... Fuck you. Look at some guy who doesn't even have a fucking real name. Jacob...
Starting point is 00:15:58 He knows it now. He knows it now. Jesus Christ. Jake, holy shit. You have 24 244 this next one could hurt you dude you have kleenexes nearby holy shit there it is 242 of still video still a video review. A 220th, a 9th, and a 9th. Dude, you're not even in the same league. You're only by the end of the review. Hey, dude, you're not even in the same league as these other people in your other workouts.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Is that what you were trying to explain to me, John? Yeah, I'm saying none of those guys have three top 10s. He's going to be the only person with the out that outlier score because nobody else is that good and even jeffrey adler jeffrey adler has one outside the top 10 roman krennikoff has one outside the top 10 jason hopper has one outside the top 10 awesome austin has one outside the top 10 are you the only three top 10 scores Wow dude Go full retard on that one workout You really are
Starting point is 00:17:09 Jake Berman Jorge Fernandez Zach Levy Oh it turns into a shit show after 36 You would have made it anyway Wow what a fucking joke Okay Taylor you made it anyway. Wow. What a fucking joke. Okay. Taylor, you made it.
Starting point is 00:17:27 There's still video of you. And you had eight cameras on you the entire time. Kyle Antone. Kylie Antone. Antone. Kylie Antone. Shout out to Sentinel Training. I went from thinking I was mediocre at CrossFit to discovering I'm slightly below mediocre.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Way to go, Taylor. Wow. 60 points. What is that? Is that actually 80 points? 81 points back to 40th? Yeah. That's a big buffer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Taylor has one score outside the top 10. I can turn the comments on now. Taylor, does this make you excited or nervous? It angers me so fucking much that i'm in the bottom heat you could have no idea how yeah but you should win your first he did you have the worst score on workout 2 in the top 40 hey dude if you had a oh dude i had the worst score on we just probably in the top 100 wait wait let's go down until we see a score worse oh rank go right oh okay okay okay you know what i'm saying let's go yeah 1907 what did he have 31 there's a 231 11 30 where's 230 oh but in oh you saw two brandon
Starting point is 00:18:32 true where oh 44 wait what what are you talking about no no we're talking about we're talking about okay yeah that's gonna be a while yeah oh i know we went wow damn if you have people like kyle kent on that workout he can't even make semifinals no wow are you gonna go taylor well i'm gonna go and do our uh pre-shows for sure for seven uh judy reed taylor's a classic case of growing up with trauma, downplays, and self-deprecating. I hope he knows how incredible he is, but probably doesn't believe it. You're just a fucking... That's nice for retards.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Taylor knows how good he is. You're just a psychological profile. Nothing more, nothing less. Qualified for semis in spirit of the quarterfinals award and to the fucking stratosphere, Taylor. Congratulations, dude. You're a beast. Wow. I'm actually excited to see you wreck the first heat.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I'm going to wreck all four heats. Hey, dude, I bet you get a standing ovation, dude. The pressure is going to be so insane, you'll probably crack. Pressure on me? Just like you did on that wall ball. Shut the fuck up. I didn't crack under pressure, asshole. Good point.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Good point. Something cracked. Something definitely cracked, but it wasn't my fucking. He had a tapioca pudding for brain. It wasn't my spirit, bro. My spirit's un-fucking-crackable. My tailbone's cracked. About one minute before you fell,
Starting point is 00:20:06 someone said they saw your soul leave your body and just open a bag of Doritos and hang out. Yeah, my soul got in my body and was yelling at my body. Oh, standee ovation. I'll bet you get a standee ovation. That'd be interesting. Everyone's just jerking it in the crowd. I can't fucking believe this dude this is
Starting point is 00:20:26 crazy dude so everyone in the taylor self versus the world made it what did colton get for my guy taylor savage self crushed it even while falling off a box a fun fact about colton he had the number one score in the clean and jerk workout in north america west so we've had like four number one scores in the region live on air oh that's cool that's a good fact look at this this is a anytime john hung uh comments it's a good comment if taylor makes it to the games he's a shoe in for spirit of the Games. Oh, that's rough. I don't know if he would want Spirit of the Games. If you win that, I'm going to fucking die. I hear Ben Bergeron's got a plaque for you
Starting point is 00:21:11 when you win that. Oh, my God. We'll do a show to raise money for Taylor so he doesn't have to sleep on the floor. Didn't Sarah say something about him? Yeah. Can you give him an Escalade? My God. Doesn't have to sleep on the floor Didn't Sarah say something about him? Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:25 Did he give him an Escalade? My god Now Taylor's quiet He didn't know how to process He didn't know how to process That's funny That's facts Hey Taylor
Starting point is 00:21:40 How long have you been wanting to go to the quarter To the semifinals? I've made it like four times. It's not my first. Oh, rodeo? This ain't my first rodeo, boy. It's just been a while since I've competed. I would love if you made the games this year
Starting point is 00:21:58 because it's the year you would least likely be thinking about the games. The odds of me making the games are way lower than the odds of me making semifinals. Those were low. Yeah. I don't think the odds were low for you making semifinals. Oh, Pat, hope you're listening, bro. Spank that cooter on workout three and four, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You're tied. Pat Belner, first in the West. No, I spanked this cooter. He should be beating me, dude. A second to six to six rough shoulder overhead and i spanked this cooter and workouts three and four two and workout one we're not gonna count workout two it doesn't count you'd be just madaris you'd be just madaris and three workouts we tied on the fourth but i bet my tie breaks faster patrick velner just madaris brandon luckett same fitness as john young tie breaks faster. Patrick Vellner, Justin Menderes, Brandon Luckett, same fitness as John Young.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Samuel. Dude, I gotta get Brandon Luckett back on the show. When I interviewed him, he said he was done. And didn't you have team last year? He was done until I said we were close in fitness level, and then he's turned it on. He's like Tom Brady, dude. He's like Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You gotta piss him off, John, I think. That's good, man. I'm proud. I'm happy for him. Chris Ibarra, Cole Grayshaber, Brent Fikowski, William Leahy. The four. West is Fikowski. The West is rinky-dink, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Look at the fifth place time on three in the West. What's wrong with it? I mean, it's just slower. Everything's slower and slower. It's rinky-dink. Yeah, you should have chosen a different I'm moving to Africa. You still would have gotten dead last on the box show
Starting point is 00:23:31 workout. For Taylor's Harley fun to the semis. Yeah, Halpin, if you're in the chat, can you find out if Taylor would have made it in the West and in Europe? He totally would have made it. Yeah, East is the hardest. Europe would be interesting. No, I think if he made it in East, he'd make it in any region.
Starting point is 00:23:48 That's not true. That is not true about Europe. Europe is deep. So talk to me about Samuel Kwan, John, 19th place for workout four. Isn't he considered one of the best barbell cyclers in the biz? No. Why do you think that?
Starting point is 00:24:02 He won his heat. Not a heavy barbell. is. He won his heat. He won his heat. Not a heavy barbell. No, he won his heat. He won DT in 2015, like in his first year of the game. Heavy DT or double DT? Double DT. Double DT.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Double DT. Yeah. No, like moderate, like light to moderate barbell cycling. That was when he was young and pliable. Now his front rack position is probably 30% worse than Chandler Smith's. He's still good. He's just not with a heavy barbell. I wouldn't take him to 225 degrees.
Starting point is 00:24:30 He has a worse front rack. It's not actually worse, but dude, he catches the bar on his collarbones. His elbows are like down here. He can't get his elbows down. He does have low elbows. It's not good. It's not efficient. You're right.
Starting point is 00:24:41 He does look way different in 2015. Like if you watch that workout versus now i just know you guys know andrew hiller's been trapped in will lay he's room for seven days straight and he's running out of oxygen in there so tonight if you see some things like some twitching and shit because there's more there's more carbon dioxide in there than oxygen dang so saxon almost very chamber it's what you do to be elite. Almost beat Leahy by a minute. Who? Europe is the hardest female
Starting point is 00:25:09 region for sure. Not by much. For sure, but not by much. But it balanced out after workout three and four a little. But a 55th place elite athlete in Europe was 49th in the East. But qualified in the top list in CJ.
Starting point is 00:25:24 For women. I regret reading your shit. Taylor, are you going to redo number three? Look who beat you. Ah, fucker. I 100%. Go watch my video, dude. There's 30 seconds I stood around on the rope climbs staring at Jason
Starting point is 00:25:37 just knowing that I was going to stuff my thing down his thing. You're going to put your penis in his penis? Tudor Magda, James. Tudor Magda, doctor. Sprague in 10th, Nick Matthew in 11th. Good job, James. Good job, Nick. Will Bennett, Cole Sager in 13th.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Colton Merton's 14th place. Let's go, baby. There he is. Let's go, baby. 64th third. He redid his third workout, too, and did a little worse, but you could see his rope climb touch his cleaner, so he went with that one.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And oddly enough, right next to him. One point away. Scott Tetlow. Why is that odd? Yeah, bro. Why is that odd, bro? They're the same person, just with different heads. They're not the same person.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Travon Benton, Drake Lewis, Maximilian Craig at 18. Raphael Sanson, Hard Work Pays Off. Oh, is that an HWPO guy? Who? Raphael Sanson. I bet he'll pull out before they can do it. He'll be the only one left. Jeez, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Whoops. Sorry, Savon. Don't try not to smile, bro, when I say good shit. One of my sponsors asked me what is... Anyway, I shouldn't even go down that. Sam Dancer. What the fuck is this guy? Master's athlete.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Master's athlete. Trying to keep the dream alive. This dude's name sucks. Adam McAdams. Mac. Adam McAdams Mac. I like it. Mike Evans, Ty Jenkins. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Hey, that's Bill Leahy's guy, right? Is that his first semifinal? That's the tree chopper? He made it last year. He snatched 300 in the snatch workout last year. That's the tree chopper? No, not the tree chopper. He was in the first Bill Leahy
Starting point is 00:27:23 video. He was here for a while then. Hey, Ty Jenkins. Now that he's in 23rd, do you see that and you're just like, yeah, he's not going to the games? Yeah, he's probably not strong enough. But he's
Starting point is 00:27:37 doing great. I mean, he's freaking 18, isn't he? Yeah, he's something little. He's like a kid. He's like a pit bull. He's got a big head. Yeah, he's st little he's like a kid yeah he's like a pit bull he's got a big head yeah he's stout yeah he's kind of like the male version of bethany shadburn that's why he's like keifer lammy does he break a lot of that guy keifer's a good guy no i meant the big head part jake uh jacob marlow tristan harrison justin johnson do you mean he looks like that famous uh british like uh famous British TikTok singer? You know, the guy with the teeth that are all gapped and separated that kind of stick out like that?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Arnold Schwarzenegger? No. Okay, never mind. Gabriel Townsend. Matt Brady. Alessandro Zanetti. Tucker McElroy. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Luis Oscar Mora. What a climb. What a climb. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Dude, climb. What a climb. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Dude, look at how much worse he did than me and how much higher of a score that is in the West. I knew that was coming from Taylor.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Fuck you, dude. I'm typical, dude. I'm predictable. You are. Hey, so that proven athlete, has he ever been to the games, right? No. No. He's a monster, though he ever been to the games, right? No. No. He's a monster, though.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I like him. I like him, too. He's home run city. Chase Smith. Brandon Fabry. Luis Oscar Moore is not home run city. How is he home run city? He's got workouts that he can hit home run.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Go to his workouts. Go to his workouts. This was a broad test. Okay, first. Snatch. He's got a 723 in workout home running. Go to his workouts. Go to his workouts. This was a broad test. Okay, first. Snatch. He's got a 7.23 in workout three. What time did you get? Are you supposed to be good at that workout?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Okay. I probably waste 30 more pounds than him. My dick's four inches longer, dude. That's swinging around. He's got a small penis. Our first Asian guy, Anthony Yim. How do you know? Just because of the name? Yeah, Yim. I think that guy, Anthony Yim. How do you know?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Just because of the name? Yeah, Yim. I think that guy won the physical 100. No shit. Shut the fuck up. Just because he's Asian? Yeah. Is he Asian or is he Spanish? La Puente CrossFit sounds Spanish.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He won the physical 100. Taylor's losing it. I watched that show, bro. Now it's coming out. Now it's coming out now it's coming out people yeah taylor's holding in a lot uh i typed in oh and i typed in anthony no dude it's not that guy and the dude won the physical 100 is a crossfitter but he hasn't competed since 2021. He's not like a relevant CrossFitter either. Anthony Yim, followed by the Barbell Spin. Yeah, he's an Asian dude.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh, he's a big boy. Scroll, scroll, scroll, brother, scroll. His name is Amadi. It's kind of close, actually. Yeah, that branded ass. He got a Mexican haircut, though. Sporty Beth just did a video on him, if anybody wants to see about him. Who? On Anthony M.?
Starting point is 00:30:27 No, Amadi, the winner. Geez, look it. Look it. No one has a score that's as bad as mine. Connor Newberry, Nick Thomas, Colton O'Day, Irish. Daniel Coutts. Daniel Coutts. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Daniel Coutts. By the skin of his cuck. Nuts. Damn. Congrats, Daniel. It it's gonna be fun seeing you there dude hell yeah daniel who's uh dalton mankin yeah these are always the fun names scroll scroll okay there was a guy that has been several times that missed it wow pat just laying the lumber down on all don't worry people we are going to do let's go women the vaginas we'll get to the vaginas we'll get to the vagina mirham von rohr didn't make it no shit and she's got a pillar she's got a score that is very interesting that I think you should look into. Is it some –
Starting point is 00:31:26 You'll know when we get there. Go to 262 because that's where she's at. Yonakoski, first place in Europe. Victor Hoffer in second. Last year he was on the demo team. Bjorkman Carl Goodmanson in third. Lazar Jukic in fourth. Moritz Fiebig in fifth.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Enola Kai in sixth. Seventh, Miko Iliorg. Hey, Victor Hoffer, is he going to make it to the games? He's a god, Victor Hoffer. Yes, he will. Taylor will disagree with the yes, you will, I bet. Victor Hoffer is going to make the games? Scroll up.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yes. 7, 10, 57, 15, 49. Nah, I think he cheated on everything. There it is. Hey, it's's gonna be tough because you got oldest upenix down here fabio benito benito uh why a bit why be gay been a minute why uh taylor died turned into a zombie on the last six burpees and still made semis that's how good his other workouts were my last seven burpees took me a minute and 20 something seconds
Starting point is 00:32:20 your last how many seven jesus Jesus Christ. Get a job. I know. I do faster. I'm faster than that. Alexis Kudelis, Harry Lightfoot, Kevin Jules, Bronislawski, Olenkovic, Luka Jukic. Wait a minute. Didn't Patrick Clark say something absurd about Bronislaw?
Starting point is 00:32:42 I don't remember. I don't know. Oh, yeah. He said his engine's better. He said his engine's better. He did, but what was it? It's better than Taylor's, but not. Yeah. Shut the fuck up, dude. Yellow Host at 17th.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Henrik Hapelainen, dude, how many people are they taking? Hey, good for Yellow Host. How many are they going to take? Seven to the games? 40. To the games. To the games. 11 or 12. Oh, really? That many?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Okay. Then yellow might have a chance. Colin Beauchard, Henrik Hapalainen, Mikel, Michael, Tom, Enrico Zanoni. Can Brian Friend point out Colin Bosshard to everybody? Like really early in his career No, get with the programming
Starting point is 00:33:29 We're the first people to mention him Oh, Colin Bosshard Callum Clements What the fuck is that? Say number 29's name XV Seheda Sevi Victor
Starting point is 00:33:43 Helzingoff Sevan Gienz Gigerod Seve. Seve Serra. Victor Helsinghoff. Sevan Gienz. And then this. Grisgors. Maraskovic. Cheggers. Sam Stewart from Ireland. Been on the show. Bartek Lipka. I think I have a
Starting point is 00:34:00 cousin named Bartek. Lucas Huiz. Georges Kerevas. Has he been to the games? Georgios Kerevas? Yeah, he has been. Jeez, I think so. Georgios has been, 100%. 2021, I believe.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, he's been to the games. Oh, Sharunk. Come on, Sharunk. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Sharunky didn't get in and he had a first and a second damn damn wow
Starting point is 00:34:28 even Taylor made it Christ dude and look at those scores Taylor what second 143 161st dude you're so lucky you didn't shit the bed on any other workouts I mean I'm not capable of shitting the bed on any other workouts, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'm just too fit. Daniel Kimacho. Okay, Europe, congrats. I think you're lucky that you executed the workouts as good as you did. Thank you. That's props to you. You'd be an executioner, dude. But you'd be in trouble if you didn't.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You'd be in trouble if he was in Europe. South America, Augustus Riquelme in first, Sousa in third. 6'39". Look at workout three. 6'39". Where? Augustine Riquelme. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Sure, his rope was 15 feet? Or was it 15 centimeters? Whatever they measure. They don't have feelings that high in Brazil, dude. They definitely don't. Argentina, bro. Come on. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:35:30 He redid workout four just to beat you, Taylor. He said his tiebreaker was two seconds faster than yours. Oh, is that what he said? Where did he do the workouts? Do you message him? No, I'm joking. Hey, where does he do the workouts? Did he do them at? Who? Guy the workouts? Did he do them at...
Starting point is 00:35:46 Who? Guy? Guy, did he do them at Mayhem? Or is he in South America? That's a great question. I don't know. Kaique Cervini was at the games last year. Omar Martinez.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I know he was on a boat the other weekend. It put on his YouTube channel. And he was with What's her face Victoria Campos I think she's so that doesn't help anything Because she's also from this region I think You can block killer on Instagram But you can't block him on YouTube That's right
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's a great point Andrew and Primo he out You know him I know he's a really good And he didn't make it. All right. Go to the, go to the,
Starting point is 00:36:28 uh, are we doing just dudes? Yeah. What about aunt Haynes? Is he Asia? Hey, miss, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:35 miss natural was second place. Miss, miss a natural miss 40 year old, more jacked than any man I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. Uh, I don't, As a girl. As a girl.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Arthur Seminoff, seven. She's got some balls on her. She walked up to me at the game and she was like, hey, you said some stuff about me. And I'm like, yeah, you're right. She's got some nuts on her. Wow. How did Brooke Wells she got in with her jacked up shoulder? He's a mayhem as of today still.
Starting point is 00:37:05 He's a mayhem. I'm pretty sure he was there the other day when Boz was there. Guy isn't making it to the games. No! Let's see the women. Arthur Seminoff. What's that?
Starting point is 00:37:21 Arthur Seminoff's the only name I recognize there. Sung Yong Kim. That's a great name. I don't know if that Arthur Seminoff's only name I recognize there. Sung Yong Kim. That's a great name. I don't know if that's right. Ant Haynes, 11th. 11th. He got the call up last year after, after someone had to drop out. It would be 48th in Europe with 314th on workout number two.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Hey, somebody put that fucking douchebag in timeout. I'm not even kidding with shit like that. I'm going to time out him, Sevan. Dude, he jumped you. he jumped you pretty hard on that that's a good that's a good one i might i'm gonna give props for that one that was that was pretty good oh my calvin's a freaking trans lesbian dude get out of here bro jesus we asked him to do it thank you he should have known better he should have kept his mouth shut mike uh there's always one drunk guy at the party under normal circumstances i'm going i'm gonna go and redo the second workout i shit you fucking
Starting point is 00:38:21 not on wednesday or thursday hey listen to this but listen to this. But you didn't take 314th. Oh, you would have taken 314th on workout two in Europe. I love how he just listened to the comment and didn't look at it. That's what I said. He looks so smug in his little picture. He's like, look at me on my computer. He's looking at a tech show. He's looking at gay porn. He's like, look at me on my computer. He's looking at a tech show. He's looking at gay porn.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Felipe, I know I'm right. That chick is on drugs. Alright? Yeah, I agree with Hiller. Thank you. Was Mahmoud Shalan, was that the guy that made it last year but couldn't get the visa? No, that was
Starting point is 00:39:03 Morteza Sedegat. Is he in here? He's number three and he where's he from iran iran iran okay the only way to know is a lie detector test i'm convinced uh cena um Uh, Sina, um, Sina, uh, Danny, Anatoly, Carlos, Andrea, these people don't matter. Kang, Jism,
Starting point is 00:39:32 Dorjam, we're trying to increase the analytics. Ram, Shao, Anur, May, Sam, Raymond,
Starting point is 00:39:39 I don't know that Raymond, Changrim, and look at this name. What if your last name was Ann? Which Korea do you think he's from? The one with the really angry leader. No. Yu Senzu.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Hassan. Jesus, dude. You're never going to make it with Winnie the Pooh as your fucking profile pic. Where's that? A fucking DEI Winnie the Pooh for crying out loud? I'm pretty sure mine is Shrek before I go. Oh, look at Yang Corgi. That's my favorite name, Yang Corgi.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yang Corgi. Dude, I thought- I got two Corgis. I honestly, which is the last name? He doesn't have a last name? No, his name is Yang Corky. I thought legitimately that this was Hiller's, like a fake account. I saw him on the open leaderboard and I sent a screenshot to Hiller.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I was like, dude, is this you? I don't even know if you saw it, but. I don't think I saw you send me that. Oh, you want to know what his name is? His name is Yang Wu Yu. Yang Wu Yu. Yeah, they found McLovin. This guy's body.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I signed up a guy named McLovin this year. They found him. They found all my people. All of them. Yang Wu Yu. Yeah. All right. Yang Wu Yu.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I had McLovin and Oliver Queen was back. Kiwi. Kiwi. Reza. Urine. is back uh kiwi kiwi reza urine shingo oh this is a good comment i think 700 read this mola please i have two shiba inus but scared to admit that in front of seven i tell you dude i used to have a basenji. I really dislike Shiba Inus. They're the weirdest dogs, dude. They walk around like they're all pompous.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Look at me. I'm a Shiba Inu. Why is Halpin in timeout? What the fuck? I don't know. Heidi, Heidi, don't. Don't. Don't even go there.
Starting point is 00:41:41 He's in timeout because I don't like him. Because he answered a question. Just because Taylor doesn't like someone they get banned from the chat? Fuck off. Yeah, 100%. No, there's more here than just me not liking Halpin. I really don't
Starting point is 00:41:59 fucking like him. He doesn't like him. There's a level. There's a there's level god it's a shame aunt haynes didn't make it he's so good taylor doesn't like people who do that so barkley's right he's next oh yeah we'll go to we'll go to oceania i forgot that australia does cross it uh is it a real beef taylor yeah it is 100 grass fed pasture raised It's real beef. Harry Cox, helping fuck Taylor harder than workouts, too. Have you ever had crawfish before? Have I had crawfish?
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I ate crawfish today for the first time. It was crazy. Did they pour it out on the table? Did they just make a big pile on the table with the tablecloth? Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yep. I probably had 100 of them. Mason Mitchell, I saw Halpin's ring muscle ups the other day he should keep quiet for a few more weeks oh my goodness oh look for this guy uh look for holy Holy fuck. Oh, my goodness. See from physical 100. We leave Asia.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Let's go check out the chicks in like the east or something. Please go through Oceania first. We will. Hold on. Let me let's just do a couple more of these. What was wrong with Colton's first attempt at workout three? He submitted a slower time from a second attempt. There were a couple of his rope climbs where just because of the rafter on the ceiling like you couldn't see clearly his hand touching the mark the tape mark um so he wanted to redo it on a different rope he had to reach around a beam
Starting point is 00:43:34 in order to get everything in one area do they reach around hey uh taylor's going to be this year's kelly baker no taylor would never shit on his uh sponsors is that did she do that Here's Kelly Baker. No, Taylor would never shit on his sponsors. Did she do that? Pool Boy, just tuning in. Fucking congratulations, Taylor. What is dead may never die. Hey, Kelly Baker freaks me out. Why?
Starting point is 00:43:56 Just something about her. She works out close to me. It's like she made the games for the first time forever, and then she retires and makes a big deal about it, and now she's all cool and stuff on instagram it's like hey dude you haven't done much chill okay uh let's go to uh what are the other countries oceania the continent of australia i present to you... And New Zealand. And the one that had even more lockdowns than Australia.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Was Kelly Baker a teacher? Yeah. Ricky Gerard. That's a pretty great score for workout 3-2. 11 points. Second, 6. First, second. Wow. Yeah, all these guys. This is a story
Starting point is 00:44:46 I'm telling myself. You're all welcome because they all got these scores by watching us. Jay Crouch, first, fourth, third, third. Bailey Martin, tenth, third, seventh, sixth. Those are your three guys that are going to the games too. I can't wait to have
Starting point is 00:45:02 all these guys on the show. In that order. Love those dudes God Australia is cool Zach Thomas There was a lot of hope for Zach Thomas early on After workout one Luke Dijon Thor
Starting point is 00:45:16 Peter Ellis Andrew Sambell Bailey O'Brien Josh something George Isaac Newman That was nice That was good Sam Bell, Bailey O'Brien, Josh Sutton, George, Isaac Newman, Hiko Oterangi Curtis. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:45:28 That was good. James William Kearney, Connor McZane, Stephanie Timothy Davis. You can't say McElhaney, but you can say that other name. Wow. Wow, he made it. Fucking G. What a savage.
Starting point is 00:45:43 With 49 reps on workout 4 Wow that's That was 36th in the region Yeah dude they suck over there When you see that what do you think Is he injured or he just got old and lost some of his strength I mean he's good as hell for 37 But like not very good compared to the other regions
Starting point is 00:46:01 That's just what he is He's not hurt Toby Crouch, Matt Gilpin, Darcy Hancock. Dude, the other regions are on a different planet. Denae Flood. The lower guys. Harrison Palmer, Jack Laker, Harrison Rowley, Nicholas Fuentes. Yeah, he finished 21st.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Oh, is this related to our Van Ziel? Jake Douglas was one spot out. Yeah, that's embarrassing for Jake, considering the other guy's scores. He didn't finish workout two. Damn, did he go water buffalo? Do you think he did what I did? I don't know. Bill was one rep from beating him.
Starting point is 00:46:45 What was workout two? The one that I exploded on. Oh, the 50-50. Oh, oh. Hey, Bill tied him on that. Excuse me. I thought Bill Grundler got 291. Oh, I thought he got the workout number four.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Oh, no, no, no. No, Bill Grundler. Bill Grundler tied Jake Douglas. Bill Grundler. He was one rep away. Oh, my God, dude. Oh, Jakey. Grunler One rep away Oh my god dude Bill Grunler is 80 years old Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:11 Ben Garrard 48 Stefan's age tied a games athlete On that workout Oh my god Hard work pays off Oh Jake Crouch's brother Made it where where do you see that Hard work pays off. Oh, Jay Crouch's brother made it? Where? Where do you see that?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Holy shit. Toby Crouch. Oh my god. Toby Crouch. That's cool. Isn't that, uh, what's his face's dude? Gracie Walton? No, his name is Zane. Zane Healy.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It is Zane. That says Zane. 18th. Oh, I thought you were talking about Toby Crouch. Dude, this is crazy. This dude fucking made it, dude. Hey, is Zach Bunton East or West? Look at these two.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You can't even tell who's older. Probably the one without the beard Am I right or am I wrong though? I don't know Which would mean you're right They both have beards Look at it He's got a hot chick
Starting point is 00:48:22 He's West Oh yeah Good man Do you hear me taylor what he's west taylor are you on your cell phone i'm gonna kill you don't fucking kill me yeah i haven't touched my phone for an hour i went out to dinner i ate like a fucking asshole because i was depressed i ate like you're on a podcast you don't look at your cell phone thank you john just sits there and looks down on it too it's fucking annoying as fuck oh dude who is this i was watching the other day jace is jake it's although that's a dumb dirt bike it's a four-stroke he needs to get a little two-stroke little 65 kx 65 he got that at costco dude i had a kx 85 as a kid i flipped it end over end like forward flipped it in my underwear in my backyard one time
Starting point is 00:49:06 my neighbor was cut his grass and he saw the whole thing were you on drugs no i was completely sober believe it or not okay guys here we go it's time to look at the vagina wait can i show you something real quick jay crouch's brother made it that's so cool thank you beck oh beck you kind of look like katie henninger yeah go ahead you want you want to see the coolest thing ever this thing it's an ego motorcycle you ever see this no they have leaf blowers that are ego oh wow they're amazing their leaf blowers are insane it It's only $20. For the low price of $2,200. Hey, send me that link in the private chat.
Starting point is 00:49:49 You fucking asshole. He's going to buy one? Are you going to buy one for Avi? That would be the coolest toy ever for Avi, dude. You should do it. How fast does it go? 28 miles an hour. It's a little too fast. Yeah, I agree. No, that's amazing. And it runs on
Starting point is 00:50:04 freaking leaf blower batteries, dude. It does? How many do you put in it? Like fucking eight? And I think you put four in there. And I think it comes with them. Sending that to my friend who just loves the Ergo leaf blower. Ego.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah, that thing. Have you seen their chainsaw or their weed whacker or their Howl House-powered battery generator? If you turn the knob on a leaf blower backwards, it'll start sucking. Have you ever tried to put your – That's not even true. Yeah, it got me excited for a second. He's like, I'm going out to the garage, guys. I'll be back on tomorrow's show.
Starting point is 00:50:44 First place, I would love to see her back at the games. Jay Couch is the lady that Madeline Sturt, her side piece is Jay Crouch. Someone's like, you called Maddie Sturt Jay's piece. Fine. Maddie Sturt, whose side piece is Jay Crouch,
Starting point is 00:51:00 takes first. God, I'd love it if she went to the game. She's cool as shit. Daisy McDonald, Breonna Chow, I don't know any of these girls. Julia Hannafer, Jessica Green. Isn't Hannah Black from this region? No. Where's the girl? Oh, Hayley Adams, 13th. Where's the girl I had on the
Starting point is 00:51:16 podcast that has the... Alicia Boone. Is she going back or is she Masters? Where did you see her? Right there, dude. 15th. 40. Sheesh. going back or is she masters where did you see her oh right there dude 15th 40 that's crazy so the competition is just different there uh beck justin laura sheree olivia smoothie wow where is uh where's grace walton amber cohen christy bar charlotte baldwin Amber Cohen, Christy Barr, Charlotte Baldwin, Simone Arthur,
Starting point is 00:51:47 Maddie Huggins, Brooke. Where's that? Mental health. Chelsea Lane, Aaron Joyce, Katrina Drake, Georgia Welsman,
Starting point is 00:51:58 Caitlin Hamm. There's some girls missing that I know their names. Did Grace Walton enter her sporen wrong? Van Ziel's not there? And what about the other girl, Doodery or Bootery or Zootery, the swimmer girl? Van Ziel?
Starting point is 00:52:14 No, blonde girl. Strong, not Hannah Black. No, you're talking about the CrossFit news girl, right? No, not her. Good guess, though. Amy Schmidt. What the fuck is that chick's name?
Starting point is 00:52:32 No, it's not from Australia. I had her on the show, I think. Oh, Emily DeRoy. Thank you. Isn't this chick Australian? Emily DeRoy? She should be. I think she's going team. She shit Lurie's. Isn't this chick Australian, Emily DeRoy? She should be. I think she's going team.
Starting point is 00:52:48 She shit the bed then. Where is this one chick we're looking for? Grace Walton. Didn't she do really well? She's 74. They said she entered her score wrong. She put 30 reps and it was 60 reps. She put 30 reps because that's what she did in the last bar.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Wow. Come on. How do you fuck that up? Do you think they're going to let her fix it? I don't know. They should not. Because you typoed your score, they shouldn't let you fix it, Hayler? If you're mentally freaking stupid, then absolutely not. Shut the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:18 That's tarded. What the hell up? If you're that dumb, it's an IQ test as much as anything i can't take you serious i can't take you not take serious it's a clerical you think if you weren't you think if you weren't in louisiana big dumb bill leahy wouldn't make a fuck up like that that's why i'm in louisiana you probably over here make sure everything goes right He's taking notes I took about a billion chances let me tell you this You skipped a page
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh Hiller is too petty You skipped a page Oh I skipped 51 to 100 It's got nothing to do with Gracie Walden either I like her she's cool But she's also apparently not the smartest I don't think it matters that I skipped a page Look I'll go back here Here I not the smartest. I don't think it matters that I skipped a page. Look, I'll go, I'll go back here.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Uh, here I'll go back, but it doesn't matter. Uh, there's no one knows anyone in Australia above the top one. Dude, I'm just out of here selling born primitive savage ones. That's all I do for five hours down Instagram.
Starting point is 00:54:19 People ask me how I like the savage ones. I tell them dude. Where? Oh, wow. 34. Not very good. 4th, 4th, 6th, and a 60? Dude, she should be allowed to fix her score.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Dude, she might be in first place. Dude, she might be in first place. I think she would be with 30 reps. Yeah. What would that give her? 8 points plus six is 14. And if she took first in that? 15 points.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Wow. Is she winning? Oh, she's in second place. Second place. Dang, Maddie Sturt got 36 reps on the last bar. Young savage, fake weights. Nah, she's legit. Judy, what typo?
Starting point is 00:55:16 I want to go look. Dude, look at this guy. Look at people in the comments. Shut the fuck up. Her score is final. It was an error. Yeah. She's got the video of her doing it taylor taylor self taylor self if if 20 000 people put in the wrong scores what in the fuck is crossfit supposed to do about that just because it's grace fucking walton all of a sudden you're
Starting point is 00:55:40 going to change your mind yes if the whole If this is idiotic That's what it's like in the adaptive division Hiller Everyone puts their scores in wrong Guess what bro guess what The neuromuscular division no one got their score in one She showed the capacity Hey when everyone claims there's like a Voting mishap at the poll this year
Starting point is 00:55:59 That's how Biden got elected There you go If they would have corrected all the votes If they would have corrected all the votes, if they would have corrected all the votes, we wouldn't have that fucking retard in office. Yeah. So you're saying that you're for Joe Biden right now. That's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:56:14 A hundred percent. No, no, no. Cause I don't know. I don't know if that's what I'm saying. He is from Chicago. South America,
Starting point is 00:56:23 Victoria campus. Oh, this is the chick that he thinks Juiced to the gills, Andrea Pinero Yep Emily Andrage Amanda Fusama, Gabrielle Lick This is the only comment that needs to be read
Starting point is 00:56:38 Hitler's right on this one Dude, can you imagine If they actually did that to her? She's second place. Absolutely, because you know what happens? Next year, no one freaking does that. She worked her fucking ass off to make it to the games.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Shut up. Your best friend is freaking Dave Castro. You know what he has to deal with next year? But they let Grace Walton fix her score. Hey, dude, this chick's not on the juice, dude. You're fucking higher than half the people sleeping outside your house on the sidewalk dude yeah you're right this chick's natural this chick is something else how do you think how the career feels about it what a little yum lito
Starting point is 00:57:21 How do you think Ana Gagrera feels about it? What a little yumlito. Her arms are on her mind. Ana Gagrera forgot to put her score in entirely. No. That's different. That's wildly different. I don't know if it's wildly different. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Look at this. Yep. Buy my freaking protein powder to look like me. Oh, shit. I think. There it is. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:48 You couldn't have made that any better hey and you guys know i haven't seen that because i'm blocked yeah that's natural that's natural as the chicken i eat from costco holy hell look at before and after, dude. That's it. Hard work pays off. Before and after a Trin-Ballone sandwich. Those are the chicken I eat from Costco. Those are like turkeys, dude. They're huge. That's what this chick's nickname is. The turkey.
Starting point is 00:58:17 What's this? Costco chicken. Her legs are amazing. Yeah. Oh my God. I cannot wait until I'm a 36-year-old woman. Remember that she's 40. She started looking like this when she was 30.
Starting point is 00:58:33 She's 40 years old. Yeah. And remember, any Walgreens around the corner, you can just buy steroids. Hey, dude, it's just because she's lean. You're out of your mind. It's a clean sport. You're the dumbest idiot i've ever met you also think gracie walton score should be adjusted her nipple looks like it's sharp dude that's from whatever she's taking taylor has spoken is that does that whiteboard behind her say Anovar? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Wow. Okay, well. Milk, milk. Is that what she's on? Hey, dude, she's going to the games, dude. Yeah, she went to the games last year and got, like, third place. And got Hiller in a headlock. Said she was fine.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Hey, that was the best part of the game Last year she walked up to me and she goes Hey you gotta cut your balls off And I go what I passed the drug test and I go yeah I could do What are you trying to say What did you say She got third in the Masters John
Starting point is 00:59:39 She was up there third or second It'd be cool It'd be cool if Victoria Campos made it I guess she was up there, third or second. It'd be cool if Victoria Campos made it. 11th, 4th, 5th, and 12th. How many people do they take? One, two? They shouldn't take any, to be honest. They took two last year.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I believe it's two. Well, it's different every year, right? But they took two last year. Jamie Latimer has spoken. I hope she goes indie and stays out of 40 to 44. She did 40 to 44 last year. Jeez, look at this comment. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:18 She comes out of her tip. No, no, no, no. That was a little bit wicked. Wait, did you see the other one? You don't want to. Yeah this one no there's one that's worse about her her glint being three inches long there's gonna be a reddit thread on this section right here uh leaderboard listen if you make reddit threads about if you have nothing nice to say, just leave the show. This is just for people who love us. Everyone else, go away. Alex Kazan.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Doing what you should. Fifth, sixth, seventh, sixth. Emily Rolfe. Yeah, girl. She's all natural. Abigail Domet. Her voice was kind of low. It wasn't crazy low. It's been asked three times. I gotta answer. Who? Oh. I got to answer. Who?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Oh, Jesus. The Venero chick. Emily Rolfe is not natural, but she has taken no drugs. Abigail Domet, Ariel Lowen, Rebecca Fuselier. Impressive finish for her. 16th, 2nd, 15th, 39th. She smoked Taylor on that second workout, too. Who's Zoe Warren? Rebecca Fuselier.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Taylor beat her by one rep. Taylor just left second workout, too. Who's Zoe Warren? Rebecca Fuseli. Taylor beat her by one rep. Taylor just left the show. Oh, bye. Zoe. Oh, Zoe Warren. I guess my mouse has a back button. Rebecca Fuseli? Yeah, whatever, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I think it's Fuseli. If I was dating my grandmother, I would have smoked that second workout, too, dude. I don't recognize this chick, Zoe Warren. Has she been to the games before? That was a reference to her husband, Taylor. Oh. I didn't get that at all. I like that guy too.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Gabrielle Spence, Kelsey Keel. Oh, this is the chick that announced she's not going team anymore? Yeah. She murdered it. Isn't this the chick that shit the bed on the handstand walk at the game at the games yeah that's her i saw her on saturday olivia cursed at her oh first 64th 29th and first two first places champ champ yeah 64th is what matters damn devin kim 11th oh wow and she dropped off the team she was like ow my back to get out of team no devin yeah no no no yeah no no no yeah that's 100% right
Starting point is 01:02:34 she didn't ow my back she didn't ow my back she didn't want to be on a team no but the the post said she had some back issues of a fussy back. And she wanted to get it healthy. I'm glad she's going into it. Wasn't she replaced by Hannah Black? Kelly Stone? I believe so, yeah. Do I know what that girl looks like? Kelly Stone.
Starting point is 01:02:58 That name sounds familiar. Kelly Stone. Do you guys know Zoe Warren? She's a freak. Kelly Stone? Kelly Stone's a freak. I think she's got like a fitness program, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, she looks like a fitness model.
Starting point is 01:03:11 She's got great hair. And I don't know Zoe Warren, but that name pops for some reason. Is she tiny? Is this chick tiny? Kelly Stone? Yeah. No. No. It's hard to tell.
Starting point is 01:03:23 She's kind of stacked tell She's very proportionate Kyra Milligan Yeah she looked like an action figure Kyra Milligan Sydney McAlishan Bethany Flores Danny Spiegel Yanni
Starting point is 01:03:36 Allison Scuds Trista Smith Lindsey Martin Are you suffering without Caleb or something? Here you go. Let's see what I can do for you. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, no, no, no. I looked at her. You did? Yeah. This is Kelly Stone.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Alright. Thank you. Yeah. Morgan Porter, Marina Menza, Andrea Nischler, 26th. Damn. 80th, 48th, 70th, and a 43rd. Just had a baby.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Lauren Merrill. Kendall Gilmore. Ariel Saunders. Oh, you know who? Oh. I was going to say we didn't see Cara Saunders in Australia, but I guess she's going team. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Brianna. Annalise. Kelly Clark. Kelly Right. Brianna. Annalise. Kelly Clark. Kelly Clark. Holy shit. Damn. Did Ellie Scuds not make it? I saw her name.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Jamie Higaya. He said Scuds. Jamie Higaya got the same placement as Taylor. No, she didn't. What do you mean? That's better, bro. Taylor was 34th. It did beat him in workout, too, though.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I didn't think you'd notice while looking at your cell phone. I'm doing math. I'm trying to see. I got to do some important math. You're trying to figure out if Mike Halpin's right? I know. I know. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Go ahead. No, dude. Yeah, yeah. It's fine. fine i can't believe alia miller didn't make it you can't believe that dude i mean i'm pissed that's all and the import from australia with six points going to the north america east syndicate crown tia claire to me first second first second wow somebody sent me a picture of her handstand pushups and I don't think her shoulders were extended in line with her body on a single rep. Yeah, that happens when
Starting point is 01:05:32 yeah. What do you mean there weren't no line? What do you mean? It was like this? The top of her handstand pushup and her shoulders are like here. So what? It's part of the standard, John's so what i didn't say that yes you did we all heard you say it hey did she show the capacity to get her shoulders through no she showed that her
Starting point is 01:05:59 shoulders suck but listen you she really is that part of the standard it shouldn't just be like hey if you have your if you have your, if you have your hands within the distance and width than everything else, all you got to do is lock them out and have your legs straight? No, because now they can just throw their big fat dumpers against the wall. Yeah, their butt can't be against the wall. Their big fat dumpers. Alexis wrapped his second place.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Emma Lawson, third. Daniel Brandon, fourth. Daniel had an eighth, a twelfth, a seventh, and a nineteenth. Damn. There's still movement going around. Paige Powers, Hayley Adams, Erica Fulo, Carolyn Privo. Hey, you want to know who else? Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Who? Luis Oscar Mora. Oh, his shoulder's in line? You want to know who else? Brooke Wells. Who? Luis Oscar Mora. Oh, his shoulders in line? You want to see? Yeah. I don't doubt it for a second, dude. Hey, what was Brooke Wells' issue? What was her injury?
Starting point is 01:06:54 She had a shoulder rotator cuff, I believe. Like torn emotions or something? And that would have been in workout two. We would have seen that. Oh, Carolyn Stanley. This is Carolyn Stanley. I would think workout three with the ring muscle-ups. Ready? Check this out.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Oh my God! What's wrong with those? That's egregious! I went backwards here. Let's see if I can slow motion it. How do you do this? Playback speed 0.5 or 2.55. Here we go. Here's your boy, 0.5 or 2.55. Here we go. Here's your boy, Luis.
Starting point is 01:07:28 That's not even close, bro. You can't have your dumper on the wall? No, look at his shoulders. No, no. You're not locked out like that. Neither is Tia. It's not even close. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:07:41 Tia's better than Luis. What's wrong with that? Pause, pause, pause. At the bottom or the top? The top. And bam. Look at that. She has like a fucking, that's like a 30-degree angle there.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I say put your arms over your head, Sevan. That's not where you, yeah, that is not where you look like. Now move your elbows forward like three inches. That's where Tia is at. That's where she is. That's not shoulder extended. She's doing a standing bench press. I think she should get a
Starting point is 01:08:10 major penalty. She could absolutely 100% get a major penalty for this. This is terrible. Why are people saying not locked out? Because she's not locked out. You just did it in your chair, Seva. That's not what not locked out is Because she's not locked out. You just did it in your chair. That's not what not locked out is.
Starting point is 01:08:28 That's not having the fucking right. It is not your elbows. It is your elbows and your shoulders. And it's also Luis who has a, I don't think that's the right term to say. It's not locked out. That's not, that's whatever that is.
Starting point is 01:08:39 That's not right. Yeah. Yeah. Labium. Her labium is not. Hey dude. It it's like it's like hey if someone's doing handstand push-ups if someone's doing handstand push if someone's doing handstand push-ups and they have their feet at a on a box right you and they're getting full range of motion you don't say they're not locked out you're saying hey you're not living up to the standard
Starting point is 01:09:02 it's different than not being locked out there it's some other standard she's not living up to she's definitely locked out so you're saying she's showing capacity standard listen listen it would be like this this is how i'm not saying she's showing capacity if you're doing a box step up or a squat and you lock your knees out but you don't extend your hips that's what this is akin to she has her elbow locked out but her shoulder's not in line with the body. Her hip or her shoulder's still in flexion. Oh, let me see that one. Zoom it.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Go down there. You're telling me that third picture's no good? Right. This one? Yeah, this is no good. Oh. And that's what she's doing. Hey, but you know what's kind of fucked up?
Starting point is 01:09:37 That chick needs to put her head down for us to know for sure. And the one right next to it is what Brooke Wells does on every single handstand pushup. Here you go. Shoulders not lined with the body. That's the thing. Boom, boy. Hey, do you have... Let me go back and look at T again.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Alright, I gotta go back to it. I gotta yank that down. Alright, fuck it. Who cares? It's on a different planet at this moment. Okay, don't worry. Alright, I take your word. Brookwell's Paige Semenza, Greer, Fee Sagafi. Killed it. 42nd, 7th, 12th, 46th.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Rose Scott, Amanda Barnhart, Chloe Galvon-David, Lexi Neely, Carolyn Stanley. That was Carolyn Stanley we saw proven too, right? You want to know the best way to determine whether or not something's locked out? If I said take a weight and hold it over your head as long as you can, you're not going to hold it in front of your body because you're not going to be able to hold it as long.
Starting point is 01:10:33 That's why you're Andrew Hiller, the Batman. That's the only way to explain it. So what happens with a tie from quarterfinals? If you're going to stand on a back squat or a front squat, when you just stand there, you're going to have your ass locked out with your knees locked out. You're not going to have a slight bend in your hip because it's going to be harder to hold a weight on your back for an extended period of time.
Starting point is 01:10:54 What was the question? What happens with a tie from quarters? Both of them don't go. They would either, you have to wait until all penalties are assessed, and then if there's a tie after penalties, I would assume it's whoever had the highest placement in an event. Do you want to see my handstand push-ups?
Starting point is 01:11:11 Sevan's rep standard is like our current border policy. Everyone is good. Go ahead, Taylor. Someone in the comments said, I want to see your handstand push-ups, Taylor, and I asked if you wanted to see them. She's an old boy. David had been stealing three years from doing those handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 01:11:24 No age group leaderboard posted Age group what's that My handstand pushups are perfect No it's not yet I don't know why they're having problems I don't know how they could possibly not have problems at this point Kaitlyn Sanders Mary Helen Saunders
Starting point is 01:11:41 McKenna Enslin Sydney Wells 24th Shelby Neal 27th Jordan Svek Sanders, Mary Helen Saunders, McKenna Enslin, Sydney Wells, 24th. She in. Shelby Neal, 27th. Jordan Svek, Kara, Napoli, Elizabeth Wishart, Ashley Wozni, Dana Peran, Logan Filulus,
Starting point is 01:11:58 Logan Filulus. Logan Filulus. What the fuck does this person look like? Filulus? Filulus? Dude, the last name don't matter. It's hyphenated. Elena Buds, Reese Littlewood. Wow, me and Ellie Hill are tied it up.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Go, Doug. Nicoletta Torrigani, Carolyn Klutz, Lydia Fish, Masters athlete? No. She's only 20. She was second in Crash Crucible Clutz, Lydia Fish, Masters athlete? No. She's only 20. She was second in Crash Crucible
Starting point is 01:12:29 and in regular scoring, she would have won. She lost in Z-score. What the hell is this all about? Jar Jar Binks, Hitler, CrossFit didn't report us. I turned us in. I don't get it. I made a fake character called Jar Jar Binks. I signed him up for the Open and they found him.
Starting point is 01:12:48 They found Jar Jar Binks. And now someone made a YouTube channel called Jar Jar Binks. Sabrina Gordon, Brianna Dunbar, Ashley Cope, Bailey, Nina, Caroline Spencer. Oh, it's Caroline Spencer, a games athlete? I want to say yes. I don't think so. No, I think Caroline Stanley. Stanley.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Maybe I'm thinking Stanley. Yeah. Jessica Kaligian. Austin Spencer and Caroline Stanley. The illegal kick from Mayhem from two years ago. Armenia's only hope. Dude, we had her on our YouTube show. Who?
Starting point is 01:13:22 Jessica Kaligian. She does Sentinel. And Mason Mitchell. She's Mason Mitchell's girlfriend. Jessica Collegian? Jessica's cool, by the way. No Armenian chick should be giving him the kazoo. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:13:37 The kazoo? Let's see. Is that one of those things you put your finger in and you can't get it out? No, that's a Chinese song. Samantha Pugh, Brianna Wallen, Brittany Weiss. Didn't make it in. Didn't make the cut.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Tough shake. Oh, Hayley Murillo. Mackenzie Riley. She a games athlete? Yes. Hayley Murillo is Hayley Adams' coach. She was close. Oh, where do you see her?
Starting point is 01:14:04 50-something. Wow. Close. You think she cried? I don't know. She doesn't seem like a crier. Team Vladimir 7-7. Riley Beebe is a proven teen athlete.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Who beat you? John, who beat you? I said Riley Beebe is a proven teen athlete. She's up there. Simo, what are you mad about with my loose accusations? That chick's totally on steroids. What else do you want? What other loose accusations have you made on this show?
Starting point is 01:14:43 Tia's elbows didn't lock out. That was pretty strong or her shoulders Didn't extend All right Where's the next group of girls we need to look at Europe All right here we go Brace yourself everyone
Starting point is 01:14:57 Now we need to figure out if Miriam Von Roar Miscounted her reps Or had a clerical error Her and Gracie Walton On what On workout four on roar miscounted her reps or had a clerical air. Her and Gracie Walton. On what? Yeah. On workout four.
Starting point is 01:15:09 No, I, she's really strong legs. Yeah, but dude, she's got fragile overhead. She's hot, dude. How,
Starting point is 01:15:18 you know, how I can squat the depth. I don't know. Gabriella McGowan. First, ninth, 10th and first. Jeez. Laura Horvat, first, ninth, tenth, and first. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Laura Horvat, fourth, sixth, twenty-first, and seventh. Which was the handstand one? The third one. People actually thought she wasn't going to make it because of that, and they're out of their mind. Manon Anganese, third. Emma Tall, fourth. Emma McQuaid, fifth.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Amy Kringle, sixth. Claudia Gluck, seventh. Lisa Fuliano, seventh. Jacqueline Dahlstrom, ninth. Amy Kringle, sixth. Claudia Gluck, seventh. Lisa Fuliano, seventh. Jacqueline Doltz from ninth. Karen Frejova, tenth. Aya, Holly, Camila, Elena Caratala-Sanahua. Pretty good, dude. I think that's great.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Oh, God. Sylvia Garcia Izquierdo. Emily Lemberg. That was a good one. That was a good one. Matilda Garn. Dude, if you don't call them down, I'm going to start calling you Brian with those name pronunciations.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Jennifer Muir. Lucy McGonigal. McGonigal. McGonigal. Games athlete? Chick. Young chick. No, she's a team champ.
Starting point is 01:16:28 She won the games last year as a team. Beast. Good job, girl. What? Man, that's amazing, dude. Look. What? She's a Ole Luce accusations killer is what I call him. Ole Luce. Ole Luce accusations. It's Ole Luce Ole Luce Accusations Hiller is what I call him. Ole Luce.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Ole Luce Accusations. It's Ole Luce. Ole Luce Accusation Hiller. What does that mean? Ole Luce? Like, like, like Luce, like you sleep around a lot? I sleep around a lot. Yeah, fake mayhem. Jessica, what are you doing with that fucking guy on the bike?
Starting point is 01:17:02 Michael, Michael, whatever his name is. What are you doing? Dude, He trains Brett Favre. That's crazy. Who does? I'd probably fuck him. Who? Mason. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:11 But I'm still training. He cannot, he cannot pollute the fucking Armenian gene pool. Is collagen an Armenian name? No. What the fuck are you talking about? I can just look at how hot she is. Oh, you can't see from here. That's just a J dude the fuck are you talking about? I can just tell you. Look at how hot she is.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Oh, you can't see from here. That's just a J, dude. What are you talking about? You don't even have to see her last name. You just know. She has a hot husband? Oh, look it. Well, I understand.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Have you seen his body? No, but fair enough. You win. Use him until he's old. Thomas Graves. Taylor, if I see you in Knoxville, supper is on me. Supper? He hardly knows her. Great job, dude, and the rest of you guys.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Thanks. Is Brett Favre, is he still an active athlete? No. He's like 70 years old. Oh, John Young, the dis-re-fucking-spect. The dis-re-spect. You're a big Brett Favre fan? He's America's quarterback, dude.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Oh, my goodness. Brett Favre's a royal piece of shit. No. Why? Why is he a piece of shit? I am a Bears fan. I'm a Vikings fan. Okay, and that's why he's a piece of shit?
Starting point is 01:18:21 It's not like he's Ray fucking Lewis. He just stabbed two guys. Put it that way. I'm pretty sure he videotaped aaron andrews like like changing across the room like that story bro if i didn't have to dislike brett farve i'd probably like brett farve all right and uh heidi's wrong he's not let's go heidi Let's fucking go, Heidi. Heidi's from Wisconsin. She doesn't count. That's a great video someone just sent me of their Shibu Inu. Yeah, Ken. And he single-handedly threw the game away for us to get to the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Of their four-skin Emu? Did you know this guy, Thomas Graves? No, dude. Oh, but that's cool. Hey, Brett Favre isn't even good. He can just throw the ball really hard. Hey, he should take you to, like, Ruth Chris Steakhouse or something. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:19:11 And you should get two orders of filet mignon. This is actually a good comment for this show. Fill me in again. What's a quarterback? Thank you. Me too. We're not going to fill you, bro, with anything. Savon might.
Starting point is 01:19:26 You feel? You feel? I bet you'll have Aaron Rodgers, too. Here we go. Andreas Solberg, Ragadour, Sarah Siegmundsdorfer. 20 seconds. 12th, 123rd, 8th, and 12th. She got in.
Starting point is 01:19:47 She got in, bro. She was not looking good. She did it. Nicole Heer, Thur Dur Helgedodder, Franziska Hoger, Emma DeGucci. Connie Easy. Connie Easy. Connie Easy.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Margo Massett. Begros. Bijon's daughter. Erica Echelund. Lena Richter. Oh, Lena Richter. She ever been to the games as an individual? Who?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Lena Richter? I don't know. John? I don't know. I'll effort it. Linda Kiesman, Julia Jacobson, Rebecca Vitteson. Uh-oh, boys. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:20:36 What? She's in. Hey, but she was in trouble, wasn't she, when we looked at the score? Yeah, me and her tied up, too. She was 68th. She was. Rebecca Vitteson was 68th. She was. Rebecca Peterson was 68th after the first
Starting point is 01:20:47 submission window. Jasmine Sierra Mejia. Sierra Mejia. She got her ass against the wall too. Albania. Noor Bleeker. Madeline Harris. Georgia Davenport. Catherine Isley. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Tyson Bajan is better than Brett Favre. I agree. And Taylor's on his phone again. I'm not going to go that far. Dude, I'm going to go buy a pint of ice cream. Maybe a fucking half gallon. What kind of ice cream? Dude, so my favorite's Haagen-dazs coffee oh uh the lone
Starting point is 01:21:28 ranger podcast is doing a show right now and that seems to be that's their topic of the day your favorite ice cream do you would like to go over there i have a link for you that's not their fucking topic dude the topic's probably and which and what's your favorite avengers movie okay if you could be an avenger which one would you i fucking hate avengers thank you i hate it hey look at this is africa it probably would be batman dude batman he's uh not an avenger yeah dude and i fucking love batman batman begins one of the best movies dark knight as well hey what happened to oh keelan henry okay he was on the show okay so he's going keelan henry didn't he test positive last year. Okay, so he's going. Didn't he test positive last year? Some other dude.
Starting point is 01:22:07 No, it wasn't Jason Smith. What happened to Jason Smith? He just tested positive and vanished into thin air? Yep. Lena Richter has only been the game since I was on a team. I like Keelan Henry. Did we
Starting point is 01:22:24 look at women for Asia? I don't think so. These names are going to be hard. Seung-Yong Choi, Do-Won Young. John Young is an Asian woman. Let's go. You better watch out. You're going to get one.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I knew you were making the games, John. I know. Do-Won Young. Or Cohen. Most popular Jewish name there is Jeff which Smith all right for which Smith um can we look at one roar please oh yeah yeah yeah uh what europe yeah uh what page do i got to go to um six five she was 260 i heard yeah six she was 262 uh this is a was she a high rocks champion uh-huh or no no no i don't think so No, she was just in high rock
Starting point is 01:23:26 She just went to moron town, that's all Yeah, I think that's what it was I think she got 57 reps and put it as 27 Miriam Von Roar 19th first 84th and 1331st Hey, dude Oh, shit
Starting point is 01:23:41 So, John, you're saying that she didn't add the 27 reps She got to the 30 Yes Seven You cannot let these people start playing the victim card Now they can't add It's not the victim card dude If she starts crying
Starting point is 01:23:57 I just didn't read the rules Hey let's go over So who's the first person that we were wondering about their score I think Zach Bunton And then Grace Walton Hey, let's go over. So who's the first person that we were wondering about their score? I think Zach Bunton and then Grace Walton. Grace Walton. Let's go to Grace's. How come I can't find her? Grace.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Grace Lochner. No, Walton. Grace Hopper. Grace Souza. Grace. Grace Patino. no Walton Grace Hopper Grace Sousa Grace Grace Patinois Graciano Rubio I can't find her I can't find her
Starting point is 01:24:31 I want to I want to go to her Instagram account and see if she's posted anything about it Gracie it's Gracie Walton she's drinking out of a shoe let's see her and then we'll check that Miriam Instagram account. Let's look
Starting point is 01:24:49 at her story and see if she said something about it. Always matching with my bestie. Okay. That dog's retarded. Look how far that dog's eyes are apart. Oh my God. I don't mean that in a negative way. What is up with you and judging dogs?
Starting point is 01:25:04 What are you a fucking dog judge yeah okay that looks good race has a wonderful snatch and a terrible brain and her pegboards are ass too she needs to work on those pegboards good oh not even surprised you did that way to stress everyone out that cares. I know how oh, okay Okay, how do I freeze it on the pause button at the top? Uh, okay, never let them know your next move. Okay, so something's going on. Sorry kids Hey that means she's that if you're posting that that means you're confident it's going to be fixed yeah, I don't think she would post that if they didn't tell that her that
Starting point is 01:25:48 They would fix it. Yeah, they're probably gonna fix it. But that's dumb. I should not look at Mike B. This is genius Hey that dog has a rough life Someone else said it looked Armenian because it's nose was big They did look Armenian. Oh Sorry Josh we say regarded now thank you uh okay okay so we've solved that we are right andrew's wrong grace walton is in hey what place is she in she first second second okay and what's this other chick's name? Miriam Von Roar. Can you spell that for me?
Starting point is 01:26:31 M-I-R-J-A-M. Von Roar. Oh, got it, got it. Should I follow her? Yeah. She seems like she's someone worth following right now. We'll see in the semifinals. Hey, she kind of looks like Carrie Pierce ince in some of these pictures okay here we go uh nothing here nothing here oh look entering a score into a computer oh shit here we go i'm clicking this let's take a little, can we do a poll? Oh, dude, is that John
Starting point is 01:27:05 Finkenberg? Well, click that guy, John. I will, but can we do a poll? That guy asked me to coach him. I had no idea how to do a poll. He's so strong. God damn it, Caleb. Where is Kaylee? Is that Jan? Yeah, Jan Matiaska. He reached out to me one time about training.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Oh, that's a different Jan. Miriam Von Roar, I completed all the CrossFit Games quarterfinals workouts, and we uploaded and reviewed all the videos. After the first competition window, Miriam Van Roer is sitting in fifth place in Europe. She had a 19th. What? What is she talking about herself in the third person? Oh, no, it's a shared post collab.
Starting point is 01:27:35 She had a 19th place finish in workout one and a world record first place finish in workout two. Now we wait for the final leaderboard. Here's a real-time picture of us putting the wrong scoring because we're dumb. Okay, now let's check her story best score workout too what was it 1426 my ass so we need we need to see um man i'm on four four she does something called High Rocks. Von Vinkiebog. It's like just doing Murph over and over and over. Yeah, but they don't
Starting point is 01:28:14 spot that. Skip forward. Skip. No, no. This is fun. This is fun. We're getting to know her. 2024 Swiss champion. I don't know. She might be banging that dude. Who gives a fuck? do it like miriam no do not do it like miriam congrats miriam von rohr for winning the second workout in the quarterfinals yeah the pixel grips helped her win that one hey so she's gone silent after the second workout well she ate out there you go
Starting point is 01:28:41 that's it that's the most hey let's see if this yanni guy maybe he posted something yanni yink and young whoa dude 100 new followers and comments and that's crazy you're popping this weekend i'm coaching mariam van roer in the crossfit games quarterfinals i'm also coaching her on how to use a computer not doing doing a bang up job. Are you man? Bang up job. Immediately fired. So last year at this time, we were just butt fucking will lay.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Huh? Did he not make it this last year? The network? No, just cause his, his videos were all fucked up and stuff. Right. And now this,
Starting point is 01:29:21 and now this year he got Hiller just over there, just holding his hand, blowing his nose, wiping his ass. What did that, uh, well, it's actually dabbing. and now this and now this year he got hillard just over there just holding his hand blowing his nose wiping his ass what did that uh well it's actually dabbing sp do you dab your penis with a kleenex after you pee taylor no why would i do that i shake my piss all over the bathroom sprinkle it all over the wall and then get everything out of it and then i'm good to go all right just check what did that penalty last Bill Leahy, what did it take him to? 28-32, something like that.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Wait, so it took him from where to where? He was somewhere in the top 10 to somewhere around 30th. Okay. Lindsey Lane, 401 worldwide. That's a good bit of information. What happened to Sarahah sigman's daughter taylor she made it she's like 102 oh her age oh that's only for people who still have hoods oh
Starting point is 01:30:18 you have to use toilet paper on your penis yeah dude, dude. He's like a girl. I have to wipe her labias, bro. You don't have to. He has dick labias. Answer the question. Do you use toilet paper on your penis? Yeah, I dab my penis after I've done pain. You've done that your whole life? Whenever there's toilet paper around. I just can't. What? You guys don't? It's like a waste of toilet paper around. You guys don't?
Starting point is 01:30:48 It's like a waste of toilet paper. Never have I ever wiped my cock. Like my butt, dude. I don't wipe it. I dab it. I don't wee. Do you wipe down to up or up to down, bro? No.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Every time you pee, you gotta take toilet paper with you. It's like, you're like a girl. If there isn't any, it's no big deal. But like, I just do this. This is it. And I just Like if this is Kleenex, I just If you don't have any tissue, do you
Starting point is 01:31:20 use your shirt? No. I use your shirt. I use a towel in the bathroom. If I'm at your your shirt i use a towel in the bathroom if i'm at your house i use a towel in the bathroom man you feel dirty if you don't no no why do you have a cock mold in your studio dude hillary gave that to me as like a congratulations on the success of the podcast. Yeah, you saw the penis, all right? Yeah. Oh, is it chocolate? Yeah. It is.
Starting point is 01:31:52 All right. So we don't know what's going on. So maybe the barbell. Let's go check the barbell spin real quick. Maybe he's reported on what's going on with these girls. Did any boys screw it up or just a girl thing? Zach Blanton. Oh, let's look at him.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Would he have made it? Yeah, I'm sure he's pretty fit. Okay, give me his. I think it's a top scorer. That would be 60 reps, I think, for him. Z-A-C-H? Z-A-C. Z-A-C and then Bunton?
Starting point is 01:32:28 B-U-N-T-O-N? I-N. Oh, Zach Bunton. I mean, how hard is it to freaking read? And your entire year is on the line. Put the right score in. He doesn't have any stories up and he's got a picture of a kid here that was
Starting point is 01:32:47 posted 11 weeks ago that's a great looking kid fuck what a healthy child that baby looks ugly to me hey Taylor how many times did you check your score after you put it in or like did you make sure the right 100 or
Starting point is 01:33:03 over your shoulder make sure you know I don't require that kind of shit I what a good life this guy has he has friends a dog and a kid I'm extremely anal about it so anal come on any anybody who does this seriously should look at that and just be furious when they change it
Starting point is 01:33:19 hmm come on oh is this dude strong as shit yeah that's really strong. Looks like a brick shithouse. Oh my god. Oh my god. And it's Phil Toon who's next to him. Zachary Bunton.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Yeah, Phil Toon makes him look like a little baby now. But it is quite the opposite here, it appears. Dude, Phil toon is so strong right now he has heads the size of a beach ball yeah i know but it's still pretty crazy what he's doing no it's not crazy when you're injecting every drug known to man in your body dude i mean everybody's trying to do it though like what he's doing they're all doing who's trying to do it, though, like what he's doing. They're all doing the same stuff. Who's trying to do it? Who's trying to do it? Like, the stuff he's trying to do, they're all doing that. Who's they?
Starting point is 01:34:10 And all of them are way fucking stronger than he is. Empower lifting. Dude, no, there's weight classes to that, man. Oh, shut up, dude. He's not 6'8", 400. His head is a beach ball, dude. His head weighs 100 pounds. Let's take a break on Phil Tooney and go back to Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 01:34:28 The unknown. Regarding Gracie Walton from Australia, what a beautiful creature she is. And Hiller's take on her is illogical. If a CrossFit video review can take reps from a submitted score, it can be used to add reps also. Thank you. I rest my case.
Starting point is 01:34:47 The unknown. I don't think that. Well, while you can state it's illogical, I can state that it's at minimum consistent with my previous observations. I don't. I always look at it from the top down and say, Hey, 8 billion people doing it.
Starting point is 01:35:07 And 7 billion of them put the wrong score. And what are they going to do in a week? Guys, we got to make sure it's all right. Everyone. We will open the window, fix your scores, Taylor self,
Starting point is 01:35:19 let power lifters, power lift, bro. She, her scores outside the top 60. So they might not even look at her video. No, she'll submit and she'll contact everybody she can.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Who? Grace. Oh, her shit's fixed, dude. She wouldn't have posted that if her shit's not fixed. Dan Guerrero. It's not about what happened. Dan says, but that's not what fucking happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Dan is clearly being emotional with not what fucking happened. Yeah. Dan's clearly being emotional with the verb that she's using. And yes, it should always be about a what if. Phone a friend, Seve. I thought about it. Ooh, that'd be wicked. I'll call Brian right now. Yeah, that's the wicked part.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Drew Arnold Taylor Self is going to the games Believe it Taylor we all do Hey Taylor you make your bed every morning Yes I do John do you No No I have a wife why would I do that
Starting point is 01:36:23 You know what I of people who say that make your bed first thing in the morning or you're lazy i'm like yeah you waste time every morning making your bed oh i'm the top it i'm the first one i'm up like way before i'm up me and my wife alternates whoever's last out of bed makes the bed yeah if i was last that it would be a competition who gets up the earliest. That's ridiculous. Actually, that's not true. I wouldn't make it. I mean, I wake up like five hours before Leslie does, like every morning. Because she stays up till three sewing pigs?
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah, essentially. She doesn't get home till midnight. And I'm asleep by then. Let's just take a quick look at Marvell Spinn. Who wipes his dick on the bed sheets? Everyone does that. What are you talking about? Yeah, I think I do that too.
Starting point is 01:37:15 I wipe my boogers on the side. TMZ Style CrossFit Games News. Live YouTube shows every Wednesday night. CrossFit Games Quarterfinals Masters 40-44. Wow. Spinn, you fucking fucker. Look at him Boasting about his quarter-finalist This is the business account spin not your personal jack-off page the barbell spin South America and poised to earn third qualifying spot to the games
Starting point is 01:37:39 Oh, that's interesting Latin cover turning to 2025 Tierra water Palooza, Miami. Oh Bailey rail Cristofal cuts off season short to focus on new passion Catching David's daughter out Taylor self falls off a box Jason Hopper wins the Taylor self versus the world Jason Hopper steps up to win workout one sub eight minutes to win workout and Taylor servers the world and Also horrible picture of mr. Coca-Cola himself Oh Yama Yama Chama, yeah All right, Jesus Christ, oh is that is that collegian right there
Starting point is 01:38:24 Now second Wow Jesus Christ. Oh, is that, is that Collegian right there? No. Second. That's Ocean, Ocean State CrossFit, right? That guy is a giant. Josh Mattis. And dude, he's so strong. His neck is wider than his head. He cleans over 400. What's the guy's name Josh Mattis
Starting point is 01:38:49 two t's he does Sentinel he does? yeah he does my program bro I get pissed off every three days a week because he beats the shit out of some of my times on my own workout bro M-A-T-T-I-A- uh m-a-t-t-i-a-s
Starting point is 01:39:07 m-a-t-t-e-s he's a fucking ox dude he cleans 405 i just said that taylor okay john young shut up it was my workout that he cleaned it on though like okay okay i follow him now oh look at you're off your phone and listening. I was messaging him, dude. Oh, look it. He has it in his bio. Sentinel Training. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Oh, he's from Missouri. That's cool. That is a black and white jack, man. Dude, I bet his dick touches his knee if he doesn't have it taped around his leg or something. It's like Patrick Ewing, dude. Oh, I bet his dick touches his knee. If he doesn't have it taped around his leg or something. I like Patrick Ewing, dude. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Look at his back. Look at his short. Devoured. Devoured. Massive. How's that? Is, is,
Starting point is 01:39:57 is, is our shoulders in line with his body? Yeah, they are. I mean, his back is so big. It makes them look like they're at an angle, but Anthony TPA,
Starting point is 01:40:04 Hiller, will you follow an athlete at semifinals to highlight them similar to what you did with Haley or even with Haley? Yeah, me. I'll do Taylor. Yes, let's go. We're going to do Taylor versus the world semifinals edition. Only if you eat shit on a box. We'll just continue Taylor versus the world.
Starting point is 01:40:21 We'll pick one workout for me at semifinals to go completely out of this world on. Captain Insano. Captain Insano. Sevan Podcast will also be doing something there behind the scenes, but it'll be behind a paywall.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Fuck you guys. Fuck you guys. John, is there anything you want to say? Fuck you guys. All right. John, is there anything you want to say? No, I just hope all the scores get fixed. I believe that if you have a video showing that you did the work, that they should, I hope the right people get in. I want the right people in.
Starting point is 01:41:00 I don't care if they're stupid. So, yeah, that's it. Andrew Hiller, do you have any words you'd like to share? I will always default to what it looks like if everyone were to do the wrong thing, that you can't just say, oh, one instance, must fix. Taylor, any words you would like to say uh just kind of a bit uh shocked to be honest didn't think I was gonna be even close oh yeah and congrats to Taylor yeah I should say oh
Starting point is 01:41:36 yeah congrats Taylor Hiller I'll grab yours I'll grab your supper too hey okay then here's my question for you I think that um my shirts are going to be on sale. They're fucking sick. Can we get a picture? We can't. It's going to take too long. If you go to Vindicate's website... No, we got time.
Starting point is 01:41:52 We got time. Because I got a question for you. John, is CrossFit... Is this a weak field this year? In the East? No. No, just in general. Just overall.
Starting point is 01:42:04 I just feel like I... i feel like of all the i feel like that there's not i wasn't concerned about about the people i like not making it this year except maybe in one or two regions what makes you what makes you say you think it's a weak field i think for the men not at all it's just a strong ever been probably the strongest it's ever been as far's probably the most in depth. To make it to the games. Depth of field is the strongest it's ever been. Yes, to make the games.
Starting point is 01:42:30 But also for the East. But like games, you got all the regulars. Nobody's dropped out. Ricky Garrard's there. Travis Mayer's there. They weren't there last year. Austin Hatfield and Bill Leahy are freaking, they are coming. Victor Hoffer is coming.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Yeah, but dude, but who is Bill Leahy and Austin Hatfield and Victor Hoffer? They're the newcomers. You have all the Vellners, Fikowskis, Adlers, Medeiros, Gerrards. You have all those guys there. And then there's like four new people that we think are going to be really, really good. Now the women, there's like seven elite women that have dropped out or gone team. So for the women, I think it's a,
Starting point is 01:43:10 it could be a weaker games field. I'm not going to know until the 75 shakeout, but for the men, I think it's stronger than ever. I mean, look at, look at this. Uh,
Starting point is 01:43:19 did you want me to pull something up? Taylor to show your shirt? Yeah. Can you go to vindicate website? Yeah. Give me one second and we'll go over look at this field uh look at this field this is european women gabriella magawa at the top then laura horvat then man man on anganese for man on anganese down it's like
Starting point is 01:43:37 wait what i mean i guess amy kringle what are you talking about? Lisa Fuliano? No, but Amy Kringle has Matt. Amy Kringle was 11th in the world last year at the games. But Amy Kringle is like, no one ever thought she'd make it to the game. She had some massive holes just a year or two ago. She's filled them. What? I guess Fuliano. Jackie Dahlstrom.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Stop it. Karen Frejova, games athlete. Okay. All right. All right. Karen Frejova, top 10 games. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Camilla Hellman. All right. She's old, but sure. Shut up. Scroll down. Keep going. All right. All right. Rayova top 10 games. All right. All right. Camilla Hellman. All right. She's old, but sure. Shut up. Scroll down. Keep going. Keep going. We'll keep doing this. Keep going. No, no. There's no one else down here. But you're right. Okay. Andrea Soberg. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:21 All right. Terry's better than the last two names. We've said, uh, CrossFit, uh, CrossFit. Uh,
Starting point is 01:44:28 this isn't new. We've got the same six women for a decade from Europe. Fair enough. Yeah. We got any Thor's daughter, Catherine, David's daughter. We have the same ones.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Mason Mitchell putting it to an Armenian girl. I get, if you want to say the women's field is weaker, I buy that. But the men's field is stronger than ever. Okay, good. Okay, good. Vindicate.
Starting point is 01:44:51 You already have a shirt? Not for semifinals. This is just a shirt for my program. It's the sickest fucking shirt you can buy, dude. Sickest CrossFit shirt on the market. No, you know what was cool? That first company you had had an amazing hat. Sorry,
Starting point is 01:45:05 go ahead. It's not an Avenger shirt, dude. It's a, it's a guardians of the galaxy. Knock off a full blown guardians. Knock off. Somebody clipped that.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Make him sound really dumb. No, go. I know they're an Avenger, but it's not the Avenger movie. It's the go. No, it's partner apparel,
Starting point is 01:45:19 partner apparel, dude. No less than 45 minutes ago. You're talking so much crap about the Avengers. Look at that. You said you hate the Avengers and Avengers about the Avengers. Look at that shirt. You said you hated the Avengers. An Avengers t-shirt, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:28 Oh, man. I got a sidekick on that. Fuck you both, dude. Whatever. That is kind of cool, though. That's a Guardians of the Galaxy. You said you hated the Avengers. The Guardians of the Galaxy is a part of that world.
Starting point is 01:45:40 It's not the movie, dude. The Guardians of the Galaxy movies are great. Avengers movies. Hey, you know what you really need? You know what you need, Taylor? That's sick. Can I show you the shirt you really need? That shirt is fucking jizz.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Let me show you the shirt you need. That's life source. You're going to fucking love this. You ready? Wait, wait, wait. Can I show you something? My wife made that design. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:04 So you saw the Trans Sentinel logo, right? Right. Yeah. Eat ass? Is that what it should say? I got nothing against the shirt. I think the shirt looks good, Taylor. But your marketing's a little...
Starting point is 01:46:17 It's just the Train. You hate the Avengers. And then it's a Guardians of the Galaxy shirt. Right, right, right. But it doesn't say... Where does it say Avengers? It's Marvel Studios. No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop. But it doesn't say where does it say Avengers? It's Marvel Studios. Stop!
Starting point is 01:46:28 I win! Fuck you guys! Taylor! Taylor! It's your shirt. Taylor, listen. Make this a black and white drawing and it says
Starting point is 01:46:42 and it should say join Sentinel now. that's good yeah and then you should be wearing a set of hedges that jacket should say like head coach on it or something look at downs i don't hate it just because he's in front i know oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:46:59 what a weekend it would be all right to be in front okay listen i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do one more thing you guys have i'm gonna go to youtube and i'm gonna go to manage videos oh vindicate do vindicate's comment real quick it's the best one human sentinel bead oh man wow that is the best wow hey they can just be silhouettes dude it'll be amazing oh look at science-based training wow oh my god human that's great we're vindicating human sentinel that's amazing get on the sentinel train
Starting point is 01:47:44 that's amazing get on the sentinel train that one's good with that picture wow you ever give a picture of the horse drawing how do i do a pole horse drawing like a beautiful horse in the front and then like it's like a kid drawing in the back yeah like this could be what it looks like. This would be funny. Here you go. This thing. Moderation, community monitors. How do I do a poll? Oh, I have no idea how to do a poll. It sucks.
Starting point is 01:48:21 I've never done one on... I see the hand i see the uh the oh i see dots remove user oops i almost removed cross fat shit moderate time stamps moderation activity i think you have to do it on youtube dude i'm on youtube oh maybe i have to go back to the... Centrional. Damn, I really want to do a poll and find out who thinks Gracie Walton should get the...
Starting point is 01:48:58 If I get a cease and desist from Disney, I'll remove a rib and suck my own cock. Is that right? Jesus Christ. Don't quit that. Edit title and description. Disney goes after things like that. Do they really?
Starting point is 01:49:16 Yeah, they're like Greg Glassman in the old days. Brandsetter says, tell me what you want the poll to be. Oh, should Gracie's score be adjusted by hq or should and then put or or disqualified everyone's soft and they imagine that they're her and they're gonna be like oh let her in hey um someone's given this show a thumbs down already we only have a 97 this is like one of my lowest rated shows shows ever 97.4 percent that's probably can we get some thumbs up? Somebody probably clicked onto the freaking butthole talk.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Hit like. Hit subscribe. Like and subscribe. Thank you. Smash that like button. You're a legend. Legend. You're a legend. Okay, listen guys. There's a poll going up right now. Will Branstetter's putting it
Starting point is 01:50:04 up now. Creating a live poll scheduled or start a live stream or a premiere from the bottom of the chat window tap create poll create your poll oh that's the only place i didn't look at the bottom of the chat screen okay well thank you daniel i'm gonna predict 85 percent say their score should be adjusted. Yes. I agree with you, which is not what I think. But Hiller's not about consensus science. You're allowed to be in that 15%. And 85% of the world wanted to take the injection too. That's fine. I saw this quote about just because the majority of people are doing it
Starting point is 01:50:41 doesn't make – just because the majority of people are doing the wrong thing 85% of you imagine percent of your little daughter or something. They're like, oh, we really like Gracie Walton. I'm like, I do too, but she's an idiot. Teach teacher Steven Plyler. What's up with Gracie Walton? Okay, here's the thing. Gracie Walton put in the wrong score, which has made it so she hasn't
Starting point is 01:51:00 qualified for quarterfinals, but really she's either number one or number two. Once she corrects the score up there with Maddie Sturt Jay Crouch's owner I don't hopefully Will like comes in here now I don't even know how to How am I going to see the poll
Starting point is 01:51:18 Hey you know When you know when people make like a tinder profile and it's they'll say that they're six feet tall and then they're using pictures from before it's like well this is what they wrote and then they show up on the date and they're like all pissed off it's like the opposite of that someone explain that to me i see how to make a poll i don't see how to see the poll oh adjusted oh oh i see how to oh and poll I don't see how to see the poll Oh adjusted oh Oh I see how to Oh and no shit I almost ended the poll Oh okay
Starting point is 01:51:50 Here we go A 72% say it should be Adjusted a 28% she should be Disqualified I wonder if it would be different if you use Zach Bunting Oh it'd be way different 50-50 It'd be way different Who the hell is Zach Bunting. Oh, it'd be way different.
Starting point is 01:52:06 50-50 on Zach Bunting. It'd be way different. Who the hell is Zach Bunting? 120, 127 votes, 72%, 129 votes, 73% say adjusted, 27% say disqualified. What's wrong with you people that think she should be disqualified? You want to just ask me?
Starting point is 01:52:22 Yeah, what's wrong with these people? No, what's wrong with me? Oh, what's wrong with these people? No, it's not what's wrong with me. Oh, what's wrong with you, Andrew? I don't know. I'm, I'm currently in the house of a person who literally brought me here to make
Starting point is 01:52:31 sure that this didn't happen. Is that what I look like? But really explain it to me. What, why do you think, why don't you think you said just because she's dumb and she deserves it, but why it's, it's just a,
Starting point is 01:52:43 it's just a clerical error or read the rules wrong i'm gonna get all the crap from mr dan guerrero again but it's the only thing it's dave castro and his little band of merry people over there and what are they to do if everyone puts their score in wrong? Okay, let me ask you this. Okay, I hear you. I hear you. That's a problem. Let's say I'm typing in my score and I accidentally hit the wrong score and I write away within one second and I hit return.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Or my cat runs across the keyboard. Okay, you kill that fucking cat. I would never. I love cats. Hey, we asked Taylor. He said he checked. We checked Bill's scores three times over the course of just to make sure. And this chick spends no less than 30 hours a week training for this one moment where you're putting a score in.
Starting point is 01:53:39 You think you'd be a little bit more careful about it? I agree with that. I don't. I don't disagree with what you're saying. Her likelihood depends on it, dude. Her coaches are remote. Her coaches are remote. She's an underdogs athlete, and she's in Australia.
Starting point is 01:53:52 I like her coach. I like Kiefer a lot. He's a good dude. Okay, let me ask you this then. Let me ask you this. What if she would have put in 92? That's a great question. Damn, when you put it that way, they would adjust it.
Starting point is 01:54:05 To 62. Bam, Savon, good one. Sav, when you put it that way, they would adjust it. To 62. Bam, Savon, good one. Good job, Savon. That was great. I'm not trying to win. I'm just trying to find. But you just did. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:54:18 Jeremy, hi. Dudes, Hiller, I hear you. You're not like entirely wrong however i'll tell you i've been doing this 12 13 years i've never entered a score wrong until workout four of this quarterfinals i entered in what i completed on the last bar honest Honest mistake. It was stupid. Do I think CrossFit should change rules or... Nah, no. Is your score on the leaderboard messed up, dude?
Starting point is 01:54:52 The Masters is down right now. I don't know what the heck is going on with their leaderboard, but you can't even view it right now. Would you have qualified, Jeremy? I was sitting in the 106th overall. He was beating Keith Knapp by one point with a fucked up score. Well, no, that was after the first two.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Do you think that they will win against your score, Jeremy? Do I think they will? Probably not. I don't matter. I'm a 38-year-old master athlete. What's that? That's an issue then because it goes to my point. But Savant had a great point right before you called. I'm not sure if you heard it.
Starting point is 01:55:36 What did you say, Savant? I said, what if she would have put in 92? Then they would review the video and count her reps. Yeah. As long as you have the video to back it up, like, yeah, for sure. Like, if she put too many, then oops, you know, they review it and they say, no, you actually only got 32 or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:55 I don't know. I just think I can't do black and white with it. I don't know why you'd bring color into it, but always, but that's fine. I think Jeremy would be one of 5,000 that mess up and that just sucks for all those people then. And it would also suck if Gracie's gets changed and the 5,000 don't. What about John Young doing a completely different workout on workout three, dude?
Starting point is 01:56:18 What was that? What about John Young? What did you do on workout three, John? He did extra handstand pushups. That's not the workout. It's completely different. Oh, that's right. Well, Bosman says, okay, we make it harder.
Starting point is 01:56:30 He did say that. Okay. Yeah, you did. Oh, dude, I know what happened to me on workout two then. I used a 30-pound ball. Oh. Oh. It sure looked like it.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Fuck you, dude. My last 10 wall balls balls i was like on the balls of my feet i i can't squat on the balls of my feet i don't know how i was doing that and i don't know why i've never i've never seen anything like that like in any sport where someone just goes into a completely different dimension for as long as you did. Like that was, I'm actually impressed more than anything. That was incredible. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 01:57:13 Mel, why would someone submit a score if, uh, if they didn't have to serious question? Well, no one has to, no one has to, I don't understand this serious question.
Starting point is 01:57:24 She's basically saying like, like hey if you have no chance Of making it to the semifinals Or the games why would you put in a score Because you want to see where you rank amongst your peer group Because you paid $50 to do it Yeah and you want to see where you rank Right Guys I'm going to put up a link to a video
Starting point is 01:57:40 That has nothing to do with this show But if you want to just see an amazing video If you just want to be smarter after this show. Is it Mr. Hands? You should definitely watch this video. I know Mr. Hands. You know that? Yes, that horse dude.
Starting point is 01:57:57 That's hilarious. Okay, the poll's been up for 7 minutes, 168 votes, 76% say it should be adjusted, 25% say, oh, fuck Gracie. You know who didn't know about Mr. Hands? J.R. No, Bryson.
Starting point is 01:58:15 I made him watch it. Oh, no. It's a rough video. Is that the British guy? Those 25 have Hiller's name tattooed on their lower back. That's why. No, John. Mr. Hand's a video of a horse fucking a dude.
Starting point is 01:58:30 Oh, my God. Hey, Andrew, did you see the picture I put up this morning of the female cop from Australia with the red pants? What about her? I was just going to ask you what you you thought of it if you thought that she did that on purpose is it on your instagram no it's from the show yeah mason mitchell just reminded me of it hey taylor you know the horse died right the guy died yeah he did yeah he died it killed him and he was like a new i mean is there any other result i mean not with that big old thing dude it wasn't like a little john thing it was john does it suck for you to be a guy because most guys talk about horses fucking things it doesn't seem it doesn't
Starting point is 01:59:19 seem like you're really i mean we're part of your like friend group peer group and yet it doesn't seem like it's a big topic for you unless until you're around like us i'll be honest i'm not the most comfortable but it's okay okay why does that make you uncomfortable dude i just don't care for it i'm not uncomfortable i just don't care for it yeah but it will pass and then we'll talk about crossfit i would say i'm a connoisseur. I'm a Mr. Hands sommelier, some might even say. God, there's something I want to show you guys, but I just can't find it. I would much rather be a guy and live with that
Starting point is 01:59:54 than a girl at all. No offense, women. At the two-hour mark, we're going to go to Dave Castro's YouTube channel and we're going to do the Dave Castro Week in Review. Oh, my God. Let's go. All right, Jeremy. Thank you All right. Thanks Scott. See you later. How you doing Jeremy? I forgot about the Dave Castro's we can review What would you forget? I just have I just that's 24 minute video
Starting point is 02:00:18 I haven't I'm supposed to do a show every Monday called the Dave Castro week in review Did he not forget this is quarterfinals a week? Come on, Dave. Did you see the private chats I have on? No, let me see. It's a video of... Oh, okay. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Link to Mr. Hands. John Young's about to turn into a pumpkin. Thank you, everyone. Andrew Hiller, thank you. John, thank you. Taylor. Taylor Self vs. the World. Congratulations, buddy. You da man. Thanks. Hey, he's in. Talk Thank you, John. Thank you, Taylor. Taylor self-first world. Congratulations, buddy. You demand.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Hey, he's in. Talk to you guys soon. He did it. Blow up Taylor's Instagram account. Train Sentinel. If you want to know what, if you want to do workouts where you go into the black and dark by Josh Matz, if you go, yeah. If you want to go into infinity.

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