The Tim Dillon Show - 377 - Illuminati Of Diversity

Episode Date: January 13, 2024

Tim examines the Clinton’s going on a Mexican vacation with Gavin Newsom, a secret society taking the diversity route, retiring on social security and our lack of remorse. American Royalty Tour �...� DraftKings Get DraftKings App & Use Code 'TIMDILLON' Morgan & Morgan For more information go to Helix Sleep Go to for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code 'HELIXPARTNER20' Gametime: Get The Gametime App & Use Code: 'TIM' ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dylan show. I'm very happy that Matthew Perry finally getting exposed as a abuser of people of women. And because I don't want to see him in any more projects, I'm done. The Daily Mail ran an expose a the other day on Matthew Perry, fought your canceled buddy. You're done. I don't want to see Matthew Perry in anything.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And they finally had the guts to run an exposé on Matthew Perry. They were like, hey, you've gotten away with it for too long. He was very cruel. Matthew Perry assaulted women, including his ex fiance. Friends actor hurled a table at Molly Herwoods after she confronted him about cheating and threw a his live in sober companion against the wall. Well, fuck that shit. I don't wanna see him in anything. That's, I'm telling you, I will not, if I see Matthew Perry in anything, Netflix, HBO, Apple, Amazon, after this article came out, which is dated January 10th, 2024,
Starting point is 00:01:28 after this article about Matthew Perry, I do not want to see him in anything else. I will not watch it. I cannot separate the art from the artist anymore. So I think he better stay in his house. And it probably is a hot tub and he should stay there. Just stay in your hot tub, sir. You're not allowed in front of my eyes anymore. I love this, by the way, I love going, there's something so great about going after the dead. There's really, this guy's a junkie, who the last few years of his life were terrible and he died
Starting point is 00:02:05 and absolutely no one revered this man. Everyone when he died was like, yeah, yeah, he had a rough go of it. The best thing that was said about this guy was Lisa Kudra going, I might adopt his dog. That was the best. That was the closest anyone got to sing anything nice about it. I didn't see really anything nice being said. He was a junkie. He had a rough go of it and he died. And then the daily mail had to go and dig. They had to go and did. Can you imagine being the writer of that piece who had to call up everybody and go,
Starting point is 00:02:43 hi, I'm writing an article about Matthew Perry. You wanna go on record? I'm writing an article about Matthew Perry. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the one they just put in the ground. I wanna expose him. I'm happy that the Clintons are on vacation. I'm always happy that people, people that need to get away. I'm always happy when people get, when my friends call me and they go, I'm on vacation. I'm happy for them. I
Starting point is 00:03:12 go, good, good. People work so fucking hard. If you have the time, get away. If you have the time. If you have the money, if you can do it, get away. Get away, get away, get out of there. Bill Clinton went down to Mexico. He went to a luxury resort. The governor of California, also another hard worker. What is the deficit? 68 billion.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We're in 68 billion in the whole, stressful. So the president of the ex-president of the United States, Bill Clinton, and Gavin Newsom went down to Mexico to hang out. They went to a cool resort, and this was like, you know, because the president had a rough week with the Epstein docs coming out. And you know, Bill Clinton's old now, he's been like a vegan for a while.
Starting point is 00:04:15 He's not, I don't know how good his heart's doing. He's not out there. Fucking the way he used to be. He's not on the prowl. This was a man who was on the prowl for the majority of his life. It was what pushed him forward. He became a governor and the president
Starting point is 00:04:33 because he wanted to fuck and he can't do it. And all this information has just come out. And he's at the end of his life. How old is this guy? Clinton has got to be. He's old this guy? Clinton has got a piece. He's old this guy. He does not look great. He does not look great.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Hillary is up there. They're old. I remember when they were like young and he's 77, Clinton. Hillary is 76. George W. Bush, 77. I grew up with these people. I grew up with this gang. President Clinton, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:17 you know, he had some, you know, he took a couple of elves last week, but he looks, he looks happy. There's one thing about it, you know, people that are in the closet when they're out of the closet are happier usually. People that are, you know, are have a secret, are a lot happier when the secret is out. There's kind of a weight that has lifted off them and they just go, yeah, it is what it
Starting point is 00:05:52 is, you know, and I think the Epstein docs for him were kind of like, so what? Now it's out. Now it's out. Do your worst. I'm 77 years old. Do your worst. So what? I went to a pedophile island, you know? And I and I piled around with a guy who trafficked young girls. And I probably had sex with many, many of them. And maybe some of them got killed. But on the flip side, I reformed welfare. I did that. Remember
Starting point is 00:06:28 the jobs, remember the jobs, they were good, you know? So it's, I mean, he's basically like, it's a mixed bag. And Gavin Newsom right after the ex president is, you know, implicated in all this Epstein shit. Gavin Newsom decides, um, let's go, because Gavin Newsom likes fun. He likes fun. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a quick private chair ride down to Mexico. He, he's, him and his wife, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:58 Jennifer Sible Newsom, who by the way, testified in the Harvey Weinstein trial. Remember that? Yeah. And what? And didn't she describe his penis? Right? Yeah. So the Gavin Newsom's wife, the first lady of California, who testified in the Harvey Weinstein trial and described Harvey Weinstein's penis is now pallying around with Bill Clinton who was on a human traffickers jet 27 times and is mentioned 50 times in the deposition. So here's what I mean by that. If you can't read between the lines there, news, and his wife, like they don't, they're completely comfortable with sex offenders and people that have committed like egregious sexual crime. They have no prop.
Starting point is 00:07:52 There's no, there's no, they're not like uncomfortable. I guarantee you, they're not uncomfortable. Newsom's wife is not uncomfortable. She is having a ball. They're drinking. They're telling them how to be them. The cleanser telling them, here's how to be us. Here's how you got to do it. Today's day and age. I would love to be a mortar and pestle of guacamole sitting at the table listening to this crime family, give the last bit of wisdom. This is all they have
Starting point is 00:08:27 left. They just at this age, the only thing they have left, they can't come anymore. They can't, they don't have that much power, right? They're, they're just bags of dust. The only thing I've left is to talk. The only thing they've got is stories. And they want people to listen to them. This is everybody at that age. Once you get up into the octogenarian years when you're in your 80s, you don't have anything left except to tell people tales because you know you're about to bite it. And the only thing you have left is to tell those who are coming after you, the things you've learned on your journey
Starting point is 00:09:08 and Bill and Hillary Clinton, this is a kind of a, this is a big vacation, historically, and people don't realize this, people, because the New York Post is reporting it, and the New York Post is something that, you know, most people don't respect and nor should they, even though I've friends there. But the New York Post and it's kind of a salacious tabloid story,
Starting point is 00:09:32 right? They're like, look at Gavin News, them hanging out with the human trafficker, you know, and, and, and, and, and, and sure to that end, sure, reported. But this is the standard bearers of the Democratic Party, which is the Clintons. Are telling Gavin Newsom and his wife how to become the new power couple because the Obama's can't do the republican parties in utter disarray you meaning that there's infighting in the democratic party as well but both political parties are fucked the republican party you have the wall street types they would they want like niki hailey
Starting point is 00:10:17 you want you have like you know the magpie people for trump you know i don't know. I don't know who's, what wants Vizek, but I guess people that are, people on red it maybe, but this is the Clintons telling the new sums, you know, and what a great dinner. Because, you know, there's some bills really just saying,
Starting point is 00:10:40 listen, I let it get away from me. This is, he's, you know, there's a beach walk with him and Gavin. There's a beach walk with him and Gavin, right? Because they're kind of a similar guy. Gavin's like a fuck boy. You know what I mean? He was married to that chick who's now dating Trump, Jr. Kimberly Gilfoil Newsom. Yeah. So Gavin's a kind of a pretty boy. He built, they speak the same language. Hillary does not speak the language of Harvey Weinstein's testifier, testifying about
Starting point is 00:11:20 the penis woman. Hillary doesn't speak her language language because she's like a real wife. Hillary is never a real wife. Hillary is like a fucking, you know, Hillary is a is a problem. And she wants her own thing. And this bitch, you know, when when her and Hillary have to talk, Hillary is not really excited by that. She probably is. But Bill definitely does a beach walk with Gavin where he goes, Hey, it got away from me. And just, you know, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:54 you've got to be careful out there because they, you know, it's not like it used to be. This is a different world now. You can imagine just Bill Clinton, you know, at the end of it being like, Hey, I mean, listen, you know, like he definitely says to Gavin, like he was, they're trying to say that I was like doing stuff on Epstein's on. And you Gavin's gonna, like, looks at him strangely. And Cleansock, can you believe that? Like they're trying to tie me into that. And Gavin's like, I need these cleanse like these Q and on types. They're trying to tie me in to this, uh, Epstein stuff. I mean, that's how perverted these people
Starting point is 00:12:33 are. It's how sick they are. And Gavin's kind of like, like going like, like you know, Gavin's face kind of like, yeah, no, it's, it, these people, man, they'll just, I mean, they don't care about the truth at all. Bill's like, right, I mean, it's inside what they're doing. And they're having a little beach walk. And bills, bills are really smart guys. So bill, bill's not out there. Like people think that bills probably like, and then I'll fuck this one and that one. And then we drown one of them, like he's not, they're not doing that. He's like setting it up. So he's telling Gavin, like,
Starting point is 00:13:13 they're lying about me, they're gonna lie about you. This is what they do, they lie. And you have to get one step ahead of their lies. That's where the fun comes in. That's where the fun comes in. Cause Pills, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta get that. You gotta get one step ahead of their lies. That's where the fun comes in. That's where the fun comes in because Pills, like, you got to get out, you got to get one step ahead of their lies because they're going to, they're going to make up a bunch of shit about you. They made up a lot of stuff about me and Hillary. They never stop because the Clint's are boomers.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So there are the victims. The Clint's are there only to complain to Gavin and his wife about how badly they've been treated by the, now by the way, much like boomers, they haven't been treated barely. They should have both for what they've done been hung, but nobody's done that to them. They're not in jail. Any other people that did the things they did would probably be in jail. They've actually been treated pretty fucking well like most boomers, but the Clintons are at the very heart and soul of them, a grieved boomers who are telling Gavin Newsom and his wife who described Harvey Weinstein's egg penis. I can't stop saying that because it's funny or I forget it's not an egg, but it's got gangrene, it's gangrene penis. And they're just complaining. The whole trip is there some laughing and there's
Starting point is 00:14:33 some, you know, keeping it light. But the whole trip is just a Clinton's complaining about how, you know, how bad and Hillary's like, and they went it and me they never stopped. From the minute I raised my head, I became the symbol of everything that they hated about women and about femininity. And you know, kick Gavin and a wife are sitting there and having some tequila and drinking a done hula blonde co and they're like, yeah, yeah, no, it's we saw it. You guys were just, I mean, they never, I mean, short bills, not perfect, but they never stopped.
Starting point is 00:15:12 It's annoying. It's annoying. They're just, they do new sums are sitting there, but the new sums are sucking it all up because the new sums are like, how do we? How do we convince the country that we're not gonna fuck everybody over? How do we do that? How do we do that? And new sums not Clinton, like Clinton's really good
Starting point is 00:15:34 or he was really good. But I would just love to be sitting there and listening. It's 90% the Clinton's complaining, 90%. But then there's gonna be declines complaining, 90% but then there's going to be 10% like, here's what you got to do to get the things you want. And that would be the interesting stuff. Here's the people to talk to. These are the guys that have to like you.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Here's the way it works. You know, you need a bigger war chest than you used to. You know, why do we really think Hillary lost? To do that. But a lot of it is just complaining. It's probably very boring. It's actually not people think it's like sexy and lurid and cool and wow, it's, whoa,
Starting point is 00:16:20 what's it like? What it really is. It's just an old boomer couple, complaining because they're just boomers by the way. I mean, maybe he fucked a bunch of teenagers, he probably did. I would bet money that he did. And maybe she's like a lesbian or something.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I don't know, she doesn't seem to love cock, but I don't know. So maybe they lived a lot, but how many boomers did that? PUNS, tons. They're just boomers. They just got involved in a bunch of shady deals. They don't care about anyone but themselves.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Their entire lives were about advancement, and now they've got nothing left except to bring and Gavin and his wife are idiots. They're dumb people. They're stupid people. Gavin's an idiot, and his Gavin's an idiot and his wife's an idiot and a whore. But seemingly, I don't know. I mean, I hope nobody finds any of this disparaging, if anyone plays this for people, people play things sometimes for people. But Gavin's an idiot and his wife is kind of an idiot whore. From what I gather, I don't know them. But this
Starting point is 00:17:24 is what I gather. And people that I know't know them, but this is what I gather. And people that I know who know them, this is what they believe. Gavin is a like a silver tongueed, smooth talking person, but he has no depth. He's as deep as a puddle. There's nothing there. He's incapable of summoning,
Starting point is 00:17:40 and he's really just like, and the way that he's been able to run California is because people here are stupider than they are in other places. So because he is good looking and presentable because the people here are dumb, they are unable to, like they can't, like they look at him and they go, he's probably telling some kind of truth, but he's an idiot. So, and Clintons, they know that. They're looking at Dam and they're going like, like Hillary says in the hotel,
Starting point is 00:18:11 I'm, she's an idiot, she goes, she's a dumb or. I mean, she's, she's dumb. And Bill goes, yeah, I don't know, Fee, I don't know, they have it. I don't know. And Hillary's like, yeah, I just don't think they have it. And Bill goes, he's got potential. Bill goes, he's got because Bill likes him because Bill likes him for the same reason that Bill likes anybody. He sees parts of himself and Gavin. He's
Starting point is 00:18:37 a Gavin's a striver. He's a liar. He's probably fucks a lot like Bill likes that. Bill goes, I think he's got potential. And then Hillary's like, yeah, but you know, I worry about her. What would be great is if the Clintons decided to kill them, like if they just killed them. And then just that was it. Like if the Clintons just decided to poison the Newsman for what I don't know, even why they would do I recorded a patron episode years ago, it's called Bill and Hills last kill about how there will be a time when they just have one more kill. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:18 There's like one more guy to get rid of, but they there's no reason to kill these people here. But it would be fun. There'd be something beautiful and Shakespearean about newsroom and the wife going to get the secrets from the Clintons and the secrets going. And here's the biggest secret. And then Gavin and his wife dead in the guacamole poisoned. That would be great. Like the Clintons laid it out, told them how they did everything, told them everybody they made disappear, everything they just, I mean, they just unburden themselves. They're about to die. They completely unburden
Starting point is 00:19:52 themselves in this legendary dinner. They're drinking fucking tequila and they're just, I mean, spilling their guts, spilling it because they need to. And then they just poison new someone, his wife and kill them there and go, we're glad we got that all off our chest. But it's, it's not going to be that that would be beautiful and Shakespearean and great. But it's not that it's just, it's Clinton complaining. It's he's talking about the benefits of veganism. Like it's, it's just, it's, it's not what you think it is.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It just kind of sucks. Like I was reading this article about skull and bones and skull and bones, sucks now. Scull and bones used to be like, you know, the leaders of America, it's still that, but everyone sucks because they're doing like diversity, equity and inclusion in the illuminati, in skull and bones,
Starting point is 00:20:45 which is used to be just let's get a bunch of people that show that they can carry on the tradition of being a sociopath. That's what skull and bones is about. It's like finding rich people that have a skill set that makes them look like maybe they maybe hey, maybe they can be sociopaths. And it's in Yale University, the CIA started, it was taken right out of sculling bones. Okay. So many, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 00:21:19 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, we get it. A lot of white guys, a lot of white guys. They would jerk off in the coffins. It was very like not see. I think George W. Bush stole Jeronimo's skull and it was in the tomb and there's all this secret shit in the tomb. And now it's like, they're annoying now. Now it's like they're annoying. They literally in the skull and bones tomb like took down all the pictures of the old white guys because it's it was not diverse. Can you imagine getting into skull
Starting point is 00:21:57 and bones, the most elite sanctum and then going, God, this, God, is this suck. I mean, it is like, and by the way, they don't take whites anymore. They're not taking a lot of white people. They take only a few whites. They take a lot of minorities who are the first person in their family to go to college. This is what Scullin' Bones is doing.
Starting point is 00:22:21 The first generate, it's like, it's like a, it's insane. Like someone that gets tapped, the way Skull and Bones works is when you're a junior at Yale or something, you get tapped or maybe, maybe it's seniors, seniors get tapped into it, what, I don't know, I'm not in it, okay? And that's not where the real power is anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:46 The power is not in that. It's not these people at Yale anymore. And it will go into who it is, but it's, they have some of it, but they're losing it all the time. They're losing it all the time. But you get tapped into this, and then you gotta go through this initiation. And then you're in this thing,
Starting point is 00:23:06 and it's all, it's all like people that are annoying now. Except they want all the benefits of that power structure. They wanna get jobs, they wanna make lots and lots of money, but they wanna like, lots and lots of money, but they want to like, go like, like, like, like, like, fuck these colonizers, but they're in the thing. They're like, in the thing, they just want to make,
Starting point is 00:23:37 they're like, we're going to make this elite society of rich people good. We're going to make it good. It's, it's, it's, this is how stupid Society of rich people good. We're going to make it good. It's, this is how stupid our political realities are at the moment. This is how these kids' brains have been melted. They're in this inner sanctum. They call it a tomb.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's like the tombs, right? And they're there and they're going, we wanna be elite rich people that cover each other's backs, but we want to like also, we wanna make it good. We wanna do it for the right reasons. And it's like the most psychotic thing. And by the way, you read about all these other societies where they all go, we're going to give all the money back to New Haven. They don't do any of that. They just hang out. They're college
Starting point is 00:24:37 kids. They're all, I don't care how smart you think you are. You're an idiot. When you're 18, you're an idiot. You're all idiots, you're all fucking stupid. I don't give a fuck how smart you think you are. You don't, you know nothing of anything. Draft King Sportsbook, an official sports betting partner of the NFL playoffs is bringing you an offer that'll help make the playoffs electrifying. New customers came back five bucks on any game and get 200 instantly in bonus bets. I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:09 that's great. Download the Draft King Sportsbook app now and use code Tim Dillon. New customers can bet just five bucks to get 200 instantly in bonus bets. Only on Draft King Sportsbook with code Tim Tim Dylan. The crown is yours. Gambling problem. Call 1-800-Gamber visit in New York call 877-8-Hope New York or text Hope New York 467-369. And Connecticut help is available for problem gambling call 888, 789, 777, 777 or visit Please play responsibly. On behalf of Boothill Casino and Resort in Kansas, 21 plus age varies by jurisdiction, void in Ontario, bonus bets expire 168 hours after issuance slash football for eligibility and deposit restrictions, terms and responsible gaming resources. And I know your people are out there going like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:10 yeah, yeah, but they got into Yale, Tim, and you dropped out a national community college. Okay, yeah, but I'm gonna say it a Barbara lot. Aren't I faggot? So what happens to these people are at the peak of their idealism. And they're going into these old institutions that are yes, of course they're racist and all the beasts of greats to fucking skull and bone society and all these people go in there and they go out of this idea that they're going to be different,
Starting point is 00:26:41 they're gonna change it, they're gonna use it for good. I'm using skull and bones for God. But they all just become rich pricks. That's what it is. That's what skull and bones is. You just become rich prick. I don't care that you're a biretial, bisexual, non-bite.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It doesn't matter. You'll be all of those things in addition to being a rich prick who's trying to get ahead based on the fact that you know other rich pricks is what it is. And I'm not saying, I'm not even hating on that. There's just such an insane, instead of just scrapping it, just scrap it. Just get rid of it. If you really don't like it, don't be in it, say no. When they tap you, go, no, not for me.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I'm gonna do it on my own, but none of these scumbags wanna do it on their own. You know, like people like me or Trish Patus have done. But none of these scumbags wanna do it on their own. They all want the fucking benefits of being in this little cabal But they just want the cabal to be arranged around the things that they think are More altruistic better things It's so fucking stupid Message me if you're in sc and bones, by the way.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It's hilarious. It's not elite anymore. No one cares. You fucking losers. No one cares. You broke hose. Nobody's scum. No fucking skull and bones, people.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Very few of them can afford shit. I talked to the biggest realtors in the country. None of you can buy shit. You get nothing, some of them, a few of them. But a lot of them, they have nothing now. They have nothing. I'd rather join a Chinese secret society. My godson will join a Chinese secret society, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:41 He will join fucking scroll and wanton or whatever they have. He will not fucking scroll and wanton or whatever they have. He will not join this shit. Can you imagine you're in the skull and bones tomb and these idiots start talking about a fucking, you know, the fact that they're mad that Angela Bassett didn't win the fucking, I mean, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Is anything, can't people just be evil anymore? Can't you just be, why do we have to get adjusted to a new kind of evil all the time? Can we just know what evil is and regard it when we see it and know how to avoid it or mitigate its effects? Why does evil, why is it so goddamn good at morphing regard it when we see it and know how to avoid it or mitigate its effects. What is evil? Why is it so goddamn good at morphing all the time, all these sociopathic personality
Starting point is 00:29:30 types constantly are rebranding themselves. So it's very hard to know what fucking evil is. It's amazing. It's like you think you would just get used to one type of fucking evil. Now it's like, you know, it keeps more thing in changing. The skull and bones equity. Let's let's let's get some of this article did make me laugh. This is written by somebody named Rose Horror Witch. I feel like that's a fake name, Horror Witch. One evening in 2019, and a windowless building
Starting point is 00:30:03 known as the tomb in the center of the L's campus, the members of skull and bones snapped. There they were having, by the way, how hilarious is that the members of skull and bones snapped? Isn't this supposed to be a thing of like cool serpent-like people that are good under pressure like when they pull iron ran contra or something? They snapped. There they were having been granted membership to the most elite secret society, one of the most elite universities in the world. Part of a rare group that for generations included individuals from the most powerful families on the planet, Vanderbilt, rocket fellas, that.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Three bonesmen would go on to become the president. We know, we know, we know. But there in the tomb surrounded by oil portraits of of former bones and all white, all chosen by the society's alumni board, the current members felt overcome, not by the achievements of those who had come before them or by the possibilities that lay ahead, but instead by the organization's long history of exclusion. So there's, by the way, which is still going on, the whole point of scullin', and by the way, these idiots go to Yale, is there a refund department? The whole point of scullin'
Starting point is 00:31:14 bones is exclusion. That's the entire point. It's to exclude people. They just want them, to exclude people. They just want the way that the exclusion was set up. But that's the whole point. So the students did what they felt had to be done. They pulled the portraits down and replaced them with homemade signs criticizing the Secret Society's record of keeping people of color out of its ranks. Can you picture this?
Starting point is 00:31:48 You get into the skull and bone society. You're in the tomb. You're finally there. You're finally in the inner sanctum of power and you're sitting there and everybody goes, Hey, can you give us a hand and you you go, well, what are we gonna do? We got Coke or something? They go, no, no, no, no, we're gonna take down the pictures of William F. Buckley.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And then we're gonna put up posters about how mad we are that he was white. What? I thought we could do like a party. I would scroll in key. No, we gotta do this. They pulled the portraits down and replaced it with homemade signs. Portraits is a relatively straightforward and easy ask one member who participated in
Starting point is 00:32:33 the redecoration told me, the way a space looks can have a large impact on a person's psyche. Can you imagine these are the people they're now tapping. Give this country to China. Give it to China. Give it to China. Give it to China. Give it to China. Can you imagine a member of the skull and bones being like, well, actually, the physical environment has a very big impact on someone's psyche,
Starting point is 00:33:02 the way a place looks. Give it to China now. Oh my God. People are going to accuse me of being like some type of racist. This is not what I'm, I don't care who's sculling bones has in it. I don't give a fuck if they have all blacks or whites or his men. The whole point of a secret society is skull duggery. It's fuckery. It's exclusion. And anyway, you cut it, dummies. The real rebellious move would be to get rid of it, but none of you cons want to do that because you want the benefits of being in this thing, but you want to just be annoying cons. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot
Starting point is 00:33:51 benefit from this network of fucking illuminati freaks and then take their photos down, dummy. You should all be forced to go to Barry Weiss' University of Austin. That's where you should go. You go right to Barry Weiss. Now, that's what happens. If you're really about it, if scullin' bones is really about it, fuck the Yale Rolladex, fuck all the fucking alumni's and the fucking endowments
Starting point is 00:34:21 and all the bulls, you go right to Barry Weiss' University of Austin. That's where you go. And you do it on your own. Sicken these freaks. So many people are getting in car accidents. And so many people are getting ripped off. You know why?
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Starting point is 00:38:06 from the Wall Street Journal. I don't know what's going on there and I don't know anyone there. Wall Street Journal seems to be the head publication. It's appointed itself the publication that is trying uh... the hardest to prepare you for the nightmares of which they are convinced you are going to experience the wall street journal has a new article called here's what it's like to retire on almost nothing but social security listen again to the words because they're my favorite
Starting point is 00:38:43 there is a woman here in a subdivision, maybe Gilbert Goons. And she's in a wheelchair and she's got a dog and she's smiling. Here's the Wall Street Journal headline again. It's great. Here's what it's like to retire on almost nothing but social security. Four retirees with limited incomes open up about how they make it work. Many Americans reach retirement with almost no savings, no 401k, few investments, and almost no income aside from a monthly Social Security check. Social Security was never fully intended to support retirees said,
Starting point is 00:39:26 and Quy, and Quy Chen, assistant director of savings research at Boston College of Center for Retirement Research. The average monthly social security check is about 1900. That doesn't go as far as it once did said Sandy Markwood CEO of US aging. Adding that inflation and rising grants have led more older adults to seek help from her non-profits, elder care, locator tool and other organizations that provide help to seniors. So here's what, and I haven't read the article yet, but here's what I'm betting it is. They're not going to present this as a desperate situation for these seniors.
Starting point is 00:40:04 They're going to present this as like a fun challenge. It's like a fun, late in life challenge to figure out how you're going to eat. Eric Miller never wanted to leave the kitchen. The professional chef thrived on the intensity of restaurant life, often working 12 hour days, six to seven days a week. A heart condition landed him in the hospital about seven years ago. After that, he had no choice but to hang up his knives. Now 70 Miller said he was unprepared for sudden retirement,
Starting point is 00:40:36 financially or otherwise, in part because he had never planned to stop working. At the height of his career, he earned about $2,000 a week. Now his monthly social security check brings it about 1,400. He rents the basement of his sister's home for about $500 a month, including electricity. His other main expenses include food, gas, and insurance. His six heart medications are largely covered by social services. About seven years ago, he moved to Arizona to care for his aging mother, as her dementia and Alzheimer's worsen. When she had a stroke, he took a nearly two year career
Starting point is 00:41:11 break to help care for her full time until she died. He eventually moved back to Virginia where he worked for a few more years. Though money is tighter than he would like, Miller is proudly debt-free. So now here's where it turns. Here's what now we now remember. Remember he's cared for his aging mother. He's living in a basement. He's living in a basement of his sister's house, okay, for 500 a month. But here's where the Wall Street Journal. Here we go. Put on a happy face. The money is tighter than he would like. Miller and by the way, people say like they're like, are you making up these articles? These are you read them.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You go and read them. We'll post them. Remember, you think I could make that up with it? Like you don't need a bathroom. What is this 1998 dining room kitchen? No. The new houses are a single hallway with little cages on either side. He paid off the money is tighter than he would like. Miller is proudly debt free. He paid off more than 12,000
Starting point is 00:42:16 in credit credit this summer with the help of nonprofit financial counseling agency green path financial wellness. He also got relief from his roughly 100,000 in medical bills. Uh, for his four heart procedures, thanks to the hospital's charity. I feel a lot less stressed. In retirement, he embraced budgeting for the first time. That's that see that with that basically says is he was a scumbag. That little line is important in retirement. He embraced budging for the first time. So basically they're saying this guy is a scumbag.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Now they told you a few paragraphs earlier that he literally stopped his life to care for his aging mother, but now they're saying, but he was a scumbag. He didn't budge at anything. He didn't know where his money was. He was a scumbag. You know, you know, he was just taking care of his elderly mother with dementia, but he wasn't watching the money. I work on my budget religiously, he said, sounds fun. He regularly tracks his spending and a spreadsheet. Oh, so month he has about $150 left over, which usually buys him more food than he particularly likes, such as chicken and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I mean, the lives they are preparing you for, I'm folks. Listen to me right now. The former high school athlete enjoys watching football and basketball on television. His dog died last year But he is considering getting a new one. I'll probably go to the pound. He said the lives they are preparing you for Are are unbelievable they are unreal They're basically writing these articles to go things are gonna be okay
Starting point is 00:44:03 They're basically writing these articles to go things are going to be okay. There'll be some financial help perhaps delivered through charity or certain organizations and you might get that you might not but you better budget you better budget because you can have about a hundred and fifty dollars left at the end of the month and you can have some chicken. You can get some extra chicken. You want some extra chicken and maybe you can some extra chicken. You want some extra chicken? And maybe you can get a dog and feed him some of the chicken. Kathy Road has been an advocate for people with disabilities for entire adult life. The retired social worker still helps friends
Starting point is 00:44:35 with age related mobility problems. Seniors are generally embarrassed by disability. It takes confidence to say, I have this disability and it's within my right to seek accommodations. Afflicted with polio as an infant, wrote, knows the challenges and expenses of life with the disability. Today she lives on a thousand forty dollars. Social Security check, thousand, thousand. As a child, she used leg braces and Canadian canes to get around and recounts being bullied in
Starting point is 00:45:01 school. The obstacle she encountered inspired her to work for years as an at a nonprofit in Berkeley, California. She used the motorized wheelchair, da da da da da, 1993. She lacked stamina to work full time and claims social security, disability insurance. And around age 66, those benefits stopped and she began getting retirement benefits.
Starting point is 00:45:20 She moved to two center, Arizona, where she's attended college. A folk singer and a guitarist, she rejoined a group that had started the two son folk festival years before. Well, that's nice. The whole point of this is that it's actually good. She's good. We're all happy.
Starting point is 00:45:38 She gets a thousand a month and she's happy. And if she, maybe she could eat her guitar. She bought a home with a 60,000 her uncle left her and has no debt. She shares the home with Archie, her 90 pound rescue dog. She supplements the 200. She spends on food each month with a $157 benefit from her Medicare, which uses to pay for over the counter medication and groceries. Hiring attendance to help with house cleaning, wheelchair maintenance and food prep costs, cost her about 300 a month.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Rote said the recent deaths of her mother and five friends have convinced her to make the effort to see people. So she hosts occasional parties on her pad. See, it's fine. She's having parties on the patio. We sing songs and eat some food and talk about what really matters to each of us. Yeah. Joyce McKinney, she's 77. She doesn't have any money either. Let's see how Joyce McKinney's doing. Okay. It's really, really tough. You know what the future is going to bring? It was an extremely difficult time.
Starting point is 00:46:46 She's lonely, anxious with money. Uh, since, okay, now she feels a bit more secure, though far from flush. She had found ways to stretch her $1800 social security check. Since downsizing, she pays about 343 a month for a storage unit. Her rent rose recently to $583 a month for a storage unit. Her rent rose recently to $584 a month. She spent $68 a month for basic cable and 77 for her cell phone. And her insurance policy costs her 269 a month.
Starting point is 00:47:16 About 150 to 200 each month goes to food and 100 for laundry. She takes subsidized senior transportation for a dollar ride to get to most places. McKinney is active in the social scene at the senior center where she spends most of her weekdays arriving at the Allegheny branch of the Philadelphia senior center around 9 a.m. and Ketchig up with friends over free coffee and a dollar corn muffin, a dollar corn muffin. They bang a red dollar to have a corn muffin. It's a senior center. Many of the people here like an extended family, they make better food for me than I make for myself.
Starting point is 00:47:54 This is a great one. Barbara talismans, nomadic lifestyle, satisfies both her wanderlust and retirement budget. With limited savings, the former fundraiser for nonprofits had planned to work until at least age 65. But two years ago with her birthday approaching, she chose to call it quits, sell her belongings and claim social security. Life is short. I was done. I wasn't going to wait another three years. Good for her. Okay. Now she puts a money in a savings. Okay. Now she goes globe-trying. She booked four week long back-to-back cruises to Mexico in the fall of 2021,
Starting point is 00:48:28 when prices were low due to lingering COVID concerns. So that's nice. So during a global pandemic, this woman was forced to take back-to-back cruises. It's not bad. Lovely. Travel, travel, yeah. Yeah, travel travel travel. Things are fine. She doesn't have a lot of money, but she's traveling. She's on a cruise. She I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:57 she has a small, wait, hold on. Let's go up there for a second. Where does she live? Her food averages 300 a month and car insurance at it. Recently, she's go up there for a second. Where does she live? Her food average is 300 a month and car insurance had it. Recently, she's been seven months in California, spending about 500 a month on hotels between house sitting kicks. So she's a house sitter. She doesn't really have a permanent place to live,
Starting point is 00:49:16 but it's fun. It's actually fun because she gets to house sit in other people's homes. That's nice. It's a fun way to do it. She house sits and, you know, it's great because, you know, listen, we're not gonna, nobody's trying to help any of these people. Nobody's trying to help any of these people. Nobody's trying to help any of these, certainly the people of Skull
Starting point is 00:49:38 and Bones are not. They're not trying to help any of these people. So you just got to put a nice, put a good spin out on what they're doing. If they're house sitting or they have to live on a cruise or, you know, they just, you know, a lot of these, by the way, are just like, and she has a dog. That's a lot of a lot of them are like, she may have no money. She may be stretched to the limit where she has a hundred dollars a month left, but she's got a dog. And isn't that good? She went to the pound, she has a hundred dollars a month left, but she's got a dog. And isn't that good?
Starting point is 00:50:07 She went to the pound, they got a dog, and the other guy can occasionally eat more chicken. So the Wall Street Journal's like, things are good, things are fine. Things are absolutely fine. People are eating chicken, they got dogs, they're house sitting in other people's houses, they're dying in hotels and on cruises.
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's fine. It's fine. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Help them? What are you gonna put together some type of, you know, program so that these people, come on. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:50:37 It's a fun challenge. It's fun to house sit when you're in your 70s. It's nice. It's fun to bounce around. How sitting? That's great. You should be how lucky to be so bohemian in your old age, how lucky to be so bohemian in your old age or live with your sister for 500 and finally learn a budget. You scumbag. Thank God you look, get that spreadsheet out. You scumbag. You were just trying to help your mother with dementia. Well, you should have had that spreadsheet then. Where was the spreadsheet? Then you wouldn't be here. You piece of
Starting point is 00:51:14 shit. I tried to get tickets to the Aristotle with Taylor Swift, and I couldn't. And my entire family wanted to go with me. And I promised them that I would get tickets. And literally it was sold out and I couldn't get the tickets. And do promised him that I would get tickets and literally it was sold out and I couldn't get the tickets. And do you know what my entire family did? And I don't even want to say this because it's not right. My uncle, when I told him that I cannot get you and your children tickets to the Aristotle, my uncle put all of his, his wife and his children in a car and he drove them into a lake and they all died. And they were listening to Taylor Swift because he said, this is as close as we're going
Starting point is 00:51:58 to get. This is as close as we're going to get. And I don't want you to have that. I don't want you to have that story to tell in your life. So I would like you to use the game time app. It's the best. You can get tickets to anything. Comedy, music, sports, last minute tickets, flash deals, zone deals, easy to find it by
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Starting point is 00:53:06 will not be in a car in a lake drowning. Screaming at me on the phone, screaming me going, oh, you couldn't do it. Wait till you see what I'm going to do now. And in the back and they were like, no, no, stop. And and he's blessing. It's a love story, like a sick person. It's a love story. And he swam away and got out. And me and him were fine now. Download the game time app, creating account news code TIM for 20% off your first purchase terms apply again, create an account redeemed code TIM for 20% off. Download game time today. Last minute tickets, lowest prices guaranteed. We're ending with a sad story of speeding driver strikes and kills girls six while she
Starting point is 00:53:57 played outside her house and mocking the colder a retard to cops who arrive to investigate. That's not great. On North Carolina man struck and killed a six-year-old while speeding past her house and called her a retard. Two cops who arrived on the scene. Andrew Everett was charged with involuntary manslaughter, reckless driving and speeding. For the December 29th crash,
Starting point is 00:54:16 it killed a six-year-old Jocelyn Perez Hernandez. Hernandez's family said she was playing to the sidewalk in front of her home in Carrey just before noon and the vehicle struck her. I think the girl had Down syndrome. According to the warrant, Everett said, quote, I'm not sure why this investigation is taking more than five minutes. It wasn't my fault. No one was watching her and she just jumped out in front of me. That retard. It is unclear if the little girl was disabled. Well, it looks a bit, you know, it feels a bit, I mean, yeah, that guy, yeah, that guy is not going to deal with this in a mature way. Ever it claimed the child jumped out in front of him, but police noticed a lack of skid
Starting point is 00:55:05 marks on the road suggests that he did not try to break. Oh my God. So maybe he wasn't paying attention. Maybe he's just a psycho. This girl died. That's a terrible story. Terrible. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:55:23 All around. There's something amazing about someone who's just after something like that completely remorseless. Like someone who's like angry and like put upon going, what is so what? Why is this even happening? This should take five minutes So what I mean just the remorseless The lack of remorse is always a fascinating element to me if certain people's makeup That they can do something even by accident that causes a death and they just go Yeah, well it mean to They go yeah, but you don't think about it, you know I
Starting point is 00:56:16 Don't know there's a lot there's a lot of people that just don't seem to have a lot of reports Not all of them obviously there's people out there that are very deeply in touch with their humanity and You know But there's a there are people out there that are very deeply in touch with their humanity and, you know, but there are people out there that maybe shoot cinematographer instead of a movie. And aren't they don't seem broken up about it. But maybe that's just the way you need to move on. That's the other thing. Maybe you just need to move on. Like maybe you can't dwell on someone you shot several minutes ago, where someone you hit with a car, half hour ago. Maybe you, you know, we have to move on as people. It does us no good to dwell on the past.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So are these people remorseless or are they forward thinking? That's true because there are a lot of people. Our buddy, our buddy, Caitlin, had an accident in Malibu. Did it sideline her? I don't know, I think, and that, but by the way, that's the attitude that makes a champion. That's really the attitude that makes a champion. She's like, I don't think she
Starting point is 00:57:47 meant to do it. I think circumstances being what they were, unfortunately, she ended somebody's life in her vehicle. But, you know, the term onward and upward exists for a reason. It's not, I mean, I didn't just invent it. It's actually a thing that people say, onward and upward. I audition for a movie recently. I didn't get it. And yet still my manager said onward and upward. We actually just went next, but I wish she said onward and upward. We actually just went next, but I wish she said onward and upward.
Starting point is 00:58:27 He just went next, which is maybe what? Kate, let's add next. Maybe she was like, next, or maybe this guy was just next, or a buddy, Alex Baldwin, maybe it was like, next, I don't know. I don't know. I am not a genius. We know him, but I do have some insight into the human condition and people often have to move on.
Starting point is 00:58:52 They must move on. And that really is an important part of life. And I think that, you know, this man, this is a horrible thing that this girl died, it was, it was not nice. He called her a retard after hitting her with his car. But that is what he believed caused the accident in fairness to him. And he's probably not an eloquent person. I look at him and I go, he's maybe not an eloquent, yeah, that is not an eloquent person. I look at him and I go, he's maybe not an eloquent man. That is not an eloquent man. That is not a man who went to Yale. So that is not a man who he's probably in articulate. He doesn't
Starting point is 00:59:35 exactly know how to express his emotions in a way that wouldn't offend. Like saying, like if I were him, I would have said, this is a great tragedy. I'm so sorry, she just jumped out of nowhere. Nobody was watching her. It seemed like something maybe was wrong with her. I wouldn't have said, why is this taking more than five minutes at retard jumped out? I wouldn't have said it.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Those were his words, not mine. Those were his words, not mine. Those were his words, not mine. But this is a man who understands the need to put the past behind him. You know, there's men and by the way, how different is he than Bill Clinton? Not too different. Bill Clinton's like, let's say, let's leave it there. Let's leave the past there. Onward and upward. Let's move on.
Starting point is 01:00:33 You think Bill Clinton wants a real examination of the pit? No, America's best-asher ahead of her. It's time to move on. That's why he brought the Newsom to Mexico to talk about the future. That's what they were discussing not the past Talk about the future and what it will bring and all the good things that are gonna come You know, and that's what this guy was doing in his own way with his little shitty car on a side street Driving a little fast killing this poor girl. Nothing good about any of that.
Starting point is 01:01:07 But he was just doing what Bill Clinton was doing. Life's a weird random place. This guy's going, let's move on. Clinton's in a luxury resort in Mexico, essentially saying the same thing. Let's move on. How many lives at Clinton rune? More than that guy. Probably, right? Yeah. So it's just interesting. How many lives at Clinton Roon more than that guy probably right yeah
Starting point is 01:01:31 So it's just interesting random odd, but that's what that's what we're doing here Can't make sense of it But if you want to see a comedy show you should go to Tim Dylan and get tickets to come see me You don't make the night fun Don't kill anyone on the way home. But if you do, that shouldn't, you know, inhibit you from going on and doing the things you normally do. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Northfield, Ohio, San Antonio, Texas, Dallas, Atlanta, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Boston, Boston, Boston, another Boston,
Starting point is 01:02:03 probably we're going to add a four show at the Wilbert Connecticut Fox Woods Chicago Fort Lauderdale, India of Phoenix, a couple more casinos being announced too. We'll be keeping an eye on all the stories for you. Some Gilbert Goons updates on the Patreon. Interesting stuff happening. God, I wish I was in the fucking Mexico with the Gavin Newsom and the Clintons. I really wish I was there. But at the end of the day, it's like, God, it looks so fun. Gavin Newsom with his cut off converses and
Starting point is 01:02:38 his wife. God, it looks so fun. Oh, poor Bill. Oh, here's the beach walk. It's unclear if former presidential candidate and ex secretary of state Hillary Clinton was also with the resort. Oh, they left her home. Oh, how sad Hillary is not much for parties. You know, that's what Bill said. Hillary's like, I don't want to see them. Because they're going to talk about how Gavin can become president. That's going to depress her. She's going to be depressed. So Bill's taking that walk on a beach. Bill's giving him the advice.
Starting point is 01:03:14 He's the young gun. This is like the last time anyone's going to ask for Bill Clinton's advice. He's a fucking suspect in a human trafficking probe. This is the last mother fucking time. Anyone is gonna take a beach walk with Bill Clinton and go, hey buddy, how do I do it? This is it. This is the last time Bill Clinton can be like in some type of elder statesman before he's just complete,
Starting point is 01:03:40 because this is the tip of the iceberg. What's gonna come out about all this stuff? I mean, it'll be terrible. His legacy is going to go down in literal flames. So this is the last time you can walk on a beach in Mexico and give this other scumbag advice about how to bamboozle everybody into thinking that this scumbag cares about them. And there's something nice about that. There's something nice about that. In a world that changes every minute, every second, when we can hold onto it very, very, very little, there's some nice things that stay the same.
Starting point is 01:04:15 And one of them is that somewhere on this planet, a sociopath will walk down the resort, walk down the beach of a resort and tell another sociopath how to be a better sociopath, okay? And neither one of them needed to be in fucking faggity, skull and bones.

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