The Sevan Podcast - Who’s Going to Semifinals? | CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Go live before we're ready. Did you know John wore glasses? Did you know that, Hiller? They're new. I've had some medical issues the last week are you okay
Starting point is 00:01:09 like you give a fuck i do dude his fucking okay his eye was like this big were you eating ass did you get pink eye i knew you were gonna go there that is not what it comes on me your eyes permanently like that john's eye was still straight it was just big i had a i had keratitis and and scleritis at the same time and then um what's your ulcer forming inflamed corneas and then i had a corneal ulcer also like forming thankfully they caught that i had one of my pupils was like bigger than the other and that scared a lot of people and that's something something's really bad happening but um and like my vision and my right eye was starting to fade. But then it got all fixed. It's fine. I got like two sets of eye drops I got to do three times a day
Starting point is 00:02:12 and wear these glasses for two weeks. Is he breaking up for you guys a little bit? Yeah, he was doing that on spins as well last week. Welcome to the Sub on Podcast. Oh, sorry. Go ahead, Taylor. Is it me? welcome to the step on podcast oh sorry go ahead is it i was i'm on a hotel internet so welcome to the seven podcast in the lower right hand corner the bald guy known as tyler watkins founder of the heat one app on the left john young our most senior analyst uh looked like maybe he's type 2 diabetes is kicking in he's losing his vision and he's
Starting point is 00:02:44 hiding behind it being keratitis. I mean, you could have come up with something that at least sounds real. Upper left-hand corner, Andrew Hiller from Cookville, Tennessee. He made a special journey out there to make amends with Guy Malheros. Have you run into any of these people that you have been the subject of your attention? All of them. Oh, you have. have been the subject of your attention all of them oh you have how how was it with gee oh good timing my internet gave out has it been weird with any of them or any of them like fuck you i ain't playing i ain't fucking with you we'll find out we'll find out so
Starting point is 00:03:22 you're gonna make some content from there we'll find out who who who else who else is there how about the guy with the long hair the blonde hair dude lives in a van seth seth stovall it's uh yes yeah i talked to him today he's cool he is cool okay because you tangled with him a little bit you gave him a little bit of that hillar fit attention yeah but he didn't really i i talked to him about that he didn't really take it as tangling it was just like pushing stuff around on the internet and he goes yeah i remember that but that was about it okay and um have you seen the great rich froney yeah he was in the coffee shop this morning and did you make eye contact with him yeah did you say hi to him yeah we talked about this you talked about this.
Starting point is 00:04:05 You talked about his little, I mean, it's not really little. It's a massive bike event that he did with Luke and all of them. Oh, awesome. Did you guys hug? 600. Oh, no, I feel like I'm breaking up. Did you guys hug? Did you hug?
Starting point is 00:04:19 No. No. No. Is it cold there? Are people being cold to you, or is it warm? It's warm. It's warm? It's warm. It's warm. Yeah, it's warm.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Your Honor, the witness is being combative. Bill Leahy, what's up, dude? How you doing, brother? Good to see you. Let's see that cock, Leahy. Let's see that cock. It appears the leaderboard is closed. Can John Young confirm as a senior analyst in the CrossFit space, the guy with the big brain?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Is the leaderboard closed, John? I don't think so. I thought it closed at midnight tonight. Okay, so not 5 p.m. My information was wrong. Is that what you think? They've moved it like three days. They've moved it like three times.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And where do you get that information? Who confirms whether it's open or closed? I mean, I get everything from spin. Spend's the best news, fastest news. I get everything from him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll go over to the barbell spin before we start the show, or maybe we'll just get off the air and we'll come back at midnight guys. Yeah. And when you say midnight, do you mean Pacific standard time? So 2am for normal people or 3am for less normal. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Mayhem independence wins 2024 crash crescendo. Dave Castro addresses quarterfinal penalties AFJ shits the bed 348 athletes receive penalties Athletes will receive uniform for CrossFit semifinals This guy got poked in the eye Okay, maybe it's in one of these articles Okay, so we don't know
Starting point is 00:06:00 And Spin couldn't make it because he's at a little kid's soccer game Priorities Okay, fuck it Oh, we're gonna look at the leaderboard we're gonna assume it's closed we're gonna cruise through them quickly um but i suspect that we're gonna get into some sort of crazy debates any big names john right off the bat that didn't make it that i should write down here i did page powers end up not making it yes page powers did not make it nick matthew did not make it wow is it too late for these people to go teams unless they already did teams yeah they already did that team qualifier they had to do the qualifier with them because team or team quarterfinals for instance brandon smith did team quarterfinals and individual quarterfinals if he
Starting point is 00:06:44 made it in one and not the other, he could go either way. He did not make it either. The great Brandon Smith, the very first person to tangle on the Kill Taylor show, he will go down in history. Episode 2 will be coming up this Saturday at 10 a.m. I had to send John Youngs invited on all the shows. He's not been invited on that show because I told him he's too nice. He's just too nice for that show.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Janikowski. We'll start with. No, we won't start with worldwide. Worldwide doesn't even matter, right? No, worldwide doesn't matter. You don't even get money. OK, let's go to. We'll just go straight down the list.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Let's go to Asia. OK, we're done. We're done there. We'll do Asian women.ia okay we're done money we're done we'll do asian women okay we're done there let's move on uh africa okay i wonder who did the video reviews i wonder i wonder who did the video reviews for these areas because it was seven seven i somehow feel like they were not looking at it the same way in America. You're breaking up like fucking crazy, dude. You're making us look like amateur hour.
Starting point is 00:07:53 We dealt with this all last week. Why? We don't know what the problem is? Do we not know what the problem is? I think it's got to do with StreamYard because it doesn't happen on Chase's. Yeah, it has to do with StreamYard. It doesn't happen on Chase's. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah. Okay, Keelan Henry from Africa. StreamYard because it doesn't happen on Chase. Yeah, it has to do with StreamYard. It doesn't happen on Chase. It doesn't happen. Yeah. Okay. Keelan Henry from Africa. Are you using what? Are you on Chrome, John? The browser? I think so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Keelan Henry from Africa. He's been on the show. No, no. Stay on Chrome. Keelan Henry. Will Keelan make it to the games this year? Is he the guy? Does he this year? Is he the guy? Does he stand out?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Is he the guy? Is he Africa's hope? Nobody really stands out, but he should be the guy. And he's tiny, right? He won't make a ton of noise when he gets to the games, if that's what you're asking. He's the same size as... How big is 168 centimeters?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Is that how tall Colton Mertens is? That's taller than Colton Mertens. 168 centimeters to inches. Divided by 2.54. Oh. I want centimeters to... Centimeters to inches. It's 5'6". Oh, he's a giant. Okay. Alright.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Fine. Okay, so Keelan Henry's our Africa guy. Okay, we're done with Africa. Damn, this show's moving fast. Europe. Head over to Europe for the men. Janikowski, Victor Hoffer. So Victor Hoffer was on the demo team last year. Big holes.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Does he make it through semifinals? What happens in semifinals now, John? What happens? This is when we start adding weight to the competition. It's the Open plus the quarterfinals, but with some weights. No, I would say that all the events are harder than what we had a quarter i mean i i would say all the events are harder yeah but the semifinals is where john young would finally start to shine 100 i can't get there but i would not be last in semifinals just help and have some sort of calculation
Starting point is 00:09:42 does help and have some sort of calculation that like usually semi-final weights are like 20 20 percent more than quarterfinals and quarterfinals are 20 percent more than open no there's nothing that's a good question okay that would be inaccurate if you had the answer yeah because there's there's years like this the the the dumbbell year where they didn't have any barbells, so you couldn't really get anything meaningful. But I would say on average, it's quite a bit heavier. And the Open was three workouts, quarterfinals were four workouts. How many workouts will semifinals be? Six or seven.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Okay, and so then recovery for the first time kind of starts to become a little bit of an issue. I wouldn't really say so. No, okay. I mean, yes, more so, but no. I think quarterfinals test a little. What the fuck do you guys do? Do you kick John off or what happens?
Starting point is 00:10:41 We just ride through it, bro. Barry McCaulkin or fun for John Young Internet. How about just a new fucking computer? What kind of computer you got? A MacBook. It's my wife's computer. How old is it? What year is it?
Starting point is 00:10:56 He's going to hate it somehow. He's fishing. What's better, your TV or... Go to about This Mac. The computer is probably worse than the TV. Go to the upper left-hand corner where the Apple is and hit About This Mac and read some of the stats on there for me. This is where you say no, John.
Starting point is 00:11:18 What chip is it? You got the M1, M2 in there? You got the M2? No, the 1.1. Does it say Intel or Apple? It's a Macintosh. There's no way it's an M. It's a MacBook Air.
Starting point is 00:11:34 What's the memory on it? 128. 8 gigabytes? Of RAM. That's the RAM. What operating system are you running? Are you running Sonoma? Sonoma 14.4.1.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, probably your computer. You should have never upgraded to Sonoma. Okay. All right. Fine. So Victor Hoffa, if he makes it, so semifinals. Hopper Listen Victor Jimmy Hoffa
Starting point is 00:12:11 You don't get to make any corrections What about Him making it past the semifinals Yes or no I think he has a chance he was just barely out last year I think he'll make it no problem Okay third place Karl Gudmundsson representing Finland.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Moritz Fiebig, Enola Kai. Enola Kai fell short last year, correct? Yes. Does he make it this year? Hard to say. It's not a given for him. Okay, and how about this guy, Nika Mazardazi? Yeah, there's no way he makes it.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Mazardazi, okay. Guillaume Brant, does he make it? He's in the same boat as Daniel, I feel. No, no, no. He's in the same boat. I think it depends on the events. If it depends on the events, you're kind of all in the same neighborhood. Prop bet, who finishes higher, Guy or Nolte?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Nolte. prop bet who who who finished this higher gee or an old and all the higher all right dude it's really event dependent nika's dead in the water is it nola kai a program athlete he's with uh christiansen uh what's that guy's name john singleton singleton i don't have an answer for you. Okay. Fabian Benito. I like that guy. Yeah, he'll be good. Games? I think so, yeah. How many people go to the games from this region? We don't know, but last year it was 11.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Okay. I think the programming has the answer to that. Alex Catullus? No. Harry Lightfoot? Who does Upanix upanix dude well you passed up your favorite man i know but he makes it yeah he makes it makes it you're mr harry lightfoot's a possibility but i mean the odds are uh kevin jewers i know bronislaw made it last year by the skin of his teeth right yep the strong man from russia uh poland yeah does he make it this year though thank you tyler i think he does i think he's only improving i believe in i believe in the underdogs
Starting point is 00:14:20 a poland one of the lowest crime rates in all of europe i think poland might have the lowest crime rate in all of europe did you know that yep also do you know that they don't have an image they don't allow any uh illegal immigrants in the country zero zero what's the correlation that you're trying to make there i don't know you tell me uh lewis lewis uh you just point out things. Louis Coulure. No. Plus, who the fuck's going to rob something from Bronislaw? You think they're all looking like him?
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yes, I do. I think he's the soft one. The dude's knees, they're made of dinosaur bones. They're really wide. He's got these giant ankle-looking knees. Who is? Bronislaw. He's the these giant ankle-looking knees. Who is? Bronislaw. He's the biggest
Starting point is 00:15:08 joints in the world. So Luka Jukic is higher than Lazar Jukic? Yeah, because Lazar got nuked. It's the quarterfinals, Savan. Lazar got nuked, dude. Has Jukic ever made it to the games, Luka? Well, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Which year? I think 2019. I'm thinking about making you call in on your phone, dude. You have an iPhone? What kind of phone you got? What operating system? I just upgraded to an iPhone 12.
Starting point is 00:15:45 What the hell? No, you did not. You're on 15. Are you serious, John? Yeah, I had a 10. Oh, my God. You're so fucking Canadian, dude. Okay, let me just skip to some names then.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Henrik Hapalainen, 21st. Does he go to the games? Yes. Yes. Yela Hosta? Yes. and what makes you so sure about yellow he barely made it last time didn't he get a like a last minute invite or something he like 10th of the games he got 10th of the game no he barely made it to the semifinals okay uh but pretty much one of the harder i mean he seems like he's he's the most the guy with the most athletic experience at least that we know from their history right i mean he's a bona fide athlete
Starting point is 00:16:30 uh did judo forever i mean he's he's legit he's just working with a fucked up body right he's just too tall i don't even know what judo is so i mean what's the height difference between him and Henrik? Judo means that if he wants to throw you on the ground, he can. Like anybody. Anybody, okay. Very interesting. That sounds pretty good. Lazar Jukic going to the games? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:58 All right. Anyone else in here that you guys want to talk about? Oh, Darius Warnky, 43rd. I mean, he's out. He he's out that's a big name he was at the games last year hey any of these people have any other issues like they're going to team or um they're gonna have visa issues or anything like that uh there was a couple i looked through yesterday like i think tobias fox is one of them he'll probably go team. There were a couple more in there that I was like, you're probably going to go team.
Starting point is 00:17:27 They've never gone to semifinals. Okay, so David Shrunk still has a chance. Yeah. Okay, well, that would be cool. It'd be great to see him there. He's quite the specimen. Okay. I'm not too excited about European semifinals.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I hate to say it. The leaderboard is sort of strange, isn't it? Like the lineup of the athletes. The leaderboard's sort of strange, isn't it? Like the lineup of the athletes? The guys? Yeah. Why do you say that? After you get past BKG, it's like you see a lot of names that are not mysterious, but it's like they're
Starting point is 00:17:55 higher up than I would assume. Okay. Anyone missing from the list? Any great European male athletes that you're like, fuck, where's that dude? No, it's not in my head. We're on the female list too. Gurley. They had a different person judging their region.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Did they receive significantly fewer penalties than the U.S.? It would appear that the West got hammered harder than anybody else. Yeah, I think I don't. I mean, Halpin can back this up if he's in the chat. Taylor's not here, so it's safe to come out, Halpin. John, try coming in on your phone, buddy. Try coming in on your phone. Where are you staying?
Starting point is 00:18:48 You're in Cookville, right? I'm surprised you have better internet i'm on my cell phone right now yeah i'm i'm i'm a hot spotted on my cell phone because i was spotty nice i'm good hey what are you doing there exactly or is there an is there an event or a competition what are you doing there exactly um just training with bill has a he's like in town kind of you know facundo the mayhem coach he's in he's got all of his athletes in or he's getting eyes on all of his athletes kind of get them ready for the semi-final and so you were just invited to just participate check it out make some videos yes and facundo what's facundo's role at Mayhem Empire? He coaches Roman and Saxon, and he coaches – why am I blanking? Dan Tai, Jorge Fernandez.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Dan Tai is a chick. Her name is Sophie Shaft. What's her last name? Sophie Shaft? It's a S-A-P-H. She's a teenager be careful all right thank you i don't think that's true oh she's really young okay i'll take i'll take the warning i'll stay i'm done with it are we talking about the same person john i believe so that She's a lifter? Redhead? I don't think so. Not a redhead.
Starting point is 00:20:09 No, we're going with something different. Either way, I ain't risking it. Let's go on. I ain't risking it. Did you see all those people there? Yeah. They were all here today. Wow. It's fun. It's a cool time. You showed up at a good day.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Yeah. I'm happy I wasu to have me out here. Okay. European women, we're five hours away from the leaderboard closing. Gabriella Magawa, first place, and Laura Horvath, second place. Any surprise there? I don't take a lot from quarterfinals. Your phone is great, dude. I closed out a whole bunch of stuff on the computer.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Laura Horvat, CrossFit Games champion in second place. Third place, Manon Anganese, who a couple years ago didn't come over because of the demands for her to take drugs before she came. It looks like it would be great to see her back. She's a great addition, very articulate and speaks her mind. She's cool. Emma Tall, been around some controversy in the past about barely getting in or not getting in last chance qualifier stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Also, she's with David Shrunk. Emma McQuaid. oh so david will probably be there at the games regardless emma mcquade i've been to the games how many times she's got a handful of games appearances right uh elisa fuliano the italian girl who's a uh kind of like a i don't know adobe adobe premiere expert made it in a couple years ago just seemed like just i think so i think she's some sort of graphics girl. And I think she was basically saying she was one and done and she's had some arthritis issues.
Starting point is 00:21:49 But here she is. I think she's trying to make her third attempt at the Games. Is that correct? Yep. She has room toward arthritis. Claudia Gluck. I think she'll make it. She hasn't been to the Games yet,
Starting point is 00:22:03 but she was second in Dubai to karen frey over and um she looked better than ever and she's been real close before she's young and uh i think she's it this year john do you know when you cut out no i have no idea you can't hear it in your headphones no oh this has to be addressed immediately after the show. Someone remember me. Jacqueline Dahlstrom. The beautiful Jacqueline Dahlstrom.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Who knows other chick? I was wrong. There you go. Is this who we were talking about? Sapphire Goddard? I was talking about Sophie Schaft. The girl that you said. I misheard her name. This is Dan Tai's chick.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And she's redheaded, so I know Sevan likes that. Yeah, she's something special. Namaste. You don't need that mask. Take that off. And that's Dan Tai. Don't cover that beautiful face. Oh, you know who he looks like?
Starting point is 00:23:01 Look at Dan. He's jacked. Yeah. He's got huge triceps, like kalipa he is ripped out yeah his triceps are huge uh jack uh oh where am i um uh jacqueline wallstrom uh instant in eighth place has she been to the games yes okay she was the one that lifted that heavy sandbag she beat danny despite being like no she didn't she was second place didn't be well either way she was still like 20 pounds lighter than danny she's
Starting point is 00:23:31 lane eight girl nor norway's a hotbed for crossfit right i mean they they always bring it right yeah they got a good community over there uh karen freyova srovakia ellen uh caratara sanahua uh spain has she been to the games yeah i think she was at the games uh amy kringle has not been to the game in the aisle from the aisle of man how do you know that because i like three or four years ago when she popped up on my radar i was like oh i hope this chick makes it to the games and then I remember thinking she has no fucking chance after I watched some of her stuff and saw some of her holes. Hey, Alexa's pretty good, though. Yeah. Lucy McGonigal, this is the kid, right?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yep, the kid. Yep. If she makes it to the game, she'll be one of the youngest athletes ever to make it to the game. She's maybe the youngest, right? Did Kerstetter age? Or did Kerstetter go when she was six um i i think kerstetter and l brian both went when they were 17 same with emma carrie i don't know how old yeah i don't know which one's
Starting point is 00:24:36 old the older 17 but yeah hey why don't you ever talk to her he's in like the same island is there who pedro pedro ellen's really small right you should be able to ride over there one day I've never talked to her. He's in the same island as her. Who? Pedro. The island's really small, right? You should be able to ride over there one day. She's in the north. What does that mean? Like an hour? I think it's like three or four hours for me. Plus, they got like a Gaza Israel thing there. I think their country's like
Starting point is 00:24:58 Ireland split. Yeah, they got some issues with each other. Or they did when I was a kid. Miriam Von Rohr, the High Rocks queen. This chick trips me out. It's because she's from High Rocks. She's got no business doing this well. Is she a High Rocks girl, though?
Starting point is 00:25:16 At this point, she's done well in the Open and in quarterfinals. What I have heard is she started in CrossFit, then abandoned it, went to High Rocks, and then has come back. Got better. So here's the thing. She's a CrossFit girl who went over and fucking laid pipe on those High Rocks people, and then fucking she's back.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well, she wasn't the number one person in High Rocks. Andrea Silberg. How old is terry helgen daughter now 85 she's got to be up 32 32 same age as me so 85 probably the least amount of media tyler least amount of media ratio for number of times been to the games right will this be like will this be like her eighth time to the games or some shit? It's crazy. It's more than eight, I believe.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I think it's, I don't know, approaching 15. She might be giving Travis Mayer a run for his money. Scroll down. It'll say. It'll say what? That's the open. Eight. That's good call.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Eight. This will be nine. Did Sevan say eight? Damn, Sevan knows his stuff. Good job, Seve. He's going to replace John Young pretty soon as the head analyst. It's the biggest number I know, so I just grabbed that. Okay, so three Helga daughter.
Starting point is 00:26:36 So any chance she'll make it again this year, 18th? She's in, dude. Depending on the programming. Listen, after the top four European women, it's all dependent on the programming. Including Sarah Simmons' daughter and Rebecca Vitteson?
Starting point is 00:26:54 100%. Rebecca Vitteson, for sure. Sarah, no. I don't think she's a guarantee. She should make it, but the programming could stack against her, too. Did you see my video last year? Sarah Simonson
Starting point is 00:27:07 has no shot. Agreed. I don't recognize me. I don't think she has no shot. I think she has a shot. Well, clearly she has a shot. She's still in contention. Chupa mi verga. Doesn't matter who makes it. Tia Tumi Ur
Starting point is 00:27:24 is going to win anyway Then why are you watching the show That's a good point To hear my Stance on Trump Okay So that's North America East
Starting point is 00:27:40 Girlies Wow would you have thought Alexis Raptus would be at the top of this? Is she really? Yes. What do you mean, is she really? This is the most in-depth review we've ever done.
Starting point is 00:27:56 He's talking about penalties. Are you talking about penalties? I don't know if that's really true. Is there a list of penalties somewhere? I'm sure Halpin has them. Yes, there is a list of penalties somewhere? I'm sure Alpen has them Yes, there is a list of penalties somewhere If you want to take Tia's 78th and then say
Starting point is 00:28:11 Alexis Raptus is better Okay But it's not true Has Alexis Raptus ever won an event at the games? Yeah, handstand The handstand push-up And biking event I believe Yeah handstand The handstand push up And um Biking event I believe
Starting point is 00:28:27 What's more surprising that Danielle Brandon's in third Or Alexis Raptus is in first Like wouldn't you think Danielle would be down there like in sixth Or seventh or eighth No I think those both stand on their same ground I mean she's been Three years three different training camps And now she's just kind of in purgatory
Starting point is 00:28:43 She's in no man's land How do you mean three years, three different training camps, and now she's just kind of in purgatory. She's in no man's land. How do you make that go for us? Maybe even four camps. Think about it. Where was she before Underdogs? Oh, I guess she was at Underdogs. Then she went to Matt Torres' house, and now she's just somewhere floating around in Knoxville. She's still in Brute Strength.
Starting point is 00:29:02 All right. If you say so. Erica Folo. I don. If you say so. Erica Folow. I don't know who that is. Yolo Folow. Who is that? John's trying to start something. You don't know Erica Folow?
Starting point is 00:29:15 No. She's a team's athlete. No, she works out with Emma Lawson. She's under Emma Lawson and Jack Farlow's coach. Yep. So we'll never know who she is. Erica. Just Yolo Folo.
Starting point is 00:29:29 That's what I'm calling her. Yolo Folo. Oh, wow. She's like a more yoked version of Tia Toomey. Man, she's young. All right. What? Way too seared.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I mean, she's pretty lean, Hiller. She is not a brick Jack version of Tia. She is a brick shithouse. They scroll a little bit. Oh. Yeah, oh. Dude, she's not a Jack version of Tia.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Tia's ridiculous. Why would you pick the farthest away picture? You got a system. Let them roll. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The system. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Let them cook. Okay. Is that what the kids are saying nowadays? I've seen that like six times today. Yes. I don't know if she's in the training partner, but I know she trains at their gym and like their coach is her coach hey man so she's getting pushed i mean that's that's about
Starting point is 00:30:33 that's a that's a two fine creatures to be with emma lawson and jack farlow i mean she's in a good spot right yeah i mean she was fourth in quarterfinals, and she's the third-best person at her gym. Oh, that's cool. Nice. Crazy. Squat. And what is this? Is this anything notable? Had a great time with some amazing girls.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Thank you to everyone helping and organized to make this weekend happen. Can't be anything. Oh, God, this is fucking five, six years ago. Sorry, people. No, this is fucking five, six years ago. Sorry. No, this is huge, dude. I think Brian friend reported on that.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Uh, okay. Moving on. Back to, uh, back to business. Uh, Daniel Brandon, a third Erica follow and fourth Haley Adams in fifth,
Starting point is 00:31:30 Carolyn Prevo in sixth, Tia Claire Toomey in seventh. So basically Tia won. Tia has a second, a first, and a second. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tia did not win. She took seventh. But she has a workout where they put her in 78th.
Starting point is 00:31:49 No, they didn't put her in 78th. And listen, before this workout, she was first, second, first, second. No, no, no. She wasn't first. She was 78th. Okay. Before the penalty. I'm so confused. there's no one there's no one else
Starting point is 00:32:09 i look at look at just for just for whatever it's worth she's in 78th let's see how far down you have to scroll to find someone else who has a 78th or worst it'll be a lot do you tell Bill? No, no, no. You were 137th in the NFL. Do you want to ask him? Yeah. I don't know if he can hear you. He might be sleeping, actually. Elaine Savage. Who's Elaine Savage?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Great name. I know a sponsor who might be able to work with her. Elena? Never been to the games, right? How do you know if she's been to the games? Where do you look? Scroll all the way down. Just fucking flick that sucker.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Oh, so it would be here. It would be... Okay. All right. Where were we? Elaine Savage? Elaine, yeah. Oh, Shelby neal down here at 19th okay uh does elaine savage make it she could know uh does annika greer make it
Starting point is 00:33:13 is this the year last year uh fisa goffey i think yes page simenza i yes, but she's always on the line. She always barely makes it, finds a way. Lexi Neely? Negative. Amanda Barnhart? 50-50. Carolyn Stanley? Carolyn Stanley made it last year, right? If her shoulder's good, absolutely. Carolyn Stanley, last minute invite? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Last year? No, she made it last year. She's one of the last people. I think she was the last person that made it in. And Shelby Neal, I would be so happy. Do you guys have any good news for me about Shelby Neal? Good news like what? I think it depends on the events. Hey, didn't she just crush every workout one year at semifinal or something
Starting point is 00:34:03 and then just shit the bed on one workout, like a rope climb workout or 10 legless rope climbs yeah she was second place yeah yeah she was second place um in the whole entire uh regional sanctionals whatever you want to call it and then um going into the final last place and the 10 legless rope climbs and she did she still make it? No, she was like six. She was like three points out. J.R. has spoken, guys. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I got you, J.R. I got you. J.R., yes. I can hear him saying it now. Okay. Dana Peran? Yeah, she's got no shot that's an old name that's not Danielle Peran
Starting point is 00:34:50 you can't even do burpees dude Caroline Klutz yeah she's in really we've said yes to too many people Lydia Fish was my favorite. Lydia Fish was second at crash, but actually would have won crash if you did regular scoring.
Starting point is 00:35:14 She was second in crash due to someone's different type of scoring that's on the panel right now. And that's why Lindsay Lane won. But they were both very close. They were one and two. Lydia Fish's struggles with strength workouts, if you could look at her fourth workout, it's her worst score by far.
Starting point is 00:35:32 So depending on what the strength workout is in semifinals, she absolutely has a shot. She can hit home runs. Is Brooke Wells an HWPO athlete? Proven. She is a… No, hard work pays off. Yeah, right there. Okay, and so she got a fat penalty on workout one too. athlete? Proven. No, heart work pays off.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Okay, and so she got a fat penalty on workout one, too. She barely made it to semifinals. She started at 41st, and then she chipped her way up the leaderboard after that. Hey, does she go to the games this year? Boy. I'd say yes.
Starting point is 00:36:04 She's injured. She's got a significant injury, right? Didn't she do something in the open that showed us yes She's injured She's got a significant injury right Didn't she do something in the open That showed us that she's injured really bad She had a sore rotator cuff yeah But it didn't look too bad And maybe it wasn't heavy enough If she can do the scores that she
Starting point is 00:36:18 If she can do the scores that she put up in quarterfinals Hayley Murillo killed it Freaking crazy dude Where was she What place did she do it She was like in 47 If she can do scores that she put up in quarterfinals. Haley Murillo killed it. Freaking crazy, dude. Where was she? What place did she play? She was like in 47. Yeah, 47, something like that. She's back on the last page.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah, and I don't see anyone here. Oh, Jamie Latimer, 69th. Crazy. That's his athlete. What? Atlanta Buds. All right. for a lot of buds what do you know elena buds all right oh page power is in a hundred wow that's great like so back i i can't i can't figure out what you mean like this is i'm saying it's the most legitimate because they've reviewed it so hard but but then you negate yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So explain, Hiller. The common thread that, hey, do you guys know the common thread between people and the penalties given out? No. They had games judges. Oh, camera position? Really? Camera position.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Go on. Everybody saw Patrick Felder's video, right? I didn't, but tell me more. It's set up, and the messed up part about this is you have to be able to see the rower. And there's a method that the athletes will get off the rower to get to the box where you want the box right next to it, so you have to have the camera pointed at the rower which is here and the athlete wants to get right on the box and the larger penalties have from what i've seen all been
Starting point is 00:37:56 given to athletes who have a camera angle where it's pointed at their butt so do you think it was clutch that for taylor versus the world we had a camera angle that was going above i know they had their own cameras no no taylor's video submission was his own camera you could see it like dead on sideways it wasn't pointed up his butt and everybody who had that big old penalty i bet you got a camera pointed at your butt when you're doing your step ups so you think the reviews are illegitimate i haven't seen dave's weekend review but didn't he speak to one of the unfortunate things being no not having a camera placement or am i missing no he did talk about camera angles he for sure he didn't say what about them, but he said camera angles were bad. I would bet that that's the correlation.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Hey, what about this? 661st, does that mean that they looked at everyone else's? Matt Burns says not at all, and he seems to know things. Does that mean they looked at everyone else's submission between hers, her score, and 661st? Absolutely not. Yes, it was. He's talking about that comment,
Starting point is 00:39:08 not your question. Yeah, I really don't know how they can do that to her. I don't know how you can say every single rep does not count, every single one. I'd love to see her penalty, what they did to her. Has anyone seen her workout page powers?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Has anyone seen it? Yeah. Yeah, I spoke see her penalty, what they did to her. Has anyone seen her workout page powers? Has anyone seen it? Yeah. Yeah, I spoke to Paige. Because her penalty. Go ahead. And I asked her, I go, hey, if you just rode and snatched, do you think you'd get the same score or better? And she said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Meaning if there were no step-ups. She just got totally knocked out for those. Yeah, I'm like, hey, you think you can go 20 snatches and maybe 22 Kels and then just take two minutes off and do that for four sets? And she said, yeah. Now that gives her the exact same score with her penalty. Hey, so how did they penalize her? Did they just take off 30 or 40
Starting point is 00:40:06 or did they go through and goes that one doesn't count that one doesn't count that one doesn't count how did they do it 20 i believe and matt burns is in here and he's been pretty vocal about this whole there he is again and he says he never tells yeah well a gentleman would never hint that he knows exactly what's going on either but i've i've heard of four large penalties all given to butt angled videos and dave said that i was a week in review and i don't believe in coincidences so show me a death you with a 20 penalty with a good camera angle and then we can talk okay uh jeffrey adler uh let's go to the men let's go to the men in the um east uh jeffrey adler first place roman krenkoff second austin hatfield third we want to talk about austin does he have a chance to go into the games this
Starting point is 00:40:57 year yes absolutely he's gonna wreck shop uh jason hopper fourth uh down pepper fifth Wrecked shot. Jason Hopper, fourth. Down Pepper, fifth. Samuel Cornwall also got tied for fifth. You don't have it pulled up if you wanted it pulled up. Say it again? There's no on the screen. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Producer. Benoit Boulanger. Boulanger. Boulanger Boulanger Boulanger Benoit seventh is that guy make it who's that guy's that guy I've ever been to the games. Yes Then why?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Ben more well Matt Burns the into the games Wow, okay You got real close Yeah Okay, and he's he's I wonder how old he is. Is he new to crowd newer? He got real close. Yeah. Okay. I wonder how old he is. Is he newer? He is 25 years old. He's been competing since 2017 at least.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Jack Rosemont, also someone else we saw at the crash, Crucible. Any chance he makes it? Ooh, chance. Sure, there's always a chance. Yeah. And why is that? What's his hole? The other guys are better. Okay. High volume gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Travis Mayer, high volume gymnastics? Yeah, he's not great at high volume gymnastics. Muscle ups or being upside down? Like if you had 50 toes to bar to start an event like like the stuff that like almost everybody's good at he's not great at i just look at tyler every time your audio cuts out uh it's because i'm looking at you jack farlow alexander caron uh peter mason uh tyler christopher is tyler christopher going Alexander Caron, Peter Mason, Tyler Christofal. Is Tyler Christofal going for it? I thought he's on some sort of gym tour.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Never, ever going to the games. No, he's going. No, he's not. I talked to him today. It doesn't matter what happens, what kind of drugs he's on. He's not on drugs, but what I'm saying is there's nothing you can do to make him go to the games. He will choke in the final moment. 100% every time, that's what he's going to do. He's never going drugs, but what I'm saying is there's nothing you could do to make him go to the games. He will choke in the final moment, 100% every time.
Starting point is 00:43:06 That's what he's going to do. He's never going to the games. No, he's going. Okay. You want to put some cash on it? He hasn't been to the games. He told me himself that there's nothing you could say, specifically Tyler Watkins, can say.
Starting point is 00:43:23 That will negate his chances of going to the games. Hey, but how serious do you take his... If he's doing a gym tour with this chick cruising around the country, how serious is he taking the games? I'm not sure who he's going with. I don't know. I haven't seen him in any of those videos. Okay. Saxon Pancic,
Starting point is 00:43:42 14th. Saxon going back to the games? Yes. Dre Strom, Luke Parker. Luke Parker going? he goes okay uh saxon panchick uh 14 saxon going back to the games yes yes uh dre strome luke parker luke parker going will dre compete do you know anything about dre since you were there i have not seen dre because dre like luke and he ran like 50 miles today so it was nuts dre qualifies all the time and then doesn't go for whatever reason. Sometimes he gets hurt. Other times, I don't know why. Was Luke running outside or was he running? Where did John's gone? Was Luke running outside or was he running?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Salt runner. Salt runner. Interesting. Long run, huh? It wasn't that long. It seemed like he was running for a long time. Seth Stovall spent. He did a bike ride with Rich.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Do you mean today? It was some like 12-hour bike ride that he did with Rich. He said it was the third hardest thing he's ever done in his life. Wow. And then I asked him if one of the 2023 games was on that list, and he said that's 10th. What's the hardest thing he's done, being on that reality show? No, that was so hard that it couldn't even be put on the list.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It was after he was on the show. Ken Walters knows. Hey, John. Hi, John. You can take your earbuds out now. You can take your earbuds out now. You can take your earbuds out. Just use the phone. Please.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Thank you. Seth Stovall, Seth's a tangent cam crock at Will Morad. What's Will Morad doing? Not me. Never count him out. John, what's Will Morad doing? I thought he retired. Oh, he just keeps on trucking. I mean, I think Will Morad doing? I thought he retired. Oh, he just keeps on trucking.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I mean, I think Will Morad, I think he makes it. He always finds some weird handstand push-up workout to just backdoor everybody, and I think he probably does it again. Nate Ackerman? No. Too young? Not strong enough. And here he is with a ninth and ninth, a second, and a 213th.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Did he get a penalty on that workout? No, he fucking fell off the box. He did it himself. Is this fucking dude going to make it to the games? He's got as good a shot as anybody. No shit. Let me see where you would put him. Better shot than Will Morad?
Starting point is 00:46:06 I would say the same shot as Will Morad. Better shot than Luke Parker? I think he's got a better shot than Will Morad. And definitely Luke Parker. A better than Tyler Christofal? Yeah. 100%. According to Tyler Watkins.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Does he have a better chance than Jack Rosema? Yes. Does he have a better chance than Jason Hopema? Yeah. Does he have a better chance than Jason Hopper? No. I don't know. Hiller? Yes. No shit.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You really think so? Yeah, Hopper's washed up. You think Hopper blew his load on quarterfinals? I think he blew it on YouTube. He's a YouTuber now. And once you're on YouTube, you read all your posts day after day. Yeah, Mike Taylor. Hey, let's play this game right now real quick.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Let's say they're going to take 11 people. Okay. Okay. Does he beat Jeff Adler? No. Roman Krennikoff? Oh, let's just – not who he's going to beat, but let's say – sorry, let me change the name. Who's going?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Who's going? Jeff Adler? Yes. Taylor? Yes. Roman Krennikoff? Yes's in? Jeff Adler? Yes. Hiller? Yes. Roman Krennikoff? Yes. Austin Hatfield?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yes. Yes, barely. Jason Hopper? Yes. Yes. Dalton Pepper? Yes. We're at five, boys.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Samuel Kornweil? Yes. Yes. Benoit? No. No. Jack Rosema? Maybe. No. Jack Rosema? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:47:28 No. Travis Mayer? Yes. No. No. Did I hear no? No. No?
Starting point is 00:47:35 No. Why? I say yes. He's like 18 years old, dude. It's two to one. We'll give it to him. So we're at seven, Jack Farlow? Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:46 We're at eight, Alexander Caron? He's on the borderline. He's not going. Peter Mason? No. Tyler Christoffel? No. Never.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Saxon Panchik? He should. Wait. How many people said no to Tyler? I said no. You did not. I said yes. Saxon Pancic?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yes. Dre Strom? No. Luke Parker? I think he's got as good a shot as anybody. Where are we at? Tyler Watkins for the tiebreak. Luke Parker, yes or no?
Starting point is 00:48:20 I didn't say anything. How was our tiebreak? I thought you said no. I said yes. Oh, oh. How was our time break? I thought you said no. I said yes. Oh, oh. So it doesn't matter what I vote. No, Seth Stovall. Do I give Luke a line or not? That would be nine.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, here's the thing. I think there's like seven guys that are for sure, and then there's about eight guys that could take the next five spots. John, don't ruin the activity. We're going down the list. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Too late. Ruined. Ruined the activity. All right. Okay, so I'm not going to put Luke on. I'm going to put Luke on there. He went last year. That's nine.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Seth Stovall? I want to say yes. I'm saying no to Seth and Dre. I'll agree with Seth. How about Spencer? Yes. Yes. Yes. That's too many. That's a plan. Cam How about Spencer? Yes. Yes. Yes. That's too many.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Cam Crockett. That's many. Remember, I said no to what's-his-face. No. Cam Crockett. Will Morad. I think Will Morad's got as good a shot as anybody. Alex Vigneault. I think he's got as good a shot as anybody. Evan Rogers. No. Marquand Jones. No. Joey. No. Garrett Clark. No. Nate ackerman no no taylor self
Starting point is 00:49:29 yes i think he's got as good a shot as anybody that's 11 ben smith yeah austin spencer no jake you skipped anna poskey i know jake austin spencer hey no no to no to Jake Berman? You skipped Danipolsky. I know. Jake Spencer? Austin Spencer? Hey. No. No to everybody that's left. Jorge Fernandez? Yeah. All righty. Got to let him cook, as the kids say.
Starting point is 00:49:55 All right. So if they take 11, that would get Taylor Self in there. Wow. The gods have spoken. Ooh, kind of the left is Ben Smith is a guarantee. Guarantee. Good luck. When's the last time Ben Smith has been to the game?
Starting point is 00:50:12 If they do. Before? If they do Castro-style programming, maybe. Down. Was he in? Oh, sorry, sorry. It's all the way at the bottom, Zymon. Oh, here we go. Oh, here we go. down was he in that oh sorry sorry it's all the way at the bottom oh here we go
Starting point is 00:50:28 no 2019 and that was when he got the wild card so 2018 good call John okay so that Kenneth Elapsus smoking crack yeah I think he always is right it wouldn't be the
Starting point is 00:50:48 first time okay uh okay though i think did we do the women we did the women that's where we saw the sad news about page powers okay north america west the ladies alex guzzan abigail doma does she make it this was very impressive showing from her. I think so, probably. She's good, yep. Andrew? Oh, yeah. Emily Rolfe?
Starting point is 00:51:15 No. What? Hey, wait till you see the rest of the people. There's not good people, Hiller. Hey, what do you think Abigail Domet takes it? Do you think Abigail Domet could take top 10? Yeah. Yes, Devon. Do you think Abigail Domet could take
Starting point is 00:51:31 top 10 at the games? She's a future top 10-er for sure. Tyler's on crack. No, I'm not. She's insane, dude. 26. You can't be the future if you're 26. Hey, she's the future, dude. There's no way she's 147, dude. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:51:49 She's pretty thin, dude. She's got the same shot at going top 10 as Travis Mayer does top five. Her traps weigh fucking 30 pounds. Even I'm pro-Mayer, and I think that that's a little harsh. No, it's not. Ariel Lowen? Yes. Yes. Rebecca Ariel Lowen? Yes. Rebecca Fuselier?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yes. As good a shot as anybody. It depends on the events. Who has a better shot, Fuselier or Shelby Neal? That is a good question. I would probably say Fuselier. Shelby Neal. Shelby.
Starting point is 00:52:27 God, we really need Fusile at the games though Shelby can hit more homers But Or I mean Fusile can hit more homers But Shelby's better across the board Who Fusile Rebecca I don't know how to say her last name Fusile We really need her at the games man
Starting point is 00:52:42 Agreed She's entertainment. She's so awesome. Her content has been off the chain here lately. Who is this Hattie... Kano? Hattie Kanyo. Yeah. Kanyo. I'm pretty sure that's the firefighter chick.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Damn. But I could be wrong about that, but I think she's the firefighter chick. Alright, I wanna see who this is. Oh, this is a good comment. Brandon S., what do I have to donate to have John never say that damn line again? Good shot as anybody. Good shot as anybody.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Well, listen. Oh, I recognize this girl. When it comes to programming, that's what I'm going to say. But that's the whole game, John. We don't know the programming be vulnerable john say what you mean i recognize this girl she got a danny haran kind of vibe to her right yeah i could see it yes it what nutrition her nutrition's on point right in the middle to the right of there what
Starting point is 00:53:45 did you do here i know that's what i was thinking about i was like where are you in your pool this is not a real this is not a real thing she's about to do oh it's a snatch pull that's the only thing that might not maybe she's doing it's a you oh no pandas but you don't like it are made up this is not a real thing. What is this? This is terrible. She's not going to the games. Hey, dude, that was an efficient bar muscle-up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:29 All right. that's yeah alright geez Louise look at this muscle is that dude Asian yeah is she married to him I hope so he looks like Dan Tai no Dan Tai is way bigger he's just crying just because he's got an Asian last name you just throw out Dan Tai Dan Tai. No. Dan Tai's way bigger. He's just crying.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Just because he's got an Asian last name, you just throw out Dan Tai? Dan Tai's not even Asian. He's like British. That's how racist it is. Okay, so that chick's not making it. Hattie? No, she does panda pulls. She's out.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Gabrielle Spence. Devin Kim. Yeah, she's probably in. I don't think so, man. Dude, if she makes it, that'll be crazy. Only 22. That's a good song, too. Only 22?
Starting point is 00:55:13 No, just 22. Olivia Kerstetter, does she make it back? Yeah, I've been down on her, but I think she does. What? You've been down on Olivia Kerst What? Are you out of your mind? After Wadapalooza, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Someone said it was bad down here. These are great chicks. Kyra Milligan? Yes. This is the year of Kyra. Really? What do you mean by the year? What's she going to do? This is her coming out party.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Cindy McAlishan made it two years ago. Didn't make it last year. What about Cindy McAlishan? She was on the demo team last year. Is she doing demo team again or do you think she's going? I'm biased. She's going.
Starting point is 00:56:02 By the way, if you have a podcast, this is the chick to get. She's a great interview. Yeah, Cindy's cool. She's going. By the way, if you have a podcast, this is the chick to get. She's a great interview. Yes, it is cool. Yeah, she's really cool. You've had her on once. She's good. I know I've only had her on once, but I need to have her on again. She was great. She was so easy. She's smart and she says good shit.
Starting point is 00:56:20 She didn't get a penalty somehow. Didn't have the butt cam right is this the workout yep no you said it was because of the rower
Starting point is 00:56:34 what are you talking about he was doing dumbbell snatches sorry that's my fault Tyler's about to get all mad did you see his face wind up? I was like, I know what's happening. Okay, so Sydney McLishans, we're going to see her at the games again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Okay, that's cool. She got a good shot. Bethany Flores, what is she doing? Is she trying to go? She's trying to keep her back from exploding. She just tries to go to things that take spots from other people, from things she can't do. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Dude. Danny Spiegel? Hell yeah. Yeah, I think so. Allison Scudds? Could this be it? Could this be the one chance Scudds has? No.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Look at these. She's been doing the Open since 2014. Quarterfinals for the last four years. No, sorry. What is this? Individual quarterfinals, team quarterfinals, regionals. She did the quarterfinals too, so is she going
Starting point is 00:57:38 team if she doesn't make it? Wait, say that again? She did the team quarterfinals as well, so does that mean she's going team if she doesn't make the games individual? Whose team would she be on? Go up. It says team quarterfinals 2024.
Starting point is 00:57:56 It has their team on there. Wow. Rhino, CrossFit, dogs. Hey, how does that work exactly? What if she doesn't go? What if she does go individual? The whole team can't go or they got to back up? She's probably listed as an alternate.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah. But then if she doesn't make the game as an individual, she could just be on the team. Which, if that's the case, I'm going to say she does not make it because if you're just, if you're already planning not to make it, it's not there mentally. All right. Uh,
Starting point is 00:58:35 Trista Smith, uh, Kelsey Keel. Yeah. Good chances. Anybody. Hey, if Danny Spiegel is making it,
Starting point is 00:58:44 Kelsey Keel is. When you put it that way, it makes a whole lot of sense. That does make a lot of sense. So I heard that Andrea Nistler was saying that she would compete in semifinals if someone paid her away. Yeah, she did say that. She said that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I saw that somewhere. What's that going to cost? She was going to make the game, so it's almost just more of a trip for fun. She's not competing to make the games, so she probably won't compete in semifinals it's in california she's got a baby somebody would have to pay for her to go she's so reluctant like she just wanders into these things if somebody paid for it she'd go i bet did she make did she do a podcast or something yeah she was on our show last week oh is that where she said it really yeah yeah no big deal y'all didn't hear it really oh yeah wednesday spin show yeah i haven't caught that yet she was also on brian's if you didn't see it
Starting point is 00:59:36 how was it was she cool how was it was she cool yeah yeah no yeah She's super cool. She wasn't aggressive? Has she changed? Did having a kid change her at all? No, she's the same. She's a bit awkward, but she's cool. Emily White, Hannah Erickson, Amy Hosking, Kendall Gilmore.
Starting point is 00:59:57 What is this all about? I had a baby two months ago and I can't even believe what Andrew is doing. How are those correlated? Why? He's not paying his child support? She means Andrea, Tyler. Andrea. I was like, what does Andrea have to do with your baby?
Starting point is 01:00:17 Hiller just sits around and uses all the money on steroids, isn't paying child support. Kelly Clark's 30th. Those aren't cheap. I wonder if Kelly's going for it. It doesn't matter. Wait a support. Kelly Clark's 30th. Those aren't cheap. I wonder if Kelly's going for it. It doesn't matter. Wait a minute. Kelly Clark? Is that the teacher?
Starting point is 01:00:33 No. No, no. That's Kelly Baker. Yeah. Jamie Higaya. Dude, remember how far out she was? Yeah, she backdoored it Awesome Hey, does she have a chance of going to the games?
Starting point is 01:00:49 Awesome She doesn't have a chance to go to the games, but I'm happy she made it to the semifinals Yeah, she's cool, right? Yeah, she is cool Very cool Alright Did we do the boys? We did not
Starting point is 01:01:04 No Wow, okay, the champ is back I love the backdoor Did we do the boys? We did not. No. Wow. Okay. The champ is back. I love the back door. Why you come now? Oh. Hi, why you?
Starting point is 01:01:17 What did you say, Andrew? I want to know how you said that name. Oh, Tevon did it for you? Yeah. No, you go ahead. Do you know who that is who the asian girl yeah it's mrs now yeah miss now uh justin madaris the two-time champ letting us know what does this mean nothing he won quarterfinals last year does it mean does it mean nothing because it's fucking brandon luckett who's in second and he's just an engineer working out in the garage?
Starting point is 01:01:47 It means much more for Brandon Luckett than it does Justin Medeiros. You got to get Brandon Luckett on here. Brandon Luckett's doing some Taylor Self type things. Kill Taylor. He's doing kill Brandon Luckett. But it's machine stuff, so it's just as hard to beat him. You're not gonna be yeah where's he doing it on his instagram you see it on his instagram like john did the workout it's
Starting point is 01:02:11 some god-awful bike intervals or something like that you can you can win some money and like a watch or something a garment uh yeah does justineiros win the semifinals? No. Patrick Gellner wins the semifinals. Is this in the West? Yeah. This is going to be exciting. Bill Leahy finishes higher than Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I'm going to get to see this live. I like that. Has Brandon Luckett been to the games? Yes. 2018. As an individual? Yeah. He was also on your show. 2020 and 2021.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Yeah, I really enjoyed him. So he's been three times. Yep. 2020 didn't really count. Not as fast as you said. Okay. All right, that's cool. We've got to get him back on, too.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Samuel Quant, Cole Greyshaber Zachary Boonton, who's that? He's a strong dude Any chance? Look at him, god So Zachary Boonton, in my opinion Is kind of like, y'all remember Zach Watts The year he made it, I think it was 2021
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yep Don't say it, John What? You're gonna insult the hell out of Zachary Bunton if you say it. We'll see. I don't know. Zach Watts is cool. I'm saying Zach Watts –
Starting point is 01:03:33 Zach Watts is cool, but Zach Watts is strong. And it started with a max snatch, and he started off with an event win. The gymnastics event was ring muscle-ups, and he was really good at ring muscle-ups and just all kind of lucked out for me He ended up fifth place and made it to the games The same thing can happen with Zach Bunton, but the events would have to line up for him Well, that's not Zach Bunton. No, but it's fun because it's got Phil Toon on there. Oh We watched this last There's that Boonton.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Could he have more aggressive eyebrow? Yes. Oh, this guy is a savage. No, he's just Hank. Jeez Louise. What? What?
Starting point is 01:04:20 I think John's stronger than him, though. What is this complex? I'll tell you. 345. What was it? Jerk. Yeah. Three cleans, two front squats, and one jerk?
Starting point is 01:04:37 Yeah. I could not do 345. Not what that adds, dude. Oh, wow. Wow. I can't snatch much more than that, though. That's not even that good. What is this?
Starting point is 01:04:47 290. My knees are watching this. Why is he showing a snatch from three years ago? Maybe it's pinned. So I'll tell you right now, that complex he just did, I cannot do that. But all the max numbers I've seen there, I can do more than that. Do it, John. What is this? Oh, I can do more than that. Do it, John. What is this?
Starting point is 01:05:08 Oh, this looks heavy. This is deadly. Dude, this sucks. This guy isn't even strong. All right, he's not making the game, I'll tell you right now. Damn. Dude, that's only 475 for two. If he took off that Noble shirt, he could do 20 more pounds.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Hey, this was five years ago. All right, so he's on steroids. That is five years ago. He doesn't post a lot. Go to his 375 clean. Where is it? Up, up, up, up. Up.
Starting point is 01:05:42 It says 375 on it. Dickhead. This is also four years ago Wow Wow Wow No way jerks this That's a lauded man dude I agree Brandon
Starting point is 01:06:03 Oh my goodness. What did Brandon say? John, if you do it, you have as good a chance as anyone to make it to the game. Oh, I thought he said you do not have as good a chance to make it. My bad. I misread it. All right. Barry McOchner.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I hope this is true. CrossFit Games just posted their IG that the leaderboard is closed. Oh, is that true? Okay. Let's see. I'm going to go look. Oh, is that true? Okay, let's see. I'm going to go look. Oh, Bill finally decided to chime in. Bill chirped in. He goes, is that true?
Starting point is 01:06:34 He's alive. Bill is awoken. Ask Bill if he thinks he can beat Justin in semifinals. He just giggled. As of 11 minutes ago,fit games instagram says download the app to view scores link in bio and then the screenshot says the 2024 individual quarterfinal leaderboard is closed so many people have said i'm still grateful to crossfit and improvements in my fitness since i started nine years ago uh look at that comment from ash oh what a fucking joke
Starting point is 01:07:04 i'm qualified for the Masters semifinals And I didn't even look at my video Probably worried it'd add to To the more penalties Percent for workout one Well I don't even get what she's upset about She didn't get to watch She didn't get to watch
Starting point is 01:07:19 It's not an only fans page It's your fucking workout What about unvalidated scores What about them? Pour one out for the dead homies. Oh, I like that. Oh, that's a Greg Weissman. Y'all did Nick Matthews so dirty.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Y'all dick Nick Matthews. They met that timeline though. Jesus Christ. Someone wrote an essay already. It's only been up for 11 minutes and someone wrote an essay already we keep going through the west it's only been up for 11 minutes and someone wrote an essay i'm upset that they reposted something from threads like what four-year-old is running their instagram account you know a team of four-year-olds Zachary Boone, Tudor Magda better than one four-year-old
Starting point is 01:08:05 a team of four-year-olds a lot of four-year-olds no Tudor Magda I believe in Tudor about as much as Tyler believes in Christoffel and I feel the same about Christoffel that I feel about Tudor
Starting point is 01:08:21 but for different reasons I think they have a good chance as anybody Brent Fikowski yes, he's going feel that I feel about Tudor, but for different reasons. I think they have a good chance as anybody. Brent Fikowski. Yes, he's going. James Craig. Colton Mertens. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:37 What? He's going? What place do you think he takes in the West? First. Alright, that's freaking ridiculous, dude. He's going to take seven I said six Cole Sager, Trayvon Trayvon Benton Maximilian Krieg, Scott Tetlow
Starting point is 01:08:53 Do you think Cole Sager makes it? Listen, Scott Tetlow retired What do you mean? Unretired It was his last year There he is again Cole Sager No There he is again. Cole Sager.
Starting point is 01:09:09 No. No. I think he's got as good a shot as anybody. Sam Dancer. I think he's got as good a shot as John Young. I like that one. Does he go? Listen, Sam Dancer really does have a legitimate chance.
Starting point is 01:09:30 He sure does. He's not to the games, but does he go to semifinals and compete? Oh, no. I'm saying he has a legitimate chance to go to the games, dude. If Sam Dancer goes to the semifinals, he has a shot. And he's just got to stay healthy. He can't get injured dude it's a lot of man uh patrick velner yeah yeah yeah he'll he'll make a chance you think he wins the the the west better shot than justin uh jacob marlo alexander zanette patrick rafael sanson Jacob Marleau, Alexander Zanet, Rafael Sanson? No.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Why not? Not strong enough? Mexico. Okay. Mexican? Will Leahy IV. Yeah, I think he's got a pretty good shot. Good chances, anybody. What do you think, Tyler?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Do you think he makes it? My heart says yes, but that usually says I should step back. Let's do Bill A. Let's do it. Justin Medeiros, going to the games?
Starting point is 01:10:38 Yes. Brandon Luckett, going to the games? I'm going to say yes. The story's too good. He has to go. I swear to God, I might fucking kick Taylor to the curb and kill Brandon if he makes it to the games.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Dude, that's a cool dude. He is. He's awesome. He'd have to drop some F-bombs. Samuel Quant. Yes. Cole Grayshaber. Yes. Zachary Boonton. No. Yes. Zachary Boonton. No. No.
Starting point is 01:11:09 No. Tudor Magda. No. No. Brent Fikowski. Yes. We're at five. James Sprague.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Yes. Colton Mertens. Yes. Cole Sager. No. Yes. Hiller for the top. No, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:11:27 You can't go out now. Hiller for the top. This is the worst. What are you doing? Last year, they only had nine, correct? Nine or ten? Mm-hmm. Hiller for the top.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Hold on. Oh, my God. Hiller. Oh, shit. Hold on on my mom asked me a question hold on oh shit tyson bajinson for saturday's kill taylor show sorry pedro you're out uh can the boys watch anyone but you uh they said it was okay with you and hey uh watch anyone but you movie i don't know that movie i don't know that but you. I'm looking it up right now. Oh, it's a rom-com.
Starting point is 01:12:10 It's got that pretty boy and that new pretty girl in it. Why the fuck would my kids want to watch a rom-com? Andrew Hiller, you're back. We took an intermission so I could take care of some domestic issues I'm having at the home front. Does Cole Sager make it for the tie break? No. Wow, okay. We're at seven, boys.
Starting point is 01:12:29 He's too close to Bergeron. Trayvon Benton. Real quick, in the chat, can you tell me if there was nine or ten last year so we have a definite number? I know it might change, but it'll for the most part be the same. Question. Listen, all we care about is Leahy getting in in i know we're doing the fucking algebra right now we're doing the algebra you don't like uh what's his face from comp train
Starting point is 01:12:54 and so you don't like no um ben bergeron ben bergeron but and so thus you don't like Cole Sager, but Sprague trains with Cole. He does. You guys want to change on Cole? You guys want to change the vote on Cole? I said yes. That doesn't change your mind about Sprague, Hiller? It's not because of Cole. It's not because of Cole.
Starting point is 01:13:19 This field is not as deep as the East. Sprague works under Brute, dude. Oh, I know who he works with. He works out with Sager. That doesn't mean anything. He gives it to Sager every day. He puts it to him. What is going on this show?
Starting point is 01:13:37 Dude, Sager can't even – Sager can't even deadlift 375. Okay, let's vote again. That's true. That's very true. I feel like Cole Sager always figures out a way to get in. That's how I feel. Him and Will Moore are at it like in the same company.
Starting point is 01:13:50 So let's do another vote again from the top. Cole Sager, Hiller? No. Tyler Watkins? You can only roll those dice so many times. No. Okay, your vote doesn't matter then, John. Trayvon Benton?
Starting point is 01:14:02 No. Maximilian Kreek? No. Scott Tetlow? No. No. Scott Tetlow. No. Hey, has Tetlow ever been to the games? Wouldn't that be cool? He has not. Oh my god. I would fucking be stoked. If him and Braylon made it to the games,
Starting point is 01:14:15 I would be stoked. He was at the games in 2020 because he did Friendly Friend. Even with programming? Do you think he has a chance? No. Even with good programming. He could fuck he has a chance? No. Even with good programming. He could fuck someone's day up, though. He could fuck someone's day up at the semifinals.
Starting point is 01:14:31 That is true. Absolutely. But live competition, he just never has. He's never shown it. Damn, that sucks. I know. I want it, too. That would be so fun.
Starting point is 01:14:40 It's like the guys you like, if they make it, it will make going to the game so much funner more fun more funner thank you more funner thank you uh okay um uh adam mcadams mac wow no yeah no he's not he's not making it sam dancer yes no here's the thing do you guys agree that sam dancer the only thing stopping him is injuries or else he's going How old is he see over 40? Hey? No He's not having to see you see his workout three score Yeah, whatever gymnastics test comes out if he's that bad that alone will put him out
Starting point is 01:15:22 Okay, I like another CBD guy knows how, Carl knows how, CBD Carl knows how old he is because fucking Dancer's probably on all the CBDs. He's ordering crates. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:39 What about this statement here? Dan Guerrero, Northwest Semis might be better than the games. No. Negative. East. It might be. Really? games. No. Negative. East. It might be. Really? No.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Why? Because there's so few seats? What do you mean? Spots to the games. No, it's at Carson. It's at Carson. It'll be fine. I just don't think there'll be a ton of drama.
Starting point is 01:15:59 The people who are going to fight for the last spot, you don't care about those people. All right. Sam Dancer, Drake Lewis. No. John Wood. No. I don't even know who he is. John Wood what? You know. Mike Evans. No. Jacob Marlowe. No.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Alessandro Zanett. No. Tucker McElmore. No. Pete Vellner. Yeah. Okay, we're at nine. If he could do a box step up correctly rafael sanson no tristan harrison why not why isn't why isn't sanson making a tyler 100 and 109 on the first yeah on the first workout but mexico next question but that's not even a reason.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Can you elaborate, or is it just Mexico? No, there's never been a Mexican to make it to the games. There hasn't been. He's right. Just one that runs the games. I was just backed up by the best analyst. Do you remember Darwin Perez, Hiller? I do.
Starting point is 01:17:00 I know Darwin. Darwin Perez, when I first got into CrossFit, he was somebody I first watched, and I rooted for him so hard, and then he was just trash when he got to the semifinals. I'm like, well. The pool boy's furious in the comments. That's that. He's making it, damn it.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Racism is hard to swallow, but it's everywhere. Is pool boy Mexican? He looks Asian and Mexican He looks like a Vietnamese woman Fucked an Ecuadorian dude Tristan Harrison, Chase Smith Any of those guys? I would love Chase Smith to make the games
Starting point is 01:17:37 That dude would always wreck regionals And then he would just always Had an event that threw him out last minute And he would end up sixth or seventh. He was like Nick Forry. He was like three years past Nick Forry. Mexico. He's a big dude.
Starting point is 01:17:54 He's 35. Chances are probably not. I would say no. But it would be an amazing story that I know not a lot of people care about, but it would be pretty amazing. I could get on the Chase Smith bandwagon if he made it. Senior pector? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Oh, he tore his pec? In the middle of the workout. Him and Frazier were going at it, and then he just completely wrecks his pec, and then Frazier just keeps dipping while I looked at him. Hey, dude, this guy, I bet you, used to be a professional athlete or spent time in jail. This is a fucking man child, dude.
Starting point is 01:18:25 This is not a dude you fight in a bar. Um, I'm telling you, I'm chase. You'll never, you'll never find this guy in a bar. I'm just saying like, if this guy flips you off,
Starting point is 01:18:37 you just wave at him. You'll see him in my circles. This is a pretty good front squat though. That's my favorite thing to do when driving, by the way, is when people flip you off, you just, that's a pretty good front squat though. That's my favorite thing to do when driving, by the way, is when people flip you off. That's a really good front squat. Someone gave me the Asian middle finger today. It looked
Starting point is 01:18:52 like this. That's it? I guess. Why? Because it's shorter? I suppose. I didn't really get it. Yeah, that dude's a killer. Hard to hold up that finger. Hold up your... I can get this one, but I can't get this one. This is a year ago.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Is that 3? Is that 305? That was a no rep. What is that? It's 245. Let's say 3 or 4 tens on the side. That's a cool bar. What did you say?
Starting point is 01:19:23 How much weight is that? I'm on my five. It's really hard. I'm going to say 300, 305. I'm going to say those are, there's a steel plate in there too. It might be three 85,
Starting point is 01:19:35 300. No, Christ. It's 300. Those are tense. Oh, let's see his gymnastics. He's got a kid.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Oh, he's going to make it. What is this? He's got two kids. He's not going to make it. This is a year ago. That's not that impressive. Oh, shit, John. Hey, man, he's got good positioning
Starting point is 01:20:10 john you might be able to do that but it don't look like that when you do it yeah i don't know what that means it looks easier john you can't do that i could do this it just looks a lot worse so you can't do it looks a lot worse. So you can't do it. I'm doing that tomorrow. I will limp leg legless rope climb tomorrow. I'm doing that tomorrow with my shirt off. Check my IG.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You're taking your shirt off? No, I'm just joking. Great question though. Great follow up. I took it off today and a bird flew by and laughed at me in the backyard. Chase Smith, 25th. Brandon, so he doesn't make it. Brandon Fabry, does he make it? No.
Starting point is 01:20:50 William Leahy, the fourth. Will William be the lowest quarterfinals finisher to qualify for the games? How about Daniel Cook? It's Coutts. I know. Don't ruin the show uh no he won't make it god what if him and tetlo made that's not him that's not him in that picture i don't think who click that click his profile i think that is him just before he dyed his hair
Starting point is 01:21:23 that looks like him that is not him oh no that's not him never mind that's not that's some dude holding a rabbit it's probably one of his buddies i should be funny i should pull up daniel's uh daniel coots yeah his um ig hey that's it though as far as guys you make it i mean mean, I think Bill's got it no problem. This guy is a freak, dude, this Daniel Kutz guy. That street hoarder is a bigger, more jacked-looking person. That's all he has on Instagram. He just got Instagram not long ago.
Starting point is 01:21:58 You're telling me he's got two pictures on Instagram? Friggin' what's that dude he looks like? He looks like zach efron bang jack efron yeah that's what that's dude no zach efron bang street horner that's what he looks like and they had a kid and it came out all like kooky and shit this is the guy wadapalooza he was he was wild. Yeah, he was wearing a toga or something. He was Mongolian. Oh, that's the dude from his profile pic holding the bunny. He identified as him.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Yeah, that is him. Oh, that's Nate Ackerman? Nate Ackerman, yeah. You want to say that someone like Abiel Domas, the future of the sport? No, it's Daniel Kutz. If he can quit being a goofball. he would be a superstar dude he would be so yeah yeah they don't even know how to have two freaking videos on instagram he's killing he's killing social okay um let's see if there's anyone else down here uh
Starting point is 01:23:00 logan ewing he's not in semifinals. Then he got hurt. He was close. All right, so William Leahy, if there's 10 spots, he's going. He's going either way, whether or not there's two spots or 10 spots. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Did we do the women in the West? What spot does Bill Leahy get? Yeah, we did the women. I say he gets fifth. Oh, shit. Fifth. Fifth? Yeah. I can't confidently put him in the top three.
Starting point is 01:23:33 You do that. Victoria – South America women, Victoria Campos, okay. Okay. The men in South America, Agustin Riquelme or Gui Malheros or Kaique Cervini America Agustin Raquelme Or Guy Malheros Or Kaike Cervini Agustin Kaike
Starting point is 01:23:51 It's Raquelme Okay Raquelme I'm going with the underdog Kalen Souza Souza who's a proven athlete Where is he? Kaike He got blasted by that step upup standard, just like everyone else at Peruvian.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Oh, shit. Oh, right. Sousa might make it. Wow. He's in. Hey, they only get two. It's going to go Sousa, then Richelme, then Kaikei, then Guy. So Kaikei and Guy are not going?
Starting point is 01:24:26 If that's what that order means, then yeah. Oh, I remember this guy. This is a cool dude. I say it's Kaike and then Guy. I'm going to say it's Richelme and this dude, Souza. The answer to this question is he is the absolute best crossfad, but no one knows that. Who, this Sousa dude?
Starting point is 01:24:53 No. Oh, this guy is a muscle. I don't know. He was struggling at the fittest experience pretty badly. Yeah. Caleb? Is that when you finished 50 minutes on a 5K? They got him. Leave him alone.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Okay, my time was chipped wrong. I ran so fast. Didn't Brian Friend try to blast you for that? Yes, he did. Listen, a deadlift 585, power clean 350, bench press 320. Wow, that's a good bench. Yeah, last year he was deadlifting like 405 His best clean was like 205
Starting point is 01:25:28 And somehow now he's doing this What are you insinuating I'm pretty sure I made a video on that You think this guy's I mean if it quacks like a duck And it looks like a duck It's probably a duck Look at his back right lat.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Look at his lat here. There's a striation in the middle of the lat. Stefan knows lats. He's a lat expert. Holy shit. 350 and you back squat 420. Holy shit. That's a catastrophic injury waiting to happen
Starting point is 01:26:01 if you ask me, John. Never power ever again. Why? Why? Because you're weak. That is a terrible back squat. That is a no rep. And 320 is, I mean, it's decent considering he's like four years old.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Crossfitters aren't good at bench press. Wait, explain that to me. Young, you've seen his back squat and his power clean, or they're out of whack? Your deadlifts should be close to each other. Your deadlift and what? back squat are extraordinary dead lifters, and that's just they're anatomically like better at deadlift just from 100 body mechanics, but I
Starting point is 01:26:39 Lose deadlift is a hundred pounds one in his back squat. Yeah, not a hundred sixty-five my best what was 490 when it was 615. Right. In 420, Tyler can squat 420. 420 is not high at all. Especially for a games athlete.
Starting point is 01:26:59 It's just... Tyler, do you really back squat 420? No. I can pull 420 oh come on um you gotta roll with it at this point all right so so so no i'm not rolling with it you call me on z score every time it comes up so south america could actually be fun south america could actually south america is gonna be fun the four guys to watch are suza kaikei cervani uh guillermo haros and uh rachel may okay yeah we're on the street is there's no more place there's no place more fun to be than south america i've heard that too that the crowd's
Starting point is 01:27:37 just nuts apparently the crowd is nuts okay and uh and here we go ricky garrard jay crouch and bailey martin and that's all i need to know. All right. Done. Okay. Women. What about James Newberry? Did he even qualify? Yeah, he did, but it's not a total bar contest. I think he passed him.
Starting point is 01:27:58 He's the athlete of yesterday. Oh, no. That was Hargreaves. I don't think he qualified, homie. He did it? He's on a team, I believe. Oh, okay. What about Jake Douglas? Hey, Jake could still make it in, right?
Starting point is 01:28:13 Yeah, he could. If you're at 33, there could be a few people. Wait, oh, they take 40. No, he's in. Okay, okay, he's in. I'm into the games. I mean, like, something could happen. We could see Jake. Unless they put Ricky on a mountain bike again. He's not going. Yeah. Hey, here's the games. Something could happen. We could see Jake. Unless they put Ricky on a mountain bike again.
Starting point is 01:28:25 He's not going. Here's the thing. The one you guys were looking at was the third workout. That's the gymnastics workout. Jake's got that one down. 15th. That's not bad. His biggest thing is the second workout. That's being actually fit. Sorry, Jake.
Starting point is 01:28:41 You're not going to test anything like that at semifinals. His engine... You're right, but just being fit, he's not as fit. What was that workout? What was the workout you're talking about? Workout two? Burpee box jump over wall ball. Three rounds, 50 wall balls and 50 burpee box jump over.
Starting point is 01:28:58 The Taylor killer. Okay. Meaning Taylor's not actually fit is what John said. You also do that workout for the second kill Taylor workout. No, because everybody's going to kill him. He took like 200th in the race. Hey, hey. Anybody shows up.
Starting point is 01:29:12 And these guys all have engines. We know Ricky does. We know Jay's reinventing himself every time he shows up at the games. And Bailey Martin, he's a little bit of the unknown. But you have to guess he's better than he was last year. Dude, 13th at the games. Okay. All right. unknown but you have to guess he's better than he was last year 13 the games okay all right uh so let's go over to the women of oceana madeline sturt wouldn't that be crazy if she made it dude well look at look at how long it's been since she's been to the game
Starting point is 01:29:40 uh she hasn't been to the game since 2019. And she's the example. So she is training with Proven. She's training with Jay, so I assume she's a Proven athlete. Correct or incorrect? I don't know. Well, let's assume she's a Proven athlete. Her and Jay are like the contra to the normal.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Does it benefit Tia to have her as a proven athlete? Because if the case is yes, then she's a proven athlete. If the case is no, she's not. Correct. What does it say here in the profile? Frog grips. I don't see proven. I don't see proven.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I bet she just does what Jay does. Gosh, she looks so thin right now. But plus, like, works on her own weaknesses. Yeah, she does, right? I mean, she's – oh, proven. Proven HQ five days ago. TSE's use of her. She is a proven athlete.
Starting point is 01:30:39 But listen, I think she will go to the games this year. The amount of Australians and New Zealanders that are going team, especially on the women's side, like three girls who normally could beat her are not there. And then Tia is in America and Ellie is broken still. And she absolutely should make it to the games. I think her and Grace Walton are like a shoe-in, and then third place is up for grabs.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Her posts are dominated by gymnastics movements. You like what you see there? She's strong? She's strong enough? Is this Kulos kilos i don't know what this is that's it looks like 365 that's decent looks heavy god god what just her squat speed on the at squats i know it's light but still how do you know it's light those could be metal 45s for the second time in this hour that's true all righty uh so the women in oceana uh madeline sturt grace walton uh caitlin vanziel they take three they also took caitlin vanziel back which is wicked. I don't think Caitlin's a shoe-in.
Starting point is 01:32:05 What do you mean? That she should be competing in North America? No, like she had that score zeroed out and they brought it back. Oh, okay. Oh, and what I heard was is that Eubanks gave her zero and that Adrian brought her back to life. She spoke to Adrian on the phone and she came back to life. Is everyone going to fire Eubanks anytime soon? Say that again? Adrian brought her back to life. She spoke to Adrian on the phone and she came back to life. Does everyone have Adrian's phone number?
Starting point is 01:32:26 Say that again? Are they going to fire you, Banks, anytime soon? I don't know. Hayley Adams, does Hayley Adams have any chance? Yes. I'm going to say no. Because Tyler said yes. But also because I think it's a no.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Hey, a fourth, a second, a 16th, and a 91st. 44 reps. So her whole thing is strength yeah okay no her whole thing is everything but strength okay another way to look at it uh athena boone aletheia yeah all right all right, this is almost like looking at Africa at this point. You mean like without Tia and Ellie Turner and... You could have just got like Sturt, Wander, and Teal. Wow, interesting. Pretty soon they're going to get rid of the Oceania region. Does Julia make it? Yes or no, John?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Julia. Yeah. I think she's in the running for that third spot. Soon they're going to get rid of the Oceania region. Does Julia make it? Yes or no, John? Julia Anifer? Yeah. I think she's in the running for that third spot. I think she – Oh, no, no. You have a line at this point. I would try to get away from it. I think she's as proud as anybody.
Starting point is 01:33:38 He's brought in his – I love how convincingly you – What's her deal? Has she ever been to the games before? No. She's an up-and-comer, though. She put some top scores in the Open, and then in quarterfinals she did. She trains with the Garards, too.
Starting point is 01:33:55 She's pretty good at barbell cycling and elite gymnastics. Her whole thing is she just has to get all around fitter just with lungs. She's got no shot. No shot, huh? Here's the thing. She's in the quarterfinals or semifinals, so she's got a shot, but she's also got no shot.
Starting point is 01:34:22 She built a little bit like Colton. What is that supposed to mean? He's short and stocky. Hey, this is pretty impressive. I bet Avi can do that. She got her gymnastics down. Avi can do anything.
Starting point is 01:34:40 He can. You can do those pretty good, Hillary. Avi? No, no, those handstands like that, you can do those pretty good. No, I cannot. Really? No. But you're like free handstanding hold wizard. Yeah, that doesn't mean I can bend my elbows.
Starting point is 01:34:54 That's not pressy. When they're alive, they're sweet. What is this, 315? No, that's 335. 325. But it's in kilos, John, so what is this 315 something like that 335 325 but it's in kilos John so what is it really um
Starting point is 01:35:10 5 pounds 148 I don't know why but this video has made me like scared it made you scared I thought she was
Starting point is 01:35:20 going to run into me healers doing drugs and cookbook yeah dude this chick's good man you know when you're standing in the middle of the road and there's a car driving at you I thought she was going to run into me. Healers doing drugs and cookbook. Yeah, dude. This chick's good, man. You know when you're standing in the middle of the road and there's a car driving at you and you got to get out of the way? Oh, it's like that video with the baseball that comes into the screen?
Starting point is 01:35:34 Yeah. God, it pisses me off every time. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now you're the one doing drugs. Saved by Ricky Gerard. I would definitely say she's a dark horse Oh she knows Ricky? Yeah she trains with Ricky
Starting point is 01:35:48 I said that Then she's got a shot She's a definite dark horse I think Manziel has the insight She should be the third person But I think she can get upset And Julia Haniford is one of the people that could upset her Julia's got that cold
Starting point is 01:36:02 Like death stare though Caitlin doesn't have that looking upset her. Julia's got that cold death stare though. Caitlyn doesn't have that. Alright. What are the dates for the semifinals? Do we know? Yes. I think I have something. Europe
Starting point is 01:36:20 and Asia are 17th through the 19th. Those are the first ones? Mm-hmm. Of May? Okay. And then Oceania and West Coast are the 24th through the 26th. And then what's after that? Knoxville is the 31st through whatever, second.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Hey, and what do we know about streaming? What do we know about that? Do you know what's going to be shown and what's not going to be shown? We know that the Sebon podcast is going to show stuff. Yeah, that's for sure. Is that right? But what about like like, are Asia and Africa streaming anything? I hope not. TBD.
Starting point is 01:37:11 I really don't know anything. That's a spin question. All right. Say that again? Is he talking about my glasses? The fuck is on John's face? Yeah. Somebody told me I look like jeffrey dahmer
Starting point is 01:37:25 and it made me feel really bad people say that anytime anyone wears glasses i don't look like dahmer when i put on glasses are you trying to look like jeffrey dahmer slain into it no so we don't know any of that stuff out of my way to make it happen we don't we don't know if anything's being streamed yet. Is there a streaming schedule on the game site? No. Here we go. Patrick Clark. Thank you, Patrick. Asia is streaming. You can have my spot, Patrick.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Are you going to make us do that, someone? What? Whatever it is, yes. You're going to make us watch Asia and Africa? Stay up all night for the views part of the crew part of the ship John come on part for the clicks I don't imagine they spend as much Time in asian africa as we do during this show
Starting point is 01:38:13 We're live on the seven podcast They have a feed okay So they have a feed and we're off Uh important for you guys to know Um if you're having a baby make Sure you uh contact birth fit or if you're thinking and we're off. Important for you guys to know, if you're having a baby, make sure you contact BirthFit or if you're thinking about having a baby or if you're having unprotected sex.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Hey, I'm doing that. There you go. BirthFit, contact BirthFit. Wait a minute. Yeah? Yeah. That was one of the best things. Who said they didn't know John was married?
Starting point is 01:38:44 It's like Chase or somebody if you need any peptides you need to send an email what is the email the website is no hold on
Starting point is 01:38:59 banners it's down here somewhere contact Use code word HILLER or SEVON and you'll get 10% off and some free bariostatic, bacteriostatic, some water you need to unfuck them.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Unfuck them. And you want the ones, if you're interested in trying stuff and you've got some injury issues you want to get fixed, you're going to use BPC-157 is what I hear. I'm no doctor. And if you want to get strong, some people say you should do CJC-1295. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:34 Alexis went to her one-year checkup for her hip, and her surgeon goes, you healed way faster than anyone I've ever seen heal before and she was all jacked up on bpc 157 like like a bottle a month or uh probably a bottle yeah probably about a bottle a month wow all right she was on every peptide under the sun dude some people say you can't even find that when you test for it you can't there you go some people would be myself uh and um of course if you want to get high go to paper street coffee they sell weed no but the caffeine is so fucking strong you feel like uh christians uh snort it like meth and then of course if you if you don't know if you've been living under a fucking rock
Starting point is 01:40:26 uh saturdays is where all the all the cool kids will be hanging out not you john okay you're cool but you're not hanging out um you're gonna go you're gonna want to go to comment what was the comment this is what John Young's TV sees when he watches it That's pretty good. That was pretty good. What was it sees what? Look at John's camera right now. Oh, oh Wanted dead or alive next opportunity to kill Taylor Saturday May 4th 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time What you're gonna do is you're gonna watch the show. We'll probably release, I don't know, 24 hours or 12 hours or one hour in advance. You'll see the workout.
Starting point is 01:41:09 Taylor will do it. Last week, we gave away 500 bucks. No one won it, so it rolls over to this week. So it'll be 1,000 bucks this week. It's sponsored by Vindicate. And that show is absolutely wild. If your kid has a limited vocabulary, watch it with your kids. It'll expand their vocabulary greatly.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Any final words, Andrew? Click those little arrows next to Taylor's face. That's the best part of the ad, dude. Oh, yeah. Don't buy Taylor. Francisco Gomez, toast. Toast. Brandon Smith, yeah. These are so great. Francisco Gomez, toast. Toast. Brandon Smith, toast.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Yeah, that was so good. How about when Taylor told him he had no chance because his arms look small? Poor Kyle. It's going to be hard to outdo that show. The first one, we came out too hot.
Starting point is 01:42:08 We should have reserved ourselves a little. When is Sebon sending John a Mac Pro with a Starlink soon? Something has to be done. What is a Starlink? It's Elon's stuff. Jesus Christ, John. I mean, sorry, Cheese and crackers, John. Has my phone been better?
Starting point is 01:42:29 Yeah. Okay. Any final words, Andrew? John? I'm sorry. The Masters leader board is in two days. Who cares? John? The Masters. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my connection issues.
Starting point is 01:42:47 We will fix it. You are solution-oriented. It's already fixed. Tyler Watkins, any final words? Yeah. The winner of the $2,500 from the Heat One app is Richard L. Leb. Congratulations, Richard. Wow. How close
Starting point is 01:43:06 was he out in first? Five points. So he's on top of the leaderboard all by himself. Yep. Good job, Richard. He beat me by five points. Am I right? No.
Starting point is 01:43:22 John didn't do good. John was in 285 Richard L-E-B Richard Lib quarter finals was kind of weird because if you didn't pick my guy would finish second
Starting point is 01:43:37 and that one first and the guy who went first would finish second on who I would pick and you get zero points hey Tyler can you check the private chat? Yeah. Real quick. I can't find him. Richard Leb?
Starting point is 01:43:56 Yeah. He's in first. What are you talking about? Does he know he won? I don't know if he knows or not. Maybe he's watching. Richard, are you watching? Let me see.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Is this him right here? I don't know if I'm going to be able to show you this. I found this guy, Richard LaBelle. Is this him? 7-79. Oh. Is this him? Should we announce it?
Starting point is 01:44:20 Maybe that is him. All right. Richard LaBelle. I think he should. It looks like he does CrossFit. Announce what? Should we announce what? John, you're doing the black square thing.
Starting point is 01:44:30 That's cool. You can announce whatever you want. I was the highest analyst. Oh, wow. That's all we can say. Hey, Tyler, where was I? Hiller, did you even make all your picks? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:47 722. Good job. I'm the second-best analyst. Andrew Hiller is the second-best analyst. I was doing pretty good and then totally spaced when they put a camera in my hand and I had to point it at Taylor. I forgot to make all my picks. Tyler, you were like top 10 for the first week for a
Starting point is 01:45:05 while that's what i made this this game for so i could train to beat you john damn patrick clark beat me when i interviewed a comment just came into youtube remember the ufo guy interviewed yes i love that's my favorite episode of all time so someone just commented this guy's a horrible interviewer what nonsensical questions to ask someone experiencing something so profound. I first learned from Danny Jones podcast, something I highly recommend over this clown. So in the conspiracy theorist UFO community, you're a clown.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Yeah. Because I asked him if he feels uncomfortable jacking off with aliens in the room. That's gold i do think we should give barkley credit barkley was the actual highest out of all the people that are you know is barkley an analyst he's a computer like we count him as the computer if you beat the computer if you beat me you beat the computer, if you beat me, you beat the top analysts. 201. Good job, Barkley. Thursday, guys, I forgot to tell you this. Thursday, if you haven't seen The Fall of Minneapolis, you definitely need to watch that movie.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Thursday morning, we have Liz Collin on, the producer of it. If you haven't read the book she wrote, it's outstanding too. But here's the thing. Right after that show on thursday at 8 30 a.m pacific standard time the companion workout to the batman will be released it's called robin and john young will be doing it and based on his performance will be the size of the TV he received from CA Peptides.
Starting point is 01:46:51 I personally think this workout is harder than the Batman. Do we know the workout? What? Do we know the workout? No, it will be released. It will be released on Thursday. Okay. I came in released Thursday. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Oh, I came in 1,061. How many people were in there? 1,061? No, there was like 2,000 people in there. All right. Thank you, Patrick. Is your Batman time pretty impressive, Hiller? 2,100. You couldn't do it?
Starting point is 01:47:26 I don't think I could beat you. I can do that workout. It's just... I think, as you'll recall, I think I did it around 12 minutes. I think Nick Matthew did it under 10. I think I could do it in 20. I just would have to rest with the ring muscles. Who did the Heat 1
Starting point is 01:47:41 winner contact for the tie? It just takes me a while. Who did the Heat 1 winner contact for the prize? I could do it. It just takes me a while, you know. That sentence doesn't make sense, Derek. There you go. Ace of Metro Gears. It is not that.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Just for Sean. But it's something I think very few people can do. It will do it. Bill Leahy can't do it? the Robin? I would love to see him do it after wow you'd be pretty good at it I just think it's going to be harder than you think
Starting point is 01:48:19 is all I'll say I couldn't even do it dude did you try? I know I couldn't even do it, dude. Did you try? I know I can't do it. You tried, Robin? Did you try the thing just to see? I can't do the gymnastics component. Oh.
Starting point is 01:48:36 But John can? Sit a backwards up rise? I could do that, so no. Then I can't do that. I was curious. Okay. I'm getting John and I Mac. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Talk to you guys soon. Everyone have a good day. See you early tomorrow morning. I don't even know if we have, what's oh no, no, I won't see you tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's the Susan show.
Starting point is 01:48:58 Tomorrow's Tuesday. Excuse me. Wow. That burp rocked me. Bye bye. Okay.

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