The Sevan Podcast - WORLD RECORD CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 | Taylor Self vs Dallin Pepper by Born Primitive

Episode Date: March 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Every morning, we wake up knowing what's at stake. Freedom. Honor. Duty.
Starting point is 00:00:43 This is more than a mission. it's the oath we took it's the flag we wear on our sleeve and everything it stands for we don't do it for money glory or fame but for something deeper it's for our families for freedom. For our way of life. And to anyone who tries to take that away from us... Good fucking luck. Forward! Even when the mission is complete, training is never over. We are constantly hon owning our craft and sharpening our axe that is the warrior mindset this isn't just a brand to us
Starting point is 00:01:54 we're a part of these stories because we've lived these stories and while we might have hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission is to outfit our nation's heroes with the best apparel on the planet. By the Operator, for the Operator. To those still standing on that wall, we salute you, the damn few. Born primitive tactical, for those who defend. Welcome, guys. We're here.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's finally here. Friday night. John Young, J.Y. Barbell, senior analyst, best in the space. Myself, Caleb holding down the square for J.R. Howell. We're stoked for you guys to join us. That is a video coming out of our great benefactor for the night, born primitive, barehandling, served this country at the highest level. He started a company that makes apparel and gear for everyone, and he's also a great philanthropist.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Everything on the site right now is on sale because of this show. BPOpen20 is the code. And today they launched their swim collection. It launched today at noon. And rumor has it they have the best leggings and sports bras uh in the game will brandstetter bringing the uh technical ability to crossfit charlotte there is andy handle right in the metal middle in the maroon shirt he's been generous enough uh to let us use his gym for taylor self versus the world wild zombie i can't wait until this podcast finally takes off. I know me too.
Starting point is 00:03:46 We're trying. Uh, we're stoked. You guys are all here. Um, this is one of a three part series. Uh, this week will be a Taylor versus down pepper,
Starting point is 00:03:55 America's fittest man. Um, and, former CrossFit games champion, uh, in the kiddies division. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:01 I think it's no, um, no, uh, far, far far fetch um nostradamus uh hypothesis that he will one day also be the crossfit games champion he's very young he trains under matt torres over at brute and he's been committed and he is a pristine looking man and athlete taylor is going to have his hands full as they do the CrossFit Open 24.1. The second week will be against Jason Hopper. You guys know him very, very well. He exploded onto the scene with some dominant performances at semifinals, been to the games a couple times.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And then, of course, the one that's really going to hurt your soul is when Taylor goes against the seven podcast, favorite athlete of all time, Colton Mertens in week three. Jay, this is the first time we've done something quite like this. I believe J.R. is working out some of the technical difficulties of getting his mic working. Lucky camera straps from Australia. I'm'm so pumped for this my money's on the thumb uh so let's dig in uh john yesterday uh you and i both picked dallin um there's down pepper right there we've seen the we're starting to see numbers roll in you and i have both done the workout uh caleb's done the workout any any now that you've done it now that you're seeing the numbers come in um are you still sticking with down pepper and what Caleb's done the workout. Now that you've done it, now that you're seeing the numbers come in,
Starting point is 00:05:27 are you still sticking with Allen Pepper and what? Yes, I'm still sticking with Allen Pepper. We have not really seen – all the elite numbers are sub 620, would you say? Like all the elite guys that we've heard. The really elite, top tier. But we did see Jack Farlow come in with a 7. What did he get? 7.45. 7.45.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And Jack Farlow is a legitimate games athlete. He is. He's also a bigger athlete with not the best lungs. But Laurel Horvath got 7.01. So I think a couple of the athletes, I put no stock in their open scores. Okay. If somebody comes out with 745, that's cool. Jack Farlow has better endurance than Bronislaw Lenkiewicz for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And Bronislaw got 622. So I think Jack did the workout as a warm-up to a real workout. That's what I think happened. I would not put my money on Emma Lawson on the Heat One app just because of that fact because she's probably treating it the same way. Eric Weiss, this is sick. Let's go, Taylor. Also, always in the house, always supporting the Sevan podcast,
Starting point is 00:06:42 Nothing happens here. Nothing moves forward. The lights are kept on by the year-round CA Nothing happens here. Nothing moves forward. The lights are, lights are kept on by the year round support and, and beyond, uh, from CA peptides. Uh,
Starting point is 00:06:53 we're so thankful to, uh, have, uh, Sarah Cox, uh, always there, always involved,
Starting point is 00:06:59 checking in with me every day. Always great to my family. Uh, 12 daily doses, 1138. Please tell me you use 35 pounds please tell me jay hartle the armenian the workout hurts chicken our group 732 chicken our group that means he gave a chick score not his score uh asymmetric ears 1355 of torture good job guys man look at all these people that have done it already sarah cox what's up girl good to see you um lynn uh collects rich froning 654 somebody said gee was 923 uh so give me your
Starting point is 00:07:32 take on that does that fit in the category of the oh you don't take stock in it or is he just not i mean 923 is that's next i might have to redo the workout just so I can beat he and Then talk mad trash about it. But uh, 923 is flirting with That's not really flirting with anything because it's 25% but that's a lot slower than 745 and I think 745 your dog I want to give a nod to Don fall. There's reports coming in that he got a 1003 Don0-3. Don Fall, 10-0-3. Good job, Don.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Incredible. Jeff Lovelace, 10-39 for me. Will, we can hear you good, buddy. Sounds great. We're switching mics, so a little difficulties today, but, you know, works yesterday. It doesn't work today. It's the joys of live events.
Starting point is 00:08:24 We've got JR. We're micing JR up, so we'll be good to go in a second. Hey, the camera's perfect, and John's killing it, so don't worry. Love you, John. Love you, too, Will. Adam Ambrosius, after the workout was released, the picks have shifted 75% for Dallin to 59% for Dallin. I think what he's talking about is, oh, that's the Heat 1 app.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Let's go over to the Heat One app and go to our picks. Scroll down, scroll up. Taylor Self, let me see. Mine still says Taylor 29%. Let me refresh here. Oh, Taylor Self. Taylor Self, 41% of the people think Taylor Self is going to win. 59% down pepper. Are the people who people think Taylor Self is going to win, 59% Dallin Pepper. Are the people who are picking Taylor, is that an emotional pick, John?
Starting point is 00:09:11 I mean, the people who switched to Taylor after seeing the workout, I do not think is an emotional pick. The people that picked Taylor before they knew the workout, absolutely, it's emotional. How close do you think this is going to be? Closer than people think i think taylor has an elite engine and this whole workout it's just how good can you breathe and he's top tier like if you if you and if people don't believe me like go back and watch splatterpalooza when he was there, any endurance event, he was top three of the entire field. And when you say it's all breathing, I can totally relate. I didn't know this at the time, but now that you mentioned it and I flashed back to me doing the workout, I was noticing that I was taking four breaths between burpees. Like I was literally, all my movements were the cadence
Starting point is 00:10:01 of my breath. And I would make these little sounds. And then down and then back up. And then in four breaths, every time I would go up and down. Do you remember how many breaths you took between each time you went up and down? One. Oh, okay. That's why I didn't finish. And you did.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That's badass. What did you say, Caleb? That's why I almost got capped, too. Sunny Day Rambler. I went balls to the wall. I got 801. Good job. Dang.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. I got a twild. All the other times we have tried this live stream, we have not had a live audience. You can see Taylor Self in the back there. This is his home gym. Andy Hendel, he's the actual owner of the gym. Uh, he's on the level one team. Uh, he's been around forever. Uh, as long as I think I've been around, um, what zombie, uh, at least there's no rant, random ads, small team. Oh, give it a second. We'll get, we'll get a few random ads in there. Uh, see my boobs. Taylor will sell His mom on a street corner I think that's a metaphor for he's
Starting point is 00:11:06 Going to go hard Noah Olson 551 do we know What the fastest time what's the fastest time That we're hearing it's rumored out there The fastest that I have Seen and I mean I know people Have heard numbers but like they have
Starting point is 00:11:22 Actually seen video and there's like It's legit is 547 from half austin halffield okay i did it and um i was sick but i didn't feel sick when i was doing it i didn't i mean i was coughing and hacking but i didn't feel like it was slowing me down it wasn't impeding my breath uh so i don't know i i don't think i can really uh use it as an excuse hey boys can we do a mic check for JR real quick? Absolutely. We'd love to. We heard him for a split second, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:11:55 We are three minutes and 30 seconds away from the start. You see Taylor out there in the Savage Ones. No CA peptides for him that would make it so he's disqualified uh dylan pepper rolling around bringing his dumbbell these are not small dumbbells if you have not done this yet they're not small dumbbells uh savvy how did rosemary do my mom came to the house today and she says she's doing the foundations competition, and she was telling me that the recommended weight was 15 pounds, but she was thinking about using five, and I was like, yeah, use five. Do it.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Do it, do it, do it. I'm going to say Dallin gets 603, and Taylor gets 621. Okay, okay. That's my prediction. 621. Okay. Okay. That's my prediction. 621 and 603. To put that in perspective, I believe Ricky Mack from Australia, the guy who sits at the top of the mountain of badasses,
Starting point is 00:12:59 I want to say he got a six minutes flat. I don't know what Ricky scored. All right. I think it was pretty close to that. Ross Lewis, Taylor, 556 is the guess. Wow. Breaking six minutes. All right, guys. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Can you hear me? We can. Thank you. Thank you. Velner, 601 with the long arms. He always is good with burpees, though. There's burpees in it. He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Can I brag on somebody real quick? Yeah, please. At at my gym there's a girl her name's veronica mota and she is six months pregnant and she did it in 1323 wow annie thor's daughter did it she's a monster yeah that's crazy hey did she build a little place for her stomach to go? No, what she did It's a much harder version She would go to her knees And then put hands on
Starting point is 00:13:52 And just lower her chest to the ground So her belly can still be in the air And then go up She did that for every single burpee Basically it's a negative push up Every single burpee And still finished We are 1 minute and 25 seconds negative pushup every single burpee and still finished. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:14:05 We are, we are, we are one minute and 25 seconds from starting the CrossFit Charlotte 24.1 open brought to you by a born primitive and There are places in this world at the edge of the unknown, protected by nature's ruthless beauty and our own self-doubt. Places that connect us to something bigger, that remind us to appreciate the bold and applaud the fearless. Places that remind us how similar we all are at the core.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Explorers and dreamers, places that bind us to what we could be if we went just a little bit further. There's more to you than imaginable, hidden out there in the unknown. Go find it. 15 seconds, 15 seconds. I believe Andy Hendel, the owner of CrossFit Charlotte, will be starting the event. J.R. Howell.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yes, sir. Who's going to win this, buddy? I'm still going to give Taylor the edge home field advantage. And what are we thinking for times? I think they'll be within 10 seconds. All right. Anything we need to know? Have they worked out earlier today?
Starting point is 00:15:44 No, they've really done nothing but lay around and rest. So, I mean, I think they've saved everything they've got for this workout only, and it should be a good show. And how's the mood? The mood's great. We've got a 10-second countdown coming up right here. Dallin Pepper in the black shirt. America's fittest man taylor self co-host of shut up and scribble on the sevon podcast owner of sentinel training big training program all right guys here we go
Starting point is 00:16:17 five 3, 2, 1, go! So guys as we watch them we're going to see a difference in cycle rate with the dumbbell early on, but as the workout takes shape it'll be good to note how much slower they slow down on this speed on the round of 15-9. I notice Dallin is much wider but Taylor is slightly faster. Both heads of the dumbbell have to touch the ground for the rep to count. Do they both have judges JR? Both have judges, yep. Dude they are going out so hot. They're not using the step-up technique?
Starting point is 00:17:05 No, so Dallin's coming out way hotter than Taylor is. Taylor looks a little bit more controlled. It's fast, right? He's breathing through it. He's a speed burpee split ski. Yeah, we talked about this yesterday, guys. You know, there's two approaches. You either think you can pace it perfectly
Starting point is 00:17:23 where you can build your speed as the workout goes, or you just come out hot and pray you can hang on. I feel like that's very efficient. He's barely even coming. His hands are barely coming off the ground. He's ahead of Chandler Smith's time right now, definitely. Wow. So excited.
Starting point is 00:17:40 John Taylor telling us we can barely hear it over the sound of the crowd, but he's faster than Chandler Smith's pace at this time Good lord, this draft What would you call this technique is this even a snatch I mean what they're doing Yeah, we just call it a light muscle snatch Yeah, we just call it a light muscle snatch. Do you think Dallin's legs being wider than Taylor's is helping him in any way?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Well, obviously not. They just put up the dumbbell snatches at the same time. Not right now, it's not. Crazy efficient on the burpee. Basically falling down as they jump over, especially Dallin, just flowing. Right now the only difference is Dallin's burping a little bit faster, and it's not a lot. It's just a little bit. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:18:34 If you want to comment in the chat, you do need to be a subscriber. We've turned that on for this show. They're ending the round of 21s here, right? Yeah, somebody's going to blow up. There we go. There we go. We're in the middle now. They're eight seconds faster than Chandler's time.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Wow. And Chandler got a sub-six. 5.49. How big is the crowd, JR? Crowd's awesome. I'd say there's about 100 people in here. Dallin does look like he's slowing down just a hair. Yeah, that extension at the top would be a threat now.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Where are they right now? Just the last round of 15s? First round of 15s. First round of 15s. First round of 15s. Dude, they are... Both still really fast off the ground, too. JR, how big are these guys? They look huge. How tall are these cats? I'd say they're both 5'10".
Starting point is 00:19:44 Alan seems like he's got a lot more meat on him than Taylor does. Yeah, I'd say... I'd say... Oh, wow! Taylor's in the lead. Taylor's got a two rep lead is what it looks like. You see that big breath at the top of the snatch, too. They're currently nine seconds ahead of Chandler's pace. And this is the back half of the 15th, right? Yeah. Which would be the fastest time we have seen so far.
Starting point is 00:20:10 These 15 burpees are going to decide right here. These 15 burpees are coming up. We're going to Taylor's camp. Dang, come on. Come on. Dude, he's ahead now by a good bit. Four reps? Three reps?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Like three and a half. What is that, about six seconds? And he's not slowing down. He's only at the nines left. Ryan Stamson's 5'14". No, it's on pace for like 5'38 right now. Can't stop now. You got to go.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Here we go. Yes, baby. Yes, baby. Let's go. Three, four, five. Oh, my gosh, Taylor. There it is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Wow. This is insane. Took 20 seconds off his time with those Savage Ones. Dude, he's 12 seconds ahead of Chandler's time. Boom. There it is. Last nine. He can get sub 530. ahead of Chandler's time. There it is. Last nine. He can get sub 530.
Starting point is 00:21:32 This will be world record? If he sprints the fire out of these nine, yeah. What a beast. Good job, Taylor. Come on. Nah, it's not going to be 530. Down took a second to pick up the barbell. Come on, go, go, go. Come on, go, go, go. Come on, go, go, go.
Starting point is 00:21:49 What's the fastest time in the world? 547. I think he's got it easy. Yep, sub 540 right here. Come on. Taylor Self versus the world making a statement. Holy. Wow. Wow. Wow. Taylor self versus the world making a statement wow bring it home down and bring it home baby down still gonna get a sub six we're gonna sub six, we've got a sub six from Dallin. Nice. Nice. Jeez. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Wow. Wild. Incredible. Wild. Jeremy World signed up for the Sentinel training, ladies and gentlemen. Taylor Self, coach of Formula 3. That might be the best time in the world, period. Oh, wow. Absolutely savage.
Starting point is 00:22:44 No pun intended. Crazy. I don't think Dallin knew what he signed up for. The boys are hurting. JR, what's your take, buddy? My take is that was really, really impressive from both of them. I was really impressed with the lack of deterioration in speed. We saw the snatches slow down a little bit from Dallin.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I think Taylor's burpee slowed a little in the end, but at that point I think he knew he kind of had it locked up. Is Taylor's mindset just on a whole different level? I know you guys are always telling me that I don't really understand how savage he is, but I guess I'm starting to get my head wrapped around a little bit. The guy really does just know how to sell his soul, huh? No, I think he's just one of the few people that are capable of pushing their bodies to the absolute limit um and just really has no regard for what happens uh barry
Starting point is 00:23:31 mccockner uh taylor self number one in the world live on the seven podcast with the born primitive ca peptides crossfit open at charlotte crossfit andy handles jim andy thanks for letting us use the gym what a great evening this is uh turned into a lucky camera straps uh yes motherfucking thumb awesome awesome awesome awesome hey uh we got a special guest let's bring him in for a few minutes here uh bear hanlon caleb can we uh oh good job caleb bear what's up dude what's going on can you hear me yeah yeah oops we lost you hold on oh yeah there you are there you are hey did you see that yeah that was sweet man walls and walls that's that's the number one score huh like under uh 540 yeah in the world yeah oh that's insane that thing would take me 10 minutes in the born
Starting point is 00:24:18 primitive shirt and the savage ones hey dude hey thank you for um everything you've done with your life thanks for making it so we have a free country to live in. Thanks for serving the country at the highest level. Thanks for now making clothes that we love, that put us good. Thanks for sharing the podcast. I appreciate all that about you. Hell yeah. Well, thanks for including us, man. I saw you played the trailer at the very beginning. It looks like in the comments people were digging what they saw.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So we're all about it, man. You know how we roll. Yeah. And that was a great opening that got the crowd fired up. I'm seeing that the Savage Ones, are they selling out? Yeah. Unfortunately, obviously we had this planned, but we've been blowing through inventory, which it's a good problem to have. So we are pretty low in stock, but people like sign up for restock notifications on the product page. And I think like next month we got a big restock coming. So, um, but we still have some, we're not totally picked over. Uh, it stays a little bit. And you launched your swim line today. Yep. Swim launch today. I'll do that every, every spring. So there's things coming, but, uh, yep. And why did you guys launch a swim line? We've been doing that like the last four years.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's mainly focused for the ladies, just a bunch of bikinis and suits like that. And then for the fellas, there's a couple of board shorts. But it's always been a big successful launch for us. So we got to do it. And you were a SEAL. I was. And I guess a lot of people think you guys spend a lot of time in the water. Yes, that's accurate.
Starting point is 00:25:44 So, okay. So swimming's not foreign to you. No, no, we don't like to do it, but we have to do it. So are you going to, are you going to tackle this thing? Yeah, I think I'm gonna do it tomorrow morning at the gym. Um, and, uh, this, this won't be my best workout, but I mean, it's, it's only 50 pounds, but those burpees are going to be terrible. Yeah. Just implement Taylor's strategy. I think that's what you should do. Just get a 540. Just do it. Yeah, just put your foot
Starting point is 00:26:10 down on the gas pedal. Let me check some of these. Seema Boobs, Roxanne doesn't have to turn on the lights tonight. That's a sting. A sting reference. A little over my head. Turn into a sentinel ad
Starting point is 00:26:26 good point Ross Lewis thanks Sebon team thank you to Born Primitive too fucking good yeah I'm pretty stoked Connor Swanson I love the American dollar thank you thank you thank you thank you well dude I really
Starting point is 00:26:42 appreciate your support thanks for coming on I'd love to have you on every week uh do you have now that you've seen i think that's the first time you've seen taylor get at it dude yeah it was that was really impressive i can't imagine it he's gonna be probably it's like one of those workouts where you feel like you're you're like you can feel taste metal in your throat yeah that's gonna be him for the next day i think after he sent it on that one and and when you and i were talking on the phone, I go, hey, Taylor's going to represent Bourne's Primitive. And we pulled up his IG and we were laughing because he just had 8000.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I'm like, hey, followers or whatever he's got. But I was I told you he wouldn't disappoint. I hope you're proud of him. Hell, yes. It's the mustache, man. Gives him extra power. Awesome. All right, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, guys. And we'll see you next week. Thank you. Tell Claire. Thank you also. Cheers. We'll do. right, dude. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, guys. And we'll see you next week. Thank you. Tell Claire thank you also. Cheers. Will do.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Cheers, buddy. Bear Hanlon, CEO and founder of Born Primitive. The boys are rested. Let's give them one more minute here to rest. We will be back in 49 seconds. Ready to go! Stop him! Increase the heat! I don't know where you're running from You feel like the monster of the world I don't back down from anyone I don't back down from anyone I don't back down from anything that would be an answer. Uh, no, uh, J.R. Howell's, uh, used his lips to say no. That's a special
Starting point is 00:28:45 skill. Not everyone has that skill can say no just with their lips. Uh, let me get, there was one more down here. Jonathan Ortega, uh, bear, thank you for this. We truly appreciate it. That's for sure. J.R. Howell. Oh, where's Will Branstetter? A little cameo. Well, um, what's up, baby? We're killing. Uh, JR, uh, you were there. Uh, did you, was it tense? Yeah. I mean, I would say for the last 30 minutes, it's been very intense. Can we turn you up a little bit, JR? We could barely hear you. Louder, louder. Yeah. I would say from the time they started warming up and really, really getting focused, it was very intense. A lot of pacing back and forth, weren't really speaking to each other,
Starting point is 00:29:30 just exactly what you would expect. It was time to work about 8 o'clock until now. And could you feel it yourself being that your buddies with Taylor, were you feeling stressed out for him? No, not at all. I was kind of messing with him all day today knowing that he was pretty anxious and he said down was super laid back and will said he was really chill and i think that was making taylor even more anxious oh what what are the official times
Starting point is 00:29:55 538 558 i have to grab one of the judges and ask him. Okay, so almost, almost inversed, almost inversed. Jason Aubert in the house, almost inversed what John was thinking. John was thinking that there would be a 20% separation, 20-second separation, but that it would be Dallin, which, you know, is a safe guess, being that he's the fittest man in America. Yeah, no doubt. And, I mean, when this workout came out, I told Taylor and Dallin,
Starting point is 00:30:26 I couldn't think of a better workout for them to do together because it's very simple. They're both pretty equal-limbed athletes and they both got big engines. So, I mean, it was definitely going to be a good show. Taylor, did you foresee a world record time? No, not at all. I was thinking if they both went sub six, that would be really fast for them.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Wild. Sarah Cooper, thank you. The seven podcast team and born primitive. This was awesome. Looking forward to the rest. Hey, thanks, Sarah. Appreciate it. Thank you to Sarah Cox and Sarah Cooper. Appreciate it. Thank you to Sarah Cox and Sarah Cooper. What do you guys think about this in terms of how it affects Taylor going into next week against Jason Hopper? Can he build off of this? Is this going to make him even more confident?
Starting point is 00:31:20 I think it definitely builds confidence, but he's cerebral enough of an athlete to know that this is one test and next week's workout could easily be, you know, heavy deadlifts and rowing, right? And the approach is going to be completely different to that workout. He was mentally prepared to hit this workout and go as fast as he could possibly go. So I think he'll, he'll maybe enjoy it for a day or or two and then he'll know that next week's a new week and whatever he's doing against Jason's going to be nothing like this. John, when you
Starting point is 00:31:49 saw Taylor and Dallin go, before we asked them, what do you think their strategies were just based on what you saw? Like what? I did not expect their strategy to be balls to the wall the entire time and just see who falls off first. So you do their strategy to be balls to the wall the entire time and just see who falls off first so you do think the strategy was balls to the wall there was no
Starting point is 00:32:10 pacing that's it that's what they did i don't think they paced at all i think both of them sent it and they just wanted to see who was going to budge first and dallin is the one who budged first um jr is john correct is that what you saw too you just saw taylor just come out and start sprinting absolutely both of them i mean i think they both just went out and said, hey, I'm going to try to start fast and just hold on. And whoever hangs on at the end, hangs on at the end. And was that a mistake for either of them? No, I don't think so. Obviously not. There's a world record in sub six minutes. I don't think Dallin's mad about his
Starting point is 00:32:41 time. I just don't think he knew he was going up against the fastest time in the world. No, I think at a certain fitness level, you just accept that you have to come out fast and just hope you can hold on. That's it. That's what you got to do. Taylor, can you hear me? Yeah. How do you feel, dude?
Starting point is 00:33:01 How do you feel as Taylor's self right now? What's the body feel? Horrible. You do you feel, dude? Like, how's your body? How do you feel as, like, Taylor Self right now? What's the body feel? Horrible. You do feel horrible. And where do you feel it? Stomach? Everywhere. He can't even talk.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Jared, take that fucking mic from him. He's fucking... Shut the fuck up. Hey, John Young. Fuck you, John Young. Fuck you, Savon. I think Dallin's going to win. Hey, Colton Mertens just did you dirty.
Starting point is 00:33:30 He just posted 537. Yeah, if I was four and a half feet tall, I'd get 530. I'm just joking. I'm just joking. Taylor, did you have a time in mind? No. I knew what Chandler did. And I saw what noah did and i saw what jay crouch did and they're all a bit smaller than me but i'm good at burpees and i'm good at
Starting point is 00:33:59 dumbbell snatches and i can hurt more than they can is it an understatement to say you're good at them? Are you pretty much world-class at them? Maybe, but also I would say world-class at putting myself in a place that they can't. And what is that place? A place where I can't talk for 20 minutes. When did you go there? When in the workout did you go there?
Starting point is 00:34:24 How quickly were you like oh i'm i'm in no man's land the second second 15s and then and then really lasted a nine dumbbell snatches i felt like i was close to failing i it may not have looked like that but it felt like the dumbbell was just going to come out of my hand. Can you teach someone that? Is there something you're telling yourself? Can you teach someone to push through that? I feel like shit's coming out of my butt right now.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I just want to say, Jordan Blunt, you can retract this comment anytime you want. Sevan Media Team is so professional. Great job. Anytime Taylor picks up the mic, you're welcome to retract that comment. How's Dallin doing, JR? Where's Dallin? How's he doing? He's coming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:19 It's only been 15 minutes since they finished. Not even 15 minutes yet. Like 13 minutes and they're just dying hey listen next time i want a heads up the dude i'm going against is gonna set a world record i go sub six and no one gives a shit you can see it all over your face too i was i was like i didn't i couldn't see the clock was behind us and i was like i don't know what's happening i didn't i did fine that was my goal that was tough hey um did you have a time in mind alan i thought sub six would be good someone was
Starting point is 00:35:59 and and and did you just come out it looked like both of you just came out and threw a brick on the gas pedal. It looked like there was just racing. I never get to do that, so I just race on it. That's how I'm feeling. Hold that mic a little closer to your mouth. We can barely hear you. What did you say? You never get to do what?
Starting point is 00:36:18 I was texting Matt before, and we never get to do something where I just go all out. And it's a fun environment to try it in. So I went for it. and we never get to do something where I just go all out. And it's a fun environment to try it in. So we went for it. Definitely slowed down. Hey, Will, we're having some serious audio issues. With that mic. Oh, I got sweat in there. Oh, that's a little better.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Is that better? That's a little better, yeah. Hey, so were you nervous about doing that strategy? So that was something new for you, just to go out and put the pedal to the metal. Whose idea was that, you or Torres? It was both of us. I texted him asking if I should, and he said absolutely. Hey, did you and Taylor talk about that before?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Did you know that that's what he was going to do also? I think we had a pretty good idea. We were just both going to go for it. They knew by the first 21. There were things said, but it wasn't super planned. When you saw him get a rep ahead of you, did you try to start making up time? I tried to just stay with him and then I couldn't. What was giving out on you?
Starting point is 00:37:29 What was fatiguing? Your lungs or your legs? What was fatiguing? I'd say the legs the most. That's good, Will. It was hardest to jump over the dumbbell to his head. Yeah, that makes me feel good. It was hard for me to jump over the dumbbell, too.
Starting point is 00:37:45 It's a 15-minute mark. What'd you get? I didn't finish. I was 163 reps. Did you guys get that on camera? No, we didn't record any of that. Just throw up. Oh, did he just throw up?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Can you smell that, Dallin? Jesus Christ. What did he eat? Hot dogs? Oh, he is puking. Oh, he's going again. Oh, my God. Once it starts, it doesn't stop.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Wow. He's gone. These are things only professional media will bring you. Oh, Kenneth DeLapp, I saw it. Hey, Taylor deserves to do whatever he wants. Hey, do you think that record will stand, Allen, his record? I think it'll be a top three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I don't know. There's a couple guys that come to mind. But it'll be helpful if they can see it. I know a couple people waiting strategize to be better though it's just full set and then you can't it's always it always helps to have a number though like i agree you can or you can't but if there's a number uh like that it's going to come down to a second or two and if you have that number in mind i think it's not much does this make somebody like gun shy like if they see something like that again
Starting point is 00:39:09 and they go that hard and they see something again like i don't want to do that again absolutely i don't want to do it again uh dylan yesterday you were cool as a cucumber and um when we were talking to you and you didn't you didn't you kept a complete face, but what were your actual thoughts when you saw that workout and then you knew you were going to come do it here live in front of thousands of people? I knew that's an incredible workout for Taylor. And so honestly, it was like to my advantage to come do it with someone who's really good at that and my, me knowing that he would be so good.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I knew it'd be a good race and see if we could get, see if I get a little closer to try and beat him, but he just buried me a little bit towards the end. Do you think that this is bad for CrossFit for its image that the guy who won the workout can't sit up straight? I think, I think that's good for CrossFit. It never gets any easier. So you said you won't be doing this workout again?
Starting point is 00:40:06 No chance. Yeah, and your time is world class. Do you have any aspirations for where you want to place in the Open? I think it's always really cool. It's never like a set goal, but I've been right around the top 10, top 15 the last couple of years, and it's always fun to be up there just because the open is so I don't know if nostalgic
Starting point is 00:40:30 is the right word, but it's such an important thing for CrossFit and the community. You'll probably see my name up there when I've been following along for so long. Were you asked to do any of the live open announcements? I don't know if there was discussions or not, but I was not asked directly.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I know I would love to do it, but... Yeah, absolutely. And look at Taylor. He's still... Look at his eyes are closed and shit. Look at him. Can you see him? Colton said quit being dramatic. Look at that. Look at him get ready to talk. Look at that fucking
Starting point is 00:41:05 Look at him get ready to talk Look at him Fuck you I never drink liquid carbs And I had a fucking shake Should have done that My body rejected every bit of dextrose I'm eating fruit
Starting point is 00:41:22 Pussies Taylor did you know you were going to throw up? No, I felt, I honestly was feeling better And then as soon as I handed down the mic And I heard him start to talk I got sick to my stomach No, I But actually
Starting point is 00:41:39 This hit me Like a wave Oh, that feels so much better Taylor, all kidding aside But actually, this hit me like a wave. Oh, that feels so much better. Taylor, all kidding aside, I know we tease you a lot. I know it's been a really tough fucking two years for you. I know you, to kind of sum up the story, the fairy tale story, you were training partners with Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:42:01 You guys both had games aspirations. And then you felt really good. And then you were injured. And it's been a tough hoe with surgeries to get back to where you're at. And this is the first time you've taken your car out, you know, first. Were you nervous? You know, you have the Sentinel training program. There's a lot of eyes on you.
Starting point is 00:42:23 It's like you're going against Dallin, America's fittest guy fittest guy no one knows who you are i mean was it a trip uh i was i was pretty nervous i was pretty nervous i think you know last weekend i had the first flare up on my knee that i've had since surgery like i haven't had any setbacks or anything like that and last weekend i got pretty sore so more than, I was tripping about that. It's fine. But, you know, training for the games and training to compete at the high level. I felt like when you did that, some of that snot got on me. That was weird.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It's just super stressful. You know, I have a lot of other things in my life that definitely take priority from time to time over training. I've said this a lot. I do not have plans to compete this year, but I am going to have fun in the Open and do my best. Are you fitter from that workout? If you won the Open, it would be easy. Oh, say that again, John. I'll do my best. Are you fitter from that workout? If you won the Open and didn't compete. Oh, say that again, John.
Starting point is 00:43:32 People would say I'm on drugs if I won the Open and didn't compete. People are going to say that anyway. James Townsend, thanks, brother. Thanks, brother. My mom came by the house today, James, and she was like, oh, man, I really like James Townsend. Hey, James, I failed that EMOM you posted, but I bet none of your athletes beat that. What was the EMOM? Dumb.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Fucking 150 thrusters, yeah, and didn't finish. Hey, so founder and head trainer of Sentinel Training, but you'll do that? You go over to James Townsend's site, and you'll be like, okay, I'm going to do that work? No, we were doing a shut-up and scribble show and he commented it. Said only one person finished it, Mal. Oh, wow. Confidence, you feel great?
Starting point is 00:44:18 Are you going to go to bed tonight being like, yeah? I probably won't be able to sleep, to be honest. I feel pretty bad. I might get to sleep to be honest i feel pretty bad um i might i might get to sleep later i i feel happy that i did my best but i think what was most nerve-wracking about a workout like that is i know i'm supposed to be good at it even if other people don't know that like i know what i'm capable of and the hard thoughts to deal with are like halfway through the second set of 21s he's ahead and i fuck, I should just quit now.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Why do I want to hurt to lose? I don't know if other people think shit like that, but that shit goes through my head. You had that thought while you were competing just now. Yeah, I was like, damn, he's already ahead of me in the 21s, and I'm about to hurt myself that bad to lose? That's what Winthrop Downs said in the second 15. Eric Wise, will Taylor be replacing Hopper on the team at Wadapalooza next year? Probably.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I got you guys. What's recovery look like? Do you take tomorrow off or no? I'm probably going to go shit and throw up some more. Then I'll be good to go. Crazy. And, Down, what do you do? You go home tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yeah, I go home early tomorrow, and then I'll train. And just right back at it. Workout like that, good to do. Balls to the wall, you get good adaptation from that. It makes you fitter. I would say so. I can't remember the last time I hurt like that oh that's in you
Starting point is 00:45:48 that's it's definitely a different stimulus because there's no like intentional intensity it's just full intensity which is always good to touch on throughout the year and then as you get closer into the season thoughts for next week Taylor will this scar you how much does this hurt get to touch on throughout the year and then as you get closer into the season.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Thoughts for next week, Taylor? Will this scar you? How much does this hurt? No, I just think it'll be a different workout. But you're willing to go there again? Yeah. I'll be ready to go there tomorrow. Awesome. I'm running back.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Huh? I'm running back? Yeah, do it over. Redo. I think I can take a second off what are your plans for tonight what are you guys doing you guys gonna hang or we were gonna get tacos I'll probably go and watch them eat while I think about throwing up again
Starting point is 00:46:34 alright sorry oh that's right Taylor can you see the comments now I can someone is gonna win That's right. Taylor, can you see the comments? Now I can. Okay. Someone is going to win $200
Starting point is 00:46:50 from Paper Street Coffee. Paper Street Coffee gift certificate. Thank you, Caleb. Would you like to pick the name out of the group? You can scroll around or do whatever. Okay, stop. Andrew Bacatius. whatever. Okay, stop. Andrew
Starting point is 00:47:08 Bacatius. Pull him up. There he is. A world-class herding. Andrew Bacatius. Oh, shit. You're going to make Gabe do some foreign shipping.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Andrew, what you have to do is you have to DM me and Gabe at Paper Street Coffee, P-A-P-E-R-S-T Coffee on Instagram, Andrew, and you will get a $200 voucher for coffee. Taylor, how are the shoes? They were fucking amazing. Oh, that's good to hear. Same with the shirt, the shorts. I mean, really, just thank them for sending all that stuff for me.
Starting point is 00:47:51 You were swole as fuck looking in that when it started. Yeah, look at you. Jesus Christ. Just don't get my love handles. How come Dallin doesn't look sick and shit? How come he's chilling? Because he's fit because he's he's he's better than i am i mean seriously the difference between what me and dallin what we do right now is dallin's in here this morning lifting and game training and i'm on my computer working
Starting point is 00:48:20 program you did 20 dallin i i did some lifting nothing too crazy but well you say it's not too crazy but i'm sure it was too crazy if we heard it we would think it was crazy it was a good amount but yeah it's all relative tell us give me tell us something you did this morning a couple sets of light power cleans, speed squats, and speed deadlifts. And a bunch of mobility. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Could you pass it back to JR Howell? JR! Thank you. Thank you, Dallin. Thank you, Taylor. All right. Thank you for having me. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:59 You're a beast. What a great representative you are. Are we getting ready, Taylor? Yeah. beast. What a great representative you are. JR, how with the programming? JR. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So, on a one to ten, what did we see tonight? Did it promise? Did it fulfill every promise what did we see tonight? How did it promise? Did it fulfill every promise or more? Or did we fall short? But what do you think about tonight's events? The athletes, the performance, the workout, the crowd?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Oh, easily a ten out of ten. I mean, I think the turnout here at CrossFit Charlotte was awesome. There was a buzz all afternoon. We've been here since like four o'clock. Everyone's coming up to down and talking to him, Taylor, asking what time they're going to be starting, telling him good luck, all that kind of stuff. Andy's been great.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Will setting up all the stuff has been amazing. Having such a clear picture to watch was really, really, really cool. Having Jason come up and support him. Yeah, I mean, I think it's been a 10 out of 10. And they gave us a great race, and that's what everyone wanted. World class, I think it's been a 10 out of 10 and they gave us a great race and that's what everyone wanted. World class, I would say. 100 percent. No, no one's. I mean, let me go one step further. I don't think anyone's going to see a better race for twenty four point one period. I agree. No shot. Thank you. I agree.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I don't I don't think there's going to be a head to head anywhere that's going to match that. I agree. I don't think there's going to be a head-to-head anywhere that's going to match that. And I wonder, too, you know, Spin did that really cool picture-in-picture, side-by-side of Noah and Chandler doing it. Yeah, that was very cool. You know, we got to see that, and we see some of these guys posting their times. And I wonder, you know, lie detector, gun to their head, when they watch something like that, does it make them want to be a part of something like that? Where they're like, you know what? It doesn't have to be the open announcement from the games, but doing something like that would be a lot of fun,
Starting point is 00:50:54 and I'm really interested in doing it. I wonder how many... Like one-on-one battles? Right, right. Well, hey, I'll tell you this. Anyone who saw this tonight who wants to fucking hang it out on the line, it's pretty easy to do. We just did it, I'll tell you this. Anyone who saw this tonight who wants to fucking hang it out on the line, it's pretty easy to do.
Starting point is 00:51:06 We just did it. I say with zero humility, this is going to be the best one-on-one maybe of the entire CrossFit Open. That's going to be a tough one to beat. Taylor and Dallin showed up. America's Fittest Man put it on the line. Taylor Self, I mean, we saw he threw up right there on the table. Can you see the barf there, JR?
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah, it's right here. Taylor is getting worse and worse. He's right now told us that he's not going to go eat with us, that we're just going to go and he's just going to stay. Now he said his whole body's cramping. Yeah. Venturas of aces. John said this workout was not a separator for the elites,
Starting point is 00:51:43 but what does Taylor and Dallin think? They're gone, but I apologize. Let's ask JR. JR, what do you think? Is this workout, are the elites going to separate themselves? Is there going to be enough space between them? There's a lot of people out there that would argue that sports are about seconds
Starting point is 00:52:00 and they're about bang-bang finishes. If that's the mindset that you have and a race is a race, then yeah, one second're about bang, bang finishes. And if that's the mindset that you have, and a race is a race, then yeah, one second, two second, three second, that's the race you want. That's the, that's the race everyone wants to see. So in that respect, it gave exactly what people really want. And that's just a all out sprint. Um, if you're someone that understands the sport a little bit more, and you know know that things such as cycle rate limb length height really do matter at the end of the day when your fitness is all about the same then it leaves you a little bit wanting more and i think that's that was john's point and i don't think he's wrong
Starting point is 00:52:39 for making that point uh thank you any any final words, JR? No, I think it was great Thanks to Born Primitive for making it all happen And looking forward to having it Next week at Crash Can't wait to see what the workout's going to be With Jason and Taylor going head-to-head again Yeah, it's going to be awesome I'm even more excited
Starting point is 00:53:00 I'm glad we were able to pull this off Alright, thank you, JR Will, you can spin the camera around and show us the venue or whatever. Hey, there's so many people to thank. Born Primitive, it obviously has been amazing. C.I. Peptides is amazing. They provided the money to get us to fly everyone out there. They have very little expectation of us.
Starting point is 00:53:19 They had faith in the show. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. There's a whole cast of characters andrew hiller bill grunler brian spin from the barbell spin obviously caleb's a foundational piece chase ingram from get with the programming john from uh jy barbell jr howell from crossfit crash matt susan the executive producer of the seven podcast keeping me sane uh peter from coffee pods and wads always fucking keep holding down the truth taylor self of course from uh uh shut up and scribble tyler walkins of the heat one app always making sure that we get
Starting point is 00:53:51 to be included in his venture and uh in adding value and then of course none of this would have happened none of this would have happened if it wasn't for will brandstetter this is what you guys have witnessed is a uh technical um a masterpiece of just one dude who just went out there put some cameras together and and in photoshopped and pulled this shit together while the rest of us are just like okay when do we go on so i want to i want to thank all y'all uh and uh next week is not a locker room full of people there. Yeah, that is a locker room full of people. Next week is going to be even more fantastic. The relationship between man and iron is the ultimate metaphor for life. The iron doesn't care how busy you are or how much sleep you've got.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It offers no refuge to your excuses or your self-pity. You only get what you earn. 3.15 is always 3.15. Just like life's burdens, some days the weight is going to feel heavier than others. But you still have to show up. You still have to put in the work. Because anything truly worthwhile in life requires hard work and sacrifice. No shortcuts.
Starting point is 00:55:40 No handouts. No entitlements. no handouts no entitlements people can make excuses all day long about why they aren't successful but let's speak a hard truth at the end of the day the only one stopping you is you so what's it gonna be born primitive made for the modern savage and most importantly i want to thank all of you that join me here every morning at 7 a.m. I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 00:56:27 You need to say I'm right. I can't thank you guys enough for how you've supported this podcast. I can't believe how far we've come. I don't mention you guys ever on the show, but I'll mention you now. All the Sevanistas who always have my back and have been just holding me up and believing in me. I really appreciate you. Tonight was a true success, and I think it is a dawn of a new age for us.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Thank you. Bye-bye. John Young, thanks. Caleb, thank you. Thank you.

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