The Tim Dillon Show - 418 - Matt Gaetz & The Non-Binary Capitalist
Episode Date: November 23, 2024Tim examines the Matt Gaetz scandal, ICBM’s for Christmas, F1, how many Italians are on social media, Trans-Republicans, getting blitzed with your parents, female incels and why he didn’t grow up ...with game night. American Royalty Tour 🎟 SPONSORS: Morgan & Morgan For more information go to Blue Chew & Use Code: ‘TIM’ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dillon show.
I'm getting over laryngitis, but the voice is strong.
Mad Gates had sex with a child.
I just think of all the women who thought that they were going to get a respite from this for one week.
And their boyfriend is playing this and, you know, they're in the kitchen making a jello no bake or whatever women do
I don't know what they do, but they're in the kitchen making a stir-fry or something and then they just hear mad good
But Matt Gaetz friend of the show
Like our friend diddy friend of the show with drew
his nomination for attorney general
and I believe, am I correct about this,
he's now on cameo?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I believe it's all right.
This has been the worst 48 hours of this man's life.
Can you imagine going from thinking
you were gonna be the attorney general and then you're on cameo wishing people a happy birthday?
Is this really true? Is he really on cameo? He's charging $500 to make bespoke fan videos on the cameo. If you don't know what cameo is, cameo, and no shade to anyone who's
on cameo by the way, but cameo is not ideal. It's not the ideal career setup is to be on
cameo getting random requests for birthday messages and then having to fulfill them
For money now, there's a lot of talented people on it and blah-blah-blah whatever disclaimer you want. I will never do it I don't care how desperate I am. I will never do it. I will first I will defect to a foreign country
I will I will do anything but cameo
Why didn't he just go back to driving the minors over to state lines?
Why are you on cameo? Have you no dignity?
I mean, say what you want about Jus Lane.
Do you think Jus Lane Maxwell would want to be out of jail right now?
So that that bitch could be like, hello, hi Teresa, happy birthday, it's just like
Maxwell, your friend Lauren sent in a request here on Cameo and she wants you to know that
you're gorgeous darling, you don't look a day over 38, happy 40th, like no, do your
time, do your time, sit in the cell. So Matt Gaetz, he has problems this person because here's the
thing about Matt Gaetz. He's uncami. Is this real? Is life real? Is this all real?
Yes. I served in Congress. This is his cameo bio. It says I served in Congress.
Trump nominated me to be US Attorney General. That didn't work out once I fired the House Speaker.
That was a reference to events in October of last year when Gates triggered the historic removal
of Kevin McCarthy, a fellow Republican, the first speaker ever ejected by his own party. So now Matt
Gates, the issue here is that Matt Gates has been accused of sex with an
underage woman. Trafficking. Yes. Trafficking and having parties with women. Sex parties and then
some of them are underage.
One of them was 17 apparently.
And they've testified against him in a closed door session.
And there is an ethics report that Speaker Mike Johnson got them to not release, but
there is bad stuff happening.
And I've heard from inside sources. I have many sources, folks.
This is why you watch this program.
Because I provide you not only with commentary, but with inside information that's important.
And I have inside sources that say this guy's a little bit of a creep.
That is insider, you never would have got that without me.
You never would have been able to get it.
You would have never been able to ascertain that without me. I have inside sources at the highest level.
Saying this guy might be a little bit of a creep.
That's what they're saying at the highest levels.
But does he deserve this?
Does he deserve cameo?
I'm asking even as a human trafficking pedophile perhaps, I don't know, allegedly, whatever.
Does he deserve to be on cameo?
There's nothing worse than being on cameo.
It is really, really bad.
And again, no shade to cameo or anyone who's on it, but take your life first.
There's other ways.
Kill yourself.
And I don't mean that. I mean, unalive yourself. Go to the bridge. Go to the thing. to cameo or anyone who's on it but take your life first there's other ways kill yourself and I
don't mean that I mean unalive yourself go to the bridge go to the thing go into the woods
don't do cameo now are we going to play his cameos right now I think we should see this is unreal
this man and I don't know anything about this, I know very little about him really.
We're gonna move on soon to talk about Biden is trying to kill everyone now. He's trying to kill everyone.
But before we move on to that, the only person looking forward to a nuclear war with Russia is Matt Gaetz,
because then he can get off cameo. Play one of these please.
Hara, hara! Hey Toby. What is that? Is this real?
Hey Toby, Matt Gaetz here. Let's stop this for once. Let me just say one thing.
Trump transition team, of which I know some of the people, we've had the vice president on the show,
you know many people in the comedy community have been super chill about it. But I know some of you listen
to the show. This can't be what this can't be. This it's not going great with
that right going smoothly like I just hope my hope is my goal is because I
want the country to succeed even if Kamala or anyone were to win,
I would still be giving them advice. I gave them advice. I gave the Democrats advice. They don't
listen. They don't listen. The Republicans listened to my advice, which is why they won.
Truly. In the beginning, they were like, Kamala is a communist. It didn't work. And I'm like,
no, no, no. She believes in nothing and she doesn't know anything. And then they switched
and then they won. Am I saying it's me? No, but it was good advice because she's not a communist.
She has no integrity in calling some,
I know a lot of communists and they have integrity.
They're wrong, but they believe in things.
She believes in nothing.
So what I'm saying now is that I just don't want a situation
where three or four of the people that
have been nominated are on cameo. Please God, can we not have three or four of the
nominees end up on cameo? Please God, I don't want to see RFK and Tulsi on cameo
who I think are both very qualified and should be in. I just don't want to see
Pete Hegseth on cameo. The goal of this administration cannot be to deliver nominees directly to Cameo.
That can't be it. Cameo is salivating at the slate of people that are up there now.
This can't be the way it's supposed to work out.
Now, whatever Gates has done, and I imagine it's not great. You imagine Gates has problems because he's not going back to Congress. He's out. I don't
know what he's going to do, but here he is and we're going to watch his cameo. And I
mean, this is.
So this Hey Toby one is a pep talk one, but this holiday one just dropped while we were
taping this one.
Play the holiday one.
It's a holiday episode.
What's up Deb and Terry.
This is Matt Gates.
I wanted to wish you a very special, happy Thanksgiving.
You've got a terrific son-in-law, Eric, and I know your daughter, Kelly, is very happy
along with Eric to be there enjoying your terrific cooking in
Utah. Thanks for being in the fight. Thanks for backing President Trump and all of our efforts
to save the country. It's a time of thanksgiving, but I'm giving thanks to all the opportunities
we have ahead for our country to get our trade policies right, to stop the invasion at our
southern border, to get the economy humming.
And I have not gotten over the shock and excitement from this election.
I thought we were going to win, but I had no idea.
By the way, this is crazier than Armie Hammer.
This guy's, this is 48 hours after he, this is, he was nominated to be the attorney general.
He's out because of human trafficking and he's smiling going, I haven't gotten over the excitement of the election. You're in a room in Florida doing
cameos. You thought you were going to be in the administration. This is the craziest.
I'm telling you, if you send him money, will he make one right now?
We can see if he's online, yeah. See if he's online. If you send him money.
Yeah. What would you want the cameo to say?
Hi, Tim Dillon.
I'm a big fan.
Thank you for having JD Vance on your show. You are the king of fake business. And your show at the Ridgefield Playhouse in Connecticut has been moved to January 23rd
because of laryngitis.
And your show at the Ridgefield Playhouse in the Ridgeual Playhouse in Connecticut has been moved to January 23rd because of
laryngitis, feel-better king. And what do we give him for that? 5 hunge?
I wish there was a message that you could send saying, we'll give you a G if you do it right now
Yeah, maybe we can in we can give him a tip
You want it public on his profile if he if he does it like he'll oh absolutely. Okay. Oh, uh,
Absolutely. I want it public on his profile. Are you nuts? What do you think? We're doing things in the shadows here
I absolutely want it public on his profile. Yes or yes
I'm telling you right now
It's nothing's cheap out there. Whatever he's gonna be involved in paying people off or whatever
cheap out there. Whatever he's gonna be involved in paying people off or whatever, entertainment, whatever he's doing, it ain't cheap. Take the money. He might not do it. He might not do it
because he might think that we're mocking him. But what does he care at this point?
He wants the money. He needs money. I mean, this is, I mean this is like a terrible this what's happened to him. Now obviously he's probably a bad person. I don't know. I'm judging him from afar but it's,
I'm hearing from high level sources, not great. Not ideal. Not great. We're going to move on here
but I'm hoping you interrupt me. I'm praying that you interrupt me with a Matt
Gates cameo. This is my prayer. This is all I want with life
right now is to get a Matt Gates cameo. He was going to be our
attorney general. And now he's announcing that I've changed my
date at the Ridgefield Playhouse to January 23rd. Joseph. No, no,
no, no.
Oh, hold on. We it's two two 62 if we want it within 24 hours.
Do it.
Get it.
Get it.
I want it now.
I want it now.
He was going to be the attorney general of the United States.
Folks let that sink in.
He has had a rough couple.
Whatever you think about Maddie Gates, and there's a lot to think, he's had a rough couple
because he was sitting there going, I have one,
I am going to be, because a lot of people hated him
and prayed on his downfall and perhaps for good reason.
And he was like, fuck all of them.
I'm going to be the attorney general.
And instead of that, he is doing cameos on the internet.
Matt Gaetz has received our request for a cameo, folks.
All we can do in this world is enjoy ourselves.
And I'm enjoying this.
I mean, this is fun for me and fun maybe for him.
Joe Biden's now trying to kill everyone.
Joe Biden is trying to kill everyone on earth right now, right before the inauguration of
the next president.
Joe Biden has allowed the Ukraine to use long range missiles to strike deep within the heart of Russia.
Biden, Joe Biden's Ukraine move is a gift for Trump. This is what a retired general is saying.
Here's what I think people misunderstand
about this whole thing.
Putin is in a box. Remember how it worked when Trump was in a box, Democrats,
when you said, hey, we're gonna try to put you in jail
unless you win an election?
How did that work?
Did that work well?
You've now put Putin in a box
where you're saying to Vladimir Putin,
you look like a total bitch
if you don't use a nuclear weapon
against either the Ukraine
or a NATO installation or whatever.
Now I'm not saying Putin will do it, but you're putting him in a position where he looks like
a bitch in front of the oligarchs in his country.
The military in his country.
Many people have died in this war.
The citizenry of Russia.
He looks like he's getting smacked around by the United States.
This is no longer a war where we are funding or arming the Ukraine.
We are now in direct conflict with Russia. It's quickly becoming a war more than a proxy war.
And this was always kind of the goal.
And this is what I wanted to avoid many years ago.
This war, like all wars, will end with some kind of treaty,
a land swap, an agreement, a deal.
There's not going to be a winner or loser,
there's going to be some type of compromise.
The winner, if there is a winner, will be Russia,
because they are a nuclear country
with a hell of a lot more people,
about 100 million more people than the Ukraine.
They can continue conscription to draft people
into the army to go fight the Ukraine eventually
Now the Ukraine is completely dependent on Western weaponry and
Joe Biden up until
recently and the administration has
Basically said listen now this isn't true
But what they've said was that everything that we're providing the Ukraine is defense
To defend against Russia to expel Russian forces
Now with this new thing we have there's absolutely no way to say that this is a defensive move We are arming the Ukraine to go on the offense into Russia
with American Western-made weaponry, North Korean soldiers are fighting in Russia. We're going to be killing
North Korean and Russian soldiers with American
weaponry, which Ukraine is going to use to strike
Russia. There's a lot of people that say that this is long overdue. We should have been
doing it a year ago. I don't know what national security interests the American people have in
the Donbass region of the Ukraine or Lugansk, by the way. If you ask most Americans a year ago or
two years ago or even now, what are the two regions in northern Ukraine that Russia and Ukraine are fighting over,
which is Donbas and Lugansk?
They wouldn't know because it doesn't affect their life at all.
And this idea that Vladimir Putin is going to march through Europe and knock over Poland
and this one and that one is not based in reality.
And if he attacked a NATO country, it would get a NATO response.
That being said, the war in Ukraine now has been going on for a pretty long time.
So here, President Joe Biden dropped his opposition to Ukraine firing US missiles at targets
deep inside Russia in response to North Korea's entry into the war, a shift in US policy that took on an added urgency following Donald Trump's
Biden for months resisted pleas from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ease the limits
on the use of US-applied ATACM missiles, which can reach far into Russian territory
wary of potentially drawing NATO into a conflict with a nuclear-armed power. We need to we need to chill it out.
I mean this is not chilling it out here.
We're trying to wind it down.
We're trying to wind this thing down. This is like at the end of a show. It's been on for a while and
You start going wrap it up. Just wrap it up
You don't need to do a crazy plot twist or
Instigate something at the end
Wrap it up.
Bring it to a conclusion.
People are tired of it.
This is one of the reasons that Trump won.
People go, why do we keep giving them money?
Can't we wrap it up?
Can't we move on?
Moscow's decision to deploy North Korean soldiers to Russia's Kursk
region represented a major escalation that demanded a response. No it didn't!
No it didn't! It doesn't! This is like when your mother and father are fighting
and your dad says something and your mom's like well I couldn't let him get
away with it. You can't, you can! the reading room go to that little room. You drink wine and you can let him get away with it
So this guy brings a couple of North Korean soldiers into that region that Ukraine invaded and now we have to fucking go nuts
The decision could help to Trump prove parts of Biden's Ukraine agenda by strengthening Ukraine's position in case they lose US support.
Russia's gonna start doing wild stuff. Pull up that ICBM that they fired that was not carrying a nuke but could.
This is like nuclear brinksmanship and I just don't understand why we're doing it. It would make sense to me.
And let's say, okay, nuclear war has never happened,
blah, blah, blah, we were the only ones
to drop nuclear weapons.
I understand that, I'm not freaking out.
I don't think that it is gonna happen tomorrow,
but I'm wondering why we are at the precipice
of a major escalation over the northern regions of the country that most Americans cannot spell
This is why they hate Tulsi Gabbard by the way, they hate Tulsi Gabbard because she doesn't understand
Why we have to go to war all over the world to regime change, to change the
governments of countries and make them into Western puppets.
When I was young, we had a war in Iraq and a war in Afghanistan where we thought we were
going to march in to Afghanistan with tribal warlords who are like having sex with nine-year-old
boys, they dressed up as girls. Well, that was that was I guess the one thing that our ruling class had in
common with them but most other stuff they didn't it was a tribal culture and
we went in there thinking we were gonna go in there with the McGriddle and
Chuck E. Cheese and turn them into a functioning democracy. None of that happened.
It was 20 years, people dying,
people's lives being ruined or completely changed by life,
you know, changing injuries and PTSD and mental problems,
all for the fantasy that one day Afghanistan was going to be a functioning
multi-ethnic pluralistic democracy.
Ditto Iraq.
It's insane.
And then when Tulsi Gabbard, you know,
the big critique of the Bush administration
during that time, and it was from the left,
it was from liberals, was like,
you gotta talk to people.
You gotta talk to people.
You gotta like, you know, engage in diplomacy,
multilateral diplomacy, coalition building,
lots of countries, get them all on board.
Figure out a way to do this without going to war.
Make people talk.
Now when Tulsi Gabbard went and sat down with Assad
in Syria, which again was everything that
the Democratic Party wanted, they now call her a traitor or she's a puppet or she's Putin's lackey
or whatever. Aren't we supposed to talk to leaders of countries? Aren't we supposed to try to not go
to war? Aren't we supposed to try to resolve things diplomatically? Isn't that the whole point?
I'm completely lost as to why everything has to be
direct conflict all the time. And anyone that suggests that perhaps, I mean, this is a total
flip. This is what Republicans were doing in the early 2000s.
They were saying, if you are against us
or ask any questions, you're a traitor.
Now it's what Democrats are doing now.
It's almost like we don't even have political parties
in this country.
We just have a group of people that migrate
from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party
based on who gives them
more of what they want.
It's almost like this group of people
doesn't have loyalty to a particular political ideology
outside of the interests of their financial backers, who
happen to sell weapons and run a very profitable machine
all over the world.
So they'll show up on Fox News, and then they'll show up on MSNBC.
It doesn't really matter.
It's whichever way the winds are blowing.
That's an oligarchy.
We all know what it is.
Bill Kristol will say the Iraq war is a great idea.
When the Republicans are all into that, you'll see him on Fox.
Then he'll go to MSNBC and go, I hate Trump and I'm a never Trumper and we need to confront
We need to arm Ukraine.
We need to go into Iran, which is the new hilarious thing, by the way, this Iranian
plot to kill Trump, which is clearly fake.
The Iranian CIA wink, wink plot.
It's the Iranians.
The Iran is trying. Yeah.
The Iranian plot.
Why would Iran try to... Just think about this for a minute. Why would Iran try to kill the candidate who's less likely to go to war with Iran?
Why would they kill the guy who's presenting himself
as the anti-war candidate?
Does that make any sense to anyone?
I'm not saying you have to be a political genius.
Think about this.
Iran, okay, you have Israel and Hamas,
you have Israel and Iran.
All of the issues happening. It's a democratic
administration that is funding Israel and
Certainly not in any meaningful way backing down Netanyahu or
Anything and
It's not like Trump is running on this Bella Coast, I'm gonna kill all the
mullahs Iran thing. He says things here and there, but he's presented himself and he's
surrounded by people, for the most part, who don't want to go to war. Why would the country of Iran want to assassinate the president of the United States?
It makes zero sense in a logical way.
It would be the, it would mean the total destruction of Iran.
They know that that They know that
What why would they do it? I don't think they're doing it. I don't actually think it's them. I
Think it's somebody else is blaming it on them
And this is from people who are much smarter than me and no more things than I do
But why would it be Iran's odd?
That's like serious's gonna kill Taylor
Swift. It's what is happening? What are you talking about? Where's Gates? Let's play.
This is the first ICBM used in the history of war. I'm sorry, in the history of this war. Oh wait,
any war? The view of the
intercontinental ballistic missile used today by Russia with multiple re-entry
warheads on a city in Ukraine. It's possibly the first use of an ICBM in the
history of war. Take a look at this. It is a beautiful, and by the way, send this to
everyone as an e-card for Thanksgiving. Send it to them as an e-card for Thanksgiving.
Send it to them as an e-card for Thanksgiving.
Take a look.
Can you play non-copyrighted holiday music
while this happens?
Yeah, I'll put it up on YouTube.
Because I think it's about attitude,
and I think it's about the way we present something.
I don't think it's about the raw facts.
I think it's all the way you look at it.
Perspective is reality.
Is there a way to make Russia firing an ICBM,
can we make it feel jolly? Can we make it feel nice? Do we have to focus on the negative
aspects? You know, I mean, listen, remember when they were running articles in New York
Times going, you know, nuclear war has some benefits and maybe everybody should get over
their fear of nuclear war. And we're going to pull that article up in a minute. But they're
genuinely sick people. We were saying, well, nuclear war maybe wouldn't be the worst thing.
So here we're going to play a little non-copyrighted
Christmas music.
Ooh, I like that.
Now get the ICBM up.
Now this is nice.
Now it feels like the Christmas show.
This doesn't scare me anymore.
It feels like a light show for the holidays.
Keep playing that missile.
I like this missile.
This is a holiday missile.
This is not a bad missile at all.
What if they did it and it lit up the sky with like frosty the snowman?
It's all about the way you look at it folks.
Nuclear war is a good reset.
I think people in this country have decided in small rooms or in forests or wherever they meet and talk
that nuclear war is actually a nice reset. It might get get rid of a few of you mouth-breathers and keep complaining
you don't have enough money for canned food!
Alright, we'll get rid of this. Get that article up. I think it was from the New York Times because it's just a fun article
you have to realize how wild and sick people are it was basically an article saying and
this was the beginning of no it's not about canned food I appreciate that no it's a it's
about new I move so quickly the producers like what's going on no it's about nuclear
war and it's, we talked about it
well over a year ago, maybe two years ago.
This one?
Well, there's a few of them, but this one's interesting.
How concerned should we be about the dangers of nuclear war?
And this is a student opinion.
Go down here for a little bit.
Yeah, that's Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there was another one.
Okay, so let's go back.
There was, it's from many years ago,
and it was basically some type of like,
I'll try to look for it as well.
Like nuclear war, is it bad?
Something like that.
It was some version of like nuclear war.
What gives?
The surprising benefits, you know, it's like a weird lifestyle thing.
And it might've been the New Yorker.
I don't know.
Listen, we will find it. We might not find it right now, but like it was basically this,
this idea that like,
yes, nuclear war is bad.
Of course it's bad, but how bad?
How bad really is nuclear war?
Is it that bad?
Is it bad enough where we should try to stop it?
Like it was that kind of article. It was like...
Oh, should we stop nuclear war?
Well, I don't know how it was worded, but it was just very, very funny.
And I mean, it's from... I'm going to run a little search here. It's from an old episode.
Nuclear war. I'm going to check in search here from an old episode nuclear war
I'm gonna check in on the gates cameo to where is Matt gates that he's never gonna get anywhere on cameo if he's gonna be lazy
If he's gonna be lazy
He's active he's active right now well, where's ours
This one's advice so is this could play the advice one this coward better. Give us all I swear to God
Maybe it was a mistake mentioning my name
But then what you know we gave him extra money. He has to return the money if he doesn't do it I believe so yeah, if he doesn't do it now. He's so fucked. He's doing this if he doesn't do our cameo He has to return the money if he doesn't do it. I believe so, yeah. If he doesn't do it, now he's so fucked he's doing this, if he doesn't do our cameo he
has to return the money.
Play the advice cameo please.
Hey Kyle, congratulations.
Well how do you think this one starts?
He goes, well you get him in the car first.
That's the most important thing.
Chora form.
Hey Kyle, congratulations.
I like a little Christmas music as well with the gates.
Can we do that? Just a little light Christmas music?
I like a little light holiday music. It makes it more festive.
I'll bring it back.
Oh, this is uh, that's gonna have a theme though.
That's another song. Here we go.
This one's fine. Here we go.
Okay. Now we go to the advice. Here we go. Matt Gaix advice.
I hear you made partner at AZA the same day my legal career took a little bit different a turn.
My advice is stay loyal to Joe, John, and Todd and always try to screw over Amir and Demo.
Best of luck from your SDFJ crew.
That's right.
And do a good job in the practice of law.
I'm gonna ask a serious question.
How is this guy alive right now?
I mean, how is this life?
God love him.
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I love him.
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today's most pressing questions. To learn how we're moving the world forward, visit slash forward happens here. Is Army Hammer on Cameo?
I want Army in this studio, by the way. Will Army do an interview with us, a long form interview?
I feel like he could.
Email him please, because Scott Galloway
apparently has got a lot of better things to do at F1.
And I'll tell you this right now,
I'm a little sick of F1.
Can I say that?
I'm a little sick of these people
who've never appreciated cars in their goddamn life.
Pretend to care about F1.
It is an excuse for a bunch of rich fucks to go get drunk, which is fine.
Stop pretending like you care about F1, that you know about the history of Ferrari or any
of that crap.
You're a junkie and you want to go to F1 and be a junkie.
And there's nothing wrong with that because it's fun to be a junkie and you want to go to F1 and be a junkie. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Because it's fun to be a junkie around other rich junkies.
But stop lying.
And there's too many Italians on social media.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
It's disgusting.
There's too many people away.
You ever heard of meatballs?
What is this?
It's 2025.
We got rockets firing out of outer space. And there's people
apparently that haven't heard about lasagna. What is this retard shit? Yeah, spicy rigatoni. We get
it. We get it. How many fucking people need to be on the Internet to talk about chicken fucking parm.
We're like regressing in every major way.
I get, I understand Biden because the advisors like,
whoever these people are, Blinken and Jake Sullivan,
they go into him and they play him the Costco family go,
who cares about nuclear war they do all they're talking about
is chicken parmesan all day how NYC's professional Italians exploded on
social media with memes you can't forget about I don't want to go through these
people because I know them all so I don't want to go through them individually
because they all hang out at this separate club that I kind of want to get invited to because the food is good
I'm just criticizing this in a macro. I don't want to go through all of their names
Like whatever their names are like babybel cheese or whatever. It doesn't matter. My point is that
There's too many food influencers on fucking the internet. There's too many people showcasing restaurants
on the internet.
It's, and they don't know anything about food
or what makes a restaurant good.
There's too many people with no expertise,
no background, no knowledge base,
and yet they're out there presenting themselves
as some kind of expert.
Unlike me and my friends who are genuinely
foreign policy scholars and geopolitical geniuses.
It's true.
I know more about the CIA than these dumb fucks know about.
Fucking whatever they're talking about.
And it's all gross.
None of this food is good.
It's all like cat like, oh, it's a handful of caviar in my mouth.
I'm trying to show people I have money and oh, look, we're at F1.
Look where F1 with caviar on Martin's potato rolls.
It's a caviar slider at F1.
I'm drinking champagne and eating caviar at F1.
It's disgusting.
Not even goodiar F1 it's disgusting not even good F1
Americans are doom-spending because of election anxiety so I'm gonna send you
something funny that a friend of mine sent to me the new movie Wicked came out
apparently people are loving this new film.
Wicked, which, you know, it's a good Broadway show. I of course remember the era of Broadway when it was better.
But I will say that Wicked is good.
And you know, it's not lame as a rob or Phantom or any of that,
but it is, you know, it's not lame as a Rob or phantom or any of that, but it is, you know, it's
And they did a movie about this.
I'm sending this to you on Instagram.
And I guess these are the people in the wicked movie.
But apparently, I don't know, apparently the movie wicked is the song Defying Gravity,
which is a good song, is about, now
it's about, I don't know, now it's about more than just witches, it's about a lot of them.
All trans people needed to do was start going to country clubs and become Republican.
If you had followed Caitlyn Jenner, you'd be fine.
Stop with the blue hair and the communism.
Truly. You know how hard it would be for Republicans
to get mad at trans people if they all just got really into golf? And they look like they
should every trans person you see looks like they should be into golf. Truly. A lot of
trans, not all trans people and I have trans friends and I don't want to make them into
a monolith, but a lot of them are like, kind of like very much you should be into golf.
It's very like you should be into golf.
They get all excited about being like a 1950s housewife broad.
And some of them, you know, obviously are more the female to male or whatever.
But you know, they should be into golf and they should be
Republicans. Like they should just be kind of conservative and heartless. Because here's
the deal. God, I'm getting in so much trouble. I'm just trying to say this in the right way.
You got to be a little narcissistic to be so into you like to be so connected to yourself.
You even know if you're in the wrong body.
You know how many people probably don't even know?
Cause they're at work.
But you, I get it, you focus it like me.
How did I get really funny and brilliant and smart
and interesting and entertaining and hot?
Why do I, how did I get so good looking and stuff?
It's because I care really about myself.
I care about the product I get.
You can't care about the product and also then be
Gandhi that's why when all these celebrities go go they pop off about politics like I know you I
Know you
And that don't mean pop off like they can't have opinions
I mean pop off like when you see when you're on this moral high ground and you pretend that all you've ever done
is care about other people, it's impossible.
To get really good at something and to market yourself
and to deliver a consistent product,
you can't do that and then also be the greatest person
in the world and think only about others.
You're not thinking only about climate change.
So trans people, God love you,
but you're into yourself enough to have figured out that you're in the wrong body.
I think you could be a Republican.
I don't think it's a natural fit for you to be.
You clearly like gender normative behavior.
You clearly have thought about yourself. Many of you have
the body, kind of a pudgy woman, man in the middle. What if all these pudgy
non-binary started a golf club at their colleges instead of screaming and
yelling about Gaza, which is sad and I've said that I'm against it, it's bad.
But instead of doing that, what if you started a golf club
and started talking about the legacy of Reagan?
What if trans people started playing golf
and started saying, Reagan didn't give you AIDS,
stop blaming him?
What I mean is throw people for a loop.
Well, if I see a portly, non-binary, they them energy with the blue hair and they start going on
and on about the Gaza and communism, I'm like, oh my God, God, I get it, I get it.
But what if they started talking about how great William F Buckley was.
That's what is needed.
Ideological diversity is what's needed.
Don't line up.
It's boring in life to line up directly behind, stop seeing yourself the way that everybody
sees you.
Start projecting an image.
There's no reason these they thems cannot get their regular hair color back,
hit the links, and start talking about fiscal responsibility.
I'm non-binary except at the bank when it's very binary, win or lose.
I want capitalist non-binary people.
It would throw people for a loop.
Throw in an Israel has the right to defend themselves every now and then. Just throw it in.
Throw it into conversation.
I'm trying to help you.
How to win friends and influence people.
For example, ask me when, what age I was when I
discovered my gender identity. I'm a non-binary person and I'm living in Portland and I'm in the
quad. How old were you when you figured out your gender identity? Israel has the right to defend itself.
Boom! Whoa! Thrown for a loop. There you go. Went left! Went left!
I go like this. I discovered my gender identity right about the same age I realized Benjamin Netanyahu was right about a lot of shit.
Go to this... I don't know what's going on here, but who's this Ariana Grande this person? Ariana Grande and then it's that Cynthia the witch
Well, they said everybody loves this film. I think it's I'm gonna go see it. It's got good ratings. Okay playing it now. Here we go
This week people are taking the lyrics of Defying Gravity and really holding space with that and feeling power in that
I didn't know that that was happening. I've seen it, yeah.
That's really powerful. That's what I wanted.
I've seen it on a couple posts. I don't know how widespread but you know I am in
queer media so that's my you know yeah but yeah it's happening
I've seen okay well that's lovely that's great celebrities are so crazy that this is the thing
you see all these celebrities now trying to do podcasts because they realize Hollywood's just
been fed into a shredder you know it's been fed to the mulcher from Fargo that I mean, there's
just it's crazy to watch celebrities try to be human beings on the internet.
It's one of the craziest things I've seen is like, like mega a list celebrities who
are now trying to be people on the internet is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
The great thing about celebrity when I grew up
was the mystery, the mystique.
You didn't really know about these people.
You didn't really want to.
Because when you walked into a movie,
you wanted to see somebody who you knew
was an amazing actor or actress,
you'll disappear into that role.
You didn't want them to have been doing podcasts for years.
You didn't want to know everything about them
before they became whoever, you know?
Like if Shiv Roy, if Sarah Snook from Succession
had had a podcast for five years
where she talked about her pussy, it would have lessened it.
You want it to be Shiv Roy.
I don't care about Sarah Snook, no one does.
We care about Shiv Roy because she's an amazing actress.
And if Sarah hears this, it's no offense.
Well, we want you to live in a little jungle in Australia
and play with your koalas and kangaroos.
And then when we have another great role for you,
we want you to emerge as that.
We don't want to see your omelet or whatever you had.
It ruins it.
It ruins it the same way I don't want to see Matthew
McConaughey on two pairs, no offense. I want to see Matthew McConaughey be doing really
cool actor shit. I don't want to see him trying to be a relatable human being. The only human
being I want to see is Matt Gaetz. Where the fuck is this cameo?
Hey Torontonians, recycling is more than a routine.
It's a vital responsibility.
By recycling properly, you help conserve resources, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions,
and protect the environment.
Toronto's Blue Bin Recycling Program ensures the majority of the right items are recovered
and transformed into new products.
Recycling right is important and impactful. ensures the majority of the right items are recovered and transformed into new products.
Recycling right is important and impactful. Let's work together and make a difference,
because small actions lead to big change. For more tips on recycling, visit
slash recycle right.
Adult's day drinking is new normal during parents' weekend.
Yeah, this is what happens.
Parents go to school to get intoxicated with their children.
I was recently in Wisconsin and one of my cousins goes there and her parents came and
they were all having fun together.
I think that's a good thing.
I think a certain amount of drinking in this country is probably necessary. And a certain amount of family drinking
is probably actually a positive,
not in a family like mine per se,
where people get a little out of hand with it.
But I do think that certain families can handle
getting intoxicated together, and certain families can handle getting intoxicated together and certain families
gonna it really all depends on on here's here's the way I'll analyze it how out
in the open is everything with your family are you a person whose family
it's all out in the open the way you feel about things?
Everybody's cool with everybody
Everybody understands everybody
Nobody's a mystery. Nobody's a black box
Nothing's gonna come out when you're drinking. There's no bile that's going to emerge. I
Think those families
Maybe they're more surface, superficial, whatever, they really
enjoy drinking together because being able to drink with people that you know and have
a shared history with is a very nice and fun thing. The reason it doesn't work for my family
or families that I know is because everyone in my family
hates each other.
And when we are sober, we feel the social pressure
to not allow that fact to enter the chat. But when the patina of
civilization is removed by the drink, we then air out our grievances that we've
been holding on to for many years and in some cases decades. And our goal is to
hurt each other. When my family drinks together, our goal is to hurt each other.
When my family drinks together,
our goal is to hurt each other with our words.
We want to make the other people feel bad.
We want to make them feel less than.
We want to make them feel less successful,
less comfortable, and less loved.
If that is the result of how you drink with your family, you should probably stop.
But if your mother has a couple glasses of wine and you guys wander around your campus and you
get drunk and you're finally comfortable enough to share with her that you suck someone off or
something, I don't know what goes on with people, but you know, or you have a girlfriend that you suck someone off or something. I don't know what goes on with people, but you know, or you have a girlfriend that you love
and you just don't know how to tell her
and you and your mom can bond over that.
You know what I mean?
But that's not the way that it works for my family
or many of the families that I grew up with or knew
because you know,
the drinking that was done in the places where I lived and come from was done
to anesthetize.
It was done to inoculate you against your feelings.
And there was a certain amount of booze that would do that, but if you cross
the line, the feelings would actually come back with a vengeance. You know, you would
feel them and then you would need to get them off your chest. You know, and then a lot of
the people that I knew, you know, when you would drink, you would really get very honest with people.
And, you know, a lot of great people, I've known them, they don't have an inner life.
It's so nice to not have an inner life, to not have critical thoughts.
Most people, a lot of them don't.
A lot of people don't have critical thoughts.
That's why you stand there in an airport and you listen to conversation like,
where did they go? Did they go to Anguilla?
Where did they go?
Remember when Jessica went with Matt?
Where did they go?
Did they go to Anguilla?
I think that's, where did they stay?
Where did they stay?
And the reason that you're having those conversations
on loop is because they don't have an inner life. They don't have critical thoughts. There isn't anything in there
and that's okay. They're just they're experiencing life the way a very small
child would or an animal. Oh it's hot today. Oh it's raining. I don't like the
rain. I get wet. I like the sun. I feel hot. They don't have an inner life. I've had
friends. I grew up with people like this. They don't have an inner life. I've had friends. I grew up with people like this. They don't have an inner life. They do not have critical thoughts.
There are some families like this. They're good looking. They ski. They're happier. They're better. I'm not insulting them here.
I mean, you know, it gets frustrating talking to them. And obviously the great art doesn't come from them or anything.
Great anything doesn't come from them or anything. Great anything doesn't come from them. Except you do have a really good group of people
to get drunk with because there's nothing in there
that's going to come out that's going to scare anyone.
It is a very surface level nice thing.
Let's go skiing, everybody's kind of in good shape,
everybody loves each other.
But my family, you know, when we really start drinking, people want to destroy each other. But my family, you know, when we really start drinking, people want to destroy each other.
Not only each other in the present, but in the past. They want to destroy people's sense of history. They want to, you know, they say they, they, you. My family will tell you that dead people
you thought loved you actually hate you.
That's the difference.
It's very different than a family that's like,
well, the slopes were, they were beautiful today.
It was like cutting through, you know,
and then you're all sitting there in the lodge and,
you know, maybe your dad shows a TikTok video
and you're all giggling and it's good.
You know, this what's going on in this world and it's fun and it's nice.
But when my family drinks, we have a different there's a different thing.
We start litigating our own history.
We start trying to assign blame.
We start trying to transfer our feelings of dread and meaninglessness
and hatred and hostility.
We start trying to put them on people.
We want to make people wear them.
We want people to go to bed with a sense that they're dislocated from anything meaningful.
We want them to be in pain in a black box of envy and horror.
We want them to have an existential crisis.
That's the goal of my family's drinking.
It's not to have a play a game night, a game night.
Your families play games with each other.
Oh, it's game night.
That's not what we do.
The drinking is to allow us the power
to try to destroy you in front of your children
It's not to play a charades. It's not Pictionary. It's not trivia. We're not doing trivia. We're not gonna do trivia and
That's is a lot of Irish people listening to this are probably aware of this
This is the way this is not so
This drinking at the colleges
with the moms and the dads and the kids is probably fun
and kind of innocent and it allows the parents
to kind of relive, you know, their days in the college.
So it's kind of fun for everyone involved
and a lot of those people are just having very nice,
normal interactions with
each other.
You know, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Is Matt Gaetz still checking right now?
By the way, this female in cell movement is not new.
I know that this is new.
Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Breaking news.
Matt Gaetz canceled.
Matt Gaetz has canceled our request, this coward.
I can't believe that.
I mean, I can, but.
I mean, why is he such a coward?
No, don't re-book.
He'll keep canceling it.
Right, I mean, this is sad.
Well, it's not sad.
It is sad, but it's actually.
He has some dignity.
Does he? Does he?
This is the most dignified... We're giving him an audience.
The most dignified thing he could be doing. That is shitty.
And you know what? Now I'm glad he's not the Attorney General.
I was willing to overlook the trafficking.
I was willing to overlook the trafficking, but to cancel a cameo request is insane
What is he doing?
He didn't need the extra 300
Well, he does yeah, we made a mistake
We made a mistake by using my name
No last name and no fake bears. We've been fine. Well, I said Vance
I said thanks for having him on the show like he wasn't gonna do that. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that
It's pretty heavy-handed. It was heavy-handed
2020 now we know God you see or you see clear in the hindsight, do you not?
Female 4B movement could change America.
The female movement in Korea, no marriage, no dating, no birthing and no sex.
By the way, this female in-cell movement is not new to America.
I'm a wine mom, I'm such a grandma, it's wine o'clock, I don't want to go out, I don't want
to talk to people. There's a lot of people that are very popular now because they're very
attractive and that, you know, females are having parasocial relationships with them
because there are, there is an incel strain with a lot of these female women.
And some of these women are miserable
and they're sitting in this data entry office
and they're just typing things
and they see these attractive people
and they have a parasocial relationship with them.
So I know this is a new one in Korea,
but it is in America too.
My cousin and her friends are not alone.
Across Korea, young women are swearing off men,
influenced by the 4B movement, a radical feminist campaign that originated in Korea in the
2010s the four B's are
No marriage no dating no birthing and no sex
Yeah, I mean in America we just call this like
You know you can call it radical feminism or whatever, but in America,
we basically are just, there are examples of this, but in America, it's all about career.
So it's about prioritizing career, and by the way, men too. America is such a money-obsessed,
status-obsessed culture that people are told to prioritize their career and their financial well-being,
and women are being told this. Women are now being told it. Years ago they weren't,
but they're being told to prioritize financial wellbeing
and career success over more traditional,
perhaps arguably in my estimation,
more meaningful relationships with family and community.
But we have de-emphasized the idea of family and community as roots to happiness and we
have elevated status and wealth as the roots to happiness.
All of our reality shows are primarily about people that are rich or who are getting richer.
They're not about people that live in a community that enjoy it.
They're not about people that have lasting and meaningful social bonds.
That doesn't make anyone any money. Making people money is related to telling people that
their entire worth as a human being is how rich they are or what status level they are at in society.
So, and that's been something that has been
pretty, you know, well known.
I think this is men feel this way, women feel this way.
We've become a society about status, about money,
about all these things at the expense
of more important things that have stood the test of time.
And I think that's why you're seeing
a little conservative shift to the culture.
I don't think it's going to end into Christian theocracy.
It's my hope it doesn't.
What I think we're seeing is
that technology has made the pace of change disorienting for most people and the institutions
that they grew up with, however flawed they are, marriage, family, the church, community,
church, community, they are all disappearing.
And people are single and they're less likely to have a religious affiliation.
And they're less likely in many cases
to have children or a larger family.
And they're less likely to be a meaningful part
of a community.
So you have all these single people living in cities,
working in a gig economy that don't have attachments to other people socially.
And some of them are heavily medicated,
some of them are experiencing depression and anxiety,
record numbers, some of them sadly are unaliving themselves,
some of them are on cameo and being cowards.
But the point is that when you re-engineer the world and you remove core elements of
people's identity and what they understand, people fight to get those things back in whatever
way that they can.
So they have some semblance of, you know, Ray Compson once, great, he goes, I have a knowledge of time
or something.
I forget what he said.
He said, I have an understanding of time.
But it was true.
You need to give people some type, and I'm not saying it has to be rooted in fundamentalist
Islam or Christianity or a woke religion that is being given to people through the priests of
you know academia, but
certain institutions
pretty important as
organizing principles of people's lives and it cannot just be a mad dash for money and
Status it can be for me, but I'm good at things.
Ladies and gentlemen, for all the live dates.
And Matt Gaetz, the coward.
Sorry we were late today, but if you've got an issue with it, Gaetz.