The Sevan Podcast - You Won’t Believe This | Live Call In Show #957

Episode Date: June 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And I want you
Starting point is 00:01:27 here with me from tonight until the end of time you should know everywhere I go always on my mind in my heart know
Starting point is 00:02:03 You're the inspiration Wanna have you give it I wanna have you give it Say it No one needs you more than I need you And I know, and I know, yes, I know that it's plain to see So in love when we live together I don't know, that's a little strong. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I think that's a little strong, Mr. Weed. I think that's a little strong. A little strong. Bam, we're live. Good morning. Take it. This show just lost all of its monetization, too. I understand. It's fine. What am I gonna do? I wanted to play this song.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I stayed up for 45 minutes later than i should have uh yesterday last night because i was just listening to old songs i cannot get in the habit of starting to play songs it's gonna fuck up my whole account who's gonna pay for uh jiu-jitsu classes it's not it's not youtube carla hi savvy darling hi how are you nice to see you uh worth it all right fine cool that's what you say so my kids are fucking i'm boiling socks and they're drinking sock broth um did hillar sing that to you fair question definitely a fair question when he was rubbing my arms just picture this it was me and hillar on my skate ramp he's shirtless my sleeve is rolled up he has his legs open i'm kind of sitting between them he tells me to go get the oil i go get the oil i I go get the oil. I forget what I got. Coconut
Starting point is 00:04:05 oil? I think it was coconut oil. And he had a butter knife. And he rubbed on my arm and then he cupped my arm and we just sat there in the hot sun. Pride month with Seve and Hiller. Big old juiced up, veiny dude rubbing oil on my arms. We should have FaceTimed Alexis to referee that shit. It's confirmed Sevan is gay. Good morning, Frank. What's up, dude? Sevan, I'm with my mother-in-law. Don't get me hard. Fine. Understood. Okay. Sorry. It happens.
Starting point is 00:04:45 The truth is, that's basically who you're going to be banging in 25 years anyway. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Seve is doing his part in celebrating Pride Month. Man, what a joke Pride Month is. What a fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I was looking at this morning Chalk Up article that a thousand of you sent me. And when I mean a thousand i mean like 10 um it's it's it's crazy it's just another perfect example of a group of people just hurting themselves can you imagine claiming that doing a uh throwing a party that celebrates the sexualization a sex party at your gym, they're saying that that's inclusive. It's fucking... I need to talk about it when it's not Pride Month
Starting point is 00:05:34 because it just seems like I'm attacking people for their sexuality, but it has nothing to do with that. Do you guys know that nothing is ever free? Like if you go somewhere and the education's free, do you know what that means? That means you're not getting educated. You guys know that, right? There's nothing free. The teachers aren't doing it for free. Someone's always paying for something. The hamburgers,
Starting point is 00:06:03 the free hamburgers you got, if you got the injection in New York city, you know that they're not really free, right? You know, if you believe something that's free, that's like, that's the part where you go in your head. That's the God part. That's the gender part. Free. That word free. Everyone knows that, right?
Starting point is 00:06:17 God's real. Gender's real. Things are free. Those are all in the same bucket. Does everyone know that? Those are just liar's words. Those are just to trick you. There's nothing like that.
Starting point is 00:06:31 You didn't get a free education. I'm cheery. I'm cool. I'm cool. Jake's like, oh no. Oh no. I'm good. I'm cool. I'm I'm a Jake's like oh no. Oh no, so he needs to I'm good I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I was gonna play this song this morning I might as well I was telling Susan yesterday. I was like fuck I guess I'm gonna play one song
Starting point is 00:06:56 I might as well play a shitload of songs. I was gonna play this song to this song's good, right? I like this love is a many Splendid thing love lift us up where we belong. All you need is love. Please don't start that again. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. My favorite shooter, McGavin.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Thanks for helping the situation. Free health care. Right. Right. Health care is so good in Canada and the UK. Holy shit. All you need is love. A girl has got to eat. All you need is love. girl has got to eat all you need is love she'll end up on the street
Starting point is 00:07:29 all you need is love love is just a game i was made for loving you baby you were made for loving me huge fan of this song how'd they even do this? Has everyone here heard this? You know how they do this? They just mix a bunch of songs up together. It's so cool. The only way of loving me, baby, is to pay a lovely fee. Just one night. Just one night.
Starting point is 00:07:57 There's no way cause you can't pay. In the name of love. One night in the name of love. You crazy I loved it when someone, I won't give in to you. Oh, fuck yeah, you will. Are you really in a gold's gym, Audrey? That would be fucking awesome. Send me photo, please.
Starting point is 00:08:28 That's so cool if you're really in a gold's gym. God, those were the good old days. Mm-mm-mm. I used to love going to a globo gym. I hate musicals. Really? You do hate musicals? They're cool.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Oh, she works there, Heidi? No shit. Excuse me. Crazy. I had no idea. I still think Audrey lives in Australia. I can't survive without your sweet love. Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Don't leave me this way. You think that people would have had enough of selling out some. Oh, I felt my tear ducts turn on.
Starting point is 00:09:26 That was weird. God, do you remember? I guess maybe some of you still are so young, but do you remember just how passionate you were as a kid? Like if I liked the girl at school, I would write her name just like 5,000 times during the day. I would turn off everything else. I'd just be writing her name.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I'd fill my whole binder up with her name. Block letters, cursive letters. I was fucking, God, I was passionate. You'd go out of your way to walk by their room. You know what I mean? Like you know that they're in J Hall, Room 7. Your class is in d hall and you go the long way to hopefully get a glimpse of them just a glimpse just a glimpse can i just see you oh my god i don't even want to be at school today i don't
Starting point is 00:10:17 think you're here i just want to go home some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. Well, what's wrong with that? I'd like to know. Cause here I go again. Oh, see my boobs. Me too. No doubt. I'd rather listen to Jake Chapman's mom talk about getting pegged.
Starting point is 00:10:47 All right, it's fine. Me too. Shooter McGavin, we had one haul. Oh, that's awesome. Can you work? Audrey says she had to put on her headphones so these people don't hear Sevan talking about cock and balls. Audrey says she had to put on her headphones so these people don't hear Sevan talking about cock and balls.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I just always look at your butt crack whenever I click on your name. Hey, you can work at Gold's Gym and walk around with headphones on? Can you really do that? No, probably not. Probably not a good time to unmute. Not for another 90 minutes. She's the Pegger, not the Peggy. Who's she Peg?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Your mother-in-law Pegs, dudes? And how do you know that? Oh, wow. Seema. She's a manager. She can do whatever she wants. Wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:04 All right. We got the music out of the way we demonetized the show already i'm sure susan will be very happy about that i'll be getting a call shortly i'm just gonna just cruise i'm just gonna cruise today just fucking cruising fuck it i'm just cruising whatever just cruising uh uh dan blazerian writes in the comments before i even show you the video, only thing surprising in this video is the victim wasn't Asian or white, which is not true because, as we know, melanated people are the one people that do not discriminate. This is a guy in a subway. First of all, you have to know, once again, like I tell you all the time, this is normal. This is not an outlier situation. So once again, like I tell you all the time, this is normal. This is not an outlier situation.
Starting point is 00:12:49 This is 100% normal. This is the society that a bunch of people think it's okay to live in. Ready? Okay? So there's a guy just yelling on the subway, and then he jumps in the air, his feet are off the ground, and he drops an elbow on another man's head who's sleeping. That man's wearing a mask, by the way, so he doesn't catch COVID. And this man just dropped an elbow on his head. No one does it. So you're telling me that it's not okay at that point to run behind the man in the red jacket and put him in a rear naked choke and put him to sleep. And if he dies, he dies. And the person who put him in the rear naked choke is not a hero.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I disagree. Just straight up. I disagree. Just straight up if that if that guy i think soon as someone does that i think uh anyone should be able to run up to him put him in a rear naked choke and if he dies he dies yeah i feel the exact where's derrick chauvin when needed i couldn't agree more and i think derrick chauvin to be honest with you well you guys already know this 100 he did nothing wrong zero zero wrong you ask a police officer to enter a situation that's highly volatile with someone who's known to point a gun at a woman's pregnant stomach, does home invasions,
Starting point is 00:14:11 does third fucking arrest, being high on fentanyl, high on meth, and high on alcohol driving, and you pull him out of the car and he's screaming and going wild, and the crowd around you is talking shit to you. At that point, it's game on. I have no, I have no i have no sorry all i need to do is be like that guy right there on the ground that guy right there with his neck you know what's so funny too is the i correct me if i'm wrong but the whole george floyd thing the reason why it's so fucked up is it's this black people so there's two reasons black people see that and they start to empathize and they start to imagine they're george floyd right i fully get that i fully get that i fuck you do
Starting point is 00:14:54 not understand how much i get that i live that day to day i have to fucking keep my eyes down sometimes so that i don't start to fucking imagine i'm certain people or start going into some sort of weird empathy game and so when i see this i just imagine that guy who just got elbowed in the head i don't look at him and see uh is that guy black i don't look at him and see that's a black guy i think right away that's me my mom my sister my kids the list goes on of people that i would die for i want to know i want to know this this one's really going to bug some people. Not you guys, though.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Because I live in an echo chamber. You know during the Super Bowl, there's like this leap of wife beatings? Do you know that statistic? TV sales go up. Wife beatings go up. There's this – chip sales go up. There's like this DUI arrest go up. There's like this whole thing because of the nature of the Super Bowl event and what people think that they should do around it, the drinking, the partying, the intoxication, the drugs, whatever. Certain other behaviors are exacerbated. I wonder what the spread of venereal diseases are during pride month i wonder what the um i wonder what the increase on juneteenth is of black on black shooting fucking some people would be like someone youron, you can't ask that. The fuck I can't. We're going to have those stats about the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Let's have them about everything. Freedom. Okay. Subway. I have no tolerance for doing that to people. I did take my third injection last night. And actually, yesterday,
Starting point is 00:17:10 yesterday I paused. I was watching the new documentary that comes out. I think it comes out tomorrow. Oh, you guys just want to just rail on fucking the CrossFit Games Media team? Wow, CrossFit is so sloppy. Did you guys know tomorrow a documentary comes out?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Did you know? Tomorrow a fucking documentary comes out. I got to see a sneak peek at it. Someone sent me a link with a code, and I got to watch it yesterday. I took a pause during the middle to shoot up my third shot of peptides. The movie's fucking great. I walked away absolutely loving Tia and Ricky Garrard.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Loving them. But you have no idea that that movie comes out because CrossFit, obviously, someone over there, I can't wait to ask Mariah this, someone must hate her. Exactly what documentary? Yeah, because they fucking hate her. Someone must hate her.
Starting point is 00:18:04 The same way someone must hate chase someone over there hates chase ingram hates dawnfall well clearly well actually we'll circle back around anyway i just want to let you know i did take my third shot yesterday and that was the first time taking the shot like for 15 minutes after i took the shot i felt like bruised a little bit um hillar told me i should be putting the shots like within a one-inch area just so you know though there's no marks that's how tiny the needle is the first time I think I just went in the muscle
Starting point is 00:18:33 and the next two times I think I whatever wire is in there I think I fucking hit that wire I tried to hit it 75 people were shot over the Juneteenth weekend but that's got to be just a normal um weekend 75 people were shot over the Juneteenth weekend. But that's got to be just a normal weekend. Done. How long before results?
Starting point is 00:18:59 Well, who knows, but it can't be anytime soon. But yesterday, I did the most pull-ups I've done in probably five months. I rode the assault bike for 20 calories and did three pull-ups, 10 rounds. I got in 30 pull-ups. I can't even fucking believe it. I did all the grips. Actually, I did strict chest to bar, if you want to be completely honest. I did this grip, this grip.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I did the split grips. Is that what you call those split grips? I did this grip, this grip. I did the split grips. Is that what you call those split grips? I don't know. God, I sound like an idiot, right? Matt Burns wants to know if it's pain-free.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I don't know. I guess yes. I guess the answer is yes. I can't tell if I'm a pussy. I wouldn't even just say I'm a pussy. I feel like there's something in there that's a switch grip okay thank you thank you a turntable and turntable and jonathan ortega or mixed grip okay no not trt what do you think i am i'm a good boy these are peptides i put peptides bpc 157 uh you can get them on um uh california peptides here's the website this is my sponsor this one right here california i got two bottles of that i'm three injections in on one bottle
Starting point is 00:20:15 dude there's so much fluid in one bottle it's fucking crazy i don't even know if i'm gonna make it to the second bottle i need more. There's this special water they send you. And I think I used too much of it in the first, the first, what do they call it? You basically, there's powder in this, in one bottle and you take this special clean water and you put it in with the powder and then you gently mix it.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And then that's, and then that's what you shoot for like the next four weeks or whatever i don't know how long i'm not enjoying shooting it every day i thought i would enjoy this process i wish there was like cocaine version of peptides that i could just snort i'm glad when it's done oh that that's what it is bacteria bacteriostatic water not related to Cheerios. Bacterio static water. Actually, I don't know if it's not related to Cheerios.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Christine Young, nice. I did 75 chest to bar, but not strict. Nice. Yesterday? Yeah. Matt Burns, we know you're a pussy, but yeah. So I can't tell. Reconstitute the water, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:26 You read it the Constitution. I mean, I don't even like that word, reconstitute. I don't want to learn that word. You're taking the powder, and you're mixing it the same way you would just gently with the bacteriostatic water, and then you inject it, and it's easy, and then it's easy, and I saw, I saw Huberman,
Starting point is 00:21:51 the Stanford guy, who does all the podcasts, he's on Rogan all the time, I saw him say, he injected that shit into his back, and his ruptured disc got better, and I was like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:22:01 I'm game, hello, Sarah, okay, yeah, I'll try this, please, she's like, I'm going to charge charge you double for being such a shitty fucking representation of my first fucking sponsorship you never even did trt like i'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:22:14 she said get with the program you little bitch i was like all right sorry holy shit careful seve i ended up with a flesh-eating bacteria from injecting bpc 157 in 2019 went septic my god uh hi i don't understand how to get my chest up there oh god why does that turn me on a little bit? It's weird. I just... That split grip, for sure, I mean, with the split grip, it's almost like you can't not do chest-to-bar.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I almost can't not do chest-to-bar. I have kind of the opposite problem. Stephen Flores I talked to my dad yesterday 60 years of age And told him to get on TRT If he wants You didn't tell your dad shit Your dad shot a load in your mom
Starting point is 00:23:19 And made you You didn't tell him shit If he wants Stephen You didn't tell your dad shit Your dad told you your dad made you pull higher mason that is fucking for a guy who's usually so articulate that's your fucking advice to fucking heidi pull higher you pull how about pull lower that's fucking horrible fucking that's a horrible cue oh matt burns sean mason mitchell up with uh some cues for uh heidi krum drive your elbows down and
Starting point is 00:23:53 back just gifted with crazy lats and i can do whatever okay uh okay here we go okay we did this we did that we did the we're queer we're here we're coming for your children we know that we don't want anyone coming for our children right we already we established that yesterday. Good. We're queer. We're here. We're coming for your children. We're queer.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Oh, listen to this. Listen to this. So this is good. Today, so tomorrow I'm having Mariah Moore on, the director of the 2022 CrossFit Games documentary, which I saw, which I absolutely loved it. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. And in two hours, this is on the CrossFit podcast,
Starting point is 00:25:03 live in two hours. So what time would that be, 9.30? It looks like either Adrian Conway or Chase Ingram is going to interview, it's funny, they call it CrossFit's coordinating producer and filmmaker Tyson Oldroyd. He's the executive producer of this film though, The Fittest on Earth Retroactive.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And so he will be on the CrossFit podcast, but this is like one of the only promotions they have had. It's funny. They're promoting the podcast. CrossFit Games is promoting the podcast on their least popular platform. Dude, this show that I'm doing right now will get three times as many downloads if it's if it does horribly then the crossfit podcast has subscribers and that's where they're promoting this movie they're probably like uh chase, we hate – okay, so we hate Chase. We hate Mariah. Let's promote them together on one of our shit platforms.
Starting point is 00:26:14 At some point – how does Don not know this is going on? Does anyone – is everyone just afraid? No one wants to tell Don anything? Just afraid no one wants to tell Don anything. Adam Knifer being interviewed by Adrian Conway. 528 views in a month. Jesus Christ. anyway I'm gonna watch that live in two hours I actually probably won't watch it I'll probably listen to it I used to work with Tyson
Starting point is 00:27:00 Tyson and I did the CrossFit podcast together actually he produced the CrossFit podcast together, actually. He produced the CrossFit podcast. I worked with him for a long fucking time. Long fucking time. When they fired everyone, the first, in 2018, I'm pretty sure Tyson got fired, and I did everything in my power to manipulate, beg, anything I fucking could to get him hired back. And then eventually he got hired back.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I should tell sorry I missed this I'm not sure that I should tell Don that they hate I don't want to say what I have and haven't told him but there's only so much I can say without I start to feel like just a dickhead Matt Burns kid uh matt matt burns um uh sebi pull up your dm i just sent you a clip of uh sf men's gay choir singing we're coming for your children yeah i've heard it
Starting point is 00:28:16 to be honest it's so fucking disturbing it's so disturbing and what's crazy is if you say it's disturbing that someone might say that you're homophobic when there's nothing more i'd rather do than fucking be a part of that fucking choir and singing that choir i just don't want to be have anything to do with their disgusting message no one in their right mind just wants to go after anyone's children at all for anything No one in their right mind wants to go after anyone's children at all for anything. Oh, did I even pull this up? Did I share this screen?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Sorry, shit, I've been just sitting here talking about it. Did I pull it up? Sorry. Here it is. Movie preview, CrossFit Games documentary, retroactive with Tyson Oldroyd. I wish I knew who was interviewing. Everything out there is so fucking bad. It's like someone will say something, and let's say about climate change, and people will just accept the presupposition that what they're saying is real. No one will be like, well, 20 years ago, one of the trademarks for climate change, one of the trademarks for climate change, one of the cornerstones of the argument was the emotional appeal that polar bears have decreased in population or only extinct. And here we are in 2024 and polar bears have increased from 5,000
Starting point is 00:29:37 to 30,000. How does that comport with the climate change? Well, I'm glad you asked that because actually it has nothing to do with climate change is still real and the planet is still suffering under the mass pollution and driving of SUVs. The only reason why polar bears have increased in the numbers is because of laws that prohibit them from hunting. Wow. Fascinating. This is a great discussion thank you none of that idiot central hi good morning hi how are you hi nice to see you good to see you oh okay so they got so Chase is having Mariah on today oh I'm gonna send you
Starting point is 00:30:34 I can send you the notes this is cool send them over get so excited select all, copy, compose paste that's Sousa I always send them to Caleb too so excited. Okay, hold on. Select all. Copy. Compose. Paste. That's who's a... Just so you know, I always send them to Caleb too.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I know you know that, Matt. Yeah. Yeah. You only come on on the weekends. I don't know. What were you talking about before? There could be a holiday.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Sebi, did you watch Nicole Carroll and Craig's Howard podcast? No, I'm going to listen to that today too. I can't wait. I kind of had her scheduled to come on and I was kind of scared to have her on. And then we went back and forth and like she said she would come on, but she had a later date and then I waited and then I waited another six months and asked her on again and then she said yeah. then we i just started getting i didn't follow up it's my fault i'm kind of scared to have her on the same way as kind of the like normally when
Starting point is 00:31:38 i have rich on i'm so super well i'm always super excited to have rich on, but I don't want to – when I say scared, I want to make sure I'm extra courteous. Do you know what I mean? Scared might not be the right word, but it's like when you have someone over and you want to make sure your house is clean. So yeah, you just want to make sure your house is clean. Make sure it's all tidied and you put your best foot forward yeah exactly thank you are you also afraid is it weird when you have like a lot of like history and in the sense of like you know each other pretty well so like some of the questions you're kind of like dancing around a little yeah there's for sure a fakeness
Starting point is 00:32:19 not in a bad way though i'm comfortable with that kind of fakeness. But there's a fake... Yeah, a dance. A dance. Yeah, a dance. Yeah. Have you seen the episode yet? You just said you didn't see it. No, I haven't seen it, but I saw a clip from it, and I really want to see it. Someone said... Wait, where's... CK, Kevin... Nicole would be awesome. Do it, you beta male. The thing is, I wish it was because I'm a beta.
Starting point is 00:32:43 It was the same thing with like rich. I didn't want, I don't want to, uh, it's like after I had Dave on the other day, he said to me, man, you're so nice to me when we're on the air. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:56 yeah, cause I, I, um, I, like, I want to be nice to my guests, but I have relationships.
Starting point is 00:33:02 That was like the thing with rich. I had all of these. Once I saw him, I was like, I kind of don't want to go at him as hard as I was planning on it. Yeah. You can't. It's hard. You got to humanize it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Dang. It's just because I like him so much. And it's the same with Dave. When Dave's like, hey, don't interrupt me, I want to be like, motherfucker, I haven't't you're the one interrupting me that's what i would have said to him if like we were talking on the phone you've interrupted me four times stop it i would have said that back to him like hey i haven't got my question out yet
Starting point is 00:33:37 that's what i fucking do i interrupt you don't like it don't fucking hang out with me that's what i said you know what i mean i said something like that went hard on him huh i mean i just i don't even think it would have been hard it just it's more who i it's not that i'm beta it's maybe the opposite it's uh i'm uncouth or i'm i'm i'm not beta or not not beta okay i want can i get through how many of these can i get through okay uh um let's do it. 101. Imagine being her and not knowing that you're... Oh, so this is the thing with Pride Month. This is the same thing.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Imagine you think you're doing something to help gay people and make things more inclusive, and yet you're just making it worse because you're a fucking egotistical maniac. This is exactly what happens here with Charlie Kirk. Look at this. This lady outs herself as being a racist piece of shit while she thinks she's defending melanated people and i'll explain
Starting point is 00:34:30 it to you in a second okay um she thinks that this is a kind of a mouthful she thinks that skin color is a cause rather than a correlate that's that's a distinction between someone who's racist and someone who's not. Like I know skin color is a correlate. I know 100% it's not a cause. What do I mean by that? You're not born black and then have certain behaviors. It's not like that at all. It's not like that at all. Anyone who's ever been to Africa knows that. Anyone who knows more than one black person knows that. Anyone who's ever been to Africa knows that. Anyone who knows more than one black person knows that. There's no – it's not like that. It's just a correlate. And it's not a correlate that's actually – once you realize it's a correlate, it has actually nothing to do with skin color. Zero. Zero. Now, watch or try to push that skin color is a cause. By the way, once you push that any skin color is a cause, you're a racist. And I don't mean that in a bad way. Like, I don't hate racists.
Starting point is 00:35:36 But once you push skin color as any cause, you're a racist. Okay, here we go. According to the Bureau of Prison Statistics from last month, 38.3% of our current inmate population is black. But according to the 2020 census data, only 12.2 of our national population. Can you pause this? So if you don't believe in white privilege, how do you explain? So create so many presuppositions in the question, but I also want to reiterate, go look at the stats. Between 2008 and 2018, prison populations of people with black skin dropped 20%. 20%. Now she's making the presupposition that if you're not in prison, that you have white privilege. First of all, there is no such thing as privilege.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Just the fact that you would say that there's privilege is a presupposition. It's fuckery talk. It's word fuckery talk. There is no such thing as privilege. No one knows that. Only person who could possibly know that would be God if you believe in God.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Okay, here we go. So why are they in jail? It has been this way for years, since the 90s. Why do people go to jail? Why are black people in jail at higher rates than white people? That's the question, right? Maybe because they commit more crimes than white people. But that's not true.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It actually is. They do. So every independent analysis shows that blacks have committed disproportionate amount of crime. No one wants to say it out loud, but it's true. In fact, in New York, 52 percent of murders are committed by blacks. Forty plus percent of arson, 60 plus percent of drug deals. And so the question you should really be asking is what drives them to commit crimes? That's the question, right? Hey, can you pause? The real question is, you know, it's crazy about that number of black so it just to go a little bit further and i know i'm beating a dead horse you guys have heard this a million times but it's not it's not black people doing that by the way
Starting point is 00:37:33 charlie kirk and that girl are being uh not lying but they're being disingenuous it's not black people. It's black men. It's not white people who – they're going to soon talk about – they're going to soon mention that 4 million white people have committed crimes or something. It's not 4 million white people. It's 3,998,000 men. and then the two women that shot their abusive husband no seven are you saying that we should do bad shit to men no i'm not i'm not even making any insinuation implication uh nothing i'm just stating the fucking facts it's actually six percent of the melanated population that happen to have penises dangling between their legs are executing or killing somewhere between 45% and 52% of all murders in the United States. And what's even crazier is that 98% of those murders are black-on-black, melanated-on-melanated.
Starting point is 00:38:38 But it's not black women. It's 100%. So it's a, it's a, it's a hundred percent. Um, Oh, here Jake, uh, Seve, can you speak up a bit, please? I'm in the shower and struggling to hear you. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Sorry. I have to speak up. Yes, thank you. Can't you turn it up? Put your phone closer to the shower.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Put your phone closer. So here she is, right? Here she is. Here she is thinking that she's trying to help melanated people when she drives him into an argument that also makes him racist. people when she drives him into an argument that also makes him racist because he addresses her as black as the cause but not the correlate but but he does keep going at the end he does say i think he does say it has nothing to do with color but she's the fucking racist but that's the whole that's the whole thing with the fucking meredith roots and alex parkers and all those like the morning chalk up whole pride thing like you think you're helping but you're not you're making people fucking hate
Starting point is 00:39:50 you and be more divisive having a gay day at your gym is not inclusive it's actually exclusive how so because it's just a normal day for everyone until now you made it a day for certain people like you're concerned you're concerned like what
Starting point is 00:40:11 if you did the math what if you were just like hey um we're gonna do gay day a gay means that um the the genitalia you have in your pants is the genitalia you want rubbed on your face as opposed to like i'm gonna assume that me and you are the same and we like is the genitalia you want rubbed on your face as opposed to like i'm gonna assume that me and you are the same and we like the other genitalia preferably like in the ranking order it's one vagina two penis um so so you're gonna have a gay day at your gym and under the guise of being inclusive and so you take a vote how many How many people would feel more comfortable with this or less comfortable with this? And let's say 57 people want gay day,
Starting point is 00:40:51 and 32 people don't. So you're like, okay, the 57 win. But let's say it's the other way. Let's say it's 97 don't want gay day, and three do. Either way, you split the fucking herd either way you've done something that's that's not inclusive it's exclusive because the other way it's just pull-up day and fucking listen to matt tell you that you fucking you fat piece of shit ate the wrong thing before you came to cross for livermore today smackdown day yeah smackdown day
Starting point is 00:41:23 hey can i give another example that illustrates your point almost exactly yes yes completely different though yeah so i have a i've had a uh pulling charlie kirk down so i can look at you okay yeah sorry i have a member at my gym that uh has been with me from the start so almost 10 years now and he's deaf he also is like a superintendent like our vice principal at the school for deaf. And, um, I was like, Hey, raise is his name. And I was like, raise, I got this great idea, like to, to bring more awareness to like what you have to deal with coming into the box or whatever, we should have one class period, not every day, but just, just on one day,
Starting point is 00:41:57 we'll say the four 30 class is going to be the silent workout, meaning I'm going to have him come up and teach the class in sign language. We're going to have no music. And once the class starts, you could only communicate with somebody else in sign language. I love that. Not to be inclusive, though. No, it's to bring kind of awareness to give people a light in his perspective. Oh, well, I was just going to do I just like the challenge of it. It's also yeah, it could be fun. I like those kind of things. So I ran it by him, right?
Starting point is 00:42:36 And there's actually this pretty cool app that we use to where like he calls me and it's another person who's talking to me, but he's signing to the person and they're translating to me. Wow. Yeah, it's a trip because they come on and it's like a woman's voice. And I'm like, this isn't Reyes. But then as she's talking, I'm like, they know everything Reyes knows. You you know what i mean so it's kind of funny he also has his uh uh l1 he hated the idea okay he did not want to do the silent workout okay he said number one that's bringing too much like attention to to to him which he didn't he wasn't comfortable with and number two he said that's not indicative of the world he lives in oh interesting yeah i'll i i used to before i had
Starting point is 00:43:12 kids my wife and i would do stuff like that like we would have like um uh six we would go like on a uh 15 mile walk and the only rule is you couldn't um you couldn't talk murder for me horrible for me but it was kind of in the same but i fucking loved it but it's isn't that isn't the same thing that i suggested that we did to like bring more awareness or like well yeah yeah yeah for what you're isn't it the same thing as kind of like the gay day or insert other other person who lives, you know, whatever. You're not. Here's the thing. The whole sex thing is so much more charged to me than celebrating Deaf Day.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Right, but isn't it kind of the same premise? Apparently Mark Flores knows everything about everything. A lot of opinions, bro. Right? Is there a difference there? It brings awareness to the life that he lives and going into the gym. That was kind of the premise of my idea, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. That one's so loaded for me because I just love fucking silence, but yeah, you're, you're, you're spot on a hundred percent in that regard with the intention that you're saying it's spot, it's, it's spot on. Yes. Yeah. And so it was funny hearing from his perspective and he was like, no, like, I don't like like I don't want that. Like, I don't want people to to have to focus on that or make the focus about me or anything like that. It doesn't it doesn't seems like the same thing to me a little bit could be off there and he was he wasn't no he wasn't into it well this is have you tried blind day it's funny with that um with uh you know with gay day it could be just like with silent day i just like the thought of trying to be silent.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I guess if gay day was just like, hey, just try to be gay today. Imagine me and you are working out in the class next to each other. Hi, I saw you came on gay day. Oh, yeah, I did come on gay day. So what are you doing after class? You want to take it a little step further? Yeah. Do Gay Day?
Starting point is 00:45:53 Gay Day? Anyway, it's just amazing. It's the constant theme of the people on the left. They think that they're doing something positive to help, and they're just fucking cementing and pushing the hate and further exacerbating the problem instead of making it better. Imagine spending your time just going around just spreading hate but my intentions were so people that idea right right from such it came from compassion
Starting point is 00:46:35 right right that one i was helping right imagine imagine you ran onto a bus full of 40 gay guys black gay guys don't tempt me with a good time and the bus driver is uh threatening to kill them he's got his his hand on a button and he's black and gay too and jewish he's actually gay black and Jewish. And you wrestle him to the ground and he dies. And you'd be charged with being a homophobic, anti-Semitic racist. Without ever contextualizing the fact that you saved 40 black dudes, gay black dudes in the back of the bus. That's what we're dealing with. It's like just – it's just it's it's a fucking it's it's nuts it's nuts i hate you because you don't because you hate
Starting point is 00:47:37 uh china and biden 100 china and Biden, 100. China and Biden, 100. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Top one or bottom one? Look at how popular the show is. So many calls, I don't even know what to do. Please stop interrupting the show. Caller, hi. How can I help you?
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm sorry for interrupting. I didn't even hear that. Jeez, there's so many calls today. Go ahead. interrupting yeah i didn't even hear that jesus so many calls today hey so why here's here's what i have a problem with with the whole like let's have a gay day let's have a wait hold on sorry hold on one second uh uh magnus is is there any black jews didn't we have a black jew on the show who was who was on the show who said they were a black jew a benin and jew who was that they had a black jew on the show who said they were a black Jew? A Beninan Jew. Who was that? They had a black Jew on the show. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Okay, go ahead. What's your problem with Gay Day? I'm not a black or a Jew. Just so you all know. I'm not black or a Jew. While Cesar was talking about the quiet day it never this is what the only problem with that is it never ends the same idea as um this basically this whole equity movement where everyone needs to understand or like you know how there's infinite number of pronouns now
Starting point is 00:49:01 because there's infinite number of personalities basically infinite number of genders yes and it becomes it becomes to where everyone has their own weakness because their personality is as unique as their disability so whatever they end up having they're going to want to be well they want empathy they want sympathy for it. But this guy doesn't, and he's right not to because he understands that it doesn't help. He's still going to be deaf at the end of the day. It doesn't help that more people are aware because everyone has their issues. And these issues are becoming more and more
Starting point is 00:49:39 put out into the world. Like everybody needs to identify with me or else I feel like i'm even more victimized and then they take out their identity or accommodate me right like we saw that whole video yesterday where like everyone there's an auditorium full of people and everyone's trying to get accommodations for themselves can you not use that word can you not speak loudly can you not hold up signs i mean it was crazy but it ends up being it ends up being that meeting remember that meeting everybody's like oh no gendered language but it's it's just an endless it's just the same it's the same path
Starting point is 00:50:09 that's why you didn't want to do it because you understood like no i don't i don't want to be identified constantly as a victim i don't want to be constantly treated as if i'm different i just want to be equal with you guys i want to be in the same class as you guys and not have you guys have to like constantly kowtow to me and whatever, you know, my disability is. I want to take it one step further too, because like I'm just a perfectly sane, cool fucking guy. I'm so fucking cool and perfectly sane. It's fucking nuts. So like I,
Starting point is 00:50:42 I want to, I want to to do i want there to be just straight suck a dick month but the only things that fucking uh that um do it are the ones that are in suck a dick neighborhoods like san francisco and i would go party at those gyms during that month maybe fucking to show crossfit livermore to show support of the fucking super gay gym in san francisco would go down there and support them, and all the gyms would come together and do fucking blow-me-fucking-night in San Francisco CrossFit and do the competition. I have no issue with that.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I have no issue with celebrating Jew night, doing the 13 workouts of Hanukkah. I want to support all those people. It's the fact that it's being shoved down our kids' throat. They just went fucking too far all those people it's the fact that it's being shoved down our kids our kids throat they just went fucking too far because so many fucking people just aren't sane and cool like me like they can't just be like yeah i get it the gym in chinatown wants to do chinese new year fucking workout i get it let's fucking do it but to bring fucking gay night or jew night into every fucking gym across the country and basically like call you a fucking homophobe or not allowed to have an honest conversation about it.
Starting point is 00:51:49 That the LGBTQ community has a disproportionate fucking number of fucking pedos in it. Like, yo, motherfucker. Like, now you're being exclusive. Now you're being an asshole. Now you're behaving like fucking Hitler. Why can't we just talk about it? We all fucking know it's true. Hey, the only two – I know two lesbian families now, two lesbian women, two lesbian couple women who both said to me, holy shit, we fucked up.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Well, I'll get to that in a second. I'll get to that in a second. Yeah, it's crazy. I don't mind any of that stuff. It's just shoving it down the throat. They just went too far, and now we just have to push back. Bro jobs. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Bro jobs. Yeah. It's the next thing you know, you're Evergreen College from, what was it, 2017, when they excluded white people from the campus for a day so that they can feel how black people feel all the time apparently. Yeah, that was an incredible movie, by the way. No safe spaces. Once again, I have no problem if they wanted to experiment with that.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I have no problem if they wanted. But the fact that they told those white teachers that they couldn't be there and that guy, they should have listened to him instead they got violent with him and that's the whole thing that's the whole thing because i won't fucking do gay night at my fucking uh in my kid's school now you're going to be violent with me that's the whole thing it's fucking nuts we're queer we're here we're coming for your children like that that shouldn't be tolerated at all no one no one should be coming for anyone's children it shouldn't be tolerated at all i don't give a fuck what you're what about snicker bar what about coming for your children can i ask a question what about pride flags
Starting point is 00:53:38 in crossfit gyms yes or no if if you want to do that as a gym owner i have no issues with it like if you want to do that i personally would not fucking do that i personally would not do that i don't i don't think that that's inclusive i think i think sex is like some some um i don't i don't want to be as ambiguous as just say i'd like to be more specific about it and just say it's not a highly charged topic. I just don't think that that place should be pushing sexuality. I just – for me personally. Would I go to a gym that had a gay flag? I guess it depends on where I lived. If I lived in San Francisco on Hayden Ashbury, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:27 If it was fucking with a bunch of virtue signaling fucking Portland, Seattle fucktards, no. Well, that has more to do with the way they act and not the flag itself, right? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it has any place in a gym. I don't think the gay flag has any place in a gym, just like I don't think I wouldn't hang a Republican flag or a Democrat flag. I don't think it, me personally, has any place in a gym. is someone having a physical disability and wanting to empathize with it through a day where we, I don't know, that's much more,
Starting point is 00:55:09 even though I don't like it, it's much more permissible to me than someone talking about, who do you want to have sex with? Let's just make that like the topic that we're always going to have to identify with on certain days, no, not days, months at a time. And then have like emblems of that
Starting point is 00:55:26 concept in our gym next to the american flag next to the military branches it's being so shoved down our throat they removed all the fucking country flags at the un and put up 190 gay flags spider-man now has a trans everything everywhere you fucking go there's something it's it's being just it's just fucking front and center it's um it's bizarre anyway so sorry for all my opinion man but this is you know public show no i like it i was actually i was actually using that as an example of myself being wrong and why that doesn't work. Oh, I don't believe it. He was coming after you.
Starting point is 00:56:08 He was kicking. He was stomping on you. No, I was just. You look a little peeved there for a second. He did look pissed. I do get pissed because a lot of people just throw these fucking one word responses back. But at least you had the balls to call in and have the discussion about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I see some of these people in the chat. Yeah. That's why I said I was just getting started. What did you say to him? I missed getting started. What did you say to him? I missed the comment. What did you say to him? Did you make fun of his hair? I just said it was a stupid idea. Oh, the blind day? Deaf day?
Starting point is 00:56:35 Well, at least I had his back on that. I don't think it's a stupid idea. I think silence is the route to enlightenment. I think it's one of the pathways to enlightenment. That's a totally different reason than Susan was wanting to do it. I think it's one of the pathways to enlightenment. That's a totally different reason by what then Suzu was wanting to do. That's why my wires were getting crossed. No,
Starting point is 00:56:48 I was using it as a flawed thinking that I had, that I had some sort of moral high ground. It was going to show compassion by forcing everybody to do one thing. That's what it is. That's, that's just put you hit me on the head. That's exactly what everyone on the left thinks they're doing. So Suzu was being vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And instead of being gentle, you just pushed the whole dick in them. Well, there you go. No, we actually agree on the same thing. Cause I was using that as the example of like, that's just flawed thinking.
Starting point is 00:57:13 That's like, right. And then as soon as I actually discussed to the one person who it mattered that I thought I was trying to help, he was like, dude, you're not fucking helping me. That's making a mockery of it.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Stop. Let me just roll. And I was like, Oh shit. Same thing. And, um oh it's the same thing and um it's the same thing with veterans all right uh and it's it's it's become so mainstream now but even the standing up i can't do it anymore like people that are just so think they're so self-right like let's go to the crossfit gym and there's we'll have a day
Starting point is 00:57:42 whether it's labor day or memorial day whatever whatever if it has anything tertiary to do with the military we're going to honor them and like raise your hand all this stuff they don't they don't want that i don't want that it's it's got that's gotten out of hand too and i don't even care for like every branch of the military's flag being in the gym either just put an american flag up there it's fine i i agree i like that what about those dudes getting on the plane first i'm cool with that you go with that no just like the attention is worse than if you just ignored them i i just i mean it's gotten so bad it's the pendulum has swung so far on the other end where it's like, we think it's like in our creed. Like first thing we do is we pray to God and then we pray to the military
Starting point is 00:58:29 veterans or it's just gotten better. Don't you think that helps recruiting? That's like, I'm being kind of serious here. Don't you think that's kind of a nice social contract? Hey, if like McDonald's gave you 5% off, if you were in the military airplanes, let you get to to go if you're joining the military because of five percent off thank you for your service oh you're fucking me up this morning god you're good yeah mark's coming with the heat i like it fuck you and your logic and also all right guys have a good one
Starting point is 00:59:01 yeah thank you for calling five 5% of Mickey D's. Oh, shut it, Mason. I hate a caller that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, but him and I were totally agreeing on the same point. By the way, that suggestion that I had made was multiple years ago after a CrossFit game article came out about him called The Silent Open in 2017. My memory. Oh, okay. Yeah, if you guys want to read on that you could check that out it's called the silent open uh oxfitter does that mean australian crossfitter it's a good guess look at me fucking i should have been in uh
Starting point is 00:59:41 should have been in the c, just decoding shit. High IQ. As a lesbian myself, meaning you like girls, you have a vagina and you like vaginas. Or does it mean you don't like penis? Or both. As a lesbian myself, I was extremely weirded out by the morning chalk ups. And look how open-minded I am. You don't like penis, but that doesn't make me be like, fuck you still like you because you have a vagina see how open i am i don't let her her disposition towards penis affect my feelings towards her we don't know
Starting point is 01:00:15 she doesn't like him we just she might just prefer the other over and i really like her picture i i as crushers we all are intimately aware of that position she's in you know what i mean that one spot you think she just caught that clean at the top what do you think's going on there she going down or up it looks like she's going up i would say that was probably a power clean long femurs right need to know it looks like yeah looks like it as a lesbian myself i was extremely weirded out by the morning chocolate pride workout. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:47 The article is so weird. It is weird. Instead of having men's and women's weights, they had tranny weights. I forgot about that. It's so weird. As a female, I'm not open to that. That place is so lost its way a little weird um
Starting point is 01:01:09 uh pandering i want to start a position to ask for justin lefranco to come back caller hi what are you fucking making bacon oh you have the shower on you're in the shower on. You're in the shower. Yes, sir. Making bacon in the shower. Oh, because I hear something like shh. And it's either a shower or bacon. I apologize. I had the sink on. My bad. No, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:01:35 How are y'all doing this morning? Washing your penis off. It's healthy. It's very Catholic. Well, funny. Oddly enough, I am Catholic. Appreciate it, sir. Yep, no problem problem wash the penis well yes sir will do hey so first i'll appreciate the show guys it's always entertaining uh i just wanted to call in because i'll be honest if we're going to be open and have an
Starting point is 01:01:59 open discussion that last call-in guy you know i i appreciate you know the fact that if you are gay if you're lesbian um or whatever you know feel free to do what you want to do i i don't have a problem with that whatsoever everybody's entitled to their own opinion the only issue i have is it comes down to a simple matter of respect and the fact of the matter is whether you like it or not is that this country has a flag and our flag is flying and people are proud of that because of the military you know wars were fought wars were won for our freedom to be able to do as we please you know you talked about how it pissed you off how the occupational games were taken away for military vets, people in the military, police and fire, because that was the founding principle of CrossFit, which it is. It's the same exact concept, at least to me, is it's a total disrespect to the military and people who made the ultimate sacrifice who stood for the flag
Starting point is 01:03:05 who fought for the flag for it to be able to fly for our country and that you have people of the lgbtq community who get upset when their flag is offended so i feel like that in it of itself is very offensive and it's if they're going to be very upset and say that it's not respecting to them in their community then how can you not respect our country for what it is and all the people who have gone before us to fight for those freedoms? The irony too about that is someone might say like, well, fuck you. This guy is a fucking idiot. He doesn't understand say that it's just a fucking never-ending loop anything you say to your argument is like yeah those people fought so that you could talk shit about the military those people fought so that you could talk shit about that flag those people and when we get rid of that flag or those principles or what that flag symbolizes or we
Starting point is 01:04:01 get rid of our liberty i mean mean, it's so basic. Jimmy Carter said it. Mother Teresa said it. So many people have said it. The Buddha said it in their own ways. Be the change you want to be. But also, if you fight violence with violence, only the violent people will win.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And that's basically what they've done. They have one giant fucking violent movement to fucking eradicate anyone who thinks differently than them I agree with you well I just wanted to add on to I work at the fire department as well as a firefighter or a fluffer
Starting point is 01:04:36 yes sir whatever you prefer whatever you want to call it nowadays I don't even know what's correct to say nowadays fire person fire person uh fire neutral are you a religious man are you religious man too yes sir i'm catholic okay but i will say is being catholic like i said when i opened up is you know in a in a catholic tradition uh marriage is supposed to happen between a man and a woman but specifically just for me personally and i might be going to hell because this is not part
Starting point is 01:05:13 of my religion i'm perfectly fine with whatever you want to do if you want to fuck dudes you can fuck dudes if you want to fuck women you can fuck women it doesn't bother me whatsoever what bothers me is exactly what you said is how it's being shoved down people's throats and used is almost it's almost like weaponization. We're using as ammo because you're pissed and you're upset because you're not being included to the level that you want to be or you're not being recognized to the level you want to be recognized at. And you're spitting on the flag, you're pissing on the flag, you're standing on the flag and people have gone before us to allow you the freedom to be able to do that and then now you're getting upset that your flag's not being flown in the crossfit gym you got sports teams now it's making its way into sports how people are looking like pieces of shit for not wearing pride month shirts and people who are kneeling for the national anthem you have you know being shoved down people's throats in schools,
Starting point is 01:06:07 kids being forced into awkward situations and being forced to conform to certain ideologies because people are upset. I just think that it's a very- What's the tolerance? You nailed it. What's the tolerance? How many, so this country supposedly didn't tolerate of the 365 million stops that police officers do, this country didn't tolerate – and all of those stops are done by people who we've armed.
Starting point is 01:06:33 They didn't tolerate 12 unarmed black men getting shot. God knows they still may have been violent or had knives or been threatening the police officers or whatever. How many little girls are we going to allow to be raped in school bathrooms by trannies? I wonder what the threshold is for that. Well, I mean, nowadays, I mean – I say it's zero. I say it's zero. By the way, I don't tolerate – I say it's zero, and my thing is not to let people with penises into women's bathrooms
Starting point is 01:07:03 and make it a definitive law. I agree completely. Yeah. And I saw some stuff on the internet the other day of them wanting to make some type of transgender sports. And I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I feel like it would be a lot more fair. Yeah, do it. I would do it.
Starting point is 01:07:21 It'll be just slightly more popular than the women's NBA. Hey, do you want to know what the women's WNBA? It's $60 million in revenue a year if you believe that, which there's no fucking way it is. There's no way. There's no fucking way. But listen to this. In 2020, there were $12 billion in golf balls sold get your head wrapped around that that's just
Starting point is 01:07:49 golf balls i'm not talking about fertilizer for golf lawns talking about golf clubs 12 billion in golf balls yeah let them do the tranny games i don't give a fuck do whatever do the three-legged dog games do whatever and hey you know what i? I used to think gay marriage is a fascinating one because – it's a fascinating one because it's where government and religion mix, right? Gay marriage is a trippy one. I mean – but it goes back to like it doesn't i think because it's government you gotta let you gotta let them do it because it's the government but but let's just go ahead i'm sorry no it's okay go ahead i was gonna say well with government in general there's no winning there's no losing if anything though in general i think that there's
Starting point is 01:08:43 probably more losing to do because there's a lot more hate that people will take because this day and age nowadays is just so soft. And to be honest, people are so quick to jump the gun and are so hostile, especially when it comes to politics, LGBTQ, anything. And I see it all the time in my line of work. But that's where I said with the t-shirt stuff for me working at the fire department it bothers me is you know we have people in our community who get upset and think that we're racist or you know we're not being inclusive and we we don't like the gays or whatever because we don't have a pride month t-shirt or we don't fly a pride flag on the back of our fire engines and that to me is where it becomes too much where,
Starting point is 01:09:25 you know, like you can't just shove things down people's throat because you're upset. And that's exactly what politics is forcing people to do. That's what people do in the LGBT community, the black lives matter community, everything. When people are upset, they leverage government and they leverage people to have hate towards people who don't feel the same way they do, and I don't feel like that's fair. Thank you. Appreciate your sobriety on the subject and your contribution. You're a good dude. Well, appreciate the show, guys. Keep it up. Thank you. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:10:02 All right. Where are we? Thanks. All right. Where are we? We had the Article 100 China paid Biden. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Sorry. I got lost in the – yeah, okay. Let's burn through these. Hit that top one, that Instagram one first. This is amazing. Imagine being worried about anything when this is being – oh, son of a bitch. I've seen these. These are amazing.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Caller, hi. Hi. Hello. How are you? I had a thought while you were talking about the deaf member that Sousa had. So does it seem to you that people who have victim mindsets seem to only identify heavily with that one thing? Like it encompasses all of them? And I just feel like as human beings, we're so much more complex than that. You know, like here's my example.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I've been doing CrossFit for almost 10 years. So you can see muscular legs, arms, and people approach me out of nowhere, complete strangers, and only talk to me about working out. And I'm like, well, there's so much more to me than working out. Isn't there so much more to people who just want to press this gender ideology isn't aren't they more complex like is their mental illness so extreme that it just encompasses every part of them does that make sense yeah yeah yeah hey it's yeah it's their hobby their hobby and their persona like we've said yeah a religion yeah their religion is is playing the victim a hundred yeah it just drives me a hundred it drives me crazy like i don't have i i really don't have i have
Starting point is 01:11:52 a great life i try really hard to not play the victim i'm aware of it but just that one example of like man i'm so much more complex than just the fact that i work out and when i meet strangers i don't like that's not all there is to me working out or training people or being a coach. You know, it's like, can we go a little bit deeper than just the one thing, you know, I just feel like. There isn't it. There's these weird things, right. Like your car, you're not your car, but you're responsible for it. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:22 And a rock cups up and hits, it flies up and hits your windshield and you get upset because then because you're kind of wrapped up in your car because you're responsible for it you have to pay for it yes and but but at the end of the day you're going to sell your car your car's going to die or your dog like i have a dog that seems like he's on his way out and he's going to die and i'm not going to it's it's not me it's gonna hurt right but it's not me and things are coming and going these but when people are victims they um they there's no there's no they they've there's no space between their victim mindset
Starting point is 01:13:03 and who that they really are it's like almost like they get no reprieve from it at all it's like that's what i was trying to say zero well you did you said it as good as i did for sure there's there's just no reprieve they that's why i call them people who are asleep they're just asleep and they're stuck and at no point during the day or they were like holy fuck i'm just making all this shit up yeah and if you don't do that at least once a day if you don't do that at least once a day be like holy fuck i'm just making this all up and you have no space right no you have no freedom yeah yeah it that is a mental illness they're completely disconnected from from i don't know some people call it God or the unknown. They have no reprieve.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Yeah. By the way, this is Farmer Josh's wife, Tammy, from the Central Valley. Oh, hi. Just by calling. Hi. Hey. So let's talk about your farm for a second. Holy shit, we're approaching an hour and a half. What are you growing there? Peaches, pl plums and nectarines
Starting point is 01:14:05 peaches um no cherries no no cherries that picture i sent you probably looked like cherries but those were nectarines oh okay shows how closely i look at things and um and the um how are your nectarines this year uh delicious everything's going pretty well i have issues with nectarines it's something that i never get to really get to uh full maturation what what issues are you having they just stay small they don't ever ripen all the way they just um it's weird you have to thin you gotta take off oh you sound like my dad oh i hate you he's not wrong i wish i had pictures i could show your audience of what the ground looks like in the spring when we go through and thin everything so you're telling me when my plum tree that's only like 15 feet tall has three million plums on it my
Starting point is 01:14:59 dad's like hey you got to knock off half of those at least i'm like what the fuck he's not wrong oh no he's right oh no yep that's fine and why do my apricots not have apricots every year why does it feel like it's every other year i don't know we don't grow apricots but i don't think the people who grow them around here have that problem so they have them they get not sure do you have any trees that do that that it's every other year no you know you might need more bees or do they need to be pollinized by like cross pollinated apricots they might i don't know for sure do you guys have beekeepers come in and and and uh put their their their bee homes on the property yes we do for plums mostly you think if you didn't do that the shit wouldn't get pollinated uh yeah i do think that we actually have a block right next to my house
Starting point is 01:15:53 that uh when it was raining and super cold the bees weren't flying and there's like no crop right next to my house wow so blade walker everyone wants to be a farmer until it's time to do farmer shit. Yeah. He's not wrong. How long are your days? Um, Josh starts around five 30 and then he's usually home by like five, but we own two packing houses too. So if those are still running, he'll come home and work out with a group of guys that come over. And then sometimes he'll head back out to the shed just to make sure everything's going good. So it's a big operation. You have kids?
Starting point is 01:16:36 Not yet, no. Did you guys inherit the farm? Yeah, so I'm actually technically fourth generation. And Josh, you could say josh's third generation his grandfather did a little bit of farming and then his dad farms so he works very closely with his dad yeah crazy how did you guys meet um at elementary school i was in first grade and he was in kindergarten yeah how old were you the first time you guys kissed uh i think we were 21 well we didn't date till after college yeah
Starting point is 01:17:13 yeah um do you remember him from um kindergarten or first grade oh oh yes we we did not need an introduction we grew up like a mile and a half down the road from each other. And I went to the private high school and he went to the public high school. And every morning when we were driving to school, we would pass each other. He's going one direction. I was going the other and we'd wave at each other every morning. Some crazy shit. Sean M says the caller is groomed. You can't be groomed by someone who's a year older than you. It has to be like some. Can you? You can't be groomed by someone, right?
Starting point is 01:17:51 That's called courting. When it's the same age as you, it's courtship. Yeah. I was not interested. Everyone was like telling me that I should go out with him and I resisted for a very long time. Maybe you're gay. Did you think about that? Definitely not gay. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 01:18:09 All right. Well, thank you for calling. Yeah. Awesome to talk to you. Have a great rest of your show. I'm happy to know you. How old are you? 35.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Oh, okay. That's good. That's a good age. Okay. Are you guys going to have kids? It's a great age. We've been trying. So it hasn't been working. Went through a few like rounds of treatment.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Didn't really like the way that went or how I felt. So we're looking into adopting. Okay. Just keep doing it. You guys know what you're doing. You're not using any protection. You guys just work out and bone. Yes. I know I sound sound naive but we're we know what we're doing well my mom my mom sent me a email like a one-page spreadsheet yeah no you're good oh wow yeah checklist no i think we're good in that department it was really weird when my mom said, number one, lots of doggy style. No, she didn't.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Okay. Well, I'm excited for you. And then let's say you guys do have kids. You can just – you'll just raise them on the farm. That will be their education, right? Math, biology, science, hard work, fitness. It can all be done just right there on the farm. They can learn everything, right? Photosynthesis, the whole shebang. Yeah, they can for sure. That's the plan.
Starting point is 01:19:29 God, that's crazy. You got to come see it. You know, my buddy, Greg, Greg Glassman, the guy who founded CrossFit, he's building a house next to a house he already owns. And one of the things, and he homeschools his kids. And one of the things they do is on a weekly basis, he sits down, the kids sit down with the contractor and the builder, and they get like a one-hour talk of how the house is being built. And that's part of their education. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, I love it. I know, that's awesome. I never thought I would consider homeschool, but what's going on is terrifying. It's better anyway. It's so much better anyway. I'm telling you, it's so much better. Yeah, I know. We'll see when we get there, if we get there.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I mean, fingers crossed. Don't stress yourself out about it. Enjoy it. I'm not stressed. Okay, good. Sorry for projecting onto you. Yeah, geez. I'm crying.
Starting point is 01:20:23 My goodness. No, it's all good. I appreciate you. Yeah, geez. I'm crying. My goodness. No, it's all good. I appreciate it. Yeah, but we didn't have, I didn't have my first baby until I was 39. No, my, 43.
Starting point is 01:20:33 I was 43. And your wife was 39? She was 39, yeah. Okay, good to know. Keep that in mind. Okay. Okay, we'll talk to you later. Bye.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I'm a fucking idiot if i don't go to their farm yeah you should she's cool too like they'd be easy to hang out with and i'm gonna love that shit yeah i'm gonna just so geek out i'm gonna eat so much fruit i'm gonna get sick maybe it's opportunity for the boys oh i wanted to pull this yeah i wanted to oh that's a good point i wanted to pull this up i might homes wanted to – oh, that's a good point. I wanted to pull this up. I might homeschool my kids because California schools have become junk food distribution center. Graciano Rubio said earlier he had a comment, if you like thick moms, what sexuality does that make me? If I was Graciano Rubio, I would never have laying down sex. We just appreciate that comment. I just would always have standing up sex
Starting point is 01:21:28 that's it because it's like nothing for him to hold yeah nothing dude when he's zots fest 405 he does what so you know like when you you got you got the bar on your back but you're in a wide like you're gonna overhead squat the bar yeah but on your back and then you go down to the bottom of your squat and you press the bar up overhead oh shit are you kidding me no dude it's insane hey try doing that with just a 45 pound barbell and watch how hard it is and try doing that just with the pvc yeah that's zotz press wow and it's extremely difficult not only just to stay in the position but but to generate enough force and power. He could have standing sex with a 200-pound woman. Two of them.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Front and back. Like one up here, one down here. It's a juggling act. Crazy. Oh, shit. Hold on. Let's make sure the comments know everything let's find this oh thank you got it got it so it's not what we do without says the girl who works at gold's gym
Starting point is 01:22:33 oh shit she's been vetted she's been vetted saved by the chat again not tots either tots press it's the tots tots press it's crazy oh i i walked it i've walked in on two two people before having standing sex two different couples wait wait i don't know where that came out of so two separate occasions yeah you walked into two separate couples yeah having standing sex. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah. That's true. One of the stories I just can't tell, but one of the other stories was in college. And we were just hanging out in the room and we were just hanging out in the room. This was this was the this buddy of mine was the first person I ever – there was no internet back then, or people didn't have it. But that was back then – that was the first person I ever saw or knew who watched porn. It was this friend of mine, and he just – he always watched porn with his girlfriend. It was weird. Like as an arousal or just like i don't know but i just i always just thought it was weird that anyone would go out of their way to get porn like you yeah go to the video store
Starting point is 01:23:54 get a dvd come on just seem like really the beaded curtain yeah yeah yeah in the back get your id check zero zero i still have kind of zero interest in porn i tried to edit porn one time for a guy and it lasted like three days it was fucking so stupid and actually i tell the story like i i quit i was gonna quit but they thought i was they thought i was horrible they're like hey dude too many cuts no one's i was trying to like tell a story like no one cares they just want to see just just lay it down and export it you're like, hey, dude, too many cuts. I was trying to tell a story. No one cares. They just want to see – just lay it down and export it. You're like, can we get some more development of this character?
Starting point is 01:24:31 Yeah, yeah, totally. There's not a lot of depth there yet. Yeah, and so I was just hanging out in a room with this guy one time. I was hanging out in the room with this girl and her friend. It was actually a mutual friend of me – this girl that I knew who was like a mutual friend of me and this guy we were hanging out she had a friend visit from you know friends come and visit from college right and we were just hanging out in this room and they my friend started making out with her friend and the next thing i know he fucking had her clothes off and had her against the wall and was drilling her.
Starting point is 01:25:06 And all I remember thinking is they're having unprotected sex. That's all I remember thinking. Like, fuck, they shouldn't be doing that. That could go wrong, guys. Come on. Jessica Valenzuela at the chiropractor. Wish me luck, friends.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Hoping my back isn't too fucked might need to get some peptides if it's bad is that from having standing sex she's six feet tall it's probably from wearing all that the gun belt and the bulletproof vest and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:25:49 All right. Okay. Okay. How are you on time? I'm fine. I don't know. I don't know anyone who's banged on it. Maybe. One of my friends did tell me. I don't want to get's banged on it. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:26:07 One of my friends did tell me. I don't want to get into the plane story. Okay, China. China. How are we going to explain this one to our kids? Let's watch this. 100. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:27 How are we going to explain this? Kazik, you want to kick us off? The House Ways and Means Committee yesterday released documents their Authenticity Nowhere Challenge. That included a July 2017 WhatsApp message sent by Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party
Starting point is 01:26:44 official, which stated in its entirety, and I quote, I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father, unquote. So just a couple of questions about this. Can you pause this?
Starting point is 01:27:22 Can you pause this? So that's – the House – the Committee on Ways and Means is the chief tax writing committee of the United States House of Representatives. The committee has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs, and other revenue-raising measures as well as a number of other programs including Social Security, unemployment benefits, and Medicare. These people – these are the money people this committee has a text message from the app called whatsapp of hunter biden demanding to know where his payment is to three people chinese communist party sounds like leaders threatening them and using his dad who was the vice president of the United States at the time, as part of that threat who was sitting next to him.
Starting point is 01:28:17 What the fuck? So let's see how she answers. Let's see how she answers. Let's see how she answers. So he's true. And no one at the White House has denied this, by the way. OK, here we go. Does this not undermine the president's claim during the 2020 campaign and the reaffirmations of that claim by his two press secretaries since then that he never once discussed his son's overseas business dealings with him okay great thanks everybody uh okay go down go down below new york post uh article so we're worried about uh white house repeatedly refuses to answer if biden was involved in hunters chinese chinese i think you went down too fast right oh chinese government
Starting point is 01:29:11 isn't go up top i want to just read the headline real quick i'm sorry i thought you're reading the bottom part go back oh here we go a white house repealer refuses to answer if biden was involved in hunters China shakedown. This is fucking amazing. Feel free to click this, guys, this New York Post article and look this up. I think this one's actually worth staying very close to. staying very close to.
Starting point is 01:29:44 The text message was released Thursday by the White House Ways and Means Committee after receiving closed-door testimony from the IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley, who led the tax fraud investigation of the first son for more than three years and from another agent on the case since 2018. So they've been sitting on this for six years? They've been sitting on this for six years?
Starting point is 01:30:07 That he was using his dad to get money? There's other text messages in there, by the way, from WhatsApp. I don't know if you call those text messages where it talks about how they each got five million dollars. Biden and Hunter. Joe and Hunter.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me, Joe Biden, my dad, and every person he knows, Barack Obama, and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Holy shit. Doesn't seem weird to me at all. But yet, they're concerned about boxes of papers classified documents and oh Mr. Trump's house 99 RFK
Starting point is 01:31:18 RFK Robert F. Kennedy fuck man he's taken on the world by storm here we go bia modeled this outbreak in 2019 two times the second time at event 201. And who was at Event 201? Avril Haines co-hosted it with Bill Gates. And the head of this Chinese CDC, George Gayle, was there. The virus was already circulating in Wuhan at that time. Nobody knew it, but George Gayle had to know it. He's the head of the Chinese CDC and the Chinese number one expert on coronavirus.
Starting point is 01:32:04 of the Chinese CDC and the Chinese number one expert on coronavirus. He comes to New York in October of 2019 and sits down with Abraham, the former deputy director of the CIA, today the director of national intelligence, the top spy in our country, and says, and they do a four-part simulation, and the fourth part is, how do we hide hide it and anybody can go on youtube right now i can't believe they left it up there you can go on there look at event 201 and look at simulation number four and they're talking about george gayle and avril haines are talking about how do we how do we get people to censor the social media if they start saying this is from a lab leak this is before anybody ever heard of coronavirus the cia how did anyone fall for that
Starting point is 01:32:53 how did anyone fall for that uh 98 maybe so they've known they've known the whole time no matter how you slice it doesn't even matter if what he's saying is true at that point Uh, 98. So they've known. They've known the whole time. No matter how you slice it, it doesn't even matter if what he's saying is true at this point. But it's just another data point. Just another fucking data point. Adrian Broner, washed-up boxer,
Starting point is 01:33:23 protege of Floyd Mayweather. After his fight, I think this was a couple weeks ago he fought. I couldn't even believe it. It's almost like he came out of retirement. Here we go. You wanted and needed. It wasn't everything I... Well, it was everything I wanted, but it wasn't everything I needed. Right now, I need some pussy.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Oh, God. Now, listen. You don't need pussy.'t need everything you wanted and needed he asked him did you get everything you wanted and needed and he says uh i got everything i want i wanted but um i don't have what i need and that's pussy and i think he has it backwards i don't know 97 uh will they admit tranny shit is a mental disorder 97 here we go used to be till 2018 yeah and it got changed up uh uh here Here we go. How did anyone fall for this shit? This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:29 I just want to show this to everyone I know who took the injection and be like, here you go. Here we go. Action. Zuckerberg is coming out now and he's admitting that they censored legitimate information on COVID-19. that they censored legitimate information on COVID-19. I think a lot of the kind of establishment on that, you know, kind of waffled on a bunch of facts and, you know, asked for a bunch of things to be censored that in retrospect ended up being, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:55 more debatable or true. In other words, what they were trying to shut down was the marketplace of ideas. And what took place? We found that the quote-unquote science they were using as the foundation of their judgments was not accurate. There were inaccuracies and lack of public transparency on the safety or lack thereof of the vaccines. We saw that when people are silenced and when only quote-unquote approved authorities are able to provide information
Starting point is 01:35:25 that actually it's a greater risk to health what they're saying now is that this has caused damage to the credibility of the powers that be mark zuckerberg is coming out so what was being hidden was true mark zuckerberg said that. And basically ideas were being shut down. And then you saw RFK said they already knew. It was all a plan. By the way, I'm not suggesting that any of this is true. I'm just suggesting that with all – that you could have always known this. This doesn't have to be a shock to you. You could have put – you could have done some basic – put this thing under a basic stress test from day one and been like, hey, something's not right. They're lying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:18 And now it's just a matter of time. When will they come out and admit that being a tranny is a mental disorder? time when will they when will they come out and admit that um being a tranny is a mental disorder if you need a litmus test everything that you do i can say so many of you are going to hate this everything you do to get ready before you go present yourself to the world is is a mental disorder well so what do you mean because um it's all things that are occupying your thought. It's all demands you're putting on yourself. So you wake up in the morning and you feel like you have to shower and you feel like you have to put your shoes on and your socks on. And then you have to put your makeup on. Then you have to shave and then you have to tuck your penis. penis then you have to dye your hair blue and then put lotion on your tattoo and then you have to make sure your nose ring is been rubbing alcohol on it and the the more the more
Starting point is 01:37:15 shit you're piling up to get through your day it's just it's a it's it's mental occupation you are spin spinning stories in your head in your imagination is just all mental disorder shit until the point comes where you've just got this crazy fucking narrative you're fucking defending in the world. And you argue with reality. You're moving away from happiness. You can go back to the broken windshield thing. A rock hits your windshield and you're pissed. You're pissed because you're arguing with reality because you don't want it to be broken. It is broken.
Starting point is 01:37:53 You wake up in the morning and you're pissed and you tell yourself it's because you have a penis. You're fucked. You have to change the story. If you get rid of the penis, it will come back as something else. If you get the tattoo, if you get the piercing, it will come back as something else.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Until you start accepting the stories and letting them go, they keep coming back. They just manifest differently. And let me tell you, they'll up the ante on you. Little tattoo versus just a little Botox. differently and let me tell you they'll up the ante on you little tattoo first it's just a little botox then it's liposuction then it's big titties but butt implants
Starting point is 01:38:35 i'm not saying that like i care or judge like go do what you want to do I'm saying that you got to go the other way If you want happiness You have to go the other way You have to give stuff up Don't try to control your reality Like that Be prepared to deal With reality
Starting point is 01:38:59 The rock hit the window incredible I've never seen a windshield spider like that Okay well I guess i'm not gonna eat out for the next three days i'm gonna cook at home to save money to pay for this windshield incredible how can i use this story to talk on my podcast about it or lay this into something good is there like a tipping point on the getting ready though because some of this stuff just feels like making yourself presentable but then as you made the leap from like showering you can do it all as long as you're not attached to it so that would be the next fucking thing right like as long as you're not
Starting point is 01:39:31 attached to it right so you can do all that stuff if you can but the second yeah it's the attachment to it but most people can't even fuck yeah it's like it's the attachment to the windshield it's attachment to the blue hair it's attachment to the um uh fake titties it's the attack it's the attachment to the windshield. It's attachment to the blue hair. It's attachment to the fake titties. It's like why you're doing it. If you're doing fake titties with some desire for some outcome of happiness, it's not coming. But that applies to the same sequence of the way you do things? Because I have a pretty regimented order, and I feel like it only exists because I prescribed meaning to it. I can just look at oh
Starting point is 01:40:05 at this time i put in my coffee i try to walk out the door by this time if i'm not doing this by this time it freaks me out so yeah yeah yeah exact same thing yes you're trying to be i'm the exact same way you're trying to be efficient make yourself like 99 of the time i get mad at my kids it's because i'm trying to do something in a sequence and it gets broken i'm trying to control reality or i'm in a hurry me too yeah like i was trying to leave the gym and then like somebody comes in and like instead of being like happy about it i'm like oh shit you messed up my sequence of what i wanted to do this put me 20 minutes back from where i was before and the second i accept um it goes away you're in traffic and the second I accept, it goes away. You're in traffic, and the second you're like,
Starting point is 01:40:51 I'm okay with being five minutes late to this event. I tried my best. So hard to swallow sometimes, though. That's what she said. This is the first time I'm taking my toe spacers off nice my left hookup is pretty spaced out when you are on the show all the time are you letting the comments go the whole time?
Starting point is 01:41:19 do you click it off so you can't see them? I have them on the whole time for the first time a couple minutes back I clicked them off so you can't see him i have him on the whole time oh for the first time a couple minutes back i clicked him off so i can't see him and i all of a sudden i feel much more like freer on the podcast oh like it's such an instant feedback loop that sometimes you like talk or something and then you like look over to see how it's being perceived and then it drives me nuts because then my maybe i didn't articulate my point well which is always a little bit tougher this like earlier in the morning.
Starting point is 01:41:47 But I hate when all of a sudden I'm misunderstood and the comments come in and they're commenting back and you're like, no, you didn't get my point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Being misunderstood just drives me insane. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I just clicked them off and I think this is going to be the way I roll. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Without them. And then I'll just pull up the ones you want to see. Yeah. Like this one. How about this one? So hard. So hard to swallow. see now i love judy hey um i um i uh don't read the comments um oh dick butter sevan never gets my point oh that sucks i hope that's avan never gets my point. Oh, that sucks. I hope that's a joke. Never gets your tip. Um, Lauren Lewis.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Uh, how do you think we feel? Being misunderstood in the comments. Oh, or like getting ready. Oh, see, now I don't,
Starting point is 01:42:37 I know I don't have the contracts on them anymore. Oh, I, I usually what I do, I start to see, I, I, yeah, I – yeah, I don't know what my method is. I was going to tell you what my method is for the comments, but I don't know. But I know that sometimes I've learned that not – I don't even want to share that. Like this one.
Starting point is 01:43:01 So I just saw this. I have no idea what it says says and i'm just clicking on it because i've never seen this person before and i just thought and it's long and i'm like okay what's this say there's a difference between trying to change something you can't control and something you can control i feel this is what's missing in this argument against presenting yourself a certain way there's a difference between trying to change something you can't control like the rocket in the window or like chopping off your penis is that can you control that or putting or going to making 15 doctor's appointments and getting um your breasts enlarged i would i think the latter is in control yeah you made the 15 you think that's in control
Starting point is 01:43:37 oh it's in control of the situation but is it in control of the thoughts? Yeah, I don't – I think that that's a weird loop. I don't think we're really in control of anything. It's what you're willing to try to control maybe, but we're definitely not in control of anything. We could be in control of our responses to things. All right. 96, all living presidents presidents this one's interesting all living presidents are former slave owners except for one you don't even have to pull that up uh number 95 number 95 all living presidents are former or former sorry sorry take two all living presidents are related to people, have someone in their family, come from a lineage that owns slaves except for one president.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Who was it? Who do you think? I was just going to say say Trump I don't know Trump it's true it just is what it is just is wow my gardeners are here already it's fucking early for the gardeners
Starting point is 01:45:07 oh 8 45 yeah jesus crime and wow i like to do a walk through after the show walk around the uh three plane brothers uh palatial estate make sure there's no dog poop on the ground on thursdays i don't like that when they mow over dog poop it makes it hard to pick up too now it's all dispersed everywhere and ran over and uh blowtorch 95 this is fucking incredible you're telling me that it's okay to bring a blowtorch into a fucking walgreens you're telling me you can't just walk up to this dude and fucking hit this dude with a bat? Can someone explain to me why that is? He has a fucking pressurized gas container with fire coming out of it, and he's burning shit in a Walgreens.
Starting point is 01:45:59 You can't hit this dude with a bat? Action. This is fucking nuts. Guys, this is normal now in California. This isn't like, we're not like, this isn't fringe shit. Okay, so he's got one. So he's melting the plastic. What's in there? Like razor blades and shit?
Starting point is 01:46:29 Yeah, it's got to be like. It looks like it's like the razor aisle or like shampoo or something. Also, notice how everything is behind those stoppers now. This is nuts, dude. Just some normal shopping now. Hey, dude, we really do need a vigilante like Batman now. We need like... You have the two ladies there? They're filming? We need like the Punisher now.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Look at Dixie-normous. Dixie-normous. It's hard for me to believe California and South Carolina are in the same country. It's so different over here. Notice this is a white guy. Notice his cap and his hands. Although I think black guys have white hands. It'd be funny if he just came and was like, thank you. And he walked out. oh my god I'm so sorry you can't hit that guy with the
Starting point is 01:48:01 does anyone I want someone to explain to me why my dad would be so mad at me for saying this I say you just hit that guy with the... Does anyone... I want someone to explain to me why my dad would be so mad at me for saying this. I say you just hit that guy with the bat for two reasons. I feel like my life's in danger because he's got a blowtorch in there and because he's stealing money from me. I'm going to have to pay for that.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Me and you, Suze, are going to have to pay for that. Everything's more expensive because of that guy. Yeah. And the people like him fucking nuts uh isn't it amazing that they call it um uh um reproductive they call it reproductive rights and yet it's really the rights to kill a baby that's all abortion is 99 of the time it's just rights to kill your baby and yet if there really were reproductive rights in california you would be able to have twins at home illegal you'd be able to have a baby at home a pat two weeks past um uh gestation illegal meaning if your baby's two weeks past its due date illegal to have it at home
Starting point is 01:49:02 you'd be allowed to have a breech baby. If one of the babies is breeching your twins, women, you are not allowed to have that baby at home. If your water has been broken for like more than 24, 48 hours, you're not allowed to have that baby at home. They say it's to protect your baby. But those are actually reproductive rights. And the reproductive rights that they claim are reproductive rights are just to kill a baby, just to give the woman a right to kill a baby,
Starting point is 01:49:32 to sacrifice a baby. I don't care what word you use. It is not reproductive rights. It is not reproductive rights. It's rights to kill a baby or sacrifice a baby. Just tell the truth. I'm on your side. Just tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:49:51 We know why you don't tell the truth, because if you told the fucking truth, you're afraid that you would lose. You're afraid you would lose the argument. And like I'm telling you, you won't lose the argument with me. I'm okay i'm piece of shit i get it i know i don't want laws on women's body no matter what but don't stop fucking lying it's what you're fucking killing babies and you don't give fucking two shits about reproductive rights
Starting point is 01:50:17 you care about what the fucking doctors tell women to do and what pharma and the government tells women what to do you're all a bunch of liars every single feminist you see out there who who talks about reproductive rights they hate you they hate women all of them across the board whether they know it or not they hate women there's no exception to it they hate women they're delusional they hate women and their shills for the government and for pharma. They do not care about a woman's reproductive rights. They do not stand up for you to fucking get pregnant and sit in your living room and birth your baby. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:51:02 I was thinking about that yesterday. It's absolutely nuts. They have all tricked. Why does that law exist? Like you can't – because they're worried about that. Protect the babies because like they – basically it comes down to insurance companies, right? There's probably like – there's probably some statistic out there that says that babies that when the water is broke for more than 24 hours, there's a 3% chance more of them dying. Or if you have – there was like two babies in 1852 who were born breech and who died, right? It's all of these – now the big thing that they tell women is your hips aren't wide enough or your pussy can't deliver it. They argue the women's limitations.
Starting point is 01:51:36 It's all just fucking bullshit to keep driving the machine forward to keep pharma, medicine, and all those people fucking in power and to keep making monies that's interesting right because they're both basically talking about bodily autonomy and when that starts or when that ends because bodily autonomy it's like when does it that start for the child right or like the fetus or the baby inside the mother that's one argument and then bodily autonomy like when does that technically end for the mother um some people yeah you know because then if it's bodily autonomy your body your choice and then we're saying that the baby inside of you is considered part of your body then shouldn't you be therefore under that logic allowed to do whatever at the home births and not have the limitation on it they'll even arrest you
Starting point is 01:52:21 women have been arrested the cops have fucking come to women's houses and fucking arrested them. Sleeky says 24 hours after water breaks because of risk of infection to mother, right? Which can then harm the baby. Interesting. Uh-oh. interesting uh oh and giving birth in a hospital is free here full circle we talked about free at the beginning of the show
Starting point is 01:52:59 94 gender care gender care imagine caring for your imagination oh fuck gender care gender care imagination care care care for your imagination listen to this shit this is fucking this is um the assistant secretary of health for the United States of America. Gender affirming care. Go ahead. So it's such an important issue for our youth and adults. As you said, some of these laws
Starting point is 01:53:34 are actually extending into adulthood. You know, we often say that gender affirming care is health care. Gender affirming care is mental health care. And gender affirming care is literally suicide prevention care would that be your view as well i 100 agree you know it's it's so it's such an important
Starting point is 01:53:53 was there more to that by the way none of that is true that's a complete uh those those those are all lies that is not true there's they have no proof of that there is no proof of that there's no logic to that there's no um it doesn't work like that it it doesn't work that hey i'm having some issues and i'm going to get on general mutilation pills or some sort of hormone therapy at 12 years old to slow everything down this is what they'll say to slow everything down so i don't have to make the decision now hormone suppressants and and that uh that way i won't kill myself that's that's not there's no there's no proof of that that's just fucking complete horseshit that's a lie
Starting point is 01:54:38 matter of fact it's the other way around uh there is a uh there is increase i don't even know if i want to get into it just run from this shit people holy shit that's the shit that they're telling the parents that's what i was also talking about well we're going to get to something really crazy here in a minute. It's number. I don't know if you've seen this yet. This is really going to fucking blow some of you away when you see this.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Do you guys want to see it now? It's fucking, this is going to completely blow you away. Uh, is it, it might be 80. Oh no, no,
Starting point is 01:55:24 no, no, 80 is going to blow you away too. Have you seen this guy that calls the cops? Have you seen this guy who calls the cops on a black guy who threatens to kill his family? No. And then he starts crying when the police arrest him? No.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Arrest the guy who called him? No. They arrest the black guy. Oh, okay. Someone threatens to kill this guy's family. I want to see if I can... I wonder where this is. Let's just keep going. It'll pop up.
Starting point is 01:56:04 It's crazy. Oh, it's here. It 92 92 okay so i want to tell the story really quick there's these there's these two lesbians separate lesbian couples i know and they've reached out to me and they basically said holy fuck we fucked our kids up we felt like because of the communities we were in we socially had to lead our kids down to become either gay or transgender and we fucking opened the doors for them too wide and fuck we fucked our kids up we completely it's one of the boys they fucked up their firstborn boy both of them because they felt like they had to first because of social responsibility virtue signaled they they were they virtue signaled with their kid by the way i know two people in town who've done that, both CrossFitters.
Starting point is 01:56:45 Sad, high-profile CrossFitters. Fucking sucks. Scrambled their fucking kids because of social conformities. Yeah, social pressure. Watch this. Watch this crazy shit. watch this watch this crazy shit
Starting point is 01:57:05 imagine the watch this crazy shit 92 this is crazy we gotta share it first we can watch i had to watch this twice i could maybe three times i can't remember this is crazy this is called a white guilt caught on camera this is what a decade of official racial scapegoating and abuse produced, a weeping, pleading underclass that begs police not to protect it from dangerous criminals. So a guy threatened to kill this man and his family, his kids, and when he calls the cops and the cops arrest him, he says, oh my God, if I would have known you were going to arrest them he says oh my god if i would have
Starting point is 01:57:45 known you were going to arrest them i wouldn't have fucking called the police on you and and you see the massive selfishness here too it's what we talked about yesterday that guy killed that lady or drug her along the side of his car and her head bounced off the concrete now they don't want to put the guy in jail because the lady who was killed wouldn't want that not even thinking about the rest of us so if this guy's willing to set this guy here is willing to sacrifice his family his wife himself and his kids so that people won't think that he's a racist even though there's no premise to it there's no truth to it that he's a racist.
Starting point is 01:58:28 Even though there's no premise to it, there's no truth to it. It's crazy. It's fucking crazy, dude. Here we go. Action. Charged with simple assault and terroristic threats. Following his arrest, he was transported to the DeKalb County Jail. Let's go to the squad car, please.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Why is it happening? I'm being arrested? Yes. For what? I'll be with you in just one second. Mm-hmm. I just wanted to respond. Can we pause this?
Starting point is 01:59:07 So, the guy being arrested, melanated, the male cop melanated, I can't see the chick, but she sounds to me like she's melanated. I'd be willing to bet three inches off my cock on it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:59:21 You got room to spare, so... Yeah, yeah, totally. I will need for you to fill out a statement for him. I don't want him arrested. I just want to leave this alone. I know, but he had a weapon on him, and it was terrorist threats. Brandishing is not a crime of the night. Brandishing is only a crime for a gun. Terrorist threats, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:59:38 Because he said die to me? Because he said die to me? Dude, I'm pretty sure that looks like an elementary school, doesn't it? I'm going to go pretty sure that's it looks like an elementary school doesn't it i'm gonna go on a limb and say they're in elementary school yeah that yep there's a gazebo you can see the school in the background yeah by the way if you want if you want to have this experience you can have this experience i could take matt or i could take you somewhere where someone would threaten to kill you in 15 minutes and we've never even talked about this but we could take
Starting point is 02:00:15 you somewhere if you want to just be robbed or anything we could take you places like you could have this whole fucking experience you want just bring your kids down there and you can have someone threaten to kill you and your family yeah you could choose your venture leave a backpack in your park be threatened with a knife choose your holy fuck okay go ahead action and had his knife out what all that was done the threats everything is this satire the guy just said you're arresting him because he said die he's like he's rubbing his eyes he's like i didn't want him arrested is it because he said die to my family and he had a knife come on guys you didn't mean it yeah what a fucking pussy his wife and his and his kids should just use this as a reason to just fucking leave him.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Get your alimony check and get the hell out of here. Yeah, yeah. This is a danger to you. This is his thought process. Yes. Okay, let's keep playing. When I was wrestling, I wouldn't call. I just wanted to leave this alone.
Starting point is 02:01:20 I understand, but we still have a job to do. Now he's going to think I'm doing this because I'm white and he's black. Or he's homeless and I'm not. I have a job to do now he's gonna think I'm doing this cause I'm white and he's black or he's homeless and I'm not I don't want that but did he do what he did? yeah but I don't want him thinking I did it because he's in whatever situation he's in
Starting point is 02:01:36 I just wanted to leave us alone I doubt that I really want to interview this cop I want to interview that guy and I want to be my guy. And be like, what were you thinking just then? Like, let's say you just absolutely fucking hate white people. Let's say you're just completely sucked up in fucking, in the fucking liberal agenda of just hating white people.
Starting point is 02:01:59 You still at this point got to be like, is this guy fucking retarded? Dude, that's crazy. That is crazy. wow uh graciano plot twist it's his wife's boyfriend wow fair enough the husband's actually over there still eating a sandwich that's good i can't believe he's like crying over that. That's so insane. Okay, keep going. This is nuts.
Starting point is 02:02:29 I know his voice, right, Judy? I know he's tripping. Yeah, what the fuck? I wonder if his wife's going to give him a blowjob tonight because he's such a good dude. I don't think she ever has. I don't think he's ever gotten one. Maybe from his boyfriend.
Starting point is 02:02:43 Action. I'll be right back, okay? He was arrested and charged with simple assault and terroristic threats. Following his arrest, he was transported to the DeKalb County Jail. Let's go to the small car police. Why can't she just be like, hey, the cop would be like hey i'll talk to him i'll let him know that you actually love black people and you have a blm poster in your house in your window hey what if she's just like hey here's the number to uh the county jail when he
Starting point is 02:03:21 gets released you could go ahead and pick him up if you want to feel so good. Here's his bail. You could post his bail. You could bring him out, and then he could come stay with you and your family in your house. I don't feel that compelled. Sousa, there's this obvious in a jiu-jitsu tournament, and a lady did this move. I think it's called an Americana on him. This girl did.
Starting point is 02:03:41 It's basically your arms like this, and it starts to bend that way. He wouldn't tap and then finally the ref stopped it and he came off and he's holding his shoulder i'm like your shoulder okay he goes the ref should have stopped it sooner i go why didn't you tap and he goes i didn't want to lose and i felt like this deep deep pain somewhere inside of me that I didn't do my job. Like I knew I watched my son get hurt and I didn't jump into action. Probably because of social pressure, like I should have just yelled, stop the match, you fucking idiot. I should have just like I should I should have jumped over the fucking little rail and ran out there.
Starting point is 02:04:26 And I didn't. And. I just can't even imagine them being this guy like. Yeah, usually most people would find out that information that he had a knife and be like, holy shit, that was scary. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for getting him out of here. could have done terribly wrong yeah because he's gonna take you to jail i didn't i don't his reason it's not like he didn't really threaten my family or he's actually my friend it was a joke his reason was i don't want him to think that i'm racist or that i'm better than him because
Starting point is 02:05:08 he's homeless you are better than him because he's a drug addict there is there is a hierarchy there is a there's if you if you're trying to figure out whether you're better than um someone there's a very simple way to do it. What is your contribution to humanity and your kindness and your generosity towards your fellow man? So if you give you just a really clear example, if you are trying to back out of a parking spot and there's a lady there with her shopping cart and she's unloading her groceries, if you put your car back in park and get out and help her unload the groceries or take her car back and put it in the stall,
Starting point is 02:05:49 you're contributing. You're helping. If you put your head out the window and go, move it, you fucking bitch. Can't you see I'm going somewhere? You're a lesser human being than the other guy. There's a hierarchy to us. Not a lot of contribution there.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Yeah, it's your contribution. That's like if you you don't know, it's, I'm not saying that this is objective. It's, but it's now, you know, how I rate people. I do think that. And so if you are a person who throw uses needles and throws them on the ground versus someone who cleans up needles so that kids don't step on them, you are, you're a better person. You have a, you have a, you're, you're a higher, you're a higher caliber person. You don't need to, you don't need to be worried about what other people think. Yeah. You're operating from a different place. That's for sure. Go ahead and go ahead. It's okay. It's okay to think you're better than other people. It's, it's okay. It's not, um, um, it's not, uh... It's okay.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Make it a competition. Try to be the best person you can. Try to win that game. Fuck. He's willing to sacrifice his kids so that that guy won't think he's racist or think he's better than him because he's homeless. Isn't that reason to take your kids away at that point?
Starting point is 02:07:10 Ninety one. No surprise here. Royal Canadian Navy. I think it just passed in the state of Wisconsin. I'm not sure someone's going to have to correct me, but you are not allowed to discriminate against someone if they're a pedophile in the workplace. It's been added on to the – I'm not 100% sure of that, but I think that just passed in Wisconsin. And you're not allowed to discriminate against – so if, let's say, Matt did work for me and I paid him, and I found out he was a pedophile, I couldn't fire him for that. He would be protected under some LGBTQ rights. Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:07:53 Sonar operator Jessica Silva reaches 1,000 hours of aircraft control time. But what she also... Oh, sorry. Click on number 90. So let me read this real quick. Let me tell you about her. She logged over 1,000 hours in her role as a ship-borne air controller while participating in RIM of the Pacific onboard Her Majesty Canadian Ships.
Starting point is 02:08:14 It was pretty exciting. It's really rewarding to hit such a huge milestone. Through my hours controlling aircraft, I've gained a lot of knowledge that I can teach to others, blah, blah, blah. So she's an air traffic controller, and she's reached 1,000 hours of air traffic control time, and she belongs to the Royal Canadian Navy. But what if we find out she's a supporter and proponent of pedophilia? She believes that pedophiles have rights. Plot twist.
Starting point is 02:08:42 I guess that's one of those things where I'm kind of a I guess I'm a I don't know hypocrite I just don't have tolerance for it can you go ahead and hit 90 oh shit I don't have the wait hold on that's not the right one hold on
Starting point is 02:09:02 hold on shit sorry give me a second i gotta find it uh royal canadian uh daily is it the day is it is it the daily wire is it rebel rebel news um jessica what was her last name um silva Jessica – oh, here it is. Here it is. Sorry, guys. I apologize. Okay, here we go. I got this one, Susan. This one's on the house, Susan. All right, cool. A Canadian Navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia. Military members are supposed to be upstanding citizens, the ultimate servers and protectors of sovereignty, which makes the perverse comments even more concerning.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Let me see. And what's funny, she pulled it down, right? Apparently, Canada's very own naval member, Jessica, wanted to chime in on the pride festivities seen through the month of June. Oh, that's weird. It's tied up with pride. That's weird. Where she posted the following comments on her social media page pride is for everyone and every sexuality
Starting point is 02:10:09 so you're telling me so you're telling me and she's from canada where meredith root and alex parker from and where that article in the morning chalk up is from so you're telling me the morning chalk up this morning is supporting pedophilia? They think that you should have pedophilia month in your CrossFit gym? Did you guys see the article in the morning chalk up? Pride is for everyone and every sexuality is valid. Every experience is valid. Pedophilia rights are human rights and pedophilia is a legitimate part of the queer community and culture. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:10:57 The fact that there's like an acronym for it is just insane. In the application of law, it is recognized that criminal sanctions are not appropriate against adolescents of similar ages for consensual, non-exploitive, and sexual activity. The UN is resolute in fighting the sexual exploitation of children, upholds that sexual exploitation and abuse of children is a crime, and supports countries to protect children.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Should we go over to the Morning Ch chalk up and look at their article today yeah why you should have pride why you should have pride uh uh why you should have pride pride pride pride pride workouts pride whatever fucking nuts dude and of course it's not absolute don't get me wrong it's absolutely not absolute like who the fuck is this lady to be representing all of pride but i think she does represent pride i just don't think she represents gay people canada weird that it comes out of canada right um the anheuser bush ladies toast did you see that yeah someone had to get get it for the chopping block on that one
Starting point is 02:12:15 yeah she got fired what's interesting is they say she lives in an eight million dollar apartment uh condo in new york city i also saw uh i also saw that uh bud light is uh you know someone told me the other day that um me and hillar forever blunted something i don't want to talk about what exactly it is but we blunted the growth of something basically like if you take a redwood tree and cut the top of it you'll you'll blunt it forever it will then shoot up a million fucking shoots on either side and you'll blunted that the growth of the tree and the i was reading this article about we can just skip by it i'm not even going to post it but basically the bud light will forever be blunted it will never recover from um from that it's basically the uh it was like the first it's the beer that people with mental health disorders drink now it's like the homeless man beer it was like the first it's the beer that people with mental health disorders drink now
Starting point is 02:13:05 it's like the homeless man beer it's like the drug addict beer it's the it's just the yeah i suck dick for crack beer yeah as a first major brand to like push into that and so they'll forever be like attached that the second one not so much third one not so much but the first one always does yeah so so it sucks when when it's kind of i shouldn't say it sucks it's interesting when something gets blunted like that i wonder if it's for for real if something forever gets um destroyed uh okay uh robert kennedy 87 oh i may have already shown this how are you on time on time i'm okay okay mr kennedy god he's so fucking red that's all just trt right he's just juice to the gills it looks like he looks like how dana white used to look yeah i think that he's getting a lot of sun right i think you did show this you show this one yesterday okay yeah okay fine yeah let's get over this um he looks maybe we did um i think maybe we did uh
Starting point is 02:14:10 shit um i got lost here i think maybe we did 85 to the cockroach we talked about oh no yeah yeah we did 85 and by the way even if he is tnt he still has to get down on the floor and do push-ups right fair enough you know what i mean like he still has to like eat the foods that'll help support the exercise that i mean look at his shoulders he says though america is the global example of health and well-being not pills and medicine and needles uh 84 debate money i don't i didn't i by the way i did not vet this next one 84 i did not he didn't met with that chick talking the debate money oh yeah yeah oh oh no sorry sorry sorry sorry not that one
Starting point is 02:14:51 skip that we already did that just cruising through people's cars what is this 82 senator 82 oh this is good this is good a Rhode Island senator was arrested Thursday for allegedly vandalizing another person's vehicle at Gardner's city center. Cranston police said Senator Joshua Miller, a Democrat, is suspected of keying the victim's SUV in the parking lot around 3.30 p.m.
Starting point is 02:15:18 You know what his defense was? Do you see this one, Susan? Yeah, I'm bringing it up. Sorry, I was like going to act. His defense was that the person dared him to do it. I dare you to key my car. That's amazing. Police said the victim identified Miller as the suspect,
Starting point is 02:15:35 having looked him up online after seeing real like Josh Miller sticker on the back of the truck parked next to theirs. About two hours later, police located Miller, who again denied damaging the victim's SUV. Miller also claimed the victim had threatened him according to the police saying he thought the man was one of the gun nuts who's allegedly been stalking him at the state house miller 69 told the police he believed the man recognized him from his work on gun safety legislation so you so you think someone recognizes you from safety gun legislation so you key their car that's what you do when you feel threatened by someone?
Starting point is 02:16:06 The victim was called back to the scene and confirmed Miller was the man they saw near the vehicle. Police said the officers were then reviewed surveillance footage, which was consistent with the victim's account. Police later confronted Miller with that evidence at his home. He admitted to vandalizing the vehicle. Then he further claimed that the owner had been yelling at him and dared him to do it i dare you he was taken into custody on a misdemeanor vandalism charge so wait a second this dude keyed someone's car and he was taken into custody nothing would happen to you in california if you did that well if you got money and you're paying taxes, you'd go to jail. You'd get fined.
Starting point is 02:16:46 Oh, oh, oh, oh. You gotta remember, the law is different. Oh, shit. Like where you land. So for you and I, fuck, if you go take that blowtorch and go down to Walgreens, fuck. Hey. If you're a unhoused person,
Starting point is 02:17:02 then not a big deal. I was stopped at a stoplight on the corner of river and mission in santa cruz and a homeless guy rode by my van with the stick and fucking hit it on a bicycle and i asked one of my cop friends i'm like hey is that kind of like what do you think he's like no no we don't do shit. Homeless dude hits your car. Nothing. They're doing open drug use in front of schools, and they don't even, like, move them down the street. It's just kind of like, oh, it is what it is. What are you going to do, you know?
Starting point is 02:17:36 Another homeless guy defecating in front of your business. Sorry. I mean, I know you pay your property taxes, and you pay a shitload of them, but we can't do anything about this. And you pay me. Okay, how pay a shitload of them, but we can't do anything about this. And you pay me. Okay. How is this? How is this going to be explained?
Starting point is 02:17:49 Number 82. How the fuck is the, how that was 82, uh, 80. How, how is someone explained to me how this is going to be explained? I want to,
Starting point is 02:17:59 I need to be explained how this is going to be explained. Top or bottom? Uh, top. Sorry, top. And then we'll go to to bottom i don't know why there's two but i'm sure i'll know when i see it here we go uh okay here we go now you got some powerful ceos at that table i recognize a few of them right off the bat oh yeah so who do So who do we got? We got Tim Cook. We got the Prime Minister of India and we got Joe Biden. Yep. And then we also
Starting point is 02:18:28 have the CEO of Google next to Tim Cook on Tim's right or left. Fuck, I forget his name. Okay. So that's arguably the most powerful man in the world right there.
Starting point is 02:18:44 Tim Cook. I mean, yeah, him and the combination of the Google CEO as well too. I mean, yeah, that's the two most powerful companies in the world. But Tim Cook would have to be probably the most powerful company in the world right now. I mean, he's probably got like Putin, Elon status. He's just under the radar. Influence like a motherfucker. If he wants a fourth camera on a phone,
Starting point is 02:19:08 all of a sudden we all have four cameras on our phone. He wants to kick Twitter out of the app store, it's done. We stopped using Twitter. Total troll of that ecosystem. He can change the whole world overnight. Yeah. Not only is the main...
Starting point is 02:19:19 It's crazy, right? In China, obviously, and they sell all the cell phones in China, but they've been kind of quietly moving operations to India. So now he's got both of them kind of playing on both sides too. Yeah, Tim Cook's the fucking man. God. Gay as fuck.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Yeah. Love some cock. You know that they forced him to move out of his super small, like 800 square foot apartment, even after he had been CEO for a long period of time. For safety reasons? He's just super frugal. he just doesn't give a fuck about any of that and it was safety reasons yeah they're like no we we're forcing you to move to another another place we need to have more higher security and everything else and it only was until he like went down to the the hotel gym
Starting point is 02:20:00 because he's an avid like exerciser and like all that too that they've he got somebody like approached him and it was like an issue and then he was like okay i guess you guys are right i do have to move now wow he also used to fly is he married he has a boyfriend right he's married he has a mate i have no idea he's super it's not none of that shit is public at all and he probably spends a good amount of money and time making sure that his life stays private. Let me see. Let me see. Tim Cook.
Starting point is 02:20:32 Husband. Does Tim Cook have a spouse? Oh, he's not married. He made a sexual orientation publicly known as gay in 2014 in an editorial in Bloomberg Businessweek. He's on the Fortune 500 list as the first gay CEO to come out publicly. There was concern that he was going to ban Twitter, right? And he has banned some apps before. Yeah, but he's a boss.
Starting point is 02:21:01 So when that whole thing went down and Elon kind of pushed him on Twitter, Tim Cook just flew him out to the Apple campus and said, hey, buddy, come on over. Let's just chat. Oh, that's awesome. And the whole thing went away. Tim Cook is so private about his personal life, the public doesn't even know if he has a partner. Mm-hmm. executive chairman john john chambers liking an apple cisco partnership to matrimony cook reportedly quipped i can't talk about marriage much like a supply chain whiz to like some of the strategies that he's using like a supply chain like efficiency and like inventory and managing that are some things that are
Starting point is 02:21:47 now put into business as like best practices that he basically came up with. He's also from a small rural town in Alabama and he used to have a huge Afro back in the day. Colbert asked Tim Cook, how his sexuality informed informed his charitable efforts at apple and cook responded by quoting martin luther king jr quote that had become a mantra for him life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others isn't that funny that's what we just said that's that that's it what are you doing for others and i think a lot of the reason too why he stays private like in a little bit earlier.
Starting point is 02:22:27 Most people don't. Sorry, sorry. Go ahead. Well, he's just very middle ground. Sorry, that's all I was going to say. He's not really like extremist on either side and his privacy really helps him just hold that middle ground. And the problem with what they're having with the world today is that people think that they've been duped. They think that they're helping others,
Starting point is 02:22:41 but they're just fucking people over. They think that they're helping others, but they're just fucking people over. That guy's so worried about helping other people that he's willing to sacrifice. Worried about what a guy with a mental disorder thinks about him and his belief towards black people and towards homeless people that he's willing to sacrifice his wife and his child what a do-gooder okay um action let's play this i don't know how how do you reconcile this how how in 20 years people are going to be like why did we allow the president to say that and continue and you know what our answer is going to be well because he has dementia and he's retarded oh then how did you let him have dementia and be retarded and stay in office? There's no out here.
Starting point is 02:23:28 Also, I think the guy to the left of Biden, our right, is the CEO of Microsoft. You should just say it is. Everyone at that table is a big shot. Dude, Indians, look it, Indians are running the world. Next time someone says to you that like it's white business dude it's i'm telling you in the it's it's indians and asians are running the world i think the person all the way to the right of our screen in red is the ceo of pepsico her story is fucking crazy that That woman's a beast. I don't know if that's her. I actually don't think it is.
Starting point is 02:24:08 I forget her name, but the CEO of PepsiCo. She has a crazy story too about growing up in India, rural town in India, making it all the way to where she's at now. PepsiCo or Coke? PepsiCo. You got a dude now. Maybe it's former. Okay, let's play this.
Starting point is 02:24:28 This is crazy. Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on. David. David, can you hear me? David? Leave, David. No.
Starting point is 02:24:43 David, leave. Go to your room room put your phone down stop the show David stop the show David it's a whole different show without seeing the comments uh yawn I missed the show is it worth going back to watch oh that's what David said
Starting point is 02:24:59 as much as it's worth having your mom suck my cock oh asshole you too both of you get the fuck out of here as much as it's worth having your mom suck my cock oh asshole you too both of you get the fuck out of here no he doesn't make you laugh it's not funny okay go ahead uh
Starting point is 02:25:22 anyway I started off without you. And I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared. I was just thinking. Anyway, I started off without you. And I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that I wanted to share. How are we supposed to explain that
Starting point is 02:25:49 to our kids? He sold or stole a lot of state secrets? He was making a joke. Was he supposed to be making a joke there? But it's one of those insidious ones where it's like a joke, but it's not. Oh, so you're saying this is so far... Click the context thing
Starting point is 02:26:05 let's see what the independent fact checkers say let's click that misleading uh it was a joke at a meeting with the indian prime minister because you could see the indian prime minister putting his earpiece in and like getting situated but here's the thing hey when you watch that do you watch biden or do you watch both around him both i watch the people around him i'm kind of tripping because i'm wondering if like how quickly they're like holy fuck we're with the dude who's so old who's in charge of the free world dude all of their facial expressions say that like even like if you watch as like the thing zoomed in next to um the microsoft ceo and the apple ceo like tim just looks super uncomfortable the other one has like this like awkward laugh
Starting point is 02:26:49 because it's just such a fucking dog and pony show i guess the next thing he said was all kidding aside yeah yeah it is a dog and pony show i was just thinking uh i see like he's getting the indian prime minister getting his thinking... Watch Tim Cook's face. I started off without you. I sold a lot of state secrets. A lot of very important things that we shared. I was just...
Starting point is 02:27:17 When in actuality, back home, they're asking the White House press secretary about him receiving five million dollars in 2017 meanwhile like hunter falls through the curtains in the back naked with a crack pipe it is like oh shit it's like damn it hunter don't bring carol into this i wouldn't speak about beautiful rosemary like that okay fine i apologize you know it's crazy too thank you thank you for allowing me the chance to course correct y'all my humble apologies you're right that was so inappropriate
Starting point is 02:27:53 did you bring his wife or something in there i don't even know i said something i made a mom i made a mom joke because oh because he was wondering if the show was worth watching no the last two hours of my life have been an utter waste. Don't go back and watch it. Thank you. I appreciate you accepting it also. Glad we have closure. Wow.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Wow. This is my kind of comment. Anita Dick and me. I wonder what Joe's breath smells like these days. Me too. I'd let him blow on me just so I could just like tell you guys. Do you watch that as you sniff your toes? They don't even smell.
Starting point is 02:28:30 They don't even smell. I wonder how much it smells like my toes. I'm bummed. One interesting thing is like, I wonder what all those CEOs are thinking because they're basically paid to make really high level decisions and like not get them wrong. And the only way you could like make a decision is by collecting as much information, asking a lot of questions, and then trying to like predict the outcome and say, okay, we have enough information gathered to say we're going to head in this direction.
Starting point is 02:28:57 But in order to do that, you have to be real like speculative, you have to like ask questions, you have to probe, you have to say like, what if this what if that have we gone too far here? Have we checked this? Have we thought about this? And it's just the irony of it is because like you you can't really do that these days as far as like our political leaders. because they're just going to label you like anti this or phobic this or conspiracy theorist or something like that so i just think so ironic that you have these like you know someone like biden in there that's going through this whole thing and you have these other individuals up on stage and they just know it's bullshit like they know it's bullshit they know this guy isn't in charge of anything they know he's not fucking making decisions it's like why do they go yeah that's what i'm saying and like how do they go prestige i mean i think it's all imagery it's all it's all theater they all want to look cohesive and play nice and because i think the people that are really in charge are saying like hey you know
Starting point is 02:30:00 you need to go and show up and do this because if you don't we'll we'll start regulating this or we'll pull this pin here. And they go, okay, we get it. We want to play nice too. So we'll go show up and go to Joe Biden's fucking birthday party and sit here and like nod and pretend that everything's good. But really they know it's just a bunch of shit. And in Pimplick especially because I've studied a couple of things
Starting point is 02:30:22 with like him and Apple and stuff. because I've studied a couple of things with him and Apple and stuff. And he is known for asking his really articulate questions to probe and to try to find flaws. So if you and I have a meeting with Tim, they'll meet several meetings with a bunch of different people to just bombard you with questions because they know when they sit down that if Tim starts going through his questions
Starting point is 02:30:44 and you can't answer it, like he just basically is like, you're wasting my time and we'll leave the meeting. How much revenue will, how much revenue will we lose because you made the glass on the iPhone unbreakable? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:31:01 Just the irony of it's crazy. Hey, there's 420 comments on everything now. That's insane. What's that mean? Like when you switch over to the banner, it just tells me how many comments there are now since I switched it over.
Starting point is 02:31:15 So since I clicked the button to not see them until now, there's been 421. Oh, wow. Yeah, it keeps a little tally count on the top. Now 422. Wow. Crazy. That keeps a little tally count on the top. Now 422. Wow. Crazy. That's a lot of comments.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Here's one for you. What if you looked it up and it was like, been spotted with Tim Cook spotted with this man leaving Prestige restaurant. It's like me me like with a seven podcast t-shirt on has crossfit contacted seven to do the behind the scenes has seven contacted crossfit to do the behind the scenes 423 oh judy's just showing off that she's listening. Number 76, another basketball player dead.
Starting point is 02:32:07 Another athlete dead. Nothing to see here. Number 76. Oh, my gosh. Just another athlete dead. Crazy. Pro basketball player dies of heart attack, Oscar Cabrera. He had been complaining that he got the shot in the booster and it gave him myocarditis,
Starting point is 02:32:29 and yet there is no definitive proof of what killed him. What the fuck? What is going on? I don't know. I'm always making material that's 68 i'm erasing 68 a room full of democrats what's this 64 oh we already did that wow my notes i started a whole you know i started a whole new thing of notes right yeah it looks very clean there's no and it's already messy we hammered through a lot of those though that was your goal yeah yeah play number uh 63 this is a old old uh uh don't play 63 never mind skip it skip it skip it okay it's um jim carrey and um i think she was a porn star, his girlfriend, talking about something that probably we shouldn't talk about. 53, what's this?
Starting point is 02:33:33 Screen time. Oh, okay, here. Let's look at this, 53. Here we go. This one's good. This is nice. Nice little moment. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:33:53 Statistics and what the science is showing is the following. If your kids have less than one hour a day of screen time, more or less, your kids are fine. Nothing to worry about. If they have three to five hours a day of screen time, that creates a 30% increase in suicide ideation. And if they are on the screens for five or more hours a day, it creates a 71% increase in suicide ideation. So then that begs the question, okay, well then what's the national average right now? What is the national average that our teenagers are spending on their phone every day? What's guess think about it right now three two one nine and a half hours is the national average of what the average team spends on their phone every day what the statistics think about that think about that nine and a half hour
Starting point is 02:34:35 dude my kids spend nine and a half hours working out every day i mean how many hours are we awake for that's fucking that's a huge chunk i want to go back to that basketball player who died i know clock you're fucking me up today good job i appreciate it i mean that uh this is really important that basketball player died doing a cardio test in response to myocarditis meaning they were doing a stress test on his heart and while they were doing the stress test on his heart he fucking died he was being vocal about being forced to attend the 49ers game to play ball
Starting point is 02:35:10 but he did it anyway it killed him crazy story you're right that deserves more so just imagine that guys no one's forcing you he's forced to fucking take the injection I know I'm using that word wrong but I'm gonna go with it I appreciate the injection. I know I'm using that word wrong, but I'm going to go with it. I appreciate, I appreciate the accuracy police.
Starting point is 02:35:29 I really do. And then, um, and, and he got sick and they were checking out his ticker. And while they were checking it out, he literally died. Imagine thinking it was safe to do a stress test and you're in, you're like, there's physicians all around you and you die. Yeah. You would think that'd be like the best like place for an event like that to take to take place because then you could get the help you need right away
Starting point is 02:35:48 holy shit that is insane i know uh karina pace uh um can you by the way uh can you i don't like can you move the picture over just a little bit so that play button's not you gotta shift it a little bit too yeah like all we see is like your ass hanging out the back of that red symbol. This is on the parents. Parents need to be a better example of screen time and get rid of their kids' phones. Fuck. Raise your kids. Raise your kids.
Starting point is 02:36:18 It's such like the... It's like the easiest thing to do. Like the kids are acting up and you're trying to get something done or like sit at the gym a lot or at the restaurant. I used to see it all the time. And that was, fuck, I haven't worked at the restaurant in like 10 years or more. And it was just like kids sit down. They start to fuss or act like kids when you're trying to find them in a seat. It's like, boom, here's the phone.
Starting point is 02:36:39 And the parents are like checked out after that. It's crazy. I feel like I'll come over and like peek out what they're watching more than the parents do sometimes like oh it's just whatever playing and i'm like no youtube served them up something different now yeah yeah yeah yeah what you originally clicked that four minute video is over now the algorithm is parenting your kid or not parenting programming i should say because and it's you know what's nuts too is how mesmerized they get by the little box.
Starting point is 02:37:09 Like you hand a kid a phone and no other toy would hold their attention that long. But the second you hand them the phone, they're like, boom, like their face is just sucked into it. My kids are kind of my kids are all different, too, about it. One of my kids is just like if he just hears a TV on, he'll go to it. Then one of my kids is a little less. And then one of my kids, obviously, will just be like, hey, like I go to it. Then one of my kids is a little less, and then one of my kids, Avi, will just be like, hey, I've had enough. Can you turn that off?
Starting point is 02:37:34 Yeah, but how much screen time do your kids get? Like an hour in a week? No, no, no. Well, on Fridays and Saturdays, once the sun goes down, they'll watch a movie. Ari had a collision the other day. Fuck, dude. He ran into Greg's kid. They were playing in the yard, playing guns in the yard, and they fucking ran into each other.
Starting point is 02:37:56 And he fucking left the craziest bruise on the base of his penis and just above his penis. Yeah, he got kneed. So I dropped him off at my mom's house the other day. he was bragging to me that he watched two movies in a row yeah i never really see your kids and they don't have an obsession with the phone a lot of times you know when they get around their parents yeah phone phone phone phone i don't i've never heard your kids ask for you know what's funny when the other kids that might have their parents' phone a little bit, once they get together with your boys and the other kids, that shit just goes away.
Starting point is 02:38:31 They could be totally disinterested with the phones at that point. Right. They just want to go play and be kids and use their imagination and run around. It's interesting. Can we go to the CrossFit Games? Website? Website, yeah. Yeah. it's interesting can we go to the CrossFit Games website website yeah I want to see
Starting point is 02:38:50 I want to see if CrossFit started up it's podcast yet it would be cool to just if they did okay where do we want to navigate around here two people are waiting to watch the crossfit podcast which will be live in 21 minutes and 37 seconds okay oh no sorry sorry can you go to the crossfit games instagram i want to show you i want a kid you could give me a couple of gi joes and some pink muscle men and i was good for hours oh i remember the pink muscle man guy what stretch
Starting point is 02:39:36 armstrong he was fucking dope yeah that's how you got old adam back in the day, but okay. So, so scroll and go ahead and click on the photo. Click on Laura Horvat right there where it's pinned in the number one spot. So I love Laura. Why the fuck is this pin there? You have a fucking movie coming out tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:40:02 That should be the biggest event of the year. You have no media. You are a complete joke for media and you have really the only significant media you you're gonna do all year coming out tomorrow but you still have laura pin there okay next i hate that emoji too for some reason i don't like this one uh the noble crossfit game semifinals bring people together that was posted on june 1st are you guys out of your fucking mind how how how is this good at all i want to show you by the way a good post i'm going to show you a good post. Where is that picture?
Starting point is 02:40:48 Have you guys seen this picture of Katrin David's daughter and Hannah Black? Will you go to Hannah Black's and don't close it. Maybe open it. I guess. Fuck, it doesn't matter. We can come back. Go to Hannah Black's Instagram account. I want to show you an amazing fucking post. I think it's Hannah Black
Starting point is 02:41:03 or Hannah Black and Katrin David's daughter at the same... Semi-final? Semi-final. What's coming out? It's coming out either tomorrow or Saturday. There's a new CrossFit Games documentary coming out. Exactly. What's coming out?
Starting point is 02:41:21 How do these fucking... Okay, look at this. This is fucking... This is a great post. I'm going to show you. You guys tell me if you see one post on the CrossFit Games account that's better than this. Can you play the audio on this too? Let's see.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Look at this post. How fucking powerful is that? My goodness. It's cool, bro. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness it's cool post oh my goodness oh my goodness crazy crazy that's funny what a great what's the photographer's name who shot that i want to give that guy some love um that's the best catch and can look to man the catch and looks fucking incredible there yeah no doubt model rider two gardenias on the field model model rider oh yeah
Starting point is 02:42:32 there it is 33,000 let's check his out oh my god the footage from the games doc is incredible there's a shot of Emma Lawson and the CrossFit games doc that's crazy crazy Emma doesn't even look real is incredible there's a shot of emma lawson and the crossfit games doc that's crazy crazy
Starting point is 02:42:47 yeah emma doesn't even look real she's like a porcelain doll okay let's go back to the uh cross oh that's beautiful yeah this guy's good so good it's a great shot of michelle what a moment to catch. Listen, so I've shown, you've done, you've done in one second, I've shown you that the two pin pieces, I showed you a clip that's better than the two pin pieces that would accomplish both.
Starting point is 02:43:16 A moment of celebration. How about how, look how dumb this one is. And I fucking love Miss Kim here from CrossFit Invictus. This one? Yep. Especially since she's not from CrossFit Invictus. This one? Yep. Especially since she's not from the woke Invictus. Stupid.
Starting point is 02:43:33 Stupid. So stupid. Grow the fuck up. So stupid. Seve, I have to urinate. Let's wrap this up. Did you take me in the bathroom with you talk to you while you got your cock in your hand your cock my wife is a man you talk about penis a
Starting point is 02:43:52 lot i'm like i guess i do look look these are look out look out this is just keep going no mention of the crossfit movie that's coming out keep going keep going keep going no mention of the crossfit movie no man well go back go back in the first one okay but go back the other way i want to show you one more thing real quick what's that nope sorry go back the other way it's it's a guy outline first of all that pasadena thank you for the volunteers stupid post shut Shut the fuck... Stupid. Stupid. This one? Keep going. No, keep going the other...
Starting point is 02:44:29 That one, keep going the other way. It's a guy. Up? Go to the top of the page? Sorry, no, down the other way. Okay. It's the center square.
Starting point is 02:44:39 That one right there with the guy. Like, what is that? Stupid. All of them is that? Stupid. All of them like that? Oh, no. I guess if the goal is you want me to click on stuff that's just horrible media, that was the hardest thing about watching the CrossFit Games doc, just watching all the ding-dongs.
Starting point is 02:44:59 The three people that I came away really liking in that, I already loved Adrian Bosman, but Adrian Bosman and I already love Ricky Garrard. Kind of the jury was out on Tia, but I love Tia after it. The movie's so good. The movie's so good. And so I know three people who've seen it now so far
Starting point is 02:45:17 and two of us both had the same reaction. We love Tia and one of us hates the movie. And that being said, I also haven't seen a crossfit games doc in a couple years i probably haven't seen the last two or three um so uh another outlined one oh man there's a Gabby Magawa they recap the event so well
Starting point is 02:45:51 in the movie the story of the 2022 CrossFit Games repeat champions new challengers in the path to redemption now available for pre-order I don't want to we can talk about it after a bunch of you guys see it coming soon they don't want to, um, we can talk about it after a bunch of you guys see it. Coming soon.
Starting point is 02:46:05 They don't even give you, oh, okay. Start, uh, will release on Apple TV, Amazon, Xbox, Vudu, and Vimeo starting on June 30th. How about you write that on the fucking picture? Coming June 30th. Big. Coming June 30th. And you don't just write June 30th 30th god i have to school these bunch of bitches you don't just write june 30th you write friday june 30th friday june 30th
Starting point is 02:46:36 so that anyone can look at it really quickly whether they work by days or dates and if you even know what time you say what time and then people start planning our nut job community starts planning and do you know why don listen don listen to me how much your team fucking sucks and i mean this with love and criticism constructive criticism for you when all uh rising tides float all ships raise all ships rising tides float all ships, raise all ships, rising tides, rise all ships. By you not promoting this, the rest of the fucking games team doesn't rise. Do you understand that? By you not pushing it.
Starting point is 02:47:15 So this is what happens. It would be so easy to keep this number one in the iTunes documentary section and on the homepage for a month, it would be so easy to do. We did it every single year. Why? Because us CrossFitters are, uh, consumes would just love to consume our content and we would keep purchasing it and you could keep pushing it and it would push it to the front. With that, you would add more value to the affiliate proposition than anything else you will
Starting point is 02:47:45 do all year. It's that easy. But instead, but instead, Don, you have a, someone's not, someone's, there's obviously no oversight on the games team, especially on the media. And whoever's in charge
Starting point is 02:48:03 of your marketing, just fire them. them toss them everyone who's involved in marketing this is negligence they're working against you that's what we did every year we pushed the dock and it was just free advertising for crossfit and the affiliates non-fucking-stop, right there when you open up your iTunes, right there when you open up your Netflix, right there when you click documentaries, right there when you click top movies. And you designed the poster to help push that. J.K. Lamar, stop dropping marketing gems. I mean, it's so bad. How about this? Why aren't they promoting the interview that's about to start?
Starting point is 02:49:03 Why didn't they send me a preview of the movie to play on my podcast? It's the most influential podcast in the space. Why didn't you send me a link to say, hey, Savon, why don't you play this? 11 minutes and 30 seconds, by the way. In 11 minutes and 30 seconds, you can see the interview I'll even put the link
Starting point is 02:49:29 in my I'll put the link down here I'll put the link down here there's the link that'll take you to the CrossFit podcast and it's called the movie preview CrossFit Games documentary retroactive with Tyson Oldroyd. He's the executive producer of it.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Been around for fucking ever. Used to be married to Miranda Oldroyd. Now Miranda Alvarez, the founder of street parking. So sad, dude. It is so sad. All this time and money spent to make this movie and because there's so much fucking infighting at hq they can't promote this which would then trickle down to the whole fucking community slam dunk fuck crazy
Starting point is 02:50:29 how how can we go back to their this is their Instagram wouldn't you think if this movie was going to come out tomorrow and it was your biggest piece of media you've done since the last documentary because you guys haven't done media since 2018 that you would have it pinned right there where Laura Horvath is or hey what
Starting point is 02:50:45 about doing a thing where you make nine posts and it's the entire poster do you know what i mean like just make it like one of those giant ones yeah what would be even better is get a trailer for it right i think they have a trailer and then every single trailer or every single athlete that's in the trailer i would like play it. There's that section. And then ask to collab with that athlete. So then not only do you have it existing on the CrossFit games, Instagram, but then on that athletes,
Starting point is 02:51:12 Instagram too. Duh. So then there's even that much more distribution, right? Matt Sousa dropping bombs on the retards. And I mean that with no love, just complete fucking disdain and embarrassment for you guys
Starting point is 02:51:27 fucking drool factory over there Jake Chapman Seve I have you on mute as I'm waiting to coach please can you get Sousa to sign language for me get with the programming make sure you stop in 10 minutes so we can have your viewers oh okay perfect we're
Starting point is 02:51:47 starting with the trailer by the way oh okay so maybe it is chase who's doing the um promotion for it promotion definitely seems like everything's kind of compartmentalized there and people are almost working against each other almost for lack of better words it's like very your project to like bring my project to like bring my project up or like don't give this the light so we could promote the thing that i want to promote over here instead chase why don't they have that on their instagram why aren't they pushing it go to i want to go to the dave castro instagram why the fuck isn't is dave having the trailer up um uh or or uh or adrian or Adrian?
Starting point is 02:52:27 Dave does not. What the fuck is wrong with him? Oh, he's got a fucking picture of Katrin. Oh, he hasn't posted in six days. Yeah. Does he even control this handle anymore? I don't know. His Instagram is starting to remind me a little bit like matt frazier's instagram it's like super curated you know oh yeah yeah yeah he hired some
Starting point is 02:52:54 chick to um uh do it during semi-finals for him i think that's become kind of like the norm for him uh well that makes sense during an event but this was six days ago and it seems like it's still happening oh so does Christine just run no oh shit I don't know I was about to answer but I don't really fucking know oh as I say I wonder if she's running it like all the time now
Starting point is 02:53:17 and he's just staying with the TDC hunt one I ended up going to Abigail Donuts Instagram account. Are you lost? Yeah, she's cool as shit, dude. Fuck, she's cool. She's like a princess. Look at this picture of her with her boyfriend.
Starting point is 02:53:39 Are you going to bring it up? Yeah, Abigail. Oh. That is not what I expected her to look like. I like the whole hippie Princess Leia vibe. Yeah. Look at her. Look at.
Starting point is 02:53:57 Boyfriend's good looking too. Someone send her a packet of rubber bands. Tie that shit back. Wow. Send her a packet of rubber bands. Tie that shit back. Wow. Tips with Abby Donut. Wolverine. Oh, so she's part of the Colton crew?
Starting point is 02:54:22 She kind of has this orphan Annie look to her. I wonder if she's a redhead. And yet she also kind of looks like Tom Brady's kind of wife, right? Or ex-wife. She looks like a model. And yet she's got some freckles. All right, no more obsessing on Miss Donut. Dixie Normus,
Starting point is 02:54:48 my whole IG feed is CrossFit. I haven't seen an ad for the movie once. I know. I know. Get her on the show. I know. Jesus, Dave. You're right. First hard thing you've said today. Jake Chapman, Seve, are you aware of how absolutely jacked at Mike is? Who's Mike? Mike who? Oh, Mike McCaskey? you aware of how absolutely jacked Mike is? Who's Mike? Mike who?
Starting point is 02:55:06 Oh, Mike McCaskey? No. Is he crazy jacked? He has like a cartoon picture for his icons. We can go over and let's look at how jacked Mike McCaskey is. I do like looking at jacked dudes. While we wait, we have five more minutes so we have to get off and make way for Chase. Mike McCaskey. while we wait. We have five more minutes so we have to get off and make way for Chase. Mike, Mike.
Starting point is 02:55:30 Oh, Mike, Mike. Yeah. Hope I have the right mic. I definitely don't. Draw your dagger, Seve. I'm giving you a hug at the games. Push your camera up against me. Oh, my screen time's off the chart, dude.
Starting point is 02:55:53 I bet you I'm on my phone five hours a day. No post on Insta, sorry. How the fuck am I supposed to know how jacked you are then? No, then I don't know. I don't know i don't know he's a fucking unit how do you know post a picture in here let's see post a link and we'll go to the picture how do you know oh he's probably a cop or something that's why he doesn't have instagram i average six hours a day on your phone yeah i've completely lost the war to dms by the way and you want to know what i and speaking of
Starting point is 02:56:36 arguing with reality i haven't accepted it like you still think in the back of your mind you're gonna sit down and like get through all of them or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, and part of me feels like I've let some, I've let people down. Hmm. You know what I mean? Like that, like that was my job.
Starting point is 02:56:56 That was my job. Yeah. Like you watch the show. My job is to make sure that if you say something to me that I. Mine, I've gotten a strain too i'm usually pretty good at keeping up on it but lately i've just had zero time and then the time that i do have to do it i'm just like fuck i don't feel like doing this chasen chasen we have the crossfit games
Starting point is 02:57:16 podcast tomorrow i guess i'll talk about this more but chasen bill did a show get with the programming where they talked about things that they would like to bring back and bill oh bill will be on the show too bill said oh they should bring back the uh behind the scenes and then he said it doesn't matter who does it don't fucking slap you around billy bill said it pull your ear pull your ear billy yeah of course it matters who does it billy how would it not what if you just put joe schmo with a camera there like it wouldn't well i i even like he just i just i don't think that there's anyone who's going to do it as good as i did it and it'll just be just like whatever if it's not me that's what i think it'll just be whatever i mean it might still be good might be different might still be good but it's not going to be um
Starting point is 02:58:06 yeah yeah thank you janelle come on bill come on man yeah come on man i don't know if i still have that that's supposed to be a compliment we really loved your work we just need someone to do it we don't care who it is yeah exactly let the dei council do the behind the scenes that would be great yeah process no matter who's in charge i'll second shoot behind the scenes with you don't take my job he gave you credit oh here we go paulina fucking always the ambassador here we go sweet paulina he gave you credit he said you asked the good questions and should do it again oh always making the piece hey listen i i'm an all i'm an all-in guy i i i i i'm not a um uhocko Willick saying to
Starting point is 02:59:06 it's really fucked up Joe Rogan's not racist but I'm concerned about his drinking their mushrooms fuck you Greg Glassman never did anything to me that other men haven't done to me and just all men shouldn't do that like what
Starting point is 02:59:22 that's supposed to stand up I i don't i don't i don't i don't need i don't want uh enemies if i have friends like you or i don't want friends if i have enemies like you or whatever how the fuck that one goes i don't i i i if you if you're like if you're trying to say you have my back and you're like yeah they should do behind the scenes um seven did it better than anyone they should do it again and then you're like but it kind of doesn't matter who does it i don't get like don't even mention my name i don't care fuck you i don't take that as like a compliment
Starting point is 02:59:56 i don't same thing with rich like i'm really glad dave's back i hope he doesn't turn into a power tripper again. Can't that be two separate podcasts? God damn the comments on that YouTuber. Fucking idiot central. That Rich Froning podcast has just attracted fucking morons. You got to take the good with the bad with Rich, right? Everyone flocks to him.
Starting point is 03:00:36 Yeah. Because he's so fucking cool. He is cool. Oh, shit. It's it. So why isn't it? It's 10. Oh, It's 10 a.m. They should be going. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:52 The premiere is starting. It's not live, right? No, I think this is live. Let's see what happens here. Oh shit. Thank you. Welcome. uh oh here we uh welcome we love your sickness uh let's party let's get the party started um oh here we go uh okay well okay let's do this Okay. Well, okay. Let's do this.
Starting point is 03:01:29 See my comment? Mm-hmm. I always get so excited when I comment. Oh, look, I said something. Oh, my God, everyone can see what I said. All 21 people. Two shows on at the same time. Well, this one hasn't started yet. Or, that one hasn't
Starting point is 03:01:51 started yet. Will Alexander, sent here by 7-1. Will, I've never even seen you comment in my comments. What the fuck is going on? Well, at least he gave you credit the time he did comment. Listen to fucking Chase. Patience, Corey. We got to make sure the audio is great
Starting point is 03:02:07 for you all. Yeah, that's why you do that five minutes before you come on. You have to sub on podcast. You don't figure that shit out on the fly. We should watch things that are live, but just have the comment section going and just comment and creep on everybody commenting in the comment section.
Starting point is 03:02:23 I'd love to, but the problem is they'll ding us. These fuckers will actually report us. Oh, yeah, they will. Man, Don, you work with some assholes. You should have just just cleaned you need to clean house dude it could be so much fun think about this think about the proposition that you would suggest that
Starting point is 03:02:54 for uh I don't want to drag Hiller into this but I'm going to let's say you were to make the proposition that um Hiller hates on Crossfit so we should keep him at a distance so you're telling me that the guy who you think feeds on hating you is going to be happy with you hating on him back and that's how you you're just feeding him we're going to keep seven on a hill or distance because they think because they just hate on us oh there it goes i Oh, I'm already on it. Careful, don't let them ding us. There you go. All right. It's begun.
Starting point is 03:03:36 I just want to see. I want to, I want to, how, how do I forward to the, oh, I just clicked the live light if i click here live it always has a chance to oh you know who else is good in this fuck uh there i guess i'm gonna do a show with mariah tomorrow yeah tomorrow so i'll tell you who else is goodness breaks my heart tommy did a really good job in this sean did a great job they fucking did a great job or at least mariah um made them look great
Starting point is 03:04:11 you know it's funny if it wasn't for her mariah coming on the show and you talking about it i wouldn't even know this was a thing right Of course, a lot of people would. No one would. I literally wouldn't. When you told me she was coming on the show. You're an affiliate owner. And you were like, oh, Mariah's coming. She's going to talk about the doc. I'm going to get a chance to preview it.
Starting point is 03:04:36 And I was like, there's a doc? This is a company that asks you what your sexual preference is every chance they fucking get as an affiliate owner, but they can't tell you that the fucking documentary is coming out? That you could share with your clientele? That's funny. It's crazy. Oh, here we go. What's happening?
Starting point is 03:05:24 Nothing. My dad sent me a text i read it probably wasn't the best time to read that text oh not that it's bad hmm oh that's good and if you had a spider bite and it's all it's all healed up oh after that trailer like that's how we know you're that's how we know you're an android i think that's the test yeah no i think i think first of all thanks for having me man okay the tyson oldroyd chase ingram uh live on the crossfit podcast go over there check it out um it's a great movie i will have the uh director creator editor brainchild uh mariah more on um tomorrow tomorrow morning i'm excited for you guys to meet her i worked with her for many years also okay uh oh here chris deeming savvy i watch most
Starting point is 03:06:37 of your stuff i rarely catch you live as i'm from england but always wonder what the hell you're going on about when you reference 49er international audience bro oh okay it's a football team here in um the great city of uh san francisco talk to you guys soon suza thanks for coming on the show we kicked ass like usual yep peace and love

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