The Sevan Podcast - Who Wins the 2024 CrossFit Games ? WOMEN

Episode Date: August 7, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How could he not know? I thought it was pretty obvious. Will someone text him and be like hey Tyler we started the show Welcome to 7 podcasts. We're gonna tell you which men are gonna place where it's CrossFit Games this year It is the definitive highest level of Analysis brought to you by the exerciser CrossFit 20 for 20% off will be giving away free penis pumps Also, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if the FDA refers to it as a penis pump it is an FDA approved advice device advice isn't that the food and drug administration there are rumors you have the right thing it's not the PFAA it's certified by it is certified by the PFAA too although it's a danger it's a dangerous device why I just it's not really dangerous I just heard
Starting point is 00:00:44 stories of you right I saw a video on YouTube of a guy who over inflated his shit and he blamed himself He said he went too many parties. It all fucked up. He said it got bruised Fit a get 40% off. It's the barcode over there by John. Hey, don't worry John. I got it watch Oh, that was good. Thank you. I wasn't ready for that. Go ahead and get all your apparel at Vindicate is 20% off right now. That won't be for long. Paper Street Coffee is also. Oh, it works. Wow. Paper Street Coffee is also the exercise works.
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, no, no. The QR codes. Oh, oh, thank you. Paper, Paper Street Coffee is doing a 30% off and they have some new items there try their tea bags their coffee bags And then of course, there's a sea of peptides is giving away free water with any purchase Baryostatic water I got some right over here For anyone who needs help healing with BPC 157 or CJC 1295 to increase your human growth hormone. Yeah buddy. And then of course birthfit also that's down by John because he's pretty blurry and blurry. And then of course you know who who thanked me you know who I sent a matute into. There you go.
Starting point is 00:01:58 There you go. I sent Matute into Alexis Raptus's dad and he thanked me for it and his teeth were looking good Listen to the show Yeah Go ahead and tell me how few listeners I have so I can fucking kick you out of the comments Are you responding to MLK five two? No, I didn't see that. But there was a guy in the last show who said, that's weak. You only have 600 people watching.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Hey, I was watching a Bears press conference, and they had like 500. Oh, wow. And I'm thinking, these are the Chicago Bears. So anything over 500 is pretty good And you're supposed to say and this is the Sevan podcast and this is the Sevan podcast, where's Tyler? I texted the group
Starting point is 00:03:05 John Young from JY barbell with the he has a giant TV and a penis. That's fine. That works fine And while we wait for Tyler, could and ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question Robert Downey jr. Playing? Dr. Doom Haha, I don't know. Let me text let me text. That's a different podcast. I'll take the lower. Are you? You should go on that podcast and talk movies with them No, I don't know what the fuck dr. Doom is. I know I do that's gonna make me watch See, I'll probably watch it too. Cuz I like him
Starting point is 00:03:45 Same there you go. He was great. And Iron Man 1 and I haven't seen Avengers Dude, that's going to make me watch. See? I'll probably watch it too, because I like him. Same. There you go. He was great in Iron Man 1. And then he's downhill from there. I haven't seen an Avengers movie. I haven't seen a superhero movie since Endgame. And I'll probably go watch it. Oh, god.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Endgame was horrible. What a joke. It was fantastic. OK. Who are, how are the men going to finish this year? I'm gonna tell you this I told you who had the most incredible physique out of the women now I'm going to tell you who had the most incredible physique out of the men and Let me tell you it is hard. Who was the women answer a go Zan?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Right. Okay, and now I'm gonna tell you who had the greatest physique out of the men and let me tell you it is not easy Because the men like I saw the men like naked a lot You you you want I don't know think you'll be able to guess can you guys guess who is the best body? I'm gonna say okay, Bruno Maron's I would give him an honorable mention for sure which one You know Bruno Maron's is very thin in the waist very thin like um Like who's the guy from Italy who doesn't make it to the games that has the great body Victor Hoffer? No, no, no, no the pretty guy the pretty guy. You know, you know, is it Leo Franco?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Zanoni yeah, no no Bruno has a What's his name? Zanoni? Zanoni. A Zanoni waste. Which is very thin. Yeah, he's- Coined in the Zanoni waste. I'll give him an honorable mention, but not top two.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Well, Ricky's got the best body, no? No. Ricky's got a- body, no? Uh, can you? No. Ricky's got a... Oh, is it in Europe? No, you already get... Ha ha ha ha ha! God damn it, Hiller! Uh, Anolikai! I said that, you son of a bitch!
Starting point is 00:05:37 I know, I know, I know, I know you did. Alright, good call, man. I mean, he... Yeah, you're sexy as fuck. He's, he's like... He doesn't like me at all. I Avoided looking at him because I was And
Starting point is 00:05:51 Dude, he looks like a professional basketball player. He looks like a fucking short, but he looks like a small point guard Yeah, he made Brian friend look small in his most recent story and guess who had the second best physique You'll you'll never fucking guess I couldn't even fucking believe his body when he took off his shirt. I was like Flabbergast where are they taking their shirts off there? Dude? They were getting naked everywhere There were dudes naked dudes everywhere the dudes don't give a fuck second best body Fikowski I'll give you a hint Ruan potguider. I'll give you a hint. He's European Ruan Potguider. I'll give you a hint. He's European.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Henrik Hapelainen. No. No, good guess though. Well, I would have never guessed it. That's why I guessed him. Moritz? Fiebig? Moritz gets an honorable mention too. Moritz is down 10 or 15 pounds. He is fucking something else right now. He's glowing. I give him the best glow. BKG.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Really? Oh my god. That's shocking. What a never. Really? Oh my god. That's shocking. Wouldn't have guessed that. You won't even believe it dude. You you I I hope he takes his shirt off at the games. You won't even **** believe it. Uh a Lightfoot had an incredible body too. I mean they all have incredible bodies. I didn't see one dude where I was like, ooh, you didn't you're not ready for the games. It's crazy that we're not
Starting point is 00:07:03 talking about any of the fit people Hip and steel. Yeah great body. Oh It's great. Oh, let me tell you down down and looked amazing But down still still like you can still tell his body still developing What are you gonna say in that? What's he gonna be 40 years old? You know, so dude, dude Down pepper's wife looks like she's 12, dude She's like a six foot tall blonde that looks like a 12 year old. Six feet tall? She's tall. She's really tall.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Everybody looks six feet tall to Sevan. You can't go up against him. Jason Hopper's body looked fucking amazing. Yeah, four or five percent body fat. Lazer looked like a fucking complete fucking like a rhino That's not good James Sprague looked incredible James Sprague looked bigger since the last time I saw him more ripped more developed He looks he does look good. He does he's winning life James. Luke Parker looked broader than ever his shoulders were so damn broad Yeah, big old bicep shoulder vein thing. I didn't see a a bar I borrowed naked but I remember him from the semi-finals
Starting point is 00:08:08 He was something else Bailey Martin looks incredible Jay crouch asked me if he looked bigger, but he doesn't look I said yes, but I lied to him. He doesn't Lie and then you kind of hope he doesn't see the show, right? I Don't know. He I mean fucking he's still a fucking perfect 10. I don't know what what can what can he do? What am I gonna give him an 11? Sorry, there's no 10. Sorry perfect 9 If you give it all a kind the best rating then you can't tie it with the same rate right fair enough
Starting point is 00:08:41 Anyway, they look like freaks yellow host to look like a freak too. I did like he's I bet you he's put on five pounds of muscles since last year So as he's full-time now. Yeah, he looked absolutely incredible. I didn't see Hatfield today Yeah, he had a new hotel room because there were crickets and his Hotel room that they hook him up with I saw a cricket today at the venue. He told me he didn't know where he was staying. Here, hold on. I'm going to send a video in the chat.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Like he was legitimate and just crickets hopping around in his room. And they talk. Okay. And then there's one more thing I want to show you guys. Thanks, Pete. Tyler's not coming. He's not? No, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So I found... Where did he say that? Somewhere else? I texted him, just me to him. Remember how I told you about Laura Horvath's outfit? Oh wow! Look at that. Traditional Hungarian garb. Yeah that yeah exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Have you ever seen an outfit like that? She looks like she's been using the exerciser. Look at that smile on her face. The great Laura Horvath. The fittest woman in the world. Yeah, crazy. She looks very confident. A little happen after she finishes fourth. That's gonna be rough. I saw her from the back and I go, wow, that's a crazy outfit. I wonder who that is. And then I walked around and it was Laura Horvath with her distressed Red Bull hat I like that Red Bull hat you like it that I know that that fashion style distressed just you guys know what that is that's when you buy something new but
Starting point is 00:10:38 they purposely fuck it up it's like jeans that cost 500 bucks yeah they're always they look stressed as fuck Distressed okay. I know you guys are on the edge of your seat. So let's just get into it. Um, Oh, I I think I I filmed this you guys want to see something I filmed look at this. Yeah Uh, dave was sewing uh brooks So all the athletes had a flag their their country flag sewn in the corner of their shirt I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. But I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet. I'm not sure if you guys have seen no the picture I bet was taken by Christine Oh, I like her. She's cool. What's her last name Baldwin bald bald bald husband Okay, so now now to the show to the meat and potatoes of the show you guys have had time to go buy the exerciser Hey You guys have had time to go buy the exerciser We were doing up Andrew are you going to am I gonna send you one of those and you're gonna make a video on it? Yeah, I would totally do that. Okay, that's awesome. That's gonna be can it be a feature in a video? I'm not making a full video on it. Hey, listen if you make a whole this is my my penis experience
Starting point is 00:12:23 If you know sure you can but I think it'll get the the last one I saw had 600,000 views What were the rest of his views? Health videos, but I bet you it'll be your biggest video of all time There's not a chance but I'll try how to make your penis bigger, dude I think yeah, if you were close, I agree with seven I know you're gonna find this hard to believe since men are so confident about their penis sizes throughout the world but it will be of interest it will be of interest um let me read some of the comments are you a crossfitter well do I have the product for you? The exercise. FDA approved.
Starting point is 00:13:05 20% off. Use code CrossFit 20. Okay. So this is the John Young from JY Barbell's rankings of how they're going to finish on Sunday at the CrossFit Games. There's only 39 people because number 40 couldn't get a visa. Correct. Can you say that guy's name? Makarov.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Okay. And you can find this list yourself at the fastest, most reliable place on the internet for all CrossFit News, the Barbell Spin. Some of the comments, you all are sleeping on Dallin. I want someone other than Tia to win. Jay Crouch will be higher than not even in the top five is wild to me. He finished 13th last year, you idiot. Brandon Luckett way too low. Let's go Ricky Gorard.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Hatfield, really, like that? What? John Young added again with his crazy picks. BKG, top five, please. Are you kidding? He's like 90. until he's 90. Madero six. John is out of his damn mind. So, does
Starting point is 00:14:35 that guy think Madero should be higher or lower? I don't know. Oh my god. Everybody that has a comment like I most of them entertaining, but like if you really, really feel like that, then y'all make a top 40 and put it out there. Jay Crouch outside the top 10. No way. No way. That's what I'm saying. I think he's hungry.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I don't feel great about it. Semis is awfully low. It finishes with, oh damn. Oh well. Oh well. I think he's hungry and we saw it in semis as long as he doesn't crash on a single event. Speaking about Jay Crouch, the reply agreed. Domet, no, Young number one in our hearts. John is trash just like his rankings. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Wow. Look at that. Did you post that? I did. That's amazing. Wow, John. That's solid. Kill him with kindness.
Starting point is 00:15:39 God, how did you find that? A real Christian. I look it's going to have his best games yet. Would not be my first time. He's proved me wrong. Dad's strength is incoming at the right time for him. I'll leave it at that. Something about people doing burpees.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Oh, hey, go do that one. Patrick Clark actually takes up for me. I thought it was pretty entertaining. I was like, oh, that's nice. Oh, yeah, wow. He's not claiming he is an expert. He's not claiming he's an expert. He is one.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Oh, and he's also willing to put his picks out there based on his expertise and analysis. Also note is that we analysts get paid to do this. We do this because it helps the sport grow and we enjoy doing it. Oh, thank you, Pat. But let John get ass pounded. It was a surprise defense. I like Anola's comment. Anola Kai, I'm surprised I'm not last. He made that live on the internet.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I replied to him. Oh, you did? Yeah. I so did. He deleted it. Gerard and then Krennikov. Jesus, what happened? Why did they show that?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Why did they do that? They start showing the same ones over again. the Why pat forth? That's the spot that he's going to get no, it's not Yeah, it is. What do you think? What do you think? He's gonna get hiller? That's rough, bro That's time. Yeah, but pumped on that snatch ladder at some of my finals. What's matching are we doing? Not that any of you know of yet, but I know all the workouts. So I just your butt pump. Do you know all the workouts? Yes, How? And when you say butt pump killer, when you say butt pump that's like bad. Yeah it's not good. Okay. Not to me it's not good. Let me, John, John, okay so what place did Villanar take last year at the games? Do we know? Third. He did? did yeah or no second he got second Roman was third sorry
Starting point is 00:18:07 uh CrossFit games individual man uh question for seven from the bear how is butt pump be good i don't fuck i don't know i'm very open-minded uh pump is good though. Jeffrey Adler, first place. Patrick Vellner, second place. Roman Krennikov, third place. Brent Fikowski, fourth place. What do these guys have to do to get some fucking respect? OK, he got second place because Roman broke his foot. You can say Roman might have won or got second, but the only reason Pat got second place
Starting point is 00:18:41 is because Roman took two zeros on the very last two events and then you have Ricky So if you put Roman where he was Jeff where he was and then you have Ricky that's fourth place He would have got fourth last year Okay, I just I don't think Dallin is on that is on that Patrick Bellner level yet and I just I don't have faith in Justin to beat him, even though Justin won two years in a row. I just don't. I think Ricky and Roman and Jeff are all going to middle every spot that Pat has his home
Starting point is 00:19:14 run and then Justin's sevenths will be more like tenths and then he'll end up in sixth place. Okay, then why does Justin get six if last year he took 13? Because he had two wrecks in the bike wreck and then he just like in his words, he just wasn't right. That second event, he was not his normal self. If you look at his average event finish from event three to the finish line and just average and just took the I think you're out of your freaking mind homie. You're out of your goddamn mind What role agree what we disagree what role does Ellie wrong that's what you think it's just do you know what role
Starting point is 00:20:35 She plays or you're just looking at the patterns. So you got bothersome thing that ruins his performance All right, all right, all right fine Just me there's in six Brent Fikowski seventh All right, all right, all right, all right, fine. Justin Medeiros in six, Brent Fikowski seventh. Why not put Brent ahead of Dalton Pepper? Last year he beat Dalton Pepper by three points. Holy shit. Yeah, and I struggled with this place. Dude, the comments is awesome right now.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Damn, look at all that agreement. I can't argue against that. I was awesome right now. Damn look at all that agreement Real met the real I can't argue against that The real Matthew pussy has everything pussy has everything to do with everything That's the deal sergeant. I agree with Hiller damn want to love its hormones I struggled with Dallin Justin and Brent where to put those three like the in this they're all for me They are in a tier after Pat and I think they could finish
Starting point is 00:21:31 Where I think this is where I think they'll finish but it wouldn't shock me if Brent was fifth and Dallin was seventh It wouldn't shock me if Justin was fifth. I have them all in this same tier have them all in this same tier. Girls equal dream stealers. Well, thanks for solidifying the fact that this show is a misogynist. You hear that babe? You've, you've stolen my dreams. According to this person, I don't know who it is, but they said, you're pregnant and now my car spit career is over. I'm not going to be able to podcast and we got to go be homeless.
Starting point is 00:22:06 That's what this guy, this guy said it. I didn't say it. Careful John podcast and we gotta go be homeless. That's what this guy this guy said it. I didn't careful. John, some of that might be true. Um okay. Uh Jason, Jason Hopper eight. You're really high on Hopper. I am. I'm high on JR. Wow. That's who I'm high on. The
Starting point is 00:22:21 hell is that to me? It is quarter finals performance impress you? It did. It did. It's the Taylor versus the world impressed me a lot. A lot. I did not see it coming. I don't think anybody saw it coming. We all picked him to be last in two of the events and he got second in those events. Yeah, I think Hopper's gonna make a statement. Lazar Jukic, ninth. Wow, that's crazy. That's why I finish every single year. Austin Hatfield, tenth? You know, that's probably the craziest one. But I feel good about it. That's where he thinks he's gonna finish.
Starting point is 00:22:55 It's Austin Hatfield, you're Bill Leahy. Who's more delusional in regards? You around Hatfield or Hill or around Leahy? John around Hatfield. I don't think so, but I'm going to vote the other way. I don't think I'm delusional, but I absolutely think Austin Hatfield can win the CrossFit Games one day. Not this year, probably not next year, but I think one day Austin Hatfield can win the CrossFit Games. We're going to see who Nostradamus is pretty soon here. Yeah, and I think he's going to surprise a lot of people this year. I after this year, I'm not going to be the crazy one for having Hatfield high.
Starting point is 00:23:32 A lot of people will have them. I don't think you're crazy. I know you don't, but that's because you've seen him. You know, the things that I know. Do you think that the CrossFit is going to expose Yellow Hosta? The CrossFit? No, I don't. You don't?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Do you know what I mean by that? Explain what you mean a little bit. Meaning you have him in 12th and last year he took 10th But this is gonna be a more of a cross-fitting year Says who I don't know Jay crouch you I can't believe you do you think Castro or Boz are more cross-fitting than the other because I think I think Castro is more cross-fitting. I think Castro's survival of the fittest and I think Boz's execution. But I think they're the same amount of cross-fitting. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I'll go with your way. I'll accept that. I think Boz is more execution. Do you think that the lack of need for execution and the preciseness that Yellow Hosta can bring to the table better than the other guys is going to expose him? Ironically, I think he's probably built better for Castro's games than Vaz's. Yellow? Yeah. No. I would agree with that. You're thinking because he's not good at gymnastics?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Long and enduring. He's kind of built like a brute, you know. So, yeah. Yeah. Bailey Martin. Last year Bailey took... Phenomenal beard. 12th. Yes, he does. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Bailey Martin, last year Bailey took. Phenomenal beard. 12th. Yes, he does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 James Sprague, 14th. Saxon Pancik, 15th. Samuel Quant. You have James Beany. Saxon's low. Sprague's where you should have him. Saxon's low as hell. I think the only way you can make room to raise everyone is to pull Jason and
Starting point is 00:25:30 Austin out and lower them. But everyone else seems good. You know, you can, you can lower Valner and Fikowski a bit. Well, then you would have Andrew Hillers rankings and not you wouldn't, you wouldn't, you wouldn't, you wouldn't, you wouldn't be able to get them out of the top ten though You're right and like and like if we think about it Like if all I did was replace half filled in quant or half filled in panchic We'll say half filled in panchic then like for Andrew this list
Starting point is 00:25:58 See is like seems really good and then like for you your quants a bigger thing, right? Beast sex is a bigger thing, right? If I replace it. Dude, Saxon is a beast. Saxon's a god, all right? How did he do last year? He didn't make it cause he was all proven. Oh, that's right. He didn't make it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He got proven. I think Saxon, I think, but I, what's interesting that you have Saxon and Quants, I think they're both wild cards. I do too. I, I, I think there, I, I, 100, that's how I feel. And I just put them next to each other. I love James Sprague. I think James Sprague is going to win most improved this year. I thought you were going to say most of the events.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And obviously I believe in Hatfield and I believe in JR and his coaching hopper or his role in that. My HWPO is with him him Jake Markham is a coach but So then I just put him there. I put him 15th or 16th They'll probably finish give or take three spots better or worse and that's I'm fine with that Beak BKG. I don't think that's a bad placement, but if it is a Less execution and more Oomph, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the top 10.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I think he could finish as high as ninth. I just don't think he's going to. I think he's made the podium at least once, maybe twice. Twice. He's made it twice. 2015 and then 2019. Oh my god, that's forever ago. Never mind. Forget I brought that up. Travis Mayer, 18th. Samuel Cornoy Forget I brought that up Uh, travis mayer, uh 18th Samuel cornois 19th luke parker 20th Wow, look where you got rosa muck 21st, uh, how does samuel usually beat luke in competitions? Um, yes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:27:43 Now whether he usually beats him in mayhem Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.'s side to John Young. Yeah. Oh, but no, no, no, no, no, no. But I think Shelby's going to finish solidly in 13th. Luke's got a range. And what are you saying no about? I just think he's already, Shelby Neal's brand of luck at 2.0. OK, so last year at the games. I don't know what that means either.
Starting point is 00:28:20 In the 2020 three CrossFit games, Samuel Cornway finished 22nd and Luke Parker finished 28th. Yeah. Okay. That answers your question from earlier. He usually beats him. Uh, Jack Rosema, Rosema's gonna beat Hapalainen? No. Rosema, uh, I was so impressive in semifinals. And I know semifinals is not the game. Who's who's the games? I'm uh I was so impressive in
Starting point is 00:28:46 semifinals and I know semifinals is not the game. I'm I say that all the time. By the way II never saw go ahead. Go ahead John. I think the thing that he impressed me with was his running his running and they're like his worst things are high
Starting point is 00:29:02 volume gymnastics. We have not seen that we have Amanda 45 but other than that it's I'll just the They are at hand right now. I think Jack Rosen was gonna do really good. He's going to smash the clean ladder You know, he's got home runs his way and the only thing that is he's really bad at that a lot of people like a Lot of these guys are gonna beat him at it's high-volume gymnastics. There's one event like that. I think the rest of him He's gonna be fine He's been a high volume swimming I think He was a Wrestler in college Rosamond. No, Rosamond is not gonna
Starting point is 00:29:52 Rosamond sinks Rosamond doesn't swim. Does he know it's high volume swimming is not his friend His body looks like he sinks. He's a fucking brick shit. He doesn't look like he but Matt didn't look like you should be able To swim and he was fine Uh, gee malharro's 23rd Uh corone didn't pick up his stuff. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Don't you dare slide by gee like that with in relation to john young How dare you john put it in 23rd? How could you why I think he he's gonna be very similar to nanny spiegel You think he's gonna beat sack you think sax think Saxon's gonna beat Guy by oh yeah eight places? I think Saxon will beat Guy in every single event except the clean ladder. How do you see him doing on Chad? Let's start there. Well I know there's a video on
Starting point is 00:30:38 Instagram of Dewan Young and Sungyoung Choi being done. He he's still going they all did Chad together they were they finished and he was still going who's he gee yeah and I don't know if they started together he could have started after them and they were they partnered if they went together they finished and he was not finished yet and that does not bode well they each did 500 he was doing 1000. How did you feel about the documentary where they're including your voice on how you don't think he's going to do well this year? I think they're just reinforcing that I'm right. How do you feel about him being all messed up during the quarterfinals mentally and then all of a sudden he's good to go once he does well in
Starting point is 00:31:22 the semi-final? I think it shows you that he's not quite ready to rock Yeah, yeah, no, I mean I think I Think he's just not fit enough man. I think if he was if he was fitter Aerobic capacity wise if he was prepared for the games and he would feel confident there would be nothing that could he wouldn't be faced By anybody on the internet saying anything for the games and he would feel confident. There would be nothing that could, he wouldn't be faced by anybody on the internet saying anything, right? Like I'm just on the internet talking about people. My opinion means nothing.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Oh, I disagree. Right? I mean, I don't think any of our opinions mean nothing to them. Our opinion should mean nothing to them. There's some of the fittest people in the world. And if I can influence you you're not ready You're not ready mentally if I can influence you at all Wow
Starting point is 00:32:11 Bob Lobla, he's a still a kiddo upstairs. Could you imagine someone playing that on a loop during Chad for an hour? If I can influence you you are not ready Just like that guy from that movie in the yard and a giant speaker. Have a line at 20th. Does that make sense though? You know what I mean? Yeah. Yes and no. Yes and no. I mean you're talking about like in this perfect world. But yeah there's people out there who make up stories in their head like Jordan. Fraser talked about that I think a little bit, he'd make up about people who hated him. So yeah. And then there's people who listen to little things that are out there and let it get to them. There's two types of
Starting point is 00:32:53 people. I agree. I make some fake stories to do better. Alex Caron. Chris I bara I didn't ask her and I didn't never saw pick up his gear today. When I left his shit was still hanging The CrossFit system Smoke event for who Alex Caron I Think that I think Ibarra is gonna be a good litmus test for what how good the West was or wasn't going to be a good litmus test for what how good the West was or wasn't? I agree. I think Chris Ibarra is very very consistent across the board, but like a seventh and everything in the West is if it's a 15th at the games he's going to be really good.
Starting point is 00:33:40 If it's a 25th at the games then he's not. So I agree completely with what you're saying. Hey, so these people, there's this group of people who've dedicated their lives to doing CrossFit and you've dedicated your life to commentating on it. And it's going to get into people's heads. They are, it is, there's, I'm not saying it should or it shouldn't, but it's just going to. There's no way if fans or what's about it. I bar, I bar is equivalent to Hatfield.
Starting point is 00:34:10 No shot. Who's better? I bar or Hatfield. Really? Oh yeah. Not even, not even a question. The one is on a rabbit farm. The other hangs out in a camp. Oh, yeah, not even not even a question The guy is on a rabbit farm the other hangs out and not camp I've I've talked to
Starting point is 00:34:31 Chris and that actually really bothers him But I think half is gonna do better than him See you're influencing multiple people It's that he wants to get rookie of the year. That think it's harder to get better at everything, like just to get a little bit better at everything than it is to just fill one hole in your game. That's why I'm like so high on Gazan because Gazan just has to get better lungs. Everything else is just crazy home run.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Don't tell that to Chris Hinshaw. I mean, he's your coach, right? He would agree. Totler, and then he's like a side coach. What is that called? An assistant to the coach. Wait, who's her side coach? Hinshaw. Oh, oh. The one man himself who walks on his tippy toes. Does he?
Starting point is 00:35:40 He does. I'm going to have him on the show, I think tomorrow to talk about the run events. Victor Hoffer, 26th. Yeah, he was not a great runner at semifinal. Victor Hoffer, I just thought, would have been a lot better at semifinals than he was. And the fact that running was something he struggled with, and we're going to do that three times before the first cut, it just doesn't... He should do good at Amanda, but it's not an event he's going to
Starting point is 00:36:05 win. Um, it's just, uh, I just, where did I put him? I gotta go look at my, I just don't think he's going to be great. I don't think Luca Jukic is losing to Victor Hover. You know, I, I agree with Sevan on this one, but I don't think I
Starting point is 00:36:22 ranked it like that, but I do agree with you. I mean, looking at the events, I I'd agree on this one, but I don't think I ranked it like that, but I do agree with you. I Mean looking at the events. I'd agree with you, too But I've made this before and I did not change it Cole Sager 28 Mm-hmm, Anjula Kai 29th Brandon Luckett 30th Yeah, that's awfully low. What do you think? He is you? Okay. Well, I have Chris Ibarra 25th and Ibarra beat Brandon Luckett in four of the six events and semi-finals. Yeah more time I make did more fighting
Starting point is 00:36:57 Make the cut last year Yeah, I believe so. Yeah, he did Where did he finish last year? Adler is what he had even though he's a communist Interesting more. It was 21st last year. I don't know 30th seems pretty low I'm telling you if you saw more it's in person you might change your mind Yeah, but in the cross-country 5k, he was 28th and we're gonna run three out of the four times I just think, I think like, like, he's not just running.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He's at least 10 pounds lighter. But the, we, we don't know two events before the first cut. What do you think it is? Is it a max sandbag clean and then another max sandbag clean? No, I don't. I don't. I think there's going to be like a barbell cycle. Well, no, cause we have Amanda.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I think there'll be a handstand walk event and then probably just a crossfit event, maybe power output. Well, I was thinking more power output than long body weight because they don't have a power output one besides the sprint carry. Like machines, something involving machines. 100 cal echo bike for time. That'd be awesome. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think there's a question in there. Like who do you think could finish highest at grease? Aver. Yeah. And I
Starting point is 00:38:07 know you say that, but like he barely made it to the games. He wasn't very impressive at semifinals other than the row handstand walk work. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the
Starting point is 00:38:19 biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss by John. I think that's the biggest miss the highest. It's grease. Yeah. And I know you say that but like he barely made it to the games. He wasn't very impressive at semifinals other than the row handstand walk workout and with the handstand walk win 100 points last year, he was he was 32nd place or 33rd place wherever he was at the games. We don't have a
Starting point is 00:38:40 promise of that before the first event and he's not a good runner. How do you know? Because he was really bad in the running event. That wasn't a running event. Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? You're gonna say it's a barbell cycling event. Oh, I mean there was 50 reps Haley adams was second place Yeah, she's really good at moving that loaded barbell that weight. Wow, if colcray sabers That bad at moving 185 then I don't think he's going It's terrible. I already the worst at it. He's that's his worst thing
Starting point is 00:39:11 cycling 185 Yeah, you have so you have so that 33rd last year took 32nd. So you just switched him and Cole gray shaver So this is only 24 23 he's 23. Yeah, and with these guys, I don't think they're less fit I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:27 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:32 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:37 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:43 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm the Who won? Who won their uh semifinal? Not by a lot though. He had to but the more running the more the more you're going to see K dog flying up the
Starting point is 00:39:54 leaderboard. That's true. Hey dog. Uh Peter Ellis 34th uh Bruno Marins 35th. Do you think Bruno beats? I obviously don't but I think his personality does I do he's got a great first night and you know It's funny is if he makes it past the first cut. I think he cleans like 400 pounds Bruno yes, my name is Bruno. He looks like he does Like which means it was gonna have a home run on that clean ladder that's gonna waste skinny waste skinny waste thick. Yeah big butt Oh, you think he could win the clean ladder?
Starting point is 00:40:29 No, I don't think anybody's you have to be fast and nobody's as fast as G. Yeah, but he won't be there So he can probably win Cut in the first minute. Honestly, I'm gonna pick Hatfield if he gets cut. Oh, that's a good point. Yeah Honestly, I'm gonna pick Hatfield if Guy gets cut. Oh, that's a good point. Yeah. Harry Lightfoot. He pressed 250. Yeah, I heard that.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Who does? Who does? Austin Hatfield, and pressed 250. And I didn't believe him, and then he had a barbell loaded to 195, and he just picks it up, and he starts repping it, like it's nothing, like, okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's those 300 pushups two times a week. And he had to warm it up, and I'm like, that's like okay. Wow. It's those 300 pushups two times and he had to warmed it up and that's my one rep max. No you can't you can't get stronger doing pushups. Yes you can. Oh he does the golden emom twice a week. Someone posted on their uh with from their CrossFit affiliate account that you can't get stronger doing air squats. I'm like dad you should send me that. Everyone were you able to do that all the way through I didn't make it He said that and I was like that sounds really hard. Like I don't he said it so nonchalant though, like It's just something you kind of just I bet most people couldn't make that
Starting point is 00:41:38 Make what? It's minute one thirty push-ups minute two fifteen straight pull-ups for 20 minutes It's minute one 30 push-ups minute two 15 straight pull-ups for 20 minutes Did you fail the push-ups? I failed both but I failed at nine on the whatever that would be push-ups. I'm shocked. You failed the pull-ups Well by the time you you're just get mentally defeated Uh, hey, where do we go to get the schedule of events you head over over to the barbellspins Instagram account. He's got it pinned. It burns, right?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Crazy. 250 press. All right, before I hit another wall. Yeah, that is crazy. Brandon Luckett, Moritz Fiebig, Colgray Shaber, Kalen Soza, Peter Ellis, Bruno Marins at 35th, Harry Lightfoot at 36. Great attitude. Good dude.
Starting point is 00:42:22 First time. Yeah, I liked him a lot. He's great. I mean, he's weak as all a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm a great guy. I'm What about a Hoffer who's weaker Hoffer or stronger Hoffer's gotten a lot stronger
Starting point is 00:42:47 Caleb Clements just so you know another man child like a Freak of a man just huge Like a Nola Kai big no, he's not Dude, I'm telling you I saw him stand next to each other. I couldn't even believe this dude's arms They're tree trunks And you know, it's crazy is you think that there's people who have huge arms like Luke Parker's big But I saw him like next to some other guys and I'm like, well There's some big dudes Luke is huge, dude. He's not bigger than Kailom or a no annual
Starting point is 00:43:21 Lucas wide Lucas big Art Arthur Seminoff huge. Yeah, he's a big guy. Big guy. What happened to him last year. Did he have like a sickness or something or what happened to him last year. I think he just learned how to ride a bike that week.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Okay, it's not. He's just not as busy other guys. 39th and who's this Ruan Pada guider? He's from Africa. Oh all right this is a great list John you did a great job. Thank you. Yeah more positive than the women's. He did a really good job. I mean it's hard that top 10 is a mess. The hard part is is that there's good dudes who are so good. I mean, I mean, like how do you have Luka Jukic at 27? But I mean, what are you going to do with him? I wonder, I wonder how his swimming is.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Doesn't he? I would imagine he's, he's pretty good at swimming. I know. So Lazar has a water polo background and Luca has a Soccer background, so I think Lazar is a much better swimmer. Hmm But I wouldn't imagine I wouldn't think Lucas all bad at swimming. He's got to train that with Lazar. You know what I mean? Dark Lord Raven, let's go Ricky. I can't wait for all the content all you guys will be putting out during the games Okay, we will be back in one minute to tell you who is going to win Amanda on the oh I know on the boy side. Oh that means it's gonna be a good fight between all of us All right
Starting point is 00:45:01 Alright. I'm Krista Pangor. This is Tobias Pangor. I'm 44, age 7. I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Half CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here. I came during the day when Kiddo was in school. That changed and he had to come with me.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I thought I would have to give it up because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him, a single mom. The people here were so amazing and accepting that he was here hanging out. It just made it easier to continue. The fact that they welcomed him with open arms and just kind of brought him into the family was huge. I've never felt so accepted by a community in this community. Most places always looked down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities. And never felt that here, not one judgment.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back. Oh, it made it so very easy to come back. Go in your local affiliate today. Okay, Amanda 45. How did they know I'm stoned? No, Andrew's, dude, Andrew is, Andrew only does one drug. Steroids, testosterone. Holy shit. Kamala Harris just asked Tim Walls to be the vice president of Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:46:43 What does that mean? No, the... The Vice President of the United States. The Governor of Minnesota to be the Vice President of the United States. Yeah, either way. Whatever the mess it is. Basically, Minnesota is a complete shithole. It's fucking take it... It's a complete...
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's probably the worst state. It's worse than California whoo. I mean it is it is bad You were like according to me everyone knows everyone knows He's really corrupt be I Don't know people on drugs were high field lives not yeah, I've lived there. A lot of Drugs. Did you drive to Kentucky by chance? I don't know. Okay. Okay. I live I lived like Drive is a blur to me and ten miles west Kentucky of that line of the West Virginia, Kentucky line in the mountains for like two and a half years Go ahead. I'm sorry. Boring years. Go ahead, I'm sorry, boring story, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah, I mean, I'm telling you, Minnesota has, Minnesota is, it's so corrupt. It is so corrupt. Yeah, and he is a communist. I mean, that's not, that's not like name calling. That is what he is. It's crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Okay, that's awesome though. I mean, good honor. Congratulations, Tim. Okay. Amanda 45. What's rep scheme? 13, nine, seven, five, three. 13, 11, nine, seven, five. 13, 11, nine, seven, five. You start with the muscle ups and then you go to snatches at 135. Let me pull up a list of the the boys. Now, who do we pick for the woman Tia?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I have I have I know we're gonna talk about 2017. But I have a workout pillar that I think is will correlate very, very well from 2023. That a lot of these guys did. Which one? Is it with elevated? Because I'm so- No, it's not with elevated. It's a 2023 Waterpalooza workout, rings and squats.
Starting point is 00:48:54 They did 21, 15, nine ring muscle ups and then overhead squats. I don't remember this workout at all. It's the very first workout. What was the name of was a barbell Ricky killed Everybody he won by over a minute. They're here Say what nothing? He won by over a minute to Nick Matthew and then Patrick Bellner was third and was waiting in the bar
Starting point is 00:49:23 185 Yeah, Ricky's gonna murder everybody and then then they're first born as well. I mean, Velner Velner honestly should have done better. He started failing his overhead squats in the last reps per usual Velner on the overhead and that's why Nick Matthew got second but Ricky beat Matthew by like a minute and a half and then Vellner was a minute after that. But do you want to know where he finished in that workout? Probably in the bottom. He's super strong, right?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Bottom, bottom. Oh wait a minute. I might remember this workout. Didn't he do God awful and it was like, oh, what's wrong with Guy? It's just hot. No. He did. Let me go to where, let me find him. You do doubt awful and it was like, oh, what's wrong with you? It's just hot. He did. Let me go, let me go to where, let me find them.
Starting point is 00:50:15 What year was this? What year? Uh, 2023. He did. He got, he got 20th place in this workout. Jack Rosema beat him. Brent Fikowsky beat him. Uh, Roman, Roman Krennikov was middle of the pack. He got 14th. Dallin Pepper was 12th. And Alexander Krohn was 10th. I just think we'll see a strong correlation. Luke Parker actually did pretty good. He was sixth.
Starting point is 00:50:35 The more workout hurts, the worse he's going to finish. That's Kairos, yes. And Chad's going to suck. The longer it is or the more it hurts, the worse he'll do. You know who did really good and this bodes well for you is Cole Gray saber Yeah, he's really good. He's really young. Hey, you know, it's crazy to go Cole Gray Shavers graded gymnastics, right even though he's built like a fucking rhino. He's yes on yeah Generally good to be built by a rhino, but I think that feels got a shot to beat Ricky
Starting point is 00:51:07 No, he doesn't do we have any Cody Andersons or Spielers anymore those days are over. I called Martin's is your closest bet Okay So you guys are going with Ricky to win this I Think half feels gonna be right there. I like sex and If not for Ricky, I like Saxon. Okay, then I'll make it fun and I'll say J. Crouch. That's an interesting pick, but not bad. I'll take, I'm with you on Ricky.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I think it's like a guarantee that he's top three. And I don't think you can say it's a guarantee for anybody else So I'm with you. I'm picking him for the winner, but I I do think Hatfield has a shot. Wait Why aren't we picking Victor Hofer Victor Hoffer? It's just too much fitness. I Like the way you look to the left when you say okay. How about this for a dark horse? Oh is my figure what a dark horse is? I this is definitely a dark horse. You ready? Chris Ibarra. I think Chris Ibarra will get 15th place.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Is he HWPO or proven? I HWPO. Okay, well, he's higher than Hey, people are going to get time capped on this, right? Um, I don't think anybody did in 2017 So if that's the case at least for the men for the women people got time capped Danny Spiegel was also not great at the at the rings and squats workout at water Palooza and she won't be great here. I Do you see a picture of her most recent Instagram story her shopping cart on her grocery store trip?
Starting point is 00:52:44 No bag of Oreos you want to see it? Yeah, please picture for most recent Instagram story or shopping cart on our grocery store trip? No, it's a bag of Oreos. You want to see it? Yeah, please. Uh, what about, um, uh, Travis mayor, uh, Bailey Martin? I think Bailey Martin should be better than Travis mayor at this workout. Travis mayor, I think we'll just be middle of the pack. Um, I'm looking to see if anybody got time capped or no, none of the men got time capped last in 2017 a healthy shopping cart, right? This is a crazy workout for a couple no shit. She posted that I Don't know how also I got it Yeah, but this is like our normal like a normal Tuesday not games
Starting point is 00:53:20 She's claiming on a competition weekend, but this is just a shopping cart from last Tuesday Tuesday, not games. She's claiming that on a competition weekend, but this is just a shopping car from last Tuesday. What do you think, Simon? You ever read that? I don't believe that. I don't believe that. First, I don't, I don't believe that's a normal shopping day for, but that's, there's, I, that's just crazy to post. You're right. She would have ordered Starbucks instead.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Uh, Dal and Pepper top five in the workout. Amanda? No. Dal, uh, what about Fikowski? No. Adler? Uh, Adler's good. Uh, Maderas second? I don't think he's second place, but I think Justin will do very good in the workout. Top six. Yeah. Archer, uh, Seminoff? Bottom six. Yeah. Archer Samanov. Bottom six. Ah, shit. Okay, here's another Dark Horse. You ready?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Uh-huh. Soza. He's gonna be like 18th. Young, fresh shoulders, good time domain for him. What's the fastest? With that, Pinero will finish last. Young shoulders. What, um...
Starting point is 00:54:14 I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain for him. I think a Dark Horse for me is a good time domain forum. What's the fastest with that? The hero will finish last young What um, I think a dark horse for is BKG. No, it's not BKG to finish top top six What's the fastest time gonna be on this? I'm about 745 So half the time cap I'm going to be on this. I'm about 745.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So half the time cap, half the time cap. Were you trying to say your own time or were you making me? No, he's stealing your shit. He's fucking with your peanut tonight. He's a good dude. He's kind of make this show interesting. No, I know Fraser was what? 801 or something like that. Yeah. But I was just under seven and then I started copying you Okay, I've invited Rich phoning on the show rich phoning rich phoning on the show tomorrow But that our times aren't syncing up and it's nice enough to even fuck with me right before he Races, where's he going? Lead better? Lead bill?
Starting point is 00:55:26 He's about to do the biking thing again. And then I also want to go head over to the venue tomorrow and see the athletes at their orientation at 1130. And I'd also like to do Chris Hinshaw in the morning at 7 AM. Let's go over to Rich's account. I know this doesn't have anything to do with the games, but let's just see what the fucking champs do. Skinny now? Right now? Let's go see what the champs do. Never.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Instagram. He was really skinny when he did it the first time. Rich Frowney. He wasn't skinny when I saw him. Do you remember that Tevan last year when he did the Letvo 100, how skinny he was? Yeah, he wasn't that skinny. Yeah did the lead bow 100 how skinny he was yeah He wasn't that skinny Yeah, he never I mean you want to see skinny go check out Fraser
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yeah, that's that's fair. That's and he was skinny really quick after he won that last games like crazy fast like next month dropped 30 pounds skinny Which is oh so this is four days ago. It's Rich showing... America. Yep. America. It's giving America. Okay, let's see his story. Let's see what his story is doing. Okay, Carnival. God, that's some fucking white trash picture with the stuff on his face okay well there's no ledville shit what is that has someone new taken over his instagram
Starting point is 00:57:00 i don't know god that's a great color palette on his face. It looks like they did it on accident Wow, that is some ghetto shit when you eat the fucking cake off the ground god. That's some fucking cookville shit Look at the kids children. Yeah, they're like daddy hasn't fed us in a month That's too hard well, it's my birthday use code birthday for the next 72 hours to get 37% off. He's 37? It's frozen and it broke my nose. Yeah, whoever did that, I hate that shit. You have one job to throw a fucking cake and you did it. Dude, those were children.
Starting point is 00:57:42 No, that wasn't a child who threw it That was an adult and he said the cake was frozen. I hate anyone that hurts rich. Fuck you Who throws a frozen cake who the fuck threw the cake at him? Hey, it's an ice cream cake It was his kid no that wasn't a kid I don't think it looked like a kid to me it did Dude, if I had the face of the frozen cake? I'd be pissed How would they how would a kid hit him in the face with the cake were they on a stool? Just pull up dome its new post Mike Sauer John hates rich. I don't hate rich. Oh John does hate rich. I do not hate More rich or Shelby. I oh wow
Starting point is 00:58:25 It actually really upsets me that Shelby doesn't like me because of what I've said. No, it's not that she doesn't like you. Her mom doesn't like you. Don't make me. God damn. That upsets me. Look at Abigail.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I watched her take those pictures. She's such a stud. Hey. What was she, a model? Yeah, she was a model. Oh, hey. Do you know her coach's name, Andrew? Matt? Let me see if I was right. Golden mind, Matt. Matt Wright. Nice. Anton, that's Anton. He's cool as hell. Anton? Yeah, Anton.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Anton and Matt. You should just bump into him. He's cool as hell. And Abigail. I said hi to him today. He's cool. Look at those obliques. Look at that. Serratus right there. That's good. Oh, her Serratus obliques is looking good. I'm trying to see if there's any good stories I have for you guys from today. Serratus Obligus There was a dude down there working today he had a camera on a gimbal
Starting point is 00:59:34 I think he I think he was I don't want to Careful yeah No, it'll be careful. Okay. Well, I don't want to you know piss I'm sure there were lots of people who worked hard, but that dude was down there all day with me today. Do you want to see a real picture? Boom. I think he worked for GoRunt. Oh, Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Fikowski. I think I saw his wife maybe roll her eyes. That picture gives like Tom Brady combine vibes. I heard one of the CrossFit HQ staff say that wherever I am, I'm loud. Which I think is a mischaracterization of me. No, you're pretty loud. I am?
Starting point is 01:00:18 No, it is a mischaracterization. The people around you might be loud. Did they steal this idea from Rogue? Let's give everyone hats and a guitar. Oh, the hats are pretty cool though. I know they're cool. It's Texas. They stole the idea from Texas. They can't steal a cool idea, right? Did you steal the bad idea from Bob Eubanks? Bob? Yeah. Isn't that a professional guitarist, Dave Eubanks, did you steal it from him? I did not. Be honest. No, I had no idea who that guy was. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Cause we don't believe in coincidences. We don't. I wonder if you started using, when you started using the bat thing, if like, oh yeah, they made Dave Eubanks mad. He's like, no, what is this? Maybe you guys are the same. Maybe you guys are brothers, long-lost brothers. I don't think so. That dude's a douche.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yanita Smith, I never noticed Abigail until Hiller. I was rewatching the 2023 games and finally noticed her. Oh wow. That went straight over Seve's head, John the Tom Brady combine how so because I haven't seen Tom Brady's combine picture It's a greatest football player of all time How would he got over your head though? Pull up Amy Kringle. Let's see where the Kringle is doing. I didn't talk to her. I saw her she's cool-looking I Was I don't know if you guys remember but in the early days of the podcast I was big on Kringle I think she might have the best abs you were big on Kringle because she's from the Isle of Man
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, and then for some but but I just I just but then I never thought I was like man She's never gonna make me wait check out this picture of Kringle. I got a picture of Kringle look at this You pull up her IG. Look at this freaking picture. Look at these veins. That is insane. She's got the respect in the women's field for sure. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. Shut up. Go to the next. Look at the freaking vein. Yeah. Yeah, they're pretty that's pretty I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 01:02:28 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not my sons that's a template yeah yeah which one the seven-year-old yeah Joseph she reminds me of Joseph dude the vein is insane all right there's no where did there was nowhere to eat there today and I didn't bring food. So it was a fucking mess. I saw Emma Lawson, I didn't talk to her. I saw her coach. Didn't talk to him? No, I didn't talk to him. Why didn't you talk to her? I made eye contact with her for a second and she looked at me like she saw a ghost.
Starting point is 01:03:23 So I was kind of like I should Leave her alone Yeah, but I guess I who knows I Say it again you kind of scary sometimes yeah, you know what I realized I don't think I'm scared anymore at all I Think I just pretend like I'm scared So that to try to make the other people feel better, but I'm probably not gonna do that anymore. I'm probably gonna change my shtick. I caught my own self as being a fraud. I'm just gonna say I just don't want to talk to that person anymore. I'm not gonna say I'm not scared.
Starting point is 01:04:02 This feels like a self-realization moment. This feels like a self-realization moment. Seve does look sketchy as fuck. What did someone say to me today? Facundo told me, we took a picture together, he told me I look like a low-rent Jew. I can hear that in his accent and everything as you said it. You look like a low-rent Jew. Yeah, like I'm trying to're like a real red Jew. Yeah, like I'm trying to be Jewish,
Starting point is 01:04:26 but I'm just not pulling it off. You know what I mean? You are. Does that happen? You say, Haley's a Jew. Everyone thinks I'm a Jew. Caleb is a English man with English parents, but he's born and raised in Spain.
Starting point is 01:04:41 And he's the tannest Englishman you've ever seen. It is so weird he was telling me his his history and I'm like there's no way you're fucking English he's as dark as you Hiller I mean not that you're like crazy not that you're crazy dark but your Milano tan dark I wish and on that like a year so do that and the exerciser yeah you're urinal, urinal, urinal, urinal. Sebi can't be a Jew. He's not circumcised. Dude, I told your mom not to talk to you about my penis. Sebi, did you talk to Brooke Wills? I did chat very briefly, very briefly, but I did engage her.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I think last year, sometimes I won't even engage her at all, but this year I did engage her. When she was with Dave, I engaged her and she was so cool. Her and Sydney are so, like anytime I engage them, they're so cool. So maybe this year I'll talk to them. I don't know. Alright, thank you for the $2. Anything else? John, do you want to say anything? No, it's been fun. I'm excited for the two dollars. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:05:45 John, do you want to say anything? No, it's been fun. I'm excited for the games. Okay, and if you change your picks or anything, let me know. We'll do another two shows. I'm not going to change him. I feel like whenever I meet the athletes, I have to apologize to half of them. Well you do most of the time.
Starting point is 01:06:02 No, you do not. They don't care. They're cool with it They like everyone likes being talked about they don't even care if it's bad look at on you'll even said If what if they do fuck That's good, too I will I will say I know I know I say bad things about athletes sometimes But I want everybody to know it's I'm just being completely honest you only say bad things about three athletes
Starting point is 01:06:23 everybody to know it's I'm just being completely honest. You only say bad things about three athletes. Gee, Danny, and Shelby Neal. I love Shelby Neal. The only athletes you've ever said bad things about are oh four. Four. Who are they? I don't want to remind you. Day. Um I uh Tia. Oh Tia. That's I don't think that counts. Why? Because she's so good. Is she just about? Yeah. It's like it's like throwing a rubber ball as hard as you can at the wall. It's just like yeah. Yeah. Yeah same with same with rich
Starting point is 01:07:05 I just don't think that counts Pinero Pinero, I don't think that counts because I'm just equaling what the public saying. Oh shit She's just a girl trying to feel her king of education Andrea Pinero is just a girl. She's there's a little girl inside of there Just like the little girl that your wife's about to have inside of Pinero who's just trying to fulfill her dreams. Who ate her?
Starting point is 01:07:30 What? There's a little girl inside of her. She ate her. It's all droid rage. She's just a... we're all just the little child that was inside of us, even... even Hunter. McIntyre no Biden oh just a little boy inside of there just wants to be loved by his mom. Hey Sevan you would get a kick out of I know you haven't watched a tell ender video in a while but he had on Mike Yizurtel and he's talking about the headspace you go
Starting point is 01:07:58 through on different steroids you would you get a kick out of it. Oh I would like to hear that. Just listening to like what it's like when you take different steroids Was it you who told me that? There's a steroid or There was a guy What is it? The trend and you think your girlfriend's banging somebody and you haven't like left her for 24 hours like who you see? Yeah, yeah, you could be in the same room with her for two weeks and not take your eyes off her
Starting point is 01:08:24 But you'll still be so paranoid you think she fucked someone in that time. Yeah Trends like that steroids can be like that. Yeah, and and I heard some stories from is your toe on that day I would have never believed it's crazy. Is it on YouTube? Yeah. Wow. It's sure to Do you need me to bring some for you? I don't know if I like that. No, she meant no, she meant a exercise. Oh, bring an exercise. Yeah. Does Sarah Cox have that type of stuff? Of course not. An exercise or no trend. Oh, no. I was gay. I was gaying out. I was gaying out with Facundo pretty much today. Five gayest things you've ever said. Gaying out? Yeah. Like, you know, he's gay. I'm like...
Starting point is 01:09:13 We talked about some stuff like that too. I'm gay. He's got these questions he'll ask. Oh my God. The questions were crazy. He asked me today. He turned me gay gay he cast a spell on me someone's not going home no straight to mayhem what Jonathan Ortega a trend really fucks you up I think I put one of those in my mayhem video because he just he was asking the audience is it would you rather not have sex for a year or like when the CrossFit games oh he wasn't asking me easy stuff like that. He wasn't asking me easy stuff like that. It was crazy shit he was asking me. Like what?
Starting point is 01:09:54 It can't even be said. It can't even be said on the show. Well, here, ask me something that was like that. No. No. the Daniel, Gary, Seve, are you going to get Max on so you can watch Hard Knocks with Tyson Bajan? Max. Max. Max. Max? Who's Max? Who is Max?
Starting point is 01:10:31 No, Max is a channel. Oh, oh, oh, oh, shit. That's a Midwest shit. You should have known that, Hiller. I don't frickin' watch TV shows. Yeah, I would do that. I have no idea what Hard Knocks is. Everyone's acting like it's a football thing. It's, I would do that. I have no idea what hard knocks is. Everyone's acting like it's it's uh it's a
Starting point is 01:10:46 football thing. It's behind the scenes for football. It's like hey, you watch F1 races. Why the hell would I watch like training camp and stuff and like how they like cut athletes and all that. They basically it's basically what Sevan does with the games
Starting point is 01:10:58 but but NFL training camp. Look at that bottle of water probably cost 20 bucks with every order of peptides you get free bottle water bacteria static water 28 was shipping I Think a bottle of water lasts like four vials of peptides to right here last so long Yeah, which is in here 30 milliliter the last forever like 10 15 15 vials
Starting point is 01:11:23 Do not use it for neonates though. Oh shit. Is Dave show up today? Yeah, we'll do that. These guys seem like they're cool hanging out. OK, let's do that. Let's do this really quick. Molanotin.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Let's go. Let's look at Dave's. use code word Hiller. How long is it? Do I love molanotin? use code word Hiller. How long is it? Do I love Molanotan? Okay, ready? The story is no longer available. I think that's them just warming up. I don't think there's any clues there.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Do you? No, I don't recognize that warmup area though. I wonder if that's the secondary. I heard this guy this is the owner of go Ruck and I heard him give this speech 89 80 times today 79 times I Don't know how he gave the same talk 79 times. That's not a Jimmy. What? Jimmy? No, George Carlin or something. Isn't that like the guy who never mind. He's someone. McDonald, I want to say is McDonald. William McDonald. I don't know. But he's the owner of GoRuck and he's so passionate about hero wads. All the filmmakers look like me there. There's like 20 dudes that look like young versions of me there.
Starting point is 01:13:28 What are the filmmakers up there? I don't know, making videos. This is the registration area. This is like where you first walk in to go get fitted for go-ruck shit. Oh Jesus skipping that Jesus bottom with the go rock, right? Left side of the L. This is good. Yeah. So, real men, so... He's sewing or shit. It's flying in the wind. No, I love it.
Starting point is 01:14:39 I like it. I like it. I know that laugh anyway. I love it. He sewed or sewed it. I know that laugh anyway. I love it. He sewed her shit on crooked. There was the blood. Oh, fuck. This is bad. Oh, where does it hurt? Oh, shit. Look at that. That's Sean Rockett's new book. It's not a rogue.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Is that a hard copy? It's not a new ebook. That looks like Tim Waltz. Instagram. Guys, look who's here. We can't take a picture with him. We can't ask for a picture. The guy. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh, there it is! So I don't get this. This is the game's scoring department. We. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 01:15:25 So I don't get this. This is the game scoring department. We don't believe in coincidences. Okay, now I get it. Oh, and was there a picture there? Yeah, you gotta slide though. But you gotta go to the thing and then slide. Oh, but that was just on your account.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Oh, where? Here, what? No. Back, back. So when you go to the thing and then slide. Oh, but that was just on your account. Oh, where here? What? No. Back. So when you go to my account, on the post, you have to leave the post. And then he shows this Dave Eubanks, August 6th, 2018. Dave knows how to make these arrows.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Look at this shit. Crazy, right? Yeah. I liked it. Damn. I'm just happy. I can see the stuff that's going on now. Crazy right? Yeah, I Liked it Damn I'm just happy I can see the stuff that's going on now. It's nice Okay, you're on block. Yeah. Oh shit. That's the venue It's crazy that you have influence over Dave like that Hitler. It is insane
Starting point is 01:16:34 So explain this to me so we know the first workout is the run swim and we don't know the second workout, right? Nope. Well, we do now. What do you mean? That's one of those workouts where you do thrusters and pull-ups and you cross the field. Oh, what we're looking at? Yeah. Well, we have snatches and ring muscle-ups in event three, so I don't think it would be thrusters and pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:16:57 I like where Seven's head's at, though. I think he's right. What do you think that is? You think we'd have a coplet of lifting and pulling back to back like that? No, but what what are those? Do you recognize even what that structure is? Those are a frames. I don't even recognize that structure. Oh, Devesh. Holy hell, I haven't seen that name in a while. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:17:32 okay, well there's Dave's. That's Dave's Instagram. Okay, and then might as well go to... Dave's Instagram stories are yeah that well they're they're not normally lame that that today's was lame i agree there you go defending your buddy you too well maybe i just think it was lame because i was there all day too so i saw all that shit i think they're lame okay fine and you weren't even there all day uh uh oh his his story is not up guys got married. Congratulations. Yeah. right. Dave Castro leaks winners and
Starting point is 01:18:21 losers of two thousand twenty four across the games. How does this guy this guy knows that I'm in a red roof in that's crazy I knew that too How'd you know that You're sharing your location to your snapchat. No, he can see so he recognizes the artwork on the wall It's probably standard. Okay, so Dave hasn't posted anything yet Okay, so Dave hasn't posted anything yet. He's too busy sewing things, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:18:57 I just did a super eight. I'd never done that. It was cheap. Really weird. Oh, I think I had a chance to come back and then you're all good. Sorry. So you just got to check the bed a little bit, make sure bugs aren't in there and then you're all good. I don't have Snapchat. Yes, you do. Then what John Young is at the Red Roof Inn. I saw you on there. Hilarious. You come to Texas.
Starting point is 01:19:24 I don't on there. Hiller, are you coming to Texas? I don't think so. Last time you said that, I forget where it was, you ended up coming. Yes, I can't really ever know, for sure. Right. You weren't banned from the games? Not that I know of.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Did you have a new video come out today? The Austin one. The Shelby one. And the Shelby one will be up as soon as it works. Oh, your Hatfield video is up already? Oh, shit. That's an amazing thumbnail. Leslie loved your video.
Starting point is 01:19:56 She liked it? Hell yeah. Yeah. She eats that bunny stuff up. Dude, the bunnies were cool. OK, I'm going to watch that tonight. You, the bunnies were cool. Okay, I'm gonna watch that tonight. You looked very like somebody from Chicago. Like you didn't know how to handle the bunnies.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Well, no crap. It's like, it's crazy to me. He just let them jump on you. It wasn't insane. He goes, is it gonna bite me? I was like, it's a bunny. Yeah, what do you mean? Like, do they bite? I'm not sure what he's saying. He goes, is it going to bite me? It's a bunny. Yeah. What
Starting point is 01:20:30 do you what do you mean? Like, do they bite? No, they're we'll be fine. Uh Jared. Jared Ellis. How was Go Rex Presidents versus Noble? Honestly, I don't I don't even remember Noble to to be honest with you. I just dislike them so much. II haven't Noble
Starting point is 01:20:49 Store was clearly a joke. Uh store at the games was a joke. It was a disaster, but I think it had like The full it didn't have floor. It was just it was ghetto But I haven't seen but but I haven't I don't know how they were in greeting the athletes and athlete experience But I will tell you this the athlete registration was better than I've ever seen it my entire life. And I don't know why it was so smooth and so chill and so fast. I don't know whether to get, I mean, the games team obviously killed it, but also there's just no, there's no one there. There's not like masters and teams and, and adaptive and teams and team, whatever. There's just no one there.
Starting point is 01:21:24 They only have to do 40 men in four hours it's like really chill everyone just rolls in one at a time it's cool I think it'll run really smoothly like that the whole games this year yeah yeah yeah I gotta just be easier on the team it was so smooth no I'll watch I will watch the Hatfield so so so Jared I'm not sure I can't really compare I know I don't I know I just don't like Noble. That's for sure. Oh wait, Hilar. We are supposed to ask Did they pay oh they remember shit You're good, dude, John.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Thanks for pointing that out. Suzy, tell. What's up, Suzy? Did you get a patch? What's a patch? I didn't get one. I don't even know what a patch is. OK.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Great show, guys. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. Thank you. Andrew, I'm going to see you tomorrow. OK. And I'll see you guys 7 AM tomorrow morning. Chris Hinshaw, I think we're going Thank you Thanks, everybody Thank you Tomorrow okay, and I'll see you guys 7 a.m. Tomorrow morning Chris Hinshaw. I think we're gonna talk about the running events Break some shit down I'll turn on the phone line feel free to call in and ask him any questions
Starting point is 01:22:37 I can hold the phone up to the microphone or type men and I'll pull them up That's gonna be fun deal on clip his channel only has 400 views. Oh jeez Louise If if anybody is around the area me and Travis are gonna go to CrossFit Westwood tomorrow at 730 Travis Travis Bro, bro, yeah, bro All right Yeah, we're gonna do a man to 45 All right. What time is that 7 what 730 we're gonna be there Amanda 45. All right, what time is that? 7, what? 730, we're gonna be there.
Starting point is 01:23:08 730 a.m. Central time. All right, now listen, you've been dying to try some peptides, now's the time to do it, go to, get the free bacteriostatic water, you have to type in the code word HILR or SEVON or something. Bye bye.

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