The Sevan Podcast - Wodapalooza Programming & Schedule Updates // Shut Up & Scribble 28

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:09 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Fannie B. So keep the political commentary to yourself. Or as someone once said, shut up and scribble. It's time! What up, thugs? First, I'd like to say thank you to everybody for checking the show out. We got a new sponsor. We got State Farm first off, and then we got Home Grown
Starting point is 00:01:44 Relief CBD is supporting the show. If you guys want the sickest CBD balm to cure all of your ailments, your aches and pains, if you want to desheathe yourself with some CBD, I'd recommend going to hgrcbd. com and using code Recover Better with a capital R for recover and a capital B for better. I literally use it for everything. When I tore my ACL, the doctor said, is there anything we can get you in? I said, can you get me some HGR? And they got it to me. Not to be confused with HGH.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Not to be confused with HGH, bro. Definitely not. Okay. Don't send a guy to my house to test me. But anyways. Different cream. Different cream. Different topical application.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Correct. Not ketamine lotion either, although I have used that in the past. HGR CBD is the best. I'm clean. I'm sober. I like to use it. It's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And actually, it's funny you say that. I was so pumped to hear that they were going to be supporting the show because I've been looking into their products. I think we talked about this before. Every day for a year, starting November 1st, I'm doing 50 strict pull-ups, 100 push-ups, just every day for a year, something that one of my members wanted me to do with them.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And over Christmas, I missed three days. So after that, 200 and 400 one day. Elbows were a little touchy the next day so i was like you know what i bet some hdr products would help me uh push past this so pretty cool to have them on as we mentioned earlier state farm patrick mitrovich first sponsor hopefully of many supporting us reaching out kind of getting the ball rolling so we appreciate you guys and we're excited to have hdr on board as well. Yeah, first off, okay, before we get started, we're going to talk about Wadapalooza today, our freaking massive announcements regarding Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Massive, tremendous announcements. Not to be confused with China Joe. This is going to be huge. We're going to talk about Wadapalooza. But first, I'd like to share something that pissed me off so much yesterday. You guys are going to love this. I'm going to share. Typically, if somebody posts something dumb, I wouldn't share their account and just give them the free uh what do you want to call it advertisement
Starting point is 00:04:06 i don't know but this guy's a disp uh i'm sure a lot of this guy's stuff is great but this one thing in particular this guy used to be his page used to be called be less shit full disclaimer i have no idea what's about to be shown yeah jr doesn't have any idea what's going on right now this is coming out of nowhere i told him the other day that i was actually i told him the other day let me move this that i was actually gonna cry on the show because I was going to talk about the holidays. Changed my mind today. I don't feel like crying, so we're going to shit on somebody instead. This page used to be called Be Less Shit.
Starting point is 00:04:34 He went all woke and changed the name because people didn't like the word shit in his posts. He posts CrossFit tips, and this is a tip he posted. Can you hear that? Start a sprint workout to launch your cows to another planet. like CrossFit tips. And this is a tip he posted. So, can you hear that? Wow. What do you think jr so i immediately thought of you know there's like there's a concept to row work hack like this out there too where don't even want to know it there's like a cadence where you like you pull rest pull rest and then then have two short pulls,
Starting point is 00:05:25 and the calories will skip. It's just some kind of loophole that someone figured out. It looks really awkward, kind of like this. But I don't know, man. A lot of our sport, especially if you go back and you like – in the thread last night, Hiller sent a question to the group asking what do you think you guys can do 30 squat cleans for time at 155 at the final event of the 20 of the 2008 CrossFit games back in the day if you go back and watch them do that thrust on every second counts
Starting point is 00:05:58 everybody's reaching full extension on their on their cleans and like yeah some people are dropping under the bar because it was squat clean to overhead. But nowadays, when you think about the way we would do that workout and you think about how we would pull into the bar quickly, we're, we're, we're in the sport of trying to find little ways to shorten range of motion and efficiency. So if you think about it along those terms, it it's just like you saw at that competition. I think it was at Madrid, everyone's starting the skier again, like a slalom that competition i think it was at madrid everyone's starting the skier again like a slalom fashion because maybe it just gets the cows per hour up faster and you saw like several people doing it like is is that what the sport has become where any tiny
Starting point is 00:06:35 little saving of seconds matters or do you just feel like if it looks goofy you shouldn't do it i don't think this is a it looks goofy thing i think this is a, it looks goofy thing. I think this is a direct way to cheat the lag in damper sensor on a concept to biker. The reason it works like that is because the damper has a sensor, right? The machine senses what position the dampers on. And it takes like two seconds for actually to know what damper you switched it to. So during that two second window, you go from a 10 and you're pedaling at 90 RPM and you're at 3000 cows per hour and you push it to a one, the two seconds it takes to realize you're now at a one, it thinks you're pedaling at 110 RPM
Starting point is 00:07:16 at a damper 10 and you're like 7,000 cows per hour. This is just fucking cheating people. And it's another way that people are getting into this fucking habit of doing things the easy way and thinking that there's a fucking quick fix for shit. Guess what? There isn't. If you want to be better at CrossFit, have good technique, and get fitter. So what's unfortunate about seeing something like this is I actually will tie it into the Waterpalooza programming. We saw the individuals have to do an echo bike cow into a 5k trail run. And then the teams are doing just a straight 5k trail run. What I thought about when
Starting point is 00:07:51 I saw that workout was, um, you don't see biker program very often in a longer time domain type workout. We see them programmed in little sprint interval type stuff a lot in competitions, but you don't see it programmed a lot. Maybe the way it would be most effective in a competition as in like a triathlon or something like that, where you're doing a long duration on the bike erg. And I wonder if just little things like this deter programmers even more from throwing them into a competition
Starting point is 00:08:19 because they're like, oh, dang, if this loophole is there, like anything, 30 calories or less, if I know someone can get seven calories in seven seconds just because of this loophole is there like anything 30 calories or less if i know someone can get seven calories in seven seconds just because of this loophole maybe i'm more hesitant to program it you know see here's the thing i almost want to run another event and put biker sprints in it just so i can see some motherfucker try this and just give them the boot dude it's the uncommon movement clause this is the equivalent of the no's and the George Fernandez's. Not George Fernandez.
Starting point is 00:08:46 What's his name? 2017 assault banger. Huh? Sanchez. Sanchez. Yeah, George Sanchez. Similar. Close.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It makes me look bad. Anyways, hooking the assault banger and pulling it back. Like, look, it's cheating. It's an uncommon movement clause. That specifically is cheating. When I saw that, dude, I I had to comment. So I commented once it just shows you how differently we think like you, you would look for an opportunity to program it and just tell someone, Hey, if you do this, you're out of the competition. What I think about doing is just doing something
Starting point is 00:09:16 like, Hey, yeah, we're going to have a biker in this workout. And Oh yeah, everyone's at damper one. Just mandating the dayper. Just set the damper. Just like at Crescendo last year, there was a team workout for the co-eds and it was standing biker. I just took the seats off the bike just to keep everyone standing up. So it's just like a way to kind of take away some strategy
Starting point is 00:09:38 but also not make it super goofy at the same time. All right, let's get into our wadapalooza announcements announcement one shut up and scribble is going to be doing live shows from the podcast studio at wadapalooza we're going to have special guests pedro not to be confused with a hispanic person this is actually peter white he's irish and huh peter white p Peter White is going to be on the show with us. So we're going to be doing some shows with him. We're going to be having Tyler Watkins with Heat One on the show. We haven't actually talked to him yet, but he's going to come on.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So we're going to be doing shows at 9.15 a.m. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday morning. On Saturday, we are looking at an earlier time slot, probably like an 8.45 a.m. time slot to go live prior to the first heat of Elite Men. And we're going to be doing like a college game day type of show where it's live. We've got multiple camera hookups, several guests. We'll have segments of each show, picking our top picks for each workout of the day, reviewing the workouts from the previous day or reviewing the workouts of that day, so on and so forth. Also, new name for my training program is going to drop at some point over the next week, but we are going to be doing two spectator workouts at CrossFit Wynwood, one on Friday a.m., 7.15, one on Sunday. The workouts are going to be posted soon.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Fucking awesome workouts. I'm going to be coaching the class. Peter and Jay are going to be taking the class. I'm going to have an assistant coach there helping me out. Will is going to be there. We're going to get fit AF. We're going to send out a link to sign up for those classes. And all the info you're going to need ASAP.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Waiting to hear back from Wynwood on that. But, yeah, we're super excited. We're all going to be there. It's going to need ASAP. Waiting to hear back from Wynwood on that. But yeah, we're super excited. We're all going to be there. It's going to be a freaking blast. Miami. Dude, I feel like it's kind of like, yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, me too, man. I think it's something really cool to do if Brian would be keen on it, would be to get
Starting point is 00:11:40 Mr. Spin on the beginning of every show, every morning, just to kind of give a quick recap, storylines from day one. I'm sure he'll be cranking out articles, but then also too, he has a way of getting a lot of information that the rest of us don't have. And it would be cool for him to kind of release stuff like that on the spot, whether it's like injury updates, whether it's a scoring dispute and an issue that got resolved that he noticed overnight, just little things like that. So if people could look forward to the very beginning of the show, having some like really groundbreaking type news fast. Yeah. So we're stoked.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Absolutely stoked on it. Could be a fricking blast in Miami. That being said, if you haven't already go follow self-made training program and CrossFit crash. If you want the sickest competition in the CrossFit space and you're not fit enough to go to the games yet. But you're going to go the next year because you won like the previous four winners or whatever of Crash Crucible. How many? What? Shelby Neal, Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Austin Hatfield is not a qualifier. He'll probably qualify this year. One spot out last year. I would say he's a good bet. Josh Miller. The pedigree's insane, dude. A lot of racehorses, a lot of studs. Check out.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah, it's pretty cool. Get some Crucible alums just from this past year in the field, like you said, via the qualifier. Austin Hatfield, he'll be competing. Colton will be competing individually. Ashley Cope, who competed in the individual field, she qualified elite via the qualifier. So it will be cool to see some familiar faces down there. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of team athletes that have done Crucible in the past that will be competing as well.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So that will be fun. Yeah, and if you want the best training at the best price go to self made training 14 day free trial i shit you not you can't beat it and i'm not just saying that even though i am biased but check it out all right we are going to start with brian spin's article he posted last night in the wee hours of the morn yes speaking of of brian getting information before other people he's got a lot of details for the competition that maybe haven't been made public until this article so it's gonna be kind of cool to go through this it's organized really well he's also got some uh workouts is that crossfit cowboy looks like
Starting point is 00:14:04 jeez he looks lean in that picture. Yeah, he looks skinny. Look at them little bird pecs. All right. Okay, let's start. Schedule, schedule, schedule. Waterpalooza Elite Schedule. Elite individuals will compete on Thursday and Friday,
Starting point is 00:14:16 January 11th and 12th. Elite teams will compete on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. All community divisions will compete Friday through Sunday. High-level schedule. We're going to assume this means elite. And I know that RX is relatively high, but we don't give a fuck about RX. No offense. According to the information provided to the elite division athletes, we do have a very high level schedule. 1145 AM is the start of elite individual competition on Tina Hills. Wow. Tina Hill stage. I would assume that's like a lift or something high skill
Starting point is 00:14:46 because last year they did all the heavy lifting on Tina Hills and then they did the parallette handstand hold. Then 7.30 p.m. on Thursday. End of competition on Flagler. Friday, start of competition at 8.15 a.m. Oh, my gosh, and they're going to go all the way to 8.15 p.m. So they've got a 12-hour day. That is a long day.
Starting point is 00:15:07 That is a long day, brother. Outside, teams, similarly, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m. to 715 a.m. Some long days. It's going to be super fun. What we know, elite individuals, number of workouts, five. Number of scores, six. Okay, so like a regional, essentially.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I like that. How many events was it last year for individuals? Well, I mean, based on this, they're only taking the floor five times. That's a little less than what you would normally see. And, you know, we heard a lot last year about the athletes giving feedback that the ones that participated in both individual and team felt kind of beat up, that the individual competition was pretty rough. And then they turn around and got it given to them pretty good the next day. This is this is cool.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I mean, I think it speaks to Dylan and the rest of the people that are in charge that listen to the athletes, having them take the floor maybe one less time. You have to imagine there's a two-parter which is really cool however they're gonna dose that um five instead of six with seven scores i think is a step in the right direction as far as getting maximum participation on both thursday and friday and then saturday and sunday as well how are they gonna uh do we know what the prize purse is i don't know what it is i want to i want to say that i mean it's a fatty it's at least 50 yeah i mean we got two days work we could quickly message mr velner he's won it three years in a row so he's going for the four pete well last year was your eye went was like 100k i want
Starting point is 00:16:40 to say i want to say maybe it was 75 but i I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. A fat payout. Are you okay with an elite competition, two days, six scores? That's a yes. Having what Wadapalooza usually has at their disposal, I think you can make it a really well-balanced test. That's a whole other argument whether it should be or needs to be a really well balanced test to give away that amount of money i think you can do it with six scored workouts for me just knowing this information the key to whether it was a good depiction or a poor will be how that two-parter is scored we kind of know what the lift is we know
Starting point is 00:17:27 that there's a complex involved yeah we don't know what the individuals are doing yet when it comes to like an endurance workout we can get there but like i i don't know man it just uh we do know the individual endurance workout we know it for the community divisions. We don't for the elite. Oh, wow. We can go ahead and jump down there, but we can assume that if the teams are doing straight-up 5K and then the individual community divisions are doing Echo into 5K, that it would look nice and look clean if the elites are doing Echo 5K swim. Wouldn't you think? Please, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I hope they swim. That'd be awesome i think when you have swimming uh like as a staple in your competition it is easier to have less scored events and say that yeah i'm pretty sure we know who the fittest is here yeah because usually that's a make or break right usually that's a you got a big right? Usually you got a big hole or you're legit in the water. Yeah, if you're an aerobic – if you're aerobically immature, I'll say. Is that a good way to put it? If you're aerobically immature but you also are not a well-rounded human being and you can't swim, that exposes you. being and you can't swim that exposes you um do you like the format two-day indie two-day team versus the old format which was like basically four days each yeah i like it i think it's really
Starting point is 00:18:55 good to just know hey all the individuals are going and not hey i'd rather watch these names compete team. And, but I really want to watch individuals compete too. And sometimes there's some overlap and you don't have them doing both. So no, I think it's cool that it's the way a lot of old school local competitions used to go where you have the same people doing both. So no,
Starting point is 00:19:19 I think it's going for the spectators. I think it'll be a lot easier. I am interested to see if the seating has expanded a little bit. I know last year, a lot of people that went from crash just to watch as a fan weren't even able to watch some of the elites go because the stands were so full hours before. So that, that'll be something that'll be interesting for me to see. Did I yell without muting my mic? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Oh, God damn it. I thought I muted it, dude. Did you hear my dog howling like a freaking R-tard? Yeah, I could hear him. Oh, my God. Whoops. All right. So we did brush on some of these last time, but since Mr. Spinn's got it so easily organized
Starting point is 00:19:59 here and ready to see, cortadito is like the first individual workout, back-to-back couplet, which we usually see at Wadapalooza. 21-15-9 P-bar dips, hang power clean, and then shoulder overhead bar muscle up. Mr. Spin, if you're listening, we went through this last week. I'm pretty sure we had 185-125 for both barbell movements. 185 125 for both barbell movements here it looks like the hang power clean is now a little bit lighter and then the shoulder overhead is a little bit heavier um than that so wow they changed it a bit i like or or there's just there's just a typo in here so yeah i'm just curious i think when we went over it last week it was just we just thought it was 185 125 across i don't think the typo would
Starting point is 00:20:41 be on spin's part he is pretty hammered home. So that, that I like much more. Cause when I initially read the workout, I was like, we either need to traverse in between each third set or break, break the dips into three sets and have a traverse in between. Like they did at the games basically and keep the hang power cleans the same.
Starting point is 00:20:58 But if they don't have that capability, then I thought it was such a hang power clean dominated workout. You know, just 21, 21 hang power cleans and 21 bar dips to make the movements essentially the same to me. It's like one 35, one 55, maybe. Um, I love this workout. We talked about it last week. Um, deja vu. Oh, this is, this is the other one. God, this, and this is, this is, this is a lot cleaner to look at too. I know last time we were trying to figure out the flow, but this is the other one. God, this. And this is a lot cleaner to look at too. I know last time we were trying to figure out the flow, but this is pretty easy to look at. I was looking at this this morning
Starting point is 00:21:31 and just looking at the total reps and the volume, like 75 snatches at 100, not saying that anyone's going to get through them on the first three-minute interval, but just the way it's written. There's a lot of opportunity for carnage on this workout. Oh, yeah, tons. And this is the two-score piece.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I like it. I like the fact that both scores are CrossFit metabolic. It's not like a lift and then a gymnastic skill. You're potentially having a weekend where you've got, you know, I won't say like single element, single modality, but potentially a single modality monostructural test, like a long event that's got multiple elements in it. And then a single modality weightlifting test that also has multiple elements in it. I love that. I want to see a two-parter that's CrossFit on both parts. So I love this here. You've got CrossFit to start
Starting point is 00:22:26 back-to-back CrossFit. So now you've got three scores that are classic CrossFit. Here you've got weightlifting, gymnastics in two destructive combinations. Here you've got monostructural weightlifting, gymnastics. It's so far so good. Hey, will you, hey, will you refresh that real quick? I can't even see it. Refresh what? Just refresh the website real quick. The article just refresh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Okay, cool. Got it. Cool. It was like lagging behind for some reason. All right. Now double or nothing for max load team workouts. We went over all of this. Uno, dos, tres, uh, bike race.
Starting point is 00:23:04 One, the sandbag one coming up yeah and we can we can talk about the the endurance one if you want but do you agree that you think there's going to be a swim at after after the 5k trail run or do you think swim is going to be like in a couplet or a triplet i would like for them to finish on the swim this year the year i went we did a row swim run i would really like to see them get really beat up metabolically then have to get in the water to finish and that way you can make the swim so short like you can really you can really take the volume down the swim and make it really important by doing something like a 5k run into a 200 meter swim because look you could
Starting point is 00:23:45 be the best runner there you could be someone like say like jason hopper awesome runner gets in the water for 200 meters and he could lose a minute to somebody i i love that i think it's i think it's great what do you think about so we see the teams are doing a 5k trail run where are they gonna run wait a minute and we know the individuals are probably doing a 5K trail run. Where are they going to run a trail? Wait a minute. And we know the individuals are probably doing a 5K trail run, the elite individuals. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV, you're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to $330 in value with RBC, including $100 when you open a no monthly fee RBC Advantage banking account for students.
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Starting point is 00:25:25 five Ks. Or do you think that's even going to be a thought? This is, this is the team, right? Is team, hold on, let me go to the other. So team just runs a five K and they just add up all three times. So you just run as hard as you can and your combined, your total time is your score. Right. And then the individuals, we don't know the details of that yet but we can surmise that if they're building upon that 5k run with an echo bike that maybe they're gonna do a bike run swim i don't what i'm saying is if you're doing both you're running 10k over the course of the weekend i don't i don't think 10k of running is a crazy amount of volume over the course of the weekend i don't i don't think 10k of running is a crazy amount of volume over the course of even two days spread out i think we get caught up in crossfit of like oh i
Starting point is 00:26:12 ran yesterday i did 800 meters in a workout i can't run tomorrow 800 meters of running is fucking pitiful amount of volume like that would be like doing 50 air squats it just is yeah but three miles hard right i agree i that's why I don't think, I think one, if they did decide to do that, it would be fine on the athletes bodies because the volume across the weekend already is pretty low, at least in terms of number of events. Um, I, however, don't think that they will do a 5k for the individuals and then make them do it again for teams. That's just not a distance that you want to do add intensity and then go right back again and do it i can see them more likely huh i think they're gonna do both you think you think they're gonna
Starting point is 00:26:54 make both of them run a 5k yeah what i think could happen though for the spacing over the weekend is that it's not like a friday saturday back-to-back deal it would be two days as well as do that on thursday and then they don't the teams don't do it until either saturday or sunday is that better david wide 5k run is also like an edit like uh it's not um at bayfront i think it's like i think it's more of an off-site thing really where do you go off-site in miami a trail, a city run. I think it is a trail run, like a mountain bike course. Wow. Take them to the glades and take them to the Everglades, make them dodgy alligators. So, yeah, I mean, you know, they, they didn't release what the individual's elites are doing. Maybe they're not running at all. So like to your point of not thinking that they're going to do
Starting point is 00:27:43 10 K of running, that'd be cool to see if they just completely flipped that workout a little bit and took the run out interesting all right sandbags in i haven't seen that must be a new release like over the last few days for time buy-in of a 360 foot sandbag carry 120 feet each then 975 reps relay style of sandbag clean sandbag squats finishing with a 350 foot 360 foot sandbag carry this is pretty similar to the norcal classic workout right wasn't it cleans and squats like a sandbag complex yeah cleans and squats and it was just like yeah five three one or like five four three two one something like that it was five four three two one yeah or the opposite rep scheme one two three four five yeah short and short and sweet i mean typically at wadapalooza we see like a sandbag carry remember we saw the sandbag carry with the handstand walk that year where some people kind of
Starting point is 00:28:44 blew the handstand walk under high fatigue last year i think they did a d-ball carry in that workout with the rowing i think it was row and then d-ball clean and then d-ball carry like a 200 foot carry to end the workout so yeah keeping some stuff there will be interesting if it is a d-ball or if it is a sandbag whenever i see it written like this i always wonder because one is a little different and some people are way more efficient with one versus the other do you think d ball cleans are harder to go touch and go than sandbag cleans 100 100 harder because in a workout like this especially since it's a team relay like you have to you have to go touch and go. To me,
Starting point is 00:29:30 it would be cool to see if it is D-ball, if it's not D-ball, because little nuances like that will change this workout because it's so fast. I hate when competitions do
Starting point is 00:29:45 that like when a video shows a d-ball but the the workout says sandbag because they're not the same thing at all yeah all right huh you want to show this video yeah let's see we're gonna get pinged. Wow. So we see sandbags, but we're using the D-ball in the video. D-ball. All right. That's enough of that. Okay. So yeah, again, unless there's a stipulation that you cannot go touch and go,
Starting point is 00:30:40 the people who are able to do that and efficiently that's a huge huge advantage all right so what we know now is thursday there's something on tina hills then cortadito friday we have the unknown swim event double or nothing and deja vu double or nothing is the interval work no deja vu is the interval workout double or nothing okay it's complex and then so cortadito and the swim event ah man do you remember the year that this was when it was still i'm pretty sure this was still when it was behind a paywall when they did the diane but they swam out to the to the buoy and they did the handstand push-ups and then like swam back and did the
Starting point is 00:31:29 deadlifts they did uh handstand push-ups on a like on a barge like on a on a little island it was so cool dude i it would be i just think it would be really cool if they like use the swim as the as the transition between a classic couplet it would just be really cool if they like use the swim as the, as the transition between a classic couplet, it would just be really cool if they brought something like that back for the swim. But it looks like we're probably going to get kind of a sprint triathlon type deal. So that'll be cool to watch.
Starting point is 00:31:58 What else is on the table? So we got a dumbbell, heavy dumbbell for snatches. I don't anticipate seeing dumbbell again. We got a dumbbell heavy dumbbell for snatches i don't anticipate seeing dumbbell again we got a sandbag already we got a barbell for complex and a barbell for two couplets like we've already covered a good a good um spread of weight lifting movements hasn't been a ton of gymnastics yet so we have the dips and the bar muscle ups chest to bar pull-ups box jumps what do you think's left ghd toe to bar still on the table wadapalooza likes to do some dumbbell bench so we could see dumbbell again or even a barbell bench
Starting point is 00:32:36 is there anything glaring that's standing out so far we've got an interval workout what we think is a long aerobic workout. Uh, do you think that the individuals are going to use the D ball and do something like that? Like a D ball squat? Or do you think they'll go away from it? Because some of them will be doing it like twice in two or three days. It'd be cool to see that first workout potentially on, uh, Tina Hills where they start. Like, I wonder if they did something similar to that row swim run that we did a couple of years ago where they start on Tina Hills with like a, some sort of like maybe an echo bike.
Starting point is 00:33:11 They swim out and finish like some sort of a chipper on that stage. What was that Flagler that they swim back to? Um, or Bayside, not sure. They do a chipper normally. What a blues. It typically has a chipper.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Um, I don't really consider that interval workout a chipper. It kind of is. It kind of is. I mean, you're basically just doing it three times. Yeah, I would like to see definitely some trunk flexion. A D-ball is easy with the swimming. They've done it in the past, and I would like that.
Starting point is 00:33:41 There's not like a – aside from the dumbbell snatch, it doesn't seem to be a whole ton of pulling from the floor. You know, I mean, you pointed out the trunk flexion. That's the main thing that stands out to me is toes to bar and GHD sit-ups. And then I always prefer to see some form of running tested in an elite individual competition. I'd still expect to see a, to see a rope climb of some kind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I mean, the backdrop on Bayside with rope climbs just is like, that's one of the things I think of when I think of Wadapalooza. I think of watching people climb the rope with the ocean in the background. It's pretty cool. Do you think competitions like a movement like a ring dip? Do you think we ever see Wad waterpalooza program something like that? Would you ever program something like that? Well, I remember last year in meat market.
Starting point is 00:34:35 The workout was, I believe, supposed to be dumbbell bench press and strict chest to bar. And just to know that the original version of that workout was strict test to bar lets me know that whoever's programming it has the balls to do something like ring. You know, Guido Guido's idea was strict chest. So that's, that's, which I love that idea. So seeing that, yes, for sure. Um, I think, yeah, I think some people like to play it safe a little bit with the subjectivity involved. And I think a lot of people like to be trailblazers. They like to be people who take chances and take risks and see if something can work because they know that if it hits, they'll, they'll see it repeated. And I mean, imitation is the best form of flattery.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Dude, I'm just thinking about some people posting the comments, the air runner hasn't popped yet. So we could likely see individuals use an air runner, but could you imagine how devastating pairing ring dips with the swim would be relatively safe if they're low rings right if they're hung about shoulder or chest height relatively safe in terms of okay you're not going to slip it's not a dangerous movement to do while wet you think that is relatively safe you mean injury wise or like slip yeah just people slipping no dude, dude. The rings are wooden.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. I mean, a brand new set of rings, they get sweaty. They're almost like grippier. I do not expect to see a ring muscle-up or just rings at all because you have the P-bar dips and the bar muscle-ups. I would be really surprised if they had a ring muscle-up with only six scored events. Yeah, and they're not going to do – I'm just talking out of my ass. They're not going to do a ring dip with the bar dip already in that first workout but dude
Starting point is 00:36:07 a ring dip swim combination would be so brutal just fantasizing yeah i mean you see a lot of people use you know there's a hero workout rocket right it's push-ups swimming and maybe air squats like push-ups and swimming is something a lot of people do. Burpees and swimming is something a lot of people do. So, yeah, when you get a press like that. I mean, like I said, that one year, I mean, I don't remember there being any issues with safety. I'm sure they had like a turf or something they were using for the handstand push-ups. But they were swimming, getting out, kicking upside down, doing handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So, yeah, any kind of swim with a press is a is a pretty devastating combination wow so we're right at about two weeks out i would expect by next thursday show i mean hopefully we have all the details of all the workouts or at least all the workouts without maybe some of the details that they're leaving out on purpose and maybe you guys will come join us and work out with us in Miami. We're going to keep promoting. We'll get as much info out as we can. So what days, again, are you going to be at Wynwood?
Starting point is 00:37:12 I'll just pull up the workouts that we're going to plan on hosting. Still trying to talk Andrew into coming down too, so maybe he'll be there. Much to Will's chagrin. I didn't let him know that we were doing this but I'll pull up the lesson plans I have out so the days are going to be what in the world one second Friday, 7.15 a.m. at CrossFit Wynwood.
Starting point is 00:37:49 It's like a 12 to 15-minute drive from the venue. And I think it's in the area where a lot of people get Airbnbs and stuff when going to Waterpalooza. And then Sunday, 7.15 a..m so a day break in between so friday 7 15 a.m hour class and then sunday 7 15 a.m hour class let me pull up this see if i can i love the i love the early time slot because it's like something that people can come and do and get their workout in and over with they don't have to worry about trying to fit it in during like a two-hour break right in between workouts or trying to get in and out of the venue.
Starting point is 00:38:27 So it's, it's awesome that you have that early time slot. All right. So let's see if I can maximize this or zoom in command plus I'm learning how to use a computer. Uh, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:38:38 blah. All right. So fuck me. All right. Friday, day one, five rounds for max reps, one minute of burpee pull-ups, one minute of clean and jerks, one minute of row calories, one minute of rest. So they should be able to accommodate for potentially up to like 36 people. Not that I think we'll get that many.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I'm not going to suck myself all that much but you know we could potentially have 12 people each station i think winwood's got 12 uh rowers so people just alternating but like a fight gone bad style of workout with some pretty nasty movement combinations um i did this a week ago just with burpee box jumps and dumbbell snatches was the initial variation we had written. And I had a Saturday time slot to do a third workout. So it was initially going to be, it was initially going to be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Then we got Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Now we're in Friday and Sunday. So we removed, uh, the Saturday workout opened up a couple of movements that I would have rather have done. Um, and the burpee pull up and the cleaning jerk made the debut. So I'm going to be coaching this class. I'm going to have another one of my coaches, assistant coaching. You guys will get to work out with Jr.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And Pedro, Pedro, Peter, Tyler Watkins, maybe two. Will Branstetter as well. Wow. It's going to be a party.
Starting point is 00:40:04 There's going to be a sign-up that we're going to release. Not sure on the specific details or the process for that yet. I'm still waiting to hear back from Wynwood on a link or some sort of document we can send out to get people
Starting point is 00:40:19 to sign up. Oh, wow. We'll put the link to something like that and shut up and scribble like in the Instagram. Peter's going's gonna work out naked so if you want to see what it looks like to be a guy without a penis oh hilarious okay so that's friday yeah for the people for the people listening that can't that can't see the screen first workout of the day lots of uh lots of first workout of the day lots of uh lots of coaching opportunities but i'm someone that just wants to know what the workout is to decide whether or not i want to come when that's okay uh fight gone bad style you want to go through the movements again yeah it's one minute of burpee pull-ups one minute of cleaning jerks
Starting point is 00:41:01 at grace weight 135 95 one minute of calories in the rower one minute of clean and jerks at grace weight, 135, 95, one minute of calories in the rower, one minute of rest for five rounds. So 20 minute workout as metabolic or as for quality as you want it to be. Um, so if you're somebody who's not looking for a lot of intensity, you could spend that first minute doing burpee, strict pull-ups, just working on your strict pull-up strength. That second minute, you go a little heavier on the clean and jerk or go a little wider and work on technique. Just move nice and easy. And that third minute you can row as fast or slow as you want if you're in there and all the juices are flowing the adrenaline's out you see all the girls with the you know miami uh attire and you're trying to get after it get a big pump you just go hard as fuck so it's gonna be an awesome workout then what do you think on that like double grace um like 200 plus is a fit score.
Starting point is 00:41:46 200 plus reps. Burpee pull-ups, I would say 10 to 15 is where you want to be. Cleaning jerks, again, I would say 10 to 15 is where you want to be. And then row calories as a guy, you definitely want to be over 20. As a lady, you want to be over 15. That, I would say, is a fit score. I did a workout yesterday of one minute of power cleans, one minute of rest, one minute of bench press, one minute of rest at 205 for each. And I was getting like 13 to 15 power cleans each minute and that 15 bench. So I think for me, I would try to shoot for like 15 cleaning jerks. A little,
Starting point is 00:42:19 it's a little more metabolic than a power clean going overhead, but one 35 is quite a bit lighter. So I would try to shoot for 15, maybe more. Um, then Sunday, eh, a couple of variations of this workout. We went through as well. Uh,
Starting point is 00:42:38 command a mashup between Nancy and Helen ish. Uh, me and the coach is going to be with me. Bryson did this workout last week, five rounds for time, 400 meter run, 21 toes to bar, 15 overhead squats at 95 65.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Uh, what we're going to tell people is the stimulus, the intent of the workout is to be able to perform the toes to bar one to two sets throughout and the overhead squats unbroken. So if you're looking at the 21 toes to bar and you already know there's no shot, take the reps down to 15, take the reps down to 12, maybe even nine. We want the workout to be that fast Helen Nancy style of it's only as metabolic as your ability to push on the run makes it meaning you have to run hard to make the workout hurt. You shouldn't be held back by your ability to do toes to our overhead squats. So me and Bryson did this, I think I was 1453. He was around 17 minutes. Um, and our goal for people is between 17 to 22 minutes on this. So run your runs at a two minute pace or faster, modify the distance, pick a total bar rep count.
Starting point is 00:43:53 You can perform in one to two sets and an overhead squat weight that allows you to get right to the bar, get it overhead and perform the 15 reps with confidence and unbroken super stinky workout. confidence and unbroken super stinky workout this was uh this was nasty fun yeah i mean you got a lot going on here you got legs with the squats into the running which you're gonna have to run hard to get a fast time you get a lot of hip flexors you get a lot of midline i mean it's a it's a great triplet and wg baby stoked on Stoked on it. So those are the two workouts. It's going to be a lot of coaching. We're going to coach you up. It's going to be fun as F.
Starting point is 00:44:30 If you want to feel the energy in a class, come check us out, baby. It's going to be sick. All right. Wow. And with that, anything else, JR? Anything else you can think of? No, I think that's good, man. I'm excited to get the last few workouts for Wadapalooza. Start talking about maybe who we like as far as picks and stuff go, but we're not going to spoil all those things because we're going to have some cool segments down at Wadapalooza
Starting point is 00:44:59 where we make some picks for who we think could be potential winners of each individual event. And then as the days go on, maybe we can get some action going with like maybe some little side bets, prop bets with like some burpee penalty type thing. Go head to head on some stuff. It'll be fun. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:20 All right. And with that Rambler, see you later. Thanks for spamming the chat. Good day.

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