The Tim Dillon Show - 207: 207 - Whitney Webb Returns

Episode Date: July 5, 2020

Journalist Whitney Webb returns to discuss the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, her and her families ties to the brave heroes of the intelligence community, and how big tech is just trying to keep you saf...e! #SaveTheOceans #StopOverFishing Bonus Episodes every week: Merch: Whitney Webb: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, so we have a new sponsor on the show. We don't usually start off with an ad, but I'm kind of very excited about this We got the sponsorship late last night. I am a big fan of the the natural world Ben knows this I love I love the nature. I love to swim. I I love pools, but even more importantly I love lakes and I love oceans these are things that I am Invested in and I mean I've never been a hysteric about global warming on either side climate change is probably real You know and maybe we could do something positive about it. I don't know, but I love swimming I grew up around the ocean and I grew up swimming as a kid with my mother These are the things I always remember about my childhood the smell of salt water and the sand under your feet running around
Starting point is 00:00:38 I mean this is so when when when we destroy the oceans We're destroying not only our our habitat or destroying all these great experiences So we're very happy to kind of we're this new project That we're backing right now and we're trying to involve a lot of our people in it as well And just a few minutes of it to just kind of tell you what it what it's about The weather is very very important to us It actually affects every single aspect of our lives. She's right before I came to Iceland I checked the weather. I'm super happy that I did my umbrella was handy last night. I'm sure it was for many of you
Starting point is 00:01:18 Farmers are it's essential for farming when to plant the crops when to take care and when to harvest the crops So I'm delighted today for the first time to be able to have the weather channel Have a look at what's happening for the first time in history actually in the high seas Thank you so much Gillian and we've got wonderful new technology here at the weather channel And we are able to deliver a point forecast for the Arctic high seas And we'll take one location that is north of the northernmost part of Canada near the Meehan Islands And as you might expect it's going to be very chilly indeed here Temperatures will for the most part only get up into the negative 20s Celsius through the entire week
Starting point is 00:02:06 So you want to take an extra pair of knickers should you be here anytime soon? And we'll take you to another spot on the other side of the Arctic Ocean and that is north of Russia Northeast of the Anzoo Islands and similarly it's going to be quite cold Temperatures in the negative numbers all across the board right through the end of the week getting a little bit warmer going into Thursday Friday and Saturday now back to you in Iceland Thank you That's clever because what she did I don't know who this woman is What she's doing is she's she's trying to get people into supporting the oceans
Starting point is 00:02:42 But she's using things. They know like the weather channel. I I like this a lot I don't know she is but she's got a bright future today because that is a first for the Arctic It is a first for the high seas and it's a first for the weather channel So what's this focus on the weather? It's really exciting of course that now for the first time in history We have the weather for the high seas in the Arctic That's about 1% of the high seas in total But what that really means is that almost half the planet we have no weather for think about that for a second Almost half the plant that we don't have full and full data for the weather
Starting point is 00:03:23 Really and our friends from the fisheries data is yes, but it isn't it Data key so as exciting that is I just want to talk a little bit about exploration. Yes, and I like going Expiration budget is about 250 times more than I like what she does here because she's bringing it into space some of the reasons for the holes in our ocean exploration To put this into perspective on the right-hand side That's a picture of James Cameron going down to the bottom of the ocean at about 36,000 feet Yeah, fuck yeah people in the history of our planet have ever gone down to the bottom of the ocean by contrast The very good-looking chap on the left is our space moon walker, and we've had 12 people who have walked on the moon
Starting point is 00:04:11 She makes it fun, which I like because you want to the environment should be fun She seems unfocused here a little bit, but her stylist is just being in and out You don't really know what's going on, but I think it's good But just to put that into perspective for you winning me over map the moon to about seven between seven meters and a hundred meters Which is crazy when you think of that nuts And also what's odd is that since in the last 40 years since we've been to the moon We've brought back about 850 pounds of moon rocks Again by contrast we take out between a hundred and about a hundred and thirty billion worth of fish tons of fish a year
Starting point is 00:04:58 Now the variable as many of you will know is because we don't really know what What the value is on the illegal fishing department because boats as we know not all boats are tracked People have no idea how much your problem illegal fishing is It's one of the biggest problems in the country in the world is Illegal fishing people fishing when they shouldn't without a permit and stuff so much of it goes on and And and it's I don't know this woman is but the fact that she has the guts and the balls to kind of call out the illegal fisherman To me is huge. Let's let's let her go for another few minutes It's that attract for instance in the high seas. Yeah, and just I would like you to think about this for a second
Starting point is 00:05:44 Okay, I'd like to know how many of you would like to fly on a plane If only 15 percent of planes were talking to air traffic control No, I don't want it. I don't want to or again perhaps if who'd like to go driving especially in a private plane from it seems a little bit More comfortable here in Iceland if only 15 percent of the drivers, right had license plates. No good We all know I mean, I'm a bit of a speed demon. So I've been through those red lights I knew that no one was tracking me, but what I mean, right? She makes a good point No one tracking you go through the red lights those fishing vessels are doing it on the plane in time Yeah, there are literally hundreds of boats fucking fishermen
Starting point is 00:06:26 Allows them to blow through the shit and it allows them to fish for endangered species Use a drone and kill them chances that they'll be captured capture them then less And so that's a problem because it's putting all right Well, anyway, this is the Terramar project is what we're we've just entered into a partnership with on this show It's called the Terramar project. I don't know what that means I think water and land or something and and both are very necessary and this this woman is fucking bright And I don't know who she is, but I like I like the cut of her jib and I just enjoy it and so if you like me think illegal fishing is the biggest problem in America
Starting point is 00:07:11 And the world you will get involved with this Terramar project to really kind of fucking go and get those illegal boats because We need to know who's fishing That's the biggest issue. That's the biggest issue on the on the high seas right now on the water Who is fishing where they shouldn't be fishing? So if there's any way that we can find those people I think so many other problems are are linked into this illegal fishing It almost seems like illegal fishing is the way that the world is run You see there's all these fishermen fishing illegally for fish that they shouldn't have that they should have thrown back into the water
Starting point is 00:07:52 And one fisherman knows that the other fisherman's doing this with the illegal fish He doesn't know and so there's this weird Omurta Like silence around the idea of illegal fishing none of the illegal fishermen Tell on any of the other illegal fishermen and nobody has a fucking license Everybody just says we're just going out for a fun, you know, uh yacht day, but it's not they're illegally Fishing taking fish they shouldn't have and doing god only knows what to it on a boat And they all have each other's back and it's a code of silence
Starting point is 00:08:23 And they bribe each other and they blackmail each other with these illegal fish and this woman Has the balls to call it out. I don't know how he pronounced her name Just something but god bless her and god bless the terremar project. Whitney Webb coming right up All right returning favorite Whitney Webb back on the show. She is a writer her articles appear at the last american vagabond amongst other Publications she has a patreon that you should support We're going to put the link in the description of this episode And I believe she is in the process of writing a book
Starting point is 00:09:03 On the topic that we are going to discuss today. So Whitney Webb, thank you for coming back You're a fan favorite here You uh, we're tweeting that you don't buy The just land arrest or you think it's a little convenient or a little sus Which means suspect as people on the internet say what what about it strikes you as as fishy All right, where to start First of all just before gillian was arrested virginia roberts attorneys
Starting point is 00:09:35 Were ordered by a us federal judge to destroy evidence that pertained directly to gillian maxwell Claiming that they had obtained that evidence Illegally and thus it has to be destroyed and then they arrest her like the next day, right? What evidence? Um, it was evidence. Well, it hasn't been made public, right? Um, but they claim that it had been sealed Evidence apparently acquired through some sort of fbi stuff that was never made public and never Turned into an indictment, right? And alan durshowitz was actually suing to try and get access to that information and was also denied access to it
Starting point is 00:10:11 Right, so even people that are you know representing the victims and people that were associates of ebsing have been denied access to this Um, but the lawyers who obtained it were trying to use it in court and they said no You can't have this and you have to destroy it and then gillian is you know arrested a day later in new hampshire But um, you know, that's just like one thing that preceded this There's a couple other things that are interesting that preceded this too, but um, you know just to start off I think it's it's good to start with just talking about the indictment itself Which um, I really recommend people that are interested in this case actually take the time to read the indictment against gillian max Well, it's only like 18 pages. So it's not very long
Starting point is 00:10:53 Um, and that for me is the main basis of why I am very suspect of what is going on here What they chart her with they chart her with um I think it's four counts one of them is perjury the other three Only relates to enticing miners to travel across state lines For the purpose of engaging in illegal sex acts with jeffrey eppstein But the indictment itself says that gillian max well was also involved in those sex acts and is basically you know Basically saying that she sexually assaulted these miners also, but she's not charged for that She's charged with enticing
Starting point is 00:11:29 Three girls between 1994 and 1997 to travel across state lines to engage in sex acts with jeffrey eppstein In which she was also involved and the indictment even says things Like it was gillian that ordered these girls to take off their clothes and to touch eppstein And that she would also become involved in like, you know a threesome or something But she's not charged with anything related to that right which is just like yeah Why would you admit that and then be like well, you know, it's fine that you're a pedophile But you made them travel for it right You know, so why are they not charging her with the actual molestation?
Starting point is 00:12:08 You know, uh, that's an interesting, uh, you know, I think that's a very valid point in a question that should be asked Of the people, you know the fbi and the southern district of new york and you know, you know The people responsible for this indictment. Um, also as far as her arrest, where is her mugshot? Right, why hasn't she appeared in federal court yet? She was supposed to be arraigned yesterday There's been no news on that about her having appeared in court, right? That's not normal Does every every had a mugshot right now if if she was charged with actually molesting the girls Would that carry a longer sentence? Oh for sure
Starting point is 00:12:44 And it would also mean that she could be denied bail based on the types of charges she's facing out It's very likely she'll be allowed to post bail and won't go to prison Unless she is sentenced at the conclusion of the trial, right? So who knows what could happen by then whenever that happens. It could be a protracted legal process They've also set up the narrative that the lane's going to cooperate with authorities Which you know when that happens results in a reduced sentence So it's I think it's very likely based on the charges she's facing Which are extremely light when you consider the gravity of her crimes how many children she raped
Starting point is 00:13:19 How many children she recruited for epstein? You know among numerous other things she was involved in I mean because this wasn't just three girls like she was She's been charged with enticing to travel now I mean this network in which the lane was you know, basically the key one of the the key people If not the key person abused thousands of girls, right, right, right now She's arrested. She's taken to where where is she is she is she going to go to the same Facility that jeff was in like where we don't know She hasn't appeared in federal court. Well at the time of us recording this, right?
Starting point is 00:13:59 She has been made to appear There's no mug shot if her no one really knows that it was just reported that she was arrested and then they had this press conference But they didn't show a mug shot or anything. They just showed a picture of You know glane and jeffree I've seen together from 2005 and they just talked about how great they are for Having arrested her even though they apparently have known where she is for a year because the house. She was arrested in a new hampshire She bought seven months ago right now
Starting point is 00:14:29 Wasn't there an article that came out a while back that said she was staying In either massachusetts or new hampshire. I forget what what was that article? And it was it said that she was staying with a guy right somebody. Yeah His name is scott borgeson He's alleged to be her current boyfriend. He runs a company. That's a data analytics company for like ocean freight Which is interesting when you consider glane's recent interest in this whole teramar Project of creating sort of this these independent statelets. I guess you could say in the ocean where international law wouldn't apply Right, but I mean in her in her defense
Starting point is 00:15:07 There's a lot of good people involved in that too like bill glades and the clinton's right, right Yeah But anyway, so this guy right um his company the main investor in it is eric schmidt the former google Head head of google right. He's also tied up with the clinton's and all of these fun guys Yeah, so that's who she was said to have been staying with and what's interesting is after that report came out Right after that is when the fake in and out burger Picture photo op or whatever in la came out basically making people think that she was actually on the west coast
Starting point is 00:15:44 Which I guess now in retrospect was a way to divert attention from what was actually happening What was the point of doing that in and out photo shoot? I never understood that they photoshopped a movie Advertisement in the background like it was one of the weirdest pieces of political theater if you want to say it's political It was this stunt. What in your estimation was the point of that? Well, I think there's a couple of well first of all was orchestrated by her attorney and also Let's remember the book she was reading the life and death of cia operatives or something like that And considering the whole intelligence ties of this and also glane's face in the picture I mean she looks ridiculously smug and she's just sitting there in public
Starting point is 00:16:24 I mean, I think it was honestly sort of a way like you know to slap everyone in the face and be like, you know You can't fuck with me type of deal. I think it was something like that And you know, I really started this whole trend of media reporting too on glane that treated her like she was carmen san diego Oh, she's you know in la now. She's in france now. She's in england now. She's in israel Right about all this stuff. Where is she right making no acting like you know implying that she was just traveling all the time So maybe that's why they couldn't find her right when in fact She's been in the u.s. The whole time and they've known it and haven't done shit, right? Why do you think if they waited to arrest her? What do you think that was about? Do you think they were waiting for the conditions to be
Starting point is 00:17:05 uh, because bar The attorney general is this is not a person who's interested in getting to the bottom of this case Right, right. I mean attorney General bill bar his father Was the the headmaster of dalton who hired jeffrey ebstin And so this he was also in intelligence bill bar was at the office of strategic services The precursor to the cia and at the time he hired ebstin his son bill bar was working at the cia
Starting point is 00:17:36 Remember, that's where bill bar's career started. He worked for the cia right So we have to believe that this attorney general who's been intelligence his entire life whose father is intelligence Whose father hired ebstin? Wants to get to the bottom of this story Right, right. Well, I mean you can also look at bill bar's like past, right? He helped cover up iran contra pardon all the iran contra criminals when he was attorney general the first time Under george bussenior also a cia director, right? Um and helped cover up the promise software scandal in which the maxwell family was very intimately involved
Starting point is 00:18:12 Right, so like no exactly a person who finds things out He's more of a guy who covers things up if you look at his you know track record He also worked at the law firm That was you know offered that were the defense lawyers for jeffrey ebstin when he was arrested the first time So bill bar was working at the law firm of of jeffrey ebstin's defense attorneys the first time ebstin was arrested That's correct interesting in what capacity just as an attorney or a consultant or I believe he was an attorney. Um the law firm is perkland and ellis I believe But that's where like his defense lawyers were also part of that firm
Starting point is 00:18:51 But I mean it's not like bar was part of ebstin's legal team But he was you know in the same law firm as them Is there any truth to the what's being circulated on twitter that bill bar wanted to meet glane maxwell just lane maxwell And her attorney denied that or is that just floating around on twitter that's kind of unsubstantiated I haven't I haven't heard that so I can't really speak to that But what's interesting though is that about less than two weeks ago bill bar made this big There was this controversy in this very district we're talking about right the southern district of new york Where jeffrey burman who was the uh district attorney when ebstin was indicted last year was basically forced out
Starting point is 00:19:28 And so the person that is currently the district attorney isn't official They're an acting district attorney um and burman was you know just Removed from that capacity essentially by bill bar around 10 or 11 days ago and then you know this other judge You know also part of the doj technically right orders this evidence be destroyed and the glane is arrested Why was uh burman forced out is there an official story for that? um, well, um, I Actually don't really remember the official story because I remember reading it and being like this is probably bullshit, right? Yeah, um, but I think it's worth pointing out that I don't think jeffrey burman is a clean guy, right?
Starting point is 00:20:07 He used to work for juliani who's like a really shady guy too and a lot of this stuff You know, there's just different factions, you know different I guess you could say competing like crime families or whatever You know and so like some of them are dirty Well, they're all really dirty, but they have like you know competing interests But I think it's interesting the timing and I guess we can speculate as to why it really was right? Considering what's happened in the day's sense No, I think it's possible
Starting point is 00:20:34 You know for example that bill bar may not have wanted glane to be arrested at all for example because he you know As you pointed out, right has some sort of family tie to this case, right? Yeah, so It's possible that they didn't want this to move forward at all Even though in my opinion the charges are a complete freaking joke and are just going to mean that she You know gets off light or you know, probably doesn't go to prison at all If she cooperates or they settle or who knows what what would be the fact? Sorry. No, what would what's the version of cooperating? Like what would you do? I have no idea. Yeah, you know, it remains to be seen, right? But basically, you know, even if she does give them information they want on certain people or you know things like that
Starting point is 00:21:15 I mean, that's not going to be made public, right? So it's very possible that she enters into some agreement where she cooperates and supposedly gives them information But none of that is ever made public They have to decide what to do with the nature of the trial But it's very unlikely that it would be made public and they could say it's for a separate investigation That's classified and who knows, right? right Now for people that
Starting point is 00:21:42 Don't know who just laying Maxwell is Give us a little background because you've really done some work on most people know that her father Was a media mogul who had intelligence ties to the Mossad, but you've really done a deep dive on the family Talk a little bit about these fun folks All right. Well, there are a lot of places we could go with that because it is really extensive. I mean, Robert Maxwell did not just have Links or ties to Israeli intelligence. I mean, he was a spy period, right? He was involved with Israel before it was even founded
Starting point is 00:22:16 He was involved in getting for example the the Czech Republic to send Weapons design as paramilitaries before the founding of the state of israel So his involvement in in airplane parts and things like that's having those smuggled in he was very involved with that whole um You know a pre uh existence of the state of israel Conflict right and that continued Well after I mean, let's remember too that robert maxwell's funeral was attended by six former and current heads of israeli intelligence The person that gave the eulogy was prime prime minister at the time. It's haq Shamir
Starting point is 00:22:51 Who said robert maxwell has done more for israel than I can say today and things like that, right? So it's not just like the guy had incidental links to israel. He was also just involved in a ton of well known Um, you know israeli espionage activities including the promise software scandal. Um, I ran contra The honeypot entrapment of israeli nuclear weapons whistleblower mordecai the new new Among numerous others, right? We're going to the promise software just out of curiosity. You've mentioned that before. What was that? So, um, it's kind of a really complex. It's a very complex case, right? Um, but uh, to give like a brief summary It was basically the software that was developed by the um bill and nancy hamilton of inslaw ink
Starting point is 00:23:38 Um, it was they originally sold it and leased it essentially to the department of justice under reagan in like 1982 um, at which point the department of justice, uh, Basically through ed meese and this other guy that was sort of in the reagan administration orbit named url brian Uh, basically made plans with this guy who was in those very famous israeli intelligence operative named raffi a 10 To essentially steal this software by basically taking it and not paying Making payments to inslaw for its use anymore and then adapting it by asserting a back door into that software Which was then sold to governments intelligence agencies and corporations and banks all over the world Um, not just by people like url brian who i just mentioned who made you know a company specifically for selling software
Starting point is 00:24:26 But robert maxwell had a massage a tech front company called degham that he used to sell that software Not just, uh, you know throughout the middle east but also in the america central and south america robert maxwell Also sold it to sensitive us, uh, national laboratories in new mexico That were used to allow israel to gain access to that at the time when they were, um Spying heavily on us like scientific and technological research part of which is related to their nuclear weapons program He also sold it to russian intelligence to the kgb So robert maxwell was very involved but also involved were um people in the clinton orbit including jackson stevens company Who was a major?
Starting point is 00:25:08 You know political donor to the clinton's? Systematics was the company through which they did that right which had ties to roe's law firm Which was hillary clinton's law firm at the time had been fostered and all of that so when you talk about a back door the intelligent the um the software had a back door The back door would be used to extract information from right so Yeah, so basically any computer on which the software would install
Starting point is 00:25:35 That back door would allow israeli intelligence access to whatever was on that computer So this was an act of overt espionage. Well covert. Oh, yeah, yeah Right But i mean people in the us knew the back door was there because they helped sell it and they knew israel had access to it So they essentially allowed is israel's intelligence Um access no, you know two computers on sensitive us databases for example, right? But also in other countries, you know, but i mean that's kind of treasonous, isn't it? Especially if you're in the reagan administration, certainly. Yeah, and robert maxwell also
Starting point is 00:26:10 Was a major media mogul in the uk and he owned was it six newspapers? I forget he owned a lot of Right. He was also a media mogul on israel and set up newspapers there that still exist today He also at one point owned the new york daily news He's trying to expand. Yes. He was trying to expand at the television Um, it's at one point But unsuccessfully he uh hated rupert murdoch. He was very jealous of him and wanted to be like rupert murdoch and have this tv empire But he didn't uh succeed and it's funny. We just we just keep hearing like planes or motorcycles I love I love every time you're on the show. You're in like a safe house somewhere
Starting point is 00:26:48 And I just don't know what's happening Like I just I just imagine people are loading planes And then right after this interview is done you leave and then a drone strike just destroys whatever And then you just get on a plane somewhere And god, I mean it's a man. We just hear my life sound a lot more exciting than it really is. I kind of like No, it's just funny like like all we hear like You're you're like talking about promise software and in the back. We like get out get out Um, so max well, obviously the guy is a spy. He's an israeli spy
Starting point is 00:27:22 There's a lot of israeli spies, but this guy assimilates into British high society. Yes. Yeah, and he becomes um You know the massage is one of the the most successful intelligence agencies in the world And and they you know, I think the minister of syrian defense at one time was a massage agent like they really infiltrate Uh places. They're very good at it. Um, and and so for max well's entire career He he's and seymour hersh. I think wrote a wrote a book about him Uh about his activities too. He was mentioned in the samson option, which is about israel's nuclear weapons program and that directly discussed Maxwell's involvement in the arrest of the whistleblower about israel's nuclear weapons program
Starting point is 00:28:08 Mordecai the new no, right? So, I mean, this isn't a conspiracy theory This is is is is, you know as factual as you get Who are his children? Right. Well depends on which one you want to start with, right? Um, but what's interesting I think arguably the most important are guling's twin sisters christine and isabel who get very little attention Um, but really quickly, um, where are that? Where are they? Are they on tiktok? No, um, one of them I think now teaches at the university of texas um another one, um
Starting point is 00:28:44 I'm not exactly sure what she's doing now because a lot of what I've looked at are their involvement in the tech industry because one of them christine in particular was involved with a very very shady software program Uh counterterrorism program that was put on the databases Of the cia the fbi the nsa and a bunch of other sensitive databases for us intelligence in us national security and her father of course was the promise software salesman And apparently no one saw any problems with that, right? But we can get into that. Um, Uh, I guess in more detail, but basically what these um, um What these sisters did is that they created one of the first search engines called magellan in the mid 90s
Starting point is 00:29:26 And actually in that company, it wasn't just the twins, but also galane maxwell had a stake in that As did her brother kevin maxwell who was sort of robert maxwell's heir apparent and sort of inherited the His media empire after his death that of course collapsed soon after because it had you know Was in major financial difficulties. Well robert maxwell had stolen a lot of money from his employees, right? He stole hundreds of millions of dollars. Yeah, right. Well, also, it was it was more than that It wasn't just the official story is that he just embezzled funds for his own use which is also true But the reason the money for him to even purchase that media group had come from massade and massade uh backers You know financers of massade and so what a lot of that money was used for
Starting point is 00:30:12 There was maxwell basically got in the habit on massade's behalf of taking money out of that pension fund It was used to finance massade activities in europe and then after those operations concluded the money would be put back in Right to these pension funds But as this was going on over time maxwell started taking money for him because he lived a very ostentatious lifestyle He was very fond of prostitutes and things of that nature. Um, so, you know, he spent money on a lot of Things, right? right so
Starting point is 00:30:45 His two daughters Are living in the u.s. At the time they developed majelin Yeah, they moved to silicon valley after robert maxwell died And they created the search engine it was sold off to excite it doesn't exist anymore because you know google basically made it a relevant Right though actually excite which acquired this search engine tried to buy google at one point, but it didn't work out, but um Basically what happened after this company was soft majelin was sold off is that christine maxwell created this company called chiliad and what chiliad
Starting point is 00:31:21 Basically it basically became this data analysis software that after september 11 was heavily promoted as um It's well, I don't know how much you have gone into 9 11 on your show, right? But basically it was claimed after the official narrative of 9 11 came out But only this software was capable of connecting the dots that explained the official narrative of 9 11 that you know us intelligence missed prior to the attacks, right? And so after that the 9 11 commission
Starting point is 00:31:53 claimed Basically gave this company the only a on their report card for counter terrorism counterintelligence software leading to it being installed on all of these um You know sensitive databases in the u.s. And what's interesting is that one of the members of the 9 11 commission that pushed really hard for Chiliad was a guy named john leman who was secretary of the navy under reagan and used to be a frequent guest on robert maxwell's yacht So this is like promised to Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:25 Now it's amazing to me you had said on twitter That the type of operations that ebsi and just lane were running Were no longer going to be necessary or not as necessary because a lot of blackmail was now just going to be tech So explain that because this is very interesting. I had no idea How how deeply connected the maxwell family was to these major tech companies? Oh, yeah, well actually isabel maxwell had a separate company. That's an israeli base company that's now called um
Starting point is 00:33:02 siren but was previously called Comtouch and she was the president of that company and they run um their software is integrated into Numerous aspects of microsoft windows. They're run by uh google and also on del computers Right, so, you know, it's not just christine's chiliad. It's also, you know running on all these windows computers all over the world isabelle's maxwell's stuff But anyway in terms of what i'm saying about why the people the people that sponsored ebsi and lane You know our favoring tech stuff is because i mean all you have to do is look at what ebsi and did Started to do right before he was arrested last year Or what he was doing right before he was arrested last year and what he started to do around the year 2012
Starting point is 00:33:49 Which is a really key year for a lot of this stuff, right? What he started to do is he started to rebrand as a tech investor and he got interested in silicon valley He started going to a lot of silicon valley parties and he claimed that he had a lot of blackmail on people from silicon valley Right and he was talking, you know, he had ties what to like elon musk. He was at events with mark zuckerberg He was uh, he invited surgey brinn one of the google co-founders over to his house He was really ingratiating himself with silicon valley's elite, right? Which is very interesting, especially when you consider the fact that he Was one of the major funders of a company called carbine 911
Starting point is 00:34:30 That was chaired and directed until just very recently by ahud barak Right who was head of israeli military intelligence when abstein was recruited to work there Which was facilitated by robert maxville in the 1980s, right and then a who barak was prime minister of israel um and was you know Went to abstein's island He also went to the apartments owned by abstein's brother that were full of underage eastern european girls and spent the night there on several occasions right
Starting point is 00:35:00 So this is the new battleground for information clearly is is the digital space So if you're an intelligence agency and you want to gain Knowledge you want to gain information and power and blackmail The way to do that now is through blackmail as opposed to like Just the honeypot operations that they were working on abstein's island And do you think the entire family's involved like you have just lane sister is doing this do they do they know what they're doing? Are all of these people Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:32 right So like one of One of isabel maxwell's companies that she's involved in is called israel venture capital I believe and one of their main backers is a venture capital firm called li lat capital partners And they are made by israel's uh former members of israel's unit 8200 Which is part of israel's military intelligence and they openly say they only invest in companies that are full of former israeli military intelligence guys but um You know talking about this whole tech thing and and what I brought up about 2012
Starting point is 00:36:02 It's really important to point some things out because basically I think they got to the point where they don't even try and hide it anymore So in 2012 this policy began and this was reported in israeli media, but not in the u.s. Media, right? these former Current government and intelligence officials told this israeli media outlet calculus tech that in 2012 this decision was made To uh take operations that had previously been conducted in house By massad and israel's military intelligence and to spin them off and have them be instead conducted by private companies Some of which were created for that explicit purpose one of those companies named in the article is black q
Starting point is 00:36:43 Right whose former board of um chairman used to be mayor dagan headed the massad and of course they basically act like a privatized massad Right, but they were set up to be an actual privatized massad and they are not the only company like this There have been numerous companies That have just you know just become huge Since 2012 that have been direct beneficiaries of that policy Right, so an example would be this company called cyber reason whose ceo Basically, he straight up says in an interview. It's just really crazy He says his his work at this company cyber reason, which is a cyber security company
Starting point is 00:37:20 Is a direct continuation of his service to unit 8200 and at unit 8200 He was the head of the unit that was involved in the uh hacking Offensive hacking of nation states, right and he's at the cyber security company Which by the way is running on a bunch of pentagon computers c i an s a computers just like chiliad was and it's no coincidence I think that chiliad's operations in the us as the u.s. Government contractors started to wind down right in 2012 when this new policy Became, you know overt right Right. I mean, this is why I mean you've done so much research. It's amazing. You keep all these names of these companies Yeah, straight because it's very hard. I'm sure to find these things out. I mean, I'm I'm sure you know
Starting point is 00:38:02 You do your research and everything like that. What do you say to people that? Uh say that this is a paranoid or that it's anti-semitic or any of the things that I see people throw at you on twitter Which I don't think there's a basis for It's not your fault that robert maxwell did not work for you know, french intelligence, you know Um, right, but what do you say to people that say? Uh, this is probably I again I it's amazing to me That this guy we know is a spy his daughter's running a honey pie with ebstin His other two daughters are selling software to the to the u.s. Government security software
Starting point is 00:38:40 And who are the other kids? But I mean before that what is it? What what do you say to people that go she just hates juice Right, so the reason my focus uh, ever since I've been writing is to report undercovered stories and unfortunately There is just a lack of coverage of these things that report I just mentioned that what appeared in the israeli media outlet calculus tech should have been covered in the us You would think that would be big news, right? But no one covered it, right? So I you know, okay So I think that should be covered so I'm going to cover it right and so you know A lot of my research just ended up
Starting point is 00:39:16 Being on undercovered things a lot of which had to do with israel But I think it's very you know important also But let's keep in mind too that a lot of this You know this uh, you these unit 8200 and these massage companies or whatever a lot of them have members of us intelligence or You know people from the us national security state on their board or as investors and things like that I mean, it's definitely something that transcends just israel as a nation and involves, you know, us intelligence also british intelligence You know and things like that, you know israel even just as a state had a lot of the
Starting point is 00:39:51 The reason uh, a lot of the reason it even exists as a state is because of you know The politics and the actions of the british empire at the time and also the united states, right? And it's like when you're talking about the massage When you're talking about the massage, you're not talking about israeli people or jewish people And it's like when I think when I say the cia killed kennedy. I don't mean my uncle steve Killed kennedy. I mean the cia, you know, yeah So right so if you're like criticizing massage and people say that's anti-semitic I mean that's sort of like if you want to criticize the ci in the us and people are like, oh, that's anti-american
Starting point is 00:40:26 I mean who thinks that right? Intelligence agencies by virtue of what they do operate as organized criminal organizations. They deserve to be criticized, right? If israel's military intelligence was involved in a pedophile honeypot like abstein and maxwell Well, it's also historical fact the cia has been involved in numerous such operations in the past Right, so it's okay to criticize the cia for doing a horrible act like that, but it's not okay to criticize You know israeli intelligence, right, you know, it's okay for them to support pedophilia In the pursuit of political Control and influence. I mean no, so you know, it's just a matter of um, I'm just willing to
Starting point is 00:41:11 Talk about this and a lot of people unfortunately are not right So who are the other kids you have you have isabel you have just lane maxwell you have isabel Who's the other i think in tobel there were like seven siblings and one of them died when she was like three years old There was another one that died at 23 But a lot the other ones that are best well known Are kevin and ian maxwell who recently just set up a think tank called like combating jihadist extremism great or something like that But there's nobody in the in the family who's like an electrician
Starting point is 00:41:45 Right so anyway kevin maxwell has ties to banks like goldman sacks, but he got um, you know His his public reputation as a businessman really took a huge nose dive because of what happened to his father's media empire That he inherited after robert maxwell's death Um and became known as one of the biggest bank erupts and all of britain and things like that But I think um, there's a lot more to these guys than in the official story because in some of these old reports that you can find up and dig up From the 90s that are talking about where's the maxwell family now from like british media They'll say things like this year, uh, you know ian maxwell is director of 31 different companies
Starting point is 00:42:25 Okay, so like if someone spends all their time being directors of companies, you know or on boards of companies You know, it's like under 10. I mean 30 is a lot So given robert maxwell's history of having just like infinite front companies I think it's very possible that some of the maxwell boys were also doing that because it wasn't just ian maxwell that had You know randomly 30 companies You know kevin maxwell also had like another report said he had 22 at any you know in this particular year So between the two of them the directors of over 50 companies A lot of which don't exist anymore and they go bankrupt and then they just disappear and then they make new ones
Starting point is 00:43:05 I mean, it's all very odd But it's worth pointing out too that robert maxwell was very controlling of his children And was also known to have set up lots of companies and lots of small Corporate entities for their use. So for example when gillian maxwell after her father's death moves to new york city She obtains control of something robert maxwell had already made for her called maxwell corporate gifts In which she started to move money around and people didn't understand how she is officially supposed to have a small Income because the father's you know media empire collapse and they're supposed to have no money Right, but somehow she's able to just come up with all these millions. Of course that's later claimed that's abstinence
Starting point is 00:43:44 But she had this you know these corporate entities just waiting for her around for her use, right? Yes, you know she's not there. Yeah, so intelligence is the family business clearly So you have you have the two sisters? Running tech companies. You have the two brothers running front companies Why does just lane get the pedophile ring? Do you think he was at Christmas was go or hannock or whatever Was going through everybody and goes you're going to do tech You're going to do this and you and just lane you're going to do pedophilia And was she like but I want to do tech and he's like you're not meant for that you go put those girls in a van
Starting point is 00:44:21 Right, so a lot of times in media reports gillian is sort of treated as You know, they say oh, she's the the child that inherited His charisma and social ambition and all of this but apparently as I mentioned earlier Robert Maxwell had you know Pits spent tons of money on prostitutes and actually when he would go to visit israel Um, they would have several prostitutes waiting for him upon his arrival, right? So he was kind of an interesting guy, right?
Starting point is 00:44:48 So based on what we know about gillian it seems like she seemed to have inherited that as well But let's talk about the types of circles That lane maxwell was involved in the 1980s before she started this operation with ebsi in 1991, right? As an example, uh, she wasn't involved with some guy that later You know had close ties to this guy this conservative politician in the uk named harvey proctor Harvey proctor was accused of being part of a vip pedophile ring the same one that was run by jimmy sevill And also involved former prime minister of the uk ted heath, right? So this is one of the people she was dating during that period of time allegedly
Starting point is 00:45:28 One of her other boyfriends that preceded ebsi was this italian guy who was a count and his grandfather was musilini's Finance minister and had deep ties to italian intelligence, right? So these are the kinds of people she was dating also Other weird things. Um, she was known to have been associated with the world family then Maria farmer saw pictures of her, you know with prince andrew Quite young ages like teenage young teenagers and things like that, right? So those ties go back quite far with the royal family had ties to that whole
Starting point is 00:46:00 Seville jimmy sevill network and also a lot of you know, shady activities like that Which is why it's not that odd I guess at the end of the day why prince andrew would associate himself with people like Jeffrey apstein in a public way years later, right? But another thing that's odd about the lane one incident that has gotten like very little coverage That the lane was involved involved in in the 1980s Is that in 1985 she throws a gala at this?
Starting point is 00:46:26 house of these nobles british nobles who I believe were like the The mark mark has of bath or something like that were their titles and it was it was to benefit save the children Right in 1985 and right after that gala ended the son Of those nobles of the mark has of bath was found hanging dead hanging with a bed spread around his neck And that's like, you know normal for glane. I guess hold on Go over that again. You there she's having a dinner party For the nose, right? It's a it's a gala to benefit save the children. Okay, right? Yeah, the organization or whatever And it's held at these nobles house the mark has of bath
Starting point is 00:47:12 Right. Yeah, um, it's extended by members of the royal family Right at the end the gala the son of the mark has of bath is found dead hanging with a bed spread around his neck At a separate location, but it's immediately after this gala that he was at that was hosted at his parents house Just seems odd Also odd that someone like glane maxwell who at that same time was involved with this guy that was you know Had this close relationship with harvey proctor is going on and she's throwing a party for save the children And if anyone wants to look into that organization I really recommend the work of independent journalist venessa billy who has shown very
Starting point is 00:47:50 Convincingly that save the children is into a lot of very shady Things and has been for a long time. Yeah, that's why I don't donate to charity across the board um So what are are these people all united by Just having millions of dollars and having sex with children. Is this seemed to be how our entire Planet run. I mean, it's a genuinely serious question like when we start. Is this who's running the planet? I mean, it seems to all kind of add up where it's like they use this You know sick thing to keep each other in check
Starting point is 00:48:28 How do you think this all works? Do these people just Is this is just a way to keep people quiet keep them in line They all party. I mean, is there anybody who's successful like is there anyone who's not a pedophile who's doing it? Like, you know what I mean like Well, I mean, I can't really speak. I can't really give you a definitive answer to that But you know what I can say is that you know a lot of people in this orbit, right? The this epstein network whatever you want to call it Just have a history of just blackmail or ties to organized crime or ties to intelligence, right?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Um and blackmail for these people. I mean, they don't live like regular people do, you know So like tick less butcher for example, right when maria farmer was at his guest house She was like normal people don't live like this You know, they spent hours watching her through pinhole cameras in that guest house to see everything I mean, that's not how normal people live. They have so much money, but they're so paranoid Right, I mean because that's how like mob families are and that's how these families are too Right and you look at someone like the brothman family that's tied up in and a lot of this stuff too. They were tied up in nexium Right, which also had like elements of blackmail and all of that there too. And then also like, you know, um
Starting point is 00:49:46 One of um edgar brothman's kids tried to blackmail him in the 1980s faking his own kidnapping And and things like that too was on father Right like more money his own dad Yeah, like that's just how these families just seem to operate I mean, it's you almost feel bad for them But then you realize that they're horrendous evil criminals that belong behind bars for the rest of their lives because they're crimes against children other people Right, but I mean they're just like they don't Exist like we do like regular people do I guess, you know, right? They're constantly jockeying for position
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's like kind of like game of thrones. You have all these powerful families. They all have tons of money. They all want more money Uh, it's never enough and any information they have on each other or any Any of these, uh, you know elite circles that they can penetrate there It seems to be some type of cost of admission and it might not always be pedophilia But it also could be like financial crime or it could be like your willingness to You know infiltrate a government agency and give information Everybody's got something on somebody else So just laying
Starting point is 00:50:52 But you know, let's keep in mind to you that like this practice of sexual blackmail and these types of operations Including those involving children. I mean they go back to like the 1940s, right? Possibly even earlier, right? The fact that they've been doing this for so long. It's just like well, this is how things are and as long as we You know Abide by a certain set of rules that this group follows or whatever, you know We can you know rape kids as much as we want and stuff like that, right? And you know
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah, what gets me is like is there anyone that's like instead of raping kids Let's go on the boat like is there any rich person who's like, let's not rape kids today We can have brunch like it just there's anybody Should let's let's I'm as crazy. It's like, um Truly evil human beings The cleanse and trump I don't want to the reason I haven't asked you until this long in the interviews I don't want this to be a political story Like I don't want it to be politicized and become a battering ram or people on the left go to trump and people on the right
Starting point is 00:51:53 Right. I mean it is bipartisan. Yeah, right evil satanic pedophile cabals are bipartisan And my audience should know that where do you see that the cleanse of the trumps? How are they enmeshed in this are they just kind of functionaries? In terms of they run the united states government. How close are they with these people All right, neither of them are clean But in order to really explain the relations as uh, uh, the relate their relationships to this whole thing I mean it takes some time, right? Right because the official stories
Starting point is 00:52:26 Um about their involvement are just in my opinion very superficial Um, I guess probably one of the easiest to start with because the trump one's more complex because a lot of it precedes 2000 Um, right a lot of the closer involvement between trump and ebson happened before them And but that's also true for bill clinton, right? Because the the official story about you know bill clinton and ebson says that bill clinton didn't involve with ebson until he wasn't president anymore This is complete. Yes Right So um, what we know, right? Um, as I mentioned earlier, um, so like the clinton's had some involvement in this promise software stuff
Starting point is 00:53:03 I mean they were kind of in this orbit. Anyway, not you know, not just through promise But also the iran contra stuff, which this absentee network in the maxwells and all the stuff We're also involved through what was going on in mino arc. It's arkansas. I mean, you know In involved in iran contra in a huge way. Um Bill clinton had a relationship with the cia with bill casey bill bar actually acted as an emissary of bill casey to bill clinton Um on several occasions, right another reason why he is shady as fuck, right? So anyway, that's how the you know, this is all before he even becomes president But as soon as he becomes president, um, remember that ebson and maxwell officially teamed up in new york in 1991
Starting point is 00:53:42 As soon as he becomes president in 1993, they are attending donor dinners fancy donor dinners, right for uh, the clinton's And not long after that jeffrey ebson that same year makes several white house visits And he meets the wd chief of staff on several occasions what they discussed I don't really know but in 1995 we do know that lynn forster now lynn forster doros child, right? Since this letter to bill clinton that you can find actually was provided by the presidential library of bill clinton It says, uh, basically talks about how she had met Bill clinton at senator then senator ted kennedy's house and she didn't have much time to talk to him and had all these other things She wanted to talk about him and she said in what she called this this brief window of time to talk to the president
Starting point is 00:54:31 He's her 15 seconds of access. She talked to bill clinton about two things currency stabilization and jeffrey ebson This is in 1995 in 1995 maria farmer was decorating right and working as this arbus and residents for glane maxwell and jeffrey ebson she, uh remembers More than one occasion where everyone was ordered out, but they spent all day Preparing for bill clinton to come and glane maxwell was running around yelling the president coming And all this stuff and the only people that were allowed to say was the personal chef
Starting point is 00:55:07 Of ebson who died last month under sudden circumstances and no funeral because of the corona virus, right? Everyone's ordered out with the chef and the girls. There's no security detail for bill clinton And he's a sitting president at this time, right? So very strange Right, and this is all before the official You know the relationship comes out in the open and ebson is involved in the clinton foundation Glane is involved in the clinton global initiative all of the island visits the flight logs and all of that takes place, right? Right, so there what are hillary and bill doing right now?
Starting point is 00:55:45 I mean other than sharpening knives What do you think they're are do you think they're uh, do you think they're nervous? Do these people get nervous? Are these elites kind of like? Well, I think what the glane maxwell arrests I don't think any of these people are really nervous based on how this is going to play out Because I think it's going to be a very secretive Protracted legal trial that is going to get buried in the insane news cycle in which we now live which involves corona virus civil unrest protests
Starting point is 00:56:13 Majority political tensions. I mean it's very easy to bury the epsin story unlike last year And like I said, it's it's very clear to me. Anyway, they're going to let her post bail And she's not going to end up in the situation epsin was in because epsin was only there because he wasn't he was denied bail Do you think they're going to let chislin maxwell The definition of a flight risk post bail Uh, yeah, I think wow because of the charges she's facing they are so light Right, right
Starting point is 00:56:45 In contrast to apstein, right? Who last year was denied bail because of the you know His being the crimes were much more egregious that he was officially charged with is what i'm talking about right So, you know to deny someone The ability to post bail when they are only charged with enticing minors to travel. Yeah You know, why did they choose those charges specifically? Why didn't they charge her with statutory rape? Why did they uh, you know, keep it at 94 to 1997? Right. Well, actually, I can tell you why it's because in that period of time
Starting point is 00:57:21 Prince andrew and allen-dershowitz were not in bill clinton officially. We're not on the orbit yet Right, so they don't have to be drug, you know pulled into this trial upcoming trial. Goodling maxwell It focuses on a time when none of them were, you know, officially involved interesting. So there's no chance they get pulled into it No, right. Now. What about trump? Is there any chance he's pulled into it in any way? Well, no because uh, well based on these charges now, right? But you know trump and his ex-wife evanna Were in the apstein orbit to a significant degree during that time frame, right? Um, remember maria farmer, you know said that she Uh, personally witnessed evanna trump going out with glane and recruiting preteen girls in school uniforms to come by jeffrey
Starting point is 00:58:08 Epstein's office and you know, see if they could be future victoria secret models. Yeah It's really crazy trump did uh kick epstein out of mora lago because he was hitting on an underage girl So we'll give yeah, well, there there's a longer history to them, right? Because it Okay, right. So you have to go back to the 1980s. Um and see what epstein was doing then, right? So basically what epstein was doing in this period of time He was doing a lot of shady financial activity for intelligence In intelligence operatives, but he was also with leslie wexner Doing a lot of money
Starting point is 00:58:44 Money laundering through real estate and a lot of shady real estate deals in manhattan, right? Of course, that's trump's whole orbit too, right and during this period of time in the 1980s The epstein trump and this guy named tom barrick who's still pretty close to trump and head of colony capital Were called the three musketeers of new york life at night life because they would go to clubs and like, you know Get with women together and be seen together Like so frequently and they were all in that same, you know same age range more or less and involved in the same Shady real estate deals and that's ultimately where a lot of that relationship comes from So, um, it's worth pointing out that maria farmer did say that um in 1995
Starting point is 00:59:27 She saw donald trump and he gave her this just very she found it to be a very disturbing look and then jiffy epstein said to trump Oh, she's not here for you Implying that there was some other type of girl that she would that he would set trump up with right But this was one occasion, but it was enough to make an impact on her, right? And of course, there is that um accusation Who um of this girl who claimed that she had been raped by trump at this event with epstein in like 1994 I believe it was so there are these claims going around but as far as um, You know, I I see it right a lot of their relationship was based around the shady real estate stuff that epstein continued to do
Starting point is 01:00:09 Well into the late 1990s Um, why was there a falling out between epstein and trump? Well, a lot of it had to do with this property in palm beach That jeffrey epstein wanted to buy ostensibly for this money laundering real estate purpose or some sort of shady real estate deal He invites trump to come see the property and trump, you know says Oh, you know get they talk about it Whatever and then trump ends up stealing that property from epstein and doing what epstein wanted to do and sells it to like this really rich Uh, eastern european guy, maybe like russian billionaire or something like that Who never actually lives in the property but pays a bunch of money for it and then it just gets like the house gets demolished and
Starting point is 01:00:47 You know really shady, uh transaction basically, but after that Apparently what epstein tried to do at mara lago when he was kicked out Had to do with an attempt by epstein to get back at trump for what had happened there and sort of get trump set up with a minor or have um A minor get caught in some sort of situ a sexual situation at mara lago to put pressure on trump So this is just a game they play this is there's just the way that people are playing this game What do you are there other intelligence families that are similar to the maxels where you have a lot of different kids? I mean, is this something like you have families of you know, very successful
Starting point is 01:01:26 People in sports or you have fit like are there just intelligence families? Is this a well, I mean bill bill bar and donald bar or example of that right also I believe bill bar's daughter also is involved You know in the doj as some sort of prosecutor related to drug trafficking, which is interesting considering, you know, her father's in Involvement with the ci eater and i ran contra which was also, you know in arms trafficking and drug trafficking scandal, right? So it's like a lot of these families like the brampman family is are they do you think they have ties they they they're a pretty big Pretty big. Yeah, I mean that well, they're part of this whole mega group thing that was co-founded by trell's brumpen and leslie wexner in
Starting point is 01:02:11 1991 and a lot of people I mean most of the members of that have ties to or the national crime syndicate, which is that you know the Coming together really of the italian mafia and the jewish mob in the early 20s I got in bed with the cia during world war two and the jewish mob aspect of that got very involved with israeli intelligence As soon as it was formed after the state of israel because like robert Well, they were involved in sending large amounts of weapons to zionist paramilitaries That resulted in the creation of the state of israel and then after you know Masad and the idf and all that stuff was created was involved in sending a lot of weapons were money to finance their operations Right, so I mean the ties are very enmeshed
Starting point is 01:02:53 And so, you know the the jewish mob aspect that was run by like mainly like mayor lansky and all of that stuff during that period of time Have deep ties to intelligence and also the political You know sphere of both countries, right? So like the mega group for example ronald lauder close friend of trump is basically single-handedly Responsible for benjamin netanyahu's first election as israeli prime minister in 1996 Right, so, you know, he has poll there, you know, he's also a major donor to u.s. politicians, right? Um another guy who's sort of in this mega group orbit is this hedge fund manager named paul singer Right who's a who's a big donor to liqud. He's also head of the republican jewish coalition A major donor to neocons like marco rubio
Starting point is 01:03:35 Um and members of the republican party that are very, you know Neoconservative and things like that He's also the guy in 2012 that created this organization called startup nation central Which is a direct part of that 2012 policy in unit 8200 Private companies tech companies that I was talking about earlier And it's actually, you know based in you know had paul singers and american, right? and he started that organization with the explicit purpose of
Starting point is 01:04:04 Having us tech jobs transferred over to israel and also having these unit 8 to 8200 companies acquired by major u.s. tech companies He officially says it was so That the u.s. Would have to be dependent on israeli Company so that they could the u.s. Could never support the boycott to best and sanctions movement the bds, right? What is the end game of all this tech supremacy? Do you think is just to kind of strip everyone of all their rights? You know put everything
Starting point is 01:04:35 You know about you in some type of bank whether it's you know your health data your financial data I think uh, I think that's a lot of it. But let's remember this is you know israel is essentially just building the Infrastructure for that that's being used by the u.s. I mean this is all of this is happening with the complete blessing Of the u.s. Government u.s. Intelligence community. That's what you have like the former chief information officer For the cia being on the board alongside an ex-massad director This is really cyber security companies sepio systems as just one example, right? Why are the other but you know, I think a really good chase study about like What are these companies doing? I mean I can speculate about what the end game is right?
Starting point is 01:05:19 But I think you can you know sort of you know people that are listening can you know come to their own conclusions based on what a company like carbine 911 is doing because remember this is the company that ebsney put a million dollars in It was directed and chaired by akim barack former head of israeli military intelligence and former Israeli prime minister And pedophile and ebsney pal, right? So what does carbine not carbine 911 do? Well, actually before I even get there, let's talk about some of the u.s. People that are on their board They have michael chair toff former head of dhs. They have another former head of dhs the one that resigned not that long ago That was trump under trump christian nielsen is also on there. They have the former head of la pd
Starting point is 01:06:00 And you know, i'm forgetting the rest of them, but there's several former u.s Government officials and law enforcement officials and like on the board of this company, right christilia. They're also kidding No, I don't think he's there. There was also a major at one point. He's not there anymore a major um Trump donor and eliot to wheel who's in a new york real estate developer? And there's also one of the other major investors in this company is peter feel head of palantir very close to the trump administration Right and palantir's very or welly and company Who has been practicing predictive policing in new orleans?
Starting point is 01:06:38 For several years, right and has basically been developing I mean they basically in terms of like what the promise software was capable of doing in terms of data analysis Palantir does that and what's very creepy about palantir is they have a label That you can put on a person and that label is titled subversive And you can use that to track their activities, but you label the person of interest subversive Which sounds quite odd, right? But anyway, that's just palantir. So these are the people Essentially behind carbine. It was co-founded right by all these x community 200 guys one of whom Recently left the company and now works for arid prince
Starting point is 01:07:16 So, um, you know a fun group of people at the end of the day, right? So what does this thing do the carbine 9-1-1 is described as the next generation 9-1-1 system The 9-1-1 system as it exists today in the u.s. Is basically Varies on a county by county basis. It's essentially very fragmented. There's no nationalized emergency service system in the u.s. So carbine 9-1-1 claims to be the answer to that They are very closely tied to the main lobby that is pushing for this next generation 9-1-1 Which is called ng 9-1-1, right? Um, they're currently being used in several u.s counties
Starting point is 01:07:54 So basically what is different about this is that when you call Carbine 9-1-1 with your smartphone the 9-1-1 operator doesn't just have access to your audio They also can see you on your camera and they can get your geolocation But also what happens when you call With a phone Any number that's connected and uses carbine 9-1-1 all of the data off of your phone gets sucked out of there And goes into the carbine 9-1-1 database So what happens then?
Starting point is 01:08:23 Um, they use artificial intelligence To analyze everything you've done in the past facing all this data They pull off right and they also use that to analyze everything we've done from the past to the present based on What's on your phone and they use it to predict if you will be close To the scene a scene of a crime in the future if you will be a future victim of a crime or a future perpetrator of a crime Wow That is terrifying Yeah, and thanks to coronavirus
Starting point is 01:08:53 They have actually offered other services now including Remote government and have partnered with the irs and several dmv locations throughout the u.s I could just imagine them looking at my postmates and grub hub orders trying to figure out If I will be a victim Of a of a heart attack or a file be a perpetrator So it's all it really so that's the end game the end game is Basically isolating certain things about you and predicting whether you're gonna commit a crime You might be a victim of a crime and it's just terrifying
Starting point is 01:09:28 When they're just building a case so you're calling 9-1-1 and they're already building a case against you Yeah, basically, but it's not sure. I mean, this is just one system, right? There's another company just like this that I wrote about It came my article on them came out just yesterday called diagnostic robotics They're applying the same idea of pre-crime predictive technology to coronavirus and lockdowns They've already partnered with the state of Rhode Island, right? And this this algorithm is was developed by the idf Right, and it was founded by xc and 8200 people You know, it's just it's just and the reason is like you could see like, okay
Starting point is 01:10:08 Contact tracing can prevent the spread of a virus. We can all agree that that seems reasonable But this will never stop there. None of this ever stops there So the contact tracing thing, right? It was justified is that but what has happened since then well when It moved from coronavirus to the protests and civil unrest contact tracing was used by law enforcement to track people Right. So what do you think, you know, if if this diagnostic robotic system, for example predicts future potential coronavirus hot spots? um Let's point out. Let me point out that the person that created this company
Starting point is 01:10:42 Uh after unit 8200 she was she was immediately recruited by Microsoft. She developed predictive analytic AI based programs to predict future health outbreaks, but also future outbreaks of riots and civil unrest Interesting interesting and Basically israel is uh because they're partnered with israel's government and they're using it there right now Um, they basically promoted us saying with this technology. We can lock down an area or an entire town in less than a day Right, right. So what this is just a way to establish really total control Over the u.s population or any population that might be angry or they might be protesting
Starting point is 01:11:28 This is a way to kind of clamp down on that really before it even starts Right. Yeah, it's predictive. I mean, that's the whole point of it And what's really creepy about that software is that they refer to a person who might get coronavirus In the future as a coronavirus patients at risk of exposure That's crazy, which implies that everyone is a coronavirus patient And they're currently developing a treatment system whereby the government can use it and have all this access to your smart Smartphone right and can develop this whole system and implement this whole system to mandate medical treatment mandate testing and also mandate
Starting point is 01:12:09 Uh that you take a vaccine when that becomes available and they're piloting that right now in india Which is a major partner of a lot of this tech stuff too because it's not just the u.s, right? So the final frontier is tech. This is the message from whitney web. This is where All of the intelligence types are going. This is where epstein started focusing all his efforts You know in 2012 this is where glane maxwell's other family members have been since the 90s Crazy this is really it's and and and google and companies like that Are are are on board and this is gonna be and this will be You know if you have an opinion that no one likes
Starting point is 01:12:53 If you write an article if you do a podcast if you say something on your social media That's considered to be antisocial or hateful or offensive You're gonna be able to be removed from those platforms We're already seeing that and it's going to be a way to enforce this this kind of consensus Uh that doesn't exist because people are are going to be like no, I don't want this or I'm angry about this But it's not going to matter because they're going to have all the the levers of power at their control Through these systems to just hoard people anywhere. They want them to go
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, well stated, but they seem like all of these new movements that are popping up like black eyes matter and all this stuff These companies seem to be paying those movements a lot of lip service Well, I think the ultimate goal of a lot of these intelligence motivated operations is about creating as much chaos in the united states as possible Because what happens basically what they want to do is they want to like clamp down, right? So how can they justify that? Well, if the us gets to a point where there's so much division because a lot of these people, you know end up backing both sides Right, so like the more divided the us is and the more chaos there is the more they can justify the imposition of order by force Right, so I mean, I ultimately think that's where a lot of this is going
Starting point is 01:14:12 I mean over ever since the coronavirus thing started right you've seen oh the national guard Oh, there's these continuity of government programs that have been activated in case all of congress That's gets coronavirus and can't be there and then the military will rule briefly, right? And then there was the you know the protests of civil unrest There were these stories like you know this poll says a majority of americans want the military on the streets in the end of Posse comatotus to restore order, right? So they're you know, they're kind of pushing it along that way It's like all the articles are like this poll says americans want to be vaccinated in their sleep, you know
Starting point is 01:14:46 70 percent of americans want yeah Really manufacturing consent is what it's about. I mean that poll was probably complete bs But what it's about is sort of getting people like oh, this is like I can see this, you know because that's what polls are meant to manipulate public opinion a lot of times in Manufacture consent for things, right? So I mean that seems to be where a lot of this is heading It's worth pointing out too that company I mentioned earlier in relation to this unit 8200 stuff cyber reason Last year and since then also this year as well have done several
Starting point is 01:15:19 simulations with Top people in the u.s. Government that simulated major terrorist attacks on november 3rd 2020 election day and that a lot of this involved cyber attacks on the power grid on sewage systems Self-driving cars which are now being implemented in mass right with corona virus crashing into people waiting line to vote murdering americans among other things, right? And this is a company deeply tied to israeli intelligence and also us intelligence
Starting point is 01:15:49 They're owned by soft bank which has ties to jared kushner and mohammed bin salman of saudi arabia and they're openly simulating you know This is a company that they're simulating terrorist attacks on election day of this year Yes, and you know what's also weird is that they have nothing to gain from it financially They sell cybersecurity software antivirus software the simulations. They're conducting don't involve the hacking Of election machines or any of any software or or any device for which their software operates Right, they just claim to be doing it because they're so worried that something bad could happen to the u.s
Starting point is 01:16:27 Do you think all these d d os attacks that we blame on china? Is that a possibility that some of those are maybe? Uh, you know routine, uh, like that they're running these types of simulations Let me give you an example. Um, people may have heard but it's not related to china But you know, you can see how unit 8200 operates. Um, you need 800 again Just for everyone who might have forgot like me What is unit 8200? It's the signals intelligence unit of israel's military intelligence. They're basically just like, you know, they're israel's nsa basically So, um, I forgot what it. Oh, yeah, okay
Starting point is 01:17:01 So for as an example of how they sort of operate right people may remember that there was this story that ran I believe first in the wall street journal that said that kaspersky anti virus software, which is um, You know, I think it's like a russian company, right? And it was running on on some u.s. Government computers They claimed that it had a back door, right for russian intelligence, okay? Um, and this was widely reported and of course in the climate, you know of russia gate and all of this It made some headlines the origin of that claim didn't come out until weeks later when it was revealed that that claim Was given to you as officials by members of unit 8200
Starting point is 01:17:36 What happens afterwards because kaspersky is banned from being installed on u.s. Computers But who takes over and who becomes the antivirus replacement cyber reason? wow So yeah, it's just meet the new boss kind of the same as the old right another thing about the cyber attacks um, new york's power grid is currently being operated by um, israeli state-owned Military contractors currently run the hydroelectric dams in new york and most of its power grid Are running the software when you look at the american media and so much of it is left first right
Starting point is 01:18:13 And and so many people in america are left first right Is it ever frustrating to you that nobody kind of sees the bigger picture? Where a lot of these people are on the same side no matter what they say Of course, it's frustrating because the whole left-right paradigm is to distract people from the fact that the left and the right You know the democrats and the republicans with numerous policies, you know, they're essentially the same They all support endless war. They all support. I don't know the federal reserve. They all support Uh, the israel lobby and you know giving Saudi Arabia 8 billion dollars To israel at a time when how many americans are unemployed now, right? Right now
Starting point is 01:18:54 I mean some of the policies that don't change regardless of who's president regardless of who has a majority in congress So, you know, basically the only disagreements are over like a a handful of social issues Abortion gay rights, you know, maybe that's expanded a little bit more since they've tried to like, you know Move the left farther to the left and the right far to the right and all of this right But it's essentially the same no one's talking about the billionaires that have totally In intelligence agencies that are fucking both everyone over, right? So that's the purpose of that. Of course, it's frustrating But in terms of the big picture, I'm only just covering, you know, talking about, you know We've been talking a lot about israeli intelligence today because of the whole epsiop, right?
Starting point is 01:19:31 But this is just one aspect of the big picture But I think, you know, one of the reasons that israeli tech and all of this is is being used is because no one in the US media talks about them. So it's the perfect cover You know, they could be doing this on behalf of us intelligence and we don't know that, right? Now, why do you think nobody in the US media nobody in the US media talks about them? Is it because they they get hit with You know, I want to be called anti-semitic No one wants to be called like this. No one wants to be called anti-semitic, right? Right? Um A lot, you know, but you know, there's there's some other examples, right? So for example, there was this really great journalist
Starting point is 01:20:07 I don't think he writes a lot anymore named Chris Ketchum. Um, he did a lot of really great work on Israeli espionage the Israeli art student espionage scandal in the early 2000s And also on continuity of government programs and how Terrifying they are right because they were originally created by like people like Dick Cheney and rumsfeld in the 1980s And I really recommend people Look into that but right after he published some of this stuff on Israeli art students and um And um, Israeli espionage in general continuity of government, right and some promise software stuff
Starting point is 01:20:42 The whole magazine he wrote at which was called radar was shut down one of the major shareholders and radar at the time was Jeffrey Epstein Wow well Well, Whitney Webb, I want to thank you for being on our last show on youtube. Uh, we appreciate that You know We'll be in a safe house with you. Um, tell everybody where they can support your work. It's fascinating stuff You do a lot of work. I mean you keep the names of these companies straight and the investors straight and I mean Again, nobody very few people in the u.s. Media are doing this type of stuff
Starting point is 01:21:17 And I mean just to say another thing we all need security. We all we we we know that The the purported um You know, uh like, you know, um The purported reason for these intelligence agencies to exist makes a lot of sense to people But what people really need to understand is that this is way beyond the scope of like defending America Or defending Israel or defending the uk
Starting point is 01:21:46 This is going into another arena and it's actually preventing people from getting Uh anything out of their government like it's actually preventing people from exercising any self control Over their own government because it completely stacks the deck Against any type of representative democracy when you have this group of elites blackmailing each other Controlling the media. It's a problem Absolutely, well, I you know, it's worth pointing out these intelligence agencies Um, really like the cia since it was created has functioned as an organized criminal network, right?
Starting point is 01:22:26 You know as the mom Right. And so what they're interested in doing is protecting their business interests in illicit trades You know as the mob, right? Whether it's drug running arms trafficking human trafficking. The cia does all of that Let's remember the cia's first director was at Not only a nazi sympathizer he used to work for Sullivan and cromwell Which before the cia existed used to do coups abroad in places like Panama on behalf of corporate clients And that is what the cia started off doing under delis's leadership, right? You know the first coup they launched was over bananas
Starting point is 01:23:02 You know in central america and they overthrew a government because of banana interests, okay? It's just like what he was doing at Sullivan and cromwell. It's been like that ever since right? It's never been about defending america right for the cia, right? Right. And so the fact that they've never been held accountable for this Because any president or any, you know, you know get shot in the head, right? Right, you know I mean just think of all the assassinations in the 60s Nixon was removed. Kennedy was assassinated. Reagan was shot. I mean this happened all the time. Yeah, martin luther king was
Starting point is 01:23:34 I mean bobby kennedy. Yeah, the list of assassinations in this country or attempted assassinations is wild Right. We're ruled by criminals. We're ruled by the mob and people really need to realize this because these people have had infinite resources for years They know how to play us off each other and against each other and they're What they want to do can only succeed if we continue to let them, you know Play us like that, right? Right and we have to recognize, you know as a country that the enemy isn't like You know the person on the left or the person on the right the person you don't agree with politically
Starting point is 01:24:12 It's the people the criminals that have orchestrated all this shit From the beginning that are at the top and now you see the cracks Like you see the cracks and you've people have always seen them But now things here are no good like it is getting bad and people can see that Like people can see and feel that this country is coming apart at the seams And a lot of people are looking for a reason And one of the reasons is because these guys have gotten away with so much for so long And there's only so long
Starting point is 01:24:43 You can you know Run a country like this Take all of the money Deny people, you know basic liberties until they're become you get to a tipping point Where people are broke. They're out of work. They're angry. They're frustrated frustrated whatever people always criticize I always say that word and and people are really they've had it People have had it for good reason. So final question And then I want you to after you answer it. I want you to tell everyone where to find you
Starting point is 01:25:13 Is there a chance that just lane max well does no jail time and ends up, you know back in uh, some estate in europe Yeah, I think there is a chance of it and that's why I think it's really critical You know, I've seen a lot of people online celebrating her being arrested and sure It's great that she's not in a mansion in new hampshire right now Allegedly, right? But what people need to do is to put the political pressure on and be like these charges are a joke and they're not enough Right, I mean what they're trying to do here in my opinion is that after what happened with epstein last august, right? One of the reasons this case refused to go away even though they wanted it to is because people were like
Starting point is 01:25:51 Where is the lane? Right. Well, now they've found the lane and they're charging her and now people are praising this, right? And so if we allow them to set the narrative that this is justice for what glane did then they will you know Seal it off and they'll work their best to memory colon, right? So the way to fight against that is to be like these charges are bullshit This woman is a serial pedophile rapist and sex trafficker Who was sponsored by a foreign state and also had ties to intelligence here, too, right? Those states their agencies need to be held accountable
Starting point is 01:26:25 This woman belongs in behind bars for the rest of her life and charging her for Enticing minors to travel is not enough I mean the woman, uh, I mean there are articles You know from before epstein was even arrested the first time talking about how glane would brandish whips and train young girls And sex techniques people knew this stuff was going on and we're supposed to believe that the fbi is Investigating in good faith and they're charging her for stuff from 1994 to 1997 in 2020 We're supposed to be like good job fbi Yeah, I mean no, I mean
Starting point is 01:27:07 I I don't know. I mean this is just you know a clear indictment of this two-tiered Justices and someone like glane maxwell who who rapes and is responsible for the rape of thousands of minors Is getting charged with this when they admit in the freaking indictment that she's a pedophile rapist, right? And people get locked up for like 20 years because they have like a joint in their pocket Yeah, they made in the indictment. She's a pedophile and then they charge her for like driving with a suspended license Yeah, it's ridiculous much how it is and that's why i'm saying they're probably gonna let her post fail And he knows what will happen after that. I mean like you said she is a flight risk. Maybe they'll be like, oh, she went to israel Oh, she went to the uk. Oh, she's not here
Starting point is 01:27:48 Oh, well, we don't feel like deporting her, you know, right, right? Where do they find you? Where do they support you? Whitney web? You're you deserve support you do a lot of research You you would I would be kept up at night. I could never look into this stuff with the with the depth that you do Thanks. Well, um, I have a patreon where you can support me in my upcoming book on the epstein scandal Which will have a lot more um than what we talked about today. It's called one nation under blackmail It will be out in a couple of months. Great. My patron is whitney web mpn for um, you know, for when I worked at mitt press news I don't currently work there. Um, I have um, you can find me on twitter. That's the only social media I'm really using it's underscored whitney web
Starting point is 01:28:28 Um, and I think uh, that's really about it I have a podcast um that I I don't because I I do a lot of other stuff, right? And I'm writing this book and I write a lot of articles Um, I do have a podcast that are usually just deep dives on articles or topics. I've dug into. Um called unlimited hangout Um, my second episode is going to be coming out. Um, this weekend It's going to be, you know, a deep dive into glane the max wells and the max well siblings going into a little more depth And what we covered here. So if you want to know some more crazy exhibits about this wild family Um, you can look forward to that. It will be available to patrons first
Starting point is 01:29:01 On this weekend and then sometime next week. I'll make it public. It's funny. They're like that. They're the uh, they're the masads Kardashians Yeah, uh, yeah, that's that's a pretty fair way to describe them But um, we won't that would have been the I wouldn't yeah I would have titled the episode that but I don't want to shoot myself in the head four times Whitney Webb, thank you so much. You're the best. We appreciate it. Stay safe We'll do thanks

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