The Tim Dillon Show - 367 - The War At Home

Episode Date: October 28, 2023

Tim talks about the Israel-Hamas war, being on 'Instagram timeout', call centers and why Americans will skirt the draft. American Royalty Tour - Final Leg 🎟 Pre-O...rder ‘Death By Boomers’ By Tim Dillon 👉 SPONSORS: DraftKings Get DraftKings App & Use Code 'TIMDILLON' Magic Mind MagicMind.Com Morgan & Morgan: For more information go to Helix Sleep Go to for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, Tim Dylan is on tour. It's the final leg of the American royalty tour Rochester, New York, New York, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Houston, Texas, San Diego, California Detroit, Michigan, Toronto, Ontario, Austin, Texas, Bray at California, Columbus, Ohio, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Northfield, Ohio, San Antonio, Texas, Dallas, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, St. Louis, Missouri, Indianapolis, Indiana, Boston, Massachusetts, and then Foxwoods in Connecticut. Go to, promo code fakebizfakbiz. What?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Tickets are on sale now. Tickets are on sale now. And then after this, I'm taking a nice long break. So get the tickets, enjoy the show, and then you'll never see me for a while. Then I'll be back 90 days later screaming about that. I'm kidding. I'm taking a little bit of a break. These are the final markets that we haven't done the hour in. You're going to love them.
Starting point is 00:01:00 You're going to love the show. It's a great show. We don't, if you're for Israel, for Palestine, no matter what you're going to love the show. It's a great show. We don't, if you're for Israel, for Palestine, no matter what you're for, you come on out, kill each other at the show. You have a big fight at the show. You're everybody fight at the show. I'll sit on stage and have a sandwich. Good night. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dylan show. I am here. Happy Halloween. We are progressing. We are moving forward. I have on my head something called, I believe, a shaman.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And a, and a, Yamaha. I'm representing both, and the free press, which is Barry Weiss's, even though she won't come on the show because I am in Hamas. That is the one reason she will not come on. We have the Free Press hat that we are displaying prominently on the desk. And you know, I mean, I just got out of the comedy store
Starting point is 00:02:05 with an amazing audience and with a great show. And I'll let my mouth come out a little bit here because I feel like that helps with the audio, even though I do like it up like this, right? It sounds the same, right? It sounds a little muffled. What do you like about it like this? Well, because I like, I actually see the point now, you know, really getting into somebody's eyes
Starting point is 00:02:28 And the whole idea is that You can't really understand a person until you've Looked into their eyes, but no, I do I do probably to do the show It's a little It's a little muffled. We can do this. And we have our Yamaha here for the Jews. And we have the Princess Diana bear as well. You know, I'll probably have to take this off too.
Starting point is 00:03:04 My face is very blotchy, so I put a lot of, some type of weird thing on it that made it worse. And now I look corpse-like. And because I look very pale, so I watched it off. And then instead of just whatever recording it another time I had my producer, I said, just fix me an Islamic headdress, which he was able to do very quickly. We're here in Beverly Hills. It was not a problem. We're able to do it immediately. But I do think unfortunately, we will have to kind of, you know, take it off. And then it's hard. It's hard to, it's God.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's time in the back. You got it. It is difficult. It is difficult. It is difficult to do these things and to keep them going, but we do. We have them all here for everyone. We are, everybody is, you know, a lot of people have been very negative about this war.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And I've been one of them. And I've realized that that's kind of self-defeating to be negative about this conflict. I think actually, we must, actually, with it unironically here, look at some of the benefits of this. And there are, there are some, they're not obvious. There's obvious benefits to having an ice cream sandwich or, or bringing a sick friend some chicken soup. These are obvious benefits, but when it comes to a war of civilizations, or whatever is happening.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But you know everybody's like, oh, we're on the brink of World War III. I've said it a bunch. We are, but here's the deal. We need this a little bit. We meet, we're coming out of a pandemic. We're out of it now, but we have a lot of economic uncertainty. We need a little bit of, hey, we need a little bit of turbulence. We do. We don't function really well without it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Since 9-11, we've had it. Whether we've manufactured it or it's happened naturally, we need a little bit of turbulence. Turbulence makes the flight go by a little faster. It does because you're a little scared and you're kinda like, and you're not thinking, you're just not watching the clock. You're not watching that, you know, the thing that they give you, the flight map
Starting point is 00:05:58 where you watch the flight make it very slow progress to where your final destination is. When you start getting rocked around in the sky, you don't look at the flight map. And then you're like, oh, we made some time. We need a little bit of turbulence. This is actually, I know a lot of people are negative. A lot of people are upset. A lot of people are rightfully concerned about their own safety, the safety of others, the safety of their family. Can we zoom out? Can we zoom the fuck out for a minute? Look at this in the macro. We need it. We need it. We need the, we need destroyers in the sea. We need planes buzzing each other. We need to build some weapons. It's what we do. This is what we do. It's who we are. And I think it's time that we embrace it and stop pretending
Starting point is 00:07:09 that it isn't good. It has its drawbacks. Substantial loss of life is one of them. I could be one of the, we don't know who gets it. We don't know who's going to get it. We never do. But in the macro, this is what our country does. This is what we've built an arsenal of weaponry to do. This is why we have all these bases. This is why we have this labyrinth of intelligence agencies. This is why we have all this stuff. Yeah, you may not like it. And I might agree with you. You might make a lot of good points, but no one cares about your points and no one cares about mine. We are all passengers on a voyage.
Starting point is 00:08:00 We are passengers on the, we are in, we are in coach, some of us are in first class. None of us are in the cockpit. None of us are landing this plane. None of us got it off the ground. We don't know where it's going. This is not an, you could go on Instagram. You can go on, I can't right now because the pizza hot video, which they were not thrilled with. I'm having a little time out. And I'm realizing era of my way, I'm sorry and I realize that. To the, to yum brands. To the people at yum brands.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I am sorry that I implied in a video that pizza hut supported Hamas. I apologize to the good people at Yum brands, the people that poison our citizens and our children. The people at Yum brands whose job is to see how much plastic they can legally put in ranch dressing and how much saturated fat and trans fat and sugar and all these things, they can cram into every morsel of food that they serve to children at mall food courts and community college food courts, killing the people that they serve, the good people at young brands. I apologize
Starting point is 00:09:30 for implying even satirically, which it clearly was, that pizza hut was in any way in league with Hamas, even though pizza hut and Hamas are kind of similar in many ways. Certainly Pizza Hut and the Palestinians have some similarities. Pizza Hut's not running the show. We could admit that. Pizza Hut's not really happy with the way things have gone the past 10, 15 years. Let's admit that. So I thought it was quite clear that if anyone was going to come out and endorse Hamas, it would be pizza hot, who has, it's been nothing, they've done nothing but lose ground to
Starting point is 00:10:14 other better funded, you know, expansionist operations like Papa Johns and Domino's. And so I'm in a little timeout over there. I got to give credit to where credit is. Do I do respect Amy Schumer for going out and speaking her piece? You may not like it. You may not agree. But she is going out there and she is not backing down and people are giving her a lot of shit for what she's saying. I don't know what she's saying now because I'm not on Instagram because of young brands in their infinite wisdom who have hit up the great people at Metta and of course are going at me. But I respect people that go balls to the wall and say this is the way I feel and I don't
Starting point is 00:11:02 care if you don't like it. And I got to say, I mean, I'm probably not her favorite person. I don't know. We've never had any conflicts that are that, you know, huge. We, I mean, I've disagreed with him. But I would say that I do, you got to respect when someone is in the public eye and is going hard for the things that they feel are right and true. And what I'm saying about this war and what I'm saying about is that everybody better
Starting point is 00:11:35 enjoy it. It's not going anywhere. You better get to like it. You better like it. You better figure out what about it. You like it. You better like it. You better figure out what about it you like. It's like your stepmother. No one wants a step, no one wants a stepparent. I've said this before.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It's a horrible thing for children to go through to have a stranger come into your home and simulate a role. No one loves a step pair. It's never happened. Never one time. And, and, and I don't mean that you won't be grudgingly tolerate someone or that you and that person can have a friendship like you would have with a local librarian that
Starting point is 00:12:18 you know. What I'm saying is deep love is hard with a step parent. And, and, and, but you better, but your father or mother loves that person and you better figure it out. And this country likes war. We like it. And we're gonna, and we're gonna maybe get into with you because that's kind of what we do.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And there's got to be a part of you that just resign of what we do. And there's gotta be a part of you that just resigns yourself to it. You don't have to be on war footing per se. No one's asking you to do that. That's the good thing about a merit. We don't ask you to do it. Israel's asking their people to do it. All we ask you to do in this country is eat.
Starting point is 00:13:07 There's something nice about that. We're on the brink. We've been in wars forever. I know and is even asked me or any of my friends to do a sit-up or run around the track or learn how to fire a gun or, you know, no one. We are asked very little where all we're asked to do is sit around and consume by crap, throw shit on a charge card, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:35 move in with your brother and charlotte and try to get a job. We can do whatever we, we don't have to make any sacrifices. There's enough people to do that. When they don't ask us to do that. We're not asked to do that. Nobody get knocked. Hello. Yeah. Time to fight.
Starting point is 00:13:56 What? Time to fight today. What do you mean? Do you crane? What? No one's allowed to be gay What do you mean you can't be trans if Russia and they're gonna make you not be trans of the Ukraine
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yo, I was sleeping you're gonna be in a fucking war now. No one's saying that No one knocks on your door and goes Hi Do you understand that they don't have a real housewives franchise in Qatar? No. Well, you better fucking get your head blown off so that one day they do.
Starting point is 00:14:36 That's because that's a lot of the rationale we have now, you know, but and I listen, I'm not saying it's, it's it's sad for gay people in Qatar, although I did read an article that there were some gay people in Qatar that were having a good time. I don't know what's happening. I'm sure saying it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's our lust for blood. We have a lust for blood and yet nobody really asked you so you should really maybe not be that mad about it. Now I know I just spoke to a guy at the Combie Store. His aunt was killed in a drone strike in Gaza which is sad and by the way if anyone wants to power glide to my aunt's house, I have a fucking address! But the point is, how come everyone else gets their aunt killed?
Starting point is 00:15:29 The point is this, that is sad, but he didn't know her that well. The point is this, I'm saying, for a country that goes to war as much as we do, that is always involved in something or other. We were in Afghanistan for like my entire life, for my whole life. No one even knew. No one even knew they actually stopped reporting it on the news. Nobody even asked. So my thing is this, you're not asked to do anything in Israel.
Starting point is 00:16:02 They call up their reserves. They actually have to fight. There was this really sad story about a anything in Israel. They call up their reserves. They actually have to fight. There was this really sad story about a kid in Maryland. We're not gonna get it out. Put it in post. It is what it is. Just trust me. I'm not lying to you folks.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Not making things up here. I don't have to every minute. I don't have to go to the article and do the thing. The thing is the boom. It was a kid. He's like 22 or whatever. He splits his time in Israel and America. The way I do it in, in, you know, New York and LA and Texas, I travel around the world. And that is the world. By the way, New York LA in Austin.
Starting point is 00:16:40 After this thing happened, he goes to Israel and he's killed immediately by a Hezbollah rocket and it's tragic and he's a hero because he believed in this thing and he was a fucking soldier and I respect the hell out of somebody like that. And in Israel, you have to, that's your thing. Everybody does, I believe, a mandatory two years of military service in Israel. And then I believe you guys kind of go into the reserves. They fight. They are asked to make a sacrifice. In America, not really. Right? There's no draft. No draft yet.
Starting point is 00:17:21 There's never going to be a draft. There'll never be a draft in this, there'll never be a draft in this country. There'll never be a draft in this country. There'll never be a draft. Because, I mean, unless we are completely besieged, but then we have weapons, we have, we've invested what we've done, which was intelligent, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:46 We looked at our population and said, we better have good weapons. We better have great weapons because our population, with all due respect, are morbidly obese fentanyl addicts who commit sex crimes. You know, that's many of them, not all, but a good amount of our population or morbidly obese fentanyl addicts committing sex crimes. Those people are a liability. Now, why did, how did they get there? I don't know, we poison them all
Starting point is 00:18:17 by, you know, serving them paint chips and young brands and all their fucking food they shoved down your throat. And, you know and all of this crap. And we've lied to them and we've poisoned the well with the media and everything else and we've confused people to the point where many of them are walking around in a fugue state,
Starting point is 00:18:38 kind of, they are an extreme liability to have on the front lines of any war. The average American on the front lines of any war. The average American on the front lines of any war, they'll kill each other. They'll kill each other. They will not be an asset to the operation. It is much better with drones and it is much better with technology. You're looking at me, be agreeing with it. You must agree with me here. The front lines of a war with an average American right now would be a disaster. The military does not want the people.
Starting point is 00:19:11 They don't want them. They've been asked. The government has asked the military, would you like a draft? Do you want the citizenry? They don't. The citizenry in America is too used to killing each other. It's not cohesive. Russia, they're emptying the prison so they can fight in the Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Russia has almost no prisoners left because they keep opening the prisons and letting all the prisoners just go fight in the Ukraine. And maybe we would do something like that. I don't know, but I cannot see a draft happening in America. It just doesn't seem like it would be good for the, like, you know, cohesion. I mean, could you imagine, like, maybe some people would rise to the occasion, but a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:20:04 there's their phones out, they'd be taking foot like, you can't just take this population and turn them into honorable soldiers now. You can't. You take the tournament honorable soldiers now? No, you can't. Teachers are like dating their students.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I mean, what are we doing here? We're gonna turn every, I just drove down the street. There's influencers with their tits out, there's car crashes because people are swerving around these idiots. You can't turn them into loyal, honorable soldiers at the moment. It's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:20:43 That's why if you go out into the California desert, we have underground facilities with the machinery of death. We have invested in the machinery of death so that that will do the job for us. That's the same shit that it's the same reason we have the robot cops coming into all the cities because we've realized technology is going to be the thing, not people, not people. It's not in my fat brethren, my drug addicted, I mean, how much medication is every American on? That they'd be expected within the military,
Starting point is 00:21:27 they'd have seven pills they need every day to just not kill the person next to them. They need three or four pills to get out of the tent to just go on about their day. There is no draft. Can you imagine that? Uh, Mr. Sergeant, has anyone seen my pro's act? It was next to the Zadaks. It's next to the Syracool. There'd be massive pharmaceutical operations
Starting point is 00:21:59 to just get the people out of the tent every morning, get the gun in their hand. They don't have no, here's one thing, we would have no problem killing children. There is benefits to a draft. We would have no qualms killing children. If we had to, I mean, we would thank, it would be no problem to kill them in our country. We would have no conscience. There'd be no moral qualms about anything we had to do. It would be the simple fact of like, could we do it in the allotted amount of time? Would we listen? Would we be organized? That's the worry. That would be the worry. Like how does this actually happen? What is the functionality of drug addicts?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Who eat young brands food all day? How do they? So we're not gonna do that. America is not keen on us in the war zone in the battleground. We don't even try, we never even try. Like, we are basically like keep the people away. Let the people do what they're designed to do. Go to the mall, go to the food place, get the food, get your prescription, go home, go to the phone scam, go to telemarketing, scam the old people, call the old people,
Starting point is 00:23:24 tell them their roof is fucked, get their credit card number. You know what I mean? Like that's what people really in this country are meant to do. Go to the call center, go to the call center, get here's a list of people, call the people, get their credit card numbers or social security numbers, rob them. This is what people are designed to do. Not be an honorable soldier on a war. No, it's go to the call center. Here's where you have lunch.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You have lunch at Ranch One. You got a chicken and cheese sandwich. Pretty good. Ranch One chicken and cheese is good because they have the, they have the long flat pickle that you've they have the they have the long flat pickle That you've lastic used to do the long flat pickle the sandwich stacker Ranch one has a really good chicken sandwich and then you just call old people That's the majority of the American economy is calling old people to terrifying them
Starting point is 00:24:22 Screaming at them tell them they're, everything's going to lose everything. But you have to give me or you have to pay for this stuff. I remember after Hurricane Sandy, there was a group, there was a call center in Long Island where I knew a comic who was working at it, where their job was to call old people and tell them that the government, FEMA had given them too much money and they had over-improved their houses. And FEMA wanted some of it back.
Starting point is 00:24:48 This is true. And people in Long Island lined up to do it because they're amoral. They have no morality. So they would call... Now if there was... This is kind of a war. We have the best soldiers in the world at that war. The war of just calling an old person and go,
Starting point is 00:25:06 hi, how are you? Is this Mrs. Donnelly? Yes. Now, do you remember when you got, I believe it was $92,000 from FEMA to make improvements to your house? Well, yes, I do. It was very hard, but we did it. Yeah. FEMA actually looked at their records. You only should have gotten about 60,000. You owe us $30,000. Literally, they were doing that to people and she goes, what? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:25:38 You'll lose your house if you don't come up with a payment plan. But this is how sick people, those people that are willing to do that, they're willing to call elderly people and demand money back. You cannot put them in a war zone. Do you understand? You can't put them in a situation where they have, we have not trained Americans to that. We've trained Americans in a war zone. You have to just not, you have to go like, you have to listen to the general,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and you can't ask questions. You got to listen to your superiors. Americans are not built like that. They're built to not, they will listen to people and they will carry out orders with only if they can identify their self interest in it immediately. Only if if Americans are not because and I got the great rate come, we've said it many, many times and I'm going to say it again, it's why we could not have a draft. We are a nation of fat cowards. And there is nothing
Starting point is 00:26:56 where it's okay to be cowards or and or it's okay to be fat. But there's nothing worse. Do you know how demoralizing it is to watch fat people run away from a battle? Do you know how demoralizing it would be on the world stage to watch fat people abandon and go AWOL and run away from a battle, which they would do in mass. If the Americans cannot identify theirself, and if you want Americans to be in a war, you got to make it a business where they can get money and real money.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You have to make it an entrepreneurial act if it's not going to work. If Americans cannot identify, the thing that Israel has done brilliantly is everything like it's Israel, it's us. They have a little left no state over there. Meaning that's, I know that they're like, well, there's some Arabs over there peacefully too.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Yeah, it's primarily about the Jews. And there's nothing wrong with that, but that's what it's about. So everybody there is like, it's for Israel. Like, my friends that are Israeli and they're Jewish, it is Israel. They go on birthright when they're young. They hook up with a chick. They have fun. They have a great relationship to Israel because it is they consider it like part of their home and they will fight for it and they will die for it. I don't like New Jersey. You know what I mean? But, you know, let's just,
Starting point is 00:28:32 America, we've not been trained with that mentality. Like we're all in it to get, we're not in it together in America. We've not been, that hasn't been, we're not really like, you know, Israelis truly believe that Israel is their home and they're willing to die for their home. There's something very beautiful about that.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Very, it's very old school is a lot of honor there. Americans believe we're here, but we're here and we're all kind of also competing with each other. And we also need to defeat other people to have the good American experience. Like we need to kind of get over on these people and we need to see these people as a problem and what tends to happen is we just don't have the same experience as Jewish people in the state of Israel, right?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Like who are really ready to fight and die for it. That's why people will sacrifice everything and make the great sacrifice for Israel. But in America, that's just not not I'm just imagining like a draft and like some like Christus Stefano calling me And he's like, what's up, bro? I don't like this. I'm like, yeah, I don't I don't like it. Eat. What are we? What?
Starting point is 00:29:59 He's like, bro, like I love America, but what's the deal with this bullshit? I know. Yeah, me too. I got, I'm trying to buy like Trevor Noah's car. I, where do we got to go die? Like it just isn't, we, here's the deal. Countries make deals with people. The deal is real made with its citizens was like, we've got this beautiful paradise you're all a part of.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And you're just, you're born Jewish, you're in it, but you got a sacrifice for it, okay? America's deal with people is just kinda just like, hey, you're here, shut up a little bit. Shut up a little bit, don't, don't, don't ask too many questions about why the news doesn't really make sense. Don't ask why this is what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Just kinda go with it. Let us do what we do. We play the songs. We do the stuff. We'll do the football games. We do the flyover. You show up. It's all good. We're not going to really ask you to go out and lay your life down for it. We're going to let people kill you in our country. That's gonna happen. Everyone has the right to kind of be whoever they want here. You can have a gun. You can kind of do what I have. You could go insane.
Starting point is 00:31:12 We're gonna experiment on some of you. Some of you are gonna, you know, wash out a controversial weird program. They're gonna put your right back. We'll put your right back in general population. We're gonna try to brainwash some of you in experiments and after that, we're gonna, we just keep it fun here. We're gonna try to brainwash some of you and experiment and after that, we're gonna throw, we just keep it fun here.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's gonna be fun. We're gonna want some of the people that wash out of these controversial government pro leaders that throw them right back into the mall see how it works. And they can have guns. And we'll see what happens. We're gonna let people call you and drop you
Starting point is 00:31:42 over the funk. You're not slick. There's gonna be guys telemarketing trying to convince you that you need to pay for X, Y and Z. It's a total, like that's what we do here. You got to survive the in America. The war is here. The war is home for you.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm gonna open a borders up. I'm gonna let everybody come in because rich people want maids and nannies and landscapers and like some other people might come in They might not be great, but and if you live in a bad neighborhood it might make things worse We don't know we don't really know we're gonna bring drugs in because we got a narco state on our border We don't know how that happened, but Mexico is a narco state. We can't do anything about it It's just weird and there's all these illicit streams of money that come out of there that we're gonna use
Starting point is 00:32:24 To fund wars and other countries and that's all these illicit streams of money that come out of there that we're gonna use to fund wars in other countries And that's gonna poison those countries against us and then we're gonna take in some of those people and they're gonna go to college here With you and they might lock you in the library. It's just but we're not gonna ask you to go fight In a war because the fact that we've done all of these things has kind of made everyone skits a frenake and not know what the hell's happening. We don't know what this place is anymore and or what we are fighting for. So it's very hard to ask people
Starting point is 00:32:54 to make the ultimate sacrifice for this country because we've kind of poisoned the well a little bit by treating them all as lab rats, like people we kind of experiment on. We go, we're just gonna try a bunch of shit out. The American government does. We're just gonna try a bunch of shit out. See what happens? Someone will make money.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Don't worry. Someone will get rich. All of the things that are hot, we don't. Someone will get rich. Someone will get rich. Might be you. But that's why it's very difficult to ask people to make a sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So I know people are getting angry about all of the things will get rich might be you. But that's why it's very difficult to ask people to make a sacrifice. So I know people are getting angry about all of this death and chaos and carnage, but just believe you me. I don't believe that they're going to ask us to make any type of great sacrifice. It's just not what we do. So what we are about our job is to survive the war at home The war that they keep bringing to us The battleground is here. It's in the inner cities. You can see people walking all over the place They're on fentanyl. They're on drugs or the governor of California is meeting with the president of China The president of America is meeting with the president of China, the president of America is talking about the Ukraine. He's got a speech about the Ukraine. But on Kensington Street in Philadelphia,
Starting point is 00:34:11 veterans who fought in our wars are dying on fentanyl in front of everybody. So really, what you see is where this is just a situation, we've got a bunch of lab rats, and we're seeing what happens. Let's see if they grow their fur back. We don't know, but they're not coming to us and they're not either. We don't have to go die somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:34:40 We've got good machines to do that. We've already got a military of people that some of them are very brave and incredibly honorable. Some of them just want to kill. It doesn't really matter. Either or it's all good. It's all works. We've already got one. We got enough people and as things get worse, we'll probably get more people. Now, it's hot. Many of them are getting too fat. They're not happy that a lot of the military is fat now, or that it's harder and harder to get people in the military because they're, you know, we have Google, so people kind of know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And or the fact that they're trying to do military recruitment videos with Dylan Mulvaney, who's trying to explain to you how important it is for you to go fight so the people in the Ukraine can enjoy Bud Light. I don't know, but whatever it is, it's harder and harder to get people into the military, but they'll get enough people in there. You don't have to worry. They're not coming to you. Your job is to die at home.
Starting point is 00:35:37 America, jobs to die here at home in front of your family. That's your job. The economic engine of the minute, we didn't win World War II. Russian blood wanted our industrial power run it because that's what we're good at. We're good at making money. That's our thing.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So we don't need any but we need everybody here home at the call center. You gotta go to the call center now. Go to the call center. It's that's what it is. That's why Bush after 9-11 said, Hey, everybody, it's time to go shopping. Get out there and get a fuck a panini press. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:36:16 We're going to figure it out. We got enough people to go there and kill. We need money. We need gobs and gobs of money, bags and balaks of duck tails gold so that we can keep making these big machines that will deliver death to people and that you guys can stay home. You need to go to the call center now. We need to go to the call center.
Starting point is 00:36:41 That's what you need to do. That's the American economy. And of course, I'm oversimplifying it. There's many types of call centers. But you know what I mean. That's the American economy. You have to do it. Your job's to die at home.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's what your job is to participate in this thing that we do, this American experiment, which has gone completely off the rails, but they don't want you honorably fighting a war somewhere. I mean, that's just not in the cards here. That's not what this place is designed for. It's just not what it's designed for. It's not. They want you to call the CIA on your neighborhood and vaccinate their kids so that they can take them in the airway in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:37:21 That is what this is. It's you should be a rat. You should rat on people. Call people. Make sure that you're willing to dime on your neighbors. Everybody's the threat here. Report them to the government. No cohesion. We don't want that. No, I'm an honorable soldier. Call the feds, call them on your neighbor. They're using a char call that's not regularly, kill everybody. That's we, we don't want a brotherhood of honorable soldiers. This is not band of brothers. This is called the CIA on your neighbor, because they're probably doing something wrong. It's just a different thing.
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Starting point is 00:39:58 growing energy shot. The magic promise. We refund 100% no questions asked if anyone doesn't like it. Clean energy, natural ingredients without exercise your amounts of caffeine look at this little guy So great magic mind. I love it goes great with your morning coffee or Instead make your one cup of coffee less the whole day Hmm, it actually tastes really good. Mm-hmm. Joe Rogan had it on his podcast The Kardashians are drinking it. Some of the best surfers in the world, Coer Rothman and Nate Florence talking about it
Starting point is 00:40:30 on their podcast. Forbes calls it Silicon Valley's new morning elixir. Our goal is to make the best beverage on the planet for creators and we promise to do it the right way for everyone involved, even if it means going above and beyond industry standards. The magic mind promise, we promise to use only the world's best suppliers to require
Starting point is 00:40:46 rigorous testing of every ingredient sent to us for every production run, to readily provide certificates of analysis for our ingredients to anyone who requests them. To inspect every bottle of Magic Mind by hand and to test every batch of Magic Mind we produce in a third party lab. All of my friends take this. It's amazing. And I just started taking it. I have so much energy.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Here's to achieving greatness one shot at a time might be the best quote of the century. Maybe it is. We ship internationally in over 50 countries, including Gaza. They're gonna edit that out. Hahaha. I love it. I like it. It's great. It tastes good. This will get you through the day. It's great energy. It's true. I love
Starting point is 00:41:33 it. I have so much energy. I do stand up. I do this. I ran 16 miles today through the Gaza Strip on this. And, you know, Israel, people, there's more people seem to be really into it. We don't have a birthright, we should. We're should Americans, you know, we're should Americans, you know, in eighth grade, we go to the White House, You're gonna wash it in DC. I didn't go.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I didn't go on the washing the trip because I was like, not good in school. But I went to the seventh grade trip. You went to Boston. This is our version of Birthright. Let me tell you about the Boston trip. You go on a duct tour. It's a duck. And the duck is amphibious, meaning it can go
Starting point is 00:42:30 in the water and it can also ride on the street. They show you a couple of buildings, they tell you about the constitutional whatever. It's just, you know, he's the constitutional convention. Dotted out, did out, did out, did out, 1776, a lot of that history's in Philly, but whatever who cares, we're in Boston, you're on a duck, you go to the holiday and there's a dance, you eat. This is a birthright in a, there is no, you know, like we don't have that thing. We don't have that thing that is a,
Starting point is 00:43:04 it would be nice if we did, Maybe one day we'll get it back, but the government is not really engineering that. We don't really want you to make sacrifices like for foreign wars. The sacrifices you'll make are domestic. Someone shot your kid. Sorry. You someone point, you know, we drew you know, half of your family's insane. Half of them have cancer because they live next to a factory that we allowed to dump shit in the thing. That's what it is. Sorry. Sorry. But so don't be too upset. I know people are getting all upset about World War three, but I'll tell you right now you will want until you're emollated in your house by a Chinese nuke. You will never be has to do anything. You will World War three will be the most entertaining thing before you are emollated in your house by a Chinese nuke. You will never be has to do anything.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You will, World War Three will be the most entertaining thing before you are emollated in your house by a Chinese nuke. You will not have to do anything. You will be looking at your treadmill on your couch when you're vaporized. No one will come to you and ask you to do anything except maybe you go to the call center. We're still open. They'll call you and they'll tell you. They're like, yeah, there maybe you go to the call center. We're still open. They'll call you and they'll tell you, they're like, there's like a nuke woman today.
Starting point is 00:44:09 We're still open and you know what? How beautiful it would be for you to get nuked while you were calling an elderly person with dementia, trying to get their credit card information. As you were calling an elderly person with dementia, trying to get their credit card information, it's just the nuke sales and it's just over. And you just see the beautiful glow outside the window of the call center. No one will ask you to suit up and fucking get your fat ass in a top gun plane. You can't fit in and fly over to China.
Starting point is 00:44:38 No one's going to ask you to do that. So don't be upset. They'll either figure it out or they won't. We're very good at coming close to death in this country and not fully going over it. We're going to good at not fully going full hell mode, you know, but we'll see. I don't know. Israel may be raining in a little bit. Hamas released the hostages.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Maybe some progress there. We don't know. But be rest assured, America's not going to really ask too much of its citizens. It knows better. It knows better. The war is at home. The war in America will always be at home. And it's a war that you're lucky to be part. It's lucky. You're lucky because it's not the war that the people in Gaza are going through with there being killed all the time. This war is like between college kids are fighting. People are angry.
Starting point is 00:45:36 People are chanting in the street, but it's, there's not that much of a, it's not like you're surrounded by mass death from politics. You're surrounded by deaths from other things, but not from politics yet. So this is just the war at home. The war at home won't be like, what do I post? Well, I just don't know. I don't know what to post. My silence has been noticed by some of the people on the board. God damn it. That's the word home. It's a very first world, somewhat, kind of emotional, strategic war being fought by upper
Starting point is 00:46:23 middle class professionals that are trying to dance around each other that are participating knowingly in this kabuki theater of making each other feel good, but you're not without water. You're not without electricity. You're not like the people in Israel without their children, right? For the most part, this just is an exercise in the futility of opinions. That's what it is. It's an exercise in the futility of opinions. Everybody has got to have one immediately, even though they're pretty worthless,
Starting point is 00:47:02 and they certainly don't move the needle on either side. But you got to have one and you sit there and you talk to your husband, Frank, Frank, what do you think about this? Well, the Middle East, well, Frank, now listen, I got to post something on Facebook about the Jews. What Frank, what do I say? Well, you know, the woman who works next to me in the data collection agency is Jewish.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And she's going through everyone's social media. And if she doesn't see something she likes, she's saying we're Nazis. And I'm not a Nazi Frank. So what do I say? Or it's people that are like, you know, trying to figure out the real cool, you know, detached thing to say some brilliant treaties on the human nature and deep.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Oh, it's deep. It's deep. It's deeper than that. It's you don't even take your cock out. You're pussy, why? Because it's not even about what you think it's about. It's so many layers deeper than that. It's deeper than those homostunnels, baby. It's so deep. It's so deep. It feels so good. It hurts, but it's the only way to get to pleasure is pain. It hurts. You want to be tied up and vulnerable, don't you?
Starting point is 00:48:30 You want to be tied. I mean, it's weird and it's like, you know, but what it is is the futility of it pants meaningless, people have no idea what they're talking about. They never do. It's something that we all have to do. We all have to do it. I get paid to do it and hopefully some of the things I say are at the very least entertaining. But it's the futility of the pants people being like, well, and then the letters, oh, the letters, K-planshed and Alec Baldwin. I want to sign a letter.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It's me, OJ Simpson, Caitlin Jenner. Can I sign a letter? I'm going to write a letter. As soon as they let me back on Instagram, I'm writing a letter and it's going to be all the celebrities that nobody wants.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Kevin Spacey, OJ Simpson, Tim Dillon, Tanya Harding, and we're going to write a letter, demanding things Nobody wants Kevin Spacey, OJ Simpson, Tim Dylan, Tonya Harding, and we're gonna write a letter demanding things that have nothing to do with this. But it's all the letters, everybody's writing letters, and here's the letter we're signing the letter. Dare you, it's signing a letter. What is the language of this letter gonna be? Well, I don't know, what are we suggesting? What are we insisting? What are we gonna do? Who are we going to do? Who are we going to disenfranchise? Let's fight. Let's fight them with the language of the letter. The language of the meaningless letter that we write and send to President Biden,
Starting point is 00:49:52 who doesn't know what letters are. He doesn't know what they are. He's completely left the planet. But someone's going to go, there's a letter here. There's a letter. And you need to read it. Why? Because aqu Fina signed it. Who would? How? Who would wear? How? The celebrities are writing letters and going back and forth. We demand this and we demand that. Phi Phi Pho Pho I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Write the letter. Which letter have you signed? Silly, silly, silly society, silly culture. That's what it is. We're gonna ask them. We're gonna ask all the letter writers to suit up. Is that what we're gonna do folks? Everybody's writing the letters.
Starting point is 00:50:40 We're gonna put them in the paragliders. Is that what we're gonna do? I saw a guy paragliding in Malibu the other day by the way. And it's like, is this really the time? You know, he looked at his paraglider on Sunday and went, God, I know it's rough, but I have to do it. It's who I am. I gotta do some fucking weird, so sport to show off my fucking hot,
Starting point is 00:51:00 you know, fucking bot. I feel like paragliders aren't even hot. They're just like, why are you guys? Pick up board jogging and they're like, I just want a paraglide. And I know it doesn't look great now, but I have to do it. But is that what we're gonna do?
Starting point is 00:51:13 We're gonna tick all these letter writers and put them on destroyers in the self-pacific? Is that what people think? It's not gonna happen. That's what we're willing to do and we're willing to sign a letter. We've, you've now seen, this is exactly a far we're willing to go. We're willing to sign a letter or we're willing to call the university and go, I'm taking my money
Starting point is 00:51:30 out of it. Why are you giving these plays to your money? Anyway, how much tuition do these schools charge? 40, 50, 60, 70 grand a year? More. Why do they have these endowments of billions of dollars? What is that? Why? What kind of slush fund do these institutions have? And why take the money away? So many of my friends have been taking advantage of, and they just don't know how to really use a good law firm. I had a friend who injured herself with a chopping cart. And because it was not, you know, the wheel,
Starting point is 00:52:06 it was all stuck. And this is what happens to people, like the good people of America go out to buy food at the grocery store. And, you know, you got to make sure that the cart isn't, you know, because I actually had a friend named Scott who injured himself with a shopping cart at Home Depot parking lot. And I swear to God, he won $50,000 because of this, this is true. He worked at Home Depot for like two days, and he then injured himself with a shopping cart. He used to be a comedian.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He's from Long Island. It doesn't matter. Here's what I'm trying to say. You need good advocates. That's that. You need people that are gonna advocate for you on behalf of you, no matter what happened. If you injure yourself with a shopping cart,
Starting point is 00:52:48 you should be represented and you should get full and fair compensation from the company. And no matter what the injury is, if you sustain it, you need to be compensated for it. That's why I think I personally have a lot of faith in Morgan and Morgan because they are helping the people and they've been fighting for the people for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:53:17 If they were around during the time of dinosaurs, they would have been helping you. If like you were like I could imagine like a being in a Situation where a dinosaur injured you or a member of your family and then like that then Morgan and Morgan says no Like we're gonna fight Morgan and Morgan has over 100 offices nationwide more than 800 lawyers With over 15 billion dollars recovered for over 300,000 clients,
Starting point is 00:53:46 Morgan and Morgan has approved a track record of fighting to get you full and fair compensation. Morgan and Morgan has been fighting for the people for over 35 years, submitting an injury claim with Morgan and Morgan is so easy. If you're ever injured, you can check out Morgan and Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information, go to slash Tim or dial pound law,
Starting point is 00:54:10 pound 529 from your cell phone. That's F-O-R, the slash T-I-M or pound law, pound 529 from yourself. This is a paid advertisement. Helix, everyone that comes and stays at my house in Long Island goes, what are those beds? Literally, and it's Helix. They're also asking me to say,
Starting point is 00:54:31 I want them for freaks, they're all scum. But I love Helix, it's the best beds I have. I love them. I have the midnight deluxe, I think, or something. But I'm telling you right now, it's like so comfortable. And if you take this quiz and the quiz basically figures out what kind of sleeper you are, and they match you with the perfect mattress.
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Starting point is 00:56:17 For every game going into overtime, there's a fan going over the top. For every penalty, every goal, and every action packed minute of the game. When the clock hit zero, you deserve a Coke Zero Sugar, the one with irresistible taste and zero sugar. Because when our lose, Coke Zero Sugar is the most refreshing way to end the game. So when the buzzer hit zero, sell it with a Coke Zero Sugar.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Best Coke ever. But that's what we're willing to do. It's not a country of people that are just going to suit up. It that's what we're willing to do. It's not a country of people that are just gonna suit up. It's not what we did. There are some heroes here and God bless you. But for the most part, let's be honest. This is where we know what we're willing to do.
Starting point is 00:56:57 We're willing to sign a letter. We'll strike if you threaten us with AI. Like if actors think their likeness is gonna be taken and reused, we'll go on a strike and we'll sit around and we'll pick it and we'll sign letters, and we'll be like, don't we shouldn't do it. But that's kinda where it ends here. That's what we are been like, don't we shouldn't do it. But that's kind of where it ends here.
Starting point is 00:57:25 You know, that's what we have been trained to do and we'll do it. It's what we do as Americans. We're willing to go so far. This is what we're willing to do. We're willing to sign the, and you know people that sign that letter thought it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:57:38 You know, and when they got asked to sign that letter, oh my God. I was even like, kinda like when I sold it. I'm like, I'm not even in the group that's asked, which kind of pissed me off. You know what I mean? I'm like, I've one of the biggest shows in the world. I've sold that world to us all over the world.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And no one, not even, no one call. I don't get an email. Nothing. And I saw it. And I was kinda like, I get it. But some of those people don't need to be signing that letter. Not everybody signing these letters is a list. There's a lot of C and D list people on those letters.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Why, I'll sign a letter. I will sign a letter. I'm gonna tell you that right now. I'm no coward. I am no selfish coward. I will sign a letter. I'm not one of those pussy's out there. I will give an e-signature to a letter. That's what I'm about. I've always said that. I'm not gonna go to war, basic training, or give any of my money, but I will sign a fucking letter, threaten me with a good
Starting point is 00:58:42 time. And yet I'm never even asked. I'm never even asked to sign a fucking letter. No one's even said to me, can you sign a letter? But I would love to sign it. And you know when the people sign that letter, they really felt like they did. They're like, I'm fucking signed a letter. It's the same one that you're signed for.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It's fine. That's fucking cool. Because that's what we're willing to do. And that's what you do have to respect people at Israel that are willing to go back and fight. You know what I mean? Nobody's in this country is willing to make that type of set. You think Chrissy Teigen's gonna get in the paraglider?
Starting point is 00:59:16 Is Chrissy Teigen in the paraglider? She's just paragliding. It's not gonna happen. Go to the coal center. We'll tell you when we need you, when we need you, you're going to have to keep calling elderly people with dementia. You get their credit card numbers so security number, you take their house, you steal it from them, then you give it to someone else and that person buys it, they pay way too much for it. Then they're fucked. You keep calling them.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You get them second mortgages, credit cards. You mire them in debt. You put them, you put them on the wheel. Put them on the wheel. Go to the call center. That's where we need you. Sign the letter. Because if you're not working in the call center, you're signing the letter.
Starting point is 01:00:03 You're in the upper crust. You're either in the call center, you're signing the letter. You're on the upper crust. You're either in the call center, like a little rat with your head on the phone, going, hello, is this Mrs. Matucci? Hey, it's Barry. How are you doing? Can I tell you about a program we have to consolidate it? Like you're either that or you're sitting at home in Malibu and you're like, can you read the letter to me, Francis? What does it say?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Well, sign it. We must bring the end to this herd. This herd is horrible. We must bring an end. Why does she do the avocado like that? I'm British. I'm not even British, but I talk like this, because I'm very rich in America.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Many women in America start to talk like this even though they're not British. But that's what it is. And that's why I think it's an attitude adjustment. It's an attitude adjustment. Attitude adjustment. This is not seen as a nag. It's Halloween. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:01:00 It's sexy time. Everybody's going to be fine or we won't, but the point is this. Stop looking at all this negatively. This is kind of our thing. This is kind of our thing. Just sign the letter or go to the call center. It's all going to be okay. Don't start trying right now at this point in your life to have an honor. Do you know why they tell people like in their 70s or 80s to not quit smoking? Because at a certain point, you just the bile that comes out of your system at the end
Starting point is 01:01:39 isn't worth it. Because it's just black gunk you cough up and stuff. You know, basically it's just like maybe they'll cough up and stuff. You know, basically, it's just like, maybe they'll tell you to cut down, but it is what the fuck it is. What are you going to do? Quit smoking at 80 and do be a gymnast. That's, you start doing fucking marathons. That's not what it is. At the end, the bio, the gunk, the poison that you cough up out of your body, kills it. If you quit smoking, so you can't, okay? So at the end of the empire, if you discover honor, you better be very careful how you do it.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Because it's going to cause you to cough up a lot of bile, and it might just kill you. So, be very careful. Go to the call center, get on the phone, sign the letter, have a cup of coffee. nod to the person in Starbucks. Very sad. Wish it was better. Sorry about that. Brighter days ahead. Let's hope everybody gets their fucking thinking cap on. Cooler heads prevail. What a great saying. How American. I hope cooler
Starting point is 01:03:08 heads prevail. Go to the backyard. Have a cocktail. You're not dead yet. Cooler heads prevail. Tell your kids that everything's fine because as of now it is. Don't start going crazy. We don't need a bunch of kernel curts is running around. That's not your job. Your job is not to lead some type of sectarian revolution here. Your job is to come up with 10, 5 to 10 phrases. You repeat at nauseam while you drink your flavored coffee. Amaretto, French vanilla, hazelnut. Is that cold? That's a creamer-called Italian holiday cookie? Ooh, terrible times.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Hope cooler heads prevail. Yeah, hope things don't spin out of control. Things over there are tough. Come up with the phrases. You repeat them at nauseam. You get in your car. You get in your car. It'll be okay. I promise you nobody's going to knock on your door and ask you to make the great sacrifice. It's not the way that you have been built. We have not engineered this experiment around the idea of selflessness. Can we say that? Is it fair to say that, kids? Is it fair to say that we've not engineered the American American experiment around selflessness? That's not what we're about.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Is that? No. We are about us. Your stance in everything is you. Cooler heads prevail. Have a cup of coffee. My friend's mother, she knew someone over there. God, so tough.
Starting point is 01:05:07 It's close to home. That's a good one. Go. It's close to home. It's close to home. Cooler heads, hopefully cooler heads prevail, you know? But don't get too down and don't center yourself. Do what you need to do. I'm speaking, of course, to most Americans, you
Starting point is 01:05:27 know, the ones that are not in Hamas and NYU or, you know, the ones that are not in the idea. If I'm speaking to the people who are hoping that all of this ends in a positive way. But don't freak out. Don't panic. You will not die probably from terrorism. You'll die because your government is engineering all kinds of fun booby traps like the house at home alone for your life. It's not going gonna be foreign terrorists. It would shock me if people I know started getting killed by foreign terrorists.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm not saying it's impossible. What I'm saying is statistically, it probably won't happen. So don't get too upset. It's okay. Figure out your post. Huddle. Huddle with people and say, here's a good one.
Starting point is 01:06:28 I'll give you a free one. As a mother, even if you're not a mother, even if you're not a mother, this is what you should write. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see children killed. It's terrible. And then under that, right, I have been using some new products in my hair. Many people have asked how I have had such a natural shine and free color and free flowing hair. I've been using products from this new corporation
Starting point is 01:07:19 that's been sending to them, and I will send you some for free as well. As a mother who said about dead children, I will take 15% off. The money that you would usually have to pay for these hair products, where people keep stopping me in the street and going, God, your hair, it has a glow.
Starting point is 01:07:40 They forget about the dead kids when they see my hair because it flows, yet it has structure and form, but yet it's glowing. Because I'm a mother and I'm sad seeing dead children, I will take 15% off your order if you act now. And then after that right, I hope cooler heads prevail. Happy Halloween everyone. Goodbye. Live at Roger's Center August 15th. With special guests, Alexis on fire and Pierce the Veil. Get tickets now at Blink 182, the brand new album.
Starting point is 01:08:36 One more time is available everywhere now. Visit at

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