The Tim Dillon Show - 312 - Private Prison Penthouse

Episode Date: August 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dillon show. We are here. Thank you everybody for watching the special and your Kind words trended on Netflix for about a week. Maybe still trending don't know one of the top Search things on that platform. We really appreciate that as well as you know, Tom Segura and Joe Rogan having me on to Hang out promote that with them had fun discussions with Both of those gentlemen and Christina P. We did a crazy live stream at your mom's house And then we did Joe the next day while we were down in Texas and now we are back Here in Los Angeles and Really excited a lot of people really
Starting point is 00:00:45 Feedback is very positive. So we're happy about that and you know, it's you know, it's good to To have it out there and done and then you know, we are moving on to other things too many other things Books and films and all kinds of stuff that is Not in the immediate future, but hopefully in the not too distant future. We are working on a lot of stuff There's a I sent this article to Ben this was really strange and You know, usually when people sue I always go like, you know, do you really need to sue because we're such a litigious
Starting point is 00:01:31 Country every billboard is like sue them. There was a billboard when I was growing up Yeah, my dad used to pass on the highway. It was called 1-800 sue them And that was the billboard and it was about You know your ability to sue anyone for any reason at all That's the type of country that You know, we have we have a country where the legal system, you know, basically exists as a You know a place for personal vendetta's for get rich quick schemes
Starting point is 00:02:06 As a way to arbitrate any and all Disagreements But then there are things where you go, okay, I get it. I Get it now whether you're a fan of lawsuits or not to handle problems There are certain stories where I go. Oh, I could see that I Can see a lawsuit there That makes sense to me
Starting point is 00:02:33 Black mom sues LA unified Which I believe is a school district Over a cotton picking project at elementary school Yep, this is gonna be one of the lawsuits that I can understand a Black parent filed a civil rights lawsuit last week against the Los Angeles Unified school district and the board of education saying that a cotton field was set up at an elementary school in 2017 That was intended to teach students about the experiences of slaves We're trying to pit set a 14-year-old daughter who's referred to as SW in the lawsuit experience emotional distress as
Starting point is 00:03:13 Result of the project at Laurel span school that her social justice teacher Said was to help students quote gain a real-life experience as To what African-American slaves had endured. Oh boy the suit also names the school's then principal and Social justice teachers defendants Since the project Laurel span school was closed and a new school Laurel cinematic arts creative tech magnet
Starting point is 00:03:45 Was created in its place? She said in September of 2017 her daughter who used to Vibrantly share her day with her mother Became very quiet and reserved And you imagine this one day as pits Was dropping off her daughter on campus. She saw a cotton field in front of the school and Called the office to speak with the school's principal Amy Diaz Was unavailable
Starting point is 00:04:14 Pit spoke with the assistant principal who explained that her daughter's class was reading Frederick Douglass's autobiography And that the cotton field was created so students could have a quote real-life experience of slavery well They had a whole big thing this was right over in West Hollywood, of course, of course it was that a whole big thing and So she didn't have to pick the cotton her daughter But she had to watch other students complete the project while she was while she cared for other crops in the garden
Starting point is 00:04:56 I mean God God God help us So I like they say well, we're teaching the white kids about what happened With slaves so they're gonna have to pick the cotton, but why don't you go tend to some okra? or some other vegetables in a garden they have to have They are making a black girl tend to vegetables in a garden While watching white people do the cotton thing and this is a good idea. This was someone's idea of a good idea
Starting point is 00:05:33 And now there's a lawsuit And there's a lawsuit now I Don't know how much emotional distress the daughter experienced. I imagine it's something But a jury will decide But again, it's one of those things where I go of all of the things That people soo over If your daughter came to you and said I be a black daughter came to you and said I
Starting point is 00:06:10 Today at school they did a project where we picked cotton To learn about the experiences of slaves. I Can imagine that you would be upset about that That would not go over big so there is a lawsuit and We don't know what'll happen We are
Starting point is 00:06:35 Waiting here With bated breath We don't know Sad They tried to change the name of the school. They tried to but this is gonna follow them. It's gonna There's no getting around this The problem with this is when people when people start to use their imagination and They're trying to be good people
Starting point is 00:07:06 They tend to do the most horrific things that have ever been done This is not uncommon When people are trying to be good people and they don't know how to be and they think they can flip a switch and understand something or Be a quote part of the solution On the right side of history
Starting point is 00:07:38 whatever it is and And they start using their Imagination they start being creative about how to do that The horror is unending it's a terror will be unleashed They will do things That they think are genuinely good Until People see them and go what the fuck is this? I mean they will literally I
Starting point is 00:08:18 Mean the idea that they had a cotton Field in front of the school Like they had to this was not an accident this was planned it happened With the full knowledge of many many people it had to sign off ago. This is a good idea Let's get the kids out there. Let's get them picking cotton That then they'll understand what the slaves went through if they have to pick cotton in front of the school Insane
Starting point is 00:08:57 But this is what happens when you have people That are going like how can we creatively show children what slavery was like Instead of worrying about Other things you go. How can we let's put our heads together? How can we recreate slavery today? for the kids No, no, no, I know I know we got the math test but We want them to feel
Starting point is 00:09:29 The lashes on their back and the calluses on their hands We want to recreate Chattel slavery today at school How can we recreate settler colonialism after lunch Yeah, that's a bad idea This is a bad idea. This is not a good idea. This is the opposite of that But this is not surprising. I know some people that would do something like this thinking that it is good You know
Starting point is 00:10:14 No, we built a gas chamber in the gymnasium To teach the kids about What do you mean you're upset? What are you upset about? How are they gonna know What the Holocaust was like if we didn't build a gas chamber in the gymnasium We wanted to give the kids. Yes. Well, some of the kids got to be little Nazis and Then some of them got to be Jewish people. It's a it's just because they're becoming better people
Starting point is 00:10:50 What is wrong? It's absurd, but this is the this is what happens. So Go get the money make them cough up Some money I'm gonna talk about The condominium in LA right now that's on the market for 50 million dollars. Don't you want to spend? 50 million dollars to own a condo in West Hollywood Hollywood Google West Hollywood and hit news West Hollywood
Starting point is 00:11:31 Okay, let's see here first article member of Rappers on Tyra's shot ends up in West Hollywood before dying at hospital Three sought in fatal shooting at gas station near Beverly Center Boy I West Hollywood is a Problem yeah, not good For crime
Starting point is 00:12:09 If you Google West Hollywood crime You can you can just read some of the stories about things that are Going on There's not good two weeks ago. The crime is risen by 38% Man shot near we hoe gun owner thwarts home invasion Go to the sheriff's weekly crime report. Okay See what's going on a
Starting point is 00:12:42 Assault Grand theft grand theft residential burglary strong strong arm robbery strong arm robbery strong arm robbery Grand theft burglary robbery Vehicle burglary vehicle burglary vehicle burglary other weapon. Well, how about 50? million dollars To live in the penthouse Of a new building a new because in Los Angeles now they're trying to introduce this concept of vertical living
Starting point is 00:13:20 Because people you know what's happening Los Angeles has always been the home of the single family house with your yard and maybe your pool and Your dogs and kitties running around and the husband tinkering with the car and You're in the back. Oh, you know looking at the lemon tree or the orange tree Idealic lovely. Yes But now people are coming in the windows. They're climbing over the fences. They're hanging out in the yard Maybe a bit of rape. They say who knows and they're killing So what they're trying to do is they're introducing vertical living because people say good news
Starting point is 00:14:04 We'll make condo buildings and we'll charge Millions and millions of dollars for these condos and we'll put guards outside of them So the people that want to rape and kill you can't get in and Will put all of the things you'd want all the finishes the bathrooms and the kitchens and the marble and the wood and the pine and the Oak in the Travertine marble and the this and that and you get it all and it's all behind guard gates guards and gates and guards and gates and gates and guards and guards and it's going to be like the The castle from the Wizard of Oz with the flying monkeys
Starting point is 00:14:40 And we'll have an army of flying monkeys if anyone comes near us and we'll have a moat and we'll have alligators in the moat and If you have the little key fob, you can get in you get right through the alligators say well How do you do and they let you in it's not a big deal 50 million is the penthouse Apartment this article says a special kind of crazy in LA a 50 million dollar condo in the land of homeless tents There's something funny about Los Angeles the idea that it has the biggest homeless population in the world and all the hit shows about LA or about real estate It's all about high-end real estate and everybody is living in a you know like a cooler
Starting point is 00:15:22 everybody's looking like a Coleman cooler and Nobody is seeing any of the irony in that in that it is the selling sunsets and the million dollar listings and the Beverly And this is there's more shows so many shows all about The privilege of selling real estate or buying it in Los Angeles, California, and they're trying to sling a 50 million Dollar condo in Los Angeles Wow I mean big time and
Starting point is 00:16:06 You can from your condo that is 50 million Look outside and you will see People who are filthy dirty people From head to toe soot lesions Maybe they look like lepers Pushing Shopping carts full of their belongings in the hot summer And
Starting point is 00:16:37 Maybe people like that that some people might like that That might be a benefit But that is a potential view from a 50 million dollar condo in that area You might I Mean imagine paying 50 million dollars for a condo and then outside you're staring and you're just watching Society unravel in front of you Interesting Get up the video of these realtors talking when the
Starting point is 00:17:20 Fire alarms are going off and the police are going off. This is a very very funny thing a bunch of the top real estate agents in Los Angeles, California are gathered together to talk about How great it is to live in Los Angeles and the pride of it and the weather How great it is So here listen to this Whatever I think a lot of New Yorkers are coming for the summer with the intention of maybe staying but they all want to rent first That's what I listen to the background So let's let's I have one for the month of August. I have one left unless on
Starting point is 00:18:07 I always forget the name of us floors Josh you're saying you can just hear in the background one friend police sirens and fire trucks as the city burns To address the police For those who are tuning in just now you're with the real deal TRD talks live we're with some of LA's top brokers Talking about the market and the changes since COVID Great year this one must have come out in January February and they had you know They rank they sort of rank LA against the other alpha cities New York London, Miami, etc
Starting point is 00:19:01 Investment lifestyle except many other many tears LA was sixth or seventh in sort of the running compared to some of these cities What's your what's your sort of unscientific take on where it could be now after all there's gonna be reversal because if you look at the Cities above LA that on the night Frank chart. Yeah, they're all high-rise cities And you have Hong Kong Above LA which is the dentist everyone. Yeah, but with the political upheaval going on there Prices are going to go down and people are going to leave they're not going to give up their freedom So Los Angeles because of horizontal living and the incredible weather. I was surprised to see Livability that Los Angeles was down in the 10 or 12. Maybe traffic. Well traffic
Starting point is 00:19:48 But if you have to work and live in a big city, there's no place like Los Angeles snow the air is Relatively clear Living where traffic isn't an impediment you're not driving from Covina to get to your office Sure, I'm sorry city Department Yeah, so they're all they're all mentally ill so they're all see see they're all sick and
Starting point is 00:20:22 To to live here to do that job and God bless them, but they have to be ill so they're sitting there Telling everybody what a great city it is and how the weather is amazing and you can't live anywhere else How could you live anywhere else and in the background? It is the sounds of hell just sirens and fire trucks and cops Responding to you know, I don't know some woman who lit her children on fire or you know Two homeless people who are eating each other in the street like but they all got a smile and it's you got to keep it light Keep it. Hey, keep it light. It's like a Saturday night live sketch if you know, that was a
Starting point is 00:21:04 thing you would laugh at but This is so funny. You just got a hey keep it light Keep it like what about our bow? What about our bully's response time? Hey And they know full they know full well what's going on here they know full well, but I get it they can't I mean Get that money Um
Starting point is 00:21:30 So, I mean, I'm just saying if you have 50 million dollars and you want to buy a condo There's no better place to do it right now than in West Hollywood, California It's a great investment of 50 million dollars into a condominium. So you can do Stand-up comedy If you so choose you can go and tell people What gets you going? What is your problem so this judge that sold a bunch of children to Former judges who sent kids to jail for kickbacks must pay more than 200 million
Starting point is 00:22:17 These are some evil fox. They were selling kids to jail to private prison Are those kids were thought 200 million great question? But u.s. District Judge Christopher Conner awarded 106 million in calm Pensatori damages an hundred million impugnative damages to nearly 300 people in a long-running civil suit against the judges Writing the platons are quote the tragic human casualties of a scandal of epic proportion in what came to be known as the kids for cash scandal Mark Sivarela and another judge Michael Conahan shut down a country run Juvenile detention center and accepted 2.8 million in illegal payments from the builder and co-owner of two for-profit lockups Now if you remember any of this, this was the guys they were giving
Starting point is 00:23:04 draconian sentences very long sentences to kids because this is where They were making their money Sivarela ordered children as young as eight to detention many of them first-time offenders deemed delinquent for petty theft Jay walking Jay walking Truancy smoking on school grounds and other minor infractions these guys should be executed truly they should be put to death and killed I mean this is insane the judge often ordered youths. He had found delinquent to be immediately shackled handcuffed and taken away Without giving them a chance to put up a defense or even say goodbye to their families
Starting point is 00:23:44 Should we have on the show a thing called point for Hassan piker? And should we have like a little thing what is he what race is he I can look it up. Let's see. Is he a Turkish? Hassan is Is of Turkish descent it says so should we have a little Turkish delight the candy and when Something very bad happens in the capitalist system because you we'd say point for Hassan piker We get we put the little Turkish delight over there a little cube the little cube. I like don't you like that It's not a candy that you like. Yeah, you got me in Australia. Yeah, I don't love it But this is a point for him who did he did like a 71 minute reaction
Starting point is 00:24:32 Video to my Joe Rogan rant. Oh really? I think so. I don't know who knows People I mean, it's you know the guy streams 38 hours a day. I mean, I get I'd be doing it, too I'd be doing I'd be doing it to Tim Dillon needs pancakes. Let's react to that But what does it say about the capitalist system? It's unlikely the now adult victims will even see a fraction of the eye popping damages award But a lawyer for the plaintiff said it's recognized a recognition of the enormity of the disgraced judges crimes I mean the judges this is the evil of People that pervert this system you should not have private for-profit
Starting point is 00:25:16 Prisons it's a bad idea Now do they sponsor our show? I don't know probably But they're still not it's not a good idea to have private prisons Where children as young as eight years old are going there for jaywalking Isn't that crazy to you of the 280 people to 79 were under the age of 13? 79 of these kids were under the age of 13. That's horrible. And they were sentenced to these crazy Long sentences, right?
Starting point is 00:25:53 How long I mean it would vary but I mean enough to really ruin your life Look at this several of the childhood victims are part of the lawsuit when began in 2009 have since died from overdoses or suicide Yeah Can we just for a minute Can we for a minute think about this from the judge's perspective? I Said for one minute not forever, okay Kids are pieces of shit No, it's listen it's still these judges are bad. They should be executed really I
Starting point is 00:26:44 Mean they're evil This is evil This isn't saying kids for cash judge released from prison over virus concerns Yeah, I missed this part of the article because of COVID they let him do what's it called? I don't know it's called this released a home confinement with six years left on his sentence because of COVID So he like what? Someone I mean Jesus what happened to vigilante justice here If that was my kid, I would kill these I would kill these judges
Starting point is 00:27:21 Mm-hmm. I'm not saying you should but I would You know Some of these parents might have been like take this kid and get it out of here. I Got things to do Man evil behavior from these guys when you're when you're talking about and by the way this isn't okay if people are older either I'm not trying to do one of these things where I go. Oh with the guys 25 you can sell them This is a bad idea and in fact Fucking schools should start building private prisons
Starting point is 00:27:58 In the playgrounds to teach the kids about Confinement in a for-profit institution and if I was a teacher and I should be we would have private prison Simulations all the time where kids would be locked up and We would explain to them why this happened. That seems like a good idea and I'm for it These judges are horrible and hopefully they die Yeah, I mean this is crazy Have you you know a lot of like people like I know some people too I don't know anyone that went to one of these private prisons. I don't know as a kid. I don't know anybody
Starting point is 00:28:46 My neighbor Jill once put a Pins petition on me person in need of supervision And Jill lived next to me and my parents would sometimes be gone And I was in the backyard with a friend of mine. We were smoking pot and I think we threatened her with a knife But it was like a joke, but we look waved a night friend like we'll kill you But it was like not you know what I mean She called the police I got a pin's petition person in need of supervision and I had to go to like family court to get that lifted or get that removed so that was like CPS or CPS exactly child protective services and they
Starting point is 00:29:26 tried to put a Pins petition on me and we had to go to my uncle and we went to court and we got that removed and I said I've been doing the right things and You know, I'm a good person but this is a This is a real problem if you do not have a Family that can help you And a judge like this sentences you to a situation like this
Starting point is 00:29:57 You will end up ODing or you will end up Turning to drugs And it's incredibly sad. So these guys are pieces of shit Um Point for Hassan piker Do you measure Turkish delight and put it there? We'll stack them up Who's what's the other side? What was there another side? Yeah when he's not right? Okay, and then that's also Turkish delight. No, that would have to be in a like an America of food of my of my heritage
Starting point is 00:30:34 like a potato So if he's wrong about something, we'll put a potato on one side of the scale Hmm, I like that like a big scoop of mashed potatoes and will fulfill the desk. It is It was correct. I Of course, I don't get it. I you know, I just this is a egregious example of the horrors of the current system I mean really can you find and by the way, I want to talk about this This new season of Cobra Kai's insane what they're gonna do Okay, no and I didn't know well, you don't know that you don't this is not okay
Starting point is 00:31:08 I have inside information here and I barely I barely want to discuss this because this is going to Enraged people and I don't want to be the first one to talk about it Cobra Kai is a show on Netflix About karate, right? It comes from the karate kid, right? Yes, it's just it's in its fourth season. It's fourth season on Netflix it is a What would you call this a reboot or extension? It's a sequel to the original karate It is a sequel to the original karate kid films What they're doing is they have these dojos these warring dojos of
Starting point is 00:31:49 These martial arts groups kids they fight each other and they dislike each other, right? Cobra Kai on Netflix. They're adding a dojo. This is true of all unhoused people in Los Angeles homeless people who are forced to beat the shit out of Each other for food and and the kids and the homeless people fight each other There's a third dojo this season and it's all homeless people in Los Angeles and the kids go and fuck them up The kids are like grabbing their fucking Chopping carts and Threnders beat the shit out of them and then the homeless people learn karate and
Starting point is 00:32:33 They come back and they fuck these kids up the homeless people learn the art because it's martial arts they learn how to control themselves and It is actually the pathway for many of them to get housing and to get sober martial arts and This is the whole idea is that martial arts is Actually, what needs to happen with the homeless and then it is not More funding or even more police or more enforcement Literally, it is martial arts is what changes the changes the thing for these homeless people
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I just think that's a little weird personally that they would do this Cobra Kai on Netflix would do a whole Season where you have a dojo of homeless people being forced to beat the living shit out of each other I Mean to me it feels wrong You know what it it feels tone deaf. Yes to me personally it feels Tone deaf To me personally They teach the homeless people many of them who have like one of the one of the new characters is a guy with like Iraq war flashbacks Okay, and they teach him
Starting point is 00:33:58 How to quiet his mind and Michael Arusa grabs him and goes quiet your mind He's like, you don't know the things I've done in Fallujah The things I did for this guy and he's like quiet your mind and beat the shit out of that kid And now you have just homeless homeless people learning karate Because that's really and you know in all seriousness It's probably the reason that many of them are homeless is that they don't have discipline and Actually in Cobra Kai's defense
Starting point is 00:34:35 Martial arts is like a great organizing principle of how to like structure your life so like it's maybe not the worst idea to Give homeless people free karate lessons and let them join The dojo There are certainly worse ideas that I've heard yeah, especially for that show I think Yeah, that show took a shit around season three. Yeah, and it's over now. Mm-hmm. It's all over You know The kids on Stranger Things are like 38 years old
Starting point is 00:35:14 They're like divorced twice You're gonna bump into one of those kids in LA like three years, so you're like I'm divorced, bro Like Finn Wolford's gonna have like a divorce in like five years and he's gonna be like sitting there Like drinking coffee in a cafe like smoking cigarettes staring at the ground And you're gonna be like hey, what's going on Finn you give it like hey, yeah, what? What's going on? He's like yeah, I'm fucking divorced I can't work Cuz I'm 40 and I still look like a freak
Starting point is 00:35:50 I'm kidding. You know Rosebud Baker a comedian just did some movie that he directed. Oh really? Yeah, I don't know which one I'll show it on screen. I'm just curious. We're not trying to give these people publicity They're doing enough on their own really frankly, you know who who helps me does anyone help me by the way Is it does anyone help me or do I have to keep pumping everyone else? Can anyone help me please Yeah, his first feature film it's called what's it called well, I think that's what he's To write and direct new horror comedy film it says here and yeah, why am I why am I not in it? Why am I not in it?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Am I not funny nice? Am I not horrible? His directorial debut what's it about? Let's see. Oh Write and direct a new horror comedy it's called hell of a summer Plot details and storylines are being kept hush-hush, and it's unclear when the film is slated. What eaters what? Why can't we know what it is? hell of a summer is It about when we put my mother in a home
Starting point is 00:37:18 These things always suck horror comedies always bad Yeah, always one cabin in the woods. What else I was gonna say army of darkness Okay, there's some things that are the shawna the dead Things like that. Oh, yeah, that's I love that actually but What we just keep naving no no you're you're no you're right. It's like three Ends it a fan of hard. I'm a creator of it. We have very different They're very different opinions true. We have very different opinions on things. I am a creator of art
Starting point is 00:37:55 Ben is like a fan boy. Mm-hmm, so we have different we have different Reactions, but he did direct a Netflix special and by the way, I Don't think people asked him understand how difficult it is to direct a Netflix special because you stand up comedy special Because you have to point the cameras at the stage It is one of the hardest things that anyone has ever done Which is why every member of Ben's family has tagged him 95 times in the thing that says directed by Ben Avery because they're so proud of him and They have a reason to be proud of him because the people that shot the special work for Louie
Starting point is 00:38:34 CK and Joe Rogan This group of people so they were incredibly new at this. They were novices They'd only done what four specials with Joe and fought for with Louie or something They hadn't done a lot So Ben made sure that they all pointed the cameras in the direction of the stage and not I don't know the lobby of the theater or someone else How was it working with it? What were the what were the real challenges of the oh?
Starting point is 00:39:08 The challenges getting the cameras at this to face the stage well First of all, I was thwarted immediately because I tried to leave all the lens caps on the cameras Wow shooting because I was actually trying to sabotage the whole but no let's think about it your family's incredibly proud of you about this and They're very proud and Do they do they understand that they any of them could have done this Let do your brothers and mother understand that they too could have done this thing that you did Should we say they are also executive producers and by the way? Why is my fat agent on it that I did not know why is he why special thanks to him I?
Starting point is 00:39:55 Think well he got me the meeting with Brady So he set up a zoom meeting with Brady did he put himself Did he put himself as special thanks? Cuz no one put him. Oh, no, I think it's Sam talent Wendy who runs comp and I think it might be Justin. I know it is but who put him No, I mean literally who put him I have no idea a special thanks who put him I don't know man. I put Sam talent and Wendy who put him once it got into Netflix hands someone could have just sent them a note Well, what does it mean?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Well, it's just a little bit absurd and insane Then my agent Who sat there through the first show that was unusable eating spaghetti or whatever he was doing Has put himself as a special thanks You know who no one thanked me Everybody else got thanked the agent you But it was different it is difficult it is not it's not an easy thing to do to point cameras at a stage It is very difficult and I'm very happy that Ben did it as well as he did it was it it was tough and trying
Starting point is 00:41:16 But we appreciate that and we are very very very grateful to him a genius of a man who was able to Point a camera At me for an hour. It's like this show. It's exactly. Well, this show is more difficult occasionally. You look something up a little harder, right But it was you know, that was that was pretty big And you take they've removed him. I don't know what's what why they're removing him
Starting point is 00:41:51 They're just removing people now. They don't like it seems Yeah, and they never give a clear cut here. They never give a reason. I mean by the way, I've heard a lot of what he Has said and I know some of it gets people going but You know some of what he says that I've heard Isn't that crazy What is this misogyny is a hateful ideology that is not tolerated on tiktok? What that's not true Um
Starting point is 00:42:24 Yeah, I just they seem like they're removing people with whom they have underlying Ideological differences and they're just trying to figure out how to get rid of them and again, I'm not Joining hustlers university. I won't be signing up But I don't think you should this guy should be removed
Starting point is 00:42:53 I don't you know What is like do they even tell anyone why Well, they just say you're misogynist, but then they don't like the the thing is they don't link you to the specific thing It wasn't your misogynist a month ago when he was on to like this is what I don't understand. Hmm. What what what's changed? Why can't a misogynist talk? I don't understand He thinks let's say he thinks men are better than women. Let's say he has that belief I mean, I don't know. It can't should he not be able to say anything
Starting point is 00:43:32 You know I I'm just I'm unmoved People will counter his belief with their own beliefs some of them will be quite persuasive You know I just don't understand What now it's like misogyny Is it grounds? Yeah, and now getting kicked off and apparently he's been booted from twitter as of 2017 because he tweeted now Here's a specific one right he tweeted that women who are sexually assaulted bear some responsibility
Starting point is 00:44:08 I don't know the context of that post but or what made him think it but I think if you look at his larger quote his larger context He said something to the extent that if you go out and get drunk and go home the guy and get into his bed and he does a Wrong thing You have to analyze some of your behavior. Now by the way, you could be offended by that It's absolutely appropriate to be offended by that and say I I think that he's justifying Or excusing Rape
Starting point is 00:44:39 but I also don't think by the way That that is a crazy beyond the pale opinion that is not held by lots of people and what I mean by that is this There are a lot of reasonable rational people out there that think that yes, men are violent Certainly when you add alcohol to the mix and they're strangers and it doesn't justify their behavior at all But the idea that a woman doesn't have to take extra care to protect herself In our society is probably Naive to believe that so I don't you know, I again, I just think that like
Starting point is 00:45:19 They want a villain And he may want to be the villain. I don't know. I think they're casting him in the role as the villain And maybe he wants to be that role I don't know him but if if I look at the Examples I'm being given here I'm not seeing anything sufficient to remove this guy From social media. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:45 completely I don't see any reason for that And again, no one's gonna care what I say, right? But I did just speak on the Joe Rogan show and I said the most um I said the most meaningful thing that's ever been said On his show, uh, that that rant I had was the most Articulate meaningful thing that's ever been said in the history of the world To be honest it was
Starting point is 00:46:17 Do you believe there was anything that's ever been said that's better than that? Uh Sermon on the mount What's the sermon on the mount? I think it's uh, it's that one Jesus did where he was like We should all like be nice to each other and stuff. Yeah had that workout like I'm like Like it's like I'm talking about shit. That's real It's gonna actually happen
Starting point is 00:46:43 You're talking about fairy tales Um Yeah, I just listen I'm not saying that women are should be blamed for rape. I'm saying that Someone should be allowed to offer an opinion on a controversial situation He's in one video he demonstrates how he would attack a female partner if she ever accused him of cheating Quote it's bang out the machete boom in her face and grip her by the neck shut up bitch
Starting point is 00:47:21 Um It's bang out the machete boom in the face and grip her by the neck shut up bitch Um, what's he doing there cutting your head off? Uh, he's just describing uh, how he would attack a female partner if she ever uh accused him of cheating And he goes it's bang out the machete boom in her face and grip her by the neck Like you got to threaten her so you got it right up next to her Well, but if my whole thing is if he didn't cheat Mm-hmm, and she's accusing him of cheating. How's he supposed to respond?
Starting point is 00:48:03 I'm I'm confused Um, maybe it's in maybe it's in a better context here. Should we play this? Maybe it'll make sense. Yes A man can only cheat if he loves someone else If I have a woman who I truly love and I go out and fuck and I come back to her and I don't care about her And I only love my girl. That's not cheating. That's exercise if she even talks to it's very funny By the way, that's incredibly funny. Yeah, it's not that bad Well, you know listen man People are gonna this is what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:48:42 um The bigger you get the more of a target you become and listen, I'm not saying andretate is You know, I don't think he should be the go-to for I think young guys listening to him probably Will get some bad ideas in their head But there's young people often have bad ideas in their head and good ideas in their head And they sort them out as they get older. This is not new None of this is new. I had bad ideas in my head when I grew up and you know who they were from my parents You know now there's people on the internet that can influence people for sure
Starting point is 00:49:16 But there's a lot of other people that can influence you too positively negatively I don't see any rule the ruling is gavel put him back on social media. Please. I don't see any reason Holding the machete to someone's neck if that's a problem. Well, I don't know get me out of here He didn't do it. He said it Yeah, I'll put a machete to someone's I mean that's hypothetically speaking. He would do such a thing if he said if right acts then why If I'm accused of cheating I'll use the machete
Starting point is 00:49:54 But he's not really gonna do it It's probably a goof It's a joke. I don't know There's gonna be a villain all the time We're a society and you make a lot of money being the villain by the way people like villainizing you and um Around time the uk police were investigating abuse tate is understood of left uk for romania and one video explaining his reasons For the movie suggested it was because it'd be easier to evade rape charges
Starting point is 00:50:27 He goes this is called for probably 40 percent of the reason I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free Well, but does that mean he's raping people it technically no He's saying he likes the idea of having it as an option because you could read that two ways He goes, listen, I'm not a rapist. I like the idea of being able to do what I want. I like the idea of doing that I'm what I'm free so I think There's a way to interpret that where he's going listen. I'm not like a sicko I just don't want to be uh, I don't want to live in a nanny state
Starting point is 00:51:02 But I didn't know You know what I mean? Like I think he's You Then in april the brothers mansion was raided by police following a tip off from the u.s. Embassy that a 20-year-old Or a 21-year-old american woman was being held against her will Tates were taken in for questioning before being released and denying wrongdoing the romanian authorities said last week that the investigation Later expanded to cover human trafficking and rape allegations was ongoing Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:51:32 I don't know about any of this. He just had a cam house where he would like there was like cam girls and stuff I mean, what are you gonna do? I mean, you know My problem is when you take somebody off social media, they can't respond to any of this right This is the big problem if you destroy people's ability to respond You can say stuff about them And this is a Gavin McGinnis point actually that I'm making here Many years ago when I when I knew Gavin
Starting point is 00:52:07 Um, who he is also controversial um but Gavin Said yeah, they kicked me off all these things and I couldn't respond So people could say anything about me. They could say I'm a nazi. I'm this I'm that And I did not have any Place to respond to what was being said about me
Starting point is 00:52:29 So I no matter what you think about Gavin that that is a valid Argument that if you kick somebody off and you call them names Maybe they're true. Maybe they're not but that person now has no recourse To talk back And then you can kind of villainize them And create this character that they may or may not have been And
Starting point is 00:52:58 This seems to be The mo of a lot of these companies. This is what it seems to be it does not seem to be Changing and I do believe this ultimately Will lead to a Kind of a Schism Google schism and tell everyone what it means This is going to lead to a schism
Starting point is 00:53:30 It is a split or decision between strongly opposed sections or parties caused by differences in opinion or belief That's correct. But this is what it means What it means is that I believe you're going to see I think rumbles one of the first Attempts at this with a lot of People on it. You're going to just further see Uh people Retreating into
Starting point is 00:53:59 Their corners here you think you think tate will go to rumble I get he could be a rumble guy. I could see that. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure or uh As a pickup artist guy those guys usually have their own Websites he could go on like a pickup artist forum and and probably destroy behind his own paywall though, right? Listen, I don't know what he's doing. I'm sure the courses he teaches are not Uh going to lead you to be a billionaire, but I think when you just take somebody off all of social media Uh, it is you know, there has to be some There has to be an intertates hustlers university affiliate program shut down following meta ban
Starting point is 00:54:48 This guy got so big so quick. Yeah, they put a stop to that Yeah, and again, I don't know much about him. So I mean, it's very possible that he's not a good guy But there's a lot of people that aren't a good guy, right? It's also possible. He's misunderstood or whatever and you know, I don't I don't care You know, whether people are good or bad to me is such a boring and it's like It's like what is the greater? What is the what is the greater? threat this guy
Starting point is 00:55:19 Or companies deciding whether or not you can speak It's like is this a guy this like Pick a bar this guy with the university The biggest threat. Is he a bigger threat? Then the collusion of government and big tech This big blob of power that's completely unaccountable that can shut you off at any time is that Not dangerous at all. Does that not merit a discussion?
Starting point is 00:55:56 And we're talking about whether we're a Romanian guy got into fight with his girlfriend in 2017 Because he's got he's hot on the internet for three months This is this is the thing He must be vanquished now Before what he becomes the president I'm confused as always again
Starting point is 00:56:22 that defending, you know The the the forest for the trees, which is something that no one can see and people choose not to um If fathers Cannot it cannot go back to talking to their sons We're all doomed Doesn't matter if it's Andrew Tate or whoever if if people cannot Go back to educating their children
Starting point is 00:56:54 About how to act and behave Then I I don't know what hope there is really So this guy can be his kind of scapegoat and he's got some wacky ideas, but at the end of the day You know I think it's you know, you got to look at really What is the reason For his popularity What is the reason for the popularity of a lot of people?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Is it because we do live in a world Where many manifestations of traditional masculinity are kind of bemoaned and demonized and called toxic and that dudes are trying to figure out and navigate A new landscape and sometimes it just feels good if somebody goes hey fuck it Fuck it I'm going to say egregious crazy shit
Starting point is 00:58:00 Because the new world Is exhausting Tiring And there's nothing in it for you. They're building a world where If you're a straight white guy or any straight guy really um You're constantly told that you inherently
Starting point is 00:58:23 Your nature Is a danger and a problem and There's somebody who comes along and goes no, it's not you're actually fine. You're okay and That's popular. Well, of course, it's going to be pop. Why wouldn't it be popular? No, yes, does it go too far and does he say crazy shit? I'm sure it's the internet But well, why is it why is it getting an audience? Why is it? Gaining traction because no one is speaking to these young kids young men
Starting point is 00:58:56 Young dudes, they're they're not being served by anybody Speaking to them Groups of people that are being championed Or being included in a discussion or being praised Do not include a lot of these young dudes who have no idea Where they fit into society so It's the job of their fathers or the job of their families communities
Starting point is 00:59:25 But maybe all that shit's not working, right? Maybe it's not happening Enter Andrew Tate enter whoever and You know, some of what he said I think that I've heard has been pretty good a six-stop wanting figure figure yourself Out there are ways that you can Be self-reliant productive You know, this doesn't mean that these are all Going to work
Starting point is 00:59:56 But I do think some of it is positive for sure Um, and I've always had a problem when everybody goes. Yeah, we're just going to delete People and then everyone goes good and then they Enjoy the deplatforming of their enemies and then when it happens to them, they don't uh They don't make the connection They feel they feel to make the Connection Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:28 But I don't know I would not I don't know if I'd be buying his course I don't really I don't know how many people's course I would buy What is his course at hustlers universe is it like lesson one how to choke a bitch out with a machete I don't know It's supposed to be like helps you with investing. I'll but I'll join it if it's about the machete Uh, thanks for all the uh positive feedback with uh, Ben's directorial debut
Starting point is 01:01:04 for any live dates if we put them up We have a merch drop. When's that coming? You've handled that too. When's that coming? Uh, well, didn't you say you want to move? Is your family going to do that? Are they going to go? Congrats on the merch, Ben And emailed the designer who did the merch You think we'll have like seven of those things Congrats to Ben he did he emailed the merch guy Email the merch guy
Starting point is 01:01:33 Congrats. Yay So when do you think the it comes out like january? Like where are you saying like october 1st? I would like it to come out in late september october. Do you think that's possible? Very possible. Yeah Ben's angry with me because we We ended up recording the episode late So he harbors a lot of resentments and rage is a very rageful and angry person But that anger only destroys him. It has absolutely no impact on me
Starting point is 01:02:07 You understand? Yeah, it's not i'm a sober person. I don't have resentments ben White knuckles his sobriety and has resentments and rage issues and anger But I don't have those things. Yep Every every second you spend hating is like stealing a precious jewel from yourself That's right. You know what resentments are it's hating someone while they're out dancing They're unaffected So i'm unaffected by your hatred of me And so you've been very hateful all day. You don't you don't feel like that
Starting point is 01:02:42 I thought I've been like funny and fun. You've been very sloth like and hateful Yes, you've been very tight. You've been like spaced out and kind of out of it And uh, you know It's just the behavior Just the behavior it's not my It's not my fault It's not my fault Right
Starting point is 01:03:10 What's not your fault? Whatever you are going through. I don't think i'm going going through anything. Okay I'm just i'm just uh You're tired. No, i'm just i'm not even tired. I'm just chilling I got i'll be up till five Why will you be up till five get the episode out? You're like the slaves on the plantation outside of that school picking the cotton You want to sing an old slave song together? Oh, uh, how about um, what's that one? I don't know really low voice Well, that's not a slave song. It's old man river. That's a slave song. No, he's just on a he's on a he's on a
Starting point is 01:03:54 river boat But is he like I don't pick cotton. Oh, yeah, he does say that Yeah Well, anyway, I do not you know, it is that yeah, I guess it's true Do you have anything else to plug here? Well, can you get them excited about the merch? You keep downplaying the merch You're like, oh, it won't be it's gonna be good. It'll be fine. I came up with uh, one of the designs for it What is your design that you came up with? Off one the alpha, okay
Starting point is 01:04:34 I chose the typeface and uh, yeah I came up with the design for the knife fight. Well, don't tell him Don't tell him surprise. It's supposed to be a surprise No, what's it supposed to know? I came up with a fake business You came up with the Enron logo in the um But I came up with the actual fake business But I I edited the podcast that you did that went out. That's correct
Starting point is 01:05:03 And I could have like the camera could have out of focus the whole time. Maybe I could have forget to hit record It was lost to the sands of time That's right, but you didn't do it. I'm sure you'll do that more and more often As it says as you are As you try to kill me Which is fine. Stop imitating joe. It's so wrong of you Um We delusional it's 103 a.m. We've got three more hours to go here
Starting point is 01:05:37 Unless I put it out tomorrow at six because I wonder if it'll mess us up in the algorithm to put it out so early When are you gonna put it out? I'm thinking maybe tomorrow at six since it's so late if we put it out No one's gonna be up. No one's gonna be watching it and then it's just gonna get yeah, put it out tomorrow at six Yeah, that makes sense Oh, I forgot it's saturday Yeah what
Starting point is 01:06:01 Can you play alcofina doing the black set from yeah, I just can't play the uh video Yeah, I'll just do the audio and do the audio. Yeah. Yeah I'll give you the black set Oh, there's like compilations if we're doing this Oh, that's amazing black sent compilation Yeah, I just won't play uh We just leave with this because I think it's funny
Starting point is 01:06:29 Okay, and I don't know why anyone's mad at it and I actually think it's I like this I think it's fun I Sorry about Danny This is the ocean age recruitment scene. Oh, I gotta slide through this now She came back though. She like she like oh here we go money, okay, really? free card monty, okay
Starting point is 01:07:00 saw the queen live your dream, but don't sleep don't sleep So she might disappear by that I like it. That's crazy to me. She like she liked you. All right. Let's hit it anywhere She said let's hit an n word I like it. I think it's good. I think it's fun Now by the way, is that Andrew Tate's fault? Is that Andrew Tate's fault? Is there a way to blame that on Andrew Tate too?
Starting point is 01:07:34 Tim Dillon comedy if you uh, Tim Tate Dillon di llo went on instagram twitter Real hero netflix special. Thank you. We will see you soon. Good night. Goodbye

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