The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka - 149. Kayla Barnes: The Science of Female Biohacking - Gut Health, Toxins, and Menstrual Cycles
Episode Date: March 18, 2025Most biohacking conversations are dominated by men talking to other men. But they’re missing a critical perspective - female biology requires a completely different approach. In this episode, I’ve... had an amazing conversation with Kayla Barnes, a true pioneer in female-focused biohacking, and who’s transforming how women optimize their health. We’ve covered topics on ovarian aging, environmental toxin testing, sleep optimisation, and fertility. The transformation in female biohacking isn’t just about longevity - it’s about optimising fertility, reducing autoimmune risk, and addressing the specific metabolic challenges women face. The female biohacking revolution is just beginning! Bioharvest Oral Probiotic: Join the Ultimate Human VIP community: Listen to "Longevity Optimization" on all your favorite platforms! Spotify: Apple: Connect with Kayla Barnes: Website: YouTube: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Thank you to our partners: H2TABS - USE CODE “ULTIMATE10” FOR 10% OFF: BODYHEALTH - USE CODE “ULTIMATE20” FOR 20% OFF: BAJA GOLD - USE CODE "ULTIMATE10" FOR 10% OFF: EIGHT SLEEP - SAVE $350 ON THE POD 4 ULTRA WITH CODE “GARY”: STRENGTH TRAINING EQUIPMENT - THE ULTIMATE HUMAN: COLD LIFE - THE ULTIMATE HUMAN PLUNGE: WHOOP - GET 1 FREE MONTH WHEN YOU JOIN!: MASA CHIPS - GET 20% OFF YOUR FIRST $50+ ORDER: VANDY - USE CODE “ULTIMATE20” FOR 20% OFF: PARKER PASTURES - PREMIUM GRASS-FED MEATS: AION - USE CODE “ULTIMATE10” FOR 10% OFF: HAPBEE - FEEL BETTER & PERFORM AT YOUR BEST: CARAWAY - USE CODE “ULTIMATE” FOR 10% OFF: HEALF - GET 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: BIOPTIMIZERS - USE CODE “ULTIMATE” FOR 10% OFF: Connect with Gary Brecka: Instagram: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook: Website: Merch: Newsletter: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 02:48 Kayla Barnes’ Biohacking Journey 07:12 Mold Toxicity and Total Toxic Burden (Test) 19:52 Female-Focused Longevity Protocols 23:15 Declining Fertility Rates; Optimising and Extending Fertility 28:53 Nutrition for Fertility and Healthy Pregnancy 32:05 Lowering the Toxic Load 34:11 Affordability of Clean Products 35:27 Sleep Hacks and Kayla’s Sleep Routine 46:13 Kayla’s Morning, Exercise, and Biohacking Routines 51:56 Oral Health Routine (Ozone Oil Pulling, etc.) 57:42 Training with Protein, Not Fasted 1:02:02 Hyperbaric Protocol 1:08:16 PCOS as a Metabolic Disorder 1:09:56 Female Supplementation Basics 1:12:57 Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue 1:16:49 What does it mean to you to be an “Ultimate Human?” The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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I was doing some of these four men by men protocols and I was watching my thyroid health decline.
I was watching my hormones become imbalanced because I was doing way too much.
Foundational health and the extension of our health span is really found in the basics.
It is amazing how well the human body functions when you give it the raw material it needs to do its job.
You don't have to keep it too complicated. It's not just one thing. It's not saying that you're
not working out or you're not eating healthy. It could be in your environment as well.
I have a theory that the reason why
the majority of autoimmune disease
we find in females and not men
is because women are so selfless.
We are biologically and physiologically different
than men.
There's so many different cycles of a woman's life.
Pre-menopause, but then there's perimenopause.
When you hit menopause,
your risk for all causes of mortality
increases substantially. So if we can. When you hit menopause, your risk for all causes of mortality increases substantially.
So if we can delay the onset of menopause,
then that could be massive for female longevity.
Talk a little bit about what you mean
by like female-centric longevity protocols.
The best way to achieve optimal health
or optimal fertility is...
Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Hey guys, welcome back to the ultimate human podcast.
I'm your host Gary Brekka, human biologist, where we go down the road of everything anti
aging biohacking, longevity and everything in between.
And we've been asked lately, well actually actually not just lately but for a year
To just feed the female audience a little better than we've been feeding them on the podcast And I think there are some giant gaps in the biohacking community in general
lots of us guys out there ultra woke biohackers talking to other ultra woke biohackers and
So we've been really focusing on our feminine audience. And so today, please welcome to the podcast, Kayla Barnes-Lenz.
Thank you so much. I'm so excited to have you because not just because you're a female guest,
because I think you're a female pioneer.
And I actually love the fact that you didn't come from a traditionally trained medicinal background.
And so tell me a little bit about how how this whole biohacking journey started for you,
I mean to the place where you actually own a functional medicine clinic, right?
Which I also think is amazing because you really get to see the outcomes of what you're
doing with people.
And you know, a lot of my fans and audience have forwarded me your content, including my daughter, right?
She's probably the reason why she's here.
And she's a nurse and she's too.
Simple and digestible and authentic, you know,
your content is, and I feel like you're also letting people
get a lens into your actual life. Just amazing. But tell my audience that doesn't know you a little bit
about your journey and how you ended up owning a functional medicine clinic without going to school
for functional medicine. Yeah, yeah. I mean, if we go all the way back. So I like to preface it
that I did not grow up healthy. I grew up on a standard American diet, foods that, I'm like, mom, why a Pop-Tart and a toaster strudel?
This is not edible, you know?
You were telling your mom that?
Well, not then, but now I think back.
Oh, now you are.
I was gonna say, at seven you're like, Pop-Tarts baby.
No, I wish I was, but I did not.
So I didn't grow up super healthy.
I started studying nutrition in college
and just started to make little changes, you know?
That was kind of the first taste that I got of feeling better
through a practice of that nature.
But I got really deep into it about five and a half years ago.
So I started to prepare actually to open this clinic and I was ordering all the labs.
I'm like, what are we going to offer here?
So I found, you know, Vibrant and Genova and all these, you know, unique lab companies.
And I started ordering all these tests
and I was getting the results back.
And I was like, my doctor has never recommended I got tests.
They've never looked at how many toxins I have in my body.
They've never looked at my nutrient status.
Like I've never seen a lab panel this in depth, right?
So my mind was just open.
I'm very type A, I've been an entrepreneur my whole life.
So I've always been building something and I always wanted to feel my best and perform my best. So when I started
getting this data back, I was like, this is incredible. So more than you did this on yourself
first. Yeah, okay. I did all myself first. And I was just there were so many like red
flags. I'm like, Oh, I didn't know that that happened. My doctor never checked that he
never looked at that. My doctor said everything was great. And you know, I was in good health,
but there was a ton of room for improvement.
Were you experiencing like anything specific,
like severe brain fog?
A little bit of like, you know, like bloating
or like, you know, some hormonal acne, things of that nature,
but nothing too crazy.
But I wanted to be elite.
Like I wanted to do, I knew, Gary,
that if I wanted to go from where I came,
the life that I have now,
it was going to take an incredible level of focus, energy, stamina.
I'm like, I have to upgrade my biology.
And this is the way to do it.
I have all this data now I can upgrade all these areas in my life.
So that was the first step.
And then I started to get on the phone with, you know, owning a clinic.
It's like, what therapies are we going to offer here?
And I started doing a ton of research, just got obsessed with reading clinical studies
and medical research and found some of the things that you actually have.
So I found like the ozone sauna or a hot kit and ozone therapy.
And I found hyperbaric oxygen therapy and I started learning about NAD.
Now this is, I was doing peptides like way before they were cool, as I'm sure you were.
I had a glucose monitor like back when you had to like
actually get a prescription that you needed one
and it messed up your whole health.
Yeah, yeah, I had them back then too, yeah.
Yeah, before they were like direct to consumer.
And so I started trying this stuff out on myself.
So I tried ozone therapy and hyperbaric
and I would retest and retest and retest.
And around the same time, you know,
I started assembling a medical team.
So we needed providers in the clinic,
but I'm like, well, if we get these results back,
I think we both know most doctors aren't trained
on necessarily these really unique labs.
So I did tons of interviews, found some great providers,
and then we started looking at my data
and using some of these therapies.
We do methylene blue IVs and curcumin IVs.
I've done essentially olive oil extract IVs,
olifanilia, all this really kind of like cutting edge stuff that was not as popular back then.
And I started to feel unbelievable. And I was seeing changes in my labs day, not day after day,
but every single time I would test, they would start to get better. And I was just hooked.
Every single time I would test, they would start to get better.
And I was just hooked.
That's so awesome.
And we, like, how would you characterize your young life at this point? I mean, are you active?
Are you working out?
Are you conscious of your diet?
You're pretty, you're pretty on your game.
You just wanted to go next level.
I mean, I was doing all the basic things at that point.
I mean, I did a lot of sports and stuff in high school and
gymnastics and things like that.
So I was active, but I still wasn't feeling
as good as I thought and knew I could.
You know, one of the videos my daughter forwarded to me
really caught my eye.
I took a deep, that's when I started to take a deep dive
on your content.
And I super appreciated it because you're being very
authentic about, you live in LA and you're in the midst
of the wildfires. Yeah. So you're talking about authentic about you live in LA and you're in the midst of the wildfires.
So you're talking about the air quality,
but the one that really piqued my interest
and I wanna go down this rabbit hole,
was the mold and the mycotoxin poisoning.
Because as I've been on this journey too,
and also on a functional wellness clinic,
which I just recently exited. But we had hundreds of
thousands of patients. And there were always those ones coming through the system that were
being treated quote unquote properly, right? And like their triglycerides were in range,
their cholesterol was fine, their hormones weren't particularly out of whack. You know,
their CBC and their metabolic panels were normal, nothing going on in the liver,
the kidneys were healthy.
So you know, everything was, let's say, quote unquote, in range, right?
Maybe they need some B3, but nothing was jumping off the page, but they were miserable.
Like miserable.
And the labs wouldn't tell the story of the person that was in front of you.
You know, so you'd see this, this woman and I'm like, okay, if I believe the diet that
you're telling me that you eat, I know that you're active. I mean, I'm looking at what you're telling me about
your activity level, but you know, they were just bloated or they had massive brain fog or
really abnormal menstrual cycling and things that you wouldn't tie back to the bugs in the pathogens, the mold, the mycotoxins, the viruses, the parasites. And our functional
medicine doctor, Dr. Sardo, who's board certified OBGYN, had
a lot of training in this area. And she started to bring in
these functional labs, like the vibrant testing. And what we
find were in these unsolvable cases
was generally one of these underliers.
And when we started testing for those
and treating for those,
this is when we saw the real miracles happen, right?
Because most people are super responsive to the therapy
and it's very obvious from their labs.
But you were talking about your mold toxicity.
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Now let's get back to the Ultimate Human podcast.
I think this is one, especially in areas like Miami, where the capital of the world, we
won that lottery, go Miami. And, you know, this second one, according to one of the functional
medicine docs I know is actually Malibu, California. And I was like, that surprises me because
it's not super humid. Yeah, but there is obviously exposure
to so much water mixed in.
Yeah, the water, the climate, maybe it's because you know,
AC in the summertime and maybe they're leaving
the windows open in the winter time.
But talk a little bit about the testing that you did.
What if any symptoms you were having
and like I'm particularly interested in the journey
you went on to walk yourself out of it.
I mean, I've seen so many of, you know,
the clients that live come in with mold
and as you know, it can really like wreck your life.
And it is something that often goes undiagnosed
for so, so long, if ever found.
So I have been doing at least quarterly,
sometimes even more frequently,
something called the total toxic burden. And the reason why real quick that I think- And at least quarterly, sometimes even more frequently, something called the
total toxic burden.
And the reason why real quick that I think that's vibrant, right?
Yeah, particularly important for women because we know that women actually experience a higher
toxic exposure than men in the form of like personal care products and fragrances and
cleaning products.
So it's estimated that women leave the home with about 200 toxins versus about 100.
So it's about double than men.
So I love this test because this is also,
before we dive into the mold,
gonna look at things like paraben and phthalates
and all of these endocrine disruptors
that we're exposed to, right?
That many times we don't even know.
They're snuck into fragrances and your body lotions
and all these different products
that we're applying on a daily basis
So I love it for women for that reason and we also know that you know women are a bit slower
Detoxers because we prioritize fast storage, right? So in combination
Right. So if we are exposed to more toxins and detox them a little bit more poorly than men do then I love this test for
That reason but I do this test all the time. So I have a pretty good baseline. And during the fires, I did it mid-fire. So it was on, the fire started
on January 7th. I did the test on the 18th. And the results that came back were something like I've
never seen before. My medical team didn't even believe that these were my results. Everything in
the red. I went from having three toxins in the medium range to having over 20 in the high range.
And you're familiar with this test.
Incredibly alarming, right?
So some of these things you don't even recognize
and you start looking it up and you're like,
byproduct of jet fuel, like what?
It's a fire accelerant.
And I guess if you think about burning in these homes,
I mean, it's everything's being essentially vaporized.
And you said something really interesting to me on my balcony.
You said, you know, they show that the air quality
is decent, but it's actually not the number of particles
in the air, it's what's in the particle.
So if you're in LA right now and you're looking at the AQI
and this is a measurement essentially of like particle size
and the particles could be anything.
They could be skin cells, they could be from trees,
ash, whatever. But
it's clearly very concerning that these particles are obviously based on my results, are made
up of things like heavy metals and massive amounts of environmental toxins. I've never
had my BPA went from the lowest range it could be to through the roof. So these are like
plastics and nothing about my lifestyle has changed. No, I avoid plastics in clothing.
I avoid plastics every which way you could do.
At the airport, I won't even take like a paper cup.
So I avoid that at all costs,
but all of these molds and mycotoxins came back in my lab,
tons of environmental toxins
and tons of heavy metals too that I had never had before.
So if you are living in LA,
I don't want it to be like a fear tactic.
I mean, personally, my husband and I are gonna move
because I don't think this is gonna be an isolated incident.
All of that debris is gonna be cleaned up
over the next two years.
And we know it's just gonna be kicked back into there.
If you look into it at 9-11,
there were only a few buildings in comparison
to how many were just burned in LA.
And there are about 130,000 people enrolled in a program from the government There were only a few buildings in comparison to how many were just burned in LA and
There are about a hundred and thirty thousand people enrolled in a program from the government because of all their health issues
So I just saw something the other day that they weren't going to test in LA They weren't going to look at the toxins. Of course, they're not right because then everybody would leave
I mean, these are these are toxins that are linked to cancer and infertility and issues with pregnancy.
So it's so important that you either, I guess, live inside because you can.
I have lots of high-quality air filtration.
But for me, I mean, I'm just going to get out.
But when it comes to the mold, so I've done quite a bit.
Luckily, I have quite a few tools at my disposal.
I mean, I'm a huge fan of sauna in general.
So I do sauna.
I was doing sauna about four times a week.
Now I'm doing it every single day
because we need to get these toxins out.
I usually take a binder beforehand, which I really love.
And how do you sauna?
Do you have actually like a walk-in sauna
or do you use a sauna blanket?
I have two.
I have two saunas.
So I have a infrared sauna with a built-in red light therapy.
I've been loving that because it kind of stacks
two of the therapies I wanna do together.
I love that too.
Yeah, I love anytime I do two things. Anything that kind of stacks two of the therapies I wanna do together. I love that too.
Yeah, I love any time I do two things.
Anything that can compress time and do more stuff.
Yeah, exactly.
So I have that and then I have a finished sauna outside.
So I kind of go between the two,
but usually, you know, 20 minutes, 176 to 212,
that's what all the studies are based on
for all the longevity and cardiovascular benefits,
but massively leaning into sauna,
I did something called therapeutic plasma exchange.
I love that.
Right after I got-
Did you do that at Next Health?
I did, yeah.
With Dr. Darshan?
Yeah, I love him.
So, I mean, I actually have another test that's pending.
So I will have new total toxic burn results that I'll release.
Obviously the expectation is that they've been reduced
significantly, but for anyone that's listening
that doesn't know what plasma exchange is,
they actually take
all of your plasma out of your body. I think I got about 2.5
liters. Yeah, and they replace it with albumin.
It's so wild. You hold that bag up and you're like, it's like
two liters of yellow soda. I mean, and it's heavy.
It is really heavy. Wow.
I was surprised. So I did that. I'm going to do probably two to
three more sessions of that. Because for me, you know, it's
disappointing. But like you mentioned, we always have a I'm gonna do probably two to three more sessions of that. Because for me, it was disappointing,
but like you mentioned, we always have a journey, right?
So my husband and I wanted to try to conceive.
I just made like an hour, an hour long video
and all the things for fertility optimization.
And I'm doing-
We're gonna go into that too.
Cause you just piqued the interest
of every female on this podcast.
And so it's a bummer that this had to happen.
It's like, you're doing everything.
I do so much. Everybody jokes, I like live in a bubblemer that this had to happen. It's like, you know, you're doing everything. I do so much.
Everybody jokes, I like live in a bubble
and people think I'm so boring life
because they go to bed at 8.30 and I don't drink alcohol
and I don't go to nightclubs,
but I am doing all these things.
And then, you know, just an environmental disaster in LA,
it can just wipe that out.
I mean, I'm very grateful that I'm equipped to deal with it.
So doing the plasma, the TPE, also doing ebu.
So, you know, very high dose ozone therapy, to filter the blood as well.
And I actually am taking something, it's a prescription called
the stear amine.
I could be pronouncing that slightly wrong, but it is really interesting research.
So its initial indication was for cholesterol management, lipid management. But in a study, it actually removed 60% of the PFAS from the individuals
over a 12-week period. So I had this in my back pocket. I knew about this study. As soon as I got
my lab results back, I sent it to my doctor and I said, Hey, thoughts, like I think we should do
this. He agreed. And so I'm also doing that, which I it to my doctor and I said, hey, thoughts, like I think we should do this.
He agreed.
And so I'm also doing that, which I'm very excited about
because I mean, if this can help pull out a lot of those
toxins, PFAS, all those molds and help really like reduce
the toxic burden, I think that's gonna be an exciting one
as well.
Yeah, and so, so I, first of all, I would totally agree
with you, you know, and activate the natural detox pathways,
which is, you know, sauna, hydration, maybe glutathione.
I heard you say that you were taking glutathione
in a binder as well?
Yep, yep, love a little bit of binder,
just help bind to the toxins and pull them out.
Or are you using activated charcoals, zeolite?
Yeah, I use the Quicksilver binder, so that's my preference.
Is that activated charcoal, or do you know what that is?
It is activated charcoal.
Okay, yeah, so that's great,
because that's binding the toxins.
And then ebu or ebio two is sort of a really advanced ozone.
I've posted a lot about it lately
where they filter the blood and add ozone to it.
Sometimes they will run it through a light filter too
and then put it back in.
But what's really interesting,
we talked about this before the podcast started,
is I,
I took the waste container that had, you know, the collection container and sent that to a lab
for urinalysis. And this is where I saw all of the toxins that you're referring to the aflatoxin A, aflatoxin B, the polyfluoroalkyls, all of these weird accelerants like jet fuel and really,
weird accelerants like jet fuel and really you know crazy environmental toxins that were in there so if you're listening to this and you're from LA
there are things that you can do and that and the total plasma exchange is
even next level because that will replace it with sterile albumin and your
body will remake that plasma but a lot of the junk kind of hangs hangs out in
there and I've heard you also talk about the need for female focused
longevity protocols. What do you mean by that? And then first of all,
you and your husband are on a similar journey to my wife and I, like,
you know, we're in this like sort of couple's journey together.
She makes a lot of fun of me, but she's also like fully, fully on board for it.
She makes a lot of fun of me, but she's also like fully, fully on board for it.
Yeah, love that.
And although I just put a hyperbaric
in our master bedroom, so a little friction there
on that one, but-
We have one in our master bedroom as well.
Oh, you do?
Okay, let's go.
Our master bedrooms actually look,
they're just slightly bigger, but it looks very similar
with the Faraday cage and the hyperbaric in there.
Oh really, the Faraday cage too.
Yeah, I mean, people think you're crazy,
but it's like, I don't collect cars.
I don't, you know, I don't, I don't collect watches.
You know,
There's no better investment.
Like we hit one body, you know,
it's amazing that people,
and I completely understand that this is,
it can be a very expensive industry to be in.
I'm excited for that to hopefully be reduced in cost soon.
But I mean, for me, there's nothing else I would rather spend my money on.
Yeah, no, me too.
I mean, I'd rather buy a red light therapy bed in a Ferrari
because Ferrari is doing nothing for your cellular biology.
But talk a little bit about what you mean by, you know, female
like female centric longevity protocols.
Yeah. I mean, women are not small men.
So most of the data that we have,
like scientific research is done on men.
And what we've kind of tried to do so far is say,
okay, let's parse this out and just make it a little bit
less for the women kind of essentially like-
Yeah, Bonnie, they just do it by body weight, you're right.
Yeah, that women are just small men,
but that's completely not true.
We are biologically and physiologically different than men
and women have a 28 to 30 day cycle,
whereas men, you guys, it's kind of a little bit
like Groundhog Day, right?
It's like the same thing over and over.
So, makes it-
I am deeply offended by that.
But now he's so true.
You're so true.
But it makes it much easier, right?
Because you don't have these hormonal fluctuations, not to mention that there's so many different cycles of a woman much easier, right? Because you don't have these hormonal fluctuations,
not to mention that there's so many different cycles
of a woman's life, right?
I mean, I'm in my child-bearing years, pre-menopause,
but then there's perimenopause, menopause.
So every one of those phases requires something
a little bit different.
And when I started on my biohacking journey,
we have a lot of mutual friends like Dave Asprey
and Ben Greenfield and all these people.
And it's great, but I was doing some of these
like for men by men protocols.
And I was watching my thyroid health decline.
I was watching my hormones become imbalanced
because I was doing way too much.
We know that women, they perceive and experience stress
at much higher levels than men.
So if I try to do the same thing that you do, let's say, you can cold plunge every day
all day.
That's great.
But as a woman, my body interprets that very differently and given where I'm at in my cycle.
So we can walk down the line of nutrition, sleep, exercise, biohacking.
I mean, there's nuance for all of these for women.
Yeah, you know, my wife and I know that too,
and we know it in the clinical practice too,
that one size fits all, let's say, intermittent fasting
for men versus one size fits all intermittent fasting
for women.
And some of the worst endocrine disasters we would see
in women were young menstruating females
that were otherwise very healthy, fit, active,
that had very narrow feeding windows.
And when you start to look at it,
some of these women would have really responsive insulin.
So they were very insulin sensitive
and their blood sugar was very often hypoglycemic.
And so they spent like long amounts of time in this hypoglycemic state and they fed.
Then when they were back in this hypoglycemic state and what it did was it really started
to slow down their metabolism.
You'd see their thyroid hormone levels start to just plummet.
Yeah, that's what happened to me.
Because the pituitary is like, hey, we're not getting enough nutrients,
right? This low blood sugar we're perceiving as starvation. And, you know, I started really going
down that rabbit hole too, and it's years ago, with women, because you would see you're right,
you know, you, you put men and women on these, these similar protocols, and you have vastly
different results. And usually, it's because a husband and wife are, you know,
doing relatively the same thing.
And it turns out to be a disaster for her and not for him.
So, I mean, fertility is a huge issue.
Before we even talk about proving your fertility,
I mean, just these, the state of fertility right now
in the world, certainly in the United States,
declining rates of sperm counts,
declining fertility rates in women,
skyrocketing rates of spontaneous miscarriage.
So you're on that journey right now.
So if, that's okay if I say that?
Okay, go ahead.
Because 27 million people, it I'd love for you to talk
a little bit about that journey because that is one that is really going to resonate with
my audience.
Yeah, absolutely. So we haven't officially started trying actually we were intending
on starting to try this month, but then the happened and so I want to you know get my
body rid of these toxins first but I think that and I don't want to make it
seem like you have to do all these things remember I'm like in the bio
hacking industry so I'm doing all these things that might seem way extra but I
think for me if we start thinking about labs you know what am I looking to
optimize so we know that the
mitochondria come from the mother. We know that the gut is coming from the mother. So for me,
and in this recent video I just did, I start with gut testing and optimizing some of these tests
in order to potentially optimize and extend fertility. I would, when we're done talking
about this, I would love to talk about ovarian aging, because I think that's like the future, right?
And I have some things that I'm trialing.
Again, there's not a lot of research,
and I've talked to almost every ovarian aging expert,
but the female ovaries age at double the speed
that any other organ does, and we still don't know why,
but I have some theories, just first principles thinking.
But to go back to fertility,
so some things that I have done have been gut optimization.
I think there is such a story for optimizing your gut,
not only because you'll be passing on to your child,
but because we know that gut dysbiosis
and so many of the gut issues
can lead to autoimmune conditions.
We know that 80% of autoimmune conditions are women.
And this is a really, this should be a huge red flag, right?
And we know that if you optimize the gut,
it can also help to reduce your risk
of some of these conditions.
So I think the optimization is number one.
I like a test called the GI effects by Genova.
Any practitioner grade gut test I think would work,
but I think gut health testing is super important,
reducing your toxic burden as low as you can, because again, you're getting ready to house another human being and the
development of that human being.
So if you look at things like heavy metals, molds, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, I
think getting those as low as you can is super helpful.
Some other things that I'm personally doing, I think it's interesting to look at biological
age because we want to improve
our biological age if possible, prior to conceiving.
And again, I'm gonna say the preface again,
you don't have to do all this stuff.
This is just me taking it to like the end degree.
I'd like to put you, and I don't mean to interrupt
your thought though, but I like what you're saying about,
you're sort of preparing the house before, right?
Before you move in. Exactly, yeah.
And I think that's so important.
We have a lot of experience in biologic stem cells, exosomes, those kinds of treatments.
And the people that respond the best
are the ones that went on a 10 week of pre-treatment
before they did that to reduce insulin
and lower the inflammatory markers.
So I like that you're actually talking about this
sort of cleaning up the house before we let the baby move in.
I mean, absolutely.
I mean, for me, I wasn't given that opportunity.
I mean, who knows what was going on when I was growing,
but I want to set the best stage.
But also, you know, we see this time and time again,
I've interviewed a lot of fertility experts
and they say that there's about a three month period,
you know, prior to getting pregnant
that you have the most impact.
So even if you wanna start now,
it's for women and men, you know, for sperm and for eggs
as they're actually forming and getting to be released,
you have about three months prior
that you can really lean into nutrition,
exercise, sleep. Sleep is so incredibly important. Our body is either going to prioritize fertility
or it's going to prioritize survival. And if you are in this state of constant stress,
you're not getting high quality sleep, you are maybe doing way too many hormetic stressors,
then we won't prioritize getting pregnant.
So really important, and I can talk about
how I actually optimize my cycle with my biohacking
and my nutrition and my exercise
to hopefully optimize fertility outcomes.
But that's some of the testing.
Also, I think AMH, so anti-malarion hormone.
If you're a woman and you're listening to this,
I think you should know what your AMH is as soon as practically possible.
Because although you can't actually test fertility until you try to conceive, you can know your
ovarian reserves.
So an AMH test will tell you essentially how many eggs that you have left.
And you can be in your 20s and have a really low AMH.
You could be in your 40s and have a high AMH.
I mean, it's just really super bio individual.
But if you don't know that number, I think it's one of the most important ones,
because if you do have a really low AMH right now, it might be a flag that you
either might consider trying a little bit earlier than you had planned or something
like I'm calling it fertility preservation,
something like egg raising,
but you should at least know where you're at
because if you want a family,
I don't think it's something
that you wanna just kind of fly blind on.
Yeah, I totally agree.
So you said you're gonna talk about the nutrition.
So there's, I mean, talk about paralysis of analysis.
If you get out there on Google
and you get out there on social media,
you will get, any Google and you get out there on social media, you will get any
woman will just get absolutely paralyzed by information, diametrically opposed information
on what we should be doing or they should be doing to prepare for really healthy pregnancy.
So what is your dietary journey look like?
So that's also why getting some of these labs, because the best way to achieve optimal health
or optimal fertility is your own data, right?
So I'm excited to be putting out all my data
and sharing the protocols I'm doing,
but also, as you know, I mean,
you're like the master of genetics.
We can have different genetics.
We could be detoxing differently.
There's so many different factors.
So best way to do it is get your own data
and then optimize off that. But from a nutrition standpoint, I think we've made it way too
complicated. I mean, you know, this insane internet battle, it's just focus on single ingredient
foods. My diet's primarily Mediterranean. I do eat meat. I actually eat a little bit more red meat
during the bleed phase of my cycle because we know that we're losing blood and losing iron.
But single ingredient foods, avocados, those healthy fats are so important.
We know that even mothers while being pregnant, if they eat more
choline, the baby's brains develop better.
So things like eggs are really great.
Lots of dark leafy cruciferous vegetables, a lot of, you know, high
fiber, especially because you want to be detoxing, which is really important, but it's nothing too complicated.
It's just single ingredient for me.
A lot of like wild caught salmon loaded with those omegas.
I do an omega test as well.
I always try to keep my omega index over eight.
There's quite a bit of literature on extending the lifespan
and even reduction in cardiovascular events.
So really focusing on omegas,
but you don't have to keep it too complicated,
just completely eliminating all ultra processed foods,
for sure, and processed foods, you know,
if you can to the best of your ability.
And how do you walk your way out of this toxic burden?
Because, you know, a lot of times people like you and I
get accused of fear mongering,
and it's not that we're trying to say
everything is gonna kill you.
I mean, a lot is, but yes.
A lot is, okay.
Actually, that's very true.
But I just say it's trying to kill you.
But a lot of what I think people call fear-mongering
is us just trying to help people get around the system.
Like get through the grocery store,
get through a normal day.
I did a really interesting exercise
after one of Dave Asprey's biohacking events.
It was years ago when he first started his biohacking summit
and there was a specialist there.
And it was just this questionnaire.
And you just walk through the day.
And it's like, if you've never actually,
if you're one of those people that isn't conscious
of what you're eating and you for a week,
you'd sort of document your meals.
You're like, holy crap, I ate like three chocolate bars.
I ate like, you know what I mean?
I ate an extra half pound of nuts.
Like you don't realize all of these things
that are sort of coming at you.
And so, you know, it was really interesting for, you know, for my for my wife, but
the amount of toxic burden that you encounter throughout the
day, it's like, you know, you wake up in the morning, you
brush your teeth, okay, well, now you, you realize that's
fluoride and, and, you know, high amounts of fluoride, and
then you're like drinking tap water, and then your shampoo, and then your conditioner, and then your fluoride. And then you're like drinking tap water
and then your shampoo and then your conditioner
and then your body wash.
And then for women, it's all of these cosmetics.
So how did they start this journey
of lowering their toxic load?
I think the food is relatively easy.
Yeah, there's a great resource that I love.
It's called the Environmental Working Group.
Oh, EWG, I'm a member of those guys too.
I donate to them too, they're amazing.
Yeah, they're great.
And they have something called the Skin Deep Database.
So what you can do is you can literally just type
in your product or brand and you can see the toxicity.
It'll start to teach you what to look for.
Really, it's called the Skin Deep Database?
Yeah, Skin Deep Database, it's great.
That's how I started.
I mean, I was just running every single product through there
and I was just seeing time.
I was like, garbage, garbage, garbage, have to throw all this stuff away.
And I had no idea before that. So I think that's a great resource.
Just to start slow. I don't want this to be overwhelming because, you know, when you go to buy new makeup,
you can get a better, you know, more clean version of makeup.
You can do it slow so it doesn't feel like you have to change everything overnight.
I mean, I've been in this industry for a while, so now I'm focusing on like,
do my clothes have microplastics in them?
And you know, the whole nine yards.
Yeah, I'm starting to get there too.
But just starting slower
and just starting to swap out some of these products.
I mean, fragrance is the worst offender.
They can put anything in fragrance under a trademark.
So, and then think about where you're spraying it.
You're spraying it on your thyroid,
you're spraying it on your lymph nodes.
I mean, day in and day out, sometimes multiple times a day.
And your radio artery.
Absolutely. So that's one of the first things that I would probably kick to the curb is fragrance,
traditional or conventional fragrance, and swap it out for something like an essential oil. There's
also some really good brands coming about that can help women as well.
Yeah. There's some aerobatic brands out there that are 100% essential oils that smell amazing.
Smell so good.
They just like, I mean, they really smell
like a designer perfume.
Yeah, totally.
And, but in terms of like cost-wise,
are you finding that you can,
is the industry getting to the point
where there's enough competition
that some of these really clean products
like Brands Basics and some of these really clean products like Brands Basics and some of these
really good brands are available, widely enough available, and at a price point where people can
you know afford them. No they really are. I mean especially if you look at you know a lot of women
love like these luxury makeup products right the the clean versions are actually cheaper than those
those products. But definitely
there are, I think, available options for really almost any budget.
And I love too that you talk about sleep because I think very often, you know, especially people
that are getting into the biohacking space or just going down the biohacking bandwagon,
they want to jump the basics and like get to the exotics. They're like, oh, I read that
NED, can you know,
it's in your life so I'm going to start NED injections.
And which I don't have a problem with per se.
Or, you know, I'm a res feritrol.
I read this thing about ashwagandha or some new, you know,
root that came out that's extending life expectancy.
But the truth is that foundational health
and the extension of our health span
is really found in the basics.
And, you know, whole foods, exercise, mobility,
de-stressing, but talk a little bit about sleep
because you know what I found to be very interesting
was a few months ago last year,
I ran this sleep challenge.
And I do challenges every month,
and like water fasting, 10,000 steps, cold punch challenge. And I ran this sleep challenge. And I do challenges every month and like water fasting, 10,000 steps, cold punch challenge. And I ran
this sleep challenge. What was really astounding to me was that
we have 1000s of people sign up into this. And when we started
doing the questionnaires and surveys and doing the open
dialogue, and finding out, you know, what's your sleep routine?
Virtually no one, I would say 2% of the people
that signed up for this challenge
could even tell me what their sleep routine was.
They had no sort of mechanism,
but if I said, what's your exercise routine?
What do you do in the morning to get the kids to school?
It's like, bam, this at this time, this at this time,
bus leaves at 8.24, you know?
I mean, they're on their game,
and they usually have the same kind of structure around
their job, or maybe even the structure around their, you
know, their exercise, they've got, you know, they've got
planned workouts. And, and so I introduced the concept of
planning your sleep. And it was like, like, blew their mind. I
mean, you've already told me like, I got about 830. Yeah,
which like Brian Johnson, who by the way is in town.
He has his don't die summit going on here.
Oh, nice.
But I believe that a lot of the success
that he's having in his age reversal
has to do with the fact that he's so highly focused
on sleep.
And, you know, women in particular,
you know, the majority of your hormones are produced
during deep phases of sleep cycles.
And so if you're not sleeping, this could be showing up on your labs as hormonal imbalance
or even insulin resistance.
And then you're chasing, you're going down a road, chasing a pathology that's not there
because you're just skipping the basics.
So can you talk about it talk a bit about your sleep?
What's your sleep routine like?
What's some of your sleep hacks for women?
Well, first thing that I have found really interesting
is that women need more sleep than men.
So the research supports about six to 20 minutes,
but based on my end of one studies,
I've been very lucky to be able to-
End of one.
Based on my life of one studies, I've been very lucky to be able to
My lifelong
experiment clinical study based on my you know experience so I
Did two months of just you know go to bed at 830 wake up whenever you feel like it
So I'm very blessed to be able to do that
On average, I need more than an I need an hour or more of sleep than my husband
On average, I need more than an hour or more of sleep than my husband. So I am at least getting eight hours.
So I think that's one myth that women should not feel that they have to get the same amount
of sleep as their male counterpart or that six hours is going to work for them for so
many reasons.
Why do women need more sleep?
I mean, we know that we're slower detoxers, right?
So when our bodies are detoxing at night, that can take longer.
Our hormones, you know, and the changes within hormones.
So when we even get into the late luteal phase
with the progesterone increase,
we might even need more sleep,
late luteal while menstruating.
So I find that to be really interesting.
When I need more sleep.
I noticed that with my wife too.
Like during her, the menstrual part of her cycle,
the menstruating part of her cycle,
she definitely needs to be in sleep.
Which makes sense, I mean, you lose an iron,
you're maybe even slightly anemic.
Yeah, we also have a huge inflammatory cascade
that's going on as the uterine lining is shedding.
So there's so many reasons, but I think, you know,
just focusing on high quality sleep for women is so important.
So for me, what does that look like?
I am done eating by 5.30, So you wanna give yourself at least about three hours
prior to bed to digest your food.
I go by the rule, if the sun has set,
you're not meant to be eating.
So I watch the sunset.
We have a great view of like the Hollywood Hills,
watch the sunset go down.
It's usually around five or 5.30 right now in LA.
And then I'm done eating by then.
At that point, all the lights in my house go red.
So we know that- All of them go red.
Yeah, yeah, all red.
Even much to my husband's chagrin,
I figured out that you can actually turn the TV
on a color filter and turn it completely red,
like the phone.
I mean, he was so upset.
He's like, this is not the same.
So he's like watching baseball and he's like-
It's like nothing.
You could just get red like glasses.
I do have red like glasses but they're not very
comfortable and he's being exposed so yes you could. So anyways red lights all at night.
We should talk about light for women. The demand is like slightly more for a variety of reasons
but red light goes on. I do you know parasympathetic activity So I like this thing, I'm using a pulsado right now,
which is like a Vegas nerve stimulator.
So put that on the sleep mode,
get into a really relaxed state.
I try to get my heart rate as low as possible prior to bed
because I've really learned that it helps the quality
of my sleep and my sleep scores.
Like every night I get like a 97, 98 sleep score
and I use Aura.
So Aura doesn't let you get a hundred, I don't think.
I don't know a single person
that's ever gotten a hundred sleep score, do you?
I don't know on an Aura, I've gotten them on eight sleep.
And I've gotten 98, 99.
Have I gotten hundreds on?
Yeah, I've gotten hundreds on whoop.
I don't think it's possible though in Aura, right?
I'm pretty regularly 98, 99, 97 on sleep
and eight sleep and whoop. Yeah, I'm pretty regularly 98, 99, 97 on sleep and,
eight sleep and whoop.
Yeah, so anyways, good sleep scores,
but getting the resting heart rate as low as possible.
You know, for me, it's like doing something relaxing,
cuddling with my husband, reading.
Don't do anything fear inducing.
Don't turn on, you know, for some reason,
women love to watch murder shows.
I've heard that's like a thing.
Oh, it's such a thing.
I wouldn't recommend watching that right before bed because
it's like really anxiety inducing. That's the opposite of
what you want to be doing. And then we keep our room completely
blackout. So we now know that even light right on the skin can
still disrupt your circadian clock and decrease your amount
of melatonin. So that can be disruptive. Keep the room super
cool. So you know, 65 Fahrenheit is what we keep our room at.
So awesome.
I also think you should try to make your sleep environment
as restorative as possible.
So you could get like a switch to turn your wifi off.
I like you have a Faraday cage.
So I've measured it.
The EMFs are zero inside the Faraday cage.
So you could do something like that
or just get like a wifi switch.
I love like a weighted blanket for me,
really helps increase my sleep.
And or it says, I think it increases deep sleep
by about 2% weighted blanket.
And over time, that's a big number.
I mean, all we're trying to do is just get those.
Yeah, incremental things.
Yeah, if you're gonna be sleeping anyway.
Yeah. So if you don't be sleeping anyway. Yeah, totally.
I've also recently, I used to do sauna right after exercise
to extend some of those exercise benefits,
but I've recently moved it to about two hours prior to bed.
And I found pretty significant improvements in my sleep too.
You don't wanna do it too close to bed
because again, it's gonna jack up your heart rate
and then you're not gonna get as good of sleep.
We really find the same thing. And I encourage people to do sauna or what I call a contrast shower, just a hot cold shower.
We have, we have cold plunges when I'm a little bit warmer. So like in the sixties, so after a good long sauna session, just a quick dip in there, just to kind of start to bring the temperature back down, not a long hermetic stressor. Um, and those are the nights that my wife really sleeps well when we do the sauna.
So I would, I would agree with you there.
And I think it has something to do with sort of breaking the cycle of your day.
I mean, your day's active and there's all this stuff on your mind.
You've got all these catecholamines.
You're really in a waken state.
I think a lot of women in particular are really susceptible to the rise
in these catecholamines at night.
So they're kind of in this body tired, but mind awake state.
And they'll just ruminating about the most innocuous little things, right?
Nothing's going to change your life.
Um, and it just robs you of being able to go to sleep.
Just, so do you read in bed?
I actually don't do anything in bed other than sleep.
So it's really, I've developed like my bedroom
or my bed just for sleep, but I will read prior.
Just to relax, you know, I obviously make sure
like my magnesium levels are optimized.
Sometimes I'll do a magnesium at night.
Oh, I love that.
I don't really need a sleep stack.
I do make them for my husband though.
I do like glycine, apigenin, a little bit of L-theanine
and some magnesium in there.
Works great for him.
I just like-
Are you guys on the kind of the same sleep schedule?
Yeah, I mean, he used to stay up way later.
And of course he's like, you know, kind of change that now
but he feels better than he ever is.
And also, you know, when I first met him
we had this whole experience with this testosterone where I asked him, he was on a tiny bit of tea, obviously I wanted babies. So I was like,
Hey, do you mind to get off that? He did. Testosterone went down a bit, but then I put
him through an entire detox protocol, changed his diet, lifestyle upgrades, and his testosterone is
now like 916 naturally. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And how old is he? If you don't mind me asking? He's 37. So 916 at 37 would be amazing. I mean,
yeah, my community would kill to have testosterone that low. I mean naturally that that high. Which really brings me to another point. I mean, it is
amazing how
well the human body functions when you give it the raw material it needs to do its job. We forget that I think the best pharmacy
is right here, you know, and when we access the power that this has over this. And we,
we, what's, what's really interesting is what you're really talking about is just getting back to
the basics, right? Sort of avoiding the, all of the, the modern day things that we do, like
regulating our temperature, regulating our lighting.
You know, you can make it, it's one o'clock in the morning
and you can make it surface to the sun
and you can do it if you want to.
But then your circadian biology is so jacked.
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Now let's get back to the Ultimate Human podcast.
And so where do you fall on like a morning routine like breath work or sunlight or grounding
or where do you where do you fall?
What are some of your must because you're on a travel bender right?
Yeah, I'm here today. You're you're you're in? What are some of your must, because you're on a travel bender right now. Yeah, yeah, I'm on a little.
You're here today, you're in Nashville tonight, right?
Yep, Nashville, New York City.
So this is a rarity.
I'm much more of a homebody
simply because I like to have my environment
the way that I enjoy it,
because there's so many variables now while traveling.
But my morning routine takes about an hour and a half.
I mean, I get up, first thing I do as practically possible is get sunlight into the eyes,
help to, you know, really improve my circadian rhythm.
Also really good for women too, because the vitamin D,
we know that women suffer from more osteoporosis,
really helps to regulate the hormones.
Big fan of morning sun.
So do that and then I head to the gym.
My strength training routine,
I have my strength training routine and then I have a split.
So I'm hitting all areas of longevity.
I have two VO2 max training days.
I have two to three strength training days.
I incorporated a power day, which is new,
but really wanting to maintain those
fast twitch muscle fibers. Jumping box jumps. Yeah, box jumps, explosive is new, but really wanting to maintain those fast twitch muscle fibers. So jumping box jumps, box jumps, you know, explosive pushups, super fast squats.
It's like a little circuit that I do. And it's great because I don't want us to forget about
power because we need to maintain that as we get older. Yeah. Well, frailty in older ages is one
of the hallmarks of mortality. Yeah, and it's very significant in women
because sarcopenia, osteoporosis,
so I do a lot of, on my string training days,
do a lot of compound lifting, so really loading the bones.
And then I measure all this stuff at home too, by the way.
So I have a really smart scale
where I look at my bone density and my body composition,
my fat mass, my muscle mass.
I just did a PR, by the way, on the grip strength.
I'm at 100 pounds.
Is that the one that you grab?
That's awesome.
Yeah, and there's a direct relationship
between grip strength and longevity.
It's a proxy for overall strength.
So as women, it's not really talked about
for us to measure these things,
but I think looking at your lung health
through like a spirometer, your grip strength,
knowing what
your body composition is, how much muscle do you have, how much fat do you have, what's your bone
density like, super, super important. So I'll go to the gym and hit one of those metrics that I'm
working on. And then I come home. I usually do my biometrics. So all the things I just mentioned,
I on a weekly basis, I do the lung health, look at my sleep, I do blood pressure, I do grip strength,
I do body composition, all that stuff at home.
And then I will do PEMF and a little bit of like reading,
prayer, meditation, something to just set my mind,
as I say, before the day sets it for me.
So before you get emails and calls and things happen,
I like to really try to put myself into a more relaxed state.
And then I will usually have breakfast. So
I usually like to eat pretty close to when I work out, always aiming for high protein. So I try to get about 30 grams plus a
protein per meal. So I get about 100 grams of protein a day I
weigh about 122. So that's super important for me. And then I put a lot of my biohacking stuff
throughout the day as well.
So I do like a NanoV, which helps reduce oxidative stress.
And then I do PEMF like at my desk while working.
It's called a NanoV?
NanoV, yeah.
What's that?
Oh, I think I've seen that machine.
Yeah, it's a German device with the nasal cannula.
Okay, and what is that doing?
So it's supposed to reduce oxidative stress
and improve protein folding.
So we know oxidative stress is a root cause of many different diseases. Yeah, and is is that doing? So it's supposed to reduce oxidative stress and improve protein folding. So we know oxidative stress is a root cause of many different diseases.
And is it a gas?
No, it's actually creating a frequency and you're inhaling it.
That's right.
I've seen those and I didn't go down the rabbit hole of those.
I mean, I know most of the things you're talking about, especially the, the pulsator, actually
Christiano Ronaldo gave me one of those.
I would see them in Saudi Arabia and when I left he
gave it to me as a gift and I first tried it on the plane coming back and then I actually had
a client of mine staying with me, he's also a very dear friend and he was suffering from
And he was suffering from very severe tinnitus and it was actually triggering panic attacks. And I was in the living room one day and my son came running around the corner.
He's like, hey dad, he's actually laying in the hallway.
And so I went around the hallway and he was laying up against the wall and he was having
a panic attack. And I, you know, the worst thing you can do is try to reason somebody out of panning and panning.
There's nothing for you to be afraid of. There's no reason for you to feel this way.
So I just calmly put the pulsator on him and I ran the anxiety app and I'm getting like six minutes into a nine minute session.
like six minutes into a nine minute session. He was very calm.
I think he just overrode that signal
coming through the vagus nerve.
So I think a lot of these,
which you could travel with some of these.
Yeah, for sure.
But I didn't mean to interrupt you.
So the Nano-V and then you said
you also have a pulse electromagnetic EMF, Matt.
Yeah, yeah.
So I just keep that going actually throughout the day.
I have it in my office chair. Oh, that's cool. And it's interesting because I did a test called. Like the full body, like, Matt. Yeah. Okay. So I just keep that going actually throughout the day. I have it in my office chair.
Oh, that's cool.
And it's interesting because I did a test called-
Like the full body, like-
I did a test called a Mead test
and it actually measures essentially
the voltage of your body.
And we know that I kind of think about it
like all these hits of like poor food
and you know, lack of exercise,
lack of movement is like draining our voltage,
like our cellular voltage, right?
I would agree with that.
So we can do things like grounding, which is free.
It just takes a lot longer.
So I have the PMF device at home,
but I love doing that as well.
Actually two things that I didn't mention in the beginning,
though I have a very extensive oral health routine
because we know that the oral microbiome
and overall health is directly connected.
We've known about the link to cardiovascular disease
for a very long time,
but now it's becoming more and more prevalent.
I see a biological dentist,
which is like the functional medicine of dentistry.
So I do ozone oil pulling, of course, like flossing,
a really great brush in the morning, tongue scraping.
And then that's obviously the first thing that I do. So, because I'm actually talking about all my challenge
on Wednesday, I'm talking about oil pulling,
tongue scraping, you know, flossing,
the importance of all of those things,
even really the importance of getting metal amalgamates
out of the mouth.
Oh gosh, it's wild that it's even legal.
Yeah, and even root canals.
I mean, I could show you how that.
Oh yeah. I'm waiting for a show you how that. Oh yeah.
I'm waiting for a tooth
because I had a root canal
that a biologic dentist cleaned out for me
and I had a big cavitation underneath it.
And what was amazing was I had two root canals
and one day I just bit down on something
and I cracked this tooth. And so I called my buddy as a biologic dentist Dr. Gandhi and he was like take
a picture of it and so I took a picture of it and sent it to him it was the 19th
tooth meridian so he asked me if I had left anterior shoulder pain left lower
lobe lung pain and the craziest thing that just literally blew my mind was he said, does your left toe ever go numb?
And I was like, dude, you are breaking me out
because I actually do have a little left anterior
shoulder pain, which I just thought was a little bicep
tendonitis from working out or whatever.
And I would only get the left lower lobe pain
when I was doing like hits cardio or something.
But my left toe occasionally would go numb.
And my wife used to tease me because I would like tap it
or I would tap it with my heel.
And then it wasn't enough to like drive me to the ER
or anything, but, and he's like,
oh, you definitely have a cavitation in that tooth.
And when he cone beam x-rayed it, you could see it.
And when he took it out, cleaned it, ozone,
put platelet-rich fiber in there, he actually ran ozone gas, red
light, and replaced it. Literally within 48 hours, all
of those symptoms went away. And that's been two years and hasn't
come back. Yeah. And for almost two years. I am such a big
believer in that. Now, how do you do ozone oil pulling?
Yeah, actually, my friend owns a company, it's Simply O3. They make a lot of ozone generators
too. I have a Simply O3. Oh, nice. Yeah. So they make an ozonated oil pulling solution.
They do? Yeah. They make a solution that's already ozonated? Yeah. And it stays in there
even when they ship it to you? Yeah. Oh, that's cool. It tastes a little bit like ozone because
ozone has a very distinct.
Oh yeah, I've like come to love it though
because I do so many different types of ozone.
Because you associate it with being clean.
So you're like, yeah.
It's like, I used to love the smell of bleach
because it meant that things are,
I don't like it anymore, but I used,
it just used to tell me, all right,
well this locker room's clean, you know,
or this is sanitary.
I don't associate those anymore, but,
so it's an oil, like a what? Coconut oil or something, do you know? Yeah, but so it's an oil,
like a what, coconut oil or something, do you know?
Yeah, yeah, and it's an oil and it's already ozonated
and it's a nice like glass bottle, no microplastics.
And I just swish around for about 20 minutes.
20 minutes, see, that's the thing about oil pulling, man.
It's a commitment.
It is, I mean, you could always do less, right?
Like I'll do like stretching and other things
and just pass some time, you know, start my protein coffee.
So I left out, yeah, first of all, oral health routine,
I think it's super important.
I also do oral microbiome testing,
so, or oral biome testing.
So it tells you levels of bad bacteria, good bacteria,
just like I got test,
but we wanna make sure that that's optimal too, ideally.
Yeah, there's oral probiotics that you can take too for, I mean, just for your oral microbiome,
which are really good.
They're like a chewable.
Yeah, I have those.
Oh, you do?
I forget the name of the brand that I have.
Is it Bio Harvest?
I don't know.
If I find out, I'll link it in the show notes, but it's actually oral probiotic.
And I couldn't be more on board with you because you know I think ancestrally our
microbiome was so important and I mean obviously it's it still is and it all starts in in mouth
you know and it's if you actually saw an image of the nerves leaving the jaw and all the pathways
out of your mouth, into your neck, into your brain.
You realize how pathogens,
obviously this is a great way to get in,
and where they can go to,
and how many consequences they can have
that are not tying back to our oral microbiome.
And what's really interesting is,
I think dentistry is the only practice of medicine
that thinks that you can leave dead tissue in the body.
Right, so you kill a tooth and you kill a nerve,
and they're like, well, it's okay to leave that in there.
I mean, if your appendix died, they would take it out.
Right, I mean, if something comes necrotic in your body,
you need to remove it.
So you have these two necrotic in your body, you need to remove it.
So you have these two necrotic things in your mouth
if you've actually had a root canal,
but, and you don't feel it.
It's pain, like that was totally painless for me.
Had I not cracked that tooth,
which I look at as a blessing now,
I wouldn't have gotten both of these removed.
And it's, what everyone called woke to wellness as I am,
where, for me to have these two cavitations And it's what everyone called woke to wellness as I am,
you know, where, you know, for me to have these two cavitations just literally, literally blew my mind.
All right, so then you're, you're,
you're into your way through your,
now you, do you take a lot of this on the road?
I mean, it's portable for you?
Yeah, quite a bit of it.
I mean, I travel with a few things for sure,
but also, you know, like today,
well, I do want to mention for women
one thing that's important. So again, a
big learning was I no longer train fasted. I think that
women do better with a totally agree with you on that too. So
I do a protein coffee. So a little bit about a half cup of
coffee with a little bit of for me raw milk again, you know, be
advised, I don't know what the quality is of raw milk
everywhere. But and then I do a little bit of colostrum and a
little bit of creatine five grams of creatine.
We got airwands.
Love, yeah.
We got airwands, so yeah, we're fine.
When you buy it off the shelf at a regular grocery store,
I feel pretty good about that.
So that's what I do before training.
But I think that's an important takeaway for women
is that we do seem to do better training fed.
I could not agree with you more.
You know, in fact, I think some of the most frustrating cases that we had come through
our clinic are our younger fit women that are really healthy and they're exercising
and they'll say, look, I wake up at, you know, five, six o'clock in the morning, I have a
cup of black coffee.
I'm fasted.
I go to Orange Theory.
I go hammer down for 55 minutes.
I do that five days a week
I've been doing it for three months and I haven't lost a single pound like what's going on?
My you know, you're not eating but your body is it's just kind of eating you
You know, you're probably metabolizing a lot of lean muscle and not in your your fat reserves
And I think sometimes it's counterintuitive especially for women to eat to lose. Yeah. Yeah, right
I mean doesn't doesn't know, intuitively make sense,
but if you keep your protein intake up, you're right.
So you make sure that you get protein in the morning.
Are you spending a lot of time at your clinics?
Not at this point.
You know, the first one's in Ohio.
So now I live in LA,
but we are gonna open one later this year in LA.
Oh, God, great.
But basically I had to buy all the things at the clinic
and then put them in my house
because I miss them all so much.
You've been loving this research project, right?
Oh, love, the best ever.
So, but yeah, so I'm spending.
I'm on the same bandwagon.
So what are some of the most exciting things for you
in terms of female health wellness longevity?
You're either gonna bring into the clinic or you want women to know about
state of wellness and longevity for women where where it is where does this clinic take you in terms of the impact you're gonna have on?
The longevity one of the biggest things that I'm so interested in right now is
Ovarianism so again, I've spoken to so many different experts.
We don't know why the ovaries are aging at double the speed of every other organ.
So I'm just using first principle thinking here.
And there's a few things that I've done.
So I did start taking rapamycin because some of the preliminary studies, they haven't yet
gone through peer review, but they can potentially, this can potentially delay ovarian aging by about five years.
Because if you think about a woman, so women live longer than men, about four to six years
on average than men.
But when you hit menopause, your risk for all causes of mortality increases substantially.
So if we can delay the onset of menopause and keep the ovaries healthy and functioning
in the hormones where they're at, then that could be massive for female longevity.
So some of the things that I'm doing that I think are interesting are low-level laser
There's been some interesting studies on fertility.
Actually, there was a study out of Japan within fertile women, and they did low-level laser
therapy. So it's slightly different than red light.
It is red, but it can be.
It's transdermal, right?
It just.
They actually did the proximal technique.
So they were just putting a low level laser on the neck and it was actually reducing the
inflammation in the ovary so much that I think about 20 to 25 participants got pregnant.
And these were all people with severe infertility.
So please like add that potentially to the stack of things in my stack of things I'm
doing for fertility optimization and ovarian health in general.
So I have a little low laser there.
Can you do it at home?
Yeah, I do it at home that I do right on the ovaries.
And then I also do it on my neck as well, considering that's how the studies were done.
So I think that's super interesting.
But if we think about the inflammatory cascader reasons
that the ovaries could be aging so fast,
so it could be the inflammatory process.
So we have this entire cascade of inflammation happening
as the uterine lining builds
and then sheds every single month, right?
So what I'm doing is doing even more red light therapy
during that time on the ovaries, on the uterus,
and I'm doing hyperbaric oxygen strategically
during that time as well.
So I will increase.
So I've already done my loading doses
of hyperbaric for the year.
And there's also some interesting-
In 60 hours?
I did about 40.
And so I did one hour, five sessions per week
for 40 sessions at 2.0 for my body protocol.
And then I did that same, you know, 40 sessions at 2.0 for my body protocol. And then I did that same, you know, 40 sessions,
five sessions per week at one hour at 1.5
for my brain protocol.
So I've had those completed,
but there's also interesting data on hyperbaric.
And you committed to that five days a week.
I mean, cause that's a buy-in right there.
It is.
I mean, but for me, it's like the most exciting thing.
Although I did see your first date
was in a hyperbaric chamber.
My first date was in a hyperbaric chamber. That's so awesome, Erna. It is. I mean, but for me, although I did see your first date was in a hyperbaric chamber. My first date wasn't a hyperbaric chamber.
That's awesome. I mean, you were in the New York Times for like your labs, you made your
husband get for it, which I think, I think is amazing. I know you got a lot of flack
for it, but I think that's amazing. But if you started your first date in it, you're
committed to you have it at the house. Yeah. Okay. And it goes all the way to two ATA.
Yeah. Okay. That's a serious chamber.
But it's nice because you can actually swap it out
and you can take it lower.
So that's great.
So you can put in a 1.5 and then take it down.
And it's really interesting.
The first person that's actually brought that up
is that I had a hyperbaric expert here,
Dr. Jonathan Sauners,
and he's written two amazing books
on hyperbaric therapies.
He's chiropractor, well, and his PhD in hyperbaric medicine.
And he was explaining to me that it's not one or the other,
that different pressures actually have different, you know,
different results.
And the brain protocol at one three to one five
was also what he was saying.
And the deeper pressures for mitochondrial proliferation
and things like that.
It's just a commitment.
So you have to get one at home.
But they make some great soft shell chambers
that are safe and can get you there.
And I think it's important, especially in light
of the tragedy that just happened recently
in the hyperbarics, to note that the hyperbaric chambers
that are not 100% O2 are not flammable, right?
So they can't become accidental bombs.
The ones that run 100% O2, I don't even know if you can even legally get those in the home.
But if you can, you shouldn't.
Even with the prescription because, you know, those are potentially explosives like hydrogen
gas. It's very, you know, 100% O2, it's like hydrogen gas, it's very, you
know, 100% of it is very flammable.
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Now let's get back to the ultimate human podcast.
So you ran this hyperbaric protocol
and you got your loading dose done.
Now do you still do it on a regular basis or?
Yeah, so now I'm really trying to align it
with this inflammatory cascade of my cycle
because again, we don't have the data but that's why I'm doing all this same amount
of testing.
I want to see, you know, how long I can extend my ovarian health.
So I'm doing hyperbaric strategically alongside my cycle to potentially reduce that inflammatory
The other thing that's important to know is that actually the highest density, one of
the highest densities after the heart, I believe is the mitochondria and the O sites, which
you know, will develop into eggs.
And so I am always thinking, okay, number one, you need to improve your mitochondrial
health overall, right?
It's raining absolutely incredible for that increases the amount of mitochondria can help
to kind of kill off the bad mitochondria. So HIIT training is a big part of that.
But I also love things like pomegranate and urolithin A
in terms of diet that I didn't mention before,
and then red light therapy, right?
Like I am doing a lot of red light therapy
to try to improve those mitochondria in the oocytes
because they're such a high density.
So that's something to really think about as well.
And with hyperbaric, there is actual research.
A lot of this is still developing, right?
Like I have friends that are conducting trials on AMH,
which is the anti-malarion hormone
or ovarian reserves and hyperbaric,
but there is data on improving sperm quality.
So fertility is 50%.
The husband 50% and the wife 50%.
So it could be either or partner or both
if there's issues with fertility.
So all the protocols I'm going through,
my husband has also done.
So the gut and the toxins
and all of the different like lab markers,
he does that as well.
So we're both coming to the plate
and we've both had really in-depth testing.
He's looked at motility and the quality of the
sperm and all of that and it's in the highest region it can be. And then I've done all of
the, you know, my AMH is about 5.8, which is super high for my age. But, you know, I've
also taken all the other markers. So it's nothing like PCOS because sometimes people
with PCOS can have really high AMH. So if you're a woman, I mean, you should definitely-
And the higher the AMH is this is this corresponding to a longer...
Potentially. We don't know yet, right? But it could be. But then too high too. So women that have
PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome, they will all have a really, really high AMH, usually like 10 plus.
But that's because, you know, there are so many, you know, differences actually developing. So
if you have that, you also, of course,
wanna work with a doctor to take care of or manage PCOS,
which is mostly a metabolic disorder, to reduce that,
because it makes getting pregnant more difficult
because your period becomes really erratic.
And I love that you just said that PCOS,
this polycystic ovarian syndrome,
it's a metabolic disorder.
Can you dig into that a little bit?
What do you mean by that?
Yeah, I mean, it's interesting because,
I mean, women of all sizes and ages can develop PCOS.
It's incredibly common at this point,
but we see that its roots are really an insulin resistance.
So, you know, these diets that are really high
and like these refined sugars and carbohydrates,
like you mentioned, just starting to track.
And then of course we add on like potentially
lack of exercise or these endocrine disruptors, all of these things that, you mentioned, just starting to track. And then of course we add on like potentially lack of exercise or these endocrine disruptors,
all of these things.
It's not just one thing.
It's not saying that you're not working out or you're not eating healthy.
It could be in your environment as well, going back to why environmental toxin testing could
be so important.
But I mean, we know that people reverse PCOS, so that's really exciting that you can do
that. I love for me wearing a continuous glucose monitor is really helpful too, just to make sure
that my, in addition to blood labs of insulin and glucose, but you have an at-home real-time
experience of your blood sugar. So I love doing that.
Yeah. That's amazing. I think that, you know, for the women that are listening to this, which lots
of women are going to be listening to this, you know, what I women that are listening to this, which lots of women are gonna be listening to this,
you know, what I love is there's a place to start
that's gonna be low or no out of pocket costs,
which are things you can fix right away.
Like, you know, your sleep, your diet.
I don't think that, you know, sunlight grounding
and breath work can be overemphasized.
I don't think that like timing your circadian clock
can be overemphasized.
So these are all what I would say are, you know,
modifiable lifestyle factors that, you know,
should be the first go-tos, you know,
before you even invest in expensive equipment and whatnot.
I mean, just getting yourself back to the basics.
In terms of supplementation,
what would you say are the go-to female basics?
Yeah, I try to lump my supplements into three sections.
So I have my absolute basics.
Those are gonna be things like magnesium, fish oil,
vitamin D.
I mean, I keep my vitamin D level around 70.
So really important for fertility,
but also boosting your immune system.
Breast cancer, women, I mean, a lot of good studies
in the 60, 80 nanogram range.
Totally, so keeping those optimized.
There's a lot of interesting new research coming out
with NAD or NMN supplementation and fertility.
So I do different varieties.
I do IV therapies a couple of times a year,
sometimes do boosters,
but you can also just do NMN supplementation.
I think that's a really good one.
So, and then I have other supplements that I really like.
I think that something like MedoPure or Urolithin A can be really helpful.
I think there's some research on CoQ10
for improving egg quality.
I like, it's actually a prenatal, it's called WeNatal.
So it really hits a lot of these required nutrients
that we need as women.
So that's kind of like a one-stop shop.
Thorin also has like novarian care.
So has like some myonosetin as some of the like vitamin A the B vitamins that you need of course in the
methyl forms so they're more bioavailable for you. I love that.
This is a great one it could be a good multivitamin just for women too but
finding something that hits all of your basic nutritional requirements I do the
Nutri-Eval so I know exactly what I'm deficient in,
and then I supplement for that.
Does Nutri-Eval look at the, like, is that like a cellular nutrition assay?
Is that actually looking at cellular concentration?
Yeah, it actually is both.
Or just like blood?
It is both, intra and outer cellular.
Okay, so that's really interesting because, you know, I found in this type of testing,
I didn't know that the NutriVal combined the
two, but if you do a cellular nutrition assay, like intracellular concentration, and then
sometimes do blood, which is serum concentration, you see things like B12 sky high in the blood,
but deficient in the cell.
And you see that, you know, it's not methylated it, and switch the form of B12 and it instantly, the cell begins to metabolize it.
I feel like everyone should be on methylated B vitamins.
Oh, I do too.
Just like as a baseline.
Singing my tune.
Methylated B vitamins, methylfolate.
And, and, and the methyl form of B12.
I mean, those are just basics.
D3, K2.
We totally agree with you and a good, and a good to make a three.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I have my, like those are my foundational basics
then I have my protocol basics.
So whatever my updated protocol is.
So let's say right now I'm working on detox, right?
So I have all this additional glutathione,
sulforaphane, vitamin C, some corcidine, binders.
So that's like what I'm working on right now
based on my labs and then my longevity stack that looks like I'm really interested in spermidine right
now. I think that's an interesting molecule so that's my longevity stack.
The NAD or NMN is super helpful for me. I also like to put a little bit of
methylene blue that's kind of more on the new side but I like to combine that
with the red light therapy. So you just take it beforehand, like 20, 30 minutes beforehand. Yeah. I've done IVs of it too. Super fun.
Yeah. Super fun.
It's a little bit.
Until you take a pee and then you're like, whoa.
Well, yeah. But it's such a cute little IV. It's like a little baby one.
It's a baby one. Yeah. And you know, the interesting thing about Methylene Blue is,
you know, it's really effective in low doses. There's a great book. I think it's called
The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue.
And I'll tell you, you can get it on audiobook.
And for nerds like us,
it's great listening on the plane or something.
And I've read it probably three times
and listened to it probably four times.
I've almost committed the entire book to memory.
What I love about it is,
I mean, if you're not in love with methylene blue by the time
that you're done reading that book, you'll never be in love with it.
And you know, the way that it enhances, I like the compounds that enhance natural physiology
or physiological processes in the body.
And I'm raising your own levels of NAD, you know, methylene blue improving like the binding
infinity of iron and getting more oxygen into the cell, methylene blue improving like the binding infinity of iron
and getting more oxygen into the cell,
which means more oxygen in the mitochondria,
which, you know, is really the end game
is to try to have super healthy mitochondria.
And all of these things that you're doing
are really just feeding your cellular biology,
red light for your mitochondria.
I mean, you guys are gonna have the healthiest,
I'm gonna buy stock in all the babies you have.
Right, because these are gonna be like
the healthiest overachievers.
So it's amazing.
So, this, Kayla, this has been amazing.
You know, I'm so glad that you came on the podcast.
I definitely wanna have you back again,
follow your journey, especially follow the journey
you're on with your husband.
I just think it's, I think it's magical that you,
you know, you guys did the,
you made him give you the labs before you had your first date
in the hyperbaric chamber.
And you guys are so committed to this journey,
because I think, you know, I think on this,
on this longevity and bio-optimization
journey in general, I think there's more women than men. And I think a lot of times, the
husband's not on board with the wife, you know, sort of in it on her own, even though
I have a larger male audience than a female audience. Most of the females that I'm talking
to are way more involved into it.
We know they buy 80% of all the supplements.
They're listening to most of the podcasts and digest
and most of the information out there.
So I think it's amazing to be a couple
like Skinny Confidential there on this journey together.
So I think that's amazing.
From my audience that doesn't know you,
where can they find you?
My website is
I also post a lot of content on YouTube.
I think I'm the only woman posting long-form longevity content on YouTube.
I think so, unless there's more, but I think so. And then Instagram at Kayla Barnes and my clinic is
So I wind down every podcast by
asking my my guests the same question.
So there's no right or wrong answer to this question.
And then and then we'll stop the podcast and we'll go into a private room for my VIPs,
my ultimate human VIPs.
I tip them off to what guests are coming onto the podcast.
And so they knew you were coming on.
So they have a list of questions for you.
And I really try to pour myself into this group.
So if you're interested in becoming an ultimate human VIP,
just go over to
and sign up to be one of my VIPs.
It's 97 bucks a month. And I just pour myself into this community.
So Kayla, what does it mean to you to be an ultimate human?
Wake up every day, bursting with energy, limitless drive,
and being able to show up for those that you love.
So good. Yeah.
And I love that you said that because I think women,
especially, I have a theory that the reason why
the majority of autoimmune disease is,
we find in females and not men,
is because women are so selfless
and they very often will view self-care as being selfish.
But what you're doing is very selfless.
This is selfless for your husband.
It's eventually going to be selfless for your kids, your career.
I'm sure your clinic needs you.
I'm sure your employees need you.
And it's like, how do you show up for them if you're not, you know, caring for yourself?
So I love that.
I think health is the foundation of greatness.
I always say that. I think longevity is the foundation of greatness. I always say that.
I think longevity is the new luxury.
It truly is.
I mean, I've heard that having abs
is like more rare than being a millionaire these days.
I don't know if that's true.
You can fake a Ferrari, but you can't fake abs.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's awesome.
So guys, hopefully you'll join us
in the in the VIP ultimate human community. But if not, I will
link all of the topics that we talked about some of the
modalities that we talked about links to her Instagram and her
podcast. And also to to some of the products that she mentioned
the podcast today until next time. That's just science.