The Tim Dillon Show - 219: 219 - The Gates Of Hell

Episode Date: September 27, 2020

Released by popular demand, this week Tim talks about what people really think about you if they constantly tell you to go vote, a journalist that tried to smear him in Esquire, defends a friend's to make a living, and closes with a song of jubilee. Note: Tim has an out of body experience on the episode so cannot be held responsible for anything said. Bonus Episodes every week: ▶▶ OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE ▶▶ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dillon Show. Today is not a video episode. And we're going to tell you why. Today's episode was originally intended for the Patreon that we do. We do an extra episode every week on Patreon for $5 a month. And this one was just really wild. You know, I had a little bit of an out-of-body experience and I felt that and a lot of the people that were members of the Patreon had actually, they had kind of given me the license. They said, you got to get this out there. This should be shared. Now, let me say this with the episode. I was being a bit wild. I stand behind everything I say. I respect the people that I talked about comedically. Maybe I said somebody was a monster. They might not be a monster, but I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:00:55 But sometimes people's behavior is monstrous. Yes or yes. So we had to put this episode out. I don't know that this will be the top of the YouTube monetization thing. I don't really think that's the case. But the episode when we started it, we had no idea where it was going to go. We didn't know it was going to go to the place it was going to go. And I just, I had kind of had enough with a few different prevailing sentiments that are bouncing around Los Angeles and Hollywood and the larger media landscape. And I had sat for a week of watching every celebrity go out and tell everyone to vote. And I just found that I found what a what an unhealthy place that we have to like what an unhealthy country. We got to tell you to vote. You know, we got to tell you to vote.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You know, the guy, little Dickie has to go ahead and tell everyone to vote. You know, I mean, it's just to me, I, you know, I share it all in the episode. I'm not trying to ruin what I, you know, what has been called a very good episode that will potentially anger a few people. And it's not meant to, it's meant to maybe open a dialogue. I imagine it will not. Dialogue does not seem to be the direction most things are going in. I think this is a strong as an episode as I've done in terms of kind of the things that I believe and communicating them in a, in a way that I find to be funny or maybe a bit crazy. And I'm not attacking anybody. I'm attacking ideas and things that I think are wrong and only making the people that I talk about on this episode or the sentiments that they express. I feel only strengthen the things that they really hate like Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And so ironically, you could, you could maybe say that I'm trying to help them. Okay, you could say that. I'm trying to help. Now, is that going to be the first word that comes to mind when, when the episode is heard? Probably not. But having slept on it for a few days, I tend to believe that I am trying to help. That's all. And, and that's where we're at with this. I don't think it's a big deal that there's no video. I love audio. I'm an audio boy. You know what I look like. I'm not selling that. Okay. You know, if you, if you need, go get a potato and put a marble light in its mouth and watch that and then press play on your phone.
Starting point is 00:04:03 If you need to truly experience the visual, whether I listen to Stern, whatever I was listening to, Limba, any of those guys when I was growing up, it was always driving around in a car. Now, some of you guys are listening in other places, but I, again, I know that you love video. We do video all the time, but in this particular instance, I think we had to just release this episode. I thought it would be almost cowardly to not release it and people have told me this is really good. It hits the nail on the head and, and it hits the nail on the head for a bunch of things. I smashed a Q people, I smash, you know, other people. And again, I'm not infallible. I'm not, I shouldn't even have to say that. I've said and done things that I'm not that look stupid. They made me look out of touch.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I've spoken out about things where I didn't have the information and facts. I've been wrong. I'll be wrong again. None of this is not, I'm not the funniest person in the world. I'm not a better comedian than anybody, and necessarily I disagree with. I am. But the reality is, you know, what I, what I do believe is I'm part of a small group of people that is, is, is willing to talk and say things that they believe in because I'm truly not afraid that my fan base will desert me as long as I'm funny and that I make sense. And there's not that many people left. There's a lot of terrified people cowering in corners trying to get fed crumbs by this business and this industry. That is a horrible way to live. It is not, you know, that financially rewarding in some cases. It certainly is, you know, but I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It's more important to me to just put out something that I like and that makes me laugh or that, you know, interests me. And the episode goes in a bunch of different directions, but I really settle into a, and what, what did you after while we recording it? You know, what were your feelings? It was, you're in, by the way, you're on the hook for everything I say. I know, I'm sitting right here for everything I say. It was the craziest hour I've ever seen you do. Yeah. I mean, just so wild. Well, what are you going to do? You know, I mean, it's, you got to just sometimes put things out. And it might mean that you are not going to be friends with people you're already not friends with. And that's okay. And it might mean there might be a respectful dialogue that happens between groups of people.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I don't like ruining people's lives. I don't like when you go after people's money. I think that's dirty. I think it's scummy. I don't like when you try to destroy somebody's life or assassinate their character based on a clip of something they said, or based on your general feeling about them. I don't like that. That doesn't sit well with me. I don't think that's a healthy impulse to have as a human being. I disagree with people. I think people are wrong. And I would never want to deny any of those people the right to speak or to make a living or anything. So I don't want to build this up too much. But I mean, we're just going to put this episode out. And I'm sure it will be well received to a degree. It doesn't mean that everybody's going to love it. It is certainly not for everybody, right? I mean, it's a specific show that we do here.
Starting point is 00:07:34 But I didn't know how wound up I was going to get. How charged up I was going to get. But I just hit the wall. I really just hit the wall. And I had to say something. And you could call me an alt-right or Trump guy. Would I didn't vote for Trump? I don't think Trump's doing a good job. I don't think that's controversial either. I think people like Ann Coulter, who literally wrote the book that says, in Trump we trust, no longer trust them. Okay, that should say something. But, you know, I also am not afraid. You can call me whatever you want. You can, you know, these comedians that like behind the scenes or whatever, like say this and that about me or it's, it's fine. And respect to everybody who feels however you want to feel.
Starting point is 00:08:29 But the fact of the matter is, you know, I think you are really strengthening authoritarianism and fascism in this country. A lot of people, unknowingly, maybe unknowingly, I think many of you don't know what you're doing. He knows not what he does or she knows not what she does. I think people don't know what they're doing. I think when you're encouraging violence, what happened to Breonna Taylor was fucking horrific. And not one human being on this planet believes otherwise. Some of them do. But those people are absolute, you know, zeros that you can't include them in a conversation. Anybody that excuses what happened to George Floyd can't be included in the conversation. It doesn't mean they don't have the right to speak.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It means they shouldn't be taken seriously by human beings that want to live in a society. Okay? It was bad policing. It was a bad judge, the no-knock warrant and it's a bad law. Okay? But the minute you co-sign violence against innocent people and the destruction of private property that innocent people own and the minute you condone chaos and you say that that should rule the day, you are opening up the gates of hell, which is a title of this episode. Giannis Papis, a great comedian out of New York City, one half of the history he has said something on the phone with me. The other day, me and Giannis spent seven or eight hours on the phone every day talking about the fall of civilization. It's very healthy. And when he said something, he said,
Starting point is 00:09:55 we need to close the gates of hell. And it made me laugh. And I think, I think he's right. And that doesn't mean that, you know, there's not a lot of hell with what the cops are doing. Because a lot of what the cops are doing has got to fucking, that absolutely has to stop. There should never be a no-knock warrant issued in this country ever again. I mean, there shouldn't, I mean Derek Chauvin should be killed in prison so he doesn't go to trial. I'm calling for his murder. I'm calling for a misadopt to kill him. So he doesn't go to trial, maybe to up because I think the law is not, he might get off. I'm saying get gut and get him.
Starting point is 00:10:35 What's more progressive than that? But I don't understand what you're going into a restaurant and screaming in people's faces and attacking them. You create this binary of there's Joe Biden and the people that seem to support him. There's a lot of them, you know, not a lot of them percentage wise, but in terms of what the media is showing you are doing those things. And then on the other side of the equation, you have Donald Trump who says law and order and you get to go out to dinner without being attacked. And by the way, I don't think you want voters walking into a voting booth with that binary equation in their mind. I tweeted the other day, I said, if this is the strategy, maybe Trump should win. And what I mean by that, you look at the words there, it's like the strategy, if that's what you think is going to win, then Trump should win.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Because what he's doing is essentially positioning himself as the candidate of let's have a society, let's have a civilization. And again, I've articulated that I think Trump is a con artist and I've articulated it on platforms much bigger than this. And I think I've probably nailed Trump and what he is more than most people talking about him and the ones that truly, the ones that he keeps up at night seem to never get what he is. They call him a cheeto. They call him an orange man. Their whole contribution to the body politic here is to say that his hands are small. That's what they've been running with for the last two years. No, I think I've done a pretty accurate appraisal on who Donald Trump is. Having obviously never met him and not really knowing that many people, they're really close to him.
Starting point is 00:12:15 But knowing that if he positions himself successfully as the candidate of listen, there are problems, but we want to live in a civil society. There's a very good chance he wins. And by the way, he has no problem with using authoritarian, you know, authoritarianism. We know that. We know that. So I'm not saying that he's going to be correct when he says I'm the candidate of civilization. I'm saying it will look that way. And it's really created this. I don't understand why the media and powerful institutions across this country think that anything good or productive will come out of random violence
Starting point is 00:13:04 and chaos that will rain thinking that will something will emerge from that. That is a coherent governing philosophy that can be implemented is crazy. No one believes that they just believe that they don't want to lose their job and they don't want to lose money and they don't want to be called a racist. And that's what they believe. But no, I don't believe that many people truly believe that you're going to draw a line from what we're seeing right now, which is random acts of violence perpetrated against innocent people in the name of something that you expect will be better in the name of justice. People are wearing shirts on Instagram. Revolution shirts. You cut it out.
Starting point is 00:13:49 What revolution has has merch dummies? What revolution has fucking merch? Is this a merch drop you're behaving in an absurd fashion. And I had to I had to talk about it a little bit and I had to talk about how we got here and I and I'm not going to I'm not going to do a PSA and tell you to vote. It's not my job. Okay. It's not my job. And there's a lot of people who think very little of you out there.
Starting point is 00:14:24 That's why they have to tell you to have a voting plan. Have a plan. Um, because they think that you're not going to listen voting sucks. It's annoying. It's harder than it should be. I've said that. But my job is not to tell you to vote. That's not my job.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And so that's where really the episode came from. And the idea that I had to just vent a little bit. And then it went in directions I didn't expect it to go. And, you know, if anyone's upset at the episode, let me just say this. My mother is schizophrenic. It's very possible that I too am suffering from some form of undiagnosed mental illness. So if you're upset with the episode, just realize that you are punching down at a mentally ill man who's just trying to do the best he can. And with that, enjoy.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Magic spoon is a cereal. It is sugar free. It is keto for you and me. I think they magic spoon should have like a way they market children's serials. They should market it to adults with like a fun kind of song. Like, are you fad and disgusting? Do you hate yourself? Can you not stand the sight of yourself in a mirror?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Does it make you physically sick? Do you look at the plastic people on Instagram? And do you want to be one of them? Is your voice like Tim Dillon's that sounds like a cigarette lodged in Flem? Are you unhappy with your life? Is your sex life incomplete? Are you homeless on the street? That's because you're not eating magic spoon.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Magic spoon is for an interesting group of people. People are very serious about their health, but need to eat sugar cereal in the morning. They need to feel like they're eating Reese's Puffs or Fruit Loops, but they're serious. It's like I read a blog the other day about people who do keto Taco Bell. We're going to do that on the Patreon. It's hilarious. And they just dump the goop from the Taco Bell in a container. For the people that need to do keto, but need to be a Taco Bell. Interesting. It's literally slime.
Starting point is 00:16:46 It's a slime in a container that they eat in the parking lot. It's keto. Zero sugar, 11 grams of protein, three net grams of carbs per serving. There are four flavors, cocoa, fruity, frost and blueberry. And we just got to new ones. Honey Nut didn't love, and Reese's Puffs, the peanut butter, really good. Really good, the peanut butter. That's up there with fruity, but fruity is, I think, better. Oh, I don't know if we're allowed, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Well, it's saying me not to mention another flavor, but I'd have it. I haven't mentioned that flavor. Right. But I've mentioned the other two, which I think is okay. Because I was not told not to. But here's the deal, folks. It is a good cereal. It is a tasty cereal. It is a nice cereal. Do you like cereal? Do you want to stay healthy? Do you want to get healthy?
Starting point is 00:17:34 I just think it should be fun. Like it should be like a, you know, they had like the Honey Nut B. Like there's always mascots. They have the Lucky Charms Leprechaun. Who's the mother cereal man? The Tricks Rabbit. The Tricks Rabbit. The Honeycomb little guy that spins. The Apple Jacks guy, too.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Who's the Apple Jacks guy? Well, there was the Jamaican Cinnamon Stick, and then there was the little Apple, and they would like smash into each other in the commercial, and it'd be like Apple Jacks, like how it came to be. Interesting. What was the Jamaican Cinnamon Stick's name? Be very careful. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:10 You don't know his name? I don't know. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dillon Patreon episode. Tim Dillon Show. I'm here with Ben Avery. We are sitting in an undisclosed location in the desert until things calm down. Went to lunch today at the Parker, the hotel in Palm Springs that has reopened. LA has now entered, I believe, phase, I don't even know anymore. Phase four, terror threat level three.
Starting point is 00:18:43 We're in the red phase. I mean, we're right back to after 9-11. We're right back there with phases and color-coded warnings, and we're depressed. 25% opening, and I mean, could this have been handled? You know, I mean, it's just embarrassing. With the Parker, you can't get onto the property unless you show that you made a reservation for the lunch for Norma's, the lunch restaurant, it opened down an open table.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So you pull up, the guy goes, you got an email confirmation? Yeah. Are you staying with us? No. And then the car in front of you, I mean, there's like an interrogation going on in the car in front, and I go, what are we getting in here? What are we doing here? Are we trying to get into Bohemian Grove?
Starting point is 00:19:25 I want to fucking omelet. I told you that I have the confirmation. Oh, you're doing COVID tests? You want to put something up my nose? You want to swab my brain with a Q-tip so I can get a nice keto omelet? Because I'm trying to change? Is that what you want to do? Does that make you feel better?
Starting point is 00:19:41 You want to put a syringe of an experimental vaccine in my taint before I can walk into your fucking hotel? Can we stop, please? I went to a restaurant the other night. I was with somebody, they go, you got to sit next to each other. Side by side. I'm like, what are we, children having lunch? They go, oh, no, because I said, why can't I take a chair and flip it on the other side of the table? The woman goes, well, no, because of social distancing.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That's not allowed. I said, what's going on here? This thing is either you can get it from me and my friends. I'm going to give it to you if we're seated on the same side of the table or I'm going to give it to you if I'm on the other side. I'm loud and I scream and I spit and those droplets fly. So we're either in business or we're not. We're open or we're not this fucking weird purgatory that we're all in where every fucking company is open with a minimum amount of employees because these corporate overlords scum don't want to pay everybody. And the employees that are back have spent seven months sitting on their ass five months sitting on their ass dazed and confused and terrified.
Starting point is 00:20:52 They have no idea what's going on. They don't know. Now they're going to have to adjust to making, you know, 30% of what they used to make. And they're out of practice. Nobody knows how to perform a task efficiently. So you're talking to a bunch of zombies out there, a bunch of COVID zombies who don't know what's going on. I tried to get into the Apple store the other day. They treated like I was trying to get into the headquarters of the massage.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I said, I just want a MacBook. They said, do you have an appointment? I said, for Christ, no, I want a MacBook. They go, well, you can make an appointment. Come back. I said, this is an impulse buy. Remember me and you? I'm like, this is, I don't need a $2,000 MacBook.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's a dumb move. I wanted to do sketches on the road. We don't need it. We could go find something much cheaper that would be fine. I just wanted to upload things and blah, blah, blah. It's an impulse buy. It's stupid buy. I just think it'd be a good idea.
Starting point is 00:21:50 So now there's no impulse buy. You actually have time to think about the shit that you don't need and now won't buy because you go, I don't need this. You go home and you go, I don't need it. It's jerking off before you meet somebody. God has no point now. I don't need to listen to the fact that you majored in marketing and you're not as close with your sister as you used to be. I don't need that. The poison's out.
Starting point is 00:22:15 So if I drive back 10 miles to my house, I don't even Google the MacBook anymore. I just go, fuck it. Everyone will deal with the quality that we currently have and it'll take us longer and it'll give me something to get angry about. But COVID has destroyed the idea of the impulse buy. The stupid American impulse buy. The rage filled purchase, which is what a lot of purchases are. People are enraged for whatever reason and think that something they buy is going to help them. And with COVID, we can't have that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Everybody's got to sit back and really be contemplative about what they buy. And by the way, you want to talk about a death now for this economy. It's thinking before you act. If you think before you act, this economy will collapse. If you have a moment to consider what that cruise is going to be like, you're not taking it. But if you just like an idiot, just say, fuck it. I'm impulsive. I want to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 And you just do it. We were normas. And the food there is good. It's a place. It's like a see and be seen place in Palm Springs. I don't give a fuck, you know? It's the reason I like Beverly Hills Hotels. It's like the food is good.
Starting point is 00:23:32 If the food's not good, I don't care. I'm not living to be seen. I like the audio medium. I love audio. I don't watch any podcast. I went and said, when's the major? I'm going to have, you know, I was going to have, you know, shut up. What do you not know what I look?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Do you think I'm selling my looks? What are you nuts? My face looks like somebody took a fucking brillo pad to it. I have a horrible Irish skin. It's translucent. And it's blotchy and red. And you get it. And I have hair that's graying.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Thank God I still have it. I mean, what do you need to see here? If I listen to a podcast, if I listen to a podcast, like sometimes, sometimes I want to listen to experts, smart people, but I don't need to see them. I don't want to listen to smart people who know their shit and have done their research like the other night. I listened to Candice Jones on Ben Shapiro.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And if, if I put it on the, on the counter and I put it play on the YouTube and I just go to bed and I'm 10 minutes in, I'm out. I fall asleep to a podcast. Well, you know, Candice, I've grown up in California my entire life. You know, I've grown up in Sherman Arts my entire life. And now that L.A. is a shuttle. L.A. is a shuttle and I just, I go to sleep to horror every night. I used to fall asleep to Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Every night I would fall asleep to Alex Jones. That was my version of that rain app they're always trying to sell. Soft rain puts you to sleep. It's always like, relax, sir. Do you need to relax? How about the winds of autumn? Well, my winds of autumn were, well, you got to buy the fish oil. You got to buy the colloidal silver.
Starting point is 00:25:23 That was my winds of autumn was Alex Jones telling me that I needed to protect myself against a globalist invasion of my own body that they were doing with, with, you know, fluoride in the water. And that was what I'd fall asleep to. But it's an audio medium. I prefer audio. So I don't care about like hotshot Hollywood place. I get that I'm, I'm, listen, everybody in Hollywood should be hot. You should look a certain way.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I, I have this, I have an aesthetic that's built for the Northeast. This is just really a northeastern aesthetic. I do very, I look, I look really good in Boston in a, in a Dunkin Donuts, in a town 10 minutes outside of Boston. I look like I should be there. But at some of these LA spots, I don't, I'm there for the food and the park has got killer food. And the Beverly hotels, Beverly Hills hotel has killer food. I mean, good food.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It's not cheap, but it's good. And it's the portions are actually big. That's another thing that's rare for LA. Usually it's, it's, you know, rabbit food. Even on the Parker menu, there's a section that says rabbit food, but it's actually good food. And it's actually fairly, you know, decently priced for what you get. There's a thousand dollar omelet on the menu over there. This is, this is a, it comes out of New York city, of course.
Starting point is 00:26:46 There's a restaurant called Norma's that has a thousand dollar omelet. And inside the omelet is lobster, chives, cream, probably a little truffles. And then on top of the omelet is $650 worth of caviar, austere caviar. And you can get this at the Parker for $100, the smaller version. I don't get that. I get a crab salad and some other bullshit, a burger with lettuce wrap. But it's so funny because it's called the zillion dollar frittata, you know. Does anybody think we have an income inequality problem in this country?
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't. Do you? They call it the zillion dollar frittata. Okay. How many people are on the verge of eviction here? The zillion dollar frittata. Okay. It makes you want to put on a black and Tifa outfit, which are, they are slimming. And it makes you want to just run in there and start lobbing off heads. But, and it's just such a fucking pointless.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Nothing on a plate should be a thousand dollars ever, ever. And I'm a fan of expensive food. I don't care about expensive clothes, but I do like good food and nothing should be a G. Nothing. I mean, as you buy a ton of shellfish, you know, in a nice steakhouse, you're with six or eight people, and that might run you 400, but a thousand dollars for anything on a plate is fucking absurd. And, you know, what it is, is you get all these people that go out there that want to impress other people at their table and they buy the thousand dollars.
Starting point is 00:28:19 But the truth is nobody would know it's a grand. You have to bring it up. You have to tell the whole table it's a G. You have to like stop someone's conversation. So the omelet I ordered for everyone, you know, you look at, did you look at the menu? And they go, no, what? What? Yeah, it sounds good.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Lobster and the omelet. No, no, no, no, no, no. There's caviar. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Caviar is cool, man. Thanks for it. No, no, no, no, no. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Look, it's a thousand bucks. I'm spending a G here. And they go, oh my God, Graham, you didn't have to do that. Yes, I do. So I have a medium sized penis and I don't get my trust fund for another three years, but I have enough money to buy this omelet. But you need to know it's a thousand bucks. You need to know it's a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Of course, while we're sitting there eating lunch, Ben was hunting QAnon. He was hunting the real source of QAnon. Every now and then Ben disappears into a hole during lunch and he'll pop up just a little bit closer to QAnon, just a few feet down the road on the way to QAnon. Because it is a curiosity. I tend to believe that fingerprints of QAnon are somewhere in the White House. I believe that. And that doesn't justify what QAnon is saying.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Some of it is true. Some of it is indisputably true and we've talked about it on the show. Much of it is not true. And I mean, Ben just, and I'm going to let Ben take it a little bit from here because Ben has done a lot of research into who is Q. I tend to believe it's an ex-military or intelligence guy that was put up to this by somebody like a Steve Bannon or somebody in the White House. That's kind of what Alex Jones said about it.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I haven't spoken to Alex about it in months. Yeah, Alex says he knows who Q is. Remember, he was supposed to reveal it on M4. Yeah, but he didn't reveal it. He didn't reveal it. His Q is my keto. Now, tell us a little bit about what's going on. This is an article with the ABC News, by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, this was in the cover of the dredge. I'm getting a lot of press requests right now and I'm not answering any of them because the press is scum. It's one of the things that Trump's 100% right about. Listen, the guy that wrote that article about loose change, that film, I didn't really talk about this. There was a guy from Esquire who called me. He goes, I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:30:50 This is what everybody says. You're a big fan. Maybe he is a fan. And I'm not really angry at the guy. I'm annoyed because he wrote an article, and the article is a comprehensive history of loose change and the seeds it planted in our politics. He tried to draw a line from loose change to QAnon in the article.
Starting point is 00:31:13 It was a sloppy line and it wasn't really well done. What he was saying is that loose change, the film that came out, I believe, in 2007, which, of course, was about 9-11. It was about, you know, started or, you know, 2005. So loose change came out April 13, 2005. It was made by Dylan Avery, who was a 21-year-old amateur filmmaker. Loose change was a documentary that posited a radical thesis.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And this is out of the Esquire article. And then I'm paraphrasing here. But basically, it's like, what if 9-11 was, we were not getting the full story of 9-11. That this was either an inside job or there was a massive cover-up. We all remember loose change, okay? And this guy's in Hollywood now, by the way, I think Dylan Avery trying to break into movies.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, he's trying to break into films that's been a little tough. After you've done loose change, they don't want you doing ratatouille 4. You know, they probably don't want you... This is what I mean about you staying your lane a little bit, you know? You can't do everything. You know, he's the thing on his mind, because Dylan Avery is a filmmaker and the creator of loose change. At the age of 21, he had taken a few thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:32:32 and a compact presario to make a documentary series which would be labeled the first internet blockbuster by Vanity Fair. And the Gone with the Wind of Conspiracy by Alec Baldwin. He has directed and edited... And by the way, he's directed and edited music videos, blah, blah, blah. Here's the thing, it's... Successful people can say whatever they want about you. It doesn't mean you're ever going to work.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That's what you learn. He's like, Alec Baldwin called this, well, let him produce something you're doing. Call him. Well, Alec Baldwin said it was a Gone with the Wind of Conspiracies. Well, call him. Do you not have his number? Are you not close? That's what I love about people just quote celebrities in their bios.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah, well, call them. What do you need us for? But they made loose change, and this guy basically said that, you know, was the modern conspiracy movement... Was it born out of loose change? And I said, I don't think so. I said, I think QAnon's more like a religious movement. But I will say, I granted him this, the writer of the Esquire piece. Let's get his name up.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It is... John McDermott. Pull him up. Pull this guy up here. He's probably not a bad guy, but I didn't agree with the... I didn't agree with the thesis. I said, I don't... Here's where I gave him, you know, I met him halfway.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I said, the way that loose change was produced, you know, with the music. It was like a thriller. It was a conspiracy movie, but it was, you know, it moved. It didn't lose your interest. You weren't bored. It wasn't one of these things about the Kennedy assassination that droned on for hours and nobody... People lost interest. This was a really well-made film made for the Internet
Starting point is 00:34:23 and for people's sensibilities, right? It was quick, you know, and you were like... You were intrigued and it was like political thriller slash conspiracy. It was what JFK was, except made for the Internet. But the article was more that it laid the groundwork for conspiracy today. Now, would all of these journalists fail to do, by the way, what any of them fail to do? This is their problem.
Starting point is 00:34:51 This is their major blind spot. They have a massive blind spot. They don't grant the proponents of conspiracy theories anything meaningful. They just say, well, yeah, well, Epstein and, yeah, well, Kennedy and... Sure, I guess, you know, Iraq was a lie. And there was a labored the torture prisons that we were told had nothing to do with us. And, yeah, well, we designed those and there were no WMDs. And I don't know, like, they don't grant...
Starting point is 00:35:26 And then so on the other side, you know what they never call a conspiracy? Just the Smollett. Right. Covington. They never use the word conspiracy to talk about blatantly false narratives that they have shoved down the throat of Americans who watch and consume news and are going, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:35:47 This guy claimed he was attacked by, by MAGA hot wearing people in Chicago at 2 a.m. and they beat him with his own subway sandwich or these white kids at a pro life march went and attacked a peaceful native American. And then we find the facts, but those are never conspiracy. Those are, oh, we got it wrong. And they barely admit that. Well, new information is, well, new things have kind of happened. And we're just, you know, we're just following the leads.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And no, you, you, you, you, you whipped the country up into a frenzy. I was angry. I tweeted right after the Covington thing happened. I said, some of these kids should be shot because it was just a school shooting. I thought that was funny. I still do. But then I realized that, oh, this, I, I, the wool was pulled over my eyes and I reacted too quickly, even just tweeting.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I wasn't like condemned. I wasn't like, find the kid. You remember Kathy Griffin, all these people, find him, find his parents. Where do they live? Docs him. Get him. I was never going to do that. I just farted of a little tweet, which I deleted, but they never talk about those as conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:36:57 They never, they never talk about the Iraq war where the New York Times, Judy Miller, you know, wrote an article about enriched uranium. Dick Cheney used it as the case to go to war with Iraq. They never talk about that as a conspiracy, do they? They never use the word conspiracy. Conspiracy is always a pejorative and it's always leveled to people outside of the mainstream. They attack Joe Rogan with it. They attack anybody that is independent that came up or that has an audience primarily outside of the system of mainstream journalism.
Starting point is 00:37:23 So none of these guys write anything of value to me because they operate from a place of dishonesty. They operate from a place of dishonesty. So when you have a guy writing an article about the monarchist conspiracy movement, which is nuts, we talked about QAnon, we know how retarded that is. We know how stupid that is. I have dinner with David Spade. He doesn't eat children. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:51 This is ridiculous. He eats a small filet and a salad and a lot of jacket cokes, but he doesn't eat children. It's just like not happening. Hollywood's not even fun. These parties that people think are happening don't exist. I'm at Whitney Cummings house and she's telling me how many grams of carbs are in a popsicle. I'm telling you, whatever you think is going on here is not going on. Don't move here. Stay home.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Get a family in a yard. You're having more fun. Have me to your house. Do you have real food or do you have kale pops? Get some cheese doodles and a fucking couple of bubba burgers and I'll come to you. Because whatever you think is going on here is not happening. Now that doesn't mean that there aren't pedophiles in Hollywood doing fucking crazy things behind closed doors. But there's pedophiles in a lot of power cities.
Starting point is 00:38:42 New York and Washington and all over the place. You think it's only Hollywood. Listen, go talk to your kid's gym teacher or fucking coach because there's a lot of shit going on there too. I'm not trying to defend Hollywood here. These lurid imaginations that everybody high in Hollywood is like in some blood cult. It would be so much more interesting if it was like that. If Chrissy Teigen was part of a cult that ate children, she would interest me. I wouldn't condone the behavior, but I would be at least like I would think about her more than once every three months.
Starting point is 00:39:15 But I don't think about her because she's tweeting about fucking how much she loves Hillary Clinton and fucking avocados all day. I like tacos. Whatever she does. I started making fun of her a little bit at the Whitney thing for influencers. She was not happy about that. But Chelsea Peretti, I think when at Whitney on Twitter was like, hey, you shouldn't, you know, if you're having influencer parties, like she unfollowed a few people because she thinks we're all trying to spread COVID. It's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:39:43 I'm a little sick of this idea that any of these people, I don't remember her being a proponent of Bernie Sanders. Was she? Was she allowed? And by the way, if I'm wrong, someone let me know. Was she really talking about Bernie Sanders? Because Bernie Sanders was the only candidate that was trying to give everyone in this country health care. So this idea that all of these people that didn't support Bernie and many of them loudly because his fans were misogynists, which they found more disturbing than people dying.
Starting point is 00:40:12 They all went out and are now saying they're really concerned with COVID and people spreading COVID. But you weren't concerned about people's health a while ago because you supported Hillary both fucking times. And she didn't give a fuck, okay? She didn't really have, now you say, oh no, she did care. She tried to do the first national health care. Yeah, but it was an unserious attempt. It was foiled pretty quickly and it didn't go anywhere. And then she sold the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So maybe let's give Hillary the benefit of the doubt. Maybe when she was in the White House in the 90s, she thought I'm going to give people health care. But that was many years and a lot of speeches at Goldman Sachs ago. So let's not forget that Hillary took the journey that everybody else took. So this idea that all these Hollywood people are coming out and they're just so paranoid. We had a small comedy show in a back fucking yard. People are allowed to do things you don't agree with. I know your husband's a trillionaire and he's very talented and you have talent as well.
Starting point is 00:41:12 But people are allowed to do things, Chelsea, that you don't agree with. You are not the dictator of this country because you have lots of money and your brother runs Buzzfeed. And somebody might need to tell these people in Hollywood that you don't run the country. Your opinion is no fucking validity to it just because you have a lot of money. You sit on a stack of money and yell at everyone because some people have to go out and make a living and you can swim in your pool and tweet. These are children. These are ridiculous children. I'm a little sick of this. I don't give a fuck about any of these people.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I truly don't. Fuck about any of them. Come on my show. I have a bigger audience than you. You're Twitter's fake. No one cares. You make institutional money. You get stuff. You get money stuffed down your throat by a corporation. Then you tell everybody how to live. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Truly, have a dialogue with me. You would be on the floor, not physically, but intellectually you'd be on the floor in a few minutes because you don't know anything you're talking about. You've never read a book. Cut it out now. You think you know anything? What are you, a virologist? People on a basketball court having a party is a problem.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Stop telling everybody to vote for Trump that they're Nazi scum. That's going to turn them into Nazi scum, by the way. Stop doing fucking events with Amy Poehler and whoever you're doing these events with and Hillary Clinton's back from the dead. Do you want to lose again? Apparently so. Shut your mouth. And listen, I love Whitney to death. That fucking come vote comedy that they all did is an abomination.
Starting point is 00:42:55 It was an abomination of Whitney at the best set because she's a real comp, but telling people to vote is the most patronizing shit ever. Shut your mouth. Do you have a voting plan? Yeah, it's hard to vote. It's annoying to vote. I tweeted about it today. It's annoying to vote. You order a fucking Thanksgiving dinner with a click of your phone and to vote you got to go to a fucking library that nobody knew existed three
Starting point is 00:43:16 towns away. But guess what? If you're not going to do that, and I can't tell you to do that. It's not my job to tell you to fucking vote. I'm going to tell you to vote. You're going to come to a nightclub, hear me talk shit about everybody and everything, and then I'm going to end it with a PSA and tell you to vote and eat your vegetables and drink water and exercise.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And remember to get moving out there. Why don't you tell people to exercise? Same shit. Half the country doesn't vote. Half the country is fat as fuck. It's the same thing. Tell them that. Make sure to keep moving, guys.
Starting point is 00:43:48 That's better advice. Make sure to take your vitamins and keep moving. You're lecturing everybody about where they go, how they can go outside, and you get mad at Instagram influencers because they're hot. I'm sorry you're not hot, Chelsea. I'm not hot. Let's be friends. Let's not be good looking together.
Starting point is 00:44:06 You want to try it? I'm in. I'm sorry. Some of your crew, you know, Milani's a cutie. Milani's a cutie. But Big League is all right. Crawl not so much. You not so much.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Me not so much. It's okay. Draw the curtain behind us. We're fine. We're not nose for rot to. But listen, what are we hating on Instagram because they want to sit there with their empty heads and their perky tits? Let it happen.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm really going off today, folks. I've had enough. I've just had enough. I've had enough. I've had enough. I swear to Christ with these people. He's fucking stupid alternative, fucking like rich, fucking Ivy League, grew up in a fucking wealthy area, never met a black person,
Starting point is 00:44:51 never went anywhere, never did anything cool. They were treated like shit in school, which is how they should be treated now. They had no confidence in high school, and that was the right way that should have worked out. But instead, we stacked Hollywood and New York with a bunch of nerds that elevated tons of people that now want to lord over all of us, like fucking shut up.
Starting point is 00:45:12 You mentioned Jackie Gleason out there doing voting PSAs. Can we calm down? Yeah, vote. Vote, everyone. I'm telling you to vote. Vote. And if you don't want to vote, don't fucking vote. I don't give a shit what you do.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I'm not going to lie to you. You want to run a couple of miles, run a couple of miles. You want to swim, swim. That's good. You don't want to do that? Don't do what the fuck am I here to tell you to do? I'm sick of these sociopath millionaires that pretend they give a flying fuck about anything.
Starting point is 00:45:41 You don't. The fuck off Twitter. Don't you have children? Doesn't anyone raise their children? Is every five minutes in these homes, mommy, give me the phone? These people aren't eating children. They're not even raising theirs.
Starting point is 00:46:00 This is one of those episodes where another 10% of Hollywood is done with me. That's OK. Go right down there to Dallas. Not a problem. Being a corporate steakhouse sitting in Paris. Not a problem. Don't care.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Don't care. Woo. I'm coming in hot today because it's enough is enough with every celebrity. Little Dickie uploading that he's naked with his dick between his legs. If you vote, I'll show you my dick. We are a serious country.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Do we deserve to exist? Should we not have a dictator? Tell me why we shouldn't have an authoritarian putting the butt of a gun in everyone's mouth. We are a disgusting, slovenly country. You want to talk about why don't you vote celebrities out? Vote them out. Vote them out and listen and watch other shit.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Little Dickie's talented and that shows funny. But those fucking these things, this fucking fake fraud. Fraud that everybody participates in every four years when they all decide that it's their time to act like fucking, you know, who's the guy that rode through the woods? Paul Revere. Paul Revere. Go vote.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Voting. And this is not, I'm not saying anything that you shouldn't vote. You should vote. Local shit's very important. You should vote federally. You should vote and do whatever you want. It's not my fucking job.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And it's not my job to tell you what risks you're comfortable with with coronavirus. How did this become people's job? How did it become people's job to shame people? These are the same people that were pinning the egg on Esther Brinn for the Scarlet Leather. These are the same. I love that these people think they're progressive.
Starting point is 00:47:43 You would have been burning witches at the stake. Chelsea Parade would have been burning people at the stake and talking about how virtuous she was and how much it was needed. And this is the person that just lectures people all day. She tries to destroy Joey Diaz's life because he told a story seven years ago and he's got a daughter and she's trying to take the food out of his daughter's mouth.
Starting point is 00:48:04 We all didn't marry a millionaire, Chelsea. Joey didn't marry a millionaire. I'm sorry. I apologize. I'm single. I know that he married you because, you know, you're hot or whatever in his eyes, but whatever. I'm glad you're in love and I'm glad you have a nice life, but
Starting point is 00:48:22 you went at one of my friends and tried to take food out of his daughter's mouth because you didn't like a fucking story he told. The guy did heroin for most of his life. You think he's getting all the facts straight, you know, and you go after people, you know, and you go after people and you think they were all monsters. You're a monster.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Okay. That's the reality. You're a fucking monster and you should fucking pay for Joey's daughter. You should fucking compensate for every ad dollar that he lost for some cuck company that fucking fell off his fucking podcast. And you people are so sick of going to festivals with us and
Starting point is 00:48:58 fucking not doing that well. That's the reality. Having soft sets in front of the industry, going in a fucking JFL and doing okay in front of the people that should fucking, you know, and what were you on again? Brooklyn Nine-Nine. That iconic, brilliant, brilliant stop. Just be happy.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Be happy it worked. Be happy it worked and your brother runs Buzzfeed, which is trying to make us all get out in the street and cut each other's faces open because every 15 minutes they run top 20 reasons you should kill your parents this Thanksgiving. I mean, am I missing something? We've opened the gates of hell. These people are standing at the gates of hell with fucking
Starting point is 00:49:43 WD-40 to get them open quicker. And then they come and yell at everybody because they're, and I think Chelsea's talented. I think she's funny. I'm not saying that she sucks. I'm saying I'm talking about this attitude and I think her husband's insanely talented. And I think Kroll and Mulaney and Burbiggie, I think they're all
Starting point is 00:50:02 very, very, very talented people. Some more than me, not really, but let's say that. Let's just say that. We know that's not true. But let's say that maybe there's an argument for Mulaney, whatever. You know what I mean? But it's just, there's a certain unfortunate attitude that is now pervasive and it is everywhere in this town.
Starting point is 00:50:25 And people go at Rogan and they say Rogan's this and Rogan's that. Rogan has done more for comics and asked for less in return than any human being I've ever met. Rogan has done nothing but help people. He's done nothing but put people on. He's done nothing but give people an opportunity to sit there for two hours or three hours and talk pretty much uninterrupted and get their fucking point of view out there.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Okay? And the idea that this guy is like a transphobe because he doesn't want somebody, a man, a biological man who's transitioned to start beating a woman to a pulp in a ring. The idea that he somehow doesn't want that and that makes him some kind of devil is how sick we are. Truly. I'm just a little sick of it.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I don't want to take that long of an aside to go through it, but I'm just a little sick of it. And this should have been the regular episode to be quite honest. So don't get mad if we just replay this on the regular episode because frankly it should be heard by more people. So if we amputate this chunk and just throw it on the regular episode, don't feel like you got gypped. It just needs to be seen by a wider audience.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Back to the Esquire article. Well, my schedule just got cleared up. There's a few parties I wasn't attending anyway, but now I definitely but you can see me at the Beverly Hills are telling me pancake tequino. So this lug, who writes? That's somewhere your agent might call you and go, hey. How are you doing? Is everything all right?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Everything's all right. Folks, you're paying money for this. You might as well get your money's worth, right? Anyway, it's kind of rough to transition now. So, am I wrong? Am I rough, folks? Is anything that I said not the facts or the reality? So this guy's trying to, you know, this guy's trying to draw the line
Starting point is 00:52:46 between 9-Eleven, this film in the Q-9. I just said it didn't, you know, I don't think it's there. But I said, watch this other film, 9-Eleven, the New Pearl Harbor, which is five-hour docked. It's really wild. And this guy says, I'm like sweating now. I'm like, I just went into it. It was like a tent preacher.
Starting point is 00:53:04 But this guy, this guy, I just had it out of body experience. I'm trying to focus now on what I'm trying to talk about. And in other news, here's Jane with the weather. Let's go to Todd with sports. So this guy calls me because I'm a big fan. He got any comments about this. I'm like, hey, I made a few comments. I said, I don't really think it was, I said it was a marriage,
Starting point is 00:53:38 a political thriller and whatever. So then he asked, our article comes out, they got Tim Dillon, a comic who traffics in conspiracy theories. This is what they say. He traffics. Nobody uses that word. Nobody says this guy traffics in honesty. Nobody traffics his human trafficking, drug trafficker.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I trafficking conspiracy theories. Not I talk about the fucking news and I give people, I give people the benefit of the doubt and I give people both sides of hearing and I give the conspiracy world a hearing and I give my own curiosity a hearing. I give space in my head to be a curious person. And that's just what I do. And as a comedian, I think that's important.
Starting point is 00:54:25 As a citizen, as somebody who thinks it's important. So I just, I didn't appreciate that they said that to me. So now that Forbes has reached out, a bunch of other people, not Forbes reached out, they're like, we're writing an article on the Intellectual Dark Web with Tim Dillon like the comic. I was like, you get the fuck out of here. What a comment on anything.
Starting point is 00:54:41 How about you shut the lights off your office? It'll be the dark office. Why don't you go back to writing about hedge funds and criminals? What are you writing about comedy for? Can you get off the comedy beat Forbes, please? Go back to making lists of people who inherited money. You dumb fucks. You stop.
Starting point is 00:54:59 There's three good financial journalists. There's Bethany McLean and two others I can't remember. Forbes is on the comedy beat. We're remake. It's not just going to be about money and men now. It's going to be about funny ha ha's. You stop. Forbes magazine, you print lists of rich people.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Go back to that. Own it. Nobody wants you reviewing one man shows in fucking Forbes. This week in barons, we reviewed in the net. Just talk about money. Benjamin, please fill us in. Who is QAnon? Well, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:41 We think it might be James Watkins who started eight Chan. It also could be possibly Frederick Brennan, AKA Hot Wheels, probably not more likely Watkins. But this guy Watkins was in the army, right? You want me to give a little background on it? I would love for you to do that. So Watkins was in the army in the 80s and he was hired, I believe, as a computer programmer.
Starting point is 00:56:04 He worked in Virginia. He worked for the army all throughout the 90s. Right after 9 11 in October, he went to the Philippines. And then he started eight Chan sometime in like 2000. Something like 2007, 2015. I can't remember the exact date. I just read this article 2013 and Brennan helped him create it. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 So if all the Q drops are an eight Chan, people are saying Watkins can know who this can put a stop to this at any moment or he could figure out who this is. So a lot of people think it might be him. The article is mostly bullshit. He just talks about Q and on, but I just thought this was, I liked it. This little dude.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Hot Wheels. I like this guy Hot Wheels. Like he's born. He has a real problem. He's in a wheelchair and he's just cause a little havoc. You know what I mean? Cause he's like, I'm not having fun on this planet. I'm gonna cause a little havoc.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It took like the third creator of a Chan, right? Yeah. He helps build it. He goes, yeah, let's have a little fun. Cause you know, my arms and legs don't work. Let's have a little fun out there. Let's spin the wheels a little bit. Literally and figuratively.
Starting point is 00:57:13 See what happens. Watkins looks exactly how you'd think he'd look. The owner of eight Chan. Oh yeah. I love that. I see owner of eight Chan. You're just going, you're just, I'm the owner of eight Chan.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Now it's eight Koon. Eight Koon. Yeah, eight Koon. Eight Koon, sorry. Oh boy. Thank you. So you're saying that Watkins, I'm chewing ice here.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I don't know. I brought up the theory to you that he might be intelligent because his mother worked for Boeing. He was in Virginia for a long time. I don't know. You leave three weeks to the Philippines after 9 11. Yeah. It's always a good sign.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Real, real patriot, huh? Right. Real patriot. Let me desert my country and it's hour of need. Head over to the Philippines. So Brennan says, we're seeing eight Koon kind of morphing away from white supremacy and neo-nazism and it's a QAnonism. Brennan told ABC News this week and Watkins fully endorses that.
Starting point is 00:58:10 He's totally backed the Q movement. Brennan has left eight Chan, by the way. He's no longer affiliated after the third manifesto was posted. Creative differences. Well, he's gone now because he said too much. He can't, he said I want to be responsible for. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:29 So we're thinking that you're saying, you were saying, it's very interesting, Watkins. Definitely knows QAnon's IP address, right? Oh, a hundred percent. Because you set up an account. Or at the very least could put a stop to it, but he's probably in communication with this person doing the Q drops. Is it one person doing the Q drops?
Starting point is 00:58:48 I haven't really looked into it. Could be a team of people. I mean, it's impossible. I mean, he's coming from one place over and over again. Yeah, yeah, it's one guy. Yeah. Um, so who knows? Um, I would totally forgive.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Chelsea Paredi, if she said, I've been doing QAnon for the last three years. I go, dude, okay, you're cool. If she said, I've been just doing the Q drops. That's me. All these weird, like all these older paleo conservatives, they all have the same look like this guy, Steve Bannon. Yeah, very interesting. They all have the weird look.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Remember the history teacher in your school that was a little too conservative? Oh, yeah. It was always a guy. Mine was named, uh, fuck, what was his name? Mr. Coronado or something? Mr. Corrado. Mr. Corrado. Like, Corrado Soprano.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Mr. Corrado. He's a little, a little too conservative. He couldn't really let it out, but every now and then he let it out. You know, roll his eyes, you know, when he talked about Gettysburg. He would, you know. All right. Well, I guess we have to do this. He's a little too conservative.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Tom Riddle and why technology inks current president told the digital site splinter in 2016 that Watkins was a porn pioneer. We figured out a loophole in Japanese censorship rules. Adult material in Japan has to be censored. But Japanese people could access content that resides outside of Japan. Bingo. This guy Watkins, very smart, free speech, free content. I mean, that's why I guess he's living in the Philippines. Not the Philippines other than having a huge child porn and human trafficking problem.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I guess what are they just not have regulations is why do people want to host things out of the Philippines? Well, you know who runs the Philippines is that Colt at Glacier de Cristo. And Glacier de Cristo. Yeah. But I don't think they're getting behind the CP and shit. Right. I don't know, man. I don't have kids.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I mean, no, I mean, I don't know, but I could be wrong. But I mean, I don't think they're, I don't think they're co-signing that shit. Yeah. I don't know. Is that just where they have all the honeypots basically for like posting the CP and like having blackmailing people? And I don't know. I know that it's run by the Rodrigo de Terte is that, you know, it's like a military junta over there. I mean, you know, you know, they just execute drug acts in the streets and everything.
Starting point is 01:01:11 We don't do that. We put them in jail for years and make them make Walmart greeting cards for three cents a day. I want to talk about compassion, but I don't know what's going on in the Philippines. I don't, my friend just married a Filipino woman. I don't want to start slandering the Philippines. You know, if you know why the Philippines are a haven for this type of behavior, you can let us know. But so, so Brennan says walk-ins is senile, most likely in his older age. This is how senile can you be though and run something like this?
Starting point is 01:01:48 I guess pretty senile, right? Well, I guess Brennan built eight Chan now eight con, right? Can we get Brennan on the show? Probably. We probably could get Hot Wheels. He's very interesting to talk to some of these people that have really created this, this, you know, other region of the internet. Responsible for hundreds of deaths. And I mean, God knows what else.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Also some funny jokes. I'm not trying to, I'm just saying, you know, it's also responsible for hundreds of deaths. Some of the gun manufacturers, right? I mean, listen, if we're going to, if we're going to say free speech is the problem. And, you know, there's certainly an argument about, you know, when that carries into like, you know, menacing or threatening behavior or whatever. But, you know, I don't know. It's just, throughout history, people just love killing each other. It just seems to be a theme.
Starting point is 01:02:40 It seems to be a theme. We can't all, you know, be as evolved as me and just go on a podcast and try to lay waste to our enemies. Some people have to pick up the guns and get it popping. Go and clap somebody. It's my favorite word out of rap music for killing people is I like clap and I also like murk. You can murk someone or you can, you can go out and clap them. What is murk? Like sneaky, like you sneak in their house at night.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I think it just means kill. You get murked. You got killed. It clapped. You got, you got caught. Got killed. But I'd like to talk to this guy Brennan. There was another guy who did like this fucking really crazy thing.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I forget the name of the app. Somebody offered me up. Somebody said I could do an interview with him. I didn't really want to. Cause what he, what he did was really wantedly cruel. Like they had this, I forget the name of the website, but it was a website where people just follow around people and like tape them and troll them and like torture them. And I forget what it was called, but it was intensely cruel and disturbing.
Starting point is 01:03:44 And like, I think somebody killed himself, but I forget what it was called. He would torture people. No, he would do. Well, in the sense that he would just film them and post pictures of them and everybody would shit on them online. Oh, I remember surveillance cameraman who was a lively guy who would just go up to people and start filming. This was a website.
Starting point is 01:04:01 This was a big thing. And it was a, and this guy again was like, oh, it's free speech, but it's not a harassment of people and posting their private information. But it was like a, a, uh, it was, I forget. It was, no, it was a, I don't know the name of this, but they, I think somebody was like, I know this guy. I could get a phone. I think that guy also lived in the Philippines.
Starting point is 01:04:23 And I'm like, yeah, I don't, I don't want to do that. I forget what it was called. I have so many people on the Patreon probably know what it was called. It was just a website where people would, you know, essentially, like there was a few people that they, you know, and these people were, some of them were like mentally challenged and whatever. And it was very, uh, it was like just degrading to people. This, you'll never get it from here.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I mean, would you just give up? But I, I, I know the name of it. I, in my head, I, I'm just not getting to it. And a lot of the people, um, that, that listen to it, but I, he was a guy that I was just like, yeah, I don't want to talk. I don't want a guy defending that. I, I, I mean, I have no interest in, in hearing that. Um, fuck, I wish I knew.
Starting point is 01:05:05 And the, the, the, the, the people that they, they would like make fun of had, they were names. But they were, the name was the name of the website. There was a thing that called these people are something. And then there was a name of the website. I can't believe I've ever heard of this. Mullen would know. Mullen would know.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I don't know. I, everybody knows in the picture, but whatever. But, uh, but yeah, I mean, yeah, it's very interesting. You just have a message board where people are just talking, right? And then, you know, talking is the first step in some real bad stuff happening. I'll, I'm sure I'll know that after this is released. I'm kidding. Listen, I love and respect everyone.
Starting point is 01:05:49 I just want the same. I want the same for people that I know and like and think are good people. And I just, you know, this idea that there are people that are by their nature, uh, trying to hurt other people. And I don't see that in, you know, whether it's Rogan or Diaz or any of these people that people keep going after, I just don't personally believe that they're trying to limit anyone's opportunity in this business or anywhere else. I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I don't believe that those people are trying to limit women, gay people, people of color, trans people, non-binary people. I don't believe any of those people are trying to limit. In fact, I think those people have helped create a space where people can be independent and put their own shit out and resonate with their own audience and monetize their show the way they want to. And it's very interesting to me that they are most often attacked by people who are deeply entrenched in the traditional model of show business and whose backers are very traditionally
Starting point is 01:07:01 corporate, you know, we're talking about conglomerates, we're talking about billion dollar companies and these people, a lot of the people are in business with billion dollar companies. And that is how they've made their money. And then they go after people that, uh, have built things on their own on the internet. I don't think it's all about content. I don't. I don't think it's all about, I don't think, you know, anybody from Chelsea to anyone
Starting point is 01:07:30 handler, pretty anybody who has a disagreement with me could come on the show and I will absolutely, I wouldn't yell at them or whatever. They'd yell at me probably. I would absolutely respectfully discuss with them why I think they're wrong and why I think you shouldn't continually patronize the American people. Why I think it's a bad idea. Why I think Hollywood celebrities should perform the roles and functions that people know them for and, and that it would actually help the world that they want is, is certainly, I
Starting point is 01:08:00 think, uh, more attainable if they pipe down a little bit. I think people are sick of it. I think people are going to make their own decisions and I don't mean that you shouldn't get involved in real activism and put real money behind real causes and help real people. But, you know, what, you know, nobody talks about Janine Garofalo. You know Janine Garofalo was talking about fucking Halliburton and Dick Cheney and all these people and nobody cared. Janine was out there talking about real shit and then she defended Louis and everybody
Starting point is 01:08:34 jumped on her. But Janine was actually talking about real shit for decades and nobody cared. And whatever you think about Janine, if you love her, hate her, think she's funny or not. I'll tell you this. Janine was out there on stage talking about war in times. In times it was very, very tough to broach that topic on the stage of a comedy club or an alt room or theater and Janine was doing it and talking about real shit. And to me, you know, again, I, I, I'm not here to tell you to vote.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I said, if you want to vote, you should vote. If you don't want to vote, don't vote. That's the way I feel about it. It's not my job to tell you how insane would that be if I had to tell you to vote or to not vote? How crazy a country, how fallen a society to tell you to have to tell you to vote? Do I tell you to wash your ass or brush your teeth? Maybe you don't want to wash your ass.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Maybe you go, I don't need to wash my ass. Don't affect me. And why should I tell you to wash your ass? It's not my job. And I just feel like we're at a point in this country where you talk dogs around, people want to ruin other people's careers. People want to talk about people and say that they are homophobic, racist. They are transphobic.
Starting point is 01:09:58 They support racism, which is what Andy kindler said about Joe Rogues, the stupidest thing ever. Then Andy kindler is tweeting, unfollow me. And it's like, okay, I also remember, you know, I got off stage at JFL and Andy kindler told me how funny I was with his wife or whoever, some woman who's with him. But I mean, again, it's like, it's just fine because whatever you're entitled to not like me and publicly disparage me. That's great.
Starting point is 01:10:20 You're entitled to do that. And that's fine. But like, it's just funny to me to say that somebody supports racism because Joe has had people on his show that have held opinions that people might find racist, you know. And by the way, if you agree with critical race theory, every white person's racist. So anybody interviewing a white person is supporting racism. Okay, Andy, because I'm sure had a few conversations with whites. I'm sure if we went to those alternative comedy rooms in LA, we could find some whites.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Is everybody there perfect? Is everyone there? And when Rogues interviews people, he challenges them. I mean, Rogues challenged Ben Shapiro on gay marriage. He challenged Sam Harris. When Sam Harris was saying that Iraq war casualties were different than other casualties because of intent. Rogues like, well, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Hold on. Walk that out for me. I'm going to go in and Abbey Martin like, so there's just this whole idea and it's bigger than anybody, right? It's not not necessarily about Joe. It's not about anybody. It's this idea that nobody is going to, that nobody hits back and you just take it. And it's a little, I'm a little sickened by this and this idea that we're, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:29 we're just going to let a group of people tell everybody how they're going to live and who they're allowed to talk to and when they're allowed to leave their house and what risks they should take with their own health and what movies and books they're allowed to watch and see and what comedians should be platformed and what speakers should be platformed and who shouldn't be and who should be and it's a group of people, many of them in tech, many of them in Hollywood that are so completely divorced from the day to day needs of working people who have not had health insurance, who have not had any fucking support from this government, federal, state, local, whatever for decades.
Starting point is 01:12:06 They have been thrown to the street. Their schools are fucking underfunded. Their streets look like shit. They're full of potholes. Their communities are broken down. They are absorbing more immigrants than they can handle. They themselves are impoverished. They themselves are unable to get a knee operation.
Starting point is 01:12:25 They can't get adequate mental health care. Many of these people have served in Iraq. Many of these people have served the country in many other ways. A lot of these people may be first responders or people like that. And these people are constantly called Yahoo racists that are neo-Nazis. They're called scum. They're told because they go to church that they hate gay people, which may be true, may not be.
Starting point is 01:12:53 They're told that they want to, you know, re-segregate, you know, lunch counters and busing and all this shit. And, you know, it's a little, to me, it's a little frustrating. I never say that word right. It's frustrating. I always say fuss. People say, no, it's frustrating. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:13:14 To me, it's a little, I get a little sick of it when I see that. And not that I'm some champion of the downtrodden or whatever. I find them repulsive and I've been very open about that. I think they're grotesque. I mean, anybody with any problem in this country, including members of my own family, I don't ever want to hear from any issue you have, call someone else. But no, I'm kidding, but not really. But what I'm saying is that this idea that anybody that voted for Trump is an evil racist
Starting point is 01:13:48 piece of human shit and everybody that disagrees with you is garbage. And if people are willing to talk to people that disagree with you, they're garbage. And people are limiting the opportunities of women and people of color. And they're doing it for how? By having a podcast? By not booking anything and not putting together a show and not working with the industry? And how are they limiting people's opportunities? Or do you really not believe that?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Are you just vengeful? Do you just want to hurt people? Okay. We'll admit that you want to hurt people. You don't think you're correcting anything. You're trying to hurt people. You don't want Kevin Hart hosting the Oscars because you want to hurt him. You want to shame him.
Starting point is 01:14:31 This is what you want to do. That's how you get off. Well, that's a question of your own talent. That's a question of your own talent. Because if you cannot be fulfilled and sustained by your talent and your intellect, that is sad. It's unfortunate. And it's the only way that you can have relevance is by attacking people and trying to destroy their livelihoods. Then I feel sorry for you.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Truly. I feel sorry for you. And the fact that my business has become overrun with those types of people and they feel that is the quickest route to success. And they feel that is how they're going to get attention. And that is how they will. You'll get your job. You'll get your writing job. You'll get your writing job.
Starting point is 01:15:22 You get 120,000 a year and you live in a little box and you'll get to go to the virtual Emmys when, you know, because no one can leave their home. And maybe you even win a little award that you could put next to your fucking bed that you'd die in because no one cares. No one cares. You've erected a system that serves only the needs of a small group of people. Nobody fucking cares. So you can play the game. I see these ugly motherfuckers on Twitter playing a game. And I'm not going to Chelsea.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I'm just saying, I see these motherfuckers tweeting all day the right opinions. And I'm like, man, your head looks like a block of ice. You're not going to be the Hollywood kid. You're not. They'll shove a little money up your ass to let you in a writer's room, but they're not putting nobody's paying money to see a bus. So they're not putting you on the front of the magazine covers. Cut it out. Die with a little dignity.
Starting point is 01:16:14 As they say, thinner, die clean. Stephen King's thinner. Die clean, white man. Die clean. Well, this episode took a little trip. I didn't know it was going to take, but I really, it is certain. But how am I defending influencers? How have we gotten to the point in 2020 that I'm defending doing comedy for influencers in a backyard?
Starting point is 01:16:36 You know why? Freedom. That's why. There's a little something I lack. And it's called freedom. Can you play Independence Day by Martina McBride, please to end the show? Because there's a little something I call freedom. There's a little something I call freedom.
Starting point is 01:16:56 And if I have to, and if the exercise of my freedom, and I might get COVID next week when I perform at Dallas and drop dead, you know, great. I won't have to read tweets anymore. But I'll tell you this. If we're going to attack everybody and we're going to look at freedom like some fucking annoyance, then let's be done with the country. Who gives a fuck? Truly. Let's be done with it's fucking annoying. If we're all going to police each other's language and thoughts and words.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Run this up a little bit here. Okay, okay. If that's what we're going to do. If we're going to act like the Stasi. If we're not going to let some perky titted empty headed bitches worth millions. Sit in a fucking basketball court and look at me quizzically while I do brilliant material about that I'm attacking nurses. If I can't have a lackluster set in front of a bunch of retards with a lot of money, then what the hell is this all for? And if I go to gotta go to Twitter and hear that, you know, people don't like me and all these people that call other people say they don't like me.
Starting point is 01:18:11 They think I don't know and I find out anyway and a lot of them don't come from me publicly respect Andy kindler because he did. But I'm here to tell you this right now. I'm here to tell you this right now. You're not going to win. You're not going to win. You'll never win. It'll look like you're going to win. I'll tell you why you'll never win.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Because there's a man. Well, he's not a man, but he's male. He's a cat. He's a gray cat. And he has seven of the nuclear weapons that disappeared after the Cold War in the Soviet Union. He's got seven of them. And he has a plan to detonate seven nuclear weapons. By the way, I just imagine them playing this in the offices of Patreon like playing this in the old and like some like executives got to look at someone else and go, he's saying a cat's going to do an attack.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Do you think that's a code? Let's just rock out a little bit to the music here. You got to get in the country. I know I got a lot of socialist fucking freaks. That's okay. Get into it. It's your country. Socialize it.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I don't give a... Love awesome goddamn hits. You want to get me an Antifa? Let's go to Paramount Studios. Stop with these half measures. Stop knocking over brunches. Let's go to some people's homes and got the address. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:19:50 It's a joke. It's a joke. I'm on coke. I'm kidding. Bartito gives you energy. Let freedom ring. Let the wind off sea. Buy a gun and wave your flag.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Tell me this doesn't make you happy. If you want to vote, vote. If you don't just go to the creek and see Jesus. Jesus. Who gives a fuck? It shits over anyway. Go to Jack in the Box and say, why are you putting garlic butter on a cheeseburger
Starting point is 01:20:28 and throw it back in their face? What do you think this is? Go to Taco Bell with a gun and say, if the Mexican pizza disappears in November, so do you. Fight for your goddamn rights. Thank you for coming and we'll see you next week. Bye.

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