The Tim Dillon Show - 403 - Twerk For Your Supper & The KHive

Episode Date: August 3, 2024

Tim talks about his sphere visit, apocalyptic movies, high end Asians, Kamala Harris, twerking too much, shadow banning, things staying the same and mothering. SPONSORS: Ground News Go to to get 40% off the Ground News Vantage plan to see through mainstream media narratives.  American Royalty Tour 🎟 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dylan podcast, the Tim Dylan show. It's different now, it's the Tim Dylan podcast for tax purposes. We're calling it the Tim Dylan podcast. We're not calling it the Tim Dylan show anymore. It's a Tim Dylan podcast or live with Tim Dylan. We should have a new name every six months. There are restaurants in New York and a lot of Chinese restaurants. I'm not saying anything about it.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I'm just saying a lot of them for tax purposes changed the names. It'll be like New Green Bow, and then it'll be like Nice Green Bow, and then it'll be like Green Bow, and you go, what's going on here? But I believe a lot of it's taxes. That's what it seems.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Thank you to everyone who came out to Wise Guys in Vegas. We announced the show about four days before we did it. And then we did shows out there at Wise Guys in Las Vegas. A lot of fun. I went to the Sphere. You know, my, my, you know, you know, the Sphere. The dumbest people in the world on social media are talking about the Sphere. I gotta see the Sphere.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And the Sphere is fun. I guess. The sphere is, it's, you know, when I was growing up, we had IMAX movie theaters. The sphere is like this big orb made of, it's a big LED screen in the middle of Vegas that is shaped like a planet, like a sphere. And you see it when you land the plane, and they have concerts there, like U2, and Bono comes out, and yells about AIDS, or whatever he's still doing, and Dead and Co, and everything. And so, and I'm not saying smart people aren't talking about this fear, but I've specifically noticed on my own feeds The dumbest people that I have ever met You know are are on and on about the sphere they cannot stop they want to go see it they need to see it
Starting point is 00:02:00 There's a special kind of dumb That will say will alert their social media Feed that they are planning to go to this sphere as if to say pull Look at what I'm about to do though. They'll go on they go I gotta check out this fear and they post a photo of it or they they share a video and they're like Definitely checking this out when I'm in Vegas as if everyone was worried that they would go to Vegas and somehow miss this. Um yeah they do a big eyeball it's fun so a friend of mine goes we gotta go to the sphere we gotta
Starting point is 00:02:39 see the sphere it's at the Venetian we gotta see the sphere fear. My attitude about Vegas is I like high-end Asians and that's it because most of Vegas now is just bags of shit. It's bags of human shit from America they come to Vegas and they don't gamble. They don't have the attention span or the money to play cards So they just kind of wander around these spaces and they're herded into restaurants. And then the younger people obviously go to nightclubs.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And then many of these bags of shit are herded into the sphere because it is a big... So the Darren Aronofsky, the guy who did Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream, they produced this very weird like climate, you know, like kind of, I don't know, it feels like it's a little bit of an eco-terrorist perspective on like, you know, it's like this weird movie
Starting point is 00:03:40 that they have at the sphere right now, I believe it's called, and you can maybe look this up postcards from humanity or something like that. I don't know if there's a trailer that we could play but the movie is you know it's about how human beings have destroyed the earth and that we I'm not kidding and we yeah, can we play this trailer? Yeah. All right This is the sphere So this is part of the movie that he has postcards from So now this right so he's got all these you know vibrant colors and it's you know they
Starting point is 00:04:35 do this you know they're like spiders jumping out and yeah. That's Kamala Harris's birthday party. So now Darren Aronofsky does this film and Darren Aronofsky is supremely talented. So I don't know why he's doing crap like this, but apparently they're paying him enough money to do this, which I will take the money too. So anything that I've ever,
Starting point is 00:05:04 and this is why I think people like the authenticity I bring, anything that I criticize, I will also do for money because guys like Taron Aronofsky realized that who cares? He's done a lot of great shit anyway. Let's make this crap for fat people from Ohio who are herded into the sphere, which is a movie theater when Bono's not on the stage singing about AIDS, and they'll watch this movie about how they have destroyed the Earth, which is the film. So, and then the film ends
Starting point is 00:05:37 where it's the creepiest thing you've ever seen because it takes you through civilization, and then of course, you know, we got too many people, the buildings are too tall, we can't see the sun all that and and and and we've destroyed any it's a voice and then by the way, so this message by the way could not be more lost by the way, this is hilarious. It's in Vegas. This message of we've destroyed the planet with, uh, you know, wanting more and more was never enough. And we built buildings that were, so this is happening at the sphere in
Starting point is 00:06:18 Vegas at a hotel that's meant to look like Italy. You're in this big movie theater and you're watching this, you know, whatever it is, 45 minute film about how the earth has been destroyed by people. And at the end of the movie, I swear to God, they go, but because the end of the movie, it goes, we can, we just need balance and we're out of balance. We're building too much. We're using too much energy.
Starting point is 00:06:51 We're destroying the planet. So at the end of the movie, they go, some of us can come back, but not all of us. Not all of us can come back to earth. The end of the movie is that we need... No, I'm not kidding. Go see this. The end of postcards... What's it called? Postcards from Earth. Yeah. The ends of...
Starting point is 00:07:15 The end of postcards from Earth is... They... It talks about we need a pretty... Go see it! We need a pretty and go see it We need a pretty significant. We need to eliminate a significant number of people on the planet to make it nice again That's kind of the message at the end They're like but not all of us could come back and then you have this like Native American chick and this black guy this Indian chick And there's whatever I don't Two non-white people, God bless. Love it, love it. Love it, love it. Love it, love it in the K-hive. Not commenting on it, I'm just saying. They land on another planet to terraform that and make it nice.
Starting point is 00:07:57 But the end of Postcards from the Earth is this and this narrator going, and not all, we understood that not all of us could go back like that that is the ending message of this movie in the sphere that you're watching is that uh you know that like you know so i go with with my friend and they're all like we got to see the sphere and we go and you walk into the sphere and i buy the two best tickets or VIP tickets this cost me six hundred dollars Okay VIP directors tickets directors tickets cost me six hundred three hundred each two seventy eight I believe per ticket to see this
Starting point is 00:08:41 IMAX movie. It's what it is without the 3D glasses. So then they go, oh sir, actually you're entitled to go to this VIP lounge where you get free merch. And my friend's a garbage person. So I go, no, no, no, no, no, we're not going to do that. We're just going to go to our seats. And my friend goes, no, dude, come on, We're going to get the merch. And I go, what is wrong with you? He goes, dude, I want the merch. So I'm with this animal who wants to go to the free lounge to get the hat and the sphere shirt. So me and this animal go to this.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Then this woman goes, we're going to give you a tour of the sound in the sphere, the sound system. I go, no, I don't, hey, I don't want any of this. And I'm being, and they're all shocked, by the way, at how I'm like, they're upset. By the way, I've worked at these types of jobs. When someone says they don't want you to do your job, you're supposed to take a breath, smile, kind of wink and go thank you. These people are offended. They're really really offended that I do not want to take a tour of the sound system at the sphere. Let me tell you why I don't want to take the tour. I don't give a fuck what the sound system of the sphere. I don't care. Will it be good? Will
Starting point is 00:10:01 it be fun? That's all I care about. I don't care how many megawatts. I don't care. They're deeply offended that I don't want to do so. Then I, I relent. I go, let's do it. I'm so disappointed in myself. I go, all right, let's do it. Because they look horrified. I look, one of the most terrible, whatever you want to call it, developments of late has been... you have this cult-like weird devotion that certain people have to their jobs. You either have people that don't care at all about their jobs and treat you like you're some type of obstacle to their own personal fulfillment when you walk into a place or you get the other extreme. There's nobody's in the middle anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You get the other extreme where people have this cult like devotion. They feel very lucky to be able to share with you the sound system at the sphere and how and here's what we did. And so I'm standing there with my friend, this animal who wants to get a shirt and a hat. Okay. So we go, we get the shirt and a hat. We take the tour of the sound system and then we go to our
Starting point is 00:11:19 seats and then our seats were sitting there and then they play this movie, you know, Let's Kill Humanity, or whatever they call it, Postcards from Earth. And the movie is, you know, it's just scenes of different kinds of people doing different things, right? It's weird. It's kind of weirdly racist in a weird way. Like, we're all just watching these different scenes of like people doing, and then all of a sudden it's just like black people in Africa picking fruit. I'm telling you, and we're all just sitting there kind of,
Starting point is 00:11:54 and you know, people are just kind of like, but they have like fun hats on. I don't know how Aronofsky chose the different slides that go in this, whatever he did. I don't know if he staged this or if he, whatever. So the premise of this is that cities and civilization has destroyed planet Earth. We're out of balance.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And the only way to get back into balance is to get rid of people. This is the thing that Americans are just sitting in the theater watching this. It's like weirdly like the Obamas have this deal with Netflix. They made that kind of boring movie with Julia Roberts and Masha'hara Ali about, which is an okay movie. It wasn't terrible, but it was somewhat boring. And it was that movie on Netflix. It was in the Hamptons actually. And it was called Leave.
Starting point is 00:12:50 What was that called? It was Leave the World Behind. Leave the World Behind. And it's this movie about a civil war in America. And it's this ominous movie where the majority of it, you don't really know what's going on or why, but you know that there's a civil war in America. And by the way, that movie was produced by the Obama's production company. It's very strange. It's odd.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's odd that an ex-president is producing a movie about the overthrow of the government that he led. It's odd. In the same way, it's a little strange like, I understand that Earth is out of balance to a degree and I understand that, you know, we've done a lot of damage to the planet but the end of the thing where they go, and by the way, not all of it, and we understood, it's such a creepy line, and we understood not all of us could return so then who get who returns? Who gets to?
Starting point is 00:13:51 We understood that not all of us could return and then afterwards At the end of this all of these bags of human shit That visit Las Vegas, they stand up. Now, by the way, people are just watching because of the colors. So no one's really understanding what the premise or the thesis of the short film is
Starting point is 00:14:19 because people are just, it's 112 degrees there, they just sit in the chair that they barely fit in People are just there, it's 112 degrees there. They just sit in the chair that they barely fit in and then they watch just colors. They're just watching colors, it's like children. It's like children, they're watching colors and they watch like an insect flying and you can see them, they go like they point, it's like my godson does, he's three.
Starting point is 00:14:42 They point at the insect, these guys, 40, 50, 60 years old, doesn't matter. And they're sitting in their seats and they're like, look at the insect. And then the women, some of them jump because the spider jumps, so the women go, woo! So they're not picking up on the fact that the end of the film calls for their extinction. They're not really into that. They're just like, well, the colors are bright. It's fun to see, you know, a hummingbird or whatever. After this, you leave the sphere and you're herded.
Starting point is 00:15:15 This is what I hate about concerts and everything, right? So I don't go to as many of these things as I should. I hate the hurting of people. I hate the like air traffic controller hurting. I don't want to be hurted. I never feel like I'm in a good spot if I'm being hurted. With like large numbers of people. When I see large numbers of people being hurted,
Starting point is 00:15:38 I'm like, oh, they're going to kill us soon. Something's going to happen soon. I don't feel good. So you go in and then you just stand in this dusty hot parking lot and wait for your Uber. But the fact that so many people are excited about this sphere, which I don't know if it's making money or not.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I don't even know. It may be. I don't know. I don't know if the sphere is doing well for the Venetian? Looks like it. Yeah, they're doing okay. Revenue for three months was 321 million. Okay. 170 coming from the sphere and 151 from the MSG networks is the Dolans. Is this the Long Island Dolans, the cable vision Dolans? Anytime I get a chance to shit on Long Island, I take it. The sphere is the big thing now in Vegas. Vegas used to be by the way. I just want high in Asians.
Starting point is 00:16:32 That's why I go. I lost three grand at Baccarat in, in a minute. I never do this, but I, I, I will play this for you because we don't really identify anyone. Will they kill me if I play this? I don't know what this guy does. Yeah, I want high end Asians only in Vegas. I don't want Americans. I don't want to be near them because I know how they act. I'm friends with them. I'm born of them. The high end, that's why I go to background.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I don't even know what's happening in back. I don't even know what's happening. Everything'scarat. I don't even know what's happening Everything's in Chinese, but I sit there and all the Asians no one talks everyone smokes and you just lose three grand and leave That's fine This is a high-end billionaire arriving at the win. I believe Maybe a whale or something. He's being greeted by the people that live at the win I'm not live at the win that work at the win this staff. And this is just do a can we blur the faces? One of them has a mask. Many of them have masks. That helps.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's like his interpreter or this woman. She's like chief of staff, right? I mean, I don't know if we can play this. I won't pull. Don't play this. Don't play this. This is where you could get in trouble. Take my advice. I mean, take my, just believe me when I tell you I only want to be around Asian people right now. And if that's racist, that's fine. But that's really where I am at my life. I'm 39. I don't want to be around anyone else right now except Asians. Specifically in Vegas. High-end Asians. High-end. High-end. Let me specify. I want to be around
Starting point is 00:18:15 High-end. I don't want to be at the sphere with these bags of human shit Sitting in their seats getting excited about the colors. It's really depressing when you go to Vegas and you look at what they've done to the country and what they've done to the people and what excites the people. It used to be you would go to Vegas and you'd be excited about winning because we used to want to win or care about winning and you used to go, you know what I want to fucking kill This game I want to win a little bit of money. Maybe we'd get a nice hooker something now It is I want to go see a movie theater
Starting point is 00:18:56 That's shaped like a ball That's what people want now Kamala Harris were in the K-Hive. What is the K-Hive? What is it? I'll explain it to you. Maybe you're not in it, but you're going to get in it. You're going to get in it.
Starting point is 00:19:13 You hear me? Here's what the K-Hive is. The K-Hive is a release. It is a release and we need a release. God, do we need a release, God, do we need a release? It is a release from the laws, the rules, anything. It is a release from gravity. It does not matter. It is a vibe.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Andrew Sullivan called it a vibocracy. Now, it doesn't matter that Kamala Harris was against fracking. Now she's down with it. Now she doesn't want single-payer healthcare anymore. Now she wants border security. It doesn't matter that she did it because she doesn't even, she's not for the things she's for. It's not a flip-flop. Everyone's like the Republicans are like, by the way, if anyone is lit, and they all are, I know that everyone listens, you have to listen to me here because I'm gonna tell you why you're losing very soon. I'm gonna tell you why you're losing. But what we have to do right now is break down the
Starting point is 00:20:18 vibocracy, as Andrew Sullivan said, because Kamala Harris is doing what Trump did in 2016 that they're not doing now, and I guess it is hard to do now, she's throwing a party. And I said this months ago, I said it months ago, I said the person who throws the party is gonna win. And I guess it is a little, you know, it's harder to throw a party after somebody just shot at your head. Because usually that would stop a party. Somebody shoots you and it grazes your ear, the party's kind of over. It's hard to bounce back from that and throw a party. But Kamala is throwing a party. She doesn't believe in anything. Well, she's flip-flop. It's not flip-flop. She doesn't believe. It wasn't that. It isn't this. She wasn't for it before she was against. It's nothing. It has no foundation in
Starting point is 00:21:16 reality. None of it matters. The Democrats are living in a post-reality world of parties. living in a post-reality world of parties. People are twerking, people are singing, there's yassqueening. It has nothing to do with anything that you, it's not tangible, you can't touch it. It's the sphere. Do you see? The people come in, they heard them in,
Starting point is 00:21:43 come in fatty, sit in your seat and look at its pretty colors. It's things that are flying by a mile a minute. Kamala Harris is instantly reli- yes, play this. Play this. That's right. That's right. This is the campaign. These are the policies. These are the part. This is what you're going to get. These are the policies. This is what you're voting.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You're voting for this. They're not even trying. And by the way, this is brilliant. They're not even trying to put out. Yeah, it's, there you go. Let's get rid of that. But they're, the people that, by the way, they have their perfect candidate,
Starting point is 00:22:33 half Indian, half black, attractive woman. Every billionaire on earth, this is, if you were going to build a robot in a lab that would be secretly controlled by billionaires, it is Kamala Harris. It doesn't help that JD Vance is bombing with his ferret face or whatever. He has this strange kind of, he has his beady eyes. No one likes tech people, even right wing ones. No one likes tech people.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Start with the nerds. likes tech people. Stop with the nerds. The Republicans thought that they were going to build a bridge to the nerds with this guy. Stop with the nerds. People don't like nerds, no matter what ideological stance they have. Because on one side, you've got this guy and on the other side you have,
Starting point is 00:23:26 people are twerking, people are on Mali, the glow sticks are out. It's fun. Kamala is the candidate. She would be built if she was, you know, what's that line about Israel? If Israel didn't exist, we would have to invent her. If Kamala Harris did not exist, billionaires would have to invent her if Kamala Harris did not exist billionaires would have to invent her half Indian half black attractive woman childless she's a career bitch or should I say bish bish Kamala Harris would have to be invented if she did not already exist. She is hollow in the best way. Meaning certain people when they are hollow, there is something deeply uneasy about them
Starting point is 00:24:15 because some of them would want to not be hollow. There is some humanity in them that is trying to escape. Kamala is so at home with her hollowness, she has been eaten by ambition. It is stage four. It has gone to the brain. It is that laughter. It is that kind of, she is perfectly comfortable with being used as a tool by other people to say anything and do anything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 She is kind of the perfect candidate for America at the current stage it is. That's why everyone was like, when Rogan said, I can see her winning. It wasn't an endorsement of her. We just, when you look back and you analyze it and you look at it, who's bet? Now, yes, she can't speak. She does it, you look at it, who's bet now, yes, she can't speak.
Starting point is 00:25:07 She does it, you know, it's like, you know, the robots, when the robot, you know, the early generations of the robots, when you roll them out, they make mistakes. They're not that impressive. But from far away, if you choose the angle at which they are observed, you're like, oh, my God, that's fucking cool. Those little Boston Dynamics dogs that just keep walking.
Starting point is 00:25:31 But then they walk into the wall a few times. You go, oh, this isn't that great. However, when you first see the Boston Dynamics robot dog, you go, whoa, this is wild. Now, listen, Kamala is the most relatable person immediately. She's a person who is not qualified for her job. That is most Americans don't feel qualified for their jobs and aren't, and aren't.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Most Americans spend four years in college getting fed gobbledygook and horse shit and then they have to go on an interview or a series of interviews and say I'm gonna make the marketing at this company so good and they don't know what they're doing because no one really does in the beginning when I first started to become a comedian I was not qualified for my job but I have to go out and tell people I'm a comedian they go yeah okay you know my job, but I'd have to go out and tell people I'm a comedian. They'd go, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You know, it's when you start a podcast and no one's listening, you go, I've got a podcast. They go, really? It's everybody in this country, it's act as if, fake it till you make it. It's maybe the main American thing is to be full of shit until the rest of your surroundings conform to the level of bullshit that you have been spewing for years. Kamala is
Starting point is 00:26:56 perfectly at home and perfectly calm and at peace with being full of shit, being unqualified, she gets it. She understands and Americans understand too. They go, we kind of like this woman because she is not bothered by the fact that she is an empty vessel. She just wants to be the president, bitch! And wouldn't you? Wouldn't you want to be the president? It's every person that has no business doing what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:27:38 which is such a large swath of this country. No business doing what they're doing. There's a little, they have a soft spot for Kamala. Even I look at Kamala and she will wreck the country and the world. They will wreck the people. And by the way, not even her, the people that are behind her will destroy earth.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And I don't know if anyone will be able to stop them from destroying earth no matter who's in, but they will accelerate the process of destroying Earth and people will dance into the, you know, they will dance into the fire pits. And it's just, but maybe that is better. I don't know. No one has heard anything from her. No one knows anything. Everything she says is crazy. She was not allowed to speak as a vice president. She was given strict orders to not speak. She was given strict orders to not say anything. Everything she said was crazy. You act like you fell out of a coconut tree. Like she tries on different accents.
Starting point is 00:28:33 She has different sayings. She makes up family members that don't exist. You know, my aunt used to say that the future is just a path. Like, I mean, yeah, yeah I mean just play anything she said play anything is this her new accent new accent yeah and you all helped us win in 2020 and we're gonna do it again in 2024 that's right yes we will
Starting point is 00:29:01 she look at her she's like uh, so there's that great moment right after she does that is great play that again watch her right after she delivers She's in disbelief She's in full disbelief Watch her after she delivers at 2024. She is in full cuz by the way the middle of the night They knocked on her door. It was like Game of Thrones They knocked on her door that like Joe's out and Thrones. They knocked on her door. They're like, Joe's out. And she's like, Oh, what do you mean? They go, he's out and you're in.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And if, and it was Obama Pelosi, Sy Hersh just wrote the article. And they're like, and if you don't gain traction, you're out. So follow me. And she had to follow these people by candlelight. They led her down a long corridor, a long hall, and she's being led. And they all have sleeping caps on. It's the middle ages. And she's going down a long hall and a long hall, and she's being led, and they all have sleeping caps on. It's the Middle Ages.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And she's going down a long hall, and she goes in her room. But so she has no idea how this even happened. But she's handling it well. She smiles, and she's kind of goofy and silly, and she doesn't know. She's like a teacher. She's like a teacher who's in front of the class, and she's like, oh, I'm in front of the, I was just in school, not even a couple of months ago, but now I'm in front of the class and now it's my classroom and these are my students.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Watch her face after 2024 because she's taking it all in. And you all helped us win in 2020 and we're going to do it again in 2024. Yes we will. Yes we will. Yes we will. Yeah, I mean, she's like, I am, I cannot believe they are allowing this. I cannot believe, but believe it because she's winning. And here's why the Republicans are losing right now. The Republic, here's, let's talk for a minute about something that no one cares about.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Shadow banning. Shadow banning is probably real. In fact, I know it's real. The tech companies can turn you on and turn you off and they don't have to tell you why They have turned you on or turned you off. Sometimes they give you a very vague explanation but most of the time certain things can be hidden and
Starting point is 00:31:20 Usually they are videos with some controversy or a couple of keywords people don't like now as Someone who's a creator gotta hate that word, but if you're a creator and You put stuff out into the ether on the internet some of it does well some of it doesn't do well Here's what you cannot talk about Shadowbanning, you know why? Nobody cares that you are being shadow banned. You cannot prove it and it annoys people to continually listen to you complain.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Most people who are complaining about this are doing decently well. Some of them aren't. It doesn't matter. You cannot complain about being shadowed but I've seen people destroy their careers in the same way that the republicans are now complaining that the media likes Kamala and is treating them unfairly of course the media likes Kamala of course they are going to treat you unfairly but you cannot keep talking about media bias. It is boring. It is boring. You've already won. You won in 2016.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You won. You governed for four years. You can't. The only way that Republicans, especially Trump, cannot run from a position of weakness. He cannot. Meaning, he's not allowed to be weak publicly in front of people. It will not work. He has to project certainty and strength. When JD Vance goes to a bunch of donors, is there a little bit of a gut punch? We had to run against Kamala,
Starting point is 00:33:14 a little bit of a gut punch. That is not the, that is how they lose. They lose when they allow people to think there is a possibility that they will lose This is by the way, not only them This is any comedian when JD Vance did that joke and it kind of got a laugh and he goes I love you guys That's what comedians say when they're bombing they go. I love you guys like You could tell Trump doesn't really love him because Trump doesn't really forget the things that were said, but that's okay They can move on Vance is not gonna make or break the race Don't let the media make it about the VP. It doesn't matter. No one cares. Trump
Starting point is 00:33:47 is still Trump. They cannot allow themselves to buy into this media narrative that number one, people are electing JD Vance or not, or number two, that Kamala is a runaway freight train because Kamala can be stopped, they can also lose. And if they over twerk, this is my thought, if Kamala over twerks, if they yasqueen too much, if they OD on the vibes, I will tell you this, they might lose. They are getting cocky and the and and it's a long way off. We're a long way off. We're a long way off from when people actually vote. So Kamala's getting cocky. The people behind her are getting a little cocky because the rollout has gone very well. the rollout has gone very well. That doesn't mean, that doesn't mean that it's just gonna, she's gonna be guaranteed to walk into the Oval Office.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Because they could keep twerking to a point where people are uncomfortable because all Americans want is someone to act like a human being for five minutes. I will tell you who wins this election if someone acts like a human being for five minutes. I will tell you who wins this election if someone acts like a human being for five minutes. If someone can act like a human person for five minutes they will win the election. And if it's close enough to when people go to the polls that's all people are looking for. So the rollout is good. We're twerking. We're vibing. We're just yelling and
Starting point is 00:35:29 screaming and clapping and dancing. But then the summer's gonna end. There's gonna be a debate which Trump to his peril is refusing. He can't refuse it. He has to show up for it. But I'm not against him making them beg make them beg and then do it You got to debate her you have to debate her off the scripted speeches. She's gonna win You got to get her off the cuff and she's got a short circuit You got to put the iPhone in the water You got to show people that not only does she believe in nothing, she doesn't know anything.
Starting point is 00:36:08 That's the bigger. It's people in this country don't care that she believes in nothing. And Trump doesn't have a huge set of consistent political beliefs either. So it's not even about that. It's about how little Kamala Harris actually knows about any of the issues in the campaign. He's going to debate her and that is his ticket and the winner of that debate will win the election. And Trump, stop with the race stuff, it doesn't matter if she's Indian or Black, it doesn't matter. None of this matter. It doesn't matter if she doesn't have kids with JD Vann. What they should do is they should go,
Starting point is 00:36:51 this woman is not informed about the issues in the campaign. She doesn't know. She doesn't care. She doesn't know. She doesn't care. She's being used by people that have agendas that she may or may not share, but she doesn't even know if she shares them. That is the case. She doesn't know. office, bright-eyed, fun, you like her immediately, sweet, but has no idea what's going on. And everyone likes her. Everyone hates
Starting point is 00:37:36 Kathy, the cunt who does compliance, because she's got to make sure the company is, you know, compliant and that everybody doesn't go to jail. So she can't be fun. Kamala can be fun. She can be fun, but make no mistake, she doesn't have any beliefs and she doesn't really know why or why not. She just knows that it might be fun to be the president. How fun would that be, bitch?
Starting point is 00:38:06 That would be fun. She's like everyone else from California. They don't know what they believe. No one lives in their heads. No one lives in their heads. I mean, if you spend long enough here, everybody's Kamala. Everybody is Kamala Harris here. It's not rare to meet Kamala.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And they're lovely. They're actually lovely. They're nice. They're fake. And they're, you know, it's good. It's nice. And everything's very small talk and fun. And look at you and look at me and woo!
Starting point is 00:38:42 But there's nothing real. Nobody's tethered to the earth. It doesn't matter. They knocked on her door. Just it's you now. It's me. It's you. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And then immediately the elect would just going to get people to twerk. You're going to talk about history. Just talk about history. Just talk about it. It's historic. What you're doing is historic. Doesn Just talk about it. It's historic. What you're doing is historic. It doesn't matter with you. It's historic. It's historic. Whatever it is, it's historic. History, we're going to do it. And people like that. People like frauds. It's America. They root for the con. They root for the thief. They root for the con they root for the thief they root for the criminal. This is America
Starting point is 00:39:26 They root for John Gotti not the feds Now the brilliance of the feds she is a fed she's a prosecutor But the brilliance is she's wrapped herself in enough of the identity politics and enough of that bullshit That people have forgotten that she's a fed through and through. She's a fed but the feds did something brilliant. They did something smarter than I wouldn't have called it. The feds have now wrapped themselves in identity politics so that none of them can get called out for being fed. Even AOC and these people they will never call her out. They will not call these people out because the higher principle here is that
Starting point is 00:40:08 you're going to have a black woman president or Indian Indian black woman president, whatever. That is the higher principle. This is why the CIA does all those dumb recruitment videos about women of color drone striking Yemeni children or whatever. This is why, you know, all of these big companies like Nike come out and talk about the importance of representation. The woman with the hijab in the trainers. This is why they do it. So they never have to get called out on their shit. They never have to change. It's a great quote. I forget what it is. I'm probably mangling it. It doesn't matter, but it's basically some version of for things to stay the same they must change.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And what that means is that you have to eventually find a way to put on a show for people. Because the behind the curtain is never going to change. Is this the quote? Yes. What a great quote by Giuseppe Tomasi. God, I'm going to massacre this. Lampedusa. If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. This is the guiding principle of the ruling class of America and the world. principle of the ruling class of America and the world for the last 15 years, if we want things to stay as they are things will have to change. Behind the curtain will not change. Who they put in front of the curtain is going to have to
Starting point is 00:41:39 change. Kamala is the prototype of the new American leader. They will be affable, they will be fun. They will be attractive, they will have no beliefs. They will not know much about anything. They will be careerists, they will come out of institutions. And this has always kind of been the archetype of the American leader, but the major difference now is the people are stupider, so the leaders can be stupider.
Starting point is 00:42:09 The media is stupider, the leaders can be stupider. Everybody gets dumber together, fish rots from the head. And that's the, this is what we're doing. And this is the new, it'll be the Brentwood wine mom, Yas Queen, and this is a woman who said Russia is a bigger country and they invaded Ukraine, they are a smaller country. That is the way she chose to broke the Ukraine war down for the American people, and that's what she'll do.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Go and play some of her, get up on YouTube some of her greatest hits. She had one the other day that was great and it was just about the moment that we're in and the present moment that we're in. I watched it and I was amazed right up there. Go up and she's at an abortion rally. Now I want you to watch this. I want you to make this big. I want everybody to watch this. This is very, very interesting to watch. Okay, you are seeing in real time exactly everything that I have just laid out for you where she's not saying anything. It seems like she is, but she's not. This is spooky. It's actually spooky. It's on the edge of scary. Because you're, you're starting to wonder at what point they will sub these people out with AI. I'm not kidding. I'm not
Starting point is 00:43:41 kidding. At what point, or have they already? Good night. Now, at what point will they, will they sub these people out with Manchurian candidate AI? How much different would that be from this? Let's go. I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders. For us at every moment in time and certainly this one to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present and to be able to contextualize it to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.
Starting point is 00:44:33 So this is the last stop on the train before they just get a robot, like an actual AI, that will be better. This does seem like we're at the final stop on the train. That seems to be the final stop on the train. I'm sure she's a smart woman in her field, which is mainly letting, you know, you know, trying to arrest parents whose kids don't go to school or whatever. She made her bones doing, but she's just kind of in it for the din-din. She likes going out and have thrown back a couple of glasses of wine. The presidency for her is going to be fun. It's going to be traveling. It's going to be traveling. It's a lot of traveling and she's going to like it.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Now, let's go watch JD Vance. Now JD Vance is having problems. We've offered him to come on the show. We haven't heard anything. JD Vance is having problems because number one people find tech people very, very, very creepy. No matter what. And it certainly doesn't help
Starting point is 00:45:33 that people don't feel like he's legitimately... I don't know. He said a couple of things about Trump that are less than... called him an opioid and, you know, I think he likened him to Hitler at one point. But JD Vance is not terribly popular, but again, it's not about JD Vance. The media will make it about JD Vance and if the Republicans buy into that. But here is JD Vance speaking and again, this is, this is, you know, not great. Let's watch this. Now, where can I get a good fried bologna sandwich right now?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Oh no. Oh no. Alright, this is the guy. This is the guy who makes it. Oh boy. But I, you know, I'll tell you another story. Oh please. That's right. He probably does have an IQ of 200, but don't tell him that. I'll tell you another story. Oh, please. That's right. He probably does have an IQ of 200, but don't tell him that.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Don't tell him that. So. The energy is not high. I love you guys. Oh, yeah, that's a tough one. Here's why this doesn't work with the tech guy. The tech people, they're very uncomfortable with humans. They don't like humans. They actually do not like, they like in theory.
Starting point is 00:46:51 See he likes the Appalachian people that he grew up with in theory, but he doesn't really want to be near any of them. Because the tech people just feel comfortable in very small crowds of people that think and look like them. And by look like them, I don't even mean racially. I just mean like they're, you know, weird coders and like, you know, these types that are, this is not, he is not a man of the people. He doesn't want to be in an airplane hangar or wherever he is doing these big rallies. This does not work for him. He needs to be taken off the road immediately. Put him in a room. Put him in a room. Every here's you asked me a question, subject unimportant. I'm JD
Starting point is 00:47:33 Vance. Every answer he gives should be this. Go. What should we do about immigration? Did you see how heroic it was when Trump had that bullet fired at him and he stood up? Because a man that can withstand that can withstand anything. That's it. That's all he should ever say. All he should ever say is something about Trump. Something about Trump. That's all he should ever say. If they ask him about his wife, he should go, you know how nice Trump was to her when he met her God what's your name Usha Usha Usha loves Trump he should redirect redirect to the
Starting point is 00:48:15 one people like by the way couples do this that are smart I know couples where one half of them is liked and the other ones hated and Every time they always deflect and they bring up the one that people like I'm telling you it happens quite often Vance needs to redirect and make everything about Trump if he doesn't he is going to be fucked Folks you heard of apps? You gotta download this app. Don't you realize there's problems in the media?
Starting point is 00:48:58 Bias and dishonesty, sensationalism, lack of transparency and accountability, fostering division? Well, I do. And I bet you do too. So, Ground News is a website and app that lets you see through misleading media narratives. It gathers related articles from around the world in one place so you can compare how different outlets
Starting point is 00:49:20 cover the same story and see a variety of perspectives. For every news story, they show you which outlets have a political bias, how reliable their reporting is and who owns them. So you get to see, oh, who owns this? Why am I seeing this? It's actually really cool. Whether you're on the left or the right, or like a lot of people these days, you don't know exactly where you fit in anymore, we can all agree that it's hard to trust what
Starting point is 00:49:41 we see in the news and in our social media feeds. Ground News helps me make sure I'm seeing what we see in the news and in our social media feeds. Ground News helps me make sure I'm seeing every news story in the context of the larger media world. Go to to give it a try. Go to to give it a try. It's really fun when your friend says, well, did you read this article? And you go, yeah, you know who owns that? You know thing? If you sign up through my link, you'll get 40% off the Vantage plan, which is what I use to get unlimited access to all features.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I really love this site, app site. I think Ground News is doing important work and I hope you will check them out. Go to slash Tim. This is interesting, I read this article, the dangers of mother worship. People don't like the term mother. People should be careful about who they call mother
Starting point is 00:50:32 because the mother worship should be reserved for the actual family. The term has become a symbol of pop cultural reverence, but celebrities can't give us real nourishment or care. Speak for yourself. What do you think I do here? You don't think I give people nourishment and care? Are they nuts?
Starting point is 00:50:55 The symbolic usage of mother is not new as anyone who's been a member of the Catholic church or a sorority can tell you, but in recent years, the word has blossomed into a term of pop cultural reverence. What's that thing you guys have been saying online? Taylor Swift asked during some stage band or at a Mother's Day concert last year. You're always just like mother is mothering.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Somewhere between a meme and a mantra, and a mantra, mantra, I never know how to say that, I say it both ways. The expression became a half jokingjoking phrase of worship, usually accompanying a depiction of a female celebrity at her most committed. Well, here's the thing. We're in a time of cults and cult leaders. And the reason that people are calling
Starting point is 00:51:47 People mother is because people so desperately want to belong to something We have destroyed the image of the American as a loner Cruising down highway route 66 loner cruising down highway route 66, stumbling into a bar, figuring something out. We have destroyed the idea of that. People like that now we think are freaks. We think they're freaks actually. If you value your freedom, your freedom of expression,
Starting point is 00:52:18 your freedom to move around, you're looked at as a crazy person, some type of a psychopath. We have tried very hard to make people, and technology has done this and it's flattened everybody. The loner, the outcast, the person that's on the outside of things now is a person that is demonized, the person that stands back from the crowd
Starting point is 00:52:48 and goes, well, I don't know if I don't know about that. I'm not sure about that. So the quasi religiosity and not even quasi religiosity of like a Taylor Swift fan base, for example, or anything, anything now that people like, there's a religious quality to it and it's disturbing. It's disturbing because people are extracting meaning from being a part of something and other people are looking at all of this going, what could Taylor Swift get these people to do? What could some of these celebrities get people to do?
Starting point is 00:53:35 We don't know. But there is something odd about the fandom now. There's something strange about all these YouTubers canceling each other in the pylons and how weird in the comments you were my whole life I've watched you forever And now I will never recover from the fact that you did this to that part. It's weird. It's strange Where are their friends? Where are their families? Where are the interpersonal dynamics of their own lives? Why is everything, you know, digital?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Everybody is, these kids are digitally native. They exist primarily on the internet. Why is this the way it is? But it seems unavoidable. But that's the question you ask as someone who's in their 40s or they're in the late 30s or mid 30s, wherever you happen to be, you didn't grow up like this. You did not grow up idolizing people the way that you see people being idolized. Now you liked bands and you loved comedians
Starting point is 00:54:39 and you had those, you know, obviously relationships, but it was not the way it is now. Something has happened. Something has fallen apart to where people are having the very unhealthy relationships with celebrities, with people they do not know and will not know. And it's creepy. And the article does touch on some of that, that it is creepy. But it's also the way we've given people the option. These celebrity mothers aren't mythical
Starting point is 00:55:14 goddesses like Cybele, nor are they the mother clap or mothers of the ballroom scene, risking their neck and providing tangible resources to persecuted people. Mothers such as Taylor Swift and others are wealthy entertainers elevated to symbolic status by millions of strangers who pledged them their filthy. The sense of the word seems closely connected to Jacobson's mama of early childhood, the primal expression of a deep unmet need. Well, that's what it is. And now the biggest mother of them all will be Kamala Harris, and it'll be the state. The biggest mother of all will be the state. That's coming. Big Mama Fed. That'll be the biggest mother of them all.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And we'll want it. We'll want, we will want, we'll never, we will never not want it. This is why the Republicans don't know how to run against this because it is deeply embedded in our nature to reward the fraud. That's why we kind of rewarded Trump in 2016 because he came out and said, I am full of shit. And Hillary didn't. Hillary was the one that said, how dare he say that we're all criminals.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And Trump goes, no, no, no, you're all criminals and I know because I'm a criminal. And he won. We will always reward frauds at this level in America because we know deep down, we know that nothing good is gonna come from getting honest in this country. We know that. Can't get honest here.
Starting point is 00:56:52 That's not part of the plan. Twerk. You better twerk. Twerk for your sepper. Twerk until you can twerk no more. Twerk on your way to the electric chair because that's where you're going. But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:57:10 So for Trump to win, he's got to get fun fast. Throw that party from 2016. You got to go out again and turn this race back into Vegas, but the way it used to be, not the sphere. She'll win if you fight at the sphere. She wins. If it's just fat bags of shit watching bright colors on the fucking LED screen, she will win. You gotta make it old Vegas. Sit at the table. Put your money up. You could win. Dress up a little nice. Go to the steakhouse. You've got a voucher. Faggot! Just feels, sometimes that feels good.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I traded in my Bentley. I'm getting, I'm getting older and I'm starting to realize that owning expensive and flashy shit is stupid. I realized that. I realized that. It's, it's, there's, there's a time when you have to look at your life and go, what is this crap? I have all this crap. And I was sitting in the Rolls Royce dealership talking to my friend Dean. And we found a car that was suitable for me. And it's pretty. And I'm not going to say which kind it is. I don't need you trying to follow me or kill me.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I have enough people trying to do that in the government. Probably, I don't know. Hopefully not. But buying a car is a very interesting experience and everyone should do it because you're buying a president. It will inevitably disappoint you when it goes down in value. However, it is a process that you should do. It's one of the first things you buy as a young person. Your father or mother takes you to a used car lot and they get you a car. It's a used Mitsubishi Galant.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Maybe it's a RAV4, I don't know. Maybe it's a Beamer. I don't know what socioeconomic status you come from. And I don't care. For me, it was an old Smobile 88, a real junker, a piece of shit. I junked it for an eight ball of cocaine it was a car that would stop if I
Starting point is 00:59:27 Put my if I put my foot on the brake and the car would just shut off It had an air suspension though. That was kind of nice it floated around and glided the Lincoln's and the Oldsmobile's My point is that it was my first car. It was freedom It was the first thing that I bought that I got I got the papers you own this It's yours Okay, and then immediately I treated it like shit and destroyed it and I will do that to everything I own There's no reason to own anything if you don't do that, by the way people People don't understand that they think owning things is to treat them with respect or reverence. That's absolutely not the case.
Starting point is 01:00:05 What? I used to have a joke about it. It doesn't matter. It's one of the old specials. The point is this. The president of the United States is a used car. It has seen action. It's gonna disappoint you.
Starting point is 01:00:21 It's gonna break down. But you have to feel like it is the thing that you need at the moment. Sales is something I've been in my entire life, and when you sell something to someone, you have to recognize the desire deep in them, or deep in them an unmet needs something that they want and then you have to find the thing that they think will give it to them. It's never actually the thing that they need because most of what we need is spiritual not material but who the fuck makes money selling that? The church. That's not our business. Our business is cars, for the sake of this example. Americans like cults, all of them, on the right and the left.
Starting point is 01:01:19 But cults have to be fun. In the beginning, in the end they're not. Trump has to get fun fast. He's got to make this Vegas again. He's got to make it Vegas. He's got to get everybody on the PJ. He's got to land. The turbulence should be wild. The champagne is spilling.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Who gives a fuck? He's got to turn this into a party should be wild, the champagne is spilling, who gives a fuck? He's got to turn this into a party because what Kamala Harris has been able to do, okay, is she is parading the most endearing quality, okay, to the American people. Thoughtlessness. There is no one more in deep, but with success, like she's done it. She gonna be the president, bish.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So you, if you want to beat her, you have to throw a bigger party than she will. And that's gonna be difficult to do with JD Vance. But Vance is the type of guy for the party who could just get the drugs, just get the drugs, just get the hey, get the drugs. He's the guy that gets the drugs. He's the guy you send on an hour fucking into the deep valley to get the drugs. We don't need him there. Get the drugs. Someone send him to get the drugs and Trump's got to throw a party. Otherwise, because she is answering this mother question, she's answering this, this thing that people want, they want to elevate this woman because she is them.
Starting point is 01:03:05 people want, they want to elevate this woman because she is them. They are full of shit. They don't know what to think. They don't know what's going on. They just don't want people to be mean to them. So much of America is people just not wanting people to be mean to them. I know. So you have to play into that. You can't make it hard. You can't make being a fan of someone hard. You can't give them all this complicated crap. She's not gonna. She's not gonna give them a bunch of complicated policy proposals. She's gonna talk about history. She's gonna
Starting point is 01:03:42 talk about doing it. whatever that is, and she right now is in the lead. Doesn't mean she'll stay in the lead because the fatal flaw of her campaign, like all campaigns, might be cockiness. When they dance a little too much, people might start to see through it. They might start to see the robot glitching. They don't love that. Remember the beginning of AI was like, oh my God, now you look at AI and you see like some of the stuff AI is doing and you go, yeah, I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:04:20 All these writers that were paranoid about AI, it was never AI that was coming for their jobs. It was just a lot of shows that were being made that nobody wanted to watch. Nothing to do with AI. Now show us this, let's end with this, because I like this. This is a therapeutic video of the Boston Dynamics robot. Yes, yeah. Here we go. Interesting. Is this a real video? Yeah, this is it. But they're falling. Now that's what this is, what the Republicans hope Kamala does at the
Starting point is 01:04:58 debate. See that if that, if she does that at the debate, he's got a shot. If they don't debate her, it's hers to lose. So it'll be very interesting to see what happens. Heed my warnings, all who listen, heed them, heed them. Is it the worst idea for JD Vance to go out and start twerking? Maybe not. If JD Vance gets out there with a rapper, you'd have to find one, maybe one of them that Trump let out of jail, they owe him, and JD Vance goes out there. JD, just get the drugs, we're throwing a party.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Take a ride to the deep valley and get everybody drugs. We're throwing a party and if Trump can can can Fun fraud that's what she's doing Fun fraud will win always in America GWB winner Clinton winner Obama more cerebral winner. People knew Obama was didn't believe the things he kind of said. No one cared. No one cared.
Starting point is 01:06:16 He was fun. He was elegant. So you got to bring back the fun fraud. That is the archetype of American that we like. We are comfortable with that. It's in every movie. Every pop culture depiction of a guy that bluffs his way into something, some room he shouldn't be in, but at the end of the day, he makes it work. And right now it looks like Kamala's gonna make it work. She's gonna be the president, bish!

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